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En linguistique, l'absence de voix est la propriété des sons prononcés sans que le larynx ne vibre. Phonologiquement, c'est un type de phonation, qui contraste avec d'autres états du larynx, mais certains objectent que le mot phonation implique... Wikipédia (anglais)
Meaning of voiceless in English ... If a group of people is voiceless, it does not have the power or the legal right to express their opinions: He spent his life ...
Someone who can't speak, either literally or figuratively, is voiceless. Your sore throat may leave you voiceless for a couple of days, and the youngest child ...
In linguistics, voicelessness is the property of sounds being pronounced without the larynx vibrating.
Definition of voiceless as in mute; unable to speak; believes that animals deserve basic rights even though they are voiceless.
1. having no voice; dumb; mute 2. not speaking; silent 3. not spoken; not uttered a voiceless wish 4. lacking a musical voice or the ability to sing.
"voiceless" sur store.steampowered.com
Voiceless is a cooperative horror game that can be played alone or with up to 4 players. Your goal is to survive making as little noise as possible, ...
"voiceless" sur www.handyhandouts.com
The slight difference is called “voicing.” The /p/ sound is voiceless (the voice is “turned off”) and /b/ is voiced (the voice is “turned on” due to the vocal ...
adjective · having no voice; mute. · uttering no words; silent. · having an unmusical voice. · unspoken; unuttered: · having no vote or right of choice.