Robert Ingersoll

Robert Ingersoll

Orateur américain
Le colonel Robert Green Ingersoll est un leader politique américain, vétéran de la guerre de Sécession et orateur célèbre durant l’âge d’or de la libre pensée aux États-Unis, renommé pour sa vaste culture et sa défense de l’agnosticisme. Wikipédia
Date/Lieu de naissance : 11 août 1833, Dresden, État de New York
Date de décès : 21 juillet 1899, Dobbs Ferry, État de New York
Parents : John Ingersoll
Frères et sœurs : Ebon C. Ingersoll

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"Robert Ingersoll" sur en.wikipedia.org
Robert Green Ingersoll nicknamed "the Great Agnostic", was an American lawyer, writer, and orator during the Golden Age of Free Thought, who campaigned in ...
"Robert Ingersoll" sur www.britannica.com
7 août 2024 · Robert G. Ingersoll was an American politician and orator known as “the great agnostic” who popularized the higher criticism of the Bible, ...
"Robert Ingersoll" sur secularhumanism.org
Robert Green Ingersoll is too little known today. Yet he was the foremost orator and political speechmaker of late 19th century America — perhaps the ...
"Robert Ingersoll" sur www.amazon.com
Avis (42) · 28,97 $US
Robert Ingersoll was America's finest orator and foremost leader of freethinkers. Mark Twain, Thomas Edison, Eugene V. Debs, and Elizabeth Cady used to ...
A former politician and lawyer named Robert Ingersoll. Known to his admirers as the "Great Agnostic" and to his critics as "Robert Injuresoul," Ingersoll ...
American humanist. Robert Ingersoll was born near New York and became a teacher, but was sacked after making a joke about baptism.
Robert Green Ingersoll (August 11, 1833 – July 21, 1899) was a lawyer, a Civil War veteran, political leader, and orator of the United States during the ...
Books by Robert G. Ingersoll. Life: An Unauthorised Biography: A Natural History of the First Four Thousand Million Years of Life on Earth.
"Robert Ingersoll" sur www.washingtonpost.com
11 août 2012 · Ingersoll was born in upstate New York in 1833 to an abolitionist minister and his wife. He knew the Bible backward and forward but preferred ...
337 quotes from Robert G. Ingersoll: 'If you want to find out what a man is to the bottom, give him power. Any man can stand adversity — only a great man...