"Dylan Horrocks" sur en.m.wikipedia.org
Dylan Horrocks (born 1966) is a New Zealand cartoonist best known for his graphic novel Hicksville and his scripts for the Batgirl comic book series.
THE WEBSITE OF DYLAN HORROCKS. GO HERE: DYLAN'S NEW WEBSITE! (WITH NEW WEBCOMICS!) For earlier news, see the NEWS ARCHIVE · Dylan Horrocks self portrait 4cm.

Dylan Horrocks

Auteur de bande dessinée néo-zélandais
Dylan Horrocks, né à Auckland en 1966, est un auteur de bandes dessinées néo-zélandais. Il est l'auteur en 1992 de l'album Hicksville, qui a connu un certain retentissement dans le monde anglo-saxon et qui a été adapté en français par... Wikipédia
Date/Lieu de naissance : 1966 (Âge: 58 ans), Auckland, Nouvelle-Zélande
Parents : Roger Horrocks
"Dylan Horrocks" sur www.fantagraphics.com
Dylan Horrocks lives in New Zealand with his wife and two sons. He is the author of the award-winning graphic novel Hicksville and the comic book series ...
"Dylan Horrocks" sur twitter.com
I'm in need a comfort read, of a particular type: something with adventure, but not dark or vicious; heroism, but not macho or superviolent; kind, decent, good- ...
"Dylan Horrocks" sur drawnandquarterly.com
Dylan Horrocks was born in 1966 and lives in Auckland, New Zealand, with his wife and two teenage sons. He has written and drawn the comic book series ...
He regularly lectures on comics to university, polytech and graphics students. He is a Contributing Editor of the International Journal of Comic Art and was for ...
"Dylan Horrocks" sur people.wgtn.ac.nz
View the Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington profile of Dylan Horrocks. Including their publications, research, engagements and teaching ...
"Dylan Horrocks" sur www.poetryfoundation.org
Dylan Horrocks lives in Wellington. His graphic novels include Incomplete Works (Alternative Comics, 2015), Sam Zabel and the Magic Pen (Fantagraphics Books ...
Dylan Horrocks (b. 1966) is a writer. Dylan Horrocks is a New Zealander comic book creator. He worked on the comic scene from his country in the mid-80's.
Dylan Horrocks ... Horrocks has been involved in the New Zealand comic scene since the mid 1980s, when he co-founded Razor with Cornelius Stone and had his work ...