Arnold Tsang - Former Character Art Director for @playOverwatch. Co-creator of @azuki. Opinions are my own. azuki.com. 89 posts; 32,207 followers
"Arnold Tsang" sur overwatch.fandom.com
Arnold "Arn" Tsang was a member of Blizzard Entertainment. He began his tenure as a lead character concept artist for Project Titan and Overwatch, later being ...
"Arnold Tsang" sur conceptartworld.com
Arnold Tsang is currently working as lead character concept artist at Blizzard Entertainment and lead artist at UDON Entertainment. Arnold has also worked ...
“Arnold is a talented artist who always strive to do improve his skills. He has great professionalism, and always able to motivate others around him to do ...
"Arnold Tsang" sur www.iamag.co
Discover The Art of Arnold Tsang, a Concept Artist currently working at Blizzard Ent. LEARN WITH BEST ARTISTS WITH OUR STARTER PACKS.
"Arnold Tsang" sur twitter.com
Arnold Tsang - Co-creator of @Azuki. Former Character Art Director for @playOverwatch. Pixel Art Enthusiast. Opinions are my own.
Autres questions
Favourite cartoon character: Hey Arnold! Personal Quote: aughaauughhah auuaughuahhh. Favourite Games. Final Fantasy III (VIj). Favourite Gaming Platform. SNES.
Arnold Tsang is a conceptual artist from the People's Republic of China, best known for his work on Capcom Fighting Evolution. He currently works for UDON, ...
Lineup Overwatch. Zenyatta concept art from the video game Overwatch by Arnold Tsang Zenyatta Overwatch. Winston concept art from the video game Overwatch ...
Follow Arnold Tsang and explore their bibliography from Amazon.com's Arnold Tsang Author Page.