Manifest Destiny is defined as “the concept of American exceptionalism, that is, the belief that America occupies a special place among the countries of the world.” The Puritans came to America in 1630 believing that their survival in the new world would be a sign of God's approval.
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Manifest destiny was a phrase that represented the belief in the 19th-century United States that American settlers were destined to expand westward across ...

Destinée manifeste

La « destinée manifeste » est une expression apparue en 1845 pour désigner la forme américaine de l'idéologie calviniste selon laquelle la nation américaine aurait pour mission divine l'expansion de la « civilisation » vers l'Ouest, et à partir du... Wikipédia
""Manifest Destiny"" sur www.britannica.com
28 mai 2024 · Manifest Destiny, the supposed inevitability of the continued territorial expansion of the boundaries of the United States westward to the ...
""Manifest Destiny"" sur www.history.com
5 avr. 2010 · Manifest Destiny, a phrase coined in 1845, expressed the philosophy that drove 19th-century U.S. territorial expansion.