Acronymes. The English use a lot of acronyms , here are a few ones. BRB : Be Right Back ( acronym used in text messages or on Skype).
GNU is a recursive acronym for “GNU's Not UNIX, "Linux Is Not UniX", "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor","PNG's Not Gif" are acronyms of that kind too. Do you know ...
There are 3 sorts of abbreviations: the general one is called an Abbreviation, another one is an Acronym that differentiates a bit from the average abbreviation ...
FUBB Fouled Up Beyond Belief. FUD fear, uncertainty and doubt. FUD Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FURTB Full Up Ready To Burst FUT Follow-Up To FWIW For ...
= Grosses bises. Signes des temps, les ACRONYMES (ACRONYMS) se développent et sont utilisés dans tous les secteurs de la vie, aussi bien ...
Acronymes / Abréviations 1 - cours · 1. Don't worry. I'm · 2. Condoms provide significant protection against. AA, AD, AGM, AI, AIDS, AM, AOB, AOK, APB, ASAP, Je ...
Acronymes / Initiales V - cours · 1. OK. Give me $500 and I'll sign an · 2. My child is very intelligent. He has the very highest · 3. Let's meet there at 08:00 ...
YWCA · 1. 'I'm the. TP, UFO, UV, VCR, VHF, VIP, VP, WC, YMCA, YWCA, Je ne sais pas. of this company... and next year, I'll be the boss!' · 2. 'Beware! TP, UFO ...
Abréviations et Acronymes · 1. TGIF = · 2. FYI = · 3. i.e. = · 4. AI = · 5. KO = · 6. IOU = · 7. PS = · 8. ASAP =.