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Tous les livres de Matthew J. Costello

Tout avait commencé par la découverte dans les glaces de l'Antartique d'un mystère plus ancien que l'humanité. De tous les membres de l'expédition, un seul, Alan Ward, s'en était sorti vivant.

Maintenant Ward est de retour chez lui, dans la petite ville de Stoneywood, fuste à temps pour le festival d'été. Mais est-il encore humain? Ou seulement l'hôte d'un terrifiant parasite qui va contaminer les uns après les autres tous les habitants de la région et transformer la fête en un cauchemar sanglant?

Cela fait un drôle d'effet de s'apercevoir soudain que l'on appartient à une espèce en voie d'extinction...

On sait que l'on a récemment découvert au fond des océans, près de sources volcaniques, des formes de vie inconnues. Une mission océanographique commet l'erreur de vouloir ramener à la surface l'un des étranges vers qui ont élu domicile dans ces gouffres sous-marins.

Lorsque l'on retrouve le bateau, tous les passagers, sauf un, sont morts comme dévorés de l'intérieur. Les sauveteurs ne se méfient pas de l'unique survivant, ne se doutent pas que lui aussi est mort, qu'il n'est plus qu'un pantin manipulé par des parasites intelligents...

Ayant trouvé dans la bibliothèque d'un de leurs professeurs un antique traité d'occultisme, un groupe de lycéens décide de dessiner un pentacle et d'invoquer le diable.

Sans autre résultat qu'un effroyable accident, apparemment plutôt dû à l'abus de bourbon qu'aux forces des ténèbres. Un accident qui coûte la vie à l'un d'entre eux. Au fil des années, Will Dunningan, le sceptique du groupe, finit par oublier cette nuit tragique. Jusqu'à ce que, vingt-sept ans plus tard, une série de crimes monstrueux secoue Manhattan. Comme si Jack l'éventreur était de retour. Comme si un démon était lâché sur New York.

Les enfants de la ville vendraient leur âme pour avoir l'un des jouets de Henry Stauf, l'homme aux mains magiques. Après qu'une maladie impitoyable eut emporté ses petits clients, Henry se retire dans son manoir, désespéré... Désespéré, vraiment?

Le temps passe; le manoir est toujours là, délabré et sinistre. Entre ses murs, Stauf prépare son ultime monstruosité. Un soir, six invités frappent à la porte de la demeure. Fuyant chacun un enfer personnel, ils voient en Stauf un sauveur providentiel. Dès l'instant où ils entrent dans le manoir, seul le septième invité peut encore empêcher leur cupidité de conduire le monde à sa perte!

The year is 2144...and the battle over Earth's precious resources has raged for a century. With global economies in ruins and all-out world war more than a possibility, the U.S government turned to the Union Aerospace Corporation, giving it carte blanche on the legendary red planet of Mars in a desperate bid to construct an off-world outpost that might provide resources, a military advantage...as well as something so secret that even members of government don't have a clue about it....

Special Ops Marine Lieutenant John Kane was once a careerist simply glad to have a job, and couldn't care less about politics just as long as Uncle Sam's check cleared. But that was before he listened to his conscience and disobeyed a direct order. Busted down to private, Kane has been reassigned to the "U.S. Space Marines" -- the private army of the UAC -- with the prospect of becoming little more than a glorified security guard on Mars....

Now Lt. Kane's fate leads him to Mars City -- part environmental community, part lab center, and all owned and protected by the UAC. It's a strange world with a fatal environment, and the thousands who live and work within the city have already begun to think of themselves as Martians. And away from Mars City, at the strange ancient sites uncovered on the planet, a small squad of marines stand guard while scientists uncover wall glyphs and search for artifacts, having already found something that is so far amazing and inexplicable -- including the relic called "U1," nicknamed "the Soul Cube" -- and unknown to all, the bringer of destructive chaos and unspeakable horror....

In the year 2145...after disobeying a direct order, former special ops Marine Lieutenant John Kane found himself stripped of his rank and reassigned to the "U.S. Space Marines" -- the private army of the Union Aerospace Corporation. Now little more than a glorified security guard, Kane reluctantly accepts his fate on Mars City, the environmental community/lab center on the legendary red planet.

But Kane could never have imagined the unspeakable horrors that awaited him there -- nightmarish aberrations of nature and unholy unions of flesh and machine awakened by unsuspecting researchers attempting to divulge the arcane secrets of this planet's extraordinary past. As the terrifying violence grows, Kane and a ragtag band of survivors must call on all of their skills if they can ever hope to make it out of Mars City alive -- even as those at the highest echelons of power continue their own covert and deadly machinations in a relentless bid to seize the ultimate source of power....

Entrepreneur, adventurer and filmmaker Carl Denham is struggling to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry. A charismatic man with a natural sense of showmanship and an appetite for greatness, he is determined to succeed against all odds. Then he has what appears to be an extraordinary stroke of good fortune. A map falls into his hands that reveals the existence of a mysterious, uncharted island - a world unknown to civilization, which may hold the key to the fame and fortune he so desperately seeks.

The reader's decisions will determine whether Parras Corbalin can find and rescue Lord Valentine's kidnapped son before the planet is plunged into war, The reader's decisions will determine whether Parras Corbalin can find and rescue Lord Valentine's kidnapped son before the planet is plunged into war.

Once there was a doll named Chucky who did naughty, wicked things. Like murder.

But Andy and his mother killed Chucky. Killed the madman whose deranged spirit possessed the doll. Killed him once and for all.

That's what they think.

Andy's in a foster home now. His mother is undergoing psychiatric treatment. And Chuck...?

The toy makers decided there was nothing wrong with the doll. So they rebuilt him. Now Andy has more reason than ever to fear for his life...

Chucky's back - and he wants Andy's soul.

Fifty years ago, the town of Gouldens Falls was evacuated, flooded, and submerged under two hundred feet of water. Along with its secrets. Just as well it was buried. There was always something not quite right about that town.

Today, on the anniversary of its watery fate, the man-made lake that was once Gouldens Falls is the source of fascination for a visiting journalist. And a cause for alarm. Because something else is down there. Something evil. And on this special anniversary, it's going to surface.

It started with a little boy. A little boy who sneaked out to go to the pool and was never seen again. Old Miss Waverly disappeared soon after. And then that hotshot student vanished into thin air. Things like this just didn't happen in a quiet town like Harley. Except that Harley was no longer a quiet town...

Simon Farrell is the tormented hero of this taut page-turner. Taken hostage in Lebanon, he is kept blindfolded, regularly beaten and put in a cell with a hanging corpse, attended by guards whom he mentally labels "Big Shoes" and "Garlic Breath." Farrell escapes, but his return home is far from happy. While he tries to reestablish his life with Lizbeth, his wife, to whom he has become a stranger, a sadistic character is on the loose--a serial killer with the cartoonish name of Donald Pick. Released from prison for his earlier crimes, Pick performs an elaborate mutilation on police consultant Dr. Lane Cubbage: "He quickly mashed the testes in his hands until they collapsed into a hemorrhaging paste." Lieutenant Jack Friedman finally tracks down Pick--otherwise known as "the Meatman"--but not before the killer has gone after Farrell and his wife and daughter, making a mockery of Farrell's homecoming.

( suite à son roman " Wurm "

les vers est originaire du plus profond fond de l'océan pour contrôler par télépathie l'humanité

Ps: dsl cest la traduction mot mot du description anglaise

A violent husband's emotional and physical abuse prompts Kate to flee with her children and start life anew with another man, but she underestimates her husband's determination to keep her.

With the planet on the brink of global war, the multinational crew of the SeaQuest must protect the colonies from marauding techno-pirates, deadly aqua-terrorists, and ruthless deep ocean drug and weapon smugglers.

Tristan is the perfect spy. He's a "mime," an artificially created and cloned human who's metamorphic DNA can be programmed to transform him into a "masque" – a perfect genetic copy of anyone. Mimes can be turned into anyone their corporate city-state owners want, until the stress of assuming masques causes a meltdown.

Earning Selfhood – citizenship and a permanent form – is a mime's sole hope for survival. Tristan is one mission away from Selfhood.

His assignment is to enter the heart of the enemy corporation's nerve center, steal top-secret data, and escape through a lawless surreal hell of psychopathic cults and mutant undergrounds. At stake in his assignment is a looming holocaust that can bring destiny – or genocide – to an entire race.

You must remember... I am not lost. A beautiful apparition speaks these words to Father Philip – and disappears. Though he thought that he was done with the Legacy, the priest knows only they can help him. Their search takes them to the bottom of the sea – where an ancient nightmare is about to be reborn...

As inexplicable terrors erupt across the globe, humanity's only hope of survival lies with those who are willing to enter the source: a house where time, space and reality have given way to something else.

The discovery of four stones of non-Earthly origin triggers a deadly race to find complete the mysterious artifact our bestselling authors combine their unique talents in an action-packed novel that delivers enough excitement, intrigue, suspense and adventure for a lifetime. This potent collaboration started with Janet Berliner, who has always been fascinated by the danger and thrill of daredevilry. She challenged the most exciting writers she knew to write stories about the most daring, death-defying risks they could imagine. When the results came in, the four writers realized that they had something extraordinary; not stories, but the seeds of a tremendously exciting novel.

The excitement starts when oilman Frik van Alman uncovers four strange stones that lay in an underwater cavern until his oil drill draws them to the surface in the course of an exploratory drilling off the shore of Venezuela. The stones are eerie, unearthly, and have strange properties that might make them nothing less than the solution to the world's energy problems. But before Frik can do anything about them, they disappear. All he can do is to challenge the Daredevils Club, his closest friends, who consider risk a way of life, to find the stones before they are lost forever. They'll have to do battle with eco-terrorists, overcome double-dealing, and dodge death more than once before the final puzzle is complete and they confront an awesome power never before seen by mankind.

When Janna Wade wakes up on a Tuesday, she doesn't remember a thing from the day before. It's as if she wasn't there at all. Only one person knows what became of Janna's lost day – and from now on, her every waking hour will be a nightmare.

Julia et Samantha Gordon : des jumelles aussi diférentes que l'eau et le feu. Scientifique de très haut niveau, Julia a mis au point un programme de réalité virtuelle qui permet de sonder l'inconscient d'un sujet — une reconstruction en 3D ! — pour débusquer, parmi les fantasmes et souvenirs, les félures secrètes d'une âme. Artiste et un peu bohème, Samantha papillionne de pays en pays et brûle la chandelle par les deux bouts.

Quand Samantha sombre dans un coma inexplicable, Julia, refusant d'abandonner tout espoir, décide d'utiliser sur elle son logiciel thérapeutique.

Commence alors un voyage de tous les dangers vers une bombe psychique à retardement qui menace de ravager l'existence des deux soeurs...

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