Acronymes. The English use a lot of acronyms , here are a few ones. BRB : Be Right Back ( acronym used in text messages or on Skype).
GNU is a recursive acronym for “GNU's Not UNIX, "Linux Is Not UniX", "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor","PNG's Not Gif" are acronyms of that kind too. Do you know ...
There are 3 sorts of abbreviations: the general one is called an Abbreviation, another one is an Acronym that differentiates a bit from the average abbreviation ...
FUBB Fouled Up Beyond Belief. FUD fear, uncertainty and doubt. FUD Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FURTB Full Up Ready To Burst FUT Follow-Up To FWIW For ...
Acronymes / Abréviations 1 - cours · 1. Don't worry. I'm · 2. Condoms provide significant protection against. AA, AD, AGM, AI, AIDS, AM, AOB, AOK, APB, ASAP, Je ...
Parce qu'il faut bien, avec modération, savoir utiliser et surtout comprendre les ABREVIATIONS et ACRONYMES employés dans les SMS (Short Message Service) ...
Acronymes / Initiales V - cours · 1. OK. Give me $500 and I'll sign an · 2. My child is very intelligent. He has the very highest · 3. Let's meet there at 08:00 ...
Abréviations et Acronymes · 1. TGIF = · 2. FYI = · 3. i.e. = · 4. AI = · 5. KO = · 6. IOU = · 7. PS = · 8. ASAP =.
YWCA · 1. 'I'm the. TP, UFO, UV, VCR, VHF, VIP, VP, WC, YMCA, YWCA, Je ne sais pas. of this company... and next year, I'll be the boss!' · 2. 'Beware! TP, UFO ...