ex : Faire pousser des fleurs, des légumes = to grow flowers or vegetables ; faire attendre quelqu'un = to keep somebody waiting ; Se faire écraser = to be run ...
Ces verbes entraînent les constructions suivantes · 1. Dave. had his brother wash his car, had his brother to wash his car, had to his brother wash his car, Je ...
Causatives : faire faire quelque chose à quelqu'un - cours · 1) Hier, Kyle a fait travailler sa petite sœur. = Yesterday, Kyle made his younger sister work. · 2 ...
Faire faire - cours ... Cette formulation signifie l'autorisation d'une action : to allow someone to do something. Do your parents let you go out? ... She made me ...
Faire + infinitif - cours · 1. I had my wheel change, I had my wheel changed, I got my wheel change, I let my wheel change, I make change my wheel, Je ne sais ...
Faire faire · 1. When he told me about his car accident, it. · 2. When I was little, my mother milk. · 3. She to go to her daughter's wedding. · 4. He's so bad ...
She (S1) wants Emily (S2) to give her all her candies (V2) => Elle veut qu'Emily lui donne tous ses bonbons.
Faire faire quelque chose · 1. Every schoolday, the mother. are having, caused, grow, had, made, makes, ordered, will have, will make, Je ne sais pas. her ...
HAVE SOMETHING DONE BY SOMEONE · 1. We Display virtual keyboard interface · 2. I lost my key. I will have to · 3. When was the last time you · 4. Display ...
'Faire faire'1 : sens actif · 1. He doesn't want to listen. · 2. She didn't want to speak in public. · 3. They didn't want to help Tom! · 4. I don't want to ...