ˈmā : the fifth month of the year. Etymology. Noun. from Middle English May (fifth month), from early French mai (same meaning), from Latin Maius, originally, "third month," from Maia "Roman goddess of spring"
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Mai est le cinquième mois des calendriers grégorien et julien. Ce mois dure 31 jours. Il est le troisième mois du printemps météorologique dans l'hémisphère nord, alors qu'il est associé à l'automne dans l'hémisphère sud, mais aussi le premier... Wikipédia
May is a month of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. Therefore, May in the Southern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent ...
verb · to indicate that permission is requested by or granted to someone · often foll by well to indicate possibility · to indicate ability or capacity, esp in ...
Avis (40 551)
A socially awkward veterinary assistant with a lazy eye and obsession with perfection descends into depravity after developing a crush on a boy with perfect ...
NATIONAL DAY CALENDAR FOUNDER FAMILY May is the fifth month of the year in the Gregorian and its predecessor, the Julian calendar. Named after the Greek.
may in British English 1 · 1. to indicate that permission is requested by or granted to someone · 2. (often foll by well) · 3. to indicate ability or capacity, ...
may modal verb (SUGGESTION). used to make a suggestion or suggest a possibility in a polite way: You may want to have a bite to eat before you leave.
May's flower is the Lily of the Valley. Its birthstone is the emerald. The meaning of the emerald is success in love.
While may most often appears as a helping verb to indicate that something is possible or allowed, it can also be a noun for a kind of shrub or small tree, ...
MAY meaning: 1 : used to indicate that something is possible or probable; 2 : used to say that one thing is true but something else is also true.