
Professional Artist

Illustrator for rpgs. 2D generalist and AD for games. Gray/Ace.

The nature of the internet is so strange. Social media websites that slowly transform into digital abandoned spaces as their owners leave, or move on or die. Sometimes someone you have an entirely parasocial relationship to vanishes and you will never get an answer as to where they went, or what they're doing or if they are even alive. Sometimes that person is one of your favourite working artists and they vanish in the midst of global pandemic. I'd love to share Amei Zhao's remarkable work with you.
fading by amei zhao. In pastel hues, a femme figure floats in yellowing waters, clutching wildflowers. drifting, Amei Zhao, 2019
Zhao's work I often identify with pastel hues with a very narrow range of tone. Converted to black and white it may be unreadable but with an impressionistic approach that fills her work with light and makes everything feel like a half-remembered dream you have warm feelings of. sunday enchantment by Amei Zhao. A femme figure looks up at a school of blue and yellow fish under rippling water. Sunday Enchantment, Amei Zhao, 2018 Zhao was someone you could tell loved the ocean. She swam in it often, if her socials were anything to go by. Videos she's taken from underwater as yellowtail mackerel schools swim by translated directly into this piece.
Nameless, Amei Zhao. A figure on a staircase overwhelmed with surf and waves. Nameless, Amei Zhao, 2018
"Almost made it to the end of 2018. A few weeks ago I went swimming in the ocean as usual, but the waters were rough and my body was smashed into the rocks. It could have gone badly had a friend not pulled me out onto the steps. I’ve recovered. Being alive is good."
- Amei Zhao, December 31, 2018
tide by Amei Zhao. Three portraits of water: turquoise waves on pink sand, a cresting wave, caustics seen from beneath the water Tide, Amei Zhao, 2020
Her last post was on October 1st, 2020. Maybe nothing happened. There are lots of reasons to stop posting on social media. I won't know.
Look at how masterfully she manages to carve motion into water. The curtain of surf pouring over the concrete embankment the stairs traverse. Just water can be so captivating. One day I hope I can make such good dimensionality and texture look so effortless. second day of spring by Amei Zhao. Light glows from below on a femme carrying a bundle of plants beneath a yellow canopy of leaves. Second Day of Spring, Amei Zhao, 2020
This was among the last things posted. I missed my chance to ever buy her book. I waffled. I thought there would be a second printing some time when I would have the money to burn on one more art book.
Everything glows. I love the sense of radiance Zhao's work has. It is about to be eaten in the most intense white light. We are at the point just before everything fades when all the colours become their most brilliant selves.

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in reply to @SiFSweetman's post:

I've come across your post twice now, on separate occasions where I also was wondering what happened to Amei Zhao. I share a similar sentiment to you, down to wishing that I had gotten in on that first print run of the Solace artbook. Such a sublime and lovely voice.

I hope Amei Zhao is okay out there somewhere.