BioUD: A formulation of a natural active ingredient isolated from a wild tomato plant which is a very effective natural alternative to DEET. For results of an ...
"bioud" sur indianalymeconnect.org
BioUD is a repellent that uses the oily liquid 2-undecanone – a synthetic version of an extract from the wild tomato plant – as its active ingredient.
"bioud" sur clevercreationsetc.com
17,00 $US
BioUD Insect Repellent & Clothing Treatment has been proven more effective than DEET in controlled studies. You can use this on your skin and on your clothing.
"bioud" sur www.consumerreports.org
Each product is tested to see how effectively it protects against Aedes mosquitoes (the aggressive mosquitoes that tend to bite during the day and can spread ...
BioUD provided the same repellency or was more efficacious than 25 and 30% deet, respectively, in these studies. Laboratory trials were conducted to determine ...
13 janv. 2009 · BioUD with the active ingredient 2-undecanone originally derived from wild tomato plants is a new repellent recently registered by the US ...
"bioud" sur www.amazon.com
Follow Clarisse Bioud and explore their bibliography from Amazon.com's Clarisse Bioud Author Page.
6,99 $US
Homs Bite Blocker BioUD Insect Repellent & Clothing Treatment offers protection against ZIKA and is approved by the EPA for protection against mosquitoes ...
BioUD is an arthropod repellent that contains the active ingredient 2-undecanone originally derived from wild tomato plants. Repellency of BioUD was ...