In the Christian religion, The Day of Judgment is the day in the future when all people who are living or dead will be judged by God. It is often known as the Last Judgment, Final Judgment, Judgment Day, Doomsday, or sometimes it is called The Day of the Lord.
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En Islam, « la promesse et la menace » du Jour du Jugement dernier, C'est lorsque « tous les corps seront ressuscités » d'entre les morts, et que « tous les hommes » seront « appelés à rendre compte » de leurs actes et de leur foi au cours de leur... Wikipédia (anglais)
""Day Of Judgment"" sur en.wikipedia.org
The Last Judgment, Final Judgment, Day of Reckoning, Day of Judgment, Judgment Day, Doomsday, Day of Resurrection or The Day of the Lord (Hebrew: יום הדין, ...
""Day Of Judgment"" sur www.britannica.com
23 mai 2024 · The Day of Judgment is one of the five cardinal beliefs of Muslims. After death, persons are questioned about their faith by two angels: Munkar ...
Traditional Islamic thought portrays the Day of Judgment as preceded by a cosmic battle between Satan's forces, represented by the false messiah al-Dajjal and ...
""Day Of Judgment"" sur gatherer.wizards.com
Card Name: Day of Judgment ; Mana Cost: 2 White ; Mana Value: 4 ; Types: Sorcery ; Card Text: Destroy all creatures.
Every human being, from the past to the present, will be resurrected and examined by their deeds. This day is called the “Day of Judgment.” O mankind! If you ...
""Day Of Judgment"" sur www.whyislam.org
21 juil. 2023 · In the Quran, God promises, “Every soul will taste death. Then to Us will you be returned” (29:57). On the Day of Judgment, every individual ...
Rosh Hashanah is the Day of Judgment for all of mankind. On this day man is judged for all of his actions, and all that will transpire and occur during the ...
""Day Of Judgment"" sur www.christianity.com
This day of judgment, also known as the Final Judgment, is when Jesus, the Son of God, will judge "the living and the dead" before destroying the old heaven and ...
""Day Of Judgment"" sur www.jw.org
By the end of the thousand-year-long Day of Judgment, Jehovah will have restored obedient mankind to its original perfect condition. (1 Corinthians 15:24-28) ...