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The Sound Detect for acoustic image management and signal analysis uses 128 microphones to locate precise acoustic sounds and visualizes them on a 7” color ...
ICI Sound DetectAI | Acoustic Imaging Camera 124 Low-Noise Microphones 5in ... ICI-SOUND-DETECTAI-ICI. Series. Handheld Camera. $27,326.67. Qty. Increase Decrease.
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ICI Sound DetectAI | Acoustic Imaging Camera 124 Low-Noise Microphones 5in. Color LCD.
ICI's Sound DetectAI leverages sonic and ultrasonic frequencies to quickly and reliably locate partial discharge as well as the smallest of gas leaks.
ICI 1389 Mystery Sound precisely matched in house paint, spray paint, brush in cap bottles, paint pens, and other sizes for painting applications.
The California Quail's main call consists of three syllables and sounds like the bird is saying Chi-ca-go. It's usually given when an individual is separated ...
About ICI 62. 9. 10. 11. 12. Page 6. SOUND DETECTAI ... The Sound DetectAI is a standalone system for ...