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During / For / Since / While. DURING when we want to talk about something that happened: My grandfather was killed during the war.
For, since. "For" est employé devant une expression indiquant une durée. ex:for five days . (On peut alors le remplacer par 'cela fait') cela fait cinq ...
After / Before / Ago / Since / For · 1. Vacuum the carpets · 2. Ella left Poland in 2006 and hasn't returned · 3. - When did you arrive in Poland? - I arrived ...
AGO is used to talk about the moment when an action took place . It is mostly used with a past tense, but not with a perfect tense .
For / since · 1. My grandmother has stopped running · 2. We have had a cottage in the Dordogne · 3. Lloyds bank has been here · 4. It was a shock as I hadn't ...
Compléter les phrases avec for, since ou ago. Intermédiaire Tweeter Partager Exercice d'anglais "For, ...
Since et for - cours. Attention, en français : Since et for = depuis. 'FOR' est utilisé pour indiquer une durée. - For three days, depuis 3 jours
For / Since - cours. On retrouve souvent 'for' et 'since' avec le present perfect simple et continu ainsi qu'avec le prétérit.