
Trevor Goring

Artiste visuel
Trevor Goring est un artiste visuel, auteur, éditeur, conférencier et consultant. Wikipédia (anglais)
Date/Lieu de naissance : 1949 (Âge: 75 ans), Londres, Royaume-Uni
"Trevor Goring" sur trevorgoring.com
Trevor Goring artist author publisher speaker and consultant. Images of Justice Fine Art for the Legal Profession. Famous trials. Great trial lawyers.
"Trevor Goring" sur en.m.wikipedia.org
Trevor Goring (born 1949, London, England) is a visual artist, author, publisher, lecturer and consultant. Trevor Goring. Born, 1949 (age 74–75).
Trevor Goring is known for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014), Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) and The 5th Wave (2016). Trevor is married to Joyce M.
"Trevor Goring" sur plaintiffmagazine.com
Trevor Goring. Bio as of November 2009: Trevor Goring is a London-born international portrait artist, historical painter, author and publisher.
Trevor Goring is a British artist who has worked in the comic book industry and the film industry. His comics work includes 2000 AD, House of Hammer, ...
"Trevor Goring" sur imagesofjustice.org
Images of Justice. Trevor Goring. The world's only art gallery for attorneys. Paintings, prints, notecards and books exploring the history and symbolism of ...
Trevor is sought after as a highly accomplished portrait painter who delivers to an exceptionally high level of customer satisfaction for attorneys, politicians ...
My career as a storyteller illustrating comic books and graphic novels and storyboarding over 80 movies is reflected in my recent art.The Four Seasons series is ...
"Trevor Goring" sur www.faustgallery.com
storyboard and concept artist. My sketchbook is filled with images of the West which I've used as reference for this series of. drawings. My career telling ...
"Trevor Goring" sur marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com
Trevor Goring was a storyboard artist on Thor: The Dark World. Trevor Goring was a storyboard artist on the 20th Century Fox productions X2 and Fantastic ...