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-graphy [Gr. -graphia fr. graphein, to write] Suffix meaning process or form of writing or recording.
The word -graphy is a suffix that means the process of producing an image or record. Rengenography is a medical examination technique based on the absorption ...
-graph. An instrument used to record ; -graphy. Process of recording ; -gravida. Pregnancy ; -ia. Condition, or a noun ending ; -ian. Specialist in a field of study.
-graph [Gr. graphos, written, writing] Suffix meaning an instrument used to make a drawing or written record or the record itself.
graphy is a medical suffix term that pertains "process of recording". Word Example: angi/o/graphy Word Breakdown: Angi/o is a combining form that.
21 sept. 2017 · Suffixes often refer to procedures, conditions, or disease processes. An example of a medical term with a suffix meaning that describes a ...
When building a definition of a medical term from its components, start with the meaning of the suffix. ... -graphy: A process of recording; -ia: Condition ...
-graphy [Gr. -graphia fr. graphein, to write] Suffix meaning process or form of writing or recording.
25 janv. 2023 · 'graphy' is a suffix indicating the recording or creation of images, used in techniques such as lithography, arthrography, radiography, and photography.