Comic book writer/artist. Self taught. Ask about my rates. I do personal and professional work. Message me if interested! me and Sergio's profile picture.
Marvel.com is the official site of Marvel Entertainment! Browse official Marvel movies, characters, comics, TV shows, videos, & more.
Writer/Artist I've freelanced for Marvel Comics, Bongo Comics, Image and IDW. My current book, CHICACABRA is available from IDW. I do commission sketches, ...
"Tom Beland" sur outtheresantarosa.org
You can find Tom drawing in restaurants and cafes all around town, often making cartoons of the baristas as they hand him his coffee.
Follow Tom Beland and explore their bibliography from Amazon.com's Tom Beland Author Page.
"Tom Beland" sur tvtropes.org
Tom Beland is an American comic book artist/writer best known for his autobiographical comic series True Story Swear To God. In turn the series is best ...
I'm a 36 year-old cartoonist living and breathing on the island of San Juan, Puerto Rico. I was born in Chicago ILL. and was raised in Napa Valley, ...
34,95 $US
True Stories: Swear to God, Book One [Tom Beland] on Amazon.com. *FREE ... Publisher: Tom Beland Date of Publication: 1999. Binding: stapled softcover. Edition ...
"Tom Beland" sur www.comicartfans.com
Tom Beland is an American comic book artist/writer best known for his autobiographical comic series True Story Swear To God.