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New Order - Blue Monday (Official Lyric Video)
New Order - Blue Monday (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube
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Le Blue Monday (littéralement « lundi bleu » ou « lundi déprimé ») est le surnom donné en 2005 au jour supposément le plus déprimant de l'année par une ...
Blue Monday is the name given to a day in January said by a UK travel company, Sky Travel, to be the most depressing day of the year. The concept was first ...
15 janv. 2024 · In 2005, Sky Travel, a company in the U.K., began labeling the third Monday of January each year as “Blue Monday,” calling it the most ...
This content mentions depression and anxiety, which some people may find triggering. January's third Monday, “Blue Monday”, is thought to be the most ...
14 janv. 2023 · "Blue Monday" falls every year on the third Monday in January. It is, supposedly, the most depressing day of the year, often attributed to a ...