SOME: used in positive sentences for countable and uncountable nouns. · ANY: used in negative sentences or questions for countable and uncountable nouns.
a) I have (some/any) homework to do for tomorrow. b) I don't see (some/any) ducks there! c) Can I have (some/any) wine, please? d) Are there (some/any) ...
Some - Any. Some and Any. The words some and any are used when the speaker cannot specify or does not want/need to specify a number or an exact amount.
We use any for both countable and uncountable nouns. Do you have any cheese? He doesn't have any friends in Paris.
Some / Any ... Some, adjectif ou pronom, se traduit selon le cas par : de, des, de la, du, quelque(s), dans une proposition affirmative : Exemple : I have bought ...
Some and any are used with countable and uncountable nouns, to describe an indefinite or incomplete quantity. Some is used in positive statements:.
Some and any are examples of determiners used to modify nouns. Some is used in positive sentences. Examples: (1) I have some friends. (2) We bought some coffee ...
SOME – ANY – MUCH – MANY. Countable = dénombrable (énumérer) --- Uncountable = indénombrable (non énumérable). On emploie SOME et ANY pour demander une ...
We use any in the following sentences because the meaning is negative: She went out without any money. (She didn't take any money with her.)
Some, any. Some: dans les phrases affirmatives. - I have some friends from France. Any: dans les phrases négatives ou les questions.