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Livres - Bibliographie

Glen Cook

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Toutes les séries de Glen Cook

14 livres
613 lecteurs

Depuis des siècles, les traditions et souvenirs de la compagnie noire sont consignés dans les présentes annales. Depuis des siècles, la troupe se loue au plus offrant et les batailles qu'elle a livrées on déjà rempli maints volumes. Jamais pourtant elle n'aura traversé de période aussi trouble. Entrée au service de la dame et de ses sorciers maléfiques, la compagnie participe à l'une des plus sanglantes campagnes de son histoire. Les combats incessants, la magie noire qui empuantit l'air, bientôt les hommes tombent comme des mouches, et ceux qui restent debout commencent à se demander s'ils ont choisi le bon camp. Ce sont des mercenaires, ils sont dépravés, violents et ignares, sans foi ni loi, mais même eux peuvent avoir peur, très peur...

4 livres
183 lecteurs

Le présent recueil rassemble les trois premiers volumes du cycle : La Compagnie Noire, Le Château Noir et La Rose Blanche.

On dit que les mercenaires n'ont pas d'âme, mais ils ont une mémoire. La nôtre, celle de la dernière des compagnies franches de Khatovar, vous la tenez entre vos mains. Ce sont nos entrailles, chaudes et puantes, étalées là devant vous.

Vous qui lisez ces annales, ne perdez pas votre temps à nous maudire, car nous le sommes déjà...

12 livres
94 lecteurs

On le sait, pour la gueule de bois, il n'y a qu'un seul remède : rester couché et attendre que ça passe. Pourtant, quand une jolie - mais furieuse - cliente débarque dans son bureau pour lui annoncer la mort d'un de ses vieux frères d'armes, impossible pour Garrett de s'en tenir au plan initial. Sa mission : retrouver la maîtresse du défunt, à qui ce dernier a légué une somme colossale. Le hic, c'est qu'aux dernières nouvelles la belle se trouvait dans le Cantard, une région où elfes, gnomes, vampires et autres centaures se livrent une guerre sans merci. Et, pour ne rien arranger, cette charmante personne compte parmi les amours de jeunesse de Garrett. II y a des jours comme ça...

4 livres
30 lecteurs

Une Terre qui pourrait n'être pas la nôtre mais celle d'un univers parallèle, dans un Moyen Âge où se télescopent quatre siècles. Un patriarche légitime à Viscesment et un usurpateur à Brothe, un empereur du Graal qui rappelle beaucoup celui du Saint Empire romain germanique, des croisés qui cherchent à récupérer des « Terres saintes », une hérésie maysaléenne et des Parfaits... La guerre entre l'Orient et l'Occident...

Dans ce monde agité deconvulsions sismiques, où chaque souverain magouille de son côté pour acquérirla suprématie, où les espions pullulent et où royaumes, empires, provinces et principautés ne cessent de guerroyer, Else Tage, sha-lug et espion de Gordimerle Lion, est chargé par son suzerain et maître d'infiltrer les plus hautes instances de la Rome médiévale de cet univers-là : Brothe. Intelligent, courageux et fondamentalement humain, il y réussirait presque avec les moyens du bord si la sorcellerie ne s'en mêlait pas. Car le pouvoir magique qui jaillit des puits d'Ihrian, dans les Terres saintes, et empêchait jusque-là les glaces polaires de recouvrir le monde, vient à se tarir...

2 livres
10 lecteurs

A l’autre bout du temps, un soleil rouge et obèse jette sur la Terre mourante sa lumière de fin du monde. Ceux qui arpentent cette terre agonisante sont les derniers héros de l’humanité. Ils s’appellent Cugel ou Rhialto, T’saïs ou Pandelume, ils sont mages ou voleurs, bretteurs ou escrocs, mais ils sont toujours flamboyants, car ils sont nés il y a de cela soixante ans, sous la plume de Jack Vance.

Maître de la narration, créateur de mondes et styliste unique, Jack Vance est probablement l’auteur qui a suscité le plus de vocations. Des générations entières d’écrivains ont voulu marcher sur ses traces et devenir, à leur tour, des marchands de rêves.

George R. R. Martin et Gardner Dozois ont réuni les plus grands noms des littératures de l’imaginaire – Glen Cook, Robert Silverberg, Jeff VanderMeer ou Walter Jon Williams – pour saluer, comme il se devait, Maître Jack Vance et son cycle de la Terre mourante.

2 livres
2 lecteurs

Le vent gémit, exhalant son haleine amère. La foudre gronde et aboie. Une force vivante fait rage sur la plaine de pierre scintillante. Les ombres elles-mêmes ont peur. Au centre de la plaine se dresse une vaste forteresse grise inconnue. plus vieille que toute mémoire écrite. Une antique tour s'est effondrée en travers de la faille. Depuis la place forte monte un long et profond battement, pareil à celui du cœur d'un monde assoupi. qui déchire le silence sans âge. Mais le chemin sera long du siège de Deja-gore à Belvédère, la citadelle du dernier des Maîtres d'Ombres, puis vers la Porte d'Ombre et au-delà. La guerre n'oublie jamais les siens. Voici les septième et huitième livres de la Compagnie noire. tels que rédigés par Murgen, son porte-étendard.

1 livres

Across the mountains called Dragon's Teeth, beyond the chill reach of the Werewind and the fires of the world's beginning above the walls of the castle Fangdred, stands Windtower. From this lonely keep the Star Rider calls forth the war that even wizards dread, fought for a woman's hundred-lifetime love. A woman called Nepanthe, princess to the Stormkings...

3 livres
1 lecteurs

A Cruel Wind: A Chronicle of the Dread Empire collects the legendary Dread Empire trilogy: A Shadow of All Night Falling, October's Baby and All Darkness Met.

The war that even wizards dread begins with A Shadow of All Night Falling. Across the mountains called Dragon's Teeth, beyond the chill reach of the werewind and the fires of the world's beginning, above the walls of the castle Fangdred, stands Wind Tower, from which the Star Rider calls forth the war that even wizards dread. A war fought for a love. The love of a woman called Nepanthe, princess to the storm kings. . . .

When the leaves turn blood and the wind turns bone, it is time. A time for doing things dark and strange; the time of October's Baby. The princess bears a child to the winged thing and the cries are heard far beyond the peaks of Dragon's Teeth. Nepanthe and Mocker wait, but for what, they do not know.

At Empire's end, Mocker finds old friends in the halls of death. Nepanthe finds new lovers in the fields of blood and bone, while the war-child wields the sword of truth. The Star Rider's dread secret is at last revealed, where All Darkness Met. And so it ends. Though end is but a wizard-word for new beginnings. . . .

3 livres
1 lecteurs

The first three books in a classic urban fantasy series.

Garrett is a private investigator with a diverse clientele-from damsels in distress to elves, trolls, and sorcerers. Together for the first time are the first three books in the long-running, groundbreaking series:

In Sweet Silver Blues, Garrett fights vampires and centaurs as he tracks down a woman with a fortune.

In Bitter Gold Hearts, Garrett is hired by a powerful sorcerer to find her kidnapped son.

In Cold Copper Tears, Garrett takes a case for a woman so gorgeous it can only spell trouble.

4 livres

Fifteen tremendous authors. Fourteen extraordinary stories. One outstanding anthology.

It is a time of high adventure! A time for noble men and women to say “No!” to the evils that will befall their families and friends if they don’t rise to the task at hand. If their valor doesn’t hold, civilization will fall.

Fifteen authors have spun fourteen tales of hateful wizards, treacherous seas, and scheming foes. Of times when ancient evils roamed the Earth, looking for souls to claim, and dark prophecies foretold what would happen if the Evil Ones were allowed to succeed. This anthology has all of this and more.

When Valor Must Hold focuses on heroes worthy of facing such enemies. A tiny brownie stands up to a massive ogre. A mother races to protect her children. A hunter chases raiders. A guardian serves his king. Heroes lead forces into battle against overwhelming odds. There’s even a goblin trying to save his people by stealing dwarven rum.

Inside are fourteen fantastic stories of enemies testing the valor of heroes great and small. If their valor should fail, they will lose far more than their lives.

Will their swords shatter shields? Will their magic shine forth? Or will they see their homes and families perish when they fail? Step inside and find out!

With stories by:

Christopher Woods

Christopher G. Nuttall

RJ Ladon

William Joseph Roberts

Benjamin Tyler Smith

Dexter Herron

Sarah A. Hoyt

William Alan Webb

Cedar Sanderson

Kevin Steverson & Tyler Ackerman

Rob Howell

John R. Osborne

D.J. Butler

Quincy J. Allen

Tous les livres de Glen Cook

Qushmarrah, cité fière et florissante, conquise par trahison, occupée depuis six ans par les Hérodiens. Qushmarrah, cité résistante, hantée par le retour possible de son maître assassiné, le prêtre-sorcier Nakar. Une ville aux nerfs portés à vif par les enlèvements récurrents d’enfants de six ans. Une ville en attente de la déflagration qui ne manquera pas de se produire.

Dans un univers qui n’est pas celui de la Compagnie noire, non plus celui où Hérod serait Rome et Qushmarrah Carthage, à l’issue d’une guerre Punique, Glen Cook prend un malin plaisir à brouiller les pistes, inverser les rôles et redistribuer les alliances. Guerriers du désert, cohortes de soldatesque et leurs généraux, tueurs fous, kidnappeurs, sorcières et résistants s’affrontent, se trahissent et s’entre-tuent dans un récit échevelé à la manière incisive d’un grand styliste de la fantasy.

La voix du dragon retentit à travers tout l'espace Canon.

Quatre mille ans durant, les Vaisseaux-Gardiens ont clamé leurs oukases. Armés par les grandes maisons marchandes, leur cœur cybernétique grouillant des engrammes de leurs anciens dirigeants, ils sèment la terreur d'un bout à l'autre du réseau, cette toile arachnéenne, qui relie les mondes les plus lointains de l'espace Canon. Invulnérables, omniprésents, les puissants vaisseaux de guerre ont maintenu la paix d'une poigne de fer.

Aujourd'hui, une ténèbreuse présence croit pouvoir arracher le réseau à leur invincible puissance. L'immortel guerrier kieu Kez Mafaele sait que les vaisseaux peuvent être vaincus, mais il est seul. Et, tandis que le VII Gemina fonce vers les confins affronter cette présence, il lui faut pour survivre entamer sa propre guerre.

The world grows colder with each passing year, the longer winters and ever-deepening snows awaking ancient fears within the Dengan Packstead, fears of invasion by armed and desperate nomads, attack by the witchlike and mysterious Silth, able to kill with their minds alone, and of the Grauken, that desperate time when intellect gives way to buried cannibalistic instinct, when meth feeds upon meth. For Marika, a young pup of the Packstead, loyal to pack and family, times are dark indeed, for against these foes, the Packstead cannot prevail. But awakening within Marika is a power unmatched in all the world, a legendary power that may not just save her world, but allow her to grasp the stars themselves.

Réédition omnibus récente d'une trilogie de 3 courts romans non traduits à ce jour, initialement publiés vers 1985 et le début de la carrière de l'auteur :




All new strange cases of death and magic in the city by some of the biggest names in urban fantasy.

In this all-new collection of urban fantasy stories, editors George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois explore the places where mystery waits at the end of every alley and where the things that go bump in the night have something to fear...

Includes stories by New York Times bestselling authors Charlaine Harris, Patricia Briggs, Diana Gabaldon, Simon R. Green, S. M. Stirling, and Carrie Vaughn, as well as tales by Glen Cook, Bradley Denton, M.L.N. Hanover, Conn Iggulden, Laurie R. King, Joe R. Lansdale, John Maddox Roberts, Steven Saylor, Melinda Snodgrass, and Lisa Tuttle.

These 10 shadowy short stories take place in the same world as Cook's 1980s Dread Empire sword and sorcery novels. Ghost Stalk, Call for the Dead and the previously unpublished Hell Forge form an episodic tale of a damned crew's quest to escape hell. The other stories stand alone but share settings and characters, including the despotic empire itself, which lurks as an unseen but omnipresent menace. In this gloomy world, all are subject to the whims of those above them, quests rarely end happily and comic elements are limited to gallows humor. Fans of Fritz Leiber and Steven Erikson will enjoy these unjustly overlooked tales.

For centuries, the legendary Protector, Jehrke Victorious, has kept safe the Crossroad of the World—Shasesserre. The City is kept guarded and blanketed from smaller-scale threats to dark magical anomalies. All was calm and peaceful for generations under the peaceful wizardry—until one day, a mysterious stranger brutally murders the Protector.

May 1975. St. Louis. In a snow-swept street, a cop finds the body of a man who died fifty years ago. It's still warm. July 1866, Lidice, Bohemia: A teenage girl calmly watches her parents die as another being takes control of her body. August 2058, Prague: Three political rebels flee in to the past, taking with them a terrible secret. As past, present, and future collide, one man holds the key to the puzzle. And if he doesn't fit it together, the world he knows will fall to pieces. It's just A Matter of Time!

Centuries ago, a private army’s deadly strike freed human slaves from their cruel Sangaree masters. A single Sangaree alien survived—and swore vengeance on the Storm family and their soldiers. Generations later, his carefully mapped revenge scheme explodes as the armies of the galaxies collide along a strange burning planet’s Shadowline.

In the war’s deadly aftermath, Mouse Storm makes his way towards Stars’ End, a mysterious planet bristling with deadly automated weapons systems, programmed to slaughter anyone foolish enough to approach. Mouse and fellow Confederation agent Moyshe benRabi are pursuing Starfishers, Sangaree harvestships that protect the Starfish; creatures of pure fusion energy that produce the priceless ambergris that makes travel between the stars possible.

But who built Stars’ End, and why so close to the drifting Starfish? In the midst of the Sangaree wars, a far more sinister enemy approaches, coming from the depths of the galaxy, in hordes larger than a solar system.

Glen Cook is, of course, best known for his enormously popular series fiction, which includes the Garrett P.I. and Dread Empire sequences, as well as the internationally acclaimed Chronicles of the Black Company. Readers familiar only with this aspect of Cook's career will find a great many pleasures--and an equal number of surprises--in his vibrant new collection, Winter's Dreams.

The fourteen standalone stories in Winter's Dreams range in length from vignettes ('Appointment in Samarkand') to novellas ('In the Wind'). Together, they encompass an astonishing variety of themes, tones, styles, and settings. Not one of these stories bears the slightest resemblance to the others. Each one manages to enchant, illuminate, and entertain in its own distinctive fashion.

Piper Hecht's first and greatest secret is that he knows how to kill gods. What's not a secret is that he knows how to win wars.

Hecht's secrets make him dangerous, but his skill and his reputation put him in danger―from his enemies, who fear what he might do or who want revenge for what he has already done; and from his friends, who want to use his military gifts for their own purposes.

His sister Heris and his living ancestor Cloven Februaren, the Ninth Unknown, have made Hecht part of their fight against the return of the dark god, Kharoulke the Windwalker. At the same time, the half-mad Empress Katrin wants Hecht to lead the armies of the Grail Empire eastward on a crusade against his old co-religionists the Praman.

Meanwhile, the world is changing. The winters are growing longer and harsher every year, and the seas are getting shallower. The far north and the high mountain ranges are going under the ice, fast. The Wells of Power are getting weaker, and the old evils, the Instrumentalities from the Time Before Time, have begun to ooze back into the world.

It's cold. The wells of power are weakening and the forces of Night grow strong. The gods are real, and still have some power, mostly to do harm. The Instrumentalities of the Night are the worst of these.

Piper Hecht, born Else Tage, survived a battle with the Instrumentalities. Now he's Captain-General of the armies fighting a crusade for Patriarch Sublime V. Intrigues swirl around the throne of the Grail Empire, as the imperial family's enemy Anne of Menand raises money to help the perpetually indebted Patriarch finance his crusades. To reduce his own vulnerability, sickly young Emperor Lothar assigns his two half-sisters--his immediate heirs--to their own realms.

Now Piper Hecht learns that the legendary sorceror Cloven Februaren, referred to as the Ninth Unknown, is still alive, more than 100 years old, and on Piper's side. As the dynastic politics of the Empire become even more convoluted, it's clear that while the old gods may be fading, they're determined to do everything they can to bend the doings of men to their own advantage.

Sieges, explosions, betrayals, Anti-Patriarchs, and suspicious deaths will ensue as the great chess game plays itself out, with Piper Hecht at the center of it all…

A young boy's dreams of glory and war turn into a bitter nightmare as his father's kingdom is overrun by an invading army. Lost and alone in the woods, he finds an ancient sword that promises him the ability to claim his vengeance. As he begins to take that vengeance, he comes to realize the price that the sword will demand of him. Enemies soon become allies and strange bedfellows abound as the prophesies of an age swirl into chaos.

Welcome to the world of the Instrumentalities of the Night, where imps, demons, and dark gods rule in the spaces surrounding upstart humanity. At the edges of the world stand walls of ice which push slowly forward to reclaim the land for the night. And at the world's center, in the Holy Land where two great religions were born, are the Wells of Ihrain, the source of the greatest magics. Over the last century the Patriarchs of the West have demanded crusades to claim the Wells from the Pramans, the followers of the Written. Now an uneasy truce extends between the Pramans and the West, waiting for a spark to start the conflict anew.

Then, on a mission in the Holy Land, the young Praman warrior Else is attacked by a creature of the Dark-in effect, a minor god. Too ignorant to know that he can never prevail over such a thing, he fights it and wins, and in so doing, sets the terrors of the night against him.

As a reward for his success, Else is sent as a spy to the heart of the Patriarchy to direct their attention away from further ventures into the Holy Lands. Dogged by hidden enemies and faithless allies, Else witnesses senseless butchery and surprising acts of faith as he penetrates to the very heart of the Patriarchy and rides alongside their armies in a new crusade against his own people. But the Night rides with him, too, sending two of its once-human agents from the far north to assassinate him.

Submerged in his role, he begins to doubt his faith, his country, even his family. As his mission careens out of control, he faces unanswerable questions about his future. It is said that God will know his own, but can one who has slain gods ever know forgiveness?

Arnhand, Castauriga, and Navaya lost their kings. The Grail Empire lost its empress. The Church lost its Patriarch, though he lives on as a fugitive. The Night lost Kharoulke the Windwalker, an emperor amongst the most primal and terrible gods. The Night goes on, in dread. The world goes on, in dread. The ice builds and slides southward.

New kings come. A new empress will rule. Another rump polishes the Patriarchal Throne.

But there is something new under the sun. The oldest and fiercest of the Instrumentalities has been destroyed--by a mortal. There is no new Windwalker, nor will there ever be.

The world, battered by savage change, limps toward its destiny. And the ice is coming.

Working God's Mischief is the savage, astounding new novel of The Instrumentalities of Night, by Glen Cook, a modern master of military fantasy.

t is 2193, and still the war continues.

Two hundred years after nuclear and chemical weapons have nearly annihilated the global population, the last of mankind struggles on in isolated communities. Law and order is carried out by the Political Office, black-clad police who rule through fear and violence, commanding the world’s survivors how to think, how to act, and when to obey the call to the Gathering: the ritual massing for war against an unknown and unseen Enemy.

Now the call has come, and all nations must pay tribute.

Kurt Ranke is a young man eking out an existence in the ruins of former Germany with his pregnant wife. But when the Gathering is called, he boards the decrepit destroyer Jäger—a once-mighty warship now more than two centuries old. Antiquated, broken-down, and running on steam, it wallows through uncharted waters carrying Ranke and a reluctant and ragtag group of soldiers en route to the Final Meeting: a battle from which it’s rumored none have ever returned . . .

he ongoing war between Humanity and the Ulant is a battle of attrition that Humanity is losing. Humans do, however, have one technological advantage — trans-hyperdrive technology. Using this technology, specially designed and outfitted spaceships — humanity's climber fleet — can, under very narrow and strenuous conditions, pass through space undetected. Passage at Arms tells the intimate, detailed, and harrowing story of a climber crew and its captain during a critical juncture of the war.

A brand new series briging you Fantasy stories from some of the biggest and most exciting names in the genre! The authors appearing in the launch volume include Trudi Canavan, Elizabeth Bear, Daniel Abraham, Kate Elliott, Saladin Ahmed, Glen Cook, Scott Lynch, Ellen Klages, Ellen Kushner & Ysabeau Wilce, Jeffrey Ford, Robert Redick and KJ Parker.

An amazing array of the most popular and exciting names in Fantasy are set to appear in the first in a brand new series of Fantasy anthologies featuring original fiction, from the master editor Jonathan Strahan. The authors appearing in the launch volume include Trudi Canavan, Elizabeth Bear, Daniel Abraham, Kate Elliott, Saladin Ahmed, Glen Cook, Scott Lynch, Ellen Klages, Ellen Kushner & Ysabeau Wilce, Jeffrey Ford, Robert Redick and KJ Parker.

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