"Evan has an elegant, clean understanding of what makes good game writing and narrative, and can communicate that clearly to writers and non-writers alike.

Evan Skolnick

Écrivain américain
Evan Skolnick est un écrivain, éditeur et producteur américain qui a créé du contenu dans une grande variété de médias, notamment des journaux, des magazines, des bandes dessinées, des livres, des sites Web, des CD-ROM, des jeux informatiques et... Wikipédia (anglais)
Date/Lieu de naissance : 1966 (Âge: 58 ans), États-Unis
Evan Skolnick is an American writer, editor and producer who has created content in a wide variety of media including newspapers, magazines, comic books, ...
"Evan Skolnick" sur twitter.com
Video game writer, narrative designer, educator. Cuphead, SW Battlefront, 40+ more. Ex-Marvel. He/him. Opinions are my own and unlikely to change at this point.
Evan Skolnick was born in 1966 in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He is a writer and actor, known for Concrete Genie (2019), Batman: The Enemy Within (2017) and ...
I'm a BAFTA- and D.I.C.E. Award-nominated video game writer and narrative designer… · Experience: University of Silicon Valley · Education: University of ...
"Evan Skolnick" sur usv.edu
Evan Skolnick has over 25 years of combined story and game development experience at world-class entertainment companies such as Marvel, Activision and ...