You also integrate Hendrixian blues-rock and you even experiment techno rythms on one song. Which influences and which styles do you think you use in the ...
With "Above, below and beyond" your style was really demonstrative as a guitar-hero. With your project "The Immigrants" you were more oriented hard-blues/rock.
For which musical style do you think these guitars are designed to play? First and foremost, they're really the ultimate design for the advanced neoclassical ...
A mixture of hard rock and melody powerful singing and mad guitars! According to Per the songs is about a bit of everything: Life in general, love , betrail ...
Ce sont des chansons travaillées, dans un style bluesy qui surprennent à la première écoute, mais qui nécessitent d'y retourner. L'album 6 est introduit par ...
This new album contains some powerful A.O.R. metal like "Keep Me Burning" and also some speed metal a the Helloween style. That's funny because I see "Keep Me ...
2 of them sound like... they sould be on the next album. This album is going back to the early days, very bluesy... Yes, a bit more... really grooves with good ...
Vous l'aurez peut-être compris, l'ambiance, qui semble être typique de Kotzen, est plutôt hard-rock à tendance blues, c'est-à-dire, au premier abord, un peu mou ...
"Robert Johnson's Tombstone" ouvre le bal sur un splendide hard-blues plein de feeling sur lequel le chanteur Danny Bowes, à la voix unique et exceptionnelle, ...
L'intro de l'album, Bad Seamstress Blues, annonce bien la couleur : guitare slide, un peu d'harmonica... nous voilà plongés dans une ambiance blues / southern ...