Cancer pagurus ... Cancer pagurus, commonly known as the edible crab or brown crab, is a species of crab found in the North Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, and perhaps ...
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Cancer pagurus

Cancer pagurus, commonly known as the edible crab or brown crab, is a species of crab found in the North Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, and perhaps the Mediterranean Sea. It is a robust crab of a reddish-brown colour, having an oval carapace with a... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Cancer pagurus
Family: Cancridae
Genus: Cancer
Phylum: Arthropoda

The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae, and Xanthidae.
Cancer pagurus is a large crab typical of hard and soft bottom communities. It is an active predator and consumes a variety of crustaceans.
Cancer pagurus, commonly known as the edible crab or brown crab, is a species of crab found in the North Sea, North Atlantic Ocean and perhaps in the ...
Cancer pagurus is a natural host of CpSBV. However, it has been speculated that CpSBV infection might be a factor in post-capture mortalities.
Cancer pagurus ... Cancer pagurus, commonly known as the edible crab or brown crab, is a species of crab found in the North Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, and perhaps ...
Aug 5, 2020 ˇ Abstract. Brown crab (Cancer pagurus) is a widely distributed crustacean that occurs around the British coastline supporting important ...
May 10, 2020 ˇ The brown crab (Cancer pagurus; the edible crab) is consumed worldwide and greatly appreciated for the essential elements (e.g., Zn, ...
BIOTIC (Biological Traits Information Catalogue) by MarLIN (Marine Life Information Network) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial- ...
Video for Cancer pagurus
Dec 1, 2021 ˇ Welcome To Life In The Rockpool. A biweekly video series in which we profile a plant or animal ...
Duration: 1:18
Posted: Dec 1, 2021