The meaning of BEN TROVATO is characteristic or appropriate even if not true. How to use ben trovato in a sentence.
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il y a 4 jours · appropriate and characteristic even if untrue; happily invented or discovered.
BEN TROVATO (est.2009) is an online fashion photography and film publication founded and run by Marius Troy. Since its conception in 2009, Ben Trovato has ...
Drawn to magical, uninhabited land of South Florida in late 1800s – “a land of romance, fanned by mysterious spice-laden breezes” Byrd and Fred Dewey, moved to ...
The name Ben Trovato derives from Giordano Bruno's aphorism "se non è vero, è molto ben trovato". It may refer to. A pseudonym of Samuel Lover ...
ben trovato is a borrowing from Italian. See etymology. Nearby entries. benthoal, adj.
Home page of Ben Trovato. Blog and bookshop for PDF downloads.
se non è ve·ro, è ben tro·va·to sā-ˌnōn-e-ˈvā-rō e-ˌben-trō-ˈvä-tō. : even if it is not true, it is well conceived ...
Of an anecdote, invented but plausible. The phrase is Italian, and means literally 'well found'; The saying Se non è vero, è molto ben trovato 'if it is not ...