
Learn to pronounce rage

violent, uncontrollable anger.
"her face was distorted with rage"
synonyms: temper, fit of rage/fury/anger/temper, fit of bad/ill temper, towering rage, bad temper, pet, fit of pique, tantrum, fury, frenzy of rage/anger, rampage, paroxysm of rage/anger, passion, bad mood, mood, mard, grump, strop, state, blowout, hissy fit, bate, wax, skid, paddywhack

feel or express violent uncontrollable anger.
"he raged at the futility of it all"
synonyms: be angry, be furious, be enraged, be incensed, be infuriated, seethe, be beside oneself, have a fit, boil, be boiling over, rant, rave, rant and rave, storm, fume, spit, breathe fire, burn, be livid, be wild, jump up and down, froth/foam at the mouth, be steamed up, do one's head/nut in, spit feathers, protest strongly at, complain vociferously about, disagree violently with, oppose strongly, denounce, fulminate, inveigh, rail, kick, expostulate, make a fuss about, kick up a fuss/stink about

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1. a : violent and uncontrolled anger b : a fit of violent wrath c archaic : insanity 2. violent action (as of wind or sea) 3. an intense feeling : passion
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Rage is a really intense anger. Some frustrated drivers let their emotions boil over into road rage when another car cuts them off, for example.
a period of extreme or violent anger: Her sudden towering rages were terrifying. I was frightened because I had never seen him in such a rage before.