Verbes à particules - to give · 1. Don't. gave away, gave out, gave way, give away, give forth, give out, give up, Je ne sais pas. your chance to kiss her. · 2.
Verbes à particules. Want to improve your vocabulary? Try phrasal verbs! They are useful and generally used almost everywhere in informal texts.
A separable phrasal verb means that the verb can be separated from its particle by an object. E.g. to pick up: I will pick you up at ten o'clock (to collect you ...
Verbe à particule: give · 1. If I tell you a secret I don't want you to give it · 2. The supermarket is giving · 3. They insisted so much that in the end we ...
... verbs' ou 'verbes à particules' Remarque : L'adjectif 'phrasal' vient ... to give = donner. to give up = renoncer, abandonner. Quelques particules : out ...
Verbes à particule. Un petit rappel. to give= donner/offrir/fournir... Ce verbe peut avoir plusieurs sens selon le mot (particule) qui le suit.
Verbes et particules - cours ; To get across. traverser qch. To take away ; To get on. Monter- enfiler qch. To take up ; To give away. révéler qch. To throw away.
Les verbes à particules sont des verbes suivis de petits mots tels que : back, down, in, out, over, round, up. Voici ci-dessous des exemples de verbes à ...
Verbes à particules · 1. I cannot his writing. · 2. Due to lack of interest, we had to the meeting. · 3. The boy was by a nanny. · 4. The music is too loud.
* To take back books (to the library)= give back= rendre. * To take back a promise= not to keep a promise= ne pas tenir une promesse, l'annuler// retirer une ...