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Le Serval est une espèce de félins de la sous-famille des félinés, la seule du genre Leptailurus. Le serval est proche du Chat doré d'Afrique ainsi que du Caracal. Wikipédia
Poids : 12 kg (Adulte)
Longueur : 83 cm (Adulte)
Nom scientifique : Leptailurus serval
Statut de conservation : Préoccupation mineure (Stable)
Période de gestation : 74 jours
Sous-ordre : Feliformia

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""Serval"" sur fr.wikipedia.org
Le Serval (Leptailurus serval) est une espèce de félins de la sous-famille des félinés, la seule du genre Leptailurus (monotypique). Le serval est proche du ...
""Serval"" sur kids.nationalgeographic.com
Thanks to its extra-long legs, stretched-out neck, and huge ears, the serval is sometimes called the “cat of spare parts.” (If a person had ears like a serval's ...
""Serval"" sur www.awf.org
What is a serval? ... Servals are medium-sized wild cats with tawny, black-spotted coats and long necks and long legs that allow them to see over savanna grasses.
""Serval"" sur animals.sandiegozoo.org
The serval has a varied diet, eating birds, reptiles, frogs, crabs, and large insects. Standing on its hind legs, a serval can jump more than 9 feet (2.7 meters) ...
""Serval"" sur www.britannica.com
12 mai 2024 · Serval, (Felis serval), long-limbed cat, family Felidae, found in Africa south of the Sahara, especially in grass- and bush-covered country ...
""Serval"" sur www.discoverwildlife.com
31 juil. 2023 · What do serval cats look like? Serval cats are a rangy, medium-sized cat with extremely long legs, large ears and a tawny coat with variable ...
""Serval"" sur www.wildcatsworld.org
The Serval is a medium-sized African wild cat. It is closely related to the African Golden Cat and the Caracal. It is a slender animal, with long legs and a ...
""Serval"" sur animaldiversity.org
African servals are crepuscular, hunting several times a night and early morning. · To begin hunting, Afircan servals first scan the surrounding area. · Serval ...
""Serval"" sur www.merriam-webster.com
The meaning of SERVAL is a long-legged African wildcat (Felis serval) having large ears and a tawny black-spotted coat.
""Serval"" sur felidaefund.org
Species Facts. The serval is a tall, lightly built cat. Relative to the rest of its body, it has the longest legs of any cat species, with a comparatively ...