-graphy. Process of Recording. Radiography. The practice of recording through radiographs.
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What does the suffix graphy mean in medical terms quizlet?
What is the meaning of the suffix "graphy quizlet"?
What does the suffix mean in medical terminology?
What does the suffix graph mean?
-graphy [Gr. -graphia fr. graphein, to write] Suffix meaning process or form of writing or recording.
The word -graphy is a suffix that means the process of producing an image or record. Rengenography is a medical examination technique based on the absorption ...
-graph. An instrument used to record ; -graphy. Process of recording ; -gravida. Pregnancy ; -ia. Condition, or a noun ending ; -ian. Specialist in a field of study.
-graph [Gr. graphos, written, writing] Suffix meaning an instrument used to make a drawing or written record or the record itself.
graphy is a medical suffix term that pertains "process of recording". Word Example: angi/o/graphy Word Breakdown: Angi/o is a combining form that.
21 sept. 2017 · Suffixes often refer to procedures, conditions, or disease processes. An example of a medical term with a suffix meaning that describes a ...
When building a definition of a medical term from its components, start with the meaning of the suffix. ... -graphy: A process of recording; -ia: Condition ...
-graphy [Gr. -graphia fr. graphein, to write] Suffix meaning process or form of writing or recording.
25 janv. 2023 · 'graphy' is a suffix indicating the recording or creation of images, used in techniques such as lithography, arthrography, radiography, and photography.