UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WASHINGTON, D. C, Bl9574 MINIM. •»!««•■ INDEX-CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, UNITED STATES A.;R]\IY. AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS. SECOND SBEIES. Vol. XVII. NUAHKL.I—TESTUT. WASHINGTON 1912 A r r n , z ^75;M4 13? Ser, 2. V. \7 19 (2 c ■ 2 War Department, Office of the Surgeon-General, Army Medical Museum and Library, Washington, Odohr 17, 191%. Gen. George H. Torney, S>//'(/< on- General^ TJ. S. Army. General: I have the honor to present herewith the seventeenth volume of the second series of the Index-Catalogue of the Library of this Office. This volume includes 2,357 author titles, representing 3,850 volumes and 8,490 pamphlets. It also contains 3,571 subject-titles of separate books and pamphlets and 36,898 titles of articles in periodicals. The Library now contains 178,741 bound volumes and 317,740 pamphlets. The following table shows the number of titles in the Index-Catalogue as far as published: Total in first series...... Second series, Vol. I..... Vol.11.... Vol. HI... Vol. IV... Vol. V.... Vol. VI... Vol. VII.. Vol. VIH. Vol. IX... Vol. X.... Vol. XI... Vol. XII.. Vol. XIII. Vol. XIV. Vol. XV.. Vol. XVI. Vol. XVII Total to date...... AUTHOR-TITLES. Titles. Volumes. Pamphlets 176,364 6,346 15,732 11,112 9,628 6,825 15,589 6,225 10,704 8,706 10,122 8,023 5,476 5,566 10,019 8,804 9,890 2,357 327,488 85,663 6,127 6,383 4,873 4,133 2,695 5,865 2,692 5,330 2,599 4,690 4,063 2,355 3,250 5,281 4,688 4,670 3,850 159,207 151,504 6,327 14,802 10,690 8,523 5,957 14,296 8,157 9,897 8,291 10,750 9,311 5,195 4,851 8,058 7,460 10,786 8,490 303,345 SUBJECT-TITLES. Book titles. 168,557 7,884 5,774 10,636 8,828 7,645 5,962 13,179 5,731 5,322 10,856 5,634 10,996 7,678 4,065 3,616 3,892 3,571 289,820 Journal ar- ticles. 511,112 30,384 21,725 34,314 28,316 40,045 30,561 32,522 29,684 31,481 22,622 34,211 35,324 40,221 31,370 28,328 24,135 36,898 1,043,253 Portraits. 4,335 677 5,012 Very respectfully, WALTER D. McCAW, Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Corj>x, TJ. S. A., Librarian. S. G. O. iii EIGHTH ADDITION TO THE ALPHABETICAL LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES OP MEDICAL PERIODICALS, PUBLISHED IN" THE ISTI^TTH VOLUME, SECOND SERIES, OP THE INDEX-CATALOGUE. IST'For explanations, see the Alphabetical List of Abbreviations of Titles, etc., in Vol. IX, 2. s. A. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl. Actualites med.-chir. (Roth- schild), Par. Am. J. Neuropathy, Phila. Am. J. Pub. Health, N. Y. Am. Labor Legisl. Rev., N. Y. Am. Pract., N. Y. Ann. f. d. ges. Hebammenwes., Berl. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. exper. Phy- siol., Jena. [1] Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Geburtshilfe und Gynaeko- logie. Hrsg. von "W. Tauffer. Berlin, S. Karger. v. 2, Hett 1, 1912. 8°. Actualites medico-chirurgicales; conferences faites en mai et en juin 1909, recueillies et publiees par le Dr. H. de Rothschild. Paris. 1 v. 1911. 8°. American (The) Journal of Neuropathy. Philadelphia, v. 1, 1911. 8°. American Journal of Public Health (The Journal of the Ameri- can Public Health Association). [Continuation of: Journal of the American Public Health Association.] New York. v. 2, 1912. 8°. American Labor Legislation Review. New York. v. 1,1911. 8°. American Pharmaceutical Association. [See J. Am. Pharm. Ass., Columbus.] American (The) Practitioner, a Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery, New York. [Incorporates the New England Medical Monthly, which includes the Annals of Medical Practice.] New York. v. 46, No. 3, 1912. 8°. American Public Health Association. [See Am. J. Pub. Health, N. Y.] Annalen fur das gesamte Hebammenwesen des In- und Aus. landes. Berlin, v. 2. 1911. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem Gebiete der experimentellen Physiologie. Hrsg. von Hans Friedenthal. 1909-10. 2. Th. Jena. 1911. [2] Arb. z. lOjahr. Bestehen d. Kin- derasyls d. Stadt Berl. Arch, di sc. osp., Bergamo. Atti d. Cong, internaz. dei pa- tol., Torino. Atti d. ii. Cong. med. internaz' per gl' infortuni d. lavoro' Roma. Atti d. Cong. naz. . . . contro la tuberc, Firenze. Atti d. Soc. ital. di storia crit. d. sc. med. e nat., Venezia. Attualita med., Milano. Arbeiten zum zehnjahrigen Bestehen des Kinderasyls der Stadt Berlin. Heinrich Finkelstein zugeeignet. Berlin. 1 v. 1911. 8°. Archivio di scienza ospedaliera. Bergamo. Anno 1, 1911. 8°. Associazione romana per la cura medico-pedagogica dei fanciulli anormali e deficienti poveri. [See Boll. d. Ass. rom. p. la cura med.-pedagog. dei fanciulli anormali [etc.], Roma. Also: Infanzia anormale, Milano.] Associazione sanitaria milanese. [Ser. Attualita med., Milano.] Atti del Congresso internazionale dei patologi. 1911. Torino. 1 v. 1912. 8°. Atti del ii. Congresso medico internazionale per gl' infortuni del lavoro. Roma. v. 1 & 2. 1909. 8°. Atti del ii° Congresso nazionale per la lotta sociale contro la tubercolosi, Firenze, 10-14 ottobre 1909. Firenze. v. 2, 1910. 8°. Atti della Societa italiana di storia critica delle scienze mediche e naturali. Riunione di Venezia (1909). Venezia. v. 1, 1909. 8°. Attualita (L') medica, organo scientifico e di classe dell' Associa- zione sanitaria milanese. Milano. Anno 1, 1912. 8°. B. Beitr. z. Carcinomforsch., Berl. u. Wien. Beitr. z. forens. Med., Berl. Beitr. z. Hyg., Bakt. u. Infek- tionskr. ( Ogata - Festschr.), Tokyo. Ber. ii. d. Internat. Kong. f. Sauglingsschutz, Berl. Ber. ii. d. internat. Kong. f. Thalassotherapy Berl. Biochem. Bull., N. Y. Boll. chim. farm., Milano Boll. d. Ass. rom. p. la cura med.-pedagog. dei fanciulli anormali [etc.], Roma. Bull. Com. Study Spec. Dis.' Edinb. & Lond. Bull. Internat. Labour Office, Lond. Bull. M. Library Ass., Bait. Bull. Ontario Hosp. Insane' Toronto. Beitrage zur Carcinomforschung. Aus der i. med. Klinik (Prof. C. von Noorden) in Wien. Berlin u. 'Wien, Urban & Schwar- zenberg, Hft. 1-3, 1909-11. 8°. Beitrage zur forensischen Medizin. Berlin, v. 1, Heft 1-2. 8°. Hrsg. von Hans Lungwitz. Beitraege zur Hygiene, Bakteriologie und Infektionskrankheiten Festschrift zum 25jahrigen Prof.-Jubilaum des Herrn Prof. Dr. Masanori Ogata. Tokyo. 1 v. 1910. 8°. Bericht iiber den iii. Internationalen Kongress fur Sauglings- schutz. Berlin. 11.-15. September 1911. 8°. Bericht iiber den v. internationalen Kongress fur Thalassothera- pie, Kolberg, 5.-9. Juni 1911. Berlin. 1911. 8°. Berlin. Physiologische Gesellschaft. [See Verhandl. d. physiol. Gesellsch. zu Berl.] Biochemical Bulletin. New York. v. 1, 1911. 8°. Bollettino chimico farmaceutico. Milano. Anno 51, 1912. 8°. Bollettino dell' Associazione romana per la cura medico-peda- gogica dei fanciulli anormali e deficienti poveri. Roma. Anno v, no. 22, 1911. 8°. Boston Health Department. [See Month. Bull. Health Den. Bost] Bulletin of the Committee for the Study of Special Diseases. Edited by T. S. P. Strangewavs. Edinburgh & London, v. 3. No. 2, 1909. 8°. Bulletin of the International Labour Office. London, v 6 1911-12. 8°. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. Baltimore N s v. i, 1911-12. 8°. Bulletin of the Ontario Hospitals for the Insane, a journal de- voted to the interests of Psychiatry in Ontario. Toronto, v. Bull. Soc. d'etudes scient. sur la tuberc, Par Bulletin de la Societe d'etudes scientifiques sur la tuberculose Paris. 2. s., 1911. 8°. [3] Bull. Soc. Med. Hist. Chicago. Bull. Soc. d'obst. et de gynec. de Par. Bulletin of the Society of Medical IJistorv of Chicago. v. 1, 1911. 8°. Chicago. Bulletin de la Society d'obstetrique et de gynecologie de Paris. [New title of bulletin of society formed by uniting the Societc d'obstetrique de Paris and the Society d'obstetrique, de gyn6- cologie et de pediatrie de Paris.] Paris, v. 1, 1P12. 8°. Causeries techn. s. I'orthop., Par. Chir. dell' ernia, Napoli. Clin, y lab., rev. quincen. de espec. med., Zaragoza. Clin, e terap. fis. d. mal. dei polmoni e del cuore, Torino. Comment. Soc. reg. scient. Gotting. Cong, internat. de physiother. C.-r., Par. Critica med., Milano. c. Canal Zone Medical Association. [See Proc. Canal Zone M. Ass., Mount Hop., C. Z.] Causeries techniques sur I'orthopedie. Paris, v. 1, fasc. 1-2. 1911. 8°. Chicago Medical History Society. [See Bull. Soc. Med. Hist. Chicago.] Chirurgia (La) dell' ernia. Napoli. v. 1, 1909. 4°. Climatological Society of Leysin (Switzerland). [See Vestnik po Terap. Tub., Geneve.] Clinica y laboratorio, revista quincenal de especialidades medicas. Zaragoza. Ano 7, 1911. 4°. Clinica e terapia fisica delle malattie dei polmoni e del cuore. Torino, v. 1, 1910. 8°. Clinical Society of the University of Michigan. [See Tr. Clin. Soc. Univ. Mich.] Commentarii Societatis regise scientiarum Gottingensis. Got- tinga?. 4 v. 1751-4. 4°. Committee for the Study of Special Diseases. [See Bull. Com. Study Spec. Dis., Edinb.] Congres (iiie) international de physiotherapie, tenu a Paris du 29 mars au 2 avril 1910. Comptes rendus et communications. 1910. Paris, v. 3, 1911. 8°. Congresso internazionale dei patologi. [See Atti d. Cong, inter- naz. dei patol., Torino.] Congresso medico internazionale per gl' infortuni del lavoro. [See Atti d. ii. Cong. med. internaz. pergl' infortuni d. lavoro, Roma.] Congresso nazionale per la lotta sociale contro la tuberculosi. [See Atti d. Cong. naz. . . . contro la tuberc, Firenze.] Critica (La) medica. Milano. v. 1, 1911. fol. Crocker (George) Research Fund. [See Studies in cancer (Crocker Research Fund), N. Y.] I>. Dermat. Hamb. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Deutsche Krankenh., Jena. Dermatologische Wochenschrift. [Continuation of: Monats- hefte fur prakiische Dermatologie. ] Leipzig & Hamburg. v. 54, 1912. 8°. Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Bekiimpfung der Geschlechtskrank- heiten. [For Verhandlunsjen, see Ztschr. z. Bekiimpf. d. Ge- schlechtskrankh., Leipz.] Deutsche (Das) Krankenhaus. Jena. 1 v. 1911. 8°. Deutsche Tropen-medizinische Gesellschaft. For Verhandlun- gen, see Beihefte z. Arch. f. Schiffs-u. Tropen-Hvg., Leipz., 1912, xvi. Drustvo Zdravnikov na Kranjskem. [Health Association of Krain.] [See Lijec. vijesnik, u Zagrebu.] [4] E. Ellingwood's Therap., Chicago. Ergebn. d. Neurol, u. Psychiat., Jena. Ellingwood's Therapeutist, a monthly journal of direct thera- peutics. Chicago, v. 6, 1912. 8°. Ergebnisse der Neurologie und Psychiatrie. Redigiert von H. Vogt und R. Bing. Jena. v. 1, Heft 1-2, 1911. 8°. Europiiische Gesellschaft fur Orthodontic [See Verhandl. d. Europ. Gesellsch. f. Orthodont., Wien.] F. Feestb. opgedr. aan H. Treub, Leiden. Festschr. z. 60. Geburtstag Richard Hertwigs, Jena. Festschr. . . . W. von Leube gewidmet, Leipz. Fracastoro, Verona. Federazione dei sanitarii della citta e provincia di Verona. (See Fracastoro, Verona.] Feestbundel opgedragen aan Hector Treub. Leiden. 1 v. 1912. fol. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag Richard Hertwigs (Miinchen). Jena. 3 v. 1910. roy. 8°. Festschrift. Herrn Geheimrat Prof. Dr. Wilhelm von Leube gewidmet zur Feier seiner funfundzwanzigjahrigen klinischen Tatigkeit in Wiirzburg; von seinen Schiilern. Leipzig. 1 v. 1910. 8°. Fracastoro (II). Gazzetta medica Veronese; bollettino della Fe- derazione dei sanitarii della citta e provincia di Verona. Verona, v. 1-8, 1905-12. 8°. G. Georgia Medical Association. Augusta. ] [See J. Med. Ass. Georgia, H. Handb. d. spez. [etc.], Wiirzb. Hygiene, Berl. Chir. d. Ohres Handbuch der speziellen Chirurgie des Ohres und der oberen Luftwege. Wiirzburg. v. 1, 1911. roy. 8°. Hertwig (Richard) Festschrift. [See Festschr. z. 60. Geburts- tag Richard Hertwigs, Jena.] Hygiene. Redaktion: Th. Sommerfeld. Berlin, v. 1, 1911. 4°. I. Infanzia anormale, Milano. Inst, frang. d'anthrop. Compt. rend., Par. Internat. Kong. z. Fiirsorge f. Geisteskr.,Off .Ber., Halle a. S. Infanzia (L') finormale. Bollettino dell' Associazione romana per la cura medico-pedagogica dei fanciulli anormali e defi- cienti poveri. Milano. v. 5, 1911. 8°. Institut francais d'anthropologic Comptes rendus des seances. Paris. Nos. 1-4, 1911-12. 8°. International Labour Office. [See Bull. Internat. Labour Office, Lond.] International Otological Congress. [See Papers Internat. Otol. Cong., Bost.] International Plague Conference. [See Rep. Internat. Plague Conf., Manila.] Internationaler Kongress zur Fiirsorge fur Geisteskranke. Offi- zieller Bericht 1910. Halle a. S. 1 v. 1911. 8°. Internationaler Kongress fur Siiuglingsschutz. [See Ber. ii. d. Internat. Kong. f. Sauglingsschutz, Berl.] [5] Internationaler Kongress f iir Thalassotherapie. [See Ber. ii. d. internat. Kong. f. Thalassotherapy Berl.] Internationaler zahnarztlicher Kongress. internat. C.-r. 1 [See Cong. dent. Iowa State Medical Society. Clinton.] [See J. Iowa State M. Soc, J. Japan. Roy. Inst, f. Infect. Dis. Endem. Krankh., Tokio, 1911. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., Columbus- J. Iowa State M. Soc, Clinton. J. Med. Ass. Georgia, Augusta. J. State Med., Lond. J. Vaccine Therap., Lond. Journal-Lancet, Minneap. Japan. Royal Institute for Infectious Diseases. Endemische Krankheiten in Japan. Tokio. 1 v. 1911. 8°. Journal (The) of the American Pharmaceutical Association. Columbus, Ohio. v. 1, 1912. 8°. Journal (The) of the Iowa State Medical Society, Clinton, v. 1, 1911. 8°. Journal (The) of the Medical Association of Georgia, Augusta. v. 2, 1912. 8°. Journal (The) of State Medicine. The Official Journal of the Royal Institute of Public Health, a monthly international review of preventive medicine. London, v. 20, 1912. 8°. Journal (The) of Vaccine Therapy, London, v. 1, 1912. 8° Journal-Lancet (The). [Continuation of: The Journal of the Minnesota State Medical Association and official organ of the North Dakota and South Dakota State Medical Associations, Minneapolis.] v. 32, 1912. roy. 8°. "Juarez" Hospital. [See Rev. d. hosp. "Juarez," Mexico.] Kansas State Agric. Coll. Ex- per. Station Bull., Manhat- tan, Kan. K. Kansas State Agricultural College. Experiment Station Bulletin 180. Technical Bulletin. Bacteriological Department. Man- hattan, Kansas. 1 v. 1911. 8°. Kinderasyl der Stadt Berlin. [See Arb. z. lOjahr. Bestehen d. Kinderasyls d. Stadt Berl.] Kongress fur Thalassotherapie. [See Ber. ii. d. internat. Kong. f. Thalassotherapy Berl.] lu. Liguria med., Genova. Lijec. vijesnik, u Zagrebu. Lilly Scient. Bull., Indianap. Laboratoire de recherches biologiques de l'Universite de Madrid. [See Trav. du Lab. de recherches biol. de l'Univ. de Madrid.] von Leube (Wilhelm). Festschrift. , [See Festschr. . . . W. von Leube gewidmet, Leipz.] Liguria (La) medica, Genova. v. 6, 1912. 8°. Lijecnicki vijesnik. Vlasnik i izdavatelj Zbor lijecnika Kralje- vina Hrvatske i Slavonije. Olicijelni organ Drustva Zdravni- kov na Kranjskem. [Medical News. Editea and published by the Medical Society < >f Croatia and Slavonia. Official organ of the Health Association of Krain.] [Continuation of: Liec. viestnik, and of: Lijec. vijestnik, u Zagrebu.] u Zagrebu. v. 32-34, 1910-12. 8°. Lilly (The) Scientific Bulletin. Indianapolis. 1. s., No. 1, 1912. 8°. [6] Malaria [etc.], Roma. Mass. Inst. Technol. Contrib. Sanit. Research Lab. & Sew- age Exper. Station, Bost. Med. d. assic. soc. infort. d. la- voro, Milano. Month. Bull. Health Dep. Bost. Morsk. Vrach, S.-Peterb. Mulford Dig., Phila. Mycol. Centralbl., Jena. M. Madrid (Universite de). [See Trav. du Lab. de recherches biol. de l'Univ. de Madrid.] Malaria e malattie dei paesi caldi. Roma. Anno 1, 1910. 8°. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Contributions from the Sanitarv Research Laboratory and Sewage Experiment Station. Boston." v. 8, 1912. 8°. Medical Association of Georgia. [See J. Med. Ass. Georgia, Augusta.] Medical Library Association. [See Bull. M. Library Ass., Bait.] Medicina (La) delle assicurazioni sociali, infortuni del lavoro. [Continuation of: Medicina d. infortuni d. lav. [etc.], Perugia, 1911, iv.] Milano. v. 5, 1912. 8°. Medizinische Klinik (Prof. C. von Noorden) in Wien, [See Beitr. z. Carcinomforsch, Berl. u. Wien.] Minnesota State Medical Association. [See Journal-Lancet, Minneap.] Monthly Bulletin of the Health Department of the City of Bos- ton. Boston, v. 1, li»12. 8°. Morskoi Vrach. Yezhemiesyachniy zhurnal izdavoyeniiy Upra- vleniyem Glavnavo Meditsinskavo Inspektora Flota. [The Naval Physician. A monthly journal issued by the Bureau of the Chief Medical Inspector of the Fleet.) [Successor to: Med. Pribav. k Morsk. Sborniku, S.-Peterb.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1, 1911. 8°. Mulford Digest (The). Devoted particularly to Serum-therapy, Bactcrin-therapv, Vaccine-therapy, Immunization, and Drug Standardization. George M. Gould, editor. Philadelphia. v. 1, 1912. 8°. Mycologisches Centralblatt v. 1, 1912. 8°. George M. Gould, editor. Hrsg. von C. Wehmer. Jena. N. Nat. Ass. Prev. Consumpt. Tr., Edinb. Nel xxv anno d' insegn. univ. d. Prof. D. Barduzzi, Livorno. Northwest. Druggist, Minneap. National Association for the Prevention of Consumption and other Forms of Tuberculosis. Transactions of Edinburgh meeting and conference on tuberculosis, 1910. Edinburgh. 1 v. 1911. 4°. Nel xxv anno d'insegnamento universitario del Prof. D. Bar- duzzi, mdccclxxxvi-mcmx. Livorno. 1 v. 1911. 8°. New Hampshire State Board of Health. Bd. Health N. Hampshire, Concord.] von Noorden (C.) Medizinische Klinik. nomforsch., Berl. u. Wien.] North Dakota State Medical Association. Minneap.] Northwestern Druggist, Minneapolis, v. [See Quart. Bull. State [See Beitr. z. Carci- [See Journal-Lancet, 12, 1911. 4°. o. Oesterr. Aerzte-Ztg., Wien. Oesterreichische Aerzte-Zeitung. Zeitschrift fiir praktische Medizin, mit der Beilage "Soziale Rundschau." Redigiert von Heinrich Keller und S. Schwarzbart. 8. Jahrgang, fol. Wien. v. 1, 1911. 8°. Ogata (Masanori) Festschrift. [See Beitr. z. Hyg., Bakt. u. Infektionskr. (Ogata-Festschr.), Tokyo. ] [7] Osnovi klin. diag. (Levin & Visokovich), S.-Peterb. Ontario Hospitals for the Insane. [See Bull. Ontario Hosp. Insane, Toronto.] Osnoyi klinicheskoi diagnostiki; dlya vrachel i studentov. Pod redaktsiyei A. M. Levina & V. K. Visokovicha. [Principles of clinical diagnosis; for physicians and students. Edited by A. M. Levin and V. M. Visokovich.] S.-Peterburg. 1 v. 1911. 8°. P. Papers Internat. Otol. Cong., Bost. Prat, dermo-sifilopat., Roma. Prat, oculistica, Roma. Proc. Canal Zone M. Ass., Mount Hope, C. Z. [See Verhandl. d. phy [See Year-Book P lcher Hosp., Papers to be presented before the Ninth International Otological Congress, Boston, August 12-17,1912. Boston. 1 v. 1912. 8°. Thysiologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. siol. Oesollsch. zu Berl.] Pilcher Hospital, Brooklyn. Brooklyn.] Pratica (La) dermo-sihlopatica. Roma. v. 8, 1911-12. 8°. Pratica (La) oculistica. [Formerly: Bollettino dell' Ospedale oftalmico della Provincia di Roma.] Roma. v. 10,1912. 8°. Proceedings of the Canal Zone Medical Association for the half year October, 1910 to March, 1911. Mount Hope, C. Z. v. 3, pt. 2, 1911. S°. Q. Quaderni di psichiat., Genova. Quart. Bull. State Bd. Health N. Hampshire, Concord. Quaderni di psichiatria. Genova. v. 1, 1911. 8°. Quarterly Bulletin of the State Board of Health of New Hamp- shire. [Continuing the New Hampshire Sanitary Bulletin.] Concord, v. 1, 1912. 8°. R. Radium in Biol. u. Heilk., Leipz. Rassegna di studi psichiat., Siena. Rep. Immigr. Com. Abstr., Wash. Rep. Internat. Plague Conf. Manila. Rev. d. hosp. "Juarez," Mexico. Riv. di antrop., Roma. Riv. osp., gior. di teen, nosocom., Roma. Riv. di storia crit. d. sc. med. e nat., Paenza. Radium in Biologie und Heilkunde. Monatsschrift fiir biolo- gisch-therapeutische Forschung. Leipzig, v. 1, 1911. 8°. Rassegna di studi psichiatrici. Siena, v. 1, 1911. 8°. Reports of the Immigration Commission. Abstracts of reports. Washington. 2 v. 1911. 8°. Report of the International Plague Conference, held at Mukden, April, 1911. Manda. 1 v. 1912. 8°. Re vista del Hospital "Juarez." Mexico, v. 1, 1912. 4°. Ri vista di antropologia. [Formerly: Atti della Societa romana di antropologia.] Roma. v. 16, 1911. 8°. Rivista ospedaliera, giornale di tecnica nosocomiale, di pratica e di interessi professionali. Roma. v. 3, 1912. 8°. Rivista di storia critica delle scienze mediche e naturali. Faenza. v. 1, 1910. 8°. Royal Institute of Public Health. [See J. State Med., Lond.] S. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Dermat. [etc.], Halle a. S. Sammlung zwangloser Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Der- matologie, der Syphilidologie und der Krankheiten des Uro- genitalapparates mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der allge- meinen arztlichen Praxis. Halle a. S. v. 1, 1911-12. 8°. [8] Shorn, rabot po dermat. i sifi- lidol. posv. xxv-llet. vrach. dleyat. Pavlova, S.-Peterb. Sborn. trud., posv. pam. Laudenbacha, Kiev. School-Child, Lond. School Hyg., Lond. Social Dis., N. Y. Soz. Praxis u. Arch. f. Volks- wohlf., Berl. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr. Studies in cancer (Crocker Re- search Fund), N. Y. Surg. Clin., Chicago. Sbornik rabot po dermatologii i sifilidologii posvyashtshonniy dvadtsatipyatilietiyu vrachebnol dieyatelnost Timofeya Pav- lovicha Pavlova. [Collection of memoirs on dermatology and svphilidologv, dedicated to the twenty-fifth anniversary of T. P. Pavloff's medical career. S.-Peterburg. 1 v. 1910. 8°. Sbornik trudov, posvyashtshonniy pamyati pokoinavo professora Yu. P. Laudenbacha. [Collection of memoirs dedicated to the memory of the late Yu. P. Laudenbach.] Kiev. 1 v. 1910. 8°. School (The) Child. A Journal for Children's Care Committees and School Managers. London, v. 1, 1910. 8°. School Hygiene; a Monthly Review for Educationists and Doctors. London, v. 1, 1910. 8°. Social Diseases. Report of progress of the movement for their prevention. New York. v. 1, 1910. 8°. Soziale Praxis und Archiv fiir Volkswohlfahrt. [Consolidation of: Soziale Praxis, Berlin, and Archiv fiir Volkswohlfahrt, Berlin.] Berlin, v. 19, 1909-10. 4°. Societa italiana di storia critica delle scienze mediche e naturali. [See Atti d. Soc. ital. di storia crit. d. sc. med. enat, Venezia.] Societas regia scientiarum Gottingensis. [See Comment. Soc. reg. scient. Gotting.] Societe d'etudes scientifiques sur la tuberculose. [See Bull. Soc. d'etudes scient. sur la tuberc, Par.] Societe d'obstetrique et de gynecologie de Paris. [See Bull. Soc. d'obst. et de gynec. de Par.] Society of Bohemian Dentists. [> ee Zub. lek., Praha.] Society of Medical History of Chicago. [See Bull. Soc. Med. Hist. Chicago.] South Dakota State Medical Association. [See Journal-Lancet, Minneap.] Spolek ceskych zubnich lekaffl. [Society of Bohemian Den- tists.] [See Zub. lek., Praha.] St. Petersburger medizinische Zeitschrift. [Formerly: St. Pe- tersburger medizinische "VYochenschrift.] St. Petersburg. v. 87, 1912. fol. Studies in (ancer and allied subjects; pathology conduct d under the George Crocker Special Research Fund at Columbia Uni- versity. New York. v. 2, 1912. fol. Surgical (The) Clinics of John B. Murphy, M. D., at Mercer Hospital, Chicago, v. 1, 1912. 8°. T. Tr. Clin. Soc. Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor. Trav. du Lab. de recherches biol. de l'Univ. de Madrid. Tumori, Roma. Transactions of the Clinical Society of the University of Mich- igan. Ann Arbor, v. 1, 1909-1910. 8°. Travaux du Laboratoire de recherches biologiques de l'Uni- versite de Madrid. (Suite de la " Revista trimestral microgra- fica.") Madrid, v. 6, 1908. 8°. Tumori; archivio bimestrale fondato da G. Fichera. Roma. v. 1, 1911. 8°. I. Univ. M. Rec, Lond. Univ. Penn. Ann. Rep. Phipps Inst., Phila. Henry Universal (The) Medical Record. London, v. 1, 1912. 8°. University of Michigan Clinical Society. [See Tr. Clin Soc Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor.] University of Pennsylvania. Annual Report. Henry Phipps Institute. Philadelphia, v. 6, 1912. 8°. [9] \. Vereinigung der Lungenheilanstaltsiirztc [For Verhandlungen, see Beitr. z. Klin. d. Tuberk., Wiirzb., Supplementbande.] Verhandlungen der achten Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft zur Bek-impfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten in Dresden. [Published in: Ztschr. z. Bekampf. d. Geschlechts- krankh., Leipz., 1911, xiii.] Verhandlungen der Deutschen Tropen-medizinischen Gesell- scliaft. 5. Tagung, 1912. [Published in: Beihefte z. Arch. f. Schiffs-u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1912, xvi.] Verhandlungen der Europiiischen Gesellschaft fiir Orthodontie. [Bound with: Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien.] Wien. Nos. 1-S, 1910-12. 8°. Verhandlungen des v. Internationalen zahnarztlichen Kon- gresses. [See Cong. dent, internat. C.-r.] Verhandlungen der physiologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin, v. 34, 1910. 8°. Vestnik Balneologii, Klimatologii i Fkioterapii. [Messenger of Balneology, Climatology, and Physiotherapy.] Kharkov. v. 2, 1911/ roy. 8°. Vestnik po Terapii Tuberkulyoza. Yezhemlesyachniy zhurnal, izdavayemiy Klimatologicheskim Obshtshestvom v Leizenic [Courier of the Treatment of Tuberculosis. Monthly. Issued bv the Climatological Society of Leysin (Switzerland).] Geneve, v. 1, 1912. 4°. Virginia Health Almanac. [See Virginia Health Bulletin, Nos. 1-2, 1912.] Voco de Kuracistoj; monata organo per internacia korespondado de curacistoj en aferoj profesiaj, etikaj kaj cocial-medicinaj. Lwow. v. 1-4, 1908-11. 8°. Vserossiyskiy Vrachebniy Vestnik; naiichno-meditsinskiy i vra- chebno-bitoviy zhurnal. [Pan-Russian Medical Gazette; a journal of scientific medicine and of the condition of medicine.] [Monthly.] Moskva, v. 1, 1911. 4°. Y. Year-Book Pilcher Hosp., Year-Book of the Pilcher Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. v. 1, Brooklyn. 1910-11. 8°. Z, Zbor lijecnika Kraljevina Hrvatske i Slavonije. [Medical So- ciety of Croatia and Slavonia.] [See Lijec. vijesnik, u Zagrebu.] Ztschr. f. Chemotherap. [etc.], Zeitschrift fiir Chemotherapie und verwandte Gebiete. [Con- Leipz. tinuation of: Folia serologica.] Leipzig, v. 1, 1912. 8°. Ztschr. f. Pathopsychol., Leipz. Zeitschrift fiir Pat hopsychologie. Leipzig, v. 1. 1911. 8°. Zub. lek., Fraha. Zubnf lekafstvi; mesfcnik pro vedecke" a stavovske zajmy ces- kych zubnich lekaru. Ofhcielnf organ Spolku eeskyeh zub- nfch lckafu. [Dental Medicine; a monthly of the scientific and practical interests of the Bohemian dental physicians. Official organ of the Society of Bohemian Dentists.] Praha. v. 11, 1911. 8°. Verhandl. d. Europ. Gesellsch. f. Orthodont., Wien. Verhandl. d. physiol. Gesellsch. zu Berl. Vestnik Balneol., Klimatol. i Fizioterap., Kharkov. Vestnik po Terap. Tuberc, Voco de kurac, Lwow. Vseross. Vrach. Vestnik, Mosk. CATALOGUE. SUAHELI. SUBBOTIN. Suaheli. Krauss (H.) Der Suaheli-Arzt. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 517-519.—Peiper. Der Suaheli- Arzt. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1910, xiv, 561-573. -----. Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochen- bett bei den Suaheli von Kilwa. Ibid., 1910, xiv, 461- 469.—Werner (Miss A.) The Bantu element in Swa- hila folklore. Folk-Lore, Lond., 1909, xx, 432^156.— Zaohe(H.) Sitten und Gebriiuche der Suaheli. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1899, xxxi, 61-86. Suakim. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Hos- pitals (Military, History, etc., of), by localities. Suardus (Paulus). See de ITIanliis de Bosco (Joannes Jacobus). Lumi- nare majus [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1566. Suarez (Eduardo). De las enfermedades vene- reo-contagiosas y sus verdaderos tratamientos. 142 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Madrid, E. Jaramillo & Co., 1890. Snarez Capalleja (Victor). La salud del Europeo en America y Filipinas y del repatri- ado y criollo en Europa segun el systema Kneipp. Hygiene y aclimatacion. vii, 547 pp. 24°. Madrid, G. Pedraza, 1897. Suarez €*amboa (Ricardo). Monografias de clinica quirurgica. 1. serie. Clinica de gineco- logfa. 1. libro: La histerectomfa. 432 pp., 93 pi., 7 port. 8°. Mexico, 1899. Suarez de Ulendoza (Alberto). Lasinfiseo- tomia, su historia, indicaciones y manual opera- torio. 56 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Madrid, sucesores de Cuesta, 1896. ■-----. La blenorragia, diagnostico, pronostico y tratamiento; lecciones explicadas en la Facul- tad de medicina. 59 pp. 8°. Madrid, sucesores de Cuesta, 1898. ------. Cistoscopia y cateterismo de los ureteres, lecciones explicadas en la Facultad de medicina. 49 pp. 8°. Madrid, X. Moya, 1899. Suarez de Jlendoza (Ferdinand) [1852- ]. L'audition coloree, etude sur les fausses sensa- tions secondaires physiologiques et particuliere- ment sur les pseudo-sensations de couleurs asso- ciees aux perceptions objectives des sons. 2. ed., revue et augmentee. xvii, 164 pp. 13 tab. 8°. Paris, 1899. >------. Les mefaits de la neisserose. fasc. 1-3. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillttre & fils, 1906. ------. Certificat de sante et mariage; 6tude sur la necessity d'exiger des candidats au mariage le certificat de sante pour diminuer les ravages des maladies avariantes (tuberculose, avariose, neis- serose). Conference. 14 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1906. Suarez de Mendoza (Ferdinand)—contd. ------. Diagnostic et traitement des vegetations adenoides. Etude sur la n£cessite d'une inter- vention radicale et opportune et des funestes consequences de cette affection abandonnee a elle-meme. Preface de Duplay. 211 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1906. ------. Catechisme de prophylaxie sanitaire et morale a l'usage des meres de famille pour la defense de leurs foyers contre les grands fleaux du xxe siecle: tuberculose, avariose, neisserose, alcoolisme, mortality infantile, suivi d'un ap- pendice concernant la Ligue internationale des meres de famille . . . Preface de Emile Lou- bet et L.-G. Richelot. 3 p. 1., 358 pp. 4°. Paris, Bailliere dcfils, 1910. Suarez de Ribera (Francisco). Febrilogia chyrurgica. 15 p. 1., 448 pp., 2 1. 12°. Ma- drid, F. Laso, 1720. Suarez Rodriguez (Antonio). De las trichi- nas y de la trichinosis en Espana. viii, 104 pp. 8°. Valencia, M. Alufre, 1877. Suau {Jean) [1528-1603]. Pueoh (A.) Un 6pidemiographe nimois h la fin du xvie siecle: Jean Suau, docteur de^l'ancienne University en medecine de Montpellier. (Etude biographique et bibliographique.) N. Montpel. med. Suppl., 1893, ii, 410-420. Suavius (Leo). See Paracelsus (Theophrastus). Theophrasti Para- celsi philosophise et medicinse utriusque universae, com- pendium [etc.]. 24°. Basilex, 1568. Subbolin (Innokentiy [Mikhaglovich]) [1855- ]. *K voprosu o kolichestvennom opre- dlelenii uglekisloti v vozdukhle. [Quantitative analysis of carbonic acid in the atmosphere.] 48 pp., 11., 2 pi. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1892. Also, in: J. Russk. Obsh. ochran. narod. zdrav., St. Pe- tersb., 1892, ii. Subbotin (M[aksim] S[emyonovich]) [1848- ]. Povrezhdeniya voobshtshe; povrezhde- niya travmaticheskiya, khimicheskiya, termi- cheskiya i elektricheskiya. [Injuries in gen- eral; traumatic, chemical, thermic, and electric injuries.] 38 pp. 8°. S.-Pelerbura, V. S. Ettinger, 1909. Forms pt. 1 of: Russkaya khirurgiya. See, also, l,mperatorskaya Voyenno-Meditslnskaya Akademiya. Otchet o dleyatelnosti zavleduyemoi M. S. Subbotinim [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1891-2. Subbotin (Viktor Andreyevich) [1844- 98]. [In memoriam.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1898, xix, 1151.— Orloft' (V. D.) [In memoriam.] Univ. Izvlest., Kiev, 1899, xxxix [Protok. Fiz.-med. Obsh., 1897-8, 246-259].— S. [In memoriam.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1898, 1, 623. VOL xvii, 2d series----1 1 srBCAIX. 2 SUBLAMIN. Subcain. I.inke. Subcain. Therap. Xeuheiten, Leipz., 1908, iii. ;-;nl-;:04. Subclavicular region {Tumors of). Wcllciidorir. Un cas de tumeur de la region sous- clavii uhure gauche. Policlin., Brux., 1910, xix, 9. Subconsciousness. Schofield (A. T.) The unconscious mind. 8°. New York, 1907. SfRBLED (G.) Les sous-moi. 12°. Paris, [1907]. Waldstein (L.) The subconscious self and its relation to education and health. 8°. Neiv York, 185*8. "Wettstein ( H. ) The teleo-mechanics of nature, or the source, nature, and functions of the subconscious (biologic) minds. 8°. Fitz- gerald, Ga., 1911. Del Greco (F.) L' io subliminale del Myers e la psi- cologia contemporanea. Manicomio, Nocera, 1906, xxii, 149-162.—Dessoir(M.) Das Unterbewusstsein. Ztschr. f. Psychoth. u. med. Psychol., Stuttg., 1909, i, 193-212 — Doaii (F. C.) Humanism and absolute subconscious- ness. J. Philos. Psychol, [etc.], Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1907, iv, 176-1*3.— Durand (J.-P.) Psychologie et mo- rale de la subconscience. Com:, internat. de neurol., de psychiat. [etc] lsi.»7, Bnix., 1M»\ i, fasc. 2, 199-201. Re- sum^, fasc. 3. 70.— tioodliartiS. P.) Some observations on subconscious phenomena. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii. 49S-502.—Hart (B.) The conception of the subconscious. .(. Abnorm. Psychol., Bost., 1909-10, iv, 351-371. —Janet (P.) Le subconscient. Scientia. Riv. di scienza. Organo [etc.], Bologna, 1910, vii, 64-79.— Jastrow (J.) On the trail of the subconscious. Har- vey Lect. 1907-8, Phila. & l.oml., 1909, 155-186. Also: In- ternat. Clin., Phila., 190», 18 s., iii. 189-218.—Pierce (A. H.) An appeal from the prevailing doctrine of a de- tached subconsciousness. In: stud, in Philos. <&Psvchol., 8°, Bost. & N. Y., 1906, 315-S49.—Symposium (A) on the subconscious. J. Abnorm. Psychol., Bost., 1907, ii, 22; 58.—Williams (T. A.) The subconsciousness. Month. Cycl. & M. Bull., Phila., 1911, iv, 35. Subcutaneous nodules. Cantlie (J.) Evanescent subcutaneous nodules ac- companied by an eruptive fever in a patient from south- ern India. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1904, vii, 264. Subcutaneous tissue. Sterzi (G.) II tessuto sottocutaneo (tela subcutanea). Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol., Firenze, 1910, ix, 1-172, 6 pi. Subcutaneous tissue {Diseases of). Maille (J.-B.-J.) *Du tubercule sous-cutane" douloureux (pathogenie des douleurs). 8°. Bordeaux, 1897. Bordoni (E. F.) Su un caso di ascessi multipli del tessuto connettivo sottocutaneo. Corriere san., Milano, 1907, xviii, 263.—Kraus (A.) Beitrage zur Histologic und Klinik der Erkrankungen des Unterhautfettgewebes. Ztschr.f. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz., 1906, xxvii, 243-297.------. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die entzundliche Atrophie des subkutanen Fettgewebes. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1904, lxxii, 407-420.—Lesseliers (E.) A propos d'un cas de concretionscalcaires sous-cutan^es. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1908, lxxv, 7-22. [Rap.], 23.— Oliveira Feijao. Sur une maladie du tissu cellulaire sous-cutane. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906, xv, sect.9,436-442. Also.transl. [Abstr.]: Berl.klin.Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 764.—Tliomas ^T. T.) Multiple sarcomata of the sub-cutaneous tissue, without evidence of a preceding primary growth. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxx, 385- 387. Subcutaneous tissue (Parasites of). See Dracunculus; Filaria; Insects; My- iasis; Nematoda; Rhabditis. Subcutine. Foxtax (G.) *Les dangers de l'injection pous-cutanee de cocaine et l'inocuite d'un anal- gesiquenouveau: la subcutine. 8°. Lyon, 1904. Frigoff (Z.) * Action de la subcutine sur la vitalite du tissu thyroi'dien transplanted 8°. Geneve, 1905. Subcutine. Pachaxtoxi (D.) * Etude pharmacodyna- mique sur la subcutine. 8°. Geneve, 1904. Keeker. Ueber eine neue Verbindung des Anasthe- sins (Ut. Ritsert) zur subkutanen Injektion Subcutin (Dr. Kitserfi. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 857- 859— Cristiani (H.) & Frigoff {Mile. S.) Alteration des greffes tin roidiennes par l'emploi de la subcutine comine anestliesique local. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii. 6S9-691.—Desesquelle (E.) Subcutine. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1904, ix, 104-106.—Floer. Erfahrungen iiber Subcutin (Anfesthesin solubile). Aerztl. Rundschau, Miinchen, 1908, xviii, 234.—Georges. Subcutine. Arch.internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1904, xvii, 184.—Klein (J.) La subcutine. Schweiz. Vrtlj- schr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1904, xiv, 326-331.— Subcutin. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1903, xvii, 541. Subdiaphragmatic space. von Kenvers. Das Hypophrenium und seine chi- rurgische Bedeutung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xcv, 209-218.—White (H. O.) Anatomy of the sub- phrenic space, with exhibition of anatomical specimens. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1907, xii, 268-270. Suberbielle (Henry-Marie-Alexandre) [1881- ]. * Contribution a 1'etude de la eyndacty- lie. 56 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907, No. 40. Subercaze (Andre-Marcel). * Contribution a l'etude du traitement des fractures anciennes de la rotule. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, 1896, No. 23. Suberine. See Cork. Suberites and suberitine. €otte (J.) Note sur les diastases du Suberites domun- cula (spongiaires). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1901, liii, 95-97. ------. Observations sur les gemmules de Su- berites domuncula. Ibid., 1902, liv, 1493-1495.—Lassa- bllere (P.) Influence des injections intraveineuses de suberitine sur la resistance globulaire. Ibid., 1906, Ixi, 600.—Ricliet (C.) De Paction toxique de la suberitine (extrait aqueux de Suberites domuncula). Ibid., 598- 600. ------. De la variability de la dose toxique de sube- ritine. Ibid., 686-688. Subert (Frederic-Ernest). *Dumelano-sarcome primitif de la peau. 70 pp. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 480. Subert (Jules) [1873- ]. * De la pathogenie des gangrenes typhiques. 79 pp. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 284. Subert (Maurice). * Des etats elephantiasiques congenitaux. 96 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 484. Subeston. Linke. Eston, Formeston und Subeston. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1907, ii, 359-366. Subgluteal triangle. Ouiteras (R.) The subgluteal triangle and its sur- gical importance. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxii, 311-319. Subhyoid region. Chaine (J.) Sur la constitution dela region sus-hyo'i- dienne chez les vertebres en general. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 428-130. — Letnlle (M.) Tumeur mixte (embryome) de la region sus-hyo'idienne. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1909, lxxxiv, 456. Subine. (.allots (C.) Sur l'examen microscopique de la poudre de subine. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1910,7. s.. ii, 435-437. Subjeet-matter index of patents for inventions issued by the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive. Compiled and pub- lished under the direction of M. D. Leggett, Commissioner of Patents. In 3 v. 4°. Wash- ington, 1874. Sublamin. Sheffer (P. A.) *K voprosu o dezinfetsi- ruyushtshikh svoMvakh sublamina po sravne- niyu s sulyomol i' o primlenenii yevo v glaznol SUBLAMIX. 3 SUBMAXILLARY. Sublamin. praktikle. [Disinfecting properties of sublamin as compared with sublimate, and its application in eye practice.] 8°. S.-Peterbtirg, 1909. Alexander (O.) Ueber die Verwendbarkeit des Sublamins bei Ohrerkrankungen. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1905, xxxix, 244.—Bluniberg (M.) Experimen- telle Untersuchungen iiber CJuccksilbersethylendiamin in fester Form als Desinfectionsmittel fiir Hiinde und Haut. Arch, f.klin. Chir.,Berl., 1901,lxiv,746-755. Also, trans!.: Therapist, Lond., 1902, xii, 41-44. -----. Unter- suchungen iiber die Wirkung des Sublamins (Queck- silbersulfataethylendiamin) als Desinfektionsmittel. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 1534-1537.—van den Brink. (J. A.) Over sublamine, een nieuw desin- fectiemiddel. Tijdschr. v. prakt. verlosk., Haarlem, 1902-3, vi, 262.—Burnet (J.) Some observations on the use of sublamin as an antiseptic. Therapist, Lond., 1903, xiii, 83-85. -----. The value of ethylenediamine-mercu- ric sulphate (sublamin) in obstetric and gynaecological practice. Ibid., 145-14S.—Imre (J.) Das Sublamin als Desinfektionsmittel der Konjnnktiva. Heilkunde, Berl., 1903, 390-392.—Klingmttlier (V.) & Veiel (V.) Sub- lamin als Fixierungsmittel. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1903, xiv, 842-844.—Krttnlg (B.) Sub- lamin als Hande-Desinfiziens; eine Entgeguung auf den Artikel von Schaffer: Weitere Beitrage zur Hiindedesin- fektion. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvniik., Berl., 1904, xx, 62-76.—moir (J.) Sublamin as a disinfectant. The- rapist, Lond., 1902, xii, 61-64.—Balme. Einiges iiber Sublamin. Deutsche tieriirztliche Wchnschr., Hannov., 1905, xiii, 679.—ScUaetter (R.) In Sachen Alkohol wider Sublamin. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1905, xxi, 186-202.—Scordo (F.) Vergleichende Untersuchungen fiber die Eigenschaften des Sublimats und Sublamins. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xliv, Orig., 2^1-2*8.—Tliesing (E.) Einige Hiinde-Desinfektionsversuche mit Sublamin-Acetonlo- sungen. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Berl., 1904,1,267-273. Sublamin {Toxicology of). Schuptax (A.) * Ueber Sublamin und des- een toxischer Wirkung im Vergleich zu der des Sublimats. 8°. Berlin, 1902. Costantini (G.) L' azione della sublamina sul rene; contributo alio studio delle alterazioni renali nell' intos- sicazione mercuriale. Path. riv. quindicin., Genova, 1908- 9, i, 347-351. Sublimation. Scheffer (F. E. C.) Dynamische Sublimationsver- suche. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1910, lxxii, 451- 467. Subliminal. See Subconsciousness. Sublingual cysts. zieprirabotie. [Equilibrium of ni- trogen in sublingual gland during activity.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1890, xi, 153; 210; 231.—Bebou I. Hemorrhagic mortelle consecutive a la section dufrein sublingual chez un enfant de naissance. Lyon med., 1897, lxxxvi, 86. Sublingual gland (Diseases of). Altemaire. Un cas de sublinguite primitive (contri- bution a la pathologie de la glande sublingual). Arch. de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1893, xxii, 46-1M.—Itia- (jiirliaye (J.) & Sabrazes (J.) Hypertrophic conge- nit a 1 <■ et progressive des deux glandes sublinguales chez un enfantnouveau-ne. Rev.mens. d. mal.del'enf.,Par.. 1897, xv, 429-435. Also [Rap. de Broca]: Bull, et mem. Soc. de Sublingual gland (Diseases of). chir. de Par., 1897, n.'s., xxiii, 567.—Freitag. Ueber einen Fall von Endotheliom der Glandula sublingualis. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1897-8, 36-40.— Henderson (A.H.) Inflammation of the sublingual glands. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896, 1, 387— Pavloff (A. N.) Sluchal zlokaehestvennavo novoobrazovaniya podya- zichnol zhelyozi. [Malignant tumor of the sublingual gland.l Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1909, xvi, 1498.—Prozo- rotl'(N. V.) K kazu'istikle slyunnikh kamnel i tsirroza vpodchelyustnoizhelyozleloshadi. [Salivary calculi and cirrhosis of the sublingual gland of the horse.] Uchen. zapiski Kazan. Vet. Inst., 1908, xxv, 209-214,1 pi. Submaxillary ducts. See, Wharton's duct. Submaxillary ganglion. t'utore (G.) Di un'ramo faringeo del ganglio sotto- mascellare dell' uomo; nota preventiva. Riv. ital. di neuropat. [etc.], Catania, 1910-11, iii, 354. -----. Di un ramo faringeo del ganglio sottomascellare dell' uomo. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1910, xxi, 163-267. Submaxillary glands. See, also, Sublingual gland. Tfmstein (J. J.) * Ueber die TJnterkiefer- driisen einiger Sauger. I. Anatomischer Theil. 8°. Marburg, 1891. Bain bridge (F. A.) Observations on the lymph flow from the submaxillary gland of the dog. J. Physiol., Lond., 1900-1901, xxvi, 79-91. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Phy- siol. Soc, Lond., 1899-1900, xxv, p. xvi.—Barcrolt (J.) The gaseous metabolism of the submaxillary gland. J. Physiol., Lond., 1899-1900, xxv, 265; 479. -----. The gaseous metabolism of the submaxillary gland. Pt. III. The effect of chorda activity on the respiration of the gland. Ibid., 1901-2, xxvii, 31-47. -----. The velocity and nature of the blood emerging from the submaxillary gland of the cat during stimulation of the cervical sym- pathetic nerve. Proc. Physiol. Soc, Lond., 1906-7, p. xxix. -----. The mechanism of vasodilation in the cat's sub- maxillary gland. Ibid., 1907-8, p. liii.—Berkley (H. J.) The intrinsic nerves of the submaxillary gland of Mus musculus. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait., 1894, iv, 275- 280,1 pi.—Bruno (P.) Mancanza assolutadella ghian- dola sottomascellare destra nell' uomo. Atti cL xi. Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, ii, anat., 62.—Buncli (J. L.) On the changes in volume of the sub-maxillary gland during activity. J. Physiol., Lond., 1900-1901, xxvi, 1-29. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 842-844.—Bur- ton-Opitz (R.) A method to demonstrate the changes in the vascularity of the submaxillary gland on stimula- tion of the secretory nerves. J. Physiol., Lond., 1903, xxx, 132-142. Also, Reprint.—Carlson (A. J.) Vaso- dilator fibres to the submaxillary gland in the cervical sympathetic of the cat. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1907-8, xix, 408-416.—Carlson (A. J.), Greer (J. R.) &Becht (F. C.) The relation between the blood supply to the sub- maxillary gland and the character of the chorda and the sympathetic saliva in the dog and the cat. Ibid., xx, 180- 205.—Colioe (B. A.) The finer structure of the glandula submaxillaris of the rabbit. Am. J. Anat., Bait., 1907, vi, 167-190.—Dantcliakoff (.ilfrae.) Les cellules plasmati- ques dans la glande sous-maxillaire du lapin. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Nancy, 1905, vii, 100-104.— Flint (J. M.) The ducts of the human submaxillary gland. Am. J. Anat., Bait., 1901-2, i, 269-295. -----. The development of the reticulated basement membranes in the submaxillary gland. Ibid., 1902-3, ii, 1-11. -----. The angiology, angiogenesis, and organogenesis of the submaxillary gland. Ibid., 417-444. -----. The blood vessels of the submaxillary gland and their development. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1902, vii, 464- 473, 1 pi. -----. The connective tissue of the salivary glands and pancreas with its development in the glandula submaxillaris. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait., 1904, xii,1-52,3pl. -Frenkel(M.) Sur quelques elements ob- serves dans la glande s. irmxillaire, exciteepar uncourant electriqiie. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1892-3, viii, 577.—Hen- derson (V. E.) &Lioe\vi (O.) Ueber den Einfluss von Pilocarpiri und Atropin auf die Durchblutung derUnter- kieferspeiehelrtriise; ein Beitrag zur Frage nach den Beziehungen zwischen Organtiltigkeit und Organdurch- blutung. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1905, liii, 62-75.—Henderson (Y.) Metabolism in the submaxillary gland during rest and activitv. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1899-1900, iii, 19-25.—Henri (V.) & Tlalloizel (L.) Secretion de la glande sous-maxillaire apres la resection du ganglion cervical superieur du sympathique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902,11. s., iv, 760.-----------. Variation del'activit6diastasiquede lasalive sous-maxillaire en rapport avec la nature de l'ex- citant. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par., 1902,11. s.,iv, 331- SUBMAXILLARY. 4 SUBMAXILLARY. Submaxillary glands. 333.—Hutchinson* I.) Dislocation of the submaxillary Kland. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1897, n. s., lxiv, 154 — llliiii; (G.) Vergleichende makroskopische und mi- kroskopische Untersuclnmgen fiber die submaxillaren Speicheldriisender Haussiiugetiere. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1904, xxvi, 387-526, 4 pi.—Lelas (E.) De la presence d'amas lymphoides latents dans la glande sous-maxillaire de l'homme adulte. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1899,ll.s.,i,903.—Loewentlial(N.) Historisch-kritische Xotiz fiber die Gl. submaxillaris. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1894-5, x, 340-348. -----. Note sur la glande sous-maxil- laire du herisson. Bibliog. anat., Par. & Nancy, 1907, xvi, 167-171.—Malloizel. Etude des conditions de la secretion salivaire de la glande sous-maxillaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 329-331. -----. La salive psychique de la glande sous-maxillaire peut etre liquide ou visijueuse suivant l'excitant. Ibid., 761. -----. Sur la secretion salivaire de la glande sous- maxillaire du chien. J. de physiol. etde path, gen., Par., . 1902, iv, 641-655. -----. Secretion sous-maxillaire chez le chien a fistule permanente apres la section des nerfs gus- tatifs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 1022- 1026.—McLean (F. C.) Further evidence of the presence of vaso-dilator fibres to the submaxillary gland in the cervical sympathetic of the cat. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1908, xxii, 279-283.—Ottolenghi (D.) Recherches experimentales sur la transplantation de la glande sali- vaire sous-maxillaire. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1903, xxxix, 18-28.—Pilliet (A.) Recherches sur la glande sous-maxillaire des vieillards. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 305-307.—Begaud (C.) ration from). Langcu-th (G. A.) [Pr.] de curatione rerens ]>r;efocatorum magis imperando quam impe- dienda. s-m, 4°. Wittenbergse, 1748. Latiorrie iJ.-V.) &Billot(C.) Application du pro- cede de traction de la langue ou precede de la langue au traitement de l'asphvxie par les gaz des euouts; deux succes. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1892, xxviii, 718-723. Also: Nice-med., 1892-3, xvii, 21-26. de Suffren [ -17SS,. «'. i A ) Comment est mortle Bailli de Suffren? Chron. med., Par., 1905, xii, 70-75. Sugar. See, also, Diabetes (Chemistry of); Glucose; Malt; Saccharometer; Sucramine; Sucrose. Amveisixu zur Spectro-Colorimetrie der Zuckersufte nach Professor von Vierordt's Methode. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Birnie (G.) De voedingswaarde van riet- suiker. 8°. Amsterdam, 1893. Chapelle (P.) * Etude du pouvoir red ucteur de quelques sucres, nouvelle methode de dosage pondereal de ces composes. 8°. Paris, 1899. Chernavkin (I. G.) *Kvoprosu o vliyanii trostnikovavo sakhara na usvoyeniye zhirov pishtshi; kozhno-lyokhochniya poteri, obmien vodi i vies tlela u zdorovikh lyudel. _ [On the influence of cane sugar upon the assimilation of fat from food, loss by skin and lungs, metabo- lism of water, and weight of the body, in healthy men.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Dilg (P.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Rang' - sche Zuckertitrationsmethode und Vergleich derselben mit einigen alteren Titrationsanaly- sen. 8°. Heidelberg, 1909. Gebhardt ([J.] P.) *Die Produktionsbe- dingungen und wirtschaftlichen Verhiiltnisse der suddeutschen Zuckerindustrie. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Zittau, 1904. Gorini (C.) Dei metodi Kjeldahl per la de- terminazione dell' azoto e dello zucchero. Re- lazione a P. E. il Ministro di agricoltura [etc.]. 8°. Modena, 1896. Cuttiiuifrom: Le stazioni sperimentali agrarie italiane, 1896, xxix. Lapixsky (Johanna). *Die Beeinflussung der Zersetzung des Zuckers durch die Hel'e mittelst des Solenoids. 8°. Z'urieh-Selnaa, 1910. Lehmaxn (H.) * Beitrag zur Frage der Zuckerbildung aus Eiweiss. 8°. Halle a. S., 1902. Mvxler (G.) *Zur quantitativen Beeinflus- sung der Zuckerausscheidung nach Verfutterung verschiedener Eiweissstoffe resp. Kohlehydrate. 8°. Erlangen, 1906. Rigby (E.) Chemical observations on sugar. 8°. London, 1788. Pcherpe (R.) * Ueber die Einwirkung von anorganischen Salzen auf das optische Drehungs- vermogen des Invertzuckers. 8°. Berlin, [1891]. Stoltixg (G.) *Ueber den Wert verschie- dener Zuckerarten als Bestandteil von Nahrklys- tieren. 8°. Halle a. S., 1904. Talon (Mile. A.) *Sur la formation des £thers-oxydee des glucoses et les causes d'er- reurs qui peuvent en resulter dans la recherche qualitative et dans le dosage des sucres. S°. Paris, 1906. Tsirkvxenko (V. K.) *K voprosu o vliyanii trostnikovavo sakhara na usvoyeniye i obmien azota u zdorovikh lyudei. [On the influence of cane sugar upon the assimilation and meta- bolism of nitrogen in healthy men.] 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1895. Sugar. United States. Department of Agriculture. Division of Chemistry. Bulletin No. 26. Record of experiments in the production of sugar from sorghum in 1889 at Cedar Falls, Iowa; _ Rio Grande, New Jersey; Mqrrisville, Virginia; Kenner, Louisiana; College Station, Maryland; aud Conway Springs, Attica, Medicine Lodge, Ness City, Liberal, Arkalon, Meade, Minneola, and Sterling, Kansas. By H. W. Wiley. 8°. Washington, 1890. ------. Bulletin No. 34. Record of experi- ments with sorghum in 1891 by Harvey W. Wiley. With the collaboration of G. L. Spencer, A. A. Denton and Wibray J. Thompson. 8°. Washington, 1892. Wiley (H. \V.) Record of experiments with sorghum in 1890. 8°. Washington, 1891. ------. The same. In 1892. With the col- laboration of A. A. Denton, G. O'Brien, [et al.]. 8°. Washington, 1893. Winter (H.) * Untersuchungen iiber das Zuckerrohr. 8°. Halle a. S., 1891. Wolff (P.) *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der in Coniferenhonig vorkommenden Dextrine. 8°. Miinchen, 1904. Zucker (Der) beurteilt von iirztlichen Auto- ritiiten wie von Bunge, Grassnick, von Levden, u. a. 16°. Berlin, 1901. Albertoni. Assorbimento degli zuccheri in rap- porto colla tensione osmotica. Arch. ital. de biol., Tu- rin, 1901-2, xxxvi, 150.—Alonso Cuadrado (G.) In- forme acerca de los trabajos presentados por el Sr. J. Resines relativos a la depuraci6n de los jugos de la cana. An. Acad, de cien. med. de la Habana, 1910-11, xlvii, 406- 416.—Anderssen (J.) Zur Kenntniss der Verbreitung des Rohrzuckers in den Pflanzen. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1900, xxix, 423-42*.—Andrews (C. W.) The influence of temperature on the specific rotation of cane sugar. Technol. Qnart., Bost.. 1888-9, ii. 367-371. -----. Notes on the determination of sugar by the po- lariscope. Ibid., 372-378.—Benedlet (S. R.) Amethod for the estimation of reducing sugars. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1911, ix, 57-59— Bertrand (G.) Sur un nouveau sucre des baies de sorbier. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1904, x, 317-319. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, cxxxix, 802-805. -----. Le dosage des sucres reducteurs. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1907, xiv, 7- 18. —Bierry ( H.) & Giaja (J.) Sur le dedouble- ment diastasique du lactose, du maltose et de leurs derives. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 653.— Bierry (H.), Henri (V.) & Banc (A.) Sur la re- cherche de petites quantites de sucre interverti. Ibid., 1911, lxx, 877.----------------. Recherches sur l'hy- drolyse du saccharose par les rayons ultra-violets. J. de physiol. et de path, gen., Par., 1911, xiii, 700-708.— Klumentlial (F.) Sur la formation du sucre de l'albumine de l'ceuf. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1899, cxxviii, 117-120.—Borcliardt (L.) Studien iiber die Beziehungen der Fettsiiurereihe zur Zucker- und Azetonkorperbildung. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Physiol, u. Path. d. Stoffwechs., Berl. u. Wien, 1906, n. F'., i, 641- 648. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1906, Leipz., 1907, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 63-67.— Bourquelot (E.) Recherche, dans les vegetaux, du sucre de canne, a 1'aide de l'invertine, et des glucosides a l'aide de l'emulsine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1901,11. s., iii, 909-912. -----. Le sucre de canne dans les vegetaux. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1903, 6. s., xviii. 241-248. -----. GiMieralitessur les ferments solubles qui determinent l'hydrolyse des polvsaccharides. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, cxxxvi, 762-764.-----. Sur la composition de deux sucres bruts vendus sur les marches de l'lnde. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1904, lvii, 197. Also: J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1904, 6. s., xx, 193. -----. Ueber den Nachweis des Rohrzuckers in den Pflanzen mit Hilfe von Invertin. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1907, ccxlv, 164-172.—Bourquelot (E.) & Brldel (M.) Action de l'invertine sur les polysaccharides de- rives du levulose; application a l'etude du poids molecu- laire du verbascose. J. de pharm. etchim., Par., 1911, 7. s., iii, 569-574.—BraumUller (J.) Ueber toxische ZuckerwirkungnachEiweisserniihrung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii,2571.—Bremer (H.) Berichtuber die neueren Forsehungen inder An;ilysiderZuckerarten. Forsch.-Ber. vi. Lcbensmittel, Miinchen, 1897, iv, 105-^ 116.—Browne (C.A.).jr. The hydrolvtic products of sugar-cane fiber. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Laston, Pa., 1904 SUGAR. 13 SUGAR. Sugar. xxvi. 1221-1235,1 pi.—Bruno (A.) Soprailmeccanismo del rapporto di utilizzazione degli zuceheri. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1905, xliv, 766-779.—Bueliner (E.) La fermentation alcoolique du sucre. Rev. gen. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1910, xxi, 502-511— Caldwell (R.J.) Hvdrolysis of cane sugar by d- and /- camphor- 0-sulpho- ni'cacid. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1904-5, lxxiv, 184-187. -----. The hvdrolysis of sugars. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1906, Lond'., 1907, 207-292.— Chavawsieu & Morel. Lem^tadinitrobenzenecomme reaetif des sucres. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par.,1906, lxi, 5S2.—rhevaller (A.) Unenouvelle plante a sucre de l'Afrique franeaise cen- trale. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d.sc C.-r. 1900, Par., 1901, xxix, pt. 2, 642-656.— Cirkunenko ^Yv.) & Tschernawkln (J.) Zur Frage nach dem Einflusse des Rohrzuckers auf die Assimilation des Stickstoffes, des Fettes und auf den Stoffwechsel bei gesunden Menschen. Wien. med. Bl., 1894, xvii, 735.—t'lenim (W.N.) Die Bedeutung verseliiedener Zucker im Haushalte des ge- sunden und des kranken Korpers. Med. Woche, Berl., 1902, 392; 403— Clerget. Reponse aux dernieres obser- vations de M. Payen sur les differents procedt.'s sacchari- metriqucs. Compt. rend. Acad, d.sc, Par., 1851, xxxii, 646.—Couvee (H.) lets over suikeruitscheiding. Med. Rev., Haarlem, 1909, ix, 161-174.—Cowley (L. M.) Con- dimentosazucarados; glucosa; levulosa;sacarina. Kev.de med. ycirug. dela Habana, 1906, xi, 425—129.—Danjou(E.) Anwendung der biochemischen Methode zur Auffindung und Bestimmung des Rohrzuckers und der Glykoside in den Pflanzen der Familie der Caprifoliaceen. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1907, ccxlv, 200-210.—Del'ren (G.) The determination of reducing sugars in terms of cupric oxide. Technol.Quart.,Bost., 1897,x, 167-182.—Dubourg (E.) Recherches sur le sucre neutre des sucres bruts de canne. Ann. del'Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1910, xxiv, 467^75.— Fermi (C.) La saccariflcazione dell' amido. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1901, xxiii, 63-57.—Fernbacli (A.) & Wolff (J.) Sur la transformation presque in- tegrale en maltose des dextrines provenant de la saccha- ritication de l'amidon. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxlii, 1216-121S—Ferris (S. J.) & Lusk (G.) The gastric inversion of cane sugar by hvdrochloric acid. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1898, i, 277-281. Also [Abstr.]: Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1897, Lond., 1898, lxvii, 821 — Fleig (C.) Sur les serums artificiels achlorur^s diure- tiques realises par les solutions isotoniques ou para-iso- toniques de sucres (glucose, lactose, saccharose, mannite). Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1909, clviii, 48-56.— Folmer(H.C) Kalkdextroseenkalklaevulose. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1908-9, xv, 390.—Ford (J. S.) Note on the estimation of sugars and starch in vegetable sub- stances. Analyst, Lond., 1904, xxix, 277-279.—Frank (E.) & Isaac (S.) Die Bedeutung des Adrenalis und des Cholins fiir die Erforschung des Zuckerstoff- wechsels. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1909, vii, 326-338.—Gatin (C.-L.) Isomerisation du mannose en glucose sous Faction d'un ferment soluble. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 903.— Gatterbauer (J.) Zur Kenntnis des sogenannten Gallisins im tech- nischen Starkezucker. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nah- rungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1911, xxii, 265-290.—Glaja (J.) Sur l'isolement d'un sucre biose derivant de l'amyg- daline. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1910, cl, 793-796.— Gillot (H.) Une contribution a l'etude des propri^tes des melanges; le point de fusion de quelques melanges de sucres. Acad. roy. de Belg. Bull, de la cl. d. sc, Brux., 1904,834-854, 2 ch.—Grimaldl (S.) Sopra 1'inver- sione dello zucchero per azione degli acidi minerali, e sopra una sua applicazione per la ricerca dell' acido solforico libero. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1903, 4. s., xv, 391-394.—Guezda (J.) Reactionscolorees des corps indoliques avec les sucres. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1909, cxlviii, 485-487.— Halplien (G.) Con- tribution a l'analvse des matieres suerees. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1900, 6. s., xii, 12-14— Hanus (J.) & Blen (F.) Zur Kenntnis der Zuckerarten der Gewtirze. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1906, xii, 395-407.—Harlay (M.) Le sucre de canne dans quelques racines officinales. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1905, 6. s., xxi, 49-55.—Harries (C.) & Langheld (K.) Ueber das Verhalten der Eiweiss- spaltprodukte und einiger Zuckerarten gegen Ozon. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Strassb., 1907,li,373-383.—Has- selbach (K. A.) & Lindhard (J.) Bestimmung des Zuckers durch Reduktion von Safranin. Erwiderung an Neumann Wender. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xxix, 416.—Henri (V.) Influence de la concentration de saccharose sur la Vitesse d'inversion par la sucrase. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 610.— Herzog (R. 0.) Zur Bestimmung von Mannose, Arabi- nose, Xylose und hydrolysiertem Milchzucker. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1909, lx, 152-154.—HScken- dorf (P.) Ueber den Einfluss einiger Alkohole, Oxy- und Aminosauren der aliphatischen Reihe auf die Zucker- und Stickstoffausscheidung beim Phlorizindia- betes des Hundes. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1909, xxiii, 281-303.—Hudson (C. S.) The stereochemical conflgu- Sugar. rations of the sugars fucose and rhodeose. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1911, xxxiii, 406-410.—Hugouneng (L.) & ltlord (A.) Formation des sucres aux depensdes albumines. Arch. d. mal. de l'appar. digest, [etc], Par., 1909, iii, 701-714.—Jolles (A.) Zur Kenntnis des Zerfalls der Zuckerarten. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xxix, 152-201. -----. Einwirkung von Ammoniak und von Natriumcarbonat auf verschiedene Zuckerarten in ver- diinnter wiisseriger Losung. Ibid., 1911, xxxii, 97-100.— Jungius (C. L.) Ueber die Umlagerung zwischen einigen isomeren Glukosederivaten und die Mutarotation der Zuckerarten. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1905, Hi, 97-108—Kassner (G.) Neue Versuche zur Zucker- abscheidung mit Hilie von Gips. Ber. d. deutsch. pharm. Gesellsch., Berl., 1907, xvii, 243-250.— Kickton (A.) Versuche iiber die gewichtsanalytische Bestimmung des Zuckers in entfiirbten und nicht entfarbten Losungen und Nachpriifung der Formeln zur Berechnung von Fruktose und Glykose in den Vereinbarungen Hft. 1, S. 13. Zstchr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl.. 1906, xi. 65-72.—Kiss (J.) Ueber die Ausfiihrung der Zuckergarungsprobe in ihren einfachsten Formen. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1905, xii, 798-802.— Kjeldalil (J.) Unders0gelser over sukkerdannende Fermenter. [Recherches sur les ferments producteurs de sucre. Res., 109. ] Medd. f. Carlsberg Lab.,Kj^benh., 1879, i, 107-121.—Kobner (H.) Ueber die Veranderungen des Rohrzuckers im Magen-Darmkanal. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1896, n. F., xv, 404-407.—Kostyt- scliew (S.) Ueber den Einfluss vergorener Zucker- losungen auf die Atmung der Weizenkeime, Biochem. Ztschr.. Berl., 1909, xxiii, 137-142. -----. Ueber den Vor- gang der Zuckeroxydation bei der Pflanzenatmung. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1910, lxvii, 116-137.— La Wall (C. H.) Is formaldehyde produced by boiling solutions of cane sugar? Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1909, lxxxi, 394-396. — Lesne (E.) & Bichet (C.) fils. Des effets antitoxiques de l'uree et des sucres. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 590-592.— Leys (A.) Calcul du sucre vrai dans les chocolats. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1902, 6. s., xvi, 471-474.—Ling (A. R.) & Jones (G. C.) The volumetric determination of reducing sugars. Part 2. The limits of accuracy of the method under standard conditions. Analvst, Lond., 1908, xxxiii, 160-167.—Ling (A. R.) & Bendle (T.) The volumetric determination of reducing sugars. Ibid., 1905, xxx, 182-190.—L8b (\V.) Ueber den Auf bau und Abbau des Zuckers in der Natur. Ber. d. deutsch. pharm. Ge- sellsch., Berl., 1907, xvii, 117-135. -----. Zur Kenntnis der Zuckerspaltungen. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1908-10, xii- xxvi.passm.—Lubimenko (W.) Action directe de la lumiere sur la transformation des sucres absorbes par les plantules du Pinus pinea. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxliii, 616-519.—LUtlije (H.) Die Zuckerbil- dung aus Eiweiss. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1904, lxxix, 498-513. -----. Die Zuckerbildung aus Gly- zerin. J6i,v, 56-60.— Grimbtrt (M.-L.) Recherche de petites quantites de maltose en presence du glucose. J.d. pharm. et d. chim Par., 1903, 6. s., xvii, 225-228. Also, trail*/. [Abstr 1 • Cheni' News, Lond.. 1903, lxxxvii,243. — Herstein (B.) Feh- ling's solution; a contribution to the history of chemical SUGAR, 15 SUGAR. Sugar (Adulteration, chemistry, and tests for). reagents. Chem. News, Lond., 1910, cii, 6. — Hetper (J.) Die Zuckerpolarisation in praktischer Anwendung, Ztschr. f. Untersuch, d. Nahrungs- u.Genussmittel, Ben 1910, xi, 633-644. — Home (\V. D.) Dry defecation in optical sugar anal vsis. J.Am. Chem. Soc, Easton,Pa. 1904, xxvi, 186-192.—Horton (H. E. L.) Some notes on the determination of sugars with Fehling's solution J. Analyt. Chem., Easton, Pa., 1890, iv, 370-385. Also, Re- print.— Kabrliel (G.) & Strnad (J.) Pfispevek k poznani kazeni cukrovi. [Contribution to the knowl- edge of the adulteration of sugar.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1890, xxix, 245-218. — Krummacher (O.) & Weinland rE.) Kritik der chemischen Befunde iiber die Zuckerbildung in den Puppen auf Grund kalorime- trischer Bestimmungen. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Berl., 1909, Iii, 273-279.—Lett'mann (H.) Starch sugar (glucose and grape sugar) as a food adulterant. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 318.— Lehiiiann (K. B.) Eine neue einfaehe jodonietrisehe Zuckerbestimmung. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1897, xxx, 267-273.— Lohnstein (T.) Ueber densimetrische Zuckerbestim- mung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr,, 1896, xxxiii, 120-123. -----. Zur densimetrisehen Zuckerbestimmung. Apoth.- Ztg., Berl., 1902, xvii, 664.—Lyons (A. B.) Die Kupfer- untersuchungsmethode fiir Zucker. Ztschr. f. angew. Mikr., Leipz., 1903, ix, 176-178.—Mathews (A. P.) The spontaneous oxidation of the sugars. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1909, vi, 3-20.—Mathews (A. P.) & McGuigan (H.) The oxidation of sugars by cupric acetate-acetic acid mixtures. [Abstr.] Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1906-7, iv, 79— Jliura (K.) Phenylhydracino tsukaite tobutsu tainai no tobuno yubetsuseru siken. [Experimental observations on analysis of different su- gars in the body by phenylhvdrazin.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1893,vii, No. 16,1-6.— Murrell (W.) Jam, marmelade, and glucose. Med. Press&Cire, Lond , 1901, n. s., lxxi, 462-464.—Neuberg (C.) Ueber einige Reaktionen vergorener Zuckerlosungen. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xxiv, 430-434.—Neuberg,(C.) & Sa- neyoshi (S.) Ueberden Nachweiskleiner Mengen von Disacchariden. Ibid., 1911, xxxvi, 44-59. — Peska (Z.) Volumetric determination of sugar by ammonio-cupric solution. Chem. News, Lond., 1895, lxxi, 235. — Piat- kowski (M.) Ueber den Werth der quantitativen Bestimmung kleinerer Zuckermengen (mittels der Feh- ling'schen Fliissigkeit im Vergleichemitanderen Metho- den). Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 26.— Beinbold (B.) Ueber die Molisch-Udransky'schea-Naphtol-Schwe- felsiiure-Reaction. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1904, ciii, 581-617.—Bosin (H.) Eine Verscharfung der Seli- wanopfschenReaktion. Ztschr.f.physiol.Chem..Strassb., 1903, xxxviii, 555. — Schtttz (J.) Weitere Mittheilun- gen iiber das Arao-Saccharimeter. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xxxix, 621.—Steudel (H.) Ueber den Nachweisvon Amidozuckern. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1901, xxxiii, 223.—Taylor (A. E.) On the in- version of cane sugar and maltose by ferments. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1909, v, 405-407.—Tollens (B.) Die wich- tigstenMethoden zum qualitativen Nachweisder Zucker- arten. In: Abderhalden (E.) Handbuch der bioche- mischen Arbeitsmethoden, Berl., 1909, ii, pt. 1, 85-158.— Tolman(L.M.),J*lunson(L.S.)&Bigelow(W. D.) The composition of jellies and jams. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1901, xxiii, 347-353.—von Udranszky (L.) Notiz zur o-Naphtholschwefelsiiurereaktion desTrauben- zuckers. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Strassb., 1910, lxviii, 88-92.—Welker (W. H.) A disturbing factor in Bar- foed's test. Proc Am. Soc. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1908, p. xxxiii.—"Voder (P. A.) Ein polarimetrisc lies Verfah- ren zur Bestimmung der Aepfelsaure und seine Anwen- dung bei Rohr- und Ahornzuekerprodukten. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs-u. Genussmittel, Berl, 1911, xxii, 329-350. Sugar {Grape). HoRXSTErx (F. G.) * Ueber synthetische Versuche mit Traubenzucker und semen Deri- vaten. [Erlangen.] 8°. Elberfeld, [1906]. Milroy (Ina A.) * Ueber den Einfluss inak- tiver Substanzen auf die optische Drehung des Traubenzuckers. 8°. Berlin, 1904. Bickel (A.) Zur Methode der quantitativen Bestim- mung des Traubenzuckers in reinen Losungen und im Blute. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1899, lxxv, 248- 264.—Biedl (A.) & Kraus (R.) Ueber intravenose Traubenzuckerinfusionen an Menschen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, ix, 55-58.—Bunzel (H. H.) The mech- anism of the oxidation of glucose by bromine. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1910, vii, 157-169.—Cremer (M.) Entsteht aus Glyzerin und Fett im Korper des hoheren Thieres Traubenzucker? Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Miinchen (1902), 1903, xviii, 47.—Harley (V.) Ueber den physiologischen Abbau des Trauben- zuckers. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1893, Suppl.-Bd., 46- J Sugar {Grape). 66.— fleilner (E.) Die Wirkung des dem Tierkorper per os und subkutan zugefuhrten Traubenzuckers; mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Frage von der Verdau- ungsarbeit. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Berl., 1906, xlviii, 144-231— Kinoshita (T.) Vergleichende Un- tersuchungen einiger Zuckerbestimmungsmethoden, welche auf dem Reduktionsvermogen des Traubenzu- ckers beruhen. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl.,1908,ix,208-230.— Kocni-s (w.) & Knorr (E.) Ueber einige Derivate des Traubenzuckers. Sit/iungsb. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k.- bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1900, 103-105.— Lew inski (J.) Ueber die Verdeekung des Trauben- zuckers und des Glukosamins durch andere in Losung befindhche Korper. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 12,3-127.—Ulayer (P.) Ueber Zerstorung von Trauben- zucker durch Licht. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1911, xxxii 1-9.—Jflttller (J. W.) & llagen (I.) Druesukkerets Titrenng i Menneskeurin og dyriske Vsedsker over- hovedet. [Estimation of grape sugar in human urine and in animal fluids in general.] Arch. f. Math, og Naturvidensk., Kristiania, 1878, iii, 45-83.----------- Om Druesukkerets Forhold til Kobberoxyd. [Relation of grade sugar to oxyde of copper.] Ibid., 293-322.— Neuberg; (C.) & Strauss (H.) Ueber Vorkommen und Nachweisvon Fruchtzucker in den menschlichen Korpersiiften. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1902, xxxvi, 227-238.—Other (R.) Ueber den Nachweis von Fruchtzucker in menschlichen Korpersiiften. Ibid., 1905, xiv, 359-369.—PflUser (E.) Untersuchungen iiber die quantitative Analyse des Traubenzuckers. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1898, lxix, 399-471.—Biegler (E.) Ein neues Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Traubenzu- ckers. Wien. med. BL, 1895, xviii, 344. .-----. Eine neue empfindliche Reaction zum Nachvveise des Trauben- zuckers wie auch anderer Aldehyde. Ibid., 1900, xxiii 785.—von Scanzoni (F.) Ueber die Resorption des Traubenzuckers im Diinndarm und deren Beeinflussung durch Arzneimittel. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1896, n. F., xv, 462-474.—Slissenguth (L.) Verhalten und Wirkung desdem Tierkorper einverleibten Trauben- zuckers und seine Beziehungen zur Glykogenbildung Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xlvi, 1312-1314.—Umber (F.) Klinische Beobachtungen iiber Ausscheidung und Assimilation von Fruchtzucker. Beitr. z. wissench. Med. u. Chem. Festschr. . . . Ernst Salkowski, Berl., 1904, 375- 384.—Vereshchagin (V. A.) & Nosenko (S. P.) K voprosu o vliyanii vinogradnavo sakhara na zdorovavo chelovleka. [On the influence of grape sugar upon the healthy man.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 1233. Also, transl.: Wien. med. BL, 1894, xvii, 736. Sugar {Manufactories and refineries of). United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. A bill to establish a school in con- nection with the chemical division of the De- partment of Agriculture for instruction in the manufacture of sugar. 52. Cong., 1. sess. No. 2675. Jan. 11, 1892. Introd. by Mr. Funston. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] United States. Department of Agriculture. Division of Chemistry. Bulletin No. 11. Report of experiments in the manufacture of sugar at Magnolia Station, Lawrence, La., season of 1885-6. Second report. By Guilford L. Spencer. 8°. Washington, 1886. ------. Report of experiments in the manu- facture of sugar at Magnolia Station, Lawrence, La., season of 1886-7. Third report. 8°. Washington, 1887. Arbeltersehutz in Zuckerfabriken. Oesterr. San.- Wes., Wien, 1911, xxiii, 495. — Calmette (A.) Plan d'experiences pour l'application du precede biologique a l'epuration des eaux residuaires de sucrerie; resultats actuellement connus. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1901, xxiii, 216- 673; 1084: 1902, xxiv, 736; 1057: 1903, xxv, 233— < oplin (W. M. L.), Sevan (D.) & Soinmer (H.), jr. The effects of heat as manifested in workmen in sugar refin- eries. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 262-267. Also, Re- print.—Do Igopo loft" (N. I.) K voprosu ob usloviyakh truda i zabolievanii rabochikh pesochno-rafinadnikh zavodo v. [On the conditions of labor and disease among the laborers of the sugar refineries.] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v p.unyat Pirogova, Kiev, 1896, vi, no. 12, suppl., 102-108.— <;uarini (E.) L'epuration des jus sucres par l'electricite. Rev. scient., Par., 1904, 5. s i 166-169— llerzf eld & Giinther. Zusammenfassender Bericht iiber die Arbeiten der staatliehen Kommission zur Pruning der Reinigungsverfahren von Zuckerfabri- kabwiissern in der Campagne 1901-2. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl Med.. Berl., 1905, xxx, 343-355.—Borne (W. D.) Chemi- cal control of cane-sugar factories. School Mines Quart N. Y., 1905-6, xxvii, 128-138.— Hueppe (F.) Zur Kennt- SUGAR. 16 SUGAR. Sugar (Manufactories and r< fineries of). nis der Abwiisser von Zuckerfabi iken'. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1899, xxxv, 19-39.— K ryz (F.) Zur Gewerbehygiene in Zuckerfabriken. Ztschr. f. Gewerbe- Hyg. [etc.], Wien, 1909, xvi, 13.-L,ebo«lefF(S. N.) K voprosu o vliyanii sakharo-rafinadnikh zavodov na zdorovye rabochikh. [On the influence of sugar refin- eries upon the health of laborers.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1899, pt. 2, 52; 145.— Nazari (V.) L' estrazione dello zucchero dalle melasse e gli inconvenienti del metodo di Wohl. Arch, di farma- col. sper., Roma, 1908, vii, 460-465.—Pach (H.) Die Hy- giene in der Zuckerfabrikation. Monatschr. f. Gsndhts- pflg., Wien, 1907, xxv, 77-79. Also: Ztschr. f. Gewerbe- Hyg. [etc.], Wien, 1907, xiv, 225-227.—Valenti (A.) Le fabbriche di zucchero. Lavoro, Pavia, 1902, i, 161-163.— Yoder (P. A.) & Taggart (W. G.) Ueber das Vor- kommen von Formaldehyd in Zuckerfabrikserzeugnissen. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1910, xx, 208-214. Sugar (Therapeutic use of). Marquis (E.) * Pouvoir ocytocique du sucre. 8°. Paris, 1904. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1904. Mayard (G.) *Le8 sucres comme diuretiques. 8°. Paris, 1898. Albertonl (P.) Azione degli zuccheri sul cuore. Soc. med.-chir. .di Bologna. Resoc. (1901), 1902, 36.— Arrous (J.) Etude comparative de Paction diuretique des sucres; coefficient diuretique. Compt.rend.Soc.de biol., Par., 1899,11. s.,i, 879. -----. Effets diuretiques com- parts des differents sucres; le coefficient diuretique chez le chien. Ibid., 1907, Ixii, 585-587. -----. Mecanisme de Paction diuretique des sucres. Ibid., 649. -----. Sur Taction diuretique des sucres (en reponse a la note de ce jour de MM. Lamy et Mayer). Ibid., 805. -----. Effets cardio-vasculairesdes injections intra-veineuses de sucres. Ibid., 807.-----. Le lactose diuretique vrai? Ibid., 845- 847.—Barbier. Note sur l'emploi de la glycose chez les athreptiques, dyspeptiques et dans les ententes. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1906, viii, 214-219.—Barthet (G.) &Bierry(H.) Sur la digestion des hexotrioses. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.,1908, lxiv, 651-653.—Boss! (L. M.) Dell' azione eebolica dello zucchero somministrato du- rante il sopraparto. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1893, xv, 781- 786. Also [Absto.]: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1894, xv, 10. Also [Abstr.]: Rassegna med., Bologna, 1894, ii, no. 2, 3. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1894, xxi, 300.— (a bancs. Les panacees d'autrefois; le Sucre. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1899, cxxxvii, 206-218.— ( lcnim (W. N.) Ueber die Bedeutung verschiedener Zucker fiir Physiologie und Therapie. Wien. klin. Rund- schau, 1902, xvi, 597; 615.—Flelg(C) Valeur diuretique comparee du serum artificiel ordinaire et des solutions de sucres isotoniques ou para-isotoniques emplovees comme serums achloruros (glucose et lactose). Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 351-353. -----. Diurese par in- jections intra-veineuses hypertoniques de sucre chez l'homme et chez l'animal (glucose, lactose, mannite). Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1909,clviii, 56-59.—Gar- giulot(G.) Lozuccheroadaltedosinell'inerziauterina delle partorienti. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1908, x, 150-152.— Gumprecht. Experimentelles zur subkutanen Zucker- ernahrung. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Ham- u. Sex - Org., Leipz., Isdh, ix, 286.—Hedon (E.) & Arrous (J.) Des relations constant entre les actions diuretiques et les proprietes osmotiques des sucres. Compt. rend. Acad, d sc, Par., 1899, cxxix, 778-781. — Johansson (J. E) Billstrbm (J.) & Heljl (C.) Die Kohlensiiureabgabe bei Zufuhr verschiedener Zuckerarten. Skandin. Arch f. Physiol., Leipz., 1904, xvi, 263-272.—Keim (G.) Du pouvoir ocytocique du sucre. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1904, ii, 2474-2479. -----. De l'emploi du sucre associe aux agentsmecaniques dans l'accouchement provoque. Rev prat, degynecd'obst. etdepediat.,Par., 1907, ii,214-217— Klaiitsch (A.) Erniihrungsversuche mit Soxhlet's Eisen-Niihrzuckerund Eisennahrzuckerkakao. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1907, xi, 25.—Laboutile. Solutions sucreesisotoniquespourinjectionsmassives. Soc.demed mil. franc., Par., 1909, iii, 176-180.—Lamy (H.) & Mayer (A.) Etude sur le mecanisme de Paction diuretique des sucres. I. Conditions mecaniques circulatoires de cette diurese. J. de physiol. et de path, gen., Par. 1904 vi J™!-1,08-- A!so LAbstr-]: Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par ' 1904 lvii, 219-223.-----------. Effets diuretiques com- pares des differents sucres. Compt. .rend. Soc.de biol Par. 1904, lvii, 226-228.----------. A propos de Paction diuretiquedes sucres. Ibjd., 323-325. Also: Tribune med., Sur le pouvoir Par., 1904, 2. s., xxxvi, 582. diuretique compare des sucres (en reponse a M. Arrous) Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 804- 808 — Laiimonier(J.) Le regime sucre. Rev. de'therap mod.-chir., Par., 1904, lxxi, 325-332.—Masuda (S ) [The influence of cane sugar on stomach secretion.1 I-Cho-bvo Kenkyu Kwai Kwaiho, 1899-1900, 307-313, 3 tab.—.11 or- gan (W. G.) Sugar, as such, in the dietary of dyspep- Sugar (Therapeutic use of). tics. Am. Therapi>t, N. Y., 1899-1900, viii, 215: 237. Also, Reprint. Also, transl: Arch. f. Verdauungskr , Berl., 1902, viii, 152-169.—Wilier (J. W.) Om de eddikesure ogmvresure Kobbersaltse 0mfindtlighed som Reagenser paaDruesukker. [Cupric acetate and formate as tests tor grapesugar.l Arch. f. Math.ogNaturvidensk.,Knstiania, i877,ii,451-4CiS.—Okuyama &Toito (H.) [The use of white sugar in nutriiive enemata.l SaitakeGaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1902, 19-29.—It ced (B.) Note on the place of su- gar in the diet of dyspeptics. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1903, xii, 474-177.—Bo be rlson (W. G. A.) Digestion of sugars in some diseased conditions of the body. Edinb. M. J., 1894-5, xl, 496-507— Snbbatani (L.) Lo zucchero come correttivo dal punto di vista fisico-chimico. Arch. internat. de pharmacod., Brux. et Par., 1909, xix, 165- 193.—Sawyer (Sir J.) Note on the therapeutics of su- gar. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 753.—Tj ill pin (T.) Ue- ber die Temperaturreaktion nach Injektion von Zucker- und Kochsalzlosung. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1908, xv, 193-196.—Underbill (F. P.) & Closson (O. E.) The influence of subcutaneousinjectionsof dextrose upon nitrogenous metabolism. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1906, n. s.,xxiii, 848.—Wolff (A.) Der Wert des Zuckers, besondersdes Malzzuckers fiir die Heilkunde. Heilkunde, Berl.-Leipz., 1903, 253-259. Sugar in the animal organism. See, also, Blood (Sugar in); Carbohydrates; Glucose, etc.; Glycogen, etc.; Liver (Oncoge- nesis in); Liver and secretion of urine; Muscle (Chemistry of); Sugar (Therapeutic use of); Su- gar as food; "Urine (Sugar in). Baer (J.) * Ueber Vorkommen und Ver- halten einiger Zuckerarten im Blut und in pathologischen Flussigkeiten. 8°. Strassbury, 1899. Blumenthal (F.) *Zur Lehre von der As- similationsgrenze der Zuckerarten. 8°. Strass- burg, 1903. Bonnans (E.-J.) ^Contribution a l'etude du pouvoir reducteur des sucres phvsiologiques. 4°. Bordeaux, 1895. Bonnet (H.) Chimie physiologique. Sur la formation physiologique du sucre dans l'econo- mie. 8°. Paris, 1857. Boulud (R.) *Sur le dosage des matieres sucrees contenues dans l'organisme et particu- lierement dans le sang. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Hirschberg (H.) Der Zucker als Nahrungs- und Heilmittel. 8°. Jena, 1889. Minkh (A. [P.]) *0 sudble nlekotorikh heksoz v organizmie zhivotnikh i ob otnoshenii ikh k obrazovaniyu glikogena. [Fate of several hexoses in the animal organism and their rela- tion to the formation of glycogen. 1 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 1900. Seegen (J.) Die Zuckerbildung im Thier- korper und ihre Bedeutung. 2. Aufl. 8°. Ber- lin, 1900. Stutzer (A.) Zucker und Alkohol. Die Eigenschaften von Zucker und Alkohol in physiologischer, sozialer und volkswirtschaft- licher Beziehung. 8°. Berlin, 1902. Abderhalden (E.) & Bona ( P.) Bildung von Zucker aus Fett. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb 1904 xii 303-307.—Albertoni(P.) Sulcontegnoesull'azione degli zuccheri nell' organismo. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d 1st. di Bologna, 1888-1905, 4. s., ix-6. p., ii, passim. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1892,4 s xvi, 6o-84. Also [Abstr.]: Arch, di farm, e terap.. Pa- lermo, 1906, xii, 1-16. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch, ital de biol., Turin, 1893, 266: 1898, xxx, 465: 1901 xxxv i4''»: 1902 xxxviii 1: 1906, xiv, 241. Also, transl. '[Abstr.T! ( entralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1901 xv 457-159 ^---~:± L' in,?u?nz,a ?he gli zuccheri ese'rcita'no sulla densita e sull' alcalinita del sangue. Rendic Accad d sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1897-8, n. s., ii, 221 -_____Sui contegno e sull' azione degli zuccheri' nell' organismo trattando la questione dei rapporti per assorbimento e tensione osmotica. Ibid., 1900-1901, n. g. v 53 —__ Sul contegno e sulP azione degli zuccheri nell' oriranismo tratta delle trasformazioni che gli zuccheri subisconn nell' organismo. Ibid., 1901-2, n. s., vi, 69 —Allard F \ Die Zuckerbildung aus Eiweiss und Fett Ere-phn A wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1910-11, lii,40-52.—A schenlieini (E.) Ueber Zuckerausscheidung im Kindesalter. Ve" SUGAR. 17 SUGAR. Sugar in the animal organism. handl.d. Versamml.d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh.. . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1909, Wiesb., 1910,178-235. Also [Abstr.]: Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1910, xvii, 335-339.— Bauer (R.) Ueber die Assimilation von Galaktose und Milchzucker beim Gesunden und Kranken. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1906, lvi, 20-23.—Bendix (E.) Ueber phy- siologische Zuckerbildung nach Eiweissdarreichung. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1901, xxxii, 479-603. -----. Ueber Zuckerbildung aus Eiweiss. Zentralbl. f. Stoffwechsel-u. Verdauungskr., Gotting., 1905, vi, 1-12.— Bial (M.) Die Zuckerbildung im Thierkorper. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xxxviii, 243-247.—Bierry (H.) & Lalou (S.) Variations du sucre du sang et du liquide cephalo-rachidien. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 253.—Bingel (A.) Ueber Salz- und Zuckerrteber. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1910-11, lxiv, 1-27.—Birnie (G.) Dynamogene invloed van suiker. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1895, 2. R., xxxi, pt. 2, 321-328— Blumenthal (F.) Ueber Zucker ab- spaltende K6rper imOrganismus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 245-248. [Discussion], 921.-----. Ueber den Stand der Frage der Zuckerbildung aus Eiweisskorpern. Deutschemed. Wchnschr., Leipz.u.Berl.,1899,xxv,814; 826. -----. ZurLehrevon derAssimilationsgrenzederZucker- arten. Beitr. z. chem. Phvs. u. Path., Brnschwg., 1904-5, vi,329-341.—Boeri (G.) &Be Andreis (F.) Influenza delsistemanervososulpoteredidistruzionedellozuccnero nell' organismo. Lavori d.Cong, di med.int. 1897,Roma, 1898,337-341.—Bunzel (H. H.) The rate of oxidation of thesugarsinan acidmedium. Proc. Am.Soc. Biol. Chem- ists, Bait., 1908, iv, p. viii.—Oarri&re (G.) Le sucre aii pointde vue phvsiologique etalimentaire. Echo med. d. Cevennes.Ximes, 1903,iv,204; 228:1904,v,33.—Charrin & Brocard. Utilisationdessucres (hexoses) par l'organis- me. Compt.rend.Acad.d.sc,Par.,1902,cxxxiv,48; 188.— Clemm (W.) Die Bedeutung verschiedener Zucker im Haushalte des gesunden und des kranken Korpers. Ver- handl. d. Cong, f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1902, xx, 493-502.— Cremer (M.) Zucker und Zelle. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miin- chen u. Leipz., 1895, n. F., xiv, 49-57. — De Grazia. Sulla produzione e distruzione dello zucchero nell' orga- nismo. Riforma med., Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. 4, 225-680.— Feinschmidt (J.) Ueber das zuckerzerstorende Fer- ment in den Organen. Beitr. z. chem. Phys. u. Path., Brnschwg., 1903, iv, 511-534. — Fleig (C.) Les solutions des sucres isotoniques ou para-isotoniques comme serums artificielsachlorures. II. La diurese solidesousl'influence respective du glucose et du lactose. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 229-231.—Fok (C.) Un metodoper dosare lattosio, galattosio e glicosio nelle loro miscele. Arch, di fisiol., Firenze, 1909-10, viii, 101-110.—Grober (J. A.) Quantitative Zuckerbestimmungenmitdem Ein- tauchrefraktometer. Centralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz.. 1900, xxi, 201-207.—Grube (K.) Ueber Zuckerbildung im Tierkorper. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1908, xxv, 531-53*.—Gumprecht. Experimentelles zur subcutanen Zuckerernahrung. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, Sonder [Ver.]-Beil., 64. — Halasz ( A.) A kiilonbozo cznkorfajok felszi- v6dasa es biologiai viselkedese a vastagb^lben. [Absorp- tion of various sugars and their biological behavior in the colon.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1909, liii, 808; 829; 848; 887; 910.—Harley (V.) Influence du sucre en cir- culation sur les gaz de la respiration et sur la chaleur animale. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1804, xxi, 173-189.— Hartogh & Schumm (O.) Zur Frage der Zuckerbil- dung aus Fett. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1900, xiv, 11^45.—Hedon (E.) Sur la resorption intestinale et Paction purgative des sucres en solutions hyperisotonique*. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1900, U.S., ii, 41. —Hedon (E.) & Arrous (J.) Des rela- tions existant entre les actions diuretiques et les pro- pri6tes osmotiqnes des sucres. Ibid., 1899, 11. s., i, 884- 886.—Heilner(E.) Ueber das Schicksal des subkutan eingefuhrten Rohrzuckers im. Tierkorper und seine Wir- kung auf Eiwei«s- und Fettstoffwechsel. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Berl., 1911, lvi, 75-86. —Herzog (R. O.) Ueber die Adsorption von Zuckerarten durch Tierkohle. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem.; Strassb., 1909, lx, 79-84.—Hohl- weg (H.) & Voit (F.) Ueber den Einfluss der Ueber- hitzung auf die Zersetzung des Zuckers im Tierkorper. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Berl., 1908, li, 491-510.— Ibrahim (J.} & Kaumheimer (L.) Die Doppelzu- ckerfermente (Lactase, Maltase, Invertin) beim mensch- lichen Neugeborenen und Embryo. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1910, lxvi, 19-52. — Jolles (A.) Ueber das Verhalten von Invertzucker in alkalischer Losung bei Gegenwart von Wasserstoffsuperoxyd. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl.,1911, xxxvi, 389-393.—Kauimann (M.) & inaiine CH.) Sur la consommation du glucose du sang par le tissu de la glandemammaire. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxliii, 779-782. —Kerley (C. G.) Cane sugar in its relation to some of the diseases of children. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1907, xxiv, 752-760.—Kolisch. Zur Frage der Zuckerbildung aus Fett. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1906, xix, 659.— von Kossa (J.) Beitrag zur VOL XVII, 2d series---2 Sugar in the animal organism. Wirkung der Zuckerarten. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1899, lxxv,310-331.—Leinberger (Frieda). Psy- chophysische Untersuchungen fiber den Geschmack von Zucker und Saccharin (Saccharose und Krystallose). Ibid., 1908, cxxiii, 293-311. —Lengyel (L.) Kepzodik-e a szervezetben zsirbdl cukor? [Is sugar formed in the organism from fat?] Diaet. 6s physik. gy6gyitom., Buda- pest, 1903,no.3,1-8.— I^eplne&Boulud. Surlessucres du sang et leur glycolyse. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1901, cxxxiii, 720.-----------. Sur le sucre du plasma sanguin. Ibid., 1907, cxlv, 742-745.—Loewi (O.) Zur Frage nach der Bildung von Zucker aus Fett. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1901, xlvii, 68-76.— Iiilthje (H.) Zur Frage der Zuckerbildung im tieri- schen Organismus. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 1601-1603. -----. Zur Frage der Zuckerbildung aus Eiweiss. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1904, cvi, 160- 167. -----. Beitrag zur Frage zur Zuckerokonomie im Tierkorper. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1907, xxiv, 264-267.—Lusk (G.) Recent discoveries con- cerning the physiological behavior of different sugars. YaleM. J.,N. Haven, 1896-7, iii, 199-204.-----. On the question whether dextrose arises from cellulose in diges- tion. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1911, xxvii, 467.—JTIac- Callum (J. B.) The secretion of sugar into the intes- tine caused by intravenoussalineinfusions. Univ. Calif. Pub. Physiol., Berkeley, 1903^1, i, 125-137.—MLeGuigan (H.) The direct utilization of the commonsugars by the tissues. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1908, xxi, 334-350.—OTae- leod (J. J. R.) The nervous control of the production of sugar in the animal body. ClevelandM. J.,Cleveland, 1908, vii, 448-455. Also, Reprint.—ITlagnus-I.evy (A.) Ueber den Aufbau der hohen Fettsiiuren aus Zucker. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1902, 365-369.—Maignon (F.) Mecanisme de la formation du sucre dans les tissus trau- matisms. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1909, viii, 83- 88. -----. Reponse a la note de M. Cadeac; apercu his- torique sur les recherches de M. Maignon relatives a la production du sucre par les tissus. J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1911, 5. s., xv, 340-342.—Mayer (P.) Ueber die Abspaltung von Zucker aus Eiweiss. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 95- 97. See, also, infra, Miiller & Seemann. -----. Ue- ber unvollkommene Zuckeroxydation im Organismus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 243; 262. [Discussion], Ver.-Berl., 82. -----. Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen iiber den Abbau des Zuckers im Thierkorper. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1901, xix, 393-407. -----. Zur Frage der unvoll- kommenen Zuckeroxydation im Organismus. Internat. Beitr. z.inn.Med. (Leyden), Berl., 1902, ii, 349-355. -----. Ueber Lecithinzucker und Jekorin sowie fiber das physi- kalisch-chemische Verhalten des Zuckers im Blut. Bio- chem. Ztschr., Berl., 1906, i, 81-107.—Meillere (G.) & Chapelle (P.) Dosage des sucres reducteurs dans le sang. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1901, 6. s., xiii, 257- 262.—ITliura (K.) 1st der Dunndarm im Stande, Rohr- zucker zu invertiren? Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1895, n. F., xiv, 266-278.—JTIohr (L.) Ueber die Bezie- hungen der Fette und Fettsiiuren zur Zuckerbildung. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1905-6, ii, 481- 490.—Mostowski (S.) Zachowanie glukozo-fenety- dydu i cztero-acetylo-glukozo-fenetydydu w ustroju zwierzecia. [The behavior of glucoso-phenetidid and tetra-acetylo-phenetidid in the animal organism.] Rozpr. wydz. matemat.-przyr. Aknd. Umiej, 1909, Krakow, 1910, 3. s., ix, A, 127-135—Miiller (F.) & Seemann (J.) Ueber die Abspaltung von Zucker aus Eiweiss; Bemer- kungen zu dem gleichnamigen Aufsatz des Herrn Dr. Paul Mayerin No. 6 dieser Wochenschrift. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.,Leipz. u. Berl.,1899 xxv, 209-211.—Nishi(M.) Ueber die Ruckresorption desZuckers in der Niere. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1910, lxii, 329-340.— Patchen(G. H.) Whyissugarinjurious? Dietet.&Hyg. Gaz.,N. Y., 1899, xv, 693-697.—Pautz (W.) & Vogel (J.) Ueber die Ein wirkung der Magen- und Darmschleimhaut auf einige Biosen und auf Raffinose. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchenu.Leipz.,1895,n. F.,xiv,304-307— Pavy (F.W.) & Siau (R. L.) On the nature of the sugar present in normal blood, urine and muscle. J. Phvsiol., Lond., 1900- 1901, xxvi, 2X2-290.—Pleifier (T.) Beitrag zurFrageder Herkunft des Zuckers bei Durchstromung der iiberle- benden Leber. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1905-6,ii, 161-155.—Pfliiger (E.) EineneueMethodezur quantitativen Bestimmung des Zuckers, als Fortsetzung meiner Untersuchungen iiber die Quelle der Muskelkraft. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1897, lxvi, 635-640.-----. Die neuen Beweise fiir den freien Zustand des Zuckers imBlute. Ibid., 1907, cxvii,217-222.—Pfyl (B.)&Linne (B.) Ueber quantitative Hydrolysen von Saccharose, Maltose, Laktose und Raffinose. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs.- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1905, x, 104-110.— Piantoni (G.) Influenza degli zuccheri sulla secre- zione lattea. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1908, vii, 337-364.—Pieraceini (G.) & fleni (C.) L' alcool e lo zucchero nell' economia dell' uomo studiati a mezzo del SUGAR. 18 SUGAR. Sugar in the animal organism. tetano faradico. Ramazzini, Firenze, 1907, i, 249-260, 1 tab.—Fortier (P.) Absence d'invertine et de lactase la ns les -upg de presse des differents organesdes mammi- i'ere<. Ciimpt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvii, 205.— (luirini (A.) Uj reacti6 cukor kimutatasara folyade- knkluin. [On the recognition of a new reaction of sugar in liquids.] Gv6gyszereszi hetil., Budapest, 1895, xxxiv, 263.—von Beuss (A.) Zuckerausscheidung im SiiuKlingsalter. Beibl. z. d. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1908, vii, 98-105.—Bona (P.) £ Michacliw (L.) iTeber die Adsorption des Zuckers. Hiochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1909, xvi, 489-498.—Bosen- berger (K.) Die Beziehungen der Zyklosen zum tie- rischen Organismus. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 1778-1780.— BosenleId (G.) Die Oxydationswege des Zuckers. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xxxiv, 1663- 1666— Botmann (F.) Untersuchungen iiber den Zucker-rehalt pathologischer Flussigkeiten. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xiv, 170-172.—Bywosz (D.) Przyczvnek do badan nad rozkladem cukru w ustroju. [Researches into the decomposition of sugar in the or- ganism.] Medvcvna, Warszawa, 1898, xxvi, 265-273.— Saito (S.) & Kaisuyauia (K.) Ueber den Zucker im normalen Hiihnerblute. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1901, xxxii, 231-234.—Sanson (A.) Memoire sur la formation phvsiologique du sucre dans Peconomie animale. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1857, xliv, 1159; 1323.—Schenk (A.) A czukormennyiseg meghataro- zasanak egy uj m6dja. [A new method of determining the quantity of sugar.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897, xii, 38-40.—Schlossmann (A.) Zur Methodik der quanti- tativen Zuckerbestimmung. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1897, xi, 740.— Scliulz (F. N.) & Bitthorn (F.) Notiz iiber den aus Cerebrin abspaltbaren Zucker. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem.. Stras-b., 1901, xxxii, 425-427— Sciortino (A.) Influenza dei diversi zuccheri sul potere digerente dei fermenti. Osp. di Palermo. Boll, trimest., 1910, iii, 42^5.—Secliir i A.) Eine Methode zum Nachweis loca- ler Zuckerausscheidung in den Organen, speciell in den Nieren. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1895-6, xxxvii, 156-158. — Sinionelli (L.) Sulla lm- portanza della ricerca delle piccole quantita di glu- cosio per la diagnosi differenziale fra essudati e trasu- dati. N. riv. din.-terap., Napoli, 1901, iv, 68-74.— Tsirkunenko (V. K.) & (Tiernavkin (I.G.) K vo- prosu o vliyanii trostnikovavo sakhara na usvoyeniye azota, zhira i obmien veshtshestv u zdorovikh lyudef. [On the influence of cane sugar upon the assimilation of nitrogen and fat, and metabolism in healthy men.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 1264.—Vespa (P.) Ueber die harntreibende Wirkung des Milchzuckers und des Traubenzuckers. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1893, xv, 93-105.—Voit (E.) Ueber Be- stimmung des Zuckers in tierischen Flussigkeiten. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Miin- chen (1910), 1911, xxvi, 20.—Voit (F.) Ueber das Ver- halten einiger Zuckerarten im thierischen Organismus. Ibid., (1896), 1897, xii, 71-78. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 887-889. -----. Weitere Mitthei- lungen fiber das Verhalten verschiedener Zuckerarten im Organismus. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Phvsiol. in Miinchen (1897), 1898, xiii, 106-109. Also: DeutschesArch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1897,lviii, 523-564.— Wacker (L.) & Foly (F.) Untersuchungen fiber den Kohlehydratstoffwechsel (normaler Zuckergehalt des menschlichen Blutes, Zucker in verschiedenen Gefassge- bieten beim Hund und Kaninchen, Hyperglykamie und Durchlassigkeit der Nieren fiir Zucker). Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1910, c, 667-577.—Wohlge- muth (J.) Zur Frage von der Bildung einer Lakfase im Pankreas nach reichlicher Ernahrung mit Milch- zucker. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1908, xxxii, 306-314. ■-----. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Physiologie der Zuckerarten. Internat. Beitr. z. inn. Med. (Leyden), Berl., 1902, ii, 369- 376. -----. Ueber das Verhalten der a-Glucoheptose im thierischen Organismus. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Strassb., 1902, xxxv, 568-579.—"V atsevich(M.) O sakha- rle slizistikh veshtshestv zhivotnavo organizma. [On sugar from mucous matters of the animal organism.] Farm, j., S.-Peterb., 1898, xx, 372; 387; 399; 416; 431.— /Mint/. (X.) Ueber die Rolledes Zuckers im thierischen stoffwechsel. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1896, 638-542. Sugar and harteria. C.wazzani (E.) Saccarificazione per opera dei batteri; osservazioni. 8°. [n. p.,1893.] Andrlik. Formation bacterienne d'ammoniaque dans les eaux residuelles de sucraterie. [From: Zuck.- Ind. in Bohm., xxvii, p. 109.] Monit scient., Par., 1903, 4. s., xvii, pt, 2, 691.—Arnheim (J.) & Bosenbaum (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Zuckerzerstorung im TierkorperdurchFermentwirkung (Glvkolvse). Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1903, xl, 220-233.—Bang (I.) ZurMethodikder Zuckerbestimmung. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xi, 538-540.—Benedict (s, R.) The detec- tion and estimation of reducing sugars. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxvi, 497-199.—Bertrand(G.) Action de Sugar and bacteria. la bacterie du sorbosesur les sucresaldehydiques. Compt rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1898, exxvii, 728-731. -----. Sur Poxydation de Perythrite par la bacterie du sorbose; pro- duction de deux nouveaux sucres: le d-erythrulose et la d-erythrite. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1900, ii, 337-342. Also:Compt. rend. Acad.d. sc.Par., 1900,cxxx,1330-1333.— Bertrand (G.) & Duchacek (F.) Ueber die Einwir- kung des Bacillus bulgaricus auf verschiedene Zuckerar- ten. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1909,xx, 100-113.—Bebray (F.) Bacteriens dela canne a sucre. Compt.rend.Soc.de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 889.—Epstein (A. A)&01san (H.) Studies on the effect of lecithin upon the fermenta- tion of sugar by bacteria. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1910-11, n. s., x, 191-199.—Harden (A.) The fermenta- tion of sugars by bacillus coli communis and allied or- ganisms. Part I. Tr. Jenner Inst. Prevent. Med., Lond., 1899, 2. s., 126-142.—Harden (A.) & Walpole (G. S.) Chemical action of bacillus lactis aerogenes (Escherich) on glucose and mannitol: production of 2 : 3-Butylene- glycol and Acetylmethylcarbinol. Proc Rov. Soc. Lond., 1905-6, s. B., lxxvii, 399-405.— Koch (A.) & Hosaeus (H.) Ueber einen neuenFroschlaich der Zuckerfabriken. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1894, xvi, 225-228.—Laxa (O.) Ueber einen thermophilen Bacillus aus Zuckerfabriksprodukten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1898, iv, 362-367. •-----. Bakteriolo- gische Studien iiber die Produkte des normalen Zuekerfa- briksbetriebes. Ibid., 1900, vi, 286-295.—Levy (E.) & Blumentlial (F.) Ueber die bakterizideWirkungdes Zuckers; Immnnisierung vermittelst trockner, durch Galaktose abKetiiteterTvphusbazillen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 411.—iTIaasseh (A.) Ueber Gallertbildungen in den Saften der Zuckerfabriken; ein Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der gallertbildenden Bodenbakterien. Arb. a. d. biol. Abt. f. Land- u. Forstwirtsch. am k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1905, v, 1-30, 3 pi.—Mendel (J.) Ueber Umse- tzungverschiedener Zuckerarten durch Bakterien. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena„ 1911, xxix, 290- 330.— Prior (E.) Ueber den Nachweis des Zuckers in vergorenenWiirzen und den unvergarbaren Wiirzerest der Hefen Saaz, Frohberg und Logos. Ibid., 1896, ii, 569- 572.—Baoul (E.) Les maladies parasitaires dela canne a sucre. Rev. scient, Par., 1892, 1, 629.—Bogers (L. A.) A simple method for determining the ability of bacteria to ferment different sugars. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1905, xxi, 496.—Salkowski (E.) Bemerkungen iiber den bei der Autodigestion der Hefe entstehenden Zucker. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1895, n. F., xiv, 468-472. — Segin (A.) Ueber die Einwirkung der Bakterien auf verschiedene Zuckerarten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903, xxxiv, 202-212.— Smith (E. F.) Ursache der Cobb'schen Krankheit des Zuckerrohrs. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena, 1904, xiii, 729-736.— Smith (R. G.) An ascobacterium from the sugar-cane, with notes upon the nature of the slime. Ibid., 1902, ix, 806.— Townsend (C. O.) A fungus infesting stored sinrar. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1904, n. s., xix, 41«.— Ward (II. M.) & Green (J. R.) A sugar bacte- rium. Proc. Roy. Sec Lond., 1899, lxv, 66-84. Sugar as food. See, also, Sugar ( Therapeutic use of). Alquier (A.) & Drouineau (A.) Glycogenie et alimentation rationnelle au sucre. Etude d'hygiene alinientaire sociale et du rationne- ment du betail. T. I. &II." 8°. Paris, 1905. Also [Rev.], in.- Bull. Soc.centr.demed. vet.,Par., 1905, lix, 100-106. Averkiyeff (S. N.) * Material! k voprosu o vliyanii molochnavo sakhara na usvoyeniye zhirov pishtshi, kozhno-lyokhochniya poteri, obmien vodi i vies tiela u zdorovikh lyudel-. [Data on the influence of milk sugar upon the assimilation of fats from food, losses by skin and lungs, metabolism of water, and body weight in men.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1896. Birnie(G. ) Suiker als voedingsmiddel. 8°. Nijmeyen, 1892. Rei>r. from: Verhandel in de vergadering van het In- disch Genootschap., 's Gravenhage, 1892. Brocard (M.) L'utilisation des sucres dans la nutrition; les hexoses et les bihexoses. 8°. Paris, 1902. Einfluss (Der) des Zuckers auf die Muskelar- beit. Die Temperatur des Korpern im Hunger- zustande und die Schnelligkeit der Assimilation der Kohlehydrate. Die Schnelligkeit der Ab- sorption und der Assimilation der Kiweissstoffe und der Fette, von Ugolino Mosso. {"eber das SUGAR. 19 SUGAR-BEET. Sugar as food. Verhalten und die Wirkung der Zuckerarten im Organismus, von Pietro Albertoni. 8°. Berlin, 1901. Fabregue (F.) * Considerations sur la sur- alimentation par le sucre. 8°. Paris, 1910. Greenfield (A.) *Die Assimilationsgrenze fiir Zucker im Kindesalter. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Berlin, 1903. Jjsnsch (T.) Der Zucker in seiner Bedeutung fiir die Volks-Ernahrung. 16°. Berlin, 1900. Laureti (S.) Zucchero e alcool nei loro rap- porti agricoli, fisiologiei e sociali. 16°. Milano, 1905. Ollendorf (G.) * Beitrag zum Abbau von Zuckern durch Oxydation. Ueber d-Lyxose und zur Constitution des Milchzuckers. 8°. Berlin, 1900. von Ortenberg ([E. F. 0.]H.) * Ueber die Bedeutung des Zuckers fiir die Ernahrung des Soldaten. 8°. Berlin, 1904. Protasoff (I. I.) * Obmien veshtshestv v organizmie pri pitanii yevo sakharom; eksperi- mentalnoye izsliedovaniye. [Metabolism in the organism when fed on sugar; experimental investigation.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Ragot (L.) *Le sucre dans l'alimentation des febricitants. S°. Lyon, 1902. Steinitzer (A.) Die Bedeutung des Zuckers als Kraftstoff fiir Touristik, Sport und Militiir- dienst. 8°. Berlin, 1902. United States. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations. Farmers' Bulletin No. 93. Sugar as food. By Mary Hinman Abel. 8°. Washington, 1899. Also, in: Brit. Food J., Lond., 1899, i, 328; 361. Allison (T. M.) Sugar headaches. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, l, 563.—Amat (C.) Le sucre dans Pali- mentation; nouvelles experiences faites en France au 94e regiment d'infanterie, pendant les dernieres manoeu- vres d'automne. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1907, cliv, 222-227.—Baker (J. L.) & Hutton (H. F. E.) The estimation of lactose in the presence of the commonly occurring sugars. Analyst, Lond., 1910, xxxv, 512-516.— fterend.es. Ueber subkutane und intravenose Ernah- rung mit Traubenzucker nach Kausch. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 1217-1219.—Berthelot (A.) Sur la vitesse d'absorptiondes sucres de certains aliments au cours de la digestion. Compt. rend Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxviii, ls-jo.—Boigey. Indications et contre-indi- cations du sucre dans l'alimentation. Caducee, Par., 1905, v, 25.—Bueso (F.) El aziicar como alimento y como medicamento. Juventud med., Guatemala, 1906, viii, 123-125.—von Bunge (G.) Der wachsende Zu- ckerkonsum und seine Gefahren. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miin- chen u. Leipz., 1901, n. F., xxiii, 155-166. Also [Abstr.]: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1901, lxx, 669.—Carles (T.) Le sucre et 1'effort musculaire. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1909, xxxix, 677.—I'asarini (A.) Sul valore dinamo- geno dello zucchero. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1908, lvi, 112-130. Also: Ramazzini, Firenze, 1908, ii, 380-385.— Chauveau (A.) Sur l'importance du sucre con- sidere comme aliment; nouvelle demonstration de la superiority de la valeur thermogene respective de ces deux aliments simples. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1898, cxxvi, 795-S02.—< lemm (W. R.) The value of su- gar in the organism. Therapist, Lond., 1902, xii, 54; 66.— Cowley (L. M.) Condimentos azucarados; el azucar. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1906, xi, 385-396. Also: Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1906, xiii, 1393-1401.— I)ainaye(H.) La suralimentation sucree. Rev. de psy- chiat., Par., 1904, 422-427.—Delmas (L.) De la surali- mentation par le sucre. Clinique, Par., 1910, v, 406.— Denkinger(J. A.) The dietetics of sugar. J. Therap. & Dietet., Bost., 1907-8, ii, 316; 340; 372: 1908-9, iii, 23; 51; 87; 121. -----. Sugar in its relation to infant feeding. Ibid., 1908-9, iii, 179; 222; 239; 278.—Dorvcanx (P.) Le sucre au moyen age. France med., Par., 1910, lvii, 345; 370.—Drouineau (A.) De la valeur du sucre pendant Pentrainement. Caducee, Par., 1904, iv, 201.-----. Le sucre; sa valeur alimentaire; ses rapports avec le travail musculaire. Gaz. de hop., Par., 1899, lxxii, 937-945. -----. L'utilisationdietetique et therapeutique du sucre. Ibid., 1905, lxxviii, 723-730.-----. Le r61e du sucre dans l'ali- mentation. M6d. mod., Par., 1898, ix, 721—Favrel & Gamier. Presence du glucose en execs par rapport au sucre interverti dans certains fruits a confitures. J. de Sugar as food. pharm. et de chim., Par., 1911, 7. s., iv, 253-265.—FerriS (C.) Recherches sur la transformation du sucre de canne dans l'estomac. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1891, xii, 58-68. -----. L'influence du sucre sur le travail. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 44. Also: Rev.de med. Par., 1906, xxvi, 1-33.—Gardner (H. W.) The dietetic value of sugar. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 1010-1013.—Gonzalez Deleito (F.) Valor nu- tritivo de diversas substancias alimenticias y en par- ticular del azucar. Rev. san. mil. y Med. mil. espafi., Madrid, 1907, i, 345-351.— Green lie Id (A.) Die Assimilationsgrenze fiir Zucker im Kindesalter. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1903, lviii, 666-686. —Ha rley (V.) Sugar as a food. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 1282-1285. -----. The value of sugar and the effect of smoking on muscular work. J. Phvsiol., Cambridge, 1894, xvi, 97-122.—Hartje (E.) Ueber den Einfluss des Zuckers auf die Darmfiora der Kinder. Jahrb. f. Kin- derh., Berl., 1911, n. F., lxxiii, 557-565.—Hutchison (R.) Nutritive value and economy o!'sutfar. J. Therap. & Dietet., Bost., 1906-7, i, 376-378.—.laenseh (T.) Der Werth des Zuckers bei der Ernahrung. Arzt im Hause, Berl., 1902, iii, 169.— Joly (P.) Le sucre dans la ration de manoeuvres du fantassin; compte rendu des resultats obtenus par l'alimentation sucree, au 94« regiment d'in- fanterie, pendant les manoeuvres d'automne de 1906. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1907, xlix 241-267.— Kausch (W.) Ueber intravenose und subkutane Er- nahrung mit Traubenzucker. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 8.—Kipiani {Mile.) Ergographie du sucre. Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1906, lxiv, 143-146.—La bonne (H.) Du sucre en diet6tique et therapeutique. Medecin, Brux., 1905, xv,250.—Lanier (R.) Lescourbesstatiquesoud'en- durance sous l'influence du sucre et de l'alcool. Compt. rend.Soc.de biol., Par., 1909, lxvii, 270.—Lemoine (G.- H.) Ler61edu sucre dans l'alimentation. Pressemea.,Par., 1905,xiii,241-244—Leopold (J. S.) Ueber die Wirkung der verschiedenen Zuckerarten bei ernahrungsgestor- tenSiiuglingen. Ztschr. f. Kinderh.,Berl., 1910,i, 217-225.— L'Hoinme. La valeur nutritive du sucre. Bull, med., Par., 1899, xiii, 337-339. Also: Nice-med., 1899-1900, xxiv, 17-24.—Marotte (A.-C.) Le sucre aliment dynamogene. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1904, xliv, 341-358.— ITlarre (F.) Les sucres dans la digestion du nourrisson. Rev. d'hyg. et de med. inf. [etc.], Par., 1909, viii, SOS- SIS.— JTIayerholer (E.) & Stein (E.) Ueber den Ein- fluss von Zucker auf die Permeabilitiit tierischer Darm- membranen. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xxvii, 376- 384.—JTIoeller (T.) Sugar as a cause of indigestion in infants. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix, 386.— Murrell (W.) Sugar as a food. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1901, xxix, 995-1000.—Nunn (J. A.) The use of sugar as a food for animals. Vet. J., Lond., 1905, n. s., xi, 275- 284.—Poulet (V.) Quelques reflexions sur l'alimenta- tion sucree. Repert. de therap., Par., 1899, xvi, 133-139.— Bobertson (\V. G. A.) The digestion of sugars in health. Edinb. M. J., 1894-5, xl, 200-211. -----. The value of saccharine foods as articles of diet. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1898, iii, 30-37.— Kossi (R. P.) I residui della fabricazione dello zucchero di barbabietola nell' ingras- samento del suino. N. Ercolani, Pisa, 1910, xv, 6-10.— Sclierh (C.) Verwertung des Zuckers als Nahrungs- stoff. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M., 1897, vi, 85- 88.—Schumburg. Ueber die Bedeutung des Zuckers fiir die Leistungsfiihigkeit des Menschen. Ztschr. f. diiitet. u. physik. Therap., Leipz., 1898-9, ii, 185-188.— Molt vis (B. T.) On the influence of the use of sugar on muscular work. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 1280- 1282.—Taylor (G. II.) Sugar; its dietetic use and abuse. Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1903, xix, 193-197.—Tou- louse. De la suralimentation sucree. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1904, cxlviii, 64-76.—Widdicombe (J. H.) On the digestion of cane sugar. J. Physiol., Lond., 1902, xxviii, 175-180. ' Sugar of milk. See, also, Lactose. Hclmholz (H. F.) Studies on milk sugar. Tr. Am. Ass. Study & Prev. Inf. Mortal., Bait., 1910, i, 107-114. -----. Studies on milk sugar. Arch, Pediat., N. Y., 1911, xxviii, 373-379.—Hudson (C. S.) Ueber die Multirota- tion des Milchzuckers. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1903, xliv, 487-494. -----. Ueber die Hydratbildung des Milchzuckers in Losung. Ibid., 1904-5,1,273-290.—Leo- pold (J. S.) & von Beuss (A.) Experimentelle Un- tersuchungen fiber Milchzuckerausscheidung nach wie- derholten subkutanen Injektionen. Monatschr. f. Kin- derh., Leipz. u. Wien, 1909-10, viii, 1; 453. Sugar-beet. Chittenden (F. H.) A brief account of the principal insect enemies of the sugar beet. 8°. Wash ington, 1903. Stockton-Hough (J.) A summary of facts concerning the cultivation of the sugar beet and SUGAR-BEET. 20 SUGGESTION. Sugar-beet. the manufacture of beet sugar. Necessity of protective tariff and bountv. 8°. Trenton, N. J, 1897. Sulima (K. P.) *Sveklo-sakharnoye proi'z- vodstvo v sanitarnom otnoshenii. [Beet-sugar manufactories from a sanitary view point.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Also [Abstr.], in: Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1893, xvii, 2. sect., 62; 154. Teicke (P.) *Die landwirtschaftlichen Ver- haltnisse der Zuckerriiben bauenden Teile der Provinz Hannover. [Giessen.] 8°. Berlin, 1905. United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 251. Experiment station work. Compiled from the publications of the Agricultural Experiment Stations. American sugar-beet seed. Stimulants for seed. Fertil- ity of eggs, etc. By A. C. True. 8°. Washing- ton, 1906. Busse (W.) Untersuchungen iiber die Krankheiten der Zuckerriibe. Arb. a. d. k. biol. Anst. f. Land- u. Forstwirtsch., Berl.,1906-7.V, 341.—Hedgcock (G. C.) & JTIctcalt" (H.) Eine durch Bakterien verursachte Zuckerrubenkrankheit. Ztschr. f. Pflanzeukr., Stuttg., 1902, xii, 321-321.—Hegyi (D.) Der Wurzelbrand der Zuckerriihe und seine Verhiitungsmassregeln. Ibid., 1911, xxi, 269-276.—Krliger (F.) Untersuchungen iiber den Giirtelschorf der Zuckerriiben. Arb. a. d. biol. Abt. f. Land- u. Forstwirtsch. am k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1904, iv, 254-318,1 pi.—Smolensk! (K.) Ueber eine Gluku- ronsaure aus der Zuckerriibe. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Strassb., 1911, lxxi, 266-269.—Snyder (H.) "Sugar beets; summary of investigations from 1888 to 1898. Rep. Agric. Exp. Station Univ. Minn., Delano, 1897-8, 377-416.— Stoklasa (J.) Welchen Einfluss haben die Parasiten der Samenkniiuel auf die Entwickelung der Zuckerriibe? Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1899, v, 720- 726.—Waddell (J.) Sugar and the sugar beet. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1902, lxi, 157-162. Sugar Pills. Devoted to the interests of the Ho- moeopathic Fair. [Daily.] Nos. 1-5, Dec. 7- 11, 1874. 4°. Cincinnati, 0. Suggestibility. Bleuler. Die negative Suggestibilitat, ein physiolo. gisches Prototyp des Negativismus, der contraren Auto- suggestion und gewisser Zwangsideen. Psychiat.-neurol. Wchnschr., Halle a. S., 1904-5, vi, 249; 261.—Chojccki (A.) Contribution a l'etude de la suggestibilite. Arch. de psychol., Geneve, 1911-12, xi, 182-186.— I.nidi (G.) Recherches experimentales sur la suggestibilite. Arch. de psychol., Geneve, 1908-9, viii, 49-54. — Harten- berjr (P.) Die zwei Hauptformen der Suggestibillitiit. Ztschr. f. Psychoth. u. med. Psychol., Stuttg., 1910, ii, 44-47.—Jepson (S. L.) Human suggestibility; men- tal influence over the bodily functions. West Virg. M. J., Wheeling, 1910-11, v, 73-82. —Miiller de la Fuente. Ueber Suggestibilitat bei klinischen Symp- tomen. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1909, xxx, 325.— Pearce (H.J.) Experimental observations upon normal motor suggestibility. Psychol. Rev., N. Y. & Lond., 1902, ix, 329-356.—Schnyder (L.) L'examen de la suggesti- bilite chez les nerveux. Arch, de psychol., Geneve 1904-5, iv, 44-57.—Scott (W. D.) Personal differences in suggestibility. Psychol. Rev., Bait., 1910, xvii, 147-154.— Severiuo (G.) La diagnosi della suggestionabilita. Policlnn., Roma, 1905, xii, 655.—Van Mesdag (S.) De i dynamometrische kromme als hulpmiddel bij het vast- stellen van verhoogde suggestibiliteit bij psvchisch nor- male en abnormale personen en van simulatie. Nederl Tijdschr. v.Geneesk., Amst., 1908, ii,619-635.—lung (E j Contribution a l'etude de la suggestibilite a 1' etat de veille Arch, de psychol., Geneve, 1908-9, viii, 263-285. Suggestion. See, also, Alcoholism (Treatment of); Anses- thetics; Chorea (Treatment of); Colic (Treat- ment of); Crime (Statistics of); Diabetes insipi- dus (Treatment of); Electrotherapy; Halluci- nations; Hypnotism; Impotence (Treatment of); Psychology (Experimental); Psycho- therapy; Raynaud's disease (Treatment of); Suggestibility; Suggestion (Therapeutic use of); Therapeutics (Mental, etc.); Urine (In- continence of); Water (Hypodermic use of). Suggestion. Bechterew (\V. M.) Suggestion und ihre so- ziale Bedeutung. Mit Zusatzen des Verfassers und einem Vorwort von F. Flechsig. Deutsch von Richard Weinberg. 8°. Leipzig, 1899. ------. The same. La suggestion et son r61e dans la vie sociale. Traduit et adapte du russe par P. Keraval. 12°. Paris, 1910. See, also, infra, Bekhtereff (V. M.). Behringer (J.) * Die suggestiven Willens- erseheinungen. 8°. Miinchen, 1910. Boisson de la Riviere (J.) Hypnotisme en suggestie. De theorien van Braid, Li6bault, Charcot, Bernheim, Forel, Levy en anderen. 12°. Amsterdam, [n. d.]. Bonnet (G.) Precis d'auto-suggestion volon- taire. 12°. Paris, 1910. Brown. Macht der Hypnose; Lehrbuch des Magnetismus, Hypnotismus und der Suggestion, etc., nach amerikanischer Methode. 12°. Leip- zig, 1905. Garcia Diaz (F.) Propiedad intelectual y parasitismo sugestivo. 8°. San Sebastian, 1899. Grasset. L'hypnotisme et la suggestion. 8°. Paris 1903. -----. ' The same. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1904. Hipnotismo, magnetismo, sugestion. Apli- caci6n del pensamiento y de la voluntad, su dominio y cultura. Ocultismo 6 hypnotismo indio-oriental. Teorias y practicas modernas de varios autores, extractadas por Adrojnrevy. 16°. Barcelona, 1906. Hollander (B.) Hypnotism and suggestion in daily life, education and medical practice. 8°. New York, 1910. Lefevre (L.) Les phenomenes de suggestion, et d'auto-suggestion, precedes d'un essai sur la psychologie physiologique. 8°. Bruxelles, 1903. Rossi (P.) Les suggesteursetlafoule; psycho- logie des meneurs, artistes, orateurs, mystiques, guerriers, criminels, ecrivains, enfants, etc. Pre- face de M. le prof. H. Morselli. Traduit de 1' ita- lien par M. le prof. A. Cunari. 8°. Paris, 1904. Vikentyefp (A. A.) Mogushtshestvo v nas samikh; sila vnusheniya v obidennol zhizni. [Might in ourselves; force of suggestion in daily life.] 8°. Vilna, 1909. Walsh (J. J.) Suggestion. 8°. NewYork,1909. Cutting from: Appleton's Mag., N. Y., 1909, xiii, 99-103. Warman(E.B.) Suggestion. 8°. Chicago,l9l0. Weimer (K.) *Zum Begriff der Suggestion. 8°. Giessen, 1908. Adriani (D. H. N.) Een merkwaardig geval van suggestie. Geneesk. Courant, Amst., 1904, lviii, 169 — Baginsky (A.) Ueber Suggestion bei Kindern. Zt- schr. f. piidagog. Psychol, [etc.], Berl., 1901, iii, 97-103.— Baraduc (H.) La suggestion phonographique. Cong. internat. de l'hypnot. exper. et therap. 1900, Par., 1902 ii 231-233. Also: Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1902,xii,370-373.— Bekhtereir"(V. M.) [Bechterew in German]. Rol vnu- sheniya vobshtshestvennol zhizni. [R61e of suggestion in social life.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1898, ni, l; 61; 161. See, also, supra, Bechterew (W. M ) —----. Chto takoye vnusheniye? [What is suggestion?! Vestnik Psikhol., Krim. Antrop., S.-Peterb., 1904, i 36- 49. Also, transl.: J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol., Leipz., 1904, m, 100-111. -----. Die Bedeutung der Suggestion im sozialenLeben. Grenzfr. d.Nerven-u.Seelenleb Wiesb 1905,39. Hft., 1-142. -----. Ob obyektivnikh priznakakh vnusheniy, ispitivayemikh v hipnozle. [Objective signs of suggestion, experienced during hypnotism. I Vestnik Psikhol., Krim. Antrop., S.-Peterb., 1905, ii, 275-280 Also transl. Arch.de psychol.,Geneve, 1905-0,v,103-107 —Bell (J.C.), Hatch(GraceE.)&©lir (LucettaT.) Theeffect of suggestion upon the reproduction of triangles and of point distances. Am. J. Psych., Worcester, 1908 xix 504 518.—Berillon(K) Delasuggestionhypnotiqueco'mme agent moralisateur. Rev. de l'hypnot. et nsvehol nw Biol., Par., 1886-7 i, 97-99. -----. L'hypnotisme et la. su£ gestion. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d sc C r isqr Par., 1899, xxvii, 4-19. -----. Influence de la suggestion SUGGESTION. 21 SUGGESTION. Suggestion. sur rapparitiondel'amour. Rev.del'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1904-5, xix, 364-366.—Bernhcini. Les suggestions criminelles. Ibid., 1889-90, iv, 260-267. -----. Suggestion et persuasion. Rev.med.del'e^-t, Nancy,1905, xxxvii, 193; 236. Also: Rev. scient., Par., 1905,5.s.,iii,225; 260.-----. Meine Auffassung der Suggestion. Klin, the- rap. Wchnschr., Berl., 1910, xvii, 1309-1312. Also, transl,: Bull, med., Par., 1910, xxiv, 1117—Binet-Sangle (C.) Le crime de suggestion religieuse et sa prophylaxie so- ciale. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1901, xvi, 453- 473.-----. La suggestion religieuse. Cong, internat. de l'hypnot. exper. et therap. 1900, Par., 1902, ii, 248-257.— Burot. Une suggestion par lettre. Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1886-7, i, 267.—Cabot (R. C.) Suggestion, authority, and command. Psychotherapy, N. Y., 1909, ii, no. 3, 17-29.—Carr (W. P.) An attempt to classify our knowledge of suggestion. Virginia M. Semi - Month., Richmond, 1910-11, xv, 158-163.— Cheever (D. \V.) The evils of suggestion. Boston M. & S. J., 1909, clxi, 238.—Coste de L.a. (V.) Caso di morte per azione auto- suggestiva. Riv. magnet., Milano, 1902, vi, 1-4.—Del- fooeut'(J.) Die verbrecherischen Suggestionen. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Berl., 1893-4, ii, 177; 221; 247.—Dumas (G.) Comment les pretres pai'ens dirigeaient-ils les reves? J. de psychol. norm, et path., Par., 1908, v, 447-150.—Du- pre. Homicide par suggestion. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1911, 4. s., xvi, 278-298. Also: Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1911, xxvi, 716-732. Also: Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1911, xviii, 209.—Elliott (H.) Some relations of normal suggestion. Albany M. Ann., 1909, xxx, 451-463.—En- gelen. Suggestion und Hypnose. Arzt als Erzieher, Miinchen, 1905. 10: 22: 30. Also [Abstr.l: Monatschr. f. prakt. Wasserh., Miinchen, 1904, xi, 248-256. Also, Re- print.—Farez (P.) Sommeil naturel et suggestion. Cong, internat. de l'hypnot. exp£r. et therap., Par., 1902, 203-207.-----. La suggestion pendant la narcose produite par quelques derives halogenes de l'ethane et du methane (suggestion ethyl-methylique). Cong. d. med. alienistes et neurol. de France ... C.-r., Par. & Brux., 1903, xiii, v, 2, 568-574. Also: Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1903-4, xviii. 67-74. Also [Abstr.] • Progres med., Par., 1903, 3. s., xviii, 139.—Favre (L.) A propos de la definition de la suggestion. Rev. de l'hvpnot. etpsvchol. physiol., Par., 1906-7, xxi, 25.—Freund (H.) Ueber Hypnose und Suggestion. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1906, xx, 456; 471.—Garcia Quintana ^s.) Un casodesu- gesti6n por una serpiente. (From: Ecodela practica, Barcel.] Rev. san. de Jaen, 1907, iv, no. 67,1-4.—Gota (A.) La sugesti6n durante el sueno natural. Rev. de med. y cirug. pnict., Madrid, 1906, Ixx, 57-62.—Grasset. L'hyphotisme et la suggestion; l'automatisme superieur ou psychisme inferieur. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1902-3, xvii, 257; 295; 329; 358: 1903-4, xviii, 3.—Grinker (J.) Experiences with suggestion. Medicine, Detroit, 1904, x, 751-754.—Gudden (H.) Ue- ber Massensuggestion und psychische Massenepidemien. Arzt als Erzieher, Miinchen, 1908, iv, 17; 35.—Ham- ilton (A. S.) Mental contagion. J. Minn. M.Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1908, xxviii, 265-268.—Huber (J. B.) Imita- tion, suggestion and social excitements. Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxxi, 1202-1206.—Ingegnieros (J.) Hipno- tismo y sugesti6n. I. Analisis critico de las doctrinas de Grasset. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1903, xxvi, 151-161.—Janet (P.) Les problemes de la sug- gestion. J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol., Leipz., 1910-11, xvii, 823-343.— Jennings (O.) Hypersuggestibilite hystero- neurasthenique; ensorcellement par auto-suggestion. Rev. de psychotherap., Par., 1910-11, xxv, 349-352.— Joire (P.) De l'exteriorisation de la sensibility. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1897, vii, 341-352. Also: Gaz. d. hop. delToulouse, 1897, xi, 403-407. Also: Rev. de l'hynot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1897-8, xii, 193-203. -----. Des rapports de 1'hypnotisme et de la suggestion avec la ju- risprudence. Cong, internat. de l'hypnot. exper. et the- rap., Par., 1902,132-141. -----. Experiences d'exteriorisa- tion de la sensibilite faitesa la Societe d'etudes psychiques. Ann. d.sc.psych., Par., 1903, xiii, 257-267.—Jones (Grace M.) Experimentsontherenroduction of distanceasinflu- enced by suggestions of ability and inability. Psychol. Rev., Bait., 1910, xvii, 268-27K.—Kusiirin (M.) [Sug- gestion.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1904, 761-767.—Liedening (A.) Wirkung von Gerichtssaalberichten. Arch. f. Krirn -Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1905, xx, 55-58.— Lewis fj. S.) Suggestion; the mainspring of hypnotism and psvchotheraphy. Boston M. & S. J., 1910, clxii, 165- 170.—Lingbeek (G. W. S.) Over suggestie in het dage- lijksch leven. Hygr. BL, Amst., 1902, v, 105-112— Lipp- nianntO. Die Wirkung von Suggestivfragen. Ztschr. f. ang. Psych, [etc.], Leipz., 1907-8, i, 44; 382; 504, 1 tab.: 1908-9, ii, 198.—Lombroso (C.) Suggestione criminale in alcoolista pare-ico. Arch, di psichiat. [etc], Torino, 1902, xxiii, 431-117.—Manjjin (M.) Le mecanisme de la suggestion d'apres les travaux de P. Myers. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1901-2, xvi, 259; 295.— Suggestion. Marshall (H. R.) Subattentive consciousness and suggestion. J. Philos., Psychol, [etc.], Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1908, v, 477-483.—Martin (L. J.) Zur Begrundung und An wendung der Suggestionsmethode in der Normal- psychologie. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1907, x, 321-402.—Merlier (C.) De la suggestion dans les capta- tions d'heritages. Cong, internat. de l'hypnot. exper. et therap. 1900, Par., 1V02, ii, 142. -----. La climatologia e la suggestione. Atti d. Cong. naz. d' idrol. e climat., Perugia, 1908, 109-114. —OTohr (F.) Die Beziehungen zwischen "Ueberredung" und "Suggestion;" ein Wort zur Abwehr und zur Verstandigung. J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol., Leipz., 1909, xiv, 202-208. — Niicke (P.) Das active und passive Suggestionsmaterial der Grossstadt. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1902, ix, 211-213. -----. Traurige Folgen einer Suggestion bei einem Kinde. Ibid., 1903, xii, 266.—IVeustaetter (O.) 1st Wachsuggestion erlaubt? Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1447,— Orlitzky (O.) Un cas de suggestion collective et de cynanthropie. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psy- chol. physiol., Par., 1901-2, xvi, 343.—Pagel (J.) Ho- moopathie oder Suggestion? Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1903, vii, 98-101.—Pamart. La suggestion musicale. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1905-6, xx, 85-87.—Podiapolsky (P.) Des troubles vaso-moteurs par suggestion hypnotique. Ibid., 1909-10, xxiv,178-185.— Bambotis (A. S.) Suggestion pendant le sommeil naturel. Ibid., 1905-6, xx, 153-155. — Bainon Cajal (P, ) La sugesti6n mental y la fuerza nerviosa. Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1902, i, 388; 410: 1903, ii, 65; 109.— Begnault (F.) Definition de la suggestion. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1906-6, xx, 348-350.— Begnault (J. ) Phenomenes occultes et suggestion mentale. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1908, xviii, 258-266.— Bem y (C.) & Brissaiid (E.) Histoire d'une sugges- tion a la suite d'un accident et son epilogue. Bull, med.- chir. d. accid. du travail, Par., 1908, ii, 121-132.—Biggs (A. F.) Adverse suggestion. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxiii, 1071-1074.—Bose (J. R.) The philosophy of sug- gestion. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1904, 342-360.— Bun y on (J. F.) Some remarks upon the value and the danger of suggestion and allied methods. Tr. M. Soc. Ten- nessee, Nashville, 1907, lxxiv, 337-345.— Schneickert (H.) Massensuggestion. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1905, xviii, 265.—Schonwald. Ueber suggestion und Hypn*se. Zahnkunst, Bresl., 1902, vi, 1-3.—von Schrenck-Notzing. De la suggestion en medecine legale. Arch, d'anthrop. crim.,Lyon & Par., 1903, xviii, 724-738. -----. La suggestion et 1'hypnotisme dans leurs rapports avec la jurisprudence. Cong, in- ternat. de l'hypnot. exper. et therap., Par., 1902, 121- 131.—Schroeder (H. H.) Post-hypnotic suggestion and determinism. Psychol. Rev., N. Y., 1902, ix, 283-292.— Seward (F. W.) Suggestion. Tr. Homoeop. M. Soc. N. Y., 1908, Iii, 42-47.— Shaikevich (M.) Kratkiy ocherk ucheniya o hipnotizmle i vnushenii v svyazi s ikh obshtshestvennim znacheniyem. [Hypnotism and suggestion in connection with their public value.] Vo- yenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1902, lxxx, med.-spec., 1029- 1045.—Shidler (G. W.) Suggestion and autosuggestion. West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Nebr., 1903, viii, 30-34.—Sighele (S.) Suggestione e responsabilita. Scuolapositiva, Roma, 1910, xx, 481-489.—Skelton (L. L.) Suggestion. Illi- nois M. Bull., Chicago, 1905-6, vi, 433; 457.—Soury (J.) Un cas d'auto-suggestion scientifique. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1892-3, vii, 46-52.—Sreznevski (V. V.) O tsvletakh, vnushonnikh v hipnozle. [Flow- ers suggested during hypnosis.] Vestnik Psikhol., Krim.- Antrop., S.-Peterb., 1905, ii, 414-430.—Strong (E. K.), jr. The effect of various types of suggestion upon muscular activity. Psychol.Rev.,Bait., 1910,xvii,279-293.—Sturm (F.) Massensuggestion. Arch.f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kri- minalist., Leipz., 1911,xiii, 361.—Vast-hide (N.)&Vur- pas(C) Delalogiquemorbide; extrospection delirante etgenese d'autosuggestion par introspection. Arch, d'an- throp. crim., Lyon & Par., 1902, xvii, 10-45.—Vergnolle (M.) Lasuggestionetlabonneaventure. Rev.del'hvpnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1903-4, xviii, 170-172.—Walsh (J. J.) Hynotism, suggestion and crime. In: O'Malley & Walsh. Essays Pastoral Med., 8°, Lond. & Bombay, 1906, 129-134.—Wierdsma (A. R.) Suggestie en per- suasie in de gewone praktijk. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1908, ii, 1031-1038.—Williams (T. A.) The r61e of the doctor in producing or maintaining the maladies derived from the imagination. Am. Med., Bur- lington, Vt., & N. Y., 1908, n. s., iii,367-371. Also, Reprint. -----. The difference between suggestion and persua- sion; the importance of the distinction. Alienist nuz^. [On treatment by hvpnotism.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1908, xlvii, 46.— Kiscnberg(J.) Chlorolormhalbschlafoder Suggestiv- narkose. Zentralbl f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1910, xxxiv, 659- 662.—I'ernald (G. G.) Suggestion in medical practice. Huston M. & S. J., 1911, clxv, 283-2*0.—Irink (H. \V.) Report of a case of psychogenetic convulsions,simulating epilepsv; with hallucinations and obsessions; treated by suggestion. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, 770.—Gota (A~) Papel de la sugesti6n motriz en cl tratamiento de las impotencias funcionales. Rev. de med. y ciriifr. pract., Madrid, 1908, Ixxx, 289-295— Hallauer (H.) Ueber Suggestivnarkose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 781.—Hcllwig (A.) Suggestive briefliche Be- handlung. Arch.f. Krim.-Anthrop.u. Kriminalist.,Leipz., 1909, xxxiii, is.—lone* (E.) The action of suggestion in psychotherapy. .1. Abnorm. Psychol., Bost., 1910-11, v, 217-2"il.-----. The therapeutic effect of suggestion. ,I.f. Psvchol. li. Neur.il., I.eipz., 1910-11, xvii, 427-132. Also: Canad. .1. M. A: S.. Toronto, 1911, xxix, 78-87.—Kocks. BUKt-'estion^nai-kose und HvpiuH'. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1910, xxxiv, 15,s5-15sii.— Mabille (H.) s. Missouri 1896-7, Kansas City, 1898, 537-545. Also: Alienist* Neurol., St. Louis, 1897, xviii, 502-509. Also, Reprint.—Jolinson(C) Suicides. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 540-543. Also, Reprint.—Kiernan (J. G.) Suicide. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1892, xii, 61-64.—Konrad (J.) Az ongyilkos- sagr61. [Suicide.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1901, xii, 586; 605. — Laupts. Une enquete sur le suicide. Ann. med. psvchol., Par.. 1897, 8. s.. v, 38-49. Als.,. trans!.: Ztschr. f. Crim.-Anthn.),., Berl., 1897, i. 75-84—.Tl a pes (C. C.) Notes on suicide. Med. Am\ Detroit. 1897, xv, 555-560. Also, Reprint.— ."Harbe - Cohen (S.) Doua cazuri de sinucideri din O-piciul Marcu^a. [Two cases.] Spitalul, BucurescI, 1904, xxiv, .56-571.—^liinzer (A.) Ueber den Selbstmord. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1589-1591.—>sivrat iV.) Der Selbstmord; eine social- arztliche Studie. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1907, xxi, 39; 55; 71; 87; 103; 137; 153; 216; 232; 251; 267.—Olvera (J.) Algunas palabras sobre el suicidio. Gac. med., Mexico, 1899, xxxvi. 474-185— Overbeek i H.J.) Eenige beschou- wingen over zelfmoord. Geneesk. Courant, Amst., 1910, lxiv, 145-117.—Paine (A. E.) An unusual case of suicide. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc, Bost., 1910, iii, 342— Pernade Salami (L.) Suicidios. Rev. de med. yciruj. dela Ha- bana, 1897, ii, 72-77— Pilez (A.) Zur Lchre vom Selbst- mord. Jahrb. f. I'sychiat., Leipz. u. Wien, 1905, xxvi,294- 310. -----. Contribution;"! l'etudedu suicide. Ann.med.- psychol., Par., 1908, 9. 8., vii, 193-205.—Prieur (A.) Une enquete sur le suicide. Tribune m6d., Par., 1897, 2. s., xxix, 28-30.—Rau (H.) Der Selbstmord. N. Heilk., Berl., 1902, xiv, 105.—Re^nault (F.) Des suicides. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol., Par., 1901-2, xvi, 89.— Rogers (A. W.) A discussion of the suicide problem. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1909-10, viii, 186-197.— Rosenberir (L. J.) & A ronstam (N. E.) A contrihu- tion to the study of suicide. Med. Age, Detroit, 1902, xx,5-8.—Schopenhauer (A.) Ueber den Selbstmord. In his: Sainmti. Werke, 16°, Leipz., [n. d.j, V, 320-325.— Schiitz .F.) Would-be suicides. Char- ities [etc], N. Y., 1907, xviii, 80-82.—Leyden (E.) Ein Fall von complicirtem Conamen suicidii; Schuss in die Schliife, Phosphorvergiftung, Schuss in die Herzgegend; Heilung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.,1894, xx, 475.—Loclite. Zur Kasnistik der Fesselung der Selbstmorder. Aerztl. Saclm-rst.-Ztg., Berl., 1909, xv, 129.—itlacallster (C.J.) A case of attempted suicide. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1903, xxiii, 24-27. -Marer (J.) Selbstmordversuch mittelst Castration. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1894, xxxix, 317.—"Va« ke. Rekord im Selbst- mord. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz.' 1905, xx, 175.—Peaslee (C. A.) Attempted suicide by a prisoner in jail with a sharpened iron spoon. J.Med. & Sc,Portland, 1895-6,ii,475.—Petrasko(L) Ritka latle- let felakasztas utan. [Rare case of attempted suicide.] GyAgyaszat, Budapest, 1895, xxxv, 435. Also, transl.: Pest. med.-chir. Presse,Budapest, 1895,xxxi, 1097-1099.—Pope (G. F.) Attempt at suicide by driving nail into the brain. sriCIPE. 24 Sl'ICIDE. Suicide (Attempted or feigned). J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xiii, 649.—Reiehel. [Dis- simulierter Selbstmordversuch.] Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1910, xxxviii, 153.—Rieger (E.) SelbstmordverstichmitBromural. Miinchen. med.Wchn- schr 1911 lviii 257.—Seytlel. DreiFiillevon versuchter Tauschung durch Selbstmord. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, viii, 177-Siji\vart (W.) Selhstmordver- such wiihrend der (ieburt. Arch. f. Psychiat.. Berl., 1906 xiii, 249-256.— I'ngewitter. Selbstmordversucn und' Meineid. Arch. 1. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1906, xxv, 368.—Vasiliu (C.) Tentativa de si- nucidere prin arma de foe (revolver); vindecare. [At- tempted suicide with revolver; recovery.] Spitalul, Bu- curescl, 1899, xix, 412-415. Suicide (Cases of). See Suicide (Attempted, etc.); Suicide (Statis- tics of); Wounds (Gunshot, Cases of). Suicide (Causes of). See, also, Insanity and suicide; Paralysis (General); Suicide (Double, etc.); Suicide in physicians; Suicide in soldiers; Suicide in women. Bargain (L.-A.-L.) * Contribution a l'etude du suicide chez les persecutes. 8°. Paris, 1905. Gambtjzzi (E.) II suicidio e 1' educazione. 12°. Milano, 1878. Guillon (M.-N.-S.) Entretiens sur le suicide, ou courage philosophique oppose au courage religieux, et refutation des principes de Jean- Jacques Rousseau, de Montesquieu, de Madame de Stael, etc., en faveur de suicide. 16°. Paris, an X [1802]. Hauviller (P.) * Du suicide; unite de son etiologie; son traitement. 8°. Paris, 1399. _ Masaryk (T.-G.) Der Selbstmord als sociale Massenerscheinung der modernen Civilisation. 8°. Wien, 1881. Ollendorff (K.) *Krankheit und Selbst- mord. Beitrage zur Beurteilung ihres ursiich- lichen Zusammenhanges. 8°. Greifswald, 1905. Reboul (J.-A.-M.) * Essai sur la pathogenie du suicide. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900. Rinckenbach (L.) * Contribution ii l'etude du suicide chez les alienes pendant leur interne- ment. 8°. Paris, 1902. Wellauer (V.) * Der Selbstmord insbeson- dere Anstiftung und Beihille zum Selbstmord. [Bern.] 8°. St. Gallen, 1896. A.—St. Selbstmord und Alkohol. Alko- holismus, Dresd.. 1901. ii. 75.—Suieide by prisoners. Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii. 130*.—Suicide; la responsabilite des directeurs des maisons de sante. J. de med. de Par., 1900, 2. s., xii, 213— Sullivan (W. C.) Alcoholism and suicidal impulses. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1900, xxii, 17_29. -----. The relation of alcoholism to suicide in England, with special reference to recent statistics. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1900, xlvi, 260-281, 1 diag., 1 tab. -----. Inebrietv and suicide. Brit. J. Inebr., Lond., 1903-4, i, 25-23.—Thivet. Considerations speciales sur le suicide chez les alienes pendant leur internement. Cong, inter- nat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de neu- ropath, [etc.], 819-823.—Toulouse. Organisation d'un service d'alieiie*; feuille de suicide. Rev.de psychiat., Par.,1903,256-258.—Viallon. Suicideetfolie. Ann.med.- psychol.,Par.,1901,8. s.,xiv, 19; 210; 376: 1902,8. s.,xv, 21; 219; 379: xvi, 234; 394:1903.8. s., xvii, 55; 239; 394: xviii, 28.— Winslo\v(F.) Suicideconsidered as a mental epidemic. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1896-7, xiv, 72; 141. — iirovclc (I.) Padavicar ubio svoga nekoc u zlocinstvu ortaka. [An epileptic commits suicide for the crime of his com- panion] . Lije6. vijestnik, u Zagrebu, 1906, xxviii, 379-382. Suicide (Climatic and seasonal influ- ences on). See Suicide (Causes of); Suicide (Statistics of). Suicide (Double and collective). Gourilew (Mile. Lioubow). * Quelques con- siderations sur lYpMemie actuelle de suicides en Russie. 8°. Paris, 1910. Moreau fils. De la contagion du suicide a propos de Pepidemie actuelle. 8°. Paris, 1«75. Belohradsky (V.) O nekterj?ch vzacnejSich dru- zich sebevrazdy. [Some rarer cases of double suicide] Casop. lek.cesk., v Praze, 1881, xx, 145; 161.—Collective suicide. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1181.—Collineau. Les suicides-clubs. Ann. de psychiat. et d'hypnol., Par., 1892, n. s., ii, 196-206.—Family (A) of suicides. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1901, lx, 660.—Gamier (P.) Suicide a deux; responsabilite du survivant. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psy- chol. physiol., Par., 1890-91, v, 181. -----. Le suicide collectif. Med.mod., Par., 1897, viii,737-739. Also: Nice- med., 1897-8, xxii. 65-74.-----. Le suicide collectif au point de vue medico-legal. Med. mod., Par., 1897, viii, Suicide {Double and collective). 745-747.—Jones (E.) Das Problem des "Gemeinsamen Sterbens," namentlich mit Bezug auf den Selbstmord Heinrich von Kleist's. Zentralbl. f. Psychoanal., Wiesb., 1910-11, i, 563-567.—Kiernan (J. G.) Forensic aspect of double suicide. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1904, xxv, 273-291.—Ktfrth. (O.) La famille Mainliinder. Arch. di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1891, xii, 484-494.—Obici (G.) Un caso di doppiasuicida. Gior. di psichiat. clin. e teen. manic, Ferrara, 1903, xxxi, 1-12.—Palmer (A. A.) An interesting medico-legal case [double suicide (?)]. In- dian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1904, xxv, no. 12,18.—Pozzi (G.) II caso Tomassini (amore e omicidio, suicidio tra fratello e sorella). Scuola positiva, Roma, 1906,2. s., iv, 463-475.— Proal (L.) Le double suicide d'amour. Arch, d'an- throp. crim., Lyon & Par., 1897, xii, 553-576.—Reins- berg (J..) Vzacny pfipad sebevrazdy manzelu; kon- kurrence pficin zmrti. [Singular case of suicide of mar- ried pair; concurrence of causes of death.] Casop. lek. eesk., v Praze, 1889, xxviii, 979; 999: 1021.—Suicide col- lectif. Ann. med.-psychol., Par., 1897, 8. s., vi, 331-333 — Wlnslow (F.) Suicide considered as a mental epi- demic. Bull. Med.-Leg. Cong. 1895, N. Y., 1898, 334-351. Suicide (Frequency of). See Suicide (Attempted, etc.); Suicide (Meth- ods pursued in); Suicide (Statistics of). Suicide (Jurisprudence of). See, also, Cadaver (Jurisprudence of'); Homi- cide (Cases of); Suicide (Attempted, etc.); Suicide (Causes of); Suicide (Double); Sui- cide (Methods pursued in); Suicide in children. Consulto medico-legale in una questione di suicidio nella causa La M . . . ed il B . . . avanti la corte regia in Firenze. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] De Luna (A. ), marchese. II suicidio nel diritto e nella vita sociale. 8°. Roma, 1907. Goncalves ( G. A.), jr. *Estudo medico- psvchologico do suicidio. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 1900. Hundt ( G. R. K. ) * Ueber scheinbaren Selbstmord bei akuter Erkrankung. 8°. Kiel, 1901. JfjRGENS (P. H. K.) *TJeber den Unterscbied zwiscben Mord und Selbstmord durch Erdros- selung unter Veroffentlichung dreier Fiille von Selbsterdrosselung. 8°. Berlin, [1908]. Mtjkhin (N.) Ocherk psikhologii samou- biystva. [Psychology of suicide.] 8°. [Var- shava, 1903.] " Pawlowska (Marie). *Deux cas de meurtre suivi de suicide. 8°. Geneve, 1909. Raffaele (A.) 11 suicidio in rapporto alia medicina legale. 8°. Napoli, 1902. Selctmaxn (E.) * Selbstmord, Teilnahme am Selbstmord und Totting auf Verlangen. 8°. Greifswald, 1910. Adler (A.) Examen und Selbstmord. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M., 1898, vii, 86-92.—Aiello (S.) Suicidio od omicidio? perizia di revisione. Gazz. med. sicil., Catania, 1904, vii, 353; 373; 393; 413.—Bartel (J.) Zur pathologischen Anatomie des Selbstmordes. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910,xxiii,495-504.—Boehm (G.) The right to commit suicide. Bull. Med.-Leg. Cong. 1895, N. Y., 1898, 462-464.—Bogdan (G.) Assassinat; pen- daison du cadavre pour simuler le suicide. Arch, d'an- throp. crim., Lyon & Par., 1909, xxiv, 513-517.—Carre- tero y IHuriel (M.) Dictamen de la primera comisi6n de medicina forense, acerja de si la muerte de un sujeto fue producida por suicidio 6 por homicidio. An. r. Acad. de med., Madrid, 1903, xxiii, 369-376.—Collineau. Un emuledeBarra. Ann. depsychiat.etd'hypnol.,Par., 1892, n.s.,ii, 289-298.-----. Le suicide de Tom Clibbooth. Ibid., 1893, n.s.,iii, 8-15.—Corre (A.) &Aubry (P.) 1'roeesde suicidesdansl'ancienneBretagne. [Abstr.] Ann. med.- psych.Par., 1895,8. s., i, 325-330.—Damaye (H.) Note sur un cas de suicide. Rev. de psychiat., Par., 1904, ix, 330-333.—Defranceschi (P.) Mord oder Selbstmord? Nach gerichtlichen Untersuchungsacten zusammenge- stellt und mitgetheilt. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1903,3. F., xxvi, 302-321.—Desgranges. Du suicide au point de vue medico-psychologique. J. de med. de Lyon, 1864, i, 179-195.—Discussion (A) on suicide; its psychiatrical and social aspects. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii,678-684.—Doll (H.J.) Suicide is unlawful. Mass. M. J.. Bost., 1900, xx, 481-489.—Ennen. Ein eigenttim- licher Fall von Selbstmord. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg.,Berl., 1906. xii, 306.—Ferrari (G. C.) Suicidio a termine fisso. sriciDE. 26 SUICIDE. Suicide (Jurisprudence of). Riv sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1898, xxiv, 239-243.— Gcill rd, Selbstmord oder Zufall. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist.. Leipz., 1910, xxxix, 40- 13 — Gorin (*'•■) Assassiiiiit ou suicide par egorgement. \nn Soc. de med. leg. de Belir.. Brux., 1904-5, xvi, 100- lin;—Gorin iG.) & Heiier-Gilbert (F.) Le diagnos- tic de 1'homicide et du suicide. Arch, internat. de med. leg., Bruxelles, 1910,i, 69-77.—Gundersen (C. I.) Slet- tenmordet. [\-sis-inat ou suicide. Res., 167.] Tidsskr. f nord. rct-med. og psvkiat., Kristiania, 1903, iii, 121- 150.—Halter (K.) Zuin Tatbestand: Anstiftung und Beihilfe zum Selbstmord. Monatschr. f. Krim-Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb.. 1911, viii, 397^00.—Hayashi (S.) [Opinion on 3 eases of suicide or death from other cause.] Kvo-rin-no Shiori. Tokvo. 1901, xiii, 338-344.—Heller ( \ ) Zur Lehre vom Selbstmorde nach 300 Sectionen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 1653-1658 — Huble (M.) Kxamen d'un cas de suicide par coup de feudans labouche; alcoolisme et pachymeningite chro- ni'iue: irrespousabilite. Soc. de med. leg. de France. Bull.. Par., 1889, x, 7-15.— Inekaki(S) A- Vaiuari ^S.) [Decision whethermurder or suicide] Gun Itraku Kvvai Zusshi. Tokvo, 1902, 798-807.—Jacobi. Zweifelsfall ob ein Selbstmord mosrlich Kewesen sei, oder ein Mord von I'remderUandstattgefundenhabenmiisse. Ver.deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freiburg i. Br., 1847, n. F., i, 379-412.— J anikowski. Usilowane zab6jstwo z po- zorem samob6jstvva; w koricu rzeczywLte samob6jstwo. [Murder with probability of suicide; proven in the end to be suicide.] Przegl. lek., Krakow. 1875, xiv, 429; 438.— Kei'erstein. Mord oder Selbstmord? Vrtlischr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1911, 3. F.. xiii. 32-35.—Kraiczyh- ski. Samob6istvvoczy nioi'derstwo.' Przypadek sadouo- lekarski. [Suicide or murder? Case in medical juris- prudence.] I'rzceL lek., Krak6w, 1872, xi, 458; 466; 473: 1873, xii, 2.—Lebcdeli"! I.) Osamoubiystve s meditsin- skol'tochki zriniiva. [Ou suicide from a medical point of view.] Arch, psichiat. [etc.], Varshava, 1896, xxvii, no. 2,1-40.—lieppmanii. DieBegutachtungdes Selbst- mordes bei der privaten Lebens- und der staatlichen Cn fallsversicherung. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1899, v, 424-427.—l 1>avia- 1^2, ix, 84-86.-De Watte- yille (\\. F.) Case of suicide by gun-shot underpeculiar circumstances. Edinb.M.J.,1894-5,xl,310-312 — Dulour Suicide par strangulation a l'aide d'un lien. J.denied de Par.,190/.,2. s..xix,153. Also: Marseillemed.,1907,xliv'65- 71-;------• Suicnleparouverturede la gorge a l'aide d'un instrument tranchant. Marseille med., 1911 xlviii 67- 62.—Fraenekel (P.) Ein seltener Fall von Selbstmord durch Lrsechen Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1909, xv, ft?-_.T?" \\etU Smclde Par coup de feu a blanc sans fausse balle de carton. Arch, de med. et pharm.mil Par 1904, xlm, 310-313.-Fromont. Suicide par coup de ieu; lesion ducceur et de la veine cave a distance du trajet; mecanisme des lesions. Ibid., 1905 xiv 154-157 — de Gaulejac (R.) Cas interessant de suicide par coup ?£ft?\ AaI1D-d'hyg.,Par., 1910,4.s.,xiii, 159-162.-H»™ ,v0 TfVX1X' 72?' X P1' Also< Reprint.- U'Hara (\V E.) A case of suicide [by cutting the throat and stabbing in the thorax]. Lancet, Lond.^904, nvm,m;7 xv''1" (V'l ^in Fal1 von Selbstmord durch ei.ot™% wV,n,i med- Presse' 1893' xxxiv- 648.-Pa- eiiet o (R.) Quelques particularites du suicide a, Buenos- R^esA JVd,e,?l6d^de i>ar- 1906> 2-s., xviii, 524. Also: Rev.de med. leg., Par., 3«.io6, xiii, 323-:!25.-I'aiiie(A E An unusual case of suicide. Boston M. & a. J., 1910, clxii lili'^f rt^T0* ( '■' & Bl,,", oU S»0n' .?ch0 m(Jd- du nord- Lille, 1909, xiii, Tm^ lorn -M17,1,Ia.': '"ethods of suicide. Lancet ot? tt'rl^1, "' ^1-'Vl<'r» (E- A') Larynx, four rings r^»HHea'-and parl ot ,hyroid &,and a»d gullet rt Lond iqnQ^rf - &Qt«otT M"cide- Proc- ^^ Sofi- Med- ^u™i •^^10i,i11i,.n.°- 6.Laryngol. Sect., 107.-Pierac^ finffliVv.^-11- dlT^to. dl uccidere e di uccidersi di qn? ?tf ^ c,o8aliitarl0 e Penale. Ramazzini, Firenze, 1™I "^ "2-123-Poneet. Suicide par coup de feu a h^J^/V1**- Ly(m.JmM" 1906> cvi, 219-221.-Keins- roi - * i V bamovrazdaobesenImnebovrazdauskrcenim. f.^1 a 1 by ha,n&inff ormurder by strangulation ?] Casop. Tek. desk., v Praze, 1886, xxv, 512; 529.-Komieu Sui- d,dcrP^C° aP le ieU axbianc saus fausse bal]e; explosion ?i^i« Si Aroli:de m6d- et Pharm. mil., Par. 1911, lviii, S^r^S*enb?5mV AuffaHiger Sektionsbefund bei einem Selbstmord durch Schuss mit einer Platznatrone S^xtl11 ?n-enSt^eW.?h.r- ?tschr" f- Med,BeamteP Berl.? 1908, xxi, 60n— Kothtuehs (R.) Ueber Selbstmord- versuche. Munchen.med.Wchnschr.,1906,liii 1408-1410 — M^^"^ (G^) ,^u?usual method of suicide, "j. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1909, lv, 324.—Sarda. Suicide nar aon?e a -fe,u, courte (revolver). Rev. de med llg Par 1909 xvi, ll-13.-Scl.lag. Selbstmord durch ErSffnung 19fK> vv%f7P Ina »agIlaV Ztschr' f- Med.-Beamte, Berl, M^tv0 ' 87r7,:-sl"stter (L. D.) Rledkiy siuchai samofll « -dJ^- I??™ Sase of suifide.] Vestnik obsh. hig., Sii» toT'v t;XnT^--St ^'tersb., 1895. xxvi,3. sect., 21-26^ fnVrt 3 (, > u.d"seni ze zardouseni pfi svepomosci ci smrt ze zlomem lebky? [Suicide by strangulation or 19^91 x1v/h fXtUr«d i8^"1-1 VJ P,S°P- Mk- 6esk- V Praze, lyoy xlvni, 482.—Solfori«»\ Em Fall von Selhstmnrfl ^ Halsschnitt. Vrtljschr. f. geflchtWed? BerC W it , ^' xxY;,l76--^°reJs (J.) Samovrazda starce 87 Lrtn rS°-u£tini ^kerkou do hlavy a fezem bfitvou do ™' Lsuicide of 8/-year-old man by blow of hatchet on tne head and razor cut in throat.] Cason lek cesk v Praze, 1880, xix, 431-433.-Souqxies (A.^ Anevrjsml volummeux d'une branche de 1'artere cerebrale moyenne nnr/i'te,ne; 'T"^ classiques de tumeur cerebrale, milt fl« "'^"ante-cinq ans et terminaison par suicide du WW?, ^' 1«°«n°g- de la SalP6triere, Par., 1908, xxi, 108-112, 1 pi.—Stevenson (T. H.) Case of suicide bv means of a blank round of ammunition. J.Cy Amy bid • CT°aT' Lo?d-i9°7, viii, 51,-Strange suic dlsZ bed. Lancet, Lond., 1903, i, 459.-Suieide and its «.???!:• JVttA?- M- Ass- Cnica&o, 1897, xxviii, 130.- suicide (Un) aux sangsues. J. de med. de Par 1892 Ll'i lyica,nn?xe',273- Also, transl.: Deutsche Med.-Ztg' Berl ,1892, xm, 626. Also, transl.: N. York M. J., 1892 seih0ti'^J°n Syry,{Ii-) Beitrag zur Kasuistik des Selbstmordes wal,re.id der Geburt. Miinchen. med Wchnschr., 1908, lv, J534-1.,;;6.-Szigeti (H.) Ongyilkos Mtal onkezzel yegzett gegckiirhis esete. [A7 case of sui- cide by laceration of the throat with the hand.l Gv6ev- aszat, Budapest, 1895, xxxv, 289-291.-Talbot. Du sui- cide par autosection linguale en Indo-Chine. Ann ,tr ? goet ^ m6d- coIon- Par-. 1904, vii, 256-265.—Tlrelli (V.) Su di un caso di suicidio per colpo di revolver all' ?r?,^c ,£■ A7,ch-di antr°P- erim. [etc.] Torino, rgoo, 4 s h^t >mAlm: A,nn-diTfr,eniat. [etc.f, Torino, 1909, xix,' 145-153;.—Tomellim (L.) Sopra un raro caso di sulci! cm--, ArcJl;diantrop.crim. [etc.],Torino, 1910,xxxi,596- 601, lpl.-Tonnuu (S.) Laleggendadelle sepolte vive R0af e.sna din e statist, d. Villa di Salute di Palermo, 1891, 1 fasc. 3, 3-15,-Tovo (C.) Un caso di suicidio per colpo di arma da fuoco sparato al dorso. Arch, di psichiat [etc.], Torino, 1904, xxv, 318-325.—Two suicides with the revolver. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 1314 —Viardin (E.) Du suicide par l'alcool et du lavage de l'estomac comme lemoyen le plus prompt et le plus sur de faire cesser les accidents d'intoxication. Bull, med Par 1903, xvii, 421 -Wachholz (L.) Zur Kasuistik der seltneren Selbstmordarten. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte Berl 1896, ix, 485-493. ------. Zur Kasuistik der Selbst^ morde durch Schuss. Ibid., 1899, xii, 741-747 _\Ven»-- ler (J.) Zwei ungewohnliche Fiille von Selbstmord Ibid., 1904, xvii, 7-9. SUICIDE. 28 SUICIDE. Suicide (Post-mortem examinations of). See Suicide (Jurisprudence of). Suicide (Prevention of). Federici (E.) La prevenzione del suicidio da parte della societft coll' esame delle opere sul suicidio di Curci e di Morselli. 8°. Venezia, 1901. Onofrio (J.-B.) Les lois positives contre le suicide. 8°. Lyon, 1874. <'leghorn (CD.) Suicide by poison; a plea for re- striction of the sale of carbolic acid. Long Island M. J., Brooklvn, 1911, v, 7-9.—Drosnes (L.) Eine psychoana- Ivtische Organisation zur Verhiitung von Selbstmorden. Zentralbl. f. I'svchoanal., Wiesb., 1910-11, i, 553-556.— lloralcs Perez (A.) La cirugia en los suicidas; cases practicos. Rev. de med. v cirug. pract., Madrid, 1900, xliv, 337-346.—Polt (C.) La frequence des suicides; le seul moyen d'y remedier. J. de la sante, Par., 1897, xiv, 274-276. — Revesz ( B.) Der Selbstmord, eine sozial- hygienische Skizze. Arch. f. soziale Med. u. Hyg.,Leipz., 1905, ii, 240-248. — Rodriguez ( F. ) Influencia del estado civil sobre el suicidio. Arch, de psiquiat. y crimi- nol., Buenos Aires, 1905, iv, 385-404.—Strahan (S. A. K.) The necessity for legislation re suicide. [Abstr.] J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1894, xl, 605-609.—Suicide and its pre- vention. Med. News, N. Y., 1903, lxxxiii, 658. Suicide (Psychology of). See Suicide (Causes of); Suicide (Jurispru- dence of). Suicide (Pace incidence of). See Suicide (Statistics of); Suicide in anthro- pology, etc. Suicide (Statistics of). See, also, Suicide (Double, etc.); Suicide in children; Suicide in soldiers and sailejrs. Corridore (F.) II suicidio al tramonto del secolo xix. roy. 8°. Torino, 1903. Difour (J -M.) * Etude statistique et com- pare sur le suicide a la morgue de Geneve (lcr Janvier 1880-31 decembre 1900). [Geneve.] 8°. Marseille, 1903. Harpprecht (H.) * Beitrage zur Selbstmord- statistik des Oberamts Tubingen. 8°. Tubin- gen, 1903. Hoffman (F. L.) The suicide record of 1903. fol. New York, 1904. Cutting from: Spectator, N. Y., 1904, 329-331. -----. The suicide record of 1907. Increase in the number of suicides; economic depression probably the cause; financial disaster and lack of employment discourage many persons; inter- esting facts and comparisons, fol. New York, 1908. Cutting from: Spectator, X. Y., 1908, lxxxi, 173-175. Khlopin (G. V.) Samoubiystva, pokushe- niya na samoubiystva i nestchastniye sluchai sredi uchashtshikhsya russkikh uchebnikh za- vedeniy. [Suicides, attempts at suicide, and unfortunate accidents among Russian students.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1906. Repr.from: J. Min. Narodn. Prosv., 1906. Liebermann ( L. ) * Selbstmord in der Schweiz wahrend der Jahre 1900-1904. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1909. Marsh (E. J.) Mortality from suicides. 8°. New York, 1896. Mortality from suicides, roy. 8°. New York, 1896. Reck (J.) *Der Selbstmord in Bamberg im letzten Decennium. [Erlangen.] 8°. Bam- berg, [n. d.V Richter. Die Zunabme des Selbstmordes, insbesondere in Sachsen. 12°. Leipzig, 188.!. Saelax (T.) *Om sjelfmordet i Finland i statistesktiskt och riittsmedicinskt afseende. [Suicide in Finland in respect to statistics and legal medicine.] 8°. Helsingfors, 1864. Suicide (Statistics of). Stelzner (Helenefriederike). Analyse von 200 Selbstmordfallen, nebst Beitrag zur Pro- gnostik der mit Selbstmordgedanken verknupf- ten Psychosen. Mit einem Vorwort von T. Ziehen. 8°. Berlin, 1906. Ages (The) and causes of suicides in Japan. Sei-i- Kwai M. J., T6kv6,1896, xv, 1 Id.—Brown (H. A.) Sui- cide in the registration area. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 482-484. Also, Reprint.—Collins (H. O.) Some remarks on suicide; based on statistics of over four thousand cases. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1895, n. s., xxxiv, 415-418.—1>. (J.) Le suicide en Chine. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1899, xxix, 382-384. — Dewey (D. R.) Statistics of suicides in New England. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost., 1892-3, n. s,, iii, 158-175.—[Discussion sur la question:] Statistique et cause des suicides. Cong. internat. d'hvg. etde demog. C.-r., Brux., 1904, ix, 107- 112.—Krihsbn (E.) O samoubiystvakh na Kavkazle, [Suicide in the Caucasus.] Vopr. nerv.-psikh. med., Kiev, 1905, x, 129-138—Fajarnes [y] Tur (E.) Los suicidios en PalmadeMallorca durante el aflol895. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1896, xii, 97- 99.—Fels (J.) Siebenhundertundzwanzig Selbstmorde und Selbstmordversuche, zusammengestellt aus der Lemberger freiwilligen Rettungsgesellschaft. Deutsche klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1906, iii, 805; 833; 863. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1906, xiii, 805; 833; 863. Also, transl.: Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1906, i, 409- 417.—Hoffhian (F. L.) The suicide record of 1901. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1902, xlix, 330-335.—Increase in sui- cide in New York. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxvi, 222.— Ireland (W. W.) On the causes of the increaseof sui- cide. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1899, xiv, 451-166.—Klesk (A. E.) Kilka uwag o samob6jst\vie, z uwzglednieniem kazuistyki krakowskiej za czas od r. 1892-1898(wlacznie). [On suicide, especially in Cracow, during 1892-8.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1900, xxxix, 37; 49;63.—L.acassagne (A.) Les suicides & Lvon. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1896, xi, 266-277.—Le-Roy y Cassa (J.) I Quo tendimus? Estudio medico-legal sobre el suicidio en Cuba durante el quinquenio de 1902-6. Rev. med. cubana, Ha- bana, 1907, xi, 129-149, 1 diag., 2 ch., 7 tab. Also: An. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1907-8, xliv, 38-63, ldiag., 2 ch., 8 tab.—Lieubuscher. Zur Selbstmord- statistik. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Wei- mar, 1899, xxviii, 374; 417. -----. Der Selbstmord wah- rend des Jahres 1897 in Preussen. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Berl., 1900,vii,489-491. Also, transl.: [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 245.—L.omer (G.) Ueber die Selbstmorde in Deutschland. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Hild- burgh, 1911-12, x, 149-155.— Magg. Uebersicht der Selbstmorde im Grossnerzogthume Baden in den Jahren 1836 bis und mit 1845. Ver. deutscher Ztschr. f. d. Staats- Arznk., Freiburg i. Br., 1848, n. F., iv, 245-266.—Mati- gnon (J.-J.) Le suicide en Chine. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1897, xii, 365-417,1 pi.—JTIodi (S.-ul- N. J. J.) Suicides and old age. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bom- bay, 1904-7, vii, 677-590.—Jtlontel'useo (A.) Note statistiche sul suicidio in Italia. Arch, internaz. d. med e chir., Napoli, 1896, xii, 365-381.—Patel (B. B.) Statistics of suicides in Bombay during the years 1895 to 1906. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 189.5-1907, iv-viii, passim. Pralil. Ueber Selbstmorde bei den Chinesen miter be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung des deutschen Schutzgebietes Kiautschou und der Provinz Schantung. Arch. f. Ras- sen- u. Gesellsch.-Biol., Miinchen, 1908, v, 669-706.—Pro- zoroft*(L.) Samoubiystva v tyurmakh i okolo tyu- rem po dannim 1906 i 1907 goda. [Suicides in and about prisons from data of 1906 and 1907.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1908, lxx, 63-78.—Rodriguez (F.) hijo. El suicidio en Buenos Aires. Prim. reun. d. Cong, cient. lat. amer., Buenos Aires, 1898, iv; 560-574, 2 ch., 1 diag. -----. Estu- dios sobre el suicidio en Buenos Aires; la influencia de la edad y del sexo. Arch, de psiquiat. y criminol., Buenos Aires, 1904, iii, 1-21.—Rost (H.) Der Selbstmord in den Stadten. Allg. statist. Arch., Tubing., 1904, vi, 263-281.— Rovinsky(A.) Epidemic suicides [in Russia]. Boston M. & S. J., 1898, exxxviii, 238—Scliermers (D.) En- kele bijzonderheden over den zelfmoord in ons land. Geneesk. Courant, Amst., 1909, lxiii, 245-247. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. d.ges. Neurol, u. Psychiat, Berl. u. Leipz., 1910, i, Orig., 206-215.—Selbstmorde (Die) wahrend des Jahres 1908. Med.-statist. Nachr., Berl., 1909, i, 414-418.— Selbstmorde (Die) in Preussen wahrend des Jahres 1909. Ibid., 1910, h, 461-466.—Selbstmorde. Vrtljhrsb. d. wissensch.-humanit. Kom., Leipz., 1911-12, iii, 72-77.__ Selbstmordversuclie [Statistik]. Jahrb.d. Wien.k. k.Krankenanst. 1901-2, Wienu.Leipz.. 1905.x-xi,366-370.— Sibbald (Sir J.) Recherches sur le suicide en Grande Bretagne. Arch, de neurol., Par.. Ih98, 2. s., vi, 391-401. ----—. Etude statistique sur le suicide en Anglettrre et en Ecosse. J. de med. de Par., 1899, 2. s., xi 355- 363 Also: Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1899, vi, 297-304. Also' Rev' de psychiat., Par., 1899, n. s., iii, 84-91. •----- On suicide in Scotland. [Abstr.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900 i 496- 498.—Sollaud. Le suicide en Annam. Centre med et SUICIDE. 29 SUICIDE. Suicide {Statistics of). pharm., Gannat, 1904-5, x, 25.— Sorge. Selbstmordsta- tistik des Amtsgerichtsbezirks Ilmenau in den Jahren 1876-1901. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Wei- mar, 1901, xxx, 420-425.—Styles (G.) Suicide and its in- crease. Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1900-1901, lvii, 97-102.—Sui- cidal (The) fever. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 410.—Sui- cide in Italy. [Edit.] Ibid., 1907, i, 601.—Suicide in Salford. Ibid., 1902, i, 1501.— Suicide statistics. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xiv, 469.—Suicide in prisons. [Edit.l Lancet, Lond., 1911. ii, 1281.—Suicides (Les) en France pendant l'aimee 1905. J. de med. de Par., 1907, 2. s., xix, 443.—Suicidios em Lisboa. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1904, 2. s., vi, 190-192.—Tarnowski (E.) Le sui- cide et la criminalite au Japon. Arch, d'anthrop. crim.- Lyon & Far., 1907, xxii, 809-825.— Traklitenberg (A. G.) O samoubiystvakh sredi uchashtshikhsya. [Suicide among students.] J. russk. Obsh. okhran. narod. zdrav., St. Petersb., 1909, xix, no. 11, 41-53.—Ueberslcht der Selbstmorde seit dem Jahre 1835 in der Stadt Fiirth. To- desarten der seit dem Jahre 1832-3 Verungltickten in der Stadt Fiirth. Verzeichniss der seit 1836 in Fiirth an oder mit Noma Verstorbenen. Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freiburg i. Br., 1850, n. F., viii, 161-172.— Vucetieh (J.) Diez anos de suicidios en Buenos Aires; sintesis estadisticas. Arch, de psiquiat. y criminol., Buenos Aires, 1903, ii, 637-541.—Weir (J.), jr. Suicide in the United States. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 217- 221.—VakovlefT (S. N.) & Filatoflf (P. F.) Samou- biystva v Simbirskol gubernii. [Suicides in the Govern- ment of Simbirsk.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Peterb., 1892, xvi, 3. sect., 1-47.—Zlibankoff (D.N.) O samoubivstvakh v poslledneye vremya. [Re- cent suicides.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 437; 455; 470; 489.—Zuboff (I. O.) Samoubiystvo V Liflyandskol gubernii; mediko-statisticheskiyocherk. [Suicide in the Government of Livandia.] Vestnik obsh. nig., sudeb. i prakt.med., St. Petersb., 1902, pt.2,692; 803. Also, Reprint. Suicide and alcoholism. See Suicide (Causes of). Suicide in animals. Nacke (P.) Selbstmord by Tieren. Arch. f. Krim.- Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1904-5, xviii, 91-93. Suicide in anthropology and fol More. de Castro (L.) Contributo alia psicopatologia dell' Abissinia; dei suicidi, loro frequenza ed identita; tentato suicidio e disvulnerabilitA in un giovanetto galla (ferita addominale, epiplocele; resezione; guarigione). Arch, di antrop. crim. [etc.], Torino, 1911, 4. s., iii, 235- 246.—Grassl. Die Selbstmorde in Bayern, ein volkspsy- chologischer Beitrag. Friedreich's BL f. gerichtl. Med., Numb., 1904, lv, 179; 259.—Jourdan (E.) & Fontoy- nout. Le suicide chez les Malgaches. Progres med., Par., 1909, 3. s., xxv, 409; 423.—liascli (R.) Die Be- handlung der Leiche des Selbstmorders. Globus, Brn- schwg., 1899, lxxvi, 63-£6. -----. Die Verbleibsorte der abgeschiedenen Seelen der Selbstmttrder. Ibid., 1900, lxxvii, 110-115.—Manning (P.) Stray notes on Oxford- shire folklore; traditions of suicides. Folk-Lore, Lond., 1903, xiv, 73.—Ortiz (F.) II suicidio tra i negri. Arch. di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1906, xxvii, 621-623. Suicide in children [and adolescents]. Baer (A.) Der Selbstmord im kindlichen Lebensalter. Eine social-hygienische Studie. 8°. Leipzig, 1901. Also [Rev.] in: Med. Woche, Berl., 1901, 309-313. Barbaux (G.) * Etude medico-psychologique sur le suicide chez les enfants. 8°. Paris, 1910. Khoroshko (V. K.) Samoubiystvo dletel. S predisloviyem G. I. Rossolimo. [Suicide of children. With preface by Rossolimo.] 8°. Moskva, 1909. Moreau (J.) *Du suicide chez les enfants. 8°. Paris, 1906. Stark (P.) *Selbstmord in der Schule. 8°. Slrassburg i. E., 1900. Reelitz. Pseudologia phantastica und Selbstmord- versuch bei einem Kinde. [From: Irrenfreund, 1901.] Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1901, xxxvi, 17.5-178.—Child suicide in Germany. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxviii, 661.— De-Sanctis (S.) & Vespa (B.) Suicidio a due in adolescenti. Riv. quindicin. di psicol. [etc.], Roma, 1897-8, i, 273-280.—Deutsch (E.) Ueber Kinderselbst- morde. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1903-4, xxxviii, 37- 56.—Eulen burg (A.) Schiilerselbstmorde. Ztschr. f. padagog. Psvchol. [etc.], Berl., 1907, ix, 1-31.—F-r (R.) Barnsjalfmord. [Suicide of children.] Hilsovannen, Stockholm, 1908, xxiii, 233-236.—(Janiier (P.) Le sui- cide chez l'enfant; affaire du marquis de Nayve. J. de Suicide in children [and adolescents]. clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1895, iii, 901-904.—LebedefF (A.) Samoubiystvo 8-mi lletnel dlevochki. [Suicide of a girl 8 years old.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.- Peterb., 1899, iv, 20-24.—Iiemaitre (A.) A propos des suicides de jeunes gens. Arch, de psychol., Geneve, 1904-5, iv, 358-361.— MacDonald (A.) Statistics of child suicide. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost., 1906-7, x, 260-264,1 tab. Also, Reprint.—Major (G.) Selbstmorde Jugendlicher in sozialpiidagogischer Beleuchtung. Ztschr. f. d. Erforsch. u. Behandl. d. jugendl. Schwach- sinns, Jena, 1908-9, ii, 433-450—Mapes (C. C.) Suicide in children. Med. Age, Detroit, 1903, xxi, 289-295.— JTIeltzer. Zur Frage der Schiilerselbstmorde. Ztschr. f. d. Behandl. Schvvachsinn., Dresd., 1910, xxx, 1-11.— JTloreau. Le suicide chez les enfants. Bull, med., Par., 1898, xii, 387.—Purler (E.) Le suicide chez l'en- fant et l'adolescent. Ann. de m£d. et chir. inf., Par., 1899, iii, 821-827— Proal (L.) Education et suicides d'enfants. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1905, xx, 369; 441.—Sclitilerselbstmorde (Die) in Preussen wiihrend des Jahres 1907. (Nachtrag zum 2. Hft.) Med.- statist. Nachr., Berl., 1909, i, 419-425.—Solaro (A.) I suicidii nell' eta infantile. Pediatria, Napoli, 1904, 2. s., ii, 553-557.—Suicides of children. Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 328. Suicide and insanity. See Insanity and suicide; Suicide (Statistics of). ^ Suicide and occupations. See Physicians (Suicides of); Suicide (Causes of); Suicide in physicians; Suicide in soldiers and sailors. Suicide in physicians. See, also, Physicians (Suicides of). Sikorski (I. A.) Samoubiystvo sredi russkikh vra- chel. [Suicide among Russian phvsicians.] Vopr. nerv.- psikh. med., Kiev, 1896, i, 9-20.—'Sternberg (A.) Sa- moubiystvo sredi russkikh vrachel. [Suicide among Russian physicians] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1897, iv, 197; 605.—Suicide among physicians. [Edit.] Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1897, lxxvi, 271- 273.— Suicide (The) of a medical man following a groundless accusation. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 858.— Vimarius. Der Selbstmord des arztlichen Standes. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1911, 389-394. Suicide and poverty. See Suicide (Causes of). Suicide and race. See Suicide (Statistics of); Suicide in anthro- pology, etc. Suicide in schools. See Suicide in children. Suicide in soldiers and sailors. Brosch (A.) Die Selbstmorder. Mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der militiirischen Selbstmorder und ihrer Obduktionsbefunde. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, 1909. Gruner (R. B. H.) *Der Selbstmord in der deutschen Armee. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Selbstmorde (Die) in der preussischen Ar- mee. 8°. Berlin, 1894. Anton. Bemerkung zu Podesta's Aufsatz: Hiiuflg- keit des Selbstmordes in der Marine. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl.,1907,xliii, 426.—Antony (F.) Le suicide dans! ar- mee allemande. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par.,1895, xxv, 489-495.—A mould (J.) Contribution k l'etude du suicide dans l'armee. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim., Par., 1893, viii, 21-30.—< 'havign y. Suicide et suicide manqu6 dans l'armee. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1910, 4. s., xiii, 481- 507.—('unco. Le suicide dans l'armee et dans la ma- rine. Courrier m&L, Par., 1901, li, 481.—Des Cilleuls (J.) Le suicide dans l'armee francaise. Ann. d'hyg., Par.,1910, 4. s., xiii, 508-516.—Gaikovich (R.) Samou- biystvo v volskakh russkol armii za 15 Het. [Suicide in the Russian army for 15 years.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 344.—Longnet (R.) Etude statistique sur le suicide dans les armees europeennes. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, viii, 135-138.— Ma karoft( N. V.) Samoubiystva v russkol armii. [Sui- cide in the Russian army.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1902, lxxx, med.-spec pt., 2203-2239.—Podesta. H&u- figkeit und Ursach e 11 der Selbstmordneigung in der Marine im Vergleich mit der Armee. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1906, xiii, 32-54. See, also, supra, Anton.—Fodlia- SUCIDE. 30 SUKER. Suicide in soldiers and sailors. jsky (V.) Samovrazdy, samovrazedne pokusy a zmrza- ceni vck.vojSte. [Suicides, suicidal attempts, and maim- ing in the army.] Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 1889, xxviii, 5- 10.—Probsti'ng (A.) Soldaten-Selbstmorde. Centralbl. f. alltr. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1896, xv, 30S-31L—Suicide anions soldiers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i. 452.—Sztano- jevitstL.) Ueberdie Ursachen der wahrend des Mili- tiirdienstps vorkommenden Geisteskrankheiten und Selli.-t morde. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1911. xl vii, 69; 6s.—A u boil' (I.) Samoubiystvo vo flotie. [Suicide inthenavv.] Med. pribav.kmorsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1906, 173-190. Suicide in women. Boas (K.) Suicidium menstruale; ein Beitrag zum psychischen Verhalten der Frau wahrend der Menstrua- tion. Ztschr. f. Psychoth. u. med. Psychol., Stuttg., 1909, i, 300-317. -----. Ueber einen Mord- und Suicidversuch in der Menstruation. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Krimi- nalist., Leipz., 1909, xxxv, 226-248. -----. Ein weiterer Fall von Suicidium menstruale. Ibid., 1910-11, xl. 187- 190.—Bossl (L. M.) Die gyniikologischen Lasionen bei ber Manie des Selbstmordes und die gynakologisehe I'ro- phvlaxe gegen den Selbstmord beim Weibe. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1911, xxxv, 1265-1272.—Koch. [Fine Patientin, die in Pucrperalpsyehose Suizid veriibte.] Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staat^kninkenanst. 1909, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1910, xiv, pt. 1, 125.—Slavik (V.) Menstruacni psychosy vzhledem ku zakonu trestnimu aku poctu sebe- vrazd zen. [Menstrual psychoses from the viewpoint of criminal jurisprudence and suicide of women.] Lek. rozhledy, Praha, 1908, xvi, 241; 286. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Rev. de med. tcheque, Prague, 1909, ii, 112. Suiffet (Theodore). *De l'opotherapie thyroi- dienne. 54 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1900, No. 6. Ecole de pharmacie. Suijliu;; (J. Ph.) Bijdrage tot de kennis van hyperaesthesie voor zoutzuur. 7 pp. 8°. [Am- sterdam, 1888.] Repr.from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1888, xxiv. Suis (Armand) [1859- ]. * Contribution a l'etude du foie des poissons et des produits qu'il fournit a la therapeutique. 47 pp., 3 pi. 4°. Toulouse, 1891, No. 8. See, also, Cliarpy i Adrien). Cours de splanchnologie, [etc.]. 8°. Monloiibni:,188$. -----. The same. 8°. Tou- louse, 1890. Suite de la seance publique de la Societe de sant^ de Nancy, du 2 messidor an 10, contre la decou- verte anti-psorique. Reponse de J. Mettem- berg. 16 pp. 12°. Paris, an AT (1803). Suiter (A. Walter) [1850- ]. The inaugural address before the Medical Society of the State of New York. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. J. Dornan, 1892. Repr.from: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., 1892. Sujkowski (Johann) [1875- ]. *TJeber einen Fall von Tabes im Jugendalter. 20 pp., 5 tab., 2 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1905. Sukennikowa (Nadeshdaj. *Ueber einen Fall von Athvreosis congenita. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, 0. Fretncke, 1909. Suker (George F.) [1869- ]. Thiosinamine; a clinical contribution to its study. 7 pp. 8°. [NashriUeV 1898. Repr.from: Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1898, vii. ------. Excision of the superior cervical sympa- thetic ganglion for glaucoma, with a report of a case. 4 pp. 8°. Nashville, 1899. Repr.from: Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1899, viii. ------. Keratitis petrificans, the correct termi- nology for ribband-like keratitis. 6 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1900. Repr.from: Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1900, ix. ------. The surgery of the superior cervical sym- pathetic ganglion. 10 pp. 12°. New York, 1900. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1900, lxxi. -----. On the employment of agar-agar in the formation of a stump after enucleation or evis- ceration. 4 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1901. Repr.from: Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1901, x. Suker (George F.)—continued. ------. The value of excision of the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion in glaucoma. 8 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1901. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii. ------. Chlorosis and its relation to the eye. 10 pp. 8°. Detroit, 1902. Repr.from: Medicine, Detroit, 1902, viii. ------. Is the dislocation of the lens into the vit- reous ever justifiable? 8 pp. 8°. New York, 1902. Repr.from: Am. J. Ophth., N. Y., 1902, xix. ------. A separate gumma of the caruncle and ocular conjunctiva. Report of a case, with a complete bibliography appertaining thereto. 7 pp. 8°. New York, 1902. Repr.from: Am. J. Ophth., N. Y., 1902, xix. ------. Thiosinamin. Clinical and experimental observations with reference to corneal opacities and other ocular lesions. 12 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1902. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix. ------. Concerning the terms antimetropia and anisometropia; brachymetropia and hypome- tropia in place of myopia; hypermetropia and hyperopia. A plea for the correct use of these terms in ophthalmology. 16 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1903. Repr. from: Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1903, xii. ------. Eye complications that at times attend measles. 15 pp. 12°. Detroit, 1903. Repr.from: Medicine, Detroit, 1903, ix. ------. A new and simple demonstration oph- thalmoscope. 4 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1903. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xii. ------. Can an ophthalmic examination aid the life insurance examiner in his work? 4 pp. 8°. Toledo, 1903. Repr.from: Am. M. Compend., Toledo, 1903. ------. Paraffin; its use in the formation of a !«tump after an enucleation. 4 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1903. Repr.from: Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1903, xii. ------. Paralysis and paresis of the muscle of accommodation. 25 pp. 8°. St. Louix, 1903. Repr.from: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1903, xx. ------. A consideration of the surgical treatment of chronic Bright's disease from the ophthalmic standpoint. 7 pp. roy. 8°. New 3 'ork, 1904. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxix. -----. A criticism on the use and abuse of the lacrimal probe. 6 pp. 8°. Nero York, 1904. Repr.from: Am. J. Ophth., N. Y., 1904, xxi. -----. The molar teeth and the patellar reflex in hereditary syphilitic interstitial keratitis. 15 pp. 8°. Detroit, 1904. Repr.from: Medicine, Detroit, 1904, x. ------. Gonorrheal ophthalmia, with involve- ment of the anterior ethmoidal cells. A report of a case. 5 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1905. Repr. from: Ann. Ophth. & Otol., St. Louis, 1905, xiv. ------. Kuhnt's conjunctival flap (Schoeller- Kuhnt's conjunctival graft). 8 pp. 8°. Chi- cago, 1905. Repr.from: Opthalmol., Milwaukee, 1905, ii. ------. Diagnostic eye-findings in arteriosclero- sis (angiosclerosis). 7 pp. 8°. [Cincinnati'], 1906. Repr. from: Lancet-Clin., Cincin., 1906, lvii. ------. Scopolamine and morphine anesthesia in ophthalmic surgery. 12 pp. 12°. Detroit, E. G. Swift, 1906. Repr.from: Medicine, Detroit, 1906, xii. ------. Can a substitute for simple enucleation be employed in every instance? 7 pp. 8°. Milwaukee, 1908. Repr.from: Ophthalmol., Milwaukee, 1908, iv. SUKHANOFF. 31 SULPHATES. Suklianotf (S. A.) 0 melankholii. [On me- lancholia.] 42 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, V. S. Ettinger, 1905. Forms no. 3 of: Klin. Lekts., S.-Peterb.. 1906. Sukliareff (A[lekslel] A[ndreyevich]) [1861- ] *Kazanskiye tatari (uyezd Kazanski); opit etnograricheskavo i mediko-antropologi- cheskavo izsliedovaniya. [Kazan Tartars (Ka- zan County); ethnographic and medico-anthro- pologic studv.] 195 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Peter- burg, P. P. Solkin, 1904. Sukhum. Roziual'nski (A. G.) K voprosu o klimatle Sukhu- ma (klimaticbeskiya i sanitarniya usloviya). [Climate of Sukhum; climatic and sanitary conditions.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1892, no. 53,1-22.—Sulakott" (A.I.) Su- khum kak klimaticheskaya stantsiya. [. . . as a climatic station.] Trudt i Protok. Imp. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1907-8, xliv, 173-193. Sukiennikow (Wladimir) [1878- ]. *To- pographische Anatomie der bronchialen und trachealen Lymphdriisen. 26 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1903. Sukotf (Nikolai Vsevolodovich [1862- ], * Material! k seroterapii; sifilisa vliyaniye vpriskivaniy sivorotki merkuriarizovannikh loshadel na sostav krovi u sirilitikov. [Data on serumtherapy of syphilis; influence of in- jection of serum of mercurialized horses on the composition of blood in svphilitics.] 91 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1S97'. Sulakoff(A[fanasiy]I[vanovich])[1871- _ ]. *Peritonizatsiyaizohrovannimikuskamisalnika; eksperimentalnoye izslledovaniye. [Peritoni- zation with isolated pieces of the omentum; experimental investigation.] 84 pp. 8°. S.- Peterburg, Ye. Tile i Preyemn, 1910. Sulci. Cliarpy. Sur les sillons du bas-ventre et de la cuisse. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1910, xvii, 49-63. Sulcus (Stilelarian). .tlom-liet i A.) Sur la gouttiere arterielle de la 1™> c6te (-ulcus subclavin- B. X. A.) Anat. Anz., Jena, 1910, xxxvi, 591-595. Sulcus glottideu.s. . Citelli (S.) Sulla frequenza e sul significato di un solco glottideonelP uomo. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1906, xxiii, 421-439, 1 pi. Sulcus Rolandi. Oiannelli (A.) Sulla interruzione del sulcus Ro- landi. Atti d. Soc. rom. di antrop., Roma, 1908, xiv, 45-59. Sulf Iiydral (El) vel Sedlitz Charles Chanteaud. 16 pp. 12°. Paris, [1901]. Sulfonal-Bayer Recent observations on its value as a hvpnotic. 23 pp. 8°. [New York, TF. if. Schirtfelin, & Co., 1891.] Sulieka (Marie) [1852- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des fistules et kystes congenitaux du cou; kystes et fistules du canal de Bochdalek. 82 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 492. Sulikow*ki (Theophile). Monstruosite par in- clusion, superfetation ombilicale congenitale d'une fille de quatorze ans, guerie au moyen d'une operation extraordinaire. 15 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [Paris, H. Plan, 1852.] Sulima (K[senofont] P[latonovich]) [1856- ]. *Sveklo-sakharnoye proizvodstvo v sanitarnom otnoshenii. [Beet-sugar manufac- tories from a sanitary viewpoint.] 1 p. 1., 222 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, M. M. Stasyulevich, 1892. Sulima-Samuiio (A[ndreIJ F[omich]) [1874- ]. *K voprosu ob otsienkie nlekotorikh priborov dlya gazometricheskavo opredleleniya Sulima-Samuiio (A[ndrei] F[omich])—con. uglekisloti v vozdukhie. [Estimation of vari- ous apparatuses for the gasometric analysis of car- bonic acid in the air. ] 74 pp., 11. 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, V. Y. Milshteln, 1904. Sulka. Hasolier. Die Sulka; ein Beitrag zur Ethnographie von Neu-Pommern. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1904, n. F..i, 209-235. Sulko von Hostzka [circa 1400]. Sudlioflr" (K.) Meister Sulko. Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med., Leipz., 1908, ii, 47-54. Sullerot (Henri). *Contribution a l'etude du traitement des pleurisies purulentes. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 457. Sullivan (J[ohn] D.) [1841- ]. Clinical observations on appendicitis, with report of cases illustrating different forms of the disease. 15 pp. 12°. [New York, D. Appleton & Co.. 1893.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1893, lvii. Sullivan (J[ohn] J.) An eligible combination. 4 pp. 32°. New York, 1894. Sullivan (John L.). See Disbrow (Levi) & Sullivan (John L.) Adver- tisement of a proposition fur ward companies. 8°. New York, 1832. Sullivan (Michael). Portrait. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1904-5, xxxviii, no. 3. Sullivan {Richard Henry) [1854-1905]. Obituary. Brooklyn M. J., 1905, xix, 218. Sullivan County, Xew York. Sullivan County, N. Y., as a winter health resort, and the climatic and h}Tgienic treatment of phthisis. 16°. New York, 1899. Sullivans Island. See Charleston, South Carolina. Sully (James) [1842- ]. Sensation and in- tuition; studies in psychology and aesthetics. xix, 372 pp. 8°. London, H. S. King & Co., 1874. -----. Illusions; a psychological study. 102 pp. 8°. New York, the Humboldt Pub. Co., 1884. For Portrait, see Phil. Port. Series, Chicago, 1898. Sulmeneff (Nikolai Dimitriyevich) [1858- ]. *Lebeda (Chenopodium album L.) yeya khi- micheskiy sostav i usvoyayemost azotistikh veshtshestv. [. . ., its chemical composition and assimilation of its nitrogenous matter.] 43, xix pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, S. V. Vol- pyanski, 1893. See, also, Martineau (Lfouis]). Blennorreya u zhenshtshin [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1886. Sulmona. See Hygiene (Municipal, Laws, etc., of), by localities. Sulphaminol. J)e Laiitslieere. Lesulfaminol. Pressem6d.helge, Brux., 1894, xlvi, 49. Sul phate-cellulose. Komppa (G.) Laus unto koskeva sulfaatti-sellulosa- tehtai ta. [Suggestions for plants for manufacturing'sul- phate cellulose.] Duodecim, Helsinski, 1908, xxiv, 322- 329. Sulphates. See, also, under names of elements. Andrianavony. * Contribution a l'etude clinique des persulfates alcalins. 8°. Montpel- lier, 1901. SULPHATES. 32 SULPIIOGENOL. Sulphates. Dileff (Augusta Mille). * Recherches rela- tives a 1'action des solutions des sulfates alcalins sur les sulfates alcalino-terreux. 8°. Geneve, 1908. BVtuel i R.) Emploi therapeutique des persulfates alcalins. Presse med., Par., 1901, i, 11.—Bouzat (A.) Sur le sulfate cuprosoammonique. Bull. Soc. scient. et med. de l'ouest, Rennes, 1909, xviii, 57-61.—Camurrl (L.) I solfatiferrosoemanganoso nell'ipodermoterapia. Gazz. di osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 2021-2025.—van Del- den (A.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Sulfatreduktion durch Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1903, xi, 81; 113, 1 pi.—Folin (O.) On sulphate and sulphur determinations. J. Biol. Chem. ,N.Y., 190.5-6, i, 131-159.— Keppeler (G.) & D'Ans (J.) Die ther- mische Dissociation der wasserfreien Eisensulfate. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1908, lxii, 89-118.— Mc- Caskey (G. W.) Simpleandetherealsulphates; asimple and rapid methodfor their separate determination, thirty minutes. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 788-790. Also, Reprint.—Rossi (G.) Intorno al metodo Hartleb per la determinazione rapida dei solfati nelle acque po- tabili. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1901-2, xvi, 231-233. Sulphaturia. Achard (C), Laubry (C.) & Thomas (L.) Sul- faturie et injections salines sulfatees. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1902, 3. s., xix, 419-423. Sulph-hsemoglobina^mia. Clarke (T. W.) & Curts (R. M.) Sulphhemoglobi- nemia, with a report of the first case in America. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Orange, 1910-11, vii, 341-346. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1910, lxxviii, 987-991—Hurtley (\V. H.) Sulphaemoglobin and sulphsemoglobinaemia. Lavori e riv. di chim. e micr. dim., Salsomaggiore, 1908-9, i, 225- 229.—Russell i A. E.) Acaseofsulph-haemoglobinsemia with cyanosis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1906-7, lviii, 177-183. Sulphidal. Nevinny (J.) Der elementareund kolloideSchwefel * (Sulfidal). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 1883; 1936. Sulphides. See, also, Carbon (Bisulphide of). Heritier (P.) *Combinaisons de sulfobis- muthites m£talliques et des sulfures de cuivre et de chrome avec les sulfures alcalins. 8°. Paris, 1905. Ott (K.) * Ueber Sulfide und Sulfine. 8°. Miinchen, 1908. Schweizer (E.) * Ueber die Einwirkung schwefellosender Extraktionsmittel auf Metall- sulfide. 8°. Erlangen, 1908. Stingel (J. L.) The fixation of sulphide by basic bis- muth compounds. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1911, lxxxiii, 412-424. Sulphinide (Benzoic). Aducco (V.)& Mosso (U.) Esperienze fisiologiche intorno all' azione della sulrinide benzoica o saccarina di Fahlberg. Gazz. d. clin., Torino, 1886, xxiii, 216; 234. ----------. Applicazioni terapeutiche della sulfinide benzoica o saccarinadi Fahlberg. Riformamed., Napoli, 1886, ii, 586. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1887, viii, 22-36. Sulphites. See, also, Fermentation and disease; and under names of elements. Harpf (A.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der chemischen Vorgiinge beim Sulfitverfahren. [Bern.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1892. Jones (J.) Historical, chemical, physiological and therapeutic notes on the medical properties and value of the sulphites and hyposulphites. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1894, xxii, 135-138.—Kionka (H.) & Ebstein (L.) Ueber die chronische Sulfitvergiftung. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1902, xii, 123-146,1 pi.— Smi tli (E. E.) Is food containing sulphites injurious to health? Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., & N. Y., 1908, n. s., iii, 160-165. Sulpho-carbol [andsalpho-carbolates], 011(1.) 0 slerno-karbolovol smlesi. [Sulpho-carbolic mixture.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 793-795.—La- place^.) RoheSchwefel-CarbolsaurealsDesinfections- mittel. Deutsch. med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1888, xiv, 121. Also, Reprint.—Vlsier (F.) Sur l'emploi therapeutique du sulfo-carbol. Bull. Soc. med.-prat. de Par. (1884-5), 1886, n. s., i, 44-55. -----. Sur le sulfo-carbol (acide or- Sulpho-carbol [and sulpho-carbolates]. thoxyphenvlsulfurcux); ses propri61 6s sorsardl a szervezetben. [The formation of rhodan, and its fate in the organism.] Orvostud. ertek. gyiijt. Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1907, ii. f., viii, 211-221. — ITIayer (A.) Ueber den Einfluss von Rhodanverbindungen auf den Stoffwechsel. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1904, lxxix, 194-208. -----. Ueber die Menge des Rhodans im menschlichen Speichel und Harn bei Gesunden und in einigen Krankheitszustiinden. Ibid,, 209-214.—Muck (O.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Rhodan im Nasen-und Conjunctivalsecret. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 1168.—Pan 11 (W.) Zur Kenntnis der Rhodan- therapie. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien u. Berl., 1904, xxii, 19-21—Pollak (L.) Ueber das Schicksal der Rhodanate im tierischen Organismus. Beitr. z. chem. Phys. u. Path., Brnschwg., 1902, ii, 430-433.—Stoec-kiln & v Circ, Lond., 1902, n. s., lxxiv, 120.— Iliirduirkc ( \V. W. ) A case of sulphonal poison- ing in a dipsomaniac. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 149.— llcarder (F. P.) Sulphonal poisoning in a case of melancholiaagitans. Ibid., 1896, ii, 1372.—Helweii (K.) En kort Meddelelse om Rygmarvslidelsen ved Sulfoual- forgiftning. [Spinal cord disease in connection with poisoning by sulphonal.] Hosp.-Tid., Kj0benh., 1892, 3. R., x, 973-976.—Hind (A. E.) A case of acute sulphonal poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 219.—Hoppe-Seyler Or.) & Bitter (C.) Zur Kenntniss der acuten Sulfonal- veridftung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 355; :{il— Khan ( F. II.) (Edema of lower limbs produced by one dose of sulphonal. Indian M.Rec,Calcutta, 1900, xix,263.—Kober. reberSulfonalvergiftung. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz.. 1^92. xiii, 18,5-188.—Leick (B.) Zur Kenntniss der NebenwirkungendesSulfonals. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M., 1898, vii, 338-340.—L.epine (R.) Accidents produits par le sulfonal. Semaine med., Par., 1893, xiii, 25.—Lopez (G.) Inconveniente t6xico del sulfonal. Arch, de la Soc estud. clin. de la Habana, 1895-6, vii, 242-252. Also: Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1896, xxii, 103-111.—Marthen (G.) Zur Anatomie der Sulfonal vergiftung. Miinchen.med. Wchnschr.,1895, xiii, 422.—JIurphy (E. J.) Sulphonalidiosvncrasy. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1904, xxxix, 96.—Neisser (E.) Sul- phonal poisoning. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1891-2. xi, 166.—Neubauer (0.) Hamatoporphyrin und Sulfonalvergiftung. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1900, xliii, 456-470.—Pollltz (P.) Ein Fall von Sulfonalvergiftung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Bed., 1898, 3. F., xv,297-304.—Richmond (D.) A caseof sul- phonal poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898,ii, 1337.— Rob- ertson (G. M.) The continuous administration of sul- phonal; its dangers and the precautions to be adopted. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1911, lvh, 273-288.—Sadler (E. A.) Delaved toxie effects of sulphonal. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1901, x, 29S-300.— Schulz (R.) Chronische Sulfonalver- giftung mit todtlichem Austrang (Hiimatoporphvrinurie). Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1896, xv, 866-873.—Sim (P. I.) Sluchal ostrol visipi poslle priyoma sulfonala. [Acute eruption after sulphonal.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1896, vii, 823-826.—Sington (H. S.) A case of acute sulphonal poisoning. West Lond. M. J., Lond. ,1911, xvi,214.— Stern (R.) Ueber Nierenveranderungen bei Sulfonalvergiftung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 221-223.—Stoiceseu. Un caz de intoxi- cate cronica cu sulfonal. Spitalul, Bucurescl, 1898, xviii, 31.—Talley (J. E.) The prolonged use and toxic action of sulphonal. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1908, cxxxvi, 681-583.—Tresilian (F.) A case of acute sulphonal poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 209. Also: Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1899, xvii, 735.—Vitali (D.) Contri- buto alio studio chimico-tossicologico del solfonale e di composti analoghi. Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bo- logna, 1899-1900, iv, 124-126.—Watt (D. C.) Notes on a case of sulphonal poisoning. South African M. J., Cape Town,1897-8,v,256.—Whatley (J.L.) Sulphonal poison- ing. Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 1016.—Wien (O.) Ueber einen Fall letaler subacuter Sulfonalvergiftung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xxxv. 863-866.—Wolters (M.) Ueber Sulfonalexantheme. Therap.Monatsh.,Berl., 1895, ix, 656-658.—Zelgler (Amelia). Report of a case of sul- phonal poisoning. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1900, viii, 161. Sulphonates. Vial (J.-P.-A.) * Etude de quelques ortho- benzenolsulfonates. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Sul phones. Guenots (I.) *Les medicaments sulfon^s. 8°. Lyon, 1902. Lehner (A.) *Nouvelles syntheses de la benzophenonesulfone et de ses derives. 8°. Genh-e, 1904. Hildebrandt (H.) Pharmakologische Studien in der Sulfon-Reihe. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1905, liii, 90-96.—.May ser (H.) Ueber das Zu- standekommen derhypnotischen Wirkung der Disulfone. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 135.— Tlorro (W.)' Zur Theorie der hvpnotischen Wir- kung der Sulfone. Ibid., 1894, xx, 867.— Noyes (A. A.) & Gaylord (W. K.) Influence of the introduction of a sulphonic group upon the power of a developer. Tech- nol. Quart., Bost., 1893, vi, 60. Sulphopyrin. Neumann. Ceber einige Erfolge mit Beta-Sulfopy- rin bei Jodismus und acuten Erkrankungen derAtmungs- orirano. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1906, lxxv. 813.— Nu llopy rill. Vrtljschr. f. prakt. Pharm., Berl., 1906, iii. 15.—Zernik (F.) Sulfopyrin. Arb. a. d. pharma- Sulphopyrin. zeut. Inst. (i.'Lniv. Berl. 1906, Berl. u. Wien, 1907, iv, 66- 71. Also: Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1906, xxi, 549. ——. Sulto- pvrin (Erwiderung). Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1906, xxi, 598. -----. Beta-Sulfopyrin. Ibid., 1907, xxii, 78. Sulphorhodamiii. Andrecw (N.) Ueber die vitale metachromatische Fiirbung mit Sulforhodamin. Virchow's Arch. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1911,cciv, 447-152,1 pi. Sulphosol. Nieolai (C.) Ueber Sulfosol, ein losliches Schwefel- praparat. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1910, xxi, 274-278. Sulphur. See, also, Acid (Sulphuric); Acid (Sulphurous); Chlorosis (Treatment of); Cholera (Prevention of); Diphtheria (Treatment of) with sulphur; Disinfection; Rheumatism (Chronic, Treat- ment of); Waters (Mineral, Sulphurous); Whoop- ing-cough (Treatment of). Bernou (E.) Eaux sulfates a bases de chaux et de magnesie. Reponse a Nickles et Trou- peau. 8°. [Paris, 1888, vel subseq.~\ Butschli (O.) Untersuchungen iiber Mikro- structuren des erstarrten Schwefels, nebst Be- merkungen iiber Sublimation, Ueberschmelzung und Uebersiittigung des Schwefels und einiger anderer Korper. fol. Leipzig, 1900. Fedchenko (N. P.) *0 phiziologicheskom deistvii Pjatigorskich sernych vann na vesa tela . . . dychanie i arterialnoe krovjanoe davlenie u tcheloveka. [Physiological effect of the sul- phur baths of Pjatigorsk on weight of body . . ., respiration, and arterial circulation in man.] 8°. St.-Petersburg, 1892. Rolfinck (W.) De sulphure, publicse dis- quisitioni subjecta, respondente Hermanno Andreae. sm. 4°. Jense, 1660. de Zymowski (J.) Contribution a l'etude des eaux sulfureuses. Memoire pr£sent6 a la Societe francaise d'hygiene. 12°. Brougg, 1891. Aronstein (L.) & van Nierop (A. S.) Over de inwerking van zwavel op toluol en xylol. Versl. d.. .. wis-en natuurk. Afd. d. k. Akad. v.Wetensch., Amst., 1902-3, xi, 298-305.— Balland. Sur la distribution du soufre dans les aliments. J. de pharm. et chim, Par., 1907, 6. s., xxv, 49-51—Berghoff (V.) Bestimmungder Brechungsexponenten von Schwefel- und Phosphorlo- sungen in Schwefelkohlenstoff nach der Prismenmethode mit Fernrohr und Skala. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1894, xv, 422^36.—Blitz (H.)& Preuner (G.) Gasdichtebestimmungen des Schwefels nach dem Du- masschen Verfahren. Ibid., 1901-2, xxxix, 323-341.— Bodenstein (M.) & Karo (W.) Die langsame Ver- brennung des Schwefels. Ibid., 1910, lxxv, 30-47.—Do- mergue. Fleur de soufre et soufre sublime. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1904, 6. s., xx, 493-499.—Eumor- lopoulos (N.) The boiling point of sulphur on the constant-pressure air thermometer. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1908, s. A., lxxxi, 339-362.—Ewan (T.) Ueber die Oxydationsgeschvvindigkeit von Phosphor, Schwefel und Aldehyd. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1895, xvi, 315-343.—Ferras. Communication sur les eaux sul- fureuses. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1898, xvi, 132- 135.—Fornias (E.) Scheme for the study of sulphur. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1907, xiii, 657-669.—Frankl (T.) Ueber die Darmwirkung des Schwefels. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1911, lxv, 303-308.— Frledlaender (P.) Sur les matieres colorantes au soufre. Monit. scient., Par., 1906, 4. s.,xx, pt.2,629-633.— Gautier (A.) Origine des eaux thermales sulfureuses. Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par., 1901, xii, 105-112.— Hertz (J.) Ueber die Molekulargrosse von Schwefel, Phosphor und Jod in Losungen. Ztschr. f. physiol Chem Leipz., 1890, vi, 358.—Hoffmann (F.) & Bothe (A.) Ueber eine Zustandsiinderung des flussieen Schwefels Ibid., 1906 lv, 113-124.-Jones (C. O.) The action of certain sulphur compounds on metabolism and excretion Bio-Chem. J., Liverp., 1910-11, v, 427-441.—Kruyt (H R ) Die dynamische Allotropie des Schwefels Ztschr f physiol.Chem., Leipz., 1908,lxiv, 513: 1909 lxv 486 ' ' Die dynamische Allotropie des Schwefels III Das cVs' tern: Schwefel-Benzoesaure. Ibid lxvii 321-342 — IHiyoslii (M.) Studien iiber die Schwefelr'asenbildung und die Soh wefelbactenen der Thermen von Yumoto hrf Nikko. J.ColLSc, Imp. Univ., Japan, Tokv6 1897 x 143-173, 1 pl.-Murgla (E.) RicWhe sperimentaU sull' assorbimento e sulla eiiminazione del solfuro> di SULPHUR. 35 SULPHUR. Sulphur. piombo puro. Rammazzini, Firenze, 1911, v. 60-67.— Premier (G.) Die Isotherme der Schwefeldissociation bei 448°. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1903, xliv, 733- 753.—Freuner (G.)"& Solnipp (YV.) Dissociations- isothermen des Schwefels zwisehen 300 und 850°. Ibid., 1910, lxviii, 129-156.—tfcuesada (B.) Las aguas sulfu- rosas calcicas en general y las de Carratraca en particular en el tratamiento de las enfermedades propias de la nm- jer. Gac. med. de Granada, 1893, xii, 273-279.—lies- piiihi (EA Solfo e avvelenamento da metalli. Atti d. Co fur. naz. d' idrol. e climat., Perugia, 1908, 347-357.— Smith (A.) & Brotvnlee (R. H.) Precipitated sul- phur. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1907-8, xxvii. 308-311.— Smith (A.), Brownlec (R. H.) [ti al.]. Ueber den amorphen Schwefel. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1906, liv, 257: 1906-7, lvii, (585: 1907-8, Ixi, 200; 209: 1911, lxxvii, 661.—Smith (A.) & Holme* (W. B.) Ueber den amorphen Schwefel. I. Der Einfluss des amorphen Schwefels auf den Gefrierpunkt des fliissigen Schwefels. Ibid., 1902-3, xiii, 469-480.—Stafford. (I. J.) Ueber das Dissociationsgleichgewicht Ss ^t 4S;. (Bearbeitet von H. von Wartenberg.) Ibid., 1911, lxxvii, 66-72.— Stern. Le- ber Methodender Fiillung dor natiirlichen Schwefelwas- ser. Deutsche Med.-Ztg.,Berl.,1896,xvii,411.—Threlia 11 (R.) & Brearley (J. H. D.) The electrical properties of pure sulphur. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1897, clxxxvii, A, 57- 150, 5 pi.—Trembur (H.) Untersuchungen fiber die im Clayton-Apparat erzeugten Schwefeldampfe. Arch. f. Hyg.,Miinchen u. Berl., 1905, Iii, 255-271.—1'ermorel & llaiitony (E.) Le soufre mouillable. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1911, cliii, 194.—Wigand (A.) Statik des fliissigen Schwefels im Dunkeln und unter dem Ein- fluss des Lichtes. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1909, lxv, 442-457. -----. Der Zustand erstarrter Schwefel- schmelzen. Ibid., 1910, Ixxii, 752-758.-----. Die um- kehrbare Lichtreaktion des Schwefels. Ibid., 1911, lxxvii, 423-471. Sulphur (Colloidal). Bory (L.) Introduction du soufre dans l'organisme par la voie sous-cutanee; soufre soluble et soufre colloi- dal. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 109- 111.—Flelg (C.) Sur divers modes d'obtention de sou- fres insolubles et colloi'daux injectables sous la peau et dans les veines. Ibid., 221-223. — Gargano ( C. ) Ricerche su di uno speciale modo di preparazione del "solfo collio'idale" e sullesue applicazioni in chirurgia. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1908, n. s., xxx, 385- 394.— Himnielbauer (A.) Ueber ein Verfahren zur Darstellung von kolloidem Schwefel. Ztschr. f. Chem. u. Indust. d. Kolloide, Dresd., 1909, iv, 307.—Joseph (M.) Ueber Sulfurcolloidale. Dermat. Centralbl., Leipz., 1907, 354-360.—JJIaillard (L.-C.) Influence du soufre colloi- dal sur les echanges sulfures de l'organisme; contribution au mecanisme de la sulfoconjugaison. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxx, 940-943.—JIaillard (L.-C.) & Danlos (H.) A propos de 1'introduction, dans l'orga- nisme, du soufre colloidal. Ibid., 1907, lxiii, 732.—Ratio (O.) Ueber kolloiden Schwefel. Ztschr. f. Chem. u. In- dust. d. Kolloide, Dresd., 1907-8, ii,358-360.—Sabbatanl (L.) Azione farmacologica del solfo colloidale. Arch. internat. de pharmacod., Brux. et Par., 1908, xviii, 373- 391.—Svedberg (T.) Experimentelle Studien iiber ein neues Gleichgewichtssystem: kolloide Schwefel-Kristal- loidlosung. Ztschr. f. Chemie u. Indust. d. Kolloide, Dresd., 1909, iv, 49-54.—Witfand (A.) Die Loslichkeit des "unloslichen" Schwefels. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1910, lxxv, 235-244. Sulphur (Compounds of). See, also, Acid (Sulphuric); Acid (Sulphurous); Mercaptans; Sulphaminol; Sulphate-cellu- lose; Sulphates; Sulphhydral; Sulphidal; Sulphinide (Benzoic); Sulphites ; Sulpho- carbol; Sulphocyanates; Sulphocyanides; Sulpho-ethers; Sulphoform; Sulphogenol; Sulpho - heemochromogen ; Sulpholythin ; Sulphonal; Sulphonates; Sulphones; Sul- phopyrin; Sulphosal; Sulphur ( Colloidal); Sulphur (Dioxide of); Sulphur (Iodide of); Sulphur (Metabolism of); Sulphurin; Sul- phurol; and under names of elements. Asch (D. D.) *Zur Kenntnis der Schweflig- molybdate. 8°. Berlin, 1902. Borinski (P.) * Ueber die Einwirkung von Schwelfeltrioxyd und dessen Chlorsubstitutions- produkten auf Schwefel, Selen und Tellur. 8°. Miinchen, 1909. Sulphur (Compounds of). Camerer (A.) *I. Studien iiber qualitative Trennungen der Metalle der Schwefelammo- nium-Gruppe. II. [etc.]. [Erlangen.] 8°. Stuttgart, [1885, rel subseq.]. van Charante (J. M.) * Het sulfonisoboter- zuur en eenige zijner derivaten. S°. Leiden, 1904. Curci (A.) L' azione biologica in relazione colla costituzione atomica dell' idrogeno solfo- rato, dei mercaptani e del solfuro di metile. 4°. [Catania, 1895.] Repr.from: Atti di Aeead. Gioeniadi sc. nat. in Catania, [1895], 4. s., ix. Feigel (H.) * Verhalten von Schwermetall- verbindungen gegen Polysulfide und Chlor- schwefel. [.Munich.] 8°." Erlangen, 1905. Fischer (G. F.) * Ueber die Chloride des Schwefels, besonders das sogenannte Schwefel- dichlorid. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Funk (W. ) *Metalltrennungen in der Schwefelammoniumgruppe. 8°. Erlangen, 1906. Gacon (P.) * Action de l'organisme sur quelques derives sulfon^s aromatiques. 8°. Lyon, 1902. Guillemain (C.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis der natiirlichen Sulfosalze. [Breslau.] 8°. Wiistegiersdorf, 1898. Morin (E.) * Contribution a l'etude des sul- fosels. 8°. Lyon, 1901. Ouvrard (M.-L.) * Combinaisons des sul- fures de phosphore, d'arsenic et d'antimoine avec les halogenes. 4°. Paris, 1893. Sava (G.-A.) Contribution a l'etude des bases sulfiniques aromatiques. [Geneva.] 8°. Botosani, 1907. Schupp(W.) *Dissoziation des gasformigen Schwefels und des Schwefelwasserstoffs. [Kiel.] 8°. Bonn, 1909. Winterfeld (G.) * Ueber die Bromide des Schwefels. Versuche zur Darstellung von Blei- tetrafluorid. 8°. Berlin, 1904. Wynen (T.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss orga- nischer Sulfamin- und Sulfosiiuren. 8°. Er- lanyen, 1900. Abel (J. J.) A contribution to our knowledge of organic sulphur eompoundsin the field of animal chemistry. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1894, v, 123-130. Also, Reprint.— A mould (L.)&CrorIs(A.) Action du reactif sulfova- nillique de Ronceraysur quelques composes chimiqueset quelques vegetaux. Bull. d. sc Pharmacol., Par., 1909, xvi, 191-197.—Farnsteiner (K.) Ueber organisch gebun- dene schweflige Saure in Nahrungsmitteln. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1904, vii, 449-470.—FlllppKE.) Contributoallostudiodellasolfo- coniugazione. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1910, ix, 158-172.—Frledmann (E.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der physiologischen Beziehungen der schwefelhaltigen Ei- weissabkommlinge. 3. Mitteilung. Ueber die Konstitu- tion der Merkaptursauren. Beitr. z. chem. Phys. u. Path., Brnschwg., 1903,iv,486-510.—Helmers ( L. 0.) Purifying sulphurcompoundsof mineral oils. [1'at..spec. J No. 525784; Sept. 11, 1894.—Helmers (().) Ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte und Chemie derio Wasser 1 ("^lichen organischen Schwefelpriiparate. Dermat. Stud., Hamb. u. Leipz.,1910, xx, 301-310.—Joli n son (T. B.) Sulphur linkages in pro- teins. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1911, ix, 439-448.—Mabery (C. F.) & CJuayle i W.O.) The sulphur compounds and unsaturated hydrocarbons in Canadian petroleum. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost., 1905-6, xii, 89-113.— Malerba (P.) II solfo nella molecola dei corpi albu- minoidi. Atti d. xi. Cong, med. internaz., Roma, 1894, ii, flsiol., 157-159. Sulphur (Compounds of Toxicology of). Hesse (E.) Intoxikationserscheinungen nach An- wendung von Schwefelzinkpaste. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, xiv, 111-114.—Kiuuka (H.) Ueber die Giftwir- kung der schweflichen Saure und ihrer Salze und deren SULPHUK. 36 SULPHUK. Sulphur (Compounds oj, Toxicology of). Zulassigkeit iu Nahrungsmitteln. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. In- fectionskrankh., Leipz., 1X96, xxii, 351-397.—Peron (A.) Bronchite aigue toxique par inhalation degaz sulfureux; necrose limitee de la muqueuse aerienne; infection se- condaire; adenite suppuree du mediastin; pericardite purulente. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 784-787.— Perry(C.E.) Toxic dose of sulphur. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1911, xxiv, 171—Stadelmanii (E.) Ueber Vergiftung mit Schwefelalkalien. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesell- sch. (1905), 1906, xxxvi,pt. 2, 122-128. [Discussion],pt, 1, 144. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 423-425. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 611.—Tarsi (A.) Avvelenameutoda zolfoin due vitelli; cura; guarigione. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino, 1906, lv, 857-*63.—Vefsse (P.) Un cas d'empoi- sonnement par les raisins sulfates, raconte par la victime. Chron. med., Par., 1897, iii, 647-652. Sulphur (Dioxide of). See, also, Disinfection. Fatio (V.) Disinfections par Panhydride Bulfureux. Appareils siphonoides avec trans- vaseur special; description des appareils et du maniement. 8°. Geneve, 1882. Repr.from: Arch. d. sc. phys. et nat.,Geneve, 1882,3.8., vii. Geddings (H. D.) Sulphur dioxide as a germicidal agent. 8°. Washington, 1900. Forms no. 3 of: Bull. Hyg. Laborat. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Service. Sonneville (P.-A.) *Recherches sur la va- leur desinfectante de l'anhydride sulfureux et de l'anhydride sulfurique. 8°. Lille, 1904. Wiener (J.) * Studien iiber die quantitative Absorption der Schwefelkohlen-Dampfe vom Respirationstraktus aus. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1906. BazhenofT(E. I.), Korchagin (V. V.) [et al.]. Ob obezzarazhivanii slernistim anhidridom i tak naziv. gazom Clayton. [Disinfection with sulphur anhydride and so-called Clayton gas.] J. russk. Obsh. okhran. narod. zdrav., St. Petersb., 1904, xiv, 331-367.—Bon jean (E.) Le gaz sulfureux au point de vue de la disinfection en surface et en profondeur. Rev. prat, d'hyg. municip. [etc.], Par., 1910, vi, 352-357.—Calmette (A.) & Ro- lants (E.) Sur la valeur desinfectante de l'acide sul- fureux et sur l'emploi de ce gaz dans la disinfection pu- blique. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1903, xxv, 385-398—Car bo- nell Serna (M.) Essais sur le pouvoir disinfectant de l'anhydride sulfureux Electrise. Rev. de med. et d'hvg. trop., Par., 1906, iii, 21-27.—Carmichael (D. A.) Ex- periments with sulphur dioxide (5 percent) for exposures less than twelve hours. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1901, xvi, 3029-3031.—Elvove (E.) A note on the use of sulphur dioxide in checking the equivalencies of the volumetric solutions of iodine, al- kali and silver. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1910, Ixxxiii, 19- 23.—Fonlerton (A. G. R.) A note on the use of sul- phur dioxide and gaseous formic aldehyde for room dis- infection. J. State Med., Lond., 1904, xii, 681-687.— Fran klin (E. C.) The electrical conductivity of liquid sulphur dioxide solutions at -33.5°, -20°, -10°, 0°, and +10°. J. Phys. Chem., Ithaca, 1911, xv, 675-697.— Fulda (W.) Die Absorption des Schwefeldioxyds in Wasser. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1909, xxx, 81-86.— Klein (D.) The influence of organic liquids upon the interaction of hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide. J. Phys. Chem., Ithaca, 1911, xv, 1-19.—Roberts (N.) & McDermott (F. A.) Report on an original form of sulphur burner for disinfection. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1911, xxvi, 403-410.—Schael'er (T. W.) The contamination of the air of our cities with sulphur dioxid, the cause of respiratory disease. Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvii, 106-110. Also, Reprint.—Walden (P.) a rby (E. F.) A few diseases prevalent in the eastern section of Sumter County, and their treatment. Tr. Soutb Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1899,133-137. SumtM>ff(:\I[ikhail] P [avlovich]) [1869- ]. *Mochekisliy infarkt novorozhdennikh. [In- farct of urea in the newborn.] 51, 51 pp., 1 pi. S°. S.-Peterburg, 1903. Sun (Eclij)se of Observation of Injuries to eyes from). Lescarret (M. -J.) * Des scotomes par eclipse solaire. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901. Aubaret (E.) Sur une serie de scotomes par eclipse solaire; scotoma helieclipticum. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. mecl. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxi, 304-308. Also: 3. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1900, xxx, 686-591. -----. Sur les scotomes par eclipse solaire; scotoma helieclipticum. Arch, d'opht,, Par., 1907, xxvii, 76-104. -----. A propos des scotomes par eclipse solaire. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1907, xxviii, 110-113.—Collins (E. T.) Case of perma- nent central scotoma caused by looking at the sun, with partial atrophy of the optic nerve. Roy. Lond. Ophth. Hosp.Rep., 1895-6.xiv,374-378.—Ferentinos. Troubles visuelsdetermines par l'observation d'une eelipsedesoleil. Clin, opht., Par., 1906, xii, 119.—Knapp [& Duane], Permanent central scotoma caused by looking at the sun during an eclipse, and complicated by uniocular, transient, revolving hemianopsia. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1895,xxiv, 104-108.—lUackay (G.) On blinding of the retina by direct sunlight, a study in prognosis, based chiefly upon accidentsincurred duri ng the observation of solar eclipses. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1894, xiii, 1; 41; 83. Also, Reprint.— Sne 11 (S.) On blinding of the retina from exposure of the eyes when watching the eclipse of the sun. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 130. Sunbaths. See, also, Phototherapy; Sunlight (Thera- peutic use of). Marcuse (J.) Luft- und Sonnenbader, ihre physiologische Wirkung und therapeutische An- wendung. 8°. Stuttgart, 1907. Rikli (A.) Medecine naturelle et bains de soleil. Ouvrage traduit sur la 8. 6d. allemande. 8°. Lausanne, 1905. Wilheim (J.) Das Sonnen- und Luft bad. Ein moderner Heilfaktor fiir viele Leiden des Organismus. Nerven-, Riickenmarks-, Herz- und Nierenleiden, Rheumatismus, Gicht, Zu- ckerkrankheit, Alkoholismus und Neurasthenic 2. Aufl. 12°. Wien, 1906. Bernhard (O.) Die therapeutische Anwendung des Sonnenlichtes in der Chirurgie. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Kli- mat. [etc.], Berl., 1908-9, i, 64-66.—Bossert. Luft- und Sonnenbader in wissenschaftlicher Beleuchtung. Ver- einsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1906, xxii, 286- 292. — Buesanyl (G.) Megjegyzesek a napfeny gy6- gyhatasahoz. [On sunlight treatment 1 Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1908, vi, 652. — Dltisheim. Luft-, Licht- und Sonnenbader. Ann. d. schweiz. balneol. Gesellsch., Aarau, 1910, 21-35.—tirawltz. Schiidliche Wirkungen der Sonnenbader. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909. xxxv, 1427.—Haeberlln (K.) Ueber thera- peutische Verwendung des Sonnenlichtes in der Chirur- gie. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1908, xxii, 341-343.—Hal- lopeau(EL) ARolller. Sur les cures solairesdirectes, dans les stations d'altitude. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1908, 3. s., Ix, 422-432. Also: Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1908, li, 401; 409. Also: J. de physiotherap., Tar., 1909, vii, 16-25 — Iustill (P.) Note sur un cas de superfoetation. Arch, de gynec. et de tocol., Par.,1896, xxiii, 481— Harbaugh (W. H.) Plural pregnancy, involving a question as to sire. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii, 398-409.—Herz (E.) Ein unzweifelhafter Fall von Ueberfruchtung (Superfoe- tatio). Wien. med. Presse, 1899, xl, 1470; 1511; 1552.— Herzog(M.) Superfetation in the human race. Chicago M. Rec, 1898; xv, 1-22. Also, Reprint.— Klio6r (D.) Egy erdekes lkersziiles. [An interesting case of twin birth (superfoetation).] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1892, xxxvi, 364. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1892, xxviii, 1005.—Lachi (P.) Nota su di un caso di apparente superfetazione. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1894, ix, 40-42.— lie Beiif (L. G.) A case of apparent superfetation. Proc. Orleans Parish M Soc. 1905, N. Orl., 1906, 120—Lee (L. V.) A rare occur- rence. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1897, xxv, 383 — Lelber" (Carrie E.) A double pregnancy. Med. Sentinel, Por* land, Oreg., 1896, iv, 289.—Lohse. Superfoetatio Berl tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1910, xxvi, 940.—Lugeol. Un cas SUPERFCETATION. 43 SUPERSTITION. Superfoetation. de superfetation. Gaz. hebd.d. sc.med.de Bordeaux, 1897, xviii, 499. Also, transl.: Frauenarzt, Berl., 1897, xii, 385.— Lyle(A.) Superfoetation, with report of a case. N.York Polyclin., 1897, x, 101-106.—Mazzarotto (G.) Una vera superfetazione. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1902, xxiii, 535- 537.—.mils (H. W.) A case of superfoetation. Lancet, Lond., 1897, l, 736.—Mttller (F.) Embarazo anormal; caso probable de superfetaci6n. Abeja med., Habana, 1894, iii, 134 — Nicholson (J. P.) A remarkable case of superfetation. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1900, xxviii, 616.— Nilsen (J. R.) Afatalobstetricalca.se, complicated with suuerfuetation (probablet, protracted gestation, difficult labor, septicaemia, and ervsioelns. N. York J. Gynaec. & Obst . 1892, ii, 317-330.—Parkeri F.H.) Auniquecasein obstetrics. Tr. M.Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1900,200.—Pasham (W. M.) A case of superfoetation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 11.—Patrignanl (A.) Un caso di sopra-feta- zione. Boll. d. levatr., Bologna, 1898, i, 777.—de Pazos (J. F.) Un caso de endocarditis iufeeciosa durante un embarazo gemelar; superfetaci6n; experimentaei6n de los metales coloidales; uso del suero antiestreptoc6c- cico; curaci6n. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana, 1909, xvi, 114-120.—Peck (A.) A case of superfetation. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1894, 132.—Pomara (D.) Un caso di superfetazione. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 1321-1324.—Pricliard (J. E.) Specimen of probable superfoetation. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1891), 1892, xxxiii, 496.—Ra- witzki (M.) Ueber die Lehre von der Superfoeta- tion und der Entstehungsursache des Foetus compressus imThalmud. Janus, Amst., 1901, vi,410:461; 642.—Bicli- ards(D.) Twins or superfetation? Med.Council.Phila., 1906, xi, 71.—Blckert (C. M.) Case of superfetation. IMd.,192.—Ridley (F. T.) An unusual case. Was this superfetation? West Virg. M. J., Wheeling, 1910-11, v, 381.—Rubeska (V.) Dva porody pri dvojite deloze. [Two births from uterus bicornis.] Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 1SS7, xxvi, 569.— Rubusn (T. R.) Superfoetation. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1892,181-187.— Sellultze (B. S.) Ueber Superfecundation und Superfoetation. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz, 1865, ii, 1-22, lpl. Also, Reprint.—Simard(A.)& Potvin. Y a-t-il eu superfetation? Bull. m<5d. de Quebec, 1899-1900, i, 463- 467.—Stewart (W. S.) [Superfoetation in abilid uterus.] Ann. Gvnsec. & Paediat., Phila., 1892-3, vi, 150.—Thomp- son (W. R.) A possible case of superfoetation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 807.—Vitanza (R.) Delia superfeta- zione. Atti d. Soc. ital. di ostet. e ginec, Roma, 1897, iv, 72-76.—Watts (P. R.) Superfecundation vs. superfoeta- tion. Pacific Coast J. Homoeop.,San Fran., 1899, vii, 389.— Wight (A. W.) Superfoetation; a "white" child and a "black" foetus. Brit.M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 14. Also: Lan- cet, N. Y., 1895, 314.—Williams (E.) Full term preg- nancy and two months' abortion in the same woman at two davs interval. Memphis Lancet, 1899, ii, 82.—Zim- mermann (A.) Superfoecundatio beim Hunde. Zt- schr. f. Thiermed., Jena, 1904, viii, 428-433. Superol. Pfyl (B.) Ueber die Untersuchung natriumsuper- oxydhaltiger Waschmittel. [Superol.] Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1909, xxx, 87-92. Superoxides. Dumstrey (F.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Superoxide fur die Therapie und Kosmetik. Klin.-therap. Wchn- schr., Wien, 1909, xvi, 298-304. Supersaturation. Liesegang ( R. E.) Zur Uebersiittigungstheorie einiger scheinbar rhythmischer Reaktionen. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1910, lxxv, 371-373.—Tlorse (H. W ) & Pierce (G. W.) Diffusion and supersaturation in gelatine. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost., 1902-3, xxxviii, 625-649. Supersensitiveness. Nacke (P.) DieUeberempfindlichkeitgewisser Sinne als ein moglicher criminogener Faktor. Arch. f. Krim.- Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz.. 1904, xv, 375-385. Supersensitization. See Serum-anaphylaxis. Superstition. See, also, Demonology, etc.; Divination, etc.; Dreams; Incubus; Lourdes; Mandra- gora; Miracles; Vampires; Witchcraft. Knowlson (T. S.) The origin of popular su- perstitions and customs. 8°. London, 1910. Lavaterus Tigurinus (L.) De spectris, lemu- ribus et magnis insolitis fragoribus, variisque prsesagitionibus, quae plerumque obitum homi- num, magnas clades mutationesque imperiorum Superstition. pnecedunt. Liber unus in tres partes distribu- tus. Omnibus veritatis studiosis summe utilis. 2. ed. 24°. Lugd. Bat, 1659. Lenoir (A.) Observations sur les offrandes que les anciens faisaient de leur chevelure soit aux dieux soit aux morts. 12°. Paris, 1818. Loeschck (G.) Aus der Unterwelt. 4°. Dorpati Liv., [1888]. Newxham (\V.) Essay on superstition; being an inquiry into the effects of physical influence on the mind, in the production of dreams, visions, ghosts, and other supernatural appear- ances. 8°. London, 1830. Ollier (C.) Fallacy of ghosts, dreams, and omens; with stories of witchcraft, life-in-death, and monomania. 16°. London, 1848. Pfleiderer (0.) Theorie des Aberglaubens. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Seligmann (S.) Der bose Blick und Ver- wandtes. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Aber- glaubens aller Zeiten und Volker. 2 v. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1910. Shackleton (R.) Superstitions of a cosmo- politan city. 8°. New York, 1905. Cutting from: Harper's Month. Mag., N. Y., 1905, ex, 265-268. Smith (J. E.) Legends and miracles and other curious and marvellous stories of human nature, collected from scarce works and ancient records. 8°. London, 1837. Werenfels (S.) A dissertation upon super- stition in natural things; to which are added occasional thoughts on the power of curing the king's evil ascribed to kings of England. 8°. London, 1748. von Andrian. Ueber Wortaberglauben. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Miinchen, 1897, xxvii, 109-127.— Innandale (N.) Primitive be- liefs and customs of the Patani fishermen. In: Fascic. Malayenses, 8°, Lond., 1903, pt. 1, 73-88.—Bartels (M.) Islandischer Branch und Volksglaube in Bezug auf die Nachkommenschaft. Ztschr. f.Ethnol., Berl., 1900, xxxii, 52-86.—Benedikt (M) Die Gespenster in der Kunst und in der Wissenschaft. Deutsche Rev. Stuttg., 1898, xxiii, 48-55.—Bernhardt. Grabschandung aus Aber- glauben. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1900, iv, 340.—Blackburn (D.) Animal superstitions among the Zulus, Basutos, Griquas, and Magatese, and the Kafirs of Natal. Man, Lond., 1904, 181-183.—Brav (A.) The evil eve among the Hebrews. Ophthalmol., Milwaukee, 1907^-8, iv, 427-435.— Carraroli (A.) Pre- giudizi, superstizioni, cattive abitudini popolari. Uffi- ciale san., Napoli, 1899, xii, 303-321.—Clialke (E. L.) A curious case of human sacrifice, its medico-legal bearings as to identification and mummification. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, viii, 47-49.—Cliaube (G.) Notes on an- cestor-worship. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1899-1902, v, 71. -----. Some of the the most popular beliefs and su- perstitions of the Hindus of northern India. Ibid., 319-326. — Diels (H.) Beitrage zur Zuckungsliteratur des Okzidents und Orients. 1. Die griechischen Zuckungsbucher (Melampus irepi naK^iov). Abhandl. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch., Berl., 1907, philos. u. hist. Abh., 1-42.—Dresslar (F. B.) Suggestions on the psy- chology of superstition. Am J. Insan. Bait. 1910-11, lxvii, 213-226.—Ducrest de Villeneiive (A.) Les paotred ar zabat. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par.; 1902, xv 683-586 —Evans (E P.) Recent recrudescence of superstition. Pop. Sc Month., N. Y., 1895, xlvii, 761: xlviii 73. -----. Superstition and crime. Ibid., 1898-9, liv, 206-221.—Frazer (J. G.) The influence of supersti- tion on the growth of institutions. Proc. Roy. Inst. Great Brit., Lond., 1911, xix, pt. 2, 450-464.—Gel oof (Het) aan wonderen. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1885-6, xxxix, nos. 12,14.—Gross (H.) Ein forenser Fall von Aberglauben? Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1898-9, i, 306-313. -----. Psychopathischer Aberglaube. Ibid., 1902 ix 253-282. -----. Zur Frage vom psychopathischen Aberglauben. Ibid., 1903, xii, 334-340.—Hellwig (A.) Kriminalistisch wichtiger Aberglaube in den hochsten Kreisen der Gesellschaft. Ibid., 1905, xix, 83-86.-----. Zufall und Aberglaube; ein Beitrag zur Psychologie des Aberglaubens. Globus, Brnschwg., 1909, xcv, 293-297. _____. Fiinf Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Aberglaubens. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1909-10, xxxvi, 127-143. -----. Allerlei krimineller Aberglaube. SUPERSTITION. 44 SUPERSTITIONS. Superstition. I&id., 1910, xxxix, 296-308.-----. Krimineller Aberglaube in der Schweiz. Ibid., 277-295. -----. Jiidischer Mein- eidsaberglaube. Ibid., 1911, xii, 126-141. -----. Aber- glaube bei Jugendlichen. Ztschr. f. piidagog. Psy- chol, [etc.], Berl., 1911, xii, 305-313. — Hodson (T. C.) Some Nfiga customs and superstitions. Folk-Lore, Lond., 1910, xxi, 296-31- —Horstmann. Fanatismus, Aberglaube, Wahnvorstellung. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neu- rol, u. Psychiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1910, i, Orig., 216-229.— Hugnet (J.) Superstition, magie et sorcellerie en Afriuue. Rev. de l'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1905, xv, 349- 360.—Human sacrifices. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1535.— Kersliasp (P.) some superstitions prevailing amongst the Canarese-speaking people of southern India. J. An- throp. Soc. Bombav, 1904-5, vii, 83.—Kingsley (Mary H.) Theformsof apparitions in West Africa. Proc. Soc. Psych. Research, Lond., 1898-9, xiv, 331-342— Koettig. Aberglaube und Verbrechen. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1908, xxix, 205-211.—Kusnezow (S. K.) Ueber den Glauben von Jenseits und den Todten- CultusderTscheremissen. Internat. Arch. f.Ethnog.,Lei- den, 1893, vi, 89-95.—Lei'evre (A.) Superstitions et orai- sons de la Champagne et de ia Brie. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1892, 4. s., iii, 134-144.—Lejeune (C.) Quelques superstitions. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1903, 5. s.,iv, 374-379.-----. Superstitions. Ibid., 1907, 5. s., viii, 417-437.—Lemesle (H.) Lesprocesauxanimaux. Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psvchol. physiol., Par., 1899-1900, xiv, pt. 2, 364-367. Also: Nice-med., 1899-1900, xxiv, 171-174.— L,iiiiibeek. Superstitions javanaises. Rev.del'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par.. 1907-8, xxii, 265-269.—Loe- weiiKtimm (A.) Aberglaube und Gesetz; ein Kapitel aus der russischen Rechts- und Kulturgeschichte. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop., Leipz., 1906, xxv, 131; 191.—Mitra (S. C.) On some superstitions regarding drowning and drowned persons. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1893, iii, 253-266.—Ulorton (J. F.), jr. The vitality of supersti- tion. Med.-Pharm. Critic, N. Y., 1910, xiii, 324-327.—von Negelein (J.) Abeiglauben auf der Kurischen Neh- rung. Globus, Brnschwg., 1902, lxxxii, 236; 289.—Noir (J.) De quelques prejuges, superstitions, sanctuaires et pelerinages a attributions curatives de la region des Ar- dennes. Progres mod., Par., 1905, 3. s., xxi, 195-198.— Ortiz (F.) Superstizioni criminose in Cuba. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1906, xxvii, 281-287.—Pic kin (F.H.) Ancient superstitions that still flourish. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1909, lxxxiii, 848-854 — Pominerol (F.) Le culte de Taranis dans les traditions populaires de l'Auvergne. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1887, 3. s., x, 398-415.—Questionnaire sur les croyances relatives aux animaux. Bull, et mem. Soc d'anthrop. de Brux., 1900-1901, xix, pp. xcvii-xcix.—B. (L.) Superstitions relatives a la mort et :i l'agonie. Chron. med., Par., 1901, viii, 84; 148; 423; 660; 08s: 1902, ix, 274. -----. Supersti- tions et rites f uneraires. Ibid., 1906, xiii, 268.—Beicliel (H.) Totung aus Alberglauben. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1908, xxix, 344.— Borle (D.) Some superstitions of the Fifeshire fisher-folk. Folk- Lore, Lond., 1904, xv, 95-98.—Bose (A. J.) Unlucky and lucky children and some birth superstitions. Ibid., 1902, xiii, 27S-280.—Sadleir (C. A.) Animal supersti- tions among the Araucanians. Man, Lond., 1905, v, 104.— Saporito (F.) Superstizione, pazzia e delinquenza. Scuola positiva, Roma, 1904, 2. s., iii, 127; 280.—Sarat Chandra JTIitra. Behari omens from the chirping and falling of lizards. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1902, vi, 30-41.—Sargeant (F. P.) Precious stones (4); super- stitions attaching thereto. Pharm. J., Lond., 1911, 4. s., xxxii, 552.—Sclmeickert (H.) Der Aberglaube in Italien. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthron. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1905, xviii, 262.—Spoer {Mrs. H. H.) [Goodricli- Freer(A.)]. The powers of evil in Jerusalem. Folk- Lore, Lond., 1907, xviii, 54-76.—Superstition macabre. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1898, ii, 69.—Tetzner (F.) Seelen- und Erdmannchenglauben bei Deutschen, Sla- wen und Balten. Globus, Brnschwg., 1903, lxxxiii, 235- 238.—Teutscli (J.) Einiges vom Aberglauben der Ru- manen. Sitzungsb. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1907, 11-16.—Thomas (N. W.) Animal superstitions and totemism. Folk-Lore, Lond., 1900, xi, 227-267.— Traut. Ein Beitrag zur Kriminalpsychologie des Aberglaubens, Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist.. Leipz., 1900, v. 290-295.—VigstrSm (Eva). Geister- und Gespenster- aberglaube aus Viistra Goinge und Skane, Schweden. Globus, Brnschwg., 1903, lxxxiii. 43-15. — Vollantl. Aberglauben in Armenien und Kurdistan. Ibid.. 1907, xci, 341-344.—Weissenborn i.T.) Ticrkult in Afrika, eine ethnologisch-kulturhistorische Untersuchung. In- ternat. Arch. f. Ethnol., Leiden, 1901, xvii, 91-166.— Wild a (O.l Die Zahl 13. Rothe Kreuz, Berl., 1903, xxi, 617.—Williams (J. R.) Some popular supersti- tions. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1894, ii, 807. Superstitions (Medical). See, also, Amulets; Faith-cure; Fetichism; Folk-lore; Hysteria (Epidemic); Indians (North American, Diseases, etc., of); Medicine Superstitions (Medical). (Primitive); Medicine (Superstitions, etc.,relating to); Miracles;Obstetrics (Primitive); Surgery (Primitive); Talismans; Therapeutics (Primi- tive) . Abord (A.) *La medecine populaire et lea pratiques superstitieuses du Morvan. 8°. Paris, 1910. Also [Abstr.], in: France med., Par., 1910, lvii,41-44. Darmezin (A.-J.-H.) * Superstitions et re- medes populaires en Touraine. 8°. Bordeaux, 1904. Douesnelle (P.) Relation du miracle ope^e en la personne de [l'auteur], habitant de Chail- lot, fauxbourg de la Conference, malade depuis quatre annees. Et gueri subitement de paralysie, a l'Hotel-Dieu de Paris le 28 aoiit de la pr£sente ann6e 1734, a une heure apres midi. [Par l'in- tercession du diacre Francois de Paris.] 8°. [Paris, 1734.] Dumoulin (Mile. Madeleine-Th£rese). Rela- tion de la maladie et de la guerison miraculeuse de [l'auteur], oper£epar 1'intercession de M. de Paris, avec les pieces justificatives des faits contenus dans ladite relation. 8°. [Paris'], 1735. Gaidoz (H.) Un vieux rite medical. 12°. Paris, 1892. Guiton (A.) *Empirisme et superstition dans le bocage normand. 8°. Paris, 1904. von Hansemann (D.) Der Aberglaube in der Medizin und seine Gefahr fiir Gesundheit und Leben. 12° Leipzig, 1905. Hew at (M. L.) Bantu folk lore (medical and general). 12°. Cape Town, [n. d.~\. Kaufmann (R.) * Pratiques et superstitions m£dicales en Poitou. 8°. Paris, 1906. Le Juge (J.) Certificat de [l'auteur] con- seiller, correcteur en la chambre des comptes, par lequel il reconnoit la verity de tous les faits contenus dans la relation de la guerison miracu- leuse de Mademoiselle sa fille. [Par Pinterces- sion du diacre Francois de Paris.] 8°. [Paris'], 1737. See, also, infra. Relation [etc.]. Magnus (H.) Der Aberglaube in der Medi- cin. 8°. Breslau, 1903. ------. The same. Superstition in medicine. Authorized transl. from the German ed. by J. L. Salinger. 12°. New York, 1905. Massy (J.) Declaration faite devant notaire le 12 mai 1737, par l'auteur, ci-devant luthe- rien, de la guerison miraculeuse d'une espece de lepre; demandee a Dieu par 1'intercession du B. H. Francois de Paris, en signe pour connoitre si la verit6 est du cot6 des appellans. Miracle qui en guerissant son corps a dissip6 tous ses doutes, eclaire son esprit, et lui a fait prendre des lors la resolution d'embrasser la religion catholique et d'abjurer les erreurs de sa nais- sance: ce qu'il a eu le bonheur de faire dans I'eglise de Notre-Dame de Paris, le 21 novembre 1737. 8°. [Paris], 1737. Mayo (H.) On the truths contained in popu- lar superstitions; with an account of mesmerism. 2. ed. 12°. Edinburgh & London, 1851. ------. The same. 3. ed. 12°. Edinburgh, 1851. ^ von Oefele (F.) Der Aberglaube in der Krankenstube nach seinem Ursprunge be- trachtet. 8°. Halle a. S., 1904. Ranaivo (C.) * Pratiques et croyances des Malgaches relatives aux accouchementa et a la medecine infantile. 8°. Paris, 1902. SUPERSTITIONS. SUPERSTITIONS. Superstitions {Medical). Relation de la maladie de Mademoise Le Juge, fille de M. Le Juge [Joseph], conseiller du roy, correcteuren lachambre des comptesde Paris; et de sa guerison miraculeuse, arrivee le neuvieme jour de mars au soir de la presente annee 1737. [Par 1'intercession du diacre Fran- cois de Paris.] 8°. [Paris], 1737. Rosenstein (S.) Ueber Aberglauben und Mysticismus in der Medizin. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1872. von Salten (A.) Heilwirkung und Aber- glauben. Ein kulturgeschichtlicher Ueber- blick. 8°. Leipzig, [1906]. Yiolette (J.) Relation du miracle opere' le 10 juin 1735, par 1'intercession du B. H. Fran- cois de Paris, [sur l'auteur]. 8°. [Paris, 1735.] Zahler (H.) *Die Krankheit im Volksglau- ben des Simmenthals, ein Beitrag zur Ethno- graphie des Berner Oberlandes. 8°. Bern, 1898. Alexander (Harriet C. B.) Survivals of folk-lore in medicine. Medicine, Detroit, 1903, ix, 348-353. Also, transl.: Hyg. BL, Berl., 1904-5, i, 33; 57.—Amschl (A.) Aberglauben als Heilmittel. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1904, xv, 397.—Anderson (R. G.) Medical practices and superstitions amongst the people of Kordofan, their treatment of disease and the chief drugs, instruments and appliances in common use. Rep. Wellcome Research Lab., Khartoum, 1908, iii, 281-322.— Avetoom (T. C.) Curious and superstitious native ideas of causation of diseases and their treatment. J. Malaya Br. Brit. M. Ass., Singapore, 1905, n. s., no. 2,6-9.— Beanvois. Les superstitions medicales du Bas-Berry (rebouteux, guerisseurs, persigneux et sorciers). France med., Par., 1902, xlix, 40; 64.—Berk (C. A.) A few su- perstitious vagaries and their bearing on medicine and anatomy. Med. Mag., Lond., 1903, xii, 746-757.—Bin- nington (A. A. V.) Some therapeutic superstitions of Cape Breton. Trained Nurse N. Y., 1901, xxvi, 185-187.— Blind (E.) Gyniikologisch interessante Ex-voto. Glo- bus, Brnschwg., 1902, lxxxii, 69-74.—Boismoreau (E.) Coutumesm6dicales et superstitions populaires du bocage vendeen. France med., Par., 1910, lvii, 365; 387; 407; 430: 1911, lviii, 12; 24; 47.—Borie (D.) Popular pathology; being an essay on what the patient thinks. Caledon. M. J., Glasg., 1902^1, v, 387-392.—Boucher (H.) Quel- ques pratiques et croyances medicales des Annamites. Rev. d. troupes colon., Par., 1909, i, 210-235.—Brav (A.) The evil eye among the Hebrews. Ophthalmol., Mil- waukee, 1907-8, iv, 427-435.—Bunch. (J. L.) On some medical superstitions. [Abstr.] Edinb. M. J., 1900, n. s., vii, 557-563.—Cabanes. Un rite curatif: l'abandon du mal & un etre ou k un objet. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1910, clx, 273-288.—Cramer. Moderner Aber- glaube (Kurpfuscherei, Gesundbeterei, Spiritismus). Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1910, xii, 16-20.—Crawford (J. W. W.) The Kikuyu medicine-man. Man, Lond., 1909, ix, 53-56.—Crooke (W.) A charm to avert cattle disease. Folk-Lore, Lond., 1902, xiii, 189.—Cullen (C. R.) Mental delusions: mes- merism, spiritualism, faith-healing, etc. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1886, 176-181—Curtin (R. G.) The medical superstitions of precious stones, including notes on the therapeutics of other stones. Bull. Am. Acad. M., Easton, Pa.. 1907-8, viii, 444-494.—Darn ell (W. E.) The medicine of superstition. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1898, vii, 446-452.—Diekman (H.) Treatment of diseases by charms as practiced bv the Singalese in Ceylon. Tr. Ethnol. Soc. Lond., 1863, n. s., ii, 140-147.—Drellncu- rltius (C.) De fcetuum pileolo sive galea emendationes. Solent pueri pileo insigniri naturali, quod obstetrices rapiunt et advocatis credulis vendunt, siquidem causidici hoc juvari dicuntur. In his: Opusc. Med., 8°, Hagae Comitum, 1727, 507-515. —Ehrenreich (P.) Gotter und Heilbringer; eine ethnologische Kritik. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1906, xxxviii, 636- 610.—Frazer (J. G.) The scapegoat in therapeutics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 291.—Fulkerson (C. B.) Medical fallacies. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1908, vii, 170- 175.—Gengler (J.) Der Kreuzschnabel als Hausarzt; ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Vogelaberglaubens. Glo- bus, Brnschwg., 1907, xci, 193.—Giuffrida-Buggeri (V.) Animali totem e animali medicinali; contributo alio studio delle superstizioni popolari in Italia. Atti d. Soc. rom. di antrop., Roma, 1903, ix, 161-173.—Good- rich-Freer (A.) More folklore from the Hebrides. Leechcraft. Folk-Lore, Lond., 1902, xiii, 66-62.—Green- ley (T. B.) The credulity of the people as it pertains to i medicine and religion. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, [ xxxv, 214.—Grucker (E.) Beim Wunderdoktor, ein Superstitions {Medical). Beitrag zur Volkskunde. Hyg. BL, Berl., 1906-7, iii; 21.— Guirao Gea (M.) Supersticiones medicas. Gac. med. d. Sur de Espafia, Granada, 1911, xxix, 169-176.—Guth- rie (G. W.) Medicine and superstition. Med. News, N. Y.,1900, lxxvii, 479-485.—Hawkins (J.) Magical med- ical practice in South Carolina. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1907, lxx, 165-174.— Hell wig (A.) Das Einpflocken von Krankheiten. Globus,Brnschwg., 1906,xc,245-249.-----. Der kriminelle Aberglaube in seiner Bedeutung fiir die gerichtliche Medizin. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg.,Berl.,1906, xii, 325; 366; 388; 412; 455— Hcndlcy (T. H.) The in- fluence of fear on medical relief. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 1470.- Herve (G.) De Charles Estienne et de quel- ques recettes et superstitions medicales aux xvi« sie- cle. Rev. de l'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1906, xvi, 133- 135.—Hirsch (V.) Aberglilubisches aus einer antiken Rezeptsammlung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 988.— Hoag (E. B.) Superstition and disease. Bull. Northwest. Univ. M. Sch., Chicago, 1900-1901, ii, 637-642—Holler (M.) Der Alptraum als Urquell der Krankheits-Daemonen. Janus, Amst., 1930, v, 512-518.—Howell (Rev. W.) & Shelford (R.) A Sea-Dyak love philtre. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1904, xxxiv, 207-210.—Hoyt (J. Elizabeth). Medicine, theol- ogv, and superstition. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Con- cord, 1905, 201-219.—Jones ( B. H. ) Folk medicine. Folk-Lore, Lond., 1908, xix, 315-317. — Jones (F. A.) Some medical superstitions among the Southern negroes. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908,1,1207—Kacser (M.) Nep- gy6gyaszat 6s babona a trencsenmegyei t6toknal. [Popu- lar medicine and superstition among the Slavs of Tren- cen County.] Budapesti orv.ujsag, 1906, iv, 907; 928; 951.— Krltzlei*(H.) Schwangerschaft,Geburt und Wochen- bett im deutschen Volksaberglauben. Reichs- Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1908, xxxiii, 125.—Kront'eld (M.) Das Gesund- wenden; ein Seitenstiick zum Gesundbeten. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xv, 775-777.— Klister (K.) Altes Ge- riimpel aus der Praxis. Aerztl. Rundschau, Miinchen, 1903, xiii, 109-111.—Kumaa;usu Minakata. Baskets used in repelling demons. Nature, Lond., 1909, lviii,369.— Lee (F. S.) A defence of sanity. Science, N. Y. & Lan- caster, Pa., 1909, xxx, 823-833. —liewoniewski (P.) Quarante-cinq balles modernes a enveloppe avalees par un cosaque. Presse med., Par., 3907, xv. 122. Also.transl.: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv,657.—Lioy (P.) Fisio- logia delle canzoni popolari. Atti r. 1st. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1896-7, 7. s., viii, 1307-1332.—Liszt (N.) Babonak es nepies gy6gym6dok Hajdumegyeben. [Su- perstitions and popular methods of cure in Haduk County.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1903, xliii, 204: 395.— M'Cully (C. H.) Myths and medicine. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Tndianap., 1898, 16-23.—McPh ail (M.) Healing powers of certain persons. Folk-Lore, Lond., 1900, xi, 448-450.—Mantegazza (P.) Di alcuni documenti che illustrano la superstizione in Italia e che si conservano nel Museo psicologico di Firenze. Arch, perl' antrop., Firenze,1897,xxvii,477^185.—Mapes(C.C) Superstit'ons; medical and otherwise. Med. Age, Detroit, 1904, xxii, 534-544.—Mathews (H. R.) A woman's waist belt a cure for headache (Kamilaroi tribe). Folk-Lore, Lond., 1908, xix, 304. — Matignon. Quelques superstitions d'ordre medical en Chine. Gaz. degynec, Par., 1898, xiii, 161; 177. -----. Quelques superstitions medicales du Chi- nois. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1899, lxxii, 329.—Medical su- perstition in Cyprus. Folk-Lore, Lond., 1900, xi, 120-125.— Melge (H.) & Battaille (L.) Les miracles de Saint- Ignace de Loyola. N. iconog. aela Salpetriere, Par., 1894, vii, 318-323, 2 pi.—Modi (J. J.) On the chariot of the goddess (Mata), a supposed remedy for driving out an epidemic. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1895-9, iv, 419- 426.—Morgan (J. D.) The combat of scientific medicine with superstition. Wash. M. Ann., 1906-7, v, 326-337.— Morris {Sir H.) An address entitled: Looking back; a glance from empiricism to experiment, from superstition to research. Lancet, Lond., 1909, ii, 1651-1656.—Morse (W. H.) Hit by the eclipse. Albany M. Ann., 1900, xxi, 414-416.—Noton (J.) Augury and leechcraft in Algeria. Folk-Lore, Lond., 1909, xx, 208.— Oppert (J.) A Chal- dean incantation against fever and plague. [Transl. by J. W. Williams.] Times & Reg., Phila., 1893, xxvi, 158.— Pachinger (A. M.) Folksmedizin und Aberglaube. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1909, Leipz ,1910,lxxxi,pt.2, 2.Hlfte.,101.—Palmer (F.W.M.) Some superstitions in medicine. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1905,xix, 196-202.—Parham (F. W.) Superstitions,fads, fetiches and facts; a retrospect and forecast; the lines on which the progress of the future must be worked out. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. Orl., 1901, 65-82.—Pettigrew (T. J.) Superstitions connected with medicine and sur- gery. Therap. Rec, Louisville, 1905-6, i, 9-14.—Predigt (Eine) am Schlusse des Jahres 1786 fiber Apost. Gesch. xv, 12. gehalten und auf Verlangen der angesehensten und wohldenkendsten Mitglieder der Domgemeine zum Druck befordertvon Joh. Dav. Nicolai, Domprediger in Bremen. [Repr. from: Allg. Litterat.-Ztg., No. 96.] Mag- net. Mag. r. Nied.-teutschl., Bremen, 1787-9, 291-293. — Preuss (K. T.) Die Vorbedeutung des Zuckens der Gliedmassen in der Volkerkunde. Globus, Brnschwg., SUPERSTITIONS. 46 SUPPOSITORIES. Superstitions (M diced.) 19oj. xi \. '_' 15-247. — Prevost (A.) Notes sur quelques superstitions medicales en Normandie. France med., Par., 1902, xlix, 348. —Pritehard (F. H.) Powwowing in cancer, with a few words on exorcism in diseases. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1900, xxxv, 681-585.—Beed (W. W.) The influence of myth and superstition on medicine. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1900, 128-135 — Boberts (D. C.) Medicine, theologv, and superstition. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1902, 76-87.—Bob- erts (W.) Superstitious remedies. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 1661. — Bose (H. A.) Folk-medicine in the Punjab. Folk-Lore, Lond., 1910, xxi, 83-86.—Sandler (D.) Some oriental superstitions in matters of the healing art. Lan- cet, Lond., 1908, ii, 45.—Sarandi (H.) L'empirisme en Roumanie. France med., Par., 1905, Hi, 370-372.—Schell (O.) Abwehrzauber am bergischen Hause. Globus, Brnschwg., 1907, xci,335; 363.—Seelig (M. G.) Supersti- tion in medicine. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1905, xii, 515- 523. Also: Med.Libr.&Hist. J.,Brooklyn,1905,iii,174-184.— Superstitions (Les) dans le bocage normand. France med., Par., 1904, li, 447-452.— Superstitions (Les) en Bretagne; le corps humain. Ibid., 1903, 1, 173.—Super- stitions (Les) medicales en Touraine. Ibid., 135.— Sydenham (G. F.) On the vulgar errors and supersti- tions of West Somerset in their relation to medicine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 1366.—Szanttf (J.) Babona a gy6gvitas teren. [In the province of superstitious the- rapy.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1900, xl, 298-300.—Uffen- heimer (A.) Ein alter Freis-Brief. Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med., Leipz., 1910-11, iv, 461-463.—"Vidal (C.) De quel- ques superstitions populaires concernant la medecine dans le Castrais. Rev. scient., Par., 1909,5. s., xi, 197-199.— Weissbart (M.) Der Aberglaube im Geschlechtsleben der Frau. Mutter u. Kind, Leipz., 1905-6, ii, 172; 182; 198; 212; 227.—Winkler (J.) Bataksche Zauberdoktoren. Aerztl. Mission, Gutersloh, 1907, 49-60. — Ysambert. Les superstitions medicales en Touraine. Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1903, viii, 41; 69: 1905, x, 3; 99; 218; 305. Supersusceptibility. See Diphtheria (Treatment of, Sequelae and accidents from) by serum ; Sensitization and sensitizer; Serum-anaphylaxis. de Superville (Daniel) [1696-1776]. [Biography.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 686, port. Supination {Disordered). Cramer (K.) Ueber kongenitale Supinationsstorun- gen. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1908, xx, 127-147.— Destot. Perte congenitale des mouvements de prona- tion et de supination. Lyon med., 1910, cxiv, 469-471. Also: Lyon chirug., 1910, iii, 223.—Siemon (G.) Ueber ein Hilfsmittel zur Erkennung simulierter Supinations- beschrankung der Hand. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1907, xx, 443. Supinator muscles. Halbertsma (H. J.) Musculus supinator brevis ac- cessorius. Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Amst., 1862, xiii, 335.—Lucas (R. C.) Note on the supinator longus as a gun muscle. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1903, xvii, 10— Wilmart (L.) Contribu- tion a l'etude de l'action du muscle long supinateur. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1895,193-195. Supino (Felice). Osservazioni intorno ad un caso speciale di otocefalia. 18 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Padova, stab. Prospering 1895. -----. II cranio dei pesci. 100 pp. 8°. Roma, B. Lux, 1907. Supino (Raffaello). Veleni e contravveleni. 80 pp. 12°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1892]. Medico di casa, no. 22. -----. Manuale di diagnostica medica. 1 p. 1., 361pp. 8°. Torino, Unione tipogr., 1899. -----. Chimica clinica. xvi, 198 pp. 16°. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1902. -----. La funzione meccanica dello stomaco; Ricerche semejologiche e cliniche. 34 pp. 8°. Pisa, [A. Spinaci, 1905]. Suppe§ (Johanna) [1874- ]. *Ein Fall von primarem Leberzellcarcinom mit Thrombosen der VenaB hepticse und Geschwulstembolien der Arterise pulmonales. 20 pp., 11. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf&Sohn, 1908. Suppiger(Joseph). leptomeningitis otogenen Ursprungs. 18 pp. 8°. Bern, 1909. Supplement to the British Medical Journal. A weekly epitome of current medical literature. 2 pts. annually. 1906-11. 4°. London. Current. Supplement au Dictionnaire de therapeutique, . . . par Dujardin-Beaumetz. See Dictionnaire de therapeutique, [etc. ]. Supplement du Guide pratique des sciences medicales. See Guide pratique des sciences [etc.]. Supplement to Howard's Domestic medicine [etc.]. See Howard (Horton). Supplement to A. S. Kingsley's Medical science frauds. 1 p. 1., 79 pp. 16°. Indianapolis, Hall & Co., 1891. Supplement to Notes on new remedies, etc., 1896. The treatment of disease by therapeutic serums (antitoxins). 23 pp. 24°. London, Allen & Hanburys, [1896]. See, also, Notes on new remedies [etc.]. Supplement to Notes on some new and recent remedies, etc. 1894. 24 pp. 16°. London, Allen & Hanburys, [1894]. Supplement till Pharmaca composita. 2. uppl. 39 pp. 8°. Stockholm, C. & E. Ger- nandt, 1896. Supplement op de Pharmacopcea neerlandica. See Nederlandsche Maatschappij [etc.]. Supplemento al Policlinico. Periodico di me- dicina, chirurgia e igiene, diretto dai professori Guido Boccelli, Franeesco Durante. [ Weeklv. ] v. 1-8, Nov. 10, 1894, to Oct. 25, 1902. 4°. Roma. Supplementum Pharmacopcese danicse. Col- lectum editumque a T. S. Warncke. 2. ed. 3 p. 1., 216 pp. 12°. Haunice, C. A. Reitzel, 1869. Supply of water to London from the river Thames at Henley, under the management of a metropolitan commission. 14 pp., 2 diag. 12°. London, J. B. Nichols & Son, 1849. Supply-tables. See Armies (Medical organization, etc., of). Suppo de Valletti (Camille). See de Valletti (Camille Suppo). Supports. Swan wick (E. M.) Supports; in the state of health. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1907, xxxv, 780. Suppositories. See, also, Citrullin; Constipation (Treat- ment of). Boas (I.) Ueber Niihrsuppositorien. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 617-619.— Brown (H.) A new form of suppository. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 90.— Le win (L.) & Esehbaum (P.) Ueber Suppositorien und eine Methode, sie darzustellen. Deutsche med Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897, xxiii, 20. — Ldnke. Pessoid. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1908, iii, 173-176.— Ulalacarne (M.) Intorno ad un nuovo succedaneo del burro di cacao. Gior. di farm, [etc.], Torino, 1902, li, 347- 349.—Niesel. Erfahrungen fiber die Wirkung von Gly- cerinsuppositorien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv, 407. Also: Verhandl. d. med. Ver. zu Greifswald 1888-9, Leipz., 1890, 138.—Peters. Die Be- handlung von Unterleibsleiden mit Pinus-Suppositorien. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1908, 125-128. — Puckner (W. A.) & Warren (L. E.) Anusol hemorrhoidal sup- positories. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, Iii, 1112.— Rabs (V.) Suppositorien. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1904, xix, 215.— Rodillon (G.) Sur la preparation des suppositoires'a base de beurre de cacao. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1903, 6. s., xvii, 57-59.—Rohden (B.) Dermosapol-Va- ginalsuppositoria und -Globuli. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 846.—Root (W. F.) Hand-made cocoa-butter suppositories. N. Eng Druggist Bost., 1902, xiv, 700.—Sawyer {Sir J.) Pilewort oint- ment and suppository. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904 i 14__ Vanderkleed (C. E.) The ideal suppository. Merck's SUPPOSITORIES. 47 SUPPURATION. Suppositories. Kep., N. Y., 1905, xiv, 109-112.—Zaehrisson (F.) Si- rapstolpiller (knackcigarrer), ett gammalt folkmedel for afforing. [Sirupsuppositorien, ein altes volkstiimliches Abfiihrmittel. Uebers., p. iv.] Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1903-4, n.f.,ix, 120-126. Suppositories (Patent specifications for making). Blackmail (L. R.) Improvement in molds for mak- ing suppositories. No. 139858; June 17, 1873.—Blount (J. G.) Suppository machine. No. 569985; Oct. 20,1896.— Fox (C. W.) Machine for making suppositories. No. 509154; Nov. 21, 1893.—Genese (D.) Suppository-mold. No. 541529: June 25,1895. -----. Suppository and method of making same. No. 553907; Feb. 4, 1896. -----. Sup- pository-machine. No. 554178; Feb. 4, 1896.—Harvey (L. J.) Suppositorv mold. No. 588990; Aug. 31, 1897.— Hecker (E. A.) & JIcKhaiin (C. F.) Composition for suppositories. No. 327267; Sept. 29, 1885.—Larson {A.) Composition for suppositories. No. 273652; March (, ]883.—.Hiller (J. N.) & JH.OSS (J. B.) Suppository. No. 604063; Mav 17, 1898.—Murphy- (D. H.) Supposi- torv. No. 638258: Dec. 5, 1899.—Plaisted (J. H.) Im- provement in suppository-molds. No. 146549; Jan. 20, 1874.—Botli (L.l Composition for suppositories. No. 243800; Julv 5, 1881.—St-hinelz (H.) Suppository. No. 398085; Feb. 19, 1889.—Spenzer (P. I.) Improvement in suppository-molds. No. 1425J4; June 18,1873.—Tatuin ( C. A.) Suppository-machine. No. 536240; March 26, 1895. — Truster ( C. L.) Suppository machine. No. 580021; April 6, 1897. Suppression du paludisme a Ismailia. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, 1906. Supprian (Karl Wilhelm) [1871- ]. ♦Bei- trage zur Kenntnis der Thymelreacese und Penae- acea?. [Berlin.] 52 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Leip- zig, W. Engelmann, 1894. Repr.from: EnglerBot.Jahrb.,xviii. Suppuration. See, also, Abscess; Blood (Corpuscles of, White); Empyema; Fever (Typhoid, Compli- cations of, Septic, etc.); Infection (Mixed); In- flammation; Pus; Pyaemia. Adami (J. C.) *L>e phlegmone. sm. 4°. Erfordise, 1690. Cornet (F. A.) *De hyperpuosi, seu nimia suppuratione. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1808. Lemiere (G.) * De la suppuration. [Paris. ] 4°. Lille, 1891. -----. The same. roy. 8°. Lille, 1891. Also, in: Bull. Soc. anat.-clin.de Lille, 1891, vi, 355-373. Levy (H.) * Beitrage zur Abscesslehre im Altertum und Mittelalter. 8°. Berlin, 1901. Neuhaus (M.) * Ueber Abscesse nach Hein- rich von Mondeville. 8°. Berlin, 1897. Osterroht (W.) * Ueber die specielle Ab- scessbehandlung nach Heinrichvon Mondeville. 8°. Berlin, 1897. Quesnay. Trattato della suppurazione. Tra- duzione dal francese. Edizione prima napole- tana, accresciuta di alcuni opuscoli dello stesso autore, tratti dalle memorie dell' Accademia di chirurgia, e della dissertazione del Sig. Grashuis sulla produzione della marcia. 2 v. 8°. Na- poli, 1782. Wischeropp (M.) * Ueber die Spontanhei- lunginnererEiterungen. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Archambault (J. L.) Remarks on retropharyngeal abscess and pulsating empyema, with report of cases. Albanv M. Ann., 1900, xxi, 65-85 — Binaghi (R.) Sulla sterilita di alcuni ascessi. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1905, Roma, 1906, xix, 28-30.—Blane. Facilite des suppurations chez lescolomaux malades. Caducee, Par., 1910, x, 245.—Bohm (M.) Die Einwirkung der Natur- heilfactoren auf die Eiterung. Physiat. Rundschau, Chemnitz i. S., 1898-9, v, 133; 160— Daclis (J.) Omstan- dig verhaal eener zonderlinge verplaatzinge van etter- stoffen, enz. Verhandel. uitgeg. d. de Holland. Mantseh. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem, 1773. xiv, pt. 2, 57-73.-I>ean (G. S.) Concerning suppurative inflammation. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1890, xxxii, 526; 624. Also, Reprint.— Dngan (W. C.) Acute phlegmon. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1904, 13. s., iv. 197.—Edwards (F. S.) A lecture on abscess and fistula. Clin. J., Lond., 1910, xxxvi, 401 Suppuration. 406.—Favr(V.) 0 razlozhenii razlichnikh veshtshestv v zagnivatelyakh pri biologicheskol ochistkle. [Dissolu- tion of various substances in suppuration when cleaned biologically.1 Kharkov. M. J., 1908, v, 16-36, 11., 4 pi.— (>astou&Winery. Abces froids sous-cutanesmultiples. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1898, ix, 56-58. Also: Ann. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 141- 113.—<»essner (H. B.) An unusual case of coldabscess. Mississippi M. Rec, Vicksburg, 1902, vi, 255-257. Also: Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc. 1902, N. Orl., 1903, 140-142. — dihinozzi (C.) [Polemiche su la puru- lenza spontanea.] Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1851, 2. s., i, 405; 411; 418. Also, Reprint — Gil Ileus. Abces pulmonaires et ronaux. Clinique, Brux., 1910, xxiv, 215-217—Hasbrouck (E. M.) The treatment of abscess bv the Otis method, with a report of thirty-two cases. N. York M. J., 1*96, lxiii, 776-779. Also, Reprint.—He^er (M.) Les abees froids. Clinique, Brux., 1901, xv, 177-181— Intlekoier. Ein Fall von destruirender septischer Phlegmone. (Eigene Kran- kengeschichte eines Arztes.) Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1892, xxxiii, 145-150. — Jaboulay. Abces froids in- tra-inusculaires. Lyon med., 1908, ex, 1281.—Kvyat- kovski (G.I.) Phlegmoneemphvsematosa. Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1900, xi, 272; 275—Laval (E.) Les abces chauds en general. Bull, gen de therap. [etc.], Par., 1911,clxi,762-774.-----. Abces chauds en particulier. Ibid., 807; 881. —Lemiere (G.) De la suppuration. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1893, i, 457; 484; 518. Also: Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lille (1893), 1894,141-175.—Leonard (C. L.) The clinical pathology and symptomatology of ab- scesses and their bearing on treatment. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1900, ix, 512-514.—Jlanley (I. H.) The element of elimination and assimilation in pus-forma- tion. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1895, viii, 42. Also, Re- print.— Jlorestin (H.) Des abces migrateurs devenus autonomes. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1900, lxxiii, 447-151.— Jluir (R.) On suppurations in internal organs. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1894, ii, 89-106, 2 pi.—Peet (E. W.) The treatment of acute abscesses. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896, 1, 513.—Perkins (J.J.) Abscess. In: Syst. Med. (Allbutt & Rolleston), 8°, Lond., 1909, v, 268-274.— Phocas. L'abces et le phlegmon. Nord med., Lille, 1900, vi, 109- 115.—Potel (G.) Les abces froids non tuberculeux. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1907, xi, 505; 623. Also: Gac med. catal., Barcel., 1908, xxxiii, 224; 270.— Potherat (E.) Abces amibien du foie et du poumon; metastase cerebrale ayant entraine la mort. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. dePar., 1911, n. s., xxxvii, 150-156.—Potter (T. E.) Pus and its results. West. M. & S. Reporter, St. Joseph, Mo., 1897, ix, 165-170.—Reelus. Des abces chroniques. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1908, xxii, 593-595.— Rieard. Deux cas de suppuration froide non tubercu- leuse. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1896, lxix, 117.—Roger & Josue. Contribution a l'etude dela suppuration. Cong. franc de med. 1895, Par., 1896, ii, 775-788. Also [Abstr.]: Riv. internaz. d' ig., Napoli, 1895, vi, 433.—Sabouraud (R.) L'abcesfuronculeux etlefuroncle. Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 548-550.—Shattock (S. G.) On the inadequacy of the current terms applied to suppuration, with a pro- posal. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xliii, 225-229.—Shaw (C. K.) Notes on a method of treating chronic abscess. Month. Homceop. Rev., Lond., 1896, xl, 456-464.—Snej- dsirek. Dva vzacne pfipady spaly z detskS nemocnice Frantiska Josefa v Praze. [Two rare cases of phlegmon from the Francis Joseph Children's Hospital in Prague] Casop. lek cesk., v Praze, 1869, viii, 33; 41— Tikhott'(P.) Istoncheskiy ocherk i sovremennoye sostoyaniye voprosa o nagnovenii. [Historical sketch and present condition of the question of suppuration.] Laitop. russk. chir., S.- Peterb., 1900, v, 3-20.—Truneeek (K.) Leeeni vleklych hliz. [The treatment of chronic abscesses.] Casop. lek cesk., v Praze, 1895, xxxiv, 604-608.— Truyts. Abces froids. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1908,4. s., xxxi, 217- 228.— ITskoff. K liecheniyu narivov po sposobu prof. Levashova. [On the treatment of abscesses by Leva- sholV's method.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1897, clxxxix, med.-spec pt., 33-38. Suppuration (Artificial) [Fixation abscess]. See, also, Counter-irritants; Issues; Pneu- monia (Treatment of) by counter-irritants; Puer- peral septicemia (Treatment of) by fixation abscess; Pysemia (Treatment of). Carles (P.-E.-J.) *Les abces de fixation. 8°. Bordeaux, 1902. Cellarier (P.-A.-P.) *Les abces de fixation chez les enfants. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. Detscheff (J.) * Valeur therapeutique de l'abces de fixation dans les maladies broncho- pulmonaires aigues. 8°. Lyon, 1909. SUPPURATION. 48 SUPPURATION Suppuration (Artificial) [Fixation er (L.) Zur Priifung des Eiters mit Millons Reagen-. '.Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 728.— Emploi (L) de la thaleur comme moyen de diagnostic de la presence du pus. Semaine med., Par.; 1901, xxi, 19. — Fiessinger ( N. ) Le zymo-diagnostic des sup- purations. Folia clin., chim. et micros., Salsomaggiore, 1910-11, iii, no.3,1-5.—Finzi (G.I La reazione ematolo- gica di ( e-;ii is-Demel nella diasrnosi delle suppurazioni nascoste. Uiioruia med., Napoli, 1909, xxv, 1022-1024.— Friedricli ^1'. L.) Zur Diagnostik des Eiters. Fest- schr. . . . Benno Schmidt. . ., Leipz., 1896, 94-99, 1 pi.— Gergil (I.) A proteolysis-reactio erteke sebeszeti meg- betegclesekben az elkulonito k6rjelzes szempontjab61. [The value of proteolysis reaction in surgical cases, with reference to differential diagnosis.] Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1908, Iii, 467-473.— Golinelli (A.) Intorno alia re- azione Millon per gli escreati e gli essudati purulenti. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1910, xxxi, 345— Haglund (P.) Senkungsabszesse auf dem Rontgenbikle. Zentralbl. f. chir. u. mech. Orthop., Berl., 1907, i, 145-148.—Heaton (G.) Blood examination as a clinical guide in cases of obscure suppuration, with cases. Med. Mag., Lond., 1910, x,453-459.—Kiittner. Diagnostische Blutuntersu- chungen bei chirurgischer Eiterung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1902, xxxi, pt. 1,126- 130.—Laurence (J.) Le zymodiagnostic des suppura- tions. Tribune med., Par., 1910, n. s., xliii, 214-216 — Leonard (C. L.) The classification and svmptomatology of abscesses. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y.,1900, ix, 666-668.— !Tlori(A.) L'indicanuria nei processi suppurativa Po- liclin Roma, 1893-4, i, 508-511.—I?Iiiller (E.) Das Mil- lon'sche Reagens; ein weiteres Hilfsmittel zur raschen Cnterseheidung von tuberkulosen und andersartigen Ei- terungen. Zentralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1907, xxviii, 297-301.—Rhamy (B. W.) Abscess of questionable lo- cation discharging by pulmonary route. Fort Wavne M. J.-Mag., 1906, xxvii, 148.—Rosati (B.) Sul potere ag- gressinico dell' essudato di ascessi freddi nelle infezioni piogene. N. riv. clin.-terap., Napoli, 1911, xiv, 14-19.— RubashofT (S. M.) Diagnosticheskoye znacheniye re- aktsii gnoya na brodila i sivorotochnikh zhidkostel na protivubrodila. [Diagnostic value of the reaction of pus to ferments, and of serum fluids to antiferments.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 912-914.—Tedeschi (E.) Per la diagnosi biologica di raccolte purulente latenti. Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova, 1908, xiv, 355; 361. Also; Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1908, xxix, 1469-1471. Also; Ann.d. IstMara- glianop. la cura d. tuberc.[ etc.], Genova, 1908-9, iii, 1-8.— Testl (A.) Dell'indicanuria nelle suppurazioni. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna. Resoc. (1894), 1895, 34-36. Also; Policlin., Roma, 1895, ii, 211-218. — Tillaux. Abces froid svmptomatique de lesion osseuse. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1898, ix, 73.—Torri (0.) Sul va- lore del reperto ematologico specifico delle mfiamma- zioni purulente proposto da Cesaris-Demel. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1906, xii, 547-552.—Vas (J.) A geny proteoly- sies reactiojanak ertekerol. [The value of proteolytic reaction.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1908, Iii, 403.—Ven- nin. Phlegmon a allure grave. Lyon chirurg., 1910, iii, 113-115.—de Villa (S.) Intorno alia diagnosi biologica di raccolte purulenti latenti nei bambini. Riv. di clin. pediat, Firenze, 1910, viii, 809-814.—W. (H. F. B.) Oc- cult suppuration. Guy's Hosp. Guz., Lond., 1906, xx, 222.— Wieting. Die Leukocytenzahlung zur Unter- scheidungvon Bluterguss und Eiterung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.,1908, xxxiv, 23.—Young (J. K.) Diagnostic puncture in tuberculous abscesses. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1910, cxl, 266-269. Suppuration (Gaseous). Cohn (E. L.) * Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Klinik der Gasphlegmone des Menschen. 8°. Leipzig, 1908. Gertler (C. A.) *Ueber Gasphlegmonen. 8°. Halle a, S., 1X98. Bunge. Zur Aetiologie der Gasphlegmone. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 918. Also: Sitzungsb.d. Ver.d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S. 1893-4, Miinchen, 1895, iv, 115.— Fraenkel (E.) Ueber den Erreger der Gasphlegmo- nen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 1369; 1420.— Jletz (L. M.) & Lycklama a Nyeholt (H. J.) Over de zoofrenaamde gasphlegmonen. Nederl. Tiidsehr. v. ('eneesk., Amst., 1901, 2. R., xxxvii, d. 1, 1259-1271.— Praau (S. W.) Over gasphlegmonen. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1908, xii, 201-209, 1 pi.—Ke.—Coudray (P.) Traitement des suppura- tions par les pulverisations antiseptiques a l'aide de l'ipsileuse de M. Guilmeth. Cong, internat. de med. <:. r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. de l'enf., 200-203.— < ou^liliu (R. E.) Does internal medication tend to abort, or cure abscess and the tendency thereto? N.York M. .1. [etc.1, 1910, xcii, 219.—Coyon (A.), Fiessinger (N ) A Laurence (J.) Comment guerit un abces froid. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1909, xxiii, 628-631.— Bel Vecchlo (E.) Alcune considerazioni sull' uso delle irrigazioni antisettiche o sterili nella cura delle raccolte purulente. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1898, iv, 784-790.—Desesquelle (E.) Du traitement des abces par les injections modiflcatnces d'eau oxygenee. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1903, xvi, 240-243.—Dubuja- doux. Phlegmon diffus sous-cutane etendu a presque tout le membre inferieur; injection d'eau oxygenee dans le tissu cellulaire; sutures secondaires. [Rap. de Chau- vel.] Bull, etmem. Soc.de chir.de Par., 1900, n.s.,xxvi, 91-94.—Duplay (S.) Traitement des abces par conges- tion. Semaine med., Par., 1897, xvii, 433.—Ehrlich (K.) Die Behandlung akuter und chronischer Eiterun- gen mit Phenolkampher. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 491-193.—Eloy (C.) La pyogenese artificielle et le traitement des maladies infectieuses (abces critiques, abces de fixation, abces de derivation). Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1892, vi, 370-372.—Enderlen. Behandlung des Furunkels, Karbunkels und der Phleg- mone. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1689-1693.—Eoler. Ueber die heilende Wirkung der Rontgenstrahlen bei abgegrenzten Eiterungen. Ver- offentl. a. d. Geb. d. Mil.-San.-Wes., Berl., 1906, 35. Hft., 136-140. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch, Hamb., 1908, iv. 150-154.—Ferrari (A.) Emprego do levedo de cerveja nas suppuracoes. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1904, xviii. 28.—Fochier (A.) Therapeutique des infections pyogenes generalisees. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1891), 1892, xxxi, 57-70.—Fou- chou. Les abces froids qui s'e4ernisent et leur traite- ment. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1908, xxii, 217-220.—Gage (H.) The treatment of cold ab- scesses. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1896, xvii, no. 1, 233-241. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1896, cxxxv, 253. Also, Reprint. — Gergo (E.) The serum treat- ment of purulent processes. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chi- cago, 1910, x, 1-5.—Gonnet. Elimination de la tere- benthine par les urines dans l'abces de fixation. Bull. Soc d'obst. de Par., 1909, xii, 296-300. —Gras (V.) Adeho-phlegmons inguinaux et iliaques traites par les injections de vaseline iodoformee. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1906, lxxix, 461.—Gucciardello (S.) Rapida guari- gione degli ascessi caldi con un metodo opposto all' or- dinario (trattamento chiuso). Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1907, xxviii, 696. Also, transl.: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1908, xxii, 131.—Guizzardi (A.) Contributo alia cura delle suppurazioni coll' ittiolo. Raccoerlitore med., Forll, 1897, 5. s., xxiii, 25-30.— Habs (R.) Ueber die Behand- lung der pyogenen Erkrankungen. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fort- bild., Jena, 1909, vi, 110-114.—Hellin (D.) Die Behand- lung von Abszessen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xxxv, 1275.—Hume (J.) The principles underlying the therapeutic treatment of general pyogenic in- fections, with special reference to the use of silver nitrate solution in such cases. Proc Orleans Parish M. Soc. 1904, N. Orl., 1905, 144-154.—Hunt (H.) Treatment of cold abscesses. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1905, 361-365.— Hutchins (M. B.) The poultice method of healing cutaneous and subcutaneous abscess cavities. N. York M. J., 1902, lxxv, 322-324 — Iselin (H.) Behandlung akut eitriger P2ntzundungen mit heisser Luft. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xxxv, 1257-1259.— Joseph (M.) L'ion-zinc dans le traitement des suppurations chroniques. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1909, xvi, 367-374.—Kolaczek (H.) Neue Heilbestre- bungen in der Behandlung eitriger Prozesse. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 2655-2658.—Lagache (G.) Suppuration (Treatment of). Traitement des abces froids. Clinique, Brux., 1902, xvi, 519-533.—Lauciistein (C.) Die Behandlung der Phleg- mone. Heilkunde, Wien, [etc.], 1898, ii, 201-206.—L,a- voine. Observation sur un abces par congestion gueri par des injections d'ether iodoforme. Gaz. med. dePiear- die, Amiens, 1896, xiv, 184-186.—Lllientlial (H.) Glycerine as a dressing for the prevention of suppuration. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-lrin. Dis., St. Louis, 1908, xii, 68.—Liscia (A.) II solfolttiolatad'ammonio nella sup- purazione. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 189b., xvi, 170-172.— Luca»-( li ainpionniere. Le traitement desgrandes poches d'abces par congestion; ponctions et injections d'huile de vaseline a l'iodoforme. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1903, lxxiv, 449-459. -----. Le traitement des abces froids. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1903, xiv, 325-327. -----. Le traitement des abces. Ibid., 1904, xv, 289-291.—Luton (E.) Le traitement des abces froids par l'eau oxygenee, depuis 1896. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1904, xxviii, 125-132.—McKechnle (W. E.) Suction of abscesses. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1910, xiv, 498-500.—Man ley (T. H.) Phenic acid in pyogenic processes. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1903, xiii, 390.—Marcille. Traitement abortif des suppura- tions. Tribune med., Par., 1907, n. s., xxxix, 217.— Marro (A.) L' ittiolo nella cura dei flemmoni e delle infezioni post-operatorie. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1906, 4. s., xii, 408-411.—Mauclaire. De la po- sition declive appliquee au traitement de quelques varietes d'abces froids. Tribune med., Par., 1905, n. s., xxxvii, 696. Also: Cong, internat. de la tuberc 1905, Par., 1906, ii, 178-180.—Mendel. L'ion-zinc dans le traitement des suppurations chroniques. Rev. trimest. suisse d'odont., Zurich & Geneve, 1909, xix, 200-208.— Miller. Die versicherungstechnische Behandlung phlegmonoser Prozesse. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1908, xv, 163-176.—Miserrocchi (L.) Intorno alia cura dei processi suppurativi acuti locali. Pedia- tria, Napoli, 1909, 2. s., vii, 835-838.—Morturiol (E.) Las inyecciones yodoformicas en los abscesos cerrados. Arch, de ginecop. [etc.], Barcel., 1909, xxii, 341-346 — Moty (F.) Les phlegmons diffus a marche lente et leur traitement. Semaine med., Par., 1911, xxxi, 253-257.— Munger (C. E.) A physiological solvent in the treatment of pus gases. Boston M. & S. J., 1901, cxliv, 14. Also, Reprint.—Ombredanne. Lavage des po- ches d'abces froids et chauds. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1911, xiii, 89-93.—Ostermayer (M.) Giim6k6ros talyogok es mas eredesii genyedesek kezelese Klever-fele jodoformvasogennel. [Tuberculous abcesses and suppu- rations from other causes treated by iodoform vaso- gen according to Klever's method.J Gy6gvaszat, Budapest, 1896, xxxvi, 78-81.—Palieri (D.) Sulla cura degli ascessi freddi e del metodo del Prof. Du- rante. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1901, xxvii, 647-653.— Papon. Contribution au traitement des abces froids par les injections modiflcatrices d'eau oxvgenee. Arch. de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1903, xii, 135-149.—Peiser (A.) Ueber Antifermentbehandlung eitriger Prozesse ohne Inzision. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xxxv, 777- 779.—Phillips (J.) A method of obtaining rapid heal- ing of acute abscesses. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 1163.— Pickett (S.L.) Mcrcurol in the treatment of suppurative inflammations. MilwaukeeM.J.,1902,x,203.—Plradolf (R. B.) K voprosu o sposoble llecheniya zatechnikh nartvov. [Method of treatment of abscesseB.] Trudi i Protok. Imp. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1909-10, xlvi, 40-46.— Porosz (M.) Die Behandlung der Abszesse und Bu- bonen mit Saltpetersiiurelosung. Klin.-therap. Wchn- schr., Wien, 1903, x, 929-936.—Pugh (W. S.), jr. The iodin treatment of suppuration. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, viii, 684.—Pullmann (W.) Ueber Peru-Lenicet; Bei- trag zur Perubalsambehandlung eitriger und geschwiiri- ger Prozesse. Med. Klin., Berl., 1909-10, v, 1589-1691. Also: Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1910, lxi, 98-113.—Balnville. Traitement du phlegmon dif- fus, gangreneux. Progres mecl., Par., 1908, 3. s., xxiv, p. xc—Beltts (I. V.) K voprosu o llechenfi nagno- yeniy po sposobu Georgiyevskavo. [On the treatment of abscesses by Georgiyevski's method.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Bot- kina, St. Petersb., 1898, ix, 1806-1808.—Bemy (C.) Ab- ces par congestion; ecoulement par la bouche d'un liquide injecte dans la cuisse. J. de clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1896, iv, 603-606.—Bobinson (W. J.) The treatment of acute abscesses. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896,1, 646.—Boyster (H. A.) Melted iodoform ointment in the treatment of suppurating bubo and ischiorectal abscess. Ibid., 1911, lxxix, 340.—Sabrazes (J.) & Muratet (L.) Reaction iodophile des leucocytes dans les suppurations asep- tiques par injection sous-cutanee d'essence de tereben- thine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, cxxxvi, 975.—Saverio Correra (F.) Sulle contro-indicazioni del termocauterio nella cura dei flemmoni. Gazz. inter- naz. di med., Napoli, 1906, ix, 675.—Schamberg (M. I.) The treatment of suppurative affections of the face and neck emanating from the mouth. J. Am. M. Ass Chi- cago, 1905, xiv, 374-376.-Spencer (W. G.) A clinical lecture on the treatment of widespread suppuration and multilocular abscesses. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 1036.— SUPPURATION. 53 SUPPURATION. Suppuration (Treatment of). Stolz. Ueber Sauerstoffthernpie bei Gasphlegmone. Arch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Strassb., 1902-3, xxii, 321.— Muart (J.) The local treatment of abscesses and phleg- monous conditions. N. York M. J., 1897, lxv, 77-80. Also, Reprint.—Tasso (G.) Le iniezioni endovenose di subli- mato corrosivo nella cura del flemmone diffuso. Poli- clin., Roma, 1902-3, ix,sez. prat., 1236-1238.—Town send (W. R.) The treatment of cold abscesses. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1902, 312-320.—Tremolieres. A propos de leucotherapie; traitement des abces froids par l'essence de terehenthine. Toulouse mod., 1909, 2. s., xi, 376-381—Vernits (I. I.) K llecheniyu ostrikh gni- lostnikh zabollevaniy. [Treatment of acute purulent diseases.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Petersb., 1902, i, 1362-1364.— Wilcox (S. F.) Treatment of cold abscess by injections of the ethereal solution of iodoform. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc, N. Y., 1894, xxix, 298-303.—Woods (R. H.) On the treatment of purulent cavities. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1904-5, xxiii, 182-195. Suppuration (Treatment of Opera- tive). Joseph (H. G.) * Joseph Lister's antisep- tische Behandlung der Abscesse. Bericht iiber die Erfolge, welehe mit diesem Verfahren auf der chirurgischen Klinik im St. Jaeobshospital zu Leipzig erzielt wurden. 8°. Leipzig, 18(>7. Manierb d'ouvrir et de traiter les abscvs a portee de la main du chirurgien et des secours de la chirurgie. 16°. Paris, 1765. Murjas (E.) *Du traitement des abces ossi- fluents par la ponction simple. 8°. Lyon, 1901. Beck (E. G.) Diagnose, chirurgische Behandlung und Verhutung von Fistelgangen und Abscesshohlen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1909, lxii, 401-432.—Ben- nett (W. H.) A clinical lecture on the treatment of cer- tain chronic abscesses by simple aspiration. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 1553-1556.—von Bergmann. Ueber Amputation bei Phlegmone. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1901, xxxviii, 1166. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1900-1901), 1902, xxxii, pt. 1, 191-194. — Braatz (E.) Ueber das Offenerhalten von operirten Ab^cessen durch Drahthaken. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1897, xxiv, 461 — von Bruns & Honsell. Ueber die Anwendung reiner Carbolsaure bei septischen Wunden und Eite- rungsprocessen. Verhandl. d. deutsch.Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1901, xxx, pt. 2. 128-135. —Ceccherelli (A.) Cause delle suppurazioni circoscritte e di un nuovo pro- cesso di sutura. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1898, Roma, 1899, xiii, 255-262.—Charon (P.) Ouverture et drainage naturel des abces et collections superficiels; action de l'essence de terebenthine sur la suppuration et dans le traitement des kystes se>o-sanguins. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1908, lxxxv, 778-786.—Cheyne (W. W.) Suppuration. Syst. Surg. (Treves), Phila., 1895, i, 79- 104.—Cleghorn (G.) The treatment of chronic suppur- ation, without drainings, by Barker's method. Inter- colon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. 1892, Sydney, 1893, iii, 276-278.—Compalred. Absceso y edema localizados en el aritenoides, legamento ariepiglotico y banda ventricu- lar derechas, consecutivas a la gripe; desagiie por las vias naturales; curaci6n. Siglo med., Madrid, 1907, liv, 3-5.—CorradiniBovatti {(i.) Appunti di un medico di condotta; un caso di flemmone settico guarito col me- todo Baccelli. Corriere san., Milano, 1905, xvi, 361.— Desfosses (P.) Les abces chauds; leur traitement chi- rurgical. Pressemed., Par.,lvi'.". ii,368-370.—Du^an (W. C.) Surgieal treatment of acute phlegmon. Med. Age, Detroit, 1896, xiv, 136-139.—»u play (S.) The treat- ment of burrowing abscess. Med. Week, Par., 1897, v, 568.—Gal in (M. A.) & Titoff(I. T.) Sluchal blelol flegmonl (phlegmone alba). Khirurgia, Mosk., 1899, vi, 579-696. — van Gessclier (I).) Verhandeling over de uitfje'-trektheid der insnydingen in ettergezwel- len. Verhandl. uitgeg. d. d. Holland. Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem, 1773, xiv, 493-548.—Gold- zieher (V.) Az eretlen halyog operatiojarol. [Oper- ation for the unripe ab-cess.l Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1905, xlix, 344.—Griffilli (F.) An instrument to enter deep-seated pus cavities. N. York M. J., 1901, lxxiii, 785.—von Hacker. Zur operativen Behandlung der perioesophagealen und mediastinalen Phlegmone, nebst Bemerkungen zur Technik der collaren und dorsalen Mediastinotomie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1901, lxiv, 478-508, 2 pi.—Jonas (A. F.) Abscess. Am. Pract. Surg. [Bryant & Buck], N. Y., 1907, ii, 143-163.—Klein. Ubi pus ibi evacua; Abszesse und Bubonen mit und ohne Einschnitt behandelt. Arch. f. phys.-diiitet. Therap., Berl., 1904, vi, 302-304.—Maul (A.) La cura dell' ossi- geno nelle suppurazioni; contributo di terapiachirurgica. Policlin., Roma, 1907, xiv, sez. prat., 532.—Marsh (II.) Points of interest in connection with various forms of abscess. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1898, Lond., 1899, xxxiv, 241-255.—Mayet (H.) & Berruyer (G.) La ponction Suppuration (Treatment of Opera- tive. des abces par congestion. Bull, med., Par., 1905, xix, 254-256.—Mayo (W. J.I A consideration of some of the principles underh ing the surgical treatment of suppura- tion. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1896, xvi, 83-86. [Dis- cussion] , 100.—Me reutic. Quelques considerations sur le traitement des abces par le drainage. Union med. de la Provence, Marseille, 1865, 121-128.—Morison (R.) Cases of chronic abscess. Northumberland & Durham M. J., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1898, vi, 54-57.—O'Zoux. Traitement des suppurations chaudes par la ponction. Arch. clin. de Bordeaux, 1897, vi, 368-389.—Porter (W. H.) Gas sepsis, emphysema, orphlegmon; two rare cases. Contrib. Sc. Med. & Surg.... 25. anniv. founding of N. Y. Post.-Grad. M. Sch. & Hosp., N. Y., 1908, 392-401, 1 pi.— Predieri (A.) La guarigione per primam nelle forme suppurative. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1898,117- l~>7.—P> ohaustor (Eitersauger) nach Martens. Illust. Monatschr. i. iirztl. Politech., Berl., 1909, xxxi, 21-23.— Sauvez (E.) De l'intervention dans les cas d'abces et de fluxion. [Rap.] Odontologie, Par., 1898, 2. s., vii, 491-503— Schwartz (E.) De l'ouverture d'un grand abces prerenal et sous-hepatique par incision iliaque et decollement progressif du peritoine. Bull, med., Par., 1902, xvi, 837.—Sheild (A. M.) Removal of an enorm- ous chronic abscess. Tr. M. Soc, Lond., 1901, xxiv,296.— Sletten iDcW.) The treatment of abscesses by punc- ture and disinfection without incision and drainage. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 1600. Also, Reprint— Tietze. Die Exstirpation derkalten Abscesse. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1907, Bresl., 1908, lxxxv, 193-201. Also: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1907, lxxvi, 755-758.—Trzebicky (R.) Phlegmone und Am- putation. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1902, Iii, 1782-1786.— Warren (J. C.) Suppuration; abscess; ulcer; sinus; fistula. Internat. Text-Bk. Surg. (Warren & Gould), Phila., 1899, i, 62-79.— Woods (R. fl.) On the treat- ment of purulent cavities. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 1080-1082. Suppuration (Treatment of) by arti- ficial hyperemia. See, also, Stasis (Venous, Artificial). Arnsperger (L.) Erfahrungen mit Bier'scher Stauung bei akuten Eiterungen. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1905. Iii, 2540. — Bart ( V. K. ) K llecheniyu ostrikhnagnoyeniyzastoInoIhiperemiyeL [Treatmentof acute suppuration by passive hypersemia.] Voyenno-med. J.,St. Petersb., 1907, ccxix, med.-spec.pt., 399-407.—Bier (A.) Behandlung akuter Eiterungen mit Stauungshy- peramie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Hi,201; 263; 318. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 1191.—Burk (W.) Die Behandlung mit Stau- ungshyperamie bei Phlegmonen und anderen akut ent- ziindlichenErkrankungen. Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskran- kenanst., 1906, vii, 25-51.—Colley (F.) Beobachtungen und Betrachtungen iiber die Behandlung eitriger Pro- zesse mit Bierscher Stauungshyperiimie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 257-261 .— Berlin. Beitrag zur Be- handlung akuter Eiterungen mit Bier'scher Stauungshy- peramie. Ibid., 1905, Iii, 1399.—Eversmann (J.) Die Klapp'sche Saugbehandlung bei eiternden Hautwunden. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 117-120.—Gold- berg (H.) Przyczynek do leczenia ropni. [Treatment of abscess.] Czasopismo lek., L6dz, 1908, x, 147-149.— Habs. Erfahrungen mit Bierscher Stauungshypera- mie bei akuten Eiterungen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1905, xix, 813. — Herhold. Anwendung der Stau- ungshype ramie bei akuten eitrigen Prozessen im Gar- ni son si a zarett Altona. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 261-263.—Kel'er (N. I.) O llechenii ostrikh gnol- nikh vospaleniy venoznoyu hiperemiyet po sposobu Bier'a. [Treatment of acute purulent inflammations by venous hvperaemia, by Bier's method.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1906, xix, 403-424. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Zen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, xxxiii, 274.—Laccetti (C.) Due casi di flemmone trattati con 1' iperemia venosa artificiale. Gazz. internat. di med., Napoli, 1906, ix, 897-899. —Moorhead (S. W.) Bier's hyperemia ap- plied to suppurative processes in dispensary work. Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1910, 3. s., xxvi, 242-244.— Miiller (E.) & Peiser (A.) Neue Gesichtspunkte bei der Behandlung eitriger Prozesse. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 891-893. See, also, supra, Bergel.— Banzi (E.) Ueber die Behandlung akuter Eiterungen mit Stauungshyperiimie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 88-90.—Bayevski (P. I.) O llechenii ostrikh nag- noyeniypo sposobu Bier'a. [Treatmentof acute suppura- tions by Bier's method.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1909, xxv, 229-245.—Bosenberger (W.) Ueber den Verlauf der akuten eiterigen Entziindung mit und ohne Stauungshy- peramie;einevergleichendeexperimentelleStudie. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1907, xii, 239-268.— Salzer (M.) Congestive hyperemia in the treatment of acute suppuration. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1905, n. s., lv, 257-262.—Schaack(W.) Zur Frage der Bier'schenStau- SUPPURATION. 54 SUPPURATION. Suppuration {Treatment of) by artifi- cial hyperemia. ungsbehandlungakutereitrigerlnfektionen. St.Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1908. xxxiii,105-109.—Tumbarello(V.) Influenza della iperemia sul decorso e sulla guarigione dellesuppurazioniasettiche. Tommasi,Napoli,1909,iv,818- 826.—Vorobyefl"(A. A.) K voprosu o llechenii ostrikh gnolnikh vospaleniy zastolnol hiperemiyel po sposobu Bier'a. [Treatment of acute purulent inflammations by passive hvpersemia bv Bier's method.] Russk. Vrach, S.- Peterb., 1908, vii, 159;"232.—Wrede (L.) Die Stauungs- behandlung acuter eitriger Infcctionen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1907, lxxxiv, 613-582. -----. A criticism of the treatment of acute suppurative infections by passive hyperemia and cupping as advocated bv Professor Bier. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1908, vii, 2>8-2y3. Suppuration (Treatment of)by bismuth pa*te. Beck (E. G.) Bismuth paste in chronic sup- purations, its diagnostic importance and thera- peutic value. 8°. St. Louis, 1910. Allen (L.) The use of bismuth vaselin paste in sup- purating tracts. Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1911, xvii, 9-12.—Beck i K. G.) Some practical points in the application of the bismuth paste in chronic suppurative diseases. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1909, ix, 255- 258. Also, Reprint. -----. Limitations of the use of bis- muth paste in chronic suppurative diseases. TexasState J. M., Fort Worth, 1909-10, v, 433-436. -----. The diagnos- tic value and therapeutic effects of the bismuth paste in chronic suppuration. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1910, 20. s., i, 102-119, 6 pi. Also, transl.: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 1735-1738, 1 pi. -----. The treatment of cold abscess with bismuth paste. Med. Rev., Lond., 1911, xiv, 538.—Beck (J. C.) Bismuth paste in the treatmentof suppuration of the ear, nose, and throat. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, Iii, 117-123. [Discussion], 159.—Bircher (E.) Die Anwendung der Beckschen Bismutpaste. Med. Klin., Berl., 1910. vi, 2024-2026.— Chittick (A. G.) Re- port of several cases treated with bismuth-paste. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1911, xxviii, 175-179.—(imiston (C. G.) A note on bismuthum tribromphenylicum as a surgical antiseptic. Boston M. & S. J., 1897, cxxxvi, 37.—Gessner (H. B.) Beck's bismuth paste for diagnosis and thera- peusis: report of cases. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1909-10, lxii, 819-826, 1 pi. [Discussion], 885-887. — Marique (A.) L'emploi de la pate bismuthee dans le traitement des suppurations chroniques; quelques resultats. J. de chir. et ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1910, x, 313-319.—May- nard (F. P.) The use of bismuth paste in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic suppurations. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1911, xlvi, 133.—Schmid (H.H.) ZurBehand- lungchronischer Eiterungen mit Wismutpaste nach Beck. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv, 232-234.—Stezhinski (A.) K llecheniyu gnoldayushtshikh polostel vismut- vazelinom.l Treatment of suppurating cavities with bis- muth vaseline.] Sibirsk. Vrach. Gaz., Irkutsk, 1910, iii, 126-128. Suppuration {Treatment of) by fer- ments and anti-ferments. Laurence (J.) * Contribution a l'etude dea applications cliniques et therapeutiques des notions r£centes sur la protease leucocytaire dans les suppurations. 8°. Paris, 1909. Bolt (H.) Ueber den Heilwert der Antifermentbe- handlung eitriger Prozesse. Med. Klin., Berl., 1911, vii, 616-618.—Briining. Die Behandlung eitriger Prozesse mit Leukofermantin (Merck). Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, ciii, 391-406.—Fiessinger (N.) & Lau- rence (J.) Traitement des suppurations aigues par l'antiferment proteolytique. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1909, xxiii, 772-776.—Fuchs (A.) Die Be- handlung eitriger Prozesse mit antifermenthaitigem Se- rum. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1909, xxxiii, 297-301.— Hesse (E. R.) O protivufermentnom llechenii gnol- nikh zabollevaniy. [Antiferment treatment of puru- lent diseases.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 146; 190. Also [Abstr.]: Svezd rossiysk. Jjhirurg., Mosk., 1910, ix, 89. Also, transl.: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1910, xcii, 183-198.—Hirsch (M.) Zur Antifermentbe- handlung eitriger Prozesse. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 585-587. — Kantorowicz (A.) Ferment- und Antifermentbehandlung eitriger Prozesse. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 1419-1423. — Klotz (M.) Zur Antifermentbehandlung eitriger Prozesse beim Saugling. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xlvi, 1877-1879—Kolaczek ( H.) Ueber Antifermentbehandlung eitriger Prozesse ohne Inzision. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xxxv, 905-907. -----. Ueber die Behandlung eitriger Processe mit Antifermentserum und ihre theoretischen Grund- lagen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1908-9, lxi, 89-126.— MacEwan (D.) The antiferment treatmentof acute Suppuration (Treatment of) by fer- ments and anti-ferments. suppuration. Brit. M" J., Lond., 1910, i, 185.—Mara- y liano (D.) Gli antifermenti proteolitici nella terapia dei processi suppurativi acuti. Riforma med., Napoli, 1909, xxv, 1213-1217. — TUlller (E.) Ueber die AntiiVr- mentbehandlung eitriger Prozesse mit hochwertigem tierischem Antifermentserum. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1909, xxxvi, 73-79. — Mliller (E.) & Peiser(A.) Be- handlung der Eiterungen mit proteolytischem Leuko- zvtenferment und Antiferment. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1908, xxxvii, 63-69. Also, transl.: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1910, x, 266-273. ----- -----. Ueber die Technik der Antifermentbehandlung eitriger Prozesse. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1908, lx, 236-264.—Nosek (J.) Pfispevek k fermentativnimu le- 6eni tepiych hliz. [On the treatment of warm abscesses by ferments.] Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 1910, xlix,1085- 1087.—Sergent (E.) Levure de biere et suppuration. Ann. del'Inst. Pasteur, Par.,1903, xvii, 631-635.—Stocker (S.) jun. Die Antifermentbehandlungakut eitriger Pro- zesse. Cor.-BL f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1909, xxxix. 699-702. Suppuration {Treatment of) by soda compresses. Brucker (G.-C.-A.) *Du role de l'alcalinite' du sang en tnerapeutique. Traitement des sup- purations par le bicarbonate de soude. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898. Au g6 & Casteret (J.) Le pansement au bicarbonate de soude dans les suppurations. Presse med., Par., 1898, ii, 179-181. —Botelho Arruda (J.) O bicarbonato de sodio nas suppuracoes. Coimbra med., 1898, xviii, 310- 316.—Desyatoir (A.) Sodoviye kompressi pri nagnoye- niyakh. [Soda compressesin suppuration.] Vrach. gaz., S.-Peterb., 1901, viii, therap. pt., 28.—Georgiyevski (N. V.) Sogrlevayushtshiye kompressi iz sodi pri nag- noyemyakh. [Soda compresses in suppurations.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 163.— Ioffe (D. B.) K voprosu o primlenenii 2%-navo rastvora sodi pri nagnoyeniyakh. [On the use of 2 per cent soda solutions in suppurations.] Ibid., 1898, xix, 1253. —Vladimiroff(G. E.) Sodoviye kompressi pri nagnoyeniyakh. [Soda compresses in sup- purations.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1901, lv, 258-263. Suppuration {Treatment of) with vac- cines and sera. See, also, Staphylococcus (Infection by, Treat' ment of), Streptococcus (Infection by, Treat- ment of), with vaccines, etc. Fejes (L.) & GergJJ (E.) Die Heilwirkung des nor- malen Tierserums bei eiternden Prozessen. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1911, xxiii, 115-137.— Fleron"(L. A.) Vliyaniye antistreptokokkovol poliva- lentnol sivorotki na techeniye ostrognolnikh zabolleva- niy. [Influence of polyvalent antistreptococcic serum upon the course of acute purulent diseases.] Syezd ros- siysk. khirurg., Mosk., 1910, ix, 85-89.—GergS (E.) Die Serumbehandlung eitriger Prozesse. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, ciii, 583-593.—Harris (W. L.) The use of autogenous vaccines in the treatment of suppura- tive surgical conditions. N. Eng. M. Month, [etc.], Bost., 1910, xxix, 208-211.—Mallanab (S.) Suppuration treated by vaccines. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, ii, 934.— Monti (E.) II siero antidifterico nella cura dei flem- moni. Corriere san., Milano, 1898, ix, 46.—Moreau. Phlegmon diffus du membre superieur traite par le se- rum antistreptococcique. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1898, xii, 244-247.—O'Borke (F. C.) Staphylococcus vaccine used in the treatment of abscesses in a bull. J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1910, xxiii, 57-59—Sa- brazes (J.), Dargein (G.) & Mougiieau (R.) Vac- cinotherapie des abces staphylococciques multiples et a repetition. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1911, xxxii, 135-138.—Tantiloflt'(K.) Inzhektiraniyeantistreptoko- kichen serum (serum de Marmorek) u edin volnik s fleg- mon. [Injection of antistreptococcic serum in a case of . . . ] Med. sborn., Sofiya, 1898. iv, 405-409.—Wechsel- mann iz Michaelis (G.) Ueber die Behandlung der multiplen Abszesse der Sauglinge mit spezifischem Vak- zin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909. xxxv, 1309-1311. Suppuration in animals. Roux( L.) * Ueber anaerobe Bakterien als Ursache von Nekrose und Eiterung beim Rinde. [Bern.] 8°. Jena, 1905. Bergeon. Abces cutanes multiples chez une vache. J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lvon, 1906, 5. s x 588-590 — Bernardini (D.) Enorme collezione purulenta e gas- sosa delle tasche gutturali in una puledra Clin vet Milano, 1907, xxx, sez. prat., 453-458.—Bi-lateralgravi- SUPPURATION. 55 SUPRARENAL. Suppuration in animals. tationabscesses [in the dog]. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1906-7, xix, 412.—Kreutzer (M.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Eiterungsprozesse bei unseren Haustieren. Wchnschr. f. Tierh. u. Yiehzucht, Miinchen, 1906, 1, 921-928.—KAin- nemann (O.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Eiterer- reger des Rindes. Arch, f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1903, xxix, 128-157.—Paton (J. C) An abscess in a bonv box. Rec, Vet. Lond., 1904-5, xvii, 157, 1 pi.— Sturhan. Die Eiterzellen des Pferdes. Ztschr. f. Veterinark., Berl., 1905, xvii, 244-24S. Suppuration hi children. Brandenburg (F.) Zweiseltene Abszesse im fru- hesten Kindesalter. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1908, lxvii, 458-464 —FitzWilliams (D. C. L.) Case of multiple abscesses in a child. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1906-7, vii, lSO-Lewandowsky (F.) Zur Pathoge- nese und Tlierapie der multiplen Abszesse im Siiuglings- alter. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 1950-1952.—Lustverk (E. Y.) Sluchal mno- zhestvennikh narivov u odinnadtsati-lletnel dlevochki. [Multiple abscesses in a girl 11 years old.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn., Kharkov, 1907, xiii, 13. Supra-clavicular region. B'Este (S.) Sopra una particolarita anatomica della regione sopra-clavicolare. Riforma med., Palermo-Na- poli, 1907, xxiii, 10—Vastarlni Cresi (G.) Nuova varieta di musculus supraclavicularis nell' uomo e suo probabile significato. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1905, n. s., lix, 315-343. Supra-coiidyloid process. See Humerus (Abnormities of). Supramundane facts in the life of Rev. Jesse Babcock Ferguson, including twenty years' ob- servation of preternatural phenomena. Edited by T. L. Nichols, xvi, 264 pp. 8°. London, F. Pitman, 1865. Suprarenal bodies. See, also, Blood (Gases in); Fatigue; In- sanity (Pathology of); Kidney; Kidney (Tu- mors of, Embryonal); Suprarenal bodies (Ab- normities of); Suprarenal bodies (Blood vessels, etc., of); Suprarenal bodies (Embryology of); Suprarenal bodies (Functions of); Suprarenal bodies (Innervation of); Suprarenal bodies (Mor- phology, etc., of); Suprarenal bodies (Pigments of); Suprarenal bodies (Regeneration of); Su- prarenal bodies (Secretions, etc., of); Supra- renal bodies (Transplantation of); Suprarenal bodies in children; Suprarenal bodies in the female; Suprarenal extract and subdivisions; Woliian bodies, etc. Abren (L.) * Essai sur les capsules surr6- nales. 4°. Paris, 1894. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1894. Moscmxi(A.) Studio sulla capsula sopra- renale. 8°. Pavia, 1907. Aichel (O.) Zur Kenntniss der Nebennieren. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 1228-1230.—Amato (A.) Contributo alia fisiologia delle capsule surrenali (l processi citologici della secrezione). Arch, di anat. pat., Palermo, 4906, ii, 133-138.—Biedl (A.) Die geschicht- liche Entwicklung der Kenntnisse iiber die Nebenniere bis Addison (1855). Janus, Harlem, 1910, xv, 193; 294.— Cathelin (F.) Sur la topographie des capsules surre- nales de l'homme adulte. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 215-217.—Cole (P. P.) Some remarks on the supra-renal capsules. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1910, lxvii, 197-204.—Be Napoli (A.) Sulla capsula surrenale dell' 'uomo. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1906, ix, 597- 600 —Galvez (N.) Las capsulas suprarrenales. Juyen- tud med., Guatemala, 1902, iv, 299-307.-Oerard (G.) Sur la situation topogTaphique des capsules surrenales chez l'homme. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Nancy, 1902 iv, 179-183.—Hallion (L.) Corps thyroide et cap- sules surrenales. Arch. gen. de med., Par , 1901 n s., vi, 604-638.—Janosfk (J.) Poznamky o vyvojiledvmek (glandula suprarenalis). [Remarks on . . .] Casop. 16k. cesk.,v Praze, 1883, xxii, 369; 386.-K.ohn (A.) .Ueber die Nebenniere. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xxiii, 193- 195 _Laguesse (E.) Deux lecons sur les capsules sur- renales. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1908, xii, 537-550.- Ittartinotti (C.) Contributo alio studio delle capsule Suprarenal bodies. surrenali. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1892, 3. s., xl, 299-301.—de Mattos Chaves (F.) As glandulas suprarenaes. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1906, xxiv, 29-31.— Nowicki (W.) Wplyw obnizonego ciSnienia krwi na nadnercze; badania doswiadczalne nad ukladem chromo- chlonnym. [Influence of reduced blood pressure on the suprarenal capsules; experimental investigations on the chromamnic system.] Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1911, vi, 109; 124.—Parodi (U.) Sul reperto macroscopico del para- ganglio surrenale. Path. riv. quindicin., Genova, 1910-11, iii, 443-447.— Pellegrino (M.) La storia e la biblio- grafia delle capsule surrenali. Tommasi, Napoli, 1905-6, 1,380-385. -----. A propositodi capsule surrenali. Ibid., 650-653.—Pettit( A.) La glande surrenale. Presse med., Par., 1896, 673-675.—Prieto (I.) Algorelativo al estudio de las capsulas supra-renales. Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico, 1908, v, 605-613.—Bodriguez Pinilla (T.) Las glan- dulas suprarrenales. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Ma- drid, 1906, xv, 74-88.—Bolleston (H. D.) The Goul- stonian lectures on the suprarenal bodies. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 629; 687; 745. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.J: Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 727; 799. -----. Some problems in connection with the suprarenals. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1907, xxii, 287-300. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 875-879. Also: Montreal M. J., 1907, xxxvi, 671-685.— Thompson (J. H.) A note on the suprarenal capsule. Kansas City M. Rec, 1899, xvi, 42. Suprarenal bodies {Aberrant and ac- cessory). See, also, Kidney (Tumorsof, Embryonal). Bremer (J.) * Ueber Spontanfracturen und Knochenmetastasen maligner Strumse supra- renales aberrataa. 8°. Greifswald, 1904. Bebeyre (A.) & Biche (O.) Surrenale accessoire dans l'ovaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 733.—Belore (X.) & Alamartine (H.) Tumeur du ligament large developpee dans une capsule surrenale aberrante. Lyon med., 1909, cxiii, 707-709.—Eggeling (H.) Eine Nebenniere im Lig. hepatoduodenale. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1902, xxi, 13-16.—Gottschalk. [Fall von ae- cessorischer Nebenniere im Lig. suspensor. ovarii bei einer Erwachsenen.] Ztschr.f.Geburtsh.u.Gynak.,Stuttg.,1890, xxxviii, 332-334.—Lecene (P.) Un cas de capsule sur- renale du ligament large. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par.,1908,n. s.,xxxiv,709-712.—Lock wood (C. B.) Upon the presence of adrenal structures in the inguinal canal. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1899-1900, xxxiv, 79-83.—IiOdi (M.) Sopra un caso di germi aberrantidellecapsulesurre- nali nelle ovaie. Clin, chir., Milano, 1901, ix, 402-406.— Meyer (R.) [Einige Fiille von accessorischerNebenniere im Ligamentum latum.] Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1898, xxxviii, 316. -----. Zur Bedeutung der ac- cessorischen Nebennieren im Ligamentum latum. 1 bid., 1901, xlvi, 109-117. -----. Zur normalen und patholo- gischen Anatomie der accessorischen Nebennierenrinde des Genitalgebietes. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Ge- sellsch., Jena, 1908,xii,135-139.—Naumann. Aberrande biniure; hsematuria; nephrectoraia. [Aberrant supra- renal capsule; . . .] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1899, lxi, 496- 500. —Pepere (A.) Sulla penetrazione delle capsule surrenali accessorie nei parenchimi degli organi addomi- nali. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1903, xiv, 261-273, 1 pi._Pilliet (A.-H.) Capsule surrenale situee sous la capsule fibreuse du rein droit. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1893, lxviii, 48.5-487. — Pilliet (A.-H.) & Veau (V.) Capsule surrenale aberrante du ligament large. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1897, 10. s., iv, 64-68.—Rossa. Ueber accessorische Nebennieren im Ligamentum latum. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1897, vii, 514-524.—Santi Pusateri. Contributo alio studio dei tumori derivanti da germi aberranti di capsule surre- nali. Policlin., Roma, 1903, x, sez. chir., 163-175.—Steck- sen (Anna). Befund von Adenomknotchen an Ne- bennieren und von accessorischen Nebennieren bei Er- wachsenen. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat.. . . Inst, zu Tubing., Leipz., 1899-1901, iii, 253-260,1 pi. — Warthin (AS.) Accessory adrenal body in the broad ligament adrenal of Marchand). Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1900, xiii, 797-805. Also, Reprint.— Weinberg. Deux capsules surrenales intimement adherentes a la surface renale; leur continuity directe et partielle avec la substance du rein. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 72.—Wiesel (J ) Accessorische Nebennieren im Bereiche des Neben- hodens. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xi, 443.-----. Ue- ber accessorische Nebennieren am Nebenhoden beim Menschen und iiber Compensationshypertrophie dieser Oreane bei der Ratte. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissen- sch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1899, cviii, 257-280, 1 pi. _____. Ueber Compensationshypertrophie der accessori- schen Nebennieren bei der Ratte. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1899, xii, 208— Zuekerkandl (E.) Ueber ac- cessorische Nebennieren bei Torpedo marmorata. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1906, xxx, 219-231, 2 pi. SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal bodies (Ahnormities of). See, also, Suprarenal bodies (Aberrant, etc.). Beer (E.) Ueber Nebennierenkeime in der Leber. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien & Leipz., 1904, n. s., v, 381-388. Also, transl.: Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1906, n. s., vi, 119- 122.—liove (C. R.) Total absence of the adrenals. N. York M.J. [etc.], 1910, xci, 233. Also, Reprint.—de Wlar- tini ( A.) Sur un cas d'absence congehiale des capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1856, xliii, 1052.—Nicholson (B. S.) Abnormal position of supra- renal gland. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 408.—Pitt (G. N.) Four supra-renal capsules. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1893-4, xiv, 141. Suprarenal bodies (Active principles See Suprarenal extract. Suprarenal bodies (Antitoxic and pha- gocytic action of). Oppenheim (R.) *La fonction antitoxique des capsules surrenales. Etude experimentale, anatomique et clinique de la glande surrenale dans les infections et les intoxications aigues. 8°. Puris, 1902. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1902. Abbott (A. C.) The adrenal gland and its active principle in their relations to cytolysius and antitoxin production. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1903, xviii, 275-298. Also: J. Med. Research, Bost., 1903, ix, 329-355. Also: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903, xxxiv, 696-699.—Abelous ( J.-E.) Sur Taction anti- toxique des capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 458.— Boinet (E.) Action an- titoxique des capsules surrenales sur la neurine. Mar- seille med.,1896, xxxiii, 396-403. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1896, lxix, 447^149. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896,10. s., iii, 364-367.—Carbone (T.) Neu- rina e capsule soprarenali. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. inter- naz., Roma, 1894, ii, patol. gen. ed anat. patol., 30-34.— Charrin & Langlois (P.) Action antitoxique du tissu des capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894,10. s., i, 410.—Ciuffb (G.) Azione antitossica sull' adrenalina del siero di animali scapsulati. Arch. perle sc. med..Torino, 1907, xxxi,99-105.—Bor (L.) La fonction antitoxique des capsulessurrenales. Lyon med., 1902,xcix,85-87. Also: Lvonmed., 1902,xcix,85-87. Also: Gaz. d. h6p.de Lyon, 1902,iii,153-155.—Exner( A.) Ueber die durch intraperitoneale Adrenalininjektion verur- sachteVerzogerungder Resorption von in den Magen ein- gefiihrten Giften. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol.. Leipz.,1903,1,313-318.—Friseo (B.) Le capsule surrenali nei loro rapporti col ricambio materiale e coll' immunita naturaledell'organismo; osservazionisperimentali. 1st. d'ig.d. r. Univ.di Palermo. Lav.di lab.,Roma, 1897, iii, 1-6. Also: Gior.internaz.d.sc.med.,Napoli, 1897,n.s.,xix, 241-260.—I^anglois & Charrin. Du role des capsules surrehalesdanslar£sistanceacertainesinfections. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.,Par., 1896,10. s.,iii, 708-710.—Oppen- heim (R.) R61e des capsules surrenales dans la resis- tance a quelques infections experimentales. Ibid., 1901, 11. s., iii, 314-316. -----. Role des capsules surrenales dans la resistance a la toxi-infection diphterique. Ibid., 316-318.—Polimanti (O.) Neurina e capsule surrenali. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1895, x, 285-294.— Savelyeff(S. T.) O vliyanii podkozhnikh vpriskiva- niy adrenalina na krov i ob immunitetle k nemu. [In- fluence of subcutaneous injections of adrenalin upon the blood, and on immunity.] Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam., Pirogova. Trudi . . . Syezda 1904, S.-Peterb., 1905, iii, 45-49.—Shirokogoroff (I. I.) K voprosu o fago- tsitarnoldfeyatelnostinadpochechnikhzhelyoz. [Phago- cvtic activity of the suprarenal glands.] Vrach. Gaz., S.- Peterb., 1908, xv, 1265. Also, transl.: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxv, 300-302. , Suprarenal bodies (Atrophy of). Brown (W. L.) Suprarenal atrophy and suprarenal haemorrhage. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1907, xiii,19- 29.—Marchand. Ein Fall von Atrophie der Nebennie- ren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.,Leipz.u.Berl., 1903,xxix, Ver.-Beil. ,100.—Phillips( C.) A case of Addison'sdisease with simple atrophy of the adrenal body. Proc. N.York Path.Soc. (1899-1900), 1901,5-10. Also: J.Exper.M.,N.Y., 1899,iv,581-595,lpl.—Simmonds(M.) UeberNebennie- renschrumpfungbei MorbusAddisoni. Virchow'sArch.f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1903, clxxii, 480-492.—Turner (F. C.) Fibrous atrophy of the right adrenal (? tubercu- lar); left adrenal large. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xliii, 146-150.—Verbitski (F. V.) Sluchal Addisonov- skol bollezni s oboyudostoronnel atroflyel nadpochechni- kov. [Addison's disease with bilateral atrophy of the SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal bodies (Atrophy of). suprarenal glands.] Izvlest. Imp. Voyeiino-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1906, xiii, 201-220.—von Willebrand (E. A.) Morbus Addisoni med atroli al" hmjurarna. [Mor- bus Addisoni mit Atrophie der Nebennieren. Ref., p. xxi.] Finska lak.-siillsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1905, xlvii, 636-59L Suprarenal bodies {Blood vessels and blood-sup}>ly of). Feliclne ( L.) Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen dem Blutgefasssystem und den Zellen der Nebenniere. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1903-4,lxiii, 283-312, 2 pi.— Fergu- son (J. S.) The veins of the adrenal. Am.,I. Anat., Bait.. 1905-6, v, 63-71.— Gregoire (R.) YaKseaux et ganglions lymphatiques de la capsule surrenale. Bull. et mem. Soc anat. de Par., 1904, lxxix, 820-823.—Gryn- feltt (E.) Vascularisation des corps surrenaux chez le scvllium. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902, cxxxiv, 362-364. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902,11. s., iv, 144-146.—I^evi (G.) Le variazioni delle arterie surrenali e renali studiate col metodo statistico seriale. Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol., Firenze, 1909, viii, 35- 71.—Luna (E.) Sulla irrorazione arteriosa delle glan- dole soprarenali nell' uomo. Ricerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. Univ. di Roma, 1908-9, xiv, 145-157, 1 pi.— JVIanasse (P.) Ueber die Beziehungen der Neben- nieren zu den Venen und dem venosen Kreislauf. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1894, cxxxv, 263-276,1 pi.— Maragliano (D.) L' influenza dell' anemia adrena- linica sul decorso delle infezioni locali. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1905, Roma, 1906, xix, 8-16. Suprarenal bodies {Cancer of). See, also, Liver (Tumorsof, Cancerous, etc.). Muller (A.) * Ueber das Carcinom der Nebenniere. 8°. Genf, 1895. Robert (G.) *Le cancer primitif des cap- sules surrenales. 8°. Lyon, 1899. Ameuille(P.) Cancer de's capsules surrenales. Bull. de 1' Assoc, franc, p. l'etude du cancer, Par., 1911, iii, 135- 143.—Bevaequa (A.) Cancro surrenale a tipo indeter- minato con ipertrofia ed incipiente adenoma dell' ipofisi cerebrale in un individuo con nefrite cronica. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1911, xiv, 322-333. Also, Reprint- Carcinoma of supra-renal body; death. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1903, Lond., 1904, n. s., xxxii, 199.—Carriere (G.) & Delearde (A.) Sur un cas d'epithelioma atypique symetrique des capsules surrenales. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1900, xii, 28-39,1 pi.— Castaigne. Epithelioma des capsules surrenales. Bull. S.oc anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii 793.— Chaillous (J.) Epitheliomas des capsules surrenales avec noyaux se- condaires de la peau. Ibid., 931-934.—Collinet (E.) Epithelioma de la capsule surrenale droite propage au rein et au foie; noyaux secondaires sur le diaphragme et dans le ligament peritoneal reno-ceecal. Ibid., 1892, \ lxvii, 325-333.—Davis (A. N.) A case of carcinoma of the suprarenal capsule; necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 944.—Detroye. Du carcinome primitif des capsules surrenales chez le bceuf. Limousin med., Limoges, 1899, xxiii, 86.—Feron (G.) Un cas de carcinome de la cap- sule surrenale droite. Clinique, Brux., 1904, xviii, 44-47.— Frew (R. S.) On carcinoma originating in the supra- renal medulla in children. Quart. J. Med., Oxford, 1910- 11, iv, 123-140, 3 pi.—Galliard & Cawadias. Insuffi- sance surrenale aigue au cours du cancer surrehal primi- tif, unilateral. Bull, et mem. Soc. med.d. hop. de Par., 1908, 3. s., xxv, 32-36. [Discussion],45-51.—Gerber(H.) Nebennierencarcinom mit in den rechten Vorhof reichen- der Geschwulstthrombose der Vena cava. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1904, liv, 2113; 2171.—Lecene (P.) & Pou- liot (L.) Cancer primitif de la capsule surrenale droite avec generalisation. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1900, lxxv, 1073-1076.— Jttonges (F.) Epithelioma des glandes surrenales. Marseille med., 1909, xlvi, 156.— IVIouisset (F.) & Chalier (J.) Cancer primitif et bilateral des capsules surrenales; avec metastases vis- cerales et craniennes. Rev. de med., Par., 1911, xxxi, 690-714.—Oilier. Cancer primitif de la capsule surre- nale. M6m. et compt. rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1894), 1895, xxxiv, pt. 2,40.—Petit &,Colle (J.) Cancer primitif de la capsule surrenale. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1905, ix, 297.— Beimann (G.) Melanotisches Carcinom der Nebennieren bei einem drei Monate alten Siiugling. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xxvii, 297-300.— Bolleston (H. D.) Secondary carcinomatous growth in the right supra-renal body extending along the capsu- lar vein into the inferior vena cava (card specimen). Tr. Path. Soc. Lon/phiiis of); Suprarenal bodies (Tuberculosis of); Supra- renal bodies (Tumors of). Bittorp(A.) Die Pathologie der Nebennie- ren und der Morbus Addisonii. Klinische und anatomische Untersuchungen. 8°. Jena, 1908. Fain (G.-L.) * Beitrag zur Pathologie der Xebennieren. 8°. Bern, 1909. Pende (X.) Patologia dell' apparecchio sur- renale e degli organi parasimpatici. 4°. Milano, 1909. Vincent (E.) * Considerations sur les trou- bles psychiques li£s a des lesions des capsules surrenales. 8°. Toulouse, 1908. Apert (E.) Dystrophies variees (hermaphrodisme, puberte precoce, hirsutisme, obesite) en coincidence avec des lesions des capsulessurrenales. Bull, med., Par., 1910, xxiv, 1161-1167.-----. Dystrophies en relation avec des lesions de capsules surrenales; hirsutisme et progeria. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1910, xii, 501-518. Also: Ann. de m6d. et chir. inf., Par., 1911, xv. 115-127.—Aubry (P.) Le syndrdme d'insuffisance surrenale dans les maladies infectieuses. Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1909, 2. s., xxvii, 521- 528.—Barbier (H.) Des rapports entre les lesions des capsules surrenales, les lesions nerveuses sympathiques et la maladie d'Addison. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1892, 8. s., i, 337-344.—Berdach (C.) Zur Pathologie der Nebennie- ren. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xliv, 2177; 2220—Ber- nard (L.) Les syndromessurr6naux. Presse med., Par., 1905, 785-787. ---—. Recent progress in the disorders of the adrenals. Internat. Clin., Phila. & Lond., 1906,16. s., iv, 148-158.— Bittorf (A.) Beitrage zur Pathologie der Nebennieren. Deut>ehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1910, c, 116-147.—Broc (R.) Un cas d'insuffisance surr6nale subaigue chez un indigene musulman de Tunisie. Tri- bune med., Par., 1909, n. s., xii, 22.—Brock mail (D. C.) Acute disease of the suprarenal capsule. Med. Age, De- troit, 1900, xviii, 527-530.—Bruno (A.) & Mori (A.) Contributo alia fisio-patologia delle capsule surrenali. Gior.ital.d.sc. med., Pisa, 1903, i, 12; 24; 256.—Carpenter (G.) Interstitial nephritis and cirrhosis of the suprarenal capsules in an infant five weeks old. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1905-6, vi, 258-262.— Castelllno (P. F.) Sindrome surrenale. Tommasi, Napoli, 1905-6, i, 109. -----. Un caso di iposurrenalismoacuto. Corriere san., Milano, 1907,xviii,603-606.—i'astellino (P.F.) & For- letta (V.) La fisio-patologia dei surreni. Tommasi, Napoli, 1908, iii, 689; 767; 784— Christomanos (A. A.) Ueber die Zahl der rothen Blutkorperchen in zwei Fallen von Nebennierenerkrankung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 916-918.—Coleman (J. B.) Diseases of the suprarenal capsules. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., l*9x-9, xvii, 87-93.—Conder (A. F. R.) On Addison's disease; with two cases; and also a case which presented the symptoms of disease of the suprarenal capsules. Edinb. M. J., 1905, n. s., xvii, 275-300, lpl.—Bella-Lena (V. F.) Morbo di Bright e capsule surrenali (ipertensione arteriosa; ostruzionirenaliadrenaliniche. Kavsegnad' os- tet. eginec, Napoli, 1905, xv, 101-106.—Bock (<}.) Dis- eases of the adrenal glands. In: Mod. Med. (Osier), 8°, Phila. & N. Y., 1909, vi, 351-376.-Buck\vorth {Sir D.) Addison's disease and other diseases of the adrenal bod- ies. Twentieth Cent. Pract., N. Y., 1895, ii, 1-31.—Bun- can (J. F.) Disease of the supra-renal capsules. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1862-5, n. s., ii, 55-57. —FSlger (A. F.) Zur Pathologie der Nebennieren bei den Haustieren. Suprarenal bodies (Diseases of). Monatsh. f. prakt. Tierh., Stuttg., 1908, xx, 145-192,4 pi.— Forlanini. Patologia delle capsule soprarenali. R.Ist. Lomb. disc, e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1907,2. s., xl, 13-16.— Franz. Ein Symptomencomplex, der auf eine Er- krankung der Nebennieren hinweist. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1902, xxxvi, 136.—French (H.) A case of ex- tensive yet incomplete flbro-caseous disease of both suprarenal capsules in which symptoms of Addison's disease were not present. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Path. Sect., 93.—Galli (G.) Esiste antago- nismo fra iodio e lesioni da adrenalina? Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1907, viii, 292-294.—Godts. Des acquisitions recentes sur la pathologie des capsules sur- renales, de l'hypophvse et du corps thvro'ide. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1908, 4.s., xxxi, 289-306.—Goldstein (L.) DieKrankheitenderNebennieren. Klin. Handb.d. Harn- u.Sexualorg.,Leipz.,1894,l.Abth.,227-258.—Goldzieher (M.) Beitrage zur Pathologie der Nebennieren. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 809-812.—.rosue. Le syn- drome surreno-vasculaire. Paris m6d., 1910-11, i, 287- 293.—Juquelier (P.) Les troubles mentaux dans les difierentes varietes du syndrome surr6nal. Rev. de psychiat, Par., 1907, xi, 1-12.—Kast (F.) & Rumpel (T.) Stroma supra-renalis. In their: Illust. path, anat., fol., Lond., 1895, U, pi. iii, with text. — Laignel- liavastine. Les troubles psychiques dans les syn- dromes surr6naux. Arch gen. de m6d., Par., 1908, 657- 669.—Launois, Pinard & Gallois. Syndrome adi- poso-genital avec hypertrichose; troubles nerveux et mentaux, d'origine surrenale. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1911, lxxxiv, 649-654. — L.ucien. Capsules surrenales et athrepsie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 462-464.—Luksch (F.) Funktionsstorungen der Ne- benniere bei Allgemeinerkrankungen, Intoxikationen und Infektionen. Wien. klin, Wchnschr., 1905, xviii, 345-348. Also, transl.: Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1905, xxi, 465. -----. Ueber die Storung der Nebennie- renfunktion bei Infektionskrankheiten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xlvi, 1979-1981.—Marchetti (G.) Con- tributo alia conoscenza della patologia delle capsule soprarenali. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1903, lvii, 805-808.—Martin (A.) Sindrome gldtico supra- renale). Rev. barcel. de enferm. de oido, garganta y nariz, Barcel., 1909, v, 9-14.— Mohr (L.) Die Funktion der Nebennieren und ihre Beziehungen zum Morbus Addisonii. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 231-233.—Moore (N.) Case of disease of supra-renal capsules. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1879-80, xxxi, 350. Also, Reprint.—Mlinzer (E.) Klinische Betrachtungen zur Lehre von den Er- krankungen der Nebennieren beziehungsweise des chro- maffinen Systems. Med. Klin., Berl., 1910, vi, 927-931.— Neusser (E.) Die Erkrankungen der Nebennieren. Spec. Path. u. Therap.....Nothnagel, Wien, 1897, xviii, pt. 3, 1-98. Also, transl., in: Nothnagel's Pract. Dis. of Liver [etc.], 8°, Phila., 1903, 305-380. —No bill (G.) Sulla patologia eterapia delle capsule surrenali. Ann. di Ippocrate, Milano, 1908-9, iii, 253; 281. Also: Ras- sagna san. di Roma, 1908, vi, 39; 54; 66. — Odenius ( M. V.) Ueber intravitale Erweichung und Hohlen- bildung in den Nebennieren. Nord. med. Ark., Stock- holm, 1895, n. F., 4.-5., hft., no. 20, 1-8. —Oppen- lieim (R.) & liosper (M.) Lesions des capsules sur- renales dans quelques maladies infectieuses aigues. Comp. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1901, 11. s., iii, 765-767. ----------. Syndromesurrenal chronique experimental. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1903, i, 1281-1290.—Parisot (I.) Hypertension arterielle, hypertrophic cardiaque, hyperplasies hvpophvsaire et surrenale. Arch. d. mal. du cceur [etc.], Par., i908, i, 426-435. Also [Abstr.]: Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1907-8, 101-104.—Pellegrino (M.) La patogenesi delle surrenopatie. Tommasi, Na- poli, 1905-6, i, 545-549. -----. Le surrenopatie spurie. Ibid., 665-668.—Pilliet (A. H.) Note sur une cirrhose de la capsule surrenale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1893, lxxiii, 608-511. — Biesman (D.) Amyloid degenera- tion of suprarenal gland. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1898, xviii, 428-430. — Rodionolf (S. M.) K autointoksi- kikatsionnim psikhozam pri zabollevanii nadpochech- nikov. [Auto-intoxication pychoses in suprarenal dis- ease.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1910, xv, 65-70.— Rossle (R.) Beitrage zur Pathologie der Nebennieren. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 1380-1383.—Bolleston (H. D.) Addison's disease, and other diseases of the suprarenal bodies. Syst. Med. (All- butt), N. Y. & Lond., 1897, iv, 540-572.—B6na (D.) Adatok a meliek vesek syphilises es gumos elfajulasanak kerd6s6hez. [Contributions to the syphilitic and tuber- culous degeneration ef the suprarenal capsules.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1899, xliii, 405; 421. Also, transl.: Un- gar. mod. Presse, Budapest, 1899, iv, 679-682.—Sergent (E) & Bernard (L.) Note pour servir d, l'etude de la pathologie des capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 1188-1190.—Silvestri (T.) Di alcune sindromi surrenali. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1911, xxxii, 571-573.—Sotti (G.) Contribution a l'etude de l'ossification de la capsule surr6nale. Arch, de m6d. ex- per. etd'anat. path., Par., 1910, xxii, 706-803,1 pi.—Spill- maiiii (L.) & Parisot (J.) L6sionsdes capsules surre- SUPRARENAL. 58 SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal bodies (Diseases of). nales et resultats produits par l'opotherapiedans troiscas de uialiidie d'Addison. M.'im. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1907-8, 88-94.—Vaquez & A ubertin. Coeur de Traube et hvperplasie medullaire des surrenales. Compt. rend. soc de biol , Par., 1907, lxii, 967-969. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1907 n. s., xxxix, 346.—de Vecchi (B.) Ueber einen Falidoppelseitiger Nebennierenzysten. Virchow's Arch.f path.Anat. [etc.],Berl.,1910,cc, 151-166.—Waln- vrright (W, L.) Adrenal disease in infants. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1892-3, xliv, 137-139.—White (C. P.) On the so-called fatty degeneration of the adrenals. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1908-9, xiii, 11-13.—Wiesel (J.) Zur Pathologie des chromaffinen Systemes. Virchow's Arch, f path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1904, clxxvi, 103-114. Suprarenal bodies (Displacement of). Badasch (H. E.) Ectopia of the adrenal. Am. J. M. Sc,Fhila. & N. Y., 1902, cxxiv, 286-295. Also, Reprint. Suprarenal bodies (Docimasia of). Cevidalli (A.) Les capsules surrenales en medecine legale. Arch, internat. de med. leg., Bruxelles, 1910, suppl , 103-105.—Cevidalli (A.) & i,eoncini (F.) La docimasia surrenale nella diagnosi medico-forense della morte in compendio. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Fi- renze, 1909, lxiii, 735-776. Also [Abstr.]: Biochim. e terap. sper., Milano, 1909, i, 215.-----------. Ulteriore contri- buto alio studio della docimasia surrenale. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1910, lxiv, 683-700.----------. La docimasie surrenale dans la diagnose difierentielle entre la mort rapide et la mort lente. Arch. ital. de biol., Tu- rin, 1911, liv, 434-444. Suprarenal bodies {Embolism of). Straub (H.) Akuter Morbus Addisonii nach Throm- bose beider Nebennierenvenen Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1909,xcvii,67-82, 1 pi.—Wile (U. J.) Anae- mic infarction of the adrenal with thrombosis of the veins. N. York M. J. [etc], 1907, lxxxv, 1178. Also, Re- print.— Woolley (P. G.) A case of thrombosis of the central vein of the right adrenal, with engorgement and necrosis (infarction). J. Med. Research, Bost., 1902, vii, 231-233.-----. Infarction of the adrenal. Montreal M. J., 1902, xxxi, 435. Suprarenal bodies (Embryology of). Husnot (J.-P.-A.) * Recherches sur revolu- tion histologique de la glande surrenale de l'homme. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907. Aichel (O.) VergleichendeEntwicklungsgeschichte und Stammesgeschichte der Nebennieren; iiber ein neues normales Organ des Menschen und der Siiugethiere. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1900, lvi, 1-80,3 pi.—Atkinson (R. T.) The early development of the circulation i n the supra- renal of the rabbit. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1901, xix, 610-612.— Elliott (T. R.) & Armour (R. G.) The development of the cortex in the human suprarenal gland and its con- dition in hemicephaly. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1910-11, xv, 481-488, 2 pi.—Fusari (R.) Contribuzione alio studio dello sviluppo delle capsule surrenali e del simpaticonel polio e nei mammiferi. Arch, perle sc. med., Torinoe Palermo, 1892, xvi, 249-301,4 pi. -----. Sullo svi- luppo delle capsule surrenali; rispostaal Prof. G.Valenti. Mem. Accad. d. sc med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1893, lxvi, fasc. 3, 33-37.—IInot. Preiiminairesurl'originedescapsulessur- renalesdespoissonslophobranches. Compt.rend. Acad.d. sc, Par.,1898,cxxvi,49.—Langlois (J.-P.) &Behns (J.) Les capsules surrenales pendant la periode foetale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1899,10. s., vi, 146.—Luna (E.) Lo sviluppo delle arterie surrenali nell' uomo. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1909, xxxv, 176-181. Also: Internat. Monat- schr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1910, xxvii, 52-72, 1 pi.— Mitsukuri (K.) On the development of the supra- renal bodies in mammalia. Stud. Morphol. Lab. Univ. Cambridge, Lond. & Edinb., 1882, pt. 2, 75-87, 1 pi.— Soulie (A.-H.) Sur les premiers stades du developpe- ment de la capsule surrenale chez quelques mammiferes. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Nancy, 1902, iv, 67: 1903, v, 63. -----. Recherches sur le developpement des cap- sules surrenales chez les vertebres superieurs. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1903, xxxix, 197; 390; 492; 634.—Srdinko (O. V.) O stavbea viyvinunadledvinky zab. [The structure and development of the supra- renal capsules of the frog.] Rozpr. ceske Akad. cis. Frantiska Josefa [etc.], v Praze, 1897-8, 2. t., vii, no. 12, 1-28, 3pl. -----. Pfispevek k poznaniv^vinunadledviny u ampnibii. [Contribution to the knowledge of the de- velopment of the suprarenal capsules in amphibians.] Ibid., 1899-1900, 2. t., ix, no. 32,1-18,1 pi.—Whitehead (R. H.) The histogenesis of the adrenal in the pig. Am. J. Anat., Bait., 1903, ii, 349-360. Also [Abstr.]: Proc Ass. Am. Anat., Bait., 1902-3, p. xii.—Wiesel (J.) Ueber die Entwickelung der Nebenniere des Schweines, besonders der Marksubstanz. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1901, xvi, 115-150, 5pl. -----. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Entwickelung der menschlichen Nebenniere. Ibid., 1902, xix, 481-522,4pl. Suprarenal bodies (Excision of). Fabozzi (S.) Ulteriori ricerche sulla ablazione delle capsule surrenali. Incurabili, Napoli, 1899, xiv, 143-157.— Fusari ( K.) (Contribuzione alio studio dello sviluppo delle capsule surrenali e del simpatico nel polio e nei mammiferi. Arch, per le sc. mod., Torino e Palermo, 1892, xvi. 219-:'.01. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1892, xviii, 161-182.—Bobson (A. W. M.) Three cases of removal of (he suprarenal capsule. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 1100— Santi Blndone I^o Be. Sulla estirpazione delle capsule.surrenali. Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. 2, 375.—Schill" (M.) Sur I'extirpa- tion des capsules surrenales. In his: Ges.Beitr. z.Pnysiol., 8°, Lausanne, 1898, iv, 367-369. Suprarenal bodies (Excision or destruc- tion of Effects of). Krishtopenko (A. K.) *Ekstirpatsii nadpo- chechnikov u krolikov; eksperimentalnoye iz- sliedovaniye,, [Extirpation of the suprarenal capsules in rabbits; experimental investigation.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1904. Also, in: Arch. biol. nauk „ . ., S.-Peterb., 1905-6, xii, 27-54. Also, transl.: Arch. d. sc. biol. . . ., St.-Petersb., 1906, xii, 27-57. Abelous (J.-E.) Sur 1'origine musculaire des troubles consecutifs a la destruction des glandes sur- renales, Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par , 1904, lvi, 951. -----. Les troubles de pigmentation de la grenouille a la suite de la destruction des glandes surrenales. Ibid., 952.—Abelous (J.-E.) & Langlois (P.) La mort des grenouilles apres la destruction des deux capsules surre nales. Ibid , 1891, 9. s : 855-857. Note sur Taction toxiaue du sang des mammiferes apres la destruction des capsules surrenales. Ibid., 1892, 9. s., iv, 165.-----------. Destruction des capsules surrenales chez le cobaye. Ibid., 388-391.-----------. Toxicite de 1'extrait alcolique du muscle de grenouilles privees de capsules surrenales. Ibid., 490.—Albanese (M.) La fatigue chez les animaux priv6s des capsules surrenales. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1892, xvii, 239-247.—Battelli (F.) L'adrenaline dans l'organisme des animaux decap- suies. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11, s., iv, 1180-1182.-----. Influence des injections intraveineuses continues d'adrenaline sur la survie des animaux decap- suies. Ibid., 1138-1140. Also: Gaz. h6p.de Lyon, 1903, iv, 249-251.—Battelli (F.) & Stern (L.) Circulation croi- s6e entre un animal priv6 de capsules surrenales et un animal normal. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, Ixviii, 909.—Bierry (H.) & Gatin-Gruzewska (Mme.) Effets de l'injection de l'adrenaline sur les animaux decapsuies. Ibid., 1906, lxi, 203.—Boccardi (G.) Le alterazioni del midollo spinale consecutive all' ablazione delle capsule surrenali. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1897, n. s., li, 147-152.—Boinet (E.) Resultats eioignes de soixante-quinze ablations des deux capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 162-167. -----. Resistance a la fatigue de 11 rats decapsuies depuis cinq et six mois. Ibid., 273. Also: Marseille med., 1895, xxxii, 267. -----. Ablation des capsules vraies et accessoires chez le rat d'egout. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 498-500. Also: Marseille med., 1895, xxxii, 513-516. -----. Resultats eioignes de 75 ablations des deux capsules sur- renales. Marseillem6d., 1895, xxxii,225-232. -----. Nou- velles recherches sur la resistance a la fatigue de rats de- capsuies depuis longtemps. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895,10. s., ii, 325. Also: Marseille med., 1896, xxxiii, 85. -----. Ablation des capsules vraies et accessoires chez le rat d'egout. Tribune med., Par., 1895,2. s., xxvii, 735. Diminution de resistance des rats doublement de- capsuies a Paction toxique de diversessubstances. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897,10. s., iv, 466-469.—Bom- belli (D.)_ Contributo alio studio delle modificazioni del ricambio materiale negli animali privati di capsule soprarenali. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1904, x, pt. 2,238- 253. — Brown - Sequard. Influence de 1'extrait aqueux de capsules surrenales sur des cobayes presque mourants a la suite de l'ablation de ces organes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 410.-----. Influ- ence heureuse de la transfusion de sang normal apres I'extirpation des eapsules surrenales chez le cobaye. Ibid., 1893, 9. s., v, 448.—Busch (F. C.) & Van Bergen (C.) Survival of an animal after removal of both supra- renal capsules, due to a previous grafting of the organ into the kidnev, with demonstrations of sections. Proc Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1903-4, i, 25— Catto- retti (F.) La reazione meiostagminica nel siero di sangue di topi bianchi sottoposti alia estirpazione delle capsule sopra-renali. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1911, 4. s., xvii, 29-35. Also, transl.: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911. xxiv, 637.—Cesa-Bianchl (D.) D' una costante alterazione dell' ovaia in seguito alii asportazione delle capsule surrenali in alcuni mammiferii Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1903, liv, 451-454. Also: Sper.- SUPRARENAL. 59 SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal bodies (Excision or destruc- tion of Effects of). mentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1903, lvii, 755.—Be Bomlnicis. Ricerche sperimentali su gli effetti della soppressione delle capsule surrenali. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1892, xlvi, 268-275. -----. Pourquoi I'extirpation des capsules surrenales amene la mort chez les animaux. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1894, 5. s., vi, 810-815.—Bonetti (E.) Les lesions des cellules du systeme nerveux central apres l'ablation des capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897,10. s., iv, 535. Also: Rev. neurol., Par., 1897, v, 566- 670.—Ettlinger & Najjeotte. Lesions des cellules du systeme nerveux central dans l'intoxication addisonienne experimentale (decapsulation). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 906.—Fabozzl (S.) Altera- zioni del ricambio materiale ed istologiche nell' ablazione delle capsule surrenali. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1899, n. s., xxi, 97; 150. -----. Sugli effetti del succo di capsule surrenali negli animali scapsulati. Morgagni, Milano, 1900, xiii, 177-195. Also [Abstr.]: Gazz d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 116.—Gautrelet (J.) & Thomas (L.) De l'abaissement de pression consecutif aux injections de serum de chien decapsuie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1909, lxvi, 660.-----------. L'ablation des surrenales supprime la glycosurie adre- nalique, non la glycosurie phloridzique. Ibid., 798-800. ----------. Larespiration apresablation des surrenales; la polypnee est-elle possible? Ibid., 1042-1044.----- -----. Contribution a l'etude du coeur et de la pression arterielle chez le chien decapsuie. Ibid., lxvii, 231-233.— ----------. Ablation des surrenales et regulation ther- mique. Ibid., 386. ----- -----. Le systeme nerveux sympathique apres ablation des surrenales. Ibid., 388. ----- -----. Action hypotensive du serum de chien priv6 de surrenales. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1909, cxlix, 149.-----------. Influence de l'ablation des surrenales sur le systeme nerveux. Ibid., 1911, ciii, 895- 897. — Giacomini (E.) Contributo alia conoscenza delle capsule surrenali nei ciclostomi; sulle capsule sur- renali dei petromizonti. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1902, xiii, 143-162, 2 pi.—Golyakhovski (S. I.) Tyop- lovol i gazoviy obmien pri narushenii otpravleniy nad- pochechnikh zhelyoz. [Heat and gas interchange when the functions of suprarenal glands are destroved.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1899, xx, 1017-1020.—Gouri ein (D.) Du r61e de l'auto-intoxication dans le mecanisme de la mort des animaux decapsuies. Rev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1897, xvii, 557-574. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1897, cxxv, 188-190.—Gratiolet (P.) Note sur les effets qui suivent l'ablation des capsules sur- renales. Compt.rend. Acad.d.sc, Par.,1856,xliii,468-470.— Kahn (R. H.) A- Starkenstein (E.) Ueber das Ver- halten des Glykogens nach Nebennierenexstirpation. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1911, cxxxix, 181-195.— Langlois (P. ) Destruction des capsules surrenales chez le chien. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893,9. s., v, 444-448. — Levin (I.) Physiological studies on the blood of animals deprived of the adrenals. Am. J. Phy- siol., Bost., 1901-2, v, 358-361. Also, Reprint. Also [Ab- str.]: Proc Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost., 1901-2, p. ix.—Lu- sena (G.) La reslstenza alle intossicazioni batteriche dopo 1' estiroazione delle capsule surrenali. Boll. d. r. Accad. med." di Genova, Siena, 1903, xviii, 29-40.—JMc- Guigan (H.) Adrenalectomy and glvcosuria. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1910, xxvi, 287-294. — OTarenghi (G.) Sull' esportazione delle capsule surrenali in alcuni mam- miferi. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1903, 2. s., xxxvi, 543-562. Also: Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1903, lvii, 752-755.—Woore (B.) & Furinton (C. O.) On cardiac thrombosis following complete re- moval of the suprarenal glands. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1900-1901, iv, 51-56.-----------. On the effects of com- plete removal of the suprarenal glands. Ibid., 1901-2, v, 182-190. — JJloussu & lie Play. Recherches experi- mentales relatives a I'extirpation et a la destruction des capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 36-38. — Fal (J.) Nebennierenexstirpation bei Hunden. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 899.—Pem- berton (R.) & Sweet (J. E.) The induction of pan- creatic activitv by the removal of the adrenals. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1910, 3. s., xxxii, 176-221,1 ch. Also: Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1910, vi, 536-576.—Fende (N.) Sur les effets de la destruction lente de l'appareil subre- nal chez les animaux en voie de croissance Arch, ital.- de biol., Turin, 1910-11, liv, 160-163. —Philipeaux. Note sur I'extirpation des capsules surrenales chez les rats albinos (Mus ratus). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1856, xliii, 904; 1155. -----. Note sur I'extirpation succes- sive ou simultanee des deux capsules surrenales chez les rats albinos et les surmulots. Ibid., 1858, xlvi, 420-422.— Porges (O.) Zur Pathologie des Morbus Addisonii. 2. Ueber Glykogenschwund nach doppelseitiger Nebennie- renexstirpation bei Hunden. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1910, lxx, 243-250.—Sehwarz (O.) Ueber einige Aus- fallserscheinungen nach Exstirpation beider Neben- nieren. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xxii, 1783-1785. -----. Ueber Stoffwechselstorungen nach der Exstirpa- Supr ft renal bodies (Excision or destruc- tion of, Effects of). tion beider NeDenniercn. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. 1910, cxxxiv, 259-288. —Silvestri (T. ) & Tosatti (C.) Teoria surrenale dell' osteomalacia; capsulecto- mia unilaterale e gravidanza. Riforma med., Napoli, 1909, xxv, 935-910— Sinibaldi (G.) L' intossica- zione difterica nei conigli operati di asportazione parziale dellecapsule surrenali. Arch, di anat. pat., Palermo, 1906, ii, 302-340,1 pi.—Soddu (L.) Intorno agli effetti della estirpazione delle capsule surrenalinel cane. Sperimen- tale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1898, Iii, 87-111.—Thiroloix (J.) Procede d'ablation des capsules surrenales chez le chien; ectopiedecesorganes. Bull. Soc anat.de Par., 1892, lxvii, 702-704. Also: Mercredi med., Par., 1892, iii, 557.— Velich (A.) Ueber die Folgen der einseitigen Exstirpa- tion der Nebennieren. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1897, xi, 835.—Vincent (S.) The effects of extirpation of the suprarenal bodies of the eel (Anguilla anguilla). Proc Row Soc. Lond., 1897-8, lxii, 354-356. Also: Proc. Phvsiol. Soc, Lond., 1898, p. xlviii.—Zesas (D. G.) Ueber Hypo- glykiimie bei Morbus Addisonii sowie bei nebennierenlo- sen Hunden. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1909, lxix, 341- 349. Suprarenal bodies (Extract of). See Suprarenal extract. Suprarenal bodies (Eats in). See Suprarenal bodies (Morphology, etc., of). Suprarenal bodies (Functions of). See, also, Secretions (Internal, Correlation of); Suprarenal bodies (Antitoxic and phagocytic ac- tion of); Suprarenal bodies (Excision of, Effects of); Suprarenal bodies (Glycogenic functions of); Suprarenal bodies (Innervation of); Supra- renal bodies (Regeneration of); Suprarenal bodies (Transplantation of). Calogero (J.-M. ) * Etude des capsules surrenales, avec recherches exp6rimentales. [Paris.] 8°. Mdcon, 1901. Guieysse (A.) *La capsule surrenale du co- baye; histologie et fonctionnement. 8°. Paris, 1901. Also,in: J.del'anat.etphysiol. [etc.],Par., 1901,xxxvii, 312; 435,2 pi. Hultgren (E. O.) & Andersson (O. A.) Stu- dien zur Physiologie und Anatomie der Neben- nieren. 8°. Leipzig, 1899. Also [Abstr.], in: Skand. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1899, ix, 73-312, 2 diag., 4pi. Landau (E.) Experimentelle Nebennieren- Studien. 8°. Dorpat, 1908. Langlois (P.) Les capsules surrenales. 8°. Paris, 1897. Mariani (F.) Sulla funzione delle capsule surrenali. 8°. Roma, [1906]. Orgler (A.) *Zur Physiologie der Neben- nieren. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Pettit (A.) *Le cerveau et l'appareil surr6- nal. 8°. Pans, 1909. Wendling (C.) * Considerations sur le role fonctionnel des capsules surrenales. 8°. Paris, 1897. Abelous (J.-E.) & Langlois (P.) Recherches ex- perimental sur les fonctions des capsules surrenales de la grenouille. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1892, 5. s., iv, 269-278.-----------. Sur les fonctions des capsules surrenales. Ibid., 465-476. Also, in: Richet (C.) Physiol. Trav. du lab., 8°, Par., 1893, ii, 147-159. ----- -----. Sur les fonctions des capsules surrenales chez les cobayes. In: Richet (C.) Physiol. Trav. du lab., 8°, Par., 1893, ii, 160-174.----------. Sur les fonctions des capsules surr6nales; r6ponse a M. Boinet. Compt. rend. Soc debiol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 334.—Albanese (M.) Recherches sur la fonction des capsules surrenales. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1892, xviii, 49-53.—Alezais. Con- tribution a l'etude de la capsule surrenale du cobaye. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1898, 5. s., x, 444- 454.—Apolant (H.) Ueber Reizung der Nebennieren. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1899, xii, 721.— Athanasiu (J.) & Gradlnesco (A.) Les capsules surrenales et les echanges entre le sang et les tissus. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1909, cxlix, 413.—Auld (A. G.) Additional observations on the function of the suprarenal gland. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 1327.— SUPRARENAL. 60 SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal bodies (Functions of). Baduel (A.) Reni e capsule surrenali. Lavori d.Contr. di med. int. 190S, Roma, 1909, xviii, 412-411— Battelli (F.) Fonr-tions des capsules surrenales. Trav. du lab. de phvsiol. Univ. de Geneve 1901-2, Geneve, 1903, iii, 94- 123.—Bcitzke (H.) Die Biologie der Nebennieren- svsteme; zusammenfassender Bericht. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1909, xlvi, 1769-1772.—Bentivesi'iia. Sulla flsio- logia delle capsule surrenali. Riforma med., Napoli, 1*96, xii, pt. 4, 469-171.—Bernard (L.) Du r61e des glandes surrenales dans les etats pathologiques. [Rap.] Rev. de med., Par., 1907, xxvii, 977-1002.—Boinet. Recherches experimentales sur les fonctions des capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1899,11. s., i, 671. Also: Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de path, int., 518-520. -----. Recherches stir les fonctions des capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1899, 11. s., i, 673. Also: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1899, lxxii, 746-748. Also: Marseille med., 1899, xxxvi, 513-519.—Boru ttau (H.) Erfahrungen fiber die Neben- nieren. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1899, lxxviii, 97- 128, 5 diag.—Bullock (W.1 & Sequeira (J. H.) On the relation of the suprarenal capsules to the sexual or- gans. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1905. lvi. 189-208.—Carl (W.) Das chromaffine Svstem und seine Erschopfung durch Muskelarbeit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 1827-1829—Cerna (D.) Fisiologiadelsis- tema adrenal seiruu lasdoctrinas de Sajous. Escuela de med., Mexico, 1909. xxiv. 457-406.—Clopatt (A.) Om binjurarnes fvsiolotfSka funktioner. [Fonctions des glandes surreiiales. Res., pp. xx-xxiii] Finska lak.- sallsk. handl.. Ilelsiiurfors, 1899, xii, 307-320.—Cristiaiu (H.) & Cristiaui (Mmr. A.) Recherches sur les cap- sules surrenales. J. de physiol. et de path. gen.. Par., 1902, iv., 837-844— Cybulski (N.) O funkcyi nadner- cza. [On the functions of the suprarenal bodies.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1895, 2. s., xv,299-308. Also, transl.: Bull. internat. Aead. d. sc. de Cracovie, 1895, 82-91. Also, trans!.: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xlvi, 214; 255.— I)e Boiuinicis (X.) Le capsule surrenali sonoorgani dcpuratori? Ricerche sperimentali. Gior. d. Ass. napol. di med. e nat., Napoli, 1893-4, iv, 257-266. -----. Ricer- ehe sperimentali per la fisiologia delle capsule surrenali. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 1474-1476.—Edmunds (C. W.) Further study of the relation of the adrenals to pancreatic activitv. J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., Bait., 1910-11, ii, 559-579.—Ehrmann (R.) Die Biolo- giederNebennierensvsteme. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xlvi, 1848-1*50.—Gomez Ocaila (J.) Funci6ndinam6- genadelaseapsulas supra-renales. Cienciamod..Madrid, 1897, iv, 406-110.—Gourfein. Recherches physiologi- ques sur la fonction des glandes surrenales. Rev.med.de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1896, xvi, 113-142.—Greco. Le capsule surrenali in biologia. Riforma med., Napoli, 1897, xiii,pt. 1,13-15.—Hutinel. Lerdlepossible des capsules surrenales dans certaines infections graves. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1909, xxiii, 146. — Kranen- burg (W. R. H.) Overde functie van de bijnier. Ge- neesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1905, xii, 105-136. — Kudintseft" (I. V.) K ucheniyu o nad- pochechnikh zhellozakh. [On the suprarenal capsules.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 803. — Langlois (P.) Sur l'homologie fonctionnelle des capsules surrenales des grenouilles et des mammiferes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897, 10. s., iv, 184-186. -----. Les fonctions des capsules surrenales. Rev. scient., Par., 1897, 4. s., vii, 303-307. -----. Recherches sur l'identite physiolo- gique des corps surrenaux chez les batraciens et les mam- miferes. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1898, 5. s., x, 104-107.—Le jTIeigiien (H.) Les fonctions des glandes surrenales. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1903, 2. s., xxi, 645-651.—Linser (P.) Ueberdie Beziehungen zwischen Nebennieren- und Korperwachstum, besonders Riesen- wuchs. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1903, xxxvii, 282- 305, 1 pi.—Luckseh (F.I Ueber das histologische und funktionelle Verhalten der Nebennieren beim hungern- den Kaninchen. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1911. lxv. 161-163.—Uacleod (J.J. R.), Christie (C. D.) & Pearce (R. G.) The relationship of the left suprarenal capsule to the sugar production of the liver in dogs. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1910-11, viii, 110.—.Hausfeld (G.) Die Wirkung des Nicotins auf die Nebenniere. Verhandl. d. Budapest, k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte 1908, Budapest, 1909, 38. — Harianl (F.) Ri- cerche sperimentali sulla f unzione delle capsule surrenali. Clin. med. ital., yiilano, 1906, xiv, 594-615. Also [Abstr.]: Atti d. Soc. ital di patol., Pavia, 1906, iv, 2S5-2S9.—Jlar- tinotti (C ) Contributo alio studio delle capsule sur- renali. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1892, 3. s., xl, 299-301. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1892, xvii, 284- 286.—:viat*oukis. Sur le r61e des capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc debiol., Par., 1903, lv, 830-832.— Hei- rowsky. Leber den Zusammenhang zwischen Haut- organundNebennieren. Miinchen.med.Wchnschr.,1911, lviii, 1005-1007.—JTIinervini (R.) Des capsules surre- nales; developpement; structure; fonctions. J.del'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1904, xl, 449; 634—.Uiihlmann (M.) Zur Phvsiologie der Nebenniere. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.u. Berl., 1896, xxii,409-412— Jttulon (P.) Suprarenal bodies (Functions of). Un processus de secretion interne dans la corlicale surre- nale. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par., 1911,lxx,652-6o4— Now i< k i (W.) Dalsze badania doswiadczalne nad sto- sunkiem nadnercza do nerki. [Further experimental in- vestigations of the relations between the suprarenal cap- sule and kidnev.] Lwow. tvgodn. lek., 1910, v, 439-441. -----. Der Einfluss der Blutdruckerniedrigung auf die Nebennieren. Virchow's Arch, f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1911, ccv, 100-112.— Osteen (C. P.) The adrenal system and its importance in health and disease. Old Dominion J. M. & S., Richmond, 1904-5, iii, 204-211.—Parkinson (P. R.) The activitv of the suprarenal glands in relation to blood-pressures. "Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1906-7, lviii, 187- 199.—Pa u lesco. Recherches experimentales sur la phy- siologie des glandes surrenales; glandes surrenales et cu- rare. J. de med. int.. Par., 1899, iii, 298; 804.—Petlit (A.) Sur le mode de fonctionnement de la glande surr6nale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 320-322. -----. Action dela pilocarpine, du curare et de la toxine diphteritique sur la glande surrenale. Ibid., 635. -----. Recherches sur les capsules surrenales. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1896, xxxii, 301; 369, 4 pi.—Pilliet (A.) Capsules surrenales dans le plexus solaire. Bull. Socanat.de Par., 1891,lxvi, 267.—Podvisotski (V. V.) Sovremennoye sostoyaniye voprosa o fun ktsii nadpochech- nikov. [Present views on the function of suprarenal cap- sules.] Russk.arch.patol..klin.med.ibakteriol.,S.-Peterb., 18964,692-702. Also, transl.: Rev.de cien. med. de Barcel., 1896, xxii, 353; 371. -----. Nadpochechniki kak istochnik serdechnavo vozbuzhdeniya. [Suprarenal capsules as a source of cardiac stimulation.] Russk. arch, patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1896, ii, 732-736—Politi (S.) Ricerche sperimentali su la funzione delle capsule surre- nali. Incurabili, Napoli, 1907, xxii, 129-143.—Poll (H.) Die Biologie der Nebennierensysteme. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1909, xlvi, 648; 1886; 1973.—Ponyatovski (A. A.) O vozmozhnol roli shtshitovidnol i nadpochechnikh zhelyoz v kachestvle regulyatorov rosta tkanel orga- nizma. [Possible role of the thyroid and suprarenal glands as regulators of the growth of tissues of the or- ganism.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1903, pt. 2, 80; 129.—Porges (O.) Ueber den Einfluss der Nebennieren auf den Kohlehydratsstoffwechsel. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1910,xxvii, 591-595.— Radziejewski (M.) Lo stato presente delle nostre conoscenze circa le capsule surrenali e le loro fun- zioni. Clin, di Vienna, Napoli, 1898, xv, 227-237. Also, transl.: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xxxv, 572-576. Also, transl.: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. (1898), 1899, pt. 2, 1-14.—Keicher ( K. ) Beziehungen zwi- schen Adrenalsystem und Niere. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1908), 1909, xxxix, pt. 2, 330-333.—Keil (H.) Vorlilurige Mittheilungen, die Physiologie der Neben- nieren betreffend. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1902,429.— Rosenthal (G.) Les capsules surrenales (physiologie) d'apres les travaux reeents. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1897, lxx, 808; 835; 871— Salvioli (I.) & Pezzolini (P.) Ulte- riore contributo alio studio della funzione delle capsule sopra-renali. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1902, xxiii,276. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1902, xxxvii, 390-392.— Schafer (E. A.) Oliver-Sharpey lectures on the present condition of our knowledge regarding the functions oi the suprarenal capsules. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 1277; 1346; 1380. Also, Reprint. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1908, i, 1531; 1606.—Schenk (FA Kastration und Adrenalingehalt der Nebennieren. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1910-11, lxiv, 362-368.—Strehl (H.) & Weiss (O.) Beitriige zur Phvsiologie der Nebenniere* Arch, f. d. ges. Physiol.,Bonn,1901,lxxxvi,107-121 —Stroux. Ueberdie Nebennieren und ihre Bedeutung fiir den Oreanismus. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906,liii, 2320.—Studzinski (J.) Ueber die den Blutdruckherabsetzende Wirkung der Nebennieren. Arch. f. exper.Path.u.Pharmakol.,Leipz., 1911, lxv, 155-160.—Swan (R. H. J.) The functions of the suprarenal bodies. Guy's Hosp.Gaz.,Lond.,1897,xi,587-594.— Szymonowicz (L.) Die Function der Nebenniere. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1896, lxiv, 97-164, 2 diag. Also: Heilkunde, Wien [etc.], 1896-7, i, 245; 354.—Thlro- loix (J.) & Lancereaux. Notes sur la physiologie des capsules surrenales. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 115-120.—Thuinim (L.) Gesehlechtscharaktere und Nebenniere in Correlation. Berl. klin. Wchnschi., 1909, xlvi, 103— Trahan (A. R.) The anatomy and physiology of the adrenals. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1907-8, lx, 32-35.—Trendelenburg (P.) Zur Physiologie der Nebennieren. I. Einfluss des Blutdruckes auf die Adre- nalinsekretion. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Berl., 1911, lvi, 90-103.—Vincent (S.) The physiology of the supra- renal bodies. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1896, xl, 86-95. -----. The comparative physiology of the suprarenal capsules. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1897, lxi, 64-73. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Physiol. Soc. Cambridge, 1897, p. xxi. -----. Fur- ther observations upon the comparative physiology of the suprarenal capsules. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1897-8, lxii, 176-178. -----. Addison's disease and the functions of the suprarenal capsules. Birmingh. M. Rev 1898, xliii, 214-231.—Voena (G.) Azione supra le capsule sur- renali di alcune particolari sostanze introdotte nell' or- SUPRARENAL. 61 SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal bodies (Functions of) ganismo con le iniezioni ipodermiche. Ann. di freniat. [etc.], Torino, 1891-2, iii, 129-132.—Watson (C.) The etTeets of captivity on the adrenal glands in wild rats. Proc. Physiol. Soc Lond., 1906-7, p. xlix — Wider0e (S.) Litt om binyrerne og deres funktion. [Suprarenal bodies and their function.] Tidsskr. f. d. norske Lsege- for., Kristiania, 1911, xxxi, 49-58. Suprarenal bodies (Glycogenic func- tion of). Thuau (P. A.) * Influence de la polypnee thermique sur la glycosurie consecutive aux in- jections d'adrenaline. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908. Zschech (B. F. H. N.) * Versuche iiber die Entstehung von Hautalterationen und (jlyko- surie bei der subkutanen Anwendung der Ne- bennierenpriiparate. 8°. Greifswald, 1904. Addari (F.) Ricerche istologiche sullemodiflcazioni del glicogeno renaleed epaticoin seguitoalle iniezioni di adrenalina. Riforma med., Napoli, 1910, xxvi, 234-237.— Agadschanianz (K.) Ueber den Einfluss des Ad- renalins auf das in Leber und Muskeln enthaltene Gly- kogen. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1906, ii, 148-156.—A roii- solin (E.) Die Zuckerausscheiduug nach Adrenalin- Injektionen und ihre Beeinflussung durch kiinstlich erzeugtes Fieber. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. ]etc.L Berl., 1903, clxxiv, 383-392. —Bierry (H.) & Gatin- Gruzewska (Mme.) L'adrenaline produit-elle la gly- cosurie par son action sur le pancreas? Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 904. —Blum (F.) Weitere Mittheilungen zur Lehre von dem Nebennierendiabetes. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1902, lxxxx, 617-629.— Croftan (A. C.) Concerning a sugar-forming ferment in suprarenal extract; a preliminary report on suprarenal glycosuria. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iii, 113-115.—Doyon & Gautier (C.) Action de l'adrenaline sur leglycogene du foie; influence de l'atropine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 866-868.—Doyon (M.) & Karen" (N.) Action de l'adrenaline sur le glycogene du foie. I bid., 1904,1 vi, 66.—Doyon (M.), Morel (A.) & Karen" (N.) Action de l'adrenaline sur le glycogene hepatique et sur le sucre du sang. Ibid., 1905, lix, 202-204. ----- -----------. Action de l'adrenaline sur le glycogene du foie; roledupancreas. J.dephvsiol.etdepath.gen.,Par., 1905,vii,998-100L—Ellinger( A.) Der Einfluss von Fieber, Infektion und Nierenschadigungen auf die Suprarenin- Glykosurie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 499-511. See, also, infra, Richter.—Frugoni (C.) La glyco- surie adrenalinique et l'influence qu'exercent sur elle 1'extrait et le sue pancreatiques. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1908-9, 1, 209-214. Also, transl.: Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1908, xiv, 1606-1609. Also, Reprint. Also, trims!. [Abstr.]: Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1908, lix, 372.—Galdi IF.) Laglicosuriasurrenale. Tommasi,Napoli, 1907,ii,25; 49.—Gatin-Gruzewska {Mile. Z.) Action de l'adre- naline sur la teneur du muscle en glycogene. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxlii, 1165-1167.-----. In- fluence de la dilution des solutions d'adrenaline sur la disparition du glycogene dans le foie et dans le muscle. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 940. — Gautre- let i.l.) & Thomas (L.) Le sCrum normal neutralise la glycosurie adrenalique. Ibid., 1909, lxvi, 438-440.— Gulii (V.) II diabete surrenale. Incurabili, Napoli, 1905, xx, 321-342.—Herter IC. A.) Note on the newly recognized sugar-controlling function of the suprarenal glands. Med. News. N. Y., 1902, lxxxi, 769-772. -----. Observations on adrenalin glycosuria, and certain rela- tions between the adrenal gland and carbohydrate meta- bolism. Proc N. York Path. Soc, 1902-3, n.s., ii, 103- 111.—Herter (C. A.) & Richards (A. N.) Note on the glycosuria fol lowing experimental injections of adre- nalin. Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxx, 201-203. Also, Re- print. — Herter (C. A.) & Wake in an (A. J.) Ueber Adrenalin-Glykosurie und verwandte, durch die Wir- kung reducirender Substanzen und anderer Gifte auf die Pankreaszellen hervorgerufene experimentelle Glyko- surien. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1902, clxix, 479- 501. Also, transl.: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1903, exxv, 46- 61. — Kahn ( R. H. ) Zuckerstich und Nebennieren. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1911, cxl, 209-265, 1 pi.— Lepine (R.) & Boulud. Sur la glycosurie adrena- lique chez les chiens depancreates. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1903, ii, 62.—Lie pine (R.), Chauveau& Kaul'manii. Glycosurie par injection d'adrenaline. Lyon m6d., 1902, xcix, 151.—IT!arrassini (A.) Sur quel- ques modifications des capsulessurrenales consecutivesa l'hyperglvcemieexpcrimentale. Arch.ital.de biol..Turin, 1910, liii, 4*60-468.—Jlolon (C.) Sulla glicosuria adrena- linica. Gazz.d. osp., Milano, 1907,xxviii,689-69L—Paton (D.N.) Onthenatureof adrenalin glycosuria. J.Physiol., Lond., 1903, xxix,286-301.—Pellegrino (M.) Laglico- suria adrenalinica. Tommasi, Napoli, 1907, ii, 320; 339.— Richter (P. F.) Ueber den Einfluss von Fieber, In- fektion und Nierenschiidigung auf die Suprarenin-Glyko- surie; Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatze von Ellinger und | Suprarenal bodies (Glycogenic func- tion of). Seelig. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 656.—Rltz- niann (H.) Ueber den Mechanismus der Adrenalin- glykosurie. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1909, lxi, 231-255.—Straub (W.) Ueber den Mechanis- mus der Adrenalinglykosurie. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1909, lvi, 493— Underbill (F. P.) & Closson (O. E.) Adrenalin glycosuria, and the influence of adre- nalin upon nitrogenous metabolism. Am. J. Physiol. Bost., 1906-7, xvii, 42-54-Velich (A.) Beitrag zum Experimentalstudium von Nebennieren-Glykosurie. Vir- chow's Arch, f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1906, clxxxiv, 345- 359.—Waterman (N.) Nebenniere und Zuckerstich. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1911, cxlii, 104-108, 1 pi. Suprarenal bodies (Hsemorrhage into or from). See,also, Purpura (Hsemorrhagic, Complications of); Suprarenal bodies (Inflammation, etc., of). Chodak (I.) * Nebennierenblutungen bei Neugeborenen. 8°. Miinchen, 1909. Gackowski (W.) * Nebennierenblutung bei einen Neugeborenen. 8°. Miinchen, 1905. Goldmann (B.) * Ueber Nebennierenblu- tungen bei Neugeborenen und ihre Ausgiinge. 8°. Kiel, 1908. Leconte (R.) * Etude sur les hemorrhagies des capsules surrenales. 8°. Paris, 1897. Neboux (F.) * Contribution a l'etude des hemorrhagies surrenales dans les infections et intoxications aigues. 8°. Paris, 1905. Sliosberg (Beila). * Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Nebennierenblutungen im Kindesalter. 8°. Zurich, 1908. Arnaud (F.) Les hemorragies des capsules surre- nales. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1900, n. s., iv, 5-65.— Blaker (P. S.) & Bailey (B. E. G.) On some cases of haemorrhage into the skin and suprarenal capsules. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 75-77.— Brodnitz. Die Apoplexie der Nebenniere. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 1591.—Case (E. A.) Hematoma of the adre- nal body. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1910, n. s., xiii, 258.—Dorner. Ueber Nebennierenblutungen bei Neu- geborenen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1903, 3. F., xxvi, 272-301.—Dudgeon (L. S.) The etiology, pathol- ogy, and diagnosis of adrenal hemorrhage. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1904, n. s., exxvii, 131-146.—Garipuy & Sehreiber. Un cas de mort d'un nouveau-ne par hemorragie surrenale. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1908, xi, 23-25.—Garrod (A. E.) & Drysdale (J. H.) Hsemor- rhage into both suprarenal capsules in an infant aged four months. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1897-8, xlix, 257.— Hamill (S. McC.) Hemorrhage into the suprarenal capsule in still-born children and infants; report of a case showing rupture of the sac and escape of blood into the perirenal tissues and the peritoneal cavity. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1901, xviii, 81; 161. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1900, xii, 176-213. Also, Reprint— Hektoen (L.) Death from hemorrhage into the supra- renal bodies in a boy of eighteen. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1909-10, viii, 87-89. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, Iii, 1926. — Iraso (A.) Contributo alio studio della emorragia delle capsule surrenali. Incurabili, Napoli, 1906, xxi, 692-700.—Laederich (L.) Hemorragies surre- nales et cedeme aigu du poumon au cours d'une nephrite aigue 6rysipeiateuse. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1908, 3. s., xxv, 37-45. — Laignel-Lavastine. Hemorrhagie des glandes surrenales. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, lxxvi, 683-685. -----. H6morrhagie des glandes surrenales; examen histologique. Ibid., 1903, lxxviii, 158-160.—Lange. [Zwei Falle von Nebennie- renblutungen Neugeborener.] Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1907, liv, 341.—Langmead (F.) On three cases of suprarenal apoplexv in children. Lancet, Lond.,1904, i, 1496-1498.—liissauer (M.) Zur Kenntnis der Neben- nierenblutungen. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1908, exciii, 137-148.— Litzenberg (J. C.) & White (S. M.) Hemorrhage of the adrenals in infants, with report of two cases due to infection. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, li, 1964-1969.—Magnus (G.) Neben- nierenblutungen beim Neugeborenen. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1911, xlviii, 1119-1121.— Materna ( L. ) Auto- Adreninintoxikation bei beiderseitiger Nebennierenblu- tung. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1910, xlviii, 236-262.—Ulensi (E.) Sul significato delle emor- ragie delle capsule surrenali. Atti d. Cong, pediat. ital. 1905, Roma. 1906, v, 295-299.—Mlttenzweig. Trauma- tische Verblutung aus den Gefassen der rechten Neben- niere. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl.,1893, vi,616.—Mol- lard (J.).) [Ein unfrewohnlich grosses Neben- nierenhiimatom.] Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv,728. Suprarenal bodies (Histology of). See Suprarenal bodies (Morphology, etc., of). Suprarenal bodies (Hypertrophy of). See, also, Suprarenal bodies [Aberrant, etc.). Durst (H.) * Ueber einen Fall von kompen- satorischer Hypertrophic der Nebenniere. 8°. Zurich, 1899. Fellbaum (F. W.) * Beitrag zur Frage der kompensatorischen Hypertrophic der Neben- nieren. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1907. Gaillard (J.) *De l'hyperplasie surrenale dans se-i rapports avec 1'hypertension perma- nente, la nephrite chronique et l'atherome. 8°. Paris, 1908. Also, in: Tribune med., Par., 1907, n. s., xxxix, 789-791. Alquier (L.) Etude histologique de l'hypertrophie experimentale des capsules surrenales chez le chien. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1907, lxxx, 723-728.—Aubertin (C.) A Clunet (,T ) Hypertrophic cardiaque et hyperplasie medullaire des surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 595-597— Borrmanii (R.) Ein Fall von Morbus Addisonii infolge entziindlich-hyperplasti- scher Wucherung beider Nebennieren auf traumatischer Grundlage. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1906, lxxxvi, 593-609, 2 pi.—Guerrini (G.) Beitrag zu der Kasuistik der kompensatorischen Hvpertrophie der Ne- bennieren. Berl. tieriir/.tl. Wchnschr., 1908, 513-516.— Hecht(V.) Ueben echte kompensatorische Nebennie- renhypertrophie. Centralbl. f. allfr. Path. u. path. Anat.. Jenai 1910, xxi, 247-25*.—Langlois & Charrin Hv- pertrophie experimentale descapsulessurreiiales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par. 1*9(1, 10. s., iii, 131.— Jlanica- tide (Elena) & Jianu (I.) Aterom arterial generalisat cu ipertrofia capsuleior suprarenale; capsule suprarenale accesorii; emoragie in lobul lateral drept al cerebelulul; sindromul cerebelos. [Arterial atheroma generalized with hypertrophy of the suprarenal capsules; accessory suprarenal capsuie; hemorrhage in the right lateral lobe of the cerebellum; cerebellar svndrome.] Spitalul, Bu- curesci, 1904, xxiv, 400-401.—Pa rodi (L.) Sulla iper- trofia e iperplasia del paraganglio surrenale dell' uomo. Arch, per le sc. med.. Torino, 1910. xxxiv, 549-575, 1 pi.— Sabrazes (J.) & llusnot (P.j Hypertrophic avec adenomes enkystes multiples des capsules surrenales chez les vieillards et les seniles. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux. 1906, xxvii, 532.—Sinuiionds (M.) Ueber compensatorische Hvpertrophie der Nebenniere. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 189*, cliii, 13*-146. -----. Weitere Beobacntungen iiber compensatorische Hyper- Suprarenal bodies (Hypertrophy of). trophie der Nebenniere. Centralbl. 1". allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1902, xiii. 81-83.—Vclich (A.) Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatze von Simmonds: '• Ceber compensato- rische Hvpertrophie der Nebenniere." Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1898, cliv, 568.—Weber (F. P.) Sym- metrical adenomata or nodular hyperplasia of the supra- renal glands, and extreme sclerosis of the aorta and coro- nary arteries. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1905-6, lvii, 338-347. Also, Reprint. Suprarenal bodies (Inflammation and abscess of). Sezary (A.) * Recherches anatomo-patholo- giques, cliniques et experimentales sur les sur- renalites sclereuses. 8°. Paris, 1909. Anglade & Jacquin. Syndrome addisonien chez une arri6ree epileptique de quatorze ans; adenopathie tracheo-bronchique tuberculeuse; surr6nalite intersti- tielle. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxxv, 493-495.— Bernard (L.) & Heitz (J.) Surrenalite subaigue avec syndrome d'insuffisance surr6nale termine par la mort. Bull, et mem. Soc. ni6d. d. hop. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 346-360.-----------. Un cas de surrenalite subaigue avec autopsie. Tribune med., Par., 1904,2. s., xxxvi, 325- 328.—Metroye. Surrenalite hemorragique et kystique, avec thrombose de l'aorte posterieure, chez le cheval. Bull. Soc centr. de med. vet., Par., 1906, lx, 445-450.— Gallais (A.) Surrenalite chronique avec tumeur pig- mentaire de l'iris droit et myosis unilateral droit; aecls periodiques d'asth6nie aigue avec hallucinations et d'agi- tation intellectuelle et kinetique. Rev. neurol., Par., 1911, xix, 717-724.— Janowski (W.) Przypadek pier- wotnego dwustronnego ropnego zapalenia nadnercza. [Case of primary purulent double-sided inflammation of the suprarenal capsules.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1898, 2. s., xviii,351-357. Also,transl. [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1898,ii, 204.—LiCtullc. Surrenalite nodulaire hyperplasique et adenomes dela capsule surrenale. Bull. Soc.anat.de Par., 1892, lxvii, 334-337.— ITloullnier. Surrenalite mercu- rielle chez l'homme, son importance en pathologie. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1905, lxxxiv, 265-267.—.Union (P.) A propos de la note de A. S6zary sur la surrenalite sclereuse avec adenomes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxx, 771.—Bibadeau-Dumas & Blng. Surrenalite hemorrhagique. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1904, lxxix, 477^79.—Sergent (E.) Les surr6na- lites chroniques d'origine infectieuse et l'insumsancesur- renale lente. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1904, i, 14-18.— Sezary (A.) Surrenalite sclereuse avec adenomes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxx, 743. See, also, supra, Mulon.—Sforza (N.) Surrenalite cronica sclero- tica con sindrome Addisoniana. Riv. osoedal., Roma, 1911, i, 568-572.—Sicard. Surrenalite hemorragique avec insuffisance surrenale au cours d'une pneumo-baciliemie a Friedlander. Bull, et m6m. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 848-852.—Toussaint (M.) Inflamaci6n parenquimatosa de la capsula supra-renal. Bol. d. Inst., patol., Mexico, 1905-6,2.6p., iii, 79-88, 4 pi.—Verger (H.) & Carles (J.) Syndrome addisonien chez un arterio- sciereux par surrenalite interstitielle. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1906, xxxvi, 113. Suprarenal bodies (Innervation of). Alexander (C.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Nebennieren und ihre Beziehungen zum Ner- vensystem. [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Jena, 1891. Also, in: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1891, xi, 145-197. Asher (L.) Die innere Sekretion der Nebenniere und deren Innervation. Zentralbl. f. Phvsiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1910, xxiv, 927-929.—Biedl (A.) Die Innervation der Nebenniere. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1897, lxvii, 443-483— Cheboksaron* (M. N.) Ob otdlelitelnikh nervakh nadpochechnikov. [Secretory nerves of the adrenal glands.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1909, viii 873- 875. Also, transl.: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1910-11, exxxvii, 59-122.— Dogiel (A.S.) DieNervenendigungen in den Nebennieren der Saugethiere. Arch. f. Anat. u. Ent- wcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1894, 90-104, 2pl.—Dreyer (G. P.) On secretory nerves to the suprarenal capsules. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1899, ii, 203-219.—Fusari (R.) De la terininaison des fibres nerveuses dans les capsules sur- renales des mammiferes. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1891-2, xvi, 262-275, 1 pi.—Giacomini (E.) Sulle ter- minazioni nervose nelle capsule surrenali degli uccelli, R. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena. Proc. verb., 1898, X3-K7.— Hallion & Laignel-Lavasiiiie. Recherches sur innervation vaso-motrice des glandes surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, l.*7-].s9.—Pel- legrino (M.) Relazione fra capsule surrenali esistema del gran simpatico. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1904, Roma, 1905, xiv, 322-325.—Pen de (X.) Contributo alio studio della innervazione delle capsule surrenali. Ri- cerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. r. Univ. di Roma 1904 x 151-18*. 1 pi. ' ' SUPRARENAL. 63 SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal bodies {Insuffciency of). See, also, Addison's disease; Suprarenal bodies (Excision of, Effects of); Suprarenal bodies (Tuberculosis of). Barbarin ( K.) * Pigmentation des mu- queuses, son importance au point de vue du diagnostic et du traitement de l'insuffisance capsulaire. 8°. Paris, 1903. Bossuet (G. G.) * Contribution a l'etude etiologique et clinique de l'insuffisance sur- renale. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. Faire (L.) * Contribution a 1'etude de la maladie bronzee d'Addison et des functions surrenales. 8°. Paris, 1898. Vendeuvre (A.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'insuffisance surrenale. [Lyon.] 8°. Villeur- banne, 1908. Acute insufficiency of the suprarenals. [Edit.] Lan- cet, Lond., 1909, ii, 167— Boinet (E.) Recherches ex- perimentales sur la pathogenie de la maladie d'Addison. Cong, franc, de med. 1895, Par., 1896, ii, 699-707.—Bos- suet (G.) Quelques considerations a propos de l'insuffi- sance surrenale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bor- deaux, 1904, xxvi, 524: 1905, xxvi, 507. -----. Les causes de l'insuffisance surrenale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxvi, 469-472.—Castellino (P.) Un caso di iposurrenalismo acuto; contributo clinico alia determinazione dei rapporti fra sistema del simpatico e sistema surrenale. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1907, n. s., lxi, 189-200. Also: Tom- masi, Napoli, 1907, ii, 553-556. ----- Iposurrenalismo acuto; ptosi renale e surrenale; nevrosi del simpatico. Tommasi, Napoli, 1907, ii, 430— Ceri'(L.) Maladie d'Ad- dison, forme fruste, crises aigues d'insufhsance surrenale. Anjou med., Angers. 1910, xvii, 29-35.—Clivostek (F.) Alteraciones de las funciones delas capsulas suprarenales como causa de enfermedad (morbus Addisoni). An. d. Circ med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1897, xx, 179-187.—Co- hoe (B. A.) Addison's disease and adrenal insuffi- ciency. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1909, xxv, 1-11.— Costa (S.) La forme pure de l'insuffisance surrenale; etude clinique et critique. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1906, xlvii, 89-111.— Coyon (A.) & Claret (M.) Deux cas d'insuffisance surrenale aigue. M6d. mod., Par., 1910, xxi, L—Berrien (£.) Troubles de l'utilisation des noyaux aromatiques dans l'insuffisance surrenale? Montpel. med., 1908, xxvi, 589-591.— Dumolard. Insuffisance capsulaire subaigue sans pigmentation cutanee. Bull. med. de l'Alg6rie, Alger, 1906, xvii, 126.—Fort (F. T.) Hypo-epinephry(?) or adrenal inadequacy ; report of case, including later autopsv. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1910, viii, 1995.—Gilbert (A.) & Grenet (A.) De la mort par insuffisance capsulaire dans la maladie d'Addison. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1898, xii, 305-308.— Hawthorn (E.) Uremie et insuffisance surrenale avec syndrdme d'Addison. Marseille med., 1901, xxxviii, 749-758, lpl.—von Kahlden (C.) Ueber Addison'sche Krankheit und uber die Function der Nebennieren; zusammenfas-endes Referat. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat, Jena, 1896, vii, 464-502.—Laignel-Lavas- tine. Forme confusionnelle de l'insuffisance surrenale aigue chez une addisonienne; sclerose des ganglions so- laires, thyro'idite sclereuse; infiltration pigmentaire des reins. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1911, lxxxvi, 69-64. -----. Forme myoclonique aigue de l'insufh- sance surrenale. Ibid., 117-120.— Laveuson (R. S.) Acute insufficiency of the suprarenals. Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1908, ii, 62-73, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Moizard. L'insuffisance surrenale dans les maladies infectieuses, et son traitement. J. de med. et chir, prat., Par., 1909, lxxx, 881-891. — Morichau-Beauchant (R.) L'insuffi- sance surrenale dans les infections aigues; son traite- ment opotherapique. Progresm6d., Par., 1909, 3. s., xxv, 617-519. — Negri (G.) L'insufficenza delle capsule soprar- renali. Clin, chir., Milano, 1903, xi, 416-422.— Oppcn- heim fit.) & lioeper (M.) Insuffisance surrenale chronique experimentale par injections intracapsulaires des poisons du bacille tuberculeux humain d'Auclair. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 330-332. ----- -----. L'insuffisance surrenale experimentale par le- sions directes des capsules. Ibid., 332.—Rimbaud (L.) Insuffisance surrenale aigue au cours d'une maladie d'Addison. Montpel. m6d., 1908, xxvi, 584-589.—Bis pal (A.) Maladie d'Addison avec absence des capsules sur- renales. Cong, franc, de med., Par. & Nancv, 1896-7, iii, fasc. 2, 478-483.—Schneider (G.-E.) Neurasthenic et insuffisance surrenale chronique.. Rev. de med., Par., 1907, xxvii, 970-976.—Serjsent (E.) L'insuffisance sur- renale aigue et les maladies infectieuses. Presse med., Par., 1902, ii, 939-941.-----. Forme pseudo-meningi- tique du syndrome d'insuffisance surrenale aigue. Ibid., 1903, ii, 813-816. -----. Le diagnostique du syndrome d'insuffisance surrenale pure et la ligne blanche surre- Suprarenal bodies {Insufficiency of). nale. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1904, 3.s., xxi, 380-384. -----. Syndrome d'insuffisance surrenale enraye par l'opotherapie; apparition et disparition paral- lels du phenomene de la ligne blanche. Ibid., 1907, 3. s., xxiv, 1338-1344. Also, transl.: Internat. Clin.,Phila., 1909, 19. s., iv, 88-98.-----. L'insuffisance surrenale. Rev. mens, de m6d. int. et de therap., Par., 1909, i, 801-818. -----. L'insuffisance surrenale aigue dans les maladies infectieuses. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1909, 3. s., xxvi, 930; 1105. -----. Diagnostic et traite- ment de l'insuffisance surrenale. Presse med., Par , 1909, xvii, 489-492.—Sergent (E.) & Bernard (L.) Sur un syndrome clinique non Addisonien a evolution aigue, lie a l'insuffisance capsulaire. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1899, n. s., ii, 27-59.-----------. La maladie d'Addison et le syndrome de l'insuffisance capsulaire. Cong, inter- nat. demed. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, depath. int., 515-518.— Soca (F.) La rougeur permanente de la peau dans l'in- suffisance surrenale. Tribune m6d., Par., 1907, n. s., xxxix, 37-40.—Sotti (G.) Della insufficenza capsulare acuta in rapporto a malattie acute o croniche delle ghiandole surrenali. Policlin., Roma, 1908, xv, sez.med., 1-13. Suprarenal bodies (Morphology and histology of). See, also, Suprarenal bodies (Embryology of); Suprarenal bodies (Pathological alterations of); Suprarenal bodies (Regeneration of); Supra- renal bodies (Transplantation of). Bonnamour (S.) * Etude histologique des phenomenes de secretion de la capsule surrenale chez les mammiferes. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Herrmann (O.) * Ueber Vorkommen und Veranderungen von Myelinsubstanzen in der Nebenniere. [Tubingen.] 8°. Rudolstadl, 1905. Also, in : Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat. ... Inst, zu Tubing., Leipz., 1906, v, 419-431. Husnot (P.) Eecherches sur 1'evolution his- tologique de la glande surrenale de l'homme. 8°. Paris, 1908. Koerber (E.) *Kann Nebennierengewebe durch biochemische Beaktionen nachgewiesen werden ? 8°. Greifswald, 1903. von Mende (R. W.) *Ein Beitrag zur Ana- tomie der menschlichen Nebenniere. 8°. Ko- nigsberg i. Pr., 1902. Poll (H.) Ueber Nebennieren bei Wirbello- sen: Die chrombraunen Zellen im Zentralner- vensystem der Ringelwurmer. 8°. Berlin, 1909. Cutting from: Sitzungsb. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wis- sensch., 1909, xxxvi. Aichel (O.) Ueber die Entwicklung der Nebennieren bei Selachiern und fiber eine neue Homologie der Neben- nieren in der Vv'irbeltierreihe. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. (1899), 1900, 31. Hft.,86.—Albarran (J.) & Cathelin (F.) Anatomie descriptive et topogra- phique des capsules surrenales. Rev. de gynec et de chir. abd., Par., 1901, v, 973-1002. Also rAbstr.] : Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1901, Par., 1902, v, 638-545.— Ash oil" (L.) Ueber das Vorkommen chromaffiner Kor- perchen in der Paradidymis und in dem Paroophoron Neugeborener und ihre Beziehungen zu den Marchand'- schen Nebennieren. Path.-anat. Arb. ... Joh. Orth. z. . . . Prof.-Jubil., Berl., 1903, 383-391. —Askanazy (M.) Kommeninden Zellkomplexen der Nebennieren- rinde drfisenartige Lumina vor? Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 1603-1605.—Babes (V.) Les rapports entre la graisse, le pigment et des formations cristallines dans les capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 83.—Babes (V.) & Jonesco (V.) Distribu- tion de la graisse dans les capsuies surr6nales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxv, 237-239.—Bernard (L.) & Bigart. Quelques details de la structure des glandes surrenales normalesdu cobaye,d6ceies par l'acide osmique. Bull, etmem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 837-839.-----------. Note sur la graisse dans les capsules surrenales normales de l'homme. Ibid., 929-931. ----- -----. Reactions histologiques des surrenales au surme- nagemusculaire. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1902,11. s., iv, 1400.-----------. La structure de la glande surre- nalenormalede l'homme. Presse med., Par., 1905,697-699. See, also,infra, Mulon.—Bonnamour (G.) <&I*olicard (A.) Sur la graisse dela capsule surrenaledelagrenouille. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1903,lv,471-473.—Bonna- niour(S.) Recherches histologiques sur la secretion des capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. del'Ass.d. anat., Nancy, 1902, iv, 54-57. -----. Modifications histologiques de la capsule surrenale dans certains etats physiologiques (hi- bernation, inanition) et pathologiques experimentaux SUPRARENAL. 64 SPPRAREXAL. Suprarenal bodies (Morphology a?id histology of). (diphterie, rage). Ibid., 1905, vii, 87-93.—Carlier (E. W. W.) Note on the structure of the suprarenal body in the rat. Proc. Scot. Micr. Soc, Lond. & Edinb., 1890-96, i 169. -----. Note on the structure of the supra-renal body. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1892-3, viii, 443-445.—Cavaz- zani (A.) Delle alterazioni istplogiche del simpatico e delle capsule surrenali nelle malattie infettive e nelle intossicazioni. Riv. veneta di sc med., Venezia, 1894, xxi, 35; 112,1 pi.—Ciaccio (C.) Comunicazione sopra l canaliculi di secrezione nelle capsule soprarenali. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1902-3, xxii, 493-497. -----. Sopra una nuova specie di cellule nelle capsule surrenali degli anuri. Ibid., 1903, xxiii, 95-105.-----. Ricerche sui processi di secre- zione cellulare nelle capsule surrenali dei vertebrati. Ibid., 401-424. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1905, xliii, 17-34.-----■. Sui processi secretorii della cortecciasurrenale. Anat.Anz.,Jena,1906,xxviii,400-405.— Colson (R.) Histogenese et structure de la capsule sur- renale adulte. Ann. Soc de med. de Gand, 1911, n. s., ii, 204-212. Also: Arch, de biol., Li6ge & Par., 1910-11, xxv, 535-681, 5 pi. Also: Beigique med., Gand, 1911, xvm, 315- 318.— Comolli (A.) Intorno al tessuto di sostegno del corpo surrenale. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1907, xviii, 158-161. -----. Struttura ed istogenesi del connettivo del corpo surrenale. Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol., Fi- renze, 1908, vii, 145-164, 4 pi—da Costa (A. C.) Notes cytologiques sur les cellules corticales des glandes surre- nales. Cong, internat. de m6d., Lisbonne, 1906, xv, sect. 1, anat,, 382-389. -----. Sur la signification des corps siderophiles de Guieysse chez les cellules cortieo-surre- nales. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1907-8, xxxi, 70; 87—da Costa (C.) Sobre alguns pormenores de estructura da capsula suprarenal dos mammiferos. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1904, 2. s., vi, 100; 108; 115; 160; 192; 200; 214.—Creighton (C.) A theory of the homology of the suprarenals, based on observations. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1878-9, xiii, 51- 82. Also, Reprint.— Cumia (H.) Sur l'aspect generale des capsules surrenales de Rana temporaria L. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxviii, 1089.—Diamare (V.) Sulla morfologia delle capsule surrenali. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1898-9, xv, 367-360. -----. Metaplasmaed im- magini di secrezione nelle capsule soprarenali. Arch. zool, Napoli, 1902-3, i, 121-178, 2 pi. -----. Ancora sulle immagini di secrezione e sulle inclusioni cellulari nelle capsule soprarenali. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1905, xxvi, 193- 199.—Elliott (T. R.) & Tuckett (I.) Cortex and me- dulla in the suprarenal glands. J. Physiol., Lond., 1996, xxxiv, 332-369, 1 pi.—Federici (F.) Su alcuni partico- lari caratteri del grasso contenuto nelle cellule delle cap- sule surrenali. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1903, lvii, 795-797. —Felicine (Lydia.) Beitrag zur Ana- tomie der Nebenniere. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1902, xxii, 152- 156.—Flint (J. M.) Reticulum of the adrenal. Ibid., 1899, xvi, 1-13. Also, Reprint. -----. The blood-vessels, angiogenesis, organogenesis, reticulum, and histology of the adrenal. Contrib. sc. med. . . . pupils W. H. Welch, Bait., 1900,153-228, 8 pi.—Fuhrmann (F.) Der feinere Bau der Nebenniere des Meerschweinchens. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1903-4, xxiv, 606-608.—Gantini (C.) Alcune par- ticolarita morfologiche e topografiche delle glandulae su- prarenales dell' uomo. Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol., Firenze, 1905, iv, 63-80, 1 pi—Gerard (G.) & Gerard (M.) Recherches sur la forme et la situation des cap- sules surrenales chez l'homme. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1911, lxxxvi, 213-242.—Giacomini (E.) Brevi osservazioni intorno alia minuta struttura del corpo in- terrenale e dei corpi soprarenali dei selaci. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1898, 4. s., x, 835-843. -----. Sulla esistenza della sostanza midollare nelle capsule sur- renali dei teleostei. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1902, xiii, 183-189. -----. Contributo alia conoscenza delle capsule surrenali dei ganoidi e particolarmente sull' esis- tenza della loro sostanza midollare. Ibid., 1904, xv, 19- 32. -----. Contributo alia conoscenza delle capsule sur- renali dei ciclostomi; sulle capsule dei missinoidi. Ren- dic. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1903-4, n. s., viii, 135-140.-----. II sistema interrenale e il sistema cro- maffine (sistema feocromo) in altre specie di murenoidi. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1909, 6. s., vi, 415-456, 4 pi.—Gruner (O. C.) Some observations on the morbid histology of the suprarenal glands. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1909-10, xiv, 240-250, 2 pi—Grynfeltt (E.) Structure des corps suprarenaux des plagiostomes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902, cxxxv, 373. ■——. Sur la capsule surrenale des amphibiens. Ibid., 1903, cxxxvii, 77-79. -----. Recherches anatomiques et histologiques sur les organes surrenaux des plagiostomes. Bull, scient. de la France et de la Belg.,Par., 1904, xxxviii, 1-136, 7 pi. -----. Notes histologiques sur la capsule surrenale des amphibiens. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1904, xl, 180-220, 1 pi. -----. De quelques reactions chimiques et histochimiques de la glande a pourpre du "Murex trunculus," compar6es acelles de la substance medullo- surrenale des vertebres. Montpel. med., 1909, xxix, 127- 132.—Holmgren (E.) Ueber die Saftkanalchen der Leberzellen und der Epithelzellen der Nebennieren. Weitere Mit- Suprarenal bodies (Morphology a histology of). Anat. Anz., Jena, 1902-3, xxii, 9-14. - teilungen fiber die Trophosponffienkanalchen der ne- bennieren vom Igel. Ibid., 476-481.—Ilusnot (1 .) Les graisses de la capsule surrenale de 1 homme. hes. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1897, xiii, 39-48. Also: Internat. Mo- natschr. f. Anat.u. Physiol., Leipz., 1898,xv, 282; 305, 3pl. -----. A discussion of some points in connection with the suprarenal glands; cortical and medullary. J. Anat. & Physiol.. Lond., 1903-4, xxxviii, 34-48. -----. Thechro- maphil tissues and adrenal medulla. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1910, s. B., lxxxii, 502-515, Xpl.—Watson (C.) A note on the adrenal gland in the rat. J. Physiol., Lond., 1906-7, xxxv, 230-232.—Wiesner (A.) USinna latka nadledvinkova. [Study of the ground substance of the suprarenals.] Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 1907, xlvi, 1265- 1274. Suprarenal bodies (Pathological altera- tions of). See, also, Addison's disease; Suprarenal bodies (Diseases of). Baucke (E.) *Ein Beitrag zur Pathologie der Nebennieren mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des Morbus Addisonii. 8°. Gottingen, 1899. Darre (H.) *De l'influence des alterations du rein sur les glandes surrenales. (Etude critique et anatomo-pathologique experimen- tale.) 8°. Paris, 1907. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1907. Goetze (J.) * Physiologie und Pathologie der Nebennieren. 8°. Berlin, 1897. Landau (E. G.) * Material! dlya mikrosko- picheskoi anatomii, fiziologii i potologii nadpo- VOL XVII, 2d SEMES----0 Suprarenal bodies (Pathological altera- tions of). chechnikov; eksperimentalnoye izsliedovaniye. [Data on the microscopic anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the suprarenal capsules; ex- perimental investigation.] 8°. Yuryev, 1907. Latreille (E.) * Contribution a l'etude dea modifications de la surrenale au cours des ma- ladies toxi-infectieuses chroniques. 8°. Paris, 1908. Molchanoff (V.) *Nadpochechniki i ikh izmieneniya pri difterii. [The suprarenals and their alterations in diphtheria.] 8°. Moskva, 1909. Aubertin (C.) & Ambard (L.) Lesions des cap- sules surrenales dans les nephrites avec hypertension. Tribune med., Par., 1904, 2. s., xxxvi, 119-121.—Babes (V.) Lesions inflammatoires et microbiennes des cap- sules surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., par., 1908, lxv, 235-237.—Babes (V.) & Jonesco (V.) Etudes sur la diminution de la graisse surrenale dans des etats pa- thologiques. Ibid., 267-269.—Baduel (A.) Reni e cap- sule surrenali; ricerche sperimentali intorno ai rapporti fisio-patologici fra i due organi. Riforma med., Napoli, 1909, xxv, 151-153.—Bardier & Bonne. Sur les modi- fications produites daus la structure des surrenales par la tetanisation musculaire. J. de l'anat. et phvsiol. [etc.], Par., 1903, xxxix, 296-312. Also: Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1904, x, 265; 297. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903,lv, 355-357.— Beaujard (E.) Les lesions sur- renales dans les nephrites. Semaine med.,Par.,1907,xxvii, 230.— Benign! (P. F.) Ricerche istologiche sulle altera- zioni delle ghiandole surrenali negli ammalati di mente. Gior. di psichiat. clin. e teen, manic, Ferrara, 1907, xxxv, 384-402, 1 pl.—Bernard (L.) El rol de las glandulas sunra-renales en los estados patoldgicos. Arch. Latino- Am. de pediat., Buenos Aires, 1907, iii, 379-382. — Ber- nard (L.) & Bigart. Sur les reactions histologiques g6nerales des surrenales a certaines influences pa thogenes experimentales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 1219-1221.-----------. Note sur l'aspect macro- scopique des capsules surrenales du cobaye \ Petat nor- mal pathologique. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 835-837.-----------. Sur deux types de lesions des capsules surrenales, produits par des intoxications minerales experimentales. Ibid., 861-874.-----------. Etude anatomo-pathologique des capsules surrenales dans quelques intoxications experimentales. J. de physiol. et de path. g6n., Par., 1902, iv, 1014-1029, 1 pl.-----------. Lesions des glandes surrenales au cours de 1'intoxication biliaire experimentale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 410.—Bianchini (S.) Ricerche anatomico- patologiche in due casi di morbo di Addison. Soc med.- chir. di Bologna. Resoc. (1900), 1901,97-99.—Boinet (E.) Recherches experimentales sur la pathogenie de la mala- die d'Addison. Rev. de med., Par., 1897, xvii, 136-143.— Borberg (N. P.) Nyere unders0gelser over binyrer- nes fysiologi og patologi. [Recent investigations of the physiology and pathology of the suprarenal gland.] Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kj0benh., 1908, lxx, 1189-1199.— Boss! (L. M.) The influence of the suprarenal glands on the bony skeleton in relation to osteomalacia and rickets. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 797.— Bradbury (J. B.) A case of Addison's disease without pigmentation; ne- cropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 913. — Brown-Se- quard (E.) Recherches experimentales sur la physio- logie et la pathologie des capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1856. xliii, 422; 542: 1857, xlix, 246: xiv, 1036.---Bruckner (J.) & Jianu (A.) Dis- parition de la graisse des capsules surrenales apres fistule pancr6atique chez le chien. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxv, 697.—Bruno (A.) & Mori (A.) Contributo alio fisio-patologia delle capsule surre- nali. Gior. ital. d. sc. med., Pisa, 1903, i, 11; no. 2, 37.— Carpenter (G.) Interstitial nephritis and cirrhosis of the suprarenal capsules in an infant five weeksold. Lan- cet, Lond., 1906, clxxi, 1208.—Cesari (E.) & Panisset (L.) Sur une alteration frequente des capsules surrenales du cheval. Bull. Soc. ccntr. de med. v6t., Par., 1906, lx, 193-195.-----------. Lesions ath6romateuses de l'aorte et glandes surrenales. Bull, et m6m. Soc.anat.de Par., 1906, lxxxi, 245.—Cheney (W. F.) A case of Addison's disease, with autopsy. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 689.— Chiffo- liau & Gasne. Alteration profonde d'une capsule sur- renalesanspigmentationdelu peati. Ann.dem6d.scient. et prat., Par., 1895, v, 162.—Cliirie (J.-L.) Les capsules surrenales dans l'6clampsie puerperale et la nephrite gravidique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 799-801. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1908, n. s., xl, 357 — Cnvostnek (F.) Pathologische Physiologie der Ne- bennieren. Ergebn. d, allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.], Wiesb., 1905, ix, 2. Abt., 243-289.—Conn. Bemerkungen zu der Schur-Wieselschen Lehre von der Hypertrophic SUPRARENAL. 66 SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal bodies (Pithological altera- tions of). des Nebe'nnierenmarks bei ehronischen Erkrankungen der Nieren und des Gefassapparates. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch., Jena, 1908, xii, 131-135.—Co- messatti (G.) Sul contenuto adrenalinico delle cap- sule surrenali dell' uomo in condizioni patologiche. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1910, xlix, 737-781, 2 pl. — Consoli (N.) Le capsuli surrenali nelle intossicazioni sperimen- tali. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1910, xiii, 1010- 1014.— Delainare (G.) Recherches sur la senescence de la glaude surrenale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1152-1154—Dufour (H.) Sclerose renale et capsules surrenales. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 138. —Duncan (E.) & Gait. Su- prarenal capsule from Addison's disease. Glasgow M. J., 1897, xlvii, 212.—Falk (F.) Ueber die Adrenalinver- iinderungen an den Gefiissen und deren experimentelle Beeinflussung. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wien, 1907, xxiv, 457-462. — Federici (F.) Le capsule surre- nali nell' infezioni sperimentali acute e croniche. Spe- rimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1903, lvii, 797-800. -----. Contributo alia conoscenza della struttura delle capsule surrenali e delle alterazioni consecutive alle in- fezioni sperimentali acute e croniche. Ibid., 1904, lviii, 419471.—Fleiner (W.) Ueber die Veranderungen des sympathischen und cerebrospinalen Nervensystems bei zwei Fallen von Addison'scher Krankheit. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1891-2, ii, 265-324, 1 pl. -----. Ueber den heutigen Stand der Lehre von der Addison'- schen Krankheit. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1892, n. F., No. 38 (Innere Med., No. 13, 365-384). — Fok (P.) Contribuzione anatomica e sperimentale alia patologia delle capsule surrenali. Arch, per le sc med., Torino, 1900, xxiv, 435-444. Also: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di To- rino,1900,4.s.,vi,609-614. Also,transl.:Verhandl.d.deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1900, Berl., 1901, 31-40. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1901, xxxv, 250-258. — For. dyce (A. D.) Preliminary considerations on the rela- tions of the suprarenal bodies to general morbid pro- cesses. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1905, xvii, 223-232.-----. The suprarenal glands in acute and chronic affections. Ibid., 1906, xviii, 414-426.—Gail lard (J.) L'hyperpla- sie surrenale dans ses rapports avec l'hypertension arte- rielle permanente, la nephrite chronique et l'atherome. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 569-571.— Gierke (E.) Ueber Knochenmarksgewebe in der Ne- benniere. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1905, vii, Suppl., 311-325,1 pl—Giovine (A.) Cenni di fisiopatologia surrenale; contributo critico e sperimen- tale. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napali, 1910, n. s., xxxii, 865; 913; 961.—Giuranna (G. D.) Contributo alia fisiopatologia delle capsule surrenali. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1902, viii, 601; 617.—Goldsclimidt (A.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Pathologie der menschlichen Neben- niere. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med.,,Leipz., 1909, xcviii, 186-216, 1 pl.— Goldzielier (M.) Ujabb adatok a mel- lekvese pathologiajahoz. [Recent observations on the pathology of the suprarenal capsules.] Orvosi hetil., Bu- dapest, 1910. liv, 442445. — Goldziener (M.) & Mol- nar (B.) Bunczolastani es kiserleti adatok a meliekve- sek kortanahoz. [Anatomical and experimental contribu- tions to the pathology of the suprarenal capsules.] Ibid., 1908,Iii,259-262. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Verhandl.d.Buda- pest, k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte 1908,Budapest,1909,14.— Hor- nowski(.I.) Qzmianach poSmiertnychwnadnerczach i wich ukladzie chromochlonnym. [Post-mortem altera- tions in the suprarenal capsules and in their chromaffine substance.] Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1909, iv, 491-493. Also, transl.: Arch.denied.exper.etd'anat.path.,Par., 1909,xxi, 702-720,1 pl.—Hornowski(J.)& Nowicki(W.) Nad- nercze i miazdzyca. [The suprarenal gland and athe- roma.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1908, xlvii, 15; 31. Also, transl.: Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1908, xix, 338-356.—Josue (O.) Capsules surrenales, hyper- tension arterielle, atherome. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 139-141. -----. Les capsules surrenales dans trois cas d'atherome arteriel.' Ibid., 172- 175. — Karakasclietf (K. I.) Beitrage zur pathologi- schen Anatomie der Nebennieren; Atrophie, vikari- ierende Hypertrophic Tuberkulose. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1904, xxxvi, 401-444, 1 pl. -----. Weitere Beitrage zur pathologisehen Ana- tomie der Nebennieren. Ibid., 1906, xxxix, 372-404. See, also, infra, Wiesel.— Kestner (P.) Hydrocepha- lus und Hvpoplasie der Nebennieren. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1907, xviii, 433-435.— Koerber ( E. ) Ueber die Croftansche Methode zur Erkennung von Nebennierengewebe auf biochemischem Wege. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1908, cxcii,356-360.—Itolisch (R.) & Pichler(K.) EinFall von Morbus Addisonii mit Stuffw echseluntersuchung. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1*93, xiv, 249-253.—Lai- gnel-Lavastine. Inclusion surrenale d'un ganglion solaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1907, lxxxii, 404407.—Landau (E.) Altersveranderungen des Ve- nensvsteras der Nebennieren. St. Petersb. med. Wchn- schr.', 1908, xxxiii, 249-251.—Landau (H.) Zmiany ana- Suprarenal bodies (Pathological altera- tions of). tomiczne w nadnerczach w arteriosclerosis. [Anatom- ical alterations in the suprarenal glands in . . .] Pam. Towarz. Lek., Warszaw., 1907, ciii, 269-307.—Langer- lians. Ueber Nebennierenveriinderungen beim Mor- bus Addisonii. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch., Jena, 1904, xv, Ergnzngshft., 254-257. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlftc, 26.—Langlois & Cliarrin. Lesions des capsules surrenales dans l'infection; le foie chez le cobaye pvocyanique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 812.—Lannay. Maladie d'Addison; une observation suivie d'autopsie. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1906, ix, 654-660.—Leri (A.) Les capsules surrenales dans l'anenc6phalie. Cong. d. med. alienistes et neurol. de France . . . Compt. rend., Par., 1908, xviii, 120-124. Also [Abstr.]: Rev.neurol., Par., 1908, xvi, 859.—Letulie (M.) Autopsie des glandes surrenales. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 341.—Levin (I.) On the influence on normal animals of blood from animals de- prived of their adrenals. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1899- 1900), 1901, 241.—Le Wald (L. T.) A case of Addison's disease. Ibid., 237.— Lceper (M.) & Cronzon (O.) Autopsie d'un cas de maladie d'Addison traite par l'adre- naline. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1903, lxxviii, 918-921.—Lucibelli (G.) Contributo alia fisiopatologia delle capsule surrenali. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1901, xxii, 1221-1226.— Maragliano (D.) L' influenza dell' ane- mia adrenalinica sul decorso delle infezioni locali. Ibid., 1906, xxvii, 25-27.—Marclietti (G.) Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der pathologisehen Anatomie der Nebennieren. Vir- chow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1904, xvii, 227- 248,1 pl. Also, transl. [Abstr. 1: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1903, 4. s., ix, 519.— ITIarinesco (G.) & Par- boil (C.) L'influence de l'ablation de l'appareil thyro- parathyro'idien sur la graisse surrenale. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 768.— Hartinotti (C.) Contributo alio studio delle capsule surrenali. Ann. di freniat. [etc.], Torino, 1891-2, iii, 126-128. -----. Contri- buto alio studio delle capsule surrenali. Ibid., 1893, iv, 137-294, 2 pl. -----. Sulle alterazioni delle capsule surre- nali consecutive all' occlusione delle rispettive vene cen- trali. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1907,4. s., xiii, 465469. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1908, xlix, 236-240.—JHassone (M.) II sistema cromaffine addominale in casi di "encephaloschisis." Path. Riv. quindicin., Genova, 1908-9, i, 572-575.—Miller (H. W.) Clinical and pathological report of a case of Addison's disease with terminal mental symptoms. Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1906-7, lxiii, 309-317.—JJloiiteverdi (I.) Un caso di morbus Addison a rapido decorso riconosciuto all' au- topsia. Gazz. med. cremonese, Cremona, 1897, xvii, 179- 187.— Moscliini (A.) Sulle alterazioni delle capsule surrenali nella morte da scottatura. Boll. d. Soc. med.- chir. di Pavia, 1904,194-216. Also: Gazz. med. lomb., Mi- lano, 1905, lxiv, 1-5.—RIott (F. W.) & Halliburton (W. D.) The suprarenal capsules in cases of nervous and other diseases. Proc. Physiol. Soc. Lond., 1906, p. iii.— Naaine. L'origine surrenale de la tachycardie de la fie- vre de Malte et le traitement de cette pyrexie par la cryo- g6nine. Rev. de med. et d'hyg. trop., Par., 1910, vii, 213. — Nakaliara ( T. ) Ueber Veranderungen des Nebennierenmarks nach Nephro- und Nephrektomien. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1909, exevi, 68-73.—Oppenlieim (R.) & Lceper (M.) Lesions des capsules surrenales dans quelques infections experimen- tales aigues. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1901,xiii,332; 683. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par.,1901, U.S., iii, 318-320.----------. Lesions des glan- des surrenales dans quelques intoxications experimen- tales. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol.,Par. ,1902,11. s. ,iv .153-166.— Padoa (G.) Le capsule surrenali in alcune infezioni e intossicazioni batteriche sperimentali. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1906, vii, 437-443.—Parisot (J.) Lesions des capsules surrenales dans trois cus de maladie d'Addi- son. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1908, xl, 341.—Pearcc (R. M.) The relation of lesions of the adrenal gland to chronic nephritis and to arteriosclerosis; an anatomical study. Stud. Bender Hyg. Lab., Albany, 1908, v, 65-74. Also: J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1908, x, 735-744. Also, Reprint. Also: Albany M. Ann., 1909, xxx, 65-74.—Pende (N.) Le alterazioni delle capsule surrenali in seguito aliarese- zione del plesso celiaco e dello splancnico; contributo alia fisiolopatologia delle capsule surrenali. Policlin., Roma, 1902-3, ix, sez. prat., 1793-1796. Also: Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1903, lvii, 733-735. Also: Arch. lat. de med. y de biol., Madrid, 1903, i, 78-82.—Peyron & Pezet. Lesion degenerative localisee au cortex sur- renal chez une alienee. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1910, lxix, 208.—Pilliet (A.-H.) Etude experimentale sur les lesions des capsules surrenales dans quelques em- poisonnements. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1895,5.s., vii,555-570.— Ponyatovski (A. A.) K patolo- gicheskolanatomii nadpochechnikh zhel voz. [Pathology ofthesuprarenalglands.] Med. pribav. kmorsk. sborniku, St.Petersb.. 1907,pt.2.94-103.—Rendu. Notesurdeuxcas demaladie d'Addison avec autopsie. Bull, et mem Soc SUPRARENAL. 67 SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal bodies {Pathological altera- tions of). med. d. hbp. de Par., 1S99,3. s., xvi,255-264.—Ritchie (J.) & Bruce (A. N.) The suprarenal glands in diphtheritic toxaemia. Quart. J. Exper. Physiol., Lond., 1911, iv, 127- 132.—Rosenberiier i R. C.) Adrenals containing cells resemblingthoseoitheliver. Proc Path. Soc, Phila., 1902- 3, n. s.. vi, 202-205.—Kosenstein (E.) Beitrage zur Pa- thologic der Nebennieren. Arb. a. d. path.-anat. Abt. d. k. hyg. ilist, zu Posen... R. Virchow zur Feier, Wiesb.,1901, 116-129.—Saenger. [Nebennierenund eine Niere einer an Morbus Addisonii verstorbenen Frau.] Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 2556.—Sajous (C. E. de M.) The adrenals in sudden death. Month. Cycl. & M. Bull., Phila, 1909, ii, 596; 662.—Sclieel (O.) Ueber Nebennie- ren; Sekretkornchen.Oedem, Gewicht. Virchow's Arch. f. path. anat. [etc], Berl., 190S, cxcii, 494-513, 1 pl — Schmorl & Ingier. Leber den Adrenalingehalt der Nebennieren bei verschiedenen Erkrankungen. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1046.—Sertoli (G.) Sulla presenza del virus rabido nelle capsule surrenali di alcuni animali. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1901, ii, 762-764.—Sezary {A.) Les glandes surrenales des tu- berculeux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxv, 603-605.-----. Les caracteresmacroscopiques des glandes surrenales dans leurs etats phvsio-pathologiques. Rev. de med.. Par., 1909, xxix, 448-158.—Sibley (K.) A case of Addison's disease; necropsv. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 1426.—Srdfnko (O.) O drahaeh obehu krevniho v nadledvinS Cloveka a jieh vztahu k nekter^m patholo- gickym affekcim teto zlazy. [The courses of the blood circulation in the suprarenals of man, and their rela- tion to some pathological affections of this gland.] Ca- sop. lek. 6esk., v Praze, 1905, xliv, 1432-1435.—Steven (L.) & Hannay (Mary B.) Case of Addison's disease with dissection of the suprarenal capsules and related nervous structures. Tr. med.-chir. Soc. Glasg., 1895-7, i, 209.—Stoeltzner(W.) Nebennieren und Rachitis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 655; 696; 741; 780; 820.—Stoerk (O.) Kommen in den Zellkomplexen der Nebennierenrinde drusenartige Lumina vor? Erwiderung auf Askanazv's Aufsatz. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 1667.—Supino (R.) Sulla fisio-patologia delle capsule surrenali. Ri- forma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 3, 685-691.—Thomas (E.) Ueber Veranderungen der Nebennieren, insbeson- dere bei Schrumpfniere. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1910, xlix, 228-247.—Thompson (W. G.) A study of Addison's disease and of the adrenals. Tr. Ass. Am. Phvsicians, Phila., 1893, viii, 35-59. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cvi, 377-396. Also, Reprint.—Tiz- zoni (G.) Sulla fisio-patologia delle capsule soprarenali. Attid. r. Accad. d. Lincei, Roma, 1883-4, 3. s, viii, 294-298.— Torrini (U. L.) Ricerche sperimentali sulle modifi- cazioni istologiche delle ghiandole surrenali in seguito ad alcuni interventi operatorii sul rene. Sperimentale. Arch. d. biol., Firenze, 1909, lxiii, 79-98.—von Unge (H.) Ett fall af morbus Addisonii, med sektion. [A case of . . .] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1900, lxii, pt. 2, 659-661.— Vassale ( G. ) Fisiopatologia dell' apparecchio delle capsule surrenali. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1904- 5, xix, p. xiv. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1905, xliii, 256-260.—Venulet (F. F.) & Dmitrovski (G. A.) O sostoyanii khromaffinovol substantsii nadpo- chechnikov pri "golodanii i pod vliyaniyem iodistavo kaliya. [Condition of the chromaffin substance of the suprarenal capsules in starvation and under the in- fluence of potassium iodide.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1911, lxxv, 33-37.—Yucetic (N.) Beitrag zur Casuistik des Morbus Addisoni. Allg. Wien. med. 7am., 1893, xxxviii, 113; 125; 138.—Waterman (N.) & Smit (H. J.) Ne- benniere und Svmpathicus. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1908, cxxiv, 198-214—Weigert (C.) Hemicepha- lie und Aplasie der Nebennieren. 18*5. ;« i/.-: i.iesamm. Abhand., 8°, Berl., 1906, i, 537-510.—Wiesel (J.) Zur pathologisehen Anatomie der Addisonisehen Krankheit. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz., 1903, xxiv, 2~.7-281. Also [Abstr.]: Med.BL,Wien, 1903,xxvi,506.-----. Bemerkun- gen zu der Arbeit von K. S. Karakascheff: Beitriige zur pathologisehen Anatomie der Nebennieren (Atrophie, vikariierende Hvpertrophie, TuberkuloseL Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1904-5, xxxvii, 168-170.—Wy- bau \v (R.) Contribution a l'6tude des capsules surrena- les dans les maladies infectieuses experimentales. Ann. Soc. roy. d. sc. med. etnat. deBrux., 1897, vi, 115-169,1 pl. Suprarenal bodies (Physiology of). See Secretions (Internal, Correlation of); Su- prarenal bodies (Antitoxic and phagocytic action of): Suprarenal bodies (Excision of, Effeds of); Suprarenal bodies (Functions of); Supra- renal bodies (Glycogenic function of); Supra- renal bodies (Secretions, etc., of); Suprarenal bodies (Transplantation of); Suprarenal ex-' tract (Chemistry, etc., of); Suprarenal extract (Pathological effects of); Suprarenal extract (Physiological effects of). Suprarenal bodies (Pigments of). Diesing. Die Farbstoffe und die Nebennieren. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1908, xxii, 803.—Gessard (C.) Sur le pigment des capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, exxxviii, 586-588.—Konigstein ( H.) Ueber die Beziehungen gesteigerter Pigment- bildung zu den Nebennieren. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 611-618.—Lepinois (E.) Etude sur le chro- mogene des capsules surrenales et sur 1'origine de la colo- ration rouge que ces glandes prennent au contact de l'air. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1899, 11. s., i, 315-317.— Jlcirowsky (E.) Ueber experimentelle Farbstoffbil- dung in der Nebenniere. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1910, xxi, 721-723, 1 pl.—Moore (B.) & Purinton (C.) On the chromogen of the suprarenal medulla, and on its relationship to the active sub- stance. Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost., 1900, p. xvi.— ITIoschini (A.) Sulla questione del pigmento delle capsule soprarenali. Atti d. Soc. ital. di patol., Pavia, 1906, iv, 289-292.—Itlulon (P.) Sur le pigment des cap- sules surrenales (cobaye). Bibliog. anat., Par. & Nancy, 1905, xiv, 177-182. -----. Cristaux de pigment dans les surrenales. Ibid., 1907, xvi, 239-244. -----. Importance fonctionnelle du pigment dans la surrenale. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 905. -----. Luteine et pigment surrenal du cobaye. Ibid., 1909, lxvi, 535.— Pilliet (A.-H.) Pigmentation et hemorragies experi- mentales des capsules surrenales. Ibid., 1894, 9. s., vi, 97- 99.—Roger (H.) Pigments, chromogenes et substances hypotensives des capsules surrenales. Arch, de m6d. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1910, xxii, 731-753. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxix, 185- 187. Suprarenal bodies (Regeneration of). Labzin (M. M.) *K voprosu o regeneratsii nadpochechnikh zhelyoz; eksperimentalnoye iz- sliedovaniye. [Regeneration of the suprarenal glands; experimental investigation.] 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1904. Also, in: Arch. biol. nauk . . ., S.-Peterb., 1904, xi, 249- 292, 1 pl. Carraro (A.) & Kuznitzky (E.) Leber die Re- generation der Nebenniere. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xlvi, 1884-1886.—Ramoino(G. B.) Sulla rigenerazione delle capsule surrenali. Riforma med., Roma, 1901, xvii, pt. 1, 315; 327. Suprarenal bodies (Secretions and chemical constituents of). See, also, Secretions (Internal, Correlation of); Suprarenal bodies (Functions of); Supra- renal bodies (Glycogenic function of); Supra- renal extract (Chemistry, etc., of); Suprarenal extract (Physiological effect of). Beier (C.) Untersuchungen iiber das Vor- kommen von Gallensiiuren und Hippurniiure in den Nebennieren. 8°. Dorpat, 1891. Metzger ( L.) * Zur Kenntniss der wirk- samen Substanzen der Nebennieren. [Wurtz- burg.] 8°. Giessen, 1897. Okerblom (I.[I.]) *K voprosu o ksantino- vikh tlelakh nadpochechnoi zhelyozi i o nakho- dyashtshemsya v net, povishayushtshem dav- leniye krovi, veshtshestvie. [Xanthin bodies of the suprarenal capsule, and the substance found in it which increases blood pressure.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1900. Reil ( H. ) * Beitrag zur physiologischen Chemie der Nebennieren. [Bern.] 8°. Ober- ursela. T., 1904. Abel (J.J.) On the blood-pressure-raising constituent of the supra-renal capsule. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1897, viii, 151-157. -----. The function of the su- prarenal glands, and the chemical nature of their so-called active principle. Contrib. Med. Research (Vaughan), Ann Arbor, Mich., 1903, 138-165. —Abelous (J.-E.), Soulie (A.)& Ton jan (G.) Sur la formation de l'adre- naline par les glandes surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 533.---------------—. Influence des extraits et des produits de l'autolyse des organes et tissus sur la formation de l'adrenaline par les glandes surrenales. Ibid., lix,589-59L—Aiforecht(H.) & Welt- mann (O.) Ueber das Lipoid der Nebennierenrinde. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv, 4*3.—A Iczais ib- maiilE.) Lympho-sarcomaof both adrenals. Mt. Sinai Hosp. Rep. 1898, N. Y., 1899, i, 315—JWann (H. C.) Pri- mary sarcoma of the suprarenal. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child., 160.—JTleakins (J. C.) A malignant adenoma of the adrenal with trans- formation into sarcomatous tissue. Med. & Surg. Rep. Presbyterian Hosp., N. Y., 1908, viii, 271-277,2pl.—Mene- trier (P.) Note sur les rapports des adenomes des cap- sules surrenales avec la nephrite interstitielle atrophique. Bull, etmem. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 181- 185.—ITlilman (M. S.) Opukholinadpochechnikov vos- vleshtshenii teorii blastotsitov. [Suprarenal tumors i Uus- trating the blastocyte theory.] Kharkov. M. J., 1909, vii- 112-124,1 pl.—Minelli (S.) Sopra un caso di angiosarco, ma primiti vo di una capsula surrenale conmetastasi. Gazz. med.ital.,Torino, 1904,lv,371; 381.—Morris (H.) Primary tumours of the suprarenal gland and their removal by op- eration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 1336-1341.—Oppen- heiiu. Adenomes des capsules surrenales. Bull, et m6m. Soc anat. de Par., 1900, lxxv, 997-1011, 4 pl.—Orr (J.) Sarcoma of suprarenal capsules in a child set. seven weeks. Edinb. M. J., 1900, n. s., viii, 221-228, 1 pl—Pil- liet (A.-H.) Recherches sur l'adehome des capsules surrenales. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 673-580.— Piatt (A.-H.) A case of sarcoma of the supra-renal body, with secondary involvement of the vault of the skull and orbits. Ophthalmoscope, Lond., 1911, ix, 107.— Pozharlski (I. F.) Zlokachestvennaya hipernefroma nadpochechnika s mnozhestvennimi metastazami. [Ma- lignant hypernephroma of the suprarenal gland with multiple metastases.] Pat. anat. kazuist. . . . Kharkov. Univ. 1902-3, Mosk., 1904, 83. -----. O hipernefromakh. Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Trudl ix . . . syezda, S.-Peterb., 1904, i, 199-206.—Kamsey (O.) A study of sixty-seven cases of primary malignant tumors of the suprarenal gland. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1899, x, 20-29,1 pl.—Bobert (Y.) & de Teyssieu. Sarcome angioplastique primitif de la capsule surrenale. J. de med. de Bordeaux. 1911, xii, 328; 456.—Bolleston (H. D.) Fibro-adenomatous tumour of the supra-renal. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1894-5, xlvi, 150.—Sabrazes (J.) & Husnot (P.) Hypertrophie avec adenomes enkystes multiples des surrenales chez les vieillards et les seniles. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 445.—Satterlee (G. R.) A case of hypernephroma of the adrenal gland; a case of angiosarcoma of the foot; a case of pernicious malaria, with autopy. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1907-8, n. s., vii, 171-177.—Sequeira (J. H.) A case of sarcoma of the left suprarenal body in a girl of eleven, who pre- sented the phenomena of precocious puberty. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1901-2, ii, 226-233.—Sharfy (S. K.) K voprosu o sarkomatoznom zabolievanii nadpo- chechnikh zhelyoz v klinicheskom otnoshenii. [Sarcoma of the suprarenal capsules clinically considered.] Me- ditsina, St. Petersb., 1893, v, 82; 98. Also: Uchen. zapiski imp. Yuryev. univ., 1893,i,no.2,pt. 2,111-114.—Sicuria- ni (F.) Tumore mixosarcomatoso della capsula surre- nale destra. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1905, xxi, 1205-1209.—Stober (A. M.) Hypernephroma of the left adrenal with metastases in the mediastinal lymph glands causing obstruction of the superior vena cava. [Abstr.] Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1907-8, vii, 34-38.—Thornton (J. K.) Abdominal nephrectomy for large sarcoma of the left suprarenal capsule; recovery. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1889-90,xxiii, 150-153. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet.Lond., 1890, i, 650— Warthin (A. S.) Adenoma of both adre- nals in the new-born, associated with retrogressive changes in the adrenals of Marchand. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1901, xviii, 812-325. Also, Reprint.—Weinberg. Adenome double des capsules surrenales chez un ma- lade ayant succombe a repithelioma pavimenteux du larynx. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 628.—White (C. Y.) & Nisbet (V.) Hypernephroma of the right su- prarenalgland with metastasis, and hypertrophy of the ex- ternal genitaliainachildof two vears. Tr. Phila. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1904-5, i, 7-9.—Wool Icy (P. G.) A primary carcinomatoid tumor (mesothelioma) of the adrenals, with sarcomatous metastases. Tr. Ass. Am. Phvsicians, Phila., 1902, xvii, 527-643, 6 pl — Zaiilrognini (A.) Adenoma di tessuto cromaffine della capsula surrenale. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze. p.103, lvii, 812.— Zhukovski (V. P.) Vrozhdennaya sarkoma nadpo- chechnol zhelyozi; sluchal uvosmi-dnevnyavorebvonka. [Congenital sarcoma of the suprarenal gland; case", in an infant 8 days old.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 190*. xv, 1337-1339. Also, transl.: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl. 1909, lxix, 213-218. SUPRARENAL. 73 SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal bodies { Womids of). Bazzaboni (G.) Di alcune particolarita nella ri- parazione delle ferite delle capsule surrenali. Path. riv. quindicin., Genova, 1909-10, ii, 319-325—Slinelli (F.) Ricerche istologiche sperimentali sul processo di guari- gione delle ferite delle ghiandule soprarenali. Gazz. in- ternaz. di med., Napoli, 1910, xiii, 464-468.—Thompson (J. F.) Rupture of adrenals; unilateral hydronephrosis; peritonitis. Wash. M. Ann., 1902, i. 251. Suprarenal bodies in ch ildren. Blyumenau (F. B.) *0 nadpochechnikh zhelyozakh u dletei. [Suprarenal glands in children.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1900. Reikhtman (H. A.) * Izmieneniya v nad- pochechnikh zhelyozakh dletei pri ostro-zaraz- nikh bolieznyakh, preimushtshestvenno pri difterii. [Changes in the suprarenal capsules in children in acute infectious diseases, princi- pally in diphtheria.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1902. Samelson (S.) Ueber die Nebennierenfiinktion im Sfiuglingsalter. Ztschr. f. Kinderh.. Berl., 1911, Orig., iii, 65-72.—Starkldwna i Stella'i «fc Wo^rzynowskiL) O nadnerezach, u dzieei na podstawie wtasnych badah. [The suprarenals in children, based on personal observa- tions.] Medycyna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1910, xiv, 667; 692; 709; 736; 751.—Thomas (E.) Ueber die Nebenniere des Kindes und ihre Veranderungen bei Infektionskrank- heiten. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1911, 1, 283-316, 2 pl. -----. Ueber den Umbau der Nebenniere im Sauglingsalter. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 1180. Suprarenal bodies in the female. Boss! (M. L.) Die Nebennieren und die Osteoma- lacic Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1907, lxxxiii, 505-544,1 pl. -----. L' influenza delle capsule surrenali sull' ossifica- zione dello scheletro, a proposito di osteomalacia e rachi- tismo. Ginecol. mod., Genova, 1908, i, 23-28, 12 pl.— Ciulla (M.) Gli organi a secrezione interna nella gravidanza e nel puerperio; le capsule surrenali. Ibid., 1910, iii, 84; 201; 436; 470; 506.—Costa (R.) Di alcune attivita della capsula surrenale in relazione colla gravi- danza. Rac di scritti ostet.-ginec. . . . d. Luigi Mangia- galli, Pavia, 1906, 145-158.—Guieysse (A.) La capsule surrenale chez la femelledu cobaye en gestation. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1899, 11. s., i, 898-900.—Mulon (P.) Paralieie entre le corps jaune et la cortico-surr6nale chez le cobaye. Ibid., 1906, lxi, 292.—Sambalino (L.) Le capsule surrenali in gravidanza e puerperio. Ann. di ostel., Milano, 1910, i, 399-433, 3 pl.—von Winckel (F.) Die Bedeutungder Nebennieren in gynaekologischer Beziehung. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect, de gynec.,95-98. -----. L'importance gynecologique des capsules surrenales. Ibid., 285-288. Suprarenal extract {including adre- neilin; epinephrine paraganglia; reno- form; suprarenin]. See, also, Extracts (Animal); Hay-asthma (Prevention, etc., of); Leprosy (Treatment of); Paraganglin; Plague (Treatment of) with su- prarenal extract; Bickets (Treatment of) with animal extracts; Serpents (Poisonous, Bites of, Treatmentof); Teeth (Diseases of, Treatment of). Cartellier (C.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'adrenaline. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Supbarenalin (crystalline powder and solu- tion) and the suprarenal preparations. 8°. Chicago, [n. d.J. Abderhalden (E.) &. Bergell (P.) Ueber das Eninephrin (Epirenan). Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904,li, 1003.—Abelous (\T.-T.), Soulie (A.)&Toujan (G.) Sur l'origine de l'adrenaline. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1905, lviii, 574-576.—Aid rich (T. B.) Is adrenalin the active principle of the suprarenal gland? Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1902-3, vii, 359-368.—Avtokra- toff(D.M.) Sovremenniyavozzrteniyanaadrenaliniyevo otnosheniye k zhivotnomu organizmu. [Contemporary views on adrenalin and its relationship to the animal orga- nism.] Uchen. zapiski Kazan.Vet. Inst., 1904, xxi,27-39.— BardierfF.) L'adrenaline. Arch.med.deToulou.se,1903, ix,16-20.—Battelli (F.) Quantite d'adrenaline existant dans les capsules surrenales de l'homme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, liv, 1205-1207. -----. Influence du travail suivi de repos sur la quantite d'adrenaline existant dans les capsules surrenales. Ibid., 1520-1522.— Bellucci(0.)&Bicci (C.) Per lo studio dell' adrena- lina. Gazz. med. d.Marehe, PortoCivitanova, 1903, xi.no. 7, l-l.—Brailhwaite (.1. O.) The nomenclature of the Suprarenal extract {^including adre- nalin; epinephrin; paraganglin; reno- form; suprarenin]. suprarenal principle. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i,264.—Cavaz- zani (E.) Adrenaline et veratrum. Arch.ital.de biol., Turin, 1910-11, liv, 281. See, also, infra, Patta.—Cevidalli (A.)&L.eonciiii(F.) Ricerche sul comportamentopost- mortale del principio attivo delle capsule surrenali. Bio- chim. e terap. sper., Milano, 1909, i, 175-178. Also, transl.: Protoc. med.-forense, Teruel, 1909, xi, 97-101. Also, transl.: Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1909, xv, 36.5-367.—Cheva- lier. L'adrenaline. Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1903, cxlv, X56-865,4diagr.—Compaired. [Adrenalina.] An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1902, xxii, 71-75.—Cosma. Cite-va cuvinte despre adrenalina. Spitalul, BucurescI, 1904, xxiv. 115-118.—De Vos (J.) & Teirlinck (A.) L'extrait de capsules surrenales. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1902, lxxxi, 209-217.—Dryer (G. P.) Is the active substance in suprarenal extracts found normally in the blood of the suprarenal vein? Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ Balt.,1896-7,xvi,49.—Fried maim! E.) ZurKenntnisdes Adrenalins (Suprarenins); vorliiufige Mitteilung. Beitr. z.chem.Phys.u.Path.,Brnschwg.,1904,vi,92.—von Fiirth (O.) Zur Kenntnis des Suprarenins. Ibid., 1901, i, 243- 251. -----. Zur Kenntnis des Suprarenins (Adrenalins). Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl. Wien. 1903,cxii, 19-50.—Gottschalk (A.) L'adrenaline. Presse med., Par., 1903, i, 416.—Guerin (A.) L'adrena- line. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxxvi, 169; 188.— Hamm. Suprarenin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 1932.—Heclit. Suprarenin. Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. in Miinchen (1903), 1904, xiii, 71-77. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 202- 204.—Ingier (Alexandra) & Schmorl (G.) Ueber den Adrenalingehalt der Nebennieren. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1911, civ, 125-167.—Jona (J. L.) Adrenalin. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1911, n. s., i, 58.— Jones (P. M.) The active principle of the adrenal gland; what name shall be given to it? Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1904, ii, 178.—Kirchner (H.) Ueber Adrenalin, das wirksame Princip der Nebennieren in haltbarer Form. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1902, vi, 177-180. Also, transl.: Clin, opht., Par., 1902, viii, 225-228.—Krei- bich (C.) Leukozytendarstellung im Gewebe durch Adrenalin. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 701.— Lagache (H.) L'adrenaline. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1902, vi, 328-332.—Lemaire (P.) L'adrenaline. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1902, xxiii, 245.— Letievant. L'adrenaline. Province med., Lyon, 1902, xvi, 361.— IUaben (T.) The nomenclature of the supra- renal principle. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 332.— JUamlock (G. L.) Zusammenfassende Uebersicht iiber das Adre- nalin. Ztschr. f. diatet. u. phys. Therap., Leipz., 1902-3 vi, 620: 1903-4, vii, 625-632.—ITligJiacci (G.) Sull' es- tratto di capsule surrenali. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1903 xxiv, 1419-1422.—Miranda (J. B.) Estudio sobre la adrenalina. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1905, xxxiii, 377-385.—Morel (L.-E.) L'adrenaline. Progres med., Par., 1903, 3. s., xviii, 65; 81.—PVoe (J.) Adrena- line. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1904, i, 1623-1640 — O'Connor (J. M.) Ueber Adrenalinbestimmung im Blute. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911,lviii, 1439-1442 — Ott (I.) & Harris (S. B.) Adrenalin. J. Med.-Chir. Coll., Phila., 1903, iv, no. 1,15.—Patta (A.) A proposito di una nota del E. Cavazzani su adrenalina e veratro Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1910, xlix, 151.—Pellegrino (M.) Sugli estratti corticali e midollari delle capsule surrenali. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1903, Padova 1904, xiii, 102.—Popovie (P.) Adrenalin. Srpsk. arh. za celok. lek., Beograd, 1902, viii, 497-503.—Schnaudi- gel (O.) Le chlorhydrate d'adrenaline. Clin, opht Par., 1903, ix, 277. —Sehubiger-Hartmann (F.) Adrenalin. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1902, xxxii 660-663.—Singer (H.) Die Nebennieren und ihr wirk- samesPrincip. Therap. Monatsh Berl., 1902, xvi, 21; 84 — Suprarenal capsules. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull. N Y 1898, xii, 1153. — Takamine (D. J.) Adrenalin; the active principle of the suprarenal gland. Scot. M. & S J., Edinb., 1902, x, 131-138. — Tanaka. Adrenaline j Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1905, 1317-1325. — Waterman (N.) Zur Frage der Adrenalinimmunitat. Ztschr. f. physiol Chem., Strassb., 1911, lxxiv, 273-281. — Winkler (F.j Die Nebennierenpriiparate als diagnostisches Hilfsmittel in der Dermatologie. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb 1908, xlvi, 126-133. — AVroblewski (V.) Ueber das Wachsthum einiger pathogener Spaltpilze auf den Ne- bennierenextraktniihrboden. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1896, xx, 528-535. Suprarenal extract (Accidents from use of). See, also, Suprarenal extract (Pathological ef- fects of); Suprarenal extract (Toxicity of). Bagby (G. F.) Adrenalin; its advantages and its disadvantages. Homoeop. Eye, Ear & Throat J., N. Y 1903, ix, 172-175.—Bennett (F. C.) Dangers in the use SUPRARENAL. 74 SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal extract (Accidents from use of). of adrenal preparations. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 165 > — Itloch (C.) An untoward occurrence in the use of ,-uprarenal gland. Med. Rec, N Y., 1901, lx, 23.—Bobone (T.) Un des inconv6nients de l'adrena- line. Arch, de m6d. et chir. spec, Par., 1903, iv, 430- 433.—Boinet (E.) Troubles nerveux et tremblement observes, chez un addisonnien, a. la suite de trop fre- quentes injections de capsules surrenales de veau. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1899, 11. s., i, 891-893.— Bouchart (A.) Opacite de la cornee et mydriase persistante, attribuables a l'usage de l'adrenaline. [Note de Antonelli.] Rec. d'opht., Par., 1904, 3. s., xxvi, 155-158. -----. Accidents attribuables a l'adrenaline. Ibid., 1905, 3. s., xxvii, 30-36.—Bourillet. Un accident du a l'adrenaline. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1903- 4, ix, 77.—Burnett iC. H.) Results of a mistake in putting up a prescription for adrenalin chloride to be used as a nasal spray. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1902, 11. s., iv, 25-2S.—Christensen (H. B.) Et tilfselde af d0d ef- ter novokain-suprareninbedpvelse. [Death after stupor caused bv novocain-suprnrenin.] Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kj0- benh., 1910, lxxii, 321-323. — De Beck (D.) Accident with adrenalin. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1905, xiv, 511.— Dubois Mort subite aprfes une injection hypodermique d'extrait glycerine de capsules surrenales. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc".], Par., 1904, cxlvii, 690-694. — Duncanson (J. G.) The danger of suprarenal treatment in haemop- tysis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 603.—von Fiirth (O.) Mahnung zur Vorsicht beim Gebrauche von Nebennieren- priiparaten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. n. Berl., 1902, xxviii, 783. — Hopkins (F. E.) Secondary hae- morrhage following use of suprarenal extract. N.York M. J., 1900, lxxii, 315-318. Als,,: Tr. Am. Laringol. Ass. 1900, N. Y., 1901, 119-131.—KoII (K.) Intravenose Adre- nalin-Dauerinfektion. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 2044-2046.—Lcmere (H. B.) Dan- gers of the use of adrenalin in eye diseases. Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 523. — Livon (C.) Danger du principe actif des capsules surrenales dialvse. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, liv, 1501. — Merkens (W.) 1st die Infusion von Adrenalin-Kochstilzlosung ungefahrlieh? Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 1365. — N. N. Warnung vor Adrenalin. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1909, xxxiii, 867-869.—Potts (B. H.) Danger from the careless use of alkaloid of the suprarenal gland. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 1188—Kzetkowski (K.) Miazdzyca aorty, wywolana ukr61ik6w przy pomocy do- iylnych wstrzykiwan adrenaliny. [Thrombosis of the aorta produced in rabbits by intravenous adrenalin in- jection.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1904, 2. s.,xxiv, 524-528. Suprarenal extract {Antagonisms and incompatibilities of). BoucnE (¥.) *Gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Adrenalin und Yerdauungslosungen. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1909. Frank I (T.) Ueber den Antagonism us der Chloride der Erdalkalien und des Kaliums gegeniiber dem Adre- nalin. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1909, cxxx, 346- 352.—Gley (E.) Sur l'antagonisme de l'adrenaline et de la secretine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxx, 866-871.—Jonesco (D.) Sur le mode d'action des sub- stances antagonistes de l'adrenaline. Ibid., 1910, lxviii, 476-478.—Lolimann (A.) Ueber die antagonistische Wirkung der in den Nebennieren enthaltenenSubstanzen Suprarenin und Cholin. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 1908, cxxii, 203-209.—Pearce (R. M.) & Eisenbrey (A. B.) The mechanism of the depressor action of dog's urine, with some observations on the antagonistic action of adrenalin. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1910, xxvi, 26-31. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1909-10, vii, 81.—Schrank (F.) Az ad- renalin es chlorcalcium antagonistikus hatAsar61. JAn- tagonistic action of adrenalin and calcium chloride.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1909, liii, 639-544. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. klin. Med. ,Berl., 1909, lxvii, 230-241.—Teissier . (J.) & Thevenot (L.) Antagonismedela cholineetde l'adrenaline. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 425— Tomaszewski (Z.) tfc Wilenko (G. G.) Be- trag zur Kenntnis der antagonistischen Wirkung des Adrenalins undderLvmphaj,'oi,rii. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 1221.—Valeri (G. B.) Sulle incompatibilita chimiche dell' adrenalina. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1909 lxviii, 391-401. Suprarenal extract (Antitoxic efects of). See Suprarenal bodies (Antitoxic and phago- cytic action of). Suprarenal extract (Chemistry and pharmacology of). See, also, Suprarenal extract (Preservation, etc., of); Suprarenal extract (Testsfor). Suprarenal extract (Chemistry and pharmacology of). Beier (C.) * Untersuchungen iiber das Vor- kommen von Gallensauren und Hippursaure in den Nebennieren. 8°. Dor pat, 1891. Ornstein (Sarah). *La suppleance des cap- sules au point de vue de leur richesse en adre- naline. 8°. Geneve, 1906. Also, in: Trav. du lab. de phvsiol. Univ. de Geneve 1905-6, Geneve, 1907, vi, pt. 8, 1-48." ScnuLTZ (YV. H.) Quantitative pharmaco- logical studies. Adrenalin and adrenalinlike bodies. 8°. Washington, 1909. Treas. Dep. Pub. Health & Mar.-Hosp. Serv. U. S. Hyg. Lab. Bull. No. 55, Wash., 1909. United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin No. 112. The use of suprarenal glands in the physiolog- ical testing of drug plants. By A lbert (J. Craw- ford. 8°. Washington, 1907. Abel (J. J.) Further observations on the chemical nature of the active principle of the suprarenal capsule. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull.,Bait., 1898, ix, 215-218. -----. On epinephrin, the active constituent of the suprarenal capsule, and its compounds. Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost., 1898-9, p. iii. -----. On the formation and composi- tion of highly active salts of epinephrin. Ibid., p. iv.-----. On the phenylcarbamic esters of epinephrin. Ibid., 1900, p. xvii. -----. Further observations on epinephrin. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1901, xii, 80-84. -----. On the behavior of epinephrin to Fehling's solution and other characteristics of this substance. Ibid., 337- 343. -----. On a simple method of preparing epinephrin and its compounds. Ibid., 1902, xiii, 29-36. -----. On the elementary composition of adrenalin. Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost., 1902, p. xxix. -----. On the beha- vior of extracts of the suprarenal gland toward Fehling's solution. Ibid., p. xxx. -----. On epinephrin and its compounds, with especial reference to epinephrin hv- drate. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1903, lxxv, 301-325.— Abel (J. J.) & Crawford (A. C.) On the blood-pres sure-raising constituent of the suprarenal capsule. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1897, xii, 461-479.—Abelous (G.-E.), Soulie (A.) & Toujan (G.) Influence des extraits des organes et des tissus animaux soumis a l'au- tolyse sur la production de l'adrenaline. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 16-18.-----------------. Sur un precede de contrdle des dosages chimique et physio- logique de l'adrenaline. Ibid., 174.—Altlrich (T. B.) A preliminary report on the active principle of the su- prarenal gland. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1901, v, 457-461.— Anthony (E. G.) Adnephrin. Physio-Med. Rec, In- dianap., 1904 vii, 71-74.—Battelli (F.) Preparation de la substance active des capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 608-610. -----. Trans- formation de l'adrenaline in vitro. Ibid., 1435.—Bat- telli (F.) & Ornstein {Mile. S.) La suppleance des capsules surrenales au point de vue de leur richesse en adrenaline. Ibid., 1906, Ixi, 677. Also: Trav. du lab. de physiol. Univ. de Geneve 1905-6, Geneve, 1907, vi, pt. 27, 3.—Bayer (G.) Methoden zur Verschiirfung von Adre- nalin- und Brenzcatechinreaktionen. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1909, xx, 178-188.—Belliboni (V. E.) Lareazlone al persolfato sodico proposta dal Pancrazio svela adrena- lina negli essudati? Tommasi, Napoli, 1911, vi, 241; 276, 2 pl.—Bertrand (G.) Sur la composition chimique et la formule de l'adrenaline. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1901. xviii. 672-677. Also: Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1901, x, 189-i. sper Mi- lano, 1905, i, 304-308. -----. Ueber die Suhlunaticaktion des Adrenalins (Rotfiirbung). Zentralbl. f. Physiol ' Leipz. u. Wien, 1909, xxiii, 175-177.—Cusiiny ( v R) Further note on adrenalin isomers. J. Phy-io'l Lond < 1908-9, xxxviii, 259-262. -----. Synthetic suprarenin or adrenine. Pharm. J., Lond., 1908, 4. s., xxvi 668 —von' SUPRARENAL. 75 SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal extract (Chemistry and pharmacology of). Cyon (E.) Ueber die physiologische Bestimmung der wirksamen Substanz der Nebennieren. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1898, lxxii, 370— Dakin (H.D.) The physiological action of synthetical substances allied to adrenalin. Proc. Physiol. Soc, Lond., 1904-5, pp. xxxiv- xxxvi. -----. The synthesis of a substance allied to ad- ernalin. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1905, s. B., lxxvi, 491-497. -----. On the physiological activity of substances indi- rectly related to adrenalin. Ibid., 498-503.—Ducatie (F.) Posologie de la renaline francaise. Rev. mod. de med. et de chir., Par., 1903, 211—Durand (R.) L'adre- naline svnthetiqueet les composes voisins. Programed.,. Par., 1909, 3. s., xxv, 507.—Ehrmann (R.) Zur Methode des qualitativen und quantitativen Nachweises kleinster Adrenalinmengen in Blut- und Korperflussigkeiten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 674-676.—Ewins (A. J.) Some colour reactions of adre- nine and allied bases. J. Physiol., Lond., 1900, xl, 317- 326.—Flaoher (F.) Ueber die Spaltung des synthe- tischen dl-Suprarenins in seine optisch aktiven Kompo- nenten. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1908, lviii, 189- 194.—Foa (P.) Sulla sostanza contenuta negli estratti freschi dicapsulasurrenale. Gior. d. r. Accad. dimed. di Torino, 1901, 4. s., vii, 737.—Frankcl (S.)& Allers (R.) Ueber eine neue charakteristisehe Adrenalinreaktion. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1909, xviii, 40^3.— Fro und (M. M.) Method of producing pure solution of the ell'eetive principle of the suprarenal gland or paranephros. Chem. News,Lond.,1909,xcix,89.—Friedinann (K.) DieKon- stitution des Adrenalins. Heitr. z.chem. Phys. u. Path., Brnschwg., 1906, viii, 95-120.—von Fiirth (O.) Neuere Untersuchungen iiber die chemische Zusammensetzung der gefassverengernden Substanz in den Nebennieren. Biochem.Centralbl..Leipz., 1903-4, ii, 1-9.—Gautier(C) Reactions compar6esde l'adrenaline et de la pyrocate- chine avec le permanganate de potasse; recherches di- versessur la reaction d'Ehrmann. Bull. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 857-859. -----. Remarques sur la reaction d'Ehrmann; quelques modifications techniques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvii, 426-428.— Gttrber (A.) Zur Kenntnis der wirksamen Substanzen der Nebenniere. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1897, 54-57.—Gnnn (A.) & Harrison ( E. F.) A new characteristic reaction of adrenaline. Pharm. J., Lond., 1907, 4. s., xxiv, 718.—Houghton (E. M.) The pharmacologic assav of preparations of the suprarenal glands. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1901, lxxiii, 531-535. -----. The pharmacology of the suprarenal gland and a method of assaying its products. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxviii, 150-153.—Joanin (A.) Les suprarenines syn- thetiques. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1909, clviii, 513-519— K.raupa(E.) Untersuchung iiber das synthe- tische Suprareninum. Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 1374.— Krauss (L.) Ueber einige Reaktionen des Suprareni- nurr>syntheticum. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1908, xxxiii, 701.— Langlois (P.) L'action des agents oxydants sur 1'ex- trait de capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897,10. s., iv, 524-526.-l.aub. Ueber die Wirkung einiger dem Adrenalin verwandter Ketonbasen in der rhinologischen Praxis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1906, lvi, 920-923.—Lewin (C.) UeberdasEpinephrin(Epirenan). Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1905, xxiii, 6-9.—Linke. Su- prarenin syntheticum. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1907, ii, 343-346. -----. Svnthetische Nebennierenpriiparate, Arterenolu.-.w. Ibid., 1908.iii,43-50.— IT1. (M. G.) Glan- dulse suprarenales siccse. Wash. M. Ann., 1906, v, 190.— Me Walter (.I.e.) The pharmacology of the suprarenal gland. Chem.&Drug.,Lond.,1903.1xiii,244. Also: Pharm. J., Lond., 1903,4.8., xvii, 307.—Mannich (C.) Studien in der Reihe des Adrenalins. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1910, ccxlvii, 127-136. -----. Synthesen in der Reihe des Adre- nalins; vorliiufige Mitteilung. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1909, xxiv, 60. — Matusewicz (J.) & Kosenhauch (E.) Badania dos\viadczalne i kliniczne nad dzialaniem prze- twor6w nadnercza. [Experimental and clinical obser- vationson the action of suprarenal preparations.l Now. lek., Poznan, 1909, xxi, 13; 87; 141.— Meyer (H.) Zur Konstitution und Synthese des Suprarenins (Adrena- lins). Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1904, xviii, 501.— Moore (B.) On the chemical nature of a physio- logically active substance occurring in the suprarenal gland. Proc. Physiol. Soc, [Lond.], Cambridge, 1895,pp. xix-xvii.—million (P.) Sur une reaction de l'adrena- line in vitro; son application a l'etude des surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 115.—Bosen- bloom (J.) & Weinberger (W.) The effects of in- traperitoneal injections of adrenalin on the partition of nitrogen in the urine of dogs. Proc Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1910-11, viii, 131. — Rosenheim (O.) & Tebb (M. Christine). On the lipoids of the adrenals. Proc. Physiol. Soc, Lond., 1908-9, pp. liv-lvi.—Bupp (E.) Konstitution und Svnthese des Adrenalins. Apoth.- Ztg., Berl., 1906, xxi, 793.—Sajous (< 1. K. deM.) The adrenal principle as the main active agent in pituitary, testicular, ovarian and other animal exiracts. Month. Cycl. & M. Bull., Phila., 1909, ii, 278; 341. —Schultz Suprarenal extract (Chemistry and pharmacology of). (\V. H.) Experimental criticism of recent results in test- ing adrenalin. J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., Bait., 1909-10. i, 291-302.—Simpson (V. E.) Pharmacological consideration of supra-renal gland; a reference to its po- tentialities for harm and some common misconception as to its utility; experimental demonstrations. Ken- tucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1909-10, viii, 1879-188?, 1 ch.— SohnfC. E.) Adrenaline and its synthesis. Pharm. J., Lond., 1907, 4. s., xxiv, 623.—Stadcliuann (E.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Gallensiiuren, Hippursaure und Benzoesiiure in den Nebennieren. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Strassb., 1893-4, xviii, 380-396.— Takamine (J.) The isolation of the active principle of the suprarenal gland. Proc. Physiol. Soc, Lond., 1901-2, p. xxix.-----. Adrenalin, the active principle of the suprarenal gland, and its mode of preparation. Tr. Mississippi Valley M. Ass. 1901, Kansas City, 1903, iii, 202-211. Also: Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1901, lxxiii, 523-531.—Trendelenburg (P.) Bestimmung des Adrenalingehaltes im normalen Blut sowie beim Abklingen der Wirkung einer einma- ligen intravenosen Adrenalininiektion mittels physiolo- gischer Messmethode. Arch. i. exper. Path. u. Phar- makol., Leipz., 1910, lxiii,161-176.—Turner (J. L.) Prog- ress in the synthesis of adrenalin. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass,, Phila., 1907, lv,449-157.—Umber (F.) Neuere Un- tersuchungen fiber die wirksamen Substanzen der Ne- bennieren. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1902, iv, 364-367.— Vanderkleed(0. E.) A method for the preparation of solutions of the active principle of the suprarenal gland. Merck's Rep.,N. Y., 1906, xvi, ii. Also: Pharm. J., Lond., 1906, 4. s., xxiii, 671.—Viollet (P.) El extracto de cap- sulas suprarrenales y sus derivados; su empleo y sus efectos. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1902, xxiii, 37-13. — Zanlrognini (A.) Sur une nou- velle reaction coloree de l'adrenaline et sur ses applica- tions. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1910, liii, 29-36. Suprarenal extract (Destruction of) in the living organism. Harris (I.) *Die Zerstorung des Adrenalins im lebenden Thier. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1904. Battelli (F.) Transformation de l'adrenaline dans l'organisme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902-3, liv, 1518-1520.—Giolfredi (C.) Ladistruzionedell' adrena- linanell' organismo. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Siena, 1907, vi. 127; 145,7ch. Also: Atti d.r. Accad.med.-ehir. di Napoli, 1907,n. s., lxi, 82-92, 4 ch.—Langlois (J.-P.) Le me- canisme de destruction du principeactif des capsules surre- nales dans l'organisme. Arch, de physiol. norm, etpath., Par., 1898, 5. s., x, 124-137. -----. A propos de la destruc- tion de l'adrenaline dans l'organisme. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1904, lvii, 93.—Livon (C.) Destruction de l'adrenaline dans l'organisme. Ibid., lvi, 1118: lvii,118.— Weiss (O.) & Harris (J.) Die Zerstorung des Adrena- lins im lebenden Tier. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1904, ciii, 510-514. Suprarenal extract (Effects of) upon the blood vessels and circulation. See Suprarenal extract (Hemostatic effects of); Suprarenal extract (Pathological effects of); Suprarenal extract (Physiological effects of). Suprarenal extract (Efects of) upon decapsalated animals. See Suprarenal bodies (Excision of, Effects of). Suprarenal extract (Employment of) in local anaesthesia. Theobald (S.) Indications for the employ- ment of adrenalin chlorid, in conjunction with cocain, in operations on the eve. 3 pp. 8°. Chicago, Am. Med. Ass., 1907. Thies (J.) * Erfahrungen bei der Yerwen- dung des Adrenalins zur Unterstiitzung der lokalen Anaesthesie. 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Blattmann. Zur Dentinanaesthesiemit Adrenalin- Cocain-Injektionen. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1904, vii, 230.—Braun (H.) Cocain und Adrena- lin (Suprarenin). Berl. Klinik, 1904,187. Hft.,1-23.-----. Zur Anwendung des Adrenalins bei aniisthesierenden Gewebsinjektionen. Zentralbl. f.Chir., Leipz., 1903, xxx, 1025-1028. -----. Die Sterilisation von Novokain-Supra- reninlosung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 2315.—Canestro (C.) Rachianestesia mag- nesio-adrenalinica. Clin, chir., Milano, 1910, xviii, 1607- 1618.—Cheatham (W.) Orthoform and extract of supra- renal glands. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 18,98, xxvi, 121-124. [Discussion], 139-143.—Chompret. A propos SUPRARENAL. 76 SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal extract (Employment of) in local amesthesia. des injections de novoca'ine et adrenaline. Rev. de sto- matol., Par., 1909, xvi, 200-206.—Ba Silva (J. R.) The use of adrenalin in conjunction with cocain or other local anesthetic Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1904, xlvi, 41-43.— Davis (C.) Adrenalin chloride as an adjunct to cocain in local anesthesia. Items Interest, N. Y., 1904, xxvi, 561-566.—Bependorl*. Die subkutane Injektion mit Nebennierenpraparaten und Novokain. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Stomatol., Wien, 1906, iv, 265; 29s.—Bessein (M. A.) La cocaina y la adrenalina en cirugia. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1905, xii, 1009-1014.—Bill. Hypoderma- tische Injektion mit Adrenalin-Chlorid und Cocain. Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1903, v, 594.—Donitz (A.) Kokainisierung des Riickenmarkes unter Verwendung von Adrenalin. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903,1,1452- 1454.—Elsberg(C. A.) Some remarks on the use or adre- nalin as an addition to solutions for local anesthesia. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iii, 355.—Esch ( P.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Bedeutung des wirksamen Be- standteils der Nebennieren in Verbindung mit Lokal- anaestheticis. Arch. f.exper.Path. u. Pharmakol.,Leipz., 1910-11,lxiv,84-104.—Fasoli(G.) Contribute all'aneste- sia locale; lasoprarenina. Stomatol.,Milano, 1905-6, iv,458- 460.—Fischer(G.) UeberNovokain-Suprareninlosungen mit Th vmolzusatz. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1906, ix, 658-661.—Foisy (E.) De Taction d'un melange de cocaine et d'adrenaline sur les tissus enflammes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 235.—Freund (H.) Lokalanasthesie mittels Eukain-Adrenalin. Zen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 1481-1485.—Frey (V.) UeberKokain-Adrenalin. Oesterr.-ungar.Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1906, xxii, 544-552.—Frohlieh (A.) & Loewi (O.) Ueber eine Steigerung der Adrenalin- emptindlichkeit durch Cocain. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1909-10, lxii, 159-169.—Galpern (L. S.) O sochetanh adrenalina i kokaina dlya mlestnavo obezbolivaniya. [Combination of adrenalin and cocaine for local anaesthesia.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1904, xx, 541-546.—cJangitano (F.) L'analgesia co- caino-adrenalinicainchirurgiagenerale. Riforma med., Roma, 1903, xix, 986-992.— Goldbeck. Ueber neuere Lokalanaesthetika mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Anaesthesin und des Novocain-Suprarenin. Deutsche tierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1907, xv, 293-296.—van den (ioot. Een enquete over de coca'ine-adrenaline- anaesthesie. Med. Rev., Haarlem, 1904, iv, 599-603.— (*ualdrini (G.) Anestesia locale adrenalin-cocainica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 1475-1478.—Hancock (J. C.) Local cocain-adrenalin anesthesia. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1909-10, xvi, 107-113. — Hartwig (F.) Ueber die Kombination von Adrenalin und Kokain zu Zwecken der Lokalanasthesie in der Zahnheilkunde. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1904, xiv, 1-16. Also: Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1903, v, 271-287.—Hoare (E. W.) On the use of beta-eucaine and adrenalin as a local anaesthetic Vet. Rec, Lond., 1905-6, xviii, 397.—Hoffmann (H.) Ueber Erfahrun- gen bei der Verwendung synthetischen Suprarenins in der Lokalanaesthesie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1981-1983. — Honigmann (F.) Adrenalin und Lokalanasthesie. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1903, xxx, 665-668. — Kurzwelly (L.) Die Medullaraniisthesie mittelst Cocain-Suprarenin. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1905, lxxviii, 142-168.—Kutscher (K. H.) Zur Frage der Sterilitat der Novokain-Suprarenintabletten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 1129.—Liiwen (A.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Gefiisswirkung von Suprarenin in Verbindung mit ortlich aniisthesierenden Mitteln. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1904, lxxiv, 163-172. — Lemiere (R.) Considerations sur l'emploi de la novoca'ine-adrenaline. Odontologie, Par., 1909, xiii, 177-183. —L.eshure (J.) The physiological action of strong cocaine-adrenalin solutions; methods of cocainizing the upper air-passages. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1909, lxxxix, 271-275.— Le win (M.) Das Suprarenin, ein ideales Excraktions- und Dentin- aniisthetikum. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1904, vii, 245.—Lichtwitz (L.) De 1'extrait aqueux de capsules surrenales comme adjuvant de 1'anesthesie du larynx par la cocaine. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1900, xiii, 138-140.—Liebl (F.) Zur Frage gebrauchsfertiger, suprareninhaltiger Losungen in der Lokal- und Lumbalanasthesie. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tu- bing., 1906, Iii, 244-254.—Loup. Considerations sur le melange anesthesique cocaine-adrenaline. Odontologie, Par., 1904, 2. s., xviii, 223-231. — Liuniatschek (F.) Renoform in Verbindung mit Anaesthetizis. Deutsche zahnarztl.Wchnschr.,Wiesb., 1906, ix,58-62.-----. Einiges iiber den Wert der Nebennierenextrakte (Renoform) in Verbindung mit Anastheticis (Novocain). Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 19n6. xvi, 240- 265.—.tleyer (O.) Versuche mit Kokain-Adrenalin und Andolin an iiberlebenden Blutgefiissen. Ztxhr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Berl.,1907, xxxii,93-112.— lYIichclsson (F.) Ueber die Wertlosigkeit des Zusatzes von Nebennieren- praparaten bei der Lumbalanasthesie. Miinchen. med , Suprarenal extract (Employment of) in local ana'sthesia. Wchnschr., 1907, liv. 2476-2478. — Milller (B.) Ueber lokale Anaesthesie in Verbindung mit den Nebennieren- praparaten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 256. — Nys- troni (G.) Om en ofta upptriidande fargning af kokain-adrenalinblandningen. f_A coloring frequently appearing in cocaine adrenaline mixtures.] Allm. sven. Lakartidn., Stockholm, 1904, i, 761-763. — Pei- ser (A.) Ueber Anwendung der Cocain - Adrena- linanaesthesie bei grosseren chirurgischen Operationen. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1905, ii, 4-8.—Peters (E. A.) Theuse of suprarenal extract in conjunction with cocaine to ob- tain bloodless and painless operation. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1899, ii,85.— Plletski (LA.) O mlestnom obezbolivanii posredstvom sochetaniya adrenalin-kokaina. [Local anaesthesia by adrenalin cocaine.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Pe- terb.,1905,iv,190-192.—B. (E.) Contribution a l'etudedes injectionsmixtesdecoca'ineetd'adrenaline. Rev.odont., Par., 1904, xxiii, 202-205.—Beider. Lokale Anasthesie und Anamie durch Infiltration beziehungsweise Injek- tion von Adrenalin-Kokainlosung. Berl.tierarztl. Wchn- schr.,1904,189-191.—Salecker(P.) Erfahrungen viberdie Verwendung von Nebennierensubstanzen zur ortlichen Analgesierung. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1904, xxxiii,545-555.—Sapozhnikoff(L.) K voprosuomlest- nom obezbolivanii adrenalin-kokainovimi rastvorami. [Local anaesthesia produced by adrenalin-cocaine solu- tions]. Uchen. zapiski Kazan. Vet. Inst., 1906, xxiii, 18- 24.—shorn* (M. M.) Obezbolivaniye kokain-adrenali- nompri bolshikhoperatsiyakh. [Cocaine-adrenalin anaes- thesia in large operations.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1909, viii, 822-824.—Sikemeier (E.W.) Ervaringenover adrenaline endecocaine-adrenaline-anaesthesie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1905, 2. r., xii, d. 1, 805; 893. Also, transl.: Arch.f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1905, lxxvii, 443- 496.—Stoll (O.) Ueber den Wert der Kombination der Lokalanasthesie mit Nebennierenpraparaten. Med.Klin., Berl., 1909, v, 136-139.—Stolz. Ueber Adrenalin-Cocain- Anaesthesie. Arch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Strassb., 1903, xxii, 415-418. -----. Ueber die mit Hilfe des Adrena- lins erzeugte Lokalanasthesie. Ibid., 470-476. — Thl- riet & Bonnadieu. Sur 1'anesthesie locale et 1'anes- thesie nerveuse par l'injection mixte de chlorhydrate de cocaineetdechlorhvdrated'adrenaline. Bull.Soc.centr. de med. v6t., Par., 1904, lxxxi, 375-377.—Venable (C, S.) The use of adrenalin during ether anesthesia. Virginia M.Semi-Month.,Richmond,1907,xi,526.—zur Verlh(M.) Lumbalanasthesie und Blutdruck, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung des Zusatzes von Nebennierenpraparaten zum Anasthetikum. Deutsche Ztschr. f.Chir., Leipz.,1910,cvii, 367-390—AVeber (H.) Ueber Anasthesie durch Adrena- lin. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1904, xxi, 616-619.—Wohlauer (E.) Ueber Kokainanasthesie in in Verbindungmit Adrenalin und fiber Dentinanasthesie. Berl. klin.-therap.Wchnschr., 1904,1081-1085. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 1081-1085. —Wolff ( L.) Neuephysiologische Untersuchungen iiber das Verhalten des Adrenalins zu /8-Eukain und Stovain. Deutsche Mo- natschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz.. 1907, xxv. 669-578.—Zahrad- nicky. Medullarni anaesthesie kombinovana s adre- nalinem neb suprareninem. [Medullary anaesthesia by a combination of adrenalin or suprarenin.] Lek. rozkledy, Praha, 1905, xiii, 1-4. Suprarenal extract (Ildemostatic effects of)- See, also, Suprarenal bodies (Glycogenicfunc- tion of). Barraud (A.) * Etude de la vasoconstric- tion produite par l'application locale de 1'extrait aqueux de capsules surrt'nales. 8°. Lyon, 1897. Hahn (G.) *Ueber die Wirkung der Neben- nieren praparate speziell des Adrenalins, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Oto-Rhino- Laryngologie. 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Lagache (H.-E.-J.) * L'adrenaline; son em- ploi en oto-rhino-laryngologie. 8°. Lille, 1002. Nemsky (D.-P.) * Contribution a 1'etAide de l'emploi de 1'extrait aqueux des capsules surre- nales et de l'adrenaline en therapeutique et en rhino-laryngologie. 8°. Geneve, 1902. Trivas (I.) * L'adrenaline et ses applications en oto-rhino-laryngologie. 8°. Bordeaux, 1902. Adam(J). Suprarenal extract as a haemostatic. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 142.—Avellis (G.) Notiz fiber ge- brauchsfertige Anwendungsformen von Nebennierensub- stanzen in der Rhinologie. Ztschr. f. Larvnsol Rhinol [etc],Wurzb.,1911,iii,729-731.-Bates(W H ) Theuseof the suprarenal extract in diseases of the nose and throat Ann. OtoL, Rhinol. & Laryngol., St. Louis, 1900, ix, 17-27. ' SUPRARENAL. 77 SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal extract {Haemostatic effects of)- _____. The use of the aqueous extract of the suprarenal capsule as a haemostatic Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1899- 1900), 1901, 278. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lix, 207.— Baumgarten (E.) A mell6kvese-kivonat az orr- es gege-gv6gyaszatban; az adrenalin 6s tonogen suprarenale. [Extracts of suprarenal gland in rhinology and laryngol- ogy .. .] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1903, i, 195.—Blair (G. MacM.) Profuse haemorrhage treated by adrenalin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 975.—Booth (J. P.) An alarming case of epistaxis controlled by the use of adre- nalin chloride solution. South. Cal. Pract., Los Angeles, 1902, xvii, 282. Also: Railway Surg., Chicago, 1902-3, ix, 103.—Botey (R.) La adrenalina en oto-rino-laringolo- gia. Arch. lat. de rinol., laringol. [etc.], Barcel., 1902, xiii, 49; 130; 193.—Braun (H.) Ueber die Anwendung der Suprareninanamie bei Operationen am Schiidel una der Wirbelsiiule. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, cvii, 561-569.—Blinger (A.) Meine Erfahrungen bei den ersten 100 Injektionen mit den neuen Nebennieren- praparaten. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 442^146.—Bukofzer(M.)) Ueber Adrenalin; seine Wirkung auf die Capillaren und deren active Contrac- tilitat; seine rhino-laryngolische Verwendung. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, lxxi, 515. -----. Unter- suchungen iiber die Wirkung von Nebennierenextract (Adrenalin) auf die Schleimhaut der oberen Luftwege bei ausserlicher Anwendung. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1902, xiii, 241-249. -----. Die Reaktion der Nasen- una Kehlkopfschleimhaut auf Nebennieren- extrakt (Adrenalin). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. U. Berl., 1903, xxix,738-740.—Carnot (P.)& Josserand (P.) Sur la valeur hemostatiquede l'adrenaline. Compt. rend. Soc de biol.. Par., 1902,11. s., iv, 1346-1348.—Cas- troverde (J.) El extracto de c&psulas surrenales y las trasfusiones salinas en un caso de hemoptisis tuberculosa. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1901, xxxvi, 470-472.—Coe (A. H.) The supra-renal extract in eve, nose and throat practice. Tr. M. Soc. Washington, Spokane, 1901, 35-43.—Corn- paired (C.) El cloruro de adrenalina en oto-rino- laringologia. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1902, xxxvii, 258. Also: Siglo med., Madrid, 1902, xlix, 150— Costiniu (A.) Intrebuintarea adrenalinel in oto-rino-laringologie. Spitalul, BucurescI, 1903, xxiii, 55-57.—Croucher (A. H.) A note on supra-renal extract as a haemostatic. Month. Homoeop. Rev., Lond., 1901, xiv, 215.— Cuvillier & Vassal. Note sur l'emploi de l'adrenaline dans la therapeutique des maladies du nez et de la gorge. Arch. internat. de laryngol. [etc.]. Par., 1903, xvi, 632. ----- -----. La valeur de Padrenaline en rhino-laryngolo- gie. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de rhino-laryngol., 116. — Babney (S. G.) Some uses of the supra-renal extract in eye, ear and throat practice. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1903- 4, x, 98-100.—Bebrand. De l'adrenaline dans les metrorrhagies de la menopause. Tribune med., Par., 1902, 2. s., xxxiv, 588-590.—Be Carli (D.) L' adrenalina nella terapia oto-rino-laringoiatrica della Clinica di Roma. Atti d. clin. oto-rino-laringoiat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1904, ii, 23-28.— Belsaux (V.) Sur l'emploi de l'adrenaline dans la pratique oto-rhino-laryngologique. Presseoto-laryngol.beige, Brux.,1902,i, 108-116.—Be Vos (J.) & Kochmann (N.) De la rapidite avec laquelle le principe actif des capsules surrenales, donn6 en injec- tion intraveineuse, disparait du sang. Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Brux. et Par., 1905, xiv, 81-91.—Botti (G.) L' adrenalina in laringologia. Boll. d. mal. d. orecchio. d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1904, xxii, 126-128.— Bou,rlass (B.) The u*es of suprarenal extract in nose and throat diseases. N. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 780-784.— Buchesne (N.) L'adrenaline en oto-rhino-laryngo- logie. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1903, xiii, 15-21.— Bupuy (H.) A note on the internal administration of adrenalin for control of hemorrhage. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1903, 3. s., xix, 652— Bussault (N.-A.) De l'adrenaline en oculistique et rhinologie. Bull. med. de Quebec, 1902, iv, 145-150— Emostasina (L) (adrena- lina, surrenina) nella nratica medico-chirurgica. Rasse- gna di bact.-opo- e sieroterap., Milano, 1903-4, i, fasc. v, 3-14.—Ermolli (L.) Modificazioni alia operazione di trichiasi; della surrenalina come mezzo di ischemia opera- toria. Ann. diottal.,Pavia,1901,xxx,360-365—Felix ( K. i L'emploi de l'adrenaline dans les affections du larynx, du Sharynx, dunez etde l'oreille. Ann.de mal. de l'oreille, u larynx [etc.], Par. 1904, xxx, 201-220.—Fen wick (W S.) Suprarenal extract in gastro-intestinal haemor- rhage. Brit. M. J., Lond, 1901, ii, 1596.—Ferreri (G.) Sul valore dell' adrenalina in laringoiatria. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1902-3, xiv, 493-497.— Floers- heim (S.) A report of forty-five unpublished cases of hemorrhage treated by the internal administration of the suprarenal capsule. Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxx, 17-20.—Oleason (E. B.) Extract of suprarenal capsules in the treatment of diseases of the nose, throat, and ears. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1900, ix, 819-821.—Goldzie- her (M.) & Ulolnar (B.) Beitrage zur Frage der Adre- nalinamie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 215-217.— Suprarenal extract (Haemostatic effects of)- Grlinbaiim (O. F. F.) Suprarenal extract in haemo- philia. Brit.M.J.,Lond., 1902,1,200.—Hakn(R.) L'adre- nalinaedilsuousoinoto-rino-laringologia. Boll. d. mal. d. orecchio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1902, xx, 133-140. — Halderman (S. L.) Hemorrhage treated with adrena- lin. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1903, n. s., li, 251-Harmer (L.) Ueberdie WirkungdesNebennierenextractes auf die Schleimhaut derNase und des Kehlkopfes. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 451-462.—Herron (J. T.) More experience with suprarenal liquid with chloretone in diseases of the ear and nose. South. Pract., Nashville, 1902, xxiv, no. 7, 356-362,1 pl. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Tennes- see, Nashville, 1902, lxix, 126-132.—Holt (L. E.) A note on the treatment of gastrointestinal hemorrhage in the newly-born by suprarenal extract. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1902, xix, 278-281.—Hull (A. J.) The uses of adrena- lin in ophthalmic surgery. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1908, x, 58-61.— I van off (A.) O vityazhkle nad- pochechnikh zhelyoz v terapii voobshtshe i v otorinolo- gii v chastnosti. [Suprarenal extract in general therapy and in oto-rhinology in particular.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1902, lvii, 890-898.—Ken worthey (W. B.) The use of suprarenal capsule in haemoptysis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lix, 415.—Kirch (R.) Ueber Adrenalin und seine Anwendung bei schweren Blutungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 901.—KSnig- stein (L.) Ueber die Anwendung des Extractum supra- renale haemostaticum. Wien. med. Presse, 1897, xxxviii, 857: 1898, xxxix, 499. Also [Abstr.]: Aerztl. Rundschau, Miinchen, 1897, vii, 435-138—Kyle (D. B.) The use of suprarenal gland in diseases of the nose and throat. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1902, 3. s., xviii, 438-444.—Lepine (J.) Modificationsdusangconsecutivesal'injectiond'ad- renaline. Lyon m6d., 1903, ci, 749.—Lermitte (E. A.) Suprarenal gland extract as a haemostatic Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 467.—Lindt (W.) Adrenalin und seine Ver- wendung in der Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie; Sammelreferat. Internat. Centralbl. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1906,iv, 437-449.— ITlacdonogh (D.) Suprarenal extract as a haemostatic. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 654. — JTlcFarlane (M.) Adrenalin, the new hemostatic Canad. J. M. & 8., Toronto, 1901, ix, 317-320.—iTIcKenzie (D.) Suprarenal gland extract in the epistaxis of haemophilia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 1009.—Mil ligan (W.) Suprarenal extract as a haemostatic in haemophilia. Ibid., 1902, i, 266. — JMoAler ( F.) Mitteilungen fiber die Wir- kung des Nebennierenextraktes als lokales Anaesthe- tikum und Haemostatikum. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1902, xi, No. 532.—Miller (J.) Om Adrenalinet med saerligt Henblik paa dets Anvendelse i Oto-Laryngo- logien. [Adrenalin, with special reference to its use in oto-laryngologv.] Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi, K0benh., 1902-3, i, 308-315.— Molnar (V.) Az adrenalin v6rz6st sziinteto hatasar61 kiilonos tekintettel a skarlatos hae- morrhages nephritisre. [The haemostatic effects of ad- renalin, especially in scarlet fever and hemorrhagic nephritis.] Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1904, xxxvi, 214— Moure & Brindel (A.) De l'emploi de l'adre- naline en oto-rhino-laryngologie. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1901), 1902, 316-328. Also: Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1901, ii, 753-763.— JTIliller(B.) Ueberdie Aniimisierung mit Adrenalin. Berl. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 583-588. -----. Zur Verwendung des Suprarenins uud Adrenalins bei Blu- tungen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1904, xviii, 631; 633 — Wlyglnd (H.) Om Adrenalinet og dets Anvendelse i Oto-Laryngologien. [Adrenalin, and its use in oto-iaryn- gology.l Hosp.-Tid., Kobenh., 1902, 4. R., x, 1272- 1275.—Noir (J.) L'opotherapie capsulaire; un nouvel hemostatique; l'adrenaline. Progres med., Par., 1902, 3. s., xvi, 6.—Oppenheimer (S.) The use of suprare- nal extract in diseases of the nose and throat. Charlotte [N. C] M.J., 1900, xvii, 287-292. Also: N. York M. J., 1900, lxxii, 276-280. Also, Reprint.—Badzych. Ueber die Anwendung des Nebennierenextracts in der Rhino- LaryiiRologie. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, lxxi, 995; 1007.—Benon (L.) & Louste. Sur Taction de l'adrenaline dans l'hemoptysie et dans l'hematemese. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1902, 3. s., xix, 983.—Bhodes (J. H.) & Scott (S. R.) Two cases of haemorrhage treated successfully by supra-renal extract. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1901-2, ix, 25— Bobinson (E. A.) Adrenalin chlorid in pulmonary hemorrhage and epistaxis. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1903, xii, 274.— Bode (F.) Das Adrenalin in der Rhino-Laryngologie. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1902, xvi, 655; 669.—Boyce (C. C.) Suprarenal capsule; its use in rhinological oper- ations. Phila. M. J., 1901, vii, 696. — Sauter (C. F.) Suprarenal liquid with chloretone in rhinology. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1900-1901, liii, 591. -----. The employment of solution of adrenalin chloride as a hemostatic in surgical procedures. South. Pract., Nashville, 1902, xxiv, 18- 20.—Schlesfnger (H.) [Ueber therapeutische Erfah- rungen bei Behandlung schwerer innerer Blutungen mit Nebennierenextrakt.] Wien. klin, Wchnschr., 1904, xvii, 317.— Sharp (J. C.) Some remarks on the use of SUPRARENAL. 78 SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal extract {Hemostatic effects of). suprarenal capsule in the nose and throat. N. York M. J., 1899, lxx, 236. — Sorncrs (L. S.) The use of the aqueous extract of the suprarenal gland in persistent epistaxis. Phila.M. J.,1901, vii,439-441.—Swain (H.L,) The local use of the aqueous extract of the suprarenal glands of the sheep in the noseand throat. Tr. Am. Laryn- gol. Ass. 1898, N. Y., 1899, xx, 165-174. Also: N. York M. J., 1898, lxviii, 916-918. [Discussion], 936. Also, Reprint. Also: YaleM. J., N. Haven, 1900-1901, vi, 145-154.—Taka- inincij.) A new hemostatic; [adrenalin]. DeutalCos- mos. Phila., 1903, xiv, 398-100.—Thomas (W.T.) Supra- renal extract as a haemostatic Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1527.—Todd (F. C.) Adrenalin, the active principle of supra-renal extract, the most powerful hemostatic known. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1901, iii, 315.— Vacher (L.) L'extrait de capsules surrenales en oto- rhino-larvngologie. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1902, xxviii, 208-217.—von den Velden (R.) Zur kreislaufanaleptischen und telehamostypti- schen Wirkung des Nebennierenextraktes. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 184-188.—Velich (A.) Ueber die Einwirkung der ortlichen Application des Neben- nieren-Extracts auf die Blutgefaisse der Haut des Men- schen. Wien. med. Bl., 1897, xx, 735.—Vosburgh (C. H.) & Bichards (A. N.) An experimental study of the sugar content and extravascular coagulation of the blood after administration of adrenal. Am. J. Phvsiol., Bost., 1903, ix, 35-51.—Warren (W.) The successful application of adrenal extract in rhinology. J. Eye, Ear A Throat Dis., Bait., 1900, v, 75.—Welsh (D. E.) Some experiences with adrenalin chloride. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1904, xiv, 950— Wiggers (C. J.) The influence of adrenalin over internal hemorrhages. Proc. Am. Phy- siol. Soc, Bost., 1908-9, p. xxv.—'Wilson (N. L.) Some observations on the new haemostatic, adrenalin. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1900,155-160.—Winslow (J. R.) Post-operative hemorrhage in a hemophiliac arrested by adrenalin and packing. J. Eye, Ear & Throat Dis., Bait., 1902, vii, 59.—Vearsley (M.) • Notes on the use of supra- renal extract in rhinology. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 1004. Suprarenal extract (Mydriatic effects of)- Brissot (P.) * L'adrenaline; ses applications en ophtalmologie. 8°. Paris, 1903. Hallot (G.) * L'extrait de capsule surrenale et son emploi dans la therapeutique oculaire. 8°. Paris, 1897. Kilyushko (N. I.) *0 dieistvii adrenalina na glaz. [Action of adrenalin upon the eye.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1904. Klietsch (E. E. A.) * Ueber die Verwen- dung des Suprarenins in der Augenheilkunde. 8°. Halle a. S., 1900. Timofeveff (P. V.) *0 dieistvii vityazhki iz nadpochechnikh zhelyoz na glaz. [Action of suprarenal extract on the eye.] 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 1898. Arroyo de Marqnez {Dona Trinidad). Sobre la adrenalina en oftalmologia. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'opht., 318-325. Also: Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1903, ix, 364-367.— Barlay (J.) Az adrenalin alkalmazasa a szemeszetben. [The employment of adrenalin in ophthalmology.] Sze- me.szet, Budapest, 1902, 76-78.—Bower (J. A.) Remarks on suprarenal gland in ophthalmology. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1334.—Bruno (D.) Cloridratodiadrena- lina, sue applicazioni in terapia oculare. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1903, xxiv, 1582.—Businelli (F.) II cloruro di adrenalina nella pratica oculistica. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1903, xxix, 165-169. Also: Clin, ocul., Palermo, 1903,1271-1276.—Comessatti (G.) Ueberden Wert der Froschbulbus-Reaktion und einige Eigenschaf- ten des Adrenalins. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1909, lx, 233-242.—Coppez (H.) Ueber die Ver- wendung des Adrenalins in der Augenheilkunde. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1903, vii, 35-38.—Cords (R.) Zur Beur- teilung der Adrenalinmvdriasis. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1911, xxv, 350-353.—Barier (A.) La surr6naline ou extrait de capsules surrenales en oculistique. Gaz. d. b6p. de Lyon, 1901, ii, 175-192. -----. Ueber das Neben- nieren-Extract in der Augenheilkunde. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1900, iv, 193-195.—Buffield (Alice V.) Some uses of adrenalin chloride in the eye. Homceop. Eye, Ear & Throat J., N. Y., 1905, xi, 110-114—Dunn (D. W.1 The prevention of hemorrhage in ophthalmic opera- tions by the use of a solution of adrenalin chloride. Chicago M. Recorder, 1901, xxi, 251. —Ferdinando (G. A.) Notes on adrenalin chloride solution in ophthal- mic practice. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 707. — Froma- Suprarenal extract (Mydriatic effects of). get (C.) De l'extrait aqueux de capsules surrenales en ophtalmologie. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1898, xxviii, 174— Grandclement. L'adrenaline en ophtalmologie. [Discussion]. Lyon med., 1904, cii, 1227. —Kahn (R. H.) Ueber die Beeinflussung des Augendruckes dureh ExtraktechromamnenGewebes(Adrenalin). Zentralbl.f. Physiol.,Leipz., 1906, xx,33-40.—Lewandoivsky (M.) Ueber eine Wirkung des Nebennierenextractes auf das Auge. Ibid., Leipz. u. Wien, 1898, xii, 599.— Marple (W. B.) The use of adrenalin in ophthalmology. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1902, ii, 204.—Meltzer (S. J.) The effects of a subcutaneous injection of adrenalin on the eyes of cats whose sympathetic nerve is cut, or whose superiorcervicalganglionisremoved. Proc.Am.Physiol. Soc, Bost., 1903-4, p. xxxvii. Also, transl.: Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1903, xvii, 652. -----. Bemer- kungen zur Wirkung von Adrenalin auf die Froschpu- pille. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, . xxxv, 575.—Itteltzer (S. J.) & Auer (Clara M.) The influence of subcutaneous injections and of installations of adrenalin upon the pupils of frogs, with demonstra- tions. Proc. Soc Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1903-4, i, 47. Also, transl.: Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1903, xvii, 651.-----------. Studies on the paradoxical pupil- dilatation caused by adrenalin. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1904, xi, 28-51. —■--------. The effect of suprarenal ex- tractuponthepupilsoffrogs. Ibid.,449-464. Also,transl.: Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1904, xviii, 317.— JHoro (G.) Sul significato clinico della midriasi adre- nalinica. Clin, chir., Milano, 1908, xvi, 1547-1551.—Post (H. M.) Some experiences with adrenaline. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1905, xxii, 370-374.—Puccioni. Le iniezioni sotto-congiuntivali di adrenalina. Boll. d. osp. oftal. d. prov. di Roma, 1908, vi, 154-158.—Bamoni (A.) II cloridrato di soprarenina in oftalmologia. Ibid., 1904, ii, 68; 75.—Bubert (I.) O dieistvii adrenalina na vnu- triglaznoye davleniye. [Action of adrenalin on intra- ocular pressure.] Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1908, xxv, 3-46. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1909, xxi, 97; 224.—Scherk. Pankreasfunktion und Adrenalin- mydriasis. Ztschr. f. d. arztl. Prax., Berl., 1908, xxi, 75.—Schnaudigel (O.) Das Suprareninumhvdrochlo- ricum. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1903, vii, 193— Schultz (W. H.) The effect of instilling adrenalin chloride into the mammalian eye. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1908-9, vi, 23-25.—de Schweinitz (G. E.) The suprarenal gland and its preparations in ophthalmic practice. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1902, 3. s., xviii, 433- 437.—Shima (R.) Ueber die Erweiterung der Pupille bei Adrenalineintraufelungen in ihrer Abhangigkeit vom Zentralnervensvstem. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1909, cxxvi; 269: cxxvii, 99.—Thilliez (L.) Emploi de l'extrait de capsules surrenales en oculistique. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1901, ii, 241-246.—Vignes (J.) Note sur l'adrenaline. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1902, xix, 435-437. -----. L'adrenaline en ophtalmolo- gie. Presse med., Par., 1902, i, 452.—Wessely (K.) Ueber die Wirkung des Suprarenins auf das Auge. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1900, Wiesb., 1901, xxviii, 69-83. Also, [Abstr.]: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1900, xiii, 233-236. -----. Zur Wirkung des Adrenalins auf Pupille und Augendruck. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1905, xiii, 310-320. -----. Zur Wirkung des Adrenalins auf das enukleierte Froschauge und die isolierte Warm- bliiteriris. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 1018.—Zak (E.) Zur Kenntnis der Adrena- linmydriasis. Verhandl. d. Kong, f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1908, xxv, 392-399.—Ziminermanu. De l'action de l'extrait de capsules surrenales. Clin, opht., Par., 1900, vi, 277-280. Suprarenal extract (Pathological effects of). _ Handelsman (J.) * Ueber Suprarenininjek- tion bei Kaninchen, nebst Einleitung iiber Nebennierenveranderungen bei Arteriosklerose. 8°. Berlin, [1906]. d'Amato (L.) Sulle alterazioni prodotte dagli estratti di capsule surrenali nei vasi sangnigni e in altri organi. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1905, n. s., xxvii, 746-748. -----. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die von den Nebennieren-Extrakten bewirkten Ver- anderungen der Blutgefasse und anderer Organe Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1100; 1131.—d'Amato (L.) & Faggella (V.) Delia natura e del significato delle lesioni aortiche prodotte dagli estratti di cap- sule surrenali. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med Napoli 1905, n. s., xxxvii, 769-786.—Baduel (A.) Effetti delle iniezioni di adrenalina nell' arteria renale Lavori d Cong, di med. int. 1905, Roma, 1906, xv, 340.—Biland (J.) Ueber die durch Nebennierenpraparate gesetzten Gefass- und Organveriinderungen. Deutsches Arch f klin. Med.. Leipz., 1906, Ixxxvii, 413-424 —Boinet Du tremblement provoque ou exagere par l'opotherapie sur- SUPRARENAL. 79 SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal extract (Pathological effects of). renale ou thyroi'dienne. Gaz. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1905, vi, 513-525.—Braun (L.) Ueber Adrenalinarteriosklerose. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch Math.-naturw. KL, Wien, 1907, cxvi, 3. Abt, 1-24, 2 pl.—Cavlna (ti.) Pato- genesidell'edema polmonareacuto daadrenaUna. Pat 11. Riv quindicin., Genova, 1910-11, iii, 447-449.—< itron (.1.) Ueber die durch Suprareninexperimentell erzeugten Ver- anderungen. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1905,1,649-654.—Cohen (S.S.) Acuteedemaof the uvula, palate, pharynx and epiglottis, following the excessive application of adrenal solution preserved with chlore- tone. Tr. Am. Larvngol. Ass., N. Y., 1901, 250-252. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1901, lxxix, 638. ^?.sr>, Reprint.— Comessatti (G.) Nota critica experimentale sull' ate- roma aortico da adrenalina. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1906, xiv, 808-812. -----. Systematische Dosierungen des Nebennierenadrenalins in der Pathologie. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1909-10, lxii, 190-200.—Be Bonis (V.) Sulle alterazioni degenerative delle fibre muscolari del cuore in seguitoaltratamentoadrenalinico. Path. Riv. quindicin., Genova, 19to titiii, 2.—Oon- zello (G.) & Tardo (G. V.) Lim'nanmosclerosi da adrenalina. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol.. Firenze, 1909, lxiii, 891-904, 2 pl.—Driuuniond (W. BA The histo- logical changes produeed iivthe injection of adrenalin chloride. J. Physiol., bono., 1904, xxxi, 81-91.—Buns- moor (F. A.) Necrosisof soft parts following enormous subcutaneous injections of adrenalin. Northwest. Lan- cet, Minneap., 1904, xxix, 268.—Egidi (G.) Contributo alio studio delle necrosiaortiche da adrenalina. Policlin., Roma, 1909, xvi, sez. med., 337-353.—Ehrmann (R.) Zur Physiologie und experimentellen Pathologie der Adrenalinsekretion. Arch.f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1906-7, v, 39-46.—Erb (W.) Experimentelle und histologische Studien fiber Arterienerkrankung nach Adrenalininjektionen. Ibid, 1905, liii, 173-212,1 pl.— Erb (W.) jun. Ueber Arterienerkrankung nach Adre- nalininjektionen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 829.—de Falco(A.) Alterazionirenaliinseguitoall'uso di adrenalina. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1904, Roma, 1905, xiv, 524-526.—Fa Ik (F.) Weitere Untersuchungen zur Frage der Adrenalin-Arterionekrose und deren experimenteller Beeinflussung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xxii, 810.—Fischer (B.) Ueber Arterienerkran- kungen nach Adrenalininjektionen. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1905, xx, 235-245. Also: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1905, xix, 584.—Fleisher (M. S.) Ueber die Einwirkung von Jodipin und einigen anderen Substanzen auf die durch Adrenalin hervorgerufenen Arterienveranderungen sowie iiber die Wirkung sehr grosser Adrenalindosen. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1909, xx, 106-109.—Gamier (M.) Influence de l'adrenaline sur le developpement des gangrenes micro- biennes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 1440-1442. — Grober (J.) Adrenalinerkrankung der Kaninchenleber. Zentralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1908, xxix, 797-801.—Hopkins (F. E.) The influ- ence of adrenalin in the causation of arteriosclerosis. Tr. Am. Larynsrol. Ass., N. Y., 1908, xxx, 94-98.— Jo sue (O.) Atlnrome aortique experimental par injec- tions repetees d'adrenaline dans les veines. Presse med., Par., 1903, ii, 798.—Kaiserling (C.) Beitrag zur Wir- kung intravenoser Suprarenininjektionenauf die Kanin- chenaorta. Berl.klin.Wchnschr., 1907,xliv,29-3L—Klie- neberger (C.) Ueber die Wirkung von Nebennieren- praparaten auf die Kaninchenaorta bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung von Jodipin oder Jodkali. Zentralbl. f. in- nere Med., Leipz., 1907, xxviii, 273-280.—von Koranyi (A.) Ueber die Wirkung des Jods auf die durch Adrena- lin erzeugte Arterionekrose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.u. Berl., 1906,xxxii. 679. -----. Die Demonstration der Prophylaxe der durch Adrenalin erzeugten Gefass- verkalkung mit Jod. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xiii, 866. -----. Prophylaxe der durch Adrenalin verursachten Gefassverkalkung. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xi, 160.—Kostlivy (S.) Ueber den Be- hind von Adrenalin im Serum bei funktionellen Leber- storungen. Rev. de m6d. tcheque, Prague, 1909, ii, 64.— Lavrova {Mme. L. N.) Odieistviiiodanapatologiches- kiya izmieneniya v sosudakh.obuslovlivayemiya vvede- niyem zhivotnim adrenalina. [Action of iodine upon pathological processes in the blood-vessels produced by introducing adrenalin into animals.] Arch. biol. nauk .. ., S.-Peterb., 1907-8, xiii, 205-236. Also, transl.: Arch. d. sc. biol., St.-Petersb., 1907-8, xiii, 211-242.—Lichtwitz (L.) UeberWanderungdesAdrenalinsimNerven. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1908,lviii,221-226.— liOeb(L.)& Fleisher (M.S.) Influenceof iodine prep- arations on the vascular lesions produced by adrenalin. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1907, n. B., cxxxiii, 903- 911— Loeb (L.) & Githens (T. C.) The effect of ex- perimental conditions on the vascular lesions produced by adrenalin. Ibid., 1905, n. s., cxxx, 658-670.—Mans- ield (G.) & Kabdcbo (G.) Die Verhinderung der Adrenalin-Arteriosclerose. Verhandl. d. Budapest, k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte 1908, Budapest, 1909, 60. — Papa- Suprarenal extract (Pathological effects of). dia (G.) Arteriosclerosi da adrenalina. Riv. di pa- tol. nerv., Firenze, 1906, xi, 113-121, 1 pl.—Pari (G.- A.) Action locale de l'adrenaline sur les parois des vais- seaux et action des doses minimes d'adrenaline sur la pression du sang. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1906-7, xlvi, 209-219.—Pearce (R. M.) & Baldaui"(L. K.) A note on the production of vascular lesions in the rabbit by sin- gle injections of adrenalin. Tr. Ass. Am. Phvs., Phila., 1906, xxi,792-795. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. &N. Y., 1906, cxxxii, 737-740. Also, Reprint. Also: Albany M. Ann., 1907, xxv iii, 51-53. Also: Stud. BenderHyg. Lab.,Albany, 1906,iii..51-53.—Scheli"(.L) Pulpentod nachsubgingiva- ler Injektion von Nebennierenextrakt. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1909, xxv, 1-26.—Scheide- mandel (E.) Ueber die (lurch Adrenalininjektionen zu erzeugende Aortenverkalkung der Kaninchen. Vir- chow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1905, clxxxi, 363- 382. — Scliirokoiioroir (.1. .1.) Die sklerotische Er- krankung der Arterien nach Adrenalin-Injektionen; ex- perimentelle Untersuchung. Ibid., 1908, cxci, 482-534, 1 pl.—Schrank (F.) Verfahren zur Verhinderung des Entstehens der Adrenalin-Arteriosclerose. Verhandl. d. Budapest, k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte 1907, Budapest, 1908, 69. Also: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1907, xliii, 709. -----. Experimentelle Beitrage zur Wirkung der Jod- praparate auf die Adrenalin-Arterionekrose. Ztschr. f. klin. Med.,Berl., 1907,lxiv,471-482. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Orvosihetil.,Budapest,1907,li,769-77L—Scliiicking (A.) Hochgradige Hautverfiirbung von Nebennierenextract. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 204.—Shima (R.) Zur Frage der nach Adrenalinwirkung auftretenden Ver- anderungen des Centralnervensystems. Neurol. Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1908, xxvii, 159.—Stargardt. Nekrosen nach Suprarenin-Injektionen. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Au- genh. ,Stuttg.,1906,xlv,213-219—Torri (O.) Nuovo con- tributo alio studio delle lesioni pseudo-ateromatose in seguito ad iniezioni intravenose di adrenalina. Clin. mod., Firenze, 1906, xii, 337-313— Trakhtenberg (M. A.) Okostenleniye khryashtsha v aortie u krolika vizi- vayemoye eksperimentalno adrenalinom. [Ossification of the cartilage in the aorta of a rabbit produced experi- mentally by adrenalin.] Kharkov. M. J., 1907, iii, 150-152. -----. Obizmieneniyakh vaortle krolika pod vliyaniyem vnutrivennikh vpriskivaniy adrenalina'a. [Changes in the aorta of the rabbit under the influence of intravenous injections of adrenalin.] Ibid., 468-510, 2 pl.—Venanzi (S.) Alcuni disturbi di pigmentazione della cute raffron- tati a fenomeni sperimentali delle capsule surrenali. Riforma med., Palermo, 1899, xv, pt. 4, 134; 147; 158; 171; 183.—Vincenzo(G.) Contributo alio studio delle lesioni adrenaliniche dei vasi sanguigni e di altri organi. Ibid., 1911,xxvii.485;51L—Wolownik-Charkow(B.) Ex- perimentelle Untersuchungen iiber das Adrenalin. Vir- chow's Arch, f. path. Anat. [etc], Berl., 1905, clxxx, 225- 238. Suprarenal extract (Physiological ef- fects of). See, also, Suprarenal bodies (Antitoxic and phagocytic action of); Suprarenal bodies (Exci- sion of, Effects of); Suprarenal bodies (Glycogenic function of); Suprarenal extract (Chemistry, etc., of); Suprarenal extract (Hxmostatic effects of); Suprarenal extract (Mydriatic effects of'); Su- prarenal extract (Pathological effects of); Su- prarenal extract ( Therapeutic uses of); Supra- renal extract (Toxicity of). Josserand (P.) * Contribution k l'etude phy- siologique de l'adrenaline (travail du labora- toirede therapeutique). 8°. Paris, 1904. Moller (S.) * Kritisch-experimentelle Bei- trage zur Wirkung des Nebennierenextraktes (Adrenalin). [Wurtzburg.] roy. 8°. Berlin, 1906. Paradovski (A. V.) * K voprosu o dieistvii preparatov adrenalkhlorida na zhivotniy orga- nizm. [Action of adrenalin-chlorid prepara- tions upon the animal organism.] 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 1906. Pemberton (R.) & Sweet (J. E.) The inhibi- tion of pancreatic activity by extracts of supra- renal and pituitary bodies. 8°. Philadelphia, 1907-8. Savelyeff (S. T.) *0 vliyanii podkozhnikh vpriskivaniy adrenalina na krov i ob immuni- tetle k nemu; eksperimentalnoye izsliedova- SITRAKENAL. 80 SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal extract {Physiological ef- fects of). niye. [Influence of subcutaneous injections of adrenalin on the blood and immunity to it; experimental investigation.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1904. Schultz (YV. H.) Relative physiological ac- tivity of some commercial solutions of epine- phrin. 8°. Washington, 1910. Thies ([H.] F.) *Das physiologische Ver- halten von 1-, d- und dl-Suprarenin. [Bern.] 8°. Berlin, 1909. Touyan (G.) * Recherches experimentales sur l'adrenaline. Son dosage, sa formation, son origine, sa destruction. 8°. Toulouse, 1905. Abderhalden (E.), Kautzsch (K.) & Miiller (F.) Weitere Studien fiber das physiologische Verhalten von 1- und d-Suprarenin. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1909, lxi, 119: lxii, 404, 1 ch.,1 tab. —Abder- halden (E.) & Miiller (F.) Ueber das Verhalten des Blutdruekes nach intravenoser Einfiihrung von 1-, d- und dl-Suprarenin. Ibid., 1908, lviii, 185-188. — Abderhal- den (E.) A Slavu. Weitere Studien iiber das physio- logische Verhalten von 1-, d- und dl-Suprarenin; 3. Mit- teilung. Ibid., 129-137—Abderhalden (E.) & Thies (F.) Weitere Studien iiber das physiologische Verhal- ten von 1-, d- und dl-Suprarenin; 2. Mitteilung. Ibid., 1909,lix,23-28,1 pl.—Abel (J. J.) Ueber den blutdruck- erregenden Bestandtheil der Nebenniere, das Epine- phrin. Ibid., 1899, xxviii, 318-362. -----. Further ob- servations on epinephrin. Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost., 1901-2, p. v. —Abelous (G.-E.), Sou lie (A.) & Tou- jan (G.) Sur 1'identite d'action des extraits des sub- stances corticale et medullaire des capsules surrenales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lix, 520.—Atba- nasiu (J.) & tiradlnesco (A.) La circulation artifi- eielle dans les muscles; action de l'adrenaline surl'endo- thelium vasculaire. 75?'d.,1908, lxiv, 613-615.—Ausloni (A.) e cu cnucutc uc , ouimojmo dans les surr6nales de la grenouille. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvii, 490; 534. —Houghton (E. M.) Assaying suprarenal products; method devised for the physiological estimation of preparations of the suprare- nal glands; important medicaments that have sprung into large use within the last few years. Bull. Pharm., Detroit, 1901, xv, 507.—Pancrazio (F.) II persolfato di sodio come rivelatore dell' adrenalina. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1909, xxx, 151.3—Pellegrini (R.) II dosaggio istologico ed il dosaggio chimico nella ricerca delT adre- nalina. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1910, liii, 494; 543.—Stewart (G. N.) So-called biological tests for adrenalin in blood, with some observations on arterial hypertonus. J. Exper. M., N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1911, xiv, 377-400, 4 pl.—Trendelenburg (P.) Zur Bestim- mung des Adrenalingehaltes im Blut. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1919.—AVaterman (N.) Ueber den Nachweis von Nebennierenprodukten im Blut und Ham. Arch. f. d. ges> Physiol., Bonn, 1909, cxxviii, 48- 66.—Waterman (N.) & Boddicrt (R. J.) Ueber den Nachweis von Nebennierenprodukten im Blut und Ham, Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 1102.—Zanirognini (A.) Eine neue kolorimetrische methode der Adrenalinbestimmung. Ibid., 1909, xxxv, 1752. Suprarenal extract (Therapeutic uses of). See, also, Suprarenal extract (Accidents from use of); Suprarenal extract (Employment of) in hicai anaesthesia; Suprarenal extract (Haemostatic effects of); Suprarenal extract (Mydriatic effects of); Suprarenal extract (Surgical uses,of); Su- prarenal extract (Therapeutic uses of) in gynecol- ogy, etc. Adrenalin therapy. Comprising clinical re- prints published to date, condensed and ar- ranged alphabetically according to diseases. 12°. Detroit, 1903. Brunet ( H.-C.-E.) * Considerations sur l'emploi de la glande surrenale en therapeuti- que. 8°. Paris, 1901. Dollard (H.) * L'adrenaline et ses applica- tions therapeutiques. 8°. Toulouse, 1902. Goldschmidt (S.) * Materialien zu einer Monographic iiber Nebennieren und Neben- nierentherapie. 8°. Halle a. S., 1904. Joiin (C.) Nebennierenpraparate mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung des Suprarenins und Adrenalins und deren Verwendung in der Tier- heilkunde. [Giessen.] 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Suprarenal extract {Therapeutic uses of). Mousset (J.-D.) *Les principes actifs des capsules surrenales; leur emploi en therapeuti- que. 8°. Par is, 1903. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1903. Notice sur les proprietes et l'emploi de la r£- naline francaise; principe actif des capsules sur- renales. 12°. Paris, [1903]. Oppenheim (R.) & Loeper (M.) La medica- tion surrenale. 12°. Paris, 1904. Simonovich(V.F. ) * Material! kprimieneniyu nadpochechnikovikh preparatov v klinikle vnutrennikh bolienei; k voprosu o dieistvii i primienenii adrenalina. [Application of prepa- ration of suprarenal capsules in the clinic of in- ternal diseases; on the action and application of adrenalin.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1903. Abemethy (C. O.) On the uses of adrenalin chlo- ride. Old Dominion J. M. & S., Richmond, 1908-9, vii, 344-347.—Adrenalin. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1902, ix, 715-717.—Ajello (S.) L' uso delle capsule sur- renali nella terapia delle malattie di cuore. Gazz. med. sicil., Catania, 1901, iv, 87; 96.—Amat (C.) Note sur l'adrenaline. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1902, cxliii, 885-891.—Anderssen (J.) Adrenalin. Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi, Kc-benh., 1908-9, vii, 209-211.—Appli- cazioni terapeutiche della paraganglina Vassale. Rassegna di bact.-opo- e sieroterap., Milano, 1903-4, i, fasc. 4,15-19.—Aschner (B.) Ueber Herzneurose und Basedowoid und ihr verschiedenes Verhalten gegeniiber der Funktionspriifung mit Adrenalin. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1910, lxx, 458-467.— Bartrina (J. M.) Em- ploi therapeutique de l'adrenaline dans les voies uri- naires. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc.-verb. 1902, Par., 1903, vi, 330-336. Also: Ann. Soc. med.-ehir. de Li6ge, 1902, xii, 424-126.—Bates (W. H.) Notes on the therapeutic uses of the suprarenal gland. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liv, 516. -----. The therapeutic properties of the suprarenal cap sule. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxv, 346-348. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1900, lxxvi, 441-444. Also, Reprint. -----. A further contribution concerning the efficacy of the suprarenal gland, both internally and locally, with reports of cases. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1900, ix, 881- 888. Also: Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1900, vii, 517-522. Also: Tr. Mississippi Valley M. Ass., [v. p.], 1900, ii, 365-376. Also: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1900-1901, v, 465-467. -----. The therapeutic uses of the supra-renal extract. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1902, ii, 199-201.— Baum (J.) Zur Wirkung und Anwendung der Neben- nierenpraparate, insbesondere in der Dermatologie. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1905, lxxiv, 59; 231.—Bennette (B.) Some notes on adrenalin chloride. - Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1908, li, X-A —Berent (W.) Ueber Renoformpulver. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1906, xlvii, 251-253.—Bergman (P.) Om adrenalinets tera- peutiska anviindning. Allm. sven. Lakartidn., Stock- holm, 1906, iii, 721-727.—de Beiirmann. Note sur l'emploi de l'adrenaline en phototherapie. Ann. de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 743.-Boinet (E.) Opotherapie surrenale. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1909, lxii, 154; 240.— Booth (B. S.) Adrenalin chloride. Al- bany M. Ann., 1901, xxii, 541-543.— Bosurgi (E.) Con- tributo alio studio della proprieta, azione ed impiego clinico sull' adrenalina. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 1444-1447.—Boy-Teissier. L'adrenaline dans les ma- ladies cardio-pulmonaires. Marseille med., 1904, xii, 374- 376. -----. L'adrenaline dans Thypotension cardio-vas- culaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 880- 882.—Braun. Ueber die Anwendung des Suprarenins. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1909, xxxiii, 1051-1054.— Breton (A.) Note sur l'adrenaline Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1903, lxxvi, 761-763.—Brown (J. M.) On the use of a solution of adrenalin chloride in oil in the acute forms of rhinitis and laryngitis. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1905, xi, 168.—Brown (W. H.) A note on three cases illus- trating the value of suprarenal extract. Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 21.—Burak (S. M.) K voprosu o fiziologiche- skikh svolstvakh vityazhki iz nadpochechnikov (resp. adrenalina) v svyazi s yevo znacheniyom dlya prakti- cheskol meditsini (v oblasti laringo-rino- i otologii). [Physiological properties of suprarenal extracts (or adre- nalin), in connection with its significance for practical medicine (in laryngo-rhinology and laryngo-otology).] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 1013-1017.—Burnet (J.) Adrenalin; a short account of its therapeutic applications. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1903, xxxi, 385-387.— Butler (H. O.) A practical experience with adrenalin as a cardiac and vaso-motor stimulant. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 595.—Carleton (H. G.) Use of suprarenal prin- ciple in neuralgia and neuritis. Am. Med., Phila., 1906, xi, 268-270. -----. External use of adrenalin in neural- SUPRARENAL. 85 suprarenal; Suprarenal extract (Therapeutic uses of). gia, neuritis, and reflex or referred pain. Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1907, 3. s., xxiii, 293-307.—Casselberry (W.E.) Adrenalin. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1901,11. s.,ii, 283-285.—Cavazzani (E.) Adrenalina e veratro. Clin. med. ital.,Milano, 1909,xlviii,385-390.—Cohen (S.S.) The use of adrenal substance in the treatment of asthma. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 1164-1166. Also, Re- print.— Cohn (J.) Ueber Adrenalin. Monatschr. f. Harnkr. u. sex. Hyg., Leipz., 1904, i, 60-63.—B'Amours (J.E.) Ladrenalinecontrelesepanchementssereuxa,re- petition. Union m6d. du Canada, Montreal, 1906,xxxv,382- 385.—Bavisi T.G.) A resume of recent literature relating to the suprarenal glands and their application to clinical medicine. N. York M. J. [etc], 1906, lxxxiv, 263-270. Also, Reprint.—Deeks (W. E.) Suprarenal extract in cardiac conditions. Montreal M. J., 1901, xxx, 845-848.— Bengg (H.) Kasuistischer Beitrag zur Suprarenin- wirkung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 2706.— De Paoli (N.) Inocuita della paraganglina usata per via gastrica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1906, xxvii, 1583- 1590.—De Stella (H.) L'action physiologique et l'em- ploi, therapeutique de l'adrenaline. Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1902, ix, pt. 2, 291-296. Also: Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1902, lxix, 279-281.—Dreuw. Ueber Suprarenin bei Kollikuluskaustik. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904. li. 920.—Buncanson (J. G.) A note on the therapeutic value of adrenalin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 421.—Bupuis & Van den Feckhout. L'ad- renaline. Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1903, Iii, 481-495.— Enomoto (S.) [My experience with adrenalin chlo- ride] Shikwagakuho, Tokyo, 1902, vii, no. 6, 1-7.— Faivre. [L'emploi de l'adrenaline.] Poitou med., Poitiers, 1903, xvii, 76-78.—Fellows (C. G.) Clinical experiences with the suprarenal gland and its various Sreparations. Clinique, Chicago, 1902, xxiii, 714-718 — Penyvessi (B.) Versuche mit Nebennierenextract. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1899,iv,36.—Floersheim (S.) The use of the suprarenal capsule in diseases of the lower air passages. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lviii, 774. -----. Conclusions drawn from a clinical study of two hundred cases of organic heart disease treated with the suprarenal substance. Med. & Surg. Monitor, Indianap., 1902, v, 242-244. -----. The use of the suprarenal capsule in diseases of the heart; second paper, with a report of cases. N. York M. J., 1901, lxxiii, 761; 847.-----. The use of suprarenal extract in diseases of the heart and lungs. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1902, ii, 201-204. -----. The status of suprarenal therapy. Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1905, xxiv, 252-258. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1905, lxxxvi, 587-590. -----. Adrenalin therapy. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., &N. Y., 1908, n. s., iii, 450-459— Frankhauser (F. W.) Observations on adrenalin chloride. Med. Exam., N. Y., 1902, xii, 173.— Gallenga (P.) SulT uso dell' estratto di capsule surre- nali (surrenadene) nelle cardiopatie. Bull. d. Soc. Lan- cisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1902, xxii, 154-175. — Gold- schmidt (B.) Ueber einige neue Anwendungsformen des Nebennierenextraktes. Aerztl. Prax., Berl. u. Leipz., 1904, xvii, 205.—Ciozeber (Z. A.) K voprosu o liecheb- nom znachenii adrenalina. [Medicinal value of adrena- lin.] Raboti hosp. khirurg. klin. Dyakonova, Mosk., 1903,ii,319-325.—Gracieux (F.) La adrenalinaemplea- da en pinceladas cutaneas. Escuela de med., Mexico, 1909, xxiv, 343.—Grimsdale (H. B.) A note on the use of adrenalin chloride. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1902, xxx, 754.—Halsey (J. T.) Some observations on adre- nalin, clinical and experimental. Tr.Ass.Am.Physicians, Phila., 1909, xxiv, 521-526.—Heidenhain (L.) Ueber Infusion von Suprarenin-Kochsalzlosungen bei perito- nitischer Blutdrucksenkungund uber unsere derzeitigen Kenntnisse von der Wirkung des Suprarenin bei infek- tiosen Vasomotorlahmungen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, civ, 53-5-576.—Heiman (A.) fils. De Teffi- cacite curative del'adrenalinedans les maladies des oreil- les et du nez. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1903, xxiv, 305-309.—lngals(E.F.) Notesonadrenalin and ad- renalin chlorid. J.Am.M.Ass., Chicago, 1901,xxxvi, 1155- 1157.—Jackson (E.) Suprarenal extract. Progr. Med., Phila. & N. Y., 1899, ii, 450.—John (M.) Weitere klini- sche Erfahrungen iiber intravenose Suprarenininjek- tionen bei schweren Herz-und Gefiisskollapsen. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 2408-241L—Josue (O.) Remarques sur l'emploi de l'adrenaline en therapeutique. Bull, et m6m. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1905, 3. s., xxii, 1053-1058.-----. Sur l'emploi therapeutique de l'adrena- line. Ibid., 1909, 3.8., xxvi, 961-965. Also [Abstr.]: Presse m6d., Par., 1910, xviii, 164.—Jousset (M.) Emploi de la glande surrenale en therapeutique. Art m6d., Par., 1902, xciv, 2.58-269. —Kauert (J.) Ueber die Anwen- dung des synthetischen Suprarenin in der inneren Me- dizin. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1910, c, 387- 411.—Kennedy (C. F. J.) The usefulness of adrenalin in general practice. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1902, xxi, 279.—King (G.) L'adrenaline; sa valeur the- rapeutique. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1902, xxviii, pt. 2, 11-16.—Koch (F.) Ueber die Suprarenal extract (Therapeutic uses of). therapeutische Verwendung mit Nebennierenextrakt im- pragnierter Verbandstoffe. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1905, 99.-----. Indication und Wirkung des Renoform- pulvers. Med. Woche, Berl., 1905, vi, 25—Koenigstein (M.) O wartosci leczniczej adrenaliny w cierepieniach nosa, uszu, gardla i krtani. [Therapeutic value of adre- nalin in diseases of the nose, ear, pharvnx, and larynx.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1903, 2. s., xxiii, 367; 395.—Kothe (R.) Die Behandlung von Kollapszustanden mit intra- venosen Adrenalininjektionen. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1909,1, 95-104.—Krenztuchs (S.) Einige Erfah- rungen fiber innere Adrenalindarreichung. Wien. med. Presse, 1906, xlvii, 921.—Kiihn (A.) Einige Erfahrungen iiber den therapeutischen Werth der Nebennierensub- stanz. Therap.d. Gegenw.. Berl., 1902, iv, 347-349.—Lanz (O.) Adrenaline en heelkunde. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1904, 2.r., xl, d. 1,1335-1340.—Lermoyez (M.) Un grand medicament de Tavenir; l'adrenaline. Presse med., Par., 1902, i, annexes, 433.—Lesage (J.) L'adrenaline. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1904, lxxxi, 225- 231.—I*evi-Sirugue. Le r61e des capsules surrenales en pathologie et en therapeutique. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 791-796.—Iachtenstern (G.) Ueber die Adrenalintherapie bei Morbusmaculosus des Pferdesund die Gebiirparese des Rindes. Miinchen. tierarztl. Wchn- schr., 1911, lv, 285-288.—Limouta (G.) Contributo alio studio clinico sull' adrenalina. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.] Torino, 1902-3, xiii, 458-462. — L,IansC>. Terapeutica; adrenalina. Rev. de cien. m6d. de Barcel., 1902, xxviii. 527-535.—Long worth (S. G.) Clinical observations on the action of some suprarenal preparations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 170-173.—Lowery (J. M.) External use of adrenalin in neuralgia, neuritis, and reflex or referred pain. AlabamaM.J.,Birmingh., 1908-9,xxi,8-11.—Luria ( A.) Report on some clinical observations regarding adrenalin, the active principle of the suprarenal gland, with especial reference to its true value and position in modern therapeutics. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de therap., 369-385.—Me- Knight (J. F.) Some of the therapeutic uses of the adrenals. Med. Progress, Louisville, 1903, xix, 321.— Maclachlan (D. A.) Adrenalin chloride. Homoeop. Eye, Ear & Throat J., N. Y., 1903, ix, 176-184.— Mandl (H.) Ueber einige praktische Versuche mit dem Para- ganglin Vasale. Med.-technol. J., Leipz. u. Wien, 1907, iii, 17-20.—Maragliano (D.) Influenza dell' adre- nalina sul decorso delle infezioni locali. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1906, xxvii, 849.—Marvel (E.) Some uses of adrenalin in the peritoneal cavity. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1906, xxx, 367-370.—Mayer (E.) Clinical experience with adrenalin. Phila. M. J., 1901, vii, 819-821. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1901, lxxi, 17-19.—Meara (F. S.) A new use of suprarenal gland. Merck's Arch., N. Y., 1902, iv, 177.—de Mendoza (S.) Indications nouvelles sur l'emploi de l'adrenaline. Arch. de med. et chir. spec, Par., 1907, viii, 767-772.—Meurice (J.) L'adrenaline; son action physiologique et ses appli- cations therapeutiques. Rev. g6n. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1905, xvi, 1045-1051.—Michel. Adrenalin als Anti- phlogisticum. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1907, xxxvi, 327-346.—Millener (F. H.) Desiccated suprarenal cap- sule in acute coryza. Buffalo M. J., 1899-1900, n. s., 685- 587.—Miller (J. L.) The action of the extract of the suprarenal gland and the method and indications for its use. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 1661-1664.— Mtfller (S.) Kritisch - experimentelle Beitrage zur Wirkung des Nebennierenextraktes (Adrenalin). The- rap. Monatsh., Berl., 1906, xx, 85-99.—Morel (L.-E.) L'adrenaline. Rev. trimest. suisse d'odont., Basel & Geneve, 1903, xiii, 241-258.—Mosse (M.) Ueber thera- peutische und diagnostische Verwendung von Neben- nierenpraparaten in den oberen Luftwegen. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl.-Wien, 1900, n. F., ii, 541.—Miiller (B.) Ueber die Verwendung der Nebennierenpriiparate. Berl. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 1365-1369. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 1365-1369.—Mullen (J.) Aqueous suprarenal extract; its surgical and therapeutic uses. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 1081-1085. -----. The use, surgically and therapeutically, of the aqueous extract of suprarenal capsule. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1899, xxxi, 285-298.—Mummery (P. L.) The administration of adrenalin in cases of failure of the circulation. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 790.—Neu (M.) Zur Frage der reinen Verwendung von Nebennierenprapa- raten. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1909, xxxiii, 1047- 1051.—Newcoinb (J. E.) The supra-renal bodies; some remarks upon their physiology and therapy with special reference to rhinology. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1899, 36-42.—Okada (W.) Eine Sammelforschung fiber die klinische Bedeutung des Adrenalin8. [Japanese text.] Dai Nippon Ji-Bi-In-Ko-Kwa-Kwai Kwai Ho, Tokyo, 1904, x, 85-114.—Oliver (G.) On the therapeutic employ- ment of the suprarenal glands. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 653-655.—Oppenheimcr (E. H.) Beitrag zur Verwendung der Nebennierenpriiparate. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 1502.—Patta 56 SUPRARENAL. SUPRARENAL. Suprarenal extract (Therapeutic uses of). (A.) Osservazioni intorno alle iniezioni ipodermiche ed intramuscolari di adrenalina. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1905, 472-480. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1906-7, xlvi, 463-469.— Hery (J.) A propos de quelques nouvelles applications de l'adrenaline. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 121.—Peters (E. A.) Four cases in which paiq was relieved by suprarenal extract. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 619.— Porosz (M.) A tonogen suprarenale sec. Richter ne- mely sikeres alkalmazJsax61. [Some successful uses of . . .] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1904, xliv, 500.—Pruszyh- ski (J.) W sprawie stosowaniu adrenaliny. [On the use of adrenalin.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1908, 2. s., xxviii, 666-668.—Beichert (E. T.) Adrenalin, the active prin- ciple of adrenal extract, a proposed agent in morphin and opium poisoning, in circulatory failure, in the prevention of collapse in anesthesia, and in allied conditions; a pre- liminary note. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1901, xiv, 51-54.—Beynolds (D. S.) The therapeutic value of adrenalin chlorid. Tr. West. Ophth., Otol. [etc] Ass. Ophth. Div., St. Louis, 1901,109-113. Also: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1901, xviii, 321-326. Also [Abstr.]: Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 32.—Kichardson (G. H.) Adrenalin chloride in practice. Pacific Coast J. Homceop., San Fran., 1903, xi, 27.—Sajous (E.deM.) Adrenal therapy. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1910, xvii, 295-304. Also: Inter- state M. J., St. Louis, 1910, xvii, 81-91. Also: Month. Cycl. & M. Bull., Phila., 1910, iii, 67-76.—Sansom (A. E.) Case of melasma treated by suprarenal gland extract. Tr. M. Soc Lond., 1896, xix, 388-390.—Sard ou (G.) Me- moire relatif & Taction therapeutique de l'adrenaline employee en badigeonnage cutane. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1908, 3. 6., lx, 238-241. Also: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1909, 70-88.—Schafer (E. A.) On certain practi- cal applications of extract of suprarenal medulla. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 1009.—Senn (A.) Ueber Adrenalin. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Basel & Geneve, 1903, xiii, 95; 305. — Sewaki. [The use of suprarenal extract.] I-Cho-byo Kenkyu Kwai Kwaiho, Tokyo, 1902, iii, 698- 705.—Silvestri (T.) Di alcune indicazioniterapeutiche della paraganglina Vassale. Policlin., Roma, 1907, xiv, sez. prat., 528-532.—Somers (L. S.) Aqueous extract of the suprarenal gland; a clinical and experimental study of its local use. Merck's Arch.,N. Y., 1900, ii, 207-212. Also [Abstr.]: IndianaM. J.,Indianap., 1900-1901, xix,55-58.— Sommer (G.) Zur Praxis der Anwendung von Neben- nierenpraparaten. Wchnschr. f. Therap. u. Hyg. d. Auges, Dresd., 1902-3, vi, 299.—Spasski (A. I.) Adre- nalin vveterinarnol terapii. Arch, vet.nauk, St. Petersb., 1908, xxxviii, 263-269.—Stedman (F. O.) Adrenalin chloride. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 430.—Stiel. Ueber die Wirkungdes Nebennierenextrakts und seine Anwen- dung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903,1,1483.—Straub (W.) Ueber Adrenalin und seine therapeutische An- wendung. Ztschr. f. iirztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1910, vii, 577- 681. -----. Die pharmakologischen Grundlagen fiir eine intravenose Adrenalintherapie. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1911, lviii, 1388.—Suarez de Mendoza (F.) In- dications nouvelles sur l'emploi de Tadr6naline; service que ce precieux alcaloide peut rendre aux praticiens non specialistes. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de therap., 283-288. Also [Abstr.]: Progrfes m6d., Par., 1903, 3. s., xvii, 312. Also transl.: Siglo med., Madrid, 1903,1, 246-249. -----. Sur l'emploi de l'extrait de capsules surrenales et de son alcaloide, l'adrenaline. Arch, de med. et chir. sp6c, Par., 1903, iv, 1; 31. Also: Gaz. d. h6p.de Lyon, 1903, iv, 345-356. -----. Indications nouvelles sur Temptei de l'adrenaline. Arch, de med. et chir. spec. Par., 1906-7, viii, 767-772. Also: Gaz. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1908, ix, 9-15.—Toda. [The employment of adre- nalin in diseases of infants of one hundred davs.] Rinsho Yakuseki Shimpo, Tokyo, 1906-7, ii, 192-207.— Trivas (I.) L'adrenaline et ses applications therapeu- tiques. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1902, xxiii, 460; 469.—Tyson (J.) Suprarenal extract in the treat- ment of cardio-vascular disease. Month. Cvcl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1905, xviii, 63.—Uspenski (D. "M.) Nad- pochechnaya organoterapiya. [Adrenal organotherapy.] Sovrem. Klin, i Terap., S.-Peterb., 1906, v, no. 9, 21-74 [55-70 repeated]. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1910, 343; 364; 391; 413.—Vaecari (A.) Lo stato attuale della opoterapia surrenale (sostanza di capsula surrenale; estratto di capsula surrenale; epine- frina di Abel; soprarenina di Furth; adrenalina Taka- mine; parangangliina di Vassale). Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1903, ix, v. ii, 214-225. — Van Wilder (H.) Notes et experiences au sujet de l'adrenaline. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1902, lxxxi, 289-294. Also: Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1903, x, 83-87.—Viguier (E.) De l'emploi de l'adrenaline en matiere de pathologie osseuse. [Discussion.] Soc. de med. mil. franc. Bull., Par., 1911, v, 450.—Vincent (S.) The administration of suprare- nal capsules by the mouth. Proc. Physiol. Soc, Lond., 1898, p. lvii.—Vollert. Suprarenin. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz.. 1906, i, 223.-----. Renoform. Ibid., 259.—Weill (G. A.)^L'adrenaline. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., Suprarenal extract (Therapeutic uses ■ of). 1903, lxx, 404-407.—Wilder (W. H.) The, usefulness of adrenalin chloride in surgery and medicine. .Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1910, 3. s., xxvi, 252-254.—Wilson (N. L.) Clinical notes on adrenalin. Tr. Am. Laryngol., Rhinol., & Otol. Soc. 1901, N. Y., 1902, vii, 99-107. Also: Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1901, xi, 63-66.—Wilson (W. J.), jr. Action and uses of the adrenal principle. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit. 1910, ix, 547-550. — Wolffberg. Atrabilin, ein neues Nebennierenpraparat. Wchnschr. f. Therap. u. Hyg. d. Auges, Bresl., 1898-9, ii,310.—Wood (H. C.) The therapeutic value of the suprarenal bodies. Merck's Arch., N. Y., 1899, i, 45-47.—Yvert (A.) L'os- teomalacie, les capsules surrenales et l'adrenaline. Gaz. d. hop. de Lyon, 1908, ix, 5.—Zaalberg. Observaties over het gebruik van adrenaline. Med. Rev., Haarlem, 1903, iii, 51.—Zanoni (G.) Educazione della funzione vescicale per mezzo dell' opoterapia surrenale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1907, xxviii, 601-505.—2ehl (A.) Adrena- lin. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1904, 301-303. Suprarenal extract {Therapeutic uses of) in gynaecology and obstetrics. Loubat (G.-E.) * L'adrenaline en obstetri- que. 8°. Bordeaux, 1910. Neu (M.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Be- deutung des Suprarenins fiir die Geburtshiilfe. Eine experimentelle und klinische Studie. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Berlin, 1908. Also, in: Arch. f. Gynsek., Berl., 1908, lxxxv, 617-711,3 pl. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Buffalo M. J., 1908, lviii, 455-469. Cramer (H.) Ueber die Verwendung des Adrenalins in der Gynakologie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 609.—Fenomenon* (N.) K vo- prosu o primlenenii adrenalina v akushortstvle i gine- kologii. [Adrenalin in obstetrics and gynecology.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1903, xvii, 1511-1526.— Harrison (G. T.) Uses of the suprarenal extract in gvnecology and obstetrics. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1902, ii, 205.—Mirto (F.) Effetti delT uso ipodermico delT adrenalina in alcuni casi di ostetricia e ginecologia. Atti Soc. ital. di ostet. e ginec. 1904, Roma, 1905, x, 125,— Neu (M.) Experimentelles zur Anwendung des Supra- renins in der Geburtshilfe; vorlaufige Mitteilung. Gy- naek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1907, i, 607-511. -----. Ueber die Verwendbarkeit des Suprarenins in der geburts- hilflichen Therapie. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1907, xlviii, 400-405.—Peters (C.) Zur Anwendung des Ad- renalin und ahnlicher Nebennierenpraparate in der Gy- nakologie. Frauenarzt, Leipz., 1904, xix, 6; 61.—Beln- hardt (J. C.) Adrenalin und Osteomalakie. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 1613-1616.—de Seigneux. De l'emploi de l'adrenaline en gynecologie et en obste- trique. Presse m6d., Par., 1905, i, 163. Suprarenal extract (Toxicity of). Taeamasio (P.) * Etude toxicologique de l'adrenaline. 8°. Geneve, 1902. Also, in: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1902, xxii, 589-617. Also, in: Trav. du lab. de physiol. Univ. de Geneve 1901-2, Geneve, 1903. iii, 15-43. Alezais (H.) & Arnaud (F.) Recherches experi- mentales et critiques sur la toxicite de la substance des capsules surrenales. Ecole . .. de med. et de pharm. de Marseille. Lab. deLivon. Trav.de physiol. exper. 1890- 1891, Par., 1892, 15-59. Also [Abstr.]: Assoc, franc, pour Tavance. d. sc. C.-r., Par., 1889, xviii, pt. 2, 703-707.— Amberg (S.) Ueber die Toxicitat des wirksamen Prin- cips der Nebennieren. Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Brux. & Par., 1902, xl, 67-100, 2 diag. Also, li ■on si. [Abstr.]: Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost., 1902, p. xxxiii.—Battelli (F). Toxicite de l'adrenaline en injections intraveineu- ses. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1902, 11. s., iv, 1247- 1249.—Battelli (F.) & Taramasio. Toxicite de la substance active des capsules surrenales. Ibid., 815- 817.—Battelli (J.) Comparaison entre les proprietes colorantes, toxiques, et les modifications de la pression arterielle produites par la substance active des capsules surrenales. Ibid., 984-986.—Bertel (O.) Zur Toxizitat des Adrenalins; Sammelreferat. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtlj- schr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1905, xxi, 414-427.—Brummond (W.B.)APaton (D.N.) Observations on theinfluenceof adrenalin poisoning on the liver, with special reference to the glycogen. J. Physiol., Lond., 1904, xxxi, 92-97—Bu- bois (L.-A.) Des variations de toxicite des extraits de capsules surrenales. Arch, dephysiol. norm, etpath., Par., 1896, 5. s, viii, 412-125.—Farini (A.) Tossicita adrena- linica ed estratti organici. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1910, xxxi, 1425-1427.— Gourlein (D.) Recherches physiolo- giques et chimiques sur une substance toxique extraite des capsules surrenales. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1895, xv, 513-527. Also [Abstr ]: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1895, cxxi, 311-314.—Lermoyez(M ) & SUPRARENAL. 87 SURBLED. Suprarenal extract (Toxicity of). A u bertin (C.) Les effets toxiques de Tadrenalisation de lamuqueuse nasale. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larvnx [etc.], Par., 1909, xxxv, pt. 2, 289-306.-----------. Sur la toxicitedeTadrenalineintroduiteparvoie nasale. Bull.et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1909,3. s., xxvi, 1052-1055.— Lesage (J.) Toxicite de l'adrenaline en injection in- traveineuse pour le chien. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 632-634. -----. Toxicite de l'adrenaline en injection intraveineuse pour le chat. Ibid., 665.—Link (G.) Poisoning from suprarenal principle. Centr. States M. Monit.. Indianap., 1907, x, 368.—Boberts (L. M.) Antidote for suprarenal preparations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 2159.—Boss! (P.) Sulle variazioni del contenuto adrenalinico delle capsule surrenali in alcuni avvelenamenti sperimentali. Arch, internat. de med. 16g., Bruxelles, 1911, ii, 88-103.—Boussel. Un cas d'intoxication par le chlorure d'adrenaline. Loire med., St.-Etiehne, 1902, xxi, 276-279.—Sajous (C. E. DeM.) The physiology of the adrenals in its relation to poisoning by adrenal preparations. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1910-11, xv, 561-564. Suprarenal line. Gkegoire (A.) *La ligne blanche dite sur- renale. 8°. Bordeaux, 1910. Bernard (L.) Etude critique sur la ligne blanche dite surrenale. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1907, 3. s., xxiv, 866-878. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1907, n. s., xxxix, 453-455.—l.autier (R.) & Gregoire (G.) La ligne blanche dite surrenale; recherches cliniques Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxviii, 690.—E.e Clerc (R.) Ce qu'il faut penser de la ligne blanche sur- renale. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 607. —;---. A propos de la ligne blanche surre- nale; reponse aEmileSergent. Ibid., 1904, 3.s.,xxi, 695.— Maurice. La ligne blanche de Sergent; reflexions sur la signification clinique et therapeutique. Lyon med., 1911, cxvi, 309-315.—Sergent (E.) Le diagnostic du syndromed'insuffisance surrenale pureet la ligne blanche surrenale. Bull, et mem,. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par.,1904, 3. s., xxi, 380-384. -----. Apropos dela ligne blanche sur- renale; reponse a M. Le Clerc; ligne blanche et hypoten- sion. Ibid.,636-639. -----. A propos de la ligne blanche ditesur renale. Tribune med., Par., 1907, n. s., xxxix,485.— Sergent (E.) & Bibadeau-Bumas (L.) Lepheno- menedeialigne blanche, Thypotensionarterielle et l'in- suffisance surrenale. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 757-764. Suprarenalin (crystalline powder and solu- tion) and the suprarenal preparations. 59 pp. 8°. Chicago, Armour & Co., [n. d.~\. Suprarenal i n uiai a. Gautier(C) Adrenalinurieexperimentale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxv, 472-474. Suprarenatoxins. Bigart & Bernard (L.) Serum surrenotoxique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1901, 11. s., iii, 161-163.— Bogomolets (A. M.) K fiziologii nadpochechnikh zhelyoz; suprarenotoksinl. [Suprarenal physiology; su- prarenotoxins.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1909, viii, 972- 978.—Levi della Vida (M.) Sui sieri tossici specifici per le capsule surrenali. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1903, lvii, 723-725. Also: Riforma med., Roma, 1903, xix, 903-905. -----. Ricerche sui sieri tossici speci- fici per te sapsule surrenali. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1904, lviii, 919-954, 2pl. Suprasternal bones. Sterling (S.) Sind die Ossa suprasternalia beim Menschen auf das Episternum der niederen Wirbeltiere zuruckzufuhren? Anat. Anz., Jena, 1908, xxxii, 333. Supra-vaginal (On the) amputation of the cervix uteri for malignant disease. With notes of ten cases. 11 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1888, eel subseq.1 Supreme (In the) Court. No. 9458. Succes- sion of Charlotte Piffet, on opposition of Dr. C. H. Tebault, appellant. On appeal by Dr. C. H. Tebault. 10 pp. 8°. New Orleans, TJuomason, [1884]. [P., v. 1230.] Supreme Court (In the) of the District of Co- lumbia. The Columbia Chemical Company vs. The Hammond Sanitarian Company. In equity No. —. Washington, D. C, Friday, June 21, 1895. Opinion by Mr. Justice Hagner. 32 pp. 8°. Washington, B. S. Adams, 1895. Supreme (In the) Court of the District of Columbia holding a criminal term. No. 14056. The United States vs. Charles J. Guiteau. Mr. Justice Walter S. Cox, presiding. Counsel for the government: District attorney Mr. George B. Corkhill, Mr. Walter D. Davidge, and Mr. John K. Porter. Counsel for defendant: Mr. George Scoville and Mr. Leigh Robinson. November, 1881. pp. 1017-1035. 8°. Wash- ington, 1881. Suptol. Andreyeflf" (P.) Eksperimentalniya izslledovaniya o sushtshnosti dlelstviya suptola. [Experimental investi- gations of the nature of the action of suptol.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1909, xxxix, pt. 2, 172-176.—Jack- scliatli (E.) Berichi iiber Impfungen mit Suptol. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1908, 52. Suquet (Leon) [1880- ]. * Des troubles digestifs dans le rhumatisme articulaire aigu ; revue generale; essai de pathogenie. 114 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1904, No. 77. Surat. See Plague (History, etc., of), by localities. Surawicz (Solomon) [1867- ' ]. * Zur Kenntniss der 5ten Reihe mit asymmetrischem Kohlenstoff und ihre Beziehungen zum Fusel- alkohol. 8°. Berlin, H. Itzkowski, [1893]. Surawitseh (Malka) *Ueber Lymphangioma cutis. 21pp., 11. 8°. Zurich, Conzett&Cie., 1906. von Surawski (Jan). *Beitrage zur Physio- logie und Technik der Kohlensaurebader. 31 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Zurich, Gebr. Leemann & Co., 1910. Surbled (Georges) [1855- ]. La morale dans ses rapports avec la medecine et 1'hygiene. La vie organique. vi, 335 pp. 12°. Paris, V. Retaux & fils, 1892. -----. Le probleme cerebral. 1 p. 1., 261 pp., 1 1. 8°v Paris, G. Masson, 1892. -----. Elements de psychologie physiologique et rationnelle. viii, 206 pp. 12°. Paris, G. Masson, 1894. -----. La vie a deux: hygiene du mariage. iii, 159 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1896. -----. The same. 2. ed. 162 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1901. -----. L'amour sain. 208 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1903. -----. L'hypnotisme guerisseur. 12 pp. 8°. Arras, 1903. Repr.from: Science catholique, Arras, 1903. -----. La lutte contre la tuberculose; un plan de campagne. 14 pp. 8°. Arras, 1903. Repr.from: Science catholique, Arras, 1903. -----. La medecine nouvelle. 17 pp. 8°. Arras, 1903. Repr. from: Science catholique, Arras, 1903. -----. La vie de jeune fille; ouvrage reserve aux meres de famille. 256 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1903. -----. L'amour; l'amour malade. 224 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Maloine, [1905]. -----. Le vice solitaire. 224 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Maloine, [1905]. -----. Questions controversies autour du ma- riage. viii, 238 pp., 1 1. 16°. Paris, A. Ma- loine, [1906]. -----. Le sous-moi. 153 pp., 11. 12°. Paris, A. Maloine, [1907]. -----. La vie de jeune garcon. viii, 180 pp. 16°. Paris, A. Maloine, [1907]. -----. Le cerveau. Nouvelle eel. viii, 260 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1908. SURBLED. 88 SURFACE-TENSION. Surbled (Georges)—continued. -----. L'honneur medical; manuel de deonto- logie elementaire. vi, 160 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1908. Le secret des sourciers. 2. 6d. 33 pp. 12°. Paris, C. Amat & A. Maloine, [1908], Sure methods of improving health and prolong- ing life, [etc.]. See Graham (Thomas J.). Surcau (Camille-Louis) [1868- ]. *Du cu- rettage comme traitement palliatif de 1'epithe- lioma du col uterin inoperable. 56 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, Y. Cadoret, 1897, No. 94. Sureau (Edmond) [1866- ]. *De 1' hypo- tonic musculaire dans le tabes; sa frequence. 53 pp. 8°. Paris, 1898, No. 295. Sureau (H[enry]). Skiascopie et skiascope- optometre. Communication faite le 9 mai 1894. 31 pp. 8°. Paris, 1894. de Surel (Joseph) [1867- ]. *Del'heredite ethologique. 59 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1908, No. 70. Suren (G[eorg]). *Von der Anwendung der Tarnier'schen Achsenzugzange mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Lagerung der Kreissen- den. 32 pp., 2 1. s°. Strassburg, C. Goeller, 1894. Suren (Jos.) *Kritische Geschichte der Lehre von der Extrauterinschwangerschaft mit vor- ziiglicher Beriicksichtigung der Aetiologie und Pathologie. 41pp., 2 1. 8°. Strassburg, i. E., C. & P Goeller, 1899. Surface (H[arvey] A [dam]) [1867- ]. In- sects injurious to cucurbitaceous plants. 30 pp., 24 pl. 8°. Harrisburg, N. S. Ray, 1902. Forms Bull. 96 of: Pennsylvania. Department of Agri- culture. Surface-privies. Stiles (C. W.) & Gardner (C. H.) The practical workings of the "surface privy" and the "lime system." Bull. Illinois Bd. Health, Springfield, 1911, vii, 117-120. Sur face-tensi on. Paxn (G. B. W.) * Beitrage zur Feststellung der wahren Oberfliichenspannung wiisseriger Sulfat-, Nitrat- und Karbonatlosungen (zwi- schen 10 und 30° C.) 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1906. Bauer (H.) Untersuchungen iiber Oberflachenspan- nungsverhaltnisse in der Milch und iiber die Natur der Hiillen der Milchfettkiigelchen. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1911, xxxii, 362-379.—Bautista Gomis(J.)& Campoy Irlgoyeii (M.) Influencia de la tensi6n superficial en la nutricion celular. Rev. espec. med., Madrid, 1911, xiv, 501-503.—Billard (G.) Influence de la tension super- ficielle daus les phenomenesde resorption. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 323.—Buglia (G.) Hiingt die Resorption von der Oberflachenspannung der resor- bierten Fliissigkeit ab? Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1909, xxii, 1-23. -----. Untersuchungen iiber die Oberflachen- spannung der Lymphe. Ibid., 1911, xxxvi, 411; 434.— Cederfoerg (I. W.) Sur la tension superficielle des solutions de sels dans l'alcool. J. de chim. phys., Geneve & Par., 1911, ix, 3-14.— Cliristoff (A.) Ueber die Ab- hangigkeitder Absorption von der Oberflachenspannung. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1906, lv, 622-634.— Drucker(K.)& (Jllmann (G.) Oberflachenwirkung des Glases bei Dampfdichtebestimmung. Ibid., 1910, lxxiv, 567-611.—Garrison (F. H.) A note on Traube's theory of osmosis and "attraction pressure." Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1910, n. s., xxxii, 281-286.— Herlitzka (A.) Sui liquidi atti a conservare la funzione dei tessuti sopravviventi. Nota 2. La ten- sione superficiale di tali liquidi. Arch, di fisiol., Fi- renze, 1909-10, viii, 249-252.— liulett (G. A.) Bezie- hungen zuNrhen Oberflachenspannung und Loslichkeit. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1901, xxxvii, 385-406.— Kaufler ( F.) Ueber die Verschiebung des osmotiscnen Gleicbgewichtes durch Oberfliichenkrafte. Ibid., 1903, xliii, 686-694.—Lewis (W. C. McC.) Ueber die Ober- flachenspannung wasseri^er Losungen und die Laplace'- schen Konstanten. Ibid., 1910, lxxiv, 619-640—Macal- lum (A. B.) [Surface-tension in physiology.] Nature, Lond., 1910, lxxxiv, 444-452. Also: Science, N. Y. v iexrpcbv Kopvepaiaov ret evpidKopeva. Opera omnia quae extant in viii sectiones ex Erotiani mente distributa, nunc recens latina interpretatione et annotationibus illustrata, Anutio Foesio. Ad- jecta sunt ad vi sectionem Palladii scholia Graeca in lib. itepl dyp&v nondum antea excusae et nunc primum latinitate donata. 5 p. 1., 49, 231, 157, 144, 382, 253, 393, 45 pp., 23 1. fol. Francofurti, apud A. Wecheli heredes, C. Marnium et J. Aubrium, 1595. ------. The same. GZuvres completes d'Hippocrate. Traduction nouvelle avec le grec en regard, collationnee sur les manuscrits et toutes les Editions, accompagnee d'une introduc- tion, de commentaires medicaux, de variantes et de notes philologiques; suivie d'une table ge- nerate dgs matieres. Par E. Littre. 10 v. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1839-61. Nikander. NiKavSpov %-ppicx.Kci, dXs^Kpdppcata. 38 1. fol. [Venetiis, apud Aldum, 1499.] ------. The same. NiKavSpov SrjpiaKa rov avrov 'AX£&(pdpuexKa. 'Eppr/veiex rov avebvvuov 6vyypaepiooi e£$ Sr/piocKa, .Sjo- Xia Siacpopoov 6vyypacpeoov h$ dXs^Kpdp- paKex E^r/yr}6i% draBpoov, pedipvfov, 6rj- peioov, kcxi xexpexKrfjpaov. Nicandri theriaca, ejusdem Alexipharmaca. Interpretatio inno- minati authoris in Theriaca. Commentarii di- versorum authorum in Alexipharmaca. Ex- positio ponderum, mensurarum, signorum, et characterum. 91 ff. 8°. [Venetiis, in sed. Aldi et Andrese Asulani soceri, 1523.] SURGEON-G ENER AL'S. Surgeon-General's Office (Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicine—Greek and Qracco-lloman Period. Nikander—continued. ------. The same. Lesceuvresde Nicandre, medecin et poete grec, traduictes en vers fran- cois par Jacques Grevin. 90 pp., 1 1. 4°. Anvers, C. Plantin, 1568. Theophrastus of Eresos [370-286 B. C.]. Theopheasti Eresii de historia plantarum libri decern, graece et latine, in quibus textum graecum variis lectionibus, emendationibus, hiul- corum supplementis, latinam Gazae versionem nova interpretatione ad margines: totum opus absolutissimis cum notis: turn commentariis, item plantarum iconibus illustravit Joannes Bodaeus a Stapel. Accesserunt Julii Caesaris Scaligeri in eosdem libros animadversiones et Roberti Constantini annotationes, cum indice locupletissimo. 9 p. 1., 1187 pp., 44 1. fol. Amstelodarni, apud H. Laurentium, 1644. Erasistratus. Hieronymus (J. F. H.) * Diss, exhibens Era- sistrati Erasistrateorumque historiam. 31 pp. 8°. Jenx, lit. Maukianis, 1790. Herophilus. Marx (K. F. H.) Herophilus. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Medicin. 3 p. 1., 103 pp. 12°. Carlsruhe in Baden, B. R. Marx, 1838. Asclepiades of Bithynia. Asclepiadis Bithyxi Fragmenta. Digessit et curavit Chr. G. Gumpert, praefatus est D. Chr. G. Gruner. xvi, 188 pp., port. 8°. Vinarise, 1794. Celsus [53 B. C.-7A. D.]. Cornelii Celsi de medicina libri viii. 196 1. fol. Florentise a Nicolao impressus, 1478. Hain 4835. First edition. -----. The same. 1491. fol. [Mediolani, 1481.] Hain 4836. ------. The same. Aurelii Cornelii Celsi medicine libri octo .. . p. 1., 451. fol. Venetiis, L. A. Junta, 1524. Gothic type. ------. The same. In hoc volumine haec continentur: Aurelii Cornelii Celsi medicinae libri viii, quam emendatissimi, graecis etiam omnibus dictionibus restitutis. 7 p. 1., 164 ff. 8°. Venetiis, inicdibusAldiet A. Asulani, [1528]. ------. The same. De medicina libri octo, ex recognitione Joh. Antonidae van der Linden. 10 p. 1., 558 pp., 1 1. 16°. Ludg. Bat., apud J. Elsevirium, 1657. Dioscorides. LTedaKtov AiodKopiSov rcepl vXrjc, tSipiKfjs Xbyoi e%. Pedacii Dioscoridis de materia me- dica libri sex. 12 p. 1., 236 1. 8°. Venetiis, in sedibus Aldi et Andrese soceri, mense junio, 1518. Second Aldine edition. ------. The same. De medicinali materia libri quinque. De virulentis animalibus, et venenis, canerabioso, eteorum notis, acremediis libri quatuor. Joanne Ruellio interprete. 2 p. 1., 9 ff. tab., 157 ff., 2 ff. errata, fol. [Parisiis, in officina H. Stephani, 1516.] ------. The same. De medica materia libri v. De letalibus venenis, eorumque precautione SURGEOX-GENKRAL'S. Dioscorides—continued. et curatione. Dt> cane rabido: deque notis quae morsus ictusque animalium venenum relinquen- tium sequuntur: deque eorum curatione lib. unus. Interprete Marcello Yergilio. 10 p. 1., 753 pp. fol. Colonise, Jo. Soter, 1529. Greek and Latin text. Aretaeus of Cappadocia. 'Aperaiov KanitaSoKov itepl airtebv Kai 6rjpeioov dleoov Kexl xpovioov TtaSa&v (iifiX. iv. O^ioov Kal xpovtGOv vovdoov Scpantv- ritcd fiif3X. iv. Areta'i Cappadocisde acutorum, ac diurnorum morborum causis et signis, lib. iv. De acutorum ac diuturnorum morborum curatione lib. iv. 195 pp., 2 1. 12°. Parisiis, apud A. Turnebum, 1554. First edition of the Greek text. -----. The same. LTspl cariobv Kal 6r}- ueioav [etc.] De causis et signis acutorum et diuturnorum morborum libri quatuor. De curatione acutorum et diuturnorum morborum libri quatuor. Cum MSS. duobus, Harleyano et Vaticano, contulit, novamque versionem dedit, Joh. Wigan. Accedit praefatio, dissertationes [etc.]. xxxiv, 151 pp., 50 1., 168 pp., 8 1. fol. Oxonise, typ. Clarendoniano, 1713. Greek text. Rufus of Ephesus. 'Povp. 16°. Lugd. Bat., J. vander Linden, 1709. Elementa chemioe. 2 v. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud I. Severinum, 1732. Gerard L. B. van Swieten [1700-1772]. Commentaria in Hermanni Boerhaave apho- rismos. 6v. 4°. Lugd.Bat.,J.cZ:H.Verbeek,1725. Johann Peter Siissmilch [1707-67]. Die gottliche Ordnung in denen Veriinderun- gen des menschlichen Geschlechts; das ist, grundlicher Beweiss der gottlichen Vorsehung und Vorsorge fiir das menschliche Geschlecht aus der Vergleichung der <4ebohrnen und Ster- benden, der Verheiratheten und Gebohrnen, [etc.]. 40, 356 pp., 20 1., 2 tab. 12°. Berlin, D. A. Gohl, 1742. Carl von Linne [Linneeus] [1707-78]. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secun- dum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum cha- racteribus, differentiis, svnonymis, locis [1735]. Editio decima. 1 p. l.,*823 pp. 8°. Holm'ce, imp. L. Salvii, 1758. Materia medica. Liber I. De plantis [etc.]. 14 p. 1., 252pp.,2 pl. 8°. Holmise,L.Salvii, 1749. Genera morborum, in auditorum usum. 32 pp., 4 1. 12°.. Upsalise, C. E. Sleinert, 1763. Francois Boissier de Sauvages de la Croix [1706-67]. Nosologia methodica. 5 v. 8°. Amstelo- dami, frat. de Tournes, 1768. William CuUen [1712-90]. Synopsis nosologiae methodicae. Editio al- tera, iv, 414 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Kincaid & W. Creech, 1772. Johann Peter Frank [1745-1821]. System einer vollstandigen medicinischen Po- lizey. v. 1-4. 8°. Mannheim, Schwann, 1780-88. Johann Friedrich Blumenbach [1752-1840]. *De generis humani, varietate nativa. [2. ed.] 100pp., 2pl. 8°. Gieltingse, A. Vandenhoeck, 1776. Samuel Hahnemann [1733-1815]. Organon der rationellen Heilkunde. xlviii, 222 pp., 1 1. 8°. Dresden, Arnold, 1810. PHYSIOLOGY. See, also, infra, John Hunter. de la Mettrie (Julien Off ray) [ 1709-51 ]. L'homme machine. 9 p. 1., 109 pp. 24°. Leyde, E. Luzacfils, 1748. First edition. Walsh (John). Of the electric property of the torpedo. In: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1773, 461-477. Stephen Hales [1677-17611. Statical essays: v. 1, containing vegetable staticks; . . . The 2d ed. v. 2, containing haemostaticks; or, on account of some hydrau- lick and hydrostatical, experiments made on the blood and blood-vessels of animals. Also, an account of some experiments on stones in the kidneys and bladder; with an inquiry into the nature of those anomalous concretions. 2. v. 8°. London, W. Innys & others, 1731-3. A description of ventilators; whereby great quantities of fresh air may with ease be con- veyed into mines, gaols, hospitals, work-houses and ships, in exchange for their noxious air. xx, 172 pp., 2 pl. 8°. London, W. Innys, 1743. Albrecht von HaUer [1708-77]. See, also, in this list, Anatomy; Atlases; Physiology of Respiration; Surgery. *Experimenta et dubia circa ductum sali- valem novum Coschwizianum. 26 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 4°. Lugd. Bat., C. Wishoff, 1727. Prints lineae physiologiae in usum praelectio- num academicarum. 3 p. 1., 480 pp. 16°. Gottingse, A. Vandenhoeck, 1747. De partibus corporis humani sensilibus et ir- ritabilibus. In: Comment. Soc. reg. scient. Gotting. (1752), 1753, ii, 114-214. Elementa physiologiae corporis humani. 8 v. in 4. 4°. Tom. i-v, Lausanne, 1757-63; torn, vi-viii, Berne, 1764-6. Bibliotheca botanica, qua scripta ad rem herbariam facientia a rerum initiis recensentur. 2 v. 4°. Liguri, apud Orell, Gessner, Fuessli et soc, 1771-2. Bibliotheca anatomica. Qua scripta ad ana- tomen et physiologiam facientia a rerum initiis recensentur. 2 v. 4°. Liguri, apud Orell, Gessner, Fuessli et soc, 1774-7. Bibliotheca medicinae practical qua scripta ad partem medicinae practicam facientia a re- rum initiis ad annum 1775 recensentur. 4 v. 4°. Basilese, J. Schweighauser, 1776-8. Robert Whytt [1714-66]. An essay on the vital and other involuntary motions of animals, x, 392 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, Hamilton, Balfour tfc Neill, 1751. William Hewson [1739-74]. An experimental inquiry into the properties of the blood, xvi, 204 pp. 12°. London, F. Cadell, 1771. Lazaro Spallanzani [1729-99]. Fisica animale e vegetabile, esposta in disser- tazioni. 3 v. 16°. Venezia, G. Bassaglia, 1782. Luigi Galvani [1737-98]. De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari commentarius cum Joannis Aldini dissertatione et notis. Accesserunt epistolae ad animalis elec- tricitatis theoriam pertinentes. xxvi, 80 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Mutiiue, apud Societatcm Typographi- cam, 1792. Physiology of Respiration. von Haller (Albrecht) [1708-77]. De respira- tione experimenta anatomica, quibus aeris inter pulmonem et pleuram absentia demonstratur et musculorum intercostalium internorurn officium adseritur. 2pts.ini. 24,35 pp. 4°. Gottingse, A. Vandenhoeck, [1746]. Hamberger fGeorg Erhard) [1697-1755]. De respirationis mechanismo et usu genuino. 3 p. 1., 182 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Jeniv, apud C. J. Croekerum, 1748. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. m SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicine—Eighteenth Century. Physiology of Respiration—continued. Black (Joseph). *De humore acido a cibis orto, et magnesia alba. 1 p. 1., 46 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, G. Hamilton et J. Balfour, 1754. Priestley (Joseph) [1738-1804]. Observations on different kinds of air. 120 pp., 1 pl. 4°. London, W. Boivuer & J. Nichols, 1772. Repr.from: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1772, lxii. Rutherford (Daniel) [1749-1819]. *De aere fixo dicto, aut mephitico. 1 p. 1., 25 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour & Smellie, 1772. Lavoisier (Antoine-Laurent) [1743-94]. Me- moire sur la nature du principe qui se combine avec les metaux pendant leur calcination et qui augmente le poids. In: Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1775, Par., 1778, 520-526. ----—._ Memoire sur la formation de l'acide, nomme air fixe ou acide crayeux, et que je desi- gnerai desorrnais sous le nom d'acide du charbon. In: Hist. Acad. roy. d. se. 1781, Par., 1784, 448-467. -----. Memoire sur l'affinite du principe oxygine avec les differentes substances aux- quelles il est susceptible de s'unir. In: Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1782, Par., 1785, 530-540. -----& de La Place (Pierre-Simon) [1749- 1827]. Memoire sur la chaleur. In: Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1780, Par., 1784, 355-408, 2 pl. ----- & Seguin. Premier memoire sur la respiration des animaux. Lin: Hist. Acad. d. sc. 1789, Par., 1794, 566-584. Ingenhousz (John) [1730-99]. Experiences sur les vegetaux, specialement sur la propriety qu'ils possedent a un haut degr6, soit d'ame- liorer l'air quand iis sont au soleil, soit de le corrompre la nuit [etc.]. [1779.] lxviii, 393 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, P.-F. Didot le jeune, 1780. Cavendish (Henry) [1731-1810]. Experi- ments on air. In: Phil. Tr., Lond., 17S4, lxxiv, 119-153. Hassenfratz (Jean-Henri) [1755-1827]. Me- moire sur la combinaison de l'oxigene avec le carbone et l'hydrogene du sang, sur la dissolu- tion de l'oxigene dans le sang et sur la maniere dont la calorique se degage. In: Ann. de chim., Par., 1791, ix, 261-274. Physiology of Digestion. de Reaumur (Rene-Antoine-Ferchault) [1683- 1757]. Sur la digestion des oiseaux. In: Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1752, Par., 1756, 266-307. Hunter (John) [1728-93]. On the digestion of the stomach after death. In: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1772, lxii, 447-454. Spallanzani (Lazaro) [1729-99]. Della di- gestione degli animali. lTOAts.-FlSiCAanim.eveg. 16°. Venezia, 1782, i, 1-312: ii, 1-183. PATHOLOGY. See, also, infra, John Hunter. Giovanni Battista Morgagni [1682-1771]. De sedibus et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis libri quinque. xcvi, 298 pp.; 450 pp., port. fol. Venetiis, typog. Remandiniana, 1761. Matthew Baillie [1761-1823]. The morbid anatomy of some of the most im- portant parts of the human body, xxviii, 314 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1793. INTERNAL MEDICINE. Cheyne (George) [1671-1743]. Observations concerning the nature and due method of treat- ing the gout, v (3 1.), 98 pp. 8°. London, G. Strahan, W. Mears, 1720. ------. The English malady; or, a treatise of nervous diseases of all kinds. 256 pp., 16 1. 8°. London, S. Powell, G. Risk, G. Euring A treatise on the diseases of children. 2 v. in 1. 16°. London, J. Matthews, 1789. Malacarne (Vincenzo) [1744-1816]. Lettre sur l'etat des cretins de Turin au mois de de- cembre 1788. In: Fkank (J. P.) Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ticini, 1789, vi, 241-258. Fodere (Francois-Emile) [1764-1835]. Essai sur le goitre et le cretinage. 3 p. 1., 290 pp. 8°. Turin, 1792. Frank (Joh. Peter) [1745-1821]. De verte- bralis columnar in morbis dignitate. In his: Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ticini, 1792, xi, 1-50. Abernethy (John) [1764-1831]. Account of two instances of uncommon formation, in the viscera of the body. In: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1793, 59-68, 2 pl. Hufeland (Christoph Wilhelm) [1762-1836]. Die Kunst das menschliche Leben zu verlangern. xxiv, 696 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Jena, 1797. Rollo (John) [ -1809]. An account of two cases of the diabetes mellitus. 2 v. 8°. Lon- don, C. Dilly, 1797. Leopold Auenbrugger [1722-1809]. Inventum novum ex percussione thoracis hu- mani ut signo abstrusos interni pectoris morbos detegendi. 95 pp. 8°. Vindobonse, typ. Joan- nis Thomse Trattner, 1761. First edition, uncut. Giovanni Maria Lancisi [1654-1720]. De subitaneis mortibus. Libri duo. 9 p. 1., 243 pp. 4°. Romse, J. F. Buagni, 1707. De motu cordis et aneurysmatibus. xxviii, 219 pp. 4°. Neapoli, 1738. William Heberden [1710-1801]. See, also, infra, Original Descriptions of Dis- ease; Ophthalmology. Antitheriaka. An essay on mithridatium and theriaca. 19 pp. 8°. [London], 1745. Commentaries on the history and cure of dis- eases, v (11.), 483 pp., 1 1. ' 8°. London, T. Payne, 1802. Diagnosis and Therapeutics. Floyer (Sir John) [1649-1734]. The physi- cian's pulse-watch; or, an essay to explain the old art of feeling the pulse, and to improve it by the help of a pulse-watch. 3 pts. 8°. Lon- don, S. Smith & B. Walford, 1707-10. Torti (Francesco) [1658-1741]. Therapeutice specialis ad febres quasdam perniciosas, inopi- nato, ac repente lethales, una vero china china, peculiari methodo ministrata, sanabiles. xxxi, 736 pp. 4°. Mutinse, typ. B. Soliani, 1712. Cheyne (George) [1671-1743]. The case of the Honourable Colonel Townshend. [Cheyne- Stokes respiration.] In his: English (The) malady. 8°. London, 1733, 209-212. Gaub (Hieronymus David) [1705-80]. Libel- lus de methodo concinnandi formulas medica- mentorum. 5 p. 1., 388 pp. 12°. Lugd. Bat., C. Wishoff, 1739. Martine (George) [ -1750]. Kssays, med- ical and philosophical. 6 p. 1., 376 pp. 8°. London, A. Millar, 1740. Contains his essays on thermometry. Dobson (Matthew) [ -1784]. Experiments and observations on the urine in diabetes. In: MEn. Obs. & Inq., Lond., 1776, v, 298-316. Stoll (Maximilian) [1712-87]. Rationis me- dendi in Nosocomio practico Vindobonensi. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Viennse Austrin', sumpt. A. Bernardi, 1777-8. Henly (William). An account of the cure of the St. Vitus's dance by electricity. In: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1779, lxix, 1-5. Mesmer ( Friederich Anton ) [1733-1815]. Memoire sur la decouverte du magnetisme ani- mal, vi, 85 pp. 12°. Genere & Paris, P. F. Didot le jeune, 1779. Withering (William) [1741-99]. An account of the fox-glove, and some of its medical uses; with practical remarks on dropsy and other dis- eases, xx, 207 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Birmingham, G. G. J. & J. Robinson, 1785. Frank (Joh. Peter) [1745-1821]. De curandis hominum morbis epitome. [1792-1821]. 6 v. in 3. 8°. Viennse, A. Doll, 1810-21. Currie (James) [1756-1805]. Medical reports, on the effects of water, cold and warm, as a remedy in fever and febrile diseases, whether applied to the surface of the body or used as a drink, x, vii, 252 pp., Appendix, 45 pp. 8°. Liverpool, Ceidell & Davies, 1797. Original Descriptions of Disease. See, also, infra, Americana. Freke (John) [ -1717]. A case of extra- ordinary exostoses on the back of a boy [myo- sitis ossificans progressiva, 1730.] In: Phil. Tr. 1732-44, Lond., 1747, ix, 252. Fothergill (John) [1712-80]. An account of the sore throat attended with ulcers, a disease which hath of late years appeared in this city and the parts adjacent, iv, 62 pp. 8°. Lon- don, C. Davis, 1748. ------. Of a painful affection of the face. [1773.] In: MEn. Obs. Soc. Phys. Lond., 1771-6, v, 129-142. ------. Remarks on that complaint com- plaint commonly known under the name of sick headache. In: Med. Obs. & Inquiries, Lond., 1784, vi, 103-137. Thiery (Francois) [1719- ]. D'une mala- die appelee mal de la rosa [pellagra]. In: J. de mod., chir. et pharm., Par., 1755, ii, 337-346. Huxham (John) [1694-1768]. A dissertation on the malignant ulcerous sore-throat. 1 p. 1., 70 pp. 8°. London, J. Hinton, 17o7. Hunter (William) [1718-83]. [Observations upon a particular species of aneurism (arterio- venous aneurism).] In: Med. Obs. & Inq., Lond., 1757,i, 323 (340): 1762,ii, 390, Tronchin (Theodore) [1709-81]. De colica pictonum. xii, 82 pp. 8°. Generic, apud fra- tres Cramer, 1757. Mestivier. Sur une tumeur situee proche la region ombilicale, du cote droit, occasionnee par une grosse £pingle trouvce dans l'appen dice vermiculaire du cfecum. In: J. de med., chir., pharm. [etc.], Par., 1759, x, 441. Roederer (Joh. Georg) [1727-63] & Wagler (Carl Gottlieb). De morbo mucoso liber singu- laris. 3 p. 1., 211 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Gottingse, apud V. Bossigelium, [1762]. Heberden (William) [1710-1801]. On the chicken-pox [1767]. In: Med. Tr. Coll. I'liys. Lond., 3. ed., 1785, i, 427-436. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. 113 Surgeon-General's Office (Library of the)—Texts illustrating the Lit'story of Medicine—Eighteenth Century. Original Descriptions of Disease—continued. Heberden (William) [1767-1801]. Some ac- count of a disorder of the breast. [Angina pec- toris, 1768.] In: Med. Tr. Coll. Phys. Lond., 1768-70, ii, 59-67. Whytt (Robert) [1714-66]. Observations on the dropsy in the brain. 1 p. 1., 193 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Balfour, 1768. Cotugno (Domenico) [1736-1822]. De is- chiado nervosa commentarius. 6 p. 1., 4-123 pp., 1 pl. 12°. Viennse, R. Gruffer, 1770. Rutty (John) [1697-1775]. A chronological history of the weather and seasons and of the prevailing diseases in Dublin, xlviii, 340 pp. 8°. London, Robinson ct- Roberts, 1770. Contains original account of relapsing fever. Frapolli (Franciscus). Animadversiones in morbum, vulgo pelagram. 37 pp. 8°. [Medio- lani, apud J. Galeatium, 1771.] Werlhof (Paul Gottlieb) [1699-1767]. Opera medica collegit et auxit J. E. Wichmann. Pars i-iii. 3 v., paged consecutively. 3 p. 1., xvii, 830 pp., port. 4°. Hannoverse, impensis fratrum Heluingiorum, 1775-ri. Original account of purpura hemorrhagica, pp. 615-636. Pott (Percival) [1713-88]. Remarks on that kind of palsy of the lower limbs which is fre- quently found to accompany a curvature of the spine, and is supposed to be caused by it. To- gether with its method of cure. 84 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1779. -----. Farther remarks on the useless state of the lower limbs, in consequence of a curvature of the spine; being a supplement to a former trea- tise on that subject. 64pp.,6pl. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1782. Chabert [Philibert] [1737-1814]. Description et traitement du charbon dans les animaux. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, Imp. royale, 1780. Lettsom (John Coakley) [1744-1815]. Some remarks on the effects of lignum quassiae amarae. 1786. [Contains (pp. 151-165) his original account of alcoholic neuritis.] In: Mem. M. Soc. Lond., 1779-87. i, 128-165. Parry (Caleb Hillier) [1755-1822]. Enlarge- ment of the thyroid gland in connection with enlargement or palpitation of the heart. [Eight cases, 1786-1814.] Inhis: Collect. .. .med. writings. 8°. London, 1825,ii, 111. Wollaston (William Hyde) [1766-1828]. On goutv and urinarv concretions. Jn;*PHiL. Tr., Lond., 1797, lxxxvii, 386-400. Haslam(John) [1764-1844]. Observations on insanity; with practical remarks on the disease, and an account of the morbid appearances on dissection, xi, 147 pp. 8°. London, F. & C. Rivington, 1798. Contains original account of general paralysis. Edward Jenner [1749-1823]. An inquiry into the causes and effects of the variolae vaccina', a disease discovered in some of the western counties of England, particularly Gloucestershire, and known by the name of the cow pox. iv, 75 pp.,4pl. 4°. London,S. Low, 1798. First note of anaphylaxis (1791) on p. 13. Further observations on the variolae vaccinae, or cow pox. 1 p. 1., 64 pp. 4°. London, S. Low, 1799. VOL XVII, 2d series----8 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. On the varieties and modifications of the vac- cine postule, occasioned by an herpetic state of the skin. 13 pp. fol. Cheltenham., II. Ruff',1806. Repr.from: Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1804, xii. First edition, uncut, with the author's autograph. ------. The same. 13 pp. 4°. Reprinted by J. Roberts, Gloucester, 1819. Facts for the most part unobserved, or not duly noticed, respecting variolous contagion. 17 pp. 4°. Landau, S. Gosnell, 1808. A letter to Charles Henry Parry, M. D., etc., on the influence of artificial eruptions in cer- tain diseases incident to the human body. With an inquiry respecting the probable advan- tages to be derived from further experiments. 67 pp. 4°. London, Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, 1822. DERMATOLOGY. Machin (John) [ -1751]. An uncommon case of a distempered skin [Ichthyosis histrix: Lambert family.] In: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1733, xxxvii, 299-301, 1 pl. [Abridged ed.], 1719-33, vii, 483. [Continued by Henry Baker], 1755, xlix, pt. 1, 21-24. Watson (William) [1715-87] & Watson (Rob- ert). An account of an extraordinary disease of the skin and its cure. [Scleroderma.] In: PHiL.Tr., Lond., 1754, xlviii, 579-587. von Plenck (Joseph Jakob) [1738-1807]. Doctrina de morbis cutaneis, qua hi morbi in suas classes, genera et species rediguntur. 2. ed. 136 pp., 2 1. 8°. Viennse, R. Gruffer, 1783. Wichmann (Joh. Ernst) [1740-1802]. Aetio- logie der Kratze. viii (31.), 140pp., 1 pl. 12°. Hannover, Gebr. Heheing, 1786. Home (.S'<> Everard) [1763-1832]. Observa- tions on certain horny excrescences of the human body. In: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1791, lxxxi, 95-105. SURGERY. See, also, infra, Americana. Dionis (Pierre) [ -1718]. Cours d'opera- tions de chirurgie, demontreesau Jardin Roval. 14 p. 1., 746 pp., 9 pl., 13 1., port. 8°. Paris, L. d'Houry, 1707. Heister (Laurenz) [1683-1758]. Chirurgie, in welcher alles was zur Wund-Artzney geho- ret nach der neuesten und besten Art grund- lich abgehandelt. 6 p. 1., 753 pp., 23 pl., 11 1. 4°. Nurnberg, J. Hoffmann, 1719. Douglas (John) [ -1759]. Lithotomia Douglassiana; or, an account of a new method of making the high operation, in order to extract the stone out of the bladder. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. London, T. Woodward, 1720. Petit (Jean-Louis) [1674-1750]. Traite des maladies des os; dans lequel on a represente les appareils et les machines qui conviennent a leur guerison. v. 1. 11 p. 1., 402 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, C. E. Hochereau, 1723. LeDran (Henry-Francois) [1685-1770]. Pa- rallele des differentes manieres de tirer la pierre bors de la vessie. vii (1 1.), 195 pp., 2 1., 6 pl. 8°. Paris, C. Osmont, 1730. —---. Traite ou reflexions tirees de la pra- tique sur les playes d'armes a feu. 11 p. 1., 257 pp., 2 1. 12°. Paris, C. Osmont, 1737. Andre" (Nicolas) [1658-1742]. L'orthopedie ou l'art de prevenir et de corriger dans les en- fants, les difformites du corps. 2 v. 12°. Paris, la veuve Alix, 1741. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. 114 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of M dicine—Eighteenth Century. SURGERY—continued. Sharp (Samuel) [1700?-7S]. A critical enquiry into the present state of surgerv. 3 p. 1., 294 pp. 8°. London, J. & R. Tonson /p. Unirersitatis, [1825]. von Baer (Carl Ernst) [1792-1876]. De ovi mammalium et hominis genesi. 4 p. 1., 40 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 4°. Lipsiw, L. Vossii, 1827. -----. Ueber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere; Beobachtung und Reflexion. 1. Theil. xxii, 271 pp., 1 1., 3 pl., 1 tab. 4°. Konigsberg, Gebr. Borntrager, 1828. ------. The same. 2. Theil. Schlussheft, hrsg. von L. Stieda. v, 84 pp. roy. 4°. Ko- nigsberg, W. Koch, 1888. Schwann (Theodor) [1810-82]. *De neces- sitate aeris atmosphaerici ad evolutionem pulli in ovo incubito. 32 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, 1834. Reichert (Karl Bogislaus) [1811-83]. Ueber die A'isceralbogen der Wirbelthiere im Allge- meinen und deren Metamorphosen bei den Saugethieren und Vogeln. 3 p. 1., 115 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Berlin, Sittenfeld, 1837. Bischoff (Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm). Ent- wickelungsgeschichte des Kaninchen-Eies. x, 154 pp., 16 pl. 4°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg A Sohn, 1842. Remak (Robert) [1815-65]. Untersuchungen fiber die Entwickelung des Wirbelthieres. 2 p. 1., 194 pp., 12 pl., xxv pp. fol. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1851 [1855]. von Kolliker (Albert) [1817-1905]. Ent- wicklungsgeschichte des Menschen und der hoheren Thiere. 468 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1861. His (Wilhelm) [1831-1904]. Beobachtungen iiber den Bau des Saugethier-Eierstockes. 52 pp., 4 col. pl. 8°. [Bonn, 1865.] Repr.from: Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1865, i. ------. Unsere Korperform und das physio- logische Problem ihrer Entstehung. xiv, 224 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1874. ------. Anatomie menschlicher Embryonen. I-III. fol. & 8°. Leipzig, 1880-85. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Waldeyer (Wilhelm) [1836-1906]. Eierstock und Ei. viii, 174 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1870. Haeckel (Ernst) [1834- ]. Anthropogenic, oder Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen. xvi (1 1.), 732 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engel- mann, 1874. -----■. Ursprung und Entwickelung der thierischen Gewebe. Ein histogenetischer Bei- trag zur Gastraea-Theorie. 71 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1884. Repr.from: Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Leipz., 1884, xviii. Van Beneden (Edouard) [1846- ]. La maturation de l'ceuf, la fecondation, et les pre- mieres phases du developpement enibrvonnaire des mammiferes, d'apres des recherches faites chez le lapin. Communication preliminaire. 53 pp. 8°. Bru.relles, F. Hayez, 1875. Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc de Belg., Brux., 1875, 2. s., xl. -----. Contributions a, l'histoire de la vesi- cule germinative et du premier noyau embryon- naire. 50 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Bruxelles, F. Ha>iez, 1876. Repr.from: Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1*76, xii. Whitman (Charles Otis) [1842-1910]. The embrvology of Clepsine. In: Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1878, xviii, 215-315. -----. The inadequacy of the cell theory of development. In: J. Morphol., Bost., 1895, viii, 639-658. Balfour (Francis Maitland) [1851-82]. A treatise on comparative embryology. 2 v. 8°. London, Macmillein A Co., 1880-81. Pfliiger (Eduard) [1829-1910] & Smith (Wil- liam J.) Untersuchungen iiber Bastardirung der anuren Batrachier und die Principien der Zeugung. pp. 519-541. 8°. Bonn, E. Strauss, 1883. Repr.from: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1883, xxxii. Hertwig (Oscar) [1849- ] & Hertwig (Rich- ard) [1850- ]. Untersuchungen zur Mor- phologie und Physiologie der Zelle. 1.-5. Hft. 8°. Jen a, 1884-90. Minot (Charles Sedgwick) [1852- ]. Uterus and embryo. In: J. Morphol., Bost., 1888-9, ii, 341-462, 4 pl. ------. A theory of the structure of the placenta. In: Anat. Anz., Jena, 1891, vi, 125-131. Roux (Wilhelm) [1855- ]. Beitrag zur Entwickelungsmechanik des Embryo. 208 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Wien, 1892. Repr.from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.- naturw. CL, Wien, 1892, ci, 3. Abth. Wilson (Edmund Beecher) [1856- ]. The cell-lineage of Nereis. In: J. Morphol., Bost., 1892, vi, 361-480, 8 pl. -----. Experimental studies on germinal localisation. In: J. Exper. Zool., Bait., 1904, i, 1-73. ------. The cell in development and inherit- ance, xvi, 371 pp. 8°. New York, Macmillan Co., 1896. His (Wilhelm), jr. [1863- ] DieTatigkeit des embryonalen Herzens und deren Bedeutung fiir die Lehre von der Herzbewegung beim Erwachsenen. [Atrioventrikularbundel.] In: Arb. a. d. med. Klin, zu Leipz., 1893, 14-19. Lillie (Frank Rattray) [1870- ]. The embryology of the Unionid^e. A study in cell- lineage. In: J. Morphol., Bost.. 1895, x, 1-100, 6 pl. SURGEON-GENERAKS. 123 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating 'the LListory of Medicine—Modern Period. EMBRYOLO GY—continued. Loeb (Jacques) [1859- ]. Ueber die Grenzen der Theilbarkeit der Eisubstanz. pp. 379-394. 8°. Bonn, 1895. Repr.from: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1894-5, lix. -----. Ueber den chemischen Character des Befruchtungsvorgangs und seine Bedeutung fiir die Theorie der Lebenserscheinungen. 2 p. 1., 31 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1908. -----. The mechanistic conception of life. 4 p. 1., 232 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1912. Sobotta (Johannes) [1869- ]. Ueber die Bildung des Corpus luteum bei der Maus. In: Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1896, xlvii, 261-308, 3 pl. Morgan (Thomas Hunt) [1866- ]. The development of the frog's egg; an introduction to experimental embryology, x, 192 pp. 8°. New York, Macmillan Co., 1897. Schaper (Alfred) [1863-1905]. Die friihesten Differenzirungsvorgange im Centralnervensys- tem. In: Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1897, V, M-132. Mall (Franklin Paine) [1862- ]. Contri- butions to the study of the pathology of early human embrvos. I—III. 4°. [Baltimore, Ann Arbor, Boston, 1899-1908.] McClung (Clarence Erwin). The accessory chromosome: sex determination. In: Biol. Bull., Bost., 1902, iii, 43-84. Harrison (Ross Granville) [1870- ]. Neue Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber die Entwick- lung der peripheren Nerven der Wirbeltiere. 7 pp. 8°. Bonn, 1904. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn, 1904. -----. The outgrowth of the nerve fiber as a mode of protoplasmic movement. In: J. Exper. Zool., Phila., 1910, ix, 787-846, 3 1., 3 pl. Normentafeln zur Entwicklungsgeschiehte der Wirbelthiere. Hrsg. von Franz Keibel. 1.-7. Hft. fol. Jena. G. Fischer, 1897-1907. Manual of human embryology. Edited by Franz Keibel and Franklin P. Mall. 2 v. roy. 8°. Philadelphia A London, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1910-12. HISTOLOGY. Lister (Joseph Jackson) [1786-1869]. On some properties in achromatic object-glasses ap- plicable to the improvement of the microscope. In: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1830, 187-C00. Miiller (Johannes) [1801-58]. De glandu- larum secernentium structura penitiori earum- que prima formatione in homine atque anima- libus. 131 pp., 17 pl. fol. Lipsix, sumt. L. Vossii, 1830. Remak (Robert) [1815-65]. Vorlaufige Mit- theilungen microscopischer Beobachtungen iiber den innern Bau der Cerebrospinalnerven und uber die Entwickelung ihrer Formelemente. In: Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1836, 145-161,1 pl. -----. Observationes anatomicae et micro- scopical de systematis nervosi structura. 1 p. 1., 30 pp. 4°. Berolini, typ. Reimerianis, [1838]. ------. Ueber extracellulare Entstehung thierischer Zellen und iiber die Entstehung regung und seine Hemmung. In: Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1883, Suppl.-Bd., 328-362, Ich. Nuttall (George H. F.) [1862- ] & Thier- felder (H.) Thierisches Leben ohne Bakterien im Verdauungskanal. In: Ztschr f. physiol. Chem., Stuttg., 1895, xxi, 109: 1896, xxii, 62: 1897, xxiii, 231, Pavloff (I[van] P[yotrovich]) [1849- ]. Lektsii o rabotle glavnikh pishtshevaritelnikh zhelyoz. [Lectures on the work of the princi- pal digestive glands.] 2 p. 1., ii, 223 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, [I. N. Kushnereff & Ko.], 1897. Atwater (Wilbur Olin) [1844- ] & Lang- worthy (C. F.) A digest of metabolism expe- SURGEON-GENERAL'S. 128 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeoii-Cwenerar* Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the LListory of Medicine—Modern Period. Physiology of Digestion—continued. riments in which the balance of income and outgo was determined. Revised ed. 434 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov . Print. Office, 1898. Rubner (Max) [1854- ]. Die Gesetzedes Energieverbrauchs bei der Ernahrung. 1 p. 1., 426 pp. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, F. Denticle, 1902. Chittenden (Russell H.) [1856- ]. Physio- logical economy in nutrition, with special re- ference to the minimal requirements of the healthy man. An experimental study, xi, 478 pp., 8 pl. 8°. New York, F. A. Stokes Co., 1904. Pavy (Frederick William) [1829-1911]. On carbohydrate metabolism, xii, 138 pp., 8 pl. 8°. London, J. & A. Churchill, 1906. Benedict (Francis Gano) [1870- ]. The influence of inanition on metabolism, v, 542 pp. 8°. Washington, Carnegie Lnslitution, 1907. Physiology of Motion and Locomotion. Weber (Wilhelm Eduard) [1804-91] & Weber (Eduard Friedrich Wilhelm) [1806-71]. Me- chanik der menschlichen Gehwerkzeuge. Eine anatomisch-physiologischeUntersuchung. xxvi, 426 pp. 8°. Atlas, 10 pp., 17 pl. 4°. Got- tingen, Dietrich, 1S36. Bowman (Sir William) [1816-92]. On the minute structure and movements of voluntary muscle, pp. 457-501, 4 pl. 4°. London, R. & J. E. Taylor, 1840. Cutting from: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1840, cxxx. Duchenne (Guillaume-Benjamin) [1806-75]. Recherches faites a l'aide du galvanisme sur les proprietes vitales du systeme musculaire dans l'etat de sante et de maladie. In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1849, xxviii, 779: xxix, 667. Kuhne (Willy) [1837-1900], Untersuchungen iiber die Bewegungen und Veranderungen der contraktilen Substanzen. In: Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1859, 564; 748. Hermann (Ludimar) [1838- ]. Untersu- chungen fiber den Stoffwechsel der Muskeln ausgehend vom Gaswechsel derselben. viii, 128 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1867. Bowditch (Henry Pickering) [1840- ]. 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Animals in motion. 264 pp. [with 95 pl.]. obi. 4°. London, Chap- man & Hall, 1899. ------. The human figure in motion. 284 pp., port. obi. 4°. London, Chapman & Hall, 1901. Bernstein (Julius) [1839- ]. Untersu- chungen zur Thermodynamik der bioelektri- schen Strome [und Muskelcontraktion]. In: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 1902, xcii, 521: 1908, cxxii, 129: cxxiv, 462. Lee (Frederic S.) The cause of the treppe. In: Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1907, xviii, 267-282. Physiology of the Nervous System. See, also, supra, Sir Charles Bell; Fran§ois Magendie; Johannes Miiller; Hermann von Helmholtz; infra, Aphasia. Gall (Franz Joseph) [1758-1828] &Spurzheim (Joh. Gaspar) [1776-1832]. Anatomie et phy- siologie du systeme nerveux en general et du cerveau en particulier. 4 v. 4°. Atlas fol. Paris, F. Schoell, 1810-19. Flourens (Jean) [1794-1867]. Recherches experimentales sur les proprietes et les fonc- tions du systeme nerveux dans les animaux vertebres. xxvi, 331pp. 8°. Paris, Crevot, 1824. Bouillaud (Jean-Baptiste) [1796-1881]. Re- cherches experimentales tendant a prouver que le cervelet pres de aux actes de la station et de la progression, et non a. 1'instinct de la propa- gation. In: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1827, xv, 64-91. Hall (Marshall) [1790-1857]. On the reflex function of the medulla oblongata and medulla spinalis. In: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1833, 635-665. Bidder (FriedrichHeinrich) [1810-94] &Volk- mann (Alfred Wilhelm) [1800-77]. DieSelbst- stiindigkeit des sympathisehen Nervensystems durch anatomische Untersuchungen nachgewie- sen. 88 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Leipzi , Breitkopf & J Iii rt el, 1842. Weber (Eduard Friedrich Wilhelm) [1806- 71] & Weber (Krnst Heinrich) [1795-1878]. Experimenta, quibus probatur nervos vagos rotatione machinee galvano-magneticse irrita- tos, motum cordis retardare et adeo interci- pere. In: Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1845, 3. s., xx, 227. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. 129 SURGEON-GENERAKS. 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PflUger (Eduard) [1829-1910]. Zur Gasome- trie des Blutes. In: Centralbl. f. d. med.Wissensch.,Berl., 1866, iv, SOS- SOS. -----. Ueber die Ursache der Athembewe- gungen, sowie der Dyspnoe und Apnoe. In: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1868, i, 61-106. ------. Ueber die Diffusion des Sauerstoffs, den Ortund die Gesetze der Oxydationsprocesse im thierischen Organismus. In: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1872, vi, 43; 190. ------. Ueber Warme und Oxydation der lebendigen Materie. In: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1878, xviii, 247-380. Bert (Paul) [1833-86]. La pression barome- trique; recherches de physiologie experimen- tale. 1 p. 1., viii, 1168 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1878. Martin (Henry Newell) [1848-96] & Hartwell (Edward Mussey). On the respiratory function of the intercostal muscles. In: J. Physiol., Lond., 1879, ii, 24-27. Head (Henry). On the regulation of respi- ration. In: J. Physiol., Lond., 1889, x, 1; 279. Mosso (Angelo) [1846-1910]. Fisiologia del- 1' uomo sulle Alpi. Studii fatti sul Monte Rosa. 1 p. 1., 374 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Milano, frat. Treves, 1897. ------. La physiologie de l'apnee £tudiee chez l'homme. In: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1903-4, xl, 1-43. Atwater (Wilbur Olin) [1844- ] & Benedict (Francis Gano) [1870- ]. A respiration calorimeter with appliances for the direct deter- mination of oxygen. 193 pp., 16 pl. 8°. Wash- ington, Carnegie Institution, 1905. Physiological Chemistry. See, also, infra, Diagnosis. Marcet (Alexander) [17707-1822]. Account of a singular variety of urine which turned black soon after being discharged (chemical examina- tion by W. Prout). In: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1822-3, xii, 37-45. Chevreul (Michel-Eugene) [1787-1889]. Re- cherches chimiqiies sur les corps gras d'origine animale. xvi, 484 pp., 1 1., 3 tab., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, F. G. Levrault, 1823. Dutrochet (Henri) [1776-1847]. Nouvelles observations sur l'endosmose et l'exosmose. In: Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1827, xxxv, 393: 1828, xxxvii, 191: 1832, xlix, 411: Hi, 159: 1835, lx, 337. SURGEON-GENERAL'S, Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicine—Modern Period. Physiological Chemistry—continued. Wohler (Friedrich) [1800-82]. Ueber kfinst- liche Bildung des Harnstoffs. In: Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem., Leipz., 1828, xii, 253-256. Also, transl. in: Ann. de chim., Par., 1828, xxxvii, 330-334. -------. Umwandlung der Benzoesiiure in Hippursaure im lebenden Organismus. In: Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem., Leipz., 1842, lvi, 638-641. Milller (Johannes) [1801-58]. Ueber Knor- pel und Knochen. [Chondrin.] In: Ann. d. Pharm., Heidelb., 1837, xxi, 277-282. Schwann (Theodor) [1810-82]. Vorlaufige Mittheilung betreffend Versuche fiber die Wein- gahrung und Fiiulniss. In: Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem., Leipz., 1837, xii, 184-193. Cagniard-Latour. Memoire sur la fermenta- tion vineuse. In: Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1838, lxviii, 206-221. von Liebig (Justus) [1803-73]. Die organi- sche Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf Physiologie und Pathologie. xvi, 342 pp., 11. 8°. Braun- schweig, F. Vieweg u. Sohn, 1842. -------. Ueber einige Harnstoff verbindungen und eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung von Kochsalz und Harnstoff im Harn. In: Anx. d. Pharm., Lemgo & Heidelb., 1853, lxxxv, 289-328. von Pettenkofer ( Max ) [ 1818-1901 ]. Notiz fiber eine neue Reaction auf Galle und Zucker. In: Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm., Heidelb., 1844, Iii, 90-96. Strecker (Adolf) [1822-71]. Untersuchung der Oxengalle. In: Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm., Heidelb., 1848, lxv, 1: lxvii, 1: 1849, lxx, 149. Millon (A.-E.-Eugene) [1812-67]. Sur un reactif propre aux composes proteiques. In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1849, xxviii, 40-42. Funke (Otto) [1828-79]. Atlas der physiolo- gischen Chemie. 38 pp., 15 pl. 4°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1853. Graham (Thomas) [1805-69]. On osmotic force. [And:] Liquid diffusion applied to an- alysis. In: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1854, cxliv, 177: 1861, cli, 183. Frerichs (Friedrich Theodor) [1819-85]. Ueber das Vorkommen von Leucin und Tyrosin im lebenden Organismus. In: Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vii, 341-343. Traube (Moritz) [1826-94]. Experimente zur Theorie der Zellenbildung und Endosmose [Bildung von Zellen und Niederschlagmem- branen]. In: Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1867, 87; 129. Jaffe (Max) [1841-1911]. Ueber Urobilin im Darminhalt. In: Centralbl. f. d. med.Wissensch.,Berl.,1871, ix, 465. Paschutin (Victor) [1845-1901]. Einige Versuche mit Fermenten, welche Starke und Rohrzucker in Traubenzucker verwandeln. In: Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1871, 305-384, 2 pl. Miiller (Jakob Worm). Zur Kenntniss der Nucleine. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. In: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1873-4, viii, 190-194. Vierordt (Karl) [1818-84]. Die quantitative Spectralanalyse. 125 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. 4°. 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Also, trunsl. in: Ztschr. f. anal. Chem., Wiesb., 1883, xxii, 366-382. Kuhne (Willy) [1837-1900] & Chittenden (Russell H.) [1856- ]. Ueber die nachsten Spaltungsproducte der Eiweisskorper. In: Ztschr. f. Biol., 1883, xix, 160: 1884, xx, 11: 1886, xxii, 409; 423: 1888, xxv, 358. Kiilz (Eduard) [ 1845- ]. Ueber eine neue linksdrehende Saure (/J-Oxybuttersiiure). In: Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1884, xx, 165: 1887, xxiii, 329. Brieger (L[udwig]) [1849- ]. Ueber Ptomaine. 80 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1885. van't Hoff (Jacobus Henricus) [1852-1911]. Die Rolle des osmotischen Druckes in der Ana- logic zwischen Losungen und Gasen. In: Ztschr. L phys. Chem., Leipz., 1887, i, 481-508. Arrhenius (Svante) [1859- ]. Ueber die Dissociation der in Wasser gelusten Stoffe. In: Ztschr. f. phys. Chem., Leipz., 1887, i, 631-648. Altmann (Richard). Ueber Nucleinsauren. In: Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1889, 524-536. Drechsel (Edmund) [1843-97]. Die Abbau der Eiweissstoffe. In: Arch. f. 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In: Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1905, xliv, 17-52. -------& Schittenhelm (Alfred) [1874- ]. Der Ab- und Aufbau der Nucleinsauren im tieri- schen Organismus. In: Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1906, xlvii, 452- 457. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. i32 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the Llistory of Medicine—Modern Period. Physiological Chemistry—continued. Zsigmondy (Richard) [1865- ]. Zur Erkenntnis der Kolloide. vi, 185 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1905. Grube (Karl). Ueber die kleinste Molekiile, welche die Leber zur Synthese des Glykogenes verwerthen kann. In: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1908, cxxi, 636-640. Traube (Isidor). Die Theorie des Haftdrucks (Oberflachendrucks) und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Physiologie. In: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1910, cxxxii, 511: 1911, cxl, 109. Ductless Glands and Chemical Correlation of the Secretions. See, also, infra, Diabetes; Pharmacology. Bernard (Claude) [1813-78]. Sur le meca- nisme de la formation du sucre dans le foie. In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1855, xii, 461. Brown-Sequard (Charles-Edouard) [1817-94]. Recherches experimentales sur la physiologie des capsuies surrenales. In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1856, xliii. pt. 2. 422; 642. ---—. Traitement de 1'acromegalie par cer- tains liquides organiques. In: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, xiv, 527. Reverdin (Jacques-Louis) [1842- ]. [Myx- cedeme consecutif a I'extirpation totale oupar- tielle du corps thyroi'de.] In: Rev. mod. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1882, ii, 539' 1883, iii, 169; 233; 309:1887, vii, 275; 318. Horsley (Sir Victor) [1857- ]. A recent specimen of artificial myxcedema in a monkey. In: Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii,"827. ------. On the function of the thyroid gland. In: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxviii, 5: 1885-6, xl, p. vi. ------. Functional nervous disorders due to loss of thyroid gland and pituitary body. In: Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 5. Kocher (Theodor) [1841- ]. Ueber Kropf- exstirpation und ihre Folgen. In: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1883, xxix, 254-337. Gley (Eugene). Recherches sur la fonction de la glande thyroi'de. In: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par.. 1892. iv 311-326. ' ' Marinesco (Georges) [1863- ]. Dela des- truction de la glande pituitaire chez le chat. In: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 509. Vassale (Giulio) & Secchi. Sulla distruzione della ghiandola pituitaria. In: Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1892, xviii. 525: 1894, xx, 83. Abelous (J.-Emile) & Langlois (P.) Des rapports de la fatigue avec les fonctions des cap- sules surrenales. In: Arch, de physiol., norm, et path., Par., 1893. 5. s. V, 720-728. ' Vassale (Giulio) & Generali (Francesco). Sugli effetti dell' estirpazione delle ghiandole paratiroidee. In: Riv. di patol. nerv. e ment., Firenze, 1896, i, 95; 249. Sajous (Charles E. deM.) [1852- ]. The internal secretions and the principles of medi- cine. 2 v. 8°. 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Leipzig & Hei- delberg, C. F. Winter, 1859. Fechner (Gustav Theodor) [1801-87]. Ele- mente der Psychophysik. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Leipzig, Breitkoff & Hdrtel, 1860. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicine—Modern L*eriod. PSYCHOLOGY—continued. Duchenne (Guillaume-Benjamin) [1806-75]. Mecanisme de la physionomie humaine, ou ana- lyse electro-physiologique de 1'expression des passions. Frontispiece, vi (11.), 70, xi, 194 pp., 9 pl.; atlas, 82 pl. roy. 8°. Paris, Vve. J. Re- nouard. 1862. Donders (Franz Cornells) [1818-89]. Die Schnelligkeit psychischer Prozesse. In: Arch. f. Anat Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1868, 657-681. Spencer (Herbert) [1820-1903]. The princi- ples of psychology, v. 1. xii, 635 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1871. Darwin (Charles Robert) [1809-82]. The ex- pression of the emotions in man and animals. v, 374 pp., 7 photog. pl. 8°. New York, D Appleton & Co., 1873. Wundt (Wilhelm) [1832- ]. Grundzuge der physiologischen Psychologie. xii, 870 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1873-4. ------. Vulkerpsychologie. 4 v. 8°. Leip- zig, W. Engelmann, 1904-10. 'Hall (Granville Stanley) [1845- ]. Laura Bridgman. In: Mind, Lond., 1879, iv, 149-172. Romanes (George John) [1848-94]. Mental evolution in animals. With a posthumous essay on instinct by Charles Darwin. 411 pp. 8°„ Ne>e York, D. Appleton & Co., 1884. Porter (William Townsend) [1862- ]. The physical basis of precocitv and dulness. In: Tr. Acad. Sc. St. Louis, iS93, vi, 160-181 2 pl. Ellis (Havelock) [1859- ]- Studies in the psychology of sex. 6 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1900-1910. Morgan (Conroy Lloyd) [1852- ]. Ani- mal behaviour, viii, 344 pp. 8°. London, E Arnolel, 1900. Freud (Sigmund) [1856- ]. Drei Ab- handiungen zur Sexualtheorie. 83 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. Deuticke, 1905. Yerkes (Robert Mearns) [1876- ]. The dancing mouse; a study in animal behaviour. xxi, 209 pp., 1 pl. 8°. New York, Macmillan Co., 1907. PATHOLOGY. See, also, in this list, Carl Rokitansky; Ru- dolf Virchow; Eke Metchnikoff; Paul Ehr- lich. Wollaston (William Hyde) [1766-1828]. On cystic oxide, a new species of urinary calculus. In: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1810, 223-230. Meckel (Joh. Friedrich) [1781-1833]. Ta- bulae anatomico-pathologicse, modos omnes, qui- bus partium corporis humani omnium forma externa atque interna a norma recedit, exhi- bentes. iv, 12, 16, 16, 16 pp., 33 pl. fol. Lip- zix, J. F. Gleditsch, 1817-26. Cruveilhier (Jean) [1791-1874]. Anatomie pathologique du corps humain. 2 v. fol. Pa- ris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1829-42. Lobstein ( Jean-G.-C.-F.-M. ) [1777-1835]. Traite d'anatomie pathologique. 2 v. 8°. Atlas, fol. Paris, F. G. Leerault, 1829-33. Hokgkin (Thomas) [1798-1866]. Lectures on the morbid anatomy of the serous and mucous membranes. 2 v. 8°. London, Simpkin, Mar- shall & Co., 1836-40. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Mueller (Johannes) [1801-58]. Ueber den feinern Bau und die Formen der krankhaften Geschwiilste. 1. Lfg. 60 pp., 11., 4 pl. fol. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1838, Gross (Samuel David) [1805-84]. Elements of pathological anatomy. 2 v. 8°. Boston, Marsh, 1839. Auvert (Alexander). Selecta praxis medico- chirurgicse. 2. ed. 2 v. 120 pl. fol. Paris, V. Masson, 1856. Lister, Lord [1827-1912]. On the early stages of inflammation. In: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1858, clxviii, 645-702, 2 pl. Panum (Peter Ludwig) [1820-85]. Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen zur Physiologie und Pathologie der Embolie, Transfusion und Blut- menge. 286 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1864. Repr. from: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1863-4, xxvii-xxix. Peacock (Thomas Bevill) [1812-82]. On mal- formations of the human heart, etc., with origi- nal cases and illustrations. 2. ed. xx, 204pp., 8 pl. 8°. London, J. Churchill & Sons, 1866. Bernard (Claude) [1813-78]. Lecons de pa- thologie experimentale. 604 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillttre & fils, 1872. Waldeyer (Wilhelm) [1836-1906]. Die Ent- wickelung der Carcinome. In: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.l, Berl., 1867, xii, 470:1872, lv. 67. Traube (Ludwig) [1818-76]. ZurFieberlehre. In his: Ges. Beitr. 8° Berlin, 1871, ii, pt. 1, 624; pt. 2, 679: 1878, iii, 503; 581; 611. Cohnheim (Julius) [1839-84]. Neue Unter- suchungen fiber die Entziindung. 1 p. 1., 85 pp. 1 1. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1873. Weigert (Carl) [1845-1904]. Anatomische Beitrage zur Lehre von den Pocken. 2. Hfte. 86 pp., 2 pl.; 1 p. 1., 46 pp. 8°. Breslau, M. Cohn & Weigert, 1874-5. ------. Die Bright'sche Nierenerkrankung vom pathologisch-anatomischen Standpunkte. In: Samml. klin.Vortr., Leipz., 1879, No. 162-163 (Innere Med., No. 55), 1411-1460. Pepper (William) [1843-98]. Progressive per- nicious anaemia or anaematosis. [Changes in the bone-marrow.] In: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1875, n. s., lxxx, 313-347. Grawitz (Paul) [1850- ]. Die Entstehung von Nierentumoren aus Nebennierengewebe. In: Verhandl. d.deutsch. Gesellsch.f.Chir.,Berl., 1884, xiii, pt. 2, 28-38,1 pl. Wolff (Julius) [1836- ]. Das Gesetz der Transformation der Knochen. xii (1 1.), 152 pp., 12 pl. fol. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1892. Ehrlich (Paul) [1854- ] & Lazarus (Adolf) [1867- ]. Die Anaemie. I. Abtheilung. Normale und pathologische Histologic des Blutes. vi, 142 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1898. Forms 1. Th., 1. Hft., v. 8, of: Specielle Pathologie und Therapie, Wien, 1898. Welch (William Henry) [1850- ]. Throm- bosis and embolism. In: Syst. Med. (Allbutt), Lond., 1899, vi, 155-285. Ballantyne (John William). Manual of an- tenatal pathology and hygiene. 2 v. 8°. Ed- inburgh, W. Green & Sons, 1902-4. Josue (Otto) [1869- ]. Atherome aortique experimentale par injections reprices d'adrena- line dans les veines. In: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1374-1376. Carl Rokitansky [1804-78]. Handbuch der pathologisehen Anatomie. 3 v. 8°. Wien, Braumuller u. Seidel, 1842-6. IRGEON-GENERAL'S. 134 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-fweiieral's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicine—Modem Period. PATH OL O GY—continued. Carl Rokitansky [1804-78]—continued. Ueber einige der wichtigsten Krankheiten der Arterien. 72 pp., 23 pl. fol. Wien, 1852. Repr.from: Denkschr.d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch., Wien, 1852, iv, 1-72, 23 pl. Die Defecte der Scheidewande des Herzens. Pathologisch - anatomische Abhandlung. vi (21.),156pp.,11. fol. Wien, W.Braumuller,187b. Rudolf Virchow [1821-1902]. See, also, supra, Anthropology; Craniology; Histology; infra Public Hygiene; Medical Jurisprudence; History of Medicine. Ueber farblose Blutkorperchen und Leuka- mie. [1845-55.] In his: Ges. Abhandl. 8°. Berlin, 1856, 147-218. Thrombose und Embolic Gefiissentzfindung und septische Infektion. 1846-56. In his: Ges. Abhandl. 8°. Frankfurt a. JL,1S56,219-732. Early communication in: Beitr. z. exper. Pathol. (Traube), Berl., 1846, ii, 227-380. Die pathologisehen Pigmente. In: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1847, i, 379; 407. Die Cellularpathologie in ihrer Begriindung auf physiologische und pathologische Gewebe- lehre. xvi, 440 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1858. Die krankhaften Geschwiilste. 3 v. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1863-7. THEORY OF SPECIFIC INFECTION AND IMMUNITY. See, also, infra, Louis Pasteur; Robert Koch; Paul Ehrlich. Magendie (Francois) [1783-1855]. [Death following repeated injections of egg-albumen.] In his: Lectures on the blood. 8°. Philadelphia, 1839, 244-249. Henle (Jacob) [1809-85]. Von den Miasmen und Contagien. In his: Path. Untersuch. 8°. Berlin, 1840, 1-S2. Nott (Josiah Clark) [1804-73]. Yellow fever contrasted with bilious fever; reasons for believ- ing it a disease sui generis; its mode of propaga- tion; remote cause; probable insect or animal- cular origin. In: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1848, iv, 663; 601. vonPettenkofer (Max) [1818-1901]. Untersu- chungen und Beobachtungen fiber die Verbrei- tungsart der Cholera, x, 374 pp., 11., 10 pl., 1 plan. 8°. Miinchen, J. G. Cotta, 1855. Klebs (Edwin) [1834- _ ]. Die Ursache der infectiosen Wundkrankheiten. In: Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Bern, 1871, i, 241-246. Lister, Lord [1827-1912]. On the lactic fer- mentation and its bearings on pathology. In: Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1877-8, xxix, 425-467,1 pl. Gaffky (Georg) [1850- ]. Experimentell erzeugte Septiciimie mit Rficksicht auf progres- sive Virulenz und accommodative Zfichtung. In: Mitth. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1881, i, 1-54. Finlay (Carlos) [1833- ]. El mosquito hipoteticamente considerado como agente de trasmision de la fiebre amarilla. In: Ax. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . dela Habana, 1881-2, xviii, 147-169. Hericourt (Jules) & Richet (Charles). Sur un microbe pyogene et septique (Staphylococcus pyosepticus) et sur la vaccination contre ses effets. In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvn, 690-692. Roux (Emile) [1853- ] & Yersin (A.) [1863- ]. Contribution a FAtude de la diphtheric. In: Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1888, ii, 629: 1889, iii, 273. Buchner (Hans) [1850- ]. Ueber die bakterientodtende Wirkung des zellenfreien Blutserums. In: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1889, v, 817: vi, 1. Welch (William Henry) [1850- ] & Flex- ner (Simon) [1863- ]. The histological changes in experimental diphtheria [produced by the tox-albumen]. In: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1891, ii, 107: 1892, iii, 17. Behring (Emil Adolph) [1854- ]. Ge- sammelte Abhandlungen zur atiologischen The- rapie von ansteckenden Krankheiten. 2 pts. in 1 v. lxxi (11.), 417 pp.; 1 p. 1., 366 pp., 46 ch. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1893. Pfeiffer (Richard) [1858- ] & Issaeff. Ueber die specifische Bedeutung der Choleraim- munitat. [Bakteriolyse.] In: Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskr., Leipz., 1894, xvii, 355; xviii, 1. Nuttall (George H. F.) [1862- ]. On the role of insects, arachnids and myriapods, as carriers in the spread of bacterial and parasitic diseases of man and animals. In: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait., 1899-1900, viii, 1- 154, 3 pl. -----. Blood immunity and blood relation- ship, a demonstration ot certain blood relation- ships amongst animals by means of the precipitin test for blood, xii, 444 pp. roy. 8°. Cam- bridge, University Press, 1904. Reed (Walter) [1851-1902], Carroll (James), [1854-1907]. Agramonte (Aristide) & Lazear (Jesse W.) The etiology of yellow fever. 18 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Philadelphia, 1900. Repr.from: Phila. M. J., 1900, vi. Hektoen (Ludvig) [1863- _ ]. Experimen- tal bacillary cirrhosis of the liver. In: J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1901, 214-220, von Wassermann (August) [1866- ]. Hii- molysine, Cytotoxine und Pracipitine. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1902, n. F., No. 331 (Chir., No. 94, 339-384). Richet (Charles) [1850- ]. De l'anaphy- laxie ou sensibilit6 croissante des organismes a des doses successives de poison. In: Arch, di nsiol., Firenze, 1903-4, i, 129-142. Rosenau (Milton Joseph) [1869- ] & An- derson (John F.) A study of the cause of sud- den death following the injection of horse serum. 95 pp. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1906. von Pirquet (Clemens) [1874- ]. Kli- nische Studien fiber Vakzination und vakzinale Allergic iv, 194 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig u. Wien, F. Deuticke, 1907. Wright (Sir Almroth Edward) [1861- ]. Studies on immunisation and their application to the diagnosis and treatment of bacterial infections, xv, 490 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, A. Constable & Co., 1909.] Flexner (Simon) [1863- ]. Concerning a serum-therapy for experimental infection with diplococcus intracellularis. pp. 168-185. 8°. [New York, 1909.] Cutting from: J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1909, ix. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. 135 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicine—Modern Period. Louis Pasteur [1822-95]. See, also, infra, Bacteriology. [Memoires sur la fermentation et putrefac- tion.] In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1857, xiv, 913; 1032: 1858, xlvi, 179; 857: xlvii, 1011: 1859, xlvii, 337; 640; 1149: 1860, 1.849; 1083: 1861, Iii, 344; 1260: 1863, lvi, 416; 734; 989; 1189: 1871, lxxii, 1419: 1872, lxxiv, 209; 403; 605: lxxv, 784; 900; 1056:1876, lxxxii, 1078:1285: lxxxiii, 10; 173; 176:1878, lxxxvi, 56; 90: lxxxvii, 125; 185; 813; 1053: 1878, lxxxviii, 68; 106; 133; 255. Experiences relatives aux generations dites spontanees. In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1860, 1, 303; 849: li, 34S; 675: 1864, lviii, 21: 1865, Ixi, 1091. Etudes sur le vin, ses maladies, causes qui les provoquent, precedes nouveaux pour le con- server et pour le vieillir. viii, 264 pp., 32 pl. 8°., Paris, Lmp. imperiale, 1866. Etudes sur la maladie des vers ii soie, moyen pratique assure de la combattre et d'en prevenir le retour. 2 v. 8°. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1870. Sur les maladies virulentes, et en partlculier sur la maladie appelee vulgairement cholera des poules. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1880. Sir l'etiologie du charbon. In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xci, 86; 455; 697: 1881, xcii, 209. Sur une maladie nouvelle, provoquee par la salive d'un enfant mort de la rage. In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1881, xcii, 159-165. Methode pour prevenir la rage apres morsure. In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1885, ci, 765: 1886, cii, 459; 835: ciii, 777. Robert Koch [1843-1910]. See, also, infra, Tuberculosis; Ophthalmol- ogy. Yerfahren zur Untersuchung, zum Conservi- ren und Photographiren der Bacterien. In: Beitr. z. Biol. d. Pflanzen, Bresl., 1876-7, ii, 399-434, 3pl. Die Aetiologie der Milzbrandkrankheit, be- grundet auf die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Bacillus anthracis. In: Beitr. z. Morphol. d. Pflanzen (Cohn), Bresl., 1877, ii, 277-310,1 pl. Untersuchungen fiber die Aetiologie der Wundinfektionskrankheiten. 1 p. 1., 80 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1878. Ueber die Aetiologie der Tuberkulose. In: Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1882, i, 56-79. [Continuation] in: Mitth. a. d. k. Gsndhtsumte, Berl., 1*84, ii, 1-88, 10 pl. Ueber die Cholerabakterien. 11 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1884. Repr.from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x. Reise-Bericht fiber Rinderpest, Bubonen- pest in Indien und Afrika, Tsetse- oder Surra- krankheit, Texasfieber, tropische Malaria, Schwarzwasserfieber. 1 p. 1,136 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, J. Springer, 1898. Elie MetchnikofT [1845- ]. See, also, infra, Syphilis. Lektsii o sravnitelnof patologii vospaleniya. [Lecture on the comparative pathology of in- flammation.] viii, 162 pp., 3 pl. 8° S.-Peter- burg, K. L. Rikker, 1892. Sur la destruction extracellulaire des bacteries dans l'organisme. In: Ann, de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1895, ix, 4S3-461, 1 pl. L'immunite dans les maladies infectieuses. ix, 600 pp. .8°. Paris, Masson & Cie., 1901. Quelques remarques sur le lait aigri. 30 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1906. Jules Bordet. See, also, infra, Bacteriology. Contribution a l'etude du serum chez les ani- maux vaccines. In: Ann. Soc. rov. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1895, iv, 455-530. Sur 1'agglutination et la dissolution des glo- bules rouges par le serum d'animaux injected de sang defibrine. In: Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1898, xii, 688: 1899, xiii, 273. Les serums h^niolytiques, leurs antitoxines et les theories des serums cytolytiques. In: Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1900, xiv, 257-296. -----& Gengou (Octave). Sur 1'existence de substances sensibilisatrices dans la plupart des serums antimicrobiens. In: Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1901, xv, 289-302. Paul Ehrlich [1854- ]. See, also, supra, Pathology; infra, Syphilis. Das Sauerstoff-Bedfirfniss des Organismus. Eine farbenanalytische Studie. 167 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsrhn-ald, 1885. Die Wertbemessung des Diphtherieheilserums und deren theoretische Grundlagen. 34 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1897. Repr from: Klin. Jahrb., Berl., 1897, vi. Gesammelte Arbeiten fiber Immunitatsfor- schung. xii, 776 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1904. Beitrage zur experimentellen Pathologie und Chemotherapie. vii (1 1.), 247 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, Akad. Verlagsgesellsch., 1909. BACTERIOLOGY. See, also, infra, Leprosy; Tuberculosis; Ty- phoid Fever. Ehrenberg (Christian Gottfried) [1795-1876]. Die Infusionsthierchen als vollkommene Or- ganismen. xviii pp., 2 1., 547 pp., 64 col. pl. fol. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1838. Goodsir (John) [1814-67]. History of a case in which a fluid periodically ejected from the stomach contained vegetable organisms. [Sar- cinse.] In: Edinb. M. & S. J., 1842, lvii, 430-443. Davaine (Casimir) [1812-82]. Recherches sur la nature et la constitution anatomique de la pustule maligne. In: Compt. rend. Accad. d. sc, Par., 1865, lx, 1296-1299. Cohn (Ferdinand) [1828-98]. Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen. 3 v. 8°. Breslau, J. M. Kern, 1870-96. Weigert (Carl) [1845- ]. Ueber Bakterien in der Pockenhaut. [Erste Fiirbung von Bakte- rienhaufen.] In: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1871, ix, 609-611. -----. Ueber eine Mykose bei einem neu- geborenen Kinde. [Bakterienfarbung mit Ani- linfarben.] In: Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cultur 1875, Bresl., 1876, liii, 229. Lister, Lord [1827-1912]. A further contri- bution to the natural history of bacteria and the germ theory of fermentative changes. [Isola- tion of Bacterium lactis.] In: Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1873, n. s., xiii, 380-408, 3pl. SURGEONA lENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicine—Modern Period. BACTERIOLOGY—continued. Neisser (Albert) [1855- ]. Ueber eine der Gonorrhoe eigentiimliche Micrococcusform. In: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1879, xiii, 497-500. Pasteur (Louis) [1822-95] & Parrot (Joseph) [1829-83]. L'organisme microscopique trouve dans la maladie nouvelle provoquee par la salive d'un enfant mort de la rage. In: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1881, 2. s., x, 379. Sternberg (George Miller) [1838- ]. A fatal form of septicaemia in the rabbit, produced by the subcutaneous injection of human saliva. In: Rep. Nat. Bd. Health 1881, Wash., 1882, iii, 87-92, 2 diag. Fehleisen (Friedrich). Die Aetiologie des Erysipels. 38 pp., 1 diag. 8°. Berlin, T. Fischer, 1883. Friedlander (Carl) [1847-87]. Die Mikro- kokken der Pneumonic In: Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1883, i, 715-733. Klebs (Edwin) [1834- ]. Ueber Diph- therie. In: Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1883, 139-174. Loeffler (Friedrich) [1852- ]. Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen fiber Schweine-Roth- lauf ausgefiihrt in der Zeit vom Juli 1882 bis December 1883. In: Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1885, i, 46-55. ------. Die Aetiologie der Rotzkrankheit. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung: Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1882, viii, 707.] In: Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1885-6, i, 141-198, 2pl. -----. Untersuchungen fiber die Bedeutung der Mikroorganismen fiir die Entstehung der Diphtherie beim Menschen, bei der Taube und beim Kalbe. In: Mitth. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1884, ii, 451-499. -----. Vorlesungen fiber die geschichtliche Entwickelung der Lehre von den Bacterien, 1. Theil. xii, 252 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Void, 1887. Finkler (Dittmar) [1852- ] & Prior (J.) Untersuchungen fiber Cholera nostras. In: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1884 x 269-272. Nicolaier (Arthur) [1862- ]. Ueber in- fectiosen Tetanus. In: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1884, x, 842-844. Escherich (Theodor) [1857- ]. DieDarm- bakterien des Sauglings und ihre Beziehungen zur Physiologie der Verdauung. [Bacillus coli. ] ix, 180 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1886. Bruce (Sir David) [1855- ]. Note on the discovery of a microorganism in Malta fever. In: Practitioner, Lond., 1887, xxxix, 161-170. Weichselbaum (Anton) [1845- ]. Ueber die Aetiologie der akuten Meningitis cerebro- spinalis. In: Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1S87, v, 573; 620,1 pl. Gamaleia (Nicolaus) [1859- ]. Sur l'etio- logie de la pneumonie fibrineuse chez l'homme. In: Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1888, ii, 440-459. Pfeiffer (Richard) [185S- ]. Vorlaufige Mittheilungen fiber die Erreger der Influenza. 2 pp. 8°. [Leipzig, 1892.] Repr.from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 28. SURGEON-GEN ER ALS. Welch (William Henry) [1850- ]. Condi- tions underlying the infection of wounds. [Staphylococcus epidermidis albus.] In: Tr. Cong. Am. Phys. & Surg., N. Haven, 1892, ii, 1-28. ------. Morbid conditions caused by Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus. In: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1900, xi, 185-204. ------& Nuttall (George H. F.) [1862- ]. A gas-producing bacillus (Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus, nov. spec.) capable of rapid develop- ment in the blood-vessels after death. 15 1. 8°. [Baltimore, 1892.] Repr.from: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1892, iii, 81-91. Kitasato (Shibamiro). Pest-byo-no genin shibare sa dai hito hokoku. [First report of investigations of the origin of the plague.] 14 pp., 11. 8°. [Tokyo], 1894. Japanese text. Nocard (Edmond) [1850-1903] & Leclainche (E.) Les maladies microbiennes des animaux. ix, 816 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1896. Thayer (William Sydney) [1864- ] & Blu- mer (George) [1857- ]. Ulcerative endocar- ditis due to the gonococcus; gonorrheal septi- ceemia. In: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1896, vii, 57-63. Vaughan ( Victor Clarence ) [ 1851 - ] & Perkins (George D.) A poison-producing ba- cillus found in ice-cream and cheese. In: Tr. Ass. Am. Phys., Phila., 1896, xi, 14-30. Shiga (Isagiyoi). Akahara byo gen kenkiu. [Researches on the origin of dysentery.] Pref- ace by Shibamiro Kitasato.] 10, 34 pp., 11., 2 pl. 8°. Tokyo, 1897. Japanese text. Nocard (Edmond) [1850-1903] &Roux (Emile) [1853- ]. Le microbe de la peripneumonie. In: Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1898, 240. Bordet (Jules) & Gengou (Octave). Le mi- crobe de la coqueluche. In: Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1906, xx, 731, 1 pl.: 1897, xxi, 720. Herter (Christian Archibald) [1865- ]. On infantilism from chronic intestinal infection; characterized by the overgrowth and persist- ence of flora of the nursling period. 118 pp. 8°. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1908. Flexner (Simon) [1863- ]. Contributions to the biology of Diplococcus intracellularis. Epi- demic cerebro-spinal meningitis in monkeys. pp. 105-167. 8°. [New York, 1909.] Cutting from: J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1909, ix. Henri (Victor), Heilbronner (Andre) & de Recklinghausen (Max). Sterilisation de grandes quantites d'eau par les rayons ultraviolets. In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc.Par., 1910, cl, 932: cli,677. Leprosy. Danielssen (Daniel Cornells) [1815-94] & Boeck (Wilhelm) [1808-75]. Traite de la spe- dalskhed, ou elephantiasis des Grecs. Ouvrage public aux frais du gouvernement norwegien. Trad, par L.-A. Cosson (de Nogaret). xxi, 535 pp., 8°; Atlas, 24 col. pl., fol. Paris J.-B. Bailliere, 1848. Hansen (Gerhard Armauer) [1841- ]. Indberetning . . . om en . . . reise for at ans- tille unders0gelser angiiende spedalskhedens arsager, . . . [Bacillus leprae, 1871.] 88, liii pp. 8°. Christiania Steen, 1874. Clegg (Moses T.) The cultivation of the lep- rosv bacillus. In: Philippine J. Sc, Manila, B, 1909, iv, 403-415, 2 pl. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. 137 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicin e—Modern Period. Leprosy—continued. Unna (Paul Gerson) [1850- ]. Histo- technik der leprosen Haut. 48 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Hamburg u. Leipzig, 1910. Tuberculosis. Bayle ( Gaspard-Laurent) [1774-1816]. Re- cherches sur la phthisie pulmonaire. xxiv, 439 pp. 8°. Paris, Gabon, 1810. Louis (Pierre-Charles-Alexandre) [1787-1872]. Recherches anatomico-pathologiques sur la phthisie. xxiv, 16, 560 pp. 8°. Paris, Gabon A Cie., 1825. Morton (Samuel George) [1799-1851]. Illus- trations of pulmonary consumption, xiii, 7-183 pp., 12 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, Key A Biddle, 1834. Klencke (Hermann) [1813-81]. Ueber die Ansteckungund Verbreitung der Scrophelkrank- heit bei Menschen durch den Genuss der Kuh- milch. 90 pp. 12°. Leipzig, C. E.Kollmann, 1846. Villemin (Jean-Antoine) [1827-92]. Etudes sur la tuberculose; preuves rationnelles et expe- rimentales de sa specificite et de son inoculabi- lite. xi, 640 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1868. Klebs (Edwin) [1834- ]. Die kunstliche Erzeugung der Tuberkulose. In: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1873, i, 163-180. Thaon (Louis-Albert) [1846-86]. *Recher- ches sur l'anatomie pathologique de la tubercu- lose. 106 pp. 8°. Paris, 1873. Grancher (Jacques-Joseph) [1843-1907]. * De l'unite dela phthisie. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873. Cohnheim (Julius) [1839-84]. Die Tuberku- lose vom Standpunkte der Infectionslehre. 44 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Edelmann, 1880. Koch (Robert) [1843-1910]. Die Aetiologie die Tuberkulose. 29 pp. 8°. [Berlin, 1882.] Repr.from: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 18S2, xxi, 221-230. Arloing (Saturnin) [1846-1911]. Lecons sur la tuberculose et certaines septicemics, viii, 512 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, Asselin & Houzeau, 1892. Smith (Theobald) [1859- ]. A compara- tive study of bovine tubercle bacilli and of hu- man bacilli from sputum. In: J. Exper. M., X. Y., 1898, iii, 451-511. Calmette (Albert) [1863- ]. Sur un nou- veau procede de diagnostic de la tuberculose chez l'homme par l'ophtalmo-reaction a la tu- berculine. In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1907, cxliv, 1324- 1326. von Pirquet ( Clemens ) [1874- ]. Der diagnostische Wert der kutanen Tuberkulinere- aktion bei der Tuberkulose des Kindesalters auf Grund von 100 Sectionen. In: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 1123-1128. Moro (Ernst). Ueber eine diagnostisch ver- wertbare Reaktion der Haut auf Einreibung mit Tuberkulinsalbe. In: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 216; 2025. Typhoid Fever. See, also, supra, Bacteriology. von Hildenbrand (Joh. Valentin) [1763-1818], Ueber den ansteckenden Typhus, x, 310 pp. 8°. Wien, 1810. Louis (Pierre-Charles-Alexandre) [1789-1872]. Recherches anatomiques, pathologiques et the- rapeutiques sur la maladie connue sous lesnoms de gastro-ente>ite, fievre putride, adynamique, ataxique, typhoide, etc., comparee avec les maladies aigues les plus ordinaires. 2 v. xii, 455 pp.; 531 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B.-Bailliere, 1829. Gerhard (William Wood) [1809-72]. On the typhus fever, which occurred at Philadelphia in the spring and summer of 1836; illustrated by clinical observations at the Philadelphia Hos- pital, showing the distinction between this form of disease and dothinenteritis, or the typhoid fever with alteration of the follicles of the small intestine. 34 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1837. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1837, xx, 289-322. Jenner (Sir William) [1815-98]. On typhoid and typhus fevers. In: Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1849, ix, 663-680. Eberth (Carl Joseph) [1835- ]. Die Orga- nismen in den Organen bei Typhus abdominalis. In: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1880, lxxxi, 58-114. Reed (Walter) (1851-1902]. An investiga- tion into the so-called lymphoid nodules of the liver in typhoid fever. In: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1895, v, 379-396. Widal (Ferdinand) [1862- ] &Sicard(A.) Recherches de la reaction agglutinante dans le sang et le serum desseAhes des typhiques et dans la serosite des vesicatoires. In: Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. h6p. de Par., 1896, 3. s., xiii, 681. Wright (Sir Almroth Edward) [1861- ] & Leishman (Sir William Boog). Remarks on the results which have been obtained by the anti- typhoid inoculations. In: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 122-129,1 tab. Russell (Frederick F.) [1870- ]. The control of typhoid in the Army by vaccination. In: N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1910, x, 535-548. Infantile Poliomyelitis. Heine (Jacob) [1799-1879]. Beobachtungen fiber Lahmungszustiinde der untein Extremi- tiiten und deren Behandlung. 78 pp., 8 pl. 4°. Stuttgart, F. II. Kbhler, 1840. Medin (O.) En epidemi af infantil paralysi. In: Hygiea, Stockholm, 1890, iii, 657-668. Also, transl. in: Verhandl. d. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, ii, Abth. vi, 37-46. Flexner (Simon) [1863- ]. The contribu- tion of experimental to human poliomyelitis. In: Tr. Ass. Am. Phys., Phila., 1910, xxv, 108-131. Filterable Viruses. Loeffler (Friedrich) [1852- ] & Frosch (Paul) [1860- ]. Berichte der Kommission zur Erforschung der Maul- und Klauenseuche [Infection durch bakterienfreie Filtrate]. In: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol., 1. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxiii, 371-391 Reed (Walter) [1851-1902], Carroll (James) [1851-1907] & Agramonte (A.) Experimental yellow fever. In: Tr. Ass. Am. Phys., Phila., 1901, xvi, 45-72. Ashburn (Percy M.) [1872- ] & Craig (Charles F.) [1872- ]. Experimental inves- tigations regarding the aetiology of dengue fever. In: J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1907, iv, 440-475, 1 map. Doerr (Richard) & Russ (V. K.) Weitere Untersuchungen fiber das Pappatacifieber. In: Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1909, xiii. 693-706. Ricketts (Howard Taylor) [1871-1910]. Con- tributions to medical science. [Tabardillo.] Frontispiece (port), ix, 497 pp. 4°. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, [1911]. 38 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicine—Modem Period. Filterable Viruses—continued. Craig (Charles F.) [1872- ]. On the nature of the virus of yellow fever, dengue and pappataci fever. 28 pp. 8°. [New York, 1911.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1911. Rous (Peyton). A sarcoma of the fowl trans- missible by an agent separable from the turn or In: J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1911, xii, 397-410, 6 pl. VENOMS. Mitchell (Silas Weir) [1829- ]. Researches upon the venom of the rattlesnake, viii, 145 pp. 4°. [ 1 Washington, Smithsonian Inst.], 1870. ------& Reichert (Edward T.) [1855- ]. Researches upon the venoms of poisonous ser- pents, viii (1 1.), 186 pp., 5 pl. 4°. Washing- ton, Smithsonian Inst., 1886. Fayrer (Sir Joseph) [1824-1907]. The thana- tophidia of India, being a description of the venomous snakes of the Indian Peninsula; with an account of the influence of their poison on life, and a series of experiments, x, 156 pp., 31 pl. fol. London, J. & A. Churchill, 1872. Fraser (Thomas Richards) [1841- ]. Im- munisation against serpents' venom and the treatment of snake-bite with antivenene. 26 pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes A Sons, 1896. Calmette (Albert). Le venin des serpents; physiologie de l'envenimation; traitement des morsures venimeuses par le serum des animaux vaccines. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, Soe. d'ed. scient, 1896. Flexner (Simon) [1863- ] & Noguchi (Hi- deyo). Snake venom in relation to haemolysis, bacteriolysis and toxicitv. In: J. Exper. Med., N. Y., 1901-5, vi, 277-301. Kyes (Preston). Ueber die Wirkungsweise des Cobragiftes. In: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xxxix, 886; 918: 1893, xl, 21; 57; 82. ------. Ueber die Isolirung von Schlangen- gift-Lecithiden. In: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 956; 982. Noguchi (Hideyo). Snake venoms, xvii, 315 pp. rov. 8°. Washington, Carnegie Inst., 1909. PARASITOLOGY AND PARASITIC DISEASES. Rudolphi (Karl Asmund) [1771-1832]. En- tozoorum, sive vermium intestinalium, historia naturalis. 2 v. in 3. 8°. Amstelodami, 1808-10. Alibert (Jean-Louis) [1766-1837]. Sur la py- rophlyctide end£mique, ou pustule d'Alep. In: Rev. meet, franc, et etrang., Par., 1829, iii, 62-71. Schdnlein (Joh. Lucas) [1793-1864]. Zur Pathogenie der Impetigines. [Achorion Schdn- leinii. ] In: Arch. f. Anat., Berl., 1839, 82,1 pl. Miiller (Johannes) [1801-58]. Ueber eine ei- genthiimliche krankhafte parasitische Bildung mit specifisch organisirten Samenkorperchen. [Psorospermosis. ] In: Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Anat., Berl., 1841,477-496, 1 pl. Griiby (David) [1809-98]. Sur les muco- dermes qui constituent la teigne faveuse. In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1841, xiii, 309; 1844, xviii, 583. Israel (Oskar) [1854- ]. Neue Beobach- tungen auf dem Gebiete der Mykosen des Men- schen. [Contains von Langenbeck's drawings made in 1845.] In: Arch. f. path. Anat. retc.l, Berl., 1878, lxxiv, 15; 60,1 pl. Kiichenmeister ([Gottlob] Friedrich [Hein- rich]) [1821-90]. Ueber Cestoden im allge- meinen und die des Menschen insbesondere. 148 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Zittau, W. Paid, 1853. ------. Die in und an dem Korper des le- benden Menschen vorkommenden Parasiten. xvi, 486 pp., 9 pl.; x, 148 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Leip- zig, B. G. Teubner, 1855. von Siebold (Carl Theodor) [1804-85]. Leber die Band- und Blasenwiirmer, nebst einer Ein- leitung fiber die Entstehung der Eingeweide- wiirmer. iv, 115 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engel- mann, 1854. Davaine (Casimir) [1812-82]. Traite" des entozoaires et des maladies vermineuses de l'homme et des animaux domestiques. xix, xcii, 838pp. 8°. Pans, J.-B. Bai/liered: fils, 1860. Cobbold (Thomas Spencer) [1828-86]. En- tozoa. viii, 124 pp., 21 pl. roy. 8°. London, Groombridge A Sons, 1864. Leuckart (Rudolf) [1821-98]. Die mensch- lichen Parasiten und die von ihnen herruhren- den Krankheiten. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, C. F. Winter, 1867. Obermeier (Otto) [1843-73]. Vorkommen feinster, eine Eigenbewegung zeigender Faden im Blute von Recurrenskranken. In: Centralrl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1873, xi, 145-147. Bollinger (Otto) [1843- ]. Ueber eine neue Pilzkrankheit beim Rinde. [Actinomycosis.] /n/Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1877, xv, 481-485. ------. Ueber Botryomykose beim Pferd. Jn.-DEUTSCHEZtschr.f.Thiermed., Leipz.,1886-7,xiii, 176. Manson (Sir Patrick) [1844- ]. On the development of Filaria sanguinis hominis, and on the mosquito as a nurse, pp. 304-311. 8°. [London, 1879.] Cutting from: J. Linnaean Soc, Lond., 1879, xiv. ------. The Filaria sanguinis hominis and certain new forms of parasitic disease in India, China, and warm countries, viii, 186 pp., 2 1., 10 pl. 8°. London, II. K. Lewis, 1883. Baelz (Erwin) [1845- ]. Ueber parasitare Hiimoptoe (Gregarinosis pulmonum) [Parago- nimiasis]. In: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1880, xviii, 721. Thomas (John Davies) [1868- ]. Notes upon the experimental breeding of Taenia echi- nococcus in the dog from the echinococci of man. In: Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1885, xxxviii. 449-457. Blanchard (Raphael) [1858- ]. Traite de zoologie medicale. 2 v. viii, 808 pp.; 1 p. 1., 883 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillilre & fils, 1886-90. Smith (Theobald) [1859- ]. Preliminary observations on the microorganism of Texas fever. In: Meo. News, Phila., 1889, lv, 689-693. ------ & Kilborne (F. L.) Investigations into the nature, causation, and prevention of Texas or Southern cattle fever. 301 pp., 10 pl. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1893. Guarnieri (Giuseppe). Sui parassiti del vaiolo e del vaccino. In: Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, ii, patol. gen., 125-128. Negri (Adelchi) [1876-1912]. Contributo alio studio dell' eziologia della rabia. In: Boll. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1903, 88; 229, 2 pl.: 1904, 22, 1 pl.: 1905, 321, 1 pl. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. 139 Surgeon-Oeneral's Office {Lihrary of the)—Tests illustrating the Llistory of Medicine—Modern Period. PARASITIC DISEASES—continued. Schaudinn (Fritz) [1871-1906]. Cyclospora caryolitica, Schaud., der Erreger der pernieiosen Enteritis des Maulwurfs. In: Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1902, xviii, 378- 416, 2 pl. Councilman (William T.) [1854- ], Magrath (George B.) [1870- ] & Brinckerhoff (W. B.) A preliminary communication on the etiology of variola. In: J. Med. Research, Bost., 1903, ix, 372-375. Calkins (Gary Nathan) [1869- ]. The life historv of Cytoryctes variohe, Guarnieri. In: J~. Med. Research, Bost., 1904, n. s., vi, 136-172, 5 pl. ------. Protozoology, ix, 17-349 pp., 4 pl. 8°. New York, Philadelphia, Lea & Fibiger, 1909. Castellani (Aldo). On the presence of spi- rochetes in two cases of ulcerated parangi (yaws). [Treponema pertenue.] In: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 1280; 1330; 1430. Darling (Samuel T.) A protozoan general infection producing pseudotubercles in the lungs and focal necroses in the liver, spleen and lmph nodes. [Histoplasma capsulata.] In: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1283-1285. ------. Murrina, a trvpanosomal disease. In: J. Infect. Dist., Chicago, 1911, viii, 467-485. Nichols (Henry J.) Experimental yaws in the monkey and the rabbit. In: J. Exper. M..X. Y.,1910, xii,616,2pl.: 1911, xiv, 196. Malarial Fever. Mitchell (John Kearsley) [1793-1858]. On the cryptogamous origin of malarious and epi- demic fevers, viii, 13-137 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Lea & Blanchard, 1849. Laveran (Alphonse) [1845- ]. Note sur un nouveau parasite trouve dans le sang de plu- sieurs malades atteints de fievre palustre. In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xciii, 627. ------. Nature parasitaire des accidents de l'impaludisme: description d'un nouveau para- site trouve dans le sang des malades atteints de fievre palustre. 104 pp., 2 pl., 2 1. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1881. King (Albert Freeman Africanus) [1841- ]. Insects and disease; mosquitoes and malaria. In: Pop. Sc. Monthly, N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 644-658. Marchiafava (Ettore) [1847- ] & Celli (An- gelo). Weitere Untersuchungen fiber die Ma- lariainfection. In: Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1885, iii, 787-806. Golgi (Camillo) [1844- ]. Sull' infezione malarica. [1885.] In: Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1886, x, 109-135,1 pl. ------. Sul ciclo evolutivo dei parassiti ma- larici nella febbre terzana. In: Arch, per lesc. med., Torino, 1889, xiii, 173-196, lpl. Grassi (Battista) [1855- ] & Feletti (R.) Malaria-Parasiten in den Vogeln. In: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1891, ix, 403; 429: 461. Romanovsky (Dmitriy Leonidovich) [1861- ]. * K voprosu o parazitologii i terapii bo- lotnoi likhoradki. [Parasitology and treatment of malarial fever.] 116 pp., 2 1., 1 pl., 1 diag. 8°. S.-Petersburg, I. N. Skovokhodoff, 1891. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1891, n. F., viii, 297; 307,1 pl. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Ross (Ronald) [1857- ]. Observations on a condition necessary to the transformation of the malaria crescent. In: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 251: ii, 1786. ------. The role of the mosquito in the evo- lution of the malarial parasite. In: Lancet, Loud., 1898, ii, 488. McCallum( William George) [1874- ]. On the flagellated form of the malarial parasite. In: Lancet,Lond., 1897, ii, 1240. Opie (Eugene Lindsay) [1873- ] & Mac- Callum (William George). On the hsemocyto- zoa and lnemocytozoan infections of birds. In: J. Exper. Med., N. Y., 1898, iii, 79-136, 4 pl. Grassi (Battista) [1855- ] & Bignami (Amico). Ciclo evolutivo delle semilune nel- 1' Anopheles claviger, ed altri studi sulla ma- laria dalP ottobre 1898 a maggio 1899. In: Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma, 1899, n. s., ix, 258-264,2pl. Schaudinn (Fritz) [1871-1906]. Plasmodium vivax (Grassi & Feletti), der Erreger des Ter- tianfiebers beim Menschen. In: Arb. a. d. k. 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Studien fiber die in den Tropen erworbene Dysenterie (Dysenterie tro- picale). In: Beiheftez. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1907, Beihft. 1, 1-41, 3 pl. Syphilis. Colles (Abraham) [1773-1843]. Practical ob- servations on the venereal disease, and on the use of mercury, xvii, 351 pp. 8°. London, Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, 1837. Ricord (Philippe) [1799-1889]. Traite pra- tique des maladies veAeriennes. 808 pp. 8°. Par in, De Jurt Ron der & E. Le Bouvier, 1838. Virchow (Rudolf) [1821-1902]. Ueber die Natur der konstitutionell syphilitischen Affec- tionen. 120 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1859. Hutchinson (Sir Jonathan) [1828- ]. On heredito-syphilitic struma and on the teeth as a means of diagnosis. In: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1861, i, 515-519. Kussmaul (Adolf) [1822-1902]. Untersuchun- gen fiber den constitutionellen Mercurialismus und sein Verhiiltniss zur constitutionellen Sy- philis, xiv, 433 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1861. SURGEON-GENERALS. 140 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office (Library of the)—Jests illustrating the LListory of Medicine—Modern Period. Syphilis—continued. Klebs (Edwin) [1834- ]. Das Contagium der Svphilis. Eine experimentelle Studie. In: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1878-9. x, 161-221, 4 col. pl. Fournier (Alfred) [1832- ]. Les affections parasyphilitiques. 375 pp. 8°. Paris, Rueff & Cie., 1894. Metchnikoff (Elie) [1845- ] & Roux (Emile) [1867- ]. Etudes experimentales sur la syphilis. In: ANN. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1903, xvii, 809, 2 pl.: 1904, xviii, 1. Schaudinn (Fritz) [1871-1906] & Hoffmann (Erich) [1868- ]. Vorlaufiger Bericht fiber das Vorkommen von Spirochaeten in syphiliti- schen Krankheitsprodukten und bei Papillomen. In: Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte., Berl., 1905, xxii, 527-534. von Wassermann (August) [1866- ]. Zur diagnostischen Bedeutung der specifischen Kom- plementfixation. 7 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1907. Repr.from: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv. Noguchi (Hideyo). A new and simple method for the serum diagnosis of svphilis. In: J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1909, xi, 392-401. -----. Serum diagnosis of syphilis and the butyric acid test for syphilis. 173 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Philadelphia & London, Lippincott, [1910]. -----. A cutaneous reaction in syphilis. In: J. Exper. Med., N. Y., 1911, xiv, 557-568, 3 pl. Ehrlich (Paul) [1854- ] & Hata (S.) Die experimentelle Chemotherapie der Spirillosen (Syphilis, Ruckfallfieber, Hiihnerspirillose, Frambosie. Mit Beitn'igen von H. J. Nichols, J. Iversen, Bitter und Dreyer. viii, 164 pp., 5 pl., 2 tab. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1910. Hook-worm Infection. Dubini CAngelo). Xuovo verme intestinale umano (A^chylostoma duodenale), costituente un sesto genere dei nematoidei proprii del- 1' uomo. In: Ann. Univ. di med., Milano, 1843, cvi, 5-51. Griesinger (Wilhelm) [1817-68]. Das Wesen der tropischen Chlorose. In: Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1866, vii, 381. Ashford (Bailey K.) [1873- ]. Ankylo- stomiasis in Puerto Rico. In: N. 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Zenker (Friedrich Albert) [1825- ]. Ue- ber die Trichinenkrankheit des Menschen. In: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1860, xviii, 561- 572. Brown (Thomas R.) [1872- ]. Studies on trichinosis with especial reference to the increase of the eosinophilic cells in the blood, the origin of these cells, and their diagnostic importance. In: J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1898, iii, 315-347, 2 pl., 1 tab. [Preliminary communication by W. S. Thayer in: Compt. rend. xii. Cong, internat. de med., Moscou, 1897,126-131.] Trypanosomiasis and Leishmaniosis. Gruby (David) [1809-98]. Recherches et ob- servations sur une nouvelle espece d'hemato- zoaire, Trypanosoma sanguinis. In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1843, xvii, 1134-1136. Bruce (^r David) [1855- ]. Preliminary report on the tsetse fly disease, or nagana, in Zululand. 28 pp., 7 pl. fol. Durban, 1895. Dutton (J. Everett). Preliminary note upon a trypanosoma occurring in the blood of man. In: Thompson Yates Lab. Rep., Liverp., 1902, iv, 455- 468, 5 pl. Also [Abstr.], in: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 881-884, 2ch. Castellani (Aldo). On the discovery of a spe- cies of Trypanosoma in the cerebrospinal fluid of cases of sleeping sickness. In: Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1903, lxxi, 501-508. Leishman (Sir William Boog) [1865- ]. On the possibility of the occurrence of trypano- somiasis in India. [Leishman-Donovan bodies.] In: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 1252: ii, 1376. -----. Note on the nature of the parasitic bodies found in tropical splenomegaly. In: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 303. Wright (James Homer) [1869- ^ ]. Proto- zoa in a case of tropical ulcer (Delhi sore). In: J. Med. Research, Bost., 1903, x, 472-482, 4 pl. Rogers (Leonard) [1868- ]. Preliminary note on the development of Trypanosoma in cultures of theCunningham-Leishman-Donovan bodies of cachexial fever and kala-azar. In: Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 215. Ehrlich (Paul) [1854- ]. Chemothera- peutische Trvpanosomen-Studien. In: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 233; 280; 310; 341. Patton (Walter Scott). Preliminary report on the development of the Leishman-Donovan body in the bed-bug. In: Scient. Mem. Off. Med. & San. Dept. Govt. India, Calcutta, 1907, 589. Chagas (Carlo). NeueTrypanosomen. [Try- panosoma cruzi, n. sp.] In: Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropenhyg., Leipz., 1909, xiii, 120-122. Nicolle (Charles) [1866- ]. Le kala-azar infantile. In: Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1909, xxiii, 361; 441; 2pl. INTERNAL MEDICINE. Burns (Allan) [1781-1813]. Observations on some of the most frequent and important dis- eases of the heart, iv pp., 1 1., 322 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Bri/ce & Co., 1809. Hodgson (Joseph) [1788-1869]. A treatise on the diseases of arteries and veins, containing the pathology and treatment of aneurisms and wounded arteries, xix, 603 pp. 8°. London, T. Underwood, 1815. Goelis (Leopold Anton) [1765-1827]. Prak- tische Abhandlung iiber die vorziiglicheren Krankheiten des kindlichen Alters. 2 v. 8°. Wien, C. Gerold, 1815-18. Corvisart (Jean-Nicolas) [1755-1821]. Essai sur les maladies et les lesions organiques du SURGEON-GENERAL'S. 141 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicin e—-Modern Period. INTERNAL MEDICINE—continued. cceur et des gros vaisseaux. lvi, 4S4 pp. 8°. Paris, Mequignon-Marvis, 1806. Parry (Caleb Hillier) [1755-1822]. Collec- tions from the unpublished medical writings of the late... 3 v. 8°. London, Underwood, 1825. Bretonneau (Pierre) [1778-1862]. Des in- flammations speciales du tissu muqueux et en particulier de la diphtherite. vii (11.), 540 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Paris, Crevot, 1826. Billard (Charles Michel) [1800-32]. Traite des maladies des enfants nouveau-nes a la ma- melle. 2. ed. xxxii, 728 pp. 8°. Atlas, 8 pp., 10 pl. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1828-33. Bigelow (Jacob) [1787-1879]. A discourse on self-limited diseases. 48 pp. 8°. Boston, N. Hale, 1835. Bouillaud (Jean-Baptiste) [1796-1881]. Traite clinique des maladies du cceur. 2 v. 8°. Pa- ris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1835. Rayer (Pierre-Francois-Olive) [1793-1867]. De la morve et du farcin chez l'homme. 251 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1837. Repr.from: Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1837, vi, 625-873. -----. Traite" des maladies des reins et des alterations de la secretion urinaire. 3 v. 8°; Atlas, fol. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1837-41. Stokes (William) [1804-74]. A treatise on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the chest, xx, 557 pp. 8°. Dublin, Hodges & Smith, 1837. -----. The diseases of the heart and the aorta, xvi, 689 pp. 8°. Dublin, Hodges & Smith, 1854. Watson (Sir Thomas) [1792-1882]. Lectures on the principles and practice of physic. 2 v. 8°. London, J. W. Parker, 1843. Graves (Robert James) [1797-1853]. Clinical lectures on the practice of medicine. 2. ed., edited by J. Moore Neligan. 2 v. 8°. Dub- lin, Fannin & Co., 1848. West (Charles) [1816-98]. Lectures on the diseases of infancy and childhood, xxiii, 488 pp. 8°. London, Longman, 1848. Bednar (Alois). Die Krankheiten der Neuge- bornen und Siiuglinge. 4 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Wien, C. Ceroid, 1850-53. Frerichs (Friedrich Theodor) [1819-85]. Klinik der Leberkrankheiten. 2 v. Atlas, 26 pl. 8°. Braunschweig, 1858-61. Brinton (William) [1823-67]. The diseases of the stomach, xii, 406 pp. 8°. London, J. Cliurchill, 1859. Contains original description of plastic linitis. Gerhardt (Carl) [1833-1902]. Lehrbuch der Kinderkrankheiten. viii, 501 pp. 8°. Tu- bingen, H. Laupp, 1861. Henoch (Eduard) [1820-1900]. Beitrage zur Kinderheilkunde. vi, 209 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschvxdd, 1861. Murchison (Charles) [1830-79]. A treatise on the continued fevers of Great Britain, xiv, 638 pp., 5 pl., 10 diag. 8°. London, Parker Son & Bourn, 1862. Trousseau (Armand) [1801-67]. Clinique medicale de 1' Hotel-Dieu de Paris. 2. ed. 3 v. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillilre A- fils, 1865. Charcot (Jean-Martin) [1825-93]. Lecons sur les maladies des vieillards et les maladies chroniques. 47, 49-96 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1867. -----. Lecons sur les maladies du foie, des voies biliaires et des reins. 380 pp., 6 pl., 1 tab. 8°. Paris, 1877. Senator (Hermann) [1834- ]. Untersu- chungen fiber den fieberhaften Process und seine Behandlung. 3 p. 1., 208 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, A. Hirschwald, 1873. von Liebermeister (Carl) [1833- ] Hand- buch der Pathologie und Therapie des Fiebers. x, 690 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1875. Ewald (Carl Anton) [1845- ]. Klinik der Verdauungskrankheiten. 2 v. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1879-88. Finger (Ernest) [1856- ]. Die Blennor- rhea der Sexualorgane und ihre Complicationen. 2 p. 1., 319 pp., 5 col. pl. 8°. Leipzig u. Wien. F. Deuticke. 1888. Huchard (Henri) [1844-1910]. Maladies du cceur et des vaisseaux. xvi, 917 pp., 2 1., 4 pl. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 1889. -----. Formes cliniques de 1' arterio-sclerose. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1909. Boas (Ismar) [1858- ]. Diagnostik und Therapie der Magenkrankheiten. 2 pts. in 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1890-93. Tyson (James) [1841- ]. A treatise on Bright's disease and diabetes, xvi, 17-312 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston, 1881. Naunyn (Bernard) [1839- ]. Klinik der Cholelithiasis, viii, 187 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Leip- zig, F. C. W. Voqel, 1892. Osier (Sir William) [1849- ]. The prin- ciples and practice of medicine, xvi (11.), 1079 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Broadbent (Sir William Henry) [1865- ] & Broadbent (Sir John F. H.) Heart disease. x, 331 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1897. Glenard (Frantz). Les ptoses viscerales. ix, 7-977 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1899. Emerson (Charles Phillips) [1872- ]. Pneumothorax: a historical, clinical and experi- mental study. In: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait., 1903, xi, 1-450. Opie (Eugene Lindsay) [1873- ]. Disease of the pancreas; its cause and nature. 359 pp., 11 pl. 8°. Philadelphia. & London, 1903. Hurry (Jamieson Byrd). Vicious circles in disease, xiv, 186 pp., 10 pl. 8°. London, J. & A. Churchill, 1910. Rene Th. H. Laennec [1781-1826]. De l'auscultation mediate, ou traite du diag- nostic des maladies des poumons et du cceur, fonde principalement sur ce nouveau mode d'exploration. 2 v. 8°. Paris, J.-A. Brosson & J.-S. Chaudi, 1819. -----. The same. Traite" de l'auscultation mediate et des maladies des poumons et du cceur. 2. ed. 2 v. 8°. Paris, J.-S. Chaude, 1826. Richard Bright [1789-1858]. Reports of medical cases, selected with a view of illustrating the symptoms and cure of diseases by a reference to morbid anatomy. 2 v. xvi, 231 pp.; xl, 724 pp. 4°. London, Longman [and others], 1827-31. Cases and observations, illustrative of renal disease accompanied with the secretion of al- buminous urine. [With table of 100cases.] 64 pp. 8°. [London, 1836.] Repr.from: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1836, i. SURGEON-GENERALS. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the LListory of M> dicine—Modern Period. Richard Bright [1789-1858]—continued. Clinical memoirs on abdominal tumours and intumescence, xviii, 326 pp. 8°. London, New Sydenham Soc, 1861. Thomas Addison [1793-1860]. On the constitutional and local effects of dis- ease of the suprarenal capsules, viii, 43 pp., 11 pl. fol. London, S Highley, 1855. A collection of the published writings of Thomas Addison. 239 pp. 8°. London, New Sydenham Soc, 1868. Josef Skoda [1805-81]. Abhandlung iiber Perkussion und Auskulta- tion. 271 pp. 8°. Wien, 1839. Carl R. A. Wunderlich [1815-77]. Das Verhalten der Eigenwarme in Krank- heiten. viii, 384 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Leipzig, 0. Wigand, 1868. DIAGNOSIS. See, also, supra, Laennec; Skoda; Wun- derlich ; infra, Laryngoscopy [etc. ]. Wells (William Charles) [1757-1817]. On the presence of the red matter and serum of blood in the urine of dropsy which has not originated from scarlet fever [1811]. In: Tr. Soc. Improve. M. & Chir. Knowledge, 1804-12, Lond., 1812, iii, 194-240. Blackall (John) [1771-1860]. Observations on the nature and cure of dropsies. [1813.] 2. ed. viii, xiii, 15^116 pp. 8°. London, Long- man [and others], 1814. Stokes (William) [1804-78). An introduc- tion to the use of the stethoscope, xiii, 226 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Maciachlan & Stewart, 1825. Piorry (Pierre-Adolphe) [1794-1879]. De la percussion mediate, x, 336 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Pa- ris, J. S. Chaude, 1828. Andral (Gabriel) [1797-1876]. Essai d'hema- tologie pathologique. 186 pp. 8°. Paris, For- tin, 1843. von Fehling (Hermann) [1847- ]. Quan- titative Bestimmung des Zuckers im Harn. In: Arch. f. d. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1848, vii, 64-73. Jones (Henry Bence) [1814-73]. On a new substance occurring in the urine of a patient with mollifies ossium. In: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1848, 55-62. Vierordt (Karl) [1818-84]. Die Lehre vom Arterienpuls in gesunden und kranken Zustan- den. _ Gegriindet auf eine neue Methode der bildlichen Darstellung des menschlichen Pulses. viii, 271 pp., 7 diag. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg u. Sohn, 1855. Kussmaul (Adolf) [1822-1902]. [Erster Ver- such einer Oesophagoskopie, mit Bilder, 1868.] In: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900-1901, lviii, 500-507,1 pl. (mitgetheilt von G. Kilian). Wilks (Sir Samuel) [1824-1911]. On markings or furrows on the nails as the result of illness. In: Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 5. von Leyden (Ernst) [1832- ]. Ueber die Respiration im Fieber. In: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1870, iii, 536. Jaffe (Max) [1841-1911]. Ueber die Ausschei- dung des Indicans unter physiologischen und pathologisehen Verhaltnissen. In : Akch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1877, lxx, 72-111. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Nitze (Max) [1848-1906]. Ueber eine neue Beobachtungs- und Untersuchungsniethode fiir Harnrohre, Harnblase und Rectum. [1877.] In: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1879, xxix, 649; 713; 776; 806. -------. Lehrbuch der Kystoskopie. Ihre Technik und Behandlung. viii (1 1.), 329 pp., 6 pl., 4 1. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1889. von Mikulicz-Radecki (Johann) [1850-1905]. Ueber Gastroskopie und Oesophagoskopie. 32 pp. 8°. Wien, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1881. Repr.from: Wien. med. Presse, 1881, rxii. Ehrlich (Paul) [1854- ]. Ueber eine neue Harnprobe. In: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1882, v, 285-288. Senator (Hermann) [1834-1911]. Die Albu- minurie im gesunden und kranken Zustande. viii, 115 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1882. Kernig (Vladimir Mikhallovich) [1840- ]. Ob odnom malo izviestnom priznakle vospale- niya myakhkol mozgovof obolochki. [On a little-known sign of meningitis.] In: Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1884, v, 427, 446. von Jaksch (Rudolf) [1855- ]. Ueber Acetonurie und Diaceturie. xiii, 156 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1885. Hay (Matthew). Hay' s test for the bile acids [lowering of surface tension of the solute]. In: Landois (L.) & Stirling (W.) Text-book of hu- man physiology. 2. ed. roy. 8°. London, 1886, i, 381. von Basch (Samuel S. K.) Ritter [1837- ]. Der Sphygmomanometer und seine Verwer- thung in der Praxis. In: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 179; 206; 224; 244; 285; 987. Einhorn (Max) [1862- ]. Die Gastrodia- phanie. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) In: N. York med. Monatschr., 1889, i, 559. Sahli (Hermann) [1856- ]. Ueber eine neue Untersuchungsniethode der Verdauungs- organe und einige Resultate derselben. 10 pp. 8°. [Basel, 1891.] Repr.from: Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1891, xxi. Hopkins (Frederick Gowland) [1861- ]. On the estimation of uric acid in the urine. In: J. Path. & Bact., Edinb. & Lond., 1892-3, i, 451-459. Rbntgen (Wilhelm Conrad) [1845- ]. Ueber eine neue Art von Strahlen. In: Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1893,132-141. Koranyi (Sandor) [1866- ]. A vizelet fagypontjiinak diagnosticus erteke. [Diagnostic value of cryoscopy of the urine.] In: Buhapesti k.orvosegy,1894-iki evkonyve, 1895,74-77. Kir stein (Alfred) [1863- ]. Autoskopie der Luftwege. 7 pp. 16°. Leipzig & Berlin, 1895. Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi. Salkowski (Ernst) [1844- ]. Ueber die Pentosurie, eine neue Anomalie des Stoffwech- sels. In: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii» 364-368. Riva-Rocci (Scipione). Un nuovo sfigmoma- nometro. In: Gazz. med. di Torino, 1896, xlvii, 981; 1001. Koplik (Henry) [1858- ]. A new diag- nostic sign of measles. In: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liii, 505-507. Gaertner (Gustav) [1850- ]. Ueber einen neuen Blutdruckmesser (Tonometer). In: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlix, 1412-1418. Grocco (Pietro). Triangolo paravertebrale opposto nella pleurite essudativa. In: Lavobi d. Cong. d. med. int. 1902, Roma, 1903, xii, 190. SURGEON-GENERALS. 143 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicine—Modern Period. DIAGNOSIS—continued. Albarran (Joaquin) [1860-1912]. Exploration des fonctions renales. ix, 604 pp. 8°. Paris, Masson A Cie., 1905. Cammidge (Percy John) The chemistry of the urine in diseases of the pancreas. In: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 776:1906, i, 1150. Thayer (William Sydney) [1864- ]. On the early diastolic heart sound (the so-called third heart sound). In: Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clviii, 713-726. Barker (Lewellys Franklin) [1867- ] & Hanes (Friedrich M.) Exophthalmos and other eye signs in chronic nephritis. In: Tr. Ass. Am. Phys., Phila., 1909, xxiv, 146-166. Original Descriptions of Disease. See, also, supra, Virchow; Laennec; Bright; Addison; infra, Original Descriptions of Nervous Diseases; Original Descriptions of Cutaneous Diseases. Otto (John C.) An account of an hemorrha- gic disposition existing in certain families. In: MEn. Reposit., N. Y., 1803, vi, 1-4. Winterbottom (Thomas ) [ 1765 -1859 ]. [A species of lethargy . . . kondee or sleepy sick- ness.] In his: Account (An) of the native Africans [etc,]. 8°. London, 1803, ii, 29-31. Vieusseux (Gaspard) [1746-1814]. Memoire sur la maladie qui a regne a Geneve au prin- temps de 1805. [First account of cerebro-spinal meningitis.] In: J. de med., chir., pharm. [etc.], Par., 1805, xi, 163- 182. Badham (Charles) [1780-1845]. Observations on the inflammatory affections of the mucous membrane of the bronchia?, x, 133 pp. 12°. London, J. Callow, 1808. Romberg (Moritz Heinrich) [1795-1873]. *De rachitide congenita. [Achondroplasia.] 58 pp., 2pl. 4°. Berolini, typ. C. A. Plateni, 1817. Bostock (John) [1773-1846]. Caseof periodi- cal affection of the eves and chest. [Hay-fever: 1819.] In: Med.-Chik. Tr., Lond., 1819, x, 161-165. Adams (Robert) [1791-1875]. [Irregularity of breathing and remarkable slowness of pulse.] In: Dublin Hosp. Rep., 1827, iv, 396. Hodgkin (Thomas) [1798-1866]. On the re- troversion of the valves of the aorta. In: Lond. M. Gaz., 1828-9, iii, 433-443. ------. On some morbid appearances of the absorbent glands and spleen. In: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1832, xvii, 68-114. Corrigan (Sir Dominic John) [1802-80]. On permanent patency of the mouth of the aorta or inadequacy of the aortic valve. In: Edinb. M. & S. J., 1832, xxxvii, 225-245, 1 pl. Bright (Richard) [1789-1858]. Cases and ob- servations connected with disease of the pan- creas and duodenum. [Pancreatic diabetes and pancreatic steatorrhcea.] In: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1832-3, xviii, 1-56. -----. Observations on jaundice; more par- ticularly on that form of the disease which ac- companies the diffused inflammation of the sub- stance of the liver [acute yellow atrophy]. In: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1836, i, 604-637, 2pl. ------. [Status lymphaticus.] In: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1838, iii, 437. Lobstein(Jean-G.-C.-F.-M.) [1777-1835]. De la fragilite des os, ou de l'osteopsathyrose. Inhis: Traitedel'anat.path. 8°. Paris, 1833,ii,204-212. Graves (Robert James) [1797-1853]. [Ex- ophthalmic goitre.] In: Lond. M. & S. J., 1835, vii, pt. 2, 516. Malcolmson (John Grant) [ -1844]. A practical essay on the history and treatment of beriberi, iv, 343 pp. 8°. Madras, Government Press, 1835. Schb'nlein (Joh. Lucas) [1793-1864]. Pelio- sis rheumatica (Pel. circumscripta). In his: Allg. u. spec. Path. u. Therap. 8°. Herisau, 1837, ii, 48. Basedow (Carl Adolph) [1799-1854]. Ex- ophthalmos durch Hypertrophic des Zellgewe- bes in der Augenhohle. In: Wchnschr. f. d.ges. Heilk., Berl., 1840, vi, 197; 220. Drake (Daniel) [1785-1852]. A memoir on the disease called by the people the trembles, and the sick stomach or milk-sickness, as they appear in the Virginia military district in the State of Ohio. 57 pp. 8°. Louisville, Ky., J. Maxwell, jr., 1841. Virchow (Rudolf) [1821-1902]. WeissesBlut. [Leukaemia.] In: N. Notiz. a. d. Geb. d. Nat.- u. Heilk., Weimar, 1845, xxv, 151-155. Bennett (John Hughes) [1812-75]. Case of hypertrophy of the spleen and liver, in which death took place from suppuration of the blood. 11 pp. 8°. Edingburgh, Stark A Co., [1845]. Repr.from: Edinb. M. & S. J., 1845, lxiv. Stokes (William) [1804-74]. Observations on some cases of permanently slow pulse. In: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1846, ii, 73-85. Addison (Thomas) [1793-1860]. Anaemia: disease of the supra-renal capsules. In: Lond. M. Gaz., 1849, xliii, 517. Curling (Thomas Blizard) [1811-88]. Two cases of absence of the thyroid body and sym- metrical swellings of fat tissue at the sides of the neck, connected with defective cerebral de- velopment. [Myxcedema.] In: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1850, xxxiii, 303. Salazar (T.) * Historia de las verrugas. In: Gac. med. de Lima, 1858, ii, 161; 175. Kussmaul (Adolf) [1822-1902] & Maier (Ru- dolf) [1824-88]. Ueber eine bisher noch nicht beschriebene eigenthumliche Arterienerkran- kung (Periarteritis nodosa, die mit Morbus Brightii und rapid fortschreitender allgemeiner Muskellahmung einhergeht. In: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1866, i, 484- 518, 3 pl. Thiersch (Carl) [1822-95]. De maxillarum necrosi phosphorica. 15 pp. 4°. Lipsiie, apud A. Edelmannum, 1867. Dumoutier (Joseph). Maladie de sommeil. In: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1868, xii, 479. Wilks (Sir Samuel) [1824-1911]. Case of os- teoporosis, or spongv hypertrophy of the bones. In: Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1868-9, xx, 273-877. Lorain (Paul) [1827-75]. [De l'infantilisme et du feminisme chez les phthisiques. 1870.] In: Faneaude la Cour (F.-V.) *Du feminisme. 4°. Paris, 1871, 5-11. Da Costa (Jacob M.) [1833- ]. On irrita- ble heart. In: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1871, n. s., lxi, 17-52, Biermer (Anton) [1827-92]. Form von pro- gressiver pernicioser Anamie. In: Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1872, ii, 15-18. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. 144 SURGE( LN-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Mi dii ■ ine—Modern Period. Original Descriptions of Disease—continued. Gull (Sir William Withey) [1816-90]. _ On a cretinoid state supervening in adult life in women. In: Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1873-4, xii, 180-185. Hayem (Georges) [1841- ]. Contribution a l'etude de 1'hepatite interstitielle chronique avec hypertrophic (sclerose ou cirrhose hyper- trophique du foie). In: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1874, 2. s., i, 126-157. Henoch (Eduard) [1820-1900]. Ueber eine eigenthiimliche Form von Purpura. In: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1874, xi, 622; 641. Hanot (Victor-Charles) [1844-96]. * Etude sur une forme de cirrhose hypertrophique du foie (cirrhose hypertrophique avec ictere chro- nique). 155pp., lpl. 4°. Pan's, 1875. Riggs (John M.) [1810-85]. Suppurative in- flammation of the gums, and absorption of the gums and alveolar process. [Pyorrhoea alveola- ris.] In: Penn. J. Dent. Sc, Lancaster, 1876, iii, 99-104. Paget (Sir James) [1814-99]. On a form of chronic inflammation of bones (osteitis defor- mans), pp. 37-63. 8°. [London, 1877.] Repr.from: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1876-7, lx. Ord (William Miller) [1834-1902]. On myxce- dema, a term proposed to be applied to an essen- tial condition in the cretinoid affection occasion- ally observed in middle-aged women. In: Med.-Chir., Tr., Lond., 1877-9, Ixi, 57-78, 3 pl. Banti (Guido). Dell' anemia splenica. 70 pp., 1 pl. roy. 8°. Firenze, succ. Le Monnier, 1882. Barlow (Sir Thomas) [1845- ]. On cases described as "acute rickets" which are prob- ably a combination of scurvy being an essential, and the rickets a variable element. In: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1882-3, lxvi, 159-219. Rejchmann ( Mikolaj ) [1851- ]. Nie- strawnos'c' nerwowa (dyspepsia nervosa). [Gas- trosuccorrhcea.] In: Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1883, 2. s., iii, 369; 393; 423; 433. Glenard ( Frantz ). Application de la me- thode naturelle a 1'analyse de la dyspepsie ner- veuse. In: Lyon med., 1885, xlviii, 449; 492; 532; 563. Hirschsprung (Harald) [1830- ]. Stuhl- triigigkeit Neugeborener in Folge von Dilatation und Hvpertrophie des Colons. In: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1887-8, n. F., xxvii, 1-7. Bard (Louis) [1857- ] & Pic (Adrien) [1863- ]. Contribution a l'etude clinique et anato- mo-pathologique du cancer primitif du pancreas. In: Rev. de med., Par., 188*, viii, 257; 263. Weil (Adolph)_ [1848- ]. Ueber eine ei- genthiimliche, mit Milztumor, Icterus und Ne- phritis einhergehende, acute Infectionskrank- heit. In: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1888, xxxix, 209-232. Pfeiffer (Emil) [1846- ]. Drusenfieber. In: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1888-9, xxix, 257-267. Dercum (Francis X.) [1856- ]. A sub- cutaneous connective tissue dystrophy of the arms and back associated with symptoms re- sembling myxoedema. In: Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 140-150. Fitz (Reginald Heber) [1843- ]. Acute pancreatitis; a consideration of pancreatic hem- orrhage, hemorrhagic suppurative, and gan- grenous pancreatitis, and of disseminated fat- necrosis. 91 pp. 12°. Boston, Cupples & Hurd, 1889. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1889, cxx. Kahler (Otto) [1849-93]. Zur Symptomato- logie des multiplen Mveloms. In: Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xiv, 33; 45. von Mikulicz-Radecki (Johann) [1850-1905]. Ueber eine eigenartige symmetrische Erkran- kung der Thriinen- und Mundspeicheldriisen. 22 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1892. Repr. from: Beitr. z. Chir. Festschr. . . . Theodor Bill- roth, Stuttg., 1892. Vaquez (Henri) [1860- ]. Sur une forme speciale de cyanpse s'accompagnant d'hyperglo- bulie excessive et persistante. In: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, xliv, 384-388. Osier (Sir William) [1849- ]. On the visceral complications of erythema exudativum multiforme. 18 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1895. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1895, n. s., ex. ------. On a family form of recurring epis- taxis, associated with multiple telangiectases of the skin and mucous membranes. In: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1901, xii, 333- 337. -----. Chronic cyanosis with polycythemia and enlarged spleen; a new clinical entitv. In: Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1903, xviii,"299-325. Pick (Filipp Josef) [1834-1910]. Ueber chronische, unter dem Bilde der Lebercirrhose verlaufende Pericarditis (pericarditische Pseu- dolebercirrhose), nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Zuckergussleber (Curschmann). In: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1896, xxix, 385-410. Dukes (Clement). On the confusion of two different diseases under the name of rubella. In: Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 89-94. Whipple (George Hoyt). A hitherto unde- scribed disease characterized anatomically by deposits of fat and fatty acids in the intestinal and mesenteric lymphatic tissues. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1907, xviii, 382-391, 2pl. Appendicitis. Parkinson (James) [1755-1824]. Case of dis- eased appendix vermiformis. In: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1812, iii, 57. Louyer-Villermay (Jean-Baptiste) [1776-1837]. Observations pourservir a l'histoire des inflam- mations de l'appendice du csecum. In: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1821, v, 246-250. Blackadder (H. Home). Notices of certain accidents and diseased structure of the caput caecum cceli and its appendages. In: Edinb. M. & S. J., 1824, xxii, 48-23. Fitz (Reginald Heber) [1843- ]. Perfo- rating inflammation of the vermiform appendix; with special reference to its early diagnosis and treatment. 31 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. J. Doman, 1886. Repr from: Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1886, i. McBurney (Charles) [1845- ]. Experience with early operative interference in cases of dis- ease of the vermiform appendix. [McBurney's point, p. 678.] In: N. York M. J., 1889, 1, 676-684. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. 145 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicine—Modern Period. Diabetes. Chevreul (Michel-Eugene) [1787-1889]. Note sur le sucre de diabetes. In: Ann. de chim., Par., 1815, xcv, 319. [Schiff (Moritz). Bericht iiber einige Ver- suche an den Ursprung des Harnzuckers bei kunstlichem Diabetes zu ermitteln. In: Nachr. v. d. Georg-Aug.-Univ. u. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch, zu Gotting., 1856, 243-217.] ------. Untersuchungen iiber Zuckerbildung in der Leber und den Einfluss des Nervensys- tems auf die Erzeugung des Diabetes. In: Schweiz. Monatschr. f. prakt. Med., Schaffhausen, 1859,iv, 267-275. Petters (Wilhelm). Untersuchungen iiber die Honigharnruhr. [Entdeckung des Acetons im diabetischen Urin.] In: Vrtljschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1857, lv, 81-94, Pavy (Frederick William) [1S29- ]. Re- searches on the nature and treatment of dia- betes, ix (1 1.), 210 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1862. Gerhardt (Carl) [1833-1902]. Diabetes mel- litus und Aceton. [Acetessigsiiure.] In: Wien. med. Presse, 1865, vi, 672. Kussmaul (Adolf) [1822-1902]. Zur Lehre vom Diabetes mellitus. Ueber eine eigenthum- liche Todesart bei Diabetischen, iiber Acetona- mie [etc.]. In: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1874, xiv, 1-46. Bernard (Claude) [1813-78]. Lecons sur le diabete et la glvcogenese animale. viii, 576 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1877. Stadelmann (Ernst) [1855- ]. Ueberdie Ursachen der pathologisehen Ammoniakaus- scheidung beim Diabetes mellitus und Coma diabeticum. [/3-Oxybuttersaure. ] In: ABCH.f.exper. Path.u.Pharmakol.,Leipz., 1883,xvii, 419-441. Minkowski (Oscar) [1858- ]. Oxybutter- siiure im Harn bei Diabetes mellitus. In: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1884, xviii, 35-48. von Mering (Joseph) [1844- ]. Ueber ex- perimentelle Diabetes. [Einwirkung des Phlo- ridzin.] In: Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1886, v, 185-189. ------ & Minkowski (Oscar) [1858- ]. Diabetes mellitus nach Pancreasexstirpation. In: Arch.f.exper.Path. u.Pharmakol..Leipz.,1889,xxvi, 371: 1*92-3, xxi. von Noorden (Carl) [1858- ]. Die Zucker- krankheit und ihre Behandlung. viii, 212 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1895. Naunyn (Bernard) [1839- ]. Der Dia- betes melitus. x, 526 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1898. Forms pt. 6 of: Speciel. Pathol, u. Therap., Wien, 1898, vii. Magnus-Levy (Adolf). Die Oxybuttersaure und ihre Beziehungen zum Coma diabeticum. In: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1899, xiii, 149: 1901, xiv, 389. ------. Das Koma diabeticum und seine Be- handlung. In: Samml.zwangl. Abhandl. a.d.Geb. d. Verdauungs.- u. Stoffwechs.-Krankh., Halle a. S., 1909, i, 1-54. Opie (EugeneLindsay) [1873- ]. Diabetes mellitus associated with hyaline degeneration of the islands of Langerhans of the pancreas. In: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1901, xii, 263. VOL XVII, 2d series----10 Ssobolew (Leonid Wassilyevitch) [1876- ]. Zur normalen und pathologisehen Morphologie der innern Secretion der Bauchspeicheldriise. (Die Bedeutung der Langerhans'schen Inseln.) In: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1902, clxviii, 91- 128, 2 pl. MacCallum (William George) [1874- ]. On the relation of the islands of Langerhans to glvcosuria. In: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1909, xx, 265-268. Lusk (Graham) [1866- ]. Metabolism in diabetes. In: Harvey Lect., 8°, Phila. & Lond., 1911, 69-96. Gout and Rheumatism. See, also, infra, Pierre Marie. Wells (William Charles) [1757-1807]. On rheumatism of the heart. [1810.] In: Tr. Soc. Improve. M. & Chir. Knowledge 1804-10, Lond., 1812, iii, 373-412. Mitchell (John Kearsley [1793-1858]. On a new practice in acute and chronic rhumatism. [Spinal arthropathies.] 12 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, J. R. A. Skerrett, 1831. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1831, viii, 55-64. Bouillaud (Jean-Baptiste) [1796-1881]. Nou- velles recherches sur le rhumatisme articulaire aigu en general, et specialement sur la loi de coincidence de la pericardite et de l'endocardite avec cette maladie. viii, 162 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1836. -----. Traite clinique du rhumatisme arti- culaire. xxx, 554 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- liere 1840. Garrod (Sir Alfred Baring) [1819- ]. Ob- servations on certain pathological conditions of the blood and urine in gout, rheumatism and Bright's disease. In: Med.-Chir.Tt.,Lond.,1848,xxxi,83:1854,xxxvii,49. ------. The nature and treatment of gout and rheumatic gout, xvi, 601 pp., 6 pl. 8°. London, Walton A Maberly, 1859. Adams (Robert) [1791-1875]. Treatise on rheumatic gout, or chronic rheumatic arthritis, of all the joints, xv, 362 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1857. Bechtereff (Vladimir Michailovich) [1857- ]. Oderevenlelost pozvonochnika s iskri- vleniyem yevo, kak osobaya forma zabolfeva- niya. [Ankylosis of the spine with curvature as a special form of disease.] In: Vrach, S. Peterb., 1892, xiii, 899-903. [Fischer (Emil) [1852- ] & Ach (Lorenz). Neue Synthese der Harnsiiure und ihrer Me- thylderivate. In: Ber.d.deutsch. chem.Gesellsch.,Berl.,1895,xxviii.] Still (George Frederick) [1868- ]. On a form of chronic joint disease in children. In: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1896-7, lxxx, 47-59, 3 pl. Strumpell (Adolf) [1853- ]. Bemerkung iiber die chronische ankylosirende Entziindung der Wirbelsiiule und der Hiiftgelenke. [Spon- dylitis deformans.] In: Deutsche Ztschr.f.Nervenh., Leipz., 1897, xi, 338-342. NEUROLOGY. See, also, supra, Sir Charles Bell. Cheyne (John) [1671-1743]. An essay on hydrocephalus acutus, or dropsy in the brain. viii, 9-218 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Mundell, Doig & Stevenson, 1808. Ware (John) [1795-1864]. Remarks on the history and treatment of delirium tremens. 61 pp. 8°. Boston, N. Hale, 1831. Repr.from: Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1830-36, v. SURGEON-G ENERAL'S. 146 SURGEON G ENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicine—Modern Period. NEUROLOGY—continued. Gerhard (W illlam Wood) [1809-72]. Cerebral affections of children. [Tubercular meningitis.] In: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1833, xiii, 313-359. Schroeder van der Kolk (Jacob) [1797-1862]. Bau und Functionen der Medulla spinalis und oblongata und niichste Ursache und rationelle Behandlung der Epilepsie. viii (11.), 274 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg A Sohn, 1859. Bouchut (Eugene) [1818-91]. De l'etat ner- veux aigu et chronique ou nervosisme. xi, 348 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1860. Mitchell (S. Weir) [1830- ]', Moorehouse (George R.) [1876- ] & Keen (William W.) Gunshot wounds and other injuries of nerves. vi, 9-164 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin- cott A Co., 1864. Wood (Horatio C), jr. [1845- ]. Thermic fever, or sunstroke. Boylston prize essay. 128 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. P. Lippincott & Co., 1872. Liveing (Edward). On megrim, sick-head- ache, and some allied disorders; a contribution to the pathology of nerve-storms, x, 512 pp., 11., 1 pl., 6 tab. 8°. London, J. & A. Churchill, 1873. von Leyden (Ernst) [1832-1910]. Klinik der Riickenmarkskrankheiten. x, 478 pp., 8 pl. roy. ee chez les alienes. 446 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillitre, 1826. Prichard (James Cowles) [1786-1848]. A treatise on insanity and other disorders affecting the mind, xvi, 483 pp. 8°. London, Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, 1835. Esquirol (J.-E.-D.) [1772-1840]. Des mala- dies mentales considerees sous les rapports me- dical, hygienique, et medico-legal. 2v. & atlas. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere. 1838. Falret (Jean-Pierre) [1794-1870]. Memoire sur la folie circulaire. In: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1853-4, xix, 382-400. Conolly (John) [1794-1866]. The treatment of the insane without mechanical restraints. xii, 380 pp. 8°. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1856. Bucknill (John Charles) & Tuke (Daniel H.) A manual of psychological medicine: contain- ing the history, nosology, description, statistics, diagnosis, pathology, and treatment of insanity. viii, 561 pp., 1 pl. roy. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1858. Griesinger (W[ilhelm]) [1817-68]. Die Pa- thologie und Therapie der psychischen Krank- heiten fiir Aerzte und Studirende. 2. Aufl. vi, 538 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, A. Krabbe, 1861. Kahlbaum (Karl) [1828-99]. Die Katatonie. xvi, 104 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1874. von Krafft-Ebing ( Richard ) [ 1840-1902 ]. Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie auf klinischer Grund- lage. xii, 276 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1879. Meynert (Theodor) [1833- ]. Psychiatrie. Klinik der Erkrankungen des Vorderhirns, be- griindet auf dessen Bau, Leistungen und Er- nahrung. x, 288 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Braumul- ler, 1884. Korsakoff ( Sergiei [ Sergieyevich ] ) [ 1853- 1900]. Ob alkoholnom paralichie (Paralysis alcoholica, paraplegia alcoholica). 2 p. 1., 462 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Moskva, I. N. Kushnereff & Ko., 1887. Westphal (Carl Friedrich Otto) [1833-90]. Psychiatrische Abhandlun^en. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1892. Forms v. 1 of his: Gesammelte ADhancuungen. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the LListory of Medicine—Modern Period. Psychiatry—continued. Wernicke (Carl) [1848-1905]. Grundriss der Psychiatrie in klinischen Vorlesungen. viii, 576 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1894-1900. Kraepelin (Emil) [1856- ]. Der psycho- logische Versuch in der Psychiatrie. In: Psychol. Arb., Leipz., 1896, i, 1-91. ------. Einfiihrung in die psychiatrische Klinik. Dreissig Vorlesungen. viii, 328 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1901. Sommer (Robert). Lehrbuch der psycho- pathologischen Untersuchungsmethoden. vi, 399 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Berlin & Wien, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1899. Janet (Pierre) [1859- ]. Les obsessions et la psychasthenic xii, 764 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1903. Much [Hans C. R.] [1880- ]. Ueber eine biologische Reaktion bei Geisteskrankheiten. In: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], Berl. zu 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, xliv, 48-50. DERMATOLOGY. Willan (Robert) [1757-1812]. On cutaneous diseases, xvi, 17-556 pp., 11., 33 pl. 4°. Lon- don, J. Johnson, [1796-]1808. ------ & Bateman (Thomas) [1788-1831]. Delineations of cutaneous diseases; exhibiting the characteristic appearances of the principal genera and species comprised in the classifica- tion of the late Dr. Willan, and completing the series of engravings begun by that author, viii pp., 72 1., 72 col. pl. 4°. London, Longman [and others], 1817. ------. Thesame. New ed. viii pp., 72 1., 72 pl. 4°. London, H. Bohn, 1840. Alibert (Jean-Louis), le baron [1766-1837]. Description des maladies de la peau observees a l'hopital Saint-Louis et exposition des meilleures methodes sui vies pour leur traitement. xxii (45 col. pl.), 208 pp. fol. Pan's, Barrois Vaink dc fils, 1806. ------. Precis theorique et pratique sur les maladies de la peau. 2 v. 8°. Paris, Caille & Raviery 1818. Rayer (Pierre) [1793-1867]. Traite theorique et pratique des maladies de la peau, fonde sur de nouvelles recherches d'anatomie et de physio- logie pathologiques. 2 v. & atlas. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1826-7. Cazenave (Alphee) [1795-1877] & Schedel (Henry-Edward) [ -1856]. Abregepratique des maladies de la peau, d'apres des auteurs les plus estimes, et surtout d'apres des documents puises dans les lecons cliniques de M. le docteur Biett. 1 p. 1., xl, 526 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Bechet jeune, 1828. von Hebra (Ferdinand) [1816-80]. Versuch einer auf pathologische Anatomie gegriindeten Eintheilung der Hautkrankheiten. In: Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1845, i, 34; 143; 211. ------. Atlas der Hautkrankheiten. Hrsg. durch die kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bilder von Anton Elfinger. 10 Lfg. in 2 v. imp. fol. Wien, k. k. Hof- u. Staatsdr., 1856-76. Bazin (Antoine) [1807-78]. Lecons theo- riques et cliniques sur les affections cutanees parasitaires. xvi, 236 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Paris, F. Chamerot dc A. Delahaye, 1858. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Anderson (Thomas M'Call) [1836-1908]. On the parasitic affections of the skin, ix (11.), 152 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1861. Wilson (,SVr William James Erasmus) [1809- 84]. Lectures on dermatology; a synopsis of diseases of the skin; delivered in the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons of England, January, 1870-7M. 4 v. 8°. London, J. S7r William James Erasmus) [1809- 84]. Dermatitis exfoliativa. In: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1870, i, 118. Paget (Sir James) [1814-99]. On disease of the mammary areola preceding cancer of the mammary gland. In: St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874, x, 87-89. Milton (John Laws) [1820- ]. On giant urticaria. In: Edinb. M. J., 1876-7, xxii, 512-526. Taylor (Robert William) [1842- ]. On a rare case of idiopathic, localised or partial atrophy of the skin. In: Arch. Dermat., N. Y., 1875-6, ii, 114-121. Cottle (Wyndham). Warty growths. [An- giokeratoma.] In: St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1877-8, ix, 753-762 Ritter von Rittershain (Gottfried) [1820-83]. Die exfoliative Dermatitis jiingerer Sauglinge. In: Centralztg. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1878, ii, 3-23. _ Malherbe (Albert). Recherches sur l'epith£- lioma calcine des glandes sebacees. In: Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881, i, 409-414. von Recklinghausen (Friedrich Daniel) [1833-1910]. Ueber die multiplen Fibrome der Haut und ihre Beziehung zu den multiplen Neuromen. vi (1 1.), 138 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Ber- lin, A. Hirschwald, 1882. Goldscheider (Alfred) [1858- ]. Heredi- tare Neigung zur Blasenbildung. [Epidermo- lysis bullosa.] In: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1882, vi, 163. Hutchinson (Sir Jonathan) [1828- ]. On gangrenous eruptions in connection with vacci- nation and chicken-pox. In: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1882, lxv, pp. i-ii. Kaposi (Moritz) [1837-1902]. Xeroderma pigmentosum. In: Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1882, 619-633, 5 pl. ------. Ueber eine neue Form von Haut- krankheit, " Lymphodermia perniciosa." In: Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1885, xv, 129-147. ------. Lichen ruber monileformis. In: Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1886, xiii, 571-582,4 pl. ------. Lichen ruber acuminatus und Lichen ruber planus. In: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1895, xxxi, 1-32, 4 pl. ------. Impetigo herpetiformis. [Hebra.] In: Vrtljschr. f. Dermat.,Wien, 1887, xiv, 273-296, 6pl. Duhring ( Louis Adolphus ) [ 1845 - ]. Dermatitis herpetiformis. In: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii, 225-229. Robinson (Andrew Rose) [1845- ]. Hi- drocystoma. [Preliminary communication: Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., N. Y., 1884, 14-16.] In: J. Cutan. Dis. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1893, xi, 293-303, 1 pl. Jacquet (Lucien) [1860- ]. Des erythemes papuleux fessiers post-erosifs. In: REV.d. mal. de l'enf., 1889, iv, 208-218. Neumann (Isidor) [1832- ]. Ueber Pem- phigus vegetans (frambosiodes). In: Vrtljschr. f. Dermat.Wien, 1896, xiii, 157-178,4 pl. Bury (Judson Sykes). A case of erythema with remarkable nodular thickening and indu- ration of skin, associated with intermittent al- buminuria. In: Illustr. M. News, Lond., 1888, iii, 145-148. Darier (Jean). De la psorospermose follicu- laire vegetante. In: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1889, x, 597-612,1 pl. ------. Dystrophic papillaire et pigmentaire. In: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893,3. s., iv, 865-875. Pollitzer (Sigmund) & Janowsky (V.) Acan- thosis nigricans. In: Internat. Atlas f. seltene Hautkr., Hamb., 1890, pt. 4, pl. x-xi. Mibelli (Vittorio). L' angiokeratoma. In: Gior. ital. di mal. ven., Milano, 1891, xxvi, 159-180. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. 152 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Te.rts illustrating the History of Medicine—Modern Period. Cutaneous Diseases—continued. Mibelli (Vittorio). Contributo alio studio della ipercheratosi dei canali sudoriferi (poroke- ratosis). In: Gior. ital. di mal. ven., Milano, 1893, xxviii, 313- 355, 2 pl. Respighi (Emilio). Di una ipercheratosi non ancora descritta. In: Gior. ital. di mal. ven., Milano, 1893, xxviii, 356- 386, 1 pl. Unna (Paul Gerson) [1850- ]. Drei Fa- vusarten. 16 pp., 1 col. pl. 8°. [Hamburg, L. Voss, 1892.] Repr. from: Monatsh. f.prakt. Dermat,, Hamb.u. Leipz., 1892, xiv. -----. Das seborrhoische Ekzem. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1893, n. F., No. 79 (In- nere Med., No. 27), 669b-702b. ------. Phlyktsenosis streptogenes, ein durch Streptokokkenembolisation erzeugtes akutes Exanthem. 10 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Repr.from: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1895. ------. Pustulosis staphylogenes, ein durch Staph vlokokkenmetastase erzeugtes akutes Exanthem. 11 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1896. Repr.from: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1896. Gilchrist (Thomas Caspar) [1862- ]. A case of blastomycetic dermatitis in man. In: Johns Hopkins Hosp. "Rep., Bait., 18%, i, 269- 283, 7 pl. Schenck (Benjamin R.) [1872- ]. On refractory subcutaneous abscesses caused by a fungus possibly related to the sporotricha. In: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1898, ix, 286-290. Boeck (Carl) [1808-75]. Multipelt benignt hud-sarcoid. [D'un sarcoide cutane multiple etbenin. Res., 1386-1388.] In: Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1899,4. R., xiv, 1321-1334, 4 pl. Herxheimer (J.) Ueber Chlorakne. In: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 278. -----AHartmann (Kuno). Ueber Acroder- matitis chronica atrophicans. In: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien, 1902, lxi, 57-76. Jadassohn (Josef) [1863- ]. Ueber eine eigenartige Erkrankung der Nasenhaut bei Kin- dern (Granulosis rubra nasi). In: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien, 1901, lviii, 145-158. Schamberg (Jay Frank). A peculiar progres- sive pigmentary disease of the skin. In: Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1901, xiii, 1-5. Brocq (Louis) [1856- ]. Les parapsoriasis. In: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 313; 433. Pinkus (Felix). Ueber eine neue knotchen- formige Hauteruption: Lichen nitidus. In: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Leipz., 1907, lxxxv, 11- 36, 3 pl. PHARMACOLOGY. See, also, supra, Botany; Paul Ehrlich. Sertiirner (Friedrich AVilhelm) [1783-1841]. Darstellung der reinenMohnsaure(Opiumsiiure); nebst einer chemischen Untersuchung des Opiums, mit vorziiglicher Hinsicht auf einen darin neu entdeckten Stoff [Morphium]. In: J. d. Pharm., Leipz., 1806, xiv, 47-93. Caventou (Joseph-Bienaim£) [1795-1877] & Pelletier (Pierre-Joseph) [1788-1842]. Memoire sur un nouvel alcali vegetal (la strychnine) trouve dans la noix vomique. In: J. de pharm., Par., 1819, v, 142-177. ------------. Recherches chimiques sur les quinquinas. In: Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1820, xv, 289; 337. Guibourt (Nicolas-Jean) [1790-lSb7]. Histoire abregee des drogues simples. 2 v. s°. Paris, L. Colas, 1820. Magendie (Francois) [1783-1855]. Formu- laire pour la preparation et l'emploi de plusieura nouveaux medicamens, telsquelanoix vomique, la morphine, l'acide prussique, la strychnine, la veratrine, les alcalis des quinquinas, l'emetine, l'iode, etc. 2. ed. viii, 86 pp. 12°. J'aris, Miquignon-Marvis, 1822. von Liebig (Justus) [1803-73]. Ueber die Verbindungen, welche durch die Einwirkung des Chlors auf Alcohol, Aether, olbildendes Gas und Essiggeist entstehen. [Discovery of chlo- roform and chloral.] In: Ann. d. Pharm., Lemgo & Heidelb., 1832, i, 182-230. Geiger (PhilippLorenz) [1785-1836] & Hesse. Darstellung des Atropins. In: ANN.d. Pharm., Lemgo & Heidelb., 1833, v, 43: vi,44. Bernard (Claude) [1813-78]. Lecons sur les effets des substances toxiques et medicamenteu- ses. 488 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere A fils, 1857. Pereira (Jonathan) [1804-53]. The elements of materia medica. 2 v. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1839-40. Lemaire (Francois-Jules) [1814- ]. Du coaltar saponifie, disinfectant energique, arr£- tant les fermentations. De ses applications a 1'hygiene, a. la therapeutique, a 1'histoire natu- relle. 92 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1860. Brown (Alexander Crum ) [1838- ] & Fraser (Thomas R.) On the connection be- tween chemical constitution and physiological action. In: Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1867-9, xxv, 151-203. Liebreich ( Oscar ). Das Chloral, ein neues Hypnoticum. In: Arch. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., Neuwied, 1869, xvi, 237. Walter ( Friedrich ). Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung der Siiuren auf den thierischen Organismus. In: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., 1877, vii, 147- 178. Schmiedeberg (Oswald) [1838- ]. Grund- riss der Arzneimittellehre. viii, 279 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1883. Filehne (Wilhelm). Ueber das Antipyrin [Knorr], ein neues Antipyreticum. In: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1883-4, vii, 641. Binz (Carl) [1832- ]. Vorlesungen iiber Pharmacologic viii, xiv, 902 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 188[5-]6. Unna (Paul Gerson) [1850- ]. Ichthyol und Resorcin als Repriisentanten der Gruppe reduzierender Heilmittel. 1 p. 1., 85 pp. 8°. Hamburg A Leipzig, L. Voss, 1886. Forms 2. Hft. of: Dermat. Stud. East (Alfred) [1856- ]. Sulfonal, ein neues Schlafmittel. In: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 309-314. Stadelmann (Ernst) [1855- ]. Ueber den Einfluss der Alkalien auf den menschlichen Stoffwechsel. lp. 1., 176 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1890. Fraser (Thomas Richard) [1841- ]. Stro- phantus hispidus; its natural history, chemis- try, and pharmacology. 190 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Edinburgh, Neill A Co., 1891. Repr. from: Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1890, xxxv: 1891, xxxvi. SURGEON-GENERALS. 153 Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicine—Modern Period. PHARMAC OLOGY—continued. Cash (John Theodore) & Dunstan (Wynd- ham R.) The physiological action of the ni- trites of the paraffin series, considered in con- nection with their chemical constitution. In: Phil. Tr. 1893, Lond., 1894, clxxxiv, B, 506-639. Oliver (George) & Schafer (Edward Albert) [1850- ]. The physiological action of ex- tract of the suprarenal capsules. In: Proc. Physiol. Soc. Lond., 1894, p. i: 1895, p. ix. Dragendorff (Georg Joh. Noel) [1836-98]. Die Heilpfianzen der verschiedenen Volker und Zeiten. vi,884pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1898. Cushny (Arthur Robertson) [1866- ]. A text-book of pharmacology and therapeutics. 730 pp. 8 °. Ph iladelphia, Lea Brother* A Co., 1899. Takamine (Jokichi). The blood - pressure raising principle of the suprarenal glands; a preliminary report. In: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1901, 3. s., xvi, 221-224. Fischer (Emil) [1852- ] & von Mering (Joseph) [1844- ]. Ueber Veronal. In: Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1904, xiv, 145. Meltzer (Samuel James) [1851- ] & Auer (John) [1875- ]. Physiological and pharma- cological studies of magnesium salts. In: Am. J. Phvsiol., Bost., 1905. xiv, 366: 1906, xv, 3S7: xvi, 233. Continued in: J. Exper. Med., N. Y.,1906,\iii,692. History of Pharmacy. Peters (Hermann) [1837- ]. Auspharma- zeutischer Vorzeit in Bild und Wort. 2 v. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1889-91. Berendes (J.) Geschichte der Pharmacie. 80 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig, E. Gunther, 1898. Schelenz (Hermann). Geschichte der Phar- macie. ix (1 1.), 934 pp., 1 1. roy. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1904. Wootton (A. C.) Chronicles of pharmacy. 2 v. 8°. London, Macmilllan dc Co., 1910. THERAPEUTICS. Addison (Thomas) [1793-1860], Bird (Gold- ing) & Gull (Sir William). On the influence of electricity as a remedy in certain convulsive and spasmodic diseases. [First employment of static electricitv.] In: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1837, ii, 493: 1841, vi, 81: 1852-3, 2. s.. viii, 81, 1 pl. Priessnitz (Vincent) [1799-1851]. The cold- water cure, its principles, theory, and practice. 48 pp. 8°. London, W. Strange, [n. d.]. Ling (Per Henrik) [1776-1839]. Gymnasti- kens allmanna Grander. [1813-40.] 239 pp. 16°. Upsala, Palmblad dc Co., 1840. Rynd (Francis) [1801-61]. Neuralgia; intro- duction of fluid to the nerve [by hypodermic injection]. In: Dublin M. Press, 1845, xiii, 165. Also [description of instrument], in: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1861, xxxii, 13,1 pl. Pravaz (Charles-Gabriel) [1791-1853]. Sur un nouveau mode d'operer la coagulation du sang dans les arteres, applicable a la guerison des aneurismes [seringue hypodermique, 1851]. In: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 185;!, xxxvi, 88-90. Hall (Marshall) [1790-1857]. Prone and postural respiration in drowning, and other forms of apncea or suspended respiration, xiii, 216 pp., 2 pl. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1858. Nightingale (Florence) [1820-1910]. Notes on nursing. 79pp. 8°. London, Harrison, [I860]. SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Brand (Ernst) [1827- ]. Die Hydrothe- rapie des Typhus, iv, 309 pp. 8°. Stettin, T. Von der Nahmer, 1861. Banting (William) [1797-1878]. Letter on corpulence; addressed to the public. 21pp. 8°. [London, Harrison dc Sons], 1863. First edition. Kussmaul (Adolf) [1822-1902]. Ueber die Behandlung der Magenerweiterung durch eine neue Methode (mittelst der Magenpumpe). viii, 68 pp. 4°. Freiburg, H M. Poppen dc Sohn, 1869. Winternitz (Wilhelm) [1835-1905]. DieHy- drotherapie auf physiologischer und klinischer Grundlage. 2 v. 8°. Wien, Urban dc Schwarzen- berg, 1877. Unna (Paul Gerson) [1850- ]. Eine neue Form medicamentoser Einverleibung [Diinn- darmpillen]. 3 pp. 8°. [Berlin, 1884.] Repr.from: Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1884, ii. Wood (Horatio C), jr. [1841- ]. A trea- tise on therapeutics. 578 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott dc Co., 1874. Oertel (Max Joseph) [1835- ]. Therapie der Kreislaufs-Storungen. xii, 304 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1884. In: Handb. d. allg. Therap. (von Ziemssen),8°, Leipz., 1884, iv. Brunton (Sir Thomas Lauder) [1844- ]. A text-book of pharmacology, therapeutics and materia medica. xxxvi, 1139 pp. 8°. London, Macmillan dc Co., 1885. -----. An introduction to modern therapeu- tics, being the Croonian lectures on the relation- ship between chemical structure and physiolo- gical action in relation to the prevention, con- trol, and cure of disease, vii, 195 pp. 8°. Lon- don dc New York, Macmillan dc Co., 1892. Brown - Sequard ( Charles-Edouard) [ 1818- 94]. Du role physiologique et therapeutique d'un sucextraitdetesticulesd'animaux, d'apres nombre de faits observes chez l'homme. In- Arch, de phvsiol. norm, et path., Par., 1889, 5. s.,i, 739: 1890, ii, 201; 443; 646: 1891, iii, 746. Quincke (Heinrich) [1842- ]. DieLum- balpunction des Hydrocephalus. In: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 929; 965. d'Arsonval (Jacques-Arsene) [1851- ]. Recherches d'tlectrotherapie: la voltaisation sinusoidale. In: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1892, 5. s., iv, 69-80. Finsen (Niels Ryberg) [1860-1904]. Om an vendelse i medicinen af koncentrerede kemiske lysstraaler. 52 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Kjpbenhavn, Gyldendal, 1896. Dunbar (William P.) [1863- ]. Ursache und Bedeutung des Heufiebers. 39 pp. 12°. Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1905. von Noorden (Carl) [1858- ]. Ueber die Behandlung einiger Stoffwechselstorungen. 106 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1909. Hypnotism and Psychotherapy. Braid (James) [17957-1860]. Neurypnology; or, the rationale of nervous sleep, considered in relation with animal magnetism, xxii, 265 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 1843. Elliotson (John) [1791-1868]. Numerous cases of surgical operations without pain in the mesmeric state; with remarks upon the opposi- tion of many members of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society and others to the recep- tion of the inestimable blessings of mesmerism. 93 pp. 8°. London, H. Bailliere, 1843. Esdaile (James) [1808-59]. Mesmerism in India, and its practical application in surgery SURGEON-GENERAL'S. 154 SURG EON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—T>xts illustrating the History of Medicine—Modern Period. Hypnotism and Psychotheraphy—continued. and medicine, xxxi, 287 pp. sm. 8°. Lon- don, Longman [and others], 1846. Liebeault (Ambroise-Auguste) [1823- ]. Le sommeil provoque et les 6tats analogues. xii, 301 pp. 12°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1889. -----. Therapeutique suggestive, vii, 308 pp. 12°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1891. Bernheim (Hippolyte) [1840- L Hypno- tisme, suggestion, psychotherapie. Etudes nou- velles. ii, 518 pp. 8°. Pan's, 0. Doin, 1891. Camus (Jean) [1870- ] & Pagniez (Phi- lippe). Isoleinent et psychotherapie; traite- ment de l'hysterie et de la neurasthenie; pra- tique de la reeducation morale. Preface du Prof. J. Dejerine. viii, 407 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1904. Worcester (Elwood), McComb (S.) & Coriat (Isador). Religion and medicine, the moral control of nervous disorders. 427 pp. 8°. New York, Moffat, Yard dc Co., 1908. SURGERY. Sir Astley Paston Cooper [1768-1841]. See, also, infra, Hernia; Surgery of the Vascular System; Experimental Surgery; Otology. Illustrations of diseases of the breast. Pt. 1. 89 pp., 9 pl. 4°. London, Longman, Rees dc Co., 1829. Observations on the structure and diseases of the testis. 4 p. 1., 55, 245 pp., 24 pl., 24 1. 4°. London, Longman [and others], 1830. ------& Travers (Benjamin) [1783-1858]. Surgical essays. 2 v. 8°. London, Cox dc Son, 1818-19. Guillaume le baron Dupuytren [1778-1835]. See, also, infra, Original Accounts of Im- portant Operations; Surgery of the Vascu- lar System. Sur la fracture de l'extremite inferieure du perone, les luxations et les accidens qui en sont la suite. In: Annuaire med.-chir. d. h6p. de Par., 1819, i, 1-212. Memoire sur un deplacement originel ou con- genital de la tete des femurs. In: Repert. gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1826, ii, 82-93. Memoire sur une methode nouvelle pour traiter les anus accidentels. In: Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1$28, i, 259-316, 3pl. De la retraction des doigts par suite d'une affection de l'aponevrose palmaire, operation chirurgicale qui convient dans ce cas. In: J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1832, 2. s., v, 348-365. On the injuries and diseases of bones; being selections from the collected edition of the clini- cal lectures of Baron Dupuytren. Transl. and edited by F. le Gros Clark, xx, 459 pp. 8°. London, Sydenham Society, 1847. Lord Lister [1827-1912]. See, also, supra, Physiology of the Circula- tion; Pathology; infra, Surgery of the Vas- cular System; Military Medicine; Public Hygiene. Ox a new method of treating compound frac- tures, abscess, etc. In: Lancet, Lond., 1867, ii, 95. Ox the antiseptic principle in the practice of surgery. In: Lancet, Lond., 1867, ii, 353; 668. The collected papers of Joseph, Baron Lister. 2 v. 4°. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1909. Theodor Billroth [1829-94]. Ueber die Resection des Oesophagus. In: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1872, xiii, 65-69, 1 pl. Ueber die erste durch Th. Billroth am Men- schen ausgefuhrte Kehlkopf-Exstirpation und die Anwendung eines kunstlichen Kehlkopfes. [1873.] In: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1874. iii, pt. 2, 76-89,1 pl. Also, in: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1874, xvii, 343-356, lpl. [Erster Fall von Resektion des Pylorus wegen Carcinom.] In: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1881, xxxi, 162-165. Darmresektionen und Enterorhaphien. 1878- 83. In: Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1884, v, 83-108. Hey (William) [1736-1819]. Practical obser- vations in surgerv, illustrated with cases. 1 p. 1., v, 537 pp., 71, 10 pl. 8°. London, for T. Cadelljun., dc W. Davies, 1803. Bell (John) [1762-1820]. The principles of surgery. 3 v. in 4. 8°. Edinburgh dc London, 1801-8. Scarpa (Antonio) [1747-1804]. Sull' aneu- risma; riflessioni ed osservazioni anatomico- chirurgiche. 1 p. 1., iv, 114 pp., 10 pl., 5 out- line pl. fol. Pavia, tipog. Bolzani, 1804. Abernethy (John) [1764-1831]. Surgical ob- servations on the constitutional origin and treat- ment of local diseases, and on aneurisms, x, 292 pp. 8°. London, Longman, 1809. Bell (Sir Charles) [1775-1842]. A system of operative surgery, founded on the study of anatomy. 2 v. 8°. London, Longman, 1807'-9. ------. Illustrations of the great operations of surgery. 134 pp., 20 pl. fol. London, Long- man, 1821. Cooper (Samuel) [1780-1848]. A dictionary of practical surgery, viii, 749 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Murray, 1809. Travers (Benjamin) [1783-1858]. An inquiry into the process of nature in repairing injuries of the intestines, x, 384 pp., 4 1., 7 pl. 8°. London, Longman, 1812. Brodie (Sir Benjamin Collins) [1783-1862]. Pathological and surgical observations on dis- eases of the joints, vii, 329 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1818. Smith (Nathan) [1762-1829]. Observations on the pathology and treatment of necrosis. In: Phila. Month. J. M., 1827, i, 11; 66. Jobert (Antoine-Joseph) de Lamballe [1799- 1867]. Traite theorique et pratique des mala- dies chirurgicales du canal intestinal. 2 v. 8°. Paris, Mme. Auger-Mequignon, 1829. Syme (James) [1799-1870]. Treatise on the excision of diseased joints, viii, 163 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Black, 1831. ------. Contributions to the pathology and practice of surgery, viii, 336 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, Sutherland dc Knox, 1848. Liston (Robert) [1794-1847]. Practical sur- gery, vi (1 1.), 494 pp. 8°. London, J. Chur- chill, 1837. SURGEON-GENERALS. 155 Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the Histoiy of Medicin e—Modern Period. SURGERY—continued. Malgaigne ( Joseph-Francois ) [1806-65]. Manuel de meclecine operatoire. vi, 791 pp. 12°. Paris, Germer-Baillihe, 1834. ------. Traits des fractures et des luxations. 2 v. vii, 842 pp.; 1108 pp., 8°. Atlas, 30 pl., 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliire, 1847-55. Gross (Samuel David) [1805-84]. A system of surgery. 2v. 8°. Phila.,BlancliarddcLea,1859, von Amnion (Friedrich August) [1799-1861]. Die angeborenen chirurgiscben Krankheiten des Menschen. xii, 144 pp., 34 pl. fol. Ber- lin, F. A. Herbig, 1842. Pancoast (Joseph) [1805-82]. A treatise on operative surgery. 380 pp., 80 pl. 4°. Phila- delphia, Care// A Hart, 1844. Nelaton (Auguste) [1807-73]. Elements de pathologie chirurgicale. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bail- Here, 1844-50. Heine (Jacob) [1799-1879]. Ueber spontane und congenitale Luxationen. 84pp.,5pl. 8°. Stuttgart, Ebner 6- 1842]. [Amputation de la cuisse a 1'articula- tion coxo-femorale pratiquee trois fois.] In his: Mem. de chir. mil., Pur., 1812, ii, 180-195. McCreary (Charles) [1785-1826]. [Successful excision of clavicle at its articulation. 1818. J In: Tr. Kentucky M. Soc. 1852, Frankfort, 1853, ii, 276. Guthrie (George James) [1785-1856]. [Suc- cessful amputation at the hip-joint after the battle of Waterloo, July 7, 1815.] In his: Treatise on gunshot wounds. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1820, 332-340. Lisfranc (Jacques) [1790-1847]. Nouvelle methode operatoire pour l'amputation partielle du pied dans son articulation tarsometatar- sienne. 50 pp. 8°. Paris, Gabon, 1815. Dupuytren (Guillaume). Observation sur une resection de la machoire [le 14 juilletl818]. In: J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1820, xix, 77-98. Roux (Philibert-Joseph) [1780-1854]. Resec- tion des os. [1819.] In: Rev. de med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1830, xxxvii, 8-13. Jameson (Horatio Gates) [1788-1855]. Case of tumor of the superior jaw. [First excision of superior maxilla, Nov. 11, 1820.] In: Am. Med. Recorder, Phila., 1821, iv, 221-230,1 pl. Mott (Valentine) [1785-1865]. Case of osteo- sarcoma, in which the right side of the lower jaw was removed successfully after tying the carotid arterv. [1821] In: N. Yobk/M. & Phys. J., 1822, i, 385. ------. Successful amputation at the hip- joint. [1824.] In: Phila. J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1827, xiv, 101-104. ------. An account of a case of osteo-sarcoma of the left clavicle, in which exsection of that bone was successfully performed. [1828.] In: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1828, iii, 100-108. White (Anthony) [ -1849]. [Excision of the head of the femur for disease of the hip- joint. 1822.] In: Lancet, Lond., 1849, i, 324. Antony (Milton). Case of extensive caries of the fifth and sixth ribs, and disorganization of the greater part of the right lobe of lungs, with a description of the operation for the same. In: Phila. J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1823, vi, 108-117,1 pl. Beclard (Pierre-Augustin) [17S5-1825]. Ex- tirpation de la parotide [1823]. In: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1824, iv, 60-66. Rogers (David L.) Case of osteo-sarcoma of the superior maxillary bone, with the operation for its removal. In: N. York Med. & Phys. J., 1824, iii, 301-303. Smith (Nathan) [1762-1829]. On the ampu- tation of the knee-joint. In: Am. M. Rev. & J., Phila., 1825, ii, 370. Lembert (Antoine) [1802-51]. Memoire sur l'enterorhaphie, avec la description d'un pro- cMe' nouveau pour pratiquer cette operation chi- rurgicale. In: Repert. gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1826, ii, 100-107. 1 pl. Physick (Philip Syng) [1768-1837]. Extracts from an account of a case in which a new and peculiar operation for artificial anus was per- formed. In: Phila. J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1826, xiii, 199-202. Syme (James) [1799-1870]. Three cases in which the elbow-joint was successfully excised. [1828-9.] In: Edinb. M. & S. J., 1829, xxxi, 256-266. ------. Amputation at the ankle-joint [Sep- tember 8, 1842]. In: Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1843, iii, 93-96. Eve (Paul Fitzsimmons) [1806-77]. Removal of a large fibrous polypus from the base of the cranium. In: South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1836-7, i, 78-80. Quittenbaum (Carl Friedrich) [1793-1852]. Commentatio de splenis hypertrophia et his- toria extirpationis splenis hypertrophic! cum fortuna ad versa in femina vita fact;e. 24 pp., 2 pl. 4°. J'oxtochii, ti/p. Adlerianis, [1836.] Sedillot (Charles) [1804-83], Operation de gastrostomie, pratiquee pour la premiere fois le 13 novembre 1849. In: Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1849, ix, 366-377. Watson (John). Practical observations on organic obstruction of the oesophagus; preceded by a case which called for cesophagotomy and subsequent opening of the trachea. In: A.m. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1844, viii, 309-331, 1 pl. Parker ( Willard ) [1800-84]. Cystitis and rupture of the bladder treated by cystotomy. [1846-54.] In: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1867, 345-349. ------. An operation for abscess of the ap- pendix vermiformis caeci. In: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1867, ii, 25-27. Detmold (William) [1808-94]. Abscess of the substance of the brain; the lateral ventricles opened by an operation. In: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1850, xix, 86-95. Bigelow (Henry Jacob) [1818-90]. Resec- tion of the head of the femur. In: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1852, xxiv, 90. Pirogoff (Nikolai Ivanovich) [1810-81]. Kostno-plasticheskoye udlineniye kostel goleni pri vilushtshenii stopi. [Osteoplastic elongation of the bones of the leg in amputation of the foot. ] In: Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1854, lxiii, 2. sect., 83-100. Middeldorpf (Albrecht Theodor) [1824-68]. De polypis oesophagi atque de tumore ejus gene- ris primo prospere exstirpato. iv, 24 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Vratislarise, apud Max dc Soc, 1857. Carnochan (JohnMurray) [1817-87]. Exsec- tion of the trunk of the second branch of the fifth pair of nerves beyond the ganglion of Meckel, for severe neuralgia of the face; with three cases. In: AM. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1858, n. s., xxxv, 134-143. Forster (John Cooper) [1824-96]. Descrip- tion of the operation of gastrostomy (for cancer and contraction of oesophagus; two cases). In: Guy'sHosp.Rep.,Lond.,1858,3.s.,iv,13:1859,3.s.,v.l. Teale (Thomas Pridgin) [1801-68]. On ampu- tation by a long and a short rectangular flap. 72 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1858. Pancoast (Joseph) [1805-82]. [ Plastic opera- tion for exstrophy of the bladder in the male; reported by S. D. Gross.] In: N. Am. Med.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1859, iii, 710. ------. New operation for the relief of per- sistent facial neuralgia. In: Phila. M. Times, 1871-2, ii, 285-287. Wolcott (Erastus B.) [1804-80]. Case of encepbaloid disease of the kidney; removal, etc. [Reported by Charles L. Stoddafd, 1861.] In: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1861-2, vii, 126. Carden (Richard). On amputation by single flap. In: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1864, i, 416-421. Lister, Lord [1827-1912]. On excision of the wrist for caries. In: Lancet, Lond., 1865, i, 308; 335; 362. SURGEON-GENERALVS. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicin e—Modern Period. Original Accounts of Operations—continued. Bobbs (John Stough) [1809-70]. Case of lithotomy of the gall-bladder. In: Tr, M. Soc. Indiana, Indianap., 1868, 68-73. Simon (Gustav) [1824-76]. Exstirpation einer Niere am Menschen. [1869.] In: Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1870, xxii, 137. Kocher (Theodor) [1841- ]. Exstirpation einer Struma retrooesophagea. 4 pp. 8°. [Ba- sel, 1878.] Repr. from: Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1878, viii. Sims (James Marion) [1813-83]. Cholecys- totomy for the removal of gall-stones in dropsy of the gall-bladder. 20 pp. 12°. London, 1878. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i. von Volkmann (Richard) [1830-89]. Ueber den Mastdarmkrebs und die Exstirpatio recti. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1878, No. 131 (Chir., No. 42, 1113-1128). Estlander (Jakob August) [1831-81]. Resec- tion des cotes dans l'empyeme chronique. In: Rev. mens, de med. etchir., Par., 1879, iii, 157; 885. Wb'lfler (Anton) [1850- ]. Gastro-Enteros- tomie. In: Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1881, viii, 705-708. Langenbuch (Carl) [1846-1901]. Ein Fall von Exstirpation der Gallenblase wegen chroni- scher Cholelithiasis; Heilung. In: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 725-727. MacCormac (Sir William) [1836-1901]. Some observations on rupture of the urinary bladder, with an account of two cases of intra-peiitoneal rupture successfully treated by abdominal sec- tion and subsequent suture of the vesical rent. In: Lancet, Lond,, 1886, ii, 1118-1122. Mikulicz (Joh.) [1850-1905]. Ein Fall von Resection des carcinomatosen Oesophagus mit plastischem Ersatz des excidirten Stiickes. 5 pp. 8°. Prag, 1886. Repr.from: Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1886, ix. Berger (Paul) [1845- ]. L'amputation du membre superieur dans la contiguite du tronc (amputation interscapulo-thoracique). 371 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1887. Gowers (6 d'apres la methode de Wardrop; mort le 9e jour apres l'op6ration [le 12 juin 1829]. In: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1829. 7. s., xx, 566-573. VOL XVII, 2d series-----11 Jameson (Horatio Gates) [1788-1855]. An account of a case of aneurism of the external iliac arterv; ligature of external iliac; death. [1821.] In: Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1822, v 118-124. von Graefe (Carl Ferdinand) [1787-1840] [Ligation of the innominate artery [1822]; death 68 days after.] In: Lond. M. & Phys. J., 1823, xlix, 475. Key (Charles Aston) [1739-1849]. Femoral aneurism successfully treated by a ligature of the external iliac artery. [1822.] In: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1836, i, 68-70, ------. Case of axillary aneurism, success- fully treated by tying the subclavian artery. [1823.] In: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1823-7, xiii, 1-11. Macgill (George) [1838-67]. Account of a case in which both carotids were successfully tied. [1823.] In: N. York Med. & Phys. J., 1825, iv, 576. Wardrop (James) [1782-1869], Case of caro- tid aneurism, successfully treated by tying the artery above the aneurismal tumor. In: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1825, xiii, 217-226. Rogers (David L.) A memoir of the utility of tying large arteries, in preventing inflamma- tion in wounds of the principal joints and im- portant surgical operation, illustrated by cases. [Two successful ligations, each, of brachial and femoral arteries.] In: N. York M. & Phys. J., 1824, iii, 453-465. White (S. Pomeroy). Successful case of liga- ture of the internal iliac artery, for the cure of gluteal aneurism. [October 23, 1827.] In: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1827, i, 304-306. Bushe (Gordon). [Telangiectasis; ligation of the common iliac artery. April 7, 1830.] In: N. YORK Med.-Chir. Bull., 1832, i, 55. Peace (Edward). A case of inguinal aneurism successfully treated by a ligature to the external iliac artery. [1841.] In: Med. Exam., Phila., 1842, n. s., i, 225-228. ------. External iliac aneurism successfully treated by ligature of the common iliac artery. In: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1843, n. s., v, 269-278. Rodgers (John Kearney) [1793-1851]. 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Orfila (Mathieu-Joseph-Bonaventure) [1787- 1837]. Traite des poisons tires des regnes mi- neral, vegetal et animal, ou toxicologic generale considered sous les rapports de la physiologie, de la pathologie et de la medecine legale. 2. ed. 2 v. xxxii, 658 pp., 1 pl.; xvi, 703 pp. 8°. Paris, Crochard, 1818. Beck (Theodoric Romeyn) [1791-1855]. Ele- ments of medical jurisprudence. 2 v. 8°. Al- bany, N. Y., Websters dc Skinners, 1823. Heinroth (Joh. Christian August) [1773-1843]. System der psychisch-gerichtlichen Medizin. xiv, 554 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. H. F. Hartmann, 1825. SURG EON-GEN ERALS. Addison (Thomas) [1793-1860] & Morgan (John). An essay on the operation of poison- ous agents upon the living body, viii, 91 pp. S°. London, Longman, Rees [et al.], 1829. Christison (Sir Robert) [1797-1882]. A trea- tise on poisons, xx, 698 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Edin- burgh, A. Black, 1829. Gross (Samuel D.) [1805-84]. Observations on manual strangulation, illustrated by ca«es and experiments. In: West. J. 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Hamilton (Frank Hastings) [1813-86]. De- formities after fractures. 99 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, T. K. dc P. G. Collins, 1855. Repr.from: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., is:>5, viii. Tardieu(Auguste-Ambroise) [1818-79]. Etude medico legale et clinique sur Pempoisonnement. xxii, 1072 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1867. Wormley (Theodore George). Micro-chemis- try of poisons, including their physiological, pathological, and legal relations, xxxi, 32-668 pp., 13 pl., 1 tab. 8°. New York, Bailliere Bros., 1867. Dragendorff (Georg [Joh. Noel]) [1836-98]. Die gerichtlicb-chemisehe Ermittelung von Giften in Nahrungsmitteln Luftgeniischen, Speiseresten, Korpertbeilen, etc. xxiv, 4i'6 pp., 11. 8°. St. Petersburg, H. Seh■■»> itzdorff, 1868. ------. Beitrage zur gerichtlichen Chemie einzelner organischer Gifte. iv, 312 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, II. Schmitzdortf. 1872. Ordronaux (John) [1830-1908]. 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MEDICAL EDUCATION. Hodgkin (Thomas) [1798-1866]. An essay on medical education. 24pp. 8°. London, W. Phillips, 1823. Drake (Daniel) [1785-1852]. Practical essays on medical education and the medical profession in the United States. 104 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Roffdc Young, 1832. Davis (Nathan Smith) [1817-1904]. History of medical education and institutions in the United States, x (21.), 13-228 pp. 8°. Chi- cago, S. C. Griggs dc Co., 1851. Puschmann (Theodor) [1844-99]. Geschichte des medicinischen Unterrichts von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart. viii, 522 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Veit dc Co., 1889. Osier (Sir William) [1849- ]. Counsels and ideals from the writings of . . . [Selected and edited by C. N. B. Camac] xiv, 277 pp. 8°. Boston dc New York, Houghton, Mifflin A Co., 1905. Allbutt (Sir Thomas Clifford) [ 1836 - ]. On professional education with special reference to medicine, vi, 80 pp. 12°. London, Macmil- lan dc Co., 1906. MEDICAL GEOGRAPHY AND METEOR- OLOGY. 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Recherches sur les effets de la saignee dans quelques maladies inflammatoires, et sur Taction de l'emetique et des vesicatoires dans la pneumonic 120 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- liere, 1835. von Kb'rb'si (Josef) [1844- ]. Plan einer Mortalitats-Statistik fiir Grossstadte. 31 pp. 8°. Wien, C. (lerohVs S>hn, 1873. Rumsey (Henry AVyldbore) [1809-76]. Essays and papers on some fallacies in statistics con- cerning life and death, health and disease, with suggestions towards an improved system of reg- istration, xv, 322 pp. 8°. London, Smith, El- der A Co., 1875. Farr (William) [1807-83]. Vital statistics. xxiv, 563 pp., port. 8°. London, E. Stanford, 1885. Billings (John Shaw) [1839- ]. On vital and medical statistics. The Cartwright lectures, 1889. 37 pp. rov. 8°. New York, Trow, 1889. Pearson (Karl) [1857- ]. The chances of death and other studies in evolution. 2 v. ix, 388 pp., 2 pl.; 4H0 pp., 2 pl. 8° London, E. Arnold, 1897. ------. Biometrika. A journal for the sta- tistical study of biological problems. Founded by W. F. R. Weldon, Francis Galton, and Karl Pearson. Edited by . . . 8 v. roy. 8°. Cam- bridge, Univ. Press, 1901-11. Davenport (Charles Benedict) [1866- ]. Statistical methods, with special reference to biological variation, viii, 148 pp., 1 diag. 12°. New York, J. Wiley dc Sons, 1899. Galton (Francis) [1822-1911]. Probability the foundation of eugenics. 30 pp. 8°. Ox- ford, H Frowde, 1907. Bertillon (Jacques) [1851- ]. La depopu- lation de la France. 3 p. 1., iii, 346 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Alean, 1911. HISTORY OF MEDICDNE. See, also, supra, under different subjects. Young (Thomas) [1773-1829]. An introduc- tion to medical literature, xxii, 586 pp. 8°. London, Underuvod A Blacks, 1813. Hecker (Justus Friedrich Karl) [1795-1850]. Geschichte der Heilkunde. 2 v. 8°. Berlin, Ens/in, 1822-9. -----. Die grossen Volkskrankheiten des Mittelalters. Historisch-pathologische Unter- suchungen. Gesammelt und in erweiterter Be- arbeitung hrsg. von August Hirsch. vii, 432 pp. 8°. Berlin, T. C F. Enslin, 1865. WUstenfeld (Heinrich Ferdinand) [1808-99]. Geschichte der arabischen Aerzte und Naturfor- scher. xvi, 167, 16 pp. 8°. Gottingen, Van- denhoeck A- Ruprecht, 1840. Haeser ( Hinrich) [1811-84]. Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Medicin und der Volkskrank- heiten. xxxiii, 922 pp. 8°. Jena, F. Mauke, 1845. Rosenbaum (Julius) [1807-74]. Geschichte der Lustseuche im Alterthume. xvi, 464 pp. 8°. Halle, Lippert u. Schmidt, 1845. SURGEON-GENERAL"S. l Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Texts illustrating the History of Medicine—JTodern Period. HISTORY OF MEDICINE—continued. Puccinotti (Francesco) [1794-1872]. Storia della medicina. 3 v. in 4. 8°. Livorno, M. Wagner, 1850-66. Brown (John) [1810-82]. Horse subseciva?. xxxii, 478 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, T. Constable dc Co., 1858. Sanger (William W.) The history of prosti- tution, xiv, 17-685 pp. 8°. New York, Harper & Bros., 1858. Wunderlich (Karl Reinhold August) [1815- 77]. Geschichte der Medicin. vi, 366, 98, x pp. 8°. Stuttgart, Ebner dc Seubert, 1859. Virchow (Rudolf) [1821-1902]. Zur Ge- schichte des Aussatzes und der Spitaler, beson- ders in Deutschland. 1.-5. Artikel. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1860-61. Repr.from: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1860-61, xviii-xx. ------. Die neueren Fortschritte in der Wissenschaft und ihr Einfluss auf Medicin und Chirurgie. 35pp. 8°. Berlin,A.Hirschwald,1898. Meryon (Edward) [1809-50]. The history of medicine, v. 1. viii, 483 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Green [et al.], 1861. Daremberg (Charles-Victor) [1817-72]. La medecine dans Homere. 2 p. 1., 96 pp." 8°. Paris, Libr. Acad., 1865. ------. Etat de la medecine entre Homere et Hippocrate. vi (11.), 67 pp. 8°. Paris, Libr. Acad., 1869. ------. Histoire des sciences medicales. 2 v., paged consecutively, xxviii, 1303 pp. 8°. Pans, /.- B. Bailliere dc fils, 1870. Littr6 (Emile) [1801-81]. Medecine et meAe- cins. viii,512pp. 8°. Paris,Didier dc Cie., 1872. Bouchut (Eugene) [1818-91]. Histoire de la medecine et des doctrines medicales. 2 v. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1873. Toner (Joseph Meredith) [1825-96]. Con- tributions to the annals of medical progress and medical education in the United States before and during the War of Independence. 118 pp. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1874. Rohlfs (Heinrich) [1827- ]. Geschichte der deutschen Medicin. (Die medicinischen und chirurgischen Classiker Deutschlands.) 4 v. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke; Leipzig, C. L. Hirschfeld, 1875-85. Baas (Joh. Hermann) [1838- ]. Grund- riss der Geschichte der Medicin und des hei- lenden "tandes. xx, 904 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, i'76. ---- . The same. Outlines of the history of med ine and the medical profession. Transl. by H. 1 j. Handerson. 1173 pp. 8°. New York, J. H. 1 ail, 1889. ------. Die geschichtliche Entwicklung des iirztlichen Standes und der medicinischen Wis- senschaften. xi, 480 pp. 8°. Berlin, F. Wre- den, 1896. Century (A) of American medicine. 1766- 1876. By Edward H. Clarke, Henry J. Bige- low, Samuel D. Gross, T. Gaillard Thomas, and J. S. Billings. 366 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, II. C. Lea, 1876. Wilks (Sir Samuel) [1824-1911]. Historical notes on Bright's disease, Addison's disease, and Hodgkin's disease. In: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1877, 3. s., xxii, 269-274. 6 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. ------& Bettany (George Thomas). A bio- graphical history of Guy's Hospital, viii, 500 pp.,port.,6pl. 8°. London, Ward[etal.], 1892. Green (Samuel Abbott) [1830- ]. His- tory of medicine in Massachusetts. 2 p. 1., 131 pp. 8°. Boston, A. Williams A Co., 1881. Holmes (Oliver Wendell) [1815-94]. Medical essavs: 1842-1882. x (11.), 445 pp. 8°. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin dc Co., 1883. Hirsch (August) [1817-94]. Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Aerzte alter Zeiten und Volker. Hrsg. von ... 6 v. roy. 8°. Wienu. Leipzig, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1884-8. ------. Geschichte der medicinischen Wis- senschaften in Deutschland. xiv (21.), 739 pp. ■ 8°. Munchen, 1893. Puschmann (Theodor) [1844-99]. Die Me- dicin in Wien wahrend der letzten 100 Jahre. 6 p. 1., ii, 327 pp., 1 plan. 8°. Wien, M. Perles, 1884. Flore s (Francisco A.) Historia de la medi- cina en Mexico desde la epoca de los Indios hasta la presente. 3 v. roy. 8°. Mexico, 1886-8. Charcot (Jean-Martin) [1825-93] & Richer (Paul). Les demoniaques dans l'art. xii, 116 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Delahaye dc E. Lecrosnier, 1887. ------------. Les difformes et les malades dans l'art. vi, 162 pp. 4°. Pa,is, Lecrosnier dc Babe, 1889. Mitchell (S. Weir) [1830- ]. The early history of instrumental precision in medicine. 42 pp. 8°. New Haven, Tuttle, Morehouse dc Tuttle, 1892. Canniff (William) [1830- ]. The medical profession in Upper Canada, 1783-1850. xxi, 668 pp., 1 pl., 20 port. 8°. Toronto, W. Briggs, 1894. Creighton (Charles). A history of epidemics in Britain from A. D. 664 to the present time. 2 v. 8°. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1894. Withington (Edward Theodore). Medical history from the earliest times, viii, 424 pp. 8°. London, Scient. Pre-s, 1894. Fletcher (Robert) [1823- ]. Medical lore in the older English dramatists and poets (ex- clusive of Shakespeare). In: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1895, vi, 73-84. ------. A tragedy of the great plague of Mi- lan in 1630. In: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1898, ix, 175-180, 2pl. Jee (Sir Bhagvat Sin). A short history of Aryan medical science. 280 pp., 10 pl. 8°. London dc New York, Macmillan dc Co., 1896. Moyes (John) [1848-95]. Medicine and kin- dred arts in the plays of Shakespeare, xiv, 123 pp. 12°. Glasg w, J. MacLehose dc Sons, 1896. Corlieu (Auguste) [1825- ]. Centenaire de la Faculte de medecine de Paris (1794-1894). 4 p. 1., v, 606 pp., 2 1., 129 port. 4°. Paris, Imp. nationale, 1896. Pagel (Julius Leopold) [1851-1912]. Neue litterarische Beitrage zur mittelalterlichen Me- dicin. 6 p. 1., 194 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1896. ------. Geschichte der Medicin. xii, 959 pp. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1898. ------. Biographisches Lexikon hervorra- gender Aerzte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Mit einer historischen Einleitung. Hrsg. von SURGEON-GENERAL'S. 177 SURGEON-GENERAL'S. Surgeon-General's Office {Library of the)—Tests illustrating the History of Medicine—Modern Period. HISTORY OF MEDICINE—continued. . . . xxxiii pp., 1984 col. roy. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1901. ------. Zeittafeln zzur Gest hichte der Medi- cin. 16 pp., 26 tab. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1908. Park (Roswell) [1852- ]. An epitome of the history of medicine, xiv. 348 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, F. A. Davis Co., 1897. Laufer (Heinrich). Beitrage zur Kenntniss der tibetischen Medicin. 2 pts. 8°. Leipzig, 0. Harrassowitz, 1900. Peters (Hermann). Der Arzt und die Heil- kunstin der deutschen Vergangenheit. 4 p. 1., 7-136 pp. 4°. Leipzig, E. Diederichs, 1900. Richardson (Sir Benjamin Ward) [1828-96]. Disciples of Aesculapius. 2 v. 8°. London, Hutchinson A Son, 1900. Allbutt (Sir Thomas Clifford) [1836- ]. Science and medieval thought. 116 pp. 12°. London, C. J. Clay A Sans, 1901. ------. Greek medicine in Rome. In: Beit. M. J., Lond., 1909. ii, 1149; 1515; 1598. Packard (Francis Randolph) [1870- ]. The history of medicine in the United States. 542 pp., 7 pl., 17 port. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1901. Block (Iwan) [1872- ]. Der Ursprung der Svphilis. 1.-2. Abt. pp. 1-765. rov. 8°. Jtna, G. Fischer, 1901-11. Charaka Club, New York. Proceedings. 3 v. 8°. New York, W. Wooddc Co., 1902-10. von Oefele (Felix). Keilschriftmedicin. 4 p.l.,55pp.,ll.,3pl. 8°. Breslau,J.N.Kern,1902. Sudhoff (Karl) [1853- ]. Iatromathema- tiker, vornehmlich im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. viii, 92 pp. 4°. Breslau, J. U. Kern, 1902. ------. Tradition und Naturbeobachtung in den Ulustrationen medicinischer Handschriften und Fruhdrucke vornehmlich des 15. Jahr- hunderts. viii, 92 pp., 24 pl. 4°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1907. ------. Aertztliches aus griechischen Papy- rus-Urkunden. xv, 296 pp., 6 pl. roy. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1909. ------. Ausdemantiken Badewesen. 2 pts. 8°. Berlin, Allg. med. V rlagsanst., 1910. ------. Mal Franzoso in Italien in der ersten Hiilfte des 15. Jahrhunderts. 38 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 8°. diessen, A. Tdpelmann, 1912. ----:—. Aus der Friihgeschichte der Svphilis. xv, 175 pp., 6pl. 4°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1912. Mumford (James Gregory). A narrative of medicine in America. 508 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia dc London, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1903. Handbuch der Geschichte der Medizin. Be- grundet von Theodor Puschmann. Hrsg. von Max Neuburger und Julius Pagel. 3 v. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1903-5. Hollander (Eugen) [1867- ]. Die Medizin in der klassischen Malerei. xii, 276 pp. 4°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1903. ------. Die Karikatur und Satire in der Medizin. xv, 354 pp., 9 pl. 4°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1905. Jacobi (Abraham) [1830- ]. The history of pediatrics and its relation to other sciences and arts. In: Am. Med., Phila., 1904, viii, 795-805. VOL. XVII, 2D SERIES----12 Payne (Joseph Frank) [1840- ]. English medicine in the Anglo-Saxon times, vii, 162 pp.,15pl. 8°. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1904. Spivak (Charles D.) [1861- ] & Heilprin (F. T.) Jewish medicine. In: Jewish Encycl., N. Y., 1904, viii, 409-422. Wickersheimer ( Charles-Adolphe-Ernest). [1880- ]. * La medecine et les medecins en France a l'6poque de la Renaissance. 575 pp. 8°. Paris, 1905. Neuburger (Max) [1868- ]. Geschichte der Medizin. v. 1, v. 2, pt. 1. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1906. ------. The same. History of medicine. Transl. by Ernest Playfair. v. 1. x, 404 pp. 4°. London, H. Frowde, 1910. Opitz (Karl). Die Medizin im Koran, viii, 92 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1906. Martin (Alfred). 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Deutsche me- dizinische Inkunabeln. xxiii, 278 pp. roy. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1908. Albert (H.) Medizinisches Literatur- und Schriftsteller-Vademecum 1907-8. x (11.), 637 pp. 8°. Hamburg, Franke dc Scheibe, 1908. British Museum. Catalogue of books printed in the xv. century, now in the British Museum. Part I: Xylograpbica, and books printed with types at Mainz, Strassburg, Bamberg, and Cologne, xxviii, 312+12, xxix pp. fol. Lon- don, printed by order of the trustees, 1908. Gunther (Otto) [1864- ]. Wiegendrucke der Leipziger Sammlungen und der Herzogli- chen Bibliothek in Altenburg. ix (11.), 352 pp., 1 1., Nachtriige, 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, 0. Harrassowitz, 1909. Eijkman (P. H.) L'internationalisme medi- cal. 44 pp.,511. 8°. La Haye dc Amsterdam, F. van Rossen, 1910. List of international congresses, conferences and asso- ciations. Peddie (R. A.) Conspectus incunabulorum; an index catalogue of xvth century books. Pt. 1 (A-B). 8°. London, 1910. END OF HISTORICAL EXHIBIT. Snrgeons. Begbie (H.) Master workers. The modern surgeon. 8°. London, 1904. Cutting from: Pall Mall Mag., Lond., 1904, xxxiii. Cramer (C. J. J.) *Diss. med. inaug. qua qusestio examinatur an chirurgus adolescens sit optimus occasione verborum Celsi in prsefat. lib. vii. quod chirurgus debeat esse adolescens. sm. 4°. Helmstadii, [1747]. de Nancy (R.) Discours inaugural sur les fonctions de chirurgien en chef de la Charity de Lyon, prononce en seance publique et en pre- sence de 1'administration le 27 aout 1823. 8°. Lyon, 1823. van Nierop (A. S.) jr. Gedachten over de scheiding der geneeskunde, en het inwendig toedienen van geneesiniddelen door heelmees- ters. 8°. Amsterdam, 1845. Rigby (J. A.) The surgeon's power of life and death. 8°. London, 1906. Cutting from: The Independ. Rev., Lond., 1906. Also, in: Lancet. Lond., 1907, i, 45S-461. Allison (0. C.) The field wherein the work of the surgeon approaches that of the physician. J. Am. M. AssT, Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 147S-1480.—Begg (C. M.) SURGEONS. 179 SURGEONS. Surgeons. The relations of lodges to their surgeons. N. Zea- land M. J., Wellington, 1909, vii, 19-21. —Berry (J. T. B.) The country surgeon and his nurse. J. Missis- sippi M. Ass., Vicksburg, 1904-5, ix, 168-172.— Bosher (L. C.) Requirements for a successful career in surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 633-636.—< alWn (S. C.) The modern surgeon, his beneficent and ever- expanding work. Ibid., 1907, xlviii, 1246. -----. A brief consideration of some of the side lines or auxiliaries to the surgeon. J. South. M. Ass., Shreveport, 1909, i, 121-128.— Clarke (W. B.) The surgeon and the pathologist. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1904-5, xii, [suppl.], no. 10, 1-4.— Craig (W. C.I Some prime requisites of a surgeon. Jeffersonian, Phila., 1906-7, viii, 17-20. —Dunning (L. H.) Some of the sources of the disappointments of the surgeon. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gvnec. 1903, N. Y., 1904, xvi, 1-10.—Estor (E.) Des qualites necessaires au chirurgien. N. Montpel. med., 1S96, v, 268-276.—Forguo (E.) Medecine et chirurgie; chirurgiens et inedecins. Rev. scient., Par., 1910, 5. s., xiii, pt. 2, 419-455.—l—Poncet (A.) Quelquesnotes sur la chirurgie nntiseptique en Allemagne. Lyon med., 1882, xl, 315; 349; 388.—Puzey (C.) Recollections of the SURGERY. 191 SURGERY. Surgery (Antiseptic, LJistory and con- dition of). earlier period of the Listerian method. Liverpool M.- Chir. J., 1896, xvi, 1-12.—Bust (M. A.I Evolution of an- tisepticism (unconscious asepticism, Listerism, iodofor- misationl. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1884-5, xi, 502-520.—Steele (C. M.) Lister and his work. Plexus, Chicago, 1910, xvi, 449-466.—Tait (L.) An address on the present aspect of antiseptic surgery. (A criticism on Sir Joseph Lister's address at the Berlin Medical Congress, August, 1890.) Brit M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 728-732. See, also, infra, White. -----. The evolution of the aseptic method in surgery. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1898, n. s., lxv, 427-430.—Unterfoerger (S.) O rasprostranenii i znachenii listerovskol povyazki v Germanii, Avstrii, Bavarii i Saksonii v 1880 godu. [Use and value of Lis- ter's bandage in Germany, Austria, Bavaria, and Saxonv in 1880]. Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1881, cxli, 7. sect., 127-152.—White (J. W.) The present position of anti- septic surgery. (A reply to Mr. Tait's recent criticism of Sir Joseph Lister's Berlin address.) Canad. Pract., To- ronto, 1891, xvi, 1-16. Also: Post-grad, course lect. M. Fac Toronto, 1891,1-15. Also: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1891, xiii, 1-30. Also, Reprint.—Wood (J. Ci Status of an- tisepsis in the homoeopathic school. Tr. Am. Inst. Ho- mceop., Phila., 1896,524-536.—Wordin (N. E.) The dis- covery of the germ theory and antisepsis. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1900-1901, vii, 75-81. Surgery {Antiseptic, Jlanuals and tert- hooks of). Beck (C.) A manual of the modern theory and technique of surgical asepsis. 12°. Phila- delphia, 1895. Cardexal (S.) Guia practico para la curade las heridas y la aplicacion del metodo antisep- tico en cirugia. 8°. Barcelona, [1880]. -----. The same. Manual practico de ci- rugia antiseptica. 2. ed. 8°. Barcelona, [1887]. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Barcelona, 1894. -----. Thesame. roy. 8°. [Mexico, 1883.] Cheyne (W. W.) Antiseptic surgery; its principles, practice, history, and results. 8°. London, 1882. -----. The same. Die antiseptische Chi- rurgie; ihre Grundsatze, Ausiibung, Geschichte und Resultate. Ins Deutsche ubertragen von F. Kammerer. Mit Vor wort von H. Maas. S°. Leipzig, 1883. Delbet (P.) & Bigeard (L.) Asepsie opera- toire. 8°. Paris, 1901. von Hacker (V. R.) Anleitung zur antisep- tischen Wundbehandlung nach der an Prof. Billroth's Klinik gebrauchlichen Methode. 8°. Wien, 1883. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1884. -----. Thesame. 3.Aufl. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, 1890. -----. The same. Directions for the anti- septic treatment of wounds, as employed at Pro- fessor Billroth's clinic. Transl. by F. W. Tay- lor. 8°. Boston, 1884. -----. The same. Introduction to the an- tiseptic treatment of wounds according to the method in use at Professor Billroth's clinic, Vienna. Arranged for students and physicians; transl. with the author's permission from the German, by Capt. C. R. Kilkelly. 12°. Lon- don, 1891. Lockwood (C. B.) Aseptic surgery. 12°. Edinburgh dc London, 1896. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Edinburgh dc London, 1899. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1909. , , Lucas-Championniere (J.) Pratique de la chirurgie antiseptique; lecons professees a l'Ho- tel-Dieu. 8°. Paris, 1909. Surgery (Antiseptic, Manuals and text- books of). Mas v Guindal (J.) Manual practico de asepsia y antisepsia aplicado a los medicamen- tos, materiales de curacion, envases, etc. Pro- logo de Narciso Duran Desumvila. roy. 8°. Barcelona, 1909. Newman (E. A. R.) Manual of aseptic sur- gery. 12°. Calcutta, 1906. -----. The same. Manual of aseptic sur- gery and obstetrics. 2. ed. 8°. Calcutta, 1908. Nicaise (E.) L'antisepsie dans la pratique de la chirurgie journaliere. 12°. Paris, 1896. -----. The same. Antiseptika v obidennol khirurgicheskoi praktikie. Perevod M. P. Ya- kovlvova. Transl. by Yakovlyoff. 8°. Moskva, 1897* Palmer (H. B.) Surgical asepsis especially adapted to operations in the home of the pa- tient. 8°. Philadelphia, 1903. Robb(H.) Aseptic surgical technique; with especial reference to gynaecological operations, together with notes in the technique employed in certain supplementary procedures. 12°. Philadelphia, 1894. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1906. Rogers (L. D.) Asepsis, or surgical clean- liness, a manual for physicians, students and nurses. 8°. Chicago, 1900. Schimmelbtjsch (C.) Anleitung zur asepti- sehen Wundbehandlung. Mit einem Vorwort des Hern Prof. E. von Bergmann. 12°. Berlin, 1892. -----. Thesame. 2. Aufl. 12°. Berlin, 1893. -----. The same. Manuel d'asepsie. In- troduction par le Prof, von Bergmann. Traduc- tion du Dr. C. Debersaques. Preface de A. De Cock. 12°. Gand dc Paris, 1893. Schwartz (E.) La pratique de l'asepsie et de l'antisepsie en chirurgie. 12°. Paris, 1894. Terrier (F.) & Peraire (M.) Petit manuel d'antisepsie et d'asepsie chirurgicales. 12°. Paris, 1893. Terrillon (0.) & Chaput (H.) Asepsie et antisepsie chirurgicales. 12°. Paris, 1893. ----------. The same. 2. ed., revue et modifiee par H. Chaput. 12°. Paris, 1899. Turazzi (G.) Antisepsi ed antisettici nelle medicazioni chirurgiche, con appendice sull' im- piego di alcuni antisettici nella medicina in- terna. 8°. Milano, 1887. Upcott (H.) Antiseptic methods for surgical nurses and dressers. 8°. London, 1907. Vallack (A. S.) The principles and prac- tice of asepsis. 12°. London, 1905. Whiting (A. D.) Aids to aseptic technique. 12°. Philadelphia, 1898. Surgery (Antiseptic, Methods and ap- paratus in). See, also, Gloves; Hands; Surgery (Military, Antiseptic methods in); Surgery (Operative, Ampitheatres, etc., for); Surgery (Rural); Sur- gery (Veterinary). Adnet (E.) Nouveaux sterilisateurs appli- ques a la chirurgie. 8°. Pan's, 1898. _ Asepsis secundum artem; the practical appli- cation of the art of surgical dressings. 12°. New Brunswick, N. J., 1897. Assmann (H.) * Versuche iiber den Wert des Aethylalkohols, insbesondere des alkali- schen Alkohols als eines Desinfektionsmittels bei bakteriologischen Sektionen. 8°. Konigs- berg i. Pr., 1905. SURGERY. 192 SURGERY. Surgery (Antiseptic, JJethods and ap- pnratns in). Baudoin (E.) * Essai critique sur la sterili- sation du materiel chirurgical. 8°. Paris, 1906. Bertsch ( R. ) * Ueber den Einfluss des Kochens auf die chirurgischen Instrumente. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Wallenstadt, [1893]. Bolle (A.) Der antiseptische Verband mit- tels reiner Watte, mit Angabe der Mittel und des Verbandmaterials, nebst dazu gehorigen Zeichnungen zuerst erfunden und in Anwen- dung gebracht im Jahre 1852. 24°. Aachen, [1895]. Braun (P.) * Experimentelle Beitrage zur Operationshandschule. [ Konigsberg i. Pr. ] 8°. Tubingen, 1909. Caird (F. M.) Hints on the antiseptic man- agement of wounds; Listerism. 12°. Edin- burgh, 1880. Charles (G.) *Des pulverisations antisep- tiques prolongees dans le traitement de quelques affections chirurgicales. 4°. Paris, 1884. Collon (J.) * Resultats obtenus par diffe- rents antiseptiques dans differents genres de re- section; 189 observations tirees de la clinique chirurgicale de M. le Prof esseur Kocher a Berne, 1872-84. 8°. Berne, 1886. # Cumming (J.) *An inquiry into the theory and practice of antiseptic surgery. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1872. Cushing (E. W.) "Septic bacteria" and antiseptic dressings. 8°. Boston, [1887]. Davis (G. G.) *Die Principien des antisep- tischen Verbandes. 8°. Gottingen, 1881. Devecchi (P.) *Contribuzione alio studio della medicazione antisettica del Lister nelle operazioni chirurgiche. 8°. Torino, 1878. Dianin (V.) Trichlorphenol kak obezzara- zhivayushtsheye sredstvo pri llechenii gnilost- nikh i yazvennikh protsessov i noviy metod yevo polucheniya. [. . . as an antiseptic in the treatment of purulent and ulcerative processes, and a new method of obtaining it.] 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1882. Ducoste (J.) *De l'eau chaude en chirurgie. 4°. Paris, 1895. Fourcaud (P.-H.) * Sterilisation et conserva- tion aseptique des instruments en gomme elas- tique et en caoutchouc vulcanise. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1892. Fritzen (H.) * Beobachtungen iiber Lister's Wundbehandlung auf der chirurgischen Klinik zu Bonn. 8°. Bonn, [1873]. Gaillard (G.) * Sterilisation sous pression en milieu anhvdre (methode de L. Longuet). 8°. Paris, 1905. Geest (W.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Er- zielung eines moglichst geringen Keimgehaltes in der Luft des Operationraumes ausgefiihrt im Operationssaal der Freiburger Frauenklinik. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1906. Goecke (M.) * Ueber die Verbindung von Gummi- und Zwirnhandschuhen bei Opera- tionen. 8°. Jena, 1905. Grilli (F.) Sistema antisettico e termo-cau- terio. Osservazioni pratiche. 8°. Livorno, 1881. Gryglewicz (B. S.) * Versuche iiber die Ein- wirkung chemischer Reizmittel auf die Gelenke unter antiseptischen Cautelen. 8°. Greifswald, 1879. Kammeyer (E.) * Ueber Sterilisation von Catgut, nebst Beitnigen zu deren Geschichte. 8°. Berlin, [1890]. Surgery (Antiseptic, Methods and ap- paratus in). Kaxxengiesser (E. A.) * Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Hiindedesinfektion mit Alkohol. 8°. Borna-Leipzig, 1909. Kastkx (F.) * Ueber Handeasepsis. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1908. Kohler (B.) * Einwirkung neuerer Desin- ficientien, besonders des Hydrargyrum oxycya- natum, auf infizierte Instrumente. 8°. Mar- burg, 1905. La Folie (A.-J.-E.-A.) * Une operation aseptique. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900. Laxglois (E.-P.-A.) * L'asepsie et l'anti- sepsie inconscientes. 8°. Lille, 1903. Laroulandie (C.) *L'airol comme succe- dan4 de l'iodoforme. 8°. Paris, 1897. Leedham-Green (C.) On the sterilisation of the hands. A bacteriological inquiry into the relative value of various agents used in the disinfection of the hands. 8°. London, 1904. Lev assort (C.-E.) * La sterilisation pratique en chirurgie. 4°. Paris, 1896. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1896. Magana (I.) *Apuntes sobre la aplicacion del metodo antiseptico en cirugia. 8°. Mexico, 1882. Martin (V.) Etude experimentale et cli- nique sur l'emploi chirurgical de l'iodoforme. 8°. Lyon, 1882. Nouveaux sterilisateurs appliques a la chi- rurgie construits par E. Adnet. 8°. Paris, 1898. Ocampo (I.) *La asepsia y la antisepsia en las heridas. 8°. Mexico, 1889. Ok ada (T.) * Untersuchungen iiber Hiinde- desinfektion. [Giessen.] 8°. Leipzig, 1910. Oxillon (E.-J.) * Contribution a l'etude de la sterilisation du champ operatoire par la tein- ture d'iode. 8°. Bordeaux, 1910. Petronio (F.) Prontuario sinottico di ope- razioni chirurgiche piu attenenti alle lesioni violente, e brevi nozioni sulle medicature anti- settiche di esse. 16°. Napoli, 1894. Polak (J. H.) * De ontsmetting der snij- dende chirurgische instrumenten met zeep- spiritus. 8°. Amsterdam, 1900. Pozzi (S.) Quelques observations a propos du pansement de Lister applique aux plaies d'amputation et d'ablation de tumeurs. 8°. Paris, 1876. Prince (D.) On aseptic atmosphere. Club- foot. A rectal obturator. Palatoplastv. 8°. St. Louis, 1888. Ruggi (G.) Dell' arte del medicare secondo il metodo Lister. 8°. Bologna, 1879. Saurborn (W.) * Ueber feuchte und tro- ckene Asepsis bei Laparotomien. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1908. Schmidt (O.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Anwendung von Metallpulvern in der Chirurgie. [Giessen.] 8°. Warburg, 1903. Shuttleworth (L. E. K.) An improved method of diffusing antiseptics in dry air for inhalation, disinfection, and antiseptic surgery; partly rewritten and extended from the Lancet. 12°. London, 1884. Smart (R.) The sterilization of patients, operators, assistants, instruments, dressings, etc.; with brief resume of after treatment, from notes taken while attending clinics at St. Mary's Hospital. 8°. Rochester, Minn., [n. d.~\. Soderbaum (P.) * Listers antiseptiska me- thod. 12°. Stockholm, 1877. SURGERY. 193 SURGERY. Surgery (A?itiseptic, JJethods and ap- paratus in). Steixitz (J.) *Der desinficirende Verband nach Lister. 8°. Breslau, 1869. Tesse (A.) *Le savonnage des mains en chirurgie. 8°. Lyon, 1910. Treub (H.) De antiseptische wondbehande- ling in haar tegenwoordigen vorm. 8°. Leiden, 1885. United States. War Department. Surgeon- General's Office. Circular Order, No. 3, August 20, 1877. Report [on the materials used in Lister's system of wound-treatment and their mode of application]. Prepared by Assistant Surgeon Alfred C. Girard, U. S. Army. 8°. Washington, 1877. Vignes (E.) * Du sublim£ en chirurgie. 4°. Paris, 1885. [Volkmann (R.)] Zusammenstellung derje- nigen in der chirurgischen Klinik zu Halle unter principieller Durchfiihrung des Lister'- schen Verbandes vom 1. December 1872 bis zum 28. Februar 1874, also innerhalb eines Zeitraumes von 15 Monaten, vorgekommenen schweren Verletzungen und grosseren Operationen, welche erfahrungs^emiiss leicht zu accidentellen Wund- krankheiten fiihren. 8°. [Leipzig, 1871.~\ Weiss (L.-E.) ^Contribution a l'etude des methodes servant a determiner le pouvoir anti- septique. 8°. Paris, 1900. Zabludovski (A. M.) O niekotorikh novikh sposobakh obezzarazhivaniya ruk i operatsion- navo polya. [Certain new methods of disinfec- tion of the hands and operating field.] £° Moskva, 1911. Abba (F.) & Baroui (E.) Sulla preparazione del materiale asettico da medicazione. Atti d. Cong. naz. d' ig. [etc.], 1898, Torino, 1899, 349-353—Aeliard (H.J.) & Kedneld (EL H.) On the use of nuclein solution in surgery. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 779-782.—Aezel (K.) Akeztiiben operalo kez. [Gloves for the hands in operations.] Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1906, xlvi, 518.— Adenot & Per roy. E>sais de sterilisation des cuvet- tes destinees aux operations chirurgicales et pansements. Lyon med., 1904, ciii, 998-1001.—Ahll'e Id (F.) Beweise fur die dauernde Tiefenwirkung der Heisswasser-Alko- hol - Hiindedesinfektion. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1700-1703. -----. [Ist die mit virulenten Keimen in Beriihrung gekommene Hand alsbald nach der Beschmutzung in einem Grade zu reinigen, dass eine weitere chirurgische und geburts- hilfliche Tatigkeitunbedenklich gestattet werden kann?] Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 45. -----. Hande- keime, Selbstinfektion, Gummihandschuhprophylaxe. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Berl., "1910, xxxi, 151-163. — Aldrich ( H. C. ) Disinfection or steriliza- tion of the hands. Med. Century, N. Y. & Chicago, 1905, xiii, 292.—Allen (D. P.) A comparison of anti- septic and non-antiseptic methods insurgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1*83, i, 292-295. -----. A simple aseptic surgical technique. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1905, xxiii, 222-240. Also, transl.: Rev. de chir., Par 1905, xxxii, 745- 756.—Aliis (O. H.) The preparation of the fingers and nails for surgical operations. Maryland M. J., Halt., 1894, xxxi, 263. Also: Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii, 285.—Amchi- slavski (M. L.) Uproshtshenniy aMjptieheskiy pere- nosniv poinivalnik. [Simplified aseptic portable wash- stand.] Ka-k. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 815. —Ander- son fW.) Modern methods of hand sterilization and skin disinfection. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1904, xlvii, 705-721.—Andresen (V.) Om Sterilisering af Kompli- cerede Instrumenter. Ugesk. f. Lseger, K0benh., 1907, 5. R., xiv, 627-631.—Andrews (E. W.) Experiments on the rusting of instruments in sterilization by boiling. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 24. -----. The disin- fection of the patient; Schleich's ideas. Chicago M. Re- corder, 1900, xviii, 89-92.—Angelesco. Boite de me- tal pour la sterilisation des brasses, actionnee par une p^dale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Bucarest, 1906- 7, ix, 228-230. — Antelo (N.) Antisepsia del campo operatorio por la tintura de iodo (metodo Grossich.) Bol. de san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1909, viii, 109-124.— Antiseptic (The) methods in the London hospitals. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 237; 264— Aproslo (R.) Sull' uso dei guanti di gomma nella pratica chirurgica. VOL xvii, 2d series——13 Surgery J Antiseptic, JJcihods and ap- paratus in). Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1898, xlvi, 239-244.— Aroztegui & Fox. Desinl'eccion del campo opera- torio por la tintura de yodo. Arch, de ginecop. [etc.], Barcel., 1911, xxiv, 12-17.—Aseptic methods; routine methods employed for securing asepsis in surgical work at the Boston City Hospital. Nursing World, Providence (1895), 1896, iii, 111; 142.—Asliby (T. A.) Some of the disadvantages of solutions of bichloride of mercury in surgical practice. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1893-4, xxx, 446-44S.—AstJialter (H. J.) Desinficirter Luftkegel als Ersatzmittel fiir Fliissigkeitssprav. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1882, ix, 66-69.—Allelic & Tribondeau. Asso- ciation de l'eau oxygenee et du permanganate de potasse en therapeutique chirurgicale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1901, 11. s., iii, 892.—Ausin (J.) Sterilisation chirurgischer Seide durch Diffusionsstrome. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 857.—Austin (M. A.) Excess in surgical cleanliness. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1908, c, 254-257. Also: Indiana M. J., Indianap.. 1908-9, xxvii, 233-235.—Badger (F. H.) Asepsis and antisepsis in their relation to modern surgical technic. Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxxi, 5-7.—Baldoni (A.) Con- siderazioni e ricerche sulla asepsi operatoria. Clin, vet., Milano, 1907, xxx, sez. scient., 49-59.—Balser (A.) Bei- trag zur antiseptischen Wundbehandlung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1883, xxix, 413; 692.—Bardeleben. Vor- stellung von Operirten mit besonderem Bezug auf Chlor- zinkverbande. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir. 1880, Berl., 1881, ix, 75-83.—Bardeleben & Dohrn. Ueber die obligatorische Anwendung der Antiseptik in Chirurgie und Geburtshulfe. Aerztl. Vereinsbl. f. Deutschl., Leipz., 1881, x, 163-169.—Barendt (F. H.) Common facial lesions and infection. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1904, i, 210-213.—Barker (C.) A point in the cleansing of the hands before operation. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1903, li, 230.—Barrenechea (M. J.j Lijera resena sobre la curacion de las heridas segiin el "metodo antiseptico de Lister." Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1882-3, xi, 89; 129; 165. —Barrett (J. W.) On antiseptic treatment in the Melbourne Hos- pital. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1882, n. s., iv, 145- 148. —Bartlie (L.) Sur la sterilisation des objets de pansernents a l'Hopital Saint-Andre de Bordeaux. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1897, x, 276-280. Also: Arch. de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1897, xxix, 261-267. -----. Dela sterilisation desobjetsde pansements. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1899, viii, 638-642.— Bartlett (W.) On the proper closure of aseptic surgical wounds. Phila M. J., 1899, iv, SsO — Barton (G. C.) If operative tech- nique be perfect, can sepsis occur? Northwest. Lancet, Minneap., 1901, xxi, 164-167.—Barueli (S.) The rela- tion of rest to the success of antiseptic surgery, with re- marks on "Listerism." Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxix, 124- 126. — Harwell (R.) On boro-glyceride in operative surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 362-364. Also [Ab- str.]: Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 774. — Bastianelli (P.) Antisepsi, asepsi; il metodo misto come viene eseguito nell' Ospedale Alberti in S. Giovanni v. Cesalpino, Arezzo, 1907, iii, 49-72. -----. II metodo di Grossich senza preparazione; contributo di n. 100 casi. Ibid., 1911, vii, 133-144.—Bates (J. M.) Some remarks on Lister's anti- septic method. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1881, vii, pt. 2, 320-328.—Bandet (P.) De l'emploi de l'huile cam- phree en chirurgie. Provincem6d., Par., 1911,xxii,429.— Baudouin (M.) L'asepsie et l'antisepsie a l'Hopital Bichat, service de chirurgie de M. le Dr F. Terrier. Pro- gres med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xi, 95; 138; 175: xii, 175; 204; 237; 254; 287; 305. -----. Le gant de caoutchouc de Cha- put en chirurgie. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1906, xv, 185- 189. — Bayer (K.) Ueber die neueren Modiflcationen des antiseptischen Verfahrens. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1883, viii, 265; 277; 286.—Bazy. Sur l'asepsie operatoire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1899, n. s., xxv, 336- 339.—Beach. Antiseptic surgery; compound fractures. Boston M. & S. J., 1881, cv, 34-36.—Beatson (G. T.) An inexpensive water sterilizer for operating rooms. Lan- cet, Lond., 1907, ii, 1329.—Beck (C.) On some points in regard to sterilization in private dwellings, with the demonstration of some new aseptic appliances. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 134-136. Also, Reprint.-----. Asepsis of hands of the surgeon and skin of the patient. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii, 446. -----. On some important points regarding perfection of asepsis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1899, lvi, 505-508. -----. Wie kommt man der idealen Asepsis am nachsten? N. Yorker med. Monat- schr., 1899, xi, 419-429. Also: Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1901, 340; 368.—Becker (B.) Surgical procedures. To- ledo M. & S. Reporter, 1895, viii, 820-826.—Belaieff. Zur antiseptischen Technik. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1886, x, 291.—Benedict (H.) A belantisepsis es asepsis tananak mai allAsa. [Abdominal antisepsis and the pres- ent position of the doctrine of asepsis.] Uj abb gy6gyszer. 6s gy6gym6d., Budapest, 1898, 9-11.—Benton (S. H.) SURGERY. 194 SURGERY. Surgery (Antiseptic, JJethods and ap- paratus in). Antiseptics; are thev essential to success in surgical and obstetrical practice? N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 5-7.—Be- rard (L.)& Cliattot (J.) L'asepsie du chirurgien et de l'opcre par la teintured'iode. Lyon chirurg., 1910, iii, 545- 552.—Berard & Luinifere (A.) Valeur de la sterilisa- tion, par le tlambage, des cuvettes et des ustensiles de pansement. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1904, vii, 20-22. Also: Lyon med., 1904, cii, 368-370.----------. De la va- leur du flambage par le bee de Bunsen comme methode d'antisepsie. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1904, vii, 78.— Berdya yeflf( A. F.) Pribor dlya mitya ruk vo vremya khirurgicheskikh operatsiy. [Apparatus for washing the hands during surgical operations.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1904, ii, med.-spec. pt., 325-328.—Berger. Qu'est-ce que la methode aseptique? France med., Par., 1896, xliii, 789-794.—Bergh (G. F.) Beskaffenheten af vara i handeln forekommande antiseptiska forbands artiklar. [The nature of our commercial antiseptic bandages.] Allm. sven. Liikartidn., Stockholm, 1905, ii, 599; 614; 630.—von Bergmann. Ueber aseptische Dauerverbiinde. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1882, xxvii, 422. -----. Ueber antiseptische Wundbehandlung. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Eisenach, 1882, lv, 117-123. Also: Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr.. 1882, iv, 241-245. -----. Ueber die gegenwartigen Verbandmethoden und ihre Stellung zur Antiseptik. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1S82, vii, 445; 455. Also: Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.- Oest., Wien, 1882, viii, 279; 296. -----. Zur Sublimatfrage. Therap Monatsh., Berl., lss7, i, 41^4. -----. Die anti- septische Wundbehandlung in der kgl. chirurgischen Univcrsitats-Klinik zu Berlin. Klin. Jahrb.. Berl., 1889, i, 147-166. -----. Remarks on plugging with iodoform gauze in operations performed in cavities of the body. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1817-1819.—Bergstrand (A.) Om "Sublimat-Holzwolle"-forbandet. Hygiea, Stock- holm, 1884, xlvi, 311-316.—Berndt (F.) Zur Technik der Dampfsterilisirung von Verbandstoffen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 79.—Bernucci (G.) Steri- lizzazione pre iperatoria della cute con la tintura di iodio (metodo Crossich). Lior. di med. mil., Roma, 1910, lviii, 318-322.—Berry (J. J.) Clinical notes on the use of the spray. N. Kng. M. Month., Sandy Hook, Conn., 1884-5, iv, 7-10.—Bertelsmann. UeberGrossich's Jodtinktur- desinfektion, postoperativen Ileus, Ikterus und Hautne- krosen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1911, xxxviii, 889.— Biaiichini (M. L.) Sul metodo della medicazione secca all' almateina in chirurgia e nella traumatologia generale. Riv. internaz. di clin. e terap., Napoli, 1908, iii, 109-112.—Bichat (H.) De l'emploi de l'eau oxyge- nee en chirurgie. Rev. m6d. de l'est, Nancv, 1902, xxxiv, 524-539.—Billroth (T.) Ueber den Einfluss der Anti- septik auf Operationsmethoden, chirurgischen Unterricht und Krankenhausbau. Wien. med. BL, 1890, xiii, 211- 215.—Binaghi (R.) Delia disinfezione e del potere dis- infettante della cute umana. Policlin., Roma, 1897, iv, sez. chir., 483; 517.—Binaud. Sur la sterilisation des objets de pansement a l'Hopital Saint-Andre de Bor- deaux. Semaine gynec, Par., 1897, ii. 51.—Black (C. E.) The use of essential oils in surgery. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvii, 665-667.—BlaueI (C.) Ein mehrteili- ger Tupferbehalter fiir den Dampfsterilisator. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1905, xiv, 405-407.—Blech (G. M.) Aseptic surgery in general practice. N. York M. J., 18>i8, lxviii, 774.—Blocli (O.) En sikker og praktisk Modiri- kation af Listers Karbolsyreforbinding. [Modification sure et pratique du pansement de Lister. C. r.] Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1890, xxii, no. 1,1-65, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.] 1889, Par., 1890, iv, 23-38.—Blocli (O. E.) The uses of iodine in surgerv. Louisville Month. J. M. Antiseptik und Technik. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xiv, 841-843. Also: Med.- chir. Centralbl.. Wien, 1899, xxxiv, 95-97.— Burgess (A. H.) An aseptic operating cap. Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 28. — Burlakoff(V. M.) K voprosu o dezinfektsii SURGERY. 195 SURGERY. Surgery (Antiseptic, JJthods and ap- paratus in). . operatora i operiruyemavo; eksperimentalno-bakteriolo- gieheskiya izslledovaniya niekotorikh novikh khirurgi- cheskikh antiseptica. [Disinfection of the operator and operated; experimental bacteriological investigations of several new surgical antiseptics.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1907, xliii, pt.2.33; 136.— Burrell'(H. L.) A Tucker (G. R.) Some practical experiments in the details of aseptic surgery. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1887-9, xiv, 553-594, Also, Reprint.—But Mil (H. T.) A year's surgery at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1893, xxix, 89-107. -----. A second year's sur- gerv at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. [Stnct"antiseptic methods.] Ibid., 1894, xxx, 227-236.—By lord (II. T.) Some points in the technique of aseptic operating. Tr. South. Surg. & Gvnec. Ass. 1901, Birmingh., 1905, xvii. 393-408. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xliv, 779. Also. Reprint— Cahill (T. E.) On the carbolic treat- ment. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1883-4, ii, 207-217.— Call .llorros (J.) Complemento a la cura de Lister; me4odo do sutura gradual. Arch, de ginec. v enferm. de la inf., Madrid, 1884, i. 221; 313; 354— tamarrone (A.) La sterilizzazione della pelle con la tintura di jodio nelle operazioni; contributo clinico e batteriologico. Osp. di Palermo. Boll, trimest., 1909, ii, 285-291. —Cannaday (J. E.) Some of the uses of iodin in surgical practice. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xiv, 1102. Also [Abstr.]: Old Dominion J. M. & S., Richmond, 1906-7, v, 222.-----. Aseptic operative technique. Therap. Gaz. [etc.], De- troit, 1907, 3. s., xxiii, 329-338. Also: Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1907, xix, 209-216. — Capaccini (C.) Norme per preparare un ambiente operatorio antisettico. Rac- coglitore med., Forli, 1S91, 5. s., xii, 4:3-487.—Carey (R. S.) Catgut sterilised by iodine. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 331—Car li (A.) Alcune innovazioni nell' asepsi chi- rurgica. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1903, lxxii, 131-133.— Carstens (J. H.) Sterile hands secured by abstinence from infection; the essential factor in successful surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, 1, 683.—Carta (F.) L' io- dio nell' antisepsi chirurgica; sterilizzazione col metodo Grossich, metodo Claudius, per la sterilizzazione del cat- gut. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1910, lviii, 924-931.— Casalis (G. A.) The rubber glovesin surgery and their utility in general practice. South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1906, iv, 104. — Casassovici (E.) Tinctura de iod in mic'a chirurgie. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1910, xxx, 462-465.—Cathcart (C. W.) [Apparatus for sterilizing steel instruments by steam without rusting them.] Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1889-90, n. s., ix, 180-183. —Ceci (A.) Spray (sprizzo) per grandi operazioni. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1880, 2. s., x,329-331. —Cernezzi (A.) L' eu- guformio in chirurgia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 740.—Chanipeaux (M.) A usu jet de l'emploi chirur- gical de la teinture diode. Rev. gen. de clin. et de the- rap., Par, 1911, xxv, 262-264.—< 'haput. Nouveau mode de conservation des gazes sterilises dans une enveloppe mince d'etain soudee k chaud. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 1065-1067.—Chase (W. B.) Broken links in the chain of surgical asepsis. Internat. J.Surg., N. Y., 1904, xvii, 326-328. — Cheyne (W. W.) On the relation of organisms to antiseptic dressings. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1879, xxx, 557-582. Also, Reprint. -----•. On the injection of antistreptococcic serum as a prophylactic in cases of operation involving subsequent sepsis. Practitioner, Lond., 1897, lviii, 347-350. -----. The present position of aseptic surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 805-808.— Chiene (J.) Germs and the spray. Edinb. M. J., 1884, xxx, lu.s-115. Also, Reprint- Christian (P. B.) Some ideas on antisepsis and anti- septics. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1«84, xii, 310-315.— Clarke (.!..!. i A new form of sterilised swabs for surgical ope- rations. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1903, n.s., lxxvi, 167.— Clarke (W. B.) Asepsis in theory and praclice. Clin. J., Lond., 1904-5, xxv, 1-8. — < laudot & Niclot. Le flambage & l'alcooletl'asepsiechirurgicale. Bull. Soc.de chir.deLyon, 1904, vii,5-11. A/so: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1904, 4. s.,ii, 446-458.—Cleves-Synimes (H.) Untersuchun- gen iiber die aus derLuftsichabsetzenden Kcime. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1892, xliv, 125-145.—Cocco (L.) II guaiadol (para-iodioguaiacolo) nella pratica chirurgica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1910, xxxi, 353-356.—Condon (A. P.) A new substitute for iodoform in surgical cases. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1906, n. s., xxv, 555-557.— Conradi (H.) Ein neues Sterilisierungsverfahren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 1015.—Contejean (C.) Sur la sterilisation des eponges. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894,10. s., i, 290.—Cor- minas (E.) La inmunidad preoperatoria. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1904, xxx, 385-388.—Cossu (A.) Sul contenuto bacterico del catgut grezzo e sulla sua ste- rilizzazione col metodo di Claudius. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1910, lviii, 299-311.— Courvoisier (L. G.) Der Salieyl-Verband. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1881, xi, 290; 337.—Craig (D. H.) The maintenance of asep- sis. N. York M. J. [etc], 1906, lxxxiii, 121.—Cramer (H.) Die Durchfuhrbarkeit aseptischen Operirens aus- Surgery (Antiseptic, JLethods and ap- paratus in). serhalb der Krankenhiiuser. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M., 1896, v, 382-391. ■-----. Arzt und Asepsis. Ztschr. f. KrankenpfL, Berl., 1905, xxvii, 201-2U7.—Cum- ston (C. G.) A study on hand sterilization. Boston M. & S. J., 1909, clx, 333: 373. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1909, exxvii, 18; 189.—Currier (A. F.) A portable sterilizer. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxi, 402. -----. Antiseptic powders in medical and surgical practice. St. LouisM. Rev., 1905, li, 192-195.—Curtissi R.J.) The value of Listerism. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1886, li, 195; 259.—dishing (E. W.) Improved apparatus for sterilizing surgical instruments and dressings. Boston M. & S. J., 1891, exxiv, 161.— Czerinak. Zur Verwerthung des Liston-Garcia'schen Prjnzips. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1861, xi, 80; 99. Also, Reprint.—Dahl (L.) A few notes on preparation and disinfection of the patient as practiced at the Norwegian Deaconess Hospital. Plexus, Chicago, 1902-3, viii, 476- 478.—Dan do is. Les principes du traitement antisep- tique des plaies, et les diverses methodes de pansement. Rev. med., Lou vain, 1884, iii, 123; 152; 253. -----. Etude sur l'antisepsie chirurgicale. Ibid., 1892-3, xi, 12; 49; 97. -----. De l'asepsie des instruments. Ibid., 389-395. -----. De l'asepsie du chirurgien et du patient. Ibia., 1894-5, xiii, 97-114. -----. De l'antisepsie dans les infec- tions chirurgicales. Ibid.., 1895-6, xiv, 529-542. Also: Pratique jour., Lille, 1895-0, i, 225-240. -----. A propos des antiseptiques utilises en chirurgie. Rev. m6d., Lou- vain, 1910, 17-25.—Daimreuther (W. T.) The sur- gical value of iodine. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxiii, 142- 144. -----. The practical value of tincture of iodine and iodine catgut in major surgery. Ibid., 1909, lxxv, 99.— Davidsohn (H.) Die Benutzung des Koch'schen Dampfapparats fiir die Sterilisirung von Verbandstoffen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 956.—Davis (E. C.) The possibilities of perfection in aseptic surgical technique. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1898-9, n. s., xv, 649-657.— Dawbarn (R. H. M.) An aseptic and really surgical pocket-case. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 735. -----. The surgeon's enemy, the skin. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1903, 398-406. -----. Disinfection of the skin. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1905, xii, 773-775.— Decker (C.) Experimentelle Beitrage zur Frage der Jodtinkturdesinfektion. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 1078.—Dejace (L.) Du drainage des plaies dans la chirurgie antiseptique. Ann. Soc. med.- chir. de Liege, 1882, xxi, 12-24. Also, Reprint.— Delassus. Sur l'emploi des gants de caoutchouc en chirurgie. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1902, i, 121-131.—Del- bet (P.) Realisation de l'asepsie operatoire. J. de med. de Par., 1905, 2. s., xvii, 142-144—Delbet (P.),de Grand'^Iaison (F.) & Brenet (M.) De l'action des antiseptiques sur le peritoine. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1891, xxxv, 22; 130; 201.—Deletrez (A.) Sterillisateur fonctionnant par la vapeur sous pression. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1900, vii, 89-94. Also, Re- print.—Del Veechio (E.) Contributo pratico al me- todo della sterilizzazione della cute con la tintura di iodio. Ann. di. med. nav., Roma, 1911, ii, 21-25.—Depage. Contribution a la pratique de l'asepsie dans les operations chirurgicales. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1893, 49-53. -----. Du contrdle de l'asepsie des mains du chirurgien et de ses aides avant les operations. Soc. rov. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1901, lix, 102-109.—De Bosa-Cotronei (G. B.) Ricerche sperimentali intorno alia disinfezione a scopo chirurgico del retto mediante 1' uso dell'acqua ossigenala. Policlin., Roma, 1900, vii, sez. chir., 268-279.—I>e Saiiti (L.) Les derniores evolu- tions des pansements antiseptiques. (Rev. crit.) Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1883, i, 302-345.—Desibsses (P.) De la sterilisation de l'eau en chirurgie. Presse med., Par., 1899, i, 270-272. -----. Sterilisation des instruments par la vapeur d'alcool sous pression. Ibid., 1901, i, 51.— Des- paguct (F.) De l'asepsie operatoire; etuve nouvelle a sterilisation. Rec. d'opht., Par., 1895, 3. s., xvii, 405- 411.—Destreo (E.) Le pansement de Lister. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1881, xxxiii, 201-203. —De Vries (J. C.) Hand and instrument disinfection. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, 1906, xix, 564-572. Also, Re- print -De war (T. A.) A new surgical dressing pos- sessing remarkable properties; chloretone as an antiseptic and local anesthetic; reports of cases. Therap. Gaz., De- troit, 1900,3. s., xvi, 98-100.—De Winiwarter (H.) L'asepsie et l'antisepsie dans les services modeles etran- gers. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1903, xiii, 267; 321; 395.—Die rich. ZurCasuistikder Leistungsfahigkeit an- tiseptischerBehandlung. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1880, ii, 183.—Discussionsurl'asepsieop<§ratoire. Bull.etmem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1900, n. s., xxvi, 589; 613; 644; 763; 785; 806; 866; 949; 980.—Discussion sur la methode oxygenee. Bull, et mem. Soc. med-chir. du Nord, Lille, 1905, i, 157; 180.—Dobbertin. Ein neuer aseptischer Magazinnadelhalter und aseptische Magazinunterbin- dungsnadel. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1904, xxxi, 1157- 1161.—DJJderlein. Bacteriologische Untersuchungen iiber die Operationshandschuhe. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1898, xxvii, pt. 1, 10-27. -----. SURGERY. 196 SURGERY. Surgery (Antiseptic, JJethods and ap- paratus in). Bakteriologische Experimentaluntersuchungen iiber die operative Asepsis. Ibid., 1906, xxxv, 121-125. -----. Ein neuer Vorschlag zur Erzielung keimfreier Operations- wunden. Deutsche med. VYchiwhr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii,569-571.—Dombrow ski (X.) DerChlorzinkwerg eingutesundbilligesKrsatzinittel fiir die Sal icylwatte. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., l.ssi, vi, 279.—Don (A.) Die Sterilisierung der Haut des Patienten vor einer Operation. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1911, xcvi, 229-252.—Donati (M.) Sulladisinfezionepreoperatoria della cute con alcool e jodio. Corriere san., Milano, 1910, xxi, 337-339. Also, transl.: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 620.—Doyen (E.) A propos dela desinfection des mains. Arch, de Doyen, Par.,1910-11,i,397-399.—Dreuw. Universal-Dampfsterilisator zur Sterilisierung und gleich- zeitigen Trocknung von Verbandstoffen. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1910, lxxix, 363. Also: Therap. Rund- schau, Berl., 1910, iv, 417.— Dubrueil (A.) La methode sous-cutanee et l'antisepsie. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1889, xi, 361.—Duncan (G. E,) A form of oval filter to be worn during operations by all persons inside the operating room. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 441-442.—Duncan (J.) Germsand the spray. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1882-3, n. s., ii, 49-59.—Duncan (R. B.) An address. [Aseptic and antiseptic surgery of the present day.] Intercolon. M. J. Australas.. Melbourne, 1899, iv, 1-27— Dundore (C. A.) The use of nosophen and antinosine in surgery. Codex med. Phila., 1896-7, iii, 93-97. Also, Reprint.—Dupard (O.) De l'asepsie et de l'antisepsie dans les infirmeries regimentaires. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1897, xxx, 247; 324.—Duplay (S.) La methode antiseptique et la clinique. Tribune med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxii, 353-359.—Dupre (G.) Con- tribution d, l'etude du pansement de Lister. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1879, lxix, 120; 217. Also, Re- print.— Dupuy. Presentation d'un tube pour la ste- rilisation rapide des sondes en gomme par les va- peurs de formaline. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc- verb. [etc.], Par., 1907, xx, 1080-1082. -----. Presenta- tion d'une boite permettant la sterilisation rapide et pratique des instruments. Ibid., 1082. -----. Boite de sure t6 pour la conservation et les transports des instru- ments sterilises. Ibid., 1909, xxii, 1238-1241.—Duse (A ) Ricerche istologiche e batteriologiche sul metodo di Grossich [per la disinfezione del campo operatorio]. Policlin., Roma, 1911, xviii, sez. chir., 75-86.—Duterque Du pansement de LLter dans les grandes operations chirurgicales; revue analytique. Bull. Soc. med. de l'Yonne, 1882, Auxerre, 1883, xxiii, 24-43.—Dvorak (M. W.) Tincture of iodine as a skin antiseptic. Wis- consin M. J., Milwaukee, 1910-11, ix, 319-323. —Eau (L') oxygenee comme antiseptique. Gaz. gvn6c, Par., 1898, xiii, 369-371.—Ebel (H.) Ueber die Grundlagen dermodernen Asepsis. Militararzt, Wien, 1904, xxxviii, 82; 104.—Echols (C. M.) Dry sterilization of rubber gloves. Post-Grad. Bull., Milwaukee, 1905-6, i, 99.— Ed- wards (W. A.) The rusting of surgical instruments during sterilization. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1892, xxxv, 459.—Ehrenfried (A.) Picric acid and its surgical applications. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911,lvi. 112-115.— Eklund (T.) Om huddesini'ektion med jodtinktur. [Skin disinfection with iodin tincture.] Finska liiic- sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1909, li, v. 2, 317-325.— Ek- stein (E.) Asepsis und Heizung. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 218-220.—Englisch (J.) Er- fahrungen iiber den Lister'schen Verband mit Carbol- saure. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1869, v, 549, 569; 589; 695: 811. Also, Reprint. -----. Ueber den Tripolithverband. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1881, vii, 63-57.—von Esmarch (F.) Die aseptischen In- strumente. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1898, xx, 49-51.—Fstlander (J. A.) Den antiseptiska sarbehandlingen och nagra den vanligaste dervid an- vanda forbandsmedlen. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Hel- singfors, 1877, xix, 73-101, 1 pl. [Resume], 1878, xx, 346.— ICstor (E.) De la sterilisation du champ operatoire par la teinture d'iode sans lavage prealable. Montpel. med., lyv>9, xxviii, 553-557.—Evans (W.) The use of iodine as a disinfectant of the skin before operations. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 15.—Falck (R.) Darstellung und An- wendung consistenter Spiritusseifen zur rationellen Reinigung und Desinfection der Haut, besonders von ablebenden Schimmelpilzsporen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1904, xliii, 40.5-437.—Fasching (M.) Ueber Jodoform-Calomel-Behandlung. Wien. med. Presse, 1903, xliv, 17-19.—Fcdermanii. Ueber die Desinfektion der Haut mit Jodtinktur. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Ge- sellsch. 1910, Berl., 1911, xii, pt. 2, 7-10. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 293.—Felizet. L'asepsie inte- gralement conservee. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1908, n. s., xxxiv, 233-237.—Fenger (C.) Prepara- tion and disinfection of the patient. Chicago M. Recor- der, 1900, xviii, 85-88.—Ferraton. Asepsie et antisepsie chirurgicales; etude sur les moyens les plus simples pour en assurer lapplication pratique et suffisante dans les hopitaux depourvus d'une installation speciale. Arch. Surgery (Antiseptir, JJthods and ap- paratus in). de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1905, xiv, 23; 97.—Filipo- wicz (\\'.\ Odkazanie sk6ry wzabiegach operacyjnych za pomoca. jodyny. [Skin disinfection by iodine tor oper- ative purposes.] Przegl. chir. i ginek., Warszawa, 1911, iv. 10-22.—von Fillenbaum. Ueber neuere Modifi- kationen des antiseptischen Verbandes. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1884, xxxiv, 433: 464. — Fioravanti (L.) Contributo alio studio dell' asepsi chirurgica. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1906, xii, 158; 181. — Fiori (P.) L' airol nella pratica chirurgica, con speciale riguardo alia terapia delle forme tubercolari. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, 2. sem., 1115. Also: Rassegna med., Bologna, 1905, xiii, 2. sem., 1145.—Fischer (F.) Ueber antiseptischeZucker- verbiinde. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1883, x, 537.— Fischer (H.) Zur Frage der Desinfektion der Hiinde und des Operationsfeldes. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1910, xxxv, 145-147.—Fish (P. A.) Some theories and exper- iments in antisepsis. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1899-1900, 548-565.—Folet. Le necessaire et le superflu en matiere d'antisepsie. Bull, med., Par., 1889, iii, 1564-1566.— Forbes (W. L.) To make clean the hands and the field of surgical operation with a job. Phila. M. J., 1899, iii, 1128.—Forgue (E.) Sur quelques simplifications et modifications de technique de l'antisepsie. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1888, x, 255-257. -----. A propos de l'aseptisation des fils; un modele de d6vidoir sterili- sateur pour fils a sutures et ligatures. N. Montpel. med., 1892, i, 843-847. Also: Mercredi med., Par., 1893, ix, 13. -----. Appareil pour la sterilisation des sondes pour l'acide sulfureux. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1893, n. s., xix, 245. — Forster (J.) Wie soil der Arzt seine Hande reinigen? Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1885, vi, 297-299. Also: Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.- Oest., Wien, 1885, xi, 115. —Forwood (W. H.) Sterili- zation of animal ligatures and of sea sponge. Rep. Surg.- Gen. Army 1900-1901, Wash.. 1901, 250, 1 pl.—de Four. mestraux (J.) & Daniiot (G.) La sterilisation pr£- operatoire de la peau par les badigeonnages iodes; me- thode de Grossich. ^Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1909, lxxxii, 1027- 1029.—Fournie. A propos de l'asepsie. Lvon med., 1888, lvii, 593-598, 1 pl.—Fowler (G. R.) Hospital anti- septic surgery. N.York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 546-549.-----. Aseptic operative technique. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1891, ix, 485-503.—Frank. Zur Jodbenzinfrage. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 644.— Frank (E.) Un appareil simple pour la sterilisation des sondes. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1894, xii, 106-109.— Frank (J.) Gutta-percha tissue in surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 942-917.— Frank (L.) Asepsis, vith special reference to abdominal surgerv. N. York M. J., 1894, lix, 241-243. — Franz (K.) Lic'ht als Disinfi- ziens. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 4-6.— Franzolini (F.) Regole per i processi antisettici quali si attuano nel riparto chirurgico dell' Ospedale civile di Udine. Arch. clin. ital., Roma, 1885, xv, 219; 227; 236. Also: Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1885, ii, 481-509.—Freeman (L.) Some experiments relating to sterilization of the hands. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxx, 496. Also, Reprint. — Freudenberg (A.) Ueberdie Anwendung des Sublimats zur permanenten Irrigation. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 339-342. — Friedrich (P. L.) Kurze Bemerkungen zum Gebrauch diinner nahtloser Gummihandschuhe fiir gelegentliche Opera- tionszwecke. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xxv, 449-451.— Frisch (A.) Ueber Desinfection von Seide und Schwammen zu chirurgischen Zwecken. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1879, xxiv, 749-778.—Fritsch (H.) Ueber aseptisches Operiren mit sterilisirter Kochsalz- losung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl. 1890, xvi, 397.—Fritsch (K.) Die Jodtinktur als De- sinfektionsmittel des Operationsfeldes. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1911, lxxv, 39-72.—Froloff(V. I.) God dezinfektsii operatsionnavo polya po metodu Gros- sich'a. TA year of disinfection of the operating field by Grossich's method.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1911, ccxxx, med.-spec. pt., 443-452.—Frommel (R.) Wand- lungen in der Handhabung der Antiseptik bei Laparoto- mien. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xxxviii, 183- 185.—Fuller (F. C.) Modern antiseptic surgery, with cases. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1884, n. s., lxxxviii, 469- 483.— Fyodoroff (S. P.) Asepticheskiy pribor dlya vpriskivaniy. [Aseptic instrument for injections.] Khir. Laitop.,Mosk., 1893,iii,314-316.—Galleao ySanztl. B.) La desinfeccion quinirgica y el bicloruro mercurico. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1909, xxi, 174- 176.—Galpern (Ya. 0.) Ob uproshtshennikh sposobakh ochistki kozhi ruk i operatsionnavo polya. [Simplified method of cleaning the hands and operatingfield.] Khi- rurgia, Mosk., 1909, xxv, 531-536. -----. Rezultati go- dichnavo primleneniya obezzarazhivaniya kozhi iodom po sposobu Grossich'a. [One year's result of Grossich's method of iodine disinfection of the skin.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 1071.—Gangitano (F.) Considera- zioni e ricerche sull' antiscpsi e sull' asepsi operatoria nella clinica chirurgica di Messina. Riforma med., Roma, 1901, xvii, pt. 4, 38; 50; 62.—Garnye (A.) K ucheniyu SURGERY. 197 SURGERY. Surgery (Antiseptic^ JLethods and ap- paratus in). of aseptikle v khirurgii. [Asepsis in surgery.] Russk. Chir. Arch., S.-Peterb., 1895,1,578-586.—Gastom.I. McF.) Surgical immunization compared with susceptibility and predisposition to infection. Tr. M. Soc. Yirg., Richmond, 1896, 128-114.—Gay (s. G.) Treatment of patients and methods of sterilization at St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, Minn. Northwest M ed., Seattle, 1907, v, 86-88.— G ener- sich (A.) Iranyzatok az asepsis teren. [Tendencies in the province of asepsis.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1903, xliii, 612-616. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Bu- dapest, 1904, xl, 37: 66.—Gerdes. Experimentelle Cnter- suchungen iiber dieDampf desinfektion der Verba ndstotl'e. Arch, f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1907, lxxxii, 658-682.—Gerrish (F. H.) The Lister method. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Port- land, 1881, vii, pt. 2, 309-318.—Gerson (K.) Seifenspiri- tus als Desinficiens medizinischer Instrumente und seine weitere Anwendung. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1900, xxi, 325. Also: J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1909, xv, No. 7. -----. Zur Sterilisirung chirurgischer Instrumente mittelst Sei- fenspiritus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 560. -----. Das Umwicklungsverfahren mit- tels in Seifenspiritus getriinkter Watte zur Sterilisie- rung und Sterilerhaltung medizinischer Instrumente. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1904, xxxiii, 202-204.— Gerster (A. G.) Antiseptics in private practice and emergencies. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1887, 366-383. Also: N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 365; 396. -----. Aseptic and antiseptic details in operative surgery. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass.. Phila., 1891, ix, 95-131. Also: Tr. Cong. Am. Phys. & Surg. 1891, N. Haven, 1892, ii, 51-68.-----■. The technique of antiseptic and aseptic surgerv. Svst. Surg. (Dennis), Phila., 1895, i, 677-728.—von Giacich (R.) Aseptisches und antiseptisches Seidenpapier und Seiden- papiercharpie (Seidenpapierwolle). Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1889, xxxix, 1881.—Giancola (M.) Apparecchio portatile per rendere asettiche le operazioni e le medica- ture in campagna. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1896, v, 464.—Gibson (C. L.) Disinfection of the skin by tincture of iodine. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1911, liii, 106— 109.—Girard (C.) Sur l'emploi du parachlorophenol et du chlorosalol en chirurgie. Rev. med. dela Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1895, xv. 365-374.—Girgolav (S. S.) K voprosu opovtornom obmivauii ruk vo vremya operatsii. [Re- peated washing of the hands during an operation.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1907, xix, 1361—Glas (S.) Om sublimat-jodoformantiseptik och de sarlakningsresultat, som denna metod lemnat vid Sabbatsbergs Sjukhus' ki- rurgiska afdelning under aren 1883 och 1884. [De l'anti- septique sublime-iodoforme et des resultats donnes par cette methode a la division chirurgicale de l'Hopital de Sabbatsberg en 1883 et Ism.] Arsberatt. f. Sabbatsbergs Sjukh. i Stockholm (LWi. 18*6, 94-136.—Gleich (A.) Ueber Sterilisirung von Verbandstoffen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv, 87—Gley (E.) l'antisepsie de la peau par teinture d'iode en chirurgie experimentale. Presse med., Par., 1909, xvii, 606.—Goelet (A. H.) Ready and effective sterilization of the skin surface, ap- plicable te emergency work. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1909, xxii, 146.—Goepel. Ueber die Verbindung von Gummi- und Zwirnhandschuhen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1903, xxx, 1146-1148— Goldspohn (A.) A preliminary report on sterilization of rubber gloves, etc., by formaldehyd gas, and on the use of mild antisep- tics inside the gloves. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iii, 952-955. Also: Tr. Mississippi Valley M. Ass. 1901, Kansas City, 1903, iii, 339-350. -----. Fifty bacteriologic tests of hands, brushes, gloves, Pasteur-filtered water, steam and for- maldehyde sterilizers, and formaldehyde disinfection of rooms. Medicine, Detroit, 19o5, xii, 658-665.— Gosselin (L.) Nouvelles recherches sur le mode d'ac- tion des antiseptiques employes dans le pansement des plaies. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1883, xcvii, 541- 645.-----. Dernieres recherches sur la coagulation intra- vasculaire antiseptique. Ibid., 1884, xcix, 1003-1007. —:—. Quelques mots de physiologie pathologique a propos des innovations recentes dans les pansements antisepti'iues. Arch. g6n. demed., Par., 1885, i, 395; 548.— Gottiiriiies. Du flambage a l'alcool comme moyen de sterilisation. J. de chir. et ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1904, iv, 217. — Gottstein (G.) Beobachtungen und Experimente iiber die Grundlagen der Asepsis. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1899, xxiv, 129; 284: xxv, 371; 457. Also, Reprint. -----. Ueber den heutigen Stand der Haut- und Hiinde-Desinfection. Allg. med. Centr.- Ztg., Berl., 1900, lxx, 731-735. [Discussion], 718. Also: Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1900, Bresl., 1901, lxxviii, 1. Abt., 179-207.—Gourdet (J.) Bassin pour le lit a tube d'ecoulement protege. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1907, 2. s., xxv, 96.—Grade (C.) Blood serum as an antiseptic and surgical dressing, with a report of cases. Oincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1898, n. s., xii, 149-156—G ra if ( 11.) Antiseptic surgical precautions of special importance to the general practitioner. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1888, vii, 257-263. — Graser (E.) Wundgifte, Antisepsis und Asepsis. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1908, v, 65-80.— Grekoflf* (J. J.) K voprosu ob obezzarazhivanii ruk i J ►urgery (Antiseptic, JJethods and ap- paratus in). operatsionnavo polya spirtom i iodnol nastolkol. TOn disinfection of the hands and operating field by alcoliol and tincture of iodine.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1909, viii, 227; 267; 299. Also, transl.: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1909, xc, 1073-1099.—G ri Hi I h (F.) Aseptic surgery on the Niger Delta. Med. News, N. Y., 1903, lxxxii, 403. -----. A drip cup and retai nei for irrigator tips. N.York M. J. [etc.], 1903, lxxviii, 1208.-----. Device for instru- ment sterilizer. Med. Council, Phila., 1908, xiii, 374.— G rilfiths (T. D.) President's address: The evolution of antiseptic surgery and its inlluence on the progress and advancement of bacteriology and therapeutics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 229-233. Also: Lancet, 1/nid., 1903, ii, 281-285.—Grigoryan (A. T.) Nablyudeniya nad obez- zarazhivaniyem operatsionnavo polya po sposobu A. Gros- sich'a. [Disinfection of the operating field by Grossich's method.] Trudi i Protok. Imp. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1910-11, xlvii, 264-272.—Grimsdale (T. B.) The preparation of the hands for surgical operations. Liver- pool M.-Chir. J., 1902, xxii, 281-287.—Gross. De l'asepsie et de l'antisepsie operatoires. Mem. Soc. de m6d. de Nancy, 1890-91,10-28. Also: Rev. med. de Test, Nancv, 1891, xxiii, 97; 129.—Grosse (O.) Eine neue Methode der Sterilisation chirurgischer Messer. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1905, lxxvii, 274-288 -----. Ein chirurgischer Universal-Sterilisator. Ibid., 289-294. -----. Neues iiber Sterilisation, besonders von Kathetern und chirurgischen Messern. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1515. Also: Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Miinchen (1905), 1906, xv, 82-87.-----. Improvisierte Asepsis. Berl. klin.Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 885-890. Also: Med. BL, Wien, 1907, xxx, 433; 445; 457. Also: Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Miinchen (1907), 1908, xvii, 91-93.—Grossich (A.) Eine neue Sterilisie- rungsmethode der Haut bei Operationen; vorlaufige Mit- tedung. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xxxv, 1289-1292. -----. Eine neue Sterilisierungsmethode der Haut bei chirurgischen Operationen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xlvi, 1934-1936.-----. A jodtinctura alkalmazasa a sebes- zetben a bbr fertotlenitesere. [Tincture of iodine in surgery, to disinfect the skin.] Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1909, xlix, 680-682. Also, transl.: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1910, lv, 489-492. -----. Zu meinem Desinfektionsverfah- ren der Haut des Operationsfeldes mittels Jodtinktur; einige Bemerkungen und Berichtigungen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 737.— Griinwald (L.) Abge- passte gebrauchsfertige sterilisierte Verbandmaterialien in sterilhaltender Verpackung. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1904, li, 2295.—Gruzdeff(V. S.) K voprosu o za- mlenie rezinovikh perchatok v akushorsko-ginekologi- cheskoi praktikle. [Changing the rubber gloves in obstetrico-gynecologic practice.] Novoye,v Med., S.-Pe- terb., 1910, iv, 53-60.—Guermonprez. Etuves et chi- rurgie. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1889, ii, 313; 345; 369. Also, Reprint.—Guibe. L'antisepsie de la peau par la tein- ture d'iode. Presse med., Par., 1909, xvii, 379.—Guild (W. A.) The uses and abuses of antiseptics in surgery. J. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., N. Y., 1906, xxviii, 518-521.— Guilera (B.) Los guantes de caucho en cirugia. Rev. demed. y cirug., Barcel., 1908, xxii, 108-114.—Gutsch (L.) Ueber aseptische Instrumente und Operationszim- mer- Einrichtungen. Illust. Monatschr. d. iirztl. Polytech., Bern, 1886, viii, 3-17, 10 pl—Habart (J.) Ueber anti- septische Pulververbande. Wien. med. Presse, 1888, xxix, 285; 324; 363. —von Hacker (R.) Notice sur les precedes antiseptiques en usage dans la clinique du Dr. Prof. Billroth. Rev. de chir., Par., 1885, v, 43-68.— Halm (F.) Nowy przyrz^d do odkazania rak. [New apparatus for washing the hands.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1904, xliii, 570.-----. Ueber den heutigen Stand der Aseptik in der Chirurgie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1905, 1, 291; 303; 315; 328.—Hamilton (A. F.) On the steriliza- tion of skin by iodine. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1910, xlvi, 392.—Hainiiiesfahr (A.) Ueber Prophylaxe in der Asepsis. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900, xxvii, 1169- 1172. -----. Vereinfachung und Verbilligung des asepti- schen Apparatesund seine Gestaltungan kleineren Kran- kenhiiusern. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 1132.—llamonic (N.) De l'eau oxygenee dans la pra- tique chirurgicale. Rev. clin. d'androl. et de gynec, Par., 1902, viii, 72-75. Also: Rev. pharm., Gand, 1905, n. s., xviii, 161-165.—llanionlc (P.) Nouveausterilisateur par le formal, destine surtout a l'antisepsie des sondes et des objets en caoutchouc et en gomme. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc.-vcrb., Par., 1899, iv, 569-576.— Han (land (F.) Ver- bandstoff-Sterilisator. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polv- tech., Berl., 1904, xxvi, 133.—Hansen (T.) Antisepti- kens Udvikling i de sidste Aar. [Antiseptica in the last year.] Hosp.-Tid., Kj0benh., 1883, i, 3. R., 337; 361.— Harrington (C.) Potassium - permanganate - oxalic acid fetish. Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cli, 337. -----. Some studies in asepsis. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1904, xxii, 41-57. Also: Biit. J. Nursing, Lond., 1904, xxxiii, 511; 530.—Harris (G. R.) Surgical asepsis. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1905-6, xii, 833-840.—Haii-liton (W. S.) & Kowlette (R. J.) Note on the sterilisation of hands. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1906, xxiv, 176-183. SURGERY. 198 SURGERY. Surgery (Antistj>tic, JJethods and ap- paratus in). Also [Abstr.]: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1906, cxxi, 60-62.—Haus- halter. Etude, au point de vue bacteriologique, de charpies diverses. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.] 1889, Par., 1890, iv, 681-692.—Hecht. Elektrischer Sterilisationsapparat fur das Insti umentarium der klei- nen Chirurgie. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1900, xxii, 156.—Heidcnuain. Besehaffung ste- rilen Wassers fiir Krankenhiiu-er. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 75— Heile (B.) Experimentelles zur Frage der Operationshandschuhe, nebst Beitriigen zur Bedeutung der Luftinfektion. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1901-2, xxxii, 72.5-785—Heineeke (P.) Ueber die Leistungen des antiseptischen Verfahrens mit Bezug auf die Resultate des Magdehurger Krankenhauses im Jahre 1876. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1877, iii, 549; 576. Also, Reprint— Hellat (P.) Ueber die Sterili- sation der Marlv im Ambulanzzimmer des Arztes. Cen- tralbl. t. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xxv, 497.—Hellmuth (K.) V^sledek leceni jodoformem v praxi chirurgicke. [Re- sults of iodoform treatment in surgical practice.] Casop. 16k. cesk.. v Praze, 1882, xxi, 673; 823.—Henri (V.) & Stodel (G.) Les rayons ultra-violets et leurs applica- tions a la sterilisation. Presse med., Par., 1910, xviii, 27- 29.—von Herff(0.) Der Azetonalkohol in der Desin- fektion des Operationsfeldes. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1909, Iii, 1777-1779.—Herhold. Perhydrol und Natrium perboricum in der Chirurgie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 1092-1094.—Herman (M. W.) Przyrzad do op!6kiwania rak w czasie operacyi. [Apparatus for washing the hands "during an operation.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1901, xl, 689. -----. Wsp6Iczesna aseptyka i antyseptvka operacyjna. [Contemporary sur- gical asepsis and antisepsis.] Przegl. chir. i ginek., War- szawa, 1911, iv, 1-9.—Herman (R.) Note sur l'emploi en chirurgie de 1'oxvgenesous pression. Bull. Acad. foy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1903, 4. s., xvii, 798-810. [Rap. de Thiriar], 674-676.—Hersey (R. J.) Skin antisepsis. West Virg. M. J., Wheeling, 1911-12, vi, 46-50—Herzl'eld (A.) Zur Desinfektion der Haut. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1909, xxxvi, 866. Also, Reprint.—Herzog (H.) Eine neue Methode zur Sterilisation chirurgischer insbe- sondere schneidender Instrumente aus Metall. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Berl., 1909, lxix, 369-400.—Hesse (G.) Zur Desinfektion der Haut nach Grossich. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 529.—Heusner. Ueber Jod- Benzin-Desinfektion. Deutsche Ztschr. L Chir., Leipz., 1907, lxxxvii, 482-486. Also: Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, xxxiii, 209-213. -----. Ueber einen neuen Desin- fektionsapparat fiir Gummihandschuhe und Seidenka- theter. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1909, xxxiii, 585- 587.—Hewetsou (H. B.) A new antiseptic surgical dressing. [China grass.] Lancet, Lond., 1.888, i, 1246.— von Heydenreich (T.) Die Antiseptik im chirurgi- schen Armamentarium. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1881, n. F., i, 251-254.—Hey mans (J. F.j Methode pour preparer de l'eau aseptique. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1891, lxx, 303-307. [Rap. de Debersaques], Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1891, lvii, 343-345. Also, Reprint.—Hin- der (H- C.) Notes on aseptic surgery. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1899, xviii, 442-447. [Discussion], 465. -----. Five months aseptic surgical work at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Ibid., 1904, xxiii, 614-616.— von Hippel (R.) Wiedesinfiziert der praktische Arzt sit her und dabei moglichst einfach die eigenen Hiinde und die Haut des Patienten? Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1909, 434; 459— Hochdruck-Sterilisator fiir Ver- bandstoffe. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 1346.—Holla (A.) & liilienfeld (A.) Prophylaxis in surgerv. Prevent. dis., Westminst., 1902, 213-276.—Hoffman (I. V.) Pri- mleneniye povarennol soli i sterilizatsii v otdlelnikh korobkakh "pri asepticheskikh operatsiyakh. [Table salt and sterilization in separate boxes in aseptic opera- tions.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1894, xix, 153. — Hoi- heimer (J. A.) Iodine in surgical practice. Internat. Hosp. Rec, Detroit, 1910-11, no. 6, xiv, 12. Also: Internal. J. Surg., N. Y„ 1911, xxiv, 12-15. Also: Therap. Med., N. Y., 1911, xxv, 321-338.—Hoimeister (F.) Ueber Steri- lisation von Spritzen durch Auskoehen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1896, xxiii, 641.— Holzapl'el (K.) Zur Sterilisation kleiner Verbandstoffmengen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1,681. -----. Zur Sterilisation von Yerbandstoffen, Mitt. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1906, n. F., xiv, 103-105. -----. Verbesserte Einsatz- kasten zur Dampfsterilisation. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, 437.—Honda. Ueber die Desinfection der Haut. [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1900, xiv, 362-365.—Honsell. Ueber aseptische und antiseptische Pasten-und Salben- verbande. Arch, f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1902, lxvii, 701-705.— ten Horn (C.) Proefondervindelijke bijdrage tot de vereenvoudiging der huidontsmetting. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1910, xiv, pt. 2, 438-443. —Horn i- brook i' R.) Disinfection and asepticism in the office of the general practitioner. Med. Age, Detroit, 1903, xxi, 845-849.—Horsley (J. S.) Surgical appliances. N.York Polyclin., 1698, xi, 43-17. -----. A method for preventing Surgery (Antiseptic, JLthods and ap- paratus in). infection from the skin during surgical operations. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxviii, 200. Also, Reprint.— Hilbener (W.) Ueber die Rolle des Bartes nls Infektions- triiger bei aseptischen Operationen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 321-324. Also, Reprint. — Hiils. Er- fahrungen iiber aseptisches und antiseptisches Operiren in der Landpraxis. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., Is90, x, 147- 154.—Hiipeden (F.) Ein aseptisches Nadelzeug. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 727.—Humbert. La steri- lisation preoperative de la peau par la methode de Gros- sich (badigeonnage iod6). Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1909, lxviii, 65; 75.—Hunt (W.) Esmarch, antisepsis, and bacillus. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xiii, 89-94.—Hunt- ington (T. W.) Notes on antiseptic surgery, with re- port of cases treated at the C. P. R. R. Hospital. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1885, xxviii, 145-159.—Ihle (O.) Ueber Desinfektion der Messer fiir Operationen. Aerztl. Prakt., Hamb., 1892, v, 801-807. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1894, xlviii, 811-820. -----. Eine neue Methode zur Herstellung absoluter Asepsis des Nahtmateriales. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 273.—Iodoform sub- stitutes. Brit. M. J., Lond.,1897, ii, 734.— Ivanofi (N.Z.) Apparat dlya sterilizatsii vodi i dlya polzovaniya sterili- zovannol vodol. (Apparatus for sterilizing water and for using the sterilized water.] Vestnik khir., Mosk., 1902, iii, 497-504—I versen (A.) Resultaterne af Subli- mat-Traeuldforbindingen (Pudeforbindingen) paa Kom- munehospitalets 5te Afd. Hosp.-Tid., Kj0benh., 1887, 3. R., v, 73; 97; 128; 154. — Iwasaki (S.) [Researches on alcohol as a disinfectant for surgical instruments.] Saitake Gaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1898, no. 26, 6-12 — Jaboulay & Brian (E.) De l'asepsie necessaire, mais sufnsante, dans la chirurgie d'intervention; de l'antisep- sie r6servee a la chirurgie de conservation. Province med., Lyon, 1896 x, 565-568—Jaffe (M.) Zum Capitel der Asepsis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 1160- 1163.—Jaggard (W. W.) Prof. Billroth's methods of antiseptic surgery. Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 781- 783.—Jakimiak (B.l Nowszesposoky odkazaniask6ry pola operacyjnego i rak. [New method of rapid disin- fection of the field of operation and of the hands.] Me- dycyna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1910, xiv, 947-953.— Jamieson (A.) Cases illustrating an economical modi- fication of Lister's dressing. China. Imp.Customs. Med. Rep., Shanghai, 1883-4, no. 26, 18-23.—Jamieson (J.) Recent contributions to the antiseptic method. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1885, n. s., vii, 289-297.—J elks (J. L.) My experience with formalin in surgerv. Hot Springs M.J., 1902, xi, 368-377. -----. I'ses and abuses of formalin in surgery. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1903, viii, 217-220. — Jeney (A.) Ueber die sogenannte Schnelldesinfektion derllande mit Chlormetacresolace- tonalkohol nach Dr. Konrad. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, Ixi, 1363-1366.—Jewett (C.) Skin disinfection with iodine in abdominal and other operations. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1909, lxxvi, 271.—Johnson (A. E.) A face screen to be worn during operations. Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 1546.—Jonas (A. F.) Can we and should we avoid touching and manipulating the tissues in operation wounds with our fingers? Nebraska M. Ass., Lincoln, Neb., 1903, viii, 56; 61.—Jones (T.) Asepsis in general surgery. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1890-91, xiii, 417- 423.—Joseph (H.) Die Entwicklung der Frage von der Desinfektion der Hande und des Operationsfeldes im letzten Jahrzehnt. Internat. Zentralbl. f. Ohrenh.,Leipz., 1910-11,1-10.—Julliard (C.) Note sur quelques indica- tions du gomenol en chirurgie. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1909, xxix, 202-207.—Kaezvinsky (J.) A postoperativ antisepsis. Gv6gvaszat, Budapest, 1910, 1, 430; 448; 404. Also: transl.:'Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1910, xciii, 999-1020.—Kaschkaroff(J. A.) Ein trag- barer Wasserdampf-Sterilisator fiir Verbandmaterial. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1891, xviii, 249-253.—Katzen- stein. Beitrag zur Asepsis der Operationen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1900, Leipz., 1901, lxxii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 100-102.—Kausch (W.) Desinti- zierte Verbandstoffe und ihre Sterilisation; zusammen- fassende Uebersicht der aus der Patentlitteratur be- kannten diesbeziigl. Verfahren und Apparate. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1902. xxxi, Referate, 521-528.-----. ZurJodtinkturdesinfektion nach Grossich. Med. Klin., Berl., 1910, vi, 978.—Keen (W. W.) Sterili- zation of catgut by bichloride of palladium and bichlo- ride of mercury. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxii, 801 .— Keene (F. E.) Iodine in skin disinfection. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1910, 20. s., iii, 291-291.—Keetley (C. B.) Antiseptic surgerv at the West London Hospital. Med. Press & Circ, Lorid., 1886, n. s., xii. 165-167.—Kelly (H. A.) Hand disinfection. Am. J. Obst., N. Y. 1891, xxiv, 1414-1419. Also: Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1891, Phila., 1892, iv, 165-175. Also. Reprint. -----. A letter to my assistant, on the methods of securing asepsis in the preparation of instruments, ligatures, and dressings in my private office. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1892, xxv, 184- 189. Also, Reprint. -----. The hand basins in use in surgical operating rooms. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1898, SURGERY. 199 SURGERY. Surgery (Antiseptic, J/ethods and ap- paratus in). xxxvii, 188-193. —Kempen. Note sur le panse- ment de Lister. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1883, 3. s., xxiii, 217-230.— Kg. Asepsis of antisepsis? Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1880, xvi, 34-36.— Kier (J.) Om Sublimat som antiseptisk Saarbehand- lingsmiddel. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1884, 3. R., ii, 601- 622. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1884, xi, 609.—Kikuchl (T.) Sotoku kaika kikaibo no shinan. [New method of rendering the surgical instru- ments aseptic by lacquering the handles.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 308, 1. —King (A.) Three months' use of antiseptic methods at the Maine General Hospital. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1892, xi, 108-115.— King (G.) What is the best closure and dressing in aseptic cases? Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1901, 370-373.—King (W. P.) The preparation and use of the simplified antiseptic apparatus. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1885,127-139.—Kips (J.) Quelques considerations sur l'antisepsie et l'asepsie en chirurgie. Progres med. beige, Brux., 1907, ix, 49-51— Kirieyeff (D. M.) Pri- mleneniye aseptiki v khirurgil bryushnol i tazovol po- losteL [Asepsis in surgery of the abdominal and pelvic cavities.l J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1892, vi, 97-108.—Klemm (P.) Ueber Catgutinfection bei tro- ckenerWundbehandlung. Arch.L klin. Chir., Berl., 1891, xii, 902-916. -----. Aseptische Operationskissen. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1897, xxiv, 1145-1147. -----. Zur Asepsis des Nabtmaterials. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 585-587. -----. Zur Frage der Sterilitat der Haut. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1904, lxxv, 503-553.—Klien (R.) Sterilisationsapparat fiir Yerbandsmaterialien. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesell- sch. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1897, vii, 373-377. Also [Abstr.l: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 642.—Kuoke. Die Grossichsche Methode der Hautdesinfektion. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 965.—Kocher (T.) DieantiseptischeWundbehandlungmitschwachenChlor- zinklosungen in der Berner Klinik. Sammlung klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1881, Nos. 203-204 (Chir., No. 64), 1703-1750. -----. On some conditions of healing by first intention, with special reference to disinfection of hands. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1899, xvii, 116-151. Also: Phila. M. L, 1899, iii, 1307-1310. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1899, cxl, 541- 550.— Koefoed (P.) &Schou(J.) Skalmanforetrtekke destilleret Vand for almindeligt Vand til antiseptiske Opl0sninger? [Shall we prefer distilled water to common water in antiseptic solutions?] Hosp.-Tid., Kj0benh., 188.5,3.R.,iii,809.—K8nig&Hoffmann (A.) Schnell- desinfektion des Operationsfeldes mit Thvmolspiritus. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1911, xxxviii, 827-829.—Koro- chanski (V. A.) Odin god obezplozhivaniya opera- tsionnavo polya po Brunn-Grossich'a. [One year of disin- fection of the field of operation by the Brunn-Grossich method.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1911, ccxxxi, med.-spec. pt.,'252-255.—Korteweg (J. A.) De "doode ruimte" en hare beteekenis voor het levend organisme. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1881, xvii, 849-853. -----. De voornaamste wijzigingen in het oorspronke- lijke Lister'sche verband. Ibid., 1887, xxiii,2. d., 113-122. Also, Reprint.—Koster (W.) Gzn. Een kleine sterilisa- tor voor instrumentjes en verbandstoffen, voor oogheel- kundige en kleine chirurgische operaties. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v Geneesk., Amst., 1902, 2. R., xxviii, d. 1, 1432- 1435.—Kowalski (H.) Aseptischer Irrigator. Wien. med. Presse, 1892, xxxiii, 1464- 1466. — Kozlovsky. Kyslidnik vodifiit^ a dulezitost jeho pro praxi chirur- gickou. [La valeur d'eau oxygenee dans la chirurgie. Res., 474.] Sborn. klin., v Praze, 1901-2, iii, 459-474.— Kraemer (F.) Dampfsterilisator zum Sterilisieren kleiner Mengen Verbandmaterial. Reichs-Med -Anz., Leipz., 1911, xxxvi, 616-618.—Kratochvil (J.) Zur Technik der Hautdesinfektion. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xxii, 1639.—Krecke. Praktische Winke fiir das aseptische Operieren. Deutsche Prax., Miinchen, 1900, iii, 537-513.—Kreider (G.N.) Surgical cleanliness. N. York M.J., 1896,lxiii, 729-732 Also, Reprint.—Kroni»-. Leicht sterilisirbarer Probepunctions- und Inject ions- Apparat zu wissenschaftlichen Zwecken. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1892, xi, 357-363.— Kronacher. Ein praktischer, transportabler Sterilisa- tionsapparat fiir Verbandstoffe und Instrumente. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 908.—Kuiimiell (H.) Ueber eine neue Verbandmethode und die Anwendung des Sublimats in der Chirurgie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1882-3, xxviii, 673-719. -----. Die Contact- und Luftinfection in der Chirurgie. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1875, xi, 370-372. -----. Wie soil der Arzt seine Hande desinficiren? Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1886, xiii, 289-295. Also, Reprint —Kiister (B.) Ueber Operationshandschuhe. Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ. Berl., 1901, xv, 122-128.—Kiister (E.) Antisepsis, anti- septische Verbande, antiseptische Wundbehandlung. Real-Encycl. d. gesammt. Heilk., Wien, 1880, i, 397-412. Also, in his: Ein chir. Trienn. 1876-8, 8°, Kassel u. Berl., 1882, 12-20. -----. Leber antiseptische Pulververbiinde. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 205; 233. Also: Wien. Surgery (Antiseptic, JJethods and ap- paratus in). med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 361-364. Also, Reprint—Kiitt- ner (H.) Schonendc Nachbehandlung septischer Ope- rationen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1902, xxxv, 559- 563. -----. Operationsbesteck mit Einrichtung zur Steri- lisation von Instrumenten und Verbandstoffen. Illustr. Monatschr f. iirztl. Polytech., Berl., 1905, xxvii, 131-135. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 26-29.-----. Die Desinfection der Hande una des Operationsfeldes Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1911, xcv,218-236.—Kuhn (F.) Eine sterile, wasserdichte, anzuklebende Wundvorlage; ein kleiner Beitrag zum aseptischen Operiren. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 982. -----. Die Asepsis des Wundfeldes bei Operationen. Mek. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 998.—Kulimit r (E.) Ein glaserner Haspel zur Desin- fection und Aufbewanrung chirurgischer Seide. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Bern, 1888, x, 29. -----. Quelle est actuellement la methode la meilleure et la plus pratique d'asepsie operatoire? Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1890, x, 627-635. — Kutscher (K. H.) Ueber die Wirkung der Jodtinktur bei der Haut- desinfektion. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 390- 392. -----. Untersuchungen iiber die Hiindedesinfektion mit Chiralkol. Ibid., 1911, xlviii, 758-760.—Kuznetski (D. P.) Obezzarazhivaniye kozhi operatsionnavo polya iodnol nostoikol. [Sterilization of the skin of the field of operation by tincture of iodine.] Novove v Med., S.-Pe- terb., 1909, iii, 713-719.—Kuznetsoff (M. M.) Rezultati primleneniya aseptiki v Kharkovskoi l'aknltetskol khi- rurgicheskol klinikle. [Resultsof application of aseptics in the surgical clinic of the Faculty of Kharkov.] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Pe- terb., 1894, ii,43-51.—Kyle (D. B.) Resterilized sponges, with bacteriological investigation. Therap. Gaz.. De- troit, 1893, 3. s., ix, 82. Also, Reprint. — La bo u re (J.) L'eau oxygenee chirurgicale. Arch, internat. de laryn- gol. [etc.], Par., 1906, xxii, 156.—Lalolie. Influence de la formolisation sur l'atmosphere des salles d'operation. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1900, xxi, 190-199. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxi, 269-271.—Laidlaw (G. F.) Is aseptic wound heal- ing an inflammation? N. Am. J, Homceop., N. Y., 1895, 3. s., x, 290-297.—Lance. Les travaux reeents sur la, desinfection du champ operatoire. Gaz. d. hop., Par. 1911, lxxxiv, 35-37.—Landerer (A.) & Kramer (C.) Die Desinfektion des Operationsfeldes. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xxv, 209.—Lane (W. A.) One of the best applications of iodoform in surgery. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 131.—vonLangenbeck(B.) Ueber Tripolithverbande. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 653. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1880-81), 1882, xii, pt. 2,8-10.— Langlet (L.) La sterilisation de la peau par la teinture d'iode. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1909, xxxiii, 140-146. — Lanphear (E.) Why the average surgeon should not try to practice aseptic surgery. Am. J. Surg. & Gynsec, St. Louis, 1897, ix, 14-18.—Lahz (O.) Asepsis contra Antisepsis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 492-497. -----. Zur Vereinfachung der Hautdesin- fektion. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 849- 852.—Laplace (E.) Acid bichloride of mercury as an antiseptic; its application to surgical practice. Phila. Hosp. Rep., 1890, i, 183-195.—Lasek (F.) Jod ve sluzbach novodobe chirurgie. [On iodine in modern surgery.] Cazop. 16k. cesk., v Praze, 1910, xlix, 1519-1522.—Lauen- stein (C.) Untersuchungen iiber die Moglichkeit, die Haut des zu operirenden Kranken zu desinficiren. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1896, liii, 192-253.—Laval (E.) La main du chirurgien. Bull, med., Par., 1902,xvi, 155-157.— Lawrie (E.) Two cases of amputation treated with eucalyptus globulus. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 12. -----. A recent development of Listerism. Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta, 1896, xi, 413-415.—Lay (E.) II potere battericida della hermitine nella pratica chirurgica. Ann. d. r. Ist. di clin. chir. di Roma, 1910, iii, 44.5-472.—Le Dentil. L'antisepsie simplifiee. Gaz. d. h6p., Par.,1893, lxvi, 1M- 183.—Leed ham-Green (C. A.) On the sterilization of the hands. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1904, lv. 229: 303; 346- Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 798-805. -----. Some further experiments on the sterilization of the hands andtheskin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905,ii, 781-784. -----. An inquiry into the value of the sterilization of the skin by iodine. Ibid., 1911, ii, 1078-1081.—Leiiiicu. Boite m6- tallique pour la sterilisation dans la vapeur d'alcool sous pression des objets de pansement. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 987-990. — Lehmann. Hiindedesinfektion mitTribrom-Naphthol. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing., 1911, lxxiv, 220-229. —Leisrink (H.) Zur Spray-Frage. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii. 192; 209.-----. Der Moosfilz-Verband. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1884, x, 546.—Lemaire (P ) Solutions de cyanure de mercure pour les usages chirurgicaux. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1907, xxviii, 358. -----. Contr61e de la sterilisation par les tubes-tcmoins. Ibid., 1910, xxxi, 123— Lennander (K. G.) Ueber die Ver- wendung koncentrierter Carbolsiiure bei operativer Be- handlung von Infektionen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1906, li, 1-22. Also, Reprint.—Leonard (C. L.) A com- SURGERY. Surgery (Antiseptic, JJthods and ap- paratus in). pact portable sterilizer for both instruments and dres- sings. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1895-6, viii, 362. -----. The asepsis and antisepsis of minor operations. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1899, viii, 581-584.—Lesser (L.) Einige Worte zum Verstiindniss der Lister'schen Methode der Wundbehandlung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1873, iii, 402-443.—LetieVant (E.) Pansement antiseptique au point de vue des resultats pratiques. Assoc, franc;. pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1877, Par., 1878, vi, 838-845. -----. De quelques consequences de l'introduc- tion du pansement antiseptique a l'Hotel-Dieu de Lyon. Ibid., 1881, Par., 1882, x, 909-912.—Levai (J.) A fe- meszkozok sterilizalasarol. [The sterilization of metallic instruments.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1896, xxxvi, 138-140. Also,transl.: Pest.med.-chir.Presse,Budapest, 1896,xxxii, 481. Also, transl.: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1896, x, 529-531. -----. Ueber Sterilisation der Metallihstrumente. Zen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xxxv, 135—Levassort (C.) La sterilisation en chirurgie. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1896, ix, 172; 201.—Leveque (P.) De la methode de Lister. Union med. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1882, vi, 321-345.—Levit (V.) K voprosu ob obezzarazhivanii operatsionnavo polya iodnol nastolkol. [Disinfection of the operating field with tincture of iodine.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 1039-1041.— Levshin (L. L.) O mitye ruk i polya operatsii rastvo- rom kalievo-oleinovavo mila v drevesnom spirtie. [Washing the hands and field of operation by a solution of potassium oleate soap in wood spirits.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1900, xxi, 874.—Levy (F.) Desinfektionsappa- raterforlnstrumenterog Forbindingsgjenstande. Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kj0benh., 1888, 4. R., xviii, 073-078.—Licini (C.) Sulla disinfezione della pelle in chirurgia. Cor- rieresan., Milano, 1910, xxi, 418. -----. Bakteriologische Untersuchungen iiber Hiindedesinfektion nach Novaro. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1911, lxxvi, 187-192.—Lieb- reich (O.) Zur Sublimatfrage. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1887, i, 5-8.—Linden ban in (V. F.) O sulyomie i protivugnilostnol povgazki iz bolotnavo mkha. [Subli- mate and antiseptic dressings with turf.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1887, viii, 388; 420; 456.—Lippincott (J. A.) On continuous sterilization for knives and other cutting instruments. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1898, xxvii, 404-409.— Lister (Sir J.) A new antiseptic dressing. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 943-947. Also, transl.: Wien. med. BL, 1889, xii, 723; 741.—Littauer (A.) Ueber Operationen unter Gaudaninhautschutz nach Doderlein. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1031. -----. Eine Sterilisier- dose fiir den Gummihandschuh. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 872-874.—Little (J. L.) A modifica- tion of Lister's antiseptic dressing. N. York M. J., 1881, xxxiv, 571-575. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Boston M. & S. J., 1882, cvi, 10.—Lloyd (S.) Aseptic surgery; its application to private practice. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1896, lxxiv, 328-336. Also: Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1896, xi, 94-108.—Lockwood (C. B.) Preliminary re- port on aseptic and septic surgical cases, including trau- matic tetanus, gangrene, and acute epiphysitis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 943-947. Also, Reprint. -----. Further report on aseptic and septic surgical cases, with special reference to infection from the skin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 1127-1133. -----. Report on aseptic and septic surgical cases, with special reference to the disinfection of skin, sponges.and towels. Ibid.,1894,i, 175-178. -----. Notes on aseptic surgery. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1894-5, ii, 2; 20; 34; 52; 66; 81; 97; 114; 130; 146; 162; 180: 1895-6, iii, 2. -----. A brief note on aseptic surgery, ad- vocating the more frequent use of scientific tests. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1895-6, iv, 107-123. -----. Further re- port on aseptic and septic surgical cases, with special reference to the disinfection of materials and the skin. Brit. M. L, Lond., 1896, ii, 59-62. -----. On the use of chemicals in aseptic surgery. Ibid., 1908, i, 305-307.-----. Methods of attaining asepsis at operations. Hospital, Lond., 1909-10,xlvii, 61-64.—Loewe (O.) Bemerkungen zur Asepsis des praetischen Arztes. Med. Woche, Berl., 1904. v, 131; 141.—Loiacono (A.) Ricerche bacteriolo- giche sulla applicability della tintura d' iodio, quale disinfettante della cute. Ginecol. mod., Genova, 1909, ii, 461-485. —Loiury (P. F.) Ueber den anti- septischen Werth des Jodoforms in der Chirurgie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1896, liii, 787-830.— Loiiiiuet (L.) De l'asepsie des mains en chirurgie. Presse med.. Par., 1901, ii, 63-67. -----. De l'asepsie des mains en chirurgie; deductions pratiques. Ibid., 80. -----. De l'asepsie operatoire; la question du catgut. Progres med., Par., 1904, 3. s., xix, 337-340.-----. L'asepsie operatoire. Ibid.,xx, 161-165. -----. De la sterilisation des instruments. Ibid., 1905, 3. s., xxi, 321; 337. Also [Abstr.], transl.: Med.-tcchnol. J., Leipz. u. Wien, 1905, i, 19. -----. De la sterilisation; generalites. Progres med., Par., 1905, 3. s., xxi, 553; 569; 673. -----. De la sterilisa- tion du materiel instrumental. Ibid., 1906, 3. s., xxii, 161; 178. -----. La sterisation des salles d'operation. Ibid.. 273; 289.—Lotheissen (G.) Ueber Euguform in der Chirurgie. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1904, xxxi, 753- SURGERY. Surgery (Antisejttic, JJthods and ap- paratus in). 755. — Liicas-Championniere (J.) Substances et modes d'applicat ions pour la pratique dela chirurgie anti- sept iijue par des moyens simples. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1886, lvii, 292-298. -----. Sur la valeur antiseptique de l'eau oxygenee; son emploi en chirurgie dans les cas de chirurgie septique et dans la pratique de la chirurgie antiseptique et en gynecologie. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1898,3. s., xl, 599-617. Also: J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1898, lxix, 929-942. -----. Emploi chirurgical de l'eau oxygenee; sa valeur antiseptique; ses proprietes; conditions de son emploi; resultats de cet emploi. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1901, lxxii, 481-492. -----. La methode antiseptique dans le passe et l'avenir. Ibid., 769-787. -----. Quelques formules antiseptiques; prepa- ration du catgut; formules des solutions pheniquees; pommades aux essences; poudre absorbante et antisep- tique. Ibid., 1902, lxxiii, 209-215. -----. An essay on sci- entific surgery, the antiseptic method of Lister in the present and in the future. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1819-1821. Also, transl.: Allg.Wien. med. Ztg., 1903, xlviii, 15. -----. La methode antiseptique et ses deviations; conditions fondamentales et necessites pratiques d'appli- cation de la methode. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1903, lxxvi, 1465-1471. -----. Sur la chirurgie aseptique et antisep- tique, a propos des doctrines actuelles et des n6cessites creees par les appareils de sterilisation. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1906, lxxvii, 241-245. -----. L'abus des doctrines microbieunes; erreurs de pratiques de l'anti- sepsie et de l'asepsie. Ibid., 1909, lxxx, 321-329. -----. La sterilisation de la peau sous lavage par la teinture d'iode; anciennete des notions relatives & ces faits; les ignorances relatives a la chirurgie antiseptique et les etudes a faire. Ibid., 561-567. -----. L'antisepsie des plaies des mains par la teinture d'iode. Med. d. accid. du travail, Par., 1910, viii, 193-196. -----. L'eau oxy- genee en chirurgie. Normandie med., Rouen, 1910, xxvi, 345-350. -----. Sur l'emploi d'une gaze steri- lisee et antiseptique par impregnation de plusieurs es- sences. J. demed. et chir. prat.. Par., 1911, lxxxii, 561- 568.—JTIaag (H.) Sublimatantiseptikens Resultater i Prsest0 Amtssygehus i Aaret 1884. Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kj0benh., 1885, 4. R., xi, 253-264.— McBurncy (C.) The technic of aseptic surgery. Internat. Text-Bk. Surg. (Warren & Gould), Phila., 1899, i 263-305.-----. Remarks concerning the practice of aseptic surgery. N. York M. J., 1902, lxxv, 490-496.— Me< urdy (S. L.) How can the surgeon who has no hospital facilities secure better an- tiseptic surroundings? Railway Surg., Chicago, 1902-3, ix, 195.—McDonald (E.) Sterilization of the skin by a new iodine solution. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1911, lxxix, 675.— Macdonald (G. G.) A new sterilizer for instruments and dressings. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, ii, 1529.—Mc- Glynn (J. A) Iodine and iodine catgut in surgery. Month. Cycl. &M. Bull., Phila.,1911, xiv, 222.—McGuire (10. R.) Are antiseptics of any value in hand disinfec- tion? An experimental study from the surgical clinic of Roswell Park. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, v, 331-335.— Mc- Guire (S.) An aseptic operation; its organization and details of preparation. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1893-4, xx, 887-901. -----. Aseptic surgical technique. Charlotte [N. C.j M. J., 1905, xxvii, 383-395.— Mcintosh (T. M.) Some remarks on aseptic surgery, with demon- strations of sterilizing methods. N. Orl. M.&S. J., 1892-3, n. s., xx, 900-906.—MacKenzie (J.) The treatment of aseptic wounds. Caledon. M. J., Rochester, 1891-4, n. s., i, 314-317.—McMnrtry (L. S.) The evolution and perfec- tion of the aseptic surgical technique. Tr. South. Surg. & Gvnec. Ass. 1896, [Phila.], 1897, ix, 244-271. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1897, viii, 503-512.— Macpherson (W. G.) Antiseptic preparations of cat- gut and silk; their relation to wound infection. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1891-2, lxxv, 227-246. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 439.—Macris. Un autoclave portatif de campagne. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1905,1, 67-70.—Magnuson (P. B.) Use of iodin in trau- matic surgery. Railway Surg. J., Chicago, 1910-11, xvii, 318-323.—Makelaire (H.) Asepsia operatorie. Spi- talul, BucurescI, 1906, xxvi, 158-167.—Mak van Waay (H. D.) Is tijdbesparing bij het desinfecteeren van huid en handen mogelijk? Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1907, ii, 925-931.—Mall y. Appareil pour steriliser lesinstrumentsdechirurgie. Assoc.lnme.dechir. Proc- verb. [etc.], Par., 1893, vii, 848-850.— Vlautelli (C.) II metodo Grossich per la disinfezione della pelle. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1910, xxxi, 15i6.—Manthey (C.) Jod- benzin-jodtinkturdesinfektion av huden. [Iodine-ben- zine and iodine-tincture disinfection of the skin.] Tidskr. f. d. norske Laegefor.,Kristiania, 1910, xxx, 791.— Maragliano (D.) Asepsi clinica ed asepsi batterio- logica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 2016-2018.— Marey (H. O.) An address on the present position of antiseptic surgerv. N. York M. J., 1890, Iii, 505-508. -----. The surgical technique of aseptic wounds. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, .1895, xxv, 232-237. Also, Reprint—.Tla- rique (A ) A propos de l'asepsie cutan6e a la teinture d'iode. J. de chir. et ann. Soc. belgedechir., Brux., 1909, SURGERY. 201 SURGERY. Surgery (Antiseptic, JLethods and ap- paratus in). ix. 306-310.—Martel i,L.) Asepsie du chirurgien et de son entourage; infection salivaire, capillaire et musci- daire. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1905, xxiv, 209-213—de Martiiiiiy. Nouvel appareil pour la sterilisation des sondes et bougies en gomme et en caoutchouc par 1'acide sulfureux. J. de mSd. de Par., 1895, 2. s., vii, 197.—Mar- tin Gil (R.) Esterilizaci6n de la piel. Rev. 1 hero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1910, xxiii, 343-348.—Matasek (E. V.) Methajodkarbon, ein zuverliissiges und unge- fahrliehes Desinfektionsmittel fiir Hande und Operations- feld. Med. Klin., Berl., 1911, vii, 490-492. —Matla- kowski (W.) Czy mgla antvseptyczna jest nie/bedna czesciq oprawy antyseptycznej? [Is the antiseptic spray indispensable in antisepsis?] Sledyeyna, Warszawa, 1881, ix, 577-583. -----. Obecne stanowisko me tody Lister- owskiej, z uwzglednieniem gl6wnie zarzutow przeciw niej wymierzonych. [Present state of Lister's method, with a review" of the principal objections to it.J Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1881, 2. s.. i, 17: 79; 96: 134; 158: 262; 369; 494; 593; 741; 759; 779.—Matsumi (S.) Kai- kasitsu sobibin oyobi sono sotoku. [Necessary articles and-antiseptic precautions of the surgical ward,] Ki- kuni Ikwai Hoko, 1893, no. 1,10-14.—Mauelaire. De l'asepsie et de la guerison parfaite des plaies malgre leur asepsie imparfaite. Bull, med.. Par., 1905. xix. 167-171.— Maxwell (T. J.) Asepsis, anti-sepsis or surgical clean- liness. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Cedar Rapids, 1892, x. 162-169.— Mazzade' Piccioli. II triformolonelladisinfezione degli istrumenti chirurgici. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1906, xxviii, 20o-214.—Mazzoni (C.) Agli al- lievi nella chiusura delle lezioni. Arch. clin. ital., Roma, 18s2, xii, 57: 65: 73.— Mehler (H.) Zur Aseptik derNahtundUnterbindungsseide. Munchen.med.Wchn- schr., 1896, xliii, 591.—Meissner. Ueber Hautdesinfek- tion nur mit Alkohol. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1908, lviii, 191-215.—Me lehior (H. W.) Het vervoer van in- strumenten terstond voor het gebruik gereed. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1909, xliv, pt. 2, 1896-1898 — Mende. Aseptisches Verbandmaterial in der Sprech- stunde. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1894, viii. 395-397.— Menge (C.) Zur Vorbereitung der Hande vor asep- tischen Operationen. Munchen. med. WTchnschr., 1898, xiv. 101-108. Also: Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1898, xxii. 542-544.—Mentsel (G. V.) Parovol sterilizator Schwabe dlya dezinfektsii perevyazoehnavo materiala i instru- mentov. [Schwabe's steam sterilizer for disinfection of dressings and instruments] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1892, ii. 694-602. Also, Reprint.—Meyer. Zur Anti- sepsis in der Chirurgie und Geburt>hulfe. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, lxxi. 1199-1202. Also, Reprint.— von Meyer (E. i Ueber permanente antiseptische Irrigation. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1S90-91, xxxi, 407-433. —Meyer icoll (J. H.) Observations in the sterilization of cath- eters and bougies, and on the presence of bacteria in the urethra. Ann. Sur., Phila., 1899, xxix, 661-692. —Ni- kolski (A. D.) Bakteriologicheskoye izsliedovaniye soskohov kozhi operatsionnavo polya, obezzarazhennavo smazivanivem iodnol nastolkol po sposobu Grossich'a. [Bacteriological examination of skin scrapings of the op- erating field, disinfected by painting with tincture of io- dine bv Grossich's method.] Kazan. Med. J., 1910, x, 92- 94.—Nippert (E. F.) Antiseptics in minor surgery. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1909, ci, 451-455.—Mob le (J. B.) Notes upon "antiseptics" at Newcastle. Students' J. & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1879, vii, 285— Noetzel (W.) Expe- rimentelle Studie zum antiseptischen Wundverhand. Arch f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1903-4, lxxi, 105-178.—Noferi (U.) Sulla disinfezione della cute con la tintura di iodio alia Grossich negli interventi chirurgici. Corriere san., Milano, 1909, xx, 768. Also: Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1909. xii, 563. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1910, xxvi, 144.—Noguchi (Y.) Ueber den Werth der Jod- tinctur als Desinfektionsmittel der Haut. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1911, xcvi, 494-526.—INovaro (G. F.) Asep- sis und Antisepsis in der Chirurgie. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1899, xxiv, 162-186.—von Nussbaimi (J. N.) Chemical surgery, with special reference to the antisep- tic pharmacopoeia. Ann. Chem. Med., Lond., 1879, i, 309-314. -----. Carbolsiiurebehandlung und Jodoform vertragen sich nicht; das Jodoform ist hauptsachlich da zu fiirchten, wo auch die Chloroform-Narcose contra- indicirt ist. In his: Ein Vademecum f. d. prakt. Chir., Munchen, 1883, 1. -----. Influencia del metodo anti- septico en la medicina legal. [Transl. by Paris Zejin.] Siglo med., Madrid, 1887, xxxiv, 578; 598— Oehsner (A. J.) Methods of surgical disinfection employed at Augus- tana Hospital, Chicago. Chicago M. Recorder, 1900, xviii, 92-99. -----. Minimum requirements for aseptic surgical operating in a hospital in which the personnel of the op- erating-room is permanent. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1904, xxii, 28-40. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1904, xl, 453- 463. Also, Reprint,—Oeri (R.) Untersuchungen iiber die Desinfection mit einem Aceton-Alkoholgemisch nach von Herff. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Stuttg., 1908, lxiii, 184-507—Oiiata (S.) [Remarks on the rules of an- tisepsis.] .lo-sau-no Shiori, Osaka, 1898, 53-56.—Oliva (L. A.) La disinfezione cutanea alia Grossich: studio. clinico e speriinentale. (linecologia, Firenze. 1910, vii, 545-500.—Oppel (V. A.) Xleskolkozamiechaniyobasep- tikle na osnovanii zagraniehnikh nablyndeniy. [Asep- sis on the basis of some foreign observations.] Vovenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1902, lxxx, nied.-spt.c pt.. 1935-1955.— Orenstein (A. J.) Asepsis and antisepsis, as practised at the Jefferson Medical College Hospital of Philadelphia. Med. Times, N. Y., 1905, xxxiii, 367.—Ortali (0.) II me- todo del Grossich nella sterilizzazione della cute per gli interventi chirurgici. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1909, xxx, 1258. — Quenu. De la sterilisation preoperatoire par Pair chaud des organes a contenu septique (experiences cadaveriques). Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1909, n. s., xxxv, 177-179. -----. Sterilisation des instruments ft l'autoclave par l'appareil Bellanger. Ibid., 902-906.— Paezauer(F.) A keztytis kez esegyebekaz asepsis ko- rebol. [The gloved hand and other measures of asepsis.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1907, xlvii, 57-59.—Palmerlee (G. H.) The iodine method of sterilization. Detroit M. J., 1911, xi, 43.—Panzano (J.) Ligeras consideraciones sobre el uso de algunos medicamentos en la cirugia anti- septie.a. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1883, ix, 658: 1884, x, 5: 10.—Pap (M.) Die Jodpinselung zur Desinfektion der Haut vor Operationen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lx, 1583.—Papaioaiinou (T.) Ein JahrHautdesinfektion nach Cvossjeh. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 905-907.—Papiniau 11.) Tinctura de iod, ca mijloc de sterilizareapielei i procedeulGrossich]. [Sterilization of the skin with iodine tincture (procedure Grossich).] Spitalul, Bucuresci. 1909, xxix, 487-498.—Parmentier. Trousseauto-st6rilisatrice. Bull, et mem. Soc.de chir.de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 758-760. Alto: Presse med., Par., 1904, ii, 724.—Partsch. Der antiseptische Gipsocclu- sionsverband. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 29-31.—Patteson (R. G.) Surgical cleanliness and sur- gical handicraft. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1896,3. s.,cii, 434-442 — Paueliet (V.) Les gants en chirurgie. Arch.prov.de chir., Par., 1905, xiv, 714-718.-----. L'asepsie par l'iode. Clinique, Par., 1909, iv. 844. -----. Desinfection des tegu- ments a la teinture d'iode. Ann. de chir. etd'orthop., Par., 1910, xxiii, 340-342. -----. Resultats d'un millier d'interventions apres desinfection des teguments a la teinture d'iode. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1910,xix, 369- turgery (Antiseptic, J/rtiiods and ap- paratus in). 371. -----. Asepsie chirurgicale des mains. Clinique, Par., 1911, vi, 329.—Paul (C.) Convenient antisepsis- Phila. M. J., 1899, iii, 1070.—Paul (F. T.) [etal.]. Discus- sion on the technics of aseptic surgerv. Liverpool M., Chir. J.,1904. xxiv,322-33.8.—Pavlovski (A. D.) Glitse- rinoviy sterilizator dlya asepticheskikh operatsiy. [Gly- cerin sterilizer for aseptic operations.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1894, xix, 109.—Pavlovski (M. K.) Opit go- dichna vo primleneniya iodnol nastolki dlya sterilizovan- navo polya po Grossich'u i spirtadlya obrabotki ruk no Schumburg'u. [One year's use of tincture of iodine for sterilizing the operating field by Grossich's method, and alcohol for disinfecting the hands bv Sehumburg's meth- od.] Terap. Obozr.,Odessa, 1910, iii, 89-92.—Pavlovski (Ye. A.) Rezultati primleneniya aseptika ruk i opera- tivnavo polya po Grossich-Brunn'u. [Results of the ap- plication of asepsis of the hands and operating field by the Grossich-Brunn method.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1910, xxviii, 732-736.—Pay r(E.) Ein Notverband fiir Jodtink- turdesinfektion. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1876.—Pearson (C. Y.) Observations on sterilization of the hands. Brit.M.J.,Lond.,1905,ii,785.—Pendlebury (H. S.) & Back (I.) A comparison between the anti- septic and aseptic methods of operation, with special ref- erence to the occurrence of suppuration, based upon the results obtained at St. George's Hospital during the years 1906 and 1908, respectively. Lancet, Lond., 1909, ii, 1578- 1580.—Pendleton (E.) Points to be remembered in the practice of antiseptic surgery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 333.—Pereacini (G. B.) Sull' uso del calomelano in sosti- tuzione dell' iodoformio. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1894, xv, 962.—Perkins (J. S.) How to do clean surgerv at small cost. Denver M. Times, 1901-2, xxi, 583-591—Pers (A.) Jodtinktur som huddesinficiens. Ugesk. f. Lteger, Kjo- benh., 1909, lxxi, 1227-1230.—Perthes (G.) Zur Frage der Operationshandschuhe. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1898, xxvii, pt. 1, 8-10. -----. Ge- brauchsfertige, aseptische Verbandstoffe fiir die Kriegs- chirurgie und fiir die chirurgische Tatigkeit des prak- tischen Arztes. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903,1,255.— Petrescu (Z.) Actiunea microbicida a eucaliptolulul, a creosotulul, gaiacofulul, esen^ei de terebentina si a iodo- formuluL Spitalul, BucurescI, 1891, xi, 114-121.—Pf'eil- sticker (W.) Vereinfachung und Verschiirfung der Aseptik. Gynaek. Rundschau,Berl. u. Wien, 1909,iii,449- 449.—Pflsterer (R.) Ueber die Wertigkeit der reinen Alkoholdesinfektionsmethode. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Stuttg., 1908, lxiii, 508-519.—Pf8rringer (S.) Bimsteinalkoholseife in fester Form als Desinficiens fiir Haut und Hande. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 496-498. -----. Ueber festen Seifenspi- ritus. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1901, Bresl., 1902, lxxix, med. Sect., 34-36.—Phocas. Contri- bution a, l'etude de la sterilisation de la peau. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1908, n. s., xxxiv, 2.— Piehevin (R.) La desinfection de la peau par la tein- ture d'iode. Semaine gynec, Par., 1909, xiv, 361. -----. Procedes nouveaux d'antisepsie de la peau. Ibid., 1910, xv, 162.—Piehler (A.) Versuche iiber die Verliisslich- keit der Sterilisationsmassnahmen fiir die Instrumente und Verbandstoffe. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894, xxi, 337-343.—Picque (L.) De la sterilisation des pieces de pansement au pavilion de chirurgie. Chir. d. alien., Par., 1904, iii, 297-301.—Pt I koff (V. N.) Snaryad dlya obezplozhivaniya perevyazochnavo materiala tekuchim parompoddavleniyem. [Apparatusfordisinfectingband- ages by a current of steam under pressure.] Voyenno- med. J., St. Peterb., 1904, i, med.-spec. pt., 59-64. —Pin- ner (O.) Die antiseptische Wundbenandlung mit es- sig-aurer Thonerde in der chirurgischen Klinik zu Frei- burg im B.; zugleich ein Bericht iiber die wichtigsten Fiille von Juni 1879 bis August 1881. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1882, xvii, 235-305, 2 pl.—Piorkowski. Leber Sublaminseife. Dermat. Centralbl., Berl., 1911, xiv. 359— Piskatsehek (L.) Die "offene" und anti- septische Wundbehandlung. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1883), 1884, 339-405—Pistes (X.) OAi'ytf (cat irdkiv nept avTi< >.) Die l'riifungder Hautdesinfection nach der antiseptischen Methode. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1896, liii, I lu-453.—de Sanli (L.) Les dernieres evolutions des pansements antisep- tiques. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1883, xv, 122; 133; 139; 149; 156; 164; 173; 180; 187 —Saiitucci (A.) La sterilizzazione dell' acqua per i servizi di chirurgia affi- data ai bollitori communi. Cesalpino, Arezzo, 1911, vii, 37-41, leh.—Saricheft"(I.D.) Sterilizatsionniysnaryad, primlenyayemiy v Moskovskoi l-oi gorodskol bolnitsle. [Sterilizer in use in the First Moscow Citv Hospital.! Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1892, ii, 954-960.—Sarwey (O.) Bakteriologische Bemerkungen zur Heisswasser-Alko- holdesinfektion. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., 1905, xxxi, 13-15.—Savariaml. Desinfection de la peau par la teinture d'iode. Med. inf., Par., 1910, vii, 197-199.—Sax- torph (S.) Antiseptika og Saarbehandling. [Anti- septics and treat.nent of wounds.] Med. Aarsskr., Kjo- benh., 1890, iii, 254-272.—Scalone (I.) Sulla peiniea- bilita della cute ai batteri dopoil tratamento alia Gros- sich in confronto al trattamento comune. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Xapoli, 1911, n. s., xxxiii, 789-800.—Schiich- ter ( M.) Ueber den Wert der Antiseptica in der Wund- hehandlung. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1886, xxii, 1: 17; 37. -----. Die neuere Anwendung des Alko- hols in der Chirurgie. Ungar. med. Presse," Budapest, 1899, iv, 134.—Schaefer (F.) Ein Wort aus neucster Zeit. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 18,81, iii, 157.—Sehaelt'er (R.) Zur Frage der Catgutsterilisation. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 27-30. -----. Experimentelle Beitrage zur Asepsis. Ibid., 1898, xxxv, 619.—Sehede (M.) Die antiseptische Wundbehandlung mit Sublimat. Nach einem Vortrng, gehalten in der chirurgischen Sec- tion des internationalen Congresses fiir Medicin zu Ko- penhagen, im August 1884. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1885, No. 251 (Chirurg., No. 78), 2115-2152.—Sehettler. Les antiseptiques chirurgicaux. Rev. de therap. med.- chir., Par., 1900. lxvii, 649; 685— Schiiiimclbusch (C.) Die Durchfiihrung der Asepsis in der Klinik dis llerrn Geheimrath von Bergmann in Berlin. Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ. Berl., 1891. v, 46-94.—Sell lesiniicr (A.) Ueber Tvuekensterilisation mittels Formaldchyd. Ibid., 19iii). xviii, 27-32.—Sclmiid (II.) Zur Salicylp'ul- verbchandlung. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1882, ix". 84.— Schmidt (A.) Ein Apparat zur schnellen und bcinahe kostenlosen Beschaffung von sterilem Verband- und Tamponadematerial. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1661.—Schneider. Die Frage der Anti- oder Asep- tik fiir den practiscben Arzt. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1896. lxv, 765; 777. -----. Die Fabrikation asepti- scher chirurgischer Instrumente. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1898, xxvii, 393-402.—Schuchardt (K.) Kopfklammer zur raschen und sicher sitzenden Einhiil- lung des Kopfes mit steriler Verbandgaze bei aseptischen Operationen, beider Krankenpllege und bei der Desin- fektion von Wohnraumen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 19U0, xxvii, 402-407.—Sell He king (A.) Noch einmal dasKarholol. Centralbl. f. (T.vnak., Leipz., 1883, vii, 265.— Schiiller (M.) Zur Kontioile von Dampfsterilisirap- paraten. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900, xxvii, 67.— at' Schulten (M. W.) Nagra betriiffande en billig til- lampning af den antiseptiska metoden. Finska liik.- sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1880, xxii,262-268.—Sehultze (F.) Beitragzur Sterilisation. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, xxiv, 38.—Schumacher (H.) Beitrag zur Frage der Dcsinficierbarkcit der Haut. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1900-1901, xxix, 690-702.—Schuinbnrg. Die Hiindedesinfektion nur mit Alkohol. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 330. -----. Neue Erfahrungen mit der Alkohohlesinfektion der Hande ohne vorheriges Seifen. Ibid., 1910, xxxvi, 1075-1077. -----. Alkohol und Seifenspiritus in der Hiindedesinfek- tion. Ibid., 1911, xxxvii, 921; 1997.—Schwarz (R.) Metodo rapido e sicuro per sterilizzare la seta. Riv. ve- neta di sc med., Venezia, 1894, xx, 24-35.—Seganti (A.) Modello di sterilizzatrice universale per ospedali. Clin. chir.. Milano, 1898, vi, 274-277.—Seiiiier (E.) Experi- mentelle und klinische Untersuchungen zur Erzielung der Hautsterilitat. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1899, xxviii, pt. 2, 302-323. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1899, lix, 425-446.—Senn (N.) Iodine in surgery, with special reference to its use as an antisep- tic. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1905. i, 1-10. Also: Columbus M. J., 1905, xxix, 368-385—Sepet (P.) Le lusoforme dans la chirurgie courante. Marseille med., 1905, xln, 029-531.—Seubert (K.) Ueber eine einfache Surgery (Antiseptic, J/ethods and ap- paratus in). Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmung der Carbolsiiure in Verbandstoffen. Arch. d. Pharm., Halle, 1881, 3. R., xviii, 321-336.—Snaiiibati (O.) L'acqua jodata in chi- rurgia. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1905, Roma, 1906, xix, 120-123.—She pa rd (F. D.) List of surgical operations, showing what can be accomplished by strict adherence to the essentials of modern aseptic surgery. Am. Med., Phila., 1893, v, 447.—Sherman (Ruth B.) Sterilizing in a private house (with one new device). Am. J. Nursing, l'hila., 1904-5, v, 499-502, 1 pl — Shim- well (B. T.) The surgical antiseptics. Times & Reg., N. Y. & Phila,, 1891, xxii, 323-333.—Sick (P.) Altes und Neues zur Hiindedesinfektion. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 789-791. -----. Alko- hol und Seifenspiritus in der Hiindedesinfektion. Ibid., 1264-1266. -----. Jodtinktur bei Bauchoperationen. Zen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1911, xxxviii, 792.—Sikemeier (E. W.) Bijdrage tot de kennis van de desinfectie der huid. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1904, 2. K., xl, d. 1, 65-66. Also, transl., Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1904, lxxiii, 151-166.—Simard (A.) De l'asepsie dans la pratique chirurgicale. Bull. m6d. de Quebec, 1906-7, viii, 1-9.—Simpson (F. F.) A surgical wash-stand. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxvii, 759-763.—Sippel (A.) Bemer- kungen zur Handedesinfektion und Asepsis bei Laparo- tomicn. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1499.—Skirving (A. A. S.) Questions regard- ing the sterilisation of dressings by steam. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1904, xv, 465-478. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press &Circ, Lond., 1904, n. s., lxxviii, 512.-Sklifa- sovski (N. V.) Ob uspiekhakh khirurgii pod vliyani- yem protivugnilostnavo metoda. [Surgery under the influence of the antiseptic method.] Dnevnik syezda Mosk.-Peterb. Med. Obsh. 1885, S.-Peterb., 1886, i, 18-23.— S kutsch (F.) Apparat zum Sterilisiren der Instru- mente. Illust. Monatschr. d. iirztl. Polytech., Bern, 1889, xi, 132-134.—Slomann (H. C.) Om praktisk Aseptik. Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kj0benh., 1893, 4. R., xxviii, 361-369.— SiiiirnoiT(A. I.) K voprosu o sterilizatsii tonkikh re- zinovikh napalchikov. [Sterilization of thin rubber finger gloves.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 972- 976.—Sotlerbaimi (P.) Om forbattringar i antisepti- ken. [Improvements in antiseptics.] Upsala Liika- ref. Forh., 1898-9, n. F., iv, 287-292. —Sokoloff( K.) I'rotivogiiilostniya i bezgnilostniva sredstva, antisep- tica et aseptica. Feldscher, St. Petersb., 1891, i, 113-117.— Sorel (R.) Asepsie chirurgicale; a) gantsde caoutchouc et gants de til; b) arrosoir chirurgical. Bull. Soe.dechir. de Lyon, 1906, ix, 306-310. Also: Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 29-33.—Soubeyran. Lavabo roulant a pedale, avec eau sterilisee, rechauffeur, bouilleur et laveur. Montpel. med.,1908, xxvii, 424.—Spangaro (S.) Sul valore della sterilizzazione della cute colla sola tintura di jodio. Clin. chir., Milano, 1910, xviii, 2362-2374.—Spencer (W. G.) On antiseptic methods and apparatus. Clin. J., Lond., 1902, xx, 325-333.—Spitkovski (I. O.) Ochistka kozhi iodnol nastolkol. [Disinfecting the skin by tincture of iodine.] Terap. Obozr.. Odessa, 1910, iii, 92.—Sprengel. Antiseptische Tamponade und Sekundiirnaht. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1886, xiii, 97-103.—Stack (E. C.) A new sterilizer for surgical dressings. Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 958.—Stad ler (II.) Aseptische Operationen im Privathaus. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamtgeb. d. prakt. Med., 1906, vi, 193-219.—Stanton (D. A.) Antiseptic surgical dressing. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car., Wilmington, 1894, 122-128.—Stanton (W.) The value of antiseptics in sur- gery. Buffalo M. J., 1895-6, xxxv, 224-23L—Staples (F.) Some notes and suggestions on aseptic and antiseptic sur- gery of the present time. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1893, xiii, 401-404. -----. Modern surgery and the mi- crobe: reference to recent advances and literature. Ibid., 1898, xviii, 1:18-111.—Starcke. Ueber permanente anti- septische Irrigation. Charjte-Ann., Berl., 1882, vii, 613- 622.—Stechow. Eine neue Presse fiir Kilogramm- Packete von Verbandmaterial. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, 18. Abth., 49.—Stevens (E. S.) A simple sterilizer for emergency and country work. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 1507.—Stew- art (D. H.) Chloride of lime in surgery. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1906, xix, 261-266.—Stewart (J. C.) Carbolic acid in modern surgery. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1906, xxvi, 205-208. -----. Local uses of for- malin. Surg., Gvnec. & Obst., Chicago, 1911, xiii, 209.— Stieher. Ein einfacher Kontrollapparat fiir Dampf- sterilisirofen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 1289- 1294.—Stimson (L. A.) An experimental inquiry into the value of the carbolic spray as a preventive of putre- faction. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1880, n. s., lxxix, 83-89.— Stone (I. S.) The use of iodine as an antiseptic in sur- gical and gynecological practice. Hosp. Bull. Univ. Maryland, Bait., 1909, v, 168.-----. Skin sterilization by tincture of iodine. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1909, [Phila.], 1910, xxii. 453-460. Also: South. M. J., Nash- ville, 1910, iii, 25-27. Also: Surg., Gynec. & Obst,, Chi- cago, 1910, x, 216.—Stoney (R. A.) Sterilisation of the hands. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1906, xxiv. SURGERY. 205 SURGERY. Surgery (Antiseptir, JJethods and ap- paratus in). 184-198. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1906, lxxvi, 157-168.— Storozhenko (V. A.) Sterilizator dielstvuyushtshiy tekuchim parom visokol temperaturi. [Sterilizer acting bv running steam of high temperature.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1902, xii, 499-502.—Straub (M.) Een ontsmet- tingstoestel voor chirurgisch gebruik. Nederl. Tijdschr. v Geneesk., Amst., 1839, 2. R., xxv, 729-732.—Streit- berger. Ueber die Desinfektion des Operationsgebietes mit Jodtinktur. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 1365.—Stretti (G.) Sulla sterilizza- zione chirurgica della pelle per mezzo della tintura di iodio. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1909, 8. s., ix, 471- 476 —Stretton (J. L.) The sterilization of the skin of operation areas. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909. ii, 368. -----. A further contribution on the sterilization of the skin of operation areas. Ibid., 1910, i, 1350.—Stroganofl" (V. V.) Obezplozhivayushtshiy bak dlyaoperatsii po bezgni- lostnomu sposobu. [Sterilizing bowl for antiseptic opera- tions.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1892, xiii, 771; 801.-----. K voprosu ob asepticheskom metode pri operats'iakh. [On the aseptic method in operations.] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, ii, 51- 59.—Studenski (N.) Sravnitelnoye dosto'instvo anti- septicheskikh veshtshestv, naibolleye upotrebitelnikh v khirurgii. [Comparative valueof the antiseptics used in surgerv.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1880, xx, 3: 12; 17; 25; 35;"43; 49; 57; 65.—Stuiupt"(R.) Ueber den Einfluss der Krankenzimmerluf t und die combinirte Carbolsaure- Perubalsam-Behandlungsweise, vom practischen Stand- punkte aus dargestellt. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1880, xlix, 521-524.—Suarez de Mendoza (A.) Moyen rapide et simple pour steriliser tous les instruments de chirurgie a la temperature ambiante. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r.l903,Madrid,1904, xiv,sect, dechir.gen.,493-506. -----. Pulverisateur aseptique a pulverisations exacte- ment dosables. Arch, de med. et chir. spec, Par., 1904, v, 1-4.—Symondst H. PA Od the use of carbolised sawdust as a dressing in antiseptic surgery. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 494.—Syms (P.) Thetechnicof aseptic abdominal oper- ations. N.York State J. M., N. Y., 1901, i, 193.—Szuinan (L.) Jak mozna sposoby opatrywania van przeciwgnilne zastosowac najlepiej do zwyklej praktyki lekarskiej i do leczenia ubogich chorych. [On the best method of anti- septic treatment of wounds, both in practical medicin and in the treatment of the poor.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1884, 2. s., iv, 613; 637; 680. — Tachard (E.) Contribu- tion a la methode antiseptique. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., Par.. lss7. xvi, pt. 2,844-850. -----. L'antisepsie. In his: Notes de chir. prat., 8°, Par., 1883, 1- 26.—Tait (L.) Cleansing and cleanliness in abdominal surgeons' operations. Canada .Lancet, Toronto, 1897-8, xxx, 337-345.—Tal (R.) Khimicheskoye izsliedovaniye obraztsov kauchukovavo kleya, naznachonnavo dlya zakleivaniya antisepticheskikh perevyazochnikh pake- tov. [Chemical investigation of the samples of caout- chouc paste used for sealing antiseptic bandage pack- ages.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1899, cxciv, med.- spec. pt., 310-328. — Tangeman (C. W.) Antiseptics; bichloride of mercury compared with drugs most com- monly used. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1884, n. s., v, 151- 153 —Tarnier. De la desinfection des mains. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1892, vi, 785-787. -Tar. quini (R.) Sul decorso delle operazioni asettiche com- plicate dal tifo odalla polmonite. Corriere san., Milano, 1902, xiii, 729-732. -----. II lysoformio in chirurgia. Rassegna san. di Roma, 1906, iv, 7-14.—Tavel (E.) La sterilisation a l'eau saiee et son emploi en chirurgie. Ann. de microg., Par., 1889-90, ii, 645-548. — Tavern i (R.) Chirurgiaantisettica; letteraal Dottore Alessandro Ceccarelli. Gior. med. di Roma, 1869, v, 739-745. Also, Reprint. —Taylor (A. E.) On the antagonism of al- cohol to carbolic acid. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1907, xxii, 734-736.—Terrier (F.) De l'antisepsie et de l'asepsie en chirurgie. Rev. de chir., Par., 1890, x, 789- 798. -----. Communication a propos de l'appareil steri- lisateur de M. Forgue. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894, n.s., xx, 527-529. -----. De l'asepsie en chirur- gie. Rev. de chir., Par, 1894, xiv, 829; 1037:1895, xv, 45 — Terrier (F.) & Latham (G.) Du laboratoire d'asep- sie et d'antisepsie necessaire au service de chirurgie. Ibid., 1896, xvi, 43-51. — Terrillon. Sur les panse- ments antiseptiques. Bull. g6n. de th6rap. [etc.], Par., 1884, cvi, 175-185. Also: Courrier med.. Par., 1884, xxxiv, 121-125. -----. De quelques pri nei pes d'antisepsie et par- ticulicrement de l'eau bouillante en chirurgie. Bull. med., Par., 1888. ii, 763-765. Also: Clinique, Brux., 1888, ii, 422-428— Thiriar. De l'emploi de l'oxygene en chirurgie (can oxygenee et gaz oxygene). Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1899, lxxii, 1375. -----. La technique operatoire et les indications generales de la methode oxygenee. J. m6d. de Brux., 1904, ix, 321. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1904, lvi, 555-558.—Thomas. Sur quelques pan- sements antiseptiques. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1885, vi, 67-72. — Thompson (G. H.) An anti- septic for hospitals, office and household use. Regular M. Visitor, St. Louis. 1902, iii, 211-243.—Thomson (W.) Surgery (Antiseptic, JJethods and ap- paratus in). On some results of antiseptic surgery. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1882, n. s., xxxiv, 415-417. — Thornbury (F. J.) Advances in aseptic surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 227-231.-----. A new combination sterilizer for asepticizing simultaneously water, instru- ments, and dressings. N. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 755. Also, Reprint.—Tliorndike (P.) The routine methods em- ployed for securing asepsis in the surgical work carried on in the amphitheatre, small operating rooms, and wards of the surgical department or the Boston City Hos- pital. Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 1895, 6. s., 137- 145.—Thorne (E.) A combined portable steriliser and antiseptic holder. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1905, xxvi,654.— Tillmaims (II.) Ein Wort zur Lister'schen Wundbe- handlunsmethode. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1875, ii, 433; 451. Also, Reprint. -----. Die feineren Vorgiinge bei der antiseptischen Wundheilung. Tagebl. d. Ver, samml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Baden-Baden, 1879- lii, 298-300.—Tinker (M. B.) & Prince (H. L.) Com- mon fallacies regarding skin disinfection, with special reference to the iodine methods. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1911, xii, 530-533.—Tirelli (V.) Sulla disin- fettabilitii della pelle umana normale. Ann. di freniat. [etc.], Torino, 1904, xiv, 226; 310, 2 pl. Also: Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1904, xxviii, 319-342, 2 pl. — Tisse- rand (G.) L'asepsie et l'antisepsie chirurgicales en Allemagne. Rev. med. de la Franche-Comte, Besancon, 1907, xv, 81-83. — Tissot (J.) De l'eau oxygen6e en chirurgie. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1899, lxxii, 52- 57. Also: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1899, lxxii, 929. — Towne (G. S.) Listerism; its past, present and future. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1903, lxxviii, 453-456. —Treat- ment (The) by permanent antiseptic dressing. [Dis- cussion.] St. Louis M. & S. J., 1884, xlvi, 433-447.— Trendelenhurg (F.) Ueber die Bedeutung des Spray fiir die antiseptische Wundbehandlung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1879, xxiv, 779-797. Also, Reprint.—Tre- trop. Un proc6de general de sterilisation a froid des fils a ligatures. Bull. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1896, lviii, 7-13.—Treves (F.) The employment of iodoform in abdominal operations. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 1375-1377.— Triollet (J.) La pratique de l'antisepsie operatoire par les ehirurgiens des hopitaux de Paris. J. de med. de Par., 1902, 3. s., xiv, 83: 90; 100. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1901-2, xvii, 447-462. Also [Abstr.]: R6pert. de therap., Par., 1902, xix, 315-319.—Truesdale (C.) Listerism. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1881, xii, 531-535. -----. Listerism and carbolic acid. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1881, xxxi, 332-344.—Tschudi (R.) Huddesin- fektion med tinctura iodi. [Skin disinfection . . . ] Tidsskr. f. d. norske Lsegefor., Kristiania, 1910, xxx, 230.— Tuiiier(T.) Asepsie operatoire. Presse med., Par., 1899, ii, 141-143. Also: Rev. prat. d. trav. de med., Par., 1899, lvi, 305-308. -----. A propos des germesdel'air des salles d'op6ration. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1903, n. s., xxix, 335-346. -----. Des movens preventifs de l'in- fection operatoire. Presse med., Par., 1909, xvii,689-692.— Turner (G. I.) O predlelakh trebovaniy v oblasti steri- lizatsii perevyazochnavo materiala. [On the limits of requirements in sterilizing surgical dressings.] Voyenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1897, clxxxix, med.-spec. pt., 1-18. -----. Ob obezzarazhivanii ruk i o mierakh predostoroz- hnosti protiv zarazheniya ran samim khirurgom. [Dis- infection of the hand's, and measures of precaution against infection of the wounds by the surgeon himself.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1902, ix, 389; 413.—Turner (P.) & Catto (H. C.) The iodine method of sterilising the skin. Lancet, Lond., 1911. i, 633.— Ulrich (C. F.) Cleanliness the chief antiseptic J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 305-307.—I'nger (E.) Zur Desinfektion der Haut mit Jodtinktur. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 63.—Urbino (G.) Contributo alio studio dell' asepsi chirurgica. Parte II. Sulla stenlita. o meno del contenuto dei tubi a drenaggio tolti da ferite apparcnteinente aset- tiche. Clin. mod. Firenze, 1906, xii, 209-211.—Yacher. Moyen pratique d'avoir toujours des instruments steriles pour une operation d'urgence. Bull, et mem. Soc franc d'opht., Par., 1908, xxv, 283-286. Also [Abstr.]: Clin. opht., Par., 1908, xiv, 197.—Vacher (L.) Du biiodure de mercure combine a l'iodure de potassium (iodhydrar- gyrate d'iodurede potassium) comme pansement antisep- tique en chirurgie et particulierement en chirurgie ocu- laire; du salicylate de cocaine. Gaz. hebd. demed., Par., 1885, 2. s., xxii, 5s:i—Valerani (F.) II bicloruro di mercurio nell' antisepsi chirurgica. Osservatore, Torino, 1883, xix, 737-746.—Valerio (G.) L' asepsi chirurgica; nuova sterilizzatrice per uso chirurgico a triplice uso e con sistema riparatore. Clin, chir., Milano, 1905, xiii, 1183-1188,1 pl.— Valeur relative de l'antisepsie et des perfectionnements de la technique dans les resultats ac- tuels de la chirurgie operatoire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1899, lxxii, 885-887.—Vailack (A. S.) Some problems in asepsis. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1901, xxiii, 609-614. [Discussion], 642-644. -----. The exclusion of the skin in surgery. Ibid., 1910, xxix, 75-77.—Van Arsdale (W. W.) Lecture on the aseptic methods in modern surgical SURGERY. 206 SURGERY. Surgery (Antiseptir. JJethods and ap- paratus in). practice. N. York Polvclin., 1894, iv, 37-42.—Vandini (D.) Di alcuni praticissime applicazioni della glicerina jodoformica in chirurgia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1910, xxxi 177-179. -----. Sterilizzazione del campo opei ativo col methodo Grossich. Ibid., 1641— Vanverts i.l. i La methode oxygenee en chirurgie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med.-chir. dti Nord, Lille, 1905, i, 115-150.—Varalla tS.) Resistencia del algodon argentino a la esterilizacion en autoclave a distintas presiones: alteraciones, sus causas. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1905, xxviii, 536- 563.—VelyaminoiF. Novoye vido'izmleneniye anti- septicheskol perevvazki. [New antiseptic bandage.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1880, i, 575-577. Also, transl.: Cen- tralbl. f. chir.. Leipz.. 1880, vii,657-659.— Verneuil. De la pulverisation prolongee ou continue comme precede de la methode antiseptique. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1883, i, 5; 13s.—Viannay (C.) De la sterilisation de la peau par la teinture d'iode, sans lavage prealable. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1910, xxix, 49-58. [Discussion], 79-82.—Vil- lard & t'availlon. Nouveaux precedes de panse- ments; bandes adherentes [leucoplastes) et papier simili- coton. Lvon m6d., 1904, ciii, 958-960.— Vince. Sur l'emploi des gants de caoutchouc en chirurgie. Presse med., Par., 1909, xvii, 449-452.—V irnicclii (A.) L' uso dei vapori di iodio in chirurgia. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1908, Roma, 1909, i, 293-295.—de Visscher (C.) Quelques observations sur le nouveau procede antiseptique de M. Oilier. Bull. Soc. de med. deGand, 1878, xiv, 120-123. Also, Reprint— Vladimiiott" (V. V.) Kontrol sterilizatsii. [Control of sterilization.] Russk. chir. arch., S.-Peterb., 1906, xxii. 137-145.— Voire 1 (K.) Experimentelle Beitrage zur Frage der Desinfektion der Haut. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1179-1182.—Voijit (J. C.) A constant antiseptic vapour dressing. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 793.—Vollbrecht. Hitnde- und Haut-Desinfek- tion mittelst Seifenspiritus. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1900, xxix, 11-18. -----. Seifenspiritus in fester Form zur Haut- und Hiindedesinfection. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1900, xxix, pt. 2, 212- 216. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1900, lxi, 554-558 — Vulpius. Zur Sicherung der Asepsis bei Operationen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xiv, 595.—Waleher iG.) Leber die Verwendung des "Holzstoffes" zum antiseptischen Yerbande, insbesondere den Sublimat- Holzwolleverbnnd. In: Brims (P.) Mitth. a. d. chir. Klin, zu Tubing.. 1883, 1. Hft., 168-212. -----. Ueber die Einschriinkung desaseptischen Feldes bei operationen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 497.—Walker (C. F.) The iodine method of sterilising the skin. Lan- cet, Lond., 1911, i, 902.—Walker (F. E.) Iodine in sur- gery. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1911, xxxi, 89.— "Wallace (A. J.) Preliminary note on the preparation of the skin for operation by means of dichloride.of ethy- lene and iodine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, i', 1288.— Wallace (D.) The importance of asepsis in genito- urinary surgery. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1897, i, 396- 409.—Walravcns. L'asepsie et l'antisepsieoperatoires en tant que preparation du chirurgien, du malade, des instruments, des objets de suture et de pansement. [Rap.] J. de chir. et ami. Soc. beige de chir.. Brux., 1902, ii, no. 9, 1-54. [Discussion], 55-78. Also: Cong, beige de chir. 1902, Brux., 1903,3. quest., 1-54. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. med., Par., 1902, xvi, 808-811.—Walther. Coupes de peau apres desinfection par la teinture d'iode. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1909, n. s., xxxv, 345-351.— Walther A Touraine. Sur la sterilisation dela peau par la teinture d'iode. Ibid., 394-403.—Wan less (J. W.) On the sterilization of operator's hands and site of opera- tion. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1901. xxxvi, 417.— Washburn (F. A.) A sterilizing hopper. Pub. Mass. Gen. Hosp., Bost., 1908, ii, 141, 1 pl—Walerhouse (H. F.) & Feu wick (W. S.) Two notes on sterilisation of the skin by the use of an alcoholic solution of iodine. Lancet, Lond., 1910,i, 1063.—Watorek (A.) Universal- apparat fiir operative Asepsis als trocken sterilisierender Dampfdesinfektor. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 1791. Also: Heilkunde, Berl., 1904, 533-538.—Watson (B. A.) Lister's system of aseptic wound-treatment versus its modifications. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1883 i, 205-223.—Watten (I.) W sprawie aseptvki i antvsep- tyki w szpitalach malych oraz w praktvee prvwatnej chirurgicznej i polozniczej. [Asepsis and antisepsis in small hospitals and private practice] Medvcvna, War- szawa, 1900, xxviii, 1150; 1167.—Webb (C. H."S.) The sterilization of skin areas by means of iodine. Middle- sex Hosp. J., Lond., 1909-10, xiii, 184.—Wederhake. Ueber eine einfache, trockene Entkeimungsmethode der menschlichen Haut. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1907 xxxiv, 649-651. -----. Wie kann der Arzt die Keimfrei- heit seiner Hande und des Operationsfeldes sicher her- beifuhren? Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1909. xxxiv, 83- 8o.—Welrf.1.) Moist antiseptic dressing. Am. Pract. & News. Louisville, 1890. n. s., x, 195.—Weir (R. F ) The weak points m a Lister dressing and the advantages of corrosive sublimate as an antiseptic. Ann. Anat. & Surgery (Antisrjdir, J/efhods and ap- paratus in). Surg., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1883, viii, 147-158. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1883, xiii, 491-494. -----. A demonstration of antiseptic dressings as they are used at the New York Hospital. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1884, xxv, 108-111. Also: N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 67-62. -----. Antiseptics, how used and how made at the New York Hospital; a clinical lecture. Med. News. Phila., 1887, li, 697-700. -----. The importance of asepsis for the surgeon's hands. Internat. Clin., Phila.,1892.2. s., iii, 204.—Wcisi (J. R.) Hot water in surgical practice. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1882, 29-31. Also: Am. Pract., Louisville, 1882, xxvi, 20-25.—Welch (W. H.) Some considera- tions concerning antiseptic surgery. Man land M. .1. Bait., 1891-2, xxvi, 45-57. Also, Reprint. —Wells (H. P.) Asepsis antisepsis; its development and rela- tion to modern medicine and surgerv. St. Louis M. Era, 1896-7, vi, 33-38. — W el Is (Sir's.) Personal experience of aseptic and antiseptic surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1892. i. 1178— Wenzel (K.) Die, Verwen- dung von Gazeschleiern bei aseptisehen Operationen. Centralbl. 1. Chir., Leipz.. 1902, xxix, 513-518.— Wernich (A.) Die Abschaffuiig des spray; ein kriti- sches Referat [etc.]. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1880, vi, 640-612.—Wester (J. J.) Jodiumtinctuur als desinfectans van de huid. Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijk Maandbl., Utrecht, 1909-10, xxxvii, 321-324.—Wester- lund (F. W.) Redogorelse for de fbrsok, som pa Prof. Estlanders klinik blifvit anstiilda med aseptinet sasom forbandsmedel. [Report of the results with antiseptic dressings.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1872, xiv, 1-18.—Whitaere (H.J.) Theuse of irrigation and wet applications in septic surgery. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1898, n. s., xii, 77-83. [Discussion], 91-93. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx, 1516.—White (E.) Sterilised surgical dressings and sterilised water. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1894, n. s., xxii, 51-56. -----. Aseptic dressings; an account of their production and organized distribution in St. Thomas's Hospital. Ibid., 1899, Lond., 1901, n. s., xxviii, 405-414.—White (J. W.) The aseptic theory and its practice. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1889, i, 152; 205. Also, Reprint.—Whitel'ord (C. H.) Irriga- tion of operation wounds with solutions of chemical irri- tants. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 1462— Whitelocke (R. H. A.) Some remarks on the use of iodoform in sur- gery. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 364.—Wiart (P.) Un nouveau st6rilisateur electrique pour instruments de chi- rurgie. Presse med., Par., 1904, i, 396— Wile (W. C.) Aristol; some of its uses in surgery. Addr. . . . sect. surg. & anat. 42. meet. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1891, 245-251.— Wille (O.) Antiseptische Kleinigkeiten. I. Flussig- keit, in der Instrumente dauernd liegen konnen. Zen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 1578-1581.—Wilson (C. M.) How to prepare antiseptic dressings of mercuric bichloride. Phila. M. Times, 1883-4, xiv, 897-899—von Winiwarter (A.) L'antisepsie et l'asepsie chirurgi- cales, au point de vue de l'enseignement clinique. Scal- pel, Liege, 1906-7, lix, 300; 312— Witthauer (K.) Jo- thion als Hautdesinfizienz bei Operationen. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 1006. -----. Hautdesinfek- tion mit Jothion. Med. klin., Berl., 1910, vi, 1221.— Witzel (O.) Chirurgische Hvgiene, Aseptik und Anti- septik. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. & Wien, 1901-3, viii, 577- 628—%Volnr'-Eisner (A.) Bakteriologische Untersu- chungen fiber Hiindedesinfektion speziell mit Derma- gummit. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, Iii, Orig., 286-294.—Wollheim (J. L.) Iodine; its most important and latest uses. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1910, xxiv, 333-336.—Wood (J.) The Bradshaw lecture on antiseptics in surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 1095; 1147.—Woodbury (F. T.) Iodine; the ideal surgical antiseptic N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xcii, 1105-1107. -----. Some further observations on iodine as an anti- septic. Ibid., 1911, xciii, 265-209. Also, Reprint. -----. Tincture of iodine as an antiseptic. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxiv, 735.—Woodiiead (G. S.) Notes on the use of mercuric salts in solution as antiseptic surgical lotions. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., lsss, xv, 235-249. Also: Lab. Rov. Coll. Phys. Edinb., 1889, i, 39-53.—Wright (A. H.) Lis- terism; antisepsis and asepsis. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1907, xxxii, 647-655.—Wyetli (J. A.) Remarks on simplicity in antiseptic methods. Internat. J.Surg., N. Y., 1905, xviii, 215.—Yaniaguchi (I.) [et al.). Ex- periments on the disinfection of the skin-wounds with tincture iodine. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., T6ky6, 1910, xxix, no. 3.—Zabludovski (A. M.) Nablyudeniya nad obez- zarazhivaniyem ruk l operatsionnavo polya. [On dis- infection of the hands and of the field of operation.d Khirurgia, Mosk., 1910, xxviii, 711-731. Also, transl.: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 405-407— Zabludovski (A. M.) & TatarinoiT(I). I.) K ucheniyu ob obezzarazhivanii ruk i operatsionnavo polya. [Disinfection of the hands and operating field.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1910, xxvii, 3-8. Also [Abstr.]: Syezd rossivsk. khirurg., Mosk., 1910, ix, 79-81. [Discussion], 81-85". Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 273.—Zangemeister. Ein Dampfsterili- SURGERY. 207 SURGERY. a nd ap- Surgery (Antiseptic, JJethods paratus in). sator fiir den Praktiker. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 190-192.—Zareinba ^G.) Wyniki odkazania pola operacvjncgo nastojcm jodowym. [Results of the disinfection"of the operating held by tincture of iodine.] Przegl. lek., Krak6u, 1910, lix, 732-734.—Zatti (C.) La sterilizzazione preoperatoria della cute con petrolio e benzina. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1910, xxxi, 497-498.— Zausailolt'i M. A.) Po voprosamaseptiki i antiseptiki. f Vsepsis and antisepsis.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1902, ix. 200: 215; 319; 31 .—ZausailotT (M. A.) <& Teli- chenko(Ye. V.) O dezinfektsii khirurgicheskikh ins- trumentov. [Disinfection of surgical instruments.] Ibid., 1905, xii, 1353-1355.-----------. Osterilizatsii khi- rurgicheskikh instrumentov v plameni. [Sterilization of surgical instruments in the flame] Ibid., 1908, xv, 1079. —--------. Ob ochistkle i dezinfektsii kozhi i ruk pri khirurgicheskikh operatsiyakh preparatami ioda. [Cleansing and disinfecting of the skin and hands in sur- gical operations by iodine preparations.] Kharkov. M. J., 1911, xi, 69-71— Zeinbrzuski (L.) Kilka uwag w sprawie doswiadczeii nad sterylizacya nozy chirurgicz- nych. [Experiments on the sterilization of surgical knives.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa. 1906, 2. s., xxvi, 1131-1135.— Zeni (G.) La medicatura listeriana delle ferite ne' suoi rapporti colla medicina pubblica e legale. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1885, 3. s., v. 117-127.—Zepler (G.) Mitteilung iiberein Verfahren der Instrumenten- und Verbandstoff- Sterilisation am Krankenbett mittelst eines neuen Appa- rates fiir den PractikerderSterilisirtrommel. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1898, lxvii, 1177-11M.—Zilberberg (Ya. V.) Ob uproshtshennom sposoble ochistki opera- tsionnavo polya atseton-spirtom (po v. HerfY). [simpli- fied method of cleaning the field of operation by aceton- aicohol (according to von Herff).] Khirurg. Arkh. Ve- lyaminova, S.-Peterb., 1910, xxvi, 698-.0L—Zorilenu (P.) Cate va cuvinte asupra ranilor, ulcerilor simple si tratamentului antiseptic disinfectant. [Antiseptic treat- ment of wounds and simple ulcers.] Progivsul med. roman, Bucuresci, 1882. iv.238; 263: 271: 275.—Zubrzycki (J.) Kliniczne spostrzezenia nad wyjahnvi.iniem sk.'.ry nalewka. jodow$. [Clinical observations on the steriliza- tion of the skin by tincture of iodine.] Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1910, v, 571. Surgery (Antiseptic. JLethods, etc., in, Patent specifications fo?'). Allen (R.l Sierilizer. No. 773,533; Nov. 1. 1904 — Allspau i.l. M.) Sterilizing cabinet. No. 891.758: June z;. lyns. —Alson i.I.i Antiseptic lotion. No. 428,033; May 13. 1890. — Badger i A. C. ) Sterilizing hopper. No. 964,838: Julv 19. 1910.—Barnstead (R. P.) Steri- lizer. No. 927,764; July 13,1909.—Bell i A. W.) Process for preparinghemostaticdressing. Ni \ 892,022; June 30,1908.— Bingham is.) Valve for sterilizers. No. 871,666; Nov. 19,1907.—Blackmore (H.S.) Composition for antisep- tic and other purposes. No. 909.527; June 12, 1909.— Klickmaii (S.) Sterilizer. No. 962.809; June 28,1910.— Boeekniami (E.) Sterilizer for surgical instruments, etc No. 481.927; Oct. 25, 1892. -----. Sterilizer for sur- gical dressings. No. 510,321; Dec. 5.1893.—Boekel (W.) A Boekel (J.) Sterilizer-case. No. 682,522; Sept. 10, 19nl —Bradley t(\ A.) Antiseptic cabinet. No.624,747; Mav 9, 1899.—Briiranti ( P.) Sterilizing and antiseptic case with stand for surgical instruments. No. 816,959; April 3, 1906.—Brucker (J.) Door for sterilizers. No. 720,107; Feb. 10, 1903. — Bush ( H. P. ) Antiseptic and deodorizing compound. No. 730,231: June 9, 1903.— Busser (W. H.) Mattress-sterilizer. No. 713,056; Nov. 11, 1902.—Cabot (S.), jr. Antiseptic compound. No. 305,423; Sept. 23, 1884.—Castle (A.) Sterilizer. No. 749'l28; Jan. 5.1901.—Castle (W.) Sterilizer. No. 853.498; May 14, 19u7.—Cronkhite (J. A.) Sterilizer for dental or surgical instruments. No. 648.242; April 21, 1900.— Declat (G.) Medicinal preparation. No. 205.583; Oct. 10 1882. —Kile risen (L.) Antiseptic and perfumed block. No. 975.405: Nov. 15,1910.—Evans (M. H.) Com- bination sterilizer and irrigator. No. 912.452; Feb. 16, 1909.—Genese(D.) Method ofmaking solidified antiseptic compounds. No.809,795; Jan. 9,1900.— «;ero (A.J.) Steri- lizer. No.919,710: April27,1909.—tireem W.E.) Absorbent bandage and material therefor. No. sin, 115; Jan. 16,1906. -----. Absorbent bandage. No. 810,116; Jan. 16, 1906. No. 810,117; Jan. 16, 1906. No. 810,118; Jan. 16, 1906. No. 810,119; Jan. 16, 1906. No. 810,120; Jan. 16, 1906. No. 810,121; Jan. 16, 1906. No. 810,122; Jan. 16, 1906. No. 810,123; Jan. 16, 1906. No. 810,124; Jan. 16, 1906. No. 810,125: Jan. 16, 1906. No. 810,126; Jan. 16, 1906. No. 810,127; Jan. 16, 1906. No. 810,128; Jan. 16, 1906. No. 810,129; Jan. 16, 1906. Absorbent bandage. Absorbent bandage. Absorbent bandage. Absorbent bandage. Absorbent bandage. Absorbent bandage. Absorbent bandage. Absorbent bandage. Absorbent bandage. Absorbent bandage. Absorbent bandage. Absorbent bandage. Absorbent bandage. No. 810,131; Jan. No. 810,132; Jan. No. 810,133; Jan. No. 810,134; Ian. No. 810,135; Jan. 16, 1906 16, 1906. 16, 1906. 16, 1906. 16, 1906. 16, 1906. Surgery (Antiseptic, JJthods, etc. Paten t specifications for). -----. Absorbent bandage, No. 810,130; Jan -----. Absorbent bandage. -----. Absorbent bandage. -----. Absorbent bandage. -----. Absorbent bandage. -----. Absorbent bandage. -----. Absorbent bandage. No. 810,371; Jan. 16, 1906.— (•ross (L. L.) Sterilizing and drying apparatus. No. 745.601; Dec. 1, 1903.—Hakansson (P.) Antiseptic compound. No. 580.213; April 0, 1897.—Hall (J. E.) Valve mechanism for sterilizers. No. 810.533; Jan. 23, 1900.—Hartman (F.) Antisepticand process of making same. No. 568.678; Sept. 29, 1896.—llemiing (J. A.) Sterilizing-cabinct. No. 793,582; June 27, 1905.—Hern- don (W. T.) Sterilizer. No. 959,858; May 3, 1910.— Hirschlcr (Hellene Rachel). Impregnating fabrics with antiseptic salts. No. 504,928: July 28, 1896.—Hodg- son (J. G.) Process of sterilizing sheet-metal cans. No. '905,315; Dec 1, 1908.—Ilocrichs (E.) Antiseptic hair-brush receptacle. No. 795,708; July 25, 1905.—Holt- man it). II.) sterilizing apparatus. No. 726,926; May 5, 1903.—Jall'ee (II.) Antiseptic bodygerm protector. No. 966,838; Aug. 9. 1910.— Johnson (R. W.) Surgical ab- sorbent dressing. No. 700,939; May 27,1902. -----. Steri- lizing and packaging surgical absorbent dressing. No. 727,145; Mav5,1903.—Junker (C.) Sterilizingapparatus. No.807,048;"Sept. 24, 1907.—Kinne (T. Y.) Sterilizer for surgical dressing. No. 647,603; April 17,1900—Kny(R.) Sterilizer. No. 720,159; Feb. 10.1903.—Koeli lcr i R.) Solid soluble antiseptic. No. 731,578; June 23, 1903.—Kron- nian (E.) Sterilizing apparatus. No. 861,469; July 30, 1907.—Leach I A. E.) Sterilizing apparatus. No. 679.620; Julv 30.1901.—Lee (.I.E.) Method of puttingupantiseptie bandages. No.905.083: Nov.21.19os.—Lovisi II.C.) Ster- ilized surgical dressing. No.081,483: Aug.27.1901.—Lund- holm (K. M.) Sterilizer for surgical instruments, etc No. 553.561: Jan. 28,1896.—.TlcCue t T. W.) Antiseptic sur- gical dressing. No. 606,019; June 21, 1898.—Well urt ry Mi. C.) Antiseptic cone. No. 896,409; Aug. 18, 1908.— Uerritt (J. A.i Antiseptic apparatus. No. 641,715; Jan. 23, 1900.—.Wilier (H. A.) Sterilizer. No. 837,094; Nov. 27, 1906.— Morse (S. E.> Sterilizer. No. 744,782; Nov. 24, 19o3.—Nichols (E.) Sterilizing appliance. No. 725,123; April 14,1903.—Parmentier (J.) Sterilizer for surgical instruments. No. 791,490; June 6, 1905.— Pease (R. R.) & Tucker ( P. J.) Sterilizingapparatus. No. 717,148; Dec. 30, 1902.—Perry (M. B.) Sterilizing apparatus. No. 771.918; Nov. 15, 1904.—Poehl (A.) Artificial antiseptic sponge. No. 471,343; March 22, 1892. — Pulliani (S. T.) Combination sterilizer. No. 982.528; Jan. 24, 1911.—Reed (E. D.) Antiseptic composition. No. 984,106; Feb. 14, 1911.—Reeves Mi. H.) Sterilizer. No. 975,282; Nov. 8, 1910.— Heusclt (J.) Washing device for cleaning wounds. No.910.859; Jan.26, 1909.—Rollins (J.L.) Asepsie suit. No.405,850: June 25, 1889.—Rosell (C. A.O.) Antiseptic composition. No. 622,713: April 11, 1899.—Roscnwas- ser iN.) Preparing carbolized jute. No. 243.404: June 28,1881.—Scaiilan(S.G) Sterilizer. No.099,717; May 13, 1902. -----. Sterilizer for surgical dressings, instruments, etc. No.802.001; Oct.24,1905.—Schaefcr("G.L.) Antisep- tic compound. No. 630,215; Oct. 31,1899.—Schmitt (K. C.) Apparatusfor sterilizing and tempering glass vessels. No. 970.001; Nov. 15,1910.—Shonnard (H. W.l Basin- sterilizer. No.810.886; April 3,1900. ■-----. Sterilizer and valve. No. 824.827; Julv 3,1900.—Speare (R.H.) Steri- lizer. No. 724,964: April 7, 1903.—Snrague (A, V. M.) Process of treating surgical articles. No. 819 383; Mav 1, 1906.—Still well (F. E.) Sterilizer. No. 763,936. June 28, 1904.—Sweeney (W. W. i Portable sterilizingappa- ratus No. 815,313; March 13, 1906.—Thomas* ( IT. W. C.) Sterilizer. No. 791.810; June 6, 1905 — t tcrinolilcu (C. F.) Antiseptic bandage. No. 703.027: July 1.1902.—Van Bleusen (J. M.l Sterilizer for surgical bandages. No. 488,725; Dec. 27, 1892.—Wallace (J. W.) Sterilizer for bandages, etc No.552.157; Dec 31,1895.—Walorck (A.) Sterilizing apparatus. No. 712,710; Nov. 1,1902.—Weidig (II. P.) Surgical dressing. No.090.123; March 25, 1902.— White (N.) Surgical antiseptic thread-holder. No. 185,071; Nov. 8, 1892.—Wiley ( W. A.), Hill (J. E.), & mil (G. F.) Sterilizer. No. 918,409; April 13, 1909 — Wiuclicl i W. J.)A: Whalcy (J. H.) Sterilizing appa- ratus. No. 782,303; Feb. 14,1905. Surgery (Antiseptic, Opposition to). See Surgery (Antiseptic, History, etc., of). Surgery (Aphoris/ns in). Bernays (A. C.) Golden rules of surgery. Aphorisms, observations and reflections on the science and art of surgery. Being a guide for surgeons and those who would become surgeons. 8°. St. Louis, 1906. SURGERY. 208 SURGERY'. Surgery (Aphorisms in). Brickxkk (W. M.) One thousand surgical suggestions, practical brevities in diagnosis and treatment. 4. Am. ed. 8°. Xew York, 1911. ?l orison (R.) Surgical aphorisms. Northumberland & Durham M. J., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1904, xii, 122; 196; 373. Surgery (Apparatus, etc.). See Electrotherapy (Apparatus, etc.); Sur- gery (Instruments for). Surgery (Atlases of). Bockenheimer ( P. ) Atlas chirurgischer Krankheitsbilder in ihrer Verwertung fiir Diag- nose und Therapie fur praktische Aerzte und Studierende. roy. 8°. Berlin & Wien, 1907. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. roy. 4°. Ber- lin, 1910. ------. The same. Atlas of clinical surgery with special reference to diagnosis and treat- ment for practitioners and students. English adaptation by C. F. Marshall. 3 v. 4°. New York, [1908]. Hutchinson (J.) A smaller atlas of illustra- tions of clinical surgery, consisting of one hun- dred and thirty-six plates with descriptive let- terpress. 8°. London, 1895. Stereosoopischer medicinischer Atlas. Hrsg. von A. Neisser. Chirurgie. Lfg. 1-5. 12°. Cassel & Leipzig, 1894-8. Sultan (li.) Grundriss und Atlas der spe- ziellen Chirurgie. l.Teil. 12°. Munchen, 1907. ------. Thesame. Atlas-manuel,dechirurgie des regions; tete; cou; poitrine. Edition fran- chise par G. Kuss. 8°. Paris, 1909. Zuckerkandl (0.) Atlas und Grundriss der chirurgischen Operationslehre. 12°. Munchen, 1897. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Miinchen, 1901. ------. The same. Atlas manuel de chirur- gie operatoire. 2. ed. franchise par A. Mouchet. Preface de E. Quesne. 12°. Paris, 1900. Surgery (Bacteriohxjij in). See, also, Surgery (Aseptic and antiseptic). _ Johannsex (T. C. E.) * Ueber die Eeduk- tionskraft aseptisch entnommener Organe. [Tubingen.] 8°. Rudolstadi, 1904. Villemin. Dix lecons de bacteriologie chi- rurgicales faites a l'Hopital Saint-Louis. Aout- septeinbre 1897. 16°. Tours & Paris, 1898. Kayet (A.) L'examen bacteriologique extemporane au cours des operations chirurgicales. J. de med., Chir et Pharmacol., Brux., 1893, 593-598.— Binaghi (R.) La tcuria di Fliigge e le sue applicazioni alia chirurgia. Riiorma med.. Palermo, 1900, xvi, 818; 830; 843. Also, Re- print.— Itroun (w. s. i Listerism and bacteria. Am Prai't. A News. Louisville. 1899. xxviii. 283-2.86. Also Re- print. Glieatle(G L.) Theimportanceofbacteriology m clinical surgery. Kind's Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1895-6 Loud., 1897, in, 37-44—Churchman (J. W.) The bac- teriology of the urine in its relation to surgery; a review and digest of the literature. Am. Med., Phila., 1906 xi 111-113 — Clausen (J.J.) Recent bacteriologie research' its effects on modern surgerv. J. Am. M. Ass Chicago 1899, xxxiii, 398— Colasanti (G.) Ricerche batterio- logiche comparate tra 1' azione dello iodol'ormio, aristolo e dermatolo. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1890-91 [1893], xvii, 487-501.—Daels (F.) Contribution a la pra- tique des recherches bacteriologiques en chirurgie Presse med., Par., 1908, xvi, 9-11.—Dudgeon (L S)& Sargeant (W. G-.) The bacteriology of aseptic wounds. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1907, xxx, 27-49.—"Kbert (0.) Die Dreitupferprobe. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing 1910 xyin, 448-462.-Ernst (H. C.) Surgical bacteriology: Internat lext-Bk. Surg. (Warren & Gould), Phila., 1899 l, 1,-42, 3 pl.-lleclit V.) & Kohler (R.) Beitrag zur bakteriologis, hen Revision asepti.-elier Operationen ™eno\kll^Wl'l,",S01"'' 19]1' xxiv- 37i-379.-nelsome i«._b.) I he value ot bacteriological examination before, fiEE n£ i?oo af£r "W""11 operations. Brit. M. J., Lond. 1898, u.1332.—Neudorler(J.) Gegenwart und Zukunf t Surgery (Bacteriology in). der Antiseptik und ihr Verhaltniss zur HaktcriMl.>gic. Klin. Zeit- u. Streitfragen, Wien, 1888, ii, 1-12—I'ark (R.) A study of some of the pyogenic bacteria and of the germicidal activity of certain antiseptics. Med. News Phila., 1888, liii, 609-611.—Vamacla (T.) [The bacte- riology of various materials, with reference to internal operations.] Gunlgaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1900, 268; 482. Surgery (Clinical). See, also, Diagnosis (Surgical); Labora- tories (Clinical). Bryant (T.) Clinical surgery. The surgery of the mouth, pharynx, abdomen and rectum including hernia. Part 3. 8°. London, 1861. Buchanan (G.) Clinical surgery. 8°. Glas- gejir, 1874. Duret (H.) Lecons de clinique chirurgicale. 8°. Lille & Paris, 1900. Hartmaxx (H.) Travaux de chirurgie ana- tomo-clinique. Avec la collaboration de B. Cuneo [etal.]. roy. 8°. Pan's, 1903. ------. Thesame. 2. serie. rov. 8°. Paris, 1904. KoRTEWEt; (J. A.) Algemeene heelkunde. Leerboek ter voorbereiding tot de heelkundige kliniek. 8°. Haarlem, 1896-8. KrisTER (E.) Zwei (Schlussjahre klinisch- chirurgischer Tutigkeit. 8°. Berlin, 1909. Le Dentu (A.) Clinique chirurgicale. 8°. Paris, 1904. Lockwood(C. B.) Clinical surgery. [2. ed.] 8°. London, [1911]. Tillaux (P.) Lecons de clinique chirurgicale, redigees et publiees par . . . Paul Thiery. 8°. Paris, 1895. Aijovin (M.D.) Breves refiexiones clinico-quinirgi- cas. Cron. med.,Lima, 1907, xxiv, 65-.sn.—Kerthod (P.) A propos du dedoublement et de la specialisation des services de chirurgie de l'assistance publique. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1905, ii, 1763-1765.—Kirmisson. In- troduction a l'etude de la clinique chirurgicale infantile. Bull, med., Par., 1902, xvi, 997-999.—Lobingier (A. S.) Surgery's contribution to clinical pathology. Calif. M. & S. Reporter, Los Angeles, 1908, iv, 61-63—Macdona Id (W. G.) Influence of the clinical laboratory in surgery. Tr. M. Soc.N. Y., Phila., 1900, 46-54.— 'lastin (\\. M") Some of the London hospitals: a glimj.se of the surgical service. Mobile M. & S. J., 1906, ix, 201-285.—Itlesnard (P.-A.) La responsabilite des professeurs de clinique chirurgicale dans leur service hospitalier. Presse med , Par.,1900, ii, annexes, S. 111.—fVi block (W.J.) Surgical curiosities. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1907, xiii, 54-57 — Payr (E.) Was soil die chirurgische Klinik dem an- gehenden Arzte auf seinen Lebenswegmitgeben? Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 1415-1417.—Stelzner (O.) Riick- blick auf die letztverflossenen 18 Jahre chirurgischer Thiitigkeitim Stadtkrankenhause. Festschr. z. Feier . . . d. Stadtkrankenh. zu Dresd.-Friedriehstndt, Dresd., 1899, pt. 2, 25-42.—Takaki (Y.) Clinical surgery in Japan. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 1002-1008.—Tiklioff (P. I.) Osnovi sovremennol klinicheskol khirurgii. [Principles of contemporary clinical surgery.] Izvlest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1904, xxiv, 1-15—Van Engelen. Faits et refle- xions cliniques. Clinique, Brux., 1896, x, 113-124. Surgery (Cliniced, Case-records of). Ewald (K.) Hilfsbuch zum Anlegen chirur- gischer Krankengeschichten und Ordnen der geinachten Beobachtungen. Zum Gebrauche an chirurgischen Stationen. roy. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, 1909. Hille (A. [B.]) * Ueber die Bedeutung einer genauen Anamnese in chirurgischen Fallen. 8°. Greifswald, 1895. af Schilten (M. W.) Viigledning for uppta- gandet af sjukhistorier pii kirurgins omriide. For de studerandes behof sammanstiild. [Guide for drawing up case records in surgical wards. Compiled for students' use.] 16°. Helsingfors. 1890. ------. Thesame. 16°. Helsingfors, 1892. Biiiirs (M. H.) A scheme for taking histories, con- ducting examinations, recording, filing, and indexing all SURGERY. 209 SURGERY. Surgery (Clinical, Case-records of). the data observed in the management and treatment of surgical a lied ions. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1902-3, xv,' 231-27:;.—Bottom ley (J. T.) The anamnesis of surgical cases, its peculiar importance to the house pupils of hospitals as a means of stimulating interest in history- taking. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, Iii, 1376-1378 — Elting (A. W.) Remarks on the method of keeping histories of surgical patients in the Albanv Hospital. Albany M. Ann., 1902, xxiii, 392.— Uroves 11-:. W. H. y A plea for a uniform registration of operation results. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii. 1008.—Mawkes (F.) Recording and classifying surgical histories. Med. & sing. kcp. Presbyterian Hosp., N. Y., 1900, iv, 217-223, 2 eh—1'erez Ortiz. Fototipias de casos quirurgicos. Med. mil. es- pan., Madrid, 1898-9, v, 153-156, 1 pl—Until (('. K.) Clinical briefs in surgery. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1911, xviii, 250-252.—Sellrajrer (V. L.) Surgical records in the clinic of J. B. Murphy. Surg., Gynec. it Obst., Chi- cago, 1906, ii. 315-317.— Sonelion (k.) The methodic description of a surgical disease. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, X. Orl., 1896, 227-248. -----. The methodic report of a sur- gical case. Ibid., 249-253.—Teale (T. P.) On the use of the diagram and rough drawing in the record of surgical cases. Clin. Sketches, Lond., 1895, i, 70,1 pl— Yeomans (F. C.) Operation card for patients; a suggestion. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1910, xxiv, 119. Surgery (Clinical, Cases and statistics in). See Surgery (Cases, etc., of). Surgery (Clinical. Instruction in). See Surgeons (Instruction, etc., of). Surgery (Clinical. Lectures on). See, also, Surgeons ( Instruction, etc., of). Berxabeo (G.) Lezioni di patologia e terapia chirurgica generale e speciale, dettate nell' os- pedale clinico Gesu e Maria, raccolte dagli stu- denti 0. de Lollis e G. Ricciuti. 8°. Napoli, 1903. Bernays (A. C.) Report of a surgical clinic. (Illustrated.) Complimentary to the visiting members of the Mississippi Valley Medical As- sociation. 8°. St. Louis, 1895. Bloch (O.) Chirurgien i kliniske forelses- ninger. Fra det Kgl. Frederiks Hospitals afd. C. Bind la-Bind lb. 8°. I\0henhavn& Kris- tiania, 1905-6. Burrell (H. L.) & Blake (J. B.) Case teaching in surgery. 16°. Philadelphia, 1904. Cheever (D. W.) Lectures on surgery. 8° Boston, 1894. Cooper (Sir A.) Outlines of the lectures on surgerv, at St. Thomas's and Guy's Hospitals. 8°. London, 1821. -----. Surgical lectures. 8°. London, [1824]. Repr.from: Scalpel, Lond., 1823-4, i. ------. Lectures on the theory and practice of surgery, as delivered in the theatre of St. Thomas's* Hospital. 4. original ed. 12°. Lon- don, lK.'io. ------. The same. 6. original ed. 12°. London, 1839. ------. Thesame. The principles and practice of surgery, founded on the most extensive hos- pital and private practice, during a period of nearly fifty vears. Edited by A. Lee, v. 1. 8°. London', 1836. Cooper (B. B.) Lectures on the principles and practice of surgery. 8°. London, 1851. Delbet (P.) Lecons de clinique chirurgicale faites a l'H6tel-Dieu. (Aout-septembre 1897.) 8°. Paris, 1899. Dh Paoli (I.) Conferenze di patologia e clinica chirurgica. v. 1. 8°. Perugia, 1904. Dunbar (J. R. W.) An introductory lecture, to the course of surgery, delivered to the stu- dents of Washington Medical College of Balti- more. 8°. Baltimore, 1837. VOL XVII, 2d series----14 Surgery (Clinical, Lectures on). Dupuytren. Lectures on clinical surgery, de- livered in the Hotel-Dieu of Paris. Collected and published by an association of physicians. Transl. from the French. 8°. Washington, 1835. Duret (H.) Lecons de clinique chirurgicale. S°. Lille cO Paris, 1894. D'Urso ((i.) Prolusione al corso di clinica chirurgica di medicina operatoria nella r. Uni- versity di Messina, 17 novembre 1902. 8°. Messina, 1902. Faure (J.-L.) Lecons de clinique etde tech- nique chirurgicales. (Charite—Hotel-Dieu.) 1899-1904. 8°. Paris, 1905. Gibson (W.) 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Aide-memoire de clinique chi- rurgicale, diagnostic, therapeutique generale et petite chirurgie, pour la preparation du cin- quieme examen. 16°. Paris, 1893. Legueu (F.) Lecons de clinique chirurgicale. (Hotel-Dieu, 1901.) 8°. Paris, 1902. Lejars (F.) Lecons de chirurgie. [La Pitie. 1893-4.] 8°. Paris, 1895. Lockavood (C. B.) Clinical lectures and ad- dresses on surgery. 12°. London, 1907. Lozano (R.) Lecciones de clinica quirurgica dadas en la Facultad de medicina de Granada (febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, 1899). 8°. Za- ragoza, 1900. Moxon (C.) Lecons de clinique chirurgicale faites a l'Hopital Necker. 8°. Paris, 1884. Moxtini (F.) Saggio di osservazioni e rifles- sioni chirurgico-pratiche. 12°. Ladi, 1808. Mum ford-(J.G.) One hundred surgical prob- lems. 8°. Boston, 1911. Norton (A. T.) Clinical lectures on recent surgery. 12°. London, 1804. Pao'et (Sir J.) Clinical lectures and essays. Edited by Howard March. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1879. ------. Studies of old case-books. 8°. 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Zambler ed E. Piccoli. 8°. Padova & Verona, 1892. Van Lennep (W. B.) Clinical lectures de- livered at the Hahnemann Hospital, Philadel- phia, rov. 8°. Philadelphia, 1897. Repr.from: Med. Inst. Phila.,1897. Bigelow (H. J.) Inaugural lecture, introductory to the course on surgery, delivered before the Medical School of Harvard University, Boston, 1849. In his: Surg. Amesth., S3, Bost., 1900, 222-258.-Bottinl (E.) Prele- zione al corso di clinica operativa (24 novembre 1896). Clin, chir., Milano, 1896, iv, 525-535.—Cavazzani (G.) Scuoli di medicina e chirurgia pratica nello Spedale dei S. S. Gio. e Paolo in Venezia; riassunto delle lezioni tenute nel 1901-2. Riv. veneta di sc. med.. Venezia, 1902, xxxvii, 97-112. — tiiiene (J.) Lectures on the elements or tirst principles of surgerv. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1879, xix, 119; 354: xx, 9; 05: 275; 339: 1880, xxi, 129; 193. Also, Reprint.—Keen ( W. W. ) Clini- cal lecture delivered at the Jefferson Medical College Hospital. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 2. s., iv, 195- 201.—IHoore (J. E.) Opening surgical clinic in the Uni- versitv of Minnesota. J.Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1910, n. s.. xxx, 420-423— Mo risani (D.) Prolusione al corso di clinica chirurgica letta nell' aula magna dell' Univer-ita di Siena. Incurabili, Napoli, 1893, viii, 333- 354.—.Tinrpliy (.1. B.l Surgical clinic and demonstra- tion. Cliieagu Clin. Uev., 1894-5, iv, 579; 640. Also, Re- print.—Patella iV.) Lezione di chiusura dell'anno scolastie.) 1399-1090. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1900, vi, 209; 217; 22-V—(liienu. Lecon d'ouverture. Presse med., Par., 1909, xvii. loy-173.—Reeliis (P.) Clinique chirurgicale de la Charite; lei, on d'ouverture, 27 Janvier 1905. Ibid., 1905, i, 57-00.—May re ( L. A.) A clinical surgical lecture delivered in Kellevue Hospital amphitheatre. December 24,1879. Gaillard's M. J., X. Y. 1880. xxix. 73-85. Also, Reprint.—Selia'l'er (F. C.) Surgical clinic. Chicago Clin. Rev.. 1895-6, v. 100-174.—Senn (X.) A surgical clinic. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1895-6, ii, 241; 409.— Shears (G. F.) The clinic on general surgery. Clinique, Chicago, 1*90, xvii, 590-597.—Solleri(S.) Dimostrazione di uno schema di storia clinica adottato nella Clinica chi- rurgica generale di Siena. Atti d. r. Accad. d. flsiocrit. in Siena, 1902, 4. s., xiv, 49.—Steele (D. A. K.) Clinical lecture. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1894-5, iv, 605-622.—Teale ,(T. P.) Introductory address on King's College Hos- pital; a retrospect. [The Leeds Infirmary during the last fortv-five vears; increase in the number of operations 1 Brit. M. J.! Loud., 1906, ii, 828-s31.—Tubby (A. H.) A clinical lecture on a demonstration of surgical cases. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1910, n. s., lxxxix. 674-677. Surgery (Clinical, Xursing in). Bishop (E. S.) Lectures to nurses on anti- septics in surgery. 12° London, [1891]. Blcmberg (J.) Leitfaden fiir die chirur- gische Krankenpflege. roy. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1911. van Dort Kroon (D. W. C.) Een bladzijde uit de praktijk der operatiekamer voor zusters, voornamelijk met het oog op kleine ziekenhui- zen. 12°. Zalt-Bommel, 1902. Fullerton (Anna M.) Nursing in abdominal surgery and diseases of women; a series of lec- tures delivered to the pupils of the Training School for Nurses connected with the Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia, comprising their regu- lar course of instruction on such topics. 12°. Philadelphia, ls statistics of) [Prior to 1868]. graphite depinguntur. Quibus accesserunt ejus- dem libri iii de incerto ac fallaci urinarum ju- dicio adversus uromantas et uroscopos. fol. Francofurti, 1610. ----—. The same. fol. Francofurti, 1634. -----. Thesame. fol. Francofurti, 1661. Heil (B.) * Conspectus in instituto clinico chirurgico Lipsiensi, Guenthero moderatore, a die 15. Octobr. 1S41 ad finem a. 1843 usque actorum, additis aliquot de fascia glutinata s. Seutini, etc., commentariolis. 8°. Lipsix, 1844. Hey ( \Y. ) Chirurgische Beobachtungen durch Fade erlautert, Nach der dritten Aus- • gabe des englischen Originals ubersetzt. 8°. Weimar, 1S23. Le Dran (H. F.) Observations in surgery; containing one hundred and fifteen different cases; with particular remarks on each, for the improvement of young students; written origi- nally in French . . . Transl. by J. S[parow], surgeon; embellish'd with copper plates. 8°. London, 1739. Nuck (A.) Operationes et experimenta chi- rurgica. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1691. -----. The same. ed. novissima. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1714. Parea (A.) Saggio di osservazioni chirur- giche. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Milano . Polaillon. Statistique et observations de chirurgie hospitaliexe. 8°. Paris, 1894. Poppi (A.) Resoconto statistico delle opera- zioni eseguite (1° settembre 1897—31 agosto 1902). 8°. Bologna, 1903. Porter (J. H.) List of operations performed at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, from 1873 to 1875, with short abstracts of the more important cases. 8°. London, [1875]. Preto (A.) Relazione sulP atto operativo eseguito al Conte Luigi Martinengo Villagana. 8°. Bergamo, 1896. R. Ltniversit1 di Pisa. Istituto di clinica chirurgica della . . . Rendiconto clinico-statis- tico delle operazioni eseguite nei periodi e.-tivo- autunnali 1898-1901 e negli anni scolastici 1895- 6—1900-1901 dal Dott, Giuseppe Tusini. 8:. Pisa, 1901. Raboti hospitalnol khirurgicheskoi kliniki P. I. Dyakonova. [Work of Dvakonoff's Hospital surgical clinic] v. 1-15. 8°. Moskva, 1903-8. SURGERY. 215 SURGERY. Surgery (Cases of, Clinical reports and statistics of) [After 1868]. Raisz (S.) KOzlemeny a budapesti k. m. t.- egyetem 2. szamii (Reczey Itnretanar) sebeszeti kiinikumarol; a klinikum betegforgalma 1899 evben. [Communication from the surgicalclinic of the Budapest Royal Hungarian Scientific So- ciety, section 2 (Emerich Reczey, professor); the pathological work of the clinic in 1899.] fol. Budapest, 1903. Rebeck (A. E.) & Vitaoliano (G. B.) Casuis- tica chirurgica delP operazioni praticate negli ospedali Rugy;i d'Aragona e S. Giovanni di Dio negli anni 1898-9. 8°. Salerno, 1899-1900. Reczey (I.) A budapesti k. m. t. egyetemi 2. szamii sebeszeti klinikum betegforgalma 1901 november, deczember es 1902 evben. [Patho- logical report of the General Royal Hungarian Society's Surgical Clinic of Budapest, 2. division, for November and December, 1901, and the year 1902.] 8°. Budapest, 1904. Reg noli (G.) Resoconto delle principali operazioni chirurgiche. 8°. Pistoia, 1897. Reg noli (L.) Breve riassunto delle opera- zioni chirurgiche eseguite nella condotta di Giuncarico. 8°. Pisa, 1900. Reina (E.) Clinica chirurgica della r. Uni- versita di Catania, ossia memorie di patologia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria, contenenti le osservazioni raccolte nelle stessa clinica. Tom. 1. 8°. Catania, 1869. Renton (J. C.) Contributions to clinical surgery. 8°. London, 1905. Reyher (K.) Meditsinskiy otchot o die- yatelnosti khirurg. otdieleniya Mariinskol bol- nitsi dlya blednikh v s.-Peterburgle za 1884 g. (Part I.) [Medical report of surgical section of Maria Hospital for the Poor, for the year 1884.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1885. Ricci (G.) Ospedale di Sinigaglia, casa penal e pei cronici. Riparti di chirurgia. Statistica ed osservazioni cliniche intorno alle operazioni chi- rurgiche eseguite dal 1885 al 1891. 8°. Sini- gaglia, 1892. Roggeri (D.) Ventisei mesi di chirurgia operatoria con cinque mesi di interinato all' Os- pedale civile di Adria. 8°. Milano, 1895. Rondelli (G.) Ospedale civile di Bevagna. Resoconto clinico-statistico delle operazioni chi- rurgiche eseguite dal 1° ottobre 1902 al 31 decem- bre 1903. 8°. Sanseverino-Marche, 1904. Rosolino (F. F.) Casuistica chirurgica. 8°. Palermo, 1899. Rossi (U.) Resoconto statistico-clinico delle operazioni chirurgiche praticate nel quinquen- nio 1899-1903 nell' Ospedale civile di Spoleto. 8°. Spoleto, 1904. St. Mary's Hospital, Mayo Clinic. Roches- ter, Minn. Collected papers" by the staff, 1905-9. 4°. Phileidelphia, 1911. Salomoni (A.) Resoconto della clinica chi- rurgica propedeutica di Camerino. Anno 6, 1891-2. 8°. Camerino, 1892. Salvetat (C.) Relazione sul servizio me- dico-chirurgico nell' Ospedale civile di Asola pel bienno 1900-1901. roy. 8°. Mantova, 1902. Sartirana (T.) Ospedale maggiore di San Giovanni e della citta di Torino. Rendiconto statistico delle operazioni chirurgiche. 8°. To- rino, 1905. Sebeszeti adatok. [Surgical contributions.] 4°. Budapest, 1900. Segale (G. B.) Resoconto statistico-clinico, anno 1883. 4°. Genova, 1894. Surgery (Cases of Clinical reports and statistics of) [After 1868]. ------. Resoconto statistico-clinico dell' anno 1895 della 4. sezione chirurgica delP Ospedale S. Andrea. 4°. Genova, 1896. Servetti(G.) Ospedale civile di Voghera. Rendiconto. Operazioni eseguite dal ... 8°. Voghera, 1904. Severi (A. R.) Dodici mesi di chirurgia neP- P Ospedale civile di Legnago. 1903-4. 8°. Legnago, 1904. Sick (P.) Chirurgische Erfahrungen aus dem Ambulatorium der chirurgischen Universitiits- klinik zu Kiel auf Grund eines Dreijahrsbe- richts, April 1900-1903. 8°. Kiel, [1904]. Sklifosovski (N. V.) Otchot khirurgiches- koi kliniki N. V. Sklifosovskavo pri Imperator- skom Moskovskom Universitetle. 1884-5; 1889- 90 akadem. gg. Sostav.: A. P. Levitski; I. P. Lang i A. N. Zakharoff. [Report of the surgi- cal clinic of ... at the Moscow University, for the academic years 1884-5; 1889-90, compiled by . . .] 8°. Moskva, 1891. Soave (L.) Rendiconto della divisione chi- rurgica (Riparto IV) nei mesi di agosto-dicem- bre 1893. Con P aggiunta degli atti operativi praticati dal 1° gennaio sino a tutto 28 febbraio 1894. 8°. Vicenza, 1894. Spital zu Basel. Jahresberichte fiber die chi- rurgische Abteilung und die chirurgische Poli- klinik des Spitals zu Basel in den Jahren 1870- 98. Erstattet von A. 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[Communication from the surgical clinic of the Budapest Royal Hunga- rian Scientific Society, section 2 (Emerich Reczev, professor); the pathological work of the clinic "in 1901.] fol. Budapest, 1903. Verciani (G.) Resoconto clinico dei malati chirurgici curati durante un anno (1° luglio 1891—30 giugno 1892). 8°. Castelnuovo Garfa- gnana, 1892. ------. Malattie chirurgiche curate nel trien- nio 1893-5. Resoconto clinico riassuntivo. 8°. Castelnuoro Garfagnana, 1896. Vvedenski (A. A.) Obzor naiichnol vracheb- no-khirurgicheskoi dieyatelnosti po llechebnim zavedeniyam g. Tomska za 1904-5 akademi- cheskiy god. [Review of the surgical work of the Tomsk hospitals for 1904-6.] 8°. Tomsk, 1907. SURGERY. 216 SURGERY. Surgery (Cases of, Cl inical reports and statistics of) [After 1868]. Waldstein (M.) Krankheitsbewegungen und Behandlung in der chirurgischen Poliklinik zu Wiirzburg vom 1. Januar 1890 bio 31.Dezember 1894. 8°. Wiirzburg 1895. Vbadic. Statistique des operations faites en octobre- novembre l'.t04 a l'I16pital civil d'Oran. Montpel. med., 1904, xix, .v>;-.v>8. -----. Statistique des operations faites du i« octoire 1904 au 1" Janvier 1907. Bull.mcd.de l'Algerie, Alger, 1907, xviii, 58-66.—Agapyeff (B. N.) Kratkiy otchot o dieyatelnosti khirurgicheskavo otdle- leniya Kologrivskol uvezdnol zemskoi bolnitsi s maya 190s"po oktvabr 1909. [Brief report of the activity of the surgical ward of the Hospital of the Kologrivsk County Zemstvo, from Mav, 190*. to October, 1909.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1910, xxvii, li:JG-'J40.— Aievoll (E.) Rendiconto su mille casi clinici studiati nell' ambulatorio della clinica chirurgica, r. Univer>ita Siena. Incurabili, Na- poli, 1896, xi, 321-424—A Ho & I»e Vreese (C.) Hopital st<- Elisabeth d'Anvers.:service du Dr. Conrad; operations pratiquees en 1905. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers, 1906, xi, 83-116.—Alsobrook (J. W.) Surgery outside of the hospital, with reports of some cases of interest. South. M. J., Nashville, 1911, iv, 340-346.—Anderson (A. B.) Report of a few surgical cases by a general practitioner. Omaha Clinic, 1895-6, viii, 300-303.—Annual report of surgical operations at the Private Infirmary of Drs. Charles S. and Samuel B. Briggs during its 19th and 20th seasons, from September 10th, 1909, to August 1st, 1911. Nashville J. M. &8., 1910, civ, 289; 337: 1911, cv, 291; 337.— Ardouin (P.) Statistique des operations pratiquees en 1901-3 [a Cherbourg]. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1904, xiii, 175-190. —Arkhangelskaya (Aleksandra G.) Kratkiy ocherk dvukheletnel khirurgicheskoi dieyatel- nosti Petrovskol Zemskoi Liechebnitsi (s 1-vo yanv. 1892 g. po 1-vo yanv. 1894 g.). [Brief sketch of the sur- gical activity of the Hospital of the Petrovskoye Zemstvo for the two years Jan. 1, 1892, to Jan. 1, 1894.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 621; 652.—Aronofl* (N.) Khirur- gicheskayadleyatelnostOmskol pereselencheskol bolnitsi za 5 1. (s 1 iyunya 1902 po 1 iyunya 1907). [The surgical activity of the Omsk Immigrant Hospital for five years (June 1, 1902, to June 1, 1907).] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1908, xxiii, 79-91.—Atyas-JHaraty (M.) Nota asupra resul- tatulul citor-va experiente intreprinse in serviciul me- dico-chirurgical al Osp. f>anteleimon, intre anil 1894-6. Spitalul, BucurescI, 1897, xvii, 223-230.—Audain (L.) Statistique chirurgicale. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 791-795.—Audet. Observations gene- rales au sujet de 37 cures radicales de hernie, 15 cures radicales de varicocele et de 6 cas d'appendicite. Arch. de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1897, xxx, 104; 164.— Bail let. Statistique des operations faites pendant l'annee 1903. Ann. med.-chir. du centre, Tours, 1904, iv, 166-168.—Bakes (J.) Nastin operativni dinnosti v nemocnici trebicskc za prvni pololeti. [Sketch of the operative activity of the Tfebi6 Hospital for the first half year.] Casop. le.*k. cesk., v. Praze, 1903, xiii, 1002; 1025, 1057; 1074.—Bandone (G.) Rendiconto statistico delle operazioni chirurgiche eseguite negli stabilimenti sani- tari militari nell' anno 1901. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1905, liii, 561-609.—Binizet [et al.]. Statistique des operations faites h la clinique chirurgicale de la Faculte de medecine, a l'Hopital de la Pitie, pendant l'annee 1900. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1901, n. s., vi; 133-137.—Bar Der (D. C.) A report on some of the more unusual surgical cases, with methods of treatment, in the Lo< Angeles Countv Hospital during the past four years. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1907, xxii, 614-620.— Barkley (A. H.) Clinical notes on some of the cases treated privately and at the surgical clinic at the Good Samaritan Hospital. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1909, cii, 551.—Barlow (J.) Statistics of surgical operations from 1883 to 1892. Glasgow M. J., 1892, xxxviii, 1-16.— Barnsby (H.) Releve statistique des operations pra- tiquees a la Maison de Sante des Dames Blanches pen- dant les annees 1900-1901 (gynecologie, chirurgie gene- rale); remarques generates sur ces operations. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1902, xi, 511-519.—Baronl (A.) Statistica delle operazioni chirurgiche eseguite nell' Os- pitale di Santa Croce nelle Giudicarie dal settembre 1902 al settembre 1903. Boll. med. trentino, Trento, 1903, xxii, 267-281.—Batut (L.) Dix ans de chirurgie hospi- taliere, statistique operatoire. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Drome [etc.], Valence & Par., 1907, viii, 153-166 — Bayer (C.) Aus der chirurgischen Praxis. Ztschr. f. arztl. Landpraxis, Frankf. a. M., 1896, iv, 272-277. -----. Ueber die Endresultate der an der chirurgischen Abthei- lung des Kaiser Franz Joseph Kinder-Spitals in Prag seit dem Jahre 1888 operierten Falle von Spina bifida und Encephalocele. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Berl., 1897, xviii, 405- 420— Beckman (E. H.) A report of the surgical clinic at St. Mary's Hospital of Rochester, Minnesota, for the month of July, 1910. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1910, 20. s., iv, 111-120.—Bell (J.) Notes on forty years of surgery. Scalpel, Lond., 1898, iii, 338-345.—Bello (E.) Estadistica Surgery (Cases of Clinical reports and statistics of) [After 1868]. de las operaciones practicadas en el servicio dc cirugia del . . . durante los anos 1907, 1908 y 1909, por el jefe de servicio. asistido por susinternos. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1909, xxvi, 425.—Bello (E.) & Denegri. Estadistica del servicio de cirugia del Hospital de Santa Ana, ano 1906. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1907, xxiv, 177-180.—Bennett i sir W. H.) On some cases illustrating the necessity for accurate observation in the management of surirical cases. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1584-1587.—Bent ley (C. E.) Report of surgical cases. Tr. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1902, xxvii, 132-136.—Bergman (K. Yu.) Otchot ob operativnol dieyatelnosti khirurgicheskikh otdleleniy Peterburgskavo Nikolayevskavo voyennavo hospitalya v techeniye semi Het (1900-1906 g.). [Report of the operative activity of the surgical wards of the Nicholas Military Hospital of St. Petersburg, for seven years . . .] Voyenrto-med. J., St. Petersb., 1907, ccxviii, med.-spec. pt., 606: ccxix, med.-spec. pt., 14; 219; 388.— von Bergmann. Resoconti universitarii; R. e I. Clinica chirurgica dell' lTniversita di Berlino; relazione del I. corso semestrale 1901-2 dal E. Fossataro. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1902, viii, pt. 1, 612; 731; pt. 2, 291.— Bernabai (V.) Da una statistica operativa. Med. nuova, Roma, 1910, i, 137-141.—Berry (W. T.) A report of a hundred and twenty-eight surgical cases. Ala- bama M. J., Birmingh., 1910, xxiii, 505-509. Also: Gulf States J. M. & S. [etc.], Mobile, 1910, xvii, 389-393.— Blelyayeff (G. P. ) Otchot o khirurgicheskoi dieyatelnosti Osinskol Zemskoi bolnitsi s 1 yanv. 1909 po 31 iyunya 1910. [Report of the surgical activity of the Osin Zemstvo Hospital from Jan. 1, 1909, to June 31, 1910.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1910, xxviii, 576-586.— Blake (J. E.) Report of six months' work in the Brooklyn Hospital Dispensary, first surgical division, including a brief report of five hundred cases. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxviii, 834-S3S.— Blake- way (H.) A report on cases of surgical interest from Gordon Watson's out-patients (March to September, 1910). St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1910, Lond., 1911, xlvi, 187-197.— Blanc (J.) Hospital de la Princesa; clinica quiriirgica del Dr. Cospedal; notas clinicas. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1909, lxxxv, 129-134.—Blok. Mededee- lingen van chirurgischen aard uit Kotta-Iiadja, loopende over het jaar 1887 en begin 1888. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav.,1889, xxix, 473-504.—Boeekel (J.) Statistique des operations pratiquees pendant les annees 1892-1902. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1893-1907, lii-lxvi, pas- sim.—Bogoyavlcnski (N.) Kratkiy otchot khir. ot- dleleniy Yeletskol gor. zemskoi bolnitsi s 1 marta 1901 po 1 yanv. 1906. [Brief report of the surgical wards of the City Hospital of the Yelets Zemstvo, from March 1, 1901, to Jan. 1, 1906.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1906, xx, 390-395. — Bo Under ( E. V.) Operationer verk- stiilda pa Sabbatsbergs sjukhus' kirurgiska afdelning under ar 1890. Arsberiitt. f. Sabbatsbergs Siukh. i Stock- holm (1890), 1891, xii, 55-64.—Bondareft. Obzor ope, ratsiy, pro'izvedyonnikh v ekonomicheskoi bolnitsie Lo- pukhina-Demidova v Korsunle s 1891 po 1900 god vklyu- chitelno. [Operations performed in the Lopukhin-Demi- doff Hospital in Korsun from 1891 to 1900.] Khirurgi'a- Mosk., 1901, x, 404-428.—Bore 1H (E.) Un biennio di pratica chirurgica nell' Ospedale dei cronici in qualita di aiuto dal l°luglio 1903 al 30 giugno 1905; rendiconto sta- tistico-clinico. Pammatone, Genova, 1906, x, 3-112.-----. Esposizione dei principali atti operativi eseguiti nella prima meta del 1906. Ibid, 125-140.—Bousquet ( H.) Compte-rendu des, operations pratiquees a la Clinique chirurgicale de l'Ecole de medecine de Clermont-Fer- rand. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1904-5, x, 28; 53; 80.—Branlt(J.) Statistique des operations pratiquees a Alger du 1<* juin lS95au 1« juin 1897. Arch. prov. de c;hir., Par., 1898, vii, 163-179.—Bremken. Hopital S*- Elisabeth, a Anvers; service du docteur Leon Desguin; statistique generale des operations pratiquees pendant l'annee 1891. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1892, liv, 173- 215.—Brewer (G. E.) Operative surgery at the City Hospital, with a preliminary report on the study of wound infect ion. N. York M. J., 1896, lxiii, 569-576. Also, Reprint. -----. Studies in surgical technic, with a report on operative surgery at the Citv Hospital for 1898 and IS99. Med. News, N. Y., 1900, lxxvii, 439-141.—Brov- t*in(N. P.) Otchot po khirurgicheskoi))u otdieleniyu I'silerinavo Lazareta L.-Gv. Konnavopolkas Blagovle- shtshenskim ofitserskim otdleleniyem za 1910 g. [Report of the surgical ward of the Auxiliary Hospital of the Cav- alry Regiment of the Bodyguards, with the officers' ward of Blagovieshtshensk for 1910.] Voyenno-med. J. St. Petersb., 1911, ccxxxi, med.-spec. pt., 507-537.—Brown (E. H.) Surgical cases from the Sambhu Nath Pandit Hospital, Calcutta. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1901, xxxvi, 414-416.—Brown (G. S.) Report of surgical cases as done in the private home Tr. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1902, xxvii, 103-111.—Bryant (T.) Gleanings from surgical practice. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 1096; 1154; 1419: 1896; i, 87; 343.—Buckmaster (A. H.) [et al.]. Report of operative cases treated in the dispensary annex of the SURGERY. 2 17 SURGERY. Surgery (Cases of Clinical rejxnis and statistics of) [After 1868\. University of Virginia during 1897-8. Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 1898-9, iii, 475-479— But'alinl (M.) Un anno di chirurgia nell' Ospedale civile di Filottrano. Gazz. med. d. Marche, Civitanova-Marche, 1891, i, 129- 150.—Burlakoff (M.) God khirurgicheskoi dieyatel- nosti v Staroblelskol zemskoi bolnitsle. [A year of sur- gical activitv in the Hospital of the Zemstvo of Staro- blelsk.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1910, xxviii, 122-129.—Bu- sclii (A.) Bericht aus der chirurgischen Klinik zu Bo- logna fiir das Studienjahr 1896-7. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1S98, xx, 579-594.—Butkevieli (F. T.) Krat- kiya svledieniya o dieyatelnosti khirurgicheskavo otd. Pereyaslavskol zemskoi bolnitsi (s yanv. 1907 apr. 1908). [Brief information of the activity of the surgical ward of the Perevaslav Hospital (from Januarv, 1907, to April, 1908).] Khirurgia,Mosk., 1908,xxiv,602-607.—Campbell (J. L.) A report of some casts from the surgical clinic of the Atlanta College of Phvsicians and Surgeons. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1905, lvi, 96-103.— <'apurro (M. A.) Due mesi di pratica chirurgica in funzione di priniario; resoconto statistico-clinico. Pammatone, Genova, 1904, viii, 3-98. -----. Esercizio chirurgico spedaliero in sup- plenza di primario (settembre-ottobre 1904). Ibid., 1905, ix, 3-33.-----. Spedale Pammastone; statistica delle ope- razioni eseguite nel periodo luglio 1902-dicembre 1904 in qualita di assistente ed aiuto. Ibid., 35-60.—far I ess (A.) Notes of cases of interest. King's Coll. Hosp. Kcp. 1895-6, Lond., 1897, iii, 9S--105.— Carmicliacl (K. S.) Fifty vears' stirgerv in the Roval Infirmarv, Edinburgh: a short review. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb.,"l902, xi, 130- 137.—Casati iE.) Resoconto statistico delle operazioni eseguite nel triennio l.s90-8. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1899, 6. s., iv, 213-219.—Castiglione jMorelli (P.) Re- soconto statistico di 65 operazioni praticate nel trimestre, luglio,agosto,settembre 1904. Incurabili. Napoli, 1905, xx, 65-94.—Castiglioni (G.) Rendiconto clinico opera- tivo, anno 190S. Osp. magg. Riv. scient. prat. d. . . . di Milano, 1909, iv, 282; 330: 362: 410.—fates (B. B.) Clini- cal report of some interesting surgical cases. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, vii, 264. .A'"o, Kept int.—f bee- ver (D. W.) The comparative ro-ults of my twelve hundred and thirty-eight surgical operations done at the City Hospital, from 1864 to 1890, the larger portion per- formed before the discovery and use of antisepsis: with a ratio of recovery of 85 + per cent., and a mortality of less than 15 per cent. Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 1894, 5. s., 9-18. -----. Some cases not operable. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1898. xvi. 306-308.—Cnenieux. Cli- nique chirurgicale de l'hopital de Limoges; statistique des operations pratiquees en 1899. Limousin med., Limoges, 1901, xxv. 29-37.—Cheyne (W. W.) Notes on cases of interest. King's coll. Hosp. Rep. 1895-6, Lond., 1897, iii, ■>5-'.<7.—fliiene (J.) Practical observations in surgerv. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1898, v, 310: 1900, vi, 23s.— f iartos'o (L.) Alcuni casi di chirurgia brevemente illustrati. Saggi di chir. . . . giubileo di L. Bruno, Torino, 1894, 61- 77.—Cooper (E. S.) Results of surgical operations in California. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1S5«, ii, 110- 132—Corazza(L.) Ospedale civile di Verona; resoconto del riparto di chirurgia generale(l« luglio 1894 a 31 dicem- bre lsv5). Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 507; 541:1896, xxv,23:49: 112.— Corbin (F. G.) Notes from practice in the Argentine Republic. Montreal M. J., 1899, xxviii, 922: 1900, xxix, 117.—Crandon (L. R. G.) Mortality after operations of election. Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 1905, 159-161.—Cuellar Buran. Sobre las interven- ciones quinirgieas practicadas en la Casa de Salud de septiemhre de 1905 n septiembre de 1906. Rev. med. de Bogota, 1906-7, 227-230.— Czerny (V), Petersen (W.) [et al.]. Jahresbericht der Heidelberger chirurgischen Klinik, mit einem Vorwort. Beitr. z. klin.Chir., Tubing., 1900, xxix, Suppl.-Hft, pp. i-viii, 1-252. -----. Jahresbe- richt der Heidelberger chirurgischen Klinik fiir das Jahr 1900. Ibid.. 1901, xxxi, Suppl.-lift.,i-viii. 1-276.—Czerny iV.) & ViMker. Jahresbericht der Heidelberger chi- rurgischen Klinik fiir das Jahr 1904. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1905, xlvi, Suppl.-Hft., 1-231.—Balle Ore (G.) Un secondo triennio chirurgico all' Ospedale civile di Adria (1891-3). Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1894, xx. 146; 349: 1894, xxi, Mis.—Beaver (J. B.) Report of operai ions performed at the public clinics for students at the Cerman Hospital during the session of 1904 and 1905. X. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii, 111-115. -----. Report of operations, performedat the public clinics for students at the German Hospital of Philadelphia, during the ses- sion of 1905 to 1907. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg., 1908, ix, 213: 1909, xi,27. -----. Report of Saturday surgical clinics for students. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1908, xlvii, 761-782:1909,xlix, 821-*46. -----. Reportof Saturday surgical cliniesforstu- dents, held at German Hospital of Philadelphia, 1908 and 1909. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1910, 20. s., ii, 125-146, 4pl.— Debersaqnes. Rapport sur la clinique chirurgicale a rUnivcrsit6 ric Gand pendant l'annee academique 1892-3 to 1895-6. Ann. Soc.demed. deGand, 1893-7, lxxii-lxxvi, passim.—Dcfontalne (L ) Installation chirurgicale et statistique des operations du 1« trimestre a l'H6tel-Dieu Surgery (Cases of, Clinical reports and statistics of) [After 1868]. du Creusot. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1895, iv, 217-235. ^Uso,Reprint.—Deliner. Operations-Statistik des Jahres 1903. Vereinsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1904, xx, 58-00.—Delagenlere (H.) Statistiquegeneraledesope- rations pratiquees au Mans pendant les annees 1892-1911. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1893-1911, ii-xx, passirn.—Del- bet (I'. 1 Statistique des operations pratiquees du 1« oc- tobre 1905auleroctobrel906. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc- verb. [etc.], Par., 1906, xix, S77-891.—Deletrez (A.) Statistiques desoperations pratiquees pendant les annees 1893a 1910. Ann.de l'lnst. chir.deBrux., 1S91-1911,i-xviii, passim.—Dentil- (F. S.) Reportof 1.163 surgical cases occurring during two months'service at St. Vincent's Hos- pital. Intermit. J. Surg., N. Y., 1903, xvi, 129-132—Des- U'uin (L.) Operations pratiquees pendant les annees 1*92 et 1893; releve statistique et observations. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1894, lvi, 185-226. —Despres (A.) Statistique des operations et affections chirurgi- cales du service a l'Hopital de la Charite. Bull, et in in. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1892, n. s., xviii, 338-341.—De Vita (D.) Quattro anni di esercizio chirurgico nell' Os- pedale militare marittimo della Maddalena. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1904, ii, 388; 532; 722: 1905, i, 48.—Die- dolt" (V.) Svledieniyao dieyatelnosti Khirurgicheskavo otd. Askhabadskavo inlestnavo lazareta za 1907-8 g. g.] [Activity of the surgical division of the Askhabad Local Hospital for 1907.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1908, xxxv, 78-83. Continued in: Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1910, ccxxvii, med.-spec. pt.,,257-266.—Djemil pacha. Clinique chi- rurgicale de l'Ecole imperiale militaire de medecine de Constantinople: statistique des operations du 13 mars 1893 au 31 decembre 1897. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1898-9, xii, 323-336. — Dollinger ( G. ) Kimutatas a budapesti kir. magyar tud -egyetem I. sz. sebeszeti klini- kajan fekvo betegeken az 1901-2, tanev II. feleben, azaz 1902, januarl-jetol 1902. Junius 30-dikaig vegzett miite- tekrol. [Report of operations from September, 1901, to June 30, 1902, in the Surgical Clinic, first section, of the Budapest Roval Hungarian Scientific Societv.] Orvosi, hetil., Budapest, 1902, xlvi, 107; 690: 708.*— Doughty (\V. H.), jr. Surgical cases. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1904, Birmingham, 1905, xvii, 481-488 — Douglas (K. M.) Notes on certain groups of cases of surgical disease. Edinb.Hosp.Rep., 1894,ii, 609-623.-----. Mortality in the surgical wards, 1891-6. Ibid.. 1898, v, • 372-385.—Dranitsfn (N. M.) Obzor khirurgicheskoi dieyatelnosti Margelanskavo mlestnavo lazareta v 1895 g. [Review of the surgical activity of the Margelan Local Lazaretto during 1895.] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1903, i, med. pt., 545; 799. — Dreyfus* (R.) Bericht iiber die Tiitigkeit der an die chirurgische Universitiits- klinik angeschlossenen Poliklinik fur Halskranke wah- rend des ersten Jahres ihres Bestehens. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1906, iii, 278-282.—Dufour (E.) Releve des opera- tions pratiquees, pendant l'annee 1903, dans le service de M. le PrThiriar, a l'Hopital St.-Pierre. Clinique,Brux., 1904, xviii, 121-124. — Du verge y (J.) Statistique des operations d'urgence pendant la riureed'un clinicat (ser- vice de clinique chirurgicale dc M. le Professeur Lane- longue, nov. 1903-nov. 1906). Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1907, xxviii, 352; 364: 377. —Dyakonoff (P. I.) Hospitalniya khirurgicheskiya kliniki. [Hospital surgical clinics.] Raboti hosp. khirurg. klin. Dyako- nova, Mosk., 1903,ii, 3-55.—von Fiselsberg&Hoche- negg. Das k. k. chirurgische Operations-Instiiut in Wien. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 305-309—Erd- mann (J. F.1 Statistical report of seven hundred and three major operations, from the records of eight hospi- tals of New York City. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxii, 358-362. — Fauiitleroy (P. C.) Some notes taken at surgical clinics in Chicago. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1911, xxviii, 453-457.—Faure (J.-L.) Trois cas de pratique chirurgicale. Med. mod., Par., 1902. xiii, 281. — Fede- riei (N.) Annotazioni scientifiche al rendiconto som- mario delta sezione chirurgica. I'iv. internaz. di clin. e terap., Napoli, 1908, iii, 65. — Ferguson (G. B.) Re- marks on some cases in general surgerv. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 1521. — Fernandas & Van Swieten. Releve des operations pratiquees par M. le Dr. Goris a la clinique de l'lnstitut chirurgical de Bruxelles, en 1901. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1902, ix, 17-36. — Fllep (G.) A sebeszeti klinika mukodese 1896 es 1897-ben. [Joseph Brandt, Kolozsvar.] [Work of Surgical Clinic 1896-7.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1899, xliii, 393; 408; 423; 436; 447.—Fis< Iier (F.) Bericht iiber die chirurgische Klinik in strassburg i. E. vom 20. Februar bis 1. October 1894. (Die Krankenbewegung, Operationen und Bemer- kungen iiber die Wundbehandlungdaselbst; die Narkose und ihre Zufiille; nebst Mittheilung einiger Falle.) Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1896, xliii, 412-442 — Floderus (B.) Rapport 6fvero operationer, utforda a Akademiska Sjukhuset i Upsala ar 1894. [Report on the operations at the Academic Hospital at Upsala for 1894.] Upsala Liikaref. Forh., l'o,Reprint.—Hearu (W. J.) Reportof three months' service in the .lollop., ,n College Hospital. West. Surgery (Cases of Clinical reports and statistics of) (After 1868]. M. Reporter, Chicago. 1893, xv, 269-272. — llcimamt (G.) Die im Jahre 1894 in den Heilanstalten Prcusscns ausgefiihrten Operationen. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berl 1897, liv, 223-270.—Hey len ( H. ) & Kano (P.) Ho- pital S'e Elisabeth; service de chirurgie du Dr Breni- ken; operations pratiquees pendant l'annee 1905. [Rap.] Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers, 1906, xi, 165-176.— Hildebrand. Bericht iiber die chirurgische 1'oli- klinik der Charite vom 8. Februar 1896 bis 1. April 1897. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1897, xxii, 482: 1898, xxiii, 586.— Hinder (H.C.) Surgical work of the year. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1910, xxix, 175-181.—Holder (A. B.) Cases from surgical service, St. Joseph's Hospital. Mem- phis M. Month., 1896, xvi, 179-185.—Holmes (J. B. S.) Report of a few surgical cases. Atlanta Clinic, 1896, v, no. 7, 5-24.-----. Some surgical cases. Med. Age, De- troit, 1896, xiv. 170-176.—Horwitz (O.) A brief account of a few surgical cases of unusual interest, l'hila. M. J., 1900, v, 922; 1097. Also, Reprint.—Hussey (K. L.) Sta- tistical report of cases of amputation, lithotomy, and hernia, in the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford. Tr. Prov. M. & S. Ass., Lond., 1852, 95-116. —lgnatovieh ( K. I.) Kratkiya svledieniya o Moskovskoi tyuremnol bolnitsle i ocherk operativnol dieyatelnosti yeya khirurg. otd. za 1905. JOn the Moscow Prison Hospital and sketch of the operative activity of its surgical department for 1905.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1906, xx, 148-157. —lmbriaeo (P.) Rendiconto statistico delle operazioni chirurgiche ese- guite negli stabilimenti sanitari militari nell' anno 1907. Gior. di med.mil., Roma, 1908, lvi, 803-840.—Impera- torskiy Tomskiy Universitet. [Imperial University of Tomsk.] Otchot khirurgicheskoi fakultetskoi kliniki [1902-3]. Sostavlen A. Ziminini, V. F. Dagayevim i B. V. Padalka; pod redaktsiyel N. A. Rogovicha. [Report of the surgical clinic for 1902-3. Compiled bv A. Zimin, V. F. Dagaveff, and B. V. Padalka; edited bv N. A. Rogo- vich.] Izvlest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1901, xxiv, 111-235. See. also, supra.— Inoue (H.), Oka (K.) A- Sac-rune ( K. ) Osaka Igakkio Byoyen kaika kansha tokehio. [Summary of the cases treated at the surgical depart- ment of the Osakka Medical College Hospital during 1892.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. z. Tokio, 1893, vii, No. 8, 16-18.—Japan. Minister of War. Army Medical Bureau. Tokio yeishu bioyen kaikwabu no hoko. [The general report on the surgical department of the Tokio Military Hospital.] Rikukun Kunik. Kai Zatji, Tokio, 1891, no. 41, 1; no. 45, 21.—Jeannel. Statistique des operations pratiquees 4 la Clinique chirurgicale de la Faculte de medecine de Toulouse (service de M. le professcur Jean- nel) pendant l'annle scolaire 1891-2. Midi nu'd., Tou- louse, istrj. is'.rj, i, 424: 438: 450: 458.—Jeft'erys (W. H.) Practical surgical notes on the past year in St. Luke's, Shanghai. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1904, xviii, 14- 22, 2pl.—Jones (H. M.) Clinical observations on sur- gical cases. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 1; 39. Also, Reprint.— Kalliontzis (E ) STarurTiKJ) cyxet.prii> yevofxevwv ev tjj XeipovpyiK)} KXiviK-fj tou Atj^xot. Notroxo/ueiou 'A8r)v£>v ») 'EA7TI?. Ta\r)'vb<;, 'A6r)vai, 1896, XXV). 752-755.—Karr (J.) Report of some of the surgical work at t he new Kmergency Hospital during the past year. Virginia M. Month., Rich- mond, 1893-4, xx, 497-512. Also, Reprint—Kazomli (A. I.) Khirurgicheskiyanablyudeniya v Yclisavetgrad- skom miestnom lazaretle. [Surgical observations in the local hospital of Yelisavetgrad.] Voyenno-med. J.. St. Petersb., 1892. clxxv, unoffic pt, 1. sect., 353-383.—Ker- snovski (M. I.) O khirurgicheskoi dieyatelnosti I'o- lotskoi gorodskoi bolnitsi za poslledniye tri goda (s 1903 po 1905 g. vklyuchitelno). [Surgical activity of the Po- lotsk City Hospital for the last three years (from 1903 to 1905, inclusive).] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1906, xiii, 668-670. — Kliolodkovski (A.) Khirurgicheskaya dleyatelnost Kalachevskol zemskoi llechebnitst s 6-vo apr'lelya 1899 po 6-e aprlelya 1900 goda. [Surgical ac- tivity "of the Kalaehev Hospital, April 6, 1899, to April 6, 1900.] Med. besieda, Voronezh, 1900, xiv. 451-459 — Kime (R. R.) Reportof surgical cases. Atlanta Jour. Rec. Med., 1910-11, lvi, 85-92. Also: South M. .1.,Nashville, 1911. iv, 346-349.—Kin ii' (G. W.) Surgical cases in gen- eral practice. Med. Rec, N. 5'., 1897. Hi, 588- .v.i-j.—Kin- so lierf (J.) Bericht iiber die chirurgische Ableilung des Distriktskrankenhanses. Yereinshl. d. pfiilz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1905, xxi, 297-304. — Kirinisson (E.) Compte rendu du service chirurgical et orthopt-dique des Enfants-Assistes, du 1« decembre 1891 au 1" decembre 1892. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1893, iv, 1-26—Klapp (R.) & Donitz (A.) Die konigl. chirurgische Klinik zu Berlin 1810-1910. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii. 1883-1 ,hsc,.— Klauber (O.) Bericht iiber die■ Tatigkeit an der chi- rurgischen Abteilung des Dr. E. Meuscl am herzogl. Landkrankenhause in Gotha im zweiten Halbjahre 1905. Korr.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Jena, 1906, xxxv, 41; 107.—Klaussner (F.) Bericht fiber die kgl. chirurgische Universitats-Poliklinik zu Miinchen in den Jahren 1899 und 1900. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 306-309.—KSliler (A.) Bericht iiber die chirur- gische Klinik des Geheimrath von Bardeleben fiir die SURGERY. 219 SURGERY. Surgery (Cases of Clinical reports and statistics of) [After 1868\. Zeit vom 1. April 1890 bis 31. Miirz 1891. Oharite-Ann., Berl., 1892, xvii, 315-488.—Konig. Die Umgestaltung der chirurgischen Klinik der Charite im Jahre 1895-6. Ibid., 1897. xxii, 469-481.—Kolosoff (I. L.) [Tables of his surgical operations.] Frotok. Obsh. Omsk, vrach., 1885-6, iii, 17-35.—Kontovt (L. M.) Kratkiy otchot o statsionarnol khirurgicheskoi dieyatelnosti zemskavo uchastkovavo vracha za 6 Het (v Novokhopersk. uyezdle Voronezhskol gub.l [Short report of the surgical activity of the district physician for six years (in Novokhopersk", Voronezh Government).] Med. besleda, Voronezh, 1901, xv, 477; 516.—Korteweg (J. A.) Over de resultaten der chirurgie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1894, 2. R., xxx, pt. 2, 59-03.—Kouwer (B. J.I Integrale sta- tistiek der groote operaties van 20 Januari 1899 tot 31 De- cember 1899. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ycrlosk. en Gvnaec, Haarlem, 1900, xi, 267-296. — Kowalski (H.) Sprawo- zdanie o ruchu chorych i stanie chorob w oddziale chirur- gicznym i kilowym'szpitalu powszechnego w Tarnowie za czas od 11 maja 1874 do 11 maja 1875. [Report of the surgical department of the Tarnowa General Hospital for . . .] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1875, xiv, 318; 327; 334; 342; 351.—Kozlovskl (B. S.) Obzor operatsiy proi'zve- dvonnikh v Sotiyevskol bolnitsle grafov Bobrinskikh v Sinlelle s 1892 pol 898 g. vklyuchitelno. [Review of the operations performed in the Sofia Hospital in Smiehi, 1892-98.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1899, vi, 175-199—Kras- nobayeff(T. P.) Kratkiy tsifroviy otchot o dieyatel- nosti khirurgicheskavo otdleleniya Moskovskol Gorod- skol Bolnitsi Sv. Vladimira v 1898 godu. [Brief report of the activity of the surgical department of the Moscow City Children's Hospital in lsiis] Dletsk. med., Mosk., 1899, iv, 420-433—Krzykowski (M.) Sprawozdanie o chorobach chirurgicznych l^czonych \v szpitalu powsz. w Sanoku w czasie od lgo sierpnia 1874 de sierp. 1875 r. [Report of the surgical diseases treated in the Sanok Hospital, August, 1874, to August, ls7Y] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1875, xiv, 409; 417.—Kuslielt' ( X. E.) Khirur- gicheskaya dieyatelnost Petrov-koi zemskoi bolnitsi, Petr. u. Sarat. g., za 4£ goda: kratkiy otchot o 1,000 ope- ratsiy. [Surgical work of the Petrovsk Hospital during 41 years: short report of 1.000 operations.] Med. besleda, Voronezh, 1898, xii, 60v632.—Kuznetski 11).) Kratkiy otchot operativnoldievatelnosti Nizhnetagilskol zemskoi bolnitsi s 1 dek. 1899 po 1 apr. 1903. [Brief report of the operative activitv of the Hospital of the Zemstvo of Nizhnee Taghilsk. 1899-1903.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1904, xv, 104-113.—Lanibotte i A. i A Van Havre (O.) Compte- rendu de- operation- faites dans le service de chirurgiedu Dr Lambotte a l'H<5pital Sluyvenberg, annees 1900-1906. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers. 1901. lxiii, 53:1904, lxvi, 113; 209: 1908,lxx,47; 219— Lambotte (A.) & Van deWiele (L.) Rapport sur les operation- pratiquees pendant l'annee 1894 [a l'Hopital S« Elisabeth]. Ibi'L, 1895, lvii, 143-176.— Lapeyre (L.) Statistique des operations pratiquees en 1902-5. Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1904, ix, 81:1906, xi, 243.—Latis. Stati-tique des operations faites pendant l'annee 1903 a l'Hopital Israelite du Caire. Med. orient., Par., 1904, viii. 389; 461.—Le Conte (R. G.) A day's surgery in the Pennsylvania Hospital. Phila. M. J., 1899, iv, 827. Also, Reprint.—Leiiiiani (T.) Resoconto sta- tistico di un anno d' esercizio chirurgico. Ka--egna di sc. med., Modena, 1898-9, xiii, 117-147.—Leg rand (II.) Organisation du service chirurgical et gynecologique a l'Hopital europeen d'Alexandrie (Egypte); statistique des operations pratiquees de 1897 a 1905. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1903, xii, 758-770: 1904, xiii, 45; 106:1905, xiv, 511.—Lender. Statistique des operations pratiquees a l'Hopital civil des Anglais, a Liege, pendant les annees 1893, 1V"1 et 1*95. Gaz. med. de Liege, 1895-6, viii, 625-643. See, also, supra— Letoux. Resume de statistique de 500 operations faites a l'Hopital de Vannes. Anjou med., Angers, 1902, ix, 275-279.—Levit (V.) Kratkiya svledie- niya o khirurgicheskoi dieyatelnosti v Ardatovskol (Sim- birsk, gub.) zemskoi bolnitsle (s 1 okt. 1908 po 1 okt. 1909). [Brief notes on the surgical activity of the Hospi- tal of the Ardatov Zemstvo (Simbirsk Government), from Oct. 1, 190s, to Oct. 1, 1909.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1910, xxvii, 117-122.—liockwood (C. R.) Medical cases in surgical practice. Clin. J.. Lond., 1908-9, xxxiii, 49-54.— Lone, i F. A.) Three unusual recent cases from general practice; foreign body in the air passages, phantom tumor, and perforative appendicitis. West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1897, ii, 41.—Lozano (R.) Las estaditicas quirurgicas; consideradas desde el punto de visia pro- fesional. Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1906, v,402-409.—Lueas- Cliampioiiniere. Le progres de la chirurgie modenie juge par une statistique de la resection du genou. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1908. lxxix, 401-105.—Mc.\onald (W. G.) Report of the surgical service of the Albany Hospital for the quarter ending October 1, Surgery (Cases of, Clinical reports and statistics of) [After 1868]. 1899. Albany'M. Ann., 1899, xx, 639-659, 1 pl.—Mae- Dougall (J. A.) Surgical cases of interest. Edinb. M. J., 1895-6, xii, 220; 529— MeGlannan (A.) Report of one surgical service of the Baltimore City Hospital for the summer of 1908. J. Alumni Ass. Coll. Phvs. & Surg., Bait,, 1909, xii, 10-17. Also, Reprint.—MoGi-aw (T.A.) Upon the value of some surgical statistics. Physi- cian & Surg., Detroit & Ann. Arbor, 1893, xv, 193-199.— Maolaren (P. H.) Two years' work in two surgical wards; being a short resum6 of the cases treated in the male and female wards of the Roval Infirmary, Edin- burgh. Edinb. M. J., 1894-5, xl, 688-602.—Maclean (D.) Some professional experiences at home and abroad; with pathological specimens. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1896, ix, 349-352.— TieLeod (K.) The mortality of opera- tions in the Medical College Hospital, Calcutta. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1897, xxxii, 321-326.—Macrae (R.) Notes of some cases of surgical practice at the Civil Hos- pital. Cava, in 1894. Ibid., 1895, xxx, 425: 1896, xxxi, 16.— M'Vail (J. C.) Results of surgical treatment, without antiseptics, in the Kilmarnock Infirmarv. Brit. M. J., Lond. 1880, i, 436-438. Also, Reprint.—Madden. Some cases of interest from the surgical division. Rec. Egvpt. Gov. Sch. Med., Cairo, 1901, 165-171.—Malgaijsne. Etude statistique sur les resultats des operations dans les hdpitaux de Paris. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1842, 3. s., xiii, 389: xiv, 50. Also, Reprint. — Manley (T. H.) Clinical notes on a recent series of surgical cases. Do- minion M. Month., Toronto, 1895, v, 665: 1896, vi, 33. -----. Clinical record of a group of surgical cases of spe- cial interest t reated during the past year; hospital, dis- pensary and private cases. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1898, xxviii, 551-561.—Marcliettl (L.) Rendiconto statistico delle operazioni eseguite nell' Ambulanza chirurgica del municipio di Milano a Porta Sempione dal 1° aprile 1903 al 30 ottobre 1904. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1905, lxiv, 441-444.—Martinez Vargas. Estadistica de las ope- raciones practicadas . . . de enero 1893 a diciembre de 1894. ^Arch. de ginecop., Barcel., 1895, viii, 187-193.— Martinoff' (A. V.) Nleskolko khirurgicheskikh na- blyudeniy v Novoladozhskol zemskoi Bolnitsle (1896- 1900 gg.). [Some surgical cases observed in the Hospital of the Zemstvo of New Ladoga.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1901, xxii, 1195; 1227.—Maslemiikoft"(I.) Obzoropera- tivnol dieyatelnosti Bielskol gorodskoi zemskoi boln. s yanv. 1898 g. po fevr. 1900 g. vklyuchitelno. [Operations in the Bielsk City Hospital, January, 1898, to February, 1900.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1900, viii, 180-194.—May (G.) A statistical reportof the surgical in-patients of the Royal Berkshire Hospital, from its establishment Mav, 1839, to May. 1845. Tr. Prov. M. & S. Ass., Lond., 1846", n. s., ii, 213-218.—Mazzoni (G.) Venti osservazioni di chirur- gia reale. Bull. d. Soc Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1894, xiv, 145. Also, Reprint.—Meriwether (F. T.) A re- port of some interesting surgical cases seen during the past year. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1897, x, 38-45. Also, Reprint,—MikliaIlofI*(N. N. i Kratkiy otchot ob ope- ratsiyakh, profzvedyonnikh v khir. otd. Vladimirskol gub. zemsk. bolnitsi s 1 avg. 1898 g. po 15 iyunya 1899 g. [Short report of the operations performed in the surgical ward of the Hospital of the Government Zemstvo of Vladimir, Aug. 1, 1898, to June 15, 1899.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1902 xi, 245-260.—Mikhailovski (D. I.) Sta- tistika za operatsiitle v khirurgicheskoto otdleleniye pri Plovdivskata Porvoklassna Derzhavna Bolnitsa za mina- latal897godina. [Statisticsof surgical operations during 1897 in the Hospital . . .] Med. sborn., Soflya, 1898, iv, 197-207.—Milton (F.) Some cases of interest from the surgical division. Rec. Egvpt. Gov. Sch. Med., Cairo, 1901,173-184.—Monturlol (K.) La cirugia en el Hos- pital de Ninos Pobres de Barcelona: estadistica mensual comentada, 1905-10. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1905-11, xviii-xxiv, passim.—Moreau (C.) Coup d'ceil retro- speetif sur les resultats de 1'operation d'Estlander et sur ceux de l'unStrectomie, suivi de la relation de quatre operations sur l'intestin. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux.. 1898. 4. s.. xii, 316-324, 1 pl. [Rap. de Dc- neffe],263-267.—Morelli (P.) Tre casi di chirurgia. N. riv. clin.-terap.. Napoli, 1908, xi, 70; 123; 186—Movi- mento clinico mensile della Sezione Berruti (chirurgo primario Chiarabba), giugno 1910. Gior. d. Osp. Maria Vittoria, Torino, 1910, x, 102-104.—Nadyozlidin ((i.) Otchot (1-1) oboperatsiyakh (obshtshekhirui'gieh"skikh), proizvedyonnikh mnol v s. Zametchinle, Morshanskavo uyezda, za vremya s viii, 1887 po ix. 1891 g. [Report of general surgical operations performed in Zametchine, Morshansk Countv.] Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1895, vii, 518; 636; 551; 581: 611: 627: 613; 659.—Nakaliara (S.) [Miscellaneous notes on surgerv.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1897, xviii, no. 413,19-22.—Negretto (A.) Breve rendiconto clinico e statistico della sezione chirurgica nello Spedale Maggiore di Lodi. Gazz. med. lomb.. Mi- lano, 1893, Iii. 237: 247; 257; 271.—Neve (E. F.) & Neve (A.) Eight veai-s' surgical work in the Mission Hospital, Kashmir. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1890, i, 131; 193; 162; 230; 269; 332.—Me wbolt (G. P.) Notes on operations per- SURGERY. 220 SURGERY. Surgery (Cases of Clinical reports and statistics of) [After 1868]. formed at the Roval Southern Hospital during the year 1901. Med., Surg! it Path. Rep. South. Hosp. 1901, Liverp., 1902,109-129.—Meo II (A.) Report of 422 cases of a gen- eral surgical nature from the surgical service of Fordham Hospital. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxviii, 976-980. Also, Reprint. -----. Report of 190 consecutive opera- tions from the surgical service of Fordham Hospital; re- ports of special cases. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1909, lxxxix, 322-326. Also, Reprint.—Niitani tS.) [Miscellaneous operations.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1902, xxiii, 969; 1029; 1102; 1608; 1663: 1903, xxiv, 26; 101.—Nikolski (N. M.) Godovol otchot po muzhskomu khirurgiehcskomu otdleleniyu Astrakh. Gorodskol bolnitsi za 1908-9 gg. [Annual report of the man's surgical department of the Astrakhan Municipal Hospital for 1908.] Izviest. Obsh. Astrakhan. Vrach., 1910, iii, 155; 226.—Mott i A. H.) A visit to the surgical clinic of the brothers Mayo at Roches- ter, Minnesota. U. S. A. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1907, xiii, 111-114.—Noyes & PUelps (A. M.) A report of the surgical clinic at the University of Vermont in the Marv Fletcher Hospital. N. Eng. M. Month., Danburv, Conn., 1895, xiv, 537-546. — Obalinski (A.) Sprawo- zdanie o ruchu chorych i chor6b w oddziale chirurgic- znymszpitala &. Zazarza w Krakowie za r. 1872; 1873. [Report of the surgical department of St. Lazarus Hospital] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1874, xiii, 19; 30; 37; 45; 54; 61: 293; 301; 313.—Obzor operativnol dieyatel- nosti Narovchatskol uyezdnol zemskoi bolnitsi s 1-vo sent. 1898 g. po avg. 1901 g. [Review of the operative activitv of the Narovchat Hospital, September, 1898, to August, 1901.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1902, xii, 607-631.— Oclisner (A. J.) Surgical clinic at Augustana Hos- pital, Chicago. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1896-7, vi, 525-532.— O'Grady (E. S.) Notes of surgical cases. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1875. ix, 20-40. Also, Reprint.-----. Notes on surgical cases. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1875,n. s.,xx,30; 41; 64. Also,Reprint.— Orloft'i D.I.) Opitstatistikikhirurgiche- skoi pomoshtshi v ambulatorii Mitishtshenskol semskol bolnitsi isi I'evr.l9i)0g.polfevr.l901g.). [Statistics of sur- gical aid in the dispensary of the Mitisht-ki Hospital.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1901, x, 212-217. —Packard ( H. ) Report of operations performed at the Massachusetts Honiieopathic Hospital during the quarter ending Janu- 1, 1896. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1896, xxxi, 124; 176.-----. Five years' work in surgery. Ibid., 405-414, 3 pl., 1 tab.— Panel i S.) Some surgical cases. Clin. J., Lond., 1895-6, vii, 35-37.—Pantalonl (J.) Statistique des operations pratiquees a Marseille du"l" Janvier au 31 decembre 1896 et du 1" Janvier au 31 decembre 1897. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1897, vi, 161: 1898, vii, 121.—Paulin (E.) Dix ans de pratique chirurgicale dans un hopital d'arron- dissement; statistique du service chirurgical de Lun6- ville de 1890 a 1899. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancv, 1900, xxxii, 460; 593; 623; 684—Perier. Rapport sur la sta- tistique d'operations, presentee par le Dr. Dayot fils. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. dc Par., 1892, n. s., xviii, 806- 808.—Petersen (F.) Aus der kbniglichen chirurgi- schen Poliklinik zu Kiel. Festschr. z. Feier . . . Fr. von Esmarch, Kiel u. Leipz., 1893, 1-51.—Phocas. Rapport sur le fonctionnement du service chirurgical au Sana- torium de St.-Pol-sur-Mer, 1895-1901. Nord med., Lille, 1896-1902, ii-viii, passim.—Piecoli (E.) Un triennio di esercizio chirurgico (1899-1901). Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1902, xxxvi, 170; 216: 273; 312; 351; 437; 4S2; 579: xxxvii, 40.—Pietri. Statistique operatoire du service de M. le professeur E.-J. Moure du 1« decembre 1904 au 31 decembre 1907, Hopital du Tondu. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1908, i, 553; 624; 653.—Pinos (M.) ifc Ferrer ( M.) Resefla de las operaciones practi- cadas en Pamplona durante el ano 1895. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1896, xxxviii, 369; 405.— Pluyotte & San van (A.) Statistique du premier service de chirurgie de l'H6pital de la Conception pendant lo premier semestre 1908. Marseille med., 1908, xiv, 713-727: 1909, xlvi, 26.—Pluyette & Weill (E.) Statistique du 1" service de chirurgie de l'Hopital de la Conception pendant le 1« seme-tre 1909. Ibid., 1910, xlvii, 471-483.—Poisson (L.) Hopital de Chantenay; statistique des 6perations pratiquees pendant les annees 1892-4. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1894-5, xiii, 50-53. — Polaillon. Statistique et observations de chirurgie hospitaliere. Gaz. med. de Par., 1893, 8. s.. ii, 145; 157; 169: 193: 205; 241; 257; 289; 326; 343; 403; 415j 425; 439.— Poli {['.) Dieci casi di cure chirurgiche occorsi nella mia casa di cura in Pianoro durante il biennio 1897-8. Corriere san., Milano, 1899, x, 650-652. — Polienoir". Ocherk dieyatelnosti khirurgicheskavo otdlcleniya Nikolayevskavo morskovo hospitalya v Kronshtadtie; otchot za god s 6 avgusta 1904 g. po 6 avgusta 1905 goda. [Sketch of the activity of the Nicholas Marine Hospital of Kronshtadt; report for the year, Aug. 6, 19ii4, to Aug. 6, 1905.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb.- 1905, pt. 2, 305; 339.-Polis (A.) & Roerscli (C.) Sta, tistique de la Clinique et de la Policlinique chirurgicales de M. le professeur von Winiwarter, a l'Universite de Liege, pendant l'annee 1892. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Surgery (Cases of, Clinical reports and statistics of) [After 1868]. Liege, 1893, xxxii, 124; 170; 213— Pompe van Meer- dervoort (N. J. F.) li.tcgialc stan-tiek der groote operaties van 1 Januari 1901—1 Januari 1904. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Vcrlosk. en Gyuaec, Haarlem, 1904, xv, 21: 1905, xvi, 204. —Poncet. Statistique trimestrielle des operations pratiquees dans le grand service chirurgi- cal de l'H6teI-Dieu deLyon. Assoc franc pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., Par., 1889, xviii. pt. 2, 699. [Discussion], pt. 1, 341.—Popeseu (A.) Dare de seama asupra operatii- lor facute in spitalul .ludetcan din Caracal in anul 1903. [Report on the operations performed in the District Hos- pital at Caracal in 1903.] Rev. de chir., Bucurest4, 1904, viii, 158-170.—Poroshin (N. N.) Otchot po khirurgi- cheskomu otdleleniyu Pyatigorskavo mlestnavo lazareta za period 1900-1908 god i. [Reportof the surgical ward of the Pyatigorsk Local Hospital for 1900-1908.] Voyenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1910, ccxxvii, med.-spec. pt., 461- 480.—Porter (J. H.) List of operations performed at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, during the years 1873-8, with short abstracts of the more important cases. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1873-8, Lond., App., 1875-80, xv-xx, passim.—Postempski (P.) Malattie chirurgiche cu- rate nell' Ospedale di S. M. della Consolazione (luglio- agosto-settembre) 1887. Spallanzani, Roma, 1887, 2. s., xvi, 489-507: 1888,2. s., xvi, 23: xvii, 132; 213.— Potarea (I.) Consideratiuni asupra unel serii de 125 imterven- tjiuni operatorii'culese din practica particulars. Rev. de chir., Bucurest4, 1906, 21-26. —Potleyenko (V. V.) Kratkiy otchot o moyel khirurgicheskoi dieyatelnosti v Berezinskom uchastkie Chernigovskavo uyezda; s maya 1888 goda po oktyabr 1893 g. [Brief report'of my surgical activity in the Berezin ward of Chernigov County; from May, 1888, to October, 1893.] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1893, ix, 584; 701; 948: 1894, x, 948. -----. Khirurgicheskiy otchot Usmanskol zemskoi bolnitsi. [Surgical report of Usman Public Hospital.] Russk. chir. arch., S.-Peterb., 1895, i, 700-767. -----. Khirurgicheskiya zamletki (iz vremennol bolnitsi na Sungari 2-oI, yuzhnol vletvi Kit. vost. zh. d.). [Surgical notes from the temporary hos- pital of Sungari second, southern branch of the Chinese Eastern railroad.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1900, viii, 260-271. -----. Dvadtsat-odin mlesyats (s okt. 1897 po iyul 1899 g.) meditsinskol dieyatelnosti na Imanle, mlestle sborki sudov Kitalsk. Vostoch. zhel. dor. [Twenty-one months (October, 1897, to July, 1899) of medical activity on the Iman, place of assemblage of the ships on the Eastern China railroad.] Ibid., 1901, ix, 93-119.— Povarnin. Otchot po otdleleniyu naruzhnikh i khi- rurgicheskikh bolieznel Bryanskavo mlestnavo lazareta za 1890-iy god. [Report of the department of the external and surgical diseases of the Bryansk Hospital for 1890.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1891, clxxi, unofflc. pt., 1. sect., 3-37.—Power (D'A.) The operations of sixteen months and their lessons. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1899, Lond., 1900, xxxv, 37-50. -----. The lessons of a year's surgical experience. Ibid., 1900, Lond., 1901, xxxvi, 37- 54. Also, Reprint.—Powers (A. H.) A study of two thousand seven hundred surgical cases at the Roxbury Homoeopathic Dispensary. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1893, xxviii, 275-280.—Preinil lsberger (J.) Chirurgisch- casuistische Beitrage. Wien. klin. Rundschau. 1899, xiii, 133; 149.—Proclinov (J.) Nehany eset a sebeszi gya- korlatb61. [Some cases in surgical practice.] Gvogyaszat, Budapest, 1897, xxxvii, 772. -----. A k6rhazi sebeszi gyakorlatb61; Szent Margit-k6rhazl899; 1900. [From the practice of the surgical hospital; St. Margaret's Hospital.] Ibid., 1900, xl, 518; 537: 1901, xii, 599-602.—Uueirolo (G. B.) Esposizione sommaria delle lezioni cliniche e lavori sperimentali; anno 1900-1901. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1902, v, 153; 165; 177; 189; 202; 213.—Ramoni (A.) Resoconto statistico-clinico della sezione chirurgica del- 1' Ambulatorio infantile; soccorso e lavoro nel triennio 1902-4. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1906, xxxii, 29-47.—llap- port of ver operationer utforda a Akademiska sjukhuset i Upsala ar 1891-1900. [Report on operations at the Aca- demic Hospital at Upsala, 1891 to 1900.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1891-1901, xxvii-n. F., vi, passim.-Reczey (E.) Die chirurgische Klinik No. 2 der Budapester kgl. ung. Universitat. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1909, lxii, 800- 802.—Relative (The) frequency of surgical diseases at the hospital: classified list of medical and surgical dis- eases, 1869-93. Med. & Surg. Rep. Child. Hosp., Bost., 1869-95, 113. — Rendiconto statistico operativo del quadriennio 1906-9. Gior. d. Osp. Maria Vittoria, Torino, 1910, x, 49; 65.—Rendiconto statistico delle operazioni chirurgiche eseguite negli stabilimenti sanitan militari nell' anno 1909. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1910, lviii,881- 923.—Reports of surgical operations in the private sur- gical infirmary of C. S. and Samuel S. Briggs during its ninth season, from Sept. 1,1897, to 1909. Nashville J. M. & S., 1898-1909, lxxxiv-ciii, possiin.-Rho (F.) Malattie chirurgiche. Mal. predom. n. pacsi caldi e temperati, Roma, 1896, ii. 657-684.—Ribera y Sans (J.) [Estadis- tica de las operaciones quirurgicas practicadas en la Cli- nica oficial que se halla a su cargo.] An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1895, xv, 74-90. [Discussion], 108; 112; 115; SURGERY. 221 SURGERY. Surgery (Cases of, Clinical reports and statistics of) [After 1868]. 121; 130; 135; 140; 149; 156; 166.-----. Resefia de enfermos y de operaciones practicadas en la clinica quirurgica, primer curso (1892 a 1895). Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1893-6, xxxiii-xxxviii, passim.—Ricketts (B. M.) Typhoid ulcer; perforation ('.';; operation; death. Cerebral cyst; operation; recovery. Cincin. Lancet it Clinic, 1895, n. s., xxxiv, 383-387. Also, Reprint. -----. Deaths (ten), surgical and causes. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1898, n. s., xl, 571-575. Also, Reprint,—Riddell (J. S.) Recent operations on stomach, gall-bladder, and bile- ducts, and for extrauterine pregnancy. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1902, ii, 100-102.—Ringstedt (O.T.) Rapportofverope- rationerutfordaa,dep£Sabbatsbergs Sjukhus' kirurgiska afdelning intagna patienter 1891. [Report of operations on patients admitted in 1891, Sabbatsberg Hospital, surgi- cal department.] Arsberatt. f. Sabbatsbergs Sjukh. i Stockholm (1891), 1892, xiii, pp. xxx-xli.—Roberts (C. W.) Reportof a few interesting surgical cases with un- usual findings. Hosp. Bull. Univ. Maryland, Bait., 1907, iii, 191-193.—Robinson (E. M.) Major operations per- formed at St. Vincent's Hospital. Alabama M. J.. Bir- mingh., 1903-4 to 1905-6, xvi-xviii, passim. -----. Recent unreported operations performed at St. Vincent's Hospi- tal. Ibid.,xviii,539-544.—Itobinson (W.) An analysis of one hundred consecutive operations. Northumberland & Durham M. J., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1907, xv, 39-48.— Rogers (K. J. A.) A review of some interesting points in surgerv observed during the six months ending June 1, 1895. "Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1895, 157-168.— Rolando (S.) Terzoresoconto di atti operativi. Pam- matone, Genova, 1905, ix, no. 4, 9-74.—Roome (J. S.) Report of a few eases in practice. Railway Surg., Chi- cago, 1895-6, ii, 553-55i',.—Rose (\V.) Notes on interest- ing cases. King's Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1895-6, Lond., 1897, iii, 75-84.—Koutier. L'asepsie du champ operatoire obte- nue par le badigeonnage a la teinture d'iode. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1908. n. s., xxxiv, 1251.— Roux de Brignoles. Contribution & l'etude clinique de quelquc- affections chirurgicales; statistique de nos ope- rations en 1902. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1903, xii, 615; 681.—Royster (H. A.) A running account of my first three years' surgical work. North Car. M. J., Charlotte, 1899, xliii, 53; 137:177.—Rozenberger ( F. O.) Otchoto khirurgicheskoi dieyatelnosti Matvieyevskolzemskoilie- chebnitsi Buguruslan-ka vo uyezda s 1 maya 1905 po 26 iyu- nya 1909. [Reportof the surgical activity of the Matvleyev Zemstvo Hospital of Buguruslan Oountv from May 1,1905, to June 26,1909.] Khirurgia. Mosk., 1910. xxvii, 681-687.— RusanofTiA. G.) & Solovott (P. D.) Kratkiy pe- rechen oporat-iy, proizvedyonnikh nad koyechnlmi bolnimi v Saksaganskol zemskoi bolnitsle zal905. [Brief account of the operations performed upon inmates of the Saksagan Zemstvo's Hospital.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1906, xix, 102-104.—Russia. Ministry of War. Medical De- partment. Warsaw Military Hospital. Tablitsa operatsiy, proizvedyonnikh v khirurgicheskom otdlelenii Varshav- skavo Uyazdovskavo voyennavo hospitalya v techenii 1894-1900 gg. [Table of operations performed in the sur- gical ward during 1394-1900.] Med. sbornik Varshav. Uyazd. vovenn. hosp., Varshava, 1895, viii, 135: 1897, x,17: 1898-9, xi, ho. 3, pt. 6,1:1900, xiii, no. 1, pt.3,1; nos. 2-3, pt.6, 1: 1901, xiv, nos. 3-4,1.—Rydygier. Das erste Jahr des Bestehens der chirurgischen Klinik in Lemberg Wien. klin.Wchnschr.,1898,xi,897-900.-----. Drugirokistnienia kliniki chirurgicznej we Lwowie. [Second year of the surgical clinic in Lemberg.] Now. lek. Poznan, 1899, xi, 171-177.—Salinari (S.) Riassunto clinico ed operatorio di quattro anni di esercizio chirurgico negli ospedali militari di Brescia e di Nanoli (1903-7). Gior. med, d. r. esercito. Roma, 1907, lv. 746-770.—Saiadelin (E.) Kirur- giska afdelningen; redogorelse. [Report of the surgical section.] Arsberatt. f. Maria s.i ukhus i Helsingfors (1905), 1906, xi, 47-65.—San lUartin (A.) Trazos quiriirgicos. Siglo med., Madrid, 1895, xiii, 628-631.— Scliaeier (F, C.) Svnopsis of surgical clinic. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1898, viii, 308-316. Also, Reprint.—Sehaeflcr (M.) Aus der Praxis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii, 66. Also, Reprint.—Seganti (A.) Relazione all' On. Con- gregazione di Caritn di Fermo sul servizio ospitaliero ed elenco delle operazioni eseguite in scdici mesi. Rac- coglitore med., Forll, 1896, 5. s., xxi, 3; 25.—Sendler (P.) Mittheilungen aus der chirurgischen Abthcilung des Vereins-Krankenhauses der Kahlenberg-Stiftung zu Magdeburg. DeutscheZtschr.f.Chir., Leipz., 1893,xxxvi, 536-552.—Senn i.V.) Surgical clinic. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1893, iii, 311: 105- 583: 1895-6, v, 676-689. Also, Reprint.— Shah tT. M.j A year's surgery at theJunagadh State Hospital. Indian M.-Chir. Rev., Bombav, 1890, lv, 265; 354; 417.—Simon (O.) Jahresbericht der Heidelberger chirurgischen Klinik fiir das Jahr 1992; mit einem Vor- wort hrsg. von V. Czerny. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1903, xxxix, Suppl.-Hft., 1-243.—Smith (A. L.) Notes on the Mayos' surgical clinic. Montreal M. J., 1908, xxxvii, 323-333.—Sore 1 (R.) Statistique des operations pratiquees en 1900-1903. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1901, x, 393: 1902, xl, 119: 1904, xiii, 539.—Stack (E. H. E.) , Surgery (Cases of, Clinical reports and statistics of) [After 1868]. Notes on two hundred'and twelve consecutive operations in four thousand six hundred and ten cases among the medical patients, Bristol Royal Infirmary. Bristol M.- Chir. J., 1901, xix, 225; 326. — Statistique des opera- tions de grande et de petite chirurgie pratiquees par M. le D>\ Hamonic a sa clinique, a sa maison de sant6, et dans sa clientele particuliere pendant les annees 1898- 1902. Rev. clin. d'andiol. et dc gynec, Par., 1898-1903, v-ix, passim. — Stcinihal. Bericht iiber die chirur- gische Abthcilung der lOvangelischen Diakonissenan- stalt in Stuttgart in den Jahrcn lsi>5-7. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1899, lxix, 83-173, 1 pl.— Stevenson (W. F.) [et al.]. List of operations per- formed at the Roval Victoria Hospital, Nctley, during the years 1895-8. Army M. Pep. Rep., Lond., 1896-8, xxxvi-xxxix, missiin.— Stewart (R. W.) A report of four surgical cases. 1. Excisionof the superior maxillary nerve. 2. Intracranial neurectomy of the fifth nerve. 3. Cholecystectomy. 4. Esophagotomy. Med. News, Phila., 189.--,. lxvi, 452-455. Also, Reprint.—Stewart (R. \V.) A fituchanan (J. J.) A report of the surgical cases admitted to Mercv Hospital from February to April, 1896. Pittsburgh M. Rev.. 1896, x, 209; 274.— Stimson (L. A.) Results and methods of surgical operations at the New York Hospital from August 1, 1895, to January 31, 1896, and at the House of Relief from August 1, 1895, to March 10, 1896. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiii, 717- 732.—Stir litis; (R. A.) Surgical operations at the Mel- bourne Hospital, during the six months from April to October, 1897. Intcrcolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1898, iii, 17-28.—Stokes (W.l Records of operative sur- gery. Dublin J. M. Sc.,1877,lxiv, 369-392. Also, Reprint.— Stooke (U. F.) Mv first major operations, China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1902, xvi, 172-175.—Stoyanott"(P. I.) Tri godishna khirurgicheska dieyatelnost pri starata Rusenska i Lovchanska 1-vo klassni bolnitsi. [Three years of surgery in the hospitals of Rustchuk and Lo- vatch.] Med. napried., Sofiya, 1902, iii, 567; 608.—Swain (P.) On some clinical experiences. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 465-467.—Syanozhenski (G. O.) Kratkiy obzor khirurgicheskoi dieyatelnosti pri ginekologicheskom in- ternatle v Kievskol gorodskoi bolnitsle Tseravevieha Aleksandra v 1900 i 1901 gg. [Brief report of the surgical activity in the gynecological part of the Kiev City Hos- pital for 1900-1901.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1904, iii, 325; 364; 406.—Tacclietti (G.) Resoconto statistico- clinico della divisione chirurgica dal 1° settembre 1901 al 31 dicembre 1902. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1903, ix, 195-213. — [Tacke.] Rapport sur les operations pra- tiquees par le Dr. Tacke, dans sa clinique (1890 a 1905), Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1906, xiii, 124; 143; 153.— Takaki ( Y.) Clinical surgerv in Japan. Lan- cet, Lond., 1910, ii, 929; 1002. —Tansini (I.) La clinica chirurgica operativa di Palermo nel trien- nio scolastico 1893-5. Clin, chir., Milano, 1896, iv, 1-32.— Terrier (F.) Statistique des operations pra- tiquees a l'Hopital Bichat (service des consultations et service hospitalier) pendant les annees 1892-8. Progres med., Par., 1893, 2. s., xvii, 337; 361:1893-9, 2. s., xvii—3. s., ix, passim. -----. Une clinique chirurgicale dans les h6- pitaux de Paris en Pan 1901. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1901, lxxiv, 1249-1251.—Terrier [et al.]. Statistique des ope- rations faites a la clinique chirurgicale de la Faculty de medecine, a l'Honital de la Pitie, pendant l'annee 1901. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1902, n. s., vii, 121-125.— Tesson (R.) Statistique du service de clinique chirur- gicale du 1" novembre 1910 au 15 avril 1911. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1911, xv, 208-212—Thomson (C. E.) Report of 200 surgical cases done in 1907, with special reference to accidents, errors and results. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1908-9, xii, 967-974.—Thomson (W. E.) Some remarka- ble cases from the medical literature of the past fiftv years. Glasgow M. J., 1898, xlix, 332-346.—Thurstan (E. P.) Interesting surgical cases. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 1799-1802.—Thurston (E. O.) Brief notes on surgi- cal cases in the Medical College Hospital, Calcutta. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1904, xxxix, 139.— Tikhoff (P.) Obzor operativnol dieyatelnosti hospitalnol khirurgi- cheskoi kliniki Tomskavo universiteta s 1 yanvarya 1909 g. po 30 aprlelya 1910 g. [Operations of the surgical clinic of the Tomsk Universitv from Jan. 1, 1909, to April 30, 1910.] Sibirsk. Vrach. Gaz., Irkutsk, 1910, iii, 367; 379; 391; 403; 415; 426.—Til man n (0.) Bericht iiber die chi- rurgische Klinik des Prof, von Bardeleben fiir die Zeit vom 1. April 1894 bis 30. November 1895. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1896, xxi, 402-554.—von Tor8k (G.) Die Arbei- cen der Klinik Billroth in den Jahren 1867-92. Beitr. z. Chir. Festschr . . . Theodor Billroth . , ., Stuttg., 1892, 631-667. — Trapp. Practische Erfahrungen aus dem inedico-mechanisehen Institut der chirurgischen Klinik zu Greifswald (Prof. Helferich). Deutsche mil .-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1896, xxv,289-310.—Treub (H.) Integrale statistiek der groote operaties van 12 Mei 1896-3 Juni 1898. Nederl. Tijdschr v. Verlosk. en Gvnaec, Haarlem, 1897, viii, 169:1898, ix, 259,1 pl.—Tsander (R. A.) Otchot po khirurgicheskomu otdleleniyu Askhabadskavo mlestnavo SURGKRV. 222 Sl'RGERY. Surgery (Cases of. Clinical reports and statistics of) [After ISO'S]. lazareta za 1910 god. [Report of the surgical ward of the Askhabad Local Hospital for 1910.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1911, cexxxi. med.-spec. pt., 675-701: ccxxxii, med.-spec. pt., 1-27— Turazza (G.) Riparto chirur- gico dello Spedale civile di Monselice diretto dal Dott. Guido Turazza; resoconto del biennio 1894-5. Riv. veneta di se. med., Venezia, 1896, xxiv, 314; 343.—Turner (W.) General tables of surgical cases [admitted]. King's Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1895-6, Lond.. 1897. iii, 115; 149: 1896-7, Lond., 1898, iv, 131: 111 — I ebersicht der im Jahre 1894 an stationiir behandelten Kranken ausgefiihrten Operatio- nen. Jahresb. it. d. chir. Abt. d. Spit, zu Basel (1894), 1895,190-193.—I'ebersicht der in den Jahren 1886-96 im Rigaschen Stadt-Krankenhause gemachten Operationen. Aerztl. Ber. d. Riga.Stadt-Krankenh., Riga, 1897,113-133.— Vance (Ap M.) Some interesting surgical cases. Med. Age. Detroit, 1903, xxi, 684-691—Vander Veer (E. A.) Abstract of paper reporting six hundred and fifteen cases, with operations done at the Albany Hospital from Marchl, 1902, to March 1,1903. Tr. M. Soc. N.J., Albanv,1904, xcviii, 254-260. .4Zso:Am. Med., Phila., 1901,viii, 363-365. Also:Do- minion M. Month., Toronto, 1904, xxiii. 330-337. Also, Re- print. -----. Report of three months' surgical service at the Albanv Hospital. Albanv M. Ann., 1907, xxviii, 447- 459.—VandeWiele(L.) Hopital S*- Elisabeth d'Anvers; service du D' L. Desguin: operations pratiquees en 1902. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers, 1903, viii, 197-220.—Van Lcnncp (W. B.) Surgical clinic. Hahneman. Inst., Phila., 1896-7, iv, 9-16. Also, Reprint.—Van Swieten. Relev6 des operations pratiquees dans le service du Dr Goris, en 1908, a l'Institut chirurgical de Bruxelles. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1909, xvi, 37: 1910, xvii, 38.—Velez lidpez. La cirugia en Puerto Rico; re- vista de hospitales. Bol. Asoc. med. de Puerto Itico, San Juan, P. R., 1903, i, 185: 1904, ii, 217; 233. — Ven- glovski ( R. I.) Otchot o khirurgicheskoi dieyatel- nosti v Yelisavetgradskol bolnitsle za lletneve vremya 1900, 1901, i 1902 goda. [Report of the surgical ac- tivity of the Hospital of Yelisavetgrad during the summers of . . .] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1902, xii, 724-736.— Verneseu. Dare de seama asupra operaUunilor practi- cate in Spitalul Th. I. Preda din Craiova pe anul 1903. Report on the operations performed in the hospital Th. . Preda in Craiova in 1903.] Rev. de chir., Bucurest;!, 1904, viii, 75-91.—Verzeichnis der Operationen,welche an den im Jahre 1899 in Abgang gebrachten Kranken ausgefiihrt wurden. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1899, Wien u. Leipz., 1902, viii, 304-327. — Villeneuve (L.) Cliniques chirurgicales de l'Hotel-Dieu de Mar- seille. Ann. de l'Ecole . . . de med. et pharm. de Mar- seille 1892, Par., 1893, 171-311. -----. Cliniques chirurgi- cales de i'H6tel-Dieu de Marseille; observations recueil- lies par les Drs. Metaxas-Zanv et M. Robert. lss9-90. Marseille med., 1893, xxx. 4-25". Also, Reprint. — Voel- eker. Jahresbericht der Heidelberger chirurgischen Klinik fiir das Jahr 1906. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1907, lv, Suppl.-Hft., 1-199. — Vogel & Koch. Bericht fiber die chirurgische Abtheilung im stadtischen Kran- kenhause Munchen r. d. I. unter der Leitung des Herrn Hofrath Dr. Brunner. Ann. d. stiidt. allg. Krankenh. zu Munchen (1890-92), 1894, 411-463. — Voskresenski (N. M.) Otchot khirurgicheskavo otdleleniya Kars- skavo voyennavo hospitalya za vosemllet (1900-1907 gg.) [Report of the surgical ward of the Kars Military Hospi- tal for eight years (1900-1907).] Voyenno-med. J., St. Pe- tersb., 1909, ccxxiv, med.-spec.pt., 389-408.—Vostrikoff (P. E.) Khirurgicheskaya di'eyatelnost zemskikh lle- chebnikh uchrezhdeniy Aleksandriyskavo uyezda v 1894 godu. [Surgical activity of the medical institutions of the zemstvo of Aleksand'ria County during 1894.] Svezd vrach. i predstav. . . . Khersonsk. gub. . . . 1895, Dokiadi, 1897, xiii, pt. 2, 1-24.—Walker (F. B.) Some interest- ing surgical cases, with remarks on diagnosis and treat- ment. Physician A Surg,, Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1908, xxx, 65 71— Walker (H. 0.) A synopsis of two hun- dred and four cases of clinical surgery in Saint Mary's Hospital and Saint Mary's Hospital Free Dispensary, De- troit, from July 1 to October 1, 1893. Ibid., 1894, xvi, 70- 79. — Wallace (C. S.) Surgical report, 1895. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1894-6, xxiii-xxvi.passim.— Wallace i H.) Report of four months' operative work at St. John's Hospital in the service of H. W. Rand. Brooklyn M. J., 1895, ix. 657-673.—Walsliam i W. J.) Report of operation cases. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1898, Lond., 1899, xxxiv, 263-302.—Waterliouse t,H. F.) A demonstration of surgical cases given to the post-grad- uate class, Charing Cross Hospital. Clin. J., Lond 1898, xii, 381-387.—White (J. W.) & Wood (A. C.) Methods and results in cases of tubercular disease, aneu- rism, ununited fractures, and head injuries. Am. J. M Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cv, 39-58.—Wiirlit (J. S.) Report of two hundred and ten operations, performed before the medical class of the Long Island College Hospital during the regular sessions of 1891-1. Brooklvn M. J., 1892, vi 494-516: 1894, viii, 613: 680. — Wilkinson. Report of surgical cases with special points of interest. Dominion Surgery (Cases of, Clinical reports and statistics of) [After 1S6S]. M. Month., Toronto, 1899, xii, 57-59. — Willems (C.) Ce que sont les statistiques operatoires, et ce qu'elles <>- vraientetre. Flandre med., Gand, 1894, i, 337-342.—Wil- lett (E.) Notes of surgical cases in the Edinburgh In- firmary during 1804-6. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., xxxvii, 1902, 215-255.— W il»oii ( C. ) Report of ca- pital operations during May, June, July, and August at St. Vincent's Hospiial. Alabama M. J., Birmingh., 1902- 3, xv, 605-613.—Wriuht (G. A.) Some unsolved prob- lems, chiefly surgical. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1897-8, viii, 321-333.— Wrialit (J. S.) Report of eighty opera- tions performed before the medical class of the college hospital during the regular session of 1891-2. Brooklyn M. J., 1892, vi, 491-515. Also, Reprint. — Zaclirisson (F.) Rapport of ver operationer utforda a Akademiska Sjukhuset i Upsala ar 1899. [Report of operations per- formed at the Academic Hospital in Upsala in 1899.] I'p- sala Ltikaref. Forh., 1899-1900, n. F., v, 363-415. — /ere. nin (V. P.) Zamletka o postanovkle dlelavStokholms- kikh khirurgicheskikh uchrezhdeniyakh. [Note on the condition of affairs in the Stockholm surgical institu- tions] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1898, 1, 439-447. — Zliolto- nozliski (T.) Kratkiya svledleniva o khirurgicheskoi dieyatelnosti Bogotolskol pereselericheskol bolnitsi s 1 yanv. 1905 po 1 iyulya 1906. [On the surgical activity of the Bogotol Immigration Hospital from Jan. 1, 1905, to . July 1, 1906.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1906, xv, 157-161.—SEII- bernik (K. A.) Kratkiy otchot ob operatsiyakh proi- zvedyonnikh v Lebedinskol bolnitsle za pyatilleti'e 1896-1900 g. [Brief report of the operations performed in the Lebedin Hospital for five years.] Vrach. khron. Kharkovsk.gub., 1901, v, 311-339. Surgery (Comparative). See Surgery (Experimental). Surgery (Condition of). See Surgery (History, etc., of). Surgery (Congresses of). See, also, Congresses (Medical); Surgery (Periodicals and transactions relating to). Congres beige de chirurgie. Tenu a Bru- xelles, du 8 au 10 septembre 1902. Compte rendu. 8°. Bruxelles, 1903. Congres francais de chirurgie Proces-verbaux, memoires et discussions. 1.-23. sessions, 1885- 1911. 8°. Paris, 1886-1911. Congres de la Societe internationale de chi- rurgie, Bruxelles, 21-25 septembre 1908. V. I, Proces-verbaux et discussions; v. II, Rapports. 8°. Bruxelles, 1908. Congress of American Physicians and Sur- geons. Transactions of triennial sessions. 1.-8., 1888-1910._ 8°. [v. p.], 1889-1910. Societe internationale de chirurgie. Premier Congres de la . . ., Bruxelles 18-23 sept. 1905. Rapports 8°. Bruxelles, 1905. Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Chirurgie. v. 1-40, 1872-1911. 8°. Berlin, 1872-1911. Houlengler iO., Les impressions d'un mSdecin sur le Congres international de chirurgie. Presse m£>d. beige, Brux , 1905, lvii, 917-925.—Czerny (V.) Offenes Schreiben an Herrn Claudius H. Mastin, M. D., LL. D., in Mobile, Ala., 1890, President der American Surgical Association, betreffend den pananierikanischen medici- nischen Congress. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix. 47. Also, transl.: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 222—Lamphesi r (E.) The Clinical Congress of the Surgeons of North America. Am. J. Clin. M., Chi- cago, 1911, xviii, 23-26, 3 pl.—Lejars i F.) Le deuxieme congres de le Society internationale de chirurgie. Se- maine med., Par., 1908, xxviii, 457-159.—Rieffel (H.) Compte rendu des travaux du 27° Congres allemand de chirurgie, tenu a Berlin du 13 au 16 avril 1898. Rev. de chir., Par., 1898, xviii, 932: 1899, xix, 96-122. Surgery (Conservative). Casali (P.) La chirurgia conservatrice nei suoi rapporti con la traumatologia e la legge eon- cernente gl' infortuni sul lavoro. 8°. Roma, 1901. Massart (A.) Conservative Chirurgie, oder Entwickelung der Grundsfitze und Mittel, die Amputation und Resection von Knochen za SURGERY. 223 SURGERY. Surgery (Conservative). vermeiden und die chirurgische Kunst mit der fortschreitenden Wissensehaft des Menschen, sowie mit der Civilisation und Humanitiit in Uebereinstimmung zu bringen. Deutsch bear- beitet von H. E. Flies. 8°. Weimar. 1855. Rogers (E. J. A.) Conservatism in acciden- tal surgerv. Read before the Colorado State Medical Society, 1893. 12°. [Denver, 1893.] Wherry ( G. ) Preventive surgery. 12°. Cambridge, 1895. Andrews ^.1. W.) Conservatism in surgerv. St. Paul M. J., 1902, iv, 550-554.—Artau It de Vevey t S.) Chi- rurgie conservatrice. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1902-5, lxix-lxxii,p<(ssy land iG. H.) Replacing and healing of pieces separated from the human body. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1882, xii, 364-366 — Carpenter (J. G.) Conservative surgerv of to-day in obstetrics, abdominal and pelvic work. Tr. KentuekvM. Soc, Louisville, 1803. n. s., ii, 210-222.—Co Hey (.W.'H.) Conservatism. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1S98-9, v, 219- 223.—Crain (M.R.) Conservatism in surgerv. Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1909, xv, S7-90.—tiaston (,I. McF.) Compatibility of conservative and aggressive surgery. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass., 1892, Phila., 1893, v, 1-10.—Ciayet iG.) Un succes de la chirurgie conservatrice. Province mecl., Lyon, 1896, x, 279-281.— Gluek (T.) Ueber reparative Chirurgie. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. U892i, 1893, xxiii, pt. 2, 104-124. [Discussion], pt. 1. 133. Also. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 611; 645.—Hander (F. W.) Conservative sur- gery; or the use of external applications in cases of doubt- ful surgical procedure. South. Pract., Nashville, 1906, xxviii, 511-513.—Helbing (H.) Conservative surgery. Am. M. J.. St. Louis, 1902. xxx. 526-529.—I li rig (L.) A conservativ set>eszet hatarai. [The limitsof conservative surgery.] Orvo-i hetil., Budapest, 1906, 1, 184-186.— Jackson i.T. N.) The conservative trend. N. York M. J.,1896,lxiv, 151-154.—Jones ( H. M.) Conservatism and its influence on operative technique. Edinb. M. J., 1900, n. s., viii, 117-129.—Judson (A. B.l Mechanical vs. operative surgery. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1895, 596. Also, Reprint.—Katzensteln (M.) Beitrage zur konservativen Chirurgie. Verhandl. d. Berl med. Ge- sellsch. 1903, Berl., 1904, xxxiv, pt. 2, 39-49. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1903, xl, 123-120.—Lnhn (H. B.) Con- servatism in surgery. Northwest Med.. Seattle. 1910, n. s., ii, 1-6.—McGuire (S.) Surgical convalescence, with report of blood count in twentv eases. Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, ls98-9. xi, 52.*—.Maradei (M.) Chi- rurgia conservativa. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 323.—Jioore(J. E.) Conservatism in surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, Iii, 935-937. Also [Abstr.]: Old Domin- ion J. M. &S.. Richmond, 1909, viii, 311— .Hitlien (A. J.), jr. Conservatism in surgery. [Off. Tr.] Nat. Ass. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1891, iv, 60-70.—Nugent (J. G.) Conservative surgery. Maritime M.News, Halifax, 1905, xvii, 264-269.—Oppel (V. A.) Krovaviya operatsii i konservatizm v khirurgii. [Bloody operations and con- servatism in surgerv.] Novoye v Med., S.-Peterb., 190*. ii. 725: 773.— Ortejia i R.) Conservative sur-ei y. I.Am. M. Ass., Chicago,"]"<98, xxx, 13>ov—Parliam i'F. W.) Conservative surgerv. then and now. Tr. South. Surg. A Gvnec. Ass. 1908, Phila.. 1909. xxi. 1-11. Also: South. M. J.', Nashville, 1909, ii, 543-54s -Ki< hardson iC. H.j Conservative surgerv. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1W5, viii, 34s—Kiehardson (M. H.) Conservatism in sur- gery. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1900, xxxiv, 328- 351. Aho: Med. Age, Detroit, 1901, xix, 81; 125. Also, Reprint.—San ITIartin (A.) La cirugia conservadora. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1896, xxxviii, 326- 39— Sinding-Larsen. Et vidtl0ftigt stykke konser- vativ kinirgi. [An extensive piece of conservative sur- g'-rv.] '! idsskr. f. d. nor^ke Ltegefor., Kristiania, 1905, 'xxv, 233-238—Stimson (L. A.) Self-restraint in the practice of surgerv. Am. .1. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1906, n. s., exxxi, 939-945. Surgery (Cosmetic). See Surgery (Plastic). Surgery (Diagnosis in). See, also. Diagnosis (Surgical). Aievoli (E.) Diagnostica chirurgica, gene- rale e speciale. 12°. Napoli, 1911. Albert (E.) Diagnostik der chirurgischen Krankheiten. 8. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1900. Surgery (Diagnosis in). ------. The same. Hrsg. von K. Ewald. 9. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1906. ------. The same. The diagnosis of surgi- cal diseases. Authorized transl. from the 8. ed. by R. T. Frank. 8°. Neio York, 1902. ------. The same. Diagnostika khirurgi- cheskikh bolleznei. Perev. s 8 izd. L. B. Orlech- kina. [Transl. by Orlechkin.] 8°. S.-Pder- burg, 1901. ------. The same. Perev. s 8. nlemetsk. izd. G. G. Frantsa. [Transl. from the 8. Ger- man ed. by Frants.] 8°. S.-1'eterburg, 1902. Beck (C.) Der Wert des Rontgenverfahrens in der Chirurgie. 8°. Berlin, 1905. Berard (M. A.) Delia diagnosi nelle malat- tie chirurgiche; delle sue sorgenti, delle sue in- certezze, e dei suoi errori. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Cutting from: Collez. medica, i. Berg (A. A.) Surgical diagnosis. A manual for students and practitioners. 8°. New York & Philadelphia, 1905. Berry (J.) A manual of surgical diagnosis. 12°. London, 1904. ------. The same. 12°. Philadelphia, 1904. Bossi (V.) Semiotica e diagnostica delle ma- lattie chirurgiche. v. 1. Parte generale. 12°. Milano, [1899]. ------. Thesame. v. 2. Parte speciale. 8°. Milano, [n. d.]. Carson (H. YV.) Aids to surgical diagnosis. 16°. London, 1906. -----. The same. 16°. New York, 1906. Champeaux. Tableaux synoptiques d'explo- ration chirurgicale des organes, a. 1'usage des etudiants et des praticiens. 8°. Paris, 1901. Duplay (S.), Rochard (E.) & Demoulin (A.) Manuel de diagnostic chirurgical. 2. ed. 12°. Paris, 1900. ------------------. The same. 4. ed., re- vue, corrigee et augmentee. 16°. Paris, 1907. ------------------. Thesame. 5.ed. 8°. Paris, 1911. Eisendrath (D. N.) Surgical diagnosis. 8°. Philadelphia & London, 1907. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia 6c London, 1909. Fish (H.) The importance of blood examin- ations in reference to general anesthetization and operative procedures. 8°. Philadelphia, 1899. Forster ([E. T.] E.) *Beitriige zur Verwen- dung der ROntgen-Strahlen im Dienste der Chi- rurgie. [Bonn.] 8°. Berleburg, 1897. von Friedlander (F.) Chirurgische Diag- nostik. 12°. Wien, 1907. Gould (A. P.) Elements of surgical diagno- sis. 3. ed., revised and enlarged. 12°. Lon- don, 1903. Grashey (R.) Atlas typischer Rontgenbilder vom normalen Menschen auagewab.lt nach chirurgisch-praktischen Gesichtspunkten. 4°. Miinchen, 1905. ------. The same. Atlas de radiographic chirurgicale Ed. francaise parTh. Nogier. 4°. Paris, 1910. Heath (C.) The students' guide to surgical diagnosis. 8°. New York, 1881. ------. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 18S2. Hirosaki (K.) Saiban igaku soso kensaron. [Surgical examination of police cases of in- juries, etc.] 12°. Tokio, 18815. Johnson (A. B.) Surgical diagnosis. 3 v. 8°. New York & London, 1909. SURGERY. 224 srRGKRY. Surgery (Diagnosis in). -----. The same. 2. ed. 3 v. roy. 8°. New York, 1911. Keen (\V. YV.) Examination of the blood in surgery. 8°. Brussels, 1905. Kiliani (O. G. T.) Surgical diagnosis. A manual for practitioners of medicine and sur- gery. 8°. New York, 1905. Kohler (A.) Das Rontgenverfahren in der Chirurgie. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Landerer (A. S.) Chirurgische Diagnostik fiir praktische Aerzte und Studirende. 8°. Wien u. Leipzig, 1895. ------. The same. Rukovodstvo k khirur- gicheskoi diagnostikie dlya vrachel i studentov. Perevod V. M. Zikova pod redaktsiyel i s dopol- neniyami L. L. Levshina. Transl. by Zikoff, under the editorship of and with additions by Levshin.] 8°. Moskva, 1896. Lew (H.) * La reaction hemolytique de Bor- det et la recherche des opsonines en chirurgie. 8°. Paris, 1909. Macdonald (J. W.) A clinical textbook of surgical diagnosis and treatment for practition- ers and students of surgerv and medicine. 8°. Philadelphia, 1898. Manz (O.) Die chirurgischen Untersuchungs- arten. Einfiihrende Vorlesungen iiber allge- meine chirurgische Diagnostik. 1. u. 2. Teil. 8°. Jena, 1904-6. Martin (E.) Surgical diagnosis. 8°. Phila- delphia & New York, 1909. Parlaveccitio (G.) Istituzioni di semiotica chirurgica, fisica, chimica, microscopica, paras- sitologica, per studenti e chirurgi. 8°. Roma, 1897. Ponfick (E.) Topographischer Atlas der me- dizinisch-chirurgischen Diagnostik. 1. Lfg. fol. Jena, 1901. German, English, and French text. de Quervain (F.) Spezielle chirurgische Diagnostik fiir Studierende und Aerzte. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. roy. 8°. Leip- zig, 1911. Ranney (A. L.) A practical treatise on sur • gical diagnosis. Designed as a manual for prac- titioners and students. 2. ed. 8°. New York, 1881. Reich (A.) * Ueber Leukocytenziihlungen und ihre Yerwertbarkeit bei chirurgischen Af- fektionen. 8°. Tubingen, 1904. Schlesinger (H.) Die Indikationen zu chi- rurgischen Eingriffen bei inneren Erkrankun- gen. Fiir den Praktiker bearbeitet. 1. Teil. 12°. Jena, 1903. ------. The same. 2. Teil. 8°. Jena, 1904. ------. The same. Les indications des inter- ventions chirurgicales dans les maladies in- ternes, a l'usage des medecins praticiens. Tra- duction f rancaise par L. Lichtwitz et J. Sabrazes. 8°. Paris, 1905. —;---• Thesame. Indications for operation in disease of the internal organs. Authorized English transl. bv K. YV. Mousarrat. 8°. Bris- tol, 1906. Silhol (J.) *L'examen du sang en chirurgie, et en particulier au point de vue du diagnostic et pronostic. 8°. Paris, 1903. Tuffier (T.) Semiologicheskoye znachenive izsliedovaniya krovi v khirurgii. Perev. E. Tsikli«a; s soglasiya avtora, s nenapechatannoi aukopisi. [Semiological importance of the ex- Surgery (Diagne>sis in). amination of the blood in surgery. Transl. by E. Tsiklis, with the author's permission, from his unprinted manuscript.] 8°. Moskva, 1905. Abbott (W. C.) The vasomotor conditions in surgerv. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., & N. Y., 1911, n. s., vi, 262- 265.—AbrazhaiiofF (A. A.) O prepodavanii khirur- gicheskoi diagnostiki, yeya zadachakh i metodakh. [In- struction in surgical diagnosis, its problems and meth- ods.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, ii, 1817-1820.— Aievoll (E.) La diagnostica chirurgica generalee spe- ciale. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1910, xiii, 106X; Hiss.—Allison (C. C.) Borderline cases in medicine and surgery. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1909, xiv, 94-100.— Andrews (R. N.) The value of blood examinations in surgical infections. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1911, xiii, 304-307.—Antonelli (I.) A proposito di alcune controindicazioni all' operare. Corriere san. Settim., Milano, 1897, viii, no. 7, 1-4. -----. Delle controindica- zioni all' operare. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1910, Iii, 481; 554.—Armitage (H. M.) Blood examination as an aid to surgical diagnosis. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1911-12, xv, 29-31.—Bacon (L, W.) General prognosis in surgical diseases and conditions. Am. Pract.-Surg. [Bryant & Buck], N. Y., 1906, i, 771-797.—Baldy (J. M.) The examination of the blood in relation to surgery of scientific, but often of no practical value and mav mis- guide the surgeon. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iii, 693-695.— Bazy. De l'ophtalmo-reaction en chirurgie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s.. xxxiii, 911-916.— Beck (C.) Surgical errors in skiagraphy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 22-27. -----. The value of the Roentgen rays in surgical diagnosis. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1906, xx, 181; 196.—Benda (C.) Zur Frage der Kon- servierung von chirurgischem Material fur die mikro- skopiscbe Diagnose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 2302.—Bennett (Sir W.) On theparamount importance of the local conditions in surgical diagnosis. Clin. J., Lond., 1905-6, xxvii, 1-7.—von Bergmann. Die Er- rungenschaften der Radiographic fiir die Behandlung chirurgischer Krankheiten. Internat. phot. Monatschr. f. Med., Miinchen, 1899, vi, 174-177.— Bilhaut (M.) Utilisation des ravons X en chirurgie. Ann. de chir. et d'ortlmp., Par., 1903, xvi, 225-228.—Black (C. E.) Meth- ods of diagnosis; surgical. Snrg. Clin., Chicago, 1902, i, 552-558.—Block (J,) Indifference to diagnosis one of the dangers of modern surgery. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1905, xii, 330-336. Also: Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1905, n. s., liv, 11-15.—Bloodgood (J. C.) Blood ex- aminations as an aid to surgical diagnosis. Med. News, N. Y., 1901, lxxix, 321-328. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1901, xliv, 367-383.—Boise (E.) The differential diag- nosis of shock hemorrhage and sepsis. Tr. Am. Ass Obst. & Gynec, Phila., 1896,ix,433-438. Also, Reprint,—Brooks (H.) The body fluids in general surgical disease, with special reference to their diagnostic value. Am. Pract. Surg. [Bryant & Buck], N. Y., 1906, i, 555-577, 3 pl.— Brownlee fH. FA The importance of more careful surgical diagnosis and the aid afforded bv various tests. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, N. Haven, 1909-10. 220-239.—Bry- ant (J. D.) General surgical diagnosis. Am. Pract. Surg. [Bryant & Buck], N. Y., 1906, i, 501-554. -----. Principles in surgical diagnosis. N.York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii, 741-743. Also, Reprint.—Cabot (R. C), Blake (J. B.) [etal.]. Studies of the blood in itsrelation to surgical diagnosis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxiv, 361-374. Also, Reprint.—Ca pie sen (P.) Studiu original asupra semiologiei sistemului pilos in chirurgie. Spita- lul, Bucuresci, 1910. xxx, 317-335.—Cardenal yPiijals (L.) Contribucidn al estudio del diagnostico hematol6- gico en cirugia. Rev. de cien med. de Barcel.. 1904, xxx, 193-221—Cartledue (A. M.) The decision to operate. Internat. J. Surg.. N. Y., 1903, xvi. 355-359. Also: Lancet- Clinic, Cincin. 1905, n. s., lv, 244-248.—fervera (E.) & Luis y Vagiie(R.) Tres nuevassorpresas quirurgicas. Rev. Ibcro-Am. decien.med.. Madrid, 1902. viii,405-418.— Clopton (M. B.) The significance of leucocytosis in surgery. St. Louis M. Rev., 1906, liii, 181-186.—Coey (A. J.) The significance of blood count in surgical diag- nosis. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn , 1900, ii, C.so-683.— Coplin (YV. M. L.) The laboratory as an aid to surgical technic and surgical diagnosis. In: Surgery [Keen], 8°, Phila. & Loud., 1909, v, 1198-1210.—Cumston (C. G.) Examination of blood in surgerv; based on li ft v observa- tions. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1909, xxii, 33-35.— D'AIessandro (F.) Stato attuale dei raggi Rontgen e le loro applicazioni medico-chirurgiehe. Riv. internaz. d' ig., Napoli, 1897, viii, 243; 308; 380; 440; 525; 585: 037: 1898, ix, 48; 109: 159; 228; 284; 347; 389; 455, 2 pl.—Bea- ver (J. B.) YVhv and by whom should surgerv he ad- vised? J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Orange, 1910-1L vii, 63- 67.—Delboeui' (J.) Zwei Fiille, in denen die chirur- gische Diagnose mit Hiilfe der Hypnose gestellt wurde. Ztschr. f. Hvpnot. [etc.], Berl.. 1892-3, i, 287-294. Also, transl.: Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 18'«-4, viii,35-41.—Depage [etal.]. Valeur dcl'examen du sang SURGERY. 225 SURGERY. Surgery (Diagnosis in). en chirurgie. [Rap.] Bull, med., Par., 1905, xix, 801. Also: J. med. de Brux., 1905, x, 577-579.—Destot. Nou- velle application de la radiographie et de la radioscopie au diagnostic chirurgical. Echo med. de Lvon, 1898, iii, 12-15.—Dowdall (G. G.) Five diagnostic methods of John D. Murphy, of Chicago. Arch. Diagn., N. Y., 1910, viii, 18-21, 4 pl.—Drake (J. H.) Chronic surgical dis- eases. Homoeop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xix, 75-77.—Du Bose (F. G.) The importance of an early diagnosis of surgical conditions by the general practitioner. Med. Progress, Louisville, 1907, xxiii, 41-44.—Dumstrey & Metzner. Die Untersuchung mit Rontgenstrahlen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1897-8, i, 115-130.—Dunn (J. T.) X-rays in surgery, with reports of cases. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louisville, 1897, n. s., vi, 209-215.—d'Este (S.) Lareazionemeiostagminica in chi- rurgia. Clin. Chir., Milano, 1910, xviii, 273-277.—Filo- niusi-Gueln (G.) Errore di diagnosi ed attooperativo letale. Risvegliomed.,Lanciano, 1907.ii,263-265.—Flex- ner (S.) The clinical laboratory in surgical diagnosis. N. York State J. M., N. Y.. 1901, i, 330-333.—Gaudet(E. T.) Surgical diagnosis. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1905, xvii, 320-322.—George (C.) The iodin reaction in sur- gerv. Physician et Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1903, xxv, 289-303, 1 pl.—Gibson (C. L.) The value of the differential leucocvte count in acute surgical diseases. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xliii, 485-499, 5 pl. [Discussion], 625— Godlee (R. J.) On shifting dulness and its im- portance in connection with surgical diseases. Lancet, Lond., 1905, i. 480-483.— Goebel (K.) Ueber die Bedeu- tung der atiologischen Forschung fiir die. Chirurgie. Ztschr. f. Wundiirzte u. Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1906, lvii, 8-17.—Grant (H. H.) Indications for operative inter- ference in acute and chronic conditions. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1909-10, xvi, 353-362.—Gray (G. H.) X-ray in surgical work. J. Therap. & Dietet., Bost., 1907-8, ii, 74-84.—Gros (A. G.) Applicazioni chirurgiche dei raggi X eseguite nei gabinetto di radiografia del- 1' Ospedale militare di Roma. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1898, xlvi, 142-149, 2 pl.—narrower (H. R.) The importance of the clinical laboratorv in sur- gery. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1910, xxiv, 316-318— Hart- shorn (W. E.) Surgical diagnosis in emergency work. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxx, 292-290.—von Hip pel (R.) Ueber die Indicationen zum operativen Kingriff bei eini- gen praktisch wichtigen Krankheiten. Deutsche Aerzte- Ztg., Berl., 1910, 267-270.—Holden (G. R.) The indica- tions for operation in elective surgerv. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908. i, -Jls-422.— Howitz (F.) Brudstykker af mine kirurgi^ke Fojlgrebs Historie med Bemoerknin- ger. [Fragments of the history of my surgical mistakes, with remarks.] Bibliot.f. Lseger, K0benh.,19O5, 8. R., vi,l- 45.—Israel(J.) Diagnosen und Operationen. Foliauro- log., Leipz., 1908. i, 617-641.—Jacobelli (F.) Ricerche cliniche sul valore dell' esame del sangue in chirur- gia. Tommasi, Napoli, 1905-6, i, 47-51.—Jedlicky (R.) Skiagrafiya i skiaskopiya luchami Rontgen'a i diagnos- ticheskoye znacheniye ikh v khirurgii. [Skiagraphy and skiascopy by Rontgen's rays and their diagnostic value in surgerv.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1899, x, 1159; 1220; 1244; 1291; 1342, 12 pl— Jessup (D. S. D.) Value of blood examinations in surgical diagnosis. Am. J. Obst., N.Y., 1906, liv, 33-38. |Discussion]. 108.—.Tones (W.) The clinical signiflcance"of blood examinations in reference to surgical diagnosis and prognosis. Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med., 1906-7, viii, 779-783.—Karwacki (L.) Badanie krwi z punktu widzenia dyagnostykichirurgicz- nej. [De l'examen du sang au point de vue du diagnos- tic chirurgical. Res., pp. xi-xvi.] Przegl. chir., War- szawa, 1902-3, v, 137-158.—Kreuter 6-2ss— Lamb ret (O.) De l'assistance chirurgicale rapide: essai sur son installation a Lille. Echo med. du nord. Lille, 1900, iv, 395-403.— Lannelon^ue. La chirurgie d'urgence. Bull, med., Par., 1809, xiii. 1077-1081. Also: Rev. scient., Par., 1899,4. s., xii, 705-711—Lee (E. W.) Emergency surgery in the country. St. Louis M. Rev., 1901, xliii, 453-450.—Mac donaid (W. G.) Operations in imperative surgery in private houses; a demonstration of surgical technique. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1903. N. Y.. 1904, xvi, 336-351 — JleGehee (L.D.j Emergency operation in the country. N. (jrl. M. t\[ S. J., 1909-1 J. lxii, 249-250.—Mayo (T. A.), Willett (.I.A.)&Ha\ves(C. S.) Surgical emergencies; a record of some of the cases admitted into Mr. Walsham's wards. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., xxxvii, 1902, 269- 1286.—IVIiilisaiu (R.) Demonstrationen aus dem Gebiete der operativen Unfallchirurgie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., ]yn9. xlvi, 438-410—©'Keel' (P.) Every day surgery. Tr. M. i~oc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1893, xxvii, 281-287 — Panyrek (D. i Pfispevek k ehirurgickym improvisa- cim. [Contribution to surgical improvisations] Lek. rozhledv, Praha, 1907, xv, 107-170.—Parmelee (M. II.) A clinical studv of intraperitoneal emergencies. Med. Century, N. Y. '& Lancaster, Pa., 1910, xvii, 1-4.—Peys- sonnie. La chirurgie d'urgence a la campagne. Anjou med., Angers, 19U3, x, 191-19:!.—tluidet. Cue boite de secours immediat. Presse med., Par., 1906, xiv, annexes, 082—Runnels (O.S.) Opportune surgery. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1903, xxxviii, 561-571. Also: Med. Cen- tury, N. Y. & Chicago, 1899, vii, 260-265— Samuel (F. W.) Emergency surgerv. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1907, xii, 103-109.—SeudderiC. L.) Emergency cases at the Massachusetts (ieiiend Hospital. Boston M. & S. J., 1899, cxli, 625. Also, Reprint.—Senn (N.) Emergency surgery. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1899. 207-296. Also: Pacific M. J., San Fran.,1899, xiii,449-453.—Simon- ton (A. H.) Medical and surgical emergencies; ways to meet them. Alabama M. J.. Birmingh., 1906, xviii, 176-178.—Sore 1 (R.) Assistance chirurgicale instan- tanee; organisation d'un service de prompts secours au Havre. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1897, vi, 209-223.— Soto (J. J.) El pronostico en la cirugia de urgencia. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana, 1901-2, xi, 206- 214.—Stir I init (R. A.) & Devlne (H. B.) Some surgi- cal emergen cii a. I utereolon. M., I. Australas., Melbourne, 1907, xii, 117-152.—Stokes (A. C.) Principles of surgery in emergency cases. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1910, xv, 335-343.—Sweetser (TI. B.) Abdominal emergencies. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.]', Minneap., 1909, xxix, 325-330.— Terry (N. F.) Asepsis and antisepsis in emergency cases. Langsdale's Lancet, Kansas City, 1896, i, 397-399 — Terry (W. I.) Major emergency operations with refer- ence to fracture of tiie skull and woundsof the abdomen. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1909, vii, 185-187.—Tor- rance (G.) Anesthesia in traumatic surgery. J. Am. Surgery (Emergencies of). M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, lv, 2220-2229.—Vacek (B.) Poz- namky k 61anku dr. D. Panyrka Chirurgie d'urgence. [Observations on the article of D. Panyrek . . .1 Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1903, xiii, 1079.—Viseardi (G.) Con- tributo alia chirurgia d' urgenza in condotta. Policlin., Roma, 1902-3, ix, sez. prat., 1649-10.51.—W a then (J. R.) Emergency surgery. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1905, xxxix,329-338. Also: Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Fort Worth, 1905-6, xxiii, 7-14— Wible (E. E.) Twelve years of emergency surgery. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1904-5, viii, 287 292.—Williamson (\Y. D.) Some surgical emer- gencies. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1900, 207- 216. —Willis (W, M.) Surgical emergencies. Med. Mag., Lond., 1909, xviii, 65-75. Surgery (Essays and observations on). Abeknethy (J.) Surgical observations and the constitutional origin and treatment of local diseases; and on aneurisms. 3. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1814. . Thesame. 5.ed. 8°. London, 1820. ------. Thesame. 6.ed. 8°. Loudon,1822. ------. Thesame. 7.ed. 8°. London, 1824. -----. Thesame. 11. ed. 8°. London,1829. Albanese (A.) Contributo di chirurgia pra- tica. 8°. Palermo, 1904. Bayer (C.) Die Grenzen der chirurgischen Kunst. 8°. Berlin & Prag, 1895. Beitrage zur Chirurgie. Festschrift gewid- met Theodor Billroth von seinen dankbaren Schiilern zur Feier des vollendeten fiinfzigsten Semester seines akademischen Wirkens in Wien. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, 1892. Belli (A.) Lettera al signor editore delle Romane Effemeridi su di un caso stranissimo di chirurgia. 8°. Roma, 1821. Bigelow (H. J.) Surgical anesthesia, ad- dresses and other papers. 8°. Boston, 1900. ------. I. The mechanism of dislocations and fracture of the hip. II. Litholapaxy; or rapid lithotrity with evacuation. 8°. Boston, 1900. Blech (G. M.) Practical suggestions in bor- derland surgery; for the use of students and practitioners. 12°. Philadelphia, 1910. Bonnet. De la methode a suivre pour arriver a la connaissance et au perfectionnement de la chirurgie. 8°. Paris & Lyon, 1838. Broca (A.) Notes de chirurgie. 8°. Paris, 1892. Ceccherelli (A.) I mezzi di progredire in chirurgia. 4°. Parma, 1891. Cheever(D. W.) The future of surgery with- out limit. 12°. Boston, 1SS9. ------. Lectures on surgery, and other pa- pers. 2. ed., revised, roy. 8°. Boston, 1898. Clement. Deuxieme lettre chirurgicale du Dr. Clement it J. M.Rodriguez. 8°. Mexico, 1869. Cooper (A.) & Travers (B.) Surgical essays. Parts I-II. 1. Am. from 3. Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1821. ------------. The same. GZvores chirurgi- cales; traduites de l'anglais. 8°._ Paris, 1823. Crampton ( P. ) Address delivered at the opening meeting of the Surgical Society of Ire- land, session 1855-6. 12°. Dublin, 1855. Davies (J.) Selections in pathology and sur- gery; or, an exposition of the nature and treat- ment of local disease; exhibiting new patholog- ical views and pointing out an important prac- tical improvement, illustrated by cases. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1845. Dennis(F. S.) Notes on surgerv. 4°. [New York, 1893.] Edwards (A. M.) Address to the gentlemen attending the lectures on surgery. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1858. SURGERY. 228 SURGERY. Surgery (Essays and observations on). Epps (U.) On some surgical diseases curable without cutting, also on pneumatic aspiration, also on stone in the bladder and lithotrity. 12°. London, [1875]. Festschrift zur Feier seines TOjahrigen Ge- burtstajjes am 9. Januar 1893. Friedrich von Esmarch. Ueberreicht von Schiilern, Freunden und Verehrern. 8°. Kiel & Leipzig, 1893. Ghioni ( G.) Saggio filosoiico-clinico su 1' influenza della chirurgia nell' arte medica tratto da' principj luminosi dell' odierna chi- mica. 8°. Parma, 1801. Green (J. S.) A view of modern surgery, from the standpoint of a general practitioner. 8°. Newark, 1891. Guelliot (O.) Etudes de chirurgie. 8°. Pom, 1904. Hulke (J. W.) The Bradshaw lecture de- livered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, on 3d December, 1891. 8°. London, 1892. Koch (C. F. A.) Chirurgische behandelung van inwendige ziekten. Rede. 8°. (Ironin- gen, 1906. Lauwers (E.) Etudes et observations chi- rurgicales. v. 1 & 2. 8°. Anvers, 1900-1901. Lilienthal (H.) Surgical hints for the sur- geon and general practitioner. 16°. New York, 1897. Lund (E.) Science in surgery; an introduc- tory address, delivered at the Owens College (Manchester Royal) School of Medicine, at the opening of the winter session, 1865-6. 8°. Manchester, 1875. Markham (W. O.) Remarks on the surgical practice of Paris, illustrated by cases; being a thesis, to which a gold medal was assigned by the Senatus Academicus of the Edinburgh University at the graduation of 1840. 8°. Phil- adelphia, 1841. Martinez Garza (P.) *Apuntes de clinica externa. 8°. Mexico, 1895. Mauclaire [P.] Notes et observations chi- rurgicales. 8°. Paris, 1903. Mears (J. E.) Address of the president, American Surgical Association, 1894. 8°. [n. p., 1894.] Meldon (A.) An address in surgery, deliv- ered in the Royal College of Surgeons at the opening of the surgical section of the Royal Irish Academy of Medicine in 1889. 8°. Dublin, 1889. Memorie chirurgiche pubblicate in onore di Enrico Bottini per il xxve annodel suo insegna- mento. 2 v., paged consecutively. 4°. Pa- lermo, 1903. Morton (D.) Reprints of papers read before medical societies. 1. Some points regarding the use of cocaine in urinary surgery. 2. La grippe of the larynx. 3. Meatotomy, how to perform it. 4. Urinalvsis don'ts. 8°. Louis- ville, Ky., [1892]. Mumford (J. G.) Surgical memoirs and other essays. 8°. New York, 1908. Page (H. W.) Clinical papers on surgical subjets. 12°. London, Paris & Melbourne, 1897. Poncet (A.) De la chirurgie a, ciel ouvert. 8°. Lyon, 1899. Provencal (J.-M.) * Questions de chirurgie proposees par M. Dupuytren, inspecteur gene- ral del'University imperiale, [et al.] . . . Pour la chaire de medecine operatoire, presentees a la dispute le 6 Janvier 1814. 4°. Montpellier, 1814. Surgery (Essays and observations on). Ricketts (M.) Surgical melange. 8°. Cin- cinnati, [n. d.]. Ruggi (G.) Ricordi, consigli e doveri. Pro- lusione. 8°. Bologna, 1906. Sachs (W.) Betrachtungen iiber die Gren- zen des chirurgischen Konnens. 8°. Basel & Leipzig, 1894. Saggi di chirurgia pubblicati in occasione del giubileo di laurea di Lorenzo Bruno dai suoi al- lievi D. Bajardi, G. Beisone [et al.]. roy. 8°. Torino, 1894. Senn (N.) Surgical notes from four conti- nents and the West Indies. [Twenty papers, paged separately.] 12°. [Chicago, 1903.] Smith (H.) The improvements in modern surgery. 8°. London, 1854. Stoker (W. T.) Atacta chirurgica. 8°. Dublin, 1884. Stokes (Sir W.) Finality in surgery; an ad- dress. 8°. Dublin, 1886. ------. Selected papers on operative and clinical surgery; edited by William Taylor. With a memoir of the author by Alexander Ogston. 8°. London & Dublin, 1902. Tedenat (E.) Memoires de chirurgie. 3. (2d. L& 2. series. 8°. Montpellier & Penis, 1892. Terrillon (O.) OZuvres . . . recueillies et mises en ordre par le Dr. H. Chaput. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1898. Thomas (H. O.) Contributions to surgery and medicine. Part I. Intestinal disease and obstruction. 8°. London, [1883]. ------. The same. Part II. Principles of the treatment of diseased joints. 8°. London, 1883. ------. The same. Part III. Fractures, dislocations, diseases, and deformities of the bones of the trunk and upper extremities. 8°. London, 1887. ------. The same. Part IV. The collegian of 1666 and the collegian of 1885; or what is "recognized treatment"? 8°. London, 1885. ------. Thesame. 2.ed. 8°. London,[1888]. ------. The same. Part V. The treatment of fractures of the lower jaw. 8°. London, 1881. ------. The same. Part VI. The princi- ples of the treatment of fractures and disloca- tions. 8°. London, [1886]. ------. The same. Part VII. Fractures, dislocations, deformities, and diseases of the lower extremities. 8°. London, 1890. ------. The same. Part VIII. Nerve in- hibition and its relation to the practice of medicine. 8° London, 1883. Tornroth (L. H.) Positiones chirurgici ar- gumenti. Respondente J. F. Blanck. sm. 4°. Helsinforsise, [1843]. Travers (B.) Observations in surgery. 8°. London, 1852. Vallance (B.) Address in surgery, delivered at the nineteenth anniversary meeting of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, held at Brighton, the 13th and 14th August, 1851. 8°. Laudim, 1851. Repr.from: Tr. M. A: Surg. Ass., Lond., 1851, xviii. Vanverts (J.) Travaux de chirurgie. 1. s. 8°. Lille, 1909. ------. The same. 8°. Lille, 1910. Volkovich (N. M.) Khirurgia, kak nauka i iskusstvo, i vospitatelniya zadachi khirurga. [Surgery as a science and art, and educational problems of the surgeon.] 8°. [Kiev, 1903.] SURGERY. 229 SURGERY. Surgery (Essays and observations on). Wyeth (J. A.) Essays in surgical anatomy and surgery. 8°. New York, 1879. Yokoi (K.) Sokwa shinshio. [Valuable sug- gestions in surgery.] MS. 8°. [n. p., 1801.] Abhe(R.) The Jerome Cochran lecture; the problems of surgery. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1905, 163-177. Also: Alabama M. J., Birmingh., 1904-5, xvii, 295-307.—Aievoli (E.) I fattori delle lesioni chirurgiche. Corriere san. Settim., Milano, 1897, viii, no. 4, 3-6.— Armstrong (G. E.) Adiiress on surgery. Montreal M.J., 1902, xxxi, 481-491— Ashlinrst (A. P. C.) The patience of surgery. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1910- 11, xxiii, 301-319. Also: Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg., 1911, xiii, 1-19.—Kal lance (C. A.) An address on then and now in surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 949-953.— Bennett (W. H.) Some reflections, mainly ethical, on the present position of operations in the practice of sur- gery. Tr. M. Soc Lond., 1902-3, xxvi, 304-323.—Bevan (A. D.) Surgerv in relation togeneral medicine. Chicago M. Recorder, 1898, xiv, 110-113.—Bird (F. D.) Some sur- gical considerations. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Mel- bourne, 1906, xi, 169-181— Bis hop (E. S.) Remarks on fetishism in surgery. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 363.— Bloodgood (J. C.) The relation of surgical pathology to surgical diagnosis. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1904, iii, 61-64.—Boluu (M.) Einige Beitrage zum Kapitel: Naturheillehre und Chirurgie. Arch. f. phvsik.-diatet. Therap., Berl., 1905, vii, 353-358.—Bormau (V. L.) Sovremennaya khirurgiya i yeya otnosheniye k prak- ticheskol meditsinle. [Modern surgery and its relation to practical medicine.] Kazan. Med. J., 1903, iii, 380-392.— Boslier (L. C.) Annual address of the president. Qualifications for a successful career in surgery.] Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1905, Phila., 1906, xviii, 1-10.— Bottiui (E.) Gli ardimenti della moderna chirurgia; note di clinica operativa. Clin, chir., Milano, 1896, iv, 377—101.—Bouchet (P.) Observation et jugement en chirurgie; leur r61e respectif; leur solidarite; leur svn- these. Bull, med., Par., 1905, xix, 429: 443; 456; 463.— Bradford (E. H.) Currents and counter currents in surgery. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Phila., 1911-12, ix, 6-16.— Broome (G. YV.) Ideal surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 117-121. Also, Reprint.—Bryant (T.) On the surgical diseases and injuries of the nose, larynx, thorax with its contents, and of the organs of circulation. In his: Clin. Surg., 8°, Lond., 1860-[66], pt. 2. Also, Reprint.—Burnet (J.) The limits of surgical inter- ference. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1905, xxxiii, 656-6^.— fa.rmalt (W. H.) Recent invasions of surgery into the domain of internal medicine. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1902, 368-375. -----. Some of the recent debts which medical science owes to surgery. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1908, xxvi, 1-14. Also: Surg., Gvnec. & Obst., Chicago, 1908, vi, 617-621. Also: Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1908, xxvi. 1-14.—Carr (W. P.) Saving the hundredth man. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1911, xiii, 434-439.—Carstens (J. H.) The requirements of modern surgerv. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1901, xxv, 45-56. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii, 1172- 1176.—CeccherelH (A.) Gli obiettivi della chirurgia. Clin. mod. Pisa, 1896, ii. 2*3; 294; 316; 338; 361; 378; 395.— Chernyakkovskii M.G.) Vvedeniyevkursobshtshei khirurgii; polozheniye k"hirurgii v ryadu meditsinskikh nank i otnosheniye yeya k vnutrennel meditsinle; znache- niye i soderzhaniye obshtshel khirurgicheskoi patologii, zadachi yeya izucheniya i prepodavaniya. [Introduction to the course of general surgery; position of surgery in the line of medical sciences, and its relation to internal medicine; importance and contents of general surgical pathology, problems of its study and instruction.] Khi- rurgia, Mosk., 1902, xi, 745-759.—< lilene (J.) Practical observations in surgery. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1893-5, i-iii, passim. — < liristinc (G. M. ) A plea for the appli- cation of better surgical principles, etc. Tr. Homoeop. M. Soc. Penn. 1898, Phila., 1899, 92-103.—Cord ier (A. H.) Some elements of success in surgerv. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1910, ciii, 63-68. —Crispin (A. M.) The in- dividual as a surgical factor. N. York M.J., [etc.], 1909, lxxxix, 992-1000. Also, Reprint.—DecoudfD.) Losnue- vos rumbos de la cirurgia. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1904, xi, 493-498.—Dixon (A.) Recent advances in sur- gery. N. Eng. M. Month., Danburv, Conn., 18*9-90, ix,389- 401. Also, Reprint.—DyakonofffP. I.) Mnogouvazha- yemomu svoyemu sotrudniku Professoru Aleksandru Aleksleyevichu Bobrovuredaktsiya " Khirurgii" posvya- shtshayet etu knigu, sostoyashtshuyu iz trudov yevo uchenikov. [Thee ditor of "Surgery" dedicates this num- ber to Prof. A. A. Bobroff, consisting of treatises by his pupils.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1899, vi, no. 33, 205-428, 2 L, port.—Estes (W. L.) Theaddress in surgery, State Medi- cal Society of Pennsvlvania, 1898. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1898, 3. s., xiv, 301-305. Also, Reprint.— Fstor (E.) Des qualites neces^aires au chirurgien. N. Montpel. med., 1896, v, 268; 281—Ferguson (A. H.) The surgery of to- day. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi, 619-522.—Fitz (R. H.) Some surgical tendencies from a medical point of view. Tr. N.York Accad. M. (1896-1901),1903,443-462. Also: Med. ►urgery (Essays ana observations on). News, N. 5 ., 1901, lxxix, 1009-1015. Also, Reprint. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1901, cxlv, 693-699. Also, Reprint. -----. The borderland of medicine and surgery. Tr. Cong. Am. Phys. tv.Surg.,N.Haven, 1907,vii, 136-164. Also, Reprint. Also: P,osfon,M.&S. J.,1907,clvi, 655-662. Also, Reprint.—Forgue (E.) Empiriques et chirurgiens. Rev. scient., Par., 1901, 4. s , xvi, 769-782.—Fowler (G. R.) The evolution of the surgery of the twentieth cen- tury. Tr. N. York Acad. M. (1896-1901), 1903, 119-135.— Fulton (A. L.) Has the limitof the art of surgery been reached? Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Kansas City, 1898,193-201.— Gallant (A. E.) Success, the surgical desideratum. J. Am.M.Ass.,Chicago,1906,xlvii,1357-1361. .A/sa.Reprint.— Glass (P. J.) In medicine and surgery, let us do no harm. Mobile M. & S. J., 1906, ix, 186-192.—Gutierrez (H.) Algo de cirugia en sus relaciones con la fisiologia. t'nin. med. mexieuna,Mexico,1905, viii,323-326.—Hadra (B. E.) The present position of surgery in its relation to medicine. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1898,167-171.—Hall (B.) An address on self-restraint in surgery. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1906, ii, 1354-1356.—Herring (E. K.) Surgical aids and makeshifts. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1905, xxiv, 110.—Hiett (G. VV.) The pressing demandforare- vision and recast of the surgical principles, together with the birth of some new ones. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1898-9, ii, 187-190. -----. The demand for a few simple principles in the practice of modern surgery, embracing a view of surgical gangrene, with report of a case. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1898-9, v, 199-203.—Hill (R.) The borderland between medicine and surgerv. N.York M.J. [etc.], 1910, xcii, 203-209.— Hingston (YV. H.) On svnthesis in sur- gery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892. ii, 236-241. Also: Lancet, Lond.,1892,ii.215-219.—Ilochenegg (J.) Antrittsrede anliisslich der ITel>ernahme der 2. chirurgischen Kli- nik zu Wien gehalten am 13. Mai 1904. Jahresb. u. Arb. d. ii. chir. Klin, zu Wien 1904-5, Berl., 1906, 45-52. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xvii, 565-571.—Hofmokl (J.) Chirurgische Mittheilungen. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1898, xlviii, 425; 491; 548; 595; 645; 699; 750; 798; 844; 899; 965; 1019. — Holmes ( B. ) On the borderline of surgery. Fort Wayne M. J.-Mag., 1902, xxii, 95-105. — Hough (C. H.) An address on some requirements of modern surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 875.—Hut- chinson (J.) Address in surgery. Prov. M. J., Lei- cester, 1895, xiv, 458-468. -----. Notes on topics referred to in the address on surgery. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1895, vi, 380-385.—Hi rig (L.) Sebkezeles biologiai alapdn. [The biological foundation of surgerv.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1903, xlvii, 474; 494; 513.—James (C. H.) Comprehensive surgery. Iowa M. .1. [etc.], Des Moines, 1909-10, xvi, 05-75.— Jane way ( E. G.) The border line in medicine and surgery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxix, 409-411. — Johnson ( R. W. ) Simplicity in sur- gery. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 563-568. -----. The debt this generation owes to sur- gery. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1905, xlviii, 344-348.— Kapelusell (E.) Bemerkungen zu einer Ergiinzung, Vereinfachung und Richtigstellung der chirurgischen Terminologie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xlviii, 2119- 2125.—Keen (W. W.) Address in surgerv. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 1102-1110. Also. Reprint.— Kelsey (C. B.) The surgery of the day. N.York M.J. [etc.], 1904, lxxix, 19. 'Also, Reprint.— Ketly (K.) A belorvostannak es seb6szetnek egymashoz valo viszo- nyar61. Balassa-eloadas. [Internal medicine and sur- gery as related to one another.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1909, liii, 751; 773.—Landerer (A.) Innere Heilkunst bei sogenannten chirurgischen Leiden. Aerztl. Rund- schau, Munchen, 1895, v, 689-692. Also: Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1895, lv, 233-237.— Lange (V.) Zur Erwiigung; ein kritischer Riickblick. Wien. med. Presse, 1893, xxxiv, 725; 770.—Lanpliear (A. H.) Medicine and surgery; the twins contrasted. Kansas City M. Rec, 1906-7, xxiii, 101-107.—Lanphear (E.) Some surgical sins. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Columbia, 1895, xxxviii, 185-201.—Lausiliinghouse (C. O'H.) Some- thing of surgery up to date. North Car. M. J., Wilming- ton, 1895, xxxvi, 161-175.—Lock wood (('. B.) A clini- cal lecture on some fundamental truths in surgery. Clin. J., Lond., 1910, xxxvi, 1-6.—Lofton (L.) Curious facts you find in general surgery. .1. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 849.—Lord (J. P.) Oration on surgery; a true conservatism. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1909, xiv,:: 17- 352.—Lydston (G. F.) The latest thing in surgical fads. Chicago M. Recorder, 1895, ix, 102-108.—JTIac- donald (W. G.) The relation of the clinical lab- oratory to modern surgery. Med. News, N. Y., 1900, lxxvi, 161-164. Also, Reprint.—IMcGlannan (A.) Re- view in surgery. Maryland M. .1., Bait., 1906, xlix, 467-475. Also, Reprint.—MoGuire (L.) Principles of surgery. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1905-6 to 1908-9, x-xiii, passim.— McLean (A.) Surgical ad- vantages. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1902-3, i, 9-12.— itre.Hurtry (L. S.) A plea 'for progressive surgery. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1891, Phila., 1892, iv, 1-7.— itlatliewK (J. M.) The address on surgerv. .1. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1S91.654-664. Also, Reprint.—JUayo (('. IL) Mortality, disability, and permanency of cure in stir- SlTRGERY. 230 SURGERY. Siergery (Essays and observations on). gcrv. NoiiInvest Lancet, Minneap., 1905, xxv, 179-182.— iTle'i-cier (,0. ) Le mouvement chirurgical depuis le Congres de Quebec. Union med. du Canada, Mon- treal, 1904, xxxiii, 412-424. — Moo re (J. E. ) The trend of modern surgerv. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 953-956. — JHorisani ( D. ) Gli orizzonti della moderna chirurgia. Riforma med., Palermo- Napoli, 1905, xxi, 288-296.—.Morton (D. M.) Modern surgery in relation to heredity. [Abstr.] Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1905, x, 426-429.—Mudd (H. H.) Address on general surgery. Surgical problems; Drainage; radical cure of hernia by operation; appendi- citis. J. Am. M. Ass.,Chicago, 1893, xx, 661-666.—Munro (J. C.) The surgical rights of the public. Canada Lan- cet, Toronto, 1908-9, xiii. 1-14. Also: Montreal M. J., 1908, xxxvii, 611-655.—Mi! n roe (H. S.) The future of surgery. Carolina M. J., Charlotte, 1905, liii, 559-502.— Murphy t.l. B.) Doctorate address before the gradua- ting class" of'96. P. &S. Plexus, Chicago, 1896-7, ii, 31- 36.—Myers (A. R.) Presidential address. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1905, xvii, 259-263.—Niles(H. D.) Twen- tieth century surgical problems. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1906. xlvi, 1071-1073. Also, Reprint.—Nutt (G. D.) Seme problems in surgery. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1903-4, vii. 1x9-193.— Olmsted' (I.) Address in surgery. Do- minion M. Month., Toronto, 1907, xxix, 193-201.—Oppel (V. A.) Zadachi khirurgicheskoi patologii i terapii. [Problems of surgical pathology and therapy.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 1315,1345.— Owen (E.) The address in surgery. Montreal M. J., 1900, xxix, 719-736.— Park (R.) Abstract of the oration in surgerv. Buffalo M. J., 1905-6, lxi, 420-439. -----. The problems which most perplex the surgeon. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1897, xxi, 40-06.—Parsons (S.), jr. Surgical studies. St. Louis J. Homceop. & Clin. Reporter, 1896, ii, 4.">l-455.—Penny (A. F.) Modern encroachments of sur- gery on the domain ot medicine. Med. Mag., Lond., 1906, xv, 41-48.—Perez (G.) L' influenza dal punto di vista chirurgico. Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod., Cata- nia, 1900-1901, ii, 280-282.— Phytliian (J. L.) A plea for the surgery of our small hospitals. Kentuckv M. J., Bowling Green, 1909-10, vii, 958-901.—Plunimer (G.G.) Importance of physiology and dietetics to the surgeon. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 1551-1553.—Poncet (A.) La chirurgie a ciel ouvert. Lvon med., 1899, xcii, 249-268. -----. Discours. Presse med., Par., 1899, ii, 225- 228.—Power (D'A.) On some disappointments of sur- gery. Lancet, Loud., 1900, ii, 1789-1792.—Powers (C. A.) The surgeon's heritage. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 161-164.—Beder (F.) Some points in practi- cal surgery. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1898, xxxvii, 202-205.— Rein (G. E.) O pogranichnikh oblastyakh mezhdu khirurgiyei, ginekologiyei i urologiyeL [Border lines between surgery, gynecology, and urologv.J J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1909, xxiii, 471-191.—Rich- ardson (M. H.) The contributions of surgery to inter- nal medicine. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1903, xxi, 1-22. -----. The borderland of medicine and surgery. Canad. M. & S. J., Toronto, 1910, xxvii, 137-165.— Bielielot (G.) La chirurgie simple. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1909, lxxvi, 685-693.— Kicketts (B. AI.) Surgical melange. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1902, n. s., xlix, 87-89. Also, Reprint. — Roberts (J. B.) The science of successful surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, 217-224. Also, Reprint. -----. Unnecessary restric- tions in surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 274r- 276— Rodman (W. L.) The influence of age, sex and race in surgical affections. Ibid., 1898, xxxi, 491-500.— Rogers (E. J. A.) The relation between sanitary science and surgery. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1897, iii, 403-407. -----. The influence of the mental attitude of the patient in surgical operations. Colorado Med., Den- ver. 1911, viii, 350-357.—Boss (J. F. W.) Surgery and facfr. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxvi, 433-439. Also: Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1897, Phila., 1898, x, 47-53.— Bosser (C. M.) Modern surgery; its aids and obstacles. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Fort Worth, 1904-5, xxii, 1-3.— Kiinnels (O. S.) Opportune surgery. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Chicago, 1903, 397-405. — Schachter (Al.) Nem operalt esetek. [Nonoperative cases] Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1905, xiv, 464.—Schlott'er (H.) Ueber die Beziehungen der modernen Chirurgie zur inneren Medi- cin. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1903, xxviii, 487; 503; 516.— Schmitt ( A.) Chirurgische Mittheilungen fur die Praxis. Med.-chir. Central-Bl.. Wien, 1896, xxxi, 393- 395.— Seliou (J.) Kirurgiske Meddelelser. [Surgical communications.] Ugeskr. f. Leeger, K0benh., 1902, 5. R., ix, 529; 553.—Senn (N.) On some of the limits of the art of surgery. Indian M.-Chir. Rev., Bombay, 1896, iv, 343; 403. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 905-915. Also, transl.: Frauenarzt, Berl., 1896, xi, 337; 3x9.—Shi- nault (C. R.) Surgical aggressiveness. Memphis M. Month., 1899, xix, 337-340.—Shtshegoleff (N. A.) Po- lozheniye sovremennol Khirurgii sredi drugikh medi- tsinskikh naiik i zadachi izucheniva i prepodavaniya khirurgicheskoi patologii i terapii. [Condition of modern surgery among other medical sciences and problems of Surgery (Essays and observations on). study of surgical pathology and therapv.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1904, xv, 117-127.—smith (E. B.) Some little points in surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx, 1102-1104. — Smith (J. G.) The art of the surgeon. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1894, ii, 249-253.—Smith (J. M.) Some practical suggestionsin the management of injuries which are not ordinarily found in text-books. Georgia Pract. Savannah, 1906, iv, 221-223.— Soubeyran. Les fron- tieres de la medecine et de la chirurgie. Gaz. d. hop Par., 1908, lxxxi, 747-752.—Span ton (W. D.) Anaddress on surgical instinct. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 169-175. A/so, Reprint. -----. An address on the surgeon and the industrial worker. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, 353-359.— Summers(J.E.),jr. Some of the essentials of successful surgery. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1897, iii, 203-210.— Sundt fornuft och kirurgi; huru man skall forhindra onodiga operationer? [Common sense and surgery; how to prevent unnecessary operations.'] Hiilsovannen, Stock- holm, 1909, xxiv, 49-51.—Tappey (E. T.) Some indi- vidualities in surgery. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1893, xvii, 24-33.—Teale (T. P.) The address in surgery, delivered at the annual meeting of the British Medical Association, held at Leeds, August, 1889. Brit. Al. J., Lond., 1889, 362-366. Also, Reprint.—Terry (M. 0.) On the preventive features of difficulties merging into sur- gical necessity. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1905, xl, 671-677.—Thomas (J. L.) On modern fashions in sur- gery. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1905, ii, 1628-1630.— Thom- son (W.) An introductory address on some surprises and mistakes. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 1507-1509.— Turner (G. G.) Surgical guide posts. Univ. Dur- ham Coll. Med. Gaz., Newcastle, 1906-7, vii, 33-42.— Tuttle (A. H.) Feeding of surgical patients. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx, 239.—Ullmann (R.) Neues auf dem Gebiete der Chirurgio. Wien. med. BL 1899, xxii, 562; 584; 603.— Vance (Ap Af.) Surgical fanati- cism. Tr. Kentucky AI. Soc, Louisville, 1900, n. s., viii, 14-25. Also: Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1900-1901, vii, 105-115.—Van de Warker (E.) The surgical discount of the future. Alonth. CycJ. Pract. Med., Phila., 1906, xix, 1-4.—van Hook (W.) The present relation of surgery to internal medicine. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chi- cago, 1897, 61-72.—Van Lennep (W. B.) Inaugural address in surgery. Alcd. Century, Chicago, 1893, i, 229- 233.—Vedeler (B.) Arbeidsudygtighed som operations- indikation. [Disqualification for labor as an indication for operation.] Tidskr. f. d. norske Ltegefor., Kristiania, 1898, xviii, 83-87.—van Velzen (S.) Zwei chirurgische Ideen. Aerztl. Rundschau, Alunchen, 1908, xviii, 477.— Vertiz (J.) Imposibihdad de fijar limites entre la medicina y la cirugia. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1911, 3. s., vi, 106-115.—Volkovich (N. M.) Khirurgiya, kak nauka i iskusstvo, i vospitatelniya zadachi khirurga. [Surgery as a science and art, and the educating prob- lems of the surgeon.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, ii, 1381-1383.—Waite(Lucy). The surgical situation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxiv, 834-836. — Walton (A. J.) A consideration of the state of the autonomic nervous sys- tem in acute surgical conditions. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 17; 85.—Waterhouse(H.F.) • An address on certain sub- jects of surgical interest. Brit.M. J., Lond.,1910,ii,61-64.— Webb (F. A.) Rest and stimulation as surgical factors. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxi, 293-295.—Weber (L.) A word of warning and encouragemetit to the general prac- titioner as to the management of cases requiring surgical aid; the deplorable state of the practitioner's economics, and a suggestion of remedies. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liii, 228-230. — Wein (E.) Begriffsverwirrungen und unrichtige Benennungen in der modernen Chirurgie. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1899, xxxv, 1153-1159.— Wilks (Sir S.) The relationship of medicine and surgery. Med. Mag., Lond., 1903, xii, 4-13. — Wll- lard(DeF.) Address of the president. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1902, xx, 1-9. Also, Reprint.—Wilson (B. F.) The essential elements of ideal surgery. Tr. Pan- Am. Al. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 858-860.— Wyoth (J. A.) Some original contributions to surgery. J. Am. AI. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 1297. — Wynter (W. E.) The uses and limitations of surgery. Hospital,Lond., 1905, xxxviii, 43. Surgery (Ethics of). See Surgeons (Duties, etc., of). Surgery (Examination of blood in). See Surgery (Diagnosis in). Surgery (Experimental), including transplantations of organs and tissues. See, also, Surgery (Plastic); Tissues (Cul- ture of, Extra-vital); Tissues (Transplantation of). Crile (G. W.) An experimental research into surgical shock. 8°. Philadelphia, [1899]. SURGERY. 231 SURGERY. Surgery (Experimen tail), including transplantations of organs and tissues. -----■. An experimental and clinical re- search into certain problems: relating to sur- gical operations. Abstract from an essay awarded the Alvarenga prize for 1901 by the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. 8°. Philadelphia, 1901. -----. Blood-pressure in surgery; an ex- perimental and clinical research. 8°. Phila- delphia & London, 1903. -----. Hemorrhage and transfusion; an experimental and clinical research. 8°. New York A: London, 1909. Gross (S. D.) An experimental and critical inquiry into the nature and treatment of wounds of the intestines. 8°. Louisville, 1843. Haarland (M.) * Ueber Bindehauttrans- plantation. S°. Tubingen, 1901. Harvard University. Medical School, Bos- ton. The division of surgery of the Medical School of Harvard Universitv. Report of re- search work, 1902-5. 8°. Boston, 1905. Hkndrick (B. J.) Work at the Rockefeller Institute. The transplanting of animal organs. 8°. New York, 1909. Cutting from: McClure's Mag., N. Y., 1908-9, xxxii. Lilienthal (H.) Current progress in sur- gery. 8°. New York, 1910. Cutting from: Century Alag., N. Y., 1910, lxxix. Merrem (D. C. T.) Animadversiones quae- damchirurgica? experimentis in animalibusfactis illustrata?. [Excision of pylorus in dogs.] 12°. Giessw, 1810. Xelaton (C.) & Ombredanne (L.) Les au- toplasties; levres, joues, oreilles, tronc, mem- bres. 8°. Pari*, 1907. Nelmann i R.T *Die Transplantation nicht bosartiger Gewebe. 8°. Berlin, 1905. Schone (G.) * Vergleichende Untersuchun- gen iiber die Transplantation von normalen Geweben. [Habilitationsschrift,] [Marburg.] 8°. Tubingen, 1908. Senn (N.) Experimental surgerv. 8°. Chi- cago, 1889. Alessandri (R.) Innesti di tessuti embrionali nell' organismo adulto. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1908, Roma, 1909, i, 427-435, 2 pi.—Allan (J. W.) Transplantation of pancreas in diabetes, and of su- prarenal gland in Addison's disease. Brit. AI. J., Lond., 1903, i, 523. — Oalch (R. E.) Animal experimenta- tion and blood vessel surgery. J. Alich. AI. Soc, Bat- tle Creek, 1910, ix, 231-234. — Barbierl (N.-A.) He- teroplastic Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1900, exxx, 1139-1141—Benoit (A.) La chirurgie actuelle des transplantations et des greffes. Rev. de therap. med.- chir., Par., 1909, lxxvi, 649-662.—Bode (E.) & Fabian (E.) Ueber die Transplantation freierund konservierter Gefiis*,.. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing.. 1910, lxvi. 67-84 — Borst & Enderlen. Ueber Iran-plantation von Ge- fiissen und ganzen Organen. Deutsehe Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1909, xcix, 54-163, 2 pl.—Bull (P.) (im trans- plantation. Tidsskr. f. d. norske Lagefor.. Kristiania, 1906, xxvi, 141; 185.— Capelle. Ueber Dauerresultate nach Gefass- und Organtransplantation. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 190K, xiv 2012.—Carnot (P.) Les greffes de muqueuses et la pathogenie des cavites kystiques. Arch. de med. expei. et d'anat. path., Par., 1905, xvii, 273-300.— Carraro (A) Ueber heteroplastische Verpflanzungen. Frankf. Ztschr. f. Path., Wiesb., 1909, iii, 382-392.—far- re 1 (A.) Latechniqueoperatoiredesanastomosesvascu- laires et la transplantation des visceres. Lyon med., 1902, xcviii, 859-864. -----. Les anastomoses vasculaireset leur technique operatoire. Union med. du Canada, Alontreal, 1904,xxxiii,521-527. Also: Rev.med.duCanada,Montreal, 1904-5, viii, 29-32. -----. The transplantation of organs; a preliminary communication. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xiv, 1645.-----. Anastomosis and transplantation of blood-vessels. Am. Aled., Phila., 1905, x, 284. -----. La transplantation et ses applications chirurgicales; etude experimentale. Presse med., Par., 1905, xiii, 843. Also, Reprint. -----. Surgery of the blood-vessels and its ap- plication to the changes of circulation and transplanta- tion of organs. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1906, Surgery (Experimen tal), including transplantations of organs and tissues. xvii, 230. -----. The surg'ery of blood vessels, etc. Ibid., 1907, xviii, 18-28. Also, Keprint. -----. Extirpation of both kidneys from a cat and transplantation of both kidneys from another cat, with exhibition of specimens. Proc. s.oc. Exper. Biol. & Aled., N. Y., 1906-7, iv, 91. -----. Heterotransplantation of blood vessels preserved in cold storage. J. Exper. Al., Lancaster, 1907, ix, 226-228. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 572. -----. Results of the transplantation of blood vessels, organs, and limbs. J. Am. Al. Ass., Chi- cago, 1903, li, 1662-1667, 8 pl. Also, Reprint [with addi- tions] . -----. Further studies on transplantation of ves- sels and organs. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1908, xlvii, 677-696. Also, Reprint. -----. La transplantation des membres. Rev, de chir., Par., 1908, xxviii, 673-681. Also, Reprint. -----. Experimental surgery of the tho- racic aorta by the method of Aleltzer and Auer. J. Am. AI. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 28. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Presse in 6d, Par., 1910, xviii, 9. -----. Peritoneal patching of the aorta. J. Exper. AI., Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1910, xii, 139-145,1 pl. -----. Remote results of the replantation of the kidney and the spleen. Ibid., 146-150. -----. Experimental intrathoracic surgery by the Alel- tzerand Auermethod of intratracheal insufflation. Aled. Rec, N. Y., 1910, lxxvii, 491-493. Also, Reprint. -----. On the experimental surgery of the thoracic aorta and the heart. Am. Surg., Phila., 1910, Iii, 83-95. Also, Re- print. -----. Resultats eioignes de la transplantation des veines sur les arteres. Rev. de chir., Par., 1910, xxvii, 987-996. Also, Reprint. -----. The ultimate result of a double nephrectomy and the replantation of one kidney. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., A N. Y., 1911, xiv, 124. Also, Reprint. -----. Patching of tlie abdominal aorta with a piece of rubber. J. Exper. AL, Lancaster, Pa., - bert (H.) Ueber Transplantation auf Individuen mi- derer Gattung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1904, Jena, 1905, viii, 104-109.—Bitter (C.) Beitrage zur Gewebstransplantation. Aled. Klin., Berl., 1910, vi, 663- 665.—Rosen thai (O.) Neuere und neueste Bestrebun- gen des Organersatzes. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1910, iii, 370-372.—Schiine. Experimentelle Untersu- chungen iiber dieTransplantation korperfremderGewebe. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1908, xxxvii, 174-178.—Senn (N.) The surgery of the pan- creas as based upon experiments and clinical researches. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1886, iv, 99-232. Also, Reprint. -----. An experimental contribution to intestinal sur- gery with reference to the treatment of intestinal obstruc- tion. Ann. Surg.,St. Louis, 1888, vii, 1; 99; 171; 264: 367; 421. Also, Reprint.—Solaro (G.) Contributo sperimentale alio studio degli innesti di tessuti fetali (innesti di fram- menti di arti fetali nel tessuto sottocutaneo e nel fegato). Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1907, lxi, 135-156.— Sllcli (R.) Zur Transplantation von Organen mittelst Gefiissnaht. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1907, xxxvi, pt. 2, 234-244. [Discussion], pt. 1, 30. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1907, lxxxiii, 494-504. -----. Ueber Gefiiss- und Organtransplantationen mit- telst Gefiissnaht. Ergebn. d. Chir. u. Orthop., Berl., 1910, i, 1-48.—Stieh (R.), Makkas & Capelle (W.) Bei- trage zur Gefiisschirurgie; Dauerresultate der cirkularen SURGERY. 233 SURGERY. Surgery (Experimental), including transplantations of organs and tissues. Arteriennaht und Veneiiifiiplantation. Beitr. z. klin. Chir.. Tubing.. 1909, lxii, 780-799.—Stieli ( R.), Makkas (M.) it Dotvman (C. E.) Beitrage zur Gefiisschirurgie; cirkuliire. Arteriennaht und (Ufiisstr.uisplantationen. Ibid., 1907, liii, 113-150, 2 pl.—Sweet (.1. E.) The rela- tion of the ductless glands to surgerv. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg., 1911, xiii, 112-120. 1 pl.—Tansini (I.) Progressi della chirurgia ed azione del clinico. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1904, lv, 1; 11.— Tletze (A.) Ueber Versuche zur Transplantation lebender Gefiissstiicke auf audere Hohlorgane des Korpers. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xlvi, 333-336.—Turner. Pieces experimentales d'anas- • tomoses vasculaires. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 406. -----. Chirurgie experimen- tale. Presse med.. Par., 1907, xv, annexes, 49-51.—VII- lard & Tavernier. Pieces experimentales de trans- plantation d'arteres et de reins. Lyon m£d., 1910, cxv, 283-287.—Wolfe (J. R.) The transplantation of tissues. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1893-4, iii, 83-88.—'Ziegler (E.) Der experimentelle Ersatz der Gewebe. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect, d'anat. path., 113-120. Surgery (Field of operation in, Sterili- zation of). See Surgery (Antiseptic, Methods, etc., in). Surgery (General and systematic trea- tises and collective ivories on). See Surgery (Manuals of); Surgery (Opera- tive, Manuals of). Surgery (Ilistory, condition, and prog- ress of). See, also, Amputation (History of); Anaes- thetics (History of); Controversies (Medical); Gyneecology (History of); Instruments (Medi- cal, etc., Early history of); Lithotomy (History of); Medicine (History of); Medicine (Primi- tive, etc.); Ovariotomy (History of); Perityphli- tis (History of); Surgery (Antiseptic, History, etc., of); Surgery (Instruments in, History of); Surgery (Military, History, etc., of); Surgery (Plastic, History of); Surgery (Prehistoric and primitive). Adams (S. H.) Modern surgery. 8°. New York, 1905. Cutting from: McClure's Mag., N. Y., 1904-5, xxiv. Agostinelli (G.) Influenza della tradizione classica sullo sviluppo della chirurgia moderna. Conferenza. 8°. Foligno, 1906. Allbutt (T. C.) The historical relations of medicine and surgery to the end of the sixteenth century; an address delivered at the St. Louis Congress in 1904. 8°. London & New York, 1905. Annals (The) of the barber-surgeons of Lon- don, compiled from their records and other sources, by Sidney Young, one of the court of assistants of the Worshipful Company of Bar- bers of London, with illustrations bv Austin T. Young. 4°. London, 1890. Ballu (A.) *L'arsenal chirurgical ancien. Etude des instruments tranchants a. action pro- fonde. 8°. Paris, 1905. Beaney (J. G.) The history and progress of surgery; an address delivered to the medical students of the Melbourne Hospital. 4°. Mel- bourne, 1877. Beatty (T. E.) Observations addressed to the council of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, on Friday, July 15, 1859, in support of a motion for a committee to confer with Trinity College relative to the license in surgery given by that institution. 8°. Dublin, 1859. Bernabeo (G.) Gl' Italiani nella chirurgia. Prolusione al corso pareggiato di patologia spe- ciale chirurgica e propedeutica, nell' Ospedale di Gesil e Maria. 8°. Napoli, 1897. Surgery (Ilistwy, condition, and prog- ress of). Bibliotheqle nationale. Departement des manuscrits. Collection de cbirurgiens grecs, avec dessins attributes au primatice. Reproduction reMuite des 200 dessins du manuscrit latin 6866 de la Bibliotheque nationale. 8°. Paris, 1908. Bielogorski ( P. A.) * Hospitalnaya khi- rurgicheskaya klinika pri Imperatorskol' Vo- yenno-MeditsinskoI (b. Mediko-Khirurgiche- skoi) Akademii, 1841-98; material! dlya istorii khirurgii v Rossii. [Hospital surgical clinic of the Imperial Army-Medical (formerly Medico- Chirurgical) Academy, 1831-98; data on the his- tory of surgery in Russia. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1898. Blanc y Benet (J.) Datos para una biblio- graffa quirurgica espanola. 8°. Barcelona, 1894-6. Bogdanovski (E.) Obzor usplekhov khirur- gicheskoi patologii i operativnoi khirurgii za 1865 i 1866 godi. [Review of the advances in surgical pathology and operative surgery for 1865-6.] 8°. [St. Petersburg, 1869.] Brambilla (G. A.) Orazione sulla premi- nenza ed utilita della chirurgia. Tradotta dal latino nella nostra volgar favella da Francisco Buzzi. 8°. Milam, 1787. Brinton (J. H.) The march of surgery. 8°. Philadelphia, 1882. Buntzen (A.) Chirurgien i Danmark midten afdetforrigeaarhundrede. 8°. Kj0benhavn, 1869. Buschan (G.) Chirurgisches aus der Volker- kunde. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Ceci (A.) Sviluppo ed indole della chirurgia attuale, discorso inaugurale per 1' anno accade- mico 1899-1900, letto nell' Universita pisana. 8°. Pisa, 1899. Century (A) of progress in surgery, from Sir Astley Cooper to the present day. 8°. Nor- wich, N Y, [1899]. Coromilas (G.-P.) Progres de la chirurgie pendant la seconde moitie du xixe siecle. Con- ference d'ouverture du cours de chirurgie gene- rale. 8°. Athlnes, 1899. Corradi (A.) Escursioni d' un medico nel Decamerone. I. Dell' anestesia e degli aneste- tici nella chirurgia del medio evo. fol. [Mi- lano, 1881.] Repr.from: Mem. r. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Cl. di lett. e sc. mathemat. e nat., Milano, 1877-81, xiv. Coulon (H.) La communaut6 des chirur- giens-barbiers de Cambrai (1366-1795). 8°. Paris, 1908. Czerny (V.) Ueber die Entwicklung der Chirurgie wahrend des 19. Jahrhunderts und ihre Beziehung zum Unterricht. 4°. Heidel- berg, 1903. D.uchez (H.) Les armoiries des chirurgiens de Saint-Come aux xvie, xviie et xviii6 siecles (sceaux et armoiries des communautes et colle- giales), suivies de la collection complete de ces armoiries (d'apres l'armorial de d'Hozier). 8°. Paris, [n. d.]. Deneffe. Chirurgie antique. Etude sur la trousse d'un chirurgien gallo-romain du iii8 sie- cle. 8°. Anvers, 1893. ------. The same. La prothese dentaire dans l'antiquite. 8°. Anvers & Paris, 1899. De Rinaldis (U.) Dei progressi dell' inseg- namento e della tecnica chirurgica studiati a Pa- rigi durante 1' esposizione mondiale del 1900. Relazione al ministro della pubblica istruzione. 8°. Napoli, 1901. SCRGERY. 234 SURGERY. Surgery (History, condition, and prog- ress of). Discursos kudos ante la Real Academia de medicina ... el dia l°de abril de 1894. [Tema: Constitucion de la cirugia desde su origen hasta la ipoca actual.] roy. 8°. Madrid, 1894. D'Olblen- (L.-B.) Statuts et reglemens gene- raux pour les communautes de chirurgiens des provinces. Donnes a Marli le 24 fevrier 1730. Enregistr6s dans tous les parlemens du roy- aume. Nouvelle ed. augmentee des £dits, ar- rets et declarations qui y ont rapport, de diffe- rentes notes et eclaircissemens, de modeles pour les lettres de maitrise, etc. sm.4 °. Paris, 1754. Dutt (K. C.) The principles and practice of surgery in Bengaly. 2. ed. v. 1. 8°. Dacca, 1882. Eastman (J.) The evolution of surgery. 8°. [n. p.], 1886. Entwicklung und Fortschritte der Chirurgie. Vortragszyklus, veranstaltet zur Erinnerung an Ernst von Bergmann unter Mitwirkung von O. von Angerer [et al.]. Hrsg. vom Zentralko- mitee fur das iirztliche Fortbildungswesen in Preussen, in dessen Auftrage redigiert von R. Kutner. 8°. Jena, 1909. Foot (A. W.) An address delivered in the theatre of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ire- land at the opening of the session, Oct. 29, 1883. 8°. Dublin, 1883. France. Arret du Conseil d'Etat du Roi, qui ordonne le payement des gages et rentes appar- tenans a differentes communautes de chirur- giens. Du 11 dec. 1779. 4°. [Paris, 1779.] Repr.from: Registres du Conseil d'Etat. Franklin (A.) La vie privee d'autrefois. Arts et metiers, modes, rnceurs, usages des Pari- siens du xiie au xviiie siecle, d'apres des docu- ments originaux ou inedits. Les chirurgiens. 12°. Paris, 1893. ------. The same. 16°. Paris, 1894. Fraser (A.) Inaugural address, delivered at the opening meeting of the Royal College of Surgeons Scientific Association, session 1888-9. 8°. Dublin, 1889. G. (F.) Histoire plaisante sur la misere des clercs et des garcons chirurgiens, autrement dits fratres, en forme de dialogue. 32°. Lion, [circa 1719]. ------. The same. La peine et misere des garcons chirurgiens, autrement appellez fratres. Representez dans un entretien joyeux et spirituel d'un gargon chirurgien et d'un clerc. 16°. Troyes, 1719. Gross (S. D.) Report on Kentucky surgery, read before the Kentucky State Medical Soci- etv, at its annual meeting at Louisville, Oct. 20, 1852. 8°. Louisville, Ky., 1853. Gurlt (E.) Geschichte der Chirurgie und ihrer Ausiibung, Volkschirurgie, Alterthum, Mittelalter, Renaissance. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Hahn (L.) & Wickersheimer (E.) Les col- lections artistiques de la Societe de chirurgie de Paris, 1843-1908. 8°. Paris, 1908. Harrison (R.) Some retrospects and pros- pects in surgery. 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Marehe, Porto Civitanova, 1903, xi, nos. 1-3.— Albert (L.) Die Herniologie der Alten. Ber.d.naturw.- mcd.Vcr. in Innsbruck (18761,1877, vii,2. Hft., 11-81. Also, Reprint.—Alberts (O.) Osteoplastik den mongolischen Uhirurgen schon vor 500 Jahren bekannt? Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1900, lx, 971.—Alezals. Les anciens chi- rurgiens et barbiers de Marseille. Marseille med., 1900- 1904, xxxviii-xli, passim.—A11 butt (T. C.) The histori- cal relations of medicine and surgerv. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, viii, 669-076. Also [Abstr]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 789-792. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond,, 1904, ii, 935- 939.—Allen (D. P.) Observations upon the relative progress of surgerv in America ami Kurope. Cleveland M. J., 1902, i, 140-146.— Ancient (Tbct ordinary of the barbers and surgeons in York, A. 1). 1 ls6, as revised and augmented A. D. 1592; together with the fresh ordinances i f 1614 as to the master of anatomy, dissections, reading of lectures, etc., from the Egerton MS. 2572, in the British Museum. In: Vicarv (T.) The anat. of the bodie of man, [etc.], 8°, Lond*., 1888, 269-288. — Anderson (A.) Two Southern pioneer heroes in surgery and gvneeologv. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car., Winston, 1898, 10-16.— Andrews (J. W. ) Modern surgerv. Albert Lea M. J., Albert Lea, Minn., 1898-9, i, 81-88. —Annandale (T.) The present position of surgery: I. Its scientific aspect. II. Its practical aspect. III. Its moral aspect. Canada Lancet. Toronto, 1898-9, xxxi, 794-802. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., is;is, ii, 293-297. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 249-252. Also, transl.: Wien. med. BL, 1898, xxi, 503; 519. — Assaky. Chirurgia in secolul al xxx-a inain- tea lui Christos. [Surgery 3,000 years before Christ.] Inst, de chir., Bucuresci, 1892, ii, 241-245. -----. Descan- tecele in secolul al xvi-a inaintea lui Christos. [Decline (of medical art) in the 16th century before Christ.] Ibid., 246-249.—Ayres (S. C.) Ambroise Pare; a surgeon of the sixteenth century. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1908, xlix, 523-530. Also, R"eprint.—Ball (J. M.) Ambrose Pare, the father of French surgery, 1509-90. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 45-48. — Ballance (C. A.) Presidential address on then and now in surgery. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1906-7, xxx, 1-15. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 1043-1046. — Banneriuan i\\\) The death wound of Oscar. Caledon. M. J., Glasg., 1899-1900, iv, 86-90. — Baraez (R.) Kr6tki poglad na obecny stan techniki chirurgicznej w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ame- ryki na podstawie wlasnych spostrzezeri. I Brief review of the present condition of surgical technique in the United States of America, based on personal observations.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1904, xliii, 127; 160; 177.—Barbers and surgeons. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 37.—Barber- surgeons. [Edit.] Lancet, Lond., 1908,ii, 1691:1909,i, 119.—Barber-surgeons (The) of Newcastle-on-Tyne and the Durham School of Medicine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 213— Barnsby (H.) Les progres de la chirurgie depuis 1870. Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1910,xv,10; 36.— Baudouln (M.) Un point d'histoire de la chirurgie: l'em ploi des fotirmis en medecine operatoire. Gaz. m<5d. de de Par., 1898, 11. s., i, 612-614.—de Beaurepalre (C.) Notes sur trois chirurgiens de l'Hotel-Dieu de Rouen au xviie siticle. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1903,176; 196.—Beek(C) Recentadvancesinsurgery. Med. News, N.Y.,1904,lxxxv, 1107-1111.-----. The influence of Ameri- can surgerv on Europe. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1906-7, xxiv, 386-404. Also: (ieorge Washington Univ. Bull., Wash., 1906, v, no. 3, 5-18.—Keeker (E.) HildesheimerChirur- gen in alter Zeit. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1902, lxvi, 863-887.—Bell (J.) The surgical side of the Royal In- firmarv of Edinburgh, 1*51-92; the progress of a genera- tion. 'Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1893, i, 18-34. -----. Notes on forty vcarsof Scottish surgerv. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1899, xvi, 1-7.—Bennett (.l/rs. A. W.) Modern surgery viewed from the standpoint of a layman. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor. 1S96. xviii, 549-552.—von Bci-ara unabiblio- grafia quinlrgica espanola. Enciclopedia, Barcel., 1895, viii, 144; 220; 261; 295; 341; 383; 411; 4 12: 1*06, ix, 56: 107; 191; 204; 363; 403.—Block (0. E.) Some observations of European surgery. Kentucky M. J.,Bowling Green, 1907, v, no. 2, 41-43.—von Bonsdorff (H.) Nagra drag ur kirurgiens utveckling under de senast forflutna tjugufem aren. [Some features in the development of surgery during the last 25 years.] Finska liik.- sallsk handl., Helsingfors, 1910, Iii, v. 2, 419-435.—Borelius (J.) Ater- blick pa kirurgiensutvecklingunderl800-talet. [Review of the development of surgery in the 19th century.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1900, lxii, 551-562.—Bornhaupt (F. K.) Ocherk razvitiya khirurgii za xix stolietiye. [Development of surgery in the 19th century.] Univ. Izvlest., Kiev. [Protok. fiz.-med. Obsh. 1898-9, ii, 3-31], 1900, xl.—Boucher (L.) Un concours sur titre pour une place de chirurgien en chef a l'Hotel-Dieu de Rouen en 1784. Normandie med., Rouen, 1895, x, 217; 249; 265; 296; 375.—Bourgeois (G.) Un chirurgien ardennais au xvii" siecle: Jean Bienaise, 1601-81. France med., Par., 1910, lvii, 221-225.—Boutlneau (F.-E.) Moeurs medicales en Touraine au xvii* si6cle; un chirurgien royal jure. Bull. Soc. franc, d'hist. demed., Par., 1903, ii, 96-111. -----. Les examens d'un barbicr-chirurgien de Tours au xvii" siecle, 1616-20. Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1904, ix, 173-177. -----. Xotaire, huissier et chi- rurgiens, xviii6 siecle. Ibid., 258-262. -----. Lebourreau et les chirurgiens de Fontenay-le-Comte. Ibid., 274-277. -----. Monitoire fulmine contre un M< chirurgien (xvii" si6cle). Ibid., 293-297.— Boyee i H. A.) The evolution ofsurgicaltechniqueduringthelast half century. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1909, xxvi, 157-162. Also: Internat. Hosp. Rec, Detroit, 1909, xii.no. 10, 7.—Braim. Rechte und Stellung der altern Baderim Konigreiehe Bayern. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., Ib40, xxxix, 425-128.— Bray ton (A. W.) John S. Bobbs, of Indianapolis, the father of cholecystotomy. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1905-6, xxiv, 20-33, port.—Brion (H.-J.) Les pratiques chirurgicales chez les Arabes. France med., Par., 1910, lvii, 109. —Brown (F. E. W.) Surgery and surgical literature of the eighteenth centurv. Char- lotte [N. C] M. J.. 1909, lx, 156-158. — Brown (W. L.) Saxon surgery and its origins. Physician & Surg., Lond., 1900, i, 25-28.— von Bruns. Die Fortschritte der modernen Chirurgie. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1907, iii, 162-173. —Bryan (W. A.) Glimpses of European surgery. South. Pract., Nashville, 1911, xxxiii, 73-N3.—Bryant (J. D.) The indebtedness of posterity to tlie pioneer surgeons of the Mississippi Valley. Lancet-clinic, Cincin.,1911,cvi, 421-427.—Buck (T. A.) Thirty-five years' retrospect in the profession, including some experiences, chiefly surgical. Brit. M. J., Lond.,1900,ii,143-115.—Butliii (H. T.) The Hunter- ian oration on the objects of Hunter's life, and the man- ner in which he accomplished them. Ibid... 1907, i, 357- 362. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 481-485.—C. (A.) Une note de chirurgien au xvii<> siecle. France med., Par., 1902, xlix, 294.—< alrd (F. M.) Some points in the evo- lution of surgerv in Edinburgh. Edinburgh M. J., 1908, n. s.,i, 389-398.—€ari>e (K.) Fradetyske Barberers Tid. [From the times of German barbers (historical sketch).] Biblioth. f. Lseger, Kj0benh., 1892, 7. R., iii, 620-633.-----. Bourreau et chirurgien. Janus, Amst., 1898, ii, 309-312. Also, transl.: Biblioth. f. Lceger, K0bcnh., 1899, 7. R., x, 063-665. -----. Fradetyske Barberers Tid. [From the times of the German barbers.] Biblioth. f. Lfeger, K0benh., 1904, 8. It., v, 5si-5ss. -----. Sbarpretter og Kirurg. [Executioner and surgeon.] Ibid., 1905, 8. R., vi, 483- 494.—C'arr(\V. I'.) Review in surgery. Wash. M. Ann., 1911-12, x, 229-239— Ceeeherelli (A.) II moderno indirizzo scientifico in chirurgia. Morgagni, Milano, 1892, xxxiv, 461-514.—Ceci (A.) Progressi della chirurgia: Pasquale Landi; prelezione al corso di clinica chirurgica. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1895, i, 238-245.—Celsus redivivus. Lancet. Lond., 1904, ii, 904.—Certlticat (Un) de maitre en chirurgie. France med., Par., 1902, xlix, 445.—Cha- vanne I F.) Vieilles gens, nouvelles idees. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1907, ii, 305-313.—Cheever (D. W.) The new surgery; the Shattuck lecture for 1897. Boston M. A S. J., 1897, exxxvii, 1-5. Also: Publ. Mass. M. Soc, Bost,, 1897, 373-387. -----. A reminiscence of my professional life. Boston M. AS. J.,1911, clxv,435;483; 525— Ohlene (J.) Edinburgh Royal Infirmarv, 1869- ls77. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1818-1851.—Chinese surgery in the last century. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1898, xii,374.— Chipault (A.) & Dalelite (E.) Le traite des fractures du crane deBerengerde Carpi (1518). N.icotiog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1895, viii, 372 :;sl—Chirurgie (La) au xvii° siecle. N. Montpel. med., 1.VJ8, vii. 968-970.— Clairmont (P.) Chirurgische Eindrucke aus Xord- amerika. Wien.klin.Wchnschr.,1908,xxi,1100; 1130; 1163.— Clark (H. E.) Then and now; or, the progress of sur- gery during the present century. Glasgow M. J., 1893, xl, Surgery (History, cemdition, and prog- ress of). 401-414."-----. On the changes in surgical theory and treatment in the past twenty-five years. Ibid., 1899, Iii, 305-321. -----. A rare medical book and its author. Ibid., 241-247. Also, Reprint.—< lomenli (<;.) Lascienzaela pratica chirurgica all' allia del secolo xx. Rassegna in- ternaz. d. med. mod., Catania, 1901-2, iii, 170-177.—Cohen (H. M) John Hunter. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1910, liii, 122-12S.— Cohn (M.) Historische Streifziige. Celsus. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1N90, xxiii, 627: 1897, xxv, 24; 16l;380;545: xxvi, 96; 392.—Collier (II. S.) Er- rors of ancient surgery. St. Marv's Hosp. (iaz., Lond., 1903, ix, 50-53.—rollings (H. P.)' Address on the early history of surgery. Hot Springs M. J., 1897, vi, 201-207,— Colquhoun. A relic of John Hunter. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1909-10, vii, 19-31.—Comenge (L.) Evo- hicioii dela cirugia. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1900, xxiii, 201. 1 diag.—Coiitciiau (G.) L'anatomie chirurgicale dans la Chanson de Roland. Tribune med., Par., 1900, 2. s., xxxii, 331-334.—Corclier (A. H.) United States sur- geons as pioneers in abdominal and pelvic surgery. Tri- State M. J. & Pract., St. Louis, 1897, iv, 189-193. Also: Nat. M. Rev., Wash., 1898-9, viii, 123-126. Also: Kansas City M. Index, 1899, xx, 1-4.—Corlieu (A.) Les chirurgiens de l'Hotel-Dieu de Paris, du xv° au xix<- siecle. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1901, lxxiv, 52; 108; 129. -----. La chirurgieen Grece avant l'ere chr6tienne. J. de med. de Par., 1901,3. s., xiii, 458-461. Also: Med. anecdot., Par., 1902,11-18.— Crawford (D. G.) Pre-service surgeons. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1902, xxxvii, 1; 41.—Czerny (V.) Fort- schritte der Chirurgie in den letzten fiinfundzwanzig Jahren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, 4-6. -----. Ueber die Entwicklung der Chirurgie wahrend des 19. Jahrhunderts und ihre Beziehung zum Unterricht. Ibid., 1904, xxx, 30; 68; 103. Also [Abstr.]: Heilkunde, Berl. u. Leipz., 1904, 2-7.—D. (P.) Les chi- rurgiens grees etlemanuscrit latin 6866 (Bibliothcque na- tionale). Presse med., Par., 1908, xvi, 187-189.—Dan- drhlgc (N. P.) Early surgeons of Cincinnati. Lancet- Clinic, Cincin., 1907, n. s., lviii, 364-367.—Ban il (C.) Lec- tiune de deschidere privire asupra progresclor chirurgiei de la originile sale panft in prezent. Bull. Soc. d. med. et nat.de Jassy, 1911,xxv,23-42.—Davis (G.G.) Personal ob- servations on the development of modern surgerv. Penn. M.J.,Pittsburg,1899-1900,iii,337-347.—Beaver (J*.B.) The past, present, and future of surgerv. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1910-11,xiv,167-174 — Delagenife'rc (HA Histoire de la chirurgie: Le Prof. Felix Terrier. [With a bibliography of his writings.] Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1908, xvii, 311- 361.—Del Gaizo (M.) Mariano Santo di Barletta e la chirurgia italiana nella prima meta del cinquecento. Atti d.r. Accad.med.-chir. di Napoli, 1893, xlvii, 271-319. -----. 11 magistero chirurgico Teodorico dei Borgognoni ed al- cuni codici delle opere di lui. Ibid., 1894, xlviii, 91-134.— Denelle. La chirurgie antique. Belgique med., Gand, 19os, xv, 291: 303.—Dennis (F. S.) The achievements of American surgerv. Tr. X. York M. Ass., 1892, ix, 201- 214. Also: Med. Rec., N. Y., 1892, xiii, 637-648. Also, Reprint. -----. The history and development of surgery during the past century. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., & N. V., 1905, ix, 4; 139; 181: 227; 265. Also, Reprint.— Deutsch (E.) A gorog sebeszet a kereszteny korszak eldtt. [Greek surgery before the Christian era.] Magy. orv. lapja, Budapest, 1902, ii, 217.—Dewey (C. <».) Some progress made in medicine and surgery. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1909-10, vi, 491-502.—De "Witt (T. F.) Fifty years of surgerv under anaesthesia. In: Foster (B.) The history [etc.], 16°, St. Paul, 1896, 12-25.—Dickin (E.P.) Barber-surgeons of Sandwich. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1906, ii, 960.—Dickinson (G. K.) The evolution of sur- gical procedure. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liv, 627-629.— Documents, chirurgiens et baigneurs. [Abstr.] France med., Par., 1902, xlix, 131.—Dorbeck (F.) Ni- kolai Pirogow; ein Gedenkblatt zu seinem 100. Geburts- tag. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1910, xxxv, 643-648.— Don (A.) The old and the new in surgerv. Caledon. M. J., Glasg., 1909-11, viii, 309-314.—Drivon (J.) Une trousse de barbier-chirurgien au xvii* siecle. Lyon med., 1905, civ, 957; 1007. Also: France med., Par., 1909, lvi, 11-13. -----. Reglement des chirurgiens de l'Hotel-Dieu de Lyon en 1764. Ibid., 1910, lvii, 425.—Dudgeon (J.) A chapter in Chinese surgery. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1895, ix, 59-62,4 pl.—Dunaway (W. C.) Surgery; past, present and future. Tr. Arkansas M. Soc. 1903, Little Rock, 1904, xxviii, 188-198.—Durante < F.) La chirurgia degli Arabi. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma. 1892-3, xix, 168-185. -----. La chirurgia degli Arabi. Suppl. al Policlin., Roma, 1898-9, v, 786-791.—Dureau (A.) La derniere annee de l'Acad<§mie de chirurgie. Bull. Soc. franc, d'hist. de med., Par., 1903, ii, 4K2-IS7.—Dwyer (F. C.) The evolution of modern surgerv. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1904, cxviii, 432-446.—Eastman (J.) Further con- cerning John S. Bobbs, the father of cholecystotomy. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1899-1900, xviii, 277.—Kber- mayer (F.) Chirurgische Studien aus Nord-Amerika. Beitr. z. klin.Chir.,Tubing., 1910, lxx, 131-138— von Kl- selsberg. Wandlungen in der modernen Chirurgie. SURGERY. 237 SURGERY. Surgery (History, condition, and prog- ress of). Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1903, xvi, 563-568.— Eisen- dratli (D. N.) Review of the progress of surgery. Chi- cago M. Recorder, 1895, ix, 267; 372—Fiseiiiuaiiu. Ideen zu einer Reform des Baderwesens in Baicrn. Med. Argos, Leipz., 1842, iv, 3-10.—Eliot (C. W.) The fruits of medical research with thoaidof anesthesia and asepti- cism. BostonM.&S.J.,1909,clxi,607-611.—Elizabethan (The) revival of surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 220.— d'Estree(P.). LeschambellansdeM. La Peyronie. Rev. dem6d.leg., Par., 1900, vii,251-254.-----. Historicttes sur quelques chirurgiens. J.de med.de Par., 1904,2.s.,xvi, 139 — Executioners as surgeons. [Edit.] Brit. M.J.,Lond., 1908, ii, 850.—Extinction (The) of the general sur- geon; by a nearly extinguished physician. Med. Mag., Lond., 1897, vi, 87-91.—Eykel. Einige grepen uit de geschiedenis der wondbehandling. Med. Rev., Haar- lem, 1911, xi, 311-371.—Fedenuann (A.) Moderne Bestrebungen in der Chirurgie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 534-536.—Ferguson (A. H.) The surgery of to-day. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1903-4, xxxvii, 101- 113.—Fischer (G.) Surgery one hundred years ago; an historical study. Transl. by Carl H. von IClein. .I.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897-8, xxviii-xxx, /lossim.—Fischer (W.J.) Master-minds in medicine; John Hunter (1728- 93), great man of science and surgeon. Dominion M. Month.. Toronto, 1908, xxx, 219-236.—Fitz (R. H.) Some surgical tendencies from a medical point of view. Med. News, N.Y., 1901, lxxix, 1009-1015. -----. The borderland of medicine and surgery. [Abstr.] Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvi, 65.5-662.—Folet (H.) A ,propos dc Maison- neuve: souvenirsd'unvieilinterne. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1897, i, 182. -----. Les petits prophetes de la chi- rurgie; Augustin Belloste (1654-1730). Ibid., 1905, ix, 493- 500. Also: France med., Par., 1905, Iii, 437-442.—Forgue (E.) Empirikov6a chirurgove; kapitola z dejin lckarstvi. [Empiricismand surgery; a chapterfrom medical history.] Sbirka pfednasek a rozpr. z oboru 16kafsk., v Praze, 1901-2, 10. s.. 183-206. -----•. Medecine et chirurgie; chirurgiens etmedecins. Montpel. med., 1911,2. s., xxxii, 601: xxxiii, 8.—Fort. Les ancetres de l'homme a la fourchette. Chron. med., Par., 1903, x, 204-206.—Fossel (V.) Bruch- schneider, Lithotomen und Oculisten in fruhcrer Zeit. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1902, xxxix, 372-383. Also: Janus, Amst., 1901, vi, 636: 1902, vii, 24.— Fournier (A.) Les chirurgiens-barbiers en Lorraine. Bull. med. d. Vosges, Epinal, 1897-8, xii, no. 48, 47-50.— Fowler (G. R.) The evolution of the surgery of the twentieth century. Med. News, Phila., 1896, lxix, 602- 607.—Fraenkel(A) Vinzenz von Kern; Joseph Lister. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 335-344. -----. Nikolai IwanowitschPirogolY: zumhundersten Geburtstag. Ibid., 1910, xxiii, 1684.—Gaiiawa. [Surgery in remote an- tiquity.] Geibi Iii, Tokyo. 1906,127-131.—Garrett (R.W.) The science and art of surgery; its progress during the nineteenth century and its prospects for the twentieth. Kingston M. Quart., 1900-1901, v, 84-97.—Gautier (L.) Coup d'ceil sur la chirurgie & Geneve pendant la seconde moitie du xvi™ siecle. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Ge- neve,1903,xxiii,717-727.—Gerster (A.G.) Surgical man- ners and customs in the times of Henry de Mondeville. Proc. Charaka Club, N. Y., 1910, iii, 70-98, 1 pL—Glill- llni (C.) Operazioni eseguite negli Stati Uniti; chirur- gia e ortopedia in America. Bull. d.sc.med. di Bologna, 1911,8.s.,xi,65-76 —GiedroyefF.) Ustawycech6wcyru- lickich wdawnej Polsce. [Coii.-titutionaof barber-surgeon guilds in ancient Poland.l Kron. lek.. Warszawa, 1897, xviii, 129; 176; 223; 275; 331; 387— Godfrey (C. C.) Report on the progress of surgery. Proc.Connect.M.Soc..Bridge- port, 1905,251-260. [Discussion], 279-281.—Gould (A. P.) The recent evolution of surgery. Tr.M.Soc.Lond.,1894-5, xviii, 341-359. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1289-1293. -----. A surgical text-book of the 17th century; notes on the works of Ambrose Parev. Middlesex Hosp. J., Lond,, 1909-10, xiii, 225-233.—Gra'd wo hi (R. B. H.) The Mayo surgical clinic at Rochester. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1908, xxxvi, 475-504.—Graham (D. W.) Future progress in surgery. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1906, x, 549-556.— Gray (W.) The progress of surgery in Bombay during the last twenty years. Jamsetji Jijibhai Hosp. Bombay. Rep., 1892, i, 1-28.-----. A review of recent progress in surgery. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1901-5, i, 125- 134.—Greenwood (M.) A novel view of the origin of the profession of medicine and surgery. Med. Mag., Lond., 1910, xix, 86-91.—Gr/efn (K.) Guilielmus Fabri- tius Hildanus. Tidsskr. f. d. norske Laegefor., Kristiania, 1910, xxx, 609-611.—Gross (S. D.) [Historical sketch of Kentucky surgerv.] Tr. Kentucky M. Soc. 1852, Franc- fort, 1853, ii, 99-290.—Guidone (P.) Profili dei grandi chirurgi lucani del secolo xix. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1910, xiii, 756-762.—Guleke (N.) Chirurgische ReiseeindrtickeausNordamerika. Miinchen. med.Wchn- schr., 1909, lvi, 2321; 2380; 2426.—Haberllng (W.) Am- broise Pare; zur vierhundertsten Wiederkehr des Jahres seiner Geburt. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1911, xxxvii, 29. — Hagen (M.) Surgical eponvms. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1909, xxxv, 179; 311: xxxvi, 356; Surgery (History, condition, and prog- ress of). 422: 1910, xxxvii, 4; 68: xxxix, 19; 187.—Haggard (W. I). ) Some notes on British surgerv. South. Pract., Nashville, 1907,xxix, 627-641.— Halm iL.) & Wlekers- heinier (E.) Les collections artistiques de la Societe. de chirurgie de Paris (1843-1908). Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1908. n. s., xxxiv, pp. xxxv-lxvii, port.— Hamilton (E.) The surgery of to-day. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1892, xciv, 465-171. -----.' Irish surgical history in the past. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1893, cvii, 579.— ■ ■anionic (P.) Nos confreres d'autrefois chez eux; le chirurgien du xvie siecle. Rev. clin. d'androl. et de gynec,Par., 1905,xi, 180-184. -----. Le barbier-chirurgien italien an xvii" siecle. Ibid., 236-240.—Harpel (Kate). Review of surgical progress. Woman's M. J., Cincin., 1911, xxi, 141-116.—Harrington (T. L.) The progress of surgery during the Middle Ages; a reply. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1910-11, ix, 331-313.—Harrison (R.) On some points in practical surgery suggested by the study of the life and work of John Hunter. Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 1818-1822. Also, Reprint—Heath (C.) Sir John Erichsen and the art of surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1123-1125. -----. A century of surgery. Occidental M. Times,Sacramento, 1897, xi,549-565. -----. Alectureona century of surgery. Brit.M. J., Lond. ,1900,i,61-65.—Heitz (J.) Note sur un vase grec de l'Ermitage od sont figurees des operations chirurgicales. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1901, xiv, 528-530, 1 pl.—Heli'erich (F.) Bericht iiber die wichtigeren Forschungsergebnisse auf dem Ge- biete der Chirurgie des Jahres 1900. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1901, eclxxii, 113-117. -----. Geschichte der Chi- rurgie. Handb. d. Gesch. d. Med., Jena, 1903, 11. Lfg., 1-208.—Helme (F.) Ambroise Pare; ses voyages; sea cahiers d'observations. Rev. mod. de med. et de chir., Par., 1907, v, 352: 1908, vi, 11; 87; 127. — He I ninth (W. T.) Surgery in the homoeopathic school. Tr. World's Cong. Homceop. Phys. & Surg. 1893, Phila., 1894, 49-6*. Also: Med. Advance, Lansing, Mich., 1893, xxx, 111-125. — Hemineter (J. C.) German-Amer- ican influence in medicine and surgery. Med. Libr. ^ Hist. J., Brooklyn, 1906, iv, 287 - 292. — Henry VIIl's barber. [Edit,] Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 604.— Hingston(SirW. H.) A review of some of the changes in surgical thought and treatment during the past thirty- six years. Montreal M. J., 1896-7, xxv, 285-291—His- toire de la medecine en France; deux contrats d'ap- prentissage des chirurgiens. J. de med. de Par.. 1902, 3. s., xiv, 239. — Hoffa ( A. ) Ein kleiner Beitrag zur Geschichte der Chirurgie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, 265.—Hopkins (G. G.) The evolution of surgery. Times & Reg., Phila., 1894. xxviii, 129-132.—Houzel (G.) Ambroise Pare redresseur de tors. Gaz. hebd. de m E.J.) A brief historv of modern surgery. Med. Brief. St. Louis, 1905, xxxiii." 69; 165; 257; 327; 402.— Knott (.J.) Chinese surgery. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1902, n. s., lxxiv, 137- 139. -----. (ele-tial surgery. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xcii, 408-411.—Knotz (J.) Chirurgie in Bosnien-Herze- gowina vor der Okkupation und heute. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1910, lxvii, 502-508.—KO nig (F.) Die Chirurgie vor 50 Jahren und die heutige Chirurgie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 601-603. -----. Fiinfzig Jahre chirurgischer Arbeit. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1909, 1, 17-25.—Kokkores (D. Ch.) "H x^PovPy-K:n «" T.) Personal reminiscences of Svme. Med. Age, Detroit, 1898, xvi, 33; 65—Macphail (S. R.) The bar- ber surgeons. Caledon. M. J., (dasg., 1904-5, vi, 136-148.— Madill ((i. C.) Progress in surgery. Albany M. Ann., 1905, xx, 677-681.—Majocchi (A.) La chirurgia in America: uomini e cose. Arte ostet., Milano, 1909, xxiii, 237; 262.—Makins (G.H.) Some impressions of American surgery. St. Thomas's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1910, xx, 16-25.— Malls (Yu. G.) Uehrezhdeniye kafedrl hospitalnol khi- rurgii v Peterburgskol Mediko-Khirurgicheskol Akade- mii. [The founding of the chair of clinical surgery at the St. Petersburg Medico-Chirurgical Academy.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1896, xvii, 65-69. -----. Sevastopolskiya pisma N. I. Pirogova. [Pirogoff's Sebastopol letters.] Russk. chir. arch., S.-Peterb., 1907, xxiii, 127-131—Man- ninger (V.) Seb6szetiink az Orvosi Hetilap hasabiain. [Our surgery in the columns of the Orvosi Hetilap.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906, 1, 148-151.— Mapother (E. D.) Lessons from the lives of Irish surgeons. An address introductory to the session of the Roval Col- lege of Surgeons, October, 1873. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1873, lvi, 430-453. Also, Reprint.—Man-use (J.) Antisepsis und Asepsis im Alterthum. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1900, xlvii, 1630-1632.—Marien (A.) Les chi- rurgiens du moyen-age et les chirurgiens de nos jours. Union m6d. du Canada, Montreal, 1908, xxxvii, 503-509.— Marsh (H.) On the progress of surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 289-291.—Marten (R. H.) Surgical ob- servations in Europe. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1905, xxiv, 465-467.—Itlartin (C.) La chirurgie actuelle en France. Anjou med., Angers, 1903, x, 316: 1904, xi, 10; 46.— Matas (R. W.) Progress in surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 1212-121S.—Mauclaire (P.) Notes chirurgicales pendant un court voyage & Londres. Tribune med., Par., 1904, 2. s., xxxvi, 775: 791; 823.— Mayo (E.) Big battles against disease; the advance in surgery. Outlook, N. Y., 1910, xevi, 979-987.— Mayo (W.) Notes on Italian surgery. J. Minn. M.Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1910, n. s., xxx, 373-3*0. Also: Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1911, xxx, 211-225. Also, trans!.: Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1911, xx, 234-245.—Mayo (W.J.) Present-day surgery in Englandand Scotland, from notesmadeon a recent short visit. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1907, xxvii, 499- 503. Also, Reprint. — Mearsf J. E.) The evolution of sur- gery. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1904, xxii, 143-158.-----. Reminiscences of the earlv days of the American Surgical Association. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1908, xlvii, 833-852. Also, Reprint.-----. Modern medicine and surgery in the Ori- ent. Ibid., 1042. -----. The old and the beginning of the new in surgery. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1909, xxvii, 511-529. Also: Ann.Surg., Phila.,1909,1,23-42—Medical antiquities; the barber, the surgeon, and the taster.— Hospital, Lond., 190S-9, xiv, 124.—Meige (H.) Lespein- tres de la medecine (ecoles flamande et hollandaise); les operations sur la tete. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1895, viii, 228-264, 3 pl. -----. Les peintres de la medecine (ecoles flamande et hollandaise); 1'operation sur le dos. Ibid., 1896, ix, 381-384, 1 pl. -----. Les pein- tres de la medecine (6coles flamande et hollandaise); documents nouveaux sur les operations sur la tete. Ibid., 1898, xi, 199-212, 3 pl. -----. Medecine retrospective; les barbiers-pedicures. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1897,148; 157; 164. -----. Le barbier-chirurgien de Gerard Dow (collection Leopold Favre, a Geneve). Presse med., Par., 1906, xiv, annexes, 713-715. Also: N. iconog. de la Salpe- triere, Par., 1906, xix, 293-296, 1 pl. -----. Les dessins de la "collection des chirurgiensgrecs" attribuesau Prima- tice. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1908, xxi, 247, 6 pl.— Mercier (O.-F.) Le mouvement chirurgical de- puis le Congres de Quebec. Rev. med. du Canada, Mont- real, 1904-5, viii, 43-48.—Merkel (J.) Ueber die Ge- schichte der Chirurgie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 2123.—Meunier t L.) Un jeton de l'Academie de chi- rurgie (1723). Bull. Soe. franc.d'hist. de med., Par., 1903, ii, 479-481— Miklashcvskl (P. P.) Slava Pirogovu! [Praise to Pirogoff. Hvmn.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 2098.—Miles (A.) Surgery. Edinb. M. J., 1905, n. s., xvii, 21-33.—Mfsovskaya (A.) Pamyati Piro- gova. [In Pirogoff's memory. Poem.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 2099.—Mo'llns (J.) Anatomical and practical observations in St. Thomas's Hospital, 1674-7. With introduction and notes by J. F. Pavne. St. Thom- as's Hosp. Rep. 1894, Lond., 1896, n. s., xxiii, 1-39.—Mol- li&re (H.) La chirurgie et les chirurgiens francais au commencement du xiv» siecle, d'apres le livre d'Henri de Mondeville. Lyon med., 1894. lxxvi, 451; 485.—Mo- nod (C.) Notice historique sur la Soci(3te de chirurgie de Paris. Gaz.d. Imp., Par., 1893, lxvi, 1161; 1171.—Mon- profit (A.) La chirurgie francaise en 1908. Arch. prov. SURGERY. 239 SURGERY. Surgery (History, condition, and prog- ress of). de chir!, Par.. 1906, xv, 608-619.—.Monument eleve par la ville de Montreuil-Belley (Maine-et-Loire) a la me- moire des chirurgiens Moreau et Pierre Duret (de Brest). Ibid., 1898, vii, no. 11, annexes.—Moore (Sir YV.) The ancients and arterial hsemorrhage. Prov. M. J., Leices- ter, 1894, xiii, 170.—Moreau (J.) Chirurgie d'autrefois; resultatsgeneraux. J. de chir. etann. Socbelgede chir., Brux., 1906, vi, 121-123—Morgan (J. H.) On the ro- mance of surgery. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 1061-1064. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1901, xxiv, 1-10.—M orison (R.) Surgical impressions, the result of a flying visit to some American hospitals. Edinb. M. J., 1891-2, xxxvii, 798-812. Also: Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1892, i, 48-55.— JJIorre. Moderne Chirurgie in amerikanischer Be- leuchtung. Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1905, xxx, 244- 217—Morton (D. M.) Impressions of surgical work in Great Britain and America. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1910, xv, 79-89.—Morton (F. G.) Progress in surgery in 1891. Times & Reg., Phila., 1892, xxiv, 97-111. Also, Re- print.— Morton i H. Mel.) Surgerv of the past and pres- ent. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1897, xvii, 201; 221 — Mumford {.'. G.) Teachings of the old surgeons. Boston M. & S. J., 1895, cxxxiii, 333; 367.—Murphy (T. > Some impressions of American surgery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1910, xv, 14-19.—.Mcaiwe "(V.) Chirurgiens et barbiers aux xiii« et xiv siecies. Bull. Soc. franc d'hist. de med., Par., 1902, i, 442-462. Also: France med'., Par., 1903,1,7-14. Also, Reprint.—Nlles (H. I).) Twen- tieth centurv surgical problems. J. Am. M. Ass..Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1071-1073.—Nobles (N. T. B.) A surgical pil- grimage to European hospitals. Cleveland M. & S. Re- porter, 1908, xvi, 121; 192; 212: 247; 324—Norrie (G.) Doktorgradens Forhold til kirurgisk Praksis far 1788. [The relation of the degree of doctor to surgical practice in 1788.] Ugeskr. f. Lteger, Kobenh., 1902, 6. R., ix, 398- 400.—Nunez (E.) La evolucion de la cirugia en Cuba. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1905, x, 387-392.— Oefele. Rechtliche Stellung des Chirurgen zu Abra- hams Zeit (2250 v. Chr.). Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1903, xxx, 401-406. -----. Die altesten Darstellungen chirur- Lrischer Operationen. Janus, Harlem, 1907, xii, 258-261.— Oliver (J. H.) The progress of surgery in the United States. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1906-7, xxv, 383-387.— One (The) hundred and eighty-five freemen of the Bar- ber-Surgeons' Companv. In: Vicarv (T.) The anat. of the bodie of man, [etc.], 8°, Lond., 188% 243-246.— Open- shaw (T. H.) John Hunter and his place in the evolu- tion of surgery. Abstr.Tr. Hunterian Soc,.Lond., 1902-3, 25-4*.—Ordinances of the Barber-Surgeons'Company of London, September, 1529. In: Vicarv (T.) The anat. of the bodie of man, [etc.], 8°, Lond., lsss, 247-268.— Ordinances (The) of the barber-surgeons of Oxford. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1392.—Ordonnance de Je- han Davy, bailly de Rouen; donnee a Rouen le 14 Janvier 1407; confirmee par Charles VI en mars 1412, et par Henri VI, roy de France et d'Angleterre, en novembre 1424; statuts pour la communaut6 des barbiers de la ville de Rouen. France med., Par., 1902, xlix, 449-452.— Ori- gine (L') du mot carabin. Xormandie med., Rouen, 1902, xvii, 241.—Ormsby ( L. H. > A century's progress in surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1171-1173.—Os- termayer (M.) Aservsebeszet az utols6 6vekben. [Or- ganic surgery in late years.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xiv, 715; 729: 1902, xlvi, 473.—Otis (G. A.) Sur- gery. In: John-on's New Univ. Cycl., N. Y., 1878, iv, App., 1678-1686— Ontten (W. B.) American surgery. St. Louis M. Rev., 1902, xiv, 278.—Owen (E.) The Hun- terian oration on John Hunter and his museum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 311-317. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 417-422.—Packard (J. H.) On some of the surgeons of the last century. Cii nad. Pract., Toronto; 1888, xiii, 46-56. Also, Reprint.-PageI (J.) Die Chirurgie des Jamerius. Janus, Amst., 1909, xiv, 109. -----. Analek- ten zur Chirurgie des Heinrich von Mondeville. Ibid., 399-404. — Pa^et ( S. ) Surgery in ]Mi0. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 1.K50 - 1859. — Palleroni ( G. ) Uno sguardo alia chirurgia nel secolo xix. Rassegna inter- naz. d. med. mod., Catania, 1901-2, iii, 206-216.—Pan- sier (P.) Cyrurgia Johannis Jamarii, d'apres les ma- nuscrits des bibliotheques bodleienne d'Oxford et na- tionale de Paris. Janus, Amst., 1903, viii, 304; 359; 426 — Pare (A.) Comment on pr£facait un livre au xvie siecle; quelques vues sur la chirurgie et la medecine. Rev. mod. de med. et de chir., Par., 1906, iv, 39-47.— Park (R.) A lecture on the evolution of the surgeon from the barber. Janus, Amst., 1898, iii, 159. Also: In- dian Lancet, Calcutta, 1899, xiii, 1-5. -----. The next twentv-five years in surgery. Buffalo M. J., 1908-9, lxiv, 585-593. Also [Abstr.]: Clin. Rev., Cleveland, 1905-6, xxiii, 557-582.—Parker (E. F.) A history of surgery in South Carolina. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1893, xxxi, 241-258. Also, Reprint.—Parsons (J. W.) New Hampshire surgeons and surgery of the past centurv. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1891, 129-156.—Par- tyes de cirurgien, 1689. [From: Bull. Soc. archeol., hist, et artist, de vieux papiers, 1900, i.] France med., Surgery (His'ory, condition, and prog- ress of). Par., 1902, xlix, 352..—Patterson (A.) Surgical remi- niscences, including eighteen years' work in the Western Infirmary, Glasgow. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1897, i, 961- 972.—Pearse (H. E.) The progress of surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii, 457.—Perot (F.) Note sur un instrument de chirurgie de l'epoque romaine. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1911-12, xvii, 69.—Petit (E.) Un grand proces a Valenciennes au xvii6 siecle: chirurgiens con tre porn iquiers. EchomtJd.du nord, Lille, 1910, xiv, 522; 549.—Peugnlcz (P.) De la chirurgie mo- derne. Gaz. me'd. de l'icardie, Amiens, 1892, x, 201; 217; 234; 249; 265; 282— Phillips (P. T.) The progress of sfirgery during the past year. Occidental M. Times, Sac- ramento, 1895, ix, 5SJ-5S7.—Pllclier (J. E.) The annals and achievements of American surgerv. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv, suppl. no. 18, 629-636. -----. Guy de Chauliac and Henri de Mondeville; a surgical retrospect. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxi, 84-102. Also, Reprint.-----. Felix Wiirtz and Pierre Franco; a glimpse of sixteenth century surgery. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiv, 605-534. Also, Reprint.— Pilcher i L. S.) The evolution of the American surgeon. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1893, 67-X.s. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1X93, xvii, 343-367.—Plantier. Communication d'un document in£dit du xviie siecle sur la repression de l'exercice illegal de la chirurgie. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Drdme [etc.], Valence & Par., 1905, vi, 269-284, 1 pl.—PlatonoflT (V. M.) Novaya era v khirurgii. [A new era in surgerv.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez.,St. Petersb., 1911,xxvi, 869-872.— Poate (H. R. G.) Some London surgeons. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1910, xxix, 189-192.—Poland (J.) A retrospect of surgery during the past century. Abstr. T. Hunterian Soc. 1900- 1901, Lond., 1902, 23-71.— Polya (S. J.) A sebeszet 50 ev elott 6s ma. [Surgery 50 years ago and now.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906, 1, 133-139.—Pomerene (H. P.) The present status of surgery. Columbus M. J., 1907, xxxi, 97-104.—Pooley (J. H.) A sketch of the historv of surgery. Am. M. Compend, Toledo, 1897, xiii, 43; 66; 98; 114: 1898, xiv, 1. —Power (D'A.) Contributions towards a history of the surgical teaching at St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital during the nineteenth century. St.Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1896-7, iv, 163-166.-----. How surgery be- came a profession in London. Med.Mag., Lond., 1899, viii, 413; 483; 582; 645; 814. Also, Reprint. -----. The Serjeant surgeons of England and their office. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1900-1901, viii, 81-84. Also: Janus, Amst., 1900, v, 174-178. Also, Reprint. -----. The Elizabethan revival of surgery. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1902-3, x,l; 18. Also, Reprint. -----. The lectures on surgery at St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital, 1731-1906. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 211- 213. Also, Reprint. -----. Early surgical consultations. St.Barth.Hosp.J.,Lond.,1907-8,xv,138-140.-----. Thedebt of the medical profession to the barbers of London. Med. Mag., Lond., 1910, xix, 538-543.— Powers (C. A.) Early surgeons of Colorado. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1901, vii, 380-384.—Preuss (J.) Chirurgisches in Bibel und Tal- mud. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, lix, 507-534.— Prins (K.) De ligatuur v66r Ambroise Pare; kritisch- historische bijdrage tot degeschiedenis der bloedstelping. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1900, 2. R., xxxvi, d. 2, 797-X33.—Ranina (R. N. R.) On the art of surgery of the ancient Hindu raid. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1899-1902, v, 218-223.—Rapport sur un projet de regle- ment concernant les eleves en chirurgie de l'Hospice de Versailles (an XIII). France med., Par.,1902, xlix, 252.— Razumovski (V. I.) N. I. Pirogoff, kak nauchniy dieyatel i professor khirurgii. [N. I. Pirogoff as a scien- tist and professor of surgery.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 645-652.—Reclus (P.) Origines et tendances de la chirurgie contemporaine. Presse med., Par., 1904, i. 313-317.— Reder (F.) German surgeons of the present time. Tr. M. Ass. M issouri 1896-7, Kansas City, 1898, 555- 562.—Rensseu (W.) Chirurgie. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1899-1900, vi, b',4-175.—Responsibility (The) of sur- geons and their fees B. C. 2300. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 211.—de Ribicr (L.) La chirurgie en Auvergne; re- gistre des lettres de maitrise delivrees par la communaute des maitres-chirurgiens de la ville de Riom (1780-83). France med., Par., 1903-8, U-\v, passim. -----. Les chi- rurgiens d'Auvergne au xviii0 siecle; la corporation des chirurgiens de Riom. Ibid., 1906-8, liii—lv, passim.— Richardson (C. H.) The growth and development of surgery in the smaller cities. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1908, xxi, 85-92. Also [Abstr.]: Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clix, 337.—Richardson (M. H.) On cer- tain evil tendencies in medicine and surgery. Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clix, 711; 752; 791.—Richer (P.) La chi- rurgie dans Part antique. [Abstr.] Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1902, xi, 245-250.—Richet (A.) L'histoire de la chirurgie. In his: Clin, chir., 8°, Par., 1893, 17-49. Also: Rev. scient., Par., 1892,1,641-651.—Richey (S. O.) The fads and fashions of surgery. Ann. Ophth. & Otol., St. Louis, 1896, v, 396-410.—Ricketts (B. M.) The newer surgery. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1910, civ, 366-370.— Rivet. Portrait du bon chirurgien vers la fin du 17« siecle, suivant Dionis. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1909, 2. s., SURGERY. 240 SURGERY. Surgery (History, condition, and prog- nss i if). xxvii, Ji 17-624.—Riviere ( E. ) Prothese chirurgicale d'autrcf'ois; une jambc de bois au moyen-age. Ibid., 1897-8, xvi, 357-359.—Roberts (W. O.) The progress of surgerv in the nineteenth centurv. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1901, xxxi, 241-249. -----. Southern surgeons and surgerv; before, during, and after the Civil war. South. M..I.', Nashville. 1911, iv, 1X9-200. Also: Tr. South. Surg. A (ivnee. Ass. i;no, Nashville, 1911, xxiii, 1-24.— Robinson (II. H.) St. Thomas's Hospital surgeonsand the practice of their art in the past; a record from the re- endowment by King Edward VI. up to the opening of the New Hospital at Westminster Bridge. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1899, Lond.. 1901, 115-1 is—Kobson (A. W. M.) An address on the surgery of to-day as compared with that of twenty-five years ago; illustrated by the work in the General Infirmary at Leeds. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 1094-1096. Also, Reprint. -----. On the advance in sur- gery during thirty years. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 912-916. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1015-1017. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press. & Circ, Lond., 1902, n. s., lxxiv, 371-373. -----. Address in surgery: Observations on the evolution of abdominal surgery, from personal reminis- cences extending over a third of a century and the per- formance of 2,000 operations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 240-218. Also: Lancet, Lond.. 1902, ii, 292-297.—Royster (H.A.) Surgery and gynecology in Chicago. Carolina M. J., Charlotte, 1904, 1, s()3; 883. —Rustizki ( O. A. ) Kratkii istoricheskii ocherk razvitiya chirurgii. [Short historical sketch of development of surgerv.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1894, iv, 3-lx. — Salishtsheil" ( E. G.) Usplekhi v oblasti khirurgicheskavo liecheniya. [Prog- ress in surgery.] Izvlest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1900, xvi, no. 3, 1-2.S.—Sato (T.) [Surgery for twenty centuries.] Juntcndo Iji Kenkiu Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1900, 1-8.— SeharfFenberg (J.) Skarprettern som Kirurg. [The executioner as surgeon.] Biblioth. f. Lneger, Kpbenh., 1900, x. R., i, 161-182. Also, Reprint.—Schenck (B. R.) America's part in the progress of surgerv. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1905, iv, 320-327. — Schmitt (A.) Chirurgie in alter und neuer Zeit. Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl., Wien, 1899, xxxiv, 124: 438—Schoppler (H.) Ueber Bader, Barbierer und Wundarzte der ehemals freien Reichsstadt Nurnberg. Aerztl. Rundschau, Miin- chen, 1907, xvii, 14-16.—Seeheyron (E.) Les Larrey a Toulouse. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1898, iv, 27-30. -----. Un chirurgien des h6pitaux de Toulouse a l'ere du xx« siecle: esquisse d'autobiographie. Normandie mM., Rouen, 1911, xxvii, 3N-40.—Sonn (XA A glimpse of Irish surgery. J.Am. X. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 280- 283. -----. Pompeian surgery and surgical instruments. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvii. 701-Vos. Also, Reprint. Also: Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1896, vii, 315; 376. -----: Surgical observations in Berlin. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iv, 66; 185. Also, Reprint. -----. A comparison between foreign and American surgery. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, v, 105-108. Also, Reprint.—Sergeant-surgeons (The) of England and their office. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 5X3 —Shiii^areff (P. I.) Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogoff, kak obsiitshestvenniy dleyatel, pedagog i mislitel. [N. I. Pirogoff as a public man, teacher, and thinker. Russk Vrach. S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 588; 621. — Slegl (K.) Eine Wur.darzt-Ordnung vom Jahre 1574 im Egerer Stadtar- chiv. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1903, xxviii, 2S.—Singley (J. De V.) English surgery as practised by Richard Wi- seman, sargeant chirurgeon, in 1676. Am. Med., Phila 1903, vi, 482-484.—Sipos (D.) A bibliai kor sebeszerol. [Surgery of the biblical age.] Sebeszet, Budapest, 1903, 3-5— Sirus-Pirondi. Coup d'ceil sommaire sur quel- ques reeents progres de la chirurgie. Union med. dela Provence, Marseille, 1865, 105-112. — Skalicka (J.) Ucast deskeho praktickeho lekare ve vedecke literature eeske. [The part of the practicing physician in Bohe- mian scientific literature.] Vestnik, v Praze, 1901, xiii, 165-107.—Sketches of the surgical profession in Ire- land. Mercer's Hospital. Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 241.— Smith (F. J.) Then and now; or, the influence of mod- ern surgery upon medical practice. Tr. Hunterian Soc. 1899-1900, i^ond., 1901, 31-54. -----. The Hunterian ora- tion on then and now; or, the influence of modern sur- gery upon medical practice. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 1259- 1265.—Smith (S.) The evolution of American surgery Am. Pract. Surg. [Bryant & Buck), N. Y., 1906, i, 3-67. -----. Surgery as a science and art in the city of New York in the middle of the last century. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1910,lxxviii.1 -5.—Spott(J.) Pfispevkykdejepisuranle- kafstvi v Cesbach. [Contributions toythe history of wound surgery among the Bohemians.] Casop. lek. 6esk., v Praze, 1885, xxiv, 655; 671; 703; 720; 735: 751; 767; 783; 799; 815.—Staples (A.) Remarks upon the surgery of John Bell as compared with that of to-day. Railway S. J., Chicago, 1910-11, xvii, 22-26.—Staples (F ) Events m the history of American surgerv; a brief review. Med. Dial, Minneap., 1901, iii, 157; 1x7.—Starr (F N G ) The passing of the surgeon in Toronto. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1901, x. 313-335. Also: Canad. Pract. & Rev Toronto, 1901, xxvi, 657-679.—statuts des barbiers de Surgery (History, condition, and prog- ress of). Toursdonncs par Charles VI en 1408 (ordonnancesro vales, tome viii). France med., Far., 1901, xlviii, 285. — Ste- phens ( L. C.) An historical sketch of the surgery of South Carolina. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1893, xxxii, 123-133.—Stokes {Sir W.) Work done in surgery by its professors in the Roval College of Surgeons in Ire- land. Dublin J. M. Sc, lxx7, lxxxiv, 353-367. Also, Re- print.—Storrs (M.) A century of surgical progress; its causative conditions. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridge- port, 1892, 291-304.—Sudhoft" (K.) Ueber Hohenheim's chirurgische Schril'tcn. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 94. -----. Der Wundenmann in Friihdruck und Handschrift und sein erklarender Text; ein Beitrag zur Quellengeschichte des "Ketham." Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med., Leipz., 1907-8, i, 351-361. -----. Ein chirurgisches Manual des Jean Pitard, Wundarztes Konig Philipps des Schonen von Frankreich. Ibid., 1908-9, ii, 189-278.— Surjieon Square, Edinburgh. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1901, i, 362.—Surgery in the fourteenth century. Prac- titioner, Lond., 1897, lviii, 395-400.—Surgery two hun- dred vears ago. [Edit.] Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1905-6, xxiii, 201-208.—Surgery 2,500 B. C. [Edit.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 1778.—Swain (J.) The his- tory and practice of surgery in ancient and media val times. Bristol Med.-Chir. J., 1909, xxvii, 2x9-312.—Sy- monds (H. P.) The progress of surgery iti the last twenty-five years. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1x95. xiii, 161-172.— Tavel (E.) Ueberden Einfluss des Bakteriologischen Institute der Universitiit Bern auf die Fortschritte der Chirurgie. Arb. a. d. Inst. z. Erforsch. d. Int'ektions- krankh.in Bern [etc.], Jena, 1910,6. Hft.,29-34.—Taylor (F. W.) Barber-surgeons. Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvii, 533; 557.—Taylor (W.) Modern progress in sur- gery. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1901, cxii, 338-351. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1901, n. s., lxxii, 459-461.— Tee Han Kee. Surgery among the Chinese. Inter- state M. J., St. Louis, 1907, xiv, 313-321.—Tcrebinski (N. N.) N. I. Pirogoff i V. v. Langenbeck. Khirurgia, Mosk., 1910, xxviii, 587-592. — Thomson (A.) The inaugural lecture to the class of surgery in the University of Edinburgh. Edinb. M. J., 1909, n. s., iii, 420-432.— Thomson (J. C.) The history and present position of Chinese native surgery. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1892, vi, 219:1893, vii, U69, 5 pl. Also: N. York M. Abstr., 1893, xiii, 21; 73— Thorburn (W.) An address on the evolution of surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, ii, 1029- 1032. Also: Med. Mag., Lond., 1910, xix, 643-645. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 1072.—Tibbals (F.B.) The antiquity of surgery. Detroit M. J., 1908, viii, 305- 311.— Tilanus (J. W. R.) De voorbereiding tot de studie der geneeskunde en de nationaliteit in de chi- rurgie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1888,61-69.— Tillinanns (H.) Hundert Jahre Chirurgie. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Leipz., 1898, lxx, pt. 1, 36-60. Also [Abstr.]: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1898, xliii, 435. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rundschau, Berl., 1897-8, 383.—Tinker (M. B.) A sketch of the lives of a German and an American master of surgerv. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1906, xvii, 53-58. -----. Amer- ica's contributions to surgery. Ibid., 1902, xiii, 209-213. Also [Abstr.]: Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1902-3, xxi, 193- 199.—Trendelenburg (F.) Address; a review of sur- gical progress. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 81- 83.—Treves (FA The progress of surgery. Practitioner, Lond., 1897, lviii, 619-630. -----. The surgeon in the nineteenth centurv. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 284-289. Also: Lancet. Lond., 1900, ii, 312-317. Also: Boston M. & S. J.. 1900, cxliii, 197-203. Also [Abstr.]: Phila. M. J., 1900, vi. 1X3-1X7. Also [Abstr.]: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxv, 293-295. Also [Abstr.]: Med. News, N. Y., 1900, lxxvii, 173-17x.—Turner (G. I.) Usplekhi khirurgii za poslledniya dvadtsat-pyat Het. [Progressof surgery dur- ing the last twenty-five years.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 601-606.—Turner (YV. G.) Ambroise Pare; man and surgeon. Montreal M. J., 1908, xxxvii, 409-424.— I lliuanii (R.) Neues auf dem Gebiete der Chirurgie. Wien. med. BL, 1898, xxi, 746; 762; 779. — Valen- zuela R. (J.) Progresos de la cirugia en Santiago. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1892, xx, 241-261.— Valerani (F.) La chirurgia italiana nel corso del se- colo xix. Gazz. med. di Toriho, 1901, Iii, 26-32.—Vander Veer (A.) The evolution of surgery during the past twenty-five years. Albany M. Ann., 1905, xxvi, 235-240. -----. Four decades of American surgery. J. Med. Soc N.Jersey,Orange, 1907-8,iv,5-12. Also: VirginiaM.Semi- Month., Richmond, 1907-8, xii, 424; 443.—Van Hook (W.) Billroth and Pean. Medicine, Detroit, 1898, iv, 539-543.— Van Leuucp (W. B.) History of surgery; introductory lecture. Hahneman. Inst., Phila., 1895-6, iii, no. 2, 6: no. 3,1; no. 4, 1; no. 5, 1. Also, Reprint. Also: Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1896, xxxi, 1-2X—Velo (G.) La chirur- gia attuale ed i principali fattori del suo progresso. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1905, xliii, 209; 257.—Ver- neuil. La chirurgie en 1885. Assoc, franc, pourl'avance. d.sc. C.-r.l885,Par.,1886,xiv,pt.l,9-23.— Viitorioi X.F.j SURGERY. 241 SURGERY. Surgery (History, condition, and prog- ress of). La cirugia en Melilla. Rev. san. mil. v Med. mil. espafi., Madrid, 1908, ii. 431-436.— Vie rim 11' (\V.) Nicolai Piro- gow; ein Eriimerungsblatt zu seinem 100. Geburtstage. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 2108.—Voelcker (F.) Fortschritte in der Chirurgie. Verhandl. d. naturh.-med. Ver.zu Heidelb., 1910-11,n.F., xi, 115-132.—Volkovich (N. M.) N. I. Pirogoff, kak khirurg, i yevo znacheniye dlya russkol meditsini. [Piro- goff as a surgeon, and his significance for Russian medi- cine.] Russk.Vrach, S -Peterb.,1910,ix,1877-1881.—Voor- hees (I. \\A l>r. Bull's farewell to his students. Med. Rec, N. V.. 1909. lxxv, 735.—Waehtel (]\)ilclienko (X. V.) K voprosuoprimlenenii massnge'a v nlekotorikh khirurgicheskikh bolleznyakh. [Massage in certain surgical diseases.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1887, no. 44, 99-162. Also [Abstr.]: Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis. 1886-7, xxiii, 517-521.— Msixsy (A.) Du role de la massotherapie en chirurgie. .1. de nu'd. de Bordeaux, 1890-91, xx, 570-572.—Zablu- rioivKki (J.) Physiologische Wirkungen der Massage und allgemeine Betrachtungen uber dieselbe im Dienste der Chirurgie, ihre Indieationen und Technik. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1884, xxxi, 374-414. Also: Cong, period. internat. d. sc. m6d. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copenh., 1S86, ii, sect, de chir., 190-197. Also, Reprint. -----. Bemer- kungen zur Massagetherapie in der Chirurgie. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1898, xii, 719-722. Also: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1898, No. 209 (Chir., No. 60, 979-1016). -----. Bemerkungen zur Massagetherapie in der Chirur- gie. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc.. 1899, v, 633-650. Also, transl: Vrach, St. Petersb., 1898, xix, 61; 104; 139, 164. Also, Reprint. Surgery (Military). See, also, Armies (Medical organization, etc., oft; Arrow viounds; Conjunctivitis (Conta- gion*); Excision; Gangrene (Hospital); Head (Injuries of, Gunsliot); Hospitals (Military); Medicine (Military, History of) in campaigns, etc., by localities; Medicine (Naval); Medicine and surgery (Naval); Missiles; Weapons; Wounds; Wounds (Gunshot). Allers (H.) A treatise on "The Association of Military Surgeons of the United States." 8°. [n. p., 1907.] Andrews (E.) & Woodworth (J. M.) The primary surgery of Gen. Sherman's campaigns. 8°. Chicago, 1866. Austria. Anleitung fiirdie kriegschirurgische Tatigkeit auf dem Schlachtfelde. 16°. Wien, 1909. Fischer (H.) Leitfaden der kriegschirur- gischen Operationen. 8°. Berlin, 1901. -----. Kriegschirurgische Ruck- und Aus- blicke vom asiatischen Kriegsschauplatze. 4°.. Berlin, 1909. Hv^ orn (F.) Kriegschirurgische Erfahrungen aus dem russisch-japanischen Kriege, nebst einem Anhange iiber den Verwundetenabschuh bei den Russen und Japanern. 8°. Wien, 1907. Icard. Le danger de la mort apparente sur les champs de bataille. 12°. Paris, 1905. Imbriaco (P.) Sulle operazioni piiifrequenti nella chirurgia di guerra. Ricordi di anatomia applicata e di tecnica operativa del ... P. Im- briaco, incaricato dell' insegnamento di trauma- tologia di guerra. Lezioni raccolte dagli allievi uff.11 medici Carlo Mario Pertusio e Giuseppe Massarotti. 8°. Firenze, 1895. ------. The same. 8°. Firenze, 1898. Konig (F.) Der Chirurg und sein Schutz- befohlener. Festrede gehalten am Stiftungstage der Kaiser Wilhelms-Akademie fiir das militar- iirztliche Bildungswesen. 8°. Berlin, 1902. Kosswig (K. M. R.) *TJeber Anasthesie im Feldzuge. 8°. Berlin, [1908]. Miles. Military surgery in its relation to the science and art of war. 12°. London, [1905]. Nimier (H.) & Laval (E.) De l'infection en chirurgie d'armee; Evolution des bleseures de guerre. 12°. Paris, 1900. Roucher (C.) De l'autorite et de la responsa- bilite m£dicale dans l'armee. 8°. Penis, 1873. Russia. Tabel khirurgicheskim instrumentam i apparatam dlya piekhotnikh i kavaleriyskikh polkov, artilleriyskikh brigad i otdielnikh bata- lionov. [Surgical instruments and apparatus for infantry and cavalry regiments, artillery brigades, and separate battalions.] fol. [St. Petersburg, 1868.] SURGERY. 249 SURGERY. Surgery (Military). ------. The same. Dlya kommand gdie niet vracha. [For commands without a physician.] fol. [St. Petersburg, 18t>8.] Schmidt (J.) Kriegs-Artzney, wessen sich alle junge Wund-Artz oder Feldscherer bey ietzigen Feldzug wider den Tiircken in allem zu bedienen haben. Aus selbs Erfahrenheit kiirtz- lich verfasst. 24°. Gedruckt zu Frankfurt, in Verlag in Augspurg, [1664]. Seaman (L. L.) Military surgery. 8°. New York, 1904. Repr.from: New Internat. Encyclopaedia, N. Y., 1904. Soriano (M. S.) Contribution a la estadistica de la cirugia militar en Mexico. 8°. Mexico, 1885. Tkepte (A.) Der verwundete Krieger einst und jetzt. 12°. Coin, 1906. United States. Sanitary Commission. B. Directions to army surgeons on the field of battle, by G. J. Guthrie. [Adopted by the commission and printed for the use of United States army surgeons. By order: Fred. Law Olmstead, secre- tary.] 4. ed. 8°. In. p., 1S62.] ------. The same. 5. ed. 8°. [Washing- ton], 1864. Aguirre (A.) Spinal anaesthesia in military surgery. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S.. Carlisle, Pa., 1904, xiv, 28-34 — A liny (L. B.) An emergency case for field service. Ibid., 1906, xix, 261-263.—Ante lo (X.) Conferencia inaugural del curso de cirujia de guerra de la Escuela de sanidad militar. An. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1903, v, 935; 1064.— Arnaud (P.) Physionomie de la bataille moderne. Rev. med., Par., 1909, xix, 495-497.—Aycart (L.) Notas entresacadas de mi memorandum clinico. Rev. de san. mil.. Madrid, 1900, xiv, 196; 220; 269; 293; 324; 341; 371.— Banister (J. M.) Surgical observations in the Philip- pines. Intercolon. M. J., Australas., Melbourne, 1904, ix, 206-218. -----. To what extent should the military sur- geon be required to invade the realm of ophthalmology? Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S. 190C, Chicago, 1901, ix, 40-57.— Barbosa Lcao (J.) La chirurgie de guerre au premier poste de secours. Cong, internat. de mTtj>p. 'A^i/ai, 1902, il, 106-108.— Park(R.) Thecareer of the army surgeon; commence- ment address at the Army Medical School, Washington, D. C, May 29, 1909. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1909, xxv, 1-23. Also, Reprint.—Parsons (A. L.) Surgery of the Russo- Japanese war. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1911, xiv, 302-309.—Pelaez (H.) Apuntes de cirugia de guerra de la ultima campafia de Cuba. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1904,xviii,201; 252;269;313; 341; 361; 381; 421:1905,xix,23; 41. -----. Estadistica de las operaciones quirurgicas practi- cadas durante la campafia de Cuba en el hospital militar de Alfonso XIII, afios 1896-8. Ibid., 1905, xix, 61; 81; 101; 121; 181: 221; 241; 301; 321, 361; 431; 449; 469. —Perassi (A.) Le abilitazioni chirurgiche alia milizia. Policlin., Roma, 1902, ix, sez. chir. 53-69. Also: Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1902, 1, 361-368. -----. Appunti di chi- rurgia applicable sul campo di battaglia. Gior. med. SURGERY. 251 SURGERY. Surgery (Military). d. r. esercito, Roma, 1903. li, 523-529.—Perez Ortiz (J.) Hospital militar de Madrid; resumen estadistico, ob- servacionesclinicas y operaciones; salas 4» y 5->decirugia. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1895. ix, 389; 413; 437; 461, 4 pl — Pilcher (J. E.) The care of the wounded in time of war. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. TJ. S., Governor's Island, N. Y. H., 1894, xv, 1225. -----. The influence of certain modern military conditions in modifying the lines of surgical aid on the battlefield. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg.U.S..Columbus, O. 1897, 448-453. Also: Columbus M. J., 1897, xix, 380-385. -----. Notes on recent progress in military surgerv. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S. 1899, Columbus, 1900, viii, 331-333.— Pitts (R. N.) Injuries produced in modern warfare. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1900, 460-464.—Port. Rathschliige fiir den iirztlichen Dienst auf den Truppen- verbandpliitzen. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1895, xxiv, 145-161.—Porter (F. J. W.) On the value of beta eucain and adrenalin as a local analgesic in military sur- gery. J. Roy. Army M. Corps, Lond., 1907, viii, 361-368.— Potarca (,t.) Sur la cure operatoire de quelques mala- dies qui autrefois exemptaient du service militaire dans l'armee roumaine. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de med. et hyg. mil. et nav., 241- 254. -----. Dare de seama asupra operatiilor marl si mid executate in serviciul al spitalulul m'ilitar Craiova din septembrie 1899—aprilie 1902. [Report of operations in the Military Hospital Craiova from September, 1899, to April, 1902.1 Rev. de chir., BucurestI, 1902, vi, 206-221.— Powell (J. L.) The care of the wounded in time of war. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., Governor's Island, N. Y. II., 1894, xv, no. 71, 937-942.—Prins (C. J.) De perubalsem in de oorlogs-chirurgie. Mil.-geneesk.Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1905, ix, 97-104.—Prowe (H.) Experiencias en cirugia de guerra. Juventud med., Guatemala, 1903, v, 91-97.— Badestock. Kriegschirurgische Beitrage zur Narko- senfrage. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Ber!., 1897, xxvi, 290-300.—Bandone (G. F.) Osservazioni e note di un triennio di servizio chirurgico nell' ospedale militare di Torino. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1893, xii, 315; 431, 2 pl. -----. 11 reparto chirurgico dell' ospedale militare principale di Milano dal gennaio 1895 all' ottobre 1897. Ibid., 1898, xlvi, 561-590. -----. Rendiconto statis- tico delle operazioni chirurgiche eseguite negli stabili- menti sanitari militari nell' anno 1905. Ibid., 1906, liv, 721-760.—Beport (The) on the surgery of the Boer war. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1905, ii, 1301.—Beynier (P.) [et al.]. De l'intervention chirurgicale dans les blessures ae l'ab- domen dans le service de l'avant. Soc. de m6d. mil. franc., Par., 1909, iii, 5; 57; 71.—Boberts (C.) The treatment of abdominal wounds in war. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1027.—Byerson (G.) The soldier and the surgeon. Canada M. Re., Montreal, 1899, xxvii, 309- 319. Also: Canad. Praet. A Rev., Toronto, 1899, xxv, 193- 202. Also: Am. J. Surg. & Gvnec, St. Louis, 1899-1900, xiii, 67-71. Also: Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1900, xix, 583- 587.—Sanchez Agrainonte (E.) Cirujia actual de guerra; cuatro casos interesantes. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana, 1899-1900, x, 193-200.—Sayen (H. L.) X-rays in the army. Phila. M. J., 1898, ii, 1305-1307.— Scheldt (H.) Kriegschirurgisehe Streiftiehter. Mili- tararzt, Wien, 1907, xii, 113-117.—Schildt (E. W.) Nagra erinringar vid upprattande af en hufvudfor- bandsplats. [A few reminders in connection with the establishment of a main field-operation place.] Tidskr. i mil. Halsov., Stockholm, 1909, xxxiv, 153- 169.—Schiinwerth (A.) Ueber Laparotomien in der militararztlichen Friedenspraxis. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1904, xxxiii, 449-461.—Senn (N.) The mission of the Association of the Military Surgeons of the National Guard of the United States. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xviii, 546-550. -----. Clinical lecture delivered at the second annual meeting of the Associa- tion of Military Surgeons of the United States. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., St. Louis, 1892, ii, 104-125. Also, Reprint. -----. Military surgery in Greece and Turkey. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxix, 405; 563. Also, Reprint. -----. A compact operating-case for military service; with a description of several new instruments for the same. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxv, 1554-1556. Also, Reprint. -----. The needs and advantages of an in- ternational congress of military surgeons. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, Pa., 1905, xvii, 1-6. Also, Reprint. -----. La chirurgie de guerre au poste de secours (first aid on the battlefield). Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 15, 203-218.—Shulgln (K. Y.) Operativ- nayadleyatelnost vbrigadnom lazaretle Otdlelnavo Kor- pusa Pogranichnol Strazhi (s 1-vo aprlelya 1901 goda po 1-e aprlelya 1903 g.). [Surgical activity in the brigade hospital of the Separate Corps of Border Guards (April 1, 1901, to April 1,1903).] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1903, iii, med. pt., 427-447.—Sleur.' Une annee de chirurgie pratique a l'H6pital militaire du Dey (Alger). [Rap.] Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1905, xiv, 242-252.— SokoIoff(D. F.) Travmaticheskiya povrezhdeniya v kavalerii; statisticheskiy material za 10 llet v 34 dragun- skom Starodubovskom polku. [Traumatic injuries in the cavalry; statistics for 10 years in the Starodubov Re giment of Dragoons.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb.,- Surgery (Military). 1895, clxxxiii, 1. sect., 571-587. — Spiridonoflf (I. S.) Godovol otchot po 3-mu khirurgicheskomu pavillonu Varshavskavo Uyazdovskavo voyennavo hospitalya za 1900 g. [Annual report of the third surgical pavilion of the Warsaw Uyazdov Military Hospital during 1900.] Med. Sbornik Varshav. Uyazd. voyenn. hosp., Varshava, 1901, xiv, nos. 3-4,pt. 5,1-12.—van den Steen van Om- ineren (L.) Nog eens de perubalsem in de militaire chirurgie, Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1907, xi, 166-171.— Stevenson (W. F.) & Bick (W.) List of operations performed at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, during the year 1898-9. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1898, Lond., 1900, xl, 411-419.-----------. List of operations performed at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, during , the year 1901-2; with notes on some of the operation cases of interest, and remarks en some of the work in the sur- gical division, with stereoscopic prints. Ibid., 1901, Lond., 1903, xliii, 370-380, 6 pl.—Stokes (C. F.) Roent- gen rays in military surgery. Arch. Physiol. Therapy, Bost., 1906, iii, 9-12.—Surgical (The) aspect of modern war. Practitioner,Lond., 1896, lvii, 276-283.—Szabo (A.) A honvedorvos sorozason. [The classification of militia surgeons.] Honvedorvos, Budapest, 1896, ix, 41.—Tay- lor (W.) Conservatism in army surgery; some field re- miniscences. South. Pract., Nashville, 1905, xxvii, 625- 628.— Teodorovits (M.) A gyalog hadosztaly kotele- kehez tartoz6 tabori egeszsegugyiszolgalatm6dositasar61. [The modes of employment of bandages for the infantry in military sanitary services.] Honvedorvos, Budapest, 1904, xvii.l; 9. — Tereshtshenko (N. A.) Khirurgi- cheskaya dleyatelnost volskovovo lazareta za pyat llet (s noyabrya 1897 po noyabr 1902 g.). [Surgical activity of the army hospital for the five vears 1899-1902.] Voyenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1904, i, med.-spec. pt., 39; 280.— Territorial (The; regimental surgeon. Hospital, Lond., 1908-9, xiv, 439.—Thomason (H. D.) Personal experience with spinal analgesia, and its application to military surgery. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, 1906, xix, 272-297.—Thrap-Meyer. Kasuistik fra det mili- taere sygehus i Kristiania. [Cases from the Military Hos- pital at Kristiania.] Norsk Tidskr. f. Mil.-Med., Kris- tiania, 1907, xi, 116-121—Tile (V. A.) & Gagen-Torn (I. E.) Khirurgicheskaya dleyatelnost otryada Russ- kavo Krasnavo Kresta v Afinakh v Greko-Turetskuyu volnu 1897 g. [Surgical activity of the Russian Red Cross division in Athens in the Greco-Turkish war in 1897.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1902, lxxx, med.- spec. pt., 2593; 2863. — Toubert (J.-H.-R.) & Vallet (J.-M.-G.) Influencede la loi de deux ans sur la chirurgie dans l'armee. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1907, xlix, 1-13.—Treutlein (A.) Kriegschirurgisches aus Japan. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1199-1202.— Trnka (E.) Studien und Beitrage zur modernen Chi- rurgie im Kriege. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1901, xxxv, 49; 61; 79.—Troussaint. Le service de sante del'arriere; [chi- rurgie] . Rev. med., Par., 1907, xvi, 523-529, 3 tab.—Ved- der (E. B.) A plea for specialism. Mil. Surgeon, Rich- mond, 1909, xxiv, 317-324.—Velyaminoft"(N. A.) & Tile (V. A.) Otchot po khirurgicheskomu otdleleniyu Krasno- selskavo voyennavo hospitalya za vremya lagernavo sbora v 1886 g. [Report of the surgical ward of the Military Hos- pital of KrasnoveSelo during the maneuversof 1886.] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1886, ii, 715-747.—Woodbury (F. T.) Some notes on surgical procedures in the military service. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910. xci, 641-644— Yaki- inoil' (V. I.) Tablitsa operatsiy, proizvedyonnikh v khirurgicheskom otdlelenii Varshavskavo Uyazdovskavo voyennavo hospitalya v techenii 1895 goda. [Table of operations performed in the surgical department of the Warshaw Uyazdov Military Hospital during 1895.] Med. Sbornik Varshav. Uyazd. Voyenn. hosp., Varshava, 1897, x, no. 1,17-56. Surgery (Military, Antiseptic methods in). Axhausen ((j.) *Antiseptik oder Aseptik im Felde? 8°. Berlin, 1902. Cogswell (W.) Field asepsis in the militia. 16°. [n. p., 1898.] Dedolph (G.) * Ueber antiseptische Wund- behandlung im Kriege mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der antiseptischen Streupulverver- biinde. 8°. Berlin, [1884]. Desmoulins (E. ) * Contribution a l'etude des pansements antiseptiques et a leur applica- tion en chirurgie d'armee de terre et de mer. 4°. Paris, 1883. Forgue (E.) De l'antisepsie chirurgicale dans les formations sanitaires de l'avant (service regimentaire, ambulances, hopitaux de cam- pagne). (Memoire qui a obtenu le prix de chi- rurgie d'armee en 1854.) 8°. Paris, 1894. SURGERY. 252 SURGERY. Surgery (Military, Antiseptic methods in). ------. The same. Antiseptic methods as applied in active military field operations. From the French of ... by Louis Bazet. Transl. and published for the use of the sani- tary corps, National Guard, State of California. By direction of Col. Wm. E. Hopkins, 8. Genl. 16°. San Francisco, [n. d.]. Kraft (J. E. L.) *De antiseptische wond- behandeling in den russisch-turkschen oorlog (1876-8). [Amsterdam.] 8°. Gravenhage, [1880]. Morrison (A.) * Etude sur la sterilisation; la sterilisation du material chirurgical du rnede- cin de campagne. 8°. Paris, 1907. Russia. Ministry of War. Principal Army Medical Bureau. Opisaniye perevyazochnavo otdlela i posliedovatelnavo khoda v nyom rabot po izgotovleniyu perevyazochnavo materiala. [Description of the bandaging division and the successive course of work there, in the prepara- tion of bandaging material.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Andrews (E.) Antiseptics on the battle-field. Char- lotte [N. C] M. J., 1896, ix, 38-41.—Antelo (N.) Tinc- ture of iodine in the surgery of war. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1910, xxvii, 600-613.—Antiseptic surgery in field serv- ice. [Discussion.] Lancet, Lond., 1884 i, 345-347.—Anti- septik (Zur) im Kriege. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesell- sch. f. Chir., Berl., 1879, viii, 47-56.—Antiseptik (Die) im Kriege. [Discussion.] Wien. med. Presse, 1884, xxv, 1087-1089.—Aseptic fighting. [Edit.] Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n. s., lxxx, 387.—Andct. Des mo- yens de simplifier les pansements antiseptiques dans l'ar- mee. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1885, v, 4£; 85.—Beale (E. C.) Von Nussbaum on the value and danger of antiseptics; with remarks upon their use in military surgery. Lond. M. Rec, 1882, n. s., x, 405-407.— von Bergmann. Kann die antiseptische Wundbe- handlung im Felde bei den verschiedenen Armeen in der Hauptsache einheitlich gestaltet werden, bez. wie lasst sich dafiir wirken, dass die Aerzte einer Armee in den Stand gesetzt werden, einen aseptischen Wundver- lauf auch mit dem Sanitatsmaterial einer fremden Armee zu erreichen? Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, 18. Abth., 32-34.—Berry (A. E.) & iTlac- Watters (R. C.) Antiseptic surgery in frontier war- fare. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1909, xliv, 92.—Boeck- mann (E.) Some remarks about asepsis in military service. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S. 1895, Cincin., 1896, 143-168. Also, Reprint. Also:J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 167; 226.—Bruns (P.) Zur Antiseptik im Kriege. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1879, viii, 39-45, 2 pt. Also: Arch, f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1897, xxiv, 339-345. Also, Reprint.—Coindreau. Antisep- sie et service de sante en campagne. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1908, liii, 205-211.— Crookshank (E. M.) Notes on the antiseptic methods employed in the surgical practice of the base and field hospitals; Egyptian campaign. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 615. -----. Remarks on the antiseptic treatment of the wounded on the battle-field. Ibid., 1884, i, 422.—Biiinmins (H. A.) Steriliser for infected discharges. J. Roy. Army M. Corps Lond., 1904, ii, 287-291.—Dandols. Asepsie en temps de guerre. Rev. med., Louvain, 1895-6, xiv, 337-359.— Delorme (E.) Du paquet du soldat antiseptique et de son utilite. (Rev. crit.) Arch, de med. et pharm. mil Par., 1884, iv, 403-410. — Demosthfene. L'antisepsie primaire sur le champ de bataille. Verhandl. d. x. inter- nat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, 18. Abth., 4L46.— Devai (M.) Fertdtlenites a harczteren. [Disinfection in war.] Honvedorvos, Budapest, 1905, xviii, 25-29.— Discussion on antiseptic surgery in the field: What has the late Russo-Turkish campaign taught us concern- ing the antiseptic treatment of wounds in war? Brit M J., Lond., 1881, ii. 556.—von Dobrzyniecki (A) Eine einfache Methode zur Desinfektion chirurgischer Instru- mente auf dem Kriegsschauplatze. Militaerarzt, Wien 1896, xxx, 164-166. — Dupard (O.) De l'asepsie et de 1 antisepsie dans les infirmeries regimentaires. Arch de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1897, xxx, 247; 324.—Eilert. Ueber die Vorteile und die Nachteile der Antiseptik fiir unsere Tatigkeit im Kriege. Militararzt, Wien, 1904 xxxvm, 1; 25— Erlich (L. I.) Nieskolko slov o sulyo- movol marlle zavoda voyenno-vrachebnikh zagotovle- my. [On the sublimated gauze of the Army Medical Fac- tory.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn., Kharkov, 1908, xvi, 218; _269.—Farkas (L.) Die Geltendmachung der Asepsis in der Schlachtlinie. (Ref.) Cong, internat. d hyg. et de demog. C. r., 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. Surgery (Military, Antiseptic methods in). 5, sy-91.—Geraud. La chirurgie antiseptique dans les lazarets allemands. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil.,Par., 1881, 3. a., xxxvii, 376-397.— Godwin (C. H.) Abstract of an address on antiseptic surgery in its application to to field-service. Brit. M. J..Lond.,1884,i, I'.fm — I lit ban (J.) Die antiseptischen Wundbehandlungs-Methoden im Frieden und Kriege. Wien. Klinik, 1886, xii, 145- 200. -----. Ueber Aseptik in der Kriegschirurgie und sterilisirte Einheitsverbande. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv, 186; 208. -----. Zur Aseptik in der Kriegschirur- gie. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1*94, xxviii, 107-109.—Hass- Ier. Asepsie en campagne; pansements aseptiques de guerre. Gaz. hebd. d. se. med. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxiv, 581; 695; 606. — llellerich. Demonstration zur feld- massigen Antiseptik. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1885, xiv, 127.—Herzog (F.) Geltendma- chung der Asepsis in der Schlachtlinie. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. Ih94, Budapest, 1X96, viii, pt. 5, 85-89. Also: Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1894, viii, 1319-1323.—von Heydenreich (T.) Zur Antiseptik auf dem Schlachtfelde. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1886, xiii, 257-260.—Heyse. Der Sterilisirapparat fiir Instru- mente und Verbandstoffe der Feldlazarethe. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr.,Berl., 1x97, xxvi, 241-251,—lmbriaco (P.) Risultati della medicatura antisettica nell' ospe- dale militare di Bologna. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1883, xxxi, 865-892. -----. L' asepsi e 1' antisepsi nella chirurgia di guerra. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1894, xiii, 1418-1446.—K.aijs»er (F.) Nagra ord om operationsfaitets desinfektion med jodsprit. [A few words on the antisepsis of field operations by means of iodine.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1909, 2. f., ix, 523-525.— Kaulinann ( J. ) Die neue Offiziersgamasche als Universalmaschine. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xxxvii, 683-685.—van L.ier (L.) De wenschelijk- heid van een antiseptisch noodverband te velde. Ne- derl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.],Utrecht, 188C,x,439-446.— Lucas-Championniere (J.) Asepsie et antisepsie en chirurgie de guerre. Caducee, Par., 1906, vi, 287. -----. Le pansement et la methode antiseptique en cam- pagne. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1906, lxxvii, 801- 806. -----. La chirurgie du champ de bataille et des ambulances; asepsie et antisepsie. Ibid., 1907, lxxviii, 141-649. -----. La chirurgie antiseptique de guerre. Ca- ducee, Par., 1909, ix, 131.—Liihe (L.) Ueber Antisepsis und Asepsis im Kriege. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deut- sch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Leipz., 1899, lxx, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 362-366. Also: Militaerarzt, Wien, 1897, xxxii, ls.8-199.— iUacpherson (R. B.) Kann die antiseptische Wund- behandlung im Felde bei den verschiedenen Armeen in der Hauptsache einheitlich gestaltet werden, bezw. wie lasst sich dafiir wirken, dass die Aerzte einer Armee in den Stand gesetzt werden, einen aseptischen Wundver- lauf auch mit dem Sanitatsmaterial einer fremden Armee zu erreichen? Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, 18. Abth., 22-28. -----. The application of asepsis in the line of battle. (Refer.) Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de d(5mog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 5, 95-100.—iVIartin (J.) On antiseptic surgery, and its ap- plication in military hospitals and in the field. Indian M.Gaz., Calcutta, 1886, xxi, 97; 132.— Mitchell (T. J.) Iodine; its use in military work. J. Rov. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1910, xv, 603-606.—MUnnich (J.) Ueber die Verwendbarkeit des nassen Carboljuteverbandes in der Kriegschirurgie und iiber einige Versuche zur Her- stellung billiger trockener antiseptischer Verbande. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1877, vi, 457-491. Also, Reprint.—von Nussbaum. Werth und Gefahren der Antiseptica, nil ist einigen Bemerkungen iiber deren Beniitzung in der Kriegs-Chirurgie. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Munchen, 1882. xxix, 171; 184. Also, Reprint. See, also, supra, Beale.—Ogston (A.) Remarks on the influence of Lister upon military surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, xxiii, 1837.—PerassI (A.) La chirurgia asettica e le abilitazioni alia milizia. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1901, xlix, 355; 449.—Perez Noguera (E.) El xeroformio en la cirugia de guerra. Rev. ha tear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1899, xvii, 33-36. Also: Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1899, xliv, 448-452.— Perez Ortiz. Antisepsia quirurgica y tratamiento de las lesiones traumatieas en las distintasformacionessani- tarias durante el eDinhate. Cong.internat. demed. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de m6d. et hvg. mil. et nav., 259-278. Also: Rev. de san. mil., Madrid", 1903, xvii, 293; 313. — Port. Antiseptische Beitrage. Deutsche mil.- arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1886, xv, 59-63.—Porter (F. J. W.) Iodine; its use in military work. J.Roy.Arniy Med. Corps, Lond., 1911, xvi, 654.—Raymond. (H.I.) Primary anti- septic occlusion in military practice, with cases from the Big-Dry-Wash fight near General's Spring, Arizona, July 17, 1882. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxii, 484-488. Also, Re- print.—Regnler. Traitement antiseptique des bles- sures de guerre en campagne. Rev. m6d. de l'est, Nancy, 1891, xxiii, 33^2. -----. Des pensements sterilises dans la chirurgie d'armee. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, 18. Abth., 34-41.—Rochs, 3; 477: 1896, x, 28.— Farrel(P. J. H.) Primaryfielddre^ine^. Surg.,Gynec. & Obst., Chicago. 1907, iv, 217-220—Fein (J.) Eine Verband- und Medikamentenkiste fiir die I'ebungen im Frieden. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1903, xxxvii, 49-54.—Fer- rero DI Cavallerleone. Organisation pour la recherche des blesses sur le champ de bataille. Compt.- rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1*97, Mosc, 1899, v, med. mil., 42-51 — Fletcher (R.) Regimental instruction in first aid. Pmc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Columbus. O., 1897, 577-609. M->>: J. Mil. Serv.Inst. U.S., Governor's Island, X. Y. H., lsos, xxii, 255-287.—Forwood (W. H.) Mili- tarv surgerv and the care of the wounded on the battle- field. Svst. Surg. (Dennis), Phila., 1895, ii, 191-218.— Freund (H.) Der erste Kriegsverband. Militararzt, Wien, 1908, xiii, 68-71.—Frilet. La suppression des lits de camp; leur remolacement par les lits brancards indi- viduels d'un type" susceptible de servir aussi dans les formations sani'taires de l'avant. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1908, li, 406-415. — Gavoy. Art militaire et tactique du service de sante pendant le combat. Prati- cien, Par., 1897, xx, 13; 37; 50; 65; 77; 104; 109. —Gore (A. A. ) The ambulance in war; its rise and progress amongst civilised nations. Indian M.-Chir. Rev., Bom- bay, 1X95, iii, 211-232.—Gravatt (C. U.) Method of car- ing for wounded in field and hospital of Chinese and Japanese armies. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Cleveland, 18%, vi, 137-143— Greenleat (C. R.) Ambuiance con- struction. Ibid., 1895, Cincin., 1896, v, 264-274, 1 pl — Habart (J.) Wer macht auf dem Schlachtfelde den ersten Verband und wie soil derselbe beschaffen sein? (Ref.) Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 5,133-150.— Hasa (S.) & Naka- mura (S.) [Bandages for use in battle.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1904, 26-43.—von Hase. Tragbah- renaufhangung an Doppelfeldem. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xxxvii, 518-520.—Hathaway (H.) Some notes on a mounted bearer company. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903,ii, 406-408.-----. The disposal of the wounded of mounted troops. J. Rov. Armv Med. Corps, Lond., 1906, vii, 374: 1907, ix, 485. —Herhold. Der erste Verband auf dem Schlachtfelde. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, xxxiii,498.—HoIf(.I.VanR.) Militarysanitaryorganiza- tion on the lines of communication and at the base. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Columbus, O., 1897, 464-477.—But- ton (G. A.) Voluntary aid to the sick and wounded in war, with special reference to hospital orderlies. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1025-1027. -----. Reminiscences of St. John ambulance work during the past 24 years; with special reference to voluntary aid for the navy and army I Surgery (Military, First aid hi). in national emergencies. Ibid., 1904, ii, 388.— Idelson (E. M.) O samopomoshtshi ranenikh v boyevol linii. |Self-aid of the wounded in the line of battle.] Kazan. Med. J., 1904, iv, 131-148.—Instruction (L') des bran- cardiers en France,en Allemagne et en Angleterre. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1895, lxviii, 1173-1175.—Jacob. Experiences d'eclairage du champ de bataille, faites pendant les exer- cices speciaux du service de sa 11 te du gouvernement mili- taire de Paris en 1906. Arch, de med. etpharm.mil.,Par., 1907, xlix, 173-181.—Jerzabek (A.) Ueber die hilfsarzt- liche Thatigkeit der Sanitatssoldaten und Blessirtentra- ger auf dem Schlachtfelde. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1903, 44-50— Kallistratoff (N. M.) Spinniya nosilki- kresla dlya ranenikh. [Litter with back for wounded.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1905, xii,li.).—KIrchenberger. Ueberdie Entstehung des Sanitiits-Krlegsspiels im Allge- meinen und dessen Einfiihrung in fremdlandischen Ar- meen im Besonderen. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1899, xxxiii, 49; 69,97; 109.—Koiilndjy (P.) La Croix-Rouge japonaise (Nippon Sikijiuji). Progres med., Par., 1901,3. s., xiv, 94.— Lake (D. H.) Transportation of the injured. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxi, 198-201. — Langenbuch. Zur ersten Versorgung dee Leichtverwundeten auf dem Schlachtfelde. Deutsche med.Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1*92, xviii, 395-399. -----. Nochmals fiber die erste Ver- sorgung der Leichtverwundeten auf dem Schlachtfelde. Ibid., 1894, xx, 210; 235; 284. Also [Abstr.]: Militaerarzt, Wien, 1894, xxviii, 61-64. — Laval ( E.) A propos des paquets de pansement tout prepares. Caducee, Par., 1905, v, 302. -----. A propos de l'impermeabilite des paquets de pansement individuels. [bid., 1906, vi, 53. -----. Paquet de pansement de l'arm6e espagnole (pa- queto de curaci6n individual). Ibid., 1907, vii, 120. -----. Paquet de pansement individuel de l'armee nor- wegienne. Ibid., 135. -----. Paquet de pansement indi- viduel de l'armee roumaine. Ibid., 148. -----. Paquet de pansement de l'armee su^doise. Ibid., 177. -----. Paquet de pansement de l'armee suisse. Ibid., 190. -----. Paquet de pansement individuel de l'armee beige. Ibid., 204. -----. The individual first aid pack- ets of the principal armies of the world. Mil. Surgeon, Carlisle, Pa., 1908, xxiii, 249-259.— Le Guelinel de Lignerolles. Modification du brancard-rou- lant a fourches et roues de bicyclettes (modele 1907). Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1908, li, 402- 405.—Leitenstort'er. Die Hauptverbandplatziibung. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1906, xxxv, 79-87.— von Lesser (L.) Ueber den ersten Verband auf dem Schlachtfelde. Ber. ii.d. Verhandl.d.deutsch. Gesellsch.f. Chir., Leipz., 1*84,14-18. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1884, xxxi, 85-91.—Jl (Kinney (G. L.) Some suggestions for increasing the efficiency of the ambulance company. Mil. Surgeon. Wash., 1910, xxvii, 62-69.—Macpherson (W. G.) Report on the Sixth International Conference of Red Cross Societies. Army Med. Dep. Rep. 1897, Lond., 1898, xxxix, 398-425. -----. The collection and treatment of wounded cavalrv soldiers. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1909, xii, 197-210.—Jttaistriau (C.) Brancards sur roues pour le transport des blesses sur le champ de bataille. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1896, 4. s., vii, 124- 137.—ftlajewskl (K.) Ueber eine aus Montur- und Rustungssorten des Infanteristen improvisirte Vorrich- tung zum Tragen der Verwundeten am Rucken. Wien. med. Presse, 1899, xl, 1397-1399.—Matthews (V.) An umbrella shelter for the wounded in action. Pub. Health, Phila., 1902-3, vii, 172-174. Also: J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, Pa.,1903, xiii, 112.—Itteakln (H. B.) With the China field force. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1900-1901, viii, 115; 131. — Mensonides (P. C.) Het draagbar spoorwegmaterieel aangewend ten dienste van het vervoer van zieken en gewonden in oorlogstijd. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Amst., 1908, xii, 57-116, 2 tab.— M01Ier (J.) Om Sygebaerernes Uddannelse og An- vendelse. [The education and employment of litter bearers.] Militaerlsegen, Kjobenh., 1897, v, 87-95.—van de Moer (A.) Het eerste verband. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1903, vii, 132-138—Nattress (W.) Sick and wounded in war and how they are cared for. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1899-1900, xxxiii, 481-497.— Nicolal (H. F.) Der Sanitatsdienst im Gefecht und die kriegsrnassige Uebung desselben im Frieden. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1897, xxvi, 377-397. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. News, N. Y., 1898, lxxii, 655.—de Nied- nian (V. F.) Notes on the wounded on the battle-field. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S. 1895, Cincin., 1896, 259-263.— Nimier (H.) Surgery at the first-aid stations. Mil. Surgeon, Carlisle, Pa., 1907, xx, 287-303— Obezyaninotf (M.) Ocherk organizatsii meditsinskol pomoshtshi rane- nim v Konstantinopolskikh voyennikh hospitalyakh. [Sketch of the organization of medical aid to the wounded in the military hospitals of Constantinople.] Med. pri- bav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1898, [i], 234-243.— von Oettingen (W.) Der erste Verband auf dem Schlachtfelde und die Bakterienarretierung. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, xxxiii. 362-364.—OlelnikofF (G. P.) Krasniy Krest na Dalnem Vostokle lletom 1904goda. [The Red Cross in the Far East during the summer of 1904.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1905, xii, 223; 244; 840; 861.— SURGERY. 256 SURGERY. Surgery (Military, First aid in). I'an yrek (D.) Chirurgie d'urgence a prvni pomoc lai- cki'mnozekompetenci. [.. .andfirstlaicaid;competency.] C'a-op. 16k.desk.,v Praze, 1903,xiii,958; 980.—Petit- Ven- dol iC.-H.) Voituresdeprompts secours; brancard mili- taire i ram;aisetses accessoires. Progresmed., Par., 1900,3. s.,xii,466-10S.—Plaiui (J.) Elsokotesaharczteren. [The first bandages in militarv service.] Honvedorvos, Buda- pest, 1905, xviii, 57: 1906, xix, 1.—Pilcher (J. E.) The transportation of the disabled, with special reference to conveyance of human bearers. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., St. Louis, 1888, 222-242. -----. Methods of instruction in first aid. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., Governor's Island, N. Y. H., 1896, xix. 416-133. Also: J. Mil. Serv. Inst., N. Y., 1896, xix, 416-433. Also, Reprint. -----. Lines of surgi- cal aid in battle Columbus M. J., 1S97, xix, 380-385 — Plalil. Die erste Hilfe auf dem Schlachtfelde im Lichte des osterreichisehen Sanitatsreglements. Deutsche mil.- iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1905, xxxiv, 605-618. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1905, Leipz., 1906, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 428.—Pouehet 0-.)52.—Xiiyeft (K.I.) Individualniy paket i gotoviya p >\ yazki. [Individual packet and ready band- ages.] Ibid., 1909, ccxxv, med.-spec. pt., 2S-55. Surgery (Military, History and condi- tion of). Bock & Hasenknopp. Kriejischirurgen und Feldiirzte der ersten Halite de* 19. Jahrhun- derts (1795-1848). Mit einer Einleitung von Al- bert Koehler. 8°. Berlin, 1901. Kohler (A.) Grundriss einer Geschichte der Kriegschirurgie. 8°. Berlin, 1901. Keiegschirurgen (Die) und Feldiirzte Preus- sens und anderer deutschen Staaten in Zeit- und Lebensbildern. Hrsg. von der Medizinal-Ab- theilung des konigl. preuss. Kriegsministeriums. 1. Theil. Kriegschirurgen und Feldiirzte des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. von Albert Koehler. 8°. Berlin, 1899. ------. The same. 2. Theil. Kriegschirur- gen und Feldiirzte der Neuzeit. 8°. Berlin, 1904. SURGERY. 257 SURGERY. Surgery (Military, History and condi- tion of). Minderer (R.) Neu-verbesserte Kriegs-Artz- ney, das ist: Wolerfahrne und gemeine Hand- Stticklein der edlen Artzney-Kunst welche in behender Kriegs-Begebung, alien und jeden Rittern, und Offieiren, wie auch gemeinen Sol- daten und Knechten zu sonderbahren Nutz an Tag gegeben, samt angehiingten riihtlichen Gut- achten von der schwebenden Soldaten-Seuche. 24°. Nurnberg, 1667. Sandreczke ([X. K.] A.) * Ueber die Ver- luste an Menschenleben im Kriege und die Ent- wicklung der Chirurgie des Schlachtfeldes. 8°. Berlin, [1896]. Sedillot. Reflexions sur Fetat present de la chirurgie dans la capitale, et sur ses rapports militaires; suivies d'un plan pour le traitement des ma ades de la milice nationale parisienne. 8°. Paris, [1789]. Banks (W. M.) The surgeon of old in war. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1897, ii, 103-120. Also: Montreal M. J., 1897, xxvi, 204-219. Also: Med. Rec., N. Y., 1897, Iii, 340-345. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxxi, 298- 301.—Blake (G. F.) Surgeons who have won the Vic- toria Cross. Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 101. Also, Reprint.— Favier (H.) La chirurgie d'armee dans les chroniques de Jehan Froissart. France med., Par., 1901, xlviii, 409; 433; 452: 1902, xlix, 4; 19.—Fossel (V.) Feldchirurgie im 16. Jahrhundert. Mitt. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1904, xii, 161-173.—Franek (E.) Kriegschirurgie vor 100 Jahren. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 1431; 1461; 1495.—Gey I. Vorschliige zu organisierter Hilfe fur Ver- wundete und Kranke in Kriegszeiten wahrend der letzten Halfte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med., Leipz., 1908, ii, 101-112 — Ilamy (E.-T.) Nos premiers chirurgiens d'armee; note pour servir a l'histoire des ori- gines de la chirurgie militaire en France. Bull. Soc. fran^. d'hist. de med., Par., 1903, ii, 267-270.—Howell (H. A. L.) The army surgeon and the care of the sick and wounded in British campaigns during the Tudor and early Stuart periods. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1904, ii, 606; 737. -----. The care of the sick and wounded during Maryborough's campaigns. Ibid., 1908, xi, 526- 538.—Imbrlaco (P.) Sulla evoluzione storica della chirurgia militare e sulle difficolta del servizio sanita- rio nelle guerre moderne. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1909, lvii, 481-495. — Kimmle. Kriegschirurgen und Feldiirzte in der Zeit von 1848-68. Veroffentl. a. d. Geb. d. Mil.-San-Wes., Berl., 1904, 24. Hft., 1-294, 19 pl., 12 portr. — Kiittner ( H. ) Die Entwicklung der Kriegschirurgie in den letzten Dezennien. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1908, v, 193-202. — Leitenstor- ler. Geschichte des Operationskurses fiir Militararzte. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 441-443. -Mae- Yulifl'e (L.) Note sur un manuscrit inedit de Pierre Logeais, chirurgien-major du regiment de Gramont- Cavalerie (1735-8). France med., Par., 1906, liii, 97- 100. — iHcGlannan (A.) Ambroise Pare; a sketch of the romance side of his career as army surgeon. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., D. C, 1909, xxv, 430-440. — Jlilburn (C. H.) On military surgery of the time of Ambroise Par6 and that of the present time. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 1532-1535. — ftlolllfere ( H. ) La chirurgie de guerre au xvi* siecle; Nicolas Goddin, d'Arras, chirur- gien des armees de Charles Quint et de Philippe II, sa vie et ses ceuvres. Janus, Amst., 1897, ii, 271; 365.— Nieberirall. Der Feldscherer und der Chirurgus von den friederizianischen Zeiten bis zum Ende der Be- freiungskriege. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xxxvii, 849-882. — Quanjer ( T. A.) De militair ge- neeskundige dienst v66r vijftig jaaren thans. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1907, i, 51-59.—Ravarit (G.) Au sujet des mutiles de Liitzen (13-19 juin 1813) et du r61e de Larrey. Chron. med., Par., 1907, xiv, 756- 760.—Kavich-Shtsherbo (A.) Kazuisticheskiy ma- terial iz khirurgicheskavo otdleleniya Lomzhinskavo mlestnavo lazareta. [Cases from the surgical division of the Lomzhinsk Local Hospital.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1902, lxxx, med.-spec. pt., 4096; 4373.—Santes- son (C. G.) En faltutrustningslista for 440 ar sedan. [List of a field outfit 440 years ago.] Tidskr. i mil. Hel- sov., Stockholm, 1899, xxiv, 50-60—Schaeler (F.) Die Lanze, eine geschichtliche und kriegschirurgische Studie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1900,lxii,599-658.—Sellrecker. Zur Geschichte der ersten Pflege der Verwundeten und Kranken im Kriege. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1908, xxv, 135-146. — Senn (N.) Ancient military surgery. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1907, iv, 690-700. -----. Mediaeval military surgery. Ibid., v, 613-622. -----. The period of awakening of military surgery. Ibid., 1908, vi, 378-384. -----. The dawn of modern military VOL XVII, 2d series----17 Surgery (Military, History and condi- tion of). surgery.' Ibid., 477-482. -----. Modern military surgery. Ibid., 1909, viii, 113-120. -----. The evolution of the mili- tary surgeon. Ibid., 393-400.—Wise (J. C.) The ideal military surgeon. [Baron Larrev.] J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, Pa., 1904, xv, 408-417.—Wyniaii (H. C.) Remarks on the surgery of the War of 1812. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1907, xxix, 203-209.—Yate (A. C.) The Knights Hospitallers and ambulance wink- in war. J. Roy.U. Service Inst., Lond., 1900,xliv, 1099-1138. Surgery (Military, Manuals and trea- tises of). Ballingall (Sir G.) Outlines of military surgery. 3. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1844. Chisolm (J. J.) A manual of military sur- gery for the use of surgeons in the Confederate Army. 12°. Charleston, 1861. Constan (A.) Aide-memoire de chirurgie de guerre; traumatismes professionnels du temps de guerre. 16°. Paris, 1897. -----. Aide-memoire de chirurgie militaire; maladies externes; traumatismes professionnels. 24°. Paris, 1897. Cron (K.) Feld-Taschenbuch fiir k. und k. Militiir-Aerzte. 16°. Wien, 1897. Demmler (A.) La chirurgie du champ de bataille (methodes de pansement et interven- tions d'urgences) d'apres les enseignements mo- dernes. 12°. Paris, [1907]. von Esmarch (J. F. A.) & Kowalzig (E. ) Chirurgische Technik; Hanbuch der kriegschi- rurgischen Technik. 2 v. 4. Aufl. 8°. Kiel dc Leipzig, 1893-9. ------------. The same. Ergiinzungsband zum Handbuch der Kriegschirurgischen Tech- nik. Operationen am Kopf, Hals und Rumpf. v. 3-4. 3. Aufl. 8°. Kiel dc Leipzig, 1899. ------------. The same. 5. Aufl. v. 2. 12°. Kiel dc Leipzig, 1901. -----------. Thesame. Kbirurgicheskaya tekhnika. Tom. III. Perevod s niemetskavo pod redaktsiyeyu V. V. Maksimova. [Surgical technique. Vol. III. Transl. from the German under the direction of V. V. Maksimoff.] 8°. Moskva, 1894. ------------. Thesame. Surgical technic; a text-book on operative surgery. Transl. by L. H. Grau and W. N. Sullivan. Edited by N. Senn. 4°. New York, 1901. Fischer (H.) Leitfaden der kriegschirurgi- schen Operationen. 8°. Berlin, 1901. Handbuch f. k. u. k. Militararzte. Systema- tisch geordnete Sammlung der in Kraft stehen- den Vorschriften, Circular - Verordnungen, Reichs-Kriegs-Ministerial-Erliisse [etc.]. Bear- beitetvonP.Myrdacz. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1893. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. 8°. TT7«i, 1899. -----. Thesame. 4. Aufl. 8°. 117en,1905. —----. The same. Nachtrag fiir das Jahr 1907. 8°. Wien, 1908. ------. The same. Fiir das Jahr 1908. 8°. Wien, 1909. ------. The same. Fur das Jahr 1909. 8°. Wien, 1910. ------. The same. Fur das Jahr 1910. 8°. Wien, 1911. ------. The same. v. 2. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Militiir-Sanitiitswesens der euro- piiischen Grossmachte und des Sanitiitsdienstes in den wichtigsten Feldziigen der neuesten Zeit. Hrsg. von P. Myrdacz. 8°. Wien,^ 1898. Imbriaco (P.) Le operazioni piu frequenti nella chirurgia di guerra. Ricordi di anatomia applicata e di tecnica operativa. 8°. Firenze, 1898. SURGERY. 258 SURGERY. Surgery (Military, Manuals and trea- tises of). Laxdsberger (J.) Handbuch der kriegs- chirurgischen Technik. 12°. Tubingen, 1875. Luhe (L.) Vorlesungen iiber Kriegschirur- gie. K3. Berlin, 1897. ------. The same. Lektsii po polevoi khi- rurgii. PerevodA.I. Verzhbitskavopod redak- tsiyeyu A. G. Shtelnberga, s primlechaniyanii redaktora. [Transl. by A. I. Yerzhbitski, ed- ited by A. G. Shteinberg, with notes by the editor.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1900. Mignon (A.) Des principales affections chi- rurgicales dans l'armee. 4°. Paris, 1910. Moore (E.) Cirugia de la guerra. 16°. Leipzig, 1897. von MosETKi-MooRHOF. Vorlesungen iiber Kriegschirurgie. 8°. Wien dfc Leipzig, 1887. Picarelli (A.) Sunto di chirurgia militare per gli officiali di sanitii delle ambulanze volante; contenente tutto cio che e necessario per i feriti presso i movimenti dell' esercito. 16°. Rieti, 1859. Reverlin (J.-L.) Lecons de chirurgie de guerre, des blessures faites per les balles des fusils. 8°. Geneve ci- Bdle, 1910. Seydel (K.) Lehrbuch der Kriegschirurgie. 8°. Stuttgart, 1893. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1905. Sleman (R. R.) The volunteer surgeon's guide. 12°. London, 1895. Sventsitski ( V.) Kratkoye rukovodstvo voyenno-polevol khirurgii. S predisloviyem i pod redaktsiyel P. I. Dyakonova. [Short man- ual of field surgery. With preface by, and under the editorship of, P. I. Dyakonoff]. 8°. Moskva, 1900. Toubert (J.) Precis de chirurgie d'armee. 12°. Paris, 1900. Tripler (C. S.) & Blackman (G. C.) Hand- book for the military surgeon; being a com- pendium of the duties of the medical officer in the field, the sanitary management of the camp, the preparation of food, etc. With forms for the requisitions for supplies, returns, etc.; the diagnosis and treatment of camp dys- entery; and all the important points in war surgery; including gunshot wounds, amputa- tion, wounds of the chest, abdomen, arteries, and head, and the use of chloroform. 8°. Cincinnati, 1S61. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Cincinnati, 1861. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Cincinnati, 1862. Duncan (A.) Military surgery Syst. Surg. (Treves), Lond., 1895, i, 235-251. —Livneh (C.) Military surgery. Am. Pract. Surg. (Brvant& Buck). X. Y., 1911, viii, 895- 969, 1 pl.—O'Reilly (K. M.) Militarv surgery. Svst. Surg.(Keen), Phila.,190S. iv, 916-1017.—O'Reilly (R. M.) & Rorden (W. C.) Militarv surgerv. Am. Text-book Surg. (Keen & White), 4. ed., Phila., N. Y. i Simplicity an element of success in surgery. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1892, iii, 533-536. Also, Reprint.—Traver (A. H.) The exagger- ated fear of the hospital and operations. N.York State J. M., N. Y., 1910, x, 375-379. SURGERY. Surgery (JS-i-urological). cral Hospital. Dep. Neurol. Harv. M. Sch. Contrib. [etc.], Bost., 1906, i, 159-167.—Roeder (P.) Resektion grosser Nervenstiimme ohne Lahmung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 1686.—Simpson (F.T. i Recent neurological surgery. Yale M. .L, N. Ha- ven, 1905-6, xii, 731-73'.'.—Spitzy. Contributo alia chi- rurgii nervosa. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1908, xxv, 88- 100 Trendelenburg (W.) Studien zur Operations- technik am Zentralnervensystem. 1. DasMyelotom, ein Apparat zur Ausfiihrung genau begrenzter Durehschnei- dungen. 2. Medianspaltung des Kleinhirns am Kanin- chen. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1907, 83-103.—Vauglian (G. T.) The uncertain results of suturing nerves. Am. J. M. Se., Phila. & N. Y., 1908, cxxxvi, 201-206.—Vogt (H.) Die Beziehungen der Neurologie zur Chirurgie. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1909, lxiv, 749-762.—Wei- senburg (T. H.) Advances in the surgery of the ner- vous system considered from the standpoint of the neu- rologist. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 727-732. Also, Reprint. Also: Penn. M. J., Athens, 1906-7, x, 247- 256.—Woolsey (G.) The surgery of the nerves. In: Surgery (Keen i", 8°, Phila. & Lond., 1907, ii, 686-758. Surgery (Nursing in). See Surgery (Clinical, Nursing in). Surgery (Opera t ive). See, also, Amputation; Anaesthetics; Ecra- seurs; Excision; Eye (Surgery of); Forcipres- sure; Haematophilia; Haemorrhage (Surgical, Prevention of); Hysteria (Traumatic); Infiltra- tion-anaesthesia; Injections (Saline); Injec- tions (Spinal, etc.); Ligation, etc.; Operations (Surgical); Surgery (Aseptic); Sutures. Catechism series. Surgical anatomy and op- erations. Pts. 1&2. 12°. Edinburgh, 1899. Lavarede. Tableaux synoptiques de mede- cine operatoire a 1'usage des etudiants et des praticiens. 8°. Paris, 1900. Mazzoni (C.) Tre operazioni chirurgiche praticate ed esposte. 8°. Roma, 1849. Bennett (Sir W. H.) An address entitled: Some re- flections, mainly ethical, on the present position of oper- ations in the practice of surgery. Lancet, Lond., 1903, i, 1423-1128.—Boniieau (R.) Operation au domicile du malade ou operation a la maison de sante. Medecin prat., Par., 1908, iv, 805-807. Also: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1908, xxii, 345-348.—< art ledge (A. M.) A plea for the better appreciation of the limitations ot operative work. Med. News, N. Y., 1901, lxxix, 249-251.—Cecekerelll (A.) Operando ed ope- rate Clin, chir., Milano, 1895, iii, 390; 460; 553.— Cheever (D. W.) Mental condition before operation. Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 1903, 1-3.—Cramer (E.) Auslandisehe Ansichten fiber die Moglichkeit, Unfallver- letzte zur Duldung von chirurgischen Eingriffen zu ihrem Besten zu zwingen. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1906, xiii, 311 -De Buck. Rapport sur les avan- tages de l'intervention chirurgicale dans un certainnom- bre de maladies internes. Bull. Soc. de med. deGand, 1899, lxvi, 108-112.—Endleott (R. H.) Operation on patient eightv-six years old with hypodermic anesthetic. Am. J. Clin. M., Chicago, 1907, xiv, 369.— Forgue (E.) Medecine operatoire et chirurgie clinique. N. Montpel. med., 1895, iv, 925-937. -----. On operation. Med. Week, Par., 1895, iii, 312-316. Also, transl.: Wien. med. BL, 1896, xix, 5; 24; 35—tiratschoff (L.) Operations teori. [Operationstheorie. Ref., pt. 2, pp. x-xii.] Finska lak.- sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1901, xlvi, 267-283.— Hamm. Operative Eingriffe der Aerzte. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1907, 289-292.—Hartzell (W. H.) The surgical treatment of some of our medical cases. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1908-9, xii, 559-562.— Keiller (W.) The relation of anatomy to surgery. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1903, 243-247— Klose (H.) Beitrag zur Bedeutung psychi- scher Epidemien in der praktischen Chirurgie. Strassb. med. Ztg. ,1910, vii, 172-175.—Laurent (O.) La medecine operatoire. Clinique, Brux., 1895, ix, 753-761. — Law- rence (F. F.) Surgery as a last resort. Columbus M. J., 1902, xxvi. 158-164. [Discussion], 179-183. Also [Abstr.]: Am. J. Surg. A Gynec, St. Louis, 1902-3, xvi, 70.—Len- nander (K. G.) Om operationen jamte kirurgisk epikris. Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1899-1900, n. F., v, 256- 270— llaclaren (R.) The relation of the general prac- titioner to operative surgery. Practitioner, Lond., 1893, li, 250-255.—MeRae (F. \V.) The sin of so-called con- servative medical treatment in diseases requiring prompt surgical intervention. Tr. M. Soc. Georgia, Atlanta, 1903, 52-65.—Mayo (C. H.) Surgical opportunity. J.Minne- sota M. Ass. [etc.],Minneap., 1906, xxvi,339-341.—Miller (C. C.) Practical elective surgery for the general prac- titioner. Wisconsin M. Recorder, Janesville, 1903, xi, 239; 277; 317; 357: 401: 1904, vii, 1; 43; 85; 127; 172; 207; 246.— Montgomery (E. B.) The general practitioner and Surgery (Operative, Accidents and er- rors in). See, also, Surgery (Operative, Complications, etc., of). Zarraga (F.) *Brevfsimas reflexiones sobre las causas de las desgracias de la cirujia. 8°. Mexico, 1883. Alexander (W.) Operations Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1892, xii, 49-72.—Banks (W. M.) On some vulgar errors in chirurgery. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1896-6, n. s., iii, 81-92.—Buchanan (J.J.) Delay of operation as a factor in the mortality of surgical diseases. Cleve- land J. M., 1896, i, 399-106— Casalis (G. A.) Some fac- tors which go to make or mar the success of surgical operations. South African M. Rec., Capetown, 1910, viii, 218; 230. — Casuso (G.) Acerca de un error ocurrido durante una intervenci6n quinirgica. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana, 1903-4, xii, 582-595. — Corner (E. M.) Remarks on the common causes of failure in surgical procedures. Clin. J., Lond., 1905, xxvi, 349-352. Also: Med. Mag., Lond., 1905, xiv, 307-315.— Iliuiiiiii" (L. H.) Some of the sources of the disappointments of the surgeon. Am. J. Obst,, N. Y., 1903, xlviii, 577-5ki;.— Farnconibe (E. L.) The mistakesof a house surgeon. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1903-4, xi, 114; 133. —John- son (R. W.) Pernicious delay in surgical cases. Med Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlvii, 578-581.—Lilienthal (H.) Un- intentional neglect in the treatment of surgical diseases. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 683-685. — Llpscher (M.) Ne- hany seb6szi balsikerrol es balesetrdl. [Some surgical failures and mischances.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1905, xiv, 296; 315.— Nancrede (C. B.) Some surgical sins of omission. Phvsician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1896, xviii, 352-360. [Discussion], 369-371. — von Nuss- baum. Ueber Ungliicke in der Chirurgie. Fest-Sehr., Albert v. Kolliker, Leipz., 1887, 85-101.—Primrose (A.) The untoward results of delayed operations and of in- complete operations. Cleveland M. J., 1911, x, 173-180. Also: Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1911, xxxvi, 109- 121.—Roberts (J. B.) Some surgical sins. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii, 971-973.—Robinson (B.) Ir- rational surgerv. or surgery gone mad. Illinois M. Bull., Chicago, 1905-ti", vi, 529-533. — Robson (A.W.M.) An address on the dangers of delay. Brit. M.I., Lond., 1899, i, 953-957. — Stewart (D. A.) [Two or three cases of unskillful surgery.] Railwav Surg., Chicago, 1898-9, v, 203-206.—Taylor (H. M.) Delay as a factor in unsuc- cessful surgerv. Bi-Month. Bull. Univ. Coll. Med., Rich- mond, 1898, iii, 519-523. Also: Practice, Richmond, 189«. xii, 261-268. Also, Reprint. — Wiggins (J. L.) Sur- gical outrages. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1908, c, 559-562. Surgery (Operative, Amphitheatres and hospitals for). Boelle (A.) *De la fondation des cliniques chirurgicales en France. 8°. Paris, 1901. Cattebina (A.) Discorso let to dal Prof. At- tilio Catterina per la inaugurazione del nuovo anfiteatro chirurgico avvenuta il giorno 14 mag- gio 1896 nelP Ospedale clinico di Camerino. 12°. Camerino, 1896. SURGERY. 263 SURGERY. Surgery ((t/>eraticc. Amphitheatres and hospitals for). Eoxnet (M.) *Un pavilion de chirurgie modele; le pavilion de chirurgie de l'Asile cli- nique (Sainte-Anne). 8°. Paris, 1901. Feier zur Eroffnung des neuen Institutsge- baudes der chirurgischen Universitatsklinik zu Leipzig am 26. Januar 1900. Bericht von F. Trendelenburg. 8°. Leipzig, 1900. van Iterson (J. K.) J. Azn. De nieuwe opera- tiekamer in het Rijks-Ziekenhuis te Leiden. Toespraak tot hh. studenten. 8°. Leiden, 1893. Koxiglich chirurgische Universitatsklinik des Geheimraths Professor von Bergmann in Berlin. Ausstellung in Chicago. 4°. [ Berlin, 1893.] Lister (J.) On the effects of the antiseptic system of treatment upon the salubrity of a sur- gical hospital. 8°. Edinburgh, 1870. vox Mikulicz & Gottstein (G.) Operations- raum. roy. 8°. [n. p., 1902?] Cutting from: Encycl. d. Chir., Muller ([C] G.) *Bakteriologische Luftun- tersuchungen im Operationssale der chirurgi- schen Klinik zu Halle a. S. als Beitrag zur Frage der Luftinfektion in der Chirurgie. 8°. Halle a. S., 1893. Orzepowski (C.) ^Untersuchungen iiber die Beschaffenheit der Luft im Auditorium des Ana- tomicums zu Dorpat im Winter des Jahres 1892. 8°. Dm-pat. 1892. Administration (The) of operating theatres in hos- pitals. [Edit.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908. i, 1484 —Allen (D. P.) Sterilized water for operating rooms. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxx, 501-504.— A mo ruso (M.) & C (F.) L' ospedale Mauriziano Umberto I in Torino; le nuove sale chirurgiche operatorie e le nuove opere di fognatura. Ingeiriier. san., Torino, 1902, xiii, 161: 181.— R. La fondazione Rothschild e il rinnovamento delle case operaie. Riv. di inge-ner. san., Torino, 1906, ii, 193- 1%.—Baland in. Kin neuer Operationssaal, insbeson- dere fiir Laparotomien bestimmt. Verhandl. d. x. inter- nat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iii, 8. Abth., 96-99 — Baudouln (M.) Un projet d'institut de chirurgie; par M. Valentin, architecte. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1895, iv, 210-212. -----. Inauguration d'un institut de chirurgie prive au Havre. Assistance, Par., 1*95, v, 60- 62. -----. La clinique de chirurgie du Dr Pantaloni a Marseille. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1903, xii, 12-71. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1903, 12. s., iii, 33-49. -----. La nouvelle clinique chirurgicale du P' A. Monprofit (d'Angers) (service des femmes) de l'H6tel-Dieu d'Angers. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1905, xiv, 37-60. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1905, 12. s., v, no. ex., 2-6.— Beale (P. T. B.) The lighting of an operation theatre. Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 1534.—Beatson (G. T.) On the construction of operating theatres. Ibid., 1899, ii, 713- 718.—Belouet. Le nouvel amphitheatre d'operations de l'Hopital Necker. Bull. Soc. de med. pub., Par., 1893, xvi, 287-300. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1*94, xvi, 27-40. -----. Les nouveaux services de chirurgie de l'H6pital Cochin. Bull. Soc. de med. pub., Par., 1894, xvii, 121-139. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1x91, xvi, 326-344.—Berdyayett" (A. F.) K voprosu ob osvleshtshenii operatsionnikh pomleshtsheniy. [On lighting operating rooms.] Vo- yenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1908, ccxxiii, med.-spec. pt., 87.—Binct. Cliniques chirurgicales et orthopediques des universites d'Heidelberg etde Bonn. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1909, xii, 734-742.—Bisch (L.) Le role des maisons de chirurgie. Gaz. d. hdp., Par., 1905, lxxviii, 711-713.—von Bramann. Der neue Operationssaal der kgl. chirurgischen Universitatsklinik in Halle a. S. Klin. Jahrb., Berl., 1892, iv, 181-198.—Bruns (P.) Der neue Operationssaal der chirurgischen Klinik zu Tubin- gen. Ibid., 217-224.—C. (C. F.) A model surgical clinic. Boston M. & 8. J., 1X94, exxxi, 203.—Cheever (D. W.) The opening of the new surgical amphitheatre at the Boston City Hospital, February 15, 1899. Ibid., 1899, cxI, 173.—Chlumsky (VA Ueber Bau und innere Einrich- tung einer chirurgischen Klinik. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1903, lxviii, 412-444— Co Iter (L. E.) A portable operating room. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp. 1x98, Wash., 1899, 260.—Cova (E.) L' indirizzo clinico c operativo nella clinica ostetrico-ginecologica di Roma. Arch. ital. di ginec, Napoli, 1909, xii, 201-243.— Czerny (V.) Die Erweiterungsbauten der chirurgi- schen Universitatsklinik in Heidelberg. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1895, xiii, 1-48, 2 pl.—Dandols. Etude Surgery (Operative, Amphitheatres and hospitals for). sur le r61e de'l'air atmospberique dans les infections chi- rurgicales; asepsie de la sallc d'operations. Rev. med., Louvain, 1892, xi, 337-352.— Dan riac (J.) Inauguration des nouveaux pavilions de chirurgie a l'Hopital Cochin. Progres m6d., Par., 1893, 2. s., xvii, 422-424.—Delbet (P.) Remarques sur 1'organisation d'une salle d'operations, Maison de sante Daviel-Larrey A, Saint-Quentin. Arch prov. de chir., Par., 1904, xiii, 466-478.—Duncan (J j Modern operating theatres. Brit. M. J., Lond 1898 ii 299- Durante (F.) Progettodi una camera operatoria asettica. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 18X2 viii 341- 344— Fuel. Einiges aus dem Operationssaal e und sei- nen Ncbenraumen. Ztschr. f. Krankenanst., Leipz., 1905 1.406-415.—Fiiicisoii (N. W.) Surgical clinics of the Massachusetts Honxeopathic Hospital. N. Eng M Gaz Bost., 1900, xxxv, 389-396, 1 pl — Ewald (K j Ueber Errichtung chirurgischer Stationen im Allgemeinen und die des Erzh. Karl Ludwig 1'avillons im k. k. Sophien- hospitale in Wien im Hes.mderen. Wien klin Rund- schau, 1908, xxii, 390; 407: 422; 438; 455: 471; 486.—Ewin»- (J.) The Syms operating building of the Roosevelt Hospital. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1892, vi, 362.—Ferre (H.) La clinique Pasteur de Pau. Arch, prov de chir Par., 1910, xix, 223-227. —Foil chaiu, Bocher & Bologn£si. Inauguration des nouveaux batiments de la Maison de sante du Mans ou Clinique chirurgi- cale de la rue de Ballon. Ibid., 1906, xv, 550-563 — Friedrich (P. L.) & Jlabelt (A.) Der Neubau der chirurgischen Klinik der Universitat zu Greifswald Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1907-8, xviii, 463-474.—Froninie. Neue Einriehtungsgegenstande fur Operationssale. Zen- tralbl. 1. d. Gesamtgel). d. Med. [etc.], Leipz. u Wien 1907, iii. 77-79. Gabbctt (P. C.) The operation theatre! Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1910, xiv, 371-375, 1 plan — Gubareff (A. P.) O niekotorikh prostikh prisposob'le- niyakh operativnol komnati i yeya meblirovki. [On some simple adaptations of the operating room and its furni- ture.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1896 x 538-541, lpl.—Gynecological (The) operating room' Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait., 1892-4, iii, 301, 2 pl — Haller (J. F.) The new operating pavilion at Sabbats- bergs Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden. R. I. Med Sc Month., Providence, 1893, i, 18-24.—Hamilton (G. G j A note on separate operating rooms and their manage- ment. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1908, i, 1479.—Harrisson (D ) The operating theatre of the David Lewis Northern Hospital. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1900, xx, 351-358 — Heidenhain (L.) Die Beleuchtung der neuen Operationssale im stadtischen Krankenhause zu Worms. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., ,1907, xxxiv, 53-55.—Helot (R.) L'amphitheatre de l'Ecole d'anatomie et de chi- rurgie de Rouen, construit sur la porte Bouvreuil. Rev med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1903, 247. 273, 1 pl -Hen- riqucs (The) operating theatre at St. Marv's Hospital Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 1469.—Hill (R.) "The Mayos' clinic. N.York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii, 157-160. Also Reprint.—van der Hoevcn (J.) De indenting van operatiekamers. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst. 1892, 2. it., xxviii, pt. 2, 174-ls.i.—llot'maiin (C.) Wie soil eine einfache, dabei zweckmassige und nicht kost- spielige Operationssaal-Einrichtung in einem grbsseren Krankenhause beschaffen sem? Klin.-therap. Wchnschr Wien, 1901, viii, 1480; 1515.—Holmes (C. R.) Hospitals and hospital management, more particularly with refer- ence to the surgical needs of these institutions. Am Pract. Surg. [Bryant & Buck], N. Y., 1911, viii, 823-894 1 pl.—Inau;>uraci6ii (La) del pabe!16n quirurgicode la Casa de Salud del Ccntro Asturiano. Cron. med.-quir de la Habana, 1901, xxvii, 329.—Inou[y]e (T.) Ueber den aseptischen Operationssaal. [Japanese text.] Ztschr d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokvo, 1894, viii, 8. Hit., 16- 9 Hft 20, 1 pl.—Institut (L') de chirurgie de Madrid. Arch! prov. de chir., Par., 1903, xii, 451-456.—Jayle (F.) La clinique chirurgicale de la Faculte de Mo'scou. Presse med., Par., 1898, ii, 158-160.—Jeanbrau (E) La clinique de chirurgie du Dr. A badie a Oran. Arch prov de chir., Par., 190s, xvii, 223-232, 4 pl.—Kirmlsson (E.j H6pital des Enfants-Malades. Inauguration d'un nou- veau pavilion destine a la clinique chirurgicale infantile Presse med., Par., 1906, xiv, 777-780.—KOnig. Die chi- rurgische Klinik der Charite. Berl. klin. Wchnschr 1897, xxxiv, 11-43. -----. Das neue Operationshaus zu Altona, eine moderne chirurgische Arbeitsstatte. Arch f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1903, lxx, 1078-1098.—KOrte (W.j Das Operationsgebiiude im neuen stadtischen Kranken- hause am Urban zu Berlin. Klin. Jahrb., Berl., 1891 iii 298-316.—von Krauss (F.) Skizzen und Baubeschrei- bung eines Projectesfurden Pavilion einer chirurgischen Klinik auf sehr beschranktem Raume. Wien. klin Wchnschr., 1899, xii, 193-199.—KrOnig & Siedentopi'i Neue Beleuchtungsvorrichtung fiir Operationsiile. Arch f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1904, lxxiv, 373-378. Also: Verhandl" d. (icsellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. (1904), 1905, 54-56.— Kronleiii. Die aseptischen Operationsriiume der Ziiricher chirurgischen Klinik und ihre Bedeutung SURGERY. 264 SURGERY. Surgery (Operative. Amphitheatres and hospitals for). fiir den chirurgisch-klinischen Unterricht. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing, 1903, xxxvii, 660-675, 10 pl.— KIIstor (K.) Der Horsaalanbau fiir die konigliche liuver-Uats-Frauenklinik zu Berlin. Klin. Jahrb, Berl 1x94 v, 119-126. -----. Die neue chirurgische Klinik zu Marburg. Ibid., Jena, 1897-8, vi, 613-648.— de Liavarcnne (E.) Les sdles d'operations de la mai- son de chirurgie. Presse med.. Par., 1902, ii, 1026-1028 — Leibbruml (R.) & von Burckhardt. Die neuen Operationsriiume des Ludwig^spitals Charlottenhilfe in Stuttgart. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1898, lxviii. 353-361.—Le Nouene (L.) La clinique chi- rurgicale de l'Universite de Kiel. Rev. med. de Nor- mandie, Rouen, 1903. iv, 368-375.—Lesser (A. M.) An arrangement for observing operations. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxii, 303.—Lloyd (S ) The operating pavilion of the new General Hospital at Hamburg. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1892, xvi, 371-376—Lohr (G.) Der neue Opera- tionssaal der chirurgischen Klinik der Universitat Kiel. Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1897-8. vi, 606-612—Lucas-Cham- pionnifere (J.) Lesconditionsmateriellesd'unebonne salle d'operations. Bull. Soc. de med. pub , Par., 1890, xiii, 97-112. -----. Sur les germes dans fair des salles d'opfiration. Bull, et mem. Soc, de chir. de Par., 1903. n. s., xxix, 281-281.—Mac Cormac (Sir W.) Operation rooms, past and present. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1898, xvi, 301-307.—!McOosh(A. J.) The operating-pavilion. Med. & Surg. Rep. Presbyterian Hosp., N. Y., 1897, ii, 235-263.— de JHagalhaes (P. S.) A nova clinica chirurgica do Professor Koenig em Berlin. Rev. med.deS. Paulo, 1904, vii, 438-441.—Martens (M.) Ueber den Bau und die Einrichtung moderner Operationsraume. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1372-13X0—xTIaunoury. La nou- velle salle d'operation de 1' Hdpital de Ohartres. Pr< >gres med.. Par., 18xx, 2. a., vii, 107-113.—Middlesex (The) lb pvpi tai; new operation theatre, etc. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 224.—.Model (A) operating theatre [in Madrid]. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893,i,427.— Mliller (A.) Das neueOpera- tiimsgobaude im Basler Biirgerspital. Biirgerspit. Basel. Jahresb. (1899), 1900, 146-159, 10 pl.—New (A) clinic for Philadelphia. Engin. & Build. Rec, N. Y., 1897, xxxvi, 298-301.—New (The) operating department at the Lon- don Hospital. Brit. M. J., Lond. 1902, i, 1305.—New op- erating theatre at Cardiff Infirmary. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 1707.—New (The) operating theatre of Roosevelt Hos- pital. Boston M. & S. J., 1892, cxxvii, 463.—New (The) operating theatres at the Roval Free Hospital. Lancet, Lond., 1908, i, 181.—New (The) operating theatre at St. George's Hospital. Ibid., 1897, i, 267.—New (The) Surgi- cal Clinic at Greifswald. [Edit.] Hospital, Loud., 1909, xlvi, 623.—Nouvelle (La) salle d'operations de l'H6pital dela Charite, a Lille. Bull. med.du nord, Lille, 1891, xxx, 451-457, 3 pl.— Ochsner (A. J.) The surgical organisa- tion of a hospital. In: Surgery (Keen),8°, Phila.&Lond., 1909, v, 1211-1233.—Opening of new operating theatre at the Bristol Royal Infirmary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii. 1094.—Operating room work at Harper Hospital, De- troit. [Edit.] Nat. Hosp. Rec, Detroit, 1907, x,no. 11,12- 16.—Operating" theatres and asepsis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1X94, ii, 818— Oviatt (C. W.) Prophylactic measures for the operating room in the private house. Tr. M. Soc. Wis- consin, Madison, 1896, xxx,503-507.—Padlglione (Un) chirurgicomodello. Corriere san..Milano, 1907,xviii,130 — Palmer (F. A.) The Ries clinic at Chicago. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1905, xi, 438-443.—Petersen (F.) Geschichte, Zweck, Statistik der chirurg. Poliklinik. Festschr. z. Feier . . . Fr. von Esmarch, Kiel u. Leipz., 1893, 7-21.—Pilcher (L. S.) Surgical operating-room arrangements and methods, with list of surgical opera- tions done in the hospital during the decennium. Meth- odist Epi-eop. Hosp. Rep. 1887-97, N. Y., 1X9X, i, 325-353.— Plan de la salle d'operations et des annexes a la Villa Saint-Acheul (Amiens). Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1894, iii, 57.—Poncet (A.) Une salle d'operations a PH6tel- Dieu de Lyon. Rev. de chir., Par., 1889, ix, 605-637.— Primrose (A.) Notes on a recent visit to surgical clinics in Germanv and Switzerland. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1909, xxxiv, 199-217.—Purves (R.) The Royal Surgical Klinik at Breslau. Edinb. M. J., 1902, n. s., xii, 230-236.— Quenu. De l'ameublement d'un ser- vice de chirurgie (pavilion Pasteur, a l'Hopital Cochin). Rev. de chir., Par., 1894, xiv, 221-245.—Bebert (M. A.) An extemporized operating room. J. Ass. Mil. Surg U S Carlisle, Pa., 1905, xvi, 433.—Bobb (H.) The air of the operating room as a possible factor in the infection of wounds. Tr. Am. Uynec. Soc, Phila., 1909, xxxiv, 550- 564.—Bocharu (E.) Les nouvelles salles d'operations des hopitaux de Paris. Unionmed., Par., 1893, 3. s., lv, 797- 799.—Boyce (G.) An improved adjustable electric light stand for operating romis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, loni.—Biulneiris.) pj] i nlekotoriye predmeti operatsionnolkomnati \ bakteriologicheskomotnoshenii. [Du-t and certain object* in operative rooms from a bacte- nolo-ieal viewpoint] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1893, iii, 372- 3'.io.—Bulnl (G.) Contributo sperimentale alio studio del contenuto batteriologico di un teatro chirurgico. Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. 4,487; 497.—Bydygler Surgery (Operative, Amphitheatres and hospitals fo?'). (L.) Vorschlag zur vollstiindigen Aenderung der Cons- truction der Zuschauerplatze im Operationszimmer der chirurgischen Kliniken. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, vi, 294.—Sanchez y Bubio (E.) ElQuir6fano6nuevasnla de operaciones de la Faeultad de medicina de Madrid. Rev.de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1893, xxxii, 66-75.— Sapeschko (K.) PlaneinesaseptischenOperationssaa- les. Centralbl. f. Gynak.,Leipz., 1890,xiv,705-711.—Schley (W. S.) Simplified equipment and management of the ope- ratingroom. Nat.Hosp.Rec..Detroit,1907-8,xi,no.11,1-3.— Schtlcking (A.) Ein aseptischer Raum. Centralbl f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., ixx2, xx. x83. -----. Ein Steri- lisirungsraum. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1890, xiv, No. 48, 865-867. Also, Reprint. -----. Kin aseptischer Raum Krankenpflege, Berl., 1902-3, ii. 321-324.—Sick (C.) Das Operationshaus. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskran- kenanst. 1889, Leipz., 1x90, i, 32-39. — Smith (O. C.) Notes on European surgical clinics. N. York M. J., 1908, lxxxvii, 203-207. Also, Reprint.—Smyly (W. J.) The operation theatre, Rotunda Hospital Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 74-76.—Sorel (R.) & Widmaier (O.) De l'or- ganisation d'une clinique chirurgicale privee au Havre. Arch. prov. dechir., Par., 1895, iv, 97-116, 3 plans. Also, Reprint.—Steinthal. Die neuen Operationsraume im Stuttgarter Diakonissenhaus. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1894, lxiv, 89, 1 pl.—Steps (L. J.) Beachtenswerte WinKe beim Bau und zur Einrichtung einer Operations-Klinik. Ztschr. f. Kninkenpfl., Berl., 1906, xxviii, 328-333. — Subbotie (V.i Novo hirusko odeljenje OpSte Drzavne Bolnice u Beogradu. [New surgical department of the General Royal Hospital of Belgrade.] Srpski arh. za celok. lek., Beograd, 1907, xiii, 405-414.—Thomas (J. L.) A reliable washing tap for operation rooms. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 1082.— Thomson (W.) On the construction of a room or se- ries of rooms free from germ life, proposed for use in the performance of surgical operations. Mem. Lit. Snruical hints. (Care be- fore, during, and after operations.) Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1911, lxiv, 637-645. -.Uc«uire ( H. ) Some of the dangers following surgical operations, and how to pre- vent and treat them. Bi-Month. Bull. Univ. Coll. Med., Richmond, 18%, i, 4.—.tloGuire (S.) Surgical conva- lescence; with report of blood count in twenty cases. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1898-9. iii, 218-250. -----. The post-hospital manasement of a surgical pa- tient. Charlotte [N. C] M. J.. 1909, lix, 364-307— Jlagni (E.) La mobilizzazione precoee degli operati. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1908, xxix, 1502. — Martin (E.) The after treatment of operative cases. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1905, 3. s., xxi, 661-664.—Moorhead (S. W.) Care of postop- erative patients, with special reference to intestinal and renal functions. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1908, xxi, 174.—Mori (SA [The bath as after-treatment in surgical operations.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1899, xx, 1520- 1525.—Morris (R. T.) Epithelial obstructors and con- ductors. Month. Cvcl. & M. Bull.. Phila.. 1911, xxv, 449- 452— Mnller (B.) Die diatetische Behandlung nach Operationen. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg.,Beil. 1906,318-323.— Nolst Trenite (A.N.) Een enanchrover nabehande- ling van operaties. [After-treatment of operations.] Med. Weekbl., Amst., le>97-8, iv, 369; 507.—Norris (H.) The care of post-operative cases. Charlotte IN. C] M. J., 1909, lx, 149-150— Ost wait (F.) Moyens de lutter centre l'infection post-opt-ratoire. Lull, et mem. Soc franc d'opht., Par., Is97, xv, 261-272. —Pease (G.N.) Post- operative treatment. Northwest. Med., Seattle, 1910, n. s., ii, 269-272.—Porter (F. J. W. ) A note on the advisability of allowing water in larger quantities than is at present customary to cases after operation. J. Rov. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1906, vi, 095.—Bhoads (T.'L ) The post-operative treatmentof surgical cases. Therap. Gaz.. Detroit, 1897, 3. s., xiii, 657; 728; 812: 1898, 3. ;.., xiv, 18; 92. Also, Reprint. — Richards (J. S.) Management of postoperative cases. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1911, n. s., iii, 1-3.—Roberts (J. B.) The after- treatment in operative surgerv. Am.J.M.Sc, Phila.,1892, n.s., ciii. 25*-263. Also, Reprint.—Roth (H.) Theafter- treatment of operative cases. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1896, x, 176-1 «1. Also: Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1896-7, xxix, 2*0-290.— SohoWler. Reponse aux conclusions du travail de M. le Dr KrafTt sur La convalescence chi- rurgicale et assurances. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1899, xix, 467-470— Stevens < B. ('.) A lecture on sunricul after-treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 1481- 14s:;. — Stoker (.Sir T.) On the management of cases during the period immediately following operation. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1896, xiv, 126-132. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 1403.—White (R. V.) Pre- and post-operative treatment. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1911, xlvi, 5*7-593. —WIlmotli (A. D.) Post-operative treatment. Am. Pract. A News, Louis- ville, 1910, xliv, 559-50*.—Wilson (A. G.) The post- operative treatment of surgical cases. St. Mary's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1902, viii, 100-104. Surgery (Operative, Examination of the urine in). See, also, Surgery (Diagnosis in). Kl liott (A. R.) The importance of careful examina- tion of the urine before surgical operations. Chicago M. Recorder, 1895, ix, 358-371. Also, Reprint.—Gross (F.) & Sencert (L.) A propos de la semeiologie unna ire et hematologique des operes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 430-433.—Keycs (1C. L ). jr. Contribution to the study of phenolsulphonephthalein as a test for re- nal function before operation. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1911, vii, 125-131.—Mongour (C.) Valeur pronostique de Surgery (Operative, Examination of the urine in). l'albuminurie au point de vue de l'intervention chirurgi- cale. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1898, xxviii, 253-255.— Munro (J.C.) The significance of albumin and casts in surgical operations. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1903, xxi, 280-285. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1903, lxxxiii, 498-500. Also, Reprint.—Steiner (P.) Die funktionelle Nieren- diagnostik im Dienste der Chirurgie. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1910, v, 395-421. Surgery (Operative, Exploratory). See Surgery (Diagnosis in). Surgery (Operative, Instruction in). See Surgeons (Instruction, etc., of). Surgery (Operative, Jurisprudence of). See Surgery (Jurisprudence of). Surgery (Operative, Manuals of) [in- cluding operations on the cadaver]. Allingham (H. W.) Operative surgery. 8°. New York, 1903. Averill (C.) A short treatise on operative surgery, describing the principal operations as they are practiced in England and France; de- signed for the use of students in operating on the dead body. 12°. London, 1823. -----. Thesame. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1830. Bayek (C.) Grundriss der chirurgischen Ope- rationstechnik. 8°. Berlin, 1894. Bell (J.) A manual of the operations of sur- gery for the use of senior students, house sur- geons, and junior practitioners. 7. ed. 12°. Edinburgh, 1892. Bennecke (E.) Operationsubungen an der Leiche; ein Leitfaden fiir Studierende. Mit einem Vor wort von F. Konig. 8°. Leipzig, 1903. von Bergmann (E.) & Rochs (H.) Anlei- tende Vorlesungen fiir den Operations-Cursus an der Leiche. 12°. Berlin, 1889. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 12°. Berlin, 1892. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 2. v. 8°. Ber- lin, 1901-3. Berruti (C.) & Franchini (C.) Elementidi medicina operatoria. 12°. Napoli, 1899. Bertrandi (A.) Trattato delle operazioni di chirurgia. 2 v. in 1. 12°. Napoli, 1798. Bickham (W. S.) A text-book of operative surgery covering the surgical anatomy and oper- ative technic involved in the operations of gen- eral surgery. Written for students and practi- tioners. 8°. Philadelphia, 1903. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1904. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia d: London, 1908. Binnie (J. F.) Manual of operative surgery. 8°. Philadelphia, 1905. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1906. -----. The same. 3. ed., revised and en- larged. 12°. Philadelphia, 1907. -----. The same. 4. ed. 2 v. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1909-10. -----. Thesame. 5. ed., revised and en- larged, roy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1911. Bobroff (A. A.) Kurs operati vnol khirurgii. [Course of operative surgery.] 3. ed. 8°. Moskva, 1894. Bockenheimer (P.) & Frohse (F.) Atlas typischer chirurgischer Operationen. Fiir Aerzte und Studierende. Mit erlauterndem Text von Bockenheimer. 4°. Jena, 1904-6. -----------. The same. Atlas of typical operations in surgery. Adapted English version by J. H. Evans. 4°. New York erative, Methods and ap- paratus in). Norfini (G.) Descrizione di alcune opera- zioni di chirurgia. 8°. Pisa, 1827. O'Neill (H.) *Some of the important ad- vances made in surgical practice during recent years. 8°. Belfast, 1892. Schiassi (B.) Un nuovo letto da operazioni ed alcuni casi di chirurgia. roy. 8°. Bologna, 1897. -----. Annotazioni di clinica chirurgica operatoria. roy. 8°. Bologna, 1900. Schiffbauer (H. E.) 1910 blue book of sur- gery. 8°. Manila, 1910. Smith ( D. T. ) Before and after surgical op- erations. A treatise on the preparations for and the care of the patient after operations, includ- ing homoeopathic therapeutics. Written with special reference to the needs of the general practitioner and the hospital intern. 12°. Philadelphia, 1906. Smith (O. C.) The work of the Mayos. 8°. Hartford, 1906. Soriano (M.) Memoria sobre la canalizaci6n quiriirgica, llamada en franees "drainage." 8°. Mexico, 1865. Vazquez Gomez (F.) *Del enfermo en la intervencion quiriirgica. 8°. Mexico, 1889. Viricel (J.-M.) tils. Memoire sur l'art de preparer les maladies aux grandes operations. 8°. [Lyon], an T7Z[1799]. # Wallace (C. S.) Preparations for operations in private houses. 12°. London, [n. d.]. Worthington (L. N.) Therapeutique, liga- tures des arteres, tracheotomie et laryngotomie. Notes servant a la preparation de l'examen du quatrieme doctorat. 8°. Paris, 1S89. Aikiuan (J.) Surgical operations in private prac- tice. Hospital, Lond., 1004-5,xxxvii,85; 119; 154; 171; 205.— Alexander (A .) Papers on practical surgery; or the experience of twenty years of operative work. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1892, xii, 49; 393.—Annandale (T.) Hints and suggestions in the practice of surgery. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1894, ii, 459-465. -----. Some practical suggestions in operative surgery. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1902-3, n. s., xxii, 88-90.—Aymard (J. L. A.) Invisible surgery. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i.1314.—Babtoek (W. W.) A sum- mary of certain forms of surgical practice (from the Sa- maritan Hospital service). Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1907, 3. s., xxiii, 604-611. Also, Reprint—Bailey (E. S.) The median line in surgerv. Mel. Century, N. Y. & Chicago, 1904, xii, 353-355.—Baker (S. C.) The uses of "carbonic acid snow" in surgery, wit h demonstration of its preparation. J. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, S. C, 1910, vi, 520.—vonBararz(R) Beobachtungen iiber die chirurgische Technik inden Vereinigten Staaten Ameri- kas. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1904, liv, 529; 630; 667; 729.— Bur bar in (P.) Preparation d'un malade pour une ope- ration; soins Adonner d,un nouvel opfireouaun bless6. Clinique, Par., 1907,h,87.—Barker (A.E.) A short note on ^he surgical use of subcutaneous injections of carbo- hydrates in exhausting diseases, and as a preliminary to severe operations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 770.—Bar- rett (C. W.) Anewtechniqueforkeepingcountofgauze pads. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1910, xi, 611.—But- tey (W. W.) A plea for careful surgical technic. Inter- nat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxi, 69-71.—Beale (P. T. B.) Some points of practical importance in the use of curved skin incisions. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 84.—Beck (C.) Subepidermale Hautincision zur Vermeidung von Nar- benbeiGesichts-undHalsoperationen. Centralbl.f.Chir., Leipz., 1895, xxii, 873.—Bee kin an (E. H.) Operating- room technic. Old Dominion J. M. >fc S., Richmond, 1909,ix, 171-179.— Beede (S.C.) Conservatism in post-operative treatment. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1906, xx, 129—Bell (R. P.) Some common errors in operative technique. Vir- ginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1911-12, xvi, 274-278.— Bellamy (R.) Constructive and imperative operative surgery, extraordinarily unique cases, with successful re- sults. Charlotte [N.C.J M.,I., 1909, lx. 289-292,1 pl.—Ben- jamin (A. E.) The preparation of the patient for an operation and the relative value of the blood examina- tion. Northwest. Lancet, Minneapolis, 1903, n. s., xxiii, 39-47. Also: St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1903, v, 149- 152.—Bernays (A. C.) A visit to the Mayos, at Roches- ter, Minnesota. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 808- 810.—Billiaut(M) Lessoinsadonneraux operes; edu- Surgery (Operative, Methods and ap- paratus in). cation des inflrmieres et garde-malades; notes de vacances. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1907, xx, 257-262—Bi- louet. Note au sujet de l'emploi de pates 6pilatoires en remplacement du rasage des poils et des cheveux dans les interventions chirurgicales. Arch, de mecl. et pharm. mil., Par., 1907, 1, 198-202.—Blsliop (E. S.) Operations in private houses. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1900, 10. s., i, 120-135, 1 pl.—Bloodgood (J. C.) Operative tech- nic. Ibid., 1905, 15. s., i, 275. -----. Introductory re- marks; division of surgical lesions; pre-operative treat- ment; operation. Ibid., 1911, 21. s., i, 253-296 — Bobone ( T.) La preparation des malades aux ope- rations. Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhinol.. Par., 1904, vii, 223: 1906, viii, 36. — Bobroflf ( A. A. ) O sovre- mennol khirurgii v dlelle vrachevaniya [Modern sur- gery in treatment.] Dnevnik Syezda Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, Kazan, 1899, vi, 141-145.—Boeckel (J.) Chirurgie sans drainage. Gaz. med.de Strasb., 1893, Iii, 121; 133:1894, liii, 1; 13; 25; 37; 49; 61; 73.—Bond (C. J.) A method of establishing colotomy openings and per- manent ureteral fistulse. Brit.M.J.,Lond.,1910,ii,939-94L— Boniieau (R.) Comment organiser une operation au domicile du malade. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1908, xxii, 265-271.—Borbeiy (S.) A sapka, alarcz es kesztyii muteteknel val6 hasznalata. [The true use of the cap, mask, and glove in operations.] Gvdgvaszat, Budapest, 1898, xxxviii, 650.—Boslier (L. C.) '[etal.]. A brief discussion of some of the surgical junk demanding further surgical interference. Boston M. & S. J., 1910, clxii, 217.—Bosse (B.) Entbindungen und Opera- tionen im Diimmerschlaf. Berl. Klinik, 1911, 272. Hft., 1-30.—Botf n (F.) Defectos a corregir en la tecnicaqui- riirgica. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1910, xxiii, 321-331.—Bowers (L. G.) The preparation and post-operative treatment of surgical cases. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1908, xcix, 8-10.—Bowles (A.) Advantages of the curved incision in certain classes of surgical work. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1911, xxv, 286-289.—Braisted (W. C.) Surgical technique, Naval Hospital, New York. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Navy, Wash., 1903, 238.—Brewer (G. E.) Operative surgery at the City Hospital, with a prelimi- nary report on the study of wound infection. N. York M. J., 1S96, lxiii, 569-576. -----. Some observations upon modern surgical technics, from an analysis of four hun- dred and twenty-one operative cases at the City Hospital. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liii, 433-436.—Brickner (W. M.) The surgical assistant. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 190L4, xiv-xvii, passim.—Briggs (J. E.) Modern surgical tech- nique, with, analysis and statistical table of three hun- dred and forty-four operations performed in fifteen months prior to January 1, 1900, and since using rubber gloves. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop. 1900, N. Y., 1901, 312- 321.—Broome (G. W.) The prophylactic flap method in surgery. St. Louis Clinique, 1895, viii, 95-101. Also: Internat. Clin., Phila., 1896, 5. s., iv, 269-277.—Brown (R.) Hospital operative case. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1909, xxiv, 221-224.—Bryant (J. D.) Modifica- tion in the methods of operative surgery resulting from laboratory research. N. York M. J., 1901, lxxiv, 951-954. Also: N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1902, ii, 254-257.—Bu- chanan (J. J.) Capital operations without anaesthesia and the use of large saline infusions in acute anaemia. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1896-7, iii, 241-247. -----. On the advantages of performing capital operations in selected cases without anesthesia, Penn. M. J., Athens, 1904-5, viii, 677 6X1. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxvii, 289.—Bulson (A.E.), jr. The development of operative skill on the part of the surgeon. Syst. Ophth. Op. (Wood), Chicago, 1911, i, 179-204.—Bunting (T. L.) Sterilisable fluorescent screen for use at operations. Northumber- land & Durham M. J., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1906, xiv, 312.—Biiriield(.T.) Some points in post-operative treat- ment. [Abstr.] St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1905-6, xiii, 68-71.—Campbell (R. A.) Major operations. Pacific Coast J. Homceop., San- Fran., 1910, xxi, 419-456.—Can- nad ay (J. E.) Preoperative and postoperative treat- ment of surgical cases. Tr. W. Virg. M. Ass., Wheeling, 1905, xxxviii, 302-370. Also: N.York M. J. [etc], 1905, lxxxii, 429-433. Also, Reprint.— C'apnrro (M. A.) Nu- ovo elenco di atti operativi. Pammatone, Genova, 1906, x, no. 3, 63-70.—(arr (W. P.) Some remarks on surgical technique. Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y., 1908, xviii, 80-82.—Carroll (F. F.) Some notes on continental surgical procedure. J. Rov. Armv Med. Corps, Lond., 1906, vi, 255; 672, 1 pl.—Cartledge (A. M.) Some disjointed observations upon our technique. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1906, Phila., 1907, xix, 435-438. -----. Conditions which influence the success of opera- tions. Med. Brief, St, Louis, 1906, xxxiv, 621-624.—Cas- per (M.) The surgical patient. Kentucky M. J., Bowl- ing Green, 1911, ix, 177-183.—Canlkins (J. S.) Anent the methods of surgical practice in vogue seventy-five years ago. Physician & Surg., Detroit 'oble(C.P.) Observationsupongastric, intestinal, and liver surgery in the German clinics. Inter- nat. Clin., Phila., 1904,14. s.,i, 123-135. —Okada (K.) [The use of paper in the practice of surgery.] Tokyo-med. Wchnschr., 1896, no. 931. 1-3— Operating-room pro- cedures; compiled by KatherineDe Witt. Am. J. Nursing Phila., 1906-7, vii,372: ."i20.—Ostermayer (M.) A serv- sebeszet az utols6 evekben. [Organic surgery in the last years.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1900, xliv, 677.—Ott (I). O.) Rezultati, dostignutiye primleneniyem pri operatsi- yakh i v tslelyakh raspoznavaniya neposredstvennavo osvleshtsheniya bryushnol polosti, tolstoi kishki i moche- vovo puzirya. [The resul ts ol>tained in operations, and for purposes of diagnosis, of direct illumination of the abdom- inal cavity, colon, and bladder.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii,1417-1119.—OviatH'.W. I Prophylactic measures for the operating room in the private house. Milwaukee M.J.,1896,iv, 332-334.-----. The preparation of a patient for surgical operation. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1900,xiii, 240.—Park (R.) On the value to the surgeon of antipy- rin, of mustard and sugar, and on the preparation of cer- tain surgical dressings. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 663; 6sl.—Farkhill (C.) Surgical technique. Tr. Colorado M. >oc, Denver. 1895,132-136. Also: Internat.Clin.,Phila., 1890,6. s., ii, 230-233.—Pauchet. Preparatifs d'une ope- ration a domicile. Bull, med., Par., 1902, xvi, 753; 825.— Pavlovski (A. I>.) O vlivanii fiziologicheskavo ras- tvora povarennol soli pri upadkle serdechnol dieyatel- nosti vo vremya operatsiy. [Injection of physiological salt solution when the heart activity falls during opera- tions.] Russk.Med.,St.Petersb.,1893,xviii,19;35 — Pels- Leusden. Ein neues Instrument zur Entfernung von versenkten Fadenknoten und Tupferresten. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1911, xxv, 103—Perez (A. M.) Laope- racion de Talma y la de Trendelenburg. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1909, Iii, 5-9. — Perthes. Ueber Operationen unter unmittelbarer Leitung der Rontgenstrahlen. Zen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1904. xxxi, 515-548. See, also, supra, Holzkneeht &Griinfeld—Pliemister (C. P.) The tech- nique of the surgical department of Cook County Hospital. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1906, ii, 7*-*0.— Picque (L.) Des inconvenients de l'alitement chez les operes. Bull, et mem. Soc.de chir. de Par., 190S, n. s., xxxiv, 1052-1058.—Pilcher (L. S.) Surgery of the alimentary canal from the ileo-csecal valve to the anus. Syst. Surg. (Dennis), Phila., 1896, iv, 435-542,4pl—Polak. Oosved- cen^ch therapeutick^ch novinkach z oboru drobne chi- rurgie vzhledem ku p< >tfche praktickeho lekafe. [Certain new surgical processes.] Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 1911, 1, 107-111 —Poncet i A.) De la chirurgie a ciel ouvert. Rev. dechir., Par., 1*99. xix. pt. 2. 5o.v.">2i. Also, transl.: Unione med. ital., Torino, 1*99, iii, 354-357—Pope (S.T.) Empiricism and pharmacology in the management of postoperative cases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 1359-1361.—Popovskl (Li Sovremennoyenapravleniye v anatomii i khirurgii. [Modern tendency in anatomy and surgery.] Izviest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1873, v, pt. 2, 424-439.—Powers (<'. II i A preliminary comparison of methods and results in operative surgery at the sea-level (New York) and in places of hitrh altitude (Denver). Ann. Surg., Phila.,1897,xxvi, 297-300. Also. Reprint. Also: Tr. Am. Surg. Ass.. Phila., 1897,189-197. Also: West. M. & S. Gaz., Denver, 1897-8,1, 418-125.—Pratt ( E. H.) Nerve impingement in operative surgery. J. Orific Surg., Chi- cago, 1896, v, 1-12.—Price (J.) A brief discussion of some of the surgical junk demanding further surgical inter- ference. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1909, [Phila.], Surgery (Operatire, Methods and ap- paratus in). 1910, xxii, 17-28. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1910, lxi, 296-299. Also: South. M. J., Nashville, 1910, iii, 13-16. Also: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1910, x, 201.— Proehnov (J.) Haladas a sebeszi mtttetek teren. [Progress in the domain of surgical operations. [Gyogya- szat. Budapest, 1896, xxxvi, 222; 234; 246; 258; 271;*282.— Pye-Smith (R. J.) Address in surgerv; on prophylaxis in surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii. 254-259. Also: Lan- cet, Lond., 1908, ii, 297-302. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clix, 193-201.—Ramon Jimenez. El melodo ana- tomico en la operatoria quiriirgica. Rev. espec. med., Madrid, 1905, viii., 29-32—Kathmann. Ein neuer Handoperationstisch. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, xxviii, 38.—Rebonl (J.) De l'emploi des feuillesd'ar- gent dans le traitement des plaies et en particulier des ulceres variqueux, du lupus, des epitheliomas cutanes et en gyn6cologie. Assoc, franc, dechir. Proc-verb, [etc.], Par., 1903, xvi, 115-118.—Keed (C. A. L.) The time ele- ment in operations. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1911, cv, 228- 234. Also [Abstr.l: Internat. Hosd. Rec, Detroit, 1911, xiv, no. 7, 12.—von ReuterskiSld (A.) Die Pfan- nenstill'sche Methode in der Chirurgie. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1911, xxxviii, 985.—Klioads (T. L.l The technique of Professor Keen's surgical clinic in the Jef- ferson Medical College Hospital. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1897, 3. s., xiii, 156; 236. Also, Reprint.—Richardson (C. H.) Private house operations; the preparation and after treatment of the patient; the preparation of the rooms, etc. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii, 164-167. Also, Reprint.—Richardson (M. H.) & Cobb (F.) Surgery of the alimentary canal from the pharynx to the ileo-caecal valve. Svst. Surg. (Dennis), Phila., 1896, iv, 217-383, 2 pl.—Richardson (M. H.) & Muml'ord (J. G.) Surgical methods followed in private practice dur- ing the year 1891; with a resume of results in one hun- dred and fourteen cases operated upon. Boston M. & S. J., 1892, exxvii, 421-424.—Rieketts (B. M.) Surgery of the prostate, pancreas and diaphragm. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1902-4, n. s., xlix-lii, passim.—Robb (H.) Irri- gation with salt solution and other fluids in surgical practice. Am. J..Obst., N. Y., 1898, xxxvii, 768-772.— Rottenbiller (<").) A kenes hevvizek hatasanak elbi- ralasa conservativ sebeszeti szempontbol, kiilonos tekin- tettel a felsziv6diis kerdes^re. [The effects of sulphurous hot waters conservatively employed in surgery, especially from the standpoint of absorption.] Budapesti orv. uisag, 1904, ii, 634-636.—Rugh (J. S.) The surgical uses of the hair-pin Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iii, 566-559.—Sabrazes (J.) A l'Universite de Bonn; le professeur Bier; toilette operatoire; rachicoca'inisation; cure de stase passive et hyperemie active. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxvii, 421-423.—Saulmann (A.) Un nouveau chariot a pansements. Clinique, Brux., 1898, xii, 807, 1 nl.—Savelli (E.) La terapeutica chirurgica nel- 1' agonia. Pratica d. med., Napoli, 1907-8, viii, 289-296.— Schachner (A.) Suggestions for a portable instru- ment bag; operating overalls; a bandage for suprapubic dressings; a blanket for protection of patients during op- erations; a table for the Trendelenburg posture; the ster- ilization of sponges; an antiseptic soap paste. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxi, 279-295. Also, Reprint,—Schalita (S. G.) Ein Apparat zum Erwiirmen der Kranken und des Operationsfeldes bei chirurgischen Eingriffen. Russ. med. Rundschau, Berl., 1903, 1007.—Schanz (A.) Jod- pinselungen zur Erzielung schmaler Narben. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xxxv, 961—Schultze (F.) Die Verwendung der Klemmtechnik in der Chirurgie, nach dem Prinzip der fremdkorperfreien Klemmnaht. Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, lxxxi, 517-532. Also [Ab- str.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1905, Leipz., 1906, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 161-163.—Seeheyron. La methode chirurgicale de Doyen. Arch. med. de Tou- louse, 1900, vi, 49-59.—Senn (X.) Present surgical methods in the General Hospital. Hamburg-Eppendorf. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iv, 942-946. Also, Reprint. -----. Hospital work of Carl Lauenstein. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, v, 66-68. Also, Reprint. -----. Preparation of operating room in a private house. Med. Mirror, St. Louis,1903, xiv, 17-19.—Sexton (L. R.) Pre- and post- operative treatment of sunrical cases. Proc. Orleans Par- ish M. Soc. 1901, X. ()rl.. 1905, 213-226. Also: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1904-5. lvii, 5UU-5U9. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xliv, 196-198. -----. Surgical drainage. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1910-11, xv, 570-572.— Shears (G.F.) A da v with Kocher at Berne. Clinique, Chicago, 1906, xxvii. 597-600.—Silbermark (M.) Zur chirurgischen Technik. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902, xxix, 1347-1319.—Sipos (D.) A kinematograph a sebes- zetben. [The cinematograph in surgery.] Sebeszet, Budapest, 1901-2, i, 31— Smith (E. N.) The use of mechanical apparatus in surgical treatment. Med. Mag., Lond., 1904, xiii, 833-839.—Smith (Mary A.) Technic of the operation. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxiv, 8xo-s»8— Smith (S. M.) Mechanics and hydrostatics in -nrgery. >t. Mary's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1907, xiii, 5.—Sorel iK.) Technique chirurgicale. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1902, SURGERY. 275 SURGERY. Surgery (Operative, Methods and ap- paratus in). xi, 300-310— spencer (W. G.) A note on union by second intention or tne suturing of granulating surfaces. Westminst. Hosp. Rep. 1902, Lond., 1903, xiii, 97-100.— Sternberg (J.) Het gebied der ambulatorische ope- raties. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1908-9,xv, 186-190.—Stone (I S ) The abuse of purgation before and after opera- tion. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, ix, 321-324.—Strobell (C. W.) Painless surgery by Schleich's method; with report of a series of cases. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1896, x, »3,->_',37 —Taylor (A. S.) The surgical technic Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1909, xxvi, 929-933.—Thevenot. L'at- traction et la fixation des organes malades a l'exterieur. Lyon med., 1897, lxxxv, 615-622.—Thiemann (H.) Die Leistungen der Rontgenstrahlen auf dem Gebiete der Chirurgie. Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1910, xxv, 337; 360; 375.—Thiery (P.) Traitement ante- et post-operatoire. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb., Par., 1909, xxii, .719- 723.—Thiriar (J.) La technique operatoire et les indi- cations generates de la methode oxygenee. Clinique, Brux., 1904,xviii,541;561;581.—Thole. Die praliminare Freilegung von Blutgefussen, Nerven und Sehnen, ein Hiilfsmittel der chirurgischen Technik. Strassb. med. Ztg 1904, i, 79-83.—Thomas (0. P.) Surgical tech- nique. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1906, viii, 86-92.— Thomas (G.) Operative und mechanische Chirurgie. Monatschr. f. Unfailheilk., Leipz., 1905, xii, 306-309.— Thompson (G. S.) The value of celluloid in certain surgical procedures. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, ii, 257.— Trout (H.H.) Pre and post operative treatment. Mobile M. & S. J., 1905, vii, 290-296.—Turek (F. B.) Improved methods and details in the care of patients during surgical operations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 1462-1466. Also: Chicago M. Recorder, 1903, xxv, 222-227. -----. The care of patients during surgical operations; with some methods of preventing shock and infection. Med. Rec.N. Y., 1900, lviii, 207-216. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1900, n. s., lxx, 359-362.—(JUmaiin (E.) Beniitzung von Unterhautzellgewebslappen bei Ope- rationen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1901, li,2145; 2205.—Van Cauwenberiilie (A.) L'intervention operatoire a la Maternite de Gand au cours de ces dernieres annees. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1910, n. s., i, 60-77. Also: Belgique med., Gand, 1910, xvii, 159; 171; 183.—Vance (Ap M.) Common sense in surgical technique. Ken- tucky M. J., Louisville, 1904-5, ii, 101-105, -----. Two simple surgical tricks. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1906, Phila., 1907, xix, 175-178.—Van Meter (B. F.) Preparation and after-treatment for surgical operations. Kentucky M. J.. Bowling Green, 1908, vi, 196-199.—Van Meter (M. E.) Some new methods in surgerv. Calif. M. J., San Fran., 1897, xviii, 189-193.—Vanverts (J.) Preparatifs d'une operation d, domicile. Rev. gen. de clin. etde therap.,Par.,1904, xviii, 708.-----. La methode oxvgenee en chirurgie. Nord med.,Lille,1905,xi,265-268.— Vidal (E.) Quelques points dela physiologie des operes (anesthesie, dietetique et infections). Assoc, franc.de chir. Proc-verb., Par., 1909, xxii, 748-766. —Walker (E.) The abuse of water in surgery. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Fort Wavne, 1896,32-37. [Discussion], 302-304. Also: Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1896-7, xv, 144-147. -----. The dry method of surgery. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Logansport, 1901, 381-392. Also: Am. Gynsec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1901, xix, 131-138. Also: Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1901-2, xx, 81-85. Also, Reprint. -----. Is the routine exhibition of the preoperative purge defensible? Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1909, York, 1910, xxii, 237-245. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1910, lxi, 63-67. —Walker ( F. E. ) Operative points. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1908, xiv, 623-631— Wal- lace (C. S.) The surgical technique in St. Thomas's Hospital, 1899. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1898-9, n. s., xxvii, 315-329.—WaIlls (F. C.) Lecture on meth- ods of preparation for operations. Clin. J., Lond., 1903, xxii, 251-265.—Ward (G. G.) The prevention of post- operative adhesions of the peritoneum. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1901, xliii, 753-771. [Discussion], 845-849. Also, Reprint. — Warren (H. E.) Preoperative, operative, and post-operative treatment of surgical cases of to-day. West. M. & S. Gaz., Denver, 1897-8, i, 527-536.—Weisz (E.) Eine combinirte Bank zu chirurgischen, orthopa- dischen und gynakologischen Zwecken und Massage, Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xx, 214-216. — Werder (X. O.) A consideration of the factors which have low- ered the operative mortality and have improved the post-operative results. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1906, N. Y., 1907, xix,201-216.—Wethertll (H.G.) Theabuse of hypodermic stimulation during and after surgical operations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 1497.— Wheeler (W. I. de P.) A clinical lecture on general surgical technique. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1908, n. s., lxxxv, 144-147.—White (J. W.)& Wood (A. C.) Sur- gical methods and results in cases of tubercular diseases, aneurism, ununited fractures, head injuries, neoplasms, vesical calculi, and diseases of the bones and joints. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, cv, 39; 140. Also, Reprint.— Whiteford (C. H.) The mechanical factor in sur- Surgery (Operative, Methods and ap- paratus in). gery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 271. -----. Adminis- tration of strychnine for cardiac failure during and after severe operations. Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 1063.— Wildt (A.) Ueber Beckentieflagerung und Schrag- stellung des Operationstisehes. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1909, xcix, 245-248. —Willis (P. W.) Treatment of patients preparatory to and immediately following a surgical operation. Northwest. Med., Seattle, 1909-10, n. s., i, 103-106.—Willmoth (A. D.) Condi- tions modifying operative work. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1909,19. s., i, 116-127.—Wood (A. C.) The technique em- ployed in the surgical department of the University Hos- pital, service of J. William White. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1900-1901, xiii, 465-174.—Wright (G. A.) A clinical lec- ture on the use of elastic traction and elastic pressure in surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, ii, 1665-1667.—Yvert (A.) De l'emploi de pates 6pilatoires en replacement du rasage des poiles et des cheveux dans les interventions chir lrgieales. Gaz. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1907, viii, 181-183.— Zahradnick. Nektere kapitoly z praktick6chirurgie. [Some chapters from practical surgerv.] Lek. rozhledv, Praha, 1902, x, 438-447.— Kuckerkandl (E.) Notiz iiber die Blosslegung der Beckenorgane. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 276. -----. Zur Blosslegung der Be- ckenorgane. ZMd.,356.—Zuckerkandl(0.) Ein neues Verfahren, die Beckenorgane vom Mittelfleische aus operativ blosszulegen. Wien. med. Presse, 1889, xxx, 249-253.—ZvIerett'(D. M.) K voprosu o sokhranyayu- shtshem sposoble llecheniya v khirurgii. [Conservative method of treatment in surgery.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1899, vi, 469-474. Surgery (Operative, Methods and ap- paratus in) [Patent specifications]. Ambrose (W. E.) Surgical pad. No. 769,451; Sept. 6, 1904.—Armstrong (J. N.) Bandage. No. 636,742; Nov. 14,1899.—Rabion (Carrie). Abdominal bandage. No. 748,336; Dec 29, 1903.—Baldwin (Josie) Chest- bandage. No. 728,434; May 19,1903.—Bauer (M.) Ban- dage of plaster. No. 685,090; Oct. 22,1901.—Raughman (J. S.) Head-bandage. No. 649,896; May 22,1900.—Rel- termann (J.) Abdominal bandage. No. 965,556; July 26,1910.— Rlack (Agnes L.) Facial bandage. No.862,794; Aug. 6, 1907.—Rottoinley (S.) Reversible bandage- case. No. 692,503; Feb. 4, 1902. -----. Bandage. No. 959,704; Mav 31,1910.—Rurger (H.) & Lutz (T.) Ban- dage. No. 609,497; Aug. 23, 1898—Clcndenln (Mattie S.) Bandage. No. 880,718; March 3, 1908.—Cohn (M.) Method of preparing dressings for bandages. No. 786,004; March 28,1905.-Cooke (C. M.) Bandage-support. No. 908,959; Jan. 5,1909.—Darbach (S A.) Bandage-cutter. No. 632,177; Aug. 29,1899.—Denain (E. E.) Hemostatic bandage. No. 721,162; Feb. 24, 1903. — Eggers (A. C.) Surgical operating-cushion. No. 807,366; Dec. 12, 1905.— Ewing (Elizabeth L.) Bandage. No. 725,688; April21, 1903.—Fields (Bettie P.) Head-bandage. No. 688,163; Dec. 3, 1901.—Foote (H. T.) Surgical appliance. No. 807,160; Dec. 12, 1905.—Fuhrhans (0.) Surgical ban- dage. No. 797,510; Aug. 15, 1905.—Oalloway (W. A.) Surgical pan. No. 749,180; Jan. 12,1904.—Gates (F. P.), Cogswell (J. D.) & Grant (H. L.) Surgical package. No. 907,331; Dec. 22, 1908. — Gorse (F. W.) Knee or elbow cap. No. 663,749; Dec. 11,1900.—Green (W. R.) Bandage. No. 907,784; Dec. 29, 1908. -----. Bandage. No. 907,785; Dec. 29, 1908.—Hadden (W. I.) Bandage. No.834,723; Oct. 30,1906.—Hamilton (A.J. A.) Drain- ing apparatus for surgical use. No. 920,459; May 4,1909.— Hardee (Virginia E.) Bandage. No. 815,426; March 20 1906.—Heinemann ( S. E. ) Emergencv-bandage for surgical purposes. No. 802,190; Oct. 17, 1905.—Hig- irins(ClaraJane). Bandage. No.709,767; Sept.23,1902.— Hoyer(R.C.) Surgical operating-frame. No. 747,972; Dec 29, 1903.— Hubbard (W. S.) Bandage - rest. No. 705.733; July 26, 1904.—Hull (W. E.) Bandage. No. 230,033; Dec. 28, 1880.—Imboden (C.) Machine for filling tubular casings. No. 067,935; Sept. 18, 1900.— Johnson (R. W.) Bandage. No. 700,938; May 27 1902. -----. Bandage. No. 700,910; Mav 27, 1902.— Johnson (W. H.) Bandage. No. 614,477; Nov. 22, 1898.—Jones (C. H.) Water-bandage. No. 691,270; Jan. 14,1902.— Kappmerer (P. F. W.) Surgical or medical bandage. No. 865.254; Sept. 3, 1907.—Kerr (M. M.) Compress. No. 707,426; Aug. 19, 1902— Klein bach (J.) Surgical apparatus. No. 761,504; May 31,1904.—Kuyath (J.) Surgical bandage. No. 632,727; Sept. 12,1899.—Lee (J. E.) Surgical-dressing packer. No. 682,090; Sept. 3, 1901. -----. Manufacture of surgical bandages. No. 761,513; May 31, 1904.-----. Package for surgical dres- sings. No. 829,923; Aug. 28,1906. -----. Method of put- ting up bandages. No. 12,920; Feb. 16,1909.—Mace (H. M ) Surgical bandage. No. 866,666; Sept. 24, 1907.— Markle(A. S.) Abdominal bandage. No. 611,920; Oct. 4,1898.—Meinecke (C. W.) & Hogan (D.) Operating pad or receptacle. No. 702,737; June 14, 1904. ----- SURGERY. 276 SURGERY. Surgery (Operative, Methods and ap- paratus in) [Patent specif cations]. -----. Surgical or operating pad orcushion. No. 763,304: June 21, 1904—Miller (L. R.) & Richert (E. T.) Sup- porting-bandage. No. 713,900; Nov. 1\ 1902—Mitchell 11', i Inllatable bandage. No. 891,1*1; June 16, 1908.— Morris (R. K.) Bandage. No. 907,388; Dec. 22, 1908.— Morrison (J. H.) Surgical apron. No. 489,132; Jan. 3, 1893.—Mullen (L.) & Shannon (W. C.) Bandage- rolling machine. No. 615,298; Dec. 6, 1898.—Myers (H.) Elastic bandage. No. 800,467; Sept. 26, 1905. -----. Elastic bandage. No. 814,795; March 13, 1906.—>'inde (M. C.) Strap for surgical bandages, corsets, etc. No. 967,547; Aug. 16, 1910.—Nord (J.) Surgical bandage. No. 933,916; Sept. 14, 1909.—Petrel (A.) Abdominal bandage. No. 934,625; Sept. 21, 1909.—Pohlmann (F. L.) Machine for making bandages. No. 739,267; Sept. 15,1903.—Pond (E. M.) Surgical bandage. No. 974,201; Nov. 1,1910. -----. Surgical bandage. No. 974,295; Nov. 1,1910.—Pugh (J. M.) Surgical dressing packer. No. 702,997; June 24,1902 —Ray (T. L.) Analgetic bandage. No. 699,897; Mav 13,1902.—Ross (W. S.) Bandage-ma- chine. No. 617,542; Jan. 10, 1899.— Ruckel (J. F.) Sur- gical bridge. No. 765,793; July 26, 1904.—Sarason (D.) Bandage and the like. No. 919,250; April 20,1909—Saxe (E. H.) Bandage. No. 950,143; Sept, 22, 1910.—Schop- bach (C. II.) Attaching device for sanitary napkin. No. 749,453; Jan. 12,1904.—Scott (D.) Surgical bandage. No. 598,016; Jan. 25, 1898.—shears (E. C.) Shield for wounds. No. 079,018; Aug. 6, 1901.—Sommer (H. O.) Surgical pad. No. 788.073; April 25,1905.—Sonneborn (S. B.) & Beiiiel (H.) Bandage or compress. No. 088,354; Dec. 10, 1901.—Sunnier (G. F.) Surgical band- age. No. 737,526: Aug. 25,1903.—Toles (J. K.) Surgical bandage. No. 745,028; Nov. 24, 1903.—Townsend (W. W.) Surgical or obstetrical sheet. No. 756;544; April 5, 1904,—Van Gorder (G. S.) Bandage. No. 978,794; Dec 13, 1910.—Van Schott (G. J.) Wound-closing de- vice. No. 715.1112; Dee. 9, 1902. -----. Clip-applier. No. 721,480; Feb. 21. 1903.—Voellner (G.) Bandage. No. 660,874; Oct. 30, 1900.—Walter (Jeanne). Bandage. No. 850,281; April 16, 1907.—Williams (C. P.) Device for facilitating the removal of bandages. No. 817,946; April 17, I'.mio.—Willis (B. R.) Surgical apparatus. No. 747,525; Dec. 22, 1903.—Wilson (H.) Combined band- age and dressing. No. 917,694; April 6, 1909. Surgery (Operativi, Mortality in). Gea Gonzalez (M.) * Condiciones del exito en cirugia. 8°. Mexico, 1892. Ha.mant (H.) * Contribution a l'6tude de la mort subite post-operatoire. 8°. Paris, 1897. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1897. Simpson (J. Y.) Anaesthesia in surgery; does it increase or decrease the mortality attendant upon surgical operations? 12°. Edinburgh, 1848. Rorelli (G.) Mezzo radicale per diminuire la mor- tality dopo le operazioni chirurgiche. Rac. di osserv. clin.-patol., Torino, 1867, ii, 522-529.—Rov^e (J. W.) The causes of death in abdominal surgery and their treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 1166- 1169.—Rullitt (J. B.) Post-operative death; shock, hemorrhage, sepsis. Matthews' Q. J. Rectal . . . Dis., Louisville, 1897,iv, 239-243.—Coyteux-PreVost. Parmi les tombes. Rev. med. du Canada, Montreal, 1903-4, vii, 589-596.—Cumston (C. G.) The frontiers of death in surgerv and the question of operation in extremis. Dub- lin J. M. Sc, 1906, cxxi, 401-422.—Eastman (J.) Causes which contribute to the surgeon's death roll. Denver M. Times, 1895-6, xv, 311-318.—Giordano (D.) Morti post- operatorie. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1904, xl, 3-23.—Gutierrez (A.) Un caso de muerte subita des- pues de punci6n de un quiste hidatidico. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1895, xviii, 190-194. [Discus- sion], 195-199.—Gwyer (F. W.) The relation of the weather to fatalitv following surgical operations. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiii, 369-377.—Hinder (H. C.) Death after operation. J. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., N. Y., 1908, xxx, 40 59.—Hornowski (J.) O przyczynie smierci pozabiegach operacyjnych; z badaA nad patologia, ukladu chromafinowego u czlowieka i zwierzat. [Cause of death from surgical operations; pathology of the chromafflnic tissue in man and animals.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1909, 2. s., xxix, 25; 58.—Hough (F. S.) Three interesting cases. [Death after operation at five, ten, and four days, respectively.] Iowa M. J., Des Moines 1905, xi, 428-433.—Keith (T.) Deaths after abdominal operations from heart-clot. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 1137.— Le Dentu (A.) Les causes des deces post-operatoires. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect.dechir.gen.,459-487.—McHurney (C.) Is not the mortality from surgical disease larger than nece^ary" Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1897-8, xxx, 328-330.—Ramiey (A. L.) Causes of death in surgical operations. Med. Surgery (Operative, Mortality in). Rec, N. V., 1879, xv, 605: xvi, 4. Also, Reprint — ICibera y Sans. Muertes post operatorias. Rev. de med. y drug, pract., Madrid, 1903, lix, 209-223.—Ri be ra y Sans (.!.)& Giordano (D.) Deces post opemtoiies. [Rap.] Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. I9n3, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de chir. gen., 6-117.—Ricketls (M.) Deaths (ten), surgical and causes. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 189s, n. s., xl, 571-575.—Robinson (B.) What kills the sur- gical patient; 1, anesthesia; 2, shock; 3, hemorrhage; 4, nephritis; 6, peritonitis; 6, embolus; 7, pneumonia? Med. Times, N. Y., 1903, xxxi, 161.—Sheldon (J. G.) The avoidable mortality of surgerv. Colorado Med., Denver 1906, iii, 135-138.—Singley (J. D.) Some of the factors that influence mortality in operative surgery. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1907, v, 352-354.—Spre&fico. De la muerte durante las intervenciones quirurgicas. Rev. Ibero-Am. de eien. med., Madrid, 1907, xvii, 106-112. Surgery (Operative, Multiple and re- peated). Kime (R. R.) Conservation of energy and multiple operations in surgical work. Mobile M. & S. J., 1909, xiv, 14-19.—Okada (K.) [Discussion on the advisability of repeated radical operations.] Dai Nippon Ji-Bi-In-Ko- Kwa-Kwai Kwai Ho, Tokyo, 1900, vi, 69-75.— Ricketts (B. M.) Reportof cases requiring multiple operations. Indianapolis M. J., 1910, xiii, 212-214.—Royster (H. A.) How far shall we go in performing multiple operations at one sitting? N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii, 18.— Vander Veer (A.) What is the limit of safety where more than one operation is indicated? Albany M. Ann., 1903, xxiv, 654-658. Also: Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi, 853. Surgery (Operative, Pretended). Picque (L.) De l'inutilite et du danger des opera- tions simulees. Bull, et m£m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1908, n. s., xxxiv, 726-736.—Solaro. Le operazioni apparent, • nelle malattie immaginarie. Arte med., Napoli, 1902, lvi 149-152. Surgery (Operative, l^nvention of hemorrhage in). Altexbach (L.-J.-A.) * La compression elas- tique du tronc comme moyen d'hemostase pre- ventive dans les interventions sur la moitie in- ferieure du corps (procede de Momburg). 8°. Lyon, 1909. von Esmakch (J. F. A.) Ueber kunstliche Blutleere bei Operationen. roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1873. Figueroa (P.) * De la isquemia en cirujfa. 8°. Mexico, 1875. Riqulme (S.) *Algunas consideraciones sobre la ischemia quiriirgica. 8°. Mexico, 1875. Stokes (W.) Bloodless surgery. 12°. Dub- lin, 1874. Aez6l (K.) A verz^scsillapitas az elso segelynyujtas koreben. [Hemostasis in first aid.] Gvogvaszat, Buda- pest, 1901, xii, 464-456.— Ah 1 berg (A.) Ueber die Es- march'sche Blutleere nach Ungliicksfiillen. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1904, 3. f., iv, aid. 1, no. 3, 1-6.—Am- berger. Ein Todesfall im Anschluss an Momburg'sche Blutleere. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1910, lxvi, 463- 467.—AnschUtz (W.) Ueber Versuche, die operative Blutung zu vermindern. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1909, Iii, 1779-1781.— Arapoff"( A. B. ) Ob obezkrovlivanii nizhnel polovini tlela po sposobu Momburg'a. [Render- ing the lower half of the body bloodless bv Momburg's method.] Khirurg. Arkh. Velyaminova, S.-Peterb., 1911, xxvii, 406-413.—Axhausen. Die bisherigen Erfahrun- gen mit der Blutleere der unteren Korperhalfte nach Momburg. Med. Klin., Berl., 1909-10, v, 1632-1636.— Rakay (M.) Momburg'sche Blutleere. Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1910, xlvi, 109.—Burk (W.) Ueber kunstliche Blutleere der unteren Korperhalfte nach Momburg. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Berl., 1911, xviii, 161-164.—Care re (G.) Sull' emostasia alia Mom- burg. Riforma med., Napoli, 1910, xxvi, 461-456.—< a- soni (T.) Ricerche sperimentali sulle modificazions della crasi sanguigna nell' emostesi preventiva degli art, col metodo di Esmarch Silvestri. Policlin., Roma, 1908i xv, sez. chir., 193-212.—Cerne (A.) Les hemorrhagiei secondaires et leur traitement. Normandiem&L,Rouen, 1908, xxiv, 295-298.—Contreras (A.) La hemostasis quiriirgica. Cron. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1902, v, 75- 81.—Crescenzi(G.) Sull' ischemia dellameta inferiore del corpo secondo il metodo del Momburg. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1910, vii, 115-119.— Crile (G.)& Dolley (D. H.I Clinical and experimental observations on surgical hemorrhage. Surg. , Gvnec. & Obst., Chicago, 1906, iii, 62-68, 6 pl. Also, Reprint.—del Cueto (J. A.) La SURGERY. 277 SURGERY. Surgery (Operative, Prevention of hemorrhage in). hemostasia previa en oto-rino-laringologia. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1906, xix, 171-Dawbarii (R. II. M.) The technique of bloodless work. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1901, xxxvi, 357-359. Also: N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1901,i, 180-183.—Downes (A. J.) Electro-thermic hemostasis in abdominal and pelvic surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii, 419-424. — Doyen. Sur l'hemostase en chirurgie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1898, lxxi, 507.— Ehrlich (H.) Ueber die Ausschaltung der Mus- kulatur als Warruequelle, eine Folge der Momburg- schen Blutleere. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 504-507. — Frankl ( O. ) Experimentelles zur Mora- burgschen Taillenschniirung. Gynaek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1910, iv, 61-69.—Gerster (A. G. ) On Momburg's method of artificial anaemia by suprapel- vic constriction. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1910, li, 878-889.— Gri<;oryaii (A. I.) K ucheniyu o bezligaturnol osta- novkle krovotecheniy. [On stopping of haemorrhages without ligature.] Trudi i Protok. Imp. Kavl^usk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1910-11, xlvii, 36-15. Also: Vrach. Gaz., S.- Peterb., 1911, xviii, 223-225.—Gross (G.) A Hinct (A.) Mort subite au cours de l'hemostase par le procede' de Momburg. Rev. de chir., Par., 1910, xii, 807-810.—Gu- barett' (A. P.) O pre'imushtshestvakh operirovaniya bez predvaritelnol perevyazki sosudov. [Advantages of operating without preliminary tying of the vessels.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1900, xiv, 235-254, 6 pl.—Hans (H.) Die Extremitiitenstauung, eine ein- fache Methode zur Blut- und Chloroformersparnis bei Operationen an anderen Korperstellen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 1579. — Hardouin ( P. ) L'hemostase par le procede de Momburg. Bull, med., Par., 1910, xxiv, 659-661.- Lance. L'hemostase par le proc£d6 de Momburg. Gaz. d. hOp., Par., 1911, lxxxiv, 1126-1130. — Lanz. Eroffnung neuer Abfiihrwege bei Stauung in Bauch und unteren Extremitiiten. Zentralbl, f. Chir., Leipz., 1911, xxxviii, 153-155.—Laurens (G.) L'hemato-aspiration. Presse med.; Par., 1905, 459.—Le- clerc (G.) La compression elastique du trone comme procede d'hemostase preventive dans les operations sur les membres inf^rieurs et les organes du bassin. Lyon chirurg., 1909-10, ii, 371-375. Lightoller (H. M.) A survey of some of the older and more recent methods of checking surgical haemorrhage. Australas. M. Gaz., Syd- ney. 1901, xx, 419-424.—-Uaxwell (T. J.) Some uses of Esniarch's bandage other than for the control of hemor- rhage. Am. J. Surg. & Gynec., St. Louis, 1901-2, xv, 170.— Mayer (A.) Mecanisme -de l'ischemie constats dans les operations pratiquees en decubitus ventral. J. de chir.etann. Soc. beige dechir., Brux., 1906, vi, 103. -----. Experimentelles iiber die Wirkung des Momburgschen Schlauches auf die Nieren. Ztschr. f. gvnak. Urol., Leipz., 1910, ii, 212-219, 2 pl. Milller (B.) * Ueber kunstliche Blutleere; eine Experimentalstudie der Wirkung des Su- prarenins auf die organischen Gewebe und deren Ver- wendung bei chirurgischen Operationen. Miinchen. med.Wchnschr,.1904,li,199;262.-----. Ueber kunstliche Blutleere; Nachtrag zu dem gleichnamigen Artikel in No. 5 und 6 der Miinchener med. Wochenschrift. Ibid., 567. — Petsche ( H.) Ueber die Verwendbarkeit der Blunkschen Blutgefassklemme zur definititiven Blutstil- lung. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1910, lxviii, 724-736.— Rimann (H.) Zur kiinstlichen Blutleere der unteren Korperhalfte nach Momburg. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xciv, 159-161. — Rimann (H.) & Wolf (W.) Klinische und experimentelle Beitrage zur Frage der Momburgschen Blutleere. Ibid., 1909, xcviii, 55s- 570. — Roc-hard (E.) Hemorrhagies postoperatoires. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1907, cliii, 166; 206.— Sigwart (W.) Ueber die Anwendung der Blutleere der unteren Korperhalfte nach Momburg in derGeburts- hilfe. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1909, xxxiii, 233-235.— Spiegel (s.) Zur Technik der kiinstlichen Blutleere; eineregulierbareKonstriktionsbinde. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 19U3, xxx. 1425-1427.—Thomschke. Ueber die Anwendung des Mastixverbandes und der Blutstillungs- zange Blunk. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii,6so- 688.—von den Velden ( R. ) Die prophylaktische Blutstillung bei Operationen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 739. -----. Die hamon yptische Wirkung der Gliederabschniirung. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1910-11, viii, 483-522, 1 pl.—zur Verth. Beitrage zur Blutleere der unteren Korperhalfte nach Momburg. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1010, lvii, 169-172.—Wiener (A. C.) Artificial hvperemia in surgery. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin.,1904 n. s., liii,633-635.-WiHems (C.) De l'he- mostase preventive dans les operations portant sur le bassin et la racine des membres inferieurs. Arch, inter- nat. de chir., Gand, 1908-9, iv, 233-246. Surgery (Operatives) in old age. See Operations (Surgical) in old age. Surgery (Ophthalmic). See Cataract (Treatment of, Operative); Eye (Surgery of); Iridectomy; Iridotomy; Pupil (Artificial). Surgery (Oral). See Lips (Surgery of); Mouth (Surgery of). Surgery (Orificial). See, also, Anus (Surgery of); Ear (Surgery of); Mouth (Surgery of); Nose (Surgery of); Vagina (Surgery of). Journal of Orificial Surgery. Editors and publishers: F. D. Holbrook, E. H. Pratt, and E. L. Smith. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-2, v. 1, July to August, 1892. 8°. Chicago. Current. Pratt (E. H.) Orificial surgery and its ap- plication to the treatment of chronic diseases. 8°. Chicago, 1890. ------. Practical hints in orificial surgery. First series. 8°. Chicago, [1892]. Bennett (C. T.) More evidence of the principle which is the basis of orificial philosophy. J. Orific. Surg., Chicago, 1899-1900, viii, 214-217.—Brown (S. G. A.) Orificial reflexes clinically illustrated. Ibid., 1895-6, iv, 314-3is.— Rruckner. Die Chirurgie der Oeffnungen. Ztschr. d. Berl. Ver. homoop. Aerzte, 1894, xiii, 331-341.— Chancy (E. N.) Value of minor orificial surgery. Med. Advance, Batavia, 111., 1911, xxxix, 493-518.— Godshall (S. G.) Orificial surgery and chronic disease. Hahne- man. Month., Phila., 1893, xxviii, 613-619.—Hayd (H. E.) Orificial surgery; its absurdities, philosophy and merits. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1905, v, 297-300.— Hughes (H. J.) The relation of orificial surgery to re- flex conditions. J. Orific. Surg., Chicago, 1895-6, iv, 403- 406.—Laeer (J. B.) Orificial surgery for the general practitioner. Ibid., 1896-7, v, 80-83.—Ittuncie (Libbie H.) Orificial surgery; what is it—fact, fad or fancy? Ibid., 361-366.—Neuineister (A. E.) Orificial surgery and its results. Med. Arena, Kansas Citv, Mo., 1896, v, 289-292.—Pie th (V.) Cases treated by orificial methods. J. Orific. Surg., Chicago, 1895-6, iv, 368.—Pratt (E. HA Orificial surgery. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1888, xxiii, pt. 2, 725-727. Also, Reprint. -----. The orificial philos- ophy. J. Orific. Surg., Chicago, 1895-6, iv, 291; 339; 387; 435. -----. Orificial surgerv and mental therapeutics; their mutual relation. Ibid., 1896-7, v, 156-169. -----. Clinic of the tenth annual course of instruction in orifi- cial surgery. Ibid., 385; 433; 529: 1897-8, vi, 1; 49. -----. The last clinic of the college year, held at Cook County Hospital, February 23. Ibid., 1898-9, vii, 385; 433; 481. -----. General report of orificial surgery. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Cnicago, 1905, lxi, 619-624. -----. Orificial sur- gery as a factor in major surgery. J. Surg., Gynec. & Obst, N. V., 1906, xxviii, 218-223.—Riee (M. S.) The orificial physician. J. Orific, Surg., Chicago, 1898-9, vii, 349-352.—H u in els (O. S.) Twentvvears after. J.Surg., Gynec. & Obst., N. Y., 1906, xxviii, 321-326.—Steele (W. G.) Orificial surgery with relation to the nasal reflexes. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1897, xxxii, 185-192.—Van ' Seoyoc (L. G.) The orificial philosophy. J. Orific. Surg., Chicago, 1896-7, v, 371-374. — Weiriek (C. A.) Electricity in orificial treatment. Tr. Nat. Soc. Electro- ther., N. Y., 1895, 86-92. Also: J. Electrother., N. Y., 1896, xiv, 85-91.—Wood (J. C.) A plea for the removal of all lesions of the lower orifices of the body at one sitting. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1895, 3. s., x, 422-438. Also, Reprint. S urgery (Orth opedic). See, also, Ankylosis; Bones (Surgery of); Contractions (Treatment of); Deformities; Femur (Deformities of); Femur (Surgery of'); Fingers (Deformities of, Non-congenital); Foot (Deformities of, Treatment of); Foot (Surgery of); Forearm (Deformities of); Fractures (Lll-uniled); Hand (Abnormities of); Hand (De- formities of); Harelip (Treatment of); Hip- joint (Ankylosis of); Hip-joint (Deformities of); Hip-joint (Diseases of, Treatmentof); Hip- joint (Dislocations of, Congenital, Treatmentof); Hos- pitals ( Orthopia!ie); Joints (Surt/ery of); Kneejoint (Surgery of); Leg (Deformities of); Limbs (Artificial); Nervous system (Diseases SURGERY. 278 SURGERY. Surgery (Orthopedic). of, Treatmentof, Operative); Orthopaedics (Sur- gical); Paralysis (Treatment of, Operative); Paralysis in children (Treatment of); Rickets ( Treatment of, Operative, etc.); Spine (Abnormi- ties of , Treatment of); Spine (Surgery of); Sur- gery (Plastic); Wolff's taw. Bechard (L.) Quelques mots a propos de I'orthopedie. 16°. Paris, 1860. Chance (E. J.) On the nature, causes, va- riety and treatment of bodily deformities, in a series of lectures, delivered at the City Ortho- paedic Hospital in the vear 1852 and subse- quently. Ed. by J. Poland. 2. ed., v. 1. 12°. London, 1905. Dasaka-Cao (D.) Osservazioni e note su vari casi di chirurgia ortopedica. 8°. Sassari, 1894. Depierris [ H.-A. ] L'orthopedie en Pro- vence, ou les avantages que Ton retire d'un climat tempere et des bains de mes associes aux moyens orthopediques generaux, dans le traite- ment des difformitJ?s et des alterations profondes de constitution chez les jeunes sujets des deux Rexes. 8°. Marseille, 1842. Gagman (N. F.) Semiotika ortopedii. 8°. Moskra, 1888. Giradze (P.) Chirurgisch-orthopadische Privat-Klinik. 8°. Wiesbaden, [n. d.]. Hoffa (A.) Mittheilungen aus der chirur- gisch-orthopiidischen Privatklinik des Privat- docenten Dr. . . . zu Wiirzburg. 8°. Munchen, 1889. Mercurialis (H.) De decoratione liber, non solum medicis et philosophis, verum etiam om- nium disciplinarum studiosis apprime utilis, ex . . . explicationibus, a Julio Mancino exceptus primum, et in capita redact us: additi nunc pri- mum duo tractatus; alter de varicibus, alter de reficiendo naso: nunquam antea editi. 16°. Francofurdi, 1587. Orthopadische (Die) Literatur zusammenge- stellt von A. Hoffa und August Blencke. Zu- gleich Anhang zu Hoffa's Lehrbuch der ortho- piidischen Chirurgie. 8°. Stuttgart, 1905. Poland (J.) Some points of recent treatment in the deformities of children. 8°. Edinburgh, 1891. Ridlon (J.) Contributions to orthopedic surgery. 8°. New York, 1888. Roberts (A. S.) Contributions to orthopaedic surgery; with a brief biographical sketch by James K. Young. 8°. Philadelphia, 1898. Ross, (G.) Beitrage zur plastischen und ortho- padischen Chirurgie, nebst Prospectus des or- thopiidischen und chirurgisch-augenartztlichen Instituts in Altona. 8°. Hamburg, 1858. Salaghi (M.) Su varii argomenti di ortope- dia. 8°. Firenze, 1903. Series (A) of papers pertaining to orthopedic surgery, by J. E. Goldthwait, C. F. Painter and R. B. Osgood. First series. 8°. Boston, [1905]. Shaffer (N. M.) Brief essays on orthopae- dic surgery, including a consideration of its re- lation to general surgery, its future demands, and its operative as well as its mechanical as- pects, with remarks on specialism. 12°. New York, 1898. Soleri (F.) Casuistica d' artopedia. 8°. Savigliano, 1889. Taylor (H. L.) Orthopedic papers. 8°. New York, 1893. Surgery (Orthopedic). Vulpius (0.) Aus der orthopadisch-chirur- gischen Praxis. 8°. Leipzig, 1898. von Aberle (R.) Ueber Fetterubolie nach orthopa- dischen Operationen. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1907, xix, 89-114.—Allen (J. G.) Orthopaedic notes, with report of interesting cases. Med. Bull. Phila., 1886, viii, 32; 310. Also, Reprint.—Ammann (O.j Die Be- deutung der Orthopadie fiir den praktischen Arzt. Deutsche Prax., Munchen, 1904, xiii, 88-90.—von Bae- yer (H.) Die Aufgaben der modernen Orthopadie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 1875-1877.—Bauer (L.) Analyse einiger chirurgischer Irrthiimer in der jiingsten Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Ztschr. f. or- thop. Chir., Stuttg., 1893-4, iii, 31-39.— Beely (F.) On the scope of orthopaedics. N. York M. J., 1892, lv, 533, Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Klin. Jahrb., Berl., 1892, iv, 62-67. — Bendandl ( G.) Due operazioni di chi- rurgia ortopedica felicemente riuscite. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1889, 6. s., xxiii, 376-386. -----. Casistica or- topedica. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna. Resoc. (1894), 1895, 51-53. Also: Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1894, 7. s., v, 365-379.—Bouvier. Sur des questions encore contro- versies concernant I'orthopedie. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad, d.sc, Par., 1848, xxvii, 397.—Bullitt (J. B.) Notes on the practice of orthopedic surgery at the Clinic of Prof. Lorenz, in Vienna, March, 1892. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1895, xix, 121; 165; 211.—Busaeea (E.) Te- nue contributo all' ortopedia cruenta. Boll, med.-chir., Tunisi, 1894-5, i, 131-139.—Clirysospathes (J. G.) Or- thopadie or Orthopedie? Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1903, xi, 526. ------. At 6p0o7re6iKai 7ra0jj L. \V.) A new brace for the shoulder joint. Med. News, X. Y., 1901, lxxxv, 160. — Engelhard (\V.) Ein Fussbewegungs- messapparat. Arch f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1910, ix, 16- 25.—Frich (Louise). A report of five cases of scoliosis and one case of flat foot treated bv the Teschner method. N. YorkM. J., 1899, lxx, 505-509.—Evler(K.) Ueberdie Verwendbarkeit des Chromleders zu orthopiidischen Ap- paraten, insbesondere zu Schienenhulsenstreckverbiin- den, welche dem Korper an- und nachzupassen sind. Zt- schr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1908, xxii, 192-202. -----. Ueber Lederstreckverbande aus Chrom- oder Forma- linleder als chirurgische und orthopadische Univer- salapparate. Med. Klin., Berl., 1909, v, 775-777. — Fauntleroy (C. MA The new bed frame used in the Philadelphia Orthopaedic Hospital; also an apparatus for the application of body casts. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv, 391-393.—Fessler (J.) Ueber erstarrende Ver- bande, be-onders Gipsvcrbande mit Drahtnetzeinlage. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1905, iii, 65-69.—Finck (J.) Zur Technik der Etappengipsverbande. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir.,Stuttg., 1904, xiii, 41L-114. -----. Eine neue Beckenstiitze. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1905, xxxii, 1045.—Fiorani. Di un nuovo apparecchio ad esten- sione pennanente. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1892, ix, 177- 185.—Fitz(G.W.) A leg-apparatus for spastic and paralytic cases. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1895, Phila., 1896, viii, 221-224. -----. A practical photometric method for case record [of deformities]. Am. Phvs. Educat. Rev., Bost., 1905, x, 292-306,1 tab.—Friedheim (E.) Ein Apparat zur Her- stellung jeder Artvon Extension. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1904, li, 2139. -----. Extensions- and Suspensions- Apparat fur Gliedmassen an jeder Art von Betten anzu- bringen. Illustr. Monatschr. f. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1905, xxvii, 98-100.—Friedmann. Orthopadische La- gerungsbank. Ibid., 1904, xxvi, 129-131. — Froslich. Poulie a chape tournante pour extension continue. Soc. demed.de Nancy. C.-r.,1900-1901,proc.-v.,45.—Garcia y Hurtado (S.) Sobre la construccion y aplicaci6n deapa- ratosyvendajesortopedicos. Rcv.de med.vcirug. pract., Madrid, 1908, lxxix, 96-100.—Gardner (F. M.) Paper braces in orthopedic surgery. We>t. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1899, iv, 370.— Gerard IWilo (J.j Osteoklase bij rhachitische beenverkrommingen. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1898-9, v, 510-516, 1 pl— Gerson (K.) Massirbank mit Extensionsvorrichtung und Redressionsbiigcl. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1903, xii, 456.—Ghiu lamila (J.- D.) Technique, valeur, indications des appareils por- tatifs en celluloid dans la chirurgie orthopedique. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1905, 2. s., vi, 97-107. -----. Die Grund- satze der modernen tragbaren orthopadischen Apparate. Med. Woche, Halle a. S., 1907, viii, 277; 287; 297; 30s. -----. Ueber einige einfache und praktische Gipsexten- sionsverbande. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir, St ittg., 1908, xx, 486-497.—Gocht (H.) Combinierter Zug-Oips-Verband. Ibid., 1904, xiii, 405-410. -----. Ein Gipsbindentisch. Ibid., 1908, xx, 266-277.—Goddu (L. A. O.) Cast sup- porter. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Phila., 1910-11, viii, 160. -----. Bone clamps of aluminum wire. Ibid., 401-403.— Gottstein (J. F.) Riickblick auf die ersten drei Jahre der orthopadischen Anstalt in Reichenberg. Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. deutsch. Aerzte in Reichenberg, 1907, xx, No. 2, 11- 25.—Gourdet (J.) Appareils platres a anse armee pour fractures compliquees ou operations articulaires. Paris chirurg., Par., 1911, iii, 336-353.—Graff(H.) Einige neue orthopadische Apparate. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1901, ix, 146-160.—Grattan (N.) Twenty-seven cases of deformities of the extremities treated by means of the screw clamp. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 1006.-Grinei- zen (B. F.) Ob ortopedicheskol tekhnikle i omashin- nom sposoble pro'izvodstva ortopedicheskikh izdieliy. [Orthopaedic technique and the method of making ortho- paedic substances by machines.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1908, ccxxi, med. -spec.pt., 407-416.— Gil nzburg. Deux appareils de mesure; le goniometre et le dynamo- Surgery (Orthopedic, Apparatus for). metre complexe. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers, 1902, vii,03,2 pl.—von Hacker (V.) Ein Extensionsapparat zur Anlegung yon Gipshosen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 274.—HasUund. (P.) NocheinmaldieKellgren'- sche Behandlungsmethode. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1905-6, xv, 112—Hahn i,j.) Das Stangenlager, ein einfaches Hilfsmittel zur bequemen Anlegung von grdsseren Verbiindenam Hals, Humpf, Becken und Ober- schenkel. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 603.— Harvey (H. G.) A plea for a more extended use of Hod- gen's suspension splint. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1907, xxxv, 119.—Hass (O.) Krankenheber. Centr.-Bl. f. chir. u. orthop. Mech., Berl., 1889, v, 1-3.—Haudek (M.) Was vermag die Hessing'sche Apparatotherapie zu leisten? Wien. klin. Rundschau, lsn7, xi, 219, 235. -----. Ueber die Apparatbehandlung in der orthopaedic. Klin.-the- rap. Wchnschr.,Wien,1900, vii,65; 100; 132.—Her/oj; ( W.) Ueber Papiermache-Verbande zu chirurgisch-orthopii.- discheZwecken. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.],Wiesb., 1903. i, 58- 60.—Hessiiijj. Ueber einen neuen Tornister. Feldarzt, Wien, 1878, xxiii, No. 20, 90. —Heusner (L.) Demon- stration orthopadischer Apparate (mit Krankenvorstel- lung). Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz., 1394, xxiii, 111. -----. Spiralschiene gegen Pronationsstellung der oberen Extremitiit; ein Fall von spastischer Gliederstarre. Deutsche mod. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 388. -----. Demonstration einiger neuer orthopadischer Apparate. Ztschr. f. or- thop. Chir., Stuttg., 1909, xi, 185-190. -----. Ueber ver- schiedene Anwendungsweisen des Harzklebeverbandes. Ibid., 1906. xvii, 117-130.—Hibbs (R. A.) A new incline plane and the camp-stool cover rest. Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 848.—Hoeftiuann. [Stiitzapparat fur Hul't- und Kniegelenkserkrankungen.] Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1903, lxix, 505-514, 3 pl.—Hoffa (A.) Ueber Schie- nenhulsenapparate und ihre Verwendung in der Ortho- padie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl.. 1895, xxi, 251; 274. -----. Die Rontgenographie in der Ortho- padie. Ztschr. f. arztl. Forbild., Jena, 1905, ii, 275-277. -----. Der Einfluss des Alters auf orthopadische Mass- nahmen. Med. Woche, Berl., 1906, vii, 23.—Ho I'm ami (A.) Extensionsbahre. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 2529.-----. Umsetzung der Langsrichtung bei Ex- tensionsverbanden im queren Zug. Ibid., 1906, liii, 270. -----. Vereinfachtes Extensionsverfahren. Ibid., 1417. -----. Eine zweite Art der Umsetzung von Liingsexten- sion im queren Zug. Ibid., 1907, liv, 421.—Holding; (A.) Improved methods of applying plaster spicas and jackets. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, Iii, 466.—Jones H. W.) A celluloid corset; a consideration of its use- ulness and the technique of manufacture. Medicine, Detroit, 1905, xi, 600-603.—Joseph (J.) Eine neue or- thopadische Brustklammer. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 889. -----. Ueber einige Fortschritte der ortho- piidischen Apparatotherapie, mit Bcrucksichtigung der compensatorischen Uebungstherapie bei Tabes dorsalis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1898, xxiv, Therap. Beil., 57; 67. — Judson (A. B.) The adverse lever at the ankle-joint. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1890, iii, 218-221. — Kofmann ( S.) Die Kettenver- bindung als Kugelgelenk. Arch. f. Orthop. (etc.], Wiesb., 1910, viii, 251.—Kriikenber*! (II.) Ein neues System von Bevvegungsapparaten. Verhandl. d. deut- sch. Gesellsch. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg.. 1009, 282-289.— Kulin (F.) Apparate zur Herstellung jeder Art von Extension. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905. Iii, 1104.— Lacroix. Appareils prothetiques de marche bi-late- raux, applicables a un cas de nanisme et procurant une suroievation de la taille de 30 centimetres.construits sur les indications de M. le D' Kirmisson. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1895, vi, 62-64.—Lange (F.) Was verdankt die Orthopadie dem Rontgenbilde? Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1904), 1905, 28; 169. -----. Ein orthopa- discher Operations- und Verbandtisch. Ztschr. f. or- thop. Chir., Stuttg., 1904, xiii, 432-441.-----. Kunstliche Gelenkbiinder aus Seide. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 834-836. — Lanjjeinak. Zur Frage der Be- ckenstiitze. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1907, xviii, 190-192.—Lazarus (H. L.) Vorlaufige Mitteilung iiber konzentrische Gelenkstutzapparate. Zentralbl. f. chir. u. mech. Orthop., Berl., 1908, ii. 339-393.—Le Breton (P.) Various orthopedic appliances. Buffalo M. J., 1903-4, n. s., xliii, 304-307.—Legal ( H. ) Eine neue Beckenstiitze. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1905, xiv, 726-729.— Lenglellner (K.) Kurze Mitteilung iiber Versuche mit Zelluloideinlagen in Verbindung mit Filz und Gummi. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, xxxiii, 1083-1085. -----. Wie kann man das Brechen einer Metalleinlage vermeiden? Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1909, xxiii, 340.—Leray & Joubaire. Avantages et indications des appareils orthopediques en celluloid. Bull. Soc. scient. et med. de l'ouest, Rennes, 1907, xvi, 87-91.—Leser (E.) Volkmann's suspension apparatus Internat. Clin., Phila., 1903, 12. s., iv, 175, 1 pl.—Levin (A.) Ein neuer Ruderapparat. Arch. f. Orthop., Wiesb., 1905, iii, 193-196.—Lieblein (V.) Ueber den artikulie- renden Gipsverband und seine Anwendung zur Behand- lung angeborener und erworbener Deformitiiten. Beitr. SURGERY. 282 SURGERY. Surgery (Orthopedic, Apparatus for). z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1903, xxxviii, 836-873, 2pl.—Lit- tle (E. M.j Some contributions to the orthopaedic arma- mentarium. Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 1343-1345.—Lubi- nus. Orthopadischer Streck-Apparat. Illust. Monat- schr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1904, xxvi, 97-99.— Ha- ehol. Die Anwendung der stromenden Wasserkraft in der Chirurgie und Orthopadie (ein neues System ortho- padischer und medikomechanischer Apparate). Zen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, xxxiii, 154-15*.— Jlay (R.) Notiz iiber ein einfaches Verfahren zur Kyrtometrie (An- wendung von Gypsbinden). Deutches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1901, lxxi, 37.—Mayer (E.) Portative orthopadische Apparate in der Kinderheilkunde. Aich. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1902, xxxiv, 360-371. -----. Ein neuer Apparat zum Strecken der Beine und Spreizen der Fiisse. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1905, xiv, 103- 107. -----. Schiebeapparate zu orthopadischen Zwecken. Ibid., 1905-6, xv, 100-103.—OTeisenbach (R. O.) A study of plaster-of-Paris bandages. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1906-7, iv, 1-24.—von JModlinsky (P. J.) Zur Frage des Gypsgebrauches in der Orthopadie. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1907, xviii, 107-176.—itloliring (P.) Ein einfacher Apparat zur Messung von Langen- differenzen der Beine. Mitth. a. d. chir.-orthop. Privat- klin. . . . Hoffa zu Wurzb., Munchen, 1894, 103-105.— Itlonnier (L.) Pelvi-support pour Papplication des appareils platres. Paris chirurg., 1909, i, 738-740.—Miil- ler (G.) Einige neue orthopadische Apparate. Mo- natschr., f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1896, iii, 11-16. -----. Ueber Anwendung Hessingscher Schienen-Hiilsen-Appa- rate bei orthopadischen Krankheiten. Deutsche Kran- kenpflg.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, v, 150-153. -----. Die Indika- tionen fiir die Anwendung orthopadischer Apparate. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1904, xiv, 126-130.—JWuspratt (C. D.) The Norledge improved extension apparatus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 208.—Napier (C. D.) Princi- ples of mechanical support. Brooklyn if. J.. 1906, xx, 352-355.—Nebel (H.) Mittheilungen aus dem ortho- padischen Institut in Frankfurt a. M. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir,, Stuttg., 1895-6, iv, 247-257. -----. Ein verstell- barer Finger, Daumen- und Handgelenks-Pendelappa- rat. Ibid., 1897, v, 16-23. -----. Ein Schlittenexten- sionsapparat zur Erleichterung guter Verbandanle- gung am Beine und bequemer Redressirung von Genu- valgum, Klumpfuss- und Plattfussstellung. Ibid., 30-36. -----. Ueber eine neueArt der Anlegung von Corsetver- biinden durch Schragschwebelagerung und deren Ver- wendbarkeit bei Skoliose, angeborenerHiiftverrenkung, Coxitis und Spondylitis. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1897, liv, 674-094.—Nelaton (C.) Osteoclasie et osteotomie; un mauvais resultat de la premiere oppose a un bon r6- sultat de la seconde. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1899, x, 1-4, 2 pl.—Neuer orthopadischer Operationstisch, System Bade. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1908, xxx, 116.— Ottendorlf. Eine einfache Kopfstiitzvor- richtung. Monatschr. f. orthop. Chir., Berl., 1906, vi, 9.— Feler* (G. A.) A new wrench for use in the correction of stubborn deformities. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1901, x, 110-J12.—Petit (A.) La " marcheuse orthopedique." Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1893, vii, 850-S52.—Petri (0.) Un nuovo apparecchio ortopedico per la coordinazion° e deambulazione. Policlin., Roma, 1908, xv, sez. prat., 953-955.—Pieiffer (R.) Aus der or- thopadischen Werkstatt. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1908. xx, 168-170. -----. Die Behandlung mit portativen Apparaten in der modernen Orthopiidie. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1909, 1, lss-193.—Pietrzikowski (E.) Der Arm- und Bruststiirker Patent Largiader und seine Verwendung in der orthopadischen Gymnastik. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xviii, 325—Popper. Orthopa- discher Ruckengurt. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1893, xx, 705-708.—Preleitner(K.) Orthopadischer Apparat zur Verminderung der lordotischen Albuminuric Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1909. xxii. 275. -----. Ueber die Cel- luloidstahldrahttechnik und ihre Anwendung zur Her- stellung von orthopadischen Apparaten. Mitt. d. Ge- sellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1911, x. 100 los. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1911, 1x1,1239.—Protasoff (N. A.) Struzhkoviye ortopedicheskiye korseti M. Sub- botina. [Subbotin's orthopaedic corsets made of chips.] Otchotodlevateln. . . . propedevt. khirurg. klin. [etc.],S.- Peterb., 1890-91,19-25.—Bitsehl i A.) Ueberabnehmbare Gehverbande und die Kombination von Gips und Cellu- loid in der Verbandtechnik. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1903, i, 267-273. -----. Zur Technik der Etap- penverbande. Ibid., 274.— Bitter (C.) Eine leicht ver- stellbare Gewichtsstiitze fiir den Volkmann'schen Streck- verband. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902, lxiv, 284. -----. Eine Modifikation der Dittel'schen Stangen. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1905, iii, 70-72. -----. Eine einfache Vorrichtung zur Erleichterung der An- legung des redressierenden Gipsverbandes bei Kindern. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1907, v, 366.—Boberts (A. S.) Contiibutions to orthopaedic surgery. Flat-foot; a new plantar spring for its relief. Med.", ix 17-23. James (K.J.) The present status of ortho- pedic surgerv. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1907, v, 89-91.— Kof man ts. V.) Nleskolko slov o sovremennom sosto- vani ortopedii. [Present condition of orthopsedics.l Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 1070,-Kopits (J.) Visszapillantasaz orthopaedia multszazadbelifejlodesere. [A review of orthopaedics for the nasi century.] Buda- pesti orv. ujsag, 1905, iii, 1037-1042.—Kuh ( R.) Ortho- padische Briefe. [Die orthopadische Anstalt von Dr. Schultheiss in Zurich.] Prag.med. Wchnschr.,1905, xxx, 71 ■> ------. Orthopadische Reisebriefe. Ibid., 1906, xxxi, 46.—Lange (F.) Friedrich Hessing und die wissen- BChaftlichc Orthopadie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xiv. 293-298. Also: Sitzuni-b. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1898), 1899, viii, 14-30.— Nutt (.I.J.) Henry G. Davis; a reviewof some of his work. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxvm, 298-302.—Orthopedics (The) of nomadic tribes. Med. Age, Detroit, 1899, xvii, 620—Petit (L.-H.) Quelques considerations sur l'histoire do I'orthopedie. Rev. d'or- thop., Par., 1890, i, 2-22.—Porter (J. L.) The present status of orthopedic surgerv. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1904, xx, 401^103.—Published (The) writings of the present active members of the association. Tr. Am. Orthop. Surgery (Orthopedic, History and con- dition of). Ass., Phila'., 1902, xv, [App.], 1-216.—Shaffer (N. M.) The present status of orthopaedic surgery. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 94— Smith (N.) An Englishman's views of orthopedic surgery as practiced in America. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1897, x, 205-209.—Steele (A. J.) The present status of orthopedic surgerv. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1905-6, ii, 155-162.—Stein- mami. Zur Autorschaft der Nagelextension. Zen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 153-156—Vulpius (O.) Kritischer Ueberblick fiber Umfang, Bedeutung und Leistungen der modernen Orthopadie. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1899, xiii, 555-557. ------. Orthopadischesaus dem Jahr 1907. Ztschr. f. Kriippelfiirsorge, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1908, i, 26-30.—Wilson (H. A.) The advance of orthopedic surgery. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1902, xv, 1-7. Also [Abstr.]: Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iv, 67. Surgery (Orthopedic, Instruction in). Roberts (M. J.) Schedule of lectures on mechanical and operative orthopedic surgery. 16°. [New York, n. d.] Batidouin (M.) La clinique de chirurgie orthope- dique du Docteur Louis Menciere (de Reims). Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1902, xi, 745-756.—Codet-Boisse. La chirurgie orthopedique et son enseignement dans quelques cliniques <5trangeres: Allemagne, Autriche, Suisse. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxxvi, 208; 227 — Grundke. Die neue Universitats-Poliklinik fiir ortho- padische Chirurgie zu Berlin. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Bern, 1891, xiii, 163.—Haglund (P.) Om ortopedin och dess framtid som undervisningsamne. [Orthopaedics and its future as a matter of instruction.] Allm. sven. Lakartidn., Stockholm, 1905, ii, 353-359.— Joachimsthal. Die Universitatspoliklinik fiir ortho- padische Chirurgie in Berlin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1899-1901.—Lengfellner (K.) Zur Neube- setzung des chirurgisch-orthopadischen Lehrstuhles in Berlin. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1908, xxii, 522-524.— Romano (C.) Prolusione al corso ufficiale di ortho- pedia nella r. Fniversita di Napoli. Incurabili, Napoli, 1899, xiv, 67-92.—Sherman (H. M.) The present status of the teaching of orthopedic surgery in the United States. Occidental M. Times, San Fran., 1901, xv. 225- 231.—Strube. Bericht fiber die Hoftman'sche Klinik in Konigsberg i. Pr. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1901, ix, 223-279. Surgery (Orthopedic, Manuals and treatises on). See, also, Orthopaedics (Surgical). Atlas der orthopadischen Chirurgie in Riint- genbildern. Hrsg. von A. Hoffa und L. Rauen- busch. fol. Stuttgart, 1905-6. Beale (L. J.) A treatise on deformities; exhibiting a concise view of the nature and treatment of the principal distortions and con- tractions of the limbs, joints and spine. 8°. London, 1830. ------. Thesame. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1833. Berger (P.) & Banzet (S.) Chirurgie ortho- pedique. roy. 8°. Paris, 1904. Beikxier (L.) Notions d'anatomie, de phy- siologie et de pathologie appliquees a I'ortho- pedie; etude pour le m^canicien orthop£diste. 8°. Paris, 1898. Bigelow (H. J.) Orthopedic surgery and other medical papers. 8°. Boston, 1900. Bigg (H.) A short manual of orthopaedy. Pt. 1. The deformities and deficiencies of the head and neck. 8°. London, 1S92. Bradford (E. H.) & Lovett (R. W.) A treatise on orthopedic surgery. 8°. New York, 1S90. -----------. The same. 2. ed. 8C New York, 1899. York, 1905. The same. 3. ed. 8°. New ---. The same. 4. ed. 8°. New York, 1911. Calot (F.) L'orthopedie indispensable aux praticiens. 8°. Paris, 1909. -----. Thesame. 3.ed. 8°. Paris, 1910. -----. The same. 5. 6d. 4°. Pan's, 1911- SURGERY. 284 SURGERY. Surgery (Orthopedic, Manuals and treatises on). Clarke(J. J.) Orthopaedic surgery. Atext- book of the pathologv and treatment of deform- ities. 8°. New York, 1899. Cort y Marti (P.) Tratado practico de la nueva ortopedia mecanica. 8°. Madrid, 1883. David (M.) Grundriss der orthopadischen Chirurgie. Fiir praktische Aerzte und Studie- rende. 8°. Berlin, 1900. ------. Thesame. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1906. Ducroquet (C.) Traite de therapeutique or- thopedique. roy. 8°. Paris, 1907. Farnum (E. J.) Deformities. A text book on orthopedic surgery. 8°. Chicago, 1898. Haudek (M.) Grundriss der orthopadischen Chirurgie fiir praktische Aerzte und Studie- rende. Nebst einem Vorwort von A. Hoffa. 8°. Stuttgart, 1906. Heineke (W.) Compendium der chirurgi- schen Operations- und Verbandlehre. 2. Aufl. 8°. Erlangen, 1876. ------. The same. Mit Beriicksichtigung der Orthopadie. 3. Aufl. 8°. Erlangen, 1884. Herbst (E.) Atlas und Grundriss der zahn- iirztlichen Orthopadie. 8°. Munchen, 1910. Hessing (F.) & Hasslauer (L.) Orthopa- dische Therapie. 8°. Berlin & Wien, 1903. Hoffa (A.) Lehrbuch der orthopadischen Chirurgie. 8°. Stuttgart, 1891. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1894. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1898. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1902. ------. The same. 5. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1905. ------. The same. Rukovodstvo ortopedi- cheskoi khirurgii. Perevod s niemetskavo S. B. Oriechkina. [Transl. from the German by Orlechkin.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1893. Jaxkau (L.) Taschenbuch fiir Chirurgen und Orthopiiden samt Spezialisten-Verzeichnis, etc. 12°. Munchen, 1904. Joachimsthal. Handbuch der orthopadi- schen Chirurgie. 1.-2. Lfg. roy. 8°. Jena, 1904. Keetley (C. B.) ■ Orthopaedic surgery; a handbook. 8°. London, 1900. Knight (J.) Orthopsedia, or a practical trea- tise on the aberrations of the human form. 2. ed. 8°. New York, 1S84. Lange (F.) & Spitzy (H.) Chirurgie und Orthopadie im Kindesalter. 4°. Leipzig, 1910. Lorenz (A.) & Saxl (A.) Die Orthopadie in der inneren Medizin. roy. 8°. Wien & Leipzig, 1911. Luning (A.) & Schulthess (W.) Atlas und Grundriss der orthopadischen Chirurgie fiir Stu- dirende und Aerzte. 12°. Miinchen, 1901. ------. The same; Atlas-inanuel de chirur- gie orthopedique. Ed. francaise par P. Ville- min. 12°. Paris, 1902. Mellet (F.-L.-E.) Manuel pratique d'ortho- pedie, ou traite elementaire sur les moyens de prevenir et guerir toutes les difformites du corps humain. 16°. Bruxelles, 1836. Moore (J. E.) Orthopedic surgerv. 8°. Philadelphia, 1898. Muller (G.) Cursus der Orthopadie fiir praktische Aerzte. Zehn Vorlesungen. 8°. Berlin, 1902. ------. Die Orthopadie des praktischen Arztes. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1910. Surgery (Ortliopedic, Manuals and treatises on). Nove Josserand (G.) Precis d'orthopedie. 8°. Paris, 1905. Petrali (G. X.) Guida anatomico-patologica all' esercizio pratico della ortopedia, con tavole dimostrative di anatomia normale e patologica, e dei vari congegni meccanici necessari. 8°. Ve- nezia, 1847. Phocas. Lecons clinique de chirurgie ortho- pedique. 8°. Paris, 1895. Practical (The) medicine series, comprising ten volumes on the year's progress in medicine and surgery. Under the general editorial charge of Gustavus P. Head. Vol. VII. Pediatrics, edited by Isaac A. Abt. Orthopedic surgery, edited bv John Ridlon. With the collaboration of Gilbert L. Bailey. 12°. Chicago, 1906. Pye (W.) The surgical treatment of the common deformities of children. 12°. Bristol, [1889]. Rainal (L.) & Rainal (J.) Orthopedie. Deviations du rachis, mal de Pott, luxations congenitales, coxalgie. roy. 8°. Paris, 1901. Redard (P.) Traite pratique de la chirurgie orthopedique. 8°. Paris, 1892. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1903. ------. Precis de technique orthopedique. 12°. Paris, 1907. Rogier (C.) Trattato completo di ortopedia umana teorico-pratica. 8°. Roma, 1845. Sayre (L. A.) ATorlesungen iiber orthopadi- sche Chirurgie und Gelenk-Krankheiten. 2. Aufl. Autorisirte deutsche Ausg. von F. Dumont. 8°. Wiesbaden 1886. Schreiber (A.) General orthopedics, includ- ing surgical operations. 8°. New York, 1891. Also, in: Wood's M. & S. Monog., N. Y., 1889, ii, 572-916. Smith (E. N.) The surgery of deformities. A manual for students and practitioners. 8°. London, 1882. Taylor (H. L.) Orthopedic surgery for prac- titioners. Assisted by Charles Ogilvy and Fred H. Albee. 8°. New York & London, 1909. Thorndike (A.) A manual of < rthopedic surgery. 12°. Philadelphia, 1907. Whitman (R.) A treatise of orthopaedic sur- gerv. 8°. Philadelphia & New York, 1901. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1903. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia & New York, 1907. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Philadelphia & New York, 1910. Young (J. K.) A practical treatise on ortho- pedic surgery, designed for the use of students and practitioners. 8°. Philadelphia, 1894. ------. A manual and atlas of orthopedic surgery, including the history, pathology, diag- nosis, prognosis, prophylaxis, and treatment of deformities. 4°. Philadelphia, 1905. Bradford (E. H.) Congenital dislocation of the hip; flat-foot; club-foot. Internat. Text-Ilk. Surg. (Warren & Gould), Phila., 1899, i, 741-752.—Mutton (H. H.) The surgery of deformities. Svst. Surg. (Treves), Lond., 1896, ii, 38-91.— (iibney (V. P.) Orthopaedic surgery. Syst. Surg. (Dennis), Phila., 1895, ii, 265-365.—von Heineke (W.) Allgemeine Orthopadie. Handb. d. spec. Therap. inner. Krankh., Jena, 1894, v, 3-81. -----. Allgemeine Orthopadie. In: Handb.d. spec. Therap.innererKrankh., Jena. 1896, v, 3-81. Also: Ibid., 2. Aufl., 1898, vi, 379-462.— Lovett (R. W.) Orthopedic surgerv. In: Surgery (Keen), 8°, Phila. & Lond., 1907, ii, 469-5*3.—.Moore (J. E.) Orthopaedics. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr), 2. ed., Phila., 1898,1062-1089.—Willard i. De K.) Ortho- pedic surgerv. Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Ashhurst), N. Y., 1895, vii, 541^560. SURGERY. 285 SURGERY. Surgery (Orthopedic, Methods in). See, also, Surgery (Orthoptvdic, Apparatus for). . . ,. . . Agustoni (A.) II massaggio e sue indicazioni in ortopedia. 8°. Milano, 1893. Bennett (F. G.) How to restore the walk- ing powers, and muscular movement generally, or a treatise on the relief and cure of spinal curvatures, injuries of joints, sprains, deformi- ties, rheumatism and paralysis. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1874. _____. The same. 6. ed. 8°. London, 1883. Beurnier (L.) Notions d'anatomie, de phy- siologie et de pathologie, appliquees a I'ortho- pedie. Etude pour le mecanicien orthopediste. 8°. Paris, 1898. Binet (A.) *Le moulage en medecine, sa technique, ses applications speciales a I'ortho- pedie. 8°. Nancy, 1908. Buttersack (F. E.) * Ueber Osteoklasie. 8°. Berlin, [1887]. Calot ( F. ) Les maladies qu'on soigne a Berck; abces froid, adenites, osteite?, tumeurs blanches, coxalgie, mal de Pott, scoliose, luxa- tion congenitale de la hanche, pied bot, etc. 12°. Paris, 1900. Groothoi.s (J. H. J.) Orthopaedische Gym- nastiek. 8°. Leyden, 1841. Manx (F.) *Die Osteotomie bei Verkriim- mungen der Gliedmassen mit Bericht iiber 25 Falle aus der chirurgischen Klinik zu Erlangen. [Erlangen.] 8°. Wiirzburg, 1890. Martin (C.) De la prothese immediate, ap- pliquee a la resection des maxillaires; rhino- plastie sur appareil prothetique permanent; restauration de la face, levres, nez, langue, voiite et voile du palais. Preface de M. le professeur Oilier. 8°. Paris, 1889. Niemeyer (P.) Krummer Riicken, flache Brust, Plattfuss, ihre Ursachen, Behandlung und Verhutung. Ein Rathgeber fiir Jeder- mann. 8°. Berlin, [n. d.]. Panum (P.) Behandlingen af de almindeligst forekommende orthopaediske Lidelser. 16°. K)0benhavn, 1895. Preto (A.) Due casi importanti di ortopedia chirurgica. 8°. Padova, 1892. Qiesse (A.) *Die Vorziige der Macewen- schen Operation gegen iiber den friiher angege- benen Methoden der Osteotomie. [Munich.] 8°. Oldenburg, 1887. Rousseau (A.) * Contribution a l'etude des brides congenitales des membres. 8°. Paris, 1901. de Smitt (B. S.) De waarde der zonder- therapie bij de behandeling van chirurgische en orthopaedische ziekten. 8°. Amsterdam, 1896. Tidemand (A.) El metodo ortop^dico como se practica en el instituto del . . . Traduction por Gamborg Andresen. 8°. Cadiz, 1880. Wagner (E.) * Ueber osteoplastische Ope- rationen. 8°. Strassburg, 1889. Zumaglini & Bravetta. Laboratorio orto- pedico. 8°. Torino, [1909]. Albee (F. H.) Skiagraphy in orthopedic surgery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxii, 1063-1066.—A Inierini (A.) La trazione applicata direttamente alio scheletro degli arti inferiori col metodo Codivilla. Arch, di ortop., Mi- lano, 1906, xxiii, 458-465.—Anscli fitz (\V.) Extension by means of the nail. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1910, x, 419-424.—Anzolettl (A.) Zur Codivilla'schen Methode der Nagelextension am Knochen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1909, xxxvi, 985-990.—Bade (P.) Die Be- deutung der Radiologle fiir die Orthopadie. Compt.-rend. Surgery (Orthopedic, Methods in). ™£OI^il,\t?nl!i£- d'ilectro1- etderadiol.med. 1902, Berne, 1903, 399-4l5.-Barbarin (P.) Photomensuration des difformites ortliopediques et particulierement des devia- tions vertebrates. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 646.-Barnav. TraitSment des coxalgies, des fractures, de la colonne vert6braleet des membres inferieurs, des luxations con- genitales de la hanche; redressement des gibbosites pot- tiques; lit orthopedique du Dr. Bonnefoy modifie. Assoc ^a«VHlfi ,»"l,<,l'-.,K.sc'- C--r-1900- par., 1901. xxix, EV,„A, ^"V'*".1"'4' (K-) Neuerungen in der chi- rurgisch-orthopadischen Operationstechnik. Ztschr f orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1910. xxvii, 205-215.-Bolim (M ) Die Hessing'sche ortliopadische Technik. Berl. klin Wchnschr 1908 xiv, 214.s.-Uoml (C. .1. > On some cases of deformed and partially useless limbs, the result of pre- vious injury which illust rate the value of operative treat- ment (the other side ot bonesetting). Prov. M J Leices- ter 1895, xiv, 131-134.-BoreIla (E. B.) Osservazioni cnticne sul modo di curare varie storpiature delle ossa e particolarmente il gobbo, con un succinto ragguaglio delle cure vantaggiosamente intraprese nel regio Stabili- mento ortopedico. Rac. di op. med. mod. ital., Bologna 1828, vi, 307-356, 1 pl. — Bracco ( G.) sen. Ortopedia addominale. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino 1905 4. s., xi, 484-490. Also, transl.: Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1906, liii, 362-364.—Broea (A.). Osteotomies obli- ques. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1893, iv, 258-262.—Brown (G. V. I.) A demonstration of the vital principles of new surgical methods in the treatment of diseases and de- formities of face, lip and palate, with stereopticon illus- trations oi cases, and phonographic demonstration of post-operative speech-training. St. Paul M. J., St Paul, Minn, 1905, vii, 413-426.—Calot (F.) Le pronostic de la coxalgie et du mal de Pott a Berck-sur-Mer. Rev gen de clin. et de therap., Par., 1896, x, 22S-231.—Calot (F.) & de Labarthe (L.) Sur la manicre de faire les mou- lages en orthopedie. Rev. d'orthop., Par. 1901 2 s ii 271-282.—Case (C. S.) Dento-fachil orthopedia. Cong] dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, i, 405-J93. _____. Results obtained in two otherwise hopeless surgical cases through the action of orthopedic force upon "cicatricial tissue. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1911, xxv, 317-327.— Chi- nault (A.) Les ligatures apophysaires; contribution a 1'orthopedique operatoire. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc- verb. [etc.], Par., 1896, x, 284. Also: Med. mod., Par., 1*90. vn, 641.—Codivilla (A.) Ueber Nagelextension. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1910, xxvii, 404-418 — Cokenower (J. W.) Advantages of carlv correction of bodily deformities, with report of case. Times & Reg., N. Y. & Phila., 1890, vii, 433.—Czerny. Peber Melo- plastik. Verhandl. d. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb., 1889, n. F., iv, 415 — Deschamps (J.) Osteoclasies mul- tiples pour deviations rachitiques des membres inferieurs. Gaz. med. de Liege, 1889-90, ii, 543.—Du ret. Surle traite- ment operatoire du mal de Pott, des pieds-bots et des co- xalgies suppurees. [Rap.l J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1896, ii, 217-223.—Ens>liscl» (J.) Wann soil mit der ortho- padischen Behandlung begonnen werden? Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1906, li, 283.—Falleroni (DA Osteoclasia coll' apparecchio di Robin. Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1889, ii, 229-235—Feiss (H. (>.) Roent- gen pictures in orthopedic surgerv. Ohio M. J., Colum- bus, 1905, i, 181-183.—File (J. G.) Dento-facial ortho- pedia; its importance and possibilities. Texas State M J., Fort Worth, 1907, ii, 239-211.—Freiberjs i A. H.) A suggestion lor the improvement of plastcr-of-Paris tech- nic. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Phila., 1909-10, vii, 227-229.— Garcia llurtado (S.) Estudio de las vacunas y del indice opsonico con relaci6n a las aplicaciones de la ci- rugia ortopedica. Siglo med., Madrid, 1907, liv, 695-699.— Gaudier & Bieren (G.) La gymnastique orthope- dique. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1910, xiv, 201-211 — Gerson (K.) Apparat zur Mobilisirung des Iliiftge- lenks und zur Behandlung von Klump- und Phittfiissen. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1903, xii, 458-460.—Gib- ney (V. P.) Operative procedures in orthopedic sur- gery. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1897, x, 210-215.— Gliick (T.) Die Invaginationsmethode der Osteo- und Arthroplastik. Verhandl. d. Berl. med.Gesellsch. (1890) 1891, xxi, pt. 2,130-154. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 732; 752. — Gourdon (J.) De l'emploi de la gommelaque en orthopedie. Rev. mens, dc gynec. [etc.], Bordeaux, 1899, i, 460—164. -----. Technique des corsets orthopediques amovibles et inamovibles. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxxv, 316.—Haudek ( M. ) Die mo- derne Orthopadie und ihre Hilfsmittel. Hygiea, Wien u. St. Petersb., 1900, xv, No. 14,1. -----. Die Indicationen fiir die operative und Apparatbehandlung in der Orthopa- die. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1902, xvi, 547; 567; 579. -----. Die Operationsmethoden der modernen Orthopa- die. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1902, Iii, 2169; 2224; 2287; 2320; 2382. Also [Abstr.]: Aerztl. Centr.-Ztg., Wien, 1902, xiv, 49-52.—Hennequin (J.) Etude critique sur le traitement ambulatoire. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1897, viii, 58-79.—Hoffa. Die Rontgenographie in der Orthopadie. Verhandl. d. deutsch., Rontg.-Gesellsch. Hamb., 1905, i, 51- SURGERY. 286 SURGERY. Surgery (Ortliopedic, Methods in). 55.- von Hovorka i<). i Die AufgabenderMechanikin der modernen orthopadie. Aerztl. Centr.-Ztg., Wien, 1902, xiv, 609-612. -----. Die Grenzen und Wechselbeziehun- gen zwischen der mechanischen Orthopadie und ortho- padischen Chirurgie. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1905-6, ix, 634-640.—Huntley (J. H.) Some spe- cial forms of orthopedic surgery. Internat. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxi, 108-114.—lmmelmann. Die Bedeutung der Rontgenstrahlen fiir die Orthopadie. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1905, viii, 331-335.— Jaboulay. Des resections longitudinales de l'extre- mite superieure de l'humerus et du femur i procede ope- ratoire pour les luxations congenitales de la hanche). Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1894, xii, ss.—Judson (A. B.) The uses of adhesive plaster in orthopedic surgerv. N. i'ork M. J., 1887, xiv, 626-629. Also, Reprint.—Kann (G.) Neuere Arbeiten auf dem Gebiete der orthopadi- schen Therapie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., Is97, xxiii, therap. Beil., 17-19.—Kulm (F.) Zur Extension. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 1701- 1701. —La Bonnardiere (J.) Traitement orthope- dique des affections tabeto-spasmodiques infantiles et particulierement de la maladie de Little. Rev. orthop., Par., 1896, vii, 421-442.—Lane (W. A.) The principles on which the treatment of resting conditions of the skel- eton is based. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 651.—Lange (F.) Die Bedeutung des Rontgenbildcs fiir die Orthopadie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 789; 860.—L.a Torre (F.) Ortopedia addominale. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1911, xiii, 25; 49; 73.—Leavitt (B. C.) Relation of orthope- dics and radiography. Denver M. Times, 1903-4, xxiii, 179-186. — Le Breton (P.) Tenotomy and myotomy, with reports of eight illustrative cases. N. York M. J., 1902, lxxvi, 209-276.—Lorenz (A.) On some of my principles in orthopedic surgery. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1902, lxii, 1001-1003. -----. Bloodless operations for the reduc- tion of deformities. J. Am. M. Ass., Ch icago, 1903, xl, 98-101. Also: Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1903, xxxv, 136-145.— L,o vett (R. W.) The use of the X-rav in orthopedic sur- gery. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 67-75.—Itla'eewen (W.) Lec- ture on antiseptic osteotomy for genu valgum, genu va- rum, and other osseous deformities. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 911-914. -----. Osteotomv. Verhandl. d. X. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891,iii. Abth.7a.36-40.—JIaeliol (A.) Die stromende Wasserkraft im Dienste der Ortho- padie. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1906, xvi, 47-60.— IVIcKenzie (B. E.) Physical training and development as a therapeutic measure. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1895, Phila., 1896, viii, 293-301.—luTeneicre (L.) Deux cas rares de chirurgie orthopedique: 1° Pied bot varus equin chez un homme de quarante ans; operation; guerison. 2° Ankylose du genou en position vicieuse consecutive au developpement d'un osteo-chondromeintra-articule; ope- ration; guerison avec retour des mouvements de flexion et d'extension du genou. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc- verb. [etc.], Par., 1901, xiv, 964-972. -----. Contribution a l'etude des operations chirurgicales orthopediques appli- cablesaux deviations et difformites d'origine paralytique. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1906, xv, 1: 65. -----. Resultat des greffes musculo-tcndineuses et des interventions chi- rurgicales-orthopediques dans les difformites d'ordre pa- ralytique. J6frf.,1907, xvi, 489-502. Also,Reprint. -----. De l'emploi du staff en orthopadie pour le moulage des cretes et des aspentes du squelette. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1910. xix, 402-407. Also: Presse med.,Par.,1910,xviii, 684-686.—ITIoiiiiler (L.) Ankylose vicieuse de la hanche; osteotomie sous-trochanterienne; genu-valgum double; osteotomie sus-condylienne; pied bot varus-equin bilate- ral acquis; tenotomies multiples et massage force; pied- bot varus-equin gauche congenital recidive; operation de Nelaton. J. de med. de Par., 1894, 2. s., vi, 521; 535.— ITIuller (G.) Die Hilfsmittel der modernen Orthopadie. Monatschr. f. orthop. Chir. [etc.], Berl., 1901, i, 3; 81.—Nutt (J. J.) A scheme for determining the correct relative position of the joint of an apparatus to the anatomical joint. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Phila., 1910-11, viii, 687-694 — Nyrop (E.) Nvere ortopsedisk teknik. Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi. K0benh., 1910-11, ix, 291-302.—Ogilvy (C.) & Coffin (T. H.) A preliminary report on the opsonic in- dex in orthopedic surgery. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1907, xxii, 1033-1037.----------■. The opsonic index in ortho- pedic surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908,1,115.—Pa- rona (F.) Di alcune importanti operazioni alle ossa ed alle giunture. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1889, vi, 1-33.— Pavvel (J.) Die orthopadischen Uebungen am k. k. Offlzierstochter-Erziehungs-Institut zu Hernals in Wien. Ztschr.f.SchuIgsndhtspflg.,Hamb.,1903,xvi.271.—Phelps (A. M.) I. Lateral curvature of the spine and Pott's dis- ease. II. Club-footand its treatment. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 704-711—Presnitski (M. G.) Ocherki iz oblasti ortopedieheskoi tekhniki. [Sketches from the field of orthopaedic technique.] Vevcnno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1907, ccxix, med.-si.cc.pt., 568-582.—Ke- dard (P.) La chirurgie orthopedique dans les alTcc- tionsd'originenerveuse, spastiqueset paralytiques. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1906, x, 392; 421. Also: Poitou j Surgery (Orthopedic, Methods in). med., Poitiers. 1906, xx. 224; 246. Also [Rap.]: Semaine med., Par., 1906, xxvi, 207-209.—Biedfnger (J.) Zur Methodik und Technik der orthopadisch-ambulatori- schen Behandlung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xlviii, 321-355.—Biuclieval. Ein neues Opera- tionsverfahren zur Behandlung congenitaler Defecte eines Unterarm- und I'ntarsehenkelknochens. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., ism, xlviii, S02-S10.—Kobin (V.) Re- sultats generaux de 642 osteoclasies, de quelques diffi- cultes a operer et a redresser. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.] 1894, Par., 1895, viii, 488-496. —Say re (L. A.) Section of contractured tissues essential before mechanical treatment can be effectual. Tr. ix. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, iii, 624-637. — Schanz (A.) An- staltsbericht. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1902-3, xi, 398-410. — Selienek (W. E.) Orthopedics,cosmetic and practical. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1897, n.s.,xxxix,350-353. [Discussion], 357-359.—Sclimltt (A.) Ueber Osteoplas- tik in klinischer und experimenteller Beziehung. Arch. f. klin.Chir., Berl., 1892-3, xiv, 401-488, lpl. -----. Eine einfache Methode zur schmerzlo^en Redression verschie- denartiger Deformitaten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906,ii, 1042- 1045.—Semeleder(0.) Ueber die Fortschritte der ortho- padisch-technischenBehandlunggelahmterExtremitaten und ihrer Deformitaten. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1909, Leipz., 1910, lxxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 149.—Senn ( N.) Professor Hoffa's orthopedic work. Am. Med., Phila., 1902,iv, 185. Also,Reprint,—da Silva Jones (G. M.) Sobre o tratamento do equinismo em geral e dos accidentes consecutivos a opcracao de Cho- part. Correio med. de Li3.—Tuflier (T.) Quelques cas de greffes chirurgicales chez l'homme. Bull, etmem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1910, n. s., xxxvi, 183-190.—Van Lennep (W. B.) A contribution to plastic surgery. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. Penn. 1893, Phila., 1891, xxix, 123- 136, 4 pl. Also: Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1893, xxviii, 641-652, 4 pl, Also, Reprint.—VesterdaI (O.N.) Om transplantation paa urene Granulationsflader. [Trans- plantation in polluted granulation surfaces.] Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi, K0benh., 1902-3. i, 169.— Willard (De F.) Plastic surgery. In his: Surgical Reprints, no. 75. Surgery (Plastic, History of). Hildebrand (O.) Die Entwicklung der plas- tischen Chirurgie. 8°. Berlin, 1909. Schilling (R.) * Fortschritte der plastischen Chirurgie in den letzten Jahrzehnten. 8°. Leipzig, 1908. Fbstein (E.) Zur Geschichte der Transplantation. Janus, Amst., 1905, x, 575.—Oluek (T.) Die plastische Chirurgie im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Deutsche Kli- nik, Berl. & Wien, 1901, viii, 174-192.—Gurlt. Ueber plastische Operationen in alten Zeiten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 805-807.— Miracle (A) of plas- tic surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 166. Surgery (Popular). See Accidents. Surgery (Prehistoric and primitive). See, also, Dentistry (History, etc., of). Jager (K. [F.]) *Beitriige zur fruhzeitlichen Chirurgie. 8°. Munchen, 1907. -----. Thesame. [Withatlas.] 8°. Wies- baden, 1907. SURGERY. 291 SURGERY. Surgery (Prehistoric and primitive). LeiimaxxNitsche (R.) *Beitnige zur prahis- torischen Chirurgie nach Funden aus deutscher Vorzeit, [Munich.] 8°. Buenos Aires, 1898. See. also, infra. Yndrews (R. R.) Evidences of prehistoric dentistry in Central America. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 2, 1873-1877.—Busehan ;G.) Chirurgisches aus'der Volkerkunde. Reichs-Mcd.-Anz., Leipz., 1902, xxvii, 43; 61; 82; 343; 3(15: 386. Also, Reprint.—Eastman (W. R.) An instance of Moro surgery. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1911, xxviii, 653-655.—Hartley (W. D.) A re- markable instance of Katir surgery. South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1903, i, 74.—Ileeger (E. F.) Der Aber- und Wunderglaube in der Chirurgie fruherer Jahrhun- derte. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 940-942.— Jager (K.) Beitrage zur prahistorischen Chirurgie (Palaochirurgie). Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1909, cii, 109-140.—Lehmaiiii-Nitsche (R.) Ein Beitrag zur prahistorischen Chirurgie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1895-6, li, 910-918, 1 pl. See, also, siijira.—Jlact'urdy ( G. G. ) Prehistoric surgerv; a neolithic survival. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1905, vii, 17-23, 1 pl.—Morgan (E L ) Surgical methods among savage races. Wash. M. Ann., 1904-5, iii, 54-73-Tl tiller (W. M.) The earliest representations of surgical operations. In his: Egyptol. Research, 8°, Wash.. 1906, 60-62.—Munk (J. A.) & Leopold (F.) Navajo surgery. Los Angeles J. Elect. M., 1906, iii, 10-12— Nicolas (C.) Pratiques chirurgicales des Canaquesdes lies Loyalty. Bull. Soc. path, exot.. Par., 1908, i. 582-5v>. -----. La chirurgie chez les Canaques. Presse med., Par., 1909, xvii, an- nexe, 157-159. — Poncet ( F.) Un bandage herniaire a l'epoque phenicienne. Progres med., Par., 1895, 3. s., i, 358-361. Also, transl.: Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 869.—[Bay nand.] Instruments de chiruruie employes au Maroc. Caducee, Par., 1903, iii, 152.—Sapper (Cl Ein chirurgisches Instrument der mittelamerikaniM'hen Indianer. Globus, Brnschwg., 1S98, lxxiii, 6s—Siidholl" (K.) Le T sincipital neolithique et le periseythisme ou l'hypospatisme des peuples anciens consideres comme des'operations chirurgicales devant guerir des maladies chroniques des veux. Bull. Soc. franc, d'hist. de la med., Par., 1908, vii, 175-179.—Tou bet. La chirurgie indigene au Maroc en 1911. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1911, xx, 613. — Tribaudeau. Essai de chirurgie dans le sud tunisien (Sfax). Presse med.. Par., 1908, xvi, 401-106 — Wilser (L.) Vorgesehiehtliche Chirurgie. Ve#i.mdl. d. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb., 1902, n. F., vii, 197-209. Surgery (Preventire). Laxz (*0.) Die preventive Chirurgie. An- trittsrede bei Antritt der chirurgischen Klinik in Amsterdam, sm. 4°. Bern, 1902. Ward (E. J.) Some observations on the possibilities of preventive surgery. 8°. Austin, [18891. KUhner (A.) Preventive Chirurgie. Prakt. Arzt, Leipz., 1909, xlix, 31-39.— Mat'laren (R.) On preventive surgerv. Brit. M.J.. Lond., 1^.16, ii, 259-264. Also: Lan- cet, Lond., 1896, ii, 296-300.—Porter (M. F.) The role of surgery in preventive medicine. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1910, iv, 775. Surgery (Primitive). See Surgery (Prehistoric, etc.). Surgery (Prothetic). See, also, Dentistry (Operative); Ear-tubes, etc.; Eye (Artificial); Larynx (Artificial); Limbs (Artificial); Nose (Artificial); Ozaena (Treatment of) by injection of paraffin; Paraffin (Prothetic injection of); Surgery (Plastic); Teeth (Arti- ficial). Martinier (P.) Clinique de prothese. Pro- these dentaire, prothese orthopedique, prothese des maxillaires. 16°. Peiris, 1898. ------. The same. Clinique de prothese dentaire et de prothese orthopedique ou ortho- dontia [2. ed.] 12°. Paris, 1903. Agullar(F.) Protesisdelesqueleto. Cong.internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'odont. ft stomatol., 309-322. -Amoedo (O.) Contribution a l'etude de la prothese immediate des maxillaires. C< >ng. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 477.—Anglicl (P.-D.) Contribution a l'etude des protheses. Bull. Hoc. d. med. et nat. de Jassy, 1903, xvii, 65; 99:135.—Berliner (P.) Die Entwickelung der Moulagentechnik. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1902, vi, 87-90.—Bid ou (G.) Le cel- luloid en prothese chirurgicale. Dauphine med., fire- noble, 1906, xxx, 203-208.—Delangre. De la prothese Surgery (Prothetic). chirurgicale realisee par l'inclusion de la vaseline steri- lisce dans les tissus. [Rap. de L. Gallez, 198-202.] Bull. Acad. roy. dcmed.deBelg., Brux., 1901, 4. s., xv, 264-270.— tiiersuny (R.) Ueber eine.subcutane Prothese. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz., 1900, xxi, Abth. f. Chir., etc., 199- 204.—Lecontc. Prothese restauratrice. Odontologie, Par., 1905, 2. s., xx, 379-382— H a r tin (C.) De la regene- ration osscuse sur un appareil prothetique interne. Rev. dechir., Par.,1897,xvii,luOl.-----. Protesi bucco-facciale edelloschcletro. Gior di eorrisp.p.dentisti, Milano,1905, xxxiv,255; 287; 342.—Miller (C.C.) Thelimitationsand the use of paraffin in cosmetic surgerv. Wisconsin M. Re- corder, Jauesville, 1908, xi, 277-282.—Stein (A.E.) Ueber subcutane Prothesen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1902, xxxi, pt, 1, 61-64.—Titiany (F. B.) Prosthetic surgery, with report of a case, illustrative. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1905, xxvi, 428-435. Also, Reprint.—Zatisailoll" (M. A.) O protezakh dlya nizh- nikh konechnostel. [ I 'rothesis for the lower extremities.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1904, iii, 1319. Surgery (Rural). Bayer (K.) Einige Rathschliige zur Erleich- terung chirurgischer Eingriffe in der Land- praxis. 8°. Berlin, 1891. ------. Die Chirurgie in der Landpraxis. Kurzgefasstes Nachschlagebuch fiir praktische Aerzte. 12°. Berlin, 1892. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 12°. Berlin, 1896. Bianciii (A.) Sei mesi di chirurgia campa- gnola. 8°. Ferrara, 1898. Charier. Xotes sur l'asepsie operatoire dans la pratique de la chirurgie courante en dehors de sante et plus particulierement a la campagne. 8°. Angers, 1901. Lewy (W.) * Die Aseptik in der Landpraxis. 8°. Erlangen, 1904. Mouflier (H.) * Considerations sur l'asepsie et l'antisepsie dans la chirurgie rurale. 4°. Paris, 1894. Simon (A.-M.-F.-J.) * Considerations sur la propret6 dans la pratique chirurgicale journa- lise a la ville et a la campagne. 8°. Paris, 1901. Alsobrook i J. W.) Surgery outside of the hospital, with reports of some interesting cases in country practice. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1911, xxv, 24-20. — Arkhangels- kaya (Alcksandra G.) K vopro-u o khirurgichol po- moshtshi selskomu naselenivu. [Surgical aid to the vil- lage population.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 179; 205.—Ayers (H. A.) Coming rural surgery. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1910, xxiv, 138-140. — Banghman (J. A.) Country surgical technique. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1904, vi, 166-168.—Bickle (L. W.) Some experiences of an Australian country general practitioner. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 827-830.—Bullitt (J. B.) Aseptic sur- gery for the country practitioner. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1893, xvi, 369-374. — Burn* (R.l Chemical antisepsisin country practice. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1889, 69-79. — Col pi (G. B.) L' antisepsi nella chirurgia di campagna. terapia mod., Padova, 1892, vi, 1-12.—Ooerner (H.) Asepsis in der Landpraxis. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 1148. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1895, xxx, 703; 720. —Eastman (B. L.) Notes of some cases encountered in a country prac- tice. Kansas City M. Index, 1895, xvi, 354-359. —F vans (Z. H.) The plain country doctor again records his clin- ical experience in the broad domain of surgery. Mil- waukee M. J., 1899, vii, 40-50.—Fabi (G.) La chirurgia nelle Marche. Gazz. med. d. Marche, Porto Civitanova, 1904, xii, no. 9, 6; no. 11, 3; no. 12, 3. — Ferrante (S.) La chirurgia nei paesi rurali; resoconto sommariodi un quinquennio. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1906, ix, 888.—Ferranti (C.) La chirurgia nei comuni rurali. Corrieresan., Milano, 1898, ix, 785; 800; 812.-Fish (H.) (Asepsis in countrv and private practice; a new sterilizer. Colorado M.J., Denver, 1899, v, 313-319. Also, Reprint.— Forgue (E.) De l'asepsie en chirurgie courante, en chirurgie d'urgence eta la campagne. N. Montpel. med., 1893, ii, 932; 953.— Gidding* (W. P.) Surgical demands in country practice. Boston M. & S. J., 1894, exxxi, 131- 133—Gorokliofr (D. E.) K voprosam po zemskoi khirurgii; v svyazi smaterialainioboperativnol dieyatel- nosti Bogorodskol Zemskoi bolnitsi Moskovskol gub. za tri goda (s nachala sentyabrya 1897 g. do polovini okt. 1900 g.) [Surgery in country practice; in connection with the data of the operative activity of the hospital of the Bogorod Zemstvo of the Government of Moscow for three years (from the beginning of September 1897, to SURGERY. 292 SURGERY. Surgery (Pural). the middle of October, 1900).] Med. besleda, Varonezh, 1901, xv, 375; 426— Grill (H.) Ueber die Verwendkar- keit des Lister-Verhandes in der Landpraxis. Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien, 1881, v, 121; 129.—Hall (E. A.) The clinic in the cornfields; two years after. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1908-9, xiii; 490; 570. —lssekutz (L.) Mutetek a videki praxisbol. [Operations in rural prac- tice.] Szemeszet, Budapest. 1897,11-17.—Jacomet (A.) Chirurgie rurale; preparatifs d'une operation a domicile. Medecin prat., Par., 1905, 46-48. —Jones (W. D.) The experience of a plain country doctor in the domain of surgery. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1897, x, 60-53.—Justi (Ueber die Anwendung des Lister'schen (antiseptischen) Verbandes in der Landpraxis, nebst Kasuistik. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1879, xxix, 906-910. Also, Reprint — Konkle (W. B.) Antisepsis versus asepsis in country practice. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liv, 686. — Landau (R.) Antisepsis und Asepsis in der Landpraxis. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1894, iv, 417-419. — I^arimore (F. C.) The evolution of aseptic surgery and its practice in the country. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Norwalk, 1897, 47-58.— Laiirendean (A.) La pratique dela chirurgie a la cam- pagne. Rev.med.du Canada, Montreal,1904-5, viii,99-105.— Mct'ombs (G. M.) The limitations of surgical work in country practice. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1899, 424- 430. — McCormack (A. T.) Some country surgery. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louisville, 1900, n. s., viii, 69-74.— McGuire (S.) Surgery in country practice. Bi-Month. Bull. Univ. Coll. Med., Richmond, 1896, i, 47-49.— He- Keen (R. A. H.) The possibilities for surgical work in countrv practice. Maritime M. News, Halifax 1896, viii, 207-212" —Newell (E. D.) What surgery should the country doctor do and what can he afford to neglect? N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1907-8, lx, 538-547.—Parott (J. M.) The country surgeon and his work. North Car. M. J., Winston, 1898, xii, 399-405. —Pauchet. Notes sur la chirurgie rurale. Gaz. d. h6p., Par.. 1897, lxx, 1304; 1310; 1352; 1408; 1143: 1898, lxxi, 11.—Pond (A. M.) Surgical technic in country practice. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1904, x, 115-122.—Prouty (I. J.) Asepsis and antisepsis in the country. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1892, 123-143.—Biley (B. R.) Ihe country practitioner as a surgeon. J. Kansas M. Soc, Lawrence, 1905, v, 371-375.— fScnachner (A.) Asepsis in country practice. Louis- ville M. Month., 1896-7, iii, 428-431.—Sehena (A.) Anti- sepsi e chirurgia rurale. Morgagni, Milano, 1894, xxxvi, 507-520.—Sigg (J. H.) Die Antisepsis in der Landpraxis. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1880, x, 741-747.—Si- kora (P.) Improvisation d'un milieu operatoire & la campagne. Presse med., Par., 1906, xiv, 568.—Sylvester (OB.) The practice of surgery in the. country. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1900, xiii, 676-684.—Taylor A. W.) The rural surgeon; his place, privilege and uty. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1902, 121-130.— Teal (N.) Capital operations in country practice. Fort Wayne M. Mag., 1896, iv, 3S8-392.— Terrett (B. A.) A plea for a more general dissemination of surgical talent throughout our country towns. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1901-2, liv, 533-543.—Van Dyke (F. W.) Antiseptics and the country doctor. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889, xxxvi, 712.— Voltman (A. N.) Serfinniy shov MichePya (serre-fine) v zemskoi praktikle. [. . . in country practice.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, ii, 874. -----. Trl goda khirur- gicheskoi rabotl v derevnle. [Three years of surgical work in the village.] Ibid., 1909, viii, 4; 29; 47.—Wal- ling (P. A.) The countrv doctor and aseptic surgery. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1898, xviii, 443.—Wheeler (J. B.) Antiseptic surgerv in the countrv. Times & Reg., Phila., 1*89, xx, 702-704. Also, Reprint.—Wood- ard (R. L.) Aseptic surgerv in the country. N. York M. J., 1899, lxx, 924. Also, Reprint. Surgery (Superstitions in). See Surgery (Prehistoric, etc.). Surgery (Supination in). See Drainage (Surgical). Surgery (Therapeutics in). Arneman (J.) Chirurgische Arznevmittel- lehre. 3. Aufl. 12°. _ Wien, 1799. Bernhard (0.) Die therapeutische Anwen- dung des Sonnenlichtes in der Chirurgie. 8°. Leipzig, 1908. Repr. from: Jahrb. ii. Leist. u. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. physik. Med. Doyen (E.) Traite de therapeutique chirur- gicale et de technique operatoire. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1908-9. Forgue (E.) & Reclus (P.) Traite de the- rapeutique chirunricale. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1892. ------------.Thesame. 2. ed. 8°. Pa- ris, 1898. Surgery (Thera/eutics in). ------------. The same. Kurs khirurgi- cheskoi terapii. Perev. s 2. izd. A. Berdyayen. [Course of surgical treatment. Transl. from the 2. ed. by . . .] v. 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1902. Imbert (L.) Precis de therapeutique chirur- gicale. 8°. Paris, 1905. Laan (H. A.) Chirurgische zieken en hunne verpleging. 8°. Utrecht, 1907. Pauchet (V.) & Ducroquet (C.) Technique therapeutique chirurgicale. 8°. Paris, 1911. Remedi (V.) II nuovo indirizzo della terapia chirurgica; prolusione letta il di 13 marzo 1907. 8°. Siena, 1907. Ricard (A.) & Launay (P.) Traite" de thera- peutique chirurgicale. 8°. Paris, 1903. Sue (P.) Discours sur l'influence de l'hy- giene dans la cure des maladies chirurgicales. 8°. Paris, 1790. Alliaique (A.) Note di clinica e di terapia chirur- gica. Incurabili, Napoli, 1903, xviii, 257-270.—Angeliri (A.) Dell'ittiolo in chirurgia. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1896, 5. s., xxii, 273-283.—Bau del. De l'emploi de l'huile camphree en chirurgie. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1910, xvii, 402-408.—Bayer (C.) Chirurgische Balneo- therapie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1909, xxxiv, 377; 389.— von Biehler (M.) Metal If ermente und ihre Verwen- dung in der Chirurgie. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1911, xxv, 677; 696.—Braun (W.) Chirurgische Therapie. Handb. d. Neurol., Berl., 1910, i, 1251-1292.—Codman (E. A.) The use of the X-ray and radium in surgery. In: Surgery (Keen), 8°, Phila. & Lond., 1909, v, 1143- 1179.—Bel bet (P.) Traitement des infections chirur- gicales graves par le serum leucocygene de Raymond Petit. J. de med. de Par., 1906, 2. s., xviii, 203-205.— Duckworth (Sir D.) A plea for medical treatment in certain surgical cases. Hospital, Lond., 1909-10, xlvii, 11.—Fujingawa. [The water treatment in surgery.] Jutendo Iji Kenkiu Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1902, 5-12.— baingee (G. S.) Osservazioni sul regime dietetico dei malati chirurgici. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1853,2.s.,iii,260-262. Also,Reprint.—Hasse(0.) Dieln- jectionsbehandlung chirurgischer Krankheiten. Therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1896, iii, 985-991.—Henle (A.) Die Verwendung des Peristaltikhormons in der Chirurgie. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 1361-1365—Hil- debrand. Grundsiitze bei der chirurgischen Behand- lung. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1907, iv, 705-712.— Lilicnthal (H.) Unintentional neglect in the treat- ment of surgical diseases. N. York M. J., 1896, lxi, 683- 685. Also, Reprint.—Lorenz(M.) Ichthyol in der Chi- rurgie. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Leipz., 1887,viii,655-658. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1888, xxiii, 386; 398. -----. Das Ichthyol und seine Bedeutung speciell fiir Militar- Gesundheitspflege. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1885, xiv, 541-547.—Martin (E.) Ichthyol in surgery. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1888, ix, 44-48. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, x, 200, Also: Med. News, Phila., 1888, Iii, 152.—Miller (A. G.) Practical notes on surgical treatment. Practitioner, Lond., 1897, lviii, 28; 160; 379; 491.—Mitchell (A. B.) Suggestions as to treatment of some common surgical ailments from a gen- eral practitioner's standpoint. Tr. UlsterM. Soc, Belfast, 1906-7, 77-82.—Mudra (J.) Ichthvol v praxi lekafske. Casop. lek. 6esk., v Praze, 1887, xxvi, 3-6. — Parin (V. N.) Vaktsinoterapiya v khirurgii. Kazan. Med. J., 1911, xi, 24-65.—Park (R.) Some therapeutic (surgical) notes. Canad. Pract.. Toronto, 1895, xx, 900-903.—Pleth (V.) & Plelh (V. W.) The use of fluorescent salts (eosin, scar- let red, etc.) in the pract ce of surgery. Am. J. Surg., N. Y.,1909, xxiii, 162.—Poland (J,) On the use of some mechanical appliances in surgical treatment. Clin. J., Lond., 1907, xxx, 198-204— Rebuschini (E.) L' ittiolo nella medicazione chirurgica. Riv. ital. di terap. e ig., Piacenza, 1896, xvi, 77-82.—Taylor (L. H.) Psycho- therapy from the viewpoint of the surgeon. Wash. M. Ann., 1909, viii, 130. Surgery (Tropical). Gabbett(P. C.) Notes on operations in In- dia for hernia, hydrocele and elephantiasis; notes on cataract "extraction by Major R. H. Elliot. 8°. Madras, 1910. Bennett (A. L.) Some medical and surgical ex- periences in equatorial Africa. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1900,157-163.—Blanehard (R. M.) Antiseptic surgerv in the Philippines. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lx, 784.—Bockenheimer (P.) Einiges iiber die Behand- lung chirurgischer Krankheiten in Asien; Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. i. Chir., Berl., 1909, xxxviii, pt. 2, SURGERY. 293 SURGERY. Surgery (Tropical). 370-386. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1909, xc, 174- 190— Cantlie (J.) Surgery in the Tropics. J.Trop. M., Lond., 1900-1901, iii, 117-119.— 06, xxii, 33-11.—.Uc- Guire (S.) Surgery of infantile life. Old Dominion .I. M. A S., Richmond, 1910, x, 336-339.—ITIiehaelis (P.) Fortschritte der Chirurgie und Orthopadie im Kindes- alter; Ilebersicht iiber die Literatur des Jahres 1910. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz., 1911, xxii. 25; 49.— JMotta (M.) Al- cune considerazioni sulla pratica quotidiana della chi- rurgia infantile. Atti d. Cong. naz. "Pro inf." 1902, Torino, 1903.165-169.—Xiooll (J. H.) The surgery of infancv. Brit. M. J., L'.nd., 1909, ii, 753.—Owen (E.) Lettsomian lectures; selected subjects in the surgery of infancy and childhood. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1890, xiii, 167- 241.—Petit de la Villeon (E.) La chirurgie des en- fants en Allemagne et en Autriche. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxix, 220; 231; 244; 255; 273.— Phocas (G.) Compte-rendu annuel du service chirur- gical des enfants a l'Hopital Saint -Sam cur. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1892, xxxi, 45-58.—Bieli (E. A.) Child surgery with special reference to some of itsdimcultprob- lems. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1911, n. s., iii, 211-215 — Boca (J.) La cirujia en el Hospital de Ninos; septiem- bre. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1903, xvi, 449-452 — Bossi (L.) Due storie di chirurgia infantile. Ann. di Ippocrate, Milano, 1907-8, ii, 301-304.—Schramm (H.) O potrzebienauki chirurgiipedyatrycznej. [Ontheneed of a science of pediatric surgerv.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1*97, xxxvi, 605: 619— Stillman (S.) Surgery in in- fancv. South Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1909, xxiv, 381- 38,".—Twineh (S. A.) The relation of orthopedic sur- gerv to pediatrics. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1910, xxvii, 910^916. Surgical (The) adjuvant, and reporter of arti- ficial limbs. Published by Palmer & Co. July, 1859. No. ix. 48 pp. 8°. New York & Boston, 185(1. Surgical anaesthesia. See Anaesthetics; Infiltration anesthesia; Injections (Spinal, etc.); Injections into bra- chial plexus. Surgical (The) Clinic. Edited by W. C. Abbott and W. F. Waugh. [Monthly.] v. 1-2,1902-3. 8°. Chicago. In August, 1903, merged in: A Ikaloidal (The) Clinic. Surgical clinic. Prof. Nicholas Senn. Photogravure. Surgical (The) historyof the naval war between Japan and China during 1S94-5. Transl. from the original Japanese report under the direc- tion of Baron Y. Sanevoshi by S. Suzuki, vi (2 1.),406pp.,ll.,21pl.\port. rov. 8°. Tokio, Tokio Press Co., 1900. Surgical Hotel, Columbus. See Hartman Sani- tarium, Columbus. Surgical infections. See, also, Hospitals (Dangers, etc., of); Pyae- mia; Septicaemia; Staphylococcus (Infection by); Streptococcus (Infection by). de G.ertner (C. F.) De respicienda primaria causa in morbis chirurgicis, observationibus il- lustrata. 4°. Tubings, 1S19. Kocher (T.) &Tavel (E.) Vorlesungen iiber chirurgische Infektionskrankheiten. 8°. Jena, 1909. ----- ------. The same. Lektsii o khi- rurgicheskikh infektsionnikh bolieznyakh. Pe- revod s nlemetskavo Y. A. Dagilaiskavo. (Vor- lesungen iiber chirurgische Infektionskrank- heiten. ) [Transl. from the German by V. A. Dagilaiski.] Pt. 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1897. ------------. The same. Perevod s nle- metskavo N. N. Mikhailova, s predisloviyem Prof. N. A. Velyaminova. [Transl. from the German by Mikhailoff, with preface by Prof. Velyaminoff.] Pt. 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1897. < oilman (E. A.) Some points on the diagnosis and treatment of certain neglected minor surgical lesions. Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cl, 371-374. — Demarquay. Recherches sur les modifications imprimees a la tempera- ture animaleparquelquesmaladieschirurgicales. Compt. rend. Acad, d.sc, Par., 1856,xliii, 60S.—Else (J. E.) The diagnostic and prognosticvalue of the leucocyte count in surgical diseases Northwest Med., Seattle, 1908, vii, 409- 418.—Hajieni \V.) Ueberakutechirurgischelnfektions- krankheiten. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamtgeb. d. prakt. Med., 1910,x,265-302.—l.eiiiiere(G.) Lesinfectionschi- rurgicalesd'originetellurique. J.d.sc.med.deLille, 1898, i,326; 345; 394;419;445.—Parry (L. A.) Somecasesof sur- gical disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 131.—Pilcher (P.M.) Infections which sometimesoccurin various sur- gical diseases and conditions. Am. Pract. Surg. [Brvant & Buck], N. Y., 1906, i, 415-462. —Schnitzler (J.) & Ewald(C) Beitragzur KenntnissdesaseptischenFie- bers. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1896, liii,530-549.—Son- chon (E.) The methodic description of a surgical disease. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 80-83. Also, Reprint. Surgical instruments, orthopedic appliances, trusses, etc.; hospital supplies. E. A. Yarnall Co. Catalogue of illustrations and prices. 2. ed. 381 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1894. Surgical kidney. See Anaesthetics (Sequelae of); Kidney (Ab- scess of); Kidney (Effect of surgical operation on); Kidney (Surgery of). Surgical (The) and medical history of the naval war between Japan and China during 1894-5. Transl. from the original Japanese report under the direction of Baron Saneyoshi by S. Suyki. ix (1 1.), 19 pl., 1 diag., 544 pp., port. roy. 8°. Tokio, Tokio Pr. Co., 1901. Suriano (M.) [1873- ]. "Essai sur le trai- tement du pneumothorax et en particulier du pneumothorax suffocant. 79 pp. 8°. Parts, 1899, No. 427. SURIN. 296 SURRA. Surin (Gaston) [1SS4- ]. *L'operation des fistules vesico-vaginales par la voie transvesi- cale; sa technique, ses indications et ses resul- tats. 79 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1908, No. 21. Surinaauisciie artz (De). Nos. 1-13, Sept. 18, 1786, to Oct. 8, 1788. 106 pp. 8°. Para- maribo, W. II. Poppelmann, 1788. Nos. 6 and 7,1787, wanting. Surinam. See, also, Leprosy (History and statistics of), by localities. Alm (T.) Plan tee surinamenses. 8°. Upsa- lier, 1775. SuRiNAAMSCHE(De) artz. Nos. 1-13, Sept. 18, 1786, to Oct. 8, 1788. 8°. Paramaribo, 1788. de Goeje (C. H.) Beitrage zur Volkerkunde von Surinam. Internat. Arch. f. Ethnogr., Leiden, 1909, xix, 1-34, 20 pl. Surinamin. Blau (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Surinamins. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem.,Strassb., 1908, lviii, 153-155. Suringar (Gerard Coenrad Bernard) [1802- 74]. *De nisu formativo ej usque erroribus. 4 p. 1., 230 pl., 6 1. 8°. Lugd. Bat., II. W. Hazenberg, jr., 1824. [P., v. 2074.] ------. De opvoeding der zintuigen, eene bijdrage tot de leer van het onderwijs, inzon- derheid van de natuur- en geneeskundige we- tenschappen. iv (2 1.), 390 pp. 8°. Amster- dam, J. H. Gebhard & Co., 1855. ------. De Leidsche hoogleeraren in de natuurkundige wetenschappen, inzonderheid in de kruid- en scheikunde, na den dood van Svlvius en voor Boerhaave's benoeming tot professor chemise (1672-1718). 32 pp. 8°. [Amsterdam, 1865.] Repr.from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1865, 2. R., i, 2. afd. For Biography, see Suringar (P. H.) Bijzonderheden betreffende het leven van G. C. B. Suringar. 8°. Amster- dam, 1874. Suringar (W. H.) De maatschappij: Tot nut van 't algemeen, eene blijvende weldaad voor Nederland. 48 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, 1844. Surjus (Joseph) [1880- _ ]. *De quelques points concernant la technique generale d'une amputation. 38 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1907, No. 65. Suroff (G[rigoriy] I[vanovich]) [1871- ]. * K voprosu o peresadkle rogovitsi; eksperimen- talnoye izsliedovaniye. [Transplantation of the cornea; experimental investigation.] 166 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, A. V. Orloff, 1904. Surovtsoff (Vasiliy Georgiyevich) [1858- ]. * Sravnitelnaya otsTenka naibolieye upotrebitel- nikh sposobov opredieleniya zhira v molokie. [Relative value of the methods most used to de- termine the fat in milk.] 138 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, P. P. Soikin, 1898. Surovtsoff [Z[osima] G[eorgiyevich]) [1866- ]. * Material! dlya istorii kafedri higieni v Imperatorskoi Yoyenno-Meditsinskoi (bivshei Mediko-Khirurgicheskoi) Akademii. [History of the chair of hygiene in the Imperial Army Medical (formerly Medico-Chirurgical) Aca- demy.] xii, 257 pp., 2 1., 4 plans, 3 port. 8°. S.-Peterburg, Mordukhovski, 1898. Surra. See, also, Anaemia (Idiopathic) in animals; Horse (Diseases of); Mbori; Nagana; Trypa- nosomiasis (Equine); Tsetse.fly. Fraser (H.) & Svmonds (S. L.) Surra in the Federated Malay States. With a note on urra. the distribution of certain species of biting flies in the Federated Malay States, by H. C. Pratt. 8°. Singapore, 1908. United States. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Government Laboratories. Biological Laboratory. 1903. No. 5. Trypanosoma and trypanosomiasis, with special reference to surra in the Philippine Islands. By W. K. Musgrave, acting director, and M. T. Clegg, asst. bacteri- ologist. 8°. Manilla, 1903. United States. Headquarters Division of the Philippines. General order No. 390. Dec. 11, 1901. ... A preliminary note on a parasitic disease of horses, by Allen M. Smith and J. J. Kinyon. 8°. Manilla, 1901. ------. Special order No. 319. Dec. 12,1901. . . . Sec. 9. Detail of officers for investigation of the diseases called surra and glanders. 8°. Manilla, 1901. ------. Circular No. 4. Jan. 11, 1902. [Re- port of investigation of disease of animals called surra.] 8°. Manilla, 1902. Baldrey (F. S. H.) Transmission of surra. J. Trop. Vet. Sc, Calcutta, 1910, v, 595, 3 ch. —Bowers (\V. G.) Typanosomes, with special reference to surra. J. Comp. M. & Vet. Arch., Phila., 1903, xxiv, 65-71.—Brauer (A.) Die Fortpflanzung, Vermehrung und Entwickelung der Trypanosomen im Blut surrakranker Tiere. Berl. tier- arztl. Wchnschr., 1903, 613-616. -----. Ueber eine Me- thode zur Aufzucht surrafester Tiere in tropischen Lan- dern. Ibtd.,1904,731-736—Burke (R.W.) Malarial fever in horses in India, or surra. Veterinarian, Lond., 1897, lxx, 185-194.—Catto (J.) Acaseof "surra" in Manipur. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1908, xliii, 259.—Classifica- tion of certain species of flies caught upon the bodies of animals, the subjects of surra. Rep. Imp. Bacteriol. [Calcutta], 1896-7, 75-77. — Curry (J. J.) Report on a parasitic disease in horses, mules, and caribao in the Philippine Islands. Am. Med., Phila.. 1902, iii, 512.-----. Surra or nagana. Ibid., iv, 95-99. Also, transl. [Abstr.]; Rev. med., Par., 1904, xiii, 68. —Evans (G. H.) "Ele- phant" surra; trypanosomiasis in the elephant. J. Trop. Vet. Sc, Calcutta, 1910, v, 233; 535,1 pl.—Fraser (H.) Surra in the Federated Malay States. J. Trop. Vet. Sc, Calcutta, 1909, iv, 345-389.—«aiger (S. H.) Natural canine surra. Ibid., 1908, iii, 443-451.—Cireig (E. D. W.) Notes on an outbreak of surra; with observations on the trypanosoma. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1902, xxxvii, 60- 62, 1 pl. — Grotliusen. Ueber das Vorkommen der Tsetse- (Surra) Krankheit beim Zebra. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1903, vii, 387.—L,anlranclii (A.) Studi ematdlogici in caui affetti sperimentalmente da surra. Clin, vet., Milano, 1910, xxxiii, sez. sc, 218-240.— La vera n (A.) Sur l'epizootie de surra qui a regne en 1902 a Pile Maurice. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1902, 3. s., xlviii, 361-367. -----. Observation de surra chez une roussette, Pteropus medius. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 8.-----. De l'identite du surra et de la mbori. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1905. cxli, 1204- 1207.—Laveran (A.) & Mesnil (F.) Sur le surra et sur la differenciation des trypanosomiases. Ibid., 1905, Cxi, 831-836.—Leese (A. S.) Experiments regarding the natural transmission of surra carried out at Mohand in 1908. J. Trop. Vet. Sc, Calcutta, 1909, iv, 107-132.—Lin- gard.(A.) Summarv of further reporton surra. Vet.J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1894, xxxix, 250; 311. Also, Reprint. -----. Through what agency is the Trypano- soma Evansi carried overfromonesurra season to another? J. Trop. Vet. Sc, Calcutta, 1906, i, 92-112.—Uanders(N.) Surra as itoccurs in Mauritius. J.Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1905,v,623-626.— Itlassaglia(A.) Surlesmoyens naturels de defense de certains vertebres a sang froid con- tre le trypanosome du surra (Trypanosoma Evansi). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1909, cxlix, 616-518. Also, Reprint.—^Iohler(J. R.)&Thompson (W.) Astudy of surra found in an importation of cattle, followed by prompt eradication. U. S. Dep. Agric Bureau of ani- mal indust. 1909, Wash., 1911, 81-98,3 pl.—JMontel. Epi- zootie de surra, a Hatien. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par., 1904, vii, 219-221.— Nariman. The disease surra. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1893, xxxvi, 403-406.— New (A) animal disease in the Philippines. [Surra.] Phila. M. J., 1902, x, 87.—TVockolds (C.) Surra in the Philippines. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1901-2, xxv, 743; 903. -----. Some facts and theories regarding surra and ulcer- ative lymphangitis. Ibid., 1903-4, xxvii. 129-131.—Novy (F. G.), McNeal (W. J.) & Hare (C. B.) The cultiva- tion of the surra trvpanosome of the Philippines. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1904, xix, 235-246. Also: J. Am. SURRA. 297 SURVIVAL. Surra. M Ass., Chicago, 1904, xiii, 1413-1417. Also, Reprint.— Outbreaks of surra during recent years. Rep. Imp. Bacteriol., [Calcutta], 1896-7, 7-21.— Panisset ( L.) Le surraduchat. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 15 —Pease (H. J.) Surra and malarial fever. Veteri- narian, Lond., 1897, lxx, 549-565—Pease (H. T.) Surra and dourine. Vet. J., Lond., 1904, n. s., ix, 187-196. -----. Tibarsa surra; trypanosomiasis in the camel. J. Trop. Vet. Sc, Calcutta, 1906,1,70; 127.—Pease (H.T.) &Gal- ger (S H.) Notes on the duration and course of camel surra. Ibid., 1908,iii, 427-433.—Penning (C. A.) Surra onder den veestapel in Nederlandsch-Indie en andcre trypanosomen. Tijdschr. v. Veeartsenijk., Utrecht, 1908, xxxv, 191-212.—Biiuington (F. C.) Memorandum on an outbreak of surra fever at the stables of the Bombay Tramway Companv, Limited, November, 1888, to Janu- ary, 18S9. Veterinarian, Lond., 1889, lxii, 469-480. — Roger (J.) Un cas de contagion par cohabitation du surra nord-africain du chien. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lix, 333.—Salmon (D. E.) & Stiles (C. YV.) Emergency report on surra. Rep. Bureau Animal Indust. 1901, Wash., 1902, xviii 41-182, 16 pl. Also, Reprint.— Sckein (H.) Contribution a l'etude du surra d'lndo- Chine. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1907, xxi, 739-752. Also, transl.: J. Trop. Vet. Sc, Calcutta, 1908, iii, 191-201. -----. R61e probable des ruminants comme reservoir de virus du surra de l'lndo-Chine. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1908, i, 675-577. -----. Prophylaxie du surra en Indochine. Ibid., 1911, iv, 56-63.—Schilling. Bericht fiber die Surra-Krankheit der Pferde und Rinder im Schutzgebiete Togo. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxx, 545: 1902, xxxi, 452: 1903, xxxiii, 184.—Schmidt (A.) Welche Gefahren bergen die Ver- suche von Brauer: Ueber eine Methode zur Aufzucht sur- rafester Tiere in tropischen Landern bei einer allge- meinen Anwendung fiir die Verbreitung der Tsetsekrank- heit in sich? Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1904, 767—Si- vorl (F.) & Lecler (M.) El surra americano 6 mal de cadera. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1902, ix, 1037.— Stall elin (R.) Ueber Stoffwechsel und Energiever- brauch bei der Surraerkrankung. Arch. f. Hyg., Miin- chen & Berl., 1904, 1, 77-96.—Surra. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1904, ii, 64-67.—Surra in bovines and buf- faloes. Rep. Imp. Bacteriol. [Calcutta], 1896-7, 23-69.— Tartakovski (M. G.) K voprosu o surra u slerikh kris (Mus decumanus). [Surra in . . .] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1901, xxii, 1043-1045.—Terry (B. T.) An attenuated surra of Mauritius with immunity tests after recovery. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., 1910, xii, 176-181. Also: J. Trop. Vet. Sc, Calcutta, 1910, v, 464-469. Also, Reprint.—Vrijburg (A.) Quelques observations sur le surra. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1907, lxxxiv, 293-297.— Wendelstadt (H.) & Fellmer (T.) Einwirkung von Kaltbliiterpassagen auf Nagana- und Lewisi-Trypano- somen. Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1909, iii, 422^32.—Zwick & Fischer. Zur Aeti- ologie der Beschalseuche. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1909, xxv, 683-686. Surra (Treatment of). Gainer (S. H.) The influence of atoxyl and other chemicals on the course of a few cases of surra. J. Trop. Vet. Sc, Calcutta, 1908, iii, 452-455. -----. I. Treatment of camel surra. II. An extraordinary case of resistance to camel surra in the dog. III. Some attempts at treat- ment of surra in the dog. Ibid., 1909, iv, 546-555,1 pl.— Holmes (J. D. E.) Investigation of an outbreak of horse surra, with result of treatment with atoxyl, tartar emetic, mercury and other drugs. Ibid., 1908, iii, 157-172, 2 pl. -----. Treatment ef surra by atoxyl and orpiment. Ibid., 434^442. -----. Further experiments on the treat- mentof surra with atoxvl and orpiment and otherprepa- rations of arsenic. Ibid., 1909, iv, 286-299, 3 pl. -----. The treatment of surra in horses by means of arsenic and its derivatives; thirtv-two cases of successful treatment. Ibid., 1910, v, 1-45, 15pl. Also: Parasitology, Cambridge, 1910, iii, 73-107.-----. The cure of surra in horses by the administration of ar^niic. Parasitology, Cambridge, 1910, iii, 288-306, 6 pl—Cviii/.. Vorlaufige Mitteilung fiber Atoxylbehnndlung bed Pferdesurrah. Arch. f. SchifTs- u. Tropen Hyg., Leipz., 1907, xi, 720.—L.eese (A. S.) Sum- mary and second of first series of experiments on treat- ment of surra in camels. J. Trop. Vet. Sc, Calcutta, 1910, v, 57; 397.—Maja (A.) Les processus d'involutiondu trypa- nosome du surra apres l'injection d'emetique et d'atoxyl. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvii, 212-224 — .llathis (C.) & ILeser (M.) Traitement du surra de l'lndochine par l'arsenophenylglvcine d'Ehrlich. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1911, iv, 4i«-411.—Bost (E. R.) Report on the possibility of treating surra by injections of an anti-parasitic serum. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1900-1901, vii, 285-290—Thiroux (A.) &Tep- paz (L.) Traitement du surra chez le dromadaire par f'orpiment seul ou associe a l'emetique ou a 1'atoxyl. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1910, xxiv, 234-238. Surrel (J.) [1873- ]. *De 1'expulsion du sac amniotique intact. 36 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 57. Surrel (Louis) [1870- ]. * Des accidents qui peuvent compliquer l'intervention chirurgicale dans le goitre exophtalmique. 125 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 474. Surrenalin. See Suprarenal bodies (Extract of). Surrenotoxin. Torrinl (U. L.) Sulle conseguenze dello legatura dei vasi surrenali; contributo alio studio delle surreno- tossino. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1910, lxiv, 121-148. Surrey (County of). Surrey County Lunatic Asy- lum, at Brookwood. Rules for the guidance of th; attendants, servants, and all persons en- gaged in the service of the Surrey County Asy- lum, at Brookwood, near Woking Station. 80 pp. 8°. [Claphum, Batten & Davies, 1871.] Surroundings. See Environments. Surtouques (Ch.) * Etude sur les modifica- tions de l'ceil et la determination de la date de la mort. 134 pp. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 628. Sur un (Georges) [1885- ]. * Etude statis- tique sur le fonctionnement de la Maternite de l'Hopital de Lariboisiere pendant l'annee 1909. 76 pp. 8°. Paris, 1910, No. 406. Survey for Port Elizabeth water-supply, by Charles Dimond, Horatio Braine and William Ingham. 33 pp., 1 diag. 12°. London, Inst. Civil Eng., 1908. Repr.from: Proc. Inst. Civil Eng., Lond., 1907-8, clxxiv. Survey (The); social, charitable, civic. Edited by Edward T. Devine and- Graham Tavlor. v. 22-27, 1909-11. [Weekly; 2 v. annuallv.] 8°. New York. Current. Title after March 27, 1909, of: Charities and the Commons. Surveyor (Nusserwangi Fakirgi). Madura foot of India. 4 pp. 8°. [London, J. Bale & Sons, 1893.] Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii. In: Rep. Dep. Path. Univ. Coll. Lond., 1892-3, i. See, also, Boyee (Rubert) & Surveyor (Nusserwangi Fakirgi). Madura disease. 8°. [London, 1893.] Surveys (Sanitary). See Hygiene (Public, Surveys for the promo- tion of). Surveys (Social). Daniels (J.) The social survey; its reasons, meth- ods and results. Proc. Nat. Confer. Char., Fort Wayne, 1910, xxxvii, 236-210.—Howarrv. No. 816,88*: April 3, 1906.— Tainsh (W. A.) Snspciisorv bandage. No. 757.153: April 12,1904.— Teulel (W.J.) Suspensory bandage. No. 860,584; July 16,1907.— Teuscher (S.), jr. Suspensory bandage. No. 531.232; Dec. 18, 1894.—Thompson (L. C.) Suspensory band- age. No. 662,659; Nov. 27, 1900.—Toles (J. K.) Method for forming sacks lor suspensorv bandage. No. 924,294; June 8, 1909.—Wieland (G. A.) Suspensory. No. 688,804; Dec. 10, 1901.—Wise (W. S.) Suspensory. No. 765,261; Julv 19, 1904.—Wootton (N. S.) Shirt suspen- sory. No. 887,450; May 12, 1908. -----. Shirt suspensory. No. 924,870; June 15, 1909.—Wortz (H. J.) Suspensory bandage. No. 826,815; July 24, 1906.—Wright (F. W.) Combined undershirt and suspensory bandage. No. 657,582; Sept., 11, 1900. Sus scrofa. See, also, Hogs. Chatne (J.) Contribution a la myologie du sanglier (Sus scrofa, L.). Proc-verb. Soc d. sc phys. et nat. de Bordeaux, 1900-1901,15. Susruta. Hesslek (F.) Commentarii et annotationes in Susrutse Ayurvedam. Fasciculi prior et ee- cundus. 8°. Erlangir, 1852-5. Haas (E.) Ueber die Ursprunge der indischen Medi- zin, mit besonderem Bezug auf Susruta. Ztschr. d. deutsch.^morgenhind. Gesellsch., Leipz., 1876, xxx, 617- 670.—Lietard (<;.) Sucruta. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1883, 3. s., xii, 634-673. Sussdorf (Max). Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Haustiere, unter besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der topographischen Anatomie und der Methodik in den Pruparieriibungen. 320 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1891-2. -----. The same. Rukovodstvo k sravnitelnol anatomiidomashnikh zhivotnikh. Pt. 1 & pt. 2, nos. 1-2, 716 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1900-1903. ------. Anatomische Wandtafeln. 8 pl. broad- side. Stuttgart, E. Nagerle, Lith. Kunstanstalt von A. Eckstein, [n. d.]. -----. Equine anatomy. Diagram of the horse. Transl. by W, Owen Williams. 2 pl. elephan- tine fol. 1896. Susserin. See, also, Hogs (Diseases of, Prevention, etc., of). Fehsenmeler (A.) Die Impfungen mit Susserin gegen den Rothlauf der Schweine in Baden 1901. Mitth. d. Ver. badisch. Thieriirzte, Karlsruhe, 1902 ii, 88.— Mackel (N.) Ein Versuch mit Susserin. Deutsche thieriirztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1900, viii, 267. de Sussex (F.-S.) Notice sur la valeur agri- cole et l'application des engrais-poudrette con- centres. 12 pp. 8°. [Monlmartre, Pilloy frtres, 1849.] [P., v. 1751; 1815.] -----. Traite critique et pratique du com- merce, du controle et de la legislation des en- grais, presente aux societes, aux cornices et au Congres central d'agriculture en France. 127 pp. 8°. Paris, Dusacq, 1851. [P., v. 1749; 1815.] ------. Question de la vidange et de la voi- rie considerees sous les rapports de leur valeur agricole, de l'economie municipale et de 1'hy- giene publique. 47 pp. 8°. Paris, Dusacq, 1851. [P., v. 1815.] Sussistenza dell' avvelenamento accaduto nella persona del Sig. Beauregard per mezzo del- 1' oppio. 30 pp. 8°. [Genova, eredi di A. Scio- nico, 1793.] Sussmaim (Mile. A.) Contribution a la chi- rurgie des annexes. 36 pp., 5 tab. 8°. Lau- sanne, C. Gnex, 1904. Sussmanowitz (J.) * Ueber Syringomyelie unter demBilde der spastischen Spinalparalyse. [Munich.] 27 pp. 8°. Mainz, I. Wirth, 1902. Sussnitzki (Joas) [1876- ]. *Das Verhal- ten der Hiihner gegen Cantharidin; ein Beitrag zur Frage von der natiirlichen Resistenz der Tiere gegen Gift. 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. ]>,-., II. Jaeger, 1903. Sustinann (Hermann Georg). * Untersuchun- gen iiber die Agglutination des Rotzbazillus. 106 pp. 8°. Zurich, 1908. Suszezynska (Mile. Stefania). *Du caractere periodique et constitutionnel des etats mania- ques. 72 pp. 8°. Geneve, 1899. Sutamilli. See [Haas-]Sutamilli [Friedrich- Josephj. Sutari poisoning. Rudolf (N. S.) Notes on the chemistry of the seeds of Abrus precatorius and sutari poisoning. Tr. Indian M. Cong. 1894, Calcutta, 1895, 487. SUTCL1FFE. 300 SUTIAGLN. Sut elide (G. Lister). Sanitary fittings and plumbing. 2 p. 1., 275 pp. 12°. London, D. Fourdrinier, 1901. Sutclitfe (J. D.) The practice of ventilation; with a comparison of the advantages and limits of natural and mechanical systems. 2. ed. 56 pp. 8°. Manchester, 1905. Sutcliffe (John A.) Report of two cases. Re- moval of a sole leather bougie from the male urethra, and a mulberry calculus from the blad- der. 4 pp. 8°. Indianapolis, 1902. Repr.from: Med. & Surg. Monit., Indianap., 1902, v. Sutclitfe (John H.). Editor of: Encyclopaedia (The) dioptrica, 1899-1902. Also. Editor of: Dioptric (The) and Ophthalmometry Review, 1901-8. Suter (Ernst). *Ueber einen Fall von prima- rem Plattenzellencarcinom der Lunge mit Ver- hornung. 18 pp. 8°. Zurich, Ulrich & Co., 1905. Suter (F. A.) * Beitrag zur Statistik des Mast- darmcarcinoms, und Uebersicht iiber die haupt- siichlichsten Operationsmethoden. [Basel.] 136 pp. 8°. Ziirich-Oberstrass, H. Fischer, 1900. -----. * Ueber einen autochthonen Paraure- thralstein aus phosphorsaurer Ammoniakmag- nesia. [Geneva.] 23 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1904. Suter (Fritz). * Ueber schwefelhaltige Ab- kommlinge der Eiweisskorper. [Basel.] 21 pp. 8°. Strassburg, K. J. Trubner, 1895. Suter (Gottlieb). * Ueber Polymyositis acuta primaria. 66 pp., 1 1. 8°. Zurich, O. Fussli, 1896. c. Suter (Hermann). * Ein Fall von Emphysema prsecordiale. [Zurich.] 45 pp. 8°. Herisau, Schlapfer & Co., 1905. Suter (William Norwood). Handbook of optics for students of ophthalmology, viii, 209 pp. 12°. New York & London, The Macmillan Com- pany, 1899. ------. The refraction and motility of the eye. For students and practitioners, viii, 17-390 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Bros. & Co., 1903. Sutherland (Arthur) [1842(?)-94]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 125. Sutherland (Charles) [1829-95]. A memoir of the life and services of Joel Barlow Suther- land, first president of the Society of the War of 1812. 15 pp., port. 8°. [n.p.,n.d.] For Biography, see Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. TJ. S. 1895, Cin- cin., 1896, 110-114 (J. V. R. Hoff). Also: J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, Pa., 1905, xvi, 128-132 port. (J. E. Pilcher). Sutherland (G[eorge] Alexander]). On some symptoms associated with the uric acid diathesis in children. 5 pp. 8°. London, 1892. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i. L. B. Collection, cii, 15t>. ------. A clinical lecture on the physics and diagnosis of pleural effusion. 12 pp. 8°. Lon- don, 1893. Repr.from: Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii. L. B. Collection, clxiv, 17. • -----. Clinical observations on scurvy in early life. 43 pp. 12°. London, Adlard & Son, [1897]. Repr.from: Clin. J., Lond., 1897, x. -----. Clinical lecture on a case of chronic me- diastinitis. 8 pp. 12°. London, 1898. Repr.from: Lancet, Lond., 1898, i. ------. The treatment of disease in children, viii, 311 pp. 12°. London, H Frowde, 1907. Also, Editor of: System (A) of diet and dietetics. 8°. London, 1908. Sutherland (Henry) [1842-1901]. Cases of alcoholic insanity in private practice. 6 pp. 8°. London, Barrett Sons & Co., [1880]. -----. Another failure of the lunacy law re- formers. 4 pp. 8°. London, Bailliire, Tindall & Cox, [1882]. Repr.from: J. Psychol. M., Lond., 1882, viii. ------. Remarks upon the section of mental dis- eases in the new nomenclature of the Royal College of Physicians. 4 pp. 8°. London, J. Bale & Sons, 1885. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii. ------. The prevention of suicide in the insane. 12 pp. 8°. London, J. Bale & Sons, [1892]. Repr.from: Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii. ------. The difficulties of prognosis in insanity. 31 pp. 8°. London, J. Bale tfc Sons, 1894. Repr.from: Lancet, Lond., 1894, i. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1642 (J. W. M.). Also: Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 1544. Also: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1901, n. s., lxxii, 585. Also: Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1902, lxxxv, pp. cxii (F. W. Pavy). Sutherland (H[ugh] L[ewis]) [1848- ]. A health report from Bolivar County, pp. 18-21. 8°. Biloxi, [n. d.]. Repr.from: 3. Mississippi M. Ass., Biloxi. Sutherland (Joel Barlow) [1790- ]. Sutherland (C.) A memoir of the life and services of Joel Barlow Sutherland, first presi- dent of the Society of the War of 1812. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Sutherland (John) [1846-1908]. Obituary. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxviii, 1186. Sutherland (J[ohn] F[rancis]). The insani- ties of inebriety from the legislative and medico- legal standpoint. 6 pp. 8°. London, 1898. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii. ------. The jurisprudence of intoxication (the newer and truer conception). 15 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, 1898. Repr.from: Judicial Rev., Edinb., 1898. ------. Recidivism: habitual criminality, and habitual petty delinquency; a problem in soci- ology, psycho-pathology and criminology, x, 115 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Green & Sons, 1908. Sutherland (W[illiam] D[unbar]). Blood- stains; their detection and the determination of their source. A manual for the medical and legal professions, xi (1 1.), 167 pp., 10 pl. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1907. Sutherland (AVilliam G[eorge]). Dispensing made easy; with numerous formula?, and prac- tical hints to secure simplicity, rapidity, and economy. 2. ed., revised, viii, 104 pp. 12°. Bristol, J. Wright & Co., 1905. Sutherland-Gower (Lord Ronald). Cleanli- ness versus corruption. 50 pp. 12°. London, New York, [etc.], Longmans, Green & Co., 1910. Sutherlin (William Keener) [1859- ]. *Ue- ber Kystoskopie und Katheterismus der Urete- ren. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1897. ------. A case of diphtheria in which 498,000 units of antitoxine was given. 4 1. 8°. Shreve- port, La., 1905. Repr.from: Med. Recorder, Shreveport, La., 1905, ii. Sutiagin (Olga). * Statistisch-klinische Mittei- lungen iiber erworbene Herzklappenaffektionen nach Beobachtungen im Ziiricher Kinderspital in den Jahren 1874-1901. 56 pp. 8°. Zurich, A. Markwalder, 1904. SUTKOVSKI. 301 SUTTON. Sulkovski (Iyeronim F[omich]) [1834- ]. Zakon proiskhozluleniya pola i sposob yozdlei- stviya na proiskhozhdeniye muzhskoi i zhen- skol osobi. [Law of origin of sex and method of influencing the sex.] 50 pp., 11. 8°. [S.- Peterburg, 1901.] -----. The same. Das Gesetz der Entstehung des Geschlechts und das Mittel, das Geschlecbt des Individuums zu beeinflussen. 47 pp. 8°. Berlin, II. Kornfeld, 1909. Forms 252. Hft., v. 21, of: Berl. Klinik. Sutro (Emil). The basic law of vocal utterance. 124 pp. 12°. New York, E. S. Werner, 1894. -----. Duality of voice; an outline of original research, vi, 224 pp. 12°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. Sutro (Sigismund). Lectures on the German mineral waters, and on their rational employ- ment for the cure of certain chronic diseases. xxiv, 431 pp., 1 1. 12°. London, J. W. Parker & Son, 1851. Suttel (Georges) [1876- ]. *De l'osteomy6- lite infectieuse aigue de la colonne vertebrale. 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1899, No. 88. Sutter (Alfred). * Ueber Unterschiede in der Form der Skoliosen bei miinnlichen und weibli- chen Individuen. [Zurich. ] 34 pp. 8°. Stutt- gart, 1903. Sutter (Hans). *Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Me- tastasen des primiiren Nierenkrebses. [Bern.] 41 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1902. Repr.from: Arch.f.path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1902, clxviii. Sutter (Jean-Georges-Edmond) [1871- ]. *Fis- tules vaginales de l'uretere. 63 pp. 8°. Lille, A. Masson, 1899, No. 139. Suttinger ( Carolus Fridericus Benedictus ) [1784- ]. See Wendler (Christian. Adolph.) & Suttinger (Car. Frid. Bened.) [inl. s.j. De somno. 4°. Lipsiie, [1805]. Sutton. See Influenza (History, etc., of), by localities. Sutton (Francis). A systematic handbook of volumetric analysis, or the quantitative estima- tion of chemical substances by measure, ap- plied to liquids, solids, and gases. Adapted to the requirements of pure chemical research, pathological chemistry, pharmacy, metallurgy, manufacturing chemistry, photography, etc., and for the valuation of substances used in com- merce, agriculture, and the arts. 4. ed. xi, 471 pp. 8°. London, I. & A. Churchill, 1882. -----. Thesame. 7. ed. xi, 587 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. & A. Churchill, 1896. -----. Thesame. 8.ed. xi,640pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1900. Sutton (Henry Gawen) [18377-91]. Oration de- livered before the Hunterian Society. 22 pp. 12°. London, Pardon .—Bisliop (E. S.) A new deep (?) suture for large operation wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1K96, ii, 741— < liase (YV. B.) Buried su- tures and ligatures; their material and proper use. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlix, 1837-1839. [Discussion], 1904-1906.—Orerar (J. YV.) A form of buried suture. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1898, v, 386.—Cullen (T. S.) Silk- worm gut as a subcutaneous suture in closure of abdom- inal incisions. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxvi, 171-175. Also, Reprint.— dishing (E. W.) The use of deep- buried continuous animal suture in laparotomy and peri- neorrhaphy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix, 525. Also, Reprint.—Basara-Cao (D.) Commenti clinici sugli esiti de' fili profondi emostatici e suturali. Clin, chir., Milano, 1895, iii, 507-520.—Klder (J. M.) The buried suture. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1906, xviii, 23-27.— Folliergill (YV. E.) The subcutaneous catgut suture. J. Obst. & Gynaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1908, xiv, 409-411. 1 pl.—Fuhr (R. II.) The sub-cuticular suture and leaden plate, ns used in the Rotunda Hospital, Dublin. J.Roy Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1906, vii, 178.—Gamboa (R. S.) Ligaduras v suturas metiilicas perdidas. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1909. 3. s., iv, 141-167.—Gauthier (R.) Nouveau point pour les sutures profondessansfilsperdus. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1899, x, 258-260— Harms (J.) Verfahren zur Entfernung tief gelegter Nahte aus Wunden. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Poly- tech., Berl., 1904, xxvi, 131.—Jeannel. Des ligatures et des sutures metalliques perdues. Arch. med. de Tou- louse, 1904, x, 385; 422; 441. Also: Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1904, xiii, 385-417. Also: Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1906, xii, 73-86.—Johnson (A. E.) On ligatures and buried sutures, with special reference to catgut. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 1074-1077.—Kane (E. O'N.) A removable buried suture. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1901-2, v, 277.— Kline (R. R.) Buried suture with fistula.'. South. M. & S., Chattanooga, 1904, ii, 188.—Kirstein. Zur Tech- nik entfernbarer versenkter Nahte unter besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Bassininaht. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1909, xxxvi, 6-10.—Kiister. Die Silberdraht- naht als percutane Tiefennaht. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1906, lxxx, 252-265.—Lambotte (A.) Sur la suppression des fils perdus dans les sutures etagees. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers, 1899, 19-26. — Liony- year (H. YV.) The present status of the buried ani- mal suture in abdominal and gvnecic surgerv. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids. i895, xix, 287-305.— fflcOavin (L. TI ) A new form of removable deep su- ture for the prevention of stitch sinuses. Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 1115-1117— lliircy (H. O.) The buried animal suture: itsvalueinasepticsurgerv. DominionM.Month., Toronto, 1903, xxi, 79-100. Also, Reprint. -----. The buried tendon suture. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1895-ii, xxxiv, 166. -----. The technics of the buried suture. Tr. South. Surg. & Gvnec. Ass. 1895, Phila., 1896, viii, 243- 252. Also: N. York M. J., 1896, lxiii, 12-15. Also, Reprint. -----. The suturing of wounds; the advantages of the absorbable suture buried in aseptic wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 952-955.—Milton (F. R. S.) A form of removable deep suture. Lancet, Lond., 1903, i, 1585.— ITlinervinl (R.) Vorschlag zu einer ausziehbaren ver- senkten Naht. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi,585- 589.—Noble (C. P.) Remarks on the use of the buried permanent suture in abdominal surgery. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, ix, 756-761. [Discussion], 789-793. Also, Reprint— Parlavecchio. Di un modo facile di applicare suture profonde amovibili. Bull. d. Soc. Lan- cisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1900, xx, 234-236.— Perassi (A.) Inconvenienti tardivi della seta usata nelle suture pro- fonde. Gior. med. d.r. esercito, Roma, 1899, xlvii, 706- 708.—Bollet(E.)& Commandenr (F.) Delasuture intra-dermique. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1896, v,24-28.— 03 SUTURES. SUTURES. Sutures (Buried). Sehiiehter (M.) A bor alatti varrat. [Thesubcutane ous suture.] Gyogyaszut, Budapest, 1899, xxxix. 822-824.— Silberberg. Zur AnlegungversenkterDrahtnahte auf mechanischem Wcge. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1902, xxxi, pt. 1. 203-206.—Whitelord (0. H.) The buried unabsorbable ligature and its sequelae. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 191.—IVitzel (O.) Silber- kautschukseide an Stelle des silbordruhtes zur versenk- ten Naht. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, xxxiii. 937- 939.—Woolmer (S. L.) A new deep suture. Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 889. Sutures (Catgut). See, also, Catgut; Sutures (Materials for). Chabkaxd (M.) *Le catgut; influence dela sterilisation et de la conservation sur ses pro- prietes physiques. S°. Montpellier, 1910. Claudius (Al.) Unders0gelser over jodkat- gut et indlteg i katgutsp0rgsmaalet. 8°. K0- benhavn, 1906. Deschamps (H.) *Du catgut. Catgut anti- septique. Catgut aseptique. 8°. Paris, 1905. Jacobi (O.) * Experimentelle Beitrage zur Katgutsterilisation. 8°. Gottingen, 1897. Saul (E.) * Untersuchungen iiber Catgut- Desinfektion. 8°. Berlin, 1894. Also, in: Arch, f.kiin. Chir., Berl., 1896, Iii. 98-119. Also, in: Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ. Berl., 1896, x, 167-188. Abbott (A. W.) Iodized cat-gut. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1904, vi, 371-373. — Anuiriyeiff" (A. A.) Nleskolko zamlechaniy ob iod-ketgutie, kak materialie dlya shvov vginekologii. [ L >< 1 i 11 e catgut as a suture ma- terial in gynecology.] Russk. Vrach, s.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 1185.—Ball (C. A.) Method of preparing steri'ised cat- gut. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1466.—Bardy (A.) Ste- rilisation du catgut a l'alcool. Gaz. d. h6p.. Par., 1899, lxxii, 907-909—Bartletl (W.) A simple heat method of sterilizing and storing catgut: preliminary report. In- terstate M. 71., St. Louis. 19U5, xii, 270-272. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1168. Also, transl.: Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1905, xxxii, 397-399.—Beale (P. T. B.) & Clark (J.) Iodised catgut. Med. Press 6'.»-273.—Bauber (J. H.) The sterilization of catgut bv drv heat. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 1055.—Bebuchy (E.) Sur les catguts. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1901, 6. s , xiv, 151-162.—Bee (P.) Unabsorbed catgut ligatures. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 263—Blckle (W. S.) Dry iodine catgut. Ibid., 1910, i, 134.—Bodge (W. T.) Iodized catgut. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1906, v, 493-495.—Eastman (B. L.) Note on the sterilization of catgut bv boiling in olive oil. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xx, 56-58.—Eaton (C. W.) Current opinion as to catgut. Tr. Am. Inst. Ho- mceop., Phila., 1896, 453-479. — Elsberg ( C. A.) A preliminary report on a new and simple method of sterilizing catgut. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lvii, 760- 762. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900, xxvii, 537-541. -----. A new and simple method of sterilizing catgut by boiling; also a new method of sterilizing sponges by boiling; an application of a well known chem- ical principle to the sterilization of materials for surgical operations. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1901,11. s., i, 137-142.— Everett (H. H.) A preliminary report of a simplified method of preparing catgut. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1906, n. s., xxv, 426-429.—Fabris (F.) Catgut Claudius. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 1247-1249.—Frederick (C. C.) Theuseof catgut insurgeryand theidealmethod of preparing it. Tr. N. York M. Ass., N. Y., 1898, 396-402. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1899, xxxix, 335-310.—Fuehs (H.) Ueber .Jod-Katgut. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901. li, 1297-1299.—FyodoroflT (V. P.) K voprosu o sterilizatsii ketguta. [Sterilization of catgut.] Russk. Vrach, s.-Peterb., 1902, i, 1023; 1089; 1118—Garratt (J. M.) A rapid and easy method for the sterilization of cat- gut ligature and suture material. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, v, 1028.—Gelnats (V. N.) Ob obezplozhivanii ketguta. [On the sterilization of catgut.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1895, xvi, 1401; 1429.—Gerken ( N. A.) O primlenenii v khi- rurgii strunnikh nitel. [Catgut in surgerv.] Svezd ros- siysk.kbirurg. 1900, Mosk.,1901,i,31—Giaiinettasio(N) Sulla sterilizzazione del catgut col metodo di Claudius. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 164.—Goldspolm (A.) The preparation of catgut bv formalin and boiling. Chi- cago M. Recorder, 1897, xiii,'322-328.—Oriinl'eld (R. L.) Ueber Silbercatgut. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1902, xx, 577-583.—Guerbet (M.) Sterilisation des cat- guts a la vapeur de chloroforme. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1902, 6. s., xvi, 595-598.—Halm (J.) Zur Katgut- frage. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1896, xxiii, 945-951.— Haist (().) Ist das nach Hofmeister priiparirte Catgut steril? Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1908-9, lxxxviii, 1044- 1052.—Hallion & Carrion. Sur l'epreuve bacterio- logique du catgut. Pressem6d., Par., 1904, ii,803.—Har- rington (C.) A simple method for the sterilization of catgut. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1898, n. s„ cxv, 544-549. Also, Reprint.—Hedlund (E.) & (larholni (P.) Ett par anmiirkningar med anledning af Dr. Clarholms uppsats om sterilisering af katgut genom kokning i apso- lut alkohol. [Two observations on Dr. Clarholm's trea- tise on sterilizing catgut bv boiling in absolute alcohol.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1907, 2. f., vii, 290-291.—Heerl'ordt (C. F.) Untersuchungen iiber Catgut mit Anwendung der vorderen Augenkammer als Impfstelle. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1908, lxxxv, 139-186.—von Herflf(0.) SUTURES. 304 SUTURES. Sutures (Catgut). Zur Frage der Katgutsterilisation. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1296. -----. Cumolcatgut oder Jod- catgut. Zentralbl. f. Gvnak., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 1231- 1238. -----. Zur Catgutfrage. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 1337-1339. — Herhold. Trockcnes Jod- Catgut. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 2052-2054. -----. Trockenes Jodkatgut fiir den Folgegebrauch. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, xxxvi, 259-262. -----. Eine Vereinfachung der Her- stellung des trockenen Jodkatguts. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 1313. —von Hippel(R) Zur Frage der Katgutsterilisation. Klin.- therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1903, x, 1145-1147. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1903, xliv, 1879—Hirst (B.C.) A method of preparing catgut. Tr. Sect.Gynec. Coll. Phys. Phila., N. Y., 1899, v, 21-26. Also: Am. J.Obst.,N. Y.,1899,xxxix,310-343. [Discussion], 359-362. —Hoft'inann (W.) Ueber ein neues Priifungsverfahren von Sterilkatgut auf Keimfrei- heit. Desinfektion, Monatsschr. [etc.],Berl.,1908,i,2-12.— Hofmeister(F.) UeberCatgutsterilisation durch Aus- kochen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1895-6, xv, 835: xvi, 775. Also [Abstr.l: Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1896, xxiii, 193-195.— Holden (F. C.) Note on the value of macera- tion in ether and in ether-solution of corrosive sublimate for the sterilization of catgut. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xix,591-596. Also, Reprint.—Hornbogen(A.W.) The preparation of catgut. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1907, vi, 506.—Hutehlngs (W. H.) Note on catgut sterilization; a preliminary report. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1911, liv, 693- 695.—llyin (A. J.) K voprosu o bistrotie razsasivaniya ketguta v razlichnikh tkanyakh. [The rapidity of ab- sorption of catgut by various tissues.] Russk. chir. arch., S.-Peterb., 1908, xxiv, 815-848.—Isaia (A.) Nuovo me- todo di sterilizzazi ne del catgut merce 1' isotachiolo. Policlin., Roma, 1906, xiii, sez. prat.,97-99.— Ivensen(K. K.) Primlenenive catgut'a v khirurgii. [Catgut in sur- gery.] Svezd ros'sivsk. khirurg. 1906, Mosk., 1907, vi, 122- 126. — Jellett ( H. ) A modification of Dr. Fowler's method of sterilising catgut. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii,379.— Jewett (C.) Catgut sutures. Brooklyn M.J., 1899, xiii, 582— Johnson (F. W.) I. K. I. method of sterilizing catgut. Boston M. & S. J., 1905, ciii, 161-163.—Johnson (J.T.) Is catgut preferable to silk in abdominal surgery? Am. J. Obst.N. Y.,1908,lvii, 438-440.— Johnston (C. H.) Sterilization.of catgut. Ibid., 1895, xxxi, 505-510.—Ka- rewski. Uebergebrauchsfertigesdauerndsterilesasep- tisches Catgut. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 661-664. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl.med.Gesellsch.(1906),1907, xxxvii, pt. 2,191-201. [Discussion], pt. 1,105-110.—Keen (W. W.) The sterilization of catgut bv the Jefferson method. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxvii, 49-52.—Kelly (H. A.) Catgut sutures and ligatures. Med. News, N.Y., 1898,lxxiii,293.— Kendirdjy. Nouveau procede de sterilisation du cat- gut. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 201.—Klioliuogoroff(S. S.) Ketgut pri operatsiyakh na promezhnosti i na matochnol sheikle. [Catgut in operations upon the perinaeumand cervix uteri.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1895, ix, 64-76.—Klliani (O. G. T.) Sterilized catgut in a convenient and portable form. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xiv, 621. Also, Reprint.—Knick (W.) Bauchdecken- naht und Bruchnaht mit Steril-Katgut. Therap. Rund- schau, Berl., 1910, iv, 65-67.—Kofend (A.) Ueber Kat- gutsterilisation. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, ix, 188.— Kossmann (R.) Zur Behandlung des Catgut. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 217.—Krlvoshei'n (M. P.) K voprosu o sterilizatsii ketguta sukhim zharom. [Steri- lization of catgut by dry heat.] Russk. Vrach. S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 1179.—Kronlg. Ueber Sterilisation des Katgut. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1894, xviii,650-653. -----. De- monstration von fabrikmiissig sterilisirtem Katgut. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f.Gynak., Leipz., 1901,ix,525.— Knlin(F) Katgut vom gesunden Schlachttier. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 2018-2020. -----. Steril- Rohkatgut. Ibid., 1907,liv,2483. -----. Katgut steril vom Schlachttier, frisch mit Argentum oder Jodidenbehandelt. Wien.klin.Rundschau,1907,xxi,167-169.-----.Fabrikation des Sterilkatgut s (Kuhn). Verhandl.d. Gesellsch .dcutsc h. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 112. -----. Die Abstufung der Resorbierbarkeit ein Wesent- liches in der Catgutfrage. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xxxv, 1503. -----. Zur Catgutfrage. Ibid., 1909, xxxvi, 1569-1574. -----. Die Jodierung des Katgut in ungedreh- tem Zustande. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1909, 361. Also: Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1910, xxxv, 572-574. -----. Catgut redivivum. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1909, lix, 21- 27. -----. Die Edelmetalle (Gold. Platin, Si 1 her) in der Katgutfrage. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1909, Leipz., 1910, lxxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 114. -----. Katgut, steril vom Schlachttier, vor dem Drehen mit Jod oder Silber behandelt. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, civ, 345-364. — Kuznetski ( D. P.) Nle- skolko slov ob obezplozhivanii catgut'a. [On sterili- zation of . . .] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 608.— Kyle (D. B.) The full effect of fluids on the strength of catgut. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1892, 3. s., viii, 305—L.O- vrich (J.) A catgut-keszites egy m6dja. . [A method of preparing catgut.] Gynaekologia, Budapest, 1905, 203.— L.uea*-Chainpionnlfere. La preparation du catgut. Sutures (Catgut). Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 284- 286.—MacClure (T. R.) Catgut prepared with collar- golum and argyrol. Detroit M. J., 1908, viii, 243-245. -----. Silvcrized catgut, the argvrol method. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1908, xlviii, 769-771.—Me Bonald ( E.) An improved method of preparing catgut ligatures; pre- liminary communication. Am. J. Surg.. N. Y., 1910, xxiv, 129-131. Also, transl.: Deutsehe med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 407.—.McLaren (A.) The best method of the sterilization of catgut. Am.Gynsec& Obst. J., N. Y.. 1895, vi, 313-316.— Marianl (C.) Risul- tati clinici sopra 1' uso di un catgut preparato in un modo estremamente semplice. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1903, xxiv, 690. Also: Policlin., Roma, 1902-3, ix.sez. prat.,848-850.— Marre(F.) Catgut for surgerv; how it is manufactured. Scient. Am. SnppL, N. Y., 1908, lxvi, 346.—Martina I A.) Die Katgutsterilisation nach M. Claudius. Deutsche Zt- schr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1903-4, lxx, 140-174.—Martini (V.) Sulle cause delle suppurazioni prodotte dal catgut. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1899, 4. s., xi, 435-451. Also: Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1899, Roma, 1900, xiv, 499-516.—Mas y Guindal (J.) La asepsia del catgut. Rev. de san. mil. y Med. mil. espafi.. Madrid, 1907, i, 321-328.— Meinert. Eine sichere Catgutnaht fiir die Emmet'sche Operation. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1888, Koln, 1889, lxi, 163.— Menciere (L.) Ligatures non resorbables et ligatures resorbables; procede pratique pour conserver le catgut sterilise a 120° indefiniment et rigoureusement aseptique. Bull. med.. Par., 1898, xii, 165-168—Menge. Intrapcri- toneale Ligamentverkurzung mit ausschliesslicher Ver- wendung von Catgut als Fixationsmaterial. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. (1904), 1905, 46-54.— Menonl (C.) Contributo clinico all' uso del catgut all' iodio in chirurgia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 168.— Merlin. Procede pratique pourobtenir du catgut et de la soie parfaitementaseptiques. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1898, xxxi, 188-190.—Mesnard (A.) Sutures au catgut; entre-croisement des fils en canevas dans les plaies avec perte de substance de la trachee et du larynx. Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhinol., Par., 1900, iii, 378-383.— Miller (G.B.) The sterilization of catgut. Johns Hop- kins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1900, xi, 225-229.—Mindes. Benzin-Jodcatgut. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 1359.—Minervini (R.) Zur Catgutfrage; experimen- telle Untersuchungen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, liii, 1-52.—Monod. Sur la sterilisation du catgut. Bull, etmem. Soc. dechir.de Par., 1906, n. s., xxxii, 426 — Monzardo (G.) Seta, catgut, ed uncini di Michel. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 1594-1596.—Moriarta (D. C.) Preparation of cumol catgut. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1904. iv, 223-225.—Morison i A. EA A new method of preparing catgut. Northumberland & Durham M. J., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1899, vii, 35.—Morris (R. T.) Something right about catgut. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1897, xvi, 495-497.—Moschcowitz (A. V.) Claudius' catgut; a new and effective method for its sterilization. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxv, 772. -----. Dry iodine catgut. Mt. Sinai Hosp. Rep. 1903-1, N. Y., 1905, iv, 206-213.—Moty. Sterilisation du catgut. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 670.—Moynihan (B. G. A.) The sterilisation of catgut. Lancet. Lond, 1902. ii, I486.— Mundell (D. E.) Chromicized catgut ligatures. King- ston M. Quart., 1896-7, i, 103-105.—Nancrede (C. B.), Waldron (F. R.) & Tenney [C. F.) Apreliminary note on the sterilization and absorbability of catgut. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1905, iv, 511-517.—Neel'(F. E.) Some observations on the use of fine chromic catgut. Festschr. z. 40jahr. Stiftungsfeier d. Deutsch. Hosp., N. Y., 1909, 387-392.—Orlandl (¥..) Considerazioni sulla reazione che si provoca nei tessuti colla seta e col catgut. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1895, xlvi. 257; 277—Paolini (A.) II catgut sterilizzato della Farmacia centrale militare di Torino. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1905, liii, 433- 435.—Parker (R.) The preparation of catgut for sur- gical purposes. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, i, 1036.—Pear- son iC. Y.) On the uses of catgut in surgery, with spe- cial reference to iodine catgut and iodine formalin cat- gut. Ibid., ii, 1792-1794.—Perez (G.) Sulla sterilizza- zione del catgut; nuovo metodo di sterilizzazione merce il fluorurod' argento (tachiolo). Policlin., Roma, 1903. x, sez. chir., 91; 118.—Petit (A.) Sur les catguts. J. de pharm. et chim.. Par., 1905, 6. s., xxi, 297-299.-Plcqiic (L.) A propos du catgut. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1902. n. s., xxviii, 62; 75. ■-----. Sterilisation du catgut, Ibid., 1906, n. s, xxxii, 145.—Poppert (P.) Ueber Eiterung durch keimfreies Catgut. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxn, 767-769. —:—. Zur Frage der Katguteiterung. Centralbl. f. ( nir., Leipz., 1896, xxiii, 620.—Kayevskl (P. A.) O sterili- zatsii strunnik nitel. [On sterilization of catgut.] Khi- rurgia, Mosk., 1897, i, 467-491.—Bepin (C.-C.) Me- thode nouvelle de sterilisation et de conservation du catgut. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1894, m, 3/7-383. -----. Un procede sur de sterilisation du catgut. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1894, viii, 170-177.-Bicher (A. J.) On the sterilization of catgut. Am. Mea.- Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1896, ix, 180.—Riddell (J. S.) On SUTURES. 305 SUTURES. Sutures (Catgut). iodine-spirit catgut. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 809.— Bobson (A. W. M.) A simple and effectual method of sterilising catgut. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 874. Also: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1902, ii, 974—Bossier. Zur Katgutfrage. Therap. Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1909, iii, 609-611.—Rouftart (E.) De la sterilisation du catgut par la chaleur seche. J. de chir. et aim. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1905, v, 201; 239.—Rousseau (E.) Recher- ches sur la sterilisation des catguts. Union pharm., Par., 1902, xliii, 554-556. — Salkindsohn. Zur Frage der Catgutsterilisation. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1904, xxxi, 58.—Saul (E.) Zur Catgut-Frage. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1896. xxxiii, 942:1897, xxxiv, 101.—Sehaet- ter (R.) Ueber Catgutsterilisation. Ibid., M\i; 695; 743; 758. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1896), 1897, xxvii, pt. 2, 186-2-1—Schmidt (F.) O sukhozhilnikh nityakh v khirurgicheskoi praktikle, v sravnenii s ket- gutom. [On threads from tendons in surgical practice, as compared with catgut.] Vrach, St. Peterb., 1894, xv, 1210-1212. — SchtiHer (M.) Ueber Hitze-Sterilisation des Katgut. Aerztl. Prakt., Hamb., 1894, vii, 817-823.— Senn (N.) Ideal catgut sterilization. J. Am. M. Ass. Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 1219. Also: Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1S97, viii, 1-4. -----. Iodized catgut. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 817. Also. Reprint. -----. Tendon tissue versus catgut. Transvaal M. J., Johannesburg, 1906-7, ii, 252-257—Singley (J. D.) The simplest method of preparing reliable catgut. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1910-11, xiv, 13.—Sirtori (0.) Di alcune espe- rienze sopra il catgut. Arte ostet., Milano, 1906, xx, 235- 245. —Sitkovski (P. P.) Obrabotka ketguta parami ioda. [Treating catgut with iodine vapors.] Med.Obozr., Mosk., 1911, lxxv, 535-512—Smedley (N.J.) The supe- riority of catgut preserved in alcohol for sutures and ligatures. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1909, xiii, 26-29.—Smith (M.) The treacherousness of catgut in abdominal surgery, with report of case. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1903, 493-495.—SnegulreiF'(W. F ) Ueber ein resorbirbares Naht- und Ligaturmaterial. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 692.—SoboIelf(L. V ) O dublenom catgut'Ie. [On tanned catgut.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix,43.—Solov6ff (P. D.) K vo- prosu o prigotovlenii i primlenenii k khirurgii i gineko- logii iodnavo ketguta. [Preparation and use in sur- gery and gvnecology of iodine catgut.] Russk. chir. arch., S.-Peterb., 1905, xxi, 163-175.—Steward (F. J.) A note on formalin iodine catgut. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, ii, 932.—Stlch (C.) Zur Catgutsterilisation. Zen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, xxxiii, 1209-1214.—Stlnson (J. C.) Preferable method of sterilization and storage of cat- gut. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1895-6, xxviii, 11.—Stone (I. S.) The best method of sterilizing catgut. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 785. -----. Formalinized cat gut. Nat. M. Rev., Wash., 1897-8, vii, 45-47.—Stone (W. J.) Formoi-iodine, a modified Claudius method for the preparation of catgut. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1904, lxvi, 777.— Szili (J.) Egy idealis varr6anyag; a Schmidt-fele jod- catgut. [An ideal suture material; the Schmidt iodo- catgut.l Sebeszet, Budapest, 1907, 67-70. Also, transl.: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 621.—Tan ton (J.) Note sur un procede simple, pratique et peu couteux de sterilisation du catgut. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1905, xlvi, 377-382.—Thoinalla (R.) Ueber cine vollkommen antiseptische Xiih>eide und antiseptisches Catgut. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1848, xxxv, 334.—Tri- ollet (J.) Le catgut. J. de med. de Par., 1898, 2. s., x, 547. -----. A propos du catgut. Ibid., 1902, 3. s., xiv, 129. Also: Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1902, xv, 149- 153. -----. Catgut sterilised Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 239. -----. Nouveau dispositif pour la sterilisation du catgut a l'autoclave. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1904, ix, 223-226. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1901, lxxvii, 358. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1904, 2. s., xvi. 206 — Vallinkoski (V.) Kumooli-katgutista. [Catgut sutures.] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1901, xvii, 247- 249.—Van Hook (W.) The ammonium sulphate method of sterilizing catgut. Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxiv, 934.—White (C. S.) Iodized catgut. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1904, xlix, 605-608. [Discussion], 700. Also, Reprint.— Whitel'ord (C. H.) Iodine-spirit catgut. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 866.—Woitlie. Bakteriologi- sche Cntersuehungen zur Katgutfrane. Med. Klin., Berl.,1909, v, 467-969.—Aarotsinski ( L. F.) O primle- nenii iod-catgut'a v khirurgii. [Iodine catgut m sur- gery.] Med.Obozr.. Mosk., 1904, lxii, 565-568.—Xajaez- kowski (A.) O bakteryach katgutu i jego wy.jala- wianiu. [Les bacteries du catgut et la sterilisation de celui-ci. Res., pp. xxxv-xxxix.] Przegl. chir., War- szawa, 1894-5. ii, 319-345, 1 pl.—Kliiimcr f J.) Claudiuv katgut. [Claudius catgut.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1904, xliii, 1127; 1142; 1173. Sutures (Cmnlal). See Cranium, (Sutures of). vol xvii. 2d series---20 Sutures (Materials for). See, also, Catgut; Sutures (Catgut); Sutures (Silver). Dorveaux (P.) Historique du crin de Flo- rence. 8°. Poitiers, 1909. Elmiger (F.) * Ueber Leinenzwirn als Un- terbindungs- und Nahtmaterial. 8°. Basel, 1889. Ishiguro (T.) The whale tendon suture. 8°. [New York, 1880.] Alcksinski (A. S.) Obiknovenniya lnyaniya nitki dlya khirurgicheskavo shva vzamien sholka. [Ordinary linen thread instead of silk forsurgieal suture.] Khirur- gia, Mosk., 1898, iii, 289-294— Aliis (O. H.) The non- absorbable suture and ligature. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1908, xlvii, 758-760.— Angeliui (A.) Contributo alia sutura ossea metallica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 1601.— Arangino (L.) Sull' uso del peritoneo parietale per materiale di sutura e legatura. Clin, chir., Milano, 1895, iii, 356-360.—Astrue (A.) Sur les fils chirurgicaux; co- efficients de traction et d'elasticite; presentation des fils chirurgicaux aseptiques. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1906, 6. s., xxiv, 433; 494. Also: Montpel. med., 19C6, xxiii, 417-427.—Baldwin (J. F.) New suture material. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 1671.—Barker (A.E.J.) A short note on the use of linen sewing-machine thread for ligatures and sutures. Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 1465.— JBaronl (E.) Classificazione razionale della seta greg- gia per sutura. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1905, 4. s., xi, 173-184.—Bartlett (W.) The prophylactic use of filigree in infected wounds of the abdominal wall. Il- linois M. J., Springfield, 1908, xiv, 271.—Benndorf (R.) Silkwormgut zur Fasciennaht bei Laparotomien. Alte u. n. Gvnaek. . . . Franz Ritter v. Winckel zur Feier . . ., Miinchen, 1907, 63-79.—Blain (A.W.).jr. On the use in surgerv of tendons of the Ardeida? and Gruida. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1905, n. s., xxi, 708-710.— Blank (T.) Plaster suture. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1896, x, 43.—Bocchla (I.) Ricerche batteriologiche sulla flaccidezza del baco da seta. Boll. d. Soc. med. di Parma, 1908, 2. s., i, 44-53.—Bonamy (R.) De l'emploi du fil de lin en chirurgie pour les ligatures et sutures. Clinique, Par., 1907, ii, 185-187.— Borszeky (K.) A sebeszeti varroanyagokrol. [The material of sutures used in surgery.] Orvostud. ertek. gviijt. Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1906, u. f., vii, 611-650'.—Bra un (H.) Ueber das chirurgische Naht- und Unterbindungsmaterial. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900 xlvii, 498; 538. [Discus- sion], 377.—Bndde (T.) Ueber die chemische Unter- suchung chirurgischer Nahseide. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Bed., 1906, xxxv, 291-301. Also [Abstr.]: Apoth.- Ztg., Berl., 1906, xxi, 465.—Cathcart (C. W.) On the use of balls of catgut (or silk) for ligatures. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1897, i, 625-628.—ChastenetdeGery. De la possibility d'utiliser la peau de certains poissons, tels que l'anguille et le congre, pour la preparation des fils chirurgicaux resorbables. [Rap de E. Kirmisson.] Bull. Acad.de med., Par., 1910,3.s., lxiii, 504-508.—Chlumsky. Ueber eine neue Magnesiumnaht. Wien. klin. Rund- schau, 1900, xiv, 1019.—Congdon (C. E.) Suture and ligature material. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst, & Gynec. 1904, N. Y., 1905, xvii, 240-250. Also: Am. J. Ob.-d;., N. Y., 1405, li, 47-57.—Cullen ( T. S.) Silkworm gut as a subcutaneous suture in closure of abdominai incisions. Ibid.,. 1897, xxxvi, 171-175. Also, Reprint—Dandois (R.) Etude sur le materiel a ligatures et a sutures. Rev. med. de Louvain, 1910,81-89.—l>aniels(C. M.) Theuseof horse hair in surgery. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Rep. 1894, Chi- cago, 1895, 90-95.—Desibsses (P.) Le crin de Florence. Presse med., Par., 1905, annexes, 414.—Desmond. Method of preparing kangaroo tendons for surgical ope- rations. Australas, M. Gaz., Sydney, 1898, xvii, 96-98.— DorII". De J'emploi, en chirurgie, du fil impermeable a lacelluloide. Bull. Soc. beige degy.iec. etd'obst., Brux., 1901-2, xii, 17-20.—Goelet (A. H.) To stain silk-worm gut ligatures. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1903, xvi, 370.— Gordon (S. C) Suture and ligature material, absorb- able and non-absorbable. J. Med. & Sc, Portland, 1897-8, iv, 303-307. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1S98, lxxiii, 71-75. Also, Reprint—Greil'e (H.) Rcnnthiersehnenfaden als Naht- und Ligaturmaterial. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 1005-1008. -----. O shvakh iz olenyikh su- khozhilnikh nitel. JSutures from the tendinous fibers of thedeer.] J. akush.i jensk. boliez.,St. I'eterb., 1904,xviii, 761-768. Also: Tcrapiya, S.-Peterb., 1904, i, 88-90.—von I.ubaroll (A. P.) Ueberdie Anfertigungeinesbilligen und fur chirurgische Zwecke ausreichenden Nahtrnate- rials. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1896, xxiii, 1025-1027. -----. O viborle materialadlya khirurgicheskikh shvov. [On thechoiceofmaterialsforsurgicalsutures.] J.akush. l jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1897, xi, 22-33. Also, transl.: Monatschr. f.Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl..1897,v, 213-221.— Guermonprez (F.) Note complementaire sur 1' usage SUTURKS. 306 SUTURES. Sutures (Materials f>r). chirurgical du crin de Florence. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1892, i, 529-534. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1892, vii. 69.—Haegler-Passavaiit (C.) Ueber die Metallnaht mit Aluminiumbronce und fiber eine leicht zu sterilisirende Nahtbiichse. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1S97, xxvii, 143-2U5.—Heidenliain (L.) Ersetzung des Katgut durch Seidc. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 225-230.—Heyder. Leinenzwirn als Unterbindungs- und Nahtmaterial. P>id., 1SS8, xv, 937- 939.—Imbert (J.-M.) Note concernant ! utilisation en chirurgie du fil de "con cu'oc.'' Ann. d'hvg. et de med. colon., Par., 1909, xii, 660-663, 1 pl. — J a klin. Zlaty drat: chirurgickon niti. [Gold th read as surgical sutures 1 Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1908, xlvii, 116-119. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Rev. de med. .tcheque, Prague, 1908, i, 10.— Jones iE.L.) Rat-tail absorbable sutures. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1899, lvi, 203.—Keen (W. W.) A Kosenberger (R C) The surgical use of celluloid thread. Tr. Coll. Phvs. Phila., 1900. 57-60. Also: Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 582. Also, Reprint—K.idler < C. F.) A new material for su- tures and ligatures; tendons from the leg of a crane. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 1519-1522. — Kronig. Zur Wahl des Nahtmaterials. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Ber)., 1900, xxvi, 703; 724. [Discussion], Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. (1899;, 1900, 73_76.—KuhD (F.) Tendonzwirn in auskochbarerVer- packung. Deutsche Prax. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Munchen, 1901, x, 639. — L.eedham-Green (C. A.) The antiseptic action of metallic sutures. ^Practitioner, Lond., 1907, lxxxviii, 372-375, 2 pl. — Lefevre & Le- mairc. Sur la substitution en chirurgie des fils metal- liques "carcasse1' aux crins de Florence. J. demed. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxxviii, 682. — Lombard! (G. L.) & Saeerdote (A.) Un nuovo materiale da sutura e allac- eiatura. Progrcssomed., Torino, 1902, i, 17; 26.—Iiiind- holm (E. M.) A new absorbable suture material. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1901,iii, 538-540.—McArthur (L. L.) Fibres from the tendon of the external oblique muscle as suture material in hernia operations. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1901, xxxiv, 323-325. — Itladlener (M.) Catgut oder unresorbierbares Fadenmaterial. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 1-4.—Marey (H. O.) Kan- garoo tendons. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec, Phila.,1891, iv, 185. Also, Reprint. -----. The animal suture; its preparation and technique of application. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxix, 669-672.— von Mikulicz (J.) Einiges fiber Naht und Nahtmaterial. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 1415; 1463. — i»H- yake (H.) Nahtmaterial mit verzogerter Resorption. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1904, xliii, 561-568. —mor- gan (A. M.) The preparation and uses of kangaroo and wallaby tendons. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1898, xvii, 307.—Morris (R. T.) Sutures and suture material. Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis. 1900-1901, xiv, 57.— Mukhadze (G. M.) Obiknovenniya katushechniya khlopchatobumazhniya niti, kak material dlya khirurgi- cheskavo shva i ligatur vzamlen sholka. [Ordinary spool cotton thread for surgical sutures, instead of silk.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 109: 152.— Okintschitz (L.) Ueber die Verwendung der ent- fernbarenEtagennahtmitBronze-Aluminiumdraht. Zen- tralbl. f. Gynaek., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 41-46.—Paclnottl (G.) Tendini della coda dei grossi topi (Mus decuma- nus) impiegati come materiale di sutura edi allacciatura dei vasi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1893, xiv, 963.—Packard (H.) Suture material in hernia and other operations. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop. 1898, N. Y., 1899, liv, 314-317.— Pagenstecher. Celluloidzwirn, ein neues Nah- und Unterbindungsmaterial. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, therap. BeiL, 26. Also, transl.: Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 351— Pauehet (V.) Materiel de sutures et de ligatures; les meilleurs modes de prepara- tion du catgut. Clinique, Par., 1911, vi, 540.—Pedraja (J.) Material de suturas y su preparaci6n. Siglo med., Madrid, 1909, lvi, 500.—Petersen (F.) Seidenwurm- faden. Festschr. z. Feier. . . Fr. von Esmarch, Kiel u. Leipz., 1893,25-38.—Pichler (R.) Ueber den Werth des Aluminiumbronzedrahtes in der Chirurgie. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, xxviii, 417-419.—Robb (H.) Su- ture materials and methods in celiotomv. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1*97-8, xiii, 226-231. Also, Reprint. -----. The comparative advantages of catgut and silver wire su- tures for closing the fascia after abdominal incisions. Surg., Gvnec. & Obst., Chicago, 1907, v, 193-195. [Discus- sion], 241-245. Also: Tr. Gvnec. Soc, Phila., 1907, xxxii, 140-146. Also: Cleveland M. J., 1907, vi, 294-296. Also, Reprint— Rozenberger (F. O.) Propitannaya tsel- lyuloidom lnyanaya nitka, kak material dlya khirurgi- cheskavo shva; sposob prigotovleniya i fizicheskiya svof- stva. [Linen thread infiltrated with celluloid, as mate- rial for surgical sutures; method of its preparation and physical qualities 1 Syezd rossiysk. khirurg., Mosk.. 1911, x, 82-95. — Salty koft' (N.) Versuche iiber mit Wachs iiberzogene Seideiifiiden. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, lix, 201-206—Schiller (A.) Zur Verwen- dung ungedrehter Kennthiersehnenfaden als Naht-und Ligaturmaterial. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 1555-r>>.— Senn (N.) Remarks accompanying the ex- Sutures (Materials for). hibition of some new suture materials. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, 1905, xvii,,547. -----. Tendon tissue versus catgut ligatures. Surg., Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1906, iii, 734-739. Also: J. Surg.. Gynec. & Obst, N. Y., 1907, xxix, 250-255. Also: Mil. Surgeon, Carlisle, Pa , 1907, xx, 159-170. Also, Reprint — Sneglretf ( V. F. ) Noviva danniya o primienenii shvov iz olenyikh zhil. [New data on the application of sutures of deer tendons.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1900, xiv, 3-9. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1900. xxiv, 243-247. -----. Sur l'emploi, pour les sutures, du tendon de renne. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. sect, de gvnec. Par.. 1900, 66-77.—SoioterotF(S.) Frauenhaarals Material tiirdie Gefassnaht. Zentralbl. f.Chir., Leipz., 1911, \\\\in, 727.— Speier(H.) Silkworm-gut in the tissues for neailv three years. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 177.—Stukhov- ski (>".) Metallicheskiy shov i ligatura. [Metallic suture and ligature.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1907, xiv, 907-910.—Stettiner (H.) Ueber Nahtmaterialien und Nahtmethoden bei Coeliotomieen; Sammelbericht Mo- natschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1896, iv, 240-247.— Stieh (K.) Zur YVerthbestimmung des chirurgischen Nahmateriales. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 675.— Sutures tendineuses. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1*99, xiii, 33— Thiery (P.) Sur les fils metalliques destines a la suture osseuse. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1906, n. s., xxxii, 873. — Triollet (J.) Le crin de Florence. J. de med. de Par., 1905, 2. s., xvii, 192.— Tuttle (A. H.) Animal ligatures and sutures, their va- riety, preparation, and uses. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 51. Also, Reprint—Verebely (T.) A varr6- anyagok a szervezetben. [Suture materials in the organ- ism] Orvostud. ertek. gvujt Magv. orv. Arch., Buda- pest, 1906, u. f., vii, 489; 567, 1 pl—Vigezzi (D.) I ten- dini della regione coccigea del cane; usati come mate- riale per le suture e le allacciature dei vasi in chirurgia. Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. 2, 460-462.—Weder- liake. Herstellung der Silberkautschukseide. Zen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, xxxiii. 939. -----. Theoreti- sches und Praktisches fiber unser Fadenmaterial. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii. 2393; 2446.—White!ord (C. H.) Why silk? [for ligatures and sutures]. Lancet, Lond., 1908, i, 1109-Witherspoon (T. C.) Relative merits of catgut and silk in surgerv. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1894, lxvii, 275-278. Also: Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1895, vii, 127-129.—Zerenin (V. P.) Primleneniyeshvov iz olenyikh sukhozhilnikh nitel v ambulatornol khirur- gicheskoi praktikle. [Application of sutures of deer ten- dons in dispensarv surgical practice.] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v Mcsk. (1900;, 1901, xl, pt. 1, 73-83. Also: Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1900, liv, 468-476. Also: Syezd rossiysk. khirurg. 1900, Mosk., 1901, i, 31-36. Sutures (Metallic). See Sutures (Materials for); Sutures (Silver). Sutures (Silver). See, also, Sutures (Buried); Sutures (Cat- gut). Crede (B.) Silbercatgut und Silberseide. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xxxv, 249-252.—Eastman (J. R.) Silver wire smoothly brazed to the butt of a steel needle a convenient suture for certain plastic operations. Am. Med., Phila.. 1902, iii,55.—Gauthier (R.) Sur l'emploi du til d'argent cable pour les sutures, et des feuilles d'ar- gent laminepour les pansements. Rev.internat.denied. et de chir., Par., 1902. xiii, 347. -----. Fils d'argent tres- ses. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1904, xvii, S20.—Hagher (F. R.) Metallic silver as a suture and dressing. Nat M. Rev., Wash., 1898-9, viii. 486-488.— Harris ( M. L.) The longitudinal silver-wiresuttire" en stage" in the Closure of wounds. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1899, xxxiii. 378-3M. Also, Reprint—Raster. Die Sil- berdrahtnaht als percutane Tiefennaht. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Oesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1906, xxxv, pt. 2, 252- 265.—lie wis (J. S.) Note on silver foil in surgery. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1909, 1, 793-796. 1 pl.—Silver wire as a su- ture in surgery. Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxx, 706. Sutures (Sterilization of). See, also, Sutures (Catgut). Akerblom (N. V.) Eine Methode zum Sterilisieren von Catgut i und Seidel durch Erwarmung in 01. Nord. med. Ark.. Stockholm, 1907, 3. f., viii, afd. 1, no. 1, 1-5.— Bell (W. B.) Nest-spring reels for silk and catgut liga- tures with portable steriliser and container. Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 611.—BertareKi (E. i A Boeehia. Dei vari metodi di sterilizzazione del catgut. Boll. d. soc med. di Parma, 1908, 2. s., i, 160-162.----------1 cb.-r die Sterilisierung des Catguts. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1909, l.Orig., 620-633.—Blondel (R.) La desinfection des lignes de suture par l'alcool. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1896, ix, 368-379. Also: Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1896,lxiii.751-757.—Bourgeois. Desinfection des fils de sutures. Caducee, Par.. 1902, n, 229.—Claudius (M.) Eine Methode zur Sterilisirung SUTURES. 307 SUTURING. Sutures (Sterilization of). und zur sterilen Aufhebung von Catgut. Deutsche Zt- schr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902, lxiv, 4S9-494. — Dandois. FAude surle choix et la preparation des fils a ligatures et a sutures. Rev. med., Louvain, 1892-3, xi, 438-1)2.—lie- bitchy (E.) De la sterilisation des fils pour ligatures et sutures. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1903, xciv, 17-20 — Forgue & Montseret. Etude dynamomcHrique sur les alterations de resistance des tils sterilises par le bouil- lissagc. N. Montpel. med., 1893, ii, 185-188,1 diag.—Gar- maslielt*(V. P.) Sterilizatsiya sholkaiodom. [Sterili- zation of silk with iodine.] Voyenno-med.,I., St. Petersb., 1911, ccxxx, med.-spec pt.,242-247.—Grelfe (G. A.) So- suddlva khrancnivaolenyikh sukhozhilnikh nitel i dru- gikh inaterialov dlya shva i ligaturi v obezplozhennom sostoyanii. [Vessel for keeping deer tendon and other material for suture and ligature in sterile condition.] Med. Obozr., Mosk, 1900, liii, 394-397.—Heerford t (C. F.) Bemaerkninger om suturteknikens betydning for saara- septiken. [The importance of sutural technic for wound asepsis] Hosp.-Tid., Kobenh., 1910, 6. R., iii, 60-71. — HO Itt (H.) Torekvcsek a subeszeti eszkozok, a kotosze- rek 6s a varroanyag csiratlanitasat tokeletesiteni. [Ster- ilization of surgical suturing instruments and suturing material with perfect destruction of germs.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1902, xlvi, 683; 698; 713; 730; 744; 763: 799; 814.— Kronig. Die Verwendung fabrikmassig sterilisirten Nahtmaterialsin der Praxis. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 1746.—Kuhn (F.) Steril-Katgut. Monat- schr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1909, xxx, 488-197.— Kuhn ( F. ) & Bossier ( M. ) Katgut, steril vom Schlachttier, als frischer Darm vor dem Drehen mit Jod oder Silber behandelt. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1907, lxxxvi, 150-223. - Katgut, steril vom Schlachttier, als frischer Darm vor dem Drehen mit Jod oder Silber behandelt. Ibid., 1908, xcii, 185-259. — Lay (E.) Nuovo metodo di sterilizzazione del catgut. Gaz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1911, xiv, 707. — Longuet (L.) La sterilisation du materiel de suture, ligature, sondage, drainage. Progres med., Par., 1906, 3. s., xxii, 17; 49.—MaePherson (W. G.) Antiseptic preparations of catgut and silk; their relation to wound infection. Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, iv, 74-78.—Marey (H. O.) The aseptic animal suture; its place in surgerv. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 381-387. Also: N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1898, xvii, 513-522. Also. Reprint. -----. The ani- mal suture; its value in aseptic surgery. Denver M. Times, 1903-1, xxiii, 53-75.— Minucei (P.) Nuova sea- tola di cristallo per conservare asettica la seta. Clin. chir.,Milano, 1907, xv, 1376-1380.—Nerl (F.) Nuovo pro- cessodi sterilizzazione del catgut mediante il calor secco. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1910, xxi, 43; 70; 97.— Newland (S.) A suture sterilizer. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 1429.—Pozzo (A.) Contributo clinico-sperimen- tale alia sterilizzazione del catgut con alte temperature a secco. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1911, xiv, 755.— Rossi (A.) La iodobenzinaapplicata alia sterilizzazione del materiale di sutura. Morgagni, Milano, 1908, 1, 190- 196.—Saborit (E.) Coutrihucion a la tecnica de la este- rilizacibn absoluta de algunos materiales de ligadura y sutura quirurgicas. Gac. m6d. ciital., Barcel., 1900, xxiii, 425-428.—Schaehner (A.) The sterilization of suture material. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1901, xxxi, 412- 416—Sticher. Ueber Sterilisirung des Nahtmateriales. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1900, xxiv, 1-6.—Turner (G. G.) A note on the sterilization of catgut by heat. Northumberland & Durham M. J., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1907, xv, 130.—Vallack (A. T.) The sterilisation of ligatures and sutures. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1903, xxii.320.—Walters (W. H.) Suturesand theirprepara- tion. Med. Rec. N. Y.. 1906, lxix, 16.— Wederhake. Dauernd steriles Fadenmaterial. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 1953. Suturing (Jfethods and instruments em- ployed in). Albertotti ((r.) Bocchetto portafllo applica- ble al portaaghi nelle suture chirurgiche. 8°. Modena, 1897. Repr.from: Mem. Accad. d. sc, lett. ed arti di Modena, 1897, 3. s., i. Bellati (C.) Di una semplicissima sutura a catena. 8°. Ascoli Pirena, 1895. Daurand (J.) * l)e la suture intradermique; suture celluleuse ou sous-.cutanee de Chassai- gnac. 4°. Li/on, 1896. Deoornoz (P.) *De la suture forcee. 8°. Lyon, 1898. Derozier (J.) *Sur un procede de sutures- encore peu connu: les agrafes de Michel. 8°. Bordeaux, 1904. Suturing (Methods and instruments em- ploijed in). Fleury (P.) * Nouvelle suture dite suture en lacet de corset. 8°. Lyon, 1897. Frappier (0.) * Nouvelle suture de la paroi abdominale. Suture en huit de chiffre de M. Clado. 8°. Paris, 1900. Gobert (M.-G.) *Des sutures continues en chirurgie. 8°. Paris, 1897. Heitz-Boyer (M.) * Essai d'instrumentation et de technique nouvelles de suture. 8°. Paris, 1908. von Nussbaum (J. N.) Eine schmerzlose und unblutige Seeundarnaht. 8°. Miinchen, 1890. Stitches and knots in surgery. 8°. Con- shohocken, Pa., 1903. Vizerie (J.-J.) Quelques considerations sur l'utilite de la suture et sur les moyens qu'em- ploie la nature dans la reunion immediate des plaies. 4°. Paris, 1827. Akerblom (N. V.) Ueber die Knopflochnaht, eine fortlaufende Knotennaht. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1908, 3. f., viii, afd. 1, no. 5, 1-4, 1 pl.—Albertotti (G.) Aghi cavo-fessi per sutura metallica. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1890, v, 235-237. Also, Reprint—Aliis (O. H.) Employment of the needle-holder whenever in surgical operations suturing is required. Tr. Acad. Surg., Phila., 1899, i, 93-98. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxix, 162-166. [Discussion], 263. -----. The non-absorbable suture ligature. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg., 1909, xi, 24-26.— Amat (C.) La suture arterielle. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1903, cxlvi, 162-167.—Angellni (A.) Con- tributo alia sutura dei tendini e dei nervi. Gazz. d. osp.; Milano, 1897, xviii, 263-265—A rapoff (A. B.) O novom sposoble nalozheniya kozhnavo shva. [New method of putting on a skin suture ] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1902, xi, 151-153.—Asch (R.) Schnittfuhrung und Naht. Berl. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 1015-1021. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 1015-1021.— Barth (H.) Stitches. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1909, n. s., lxxxvii, 13.—Benjamin (A. E.) Suture scissors and suture remover in one instrument. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 465.—Bernhard (O.) Ein Hilfsmittel zu raschem undexaktemNahen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1905, xxxii, 689-693.—Billings (B. R.) A simple suture and ligature spool-attachment Lancet, Lond., 1909, ii, 1002.—Blondel (R.) De la desinfection des lignes de suture par l'alcool. J. de med. de Par., 1896, 2. s., viii, 595-599.—Bookman (M. R.) A rapid interlocking suture. Surg., Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1909, ix, 360- 362. —Borchgrevlnk (O.) Surgical knots. Ibid., 1910 x, 530-530.—Braatz (E.) Eine neue Art von Spiit- naht. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 97-100.— Bratnsoii. Un nouvel appareil pour la reunion des plaies. Cong, internat de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. gen., 135-139.—Buchanan (J. J.) Finishing the buttonhole stitch. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1911, xii 78—Butler (W. E.) A lap-suture in abdominal surgerv. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1900, xv, 543-546, 1 pl.— Cammlti Vinel (G.) La sutura incruenta con le agrafes di Michel. Gazz. sicil. di med. e chir. [etc.], Palermo, 1905, v, 333-335. — Cannaday (J. E.) Im- proved method of securing and of suture in approximat- ing edges of skin wounds. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, 1, 41.—Casati (E.) Di una speciale sutura della cute. ' Atti Accad. d. s. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1894-5, lxix, 343. Also: Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1896, 5. s., xxi, 293. — t'ecclierelli. Cause delle suppurazioni circo- scritte e di un nuovo processo di sutura. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1898, Roma, 1899, xiii, p. Iii. _____ Di un nuovo processo di sutura. Clin, chir., Milano, 1899, vii, 169-176. — Chambers (J. E.) The Chambers suture in abdominal surgery. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1905, xviii, 35-37. — Chaput. Les agrafes de Michel en chirurgie abdominale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1902, n. s., xxviii, 805; 787.— Chase (W. B.) Absorbable ligatures and sutures in pelvic and abdominal surgerv. Ann. Gyntec & Prediat, Bost, 1896-7, x, 336-341.—Ci vel (V.) De la suture en 8 de chiffre et dc ses differentes applications. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1902. xi, 1-22.—Clark (J. G.) The Gould stitch. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1908-9, 136.—Colt (G. H.) A surgical silk rack. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 1401 —Cordler (A. H.) A new knot tyer. J. Am. M. Ass.', Chicago, 1893, xx, 148.—Cumston (C. G.) A note on intra-dermic suture. Ann. Gynsec. & Pcediat., Bost, 1896-7, x, 164— Custodio Cabeca. Linhas dc sutura. Rev. portugueza de med. e cirurg. prat., Lisb., 1896-7, i, 245-250—Czerwenka (K.) Ein Nahinstrument mit Seidenbehalter. Aerztl. Polytech., Berl., 1902, 169-171. SUTURING. 308 SUTURING. Suturing (Methods and instruments em- ployed in). Also: Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 944-947.— Dartiii'iies (L.) Etude sur les sutures autoplastiques et sur les sutures a fils temporaires non perdus, appliquees a la cure radicale des hernies et aux laparotomies. Rev. de gynec et de chir. abd., Par., 1900, iv, 693-742.—De- Itlarsl (A.) Sulla solidita delle suture chirurgiche fra aponeurosi. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna. Resoc. (1896), 1897, 26.—Depage. Un nouveau point de suture. J. de chir. et ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1903-4, iii, 197.— Deslbsses (P.) Sutures par agrafage. Pres«e m&L, Par., 1902, i, 475.—I)e Veechl (P.) Nuovo metodo di sutura profonda amovibile per le laparotomie. Saggi di chir. . . giubileo di L. Bruno, Torino, 1894, 93-95, 2 pl.— Dorrance (G. M.) An experimental study of suture of arteries, with a description of a new suture. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xliv, 409-424,13 pl.—Dubard & Abrant. Sur un petit true de suture d'approche, peut-etre inedit Bull, med., Par., 1903, xvii, 254— Dim hump. Nouvelle suture. Loire med., St-Etienne, 1898, xvii, 122.—Dun- can (C. H.) The art of surgical knot-tying. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxiii, 937-940.—Fhreniest (H.) A new knot-tightener. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxiii, 743- 74*.—Eisenberg (J.) Ein neuer einfacher Niihapparat. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 525-527.—Fngels (C. F.) Two original methods of suturing. Chicago M. Times, 1899, xxxii, 165-167.—Fabris (F.) Di una nuova sutura. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 67.—Feld- mann (G.) Ein praktiseher Fadenrahmen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 8*2.—Fleig (C.) Nouveaux pro- cedes de suture vascula ire terniiiKi-terminale; sutures el- liptiques avec ou sans latnbeaux; sutures stomatoi'des. Montpel. med., 1901, xxx, 505-512. Also: Prov.med.. Par., 1910, xxi, 283-287, 2 pl.—Ford (C.) An interrupted stitch by a continuous method. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1896, xxxix, 431-433. Also, Reprint. -----. The mechan- ics of sutures, and a description of original stitches, with a report of illustrative cases. Phila. M. J., 1898, ii, 1123- 1131.—F re und iL.) Ein Instrument zur chirurgischen Naht. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 1182—From- mer (V.) Ein neues Instrument zum NiihenderFisteln und Wunden in beschrankten Hohlraumen. Berl. klin Wchnschr.. 1902, xxxix, 611.—Gangolphe (M.) Nou- veau procededesuturetendineuse. Mem.etcompt. rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1*90), 1891, xxx, pt. 2, 144-147.— Gatti (G.) La sutura cutanea metallica con gli uncini Michel. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1904-5, xix, p. viii.—Gerber (B.) Az elsodleges izom es invarratrol nehany eset kapcsan. [On immediatesuturingof several muscles and tendons, with 6 cases.] Honvedorvos, Buda- pest, 1892, 17. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1892, xxviii, 420.—Gercst. Suture de la peau a l'aide de l'aiguille de Pravaz. Loire m6d., St- Etienne, 1904, xxiii, 224.—Giles (A. E.) A suture sickle. Lancet, Lond., 1902,ii, 161— Gilliam (D. T.) A coapta- tion and imbricating suture for closing the abdominal incision. Surg., Gynec. & obst., Chicago, 1909, viii, 95.— Gloninger (A. B.) The Thiery clamp; a substitute for external sutures. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 917.— Gordon (S. C.) Method of closing laparotomy wounds; sutures, adhesive plaster, clamps; how applied. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1907, xxxii, 132-136.—Grant (T. P.) An external suture. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, Pa., 1904, xv, 87-91. —Graves (S. C.) Observations on wound infection from the use of absorbable etage sutures. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1905, iv, 523-528.— llasiopoff (G.) Un nouveau mode de suture ab- dominale a etages sans fils perdus. Cong, internat. de med. Cr., Par., 1900, sect de chir. gen., 139.— Haughey (W. H.) An ideal suture for the closing of abdominal incisions, cuts on the hands, face and body. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 346.-----. The Haughey suture. Tr. Michigan M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1898, 74-76. — HeUvejs (.1.) Metode til knytning af regte knuder. [Method for tying of genuine knots.] Hosp.-Tid., Kdbenh., p.no.5. R., iii, 209-212.—Henrotay (J.) De la suture intradermique. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1895, lvii, 99-102—von Herff (O.) Serres fines oder Michelsche Klammern? Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 1284.—Hertzka i.I.) ZurTechnik der Klammernaht nach Michel. Ibid.. 1905, Iii, 2374. -----. Fingerfreies Einfadeln. Ibid.. r.iu6, liii, 414.— Hetherington (E. M.) A new ligature carrier. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1907, xxxv, 534—Hofmaiin (A) Zwei Modifikationen der Matratzennaht. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, xxxiii, 10ti2.—Howard (W. It) Anew suture in plastic surgerv. Southwest. M. A S. Reporter, Fort Worth, 1*95-6, i, no. 11, v—liii hotter. Ein Bei- trag zur Anwendung der Laneschen Klammer. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 1168.— Huguier (A.) Comment il faut faire un nueud. Tri- bune'med., Par., 1909, n. s., xii, 103.—Jaeoby (M.) Die Anwendung der Michelschen Klammern bei der Haut- und Dammnaht. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien u. Berl., 1909, xxvii, 561-564.—Jaeoel. Maniere de faire des sutures separees avec un meme fil et une aiguille de Hagedorn. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, Suturing (Methods and instrument* em- ployed in). "496.—James (R. J.) The Chambers abdominal suture. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1906, iv, 203—Jan ho iv ski (W.) DieBleiplattennaht. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1911, lxxv, 629-644.—Jeannel. Methode de Michel; technique operatoire. Prov. med., Par., 1907, xx, 3M; 393. Also: Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1907, xiv, 509-520.— Jonneseo (T.) Nouveaux precedes de sutures abdomi- nales sans fils perdus. Presse med., Par., 1899, ii, 257-261. Also: Compt. rend. Cong, period, internat. de gynec et d'obst 1889, Amst, 1900, iii, 571-5*6.—Juvara (E.) De la suture intradermique. Presse mecl., Par., 1900, ii, 239- 241. -----. Proeedeupentruaoprifirulinsuturaintrader- mica. [Mode of preventing the twisting of an intra- dermic suture] Rev. de cbir., BucurestI, 1909, xiii, 608- 610.—Kirkley (C. A.) Method of closing the abdominal incision by suture. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1907, xxxii, 137-139.—Koblanck. [Ergebniss einer Nahtme- thodej Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1901, xiv, 381.—Koniti (F.) Ueber die Versicherung (Verlotung) unzuverlassiger Nahtlinien an Bauchrand, Harnrohre usw. durch aufgepflanzte Gewebslappen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1909. c, 236-243. -----. Ueber die Verlotung unsicherer Nahtlinien durch freie Autoplastik. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 154-156.—Koppen (A.) Zur Soiitnaht. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 737-739.—Kubo (I.) Eine neue Methode zur Nahtanlegung in tieferen Korperteilen mit einer neuen Nadel. Med. Klin., Berl., 1909, v, 1318.— Klimine 1 (H.) Ueber circulare Naht derGefiisse. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte,, 102-105. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1900, xii, 64-66. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, Ver-Beil.. 82.— Kuliii(F) Ein Infilatorium. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1903, xxx, 200-202.—Kurz (E.) Ein einfacher Niihap- parat. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 753.—van I*ier (E. H.) Vaatnaad. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1909, i, 787-790— Little (E. M.) A new forceps for the removal of stitches. Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 1800.—Liueas-Cliampioniiiere (J.) Sur les instru- ments utilises pour les sutures. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1892, lxiii, 849-*5*.—McMillen (R. M.) A new suture. West Virg. M. J., Wheeling, 1909-10, iv, 90.— Marmorek (A.) Die intracutane Naht. Wien. med. Presse, 1894, xxxv, 1833-1837.—Martin (A.) Nouvelle aiguille a suture. Bull. gen. de themp. [etc.], Par., 212- 214.—Matas (R.) The suture in the surgery of the vas- cular system; remarks on its latest developments and present tendencies. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1905, 245-279—Metcall" (W. F.) Suturing. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1*97, xxi, 278-289.—Mlchaux (J.) A new and original stitch and method of closing the ab- dominal walls and other deep incisions. Tr. M. Sue. Virg. 1902, Richmond, 1903, 192-195. Also: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1902-3, vii, 559.—Michaux (P.) Sur un nouveau procede de suture cutanee par agrafage metallique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1900, n. s., xxvi, 561-565. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1901, 3. s., xiv, 191-195.—Michel (P.) Sur un procede de suture par agrafage de la peau. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. gen., 130-135—Mikhailoff(N. N.) Neprerivniy dvukhetazhnly khirurgicheskiy shov. [Uninterrupted two-storv surgical suture; sewing-ma- chine suture.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1897, i, 285-288, 1 pl.— Miller (J. S.) An improved shot compressor. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xiii, 692. Also, Reprint—Monturiol. Procediment de sutura metalica aplicable a la queilo- rrafia ya la uretrorrafia. An. de med. Butll. mens, de l'Acad. . . . de Catalunya, Barcel., 1911, v, 337-339.— Mori (D.) La sutura cutanea con gli uncini Michel. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1904-5, xix, 71-81. Also: Clin, chir., Milano, 1905, xiii, 389-395,1 pl.—Morris (R. T.) Management of the adipose laver in suturing. Surg., Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1907, "iv. 538.—Naliin (H. L.) A simple and effective knot. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xii, 1347.—IN'assettl (F.) Un nuovo mezzo di sutura in chirurgia. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bo- logna, 1911, 8. s., xi, 365-370.—Noble (C. P.) The half- hitch suture; a new suture for use in anterior colporrha- phy. Tr. Sect Gynec. Coll. Phvs. Phila., N. Y., 1901, vii, 146-151. Also: Am. J. Obst. N. Y., 1902, xiv, 242-245. [Discussion], 250-252.—Payr (E.) Mittheilungen iiber Verwendung des Magnesiums bei der Naht der Blutge- fiisse. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1901, lxiv, 726-740.— Plaff" (O. G.) The best suture. Indiana M. J., In- dianap., 1893-^, xii, 339-341.—Pichevin (R.) Sutures abdominales. Semaine gynec, Par., 1900, v, 97.—Pike (J. B.) A note unon the suture of incisions of the ab- dominal wall In layers without buried sutures. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 967.—Pirovano (A.) Nouveau procede de sutures arterielle et veineuse (procede a lambeauxl. Rev. de chir., Par., 1909, xl, 669-671.—P16sz (B.) Seb- yiirras femkapcsokkal. [Suture with metal clasps.] Allatorvosi lapok, Budapest, 1906, xxix, 2.—Plotuikolr (V.A.) Sluchal primleneniya shva Amman'a. [Casein which Amman's suture was used.] Protok. zasaid .Obsh, SUTURING. 309 SVENDSEN. Suturing (Methods and instruments em- ployed in). Morsk. vrach. v. Kronstadte. 1897-8, xxxvi, 120-122.— Pozzi (S.) Suture intradermique, nouveau procede de suture de la peau. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx. 145-147. -----. Du meilleur mode de sutures abdominalcs. Semaine gynec, Par., 1898, iii, 260-263.— Cfcuain (K. P.) A new, quick, and practical surgical knot. Surg.. Gvnec. & Obst., Chicago, 1909, viii, 300-302,1 pl.—de Cluervain (F.) Zur Verwendung der Tabakbeutelnaht. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 753-757.—Reverdin (A.) Nouvelle suture. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1*9*, n. s.. xxiv. 213-215. Also: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve. 1*98, xviii, 196-199. -----. Un nouveau procede pour enlever les su- tures. Gaz.med.de Par., 1901. 12. *..i, 369. -----. Surun nouveau moven de suture. Hull, et mto. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 984-9*7. Also: Anjou med., Angers, 1902, ix. 77-80— Reynolds (C.B.) A ligature- carrier. J. Am.M. Ass..Chicago, 1909, liii,79*.— Ri<-hard- son (E. H.) A new suture: the double figure-of-eight. Ibid., 1910, liv, 1500.—Rollet (E.) & Commaiideur (F.) De la suture intradermique. Arch. prov. de chir., Par.,1896. v, 21-28. —Rotter. ZurrandstiindigenSehnen- Naht. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 594.— Sabatelli ( N. ) ITna scmplicc ma utile modifi- cazione all' ago rotondo curvo da sutura. Clin. chir., Milano, 1898, vi, 267— Samuel (M.) Ueber eine Modifikation der Haut naht nach Michel. Zen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, xxxiii, 166-168. -----. Ueber Instrumente zum Niihen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910. xxxvi, ,*46.—Sehach- ner (A.) A new carrier for suture material. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii, 214.—Scheuer (H.) Die Technik der chirurgischen Naht. Heilkunde, Berl., 1905, 97; 148.—Schlele. Fingerloses Einfiideln. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii. 2390.—Schoemaker (J.) Eta- gennahtohneverlorneFiiden. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900, xxvii, 377-379.—Sehultze iF.) Die Klemmnaht, eine fremdkorperfreie Naht Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1901, xv, 411-413.—Sehwyzer (A.) A simple method of tying a ligature which is to be removed later. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1903, v, 429-431.—Scudder (C. D.) A new knot-tier. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889, xxxv, 307.— Severeano (C. D.) Sur trois formes de suture en chi- rurgie. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, is;i;i v, 669-673. -----. Suture en zigzag. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, -ect. de chir. gen., 125-129.— Shoemaker (G. E.) scissors for the removal of su- tures. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg., 1908, ix, 132, 1 pl.—Sick (P.) Zur Fascien- und Hautnaht. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 190*, xxxv, 33-37.—Silberberg (J. W.) Eine verbesserte Nahzangc fiir Metallnahte. Ibid., 1902, xxix, 1325-1328—So resi i A. L.) A means of tying knots when one end of the suture is verv short Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1911, xxv, 103.—Stapler (D.) Neue Nahtmethoden mit ausziehbaren Fiiden. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 1105-1110.—Stoyanov (P.-I.) Une suture sans fils perdus dite a la machine acoudre. Presse med., Par., 1899, i, 319.—Thienot (J.) Procede pour faire seul, vite et bien les ligatures et les sutures. Rev. illust de poly- tech. med. et chir., Par., 1899. xii, 225-227.—Tomson (G. I.) O brvushnom shvie. [Abdominal suture.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1899, xiii, 087-691.— Toruireier (F.) Zweifadennaht und Bauchschnitt- schluss. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 800-803.— Tsaconas (S. S.) Une nouvelle suture de la peau, sans fil, apres la laparotomie. Arch, internat. de chir., Gand, 1903-4, i, 518-520. ------. Ai palp; den f0rste byjelp ved pludselige ulykkes- og sygdomstil- f;elde. [Emergency aid; first aid in sudden accidents and cases of sickness.] 3 p. 1., 167 pp. 12°. K0benhavn, F. Hegel & S0n, 1902. SVKNSK. 310 SVILUPPO. Svensk Liikare-Matrikel. Eniigt uppdrag af Svenska Lakare-Sallskapet. Redigerad och utgifven af A. J. Bruzeliun. [Register of Swed- ish physicians . . .] 1683 pp. 8°. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 1886. ■-----. The same. Supplementhiifte. 464, xcviii pp. 8°. Stockholm,P.A. Norstedt d: Soner, 1901. ------. The same. Register. 107 pp. 8°. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & Simer, 1902. Svensk veterinartidskrift, utgifven af John Ven- nerholm. [Monthly.] v. 8-16, 1903-11. 8°. Stockholm. Current. Svenska bad- och kurorter. [Swedish bathing and health resorts.] 251 pp. 8°. Stockholm, H. W. Tullberg, 1905. ------. The same. 245 pp., 1 map. 8°. Stock- holm, H. W. Tullberg, 1906. The same. 268 pp. sm. 4°. Stockholm, H. W. Tullberg, 1907. Svenska farmakopen 1908. (Pharmacopcea Suecica, ed. ix.) xvi, 426 pp. 8°. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & Soner. 1908. Svenska Lakaresallskapet. Diskussion i . . . om fordelning af undervisningstimmarne vid de allmanna laroverken. [Discussion in the Swed- ish Medical Society on the distribution of the lecture hours, in connection with the plan of instruction.] 32 pp. 8°. Stockholm, Central- Tryckeriet, 1881. Repr. from: Forh. v. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank., Stockholm, 1881. Svenska Militarliikare-Foreningen 1875-1900. Portrat och biografier. Festskrift pa forenin- gens 25 arsdag den 12 Juli 1900. [Swedish Mili- tarv Surgeons' Association 1875-1900. . . .] 133 pp. 8°. Stockholm, H. W. Tullberg, 1900. Svenska Nationalforeningens mot Tuberkulos. Kvartalsskrift. [Swedish National Tubercu- losis Association. Quarterly publication.] Hft. 1-6, 1906. 124 pp. 8°. Stockholm, 1904-6. ------. Festskrift vid tuberkulos-konferensen i Stockholm, 1909. Utgifven af Svenska Na- tionalforeningen mot Tuberkulos. 136 pp., port. roy. 8°. [Stockholm, 1909.] The Svenska Nationalforening mot Tuberkulos was founded in 1904 in Stockholm. Svenska Provinsialliikare - Institutionen. Ar det n. v. tillstandet inom Provinsiallakare-Insti- tutionen forenligt med dennas statsiindamal? [Is the present state of the provincial institu- tions for physicians compatible with the designs of the government?] 40 pp. 8°. Goteborg, J. A. Granberg, 1877. Svenson (Frey [Herman]) [1866- ]. Om anstaltsvard af sinnessjuko. [Asylum nurses for the insane.] 44 pp. 12°. Stockholm, A. Bonnier, 1904. ------. Sjalslifvetshygien; popular framstallning. [Hygiene of the mind, a popular treatise.] 160 pp. 12°. Stockholm, Ljus, 1906. Larobok i sinnessjukvard. [Manual for nurses of the insane.] 146 pp. 8°. Stockholm, Aktiebolaget, Ljus, 1907. Svenson (N. A.) K voprosu o gazovom i azotistom obmtenle u vizdoravlivayushtshikh ot bryushnovo tifa i vospaleniya iyokhkikh. [Gaseous and nitrogenous metabolism in those convalescing from typhoid fever and pneu- monia.] 161 pp., 3 pl., 9 diag. 8°. Kiev, 1903. Bound with: Univ. Izvlest, Kiev, 1903, xliii. See, also, Podwyssozki (W.) Die Reservekrafte des Organismus [etc.]. 8°. Jena, 1894. Svensson (Joseph). See Vennerholm (John) & Svensson (Joseph). Praktisk handbok [etcl. 8°. Stockholm, [1*92]. Svenlsitski (Vfikentiy Antonovich] j [1869- ]. Kratkoye rukovodstvo voyenno-pole- voi khirurgii. S predisloviyem i pod redak- tsiyei P. I. Dyakonova. [Short manual of field surgery. With preface by and under the editor- ship of P. I. Dyakonoff.] 90 pp., 1 1. 8°. Moskva, A. A. Lerenson, 1902. Operativnoye (krovavoye) llecheniye perelomov pozvonochnikai soputstvuyushtshikh im povrezhdeniy spinnavo mozga. [Operative (bloody) treatment of fractures of the spine and accompanying injuries of the cord.] 1 p. 1., 119 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1903. Sverchevski (Gustavo). Apuntes para la fi- siologfa y patologia de las cicatrices. 20 pp., 2 diag. 8°. Mixico, Papeleria Alemana, 1878. Sveriges liikare-historia ifran Konung Gustaf den I:s till niirvarande tid. Ny fold, eniigt uppdrag af Svenska Lakare-Sallskapet, redige- rad och utgifven af A. Hilarion Wistrand, A. J. Brazelius och Carl Edling. [History of med- icine in Sweden from Gustavus I to the pres- ent time . . .] 926 pp. 8°. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 1873-6. Svidenski (P[avel) F[yodorovich]) [1859- ]. * Mathri'ali dlya antropologii Kavkaza; Kumiki. [Anthropologv of the Caucasus; the Kumiks.] 152, 32 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, M. L Minkoff, 1898. Svfeehnikoff (I[osif] N[ikolayevich]) [1872- ]. * Material! k voprosu odielstvii svleta Voltovoi dugi kontsentrirovannavo po metodu Finsen'a na zazhivleniye ran. [Action of the light from a Voltaic arc, concentrated by Fin- sen's method, on the healing of wounds.] 136 pp. 1 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, P. P. Solkin, 1904. Svietlofl" (G[rigoriy] I[vanovich]) [1853- ]. See Bonnet (R.) Osnovaniya embriologii [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1898.—Buch (J.) Prakticheskoye ruko- vodstvo k patologicheskol anatomii [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1900.—Franch (L.) Rukovodstvo k veterinar- nomu akushorstvu [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1909-10.— Fr8hner(E.) Rukovodstvo k obshtshel terapii [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1899.-----.Thesame. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1907.—Jess (Paul). Kratkiy ocherk bakteriologii [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1901.—Nocard. (Ed.) & Leclainche (E.) Mikrobniya boliezni [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1906. For Portrait, see Vestnik obsh. vet., St. Petersb., 1905, xvii. Svietloff (P. I.) Uchebnik botaniki. Man- ual of botany.] 68 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1898. Bound with: Med. J. Oksa, S.-Peterb., 1898, i. ------. Uchebnik zoologii. [Manual of zoology.] 104 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1899. Bound with: Med. J. Oksa, S.-Peterb., 1899, ii. S vie in kin ii (M[ikhail] I[vanovich]) [1853- ]. *KopaIskiy balzam, kak mochegon- noye. [Balsam of copaiba as a diuretic] 111 pp. 8°. Kharkov, A. Darre, 1892. K di'agnostikle boliezni serdtsa. 1. Re- ferat raboti prof. Potain'a o neorganicheskikh serdechnolyokhochnikh shumakh. (Clinique medicale de la Charite. Paris, 1894.) 2. Tri sobstvenniya nablyudeniya neorganicheskikh shumov v serdtsle, diagnostsirovannikh po spo- sobu Potain'a. [On the diagnosis of diseases of the heart. 1. Report on Prof. Potain's work on nonorganic heart and lung murmurs. 2. Three personal observations of nonorganic heart mur- murs, diagnosed after Potain's method. ] 52 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Kharkov, Zilberberg, 1895. Repr. from: Trudi Kharkovsk. med. Obsh., 1894. Sviluppo storico e rapporti della patologia spe- ciale medica colle altre discipline mediche. Prelezione al corso ufficiale di patologia speciale medica dimostrativa nell' anno accademico 1900-1901 detta dal Professore P. E. Livierato. 19 pp. 4°. Genova, A. Ciminago, 1901. SVIRLVOSKI. 311 SWAINE. Svirlvoski (Ed. I.) *K voprosu o dieistvii razvedyonnol solyanol kisloti na blelkoviya veshtshestva. [Action of diluted hydrochloric acid upon albuminates.] 1 p. 1., 119 pp. 8°. Yuryev, E. Bergman, 1906. Sviyazheninoff (Grigoriy [Aleksieyevich]) [1856- ]. *K anatomii ven zadnel chasti golovi, shei i osnovaniya cherepa. [Anatomy of the veins of the posterior part of the head, neck, and base of the skull.] 75 pp., 3 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1889. Svoboda (Frant.) Horecka omladnic a Ignac Filip Semmelweis. pp. 121-150. [Puerperal fever and . . .] 8°. r Praze, [1899]. Forms no. 26 of: Sbirka pfednasek a rozpr. z oboru le- kafsk., v Praze, [1899]. -----. Ischias scoliotica. pp. 199-221. 8°. v Praze, [1899]. Forms no. 58 of: Sbirka pfednaSek a rozpr. z oboru le- kafsk., v Praze, [1899]. Svoboda (Hanno [Franz Adalbert]) [1872- ]. * Ueber das Verhalten des basisch essigsauren Bleioxyds zu Zuckerlosungen. [Erlangen.] 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1896. Svoboda (Hans) [1878- ]. *Ein Fall von Endotheliom der Portio vaginalis. 26 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Drescher & Reichart, 1903. Svoboda (LudSk). Navod ku ziskam a zacho- vani krasy. Kniha lekafskych rad, zdravotnich a krasovednych pokynu a sbirka osvt?dcenych pfedpisu ku ziskani, zachovam a zvyseni krasy i puvabu lidskeho tela. [Method for acquir- ing and preserving of beauty. A book of medi- cal advice, hygienic and esthetic hints, and a collection of explanatory precepts for ob- taining, preserving, and heightening of beauty and grace in the human body.] 109 pp., 1 1. 12°. v Praze, R. Starch, [1900]. Svoyekliotoff (A[leksandr] S[ergleyevich]) [1867- ]. Polozheniye zheludka. [Position of the stomach.] 55,107, 11 pp., 10 pl., 3 tab. 8°. [Kiev, 1903.] Bound with: Univ. Izviest., Kiev, 1903, xliii. -----. Opushtsheniyevnutrennostel. [Prolapse of the viscera.] 15 pp. 8°. [Kiev, 1907.] Bound with: Univ. Izviest., Kiev, 1907, xlvii. -----. K klinicheskol kartinie bryushnovo tifa. [Clinical picture of tvphoid fever.] 9 pp. 8°. [Kiev, 1908.] Bound with: Univ. Izviest., Kiev, 1908, xlviii. -----. Vvedeniye v kurs klinicheskikh zanya- tiv. [Introduction to the course of clinical work.] 14 pp. 8°. [Kiev, 1908.] Bound with: Univ. Izviest., Kiev, 1908, xlviii. Svyatlovski (Evgeniy Vladimirovich) [1853- See Henoch (Eduard). Dletskiya bollezni [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1881. Svyatlovski (V[ladimir] V [ladimirovich] ) [1850- ]. Voprosi obshtshestvennavo zdo- rowa. [Questions of public health.] 1 p. 1., ii (i 1.), 375 pp. 12°. Varshava, S. Orgelbranda Sin., 1891. -----. Proi'zvodstvo mineralnikh vod (sodovol i pr.) v sanitarnom otnoshenii. [Production of mineral waters (soda, etc.) from a hygienic view- point.] 16 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, E. Arnhold, 1893. Repr.from: San Dlelo, St. Petersb., 1893, iii. -----. Rodniyekurorti. Kavkazskiyamineral- niyavodi; Voyenno-Gruzinskaya doroga; Tiflis. [Native resorts. Mineral waters of the Cau- casus; Military Road of Georgia; Tiflis.] 273 pp. 12°. Odessa, [G. G. MosMch], 1897. Svyatlovski (V[ladimir] V[ladimirovich)]— continued. Sec, also, Faucher (Henry). Promivanive zheludka [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1881.—fiaake (J[ulius] Her- mann]). Kompendiuin akushorstva [etc.]. 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 18S2.—Henoch (Eduard). Dletskiya bollezni. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1881. Svynos (Philippe) [1866- ]. * Contribution a, l'etude clinique des nouveaux traitements des adenites tuberculeuses. Ill pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 379. -----. Thesame. 116pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1895. S waab (Benjamin). * De natuurlijke ventilatie van kleine woondertrekken te Amsterdam. 4 p. 1., 84 pp., 21. 8°. Amsterdam, H. Eisendrath, 1901. Swaagman (Albertus Henricus) [1820-80]. Opmerkingen en mededeelingen betreffende de genees-, heel- en verloskundige praktijk. pp. 33-64. 8°. Groningen, H. R. Roelfsema, 1850. Swabia. See, also, Wurttemberg. Bleisteinek (G.) * Bevblkerungsdichte in Nord- und Mittelschwaben. [Erlangen.] 8°. Augsburg, 1908. Swaddling: clothes. Genevrier (J.) Le maillot de l'enfant d'apres les peintures de Pecole italienne. N. iconog. de la Salpe- triere, Par., 1903, xvi, 405-412, 4 pl.—K[egnanlt] (F.) Le maillot dans l'art. Corresp. med., Par., 1900, vi, no. 128, 4. Swaim (William). A collection of cases illus- trating the restorative and sanative properties of Swaim's Panacea, in a variety of diseases. 149 pp., 5 pl., port. 12°. Philadelphia, T. K. & P. G. Collins, 1842. ------. The same. Casos de curaciones que se han hecho con el uso de la Panacea de Swaim. 9 p. 1., 96, 24 pp. 16°. Filadelfia, 1830. Swain (Henry L[aurence]) [1846- ]. Some remarks on acute disease of the lingual tonsil. 16 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1896, lxiv. ------. The local use of the aqueous extract of the suprarenal glands of the sheep in the nose and throat. 10 pp. 12°. New York, D. Apple- ton & Co., 1898. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1898, lxviii. ------. Nasal and other polypi. 18 pp. 12°. New York, 1898. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1898, lxvii. ------. The relation of pathological conditions of the ethmoid region of the nose to asthma. The pathology. 11pp. 12°. New York, Apple- ton & Co., 1899. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1899, lxx. ------. Bronchial asthma; its relation to nasal disease. 15 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Waterbury, Conn., 1900. Repr.from: Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Waterbury, Conn., 1900. Swain (William Paul). Preliminary medical education at provincial hospitals. 16 pp. 12°. London, J. A A. Churchill, 1871. ------. Surgical emergencies, together with the emergencies attendant on parturition and the treatment of poisoning. A manual for the use of general practitioners. 5. ed. xviii, 254 pp. 12°. London, J. & A. Churchill, 1896. ------. The same. 5. ed. xviii, 254 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, P. Blackiston, Son & Co., 1896. Swaine (W[illiam] E[dward]) [1805- J. See Hasse (Karl Ewald). An anatomical description of the diseases of the organs of circulation [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1846. SWAKOPAIUND. 312 SWANSEA. Swakopmnnd. <>latzel. Swakopmund zu Beginn des Hottentotten- aufstandes in hvgienischer Beziehung. Deutsche Vrtlj- schr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1906, xxxviii, 527-543. Swallowing. See Deglutition. Swallows. llcnshaw (H. W.) Value of swallows as insect de- strovers. U. s. Dep. Agric Bureau Biol. Surv., Circ. no. 66, Wash., 1907. Swammerdam (Jan) [1637-80]. Klencke(H.) Swammerdam oder die Offen- barung der Natur. 3 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1860. Swamp fever. United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Lndustry. Circular No. 138. Infectious anemia, or swamp lever, of horses. By John R. Mohler. 8°. [Washington], 1909. Todd (J. L.l & Wolhach (S. B.) The swamp fever of horses. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1911, xxiv, 213-242. Swamps,_/>/)i« and lakes. See, also, Drainage ; Fever (Malarial) ; Miasm. Conewango swamp. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1900, Albany, 1901, xxi, 198-206.—Congers. McGinnis Lake nuisance. Ibid., 184-188.—Greenwood Lake. Ibid., 151-169.—Lamed (E. S.) The drainage of swamps for watershed improvement. J. N. Eng. Water Works Ass., Bost., 1902, xvi, 36-50, 3 pl., 1 map. Swan (John M[umford]) [1870- ]. A man- ual of human anatomy, arranged for second year students. 277 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, F. W. S. Langmaid, 1898. . -----. A manual of human anatomy, arranged for first year students. 276 pp., 61. 8 . Phila- delphia, F. W. S. Langmaid, 1900. -----. A human embryonic vesicle showing early placenta formation. 3 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1904. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1904, cxxvii. -----. Visceral syphilis. 14 pp. 8°. Detroit, 1904. Repr.from: Medicine, Detroit, 1904, x. -----. A case of extensive arteriosclerosis simu- lating aneurysm of the arch of the aorta. 12 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1904. Ripr.from: Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1904, xvi. -----. Six lectures on diseases of the blood. 99 pp. 12°. New York, A. R. Elliott Pub. Co., 1905. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii. -----. Report of a case of cyst of the cerebellum. 7 pp. 8°. New York, 1905. Ripr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxi. -----. A study of the metabolism of a vegeta- rian. 7 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1905. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1905, cxxix. -----. A resume1 of the opinions upon the Nau- heim treatment of chronic disease of the heart. 18 pp. 8°. Nem York, 1911. Ripr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv. -----. The hydrotherapeutic treatment of chronic disease of the heart. 22 pp. 12°. New York, 1911. Repr.from: N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1911. -----. Postanesthetic glycosuria of surgical pa- tients. 4 pp. 4°. Chicago, 1911. Repr.from: Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1911, viii. -----. The hydrotherapeutic treatment of heart disease. 9 pp. 4°. St. T^ouis, 1911. Repr.from: Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii. See, also, Wlusser (John Herr) & Swan (John M.) A clinical study of Widal's serum diagnosis [etc.]. 12°. Chicago, 1897. ------ & Karsner (Howard T.) On the be- havior of the eosinophile leucocytes in cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. 28 pp. 8°. New York, A. R. Elliott Co., 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv. Swan (Joseph) [1791-1874]. The brain in rela- tion to the mind, xii, 113 pp. 8°. London, Longman. Jlroim, Green, 1854. See, also, l>cscot (Pierre-Jules). Ueber die ortlichen Krankheiten der Nerven, [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1826. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1898, lv, 195 (DA. Power). Swan (Rohert). United States. Congress. House of Represent- atives. A bill for the relief of Robert Swan. [To appoint him on the retired list of the Navy, with the rank and pay of a passed assistant sur- geon.] 52. Cong., 2. Sess. H. R. 9910. Dec. 15, 1892. Introd. by Mr. Clancy, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] Swan (R[obert] L[afayette]). Spinal caries; some of its most common results, and their treatment. 12 pp. 8°. [London, 1882.] [P., v. 2094.] Repr.from: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1882, n. s., xxxiii. Swan (Samuel) [1815-93]. A materia medica containing provings and clinical verifications of nosodes and morbific products. Collated, ar- ranged, and prepared for publication by E. W. Burridge. 1 p. 1., 121 pp., 1 1. 8°. New York, Pusey & Co., 1888. For Biography, see Homceop. Phys., Phila., 1893, xiii, 557-559. Swan (Will H.) Impressions of differences in practice at low and high altitudes. 11 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1903. Repr.from: Phila. M. J., 1903, xi. Swan (William). On the gradual production of luminous impressions on the eye and other phenomena of vision, pp. 581-603, 1 pl. 4°. Edinburgh, Neill & Co., 1849. [P., v. 1580.] Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1849, xvi. -----. Thesame. Part II: being a description of an instrument for producing isolated lumi- nous impressions on the eye of extremely short duration, and for measuring their intensity. pp. 33-39, 1 pl. 4°. Edinburgh, Neill & Co., 1859. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1859, xxii. Swan (William E.) Report of two cases of large suppurating ovarian cysts. 9 pp. 12°. New York, 1898. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1898, lxvii. -----. A plea for the more frequent digital exploration of the uterine cavity, and the histo- logical study of uterine scrapings as an aid to the diagnosis of diseases of the uterus. 18 pp. 12°. New York, 1899. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1899, lxx. Swans (Diseases of). Fiorentini (A.) La setticoemia emorragica dei cigni. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1896, 50-56.— Tre trop (E.) La maladie des cygnes, coscoroba. Bull. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1900, lxii, 111-118.—de Vaseon- cellos (A.) Estudo bacteriologico da epidemia dos cysnes do Parque da Acclamacao. Rev. med.-cirurg. do Brazil, Rio de Jan., 1907, xv, 180-186. Swansea. See, also, Deaf-mutes (Asylums, etc., for); Fever (Typhoid, History of), Hygiene (Public, Reports of), by localities; institutions (Local). Scott (M.) Report on the supply of water to the town of Swansea. 8°. London, 1852. Swansea. Report on enteric fever, by the medical officer of health, Ebenezer Davies. 13 pp. 8°. Swansea, Wulkins, 1880. Bound with: Swansea. Officer of health's rep. (1879). 8°. Swansea, 1880. SWANTON. 313 SWEATING. Swanton (JohnR.) Haida texts and myths. Skidegate dialect. 448 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1905. Forms Bull. lio. 29 of: Smithson. Inst., Bur. Am. Ethnol. -----. Tlingt myths and texts. 451 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1909. Forms Bull. no. 39 of: Smithson Inst., Bur. Am. Ethnol. Swanwick (Joseph Powell) [182.5-1909]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, ii, 246.—Obit- uary. Lancet, Lond., 1909, ii, 267. Swanzy (Henry R[osborough]) [1844- ]. De la valeur des symptomes oculaires dans la localisation des maladies du cerveau. The Bowman lecture on the Value of the eye symp- toms in the localisation of cerebral disease. Traduction et analyse par van Duyse. 28 pp. 8°. Gand, E. Vanderhaeghen, 1888. -----. On a series of one hundred cataract extractions. 20 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1890. Repr. from: Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1890, viii. •-----. A handbook of the diseases of the eye and their treatment. 4. ed. xv, 536 pp.* 3 pl., 1 test card. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1892. -----. The same. 6. ed. xviii (11.), 608 pp., 1 pl., 1 test card. 12°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1897. -----. The same. 7. ed. xviii (1 1.), 633 pp., 1 diag., 1 test card. 8°. London, IL K. Lewis, 1900. -----. Thesame. 9. ed., by L. Werner, xviii, 744 pp.-, 1 test card. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1907. -----. The same, xv, 437 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1S84. -----. The same. 5. ed. Edited under super- vision of the author, by Louis Werner, xviii (11.), 582 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blak- iston, Son & Co., 1896. -----. Thesame. 6. ed. 629 pp., 1 diag. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1897. -----. The same. 7. ed. xvii, 596 pp., 1 pl., 1 Holmgren's test-card. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1900. -----. On the combined method of cataract ex- traction. 31 pp. 12°. London, Adleird d; Son, 1893. Repr.from: Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1893, xiii. -----& Fitzgerald (Charles Egerton). Medi- cal report of the National Eye and Ear Infirm- ary, Dublin, for the year 1875. 23 pp., 2 pl. 8°'. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1876. [Also, in: P., v. 2092.] Swarbriek (Joseph). Sewerage and sewage- disposal works at Withington. 11pp. 8°. Lon- don, W. Clowes & Sous, 185)4. Repr.from: Proc Inst.Civ.Engin., Lond., 1893-4, cxvii. Swarsensky (Samuel). *Statistischer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pleuritis. 15 pp. 8°. Wurz- burg, Becker, 1893. Swart (Georg) [1SS0- ]. * Beitrage zur Be- handlung der tuberkulosen Erkrankung der Knochen und Gelenke des Fusses (mit Aus- schluss des Talocruralgelenkes). Aus der Uni- versitatsklinik zu Gottingen 1895-1903. 62pp., 11. 8°. Gottingen, W. Goldschinidl, 1904. Swart§ (Th.) Introduction al curso de qufmica general, esplicado conforme & la teorfa unitaria segun la esposiciun de Th. Swarts. 62 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barcelona, F. Marti y Canto, 1872. Swartz (Olof) [1760-1818]. Methodus musco- rum illustrata. [Upsalix, 1781.] In: Linn^cs. Amcenitatesacad., [etc.]. 8°. Erlangx, 1790,x, 69-122. Swartzlander (Irani) [1812-1907]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 1285.—Obituary. N. York M. J. [etcl, 1907, lxxxv, 752. Swasey (Charles E.) [1830-1907]. Obitu'ary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 2070. Swatow. Lay nii (H.) Report on the health of Swatow for the nine months ended 30th September, 1889, and for the half-vear ended 31st March, 1890. China. Imp. Customs. Med." Rep. 1889-90, Shanghai, 1894, xxxviii, 1: xxxix, 25. -----. Report on the health of Swatow. Ibid., 1891, Shanghai. 1894, xiii, 4-6. -----. Report on the health of Swatow for the year ended 30th September, 1895. Cus- toms Gaz. Med. Rep., Shanghai, 1895-6, li, 94-95. -----. Report on the health of Swatow. China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep. lyoi, Shanghai, 1903, [61. & 62. issues], 19-21. Swaving (C[ornelis]) [1814-81]. Berigt over zes steenen wiggen op Java gevonden en der eerste klasse van het Koninklijk-Nederlandsche Instituut, door correspondent S waving toegezon- den. 4 pp. 8°. [Amsterdam, 1849.] [P., v. 1614.] Rtpr. from: Tijdschr. v. de wis- en natuurk. Weten- sch., [Amst, 1849]. ------. Beschrijving van schedels van inboor- lingen uit de bovenlanden van Palembang (Zuid- Sumatra). 43 pp., 14 tab., 1 pl., 1 1. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Repr.from: Kon. Nat. Tijdschr., 31. deel. Swayne (Joseph Griffiths) [1819-1903]. Ought craniotomy to be abolished? 16 pp. 12°. [Bristol, 1887.] Repr.from: Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1887, v. ------. Induced premature labour in certain dis- eases of the mother not obstructing delivery. 19 pp. 8°. Bristol, J. W. Arrowsmith, 1896. Repr.from: Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1896, xiv. For Biography, see Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1903, xxi, 193-202, port. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 338. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 503. Also: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1904), 1905, xlvi, 79. Swayne (Samuel Henry) [1821-1900]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 1351.—Obitu- ary. Lancet, Lond.. 1900, ii, 1160. Swearingen (Richard Montgomery) [1838-98]. Daniel (P. E.) In memorv of Swearingen. Texas M. J., Austin, 1905-6, xxi, 351-358.—[Obituary.] Ibid., 1898-9, xiv, 144-148.— Kosser (C. M.) A tribute to the late R. M. Swearingen, State health officer and ex-offlcio surgeon general of Texas. Texas Clin., Dallas, 1898, 1, 33-37. Sweat. See Perspiration. Sweat (Bloody). See Haemorrhage (Cutaneous); Stigmata. Sweat-baths. See, also, Baths (Hot-air [etc.]; Baths (Vapor [etc.]. Heidenhain-Koslin (A.) Ueber den Nutzen des Schwitzens. 8°. Koslin, 1900. Slevogt (J. H.) [Pr.] de publicis utriusque Americse sudatoriis. sm. 4°. Jena, 1697. Sweat glands. See Perspiratory glands. Sweating sickness. See, also, Fever (Miliary). Montalcino (A.) Del morbo miliare. 8°. Livorno, 1850. Pothet (R.) * Essai critique et historique sur la suette miliaire. 8°. Paris, 1901. Schulz von Schulzenheim (D.) Gekronte Preisschrift vom Friesel. Mit einer Vorrede von Zacharias Vogel. Aus dem Schwedischen. 12°. Lubeck & Leipzig, 1772. SWEATING. 314 SWEDEN. Sweating sickness. Steinach ((!.) * De miliarium morbo. 12°. Vindobonse, 182!). Stubbe (H.) The Lord Bacon's relation of the sweating sickness examined in a reply to George Thomson, pretender to physick and chy- mistry. 4°. London, 1671. Aetiologie (Zur) der Miliaria. Oesterr. San-Wes., Wien, 1901, xiii, 49; 70.—Caralbli (E.) Altri sei casi di febbre miliare fulminante. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1902, xxiii, 951-954.—i'liantemesse, JJIarehoux & Ilaury. La suette miliaire et le rat des champs. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1906, 3. s., lvi, 293-299. Also: Bull. med., Par., 1906, xx, 933-935.—€repln (R.) La maladie regnante; la suette miliaire. J. de sante, Par., 1906, xxiii, 466-467.—De Giovanni. Sulla cura della miliare. Morgagni, Milano, 1900, xiii, 413-420.—Drasche (A.) & Welchselbaum (A.) Ueber Miliaria. Wien. med. BL, 1892, xv, 310-312.----------. Vorlauflger Bericht iiber die Miliaria-Epidemie im politischen Bezirke Gurk- feld in Krain. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1892, iv, BeiL, 29-33.—Ebsteln. [Note on the English sweating sick- ness.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 782.—Epplnger (H.) Zur Aetiologie der Miliaria. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1901, xiii, 49; 70—Ilaury. L'epidemie de suette miliaire des Charentes (mai-juillet 1906). Rev. de med., Par., 1907, xxvii, 97; 209.—Jarlscn (A.) Die Hautkrankheiten. [Miliaria.] In: Spez.Path.u.Therap., . . . Nothnagel, Wien, 1900, xxiv, pt. 1, 900.—Kann. Suette miliaire; mort rapide. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1908, xxvii, 197—Keesbaclier (F.) Ueber den so- genannten epidemischen Friesel (Morbus miliaris). Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1882, xxvii, 129.—Llvierato (P. E.) Febbre miliare e asma da fieno. Tratt. ital. di patol. e terap. med., Milano, [n. d.l, i, pt. 5, 235-249.— ITIaiscli. Das Frieselfieber. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. arztl. Landesver., Stuttg., 1910, lxxx, 541-544.— IVlllarlaepldemle (Die) im Bezirke Rudolfswert in Krain. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1905, xvii, 297; 305.— Miliary fever or the sweating sickness. [Edit.] Lan- cet, Lond., 1906, ii, 1374.— Ortner (N.) Die Miliaria- epidemie im Bezirke Rudolfswert in Krain. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1905, xvii, 297; 305.— Ouvrleu (A.) Relation d'une epidemie de suette miliaire. Gaz. d. hdp. de Lyon, 1906, vii, 129; 145.—Peyroux (A.-L.) Une petite epidemie de suette miliaire. Rev. med. de Nor- mandie, Rouen, 1910, xi, 167.—ftledel. Schweissfriesel- epidemie in Hallerndorf. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 164.—Salzy (A.) La suette miliaire; epi- demie des Charentes (mai et juin 1906). Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 435; 787.—Scliatter (F.) Eine Miliariaepidemie in Aussee und Umgebung im Friihjahr 1893. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1893, v, 269-272. Also: Wien. med. BL, 1893, xvi, 414.—Sell curl en (E.) Zur Kenntnis der Bakteriologie der epidemischen Schweisskrankheiten. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1906, Leipz., 1907, pt. 2. 2. Hlfte., 386-389.—Seiiolz (W.) Ueber Miliaria epidemica. Ztschr. f. klin. Med.. Berl., 1906, lix, 542-564.—Stoevesandt & Hoclie. Eine Schweiss- frieselepidemie in Bremen und Umgegend. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xxxv, 683-686.—Vlgnol (A.) L'epi- demie de suette miliaire des Charentes en 1906 et les en- seignements qu'elle comporte au point de vue de la na- ture et de la contagiosity de cette affection. Semaine med., Par., 1907, xxvii, 13-18. —Webb (F. C.) The sweating sickness in England. J. Pub. Health, Lond., 1857, iii, 10,5-124. Also, Reprint—Welchselbaum (A.) Zur pathologisehen Anatomie des Schweissfriesels. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1906, Jena, 1907, 85-91. -----. Ueber Schweissfriesel vom anatomischen, atiolo- gischen und epidemiologischen Standpunkte. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1907, lxii, 21-50.—Wlckershelmer (E.) La suette anglaise et les conseils d'un medecin de Worms en 1529. Bull. Soc. franc, d'hist. de la med., Par., 1907, vi, 168-174. Also: France med., Par., 1907, liv, 197- 199.— Zeller (H.) Die Frieselfieberepidemie von Hohn- weiler (O. A. Backnang) im Februar, Marz u. April 1900. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1900, lxx, 415-420. Sweating system. Fabian tract No. 50. Sweating; its cause and remedy. 8°. London, 1895. Lee (J.) The sweating system. 8°. New York, 1892. Cutting from: 3. Social Sc, N. Y., 1892,105-146. Butler (Elizabeth B.) Sweated work in Hudson County, New Jersey. Charities [etc.], N. Y., 1907, xix, 1257-1264.—Graux (L.) Le sweating-system et la loi sur la protection de la sante publique. Hygiene gen. et appliq.. Par., 1907, ii, 465; 659. Sweazy (Verge .Eugene) [1875-1911]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 1669. Swedelin (Alexander]). Verzeichniss der Literatur iiber Spondylolisthesis. Nach F. Neugebauer. 7 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1883. Repr.from: Arch. f. Gyniik., Berl., 1883-4, xxii. Sweden. Catalogue et valor medicamentorum in officinis pharmaceuticis regni Sueciaj pro- stantium. Tasca, hwarefter alia medicamenter och wahror pa apotheken i Sweriges Rijke befindtelige bora forsiiljas. 3 p. 1., 89 pp., 15 1 12°. Stockholm, J. L. Horrn, 1741. ------. Kongl. Sundhets-Collegii kungorelse, i anledning af Kongl. Maj:ts nadiga beslut, r6- rande extra lakares vid flottan dagtraktamente under resor och tjenstgoring; utfiirdad i Stock- holm den 22 October 1855. [Royal Sanitary College's notification of the King's resolution concerning extra allowances to navy surgeons within the department and service regulations.] 3 pp. 4°. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt d- Soner, 1855. Swensk Forfattnings-Samling, 1855, no. 85. ------. Kongl. Sundhets-Collegii kungorelse, an- gaende hwad Kongl. Maj:t och rikets stiinder; till forman for armeens standiga liikare-corps, beslutat; utfiirdad i Stockholm den 28 Decem- ber 1854. [Royal Sanitary College's notifica- tion concerning the King's and Congress's reso- lution for the formation of a permanent corps of army surgeons.] 4 pp. 4°. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 1855. Swensk Forfattnings-Samling, 1855, no. 88. ------. Kongl. Maj:ts nadiga forordning, anga- ende hwad i afseende pa armeens sjukward under falttjenstgoring ar att iakttaga; gifwen Stockholms Slott den 13 Juni 1855. [The King's order concerning what, in consideration of the care of the sick in the army, is to be pro- vided for the field service.] 28 pp. 4°. Stock- holm, P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 1855. Swensk Forfattnings-Samling, 1855, no. 73. ------. Kongl. Sundhets-Collegii kungorelse, an- gaende af Kongl. Maj:t i nader beslutade for- andringar uti huttills giillande atadganden for kompetens till wissa militar-lakare-bestallnin- gar, militiir-liikares extra afloningar, eanit for militar-lukare-stipendiaters skyldigheter; utfiir- dad i Stockholm den 14 Mars 1855. [Royal Sanitary College's notification on the changes relating to appointments, extra allowances and stipends of military surgeons.] 4 pp. 4°. Stockholm, P. A. Nordstedt &• Soner, 1855. Swensk Forfattnings-Samling, 1855, no. 40. ------. Kongl. Maj :ts i nader faststiillda instruc- tion for de vid armeen i fait tjenstgorande lii- kare; gifwen Stockholms Slott den 12 Januari 1856. [His Majesty's instructions for military surgeons in thearmies in the field. ] 12 pp. 4°. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 1856. Swensk Forfattnings-Samling, 1856, no. 9. ------. Forfattningar m. m. angaende medici- nalviisendet i Sverige omfattende tiden fran och med ar 1890 till och med ar 1900. Samlade och utgifneaf D. M. Pontin, medicinalrad. [Condi- tion of medicine in Sweden from 1890-1900 . . . ] sm. 4°. Stockholm, 1891-1902. ------. Handbok for svenska armens lakare, utgifven af Svenska Militarliikareforeningen. 1. Handledning i tjensten. 2. Sammanfattning af for sjukvardstjensten vid armen gitllande fiilt- utrustningslistor utarbetad af Carl Ekeroth. TManual for Swedish army surgeons . . .] 136 pp. 16°. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt dc Soner, 1897. SWEDEN. 315 SWEDENBORG. Sweden—continued. -----. Svenska farmakopen. ( Pharmacopoea Suecica. Ed. viii.) xv, 408 pp. 8°. Stock- holm, P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 1901. ._____. Svenska militiirfarmakopen (Pharmaco- peia militaris suecica). Jain viii upptagande en del siirskildt for veteriniirbehof afsedda prepa- rat och droger. 1903. 54 pp. 16°. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 1903. Sweden, its people and its industry. Historical and statistical handbook. Published by order of the Government, edited by Gustav Sunbarg. xi, 1141 pp. 8°. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 1904. Sweden. See, also, Army (Swedish); Cholera (History and statistics of), Diphtheria (History of), by localities; Djursatra; Eda; Eidsvold; Epi- demics (History of), Fever (History of), Fever (Typhoid, History of), Fever (Typhus, His- tory of), by localities: GOteborg; Helsing- borg; Hygiene (Public, Laws, etc., of), In- sane (Asylums for, Description, etc., of), Insane (Legislation relating to), Leprosy (History and statistics of), by localities; Pharmacopoeias (Of- ficial); Pharmacy (Colleges and schools of), Pharmacy (Legislation relating to), Plague (History, etc., of), by localities; Universities; Vaccination (History of)—Denmark; Vaccina- tion (Statistics of)—Denmark. Falck (J. P.) Planta Alstromeria. 8°. Up- saiise, 1732. Also, in: Lixn-evs. Amoenitates anat. [etc.]. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1764, vi. Fries (E. M.) Schedulae critica? de licheni- bus exsiccatis suecise. 4°. Londini Gothorum, 1824. Hellstrom (F. E.) * Undersokningar om det inflytande Nivafbrandringen i Bottniska Viken utofvat pa Gamla Carleby stadsplans hygieniska forhallanden. [Researches on the change of level of the Gulf of Bothnia influencing the hy- gienic conditions of Gamla Carleby.] 8°. Hel- singfors, 1895. Hiorth(J.) * Planta? esculents patriae. 8°. Upsalise, 1752. Also, in: Linn-EUS. Amoenitates acad. [etc.]. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1756, iii. Hvilo- och kurorter i Sverige 1904. En 6f- versikt of badorter, luftkurorter, sanatorier, tu- risthotell, pensionat, landthem, etc., utgifven af Svenska Turistforeningen. [Vacation and health resorts in Sweden in 1904. A review of bathing places, atmospheric curative places, sanatoria, tourist hotels, summer boarding houses, rural homes, etc., published by the Swedish Tourist Union.] c8°. Stockholm, 1904. Lilt (C. J.) *Flora Akeroensis. 8°. Up- salise, 1769. Also, in: Linn.eus. Amoenitates acad. [etc.]. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1785, viii. Svenska bad- och kurorter. 8°. Stockholm, 1905. ------. The same. 8°. Stockholm, 1906. ------. The same. sm. 4°. Stockholm, 1907. Sweden, its people and its industry. Histori- cal and statistical handbook. Published by or- der of the Government. Edited by Gustav Sunbarg. 8°. Stockholm, 1904. Bergman. Der Einfluss der Vereine und der Ge- setzgebung in der schwedischen Niichternheitsbewegung. Ber. ii. d. internat. Cong, gegen d. Alkohol. 1901, Leipz. u. Wien, 1902, viii, 315-320.—Frieden rclch (A.) Notitser fra et Bes0g paa nogle Kuranstalter i Sverige. [Notes on and visits to the health resorts in Sweden.] Hosp.-Tid., Ktebenh., 1894, 4. R., ii, 1069; 1117; 1131; 1168; 1197.—Frl- vllliga Sjukvardsforeningens arsberatteise for 1881. Sweden. [Annual report of the Asssociation for Voluntary Attend- ance on the Sick.] Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1882, vii, 60-71.—fiaiissoii ( K.) Biider in Schweden. Ge- sundh. -Ingenieur, Munchen, 1904, xxvii, 142 - 144. — Kaup, Sozialhygienisehe Reisestudien aus Schweden und Norwegen. Med. Reform, Berl., 1909,xvii,529-533.— liebermann (H.) Ueber die Wasserleitungs- und Ka- nalisationsanlagen der schwedischen Ortschaften. Ge- sundh.-Ingenieur, Munchen, 1904, xxvii,33—11.—.Lever- tin (A.) Nagra betraktelser of ver den officiella rappor- ten f ran de svenska kurorterna 1900. [Some observations on the official reports from the Swedish health resorts, 1900] Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi, K0benh., 1903-4, ii, 1-15.— rtliiller (M.) Statistiskundersokningangaende smitto- samma konssjukdomars utbredning i Sverige den 31 janu- ari 1905. [statistical investigation of the prevalence of infectious diseases in Sweden, Jan. 31, 1905.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1904, 2. L, iv, 1368-1374.—Sundbarg (G.) Dodligheten inom aldern 5-10 ar i Sverige. [Mortality in Sweden between theages of 5 and 10.] Ibid., 1906, lviii, pt. 2,153-155. Sweden (Anthropology of). Didczin (M.) * Der Einfluss der geographi- schen Beschaffenheit und der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung auf die Siedelungen und die Wohn- dichte der Bevolkerung Schwedens. 8°. Ko- nigsberg i. Pr., 1908. Retzics (G.) Crania suecica antiqua. Eine Darstellung der schwedischen Menschen-Scha- del aus dem Steinzeitalter, dem Bronzezeitalter und dem Eisenzeitalter, sowie ein Blick auf die Forschungen iiber die Rassencharaktere der eu- ropiiischen Volker. fol. Stockholm, 1900. Forberg (E.) Study of the teeth of children in the various schools of Sweden. Dental Cosmos. Phila., 1901, xliii, 360-374.— Hildebrand. Zur Volkskunde der schwedischenBauernimMittelalter. Globus, Brnschwg., 1906, lxxxix, 380-384.—K iihnert (F.) Die Bevolkerung Schwedens. Ztschr. d. k. preuss. statist. Bureau's, Berl., 1899, xxxix, 184. — Ittontelius (O.) Findet man in Schweden Ueberreste von einem Kupferalter? Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1894-5, xxiii, 425-449. — iJl'ver- anstrangning (Om ) vid elementar-liiroverken for svenska gossar och vid gymnasierna. [On overexertion in the Swedish public and high schools for bovs.] Halsoviin- nen, Stockholm, 1909, xxiv, 28. —Pudor (H.) Volks- wohlfahrt und Volksbildung in den skandinavischen Landern. Ztschr. f. Gewerbe-Hyg. [etc.], Wien, 1906, xiii, 240.—Retzlus (G.) Ueber das Hirngewicht der Schwe- den. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1900, n. F., ix, 51-68. -----. Sur 1'enquete anthropologique en Suede. Bull.et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1901,5. s., ii, 303-305.—Rose (C.) Die Ziihne der Dalarner und Gotlander. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1904, xxii, 735-748.—Rosen- dahl (H. V.) Statistiska forhallanden bland Sveriges nomadfolk. [Statistical account of the nomad people of Sweden.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1892, liv, 516-529.—Sell- d€n (H.) Ar vart folk bopplost degenereradt? [Have our people hopelessly degenerated?] Hiilsovannen,Stock- holm, 1903, xviii, 107-111. — Volgt ( E.) Die germa- nische Besiedelung des nordlichen Schwedens. Globus, Brnschwg., 1902, lxxxi, 218.—Wavrinsky (E. O. V.) Svenska folkets degeneration skall hejdas. [The contin- ual reports of degeneracy among the Swedes.] Halsovan- nen, Stockholm, 1908,71: 83.—Wllser (L.) Authropolo- gia suecica. Globus, Brnschwg., 1903,lxxxiii,92-95.-----. Zur Kulturgeschichte Schwedens. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Leipz., 1906, v, 524-527. Swedenborg (Emanuel) [1688-1772]. Ballet (G.) Swedenborg; histoire d'un visionnaire au xviii" siecle. 12°. Paris, 1899. Hoffmann (R. A.) Kant und Swedenborg. roy. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1909. Ramstrom (M.) Emanuel Swedenborg's in- vestigation in natural science, and the basis for his statements concerning the functions of the brain, fol. Upsala, 1910. Retzivs (G.) Emanuel Swedenborg as an anatomist and physiologist. 8°. Bryn Athyn, Pa., 1903. Lenhoss€k (M.) [Biography.] Orvosi hetil..Buda- pest, 1904, xlviii, 84.—Mack (C. S.) Swedenborg upon the brain, the heart and the lungs. Am. M. Month., Bait., 1903-4, xxi, 81-86.—Neuburger (M.) Sweden- borg's Stellung von der Vita propria. Janus, Amst., 1903, viii 403-410. -----. Was lehrte Swedenborg fiber die Funktion der Vierhiigel? Ibid., 460-462.—Ramstrttm (M.) Emanuel Swedenborg as an anatomist. Brit. M.J., SWEDENBORG. 316 SWEETING. Swedenborg (Emanuel). Lond.,1910,ii,ll"i3-1155.-----. Om Emanuel Swedenborg som naturforskare och i synnerhet hjiirnanatom. [Eman- uel Swedenborg as natura 1 scientist,and especiallyas brain anatomist.] Upsala Liikaref., Forh., 1910-11, n. f., xvi, 1-20, port. -----. Hvarpa-grundar sig Swedenborgsasikt om hjiirnans funktion, och siirskildt om hjiirnbarken som sjalsverksambcten sate? [What were Swedenborg's opin- ions on the function of the brain, and especially on the cerebral cortex as seat of the activity of the soul?] Ibid., 21-55.—Retzlus (G.) [Die Frage des Inhalts und der Bedeutung des wissensehaftlichen literarischen Nachlas- ses des schwedischen Naturforschers Emanuel Sweden- borg.] Anat. Anz., Jena, 1903, xxiii, Ergnzngshft, 2-14.— Slnger(E.)_[Biographv.l Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1903, xvii, 77-79.—T. (C.) Swedenborg. Med. mod. Par., 1900, xi, 181. Swediaur [Sehwediauer] (F[raneois-Xa- vier] ) [174S-1824]. Pharmacopoeia medici practici universalis, sistens medicamenta prce- parata et composita, cum eorum usu et dosibus. xxxiv, 246 pp. 24°. Parisiis, J. J. Fucht et fratres Levrault, 1803. See, also, Hosack (David). A system of practical nosology, [etc.J. 8°. Yew York, 1818. Swedish method. See Exercise (Therapeutic use of). Swedish movement-care. See Movement-cure. Sweemer (William) [1853- ]. The conta- gion, mortality and prevention of whooping cough. 6 pp. 8°. Madison, Wis., Tracy, Gibbs dc Co., 1895. Repr.from: Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1895. Sweeney (Arthur) [1858- ]. Rabies; with report of cases. 23 pp. 8°. Minneapolis, 1897. Repr.from: J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1897, xvii. ------& Denny (Charles F.) Rabies. 18 pp. 12°. St. Paul, 1896. Repr.from: Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1896, xvi. Sweeney (Gilliford B.) [1861- ]. Animal therapy in tuberculosis. 4 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1907, lxxxvi. -----. Animal therapy, its relation to immunity in the treatment of tuberculosis. 36 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Pittsburgh, 1907. ------. Human and bovine tubercle bacilli. 12°. New York, 1909. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1909, Ixxxix. Sweet (Joshua Edwin) [1876- ]. *Die Mischgeschwulste am unteren Ende des Uro- genitalapparates der Kinder. 95 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Giessen, O. Kindt, 1901. —----. A study of an hemolytic complement found in the serum of the rabbit. 92 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1902. Repr.from: Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1902, xv. -----. The reactions of the blood in experi- mental diabetes mellitus; a contribution to our knowledge of the thermolabile complements. pp. 255-300. 8°. Boston, 1903. Cutting from: J. Med. Research, Bost., 1903, x. In: Stud. Rockefeller Inst. M. Research, N. Y., 1904, vi. ------. The artificial anastomosis between the portal vein and the vena cava inferior; Eck's fistula. 10pp.,3pl. 8°. New 1 'ork, 1905. Repr.from: J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1905, vii. In: Stud. Rockefeller Inst. M. Research, N. Y., 1905, vi. ------& Levcne (P[hoebus] A.) Nuclein me- tabolism in a dog with Eck's fistula, pp. 229- 239. 8°. Lancaster, Pa., 1907. Repr.from: J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1907, ix. In: Stud. Rockefeller Inst. M. Research, N. Y., 1907, vii. Sweet (Joshua Edwin)—continued. ------& Pemherton (Ralph). Experimental observations on secretin; with special refer- ence to diabetes and malnutrition. 31 pp. 8° Philadelphia, 1908. In: Univ. Penn. Contrib. William Pepper Lab.. Phila 1907-8. Sweet (Paul P.) The diagnosis and treatment of tuberculous joints. 10 pp. 8°. New York, 1910. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xcii. Sweet (William M.) [1860- ]. See Text-book of diseases of the eye [etc.l. roy. 8° Philadelphia, 1903. For Biography, see Sketch of William M. Sweet. Jefier- sonian, Phila., 1907-8, ix, no. 7, 1. Sweeting (Richard Deane Roker). Report to the Local Government Board, on an outbreak of diphtheria at Bourdon Buildings, in the parish of St. George's, Hanover Square. Feb. 9, 1S92. 8 pp. fol. [London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1892.] -----. Post-scarlatinal diphtheria; a statistical and etiological study. 16 pp. 8°. London, 1893. -----. Report to the Local Government Board, on the circumstances attending recent preva- lence of fatal diphtheria in the Alton registra- tion sub-district, Hampshire. Dec. 11, 1893. 8 pp. fol. London, Eyre dc Spottiswoode, 1893. ------. Report to the Local Government Board, on an outbreak of enteric fever at New Delaval, in the Tynemouth rural district of Northumber- land. May 1, 1895. 9 pp., 1 plan. fol. Lon- don, Eyre dc Spottiswoode, 1895. ------. Report to the Local Government Board, on an outbreak of diphtheria at Llanfynydd, in the Llandilofawr rural district of Carmarthen- shire. June 21, 1895. 8 pp. fol. London, Eyre dc Spottiswoode, 1895. ------. Report to the Local Government Board, on the prevalence of diphtheria in the Gilling- ham urban district, with especial reference to the question of restriction of school attendance. Oct. 8, 1896. 7 pp. fol. London, Eyre dc Spot- tiswoode, 1896. ------. Report to the Local Government Board, on the general sanitary circumstances and ad- ministration of the several sanitary areas of the Dartford registration district, with especial ref- erence to the prevalence of fatal diphtheria. 49 pp., 1 map. fol. London, Darling & Son, 1900. ------. Report to the Local Government Board, on the sanitary circumstances and administra- tion of the sanitary areas comprised in the Mil- ton registration district, with especial reference to recent prevalence of diphtheria and enteric fever. 21 pp., 1 map. fol. London, Darling & San, 1901. ------. Report to the Local Government Board, on the general sanitary circumstances and ad- ministration of the borough of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, and on recent prevalence there of scarlatina. 25 pp., 1 map. fol. London, Darling dc Son, 1901. ------. Report to the Local Government Board, on the general sanitarv circumstances and ad- ministration of the Tavistock rural district, with special reference to an outbreak of diphtheria at Princetown. 18 pp. fol. London, Darling dc Son, 1906. SWEETING. 317 SWIMMING. Sweeting (Richard Deane Roker)—continued. •------. Report to the Local Government Board, on the sanitary circumstances and administra- tion of the Ramsey urnan district with especial reference to scarlatina. 11 pp. 8°. London, Darling dc Son, 1909. Rep. Soc. Gov. Bd., Lond., 1909, xix. ------. Report to the Local Government Board, on the sanitary circumstances and administra- tion of the county borough of Rotherham, with special reference to the continued prevalence of enteric fever. 30 pp. 8°. Ljondon, Darling <£■ Sou, 1909. Rep. Soc. Gov. Bd., Lond., 1909, n. s., iii. Sweetmeats. See Confectionery (Adulteration, etc., of). Sweetnam (Leslie JL) [1859-1901]. Obituary. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1901, xxvi, 711.—Obituary. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1902, xi, 59. Sweet potatoes. United States. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations. Farmers' Bulletin No. 26. Sweet potatoes; culture and uses. By J. F. Duggar. 8°. Washington, 1897. Ton Sweitoehowski (Georg). * Ueber die Varicen der Placenta an Hand eines an der Miinchener Frauenklinik beobachteten Falles. 16 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1910. Swelled testicle. See Gonorrhoea (Complications of, Orchitic). Swertia chirata. Burnett (J. A.) Chirata. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1909, xxxvii, 637-639. Swete (Horace Lawton) [1862-1901]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 505. Swelnam (J[ames] M.) [1841- ]. The climate of Arizona in the treatment of pulmo- nary tuberculosis. 9 1., 1 pl. 16°. Phamix, Ariz., 1901. Repr.from: Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii. Swett (John Appleton) [1808-54]. See Hall (Marshall). The principles of diagnosis, [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1839. Swett (John L.) [1810-1900]. Obituary. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1900, 306-309, port. Swiderski (Bronislaus). * Beitrage zur Eclamp- sie-Frage. [Giessen.] 33 pp. 8°. Lissai. P., A. Schmadicke, 1900. Swidowec. Ronier (E.) Epoka lodowa na sVidowcu. [The ice epoch in Swidowec] Rozpr. wvdz. matemat.-przyr. Akad. umiej., Krak6w, 1906, 3. s., vi, A, 11-81, 2 pl., 1 diag. von Swieeieki (Heliodor). Ueber die Inner- vation der Vagina bei Kaninchen. 21 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Stuttgart, [1884]. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1884, x. von Swifeieki (Vitold) [1873- ]. *Die Bedeutung der Kieselsiiure als Bestandtheil der Pflanzen und ihre Beziehung zum Lagern des Getreides. 45 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., 1898. Swieeinski (Georges-Clement). *De l'hyste- rectomie abdominale subtotale par le procede de la decollation anterieure. 104 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, 1909, No. 191. Swierstva (Johannes). *Kommen in dem Fleische und in makroskopisch gesunden Lymph - driisen von tuberkulosen Tieren Tuberkelbazil- lenvor? [Bern.] 76 pp. 8°. Utrecht, P. den Boer, 1906. van Swieten (Gerard L. B.) [1700-72]. Commentaria in Hermanni Boerhaave aphoris- mos de cognoscendis et curandis morbis una cum Boerhaave ipsios vita ex ejus schedis col- lecta. 5 v. in 3. 8°. Neapoli, A. Pellechia, 1755. v. 5. published in Venicie by J. B. Pasquale, 1764. ------. Kurze Beschreibung und Heilungsart der Krankheiten, welche am oftesten in dem Feldlager beobachtet werden. 7 p. 1.,, 198 pp. 12°. Wien, Prag dc Triest, J. T. Tratlner, 1758. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 6 p. 1., 198 pp. 16°. Wien, J. T von Trattner, 1771. See, also, lliinsdale (Thomas). The present method of inoculating of the small-pox, [etc.]. 8°. Dublin, 1774.—du Uoncliaux (Pierre-J.) Bibliographie medi- cinale raisonnee, [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1783. For Biography, see Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1909, xx, 161-168, port. (A. G. Gerster). Also: Ugeskr. f. Lseger, K0benh., 1901, 5. R., viii, 25; 49 (J. Petersen). Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 675-679 (Berg- meister). -------. See, also: [ Aulstellung seiner Bronzestatue in Wien.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 661, port.—La Ronne (H.) Voltaire et van Swieten. Medecin, Brux., 1905, xv, 219.—van Leersum (E. C.) Gerard van Swieten en qualite de censeur. Janus, Har- lem, 1906, xi, 381; 446; 501. -----. Een tweetal brieven van Gerard van Swieten over den liquor Swietenii en de kinderpokinentine'. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., 1910, xiv, pt. 1, 1708-1725. Also, transl.: Janus, Harlem, 1910, xv, 345-371.—Leyden (E.) Van Swieten und die mo- derne Klinik. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Leipz., 1894, lxvi, pt. 1, 31-43. Swift (Edwin Dwight) [1825-1901]. Goodyear (R. B.) Obituary. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1902, 431. Swift (Jonathan) [1667-1745]. A serious and useful scheme to make an hospital for incurables of universal benefit to all His Majesty's subjects. Occasioned by a report that the estate of Rich- ard Norton, esq., was to be appointed by Par- liament for such an endowment. To which is added a petition of the footmen in and about Dublin. 1 p. L, 34 pp., 12°. London, J. Rob- erts, 1733. ------. See, also: Simon (P.-M.) Swift; e'tude psychologique et litteraire, sui vie d'un essai sur les medecins de Gil Bias. 16°. Paris, 1893. Dr. Arbutlinot and Dean Swift. Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 1665.—Ciould (G. M.) The case of Jonathan Swift. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1908, xv, 87s; 943. Also, Reprint. Also: Biograph. Clin., Phila., 1910, vi, 31-81. Swift (Lawrence Chew) [1852-1905]. Resolutions in memory of the late L. C. Swift. Boston M. & S. J., 1905, cliii, 34. Swift (William N.) [1854- ]. The technique of vaccination. Read at the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Medical Society, June 12, 1894. 11pp. 8°. [Boston], 1894. Repr.from: Mass. M. Communicat., Bost., 1894, xvi. ------. Reports of cases of operations on the uterus and adnexa through the vagina, Diihrs- sen's method. 10 pp. 12°. Boston, Damrell dc Upham, 1898. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1898, cxxxviii. ------. Cesarean section for placenta pnevia in a primipara. 2 pp. 12°. Boston, 1904. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cl. Swimming. Daltox ( D.) How to swim; a practical treatise upon the art of natation, together with instruction as to the best methods of saving persons imperilled in the water and of resusci- tating those apparently drowned. 12°. New York dc London, 1899. Auians. I>u n">le des formes animales dans les pro- gres de la navigation aerienne et aquatique. Bull. scient. de la France etde la Belg., Par., 1906, xl,207-228.— SWIMMIMt. 3 Swimming. Barouw (P. J.) Baden en zwemmen. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk. De ziekenverpleg. [etc.]. Artikelen . . . Catalog, d. Hist.-Geneesk. Tentoonst. te Arnhem, Amst., 1899, 54-57.—Barth. Zur Untersuchung der Schwimmschuler. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1899, xxviii, 607.—Beyer ^H. U.) Physiology of bathing and swimming. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Cleveland, 1890, vi. 273-285.—Bolir (C). Bock (J.) & Jacobsen (A. i Bidrag til Svommefuglenes Fysiologi. [Contribu- tion to the phvsiology of swimming birds.] Overs, o. d. k. LaiHntribution a l'etude anatomique et phvsiolngique de la vessie natatoire des cyprinides. Ibid., 1905, lviii, 794.—Hacnipcl (O.) Eiui- SWIMMING-BLADDER. 319 SWINTON. Swimming-bladder. ges zur Anatomic und Physiologic der Schwimmblase beim Aal und den Renken. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1909, xxxiv, 381- gst —van der Hoevcn. Ueber die zellige Schwimm- blase des Lepisosteus. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u.wissen- sch. Med., Berl., 1841,221-223, 1 pl.— Jaeiier (A.) Die Phvsiologie und Morphologie der Schwimmblase der Fis'che. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1903, xciv, 65-138, 1 pi. -----. Die Physiologie der Schwimmblase der Fische; Entgegnung auf die Thilo'sche Abhandlung. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1904, xxiv, 129-142. -----. Zur Physiologie der Schwimmblase der Fische; Entgegnung auf den von Frau Reis und Herrn Nusbaum veroffent- lichten Aufsatz: Zur Histologie der Gasdruse in der Schwimmblase der Knochenfische. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1906, xxix, 683-685.—Moreau (A.) Sur l'airde la vessie natatoire des poissons. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1863, lvii, 37; 816. Also, Reprint.— Morris (C.) On the air bladder of fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1885, 124-135.—Moser (Fanny). Beitrage zur vergleichen- den Entwicklungsgeschichte der Schwimmblase. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1904, lxiii, 632-574, 4 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Anat. Anz., Jena, 1903,xxiii, 609-611.—Mueller (J.) Beobachtungen fiber die Schwimmblase der Fische, mit Bezug auf einige neue Fischgattungen. Arch f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1842, 307-329.— Ratlike (H.) Zur Anatomie der Fische; iiber die Schwimmblase. Ibid.. 1838, 413-445, 1 pl. — Regnard (P.) Sur Taction statique de la vessie natatoire des pois- sons. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1S95, 10. s., ii, 653.—Reis[owa] (Karolina). Materyaly do morfolo- gii i flzvologii pecherza plawego ryb kostnoskieletowch. [Morptiologv and phvsiology of the floating bladder of the fish with a bony skeleton] Rozpr. wydz. matemat.- przyr. Akad. umiej., Krakow, 1906, 3. s., vi, B, 639-701, 3 pl.—Reis (Karolina) 0c Nusbaum (J.) Zur Histologie der Gasdruse in der Schwimmblase der Knochenfische, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Trophospongienfrage. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1905, xxvii, 129-139, 2 pl.-----------. Wei- tere Studien zur Kenntnis des Baues und der Funktion der Gasdruse und des Ovals in der Schwimmblase der Knochenfische (Ophididse, Percidse). Ibid., 1906, xxviii, 177-191, 2 pl.-----------. Erwiderung auf den von A. Jager in Bd. xxix, No. 24 des Anat. Anz. veroffentlichten Artikels: Zur Physiologie der Schwimmblase der Fische. Ibid., 1907, xxx, 204-207.— Sehlcesing (T.) fils & Ri- chard (J.) Recherchesurl'argondanslesgazdelavessie natatoire des poissons et des physalies. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 615-617.— Thilo (O.) Die Entste- hungderSchwimmblasen. (VorlaufigeMitteilung.) Biol. Centralbl.,Leipz., 1903,xxiii,528-540. See,also,supra,Jae- ger -----. DieLuftwegederSchwimmblasen. Zool.Anz., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 591-604. -----. Das Schwinden der Schwimmblasen bei den Schollen. Ibid., 1907, xxxi, 393-406. -----. Die Entwicklung der Schwimmblase bei den Karpfen. Ibid., 1908, xxxii, 589-597. -----. Luft- druckmesser an den Schwimmblasen der Fische. Inter- nat. Rev. d. ges. Hvdrobiol. u. Hvdrograph., Leipz., 1908, i 791-X20. 6 pl.—Tracy (H. C.) The morphology of the swimhladder in teleosts. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1911, xxxviii, 600; 63s. — I rban (F.) Die Luftwege der Schwimm- blase. Xaturw. Wchnschr., Jena, 1907, xxii, 140. —Vin- cent iS.) & Barnes (A. S.) On the structure of the red glands in the swim-bladder of certain fishes. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond. ,189.5-6, xxx, 544-558. lpl.—Weber (A.) Les premiers stades du developpement de la vessie nata- toire chez les lophobranches. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Par., 1906, viii, 90-93.—Wegener (M.) Zur Phy- siologie der Schwimmblase der Fische. Ztschr. f. allg. Physiol., Jena, 1910, x, 249-272. Swinburne (George Knowles) [1858- ]. The use of argonin in the acute stages of gon- norrhoea; a preliminary report. 13 pp. 8°. New York, 1896. Repr.from: J. Cutan. &Genito-Urin.Dis.,N.Y.,1896,xiv. -----. Disturbances due to diseases of the veru- montanum and its treatment with the posterior urethroscope, pp. 369-377, 1 pl. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1908. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1908, xlviii. ------. Litholapaxy as an office operation, with report of cases. 5 pp. 8°. New York, 1908. Repr.from: Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxii. ------. Some cases of kidney and ureteral stone. 14 pp. 8°. New York, 1908. Repr.from: Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxii. van Swinderen (Albertus Joh.) * De phthisi pulmonali. 16pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1711. [P., v. 2244.] Swindlers. Delbruck (A.) Die pathologische Luge und die psychisch abnormen Sch windier. Eine Untersuchung iiber den allmablichen Ueber- gang eines normalen psychologischen Vorgangs in ein patologisches Svmptom, fiir Aerzte und Juristen. 8°. Stuttgart, 1891. l>aiigerous (A) swindler. Lancet, Lond., 1910, i. 2S0—<;ios (A.) Ein Heiratsschwindler. Arch. f. Krim.- Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz.. 1911, xliii, 335-338.— tJOring (M. H.) Ein hysterischer Schwindler. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neurol, u. Psychiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1910, i, Orig., 251-257.—Loinbroso (C.) Una truffatrice simu- latrice. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1907,xxviii, 50- 52.—Mothcs. Hypothekenschwindel. Arch. f. Krim.- Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1905, xviii, 212-215. Swine. See Hogs. Swine (Diseases of). See Hogs (Diseases of). Swine (Erysipelas of). See Hogs (Diseases of, Bacteriology of). Swine-plagne. See Hogs (Diseases of). Swiney (George) [1786(?)-1844]. Seecombe(T.) [Biography.] Dict.Nat.Biog.,Lond., 1S9\ lv, 232. Swingle (Deane B.) Formation of the spores in sporangia of Rhizopus nigricans and of Phy- comycesnitens. 40pp., 6pl. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1903. Forms Bull. no. 37 of: U. S. Dept. Agric Bureau plant indust., Wash. See, also, Smith (Erwin F.) & Swingle (Deane B.) The dry rot of potatoes [etc.]. 8°. Washington, 1904. Swingle (Walter T.) The grain smuts; their cause and prevention, pp. 409-420. 8°. Wash- ington, Gov. Print. Office, 1895. Repr.from: Yearbook'U. S. Dep. Agric, Wash., 1904. ------. Bordeaux mixture; its chemistry, physi- cal properties, and toxic effects on fungi and algae. 37 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Of- fice, 1896. Bull. no. 9. TJ. S. Dep. Agric. Div. veg. phys. & path. ------. The grain smuts; how they are caused and how to prevent them. 20 pp. 8°. Wash- ington, Gov. Print. Office, 1898. "Farmers' Bull. no. 75, U. S. Dep. Agric. Div. veg. phys. & path. ------. The date palm and its utilization in the Southwestern States. 155pp.,22pl. 8°. Wash- ington, Gov. Print. Office, 1904. Bull. no. 53. U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau plant indust., Wash. -----. The prevention of stinking smut of wheat and loose smut of oats. 16 pp. 8°. Washing- ton, Gov. Print. Office, 1906. Farmers' Bull. no. 250. IT. S. Dep. Agric. ------& Webber (Herbert J.) The principal diseases of citrous fruits in Florida. 40 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1896. Bull. no. 8. U. S. Dep. Agric Div. veg. phys. & path. Swinhoe (George Honey) [1830-19081. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1908, i, 756. von Swinjin (Paul). Untruglich.es Heilmit- tel wider den Biss toller Hunde; iibersetzt von August Wilhelm Tappe. 20 pp., lpl. 8°. St. Petersburg, A. Pin chart, 1817. Swinton (Archibald Campbell). Men of the Merse; a lecture. 1 p. 1., 95 pp. 12°. Edin- burgh, W. Blachvood dc Sons, 1858. SWISSEK. 320 SWITZERLAND. Swi*«*er (H.) Relation de quelques cas ob- serves a l'Institut chirurgical de Bruxelles dans le service des maladies des organes genito-uri- naires. 18 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, M. dc T. T'Sas scenes, 1893. Switalsky (Victor) [1869- ]. * Ueber Ge- burtsverletzungen der Vulva und Operationen bei kompletem Dammrisse. 26pp., 111. 8°. Halle a. S , C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1896. Swithinbank (Harold) & Newman (George). Bacteriology of milk; with special chapters also by Newman on the spread of disease by milk and the control of the milk supply, xx, 605 pp., 33 pl., 3 ch., 1 map. 8°. London, J. Mur- ray, 1903. Switzerland. Internationale Ausstellung in Philadelphia 1876. Das Unterrichts-, Schul-und Bildungswesen der schweizerischen Abtheilung. 43 pp. 8°. St. Gallen, Zollikofer, 1876. ------. Loi federale concernant l'exercice des professions de medecin, de pharmacien et de veterinaire dans la Confederation Suisse. (Du 19 decembre 1877.) 6 pp. 12°. [Berne, 1877.] ------. Le phylloxera en Suisse durant l'annee 1880. Rapport du departement federal du com- merce etde Pagriculture. 103 pp., 3maps. 8°. Berne, Staempfli, 1881. ------. Convention entre la Suisse et 1'Empire de 1'Allemagne concernant la reciprocite dans l'ex- ercice des professions medicales par les personnes domiciliees a proximite de la frontiere. Conclue le 29 fevrier 1884. Ratifiee par la Suisse le 24 mars 1884. Ratifiee par 1'Allemagne le 5 avril 1884. 5 pp. 12°. [feme, 1884.] ------. Loi federale concernant l'application, aux dentistes, de la loi federale sur l'exercice des professions de medecin, de pharmacien et de veterinaire dans la Confederation Suisse, du 19 decembre 1877. (Du 21 decembre 1886.) 2 pp. 12°. [Berne, 1886.] ------. Loi federale concernant les mesures & prendre contre les epidemies offrant un danger general. (Du2 juilletl886.) 5pp. 12°. [Berne, 1886.] ------. Reglement d'administration pour l'armee suisse (du 27 mars 1885), entre en vigueur le ler Janvier 1886. 182 pp. 16°. Berne, K.J. Wyss, 1886. —;—. Circulaire du Conseil federal a tous les Etats confederes concernant 1'execution de la loi federale sur les mesures a prendre contre les epidemies offrant un danger general. (Du 4 novembre 1887). 4 pp. 12°. [Berne, 1887.] ------. Organisation militaire de la Confedera- tion suisse. (Du 13 novembre 1871.) 175 pp. 16°. [Berne], 1888. ------. Convention entre la Suisse et la France concernant 1'admission reciproque des medecins, chirurgiens, accoucheurs, sages-femmes, et vete- rinaires domicilies a proximite de la frontiere, a l'exercice de leur art dans les communes limi- trophes des deux pays. Conclue le 29 mai 1889. Ratifiee par la Suisse le 20 juin 1889. Ratifiee par la France le 10 juillet 1889. 9 pp. 12°. [Berne, 1889.] ------. Instruction sur 1'appreciation sanitaire des militaires; approuvee par le Conseil federal le 2 septembre 1887. 122 pp. 12°. Berne, Koerber, 1898. ------. Lois, ordonnances et arretes du Conseil federal concernant 1'organisation des troupes de l'armee suisse; publie par le Departement mili- taire federal comme annexe de 1'organisation militaire. (31 decembre 1898.) v, 206"pp. 16°. Berne, [1898]. Switzerland—continued. ------. Manuel des soldats sanitaires de 1'armee suisse. 397 pp., 1 1. 12°. [Berne], 1S99. ------. Reglement sur le service de sante. Cha- pitres I-V. Approuve par le Conseil federal suisse le 15 juin 1901. xii (2 1.), 186 pp. 16°. [Berne, 1902.] ------. Armee Suisse. Guide pour la prepara- tion des aliments dans le menage militaire; ap- prouve par le Departement militaire federal le 20 mars 1902. 83 pp. 16°. [Berne, 1902.] ------. Instruction pour les etats-majors; ap- prouvee par le Conseil federal le 13 mars 1903. 7. ed. ix, 306 pp., 10 tab. 16°. [Berne, 1903.] ------. Reglement de service pour les troupes suisses, mis en vigueur par arrete du Conseil federal Suisse du 23 decembre 1900. 3. ed. vi, 122 pp. 16°. [Berne], 1903. ------. Pharmakopcea Helvetica. Ed. 4a. Deutsche Ausgabe. xxxiv, 639 pp. 8°. Bern, Neukomm dc Zimmermann, 1907. Switzerland. Departement des Jnnern. Das schweizerische Gesundheitswesen im Jahre 1888. Nach amtlichen Quellen bearbeitet und im Auftrage des schweizerischen Departements des Innern hrsg. von F. Schmid, eidg. Sanitiits- referent. xv, 589 pp. 8°. Bern, Schmid, Francke dc Co., 1891. ------. Systematische Uebersicht der auf Ende 1890 in Kraft bestehenden Gesetze, Verordnun- gen, Reglemente, Vorschriften und sonstigen Bestimmungen betreffend das Offentliche Ge- sundheitswesen des Bundes, der Kantone und der grossern Stiidte und Ortschafteh der Schweiz im Auftrage des schweizerischen Departements des Innern zusammengestellt von F. Schmid, eidgen. Sanitatsreferent. 2 p. 1., 142 pp. 8°. Bern, Sclimid, Francke dc Co., 1891. ------. Sch weizerisches Lebensmittel buch. Me- thoden fiir die Untersuchung und Normen fiir die Beurteilung von Lebensmitteln und Ge- brauchsgegenstiinden. Im Auftrag des schweiz. Departements des Innern bearbeitet vom Verein schweiz. analytischer Chemiker. viii, 222 pp. 8°. Bern, Neukomm dc Zimmermann, 1899. ------. The same. Manuel suisse des denrees alimentaires. Methodes d'analyse et donnces pour 1'appreciation des denrees alimentaires et objets d'usage domestique. Ouvrage elabore a la demande du Departement federal de l'interieur par la Societe des chiinistes analystes suisses. Traduit del'allemand par A. Steinmann, avec la collaboration du Dr. E. Ackermann. viii, 249 pp. 8°. Berne, Neukomm dc Zimmermann, 1900. Switzerland. Scluveizerisches Gesundheitsaint. Die Influenza in der Schweiz in den Jahren 1889-94. Auf Grund amtlicher Berichte und sonstigen Materials dargestellt von F. Schmid. 1 p. 1., 244 pp., 6 ch., 16diag., 1 tab. 4°. Bern, Schmid, Francke dc Co., 1895. ------. Die schweizerische Lebensmittelgesetz- gebung. Die eidgenussischen, kantonalen und wichtigsten stadtischen Vorschriften iiber den Verkehr mit Lebensmitteln und Gebrauehsjre- genstanden. Systematisch zusamtnengestellt von dem . . . Nebst einem Anhange: Die wichtigsten ausliindischen Lebensmittelgesetze. xx, 784 pp. 8°. Bern, von Steiger dc Co., 1899. ------. Instructions pour la desinfection des ap- partements par la formaldehyde au moyen de l'appareil du Prof. Dr. Fliigge. (April, 1901.) 7 pp. 8°. [Berne, 1901.] SWITZERLAND. 321 SWOBODA. Switzerland. See, also, Aarau; Aargau; Aarwangen; Abendberg; Alps; Army (Swiss); Arose; Basel; Berne; Bodensee; Children (Hos- pitals for), Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities; Davos; Diphtheria (History of), Epidemics (History of), Fever (Typhoid, His- tory of), by localities; Geneva; Glion; Goitre (History, etc., of), by localities; Health-resorts; Heustrich; Hospitals (Management, etc., of), Hygiene (Public, Laws, etc., of), Insane (Asylums for, Descriptions of, etc.), Insane (Care, Condition, etc., of), Insane (Legislation relating to), by local ides; Interlaken; Leprosy (History and statistics of), by localities; Les Avants; Ley- sin; Pharmacopoeias ( Official), Pharmacy (Legislation relating to), Plague (History, etc., of), Statistics (Vital), by locali ies; Universi- ties; Vaccination (History of), by countries; Yverdon; Zurich. Blos (W.) *Die Quellen der friinkischen Schweiz. 8°. Erlangen, 1902. Bourcart (F.-E.) Les lacs alpins suisses. Etude chimique et physique. 4°. Geneve, 1906. Brugger (C. G.) Beitrage zur Natur-Chro- nik der Schweiz, insbesondere der Rhatischen Alpen. sm. 4°. Chur, 1888. Repr. from: Programm der Biindner. Cantonsschule, 1887-8, 6. F. Burckhardt-Merian (A.) Wegweiser fiir hilfesuchende Kranke und Gebrechliche in der gesammten Schweiz. Im Auftrage und unter Mitarbeit der Aerzte-Commission. 12°. Basel, 1883. Chlenoff(B. A.) Shveltzariya; klimatiches- kiye kurorti, mineralniya vodi, vodollechebni- tsi i miesta dlya lietnyavo otdikha. [Switzer- land; climatic health resorts, mineral waters, water-cure establishments, and summer resorts.] 12°. Moskva, 1897. Feierabend (A.) Die klimatischen Kurorte der Schweiz. Neue durch einen Nachtrag ver- mehrte Ausgabe. 12°. Wien, 1876. Gsell Fels (T.) Die Bader und klimatischen Kurorte der Schweiz. . .' . Mit einer Bader- Karte der Schweiz. 4. Aufl. 8°. Zurich,1898. Loetscher (H.) Schweizer Reise-und Kur- Almanach 1902. Die Kurorte und Heilquellen der Schweiz. Ein Reisehandbuch fiir Kurgiiste und Sommerfrischler, sowie Ratgeber fiir Aerzte. 13. Aufl. 12°. Zurich, 1902. -----. The same. 14. Aufl. 8°. Zurich, 1907. -----. The same. Handbook to the health resorts of Switzerland. Containing full infor- mation for the physician, the healthseeker and the traveller as to all baths, climatic stations, springs and watering places of Switzerland. 4. ed. 12°. Zurich, 1892. Santi (A.) Bergell, Maloja, Engadin als Kurorte. Skizze. 12°. Chur, 1903. Sellers (Edith). Poor relief in Switzerland. Pt. 2. 8°. London, 1909. Cutting from: Contemp. Rev., Lond., 1909, xcv. Wegelin (A. T.) *Enumeratio stirpium flora? helvetica? secundum ordines naturales disposita. 8°. Turici, 1837. Werber (W. J. A.) Die Schweizer-Alpen- luft in ihren Wirkungen auf Gesunde und Kranke mit Beriicksichtigung der Mineralquel- len und Kurorte. 2. Aufl. 8°. Zurich, 1862. BUhrer(C) Le climat du canton de Vaud. Bull. Soc. vaudoise d. sc. nat., Lausanne, 1896, xxxii, 33; 97; 167.—Esmonet (C.) Les sports d'hiveren Suisse; La Riviera en danger. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par. VOL XVII, 2d series----21 C.-r., 1906-7, Iii, '251-266. Also, Reprint. — Ewart (W.) The seasons at the Swiss altitudes and when to send out patients. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 1312. — Loooli (D.J.) The winter resorts of Switzerland. Med. Chron., Man- chester, 1896-7, n. s., v, 161-172. — McLean (A.) Swit- zerland as a medical center. Detroit M. J., 1907, vii, 251- 254.—IHievllle (E.) Aerztliehe Studienreisen durch die Schweizer-Kurorte. Ann. d. schweiz. balneol. Ge- sellsch., Aarau, 1907, 3. Hft., 28-30.—Illori (E.) Die Be- deutung der schweizerischen Kurorte una die soziale Frage der Schweizeriirzte. Ann. d. schweiz. balneol. Ge- sellsch., Aarau, 1906,2. Hft, 62-71.—Palazzolo (G.) Im- pressioni zootecniehe di un viaggio nella Svizzera. Gior. d.r. Soc. naz. vet.,Torino, 1911, lx, 249; 273; 293; 320; 367.— Koot (Eliza H.) Observations on some climate resorts of Europe. Woman'sM.J..Toledo, 1906,xvi, 153.—Sahli(W.) Das freiwillige Hilfswesen in der Schweiz. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1904, xxxiv. 713-723.—Tyson (J.) Travel notes; a phvsician's holiday in the Enga- dine. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, Iii, 1400. Switzerland (Anthropology of). Anthropologie und Vorgeschichte. Physi- sche Anthropologie der schweizerischen Bevol- kerung, zusammengestellt von R. Martin. Ur- geschichte der Schweiz zusammengestellt von J. Heierli. 8°. Bern, 1901. Fldckiger (O.) *Die obere Grenze mensch- licher Siedelungen in der Schweiz abgeleitet auf Grund der Verbreitung der Alphutten. 8°. Bern, 1906. Osenbruggen (E.) Die Schweiz in den Wandlungen der Neuzeit. 8°. Berlin, 1876. Schurch (O.) *Neue Beitriige zur Anthro- pologie der Schweiz. fol. Bern, 1899. —----. The same. 4°. Bern, 1900. Schwerz (F.) Versuch einer anthropologi- schen Monographie des Kantons Schaffhausen, speziell des Klettgaues. fol. Zurich, 1910. Wettstein (E.) Zur Anthropologie und Eth- nographie des Kreises Disentis (Graubunden). 8°. Zurich, 1902. Alay-Beliadel (A.) Gergo degli spazzacamini d' Intragna. (Tarom di riisca.) Arch, di antrop. crim. [etc.], Torino, 1909, 4. s.,i, 369-379.—Bushnell (D.I.)Jr. Relics of early man in western Switzerland. Am. An- throp., Wash., 1906, viii, 1-12, 3 pl., 1 plan.—Christ (H.) Gedanken uber die Motion Eugster. [Antrag zur Unter- suchung der Ursachen der Degeneration des Appenzeller- volkes ] Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1906, xxxvi, 474; 500.— Cuenoud. La criminalite en Suisse. Cong. internat. d'anthrop. crim. C. r. 1896, Geneve, 1897, iv, 297- 302.—.11 ouriot (P.) La population de la Suisse en 1900. J. Soc. de statist, de Par., 1902, xliii, 225-229.—Nicefbro (A.) Contribution a l'etude de l'indice cephalique en Suisse. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1904, 5. s., v, 493-495.—Pittard (E.) Comparaison de la capacity cranienne dans quelques series des cranes suisses. Ver- handl. d. schweiz. naturf. Gesellsch. 1901, Zofingen, 1902, lxxxiv, 18;Vis7._itel>er(B.) DievorhistorischenSculp- turendcnkmiihr derSchweiz und speciell diejenigen des Kantons Wallis. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1894, n. P., xiv, [102-108].—Sclienk. (A.) Les popula- tionsde la Suisse depuis la periode paleolithique jusqu'a l'epoque gallo-helvete. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'anthrop., 1907,5.8., viii, 212-228.—S< liiircli (O.) Neue Beitrage zur Anthropologic der Schweiz. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wintcrtlinr &Geneve,1902, xii,73; 157; 280.—von den Veldcn (P.) Das Patoisder WestschwcizalsZeuge volkergeschichtlicher Vorgange. Polit.-antbrop. Rev., Hildburgh., 1910-11, ix, 457; 527.—Vram (U. G.) Crani svizzeri. Atti d. Soc. rom. di antrop., Roma, 1901-2, viii, 198-213. Swoboda (Gustav). Die Physopathie, oder die Lehre alle Krankheitsformen auf naturgemas- sem Wege zu heilen. In drei Heften. vi, 70 pp. 8°. Wien, 1857. [P., v. 2166.] Swoboda ( Hermann ). Die Perioden des menschlichen Organismus in ihrer psycholo- gischen und biologischen Bedeutung. xiii, 135 pp. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, F. Deuticke, 1904. Swoboda (Norbert). Ueber Elephantiasis con- genita. 7 pp. 8°. Wien, 1904. Forms Beil. 8 to: Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kin- derh., Wien, 1904, iii. SWOBODA. 322 SYCOSIS. Swoboda (Norbert)—continued. -----. Yaricellen. In: Handb. d. Kinderh. (Pfaundler&Schlossman). 8°. Leipzig, 1906, i. 722-746, 2 pl. -----. The same. Varicella. In: Dis. Child. . . . Pfaundler & Schlossmann. Eng. transl., Phila. & Lond., 1908, ii, 330-347. Sworder (Horace). Popular information con- cerning infectious diseases, x (1 1.), 82 pp. 12°. London, H. Renshaw, 1893. Swordfish. Renner (W.) Penetrating wound of the abdomen by a sword-tish. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1903, vi, 119. Sword-swallowers. Becker (D.) Een besondere genesinge van den Prussiaenschen mes-inslicker. By desen derden druck sijn de getuygenissen, van den Alderdoorluchtichtsten Coninck van Polen, ende der stadt Coningsbergen gevoeght, ende eenighe dierghelijcke wonderlijcke ghenesin- ghen. Uvt het Latyn vertaelt door Thomas Staffard. "16°. Leyden, 1649. Guyot-Daubes. Les avaleurs de sabres. In his: Les hommes-phenomenes, 8°, Par., [1886], 247-257.— Loomis (H. P.) Perforation of the oesophagus of a "sword swallower." Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1894), 1895, 46.—Two curious freaks. Boston M. & S. J., 1898, cxxxviii, 237.—"Variot (G.) Les avaleurs de sabres. Rev. scient., Par., 1895, 4. s., iv, 304-306.—Virchow (H.) Degenschlucker. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. An- throp., Berl., 1891, 401-405. Syanozhenski (G[rigoriy] 0[sipovich]) [1872- ]. * Intraligamentarniya kisti i ikh khi- rurgicheskoye liecheniye. [Intraligamentous cysts and their surgical treatment.] 2 p. 1., 364 pp., 11., ltab., 9 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1904. Syassen (Heinrich [Georg]) [1875- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur pathologisehen Anatomie der sym- pathisierenden Augenentziindung. 29 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1906. Sybel (Eberhard). * Casuistischer Beitrag zur Syphilis der Extremitaten. [Erlangen.] 16 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1900. Sybrandy (B.) & Schrijver (J.) Vegeta- risme. 37 pp. 8°. Baarn, Hollandia-Druk- kerij, 1905. Forms no. 3 of: Pro en contra, Baarn, 1905, i. Sybreclit (Gustav [Heinrich]) [1871- ]. * Zur Lehre von den Blasenmolen. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, C. Vogt, 1895. Sycandra raphanus. Cotte (J.) Comment les choanocytes de Sycandra raphanus absorbent - iis les particuies alimentaires? Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 1315-1317, Sychnuria. Delagrammatica. Svchnurie. Gaz.med.d'Orient, Constant., 1899-1900, xiii, 319. Sycochymase. Cliodat (R.) & Rouge (E.) La sycochymase ou le labferment du Ficus carica. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1906, xvi, 1-9.—Gerber (C.) La sycochymase. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 1225-1227. Sycones. Jtirgensen (M.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Eibil- dung, Reifung, Befruchtung und Furchung bei Schwam- men (Syconen). Arch. f. Zellforsch., Leipz., 1910, iv, 163-242, 6 pl. Sycosis. See, also, Barbers. Lemasle (F.-E.-M.) * Essai sur le traitement du sycosis. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897. Alibert, le baron. Note sur une maladie cutanee ge- neralement indiquee sous le nom de varus mentagra. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1833-4, i, 289-291—Baudouin & Gastou, Sycosis pubien et suppurations genitales (pyodermites eczematiformes et urethrovaginites). Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, xii, 106-107.— Sycosis. Heaugrand. Observations et reflexions sur le varus mentagra (sycosis menti de Willan et Bateman). J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1834-5, ii, 353-357,1 pl.—Hreakey (W. F.) Parasitic sycosis communicated lrom cattle. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., N. V., 1904, xxviii, 55-63. Also: J. Cu- tan. Dis. inch Syph., N. Y., 1904, xxii, 566-573.—Can- trell (J. A.) & Schamberg (J. F.) Ulerythema syce- siforme (lupoid sycosis). Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass. 1895, N. Y., 1896, xix, 45-51.-----------. Ulerythema sycosiforme (lupoid sveosis), with a report of two cases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx, 895-898.—Delboeuf(J.) A pro- pos d'une cure merveilleuse de sycosis. Rev. de l'hyp- not. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1895-6, x, 225-233.—Detre (L.) Durch ein Vaccinations-Verfahren geheilter Fall von Sycosis. Verhandl. d. Budapest, k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte 1908, Budapest, 1909, 76-78.—Dyer (I.) True sy- cosis, parasitic sycosis and the ringworms. N. Orl. M.&S. J., 1895-6, xxiii, 579-584,1 pl.—Eddowes (A.) Sycosis. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1903, xxxi, 209.—Ehr- mann (S.) Ueber Sykosis und Folliculitis. Wien. med. Presse, 1893, xxxiv, 321; 367. Also, Reprint. -----. Die Kataphorese als Heilverfahren fur Sycosis coccogenis (vulgaris) und parasitaria. Wien. med. BI., 1897, xx, 8. -----. SycosisparasitariaderbehaartenKopfhaut. Wien. med. Presse, 1898,xxxix. 1697-1701.—Fox (G. H.) Chronic sycosis with spontaneous cicatrization of the cheek. J. Cutan.Dis. incl. Syph., N.Y., 1907,xxv, 185.—Fox (T. C.) Case of coccogenic sycosis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Dermat. Sect., 11. Also. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1907, xix, 420.—Galloway (J.) A case of syco- sis. Clin. J., Lond., 1902-3, xxi, 351.—Gilchrist. Sy- cosis of the face. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., N. Y., 1903,203.— Gottheil (W. S.) Barber's itch. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 342-346.—Hays (J. E.) Sycosis. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1898, xxvi, 401-404. [Discussion], 416.— Hyde (J. N.) Lupoid sycosis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xiv, 849.—Jackson (G. T.) Sycosis; a clinical study. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1889, vii, 13- 19. [Discussion], 29. Also, Reprint.—Knotty.) Tinea sycosis. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 294. Also, Reprint.— Lawrence (H.) Case of tinea sycosis. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1894, n. s., xvi, 518-520,1 pl.—McVey (R. E.) Tinea psychosis [sic], with report of case. Proc. Kansas M. Soc, Topeka, 1899, xxxii, 111-116.—martin (H.) Ueber die endemische Sycosis tonsurans und ihre Verhutung. Aerztl. Vereinsbl. f. Deutsehl., Leipz., 1890, xvii,488-494.— Meachen (G. N.) Sycosis of syphilitic origin. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1903, n. s., lxxv, 89.—Meissner (P.) Ueber die Sycosis und ihre Behandlung, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Kataphorese. Verhandl. d. Ge- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Leipz., 1899, lxx, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 325.—Meshtsherski (G. I.) Sluchal odnostoronnvavo sikoza. [Unilateral sveosis.] Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh., 1898-9, viii, 77-81.—Mibelli (V.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Anatomie des Favus. [Transl. from the Italian.] Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1896, xxii, 126-143.—Moutot. Possibility d'un sycosis parasitaire de la barbe greffe sur un chancre du menton. Lyon med., 1906, cvii, 391-393.—Nicolas & Moutot (H.) Sur un cas de sycosis trichophytique d. forme de kerion Celsi. Ibid., cvi, 1120-1124.—Obmann- Dumesnll (A. H.) Sycosis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., iii, 357-360, 1 pl. -----. Sycosis. Tri-State M. J. & Pract., St. Louis, 1898, v, 559-564.—Regensburger (A. E.) Why sycosis? A plea for the abolition of the term. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 588.—Sabou- raud (R.) La querelle du terrain et du microbe en dermatologie a propos de l'etiologie du sycosis de la levre superieure. Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 401^05.—Scliam- berg (J. F.) A case of lupoid sycosis with bleb forma- tion. Internat. Dermat. Cong, (vi), 1907. Tr.,N. Y., 1908, i, 345.—Sears (M. H.) Some remarks upon tinea trico- phytosis or barber's itch. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1897, iii, 453-456.— Shoemaker (J. V.) Tinea sycosis. Med. Bull., Phila., 1896, xviii,213:1897, xix, 214. -----. Sycosis. Ibid., 1900, xxii, 403-406. -----. Sycosis. Ibid., 1902, xxiv, 326-328. -----. Tinea sycosis; clinical lecture. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1907, n. s., lviii, 295.—S te 1 wagon (H. W.) Barber'sitch. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1896-7, v, 40-43,2pl.—Stevens (R.H.) Sycosisnon-parasitaria. Med. Century, N. Y. & Chicago, 1907, xv, 73.—Sverch- koff(V.T.) Sycosis parasitaria capitis. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadte, 1892-3, xxxi, 64; 94.— Sycosis. Quart. Atlas Dermat., St. Louis, 1894, ii, 53,1 pl.—Ullmann (K.) Zur Aetiologie und Histologie der Trichomvkose tonsurans (Sycosis parasitaria Bazin). Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, ix, 337; 375; 401. -----. [Eine Sycosis parasitaria im Bereiche der Gesichtshaut.l Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Syph., 1903, lxvii, 121.— Unna (P.G.) Hvphogenic, coccogenic and bacillogenic sycosis. St. Louis*M. &S. J., 1889. lvii, 81-90. .A&o: Select. monog. on dermat., Lond., 1893,62. Also, Reprint.-----. Sykosis subnasalisund Ausschnupfen. Monatsh.f.prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1898, xxvi, 618-620.—Minne (C. W.) Sycosis vulgaris with peculiarities of three cases. Chi- cago M. Times, 1908, xii, 29-31.—Wishart (J.) Sycosis; so-called barber's rash. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, ii, 663. SYCOSIS. 323 SYDENHAM. Sycosis (Treatment of). Schnelle (G.) *Zur Rontgen-Behandlung der Sveosis non parasitaria. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. B. (E.) Une cure merveilleuse de sycosis. Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psvchol. physiol., Par., 1895-6, x, 193-198.— Berliner (M.) Ein Beitrag zur Sykosisbehandlung. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1907, xxi, 24.-Deadri«-k (C.) The knife treatment of sycosis. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Chattanooga, 1888,159-161— Dumont (L.) Sycosis non §arasitaire traite par la methode des scarifications. Ann. e dermat. et svph., Par., 1901, 4. s., ii, 989-991. ■-----. Sycosis non parasitaire traite par la methode des scarifi- cations combinees a l'application de topiques antisep- tiques humides. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 535. Also: Ann.de dermat,et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 1159.—Ehrmann (S.) Ueber Folliculitis (Sycosis) nuchse sclerotisans und ihre Behandlung, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Haargruppenbildung. Arch. f. Der- mat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1895, xxxii, 323-344, 2 pl.— Fox(.H.) Treatmentof sveosis by the X-ray. Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y., 1908, xiv, 111-115. Also [Abstr.]: J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1908, xxvi, 464.—Gaucher. Le sycosis parasitaire et son traitement: le kerion Celsi. J. de med. int., Par., 1907, xi, 100-102—Hall (A.) On sim- ple sycosis; its diagnosis and treatment. Clin. J., Lond., 1904, xxix, 391-395—Heyerdahl (S. A.) Sycosis non parasitaria barbae helbredet med r^ntgenstraaler. [. . . cured bv the Rontgen ravs.] Tidskr. f.d. norskeLsegefor., Kristiania, 1902, xxii, 109-111.—Kozlievnikoff( A. Y.) Sluchal istsleleniva ot sikoza. [Case of cured sycosis.] Protok. zasled. (Tbsh. Neiropat. i Psikhiat. pri Imp. Mos- kov. Univ., 1894-5,110-117. Also: Med.Obozr.,Mosk.,1895, xliv, 825-842.—Leistikow (L.) Zur Therapie der sta- phylogenen Sykosis. Monatsh. f.prakt.Dermat.,Hamb., 1894, xviii, 228-234.— tittle (G.) [Acaseof sycosis treat- ed with staphvlococcus vaccine.] Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1904, xvi, 99-101.—LiUtembacher (R.) Traitement du sycosis tricophytique par l'acetine iodee. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1910, xxi, 107.—McElligott (M. G.) The treatmentof sycosis menti. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 973.—Meret (H.) Sycosis de barbe datant de 15 ansgueri par la radiotherapie. Rev. med. deNormandie, Rouen, 1908, 21-24.—Meyer (E.) Zur Behandlung der Sveosis parasitaria. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 209.—Oh- mann-Dnmesnil (A. H.) The treatmentof sycosis. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1890, lviii, 139-142. Also, Reprint.— Scherber (G.) Zur Rontgenbehandlung der Sycosis simplex. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1905, xii, 435-443, 1 pl.— Sellei (J.) A sveosis vaccinas kezelese. [Vaccinother- apy of sveosis.] Gy6gvaszat, Budapest, 1910, 1, 208-210.— SlietoffiX. V.) Vodollecheniye pri sikozisle. [Hydro- therapy in sveosis.] Med. Obozr., Mosk.. 1895, xliii, 997- 999 _Srebrhy. Zur Aetiologie und Therapie der Syco- sis der Oberlippe. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1897. xi, 211- 215.—Tile (V. A.) O llechenii sikoza. [On the treat- ment of sycosis.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1895, xvi, 590; 617— Traitement du sycosis par l'electrolyse interstitielle au cuivre. Rev. internat. d'electrother., Par., 1893-4, iv, 289-291.—Zechmeister (H.) Beitrag zur Radiothera- pie der Svkosis hyphogenes. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb.. 1901, xxxii, 329-337.—Zeckendorf (L.) Zur Therapie der Sycosis. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1902, ix, 685-687. Sycotypus canaliculatus. Herrick (J. B.1 Mechanism of the odontophoral apparatus in Svcotvpus canaliculatus. Am. Naturalist, Bost., 1906, xl, 707-737. Sydenham (Thomas) [1624-89]. Processus integri in morbis fere omnibus curandis; quibus accessit graphica symptomatum delineatio, una cum quamplurimis observatu dignis; nee non de phthisi tractatulo nunquam antehac edito. 5 p. 1., 108 pp. 24°. Londini, S. Smith [et al.], 1695. -----. Thesame. 3p. l.,44pp. 4°. Lugdunx, Anisson dc Posuel, 1718. Bound with: Morton (Richard). Opera medica, [etc.]. 4°. Lugduni, 1718. -----. Thesame. 5. ed. 5 p. 1., 107 pp. 24°. Londini, J. Knapton [et al.], 1726. -----. The whole works of that excellent prac- tical physician . . ., wherein not only the his- tory and cures of acute diseases are treated of after a new and accurate method, but also the shortest and safest way of curing most chronical diseases. 2. ed., corrected from the original Latin, by John Pechey. 7 p. 1., 562 pp. 8°. London, R. Wellington, 1697. Sydenham (Thomas)—continued. -----. The same. 4. ed., corrected from the original Latin, by John Pechey. 7 p. 1., 453 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, R. Wellington, 1705. -----. The same. 6. ed. 7 p. 1., 453 pp. 8°. London, R. Wellington, 1715. ------. Brevis morbos curandi methodus, dat is, korte leerwys om ziekten te geneezen. En door hem zelve uit zyne werken, als het merg der zelve zynde, getrokken, en nu naar de ordere van het ABO geschikt. Uit het Latin vertaald, ende met eygene geneezingswys der ziekten bygevoegd door Henricus Buyzen. 3. druk. 14 p. 1., 512 pp. 16°. t'Amsterdam, I. Spaan, 1741. -----. Traite de la goutte. Traduit et annote* par A. Tartenson. 110 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1885. ------. The same. Abhandlung iiber die Gicht (1681). Eingeleitet und iibersetzt von Julius Leopold Pagel. 53 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1910. See, also, Blancard (Stephen). Venus belegert en ontset, [etc.]. 16°. VAmsterdam, 1688. For Biography, see Payne (J. F.) Thomas Sydenham. 8°. London, 1900. See, also: Albany M. Ann., 1908, xxix, 199-202 (G. Blumer). Also: Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1910, xxvi, 613-616 (L. D. Burdick). Also: Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1905, xxv, 313-329 ( W. J. Fischer). Also: Edinb. M. J., 1907, n. s.,xxii, 143-156 (W. H. Coup- land). Also: Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1911, xxxi, 1-22, lpl. (T. R. Bradshaw). Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1910, liii, 16-24, port. (H. M. Cohen). Also: Med.News,Phila., 1894, lxv, 234-236 (Sir H. Acland). Also: Montreal M. J., 1904, xxxiii,636-648,lpl.,port. (W.T.Hamilton). Also: Wash. M. Ann., 1909, viii, 185-196 (J. B. Nichols). ------. See, also: Andrae (H.) * Ueber die Medizin Thomas Sydenhams 1624-89. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Heilkunde. [Zurich. ] 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Cumston (C. G.) The early career of Sydenham, with remarks on the men and medicine of his time. Boston M. & S. J., 1909, clx, 665-668. -----. Sydenham and the great plague of London. Med.-Pharm. Critic, N. Y., 1909, xii, 375-379.—Fiessinger (C.) La thera- peutique de Thomas Sydenham, 1624-89. In his: Therap. d. vieux maitres, Par., 1897, 170-175.—Hwasser (I.) Sydenham; ett bidrag till medicinens culturhistoria. In his: Valda skrifter, Stockholm, 1870, v, 71-237.— Mitchell (D.) The therapeutics of Sydenham. Glas- gow M. J., 1895, xliii. 261-265.—Payne (J. F.) Letters and fragments of Thomas Sydenham, edited (partly for the first time). Janus, Amst., 1898, iii. 4-11. —Bich- ardson (B.W.) Thomas Sydenham and Hippocratic physic. Asclepiad, Lond., 1892, ix, 385-410, port., 1 pl. Also, in his: Disciples of iEsculapius, 8°, Lond., 1900, ii, 656-673, port. Sydenham Society. Sydenham Society ( New ), London. The forty-first annual report of the New Sydenham Society, with balance sheet for 1898, list of offi- cers for 1899-1900, and list of published works. 8°. London, 1899. Bound with: Sternberg (M.) Acromegaly. 8°. [Lon- don, 1899.] -----. Retrospective memoranda [1859- 1911], by Sir Jonathan Hutchinson. Subject index and index of names, compiled by Charles R. Hewitt. 3 p. 1., 70 pp., 2 port. (1 front.). 8°. London, published for the society by H. K. Lewis, 1911. The society commenced its first issue in 1859; its last was completed in 1907. Hutchinson (J.) The New Sydenham Society. Brit. M. J. Lond., 1901, i, 545. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 661. Sydenham Society (Publications of the). Aretaeus (C.) The extant works. Edited and transl. by Francis Adams. 8°. London, 1856. SYDENHAM. 324 Sydenham Society (Publications of the). Dupuytren ( G. ) On the injuries and dis- eases of bones; being selections from the col- lected edition of the clinical lectures of Baron Dupuytren. Transl. and edited by F. le Gros Clark. 8°. London, 1847. -----. On lesions of the vascular system, diseases of the rectum, and other surgical com- plaints; being selections from the collected edi- tion of the clinical lectures of Baron Dupuytren. Transl. and edited by F. Le Gros Clark. 8°. London, 1854. Essays on the puerperal fever and other dis- eases peculiar to women. Selected from the writings of British authors previous to the close of the eighteenth century. Edited bv Fleet- wood Churchill. 8°. London, 1849. von Feuchtersleben (E.) The principles of medical psychology; being the outlines of a course of lectures ( Vienna, 1845 ). Transl. from the German by H. Evans Lloyd. Revised and edited by B. G. Babington. 8°. London, 1847. Harvey (W.) The works of . . . Transl. from the Latin, with a life of the author, by Robert Willis, M. D. 8°. London, 1847. Hasse (K. E.) An anatomical description of the diseases of the organs of circulation and res- piration. Transl. from the German and edited by W. E. Swaine. 8°. London, 1846. Hecker (J. F. C. ) The epidemics of the middle ages. Transl. from the German by B. G. Babington. 8°. London, 1844. Hewson (W.) Works. Edited, with an in- troduction and notes, by George Gulliver. 8°. London, 1846. Hippocrates. The genuine works. Transl. from the Greek, with a preliminary discourse and annotations. 2 v. 8°. London, 1849. Hunter (W.) Anatomia uteri humani gra- vidi tabulis illustrata. Anatomy of the human gravid uterus exhibited in figures, fol. Lo - don, 1851. von Kolliker (A.) Manual of human his- tology. Transl. and edited bv G. Busk and Th. Huxley. 2 v. 8°. London, 1853-4. Kuchenmeister (G. F. H.) On animal and vegetable parasites of the human body. A man- ual of their natural history, diagnosis and treatment. Transl. from the 2. German ed. by Edwin Lankester. 2 v. 8°. London, 1857. Louis ( P. C. A. ) Researches on phthisis, anatomical, pathological, and therapeutical. Transl. by W. H. Walshe. 8°. London, 1844. Observations on aneurism, selected from the works of the principal writers on that disease, from the earliest periods to the close of the last century. Transl. and edited by J. E. Erichsen. 8°. London, 1844. Observations on surgical diseases of the head and neck. Selected from the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Surgery of France. Transl. and edited by Drewrey Ottley. 8°. London, 1848. Oesterlen (F.) Medical logic. Transl. and edited by G. Whitley. 8°. London, 1855. Paulus ^Egineta. The seven books of Paulus iEgineta. Transl. from the Greek; with a com- mentary embracing a complete view of the knowledge possessed by the Greeks, Romans, and Arabians on all subjects connected with medicine and surgery. By Francis Adams. 3 v. 8°. London, 1844-7. Sydenham Society (Publications of the). Rhazes. A treatise on the small-pox and measles, by Abu Beer Mohammed Ibn Zacarfyd Ar-Razi (commonly called Rhazes). Transl. from the original Arabic by W. A. Greenhill. 8°. London, 1848. von Rokitansky ( C. ) A manual of patho- logical anatomy. Transl. from the German. 4 v. 8°. London, 1849-54. Romberg (M. H.) A manual of the nervous diseases of man. Transl. and edited by E. H. Sieveking. 2 v. 8°. London, 1853. Schwann (T.) Microscopical researches into the accordance in the structure and growth of animals and plants. Transl. from the German by Henry Smith. 8°. London, 1847. von Siebold (C. T. E.) On tape and cystic worms. With an introduction on the origin of intestinal worms. Transl. by T. H. Huxley. 8°. London, 1857. Sydenham (T.) Opera omnia. Edidit Guliel- mus Alexander Greenhill. 8°. Londini, 1844. -----. The same. Ed. altera. 8°. Lon- dini, 1846. -----. The same. The works of... Transl. from the Latin ed. of Dr. Greenhill, with a life of the author, by R. G. Latham. 2 v. 8°. London, 1848-50. Thompson (T.) Annals of influenza, or epi- demic catarrhal fever in Great Britain from 1510 to 1837. 8°. London, 1852. Unzer (J. A.) The principles of physiology; and A dissertation on the functions of the nerv- ous system, by George Prochaska. Transl. and edited by Thomas Lavcock. 8°. 8°. London, 1851. Velpeau (A. A. L. M.) A treatise on dis- eases of the breast. Transl. from the French by Mitchell Henry. 8°. London, 1856. Wedl (C.) The rudiments of pathological histology. Transl. and edited by George Busk. 8°. London, 1855. Sydenham (New) Society (Publications of the). Addison (T.) A collection of the published writings of . . . Edited by Dr. Wilks and Dr. Daldy. 8°. London, 1868, v. 36. Atlas (An) of illustrations of pathology, com- piled (chiefly from original sources) for the New Sydenham Societv. Fasc. i-xiii. fol. Lon- don, 1877-1900, v.* 77, 97, 104, 122, 135. Atlas (An) of illustrations of clinical medi- cine, surgery and pathology, compiled (chiefly from original sources) for "the New Sydenham Society. (A continuation of the "Atlas of pathology.") Fasc. xiv-xxvii. fol. London, 1902-7, v. 175-186, 189-191. Begbie (J. W.) Selections from the works of the late . . . Edited by Dice Duckworth. 8°. London, 1882, v. 100. Bernutz (G.) & Goupil (E.) Clinical mem- oirs on the diseases of women. Transl. and edited by Alfred Meadows. 2 v. 8°. London, 1867, v. 28, 31. Biennial (A) retrospect of medicine, sur- gery, and their allied sciences, for 1865-74. Ed- ited by H. Power, F. E. Anstie [etal.] for the New Sydenham Societv. 5 v. 8°. London, 1867-75, v. 32, 59, 65, 94. Billroth ([C. A.] T.) Lectures on surgical pathology and therapeutics. Transl. from the 8. ed. 2 v. 8°. London 1877-8, v. 73, 76. SYDENHAM. 325 SYDENHAM. Sydenham (Neir) Society (Publications J of the). -----. Clinical surgery. Extracts from the reports of surgical practise between the years 1860-76. Transl. from the original and edited with annotations, bv C. T. Dent. 8°. London, 1881, v. 94. Binz (C.) Lectures on pharmacology, for practitioners and students. Transl. from the 2. I German ed. by Arthur C. Latham. 2 v. S°. London, 1895-7, v. 154, 159. Bright (R.) Clinical memoirs on abdom- inal tumours and intumescence. Reprinted from Guy's Hospital Reports. Edited by G. Hilaro Barlow. 8°. London, 1860, v. 6. Casper (J. L.) A handbook of tne practise of forensic medicine. Transl. from the 3. ed. of the original, by G. W. Balfour. 4 v. 8°. London, 1861-5, v. 12, 16, 20, 26. Charcot (J.-M.) Lectures on the diseases of the nervous system. Delivered at La Salpe- triere. v. 1 & 2, transl. and edited by George Sigerson; v. 3, transl. by Thomas Savill. 3 v. 8°. London, 1877-89, v. 72, 90, 128. -----. Clinical lectures on senile and chronic diseases. Transl. by William S. Tuke. 8°. London, 1881, v. 95. -----. Lectures on the localisation of cere- bral and spinal diseases, delivered at the Fac- ulty of Medicine of Paris. Transl. and edited by Walter Baugh Hadden. 8°. London, 1883, v. 102. Clinical lectures on subjects connected with medicine, surgery and obstetrics. Selected from the series published by Richard Volkmann. 2 v. 8°. London, 1876-7, v. 70, 71. Cohnheim (J. [F.]) Lectures on general pa- thology. A handbook for practitioners and stu- dents. Transl. from the 2. German ed. by Alexander B. McKee; with memoir by the translator. Section I. The pathology of the cir- culation. Section II. The pathology of nutri- tion. Sections III-VI. The pathology of diges- tion, respiration, urinary organs, and animal heat. 3 v. 8°. London, 1889-90, v. 126, 129, 133. Colles (A.) Selections from the works of . . ., consisting chiefly of his practical observations on the venereal disease, and on the use of mercury. Edited, with annotations, by Robert McDonnell. 8°. London, 1881, v. 92. Did ay (P.) A treatise on syphilis in new- born children, and infants at the breast. Transl. by G. Whitley. 8°. London, 1859, v. 1. Donders (F. C.) On the anomalies of accom- modation and refraction of the eye. With a preliminary essay on physiological dioptrics. Transl. by W. D. Moore. 8°. London, 1864, v. 22. Duchenne de Boulogne (G. B. A. D.) Se- lections from the clinical works of . . . [Transl., edited, and condensed by G. V. Poore.] 8°. London, 1883, v. 105. Ewald (C. A.) Lectures on diseases of the digestive organs. Transl. from the latest Ger- man ed. by Robert Saundbv. 2 v. 8°. Lou- don, 1891-2, v. 136, 139. Flugge (C. [G. F. W.]) Microorganisms, with special reference to the etiology of the in- fective diseases. Transl. from the 2. ed. of "Fermenteund Mikroparasiten," by W. Wat- son Cheyne. 8°. London, 1890, v. 132. Frerichs (F. T.) A clinical treatise on dis- ease of the liver. Transl. by Charles Murchi- son. 2 v. 8°. London, 1860-62, v. 7. ■iydenham (New) Society (Publications of the). Gooch (R.) An account of the most impor- tant diseases peculiar to women. With other papers. Prefatory essay by Robert Ferguson. 8°. London, 1859, v. 2. Graves (R. J.) Clinical lectures on the practise of medicine. Reprinted from 2. ed. Edited bv the late Dr. Neligan. 2 v. 8°. Lon- don, 1884, v. 109, 113. Griksinger (W.) Mental pathology and therapeutics. Transl. from the German (2. ed.) by C. L. Robertson and J. Rutherford. 8°. London, 1867, v. 33. Cull (Sir W.) A collection of the published writings of. . . Edited and arranged by Theo- dore Dyke Acland. v. 1. Medical papers, v. 2. Memoir and addresses. 2 v. 8°. London, 1894-6, v. 147, 156. Guttmann (P.) A handbook of physical diagnosis, comprising the throat, thorax, and abdomen. Transl. from the 3. German ed. by Alex. Napier. 8°. London, 1879, v. 84. Hebra (F.) On diseases of the skin, includ- ing the exanthemata. 5 v. (v. 3-5 by Ferdi- nand Hebra and Moriz Kaposi.) v. 1 transl. by C. Hilton Fagge; v. 2, by C. Hilton Fagge and P. H. Pye-Smith; v. 3-5, by Warren Tay. 8°. London, 1866-80, v. 30, 37, 61, 63, 86. Helferich (H.) On fractures and disloca- tions. Transl. from the 3. ed. (1897) with notes and additional illustrations, by J. Hutchinson, jr. 8°. London, 1899, v. 167. Henoch (E.) Lectures on children's diseases. A handbook for practitioners and students. Transl. from the 4. ed. bv John Thomson. 2 v. 8°. London, 1889, v. 125, 131. Hirsch (A.) Handbook of geographical and historical pathology. Transl. from the 2. Ger- man ed. bv Charles Creighton. 3 v. 8°. Lon- don, 1883-6, v. 106, 112, 117. CONTENTS. v. 1. Acute infective disease. 1883. v. 2. Chronic infective, toxic, parasitic, septic and con- stitutional diseases. 1885. v. 3. Diseases of organs and parts. 1886. Koch (R.) Investigations into the etiology of traumatic infective diseases. Transl. by W. Watson Cheyne. 8°. London, 1880, v. 88. Kramer (W.) The aural surgery of thepres- sent day. Transl. by Henry Power. 8°. Lon- don, 1863, v. 18. Lancereaux (E.) A treatise on syphilis. Historical and practical. Transl. by G. Whit- ley. 2 v. 8°. 1868-9, 38, 41. Latham (P. M.) The collected works of . . . With memoir bv Sir Thomas Watson. Edited by Robert Martin. 2 v. 8°. London, 1876-8, v. 67, 80. Laveran ([C. L.]A.) Paludism. Transl. by J. W. Martin. 8°. London, 1893, v. 146. von Limbeck (R. R.) The clinical pathology of the blood. Transl. from the 2. German ed. by Arthur Latham and John Nachbar. 8°. London, 1901, v. 174. Marie (P.) Lectures on diseases of the spinal cord. Transl. by Montagu Lubbock. 8°. Lon- don, 1895, v. 152. -----& Souza-Leite. Essays on acromegaly; with bibliography and appendix of cases by other authors. 8°. Tendon, 1891, v. 137. M emoirs on diphtheria. From the writings of Bretonneau, Guersent [etc.]. Selected and trans- lated by R. H. Semple. 8°. London, 1859, v. 3. SYDENHAM. 326 SYDENHAM. Sydenham (New) Society (Publications Of the). Monographs and lectures from German sources: Manual action of living vegetable and animal cells, Th. Billroth; Neurasthenia and its treatment, H. von Ziemssen [etc.]. 8°. Lon- don, 1894, v. 148. Monographs on malaria: On summer-autumn malarial fevers. By E. Marchiafava and A. Bignami. Transl. from the 1. Italian ed. by J. Harry Thompson; [and]: The malarial parasites. A description based upon observations made by the author and other observers. By Julius Mannaberg. Transl. from the German by R. W. Felkin. 8°. London, 1894, v. 150. Monti (A.) The fundamental data of modern pathology; history, criticism, comparisons, ap- plications. Transl. from the Italian by John Joseph Eyre. 8°. Tendon, 1900, v. 172. Naunyn (B.) A treatise on cholelithiasis. Transl. by Archibald E. Garrod. 8°. London, 1896, v. 158. Ne ale (R.) The medical digest, being a means of ready reference to the principal contributions to medical science during the last thirty years. 8°. London, 1877, v. 75. Neubauer (C.) & Vogel (J.) A guide to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the urine. Transl. by W. O. Markham. 4. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1863, v. 20. New Sydenham Society's (The) lexicon of terms used in medicine and the allied sciences. (Based on Mayne's Lexicon.) Edited for the society by Henry Power and Leonard W. Sedg- wick. 5 v. 4°. London. 1878-99, v. 81, 83, 87, 89, 93, 96, 101, 103, 107, 111, 114, 116, 118, 120, 124, 130,134,138, 141,142,149,155,160,165,168. von Niemeyer (F.) Clinical lectures on pul- monary phthisis. Transl. from the 2. German ed. by C. Baeumler. 8°. London, 1870, v. 46. Pozzi (S. [J.]) A treatise on gynaecology, clinical and operative. 3 v. 8°. London, 1892-3, v. 140,144, 145. Prize essays on leprosy, s. i, by George New- man, Edward Ehlers and S. P. Impey; s. ii, by J. Ashburton Thompson and James Cantlie. 2 v. 8°. London, 1895-7, v. 157, 162. Recent essays by various authors on bacteria in relation to disease. Selected and edited by W. Watson Cheyne. 8°. London, 1886, v. 115. Report (A) on vaccination and its results, based on the evidence taken by the Royal Com- mission during the years 1896-7. v.l. The text of the commission's report. 8°. London, 1898, v. 164. Rindfleisch (G. E.) A manual of patholog- ical histology. An introduction to the study of pathological anatomy. Transl. byE. B. Baxter. 2 v. 8°. London, 1872-3, v. 54,58. Schroeder VAN der Kolk (J. L. C.) On the minute structure and functions of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata, and on the proximate cause and rational treatment of epilepsy. Transl. by Win. Daniel Moore. 8°. London, 1859, v. 4. Selected essays and monographs, chiefly from English sources: Braxton Hicks on gynecolog- ical subjects; George Bodington on the treat- ment and cure of pulmonary consumption; Dr. Hodgkin on disease of the lymphatic glands and spleen; Sir James Paget on symmetry and dis- ease, on disease of the nipple, and on osteitis deformans; Sir George Humphrey on unilateral hypertrophy of the gums, etc.; Dr. Ehlers on Sydenham (New) Society (Publications of the). Danish lazar-houses in the Middle Ages; a por- trait of Dr. W. Sedgwick Saunders. With brief memoir. 8°. London, 1901, v. 173. Selected essays and monographs (from for- eign sources). By various authors. 8°. Lon- don, 1900, v. 161. Selected essays and monographs. Transla- tions and reprints from various sources. 8°. London, 1897, v. 162. Selected monographs: Czermak on the prac- tical uses of the laryngoscope; Dusch on throm- bosis of the cerebral sinuses; Schroeder van der Kolk on atrophy of the brain; Radicke on the application of statistics to medical enquiries; Esmarsch on the uses of cold in surgical prac- tise. 8°. London, 1861, v. 11. Selected monographs: Kussmaul and Tenner on epileptiform convulsions from haemorrhage; Wagner on the resection of bones and joints; Graefe's three memoirs on iridectomy in iritis, choroiditis, and glaucoma. 8°. London, 1859, v. 5. Selected monographs: Raynaud's two essays on local asphyxia; Klebs and Crudelli on the nature of malaria; Marchiafava and Celli on the origin of melanaemia; Neugebauer on spondylo- listhesis. 8°. London, 1888, v. 121. Selected monographs comprising: Albumi- nuria in health and disease, by H. Senator. Some considerations on the nature and pathol- ogy of typhus and typhoid fever, by the late Alexander P. Stewart. Movable kidney in women, by Leopold Landau. 8°. London, 1884, v. 110. Selected monographs on dermatology. Un- na, Nielsen, Duhring, Bronson, Blanc, Berger, Prince-Morrow. 8°. London, 1893, v. 143. von Siebold (C. T. E.) On tape and cystic worms; with an introduction on the origin of intestinal worms. Transl. by T. H. Huxley. 8°. London, 1857. Smellie (W.) Treatise on the theory and practise of midwifery. Edited, with annota- tions, by Alfred H. McClintock. [With por- trait and memoir.] 3 v. 8°. London, 1876-8, v. 68, 74, 79. Spiegelberg (O.) A text-book of midwifery. Transl. from the 2. German ed. by J. B. Hurry. 2 v. 8°. London, 1887-8, v. 119, 123. Sternberg (M.) Acromegaly. Transl. by F. R. B. Atkinson. 8°. London, 1899. Stokes (W.) A treatise on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the chest. With mem- oir by Henry W. Acland. Edited by Alfred Hudson. 8°. London, 1882, v. 98. Stricker (S.) Manual of human and com- parative histologv. Transl. by Henry Power. 3 v. 8°. London, 1870-73, v. 47, 53, 57. von Troltsch (A. F.) The surgical diseases of the ear [and] The mechanism of the ossicles of the ear and membrana tympani, by H. L. F. Helmholtz. Transl. by James Hinton. 8°. London, 1874, v. 62. Trousseau (A.) Lectures on clinical medi- cine, delivered at the Hotel-Dieu, Paris, v. 1 transl. by P. V. Bazire; v. 2-5 transl. from the 3. ed. bv J. R. Cormack. 8°. London, 1867-72, v. 35, 42, 45, 51, 55. Waring (E. J.) Bibliotheka therapeutica, or bibliography of therapeutics, chiefly in refer- ence to articles of the materia medica. with SYDENHAM. 327 SYEZD. Sydenham (New) Society (Publications of the). numerous critical, historical and therapeutical annotations, and an appendix containing the bibliography of British mineral waters. 2 v. 8°. London, 1878, v. 78, 82. Wunderlich (C. R. A.) On the temperature in diseases; a manual of medical thermometry. Transl. from the 2. German ed. by W. B. Wood- man. 8°. London, 1871, y. 49. Yearbook (A) of medicine and surgery, and their allied sciences, for each of the years 1859- 64. 8°. London, 1860-65, v. 8,10,15,19, 23, 25. Sydenham's chorea. See Chorea. Sydenham's laudanum. Lemalre (P.) Les transformations successives de la decoction blanche de Sydenham; utilite de modifier sa prescription et son mode de preparation. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1911, xxxii. 147-151.—Pander (F.) Note sur le dosage de la morphine dans le laudanum de Sydenham (codex 1908). J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1910, 7. s., i, 585-589. Sydenus (Olaus). See Banderon (Bricius). Teutsche Apoteck [etc.]. 16°. Strassburg, 1595. Syder (Charles Mingay). See Cooper (Astley Paston). A seriesof lectures [etc.]. 8°. Boston, 1823.—Jones (Charles William). A series of lectures on the most approved principles and practices of modern surgery, [etc.]. 8°. London, 1821. Sydney. See, also, Influenza (History, etc., of), Menin- gitis (Cerebrospinal, History and statistics of), Plague (History, etc., of), by localities; Univer- sities. Blompield (H. A.) The North Shore water- supply, Sydney, N. S. W. 8°. London, 1895. Repr.from: Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, pt. 4, session 1894-5, cxxii. Armstrong (W. G.) Municipal sanitation in the city. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1901, xx, 461-463. — Sydney water supply. Pub. Health Engin., Lond., 1900, vi, 269-273.—Wolfe (J. R.) Sydney; its medical school and hospitals. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 145. Sydow ([Ernst Theodor] Heinrich) [1868- ]. *Zur Casuistik der grossen atypischen Resec- tionen am Fuss. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1892]. Sydow (Franz). Beitrage zur Geschichte der Tracheotomie. 59 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Munchen, J. F. Lehmann, 1896. Munchen. med. Abhandl., 70. Hft. von Sydow (Hans) [1883- ]. * Ueber Ei- senbahnfrevel durch Geisteskranke. 32 pp. 8°. Rostock, Adlers Erben, 1909. Syers (Henry Walter) [1852-1906]. The theory and practice of medicine, v. 1. xvi, 633 pp. 8°. London, Rebman, 1901. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 1158. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 1181. Also: Med.-Chir. Tr.,Lond., 1907, xc, p. cix. Syezd Kavkazskikh Vrachel pri Imp. Kav- kazskom Meditsinskom Obshtshestvle dlya ob- suzhdeniya i virabotki mler borbt s kholernol epidemiyei. [Congress of Physicians of the Caucasus, under the auspices of the Imperial Medical Society of the Caucasus, to consider and elaborate measures for the struggle with the epi- demic of cholera.] Dnevnik 1-vo . . . [Bulle- tin of the 1st . . .] Nos. 1-10. 4°- [Tiflis], 1893. -----. Trudi. I. . . . Kholernaya epidemiya 1892 g. na Kavkazle. [Memoirs of the 1st. . . Cholera epidemic in 1892 in the Caucasus. ] 357 pp. 1 tab. 4°. Tiflis, M. D. Rotiuianis, 1893. Syezd Obshtshestva Russkikh Akushorov i Gi- nekologov. [Congress of the Society of Russian Obstetricians and Gynecologists.] Trudi 1. . . . S.-Peterburg, 28-31 dek. 1903. Pod red. V. V. Stroganova. [Papers of the 1. . . . Edited by Stroganoff.] 616 pp., 14 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1894. Bound with: J. akush. i jensk. boliezn., St. Petersb., 1904, xviii. Syezd po Obsuzhdeniyu Mler' Protiv Sifllisa v Rossii. [Congress to Consider Measures against Syphilis in Russia.] Trudi visochalshe razrle- shonnavo . . ., bivshavo pri Meditsinskom De- partamentie s 15 po 22 yanvarya 1897 goda, pod predsledatelstvom L. F. Ragozina. [Papers of the authorized . . ., held at the Medical Depart- ment, January 15 to 22, 1897, under the presi- dency of Ragozin.] 2 v. 8°. S.-Peterburq, 1897. Syezd Otechestvennikh Psikhiatrov. [Congress of Russian Psychiatricians.] Trudi pervavo . .. v Moskvie 5 po 11 yanv. 1887 g. [Papers of the First... in Moscow, January 5-11, 1887.] vii, 1067 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, M. M. Stasyulevich, 1887. Syezd Rossiyskikh Khirurgov. [Congress of Russian Surgeons.] 1900, 1.; 1906-10, 6. to 10. 8°. Moskva, 1901-11. Syezd russkikh dleyatelei po tekhnicheskomu i professionalnomu obrazovaniyu. [Congress of Russian promoters of technical and professional education.] Obsuzhdeniye dannikh po obu- cheniyu sllepikh. [Discussion of data concern- ing instruction of the blind. Apropos of Skre- bitski's Review . . .] 8 pp. 8°. [S.-Peterburg, Trel, 1898.] Repr.from: Trudi svezda russk. dlevat. po tekhnich. i profess, obraz. 1895-6, Mosk., 1898, ii. Syezd Russkikh Oto-Laringologov. [Congress of Russian Oto-Laryngologists.] Otchot zasie- daniy vtorovo . . . 1910 goda v Moskvie. [Re- port "of the meetings of the Second ... in Mos- cow.] 69 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1911. Repr. from: Yezhemles. Ushn., Gorlov. i Nosov. Bo- liezn., S.-Peterb., 1911, vi. Syezd Russkikh Vrachei [v pamyat N. I. Piro- gova]. [Congress of Russian Physicians (in Pirogoff's memory).] Protokoli sektsii sifilido- logii na pervom . . . 1885 g. v S.-Peterburgte. Sostavleni sekretarem sektsii M. Chistyakovim. [Proceedings of the section of syphilidology on the first congress in 1885 in St. Petersburg, com- piled by the secretary of the section, Chistya- koff.] ii, 68 pp. 12°. S.-Peterburg, A. S. Suvorin, 1886. ------. Trudi. [Papers.] 1887, ii, 2 v.; 1891, iv, 1 v. 8°. Moskva, 1887-92. ------. Thesame. Trudi IV-vo Syezda. Otdiel obshtshestvennol meditsini i higieni. [Papers of the Fourth Congress. Section of public med- icine and hygiene.] 40 pp. 8°. [Moscow, A. A. Levenson, 1891, vel subseq.] Repr.from: Trudi Syezda Russk. Vrach. v pam. Piro- gova 1891, Mosk., 1892, iv. -----. The same. Dnevnik IV-vo Syezda. [Bulletin of the Fourth Congress.] 449, vii pp. 8°. Moskva, A. A. Ljevenson, 1891. -----. XI. 21-28 aprlelya 1910 goda. Otchot . . . pod redaktsiyel G. I. Dembo. [April 21- 28, 1910. Report . . . under the editorship of Dembo.] 2 p. 1., 280 pp., port. 8°. S.-Peter- burg, V. S. Ellinger, 1910. SYEZD. 328 SYLVESTRE. Syezd Russkikh Yestestvoispitatelei i Vrachel v S.-PeterburjjTe. [Congress < if Russian Natural- ists and Phvsicians in St. Petersburg.] 8., 1S89-90. lxxxiv, 130, 77, 64, 1S8, 46, 94, 38, 32, 59, 108, 36, 28, iv pp., 1 1., 1 pl., 2 maps. 8°. 'S.-Peterburg, V. Demakof, 1890. ------. Trudi kommissii po izslledovaniyu S.- Peterburga i yevo okrestnostel, v fiziko-geogra- ficheskom, yestestvenno-istoricheskom, selsko- khoziaystvennom, higienicheskom i veterinar- nom otnosheniyakh. Pod obshtshei redaktsiyel prof. V. V. Dokuchayeva. [8. Memoirs of the committee appointed to investigate St. Peters- burg and its surroundings, its physical geogra- phy, natural history, agricultural, hygienic, and veterinary relations. Under the general editor- shin of V. V. Dokuchayeff.] iii, 488 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, E. Evdokimoff, 1894. Syezd vrachel i predstavitelel zemskikh i gorod- skikh uprav Khersonskoi gubernii v. g. Kher- sonle. (10-18 okt. 1895 g.) Dokladi, otchoti o zasledaniyakh i pr. [Congress of physicians and representatives of the zemstvos and cities of the Government of Kherson. (Oct. 10-18,1895.) Reports, proceedings of meetings, etc.] XIII. 2 pts. xii, 604, li pp., 12 diag., 2 maps; iii, 632, xv pp., 7 diag., 3 plans. 8°. Kherson, Mme. O. D. Khodushina, 1896-7. Syezd Zemskikh Veterinarnikh Vrachei Vladi- mirskol Gubernii, v 1890 godu. [Congress of Veterinary Physicians of the Vladimir Govern- ment Zemstvo. ] Protokoli zasiedaniy i doklaki vracheldelegatov. [Proceedings of the meet- ings and reports of the physician-delegates.] iv, 31 (11.), 114 pp. 8°. Vladimir n. K, 1890. Syezd Zemskikh Vrachel i Upolnomochennikh Uyezdnikh Zemstv Saratovskal Gubernii. [Con- gress of the Zemstvo Physicians and Representa- tives of the County Zemstvos of the Government of Saratov.] Protokoli zasiedaniy vtoravo . . ., sozvannavo pri Saratovskol Gubernskol zemskoi Upravle s 1-vo po 6-e dekabrya 1886 g. [Pro- ceedings of the meetings of the Second..., called by the Saratov Government Zemstvo, December 1st to 6th, 1886.] 186 pp., 1 1. 8°. Saratov, 1887. Syggignoscism. See Hypnotism. Sykes (Edith). See Truman (Mary) & Syfces (Edith). Disinfec- tion. 12°. London, [1893 or 1894].----------. Nursing old age. 12°. London, [1893 or 1894].----------. Food for the sick. 12°. London, [1893 or 1894]. Sykes (James). Homan (G.) The late James Sykes and a cholera epidemic. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 1072. Sykes (John) [1816-1901]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 988. Sykes (John Frederick Joseph). Report of the medical officer of health upon the influenza epi- demic of 1889-90. 9 pp. sm. 4°. [London, 1890.] ------. Vestry of St. Pancras. Health Depart- ment. Report of the medical officer of health upon the outbreak of enteric fever at the Found- ling Hospital, 1891. 17 pp., 1 1., 1 plan. 8°. [London, 1892.] ------. Report upon an outbreak of diphtheria at St. Pancras schools, Leavesden, Herts. March, 1894. 7 pp. fol. London, E. Mitchener, 1894. ------. Public health and housing. The in- fluence of the dwelling upon health in relation to the changing style of habitation. Being the Sykes (John Frederick Joseph)—continued. Milroy lectures delivered before the Royal Col- lege of Physicians, London, 1901. viii, 216 pp. 12°. London, P. S. King dc Son, 1901. Sykes ( Walter John) [1842-19o<>]. Heliner(0.) Obituary. Analyst, Lond., 1907, xxxii, 1, port—Obituary. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxii, 705.—Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 262. Sykesville. See Insane (Asylumsfor, Description, etc., of), by localities: Syllaba (Ladislav). 0 urobilinu. pp. 59-141. 8°. v Praze, [1899]. Forms nos. 3-5 of: Sbirka prfednasek a rozpr. z oboru lekarsk., v Praze, [1899], 8. s. ------. 0 pathogenesi zhoubne chudokrevnosti. Pfispevek k jejimu poznanf. [The pathogene- sis of pernicious anaemia. Contribution to its knowledge.] 161 pp., 2 pl. 8°. v Praze, 1900. Forms no. 22 of: Rozpr. Akad. cis. FrantiSka Josefa [etc.], v Praze, 1899-1900, 2. t., ix. -----. The same. 1 p. 1., 136 pp., 2 pl., 1 1. 8°. Praze, Bursik dc Kohout, 1901. -----. O modernfch zasadach dietetick^ch. [Modern dietetic principles.] 17-52 pp. 8°. v Praze, Bursik dc Kohout, 1904. Forms no. 2 of; Sbirba pfednasek a rozpr. oboru le- karsk., v Praze, 1903-4, xi. See, also, Stewart (T. Grainger). O leceni [ete.]. 8°. v Praze, [1899]. Syllabus (A) of materia medica. Compiled by Warren Coleman. Revised to conform to the 8. decennial revision of the U. S. Pharmacopeia. 3. ed. 2 p. 1., 186 pp. 16°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1906. Syllidse. Michel (A.; Sur la Syllis vivipara et le probleme de sa sexualite. Compt. rend. Aead. d. sc, Par., 1908,cxlvii, 1423-1424. -----. Sur des cas de cephalisation anormale- ment multiple chez des syllidiens en stolonisation. Ibid., 1909, cxlviii, 438. -----. Sur les divers types de stolons chez lessyllidiens, speoialement sur une nouvelle espece (Syllis cirropunctata, n. sp.) a stolon acephale, et sur la reobser- vation du stolon tetracere de Syllis arnica Quatref. Ibid., 318-320.-----. Surlaformationducorpsparlareunion de deux moitiesindependantes, d'apres l'origine de la queue de la souche chez les syllides. Ibid., 1421-1423.—Viguier (C.) Sur l'exogone gemmifera (Pagenstecher) et quel- ques autres syllidiens a gestation. Arch, de zool. exper. et gen. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par., 1884, 2. s., ii, 69-110, 3 pl. Sylt. Ebeling. Westerland-Sylt, 50 Jahre Seebad. Reichs- Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1905, xxx, 243.—Lanke. Die Nord- seebader auf Svlt. Ibid., 1907, xxxii, 207. — Nicolas. Sylt. Ztschr. f." Balneol., Klimat. [etc.], Berl., 1911-12, iv, 333-337.—Sylt. Balneol. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1904,113. Sylvain-Eymard. See Eymard (Sylvain). Sylvan (Filip) [1873- ]. *Zur mechani- schen Behandlung der Fettleibigkeit, 30 pp. 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1901. Sylvatieus (Joannes Baptista). See Silvaticus (Joannes Baptista). Sylvester (John Henry) [1830-1903]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond.,1903, ii, 1689.—Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 1674. Sylvester (W[illiam] E[dwin]. The insane population of the United States. 5 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1885. Repr.from: Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1885, vi. Sylvestre (Remy) [1875- ]. *De la pseudo- hypertrophic cardiaque de croissance et de son diagnostic par la palpation large. 112 pp. 8°. I Lyon, 1900, No. 58. Sylvestre (Victor) [1880- ]. *Du traite- ment de la luxation congenitale de la hanche chez les enfants ages. [Paris.] 100 pp. 8°. Nantes, 1908, No. 106. SYLVESTHIUS. 329 SYMBIOSIS. Sylvestrius (Rudolphus). Sec CardaniiJi (Hieronymusl. Opus novum cunctis de sanitate tuenda [etc.]. fol. Romse, 15S0. Sylvius (lv) Sante, formes et beaute. 164 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bail!i?re dc fils, 1893. ------. La medecine dentaire. Traite theorique et pratique de medecine, de chirurgie et d'hy- gieue dentaire, contenant la description et le fonctionnement des dents et de leurs annexes; les causes, la description et le traitement de leurs maladies, avec la nianiere de s'en preser- ver et de les guerir soi-meme. 96 pp. 12°. Paris, 1899. ------. Vie, generation, sterilite. 237 pp., 2 pl. 12°. Paris, Vigotfreres, 1901. Sylvius [de le Boo] (Franciscus) [1614-72]. See Blancard (Stephen]. Venus belegert en ontset, [etc.]. 1C°. Amsterdam, 1688.—Hol'maiiiiu» (Caspar). Tractatus de usu lienis [etc.]. 12°. Lipsise, 1682.— Leicliner (Eccardus). Epicrisis medico-analytica [etc.]. 24°. Erfurti,l&i6. ------. »Sce, also: Baker i'F.) The two Svlviuses; an historical study. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1909, xx, 329-339. Also, Reprint—Fiossinger (Ch.) La therapeutique de Fr. Deleboe, dit Sylvius, 1614-72. In his: Therap. d. vieux maitres, Par., 1897,149-156.—Foster (M.) Sylvius and his pupils. The physiology of digestion in the seventeenth century. In his: Lect. Hist. Physiol., 8°, Cambridge, 1901, 145-173. — Jelliffe (S. E.) Franciscus Sylvius. Proc. Charaka Club. N. Y., 1910. iii, 14-2S, 2 pl. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Sylvius (Jacobus) [Du Bois (Jacques)] [1478- 1555]. Methodus medicamenta componendi, ex simplicibus judicio summo delectis, et arte certa paratis: quatuor libris distributa. 206 pp. fol. Parisiis, apud C. Wechelum, 1541. -----. Victus ratio, scholasticis pauperibus pa- ratu facilis et salubris. 32 1. 24°. Parisiis, apud viduam J. Gazelli, 1549. Bound with his: Morborum internorum prope omnium curatio [etc.]. 24°. Lugduni, 1548. -----. Commentarius in Claudii Galeni de ossi- bus ad tyronis libellum, erroribus quam pluri- mis tarn gra^cis quam latinis ab eodem purgatum. 37 ff., 3 1. 16°. Parisiis, apud A. Gorbinium, 1561. [P., v. 2181.] —----. Ordo et ordinis ratio in legendis Hippo- cratis et Galeni libris. 12 ff. 16°. Parisiis, apud A. Gorbinium, 1561. [P., v. 2181.] -----. In Hippocratis et Galeni physiologiae partem anatomicam isagoge, a Jacobo Sylvio conscripta, et in libros tres distributa. Denuo per Alexandrum Arnandum diligentissime cas- tigata. 76 ff. 16°. Parisiis, apud A. Gorbi- nium, 1561. [P., v. 2181.] ------. In Hippocratis elementa Jacobi Sylvii medici commentarius. 17 ff. 16°. Parisiis, apud A. Gorbinium, 1561. [P., v. 2181.] ------. Opera medica jam demuni in sex partes digesta, castigata et indicibus necessariis ins- tructa. Adjuncta est ejusdem vita et icon. Opera et studio Renati Alorsei. 4 p. 1., 884 pp., 16 1. fol. Colon'ne Allobrogum, etpuel J. Chouet, 1634. See, also, Cordus ("Valerius^. Dispensatorium, [etc.]. 16°. Venitiis, 1556.— Galen (Claudius;. Sur la faculty dez simples mGdicarnens [etc.]. 10°. Limoges, 1548. -----. De temperamentis libri iii [etc.]. 24°. Lugduni, 1549. -----. The same. 24°. Lugd an i, 155s. -----. In Hippocratis librum de natura hominis commentarius [etc]. 24°. Lugduni, 1553. -----. De motu musculorum libri duo [etc.]. 24°. Lugduni, 1549.— JTIesne Damasce- nus (Joannes). De re medica libri tres [etc.]. 12°. Parisiis, 1561. For Biography, see Abbild . . . d. Arznk. verd. Ge- lehrten [etc.]. 4°. Augsburg, 1805, 30, port. See, also: Albany M. Ann., 1906, xxvii, 593-595 (G. E. Beilby). ------. See, also: Baker (F.) The two Svlviuses. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1909, xx, "329-339. Also, Reprint.— Knott (J.) The two Svlviuses. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1910, n. s., lxxxix, 261. Sylvius (Fissure of). Doyen. Scissure de Sylvius; region para-sylvienne. Arch, de Doyen, Par., 1910-11, i, 117-122. Syuianski(Walther) [1864- ]. * Ueber den Austritt der Wurzelfasern des Nervus oculomo- torius aus dem Gehirn beim Menschen und einigen Saugetieren. 65 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., Hartung, [1896]. Symbiogenesis. IVIcrezlikovski (K. S.) Teoriya dvukh plazm, kak osnova simbiogcnezisa,' novavo ucheniya o pro'iskho- zhdenii organizmov. [The theory of two plasms, as a principle of syrn biogenesis, the new teaching concerning the origin of symbiogenesis.] Uchen. Zapiski Imp. Ka- zan. Univ., 1909, lxxvi, no. 12, pt. 6, 1-102, 1 pl. Also, transl.: Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1910, xxx, 278;289;321;353. Symbiosis. Bernard (N.) Symbioses d'orchidees et de divers champignons endophytes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxlii, 52-54.—Bueliner. Ueber intrazellu- liire Symbionteu bei zuckersaugenden Insekten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 1350.—Campbell (D. H.) Symbiosis in fern prothallia. Am. Naturalist, Lancaster, Pa., 1908, xiii, 154-165.—Dubois (K.) Isomorphisme et isochromatisme symbiotiques chez certains lamellibran- ches marins. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 1909, ix, 563-565.—Farniintzin (A.) Die Symbiose als Mittel der Synthese von Organismen. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1907, xxvii, 353-364.—Franz (V.) & Stecliow (E.) Symbiose zwischen einem Fisch und einem Hydropoly- pen. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 742-754.—tioto (S.) On two species of hydractinia living in symbiosis with a hermit crab. J. Exper. Zool., Phila., 1910-11, ix, 469- 496!—Hatlzi (J.) Ueber die Symbiose von Xanthellen und Halecium ophiodes. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1911, xxxi, 85-96.—Kalkus (J. W.) Symbiotic otacariasis of the cat. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1911, xxxix, 53-56.— Kammerer (P.) Symbiose zwischen Libellenjarve und Fadenalge. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1907-8, xxv, 52-81. -----. Allgemeine Symbiose und Kampf urns Dasein alsgleichbereehtige Trieb-Krafte der Evolution. Arch. f. Rassen- u. Gesellsch.-Biol., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, vi, 585-608. —Kienitz-Gerloff(F.) Ueber die Svmbiose von Pflanzenwurzeln mit Pilzen. Naturw. Wchnschr., Berl., 1903-4, n. F., iii, 177-187.—Le Roy (B. R.) The symbiotic action of the epithelial cells of the skin on the cells of the epithelium of the kidneys, with clinical study. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1909, lxxxix, 642.— Liesegang (R. E.) Kolloid-Symbiose. Ztschr. f. Che- mie u. Indust. d. Kolloide, Dresd., 1909, iv, 63—3Iorinl (F.) Ulteriori osservazioni intorno alia simbiosi nei funghi. Rendic Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1907-8, n. s., xii, 113.— TOorpurgo (B.) Kunstliche Symbiose von Tieren. Ergebn. d. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1910-11, ii, 53-63. -----. Sulle vie di comunicazione dei liquidi di organismi in simbiosi. (Jinr. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1910, 4. s., xvi, 62.—Picraiitoni (lT.) L' origine di alcuni organi d' Icerya purchasi e la simbiosi eredita- ria. Boll d. Soc. di nat. in Napoli (1909), 1910, 2. s., iii, 147-150, 1 pl. -----. Ulteriori osservazioni sulla simbiosi ereditaria degli omotteri. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 96-111.—Poliiiianti (O.) Sulla simbiosi della Suberi- tes domuncula (Olivi) con la Dromia vulgaris (M. Edw.). Zool. Jahrb., Jena, 1911, xxx, 359.—Portier (P.) Di- gestion phagocytaire des chenilles xylophages des lepi- dopteres; exemple d'union symbiotique entre un insecte et un champignon. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxx, 702-704. -----. Symbiose chez les larves xylo- phages; etude des microorgiuiismes symbiotiques. Ibid., 857-859.—Scliiefferdecker. [ Ueber Symbiose.] Si- tzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. Gesellsch. f. nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn (1004), 1905, med. Abt., 44-54.—Trendelenburg (W.) Versuche iiber den Gaswechsel bei Symoiose zwi- schen Alge unci Tier. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1909, 42- 70.— Waiigerin (W.) Ueber die Pilzsymbiose der Pflanzenwurzeln (Mvcorrhiza). Med. Klin., Berl., 1911, vii, 1735-1738. Symbiosis (Bacteriol). See, also, Infection (Mixed). Ariola (V.) Simbiosis e parassitismo nel regno animale. 8°. Genoa, 1904. Belouowski (G.) Ueber die Produkte des Bacte- rium coli commune in Symbiose mit Milchsaurebacillen und unter einigen anderen Bedingungen. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, vi, 251-271. —Bienstock. Anae- robies et svmbiose. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1903, xvii, 850-s'r>6. Also, transl.: Med. Woche, Berl., 1904, v, 78-81. —Buerger (l>.) Some observations on the effect of symbiosis on the growth of the streptococcus mucosus capsulatus and certain pneumococci. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1905, n. s., v, 14-18. — < oman- don (J.) La symbiose fuso-spirillaire. Arch, de para- sitol., Par., 1908-9, xiii, 436-457, 1 pl.— Critliari (C.) SYMBIOSIS. 330 SYMMERS. Symbiosis (Bacterial). Etude sur la symbiose du bacille bulgare et du bacille butyrique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 818-820.—Faure-Tremiet (E.) Sur un cas de symbiose presents par un infusoire cilie. Ibid., 1909, xlvi, 113.— Fischer (H.) Ueber Symbiose von Azotobacter mit Oscillarien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1904, xii, 267.—Green (J. R.) Symbiosis and symbiotic fermentation. Notices Proc. Roy. Inst. Gr. Brit. 1900, Lond., 1901, xvi, 261-273. Also: Physician & Surg., Lond., 1900, i, 114-118.—Hultgen (J. F.) Partial gangrene of the left index-finger caused by the symbiosis of the fusi- form bacillus and the spirochseta lenticola. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, lv, 857.—Klein (A.) De symbiose tusschen bakterien en hoogere planten en dieren. Ge- neesk. BI. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1903, x, 73-123.—Kotte (I.) Einige neue Falle von Nebensym- biose (Parasymbiose). Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, xxiv, 74-93.—OTenel (E.) DalSi po- zorovani o struktufe a tvoreni spor u symbiotick^ch bak- terii. [Further researches on the structure and creation of spores in symbiotic bacteria.] Sitzungsb. d. k.-bohm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch., Prag, 1904, no. 4, 1-15, 1 pl.— Miller (W. D.) Symbiosis, with particular reference to the bacteria of the alimentary canal. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1906, xlviii, 528-536—Musgrave (W. E.) The influence of symbiosis upon the pathogenicity of micro- organisms (the evolution of parasitism). Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1908, iii, 77-88.—von Oettingen. Ueber Anaerobie und Symbiose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 483.—Oiimann (M.) Ueber die Art und das Zu- standekommen der Verwachsung zweier Pfropfsymbion- ten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1908,' xxi, 232; 318.—Proea (G.) Sur quelques particularites du bacille fusiforme (Vincent) cultive en svmbiose. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1908, lxiv, 771—Schiel- lerdecker. [Ueber Symbiose.] Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 1698.—Seliber (G.) Sur la symbiose du bacille butyrique en culture avec d'autres microbes anaerobies. Compt. rend. Acad d. sc, Par., 1910, cl, 154,5-1548.—Smirnow (M. R.) New tech- nic in the study of symbiotic relations of bacteria. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1908, xviii, 249-255.—Vincent (H.) La symbiose fuso-spirillaire; ses diverses determinations pathologiques. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 401-421,lpl.—Vivaldi (AI.) &Furlan (D.) Di una grave infezione dei bovini determinate dalla simbiosi del b. del carbonchio ematico con un diplocoeco. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1911, xxxiii, 13-20. Symblepharon. See Eyelids (Adherent). Symbolism. Bozzano (E.) Symbolisme et phenomenes metapsy- chiques. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1907, xvii, 617; 705. Also, transl.: Ann. Psych. Sc, Lond., 1907, vi, 235; 335.— Ellis (H.) Symbolismus in Traumen. Ztschr. f. Psy- choth. u. med. Psychol., Stuttg., 1911, iii, 29-47.—Jones (E.) Beitrag zur Symbolik im Alltag. Zentralbl f. Psy- choanal., Wiesb., 1910, i, 96-98—illaeder (A.) Die Sym- bolik in den Legenden, Miircheu, Gebrauchen und Trau- men. Psychiat.-neurol. Wchnschr., Halle a. S., 1908-9, x, 45; 55. -----. Zur Entstehung der Symbolik im Traum, in der Dementia praecox, etc. Zentralbl. f. Psychoanal., Wiesb., 1910-11, i, 383-389. Symbols. See, also, Chemistry (Nomenclature, etc., of). Emanuel (A. E. L.) Caste marks: South Indian symbols. J. Anjrop. Soc. Bombay, 1907, viii, 77-80.— Maeder (A.) A propos des symboles. J. de psychol. norm, et path., Par., 1909, vi, 46-51.—Beinach (A.-J.) Surl'origineducoq. Anthropologie, Par., 1910,xxi, 75-78. Syme (James) [1799-1870]. On diseases of the rectum. In: Am. M. Libr. 8°. Philadelphia, 1839,1-42. ------. On the treatment of carbuncle. Extract from a clinical lecture delivered on the 20th of June, 1853. 3 pp. 8°.. [London, 1853.] Repr.from: Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1853, xviii. ------. The principles of surgery. 5. ed. xx, 555 pp. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1863. See, also, Case of osteo-sarcoma of lower jaw [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1839. — Christison (Sir Robert) & Syme (James). Statement, with concurrence [etc.]. 8°. Edinburgh, 1841.—Simpson (James Young). An- swers to the various objections against acupressure retcl. 12°. [n.p.,n.d.] J For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1898, lv, 266 (G. Stronach). Also: Med. Age, Detroit, 1898, xvi, 231; 257 (D. Maclean). Also, Reprint. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1898, lxi, 187-192, port. Also: Ibid.,ms, lxxx, 533- 541, port. Also: Univ. Durham Coll. Med. Gaz., Newcas- tle, 1905-6, vi, 139-142, port (F. Page). Syme (James)—continued. -----. See, also: Pemberton (O.) The Bradshaw lecture on James Syme, regius professor of surgery in the University of Ed- inburgh, 1833-69; a study of his influence and authority on the science and art of surgery during that period. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 1399-1403. Also, Reprint. Symelus. See Monsters from defect, etc., of limbs. Symens (Hermann). * Ueber den Einfluss der Folia digitalis und des Pyramidons auf den Leukocytengehalt des Bluts und deren Anwen- dung bei Pneumonic 30 pp., 11. 8°. Wiirz- burg, Becker, 1897. Symens (Paul Friederich) [1876- ]. * Ueber einen Fall von diffuser beiderseitiger Mamma- hypertrophie. 29 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Gottin- gen, W. F. Kaestner, 1901. Symes (J[ohn] Odery). The bacteriology of every-day practice, viii, 9-88 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1900. ------. The same. 2. ed. x, 108 pp. 12°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1904. -----. The rheumatic diseases, viii, 233 pp., 23 pl. 8°. London, J. Lane, 1905. Symes (W[illiam] Langford). Notes on the feeding of infants. 43 pp. 12°. Dublin, Fan- nin dc Co., 1899. Symes (W[illiam] Legge). See Waller ( Augustus D.) Exercises in practical physiology [etc.]. 8°. London, 1905. Syme's amputation. See Amputations at ankle joint. Symes-Thompson (Edmund) [1837- 1906]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906. ii, 1611—Obitu- ary. J. Balneol. & Climat., Lond., 1907, xi, 46-52, port.— Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 1555. Symington (Andrew James). Of physicians and their fees, with some personal reminis- cences, pp. 252-257. 8°. [Hull, n. d,] Cutting from: Andrews (W.) The doctor in history [etc.]. Symington (Johnson). On the position of the uterus and ovaries in the child, with remarks on the growth of the female genitals. 14 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, 1886. Repr. from: Edinb.M. J., 1886, xxxi. ------. On certain physiological variations in the shape and position of the liver. 15 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Edinburgh, 1888. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1888,xxxiii. L. B. Collection, cxvi, 17. ------. A contribution to the normal anatomy of the female pelvic floor. 16 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, Oliver dcBoi/d, 1889. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1889, ii. -----. Introductory address delivered to the class of anatomy of Queen's College, Belfast. 15 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh], 1893. See, also, Quain's elements of anatomy, etc. 8°. London, 1908. ------ & Rankin (John Campbell). An atlas of skiagrams, illustrating the development of the teeth, with explanatory text, x, 47 pp. fol. London, Neiv York, Bombay, Calcutta, Longmans, Greend: Co., 1908. Symmers (Douglas). Observations on the cy- tology of multiple non-inflammatory necrosis of the liver and on certain related degenerative changes in cells, pp. 64-70. 8°. Lancaster, Pa., 1907. Repr. from: Rockefeller Inst. M. Research. In: Stud. Rockefeller Inst. M. Research, N. Y., 1907, vii. SYMMERS. 331 SYMPATHY. Synimers (Douglas)—continued. -----. The occurrence of fat in the islands of Langerhans. 7pp., lpl. 8°. Chicago, 1900. .Repr. from: Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1909, iii. In: Pub. Cornell Univ. M. Coll. Stud. Dep. Path., N. Y., 1909, ix. -----. Certain unusual lesions of the lymphatic apparatus, including a description of the pri- mary Hodgkin's disease of the spleen, and a case of gastrointestinal pseudoleukemia. 20 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1909. Repr. from: Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1909, iv. In: Pub. Cornell Univ. M. Coll. Stud. Dep. Path., N.Y., 1909, ix. Symmes (Haven Cleves) [1866- ]. Unter- suchungen iiber die aus der Luft sich absetzen- den Keime. 30 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Schuma- cher, [1892]. c. Symmetroscope. GrUnberg (J.) Das Symmetroskop, Apparat zur Untersuchung der Symmetric, bzw. Asymmetrie des menschlichen Zahnbogens. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1911, xxvii, 169-173,3 pl. Symmetry and asymmetry. See, also, Body (Human, Symmetry of); Body (Human, Right and left sides of). Morton (T. G.) Imperfect symmetry. 8°. Philadelphia, 1888. Belluccl (O.) Alcune ricerche recenti intorno alia differente vulnerability dei due lati del corpo umano. Cesalpino, Arezzo, 1911, vii, 111-115.—Bonne (C.) Sur la symetrie bilaterale du corps et sur l'independance fonctionnelle des hemispheres cerebraux. Arch, de neu- rol., Par., 1907, 3. s., i, 177; 293; 370; 467.—Con klin (E. G.) The cause of inverse symmetry. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1903, xxiii, 577-588.—Davis (J. E.) A case of anatomi- cal asymmetry. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1901, lx, 24.—Dun- cker (G.) Symmetric und Asymmetrie bei bilateralen Thieren. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1903-4, xvii, 533-682.— Eames (G. F.) The value of sym- metry in education and character. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1904, xiii, 1610-1612. Also, Reprint.—Ely (W. S.) Human asymmetry. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1902, 206- 210. Also: N. York M. J., 1902, lxxv, 581-583.—Oodln (P.) Sur les asymetries anormales des organes binaires chez l'homme. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1900, cxxx, 630.-Groom (P.) Longitudinal symmetry in phanerogamia. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1907, s. B., lxxix, 305-308.—Guillemin. Sur la generalite des symetries organiques totales ou partielles dans le regne animal chez les individus d'une meme espece (prototypes et deu- totypes. Soc.demed.deNancv. C-r.,1900-1901,Proc.-verb., 138-148.—Herric k (F. H.) Symmetry in big claws of the lobster. Science,N.Y.&Lancaster,Pa., 1907n.s.,xxv,275.— Jacobi (A.) Fall von ungleichmassiger Entwicklung beider Korperhalften bei einem Kinde. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1902, xiv, 555.—Jennings (H. S.) Asym- metry in the Rattnlidae, and the biological significance of asymmetry in some lower organisms. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1902, n. s., xv, 524.—Lataste (F.) La symetrie chez les etres vivants. Rev. scient., Par., 1897, 4. s., vii, 806-810.—Lee (M.) Human asymmetry. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1903, xxiv, 635-639.—Phillip* (W. St. C.) Health, strength, and symmetry: a system and an argument. Health Rec, Lond.,1909, viii,63-65.— Pritcli- • ard (E.) Case of symmetrical dimpling. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond.. 1905-6, vi, 195-197.—Ren (L.) Ueber Asymmetrie und Symmetric im Tierreiche. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz.. 1899, xix, 625-652.— Scliultze (O.) Ue- T>er das erste Auftreten der bilateralen Symmetne im Verlauf der Entwicklung. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1899, lv, 171-201, 2 pl.—Schulze (F. E.) Vorschlage zur Bezeichnung der Lage und Richtung im Tierkorper. Ver- handl. d. anat. Gesellsch.. Jena, 1893, vii, 104-108.—Wil- liams (G. C.) An inquiry concerning remote heredity and asymmetrical development. N. YorkState M.J.,1906, vi, 463^465. Symon Genuensis. See Simon Genuensis. Symonds (Brandreth). Life insurance exami- nations. A manual for the medical examiner and for all interested in life insurance, vi, 214 pp. 12°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1905. ------. The mortality of overweights and under- weights. Cutting from: McClure's Mag., N. Y., 1908-9, xxxii, 319- 327. Symonds (Charters J[ames]). An address on the individual value of the symptoms in per- forate peritonitis, more especially as regards operation. Being the lecture before the Hun- terian Society, on February 22, 1899. 54 pp. 8°. London, J. Bale, Sons dc Danielsson, 1899. Symonds (John Addington), sr. [1807-71]. Waste, a lecture delivered at the Bristol Institu- tion for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and the Arts. 2 p. 1., 51 pp. 8°. London, Bell dcDalby, 1863. [P., v. 2197.] ------. Remarks on criminal responsibility in relation to insanity. 20 pp. 12°. London, 1864. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1864, i. Symonds (John Addington), jr. [1840-93]. A problem in modern ethics; being an inquiry into the phenomenon of sexual inversion; addressed especially to medical psychologists and jurists. viii, 135 pp. 8°. London, 1896. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1898, lv, 272 (A. R. Urquhart). See, also, Gould (G. M.) The life tragedy of John Ad- dington Symonds. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1904, 281-291. Also, in his: Biog. Clin., 12°, Phila., 1905, iii, 77-96. Symoneaux (Pierre). * Etude du lichen scro- fulosorum (tuberculose cutanee papuleuse lich6- noide). 60 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, 1906, No. 220. Symons (George James). Abstract of meteoro- logical observations made at the gardens of the Royal Botanic Society, Regent's Park, London. Lat. 51° 3V 34" N., Ion. 0° 9' 15" W. Alti- tude, 125 feet above ordnance datum, 1871-6. With remarks, etc. 10 pp., 7 1. 8°. [n. p., 1876.] [P., v. 2031.] -----. Some deficiencies in our knowledge re- specting health resorts. 8 pp., 1 map. 8°. [London, Spottiswoode dc Co., 1880.] [P., v. 2031.] Repr.from: Quart. J. Meteorol. Soc, Lond., 1880, vi. ------. The history of English meteorological societies, 1823 to 1880. 34 pp. 8°. [n.j9.,1880.] [P., v. 2027.] See, also, Rainfall and evaporation [etc.]. 8°. Lon- don, 1876. Sympathectomy. See, also, Epilepsy (Treatment of, Operative); Glaucoma (Treatment of, Operative); Goitre (Exophthalmic, Treatment of), by sympathicotomy; Goitre (Treatment of, Operative); Hysteria (Treatmentof, Operative); Nerve (Optic, Atrophy of, Treatment of); Nervous system (Ganglionic, Surgery of); Nervous system (Sympathetic, Sur- gery of). fiartwig (M.) The present status of Jonnesco'a op- eration. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1901, i, 178-180. Sympathy defended; or, the state of medical criticism in London, in the year mdcclxxxi. Written to improve the principles and manners of the editor of the London Medical Journal, in his present very critical situation. By a Society of Faculties: . . ., to which are added the con- tents of Dr. Jackson's treatise on medical sym- pathy, vii, 51 pp. 12°. London, 1784. Sympathy. Boeck (W.) *Das Mitleid bei Kindern. Ergebnisse einer Umfrage. 8°. Giessen, 1909. Fracastorius (H.) De sympathia et anti- pathia. 4°. Venetiis, 1546. ------. De sympathia et antipathia rerum. De contagione, et contagiosis morbis, et eorum curatione libri tres. 24°. Lugduni, 1550. Araki. [On sympathetic functions.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1900, xxi, 365-369.—Crawford (J.) Re- marques pratiques sur la sympathie des parties du corps entre elles. Essais et obs. de med. de la Soc. d'Edinb., Par., 1747, vi, 13-26.—Finlayson (J.) Dr. Sylvester SYMPATHY. 332 SYMPHYSIOTOMY. Sympathy. Rattray, author of the treatise on sympathy and anti- pathy. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1901, xvii, 152.—Rea- son (J. C.) Svmpathv. Mass. M.J., Bost., l-vj6, xvi, 104- 114— tiroetliuisen (B.) Das Mitgefiihl. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. 1'hvsiol. d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1904, xxxiv, 161-270.—Jones (J. W. L.) Sociality and sympathy, an introduction to the ethics of sympathy. Psvchol. Rev., N. Y.,1903, v, [Monog. Suppl.],no. 1,1-91. Also, Reprint.— Price (0. J.) Svmpathy; a few thoughts, general and particular. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1*93-4, iii, 629-634.—von Kenan Id (Frdulein). Ueber reflexive Sympathie, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Verpflichtungsfrage. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1907, x, 264-310. Sympathy (Cures by). Digby (Sir K.J Discours touchant la gueri- son des plaies, par la poudre de sympathie. In: Dionis (C.) Dissertation [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1749, 87-265. -----. The same. A late discourse made in a solomne assembly of nobles and learned men at Montpellier in France . . . touching the cure of wounds by the powder of sympathy; with instructions how to make the same powder. Rendered faithfully out of French into English by R. White. 12°. London, 1658. -----. The same. D' eminente oratie van den grooten chancelier der Koninginne van Groot Brittagne ghedaen in een voortreffelijcke ver- gaderingh, over 't ghenesen der wonden, door het poeder, toe-genaemt de sympathie, sonder de selve wonden te sien of aen te raecken. Uyt het Frans ghetranslateert door J. C. sm. 8°. Haerlem, 1661. -----. The same. Eroffnung underschied- licher Heimlichkeiten der Natur [etc.]. Ue- bersetzt von M. H. Hupka. 3. Aufl. 12°. Franckfurt, 1654. -----. Thesame. 7. Aufl. 8°. Ratzeburg, 1718. -----. Private memoirs, written by him- self. Now first published from the original manuscript, with an introductory memoir. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8°. London, 1827-8. Flidd (R.) Answer to M. Foster; or, the squesing of Parson Fosters sponge, ordained by him for the wiping away of the weapon-salve. Wherein the spongebearer's immodest carriage and behaviour towards his bretheren is detected; the bitter flames of his slanderous reports are by the sharpe vineger of truth corrected and quite extinguished; and, lastly, the vertuous validity of his sponge, in wiping away of the weapon-salve, is crushed out and cleane abol- ished. 8°. London, 1631. Goclenius (R.) Tractatus novus de mag- netica vulnerum curatione, citra ullum et do- lorem, et remedii applicationem, et supersti- tionem, mirandarum et in naturae majestate abditarum rerum caus-as patefaciens. Huic an- nexus est alter, de luxuriosis ac portentosis nos- tri seculi conviviis, eorumque origine, affectis et autoribus, lectu ut non indignus, sic nee inju- cundus. 16°. Francofurti, 1613. -----. Synarthrosis magnetica opposita in- faustae anatomise Joh. Roberti, pro defensione tractatus, de magnetica vulnerum curatione. 16°. Marpurgi, 1617. Hartuno (A.) Die Sympathie als Heilmit- tel; vie hundert vortrefniche sympathetische, magnetische und pharmaceutische Mittel, durch deren Wunderkriifte korperliche Leiden aller und jeder Art schnell und billig geheilt werden konnen, wie auch ungewohnliche Vortheile fiir Haus- und Landwirthschaft, Yiehzucht, Jagd- und Fischereiwesen. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, [1900]. Sympathy (Cures by). Papin (N.) & Rattray (S.) Theatrum syni- pateticum, ofte wonder-tooneel des natuers ver- borgentheden zijnde een noodigh vervolgh op de oratie van den Heere Caneelier Digby. Wer- wende hier in eerst te rechte gheleert de berey- dinghe des poeders de sympathie ende desselfs ghebruyck in verscheyde soorten van wonden. Nevens een waerdigh ende aen-ghenaem verhael van veele seltsaeme antipathien ende sympa- thien; ende endelingh hoe dat de dieren, plan- ten, metalen, etc., sonder zaet ofte voortteelinghe konnen voort-komen, ende waer uyt de sym- pathien oorspronckelijck zijn. Uyt de Latijn- sche geschriften van . . . Nicolai Papinii ende Sylvestri Rattray getranslateert door J. C. sm. 4°. Haerlem, 1662. Hellwig(A.) Sympathiekuren; ein Kapitel aus der Volksmedizin. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1909, 3. F., xxxvii, 279-297. -----. Sympathiekuren. Ibid., 1910, xl, 78-94. -----. Die Wirksamkeit der Sympathie- kuren. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1911, xliii, 122-127.—Kundmann. Von des Herrn D. Marconnay sympathetischem Saltze, alle sonst absolut und per se'lethale Wunden damit zu heilen. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1723, Leipz. u. Budissin, 1726, xxvi, 678-682.—Rodwell (G. F.) The "weapon-salve" of Paracelsus. Chem. News, Lond., 1870, xxi, 136. Symphalangia. Welcii (F. D.) Observations on different gibbons of the genus Hylobates, now or recently living in the socie- ty's gardens; and on Symphalangus syndactylies, with notes on skins in the Natural History Museum, S. Ken- sington. Proc gen. meet. .. . Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, pt. 2, 353-358, 1 pl. Symphanator. Eykman (P. H.) Demonstration eines Symph&na- tors. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 1398. Symphilia. Wasmann (E.) Ueber das Wcsen und den Ursprung der Symphilie. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1910, xxx, 97; 129; 161. Symphorol. Helbing (H.) & Passmore (F. W.) The properties and advantages of symphorol. 12°. London, 1894. Waters (E. E.) On symphorol (sodium caffeine sul- phonate) as a diuretic. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 1241. Symphysial ligament. Sutton (J. B.) The symphysial ligament of the par- turient guinea-pig. Brit."M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, 976. Symphysiotomy. See, also, Ceesarean section; Pubiotomy. Bovier-Lapierre (J.) *Parallele entre l'op£- ration cesarienne et la symphyseotomie dans les bassins cyphotiques. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Ceresole (E.) Contribution a l'etude de la symphyseotomie. 8°. Lausanne, 1896. Cocq (V.) * De la symphyseotomie dans les augusties pelviennes. Recherches experi- mentales. Faits cliniques. 8°. Bruxelles, 1894. Also, in: Ann. Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1893-4, ii, 315-457, 1 tab. See, also, infra, Henrotay. Defranould (J.-J.-B.) * Considerations sur la symphyseotomie. 4°. Nancy, 1S94. Gallet-DuPlessis. *De la symphyseotomie chez l'homme. 8°. Paris, 1893. Gotchaux (E.) *De la symphyseotomie. 4°. Paris, 1892. -----. The same. roy. 8°. Paris, 1893. Jean (M.) * Etude comparative de la sym- physeotomie et de 1'operation n'sarienne con- servatrice. 8°. Paris, 1901. Laden (E.-E.-P.) ^Contribution a l'etude de la symphyseotomie. 8°. Lille, 1897. O'Neill (J. B.) Symphyseotomy. 8°. Port- land, 1894. SYMPHYSIOTOMY. 333 SYMPHYSIOTOMY. Symphysiotomy. Repenthin (W.) * Beitrag zur Symphyseoto- mie. 8°. Jena, 1895. Rienzo(R.) La sinfisiotomia. 8°. Cassino, 1901. SimonardRodrigiesDos Santos (A.) *Sym- physeotomia. roy. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1905. Suarez de Mendoza (A.) La sinfiseotomfa; su historia, indicaciones y manual operatorio. 8°. Madrid, 1896. Vanwtberghe (L.) Contribution a l'etude de la symphyseotomie. 8°. Paris, 1900. Wektheim (A.) * Ueber Symphyseotomie. 8°. Bonn, 1900. Zweifel (P.) Die Symphyseotomie. Nach einem in der medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig gchaltenen Vortrage. 8°. Leipzig, 1893. Bar. Contribution k l'etude de la symphyseotomie. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par., 1894, 342-345.— Boyd (G. M.) Svmphvseotomy. Am. Gvnsec & Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, ix. 294-297. [Discussion], 340-345. Also, Reprint. — Braitliwaite (J.) On the operation of symphyseotomy from the general practitioner's point of view. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1896-7, v, 131-136. Also: Scalpel, Lond., 1896, i, t'^-,0.—BUrger. Zur exspekta- tiven Geburtsleitung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der beckenerweiternden Operationen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gvnak. 1907, Leipz., 1908, xii, 287- 295.—Oarr (W. P.) Symphyseotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1898,xxxviii,535-542. [Discussion],562-564.—Charles (N.) La symphvseotomie. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1894, xv, 277; 285; 293; 301; 309.—Charpentier. De la sym- physeotomie. Bull. Acad, de m£d., Par., 1892, xxvii, 352"; 409. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1892, xix, 512-544. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1892, xx, 85; 93; 10J 1-400.— Clark. (F. S.) Pelvic contractions indicating symphysi- otomy. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1892-3, viii, 543-517—Cobb (J. O.) A case of symphysiotomy. N. York M. J. 1893, lviii, 226.—Coe (H. C.) Successful case of symphysi- otomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1895, xxxi, 58— Collyer (H. L.) Symphysiotomy in a tenement house. Codex med. Phila., 1895-6, ii, 194-198.—Cortella (L.) Sinfisio- tomia ed applicazione del forcipe in un bacino piatto, Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1895, xvi, 819-821.-----. La sinfisio- tomia nella pratica ostetrica; contributo di due casi di sinfisiotomia. Atti Cong, region, ligure 1897, Genova, 1898, iii, 186-191.—Cortiguera (J.) Septicemia grave; estrechez pelviana, desviaci6n de la sinfisis pelviana; sin- fisiotomia; ninomuerto al nacer; graves complicaciones puerperales; curaci6n de la madre. An de obst., gineco- pat. y pediat., Madrid, 1894, xiv, 385-390.—< rimail (A.) Observation d'une symphyseotomie pratiquee a l'Hotel- Dieu de Pontoise. Ann de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1894, xiii, 38-40.—Crimail (E.) Symphyseotomie; retrecisse- ment de 8 centimetres; operation faite dans de tres mau- vaises conditions; guerison. Ibid., 1897, xlvii, 475-483.— Cristeanu (C.) Considerat;iunl asupra doua cazurt de symphiseotomie. [Considerations on two cases of sym- physeotomy.] Rev. de chir., Bueuresti, 1901, v, 433-441. Also, transl.: Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1902, lviii, 105-119.—Ciossen (H. S.) A case of symphysiotomy. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1896, xxxiv, 305-309. -----. Report of a case of symphysiotomy, with presentation of patient. Tr. M. Soc. Citv Hosp. Alumni, St. Louis, 1898, 196-207. Also: St. Louis M. Gaz., 1898, i, 181-186.—Cucca (C.) Contributo alia clinica ostetrica per la sinfisiotomia. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1893, ii, 345; 411.—Dal Monte (B.) Di una seconda sinfisiotomia praticata sulla stessa donna. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1900, 6. s., vi, 237-243.—Davis (E. P.) Symphyseotomy for the rel- ative indication, with complications. Boston M. & S. J., 1894, cxxxi, 182. -----. Cesarean section versus sym- physeotomy, with the report of cases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlvii, 641-643. Also, Reprint. -----. Symphyseot- omy for the relative indication. Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxx, 78-80.—Dayot fils. Symphyseotomie pratiquee le 2 mai 1894 a la Maternite1 de Rennes. Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1895, xliii, 230-233.—De Lee (J. B.) Two successful symphysiotomies. Bull. Northwest. Univ. M. Sch., Chicago, 1899-1900, i, 211-219. -----. A case of suc- cessful symphysiotomy. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 459-461.— Delepine(J.) Retrecissement du bassin; accouchement a terme; forceps au d6troit superieur; symphyseotomie. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1905, i, 14-21.—Demelin & Pa- tay. Une symphyseotomie. Rev. obst. internat., Tou- louse, 1895, "i, 41-46.—Devoe ( A. ) Symphyseotomy, with report of a case. Obstetrics, N. Y., 1899, i, 378-380.— Dlmmock (H. P.) A case of symphysiotomy in ex- treme contracted osteomalacial pelvis; craniotomy; re- covery of mother. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 1312-1314. -----. Observations on symphysiotomy. Tr. Indian M. Cong. 1894, Calcutta, 1895^ 418-421, 2 pl. -----. A case of symphvsiotomv. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1900, xviii, 240.—von Dittel (L.) jr. Zu Herrn Dr. Eksteins "Ent- gegnung" auf von mir gemachte Aeusserungen iiber eine von ihm ausgefiihrte Svmphyseotomie. Centralbl. f. Gy- nak., Leipz.. 1893, xvii, 1013-1016.—Dobrucki (S.) Przypadek cie.cia lonowego podczas porodu. [Symphysi- otomy during labor.] Medycyna. Warszawa, 1894, xxii, 149; 169.—Donald (A.) Three cases of symphysiotomy. Edinb. M. J., 1896-7, xiii, 613-518. — Drauhlctcu. Simfiseotomia. Spitalul, BucurescI, 1893, xiii, 257-266.— -----. Symphvseotomie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Bucarest, 1901-2, iv, 162.-----. Un cas de symphyseotomie. Ibid., 1904-5, vii,94-97.—Draghiesco& Cristeanu (C.) Simfiseotomie: ocluzie intestinala prin ligamentul colic stang. [...; intestinal occlusion bvligature of leftcolon.] Rev_ de chir., Bucurestl, 1899, iii, 317-338. Also, transl.: Bull.etmem. Soe.de chir.de Bucarest, 1899-1900,ii,67-82.— Dun (W. G.) & Russell (A. W.) Symphysiotomy; re- port of a case of contracted pelvis and pregnancy, termi- nated at full time by symphysiotomy. Glasgow M. J., 1902,lviii,180-186. Also: Tr.Med.-Chir.Soc.Glasg. (1901-3), 1904, iv, 236-243.—Earle (F. B.) Symphysiotomy. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago. 1897, 305-313. Also: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 1195. Also: Medicine, Detroit, 1897, iii, 477-482.—Edgar (J. C.) Two cases of symphysi- otomy. Soc. Lying-in Hosp. N. York. Med. Rep. (1893), 1894, 109-116. Also [Abstr.]: N. York M. J., 1894, lix, Symphysiotomy (Cases and statistics of). 343. -----. Symphyseotomy. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, viii, 356-361.—Ekstein. Entgegnung auf die Aeusserungen des Herrn Dr. v. Dittel, jr., iiber eine von mir ausgefiihrte Symphyseotomie. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1893, xvii, 828.—Ellis (E. E.) Symphysi- otomy; with report of case. Memphis M. Month., 1896, xvi, 113-117. — Engstroin ( O. ) En symfyseotomi. Finska lak.-siillsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1894, xxxvi, 651- 653. Also, transl.: Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1894, xiii, 401-407.—Farabeuf (L. H.) Dystocie du detroit superieur;mecanisme;diagnostic; traitement;svmphyseo- tomie. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1894, xii, 265^280. Also, Reprint.—Fenomenoff(N. N.) K voprosu osimfizeo- tomii (symphyseotomia). Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, i, 512-517. -----. Tretiy sluchal simfizeotomii. [Third symphyse- otomy.] Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan, univ., 1899, 39-43.—Fieux (G.) Bassin rachitique; promonto- sous-pubien = 8 cent. J; symphyseotomie; succes pour la mere et pour l'enfant. Arch, de gynec et de tocol., Par., 1896, xxiii, 705-711. -----. Un cas de symphyseotomie. Gaz. hebd.d. sc.med.de Bordeaux, 1897, xviii,344. -----. Unnouveaucasdesymphysebtomie. Ibid.,497-499.-----. Symphvseotomie pour exces de volume et irr6ductibilit6 de la tete foetale. Bull, med., Par., 1897, xi, 949. Also: Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1898, xlix, 68-74.-----. Symphyseotomie avec enfant vivant malgre les diffieultes de l'extraction fcetale. Bull, med., Par., 1901, xv, 665. Also: Rev. mens, de gyn6c [etc.], Bordeaux, 1901, iii, 188- 192. [Discussion], 207-209. -----. Symphyseotomie pour bassin asvmetrique de 6cm 5 a 7 centimetres. Rev. prat. d'obst. et" de paediat.,Par., 1904, xvii, 201-207. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxv, 310-312. Also, transl.: Frauenarzt, Leipz., 1906, xxi, 98-101. -----. Sym- physeotomie. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxvii, 571. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxxvi, 780. -----. Svmphyseotomie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1906, Par. & Bordeaux, 1907,504-507.— Fieux & Gassion. Symphyseotomie d'urgence prati- quee en ville. Rev.mens.de gvnec. [etc.], Bordeaux, 1903, v,82-88. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst.et de paediat., Par., 1903, xvi, 71-78. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. scmed. de Bordeaux, 1902, xxiii, 615-617. Also: Mem.etbull.Soc.demed.etchir.de Bordeaux (1902), 1903, 491-497. Also, transl.: Frauenarzt, Leipz.,1904,xix,255; 296.—Fieux (G.)& L.efour. Note sur trois cas de symphyseotomie recueillis a la Clinique obste- tricale de Bordeaux (service de M. le professeur Lefour). Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1906, 2.S., iii, 129-134. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. hebd.d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1906,xxvii, 30.—Flatan (S.) Ein Fall von Symphyseotomie. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii,268.—Fleischl (J.) Ko- rasziiles vagy symphyseotomia? [Premature labor or sym- physiotomy? Case.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1893, xxxv, 257. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1893, xxix, 929.—Foy (G.) Symphysiotomy. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., lv, 300.—Fritsch (H.) Vier Symphyseotomien. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 454-464.—Fry (H. D.) Symphysiotomy. Am. Gv- naec & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vi, 679-583. -----. An indica- tion for svmphvseotomv, with report of a case, Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1900, xiii, 487-490. [Discussion], 536. -----. Symphyseotomy. Ibid., 1907, lv, 435.—Fullerton (W. S.) Report of a case of symphyseotomy. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1896, xvi, 305-307.—Garrigues (H. J.) Symphysiotomy; with the report of a successful case. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cv, 286; 399. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1893, xxvii, 423-427. Also, Reprint. -----. Symphysiotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1893, xxviii, 626- 634. Also: Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 959-963, 6 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. On symphyseotomy, with the report of a new case. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 577-680.—Gaszynski (S.) O zasadach, warunkach i wskazaniach do wykonania ciecia lonowego z przyto- czeniem whiMiegopfzypadku. [Principles of and indica- tions for symphysiotomy, with description of a case by the author.] Medvevna, Warszawa, 1901, xxix, 119; 116; 165; 193; 214; 240; 257; 284. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Polnisch. Arch. f. biol. u. med. Wissensch., Lemberg, 1901, i, 112-166, 1 pl.—Gaulard. Bassin a forme double Oblique ovalaire: symphyseotomie malgre la mort de l'enfant. Compt. rend. Soc d'obst., de gynec et de pae- diat. de Par., 1899, i, 120-125.—Gauss (C. J.) Becken- spaltung in der Schwangerschaft, ausgefiihrt aus abso- luter Indikation. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 857-864.—Geuer. Ueber den osteoplastischen Verschluss eines nach Symphyseotomie bestehen gebliebenen Sym- physenspaltes. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1895, xix, 1129-1132.— Godet& Palas. Un cas de retrecissement du bassin; prolapsus del'uterusgravide; symphyseotomie et version; guerison. Anjou med., Angers, 1904, xi, 105- 109.—Gorokhoff (D. E.) & Kliliebnikoff (N. E.) Sluchal lonnavo khryashtsherazslecheniya v zemskoi praktikle. [Case of symphysiotomy in country practice.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1895, xvi, 900.—Grandin (E. H.) A clinical contribution to the subject of symphysiotomy. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cv, 517-521. Also, Re- SYMPHYSIOTOMY. 336 SYMPHYSIOTOMY. Symphysiotomy (Cases and statistics 'of)- print.— Grawn (F. A.) The technique of symphysi- otomy, with report of a case. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1903, ii, 181-186.—(iross (G.) Symphysiotomy; with a report of a case. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1894, viii, 638-543.—Gross (O.) Beitrag zur Symphyseotomie im Anschluss an ein en Fall von kiinstlicher Friihgeburt; Symphyseotomie; Perforation. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek, Berl., 1900, xii, 577-583.—Grosse (A.) A propos d'une symphvseotomie. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1906, 2. s., xxiv, 821-833.—Gueniot. Symphyseotomie pratiquee avec succes sur un bassin oblique-ovalaire. Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1895, i, 134-13(>.—Guille- met. Un cas de symphvseotomie. Gaz. med.de Nantes, 1896-7, xv, 77.—Guillet. Bassin retreci; symphyseo- tomie; mere et enfant bien portants. Rev. mens, de fvnec, d'obstet. et de pediat., Par., 1909, iv, 16-19.— lansen (T. B.) Symphvseotomi. Tidsskr. f. Jorde- m0dre, Kj0benh., 1892-3, iii, 83-89. -----\ F0dsel 3 Aar efter en Symfyseotomi. [Birth three years after a sym- physiotomy.] Hosp.-Tid., Kj0benh., 1896, 4. R., iv, 597- 602.—Barns (M. L.) Symphysiotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1894, xxx, 758-768. -----. A case of symphyseoto- my. Am. Gynec, N. Y., 1903, ii, 147. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1903, xlvii,390-397.—Harris (R. P.) The remark- able results of antiseptic symphysiotomy. Tr.Am Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1892, xvii, 98-126. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y.. 1892, xxvi, 433-448. Also, Reprint. -----. A plea for the practice of symphysiotomy, based upon its record for the past eight years. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1894), 1895, xxxvi, 117-125. -----. The symphyseotomies of the United States and of Canada. Tr. Am. Gynec Soc, Phila., 1895, xx, 435-461. Also, Reprint.—Heinricius(G.) Ein Fall von Symphysiotomie, nebst Bemerkungen iiber diese Opera- tion. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1896, iii, 273-297.-----. Ett andra fall ai symfyseotomi. [Un deuxieme cas de symphyseotomie. Res., p. xcv.] Finska liik.-siillsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1898, xl, 875-887.—Hen- rota y (J.) La premiere symphyseotomie a la Maternity. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1905, lxvii, 31-35.—U irigo- yen (L.) Symphyseotomie pratiquee pour la troisieme fois chez la meme femme. Rev. mens, de gynec. [etc.], Bordeaux, 1901, iii, 435-439. -----. Retrecissement rachi- tique du bassin; svmphyseotomie. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1907, xxviii, 414.—Hirst (B. C.) Sym- physiotomy. Med. & Surg, Reporter, Phila., 1892, lxvii, 653-o56. Also: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1892, xiii, 387-396. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 431-133. Also, Reprint. -----. Symphysiotomy. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 627-629! Also, Reprint.—Holden (G. P.) Two cases of symphyseotomy. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1897, 3. s., xii, 95-104.—Homans (V.) Bassin rachi- tique de 7 a 7i centim.; symphyseotomie; reunion par premiere intention; couches normales; enfant vivant. Rev. med., Louvain, 1896-7, xv, 148-150.—Hooper (J. W. D.) Notes on a case of symphysiotomy. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1906, xi, 258-261,1 pl. [Dis- cussion], 276.—Hubert (E.) Rapport de la commis- sion chargee de l'examen de la communication de M. E. Kuflerath, a Bruxelles, intitulee: Quatre observations de symphyseotomie. Bull. Acad. roy. demed. deBelg., Brux., 1894, 4. s., viii, 319-322. -----. Symphyseotomie; bassin de 7centim.,oblique: enfant et mere sauves. Rev.m6d.,Lou- Louvain, 1895-6, xiv, 433-436.—Inverardi(G.) Sinfisio- tomie. Rendicclin. statist, d. 1st. ostet.-ginecd. Univ. di Padova(1893), 1894,37-40.—lovitzu (G.),jr. Basinrachi- tic; simfisiotomie; copil viii: vindeeare. Spitalul, Bucu- rescI, 1892,xii, 425-128.—Jackson (J. M.) Symphyseot- omy. Boston M. & S. J., 1895, cxxxii, 181-183.—Jardine (R.) [Four cases of symphysiotomy.] Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1904, xiv, 430. -----. Symphysiotomy performed three times on the same patient. J. Obst. & Gynaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1908, xiii, 184-186.—Jewett (C.) A case of symphysiotomy. Brooklyn M. J., 1892, vi, 790-792. Also: N. York J. Gynaec & Obst., 1892, ii, 1079-1082. Also, Reprint. -----. A case of symphyseotomy. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vii, 477. [Discussion], 541-543. Also, Re- print. -----. Three cases of symphyseotomy. Am. Gy- naec ehe Untersuchungen iiber die Sym- physeotomie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1893, v, 27-34, 4 pl., 3 diag. [Discussion], 40-76.— Fkstein (E.) Symphyseotomie bei plattem, allgemein verengtem rachiti'schen'Becken mit tbdlichem Ausgang. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1893, xvii, 441-446.—Engle- mann (G. J.) Remarks on symphyseotomy. Boston M. & S. J., 1897, exxxvii, 31— Ferri (A.) Storia delle gravidanze successive ad una operazione di sinfisiotomia. Arte ostet., Milano, 1903, xx, 96-101.—Fieux (G.) De la symph\>eotomie sans immobilisation consecutive. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de gvnec, Par., 1899, xv, 229-233. Also: Bull, med., Par., 1899, xiii, 483: 1900, 391. Also: Rev. mens, de gvnec [etc.], Bordeaux, 1899. i, 361: 1900, ii, 219. Also [Abstr.]: J. de med. de Par., 1899, 2. s., xi, 319.— Forgue. Des larges fistules vesico-vaginales, consecu- tives a la symphyseotomie. Montpel. med., 1903, xvi, 313-316.—Frank. Ist die Symphysiotomie vollstandig aufzugeben? Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1900. Leipz., 1901, lxxii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 140-142.— Garrigues (H. J.) Svmphvsiotomv; a personal pro- test. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi, 251—Gigli (L.) Die Symphyseotomie ist eine chirurgisch inkorrekte Operation; Erwiderung an Prof. P. Zweifel. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 326-331.—Grandmaire. Symphyseotomie avec des moyens de fortune; resultats apres cinq ans et huit mois. Bull, med., Par., 1910, xxiv, 1173-1175.—Griffith (W. S. A.) Patient after symphysi- otomy. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1895). 1896, xxxvii, 13.— Guehiot. Presentation d'appareil; compresseuriliaque pour la contention des pubis apres la svmphyseotomie. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par., 1893, 35-39. Also: Rev. obstet. et gynec, Par., 1893, ix, 104-106.— Hamilton (H.) The value of symphyseotomy. Ann. Gynaec. & Paediat., Bost., 1895-0, ix, 67-71, 8 pl. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, ".10-318.—Harris (R. P.) The remarkable results of antiseptic symphysiotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1892, xxvi, 433-448. Also, Reprint. -----. A plea for symphysiotomy. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1894, n. s., lvii, 331.—Has the revival of sym- physiotomy proved a success? Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi, 70.5-707.—Hink. Geburt nach Svmphyseotomie. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1897, xxi, 1330.—Hop- kins (G. G.) The legal rights of a woman in childbed. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 931.—Hi 1 (O.) Ueber Geburten nach Symphvseotomie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 600-603.—Jacob (L.) Histoire d'une symphyse- otomie; suites eloignees; radiographics. Cong, internat. med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 424-426.—Jewett (C.) The clinical limitations of symphysiotomy. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1893, 126-135. Also: N. York J. Gynaec. & Obst., 1893, iii, 449-452. -----. The place of symphysiotomy as contrasted with Cesarean section. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1901, xxvi, 291-308. Also [Abstr.]: Am. Med.,Phila., 1901, ii, 488 — Klein jr. [Ge- burtsverlauf bei einer Frau nach Symphyseotomie.] Si- tzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik. 1903, Berl., 1904,17.—Kotter. Ein Fall von Symphyseotomie, der todtlich endete. Wien. med. BL, 1893, xvi, 641.— Lenoel & Trepant. Symphyseotomie, avec ossifica- tion partielle de la symphv.se. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1895. xiii, 25-29.—Leopold. Ueber die untere Grenze der Beckenenge bei der Symphyseotomie. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1893, v, 35-76.—Lepage. Le pronostic de la symphyseotomie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1903, xvii, 757 — 1.1 von (J.) Accouchement spontane chez une femme ayant deja subi une symphvseotomie. Marseille med., 1905, xiii, 165: 226— Lohlein ill.) Die Symphyseotomie und ihr Verhiiltniss zum Kaiserschnitt und zur kiinst- lichen Friihgeburt. In his: Gynak. Tagesfr., Wiesb., Symphysiotomy (Consequences and relative value of). 1895, 4. Hft., 47-75.-----. Exostose vor dem rechten Ile^- sacralgelenk, im Anschluss an die Symphyseotomie ent- standen. Ber.d.oberhess.Gesellsch.f.Nat.-u.Heilk.,Gies- sen, 1897-9,xxxii, 196-198. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897, xxiii, Ver.-Beil., 160.— McDonnell (JE. J.) A case of symphysiotomy; death. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1895, xiv, 7.— McKennan (H.) & Kreider (G. N.) Symphysiotomy compared with its substitutes, with reference to a case of symphy- siotomy. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1893, xliii, 262-276. Also, [Abstr.]: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 585.— Martin ( A.) Symphyseotomie una Kaiserschnitt. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 729- 731.—Martin (A.) Symphyseotomie; resultats eioignes. Normandie med.,Rouen, 1906, xxi, 327.—Michael (J. E.) Symphysiotomie; ein erfolgreicher Fall; eine Anregung. Frauenarzt, Berl., 1895. x, 201: 260.—Moussous. Bassin vici6; symphyseotomie; mort du sujet un an apres l'op6- ration; autopsie. Cong, period, de gvnec, d'obst. et de pivdiat. Mem. etdisc 1895, Par., 1896,615-623—Neuman (P.) Symfyseotomi; pviimi; helsa. [Contraction of pel- vis; . . .; recovery.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1893, lv, 602- 609.—Noble (C. P.) Symphysiotomy versus its substi- tutes; with the report of a case of symphysiotomy. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1893, 3. s., xv, 51-63. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 176-181. Also, Reprint. -----. Symphy- seotomy versus the induction of premature labor. Ann. Gynaec & Psediat., Phila.. 1893-4, vii, 594-596. Also: Tr. Am. Gvnec Soc, Phila., 1894, xix, 250-259. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1894, xxx, 50-56. Also: Canada Lancet, To- ronto, 1894-5, xxvii, 264-267. Also, Reprint—Pinard. Sur l'anatomie et la physiologie des articulations sacro- iliaques avant et apres la symphyseotomie. Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1894, xii, 397-476. Also, Reprint.— Planellas (A.) Sulla sinfisiotomia; ricerche speri- mentali sull' allargamento del bacino. Ann. di. ostet., Milano, 1894, xvi, 403-408.—Poirier de Clisson. De l'etat du bassin chez les femmes Qui ont subi la symphv- seotomie. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 19*3, vi, 9-12. [Dis- cussion], 62-68.—Polk (W. M.) Operation for repair of rupture of the urethra following symphysiotomy delivery. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1898, xiii, 165-167.—Ponti- celli (P.) II problema della sinfisiotomia considerato dal lato meccanico. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1900, ii, 342; 382; 413; 461.—Porro (E.), Filippi (A.) & Pestalozza (E.) Per la sinfisiotomia; rapportoostetrico-legale. Ras- segna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1898, vii, 198-217.—Poz- zoli (B.) Sulle cause che nelle incinte gia altra volta sinfisiotomizzate, rendono talora possibile il parto spon- taneo. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1898, v, 449-459.— Pueeh. La reparation de la symphyse pubienne et les lesions de l'appareil urinaire apres la symphyseo- tomie. Montpel. med., 1903, xvi, 339-341—Boux (J.) & Beynes (H.) Sur la symphyseotomie; resultats qu'on peut en attend re au point de vue de l'elargis- sement de la voie pelvienne; recherches cadaveri- ques. Marseille med., 1893, xxx, 84-88, 1 pl. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1893, xx, 211-215,1 pl.— Budaux. Symphyseotomie faite en ville; grossesse nouvelle, accouchement spontane. Arch. gen. de med., r>ar., 1904, ii, 3161-3163.—Sandstein (A. C.) An experi- mental study of the pelvic changes produced by the separation of the pubic bones in symphysiotomy. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1901-2, xxvii, 68-91, 2 pl. Also: J. Obst. & Gynaec Brit. Emp., Lond., 1902, i, 293-311.—Savino (G.) Studio compnrativo tra la sinfisiotomia ed il taglio lateralizzato del pube. Med. ital., Napoli, 1910, viii, 304; 321; 341.—Sehickele (G.) Die bleibende Erweiterung des engen Beckens. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 551-560.—Tarnier. Appareil destine a mainte- nir les pubis rapproches apres la symphyseotomie. Cong. period, de gynec, d'obst. et de paediat. Mem. et disc. 1895, Par., 1896, 545-547.— Thies (J.) Nachuntersuchun- gen der an der Leipziger Universitiits-Frauenklinik aus- gefiihrten offenen Symphysiotomies Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1907, lxxxiv, 99-153.—Tissier. Symphyseotomie dans un cas de retrecissement rachitique du bassin; thrombus retropubien. Rev. obst. et gynec, Par., 1895, xi, 243-219.—Varnier (H.) Des causes de la mortality maternelle et fcetale dans la symphyseotomie; k propos d'une statistique recente de M. Neugebauer. Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1893, xl, 372-383.-----. De l'appli- cation du forceps au detroit superieur retreci, en particu- lier dans ses rapports avec la symphvseotomie. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1893, vi, 78-94.-----. La symphyseotomie est-elle une operation & la portee du praticien? Ibid., 257: 1894, vii, 33. -----. Etude anato- mique et radiographique de la symphyse pubienne apres la symphyseotomie. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., degynec. et de paediat. de Par., 1899, i, 208-228.—Wehle (J.) Die Symphyseotomie und ihre wissenschaftliche Begriindung auf Grand eigener Untersuchungen an der Leiche una dreier Fiille an der Lebenden. Arb. a. d. k. Frauenklin. in Dresd., Leipz., 1893, i, 343-384.-----. Wendung und Extraction oder Symphyseotomie? Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 492-494.—von Woerz (H.) Die SYMPHYSIOTOMY. 340 SYMPHYSIOTOMY. Symphysiotomy (Consequences and relative value of). Enderfolge der Symphyseotomie. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 865-876. Also, transl.: Gazz. med. di Torino, 18.U, xiv, suppl., 185-196.—Zinke (E. G.) Sym- physeotomy vs. embryotomy upon the living fetus. Ohio M. J., Cincin., 189*5, vi, 73; 101; 131.—Zweilel (P.) Ueber Svmphyseotomie und Symphysenruptur. Cen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1892, xvi, 857-865. -----. Ist die Symphysiotomie eine chirurgisch inkorrekte Operation? Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. (1904), 1905, 88-91. Also: Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 1-4. See, also, supra, Gigli. Symphysiotomy (History and early cases of). Abelly (V.) * Documents pour servir a l'histoire de la symphyseotomie. 8°. Paris, 1899. Bellami (Mme.) Observation interessante sur un accouchement. 12°. Bruxelles, 1780. Dagoty (.—Diniant(E. B.) K istorii simfizeotomii. [History of symphysiotomy.] J. a ku.-h.i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1905*,xix, 733; 959.—Kto- wali 1 Tlie 1 < ounty(Ala.) Medical Society vs. Dr. William Thomas Coggin, of Athens, Ga., who claims the honor of doing the first symphyseotomy in this country is de- nounced by the Etowah County (Ala.) Medical Society as an impostor and a fraud. Alabama M. & S. Age, Annis- ton, 1893-4, vi, 386-394. Also, Reprint.—First (The) sym- physiotomies in America. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi 107-109— Garrigues (H. J.) The restoration of sym- physeotomy. Med.Rec.N. Y., 1893, xliii,611-613.—Har- ris (R. P.) Symphyseotomy in North and South Amer- ica, withremarksuponitsgrowthinEurope. Med.News Phila., 1893, lxiii, 141-143.-----. Early American sym- physiotomies. N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 244. -----. The first American symphysiotomy (1880). Ibid., 1895, lxi, 343. -----. The symphyseotomies of the United States and of Canada. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vi, 788-818.-----. Symphyseotomy versus symphysiotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1895, xxxii, 70.—Holmes (H. R.) The first symphysiotomy on the Pacific coast. N. York J. Symphysiotomy (History and early cases of). Gvnaec. & Obst., 1893, iii, 405. Also: Pacific M. Rec, Port- land, Oreg., 1893,i, 186— Jewell (C.) The introduction of symphyseotomy into America. Brooklyn M. J., 1894, viii, 585-587.-----. Early American symphysiotomies. N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 363. -----. The first American symphysiotomies. Ibid., 1895, ]xi, 276.-liabes.se (P.) Jean-Rene Signult et la symphyseotomie. Anjou med., Angers, 1900, vii, 25-28. Also: Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1900, xv, 145-149.—JW. (K. W.) Symphysiotomy in the twelfth century. N.York M.J., 1902, lxxvi, 526.—Bisso J)o- minguez (J. C.) La sinfisiotomia; contribution a su estudio; su historia, 1777 a 1830. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1906, xiii, 137-145.—Boberts (C. H.) The history and present position of symphysiotomy. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1894, xxx, 27-51.—Senshu (Y.) Jikotsu boko idansitsu no sosei; sankasitsu no itji taishinbo. [Revival of symphysiotomy; a great progress in the field of operative obstetrics.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 316, 6-8.—Slrobell (C. W.) The revival of symphy- seotomy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xiv, 10-12.—Turner (P. D.) Symphysiotomy; its introduction, decline, and revival. Quart. M. J.. Sheffield, 1894-5, iii, 358-372— Var- nier (H.) Historique de la pelvitomie. Ann. degvnec. et d'obst., Par., 1893, xxxix, 89-109.—Williams (j. O.) Symphysiotomy in Texas in 1880. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 566. Symphysiotomy (Indications for). Campaignac (C.) *De la symphyseotomie et de ses indications. 8°. Toulouse, 1898. Busehbeck. Zur Symphyseotomie und ihrer Indi- cationsstellung. Munchen.med. Wchnschr.,1894,xii, 489- 492.—Cocq (V.) Quelles sont les indications reellesde la symphyseotomie dans les cliniques obstetricales et au domicile des parturientes? Clinique, Brux., 1903, xvii, 409^21.—Da vis (E. P.) Symphyseotomy for the relative indication, with complications. Boston M. & S. J., 1894, cxxxi, 182. Also, Reprint.—Eisenhart (H.) Die Be- handlung der Geburt bei engem Becken mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Symphvseotomie. Therap. Mo- natsh., Berl., 1893, vii, 178; 214.—Fritseh (H.) Dielndi- kationsstellungzur Symphyseotomie. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1900, iii, 319-324.—Hirst (B. C.) The lowest limit of pelvic contraction admitting of symphy- siotomy. Med. News,Phila.,1893,lxiii,157. Also, Reprint.— Leopold (G.) UeberdieSymphyseotomieundihrelndi- kationsstellung. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 443-452. Also, transl.: Arch, di ostet. eginec, Napoli, 1894, i, 169-178. Also, transl.: Ann. di ostet.,Milano,1894,xvi,392- 402.—Novy (R.) &Cu94. ix. 323-326.—F'rcy (A.) Ueber becken- erweiternde Operationen. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Berl.. 1'jUi, xxvi, 3 '.8-3~>n.— Frommberger (E.) Die Symphysiotomie mit IIlife einer Symphysen- klammer. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 2049.—Filth. Ueber Tierversuche zur Er- zielung einer dauernden Beckenerweiterung nach Sym- physiotomie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik. 1907, Leipz., 1908, xii, 273-277.—Gigli (L.) Delia sezione della sinfisi con la sega in filo metallico (Drahtsiiger). Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1893, xv, 557-560.—Grandin (E. H.) Symphyseotomy; its technique and after results. N. York J. Gynaec. &Obst, 1893, iii, 461-465.—Harris (R. P.) Una nuova falcetta per la sinfisiotomia. Ras- segna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1893, ii, 1.—Hartmann (K.) Ueber den subkutanen Symphysenschnitt nach Frank. Gynaek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1911, v, 639- 647.—Herman (G. E.) On subcutaneous symphysi- otomy. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1900, xiii, 282-297—Jean- nin (C.) Hebotomie ou symphyseotomie? Etude dela valeur comparative deces deux operations. Presse med., Par., 1908, xvi, 001-003. Also, transl.: Geneesk. Courant, Amst., 1909, lxiii, 279; 288.—Keh rer (E.) Symphysioto- mie undPubiotomie. Sammelrefenit. Monatschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl.. 1'.io5.xxi,228-237.—K lots (P. S.) Symphyseotomy and hebotomy. Transvaal M. J., Johan- nesburg, 1907-8, iii, 259-262.—Ii roenier. [Beekenerwei- ternde Operationen.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 900. -----. Versuche zur Besserung der Dauererfolge und des primiiren Verlaufes der be- ckenerweiternden Operationen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak. 1907, Leipz., 1908, xii, 281-286.—L,e- four (R.) Symphyseotomie et accouchement prema- ture combines. Cong, period, de gvnec, d'obst. et de paediat. Mem. et disc. 1895, Par., 1896, 547-558, 1 pl.— Leopold (G.) La sinfisiotomia nelle cliniche tedcsche. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Roma-Napoli, 1899, vi, 346-348.— OTaire (L.) Nouvelle operation destinee k remplacer la symphyseotomie. Presse med., Par., 1907, xv, 546.—ITlar- chionncsehi (O.) La tecnica della sinfisiotomia. Pratico, Firenze, 1896-7, i, no. 2, 12; no. 3, 8; no. 4, 15.— fflliller (R.) & von Noorden (W.) Theilweise Sym- phy-eotomie statt Kaiserschnitt. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 1163-1165. — ITIunk (H.) Ueber den Sym- physenschnitt. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xix, 379- 381. — Namias. Una sinfisiotomia eseguita secondo il prouedimento del Dott. V. Lauro. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1896, iii, 459-161. —Neugebauer (F.) Kilka s!6w owskrzeszeniu ciecia lonowego czyli symfy- seotomii przez szkote poloznicz% Neapolitans^. [On the rehabilitation of symphysiotomy by the obstetrical school of Naples.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1892, xx, 541: 559; 575; 592; 742; 796:817: 837; 868. Also, Reprint. See, also, Symphysiotomy (History and early cases of). sn/mi.—Bodrignes dos Santos. Das resistencias pelvianas; symphysiotomiaantiseptica. Brazil-med.,Rio de Jan., 1899, xiii, 131, 142.—Bunge (R. E.) Symphy- seotomie und Hebosteotomie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 2229-2231. Also, transl: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1909, n. s., lxxxviii, 57-59. — Sellheim (H.) Anatomische, experimentelle und klinische Untersu- chungen zur operativenErweiterungdesBeckens. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1906, x, 427-464. -----. Wie soil man die Technik der Symphysiotomie oder Hebosteotomie lernen? Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik. 1907, Leipz., 1908, xii, 277-280.—Substitute (A) for symphysiotomy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 41.— Surdi (G.) La sinfisiotomia nelle cliniche tedesche. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Roma-Napoli, 1899, vi, 229; 420.— Treub (II.) L'antisepsie dans l'operation cesarienne et dans la symphyseotomie. Compt. rend. Cong, period. internat. de gynec et d'obst. 1899, Amst., 1900. iii, 592- 595.—Vertes (O.) A symphysis feletti harantmetszesrol. [The superior transverse incision of the symphysis.] Szuleszet cs nogyogy., Budapest, 1904, 57-60. Also, transl: Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 1121-1128.— Zweilel (P.) Die Symphysiotomie mit besonderer Drainage des Spatium prsevesicale sive Cavum Retzii per vaginam. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. (1901), 1902, 61-66. Also: Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1902, vi, 4-41. Also: Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 321-326. -----. Die subkutane Symphy- siotomie. Ibid., 1906, xxx, 737-742. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik. zu Leipz. (1906), 1907, 44-49. -----. Technik, Indikationen und Erfolge der beckenerweiternden Operationen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik 1907, Leipz., 1908, xii, 33-92, 2 pl., 1 tab. -----. Subcutaneous symphysiotomy and extra- peritoneal Caesarean section. Brit. M. J.,* Lond., 1908, ii, 801-805. Symphysiotomy (Modifications of) by lateral section of pubis [flebotomy; pubiotomy]. See, also, Pubiotomy. Boss ([K.] J. J.) *Die Erfahrungen der Strassburger Universities - Frauenklinik iiber Pubiotomie. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1908. von Caxstein (D. E. R.) Freiherr. * Beitrag zur Frage der Hebosteotomie. 8°. Greifswald, 1907. Czaeno ( S. W. ) * Ueber die schweren nach Hebotomie beobachteten Komplikationen. [Freiburg i. B. ] 8°. Emmendingen, 1909. Eberhardt (K.) * Ueber 9 an der Ziirche- rischen Universitiits-Frauenklinik beobachtete Hebosteotomien. [Zurich. ] 8°. Herisau, 1910. Friedmann (A.) * Beitrag zur Pubotomie. 8°. Berlin, 1910. Gluskinos (L.) * Experimenteller und kli- nischer Beitrag zur Hebosteotomie. [Breslau.] 8°. Miinchen, 1909. Kretschmer (R.) *Vier Fiille von Puboto- mie. 8°. Marburg, 1909. Kuhlenbeck (O.) * Die Hebosteotomien der Gottinger Frauenklinik. 8°. Gottingen, 1909. Lixneweber (W.) *Die Pubiotomie nach ihrem heutigen Stande. 8°. Bonn, 1906 Salomon (C.) *Ein Beitragzur Statistik der Pubiotomie. 8°. Kiel, 1907. Sandleben (A.) * Ueber weitere elf Fiille von Hebosteotomie. 8°. Munchen, 1908. Schlafli (A.) *Siebenhundert Hebosteoto- mien. [Basel.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1909. Also, in: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1909, lxiv, 85-135. Shvoger-Lettetski (F. I.) *K voprosu o pubotomii; anatomicheski - eksperimentalnoye izsliedovaniye kharaktera rasshireniya tazovavo vkhoda poslle pubotomii. [Pubiotomy; ana- tomical and experimental investigation of the character of dilatation of the pelvis after pu- biotomy.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1908. Thoma (P.) * Nebenverletzungen bei Hebos- teotomie. 8°. Miinchen, 1909. SYMPHYSIOTOMY. 342 SYMPHYSIOTOMY. Symphysiotomy (Modifications of) by lateral section of pubis [Hebotomy; pubiotomy]. Tonnes (J.) *Der Lateralschnitt durch das Os pubis oder die Hebotomie. 8°. Bonn, 1906. Wolf (G.) *Zur Hebotomie. [Freiburg i. Br.] 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Arndt'G.) Ein Fall von Hebotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1903, xxvii, 1457-1460.—Barrett (C. W.) The place of hebosteotomy as an aid to delivery. J. Am. M. Ass., rhieago, 1910, lv, 1793-1799.—Blacker (G. F.) Pubiotomy in contracted pelvis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, i, 636-638.—Blow (E.) Zur Technik der Hebosteotomie; die Beckenklammer, ein neues Instrument. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 127.—de Bovis (R.) Comment executer une pubiotomie? Se- maine med., Par., 1909, xxix, 325-328.—Brandt (K.) Hebosteotomi. Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Kristiania, 1909, 5 R., vii, 614-537.—von Canstein (E.) Beitrag zur Frage der Hebosteotomie. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1910, xxiv, 671; 691.—Canton (E.) Primera serie de 24 casos de pubiotomia publicados en Sud-America. Arch. de ginecop. [etc.], Barcel., 1909, xxii, 148; 172; 221.— Cortejarena. Consideraciones acerca de la pubioto- mia. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1910, lxxxvi, 222-228.—Cristol"oletti(R.) DieErfolgederHebosteoto- mie. Gynaek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1910, iv, 661- 671.—Davidson (H. A.) Hebosteotomy; report of a case. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1911, ix, 90-92.— Doktor (S.) Exostosis multiplex; pubiotomia. Gy6- gyaszat, Budapest, 1908, xlviii, 416; 433—Ehrlich (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Hebosteotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 651-651—von Eliseher. Ueberdie Aenderungen der Beekendurchmesser nach Hebosteoto- mie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik. 1907, Leipz., 1908, xii, 257-262.-Fabre & Bourret. Un nouveau cas d'operation de Gigli dans un bassin aplati et generalement retreci. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1911, xiv, 299-306.—Fabre & Trillat. Operation de Gigli pour bassin cyphotique. Ibid., 1910, xiii, 61-66. ----- -----. Bassin a exostose; operation de Gigli. Ibid., 191- 194.----------. Pubiotomie dans un bassin generale- ment retreci. Ibid., 462-466.—Ferroni (E.) Beitrag zum Lateralschnitt des Beckens nach Gigli. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 1070-1072.—von Franque. Erfahrungen iiber den Schambeinschnitt. Verhandl. d. deutsch.Gesellsch.f. Gyniik. 1907,Leipz.,1908,xii, 230-241.— Gigli (L.) Sinfisiotomia classica e taglio lateralizzato del pube. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1902, viii, 302-308. -----. I primi 15 casi di taglio lateralizzato del pube; ragioni cli- niche ed anatomiche; casistica; tecnica operativa. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1903, xxv, 808: 1904, xxvi, 623,1 tab. -----. Meine Technik des Lateralschnittes. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 1397-1401.—Gil 6 Ibar- qilengoitia. Un caso de pubiotomia subcutanea. Gac. med. d. Norte, Bilbao, 1909, xv, 290-293. Also: Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1909, xxi, 412^15. -----. Mi segundo caso de pubiotomia subcutanea. Gac. med. d. Norte, Bilbao, 1910, xvi, 73-76. Also: Rev. Ibero- Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1910, xxiii, 174-177.— Grime. Om hebosteotomi med anledning af ett fall. [On hebotom v with special reference to a case.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1909,2. f.,ix, 948-963.— Guibe (M.) Les rup- tures traumatiques des trois symphyses du bassin. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1911, 3. s., ii, 199-226.—Guiceiardi (G.) Embriotomie che sostituisconoeventuali pubiotomie. Gi- necologia.Firenze,1909,vi,6.5-73.— Guseff (V. Ya.) Kvop- rosu o pubiotom ii. Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 484.— Henkel. Zur Indikation undTecknik der Hebosteoto- mie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellesch. f. Gvnak. 1907, Leipz.,1908, xii,244-218.—Henrotay (J.) Trois casd'he- botomie (d'apres Gigli). Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1907, xiv, 615-617.—H oehne (O.) Die Erfolge und Dauer- erfolge der Hebosteotomie an der Kieler Universitiits frauenklinik. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1908, n. F., No. 497-498 (Gyniik., No. 182-3), 381-398, 6 tab. -----. Ueber wiederholte Hebosteotomie. Beilr. z Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1909, xiii, 395-402. — Hoerinaim (K._) L'hebosteotomie sous-cutanee. Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 689-691.—Hollander (E.) A propos de 5 cas d'heboto- mie. Obstetrique, Par., 1910, n. s., iii, 301-306.—Hump. stone (O. P.) Extensivelaeerationfollowmgpubiotomy. LonglslandM.J., Brooklyn.1910,iv,lll.—Jeannln(C) Valeur comparative d.-s diil'.jrents precedesd'hebotomie. Presse med., Par., 1909, xvii, 57-59. — Jeannin (C.) & Cathala (V.) Du pronostic et des indications de l'hebotomie. Obstetrique, Par., 1908, n. s., i, 440-503-— Jewett(O) A ease of hebotomy. Tr. N. York Obst. SoC, 1906-7,161-164.-----. Hebosteotomy. Long Island M. j Brooklyn, 1908, ii, 365-371. Also, Reprint.—Karaki (J. j Beitrag zur Hebosteotomie. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek Leipz., 1908, xii, 401^16.—Kholmogoroff(S. S.) Pos- lleduyushtshiyerodiposllepubiotomii. [Laborfollowing pubiotomy.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1909, viii, 433.— Symphysiotomy (Modifications of) by lateral section of pubis [Hebotomy ; pubiotomy]. Kitner (O. I.) [Pubiotomia.] J. akush. i jensk. bo- liez., St. Petersb., 1905, xix, 692-696.—Knauer (E.) Be- richt iiber vier an der Grazer Frauenklinik ausgefuhrte Hebosteotomien, nebst einigen Bemerkungen zur Tech- nik und Indikation dieser Operation. Mitt. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1907, xliv;217; 239.—Krivski (L. A.) K kazui'stikle hebosteotomii. [Hebosteotomy.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peberb., 1909, xvi, 170-173. -----. K Top- rosu o vtorichnol hebosteotomii. [On repeated hebosteot- omy.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1910, xxiv, 725-734.—Kroemer (P.) Ueber Versuche, den primiiren Verlauf und die Dauerresultate der Hebosteotomie zu bes- sern. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Leipz., 1907, xii, 255- 271. -----. Die Erfahrungen der Universitiits-Frauenkli- nik an der k. Charite iiber die Pubiotomie. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1908), 1909, xxxix, pt. 2, 154- 161. [Discussion], pt. 1, 189. -----. Die Berechtigung derPubeotomie. Deutschemed.Wchnschr.,Leipz.u.Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 1641.—Kuziuin (P. I.) K kazuistikle pu- biotomii. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1909, lxxii, 742-748.— Leopold (G.) Zur Hebotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gvniik., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 1384-1387. -----. Weitere Erfahrun- gen iiber die beckenerweiternde Operation (Hebosteoto- mie) und ihre Stellung zur praktischen Geburtshilfe. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 166-169.—JLeuenberger (S. G.) Ueber die Radikaloperation der Hebosteotomieher- nie und die Knochennaht der Diastase. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1911, lxviii, 387-400.— Lichkus (L. G.) K voprosu o pubiotomii. J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1906, xx, 1206-1257. Also, Re- print.—I.obeiistiiie(R. W.) Pubiotomy. Am.J.Obst., N. Y., 1909, lix, 6*8-693.—Martel. Hebotomie en posi- tion laterale. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1910, xxix, 443- 458,1 pl. Also: Rev. mens, de gynec., d'obstet. et de pe- diat., Par., 1910, v, 165-480. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1910, 2. s., vii, 826-828—Massiml (G.) La tecnica della pubiotomia alia Gigli. Ginecol. mod., Genova, 1909, ii, 422-431. Also, transl: Frauenarzt, Leipz., 1910, xxv, 443-450.—Mayer (A.) Experimentelles und Klinisches zur Knochen heilung nach Hebosteotomie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gvniik. 1907, Leipz., 1908, xii, 332-342. -----. Ueber den Einfluss der Bein- haltung auf das Klaffen des durchsiigten Beckens und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Weichteilverletzungen bei Hebo- steotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1911, xxxv, 97- 100.—Mengc. Zur Indikationsstellung bei der Hebo- steotomie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gvniik. 1907, Leipz., 1908, xii, 313-315.—Meyer (L.) Ein Fail von Lateralschnitt durch das Os pubis nach Gigli. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1903, xxvii, 391.—Montgomery (E. B.) Pubiotomy and its relative indications. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1906, liv, 771-781. Also, Reprint.—Mueller (A.) Zur Frage der Hebosteotomie una der kiinstlichen Fruhgeburt im Privathause. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 1280-12S2.— Nacke (W.) Hebosteotomienadel. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 1633.—Neu (M.) Gehstorung nach Hebosteotomie; kritische Betrachtun- gen iiber die Frage derSehiidigungder Ilcosakralgelenke an der Hand eigener Beobachtung. Monatschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1908, xxvii, 491-514.—Neyoloff (N. K.) Sovremennoye sostoyaniye voprosa o pubiotomii. [Present state of the question of pubiotomv.] J. akush. l jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1910, xxiv, 209-220.—Norris (R. C.) Pubiotomy. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv, 587-589. .ifeo, Reprint.—Nubiola. Un caso de pubioto- mia. Rev. de med. y cirug., Barcel., 1910, xxiv, 164-167.— Oberndorl'er. Zur Frage der Heilung der Hebosteo- tomiewunde. Zentralbl. f. Gvniik., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 201-207.—Oliva (L. A.) Benefici effetti remoti della pu- biotomia alia Gigli; contributo clinico. Boll. d. r. Ac- cad. med. di Genova, 1910, xxv, 11-19, 2 pl.—Parache (F.) Un caso de pubiotomia subcutanea lateralizada. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1908, xxx, 387-390.—Pfeilsticker (W.) Die Walchersehe oder die Bummsche Hebosteotomie? Zwei grundsiitzlich ver- schiedene subkutane Stichmethoden. Gynaek. Rund- schau, Berl. u. Wien, 1908, ii, 501-503.— Pomeroy (R. H.) A case of impacted breech presentation treated by hebotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1908, lvii, 511-515. [Dis- cussion], 565-572. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc, N. Y., 1908, 86-97.—Prozorovskl (N. M.) Sem sluchayev pubiotomii, s demonstratsiyel bolnol poslie povtornol pubiotomii. [Seven pubiotomy cases, with demonstra- tion of a patient after repeated pubiotomv.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1910, xxiv, 691-706.—Baineri (G.j Experimenteller Beitrag zum Studium der dauern- den Beckenervveiterung nach Hebosteotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 1401-1403.—Becasens (S.) Consideraciones sobre tres casos de pubiotomia. An. de la Acad, de obst. [etc.], Madrid, 1910, iii, 161-189. Also: Arch, de ginecop. [etc.], Barcel., 1910, xxiii, 186; 208.— SYMPHYSIOTOMY. Symphysiotomy (Modifications of) by lateral section of pubis [Hebotomy' pubiotomy]. Reed (C. B.) Pubiotomy; an operation for the general practitioner. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1909, lx, 100-108.— Beifferscheid (K.) Erfahrungen mit der Hebosteo- tomie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak. 1907, Leipz., 1908, xii, 316-327. -----. Ueber die Berechtigung der Hebosteotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1910 xxxiv, 65-72.—Both (M) Ueber die Bewcrthung der Hebosteotomie auf Grund von 85 Operationen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1910, lxi, 393-441.—Botter (H.) Volvu- lus hebosteotomia utan. [Volvulus following hebo- steotomy.] Szuleszet es nogy6gy., Budapest, 1909, 19.— Bouvier (J.) Contribution a l'etude de la pubio- tomie dans les bassins de type oblique ovalaire. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1910, 2. s., vii, 828-834.— Buppert. Ueber die Hebosteotomie. Heilkunde, Berl., 1908, 1-6.—Saks (J.) Siedm przypadk6w ciecia koscilonowej (hebosteotomia). [Seven cases of heboste- otomy.] Gaz.lek., Warsza'wa, 1908,2. s., xxviii, 777; 808.— Schauenstein ( W. ) Ueber spiitere Geburten nach Hebosteotomie. Gynaek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1910, iv, 889-902.—Seheib. Ueber die Form- und Qrbssenve- randerungen des Beckens einer nach Hebosteotomie an Atonia uteri Verstorbenen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Gyniik. 1907, Leipz., 1908, xii, 295-313.—Sehic- kele. Die Hebosteotomie mit bleibender Erweiterung des Beckens. Ibid., 262-270— St-hlalli (A.) Hebosteo- tomie und kunstliche Fruhgeburt. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1908, xxxviii, 793-797. — Sehlossstein (A. G.) Pubiotomv. Weekly Bull. St. Louis M. Soc, 1910, iv, 281. — Seeligmann ( L. ) Zur Methode und Technik der Hebosteotomie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Gynak. 1907, Leipz., 1908, xii, 240-244. -----. Hebosteotomie oder extraperitonealer Kaiserschnitt. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2188. — Segui y Pon (E.) A proposit d'una hebotomia. An. de med. Butll. mens, de l'Acad. . . . de Catalunya, Barcel., 1909, iii, 527-533,1 pl.—Seitz (L.) Zur Frage" der Hebotomie. Sitzungsb. d. iirztl. Ver. Miinchen (1906), 1907, xvii, 110- 134.— Sigwart (W.) Pubotomie bei miissig verengtem Becken. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 1545- 1548.—Stttckel. Zur Technik und Indikationsstellung der subkutanen Pubotomie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Gyniik. 1907, Leipz., 1908, xii, 248-257.—Stro- ganofl(V.V.) Opubiotomii. J.akush.ijensk.boliez., St. Petersb., 1910, xxiv, 707-724, 1 tab. Also, transl: Gy- naek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1911, v, 39-54.—Teleky j (Dora). Schiidigungen des Harnapparates bei Hebosteo- tomie und extraperitonealem Kaiserschnitt. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, 2483-2488. —Thoma (P.) Nebenverletzungen bei Hebosteotomie. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1909, xxiii, 712; 728.—Tikanadze (I. Ye.) K voprosu o pubiotomii po otkrltomu sposobu. [Pubi- ; otomv by the open method.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1 1909, "viii, 671; 589. — T6th (I.) A hebosteotomiar61. 1 Gvnaekologia, Budapest, 1907, 213-239. Also, transl: Ver- | handl. d. Budapest, k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte 1907, Buda- ; pest, 1908, 46-50. -----. Vier neuere Fiille von Pubioto- mie. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1909, xiv, 62. -----. Neuere Hebosteotomien. Ibid., 1910, xlvi, 221.— Trillat. Operation de Gigli pourexces de volume de l'enfant. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1909, xii, 218-223. -----. Pubiotomie par le procede de Gigli; succes pour la mere et l'enfant. Lyon med., 1909, cxiii, 905-909.— Van de Velde (T. H.) Ueber den nutzlichen Effekt der bleibenden Erweiterung des Beckens nach der He- botomie und iiber die Hebotomie bei Verengerung des Beckenausganges. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik. 1907, Leipz., 1908, xii, 270-273. -----. Over he- bosteotomie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1910, xx, 269-301, 1 tab. Also: Med. Rev., Haarlem, 1911, xi, 113-132. Also, transl: Obstetrique, Par., 1911, n. s., iv, 853-873.—Vanverts (J.) & Paucot (H.) Pubiotomie laterale; mort un mois apres par peri- tpnite d'origine annexielle; remarques sur la pubiotomie. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1909, xiii, 18-21.—Volker (H.) Beitrag zur Hebosteotomie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 459-461.—Vorhees (J. D.) Pubiotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1909, lix, 681-688.—Welponer & Cris- tofoletti (R.) Zwei Beckenpriiparate nach Hebosteo- tomie. Gynaek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1909, iii, 11- 18.—Williams CI. W.) Is pubiotomy a justifiable op- eration? An affirmative answer, based upon a personal experience in thirteen cases. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1908, xxxiii, 336-389. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1908, lviii, 202-231. Also, Reprint. -----. Is pubiotomy a justifiable operation? Second communication, based upon a series of twenty-five successful cases. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1910, lxi, 721-752. Also [Abstr.]: Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1910, xxxv, 282-380.—Yartseff (A. I.) K voprosu o pu- biotomii. J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1910, xxv, 2077-2094. SYMPHYSIS. Symphysiotomy (Repeated). Bajon (M.) *De la symphyseotomie rt'petee. 8°. Paris, 1901. Braiihio*co. Symphyseotomie repetee. Bull, et mem. Soc. dechir. de Bucarest, 1898-9, i, 158-161.—lie- lour &Pery (J.) Symphyseotomie pratiquee pour la seconde fois chez la meme femme. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1905, xxxv, 436. Symphysis (Cardiac). , See Pericardium (Adherent). Symphysis (Palato-pharyngeal). Claude & Martin (F.) Des applications de la prothese dans les cas de symphyse staphvlo-pharyngee. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1907, 211- 215.—Belair (L.) Presentation d'un enfant porteur d'un dilatateur du pharynx nasal, systeme Delair, contre la symphyse palato-pharyngienne. Odontologie, Par., 1909, xiii, 12-21, 1 pl. Symphysis (Pelvic). See Pelvis (Symphyses of); Symphysis (Pu~ bic); Symphysis (Sacroiliac). Symphysis (Pubic). Woloch (S.) *Ein Beitrag zur Tuberkulose der Symphysis ossium pubis. 8°. Basel, 1907. BUdinger (K.) Tuberkulose und pyogene Erkran- kungen der Schambeinsymphyse. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. klin. Chir., Wien & Leipz., 1903, 54-78.—von Biingner (0.) Ueber die Tuberculose der Symphysis ossium pubis. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1899, xxviii, pt. 2, 679-595, 1 pl. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1899, lix, 892-908, 1 pl.—Pick (R.) Bemerkungen iiber die HohlenbildungimSchamfngenknorpel. Anat.Anz.,Jena, 1901, xix, 307-312.—Herz (P.) Die Tuberculose der Schambeinsvmphyse. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902, lxiv, 217-227.—Kholinogoroff (S. S.) Gnolnoye vospaleniye lonnavosoyedineniya. [Purulent inflamma- tion of the symphysis pubis.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1898, xix, 125-127.—Kusheff (N. E.) Sluchalgnolnavo vospa- leniya lonnavo sochleneniya. [Purulent inflammation of the symphysis pubis.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1898, 1, 655- 657.—Moty. Osteite tuberculeuse du pubis; ablation de lamoitiegauche dela symphyse; guenson. Bull.etmem. Soc dechir.dePar.,1890,n.s.,xvi,430.—Queirel. Note sur la symphyse pubienne. Ann. degyn6c. et d'obst., Par., 1895, xliv, 188-190. Also: Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1895, i, 137-139.—Bose (W.) Necrosis of symphysis pubis. King's Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1895-6, Lond., 1897, iii, 76-78.— Sudakoff (I.) K ucheniyu o simfizitakh. [On sym- physitis.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1906, xx, 562-574.—Zulauf (C.) Die Hohlenbildungim Symphy- senknorpel. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklungsgesch.,Leipz., 1901, 95-116. Symphysis (Pubic, Fracture of). Brettauer. Fracture of symphysis pubis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1910, lxii, 468-470.—Hagopoff. Fracture de la symphyse pubienne avec d^collement de l'urethre et dechirure des parois superieure et inferieure du va- gin a la suite d'une application de forceps. Gaz. mecl. d'Orient, Constant., 1900-1901, xliii, 387. Symphysis (Pubic, Separation of). See, also, Labor (Complicated) from separation of the symphysis pubis; Pelvis (Dislocation of); Pelvis (TFounds, etc., of); Pubiotomy; Sym- physiotomy. Cantin (L.) *Relachement des symphyses et arthralgies pelviennes d'origine gravidique. 8°. Paris, 1899. Cohn (W.) * Ueber die isolierte Ruptur der Symphysis pubis. [Konigsberg.] 8°. Tubin- gen, 1905. Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1905, xiv, 539-654. Dublet (F.) *De la disjonction de la sym- physe pubienne. 8°. Montpellier, 1907. Matefp (W.) *De la luxation de la sym- physe pubienne chez l'homme (a propos d'un cas recent diagnostique par la radiographic). 8°. Montpellier, 1906. Bender & Theuveny. Un cas de rupture de la symphvse pubienne au cours d'une basiotripsie. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec et de psediat. de Par., 1903, Vj 3-5. —BjiJrkqvist. Drei Falle von hochgradiger SYMPHYSIS. 344 SYMPHYSIS. Symphysis (Pubic, Separation of). l.oekerung und Dehnbarkeit der Schamfuge wahrend der Schwangerschaft. Mitt. a. d. gyniik. Klin. d. . . . o. Kngstrom in Helsingfors, Berl., 1907-8, vii, 157-164.— (erne (A.) Sur un cas de relAchement de la symphyse pubienne dans l'etat puerperal. Normandie med., Rouen, 1895, x, 399-402.—De L.ee (J. B.) A case of reVaxation of the pubic joints during pregnancy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxviii, 33. Also: Bull. Northwest. Univ. M. Sch., Chicago, 1903-4, v, 251.— Delestre (M.) Rupture4pontanee de la symphyse pubienne. Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1908, 2. s., v, 228-231.—Donmeng. Disjonction de la symphyse pubienne, sans fracture, avec diastasis des articulations sacro-iliaques. Bull, meet., Par., 1906, xx, 353-355.—Dulour (L.) Observation de relachement de la symphyse pubienne et d'arthralgie d'origine gravidique. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1900, 49-51.—Eastman (T. B.) Rupture of the sym- physis pubis, with a report of a case and description of a method for its repair. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 130-133. Also, Reprint.—van Eden (P. H.) Trauma- tische ruptuur der symphysis ossium pubis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1905, 2. r., xii, d. 2, 961.— Gaide & l.e Boy des Barres. Luxation de la sym- physe pubienne; dechirure sous-peritoneale de la vessie, rupture du cordon inguinal gauche, fracture compliquee de la jambe droite; suture osseuse de la symphyse; drai- nage de la cavity prevesicale; guerison. Gaz." d. h6p., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 52.5-527.—Gay (G. W.) Separation of symphysis pubis in a heavy man; suppuration; perfect recovery. Med. & Surg. Rep. City Hosp. Bost., 1889, 4. s., 219.— Huxley (Frances M.) A case of spontaneous separation of the symphysis pubis. J. Obst. & Gynac Brit. Emp., Lond., 1910, xviii, 327-330.—Imbert (A.) & IHarques (H.) Une luxation rare (symphyse pu- bienne), sans signes exterieurs decelce par la radiogra- phic. Arch, d'electric, med., Bordeaux, 1906, xiv, 382- 384.—Kausch (W.) Ein Fall von Symphysenruptur mit Hernia pubica. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1909, lxii, 561-575.—lieiour & Denis. Rupture symphy- sienne. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxxviii, 348.— Linser (P.) Ueber Beckenluxationen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1902, xxxv, 94-103.—Marques (H.) En- core un nouveau cas de luxation de la symphyse pu- bienne decelee uniquement par la radiographic Arch. d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 618. Also: Arch. d'electric m£d., Bordeaux, 1909, xvii, 46.—Ulaycr (A.) Ueber die Spontanruptur der Symphyse unter der Geburt. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, xi, 200-215.— IHignoii (A.) Subluxation du pubis gauche et rup- ture totale de 1'urStre membraneux. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1902, n. s., xxviii, 571-579.— Bemy (S.) Relachement des symphyses du bassin. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1890, xvii, 698-700. —Savor (R.) Ueber Symphysenruptur. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xii. 1286-1288.—Tarnier. Rilasciamento doloroso delle sintisi del bacino. [Transl.] Levatrice cond., Roma, 1896, v, 149; 169.—Thomson (A.) Rupture of the sym- physis pubis from external violence. Edinb. M. J., 1898, n. s., iii, 521.—Voron & Gonnet. Rupture de la sym- physe pubienne. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1908, xi, 29-31. Symphysis (Renal). See Kidney (Abnormities of). Symphysis (Sacro-iliac). Albee (F. H.) A study of the anatomy and the clin- ical importance of the sacro-iliac joint. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, liii, 1273-1276. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1909, lxv, 911.—Giuffrtda-Biiifu-eri (V.) Caso di saldatura sacro-iliaca bilaterale e processo ischiatico anomalo. Monitore zool. ital.,Firenze, 1906, xvii,205-207.— Klein (G.I Zur Mechanik des Ileosacralgelenkes. Zt- schr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1891, xxi, 74-118, lpl.— Nutter (A.) IIrilasciamento sacro-iliacoe isuoirapporti con i dolorisciatici elombari. Med. ital., Napoli, 1910, viii, 409-412.—Padula(F.) Un articolazione sacro-iliaca non rara e fin qui non osservata. Atti d. Soc. rom. di antrop. 1904, x, 211-213. — Pitneld (R. L.) Relaxation of the Roma, sacro-iliac joints as a cause of sciatica and back- ache: with new points in the diagnosis. Am.J.M.Sc.Phila & N. Y., 1911, cxli, 855-363. Symphysis (Sacro-iliac, Diseases of). Loubet (J.) *Des arthrites sacro-iliaques dans la puerperalite; etiologie; pathogenie; symptomatologie. 8°. Montpellier, 1903. Xaz (0.) *De l'arthrite tuberculeuse sacro- iliaque, et en particulier de certaines formes frustes de cette affection. 4°. Paris, 1896. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1896. Provexdier (G.) *De l'intervention chirur- gicale dans la sacro-coxalgie. 8°. Paris, 1887. Schmidt (0.) *Tuberkulose der Articulatio sacro-iliaca. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1896. Symphysis (Sacro-iliac, Diseases of). See«er(0.) Ueber die Erkrankungen der Articulatio sacro-iliaca. 8°. Berlin, [1891]. Andrews (C. R.) & Hoke (M.) Sacro-iliac disease. Atlanta Jour.-Rec Med., 1908-9, x, 241-250. Also: Char- lotte [N. C] M. J., 1908, lviii, 309-313.—Arnsperiicr. Caries der Articulatio sacro-iliaca. Beitr. z. klin. chir Tiibing., 1904, xliii, Suppl.-Hft., 198.—Baldwin (f. B. J.) Some points on sacro-iliac disease, with a report of a case. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1765.—Beale (P. T. B.) Sacro-iliac disease, with notes on its treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 650.—Bird (G.) Sacro-iliac disease. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1895, n. s., ix, 61-64.—Budin (P.) Des arthrites puerperales de la symphyse sacro-ilia- que; diagnostic; pronostic; traitement. Progres med., Par., 1893, 2. s., xvii, 228-233.—Cale (G. W.) Tuber- culosis of the sacro-iliac joint. St. Louis Ciin. Phys. & Surg , 1890, iii, 109.—Claissc (A.) Diagnostic et traite- ment de lasacro-coxalgie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1897, xi, 84-86. Also: Rev. prat. d. trav. de mod., Par., 1897, liv, 74.—Codivilla (A.) Sulla cura della tu- bercolosi sacro-iliaca. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1900, Roma, 1901, xv, 467-171.—Collier (M.) Trephining the sacro-iliac joint for subjective symptoms of sacro- iliac disease. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1903, n. s., lxxv, 598.—< itbertaion. Uncasd'arthrite chronique simple de la symphyse sacro-iliaque. Limousin med., Limoges, 1900, xxiv, 42-44.—Cuff (A. W.) A note on acaseof sacro- iliac disease. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 875.—Davis (E. P.) Two cases of sacro-iliac disease in parturient women. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1899, xxxix, 61-54. [Discussion], 83-87.— Delbet(P.) Sacro-coxalgiespartielles. Bull.Soc.anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 69-79. Also, Reprint.—Dun (R. C.) A case of sacro-iliac arthritis with pyuria. Liverpool M.- Chir. J., 1900, xx, 25-29, 1 diag. -----. Sacro-iliac disease in children, with a reportof fourcases. Ibid., 1903, xxiii, 203-216.—Eads (B.B.) Sacro-iliac disease. Med. Stand- ard, Chicago,1904,xxvii,522.—Eshridge(J.T.) Arthritis affecting the right sacro-iliac joint and the intervertebral substance in the lumbosacral region of the spine (prob- ably rheumatic). Virginia M. Month., Richmond,1893-4, xx, 732-743.—Frauenthal (H. W.) A case of synovitisof the sacro-iliac articulation. Med.Rec,N.Y.,1907,lxxi,412.— Goldthwait (J. E.) Non-tuberculous disease of the sacro-iliac joint. Boston M. & S. J., 1905, ciii, 280.— Guliriski (F.) Przypadek pologowego zapalenia spo- jenia lonowego i obu staw6w krzyzo-biodrowych. (Sym- physitis abscedens et arthritis utriusque synchondroseos sacroiliacs puerperalis.) Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1887,2. s., vii, 923-928.—Hamilton (J. B.) Tuberculosis of the sacro-iliac joint. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 3. s., iii, 173-175. -----. Primary sacro-iliac disease, followed by fistulse. Ibid., 1897, 7. s., i, 252.—Hatch (E. S.j_ Sacro- iliac diseases illustrated, with report of cases. Proc Or- leans Parish M. Soc, N. Orl., 1907, 33-41, lpl. Also: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1906-7. lix, 726-735, 1 pl.—Holmes (B.) Van Hook's operation for tuberculosisof the sacro-iliac joints. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1890,ii,501.—L.eelerc (E.) Uncas de sacro-coxalgie. Bull, med., Par., 1900, xiv, 1129.—Mc- Arthur (L. L.) Sacro-iliac disease (tubercular). Med. News, N. Y., 1898, lxxiii,356-360.—JUakins (G. H.) A note on the prognosis in cases of sacro-iliac disease. Tr.Clin. Soc. Lond., 1892-3, xxvi, 127-135. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond.,1893,i,591.-JMiller(A.G.) Onthediagnosisoftu- bercular disease of the sacro-iliac synchondrosis. Edinb. M. J.,1894-5,xl,982-9S7— Plagemanu (H.) Intraartiku- liireumschriebene akute Osteomyelitis der Synchondrosis sacroiliaca: Operation; HeilungmitguterFuhktion. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908,xxxiv,966-968.— Poore (C. T.) Disease of the sacro-iliac synchondrosis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1878,lxxv, 62-73. Also, Reprint.— Puttemans. Un cas de sacro-coxalgie. Ann. Soc. beige dechir.,Brux.,1895-6,iii,327-330.—Bidlon(J.)& Jones (R.) Disease in the sacroiliac articulation. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893, xvii, 285-292,1 pl.—Byerson (E. W.) Report of a case of sacro-iliac disease in a child, with operation. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Phila., 1905-6, iii, 250-252.—Spitzy (H.) &Beiner (H.) Die Sacrocoxitis des Kindesalters. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1906, xvii, 420-430.—Tay- lor (H. L.) Affectionsof the sacroiliac joints. Med. Rec, N.Y.,1907, lxxi, 66S.— Thienhaus(C.O.) Tuberculosis of the sacroiliac joint, itsdiagnosis and treatment; demon- stration of a patient with sacrocoxalgia fruste (Delbet). Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 864-866.—Thorndike (A.) Sacro-iliac disease in a young child. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Phila., 1905, ii, 349-352. Also, Reprint—Wolff (O.) Die Caries der Synchondrosis sacro-iliaca und ihre Behandlung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xlix, 585-594.—Zesas (D. G.) Ueber die Tuberkulose des Ilio- sakralgelenkes (die tuberkulose Sakrocoxalgie). Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1906, xv, 330-352. Symphysis (Sacro - iliac, Separation of). Balduzzi (A.) Sulla distrazione sacro-iliaca. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 191.—Carothers (R.) Trau matisms of the sacro-iliac joint and sequelae of same SYMPHYSIS. 345 SYNESTHESIA. Symphysis (Sacro-iliac, Separation of). Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1907, v, 563-568.—Dunlop (J.) Relaxation of the sacroiliac synchondroses, with report of cases. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 1131-1135. Also, Reprint. -----. Further studies of the relaxation of the sacro-iliac synchondroses. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1907-8, v, 10i-116. Also, Reprint. -----. Relaxa- tion of the sacroiliac synchondrosis. N.York M.J. [etc.], 1909, xc, 64-68.—Fitch (R. R.) Mechanical lesions of thesacroiliac joints. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Phila., 1908-9, vi, 693-698. [Discussion], 731.—Gaillard (L.) Entorse sacro-iliaque. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1899, 3. s., xvi, 293.—Hopkins (W. B.) Complete single sacro-iliac dislocation. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxix, 601-604. Also: Tr. Acad. Surg., Phila., 1900, ii, 17-20,1 pl.— Iiee(B.) Saero-iliacdisease. Tr. Am.Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1890, iii, 63-72. A Iso, Reprint.-----. Additional notes on injuries to the sacro-iliac junction. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1891, iv, 375-381.—Skulteeki (E.) Ladistrazione sacro-iliaca. Cong. med.region, ligure 1899. Atti, Genova, 1900, 136. Also: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1899, xx, 990-992.— Turri iR.) Dktrazione sacro-iliaca. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1899-1900, lxxiv, 107-111. Symphysis (Sacro-iliac, Surgery of). vox derHeydex (P.) * Ueber Resection der Synchondrosis sacro-iliaca. 8°. Bonn, 1898. Bardenheuer. Resection der Synchondrosis sacro- iliaca. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz.,1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2.Hlfte., 80-83. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, Ver.- Beil.,230.—Buchanan (J. J.) Excision of the sacro-iliac joint, with report of two cases. Memphis Lancet, 1898, i, 341-344. lpl.—Golding-Bird (C. H.) On early excision of the sacro-iliac joint, with cases. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., l.sy.5, xxviii, 186-192. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1117.— Hektoen (L.) Sacroiliac tuberculosis: specimen. West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1889, xi, 200.—Her rick (J. B.) Operation for sacroiliac tuberculosis. Ibid., 205.— Bieder. Ueber operative Behandlung der Synchondro- sencaries. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.,Leipz.u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 87-89. Symphytum officinale. Mourot (A.) * Dela gran de consoude. 4°. 4°. Paris, 1872. Mt'TH (F.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Ent- wickelung der Inflorescenz und der Bliithen, Bowie iiber die angewachsenen Achselsprosse von Symphytum officinale. Habilitationsschrift zur Erlangung der Venia legendi fiir Botanik. 8°. Munchen, 1902. Repr. from: Allg. botan. Ztg., 1902. Harvey-Gibson (R- J.) Notes on the anatomy and herbal history of Symphytum officinale (Comfrev). Pharm. J., Lond., 1912,4. s., xxxiv, 91.—llannd (J. H.) The therapeutics of comfrey. [From: The herbal cr ge- nerall historie of plants, by John Gerarde.] Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 1068. Symplectoptes cysticola. Kasparek ( T.) Symplectoptes cysticola in den Luftwegen der Tauben und die hierdurch verursachte Epizootia. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907. Leipz., 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 578-580. Symplococos. Wehnert (A.) *Anatomi.«ch-systematische Untersuchung der Blatter der Gattung Symplo- cocos. 8°. Munchen, 1906. Sympoda. Stappers (L.) Les sympodes recueillies a la porte de Kara durant la croisiere du due d'Orleans en 1907. Arch, de zool. exper. etgen. [etc.], Par., 1907-8, 4. s., viii, pp. cxvii-civ. -----. Recherches anatomiques sur le tube digestif des sympodes. Cellule, Lierre & Louvain, 1909, xxv, 349-385, 2 fold. pl. Sympodia. See Monsters from defect, etc., of limbs. Symposium on gynecology, read before the Ann Arbor Medical Club, February 19, 1902. 16 pp. 8°. Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1902. Repr.from: Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1902 xxiv. In: Univ. Mich. Contrib. Obst. & Gynsec, Ann Arbor, 1893-1905, i. Symposium of homoeopathic prescribing. 16 pp. 8°. [Chicago, Medical Advance Co., 1893.] Sympson (E[dward] Mansel). Typhlitis in the young, with notes of three cases. Read be- fore the Lincoln Medical Society, October 29, 1890. 10 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1891.] Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1891, viii. Symptomatic anthrax. See Anthrax (Symptomatic). ■ Symptoms. See Diagnosis; Semeiology. Sy m puis. See Monsters from defect, etc., of limbs. Syms (Parker) [1860- ]. The arthropathies of locomotor ataxia. 12 pp. 12°. [New York, D. Apj>!elim& Co., 1895.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1895, lxi. ------. Actinomycosis. 17 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1897. Repr.from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1897, xxv. ------. Appendicitis; when to operate and how to operate. 16 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1897, lxv. ------. Bunion; its aetiology, anatomy, and op- erative treatment. 8 pp. 8°. New York, 1897. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1897, lxvi. ------. The operative treatment of hemorrhoids. 6 pp. 12°. New York, 1898. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1898, lxvii. ------. The surgery of tuberculosis of the peri- toneum. 8 pp. 8°. New York, 1898. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liii. -----. Prostatectomy. 7 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1899. Repr.from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxix. -----. Strangulated hernia; some practical re- marks concerning its diagnosis and its proper management. 7 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1900. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv. -----. Perineal prostatectomy. 7 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1901. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii. -----. Diagnosis of cholecystitis and choleli- thiasis. 8 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1904. Repr.from: 3. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii. ------. Prostatic obstruction to urination; when to operate and how to operate. 16 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1904. Repr.from: 3. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii. ------. Peritoneal tuberculosis, pp. 95-110. 8°. Si. Louis, 1907. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1907, xlvi. -----. Prostatic obstruction; indications for op- eration, with a description of a method of oper- ating. 10 pp. 8°. [Burlington, 1910.] Repr. from: Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1910, xvi. ------. Some surgical aspects of gastric ulcer. 8 pp. 8°. New York, 1910. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1910, xcii. ------. Tumor of the breast; prostatic obstruc- tion, pyelitis; chronic appendicitis. 19 pp. 8°. New York, 1910. Repr.from: Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1910, xxiii. ------. Exploratory laparotomy for abdominal tumor; cholelithiasis; calculous pyelonephri- tis; strangulated hemorrhoids. 7 pp. 8°. New York, 1910. Repr.from: Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1910, xxiii Synesthesia. See, also, Audition (Colored). Laures (H.) Les synesth^sies. 8°. Paris, 1908. Calkins (M. W.) Svnsesthesia. Am. J. Psychol., Wor- cester, 1895-6, vii, 90-107.—Ferrari (G. C.) Una varieta nuova di sinestesia. Riv. di psicol. applic. a. pedagog. SYNESTHESIA. 346 SYNCOPE. Synesthesia. tete], Bologna. 1907, iii, 297-317.—Lay (W.) Three cases of synaMhesia. Psychol. Rev., X. Y. .) Svnchvsis scintillans. Arch. Ophth., X. Y., 1883, xii, 179- 182. Also [Abstr.]: Planet.X. Y.,1883-4,i,189. Also, transit Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1884-5, xiv, 126-128. Synchytrinm. Kusano (S.) On the cvtologv of Svnchytrium. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1907, xix, 538- 543. 1 pl.—Percival iJ.) Potato wart disease; the life history and cvtologv of Svnehvtrium endobiotieum (Schilb.) Percl. Ibid., 1909, xxv, 440-447, 3 pl.—Rytz (W.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gattung Svnehvtrium; vorlaufige Mitteilung. Ibid., 1906, xvi, 511: 1907", xviii, 635; 799. Syncoelidiiini pellucidum. Wheeler (W. M.) Syncoelidium pellucidum, a new marine triclad. J. Morphol., Bost., 1894, ix, 167-194,1 pl. Syncope. See, also, Chest (Paracentesis of, Complica- tions, etc., of); Chloroform (Accidents from); Death (Apparent); Shock. Fourxier (S.) Dissertatio mechanico-prac- tica de svneope et causis earn producentibus. 16°. Monspelii, 1735. Gaggel (P.) *De animi deliquio. 16°. [Vienn;c~], 1769. Hambergeris (G. E.) [Pr.] de lipothymia prsemissum quo simul ad dubia contra mecha- nismum pectoris mota. sm. 4°. dense, 1746. Thomayer (J.) Bezvedomf a jeho diagnos- ticky vyznam. [Unconsciousness and its diag- nostic significance. ] 8°. v Praze, 1889. Alkanoff" (N.) Tyoplo pri obmorokakh. [Heat in syncope.] Feldscher, St. Petersb., 1895, v, 517.—Ain- foerg (E.) Syncope after deep manual pressure on left subauricular region at the angle of the jawr. Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1903, xxxii,278.—Claisse(P.) Lignedeconduite en presence d'une syncope. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 168.— Enibley (E. H.) Syncope, collapse and shock. Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1911, n. s., i, 171.—Gossage (A. M.) On fainting. Westminst. Hosp. Rep. 1902, Lond., 1903, xiii, 67-72.—Cowers {Sir W. R.) A lecture on faints and fainting. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 565-568.— Hainuies (T.) Syncope door shock of door chloro- form. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1908, 2. R., xliv, 1. Afd., 838-840.—Heveroeh (A.) O stAvechmra- kotn^ch. [The conditions of faintingfits ] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1898, xxxvii, 100; 123.—Hill (L.) Syn- cope produced in rabbits by the vertical feet down posi- tion. Proc. Physiol. Soc, Lond., 1898, p. liii.—Ho rilling. Die Veranderungen des Pulses und des Blutdrucks bei Ohnmachtsanfallen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1907, xxi, 505.—lie Fort(R.) Syncope mortelle non chlorofor- mique; massage du cceur, rappel momentane' des con- tractions cardiaques. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1904, viii, 67.-MfGowan (A. G.) Syncope after administration of soap enema. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1900, xix, 326.—ITIarer (J.i Luftembolie oder Synkope? Pest. med.-chir. Presse,Budapest, 1909,xlv,234,236.—Marotte. De la svneope chez les enfants k la mamelle. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1853, 6. s., ii, 311-319. Also, Reprint.— Ohnmacht. In: Kriinitz. Oekon. technol. Encykl., 12°, Berl., 1806, pt. 104, 759-763.—Fassler. Erwiderung auf die Bemerkungen von Stejskal'szu den experimentel- len Untersuchungen fiber die Natur der Kreislaufstbrun- gen im Kollaps bei akuten Infektionskrankheiten. Zen- tralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1903, xxiv, 443.—Passler & Roily. ExperimentelleUntersuchunguberdie Xatur der Kreislaufsstorung im Kollaps bei akuten Infektions- krankheiten. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 1737- 1741.—Pauleseo. Dela svneope. J.de med.int., Par., 1900, iv,811; 831.—Plaezek. Idiopathisehe passagere Be- wusstseinstriibung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xxxvii, 705-707.—Ram6nPardo. Patologiaposibledelosfenc- menos sincopales observados en el curso de algunas in- fecciones. Cr6n. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1901, iv, 193- 198. — Roos (E.) Till fragan om differentialdiagno- sen emellan svneope och asfyxi. Knska lak. siillsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1907, xlix, pt.2, 665-676— Sehreyer (J.) De palpitatione cordis et syncope. In: Rolfinck (W.) Epitome meth. cognosc. [etc.], sm. 4°, Jenae, 1655, 157-176.—Shoemaker (W.T.) Astudyof theexternal ocular signs found in states of unconsciousness. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1901, 11. 8., ii, 263-277.—Singular death fromablow. [Edit.] Med. PresscV (ire, Lond.. 1905, n.s., lxxx, 67.—Stapler. Les etats syncopaux. Rev. obst. SYNCOPE. 347 SYNERGIN. Syncope. internat., Toulouse, 1896, ii, 196-203.—von Stejskal (K.) Einige Bemerkungen zu den experimentellen Untersu- chungen iiber die Natur der Kreisaufstorungen im Kol- laps bei akuten Infektionskrankheiten. Zentralbl. f. in- nere Med., Leipz., 1903, xxiv, 298-301. See, also, supra, Passler.—Van Cott (J.M.) Pathology of cardiac syncope. BrooklynM. J.,1904,xviii,292-295.—Wood (H. B.) Rapid recovery from syncope. J. Am. M. Ass. Chicago, 1907, xlix, 246. Syncope (Treatment of). Cantlie (J.) Faintings and collapse in crowds; causes, signs, symptoms, and treatment. Folia Therap., Lond., 1910, iv, 96-99. — Garcia Julian (I.) Sim-ope y anemia post-hemorragicos; su tratamiento en campafia. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1902, xvi, 129-135. — Hirtz. Therapeutique d'urgence des syncopes. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1909, lxxxii, 1039-1041. -----. Traitement d'urgence de la svneope. Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1911, xxii, 106-108.—l.angvill (H.G.) Note on the treatmentof a type of so-called "fainting attack." Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1907-8, xxvii, 256-261. — Laugicr. Remar- ques sur les inconvenients des inhalations d'aeide aceti- que dans les cas de syncope. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1895, 3. s., xxxiii, 170-173.—Le Gendre. Les traitements me- dicaux d'urgence; syncopes et lipothvmies. J. de med. int., Par., 1907. xi. 209-211.—Lu mi ere (A.), Lumiere (L.) & Clievrotier (J.) Traitement des syncopes par l'excitatiou de la conjonctive. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1903, cxlvi, 895-897. — Itlarek (J.) Nove zpflsoby kfiseni bezvedamych: 1. lidi odrostlych, 2. deti novorozenych. [New ways of restoring patients to consciousness: (1) adults, (2) newborn infants.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1896, xxxv, 603-605.— SeiIden (H.) Huru skall vanmakt behandlas? [How should syncope be treated?] Helsovannen, Stockholm, 1894, ix, 79-84.— Stapler (H.) Traitement kinesique de la svneope. Rev. de cinesieet d'electrotherap., Par., 1900, ii, 122-129.— Puffier & Hallion. Dela compression rythmee du cceur dans la syncope cardiaque par embolie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1898, n. s., xxiv, 937-939.— Vialard (F.) Note sur le traitement des syncopes par l'excitation de la conjonctive. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1904, cxlvii, 48. — Vogt (E.) Tratamento kinesico da syncope. Tribuna med.. Rio de Jan., 1901, vii, 3-5. Syncytiolysis. Acconci(G.) Ricerche sulle sinciziolisine. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1904, xxvi,pt. 1, 427-452. [Discussion], 453. -----. In risposta alle osservazioni del Dott. A. Ascoli intorno alle ricerche sulle sinciziolisine. Ibid., 608-614. Syncytioma malignum. See Deciduoma. Syncytiotoxins. itlosbacher (E.) Experimentelle Studien mit art- gleichem Synzytiotoxin und iiberSchwangerschaftsdiag- nose mitteis der Epiphaninreaktion (E. R.). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 1021-1023.— Weichardt (W. ) Ueber die Syncytiotoxine. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1903, xiii, 491-495. Syncytium. His(W.) Ueber Zellen-und Syncytienbildung; Stu- dien am Salmonidenkeim. Abhandl. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k. sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch., Leipz., 1898, xxiv, 399-468. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Leipz., 1899, lxx, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 345-347.—Jeannin (C.) Le syncytium; son r61e phy- siologique et pathologique. Presse med., Par., 1906, xiv, 333-335.—.Mall (F. P.) On the development of the con- nective tissues from the connective-tissue syncytium. Am. J. Anat., Bait., 1902, i, 329-365.—Nageotte (J.) Le reseau syncytial et la gaine de Schwann dans les fibres de Remak (fibres amveliniques composees). Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1911, lxx, 917-921.-----. Syncytium de Schwann; en forme de cellules nevrogliques; dans les plexus de la cornee. Ibid., 967-971.—Piannenstiel( J.) Xoch ein Wort zur Diskussion fiber die Syncytiumfrage. Centralbl. f. Gvnak., Leipz., 1898, xxii, 1314-1319.—Re- gaud (C.) Sur les mitochondries de 1'epithelium semi- nal; les mitochondries du syncytium nourricier, leurs va- riations quantitatives et tbpographiques. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol.,Par., 190S,lxv,566-568.—StSphan (P.) Modi- fications du syncytium nourricier dans letube seminifere des hybrides. Ibid., 1906, lx, 892. Syndactyly. See Fingers and toes (Abnormities of). Syndesmis echinorum. Russo (A.) Sulla morfologia del Syndesmis echino- rum Francois. Ricerche n. lab. di anat.norm. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1895, v, 43-68,2 pl. Syndesmology. See, also, Ligaments. Sutton (H. A.) & Drinker (C. K.) Osteology and syndesmology. 8°. Philadelphia, 1910. Syndesmolysis. Tarabini (L.) La sindesmolisi e alcune sue conse- guenze. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1908, Roma, 1909, xviii, 417-419. Syndesmon thalictroides. Harris (J. A.) A bimodal variation polygon in Syn- desmon thalictroides and its morphological significance. Am. Xaturalist, Lancaster, Pa., 1910, xliv, 19-30. Syltdical (Le) des courtiers-gourmets-piqueurs de vins et eaux-de-vie. A messieurs les presi- dent et membres de la commission de la Cham- bre des Deputes, charges de l'examen de la pro- position tendant a, re primer la falsification des vins. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1844. Syndicat medical Borain, 1894-1901. Conseil d'administration et membres, statuts, code de deontologie, reglement du livre noir, decisions diverses prises par le syndicat depuis sa fonda- tion. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Dour, A. Vaubert, 1901. Syndicates (Medical). Roulengier (O.) Le role social des syndicats medi- eaux; le libre choix; le diplome de medecin hygieniste. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1911, lxiii, 368-371.—Perreau (E.-H.) Du r61e juridique des syndicats medicaux pour la protection des interets professionnels. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1908,4. s., ix, 134-146. Syndrome (Avellis's). See Paralysis (Pharyngo-laryngeal). Syndrome (Benediktfs). See Paralysis (Alternate, etc.). Syndrome (Erb- Goldflam's). See Paralysis (Alternate, etc.); Paralysis (Bulbar, Asthenic). Syndrome (Millard- Gubler^s). See Paralysis (Alternate, etc.). Syndrome (Weber's). See Weber's syndrome. Syndromes. Brown (A. G.), jr. A consideration of certain asso- ciated cardiovascular and nervous svndromes. Old Do- minion J. M. & S., Richmond, 1909, ix, 220-229.— Carnot (P.) Les svndromes hepato-pancreatiques. Progres med., Par., 1908,3. s., xxiv, 433-438.—Carnot (P.)& Descomps (P.) Syndrome periodique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1908, 3. s., xxv, 453-463.—Grimond (J.) Syndrome pancreatico-biliaire. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1908, xv, 382-390.—Lafobe (M.) Les grands syndromes pathologiques. Presse med., Par., 1908, xvi, 130-133. Syndromes (Pluriglandular). See Secretion (Disorders of). Synechia. See Corelysis; Iris (Adhesions of). Synechia (Nasal). See Nose (Adhesions in). Synechia (Pericardial). See Pericardium (Adherent)t Synechotomy. See Iris (Adhesions of). Synergia. Led ne (S.) Demonstration of the existence of cen- tres of synergia bv means of the electric current. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1908-9,xiii, 237.—JWaurel (E.) Re- cherches sur le synergisme dans le domaine experimental. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxix. 157-160. Synergin. Palladin (W.) Synergin, das Prochromogen dea Atmungspigmentes der Weizenkeime. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl.. 1910, xxvii, 442-449. SYXKSIUS. 348 SYNOVITIS. Synesius [379-412]. See,also, Xrtemidorus Daldianus. 'AprefiiSiopov bvei- poicpiTiKwi' [etc.] 24°. Venetiis, 1518.—Ferguson (J.) Remarks on the first edition of the chemical writings [etc.]. 8°. Glasgow, 1890.—Ferrerius (Au^erius). Liber de somniis. 32°. Lvgduni, 1549.—iTIizaldus (Anto- nius). Memorabilium'aliquot [etc]. 16°. Colonise, 1572. Ieard (S.) A propos de l'etat irradiant de la matiere; Synesius et la science moderne; philosophes et savants. Cronique med., Par., 1911, xviii, 97-103. Syngamus. Klee (R.) Der gepaarte Luftrohrenwurm (Synga- mus trachealis) und der Wurmhusten des Gefliigels. Deutsche thierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1899, vii, 465- 468.—Lichtenstern (G.) Ueber Syngamus trachealis bei Gansen. Munchen. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1910, liv, 844.—von Linstow. Grus viridirostrisgetodtet durch den Parasitismus von Svngamus sclerostomum Molin. Centralbl. f. Bacteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1890, viii, 259-261.—Railliet (A.) Syngamose tracheo-bronchique de l'oie domestique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898,10. s.,v, 400-402. -----. Pvn^amolaryngiendu boeuf. Ibid., 1899, 10. s., vi, 174-176.—Rossi (R. P.) Cachessia da Syngamus trachealis in colombi di una casa colonica. Clin, vet., Milano, 1906, xxix, 73-82. Syngnathus. Cohn (L.) Ueber die Bruttasche von Syngnathus typhle. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1903, xxiv, 192-199.—Kasan- zeff(W.) Ueber die Entstehung des Hautpanzers bei Syngnathus acus. Zool. Anz., Jena, 1906, xxx, 854-861. Synkinesis. See Movements (Associated). Synnepliias (Theodore-Michel). *Suppura- tions peri-uterines postpuerperales ou postabor- tives et de leur traitement. 89 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 54. Synnott (Martin J[ohn]) [1869- _ ]. Auto- inoculation; its practical application in the treat- ment of various infections and as a substitute for bacterial vaccines. 9 pp. 8°. New York, 1911. Repr. from: Med. Rec., N. Y., 1911, lxxx. -----. The present status of inoculation therapy; the application of opsonins and vaccines in the treatment of bacterial infections, as taught by Wright, at St. Mary's Hospital, London. 46 pp. 8°. New York, 1911. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1911, lxxix. Synocha. See Fever (Simple continued). Synonymen-Lexikon. Eine Sammlung der gebrauchlichsten gleichbedeutenden Benennun- gen aus dem Gebiete der technischen und phar- maceutischen Chemie, der Pharmakognosie und der pharmaceutischen Praxis. Ein Hand- und Nachschlagebuch fiir Apotheker, Chemiker, Droguisten u. A. Bearbeitet von Georg Arends. 424 (vii), 717 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. Pfau, 1891. Synonyms. Vinals y Torrero (F.) Sinonimos en pato- logia y propedeutica. 8°. Madrid, 1906. Svnonymenregister. Handb.d. Anat. d. Mensch. (Krause), Leipz, 1905, 685-880. Synophthalmia. See, also, Monsters from defect or malforma- tion of brain, cranium [etc.]. Lenfers (A. H. J.) * Beitrage zur Synoph- thalmie der Haustiere. 8°. Giessen, 1903. Synopsis (A) of the Cincinnati fauna. [By Charles Dury, R. M. Byrnes, et al.] pp. 185- 194. 8°. [Cincinnati, 1888.] Cutting from: J. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1882, v. Synopsis doctrinse ac medicinse [etc.]. See C. (J. G. R. M.). Synopsis fontium Austrige provinciarumque su- bitarum. See Crantz (Henr. Joann. Nepomuc.). Synopsis (A) of new remedies. Rare chemicals and preparations. 32 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1893. Synopsis quorundam brevium sed perutilium commentariorum de peste, autoribus aliquot excellentissiniis medicis. Edita studio Joachimi Camerarii. 78 1. 12°. [Noribergre, in off. Ca- tharinie Gerlachin, et hzeredum J. Montani], 1583. Synopsis of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. 16 pp. 16°. [London, W. H. Cox], 1847. [P., v. 242.] Synoque. Waugh (W. T.) Synoque. [Ephemeral continued fever.] Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1905, n. s., xxiv, 283-285. Syn orchidia. See, also. Testicle (Abnormities [etc.], of). ITIauclaire. Synorchidie artificielle apres section du cordon pour grosses hernies ou ectopies tres eJevees. Ann. d. mat. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1906,xxiv, 427-438. Synostoses. See, also, Cranium (Abnormities, etc., of). Rerard. Quelques considerations sur deux cas de fistule thoracique inveteree consecutive a un empyeme et entretenue par une synostose costale. Lyon med., 1911, cxvi, 930.—Glaesmer (Erna). Die Atlanto-Occipital-Sy- nostose; iiber ihre pathologisehen odermorphologischen Ursachen auf Grand eines Weichteilpriiparates. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1910, xxxvi, 129-148.—Ouleke (N.) Zwerg- wuchsin Folge pramaturer Svnostose. Arch, f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1907, lxxxiii, 835-841, lpl— Marchand (F.) Ueber die Folgen friihzei tiger Synostose der Schiidelnii hte fiir das Gehirn. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch., Jena, 1908, xii, 274.—Regnault (F.) Synostose partielle des sutures corouales dans un cas de dysplasie periostale. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1908, lxxxiii, 436-438.-----. Squelette de foetus atteint de dysplasie periostale. Ibid., iii, 438.-----. Coincidence de dystrophic et de synostose prematuree sur un crane de jeune chien. Ibid., 438. Synostosis (Radio-ulnar). Schilling (R.) *Ein Fall von doppelseitiger Synostose des oberen Radius- und Ulnaendes. 8°. Kiel, 1904. Griinfeld (K.) Ein Fall von radio-ulnarer Synostose (kongenitale Missbildung der Ellbogengegend mit Supi- nationshemmung). Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1911, x, 97. Also: Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1911, lxi, 1234.— Kreglinger (G.) Ein Fall von hereditarer, kongenitaler, doppelseitiger Synostose bei- der Vorderarmknochen an der proximalen Epiphyse. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1911, xxviii, 66-95.—Lui mi (J. R.) Congenital synostosis of radio-ulnar articulations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 499.—Pollnow & Lievy- Dorn. Angeborene Verwachsungvon Radiusund Ulna (Synostosis radio-ulnaris). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 427-429.—Stretton (J. L.) Congenital synostosis of radio-ulnar articulations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 1519.—Xiinmer. Synostosis radio-ulnaris congenita du- plex. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1910, xiv, pt. 2, 1681. Synotns. See Monsters (Double). Synovectomy. See Excision, and under names of joints; Knee- joint (Surgery of). Synovia. See Membranes (Synovial). Synovial cysts. See Membranes (Synovial, Cysts, etc., of). Synovial fluid (Artificial). Morris (R. T.) Artificial synovial fluid. Post-Grad- uate, N. Y., 1911, xxvi, 290-293. Also: Surg., Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1911, xii, 594. Synovial fossae. Burki (E.) * Die Synovialgruben des Rindes. [Zurich.] 8°. Berlin, 1904. Also, in: Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1904-5, xxxi, 241-299. Rarrier (G.) & L.eeaplain (F.) Des fossettes synoviales. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1907, lxi, 231-236. Synoviotomy. See Membranes (Synovial, Cysts, etc., of). Synovitis. See Membranes (Synovial, Diseases of). SYNTHESIS. 349 SYPHILIDES. Synthesis (Chemical and biochemical). Meyer (B.) Die chemische Synthese. Ihre Bedeutung fiir die Wissenschaft und das Leben. 8°. Hamburg, 1896. Dakin (H. D.) The catalytic action of amino-acids, peptones and proteins in effecting certain syntheses. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1909-10, vii, 49-55—Penyvessy (B.) Kiserleti h6ros allapotok befolyasa a biochemiai synthesisekre. [The influence of experimental patholog- ical conditions on biochemical synthesis.] Orvostud. ertek. gyiijt. Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1906, ii. f., vii, 399-420.— tiiissliiig (W.) Zur Entwickelung der Arznei- mittelsynthese. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1908, xxxiii, 7; 17.— Ingliilleri(G.) PhotochemischeSynthese der Kohlen- hydrate. I. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1911, lxxi, 105-109.—Komppa (G.) Syntesit elainruumiissa. [Synthesis of the animal body.] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1901, xvii, 1-14.—Luzzatto (R.) Contribution a l'etude des syntheses dans 1'organiMne animal. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1908-9,1, 433-115.—Schryver (S. B.)" Some experiments on biochemical synthesis. Proc. Physiol. Soc. Lond., 1903-4, pp. xliv-xlviii.—Stieglitz (J.) The problem of the synthetic chemical compound. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1341. Synthetic remedies. Neuniaii (F. L.) The therapeutics of the synthetics in general use. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1906, v, 323- 327— Schlotterbeck (J. O.) The popular synthetic remedies, their use and misuse. Ibid., 314-322. Syntonin. Abderhalden (E.) & Sasaki (T.) Die Mono- aminosauren des Svntonins aus Rindfleisch. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1907, li, 404-408. Syphantos (Spiridion) [1879- ]. ♦Contri- bution a l'etude de la diagnose du sang humain en medecine legale par le procede des serums precipitants (reaction de Bordet-Uhlenhut). vi, 7-66 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1904, No. 9. Syphilides. See, also, Acne (Syphilitic); Face (Syphilis if); Frambcesia; Mouth (Syphilisof); Nose (Syph- ilis of); Pemphigus (Syphilitic); Psoriasis (Syphilitic); Syphilis (Congenital, Manifesta- tions of). Barcat (J.-J.) Contribution a l'etude de la syphilide pigmentaire ou cucodermie syphiliti- que (pathogenie). 8°. Paris, 1901. Beauperthuy (G.) * Rapports de la syphilis avec certaines dermatoses coexistantes. 8°. Paris, 1902. Bernay (A.) *Les syphilides lupoides. [Lyon.] 8°. Saint-Etienne, 1911. Bonxaud (F.) Cellules geantes et follicule syphilitique dans les syphilides tertiaires mu- queuses. Ces formations histologiques permet- tent-elles de distinguer avec certitude la tuber- culose de la syphilis? 8°. L.yon, 1909. Brandweiner ( A.) Leucoderma syphiliti- cum. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. Caillot (A.) *De la syphilide pigmentaire du cou observee dans la syphilis acquise de l'en- fant. 8°. Paris, 1904. Cazexave (A.) Die Syphiliden oder veneri- schen Krankheiten der Haut, mit einer Einlei- tung iiber die Syphilis im allgemeinen, deren Ursprung, Natur u. s. w. Frei nach dem Fran- zosischen bearbeitet und mit einem Atlas sorg- fiiltig lithographirter und colorirter Copieen versehen von Dr. W. Walther und Dr. C. 8°. Leipzig, 1844. Ciuffo (G.) Eritema entero-tossico stimolo ad una recidiva di sifiloderma papulose 12°. Gagliari, 1903. Co t lard ( A. ) * Etude sur les syphilides zoniformes. 8°. Paris, 1905. Constant (E.) Contribution a l'etude de la papule syphiloide post-erosive chez l'adulte. S°. Toulouse, 1905. Syphilides. Cormier (M.-J.-M.) *Des syphilides ulce- reuses simulant l'ulcere variqueux. 8°. Paris 1897. Correa Netto (P. D.) Contribuicao ao estudo da syphilis; frequencia e modalidades. roy. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1905. Giesing (F.) *SyphilitischePigmentationen und Depigmentationen (Leukoderma syphiliti- cum, Vitiligo bei Lues, primare und sekundare Pigmentsyphilis). 8°. Leipzig, 1909. Hazard (P.-N.) *Etude sur la syphilide pigmentaire. 4°. Bordeaux, 1892. Huth ( V. ) Contribution a l'etude des syphilides ukvreuses. roy. 8°. Nancy, 1896. Ivanofp (V. V.) *K ucheniyu o histologi- cheskom stroyenii sifilidov kozhi kondiloma- toznavoigummoznavoperiodov (rozeoli, papuli i bugorka); kliniko-histologicheskoye izsliedova- niye. [Histology of syphilides of the skin of the condylomatous and gummatous periods (roseola?, papulae, and tubercles).] 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1900. Jessner (S.) Kompendium der Hautkrank- heiten, einschliesslich der Syphilide und einer kurzen Kosmetik. Fiir Studierende und Aerzte. 2. Aufl. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1900. -----. Die Syphilide (Syphilis der Haut und Schleimhaut). 8°. Wiirzburg, 1904. Kaiser (S.) *Zur Kenntnis der hamorrha- gischen Hautsyphilide. 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Lefranc (C.-M.-[H.-F.]) * Les syphilides a cicatrisation cheloidienne. 4°. Paris, 1894. Leger (L.) *De l'influence du terrain cutane" sur les lesions syphilitiques. 8°. Paris, 1906. Loxgin (A.-L.) *Les hybrides de syphilis et de lupus. 8°. Paris, 1905. Lubbers (H.) * Ueber ein eigenartiges als Spatform auftretendes Fleckensyphilid. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Mangenot (R.-G.) *Quelques considerations au sujet de plusieurs cas de syphilides malignes precoces. 8°. Lyon, 1907. Mateias (I.) *De la syphilide pigmentaire. 8°. Paris, 1910. Meirelles Freire (B.) * Cadeira de clinica dermatologica e syphiligraphica; contribuicao ao estudo do eczema, roy. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1905. Oberreit (F.) *Ein Fall von Horncysten nach miliar-papulosem Syphilid. 8°. Miin- chen, 1901. Also, in: Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Munchen (1898-9), 1901, xi 196-212. Praetorius (G.) *Ueber Muskelgummen im Fruhstadium der Syphilis. 8°. Bostock, 1905. Rainone (D.) La sifilide; diagnosi e cura, con sommaria esposizione delle dottrine pato- logiche vigenti. 2. ed. 8°. Napoli, 1892. Roblin (P.-F.) *Etude clinique des pig- mentations du cou dans la syphilis, leuco-me- lanodermie et syphilide pigmentaire vraie. 8°. Paris, 1907. Rollet (J.) Coup d'ceil retrospectif sur la syphilis et les maladies de la peau. 8°. Lyon, 1864. Schmidt (K.) *Die klinische Bedeutung der Pifjmentalalterationen bei Syphilis. [Wurtz- burg.] 8°. Bemseheiil, 1893. Schubel (F. [M. C.]) * Ueber das tuberose Hautsyphilid. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Also [Abstr.], in: Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1896, iii, 186- 192. SYPHILIDES. 350 SVPHILIDES. Syphilides. Semen (G.) *De la syphilide pigmentaire et de la valeur diagnostique. 4°. Paris, 1S95. Startin (J.) Syphilitic eruptions of the skin; or, the s> philo-dermata, containing a contrasted parallel of the stages and symptoms of acquired and inherited syphilis. 8°. London, 1885. Stein.meyer (H. E. 0.) * Herpes zoster und Syphilis. 8°. Berlin, [1908]. Trautmaxn (G.) Zur Differentialdiagnose von Dermatosen und Lues bei den Schleimhauts- erkrankungen der Mundhohle und oberen Luft- we23 Also: Med. mod., Par., 1901, xii, 258.— Balzer (K.) & Ulerle (P.) Chancre tardif ou syphilide diphteroide precocede la levre inferieure. Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. etsyph., Par., 1907, xviii, 231-233.— Balzer (F.) & Poisot. Syphilides corymbiformes avec erytheme peri- papuleux. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, xvii. 443-445. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par. 1906, 4. s., vii, 965-967.—Bar be. Des syphilides zonifor- mes. J. de med. de Par., 1898, 2. s., x, 92-94. -----. Nou- veaux cas de syphilides zoniformes. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de dermatol. et de syph. 649-554.—Barendt(F. H. i Syphilitic and non-syphili, tic rashes in infants. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1910J xxx,. 377-383.—Barthelemy. Leucoplasie et syphilis. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 485. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 222. — Batnt ( L.) Syphilides zoniformes du thorax. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. dela Drome [etc.], Valence, 1908, ix, 73. Also: 3. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 190s, xix, 412— Baudouin (G.) Syphilide pigmentaire. Mus. de l'H6p. St.-Louis. Iconog. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., [1897?], 279-282, 1 pl. Also, transl: Pict. Atlas Skin Dis. & Syph____St. Louis Hosp., Lond.; Phila., 1895-7, 249- 252, 1 pl. — Banni. Bulloses Syphiloderma beim Er- wachsenen. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1903, lxvii, 144.—Berliner (C.) Zur Differentialdiag- nose der Syphilis und syphilisahnlicher Arzneiexan- tbeme. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1902, xxxv, 137-148.—Bernart (W. F.) Palmar and plantar syphi- lids. Am. med., Phila.; 1902, iii, 605.—Bernhardt (R.) Przyezynek kliniczny lanatomiczny do nauki o poznym syhiisie sk6ry. [Clinical and anatomical contribution to our knowledge of late svphilis of the skin.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1901, 2. s., xxi, 214; 247; 281; 302; 330.—de Beuriuann. De la svphilide pigmentaire. Independ. med., Par., 1*96, ii, 377.—Bezbrfzhiy (I- M.) O dvukh sluchayakh sitiliticheskol ektiml. [Two cases of syphili- tic ecthyma.] Russk. J. Kozkn. i Wen. Bollezn., Karkov, 1905, ix, 48H84. — Bianehi. Observation de syphilide maligneprecot eiiustulo-cnistacee; reflexions. J.demed. de Lyon, 1m'.5, iii. 210-222.— Blaine (J. M.) Syphilo- derm; papular, erythematous and hereditary. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1897, 6. s., iv. 345-351. -----. Cutaneous manifestations of syphilis. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1900, 245-253. Also: Colorado M. J., Denver, 1900, vi, 281- 287.—Bloch (M.) Syphilides tertiaires ostracees du pa- vilion et du conduit auditif externe. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1907, ii, 855.—Bock. Deux cas de syphilides gan- greneuses. Soc. beige de dermat. et de syph. Bull., Brux., 1901-2, ii, 18-22.—Bonnet (L.-M.) Syphilide ac- neique et pustuleuse. Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 620-523. -----. Syphilides en corymbes; papules geantes. Ibid., 1908, ex, 369.—Bory. Syphilide papuleuse generalisee secondaire traitee sans resultat par le cacodylatede soude a haute dose. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1907,"ii, 758.—Bo- thezat(P.) Un cas de rupia svphilitique. N.Mont- pel, med., 1893, ii, 245-249.—Brauer (A.) Ueber ein sel- tenes syphilitisches Exanthem (Lues leukischamica). Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1911, cvi, 85-90.— Brissaud & Souques. Disposition metamerique spi- nale de la svphilide pigmentaire primitive. Semaine med.. Par., 1901, xxi, 249-251.—Broeq (L.) Syphilides acneiformes. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1909, xxiii, 325. -----. Des conditions qui gouvernent la cica- trisation de certaines syphilides ulcereuses tertiaires. Bull, med., Par., 1910, xxiv, 1141-1143.—Broeman (C. J.) Tertiary syphiloderm. Lancet-Clinic. Cincin., 1911, cv, 342.—Brousse (A.) Syphilides malignes pre- coces. N. Montpel. med., 1894, iii, 589; 616.—Brousse (A.) & Bruc. Syphilide serpigineusegeante en cereles concentriques. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 261-263. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 127-129. Also: Montpel. med., 1903, xvi, 649-653. 1 pl.—Brudziriski (J.) Dermatitis posterosiva papulosa (pseudopapulosu); syphilide lenti- culaire Parrot'a u nlemowlat. [. . . in infants.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1900, 2. s., xx, 1209-1212— Bukovsky (J.) Pfispevek k aetiologii ulcerosnich syfilidii casne doby. [Contributions to the etiology of ulcerous syphi- lides of the earlv period.] Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 1899, xxxviii, 871; 887; 907; 928; 1 pl. Also, transl: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1900, xiv, 953; 976; 998; 1015; 1038—Bureau (M.) Eruption confluente de svphilides acneiformes. Gaz. mod. de Nantes, 1905. 2. s., xxiii, 74.—Bureau (M.) & Bureau (G.) Eruption generalisee de syphilides en cocarde, consecutive a la transformation des elements d'une roseole. Ibid., 1907, 2. s., xxv, 1009-1011.—Burgs- dori" (V.) Sluchal razvitiya psoriasis vulgaris na rub- tsakh poverkhnostno-uzlovatavo sifilida. [Development of... on the cicatrices of a superficiallv nodular syphi- lide.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1897, xlvii, 789-794.—Burns (F. S.) A case of fine papular syphilide with pronounced follicular hvperkeratosis. J. Cutan. Dis. inch Syph.,N.Y., 1906, xxiv, 478.-----. A case of svphilide of the face. Ibid., 483. -----. Syphilide. Ibid., 1910, xxviii, 690.— Buschke (A.) & Eichhorn. Ueber den Eintiuss des SYPHILIDES. 351 SYPHILIDES. Syphilides. Liehts auf das Leucoderma syphiliticum und iiber Cutis marmorata pigmentosa. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1911, xviii, 109-117.—Callari (I.) & L,a IVIciiMa (N.) Di un raro caso di perforazioni multiple delta ealotta per sili- lide. Arte med., Napoli, 1901, iii, 200— Campana (R.) Sulla patogenesi e diagnosi dei sifilodermi, un ca«o di noma da sifiiide. Riforma med., Napoli, 1897, xiii, pt. 1, 343-346. -----. Ulcera mista del glande con balano- postite, adenopatie e sifiloderma papuloso lenticolare. Ibid., 701-703.-----. Siflliderma; fibromatosi cicatricea consecutiva; neuroflbromi multipli, scoperti istologica- mente, nella fibromatosi. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1900, xxvi, 609-617. Also: Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1901, xix, 1-10. Also, transl: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1901, lvi, 169-176, 2 pl. -----. La cicatrice dei sifilidermi. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1901, xix, 47-50. ------. Siflliderma condilomatoso per sifiiide ereditaria in bambina da latte di circa un anno; siflloma ulceroso al capozzolo mamma- rio nella madre da un mese, o poco piu. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1909, xxxv, 74-76. Also: Clin, dermosifilo- Eat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1909, xxvii, 75-77. -----. Pem- go sifllitico in giovinetta. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1910, xxviii, 114-116.—Campbell (G.G.) The cutaneous manifestation of tertiary svphilis. Mon- treal M. J., 1909, xxxviii, 7-13.—Candidori (E.) Siflli- derma nodulorupioide; epidermolisi corneificante sparsa. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1905, xxiii, 119- 124,1 pl.—Cantrell (J. A.) Peculiar lesions of the skin witnessed in a case of late syphilis. Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii, 506.-----. Do certain questions or symptoms aid or lead astray in the diagnosis of syphilitic skin affections? Codex med. Phila., 1895-6, ii, 201-203.— -----. A case of late syphilis showing unusual lesions of the skin. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi, 126. Also, Re- print.—Carbajal (V.) Sitilis y enfermedadesvenereas; frecuencia en nuestro ejercito segiin los anos y guarni- ciones; etiologia; estudio clinico; profilaxia. An. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1903, v, 9*3-1000.—Carnevali (A.) Le manifestazioni acneiche del periodo recente della sifiiide. Policlin., Roma, 1909, xvi, sez. prat.. 172.—Car- rier (A. E.) A typical syphiloderm. • Harper Hosp. Bull., Detroit, 1896-7, vii, 31.—Cary (C.) Rupia syphili- tica. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 3. s., iv, 340-342.— Casoli (V.) Note cliniche sopra alcuni casi di sifilo- derma papulo-circinato. Comment, clin. d. mal. cutan. e gen.-urin., Siena, 1894, 2. s., ii, 257-271.—Cherkasski (A. M.) Sluchal mnozhestvennol glubokol sifiliticheskol rupii. [Multiple deep syphilitic rupia.] Russk. J. Kozhn i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1906, xi, 167-170.—Chirivlno (V.) Sifiloderma psoriasiforme tardivo delle palme delle mani. Riforma med., Napoli, 1908, xxiv, 143-145.— Civatte. Svphilides peripilaires et iritis syphilitique. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1909, xx, 292.— Cocks (E.L.) Circinate syphilide in a colored woman. J. Cutan. Dis. inch Syph., N. Y., 1908, xxvi, 530.—Collins (C. D.) Syphilitic skin lesions and their differential diagnosis. Clinique, Chicago, 1906, xxvii, 267-271.— Cooper (A.) Some unusual variations of the erythe- matous syphilide. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 316.—Cor- mio (R.) Sifiloide nodulo-squammoso; contribuzione alia illustrazione del gruppo dei sifiloidi squammosi. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1904, xxii, 117- 122, 1 pl.—Csillair (J.) Ein rezentes Erythema exsuda- tivum an einem luetischen Individuum. Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1908, xlix, 66.—Dalous & Fran- cois. Modifications apportees a des syphilides par un embarras gastrique. Toulouse med., 1904, 2. s., vi, 239.— Dan los. Vergetures syphilitiques. Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898,ix, 434-436. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 1142-1144. -----. Syphilis pigmentaire du cou chez l'homme. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s , ix, 1142.------. Verge- tures syphilitiques du tronc. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1899, x, 23. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899,3. s., x, 61.-----. Syphilisetphtiriase;syphilide pigmentaire du cou de forme ex.ceptionnelle. Bull. Soc franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, xi, 161-163. -----. Sur deux formes de syphilide pigmentaire du cou. Bull. et mem. Soc,med. d. hop. de Par., 1900, 3. s., xvii, 1237- 1239. -----. Eruption svmetrique nodulaire et ulcereuse des membres (folliclis?)'chez un malade syphilitique au sixieme mois de l'infection. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900,4. s.,i, 832-835. ------. Coexistence d'une syphi- lide tertiaire dans la gorge et sur le corps d'un lichen scrofuleux cicatriciel. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, xii, 164-166. -----. Syphilides multiples developpees depuis dix ans sans que le malade aitsuivi de traitement regulier. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 237. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 103. -----. Syphilide pigmentaire generalisee. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, xv, 141. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, 4. s., v, 345. -----. Svphilis hereditaire tardive et syphi- lide pigmentaire. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 24. Also. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 85— Dan los & Dene rain. Syphilis pso- riasiforme. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., Syphilides. 1906, xvii, 148. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 268.—Dardenne (H.) Herpes as a complica- tion of a syphilitic chancre of penis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxii, 88.—Darier (J.) Examen histologique d'une syphiloide post-erosive. Ecole prat. d. hautes etudes. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. de France. Trav. 1894-5, Par., 1898, 49-62. -----. Syphilides psoriasiformes. .1. de mod. int., Par., 1903, vii, 155.— Darier (J.) & Civatte. Syphilides nodulaires hypo- dormiques. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 90-97. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 267-274.—Davis (C. N.) Follicular svphi- lis. J. Cutan. Dis. inch Syph., N. Y., 1910, xxviii, 304.— De Amicis (T.) Di una speciale forma di infiltrazione gommosa nel volto in un caso di sifiiide ignorata. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1896, xxxi, 186-190.—Dedyurin (I. P.) Leucoderma syphiliticum. Russk. Med., St. Pe- tersb., 1894, xix, 527.—Deli no (G.) Cicatrices hypertro- phiques consecutives a des syphilides acneico-follicu- laires. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 889-904. -----. Vaste syphilide dorso-lombaire, ulcereuse etserpigineuse, consecutive a une syphilis ignoree. Ibid., 1910, v,241-250. Also, transl: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1910, n. s., xxxii, 266-272.—De-Francesclii (E.) Un caso ti- pico di sifiloderma pigmentario primitivo. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1909, xliv, 629-639.—Diaz (P.) Signi- ficaci6n pron6stica de la nigricaci6n post-resolutiva de algunas sifilides papulosas. An. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1899, i, 309-325, 2 pl.—Dodlan. Syphilide pustuleuse circinee de la paume de la main remarquable par sa superficialit6 et sa tenacitc Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, xv, 188. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, 4. s., v, 460. — Doininici. Lesions gommeuses du membre superieur gauche. Ann. de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1897, 3. s.; viii, 296. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1897, viii, 131-133.— Dore (S. E.) Case of syphilitic eruption in a man, with psoriasis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Der- mat. Sect., 31.—Druelle & Joltrain. Des syphilides zoniformes. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 417^28.— Dube (J. E.) Psoriasis palmaire d'origine syphilitique (syphilides palmaires psoriasiformes). Union mod. du Canada, Montreal, 1904, xxxiii, 325-330. — Dubois- Havenith. Dermatite herpetiforme 6voluant sur un sujet syphilitique. Soc. beige de dermat. et de syph. Bull., Brux., 1901, i, 40. -----. Un cas de syphilides liche- noides generalisiies. ,Presse med. beige, Brux., 1906, lviii, 557.—Du Castel. Eruption ano-vulvaire peut-etre de nature syphilitique chez un enfant porteur de malforma- tions multiples. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 1295-1298. -----. Syphilide lichenoi'de. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1898, ix, 160. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 342. -----. Diag- nostic des ulcerations syphilitiques de la jambe. J. de med. int., Par., 1901, v, 897-899.—Dudumi (V.) Doue cazurl de sifiiide papulose granul6se, miliare, lichenoide si punctate cutanate. Presa med. rom., BucurescI, 1903, ix, 145; 209.—Dnjardin (B.) Le pityriasis rose de Gi- bert et le terrain syphilitique. Clinique, Brux., 1910, xxiv, 41-44. — Dyer (I.) The diagnosis of cutaneous syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 1551-1555.— Ehrmann (S.) Ueber Combinationsformen nicht- syphilitischer Hautveranderungen mit syphilitischen Exanthemen. Wien. med. BI., 1894, xvii, 789-791. -----. Zur Pathologie der Syphilide. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1897, xi,413-416.-----. [LichenartigesExanthem, welches trotz des Fehlens eines Initialaffektes als Syphilid zu erkennen ist.] Wien. klin^ Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 748. -----. Ueber lichenformige Svphilide. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1906, lv, 1973-1977.—Emery & Qlantenay. Syphilides hypertrophiques geantes de la face. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, ix, 171. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 353.— Enriquez & Bauer. Syphilide pigmentaire excep- tionnelle comme siege et comme etendue. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xviii, 1363-1365.— Farini (J. A.) Un caso de sifiiide papulo-costrosa. An. d. Circ. mecl. argent., Buenos Aires, 1892, xv, 683- 687.—Feulard (H.) Gangrenous syphilides: (1) tuber- culo-gangrenous syphilides; (2) gangrenous gumma. Pict. Atlas Skin Dis. & Svph. . . . St. Louis Hosp., Lond. & Phila., 1895-7, 171-174, 1 pl.—Fiek (J.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der frischen Narbe nach einem papulo-tubero- sen Syphilid. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1905, xl, 176-180, 1 pl.—Finger (E.) Zur Klinik der Haut syphilide. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 970-973.— Fisehkin (E. A.) The elements of diagnosis of cu- taneous syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xiv, 95- 98.—Foreoni (G.) Su diun caso atipicodi sifiiide papulo- squamosa (psoriasi sifllitico); nota clinica. Atti d.r. Accad. d.fisiocrit. in Siena, 1909, 5. s., i, 119-122. -----. Sulla di- agnosi differenziale fra la psoriasi volgare e le sifilidi pso- riasiform!. 76m/., 571-576.—Ford yce (J. A.) Thevessel changes and other histologic featuresof cutaneous svphi- lis. J. Am.M. Ass.,Chicago, 1907,xlix,462-469.—Fouquet (C.) Dermatologie et syphiligraphie. Medecin prat., Par., 1908, iv, 728.—Foilrnier (A.1 Leucomelanodermie sy- philitique. Bull. Soc frang.dedermat. etsyph., Par., 1893, SYPHILIDES. 352 SYPHILIDES. Syphilides. iv, 350-352. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1893, 3. s., iv, 740. -----. Syphiloide papulo-erosive. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, v, 63-69. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., v, 204- 210.-----. Pseudo-syphilide palmaire determinee par l'antipyrine. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., V, 547-550. -----. Syphilide polymorphe a formes lichg- no'ide et miliaire prtdominantes. Mus. de l'Hop. St.- Louis. Iconog. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., [1897V], 239- 244, 1 pl. Also, transl: Pict. Atlas Skin Dis. & Svph. . . . St. Louis Hosp., Lond. & Phila., 1895-7, 217-221,1 pl. -----. Des syphilides. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1897, viii, 149. -----. Syphilide mutilante des extremites ayant revetu la forme d'une lesion tuberculeuse; diagnos- tic des tuberculides et des syphilides mutilantes des extremites a forme lupique. Cong. p. l'etude de la tuber- culose, Par., 1898, iv, 656-658. -----. Du phagedenisme dans les syphilides tertiaires et du traitement de ces syphilides. Independ. med., Par., 1899, v, 321. -----. Dessyphilidesgommeuses. 2&Mi,385.-----. Dermatoseen rubah developpee sur une femme syphilitique. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, xii, 214-218. -----. A propos des syphilo'ides papillomateuses. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 109. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 325.— Fournier (A.) & Haury (J.) Syphilide achromique du cou. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 458. Also: Bull. S c. frang. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1898, ix, 229.—Fournier (A.) & Socquet (.T.) Syphi- loide papillomateuse. Cong, internat. de med. O. r., Par., 1900, sect, de med. leg., 122-140, 2 pl.—Fox (G. H.) Remarks on a case of syphiloderma gummato- sum. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1896, Providence, 1897, v, 338-340. -----. The differential diagnosis of syphi- litic eruptions and signs in the skin of former syphi- lis. N. York M. J., 1899, lxix, 473. -----. Palmar sv- philide. J. Cutan. Dis. inch Syph.,N. Y., 1906, xxiv,476. -----. A case of syphilis resembling pityriasis rubra pi- laris. J.Am.M.Ass.,Chicago, 1909,liii,947. Also,Reprint.— Frattali (A.) Siflliderma pigmentario; nuovi studi d' istologia e di critica. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1895, xxi, 485-503, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1896, xxxi, 250-252.—French (H. C.) True rupia in syphilis. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1908, x, 296.—Freseoln. Unusual syphilide. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1911, xxix, 446.—Frick (W.) Some unusual syphilitic eruptions. J. Kansas M. Soc, Law- rence, 1905, v, 51-65.—Furlong (F. M.) Report of two cases of the variola form of syphilis. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1910, iv, 44-46. —Gailleton. Syphilide scarlatiniforme. Lyon med., 1904, cii, 19-22. — Gallia (C.) Di un casodi sifiiide psoriasiforme. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1906, xxvii, 1099.—Galloway (J.) Late cuta- neous syphilide. Clin. J., Lond., 1902-3, xxi, 383.—Gari- baldi (G.) Le alterazioni che subiscono gli strati cuta- nei sussidiati dal dartos, per condizioni teratologiche e sifiiide. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1909, xxxv, 310-316. — Gastou (P.) Keratose pilaire et svphilis. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 376-378. -----. Sur une er\ throdermie a evolution et caracteres anormaux (syphilides desquamatives en nappes genera- lises ou dermatite exfoliatrice). Ibid., 1896, 3. s., vii, 736. Also: Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 378— Gaston (P.) & Jonitescu. Syphilides miliaires peripilaires et decalvantes systematisees simu- lant le lichen scrof ulosorum ou la keratose pilaire. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 147-149. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 308- 310.-----------. Nouveau cas de syphilides peripilaires. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 411. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 201.— Gastou (P.) & Legendre (L.) Syphilome en cuirasse datant de 19 ans, developpe sur un eczema s6borrheique pre-sternal. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1907, xviii, 362-366.—Gastou (P.) & Nicolau. Note sur l'histogenese, la forme et la valeur diagnostique des cellules geantes plasmatiques a propos d'un cas de syphi- lides psoriasiformes. Ibid., 1902, xiii, 395-402. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 761-768. -----------. Cas de syphilides bucco-labiales liche- noides leucoplasiques. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 40-43.— Gastou (P.) & Vieira. Syphi- lides post-grippales simulant la staphylococcic cutanee acneiforme. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1902, xiii, 285-287. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii. 602-601—Gaucher (E.) Importance de la forme circinee des lesions specifiques. J. de med. int., Par., 1903, vii, 320. -----. Syphilides chancriformes. Ibid., 1904, viii, 311. -----. Syphilides papuleuses gene- ralises. Syphilis, Par., 1905, iii, 810. -----. Syphilides granuleuses miliaires. Ibid.,i>28. -----. Pathogenie des pigmentations du cou dans la svphilis. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1906, lxxix, 759-763. -----. Les lesions cutanees et sous-cutanees de l'heredo-syphilis tertiaire. Progres med., Par., 1911, xxvii, 301-304. — Gaucher (E.) & Abrami. Syphilides zoniformes de la face. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 312.— Gaiu-hcr (E.) & Barbe. Syphilide papulo-squa- Syphilides. meuse zoniforme du thorax. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., v, 535.-----------. Des syphi- lides zoniformes. Presse med., Par., 1897, ii, 77.— Gau- cher (E.) & Fouquet. Syphilis ignoree sans au- cun traitement; six enfants bien portants; syphilides cutanees tertiaires et grossesse. Bull. Soc. frang. de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 319. — Gaudier (E. ), Gougerot & Croissant. Syphilides papulo-squa- meuses simulant un lupus erythemateux. Ibid., 1911, xxii, 365.—Gaucher (E.), Gougerot & Guntien- heim. Syphilides "noires" (hyperpigmentees)' papu- leuses g^neralisees. Ibid., 146-149. — Gaucher (E.) & Hallopeau ( H.) Tentative d'interpretation d'une poussee tardive de syphilides. Ibid., 1909, xx, 389-392.— Gaucher (E.) it Louste (A.) Syphilides granuleuses miliaires, ressemblant k la keratose pilaire. Ibid., 1905, xvi, 77. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 254.—Gaucher (E.) & ,'Iilian. Leucodermie sy- philitique p6ri et post-papuleuse. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 136; 224. Also: Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 45-48.—Gefter (A. A.) K voprosuobizmlenenii kozhi pri sifilisTe. [Changes in the skin in syphilis.] Russk. .1. Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn., Kharkov, 1905, x, 338-341.—Geiny. Leucomelanodermie syphilitique. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, v, 375-382. -----. Syphilide pigmentaire de forme rare, premiere manifestation d'une syphilis hereditaire tardive. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 462-467. Also, in: Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, ix, 233-238.—Gemy & Baynaud. Leuco- melanodermie syphilitique chez des indigenes algeriens. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1897, ix, 743.—Gilchrist (T. C.) Two unusual cases of annular syphilides in ne- groes. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1900, xliii,200-204.—Glilck (L.) Erythema exsudativum multiforme bei Syphilis. Jahrb. d. bosn.-herceg. Landesspit. in Sarajevo 1894-6, Wien, 1898,555-563.—Gold (J. D.) Syphilitic skin lesions frequently overlooked. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1911-12, xviii, 60-65.—Gottheil (W. S.) Syphiloderma framboe- sioides; two cases. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 188-190. -----. Dermatologv and svphilis. Progr. Med., Phila. & N. Y., 1910, iii, 99-148. -----. Scrofulo- derma and heredo-syphilis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Svph., N. Y., 1911, xxix, 104.—Gratsianski (P. I.) Pato'logo- anatomicheskoye izsliedovaniye o sifiliticheskol rupii. [Pathological anatomy of svphilitic rupia.] Dnevnik syezda Mosk.-Peterb. Med. Obsh. 1885, S.-Peterb., 1886, i, 133.—Gravagna. Due casi rari di clinica dermosifilo- patica; sifiiide pigmentaria; sifilomaprimariodelmignolo sinistra. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1907, x, no.- saggio, 5.—Grindon (J.) Some problems presented by dermatoses coexisting with svphilis. J. Missouri M. Ass", St. Louis, 1910-11, vii, 119-121.—Gruber. Eruption ge- neralised ecthymateuse. Lyon med., 1905, cv, 179-isl — Guilty (H.) Herpes sypliilo'ide et syphilides herpeti- formes; diagnostic differentiel. Syphilis, Par., 1904, ii, 385.—Ilaan (P.) Syphilis et irritation de cause externe traumatique; pathogenie de certaines syphilides. Nor- mandie med., Rouen, 1897, xii, 365-370. -----. Le clavus syphiliticus de Loewin. Ibid., 1898, xiii, 207-211.— d'Haenens ( E.) Syphilides papuleuses suintantes dans l'urethre masculih. Bull. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1907, lxix, 92-95. Also: Folia urolog., Leipz., 1907, i, 111- 113.—Hallopeau (H.) Syphilides rupioides etgangre- neuses precoces. Mus. de l'H6p. St.-Louis. Iconog. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1896,179-185,1 pl. Alsojransl: Pict. Atlas Skin Dis. & Svph. ... St. LouisHosp., Lond. & Phila., 1895-7, 165-170,1 pl. -----. Sur la localisation et le developpement anormal de syphilides erythemateuses et papuleuses en nappes autour de chancres indures. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, ix, 79-81. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 164- 166. -----. Contribution a l'etude des syphilides pigmen- taires. Festschr. . . . Moriz Kaposi z. Prof.-Jubil., Wienu. Leipz., 1900,143-151,1 pl. -----. Sur les troubles de pig- mentation et de vascularisation que provoquent fre- quemment a leur peripheric les syphilides secondaires. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, xi, 155. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, 4. s., i, 637. -----. Sur un cas probable de syphilis ulcereuse heredi- taire compliquee d'une infection purulente tegumentaire a marche progressive. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, xii, 380-382. -----. Nouvelle note sur les syphilides secondaires subordonnees a. l'action de voisinage du chancre indure. Ibid., 1905, xvi, 169. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph.. Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 553. -----. Sur un cas de syphilides plantaires unila- terales et les enseignements qui en decoulent. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1908, xix, 218-220.— Hallopeau (H.) & Bricet. Sur une vaste syphilide ulcereuse precoce a progression excentrique, d6veloppee au pourtour d'un chancre indure. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 454. Also: Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1899, x, 216. — Hallopeau (H.) & Debove. Sur un cas de syphilide presentant un de- veloppement anormal au voisinage del'accident primitif. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 155. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 446.— SYPHILIDES. 353 SYPHILIDES. Syphilides. Also: J.d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1905, xvii, 426.— Hallopeau (H.) & lick. Sur une syphilide liche- no'ide. Ann. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 244- 247. Also: Bull. Soc. frang. ue dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 110-113. — Hallopeau (H.) & Francois- Dainville. Sur un cas de syphilides papuleuses avec atrophie et hyperpigmentation. Bull. Soc. frang. de der- mat, etsyph., Par., 1908, xix, 238-240.------------. Sy- philide ulcereuse de la narine et de la levre superieure, lupus pernio et acne rosacee. Ibid., 1909, xx, 74-76.— Hallopeau (H.) & Liebret. Sur la disposition en ceinture de syphilides secondaires sous la pression du corset. /6id.,1903, xiv, 354. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 956. — Hallopeau (H.) & Leri. Sur un cas de condylomcs aeumines massifs de- veloppes sur des syphilides vegetantes ct les dangers de la medication chronique. Bull. Soc frang. de dermat. et syph., Par.. 1899, x, 175. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 382.—Hallopeau (H.) & MaeiS de Lepinay. Localisations psoriasiques sur des syphilides. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, xvii, 438- 440. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 960-962.—Hallopeau (H.) & Oppert. Sur un cas de syphilides tardives generalisees en foyers isoles. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 44. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 135.—Hal- lopeau (H.) & Sourdille. Surun cas de syphilides tertiaires tuberculo-ulcereuses avec formation de bulles et alterations profondcs des traits, et sur un cas de rupia syphilitique. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1902, xiii, 419-452.— Hallopeau (H.) & Trastour. Sur un cas de syphilides ulcereuses du crane avec forma- tion de sequestres, suppuration associ^e et soulevement synchrone au point de l'exsndat purulent. Ibid., 1900, xi, 226-228. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, 4. s., i, 769-771.------------. Sur la persistance de syphi- lides ulcereuses des regions plantaires, ct leur cause pro- chaine. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, xi, 386-390. Also: Ann. de dermat, et syph., Par., 1900, 4. s., i, 1236-1210.-----------. Eruption bulleuse sur une cicatrice syphilitique recente. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat.etsyph.,Par.,1900,xi,392. Also: Ann. dedermat. etsyph.,Par., 1900,4.s.,i, 1242.-----------. Surtroisnou- veauxcasdesvphilidesprurigineuses. Bull.Soc. frang.de dermat. etsyph.,Par., 1900,xi, 229-231. Also: Ann. deder- mat. etsyph.,Par.,1900,4. s.,i,772-774.—van Harlingen (A.) Skin svphilis of severe type; subsequent involve- ment of theliver. Phila.Polyclin.,1893,ii,287-290.—Hart- tunir. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der wiederkehrenden ma- kulosen Svphilide. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1898, xliii, 307-318.—Hausha Iter. "Syphilides re- belles chez une fillette de 14 ans. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r. ... Mem., 1898-9, p. lxxvii.—Heath (A. D.) Con- genital syphilis; circinate eruption. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1907-8, viii, 392. — Ilecht. Lichen lueticus mit negativer Wassermannscher Reaktion. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 1677. — Herseher. Leuco-atrophies cutanees et che- loi'des conseeutives a des syphilides: syphilide tuber- culeuse lupiforme de la face. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, x, 448-452.—Hirseh- laflf (W.) Ueber Lichen svphiliticus. Dermat. Cen- tralbl., Berl., 1900, iii, 98-101. — Hjelmman (J. V.) Om leucoderma syphiliticum. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1897, xxxix, 1250-1262. Also, transl: Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1897, iv, 606; 696.— Hobbs (J.) & Bousquet. Syphilide secondo-tertiaire tuberculeuse developpee au niveau d'un chancre de la narine. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1896, xvii, 106-109.—Hoehsinger (C.) Ueber luetische Erv- theme. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xvii,420-422.—Hoff- mann (E.) & Lolie (H.) Allgemeine disseminierte Hautsvphilide bei niederen Affen nach Impfung in den Hoden. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 1833-1835 — Houllier. Femme syphilitique atteinte de zona. Poitoumed., Poitiers, 190i, xv, 245.— Hudelo &Bour- ges. Recherches bacteriologiques sur les fausses mem- branes des syphilides diphteroides. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, 9. 8., vi, 81-83.—Hudelo & Herisson. Gommessous-cutan6es multiples de nature indeterminee, peut-etre tuberculeuses. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 120-123. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905,4. a., vi, 336-339.—Hutchinson (Sir J.) Some examples of difficulty in the diagnosis of syphilitic eruptions. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1895, vi, 209-223. -----. On the difficulties which occasionally occur in the diag- nosis of syphilitic eruptions. Edinb. M. J., 1897, n. s., i, 291-293. -----. Theeruptionsof syphilis (syphilodermia). Syst. Med. (Allbutt), Lond., 1899, viii, 805-815. -----. On the syphilitic forms of Bazin's malady. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1900, xi, 107-113. -----. A pruriginous syphilitic eruption; possible chancre of tonsil. Polyclin., Lond., 1901, v, 31. -----. A case of multiple pigmented moles, simulating a syphilitic eruption. Ibid., 1903, vii, 243. -----. Svphilitic leucoderma and the pigmentary svphi- lide. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, i, 85-87.—Hyde. Tuber- cular syphiloderm in a boy. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., vol xvii, 2d sekies---23 Syphilides. N. Y., 1912, xxx, 38.—Hyde (J. N.) Cutaneous mani- festations of syphilis. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1909, xv, 383-388.—Jacquet (L.) Syphilis ou dermatonevrose syphiloi'de? Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, iv, 550-552. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1893,3. s.,iv, 1299-1301. -----. Syphilide papuleuse hyper- trophique. Mus. de l'Hop. Saint-Louis. Iconog. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., [1897?], 175-177, 1 pl. Also, transl: Pict. Atlas Skin Dis. & Syph. ... St. Louis Hosp., Lond. & Phila., 1895-7, 161-163, 1 pl.—Jadassohn. Einige sel- tenere Hautsvphilide. Internat. Cong. Dermat. Off. Trans. 1896, Lond., 1898, iii, 352-360.—Jamieson (W. A.) Case of extensive tertiary serpiginous eruption. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1904-5, n. s., xxiv, 51-53— Jeanselme. Syphilides papuleuses tardives. J. de med. int., Par., 1907, xi, 53. -----. Syphilide psoriasiforme, diagnostic. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1909, xx, 121.— Jones (H. E.) Gummatous and phagedenic ulceration of the skin and mucous membranes in inherited syphilis. Brit. .1. Child. Dis., Lond., 1908, v, 144-152.-Jones (K. H.) Syphilitic leucoderma in a male. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, i, 747.— Jonitescu (G.) Etude clinique et histo- logique sur six cas de syphilides miliaires peripilaires simulant le lichen scrofulosorum et la keratose pilaire. Ann. dedermat. et syph., Par., 1903,4. s., iv,457-479,2pl.— Jordan (M. H.) Remarks on the cutaneous lesions of syphilis. Alabama M. J., Birmingh., 1910, xxiii, 590- 598.—Jul lien (L.) Eruption zosteriforme dans le cours de la syphilis. Bull Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, v, 495-500. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., v, 1254-1259. -----. Zona et syphilis*. Rev. in- ternat de therap. et Pharmacol., Par., 1898, vi, 241-244.— Jungmann. [Ein diehtes, grosspapuloses, knolliges Syphilid.] Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 1229.—Ka- nitz (H.) A leukoderma syphiliticumr61. Gv6gvaszat, Budapest, 1908, xlviii, 802; 826; 847: 1909, xlix, 72; 124; 138; 154. Also, transl: Dermat. Centralbl., Berl., 1909-10, xiii, 2; 34.—Kingsbury (J.) Clinical notes on syphilis; cases of syphiloderma coexisting with other cutaneous affections. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 359-361. Also, Reprint. -----. Palmar syphi- lide. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1909, xxvii, 407. -----. Some circinate syphilides. N.YorkM. J. [etc.],1910, xcii, 853. Also, Reprint.—Kleinman (A. I.) Ried- kaya forma prezhdevremennotyazholavo sifllisa: rupia siphilitica. [Rare form of early . . .] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn., Kharkov, 1901, ii, 942-946— Klotz (H. G.) Syphilitic lesions of the wheal type. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass. 1900, Chicago, 1901,159-165. Also: 3. Cutan. & Genito- Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1901, xix, 81-86. Also, Reprint.—Ko- han (E. A.) Riedkaya lokalizatsiya shankrov, niekoto- rikh sifilidov, merkurializma i prostovo psoriaza. [Rare case of localized chancres, various syphilides, mercurial- ism, and simple psoriasis.] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1903, ii, med. pt., 799-816.—Kopytowski (W.) Nie- zwykly przypadek przymiotu, wystepujacy pod postacia. przyporainajaca. czerwony liszaj. [Unusual case of syph- ilis, appearing like lichen ruber.] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1901, xxii, 559-562. Also, transl: Dermat. Centralbl., Berl., 1900-1901, iv, 258-261.—Kromayer (E.) Multiple subcutane Hautgummata langs der Lymphgefasse im Anschluss an ein Trauma. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1897, iv, 707.—Krzysta-towiez (F.) Por6wnanie histolo- gicznych cech wysypek kitowych ze zwianami klinicznie do nich podobnemi. [Comparison of the histological characters of syphilitic exanthemas with similar clini- cal alterations.] Rozpr. wydz. matemat.-przvr. Akad. Umiej., Krak6w, 1901, 3. s., B, 162-218, 3 pl. Also, transl.: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1901, xxxiii, 205; 261, 3 pl. Also, transl: Bull, internat. Acad. d. sc. de Craco- vie, 1901, 189-205, 3 pl.—L.-C. (P.) Syphilide circinee; varices lymphatiquesdu prepuce; acn6 cheloidienne de la nuque; keratose pilaire; alopecie syphilitique; sclero- dermic en bandes; se^borrhee secheducuirchevelu. J.d. med. et chir. prat., Par., 1895, lxvi, 652.—Lagneau (Q.) Observation de syphilide squamo-ulcereuse. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1865), 1866, i, 96-100.—Lang (E.) Papu- loses Exanthem; Palmar- und Plantarsyphilid, papulose Efflorescenzen an den Augenlidern, der Kopfhaut; exul- cerirter Initialaffect am Zahnfleisehe, entspreehend dem rechten zweiten oberen Schneide- und Eckzahne und ersten Backenzahn; Skleradenitis der Unterkieferdriisen rechts, ebenso der Hals- und Nackendriisen. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1894, Wien u. Leipz., 1896, iii, 660. ■-----. Papuloses Syphilid, Infiltrat des linken Ne- benhodens, Paronychie der linken kleinen Zehe, Palmar- Plantarsyphilid, Lymphadenitis universalis, exulcerirte Skleroseam Penis nach xitueller Circumcision; Hinzutre- ten ulceriiser Perforation des harten Gaumens und einer in der linken Leistengegend mundenden Blasenfistel. Ibid., 1896, Wien u. Leipz., 1898, v, pt. 2, 90-93. -----. Cerebrallues, Palmar- und Plantarsyphilid, einzelne serpiginose oberfliichliche Infiltrate der Haut. Ibid., 95-97.—Lapowski (B.) Erythema recidivans urti- cans faciei in a hereditary svphilitic subject. J. Cutan. Dis. inc. Syph., N. Y., 1908, xxvi, 187.—Lassar (0.) Zur Anamnese der Spatsyphilide. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. SYPHILIDES. 354 SYPHILIDES. Syphilides. Gesellsch. (1892), 1893, xxiii, pt. 2, 132-142. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 718-721. -----. Demons- trationen fiber die Unterscheidung zwischen Syphilis und Hautkrankheiten. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1901, viii, 21-33.—Le Damany (P.) La svphilide pigmen- taire. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1894, xii, 395-397.—L6- i'as (L.) Un cas d'eruption syphilitique sur des che- lo'ides. Progres med., Par., 1906, 3. s., xxii, 257.— Legrain. Note sur un cas de syphilide pigmentaire (meianodermie atypique en placards dissemines sur le tronc). Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par , 1900, xi, 237. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, 4. s., i, 780.—Lenglet & ITIantoux. Cheloi'des d'emblee developpees a la suite de syphilides peripilaires secon- daires. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 416- 418. Also: Bull. Soe. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 206-2US.—Leon (J. T.) Case of syphilitic der- matitis. Proc Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Sect. Stud. Dis.Child., 159.—Lepage. Syphilidesunilaterales chez un hemiplegique. Normandie med., Rouen, 1910, xxvi, 311-314.—Leredde. Sur un cas de syphilis de la peau. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1903, cxlv, 810- 815.—Lespinne. Syphilides ungueales et periungueales. Progres med. beige, Brux., 1905, vii, 65-69.—Lesser. [Zwei Fiille von svphilitischem Exanthem.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 991.—Lewin (G.) & Heller (J.) Cornua cutanea syphilitica. Internat. Atlas seit. Hautkr., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1892, pl.xxi, with text.—Lippolis (V.) Sopra un caso di sifiloderma polimorfo (roseola tardiva, sifiloderma areolarepigmentato, sifiloderma tubercolare). Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1909, xii, 26-28.—Little (E. G. G.) Case of leucoderma svphiliticum. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1911, iv, Dermat. Sect,, 102.—Little (G.) A case of ringed congenital syphilide in an infant aged 7 months. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1902, xiv, 299. -----. [Case of lichenoid syphilide.] Ibid., 1903, xv, 458.—Lime (H.) Disseminierte Hautsvphilide bei nie- deren Affen nach Impfung in die Mamma. Charite^Ann., Berl., 1909, xxxiii, 721-724.—Loew (L.l Leukoderma syphiliticum ritka esete. [Singular case.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1906, iv, 615.—Loewald (A.) Beitrag zur Diagnostik der Hautgummen. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1899, vi, 577-582.—Lydston (G. F.) A case of circinate papulo-erythematous syphilide with psoriasis palmaris syphilitica. Chicago M. Recorder, 1892, iii, 558-566. Also: Med. News, Phila.. 1892. lxi, 122-125—OTcDonagh (J.E. R.) Case of leucoderma svphiliticum. Proc.Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Dermat. Sect,, 114.— Mac- K.ee. Svphilis psoriasiformis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Svph., N. Y., 1910, xxviii, 299.—]Uajkowski (J.) Przymiot skorny drobnoguziczkowy powrotny (lichen syphiliticus s. syphil. cutanea miliaris recidiva). Medycyna, War- szawa, 1892, xx, 185.—Majoechi(D.) Sopra una varieta non descritta di rupia sifilitica, rupia sifilitica foliacea. Mem.r.Accad.d. sed. Ist. di Bologna (1901-3), 1902-4,5.s.,x, 657-696,3pl. Also [Abstr.]: Gior.ital.d. mal. ven..Milano, 1898, xxxiii, 202-205. Also, Reprint.—IUalhgrbe (H.) Deux cas de svphilide pigmentaire chez l'homme. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1895-6, xiv, 13-15.—Malieyeff (I. V.) Sluchal mnozhestvennavo pervichnavo sifiliticheskavo porazheniva. [Multiple primary svphilis.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1901, lxxix, med.-spec pt., 3312-3315.— JIalishetf'(I.M.) Svphilis cutanea vegetans. Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh., 1898-9, viii, 131-135—Man- tegazza (U.) Sulle dermatosi sifilitiche. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1895, xxx, 312; 475.—OTarehesi (C.) Siflliderma piymentario. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1908, xi, 105-107.—Jla reuse (M.) Ueber nodose Syphi- lide (Erythema nodosum syphiliticum) und syphi- litische Phlebitis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1902, lxiii, 3-26, 1 pl.—Jlarkley (J. J.) A con- sideration of mild or obscure syphilis; based upon ob- servation of its skin manifestations. Colorado Med., Denver, 1911, viii, 82-87— .11 artel (L.) Contribution a l'etude des pseudo-neoplasmes svphilitiques. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par.. 1898, 3. s., ix, 215-221.— Massardo (Maria Fernanda). Sifiiide recente, panade- nopatia roseola, papule nei genitali, ipercromia conge- nita, verruche pigmentose, faringite catarrale. Clin, der- mosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1905, xxiii, 106-108.— UIaut6 (A.) Deux cas de pseudo-lupus syphilitique. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1910, xxiv, 245.— Piazza (G.) Siflliderma gommoso dell' asta. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1892, xxvii, 52-57, 1 pl.— Meachen (G. N.) Case of sveosiform svphilide. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1911, iv, Dermat. Sect., 105.— Mendes da Costa. Enkele gevallen van herpeti- forme syphiliden. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1908, xiv, 497- 501.. See, a/so, infra, Schoonheid.—IHendozzi ( G.) Sifiloderma psoriasiforme tardivocircoscritto della palma della mano. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1910, n. s., xxxii, 364-368.—Ilewborn. A case of diffusemili- ary papular syphilide with tumors in lumbar and mam- mary region (gummata?). J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 182.—Michelson (P.) Ist Lichen svphi- liticus das Product einer Mischinfection zwischen Sy- philis und Tuberculose? Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], BerL, 1889, cxviii, 556-569.— Jlironovieh (V. V.) Sluchal Syphilides. rannyavo razvitiya pigmentnavo sifllisa. [Early devel opment of pigmented syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven- Boliezn., Kharkov, 1908, xv, 149-155. -----. Vest li osno- vaniye isklyuchat pigmentniy sifilis iz razryada parasifi- liticheskikh zabollevaniy? [Is there any "basis for ex- cluding pigmented syphilis from the list of parasvphilitic diseases?] i&ti\i&os vnaTO-i\KwSovt KaTa.irX6.Kai. 'IarpiKr) irp6o&os,'Hi> 2iipw, 1902, vii. 198. Also, transl: Grece med.,Syra, 1902, iv, 15.'—Morawetz (ti.j [Ein papuloses Syphilid des behaarten Kopfes und behar- teten Gesichtsanteils.] Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch Naturf. u. Aerzte 1909, Leipz., 1910, lxxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 260.—JTloreau & Bullet. Syphilides gommeuses sui- viesd'ectropioncicatriciel. Lyon med.,1908,ex,962-964.— Jflorel-Lavallee. Le chancre est-il une cause d'appel des syphilides dans la region qu'il a occupee? Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, iv, 46.—3Iosca (L.) Un caso di sifiloderma ulcerante del braccio da sifiiide ignorata. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1902, n. s., xxiv, 924-931.—]Uuiiro (W. J.) On the diagnosis from syphilis of certain non-svphilitic skin affections. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1900, xix, 64; 109.—Neisser. De- monstration eines Falles mit fiber den ganzen Korper ver- breitetem Syphilid mit gleichzeitiger Abducenslahmung rechterseits. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1904, lxxiii, 127-129.—Neumann (J.) Diagnostik und Therapie der Hautsyphiliden. Wien. Klinik, 1876, ii, 33-64.—Nicolas (J.) & Favre (M.) Sur un cas de syphilides ulcereuses a cicatrisation cheloidienne. Lyon mod., 1906, cvii, 119- 122.----------. Contribution a 1'histologie pathologique des syphilides tertiaires cutanees (cellules geantes et fol- licule syphilitique). Ibid., 1907, cviii, 1147-1151. ----- -----. Sur l'existence de cellules geantes dans les svphi- lidestertiairesdesmuqueuses. Ibid.,cix, 1074-1076. "Also: Bull. Soc. mod. d. hop. de Lyon, 1907, vi, 310-312.— Nico- las (J.) & Laurent (C.) Syphilides tertiaires acneiques du nez. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1909, viii, 46.— Nielsen (L.) Circiniiresyphilitische Erytheme (Neurc- syphilide Unna). Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1896, xxii, 500; 555. -----. Annulat Syphilid i Randen af Arret efter Induratior.en. Hosp.-Tid., Kjabenh., 1908, 5. R., i, 39-41. Also, transl: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1908, xlvi, 225-227. -----. Papulo-erosive Syphi- lide in Mund und Schlund mit Nachweisung von Spirc- chaete pallida ungefahr neun Jahre nach der Infektion. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1909, xlviii, 53-55.— Noyes (A. W. F.) The ratio of the various skin and mucous membrane lesions of svphilis. Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 1908, Victoria, 1909, iii, 151.—Ochs (B. F.) Eczema and syphilis of the palms and the soles. J. Cu- tan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 326.—Ohmann- Duiuesnil (A. H.) Varioliform syphilide. Quart. Atlas Dermat., St. Louis, 1895-6, iii, 69-72. -----. Pustulo- crustaceous syphilide. Ibid., 73-76. -----. Crustaceous svphilide. Ibid., 99-101. -----. The large pustular syphi- lide. Tri-State M. J., St. Louis, 1896, iii, 346-353. -----. The varioliform syphilide. Ibid., 1897, iv, 60-67. Also, Reprint. -----. The squamous svphilide. Tri-State M. J. & Pract., St. Louis. 1897, iv, 163-170. Also, Reprint. -----. The pustulo-crustaceous svphilide. Tri-State M. J. & Pract., St. Louis, 1897, iv, 245-252. Also, Reprint. -----. Svphilitic pigmentation. Tri-State M. J. & Pract., St. Louis, 1897, iv, 360-366. -----. Ulcero-crustaceous syphilide. Ibid., 609-616. Also, Reprint. -----. The pus- tular syphilide. Tri-State M. J. & Pract., St. Louis, 1898, v, 171-177. -----. The serpiginous syphilide. Ibid., 485- 491. -----. The crustaceous syphilide. Ibid., 1899, vi, 81- 89. -----. The squamous palmar svphilide. Texas M. News, Austin, 1898-9, viii, 529-537. Also: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1899, lxxvii, 333-342. -----. Biett's collarette and the satellite syphilide. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1904.1xxxvii, 121-126. -----. A case of skin affection simulating svphi- lis. Ibid., 289-293. -----. The differential diagnosis of syphilitic eruptions. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1901, 14. s., iii, 11-21, 22pl.—Ostermayer (N.) Ein Fall von Syphi- lis cutanea vegetans. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1893, xxv, 937-940.—de Oyarzsihal (E.) Sifi- iide papulosa gigante en un individuo con ictiosis serpen- tina 6 sauri6sica. Rev. espafi. de dermat. v sif., Madrid, 1911, xiii, 541-543.—Paganelli (T. R.l A case of ter- tiary syphilis having the appearance of lupus vulgaris. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Orange, 1909-10, vi, 349.—Papee (J.) Papulo-erosive Syphilide zehn und dreizehn Jahre nach der Infektion. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1909, xlviii, 347-352.—Pasini (A.) Sopra un caso di eri- tema sifllitico emorragico; contributo alio studio delle dermatosisifiliticheemorragiche. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1904, xxxix, 137-158.—Pautrier (L.-M.) Les rapports de la svphilis et du vitiligo. Rev. prat. d. mal- cutan. [etc.], Par., 1904, iii, 158-165. -----. Leucomelano. SYPHILIDES. 355 SYPHILIDES. Syphilides. dermie svphilitique (lepre kabyle) et vitiligo. Ibid., 314; 347.—PawlofT(P A.) & Mamurowsky (A. G.) Zur Frage der Blasensvphilide bei Erwachsenen; ein Fall von Syphilis bullosa "(Pemphigus syphiliticus) adultorum. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1911, liii, 3-19, 2 pl.— Penichet y Gonzalez (T.) Un caso de rupia sifi- litica. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1909, xiv, 293-299.—Pernet (G.) The differential diagnosis of syphilitic and non-svphilitic affectionsof the skin. Scalpel, Lond., 1900, v, 139-146. -----. [Extensive case of annular and gyrate syphilide.] Brit. J. Dermat., Lond.,1903, xv, 170. _____. a severe complicated case of syphilis in which three different secondary eruptions occurred in suc- cession. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Leipz. u. Wien, 1911, cvii. 135-138.—Perrin (L.) Syphilides et syphi- loides; herpes vacciniforme du jeune age; stomatite de l'hvdroa. Marseille med., 1900, xxxvii, 161-168.—Pe- t rin i. Note sur une observation des syphilides fram- boesiformcs, vegetantes cutanees generalisees (papillo- mes svpliilitiques). Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Ge- sellsch. Wien u. Leipz., 1894, iv, 272-301, 2 pl.—Phila- retopoulos (G. L.) Le prurit dans les dermatoses syphilitiques.^ Med. orient., Par.t 1899, iii, 222. -----. 2vn/3oAq cis tt/v i*.e\eTr)v Tijs xpuisriK))? o-ucpiAifios. 'IaTpixo? urivvrutp, 'A.&fivai, 1908, viii, 2.—Philippson (L.) Di un caso di sifiiide tuberosa universale. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1897, xxxii, 145-151.—Pieardi (G.) Sifi- loderma emorragico degli adulti. Policlin., Roma, 1900, vii, sez. med., 148-158. Also, transl: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz , 1899, 1, 3-22, 1 pl— PoCano (.M. E*.) Chronisch eczeem of svphilis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1911, i, 1089-1091.—Poltavtseit'i A. P.) Sluchal dlitelnavo sushtshestvovaniya sitilhicheskikh bugorkov v oblasti litsa. [Prolonged presence of syphi- lides in the face.l Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1904, vii, 270-274. -----. Sluchal obshtshel sifi- liticheskol lelkodermi. [General syphilitic leucoderma.] Ibid., 1906,xi,437.—Post. A case of papulo-pustular syphi- lide of varioliform character. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N.Y.,1907, xxv, 38.— Queyrat (L.) Syphilide pigmen- taire generalisee chez l'homme. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1903, 3. s., xx, 855.-----. Syphilidenigri- cante. Ibid., 857. -----. Syphilide ulcero-gommeuse de la levre inferieure simulant a s'ymeprendre un chancre syphilitique. Ibid.. 1904, 3. s., xxi, 903.—Badaeli (F.) Ricerche sul ricambio materiale nella sifiiide recente. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1900, liv, 263-297.— Bavogli (A.) "The proliferating forms of cutaneous Bvphilids. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 18-22.— Renault (A.) Les syphilides secondaires et tertiaires; essai de classification. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1894, viii, 601-604. -----. Un exemple de syphilide pigmentaire presque generalisee. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 448-451. -----. Exem- ples de dermatoses etrangeres a la syphilis et co'incidant avec des accidents specifiques; importance de ces faits au point de vue du diagnostic Rev. gen. de clin. et de the- rap., Par., 1896, x, 449-451. -----. Dermite professionnelle et syphilide psoriasiforme. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 461. Also: Bull. Soc frang. de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1898, ix, 232. -----. Eruption bulleuse chez un syphilitique en periode serondaire. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, 4. s., i, 1166-1171. -----. Sur un cas tres rare de svphilide pigmentaire chez un homme. Bull, etmem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1900, 3. s., xvii, 7-9. -----. Sur un cas de syphilide keratosique miliaire. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 144-147. Also: Ann. dedermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 305-308. -----. Syphilides ulcereuses precoces et dactylite consecutive du pouce et de 1'index de la main droite. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 218-251. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 580-583. -----. Svphilide tertiaire d'aspect anor- mal. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 26-29. -----. Malade atteint simultanement d'une eruption specifique et d'un lichen scrofulosorum. Bull. Soc" frang. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1907, xviii, 82. -----. Syphilide pigmentaire du cou etendue a toute la partie anterieure de la poitrine; vitiligo concomitant. Ibid., 301. -----. Cicatrices hypertrophiques conse- cutives a une svphilide papuleuse. Ibid., 1908, xix, 234. -----. Syphilide lichenofdeetcicatriees hypertrophiques, consecutives a une syphilide papuleuse. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1908, 3. s., xxv, 1014-1018. -----. Des svphilides gommeuses ulceratives. Rev. gen. de clin. et "de therap.. Par., 1908, xxii, 449-452. -----. Syphilide psoriasiforme; sclerose linguale syphilitique tardive; syphilis et blennorrhagie; prurigo ethylique. Med. mod., Par., 1908, xix, 225.------. Lupus erythema- teux ou syphilis lupo'ide. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 221. -----. Cicatrices hypertro- phiques a la suite d'une syphilide papuleuse ancienne. Ibid., 1909, xx, 145.-----. Vastes syphilides ulcereuses precoces et plaqueserythemateuses concomitantes. Ibid., 154.—Renault (A.) & Salmon (P.) Psoriasis et syphi- lis; valeur diagnostiaue du treponema. Ibid., 1908, xix, 319-321.—Bi lie. Fall von ausgebreitetem hamorrhagi- schen Syphilid. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1003,1,1234.— Syphilides. Bobbins (H. A.) a case of polymorphism. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1899, xiii, 195-197. Also, Reprint. -----. The variola-form syphilouerm. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis,1907,xi,330. Also, Reprint. -----. Acaseof polymorphism. Ibid., 1908, xii, 98.— Romero (J. F.) Un obscuro caso de sifilis papulosa tornado como lepra tu- berosa. Cr6n. m6d. mexicana, Mexico, 1906, ix, 281-286.— Ronchi (G.) Contributo alio studiodel sifiloderma pig- mentario primltivo. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli,1906, xxii, 734-739.—Rtfth (R.) Pustulosus syphilid ritkabb esete. [A curious case of .. .] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1904, xlviii, 421.—de Rothschild (H.) Syphilides maculo- papuleuses chez un nourrisson. Rev. d'hyg. et de med. inf. [etc.],Par., 1902,i, 161,lpl.—Ruta(S.) Studioclinico sui sifilodermi zosteriformi, con contributo di un caso non comune a localizzazione facciale e lombo-addomi- nale. Ga/z. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1910, xiii, 872- 879.—Rutherford. [Polymorphous syphilodermata.] Brit. ,). Dermat., Lond., 1904, xvi, 109.—Sabin (Mile. B.) Psoriasis et syphilides psoriasiformes; valeur diagno- stiaue de la sero-reaction de Wassermann. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 594-600.—Schamberg (J. F.) The cutaneous manifestations of svphilis. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1904, xxv, 85-87. [Discussion], 104- 109.—Seherber(G.) Beitrage zur Klinik und Histolo- gie der nodosen Svphilide. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1906, lxxix, 163-186.—Scheuer" (O.) Ueber den Pemphigus syphiliticus adultorum. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, 3130-3133.—Schoonheid (P. H.) Opmerkingen naar aanleiding van het artikel "Herpes bij syphilitischen." Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1908, xiv, 629.—See & Druelle. Syphilide gommeuse de la paume de la main. Syphilis, Par., 1903, i, SOS- SIS.—Sequeira (J. H.) Four syphilides. Tr. Hunte- rian Soc, Lond., 1903-4, 60.—Sergent (E.) Les formes scrofulo'ides de la syphilis. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir.. Par., 1908, xix, 201-203.—Serra (A.) Di un caso di siflliderma nodulo-ulcerante precoce. Morgagni, Milano, 1901, xliii, 130-136.—Shillitoe (A.) [Case of varioliform syphilide.] Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1903, xv, 107. -----. A case of a pustulo-papular syphilide of the so-called varioloid type. Ibid., 1904, xvi, 281-283, 2 pl. -----. Case of circinate erythematous syphilide. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Dermat. Sect., 21.— Shoemaker (J. B.) Syphilis squamosa. Med. Era, St. Louis, 1909, xviii, 9-11. — Shoemaker (J. V.) Re- portof a case of large papular syphilide. Med. Bull., Phila., 1893, xv, 412-416. — Sibley. Unusual syphilitic eruption. Clin. J., Lond., 1895-6, vii, 295. — Sieard (J.- A.) & Touchard. Deux cas de syphilides zoniformes tertiaires; l'un d'eux chez un tabetique; lymphocytose du liquide cephalo-rachidien. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h&p. de Par., 1903, 3. s., xx, 1064-1068. — Simon (C.) Diagnostic entre les syphilides psoriasiformes et les pso- riasis par le grattage methodique. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 88-95.—Solger (F: B.) Weitere Beitrage zur Bedeutung des HautfarbstoiYs, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Leukoderma syphiliticum. DermaLZtschr., Berl., 1907, xiv, 733-743.—Spillinann (P.) & Etienue (G.) Syphilides zoniformes. Presse med., Par., 1897, ii, 361.— Spillinann (P.) & Perrin (M.) Syphilides cutanees au cours du tabes et de la paralysie generale. Prov. med., Par., 1911, xxii, 397-399. — Sprecher. Sulla contagio- sity della gomma sifilitica. Path. riv. quindicin., Ge- nova, 1910-11, iii, 47-50.—Steiner CG.) Lues es psoriasis vulgaris esete. [Case.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1904, xlviii, 423.—Stevens (R. H.) Large flat pustulo-crusta- ceousand pustular ulcerative syphiloderm. Med. Cen- tury, N. Y. & Chicago, 1907, xv, 73. — Stitt (E. R.) & Higgins (S. L.) Blastomycotic lesions in a case of syphilis. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1910, iv, 388.— Stout. Syphilis resembling dermatitis herpetiformis; a case. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1908, xxvi, 278.— Stravino (A.) Esiti tardivi della sifiiide, elefantiasi della mano sinistra consecutive, a granulomi gommosi ulcerati ed a risipole recidivanti. Incurabili, Napoli, 1897, xii, 737-744. — Stroscher (A.) Ein unter dem Bilde eines Erythema exsudativum verlaufendes Exan- them bei Lues congenita. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xvii, 155-160, lpl. — Tanaka (T.) [The connection between syphilitic exanthemata and erysipelas curative serum.] Hifukwa kiu Hiniokikwa Zasshi, Tokyo, 1907, vii, 457-460.—Taylor (R. W.) The pigmentary svphi- lide. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1892, x, 317. Also: N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 177-180, 3 pl. Also, Re- print. -----. The evolution of intraprimary lesions of svphilis; successive chancres and prodromal syphi- lides. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 844-847.—Terebinski (V.L) Material! k ucheniyu o rannel poverkhnostnol sifiliticheskol ektimle. [On early superficial syphilitic ecthyma.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1906, xii, 18-49.-----. Material! k ucheniyu o rannel po- verkhnostnol sifiliticheskol ektimle. [Early superficial svphilitic ecthyma.] Ibid., 1907, xii, 18; 102; 175; 228; 288; 384, 3 pl. -----. Parapsoriasis iii sifilis? Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 319-322. —Thibierge (G.) Gommes syphilitiques cutanees, doveloppees cinquante- deux ans apres le chancre. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. SYPHILIDES. 35i Syphilides. Ti6p. de Par., 1893, 3. s., x, 699-703. -----. Plaques syphi- litiques de la peau circinees confluentes en cocarde (sy- philides papulo-squameuses circuities des auteurs). Mus. de l'Hop. St. Louis. Iconog d. mal. cutan. et svph., Par., [1896], 43-52, 1 pl. Also, transl: Pict. Atlas Skin Dis. & Syph. ... St. Louis Hosp., Lond. & Phila., 1895-7, 39-46, 1 pl. -----. Note sur un cas de syphilides ulcereuses sur- venues chez un malade atteint de paralysie infantile et ayant respecte le membre atrophie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1897, 3. s., xiv, 114-117. -----. La syphilide papuleuse, la syphilide folliculaire, la plaque syphilitique de la peau. J. de med. int., Par., 1903, vii, 175-178. -----. Les conditions du developpement de la Bvphilide pigmentaire (Leucoderma svphiliticum). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 988-991. -----. Des maladies de la peau le plus souvent associees avec la svphilis. J. demed. de Par., 1906, 2. s., xviii, 187. — Thiblerge (G.) & Ravaut (P.) Syphilis datant de dix-huit mois; syphilide pigmentaire rappelant le vitiligo; ce- phalalgie a type neurasthenique; lymphocytose du li- quide cephalo-rachidien. Bull, et mem. Soc. d. h6p. de Par., 1902,3. s., xix, 1156-1160.—Thimm (P.) Ein eigen- artiges hiimorrhagisches Syphilid der Haut. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 243. — Tizhnenko (A. M.) Sluchal rannyavo poyavleniya universalnavo miliarnavo sifilida. [Early appearance of universal miliary syphilides.] Voyenno-med. J., St.-Pe- tersb., 1911, ccxxxii, med.-spec pt., 586-589.—Tomma- soli (P. L.) Sifiiide e cheratosi follicolare (a proposito di un caso di perifollicoliti atrofico-pigmentose in donna ca- chettica con sifiiide recente). Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1895, xxx, 339-352,1 pl. -----. Sifiiide e sifilismo. Riforma med., Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. 2, 206; 218.—Towle (H. P.) Svphilis? Post-scabetic eruption. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph!, N. Y., 1908, xxvi, 472.—Trautmann (G.) Ueber "einen Fall von isoliertem Lichen planus mucosae oris bei einem Luetiker. Dermat. Centralbl., Leipz., 1909, xii, 100-107.—Tr^guier. Dermite papulo-erosive pseudo-svphilitique. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1901, lxxvi, 448-451.—Trimble (W. B.) The mottled chin in svphilis, and other dermatological observations. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1911, xxix, 569-578, 4 pl.— Umbert. Notas sobre la sifiiide palmar en sabana. Rev. espafi, de dermat. y s f., Madrid, 1911, xiii, 301- 307. — Vasiliad. Un cas de sifiiide papulo-tubercu- loase in masa si gomoase a pelel. Presa med. rom., Bu- curescI, 1890-1900, vi, 194-199.— Verchfere & Bern- heiiu. Syphilides ulcero-gommeuses. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1902, xiii, 517-520. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902,4. s., iii, 1141-1144.—Ver- rotti (G.) Tre casi dubbi di sifiiide chiariti dall' esame ematologico. Gior.internaz.d.sc.med.,Napoli, 1902,n.s., xxiv, 97-114.-----. Di un caso singolare di dermati te erite- mato-nodosa da sifiiide ignorata. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1906, xii, 555-560. Also, transl: Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1907, ii, 339-356. -----. Di un caso di sifiloderma pa- pulo-squamoso miliare simulante la pitiriasis rubra pilaris. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1906, xii, 560-562. -----. Cas singulier de syphilodermite erythemato-noueuse tar- dive simulant cliniquement la sporotrichose gommeuse a foyers multiples; contribution clinique et histologique. [Trad, par Mme. le Dr. Grandjean-Bayard.] Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 801-828.—Viiieta Bellaserra. Estudio clinico de la sifiiide pigmentaria; la sifilis en las prostitutus. Rev. espafi. de sif. y dermat., Madrid, 1902, iv, 303-318.—Vilrner (H.) Zum Leucoderma syphiliti- cum. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1909, xcvii, 203-210. -----. Pemphigus syphiliticus localis, im besonderen bei der Svphilis acquisita der Erwachsenen. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xvii, 412-420.—Volk (R.) Ueber Anetodermia cutis maculosa in luetico. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien. u. Leipz., 1910, civ, 9-46, 1 pl.— Wechselmanii. Bemerkungen zu den friiher vorge- stellten Fallen von Erythrodermia exfoliativa pseudo- leucsemica und von Ervthema nodosum im Verlaufe von Syphilis. Dermat, Ztschr., Berl., 1906, xiii, 657-659.— Wermaiiu. Ueber eine eigenthumliche Lokalisation des tertiiiren Hautsyphilids. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 877.—Whitfield (A.) Report of a case of the corvmbose svphilide. Brit. J. Dermat.. Lond., 1901, xiii,283-288, 2pl.— Wickhani (L.) Pianoii syphilis? Ann. dedermat. et svph., Par.,1894,3. s.,v,536- 541. -----. Syphilis lichenoi'de. Ibid., 1895, 3. s., vi, 125. Also: Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, vi, 48.—Widal (F.)& Weill (A.) Sporotrichose gommeuse disseminee a noyaux tres confluents; gommes dermiques pour la plupart; gommes hypodermiques et intramusculai- res; gomme sous-periostee tibiafe; presence du parasite danslesang. Bull.etmem. Soc. med. d. h6p.dePar., 1908, 3. s., xxv, 944-917.—Winkler (F.) Experimentelle Bei- triige zur Kenntnis des Leukoderma syphiliticum. Der- mat. Stud., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1910, xx, 104-112.—Winter- nitz (R.) Ein Beitrag zur Klinik und Anatomie der no- dosenSyphilide. Arch. f. Dermat.u.Svph., Wienu.Leipz., 1906,lxxix,75-92,2pl.—\Voll'(H.) DieSvphilide. Frauen- Arzt,Leipz., 1906,xxi,242; 302.—Zanibilovici. Manoeu- vres obstetricales sur une femme enceinte atteinte de Byphilides genitales erosives contagieuses. Bull, et mem. Soc. dechir. de Bucarest, 1906-7, ix, 242. SYPHILIDES. Syphilides (Treatment of). Coloxna (F.) * Contribution a l'etude de la syphilide psoriasiforme de la main et de son traitement par les injections de calomel. 8°. Toulouse, 1899. Hasluxd (A.) Hudsygdomme og syphilis; behandling med bade- og kurrejser. [Skin dis- ease and syphilis; treatment by baths and travels.] 8°. Kobenharn, 1901. Meinnier (J.) * Contribution ii l'etude du traitement local des syphilides secondaires et en particulier par les fumigations en calomel. 4°. Paris, 1894. Anjile (E.J.) Staphylococcic vaccine as an adjunct in the treatment of persistent ulcerative syphilides. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1910, xiv, 21-23.— Balzer (F.) & tiarsaux. Syphilide papulo-tubercu- leuse tres etendue; traitement par l'hectine, le calomel et l'arsenphenylchlorohydroxylaminc. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii, 135-139.—Beates (H.), jr. A brief consideration of certain fundamental principles underlying the diagnosis and the means em- ployed in the treatment of syphilitic ulcerative cuta- neous lesions. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1909, xiii, 339-342. — Breiger. Heilung eines Syphilids des Gesichts durch Lichttherapie. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1903, Berl., 1904, xxxiv, 208-212. Also [Abstr.]: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 643.— Buret. Contribution au traitement des syphilides cutanees. France med., Par., 1897, xliv, 481-4K3.'—<'am- pana (R.) Delle difflcolta della cura della psoriasi sifi- litica e delle altre manifestazioni palmari e plantari, epidermolitiche, di origine sifilitica. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1907, xxxiii, 51-53. Also: Clin, dermosifi- lopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1907, xxv, fasc. 1, pt. 3, 1-3.— Fiigman (M. F.) Some complications of syphilis of the skin and their treatment. St. Louis M. itev., 1901, xliv, 109-116. Also, Reprint.—Fournier(A.) Letraite- ment des syphilides secondaires. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1893, lxvi, 853. Also: Rev. prat. d. trav. de med., Par., 1899, lvi, 82-85. -----. Pseudo-lupus syphilitique. Le calomel a-t-il action sur le lupus? Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 413-415.—Fox (G. H.) Small flat papular syphilide treated with Ehrlich's "606." J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1911, xxix, 293. -----. Papulo- squamous syphilide treated with Ehrlich's "606." Ibid., 294. -----. Pustulo-crustaceous syphilide treated with salvarsan. Ibid., 345. — Galup (J.) & Stodd (G.) Syphilide ulcereuse du poignet traitee par des injections intra-veineuses de mercure colloidal electrique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1908, 3. s., xxv, 357-359.— Gaucher. Syphilides ulcereuses; traitement par voie stomacale au lactate de mercure. J. de med. int., Par., 1903, vii, 243.-----. Traitement des syphilides ulcereuses rebelles au traitement specifique mixte, par Taction com- bined des scarifications et des effluves de haute frequence. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, xix,263.— Hallopeau. De l'action comparative du traitement local des syphilides ulcereuses par l'eau bouillie et par le sublime au ™fone. Ibid., 1901, xii, 2-4. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, 4. s., ii, 30-32. -----. Traite- ment local des syphilides ulcereuses par l'application permanente de compresses impregnees d'une solution de sublime au cinq millieme. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1902, xiii, 505. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 1129. -----. Sur le traitement local des syphilides. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, xvii, 274. Also: Ann.de dermat. et svph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii,462.—Hallopeau (H.) & Grarichamp. Action locale du traitement mercuriel sur les syphilides du visage. Bull. Soc. frang. dedermat. etsyph., Par.,1906, xvii, 243. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 384.—Hartzell (M. B.) Some practical pointsin the treatment of late cutaneous svphilis. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1898, xix, 70-78.—Kalb (R.) Ueberdie cutane Reaktion der Syphilide bei der Behandlung mit Arsenobenzol und ihre Deutung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 10-13. — Lacapere. Traitement de la leucoplasie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1909, no. 32, 5. — Leistikow (L.) Zur Therapie der Neurosyphilide. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1894, xviii, 177-179.— OTauriac (C.) Guerison tres rapide d'une syphilide papuleuse confluente par l'hvdrargvrie cutanee aigue. Gaz.d. h6p., Par., 1892,lxv, 859-861. Also: 3. d. mal.cutan. etsyph., Par., 1*93, v, 46.5-470.—Neisser & Siebert(C) L'unguento Hey den nella cura della sifiiide. N. progr. internaz. med.-chir., Napoli, 1905-6, ii, 17-19—Nicolich (G.) Sifiiide ulcerosa maligna precoce; cachessia sifili- tica, ribelle a tutte le cure, guarita con le polveri del Pollini. Boll. d. mal. ven., sif. e d. pelle, Roma, 1903, iv, 117. — Oppenheim (M.) Ueber einige durch Sal- varsanbehandlung bedingte Eigentumlichkeiten kuta- ner Svphilis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv, 1390- 1393. —Petrini. Comment devons-nous traiter au- jourd'hui la syphilis? [Avec deux observations de sy- philides ulcero-gommeuses du nez.] Ann. d. mal. ven., SYPHILIDES. 357 SYPHILIS. Syphilides (Treatment of). Par., 1908, iii, 664-692.—Renault (A.) Les syphilides papuleuses et leur traitement. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1903, xvii, 486-4*8—Kofoin (A.) Deux cas de syphilides cutanees; choix du traitement a appliquer aux svphilitiques. J. de med., int. Par., 1903, vii, 223. —Sgobbo (F. P.) La Finsenterapia e la R6nt- genterapia in una lesione cutanea sifilitica. Gazz. inter- naz. di med., Napoli, 1905, viii, 421; 448. Also: Gior. di elett. med., Napoli, 1906, vii, 7-10,1 pl.—Simon (C.) Un cas de phagedenisme sur syphilides traite et gueri par l'exevese chirurgicale. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, 4. s., ix, 102-105.—Stodel & Galup. Syphilide tu- bereulo-ulcereuse guerie par des injections intramuscu- laires de mercure colloidal eiectrique. Bull. Soc frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 22.—Treiter (V.) Sluchal izllechehiya yazvennavo kozhnavo sifilida kako- dilovokisiim natriyein. [Cure of ulcerated cutaneous syphilide by sodium cacodylate.] Novoye v Med., S.-Pe- terb., 1911, v, 74.—Triolo (G.) Sitilide palmare; con- tributo alio studio della scelta di un trattamento mercu- riale; errori di diagnosi a cui pud condurre il criterio di un trattamentogenerico. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 547 — Unna (P. G.) Ueber den Einfluss des Quecksilbers auf das papulose Svphilid. Arb.a.Unna'sKlin.f. Hautkr. in Hamb. 1892-3,Berl.,1894.11-23. Also: Berl. klin. Wchn- schr.,Berl.,1892,xxix,614-618. Afeo.Reprint.—Van Har- lingen (A.) The local treatment of cutaneous syphilis. Phila. Polyclin.. 1898, vii, 177. Als,,.- Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1898, xix, 68. — Vignolo-Lulatl ( C.) Nuovo contributo di ricerche sulle parvenze cliniche della guarigione cutanea in rapporto coll' infezione sifi- litica. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1910, lxi, 421-125. Syphilides (Tubercular). Zeppexfeld (C.) * Beitrag zur Frage des Lichen syphiliticus beruhend auf einer Misch- infection von Syphilis und Tuberkulose. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1890. Balzer & Faure-Beaulien. Syphilide tubercu- leuse circinee de la region peribuccale. Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 527. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 1151.—Balzer & Galup. Syphilide tuberculeuse zoniforme avec cica- trices atrophiques. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1907, xviii, 360-362. — Balzer, Mouneyrat & JIaillet. Syphilide tuberculeuse tres etendue avec elephantiasis, traitee par une nouvelle preparation arse- nicale,lebenzolsulfoneparaminophenylarsinatedesoude. Ibid., 1909, xx, 234-239.—Bayet (A.) Syphilides circi- nees ou tuberculides chez un heredo-syphilitique. Soc. beige de dermat. et de syph. Bull., Brux., 1901-2, ii, 99.—Brault (J.) Fausses chelo'ides consecutives a des svphilides tuberculo-ulcereuses. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 193-195. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 354-356. — Brayton (A. W.) Differentiation of the tubercular syphilide from bromine acne, sycosis and lupus vulgaris, with cases. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1892-3, xi, 166-169.— Cabannes & Laion (C.) Syphilides tuberculo-ulce- reuses de la paupiere inferieure et de la region lacrymale; manifestation de la syphilis acquise chez un heredo- syphilitique. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 865.— f'antrell (J. A ) A case of tubercular syphiloderm. Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1895, xvi, 1. -----. The tuber- cular syphiloderm. Ibid., 1896, xvii, 110-114.—Chiri- vino (V.) Sifiloderma tubercolare attenuato; due os- servazioni cliniche con ricerche istologiche da servire alio studio dei sifilodermi terziarii a modalita eruttiva secondaria. Gazz internaz. di med., Napoli, 1911, xiv, 734-738.—Dan los. Syphilide tuberculeuse en nappe datant de 3 ans et simulant un lichen. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par , 1905, xvi, 25. Also: Ann. de dermat.etsyph., Par., 1905,4.s.,vi,86.—Eudlitz. Syphi- lides tuberculeuses seches en mappe; syphilis datant de 88ansetnontraitee. Ann. dedermat.etsyph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 559. Also: Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1895, vi, 266— Feulard (H.) Syphilides gangre- neuses. 1° Syphilide tuberculo gangreneuse; 2° Gomme gangr£neuse. Mus.del'Hop.St. Louis. Iconog.d.mal. cu- tan. et syph., Par., 1896, 187-190, 1 pl—Fournier (A.) Syphilide tuberculeuse attenuee comme type, de modal ite papuleuseoumemequasi-eryth6mateuse. Bull.Soc frang. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1898, ix, 68-70. Also: Ann. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 153-155. -----. Syphi- lides tuberculeuses ecloses sur l'emplacement d'inocula- tions vaccinales. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., i'ar., 1898, ix, 316-319. -----. Syphilides ou tuberculides mutilantes. Ann. de dermat. et syph , Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 682-684.—Gaucher. Syphilides tuberculo-crouteuses, 'ians la p£riode secondaire; traitement. J. de med. int., Har., 1903, vii, 241.—Hallopeau (H.) Syphilides papu- lo-tuberculeuses a progression excentrique. Mus. de l'H6p. St.-Louis. Iconog. d. mal. cutan. et svDh., Par., [1896], 139-145, I pl. Also, transl: Pict. Atlas Skin Dis. & Syph. ... St. Louis Hosp. Lond. & Phila., 1895-7, 125-130, 1 pl.—Hallopeau (H.) &Eck. Pathogenie probable Syphilides (Tubercular). de syphilides tuberculo-ulcereuses de lavoute palatine et de la joue. Bull. Soc. frang.de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 506-508. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 1130-1132— d'Hardiviller. Syphilide tuberculeuse du nez etarteriosclerose renale. Echo med. dunord, Lille, 1903, vii, 4M-I83.—Hartzell. Tubercu- lar syphilodermata resembling tinea sycosis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1908, xxvi, 327.—Iferscher. Leuco-atrophies cutanees et chelo'ides consecutives a des syphilides; svphilide tuberculeuse lupiforme de la face. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 1070-1074.— Jackson (G. T.) Syphiloderma tuberculosum. Inter- nat. Clin., Phila., 1896, 5. s., iv, 345—JUarmonier. Ob- servation de syphilide tuberculo-ulcereuse geante a marche serpigiheuse. Dauphine m6d., Grenoble, 1896, xx, 107-116. Also: 5. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1896, viii, 261-271. Also: Marseille med., 1896, xxxiii, 225-336.— Pick (W.) Ueber einen Spirochaetenbefund bei einer framboesiformen (tuberkulosen?) Hauterkrankung. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, lxxxv, 3-10,1 pl— Poltavtseh"(A. P.) Sluchal simmetriches- kavo raspolozheniya tuberkulyoznavo sifilida. [Sym- metrical disposition of tubercular svphilides.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1903, vi,493.—Schmitt. Svphilides ulcero-tuberculeuses de la face. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r. . . . Mem., 1906-7,139.—Simpson (G.) A case of tuberculous syphilide. West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1903, viii, 315.—Solari (P.) Syphilide tuberculo- ulcereuse g6ante a marche serpigineuse. Gaz. d. h6p. de Toulouse, 1896, x, 314.—Spillinann (P.) Difficulte du diagnostic des syphilides ulc6ro-tuberculeuses des mu- queuses. Soc. demed.de Nancy. C.-r.... M6m., 1906-7, 137-139.—Stelwagon. Papulo-tubercular syphilis, a probable case. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1908, xxvi, 277.—Van Meter (S. D.) [Tubercular syphilide and variola.] Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1902, 374. Syphilis (La). Revue mensuelle de medecine speciale publiee par le Dr. I. Barthelemy. v. 1-4, July, 1903, to July, 1906. 8°. Paris. Continued under title: Annales des maladies v6ne- riennes. Syphilis (Ueber) hereditaria. Nach Beobach- tungen von Mayr, Schuller, Schott und Wider- hofer. 24 pp. 8°. Wien, 1862. Repr. from: Jahrb. f. Kinderheilk., Wien, 1862, v. Syphilis; a symposium by Bulkley, Cabot, Gwvn [et al.]. 120 pp., 11. 12°. New York, E. B. Treat & Co., 1902. Syphilis. See, also, Air passages (Diseases, etc., of); An- trum (Diseases of); Auricle (Diseases of); Blood ressels (Diseases of); Bones (Syphilis of); Breast (Syphilisof); Bubo; Chancre; Clavicle (Syphilis of); Diabetes (Syphilitic); Elephan- tiasis (Complications, etc., of); Eye (Paralysis of, Causes of); Femur (Syphilis of); Fever (Typhoid, Complications, etc., of); Fractures (Complications, etc., of); Friction-sound; Fron- tal bone (Diseases of); Hand (Syphilis of); Nervous system (Syphilis of); Scherlievo; Syphilis (Manuals, etc., on). See, also, under the various organs. Barclay (W. F.) Syphilis. 8°. [n. p., 1895.] Bauer (R.) Lues und Innere Medizin. 8°. Leipzig, 1910. Beitrage zur Dermatologie und Syphilis; Festschrift gewidmet Herrn Hofrath Dr. Neu- mann zu seinem fiinfundzwanzigjiihrigen Pro- fessoren-Jubilaum, hrsg. von seinen Schiilern Ehrmann, Finger, Lowenbach, Matzenauer, Rille. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, 1900. Bouffort (M.) Contribution k l'etude de la syphilis. 8°. Fougeres, 1903. Denis-Dumoxt. De la syphilis. Unite d'ori- gine, incurabilite, traitement. Lecons faites k V Hotel-Dieu de Caen. Recueillies par M. Le- signe. 12°. Paris, 1880. Gastou (P.) Conferences sur la syphilis et les affections des organes genitaux (chancre mou, blennorrhagie, herpes, balanites). Pro- gramme et resumes. 8°. Paris, 1901. ;58 SVPHILIS. SYPHILIS. Syphilis. Horx. Syphilitische Krankheiten. Ms. notes by Moritz Leo-Wolf. 4°. Berlin, 1824-5. Hubner (H.) Moderne Syphilisforschungen. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. Ivaxovski (A. V.) Khudaya boliezn (sifi- lis). [Bad diseases (syphilis).] 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1892. Leal (F. de P.) * Algunos puntos dudodos dela sifilis. 16°. Mexico, 1878. Levi (L.) Essais sur la syphilis. 1. Sur une nouvelle methode therapeutique et prophylac- tique de la syphilis. 2. Sur les bactheres de la syphilis et sur quelques formes bactheriques trouvees dans le sang des syphilitiques. 8°. Genes, 1899. Lopez-Cerezo Andreu (F.) Sifiliografia rft- mica. 12°. Madrid, 1905. McIntosh (J.) & Fildes (P.) Syphilis from the modern standpoint. 8°. London, 1911. Recent literature on syphilis; a reprint from the Interstate Medical Journal, vol. xvii, No. 10, and vol. xviii, No. 1. 4°. St. Louis, 1911. Robbins (H. A.) Lues venerea. Bead be- fore the Medical Society, District Columbia, [1898]. Revised. 8°. Washington, D. C, [1898]. Sawrey (S.) An inquiry into some of the ef- fects of the venereal poison on the human body; with an occasional application of physiol- ogy, observations on some of the opinions of John Hunter and Benjamin Bell, and practical remarks. 8°. London, 1802. Solari. La syphilis au double point de vue individuel et social. 16°. Paris, 1899. Syphilis; a symposium by Bulkley, Cabot, Gwyn[etal.] 12°. New York, 1902. Turovski (K. G.) Sifilis; obshtshedostup- nly ocherk. [Syphilis; a popular sketch.] 8°. Astrakhan, 1903. Allen (E. S.) Svphilis. Am. Pract. & News, Louis- ville, 1906, xl, 343-357.—Allen (H. B.) Syphilis, with reference to hereditament, diagnosis and prevalence. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1904, ix, 445- 470. [Discussion], 485-494. -----. Discussion on syphilis. Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 1908, Victoria, 1909, i, 73-94. Also: Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1909, xiv, 113-119. Also, Reprint.— Armstrong (J. M.) Syphilis, with reference to reeent advances in diagnosis and treatment. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1911, xxxi, 384-389—Arruga (H.) El problema de la sifilis. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1909, xxxv, 201; 245.—Arton (J. H.) Sifilis. Juventud med., Guatemala, 1901, iii, 57- 60.—Andry (C.) Reflexions sur la svphilis. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, 4. s., i, 218-323.—Austin (J. M.) Diagnosis and treatment of svphilis. Mobile M. & S. J., 1906, ix, 65-73.—Barthelemy (T.) Programme general de syphiligraphie. Syphilis, Par., 1903, i, 42-56. -----. De rebus syphiliticis et quibusdam aliis. Ibid., 1904, ii, 881-886.—Batten (J. M.) Syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 229-231.—Beer (A.) Ueber die neuen Fortschritte der Svphilislehre. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1907, 25-28.—Bose (F.-J.) Recherches sur retiologie, la pathogenie et le traitement de la svphi- lis. Montpel. med., 1905, xxi, 1-19.—Breakey (W. F.) The need for higher requirements in examinations in dermatology and syphilology by medical colleges and licensing boards. Internat. Dermat. Cong, (vi.), 1907. Tr., N. Y., 1908, i, 321-333.—Bulkley (L. D.) Practical points in the diagnosis and treatment of svphilis. Post- Graduate, N. Y., 1893, viii, 327-337. -----. Some plain truths about syphilis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxii, 213- 216. [Discussion], 248.—Buschke (A.) Diagnose und Therapie der Syphilis auf Grund der neueren Forschungs- ergebnisse. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 869-874.— Campana (R.) Delia sifiiide. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1895, i, 407-411.—Catheart (C. W.) Some aspects of syphilis. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1895, iii, 662-670.— Chisholm (W.) Remarks on svphilis. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. 1892, Sydney, 1893, iii, 352-354.— Clark (C. G.) Syphilis; its symptoms and treatment. Am. Therapist, N. Y., 1903-4, xii, 125-129.—Cole (G. L.) Lues as a factor in general practice. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1906, xxi. 335-341.—Csillag (J.) Linde- wiese es syphilis. [Lindewiese and svphilis.] Bor- £s bujak6rt., Budapest, 1907, 19—De Blasi (A.) Sifiiide. Riv. internaz. di clin. e terap., Napoli, 1908, iii, 37-39.— Syphilis. Discussion on Svphilis. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lond., 1905-6, lxxxvii, 97-136.—Doktor (A.) Ist die Svphilis eine schwerere Erkrankung als die Gonorrhoe? I'ngar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1905, x, 429-431. Also: Zentralbl f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 1171 1 I7t',. l>on 439-451.—F.lliot iG. M.) Syphilis. Tr. Maine M. Av... Portland, 1902, xiv, 326-335.—von Kiiircluisinn k;.i Ergebnisse der neueren Svphilisforschung fiir die Praxis St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1907, xxxii, 387; 395 — Feibes(E. J.) Recent methods in the diagnosis and treatment of syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 391-393.— FellSnder(J.) De senaste syfilisforskningarna. [The latest researches on svphilis.] H vgiea, Stockholm, 1905, 2. f., v, 1353-1359.—Fermini (G. V.) La sifiiide nella sua entita morbosa. Arte ostet., Milano, 1903, xvii, 341-346.— Finger (E.) Fortschritte in der Luesforschung. Klin.- therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1908,xv,1329; 1365; 1385; 1417; 1441. -----. Die neuesten Errungenschaften auf dem Gebiete der Syphilologie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi; 1-7. -----. La svphilis et les maladies v6neriennes. Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par., 1909, lxxvi, 145-159—Ford yce (J. A.) Some observations on syphilis. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1908, viii, 451-458.—Fortschritte der Syphi- lisforschung; Uebersicht einiger Arbeiten. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1901, lxx, 563; 575; 587; 599; 612; 624.— Foster (B.) Syphilis. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Min- neap., 1907, xxvii, 413-416. Also: St. Paul M. J., 1906, ix, 653-659.—Fournier. Comment il faut concevoir la sy- philis de nos jours. Bull, med., Par., 1896, x, 411; 423. Also: Echo med., Toulouse, 1896, 2. s., x, 265; 277. Also: Nice-med., 1895-6, xx, 145; 161; 187: 1896-7, xxi, 13. Also, transl: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 737-739.— French (H. C.) Diagnosis and treatment of svphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond.., 1911, i, 592. -----. The Hunterian lec- tures on recent developments in the recognition, treat- ment, and prophylaxis of syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 1315; 1385. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1911, n. s., xcii, 525; 551. — Fuss. Svphilis. Vereinsbl. d. pfiilz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1911, xxvii, 27-36— Gail leton (A.) Revue critique des livres publies sur la svphilis. J. de m6d. de Lyon, 1866, vi, 411; 494.—Gamble (R. A.) Sy- philis. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1905-6, x, 538-545.—Gans (S. L.) Diagnosis and treatment of sy- philis. Med. Bull., Phila., 1906, xxviii, 132; 169—Gau- cher. Polycliniques du mercredi; [syphilis]. Syphilis, Par., 1904, ii, 801-826. -----. Polvcliniques du mercredi; [syphilis]. Ibid., 1905, iii, 161-190. -----. Enseignement de la syphiligraphie. Ibid., 1906, iv, 321-349. — Gie- droy£ ( F. ) Istota przymiotu. [Nature of syphilis.] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1893, xiv, 523; 538: 601; 649. — Gliick (L.) Gabryel Ayala o kile. [Gabriel Ayala on syphilis. Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1898, xxxvii, 304. — Grandy (L. B.l Syphilis. Atlanta Clinic, 1896, v, no. 3, 3-14.— Griffin (E. H.) The unrecognized tragedian, syphilis. Med. Record, N. Y., 1912, lxxxi, 216-218 — Grindon (J.) Notes on svphilis. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., Phila., 1909, 44-49.—Giiillery. Etude sur la sy- philis. Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong, internac de hig. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 1900, ii, 222-227. — Hackett (W. A.) & Aronstam (N. E.) A symposium on svph- ilis. Med. Age, Detroit, 1905, xxiii, 121; 161. —Halm (G.) Ueber moderne Svphilisforschung. Deutsche Mo- natschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1909, xxvii, 260-269. — Ham- mer (F.) Ueber den Stand der Syphilislehre nach den neueren Forschungen. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1908, xviii, 309; 323. Also: Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1908, lxxviii, 452-461.—Hawkins (J. A.) Some things not generally known about svphilis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxvi, 1069-1072. Also, Re- print. — Hayashi. [Svphilis.] Kokka Igaku Kwai Zasshi. Tokvo, 1907, 32-327.—Heggie (W. C.) Svphilis. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1908-9, xiii, 349-352.—Herbs- mann. Einige dunkle Punkte in der gegenwartigen Lehre von der Svphilis. Monatschr. f. Harnkr. u. sex. Hyg., Leipz., 1905, ii, 175-184. — Hjelmman (J. V.) Nagra anmiirkningar betriiffande nomenklaturen vid sy- filisfallens inregistrering i landets sjukhus. [Quelques remarques sur la nomenclature des affections syphili- tiques dans les hopitaux. Res., p. xxxiv.] Finska liik.- sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1900, xiii, 479-487.— Howe (J. S.) Acquired svphilis. In: Am. text-book gen.- urin. dis. [etc.] (Bangs & Hardaway), 8°, Phila., 1898, 615-650, 5 pl.—Hutchinson (J.) Two lectures on syphilis. Clin. J., Lond., 1903, xxii, 241; 262. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1903, n. s, lxxv, 1-3.—Jadassohn (J.) Syphilidologische Beitrage. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, lxxxvi, 45-93.—Janovsky. NovSjsi prace o pHjici. [Later practice in svphilis.] Casop. 16k. Cesk., v Praze, 1881, xx, 792; 814; 823.—Jett (F. H.) Modern svphilis. J. Indi- ana M. Ass., Fort Wayne, 1909, ii, 197-202.—Jones (J.H.) Svphilis. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, Wilkes-Barre, 1898, vi, 78-91. — Kaposi (M.) Ueber Svphilis. Aerztl. Centr. Anz., Wien, 1894, vi, 149; 168; 185. — Kingsbury (J.) Some random remarks on svphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis.. St. Louis, 1910, xiv. 417-421— KU hue r SYPHILIS. 359 SYPHILIS. Syphilis. (A.) Neue Beitrage zur Erkenntniss der Wesenheit, Verbreitung, Prophylaxe und Therapie der Syphilis; auf Grund langjiihriger Erfahrungen, sowie der neuesten in- undauslandischen Literatur. Reiehs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1893, xviii, 79; 92; 103.— Lancereaui. Connaissance generale de la syphilis. J. de med. int., Par., 1900, iv, 621-623.—Lane (J. E.) A review of some recent work on syphilis. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxv, 193-202.— l4. Allen (C. W.) Case of syphilis with unusual features. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1893, xi, 409. -----. Some unusual forms and phases of syphilis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1895, 5. s., i, 239-249, 1 pl.—Anderson (T. McC.) Illustrations of the less common forms of syphi- litic disease; their diagnosis and treatment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 637-639.—Aristoff". Tvyordiy shankr pra- vol mindalini, difterovidnoye i ospenno podobnoye teche- niye sifilisa. [Hard chancre of the right tonsil, diphthe- roid and varioloid course of syphilis.] Med. Pribav. k morsk. sboruiku, St. Petersb., 1905, 138 - 143. — Bar- thelemy. De quelques anomalies dans les symptomes et dans revolution de chancres syphilitiques et de syphi- lides ulcereuses. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1897, n. s., ii, 797-799. Also: 3. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1897, ix, 541- 547. Also:Compt.-rend.Cong.internat.demed. 1897,Mosc, 1899, iv, sect. 8, 78-84.—Bergasse. Un cas de typhose syphilitique. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. dela DrOme [etc.], Va- lence 1. Bramwe 11 (B.) Syphilis. In his: Atlas of clin. med., fol., Edinb., 1892-3, ii, 53-70, 9 pl. Syphilis (Autochthonous). See Syphilis (Lndigenous). Syphilis (Auto-inoculation of). Quentin (G.) * Essai sur 1'auto-inoculation du chancre syphilitique. 8°. L^uis, 1905. Ehrmann. Versuche fiber Autoinfektionen bei Syphilis. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 1906, Berl., 1907, 265-270.—Garcia (E. R.) Las auto-infec- ciones en la sifilis. Tr. Pun-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 2, 1726-1732. -----. Auto-infections en rapport avec certains accidents de la svphilis. Att d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895. v, dermat., 203-208.— Gaucher. Chancres successifs; auto-inoculation du chancre syphilitique. J. demed. int., Par.,1903, vii, 321.— Gaucher & Bricout. Une vingtaine de chancres syphilitiques successifs de la verge; auto-inoculation fa- vorisee par la gale. Bull. Soc franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii, 360-362.—Holth (S.) Om Autoinokula- tion af haard chanker med positivt Resultat; 3 nye Til- fselde, hvoraf 1 fra Prfeputium penis til 0vre Oielaag. [Sur trois nouveaux cas d'auto-inoculation de chancre dur. Res.] Norsk M.ig. f. Liejrevidensk., Christiania, 1894, .4. R., ix, 383-394.—Xobl. Ueber Autoinokulationen in der 2. Inkubation. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Ge- sellsch. 1906, Berl., 1907, 270-276.— Ohmann-Dumes- nil (A. H.) Double chancre a distance; an inquiry into syphilitic auto-inoculation. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1892, 64-74.—Pill ard (M.) Auto-inoculations spontanees et experimentales de chancres syphilitiques. Presse med., Par., 1910, xviii, 1S1.—Queyrat(L.) De quelques resultats d'auto-inoculation de chancres syphi- litiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 1229-1235. -----. De l'auto-inoculabilite du chancre syphilitique. Ibid., 1905, 3. s., xxii. 8. -----. Auto-inoculation de chancre syphilitique. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, xvii, 69; 172, 1 pl. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 147; 292. -----. Nouveau cas d'auto-inoculation de chancre svphilitique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 1221-1225.—Zarewiez (A.) Ueberdie Autoinoculation des primiiren syphilitischen Geschwiires. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1895, xxxii, 391-404. Syphilis (Bacteria and micro-organ- isms of). See, also, Syphilis (Parasite of, Specific); Syphilis (Parasites found in). Leon (M.) *Jetziger Stand der Syphilis- Bacillen-Frage. 8°. Berlin, 1901. MacGillavry (D.) De syphilis als bacte- rieele infectieziekte; openbare les gehouden op Maandag 7 Febr. 1898. 8°. Amsterdam, 1898. van Niessen (M.) Der Syphilisbacillus. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1896. -----. Der Syphilis-Bacillus; seine Ge- schichte, Literatur, Kultur und spezifische Pa- thogenitat fiir Tiere und Menschen. fol. Leipzig, 1908. Bat lit (L.) Ad6nites bacillaires et syphilitiques. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la DrOme [etc.], Valence, 1909, x, 80-96.—Boix (E.) A propos du microbe de la syphilis. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1905, i, 1515-1519.— Chlenoft" (M. A.) Sovremennoye sostv>yaniye voprosa mikrobiologii sifilisa. [Present condition of the question of the microbiology of svphilis.] Russk. arch, patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1902, xiv, 709-727.—Colom- bini(P.) Sul microbodell'ulcera venerea. Comment. clin. d. mal. cutan. e gen.-urin., Siena, 1893, 2. s., i, 177- 207,1 pl.— Crowley (D. F.) Bacteriology and pathol- ogy of svphilis, with a few of its clinical features. Iowa M.J. [etc.], Des Moines, 1907-8, xv, 509-516.—Currier (C. G.) Is syphilis caused by any known bacteria? J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin- Dis., N. Y., 1893, xi, 141-145.— Degre (W.) Der Querische Syphilisbazillus. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1910, lv, 401; 413; 424; 433.—Belbanco Syphilis (Bacteria and micro-organ- isms of). (E.) Einige Notizen zu dem Aufsatz von H. Pfeiffer: Ueber Bakterienbefunde in der normalen mannlichen Urethra und den Syphilisbacillus von Max Joseph. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1903, xxxvii, 198- 201.—Be Luca (R.) & Casa<;ruiidi (O.) Su di un nuovo reperto batteriologico osservato con costanza in alcuni sifilomi primari ulceniti (bacterium syphilomatis ulcerosi). Gior. ital. d. mal., ven., Milano, 1906, xii, 71-92.—De Walsche (E.) A propos du bacille de la syphilis. Clinique, Brux., 1903, xvii, 61-66.—Diaz y Trlana (J.) El microbio de la sifilis. Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., .Madrid, 1906, viii, 289-297.—Doutrele- pont. Bacillen bei Svphilis. Sitzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn, 1885, 390; 395 — Dn- breuilh (YV.) & Lagnet. Etude bacteriologique sur le chancre mou et le bubon chancreux. Arch. clin. de Bordeaux, 1893, ii, 500; 513.—Frlikh (L. I.) O vozbu- ditelie sifilisa. [The producer of syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1907, xiii, 22-34, 1 pl.— Eve (F. S.) & Lingard (A.) On a bacillus cultivated from the blood and from the diseased tissues in syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 680. Also, Reprint.—G. (C.) El bacilo de la sifilis. Juventud m6d., Guatemala, 1905, vii, 41-43. Also: Rev. m6d.-hidrol. espafi., Madrid, 1905, vi, 352-354.—Gregoropoulos (G.) Ilepl tou p-ixpc^iou ttjs erixpiAtSos. 'IarpiKTj TrpooSos, 'Ef 2vpu>, 1905, X, 265-267.— Hallopeau (H.) Lettre ouverte sur Particle de M. le Dr. Salmon, intitule: La syphilis et la bacteriologie. Syphilis, Par., 1903, i, 391-394.—Hamonic (P.) Le mi- crobe de la syphilis. Rev. clin. d'androl. et de gvnec, Par., 1901, vii, 193-207.—Joseph (M.) K ucheniyu o batsillle sifilisa. [On the bacillus of syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1902, iv, 384-399 — Joseph (M. j & Plorkowski. Beitrag zur Lehre von den Syphilisbacillen. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1902), 1903, xxxiii, pt. 2,61-80. [Discussion], pt. 1,108-112. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xxxix, 257; 282. [Dis- cussion] , 268. Also [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxi, 445-447. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.,1902, xxviii, Ver.-Beil., 91. ----------. Weitere Beitriige zur Lehre von den Syphi- lisbacillen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1902, xxviii, 898; 917; 938. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902, Leipz., 1903,ii,2. Hlfte., 486- 496. Also, transl: YaleM. J., N. Haven, 1902-3, ix, 259-273. -----------. Richtigstellung der von Hermann Pfeiffer gegen unsere "vermutlichenSyphilisbazillen" erhobenen Einwande. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 947-949.— de Lisle (J.) The bacillus of syphilis. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi, 474-477. Also, Reprint.-----. A simplified method for the isolation of the bacillus of svphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1908", xii, 118-121.— deLisle (J.) & Jullien (L.) Ricerche batteriologiche sopra la sifiiide. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1901, Iii, 541-544. Also: Gior. ital.d. mal. ven., Milano, 1901, xxxvi, 387-390. Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxxvii, 486.—JJIarechal (G.) Isolement, culture pure et inoculation au cobaye du bacille de Ducrey pro- venant du chancre mou, du sang svphilitique, des syphi- lides, de 1896 a 1898. Cong, internat.demed. C. r.,Par., 1900, sect, de chir. gen., 11-13. -----. Developpement de spores dans les cultures pures du bacille de Ducrey et constatation d'une capsule autour du microbe et de la spore dans le chancre mou et la svphilis. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1901, 11. s., iii, 354. — Marsehalkd (T.) A svphilis-baeillusokr61. Budapesti k. brvosegy, 1891-iki evkonyve, 1892, 118-121.—Marshall (C. F.) Recent research in the bacteriology of syphilis and in experimental svphilology. Treatment, Lond., 1905-6, ix, 481-491.—Metchnikoff (E.) & Boux (E.) Re- cherches microbiologiques sur la syphilis. Bull. Acad. de m6d., Par., 1905, 3. s., liii, 468-476. Also: Bull. m6d. Par., 1906, xix, 441-443. Also: Syphilis, Par., 1905, iii, 418-428. Also, transl: Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Ma- drid, 1905, vii, 303-313.-----------. Etudes experimen- tales sur la syphilis. Syphilis, Par., 1905, iii, 429-445.— de JHichele (P.) & Badice (A.) Sulla presenza del bacillo di Lustgarten nei tessuti sifllitici. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1892, n.s., xiv, 535-541.—IHilnian (M. S.) O mikrokle sifilisa. Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb 1906, v, 205-207.—Mitchell (W. C.) The bacteriology of syphilis. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1900, 241-245. Also: Colorado M. J., Denver, 1900, vi, 278-281.—Munro (W. J.) Some observations upon the microbiology of syphilis. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1906, xxv, 341.— von JVIessen (M.) Der Syphilisbacillus (Demonstra- tion). Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1898, xvi,472-478.-----. Die Cultur des Syphilisbacillus. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlix, 488; 543; 598; 656; 866, 3 pl. -----. Betrachtungen iiber de Lisle's und Jullien's Syphilisbacillen. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1902, ix, 449-454. -----. Bemerkungen zu den vermutlichen Svphilisbazillen von Joseph und Piorkowski. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1903, liii, 649; 716. -----. Die Ergeb- nisse meinerzwolfjiihrigen experimentellen Studien der Syphilisaetiologie. Internat. dermat. Kong. Vernandl. SYPHILIS. 362 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Bacteria and micro-organ- isms of). ii. Ber. 1904, Berl., 1906, ii, pt. 2, 351-358. Also: Kor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1905, xxxiv, 171- 173. Also: Munchen. med.Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 979.-----. Mutabilitiit und Generationswechsel des Syphilisbacillus als Ursache der variablen Svphiliserscheinungen. Med. Woche, Berl., 1905, vi, 201-205.—Nordin (A.) Le mi- crobe de la syphilis. Rev. clin. d'androl. et de gvnec, Pur., 1905, xi, 200-209.—Pfeiffer (H.) Ueber Bakt'erien- befunde in der normalen mannlichen Urethra und den "Svphilisbacillus" Max Josephs. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1903, xvi, 762-765. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 354-359. See, also, supra, Delbanco. — Proca (G.) & Danila (P.) Sur la presence dans les produits syphi- litiques d'une trichobacterie patogene (Cladothrix ste- reotropa, n. sp.). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1910, lxviii, 79-81.-----------. Sur le polymorphisme de la trichobacterie des produits syphilitiques. Ibid., 190-192. -----------. Filtration de la trichobacterie des produits syphilitiques. Ibid., 481-483.-Salmon (P.) La syphi- lis et la bacteriologie. Syphilis, Par., 1903, i, 241-299. S>e, also, supra, Hallopeau.—Sowiriski (Z.) Wsprawiela- secznika Lislea i Julliena w kile. [Lisle and Jullien's ba'illus of syphilis.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1904, xliii, 489— Thevenet (V.) A propos d'un micro-organis- me speciflque de la svphilis. Province med., Lyon, 1898, xii, 330.—Vincent (H.) Le bacille du chancre simple. Province med., Lyon, 1894, viii, 304; 313. -----. Svphilis et bacille fusiforme. Presse med., Par., 1901, i, 257.—Waelseh (L.) Ueber Bazillenbefundebei Syphi- lis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1904, lxviii, 179; 250. Also [Abstr.]: Berl. ii. d. Verhandl. d. viii. Kong. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 1903, Wienu. Leipz., 1904, 47-49.—Watkins (R. L.) The micrococcus of sy- phylis. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de dermat. et syph., 124. Syphilis (Blood in). See, also, Syphilis (Congenital, Blood in). Akchak (K.) * Etude des proprietes physi- ques du serum chez les syphilitiques. 8°. Ge- nfoe, 1909. Ausderau (J.) * Ueber die Beziehungen der Svphilis zur perniciosen Aniimie. 8°. Frauen- feld, 1906. Ejovsky (Josephine). * Recherches des anti- corps dans le sang des syphilitiques avant 1'ap- parition des accidents secondaires et apres le traitement de ces accidents. 8°. Geneve, 1910. Hauck (L.) * Ueber das Verhalten der Leu- kozyten im 2. Stadium der Syphilis vor und nach Einleitung der Quecksilbertherapie. Ha- bilitationsschrift. 8°. Erlangen, 1905. Also, in: Arch. f. Dermat.u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1906, lxxviii, 45-68. Monod (J.) *De l'an^mie syphilitique. 8°. Paris, 1900. Ossendovski (V. [I.]) *K voprosu ob izmle- nenii krovi u sifilitikov pod vliyaniyem lleche- niya. [Changes in the blood in syphilides under the influence of treatment.] [Yuryev.l 8°. Biga, 1902. Trimbacit (R.) * Ueber die Veranderungen des Blutes bei Syphilis in behandeltem und unbehandeltem Zustande. [Strassburg i. E.] 8°. St. Ludwig, 1905. Vladimiroff (Ye. G.) *K voprosu o ras- poznavanii sifilisa po reaktsii blelikh krovya- nikh sharikov na rtut. [Diagnosis of syphilis from the reaction of white blood corpuscles on mercury.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1900. Woltex-Pecksen (O.) * Blutuntersuchungen bei Syphilis mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der sogenannten Justus'schenHamoglobinprobe. 8°. Gottingen, 1906. Balzer (F.) De l'hemoglobinurie paroxistique a fri- gore, et ses rapports avec les autres affections causees par le froid au cours de la syphilis. Internat. dermat. Kong. Verhandl. u. Ber. 1904, Berl., 1905, ii, pt. 2, 336-343.—de Beurmann, Bith & Cain. Un cas d'ictere hemoly- tique syphilitique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxx, 636-642.—Biesiadeckl. Uwagi nad ciatkami kilowemi Lostorfera. [On Lostorfer's cor- puscles.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1872, xi, 115; 125; 136; Syphilis (Blood in). 145.—Bliss (M. A.) The blood changes in early svphi- lis. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri 1896-7, Kansas Citv, 1898,610-613. Also: Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1897, xxxvi, 1.—Bose (F.-J.) Formule hemoleucocvtaire de la syphilis. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903. lv, 728-730. Also: Montpel. med , 1903, xvii, 169-173.—Brown (M. A.) & Dale (G. P.) The Justus test in syphilis. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1900, n. s., xliv, 261-269.—Bueeo (M.) Caso clinico di emo- globinuria parossistica per sifiiide. N. riv. clin.-terap., Napoli, 1902, v, 177-179.—Bnrzi (G.) Ricerche sulle proprieta vitali dei leucociti nella sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1910, xiv, 817-853.—< a bot ( K. C.) & JTIertins (P. S.) Justus's test for the diagnosis of syphi- lis. Boston M. <& S. J., 1899, cxl, 323. Also, Reprint.— Calderone (C.) Ricerche ematologiche nella sifilida costituzionale recente. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, lv<9 7. s., x, 277-308.—Christian (H. M.) & Foerster {()'. H.) The Justus test in syphilis; its application in twenty- nine cases. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1900-1901, xiii, 634- 647— Ciii (To (G.) Su alcune proprieta biochimiche del sangue di sifilitici Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1908, xliii, 417-455. — Colombini (P.) & Pasqnini (P.) Dell' azione dell' joduro di rubidio sul sangue dei sifili- tici. Riforma med., Napoli, 1*98, xiv, pt. 3, 387; 399; 411.— Daeeb (E.) Ematologia della sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1902, xxxvii, 407-462.—Detre (h.) & Sellei (J.) Hiimagglutinations-Untersuchungen bei syphilitischen und gesunden lndividuen. Arch. f. Der- mat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1904, lxxii, 323-348.—Do- minic! (H.) Les alterations du sang dans la syphilis pri- maire et secondaire. Presse med., Par., 1S98, i, 168-170.— Filer (A.) Ueber einige Eigenschaften des syphiliti- schen Blutserums vom immuno-chemischen Stand- punkte. Folia serolog., Leipz., 1909, iii, 461-470.—Fal- cone (C.) L' emocromometria nel corso e nel tratta- mento della sifiiide. Progresso med., Napoli, 1893, vii, 305-309. -----. Ueber die durch Syphilis verursachten Veranderungen des Blutes, vom Standpunkte der Diag- nose und Therapie betrachtet. (Mit Bezug auf einen unter demselben Titel erschienenen Artikel des Dr. Ja- kob Justus.) Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1895, ix, 321-323.— Ferrari (A.) I globuli rossi giovani nella sifiiide. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1903-4, xviii, 171-191, 3 ch.—Ferrna (J.) Contribuicao ao tratamento da ane- mia syphilitica. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1905-6, xxxvii, 193- 196.—Fenerstein (L.) Ueber die sogenannte Jus- tus'sche Hiimoglobinprobe bei Syphiliskranken. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1903, lxvii, 363-386, 4 pl.—Fioceo (G. B.) Ricerche ematologiche nella sifi- iide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven.. Milano, 1906, xii, 534-538.— Gaya (G.) Osservazioni sulla reazione del sangue al mercurio nei parasifilitici e nei non sifilitici; nota sul valore diagnostico della reazione di Yustus. Progresso med., Torino, 1904, iii, 16; 33.—Hnger (W. E.), jr. The Justus test for syphilis, with reportof cases. Phila. M. J., 1902, ix, 849. —Izar (G.) Su di una proprieta specifica del siero di sifilitici. Biochim. e terap. sper., Milano, 1909, i, 544-547. Also, transl: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 182— Jeanselme (E.) & Sezary (A.) Lym- phocytic cephalo-rachidienne et formule sanguine chez les svphilitiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv,*20l-203.— Jolles (A.) & Oppenheim (M.) Ueber den Eiweissgehalt des Blutes Syphilitisi her. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien. u. Leipz., 1903, xxiv, 105-125.— .Tones (D. H.) A critical study of the Justus blood test for svphilis. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxi, 513-515.—Justus (.1.) Ueber Blutvergiftungen durch Syphilis. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1894-5, ii, 590. -----. Ueber die durch Syphilis bedingten Blutveranderungen in Hinsicht nach ihrer diagnosti- schen und therapeutischen Bedeutung. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1895, cxl, 91-125. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 1895, Wien u. Leipz., 1896, v, 250-267. -----. Ueber die durch Syphilis bedingten Blut- veriinderungen in Hinsicht ihrer diagnostischen und therapeutischen Bedeutung. Arch. f. path. Anat. fete.]. Berl., 1897, cxlviii, 633-559. Also, transl: Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1897, ix, 53; 89. Also, transl: Internat. Cong. Der. mat. Off. Trans. 1S96, Lond., 1898, iii, 744-763. ----- Ueber dieVeriinderungen des Blutes bei Svphilis. Wien, med. Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 1623. -----. Die durch Syphilis verursachten Blutveranderungen mit Riicksicht aiif Diagnose und Therapie. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1899, xlvii, 389-394. -----. Die Differen- tialdiagnose der Syphilis mit Hilfe der Hiimoglobin-Be- stimmung. Festschr. . . . Moriz Kaposi z. Prof.-Jubil., Wien u. Leipz., 1900, 495-513. -----. Ueber Blutverande- rungen durch Syphilis und Quecksilber mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer diagnostischen Verwerthung. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1902, lxxv, 1-21. -----. Bemerkungen zu den Arbeiten von Oppenheim und Lowenbach iiber Blutuntersuchungen bei constitu- tioneller Svphilis. Ibid., 489.—Justus (The) test for svphilis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1899, n. s., lxvii, 437.— Klausner (E.) Klinische Erfahrungen fiber das Prazipitationsphiinomen mit destilliertem Wasser im Serum Svphilitischer. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 940.—Konried. Ueber Veriinderungen des Blu- SYPHILIS. 3t3 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Blood in). tes bei Svphilis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xiii, j 1971. ---—. Ueber quantitative Veranderungen der I Bestandtheile des Blutes bei Syphilis. Internat. der- | mat. Cons. Ber. ti. d. Verhandl. 1S92, Wien u. Leipz., 1S93, 711-723.—Labbe (M.) Anemie pernicieuse d'ori- ginie svphilitique. Presse m6d., Par., 1906, xiv, 841.— Levi (L.) Forme bacteriche nel sangue dei sifilitici. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven.. Milano. 1899, xxxiv, 275-278.— Lowenbach (G.I & Oppenheim (M.) Blutunter- suchungen bei ulcerosen und gummosen Formen der Syphilis mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Eisen- gehaltes. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1902, lxxv, 22-36.—Longfellow (R. C.) The hematology of syphilis. Am. M. Compend, Toledo, 1903, xix, 279-283. Also: Toledo M. & S. Reporter, 1903, xxix, 675-678.— Lurye (A. G.) O vliyanii podkozhnikh vpriskivaniy loshadinol krovyanol sivorotki na sostav krovi u sifili- tikov. [On the influence of hypodermic injections of blood serum of the horse upon the blood composition of syphilitics.] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pam'vat Pirogova, Kiev, 1896, vi, no. 8, 5-7.—IlcGraw (H. R.) Blood in syphilis. Denver M. Times, 1903-4, xxiii, 536-538— Jlacphail (A.) The diagnostic value of haemoglobin in svphilis (Justus ). Montreal M. J., 1901, xxx, 843. [Discussion], 883— Maslakovets (P. P.) & Liberman (Ya. \u.) K voprosu o vliyanii spetsificheskavollecheniya na prisutstviye, t. naz., anti- tlel v sivorotkle krovi sifilitikov. [On the influence of specific treatment upon the presence of so-called anti- bodies in the blood serum of svphilitics.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 1037-1039.—.llontesano (V.) II sangue di alcuni sifilitici con alterazioni d' innervazione. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1903, xxix, 188-193. Also: Internat. dermat. Kong. Verhandl. ii. d. Ber. 1904, Berl., 1905. ii, pt. 2, 343-346.—Neudorfer t,V.) Losdor- fer's bodies; a new discoverv in svphilitic blood. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1900, ii, 439-444. — Neumann. Ueber Blutuntersuchung bei Syphilis. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1893, vii, 634.—Neumann & Kon- ried (A.) Eine Studie fiber die Veranderungen des Blutes in Folge des svphilitischen Processes. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, vi, 340-345.—Nicola iB.) Sulla cosid- detta reazione di Justus nella siiilide. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, r.'U7,4.s., xiii. 185-189.—von Niessen. Ueber bacteriologische Blutuntersuchungen bei Syphilis, Tuberkulose und Gonorrhoe, unduberdieldentitat ihrer Contagion. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1902, xx. 540-558, 4 pl.—Ohiiiaiin-Dumesnil (A. H.) The employment of iron preparations in the treatment of syphilitic anemia. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1900, lxxviii, 77- 79.—Oppenheim (M.) Blutuntersuchungen bei recen- ter Syphilis unter dem Einflusse der Quecksilbertherapie, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Eisengehaltes. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 412-415.—Oppen- heim ( M.) & Lowenbach ( G. ) Blutuntersuchun- gen bei constitutioneller Syphilis unter dem Einflusse der Quecksilbertherapie mit besonderer Beriicksichti- fung des Eisengehaltes. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., ,eipz., 1901, lxxi, 425-469. See, also, supra, Justus.— Pagniez (P.) Les recherches recentes sur le sang dans la svphilis. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 572-576. — Paulsen (J.) Diplococcus albus im Blute Syphilitischer. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1901, viii, 134-138.— Pergola (M.) Ricerche sul potere emolitico del siero di sangue dei sifilitici. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1905-6, 4. s., xvii, 31. -----. Ricerche sul potere emolitico del siero di sangue di sifilitici e di individui sani e sulla resistenza delle relative emazie a sieri etero- genei. Ibid., 629-656. -----. Ulteriori ricerche sulle emolisine del siero di sangue dei sifilitici prima e dopo la cura. Ibid., 673-677.—Pollio (G.) & Fontana (A.) Alcune ricerche sopra la cosiddetta reazione di Justus. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 5— Badacli (F.) Sul modo di comportarsi dei globuli bianchi nella sifiiide. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1896, 56-60. Also: Poli- clin., Roma, 1896, iii-M., 265-283. Also, Reprint.—Beiss (W.) Ueber dieim Verlaufe der Syphilis vorkommenden Blutveranderungen im Bezug auf die Therapie. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1895, xxxii, 207-230.— Benaux (E.) Un cas d'anemie hypoplastique d'ori- gine vraisemblablement syphilitique. J. med. de Brux., 1911, xvi, 125-128.— Kieca-Barberis (E.) Reperto ematologico in un caso di sifiiide. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1908, lix, 171.—Bille (J. H.) Morphologische Veranderungen des Blutes bei Syphilis und einigen Dermatosen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xiii, 1972. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, vi, 155-157.—Bodio- noflf( IM).) K voprosu osifiliticheskol anemii i vliyanii naneyortuti. [Syphilitic anemia and the influence of mercury upon it.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1908, ccxxi, med.-spec. pt.,497; 723.—Both (O.) Zur Kennt- nis der Beziehungen der perniziosen Anamie zur Syphilis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1910, vi, 1740.—Bamberger (F.) Pfis- p6vek k nauceo svfiliticke anaemii se zvlaStnim ohledem na zmeny krve a lirobilinurii. [Etude sur l'an6mie syphi- litique. Res., 124.] Lek. rozhledy, Praka, 1901, ix, 105- Syphilis (Blood in). 121. 1 pl. -----. Beitrag zur Lehre von der syphiliti- schen Aniimie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Blut- veranderungen und der Urobilinurie. Wien. klin. Rund- schau, 1903, xvii. 777; 796; 813.—Schmidt (H. E.) Zur Bedeutung der Blutuntersuchung bei latenter Syphilis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 2089—Smiryag'in (M. G.) Izmleneniye krovi u sifilitikov v pozdnem periodie. [Alterations of the blood in syphilitics in the late period.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1901, i, 90; 200.— Sorrentiuo (N.) Contributo alio studio delle altera- zioni del sangue nella sifiiide e specialmente in rapporto all' alcalinitA, all' isotonia ed al peso specifico. Gior. in- ternaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1899, n. s., xxi,529; 587.—Stern (C.) Untersuchungen zur Pathogenese der Aniimie und zur Funktionsprufung der Leber bei Syphilitikern. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxxi, 1104-1107.—Sukoff(N.V.) Vliyaniye vpriskivaniya si- vorotki merkurializovannikh loshadel na sostav krovi u sifilitikov. [Influence of injection of serum of mercurial- ized horses on the composition of the blood in syphilis.] Protok. russk. sif. i dermat. Obsh., St. Petersb., 1896-7, xii, 71-75.—Traversa (G.) Azione dei preparati mer- curiali sul contenuto globulare ed emoglobinico del sangue; importanza dell' esame globulimetrico ed emo- cromometrico nella diagnosi e nella cura della sifiiide. Gior. d. Ass. napol. di med. e nat., Napoli, 1893-4, iv, 161- 186. -----. Valore della globulimetria ed emocromome- tria nella diagnosi e cura della sifiiide; azione del mer- curio sul sangue in condizioni di sanita; alterazioni del sangue nella sifiiide primaria ed influenza della cura mer- curiale. Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod., Catania, 1900, i, 65-73.—Tucker (H.) Value of the Justus test, with reportof cases. Phila. M. J., 1902, ix, 816-819.—Valerio (N.) L' isotonia, la densita, 1' alcalinita e 1' emoglobina del sangue dei sifilitici in rapporto coi cloruri avanti e durante la cura mercuriale. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Mi- lano, 1896, xxxi, 437-452. Also: R. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena. Proc. verb., 1896, 99-102.—Verrotti (G.) Ema- tologia della sifiiide con speciale riguardo alia diagnostica delle lesioni chirurgiche di dubbia natura. Gior. inter- naz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1900, n. s., xxii, 385; 433. Also, Reprint.—Vomer(H.) UeberBlutpliittchenbefundeim Blute von Syphilitikern und ihre Bedeutung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.. 1902, xxviii, 897.—Warner (L. H.) The blood in syphilis; before, during, and after treat- ment. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1901, liv, 16-21. Also: Tr. Louis- iana M. Soc, N. Orl., 1901, 124-130. -----. The blood in svphilis and other infectious diseases, and changes ef- fected through medication, diet, etc. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1901, xxv, 413-421.—Watabiki (T.) A study of the blood in syphilis. Am. Med., York & Phila., 1907, n. s., ii, 225-231.—Weil (A.) Ueber den Lues-Antikorpernach- weis im Blute yon Luetischen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 527-531. -----. On the variation in the resist- ance of human erythrocytes in disease to hemolysins, with especial reference to svphilis. Proc Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1909-10, vii, 2-6— Widal. La lym- phocytosedans la syphilis. J. demed. et chir. prat., Par., 1907, lxxviii, 14-16.—Winternitz (R.) Ein Beitragzur chemischen Untersuchung des Blutes rezent luetischer Menschen. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1908-9, xciii, 65-72.-----. Zweiter Beitrag zur chemi- schen Untersuchung des Blutes rezent luetischer Men- schen. Ibid., 1910, ci, 227-246.—Wollstein (Martha) & Lamar (R. V.) The presence of antagonistic substances in the blood serum in earl v and late svphilisand in pareses and tabes. Arch. Int. Med., Chicago,1908,i,314-319. Also, Reprint— Vakushevieh (S. G.) K voprosu o stolkosti krasnikh krovyanikh tlelets u sifilitikov. [On the resis- tance of red blood cells in syphilitics.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1903, vi, 194-205. Syph i 1 i s (Ca rdiac). See Heart (Syphilis of); Stokes-Adams' syn- drome (Causes, etc., of). Syphilis (Cases andsiatisties of). See, also, Syphilis (Congenital, Cases and sta- tistics of); Syphilis (History of). Capetillo y MartInez (J. I.) *Estudio his- torico acerca del tratamiento de la lues-venerea en Mexico y cuestiones relativas a su curabili- dad. 8°. Mexico, 1871. Guepin ( A. ) Suppression de la syphilis. Petition a la Chambre des D6put6s. 8°. Pa- ris, 1846. Leduc (H.) *La syphilis a la maternite de Phdpital Tenon, 1905-6; £tude statistique et diagnostique. 8°. Paris, 1906. Periciiitch (M. L.) *La syphilis en Serbie. 8°. Nancy, 1901. SYPHILIS. 364 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Cases and statistics of). Prove (A.) * Mittheilungen aus der syphili- tischen Abteilung der medicinischen Klinik zu Gottingen. 8°. Gottingen, 1896. Allen (E. S.) The diagnosis and medical treatment of svphilis, with report of cases. Illinois M. J., Spring- field", 1904, vi, 148-152.—Amsterdainski (A. V.) Ra- sprostraneniye sifilisa v Peterhofskom uyezdle S.-P.-B. gubernii po danni zemskikh ambulatoriy za 12 lfet (1889- 99). [Syphilis in Peterhof County, St. Petersburg Gov- ernment, after data of dispensaries of zemstvos for 11 vears (1889-99).] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. ined., St. Petersb., 1901, pt. 2, 201-220, 1 ch.—Audry (J.) La verole de Mme. la presidente de M. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1909, 4. s., x, 665-672.— Baldwin (L. B.) Interesting case of syphilis. Med. News, N. Y., 1900, lxxvi, 654.—[Barnes.]' The prevalence of syph- ilis. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1897, pp. xii-xv.— Bayet. L'origine et la dissemination de la syphilis a Bruxelles. Soc. roy. d. sc. m6d. et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1896, 52-59. -----. Frequence, dissemination et origine de la syphilis dans l'agglomeration bruxelloise. Ibid., 1902, lx, 23-29. -----. Reflexions sur 2,250 cas de syphilis observes a Bruxelles. Ibid., 1906, lxiv, 323-334. Also: 3. med.de Brux., 1907, xii, 1-7. Also, Reprint. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1907, lix, 368-372.—Beco (L.) A pro- pos de quelques cas d'affections veneriennes. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1893, xxxii, 16-23.— Bellezza (L.) Note cliniche raccolte nella sezione sifiloiatricadell' Am- bulatorio policlinico. Tribuna med., Milano, 1898, iv, 145; 161: 178.—Beron (B.) Nablyudeniya vorkhu lle- kuvanitle priez 1899 g. slfilititsi v kozhno-veneriche- ■.koiootdlelenive. [Svphiliticand cutaneo-venereal cases treated in 18991] Med. napried., Sofiya, 1900, i. 298; 360,1 tab.—BIelinoff(S.) DIeyatelnosteta na Troyanskata ii kl. dorzhavna bolnitsa priez 1901 god. v svrozka s voprosa za razprostraneniyeto na sifilisa v Troyansko. [The hos- pital of Troyan and the propagation of syphilis in Trovan during 1901.] Ibid., 1902, iii, 29*; 388 —Bogdan (G.) Doa zed si patru de observatii rari de svphilis. Bull. Soc d. m6d. et nat. de Jassy, 1896-7, x, 5-28.— Booth (R. T.) Specific ulceration of genitals. China M. J., Shanghai, 1908, xxii, 97, 1 pl. —Borovski (V. K.) K kazui'sti- kle sifilisa. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 1271; 1406.— Boyadzhiyeff ( G. D.) Sluchal ot slemeyen sifilis. Med. napried., Sofiya, 1900,i, 189-191.—Branch (C. W.) Svphilis [in the West Indies]. Select. Colon. M. Rep. 1901-2, Lond., 1904,212-214.—Brandis (B.) Bemerkun- gen iiber Syphilis im Allgemeinen nach eigenen Erfah- rungen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1900, Leipz., 1901, lxxii; pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 233. Also: Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1901, 52-55.-Broslus (W.) Eine Syphilisepidemie vor 12 Jahren in ihren heutigen nachweisbaren Folgen. Arch. f. Dermat.u.Syph..Wien u. Leipz., 1904,lxx,377-384. See,also,infra.G\&ser.—Krutins (C.) & Luinme (G.) Ueber Dauerbeobachtungen bei Syphilis; Beitrage zur Statistik fiber Behandlung und Verlauf derErkrankung. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1909, xcv, 367-404.—Bulova. Nekolik pfipadupfijicn^ch. [Somesvphilitic cases.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1872, xi, 169; 177. — Bulson (A. E.) The comparative frequency with which we encounter syphilis in its various forms. Fort Wayne M. Mag., 1893- i, ii, 163-172.—Cabot (F.) Clinical report of some cases of syphilis. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1896, xi, 429-431.— < 'a s- sola (D. E.) Statistica delle affezioni sifilitiche. Gazz. tosc. d. sc. med.-fi3., Firenze, 1843, i, 185-187.—Oastex (A.) Quelques cas de syphilis (nez, pharynx, larvnx). Bull, de laryngol.,otol.etrhinol., Par., 1905, viii, 205-208.— Chapin (D. S.) O sifilise i niekotorikh drugikh bollez- nlakh v Ka'fnskom okrugle Tomskol gub. [On syphilis and some other diseases in the Kainsk District, Tomsk Government.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1895, xxviii, 2. sect., 119-139.—Chistya- koff (A.) Sluchal derevenskavo sifilisa v stolitsle. [Village syphilis in the Capital.] Prakt. Vrach, S.- Peterb., 1907, vi. 939.—Demieh (V. F.) Sifilis, veneri- cheskiya i kozhniya bollezni i ikh llecheniye u russkavo naroda. [Syphilis, venereal and cutaneous diseases and their treatment in Russia.] Russk. arch.patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1901, xi, 337; 423.—Dominguez (M.) El chancro sifllitico en la razaindigena. Rev. quin- cen.de anat. patol. [etc.],Mexico, 1896, i, 60)—Brenner (C. T.) Reportof two cases of syphilis, with remarks rela- tive toptyalism. Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxxxi, 238-240 — Fhlers. Mouvement epidemique de la syphilis a Copen- hague. Bull. Soc. franc, dedermat. etsyph., Par., 1895,vi, 143-145. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par.,1895,3. s., vi, 352-354.-----. Syfilis i K0benhavn. Ugeskr. f. Laeger,K0- benh., 1898, 5. R., v. 985-988.—Fischkin (E. A.) Svphi- litic cases. Chicago M. Recorder, 1904, xxvi, 253-256.— Flescii. Statistische Erhebungen fiber die Verbreitung der Syphilis in Frankfurt a. M. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1910, lvii, 2371. — Florence. Statistique de- cennale de la Clinique de dermato-svphiligraphie de Toulouse. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1903, xv, 811- 817.—Fordjee (J. A.) Some observations on svphilis. Oklahoma M. News-Jour., Okla. City, 1909, xvii, 671-686.— Syphilis (Cases and statistics of). Frisehmann (J.) Tuberculose und Syphilis unter den kaufmannischen Angestellten. Pest, med.-chir Presse, Budapest, 1903, xxxix, 713-718. — Gaucher. Trois cas de syphilis. J. de med. int., Par., 1903. vii. 213.— Gavriloff(T.) SifilisvSamarskom uyezdle. [Syphilis in the county of Samar.] Obsh.-san. obozr.. S.-Peterb. 1897, ii, 31-35.—Generopitomtseff (S. N.) Sifilis v Prafiyevskol volosti. Borzenskavo uyezda, Chernigovskol gub. po dannim posemeinol zupiski za 3 poslledniye godi. [Syphilis in Prafiyevka, Chernigov Government, accord- ing to records of every family for the past three years.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1901, xxii, 1162-1167.— Gijsbertt Hodenpijl (L.-P.) Statistiquecommuniquee. Confer. internat. p. la prophvl. de la svph. et d. mal. v6n. 1899 Brux., 1900, ii, com., 209—G laser (J. A.) Kritische Be- merkungen zu dem Vortrag des Herrn W. Brosius: Eine Syphilisendemie vor 12 Jahren und ihre heute nachweis- baren Folgen. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1905, ix, 35.— Gliick (L.) Zur Statistik der erworbenen Syphilis bei Kindern und jugendlichen Personen. Wien. med Wchnschr., 1898, xlviii, 2320-2325 —Gonzalez Urueila (J.) Algunas observaciones sobre la sifilis en Mexico Gaz. med., Mexico, 1904, 2. s., iv, 195-199.—Gorokhoir (D. E.) Po voprosu o sifilisle s sopostavleniyem dannikh po semelnol zapisi. [On the question of syphilis with the comparison of data of family registers. ] Dnevnik svezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamvat Pirogova, Kiev, 1896, vi no. 12, 67-72.—Gottheil (W. S.) A house epidemic of syphilis. N. York M. J., 1898, lxvii, 430-432.— Gratsia- noff (P. A.) Sifilis v Minskol gubernii (v uyezdakh Mo- zirskom, Minskom i Borisovskom). [Syphilis in the Government of Minsk.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1896, xxxi, 2. sect., 119-126.— Grebenshtshikoff(V. I.) Statisticheskiyadanniyao rasprostraneniisifilisa ivenericheskikh bolleznelv Rossii. [Statistical data concerning the extent of syphilis and ve- nereal diseases in Russia.] Trudi. . . syezda po obsuzhd. mler prot. sif. v Rossii [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1897, i, 1-51.— Hansen (C. T.) & Heiberg (P.) I hvilken Alder erhverves de fleste Tilfaelde af Syfilis og i hvilken Alder bryde de fleste Tilfeelde af genefel Parese ud? [At what age do the greatest number of cases of syphilis occur, and at what age do the greatest number of cases of paresis appear?] H0sp.-Tid., K0benh., 1900, 4. R., viii, 597-601.— Hawthorne (C. O.) A syphilitic family historv. Glas- gow M. J., 1896, xiv, 291-294.—Helms (O.) 'Svfilis i Granland. Kjobenh. med. Sclsk. Forh., 1893-4, 40-42.— Hertzenstein (G. M.) Sifilis v Sibiri, po novelshim nablyudeniyam. [Syphilis in Siberia, from latest obser- vations.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1895, ii, 249-255. -----. Statistika sifiliticheskikh i veneriche- skikh stradaniy sredi gorodskavo naseleniya za pyatille- tiye 1890-94 gg. [Statistics OI syphilitic and venereal dis- eases amidst the city population for the five years. . .] Trudi. . . syezda po obsuzhd. mler prot. sif. v Rossii [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1897, i, 237-141.—Hoist (A.) Syfilis i Kristia- nia. Norsk Mag. f. Leegevidensk., Kristiania, 1901, 4, R., xvi, 1258.—Hutchinson (Sir J.) Svphilis. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1893-4, v, 66-78. -----. Svphilis. [Cases.] Ibid., 1896, vii, 169-177. -----. Syphilis. Ibid., 1897, viii, 61-69. -----. Notes chieflv on syphilis. Polvclin., Lond., 1909, xiii, 33-38.—Illnski (P.) K statist'ikle sifilisa v Kos- tromskol gubernii. [On the statistics of syphilis in the Kostrom Government,] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. iprakt. med., St. Petersb., 1896, xxxi, 2. sect., 203-240.—Jean- selme (E.) La syphilis dans la peninsuleindo-chinoise. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, 4. s., ii, 817-837.— Joannidfes. Trois cas de svphilis. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 429.—Johnston (J. C.) Notes on cases of syphilis. Med. News, N. Y., 1898, lxxii, 107; 303.—Jur- kiny (E.) A bujakor terjedesenek statisztikai kinyo- mozasa. [Statistical researches on the spread of syphi- lis.] Kozeg. es T6rv6ny. Orvos, Budapest, 1896, 25^27.— Kalmanovski (M. S.) Nablyudeniya nad sifilisom vo vtorom meditsinskom uchastkle Lodelnopolskavo uyezda, Olonetskol gubernii. [Syphilis in the second medical district of Lodelnopol County, Government of Olonets.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1903, v, 465; 625; 725; 861.—Kevroleff (F.) O razvitii sifilisa i venericheskikh bolleznel na Sibirskol zhelleznol dorogle v 1902 i 1903 godakh i o mlerakh borbl s nimi. [Development of syphilis and venereal diseases along the Siberian Railroad in 1902-3, and preventive measures.] Sibirsk. Vrach. VIedom., Krasnoyarsk, 1905, iii, 137; 153; 171; 188— Khizhin (P. P.) Sifilis sredi selskavo nase- leniya. [. . . in the village population.] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamvat Pirogova, Kiev, 1896, vi, no. 12, 49-61.—Klevezal (V.) Sifilis Tumjkavo uchastka Kasimovskavo uyezda. [Syphilis of the Tumsk division of Kasimov County.] Obsh.-san upozr., S.-Peterb., 1896, i, 361-363.—Knopf & Wan-use. (asuistische Beitriige zur Pathologie und Therapie der Syphilisund Hautkrank- heiten. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1900, lxvi, 623; 636.—Kossa (G.) Syphilis-endemiak Magyarorszagon. [Endemic svphilis in Hungarv.l Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1905, xiv, 711; 729.—Kozersici (A.) Wyciag z wykazu statystyczno-lekarskietri), dotyczacezo "chorych, leezo- nych w szpitalu S-go Lazarza w Warszawie. [Statistics SYPHILIS. 36i Syphilis (Cases and statistics of). of the diseases treated in the St. Lazarus'Hospital of Warsaw during 1891-2.1 Medycyna, Warszawa, 1894, xxii, 34; 56; 72.—Kuzn'etsoff (L. A.) Sifilis v Atba- sarskom uyezdle, Akmolinskol oblasti. [Syphilis in Akmolinsk Province.] Protok. russk. sif. i dermat. Obsh., 1896-7, xii, 50-62.—Lenoir (P.) Contribution a l'etude de la morbidite syphilitique a Paris. Confer, internat. p. la prophyl. de la "syph. et d. mal. ven. 1899, Brux., 1900, ii, com., 3ch-37.—Levshin (A. G.) Sifilis sredi selskavo naseleniya Minskol gubernii. [Syphilis among the vil- lage population of the Government of Minsk.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1901, i, 419; 630; 692.—Lisyanski (V. I.) K vopmsu o rasprostranenii sifilisa v selskom naselenii. [On the spread of syphilis in the village population] Saratov, san. obzor, 1893, iii, 458-488.—Livshits (.A. G.) Sitilis v Minskol gu- bernii. [Svphilis in Minsk Government.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.," St. Petersb., 1900, vii, 145; 166; 177; 290; 305.—Loekwood (C. B.) The cases of syphilis treated in charity ward from 1893 to 1S95. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1895, xxxi, 225-238.—LofstrtJin (T.) Omituinem syftlistaudinalkujuoksu. [Un cas particulier de syphilis recente. R6s. p. viii.] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1892, viii, 164.—JWacdonald (W. G.) Reflections on a case of syphilis. Boston M. & S. J., 1901, cxlv, 393.— Martin (A.) Two syphilitic cases. Northumberland & Durham M. J., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1897, v, 136.— Massazza (G.) & Xrutii (M.) Epidemia di sifiiide nel comune di Casatisma (Provincia di Pavia) durante gli anni 1895-6. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1897, xxxii, 273-293.—Messarosh (P. I.) K voprosu o ras- prostranenii sifilica v Rossii. [On the spread of syphilis in Russia.] Vestnik obsh. big., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1896. xxxi, 2. sect., 49-70. — Minassiau (P.) Casistica sitilografica. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1909, li, 364-370. — Molchanoff (V. A.) Osobennosti zabollevaniya vcneriche-kimi bolleznyami v g. Schliissel- burg'ie. [Peculiarities ot the venereal diseases of Schliis- selburs ] Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1896, xvii, 1433. — Moore (SirW.) Note-on the extension of venereal diseases in India. Cong, internat. d'hvg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest. 1S96, viii, pt. 2. 737-739.—JIuren (G. M.j Re- ports of two cases of svphilis. Am. J. Dermat. A Gen. Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1905, ix, 333. — rVedievski (P. S.) Sifilisot v Gabrovskata okoliva. [Svphilis in Gabrovsk District.] Sovriem. Khig., Sofiya, 19u<\ ii, 101-105. — Ni- kitin (TA Sifilis sredi naseleniya Lipovskavo medi- tsinskavo uchastka, Nikolayevskavo uyezda, Samarskol gub. [Syphilis among the population of Lipov medical district, Nikolavev Countv, Samara Government.] Eje- ned. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1896, iii, 33-39.— Nord in (A.) Deux cas de svphilis grave. Rev. clin. d'androl. etde gynec. Par., 1903, ix, 167-176. — Oboz- nenko (P. E.) Material! dlya suzhdeniya o rasprostra- nenii sifilisa i veneriche-kikh bolleznel sredi nedosta- tochnavo naseleniya S.-Peterburga. [Extent of syphilis and venereal diseases among the lower classes of St. Pe- tersburg.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1898, no. 5, pt. 2, 353: 1899, pt. 2, 161; 265. -----. Sifilis i drugiya zarazniya bollezni v polskol derevnle; sanitarnoye "izsliedovaniye slevero-vo«tochnol chasti Plotskol gub., pro'izvedyonnoye po porucheniyu Obsh- tshestva borbi s zaraznimi bolleznyami. [Syphilis and other contagious diseases of the Polish village; sanitary investigation of the northeastern portion of Plotsk Gov- ernment, under orders of the Societv against Contagious Diseases.] Ibid., 1900, pt. 2, 177; 321. — Oirilvie (G.) Professor V. During Pacha's campaign against endemic svphilis iu Asia Minor. Brit. M. J. I.ond., 1903, i, 41.— 6win/on, 1902. Bruce: (F.) *Ueber Riesenzellen bei Lues. 8°. Wiirzburg, .1895. Deguy (M.) *Le coeur et l'aorte des syphi- litiques. 8°. Paris, 1900. Etterlen (J.) *De la lymphangite, satellite du chancre syphilitique. 8°. Zyora, 1899. Hansen ( H. J. ) *Amyloidentartung und Lues, Beitrag zur Lehre von der Amyloidentar- tung. 8°. Kiel, 1899. von Hubbenet (C.) Die Beobachtung und das Experiment in der Syphilis. Beitrage zur Pathologie dieser Krankheit. roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1859. Karvonen (J. J.) *Tutkimus-yrityksia vai- kean svfiliksen etiologian selvittamiseksi. [In- vestigation of the etiology of severe syphilis.] 8°. Helsinki, 1896. Lilienstein ( S. ) * Beitriige zur Histologie der Schleiinhaut-Svphilis. [Wurtzburg.] S°. Frankfurt a. M., 1S94. Macolo (J.) Theoria chymica luis veneme qupe hermeticse medicinae elementa pandit. 16°. Florentine, 1816. Rosenberger ( F. ) * Statistische Untersu- chungen der pathologisch-anatomischen Lues- Befunde am Berliner stadt. Krankenhause am Urban. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1904. I typhilis (Causes and pathology of). Sato ( K. ) Untoku kaku. [Treatise on syphilitic virus.] 2. ed. 8°. Tokio. 1893. Vvedenski (A. A.) *K stroyeniyau sifiliti- cheskavo pervichnavo skleroza. [On the struc- ture of syphilitic primary sclerosis.] 8°. *S'.- Peterburg, 1892. Abramoff (S. S.) Ob izmleneniyakh sosudov pri sifilisle. [On alterations in the blood-vessels in svphilis 1 Klin. J., Mosk., 1899, i, 235-260. Also, transl: Beitr". z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1899, xxvi, 202-229, 2 pl. -----. Ob izmleneniyakh aorti pri sifilisle. [Changes of the aorta in syphilis.] Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. vpam. Pirogova Trudi ix. . . . Syezda,S.-Peterb., 1904, i, 166-172.—Ac-hard (('.) & I.ymphocytosei.rachno'idiennedans un cas de syphilis avec mydriase paralytique et troubles legers de la sensibility. Kev. neurol., Par., 1903. xi.344.— Aleorta (R. H.) Etiologia dela sifilis; su estudo actual. Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1908, x. 211-258 — Allen (H. B.) Prevalence of syphilis in hospital post- mortem practice. Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 190s, Victoria 1909, ii, 238-245.—Armstrong (J. M.) The etiology oi syphilis. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1906. viii, 439- 456.—Andry (C.) Les processus histopathologiques de la syphilis. J. med. franc., Par., 1910, iv. 163-169.—Jb. Constatazioni e scoperte recenti nell' eziologia della sifi- iide, della febbre gialla e del vaccino. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 169-173.—Bandi (I.) A: Simonclli (F.) Parassitismocellulare nella sifiiide. Gazz. d. osp Milano 1906, xxvii, 595.—Beatty (H. A.) The etiology of syph! ilis. CanadaLancet, Toronto, 1905-6, xxxix,577-582. Also- Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1905-6, xxiii, 638-645.—Bernhardt ( R. ) Przyczynek do budowy wrzodu piervvotnego. [Structure of primary ulcer.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1903 2.s.. xxiii, 297; 326.—Bertarelli (E.) II virus sifiliticn corneale del coniglio e la recettivitadelle scimie inferiori e delle cavie a questo virus. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., To- rino, 1907, xviii,259-269.—deBeurniaiin& Delherm. L'etat de la rate dans la syphilis acquise. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de dermatol. et de syph., 727-731.— Boegeho Id. Beitrage zur Pathologie der Lues. Arch. f. Dermat. u.Svph., Wien u. Leipz.. 1901, 'v 387-393. — Boing ( H. ) Moderne Syphilisforschimc. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1908, xviii, 249-251.—Kon- lioff. Ueber die Aetiologie der Syphilis. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. 11y«j4 i, 1905, 17-32.—Bose (F.-J.) Signification, structure et evolu- tion du chancre syphilitique. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1904, lvii, 48-50.-----. Structure e£ evolution du chancre syphilitique. Ibid., 101. -----. A propos des le- sions histologiques et de la classification de lamaladiesy- philitique. Ibid., 1905,lix,237-239.—Brennemann (J.) Pathology of syphilis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1910, lxi, 343- 315.— Broekbank ( E. M.) Post-mortem notes on syph- ilitic lesions. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1909-10, 1, 319- 334— Callari (I.) Di alcune idee sulla patogenesi della sifiiide e nuovo indirizzo alia sieroterapia. Gazz. sicil. di med. e chir. [etc.], Palermo, 1904, iii, 693-595. —< 'am pan a (R.) Alterazioni per sifiiide dei tessuti ed organi pro- fondi. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1895, i, 323-326. Cliiwtya- Uoff (M. A.) Istochnikizarazheniya sifilisom muzhchin kulturnikh klassov. [Sources of syphilitic infection of the men of cultured classes.] Dnevnik svezda Obsh russk. vrach. v pamvat Pirogova, S.-Peterb'., 1888-9, iii, 305-307— Dalilenb'urg (C. W.) Etiology and general pathology of acquired svphilis. Toledo M. & S. Reporter, 1909, xxxv, 258-265.—Delbet (P.) La syphilis dyspla- sique. Presse med., Par., 1910, xviii, 273.—Dendrinos ( G.) & Itlpenses ( B. ) Ilepi niKpop\o\oyiKoxyniKC>v ipsvviav tov airiov t»)s iKi8os ev rrj KVK\oopia tov aifia- tos. 'la.TpiKb<;p.r)vvTwp, 'Adr)i>ai, 1906, vi, 168: 1907. vii, 128.— Doelile. Ueber eine Doppelfarbung syphilitischer Gewebe und die Uebertragbarkeit der Syphilis auf Meer- schweinchen. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de m6d. 1897, Mosc, 1899, ii, sect. 3, 250-252.—Dud u mi i V.) Un casde sancru sifilitic gangrenos balano-preputial. Presa med. rom., BucurescI, 1902, viii. 369-376.—Itnqne (M.) ;Que tiempodurael podervirulentodel venenosifilitico? Actas y trab. d. 1« Cong. med. nac, Habana, 1905, i, 343-347 — ICIirmann (S.) Einiges fiber die Rolle der Melano- blasten bei der Svphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph , Wien u. Leipz., 1898. xliii, 171-186, 2 pl. -----. Die Pathologie der Initialsclerose. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1900, 1,1705- 1707. Also, transl: Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de dermatol. et de syph., 443-445.-----. Zur Pathologie der syphilitischen ihitialsklerose des Penis. 1. Mitteilung. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz , 1904, lxviii, 3-32, 6 pl. -----. [Veranderungen in den Lymphgefassen bei Syphilis.] Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 647.— lCiiiis(L.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Svphilis ohne AlVektion des Lvinphsvstems. Wien.med. Presse, 1904, xiv, 813-817.—Umery ( W. d'E.) Some mod- ern ideas on the pathologv of svphilis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1910, n. s., xc. 648^-651. — Finger ( E. 1 Fortschritte in der Svphilislehre in den letzten 25 Jahren. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xvii, 536-540. — SYPHILIS. 367 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Causes and pathology of). Flexner (S.) The etiology of syphilis. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, lxxxvii, 1105-1114.—Fordyee (J. A.) Giant cells in syphilis. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 69-74.—Foster (B.) Remarks on the pathogenesis of syphilis. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1894, xiv, 121-124.— Fridman (E. F.) Material! k patologii sifilisa; izslie- dovaniye kozhi pri posllednem. [Pathology of syphilis; examination of the skin in that disease.] Bolnitsch.gaz. Botkina, St.-Petersb., 1899, x, 1951; 2018; 2053—Fro loff (P. I.) O sovremennikh zadachakh v uchenii o sifilisle. [Contemporary problems in the study of syphilis.] Vest- nik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1905, pt. 2,49-54.— Funke (W.) Einige Ergebnisse der Unter- suchung des Liquor cerebrospinalis bei Luetischen. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien & Leipz., 1904, lxix, 341- 348.—Gallardo (J. S.) Algunasinvestigacionesacerca de la etiologia de la sifilis. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1909, Iii, 108; 170; 205.—Garibaldi (G.) Le alterazioni che subiscono gli strati cutanei, sussidiati del dartos, percon- dizioni teratologiche e sifiiide. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1909, xxvii, 119-12I.—Gassmaiui (A.) Les bubons ramollis idiopathiques de la syphilis recente. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1905, xxv, 811-821.— Gastou (P.) L'evolution de la syphilis; sp6cificite et associations microbiennes. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de dermatol. et de syph., 717-725. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, 4. s., i, 714-746.—Gefter (A. A.) K histo'logii svlezhavo sifili- ticheskavo shankra. [Histologv of a fresh chancre.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1905, ix, 238.— Gerbsman (I. I.) Xiekotoriya tyomniya storoni v so- vremennom uchenii o sifilisle. [Dark sides of the con- temporary theory of syphilis.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1904, xi, 74; 117.—Gerster (A. G.) Hunterian chancre. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 3. s., i, 266-268.—Gheln (A.) II liquido cefalo-rachidiano nella sifiiide. Morgagni, Milano, 1910, Iii, pt. 2, 641-646.—Gilbert (E.) Note sur l'origine de la syphilis. France med., Par., 1903, 1,322- 325.—Grilliii (C. F.) Possible origin and nature of the syphilitic poisons. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1895, ix, 475-482. —Griffon (V.) & I>u Castel (J.) Sphacele de la verge consecutif a un chancre. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1905, xvi, 323-E26. Also: Ann. dedermat. etsyph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 988-991.— Guiceiardi (G.) Contributo alia ricerca degli anti- corpi nel latte di donna sifilitica. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1908, v, 321-334.—Guizzetti (P.) Untersuchungen fiber die Veranderungen der Epithelien der Samenkantilchen und der Spermatozoen in vier Fallen von Syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1905, lxxv, 227- 256, 1 pl.-Haan (P.) Persistance de l'action anti- toxique du ganglion lymphatique, chez un syphilitique, frappe seize mois apres de la gale. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par.. 1898, x, 343-347.—Hallopeau (H.) Prolife- rations locales in situ et ii distance de l'agent infectieux dela syphilis pendant toute la duree de son evolution. Ibid., 1905, xvii, 641-653. -----. Sur les progre« reeents dans l'etude clinique de Involution de la syphilis. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 687-69-v—Hamilton (J. B.) Primarv svphilis: bubo. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893,2.s., iv, 250-252.—Hansteen (H.) Atypiske syfilitiske pri- maersaar paa penis. [Atypic primary syphilitic lesion of the penis.] Tidskr.f.d. norske Laegefor., Kristiania, 1901, xxi, 193-195.—Harrison (L. W.) Pathology and micro- biology of svphilis as applied to the public services. Syst. Syph. (Power & Murphy), Lond., 1910, vi, 109-204, 4 pl.—Herxheimer (G.) Zur Aetiologie und patho- logisehen Anatomie der Svphilis. Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.], Wiesb., 1907, xi, 1-309.—Herz og (M.) Remarks on the histopathology of syphilis. Chi- cago M. Rec. 1899, xvi, 290-293. [Discussion], 332. Also, Reprint — Himmel (I. M.) K voprosu ob izmlenenii sosudovv tvyordom i myakhkom shankrakh. [Altera- ■ tion in the vessels in hard and soft chancre.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i. Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1903, v, 53; 171. — Hjelman (J. V.) Bidrag till kiinnedom om de histo- patologiska vafnadsforandrinearnas persistens vid syfilis. [Contribution a la connaissance de la persistance des alterations histopathologiques des tissus dans la syphilis. C.-r., no. 6, 2.] Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1897, n. F., vii hft. 1, no. 2, 1-17. Also: Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1898, xl, 237-263. Also, transl: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1898, xiv, 57-80.— Hoffmann (E.) Die Aetiologie der Syphilis nach dem gegenwartigen Stand unserer Kenntnisse. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 1906, Berl., 1907, 115-223, 2 pl. Also: Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1909, xvi, 687-704, 2 pl. See, also, infra, Saling.—Hot' mann (G.) Zur Aetiologie der Syphilis. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1894, xxxix, 139; 164 — Joseph (M.) Novlyaizsliedovaniya otnositelno bollez- netvornavo vozbuditelya sifilisa. [New researches con- cerning the pathogenic agent of svphilis.] Vrach. Gaz., S.- Peterb., 1903, x, 687-689.-----. Ueber die Rhodanausschei- dungimSpeichelSyphilitischer. Arch.f.Dermat.u.Syph., Wien & Leipz.,1904, lxx, 49-66.—Jullien. Syphilis nou- euse et lesion des vais-eaux. Rev. d. mal. de la nutrition, Par., 1903, 2. s., i, 535-538. Also: 3. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1904, xvi, 23-26.—Justus (J.) Syphilis okozta ve- Syphilis (Causes and pathology of). relvaltozasokrol, tekintettel a k6r felismeresere 6s gy6- gyitasara. [Blood changes occasioned by syphilis; their diagnosis and cure.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897, xii, 131; 400. -----. Kidney changes in syphilis. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1898, xvi, 280-286.—Kawa- shlma (K.) Das Verhalten des Antitrypsins bei Lues. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1910-11, viii, 653- 655.—Klein (K.) Klinisches und morphologisches Ma- terial zur Aetiologie der Svphilis. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1907, Hanib. u. Leipz., 1908, xii, pt. 2, 347-361. Also: Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst., 1908, viii, 347-361, 6 pl.—Klingmuller (V.) & Baermann (G.) Ist das Syphilisvirus filtrierbar. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl., 1904, xxx, 766.—Koehler (H. H.) Some obscure points in syphilis; etiological and pathological. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1902-3, ix, 65- 71. -----. The present status of the etiology of syphilis. Ibid., 1908, xv, 47-52.—Kraus (R.) Ueber Aetiologie, Pathogenese und atiologisehe Therapie der Syphilis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xviii, 1052-1055. Also [Dis- cussion] : Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1905, Leipz., 1906, pt. 2,2. Hlfte., 335-338.—Ku Inert' (S. Y.) K voprosu o polyadenit'Ie pri sifilisle. [Polya- denitis in syphilis.] Protok. russk. sif. i dermat. Obsh., St. Petersb., 1896-7, xii, 35-41.—Lacapere. La leuco- plasie; etiologie et pathogenie; syphilis et leucoplasie; rapports de la leucoplasie avec la plaque muqueuse reci- divate. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1905, i, 1031-1041.— La IVlensa (N.) Di alcune ricerche tendenti ad abolire negli animali la chemiotassi per il virus sifllitico e le sue tossine. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1899, xxxiv, 636- 648.—Lanzl (G.) La resistenza di alcuni albuminoidi dei sifilitici nelle diastasi. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1902, xx, 36-41.—Lieredde. Pathogenie des affections dites parasyphilitiques. Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 39-48.—lieredde & Dominici. Note sur la presence d'elements figures anormaux dans les tissus syphilitiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 984-986.—Lesser (F.) Zur allgemeinen Pathologie der Syphilis und der soge- nannten parasyphilitischen Erkrankungen. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1904, xi, 619-641.—Lioeb (R.) Ueber tin- gible Korperchen in syphilitischen Produeten. Dermat. Centralbl., Berl., 1899, iii, 6-7.—Loiubardo (G.) Con- tributo all' anatomia patologica delle alterazioni sifili- tiche del polmone e della pleura. Gazz. med. sicil., Ca- tania, 1907, x, 469-479.—L.ydston (G. F.) Leucoplasia and its relation to syphilis. [Abstr.] J. Cutan. & Genito- Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1895, xiii, 101-106.— MacCormac (H.) Some points in the pathology of syphilis. Middlesex Hosp. J., Lond., 1910-11, xiv, 59-65.—Malinowski (F.) Badania anatomo-patologiczne tworOw przymiotu w sk6rzeiw blonach iluzowych. [Pathological investiga- tions of syphilitic changes in trie skin and mucosae.] Przegl. chorob sk6r. i wen., Warszawa, 1908, iii, 113; 223.— Ularcou (G.) Facteurs de gravite de la syphilis; les doctrines de la graine et du terrain. Independ. m6d., Par., 1901, vii, 209. Also: Nice-med., 1901-2, xxvi, 8-13. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1901, liii, 439-443.— Marri (O. U.) Vecchi concetti e recenti scoperte sul veleno sifllitico. Cesalpino, Arezzo, 1910, vi, 29-35.— Marshall (C. F.) The syphilitic origin of leucoplasia. Treatment, Lond., 1905-6, ix, 815-819.—Mauriac (C.) Variability des effets du virus syphilitique suivant les organismes. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1892, vi, 689-692.—Meitzner (M.) Recent investigations con- cerning the nature and etiology of svphilis. Jeffersonian, Phila., 1905-6, vii, 106-111.— Merzbacher (L ) Die Be- ziehungder Syphilis zur Lymphocyiose der Cerebrospi- nal fliissigkeit und zur Lehre von der meningitischen Reizung. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1906, xxix, 304; 352.— Mibelli (V.) Macule atrofiche in un sifllitico. Rendic. d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, Roma, 1900, i, 80-87. -----. L' etiologia della sifi- iide secondo le ultime scoperte parassitologiche e speri- mentali. Corriere san., Milano, 1907, xviii, 331-334.— Milian(G.) Syphilis de trois mois; abondante lympho- cytose du liquide cephalo-rachidien. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat.de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 623.— Monckeberg (J. G.) Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Syphilis und schwieliger Aortensklerose vom pathologisch-anatomischen Stand- punkt. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 1027-1031.—Morel- L.avalleoo Les determinations organiques de la syphi- lis peuvent-elles dans certains cas tenir a la nature du virus, celui-ci pouvant alors produire des localisations analogues chez toute une serie d'individus contamines a la meme source? Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, iii, 47-52— Morishiiua. [Syphilis and the Rmaller nerve fibres.] Geibi Iji, Tokyo, 1905, 33-39.— Morrow (P. A.) The moral etiology of syphilis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1903, xxi, 57-60 —MOhl- niann (M.) Ueber die neueren Untersuchungen be- ziiglich der Syphilisaetiologie. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xxxviii, 650; 745,1 pl.—Neu- mann. Ueber die Beziehungen der Syphilis zu physio- logischen und pathologisehen Zustiinden. Allg. Wien med. Ztg., 1894, xxxix, 25; 35,—Nichols (J. B.) The etiology of syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., SYPHILIS. 368 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Causes and pathology of). St. Louis, 1906, x, 143.—Nicolas. Etiologie de'la syphilis acquise et chancre syphilitique. J. de med. int., Par., 1907, xi, 339; 359.—Nicolas (J.) & Favre (M.) Rapport surles recherches experimentales recentes concernant la syphilis. Lyon med., 1906, cvi, 754.—van Niessen. Aus- sehen und Lagerung des Syphilis-Contagiums im Gewebe. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1897, cxlix, 124-154, 4 pl. -----. Zur Aetiologie derSvphilis. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl.,1898, xxiv, Ver.-Beil., 228. Also: Klin.- therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1898, v, 1544. Also: Jahresb. d. Ge- sellsch. f.Nat.-u.Heilk.in Dresd., 1898-9, 27-33. -----. Ue- ber ein neues zuverlassigesVerfahren zur Isolierung des Syphiliscontagiums. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xlviii, 691-693. -----. Ueber den jetzigen Stand der Syphilisae- tiologie. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1899, xvii, 485-502, 6 pl. -----. Die neueren Ergebnisse der atiologischen Svphilisforschung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1900, Leipz., 1901, lxxii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 245-252. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1901, li, 2295; 2362.—Omelchenko (F. Z.) Sluchal pervichnavo perioda sifilisa v patologo-anatomicheskom otnoshenii. [Primary period of syphilis pathologically considered.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1901, ii, 690- 600.—Pal (.1.) Beitrage zur Casuistik der Erkrankung innerer Organe bei Luetischen. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1898, Wien u. Leipz., 1900, vii, pt. 2, 20-24.— Pa pin. Recherches recentes sur la pathogenie de la syphilis. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1905, ix, 491^96.—Pasini (A.) Sulla etiologia della sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1905, xl, 317; 385.—Pavloff (T.) Mate- rial! k patologii sifilisa. [Data on the pathology of svphi- lis.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1897, viii,'l621; 1657; 1699; 1742; 1793.—Petrini-Galatz. Adenopatiile sifilitice. Presamed. rom., BucurescI, 1901, vii, 97-102.— Polland (R.) Der gegenwiirtige Stand unserer Kennt- nisse fiber die Syphilis-Aetiologie. Mitt. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1906, xliii, 161-166.—Kadaeli (F.) Sullo stato attuale delle nostre conoscenze in- torno alia eziologia della sifiiide. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1907, xiii, 430-435.—Itavant (P.) Etude cytologique du liquide ccphalo-rachidien chez les syphilitiques. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 1-14.— Kavogli (A.) On the histo-pathological alterations of the lymph and blood-vessels in svphilis. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1903, n. s., li, 399-409. Also: Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903,Madrid, 1904,xiv,sect, dedermat. etsyph., 125-140.—Reckzeh (P.) Ueber protoplasmatische'Kor- perchen in den Lymphdriisen Svphiiitischer. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1905-6, ii, 649-654, 1 pl.— Reichl (It.) Warum bliebendie wilden Volkerodersol- che, die Vielweiberei trieben, von der Svphilis befreit? Hyg. Volksbl., Berl., 1903, iv, 241— Renaut (J.) Sur la caracteristique anatomo-pathologiquedelasyphilis. Rev. prat. d. mal. cutan. [etc.], Par., 1903, ii, 10-17. Also, transl: Phila. M. J., 1903, xi, 128-130.—Richard d'Aul- nay ( G.) Des caracteres et du processus du virus syphi- litique; de l'exerese du syphildme primitif. Rev. inter- nat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1897, viii, 347-353.—Rie- der. Histologische Untersuchungen im Primarstadium der Syphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 142-144.—Robbins (H. A.) The toxine of syphilis. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897-8, xxxviii, 187- I91.-Sabrazfes (J.), Muratet (L.) & Bonnes (J.) Cellule nerveuse libre dans le liquide cephalo-rachidien dans un cas de syphilis medullaire probable. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1549.—Saling (T.) E. Hoffmanns: Die Aetiologie der Syphilis in kritischer Be- leuchtung. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1907, xxi, 133; 150.— Saraeeni (C.) La endoarterite obliterante come causa di porpora e di emorragie nei sifilitici. Clin, dermosifilo- pat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1904, xxii, 107-116. Also: Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1905, xl, 518-530.—Schill. Zur Aetiologie der Svphilis. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1897-8, 70-72.—Sehoonheid (P. H.) Het tegenwoordig standpuntderexperimenteele syphilis en der syphilisaetiologie; algemeen overzichtderiiieuwe gezichtspunten. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1907-8, xiv, 41; 57; 69.—SchUller(M.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Syphi- lis-Aetiologie. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxvii, 516.—Schtttz (R.) Aetiologische Be- ziehungen der Syphilis. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 261; 286. Also, Reprint.—Schulin (C.) The pathology of syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 220-227.—Sellei (J.) Ueber den pathognomischen Wert der luetischen Driisenschwel- lung. Festschr.. . . Moriz Kaposi z. Prof.-Jubil., Wien u. Leipz., 1900, 287-290.—Sensini (P.) Contribuzione all' etiologia del sifiloma endouretrale; cinque casi cli- nici. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1906, xii, 386- 392.—Sieirel (J.) Untersuchungen uber die Aetiolo- gie der Syphilis. Abhandl. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wis- sensch.. Perl., 1905, Anh., Abhandl. iii, 1-15, 2 pl. -----. Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Aetiologie der Syphilis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1388, 1 pl. -----. Die neuesten atiologischen Syphilisforschungen. 2. Un- tersuchungen iiber die Aetiologie der Syphilis. Halb- monatschr. f. Haut- u. Harnkr., Wien., 1905, ii, 81-84. Syphilis (Causes and pathology of). -----. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Aetiologie der Syphilis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 63-66, lpl. -----. Die Aetiologie der Syphilis. Verhandl. d. Ge- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908. pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 370-372.—Sisto (G.) Le liquide cephalique chez les syphilitiques et les heredo-syphilitiques. Ann. de med. et chir. inf.. Par., 1910, xiv, 41-41.—van der Spek (J.) Syphilis en andere pathologische toestanden. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1896-7, iii, 301-3C5.— Stassano (E.) Vues nouvelles sur la syphilis. France med., Pa*-, 1897, xliv, 497-501.—Stunipkc (G.) Ueber antitryptische Stoffe bei Syphilis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1910, vi, 216- 218.—Taylor (R. W.) The development of multiple and successive initial syphilitic lesions and the path- ology of syphilis. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., 1906, xxx, 64-78, 2pl.— Tomasczewski (E.) Ein Beitrag zur Patho- logie der Syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, lxxxv, 177-194.—Toil che. Syphilis senile; lacune de la capsule interne: arterite et thrombose du tronc basilaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 519-521.—Wakefield (H.) Commentaries upon lues and leprosy as subcatabolic diseases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxv, 9-13. Also, Reprint.—Ward (A. H.) On the pathology of syphilis; a theory founded on a con- sideration of Colles' law and other phenomena of the hereditary disease. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 604. -----. The toxine theory of syphilis. Ibid., 1896, i, 1346; 1422. -----. The primary lesion of svphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1203-1205.— W'eicbselbaum (A.) Ueber die Aetiologie der Syphilis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1906, lvi, 361-364.—Werther. Die Aetiologie und Pathoge- nese der Syphilis; Bericht iiber die neuesten Forschun- gen. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd. 1906-7, Munchen, 1908, 16-27.—Whitfield (A.) Speci- mens from a case of syphilis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Dermat. Sect., 172-174. — Widal (F.) La lymphocytose rachidienne dans la syphilis. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1906, xx, 468.—Winkler (F.) Ueber eigenthumliche, specifisch fiirbbare Gebilde in syphilitischen Producten. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 397. -----. Ueber tingible Kugeln in syphili- tischen Producten. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1898, xiv, 3-12, 2 pl. — Wolters. Ueber die Aetiologie der Syphilis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 827- 831. Also: Kor.-Bl. d. allg. mecklenb. Aerztever., Ro- stock, 1907, No. 274, 440.—Zabolotnfy (D. K.) K vop- rosu o patogenezie sifilisa. Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 1297. Also, transl: Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 1906, Berl., 1907,304-313. -----. Patogenez sifi- lisa. Arch. biol. nauk. . ., S.-Peterb., 1908-9, xiv, 259; 1103, 5 pl. Also, Reprint. Also, transl: Arch. d. sc. biol., St.-Petersb., 1909, xiv, 263; 389, 5 pl.—Zeisler (J.) The relations of lymphatic glands to syphilis. N Am. Pract., Chicago, 1893, v, 101-105.—von Xcissl (M.) Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Erkenntniss des sc hankergiftes. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, ix, 22; 40. -----. Ueber das Syphiliscontagium und die Virulenz der verschiedenen Syphilisproducte. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. u. Wien, 1901-3, x, 1. Abth., 149-172. — Zeleneff (I. F.) Obshtsheye bolleznennoye uvelieheniye limfaticheskikh zhelyoz pri sifilisle. [General painful hypertrophy of the lymphatic glands in syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1901, i, 92— Zumbado (F.) Suero de sifilis latente en lesiones prim arias y seeundarias. Gac. med. de Costa Rica, San Jose de Costa Rica, 1896-7, i, 38-40. Syphilis (Cerebral). See Brain (Si/philis of); Brain (Tumors of); Cerebellum (Tumors of); Dura mater (Tu- mors, etc., of). Syphilis (Cerebrospinal). See Syphilis (Manifestations of, Nervous). Syphilis (Chancre in). See Chancre [and subdivisions]; Syphilis (Extragenital). Syphilis (Communication of). See Syphilis (Transmission of). Syphilis (Cornplica t ions and seeju else of). See, also, Albuminuria and syphilis; Amau- rosis; Aneurisms (Aortic, Causes of); Angina pectoris (Causes, etc., of); Aorta (Syphilis of); Arteries (Syphilis of); Bright's disease (Causes, e'e, of); Cataract (Causes, etc., of); Chancre (Urethral); Chorea (Causes of); Cranium (Syphilis of); Deafness (Causes of); Ear (Syphilis of); Epilepsy and syphilis; Exanthe- mata (Coexistent); Exophthalmus; "Eye(Syph- SYPHILIS. 369 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (C >mj>licat ions and sequelie of). 'ills of); Gangrene (Causes, etc., of); Goitre (Complications, etc., of); Gonorrhoea; Gonor- rhoea (Complications of) xvith syphilis; Hsema- turia (Causes, etc., of); Headache (Causes, etc., of); Hydatids (Complications, etc., of); Hydro- cele (Causes, etc., of); Hysteria (Guises, etc., of); Impetigo (Causes, etc., of); Insanity and sypltilis; Iritis (Syphilitic); Jaundice (Syphi- litic); Keloid; Knee-joint (Syphilis of); Lac- rymal organs (Syphilis of); Larynx (St/philis of); Lead (Poisoning by, Complications of); Leprosy (Mixed infection in); Lips (Syplnlis of); Lupus and syphilis; Mediastinum (In- flammation of); Membranes (Synodal, Diseases of); Meningitis (Cerebrospinal, Complications, etc., of); Meningitis (Syphilitic); Mouth (Syphills of); Muscles (Syphilis of); Myxce- dema (Causes, etc., of); Nails (Diseases of); Neck (Syjihilis of); Nerve (Optic, Lnflamma- tionof, Causes, etc., of): Nervous system (Syplt- ilis of); Neuralgia (Su)>hilitic); Nose (Sjiphilis of); Orbit (Syphilis of); Osteitis deformans; Osteo-arthritis; Osteomyelitis (Syjihilitic); Ovary (Syphil is of); Ozena (Causes, etc., of); Palate (Syphilis of); Pancreas (Syphilis of); Paralysis (General, S'lphilitic); Paralysis (Syphilitic); Paralysis (Unilateral, Syphilitic); Pelvis (Sy}>hilis of); Peritoneum (Syphilis of); Perityphlitis [Appendicitis] (Syphilitic); Pharynx (Syphilis of); Pleurisy (Syphilitic); Pneumonia (Syphilitic); Spinal cord (Syphilis °f)'i Syphilis (Congenital, Complications of); Syphilis (Eye in); Syphilis (Manifestations °f)\ Syphilis (Mixed infection in); Tendon sheaths (Diseases of); Throat (Syphilis of); Tongue (Syphilis of); Tonsils (Syphilis of). , Adler (H. C.) * Ueber einen Fall von Friih- Apoplexie mit luetischer Aetiologie. 8°. Mun- chen, 1910. Berxay ( a[. ) La syphilis et ses consequences. 12°. Paris, [1902]. Coxax. Syphilis uni verselle, origine de toutes nos maladies. 8°. Paris, [1894]. Delaxnoy (A.-V.-L.-A.) *Main bote et syphilis; etude clinique et critique. [Lille.] 8°. Boubaix, 1902. Dentillac (L.) *Etude sur la splonomegalie dans les differentes periodes de la syphilis acquise. 8°. Paris, 1901. Hekmaxides (S.-R.) Les affections para- syphilitiques. 2 v. S°. Jena, 1903. * Kraemer (K.) *Ein Fall von Aneurysma aortas auf luetischer Basis. 8°. Munchen, 1902. Lacroix (L.) *Contribution a 1'etude de quelques consequences eloignees de la syphilis. 4°. Paris, 1895. Mette (E. L. P.) * Ueber rheumatoide Ge- lenkserkrankungen infolge von Syphilis. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Ptjhlmaxx (VV. A.) *Die Arthritis luetica simplex. 8°. Leipzig, 1909. Roche (J.-P.) ^Contribution a l'etude des fractures pathologiques chez les syphilitiques. 8°. Montpellier, 1907. Schuster (C.) * Ueber zwei Fiille von Stru- mitis auf luetischer Basis. [Munich.] 8°. Bamberg, 1910. Steixberg (J.) *Du pseudo-rhumatisme syphilitique, 8°. Paris, 1898. StJssENGUTH (L.) *Die Folgen der Lues; sta- tistische Erhebungen iiber die in der medi- vol xvii, 2d series----24 Syphilis (Complications and sequelae of). zinischen Klinik zu Gottingen wiihrend der Jahre 1873-82 (inkl.) an Syphilis behandelten Personen. 8°. Gottingen, 1906. Baiscli. Der Einfluss der Syphilis auf die Fortpflan- zung auf Grund serologischer Untersuchungen. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1909, xiii, 43S—118.—Balzer. Maladie de Meniere survenue au cours de la syphilis. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 718-751. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1902, xiii, 382-385.—Balzer (F.), Combes & Fouquet. N'eerosesynhilitiquedumaxillaire: pneu- monie avec albuminuric: glossite aigue mercurielle. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1904, xi, 635-540.—Balzer (F.) & Fran^ois-Daiu ville. Maladie de Meniere surve- nue au cours de la syphilis; traitement par les injections intra-veineusesde cyanure de mercure. Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 139. A/so: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 35 >— ISa remit (F. H.) The vestiges of syphilis. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1903, xxiii, 449-451. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1904, n. s., lxxviii, 36-38.—Baskin (J. L.) Heemo-pericardium associated with syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1908, i, 424.— Batut (L.) Syphilis recente, hydrocele, pointe de hernie, vegetations adenoi'des, lymphadenie d'origine dentaire. ,J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1909, xx, 599.— Bayct. Etat eunuchoi'de acquis chez un syphilitique. Soc. beige de dermat. et de syph. Bull., Brux., 1901-2, ii, 63.—Berezovszky (E.) & lditz (B.) Elverzes a jobb belso fejiiter bujakoros arrosiojabol. [Death from haem- orrhage in consequence of syphilitic arrosion of the right internal carotid.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1908, vi, 707- 709.—Berger (E.) Contributo clinico ed anatomo-isto- logico alio studio dell'aortite e dell'aneurisma sifllitico Incurabili, Napoli, 1903, xviii, 397-^25.—Bernart (W. E.) Some of the more unusual complications of svphilis. Denver M. Times, 1903-4, xxiii, 165-169.—Bevacqua ( A.) Ematoma perirenale in un sifllitico; contributo clinico ed anatomo-patologico. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1904, Iii, 95-115. Also, Reprint.—Breton & Vouters. Gangrene de la main et de l'avant-bras gau- che par arterite syphilitique diagnostiquee par la me- thode de Wassermann; amputation; mort. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1909, xiii, 577-579. — Brosius. Eine Sy- philisendemie vor 12 Jahren und ihre heute nachweisbk- ren Folgen. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1903, xxxvii, 639- 642. Also: Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1903, xxvi, 466-468. Also: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1904, lxxi, 377-384. — Brulins. Syphilis und Milztumor. Dermat. Ztschr.,,Berl., 1899, vi, 508-513.—Bureau (G.) ABlaneliard. Enormedilata- tion cylindroi'de de l'aorte thoracique chez un syphili- tique, avec dilatation ampoullaire de la crosse de l'aor e et du tronc brachio-cephalique; petit anevrisme adhe- rant a la trachee: retrecissement de l'orifice de la caro- tide primitive gauche, et de la sous-claviere gauche; mort subite. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1901-2, xx, 217-219.— Cappuecio (D.) Per un caso di claudicazione inter- mittente ed embolismo dell' omerale destra da sifiiide. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1902, xxiii, 602-605. — Casoli (V.) II sifiloma del meato dell' uretra maschile e le sue conse- guenze tacdive per la stenosi del medesimo. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1896, xxxi, 337-348. — du Castel. Influence de la grippe et des injections de serum anti- streptococcique chez les syphilitiques. Cong, internat. demed. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de dermatol. et de syph., 725.—Castellino (P. F.) Infezione celtica; arterio sclerosi; influenza; aortite acuta (forma di Hodgson); compressione della vena cava discendente; irritazione del pneumogastrico. Tommasi, Napoli, 1905-6, i, 107. -----. Infezione celtica pregressa; alcoolismo cronico; arteriosclerosi diffusa; miocardite cronica; aritmia car- diaca: ritmo di galoppo; nefrite interstiziale; cachessia cardio - renale. Ibid., 1907, ii, 310. -----.Infezione celtica pregressa; arteriosclerosi diffusa; sindrome anginoide; ipermegalia epatica; suffusione itterica; compressione sulla cava ascendente, placca sacrale ed organo emorroidario; edemi agli arti inferiori; ematu- ria ed oliguria; catarro cronico del crasso; entrorragie. Ibid.b25. -----. Infezione celtica pregressa; aneurisma addominale. Ibid., 719.— Olieatle (A. H.) A case of nerve deafness in a syphilitic of thirty years'standing. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 161.—Citron (J.) Ueber Aorten- insuffieienz und Lues. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xiv, 2142-2146.—CiiboySanz (C.) La sifilis y las enfermedad esagudas; aprop6sitode dos casos clini- cos. Rev. med. espafi. y bol. deliig. y salub., Madrid, 1911, iii, 289-292.—Oanlos (H.) Essaid'une conception nou- velle de laparasyphilis et therapeutique qui en decoule. Nel . . . anno d' insegn. univ. d. Prof. D. Barduzzi (1886- 1910), Livorno, 1911,115-117. Also: Presse med., Par., 1911, xix, 1035.—Be Benzi (E.) Sopra un caso di geroderma genito-distrofico con sifiiide epato-polmonare. N. riv. clin.- terap., Napoli, 1910, xi, 169-178. — Didriklison (V. K.) Sluchal tromboza art. iliacse pri tifle na sifiliticheskol pochkle. [Thrombosis of iliac artery in typhoid fever SYPHILIS. 370 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Complications and sequelae of). following syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boll'ezn., Kharkov, 1904, vii, 252-257. — Dieulafoy. La surdite syphilitique. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1910, xxiv, 436.—Dominioi (M.) Alterationen des Nabel- stranges bei Syphilis; histopatologische und mikrobiolo- gische Untersuchungen. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1911, ccvi, 392-406,1 pl. —Drennen (C. T.) Arteriosclerosis of svphilitic origin. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 729. — Dreschleld. (J.) Case of spontaneous fractures in a patient affected with syphilis, and two cases of paralysis of the abductors of the vocal cord. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1881, ii, 283; 362. Also, Reprint (withadditions).—Fernet (C.) Del'alcoolisme et de la syphilis comme causes de deces dans les hopitaux et hospices de Paris. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 1073-1078. — Fournier (E.) Une famille de degeneres par la svphilis et l'alcool. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 463-468. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, x, 225- 230.—Frank (E.) Sluchal uretralnavo defekta vslled- stviye fagedenicheskavoshankra. [Urethral defect fol- lowing phagedenic chancre.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i. Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1906, xii, 131-133.— Gastinel (P.) & Pelissler (A.) Syphilis, paralvsie dipht^rique, herpes velo-palatin. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1911, lxxxiv, 1620.— Gastou cfe Herscher. Myocardite et gangrenes sy- metriques des extremites digitales chez une malade asys- tolique atteinte de periostite tibiale svphilitique. Ann. de dermat. etsvph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 460-463. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de'dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, x, 222-225.— Gaudier <& Lacapere. Syphilis et diabete insipide. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 163- 166.-----------. Svphilis et diabete. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1907, ii, 357-368.— Glaser (J. A.) Ein Fall von Lues mit Konvulsionen und Blutungen. Aerztl. Monatschr., Leipz., 1900, 157-164. — Gottlieil (W. S.) Cicatricial contracture of unusual extent following late syphi- litic ulcerations of the skin. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1908, xxvi, 334. — G rant ( H.) A case for di- agnosis; post-syphilitic fibrosis. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lond., 1897-8, 36. —Groll. Cinq observations de syphilis et neoplasmes. Dauphin6 m6d., Grenoble, 1906, xxx, 145-153. —Grllnberg ( K. ) Progressive Schwerhorigkeit im Verlaufe einer todlich endenden Lues; pathologisch-anatomischer Befund an den Felsen- beinen. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Wiesb., 1910, lx, 260- 269.—Harttung (W.) Luetische Gelenkerkrankungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1909, v, 991-995.—Heller (A.) Aorten- Aneurysma und Svphilis. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1903, cxxi, 177-179.—Heymann (P.) Ueber Ver- wachsungen und Verengerungen im Rachen und Kehl- kopf in Folge von Lues. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1894, Leipz., 1895, lxvi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 289-294. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 477-479. — Horwitz (O.) Hernia of testicles in neglected case of syphilis. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1899, xv, 169.—Hyde (J. N.) The cutaneous cicatrices of svphilis. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass. 1892, N. Y.. 1893, xvi, 82-42. —Irwin (J. W.) Remote effects of syphilis. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1902, xxxiii, 272-275.—Isaac. Ein Fall von elephantiastischer Verdickung des rechten Vorderarmes bei einem Syphili- tischen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xxxvii, 1224.— Iversene. Syphilis, zona, nephrite, myelite; traite- ment mixte; guerison de la myelite. Arch. med. de Tou- louse, 1899. v, 305-310. — Jabonlay. Degenerescence cancroi'dale des brulures (et des lesions svphilitiques). Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1907, lxxx, 1035.—Keyes (E. L.), jr. Syphilis as a cause of depopulation and race deteriora- tion. J. Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlix, 453-457. [Discus- sionl,459.—Kikuti. [Syphilitic influenza.] Nippon Eisei Gakkwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1906-7, iii, 24-32.—Knight (C. H.) The sequelae of syphilis and their treatment; nasal sequelae. N. York M. J., 1896, lxiv, 379-383. Also, Re- print.—Kownatzki. Doppelseitige Taubheit infolge von Svphilis, 6 Monate nach der Infektion. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1359— Kuzmik (P.) Spon- tane Magen-Bauchwandflstel bei Lues. Beitr. z. Klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1906, xlviii, 586-595.—Lambkin (F. J.) Phvsical degeneration and svphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 375.—Lang (E.) Papeln am Genitale; Phlebitis luetica. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1895, Wien u. Leipz., 1897, iv, pt. 2, 107.—Leredde. Sur les affec- tions dites parasvphilitiques. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 305-310.—Lopez (G.) Caquexia sifi- litica; fracturas multiples espontaneas. Gac. san. de Bar- cel., 1907, xix, 1-8. — MacLeod (J. M. H.) Keloids forming on the cicatrices resulting from ulcerating syphilitic lesions. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910- 11, iv, Dermat. Sect., 74. — JTIcPhedran (A.) Svphi- ■ litic endarteritis; double hemiplegia; recovery, inter- nat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 4. a, iii, 65-67. — Mar- shall (C. F.) The sequelae of svphilis. Treatment, Lond., 1901-2, v, 408-413.—marten (R. H.) Some sequelae of syphilitic infection. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1902, xxi, 608-611.—Mathes (M.) [et al.}. Sta- tistisehe Untersuchung iiber die Folgen der Lues. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1902. xlix, 220: 275.— .Ueriel. Syphilis (Complications und sequelae of). Radiographic d'une fracture pathologique syphilitique. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, lxxvi, 417-419.— ITIolle. Note sur un casd'aortite syphilitique survenue 34 ans apres le chancre indure et gu6rie par le traitement specifique. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1910, Xxi, 313- 320.—Moskaleflf"(N. A.) K voprosu o vliyanii sifilisa na pro'iskhozhdeniye psevdolelkemii. [Influence of syphilis on the origin of pseudoleukaemia.l Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1902, iii, 470; 569.— Nobl (G.) Ueber ein bisher nicht beschriebenes post- svphilitisches Merkmal. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1903, xvi, 1157-1159.—Ohmann-Btimesnll (A. H.) Syphi- litic cutaneous^scars. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1899, xxxix, 503-506.—Papec (J.; Zmiany kilowe na blonach gluzo- mych o charakterze wezesnym, 10 wyglednie 13 lat po zakazeniu. [Syphilitic alterations in the mucosae of an earlv character, observed 13 vears after infection.] Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1909, iv, 173.—Parola (L.) Sifiiide, tabe e malattie del cuore e dei vasi. Morgagni, Milano, 1909, li, 30; 52.—Pick (F. J.) & Bandler (V.) Riick- blick auf das Schicksal von Syphiliskranken. Arch. f. Dermat u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1910, ci, 55-76.— Pissavy (A.) Syphilis et cardiopathies. Clinique, Par., 1910, v, 360.—Pokrovski (M.) Dva sluchaya slonovosti v zavisimosti ot sifllisa. [Two cases of ele- phantiasis resulting from syphilis.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1902, lvii, 656-665.—Popotf (K.) Syphilis inveterata, nephritis parenchymatosa, degeneratio amyloidea. Objazat. pat.-anat. izslied. stud.-med. imp. Charkov. Univ., 1895, 323-329. — Porter (W. H.) Syphilis as an etiological factor in diseases; its pathology, prac- tical and clinical importance; aneurism of the basilar artery; miliarv aneurism of the arterioles of the cere- brum. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., i, 275-280.— Prota (G.\ Occlusione dell' ipo-faringe perdiaframma cicatriziale glosso-faringeo da sifiiide. Arch. ital. di laringol., Napoli, 1911, xxxi, 12-25.—Quinn (W. A.) Case of syphilis with ankvlosis of the mandible. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N.'Y., 1907, xxv, 276— Quirk (J.J.) Non-syphilitic results of syphilis. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 294.—Ravogli (A.) Gangrene from syphilitic endarteritis. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1910, ciii, 181-186.—Richard d'Aulnay (G.) Infection syphi- litique s'accompagnant de pleuresie, de phlebite et d'ictere. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 938-942.— Bobbins (H. A.) Syphilis of the organs of sight, and hearing, and taste, and sense of smell, and the teeth, and accessory organs of digestion. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1908, xii, 324-331.—Robertson (C. M.) Relation de quatre cas de tumeurs malignes developpees sur d'anciennes cica- trices d'ulceres syphilitiques. Arch, internat. de laryn- gol. [etc.], Par., 1911, xxxi, 790-794.—Bossi (E.) De- formity rara di un arto per sifiiide. Progresso med., Napoli, 1892, vi, 177:193.—Both (A.) Sarcocele syphili- ticum. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1909, liii, 206.—Saba- dini (S.) Fibromi e pseudofibromi da sifiiide. Clin. dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1899. 15-32, 1 pl.— Saeaze (J.) Svphilis avec svndrome addisonien. Gaz. d.h6p.', Par., 1895, lxviii, 58-60.—Saracenl (F.) Febbre; frattura spontanea e pigmentazione sifilitica. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1909, xxxv, 421-433.—S£nac-Lagrange. Du rapport des maladies syphilitiques avec les maladies parasvphilitiques ou maladies d'espece. Ann. Soc. d'hyd'rol. med. de Par. C.-r., 1908-9, liv, 159-178.— Serradell (B.) Nota sobre la coexistencia dels xancres veneris i syphylitics. Gynec. catal., Barcel., 1899, ii, 54.— Shaw (H. B.) Syphilis, chyliform ascites, dropsy and albuminuria. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Clin. Sect., 112.—Smlryagin (M. G.) Sluchal psevdo- lelkemii na sifiliticheskol pochvle. [Pseudoleukaemia following svphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1905, x, 342-347.—Solari (C.) Cura delle frat- ture ritardanti a consolidarsi nei soggetti sifilitici. Cor- rieresan., Milano, 1910, xxi, 70— Spillmann (L.) Ane- vrisme de l'aorte ascendante chez un syphilitique; traite- ment specifique; injections de serum gelatine: obturation presque complete de la poche. Gaz. hebd. de mdd.. Par., 1902, n. s., vii, 625-628.—Takesakl (S.) Ueber Syphilis und amyloide Degeneration. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1899, xiii, 447-452.— Taver- nler (A.) Contribution a l'etude des fractures des os chez les svphilitiques. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1896, viii, 709-718.— Taylor (R. W.) What conditions influence the course of syphilis. Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxxi, 517: 559.—Teissier. Sur un cas d'angine pseudo- membraneuse observee chez une syphilitique avec pre- sence exclusive dans l'exsudat des formes levures du muguet. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1895, vii. 265-273.— Tueeio (G.) Labirintite bilaterale da sifiiide acquisita. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven.. Milano, 1910, xiv, 408-114.—Tweedy. Svphilitic elephantiasis. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1910, xxviii, 318.— TJrbantschitsch (E.) Ueber die Beziehungen der Syphilis zur Taubstummheit. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.J. Berl. n. Wien, 1910, xliv, 774-784.—ITstiiiott" (A.) Elephantiasis cruris et pedis sinistr. syphilitica; atrophia cruris dextr. syphilitica. Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Bo- SYPHILIS. 371 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Complications an d setj uelae of). llezn., Kharkov, 190P>, v, 775-783.—Yaecari (A.) Con- tributo alio studio dell' eziologia celtica delle fratture spontanee. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1900, vi, 1275- 1292.—Webb (G. B.) Svphilis and a few of its conse- quences. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1898, iv, 90-96.— Weber (L.) Svphilis as a factor in diseases of the heart and lungs. Tr." Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1895, xi, 151- 160.—Windell (J. T.) Remote sequelae in mistreated cases of syphilis. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1911, ix, 124-130. — Yah) a-JHirza (Prince). Influence de I'alcool sur la marche de la syphilis et les accidents post-syphilitiques. Rec. d'opht., Par., 1903, 3. s., xxv 565-567. — Ifaroshevski (S.) Sifilis i virozhdeniye. [Syphilis and degeneration.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1894, xix, 569; 605; 619: 635; 650; 667; 684.— Zeisler (J.) An unusual phenomenon of Svphilisothaemotoma. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass. 1900, Chicago, 1901, 60-64.—Zelenell" (I. F.) Rolsifilisa v etiologii kozhnikhbolleznel. [Syphi- lis in the etiology of contagious diseases.] Dnevnik Syezda Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, Kazan, 1899, vii, 546-555.—Zorileann. Sitilisul si urmarile lui. [Svphilis and its sequelae.] Rev. san. mil., BucurescI, 1897-8, i, 65; 471. Syphilis (ConceptionaT). See Syphilis (Congenital). Syphilis (Congenital). See, also, Bones (Syphilis of); Cornea (Tn- flammation of); Cornea (Syphilis of); Foetus (Diseases of); Heemoglobinuria (Paroxysmal, Causes, etc., of); Hydrocephalus (Congenital); Hydrocephalus (Treatment of); Idiocy (Causes, etc., of); Infants (New-born, Hsemorrhage in); Insanity and syphilis; Iritis (Syphilitic); Nose (Syphilis of): Parrot's disease; Placenta (Syphi- lis of); Prostitutes; Raynaud's disease (Causes, etc., of); Rickets and syphilis; Scalp (Syphilis of); Syphilis (Familial); Syphilis in children; Winckel's disease. Blanchet (J.) * Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis chez les nouveau-nes. 8°. Paris, 1902. Doublet. Abhandlung von den Zufallen und der Curart der Lustseuche bey neugebornen Kindern, in der besondern Versammlung der medicinischen Facultat, genannt Prima Mensis, vorgelesen, den 15. Weinmonat 1781. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt. 16°. Frankfurt & Leipzig, 1783. Fournier (A.) L'hereclit4 syphilitique. 8°. Pan's, 1891. -----. The same. Die Vererbung der Svphilis, bearbeitet von E. Finger. 8°. Leip- zig & Wien, 1892. See, also, infra, Rosinski. Fricke (A. F. C.) * Ueber die Lues der Xeugeborenen. 8°. Berlin, 1896. Godinho (J.) * Syphilis conceptionnelle; syphilis precoce; syphilis tardive. 4°. Paris, 1891. Hochsinger (C.) Studien iiber die hereditiire Syphilis. Pt. 1. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, 1898. -----. The same. Pt. 2. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, 1904. Ivanofp (I.-D.-H.) * Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis hereditaire precoce. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1901. Jaubert (E.) Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis hereditaire chez l'enfant. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1904. Kuhnlein (K. J.) * Ueber Syphilis heredi- taria. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1903. Odmansson (E.) Till liiran om syphilis con- genita. 8°. Stockholm, 1898. Salle (V.) *De la sffilis congenital y heredi- taria. 8°. Mexico, 1870. Selected essays on syphilis and small-pox. Translations and reprints from various sources. Edited by Alfred E. Russell. 8°. London, 1906. Syphilis (Congenital). Syphilis (Ueber) hereditaria. Nach Beobach- tungen von Mavr, Schuller, Schott und Wider- hofer. 8°. Wien, 1862. Repr.from: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Wien, 1861-2. Tornroth (L. H.) Positiones circa syphiliden neonatorum. Respondente A. Cajander. sm. 4°. Helsingforsiee, [1839]. Vidal(E.) * Dela syphilis congenitale. 8°. Paris, 1860. Abt (I. A.) Congenital syphilis. Illinois M. J., Spring- field, 1909, xv,405. Also: Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1909,xvi, 259-266. ^4/«/,Reprint.—Albers-Schonberg(H.) Ue- ber foetale Syphilis. Munchen.med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 443-449.—A lcarsiz(J.G.) Heredo-sifilis. Rev. espafi.de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1907, ix, 629-536.—Allarla (G.B.) Lostato a ttualedeiproblemi della sifiiide ereditaria. Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze, 1910, viii, 760-792.—Allen (H. B.) Syphilis, with reference to hereditament, diagnosis and prevalence. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1904, ix, 445-470. [Discussion], 485-494. Also, Reprint.— Andry. Syphilis congenitale. Lyon med., 1902, xcix, 645.—Bauniel (A.) Ueber hereditiire Syphilis. Wien. med. Presse, 1895,xxxvi,686-691.—Barduzi (D.) Sifiiide ereditaria. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1910, xiv, 10- 19.—Beekel (F.) Congenital syphilis in pediatric prac- tice. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1910, vi, 490—Bennie (P. B.) The frequency and intensity of congenital syphilitic infection in children. Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 1908, Victoria, 1909, iii, 9-15.—van den Berg. Lues con- genita. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1903, 2. R., xxxix, d. 1, 912.—Board (O. P.) Hereditary svphilis. Alabama M. J., Birmingh., 1907-8, xx, 218-222—Bo ro- bloy t>faz (P.) La heredo-sifilis. Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1911,x, 97; 151. Also: Rev.espafi.dedermat. y sif.,Madrid, 1911,xiii,434-450.—Boulengier. Delasyphilisinfantile. J. d. mal. cutan.etsyph.,Par.,1895, vii,705-726. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1895, xlvii,373;381;389. Also: Gaz. med. dePar., 1895,9.s.,ii,589:601:615.—Breeckhaerl. Lasyphi- lis hereditaire. [Rap.] Rev. internat. de rhinol., otol. et laryngol..Par.,1897,vii,497-501.—Bulkley(L.D.) Heredi- tarysyphilis. Arch. Pediat.,N. Y., 1898,xv,288-292. Also:3. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 1077-1080. Also. Reprint. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1898, v, 357-363.— Buschke (A.) Pathologie und Therapie der heredita- ren Syphilis. Berl. Klinik, 1903, 179. Hft., 1-25. — Car- dozo (J. L.) Congenital syphilis of early infancy. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1899, n. s , xiv, 746-750.—dirito (D.) Esiste la sifiiide concezionale? Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1908, xxx, 1; 66. — Carrillo (R.) Apuntes sobre la heredo-sifilis. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1909, 3. s., iv, 662; 697. -(avatore (G. E.) Sifiiide fe- tale. Boll. d. levatr., Bologna, 1898, i, 33-43. — C'hapin (H.D.) Hereditary svphilis. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr), 2. ed., Phila., 1898, 1Q3-116, 1 pl. — Charmeil. Syphilis conceptionnelle. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1904, viii, 37-42.— Cottell (H. A.) Congenital syphilis. Louisville Month.J.M. & S.,1905-6, xii, 363-365.—dishing (E. F.) Infantilesvphilis. Am.J.Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 151-157.— dishing (H. B.) Congenital syphilis. Montreal M. J., 1906, xxxv. 66-68.— Dictz (P.) Sur la syphilis congenitale, dite heredi- taire. Gaz. med. de Liege, 1895-6, viii, 460-462. -----. Syphilis acquise; svphilis hereditaire. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1896, lviii, 139-146.—Discussion (A) on some aspects of congenital syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1149-1154.—Borland (W. A. N.) The modern views of congenital syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 349-355. Also, Reprint.—von DO ring (E.) Weitere Beitrage zur Lehre von der hereditiiren Syphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897, xxiii, 193-195. -----. Studien fiber endemische und hereditiire Svphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz.,1902,lxi,l;3;357.—Dunn(J.H.) Hereditary syphilis. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1893, xiii, 23-28.— Ehren- freund(P.) Ue^erangeborene Kindersvphilis. Sachs. Hebam.-Ztg., Dresd., 1908, v, 37-40. -Engmau (M. F.) Hereditary syphilis. St. Louis M. Gaz., 1899, ii, 223-229.— Ferguson (J.) Inherited syphilis. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1908, xxxiii, 356-366. Also [Abstr.]: Can- ada Lancet, Toronto, 1907-8, xii, 739-749.—Filatov (N.) The diagnosis and treatment of hereditary syphilis. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1903, xix, 179-197— Finger. Ueber Syphilis der Fdten und Neugeborenen; eine Erwiderung ah Herrn Dr. Hochsinger. Wien. med. Presse, 1898, xxxix, 888.—Finkelstein (A.) Die hereditiire Syphi- lis. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. & Wien, 1901-2, vii 231-260.— Fischer (L.) Congenital (hereditary) syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 325.— Fournier. La sifiiide da concepimento. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1895, iv. 400-405.—Friend (W. M.) Hereditarv svphilis. Med. Times, N. V., 1909, xxxvii, 303— Fru'itriight (J. H.) Hereditary infantile syphi- lis. Med. News, N. Y., 1898, lxxiii, 129-131.—Galewsky. SYPHILIS. 372 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congenital). * >ber hereditiire Lues. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. lb ilk. in Dresd., Miinchen, 1901-2, 169-172.—Gaucher (1.) La svphilis hereditaire. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1904, viii, 685-694. Aim: Bull, med., Par., 1904, xviii, 833-836. Also: Arch, de med. et chir. spec, Par., 1904, v, 245; 275; 305; 335; 365:1905, vi, 1.—Welter (A. A.) Na- slledstvenniy sifilis. [Hereditary syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1907, xiii, 66.—Gilbert (R. B.) Inherited svphilis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1908, 18. s.. ii,266-268.—Gl'tlck (L.) Antwortauf vorstehenden Artikel. Wien. med. Wclmschr., 1902, Iii, 2448-2450. See, also, infra, Profeta (G.).—Gottheil (W. S.) Hereditary syphilis. Internat, Clin., Phila., WOO, 10. s., iii, 39-41, 1 pl.—Griffin (E. H.) The diagnosis and treatment of hereditary syphilis. N. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 447-452.— IIajia(E.) Senden miatoku ni zukete. [Onhereditary bvphilis.'] Ztschr. d. Tokio-med. Gesellsch., 1892, v. 6, No. 23. ■">; No 24, 9.—Hecker. Ueber congenitale Syphi- lis. Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1898), 1899, viii, 67-75. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xiv, 874- 877.—Hereditare Syphilis. Med. Neuigk., Miinchen, 1896, xlvi, 385; 393: 1897, xlvii, 9; 17.—Hernandez (T.) Heredo-sifilis. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1907, xxxiii, 381-385.— Messier ) R.) Congenital syphilis. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1893, xl, 104 — Hochsinger (C.) Ueber Syphilis der Foten und Neu- geborenen ; eine Entgegnung an Herrn Prof. E. Finger. Wien. med. Presse, 1898, xxxix, 839-446. -----. Zwei Vortrage fiber hereditare Friihsyphilis. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902, Wiesb., 1903, 227-230—Jackson (G. T.) Syphilis congenita. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1896, 5. s., iv, 344.—Jacobi (A.) Hereditary svphilis. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1897, 271-290. Also, Reprint. Also, in: Am. text-book gen.-urin. dis. [etc.] (Bangs & Hardaway), 8°, Phila., 1898, 722-734.—Jeanselme. Mecanisme et ca- ractere de l'hereclo-syphilis. Corresp. med., Par., 1910, xvii, no. 370, 15-17.-----. L'heredo-svphilis. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1910, xxiv, 180-182.—Jen- nings (W. B.) Congenital svphilis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxvi, 645-647.—Jones (T. H.) Infantile syphilis. Hot Springs M. J., 1899, viii, 257-266.—Kahn (L. G.) Inherited syphilis. Denver M. Times. 1903-4, xxiii, 328-332.—Kilmer (T. W.) Congenital syphilis; its diagnosis and treatment. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito- Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 424-428. Also: Month. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1907, xxi, 204-210.—Kin ne (H. S.) Hereditary svphilis. Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxv, 302- 304.— Kreiting (R.) Sur l'heredite dela syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat, u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1911, ex, 439-446.— Lenlestey (J. A.) Infantile syphilis. Clinique, Chi- cago, 1907, xxviii, 655-660.—Loddo. La sifiiide eredi- taria. Riforma med., Napoli, 1896, xii,pt. 4, 217.—Lucas (R. C.) An address on inherited syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 250-252. Also: Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1908, v, 1-10. Also: Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1908, xxii, 29-33. Also, [Discussion]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1908, n. s., lxxxv, 8-11. Also, transl: Salute pubb., Peru- gia, 1908, xxi, 30-35.—ITIaiinino (L.) La sifiiide eredi- taria. Sicilia med., Torino-Palermo, 1891, iii, 701; 766.— Marshall (C. F.) Mortality and morbidity in heredi- tarv syphilis. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1912, ix, 4-7.— iTIery. Syphilis hereditaire. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1903, xvii, 455.—JVloussous. Quelques remarques sur l'heredosyphilis. France med., Par., 1895, xiii, 587.—Nasciiuento G urge I. A syphilis infantil; papel que representa no retardamento da infancia. Rev. da Soc. de med. e cirurg., Rio de Jan., 1904, viii, 134-161.— Nash (G. W.) Congenital svphilis. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1895-6, xiv, 42-44.—Okamoto (H.) Guden mvatoku ni zukete. [On hereditary svphilis.] Osaka Koi Zashi, 1894, no. 66, 25-29.— Orth (J.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der congenitalen Svphilis. Dermat. Stud., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1910, xx, 1-12.—Pardee (L. C.) In- herited svphilis. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1911, xix, 578-586.—Patrlek (H.T.) Hereditary svphilis. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xiii, 728.—Fernet (G.) Congen- ital syphilis. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1908, v, 64-56.— Pinard. Que doit-on comprendre par cette denomina- tion: syphilis hereditaire? Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1899, 3. s., xiii, 123-125.— Pisek (G. R.) Notes on the diagnosis and treatment of congenital syphilis. Inter- nat. Clin., Phila., 1909, 19. s.. iv, 247-251.—Polano. Lues hereditaria. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1906, ii, 1136.—Prolcta (G.) Zur Frage der Syphilis congenita. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1902, Iii, 2447. See, also, supra, Gliick (L.).—Babek (L.) Obiawy, rozpoz- nawanie i leczenie wczeznego przymiotu dziedzicznego (syphilis hereditaria recens). [Symptoms,diagnosis,and treatment of. . .] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1897, xviii, 341; 411; 474; 516.—Raymond (P.) L'heredite dans la syphilis. Echo med., Toulouse, 1899, 2. s., xiii, 481-505 — Richard d'Aulnay (G.) De la svphilis conception- nelle. Arch, de tocol. etde gynec, Par., 1895, xxii, 180- 19:">. Also: Actualite med., Par., 1896, viii, 103; 122; 132; His Also [Abstr.l: Gaz. med. de Liege, 1895-6, viii, 520.— ItittciilioiiMc(YY) Pre-natal svphilis. Clin. Rev., Chi- cago, 1904, xx, 1-7.—Robbins (H. A.) Hereditary syph- Syphilis (Congenital). llis. MarylandM. J., Bait., 189S, xxxix,733-736. AIso, Re- print.— RosiiiMki (B.) Einige kritische Bemerkungen zu Fournier's Monographic: Die Vererbung der Svphilis. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u.Gyniik.,Stuttg., 1894,xxxi, 100-122 — ■tucker (M. P.I Congenital syphilis. Old Dominion ,1. M. & S., Richmond, 1907-8, vi, 476-482.—Seherer (K.) Vrozena pfijiceveveku detskem. [Congciiiudsyphilisin children.] Casop. lek. de^k.. v Praze, I'M), xxxix, 871; 896; 919; 943; 968.—Sehweehten (E.) IVber Syphilis congenita. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz., 1894. v, 81-83.—Meganl (M.) Aortite, atheromeetane\ Tvsine aortiqiicsd origins heredo-syphilitique. Cliniijue, Par., 1909, iv, 437-439.— Shoemaker (J. V.) Hereditary syphilis. Med. Bull., Phila., 1902, xxiv, 366-369.—Simonelli (F.) Le attuali conquiste nello studio della ereditarieta. sifilitica. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1910, xiii, 133-135. -----. Sifi- iide ereditaria. Gior. ital.d. mal. ven., Milano, 1910, xiv, 20-29.—Spencer (J. R.) Hereditarv svphilis. Eclect.M. J., Cincin., 1895, lv, 595.—Steinliardt (I. D.) The cry of the unborn; congenital syphilis. Internat. J. Surg", N. Y., 1910, xxiii, 43-48.—Stern (A.) Remarks on con- genital syphilis. Pediatrics, N. Y., 1909, xxi, 89.—Surieo (V.) Contribuzione alio studio della sifiiide congenita. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1900, xxxv, 18; 179.— Swasey (G. B.) Congenital svphilis. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1892, xi, 160-167—Szadek (K. ) Kila dziedziczna i wrodzona. [Hereditary and congenital syphilis.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, ls93, xxxii, 519; 544; 567; 583: 1894, xxxiii, 85; 100; 115; 284; 300; 329; 351; 373; 436; 447; 467; 632; 545; 568: 578; 591; 604: 616; 633; 649; 665; 677.—Taylor (R. W.) Hereditary svphilis. N. York M. J. [etc.J, 1906,lxxxiii,224-232.—Tlssicr (L.) &Girauld. Syphilis congenitale. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1908, xi, 2-8.— Tommasoli (P. L.) Sulla cosiddetta eredita si- filitica. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1900, vi, 401-407.—Varden (G. K.) Svphilis in infancy and early life. Atlanta Jour.- Rec Med., 1911, lviii, 423-427—Variot. Syphilis here- ditaire. J. de med. int., Par., 1908, xii, 171.—Vi ... De la sifilis, considerada en su aspecto de diatesis y enferme- dad hereditaria; apuntes de actualidad. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1891, xxvi, 284; 304; 342.—Vilanova (P.) Caso de sifilis por concepcidn. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1911, xxxvii, 97-99— Wall (J. S.) Hereditary svphilis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1908, lvii, 890-901. [Discussion], 857.— Wright (F. R.) Congenital svphilis. J. Minn. M. Ass. [e c], Minneap., 1909, xxix, 305^307. Syphilis (Congenital, Blood in). Brunard & Lehioiiie. Un cas d'anemle spleni- que pseudo-leucemique de Von Jacksch chez un nour- risson svphilitique. Clinique, Brux., 1905, xix, 281- 287. Also: Pediatric prat., Lille, 1905, iii, 104-107.— Cima (F.) Morfologia e patologia del sangue di bam- bini eredosifilitici. Pediatria, Napoli, 1898, vi, 361-376.— Fleseh (A.) & Sehossberger (S.) Leukaemias -ve- relvaltozas velesziiletett bujakor 6s sepsis mellett. [Leu- ksemic changes of the blood in congenital svphilis and sepsis] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1907, li, 306-308. Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 1090-1092.—Millet (J.) La formule hematolo- gique de l'heredo-syphilis (numeration des globules; formule hemo-leucocvtaire). Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1910, xiv, 225-239. Also: Prov. med., Par., 1910, xxi, 208- 214. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxviii, 633-535. —Risel ( H. ) Blutveranderungen bei iungen hereditiir luetischen Sauglingen. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1908, Wiesb., 1909, xxv, 66-76. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Leipz., 1909, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 318.—Sabl6 (J.) & Banel (L.) He- redo-syphilis; anemie hemolytique acquise a tendance icterique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxi, 657-662. Also: 3. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1912,i, fi- ll.—Sisto (G.) L'hematologie et la svphilis hereditaire. Ann. de mod. et chir. inf., Par., 1910, xiv, 24-30. Syphilis (Congenital, Cases and statis- tics of). Philips (H.) * Statistik der erworbenen Sy- filis. 8°. Kiel, 1896. Keischig ( L.) *Statistische Beobachtung iiber congenitale Lues. [Munich.] 8°. Leip- zig, 1911. Rubinstein-Drabkin (Chaja). *Die Fiille von Syphilis hereditaria, die im Kinderspital Zurich in den Jahren 1884-1904 behandelt wor- den sind. 8°. Zurich, 1905. Adamson (H. G.) "Inherited syphilis." Rep.Soc. Studv Dis. Child., Lond., 1907-8, viii, 93-107.—Babon- neix(L.) Surdeuxcasd'heredo-syphilisprecoce. [Rap. de Nobecourt.] Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1909, xi,95- 99.—Bain (J.) Inherited syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 683.—Bennie (P. B.) The frequency and in- tensity of congenital syphilitic infection in children. SYPHILIS. 373 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congenital, Cases and statis- tics of). Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1909, xiv, 119- 129.—Bezy ( P.) Sur un cas de syphilis hereditaire pre- coce. Clin, de la Fac.de med. de Toulouse, 1896, ii, 38- 42.—Bislier (P.) Report of a case of congenitally in- herited syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. A-Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, US.—Carpenter^;.) Some experiences and observations on congenital svphilis in infants. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1908, v, 35; 48; 93; 152. -----. "In- herited svphilis." Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1907-8, viii. 116-158.—Cassel (J.) Statistische Beitrage zur hereditaren Syphilis. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1909, 1,154-163.— < liaihbrelent. Sur un cas de syphilis par conception. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1893, xiv, 317-319. Also: Arch.de tocol.et degvnec, Par.,1893, xx. 594-600. Also, transl: Atlanta M. & S. J., 1893-4, n. s., x, 717-721.— Chaumler (E.) Quelques cas de syphilis hereditaire. Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1901*iii, 49; 58; 81:169; 179.—Chrazno wska. Sur un cas d'heredo- syphilis. Ann. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1899, 3. s.,x,667- 669. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1899, x. 33.8-340.—Coolldge (Emelyn L.) A case of he- reditary svphilis. Bull. Lving-in Hosp., N. Y., 1907, iv, 89-91.—Cottell (H. A.) Congenital svphilis; report of cases. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1604-5, xi, 308-313.— Csillag(J.) Lues hereditaria esete. [A case of . . .] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1898, xiii, 667.—De Favento (P.) Diuncasodisifilide ereditaria. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Mi- lano, 1907,xiii,513-517.-----. Uncasodisifilideereditaria. Ibid., 1910, xiv, 620.—Dietz. Nouveaux cas de syphilis infantilecongenitaledite hereditaire. Ann. Soc. demed. d'Anvers, 1897, lix, 23-2s, 1 pl.—Duftield (G.) Syphilis by conception. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1894, xviii, 162- 170. IDiscussion], 177. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 295-298. Also,Reprint.—Dnhot. Uncasdesvphilishere- ditaire. Pressemed.beige,Brux.,1906,lviii,992.— Fox(H.) Caseof hereditary svphilis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Svph., N. Y., 1908,xxvi,89—Goyens(L.)&Vetter(H.) Conside- rations sur un cas de svphilis hereditaire. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers. 1897, lix, 165-169.—Guthrie (L.) "In- herited svphilis." Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1907-8, viii, 107-111.—Hallopeau & Teisseire. Sur un casdesyphilisher6ditaire. Bull.Soc. franc.dedermat. et syph., Par , 1905, xvi, 118. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 334.—Haslund (P.) Et til- fselde af syfilis erhvervet ved fgdslen; smitte fra moder til barn. [A case of syphilis, inherited with birth; infec- tion from mother to child.] Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1910, 5. R., iv, 225-235.—Han*lialter. La syphilis infantile a la Clinique des maladies des enfants. Soc de m6d. de Nancy. C.-r., 1899-1900. pp.cxxxiii-cxxxv.—Heller (J.) Die Hiiufigkeit der hereditaren Syphilis in Berlin. Berl. klin.Wchnschr.,1909,xlvi,1315.—Herrman (C.) Acase of congenital syphilis. Arch. Pediat., N.Y., 1907, xxiv,467.— Heuck. Fall von kongenitaler Svphilis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 519.—Hoehsiii<:er. [Ein Fall vonangeborenerSyphilis.] Mitt, d.tiesellsch. f. inn.Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1904, iii, 16. Also: Wien. med. Wchn- schr.. 1904, liv, 235.—Hodge (S. R.) Inherited svphilis in Hankow. ChinaM.Miss.J.,shanghai, 1904,xviii,164-168.— Kenney (F. W.) Congenital svphilis; with report of a case. Colorado Med., Denver, 1908, v, 197-201.—Lamb (D. S.) Caseof congenitalsyphilis. Wash.M. Ann., 1904-5,iii, 270. Also, Reprint.—Lucas (R. C.) "Inherited syphi- lis." Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1907-8, viii, 62- 74.—Lues congenita; 7 Fiille; 2 geheilt, 6 gestorben. Kindersp. in Basel. Jahresb. (1900), 1902, xxxviii, 112.— Ittalinowski (F.) Syfilis dziedziczny wczesny (lues hereditaria, reeens). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1904, 2. s., xxiv, 781-794.—.Harlan. Svphilis hereditaire. Pedia- tric prat., Lille, 1909, vii, 260.—Mast. Un cas d'heredo- syphilis. J. med. de Brux., 1910, xv, 346-348.— Hon- corvo filho. Um casode heredo-syphilis. Rev. da Soc. de med. e cimrg., Rio de Jan., 1903, vii, 404-406. -----. Um caso raro de syphilis infantil transmittido pelo seio materno. J.demed.dePernambuco, 1909,v,48.— Mont- gomery (D. W.) [Caseof hereditarysvphilis.] Pacific Rec. M. &S., San Fran., 1897-8, xii, 346-348.—Moiissouh (A.) Remarques sur cinquante-deux cas d'heredo-syphi- lis. Cong, period, de gvnec, d'obst. et de psediat. Mem. et disc. 1895, Par., 1896, 771-790. Also: Med. inf., Par., 1895, ii, 610-631. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1896, xix, 22-26.—Nascimento Gurgel. Sobre dois casos de syphilis hereditaria. Rev. da Soc. de med. e cirug., Rio de Jan., 1904, viii, 71-74.— Neumann iH.) & Oberwarth (E.) Hiiufigkeit der hereditaren Svphilis. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1905, xiii, 64-66.— Ochs (B. F.) Inherited svphilis. Pediat- rics, N. Y., 1909, xxi, 477.— Oliniann-Bumesnil (A. H.) A case of prenatal syphilis. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1902, xxii, 451-454. Also: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1902, lxxxiii, 121-125.—Fernet (G.) "Inherited syphilis." Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1907-8, viii, 74-78.— Ferret. Svphilis hereditaire. Mem. et compt.-rend, Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon (1889), 1890, xxix, pt. 2, 67-71 — Poltavtself (A. P.) K kazuistikle naslledstvennavo sifilisa. [Hereditary syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhu. i Ven. Syphilis (Congenital, Cases and statis- tics of). Boliezn., Kharkov, 1906, xi, 439.—Post (A.) Intra-uter- ine infection of syphilis. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, cxxxv, 77-81.—s. (M.) K kazuistikle lues hereditarise. Sibirsk, Vrach. VIedom., Krasnoyarsk, 1904, ii, 33-38.—Salles. Syphilis hereditaire precoce. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1903, 417-122.—Sauvage & Levaditi (C.) Sur un casde syphilis hereditaire. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec. etde padiat. de Par., 1906, viii, 15-22. [Rap. de V. Wallich, 10-16.] Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. etdepaediat., Par.,1906,xxi, 17-25— SlmttIe\vorth(G.E.) "Inherited syphilis." Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1907-8, viii, 171-174.—Sluka (E.) Einneunjahriger Knabemiterwor- benerLues. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1911, x, 219.—Suker (G. F.) Inherited svph- ilis. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1903-4, n. s., v, 843.— Sutherland (G. A.) "Inherited svphilis." Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1907-8, viii, 175.—Szalardi (M.) Hundertiindachtundsiebenzig Fiille von congeni- taler Lues. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1902, xxxviii, 445-450.—Taylor (R. W.) A contribution to heredo-syphilology. Internat. vi. Dermat. Cong. 1907. Tr., N. Y., 1908, ii, 790-797. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxvi, 717-719.—Tobeitz (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der Syphilis hereditaria. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1893-4, xvi, 4.5-55.—Towle (H. P.) Hereditary syphilis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1908, xxvi, 271.—Troisfontalnes. A propos de quatre observa- tions de svphilis hereditaire. Ann. Soc med.-chir. de Liege, 1897, xxxvi, 12-35.—Tubby (G. H.) "Inherited syphilis." Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1907-8, viii, 111-116— Welander (E.) Postconceptionnelle syphi- litische Infection gegen das Ende der Schwangerschaft. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1896, n. F., vi, Hit. 1, no. 3, 1-10.— Win tie Id. Congenital syphilis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1911, xxix, 341. Syphilis (Congenital, Causes and pa- thology of). See, also, Syphilis (Congenital, Blood in); Syphilis (Congenital, Manifestations, etc., of). Castens (INI.) * Beitrage zur pathologisehen Anatomie und Statistik der Syfilis congenita. 8°. Kiel, 1898. David (A.) * Syphilis post-conceptionnelle tardive, transmission au foetus. 8°. Toulouse, 1909. Etienne (P.) *La zone dangereuse de la syphilis au point de vue des risques h£r6ditaires. 8°. Paris, 1903. Fonq'ernie (J.) * Descendance comparee des alcooliques et des syphilitiques. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1906. Girauld (A.) *La syphilis hereditaire con- genitale et le spirochete pale de Schaudinn. 8°. Paris, 1909. van Hamel (J. A.) *De luis venereae neo- natorum pathogenia. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1839. Junghans (W.) * Ueber die Genese der Lues hereditaria. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1904. Kholostoff (V. P.) *K voprosu ob izmie- nenii stroyeniya nadpochechnikh zhelyoz pri nasliedstvennom sifilisle. [Alteration of the structure of suprarenal capsules in hereditary syphilis.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1909. Lhomer (H.-L.-F.) * Recherches statistiques sur les conditions de transmission de la syphilis de la mere au foetus. 4°. Lyon, 1892. Lonicer (R. A. M.) * Ueber Riesenzellbil- dung in der Leber bei Lues congenita. 8°. Er- langen, 1906. Macnamara (C.) & Barlow (T.) Memoran- dum on inherited and acquired syphilis. 8°. London, 1882. Monnier (M.) *De la syphilis hereditaire d'origine paternelle; refutation des theories ac- tuelles. 8°. Paris, 1908. Veociii (M.) Studio critico sulla transmis- sione della sifiiide dei genitori al prodotto del concepimento e sulla cosi detta sifiiide concezio- nale. roy. 8°. Parma, 1901. SYPHILIS. 374 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congenital, Causes and pa- 'tliolngy of). Wolff (A.) Zur Frage der paternen Infection bei heritiirer Syphilis. 8°. Strassburg, 1879. An beau (A.) Syphilis transmitted at conception and the pathogeny of fibromata. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1897-8, xi, 658-662.—Bab (H.) Beitrag zur Bak- teriologie der kongenitalen Syphilis. Munchen. med, Wchnschr., 1907, liv,2265-2267. Also: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1907, lx, 161-211. [Discussion], 291.— Baisch (K.) Die Vererbung der Syphilis auf Grund serologischer und bakteriologischer Untersuchungen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 1929-1933. Also Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1909, Leipz.. 1910, lxxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 176.— Ballantyne (J. W.) Fetal syphilis. Internal. Clin., Phila., 1904,14.s.,iii, 62-72.—Bar be & Lgvy-Valensi. Lacunes de disintegration cellulaire dans un systeme nerveux d'heredo-syphilitique. Rev. neurol., Par., 1908, xvi, 339.—Bartel (J.) Ueber Lymphdriisenbefunde bei kongenitaler und postfotaler Lues. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1908, xxi, 721-724.—BarthehSmy. Syphilis con- ceptionnelle; svphilis tertiaire de l'uterus. Cong, inter- nat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 8, 19-48.—Bergh (R.) Congenit Syphilis ved patern Infection. Hosp.- Tid., Kjcibenh., 1893, 4. R., i, 697-704. Also, transl: Mo- natsh. £ prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1893, xvii, 113-120.— Boissard (A.) Heredo-syphilis; conception syphili- tique alternante. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1903, vi, 73- 77. Also: Presse med., Par., 1904, i, 115-117.—Carle. Notes sur l'influence comparee des generateurs dans 1'heredo-syphilis. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, 4.s., ix, 93-98. -----. Deuxieme note sur l'influence com- paree des generateurs dans 1'heredo-syphilis. Ibid.. 1911, 5. s., ii, 72-81.—Caspary. Zur Genese der hereditaren Syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1896, xxxiv, 3-20.—Chabalier (C.) Transmission de la syphilis de la mere & l'enfant au huitieme mois de la grossesse. J. de med. de Lyon, 1864, i, 342-345.—Dieballa (G.) Heredodegeneratio es lues congenita. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1909, liii, 1-4. Also, transl: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1909-10, xxxvii, 149-160.—von Du- ring (E.) Ueber einige Fragen aus der Lehre von der Vererbung der Syphilis. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1895, xx, 245; 329.—Duftield (G.) Syphilis by conception. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 295-298.— Emerson (H. A.) A case of congenital syphilis with post-mortem notes. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1909, xiii, 681.—Estivlll (A. G.) Heredo-sifilis; muerte de la madre; estudio necropsico del feto. Med. de los ninos, Barcel., 1908, ix, 80.—Ferroni (E.) La sifiiide ovulare (eredosifilide) (parte di una lesionesulla "sifi- iide in gravidanza"). Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1909, ii, 242-270. — Fieux. CEuf humain de 15 jours environ fecond<§ pendant la periode d'incubation de la sy- philis du p6re. Rev. mens, de gynec. [etc.], Bordeaux, 1900, ii, 61-63. —Finger (E.) Die Vererbung der Syphilis. Wien. Klinik, 1898, xxiv, 105-188. Also [Ab- str.]: Wien. med. Presse, 1903, xliv, 657-663—Fouquet (C.) Etude anatomo-pathologique et microbiologique de quatre foetus heredo-svphilitiques. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1907, x, 6-19.—Francheschinl (J.) Contribu- tion a l'histologiepathologique du cordon ombilical dans l'heredo-syphilis. Syphilis,Par.,1904,ii,481-495— Frankl (O.) Beitrag zur Lehre von der Vererbung der Syphilis. Monatschr. £ Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Berl., 1910, xxxi, 173; 340.—Gastou (P.-L.) Syphilis hereditaire et heredite syphilitique. Cong.internat.de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 8,145-310. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. de mod. et chir. inf., Par., 1906, x, 385-392. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1906, lxxix, 699-701.—Gaucher. L'heredo-syphi- lis a la naissance. Rev. internat. de m£d. et de chir., Par., 1910, xxi, 267-270. -----. L'heredite syphilitique maternelle et paternelle. Gaz. med. beige, Liege, 1910- 11, xxiii, 83-85.—Haslund (P.) Sur un cas de syphi- lis contracted au moment meme de la naissance; trans- mission de mere a enfant. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, 5. s., ii, 1-10.—Hecker (R.) Beitrage zur Histologie und Pathologie der congenitalen Syphilis sowie zur normalen Anatomie des Foetus und Neugebo- renen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 189s, lxi, 1-75, 8 pl.-----. Neueres zur Pathologie der congeni- talen Syphilis. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. £ Kinderh.... deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Wiesb., 1900, xvi, 291-301. A so: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1900, n. F., li, 375-384.—Hernandez (T.) Herenciasifilitica. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1904, xxx, 185-189.—Herx- heimcr (G.) Ueber die pathologische Anatomie der kongenitalen Lues. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 1561- 1564.-----. Zur pathologisehen Anatomie der kongeni- talen Syphilis. Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.], Wiesb., 1908, xii, 499-575.—Kochsinger (C.) Zur Pathogenese der congenitalen Friihsyphilis. Dermat. Centralbl., Berl., 1898-9, ii, 201-266.—Hutchinson (J.) Some facts as to the non-inheritance of syphilis un- der conditions apparently involving unusual risk. Po- lyclin., Lond., 1905, ix, 63.—Jesionek. Ein Beitrag Syphilis (Congenital, Causes and jnt- thology of). zur Lehre von der Vererbung der Svphilis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 2172; 2231—Karvonen (J.J.) Neue Erkliirungsversuche der Pathogenese der heredita- ren Lues. Dermat. Centralbl., Berl., 1898-9, ii, 162; 194. -----. Zur Frage der Pathogenese der hereditaren Syphi- lis. Ibid., 355-358.—Kassowitz (M.) Die Vererbung der Syphilis. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1875, 869-495. Also, Reprint.-----. Vererbung der Syphilis und plazentare Uebertragung der Variola. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1903, liii, 1565-1567.—La Mensa (N.) Di alcune ricerche bio- logiche ed isto-chimiche sui nemaspermi sani e sifilitici in rapporto alia eredita sifilitica. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1898, xxxiii, 566-596. -----. Sifilismo ereditario e concezionale. Ibid., 663-683.—Lequyer. Influence de la syphilis maternelle sur l'enfant. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1900-1901, xix, 113; 122.—Lesser (E.) Die Vererbung der Syphilis. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. & Wien, 1901, x, 1. Abth., 21-31.—Levaditi (C.) L'histologie pathologique de la syphilis hereditaire dans ses rapports avec le spiro- chaete pallida. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1906, i, 22-53.— Levy-Franckel (A.) Lesions de l'aorte chez les he- redo-syphilitiques nouveau-nes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 731.—Lombardo (C.) Contributo alio studio della trasmissibilita per via ereditaria della sifiiide del coniglio. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1911 xlvi, 278-291.—MacIlwaine(S. W.) Syphilitic heredity. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 1476.—Matzenauer(R.) Ueber die Vererbung der Syphilis. Wien. med. Presse, 1903, xliv, 805-813. See, also, infra, Preisich. -----. Die Vererbung der Syphilis-ist eine paterne Vererbung erwiesen? Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.,1903,xlviii,107. [Discussion] ,118; 130; 143. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 175-181. Also [Discussion]: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1903, xvii, 151; 172; 188; 208; 230; 246. Also [Discussion]: Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1903, xvi, 229; 263; 292; 325; 363; 392. Also, transl: Pediatria, Napoli, 1904, 2. s., ii, 2-9. -----. Sifilis i nas- ledje. [. . . and heredity.] Srpski arh. za celok. lek., Beograd, 1905, xi, 173-178.— Mayer (O.) Histologische Untersuchungen zur Kenntnis der Entstehung der Taub- heit infolge von angeborener Syphilis. Arch, f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1908, lxxvii, 189-219.—Mazzeo (P.) Contributo alia trasmissione alternante dell' eredo-sifilide. Pedia- tria, Napoli, 1908, 2. s., vi, 102-118.—Mlsch (P.) Ein Beitrag zur Vererbung der Svphilis. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1904, xi, 652-659. Also: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1904, lx, 46-53.— Montemurro (G.) Sifiiide ereditaria e sifiiide da concepimento. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1906, xv, 329; 543.—Moskaleff(N. A.) K vop- rosu o vliyanii sifilisa roditelel na zarazhayemost ikh potomstva; dva sluchaya naslledstvennavo sifilisa. [In- fluence of parental syphilis upon infection of the off- spring; two cases of hereditary syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, '1908, xvi, 28-37.— Ulraeek (F.) Die Syphilis der Mutter und der Neuge- borenen; ein Beitragzur Lehre der hereditaren Syphilis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 519-628. Also [Abstr.]; Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1903, xvii, 300. — Napp (H.) Zur Frage der Vererbung der Syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien & Leipz., 1904, lxx, 263-276.—Neumann. Ueber Vererbung der Syphilis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xvii, 551-558.—Nista (V.) Alterazioni anatomo- patologiche ed istologiche dei gangli linfatici nella sifiiide congenita. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1907. n. s., xxix, 481-494.—Paris (A.) & Salomon (M.) Etude histologique des organes hematopoie'tiques chez l'enfant svphilitique hereditaire. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1904, xvi, 113-1J7 —Pini (G.) A proposito dell' influenza dei genitori nella trasmissione della sifiiide ereditaria. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1909, xliv, 64- e.'.K—Post (A.) Intra-uterine infection of syphilis. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, exxxv, 77-81. Also, Reprint.—Potior (F.) Deux cas de syphilis hereditaire precoce, histologi- quement examines. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1904, lxxix, 41-46.—Preisieh (K.) Bemerkungen zu dem Vortrage: Die Vererbung der Syphilis, von Dr. R. Matzenauer. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 351.— Bavogli (A.) Influence of paternal inheritance on hereditarv syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis,"l905, ix, 329-333. Also: Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1905, n. s., liv, 593-599.—Baymond (P.) L'heredite dans la syphilis. Progres med., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 113- 117.—Hedon (B. M.) Transmisi6n heredo-sifilitica. Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1908, x, 489-493.— Bietschel (H.) Ueberdenlnfektionsmodus bei der kon- genitalen Syphilis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1909, v, 658-663.— Schalek (A.) Theorien der erblichen Uebertragung der Svphilis. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1902, xiv, 503- 506.—Schlossmann. Zur pathologisehen Anatomie der Lues hereditaria. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesell- sch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Wiesb., 1900, xvi, 302. Also [Discussion]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 269. Also [Abstr.]: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 1519.—Sequeira. Severe inher- ited syphilis wholly without parental history. Polyclin., SYPHILIS. 375 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congenital, Causes and pa- thology of). Lond., 1901,'v, 83.—Shaw-Mackenzie (J. A.) Ma- ternal syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 1094.—Solger (F. B.) Hereditar oder congenital? Ein Beitrag zur Frage von der Vererbung der Syphilis. Dermat. Cen- tralbl., Berl., 1904, vii, 258-261. -----. Die Syphilisfor- schung und das Vererbungsproblem. Ibid., 1905, viii, 290-298.-----. Die Ziele der Syphilisforschung in Bezug aui die Vererbungslehre. Ibid., 1906, ix, 290-296. -----. Die Biologie der Vererbung und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Syphilisforschung. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1906, xiii, 655- 560.—Tissier & Girauld. Heredo-svphilis et macera- tion fcetale. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1908, xi, 366-372.— Tommasoli. Vererbung der Syphilis oder Vererbung des Syphilismus? Festschr. . . . Moriz Kaposi z. Prof.- Jubil., Wien u. Leipz., 1900, 61-80.—Trinchese (J.) Bakteriologische und histologische Untersuchung bei kongenitaler Lues. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 570-574.—Vinogradoff (N. F.) O patologo-anatomi- cheskikh izmleneniyakh v avtomaticheskikh nervnikh uzlakhserdtsaprivrozhdennomsifilisleudletelgrudnavo vozrasta. [Pathologo-anatomical alterations in the auto- matic nerve ganglia of the heart in congenital svphilis in children at the breast.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1899, Iii, 378- 415.—Wende (E.) The pathology of syphilis in the newborn. Tr. M. Soc. N. V., [Phila.], 1896, 283-293.— Wersilowa (Marie). Zur Lehre der hereditaren Svphilis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xiii, 513-518.—Williams (C.) Congenital syphilis; anewtheory. Brit.J.Dermat.,Lond.,1899,xi,74-82. Also: Tr. Dermat. Soc. Gr. Brit.....Lond., 1898-9, v, 46-54. Syphilis (Congenital, Complications and sequelae of). Bolkoflf* (V. M*.) Sluchal mnozhestvennavo pora- zheniva skeleta u naslledstvennavo sifilitika v izslledo- vanii luchami Rcentgena. [Multiple skeletal diseases in a hereditary syphilitic investigated by Rontgen rays] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1910, xx, 80- 91, 1 pl.—Capdevila (J.) Sifilis hereditaria; hernia inguinal derecha. Med. de los ninos, Barcel., 1907, viii, 352-354.—Denis (J.) Rein mobile gauche chez un he- redo-syphilitique. Clinique, Brux., 1906, xx, 572. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1906, lviii, 755.—Fournier (E.) Ictere infectieux chronique spienomegalique chez un heredo-syphilitique. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 909-917.—Gaucher. Maladies causees par l'heredo- Byphilis: I. L'h6moglobinurieparoxystique. II. Le pru- rigo chronique. III. L'onychose exfoliante. J. de med. int. Par., 1907, xi, 239.—Giiinon (L.) Meningite aigue a pneumocoques chez une heredo-syphilitique de dix se- maines. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. "d. h6p. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xviii, 599-601.—Guyot (J.) Angiome de la partie laterale gauche de la langue chez un hydrocephale he- redo-syphilitique. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxxiii, 761.—Hallopeau. Sur un cas probable de syphilis ulcereuse hereditaire compliquee d'une infection puru- lente tegumentaire a marche progressive. Ann. de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1901, 4. s., ii, 676-678.—Head (H.) Congenital lues causing optic atrophy and ultimately leading to dementia paralytica juvenilis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Neurol. Sect., 33.—Hoch- singer (C.) Syphilis congenita und Tuberculose. Wien. med. Bl.,1894, xvii, 255; 272.—Lloret (J.) Flem6n di- fuso de la mano por un vidrio septico en un heredo-sifi- litico antiguo; seis incisiones; curaci6n. Med. de los nifios, Barcel., 1907, viii, 211.—Maillard (G.) & Blon- del (C.) Heredosyphilis; tabes fruste avec diminution intellectuelle. Encephale, Par., 1911, i, 4*6-190.—Man- chot (C.) Ueber einen Fall von Syphilis hereditaria, combiniert mit einem durch den Staphylococcus pyoge- nes aureus hervorgerufenen acuten Pemphigus gangrueno- sus. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1895-6, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1897, v, pt. 2, 398-103. Also: Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst., 1897, i, 398-403.—Potler (F.) Un cas de syphilis congenitale avec lesions gommeuses mul- tiples et d6gen6rescence pigmentaire par hematolyse. Arch, de mfia. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1907, xix, 152- 163,1 pl.—Bolleston (J. D.) Hereditary syphilis and enteric fever; a case with commentary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 312.—Salomon. Arthrites multiples supDurees a pneumocoques chez un syphilitique heredi- taire. Ann. de m6d. et chir. inf., Par., 1903, vii, 411-415. ^Zso:Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1903, v, 84-89—Sara- bia. Corea por heredosifilis. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract.,Madrid, 1911, xcii,74-76.—Schalek (A.) Theories of the transmission of hereditary svphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 1349-1351.—Shibata (K.) Ein Fall von Akromegalie bei einem hereditaren syphiliti- schen und idiotischen Kinde. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1896, x, 3. Hft., 13-18,1 pl — Simon (L.-G.) Lymphome tuberculeux chez une en- fant heredo-syphilitique. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1907, xi, 835-841. Also: Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1907, ix, 271-279.—Wells (H. G.) A case of congenital syphi- Syphilis (Congenital, Complications and sequelae of). lis complicated by a mixed infection with the staphylo- coccus and streptococcus pyogenes. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1895-7, ii, 240-249. [Discussion], 256. Also: J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 688-690. Syphilis (Congenital, Contagiousness Fournier* Des sources de contagion dans la syphi- lis infantile. Rev. obst. et gynec., Par., 1895, xi, 306- 312.—Grove (W. R.), Broom (J.) & Hutchinson (J.) The infectivity of inherited svphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906. i, 1601.—Kolipinski (L.) Cases illustrat- ing the contagiousness ot inherited svphilis. Maryland M. J.,Bait., 1899, xiii, 300. Also, Reprint.—de Miranda (B.) Um caso de syphilis abrangendo os 12 membros de uma familia. Tribuna med., Rio de Jan., 1897, ii, 457-459.— Parker(R.W.) Is inherited syphilis contagious? Edinb. M. J., 1895-6, xii, 1124-1131.—Segovia & Arquellada. Contagio en la alimentaci6n de los ninos sifiliticos. An. de la Acad, de obst. [etc.], 1909, ii, 52-57.—Simes (J. H. C.) The contagiousness of inherited svphilis. Phila. M. J., 1899, iv, 770-774. Syphilis (Congenital, Death and sudden death in). Bonnet-Laborderie ( J.-M.-J.-A. ) *De la mort subite des enfants heredo-syphilitiques immediatement apres la naissance. 8°. Lille, 1907. Godron (M.) *De la mort subite chez les enfants syphilitiques. 8°. Paris, 1904. Apert. Heredosyphilis du poumon gauche* mort par foyers de gangrene dans le poumon droit. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1909, xi, 254-262.—Audebert & Gilles. Mort du foetus chez une syphilitique albuminurique. Tou- louse m6d., 1904, 2. s., vi, 196.—Ayres (W.) Reportof a case of stillbirth due to syphilis, in which both parents con- tracted the disease after conception. Tr. Soc. Alumni Bellevue Hosp., N. Y., 1898-9,10.—Bonnet-Laborde- rie. Foetus syphilitique ne vivant avec des lesions cu- tanees tres marquees; mort apres 7 heures de respiration artificielle. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1905, i, 611-515. -----. De la mort subite des enfants heredo-syphilitiques imme- diatement apres la naissance. Pratique jour., Lille,1907-8, 260; 273.—Campana. Un caso grave di sifiiide eredi- taria con autopsia e relativo studio dei diversi organi. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1910, xxviii, 89-91.—Cobb (J. P.) Hereditary syphilis, with brain degeneration; post-mortem. Clinique, Chicago, 1895, xvi, 548-550.—Delepine (J.) Spienomegalie chez un mort- n6 syphilitique. J. d. sc. med. de Lile, 1904, i, 627.— Drozda (J.) Marasmus eximius e lue hereditaria; Lues hepatis; Tod. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Kranken- anst. 1894, Wien u. Leipz., 1896, iii, 953-955.—Fournier (A.) Mort subite chez les enfants heredo-syphilitiques. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, 4. s., ii, 150. Also: Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, xii, 65.— Freund(W.) Die Sterblichkeit der hereditiir-luetischen Sauglinge. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1900, n. F., Iii, 485- 600, 1 diag.—Gastou. Note sur la mort subite chez les • heredo-syphilitiques. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, 4. s., ii, 137. Also: Bull. Soc. franc- de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, xii, 52.—Gastou & Detot. Syphilis hereditaire d'origine maternelle et paternelle probable; accidents cutanea ulcereux; epistaxis; mort subite au deuxieme mois; infiltrations et d6generescences genera- lisees&tous les visc6res; alterations predominantes de la veine porte, de sesbranches et desganglionsdumesentere. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, xii, 20-27.— Gulnon I L.) Suffocation par macroglossie chez un nouveau-ne syphilitique. Bull. Soc. de p6diat. de Par., 1900, ii, 211-215.—Hutchinson (J.) May the subjects of inherited syphilis expect longevity? Polyclin., Lond., 1902, vi, 445—ImholT (F.) Influence mortelle d'une syphilis conceptionnelle latente sur les enfants n6s ulte- rieurement d'un homme non syphilitique. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 49.—Iiochte. Ueber Todesfalle im Friihstadium der Syphilis bei angeborener Enge der Aorta. Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst., 1898-9, ii, 277-284.—de Molfenes. Heredite syphilitique a tres long terme; 7 enfants atteints de syphilis hereditaire du systeme nerveux mortelle, dont le dernier, quoique d'un autre pSre, non syphilitique, 21 ans apr6s l'apparition de la syphilis. M6d. inf., Par., 1899, ii, 185— Pavloflf (T.) Materiall k viyasneniyu prichin smerti novorozhdyon- nikh dletel naslledstvennikh sifilitikov. [. .. to explain the reasons of the death of newborn infants of hereditary syphilitics.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1895, vi, 313; 357; 374.—Poujol (J.) L'her6do-syphilis; un des principaux facteurs de la mortalite infantile indigene en Algerie. Bull. med. de l'Alg6rie, Alger, 1908, xix, 149- 156.—Triboulet, Bibadeau-Dumas (L.) & Har« SYPHILIS. 376 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congenital, Death and sudden dnith in). vier. Apropos du proces-verbal; mort impr6vue chez un nourrisson heredo-syphilitique; lesions des glandes vasculaires sanguines. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1909, xi, 177-180.—Tuley (H. E.) Syphilis affecting infant mortality. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xliv, 684.— Variot. Deux cas de syphilis herlditaire; la mortalite par syphilis hereditaire. J. de med. int., Par., 1902, vi, 234. Syphilis (Congenital, Diagnosis of). See, also, Syphilis (Congenital, Blood in); Syphilis (Congenital, Eye in); Syphilis (Con- genital, Manifestations, etc., of); Syphilis (Con- genital, Pseutlo-rheumatismal); Syphilis (Congen- ital, Teeth in); Syphilis (Serodiagnosis of). Ballard (T.) An enquiry into the value of the signs and symptoms regarded as diagnostic of congenital svphilis in the infant. 8°. Lon- don, 1874. Repr. from: Tr. St. Andrew's Grad. M. Ass. Bax (L.) * Recherche et diagnostic de P he- redo-syphilis dans un dispensaire d'enfants. 8°. Paris, 1908. Berre (J.-J.) * Etude clinique sur l'her^do- syphilis a, forme fruste chez les nourrissons. 8°. Paris, 1900. Blanquart ( A.-A.-C.-L. ) *Le diagnostic precoce de 1'heredo-syphilis (r61e de la clinique etdulaboratoire). 8°. Lille, 1908. Burgard (G.) *Les symptomes cephaliques de la syphilis hereditaire fruste. 8°. Paris, 1908. Fischer (G.) *Zur Diagnose der hereditaren Syphilis. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Fournier (E.) Recherche et diagnostique de 1'heredo-syphilis tardive. 8°. Paris, 1907. Kalinine (Anna). *Contribution a l'etude des signes de la syphilis hereditaire precoce. 8°. Paris, 1900. Lerenard (L. R A.) * Valeur diagnostique de la courbe alimentaire chez le nouveau-ne heredo-syphilitique. 8°. Paris, 1909. Muller (B.) *Giebt es pathognomonische Kennzeichen der Lues hereditaria? 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1898. Potzol (H.) * De l'importance diagnostique de la courbe alimentaire dans certains cas d'he- redo-syphilis. 4°. Paris, 1894. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1894. Vogelewitz (H.) * Ueber die bleibenden Kennzeichen der hereditaren Syphilis. 4°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1896. Aguilar Jordan (T.) El diagn6stico clinico pre- coz de la heredo-sifilis. Rev. valenc. de cien. med., Va- lencia, 1911, xiii, 337-314.—Aitken (C. J. H.) Congeni- tal syphilis or adenoids? South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1907, v, 309.—Alexander (B.) Syphilis der fo- talen Wirbels-iule auf Grund der Untersuchung mit X- Strahlen. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1912, Iii, 224-234.—Antonelli (A.) Contribution aux formes frustes de la syphilis hereditaire. France med Par 1898, xiv, 449-451.—Antonelli (A.) & Bonnard. Stig- mates oculaires et stigmates dentaires d'h6redo-syphilis, a forme complexe et rare. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1908 iii, 343-351, 2 pl.—Baron (L.) Der Eiweissgehalt und die Lymphozytose des Liquor cerebrospinalis bei Siiug- lingen mit Lues congenita. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl 1909,3. F., xix, 25-63.— Bartheleui y. Essai sur les stig- mates de para-h6redo-syphilis de seconde generation; in- dices de degenerescence de race. Compt.-rend. Cong in- ternat. demed.1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect. 8,391-408.— Bauer (A.) Nasenbluten eines syphilitischen Neugeborenen Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg.,Berl.,1909, lxxviii,45.—Bjorken- lieim (E. A.) Syphilis-Serodiagnostik mit Riicksicht auf Lues congenita. Prakt.Ergebn.d.Geburtsh.u.Gynak , Wiesb.. 1911, iii, 83-116.— Brain we 11 (B.) Case of con- genital syphilis; typical facies; physical signs suggestive of commencing phthisis. Clin. Stud.. Edinb., 1906-7, n.s., v, 360-362.—Brunoher. Svphilis visceraleetganglion- naire hereditaire de I'Arabe simulant une tuberculose pnlmonrare et abdominale. Rev. med. de I'Afrique du Syphilis (Congenital, Diagnosis of). nord, Alger, 1904, vii, 161-164.— < arini (\.) Sopra un sintoma mai descritto di sifiiide ereditaria. Atti d. Cong pediat. ital. 1892, Napoli. 1896, ii, 121-128. Also, transl: Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1893, vii, 6; 101; 137.— t'arslaw (J. H.) Patient, the subject of the inherited syphilis, with remarkable enlargement of the spleen Glasgow M. J., 1895, xliii, 296-299.—Caspary (J.) Ueber bleibende Zeiehen hereditiirer Lues. Verhandl. d. (ie- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1896, Leipz., 1*97, lxviii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 454-457. Also, transl: Ann. de dermat et syph., Par., 1897, 3. s., viii, 113.—Oayley & Wynter. Congenital syphilis with anaemia, simulating spleen anae- mia. Middlesex Hosp.Rep.1901,Lond.,1903,44.—Chiodl (W.) I sintomi della sitilide ereditaria e 1' allattamento Gazz. d. osp., Milano,1908,xxix, 1167-1169.—< olombiiil (P.) Ueber das Verhalten der Milz bei erworbener Sy- philis. Arch. f. Dermat. u.Syph., Wien u. Leipz.. 1900. li 163-202.— &Labbe (R.) Le sero-diagnostic dans l'he- redo-svphilis infantile et la syphilis familiale. Arch.de med. d. enf., Par., 1911, xiv, 881-924.—Longfellow (R. C.) The symptomatology of hereditarv svphilis. Tr Ohio M. Soc, Toledo, 1894, xlix. 301-310. Also- Cincin Lancet-Clinic, 1893, n. s., xxx, 381-385.— llace (O.) Le poids et les lesions anatomiques de la rate peuvent-ils chez les foetus niaceres servir au diagnostic de svphilis? Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1898, 160-167.—Hackee (G. M.) A report of four luetic cases unassociated with ob- servable secondary manifestations. Med. Rec. N. Y 1907, lxxi, 563-566.—.Harlan (A.-B.) De l'hvpertrophie chronique de la rate dans la syphilis hereditaire precoce et de sa haute valeur pour le diagnostic de cette maladie Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1903, vii, 325-339. Also: Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1903, v, 265; 274.— Mar- shall ( C. F.) The triad of Hutchinson. Treatment, bind., 1905-6, ix, 401-410.—Jlauclaire. Svmptomes, diagnostic et traitement de la syphilis osseuse hereditaire ou acquise. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1905, xix, 645-548.— OTerk (L.) Klinisches und Kasuistisches von den syphilitischen Erscheinungen an den Schlag- adern der Extremitiiten. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, lxxxiv, 435-444. 1 pl.—.llorquio (L.) Sobre el diagn6stico de la sifilis hereditaria precoz. Se- mana med., Buenos Aires, 1901, viii, 499-507.— JIuIzer (P.) & IUi< haelis (W.) Hereditiire Lues und Wasser- mannsche Reaktion. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1402-1404.—Oechsner ( J. F.) The importance of an early diagnosis of hereditary svphilis; a case in point. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc. N. Orl., 1900, 203-207. Also: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1900-1901, liii, 409-412.—Pellizzari (C.) Sul valore relativo dei segni della sifiiide ereditaria tardiva. Settimana med. d. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1896, 1, 157- 161.—Petrini de Galatz. Un casde stigmates heredo- syphilitiques et de syphilis acquise chez le meme in- dividu. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et svph., Par., 1900, xi, 174-177. Also: Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Svph. Fest- schr. ... I. Neumann, Leipz. u. Wien, 1900, 680-683 — Babek (L.) Kilka s!6w o rozpoznawaniu wczesnego dziedziczonego syfilisu. [Diagnosis of early hereditary syphilis.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1905, 2. s., xxv, 1010.— Bavaut (P.) Le liquide cephalo-rachidien des hOredo- syphilitiques. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par,, 1907, 4. s., viii, 81-112. —Bavaut ( P.) & JDarre. Etude des reactions meningees dans un cas de svphilis hereditaire. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1907, lxxx, 207-210.—Bavaut (P.) & PoiiKelle (A.) Contribution a l'etude clinique et bacteriologiijue des lesions enc6phalo-meningeos chez les nouveitu-nes svphilitiques. Bull, et mem. soc. med. d. hop.de Par., 1906, 3. s.. xxiii, 3-7.—Ravold (A.) He- redo-syphilitics and their detection. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis.,St. Louis, 1911, xv, 188-194. Also: Illin- ois M. J., Springfield, 1911, xix, 269-280.—Beiche (A.) Ueber den diagnostischen Wort tastbarer Cubitaldriisen bei Sauglingen. Monatschr. f. Kinderh., Leipz. u. Wien, 1908, vi, 511-517.—Bcinaeh (O.) Beitrage zur Ront- genoscopie von Knocheiiaffectionen hereditar luetischer Satiglinge. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1906-7, xiv, 1-20.— Richard d'Au/nay(G.) Des signes precoces del' heredo- syphilis chez les nouveau-n6s. J.d.sages-femmes, Par.,1895, xxiii. 310; 316; 324; 331; 339. -----. Formes cliniques de la \vphilisconceptionnelle. Echo med.de Lvon,1896, i, 184- 1*8.—Bomeo(A.) El llantoen la heredo-sifilis. Rev.clin. de Madrid, 1909,ii,21G.—de Sazhcr (P.) Le diagnostic Syphilis (Congenital, Diagnosis of). (•limque precoce del'heredo-syphilis. Scalpel, Liege, 1908-9 lxi, 501-504.-Sansoin (A. E.) Practical points m the diagnosis of inherited syphilis in infancy and ear- liest childhood. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1897, iii, 105-115 — fcaxe (G. de S.) The diagnosis of late hereditary syphi- mVnihel,ch.001 child- Arch- Pediat., N. Y., 1906, xxiii, 91/4-92V^MWaab (A-) De la fievre chez le nouveau- ne svphilitique. Syphilis, Par., 1904. ii, 510-521.—Serra (A.) A: Genti 11 (A.) Reazione di Wassermann nel san- gue del cordone ombelicale, nel sangue materno e nel sangue fetale dopo la nascita; sua imporlanza nello stu- dio della sihhde ereditaria, rapporti fra prova sierologica fenomenologia clinica, parassitologia ed eventuali altera- zioni anatomiche degli annessi ovulari. Ann. di ostet Milano, 1911, ii, 449-491, 3 ch.-Sigries (Les) de la syphi- lis hereditaire precosc. Kev. mens. d. mal. de 1'enf., Par 1900, xyiu, 319-331.-Sile.v (P.) Pathognomonische Kennzeichen der congenitalen Lues. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr 1896, xxxiii, 139; 162. |Discussion], 168; 173. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1896), 1897, xxvii, pt.2, 28. [Discussion], pt. 1, 47; 62.—Simiuonds. Diagnos- tischer Wert des Spirochatonbofundes bei Syphilis con- genita. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, w^'i' I721—Slsto (G.) Les cris chez les nourrissons heredo-syphilitiques. Arch, de m6d. d. enf., Par 1910 xm, 680-608—Smith (A. D.) Symptomatology and di- agnosis of inherited syphilis. Pediatrics N Y 1909 xxi 67-77.—Suker (G. F.) The molar teeth and the patellar reflex in hereditary syphilitic interstitial kerati- tis. Medicine, Detroit, 1904, x, 666-671.—Szalardi (AI ) A syphilis hereditaria fSlismerese es kezelese lelenczha- zakban. [The diagnosis of hereditary svphilis and its treatment in foundling hospitals.] Gvogyaszat, Buda- pest, 1897, xxxvii, 627.— Thomson (O.) R0ntgenun- ders0gelsens Betydning for Diagnosen af latent medfddt Syfilis hosdennyfddte. [The significance of the Ront- gen examination for the diagnosis of latent congenital syphilis.] Bibliot. f. Laeger, K0benh., 1907, 8. R., viii 69- 91, 1 pl.— Thomson (O.) & Boas (H.) Die Wasser- mannsche Reaktion bei angeborener Svphilis. Arch f Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1912, Orig. cxi 91- 116.— Timmer (H.) Die beteekenis van het bacterio- logisch onderzoek van exsudaten bij hereditaire lues Nederl. Vereen. v. Paediat. Voordr., Utrecht, 1894, ii pt. 2, 154-164.—Tobler (L.) Ueber Lvmphozytose der Cerebrospinalfliissigkeit bei kongenitaier Svphilis und ihre diagnostische Bedeutung. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl 1906, lxiv, 1-25. Also [Abstr.]: Munchen. med. Wchnschr ' 1906, liii, 1890.—von Torday (F.) Der Nachweis der Syphilis hereditaria durch Untersuchung des Blutse- rums. Verhandl. d. Budapest, k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte 1908, Budapest, 1909, 51-54.—Veress (F.) Az oroklott syphilis jeleirol, kiilonosen az arczon n6ha mutatkoz6 sugariranyti barazdak jelentosegerol es lenyegerol. [The signs of congenital syphilis, especially the significance and essence of furrows of the cheek which appear like light rays.] Bor-6s bujakort., Budapest, 1907, 13-16, 1 pl.—Zhukovskl (V. P.) Noviy priznak vrozhden- navo sifilisa. [A new sign of congenital syphilis.] Med Obozr., Mosk., 1905, lxiii, 473-479. Also [Abstr.]: J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1905, xix, 276. Syphilis (Congenital, Effect of) upon descendants. See, also, Syphilis (Familial). de Armexteros (C. F.) * Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis de troisieme generation. 8°. Paris, 1900. -----. The same. 8. Paris, [1900]. Fourxier (E.) Heredo-syphilis de seconde generation. 8°. Paris, 1905. von Rosen (W.) *Om Afkommet af Syphi- litiske og om Genesen af den medf0dte Syphilis. Med en Indledning: Om Begrebet Syphilis. [The descendants of syphilitics and the recovery of congenital syphilitics. With an introduction: The definition of syphilis.] 8°. Kj0benharn, 1859. Whitehead (J.) On the transmission, from parent to offspring, of some forms of disease, and of morbid taints and tendencies. 8°. London, 1851. -----; Thesame. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1857. Barthelemy. Essai sur les stigmates de para-heredo- syphilis de seconde generation; indices de degenerescen- ces de race. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1887, 3. s , viii, 868-SS7—Berjjrath (R.) Ueber Svphilis congenita in der zweiten Generation. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph Wienu. Leipz., 1911, cv, 125-141.—Bering (F.) Ueber das SYPHILIS. 378 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congenital, Effect of) upon descendants. Schicksal hereditar syphilitischer Kinder (Lues heredi- taria tarda?). Ibid., cvi, 17-42.—Biddle (A. P.) The influence of parental syphilis on the offspring. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1899, xxi, 124-127. [Dis- cussion], 144.—Boeek (C.) Hereditare Lues in der zweiten Generation. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 968_970—Bouttiau iA.) Contribution a l'etude dela syphilis hereditaire de 2de generation. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph.. Par., 1909, xx, 487-491.—Bovero (R.) & Bossi (V.) Contributo alio studio della sifiiide della seconda generazione. Unione med. ital., Torino, 1900, iv, 236.— Buret (F.) De la transmission de la syphilis a la troi- sieme generation; ce qu'il faut penser de cette hypothese. France med., Par., 1898, xiv, 65-68.—Burgsdorl"(V.) De la transmission hereditaire de la syphilis a la troisiemege- neration (keratite interstitielle comme sympt6me dela syphilis hereditaire a la troisieme generation). Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908,4. s., ix, 18-23.—Caraco. Un cas d'h6redo-syphilis seconde. Clinique, Brux., 1906, xx, 346-351. Also: Pediatrieprat.,Lille,1906,iv,133-135.—Chi- rivino(V.) Sifiiide ereditaria di 2» generazione. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1904, n. s., xxvi, 1-16.— Congenital syphilis; mother escapes infection; second wife infected. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1904, x, 164.— Couts (J. A.) On a case of supposed transmission of syphilis to the third generation. Lancet, Lond., 1898, i, 217.—De Amicis (T.) Sifiiide costituzionale; straordi- naria persistenza di trasmissione ereditaria. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1898, xxxiii, 232.—^tienne (G.) H6redite syphilitique a la deuxieme generation. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., v, 302-305—Finger (E.) Ueber die Nachkommenschaft der Hereditiirsyphi- litischen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xiii, 383; 405; 428. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Cong.internat. demed. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de dermatol. et de syph., 318-321.—Four- nier (E.) Les families heredo-syphilitiques. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1893, lxvi, 37. -----. Syphilis hereditaire de seconde generation. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, xv, 234-304. Also: Anu. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, 4. s., v, 658-728. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Acad. d. med., Par., 1900, 3. s., xliv, 220-225. Also, transl: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xiii, 985-9*9.—Gastou (P.) Syphi- lis hereditaire de deuxieme generation. Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1S9">. vi, 367-373. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1S95, 3. s., vi, 1009-1015.— Gaucher. L'heredite syphilitique de la seconde gene- ration; heredite toxinique; heredite virulente; immu- nisation. J. de med. int., Par., 1907, xi, 289-291.— GeneropitomtseflE* (S. N.) Proyavleniya naslled- stvenno-sifiliticheskavovliyaniyavovtorompokolleniipo dannim posemelnol zapisi. [Phenomena of hereditary- syphilitic influence in the second generation after data of family census.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.," St. Pe- tersb., 1901, viii, 1-5.—GrSlenberg. Der Einfluss der Syphilis auf die Nachkommenschaft. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.,1909, lxxxvh,190-219.—Haltenholf. Heredo-sy- philis a la troisi6me generation. Rev.med.de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1906, xxvi, 349-352.—Heredo-syphilis (L'); existe-t-il une syphilis hereditaire de seconde generation? Clinique, Brux.', 1905, xix, 143-155.—Hewetson. The question of the transmission of syphilis to the third gen- eration. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1893, iv, 11.— Hochsinger (C.) Die Schicksale der congenital- syphilitischen Kinder. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Ge- sellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1889, Dresd., 1890, vii, 77-94. Also, transl: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1898, xvi, 177-193.—Hutchinson (J.) La descendance des heredo-syphilitiques. Cong, inter- nat. de m6d. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de dermatol. et de syph., 302. -----. On a case of supposed syphilis in the third generation. Policlin., Lond., 1900, ii, 40-45. -----. A clinical lecture on the transmission of syphilis of the third generation. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxii, 110-113.—Hutton (D. M.) Note on a case of svphilis transmitted to the third generation. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1900-1901, i, 181-184.—Impa- rati (E.) La sifiiide ereditaria della seconda genera- zione (eredo-eredo-sifilide). Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1907, xxviii, 273-282.—Jacquet (L.) & Bar re. Syphilis a la troisieme generation (heredo-syphilis virulente de se- conde generation). Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1909, 3. s., xxviii, 197-199.—J ill lien (L.) Contri- bution a l'etude de l'heredite seconde en svphilis. France med., Par., 1898, xiv, 321-325. -----. Sur la des- cendance des heredo-syphilitiques. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de dermatol. et de syph., 322- 359. Also, Reprint. Also, transl: Wien. med. Presse, 1900, xii, 2092-2096.—Kareher (J.) Das Schicksal der hereditar-luetischen Kinder. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1901, xxxi, 605-613.—Marshall (C. F.) Trans- mission of syphilis to the third generation. Treatment, Lond., 1905-6, ix, 721-726. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 782.—llajeff(l. A.) O vliyanii sifllisa roditelel na zarazhayemost ikh potomstva. [Influence of syphilis of parents on the infection of their children.] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., Syphilis (Congenital, Effect of) upon descendants. 1888-9, iii, 57; 299.— Jleshtsherski (G. I.) Sluchal vleroyatnavo sifllisa, tretyavo pokolieniya. [Probable syphilis of the third generation.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Pe- terb., 1907, vi, 904.—Ogilvle (G.) On the transmission of svphilis to the third generation. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1897, ix, 3*2; 427. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1898. i, 674.—Pernet (G.) The offspring of congenital syphilitics. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1899, xi, 4.V.M61.—Perrin (L.) Benignite de la syphilis chez un certain nombre de descendants de syphilitiques. Internat. dermat. Kong. Verhandl. u. Ber. 1904, Berl., 1905, ii, pt. 2, 3S5-387.—Pillay (M. I.) Hereditary syphi- lis skipping one generation and manifesting itself at an early age in the grandsons. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1900, xviii, 171.—Pospleloflf (A. I.) Sifilis vnuchki. [Syphilis of a granddaughter.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1900, xxi, 929-931. Also, transl: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1901, lv, 163-172, 1 pl.—Pott (R.)' Das Schicksal hereditar-syphilitischer Kinder. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 298-298. [Discussion], 315. Also: Verhandl. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S. 1900-1901, Munchen, 1901, 85-107. — Shaw-Mackenzie (J. A.) Transmission of syphilis to the third generation. Lancet, Lond., 1898, i, 329; 1144. -----. To the third generation; the contagiousness of inherited syphilis; the disturbance of latency in syphilis under the influence of conception in the woman; inherited maternal transmission. Ibid., 1900, i, 265.—Sorrentino (N.) & Tucel (G.) La dis- cendenza degli eredo-sifilitici. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1902, xii, 372-390.—Tarnowsky (V. M.) La descen- dance des heredo-svphilitiques. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de dermatol. et de syph., 303-318. -----. Sifiliticheskaya semya i yeya niskhodyashtsheye pokolleniye; biologicheskiy ocherk. [Syphilitic family and its descending generation; biological sketch.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1901, ii, 717; 905:1902, iii, 43-79. Also, transl: Svphilis, Par., 1904, ii, 241; 332; 561; 721; 827; 897.—Trolsfontalnes. Heredo-syphilis de troisieme generation. Chron. med., Par., 1901, viii, 234-236.—Zeleneff (I. F.) Zakon Colles'a i Wasser- mann'ovskaya reaktsiya; vleroyatnaya peredacha sifllisa v tretye pokolleniye. [Colles's law and Wassermann's reaction; probable transmission of syphilis to the third generation.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1910, xx, 310-314. Syphilis (Congenital, Eye in). Antonelli (A.) *Les stigmates ophtalmo- scopiques rudimentaires de la syphilis heredi- taire. 8°. Paris, 1897. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1897. Also [Abstr.], in: Bull, med., Par., 1898, xii, 881-885. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Gior.internaz.d.sc.med.,Napoli, 1898, n. s., xx, 1015-1027. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Incura- bili, Napoli, 1899, xiv, 521-632. See, also, infra, Alfieri. Cruchaudeau (G.-E.) Contribution a l'etude clinique de la syphilis conceptionnelle au point de vue oculaire. 8°. Paris, 1901. Giignon (L.-D.-M.) * Lesions du nerf optique dans 1'heredo-syphilis. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. Herbout (G.) * Valeur diagnostique des stig- mates ophtalmoscopiques rudimentaires de la syphilis hereditaire. 8°. Paris, 1900. Lervit (J.) *Tabische Sehnervenatrophie bei hereditiirer Lues. [Berlin.] 8°. Charlotten- burg, 1906. Ohanian (C.) * Contribution a l'etude des affections heredo-syphilitiques de 1' ceil. 8°. Geneve, 1894. Sidler - Huguenin. * Ueber die hereditiir- syphilitischen Augenhintergrundsverande- rungen, nebst einigen allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber Augenerkrankungen bei angeborener Lues. Habilitationsschrift. [Zurich. ] 8°. Hamburg & Leipzig, 1902. Also, in: Beitr. z. Augenh., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1902, 51. Hft., 1-256, 2 pl. Tournadour (M.-J.-L.) * Des manifestations syphilitiques hereditaires du tractus uv£al. 8°. Bordeaux, 1902. Wandel (A. K. W.) *Die Keratitis paren- chymatosa bei acquirierter Lues. 8°. Breslau, 1903. Alfieri (A.) Sulle stimmate di Antonelli (stimmate oftalmoscopiche rudimentali della sifiiide ereditaria). Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1899, xxviii, 402-404. Also, transl.: SYPHILIS. 379 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congenital, Eye in). Rec d'opht., Par., 1899, 3. s., xxi, 162-165.— Alonso (A. F.) La herencia sifilitica ocular y sus estigmas rudimen- tarios. An. de oftal., Mexico, 1907-8, x, 299-30*.—An- tonelli (A.) Les stigmates ophtalmoscopiques de la syphilis hereditaire et atavique; nouvelles contributions. Rec. d'opht., Par., 1900, 3. s., xxii, 588-594. Also, transl: Incurabili, Napoli, 1900, xv, 141-156.-----. Frequence et mecanisme pathog6nique du strabisme chez les heredo- svphilitiques. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1907, ii, 81-92.— Arning (E.) Augenerkrankungen bei kongenitaler Syphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 289. — Bourret & 1'liabal. Manifesta- tions oculaires avec arthropathies dans un cas de syphi- lis hereditaire. Marseille med., 1909, xlvi, 424-426.— Brecht. Ueber Augenerkrankungen bei Lues heredi- taria tarda. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1899, xxiv, 371-375. -----. Retinitis luetica hereditaria. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1900, xxxvii, 286.—Bull (C.S.) The deep intraocu- lar lesions of infantile inherited syphilis and tardy in- herited syphilis, from the standpoint of general pathol- ogy, prognosis and treatment. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxiii, 649-554. Also, Reprint. -----. The increasing fre- quency of inherited syphilis and the grave importance of its early recognition in infants and young children from the standpoint of the ophthalmologist. Ibid., 1911, lxxix, 1-3.—Bureh (F. E.) The ocular manifestations of hereditary syphilis. St. Paul M. J.,,St. Paul, Minn., 1909, xi, 577-586— Cabannes (C.) Etude sur les le- sions du irerf optique dans 1'heredo-syphilis. Cong, in- ternat.de med.,Lisbonne,1906-7,xv,sect.11,340-363. -----. La keratite neuro-paralytique de la svphilis. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1909,xxx, 421-427.—Callan (P. A.) Can interstitial keratitis be prevented in the off- spring of svphilitics? Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., 1901, 307-309. Also: Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1901, xviii, 97-99 — Carbone (A.) Manifestazioni oculari tardive di sifiiide ereditaria. Clin, ocul., Palermo, 1905, vi, 1991-1994. Also: Gazz. med. sicil., Catania, 1905, viii, 255-258.—Carpenter (J. T.) Diffuse interstitial keratitis in acquired syphilis. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1906-8, xi, 5*1-593, 1 pl.— Collins (E. T.) Sequelae of iritis in congenital syphilis, and transverse calcareous film of the cornea. Polyclin., Lond., 1903, vii, 42.—Cruchaudean (G.-E.) Stigmates ophtalmoscopiques de la syphilis conceptionnelle. Clin. opht., Par., 1900, vi, 315.—Dubar. Mortification par- tielle de l'iris consecutive k une arterite cerebrale, chez une syphilitique hereditaire. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1907, xi, 245.—Falchi [F.) Contribuzionialia patologia fetaledell' occhio nella sifiiide ereditaria. Ann.diottal., Pavia, 1905, xxxiv,928-930. Also: Riv.ital. diotal., Roma, 1905,i,262-265.—Finkelnhurg (R.) Ueber Pupillenstar- rebeihereditiirerSyphilis. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz.,1902-3,xxiii*473-481.—Fisher(J. H.) Somecasesof interstitial keratitis from acquired syphilis. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1908, xxviii, 59-71.—Fournier (A.) Delleoftalmienellasifilideereditariatardiva. Gazz. med. sicil., Catania, 1910, xiii, 433-442.—Fournier (A.) & Antonelli (A.) Arret de developpement du mem- bre superieur droit (ectromeiie), keratite parenchyma- teuse et stigmates ophtalmoscopiques rudimentaires, chez un enfant h6redo-svphilitique. Bull. Soc. frang. de der- mat. et syph., Par.,"1900, xi, 323.—Fromaget (C.) He- redo-syphilis gommeuse de l'iris. Mem.etbull.Soc.de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1902), 1903, 511-513.-----. Inutilite du traitement mercuriel dans la keratite heredo- syphilitique. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1910, cxliii, 244-253.— Frugiuele (C.) Contribution a l'etude des stigmates ophtalmoscopiques de la syphilis hereditaire. Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1898, xvii, 289-298.—Fuchs(E.) Malforma- tion of the cornea in cases of inherited syphilis. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1909, xxviii, 247-250.—Galezowski (J.) & Valli (0.) R6tinite svphilitique centrale he redo syphi- litique. Rev. d'opht., Par., 1908,3. s., xxx, 429-138.—Gas- parrini (G.) Gomma iridea eredo-sifilitica tardiva. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1903, 4. s., xv, 471- 484. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1902, xxxi, 762.— Gaucher & Abrami (P.) K6ratite double intersti- tielle et surdite centrale d'origine heredo-syphilitique. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 212.— Gaucher, Lacapere & Well. Keratite interstitielle h6redo-svphilitique. Ibid., 1904, xv, 15-17. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1904, 4. s., v, 60-62.—Gunn (ft. M.) Choroiditlsin early childhood; Hutchinson's teeth; iridoplegia. Polyclin., Lond., 1903, vii, 128— Hala (A.) Ein seltenes Symptom der Augensyphilis bei Neugebore- nen. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1903, x, 85-90— Harman (N. B.) Knee-jerk phenomenon in interstitial keratitis (congenital syphilis); with a scheme for standardizing the variations in the phenomenon. Arch. Middlesex Hosp.,Lond., 1903,i,54-66. Also:Ophth.Rev.,Lond., 1903, xxii, 241-250.-----. Multiple superficial atrophic areas of irides in old kerato-iritis of inherited syphilis. Tr. Ophth. Soc.TT. Kingdom, Lond., 1909-10, xxx, 103-105.—Hlnshel- woud (.1.) Three cases of different forms of congenital svphilitic disease of the eve occurring in thesame family, withremarksthereon. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc.Glasg. (1901-3), 1904, iv, 372-376. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1903, lix, 251-255.— Hirst hberg (J.) Ueber Entziindung der Netzhaut und Syphilis (Congenital, Eye in). desSehnerven inFolgevon angeborener Lues. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 746-752.— Japha (A.) Augeuhintergruudsbefunde bei hereditii- rer Syphilis. Ibid., 1911, xxxvii, 643-545. — de Jesus Gonzalez (J.) Frecuencia de la sifilis hereditaria ocular y estudio de sus estigmas rudimentarios. An. de oftal., Mexico, 1907-8, x,339-366,1 pl., 1 tab.—Lagrange & Aubaret. Syphilis congenitale de l'ceil; iritis gom- meuse, accidentsglaucomateux; gu6rison. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1904, xxiv, 510-515.—de Lapersonne (F.) Sy- philis hereditaire et ophtalmopl6gie interne. Rev. neu- rol., Par., 1909, xvii, 363.—Le Couedlc. Un ulcere in- fectieux chez une syphilitique heieditaire. Clin, opht., Par., 1910, xvi, 264-267. —L.oktelf (V. A.) O patologo- anatomicheskikh izmleneniyakh glaz novorozhdennikh pri vrozhdennom sifilisle. [Patho-anatomical changes in the eyes of the new born in congenital syphilis.] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1900, xvii, 197-200. —von Mi- chel. Ueber die pathologisch-anatomischen Verande- rungen der Blutgefiisse des Augapfels bei Syphilis. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1907, xviii, 295-299. — Natan- son (A.V.) Parenkhimatozniy keratit.razvivayushtshiy- sya poslle povrezhdeniy glaz u stradayushtshikh nas- lledstvennim sifilisom. [Parenchymatous keratitis fol- lowing injuries to the eyes in those suffering from here- ditary syphilis.] Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1910, xxvii, 626. — Neuburger (S.) Abgelaufene keratitis paren- chymatosa beim Sohn; Hirnsyphilis bei der Mutter. Centralbl. f. Augenh., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 72. — Ogil- vie (G.) A rare case of hereditary syphilis, with re- marks on interstitial keratitis. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 1372; 1436.—Oliver (C. A.) Sketch of the external ap- pearances of uveitis from congenital syphilis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1904, n. s., cxxviii, 72. Also, Re- print. -----. A rare type of perivasculitis retinae in a voung woman, the subject of inherited svphilis. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1906-8, xi, 265-269,1 pl. — Pari- sotti (O.) Stimmate rudimentarie ottalmoscopiche di sifiiide ereditaria. Riv. ital. di ottal., Roma, 1907, iii, 261; 333.—Peltesohn. Lues hereditaria und Keratomala- cie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 286.—Pisenti (G.) Le stigmate oftalmoscopiche rudimentali della sifiiide ereditaria, atavistica e di terza generazione. Ann. d. fac di med. e mem. d. Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia, 1899. xi, 5-22. — Puech (A.) De la valeur de l'examen oculaire pour le diagnostic de cer- taines manifestations de l'heredo-syphilis. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1901, xviii, 383-391. Also: Arch. d'opht., Par., 1901, xxi, 709-716. — fiiegel. [Zwei here- ditiir-syphilitische Geschwister mit interessantem Augen- befund.] Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 546.— Bisley (S. D.) Prenatal iridocyclitis; buphthalmos; inherited syphilis. Ophthalmol., Chicago, 1907-8,iv, 617- 619. -----. Ocular disease in hereditary syphilis. Bull. Am. Acad. M., Easton, Pa., 1910, xi, 483-489. Also: Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1911, xx, 184-190. Also: Penn. M. J., Athens, 1910-11, xiv, 639-544. [Discussion], 554-556.— Bolleston (J. D.) Inherited syphilis and blue scler- otics. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child., 96-100. Also: Ophthalmoscope, Lond., 1911, ix, 321-:;J4. Also: Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1911, viii, 202-206.—Bollet (E.) Les keratites des heredo- syphilitiques et leur traitement. Lyon m6d., 1904. cii,' 177-181. Also: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1904, xxii, 229-233. Also, transl: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1904, xxi, 110-114.—Boosa (D. B. St. J.) Parenchyma- tous keratitis from congenital syphilis. Post-Graduate, N. Y.. 1904, xix, 850. — Boubiceck (E.) Ein Beitrag zur Keratitis parenchymatosa bei erworbener Lues. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1899, xiii, 595; 615.—It libel (E.) Senkrecht-ovale Hornhaut bei Lues congenita. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1911, xlix, pt. 2., 227-232.— Sauvlneau. Lesions du nerf optique dans l'heredo- syphilis. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, ix, 178-180.—Sealincl (N.) Iridite gommosa mi- liare da eredo-sifilide. Riv. ital. di ottal., Roma, 1909, iv, 238-246.—Schlimpert (H.) Pathologisch-anatomische Befunde an den Augen bei zwei Fallen von Lues con- genita. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1942-1945.—Sendral (E.) R6flexionsconsecutives a une observation d'heredo-syphilis oculaire tardive. Rec. d'opht., Par., 1903, 3. s., xxv, 257-266.—Sherer (J. W.) The fundus oculi in hereditary svphilis. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1903, xxiv, 387-389.—Speciale-Cirin- cione. Gomme conjonctivale svphilitique hereditaire tardive. Rev. g6n. d'opht., Par., 1903, xxii, 145-152. Also, transl: Clin, ocul., Palermo, 1903,1289-1296— Stephen- son (S.) Case of interstitial keratitis in hereditary syph- ilis. Polyclin., Lond., 1903, vii, 206. -----. On a form of amblyopia in young children consequent upon inherited syphilis. Ophthalmoscope, Lond.,P.iOO, iv,506-511.—Stie- ren(E.) Ocularfindingsinhereditarv svphilis. Ophth. Rec,Chicago,1911,xx,339-316.—Stock(W.) Pathologisch- anatomische Untersuchung eines Falles von Keratitis pa- renchymatosa e lue hereditaria. Sitzungsb. d. ophth. Ge- sellsch. 1902, Wiesb., 1903, 347.—Strzheininski (I. I.) Sluchal naslledstvennavo sililitieheskavo zabollevaniya glaz vo 2-m pokollenii. [Hereditary syphilis of the eyes SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congenital, Eye in). Tn the second generation.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1901, xxii, 1284-1287. Also, transl: Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1901, liii, 360-369. —---. Deux cas de stigmates ophthalmoscopi- ques rudimentaires heredo-syphilitiques chez le frere et la socur. Rec. d'opht., Par., 1903, 3. s., xvii, 577-589.— Syiiion* i M. J.) A factor in the diagnosis of hereditary specific interstitial keratitis. Intercolon. M. Cong. Aus- tralas. Tr. 1902, Hobart, 1903, 302—Terrien (F.) Mani- festations oculaires de la svohilis hereditaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 1229-1235. -----. Manifestations oculaires de la svphilis hereditaire. Clinique, Par., 1909, iv, 322-325. Also: 3. de med. int., Par., 1909, xiii, 198.— Terson. Traitement de- keratites heredo-syphilitiques malignes. Rev. Ren. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1911, xxv, 359 — Wilmot (T. J. 1. i Ocular manifestations of syphilis. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1908, cxxv, 339-346.—Wiman (A.) Ein Fall von Keratitis bei einem jungen Kanin- chen (Hereditiirsyphilis). Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1908, xciii, 379-382.—Wood (W. L.) The pathology of the lachrymal gland in hereditary syphilis. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Ores., 1905, xiii, 157.—Zappert (J.) Ueber isolirtes Vorkommen von Augenmuskelliih- mungen als Spatsymptom der hereditaren Lues. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1895, xix, 161-169. Syphilis (Congenital, Hemorrhage in). Bongartz (A. H. J.) *Ein Beitrag zur Ka- suistik der Hirnhaemorrhagien bei hereditiirer Sifilis der Neugeborenen. 8°. Kiel, 1903. Weitz ([H. F.] YV.) *TTeber einen eigenarti- gen Fall von Syphilis hemorrhagica bei einem Erwachsenen. 8°. Hamburg & Leipzig, 1905. Bar (P.) Mort d'un nouveau-n6 syphilitique par he- morrhagic pleurale et par rupture de la rate avec hemor- rhagie profuse dans le peritoinc Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 475-478. Also, in: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, x, 237-240—Con- roy (W. E.) A case of syphilis hemorrhagica neonato- rum. N. YorkM. J., 1894, lix, 498.—< oulon (G.) He- morragies intestinales mortelles chez un nourrisson syphi- litique. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1905, viii, 100-104.— Gotthei I (W. S.) Syphilis haemorrhagica neonatorum, with eruption of thevaricellar type. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1898, xv, 427; 515.—Isham (M. K.) Syphilis hemor- rhagica neonatorum. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1904, n. s., Hi, 300-302.—L.e Gendre (P.) Hemoglobinurie paroxys- tique chez une heredo-syphilitique; traitement specifique, disparition des acces. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1901, iii, 13-15.—Liiwenberg (W.) Syphilis htemorrhagica neonatorum. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1900, n. F., xvii, 263; 273. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1900, xxxv, 493-498.—Stooss (M.) Ein Fall von Syphilis hereditaria haemorrhagica. Med. Ber. ii. d. Thiitigk. d. Jennersch. Kindersp. in Bern (1891-4), 1895, xxix, 67.—Wilson (W. R.) Hemorrhage of syphilitic origin in the newborn. Tr. Phila. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1904-5, i, Papers, 7-15. Also: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1905, xxii, 43-51.—Zhukovskf (V. P.) Krovotecheniya iz polovikh organov u novorozh- dennikh dlevochek, kak yavleniye patologicheskoye; sluchal pri kolitle i sifilisle matki; smcrt, vskritiye. [Haemorrhages from the genitals of newborn girls as a pathological phenomenon; case, combined with colitis and syphilis of the uterus.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1904, xi, 605. -----. Smortelnoye krovotecfieniye iz pecheni pri naslledstvennom sifilisle u novorozhdennavo. [Fatal haemorrhage from the liver in hereditary svphilis in childhood.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1905, lxiii, 106-110. Syphilis (Congenital, Manifestations of\ See, also, Ataxy (Locomotor) ; Hydrocepha- lus ( Causes and pathology of); Paralysis (Gen- eral) and syphilis; Parrot's disease; Phalanges (Diseases of); Purpura; Speech (Infantile); Spinal cord (Diseases of); Spleen (Hypertro- phic); Syphilis (Congenital Diagnosis of); Syph- ilis (dmyenital, Eye in). Asai (K.) Beitrage zur pathologisehen Ana- tomie des Ohres bei Lues hereditaria. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1908. Bach (E.) *TJeber Nephrits bei Syphilis hereditaria tarda. 8°. Strassburg, 1893. Barailhe (A.) Contribution ii l'etude de la maladie de Parrot; difficultes du diagnostic. 8°. Toulouse, 1909. Barasch (A.) *Influence dystrophique de l'heredite syphilitique. 4°. Pans, 1896. Baudelot (G.) Osteo-arthropathie avec con- tracture dans la syphilis hereditaire tardive. 8°. Pans, 1900. SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congenital. Manifestations of). Bernard (C.-E.-E.) *La maladie osseuse de Paget et l'heredo-syphilis osseuse. Etude cli- nique. 8°. Lille, 1910. Blumel (F.) *Abnormes Liingenwachstum in den langen Rohrenknochen bei hereditiirer Lues. 8°. Miinchen, 1911. Bruxet (A.) *Du systeme maxillo-dentaire dans l'heredo-syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1901. Canstein (C. [J. A.]) *Ueber Lues heredi- taria mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung eines Falles von Epiphysen-Losung am unteren Hu- merus-Ende. 8°. Greifswald, 1895. Costa (C.) Da syphilis infantil no Brazil, suas relacoes com a escrophulose e o rachitismo. Memoria >apresentada ao Segundo Congresso brazileiro de medicina e cirurgia. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1890. David (A.-M.-A.) * Etude clinique de la splenomegalie dans la svphilis hereditaire pre- coce. [Lille.] 8°. Bilhune, 1903. Also [Abstr.], in: Pratique jour., Lille, 1903, viii, 161-173, Delouvrier (F.) * Contribution a l'etude des fractures spontanees dans la syphilis here- ditaire. 8°. Paris, 1907. Eberle (O.) * Ueber congenitale Lues der Thymus. 8°. Zurich, 1894. Erler (K. H.) *Zur Kenntniss der heredi- tar luetischen Zungen-, Speicheldriisen- und Halslymphdriisen-Vergrosserung. 8°. Jena, 1892. Fa roy (G.) *Le pancreas et la parotide dans l'heredo-syphilis du foetus et du nouveau-ne. 8°. Paris, 1909. Fels (H.) *Ein Fall von kongenitaler Cys- tenniere mit pararenalem Haematom bei einem Luetiker. [Zurich.] 8°. Miinchen, 1902. Also, in: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 1743; 1799. Fournier (E.) *Stigmates distrophiques de l'heredo-syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1898. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1898. Also [Abstr.], in: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1898, n. s., iii, 1129-1136. Also [Abstr.], in: Med. mod., Par., 1898, ix, 385-388. ------. The same. TJkloneniya v razvitii pri naslledstvennom sifilisle. Pod redaktsiyel, s predisloviyem i primlechaniyami V. M. Tar- novskavo. Perevod s frantsuzskavo Z. Ya. Yel- tsinol. [Transl. from the French by Yeltsina; edited -with preface and notes by Tarnovski.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1899. Frankel (E.) Die kongenitale Knochen- syphilis im Rontgenbilde. fol. Hamburg, 1911. Gallus (P.) * Ueber interstitielle Nefritis bei Syfilis congenita. 8°. Kiel, 1893. Gasnb (G.) * Localisations spinales de la syphilis he>editaire. 8°. Paris, 1897. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1897. Also, in: N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1896, ix, 278; 362, 4 pl. Gaujoux (E.) * Contribution a, l'etude de quelques manifestations de l'heredosyphilis con- sidered surtout dans leur evolution anatomique et clinique. 8°. Montpellier, 1907. Gilbert (P.) *Disjonction £piphysaire des nouveau-n£s syphilitiques. Pseudo-paralysie syphilitique des nouveau-nes (maladie de Par- rot). 8°. Paris, 1899. Gioia (A.) * Anemia splenica infecciosa e splenopathia da heredo-syphilis. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1897. Horhammer (C.) * Ueber die Beziehungen der hiimorrhagischen Diathese zur congenitalen Syphilis. 8°. Miinchen, 1908. SYPHILIS. 381 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congenital, Manifestations of)- Hostalrich (M.) *Du role de la syphilis hereditaire en teratologie; appendice sur la svphilis et les monstruosit£s dans Part. 8°. Montpellier, 1902. Jacobsohn (M.) *Ein Beitrag zur congeni- talen Lues der Leber, Nieren und Lungen. [Wurt/.burg.] 8°. Wiirzburg, 1900. Juoenfeind-Hulsse (H.) *Ein Fall von Lues hereditaria mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Gelenkaffectionen. 8°. Berlin, 1909. Katz (H.) *Ein Fall von totaler einseitiger Thrombose der Vena renalis bei Lues congenita mit eigenartigen Veranderungen der funktio- nell iiberanstrengten anderen Niere. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1903. Lernout (J.) Symptomes de la syphilis he- reditaire sans exantheme chez les nourrissons. 8°. Paris, 1905. Levy-Franckel (A.) De l'aortite chronique et de l'atherome aortique infantiles, en particu- lier dans l'heredo-syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1909. Martin (J.-X.) * Heredo-syphilis des cen- tres nerveux et diplegies spasmodiques de l'en- fance. 8°. Montpellier, 1901. Merleau(A.) * Contribution a, l'etude des affections osseuses dans l'heredo-syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1899. Merlet (H.) * Le thorax en entonnoir dans ses rapports avec l'heredo-svphilis. 8°. Paris, 1907. Meyer (J.-J.) * Rapports etiologiques de la syphilis hereditaire avec les encephalopathies chroniques de l'enfance. 8°. Paris, 1904. Milon (G.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'ictere chez les nouveau-nes syphilitiques. 8°. Paris, 1897. Morillon (M.) * De la syphilis linguale sclero-gommeuse hereditaire. 8°. Paris, 1907. Moses (H.) * Beitrag zum Wesen der kon- genital-syphilitischen Tibia en lame de sabre. [Konigsberg.] 8°. Tubingen, 1904. Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1904, xliv, 718-747. Oberndorfer (S.) * Ueber die viscerale Form der congenitalen Syphilis mit specieller Beriicksichtigung des Magen-Darmcanals. 8°. Munchen, 1900. Petit (L.) * Des lesions des capsules surre- nales dans la syphilis congenitale. 8°. Lyon, 1900. de la Plesse (J.-T.) * Etude sur quelques cas d'adenopathie tracheo-bronchique heredo- syphilitique. 4°. Paris, 1896. Poupelain (M.-G.) * Manifestations de la syphilis hereditaire sur l'oreille interne. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907. Raxke (O.) * Ueber Gehirnveriinderurigen bei der angeborenen Syphilis. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Jena, 1908. Also, in: Ztschr. f. d. Erforsch. u. Behandl. d. jugendl. Schwachsinns, Jena, 1908, ii, 32; 81; 211. Rayot (H.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'anatomie pathologique de la syphilis des os longs chez le nourrisson. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Rebeyrolle (E.) * Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis osseuse hereditaire tardive dans ses manifestations epiphysaires et articulaires. 8°. Paris, 1902. Ripault (H.) * L'heredo-syphilis infantile; manifestations pharyngo-nasales et laryngees. 4°. Paris, 1896. Also, in: Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1896, vi, 100; 129. Saint-Pierre (M.) * Contribution a l'etude des arthropathies de la syphilis he>6ditaire tar- dive. 8°. Lyon, 1900. Syphilis (Congenital, Manifestations of)- Saxdri (O.) La sifiiide ereditaria del sistema nervoso. 4°. Milano, 1911. Saucet (P.-E.-A.) * Contribution a l'etude des arthropathies de la syphilis hereditaire tar- dive. [Bordeaux.] 8°. Periyueux, 1904. Seringe (H.) * Le testicule dans la syphilis hereditaire. 8°. Paris, 1899. Siivetsofp (I. M.) * Patologo-anatomiches- kiya izmieneniya v epifizarnikh konts kh dlin- nikh trubchatikh kostel u mladentsev pri vrozhdennom sifilisle. [Pathologo-anatomical alterations in the epiphyses of long tubal bones in children in congenital syphilis.] [St. Pe- tersburg.] 8°. Bevel, 1898. Vinooradoff (V. M.) *K voprosu o pa- tologo-anatomicheskikh izmleneniyakh v pe- cheni, zheludkie i kishkakh pri vrozhdennom sifilisle u grudnikh dietei. [On pathologo-ana- tomical changes in the liver, stomach, aud in- testines in congenital syphilis of sucklings.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1898. Voinier (A.-E.-E.) Contribution a l'etude des osteoarthropathies de la syphilis hereditaire. 8°. Nancy, 1910. Wahl(V.) *Uber die Hiiufigkeit der Epi- fysen-Diafisen-Erkrankung bei Syphilis con- genita. 8°. Kiel, 1892. Wiedel (P.) * Ueber einen Fall von ge- schwiirig zerfallenem Gumma im Kehlkopf bei einem kongenital-syphilitisehen Kinde von sechs Monaten. 8°. Berlin, 1905. Addison (O. L.) Syphilitic osteoperiostitis. Proc. Roy. Soc Mod., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child, 171.—Alezais. Lesions du colon dans la syphilis con- genitale chez le nouveau-n6. Marseille med., 1905, xiii, 414.—A Maria (G. B.) Dei rapporti eziologici della sifi- iide ereditaria colle malattie nervose dell' infanzia. Ras- segna di pediat., Roma, 1910, i, 49-64.—Amaha (I.) [Treatment of a patient suffering with otitis of the inter- nal ear from hereditary svphilis.] Dai Nippon Ji-Bi-In-Ko- Kwa-Kwai Kwai Ho, Tokyo, 1897, iii, 541-546.—Ander- son (W. S.) Late manifestations of hereditary syphilis in the nose and throat, with reports of cases. N. York M. J., 1902, lxxvi, 143-146. Also, Reprint.—Antonelli (A.) Pathalogie naso-lacrymale daiis la syphilis heredi- taire. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1910, v, 65-75. Also: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1909, xiii, 813-820. Also: Arch. d'opht., Par., 1909, xxix, 599-608. Also, transl: Riv. ital. di ottal., Roma, 1909, v, 211-221.—Armand-Delllle (P.-F.) Heredo-syphilis; mongolisme et malformations cardiaques congenitales chez un nourrisson. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1908, x, 144-148. Also: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1908, xii, 474-476.—Arnaud (R.) Un cas d'accident pharinge de l'heredo-syphilis tardive. Ann. de lapolyclin.de Bordeaux, 1889-91, i, 149.—Ar- nozan. Osteite gommeuse due a la syphilis hereditaire chez une jeune fille de vingt-un ans. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1894, xv, 118-120—A rquellada (A.M.) Estudio de la heredosifilis del rceien nacido y de las formas hereditaria, precoz y tardia. An. de la Acad, deobst. Tete], Madrid, 1909, ii, 350-364. Also: Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1909, xi, 336-351.— Ascholf(L.) Ueber akute Entziindungsprozesse bei kongenitaler Svphilis. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 18. -----. Ueber akute Entziindungserscheinungen an Leber und Nebenniere bei kongenitaler Syphilis. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1903, Jena, 1904, xv, Ergnzngs- hft., 205-20.S.—Ashby (H.) Brain lesions occurring in the course of congenital syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1150-1154. -----. A syphilitic liver (gummatous) from a girl of ten years. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1902-3, iii, 25-29.—d'Astros (L.) Influence dystro- phique de l'heredo-syphilis sur le cerveau de l'embryon. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1891, Par., 1892, xx, pt. 2, 770-773.-----. CEdeme et nephrite dans la .syphi- lis hereditaire precoce. Marseille m£d., 1908, xiv, 129- 131. [Discussion], 149.—Atcnyants (N. A.) RIedkiy sluchal naslledstvennavo sililisa verkhnel gubi, nosa i nosoglotki u 15-lIetnyavo otroka. [Rare case of heredi- tary syphilis of the upper lip, nose, and nasopharynx in a boy 15 years old.] Trudi i Protok. Imp. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1909-10, xlvi, pt. 2, 63-65.—At wood (C. E.) Idiocy and hereditary syphilis; study of 204 cases with serum diagnosis test. [Blood tests by Dr. Noguchi] J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1910, lv, 464.—Audrain. Sur un cas de leuco-melanodermie cervicale chez un heredo-syphili- tique. Bull. Soc. franc.de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, SYPHILIS. 382 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Con/)- med. beige, Brux., 1891, xlvi, 273. -----. Syphilis concep- tionnelle; h6redo-syphilis etrachitisme. Ibid., 289. Also: Ann. d'orthop. et de chir. prat., Par., 1894, vii, 267-270.— Bourses (H.) Pseudo-paralysie syphilitique des nou- veau-nes (maladie de Parrot). Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1892,2. s., xxix.567-671.—Bouveret(L.) Retrecissement mitral et syphilis hereditaire. Lyon med., 1901, xevi, 717- 720.—Bow I by (A.) Affections of the nasal and air pas- sages in congenital andtertiarvsvphilis. St. Barth. Hosp J.,Lond.,1901-2,ix, 161-166.—Brum well (B.) Arrested development due to congenital svphilis. Clin. Stud. Edinb., 1903-4, n. s., ii, 338-341. -----. Clinical lecture on congenital or inherited syphilis. Ibid., 1908-9, vii, 1-40.— Bratz. Epilepsie nach hereditarer Lues. Arch. f. Psv- chiat., Berl., 1901, xxxv, 227-233.—Bratz it L.Uth. He- reditiire Lues und Epilepsie. Ibid., 1900, xxxiii, 621- 641.—Broca (A.) Syphilis hereditaire tardive des os, gommes et hyperostoses circonscrites. Tribune med., Par., 1904, 2. s., xxxvi, 645-648. -----. Paresie avec con- tracture K'gere des membres inferieurs chez une heredo- syphilitique. Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1909, xi, 65-68.—Bruhns(C) Ueber Aortenerkrankung bei con- genitaler Syphilis. Berl. klin. Wehnschr., 1906, xliii, 217; 268.-----. Neuere Erfahrungen und Anschauungen uber die syphilitischen Erkrankungen der Cirkulationsorgane bei acquirierter Lues. Ibid., 513-517.— Burr (C. W.) The affections of the nervous system due to inherited syphilis. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child (Starr), 2. ed., Phila., 1898, 645- 648.—Buschke (A.) & Fischer (W.) Ein Fall von Myo- carditis syphilitica bei hereditiirer Lues mit Spirochaten- befund. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 752.—< a banes (E.) Heredo-sifilis con pneumo- nia blanca; muerte. Med. de los ninos, Barcel., 1907, viii, 143.—Cappuoeio (D.) Un caso di sifiiide congenita con sindrome eclampsica ed emorragica. Riv. di clin. pe- diat., Firenze, 1906, iv, 907-922.—Carpenter (G.) A case of svphilitic nephritis in an infant aged five months. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1902-3, iii, 286-296, 1 pl.—Carralero (L.) Del coriza en los ninos de pecho como signo precoz de la sifilis hereditaria y su diferen- ciaci6n con las demas rinitis de la infancia. Oto-rino- laringol. espafi., Madrid, 1898, i, 81-84.—Carrie re (G.) Syphilis hereditaire et syphilo-brightisme. Nord med., Lille, 1903, ix, 157-163. -----. Macroglossie congenitale et syndrome de Thomsen dus a l'heredo-syphilis. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1906, viii, 141-151.—< assavec- chla. Tre casi di iperostosi diffusa da sifiiide ereditaria. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1902, xxiii; 340-344.—4'assel. Ueber nephritis heredo-svphiliticabei Sauglingen undunreifen Fruchten. Verhandl.d.Berl.med.Gesellsch.l904,Berl.,1905, xxxv, pt. 2,198-220. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. & Berl., 1904, xxx, 793.—Casselberry (W. S.) Hereditary and tertiary syphilis of the upper respira- tory tract. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., if, 339-344.— Castex (A.) La syphilis hereditaire de l'oreille. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1899, xiii, 261-264.-----. Surdi-mutite par heredo-syphilis. Arch, internat. de la- ryngol. [etc.], Par., 1908, xxv, 1077. - Cazal (G.) Sur un cas de syphilis hereditaire rebelle a manifestations multiples. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1900, iii, 351-359. Also: Echo med., Toulouse, 1900, 2. s., xiv, 19; 37. Also: Toulouse med., 1900, 2. 2., ii, 7; 13.—Cerveto Corts (S.) Manifestationes nerviosas en la heredo-sifilis. Med. de los ninos, Barcel., 1909, x, 370-374. — de la Chapelle (A.) Ein Fall von Lues hereditaria tarda des Nerven- svstems mit Sektion. Arb. a. d. path. Inst. d. Univ. Helsingfors, Berl., 1906, i, 426-435, 1 pl. —Chase (J. 0.) Congenital syphilitic adhesions, involving the palate, septum, naso-nharynx, posterior pharyngeal wall, fauces, epiglottis and larynx. J. Ophth., Otol.&Laryngol.,N. Y., 1894, vi, 62-54. — Chauinier (R.) Un caso de la enfer- medad de Parrot, pseudo-paralisis sifilitica. Arch, de ginec. y pediat., Barcel., 1892, v, 305. -----. Abces mul- tiples chez un nourrisson svphilitique hereditaire. Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1903, viii, 21-23.— Cohn (G.) Deszendierende Stenosenbildung der Luftwege auf Grund von Lues hereditaria tarda. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1908-9, xxi, 490-503. — Coinbemale. R61e de l'heredo-syphilis dansl'etiologie decertaines car- diopathies valvulaires. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de path, gen., 389-393. — Com by (J.) Syphilis hereditaire a forme ganglionnaire. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1905, viii, 605-608.—Cou Ion (G.) Tu- meur du corps thyroi'de chez un nouveau-ne issu de pere et mere syphilitiques secondaires; traitement hydrargy- rique; disparition rapide de la tumeur. Ibid., 1904, vi, 36-40.—Courtade. Observation de surdite par syphilis hereditaire. J. de med. de Par., 1896, 2. s., viii, 585.— Courtln (J.) Un cas de tibia syphilitique (heredo- svphilis) chez un enfant de douze ans. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1893. xiv. 112.-----. Gomme heredo- syphilitique ulceree de la levre inferieure chez une fille de six ans. Ibid.. 1903, xxiv. 496— Crespln (J.) Athe- tose double; mort au cours de variole; autopsie; syphilis hereditaire probable. Arch, de neurol., Par.. 1906. 2. s., xxii, 191-195.—Cruchet. Perforation du voile du palais SYPHILIS. 383 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congenital, Manifestations of)- dans un cas d'heredo-syphilis tardive. Bull. Soe. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1900, xxi, 331. — Cult' (A.) A case of congenital syphilis with curious bone lesions Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1895-6, iv, 144-149, 1 pl. — Curcio (E.) Selerosi laterale amiotrofiea, contributo alio studio delle forme parasifilitiche ereditnrie. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1898, iv, 62-73. — Dajiayelf (L. T.) Sluchal ne- vropaticheskavootyoka konechnostel u naslledstvennavo sifilitika. [Neuropathic oedema of the extremities-in hereditary syphilis.] Khirurg. Arkh. Yelvaniinova, S.- Peterb., 1910, xxvi, 635-647. — Bain\ ille'(F.) Syphilis congenitale; gommes multiples et successives du Iront, du voile du palais et des membres; delire erotique et de- bilite mentale. Rev. med., Par., 1910. xx, 456. — Dan. dols. Un cas d'heredo-syphilis reveiee dans l'age adulte par des dystrophies ungueales. Rev. med. de Louvain, 1905, n. s., ii, 337-341.—Dan los. Syphilis mu- tilante d'origine infantile. Bull..Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1S96, vii, 186-188. -----. Syphilis heredi- taire et tuberculose ganglionnaire. Ibid., 1903, xiv, 356. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 958.— Dejruy & Babouneix. Craniotabes heredosyphili- tique. Bull. Soc. de pediat. dePar., 1902,iv, 157-163.—Be- learde & Pierret. Arthropathia bilaterale du genou lieea l'heredo-syphilis. Echo med. du nord. Lille, 1909, xiii, 579-681.—Be Sanctis (S.) & Liucanircli (G. L.) Heredo-syphilis: form, infantile multiple sclerosis (fami- lial sclerotiform heredo-svphilis i. J. Ment. Path N Y 1905-6, vii, 1-20.—BI Lorenzo (G.) Sulla frequenza relativa di alcuni segni della sifiiide ereditaria latente nei bambini. Pediatria. Napoli, 1894, ii, 151-155. Also: Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, iii, pediat., 144-148. -----. Aumento della eredo-sifilide negli es- posti e necessita di sale speciali nei grandi brefotrofii per cura e profilassi della sifiiide da baliato o da allevamento. Ibid., 1904, 2. s., ii, 153-158— Bittrich (K. W.) Alope- cia in a young child with acquired svphilis. Post-Grad- uate, N. Y., 1910, xxv, 516-518, lpl.— Dominici (M.) Alterazioni del cordone ombelicale nella sifiiide. Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze. 1911, ix, 613-633, 2 pl. — Bon- ne Han (P. S.) A case of hereditary syphilis of the naso-pharynx at puberty. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1898-9, xi, 311-315. —Breunen c. T.) Osseous changes in hereditary syphilis. Memphis M. Month., 1898, xviii, 556-562. — Bruelle. Heredo-syphilis et hvpospadias. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 193-195.—Bubreuilh & Petses. Un cas de syphilis hereditaire de la jambe. Bull, et mem. Soe. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1910), 1911, 84-87.— Buprat. Deux cas de svphilis hereditaire (larges syphilides ulcereuses du cou). Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1908, iii, 572-582.—Durante (G.) Lesions du rein et du poumon dans un cas de syphilis hereditaire (in- farctus syphilitique). Bull, etmem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901. lxxvi, 487-489.—Butoit (A.) Die Osteochondritis der Syphilis hereditaria. Aerztl. Rundschau, Miinchen, 1911, xxi, 337.—von Dydyriski (L.) Tabes dorsal is bei Kindern, nebst einigen Bemerkungen fiber Tabes auf der Basis der Svphilis hereditaria. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1900, xix, 29.-1-308.— Emery & Druelle. He- redo-syphilis et prurigo de Hebra. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1906, i, 333-339.—Emery, Bruelle & Umbert. Dystrophies veineuses heredo-syphilitiques de la paroi abdominale; gommes de la jamlie droite. Syphilis, Par., 1904. ii, 287-292.—Engman (M. F.) A unique case of hereditary lues. Interstate M. J.. St. Louis, 1902, ix, 192- 191.—Erlenmeyer (A.) Klinische Beitrage zur Lehre von der congenitalen Syphilis und fiber ihren Zusam- menhang mit einigen Gehirn- und Nervenkrankheiten. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1892, xxi, 343-362.—Etlennc (G.) Hyperostose massive totale des deux tibias, n6cro- sante, d'origine heredo-svphilitique. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 473-475. Also: Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, x, 235-237. -----.. Menin- gite de la base, d'origine heredo-syphilitique; Stauungs- Papille; guerison complete des accidents par le traite- ment specifique. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C. r., 1899- 1900, pp. xxxii-xxxiv. -----. Osteopathies heredo-syphi- litiques et maladie de Paget. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancv, 1904. xxxvi, 343.— Ewan. Severe inherited syphilis without parental historv; multiple epiphysitis. Polv- clin., Lond., 1901, v, 84.—Fabre & Bo arret. Un cas de pjritonite fcetale svphilitique. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1910, xiii, 454-459.—Fabre & Trillat. Augmen- tation du poids de la rate et du foie par rapport au poids du corps dans la syphilis hereditaire. Ibid., 1909, xii, 437.—Feldengold (A. A.) Deformatio ossium cruris luetica. Russk. Khirurg. Obozr., Mosk., 1903, i, 560-562 — Ferronl (E.) La sifiiide ovulare (eredo-sifilide). Sta- dium, Napoli, 1909, ii, 354-362.— Feu lard (II.) Syphilis hereditaire; deformations criiniennes; osteo-periostite gommeuse de l'extremite inf6rieure du tibia droit. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1895, vi, 69-71. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 219-221.— Ftlauro (P.) Comportamento della cute e delle urine in alcuni stati sifiloemici ereditari; studio clinico e speri- mentale. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1911, Syphilis (Congenital, Manifestations of)- xxix^ 105-124.—Finekh (E.) Zur Sabelseheidenform der Tibia bei Syphilis hereditaria tarda. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1904, xliv, 709-717, 1 pl.—Fini (L.) Le manifestazioni della sifiiide ereditaria nella prima eta infantile. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1904, xxx 281-285 — Fischer (B.) Ueber hereditare Svphilis des Herzens. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 652. —Fitz Wil- liams (D. C. L.) Case of congenital syphilis showing widespread periostitis of the long bones. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child., 21.— Forbes (J. G.) The influence of hereditary syphilis on the nervous system. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1902, Lond 1903, xxxviii, 37-90.—Forma (La) viscerale della sifiiide congenita. Riformamed., Palermo, 1900, xvi.pt. 2,25-27.— Foster (B.) Notes on a few clinical experiences of inher- ited syphilis. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1894, xiv,449.— Fouquet (C.) Etude sur la syphilis hereditaire du foie. Ann. de mal. v6n., Par., 1907, ii, 481; 693; 667; 830.— Fournier (A.) Cellulite gommeuse pelvienne simu- lant une tumeur maligne du petit bassin; survenue a trente-quatre ans sur un sujet heredo-svphilitique et gu6rie par le traitement mixte. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1902, 3. s., xlviii, 310-320. Also: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1902, xvi, 673-677.—Fournier (A.) & Crouzon (O.) Heredo-syphilis, svphilides gommeuses de la jambe, stigmates oculaires, retrecissements du va- gin. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, xii, 35o. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1901, 4. s., ii, 651.—Foil ni ie r ( A.) & Betot. Gommes de l'avant-bras chez un heredo-syphilitique. Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. et syph.. Par., 1901, xii, 18.—Fournier (E.) Les malformations craniennes chez les h6redo-svphilitiques. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1898, xi, 238-261, 4 pl. —-—■. Heredo-syphilis et ichtyose. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1899, x, 167. Also: Ann. dedermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 374. -----. Syphilome gom- meux avec degenerescence eiephantiasique; syphilis he- reditaire. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph.', Par., 1899, x,452. -----. Osteopathies symetriquesetcataracte corti- cale posterieure d'origine heredo-syphilitique. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 62-64. -----. Mal- formation de l'oreille chez un her6do-svphilitique. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, xi, 209. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, 4. s., i, 752. -----. Contribution a l'etude des dystrophiesde l'heredo- syphilis de 2« generation. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de dermatol. et de syph., 360-370. -----. Heredo-syphilis et ichtyose. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 262. -----. Des dystrophies vei- neuses de l'heredo-syphilis. Rev. d'hyg. etde med. inf. [etc.], Par., 1902, i, 26-49, 8 pl. Also: Internat. derm. Kong. Verhandl. *. d. Ber. 1904, Berl., 1905, ii, pt. 2, 381- 385.---—. Dystrophiesdu systeme veineux dans l'heredo- syphilis. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1907, 3. s., lviii, 386- 389.-----■. Ictere infectieux chronique spieno-megalique chez un heredo-syphilitique. Bull. Soc. franc.de dermat. et syph., Par., 1909, xx, 373-378.—Fraenkel (A.) Ein Fall von Lues hereditaria mit besonderer Betheiligung der Knochen und der Leber. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1897, xv, 497-500.—Fraenkel (E.) Ueber einen Fall von angeborener Diinndarmsyphilis, nebst Bemerkungen fiber die atiologische Bedeutung der Spi- rochaete pallida. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1576-1580. — Francon ( A. ) Deformation du tibia en lame de sabre probablement d'origine heredo-syphili- tique. Bull. Soc. franc- de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, ix, 62-65. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 147-150.—Fritsch (K.) Die Tibia en lame de sabre als Folge der erworbenen Lues des Erwachsenen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1910, xvi, 23-26.— FrolofT(P. I.) K kazuistikle sifilisa mozgapri naslled- stvennom sifilisle. [Syphilis of the brain in connection with hereditary svphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Bo- liezn., Kharkov, 1902, iii, 710-717.—Fuchs (T.) Heredi- tiire Lues und Riesenwuchs. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, viii, 668-670.—Galiuibertl (A.) Uncasograve de sifiiide ereditaria studiato nelle alterazioni della milza. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1910, xxviii, 101.—Gallois (P.) Heredo-syphilis et scrofule. Bull. med., Par., 1905, xix, 315-317. — Garel (J.) Heredo- syphilis, localisation au pharynx et au larynx chez une fillette de 9 ans; remarques sur la valeur compa- r6e de l'iodure et du mercure. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lvon, 1906, v, 136-141. Also: Lyon m6d., 1906, cvi, 638-642. Also: Pediatric prat., Lille, 1907, v, 25-27.— Garibaldi (G.) Un caso grave di sifiiide ereditaria stu- diato nelle alterazioni del polmone e cervello. Clin, der- mosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1910, xxviii,97-100.—Gas- tou A Barasch. Syphilis h6r6ditaire; arrets de deve- loppement multiples: infantilisme. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 734-736. Also: Bull. Soc.franc. e.e dermat. etsyph., Par., 1896, vii,376-378.—Gastou & Em- ery. Deux cas d'ichtyose pilaire familiale hereditaire avec mierosphvgmie chez des svphilitiques hereditaires. J. de clin.ct de therap. inf.,Par.,1898,vi, 221-224.—Gastou & Giraul Le pancreas dans la svphilit hereditaire. Bull. soc. de med. du nord 1908, Lille, 1909, 348-377. Also: Echo me.l dunord, Lille, 1908, xii, 525-533, 1 pl.—Gerber (P. II. i Chamaeprosopieund hereditare Lues in ihreni VerhiiltnNs zurPlatyrrhinieundOzaena. Arch. f. Larvngol.u.Rhinol. Berl., 1900, x, 119-130.—Glannelli (A.) Beitrag zum Studium der hereditaren Lues (Friedreichsches Syn- drom). Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Ben., 1911, xxx, 32-53, 3 pl—Glrode. Syphilis congenitale; syphi- lides ulcereuses de tout le tegument externe; gommes syphilitiques de la capsule surrenale droite, Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1890, lxv, 215-218.—Girou (E.) Syphilis osseuse hereditaire. Rev.gen. de clin. etdetherap., Par., 1909, xxiii, 788-791.—Glenn (J. H.) Case of deeply- marked purpuric spots in congenital syphilis. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1892-3, xi, 321.— Glover (J.) Surdite centrale bilateralej heredo- syphilis a la seconde generation. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1908, xxxiv. 163-166 — Goldreich (A.) [Osteopathic bei hereditiirer Lues.] Mitt. d. (iesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1907, vi, 16.viti9. -----. Kinder aus Familien mit latenter Lues hereditaria. Ibid., 1911, x, 31-34.— Grafenberss (E.) Ueber den Zusammenhang angeborener Missbil- dungen mit der kongenitalen Svphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 1589-1591.— Grassi (G.) Alterazioni anatomo-patologiche del fe- gato nella sifiiide infantile congenita. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1904, xxvi, 398-412.—Grindon (J.) The true vesicular lesion in hereditary svphilis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1910, xxviii, 284-287.—Guerin-Val- niale. Syphilis hereditaire pemphygo'ide generalisee intra-uterihe. Montpel. med , 1902, xiv, 266-271.—tinil- lain (G.) & lievy-Franckel. Microdactylie syme- trique aux mains et aux pieds chez une heredo-syphi- litique. Bull, et mem'. Soe. med. d. hop. de Par.,1907, 3. s., xxiv, 893-895. —Guinon A: Beauvy. Abces des poumons chez un nouveau ne syphilitique atteint d'infection ombilicale. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1909, xiii, 197.—Guleke (N. > Zur Frage des Ver- haltens der Nebennieren bei kongenitaler Syphilis. Vir- chow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1903, clxxiii, 519-530. — IIad«1 en (W. B.) Congenital syphilis as a cause of nervous diseases in children. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1892-3, xvi, 59-64.—Halberstadt & Nonet. Infantilisme thvroi'dien chez une heredo-syphilitique. Progres m6d., Par., 1908, 3. s., xxiv, 541.—Hall (J. B.) A case of svphilitic fibro-spongioid osteitis. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i". 1875.—Halle (J.) & Bailliet (G.) Hy- peronvchose svphilitique chez le nourrisson. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de'Par., 1910, xii, 296-300.—Hallopeau & Fournier (E.) Dystrophies multiples et arret de de- veloppement apr£s la puberte chez un frere et une sceur atteints de syphilis hereditaire & la seconde generation. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 250.— Hallopeau, Liaffite & Krantz. Sur un cas de syphilis hereditaire avec destruction partielle et malfor mation consecutive des maxillaires, de la voute palatine et du pharynx. Ibid., 1905, xvi, 16-19. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4.S., vi, 7,-80.—Hallopeau & Leredde. Syphilis hereditaire ou acquise de la pre- miere enfanee; glossite sclereuse; lesions dentaires; syphi- lome de la cuisse. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, ix, 330-332. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 693-695.—Hallopeau & Telsselre. Sur une deformation en entonnoir de la paroi thoracique ant6rieure. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 42. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 154.— Hartmann (C.) Ueber Tabes juvenilis und Lues hereditaria. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 2254. — Harttuiii:. [Hereditare Lues der Tibia.] Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1908, Bresl., 1909, 56-59.—Hastings (R. W.) Gastro-enteritis com- plicating congenital svphilis. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1899-1900, xiii, 281-284.—Haushalter. Pachy- vaginalite chez un poupon heredo-syphilitique. Soc. de med. de Nancv. C. r.....1905-6, pt. 2, 109. Also: Rev. med. de l'est, Nancv, 1906, xxxviii, 381. -----. Osteopa- thic heredo-syphilitique chez un enfant de 6nns. Soc. de med. de Nancy. Or.....1905-6, pt. 2, 117. Also: Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1906, xxxviii, 414.—Haus- halter ( P. ) & Collin ( R.) Hydrocephalic et sclerose des plexus choroi'des chez un poupon he- redo-svphilitique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, ixvii, 739.—Haushalter (P.) & Hoche. Un cas d'heredo-svphilis congenitale, avec lesions consi- SYPHILIS. 385 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congenital, Manifestations of). derables du foie et des capsules surrenales. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1909, xii, 152-156.—Haushalter (P.) & Bichon. Syphilis gommeuse du rein chez un poupon de neuf mois. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1898, i, 7:i3-735.—Hennebert (C.) Reactions vestibu- laires dans les labyrinthites heredo-syphilitiques. Arch. internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1909, xxviii, 93-96.— Heymann (F.) Ein Fall von durch Umstechung und Naht geheilter Nabelblutung bei einem kongenital syphi- litischen Neugeborenen. Centralbl. f. Gvnak., Leipz., 1899, xxiii, 1329-1333. — von Hippel (E.) Ueberdie Hiiufigkeit von Gelenkerkrankungen bei hereditar Sy- philitischen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 1321- 1324.—Hiwata (S.) [Three cases of pseudo-inflamma- tion, in reality congenital syphilis of late development.] Dai Nippon Ji-Bi-In-Ko-Kwa-Kwai Kwai Ho, Tokyo, 1897, iii, 268-274.—Hobbs. H6redo-syphilis. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1896, xvii, 90-92.—Hob- house (E.) Two cases of paroxysmal haemoglobinuria, one distinctly associated with congenital svphilis. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1902-3, iii, 259.—Hoch- singer (C.) Eine neue Theorie der kongenital-svphi- litischen Friihaffekte. Wien. med. Wchnschr., '1897, xlvii, 1137; 1192; 1243. -----. Zur Kenntniss der heredi- tar-syphilitischen Phalangitis der Siiuglinge. Festschr. . .. Moriz Kaposi z. Prof.-Jubil., Wien u. Leipz., 1900, 741-784. Also: Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1900, Wiesbaden, 1901,47-87. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Presse, 1900, xii, 2273-2275. -----. Beitrag zur Osteochondritis heredosy- philitica auf Grund von Rontgen-Untersuchungen. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., Wien u. Leipz., 1901, vii, 536-638. -----. Die Beziehungen der heredita- ren Lues zur Rachitis und Hydrocephalic. Mitt. d. Ge- sellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien. 1904, iii. 134- 138.-----. [Drei Falle von hereditar-syphilitischer Scha- delhypertrophie. Ibid., 1905, iv, 43-47. -----. Zwanzig- jahrige Dauerbeobachtung eines Falles von angeborener Syphilis (paroxysmale Hamoglobinurie; Aortitis; Infan- tilismus; Tabes). Wien. med. Presse, 1905, xlvi, 1281- 1291. -----. Hydrozephalus und Spina bifida (Mvelozys- tokele) bei hereditarer Lues. Centralbl. f. Kinderh. Leipz., 1907, xii, 189-191.-----. [Angeborene Knochen- lues mit Kontrakturen und spontan geheilter Epiphyseo- lysis.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1.909, viii, 161.—Hochsinger (C.) & Fournier (E.) A propos des dystrophies veineuses de l'heredo- syphilis. Rev. d'hyg. et de med. inf. [etc.], Par., 1902, i, 163-166.— Holm (N.) Om Forl0bet af erhvervet Svfilis. [The course of hereditarv syphilis.] Bibliot. f. Laeger, Kabenh., 1905, 8. R., vi, 263-279.—Homen (E. A.) Wei- tere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Lues hereditaria tarda, speziell des Nervensystems. Arb. a. d. path. Inst. d. Univ. Helsingfors, Berl., 1906, i, 379-425, 1 pl.—Hut- chinson (J.) Phagedena in inherited syphilis. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1892-3, iv, 1 pl. with 1 1. of text following p. 144. -----. Mental defects in connection with inher- ited syphilis; inability to learn to read Ibid., 1893-4, v, 360, 2 pl. -----. Inherited syphilis without defects in physiognomy; very severe keratitis relieved by setons; vitreous opacities and cheroiditis; synovitis of one knee. Ibid., 1896, vii, 62. -----. Selected cases in illustration of inherited syphilis. Ibid., 1898, ix, i; 139. -----. Perios- titis of bones near the elbow-joint in an infant; heredi- tary syphilis. Ibid., 1899, x,260.—Hutinel Manifesta- tions de la syphilis hereditaire chez le nouveau-ne. Gaz, d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1908, x, 161-164. Also: J. de med. int., Par., 1908, xii, 301-303.—Hyde (J. N.) What conditions influence the course of infantile syphilis? Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxxi, 724-728—Ilberg (G.) Beschreibung des Centralnervensystems eines 6tiigigen syphilitischen Kindes mit unentwickeltem Grosshirn bei ausgebildetem Schiidel, mit Asymetrie des Kleinhirns sowie anderer Hirntheile und mit Aplasie der Neben- nieren. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1901, xxxiv, 140-170, 1 pl.—Ingelrans. Tibia en fourreau de sabre ou tibia de Paget chez un sujet de dix-huit ans (identitede l'he- redo-syphilis osseuse et de l'osteite deformante de Pa- get). Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1904, viii, 301-307.— Jadassohn. Hereditare Lues bei zwei Schwes- tern mit Lokalisation in Nase und Mundhohle und mit Lymphadenitis gummosa. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 1906. Berl., 1907, ix, 361. — James (A.) A case of hereditary syphilitic osteitis. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1898-9, n. s., xviii, 198-202, 2 pl. Also: Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1899, v, 301-305, 2 pl.— James (G. T. 3.) Three cases of early infantile tabes due to congenital syphilis and hereditary neurosis. Lan- cet, Lond., 1901, ii, 1788-1790.—Jeanselme. Heredo, syphilis et arthrite. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap.- Par., 1909, xxiii, 248—Joachimsthal (G.) Syphilis congenitale avec deformations osseuses. Ann. d'orthop. et de chir. prat., Par., 1893, vi, 369-375. Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 460- 462.— Jouty (A.) Lesion syphilitique hereditaire tar- dive de la voute palatine, des fosses nasales, et du pha- Syphilis (Congenital, Manifestations of). rynx buccal, ayant amene, par la reparation des tissus, des deformations accentuees et rares. Ann. d. mal. de loreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1907, xxxiii, 231-234.— Jullien. Malformation des maxillaires dans la syphi- lis hereditaire. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph Par., 1894, v, 383. -----. Notes sur la svphilis hereditaire; quelques lesions des os longs. J. de ciin. et de therap. int., Par., 1894, ii, 589; 615; 629.-----. Svphilis concep- tionnelle; tic douloureux de la face; nevfalgie trifaciale par n6vrite tertiaire; resistance opiniatre de la maladie; guerison par le calomel en injection. Rev. d. mal. de la nutrition, Par., 1906, 2. s., iv, 514-518.—Jullien & Thu- vlen (A.) Heredo-syphilis, malformations diverses, absence desongles, hemophilie, reinfection etmort. J. d mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1899, xi, 257-259.—Karsner (H. T.) Congenital syphilitic osteochondritis. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1910, n. s.,xiii,64— Karvonen (J.J.) Uusia suuntia perintolueksen patogeniaa selitettuessa. [The development of new pathogenic forms of congenital syphilis.] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1898, xiv, 311-326.—Kats (R. A.) O dletskol rlechi, kak priznakle naslledstven- navo sifilisa; po povodu 2 sluchayev iz glaznol praktiki. [Infantile speech as a sign of hereditary syphilis; apropos of two cases from ophthalmic practice.] Vrach, St. Pe- tersb., 1900, xxi, 1105-1107. -----. Gommes svphilitiques des visceres et anomalie congenitale de la vessie chez un nouveau-n6. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901 lxxvi, 472.—Katzensteln (J.) Ueber die parasyphili- tischen Erscheinungen der congenitalen Lues im ersten Kindesalter. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xiv, 1116-1119. Also: Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1898), 1899, viii, 121-133. -----. Wie die hereditiire Lues durch chronische Periostitis wahre Hypertrophic der betr. Knochen erzeugt. Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Mun- chen (1899), 1900, ix, 81.—K auf man (L. R.) Hereditary syphilis of tibia, fibula, radius and ulna and frontal bone. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc, N. Y., 1909, liii, 214, 1 pl.—Kelly (A. B.) The diffuse hyperplastic laryngitis and phar- yngitis of congenital syphilis. Glasgow M. J., 1906, lxvi, 338-345.—Kerley (C.G.) Malnutrition as shown in con- genital syphilis. Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxx, 529.— Klmla (R.) Kongenitale latente Hypoplasien der driisigen Organe bei der kongenitalen Syphilis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1905, lv, 1541; 1585; 1629; 1668; 1715; 1793; 1832; 1878; 1927; 1982; 2028; 2074; 2114; 2161; 2210; 2253; 2303; 2350:2401;2479. Also, Reprint.—Klotz (H.G.) Multiple dactylitis syphilitica (phalangitis heredo-syphilitica, Hochsinger) in an infant. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1909, xxvii, 238-241.—Knoepl'elmacher (W.) & Lehndorff*(H.) Hydrocephalus chronicus interims congenitus und Lues. Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 1863- 1865. — Kolokln ( N. M.) Leucoderma syphiliticum (pri vrozhdennom sifilisle). [Syphilitic leucoderma (in congenital syphilis).] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1911, xxi, 432.—Komorowskl (B.) Syme- tryczne zapalenie torebek stawowych u dziecka na tie syfilisu odziedziczonego. [Symmetrical synovitis in a child resulting from hereditarv syphilis.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1893, 2. s., xiii, 1135-1138.—Krasnobayeff (T. P.) Sluchal gummoznavo sifilisa u ehetiryokhmle- syachnavo rebyonka s mnozhestvennim porazhenivem sustavov i falangovikh kostel. [Gummatous syphilis "in a child four monthsold with multiple joint and phalangeal envolvement.] DIetsk. med., Mosk., 1903, viii, 388-390.— Kudlsh (V. M.) Sluchal naslledstvennavo sifilisa s porazheniyem pridatka ya'ichka (vtorichnim epididimi- tom). [Hereditary syphilis with secondary epididy- mitis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1906, xi, 259.—Kuttner (H.) [Fall von einseitiger Siibel- scheidenverkriimmung der Tibia auf luetischer Basis.] Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 290.— Labbe (M.~) Syphilis hereditaire chez un nourrisson; exostoses syme- triques des femurs; pseudo-paralvsie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1896, lxxi, 685-587. -----. Syphilis hereditaire pre- coce; pseudo-paralysie; mort. Ibid., 1897, lxxii, 106-110. -----. La disjonction 6piphvsaire des nouveau-nes syphi- litiques. Presse m6d., Par., 1900, ii, 199-201.—Labbe (M.) & Belllle (A.) Syphilis hereditaire precoce, avec spie- nomegalie, anemie et reaction du sang, guerie par le traitement. Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1903, v, 97- 100. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1903, 3. s., xx, 159-16".-Lacapere. Une nouvelle observa- tion de leucoplasie linguale d'origine heredo-syphiliti- que. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1908, 3. s., xxv, 347-349.—LafTont (E.) Meningisme heredo- svphilitique. Bull, etmem. Soc. med. de Vaucluse, Avi- gnon. 1910, vi, 422-426. — Landouzy (L.)& Laede- rich. Des affections cardio-vasculaires cong6nitales heredo-syphilitiques; etude de pathologie generale. Dauphin6 med., Grenoble, 1907, xxxi, 89; 109; 125. Also: Presse med., Par., 1907, xv, 337-341.—Landouzy (L.) & Troisier (J.) Affections vasculaires cong6nitales d'heredo-syphilitiques. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1907, 3. s., lviii, 370-380. — Lannelongue. Syphilis os- seuse hereditaire tardive, type Paget; types infantile et adolescent, types de l'adulte et du vieillard. Ann. de VOL XVII, 2£> SERIES----25 SYPHILIS. 386 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Cong< nital, Manifestations of)- c'liir. et d'orthop., Par., 1903, xvi, 103-115. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1903, 3. s., xlix, 299-321. Also: Bull. m6d., Par., 1903, xvii, 167-171—Larrabee (R. C.) Ar- rest of development, probablv resulting from congenital svphilis. Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cl, 540.—Laurent (O.) [Observation de svphilis eonstitutionnelle infantile.] Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Unix., 1884, no. 33,, 202-205. [Rap. de Charon]. 2uo-2lO.—Le Gendre (P.) Epilepsie bravais-iacksonienne et convulsions g6neralisees avec h6miplegie droite chez une heredo-syphilitique de 15 mois; guerison par les frictions mercurielles. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1901, iii, 15-19.—Legg (T. P.) Con- genital syphilis affecting the testicles; hydrocele of the tunica vaginalis. Polyclinic, Lond., 1906, x, 156. -----. A case of congenital svphilitic osteo-periostitis of the femur of an infant. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiv,443.—Lesralu (E.) Syphilis hereditaire et mal- formations congenitales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1*95, 10. s., ii, 6G3-565. -----. Notes sur l'influence dystrophique de l'heredite svphilitique. Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1*98, ix, 284-286. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par.. 1898, 3. s., ix, 576-578. -----. Hy- pertrophic et degenereseence amylo'ides des cartilages tarses probablement d'origine heredo-syphilitique. Bull. Soc franc- de dermat. et svph., Par., 1904, xv, 187. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904.1. s., v, 459.—Leiner (C.) Ueber Haarausfall bei hereditiirer Lues. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1905, Wiesb., 1906, 261-263. Also: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1906, lxxviii, 239-245. Also, transl: Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 105-107.—Lemonnier. Diabete heredo-syphili- tique. Arch, demed. d. enf.,Par., 1901,iv,162-165.—Leon- Kindberg&Mondor (H.) Note sur un cas d'ichtyose chez une enfant de dix ans, syphilitique hereditaire. pre- sentant des phenomenes dementiels, de la rigidite pnpil- laireet de la paraplegie spasmodique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1908, 3. s., xxv, 556-560.—Lev y- Franckel (A.) Les aortites aigues et chroniques et l'atherome dans la syphilis hereditaire. Ann. d. mal. v6n., Par., 1909, iv, 732-773.—Lonicer (M.) Ueber Rie- senzellbildung in der Leber bei Lues congenita. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1906, xxxix, 539- 562.—MeKenzle (D.) Cicatricial obliteration of the nasopharynx (hereditarv syphilis). Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Laryngol. Sect., 104—MacKen- zle (W.) Heart disease in children; the syphilitic factor. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1902, vii, 66-84.— Magnan. Retrecissement pharyngo-nasal du a de la syphilis hereditaire. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol. de Bordeaux, 1896, xvii, 14-18.—Mahot & Barthelemy. Meningo-encephalite subaigue et retrecissement de l'in- testin chez une heredosvphilitique. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1904, 2. s., xxii, 347-354.—Maliu (G.) Syphilis heredi- taire des nouveau-nes; gomme du voile du palais chezun nourrissonde deuxmois. Ann.demed.etchir.inf., Par., 1901. v, 765-768.—Maillard (G.) & Blondel (C.) He- redo-syphilis; tabes fruste avec diminution intellectuelle. Rev.neurol.,Par., 1911,xix,658.—Malformations (Les) craniennes chez les heredo-svphilitiques. J. de conn. med. prat., Par., 1898, 362; 370; 378.—Marfan (A.-B.) Disjonction epiphysaire dans la syphilis hereditaire pre- coce (pseudo-paralysie syphilitique des nouveau-nes de Parrot). Ann. de med. et cbir. inf., Par., 1901, v, 541- 546. -----. Forme grave de syphilis hereditaire tardive, avec perforation palatine. Ibid., 505-507. -----. Cor- nage congenital chronique; hypertrophic du thymus; svphilis hereditaire. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1904, vi, 357-373. Also: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1905, xxiii, 49-64. Also: Syphilis, Par., 1905, iii, 285-301.— -----. De Phypertrophie chronique de la rate dans la syphilis hereditaire precoce etde sa haute valeur pour le diagnostic de cette maladie. Rev.mens. d. mal.de l'enf., Par., 1903, xxi, 211-230. Also: Cong, internat. de med. C. r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de pediat., 713-728.— Marfan (A. B.) & Welll-Halle (B.) Sarcoceie he- redo-syphilitique avec keratite parenchymateusechezun enfant de 6 ans i. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1907, ix, 209-212. Alto: Ann. de med. et chir. inf.. Par., 1907, xi, 579-581. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. etde psediat., Par., 1907, xx, 299-302.—Maritoux. Un cas de syphilis congeni- tale avec pemphigus hemorrhagique. Rev. clin. d'an- drol. et de gynec, Par., 1902, viii, 293-297.—Martinez Vargas. Syphilishereditaireprecoceavechypertrophic de la rate, coryza congenital, dystrophies veineuses ab- dominales, et pemphigus generalise aux membres infe- rieurs. Bull. Soc.de pediat. de Par., 1903, v, 208-210. Also: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1903, vii, 674-676.—Mas- salongo (R.) Syphilis renale congenitale. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., v, 1148.—Matchett (A. C.) Case of hereditary syphilis with nervous symptoms. Practitioner,Lond., 1898,lxi,487-490.— Mathewson (G.) Ueber einen Fall von congenitaler Syphilis, ausgezeichnet durch ungewohnliche Ausbreitung'und Sch were der sv- philitischen Erkrankungen. Prag.med. Wchnschr., 1895, xx, 113.—Mayer (E.l An unusual manifestation of he- ■iyphilis (Congenital, Muni f stations of). reditary syphilis. N. York Eye & Ear Infirm. Rep., 1895, iii.7R-*5. Also, Reprint.—Menard (V.),Le Moine^F.) & Penard (J.) Contribution a l'etude clinique etradio- graphiquede la syphilis hereditaire des os longs. Gaz d hop., Par., 1908, lxxxi, 667; 603.—Mendel (E.) Die he- reditiire Syphilis in ihren Beziehungen zur Eutwicklung von Krankheiten des Nervensystems. Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. Festchr. . . . Georg Lewin,Berl.. 1*96,138-143.— Mercer (A. C.) Clinical remarks on cases of congenital syphilis and rickets. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1892-3, xxxii, 411-417.—Merhlen (P.) Heredo-syphilis linguale pre- coce. Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1908, 4. s., ix, 106- 108. -----. Sclerose et leucoplasie heredo-svphilitiques de la langue chez deux freres. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1911, xxvi, 137-143.—Mery (H.) philis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 1207.—Pinl (G.) Le manifes- tazioni sifilitiche nel neonate Lucina, Bologna, 1898, iii, 33-40.—Platon (J.-C.) Surun cas d'heredo-syphilis avec sclerodermic Marseille med., 1896, xxxiii, 620-628, 1 pl. -----. L'heredite syphilitique; son influence dys- trophique. Ibid., 1898, xxxv, 495; 524. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1898, n. s., iii, 925-927. Also: N. Montpel. med., 1898, vii, 853-866. —Pommer. Zur Kenntnis der hereditaren Schiidelsyphilis. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1905, Jena, 1906, 312-324,1 pl.— Ponticaccla (M.) Sifiiide ereditaria, pseudo paralisi di Parrot, paralisi ostetrica del facciale e dell' oculomo- tore, edema dei neonati (flebite ostetrica). Pediatria, Napoli, 1894, ii, 264; 294.— Poor (F.) Ueber die linien- formigen Narben bei der hereditaren Syphilis. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1905, xii, 207-215.—Power (D'A.) A case illustrating some manifestations of congenital syphilis in a boy. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1618. -----. A clinical lecture on heredo-syphilis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1909, n.s., lxxxv, 110—Preiser (G.) Luetische X-Beine. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 132. -----. Ueber Knochenveranderungen bei Lues con- genita tarda. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1908, xii, 81-88.—Puecli (P.) Syphilis mater- nelle; accouchement a terme; un mois apres, apparition chez l'enfant d'une paralysie du bras droit s'etendant ensuiteincompietemen^au bras gauche; mort de l'enfant; autopsie. N. Montpel. med. Suppl., 1893, ii, 70-72. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec., Par., 1893, xx, 289.—de Quetrds Mattoso (F.) Sobre um caso interessante e pouco commum de svphilis hereditaria. Rev. med. de S. Paulo, 1905, viii, 157-162. Also, transl: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1905, xxiii, 466-473.—Rach (E.) & Wlesner (R.) Weitere Mitteilungen fiber die Erkran- I Syphilis (Co?igenital, Manifestations of)- kung der grossen Gefiisse bei kongenitaler Lues. Wien. klin Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 521-527.—Ranke(0.) Ueber Gewebsveranderungen im Gehirn luetischer Neugebo- rener Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1907, xxvi, 112; 157.— Kan sc h b u rg (P.) Oroklott bujak6ros alapon f ej lodott gyermekdedseg (infantilismus) esete. [Infantilism de- veloping on a congenital syphilitic foundation.] Gyer- mekorvos, Budapest, 1906, 1-7. —Raymond (F.) & Guillian (G.) Heredo-svphilis du cervelet. Bull, et mCm. Soc. med. d. h6p.de Par., 1904,3.s., xxi, 1096-1100.— Raymond (F.) & Janet (1'.) Excitation et depres- sion periodiques, deiire circulaire fruste dans un cas de syphilis hereditaire. Cong. d. med. ali6nistes et neurol. de France . . . C. r., Par & Brux., 1903, xiii, v. 2, 643- 546.—Raymond (F.) & Touchard (P.) Meningite her6do-syphilitique a forme tabetique. J. de neurol., Par., 1909, xiv, 213. Also: Rev. neurol., Par., 1909, xvii, 492-496.—Raynaud (L.) Syphilis hereditaire; gomme ulceiee de la jambe; fracture spontanee du tibia, faisant saillie hors de la plaie depuis 6 mois, sans reaction sen- sible chez un Kabyle. Bull. Soc frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, ix, 424-426. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Pur., 1*98, 3 s., ix, 1132-1134. Also: 3. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1899, xi, 85-87.—Rehn (H.) Ront- genphotographien von mit Syphilis congenita und Rha- chitis behafteten Kindern. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Wiesb., 1899, xv, 186.—Reiner (M.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Ostitis deformans heredo- syphilitica. Wien. med. Presse, 1901, xiii, 685-591. — Rendu (H.) Stigmates dystrophiques de syphilis hereditaire et mal- formation cardiaque congenitale; developpement d'une syphilis acquise, rapidement modifiee par le traitement specifique. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1899, 3. s., xiii, 73- 88.—Rendu (H.) & Poulaln. Vices de conformation multiples (encephaloceie, exostoses claviculaires, retre- cissement mitral) peut-etre lies a la syphilis hereditaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1900, 3. s., xvii, 370-375. —Resplghl (E.) Ittiosi ed eredo-sifilide. Scuola salernit., Salerno, 1906, vii, 100-105.—lieu tor. Zur Kenntniss der Motilitatsstorungen bei der heredi- taren Siphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 517. — Reyher. Ueber die Knochen- veranderungen bei hereditarer Svphilis. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1908, iv, 115-119. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 1423.—Rheiner (G.) Klinischer Beitrag zur Lues hereditaria infantilis. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1905, xxxv, 671-680.— Ribadeau- Dumas (L.) & Camus (P.) Osteo- arthrites purulentes et heredo-syphilis du nourrisson. Bull. Soc. de p6diat. de Par., 1908, x, 223-226. Also: Ann. de m6d. et chir. inf., Par., 1908, xii, 672-676.— Ribadeau-Dumas (L.), Courcoux (A.) & Pater. Reactions h6matopoietiques du foie heredo-syphilitique. J. de physiol. et de path, gen., Par., 1908, x, 682-692,1 pl.— Rlbadeau-Dumas (L.) & Harvier. Myocardite heredo-syphilitique. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1910, lxxxv, 377.—Ribadeau-Dumas (L.) & Polsot. Ictere et hemorragies chez un heredo-syphilitique; ane- mie et myeiemie, septicemic a spirochsete pallida. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 247-249.—Richard dAulnay (G.) Des stigmates heredo-syphilitiques tant specifiques que dvstrophiques. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1*900, xi, 271-278.—Rlchon. Un cas de syphilis hereditaire tardive a forme cerebro-spinale. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1903, xvi, 84-99, 1 pl.— Rlst (E.) & Salomon. Syphilis hereditaire a lo- calisation hepato-spienique avec ictere et cedeme sous- ombilical. Rev. mens. d. mal.de l'enf., Par., 1903, xxi, 385-393.—Rocca (C.) Sifiiide ereditaria con lesioni al cervello. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1897, 139-168. Also: Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1897-8, xxiii, 525-554. -----. Sifiiide ereditaria con lesioni al cer- vello. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1898, 35- 41, 3 pl. Also: Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1898-9, xxiv, 246-248. Also: Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1898, xxxiii, 430-461.—Romniceano. Les differentes formes de syphilis infantile. Internat. dermat. Cong. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. 1892, Wien u. Leipz., 1893,74-99.-----. Formes de syphilis hereditaire observeesa l'Hopital des Enfants de Bucarest de 1874 a 1896. Med. orient., Par., 1897, i, 228- 230.—Rondonl (P.) On some hereditary syphilitic af- fections of the nervous system. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Path. Sect., 101-108—Rose (F.) Para- lysie des nerfs craniens et deformations osseuses multi^ pies probablement d'origine heredosyphilitique tardive. Rev. neurol., Par., 1904, xii, 629.—Rudaux (P.) Des manifestations her6do-svphilitiques du nouveau-ne. Clinique, Par., 1910, v, 421-426.—Rudaux (P.) & Le Lorier (V.) De l'influence de la syphilis sur la gen6se des anomalies et des monstruosites fcetales. Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1911, 2. s., viii, 497-518.—Saave- dra R. (J.) Breves apuntes sobre la influencia de la heredo-lues en algunas afecciones nerviosas de la primera y segunda infancias. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1898, xxvi, 385; 411; 441.—Sabella (P.) Un caso grave SYPHILIS. 388 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congenital, Manifestations of)- de sifiiide ereditaria studiato nelle alterazioni della aorta e degli reni. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1910, xxviii, 103-106.—Sabrazes (J.) 6do-syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1897. ------. Thesame. 8°. Paris. 1897. de Lindfors. * Traitement de fa syphilis du nouveau-ne" par les injections mercurielles. 8°. Montpellier, 1906. Perreira Saturnino Braga (R.) *Origens e tratamento preventivo da heranca syphilitica. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, 1899. Vaillant (R.) * Contribution a l'etude du traitement de la syphilis du nouveau-ne. 8°. Paris, 1907. Abt (I. A.) The treatment of congenital syphilis in infancy. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1907, xi, 413-418. Also, Reprint.—Apert(E.) Cavite dela base du poumon gauche chez une her6do-syphilitique; impuissance du traitement anti-syphilitique; faut-il intervenir chirurgi- calement? Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1908, x, 79-87.— Balsch(K.) Erfolge und Aussichten der Behandlungder hereditaren Lues. Monatschr.f. Geburtsh.u.Gyniik.,Berl., 1911, xxxiv, 273-283.—Barthelemy. Heredo-syphilis tardive prise pour une tuberculose; guerison rapide par Phuile grise. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899,3. s., x, 693-695. Also: Bull.Soc.franc.dedermat.etsyph.,Par., 1899, x, 364-366.—Bertl (G.) Nota circa la convenienza di tornare alia pol vere grigia degli Inglesi per la sifiiide degli infanti. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1907, 8. s., vii, 533- 548.—Bodln (E.) Traitement de la syphilis hereditaire chez le nouveau-ne par les in j ections mercurielles. Bull. Soc. scient. et med. de l'ouest, Rennes, 1905, xiv, 31-36.— Boissard (A.-L.) Syphilisetnouveaux-nes; considera- tions cliniques et therapeutiques sur l'heredo-svphilis. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1898, xii, 65-67.— Boissard (A. L.) & Deve. La nutrition chez les heredo-syphilitiques; marche et valeur de la courbe alimentaire. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 190s, vii, 129-137.— SYPHILIS. 392 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congenital, Iyreeention and treatment of). Also: Syphilis, Par., 1904, ii, 496-504.—Buschke (A.) Ueber die Behandlung der Syphilis hereditaria. Aerztl. Prax., Berl., 1905, xviii, 157-159.—Cenl (U.) Contributo alia cura della sifiiide fetale. Gazz. med. di Roma. 1898, xxiv, 281-297.— Charles (N.) Sextipare ayant eu un If enfant vivant puis 4 enfants maceres; 6e enfant vivant a terme apres un traitement iodure; second cas analogue. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1902, xxiii, 46.—Cole (F. H.) Treat- ment of congenital syphilis. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1910, xv, 234-240.—Comby (J.) Diagnostic et traitement de la syphilis congenitale. Med. mod., Par., 1898, ix, 593. Also, transl: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1899, xliv, 14-16. -----. Le mercure chez les nourrissons. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1909, xi, 33.—Concetti (L.) & Tito- manllo (A.) Ancora della pretesa influenza dei rego- lamenti sanitarii sulla sifiiide ereditaria nei brefotrofi. Atti d. Cong, pediat. ital. 1892, Napoli, 1896, ii, 133-176.— Dubrisay (J.) Presentation de deux enfants syphili- tiques; traitement hydrargyric prolonged Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1889), 1890, xxiv, 19-21.—Emploi de l'iodure de potassium pendant la grossesse pour eviter la mort de l'enfant dans la syphilis et les cas douteux. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1893, xiv, 289.—Fabre. Syphilis hereditaire; broncho-pneumonie; guerison parl'iniection sous-cutanee d'essenee de terebenthine. Lyon med., 1911, cxvi, 361-363.—Fieux. Conduite a tenir par le medecin en presence d'un nourrisson syphilitique au point de vue de la responsabilite medicate. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1910, xxxi, 569-571. — Fouquet (C.) Traitement de la syphilis hereditaire chez le nouveau-ne. Medecin prat., Par., 1907, iii, 102-104.—Fournier (A.) A quel mode d'allaitement convient-il de recourir pour un enfant issu d'un pere svphilitique et qu'on suspeete de svphilis? Presse med., Par., 1896, 637-639. Also [Abstr.]: Med. inf., Par., 1897, 64-72. Also, transl.: Internat. Clin., Phila., 1899, 9. s., ii, 15-21— Gaucher. Traitement de l'heredo-syphilis secondaire. Presse therap.. Par., 1904, i, 393-395. —----. Syphilishereditaired'origine maternelle et d'origine paternelle; syphilis conceptionnelle; traitement de la syphilis pendantla grossesse. Bull, med.. Par., 1904, x*riii, 989-992. -----. Commenton doit traiter les enfants heredo-syphilitiques. Med. mod., Par., 1910, xxi, 241.— Glllet (H.) Traitementde la syphilisde l'enfant par la methode externe. Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1909, xix, 200-202.—Gillet (H.) & Leronx (C.) A propos de l'ad- ministration et de la posologie du mercure chez le nourris- son. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1908, x, 337-845—Gor- clillo (L.) Sifilis hereditaria, etiologia y profilaxia. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1896, xix, 82; 109.—Gottheil (W. S.) The treatment of infantile syphilis. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1904, xxi, 780-783.—Gr0n (K.) Pleiehjem for hereditaer-syfilitiske b0rn. Tidsskr. f. d. norske Laegeforen., Kristiania, 1908, xxviii, 493- 497.—Halberstaedter (L.) & Beiche (A.) Die The- rapie der hereditaren Syphilis mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Wassermannschen Reaktion. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1910, xxiv, 312-348.—Heubner (O.) Zur Behandlung der kongenitalen Svphilis. Charite- Ann., Berl., 1906, xxx, 133-138.— Hochsinger (K. ) Erbsyphilis-Behandlung und Neuropathie. Beibl. z. d. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1911, ix, 29-35. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, 122- 126.—Hnerre (R.) De l'opotherapie et en particulier de l'opotherapie hepatique dans le traitement de l'heredo- syphilis. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1911, xxii, 108.—Janovsky (V.) Novejsl prace o pfijici de- di6ne\ [Newer practice in hereditary syphilis.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1884, xxiii, 643; 675.—Janval. Trai- tement preventif de l'heredite. sifilitique paternelle au cours de la grossesse. J. de la sante in time, Par., 1906, 75-78.—Johnson (C.) Was it the potassium iodide? Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1904, x, 263.—Keim. Du traite- ment du nouveau-ne issu de syphilitique et sans syphilis apparente. Syphilis, Par., 1904, ii, 505-508.—Koroleff (N. D.) O llechenii vrozhdennavo sifilisa grudnikh die- tet vpriskivaniyami salitsilovokislot rtuti. [On the treat- ment of congenital syphilis of nurslings by injections of salicylate of mercury.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Blitkina, St. Pe- tersb., 1897, vii, 751; 789.—Labadie-L,ab61 (a lues congenita sero-diagnosisa). Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1908, vi, 379-384.— Welde (E.) Erfahrungen mit Salvarsan bei Lues con- genita. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1912,n.F., lxxv,56-77.— Wolbarst (A.L.) A case of congenital syphilis in an in- fant treated by the administration of salvarsan to the mother; result unsuccessful. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt.,& N. Y., 1911, n. s.,vi,486-489. Also, Reprint.—Yakovlyoff (P. P.) O nlekotorikh rezultatakh primleneniya prepa- rata Ehrlich'a (arsenobenzola, 606) na grudnikh dletyakh imateryakh, kormyashtshikh gruudy dletel, bolnikh na- slledstven nim si filisom. [Certain results of the application of Ehrlich's "606" in infants and in nursing mothers, suf- ferring from hereditary syphilis.] J. russk.Obsh.okhran. narod. zdrav., St. Petersb., 1911, xxvi, no. 4,1-8. Syphilis (Congenital, Prognosis of). See, also, Syphilis (Congenital, Effect of) upon descendants. Knabe ( H. ) * Untersuchungen iiber die Lebensdauer nach erworbener Syphilis. 8°. Jena, 1902. Hochsinger (K.) Die gesundheitlichen Lebens- schicksale erb-syphilitischer Kinder. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1910, xxiii, 881; 932. Also: Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1910, lvii, 1156.—Kulneff (S. Y.) K statistikle zhiznesposobnosti ploda i dletel, pro'iokhodyashtshikh ot sifiliticheskikh materel. [Statistics of the viability of the foetus and children coming from syphilitic mothers.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1893, clxxvi, unoffic. pt, 1. sect., 533-636.—Peiser (J.) Zur Prognose der heredi- taren Lues. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1909, xxiii, 201-209. Syphilis ( Congenital, Reinfection in). Rostaine (P.) *De la syphilis acquise chez les heredo-syphilitiques. 8°. Paris, 1905. Bruns (H. D.) Inherited and acquired syphilis in the same subject. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1905, xiv, 424- 426.—Fouquet (C.) & Brin. De la syphilis acquise chez les h6redo-syphilitiques. J. de med. int., Par., 1909, xiii, 271-273.—Gaucher & Bostaine. Deux cas de syphilis acquise chez des syphilitiques hereditaires. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 347-351. Also: Ann. de dermat.et syph., Par., 1903,4. s., iv, 949-953. -----. Syphilis acquise chez les heredo-syphilitiques. J. de m6d. int., Par., 1904, viii, 310; 322.— Goizet. Syphilis acquise chez un heredo-syphilitique ayant presente a sa naissance des manifestations d'her6do-svphilis secon- daire. Ann. d. mal. v6n., Par., 1911, vi, 254-256.—Gros- man. Syphilis acquise conjugale chez un couple d' he- redo-syphilitiques. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1908, 499-501.—Jeanselme. Heredo-syphilis et syphilis ac- quise. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1909, xxiii, 342.—Jullien & Thuvlen (A.) Contribution a l'etude de la reinfection chez les h6redo-syphilitiques. Bull. Soc franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1899, x, 201-203. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 408-410.—L.e Plleur (L.) Syphilis acquise chez un sujet n6 de pore syphilitique. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1897, ix, 488-491. Also: Med. inf., Par., 1897,192-195.—Bostaine (P.) Les heredo-syphilitiques prennent-ils la syphilis? Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1907, ii, 17-33.—Suggett (0. L.) A case of acquired syphilis in an hereditary luetic. N.York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xci, 790-792. Also: Weekly Bull. St. Louis M. Soc, 1910, iv, 112.—Szana(A.) Syphilisacquisitabei einem Saugling. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1902, xxxviii, 602.—Tarnovskl (V. M.) Udvoyenniy sifilis i Bifiliticheskaya naslledstvennost. [Double syphilis and syphilitic heredity.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb.. 1902, i, 3; 34.—Velyamovich (V. F.) Udvoyenniy sifilis (syphilis binaria) i sifiliticheskaya naslledstvennost. [.. . and sy- philitic heredity.] Bol'nitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1902, xiii, 1577; 1639; 1685; 1782; 1828. Syphilis (Congenital, Serodiagnosis of). See Syphilis (Serodiagnosis of). Syphilis (Congenital, Teeth in). Fortin (E.) * Valeur diagnostique des mal- formations dentaires observees chez les heredo- syphilitiques. 4°. Paris, 1896. SYPHILIS 394 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congenital, Teeth in). zil-med., Rio de Jan., 1903, xvii, 393-395.—JTlycrs (X. II.) Syphilis and its manifestations, especially from a dental standpoint. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1909, li, 1397-1401. [Discussion],1435-1444.—Nelson (A.J.) The importance of Hutchinson's teeth in diagnosing hereditary syphi- lis; report of aea-e. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1898, 222-225. Also: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond 1898-9, iii, 444.—Ni< ulescu (D. D.) Dint.il lui Hutchin- son. [Theteethof Hutchinson.] Spitalul,Bucurcsel,1902, xxii, 831-836.—Oberwarth (E. ) Zur Kenntnis der Hutchinsonsehen Zahne; ein Beitragzur Klinik der Here- dosyphilis. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1907, lxxi, 220-231.— Palem(M. A.) K voprosu o distrofli zubov na pochvle naslledstvennavo sifilisa. [Dystrophy of the teeth of he- reditary syphilitic origin.1 Zubovrach. vestnik, St. Pe- tersk., 1903,xxi,180-lNS.—Pasini (A.) A proposito di al- cuni appunti mossi dal Dott. Prof. C. Lombroso al mio lavoro: Diraostrazione della Spirocheta pallida nei germi dentali di un eredosifilitico. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Mi- lano, 1909, xliv, 597-599.—Petersen (O. V.) Ob izmle- neniyakh zubov u sifilitikov. [Changes in theteethof syphilitics.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1899, xx, 897.—Poor (F.) Die Dystrophieen der Zahne in der Diagnose der hereditaren Svphilis. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1902, ix 616-626.—Pulsibrd (H. A.) Syphilis, with special ref- erence to the relations of the dental profession to the dis- ease. Internat. Dent. J., N. Y. & Phila., 1895, xvi, 536- 542— Bedard (C.) De la dent d'Hutchinson. Rev. trimest. Suisse d'odont., Zurich & Geneve, 1906, xvi, 261- 274.—Belssenbaeh. Veranderungen an Ziihnen und Kiefern durch Syphilis und Rhachitis. Deutsche zahn- arztl. Ztg.,Munchen,1905,iv,4.—Springle (J. H.) Syph- ilis in its relation to dentition. Dominion Dent. J..Toronto, 1911,xxiii, 159-162.—Striteh (S.) Dentistry and syphilis. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1907-8, xxix, 389-398.—Theuveny. Les dents chez le foetus et le nouveau-ne svphilitiques. Odontologie, Par., 1907, xxxviii, 97-106.—Welander (E.) Fehlerhafte Zahnbildung bei erworbener Syphilis. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1895, n. f., v, hft. 3," no. 16, 1-19, 1 pl.—Zelenski (G.) Sluchal neobichalno ran- nyavo prorlezivaniya zubov u sifiliticheskavo rebvonka. [Unusually early dentition in a syphilitic child.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.," St. Petersb., 1900, vii, 697. Syphilis (Congenital, Teeth in). Frossard (H.) *Des rapports entre l'etat du systeme dentaire et les accidents buccaux chez les syphilitiques. 8°. Paris, 1901. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1901. To.stes de Alvarenga (J.) * Valor semiotico de dente de Hutchinson na primeira denticao. roy. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1905. Tronchon ( M. ) *De la dentition heredo- syphilitique chez l'enfant. 8°. Paris, 1907. Atkin. Case of phagedaenic peri-cementitis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., lvi, 501. — Behnke. Odontalgic infolge syphilitischer Infection. Wien. zahn- arztl. Monatschr., 1900, ii, 56-58. — Bosroff ( S. L.) Sluchal lozhnikh Hutchinson'ovskikh zubov (Dentes pseudo Hutchinsonii). Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1910, xix, 148-151. Also, transl: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1910, civ, 65-68.—Bruneau. De l'intervention du dentiste dans le traitement de la syphilis. Presse med., Par., 1900, ii, 219.—Calderone (C.) Contributo alio studio dei denti sifilitici. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1904, xxxix, 159-184, 1 pl.—Camp- bell (R. R.) The diagnostic value of the triade symp- toms in hereditarv svphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito- Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 179-187.—Capdepont (C.) La dent de Hutchinson et les erosions satellites. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 8, 395-399.— Cavallaro (I.) Svphilis in its relations to dentition. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1908, 1,1161; 1325: 1909, li, 16; 156. -----. Nouvelles observations sur la dentition chez les syphilitiqu S hereditaires. Odontologie, Par., 1909, xiii, 511-528, 5 pl.—Comby. Lesions dentaires heredo-syphi- litiques. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1905, vii, 333.— Cruchet. Dents d'Hutchinson. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1934, xxxiv, 752.—Danlos. Heredo-syphilis sans le-ion dentaire. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 19C2, xiii, 49. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 155.—Danlos & Blanc. Heredo-syphilis tardive chez un sujetne presentant pas d'alteration du systeme dentaire. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1907, xviii, 356-358.—Darier (A.) Nouveaux stig- mates dentaires de l'heredosyphilis. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1903, xx, 216-225. -----. Trois nou- veaux cas de dents heredospecifiques autres que celles d'Hutchinson. Clin, opht., Par., 1903, ix, 342. -----. Ueberdie Ziihne bei hereditiirer Syphilis. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1906, Leipz., 1907, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 234-236.—Dentz (T.) Hutchinsonsche tanden. Handel, v. h. Nederl. Nat.- en Geneesk. Cong., Haarlem, 1897,308-319. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1898, xxxvi, 39-48.—Donato (V.) Contributo dell' esame dei denti alia diagnosi della sifiiide eredi- taria. Odonto-stomatol., Napoli, 1902, i, 196-199.—Em- ery (E.) Le syphiligraphe et le dentiste. Clinique, Par., 1907, ii, 147-149.—Fournier. La triade d'Hut- chinson stigmates de l'heredo-syphilis. Presse med., Par., 1894, 139-141.—Frledrlchs (A. G.) Svphilitic teeth. Tr. Am. Dent. Ass., Phila., 1883, xxiii, 36-39. Also, Reprint.—Froloff (P. I.) K zubnim distrofiyam pri syphilis hereditaria; shtshuchyi zubi. [Dystrophy of teeth in hereditary syphilis; pike teeth.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1904, vii, 499-501.— Gastou, Gosselin & Chompret. Dystrophies den- taires heredo-syphilitiques. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 588-593. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 1445-1450.—Gilford (H.) Some little-known peculiarities of the teeth in hereditary syphilis. West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1906, xi, 278-283.— Gires (P.) Presentation de moulages; syphilis heredi- taire tardive avec dystrophies dentaires. Rev. de stoma- tol., Par., 1901, viii, 344-347.—Glavche (E. S.) 0 vzai'm- nol soyazi odontologii i sifilidologii. [Mutual relation- ship of odontology and svphilidology.] J. dermat. i sifi- lidol., S.-Peterb., 1902, ii, 401^11. Also: Odont. Obozr., Mosk., 1902, iv, 493-502.—Graeffner. Verirrte Ziihne in der Nase als Nebenbefund bei kongenitaler Lues. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 156.—Guerini (V.) I denti nella sifiiide ereditaria. Odonto-stomatol., Napoli, 1903, ii, 145-150.—Hugenschmidt (A. C.) Syphilis of the mouth and teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1892, xxxiv, 673-692.—Jeanselme. Les dystrophies dentaires de l'heredo-syphilis. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1909, xxiii, 598.—Knowles (F. C.) The relationship of syphilis to dentistry. Dental Brief, Phila., 1909, xiv, 751- 758.—Lang worthy (H. G.) Practical points for the diagnosis of syphilis by the dentist. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1910, xxx, 876-878.—Llonals (H.) De la neces- site de l'intervention du chirurgien-dentiste dans le trai- ment de la syphilis. Rev. med. du Canada, Montreal, 1903-4, vii, 533-536.—MacKee (G. M.) Svphilis as of in- terest to the dentist. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1911, liii 928-935.—Uery. La triade d'Hutchinson. Rev. inter- nat. de nied. et de chir., Par., 1905, xvi, 58.—de OTilly (L.) Un cas de triade d'Hutchinson. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par.. 1904, i. 132-135.—Moncorvo filho. Valor do dente de Hutchinson na heredo-syphilis. Bja- Syphilis (Congenital, Treponema in). See Syphilis (Parasite of, Specific). Syphilis (Congenital, Urine in). Zlatovieroff (G. F. ) *Kolichestvennly analiz mochi pri naslledstvennom sifilisle. [Quantitative analysis of urine in hereditary syphilis.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1901. Baudouin (G.) Syphilis hereditaire, incontinence d'urines. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, ix, 120. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 241.—Friedjung (J. K.) [Paroxysmale Hiimoglo- binurie bei hereditarer Lues.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1909, viii, 21.—Vollmer (E.) Ueber hereditare Syphilis und Haematoporphyrinurie. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1903, lxv, 221- 234, 1 pl. Syphilis (Congresses relating to). Conference internationale pour la prophy- laxie de la syphilis et des maladies ven£riennes. Bruxelles, septembre 1899. Tome ler, fasc 1, 2, et appendice. 8°.( Bruxelles, 1899. Conference internationale pour la prophy- laxie de la syphilis et des maladies v£n£riennes. [Bruxelles 1902.] v. 1. Rapports prelimi- naires. 8°. Bruxelles, 1902. Italy. Ministero della Marina. II. Confe- renza internazionale per la profilassi della sifiiide e delle malattie veneree. (Bruxelles, settembra 1899.) 8°. Boma, 1899. Syezd russkikh vracheL [Congress of Rus- sian Physicians.] Protocol! sektsii sifilidologii na pervom . . . 1885 g. v S.-Peterburgle. Sos- tavleni sekretarem sektsii M. Chistyakovim. [Proceedings of the section of svphilidology on the first congress, in 1885, in St. Petersburg, compiled bv the secretary of the section, Chis- tyakoff.] 12°. S.-Peterburg, 1886. Congres sur les mesures a prendre contre la propaga- tion de la syphilis en Rustic. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1897, 3. s., viii, 389-423.—Constitution definitive de la Societe internationale de prophylaxie sanitaire et morale dela syphilis et des maladies ven6riennes. Conf. SYPHILIS. 395 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Congresses relating to). intermit, p. la prophyl. de la syph. et d. mal. v6n. 1902 Brux., 1903, ii, 897-406.—«J*II. (A.) Conference inter- nationale pour la prophylaxie de la syphilis et des maladies venerienncs. Progres m6d. beige, Brux., 1899, i, 137; 145.—Hertzensteln (G. M.) Perviy Vseros- sivskiy Syezd dlya obsuzhdeniya mleropriyatiy protiv sifilisa i venericheskikh bolleznel v Rossii. [First Pan- Russian Congress to consider measures against syphilis and venereal diseases in Russia.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.," St. Petersb., 1897, iv, 1; 17. ■---—. Chemu uchit minuvshiy Syezd sifilidologov? [What does the past congress "of syphilidologues teach?] Ibid., 69; 85.— llopl' (F. E.) Bericht iiber die internationale Konfe- renz zur Prophylaxe der Syphilis und der venerisehen Krankheiten. (Brussel, 4.-8. September 1S99.) Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1899, vi, 607-645.—Internationale (Die) Conferenz fiir Prophylaxe der Syphilis und venerisehen Krankheiten in Briissel. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1899, xliv, 512.—Lamelle (L.) Conference internationale pour la prophylaxie de la syphilis et des maladies v6n6- riennes. Moiivement hyg., Brux., 1899, xv, 405-409.— Merk (L.) Vorschliige fiir die zweite internationale Eonferenz zur Prophylaxe der Syphilis und der vene- risehen Krankheiten zu Brussel, 1.-6. September 1902. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1902, xii, 681-696.—Oks (B.) Vnimaniyu syezda sifilidologov. [Recommendations for the attention of the Congress of Syphilidologues.] Feld- scher, St. Petersb., 1897, vii, 33-43.—Postanovleniya obshtshikh zasiedaniy Syezda sifilidologov. [Resolu- tions of the general meetings of the Congress of Syphili- dologues.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt med.", St. Petersb., 1897, iv, 68; 78; 94; 111.—Ragozin (L. F.) [RIechi pri otkritii i zakritii Syezda po obsuzhdeniyu mleropriyatiy protiv sifilisa v Rossii.] [Speeches at opening and clos- ing the congress to discuss measures against syphilis in Russia.] I6i'<<.,42; 61.—VVehmer (R.) Ruckblicke auf die internationale Syphilisconferenz in Brussel vom 4. bis 8. September 1899. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1900, xxxii, 233-246. -----. Ruckblicke auf die zweite internationale Syphilis-Conferenz zu Brussel. Ibid., 1902, xxxiv, 689-710.—Zhbankoff (D. N.) O syezdle pri Meditsinskom Departamentle po obsuzhde- niyu mleropriyatiy protiv sifilisa v Rossii. [On the con- gress called by the medical department to consider meas- ures against svphilis in Russia.] Vrach, St. Petersb., xviii, 799; 829. Syphilis (Conjugal). See Syphilis and marriage. Syphilis (Curiosities relating to). See, also, Syphilis (Poems relating to); Syph- ilis in art. Massa (P.) Sulla medicina curativa di Le Roy, Sestine. 12°. Genova, [1825?]. Patenostre (La) des verollez, avec une com- plaincte contre les medecins. Suivant la copie imprimee, m.c.xi. 32°. Berne, [n. d.]. Villalobos. Libro intitulado: Los proble- mas de Villalobos que tracta de cuerpos natu- rales y morales y dos dialogos de medicina, y el tractado de las tres grandes, y una cancion, y la comedia de Amphytrion. [Ln fine:] Fue im- presso el presente libro del Doctor Villalobos. Conviene saber los problemas y los dialogos, y el tractado de las tres grandes, y la comedia de Amphytrion que traduxo el dicho auctor en la magnifica, noble y antiquissima ciudad de Za- mora. Por el honrado varon Juan Picardo, im- pressor de libros, vezino de la dicha ciudad. A costa y espensas del virtuoso varon Juan Pedro Mussetti, mercader de libros, vezino de Medina del Campo. Acabose a nueve dias del mes de febrero. Ano del nascimiento de nuestro Sal- vador Jesu Christo de mdxliii afios. fol. Za- mora, 1543. Avaries (Autour des). Chron. med.,Par., 1901, viii, 705-730.—Corday (M.) Venus, ou les deux risques. [Rev.] Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1901, 296-298.— Getchell (A. C. ) Syphilis as portrayed by Shake- speare. Indiana M. J.,Indianap., 1908, xxvi, 497.—Kol- larlts(J.) Les avaries. Magy. orv. lapja, Budapest, 1902, ii. no. 1,7-9.—Konklc (W. B.) Voltaire on syphi- lis. Med. Libr. & Hist. J., Brooklyn, 1905, iii, 117-127.— Le Roy des Bar res. Note sur deux traitements an- namites de la syphilis. Bull. Soc. franc, d'hist. de la med., Par., 1911, x, 450.— Neumann (R. K.) Eine Tiito- wierung zur Heilung der Syphilis. Anthropophyteia, Leipz., 1908, v, 250.—l*artos (E.) Meg egyszer Les ava- Syphilis (Curiosities relating to). ries. [Yet again . . .] Magy. orv. lapja, Budapest, 1902, n, 42-44. — l»erdrizet. La vierge invoquee contre l'avarie. Chron. med., Par., 1906, xiii, 49-51.—Rio (A.) M. Andre Couvreur et les Mancenilles. J. de med. int Par., 1900, iv, 687-689.—Roland (G.) En attendant un s6rum; piece en un acte. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1905, xix, 245-251. -Schober (P.) Die Svphilis in der modernen franzosischen Roman- und Theaterlitteratur. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. u. Leipz., 1902, xxviii, 559-561.— Thompson (J. H.) Shakespeare on svphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii,917.—Tslenovskl (A.a!) Sifilis v belle- tristikle. [Syphilis in literature.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1903, vi, 135-143. Also: Feldscher, St. Petersb., 1904, xiv, 368-374. Syphilis (Death in). See Syphilis (Congenital, Death [etc.'], in); Syphilis (Malignant, etc.). Syphilis (Derivatives of) {Parasyphi- litic affections]. See Ataxy (Locomotor) [Leucoplasia]; Paral- ysis (General); Syphilis (Complications, etc., of). Syphilis (Diagnosis of). See, also, Fingers (Sijphilis of); Syphilis (Anomalous); Syphilis (Blood in); Syphilis (Congenital, JHagnosis of); Syphilis (Congenital, Teeth in); Syphilis (Extragenital); Syphilis (Fever in); Syphilis (Latent, etc.); Syphilis (Manifestations, etc., of); Syphilis (Reflexes in); Syphilis (Serodiagnosis of). Beletre (F.) *La ponction lombaire chez les syphilitiques; cytolorie du liquide cephalo- rachidien. 8°. Paris, 1902. Bee anger (R.) * Valeur semeiologique des plaques commissurales de leucoplasie dans la recherche de la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1909. Carpentier (L.-A.) * Contribution a l'etude des causes influencant le pronostic de la syphi- lis. 8°. Lille, 1899. Dollmayr (J.) Praktische Anleitung die ortlich primiiren und sekundiiren syphilitischen Krankheitsformen richtig zu beurtheilen und griindlich zu heilen. 8°. Wien, 1839. von DrRixa (E.) Klinische Vorlesungen iiber Syphilis. 8°. Hamburg & Leipzig, 1895. Gastou (P.) & Girauld (A.) Guide pra- tique du diagnostic de la syphilis. Clinique, methodes de laboratoire, ultramicroscope, bac- t^riologie, histologie, inoculation. Serodiag- nostic. 8°. Paris, 1910. Legrand (O.-D.-J.) *Des lesions de nature non-syphilitique qui peuvent singer le chancre infectant. 4°. Lille, 1893. Mayer (G.) Ueber die Prognose der Syphi- lis. Vier Vorlesungen gehalten in den iirzt- lichen Fortbildungkursen zu Aachen 1902-3. 8°. Berlin, 1904. Meier (G.) & Mayer (H.) Die neue Me- thode der Syphilisdiagnose und Syphilisthera- pie. 8°. Freiburg & Leipzig. 1911. Metzner (F.) *Die Beziehungen zwischen Rhodanausscheidung im Speichel und der Syphilisinfektion. 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Meyer (M.) *Die bleibenden Kennzeichen der rezenten Syphilis. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1897. Whitsed (J.) Practical remarks on diseases resembling syphilis, with ca-es. 8°. Peter- borough, 1813. A lien (H. B.) The diagnosis of syphilitic lesions from the standpoint of morbid anatomy. Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 1908, Victoria, 1909, ii, 233-238.—Armstrong (J. M.) The diagnosis of svphilis. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1911, xiii, 291-296.—Aronstain (N. E.) A contribution to the study of the prognosis of svphilis. Med. Age, Detroit, 1904, xxii, 841-844. Also: Am. J. Der- mat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1905, ix, 51-53. -----. SYPHILIS. 396 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Diagnosis of). The diagnosis of svphilis. Centr. States M. Monit., In- dianap., 1905, viii, 257-259.—Arthur (R.) The mimicry of svphilis. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1908, xxvii, 132.—Ascher (J.) Weitere Ergebnisse uber die Aus- scheidung von Rhodan im Speichel Syphilitischer. Der- mat. Centralbl., Leipz., 1910, xiii, 162-169.—Atkinson (W. H.) The importance of differential diagnosis be- tween chancre and chancroid. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1910-11, xv, 252-255.—Aubert (P.) Percep- tion de l'induration des chancres avec un seul doigt; toucher unidigital. Lyon med., 1897, lxxxiv, 471-475.— Audry (C.) Sur l'importance clinique du chancre mixte. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 607. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 1464.—Aussllloux (C.) La syphilis au cabinet de consultation. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1903, xvii, 529; 546.—Austin (M. A.) Syphilitic crises simu- lating surgical emergencies. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1908, c, 508-510.—Raima (P.-L.) Adenopathie syphilitique diagnostiquee erronement bubon pestenx; chancre syphi- litique peri-anal ignore; eruption secondaire papuleuse confluente, generalisee, laissant indemne la peau de la fosse iliaque droite et ses environs, boulimie et iritis syphilitiques; mecanisme de la contagion. Rev. Soc. m6d. argent., Buenos Aires, 1907, xv, 109-112.—Ralzer. Du chancre syphilitique. J. de med. de Par., 1895, 2. s., vii, 628; 639.—Rarbe. Contribution au diagnostic diffe- rentiel de la syphilose et de la tuberculose pulmonaire. France m6d., Par., 1892, xxxix, 657.—Rarefa Caba- llero (J.) ^Sifilis? Rev. espec. med., Madrid, 1905, viii, 361.—Raroch (E.) Ueber eine bei Syphilitischen vor- kommende Reaction der Zungensehleimhaut auf Queck- silber und ihren diagnostischen Werth bei latenter Lues. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, lxxii, 133-135—Rar- theleiny. Un exemple de chancre syphilitique nain. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1897, 3. s., viii, 283. Also, in: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1897, viii, 101.—Rassett-Smith ( P. W.) The diagnosis of svphilis by some laboratory methods. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, ii, 377-380.—Rayet (A.) Le pronostic general de la syphilis. J. med. de Brux., 1912, xvii, 11-17.— Rayly (H. W.) The laboratory diagnosis of syphilis. Hospital, Lond., 1909-10, xlvii, 623-626. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1910, n. s., lxxxix, 13. Also: West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1910, xv, 1-20. -----. The use of the ultra- microscope for the early diagnosis of syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1909, ii,782. Also: Practitioner, Lond.,1910, lxxxiv, 228-236,1 pl. Also: Rep. Clin. & Research Lab. St. George's Hosp., Lond., 1910,127-137.—Reer (A.) Ueber den Wert der Dunkelfeldbeleuchtung fiir die klinische Diagnose der Syphilis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1926- 1929.—Relllssen. Polymorphisme du chancre syphili- tique de l'amygdale; valeur du symptdme "dysphagie" a la periode primitive de la syphilis. M6d. orient., Par., 1903, vii, 2.—Biesiadeckl (A.) Tymczasowe zawaido- mienie o cialkach Lostorfera. [Provisional note on Los- torfer's corpuscles.] Przegl. leu., Krak6w, 1872, xi, 65.— Rlzard (L.) Diagnostic dela syphilis pari'ultra micro- scope. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1909, xxii, 234-238.-Bloom (I. N.) Some observations on the prognosis in acquired syphilis. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1903-4, x, 221-224.—Horrel (A.) & Rurnet (E.) Procede de diagnostic rapide des lesions syphilitiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 212-214.—Rose (F.-J.) Caracteres essentiels des sympt6mes et des lesions de la syphilis. Ibid., 1903, lv, 1541-1543.—Roucabeille. Sur trois cas de syphilis a localisation peu frequente. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1908, Iii, 414-420.— Rravetta (E.) Su alcuni metodi per la diagnosi della sifiiide nelle malattie nervose e mentali. Rassegna di studi psichiat., Siena, 1911, i, 441-456.—Rreakey (J. F.) Some difficulties in the diagnosis of syphilis. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1905, iv, 380-384.—Brown (D.) The real significance of the enlarged epitrochlear gland. Pediatrics, N. Y., 1902, xiii, 41.—Brown (S. H.) Syphi- lis; some neglected clinical observations. Am. J. Dermat., St. Louis, 1905-6, ix, 97-103.—Bruhns (C.) DieLebens- prognose des Syphilitikers. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, iii, 1147-1152.—Bull (M. T.) The diagnosis of svphilis. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1904, 413-122.—Ruret. Contribution au diagnostic de la syphilis. France med., Par., 1898, xiv, 241-243.— Butler (W. J.) & JHefford (W. T.) Precipitate reactions with lecithin, sodium gly- cocholate, and sodium taurocholate for the diagnosis of syphilis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxviii, 822-826.— Cabot (R. C.) Note on the frequency of enlargement of the epitrochlear glands in diseases other than syphilis. Phila. M. J., 1899, iii, 792. Also, Reprint.—Caraffa (V.) La diagnosi della sifiiide coi metodi di laboratoriq. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1911, xxxvii, 86; 114; 170.—de Castro (F.) Caracteres do cancro syphilitico; svphilis cerebral. Gaz. clin., S. Paulo, 1905, iii, 391-398.— Chirivino (V.) La cromoreazione di Schiirmann per la diagnosi della sifiiide. Riforma med., Napoli, 1910, xxvi, 175- 1M.—Christ (J.) Syphilitischer Primiiraffect oder mechanischer Insult? Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1899, i, 67-74.—Cieero (R.) Algunos comentarios a la tesis inaugural del Dr. Zenon Luna titulada: El chancro Syphilis (Diagnosis of). fagedenico es comunmente sitilitico. Cr6n. med. mexi- cana, Mexico, 1906, ix, 261; 293.—t'iuil'o. Sur les mo- yens modernes de la diagnose de la syphilis. Rev. mens. de la presse med. ital., Milan, 1910, ii,169; 170; 197.— Clark (A.) Some remarks on the diagnosis of syph- ilis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1898, 7. s., iv, 212-220.— Clemenger (F. J.) The diagnosis of syphilis by some laboratory methods. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, ii, 575.— Collin (L.) Sur uncus de diagnostic bacteriologique de la syphilis avec lesions initialesmultiples. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1907, xxviii, 254.—Coiuin (M.) El sin to ma de mas valor en el diagn6stico del chancro sifllitico. Rev. valenc. de cien. med., Valencia, 1899, i, 195-197. — Cooper (A.) Snuffles in acquired syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 463.-----. Remarks on enlarge- ment of the inguinal glands, chiefly in connexion with the diagnosis of primary syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 1077-1077. -----. On the significance of scars of the ge- nital region in the retrospective diagnosis of svphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 130.—Corner (E. M.) Syphilis in consulting practice. Clin. J., Lond., 1910-11, xxxvii, 294.—Cozzi (A.) L' ulcera dura considerata come ini- zio della sifiiide costituzionale. Progresso med., Napoli, 1892, vi, 305-316. — Cripps (H.) A clinical lecture on syphilis. Clin. J., Lond., 1909, xxxiv, 119-125.—Crume (G. P.) Clinical diagnosis of early syphilis. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1907, xxxv, 100-103. — Cummer (C. L.) & Dexter (R.) Primary syphilis; advantage of diagnosis, diagnostic measures, and treatment. Cleveland M. J., 1911, x, 910-920.—Curlonl (F.) The mercurial reaction as an element of diagnosis in syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 1810. — D'Amore (L.) Contribuzioni cliniche al la emocromometria e spettroscopia come mezzo diagnos- tico e controllo curativo nell' uso della medicazione jo- dico-mercurica. Progresso med., Napoli, 1892, vi, 355- 365.—Danzlger (F.) Zur Friihdiagnose des syphiliti- chen Primaraffekts. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1365.—Davis (W. B.) Problems of diagnosis of initial svphilitic lesions. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1900, 239. AIso: Colorado M. J., Denver, 1900, vi, 276. — Re Amleis (M.) Dell' adenopatia epitroclea in rapporto alia sifiiide, suo valore semiologico e pronostico. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1896, ii, 941-988, 2 pl. — Re Stella. De la dysphagie douloureuse de l'arriere-gorge comme signe permettant de diagnostiquer la syphilis aux trois periodes. Belgique m6d., Gand-Haarlem, 1899, i, 481- 491.—DolgopoloflE* (N. M.) K voprosu o prodolzhitel- nosti techeniya zaraznavo sifilisa v selskom naselenii. [Length of course of contagious syphilis in the village population.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn. Kharkov, 1903, vi, 320; 450. —Douglass (A. G.) Syphilis; signifi- cance of its primary lesions. Alabama M. J., Birmingh , 1904-5, xvii, 424-434.—Duprey (A. B.) A case of syphi- lis simulating leprosy. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1904, vii,319.— Ehrlich (H.) & Lenartowicz (J. T.) Ueber Fiir- bungen der Spirochaete pallida fiir diagnostische Zwecke. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lviii, 1018-1023.— Elnls (L.) O sifilisle bez porazheniya limfaticheskol sistemi. [Syphi- lis without disease of the lymphatic system.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1903, x, 955. — Emery & Levy-Ring. Diagnostic de la syphilis par 1'ultra-microscope. Cli- nique, Par., 1909, iv, 565—Engel (C. S.) Ueber ein Sy- philis-Mi krodiagnosticum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1791.—Feulard (H.) Ueber die Dauer der conta- giosen Periode der Syphilis. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1896, x, 561; 579; 594; 610; 631.—Finger (E.) Ulcus molle und Syphilis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xv, 36-38.—Flnl (L.) Ulcera semplice o ulcera sifilitica? diagnosi dif- ferenziale. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1906, xxxii, 421-424.— Fischer (W.) Ueber die diagnostischen und therapeu- tischen Ergebnisse der neuesten Syphilisforschung. The- rap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1907, xlviii, 71-75.—Fleisehner H.) The prognosis of syphilis. YaleM. J., N. Haven,1894- ,i,191-196.—Follet (L.) Examen clinique de la salive des syphilitiques. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1907, lxii, 667.—Fordyce (J. A.) Clinical observations on svphilis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lx, 83-S7.—Fournier. Diagnos- tic du chancre syphilitique. France med., Par., 1893, xl, 273-276. -----. Les caracteres cliniques du chancre syphi- litique. J. demed. int., Par., 1901, v, 861.—Friedlander D.) The value of lymphatic gland examination as a actor in the diagnosis of svphilis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1912, xxx, 14-19.—FOrst (M.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gewichtsverhaltnisse bei Syphilis der Frauen und Kinder. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1892, xv, 421-427.—Galambos (A.) A Schurmann-feie szinreactio ertekerol lues eseteiben. [Value of Schiir- mann's color reaction in syphilis.] Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1909, liii, 372—Galgey (O.) Frambcesia or syphi- lis? Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 1641.—Garel (J.) De la dysphagie douloureuse prolongee de l'arriere-gorge com- me signe permettant de diagnostiquer la syphilis a ses trois periodes. Semaine med., Par., 1898, xviii, 289.— Garibaldi (D. G.) Ulcera indurita simulante sifiloma da blenorragia. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1911, xxxvii, 103-106.—Gastou (P.) Diagnostic de la syphilis par 1'ultra-microscope. Presse med., Par., 1908, xvi, 237- 239. -----. Interet prophylactique des nouvelles me- SYPHILIS. 397 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Diagnosis of). thodes de diagnostic de la syphilis. Soc. franc, de pro- phyl. san. et mor. Bull., Par., 1910, x, 32-45.—Gastou (P.) & Comandon. L'ultra-microscope et son role es- sentieldaus le diagnostic de la syphilis. Bull, etmem. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1909, 3. s., xxvi, 528-536. Also: J. med. franc., Par., 1909, iii, 218-225, 4 pl.—Gaucher. Le chancre syphilitique. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1908, xix, 361-363.—Geraghty (J. T.) The practical value of the demonstration of spirochseta pal- lida in the early diagnosis of svphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1909, xiii, 47-50.—Glaser (F.) Die Erkennung der Syphilis und ihrer Aktivitat durch probatorische Quecksilberinjektionen. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1910, xlvii. 1264-1268.— Glttck. Zur Kenntnis der klinischen Eigentumlichkeiten der sogenannten ende- mischen Syphilis. Ber. vi. d. Verhandl. d. viii. Kong. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 1903, Wien u. Leipz., 1904, 31- 37.—Gotthell (W. S.) Pseudo-chancre. N. York M.J., 1895, lxii. 390-393. Also: 3. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 223-226.-----. On chancre diagnosis. Arch. Di- agn., N. Y., 1910, iii, 47-58.—Graham (R.) Some phases of syphilis. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1900, ii, 391- 394.—Grindon (J.) Recent additions to our knowledge of the chancre and of the primary stage of syphilis. St. Louis M. Rev., 1907, lv, 348-360.— Gr0n (K.) De vig- tigste kjendetegn paa afl0bet syfilis og deres patogno- moniske betydning. [Les signes les plusimportantsde la syphilis ancienne et leur interpretation pathognomoni- que. Res., p. 765.] Norsk Mag. f. Lwgevidensk., Kristia- nia, 18'.»8, 4. R., xiii, 722-747.—Guidone (P.) Una triade fenomenica rivelatrice della sifiiide latente ed ignorata. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1911, xiv, 1117-1122.— Haenlsch. Zur Differentialdiagnose zwischen Tumor und genitaler Lues. Verhandl. d. deutsch. R6ntg.-Ge- sellsch., Hamb., 1907, iii, 154-156.—Hahn (R.) Einige syphilitische Erkrankungen im Rontgenbilde. Fortschr. a.d.Geb.d.Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb.,1898-9,ii,132-135,1 pl.— Halberstaedter (L.) Ueber einige praktisch wich- tige Ergebnisse der modernen Syphilisforschung. Klin.- therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1908, xv, 1073-1078.—Hallo- peau (H.) & Donze. Sur un diagnostic tardif de syphi- lis facilite par un nouveau procede d'investigation. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, xvi, 281-283. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 469- 471.—Hallopeau (H ), Laffitte & Krantz. Cas de diagnostic de cicatrices syphilitiques probables. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 43-46. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 155- 158.—Hallopeau (H.) & Leredde. Svphilisprimaire. [Abstr.] Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1899, lxxii, 1387-1393.— Hamburger (Ya. E.) Osnovl i znacheniye novavo biologo-bakteriologicheskavo metoda v diagno3tikIe sifi- lisa, bryushnovo tifa i drugikh infektsionnikh zabolle- vaniy. [Principles and importance of the new biologico- bacteriological method of diagnosing syphilis, typhoid fever, and other infectious diseases.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1906-7, xliii, 442-462.—Har- rison (L. W.) Dark-ground illumination in thediagno- sis of syphilis. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1910, xiv, 606-515.—Havel burg (W.) Estudo succinto da syphilographia moderna. Rev. med.-cirurg. do Brazil, Rio de Jan., 1908, xvi, 283-299.—Hayashi (U.) [A case of pseudo-inflammation of syphilitic nature.] Dai Nip- pon Ji-Bi-fn-Ko-Kwa-Kwai Kwai Ho, Tokyo, 1903, ix, 373-377.—Heidingsfeld (M. L.) The diagnosis of syphilis. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1909, v, 379-385.— Heller (J.) Die diagnostisch wichtigen postsyphilitischen und parasyphilitischen symptome. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xxxix, 421; 449.—Herbsmann. Einige dunkle Punkte in der gegenwartigen Lehre von der Syphilis. Monatschr. f. Harnkr. u. sex. Hyg., Leipz., 1905, i, 175- 184.—Horand. La cephalalgie prolongee comme signe de syphilis. Lyon med., 1909, cxii, 317-323.—Hunt (P. C.) Clinical notes on svphilis. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1896-7,i, 161-163. [Discussion], 180.—Hutch- inson (Sir J.) On the simulation of lymphadenoma in syphilis. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1896, vii, 58-60. -----. Bug- bites mistaken for syphilis. Ibid., 1898, ix, 334. -----. Two clinical lectures on primary syphilitic chancres. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 1575; 1637. -----. The clinical museum and syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 1592. -----. Hand-list of the portraits illustrating syphilitic symptoms and conditions. Polyclin., Lond., 1908, xii, 120: 1909, xiii, 7; 18. -----. Notes on an exhibition of illustrations of svphilis at the Clinical Museum. Med. Mag., Lond., 1908* xvii, 569-573.—Hyde (J. N.) The cu- taneous cicatrices of svphilis. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1893, xi, 85-95.—Jeanselme (E.) Demons- trations dermatologiques; les syphilitiques. Rev. gen. de clin. etde therap., Par., 1906, xx, 385-388. -----. Les formes cliniques de la syphilis. J. de med. de Par., 1910, 2. s., xxii, 431.—Johnston (S. W.) The importance of early diagnosis in svphilis. J. Mississippi M. Ass., Vicks- burg, 1904-5, 146-152— Jullien (L.) Du diagnostic ra- pide de la syphilis dans la determination des indications operatoires. Bull, med., Par., 1892, vi, 989. -----. Le verre bleu en syphiligraphie. Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1899, x, 31-35. Also: Ann. de dermat. Syphilis (Diagnosis of). et syph., Par., 1899, 3'. s., x, ti.)-73. Also: 3. d. mal. cutan. etsyph.. Par., 1899, xi, 1-6.—Kammann (O.) Kritische Betrachtungen zur Epiphaninreaktion,mit besonderer Be- rucksichtigung ihrer Anwendung fiir die Luesdiagnose. Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1911, Oilg., xi, 178-199.—Key es (E. L), jr. borne elements in the prognosis of acquired syphilis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1910, xxviii, 449-457. Also, Reprint.—Kita- in lira (S.) [Remarks on the diagnosis of syphilis.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1897,654-671, 1 pl., 4 tab.— Klotz (H. G.) Die Prognose der acquirirten Syphilis im Einzelfalle. N. Y'orker med. Monatschr., 1895, vii, 435-452— Knaner (6.) Negative Diagnose. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 2539.—Knoche (J. P.) Is a hard or so-called chancre a sufficient and reliable evi- dence of syphilis infection? Kansas City Lancet, 1898-9, iv, 349. [Discussionj, 372.—Koch (I. M.) Diagnosis of acquired secondary syprilis where the historv and initial lesion are absent. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1896, xv, 118-127.—Krost (R. A.) Diagnosis of svphilis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1910, lxi, 343.—ityuzel (G. A.) Noviya danniya dlya diagnoza sifilisa. [New data on the diagnosis of syphilis.] Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh., 1897-8, vii, 166-170 —Lacapere. Diagnostic de la leucoplasie. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 111-114.— Lasnier (H.) Du diagnostic du chancre mou et du chancre syphilitique; importance des signes optiques. Rev. med., Montreal, 1900-1901. iv, 257; 265.— Lenglet & Sourdeau. Syphilome chancriforme ou chancre de reinfection? Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1909, xx, 203.—lieredde (L.-E.) & Pautrier (L.-M.) Cas de syphilis a manifestations ost6o-articulaires et cu- tanees confondu pendant six ans avec une tuberculose; diagnostic par le traitement d'epreuve. Rev. prat. d. mal. cutan. [etc.], Par., 1903, ii, 407-410.—Lesplnne (V.) A propos de quelques difficultes du diagnostic du chancre infectant. Progres med. beige, Brux., 1902, iv, 163-168.—Lichtmann (J.) Zur Syphilis-diagnose. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1909, xx'xiv, 107-110.—Lifl- ran. Diagnostic microscopique de la syphilis; notes sur la technique. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1909, xci, 388-390.—Little (E. G. G.) Case for diagnosis [syph- ilis]. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Dermat. Sect., 52.—Logan (W. H. G.) General consideration of syphilis, with special reference to differential diagnosis be- tween syphilitic and non-syphilitic lesions as manifested in the mouth. Dental Rev., Chicago. 1908, xxii, 799-813. [Discussion], 852-859.—Lortat-Jacob(L.) Valeur diag- nostique et pronostique de la sciatique radiculaire (le syn- drome radiculaire sciatique et la syphilis). Tribune med., Par., 1906, n. s., xxxviii, 181.—Luna (Z.) El chancro fagedenico es comunmer te sifllitico. Oron. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1906, ix, 141; 182.—i?IcVey (R. E.) Primary lesions and their relations to systemic infection. Med. Monog., Topeka, Kan., 1899, i, 1220-1230.—Ma 1- herbe (H.) Ulceration de Vincent et chancre syphili- tique; ditficulte du diagnostic. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1905. 2. s., xxiii, 977-980. -----. Sur le debut des chancres syphilitiques genitaux; cas de diagnostic. Ibid., 1906, 2. s.,xxiv, 973-986.—Mann (C.) A case for diagnosis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis.; St. Louis, 1908, xii, 473.—de Marchettis(P.) Distinctio ulcerum a gallicalue, vel ab humoribus ea vacantibus subortorum, et curatio per uni- versalia, ac topica. In his: Obs. med.-chir. [etc.], Bononiee, 1692,197-200.—Matagne. Erreurs de diagnostic dans la syphilis. Pressemed.bclge,Brux.,1900,lii,497-500.—Mau- rlae (C.) Rapports qui existent entre leseiements morbi- desde la syphilis primitive. Gilz- hebd. de med., Par., 1892, 2. s., xxix, 518-521. -----. Etude sur le pronostic de la svphilis d'apres la solidarite deses manifestations. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1892, ii, 529; 682. Also, Reprint.— in el v in (G. G.) Disputed points in syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1905, ix, 1-6.— ITIetzger (J.) The therapeutic test of syphilis. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1909, v, 668-673.— llewborn (A. D.) A case of syphilis in which a lesion of the lower lip had been removed under the diagnosis of epithelioma, cleared up under salicylate of mercury injections. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1904, xxii, 234.—Milian (G.) De l'utilite des examens ultramicroscopiques dans le diagnostic des accidents syphilitiques et par- ticulierement du chancre. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1909, 3. s., xxvi, 636-643. -----. L'ultra- microscope et le diagnostic de la svphilis. Progrfes med., Par., 1909, 3. s., xxv, 66.—de Miranda (B.) Dous casos de syphilis de diagnostico difficil. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1896, x, 315.—iHofiltt (H. C.) Luetic stigmata of importance to the general practitioner. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1908, vi, 375-377.—Monroe (G. J.) A plain case of lues. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1911, cv, 178.— MoralteS ( N. ) Aia^opiicr) Siayvcocris iKi8iK7)<; vevpa.irSeveia'; Kal jrapaiAiSi.KT)s I'coTiaias di<>. 'IaTpiKrj npoo&os, 'Ev 2upf syphilis in its different stages. N. Y'o'rk State J. M., 1909, ix, 506-509.— Rosenbaeh ^O.) Geniigt die mo- derne Diagnose syphilitischer Erkrankung wissenschaft- lichen Forderungen? BerL.klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1157; 1187.—Roth. (A.) & Goldner (V.) A lues szin- Syphilis (Diagnosis of). reactioiarol. [Color reaction in m philis.J Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1909, liii, 341.—de Rothschild (II.) Con- tribution a l'etude de la pseudo svphilis. Lev. d'hyg, et de med. inf. [etc.], Par., 1902, i, 12t>-132, 4 pl. — Kozier. Diagnostic de la syphilis par l'otologiste. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 19i>.\ xxxi, 245-252.— Russell (T. H.I Prognosis of svphilis. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1904, 423-1V-. — Salmon (p.) De- buts du sypiiilome initial. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1901. lix, 9-11.-----. Contribution du laboratoire audiagnostic clinique du chancre svphilitique. Arch. gen. de mod., Par., 1905, ii, 2646-2653.—Scarenzio (A.) II valore diagnostico delle iniezioni intramuscolari di ca- lomelano. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1898, xxxiii, 63-60. — Sehamberg (J. F.) Report of four cases of syphilis mistaken for smallpox, with remarks on the dif- ferential diagnosis of these two diseases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix, 13sVi:;.ss. — M< lienor (O.) Friih- diagnose der Syphilis mittels Nach weises der Spirochaete pallida im Dunkelfeldappurate. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lix, 1947-1950.—Schmitt (L. S.) Laboratory diag- nosis of svphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 1657- 1659.—Schott(M.) A test for syphilis. Phila. M. J.,1902, ix,85S.—Schwartz (E.) Syphilomes d'un diagnostic dif- ficile. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1892, vi,675.— Seleneflr" (J.-T.) Le chancre syphilitique noir. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1908, iii, 161-168, 2 pl.—Sellel (J.) A luetikus mirigyduzzanatok pathognostikus ertck£r6l. [On the pathognostic value of luetic gland swelling.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1900, xl, 452. Also [Rev.]: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1900, v, 483.—Sergent (E.) La leucoplasie bucco-linguale en medecine generale; sa valeur semeiologique dans la recherche de la syphilis. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1909, xxiii, 65-70.— Shaw-Mackenzie (J. A.) Prognosis in syphilis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1896, n. s., lxi,415; 443.—Shen- nan (T.) Recent work on the diagnosis of early syphi- lis. Edinb. M. J., 1910, n. s., iv, 435-^38.—Simpson (F. E.) The timely recognition of syphilis. Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y., 1908, xviii, 280.—Sims (G. K.) Some clinical notes on svphilis. Bi-Month. Bull. Univ. Coll. Med., Richmond, 1896, i, 88.—Sinclair (F.-C.) Diag- nosis of syphilis. South African M. Rec, Capetown, 1906, iv, 116.—Sorrentino (U.) Sull' importanza della citoscopia cefalo-rachidiana nei sifilitici. Riforma med., Napoli, 1911, xxvii, 1354; 1380—Sotos (J. M.) Acerca de tres casos de sifilis, observados en diversos periodos y formas. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1901, v, 276-286.—Spillinann (P.) Pourquoi faut-il toujours penser a la syphilis? Anjou med., Angers, 1910, xvii, 273-280. Also: Gaz. d. hop. de Lyon, 1910, xi, 107-114.— Spruijt Landskroon (J.) lets over herpes, vooral met het oog op de diagnose tegenover syphilis. Geneesk. BI. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1897, iv, 247- 269.—Staub (A.) Polydipsie bei Svphilis. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1896, xxii, 11-13.—Stelner (S.) The early diagnosis of primary svphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1912, xvi, 96-98.—Stone (T. W.) Acquired svphilis; clinical history. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1911, 21.'s., i, 85-88.—Stoner (H. W.) The early diagnosis of syphilis. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1910, liii, 241-246.—Straus & Teissier (P.) De l'emploi de la tuberculine comme agent rOvelateur de la svphilis. Cong. p. l'etude de la tuberculose 1893, Par., 1894, iii, 125- 128.—Streng (O.) Die Konglutination und die Diagnose der Svphilis. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1911, li, 279-295.—Surmont (H.) & Patolr (J.) Syphi- lis ignoree chez deux freres; septicemie staphylococcique au cours d'accidents tertiaires; fievre et cachexie syphi- litiques; influence du traitement specifique sur la marche de l'infection. Echo m6d. du nord, Lille, 1897, i, 307- 313.—Taylor (R. W.) The prognosis of svphilis. Med. News,N.Y., 1905,lxxxvii,433-436.—Thiblerge. L'acci- dent initial. M6d. mod., Par., 1903, xiv, 57-59. -----. Le diagnostic differentiel du chancre syphilitique. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1905, xix, 803-805.----:. Le diagnostic du chancre svphilitiqueetlasyphiiis experi- mentale. J.demed.int.,Par., 1906, x,9-11.—Tor»k(B.) A hall6iaratb61 daganatszeriileg kiemelkedo lueses con- dyloma's. [Luetic condylomata simulating tumors in the auditory passage.] Fiileszet, Budapest, 1907, 25 — Traube (J.) Zur Diagnose der Svphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 203.— Ulrieh (H. L.) A lecture on the laboratory methods in the diagnosis of svphilis. st. Paul M. J.. St. Paul, Minn., 1911, xiii, 421-435.—1'mbert. Kl pron6stico de la sifilis. Rev. espafi. dedermat. v sif., Madrid, 1906, viii, 482-506. Also: Rev. de med. y cirug., Barcel., 1906, xx, 249; 289.— (Jmehara (S.) [Pancreatic metabolism in acquired syphilis.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1907, xxviii, 361-377, lpl.—Vadain (P.) Quelques considerations sur le di- agnostic chimique de la svphilis. M6decin prat., Par., 1911, vii, 309.—Vaiuierau'wera (L.) Le diagnostic de la syphilis. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1894, 161-167.—Vivler. Note sur un cas de pseudo-tumeur blanche syphilitique. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1907, n, 892-901.—Wallln (C. C.) Diagnostic difficulties due to syphilis. Am. J. Dermat & Genito-Urin. Dis.. St. Louis, SYPHILIS. 399 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Diagnosis of). 1908 xii 242-244.—Walsh (D.) On the modem diagno- sis and treatment of syphilis. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1906, xxxiv 445-449.—Ward (A. H.) The diagnosisot primary svphilis Med.Times& Hosp.Gaz.,Lond., 1899, xxvii, 621- 623-1902,xxx, 433-435. -----. Clinical studies in syphilis. Ibid., 1902, xxx, 691; 785: 1903, xxxi, 19; 97; 113; 129; 273; "8Q- 353; 369: 433; 529; 545; 611; 625; 658; 673; 689; 705; 737.— Warner (F. A.)&Fox(W.) Case for diagnosis; [syph- ilis] Proc Rov. Soc Med., Loud., 1910-11, iv, Dermat. Sect., 40-43.—Welmer (E. A.) Diagnosis of syphilis; its importance and its difficulties. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1908, xii. 339-342.—Wetzel (DEI The differential diagnosis of syphilis. Tr. Colo- rado M. Soc, Denver, 1892, 293-300.—White (J. C.) Diffi- culties in thediagnosisof syphilis. Boston M. AS. J., 1902, cxlvi, 53-58.—White (W. H.) A clinical lecture on a case of syphilis. Clin. J., Loud., 1910, xxxvi, 145-151.—Wil- cox (S. S.) Remarks concerning the diagnosis of re- cently acquired syphilis. Columbus M. J., 1903, xxvii, 168-171 —Wild(R.B.) Some clinical aspects of syphilis. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1906, xviii, 161-177.—Wintteld (I M'F.) Remarks on the initial lesion of syphilis. Brooklyn M. J., 1894, viii, 65-72.—Wynn (F. B.) The diagnosis of svphilis. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1894-5, xiii,43-48.— ZelenefT(I. F.) Prodolzhitelnoyesushtshe- stvovaniveyavleniykondilomatoznavosifilisa. [Chronic symptom's of condvlomatous syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i'Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1901, ii, 70.—Zorlleanu. Di- agnostic^ diferential intre ulcerul veneric neinfectant si sitilisul inirial. Rev. san. mil., BucurescI, 1899-1900, iii, 321-325. Syphilis (Endemic). See Syphilis (Indigenous, etc.). Syphilis (Equine). See Dourine. Syphilis (Ethics and secrecy of physi- cians in relation to). Stevenard (L.) *Le secret medical et la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1905. -----. Thesame. 8°. Paris, 1906. Thibierge (G.) Syphilis et deontologie. Se- cret medical; responsabilite civile; £nonc£ du diagnostic; jeunes gena syphilitiques; la syphi- lis avant et pendant le mariage; divorce; nour- rissona syphilitiques; nourricea syphilitiques; domestiques et ouvriers syphilitiques; syphili- tiques dans les hopitaux; transmission de la syphilis par les instruments; medecins syphili- tiques; sages-femmes et syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1903. Jones(S.S.) Syphilisconsideredin its ethical relations. Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y.,1903, ix, 812-817— JMapes(C. C.) Shall patients be informed that they have cancer or syphi- lis? X. York M. J., 1*98, lxviii, 5f,ij-562. Also, Reprint.— Morrow (P. A.) Syphilis and the medical secret. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., N. Y., 1903, 105-126. Also: 3. Cutan. Dis. incl. Svph., N. Y., 1903, xxi, 268-282.—Ohmann- Dumesnil (A. H.) Should a syphilitic be informed of the name and nature of his disease? St. Louis M. & S. J., 1903, lxxxv, 57-66— Parisot (P.) Secret medical et sy- philis. Soc de m6d. de Nancy. C.-r.. . ., 1905-6, pt. 1, 12-18. Also: Rev. med. de 1'est, Nancy, 1906, xxxviii, 729- 735. Also: Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1906, xvii. 461-463. Also, transl: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 766.— Renault (A.) La roseole syphilitique. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1907, xxi, 305-308.—Thiersch. Die iirztliche Schweigepflicht bei Syphilis. Ergebn. d. Sauglingsfiirsorge, Wien, 1910, pt. 5, 93-100. Syphilis (Exotic). See Syphilis (Tropical). Syphilis (Experimental inoculation of). Izabolinski (M.) Novleishiya danniya v uchenii o sifilisle (spir. pallida; eksperimental- niy sifilis i reaktsiya Wassermann'a). [New data in the study of syphilis.] 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1910. Levy-Bing (A.) & Laffont (P.) La syphilis experimentale. 12°. Paris, 1911. Pellizzari (P.) Delia trasmissione della si- fiiide mediante la inoculazione del sangue. 8°. {Firenze, 1862.] Roussel (G.) * Etude sur la syphilis du la- pin. 8°. Paris, 1909. Syphilis (Experimental inoculation of). Schainfeld (P.) * Virus syphilitique et sy- philis experimentale. (Revue generale.) 8°. Montpellier, 1905. ScHEREsciiEwsKY (J.) * Experimentelle Bei- triige zum Studium der Svphilis. [Strassburg.] 8°. Jena, 1908. Also [Abstr.], in: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlvii, 41-56. YViman (A.) Om experimentell syfilis hos kanin. [ ... in the rabbit.] 8°. Stockholm, 1908. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Arch.f. Dermat. u. Syph., Leipz. u. Wien, 1911, cvii, 281-292. Adrian (C.) Ueber Syphilisimpfungen am Thiere. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1899, xlvii, 163- 184, 6 pl.—Antonelli (G.) Di alcuni esperimenti sulla trapiantabilita della sifiiide nel cane. Clin, dermosifilo- pat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1903, xxi, 130-138.—Archer e Sllva. Sobre a spirochete pallida de Schaudinn; syphi- lis experimental. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1906, xxiv, 20- 22.—Arnal & Salmon (P.) Anatomie pathologique des lesions syphilitiques observ6es chez les singes anthro- po'ides. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1904, xviii, 465-467, 1 pl.—Auzlas-Tu renne. Note sur l'inoculation de la syphilis aux animaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1850, xxxi, 719.— Baerniann (G.) Zur subkutanen Syphilisimpfungniederer Aflenarten (sekundare Erschei- nungen). Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1614.— Ha yet (A.) L'inoculation de la svphilis aux animaux. J. med. de Brux., 1903, viii, 481-484.—Behaegel. La syphilis experimentale. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1906, lviii, 1090-1098. Also: Policlin., Brux., 1906, xv, 321-330.— Bertarelll (E.) Sulla trasmissione della sifiiide al coniglio. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1906, xvii, 646- 660. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xii, 320-326. -----■. Sulla trasmissione della sifiiide al coniglio. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1906, xvii, 269-275, 1 pl. Also, transl : Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906-7, xliii, Orig., 167; 238. -----. Sulla recettivita dei carnivori (cane) e dei ruminanti (pecora) alia sifiiide sperimentale. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1907, xiii, 137-140. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xliii, Orig., 790- 793. -----. Das Virus der HornhautsyphiHs des Kanin- chens und die Empfanglichkeit der unteren Affenarten und der Meerschweinchen fiir dasselbe. Centralbl. i. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xliii, Orig.,448-455.— Blanchard (L.-F.) La syphilis chez les singes et la genealogie de l'homme; evolution phylogenique de la maladie chez les primates. Dauphine m6d., Grenoble, 1906, xxx, 108-115.—Blumenthal (F.) Wassermann'- sche Reaktion und experimentelle Kaninchensyphilis. Berl.klin.Wchnschr.,1911, xlviii, 1462. -----. Dieexperi- mentelle Syphilisforschung. Ergebn. d. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1910-11, ii, 329; 383. -----. Ueber die Behandlung derexperimentellen Kaninchensyphilis mit aromatischen Quecksilberdicarbonsauren. Med. Klin., Berl., 1911, vii,1 1506.— Brieger & Uhlenhuth. Ueber Versuche der Uebertragung der Syphilis auf Tiere und iiber Serum- therapie bei Syphilis. Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1898-9, vii J 293-298 — Brilnlng. Demonstration von mit Syphilis infizierten Affen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 493.— Bruhns (C.) Die bisherigen Resultate der experimen- tellen Syphilisimpfung. 76fd.,1548;1573.—Carrasqullla H.(T.) Sifilis experimental. Rev.med.de Bogota, 1905-6, 104; 150.— Cancel (Q. L.) Inoculazioni di prodotti sifi- litici nelle cornee di conigli, senza trovare spirochete; spiegazione delle forme consimili trovate. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1908, xxxiv, 455-484— Charmeil. Etat de la question de l'etude experimentale de la syphi- lis. Nord med., Lille, 1908, xiv, 22-24— Chlrlvino (V.) Intorno agli innesti del prodotti sifilitici nell' occhio del coniglio. Riforma med., Napoli, 1909, xxv, 706. -----. Ancora intorno alia sifiiide sperimentale nel coniglio. Ibid., 1910, xxvi, 1162. -----■. Singolare reperto micros- copico in un sifiloma sperimentale nell' occhio del co- niglio. Path. Riv. quindicin., Genova, 1910-11, iii, 51.— Chlenon°(M. A.) Obeksperimentalnom sifilisle u obe- zyan. (Experimental syphilis in monkeys.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 1297; 1332. -----. K ucheniyu ob ek- sperimentalnom sifilisleu obezyan. [Experimental syph- ilis in the monkev.] Ibid., 1908, vii, 705-709.—Church- man (J. W.) The value of animal experimentation as illustrated by recent advances in the study of syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 1244-1252.—Clausen. Demonstration von Kaninchensyphilis. Ber. ii. d. Ver- samml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1907, Wiesb., 1908, xxxiv, 287- 290 —De Lisle (J.) The inoculation of syphilis in the lower animals. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1903, ix, 1120-1125. Also Reprint.—DiUile. UeberFarbungvonOrganismen in syphilitischen Geweben und die Uebertragbarkeit der Svphilis auf Meerschweinchen. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1897, xliv, 1131.—Faivre. Faits cliniques et ex- perimentation; essai de syphilis experimentale par des- SYPHILIS. 400 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Experimental inoculation of). cendance sur le cobaye. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de'Bor- deaux, 1912, xxxiii, 6.—Finger (E.) Untersuchungen uberSyphilisan Affen. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1906, lxxviii, 335-368, 3pl. -----. Die neuere atio- logische und experimentelle Svphilisforschung. Wien. med. Presse, 1906, xlvii, 957-963.—Finger (E.) &Land- steiner (K.) Untersuchungen iiber Syphilis an Affen. 2. Mitteilung. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1906, lxxxi, 147-166.—Fontana (A.) Sull' inoculabilita dell' ulcera venerea nella cornea del coniglio. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1911, xxxii, 83. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1910-11, lvii, Orig., 433- 436.—Franeeschini (G.) A proposito di alcune ri- cerche sperimentali sulla inoculabilita della gomma sifi- litica. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1904, xxxix, 372- 374.—Frank. Die experimentelle Uebertragung der SyphilisaufTiere. Ztschr.f.arztl.Fortbild.,Jena,1911,viii, 422-428.—Frledenthal (P.) Demonstration von Prii- paraten mit Syphilis geimpfter antropomorpher Affen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 372. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 1182.— Friihwald. Demonstration eines Kanin- chens mit wahrscheinlich syphilitischer Paraplegie, Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2091.—Gaucher (E.) La svphilis experimentale. Clinique. Brux., 1904, xviii, 781-793. Also: 3. de med. int., Par., 1904, viii, 257. Also: Rev.clin. d'androl. etde gynec. Par., 1904, x, 263- 276. Also: Rev. scient., Par., 1904, 5. s., ii, 225-230.— Gay (F. P.) The etiology and experimental study of syphilis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1907, 17. s., iii, 199-210, 1 pl. — Gaydn (J. P.) Investigaciones experimentales sobre la inoculaci6n del chancro simple. Gac. med., Me- xico, 1892, xxviii, 196-204.— Golyakhovski (F. P.) Rezultatl privivki sifilisa porosyatam. [Inoculation of pigs with svphilis.f Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1901, i, 187-192.—Gravagna. Sulla trasmis- sione della sifiiide agli animali. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1908, xi, 317; 373.—Grouven (C.) Ueber posi- tive Syphilisimpfung am Kaninchenauge. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 774. -----. Ueber bemerkenswerte Resul- tate der Syphilisimpfung beim Kaninchen. Ibid., 1908, iv, 267-269. -----. Ueber klinischerkennbare Allgemein- syphilis beim Kaninchen. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xv, 209-215. -----. Kaninchen mit einem syphilitischen Primaraffekt an der Scrotalhaut nach Impfung in den Hoden. Sitzungsb. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal. 1909, Bonn, 1910, Teil B, 39. -----. Experimen- telles zur Kaninchensyphilis. Dermat. Ztschr., Ber!., 1910, xvii, 161-167,lpl.-----. Vakzinationsversuchebeim syphilitischen Kaninchen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.u.Berl.,1911,xxxvii,1647. See,also,infra,Hofima,nn.— GrUnbaum (A. S.) & Smedley (R. D.) Note on the transmissibility of syphilis to apes. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 607.—Halkin (H.) Les dernieres etudes experi- mentales sur la syphilis. Scalpel, Liege, 1904-5, lvii, 203- 205. -----. L'etat actuel des connaissances experimen- tales sur la syphilis. Ibid., 1908-9, lxi,333-336.—Hallo- peau (H.) Programme d'experimentations syphili- tiques. Cong, franc, de med. C.-r. 1904, Par., 1905, 332- 336. Also: 3. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1904, xvi, 888- 892.—Hamonlc (P.) La syphilis du singe. Rev. clin. d'androl. et de gynec, Par., 1903, ix, 225; 321.—Hoft- mann (E.) Die Bedeutung der neueren Versuche, Syphilis auf Tiere zu iibertragen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 154-157. -----. Mitteilungen und Demonstra- tionen fiber experimentelle Syphilis, Spirochaeta pallida und andere Spirochatenarten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xxxviii, Beil., 108-113. -----. Demonstration von mit Syphilis geimpften Affen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 254. -----. Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit von F. Sandman "Impfung mit Resten von syphilitischen Effloreszenzen." Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xv, 292. -----. Mitteilungen fiber experimentelle Syphilis (sekundare Syphilide, primares Hornhautsyphi- lom). Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 665-670. -----. Zur Frage der Affen- und Kaninchensyphilis; Bemerkungen zu den neuesten Arbeiten von Grouven, und Uhlenhuth und Mulzer. Ibid., 114. -----. Die Uebertragung der Syphilis auf Kaninchen mittels rein- geziichteterSpirochiiten vom Menschen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 1546.—Hoff- mann (E.) & Brunlng (W.) Gelungene Uebertra- gung der Syphilis auf Hunde. Ibid., 1907, xxxiii, 553.— Hoffmann (E.), Lohe (H.) & Mulzer (P.) Syphi- litischer Initialaffekt der Bauchhaut an der Einstich- stelle nach Impfung in die Hoden von Affen und Kanin- chen. Ibid., 1908, xxxiv, 1183.—Horand (R.) Essai d'inoculation de la syphilis au lapin; chancre probable de la cornee; keratite interstitielle. Lyon med., 1910, cxiv, 1041.—Hilgel (G.) Quelques resultats d'etudes experimentales sur la syphilis. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1908, iii, 737-741.—Httgel (G.) & Holzhanser (K.) Vorlaufige Mittheilungen fiber Syphilisimpfungen am Thiere. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1900, li, 225-228, 1 pl.-----------. Mittheilungen iiber Syphi- lisimpfungen am Thiere. Ibid., 1901, lv, 200-202. — Hutchinson (J.) Experimental syphilology. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1908, ii, 1215.—Is chancre inoculable? Med. Syphilis (Experimental inoculation of). Rec. N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 449.—Judklus (W.) Odd methods of syphilitic inoculation. J. Cutan. & Genito- Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1893, xi, 480. Also, Reprint.— Klinla. Syfilis experimental nd. Casop. lek. Cesk., v Praze, 1906 xiv, 309; 340; 378.—Koch (M.) Experimentelle Hoden- syphilis beim Kaninchen durch Veriinpfung congenital- syphilitischen Materials. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1404. Also, transl: Path. riv. quindicin., Genova 1909-10, ii, 429.—Kraus (R.) Ueber experimentelle Syphilis bei Affen. Med. BI., Wien u. Leipz., 1905, xxviii, 99.—Kraus (R.) & Volk (R.) Ueber generalisierte Syphilis bei niederen Affen. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1909, cxviii, 3-14, 1 pl.—Krefting (R.) Dyresyfilis. [Animal syphilis.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1911, 6. R., lx 8-14. — Krzystalowlcz (F.) & Sledlecki (M.) Badania doswiadczalne nad kil%; morfologia kre,tka bladego. [Experimental study of syphilis; morphology of the spirochaeta pallida.] Rozpr. . . . wydz. mate- mat.-przyr. Akad. Umiej. w Krakow, 1907, 3. s., vii, B, 705-758, 2 pl. Also, transl: Bull, internat. Acad. d. sc. de Cracovie, 1908, classe d. sc. math, et nat., 173-245, 2 pl.—La Mensa (N.) L' immunita per la sifiiide e la chemiotassi negli animali. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1899, xxxiv, 619-532.— Landstelner (K.) Untersuchungen fiber Syphilisan Affen; 2. Mitteilung. Sitzungsb. a. k. Akad. d. Wissensch Math.-naturw. Kl., Wien, 1906, cxv, 3. Abt., 179-199.— Lassar ( O.) Ueber Impfversuche mit Syphilis am anthropoiden Affen. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1903, Berl., 1904, xxxiv, pt. 2, 486-496. Also: Berl. klin, Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 1189-1192. Also: Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1904, xi, 3-11, .1 pl. -----. Ueber eine Weiter- Impfung vom syphilitisch inficierten Chimpansen. Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1904, Berl., 1905, xxxv.pt. 2, 298-302. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 801. Also: Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1904, xi, 553-557.—Lannor (L.) & Levaditl (C.) Sur la therapeutique mercurielle de la syphilis experimentale du lapin et de la spirillose bre- silienne. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1911, cliii, 304- 306.—Levaditl (C.) Transmission de la balano-posthite erosive circinee au chimpanze; role du spirochaete refrin- gens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi( 184-186.— Levaditl (C.) & Manouelian. Histologie patholo- gique de la syphilis experimentale du singe dans ses rap- port avec le spirochaete pallida. Ibid., lx, 304-306.— Levaditl (C.) & V aiuaiiouc hi (T.) Inoculation de la syphilis au prepuce du lapin. Ibid., 1908, lxiv, 957- 959.----------. La transmission de la syphilis au chat. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1908, cxlvi, 1120-1122.— Levi (L.) Su alcuni tentativi di inoculazione di pro- dotti sifilitici negli animali. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Mi- lano, 1900, xxxv, 296-299.—Liberman (Ya. Yu.) Ek- sperimentalniy sifilis. Novoye v Med., S.-Peterb., 1911, v, 1279; 1357.—Mantegazza (U.) Ultime ricerche sulla eziologia e trasmissione sperimentale della sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1906, xii, 129-160.—Martial (R.) L'etat actuel des recherches sur la syphilis experi- mentale d'apr6s Profr A. Neisser. Rev. prat. d. mal. cutan. [etc], Par., 1907, vi, 179; 209—Metchnlkoff (E.) R6ceptivit6 des singes anthropo'ides pour le virus syphili- tique. Cong, internat. d'hyg. etde demog. C.-r., Brux., 1903, ii, 24. -----. La syphilis experimentale. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1905, i, 1623-1638. Also: Bull, de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1905, iii, 489; 537. Also, transl: Med. Mag., Lond., 1905, xiv, 512-514.----—. Syphilis experimentale. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 8,364- 373. [Discussion], 439-441. Also: Rev. demed., Par., 1907, xxvii, 925-939. Also, transl: Verhandl. d. deutsch. der- mat. Gesellsch. 1906, Berl., 1907, 227-241— Metchiiikotr (E.) & Rouz (E.) Etudes experimentales sur la syphi- lis. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1903, xvii, 809-821,2 pl. Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 943.----------. Etudes experimentales sur la syphilis. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1904, xviii, 1-6. -----------. Etudes experimentales sur la syphilis. Ibid.,657-671,2pl.----------. Etudesexperimentalessur lasyphilis. Ibid., 1905, xix, 673-698.-----—---. Etudes experimentales sur la syphilis. Ibid., 1906, xx, 785-800.— Metchnlkoflf(E.),Boux(E.)&Lassar (0.) Syphi- lis chez le singe. Syphilis, Par., 1904, ii, 161-194.—Mont- gomery (D. W.) A comparison between clinical infec- tion and experimental inoculation in svphilis. N. York M. J. [etc], 1910, xci, 18-21.—MOhlens (P.) Beitrag zur experimentellen Kaninchenhornhautsyphills. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 1207.— Neisser (A.) Ueber Versuche, Syphilis auf Schweizn zu iibertragen. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipe., 1902, lix, 163-170, 2 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1901. Bresl., 1902, lxxix, med. Sect., 299. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., Wien u. Leipz., 1901, vii, 389. -----. Meine Versuche zur Uebertragung der Syphilis auf Affen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 1369; 1431. Also: Internat. dermat. Kong. Verhandl. u. Ber. 1904, Berl., 1905, ii, 30-53. -----. Syphilis experi- mentale. Cong, intermit, de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 8, 342-354. [Discussion], 439-441. Also: Soc. franc. SYPHILIS. 401 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Experimental inoculation of). de prophyl. san. et mor. Bull., Par., 1906, vi, 182-189. .-----. Ueber experimentelle Syphilis bei Affen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 373. -----. Versuche zur Uebertragung der Syphilis auf Affen. 4. Mitteilung. Ver- suche fiber tertiare Syphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 493-496. -----. Die experi- mentelle Syphilisforschung nach ihrem gegenwartigen Stande. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 1906, Berl., 1907,1-114. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1687. -----. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Kaninchen-Syphilis. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xv, 73-79. -----. Bericht fiber die in Java angestell- ten experimentellen Syphilisforschungen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., Berl., 1908, x, 137-144. -----. Syphilis, with special reference to experimental work on the subject. Brit. M J., Lond., 1908, ii, 1085-1089. Also, transl: Salute pubb., Perugia, 1908, xxi. 281-291.—Neis- ser (A.) & Baennann (G.) Versuche zur Uebertra- gung der Svphilis auf Affen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 748-752.—Neisser (A.), Baer- niaun (G.) & Halberstadter. Versuche zur Ueber- tragung der Syphilis auf Affen. Ibid., 1906, xxxii, 1; 49; 97.—Neisser (A.) &Ptlrckhauer (R.) Syphilisuber- tragungsversuche auf verschiedene Tiere. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte., Berl., 1911. xxxvii, 568-587.—von Neu- mann. Ueber die bisherigen Ergebnisse der Uebertra- gung der Svphilis auf Affen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 1447-1450— Neumann (I.) Kommt Syphilis auch bei Thieren vor? Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1893, xxxviii, 234. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1893, xxviii, 313.—Nlehols (H. J.) Further observations on certain features of experimental syphilis and yaws in the rabbit. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1911, xiv, 196-216. Also, Reprint.—Nicolas (J.) La syphilis; 6tat actuel de son etude experimentale. [Rap.] Bull, med., Par., 1906, xx, 713-715.—Nicolas (J.) & Favre (M.) Rapport sur les recherches experimentales recentes concernant la syphilis. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1906, v, 154.—Nleolle (C.) Recherches experi- mentales sur l'inoculation de la syphilis au singe (bonnet chinois). Ann.de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1903, xvii, 636- 639. Also: Normandie m6d., Rouen, 1904, xix, 10-17. Also: Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1903, 481-485.— von Nlessen (M.) Artefizielle Syphilis beim Pferde. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1903. liii, 2111; 2168; 2221. -----. Die Ergebnisse meiner 12jahrigen experimentellen Stu- dien der Svphilisatiologie. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1905, xx, 426-437. -----. Syphilis beim Kaninchen erzeugt mit der Reinkultur des Syphilis- bacillus von Niessen. Internat. Dermat. Cong. (vi.). Tr. 1907, N. Y., 1908, ii, 749-762, 1 pl. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lviii, 2524; 2578.—Nihata (R.) [A, case of syphilis in a race horsej Kyoto Igakkwai Zasshi, 1900,402-409.—Nordin( A.) La syphilis du singe. Rev. clin. d'androl. et de gynec, Par., 1903, ix, 273; 296; 327; 361. -----. La syphilisation du singe. Ibid., 1904, x, 110-112.—Ossola (S.) Sifiloma alio scroto di coniglio ottenuto con materiale di cheratite sifilitica sperimentale di coniglio. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1908, xxii, 179-182. -----. Sulla sifiiide del coniglio. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1909, xliv, 171-178. -----. Sifiiide del testicolo nel coniglio. Ibid., 1910, xiv, 133-138. -----. Ulteriori ricerche sulla trasmissione della sifiiide al co- niglio. Ibid., 130-133. — Parodl (U.) Sulla trasmis- sione della sifiiide al testicolo del coniglio. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1907, 4. s., xiii, 2S8. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1 Abt., Jena, 1907, xliv, Orig., 428.—Paslni(A.) Lostato attuale degli studi speri- mentali sulla sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1907, xiii, 141-163. Also: Tribuna san., Milano, 1907, i, 135; 171.—von Petersen (O.) Ueber die erfolgreiche Uebertragung der Syphilis auf Affen. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1906, xxxi, 203-205.—Phllaretopoulos (G.) Neai dwoneipai ep.fio\i.aop.ov Tr)i Oi.i.&os ecs Tot fieure. 8°. Bruxelles, 1894. Repr.from: J.Soc. roy.d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1894. Engelhardt ( M.) * Ueber den syphiliti- schen Primiiraffekt am Zahnfleisch. 8°. Borna- Leipzig, 1909. Fournier (A.) Les chancres extra-genitaux. Lecons recueillies par Edouard Fournier. 8°. Paris, 1897. Francois (J.-B.-V.) *Le chancre indure de la main. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906. Friedemann ( C. ) * Beitriige zur Casuistik und Statistik der extragenitalen syphilitischen Primaraffekte. 8°. Heidelberg, 1902. Garric (M.) * Epoque d'apparition, forme et repartition des syphilides secondaires consecu- tives au chancre extra-genital. 8°. Paris, 1907. Goyon (P. ) Contribution a l'etude du chancre syphilitique du menton. (Etude cli- nique et prophylactique.) 8°. Lyon, 1907. Klotz (J.) * Chancres de sieges multiples et pathogenie de la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1904. Kornacker (O.) * Ueber Initialsklerosen der Augenlider. 8°. Berlin, [1904]. Krause (F. R.) * Ueber den syphilitischen Primiiraffekt an der Ohrmuschel. [ Leipzig. ] 8°. Hamburg & Leipzig, 1911. Kroll ([G.] F.) * Ueber den Primiiraffekt der Augapfel-Bindehaut. 8°. Breslau, 1910. L6b (H.) *Die extragenitale Syphilisinfek- tion, speziell der Primaraffekt der Nase. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1906. , Luisi (R.) *Echeance avancee de la periode secondaire apres certains chancres extra-geni- taux. Chancre de la muqueuse buccale. S°. Paris, 1904. Lurz (R. O.) * Ueber extragenital acque- rierte Primaraffekte an Kinn, Wangen, Ohren, behaartem Kopf und Stirn und anschliessend daran ein Fall von Initialsklerose an der rech- ten Wange. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1905. Moses (F.) *Zur Casuistik der extragenita- len Syphilisinfektion. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Nevet (X.) *De la frequence relative des differentes varieles de chancres syphilitiques extra-genitaux chez l'homme et chez la femme, suivie de quelques considerations sur un certain nombre de cas observes a l'Hopital Saint-Louis pendant l'anuee 1886. 4°. Pan's, 1887. Padula (F.) Sede e caratteri anormali di un sifiloma iniziale. 8°. Boma, 1892. Papeg^y (A.) * De la multiplicite du chancre syphilitique; statistique de l'Hopital Ricord; ancien Midi. 8°. Paris, 1904. Pelissier (R.) *Le chancre syphilitique de la conjonctive bulbaire. 8°. Lyon, 1904. Pipet (E.) *Pronostic de la syphilis a chan- cre extra-genital. 8°. Paris, 1908. Reboul (C.-F) * Recherches sur Petiologie des chancres syphilitiques cephaliques. 4°. Bordeaux, 1892. Salsotto (G.) Sifilomi extragenital! ed epi- demie di sifiiide. 8°. Torino, 1892. Siepe (F.) * Ueber extragenital lokalisierte Initialsclerosen. 8°. Bonn, 1892. Stiebel (G.) * Ueber extragenitale Primiir- affekte. Ihre Hiiufigkeit, Lokalisation, Aetio- logie und Prognose, nebst Beitriigen zur Casuis- tik derselben. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1895. SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Extragenital chancres in). Thouvenot (A.) * Etude sur le chancre des gencives. 8°. Paris, 1907. Witte (0.) * Ueber extragenitale Primiiraf- fecte. [Kiel.] 8°. Berlin, 1903. Abraham (P. S.) Extra-genital chancre from a bite. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1904, n. s., lxxviii, 360.— Allen (C. W.) The inoculation wound of lues. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lvii, 445.-----. Double chancre of the upper lip. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1906, xxiv, 74_76.—Andrencci (A.) Contributo alia casistica dei sifilomi extragenital!. Riv. med., Milano. 1909, xvii, 66- 70.—Andrianl (P.) Sulla trasmissibilita. della sifiiide per vie extragenital! (sifiiide trasmessa per morbo). Gazz. internaz. di med. prat., Napoli, 1899,82.—Angelis (P.) Chancre indure du cul-de-sac inferieur de la con- jonctive chez un enfant de 5 ans. Clin, opht., Par., 1908, xiv, 287-289.—Angle (E.J.) Extragenital chancre; a preliminary report of twelve cases. Med. Era, ^t. Louis, 1908, xvii, 131-135. Also: West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1908, xiii, 204-210.—A ran jo (G.) Chancro sifllitico de la una de origen prol'esional. Rev. san. mil. y Med. mil. espafi., Madrid, 1907, i, 234-237.—Arnlielm (A.) Eine seltene Lokalisation des syphilitischen Primaraffekts. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1902, xxxv, 282-285.—Arnlng. [Papulomakuloses luetisches Exanthem und Primiir- affekt am Anus.] Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1909, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1910, xiv, pt. 1, 134.—Anblneau. Chancre indure de la conjonctive. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1907, cxxxviii. 16-21, 2 pl.—Audry (C.) Deux chancres svphilitiques eioignes et successifs sur le meme sujet. J. d\ mal. cutan. et svph., Par., 1897, ix, 89-91. Also: Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1897, iii, 222.—Azua. Chancro siflli- tico en el pierna. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1897, xl, 420.—Babes (A.) Sifilom primar dublu al buzei superioare. [Primarv syphiloma of the upper lip.] Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1911, xxxi, 59-63.—Baldwin (A.) Note on a case of primarv chancre in the nostril. Lan- cet, Lond., 1907, i, 287.—Baldwin (L. B.) Extragenital chancre. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 544. Also: Chicago M. Recorder, 1899, xvi, 293-296. [Discussion], 332-338. -----. Extra-genital syphilis. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1902, xvi, 4-9.—Balzer, Bo ye & Condonrc. Chancre syphilitique de la paupiere superieure. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 339-341.— Balzer & Burnier. Un cas de chancre svphilitique du cuir chevelu. Ibid., 1910, xxi, 340-342.—Barliaiu (C. R.) Extra-genital chancre, suggestions as to treat- ment, etc., with reports of eight ca>es. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1893, vii, 76-78.—Barjon & Cordler. Chancres extra-genitaux. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1893), 1894, xxxiii, pt. 2, 66.—Bayon (H.) On extragenital syphilitic infection. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1908, i, 682.—Behaegel. Chancre infectant de la levre. Policlin., Brux., 1905, xiv, 77.—Bennati (A.) Di una rara localizzazione del virus sifllitico (sifiloma primario del 3° spazio interdigitale del piede). Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1903-4, lxxviii, 1-8— Bergasse. De quelques chancres extra-genitaux. Bull. Soc. med.- chir. de la Drome [etc.], Valence & Par., 1901, ii, 3-11.— Berliner (C.) Seltene Lokalisation der Initialsklerose mit Bemerkungen fiber die Verbreitung der Syphilis auf extragenitalem Wege. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1895, xx, 376-395.—Bertin. Chancre syphili- tique de la levre. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1904, viii, 92.—Bevan (C. F.) Extragenital lesions of svphilis. Med. Ree.,N. Y., 1898, liii, 364-368.—Blelavin. Sluchal vnlepolovovo skleroza u muzha i rannyavo periostita u zheni. [Extragenital sclerosis in the husband and early periostitis in the wife.] Ru*sk. J. Kozhn.i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1901, i, t,:>7—Blelopolfcki (A. F.) Sluchal vnlepolovol lokalizatsii sitilitichcskavo shankra. [Lo- calization of chancre not on the sexual organs.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1909, ccxxv, med.-spec. pt., 535-537.—Bielski (G.) K kazuistikle pervichnavo sifl- liticheskavo skleroza verkhnyavo vleka. [Primary syphilitic sclerosis of the upper cvelid.] Vestnik oftal- mol., Odessa, 1911, xxviii, 593-597.—Binderinann (J.) [Zwei Falle extraerenitaler Sklerose.] Wien. med. Presse, 1903, xliv, 1473.—Bizard & Lafi'ont. Chancre syphi- litique du doiirt (base de l'annulaire droit) consecutif a un coup de poinpr sur la bouche. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1906, i, 354-357.—Blanc. Chancrede la cloison des fosses nasales. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1907, ii, 585- 589— Blanche-de-la-Boclie (A. V.) Sluchal vnle- polovovo zarazheniyatvyordimshankrom. [Extrasexual infection with hard chancre] Med. Sbornik Varshav. Uyazd. voyenn. hosp., Varshava, 1901, xiv, nos. 3-4, pt. 4, 1-4.—Bloch (M.)& Nathan. Un cas de chancre intra- nasal. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1908, i, 36.—Bloom (I. N.) Some extra-genital and other chancres. Med. Age, De- troit,1898,xvi,554-559. Also: Med. News, N. Y.,1898,lxxii, 368.—Bodin(E.) Conduite a tenir en presence d'un cas douteux de chancre syphilitique Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 628.—Boh in (I.) Extragenitale Syphilisinfection an der Wangenschleimhaut. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1902, lxi, 128-136.—Bogroff(S. L.) Slu- SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Extragenital chancres in). chal neobichnol lokalizatsii pervichnavo porazheniya pri sifilisle. [Unusual place of primary chancre in syphi- lis.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb.. 1907, vi, 121. Also, transl: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1907, xliv, 163-166.— Bord (B.) Chancres syphilitiques nains de la levre et de la langue. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 666-669.—Bosher(L.C) Extragenital chancre, with a report of cases. Med. Reg., Richmond, 1899-1900, iii, 1-3.—Bourgeois. Chancre syphilitique de la conjonc- tive bulbaire. Clin, opht., Par., 1901, vii, 229-231. Also- Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1901, xxv, 137-142. Also: transl: Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1901, v, 289-291.—Bonvey- ron. Sur le siege exact du chancre dit du mamelon. Lyon med., 1902, xcix, 90.—Brunon. Chancre syphili- tique du cornet inferieur chez un enfant de sept ans. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1904, i, 337-343.— Btlchler (A. F.) A case of initial lesion of syphilis at the heel. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1902, xx, 110-112.-----. Some observations on the extragenital infection of syphilis. Med. & Surg. Rep. Presbyterian Hosp., N. Y., 1906, vii, 105-113.—Bulkley (L. D.) Two cases of chancre of the lip in little children. Arch. Pe- diat., N. Y., 1893, x, 329-332. -----. Four recent cases of extra-genital syphilis in private practice. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 101. -----. Extragenital chancres. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1900, 10. s., iii, 13-20. -----. Notes on recent cases of extra-genital syphilitic infection. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxviii, 98-103. -----. Syphi- lis of the lips. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 281.—Bureau (M.) & Brillouet. Chancre syphili- tique du mamelon. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1906,2. s., xxiv, 1077.—Burns. Primary lesion of the thumb. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1910, xxviii, 689.—C. (WAV.) A case of chancre of the lower eyelid. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1906, xx, 484.—Cange (A.) La syphilis des pau- pieres. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1905, i, 1428-1437.—Cas- tells (E.) Sifilis moral. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1910, liv, 129-132.—del Castillo Quartiellers (R.) Chancro sifllitico en el parpado. Sernana med., Buenos Aires, 1904, xi, 1356. Also: Siglo med., Madrid, 1904, li, 771.— Cattani(F.) Contributo alia casuisticadegliulcerisifi- litici extragenitali. Boll. d. Poliambul. di Milano, 1892, v, 43-46.—Cauvin (P.) Du chancre indure des paupieres. Arch, d'opht.,Par.,1909,xxix,612-623.—Chlenotf"(M. A.) Sluchal tvyordavo shankra verkhnel desni. [Chancre of the upper gum.]. Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, ii, 827- 829. — Cliompret. Chancre de la gencive. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905,xvi,72. Also: Ann. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 219.—Christie (A. K.) Three cases of extra-genital Hunterian chancre. ^sculap. Soc. Abstr. Tr. 1895-8, Lond., 1899, vi, 72.— Claus. Ueber Syphilis des ausseren Ohres. Charite- Ann., Berl., 1909, xxxiii, 692-696.—Cocks (E. L.) Chan- cre of the lower lip. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1908, 1908,xxvi,526.—Coffin (J.L.) Theextra-genitalprimary lesion of syphilis. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1896, xxxi, 512- 515.—Coles (H. L.) Extra-genital infection in syphilis. Med.Times, N. Y., 1898. xxvi, 170.—Collins (E. T.) Pri- mary chancre of the eyelid, followed by rash on skin, with- out other symptoms. Polyclin.,Lond., 1902, vi,403.—Conn (F. M.) Non-venereal syphilis. NorthwestMed., Seattle, 1907,v,118-122.—Court(A.) Chancre of eyebrow. Quart. M. J.,Sheffield,1902-3,xi,131.—Crist (J. D.) Chancroidal conjunctivitis. Denver M. Times [etc.], 1907-8,xxvii,14.— Bandois. Un cas de chancre dur dela conjonctive bul- baire. Rev. med.de Louvain, 1909,209-216. -----. Etude sur les chancres ex tra-genitaux et le diagnostic de la syphi- lis. Ibid.,2il; 273.—Banel&Fievez(J.) Chancresyphi- litique hypertrophique dela face dorsale dela main. J.d. sc. med. de Lille,1910,i, 641-619—Banlos& Beheraln. Chancre des paupi6res. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, xvii, 149. Also: Ann. dedermat. etsyph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 269.—Danlos & Deroye. Cha'ncre svphilitique de l'ceil. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1907, xviii, 96,—Dardenne (H.) A case of successive svphilitic chancres one genital and the other extra-genital. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxi, 199.—Bavid (C.) Chancre du sein; longue du- ree del'inciibiition. Tribune med., Par., 1903,2. s., xxxv, 245. -----. Chancre du cornet nasal inferieur; lymphan- gite erysipeiate'nso de la ioue. Syphilis, Par., 1905, iii, 125-129.—Bavis. Extragenital syphilis of a precocious type. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph.,N. Y., 1910, xxviii, 686.— Bavis (A. E.) Chancro del parpado. An. de oftal., Mexico, 1904-5, vii, 404-410. — Bavis (H.J.) Primary sore on the upper lip in a girl aged 12. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Larvngol. Sect., 163-165. Also: 3. Laryngol., Rhinol. & Otol., Lond., 1909,xxiv, 386.—Beak (Z.) Ulcus durum ritka localisati6ja. [Curious location of ulcus durum.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1895, xxxix, 460. — Be Berardini (D.) Sifiloma primario della congiuntiva. Ann. di ottal., Pavia,, 1899, xxviii, 50-57. Also: Arte med., Napoli, 1899, i, 263-265. — Becrgquy. Chancre syphilitique de la langue survenu aprSs une extraction dentaire chez un enfant de huit ans. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1907, xiv, 601.—Be Grazia. Sulla sifiiide estragenitale. Riforma med., Napoli, 1896, xii, SYPHILIS. 404 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Extragenital chancres in). pt. 4, 481-483. — Belaimay (P.) Lymphangite nodu- laire intra-labiale au cours d'un chancre syphilitique de la levre inf6rieure. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, 4. s., v, 1087.—Berville (L.) Quelques cas de chancres syphilitiques extra-genitaux. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1901, ii, 289-299. -----. Deux chancres extrageni- taux. Ibid., 1904, ii, 625-634.—Bidier & Payenne- ville. Chancre de l'amygdale avec syphilides varioli- formes. Normandie m6d., Rouen. 1908, xxiii, 123-126. ----------. Chancre de la gencive. Ibid., 126-128.— Biehl (A. E.) Five cases of extra-genital chancre. Buffalo M. J., 1896-7. xxxvi, 671-675—Bo Igopoloft (P. M.) Vnlepolovol sifilis. [Nonsexual syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1901, ii, 751.— Breuw. Doppelter, extragenitaler Primiiraffekt am Bauche. Dermat. Ztschr.,Berl., 1911, xviii, 58.—Bu Bois (C.) Chancres infectants multiples, genitaux et extra- genitaux avec incubation secondaire de 15 a 20 jours. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1905, xxii, 841-843.— Bubois-llavenith. Chancre infectant du menton. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1906, lviii, 716-718. -----. Chancre syphilitique du menton. Policlin., Brux., 1911, xx, 344.—Buboucher. Chancre syphilitique de la con- jonctive pal pCbrale survenu chez un indigene a la suite de manoeuvres de lechage envuede l'extraction d'un corps etrangerdel'oeil. Bull, medde l'Algerie,Alger, 1908, xix, 542-544.—Bubreuilh (W.) Deux cas de chancre indure del'anus. J.de med. deBordeaux,1909, xxxix, 693.—Du- dumi (V.) Un cas dedublu?ancrusifiliticalbolteI pala- tine. [Double syphilitic palatine chancre.] Presamed. rom., BucurescI, 1899-1900, vi,209-214.—Buhot. Chancre extra-genital. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1904, lvi, 1045.— Bulles (C. W.) Extra-genital chancres. Arch. Dermat., N.Y.,1881, vii, 144-146.—Bunal. Localisation anormale d'unchancresyphilitique. Montpel.med., 1908,xxvi,161 .— Bunn(P!) An unusual case of extra -genital syphiliticin- fection. WestLond.M.J.,Lond.,1903,viii,322.—Bupond (G.) Chancreinduredelafossenasaledroite. Rev.hebd. delaryngol. fete],Par., 1910,i,273-279.—Burand. Chan- cre indure hvpertrophique de la jone. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1904, iv, 500.—Byaehkoff (N. N.) NIekotoriya soobrazheniya y vnlepolovikh tvyordikh shankrakh. [Nonsexual chancre.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1905, ix, 75; 244. -----. Tri slu- chaya vnlepolovikh tvyordikh shankrov. [Three cases of nonsexual hard chancres.] Ibid., x, 24-29.—Ebner < A.) Ueber luetischen Primiiraffect an den oberen Luftwegen. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1898, xiv, 171-180.—Eckstein. Zwei Fiille von ex- tragenitaler Infection. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Ge- sellsch. (1900), 1901, xxxi, pt. 1, 179.—Erdwurm (F.) A case of chancre of the female breast. M.&. S. Rep. Belle- vueHosp., N. Y., 1907-8, iii, 111.—Evans (T. C.) Chan- cre of the tonsil and tongue, with report of four cases. Med.News,N.Y.,1896,lxviii,519-52L—Eytinge (E.O.J.) ! Two cases of extra-genital chancre. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1910, iv, 382,1 pl. — Fabre & Bourret. Chancre syphilitique de lacuissechez un nourrisson de trois mois". Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1909, xii, 155.— Fabry (H.) Ueber extragenitale Syphilis. Ztschr. f. Bekampf. d. Geschlechtskrankh., Leipz., 1908, viii, 180- 190. — Falcao (Z.) Cancro syphilitico extragenital. Rev. portugueza de med. e cirurg. prat., Lisb., 1901, ix, 293-295.—Feibes (E.) Zur Prognose der extragenitalen Syphilisinfection. Internat. Cong. Dermat. Off. Trans. 1896, Lond., 1898, iii, 769-779. — Fenlard (H.) Releve des chancres syphilitiques extra-genitaux observes dans le service de la clinique des maladies cutanees et syphi- litiques de M. le Professeur Fournier, du 1« fevrier 1890 au 1« novembre 1891. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, iii, 805-815. -----. Trois cas de syphilis acquise (de- but par des chancres cephaliques) chez des enfants de 2, 3 et 4 ans. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, iii, 468-470. — Filatoff (V. P.) Gumma konyunk- tivi vleka. [Gumma of the palpebral conjunctiva.] Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1910, xxvii, 239. —Fiocco (G. B.) Di alcune rare localizzazioni extra-genitali del? ul- cera venerea. Boll. d. mal. ven., sif. e d pelle, Roma, 1903, iv, 97-117.—Foster (B.) Reportof cases of extra-genital chancre. Northwest, Lancet, St. Paul, 1897, xvii, 395.— Fouquet. Chancre syphilitique de la gencive. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1910, xxi, 105.— Fouquet (C.) & Joltrain (E.) Chancres syphiliti- ques multiples; recherche de la reaction de Wassermann; date d'apparition de la reaction d'immunite; influence du traitement. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 909-928.— Fournier. Le chancre labial et son diagnostic diffe- rentiel avec l'epitheiioma de la levre. France m6d., Par., 1894, xii, 753-755. -----. Pronostic de la syphilis issue de chancres extra-genitaux. Semaine med., Par., 1895, xv. 513-517. Also, transl: Med. Week, Par., 1895, iii, 689-593.-----. Gravite compare des chancres genitaux et extra-g6nitaux. Tribune med., Par., 1895. 2. s., xxvii, 1034-1036. Also [Abstr.]: Independ. med., Par., 1895, 33. -----. Du chancre simple cephalique. Inde- pend. med., Par., 1896, ii. 113.—Fournier (A.) Chancre axillaire de nature syphilitique. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par.. 1893, 3. s.. iv. 1297. -----. Die Svphilis der Syphilis (Extragenital chancres in). t'nsrhuldigen; derSchanker des Mundcs. Med. f. Alle, Wien u. Leipz., 1906, i, 158; 175; 208. -----. Die Syphilis der Unschuldigen; der Schanker der Nase. Ibid., 219. -----. Die Syphilis der Unschuldigen; der Schanker des Auges. Ibid., 233; 244. -----. Die Syphilis der Unschul- digen; der Schanker des Gesichts. Ibid., 256. -----. Chancre syphilitique de la face; chancresyphilitique du sein (forme commune); chancre syphilitique du sein (forme ulcereuse). Mus. de 1'Hop. St. Louis. Iconog. d. mal cutan. et syph., Par., [1897?], 263-273, 1 pl. Also, transl: Pict. Atlas Skin Dis. & Svph. ... St. Louis Hosp., Lond.; Phila., 1895-7, 237-244, 1 pl.—Fournier (E.) Contribution a l'etude des chancres extra-genitaux. Med. mod., Par., 1896, vii, 17.-----. Chancre extra-geni- tal. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, 4. s., ii 650. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, dedermat. etsyph., Par., 1901, xii, 354. -----. Chancres indures de la levre superieure et de la face dorsale du penis. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par 1900, xii, 159-161.—Fox (H.) Syphilis of the lip. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1909, xxvii, 178.—Free- man (W. T.) Extra-genital chancre. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1899, xi, 461.—Frick (W.) Extra-genital primary syphilis; report of some unpublished cases. Am. J. Der- mat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1908, xii, 18-20. Also: Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1908, xxxi,81-83.—Froiua- get (H.) Chancre de la conjonctive. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1911, xii, 615.— Froment (H.) & Bonie. Chancre indur6 du nez. Lyon med., 1908, cxi, 778.— Frugiuele (C.) Sul sifiloma primario della congiun- tiva. Gior. d. Ass. napol. di med. e nat., Napoli, 1901, xi; 3; 129.—Fumagalli (A.) Sifiloma primitivo della plica semilunaris; contributo alia casistica dei sifilomi extragenital!. Arch, di ottal., Palermo, 1898-9, vi, 45-53. -----. Sifiloma primitivo del bordo palpebrale superiore. Cong. d. Ass. oftal. ital. Rendic. 1902, Pavia, 1903, xvi, 122.—Gaillard (J.), Lafosse (P.) & Papegaey (A.) Multiplicit6 du chancre syphilitique. Tribune m6d., Par., 1904, 2. s., xxxv, 214.—Galloway (J.) Cases of extra-genital chancre. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1899, xi, 396-399.—Gastou (P.) Albuminuric syphilitique et chancre de l'abdomen. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, 3. s., iv, 1307-1309.—Gaucher (E.) Chancre de la gorge; plaques muqueuses. J. de med. de Par., 1909, 2. s., xxi,433.—Gaucher (E.)&Boisseau. Chancresyphili- tique du vestibule narinaire. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, xvii, 183. Also: Ann. dedermat. et svph., Par., 1906,3.8., vii, 303.—Gaucher (E.) &Bory. Chan- cre syphilitique du thorax. Bull.Soc.franc.de dermat. et syph., Par., 1907, xviii,403.—Gaucher (E.), Camus(P.) & Bruelle. Chancre syphilitiquedelagencive. Ibid., 316.—Gaucher(E.)& Clilray. Chancresyphilitique de lagencive. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 164. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1903, xiv, 73.—Gaucher (E.) & Bruelle. Chancre syphili- tique de l'angle interne de l'ceil. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1909, xx, 123.-----------. Un nouveau cas de chancre mou de la langue. Ibid., 1910, xxi, 89.—Gaucher (E.), Bruelle & Flurin. Chancre de la paupiere inferieure chez un enfant de deux ans. Ibid., 11.—Gaucher (E.)& Flurin. Sieges du chancre syphitique chez les enfants audessous de 15 ans. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1910. v, 262-267.—Gaucher & Giroux. Chancre syphilitique de la pituitaire. Ibid., 1908, iii, 693.—Gaucher (E.), lievy - Francke! & Bubosc. Deux cas de chancres extra-genitaux. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1911, xxii, 16.— Gaucher (E.), Levy-Franckei & Sikbal (A.) Chancre de la gencive. Ibid., 449.—Gaudier (E.) & Merle (P.) Chancre geant. cicatrise sus-pubien. Ibid., 1909, xx, 35.—Gaucher (E.) & Nathan. Chancre de l'amygdale. Ibid., 1908, xix,29.----------. Chancrede la cloison a gauche; plaque muqueuse fissurique de la narine droite. Ibid., 29.—Gaucher (E.), Paris & Claude (O.) Chancre dela region presternale. Ibid., 1905, xvi, 183. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 609.— Gell6 (G.) Double chancre syphilitique occupant la fosse nasale et la conjonctive. Arch, inter- nat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1904, xvii, 417-420.— Geraudel(E.) & ffienard (T.) Chancre simple de la levre, unipolaire (constatation du bacille de Ducrey); inoculation positive. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1909, 3. s., xxviii, 430. —Gershun (T. M.) K kazuistikle vnlepolovovo zarazheniya sifilisom; rledkiy sluchal pervichnol skleroznol yazvl yazika. [Nonsexual syphilitic infection; rare case of primary sclerotic ulcer of the tongue,] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1908, xv, 720.— Gezes (R.) A propos de deux cas de syphilis primaire extra-genitale; chancres du meat auditif et de la region preepiglottique. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1911, i, 289-300.—Giannone (A.) Contributo alia ca- suistica del sifiloma congiuntivale. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1911, ii, 62-65.—Gibert. Chancre indure de l'angle interne des paupieres; diagnostic et traitement. Ann. de th6rap. dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, ii. 145; 169.— Giedgo\vd(W.) Przymiot pozaplciowy. [Xongenital syphilis.] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1906, xxvii, 1; 33; 68; 102; 131; 162. —Ginzburg (I. I.) Tvyordty ehankr nizhnyavo vleka. [Hard chancre of the eyelid.] Vestnik 05 SYPHILIS. SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Extragenital chancres in). oftalmol., Mosk., 1906, xxiii, 319-331. Also, transl: Cen- tralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1910, xxxiv, 129-139.— Gold i^L.) Sechs Fiille von extragenitaler Syphilis- infection. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1893, xxv, 791-794.—Go It man (M.) Extra-genital chan- cres, with illustrations and report of cases. Memphis M. Month., 1902, xxii, 113-118.—Gotcheil (W. S.) Two cases of labial chancre in ciirarmakers. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 68-70. Also, Reprint. -----. The diag- nosis of the extra-genital chancre. Arch. Diag., N. Y., 1911, iv, 154-163, 3 pl.—Goudy. Chancre syphilitique de la levre supcrieure. J. de mod. de Bordeaux. 1907, xxxvii, 216.—GrandcKsmeiit. Chancre syphilitique dugrandangledel'ceil. Lyon med., 1905,cv,221.— Grant (D.) Case of Hunterian sore inside the lip of a young woman. Proc. Roy.Soe. Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Larvngol. Sect., 107. Also: 3. Laryngol., Lond., 1909, xxiv, 183.— Griffin (E. H.) Chancres found in unusual localities. N. York M. J., 1896, lxiii, 668-674. Also, Reprint.— Grillbn (V.) Chancre syphilitique geant du dos de la main. Bull. Soc. franc, de" dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 323. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par.. 1905, 4. s., vi, 98S.—Grindon (J.) Extra-genital chancre. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1S97, xxxv, 349-352.—Grivtsoit (G. W.) Sluchal vnlepolovol ekstraordinarnol lokalizatzii per- vichnavo sifiliticheskavo ochaga, soprovozh davshiysya ostrimi yavleniyami. [Case of extragenital extraordi- nary localization of primary syphilis, accompanied by acute pneumonia.] Med. pribav. k. morsk. sborniku. St. Petersb., 1892,2. pt,, 246-256. -----. Sifiliticheskiy shankr mizintsa. |Chancre of the little finger.] Ibid., 1899, pt. 2, 366-371.—Grosz (G.) Exragen'italis syphilis esete. [A case of . . .] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1898, xiii, 158.— GrUnfeld (R. L.) Zur Diagnose der intraurethralen Initialsklerose. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1909, ltx, 460- 464.—Gubbin (G. F.) Erratic chancres. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1905, v, 525.—GUttich (A.) Ueber ausgedehntes Ulcus syphiliticum concha. Beitr. z. Anat., Physiol., Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres [etc.], Berl., 1910-11, iv, 391-393.—Guilbaud. Chancre extra-genital. Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1903, 2. s., xxi, 977.—Guillen (M.) Los chancros sifiliticos de la cara. Rev. valenc. de cien. med., Valencia, 1900, ii, 161-163. — Guladze (I. S.) Sluchal sifiliticheskavo shankra na lbu. [Syphilitic chancre on forehead.] Med. Sbornik Varshav. Ujazd. voyenn. hosp., Varshava, 1896, ix, 55-60.-----. Yeshtsho sluchal vnlepqlovovo sifllisa. [Another case of extra- genital syphilis.] Ibid., 1900, xiii, no. 2-3, pt. 3,1-3. Also, transl: Dermat. Centralbl., Berl.,1901-2, v, 354-356.— Gutzeit. Der syphilitische Primiiraffect der Augapfel- bindehaut. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien & Leipz., 1904, lxix, 349-362, 1 pl.—Haggard (W. D.) Luetic ul- cer of the ankle. South. Pract., Nashville, 1909, xxxi, 162-164.—Hahn (R.) Ueber extragenitale Primaraf- fekte. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1893-4, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1896, iv, 481-517.—Hallopeau (H.) Sur un chancre geant du menton. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph.. Par., 1910,xxi,324.—Hallopeau (H.) & Bain- ville (F.) Chancre probable de la caroncule, cons6cu- tif a un chancre de la verge; eruption syphilitique secon- daire. Ibid., 1909, xx, 73.—Hallopeau (H.) & Jo- mier. Sur un chancre vcgetant du menton. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 136. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1903, xiv, 45.—Hallo- peau (H.) & Bailliet. Sur un chancre de la paupiere inferieure. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1907, xviii, 394.—Hallopeau ^H.) & Trastour. Sur un chancre indure sourcilier consecutif a une morsure. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, 4. s., i, 1153.—Ha- monic (P.) Contamination syphilitique par un chan- cre indure de retour. Rev. clin. d'androl. et dc gvnec, Par., 1899, v, 193-199.—van Harlint;en (O.) Extra- genital chancre. Phila. Polyclin., 1893, ii, 249.—Has- lund (A.) Om den extragenitale Chankre, dens Hyp- pighed og dens Betydning for Forl0bet af Syphilis. [The extragenital chancre, its frequency and its significance for the spread of syphilis.] Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1899, 4. R., vii, 53; 85. [Discussion], 190. Also, transl: Eira, Stockholm, 1899, xxiii, 105-110.—Havas (A.) Extrasre- nitalis syph. infectio egy esete. [A case of ... ] Buda- pesti k. orvosegy. 1892-iki evkonyve, 1893, 258.—Haw- thorne (C. O.) Extra-genital chancre followed by sec- ondary syphilis, including iritis and facial paralysis; ex- treme susceptibility to mercury. Polyclin., Lond., 1902, vi, 477-480.—Hebert (A.) Chancre indure hypertro- phique de la joue gauche. Normandie med., Rouen, 1904, xix, 479. ——. Chancre syphilitique du front. Ibid., 1907, xxii, 329. Also: Rev. m6d. de Normandie, Rouen, 1907, viii, 225. -----. Chancre indur6 de la joue transmis par un barbier. Normandie med., Rouen, 1907, xxii, 330. Also: Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1907, viii, 226.—Heidingsleld (M. L.) Dual genital and extragenital chancres; chancre a distance. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxviii, 261.—Heisler (I.) Extragenitahs syphilis-infectio ujabb esetei. [Additional cases of ... 1 Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1892, xxxvi, 410-413. Also, transl. JAbstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1893, xxix, 97-102.—Hepburn (N. J.) Hunterian chancre of ca- Syphilis (Extragenital chancres in). runcle, right eye. Tr.'Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1910, ix, 383.—Herzleld (A.) Seltene Localisation eines lue- tischen Primiiraffectes. Dermat. Centralbl., Leipz., 1906, ix, 131.—Heuss (E.) Zwei Fiille von extragenitaler Initialsklerose. MouaMi. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb.. 1896, xxii, 458-463. —I lottmann (E.) Ueber einen Fall von zum Teil gangriinosen Chancres mixtes an Lippe und Zunge mit spiiter auftretendem Pseudochan- cre am Unterarni. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1905, xii, 191-199, 1 pl. —Houdart. Trois cas de chancre a lVeil. Rec. d'opht., Par., 1909, 3. s., xxxi, 344-355.— Ilorwitz (O.) A rare case of chancre. Coll. & Clin. Hoc, Phila., 1899, xx, 22.— Huber (A.) Extragenitahs syphilis-infectio; sclerosis az all alatt. [...sclerosis of the chin.J Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1899, xliii, 23.— Hutchinson (J.) Chancres on the lip supposed to have been contracted at a barber's shop. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1896, vii, 57.—Isaak (II.) Demonstration eines Falles extragenitaler Syphilis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1606.—Ivaiiyi (K.j Extragcnitalis syphiiis- infectio 138 ujabb esete. [One hundred and thirty-eight new cases of ... ] Bor- es bujak6rt., Budapest, 1902, li- lt. Also, transl: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1902, xxxviii, 417-422. -----. Extragenitalis syphilis-infectio, ketoldali emlosklerosis. [. . . bilateral sclerosis of the breast.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906, 1, 243. -----. One hundred and thirty-eight cases of extra-genital syphilis infection. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 269-271. -----. Extragenitalis syphilis-infectio 157 ujabb esete. [One hundred and fifty-seven new cases of . . .] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1910, vi'ii, 277. Also, transl: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1910, xlvi, 186.— Jacobson (W. H. A.) Five cases of digital chancres occurring in medical men. Guy's Hosp. Rep. 1893, Lond., 1894, 1, 49-90, 3 pl.—Jacqueau. Chancre syphilitique de la paupiere. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1898), 1899, xxxviii, pt. 2,25-28.—Jeanselme (E.) Les chancres du menton. Rev.gen. declin. etde therap., Par., 1903, xvii, 661. -----. Des chancres extra-genitaux. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1906, lxxix, 627-632. -----. Chancre extra-genital; balano-posthite; traitement. J. de med. int., Par., 1907, xi, 52. -----. Chancre mou primitif du doigt. Bull, med., Par., 1909, xxiii, 657-659. -----. Sy- philis extra-genitale. Rev. gen. de clin. et de th6rap., Par., 1909, xxiii, 738-740.—Jocqs (R.) Chancre syphili- tique de l'angle externe des paupieres chez un enfant de 28 mois. Clin, opht., Par., 1900, vi, 130.—Jullien. Chan- cres syphilitiques des deux amygdales contractes par la succion des seins. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1897, 3. s., viii, 275-277. Also: Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1897, viii, 98-100.—Kaiser (M.) Extrageni- talis syphilis infectio harom esete. [Th ree cases of extra- genital syphilis infection.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1894, xxxiv, 235. Also,transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894, xxx, 784.—Kain (J.) Extragenitalis sy- philis infecti6 esetei. [Cases of . . .] Gy6gyaszat, Buda- pest, 1898, xxxviii, 524. Also, transl: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1898, iii, 879.—Karshin (A. A.) Tri sluchaya vnlepolovovo zarazheniya sifilisom. [Three cases of ex- trasexual syphilitic infection.] Vrach. gaz., S.-Peterb., 1901, viii,827.—Kingsbury (J.) Clinical notesonsyph- ilis: labial chancres. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 1863. Also, Reprint. Also: 3. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 356. Also, Reprint. -----. Case of Fordyce's disease with labial chancre. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito- Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1908, xii, 383. -----. Case of relaps- ing labial chancre. Ibid. ,384. -----. Chancre of the lip. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1911, xxix, 602. -----. Chancre of the cheek. Ibid., 1912, xxx, 26.—Kirkpat- rick (R. C.) A case of labial chancre from a cigar. N. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 745— Klausner (E.) Zur Kasuis- tik der extragenitalen Luesinfektion. Prag. med. Wchn- schr., 1910, xxxv, 272.—Knowles (F. C.) Extragenital and urethral chancre; report of five cases, including one with multiple lesions of the breast. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1906, xlvi, 1351.—Kobner(H.) Zwei Fiille von syphilitischen Primaraffecten mit abnormem Sitz, bezw. Verlauf; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Prophylaxe der Syphi- lisiibertragung durch Eheschliessung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, 221-224—Koenig (C. J.) An error in diagnosis maintained by microscopi- cal examination. N.York M.J. [etc.], 1909, xc, 310.— Kopytowski (W.) Szankier na palcuu reki i dymie- nica gruczolulokciowego. [Chancre of finger and bubo of nipple] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1894, xv, 588-590.— Kowalewski. Ueber Primilr-Affekt am Lid mit De- monstration von Spirochaeten. Verhandl. d. Berl. ophth. Gesellsch. 1905, Leipz., 1906,12.—Krause (F.) Ueberden syphi litischen Primiiraffekt an der Ohrmuschel. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1911, Iii, 281-302.—Krechu- nesko (K. N.) Sluchal vnlepolovavo zarazheniya sifi- lisom. [Extragenital svphilitic infection.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1901, pt. 2, 178-188—La- grange. Chancresyphilitique de la paupiere chez un enfant. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . .. de Bordeaux, 1901, xxii, 198.—La iUciisa (N.) Sulla frequenza delle lesioni erosive sifilitiche alia mucosa orale e sulla rarita di esse lesioni ai genitali muliebri relativemente alia fre- :06 SYPHILIS. SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Extragenital chancres in). quenza dei sifilomi alia verga. Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod., Catania, 1900, i, 239-212. -----. Un caso raro di si- filomaallaspalla; contributo clinico. Gazz. internaz. di med.,Napoli, 1910, xiii,245.—Lavergne (F.)&Perrin (L.) Contribution a l'etude des chancres extra-genitaux. Ann. d. dermat. et syph., Par., 1884, 2. s., v, 332; 380.— Lavielle. Chancre primitif du nasopharynx infecte. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1911, xii, 615.—Lego (F. E.) Cancros svphiliticos, extragenitaes. Rev. portugueza de med. e cirurg. prat., Lisb., 1897-8, ii, v. 1, 200-203.—Le Beuf (L. G.) A few notes on obscure cases of syphilis, with relation of two cases of extra-genital chancre. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. Orl., 1900, 294-301. Also: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1900-1901, liii, 24-30.—Ledermann (R.) Kasu- istische Mitteilungen iiber extragenitale und familiiire Syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1910, c," 401-414.—Lelkin (S.) Tvyordiy shankr slizistol obolochki nosa. [Hard chancre of the nasal mucosa.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i. Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1909, xviii, 25.—Leiner (C.) Syphilis extragenitally acquired by children. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1909, xiii, 209-211.—Lejars (F.) Double chancre syphi- litique, par morsure, de la face dorsale du pouce et de l'index. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, iv, 138-141. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, 3. s., iv, 273-277.—Lenz (J.) Ctyri pfipady extragenital- ni pfijice. [Four cases of extragenital syphilis.] Casop- lek. Cesk., v Praze, 1895, xxxiv, 645; 664. -----. Fiinf Fiille extragenitaler Syphilis. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1896,x,69; 91; 113.—Leoz(G.) Un caso clinico de chancro palpebral sifllitico. Siglomed.,Madrid, 1905,lii,283.—Lo- movitski (P. F.) Sluchal pervichnavo skleroza verkh- nelgubi. [Primary sclerosis of the upperlip.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1905, x, 30.—Lucas- Championniere (P.) Surlechancreamygdalien. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1911, lxxxii, 409.—Lubbers. Grosses abheilendes syphilitisches Geschwiir im rechten Recessus piriformis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1912, xxxviii, 246. — Lustgarten. Syphili- tic affection of the upper lip. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Svph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 306-309.—McBonagh (J. E. R.) & Potter (C.) Chancre of the tongue. Proc Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Dermat. Sect., 51—Mainul- yants (S.) K kazuistikle vnlepolovikh sifilitieheskikh shankrov. [Nonsexual svphilitic chancre.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 847. — ManaseKn (M. P.) K voprosu o vnlepolovom sifilisle. [Nonsexual syphilis.] Russk. med. vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1899, i, no. 19, 14-17.— Marchildon (J. W.) Some examples of extragenital •yphilis. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1911-12, viii, 149- 151.—Marlow (F. W.) Primary chancre of conjunctiva followed ten years later by interstitial keratitis of the same eye. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1904, xiii, 113.—Mar- tinez Bominguez (M.) Infecci6n bucal sifilitica primitiva. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1910, xv, 725-727.—MaslennikoiT (I. I.) RIedkiy sluchal per- vichnavo sifiliticheskavo zatverdleniya v vokrug-rogo- vichnol chasti soyedinitelnol obolochki (limbus con- junctivae bulbi) sposlledovatelnimrazvitiyem obshtshavo zarazheniya. [Rare case of primary syphilitic indura- tion of the . . . with subsequent development of general infection.] Vrach. gaz., S.-Peterb., 1901, viii, 825-827 — Massia. Chancre de l'oreille externe. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1911, x, 513-515.—Meade (J. N.) A case of hard chancre of upper lip; supposed source of inoculation. Brit. M. J., Lond.,1902, ii, 1648.—Meleshko (R. F.) K kazuistikle vnlepolovikh shankrov. [Extra- genital chancres.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1911, xxi, 40-49. —Menzel (K. M.) Zur Kenntnis des harten Schankers in der Nasenhohle. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lix, 365-370.—Merle (P.) Chancre de la conjonctive. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 267-271.—Mewborn (A. D.) Initial lesion of the eyelid. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1905, xxiii, 167. -----. Chancre of the gums. Ibid.. 1907, xxv, 184.— Milian. Chancre tubereuleux du menton. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii, 342.— Minassian (P.) Trenta casi di sifilomi extragenital! fra cui due sifilomi del naso. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1906, xiv, 409-422, 1 pl. -----. Spirocheta pal- lida e sifilomi extragenitali. Ibid., 1907, xlvi, 225-230.— Minelli (P.) Contribuzione statistico-clinica dei sifi- lomi extragenitali. Gazz. med. cremonese, Cremona, 1895, xv, 165; 240.—Miron (G. S.) Trel casurl de sifilis extra-genital. Presa med. rom., Bucuresci, 1899-1900, vi, 71; 88; 106; 122. -----. Un caz de sifilis extragenital in legatura cu sifilis ignorat. [Case of extragenital syphilis in connection with unrecognized syphilis.] Ibid., 1902, viii, 148-150. -----. Cue petite epidemie desyphilisextra- genitale. Ibid., 353-356 — Montgomery (D. W.) The location of extragenital chancres. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. 3yph.,N.Y..1905.xxiii.312-355.— Morax. Chancresyphi- litique de la conjonctive bulbaire. Clin.opht.,Par.,1900, vi, 83.—MoreI-Lavall€e (A.) Deux observations de chancresextraKenitaux. Ann. dedermat. et svph., Par., 1887, 2. s., viii. 701-704. -----. Releve des chancres extra- fSnitaux. Ibid., 18*8, 2. s., ix. 375-3*2.—Morrow (P. .) Case of syphilis with unusual location of the primary Syphilis (Extragenital chancres in). lesion upon the hard palate. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1893, xi, 408. -----. Notes on syphilis; syphi- loma of the nose of unusual form and evolution; the di- agnostic value of syphilitic cicatrices; extra-genital chancres, prognostic significance of; professional svphilis. Ibid., 1896, xiv, 125-140. Also, Reprint.—Moskaleff (N. A.) O shesti sluchayakh vnlepolovavo zarazheniya sifilisom. [Six cases of syphilitic infection not on the sexual organs.] Protok. russk. sif. i dermat. Obsh. 1892-3, St. Petersb., 1894, viii, 105-120. -----. Domovaya epide- miya sifilisa; tri sluchaya shankra zleva. [House epi- demic of svphilis; three cases of chancre of the throat.] Ibid., St. Petersb., 1896-7, xii, 41-50.—Mracek (F.) All- gemeine recente Syphilis; Ikterus aus acuter gelber Le- beratrophie; extragenitale Infection; Exitus letalis. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1898, Wien u. Leipz 1900, vii, pt. 2, 227-Nakagawa (H.) [A case of hard chancre of the frontal region.] Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1905, xxiv, no. 279, pt. 2,25.—Neuberger. Ueber ex- tragenitale Syphilisinfektion. Sitzungsb. d. aerztl. Ver. Niirnb. 1901, Munchen, 1902, 3.—Neuhaus. Seehs Falle von extragenitaler Syphilis-Infektion. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1899, xxviii, 616-622.—INeumann (I.) Der extragenitale syphilitische Primiiraffect in seiner klinischen und volkshygienischen Bedeutung. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1902, xiv, 17; 25. Also: Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl., Wien, 1902, xxxvii. 57-59. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xv, 1001-1006. -----. Ueber ungewfihn- lichen Sitz des Primaraffectes an der Haut und Schleim- haut. Wien. med. Presse, 1902, xliii, 401-409. —Neu- mann (J. ) Extragenitale Sclerosen. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1892, xxxvii, 304; 315.—Newman (E. D.J Syphilis as a non-venereal disease. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1911, xv, 67-71.—Nicolas. Chancres syphilitiques extra-genitaux multiples; chan- cres du menton et de la voute palatine. Lyon med., 1906, cvi, 905-909.—IN icolas (J.) & Jambon (A.) Chancres multiples du menton et de la levre inf6rieure pouvant simuler l'epitheiioma. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1909, viii, 369-371. Also: Lyon med., 1909, cxiii, 975 — Nicolas (J.) & Lannois. Chancre de l'oreille externe. Lyon med., 1911, cxvii, 967-969.—Nicolas (J.) & Mou tat (H.) Chancresextra-genitaux multiples et successifs (deux chancres de la langue; un chancre de la voute palatine; un chancre du dos de la main; un chancre de la levre inferieure). Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 189-192.— de la Niece (C.) Un cas de chancre indure du coude. Ann. dedermat. etsyph., Par., 1886, 2. s., vii, 225-227.— Nieppe. Chancre syphilitique du pouce. Ann. d. mal. v6n., Par., 1910, v, 287. -----. Chancres indurts succes- sifs et multiples du ventre. Ibid., 446.—Nobl (G.) Fehldiagnosen extragenitaler Primaraffekte und ihre Folgen. Wien. med. Presse, 1904, xiv, 801; 861.—©k- mann-Bttmesnil(A. H.) Double chancre a distance. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1892, lxiii, 9-18. Also, Reprint. -----. A ca«e of multiple chancres. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1900, xvii, 73-75. -----. Twenty-five cases of extra-genital chancre observed in 1897, i898, and 1899. St. Louis M. & S.J., 1900, lxxix, 289-296. -----. Two cases of chancre of the groin. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri 1900, St. Louis, 1901, 114-118. [Discussion], 133. -----. Fifteen cases of extra-genital chancre observed in 1900, 1901, and 1902. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1904, lxxxvi, 281-291. -----. Syphilis as a non-venereal disease. Med. Fortnightlv, St. Louis, 1910, xxxviii, 389-395.—Omatsu (S.) [Re- marks on chancre of the eye.] Nippon Gankwa Gaku- kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1900, iv, 901-941.—Onishi (K.) |A case of chancre of the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid.] Ibid., 1901, v, 1290-1304.—Ormond (A. W.) Primary chancre of retro-tarsal fold of upper lid. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1900-1901, xxi, 3-5.—Owsley (F. D.) Report of two cases, in one of which the initial sclerosis of syphilis was situated on the tonsil, and in the other on the tongue. Chicago M. Recorder, 1893, iv, 260-264. Also: N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1893, v, 118-122.—P ... Ein Fall von extragenitaler Syphilis. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1896, x, 115.—Pacyna (J.) Przypadek rzadkiej siedziby kilowego wrzodu pierwotnego. [Rare localization of the first stage of syphilis.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1906, xiv, 456.—Panyrek (D.) Neobydejny^ pfipad extragenitalni nepfime nakazy pfijici. [Rare case of extragenital non- primary infectious svphilis.] L6k. rozhledy, Praha, 1903, xi, 390-394.—Papegaey. De la multiplicite du chancre syphilitique. J. de med. de Par., 1905, 2. s., xvii, 593.— Paronnagian. Initial lesion of the lower lip; naevus unius lateris. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1911, xxix, 235.—Patterson (F. D.) Extra-genital chancre; infec- tion from a barber. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1905, 3. s., xxi, 740. Also, Reprint.—Pavloff (P. A.) Sluchal poslle- dovatelnikh gigantskavo i mnozhestvennikh tvyordikh shankrov zhivota. [Consecutive giant and multiple hard chancres of the abdomen.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1909, xviii, 60-75,1 pl. Also, transl: Ann. d. mal. v6n., Par., 1909, iv, 881-887.—Payenne- ville. Chancre de la joue chez une femme. Norman- die m6d., Rouen, 1911, xxvii, 103— PelagattI (MA Os- servazioni sul sifiloma iniziale extragenitale. Rendic. d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, 1900, i, 113-120.-Pergola (M.) SYPHILIS. 407 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Extragenital chancres in). Sifilomi estragenitaliosservati nel dispensario enellacli- nica dermositilopatica di Siena dal 1884 al 1906. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1906, 4. s., xviii, 119-131.— Pernet(G.) Chancres de l'amygdale meconnus. Ann.d. mal. ven., Par., 1910, v, 204-206. -----. A lecture on extra- genital chancres. Clin. J. Lond., 1909-10, xxxv, 374- 378.—Perrin (L.) Des chancres extra-genitaux. Mar- seille med., 1905, xiii, 734-736.—Petges. Chancre syphi- litique hypertrophique au dos de la main; gros reins blancs. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxxv, 861.— Picker (R.) Vegbeikank6 ferfinal, mint a hrigycsc- kank6 szovodmenyeinek kovetkezmenye. [Chancre of the rectum in a male as a sequel of chancre of the ure- thra.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1905, xlix, 874; 898.— Pistoj (F.) Sifiloma iniziale all' angolo interno dell' occhio destro. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1907, xiii, 301.—Polrier. Chancre extragenital rare. Soc. beige de dermat. et de syph. Bull., Brux., 1901-2, ii, 110- 112.—Poli (G.) Su di un nuovo caso di sifiloma iniziale dell' orlo della palpebra superiore. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1911, xl, 107-112—Posey (VV. C.) Syphilitic ulcer of the eyelid. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1902, xi, 136, 1 pl.— PrlesnyakofT. Shankr bolshavo paltsa pravol ruki. [Chancre of the right thumb.] Med .pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1905, 143-145.—Priestly (J.T.) Extra-genital chancre. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1x94, xvi, 164.—Pttchkovski (A. M.) K kazuistikle tvyor- davo shankra polosti rta. [Chancre of the mouth.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1907, ccxviii, med.-spec. pt.," 686-691.—Pujol (E.) Chancres syphilitiques extra- genitaux; de l'eminence thenar, de la levre, de l'ceil, de l'amygdale; prophylaxie. Bull.med., Par., 1902, xvi, 59.— Pusateri (S.) Ueber Primaraffekte am Nasenseptum; Sammelreferat. Internat. Centralbl. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1907, v, 461-464.—Q»ueyrat (L.) Multiplicite des chan- cres svphilitiques; chancres bi-polaires. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hdp. de Par., 1903, 3. s., xx, 915-917. -----. Deux chancres syphilitiques, l'un du fourreau, l'autre de la levre inferieure, chez un souffleur de verre; retard de quinze jours dans l'apparition du chancre labial; hy- potheses permettant d' expliquer cette difference de dates d'apparition; deductions prophylactiques au point de vue de la profession du malade. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, xv, 12-15. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, 4. s., v, 57-60.—Queyrat (L.) & Jolivet. Adeno-phlegmon du cou consecutif a un chancre syphilitique de la levre superieure; pheno- menes graves; guerison. Bull.et mem. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1907, 3. s., xxiv, 573-575.—Queyrat (L.) & Pinard (M.) Chancre simple de la levre (constatation du bacille de Ducrey; inoculation positive). Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1909, 3.s., xxvi, 370-372.— Bajat. Chancres extra-genitaux. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1907-8, xiii, 235.—Ramazzotti (V.) Ulcera venerea extragenitale. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1911, xlvi, 415-419, 1 pl.—Ramognini (P.) Contributo alio studio dei sifilomi iniziali della pituitaria. Ibid., 1907, xiii, 287-300.—Bapiport (L. R.) Ulcus in- duratum digiti secundi. Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1907, xiv, 387.—Beiss (W.) Zwei Fiille seltener Localisation des syphilitischen Initialaffectes. Wien. med. Presse, 1901, xiii, 1449; 1455.— Benault (A.) Importance du temperament dans la production des accidents syphili- tiques de la bouche; indications prophylactiques qui en decoulent. Nel xxv anno d' insegu. univ. d. Prof. D. Barduzzi 1886-1910, Livorno, 1911, 431-436. -----. Chan- cre syphilitique de la partie laterale droite du cou; par- ticularites cliniques. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, 3. s., iii, 1275-1277. Also: Bull. Soc. franc de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1892, iii, 609-511. -----. Chan- cre syphilitique de la voute palatine. Bull. Soc franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1907, xviii, 300.— Renault (A.) & Gnenot. Un enorme chancre du menton du au rasoir. Ibid., 1909, xx, 144.— Respighi (E.) Triplo sifiloma iniziale estrageni- tale. Boll. Soc. med. pisana, 1894-5, i, 25-28.— Resseguie (F. J.) Extragenital chancre. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1911, xi, 372.—Rey. Treize chancres simples extra-genitaux chez un galeux. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1897. ix, 91. Also: Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1898, iv, 236.—Richard (G.) Des chancres syphilitiques extra-genitaux. Rev. internat. de m6d. et de chir. prat., Par., 1895, xi, 448-452. — Rigdon (R. L.) A clinical case of extragenital chancre (recto-anal) with intense secondary eruption. Pacific Rec. M. & S., San Fran., 1897-8, xii, 394.—Rille (J.) Zwei Fiille mit ex- tragenitaler Initialsklerose. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xi, 160.—Ring IH. W.) Case of chancre of right upper lid. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1892, xiii, 635.—Robbins (H.A.) Non-venereal syphilis. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 577-594.—Roche (C.) Chancre indure de la conjonctive. Marseille med., 1908, xiv, 585-587.— Roche (F.) Sept chancres extra-genitaux. Ibid., 1898, xxxv, 353-358. — Rodier (H.) Chancre syphiliti- ue necrogene de la levre superieure avec elimination 'un gros sequestre maxillaire. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1905, xvii, 401^06. Also: Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1905, xii, 198-203. — Kohmer. Chancres syphili- Syphilis (Extragenital chancres in). tiques des paupieres inferieures. Soc. de m6d. de Nancv. C.-r., 1900-1901, Proc.-v., 100.—Bolleston (J. DA Acase of intranasal chancre simulating nasal diphtheria. Lan- cet, Lond., 1906, i, 1682.—Rollet (E.) Caracteres clini- ques du chancresyphilitique de la conjonctive bulbaire. Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1904, xxiii, 97-102, 1 pl.—Rol- let (E.) & Grand-Clement (L.) Chancre syphiliti- que de la paupiere inferieure chez une enfant de sept ans. Lyon med., 1911, cxvii, 651.—Bona (S.) Extragenitalis syphilis infectio esete; sclerosis a bal csipd tajan. [A case of. .. sclerosis in the region of the left hip.] Bu- dapesti k. orvosegy. 1891-iki evk6nyve, 1892, 210-212.— Rosenthal (M.) Extragenital chancres. Am. J. Der- mat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1911, xv. 117-119.— Rouvillois (H.) Chancre svphilitique de la conjonc- tive bulbaire. Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1909, xxviii, 289- 296. —Rozenkvist (A.I.) Nleskolko rledkikh slu- chayev vniepolovovo zarazheniya sifilisom. [Some rare cases of extragenital svphilitic infection.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1901, lvi, 302-312. -----. Rtedkiy sluchal vnlepo- lovavo zarazheniya sifilisom. [Rare case of syphilitic infection outside the sexual organs.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1899, xx, 244-246. — Sainz de 4 ja. Chancro sifllitico, profesional, del pulgar. Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1910, iii, 217-219.—Sanz y Blanco (F.) Chancro sifllitico en la conjuntivabulbar. Arch, deoftal. Hispano-Am., Madrid, 1901, i, 32. -----. Un caso raro de chancro sifllitico ocu- lar. Rev.especm6d. La oto-rino-laringol.espafi..Madrid, 1901, iv, 29-31. —Sarda. Chancre simple du perinee sur des applications de sangsues. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1900, xii, 83.—Sato (S.) Josunkuisonoitjikanshao mishite kumiaho ni itaru. [Syphilitic ulcer of the upper lip.] Jundendo Ijikuken Kwaihoko, Tokio, 1893, no. 147,1-6.—Sauvage. Notes sur un cas rare d'infection syphilitique avec chancre extra-genital. Gaz. med. du centre. Tours, 1912, xvii, 13.—Sauvineau. Chancre syphilitique de la conjonctive bulbaire. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1906, cxxxv, 390-395. Also: Rec. d'opht., Par., 1906, 3. s., xxviii, 86-90. -----Note additionnelle relative au malade atteint de chancre de la conjonctive bulbaire. Rev. d'opht., Par., 1906, 3. s., xxviii, 241.—Schamberg (J. F.) Acase of chancre of the anus. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1908, xxvi, 478. -----. An epidemic of chancres of the lip from kissing. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1911, lvii, 783.—Scherber (G.) Die extragenitale Syphilis. Ztschr. f. Bekiimpf. a. Geschlechtskrankh., Leipz., 1908, viii, 159-179.—Schnabel (J.) Ein Fall von extragenitaler Syphilisinfektion. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1902, xxviii, 326. -----. Ein Fall von syphilitischem Initialaffect auf der vorderen Bauch- wand. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xl, 622. -----. Ueber extragenitale Syphilis. Ibid., 1904, li, 588.— Schreiber (E.) Ueber extragenitale Svphilis. Aerztl. Prax., Wiirzb., 1898, xi, 209-211.—de Schweinitz (G. E.) Later history of a previously reported chancre of the conjunctiva. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1911, xx, 445.— Sedziak (J.) O pierwotnem stwardnieniu przymioto- wem (ulcus induratum syphiliticum) w jamie ustnej, gardzieli, nosie i uszakh. [. . . in the mouth, pharynx, nose, and ears.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1901, 2. s., xxi, 561- 568.—See (M.) Chancres syphilitiques a sieges insolites. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1904, xvi, 267-272.—Sele- new (J. P.) Extragenitale Primaraffekte. Monatschr. f. Harnkr. u. sex. Hyg., Leipz., 1906, iii, 249-256.— Selig- sohn. Demonstration eines Falles von Primar-Affekt d es Augenlides. Verhandl. d. Berl. ophth. Gesellsch. 1905, Leipz., 1906, 8.—Shetkiy (N. V.) Tvyordiy shankr nizhnyavo vleka. [Hard chancre of the lower eyelid.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1904, vii, 606 — Shnitkind (E. R.) Sluchal vniepolovovo sifllisa (shankr yagodits). [Nonsexual syphilis (chancre of the buttock).] Ibid., viii, 52.—Shoemaker (W. T.) Chan- cre of the eyelid. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1911, xx, 444. -----. A case of chancre of the eyelid, with a demonstra- tion of the spirochteta pallida. Ibid., 644-546.—Siegel (J.) Experimentelle Studien iiber Svphilis. Centrabl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xliii, Orig., 456; 569, 1 pl.—Siems (C.) & Bajat (H.) Chancre syphilitique des fosses nasales. Bull. Soc, med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1907, vi, 270. Also: Bull, de larvngol., otol. et rhinol., Par., 1907, x, 277. Also: Lyon med., 1907, cix, 584-586.—Sitt- lomas primarios extragenitales de localizaci6n ins61ita. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1897, xxiii, 332-336.— Simioneseu (F.) Un cas de chancre simple du pharynx. Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhinol., Par., 1909, xii, 25-27.—Simonelli (F.) Due casi rari di sifiiide extragenitale. Atti d. r. Accad. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1907, xix, 371-379.—Smith. A case of initial lesion of the lip. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 38.—Smith (E. D.) Extragenital chancre. N. York M. J., 1896, lxiii, 751.—Snell (S.) The after-history of a case of extra-genital syphilis; chancre at the inner canthus; in- terstitial keratitis in the patient and in one of her chil- dren. Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 1718.—Soobshtsheniy o vnlepolovikh zarazheniyakh sifilisom. [Syphylitic ul- cers in parts other than the genitals.] Protok. russk. sif. i dermat. Obsh. 1892-3, St. Petersb., 1894, viii, 215-245.— Sourdille (G.) Le chancresyphilitique de la conjonc- SYPHILIS. 408 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Extragenital chancres in). tive bulbaire. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1900, xx, 113-126.— Spillniann (L.) Deux cas de chancres syphilitiques multiples; un cas de chancre syphilitique du tronc; gommes syphilitiques au bout de 50 ans de syphilis; syphilides ulcereuses des jambes chez une heredo-syphi- litique. M6m. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1907-8, 244-246.— Sprecher (F.) Contributo alio studio del sifiloma ini- ziale extragenitale. Internat. phot. Monatschr. f. Med., Munchen, 1899, vi, 217-219.—Strominger (L.) Sancru sifilitic ipogastric [Hypogastric svphilitic chancre.] Spitalul, BucurescI, 1906, xxvi, 189-191.—Sturgis (F. R ) On extra-genital chancres. Am. Specialist, Phila., 1881, ii, 65-67. — Taylor (G. G. S.) & Mackenna (A. W.) Three cases of extra-genital chancre. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1908, n. s., lxxxvi, 477. — Terrien (F.) Etude sur le chancre syphilitique del'oeil. Progresmed., Par., 1904, 3. s., xx, 145-149.—Texier (V.) & Malherbe (H.) Syphilis bucco-pharyngee; chancres multiples et successifs. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1905, xxxi, 356-361. Also: 3. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1905, xvii, 496-501. — Thiblerge (G.) Chancre syphilitique du menton. Bull, med., Par., 1896, x, 305- 307.-----. Les chancres peri-genitauxet extra-genitaux. J. demed.int.,Par., 1902, vi,235-238.—Thrasher (A. B.) Primary chancre of the tonsil. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass., N. Y., 1911, 216-222.—To wie (H. P.) Primary lesion of the chin. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 311.—Trantas. Bourrelet perikeratique svphilitique. Arch, d'opht, Par., 1911, xxxi, 320-325. — Truffl (M.) Sopra alcuni casi di sifiiide per contagio extragenitale. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano, 1899, xxi, 1-15.—Tsat- skin (A. V.) Tvyordiy shankr verkhnyavo vleka. [Chancre of the upper lip.] Russk. Vracli, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 939. — Ullmann (K.) Ueber das Vorkom- men von extragenitalen welchen Schankergeschwuren. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1902, Iii, 1241; 1298; 1366; 1415; 1456.—Uruefia (J. G.) Chancros sifiliticos extrageni- tales. Escuela de med., Mexico, 1909, xxiv, 366-369.— Vajda (V.) Extragenitalis syphilis-infectio Ujabb ese- tei. [New cases of extragenital syphilis infection.] Gy6- gyaszat, Budapest, 1896, xxxvi, 114.— Valin. Deux ob- servations de chancres syphilitiques extra-genitaux. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1899, xxviii, 467-472.— Van Harlingen (A.) The diagnosis of non-venereal syphilis in its early stages. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1898, vii, 846-848. — Van they (P.) Veroles et adenites geniennes (adenites de Poncet). Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1895, lxviii, 573. -----. Deux localisations peu frlquentes du chancre infectant. Province med., Lyon, 1895, ix, 122-124.—Vazquez (Elena L.) Un caso de chancro sifl- litico de la conjuntiva bulbar. Arch, de oftal. Hispano- Am„ Barcel., 1908, viii, 469-472. Also: Rev. med. de Se- villa, 1908, li, 353-357 .— Vedel & Belmas. Chancres syphilitiques extragenitaux. Montpel. m6d., 1906, xxiii, 618-621. — Venot. Deux cas de chancre cephalique. Mem. tt bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1875, 96-98. — Vignolo-Lutati (C.) Sifilomi extragenitali; un caso di sifiloma iniziale della narice. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1903, xxxviii. 151-162.—Villemonte de La Clergerie. Chancre syphilitique de la conjonc- tive bulbaire droite. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1910, xxx, 43- 46. — Walker (N.) Extra-genital chancre. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1905-6, n. s., xxv, 125. — Wallace (J. R.) Primary chancre of the anus in a newly-born in- fant, followed by definite secondary symptoms in both mother and child within thirtv days of delivery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1897, xii, 390. — Washburn (F. H.) Extra-genital primary syphilis; a report of six cases oc- curring in country practice. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 300-302. — Weber (F.) Ein Fall von Ulcus durum des Oberlides. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1901, xliv, Ergnzngshft., 173-177. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1902, xxxi, 521-524. — Weiner (E.) Az extragenitalis syphilis infecti6k. [The infections of ex- tragenital syphilis.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897, xii, 390; 402; 412; 423; 436. -----. Die extragenitalen Syphi- lisendemien in Ungarn. Janus, Amst., 1901, vi, 481- 484. — Weiner ( M. ) Extragenitalis syphilis fertoze- senek ritkabb esete. [ Avery rare case of extrageni- tal infection of syphilis.] Bor- es bujak6rt., Buda- pest, 1907, 42.—Weiss (L.) Zur Kenntnis des sy- philitischen Primaraffektes an der behaarten Kopf- haut. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 792. — Weit- laner (F.) Zur Verhutung einer bestimmten Art extra- genitalerSyphiliseinschleppung. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1903, xvii, 504.—Whiteside (G. S.) Extra-genital syph- ilitic chancre. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1903, xv, 194- 199. Also.Re-print.—Whitfleld(A.) A case of extra-geni- tal syphilis. West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1904, ix, 123-125.— Williams. Chancre of the tongue. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1911, xxix, 352.—Williams (C. M.) Four cases of chancre of the lip. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxvii, 290.—Williams (R.) Svphilis; extra-genital chancres. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1907, v, 307-309. Also: South. Calif. Pract, Los Angeles, 1905, xx, 546-549.— Witte (O.) Ueber extragenitale Primaraffecte. Allg. m.d. Centr.-Ztg. Berl., 1903, lxxii, 723-728.—Witte (P.) Wirksamkeit der Excision syphilitischer Primaraffekte. Syphilis (Extragenital chancres in). Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, lxxxv, 271-276.—Wolbarst (A. LA Extragenital chancres. N. York M. J. [ete.lt 1905, lxxxii, 436.—Wold* (B.) Extra-genital syphilis in some of its sociologic relations. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1898-9, iii, 367-369 — Wolfrum (M.) & Stimmel (F.) Zwei Fiille von Primiiraffekt der Bindehaut Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1910, xxiv, 141-150.—Wood (C.) Symposium on syphi- lis; extraocular syphilis. Illinois M.J..Springfield, 1909, xvi, 747.—Yanpolski (S. D.) K kazuistikle vniepolo- vovo zarazheniya sifilisom. [Caseof extrasexual syphi- litic infection.] Vrach. gaz., S.-Peterb., 1901, viii, 828.— YevdokimofffV. N.) Vnlepolovoye zarazheniye sifi- lisom. [Nonsexualsvphiliticinfection.] Russk. J. kozhn i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1909, xvii, 278.—"Vudin (K. A.) Ivyordiy shankr slizistol obolochki vleka. [Chancre of the palpebral conjunctiva.] Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1910, xxvii, 244-247.—Zaru bin (V.L) O vnlepolovom zarazhenii sifilisom. [Nonsexual syphilitic infection.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1907, xiii, 100; 181. Also, transl: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u Leipz., 1907, lxxxv, 293-322. Also, transl: Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1907, ii, 561-592.—von Zeissl (M.) Zwei Fiille von extragenitalen svphilitischen Primiiraffecten. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 633. — ZhebunefF (A. P.) Chetlre sluchaya vnlepolovol lokalizatsii sifiliticheskikh sklerozov. [Four cases of nonsexual localization of syph- ilitic sclerosis.] Voyenno-med. J.,St.Petersb.,1911,ccxxx, med.-spec. pt.,522-526.—Zirm (E.) Primaraffectdes Au- genlids. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh.,Leipz., 1901,xxv,85. Syphilis (Eye in). See, also, Choroid (Syphilis of); Conjunctiva (Syphilis of); Cornea (Syphilis of); Eye (Syphi- lis of); Iris (Syphilis of); Orbit (Syphilis of); Retina (Syphilis of); Sclera (Syphilis .of); Syphilis (Congenital, Eye in); Syphilis (Extra- genital chancres in); Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan (606) [Accidents and after-effects]; Uvea (Syphilis of); Vitreous (Syphilis of). Bertrand (P.-E.-M.-A.) *De la keratite neuro-paralytique de la syphilis. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908. Caillaud (M.) *Des injections intramuscu- laires d'huile au sublime' dans les affections ocu- laires. 8°. Parts, 1905. Charpentier (A.) * Relations entre les troubles des reflexes pupillaires et la syphilis; 6tude clinique et statistique. 8°. Paris, 1899. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1899. Etievant. Les lesions epeoifiques des pau- pieres. 8°. Lnion, [n. d.]. Ingelmann (E. [H. B.]) * Die syphilitischen Erkrankungen der Augenlider, nebst einem Beitrage. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Millet (H.) *Etude clinique sur 1'infiltra- tion gommeuse syphilitique de l'ceil. 8°. Lyon, 1907. Millet (J.) *La reilnite pigmentaire syphi- litique acquise; etude complete. 8°. Lyon, 1899. -----. Thesame. 8°. Paris, 1899. Silbersiepe (F.) * Beitrag zum Studium der Keratitis parenchymatosa auf luetischer Basis. Unter Zuhiilfenahme der Wassermannschen Reaktion. 8°. Berlin, 1908. Stammwitz ([G. A.] W.) * Beitrage zur Sta- tistik der syphilitischen Augenerkrankungen. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Terrien (F.) Syphilis de l'ceil et de ses annexes. 8°. Paris, 1905. Turcan (H.) Contribution a l'etude des gommes syphilitiques de l'iris. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Wandel (A. [K. W.]) *Die Keratitis paren- chymatosa bei acquirierter Lues. 8°. Breslau, 1903. Abadie (C.) Les injections mercurielles et les affec- tions oculaires dites parasyphilitiques. Bull, med., Par., 1904, xviii, 1135.—Abreu Fialho. Ueber eine ausge- dehnte luetische Erkrankung des Auges mit Mitbethei- ligung der Conjunctiva. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1901, Iii, 446-451,1 pl. Also, transl: Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1905, xix, 287-289.-----. Tratamento da syphilis (ocular) SYPHILIS. 40! Syphilis (Eye in). methodo de Prokhorow. Gaz. clin., S. Paulo, 1905, iii, 51_72.—Alonso (A. F.) Diagn6stico y tratamiento de la sifilis ocular. An. de oftal., Mexico, 1905-6, viii, 272; 301.—von Amnion. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Kera- titis interstitialis punctata specifica. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1901, xliv, 235-241.—Anargyros (E.) Keratite parenchymateuse double dans la syphilis acquise. Clin. opht., Par., 1905, xi, 54-56.-----. ILpi salvarsan (606) 'ev ri) 'o77. Also: Bull. d'ocul., Firenze, 1902, xxi, 17-25.—Laza re ff (Ye. G.l Pararspetsificheskoye sivorotochnoye lhcheniye v of- talmologii. [Parasyphilitic serumtherapy in ophthal- mology.] Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1909, xxvi, 995- 1005.—Leber (A.) Ueber die biologische Diagnostik spezifischer, insonderheit syphilitischer Augenerkran- kungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 1140.—Lemere (H. B.) Svphilitic affections of the eve. West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1903, viii, 85.—Leon Ortiz (G.) El spirochaete de Schaudinn en oftalmologia. Arch, de oftal. Hispano-Am., Barcel., 1911, xi, 70-77.—Levln- sohn (G.) Die Svphilis des Auges. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1911, viii, 3K-13.—Lotin (A. V.) K vo- prosu o gummoznikh opukholvakh skleri. [Gummataof the sclera.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb.. 1903, ii, 124V1250. Also: Vestnik of talmol., Kiev. 1903, xx,5.">s-564. Also,transl: Arch. f. Augenh.,Wiesb., 1904, 1, 218-232. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1908, xxxvii, 416-425 — Lyle (H. W.) Gumma of the iris. Practitioner, Lond., 1906, lxxvi, 388-391,1 pl.—MeCubbin (J. B.) Some eye affections and salversan. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1911, xxviii, 193-196—Maggi (F.) Sifilosclerosi delle palpe- bre. Clin, ocul., Palermo, 1903, 1513-1518.—Magnani (C.) Due casi rari di sifiiide oculare. Ibid., 1905,1953- 1958.—Mandonnet (L.) Keratite superficielle et sy- philis acquise. Am. d'ocul., Par., 1910, cxliii, 126-129.— Marin Amat (M.) Contribuci6n clinica al estudio de la queratitis intersticial en la sifilis adquirida. Arch, de oftal. Hispano-Am., Barcel., 1910, x, 313-32S.—Mark- breiter ( I. ) Gumma lueticum conjunctiva? esete, [Case.] Szemeszet, Budapest, 1904, 303-305.—Marshall (C. D.) Gumma of the conjunctiva. Ophth. Kec, Chi- cago,1898,vii,628-631. -----. Ocular syphilis. Syst.Syph- (Power & Murphy), Lond., 1910, v, 181-232. 14 pl.—Mar- tin (G.) (Tumeur conjonctivale ayant l'aspect d'une gomme. Mem. et bull. Soc de med. et chir. de Bi irdeaux (1901), 1902, 55—Maxey (E. E.) The diagnostic impor- tance of ocular manifestations of svphilis. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1912, n. s., iv, 54-57.—Mendel (F.) Ue)»er einen Fall von Keratitis diffusa elueacquisita. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1901, xxv, 10-13.—von Michel. Ueber syphilitische Augengefiiss-Veranderungen. Ver- handl. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1906, Leipz., 1907,19.—Miller (F. W ) Ocular syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x. 420-424.—Miller (G. V.) Twocases of gumma of the ciliary body. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 82.—Mochulski (V.) Sluchal gummoznol opukholi skleri. [Gumma of the sclerotic] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1898, exeii, med.-spec. pt., 1090-1093.—Motais. De la gravite de la syphilis a complications oculaires. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1904,3. s., li, 268-277— Mpistes (I.) Ilept Trjs irapeyxvfiariaSovt KaparoctSiTiSof en-i tt)s iiriK- tt;tov iAi£os. 'iaTpi/ci) 7rpoo6os, 'Ev 2upu>, 1904, ix, 353- 356.—Nacht (A.) Ehrlich-Hata 606 bei'syphilitischen Augenerkrankungen. Wchnschr. f. Therap. u. Hyg. d. Auges, Dresd., 1910-11, xiv, 69-72.—Nance (W.O.) Ehr- lich's 606; its therapeutic possibilities in ophthalmology. J. Ophth. & Oto-Laryngol., Chicago, 1910, iv, 469-471.— Narich (J.) Des gommes syphilitiques des paupieres. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1S05, xxv, 761-767.— Natanson (A. V.) Miliarniye bugorki vsoyedinitelnol obolochkle sifilitika. [Miliary tubercles in the conjunc- tiva of a syphilitic] Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1908, xxv, 129.—Nettleship (E.) Coloured drawing of fundus in a case of active syphilitic choroiditis disseminata with hazv vitreous, and probably some deep haze of retina. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1908-9, xxxix, 133,1 pl.—Niibi (N.) [A case of syphilitic conjunctivitis with- out granulations.] Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1901, v, 1085-10S7.—Oehapovski (S. V.) Salvar- san i glaz. [Salvarsan and the eve.] Vestnik oftalmol., Odessa, 1911, xxviii, 897-913. —Orlandini (O.) Con- tributo alio studio della istologia patologica nella sifiiide oculare. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1907, xlvi, 640- 556.—Panas. Des gommes du corps ciliaire.particuliere- ment de celles precoces. Arch, d'opht, Par., 1902, xxii, 485-493. -----. Episcierite svphilitique. Union med., Par., 1890, 3. s., xlix, 865-869—Parker (E. F.) Interest- ing manifestations of syphilis in the eye and throat; ulcers of the epiglottis, strabismus, and paralysis of ocular mus- cles. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii,463.—Parker (F. C.) Bilateral gumma of the orbits in a child eight years of age. Ann.Ophth.,St.Louis,1896,xv,233-236,2 pl—Parsons (J. H.) Two cases of gumma of the ciliary body. Roy. Lond. Ophth.Hosp.Rep.,Lond., 1899-1903,xv,pt.3, 292-295,1 pl.— Passetti (G.) Gommaulceratadel tarsoedellacongiun- tiva. Ann.di ottal.,Pavia,1908,xxxvii,700-710.-----. Sifi- lomi primitivimultiplidellepalpebre. ibid.,1911, xl,507- 512.—Pelagatti(M.) Manifestazionipapulosesifilitiche alia congiuntiva oculare. Rendic d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, 1904, v, 117-120— PeppnitlHer (F.) Syphilis des Auges. Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.] 1899, Wiesb., 1901. vi, Ergnzngsbd., 217-289. -----. Ein epibulbiirer svphilitischer Pseudotumor von typisch tu- berculoser Structur. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1900, xlix, SYPHILIS. 411 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Eye in). 303-338. -----. Eine Ergiinzung zu meiner Veroffentli- chung im xlix. Band dieses Archivs, S. 303: Ein epibul- barer syphilitischer Pseudotumor von tvpisch tubercu- loser Structur. Ibid., 1, 710-718.—Peters (A.) Ueber gummose Hornhauterkrankungen. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1898, ii, 374-377.—Petit (P.) Les injections mercurielles dans la syphilis oculaire. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1900, 1, 613-519— Phillips (S. L.) Interstitial keratitis in acquired syphilis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1909, lxxvi, 690.—Polguere. De l'abolition du reflexe pu- pillaire dans la syphilis avec myosis permanent. Rev. neurol., Par., 1903, xi, 624.—Pons Marques (L.) Iritis con corio-retinitis especificas. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1904, xxvii, 681-583.—Posey (W. C.) Triangular opacity in the superficial layers of the cornea, occurring in svphi- litic subjects. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1906, xv, 47-50.— Possek (R.) Die Behandlung von Augenkrankheiten luetischen Ursprunges mit Ehrlichs 606. Mitt. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1910, xlvii, 332-337.—Post (M. H.) Reportof a case of choroidal sarcoma in a syphi- litic. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1900, xxiii, 110.—Proko- penko (P.) K voprosu o sifjliticheskikh zabolievaniy- akh glaza. [Syphilis of the eve.] Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1907, xxiv, 185; 317.—Ramos (J.) Sifilis ocular. Gac. med., Mexico, 1903, 2. s., iii, 207. -----. Oftalmo- logia ; algunas palabras sobre la sifilis en Mexico. Ibid., 318-325. — Ransohott*. Syphilis am Auge. Festschr. z. 1. Cong. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. z. Be- kampf. d. jGeschlechtskrankh., Frankf. a. M., 1903, 132- 134.—Be (F.) Un caso di cheratite gommosa. Arch, di ottal., Napoli, 1911-12, xix, 376-380.—Re ber (W.) The early ocular signs of syphilis. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1910- 11, xiv, 536-539. [Discussion], 554-556. Also [Abstr.]: Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxiv, 493.—de Bidder. A propos de l'action du salvarsan dans l'ophtalmie sym- pathique. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1911, cxlv, 446-448.— Rochon-Duvigneaud. Lesions syphilitiques des membranes profondes. Rec. d'opht, Par., 1906, 3. s., xxviii, 96.—Rochon-Duvigneaud & Monbrun. Deux cas de syphilis oculaire grave, survenus quelques semaines apres des injections repetees de composes or- ganiques de l'arsenic Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1911, 2. s., xxxi, 731-733.—Rodiet (A.) Les troubles oculaires dans les encephalopathies diffuses ou circonscrites de la syphilis. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. Vaucluse, Avignon, 1906, ii, 445-448.—Rollet (E.) L'iri- tis gommeuse a pseudo-hypopvon. Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1904, xxiii, 433437. -----. Keratite syphilitique gommeuse. Lyon med., 1909, cxiii, 566.—Rdna (S.) Experimentelle Keratitis parenchymatosa des Kanin- chens mit massenhaften Spirochaeten nach Implanta- tion syphilitischen Materiales. Verhandl. d. Budapest. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte 1907, Budapest, 1908,16.—Rosen- baum (M.) A preliminary report on the effect of sal- varsan on syphilitic and metasyphilitic affections of the eye and upon the apparently healthy eyes of svphilitics. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1911, lxxx, 177-180.—Riimsche- witsch (K.) Anatomische Untersuchung eines Falles von selbstiindigem Gumma der Regenbogenhaut. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1903, xii, 27-38.—Ryan (J. P.) Acute episcleritis associated with svphilis. Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1894, n. s., xvi, 445. -----. The relation of interstitial keratitis to svphilis. Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 1908, Victoria, 1909, iii, 80-88.—Sa las & Ribas. Influencia del 606 en oftalmologia. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1911, lvi, 23—Sal Lence. El "606" y la iritis sifilitica; caso clinico interesante. Arch, de oftal. Hispano-Am., Barcel., 1911, xi, 525-528.—Samper! (G.) Due casi di sifiiide oculare. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1906, liv, 161-172.—Sautter (A. C.) Report of a case of syphilitic tarsitis treated by salvarsan. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1911, xx, 729-735.—Savich (V. A.) Sifiliticheskiye papuli conj-vae verkhnikh vlek. [Syphi- litic papules of the conjunctiva of the upper eye- lids.] Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1904, xxi, 150.— Sclianz (F.) Das Ehrlichsche Priiparat 606 bei Augen- krankheiten. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2344. —Sehnaudigel (O.) Ehrlich-Hata 606 in der Augenheilkunde. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1911, lxviii, 212-220—Sehreiber (R.) Ueber zwei Falle von syphi- litischen Papeln der Conjunctiva bulbi. Ibid., 1900-1901, xiii, 259-265, 1 pl.—Schumacher (G.) Die Serodiag- nose der Syphilis in der Augenheilkunde, nebst Bemer- kungen iiber die Beziehungen der Tuberkulose zur Syphi- lis bei Augenleiden. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 1914-1919.—Schwa rz (().) Die extrakraniell bedingten Augenstorungen bei Lues. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 703; 752.—de Schweinitz (G. E.) Gumma of the iris and ciliary body, with histological study of the enucleated eveball. Phila. Hosp. Rep. (1902), 1903, v, 58-64,1 pl.—Seidel (E.) Beitrag zur Frage der Salvarsanwirkung auf luetische Augenleiden. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1911, lxxix, 329- 349.—Sgrosso (E.) Due osservazioni di sifilosclerosi della congiuntiva. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1900, xxix, 630- 639.—Sherer (J. W.) The diagnosis of syphilis of the eye. Tr. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1903, 392-400. Also: Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1903, x, 468-473. -----. Some Syphilis (Eye in). phases of syphilitic disease of the eye. Kansas City M. Rec, 1903, xx, 79-83.—Shields (E. H.) Syphilis of the eye. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1905, n. s., lxxvii, 134-136.— Sileock (A. Q.) Choroidal gumma. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1898-9, xix, 69-71— Snydacker (E. F.) The diagnosis and treatment of obscure syphilitic lesions of the eye. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1903-4, n. s., v, 281-287.-----. Involvement of the eye in syphilis. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1906, ix, 415-422.—SOrOs (M.) A pupillak eddig le nem irt viselkedeserol syphilisnei. [The hitherto und escribed behavior of the pupils in syphilis.] Dolgozatok az egyet bork6rt. intezetb., Buda- pest, 1901, 44.—Soucek (K.) Pfipad keratidyparenchy- matosni u pfijice ziskane. [Case of ... in syphilis.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1900, xxxix, 802; 826.—Sour- dine (G.) Deux cas d'affections syphilitiques de la conjonctive bulbaire (syphilide papuleuse et chancre indure). Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1899-1900, xviii, 142.— Speciale-Cirimione. Gomme conjoncti vale svphili- tique hereditaire tardive. Rev. g6n. d'opht, Par., 1903, xxii, 145-152.—de Spevllle. L'ceil syphilitique. Rev. d. mal. de la nutrition, Par., 1903, 2. s., i, 217: 1904, 2. s., ii, 28-39.—Spoto (G.) Un caso di tarsite doppia gom- mosa precoce nel corso di infezione sifilitica secondaria. Progresso oftal., Palermo, 1908-9, iv, 108-112.—Stein- do rlt" (K.) Salvarsan in der Augenheilkunde; Sammel- reierat und einige Beobachtungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 1226; 1269.— Stephenson (S.) The corneal lesions of acquired syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 723. -----. Some syphilitic affections of the eye. Polyclin., Lond., 1906, x, 67-72. -----. The present position of the Spirochseta pallida in relation to syphilitic affections of the eye. Ophthalmoscope, Lond., 1907, v, 303-310—Stieren (E.) Syphilis of the eye. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1902,12. s., iii, 218-228. -----. Presenile syphilitic cataract. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1909-10, xiii, 428-430.—Strakhoff (V.) P.) Keratitis parenchymatosa pri priobrtetyonnom sifi- lisle. [. . . in acquired syphilis.] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1900, xvii, 485489.— Strout (E. S.) Notes on ocu- lar syphilis, with reports of two unusual cases. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1906. xxvi, 424-429.— Stuelp (O.) Die bisherigen Erfahrungen fiber das Ehrlich- Hatasche Syphilisheilmittel (606) mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Augenheilkunde. Wchnschr. f. Therap. u. Hyg. d. Auges, Dresd., 1909-10, xiii, 369: 1911-12, xiv, 161. Also, transl: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1911, xxviii, 197-209. -----. Bisherige Erfahrungen mit Salvarsan bei Augensyphilis, aus der Literatur und an eigenen Fallen. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1911, xlix, 369-384.— Sulzer. Des sympt6mes pupillaires precoces de la syphilis acquise. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1901, 4. s.,ii, 239-243.—Szulislawski(A.) Kilaoka. [Syphi- lis of the eye.] Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1906, i, 151; 165; 175.—Tacke. 606 et svphilis oculaire. Ann. de l'lnst chir. de Brux., 1911, xviii, 123; 129.—Tarnavski (E. I.) Sluchal gummy sklery. [Case of gumma of sclera (svphi- litic). Vestnik oftalmol., Kieff, 1894, xi, 134-144.— Taugher (A. J.) Extra- and intra-ocular syphilis. Milwaukee M. J., 1909, xvii, 302-304.—Terrien (F.) Manifestations oculaires de la svphilis acquise. Clinique, Par., 1909, iv, 466-408—Terson (A.) La sifilis ocular. Cr6n. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1909, xii, 290-292. -----. Les gommes de la cornee. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1905, xxv, 265-270. Also, transl: Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1906, xv, 424-427.—Thompson (A. H.) Double temporal hemi- anopia with slight optic neuritis and hemianopic pupil reaction; ?hsemorrhage into optic nerve-sheath at chi- asma; ?gumma. Tr. Ophth. Soc. u. Kingdom, Lond., 1900-1901, xxi,286-292.—Thompson (G. W.) Intra-ocu- lar swelling (gumma); ?neoplasm. Ibid., 1904-5, xxv, 105-107.—Tobias (G.) Ein Beitrag zur Wirkung von Ehrlich-Hata 606 bei Augenkranken. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1911, xlix, 87-90.—Tohara (T.) [Syphilitic auto-inflammation of incised wounds of the eyeball.] Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1902, vi, 863-916. —Tooke (F.) Pathologisch-anato- mische Untersuchung einer Gummigeschwulst des Ciliar- kdrpers. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1903, xii, 158-170, 1 pl.—del Toro. Sifilis ocular. An. m6d. ga- ditanos, Cadiz, 1901-2, xx, 193-204. Also: Rev. espafi. de sif. y dermat., Madrid, 1902, iv, 275; 31S.—Torres In- sargarat(F.) Sobre el empleo en oculistica de grandes dosis de compuestos hidrargiricos, bajo la forma de in- vecciones intramusculares. Arch, de oftal. Hispano-Am., Barcel., 1907, vii, 265-273.—Tourneux (J.-B.) Sur un cas d'episcierite syphilitique. Toulouse med., 1909, 2. s., xi, 209-272.—Trantas (A.) Syphilis diagnostiquee par l'examen ophtalmoscopique. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Con- stant., 1905, 1, 51-53— Tsatskin (A. B.) K kazuistikle sifiliticheskikh zabollevaniy glaza; papula soyedinitel- nol obolochki glaznovo yabloka. [Syphilis of the eye; papula of the conjunctiva.] Vovenno-med. J.,St. Petersb., 1910, ccxxvii, med. spec, pt., 319-323.—Tsvibak (L. E.) Yeshtsho odin sluchal sifiliticheskol gummi blelochnol obolochki. [Another case of svphilitic gumma of the sclera.] Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1906, xxiii, 342-346.— Tzimas (A.D.) Gomme syphilitique de l'ceil. Grece SYPHILIS. 412 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Eye in). med., Syra, 1905, vii, 25.—I lit li off. Ein Fall von grosser syphilitischer (gummoser) Ulceration der Cornea, Con- junktiva und Sklera. Ber. u. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Ge- sellsch. 1907, Wiesb., 1908, xxxiv, 266-269.—Vadzinski (P. I.) Gumma sclerae. Med. Sbornik varshav. Uyazd. voyenn hosp., Varshava, 1893, vi, 65-69. -----. Gummo- znaya opuk hoi skleri. [Gumma of the scleraj Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1906, xxiii, 142-152.—Van Benseho- ten (G. W.) The manifestations of syphilis in the eye. Providence M. J., 1910, xi, 125-133—Van der Biest (W.) Manifestations oculaires de la svphilis. Med. et hyg., Brux., 1907, v, 115-119.—Vandergrift (G. W.) Salvarsan vs. mercury in ocular syphilis. Am. J. Der- mat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1911, xv, 478-480.— Vaughan (P. T.) Some observations upon syphilitic manifestations in the uveal tract; the iris, ciliary body and choroid. Am. J. Ophth., St Louis, 1900. xvii, 225- 233. Also: N. York M. J., 1900, lxxii, 145-148— Ver- haeglie (D.) La keratite interstitielle d'origine syphi- litique acquise. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 1141-1146.— Vernke (F. K.) O tryokh sluchayakh primleneniya salvarsana pri glaznikh zabollevaniyakh. [Three cases of diseases of the eyes wherein salvarsan was adminis- tered.] Vestnik oftalmol., Odessa, 1911, xxviii, 940.— Villard (H.) Les alterations de la cornee dans la syphilis acquise. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1904, exxxii, 253- 267.—Vinsonneau (C.) Gommes syphilitiques de la corn6e. Arch, d'opht, Par., 1905, xxv, 104-110.—Water- man (0.) Zur Behandlung centraler Augennerven- leiden luetischen Ursprungs mit Atoxyl. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907,xliv, 1107.—Weill (N. J.) Influence of syphilis in penetration of eveball. Med. World, Phila., 1911, xxix, 15.—Westhoff(C. H. A.) Salvarsan in der Augenheilkunde. Wchnschr. f. Therap. u. Hvg.d. Auges, Dresd., 1911, xiv, 261-263.— Wicherkiewicz ( B.) Zapoznawanie podstawy kilowej lub dopatrywanie si? jej niewlaseiwe w chorobach ocznych. [Recognition of a syphilitic basis, or watching for it in diseases of the eyes.] Post, okul., Krak6w, 1905, vii, 201; 237. -----. Przetw6r Ehrlicha "606" przeciw schorzeniom kilowym; przyczynek do znaczenia jego w lecznictwie okulisty- eznem. [Ehrlich's preparation 606 against syphilitic disease; on its value in ophthalmic practice.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1910, xlix, 495; 605. —Wilder (W. H.) Corneal lesions in acquired syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1901, xxxvii, 1669-1671—Wolff(H.) Ueber syphi- litische Papel der Augapfelschleimhaut Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xxxvii, 57. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1899), 1900, xxx, pt. 2, 415-420.—Wood (C. A.) Svphilis of the external eve. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1909, xvi, 676-679.—Wright (R. H.) Syphi- litic affections of the eye. Old Dominion J. M. & S., Richmond, 1908, vi, 698-601.—Yevetski (F. O.) O sifi- lomakh rlesnichnavo tlela. [Svphilomata of the ciliary body.] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1900, xvii, 450-453.— Vorke (W.) The pathology of interstitial keratitis in trvpanosomiasis and syphilis. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1911, xxxi, 438-444, 1 pl.—Zimmermann (C.) Albu- minuric retinitis in syphilis. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1902, xxxi, 480-486.—Zimmermann (W.) Nouvelle contri- bution a la serotherapie paraspecifique des affections ocu- laires. Clin, opht, Par., 1909, xv, 9-23. Syphilis (Familial). Babinski (J.) & Barr6(A.) Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis familiale (recherches a l'aide dela methode de Wassermann). Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxix, 695-598. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1,910, n. s., xliii, 341.—Barre (A.) & Gastinel (T.) Etude d'une famille d'heredosyphilitiques. Presse med., Par., 1910, xviii, 617-619.—Bayet. Cas de syphilis fami- liale; maladie de Friedreich. Soc. beige de dermat. et de syph. Bull., Brux., 1901-2, ii, 58-62.—Bentovin (B. I.) Sluchal "semeinavo" sifilisa. [Case of syphilis in the family.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 899.— Demanche (R.) & Detre (G.) Recherche de la syphilis familiale par la reaction de fixation du comple- ment. Tribune med.. Par., 1910, n. s., xliii, 437.—Faller (A.) Syphilitic infection of a family. St Louis M. Gaz., 1899-1900, iii, 109-112—Fournier. Ein Fall von Syphi- lisinfektion einer ganzen Familie durch eine Amme. Med. f. Alle, Wien, 1906, i, 4-6.—Gebert (E.) Ueber eine Familienepidemie von extragenitaler Syphilis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, xxxiii, 912-915. Also: Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1896), 1897, xxvii, pt. 2, 338-346. [Discussion], pt. 1, 61.—Gottheil (W. S.) A house epidemic of svphilis. N. York M. J., 1898, lxvii, 430-432. Also, Reprint—Grove (W. R.) A family in- fected with syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 1400.— Hebert (A.) & Halipre (A.) Dystrophie familiale pilaire et ungueale. Rev. m6d. de Normandie, Rouen, 1908, 245-247.—Jeanselme. La syphilis familiale. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1910, xxiv, 677- 679. Also: Clinique, Brux., 1911, xxv, 295-299. — Jordan (A) Ueber syphilitische Hausepidemien. Mo- natsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1903, xxxvi, 440-444. -----. Ueber die Syphilis der Fraucn und der Fa- milien. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xv, 560-565.— Syphilis (Familial). Mallierbe (H.) Syphilis familiale; deux cas de chan- cres extra-genitaux. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1896-7, xv, 218-221.—Mantegazza (U.) Epidemie famigliari da sifiiide d' allattamento. Corriere san., Milano, 1908, xix, 708; 722.—Marten (K. H.) Family syphilis. Australas M. Gaz., Sydney, 19lo. xxix, 406-409. — Mislialkoir (G.) Sluchal ot slemeven sifilis. [Syphilis of a family 1 Med. sborn., Sofiya, 1899, v, 465-467. -----. Deset novi sluchal s slemeyen sifilis. [ Ten new cases of family syphilis.] Spis. na Sofiysk. Med. Druzh., 1901-2, ii, 73- 86.—Holland. Observation d'une famille de syphi- litiques; etude a propos de cette observation. Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1894), 1895, 638- 577. Also: J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1895, xxv, 51; 61; 75. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Rassegna d'ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1895, iv, 652-557.—Solomon (L. L.) Interesting obser- vations in a syphilitic family. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin Dis., N.Y.,1897.xv,216-219.—Spillinann &Etienne(G.) Syphilis familiale. Ann. de dermat. etsvph., Par., 1894 3. s., v, 642-644.—Tulinoff( A. I.) O domovikh i semel- nikh epidemiyakh sifilisa. JHome and family epidemics of syphilis.] Dletsk. med., Mosk., 1902, vii, 13-26. Syphilis (Fever in). Ahlmann(A. [H.F.]) * Das Fieber im Erup- tionsstadium der Syphilis. 8°. Greifswald, 1895. Courteaux (F.) De la fievre syphilitique. 8°. Paris, 1871. Monier (L.-M-E.) * De ia fievre syphilitique. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899. Albanus (G. A.) O likhoradkie na pochvle sifllisa. [Fever following svphilis.) Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 12-14.—Basset-Smith (P. W.) The pyrexia of syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 1808.—Byalbkur (F.) Olikhoradochnikh yavleniyakh v pozdnikh stadi- yakh sifilisa. [Fever in late stages of syphilis.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 730-733. Also, transl: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1911, lvi, 49; 59— Caro. Langdauerndes remittirendes Fieber bei tertiiirer Lues. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 442.—Carpenter (D.N.) Fever in tertiary syphilis. Med. Rec,N. Y.,1906, lxix, 412-414. — Carriere (G.) Svphilitic fever. In- ternat. Clin., Phila., 1904,14. s., iii, 22-28.—Ceconi (A.) Febbre sifilitica? Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1905, vi, 189-194.-----. Febbre sifilitica? Riforma med., Na- poli, 1908, xxiv, 397-403.—D'Amato (L.) Sulla febbre sifiliticaterziaria. Riformamed., Roma-Napoli, 1906, xxii, 253-259. Also: Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1906, xxiii, 109-119 — Font y Monteros (J.) Caso clinico de fiebre inter- mitente sifilitica. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1901, xxi, 217-226. Also: Rev. espafi. de sif. y dermat, Madrid, 1901, iii, 348-357. — Futcher (T. B.) Syphilitic fever, with a report of three cases, from the service of W. Osier. N. York M. J., 1901, lxxiii, 1065- 1069. Also: Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1901, xxvi, 484493. Also, Reprint.—Gail leton. Fievre syphiliti- que. Lyon med., 1903, c, 652-656.—Huber (O.) Lueti- schesLeberfieber. Therap.d.Gegenw.,Berl.,1911,lii,59-61.— Imhof-Bion (0.) Ueber Fiebererscheinungen in den Spatstadien der Syphilis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1909, v, 766- 769.— Janeway (E. G.) Danger of error in diagnosis between chronic syphilitic fever and tuberculosis. Tr. Ass. Am. Phvsicians, Phila., 1898, xiii, 23-30. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1898, n. s., cxvi, 251-255.—Jordan (A.) Ueber das syphilitische Fieber. Arch. f. Dermat u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1911, cviii, 613-524. — Kazem- Bek (A.) Sluchal bryushnolvodyankiidlitelnol likho- radki na pochvle sifiliticheskavo stradaniya. [Ascites and prolonged fever resulting from svphilis.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1901, lv, 72-80.—Kiernan (J. G.) Mental svmptoms from secondary fever of svphilis. Med. Stand- ard, Chicago, 1893, xiii, 1-3. — Lazareff (V. G.) K voprosu o sifiliticheskol tretichnol likhoradkie; sluchal meningitis convexitatis. [On syphilitic tertian fever; case . . .] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1908, xv, 289-297.—Lowenburg (H.) Syphilitic fever; report of a case. Med. Bull., Phila., 1906, xxxv, 173- 178.—McKenna (J. A.) Syphilitic fever. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, lxxxvii, 1126. — Maitland (J.) Acase of severe syphilis with prolonged pyrexia. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1899, xxxiv, 42.—Morgan (A. C.) Syphilitic fever. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 360.—Musser (J. H.) The diagnostic importance of fever in late syphilis. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3, v, 6-12. Also, Reprint—Nelken (A.) A case of syphilitic fever. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1902- 3, lv, 635-639. Also: Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc. 1903, N. Orl., 1904,34-37.—Newman (E. D.) Syphilitic fever, with report of a case. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxiii, 140- 142.—Nistico (G.) Febbre sifilitica. Policlin., Roma, 1911, xviii, sez. prat,756.—Pebart (B.G.) Tri sluchaya sifiliticheskol likhoradki. [Three cases of syphilitic fever.] Trudi fak. terap. klin. Imp. Mosk. Univ.. .. v chest... V. D. Shervinskavo. 1904, 287-305, 3 tab. Also, transl.: Russ. med. Rundschau, Berl., 1906, iv, 261-276. —Pren- tiss (D. W.) A case of syphilitic fever, with a discus- SYPHILIS. 413 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Fever in). sion of the diagnosis of fevers. Phila. M. J., 1899, iv, 216- 218. Also, Reprint—Roeheblave (A.) Fievre a type continu comme manifestation syphilitique isolee, 25 ans apres le chancre. Bull, de la Soc. m4d.-chir. de la Dr6me [etc.], Valence & Par., 1900, i, 152-160. — Rona (S.) In- termittalo lazt61 kisert hemikraniaszerii fejfajAs a syphi- lis i-so stadiumaban. [Intermittent fever accompanied by headache in primary syphilis.] Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1896, xx, 676.—Scherck (H. J.) Late svphi- litic fever. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1908-9, v, 462-404 — Siebert (W.) Fieber im Spiitstadium der Syphilis. Beihefte z. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropenhyg., Leipz.,'1907, 4, Beihft, 1-33, 1 diag.—Sinha (T. R. D.) A case of syphi- litic fever of 10 years' duration; treatment and recovery. Indian Lancet, "Calcutta, 1905, xxvi, 411.—Siredey (A.) & liemaire (H.) Fievre dans la periode secondaire de la syphilis. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 601-606.—Stauder (A.) Ueber luetisches Le- berfieber. Arch. f. Verdauungskr., Berl., 1908, xiv, 41- 46.—Treumann Ein Fall von luetischem Lebertieber. Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Nurnb. 1907, Munchen, 1908, 8. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906,liii, 963.—Wright (E. H.) A case of syphilitic fever. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1902, xxxvii, 66.—Yudin (P. P.) K kazuistikle sifllicheskol likhoradki. [Svphilitic fever.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1901, ii, 58-63,1 diag. Syphilis (FeetaT). See Syphilis (Congenital). Syphilis (Galloping). See Syphilis (Malignant, etc.). Syphilis (Heemorrhagid). See, also, Syphilis (Congenital, Hsemorrhagic). Sichting (O.) * Ueber Neigung Syphili- tischer zu Blutungen und ein Fall von Syphilis bei einem Hamophilen. 8°. Berlin, 1908. Brezovszky (E.) Verblutung infolge von Lues. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1908, xliv, 858.—Duhot. Un cas de svphilis rupioide hemorragique generalise. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1906, lviii, 992-994.—Engel- mann. [Ein Fall von Lues haemorrhagica.] St. Pe- tersb. med. Wchnschr., 1906, xxx, 26.—Lepa (H.) Ver- blutung bei Lues florida. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1909, lxxviii, 133.—VSrner (H.) Ueber Syphilis und Hiimorrhagie. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1905, lxxvi, 55-64, 1 pl. Also, transl: Rev. prat d. mal. cutan. [etc.], Par., 1905, iv, 400-407.— Weitz (W.) Ueber einen eigenartigen Fall von Syphilis haemorrhagica bei einem Erwachsenen. Monatsh. f. prakt Dermat., Hamb., 1905, xii, 644-551.—Zhebuneff (A. P.) K voprosu o syphilis haemorrhagica u vzroslikh. [Haemorrhagic syphilis in adults.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1910, xix, 265-268. Syphilis (Hereditary). See Syphilis (Congenital); Syphilis (Familial). Syphilis (History of). See, also, Syphilis (Cases and statistics of); Syphilis (Prehistoric and pre-Columbian); Syph- ilis in art. Barbantini (N.) Notizie istoriche concer- nenti il contagio venereo compilate, le quali precedono la sua opera sopra questo contagio. 8°. Lucca, 1820. Bloch (I.) Der Ursprung der Syphilis. Eine medizinische und kulturgeschichtliche Untersuchung. Th. I. 8°. Jena, 1901. ------. The same. 2. Abteilung. roy. 8°. Jena, 1911. Buret (F.) Le gros mal du moyen age et la syphilis actuelle, avec une preface du Dr. Lan- cereaux. 8°. Paris, 1894. ------. The same. Syphilis in the middle ages and in modern times. Transl. from the French, with notes, by A.-H. Ohmann-Du- mesnil. 12°. Philadelphia, 1895. Casoli (V.) I sifilographi modenesi del sec. xvi (A. Fontana; A. Scanaroli; N. Macchelli; G. Falloppi). Introduzione al corso libero di clinica dermo-sifilopatica dell' anno 1903-4. 8°. Modena, 1905. Greco (D.) La sifiiide in Italia a confronto del vecchio regolamento Cavour e di quello nuovo Crispi. Deduzioni ricavate dai primi Syphilis (History of). quatro anni di esercizio del 5° Dispensario Cel- tico governativo di Napoli, con resoconto sta- tistico degP infermi curati nell' anno 1893. 8°. Napoli, 1894. Hirschberg (L.) * Die maligne Lues beson- ders vom geschichtlichen und ethnologischen Standpunkte beurteilt. 8°. Berlin, [1900]. Index bibliographicus syphilidologise. Bear- beitet von Karl Szadek. 5. Jahrgang. Die Lit- teratur des Jahres 1890. 8°. Hamburg & Leipzig, 1893. Jtdel (G.) * Etude sur une phase de l'his- toire du virus venenen (1740-1850). 8°. Paris, 1910. Melsheimer (T.) *Die Syphilis und ihre Heilmittel vom Jahre 1492 bis zur Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts. 8°. Bonn, 1892. Moeckel ((E. H. A.) *Quse fuerit syphilidis forma ad saeeuli decimi quinti finem, quaeritur. 8°. Lipsise, 1841. Pellier (J.-G.) * Essai historique sur les origines de la syphilis. 8°. Toulouse, 1907. ------. The same. Les origines de la syphi- lis. 8°. Toulouse & Paris, 1908. Perchaux (E.) * Histoire de l'hopital de Lourcine. 4°. LJaris, 1890. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1890. von Petersen (O.) & von Sturmer (C.) Die Verbreitung der Syphilis, der venerisehen Krankheiten uud der Prostitution in Russland. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Pplug (W.) Syphilis oder Morbus gallicus? Eine etymologische Betrachtung. 8°. Strass- burg, [1907]. Pignot (A.) L'Hopital du Midi et ses ori- gines. Recherches sur l'histoire medical e et sociale de la syphilis a Paris. 8°. Paris, 1885. Proksch (J. K.) Die Litteratur iiber die venerisehen Krankheiten von den ersten Schriften aus dem Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts bis zum Beginne des Jahres 1899. 4 v. 8°. Bonn, 1889-1900. ------. Die Geschichte der venerisehen Krankheiten. Eine Studie. 2 v. 8°. Bonn, 1895-1900. -----. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Syphi- lis. 8°. Bonn, 1904. Rosenbaum (J.) Geschichte der Lustseuche im Alterthume, nebst ausftihrlichen Unter- suchungen iiber den Venus- und Phalluscultus, Bordelle, vov6o% SrjXeia der Skythen, Paederas- tie und andere geschlechtliche Ausschweifun- gen der Alten, als Beitrage zur richtigen Er- klarung ihrer Schriften. 5. Aufl. 8°. Halle a. S., 1892. -----. The same. 7. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1904. Simon (F. A.) Der Kampf mit einem Lind- wurm, oder unerwiesene Existenz der konstitu- tionellen Syphilis vor dem Jahre 1495. 8°. Hamburg, 1859. van der Valk (J. W.) Bijdrage tot de ken- nis van de geschiedenis der syphilis in ons land. 8°. Amsterdam, 1910. Wake (T.) Baiso yakugen. [Brief account of syphilis.] 2 v. 8°. Kyoto, 1801. Yefimofp (A. I.) Sifilis v Russkoi derevnle, yevo kharakterniya cherti i vliyaniye na sani- tarnoye polozheniye naseleniya. [Syphilis in the Russian village, its characteristic features and influence upon the sanitary condition of the population.] 8°. Kazan, 1902. Ashmead (A. S.) Antiquity of syphilis and of the use of mercury in syphilis in Japan and China. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 735. -----, Synopsis of a Chinese secret; manuscript on syphilis, reprinted in Japan, A. D. SYPHILIS,, 414 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (History of). 1724, originallv written bv Chin-Shi-Sei, who lived under the dynasty of Ming (A. D. 1368-1644). Univ. M. Mag., Phila.. 1893-4, vi, 530-534. Also, Reprint. -----. Migra- tion of syphilis from East Asia into America by way of the Bering Sea. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xx, 154- 156. Also, Reprint. -----. Relation of syphilis with Japanese racial peculiarities and customs. Am. J. Der- mat ■■ bois. La responsabilite des parents en cas de transmission de la syphilis de l'en- fant a sa nourrice. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1898, 3. s., xxxix, 426-435.—Dubois-Havenith. Chancre ou accident de travail? Policlin., Brux., 1906, xv, 195.—Elwes (F. F.) Acaseof medico-legal interest; [fall of 30 feet or syphi- lis (?)]. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1903, xxxviii, 453.— Fraud (J.) Observation d'heredo-syphilis develop- pee chez un enfant 3 mois apres la naissance; contagion de la nourrice non par un chancre mammaire, mais par un chancre de l'amygdale; proces en dommages-interets; rejet de lademande et deboutementde la nourrice surce fait qu'elle n'a pas eu de chancre mammaire. Bull. Soc franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, iv, 133-136.— Forgue & Jeanbrau. La syphilis devant la loi sur les accidents. Montpel. med., 1908, xxvii, 49-55.—Im- pallomeni (G.) Intorno ad una pretesa infezione sifilitica. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1905, xxxi, 579-592.— SYPHILIS. 41! Syphilis (Jurisprudence of). Jacquey (J.) La responsabilite civile, en cas de com- munication de la svphilis par relations sexuelles. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1903, vii, 214.—Kuhn (H.) Ange- bliche Verschlechterung der Folgen entschadigungs- pflichtiger Unfiille bei gleichzeitigem Bestehen eines konstitutionellen Leidens (Syphilis) und anderer korper- licher Gebrechen (Femurfraktur und Varicen)? Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, ix, 176-180.—Miliau. Syphi- lis et accidents du travail. Progres med., Par., 1908, 3. s., xxiv, 481.—Pearce (C. G.) Syphilis as a defense in breach of promise. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1893, xl, 454—Kaffaele (A.) Giudizio sulla causa della morte di una ragazza; se per infezione sifilitica o per nie- ningo-encefalite da causa comune. In his: Clin, de med. leg., 8°, Napoli, 1900, 31-48.—Besponsabilite (La) civile en cas de communication de la syphilis par rela- tions sexuelles. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1903, lxxvi, 189. Also: 3. de med. de Par., 1903,2. s., xv,281. Also: Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1903, ix, 24-27.—Bollet (E.) La syphilis des nourrissons et des nourricesau point devue medico-legal. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim., Par., 1894, ix, 65-90.—Sack (A.) Zur Kasuistik der Schadenersatzklagen auf Grund einer durch Geschlechtsverkehr erfolgten syphilitischen Ansteckung. Dermat Ztschr., Berl., 1903, x, 380-384.— Thiblerge (G.) & Weissenbach (R. J.) Valeur de la reaction de Wassermann pour le diagnostic medico- legal de la syphilis. Soc. de med. leg. de France. Bull., Par., 1911, 2. s., viii, 224-238.—Vairo (G.) Sifiiide cere- brale e furto; giudizio medieo-legale con un cenno far- macologico su la jodipina. Corriere san., Milano, 1900, xi, 679-682. Syphilis (Late). See Syphilis (Congenital, Late manifestations of); Syphilis (Manifestations of, Late). Syphilis (Latent or unrecognized). Audrain (J.) La syphilis obscure. 8°. Paris. 1911. Dunal (E.) * Contribution a l'etude des syphilis ignores. 8°. Montpellier, 1901. Levin (Mile.) *La syphilis ignored. 8°. Paris, 1897. Bab (H.) Das Problem der Luesiibertragung auf das Kind und die latente Lues der Frau im Lichte der mo- dernen Syphilisforschung. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1909, xxxiii, 527-539.—Bentovin (B. I.) O skrito-za- chatom (Kriptogennom) sifilisle. [Crvptogenic syphilis.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 319; 341; 363.—de Beur- maiin, Grandehamp & Bith. Un cas de syphilis acquise, meconnue, evoluant librement pendant vingt- sept ans. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxx, 392-399.—Birt (C.) The new method of de- tecting latent syphilis. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1907, viii, 567-673.—Blondeau (L.) Observation de sy- philis larvee. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1880), 1881, xv, 80-84.—Bulkley (L. D.) Early and latent syph- ilis in infants and voung children. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., [Phila.], 1896, 800-304. -----. Unrecognized syphilis in general practice. Internat. M.Mag., N. Y., 1901, x, 719- 725.—Caspary. Ueber den Sitz der latenten Syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1898, xliii, 127- 136.—Colombini (P.) Sifilidi latenti e sifilidi igno- rate. Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. 4, 793; 807; 819; 830; 843. Also, transl: Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1894, viii, 8; 86; 153; 313; 342; 374; 448; 908.—Danlos (H.) Syphilis ignoree chez un sujet porteur de lesions speci- fiques multiples. Bull, etmem. Soc.mecl.d.h6p.dePar., 1901, 3. s., xviii, 1189-1191.—De Dominieis (N.) La sifiiide latente nella etiogenesi delle malattie comuni. Policlin., Roma, 1903, ix, 1522-1526. Also, transl: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1904, liv, 714; 790.—Dieulaloy. An- gine de poitrine et syphilis ignoree. J. de mod. et chir. prat., Par., 1905, lxxvi, 730-732—Fournier (A.) Les syphilis ignorees. Nice-med., 1897-8, xxii, 56-58. -----. Diagnostic de la syphilis; svphilis ignorees. Rev. inter- nat de med. et de chir., Par., 1898, ix, 19-21. -----. On the ffequency of cases of unsuspected svphilis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1899, 9. s., i, 190-195.—Fournier (A.) & Paris. Syphilis ignoree avec lesions profondes et eten- dues de la face, des cavites nasales et du voile du palais. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1902, xiii, 95-97. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 264- 266.—Gaucher. [Trois cas de svphilis a debut ignore.] Syphilis, Par., 1903, l, 377-379.—Gaucher (E.) & Coyon (A.) Sypl i ilis meconnue; lesions osseuses datant de deux ans. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, xii, 170-173.—Gottheil (W. S.) The unrecognized chancre. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1901, x, 584-5S7.— de Grand- maison. Les syphilis ignoreesetlatentes. Med. mod., Par., 1899, x, 545. —Giintz (J. E.) Sechs Falle, bei denen mit sogenannter latenter Syphilis behaftete Viiter gesunde und gesundbleibende Kinder zeugten, nachher aber ohne neue Ansteckung wieder von Syphilissvmpto- men befallen wurden. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1876, SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Latent or unrecognized). 520-541.—Guidone (P.) Una triade fenomeniea rivela- ti ice della sifiiide latente ed ignorata. Gazz. internaz di med., Napoli, 1911, xiv, 1117-1122.—Heidingsfeld (M. L.) Some causes and remedies for ignored syphilis. Tr. Mississippi Valley M. Ass. 1901, Kansas City, 1903, iii, 287- 300.—Latency (The) of syphilis. Proc Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond.,ls95-6, viii,70-90.—l.avall6e(M.) Lesphases latentesd'activite dela svphilis. Bull. m6d., Par., 1899,xiii 873.—Ledoiix (E.) Syphilis ignoree. Rev. med. de la Franche-Comte, Besancon, 1907, xv, 17-21.—Malherbe (H.) Les syphilis ignorees. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1908, 2. s., xxvi, 931-939. Also: J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par 1908, xix, 881-888.—Moty (F.) Syphilis ignoree. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, xvii, 25-27. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 68-60. -----. Syphilis ignoree. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 262. Also: Ann. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 888. —----. Syphilis ignoree et syphilis cephalique primitive. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1897, i, 126-131.—Mueller (J.) Kryptogene Svphilis. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1898, v, 213-221.— Oppenlicimer (H.j On recrudescence of inveterate latent syphilis after acute febrile disorders. Clin. J., Lond., 1902, xx, 367.—Pac- ciarini (A.) Sifiiide ignorata. Gazz. d. osp., Milano 1907, xxviii, 1649.—Simonelli (F.) Contributo alio studio della sifiiide ignorata. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisio- crit in Siena, 1909, 5. s., i, 129-135—StrBbmberg (C.) Die Symptome der sogenannten Latenz der Syphilis. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1900, n. F., xvii, 379-382.— Toussaint. Apercu chirurgical sur quelques formes larvees de la syphilis localisees par le traumatisme. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1910. n. s., xxxvi, 1224- 1250.—Umbert. Nota sobre la sifilis ignorada. Rev. de med. y cirug., Barcel., 1910, xxiv, 161-163.—Vila- nova (P.) Dos casos de sifilis ignorada. Ibid., 1904, xviii, 648-551. Also: Rev. espafi. de sif. y dermat., Ma- drid, 1904, vi, 481-485. — Ward (A. H.) Latency in syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 477. Syphilis (Legislation in relation to). See Syphilis (Prevention of). Syphilis (Malignant, rapid, and fatal). See, also, Syphilis (Congenital, Death, etc., in). Alexandre (P.) * Etude statistique de la mortality dans la syphilis. 8°., Paris, 1908. Belaya Rumine (Mme.) * Etude comparee sur la polymortalite dans la syphilis et la tuber- culose au point de vue du diagnostic. 8°. Ge- neve, 1907. Bewersdorff (R. A.) * Ueber Svphilis ma- ligna. 8°. Halle a. S., 1905. Bonnet (A.) *Suruncas de syphilis mali- gne. 8°. Montpellier, 1907. Haberhauffe (G.) * Ueber Syphilis gravis. Unter Zugrundelegung zweier in der hiesigen Klinik fiir Hautkrankheiten beobachteten Fiille. 8°. Freiburg, 1900. Leinen (C. N.) *Ueber Syphilis maligna. 8°. Bonn, 1900. Lochte. Untersuchungen iiber Syphilis ma- ligna und Syphilis gravis. 8°. Hamburg & Leipzig, 1901. Paire (G.-A.) Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis maligne precoce en Algerie. 8°. Montpellier, 1908. Solbach (W.) * Ueber Syphilis maligna. 8°. Bonn, 1892. Tarnovski (V. M.) Zlokachestvenniy sifilis (syphilis maligna). 8°. [Moscow, 1896.] Also, transl. in: Monatsh. f.prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1896, xxiii, 324; 426. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Internat. Cong. Dermat. Off. Trans. 1896, Lond., 1898, iii, 084-694. Audry (C.) Essai sur la mortalite de la syphilis ac- quise. Semainemed., Par., 1907, xxvii, 301-305.—Balzer (F.) & Francois-Bain ville. Chancre syphilitique sus-pubien gangreneux suivi de syphilis maligne. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, xv, 219. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1904, 4. s., v, 643. — Bal- zer (F.) & Marie (K-L.) Syphilis maligne; chancres ulcereux du gland et du meat; angine diphteroi'de; gommes precoces. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1910, xxi, 52.—Barber (L.) Reportof a virulent case of svphilis. Texas M. Gaz., Fort Worth, 1902, ii, 17- 29.—Behaegel. Syphilis maligne. Policlin., Brux., 1905, xiv, 101-104. — Bennati (A.) Syphilis maligne precoce sans reaction ganglionnaire. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 1111-1114.—Bertin. Syphi- SYPHILIS. 419 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Malignant, rapid, and fatal). lis maligne precoce; absence d'eruption sur un membre atteintde paralysie infantile. Echo med. du nord Lille, 1906, x, 19.—Blagovolin (S. I.) Tyazholaya forma si- filisa. [Severe form of syphilis.] Med. ohozr., Mosk., 1901, lv, 637-639.—Brousse (A.) Syphilis maligne pre- coce et infection pulmonaire assoeiee. Cong, internat. demed. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de dermatol. ct de syph., 713-717.—Buschke (A.) Ueber die Behandlung der ma- lignen Syphilis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1904-5, i, 161-164.-----. Demonstration von Priiparaten eines Falles von Syphilis maligna. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1905), 1906, xxxvi, 84-86. -----. A clinical lecture on clinical and experimental observations on malignant syphilis, with remarks on "606". Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1911, n. s., xci, 486-489. — Busquet. (P.) Traitement radio- therapique des lesions cutanees et osteoperiostees dans un cas de syphilis maligne d'origine exotique. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. liied. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxv, 695.—Cannot. Syphilis maligne. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat et svph., Par., 1896, vii. 437-439. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 878-880.—Canuet & Ba- rasch. Svphilis maligne precoce. Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat." et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 439-441. — Carle. La svphilis precoce maligne est-elle de la syphi- lis? Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 1-22.—Case (A) of svphilis in which the stages were rapidly produced. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1903, xvii, 199.—Christian (H. M.) Malignant precocious svphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1899, iii, 41. Also: Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1900-1901, xiii, 419-421.— De Amicis (T.) Considerazioni cliniche e terapiche su di un caso di sifiiide maligna precoce. Gior. internaz. d. so. med., 1898, n. s., xx, 1-10. Also, transl: Canad. Pract, Toronto, 1898, xxiii, 355-359. -----. Sifiiide maligna; sifiiide igno- rata; trasmissione ereditaria. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1906, xii, 52-55.—Define (G.) Grave caso di sifiiide maligna curato con le polveri del Pollini e con P atoxyl. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1908, xxx, 594-597. Also: Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1908, xlix, 273-277.—Demidovich (B. B.) Sluchal zlokachestven- navo sifllisa. [Malignant svphilis.] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1899, cxciv, med.-spec pt., 394-401—Det- willer(A.K.) Sudden death in constitutional syphilis due to extensive syphilitic larvngitis. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1909-10, ix, 145.—Didrikhson (V. K.) O zlokachestvennom sifilisle s novlelshel toehki zrleniya. [Malignant svphilis from a recent viewpoint] Vovenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1906, ccxv, med.-spec. pt, 336-342.— Doyle (H. M.) Syphilis in Australia; case of syphilis maligna. Arch. Surg.,Lond., 1899, x, 269.—Dreyer. Fall von maligner Lues. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1906, xiii, 643-616.—Dubreuilh. Syphilis maligne precoce des- tructive et mutilante. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bor- deaux, 1905, xxvi, 90-92.—Duckworth (Sir D.) Svphi- litic cachexia. Hospital, Lond., 1908, xliv, 223-225 — Dudumi (V.) Sifilis malin precoce. Presamed. rom., BucurescI, 1901, vii. 129; 177; 198; 225— Dunal. Syphilis maligne; expulsion da voanr. Montpel. med., 1908, xxvii, 66-69. — Eiiiz (S. 1.1 K kn/ui-tilcle galopiniyu- shtshavosifilisa. [Lalloping^yphili-.] Rn-*k. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 19U1, i, 72^-73">. — Einery. Syphilis maligne precoce: ulceration simulant un chan- cre phagedenique: absence de reaction ganglionnaire. Bull. Soc franc, dedermat. et syph., Par., 1*98, ix, 264- 266. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 656-558.—Epstein CH. B.) A case of malignant preco- cious syphilis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1909, xc, 1220.— Fehr. Pemphigus conjunctivae bei maligner Lues. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 689.—Fernet (C.) Statistique sur la mortalite de la syphilis. Soc. franc, de la prophyl. san. et mor. Bull., Par., 1906, vi, 350-352. -----. De la mortalite par alcoolisme et par syphilis dans les hopitaux et hospices de Paris. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1907, 3. s., xxiv, 1016-1025. -----. Mortalit6 par syphilis. Bull. Acad. d. med., Par., 1907, 3. s., lviii, 586-595.—Ferrtia (J.) La sifilis maligna pre- coz; etiologia, manifestaciones y tratamiento. Cr6n. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1908, xi, 29-33.—Fingland (W.) Notes on a case of malignant svphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 936.—Fournier (A.) Syphilis nerveuse maligne precoce. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1892, iii, 311-314.—Fournier (A.) & Cronzon (O.) Syphilis maligne; gomme geante sphacelique du mollet gauche; signe de Robertson. Ibid., 1901, xii, 295.—French (H. C.) Malignant svphilis. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1905, iv, 477-487.—Gastou (P.) Syphilis maligne precoce; syphilides tuberculeuses 6ta- lees en nappe; pseudo-pelade. Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. et svph., Par., 1894, v, 160-163. Also: Ann. de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., v, 532-535.—Gaucher. Syphilis maligne; traitement. J. de m6d. int., Par., 1903, vii, 243. -----. Un cas de syphilis maligne. Ibid., 286. -----. Syphilis maligne. Syphilis, Par., 1905, iii, 817.— Gaudier, Druelle & Jacob. Syphilis maligne pre- coce avec intolerance absolue du mercure, traitee avec succes par l'hectine. Bull. Soc frang. dedermat. etsyph., Par., 1910, xxi, 177-180.—Gebhardt (F.) Lues gravis Syphilis (Malignant, rapid, and fatal). esete. [A case of... ] Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1902, xlvi, 162.—Gilles de la Tourette & Hudelo. Syphilis maligne precoce du systeme nerveux. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph.,'Par., 1892. iii, 306-311.— Glllck (E.) Ein schwerer Fall von svphilis. Pest med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xiii, 624 Gottheil (W. S.) Syphilis maligna prsecox; multiple subcutaneous gummata with general pustulo-rupial exanthem two months after infection. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Svph., N. Y., 1908, xxvi, 282.—Grant (D.) Case of malignant specific ulceration in a young male patient. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Laryngol. sect, 77.—GrivtsofF (G. N.) K voprosu o tyazholom iii zlokachestvennom sifilisle (syphilis gravis seu maligna). Vrach. Gaz., S.-Pe- terb., 1903, x, 871; 899; 927.—Guillen (M.) Causas de la muerte por sifilis. Rev. valenc. de cien. med., Valencia, 1900, ii, 17-19— Has I und (A.) Malign Sifilis. Hosp.- Tid., Kj0benh., 1896, 4. R., iv, 745; 769; 811. Also, transl: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1897, xxxviii, 345-392. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Internat. Cong. Dermat. Off. Trans. 1896, Lond., 1898, iii, 658-669.—Havas (A.) Siilyos syphilis esete. [A severe case of svphilis.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xiv, 135.—Hecht"(H.) Klinische und serologische Untersuchungen bei Syphilis, mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der malignen Formen. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1910, civ, 433-448. -----. Lues mahgna. Ibid., 1911, cviii, 387-434.— Himmel (J.) Etude clinique et histologique sur deux ca» de syphilis maligne. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1901, 4. s., ii, 781-790, 1 pl.—Hutchinson (J.") Case of malignant syphilis. Clin. J., Lond., 1894-5, v, 322. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1895, n. s., lx, 78.—Isoye (I.) On a case of malignant svphilis. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1910, xxix, no. 3—Italinski (V. D.) Sluchal galoppi- ruyushtshavo sifilisa. [Galloping syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1904, vii, 502.—Jadas- sohn. Lues maligna. Heilkunde, Wien [etc.], 1900, iv, 455-459.—Jeanselme. Les syphilis malignes. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1905, xix, 453-455.— Justus(J.) A syphilis malignardl. Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1898, xiii, 359; 361; 373; 399.—Klessling. Ein Fall von Lues galoppans mit schweren Knochenaffectionen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 774-776.—Knowles. Malignant syphilis of probably hereditary origin. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1911, xxix, 407.—La- grange (F.) Un cas de syphilis maligne; periostite aigue du sommet de l'orbite. Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux, 1897, v, 393-396.—Lambkin (F. J.) So-called virulent svphilis and its treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1906, clxxi, 1203-1208. Also: 3. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1907, viii, 90-103. — Laudouzy. Syphilis maligne precoce sans ad6nopathie. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, ix, 338-342. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 701-705.—Larrieu. La syphilis ma- ligne. Internat. Cong. Dermat. Off. Trans. i896, Lond., 1898, iii, 694-696.—Metnik. Sluchal bistrotechnavo (gallopiruyushtshavo) sifilisa. [Caseof galloping syphi- lis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1905, x, 230-232.—l.ochte. Ueber Todesfalle im Friihstadium der Syphilis bei angeborener Enge der Aorta. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1897-8, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1900, vi,277-284. -----. Untersuchungen iiber Syphilis maligna und Syphilis gravis. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat, Hamb., 1901, xxxii, 485; 537; 589.—Magne (P.) Syphilis maligne precoce terminee par une mlningite aigue. Gaz. hebd. d. sc m<5d. de Bordeaux, 1907, xxviii, 493^95.—Ilan- gubi. [Sluchal syphilis maligna.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1905, x,229.—Marshall (C. F.) So-called virulent syphilis and its treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 1399.— Mibelli (V.) Sulla sifiiide ma- ligna. Rendic d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, Roma, 1900, i, 51-58.—Mlekly. Lues maligna mit Hepatitis intersti- tialis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xlvi, 130.—Mirono- vicli (V. V.) Sluchal zlokachestvennavo sifilisa (syphi- lis maligna). Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1901, lv, 80-89.—Miro- polski (I. A.) Sluchal galoppiruyushtshavo sifilisa. [Galloping syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1904, vii, 504.—M811er (M.) Zur Kenntnis des pustulosen Svphilides (Syphilis maligna). Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, Festb. Axel Key . . ., 1897, n. F., viii, no. 14, 1-13, 1 pl.—Morison (R.) Cases of malig- nant syphilis. Northumberland & Durham M. J., New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1902, x, 103.—Morrow (H.) Treat- mentof malignant syphilis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Svph., N. Y., 1911, xxix, 542-547.—Mracck (F.) Rapider Verlauf der Syphilis in dem ersten Halbjahre; Rupia; Gelenkaffectionen; Nierenreizung. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst 1894, Wien u. Leipz., 1896, iii, 902.— Neisser'(A.) Malignant svphilis. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1897, ix, 11-26. Also: Internat. Cong. Dermat Off. Trans. 1896, Lond., 1898, iii, 669-083.—Nt'kam (L.) Siilvos svphilisben szenvedo bctegek. [Cases of severe syphilis.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1902, xlvi, 388.— Neuberger (J.) Ein Fall von maligner Syphilis. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 412.— Neumann. Zur Aetiologie der Svphilis maligna. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1896, Wien u. Leipz., 1898, v, pt. 2, SYPHILIS. 420 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Malie/nant, rapid, and fatal). 69-74. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1897, xxxviii, 133-139. Also, transl: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1899, n. s., lxvii, 1-3.—Nikolski (P. V.) Sluchal tyazholavo gallopi- ruyushtshavo sifilisa sprodolzhitelnol likhoradkol. [Case of severe galloping syphilis with continuous fever.] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, Kiev, 1896, vi, no. 8, 7.—Pellizzari (C.) Sifiiidegalop- pante. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1895.xlix, 202-208.—Pior- kowsky (K.) Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Syphilis ma- ligna. Med. Klin., Berl., 1910, vi, 943-945. Also [Abstr.]: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 610.—Queyrat (L.) La svphilis dite maligne precoce, est-elle de la sy- philis? • Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1908, 3. s., xxv, 147-151. Also: Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1908, xix, 421.—Baymond (P.) Contribution a l'etude des syphilis graves. Presse meet, Par., 1898, ii, 161-163.—Boca (J.) Un cas notable de syphilis maligne. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect. 8, 500. — Bollet. Syphilis maligne; plaques muqueuses conjonctivales pseudo-membraneuses. Lyon med., 1910, cxiv, 977.— Boque (G.) & Jambon (A.) Syphilis maligne a determinations gommeuses multiples. Province med., Par., 1907, xx, 247-250. — Boscher. [Fall von Lues maligna.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 493. Also: Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1906, xiii, 667.— Bost. Ueber Syphilis maligna. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1908,xv,271;353.— Boussel (A. E.) A caseof malignant syphilis resulting in death. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1893, xiv, 227-233. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1893, xxix, 184-189. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 540-542. Also, Reprint—Sahunayeff(M.) K voprosu o syphilis maligna. Sibirsk. vrach. vledom., Kras- noyarsk, 1904, ii, 316-318.—SchSfler. Vier Fiille von Lues maligna. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1900, Brest, 1901, lxxviii, 1. Abt, 207-211.—Schley (J. M.) Death due to recent syphilis. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. N. Y., 1894, xxix, 126-129.—Sellei (J.) A syphilis maligna es az immunitastan. [Malignant syphilis and the study of immunity.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1907, xlvii, 156.—Semet. Note sur un cas de syphilis ma- ligne. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1897, 4. s., ix, 236-246.— Shillitoe (A.) Note on a case of syphilis terminating in death. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1900, xxxii, 126-128.— Shvets (Y.) Sluchal zlokachestvennavo bistrotech- navo sifilisa. [Malignant rapid syphilis.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1906, xiii, 175. Also, transl: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1906, xxvi, 86-89.—Sifiiide ma- ligna. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1897, lvi, 175-177.— Sobolevski (A. V.) Chetire sluchaya zlokachestven- navo sifilisa. [Four cases of malignant syphilis.] Pro- tok. Omsk. med. Obsh., 1903-4, xxi, 133-144.—Terc. [Ein Fall von maligner Lues. I Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 1129.—Thiblerge (G.) Syphilis maligne pre- coce rebelle ayant resiste a toutes les medications locales et generates; guerison rapide des ulcerations cutanees par les badigeonnages au coaltar. Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1910, xxi, 177.—Topalofr(S. I.) K kazuistikle zlokachestvennavo sifilisa. [Malignant syphi- lis.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1904, ii, med.-spec. pt, 605-612— Urquhart(R. A.) The relation of syphilis to infant mortality. Bull. Am. Acad. M., Easton, Pa., 1910, xi, 161-172.—Vallentin (E.) TotalerNasenrachen- verschluss und Lues maligna. Arch, f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1906, lxxix, 93.—Veron & Payenne- ville. Un cas de syphilis maligne precoce. Normandie med., Rouen, 1908, xxiii, 74-76. Also: Rev. med. de Nor- mandie, Rouen, 1908, 48.— Vilanova (P.) Breves con- sideraciones sobre la sifilis maligna precoz. Rev. de med., ciruj. y farm., Barcel., 1898, xii, 225-240. Also, Reprint— "Villar (E.) Un caso de sifilis maligna precoz con chan- cro doble. Bol. mens. d. Col. de med. de Gerona, 1903, viii, 54-59. Also: Rev. espan. de sif. y dermat., Madrid, 1903, v, 159-166.—Weik. Ueber Syphilis maligna mit einem Beitrag zur Kasuistik derselben. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 1963; 2008.—Yegoroff (K. A.) K kazuistikle galopiruyushtshavo zlokachestvennavo sifi- lisa. [Galloping malignant svphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1906, xi, 97-100.—Zerenin (V. P.) Sluchal syphilis malignae. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1905, lxiv, 488-492.—Zieler. Zwei Fiille von sogenannter maligner Syphilis. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1907, Brest, 1907, lxxxv, 132-135. Also; Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Bert, 1907, lxxvi, 467. Syphilis (Mammary). See Syphilis (Transmission of) by lactation. Syphilis (Manifestations and semeiol- ogy of). See, also, Nails (Diseases of); Syphilides; Syphilis (Complications of); Syphilis (Congeni- tal, Manifestations, etc., of); Syphilis (Congeni- tal, Teeth in); Syphilis (Eye in); Syphilis (Fe- ver in); Syphilis (Jaundice in). Auclert (L.) *Contribution a l'etude des arthropathies syphilitiques. 8°. Paris, 1908. Syphilis (Manifestations and semeiol- ogy of). Avsarkissoff (A.) * Pathologisch-anatomi- sche Studien zur Genese der Coryza syphilitica. 8°. Berlin, [1908]. Brunelle (J.-L.-R.) *Des adenopathies syphilitiques anormales. 4°. Lille, 1889. Caucanas (J.) * Etude sur le bubon syphi- litique suppure. 8°. Montpellier, 1908. Chistyakoff (M. A.) *Kondilomatozniy period sifilisa; prodolzhitelnost yevo techeniya i zarazitelnost pozdnlkh proyavleniy. [Condy- lomatous period of syphilis; length of its course and contagiousness of late stages.] 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 1894. Crepin (L.) * Syphilis et irritation. 4°. Lille, 1893. Dann (R.) * Ueber spezifische Lungener- krankungen wahrend der Friihperiode der Syphilis (Syphilis pulmonum prsecox). [Leip- zig.] 8°. Berlin, 1908. Froloff (P. I.) *Materiali k ucheniyu o metamorphoze azotistikh veshtshestv v orga- nisme sifilitikov; vlianiye vpriskivaniy salitsilo- vol rtuti v razlichnikh formakh sifllisa na koli- chestvenni i kachestvenni obmien i usvoyeniye azota. [Materials for study of the metamor- phosis of nitrogenous substances in the organism of the syphilitic; the effect of injections with salicylate of mercury in various forms of syphilis upon the quantitative and qualitative metabol- ism and assimilation of nitrogen.] 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 1893. Gaillard (P.) De la syphilis veineuse et par- ticulierement de la phlebite syphilitique precoce des veines superficielles des membres. roy. 8°. Paris, [1910?]. Ganowicz (C.) * Ueber seltenere Formen der Rachen und Kehlkopflues. 8°. Munchen, 1909. Gaucher (E.) La syphilis du systeme ner- veux de l'ceil, de l'oreille et du nez. 8°. Paris, 1910. Gerber (P. H.) Die Syphilis der Nase, des Halses und des Ohres. 8°. Berlin, 1910. Gologanoff (S.) * Contribution a l'etude des arthropathies dans la syphilis acquise. 8°. Montpellier, 1907. Hannes (E. V.) *Ein Fall von Endarteritis syphilitica an der unteren Extremitiit. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1902. Hermann (J.) Es giebt keine constitutionelle Syphilis. Ein Trostwort fiir die gesamte Menschheit. 8°. Leipzig, 1903. ------. The same. 5. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. ------. Neue Lehre iiber das Wesen und die Heilbarkeit der Syphilis. 2. Aufl., bearbeitet und vervollstandigt von Ziegelroth. 8°. Leip- zig, [1910]. Jakovleff (S. S.) *Materialy k azotistomu metamorphosu syphilitikov v periode pervoi vysypi. [Contribution to nitrogenous meta- morphosis in syphilis in first stages of eruption.] 8°. St. Peterburg, 1892. Joliclere (J.) De l'adenite syphilitique, du diagnostic, et du traitement. 24°. Paris, 1862. Lacovara (G.) Morbo di Bright e sifiiide. Note cliniche e patologiche. 8°. Mutera, 1897. Lentz (0.) * Osteochondritis syphilitica und rachitis congenita. 8°. Gottingen, 1895. Lestage (E.-H.) *De Penantheme bucco- pharynge a la periode primaire de la syphilis. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899. SYPHILIS. 421 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Manifestations and semeiol- ogy of). Majerczak (Mile. Dina). *De la lymphade- nie chez les syphilitiques. 8°. Paris, 1902. Maringer (H.) *Facteurs de gravite chez les syphilitiques. 8°. Paris, 1902. Mayer (J. M.) * Ein .Fall von Thrombose der Arteria fossae Svlvii im Friihstadium der Syphilis. 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Mucel (M.) * Apuntes sobre la influencia de la sifilis en la nutricion. 8°. Mexico, 1883. Prexdergast (J.-M.-V.) * Etude clinique sur la syphilis brightique precoce. 4°. Paris, 1892. Rashevski (I.) Chancre i sifilis. 4°. [Cher- nigov, 1890.] Regis (L.) *Du prurit dans la syphilis; son origine. 8°. Lyon, 1902. Rochard (C.) * Contribution a l'etude des dactylites syphilitiques a forme de tumeur des gaines. 8°. Lyon, 1909. Schablow8ki (G.) *Die Veranderungen des Knorpels bei tuberkuloser Gelenkentziindung und ein Fall von Gonitis syphilitica. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1902. Schunemann (H.) *Ein Fall von Pericar- ditis und Mediastinitis syphilitica. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1899. Tetradze (A. N.) *K voprosu ob izmlenenii dieyatelnosti serdtsa vo vtoroi inkubatsii i v periodle pervichnol sipi u sifilitikov. [Altera- tion in the cardiac activity during the second incubation and during the primary eruption, in syphilitics.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1909. Thuillard (J.) Contribution a l'etude des arthropathies dans la syphilis acquise. 8°. Paris, 1908. Vives (J.) * Contribution a l'etude des grandes nephrites svphilitiques precoces. 8°. Toulouse, 1900. Weber (F.) * Beitrage zur Syphilis der Lippen, der Zunge und des Kehlkopfes. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1902. Woloschin (A. D.) *K voprosu o sifiliti- cheskom porazhenii eosudistoi sistemy Pato- logo-anatomicheskoe izsliedovanie. [Syphili- tic affection of the vascular system. Pathologo- anatomical researches.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1894. Wysocki (S.) * Kasuistische Mitteilungen fiber Gelenkerkrankungen bei Lues acquisita. 8°. Breslau, 1910. Adami (J. G.) On the stages and forms of syphilis, with more especial reference to the hepatic manifestations of the disease. Treatment,Lond.,1898-9,ii,557-570. Also: Montreal M. J., 1898, xxvii, 401-421. Also, Reprint— Adamson (H. G.) Case of onychia sicca syphilitica. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Dermat. Sect., 43. -----. A case of macular atrophy in a syphilitic patient. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1911, xxiii, 220-224.—Adamson (H. G.) & McDonauli (J. E. R.) Two unusual forms of'syphilitic nails; with some general remarks upon syph- ilis of the nail. Ibid.. 08-77, 2 pt—Agote (L.) Cirrosis sifilitica. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1902, ix, 499-508.— Alelekoff(A. N.) K patologii i simptomatologii sifili- ticheskavo stradaniya arteriy l tkani golovnovo mozga. [On the pathology and symptomatology of syphilitic dis- ease of arteries and tissue of the brain.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1896, xiv,532-547. Also, transl: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1896, xv, 253-267.—AIgandona (M. S.) Estudio sobre algunas manifestaciones de la sifilis. Rev. med. de Bogota, 1896-7, xix, 51; 85; 119; 141; 164— Allende (I.) Un caso de sifilis a localizaci6n multiple sobre varios 6rganos y serosas. Rev. Soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1907, xv, 137-14;:!.—Anderson (C. F.) Syphilitic in- durating edema, with report of a cnse. J. Tean. M. Ass., Nashville, 1911-12, iv, 349. — Andronico (C.) Le placche mucose. Gazz. med. sicil., Catania, 1910, xiii, 241-251.—Ardin-Delteil. Coma syphilitique recidi- vant Bull. med. de 1'Algerie, Alger, 1908, xix, 649-652.— Audry (C.) Sur les exanthemes provoques, les exan- themes pr6roseoliques et l'incubation de la syphilis. Province med., Par., 1911, xxiv, 191.—Audry (C.) & Syphilis (Manifestations and semeiol- °gy of). Boyreau. Cyanose douloureuse intermittente d'un gros orteil, d'origine syphilitique. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, xvii, 392-394. Also: Ann. de dermat. et^s.vph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 709-711.—Audry (C.) & Fere. Un cas de frottement sous-scapulaire d„™lglne syPhilitique. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 82.-Austin (M. A.) A study of syphilitic crises. Am. J. Clin. M., Chicago, 1909, xvi, 657-«59.— Bach. Ulcus syphiliticum; sphacelus praeputii; vyho- jeni. t . .; cure.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1869, viii, 114.— Baldwin (Kate W.) Unilateral ptosis and purpura, symptomatic of syphilis. Codex med. Phila., 1895-6, n, 6-7— Ballcnger (E. G.) Does syphilis spontaneously abort? Am. J. Dermat. & Genito- Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 413. — Batut (L.) Glossite sclereuse, arthrite specifique uu genou, rupia. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1909, xx, 597. ——.Syphilis ancienne, rupias generalises, orchi-epi- didymite double sclereuse; syphilis pigmentaire. Ibid., 600-603. — Baudouin (G.) Du chancre syphilitique. Ann. de med. scient. et prat., Par., 1895, v, 113. — Beal (R.) Vaste ulceration de la region fronto-naso-palpe- brale de nature epitheliale chez une syphilitique avec ouverture des sinus frontaux. Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhinol., Par., 1906, ix, 63-69. — Beitzke (H.) Ueber knotchenformige syphilitische Leptomeningitis und uber Artenitis syphilitica. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Bert, 1911, cciv, 453-469.—Belcher (G. C.) Un- usual specific infection. Midland M. J., Birmingh., 1904, iii, 149-151.— Beristain (P.) Anafrodisiade origen si- fllitico. Cron. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1897-8, i, 17.— Bevacqua (A.) Ematomaperirenale in un sifllitico. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1904, lh, 95-108. — Bil- lings (J. S.), jr. A case of asthma and symmetrical en- largement of the arms greatly benefited by specific treat- ment; marked excess of oxyphiles in the blood. N. York M. J., 1897, lxv, 691-695.—Blaschko (A.) Ueber Thrombophlebitis nodularis syphilitica. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 412. — Bloom (I. N.) Syphi- litic ulceration. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1901, xxxii, 223.—Bonac (C.) Ueber Maculae atrophicae mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung zweier Fiille von Maculae atrophicae bei Lues. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1910, ciii, 183-218. — Boinet & Uouslacroix. Pouls lent permanent avec dissociation du rythme car- diaque chez un syphilitique. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1906, ii, 2497-2503. — Boslier (L. C.) Syphilis of the bones, joints, bursae, tendons, and muscles. In: Am. text-bookgen.-urin. dis. [etc.], (Bangs & Hardawayt 8°, Phila., 1898, 651-664.—Bouveyron. Syphilis ecthyma- teuse et ulcereuse. Lvon med., 1903, c, 121.-----. Sy- philis lymphangitique et ganglionnaire d'emblee. Ibid., 1907, cix, 103-107.—Brault. Frequence des chancres dans la region sus-pubienne et a la base du penis chez des indigenes musulmansd'Algerie. Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. etsyph., Par., 1909, xx, 155. — Broes van Bort (T.) Zur Aetiologie des protrahirten Verlaufes der ers- ten Latenzperioden bei Syphilis. Dermat. Centralbl., Bert, 1898-9, ii, 258-261. — Brown (P.) A Roentgeno- logical study of certain manifestations of syphilis. Am. Q. Roengenot, Pittsburg, 1906-7, i, no. 4, 8-14. — Bruek (A.) Fall von Nasensequester bei frischer Lues. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xlix, 367.—Bruhns(C) Die Er- scheinungen der Syphilis. Ibid., 1900, xxxvii, 998; 1021.— Bull(C. S.) Cellulitis of the orbit, eyelids, forehead, and cheek, following an infected sore upon the finger; treat- ment by free incisions and subcutaneous injections of sublimate. Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxxi, 1062. Also, Reprint—Buschke (A.) & Zernik (F.) Zur Kennt- niss der Lebererkrankungen im Friihstadium der Syphi- lis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1911," cvi, 121-134.—Busse (O.) & Hochheim (W.) Ueber syphi- litische Entziindung der ausseren Augenmuskeln und des Herzens. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1903, lv, 222-238, 2 pt—Cam pan a (R.) Infiltrazione flogistica di tratti di cute apparentemente sani vicini all' accidente iniziale della sifiiide. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1893, viii, 154-156. -----. L' arteriosclerosi nei suoi rapporti colla sifiiide. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien. u. Leipz., 1911, cvi, 136-142,1 pt—Carnevali. Ancora sulle cosi- dette manifestazioni parasifilitiche. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1910, xiv, 33-47.—Carpenter (G.) A case of syphilitic epiphysitis. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1900-1901, i, 16.—Carriere (G.) Sur quelques ma- nifestations gastriquesdela svphilis. Tribune med., Par., 1908, n. s., xl, 789-791.— Caso I i (V.) Un raro caso di sifi- loma iniziale endouretrale. Rassegna di sc. med.,Modena, 1897-8, xii, 117-120. — Cauli (G.) Sifiiide e ritardata ci- catrizzazione. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1909, xxxv, 253-259.— Cava lie ii (G.) A proposito dell' esame radioscopico di un caso di falangite sifilitica. Boll. d. Soc. med. di Parma, 1908, 2. s., i, 162-168, 1 pt—Chambers (G.) A case of syphilis with multiple lesions, periostitis, arthritis, and ulcer of rectum, etc. Dominion M. Month., Toronto, SYPHILIS. 422 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Manifestations and semiol- ogy of). 1902, xix, 135.— Chernyavski (V. A ) Demonstratsiya bolnovo s osteochondritis luetica. [Demonstration of a patient with . . .] Trudi i protok. zasled. Ku-sk. K liirurg. Obsh. Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1905-6, xxiv, 71—Clarke (W. B.) True cowpox a manifestation of svphilis. Med. Advance, Elkhart, Ind., 1899-1900, xxxvii, 217-226.—Cle- roux (L.-J.-V.) Observation d'un cas de n6phrite sy- philitique precoce. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1904, xxxiii, 251-254. — Coble ( P. B. ) Hyperemesis, svphilitic in origin, with spontaneous recovery. Centr. States M. Monit, Indianap., 1906, ix, 795-797.—Cogliati- Dt'zza (G.) Alcuni casi di sifiloma elefantiastico. Clin. dermositilnpat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1905, xxiii, 94-96.— Courcoux (A.) & Ribadeau-Dumas(L.) L'angio- cholite svphilitique. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1908, i, 1-21.— < oiiiinoiil (!'.) & Cade (A.) Nephrite syphilitique precoce et grave, guerie par le traitement mercuriel, malgre une periode d'intoxication. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1904, iii, 281-289.—Creite (O.) Ueber Dac- tylitis svphilitica. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., J.908, xcii, 70-78.—Daniells (R. P.) & Dachtler (H. W.) Pulmonarv manifestations of svphilis, with report of cases. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1911, vii, 114-118.—Dan- los. Chancrelle induree avec dehiscence lineaire du ganglion suppure correspondant. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, xvii, 357. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 674.—Danlos & Dchcrain. Macules atrophiques syphilitiques. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, xvii, 152. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 272. — Dekeyser ( L. ) Sanies et ulcerations syphilitiques. Soc. beige de dermat. et de syph. Bull., Brux., 1901-2, ii, 106-110.—Delamare (G.) De quelques accidents re- naux observes dans le cours de la syphilis acquise; leur frequence, leur nature. Gaz> de hop.. Par., 1900, lxxiii, 425-427.—Delbaneo (E.) Etat degenere; zur Klinik der Parasyphilis. Monatsh. f. prakt Dermat, Hamb., 1909, xlviii, 214-219.—De Tullio (P.) Gravi e rare lo- calizzazioni della sifiiide. Collez. ital. di lett. s. med., Milano, 1894, 7. s., no. 1, 1-37. — Dietz ( P. ) Ulcus laeve specificum suivi de svphilis constitutionnelle. Gaz. med. de Liege, 1895-6, viii, 180.—Donald (W. M.) Sy- philitic dyspnoea. Detroit M. J., 1908, viii, 171— Du »tites precoces dans la phase prae- roseolique de la svphilis. Rev. med. de test, Nancy, 1898, xxx, lf,s-i;."».—EwaId (C. A.) Ein Fall von Peri- hlebitis syphilitica, Thrombosis venae portarum. Ver- andl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. (1906), 1907, pt. 2, 12-15.— Felix (E.) La labvrinthite dans la syphilis acquise. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larvnx [etc.], Par., 1901, xxvii, pt. 2,513-534.—Fibiger (J.)' Zur Lehre Syphilis (Manifestations and semiol- ogy of). von der gastrointestinalen Syphilis und den sogenannten svphilitischen Sarkomen. Path.-anat. Arb. . . . Joh. Orth. z. . . . Prof.-Jubit, Bert, 1903, 101-118, 2 pt — Fiocco (G. B.) Ulcera serpiginosa venerea. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1895, xxx, 611-530, lpl —Fisohkin (E. A.) Svphilitic purpura. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1903-4, n. s., v, 811-816.—Fordyce (J. A.) On the occur- rence of nephritis in early syphilis; with the report of a case terminating fatally. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1*97, xv, 151-157.2 pl. -----. A case of luetic infec- tion with symmetrical cutaneous atrophy. Internat. Dermat. Cong., vi, 1907. Tr., N. Y., 1908, i, 165—Four- nier (A.) Lecons sur le phagedenisme s\ pliilitique. Tribune med., Par., 1894, 2. s.. xxvi, 164; 284; 426; 447. -----. Pelade ou pseudo-pelade cles sujets syphilitiques. Cong, internat. de med. C. r.. Par., 1900, sect, de der- matol. et de syph., 412-417. Also: Kev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1901, xv, 33-35. — Fournier (A.) & Dominici. Dyschromie cervicale anormale chez une syphilitique. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1897, viii, 313. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph.,'Par., 1897, 3. s., viii, 658.—Freytat£ (R.) Ein Fall von labyrintho- gener Diplakusis bei Lues. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1907, liii, 105-110.—Fritz (E.) Some syphilitic lesions seen in eye, ear, nose, and throat practice. Tr. N. Hamp- shire M. Soc, Concord, 1902, 116-127.—Fritzsche (G.) Altes und Neues aus dem Gebiete der Syphilisforschung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der spezifischen Vor- gange in der Mundhohle. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Bert, 1910, xxviii, 342-356.— Garipuy (E.) Leucoplasie buccale et retinite syphilitiques. Toulouse med., 1906, 2. s., viii, 195-197.—Gastinel (P.) Trois cas de chancre simple de la verge avec lymphangite abcedee et chan- crellisatinn secondaire des teguments. Ann. dedermat. et syph.. Par., 1909, 4. s., x, 116-118.—Gaucher (E.) santaucoursdelasvphilis. Ann. d. mal. ven.. Par., 1911, vi, 413-440.—Linsley (J. H.) Syphilis of the respi- ratory, circulatory, lymphatic, and alimentary systems. Syphilis (Manifestations and semiol- ogy of). In: Am. text-book gen.-urin. dis. [etc.], (Bangs & Harda- way), 8°, Phila., 1898, 665-689.—Loclite & Thost. Die Erkrankungen der oberen Luftwege in der Friihperiode der Syphilis. Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. Festschr. . . . I. Neumann, Leipz. u. Wien, 1900, 411-444. — Lowman (W. R.) Syphilitic gangrene? Case involving scrotum and perineum. Carolina M. J., Charlotte, 1900, xiv, 104- 106. Also: Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1900, xvi, 236. — L,u- blinski (W.) Ueber das Verhaltnis der Leukoplakie zur Syphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Bert, 1904, xxx, 767-769. — Maas (J. F.) Ernstige syphilis, met gunstigen invloed op een voorafgaande keratosis palmaris et plantaiis. Med. Weekbl., Amst, 1907-8, xiv, 257.—MeDonay.li (J. E. R.) Case of phlebitis nodula- ris syphilitica. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, no. 6, Dermat. Sect., 72. -----. Case of syphilitic ery- thema nodosum. Ibid., iii, Dermat. Sect, 50.-----. A rare form of syphilitic onychia. Ibid., 1910-11, iv, Dermat Sect., 55.—MacLeod (J. M. H.) Case of syphilitic onychia. Ibid., 1909-10, iii, Dermat. Sect. 59.— Malherbe (H.) Le sarcocele syphilitique. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 198-206. -Mansuroff (N.) Sifilis fibroznikh tkanel i vlagalishtsh sukhozhiliy. [Syphilis of fibrous tissues and of the vaginal sheaths of the tendons.] In his: Klin, sborn. po dermat. isif., 8°, St. Petersb., 1889, 41-85.—Marcuse (M.) Ueber erweichte Bubonen der Friihlues. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903,1, 1121-1124. — Martin (A.) Rigidite syphilitique du col. Normandie med., Rouen, 1896, xi, 45-53.—Mar- tin (S. C.) Cutaneous manifestations and inter-current phenomena of syphilis. Med. Monog., Topeka, Kan., 1899, i, 1201-1220. — Martinet (A.) Le calendrier du syphilitique. Presse med., Par., 1906, xiv, 803.—Mason (R. D.) Syphilis in abdominal and rectal surgery. Am. J. Clin. M., Chicago, 1907, xiv, 51-54. — Massei (F.) Corriza sifilitica. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1904, vii, 113. — Matzenauer (R.) Brustdriisensyphilis im Friihstadium. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xv, 1029- 1032.—Mayer (O.) Ueber Erkrankungen des Akusti- kus bei erworbener Lues. Ibid., 1911, xxiv, 381; 532. Also, transl: Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1911, xxxi, 771-781.—Mendel (H.) Presentation d'une piece anatomique (pleiades ganglionnaires inguinales, lliaques et aortique) montrant la marche de l'infection syphilitique. Ann. de dermat. et syph.t>Par., 1893, 3. s., iv, 259. -----. Phlebite et myosite syphilitiques. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, vi, 4. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 11.—Men- des da Costa (S.) Syphilis van het vaatstelset Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1904-5, xi, 277; 289; 301.—Meshtsherki (G. I.) Sluchai elephantiasis scroti et penis v nachalnom periodle sifilisa. [... in the firststage of syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn..Kharkov, 1904,viii, 209.—Mew- born (A. D.) A case of exfoliatio areata linguae with distrophy of nails in a syphilitic. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1903, xxi, 230-232.—Mibelli (V.) Maculae atrophicae bei einem Syphilitiker. Monatsh. f. prakt Dermat., Hamb., 1900, xxx, 410-421.—Milan & Chenet. Chancres successifs de l'amygdale et de la levre; eche- ance avancee de laroseole; syphilide papuleuse ennappe perichancreuse. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1907, ii, 209.— Mollard (J.), Favre (M.) & Dulourt (A.) Sur un syndrome complexe d'origine syphilitique (paralysie des deux membres superieurs du type radiculaire; aortite chronique; signe d'Argyll; tumeur gommeuse de la paroi abdominale). Lyon nied., 1911, cxvii, 593-596.—Molli- son (W. M.) A case of svphilitic meatitis. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1911, xxv, 235.—Morrow (H.) Unusual syphilitic manifestations. Calif. M. Bull., San Fran., 1905, i, 100.—Morrow (P. A.) Notes on syphilis; syphi- loma of the nose of unusual form and evolution; the diagnostic value of syphilitic cicatrices; extra genital chancres, prognostic significance of; professional svphi- lis. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1896, xiv, 125- 140.—Mracek (F.) Syphilitische Infection an zwei ent- fernten Korperstellen zugleich. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1898, Wien u. Leipz., 1900, vii, pt. 2, 226. -----. Zur Dactylitis syphilitica. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1901,xiv,432-435.—Mzareuloif (M. Ye.) Sluchal syphi- lonychiahaemorrhagica. [Case.] Russk. ,T. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1911, xxii, 26-28.—Neumann (H.) [Luetische Primiiraffektion.] Wien.klin.Wchnschr.,1910, xxiii,1865.—Nicolas (J.), Durand (M.) & Moutot (H.) Dactylite syphilitique a forme de tumeur des gaines avec recidive d'apparence sarcomateuse. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1908, vii, 145-151. Also: Ann.de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, 4. s.,ix,208-214.— Nicolas (J.) & Favre (M.) Les pseudo-sarcomes syphilitiques. Bull, etmem. Soc.med. d.h6p.de Par.,1911,3.s.,xxxiii,54-60.—O'Crow- ley (C. R.) Svphilitic lesions of the oral cavity. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1909, xiii, 4-6.— Ohmann-Dumesnil (A. H.) Syphilitic ulcers. Tri- State M. J., St. Louis, 1896, iii, 466-475. Also, Reprint. -----. Syphilitic pigmentation. Tri-State M. J. & Pract., St, Louis, 1897, iv, 360-367. Also, Reprint -----. Syphi- litic node and syphilitic dactylitis. Tri-State M. J. & SYPHILIS. 424 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Manifestations and semeiol- ogy of). Pract.. St. Louis, 1898, v, 67-74.—Osier (W.) The Schor- stein lecture on svphilis and aneurysm. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, ii, 1509-1514.—Packard (F. R.) Aural manifestations of svphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 316-320.—Patoir. De, l'ecrouelle syphilitique; bubon syphilitique ramolli. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1900, iv, 531-534.—Patterson (A.) Some phases of syphilis. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1899, v, 97-112.—Pela- gatti (M.) Osteocondro artropatia sifilitica grave pre- coce; studio clinico ed otologico. Clin, chir., Milano, 1907, xv, 1839-1853.—Pellizzari (C.) Sui periodi di rinvigorimento della sifiiide. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 3, 541; 555. Also: Salute pubb., Perugia, 1892, v, 257; 296.—Penne. Un cas de carreau d'origine syphilitique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. de Vaucluse, Avignon, 1909, v, 199-201.—Pernet (G.) A lecture on syphilitic headaches. Clin. J., Lond., 1910-11, xxxvii, 81-85.—Perochaud. Ulcerations syphilitiques phage- deniques. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1902-3, xxi, 75-77.— PharantatOS (I.) Tpei? irepnrTu>v €K avrjyiAiSos. 'larpiKTf npooSos, Ev 2i5po>, 1901, vi, 187.—Phillips (A.) A case of acute phagedena of the nose, eye and face, occurring in a syphilitic subject. Practitioner, Lond., 1900, lxiv, 632- 636.—Pistoj (F.) Casi di malattie interne sifilitiche. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1899, xxxiv, 129-141.— Plantier. Coma syphilitique. Bull. Soc med.-chir. de la Drome [etc.], Valence & Par., 1905, vi, 104 — Plonski. Ueber Alopecia syphilitica. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1900), 1901, xxxi, pt. 1, 123-126.— Prokhoroff (P. N.) Rabota pockek u sifilitikov. [Work of the kidneys in syphilitics.] Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Trudi ix . . . svezda. 1904, S.-Peterb., 1905, iii, 315-333, 8 diag.—Quirk (J. J.) Syphilitic dystrophies. Chicago Clinic, 1900, xiii, 75- 78.—Radaeli (F.) Ricerche sul ricambio materiale nella sifiiide recente. Gior. ital. d. mat ven., Milano, 1900, xxxv, 412-419.—Bavaut (P.) Etude biopsique de la meningo-vascularite syphilitique. Presse med., Par., 1911, xix, 761.—Ravenna (E.) Osservazioni anato- miche e critiche suit aortite sifilitica. Riv. veneta di sc. med.. Venezia, 1905, xliii, 65; 113.—Ravogli(A.) Syphi- lis of she face. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1909, ci, 564-566.— Raymond (F.) Sur quelques cas d'atrophie muscu- laire k marche progressive chez des syphilitiques; rela- tions eventuelles de la syphilis avec 1'evolution de la maladie; meningo-myedite vasculaire diffuse constatee a l'autopsie, dansun cas. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hdp. de Par., 1893, 3. s., x, 55-77, 4 pt—Reichmann (M.) An interesting case of svphilis. Chicago M. Recorder, 1903, xxiv, 206.—Reiss (W.) Ueber die Haltbarkeit des Begriffesprimare Svphilis als rein locale Affection. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1901, lviii, 69-90.— Remijnse (J. G.) Een geval van dactylitis syphilitica. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1907, ii, 1406-1410, 1 pt—Renault (A.) Alopecie peladoide ou peladique chezun syphilitique. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, 4. s., ii, 277-281.— Rey (A.) Chancres simples pha- ged<5niques et gangreneux avec hemorrhagic grave de l'artere dorsale gauche de la verge. J. d. mat cutan. et syph.. Par., 1893, v, 716-719. -----. Un cas de gangrene syphilitique. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1905, xvi, 500-502.— Rimbaud & Reveilhe. Phlebite syphili- tique du membresuperieur. Montpel. med., 1909, xxviii, 63-67.—Robbins (H. A.) Organic svphilis. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1893-4, xx, 372-381 Also, Reprint. -----. Syphilis of the eye, ear and throat. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897, xxxvii, 58-63. -----. A case of polymor- phism. Ibid., 1899, xiii, 195-197. Also, Reprint. -----. Is leprosy the fourth stage of syphilis? Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St, Louis, 1902, vi, 61-65. Also, Re- print. -----. Syphilis of the organs of sight, and hearing, and taste, and sense of smell, and the teeth, and acces- sory organ, of digestion. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1908, xii, 324-331. Also, Reprint -----. A case of polymorphism. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1908, xii, 98. Also, Reprint.—Robertson (W. N.) Svphilis in the ear, nose and throat. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1909, xxviii, 526-531.—Robinson (W. J.) Lues; the most protean of diseases. Am. J. Clin. M., Chicago, 1907, xiv, 1301-1366.—Roederer (C.) & de Speville. Tumeur blanche du genou d'origine syphi- litique depistee par l'apparition d'une keratite pareiichy- mateuse. Gaz. meet de Par., 1911, lxxxii, 329.—Rou- viere (G.) Polynuclebse rachidienne chez un svphili- tique. Toulouse med., 1909, 2. s., xi, 342-346.—Rud- nitski (N. M.) Sluchal sifiliticheskavo bronkhita. [Syphilitic bronchitis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1907, xiv, 365-368.—RumpI'. Syphilis der Bron- chialdriisen mit Usur der Trachea und bronchopneumoni- schen Herden. Internat. Beitr. z. inn. Med. (Leyden), Bert, 1902, i, 513-518.—Rusk (G. Y.) The co-existence of visceral svphilis and aneurism with syphilitic menin- gitis. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1910-11, n. s., x, 45-47 — Ryerson (G. S.) Some syphilitic affections of the eye and ear. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, I Syphilis (Manifestations and semeiol- ogy of). 1906, x, 168. Also: Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1907-8, xii, 522-524.—Sabadini (S.) Fibromi e pseudofibromi da sifiiide. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1899, xxv, 117- 134, 1 pt —Salomone (G.) Sulle artropatie sifilitiche. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1908, xiv, 378-387. -----. Sulle lesioni auricolari sifilitiche. Ibid., 1911, i, 625-638.— Sanchez de Rivera y Moset (D.) Degeneraci6n por sifilis adquirida. Clin, y lab. Rev. quincen. de espec. med.,Zaragoza, 1911, vii, 569-575.—Sbordone (A.) Infezione celtica pregressa; crisi gastriche; cardiacalgie; osteocopi. Tommasi, Napoli, 1905-6, i. 471. — Sclnci'er (F. C.) Syphilitic ulceration of the scalp, caries of the skull, etc. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1895-6, v, 332-334.— Scheuer (O.) Azoospermie und Syphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Bert, 1911, xxxvii, 19sj.— Schlechtendahl (E.) Ueber Nierenentzundung im Friihstadium der Syphilis und deren Behandlung. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1903, xvii, 577, 596. — Schuster (C.) Ueber zwei Falle von Strumitis auf luetischer Basis. Rid., 1911 xxv, 405; 423; 439. — Schwimmer. Lues leontiasiformis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1898, xiii, 143.—Senator. Ueber die acut-infec- tiosen Erkrankungsformen der constitutionellen Syphi- lis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xxxix, 482-484. — Se- queira (J. H.) Alopecia of acquired syphilis in a boy aged7. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Dermat. Sect, 79.—Sherr'ill (J.G.) Chronic syphilitic ulceration of the foot and ankle. Medicine, Detroit, 1898, iv, 468- 472.—Shillitoe (A.) A case illustrating the effects of pressure on early syphilitic warty growths. Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 1731.— Singer (G.) Ueber luetische Rheumatoide. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1903, liii, 1001- 1006.—Sirski (K. L.) Syphilis cornea (svphilide cor- nee). Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1889, xv, 324. — Smith (S. McC.) Aural manifestations of syphilitic disease. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1910-11, xiv, 544-546. [Discussion], 554-556.—Soucek (A.) Ein Fall von Perisplenitis lue- tica. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1911, x, 99.—Sowiiiski (Z.) Kilka przypadk6w rozleg- lych porazen kilakovvych na praciu. [Several cases of extensive chancres of the penis.] Przegl. chor6b skor. i wen., Warszawa, 1906, i, 241-252. —Spencer (R. H.) Primary syphilis. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Ar- bor, 1899, xxi, 358-360. —Starke (E. D.) Frequency of the absence of skin lesions in syphilis. Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 1908-9, xiii, 448. —Stradiotti (G.) Sopra un caso di calcificazioni multiple del eellulare sot- tocutaneo di origine sifilitica. Policlin., Roma, 1910, xvii, sez. med., 255; 322. —Stucky (J. A.) Syphilitic manifestations in nasopharynx, ear and buccal cavity. Tr. Am. Larvngot, Rhinol. & Otol. Soc. 1905, St. Louis, 1906, xi, 282-285. — Stilinpke (G.) Labyrintherkran- kungen im Friihstadium der Syphilis. Dermat. Ztschr., Bert, 1909, xvi, 339-349. — Syers (H. W.) Some less common manifestations of svphilis. Treatment, Lond., 1903-4, vii, 321-330. —Szadek (K.) Przyczynek do ka- zuistyki zgorzeli samoistnej pochodzenia przymiotowego (gangraena spontanea syphilitica). Przegl. chor6b sk6r. i wen., Warszawa, 1906, i, 33; 97.—Taylor (R. W.) r>™>« svphilis in some cases spontaneously abort in the pri- mary stage? Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1906, xx, 321-325— Te- deschi (G.) Sifiiide costituzionale; endoarterite lue- tica obliterante con emiplegia; cardio-arterio-sclero'u dif- fusa; pericardite plastica adesiva. Tommasi, Napoli, 1905-6, i, 552-557.—Terebinski (V. I.) Sluchal chas- tichnavo posiedleniya golovi u sifilitika. [ Partially gray hair in a syphilitic. [Russk. J. Kozhn. l Ven. Bo- liezn., Kharkov, 1906, xi, 338-348. — Thiblerge. La syphilis pigmentaire; la syphilis maligne precoce; l'alo- pecie syphilitique et l'adenopathie syphilitique de la periode secondaire. Arch, de med. et chir. spec, Par., 1903, iv, 254; 363; 434. —Thomas (H. G.) Syph- ilis as seen by the eye, ear, nose, and throat spe- cialist. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1908, vi, 377- 379.—Thomas (J.D.) Syphilis; secondary and ter- tiary symptoms. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1899, viii, 688.—Thorel (L.) Du prurit dans la syphilis. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1906, l, 78-82— Timoieyeff' (P. V.) Ob uvelichenii shtshitovidnol zhelyozivrannem periodle kondilomatoznavo sifilisa. [On hypertrophy of the thy- roidglandin the early period of condylomatoussyphilis.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1896, clxxxvi, 1. sect, 583- 589.—TUrok (L.) Ueber syphilitische Venenentziin- dung. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1912, xlviii, t—Trautmann (G.) Erythema exsudativum multi- forme und nodosum der Schleimhaut in ihren Bezie- hungen zur Syphilis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 2101-2103. [Discussion], 2131.—Trimble. Mot- tled chin associated with syphilis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1912, xxx, 90-93. —Trouchaud (P.) Lymphangite syphilitique erosive primitive suivie de leucopathie generalisee. Nord med., Lille, 1890, ii, 156.— Illmaiin(J) Ueber Erkrankung des Xebenhodensim Friihstadium "der Syphilis. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat, Hamb., 1905, xii, 10-14.—Fstinoff (A. P.) Myositis sy- philitica et affectio pulmonis dextrae. Protok. Mosk. ven. SYPHILIS. 425 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Manifestations and semeiol- ogy of). i dermat. Obsh., 1893-4, 20-29.— Velyamovich (V. F.) Sluchal ogranichennavo bolleznennavo otyoka vslled- stviye sifiliticheskavo endoarterita; phlegmasia alba do- lens syphilitica. [Limited oedema in consequence of sy- philitic endarteritis.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1898, cxciii, med.-spec. pt., 429-437.—Viegas (L.) O pha- gedenismo syphilitico. Med. mod., Porto, 1894, i, 41-44.— Vignolo-Lutati (C.) Intorno ad un caso raro di pa- chionissi sifilitica totale. Gazz. med. ital., Torino 1908 lix, 51-63—VI11 an en (K. Z.) Sluchal polvarthritis sy- philitica. Russk. Vrach. S.-Peterb., 1903, ii, 933-935.— Vitrac & Jjaubie. Vaste ulceration syphilitique dela joueayantenvahi successivement la regionsous-orbitaire et les regions temporale, parotidienne et carotidienne. Gaz. d. h6p. de Toulouse, 1898, xii, 41. Also: Rev. odont Par., 1897, xvi, 365-370.—Vomer (H.) Ueber schmerz- hafteDriisenschwellungbei Lues. Munchen med. Wchn- schr., 1906, liii, 1623.—Wacher (J.) Pericarditis exsu- dativa luetica im Eruptionsstadium mit Ausgang in voll- kommene Heilung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xxii 96-98.—Weber chiat.-neurol. Wchnschr., Halle a. S., 1911-12, xiii, 191; 201.—Bonnet (L.-M.) La polynucleose du liquide ce- phalo-rachidien dans la syphilis des centres nerveux. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lvon, 1906, v, 349-357. Also: Lyon med., 1906, cvii, 993-1001.—Borowieeki (S.) Przypadek przemijajacej psychozy i rozszczepiania czucia na tie przymiotu. [Transitory psychosis and disturbed sensationfollowingsyphilis.] Czasopismolek.,L6dz, 1905, vii, 240-245.— Bramwell (B.) Blindness due to optic atrophy; spastic paraplegia of lower extremities; epileptic fits; imbecility; three members of the family affected at the same age. Clin. Stud., Edinb., 1909-10, viii, 344-347 — Brain well (E.) Acase of syphilitic lesions of the nerv- ous system. Tr. Med.-Chir.Soc. Edinb., 1906-7, n. s., xxvi, 63.—Bratz. Epilepsie nach hereditiirer Lues. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xxxvii, 804-806—Bravetta (E.) Ricerche comparative sui recenti metodi per la diagnosi della sifiiide nelle malattie nervose e mentali. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1911, xxv, 40-46.—Brissaud & Bauer. Meningo - myelite chronique syphilitique apparue 30 ans apres le chancre infectant. Rev. neu- rol., Par., 1909, xvii, 94-96.—Bruckner (E. L.) Ue- ber die ursachlichen Beziehungen der Syphilis zur Idio- tic Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 1944-1940.— Burnett (S. G.) Luetic infection as a probable cause of cerebral abscess; the study of a case. Kansas City M. Rec, 1900, xvii, 220-226.—Burr (C. W.l Syphilis of the nervous system. Medicine, Detroit. l!>04, x, 427- 429. Also, Reprint.—Buttino (D.) Sui sintomi iniziali della sifiiide a carico del sistema nervoso. Riv. di patol. nerv., Firenze, 1906, xi, 476-493.—Buzzard i E. F.) A lecture on syphilis of the nervous svstem. Hospital, Lond., 1906-7, xii, 279-282.—Camaggib (F.) Un caso d' isterismo sifllitico diagnosticato chirurgicamente. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1902, n. s., xxiv, 481- 4S7.—Camp (C. D.) The difficulty of diagnosticating between tabes and cerebrospinal syphilis, with a report of two illustrative cases. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1905-6, xviii, 1H7-170.-Campbell (H.) A clinical lec- ture on svphilitic disease of the nervous system. Clin. J., Lond., 1908, xxxii, 69-73.— Chambers (G.) A ease of syphilis with early cerebral manifestation. Dominion M. Month., Toronto,, 1902, xix, 136.— Cliarmeil. Syphi- lis et irritation. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1897, i, 58- 63.— Clieatle (A. H.) Note of a case of nerve deafness in a syphilitic of thirtv years' standing. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Otol. Sect, 26.—Clarke (J. M.) The Long Fox lecture; cerebrospinal svphilis. Bristol M.- Chir. J., 1911, xxix, 1-33.—Claude (H.) & Lhermitte (J.) Sur le traitement de la syphilis cerebro spinale par les injections de mercure colloidal electrique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 70-72.— Collins (J.) On some affections of the nervous system occurring in the early and late stages of acquired syphilis. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1895, xiii, 181; 239; 288; 335. Also, Reprint.-----. The adequacy of the present day treatment of syphilis tested by the occurrence of syphi- Syphilis (Manifestations of. Nreous), litic diseases of the nervous svstem. K* York State J. M N. Y., 1910, x, 250-253. -----." Syphilitic diseases of the nervous system; their relationship to inadequate and im- proper treatment of syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago 1910, liv, 1349-1352.— Coombs (C. P.) [Deficiency of movement in the left arm; syphilitic] Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n. s., lxxx, 403.—Courmont (J.) & IVIoiiriquand . <;.) Chancre syphilitique svmetrique d'origine hospitaliere: tabes consecutif. Bult'Soe. med d. hop. de Lyon, 1904, iii, 219-223.—Courtney (J.E.j Syphilis of the nervous system. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito- Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1909, xiii, 416-4i9.—Cramer (A.) Ueber die Friihsymptome der syphilitischen und meta- svphilitischen Erkrankungen des Zentralnervensystems Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1909, vi, 753-760.—de Crespigny Champion (C. T.) Syphilis of the cen- tral nervous system; its diagnosis by itoss and Jones' re- action. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1910, xxix, 409-411.— War bois (P.) Nevrite syphilitique mutilante des orteils; etude radiographique des lesions osseuses. Bull. et mem. Soc. de radiot med. de Par., 1911, iii, 332-334.— Davidson (A.) Syphilis and nervous diseases. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1909, xxviii, 174-178. Also: In- tercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1909, xiv, 129- 136. —De Blasl (A.) Sifiiide del sistema nervoso; contributo clinico. Morgagni, Milano, 1911, liii, pt. 1, 191-200. — Debove. Lesions syphilitiques mul- tiples; tabes, paralysie generale et insufnsance aor- tiiiue. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1908, lxxxi, 243-246.— Dejerine J.i. Zumentie (J.) & Bernard. Radi- culalgie tuachiale d'origine syphilitique, diagnostic pre- ci ne. guerison. Rev. neurol., Par., 1911. xix, pt.ii,705-707.— Dellorge. Tremblement syphilitique. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., l>98, 4. s., xii, 27-32.—Bevay. De la melancolie chez les syphilitiques. Cong. d. med. alie- nistes et neurol. de France .. . Proc-verb. [etc.] 1895, Par., 1896, ii, 359.—Didrikhson (V. K.) Istericheskaya artralgiya u sifllitika. [Hysterical arthralgia in a syphi- litic] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1905, ix, 450-452. -----. Sluchal tserebrospinalnavo sifilisa vo vremya vtorichnavo vislpaniya. [Cerebrospinal svphilis during the secondary exanthem.] Ibid., 1906, xi, 30-33. Also, transl: Monatschr. f. Harnkr. u. sex. Hvg., Leipz., 1907, iv, 6-9.—Diller (T.) & Denner (W. R S.) Svphilis in its relationship to the nervous svstem. Penn" M. J. Athens, 1911-12, xv, 102-107.—Di Luzenberger (A.) Suit epilessia da sifiiide. Pratica d. med., Napoli, 1900- 1901, i, 216-221.—Do in bill tli (O.) Neurosen infolge von Svphilis. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1897, xxxii, 598-600. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 1171-1173.—Drozynski (L.) Beitrage zur Kcnntnisder Meningomyelitis chronica syphilitica. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Bert, 1908, xxiv, 354; 433.—Ebstein (W.) Einige Bemerkungen zur Behandlung der syphi- litischen Erkrankungen des Nervensystems. Klin. I. psych, u. nerv. Krankh., Halle a. S., 1906, i, 284-297.— Elilers (E.) Syphilis and general paralysis in Iceland, transl. by Guthrie Rankin. Set essavs & monogr., 8°, Lond., 1900, 167-173.—Eielielberir (F.) Die Serumre- aktiou auf Lues, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer praktischen Venvertbarkeit fiir die Diagnostik der Ner- venkrankheiten. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1909, xxxvi, 319-341.—Engelen. Verschiedene klini- sche Erscheinungsfornien von tues des Zerebrospinal- systems. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Bert, 1909, xxxv. 708-710. Also, transl: Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1909, lxviii, 313-315.—Erb (W.) Ueber die Diagnose und Friihdiagnose der syphilogenen Erkrankungen des zen- tralen Nervensvstems. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1907, xxxiii, 425-149.—Erb (W.l, Nonne (M.) & 'Wassermann (A.) Die Diagnose der Syphilis bei Er- krankungen des zentralen Nervensystems, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung a) der cytologischen und chemischen Ergebnisse der diagnostischen Lumbalpunktion; b) der serodiagnostischen Untersuchungen am Blut und an der Lumbalfliissigkeit, speziell bei Tabes und Paralyse. Ibid., 1908-9, xxxvi, 38-85.—Etlenne (G.) Paralysie du facial ultra-precoce dans la svphilis. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1909, xii, 726-733.— Everett (E. A.) The recent discov- eries in the diagnosis and treatment of syphilis and their relationship to nervous and mental diseases. Hahne- man. Month., Phila., 1911, xlvi, 484-487.—Faure (M.) Note sur les injections mercurielles dans les maladies nerveuses d'origine svphilitique. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc], Par., 1904, cxiviii, 705-707. -----. Nota sobre la evoluci6 y'l pron6stic de les lesions encefaliques dela tabes y de la paralissis general. An. de med. Butll. mens, de l'Acad. . . . Catalunya, Barcel., 1909, iii, 598- 601.—Fernandez Sanz. Dos casos de sifilis de los centros nerviosos tratado-, por el salvarsan. Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid. 1911, xiii, 553-558.—Ferras. Contribution au traitement de divers accidents nerveux d'origine syphilitique. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1*92, xxii, 286.—Folx (C.) Atrophie musculaire non pro- gressive avec mains d'Aran-Duchenne par tepnro- malacie anterieure d'origine svphilitique. Rev. neu- rol., Par., 1911, xix, v. ii, 77-80.—Fornet, Sehere- schewsky [et al.]. Spezifische Niederschliige bei Lues, SYPHILIS. 427 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Manifestations of Nervous). Tabes und Paralyse. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Bert, 1907, xxxiii, 1679-1684.—Fournier (A.) llys- terie secondaire syphilitique. Bull. Soe. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1895, vi, 15. -----. Tabes et syphilis. J. de med. int., Par., 1901, v, 1033-1037. -----. La eephalee syphilitique; diagnostic et traitement. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1902, xiii, 271-273.— Fournier (A.) & Gasne. Syphilis et parasyphilis en coincidence; syphilides gommeuscs ot paralysie gene- rale. Ann. de" dermat. et syph., Par.. 1901, 4. s„ ii, 647- 650.—Franools-Dainville (E.) Syphilis meningo- medulture grave. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1908, xix, 163-167.—Gallleton. Mutite hvstero- syphilitique. Lyon med., 1903, C, 804-806—Gall i (G.) Un caso di sifiiide cerebrale con emiplegia sinistra guarito colle iniezioni endo-venose d' idrargirio. Poli- clin., Roma, 1906, xiii, sez. prat, 257-260. -----. Sifiiide, neurastenia ed arteriosclerosi. Riforma med., Napoli, 1908, xxiv, 421-425.—Gang! (S.) Contributo alio studio dei disturbi nervosi nei sifilitici. Hi or. di med. mil., Roma, 1909, lvii, 23-32. — Gaudier. Diverses formes de syphilis des centres nerveux; evolu- tion de la syphilis malgre le traitement; origine syphili- tique de certains ulceres de jambe. J. de med. et chir. prat, Par., 1906, lxxxviii, 16-20.—Gelmaiiovich (A.) Lues cerebrospinalis; atrofiya spinnovoi prodolgovatavo mozga; mishechnaya atrofiya; dorzalniy pakhimeningit; lozhnotabicheskiy kompleks, etc. [Cerebrospinal lues; atrophy of the cord and medulla oblongata; muscular atrophy; dorsal pachymeningitis; pseudo-tabetic com- plex, etc.] J. nevropat i psikhiat. . . ., Korsakova, Mosk., 1910, x, 863-929, 1 t, 1 pl —Greenough (F. B.) Five cases of cerebral symptoms in early (secondary) syphilis. Boston M. & S. J., 1885, cxii, 571;*695. [Discus- sion], 607. Also, Reprint— Grossman (I. B.) Amne- ziya na pochvle sifilisa. [Amnesia resulting from syph- ilis.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peter,b., 1904, iii, 787; 818—Guil- laln (G.) & Tliaon (P.) Etude sur une forme clinique de la syphilis du nevraxe realisant la transition entre les myelites syphilitiques, le tabes et la paralysie generale. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1907, 3. s., xxiv, 661-676.— llauptmanii (A.) Serologische Untersu- chungen von Familien syphilogener Nervenkranker. Zt- schr. f. d. ges. Neurol, u. Psychiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1911-12, viii, Orig., 36-80.—Head (H.) Syphilis of the nervous svstem within six years of infection. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Neurol. Sect., 49-64.—Heclit D'O.) The treatment of svphilis and parasyphilis of the nervous system. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1909, lxxv, 1012-1017.— Hedren ( G. ) Ett fall af akut hamorragisk encefa- lit efter salvarsaninjection. Svens. Lak. - Siillsk. For- handling,Stockholm,1911,23s-64.— Hutchinson (J.) Relation- ship between syphilis and locomotor ataxy. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lond., 1879-80, 40-43. -----. Affections of the nervous system in syphilis. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1895, vi, 42-54. -----. Affections of the nervous system occurring in the early (secondary) stages of syphilis. Clin, sketches, Lond., 1895, ii, 45-48. -----. The nervous system (herpes, etc.). Arch. Surg., Lond., 1896, vii, 178- 185. -----. Epilepsy after syphilis; white atrophy of optic discs; complete recoveryof health, with blindness. Ibid., ' Syphilis (Manifestations of, Nervous). 1S9S, ix, 6s._Ingham is. D.) Some general considera- tions concerning syphilis of the nervous system. Arch. Diagn., N. Y., 1908, i, 380-384. -----. Cerebrospinal svphi- lis causing internal hydrocephalus and symptoms of cerebral tumor; report of a case with necropsy findings. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, liii, 1286. -----. A case of cerebrospinal syphilis causing internal hvdrocephalus and symptoms of cerebellar tumor. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Lancaster, Pa., 1909, xxxvi, 745. -----. Cerebro- spinal syphilis; report of five cases, with necropsy. Penn. M.,)., Athens, 1909-10, xiii, 128-130.—Inglis (D*.) Convulsions of specific origin. Physician & Surg., De- troit & Ann Arbor, 1895, xvii, 488. [Discussion], 495-497.— loelzon (K. A.) Sluchal usplcslmavo primleneniya "606" pri lues'Ie tsentralnol nervnol sisteml. [Successful application of "606" in lues of the central nervous sys- tem.] Terap. Obozr., Odessa, 1911, iv, 648-552. - Jii- vorski (A.) Influence du traitement mercuriel sur la composition du liquide cephalo-rachidien dans les mala- dies du systeme nerveux de nature svphilitique ou para- syphilitique. Rev. neurol., Par., 1910, ii, 264-267.— Jeanselme & Barbe. Contribution a l'etude de la ponction lombaire chez les syphilitiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 938—Jones (E.) Syphilis of the nervous system. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 39-47.—Ju 1 lien (L.) Sur un cas de syphilis acoom- pagne de vertiges. Bull, med., Par., 1907, xxi, 64.— Klyuehefl(Ye.L.) Dioxydiamydoarsenobensol("606") pri sifiliticheskikh zabollevamyakh tsentralnol nervnol sistemi. ["606" in syphilis of the central nervous sys- tem.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 124-127.— Knapp. Syphilitische Sensibilitiitsstorungen am Rumple. Arch. f. Psychiat., Bert, 1906, xii, 737-745.— Korolkott' (A. I.) Iodipin i yevo primleneniye v terapii tserebro-spinalnavo sifilisa. [Iodipin and its use in cerebrospinal syphilis.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrot [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1906,xi, 340-347.—Korotneff (N. I.) O para- sifiliticheskol epilepsii. J. nevroDat. i psikhiat. . . . Korsakova, Mosk., 1910, x, 1102-1107".—Kotelevski (D. D.) Pervichniya degenerativniya izmleneniya v nervnol sistemle pri sifilisle; sluchal galopiruyushtshavo zlo- kachestvennavo sifllisa. [Primary degenerative changes in the nervous system in syphilis; case of galloping ma- lignant syphilis.] Vopr. nerv.-psikh. med., Kiev, 1903, viii, 548-566, 1 pt—Krause. Die Erkrankungen des Nervensystems infolge von Syphilis. Deutsche militiir- iirztt Ztschr., Bert, 1907, xxxvi, 820-832—Kriiber (E.) Beitrag zur Frae;e des ursiichlichen Zusammenhangs der Syphilis mit der Idiotic Med. Klin., Bert, 1911, vii, 1239.—Kilmer (R.) Ueber die Verbreitung der Syphi- lis in den Schwachsinnigenanstalten Wiirttembergs auf Grund von Blutuntersuchungen mittels der Wasserman- schen Methode. Ibid., 1910, vi, 1445-1447.—La lond. Sciatique radiculaire d'origine svphilitique. Loire med., St-Etienne, 1911, xxx, 230-233.—Le Calve. Nevrose angio-spastique chez un syphilitique a localisation plus particuliere sur les extremites. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1904, xvi, 19-23.—Ledermanii (R.) Ueber die Beziehungen der Syphilis zu Nervn- und anderen in- neren Erkrankungen auf Grund von 573 serolo- gischen Untersuchungen. Bert klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1787-1791.-L.ee (H.) A Miaiv-Macken- zie (J. A.) Two cases of syphilis with early ner- vous manifestation. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 986.—L«e- sieur, Froment & Garin. Sur un nouveau cas de syphilis du nevraxe realisant la transition entre les myelites syphilitiques, le tabes et la paralysie generale (syndrome Guillain-Thaon). Bull, etmem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1909, 3. s., xxvi, 372-375. Also: Lvon med., 1909, cxii, 453-459.—Lievaditi (C), Bavaiit & "Va- manouchi. Localisation nerveuse de la syphilis et proprietes du liquide cephalo-rachidien. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 814-816.—Lewinski (J.) Ungewohnlichausgedehnte Sympathicusbeteiligung bei Klumpkescher Liihmung infolge von Lues cerebrospina- lis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Bert, 1908, xxxiv, 1222-1224— Lippinuim (ft) Ueber den Zu- sammenhang von Idiotie und Syphilis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 2418. -----. Ueber die .Beziehun- gen der Idiotie zur Syphilis. Deutsche Ztschr. f Nervenh., Leipz., 1910, xxxix, 81-108.—Loewenthal (M.) Das Kausalverhiiltniss zwischen Syphilis und progressivem Nervensch wund. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1907, xxvi, 434-445.—Lortat-.lacob & Sabareanu. Syphilis et sciatique. Presse med., Par., 1910, xviii, 453— Lydston (G. F.) The tropho-neurotic element in some of the phe- nomena and sequelse of syphilis, with especial reference to herpes progcnitalis. Med. Age, Detroit, 1893, xi, 737- 739. Also: West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1891, xvi, 25. -----. Nervous disease iu early svphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxiv, ]sp, 245; 272; 321— Lyustritski (V. V.) K. kasu'istikio pseudotabes syphilitica. Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 380-388.—Mace (H. E.) A mistaken diagnosis corrected. Am. .1. Dermat. «& Genito- Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 133.—McGlaiuian (A.) Syphilis of the central nervous system; report of two cases. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1907, i, 270-274. Also, Re- print—de Manoussl (A.) Tabes a debut et a forme SYPHILIS. 428 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Manifestations of, Nervous). gastriques prolonges, syphilis juvenile. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1899, 3. s., xvi, 522-528—Ma ns- surow (X.) Ein Fall von Thermoaniisthesie in Folge der Svphilis. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Bert, 1892, lxi, 1098- 1100.—Marbe (S.) Le sero-diagnostic syphilitique dans les maladies nerveuses. Rev. neurol., Par., 1908, xvi, 450-^53.—Marchand (L.) & Olivier (M.) Lesions nerveuses syphilitiques et meningo-encephalite diffuse subaigue. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1907, lxxxii, 24-20.—Marcus (H.) Ehrlich-Hata behandlingen vid svfilitiska sjukdomar i nervsystemet. Upsala Liikaref. F<">rh., 1910-11, n. f., xvi, 303-321. Also, transl: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 76-79.—Marian. Convul- sions d'origine syphilitique. Pediatric prat., Lille, 1909, vii, 307.—Marie (A.) Le contrdle de Wassermann et le traitement des accidents parasyphilitiques. Psychiat- neurot Wchnschr., Halle a. S., 1909-10, xi, 297-301. -----. Note sur l'application de l'arsenobenzol au traitement des troubles nerveux et cerebraux dans la syphilis et sur- tout de la parasyphilis. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par.,1911,xxii, 13.—Marie (A.) & Levaditl (C.) La reaction des anticorps syphilitiques dans la paralysie generale et le tabes. Rev. de med., Par., 1907, xxvii, 613- 619.—Marinesco (G.) Sur quelques resultats obtenus par le 606 dans le traitement des maladies nerveuses. Presse med., Par., 1911, xix, 65-70.—Marinesco (G.) & Minea(J.) L'absencedes spirochetes pallida dans le sys- teme nerveux central des paralytiques generaux et des ta- betiques. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 7,693.—Mattauschek (E.) Die Erfolge der Salvar- sanbehandlung bei Nervenkrankheiten. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neurol, u. Psychiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1910-11, iv, Orig., 697-716.—Menard (P.-J. ) La polynevrite syphi- litique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1911, lxxxiv, 1917-1922 — Mendel. Syphilis in hoherem Lebensalter und das Nervensystem. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1894, xviii, 368-371—Merzbacher (L.) Die Beziehung der Syphilis zur Lymphocytose der Cerebrospinalflussig- keit und zur Lehre von der meningitischen Reizung. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1905, n. F., xvi. 489: 1906, n. F., xvii, 304.—Mesa Torres (R.) Histero-lues. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1900, xxviii, 321:417.—Meyer (C. H. L.) Syphilis? Myelitis and peripheral neuritis; glycosuria. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1905, xl, 179.—Meyer (E.) Untersuchungen des Nervensystems Syphilitischer. Bert klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 943-946. —----. Zur Kenntnis der konjugalen und familiaren syphilogenen Erkrankungen des Zentral- nervensystems. Arch. f. Psychiat., Bert, 1909, xiv, 964- 979.—Mickle (W. J.) Nervous svphilis; with a critical digest. Brain, Lond., 1898, xxi, 232; 405.—Millan (G.) Cephalee syphilitique et ponction lombaire. Tribune med., Par., 1903, 2. s., xxxv, 341-343. Also: Rev. d. h6p., de France et de l'etrang., Par., 1904, vi, no. 5, 1. Also, transl: Internat. Clin., Phila., 1904,14. s., iii, 29-33.-----. La surveillance du systeme nerveux des syphilitiques. Rev. d. h6p. de France et de l'etrang., Par., 1907, ix, no. 6, 1-4. -----. Cura della neurastenia sifilitica. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1909, xxxv, 605-508. Also, transl: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1908, n. s., lxxxv, 686-688.—Milian (G.) & Levy-Valensy. La numeration des elements cellu- laires du liquide cephalo-rachidien pour apprecier revo- lution des lesions de l'action therapeutique dans les maladies nerveuses syphilitiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxi, 707-714.—Millar- det. Cephalalgie et svphilis. Bull. Soc. scient. et med. de l'ouest, Rennes, 1909, xviii, 183-188.—Minor (L.) Vorliiunger Bericht an P. Ehrlich iiber 15 mit Salvarsan behandelte Fiille von syphilitischen Erkrankungen des Zentralnervensystems. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1911, xxx, 770-786. — Mo 11 ard (J.), Favre (M.) & Du- lourt (A.) Sur un syndrome complexe d'origine syphilitique (paralysie des deux membres superieurs du type radiculaire; aortite chronique; signe d'Argyll; tumeur gommeuse de la paroi abdominale). Bull. Soc med. d. hop. deLyon, 1911, x, 367-370.—Morrow (C. J.) Syphilis of the nervous system. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1906-7, iii, 350-352.—Mosny (E.) & Barat (L.) Tabes et amyotrophic au cours d'une meningo-ence- phalo-myelitesyphilitique. Rev.neurol., Par., 1910, xviii, 461-466. [Discussion], 527. —Mott (F. W.) Relation of syphilis to organic brain disease and insanity. Arch. Neurol. Path. Lab. Lond. County Asyl. Claybury, Lond., 1900, 1-6. -----. The Morison lectures on the pathology of syphilis of the nervous system in the light of modern research. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, i, 454; 524. ------. An address on the diagnosis of syphilitic diseases of the nervous system. Ibid., 1403-1408. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1909, i, 1664-1667. -----. Syphilis and parasyphilis of the nervous svstem. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Neurol. Sect., 35-49—Mouisset, Dela- ehanal & Orsat. Myeloencephalite ascendante d'ori- gine syphilitique. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1911, x. 212-216. Also: Lyon med., 1911, cxvi, 1121-1125.— Miillcr (L. R.) Klinische Beitrage zur Physiologie des sympathischen Nervensystems. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1906, xxiii, 320-321.—Nelken (J.) Badanie plynu mozgowo-rdzeniowego i jego wyniki w Syphilis (Manifestations of, Nereom). schorzeniach ukladu nerwowego, powstajacych na tie kity. [Investigation of cerebrospinal fluid and its results in diseases of the nervous system following syphilis i Przegl. lek., Krak6\v, 1909, xlviii, 305-309.—Nepveu. Trois cas de syphilis cerebro-spinale, trait es par le forma- midate de mercure en injections intra-musculaires eom- binees avec le traitement iodure; guerison. Assoc franc. pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., Par., 1901, xxx, pt. 1,185.— Neuhaus (M.) Erfahrungen mit Salvarsan, speziell bei Lues des Zentralnervensystems. Munchen. med Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 955-958.—Nikitin iM. P.) Sal- varsan pri sifiliticheskikh i metasifilitieheskikh zabolle- vaniyakh tsentralnol nervnol sistemi. [Salvarsan in syphilitic and metasyphilitic diseases of the central ner- vous system.] Obozr. psikhiat., nevrot [etc.], S.-Peterb 1911, xvi, 454-488.—Nobl (G.) teber die diagno.stische Bedeutung der Zerebrospinalfliissigkeit bei Syphilis und den parasvphilitischen Affektionen. Bert klin - therap. Wchnschr., Bert, 1904, 947; 978; 1000. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 947; 978; 1000 — Noguchi (H.) & Moors (J. W.) The butyric acid test for syphilis in the diagnosis of metasyphilitic and other nervous disorders. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa 1909, xi, 604-613.—Noica. Citodiagnosticul in para- lisiile faciale periferice de origina sifilitica. Spitalul BucurescI, 1905, xxv, 331-333.—\onne (M.) [Fami- liiire luetische Erkrankung des Nervensystems.] Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1909, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1910, xiv, pt. 1,104.----------. Zur Differentialdiagnose von syphilogener Erkrankung des Zentralnervensystems und nicht syphilogener Erkrankung desselben bei Syphiliti- schen. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1910, xxix, 1178-1185.— Nonne (M.) & Holzmann (W.) Weitere Erfahrun- gen iiber den Wert der neueren cytologischen, chemi- schen und biologischen Untersuchungsmethoden fiir die Differenzialdiagnose der syphilogenen Erkrankungen des Zentralnervensystems, gesammelt an 295 Fallen von or- ganischen Erkrankungen des Hirns und des Riicken- marks. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1909, xxxvii, 195-220.— Ogilvie (G.) The time of onset of syphilitic disease of the nervous system and the three stages of syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1368-1371. -----. Syph- ilitic diseasesof the nervous system. Med. Brief, St.Louis, 1907, xxxv, 85; 248; 327.— Ohmann-Dumesnil (A. H.) An unsolved problem in syphilology. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1906, xc, 227-230.—Olivier (P.) & Halipre (A.) Syn- drome rappelant la sclerose laterale amyotrophique chez un syphilitique. Rev. neurol., Par., 1895, iii, 457-465.— Oppenheim (H.) Meine Erfahrungen mit Ehrlich- Hata-Behandlung bei syphilogenen Xervenkrankheiten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 2284-2286.— Otto (C.) Pierwszeobjawyperazeniaukladunerwowego przez syfilis. [The first symptoms of involvement of the nervous system in syphilis.] Przegl. chorob sk6r. i wen., Warszawa, 1908, iii, 1-24.—Parascandolo (C.) Con- tributo alio studio dei fenomeni cerebrali precoci nella sifiiide. Arch, internaz. d. spec, med.-chir., Napoli. 1893, ix, 169-177.—Parazols (J.) Les nevrites de la syphilis etleur aspect ophtalmoscopique. Rec d'opht, Par., 1906, 3. s., xxviii, 577-603.—Peritz (G.) Ueber das Verhaltnis von Lues, Tabes und Paralyse zum Lecithin. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u.Therap., Bert, 1908-9, v, 607-621.—Perrin (M.) ro-spinale a forme de sclerose en plaques. Soc. de mecl. de Nancy. C.-r. . . ., 1905-6, pt. 2,182-185. Also: Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1907, xxxix, 26-29. — Petrini-Galatz. Arterita sifi- litica; emiplegie totala flasca stang&; atacuri epilepti- forme; atrofla nervilor optiei. Presa med. rom., Bucu- rescI, 1901, vii, 5.—Piera (F.) Dos casos de sifilis cerebro- espinal ignorada. Rev. de med. y cirug., Barcel., 1908, xxii, 218.—Pierret. Le 606 en pathologie nerveuse. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1911, xv, 561-568.—Plaut (F.) Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Stand des serologischen Lues- nachweises bei den syphilidogenen Erkrankungen des Zentralnervensystems. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv,1458-1471. -----. Untersuchungen zur Syphilis-Diag- nose bei Dementia paralytica und Lues cerebri. Monat- schr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Bert. 1907, xxii, 95-145, 2pt— Plchn. Polyneuritis luetica. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xlix, 105.—Pope (C.) An instructive case of syph- ilis, followed by paresis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, 727-729. Also, Reprint.—Power (H. D'A.) Diagnosis of svphilis of the nervous system. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 337-339.— Preobra- zhenski(P.A.) Oprimleneniipreparataarsenobenzola pri llechenii sifiliticheskikh i parasiflliticheskikhzabolle- vaniy nervnol sistemi. [Arsenobenzol in the treatment of syphilis and parasyphilis of the nervous svstem.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 19il, lxxv, 764-7*2—Price (G. E.) Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrospinal syphilis. Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1908, 3. s., xxiv, 539-541.— Punton (J.) Remarks on syphilis of the nervous sys- tem. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1910, xxxiii, 1-5.— Putnam (J. J.), Southard (E. E.) & Buggies (A. H.) Observations on a case of protracted cerebrospinal syphilis with striking intermittency of symptoms; at- tempt at correlation with ascending meningomyelitis, cranial neuritis, subcortical encephalitis, and focal en- SYPHILIS. 429 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Manifestations of, Nervous). cephalomalacia found at autopsy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Lancaster, Pa., 1910, xxxvii, 145-163.—Raymond. Po- lynevrite d'origine grippale simulant le tabes, chez un syphilitique. J. de med. int., Par., 1906, x, 1913. — Re- gnier. Une observation d'hystero-syphilis. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1891-2, pp. x-xiii. — Remsen (C. M.) A case of syphilis of the perypheral nerves and lungs. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait, 1903, xiv, 263- 270. Also, Reprint—Renault (A.) Un nouvel exem- ple de cette forme de syphilis cerebro-medullaire, appe- lee syndrome de Guillain Thaon. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1909, xx, 149-151. — Renon (L.) Aortite syphilitique latente et nevralgies viscerales. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1902, 3. s., xix, 14-16.—Beyer (E. C.) Syphilis of the nervous system. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 288-297.—Rhein (J. H. W.) The diagnosis of nervous syphilis. Phila. Polyclin., 1896, v, 391-394. — Bobbins (H. A.) Syphilis of the brain and spinal cord. Am. J. Dermat & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis. 1908, xii, 244- 249.—Robertson (W. F.) The infective foci in gen- eral paralvsis and tabes dorsalis. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1910, lvi, 640-646. — Robinson (G. W.) The nervous svstem and lues. Oklahoma M. News-Jour., 1911, xix, 311-319.—Rose (F.) & Rendu (H.) Les atrophies musculaires syphilitiques chroniques et le tabes. Se- maine med., Par. 1910, xxx, 217-221.—Roux (J.) Ponc- tion lombaire et syphilis nerveuse. Rev. neurol., Par., 1909, xvii, 113.-----. Syphilis nerveuse et traitement specifique. Ibid., 114-116. -----. Cranio-tabes et svphi- lis. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1911, xiii, 452465.— Roy (P.) La preoccupation hypocondriaque de la pa- ralysie generale chez les svphilitiques. J. de psychol. norm, et path., Par., 1905, ii, 229-238. — Russell (M.) Nervous manifestations of svphilis. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1907, v, 111-118.—Sachs (B.) The newer diag- nostic methods of syphilis of the nervous system. Inter- nat. Clin., Phila., 1910, 20. s., i, 32-41.-----. Syphilitic and parasvphilitic diseases of the central nervous system. In: Modern Med. (Osier), 8°, Phila. &N. Y., 1910, vii, 682-720 — Saenger (A.) Zur Kentniss der Nervenerkrankungen in der Friihperiode der Svphilis. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staats- krankenanst. 1890, Leipz., 1892, ii, 465-483. — Salas y Vaca (J.) Neuropatias especificas; su grado de curabi- lidad. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1907, xvii, 346-373.—Salomone (G.) Breve nota suit epilessia si- filitica. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1901, vii, 884-891.— Sanchez Hernandez (A.) Un astenico simple, con sifilis. Siglo med., Madrid, 1905, Iii, 802.—Scheiber (S.) A syphilis cerebrospinalis egy esete. [A case of. . .] Budapesti k. orvosegy. 1884-iki evkenyve, 1895, 141.— Schiro (S.) Some notes on the treatment of syphilis of the nervous system b v mercurial inhalations in a thermo- diaphoretic room. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1910-11, lxiii, 479- 484.—Schlivek (K.) A case of cerebrospinal lues. Arch. Pediat, N. Y., 1910, xxvii, 291. Also [Abstr.]: Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1910, lxi, 847.—Schoull (E.) De l'insomnie syphilitique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1908, no. 26, 5. — SchrUder. Luetische Erkrankungen des Zen- tralnervensystems. Med. Klin., Bert, 1910, vi, 2035.— Schuster (P.) Hat die Hg-Behandlung der Syphilis Einfluss auf das Zustandekommen metasyphilitischer Nerven krankheiten? Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Bert, 1907, xxxiii, 2083-2088.—Sergleyeff (L. A.) Pravostoronnyaya hemiplegiya s afazlyel na pochvle sifilisa. [Dextro-lateral hemiplegia with aphasia follow- ingsyphilis.] Nevrot Vestnik, Kazan, 1909, xvi, 345-360 — Serrano (M.; & Alvarez Sainz de Aja (E.) Tra- tamiento de la sifilis del sistema nervioso por salvarsan. Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1911, v, 253-258.—Sezary (A.j Sur la pathogenie du tabes et des affections parasvphili- tiques en general. Presse m6d., Par., 1909, xvii, 779-7x1. -----. Traitement pathogenique des affections nerve uses parasvphilitiques (tabes et paralysie generale). Ibid., 1910, xviii, 278.—Shoemaker (W. A.) Ocular mani- festations of syphilis of the central nervous system; report of a case of syphilitic cerebro-spinal meningitis. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1910, xxvii, 161-182.—Sicard. A pro- posdesaffectionsparasyphilitiques chez les Am bes. Bull, med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1910, xxi, 528-530.—Sicard (J. A.) & Bloch (M.) Traitementdu tabes et de lasyphilis nerveuse par l'arsenobenzol; technique et resultats. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxi, 661-668.—Simonelli (F.) A proposito delle affezioni cosi dette parasifilitiche. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1910, xxxi, 225-227. -----. Paramioclono multiplo da sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1911, xlvi,55-61.—Spiller (W. G.) The epiconus symptom-complex in cerebro- spinal svphilis. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1907-8, xi, 371-378. Also: Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat, Edinb., 1908, vi, 77-90.— Spillt r (W. G.) &.i— \e\ dokimoft' (V.N.) K kazuistikle nervnavo sifilisa. [Case of nerve syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1906, xi, 134.—Kakharchenko (M. A.) Liecheniye porazheniy nervnol sistemi salvarsanom. [Treatment of diseases of the nervous svstem by salvarsan.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1911, lxxvi, 929-941.—Zhcbunett"( A. L.) Sluchal paralicha litsevovo nerva v rannem periodle sifilisa. ^Paralysis of the facial nerve in the early period of syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1909, xviii, 263-265.—Jf.weig (A.) Versuche mit Tio- din und Atoxyl bei metasyphilitischen Erkrankungen des Zentralnervensystems. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Bert, 1908, xxxiv, 457-459. SYPHILIS. 430 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Manuals and treatises on). See, also, Venereal diseases (Manuals and treatises on). Ballenger (E. G.) Genito-urinary diseases and syphilis. 8°. Atlanta, Ga., 1908. Beddoes (T. P.) Syphilis; its diagnosis, prog- nosis, prevention, and treatment. 8°. London, 1909. Berdal (H.) Traite pratique de la syphilis. 8°. Pari*, 1902. Campana (R.) Dei morbi sifilitici e venerei. Trattato per studenti e medici pratici. 4. ed. 8°. Torino, 1906. Caufeyxon. La syphilis. Historique; le virus syphilitique; sa transmission; heredite; traitement; salubrite publique; le chancre mou. 8°. Paris, [1903]. Cooper (A.) Syphilis. 2. ed., enlarged and illustrated; edited by Edward Cotterell. 8°. London, 1895. Dreysel (M.) Die Syphilis. 12°. Leipzig, 1902. von During (E.) Klinische Vorlesungen iiber Syphilis. 8 . Hamburg & Leipzig, 1895. -----. The same. Lecons cliniques sur la syphilis. Ouvrage traduit de l'allemand et an- note par le Docteur L£on Derville. 8°. Bru- xelles & Paris, 1898. Finger (E.) Die Syphilis und die veneri- sehen Krankheiten. Ein kurzgefasstes Lehr- buch zum Gebrauche fiir Studirende und prak- tische Aerzte. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, 1892. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, 1896. ------. The same. 5. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, 1901. -----. The same. La syphilis, et les ma- ladies veneriennes. Trad, d'apres la 3. ed. alle- mande, avec notes par les Drs. A. Doyon et P. Spillniann. 8°. Paris, 1895. -----. The same. 2. 6d. frangaise, traduite d'apres la 4. ed. allemande, avec notes par A. Doyon et P. Spillniann. 8°. Paris, 1900. -----. The same. Sifilis i venericheskiya bollezni; kratkiy uchebnik dlya uchashtshikh- sya i vrachel. S 5. nlemetskavo izd. perev. M. B. Blyumenau. [Transl. from the 5. Ger- man ed. by . . .] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1901. Fournier (J.-A.) Traite' de la syphilis, re- dige d'apres l'enseignement de l'Hopital Saint- Louis, par Edmond Fournier. Periode primaire; periode secondaire; periode tertiaire. 8°. Paris, 1898-1901. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Paris, 1909. ------. The same. Ucheniye o sifilisle. Perevod s frantsuzskavo L. A. Govsleyeva pod redaktsiyel A. I. Pospielova. [Transl. from the French by Govsieveff under the editorship of Pospieloff.] Pts. I-II. 8°. Moskva, 1899, ------. The same. Rukovodstvo k pato- logii i terapii sifilisa. Sostavleno po lektsiyam avtora v bolnitsle Saint-Louis Edm. Fournier. Perevod s frantsuzskavo S. B. Orlechkina. [Transl. from the French by Oriechkin.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1899. -----. The same. The treatment of syph- ilis. English transl. by C. F. Marshall. 8°. London ct New York, 1906. Francke (K. E. H. T.) Die Syphilis. 8°. Berlin, 1910. Gottheil (W. S.) Syphilis; its diagnosis and treatment. 12°. Chicago, 1901. Hallopeau (H.) & Fouquet (C.) Traits de la syphilis. 4°. Paris, 1911. iyphilis (Manuals and treatises on). Heubner (J. C. L.) Die Syphilis im Kin- desalter. In: Handb. d. Kinderkr. (Gerhardt), Tubing.. 1896 Nachtrag, i, 285-121. -----. The same. Sifilis (hereditaria, ac- quisita, tarda) a dletskom vozrastle. Perev. 0. Birstelna. [Transl. by Birstein.] 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 1898. -----. The same. Sifilis (naslledstvenniy, priobrletyonniy, pozdniy) v dletskom vozrastle. (Syphilis (hereditaria, acquisita, tarda) im Kin- desalter.) Perevod s nlemetskavo M. B. Blu- menau. [Transl. from the German by ... 1 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1898. Hirsch (C. S.) A compend of genito-urinary diseases and syphilis, including their surgery and treatment. 12°. Philadelphia, 1906. Hunter (J.) Traite de la syphilis. Trad. de l'anglais par G. Richelot; annote par Ph. Record. 8°. Paris, 1845. ------. The same. 2.6d. 8°. Paris, 1852. Hutchinson (Sir J.) Syphilis. New and enlarged ed. 12°. London, 1909. Keyes (E. L.), jr. Syphilis; a treatise for practitioners. 8°. New York & London, 1908. Kolomoitseff (S. V.) Novaya kniga; sifilis; populyarnoye izlozheniye sovremennavo uche- niya. [A new book; syphilis; a popular pres- entation of the modern teaching.] 8°. Moskva, 1909. Kurzes Repetitorium der Pathologie und Therapie der venerisehen Krankheiten fiir Aerzte und Studierende. Gearbeitet nach den Werken und Vorlesungen von Finger et al. 12°. Leipzig & Wien, 1892. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Lambkin (F. J.) Syphilis; its diagnosis and treatment, with preface by Sir Frederick Treves. 8°. London, 1910. Lang (E.) Vorlesungen fiber Pathologie und Therapie der Syphilis. 1. Abth. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1895. Levaditi (C.) & Roche (J.) La syphilis; experimentation; micro biologie; diagnostic; avec preface de M. le Professeur Metchnikoff. 8°. Paris, 1909. Malinowski ( F. ) Choroby weneryczne. Tom. I. Przymiot. (Syfilis.) 8°. Warsaw, 1908. Marshall (C. F.) Syphilis and gonorrhea. 8°. London & New York, 1904. ------. Svphilology and venereal disease. 8°. New York, 1906. de Meric (H.) Syphilis and other venereal diseases. 8°. London, 1901. ------. The same. 8°. New York, 1901. Morton (H. H.) Genito-urinary diseases and syphilis. 8°. Philadelphia, 1902. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1906. Mracek (F.) Atlas der Syphilis und veneri- sehen Krankheiten, mit einem Grundriss der Pathologie und Therapie derselben. 2. Aufl. 12°. Miinchen, 1908. ------. The same. Atlas of syphilis and the venereal diseases, including a brief treatise on the pathology and treatment. Authorized transl. from the German. Edited by L. Bolton Bangs. 12°. London & Philadelphia, 1898. ------. Thesame. 12°. Philadelphia, 1898. ------. The same. Atlas manuel de la sy- philis et des maladies veneriennes, pathologie et therapeutique. Ed. francaise, par E. Emery. 12°. Paris, 1899. SYPHILIS. 431 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Manuals and treatises on). -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1904. Neumann (I.) Syphilis. 8°. Wien, 1896. Nielsen (L.) Syfilis. En popular Frem- stilling til Kendskab om og derved til Forebyg- gelse af denne Sygdom. Andet Oplag. [Syph- ilis. A popular presentation of the knowledge of this disease, and how to prevent it. 2. ed.] 8°. Kobenhavn, 1900. Orlipski (E.) Syphilis, Syphilisheilung und Syphilissehutz. Ein Buch fiir Erwachsene bei- derlei Geschlechta. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Orlowski. Die Svphilis. Laienverstiindlich dargestellt. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1907. Pingler(G.) Die Syphilis; ihr Wesen und griindliche Heilung auf kiirzestem Wege. 8°. Berlin, 1892. -----. The same. 8°. Berlin, 1900. -----. Thesame. 6.Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1906. -----. Thesame. 7. Aufl. 8°. Berlin,1910. Schuster (L.) Die Syphilis, deren Wesen, Verlauf und Behandlung; nebst kurzer Bespre- chung des Ulcus molle, der Gonorrhoe und des Gonorrhoismus. 3. vermehrte Aufl. 8°. Ber- lin, 1891. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1903. System (A) of syphilis, in six volumes. Ed- ited by D'Arcy Power and J. Keogh Murphy, with an introduction by Jonathan Hutchinson. 8°. London, 1908-10. Trutovskaya (V. K.) Durnaya boliezn, iii Bifilis, opisaniye yeya i soviet! o torn, kak ube- regatsya i liechitsya ot neya. [The bad dis- ease, or syphilis; its description, and advice how to preserve oneself from, and how to cure it.] 16°. Moskea, 1893. Twentieth century practice. Vol. XVIII. Syphilis and leprosy. 8°. New York, 1899. Uhma. Syfilidologia. 2 pts. in 1 v. 12°. Lwow & Warszawa, 1900. Vouzelle. La syphilis; syphilis tertiaire et heredo-syphilis. 12s. Paris, [n. d.]. Fournier (A.) Troislivresnouveaux. Syphilis, Par., 1906,iv,241.—Hutchinson (J.), jr. Svphilis. In: Syst. Surg. (Treves), Loud., 1895, i, 385-132—Osier (\\.) & Churchman (J. W.) Svphilis. In: Mod. Med. (Osier), 8°, Phila. t. Pract. M. (Loomis), X. V. & Phila., 1897, i, 849-920,lpl.—Taylor (R.W.) Svphilis. In: Syst.Surg. (Dennis), Phila., 1895, iii, 797-907, 5pl. Syphilis (Mental condition in). See, also, Syphilis manifestati/ms (Nervous). Finckh (J.) Die psychischen Symptome bei Lues. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat.. Berl. u. Leipz., 1906, xxix, 865-872.—1*6pine (J.) Sur l'etat mental dans la syphilis diffuse du nevraxe. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1911, x, 668-670. Also: Lyon med., 1911, cxvii, 1320- 1322.—Lopez (G.) Contribuci6n al estudio de los tras- tornos mentales de los sifiliticos. Actas v trab. d. 1" Cong. med. nac, Habana, 1905, i, 166-172.—Marie (A.) & Beaussart ( P.) Les manifestations mentales du debut de la syphilis. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1910, 3. 8., xxix, 133-136. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1910, no. 63, 5.—Plaut. I disturbi mentali da sifiiide. Gazz. med. sicil., Catania, 1910, xii, 49-53.—Rhein (J. H. W.) Mental symptoms of svphilis. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Orange, 1910-11, vii, 178-183.—Smith (E. B.) & Woodford e (A. W. G.) A preliminary communication on syphilis and mental deficiency. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child., 167-172. Syphilis (Mired infection in) [includ- ing chancroid]. Brunel (M. - E. - E. - B.) * Contribution a l'etude dela syphilis aggravee par l'impaludisme et de ses principales manifestations. 8°. Nancy, 1906. Ardin-Delteil & Rimbaud. Tuberculose renale latente chez un syphilitique mort d'hemorragie cerebrale. Montpel. med., 1903, xvi, 45-48. —Rabcock (R. H.) Syphilis and pulmonary tuberculosis. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 85-87.—Radan (K.) Influenza 6s Syphilis (Mixed infection in) [includ- ing chancroid], latens lues. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1908, Iii, 429.— Haranoir(V. A.) Dva sluchaya septitsemii s letalnim lskhodom kak poslledstviye sifilisa. [Two cases of sep- ticaemia ending fatally as a sequela of svphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn.,i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1904, vii, 114.—Rarcia Eleizegui (J.) Enfermedades asociadas con la sifilis. Rev. Ibero-Am. decien. med., Madrid, 1904, xii, 30-41.— Rizard, Gastou & Ribon. Phlagedenisme serpigi- neux, superficiel, generalise, streptococcique, chez une syphilitique acquise ayant presente des lesions ecthyma- teuses dans l'enfance. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 423-130.—U rail Ion. La svphilis sosie de la tuberculose. Medecin prat., Par., 19~07, iii, 709-711.—Bulkley (L. D.) Svphilis and associated in- fections. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect. de dermatol. et de syph., 647-661. Also: 3. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1901, xix, 65-si.— Cantineau. [Syphilis constitutionnelle compliquee d'anthrax.] Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1882, no. 31, 111-115 — Dreyer. Ueber Mischinfektion bei Syphilis. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., Berl., 1908, x, 229-232.— Dubois-Havenith. Traitement de la syphilis chez des tuberculeux. Policlin., Brux., 1906, xv, 162.—Du- crey (A.) Sifiiide ed infezioni associate. Cong, inter- nat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de dermatol. et de syph., 662-676—^tienne (G.) Evolution de la fievre typho'ide dans le cours de la syphilis active. Ibid., 706- 713. Also: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1900, n. s., iv, 284- 295.—Ferraro. Sifiiide ed infezioni associate. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1901, vii, 564-569.—Gastou. L'evolu- tion de la syphilis et les associations microbiennes. Bull. Soc._franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, xi, 201-203.— Guida (L.) Sifiiide costituzionale gravissima guarita in seguito ad una infezione eresipelatosa. Incurabili, Napoli, 1893, viii, 178; 216.—Hallopeau (H.) Syphilis et infections associees. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de dermatol. et de syph., 677-705.— Hutchins (M. B.) Mixed infection; report of cases.' Atlanta M. & S. J., 1894-5, n. s.,xi, 577-579.—KrflofF(D. O.) Sluchai smleshannavo zarazheniya sifilisom i grozde- kokkami. [Mixed syphilis and staph vlococcus infection.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 190i, lxxix, med.-spec. pt., 1708-1711— Low (R. C.) & Walker (N.) Case of mixed infection; lupus vulgaris and svphilis. in a woman aged 27. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb." 1906-7, n. s., xxvi, 241.— Mackenzie (VV.) A case of generalized subcu- taneous emphysema, the result of miliary tuberculosis in a syphilitic child. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1906, xxiii, 527- 529.—McNaught (J. G.) Note on a case of secondary syphilis modified bv enteric fever. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1896, xxxi, 252,1 diag.— Jttaley (W. H.) Report of a case of tvphoid fever in a syphilitic female. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1901-2,n.s.,iii, 217.—Neisser (A.) Syphi- lis et infections associees. Cong.internat.demed. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de dermatol. et de syph., 642-647.—Nico- la! (L.V.) Difteria nasale cronica in sifllitico. Arch. ital. diotol. [etc.], Torino, 1910, xxi, 353-359.— Nicolini (C.) Sifiiide e malattie infettive acute. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1910, xxxi, 873.—Preis (K.) Veleten syphilises superin- fectio esete. [Case of accidental syphilitic superinfection upon gonorrhoea.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1910,1, 26-28.— Raymond (P.) La strepto-syphilis. Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. Festschr. ... I. Neumann, Leipz. u. Wien, 1900, 758-763.—Sllvestrl (T.) Sifiiide e scarlattina. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1911, xxxii, 979.—Thevenot (L.) Actino- mycome suppure du sterno-masto'idien gauche; syphilis et aciinoinyei'se. Arch, prov.de chir., Par., 1903, xii, 560-5(ii;.—Tsickhanovlch (A. G.j Sluchai pereloya, proyavivsh.-ivosya pod vliyaniyem sifilisa. [Gonorrhoea, appearing under the influence of syphilis.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1894, xix, 356-358. — VechtomofT (E.) Vza'imodlelstviye sifilisa i volokninnavo vospaleniya lyokhkikh. [Mutual interaction of syphilis and fibrinous pneumonia.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Khar- kov, 1902, iv, 482-488.—Vialaneix. Un cas grave de fievre typho'ide chez un svphilitique. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1902, cxliv, 101-103. Syphilis (Modes of infection and incu- bation in). See Syphilis (Extragenital); Syphilis (Trans- mission of); Syphilis in physicians. Syphilis (Mortality from). See Syphilis (Cases and statistics of); Syphilis (Congenital, Death, etc., from); Syphilis (Ma- lignant, etc.). Syphilis (Multiple chancres in). Beau rain & Durand. La multiplicite du chancre syphilitique. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1904, iv, 485-489.—Rellezza (L.) Un caso di sifiloma successivo (contributo ad una interessante e controversa questione di sifilografia). Tribuna med., Milano, 1905, xi, 193-205. SYPHILIS. 432 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Multiple chancres in). -----. A proposito di un caso di sifilomi successivi. Ibid., 1906, xii, 65-67.—Bonnet (L.-M.) & Courjon. Chancres multiples. Lyonmed., 1908, cxi,104o.— (euas. Chancres svphilitiques successifs, a origines espacees. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1895, xiv, 93-95.—Charmeil. Chancres syphilitiques multiples et recidivants. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1904, viii, 58.—C'heinisse (L.) Chancres syphilitiques multiples consecutifs au tutmiage. Ann. dedermat. etsyph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 1-.">.—Ban- los. Chancres syphilitiques multiples. Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, xv, 90. Also: Ann. de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1904, 4. s., v, 245.—Dubuc (A.) D'une variety de chancre syphilitique de l'homme; du chancre syphilitique multiple herpetiforme. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1873), 1874, viii, 267-273.—Duhot. Un cas de chancres syphilitiques multiples. Soc. beige de dermat. et de syph. Bull., Brux., 1901-2, ii, 17.—Etienne (G.) Chancres syphilitiques doubles a periode d'incubation differente. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r.....1904-5, 26. Also: Rev. mecl. de l'est, Nancy, 1905, xxxvii, 122.— Gaucher. Chancres syphilitiques multiples. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1904, lxxv, 18.—Gaucher, Fouquet & Jo 1 train. Chancres syphilitiques mul- tiples; recherche de la reaction de Wassermann; date d'apparition de la reaction d'immunite; influence du traitement. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1909, xx, 340-343.—Gaucher & Nathan. Un cas de chancres successifs. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1908, iii, 362-366.—Gottheil. Three genital and four extrageni- tal scleroses in one patient, appearing consecutively in thirty-nine days. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1911, xxix, 642.—Guenot (L.) Chancres svphilitiques multi- ples. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1910, lxxxiii, 1467-1469.—Hallo- peau (H.) Sur une epidemie de chancres simples. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1907, xviii, 89.— Hallopeau (H.) & Boudet. Sur une pandermatite penienne consecutive a des chancres indures. Ibid., 1906, xvii, 499. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 1064.—Hudelo (L.) De la multiplicity des chancres syphilitiques. Medecin prat., Par., 1906, 65.— Kennedy (S. R. M.) A case of multiple chancres. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1353.—Knowles (F. C.) Multiple chancre; report of a case with five initial lesions on the penis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 1126. Also, Reprint.—Krcchunesko. K voprosu o Soslledovatelnlkh tvyordikh shankrakh. [Series of ard chancres.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1901, pt. 2, t04-4u7.-l.apa (A.) Cancro syphi- litico duplo. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1912, xxx, 49. — JTIunro (W. J.) Three primary simultaneous syphilitic initial lesions. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1906, xxv, 458.—iTIurel. Chancre indure quintuple. Marseille med., 1906, xliii, 11.—Pierron. Chancres syphilitiques multiples. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1903, xii, 149-152.—Plazy (L.) Chancres svphilitiques multiples. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1906, lxxxvi, 181-185.— Queyrat. Onze chancres syphilitiques apparus suc- cessivement dans le laps d'un mois; date de l'immu- nisation contre la syphilis? Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 905-907.—Rajat. Chan- cres multiples de la verge. Centre mod. et pharm., Gannat, 1907-8, xiii, 202.—Ribollet. Chancres syphi- litiques multiples; un cas de vingt-cinq chancres con- fluents sur le gland et la couronne balano-preputiale. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 756-761.—Richard (G.) De l'unite et de la multiplicity' des chancres svphilitiques. Actualite med., Par., 1896, viii, 50-52.—Bobbins (H. A.) Syphilis [multiple chancres]. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897, xxxvii, 343-349.—Spillinann (L.) Deux cas de chan- cres syphilitiques multiples; un cas de chancre syphili- tique du tronc; gommes syphilitiques au bout de 50 ans de syphilis; syphilides ulcereuses des jambes chez une heredo-syphilitique. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1908, xl, 715-717.—Taylor (R. W.) Evolution of the initial syphi- litic lesion or lesions in successive crops (chancres syphi- litiques successifs)'. J. Cutan Dis. incl. Syph., X. Y., 1905, xxiii, 513-517.-----. The development of multiple and successive lesions and the pathology of syphilis. Ibid., 1906, xxiv, 401-415.2 pl.—Vedel. Chancres syphilitiques successifs. Montpel. med., 1907, xxiv, 140. Syphilis (Parasite of, Specific) [Spiro- chseta pallida; Treponema pallidum]. Bayet (A.) Le microbe de la syphilis. Les essais de vaccination. 4°. Paris, 1907. Oherel (E.) *Contribution a l'etude de di- verges formes de syphilis graves precoces et de leurs causes. 8°. Paris, 1908. Danziger (F.) * Ueber Spirochaetenbef unde bei hereditiirer Syphilis. 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Glass (J. S.) * Ueber Spirochaete pallida. 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Also, in: Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1906, iii, 522-529. Syphilis (Parasite of Specific) [Spiro- chaeta pallida; Treponema pallidum]. Jambon (A.) *Le Treponema pallidum de Schaudinn dans les tissus des heredo-syphili- tiques. 8°. Lyon, 1906. Levy-Bing. Le microorganistne de la syphi- lis, Treponema pallidum (Schaudinn). 12°. Paris, 1907. Minouflet (C.-A.-L.) *Etude generale du Treponema pallidum; classification; morpho- logie; proprietes; reproduction; methodes de re- cherches et de colorations; diagnostic differen- tiel; habitat et valeur pathogene. 8°. Lyon, 1906. Mohn (P. F.) *Die Veranderungen an Pla- centa, Nabelschur und Eihiiuten bei Syphilis und ihre Beziehungen zur Spirochaete pallida. [Leipzig.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1907. Mulzer (P.) * Ueber das Vorkommen von Spirochseten bei syphilitischen und anderen Krankheitsprodukten. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1905. Also in: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 1144-1149. Petzold (P.) *Ueber das Vorkommen der Spirochaete pallida bei Syphilis. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. Pommay (H.) L'agent pathogene de la syphi- lis; nature, cultures, inoculations, vaccination preventive. 8°. Paris, 1905. Popovitch (D.) *Les spirochetes en patho- logie humaine. 8°. Paris, 1906. Selitrenny *Le Treponema pallidum de Schaudinn et la syphilis; revue generale. 8°. Montpellier, 1906. Sioli (F. V. E.) *Ueber die Spirochaete pal- lida bei Syphilis. 8°. Halle a. S., 1906. de Almeida Magalhaes (R.) Nota sobre a pre- senca de Treponema pallidum em un feto syphilitico. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1906, xx, 229; 300, 1 pl. Also: Rev. med.-cirurg. do Brazil, Rio de Jan., 1907, xx, 51-66.— Almkvist (J.) & Jundell (I.) Till fragan om Spirc- chsete pallida (Schaudinn-Hoffmann) och syfilis. Allm. sven. Lakartidn.,Stockholm, 1905, ii, 394-398.—Alvarez (C. D.) Um caso de syphilis terciaria com espirochastas de Schaudinn. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1906, xx, 350.— Alvarez (W. C.) The Spirochseta pallida (Treponema pallidum) in syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906,xlvi, 1687-1690.—Hab (H.) Spirochiitenbefunde im mensch- lichen Auge; ein Beitrag zur Genese der Augenerkran- kungen bei hereditiirer Lues. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1945-1948.-----. Nerv oder Mikroorganismus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 315-317—Rabes (D.) & Panea (J.) Ueber patholo- gische Veranderungen und Spirochaete pallida bei con- genitaler Syphilis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 865; 1506.—Rallenger (E. G.) The Spirocheeta pal- lida or Treponema pallidum. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito- Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 137-143.—Randi (I.) & Siinonelli (F.) Sulla presenza della Spirochaete pal- lida nel sangue e nelle manifestazioni seeondarie dei sifilitici. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1905, 4. s., xvii, 539-645. Also: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 884. Also: Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1905, xxi, 791. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1905-6, xl, 64-68.—Bandler (V.) Ueber Spirochaetenbefunde bei Svphilis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1905, xxx, 475-477.— Bar'(P.)&de Kervily (M.) Abondance des spiro- chetes dans les visceres de fcetus syphilitiques morts et macerOs. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1907, x, 60.—Bar- duzzi (D.) & Simonelli (F.) Stato attuale della patogenesi della sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1906, xii, 515-524.—Barthelemy. La grande decou- verte du vrai microbe de la syphilis. Syphilis, Par., 1905, iii, 401-417.—Bartroli'(W. C.) The Spirochseta pallida. Med. Bull., Phila., 1906, xxviii, 206-209, 1 pl. Also: Month. Cycl. & M. Bull.,Phila., 1909, ii, 103-108.—Bayet. Le spirille de la syphilis; etat de la question. Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1905, lxiii, 150-154. Also: 3. med. de Brux., 1905, x, 385-389. -----. Nouvelles recherches sur le Spirochaete pallida dans la syphilis. Policlin., Brux., 1905, xiv, 235.—Bayet & JacquG. Le Spirochete pallida (Schaudinn). Rev. prat. d. mal. cutan. [etc.], Par., 1905, iv, 263; 296.—Bazzicalupo. Sulla etiologia della sifiiide (a proposito dello spirocete di Schaudinn). Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1905, vni, SYPHILIS. 433 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Parasite of, Specific) [Spiro- chseta pallida; Treponema palllet'a//>.]. 422.—Reck (S.) Vizsgalatoka Spirochaete pallida elofor- dulas:irol oroklott syphilisnel. [Researches on the Spirochaete pallida occurring in hereditary syphilis.] Gvermekorvos, Budapest, 1905,37-39.—Beer (A.) Ueber Beobachtungen an der lebenden Spirochseta pallida. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1192.—Beitzke (H.) Ueber Spirochseta pallida bei an- geborener Svphilis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 781-784.—Benitez (F. C.) Sobre la spiroqueta pallida. Rev. med. cubana, Habana, 1908, xiii, 149-152.—Berber (F. R. M.) Zur Kenntnis der Spirochsete pallida. Der- mat. Ztschr., Berl., 1906, xiii, 401-409,2 pl.—Be ric I A Favre. Le treponeme de Schaudinn et les lesions pul- monaires des nouveau-nes. Lyon mod., 1906, cvii, 831- 838.—Bernhardt (R.) O kretku bladym Sehaudinn'a w tkankach (Spirochsete pallida Schaudinn). [. . . in tissues.] Gaz.. lek., Warszawa, 1906, 2. s., xxvi, 2S9-291. Also, transl: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1906, lxxv, 405.—Bertarelli (E.) Spirochsete pallida e osteocon- drite sifilitica. Riv. d' ig. e san pubb., Torino, 1906, xvii, 335-340. -----. I fatti acquisiti sulla eziologia della sifiiide. Rassegna di terap., Torino, 1907, vi, 161-168.— Bertarelli (G.) & Volpino (G.) Ulteriori ricerche sulla presenza di Spirochaete pallida nelle sezioni di le- sioni sifilitiche primarie, secondarie e terziarie. Pro- gresso med., Torino, 1906, v, 42.—Bettencourt Fer- reira (J.) A spirocheta da svphilis. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1905, lxix, 121-134.—de Beurmann & Gou- gerot (H.) Le pian et la syphilis; maladies spirillaires. Rev. de med., Par., 1907, xxvii, 401-437.—Blanchard (L.-F.) Le microbe de la syphilis (Spirochaete pallida Schaudinn). Dauphine m£d., Grenoble, 1905, xxix, 181- 183.—Blaschko (A.) Ueber Spirochaetenbefunde im syphilitisch erkrankten Gewebe. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906,' ii, 335-339. -----. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Spirochsete pallida. Ibid., 915-917. -----. Spirochaete pallida; eine vorlaufige Entgegnung [an W. Schulze und O. Friedenthal]. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1265. -----. Die Spirochaete pallida und ihre Bedeutung fiir deu svphilitischen Krankheitsprozess. Ibid., 1907, xliv, 336-339. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1907), 1908, xxxviii, pt. 2, 84-94. [Discussion], pt. 1, 66; 88.— Blum (S.) The Spirocheta pallida. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1906, iv, 16.—Bodin (E.) Spirochoete pallida dans la syphilis hereditaire. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 190-193. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 616-619. -----. Spirochaete pallida dans les lesions svphilitiques. Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1905, xvi, 319-323. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 984-988. Also: Bull. Soc. scient. et med. de l'ouest, Rennes, 1905, xiv, 311-314— Biiing (H.) Legendenbildung in der Medi- zin; Spirochaeta pallida. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1907, xvii, 605-507.—Bonnard & liaiiriac. Recher- che du spirochete dans les tissus des heredo-syphilitiques. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxxviii, 636.—Bordet (J.) Sur le spirille de la syphilis. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1905, lvii, 614-616. -----. Le spirille syphilitique chez le chimpanze, preparation de Metschnikoff. Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1905, lxiii, 150.— van den Borne (E. W. K.) Over Spirochaete pallida bij de Frambcesia tropica (Spirochaetepallida Castellani). Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1906, ii, 889-898.— Bose (F.-J.) Gommes syphilitiques et treponemes; structure generale et signification des gommes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 340-342. Also: Montpel. med., 1906, xxii, 476-479. -----. Treponema pallidum (Schaudinn) dans les lesions de la syphilis h6r6ditaire; formes de deg<5nerescence des treponemes et leur ressem- blance avec Spirochaete refringens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 338-340. Also: Montpel. med., 1906, xxii, 565-567. -----. Les maladies bryocytiques (mala- dies a protozoaires). La svphilis. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xii. 729; 807: xiii, 30, 114; 215; 314; 423; 509; 613; 705.—Brandweiner (A.) Ueber den gegenwairtigen Stand der Spirochaetenfrage. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906,xix,339.—Brezovszky (E.) Kii- lonbozokepen festett spirochseta pallidak bemutahi^o. [Demonstration of specially colored . . . ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1907, li, 354.—Broers (J.) Het aantoonen der spirochaete pallida. Med. Rev., Haarlem, 1911, xi, 435-442.—Br0nnum (A.) Unders0gelscr over Spiro- chaete pallidas Forekomst ved Svfilis. Hosp.-Tid., K0- benh., 1906, 4. R., xiv, 20-26.—Br0nnum (A.) & Eller- mann (V.) Spirochaete pallida i Milten af et syphili- tisk Foster. [Spirochaete pallida in the spleen of a syphi- litic foetus.] Ibid., 1905, 4. R., xiii, 918-921. Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1757.—Bue (V.&)Petit(G.) Sur la presence du spirochete dans les tissus des heredo-svphilitiques. Bull. Soc. de med. du nord 1908, Lille, 1909,202-211. Also: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1908, xii, 205-208. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1908, lx, 414-417. Also: Clinique, Brux., 1908,xxii, 384-368.— Butschli (O.) Bemerkung zu der Mitteilung von F. Schaudinn uberSpirochaeta pallida. Deutsche med. Wchn- vol xvii, 2d series----28 Syphilis (Parasite of, Specific) [Spiro- c/uetapallida; Treponema pallidum\ schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 71.—Bunch (J. L.) Spi- rochaete in syphilis., Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1905, xvii, 412-415.—Bu met (E.) Le spirochete de la svphilis (Spi- rochaete pallida Schaudinn); morphologie et classifica- tion. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 833- 846.—Buschke (A.) Spirochaten bei syphilis. Internat. Dermat. Cong, (vi.) 1907. Tr., N. Y., 1908, ii, 691-707.— Buschke (A.) & Fischer (W.) Ueber das Vorkom- men von Spirochaten in inneren Organen eines syphiliti- schen Kindes. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 791.-----------. Ueber die Lagerung der Spi- rochaete pallida im Gewebe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 6. Also transl: Ann. de therap. dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, vi, 145-149.-----------. Weitere Beobachtun- gen iiber Spirochaete pallida. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 383-387.-----------. Ueber die Beziehungen der Spirochaete pallida zur kongenitalen Syphilis, nebst einigen Bemerkungen fiber ihre Lagerung im Gewebe bei akquirierter Lues. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1906, lxxxii, 63-110, 2 pl.—Cacloppo (F.) Tre- ponema pallidum in sifiiide ereditaria. Lavori d. Cong. di med. int., Roma, 1907, xvii, 277.-1 ampana (R.) Come bisogna interpretare il fenomeno della Spirochete pallida Hofmannii nella sifiiide. Riforma med., Paler- mo-Napoli, 1906, xxii, 934.—Campbell (R. P.) The Spirochaete pallida; its relation to syphilis, a review of the literature. Montreal M. J., 1908, xxxvii, 347-351.— -----. TheSpirochaetapallida; its diagnostic significance. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 924-928.—Cappelli (J.) Ricerche sulla Spirochaeta pallida nei sifilomi primitivi e in alcune dermatosi sifilitiche. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1908. xliii, 305-340.—Carini (A.) Sur une alte- ration des hematies d'un ouistiti et sur la presence dans le sang de cet animal de filaments semblables a des spi- rochetes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvii, 583-585.—Cassin (P.), Igonet & Pestre. Treponeme et heredo-syphilis. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. de Vau- cluse, Avignon, 1907, iii, 588-590.—€aucci (Q.) Inocu- lazione di prodotti sifilitici nelle cornee di conigli senza trovare spirochete, spiegazione delle forme consimili tro- vate. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. diRoma, 1908, xxvi, 127.—Chirivino (V.) II Triponema pallido nelle le- sioni del periodo terziario della sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1909, xliv, 144-168.—Chlenoff (M. A.) 0 Spirochaeta pallida, naldennol Schaudinn'om i Hoff- mann'om pri sifilisle. f. . ., found by . . . and ... in syphilis.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 769.—Cicero (R. E.) Nota sobre el interesantisimo descubrimiento del microbio de la sifilis por el Dr. Schaudinn. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1906, 3. s.,i, 108-115.—Ciuffo (G.) Su alcune par- ticoiarita morfologiche della spirocheta pallida. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir.di Pavia, 1908,xxii,88-95,lpl.—Cole (F. H.) & Stephens (H. D.) Case of congenital syphilis (Spiro- chaeta pallida demonstrated). Intercolon. M. J. Austra- las., Melbourne, 1906, xi, 271, 1 pl. [Discussion], 277.— Corbns (B. C. j The value of the spirochaete in the di- agnosis of svphilis, with special reference to the primary lesion. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1909, xv, 402-404.— Courtel lemont. De la valeur du Spirochaetes pallida dans le diagnostic de la syphilis. Nord med., Lille, 1905, xi, 245-247.—Cox (W. H.) The Spirochaeta pallida and its variations. Brit. M. J., Lond.; 1906, ii, 140.—Csiki (M.) Spirochaete pallida in syphilitischen Gebilden. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xiii, 5-9.—Dalons (E.) Le Spirochaete pallida de MM. Schaudinn et Hoffmann, et la bacteriologie de la syphilis. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1905, xvii, 481-489.—Davis (T. G.) Spiral organ- isms in relation to syphilis. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1906, iv, 271-276.—De Lisle (J.) Is the spiro- chaeta the causative organism of syphilis? Am. J. Der- mat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1912, xvi, 13.—Den- drinos (G.) & Beusls (W.) Ueber Fiinde von Spiro- chaete pallida im kreisenden Blute. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1906, xiii, 637.—De Pascal!* (G.) Spirochete pallida e diagnosi dell' infezione sifilitica. Policlin., Roma, 1905, xii, sez. prat, 861-866.—Di Jorio (M.) Le piu importanti e recenti ricerche sulla sifiiide. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1905, viii, 395-400.— Dohi. Spirochaeta pallida aus Syphilis-Exanthem. [Ausz., Hft. 24.] [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Ge- sellsch. zu Tokyo, 1905, xix, 1092-1096. -----. Ueber den aetiologischen Zusammenhang zwischen Spirochseta pal- lida. [Ausz., Hft. 1.] [Japanese text.] Ibid., 1906, xx, 22-30, 1 pl.—Dohi (K.) & Tanaka (T.) Ueber die Spirochaete pallida. [Ausz., pt. 2, 12.1 [Japanese text.] Hifubvog. km Hiniokibyog. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1905, v, 537- 575, 1 pi: 1906, vi, 408.—Domernikova (Anna N.) Spirochaete pallida v tkani lyokhkavo s pneumonia alba. [. . . in the lungs in a case of pneumonia.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 664.—Donzello (G.) Lo spirochete pallido di Schaudinn come agente patogeno della sifiiide. Gazz. sicil. di med. e chir. [etc.], Palermo. 1906. v, 101- 105.—Doutrelepont. Ueber Spirochaete pallida. Si- tzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn (1905), 1906, med. Abt., 66-69. Also: Deutsche med. SYPHILIS. 434 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Parasite of, Sj>eeific) [Sjn'ro- cJncta pallida; Treponema pallidum). Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 190<>, xxxii, 404. -----. Ueber Spirochseta pallida bei tertiiirer Lues. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 1906,Berl., 1907,291.—Dreyer (A.) Ueber Spirochaetenbefunde in spitzen Cmidy lomen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907. xxxiii, 720-722. Also: Dermat. Centralbl., Leipz., 1906, x, 34. -----. Beitrage zur Spirochaitenf rage. Internat. Dermat. Cong, (vi.), Tr. 1907, N. Y., 1908, ii, 739-749. -----. Die Bedeutung der Spirochaten fiir die Pathologie. Reichs- Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1908, xxxiii, 1; 23; 46.—Dreyer (A.) & Toepel. Spirochaete pallida im Urin bei syphiliti- scher Neuritis. Dermat. Centralbl., Leipz., 1906, ix, 172.— Dudgeon (L. S.) The presence of the Spirochaeta pal- lida in syphilitic lesions. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 669.— Ehrmann (S.) Ueber Befunde von Spirochaete pallida in den Nerven des Praputiums bei syphilitischer Initial- sklerose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1115. -----. Die Phagozytose und die Degene- rationsformen der Spirochaete pallida im Primaraffekt und Lymphstrang. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 828. -----. Zur Topographieder Spirochete pallida in der krus- t(">s werdenden Papel. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1906, xiii, 393-400,1 pl. -----. UeberdieBeziehungenderSpirochaeta pallida zu den Lymph- und Blutbahnen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xliv, Orig., 233-245, 1 pl. -----. Ueber Spirochaeta pallida im syphilitischen Gewebe. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 1906, Berl., 1907,295-300.—Eitner (E.) Ueber Beobachtungen an der lebenden Spirochaete pallida. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 770-773.—de Elizalde (P. E.) El espirillo de Schaudinn y la sifilis. Rev. Soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1906, xiv, 98-116, 1 pl.—de Elizalde (P. E.) & Wernicke (R. F.) Sobre lapresencia del Spiro- chetes pallida en las lesiones sifiliticas. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1905, xii, 844-846.—Ellis (A. G.) The re- lation of Spirochseta pallida to syphilis; a critical review of recent investigations. Am. Med., Phila., 1906, xi, 37- 39.—Entz(B.) Ueber das Vorkommen der Spirochaete pallida bei kongenitaler Syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1906, lxxxi, 79-106,2 pl.—Erdnian (B.) A further note on Spirocheta pallida. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1908-9, xxvii, 147.—Ernst (H. C.) [Spiro- chsete pallida.] Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1906, xxxvi, 757. -----. The parasitology of svphilis. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxv, 605.— Eschle (F. C. R.) Die neueren Hypothesen uber die Syphilisatiologie. Reichs- Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1907, xxxii, 463; 483.—Ewing (J.) Observations on spirochaetse in syphilis, Proc. N. York Path. Soc., 1905-6, n. s., v, 105-114. Also, Reprint. -----. Recent studies of syphilis. N. York State J. M., X. Y., 1907, vii, 177-186. -----. Note on involution forms of Spirochsete pallida in gummata. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1907-8, n. s., vii, 166-171. — Fanoni (A.) The Spirochaeta pallida in syphilis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii, 944-950. Also, Reprint. Also, transl: Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1905, xxi, 1361.—Feld- manu (I.) Spirochaeta pallida bujak6rosujszulott szer- veiben es v reben. f... in the organs and blood of a syphi- litic newborn.] Budapesti k.orvosegy.evkonyve, 1906.134. Also, transl: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xi, 28.— Fernandez Martinez (F.) Contribuci6n al estudio del "Treponemapallido" en la heredo-sifilis. Gac. mefl. d. SurdeEspana,Granada,1909, xxvii, 531; 504. Also: Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1910, xii, 66-70.—Ferre. Recherches sur la presence du spirochaete de Schaudinn dans les lesions superficielles de la syphilis. Compt. rend. Soc.debiol.,Par.,1906,lx.97.—Feuillle(E.) Localisations du spirochsete pallida chez un foetus heredo-svphilitique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p de Par., 1906/3. s., xxiii, 275-278.—Fisch (C.) Spirochsete pallida and syphilis. St.Louis M.Rev., 1907, lv, 374-377.—Fischer (W.) Die neuesten Forschungen fiber den Erreger des Svphilis. Berl. Klinik,1907, xix,223. Hft., 1-20.—Fitzgerald (J. G.) The significance of Spirocheta pallida in syphilis. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1906, xxxi, 1-4.—Flexner (S.) Spirochaeta (Treponema) pallida and svphilis. J. Exper. M.,N. Y., 1907, ix, 464-472,1 pl. Also, Reprint.—Flexner (S.) & Noguchi (H.) On the occurrence of Spirochseta f>allida, Schaudinn, in syphilis. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, xxxvi,1145. Also,Reprint.—Fliigel(K.) WeitereSpiro- chaetenbefunde bei Syphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1755-1757.—Forest (M.) Bei- trag zur Morphologie der Spirochsete pallida (Treponema pallidum, Schaudinn). Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xii, 608-612, 1 pl.—Fouquet (C.) Pre- sence du spirochete pale de Schaudinn dans le testicule d'un nouveau-ne heredo-syphilitique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxliii, 792-794. -----. Presence de tre- ponemes pales de Schaudinn dans l'appendice d'un foetus heredo-syphilitique. Ibid., 1907, cxlx, 1309. Also: Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1908, i, 38. -----. Sur une forme rec- tiligne du spirochete pale; sa signification; son r61e probable dans les lesions tertiaires. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 225. -----. Sur une formeatypi- que rectiligne du spirochete pale de Schaudinn; des embolies microbiennes dans la syphilis et de leur r61e Syphilis (Parasite of Specific) [Sjn'ro- e/actapallida; Treponema pallidum], dans la production des gommes. Ann. d. mal. ven. Par., 1907, ii, 256-259. -----. Le treponeme pale de la syphilis, ses localisations. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1908, lxxxi, 435-441. —Fox ( H.) Some observations upon the structure of the Spirocheta pallida (Schaudinn). Univ.Penn.M. Bull., 1'hila., 1906-7,xix,266-269. Also, Re- print.—Fraenkel (C.) Ueber das Vorkommen der Spi- rochsete pallida bei Syphilis. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1905,Iii, 1129— Francois (P.) Le microbe de ia syphilis; Spin>eh;i te pallida de Schaudinn et Hoffmann. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1905, lxvii, 107-110.__ Fried .—Hansteen (E. H.) Spirochaete pallida. [Spiro- chete pallida. Res., 788.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1906, 5. R., iv, 781-788, 1 pl.—Harris (F.G.) The parasitology of svphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, liii, 757-762.—Harris (F. G.) & Corbus (B. C.) The clinical value of the Spirochseta pallida in the diag- nosis and treatment of svphilis. Ibid., 1908, li, 1928- 1933.—Harvey (D.) & Bousneld (L.) Note on the spirochsetae found in svphilis. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, SYPHILIS. 435 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Parasite of Specific) [Spiro- chete pallida; Treponema pallida ni], Lond., 1905, v, 263.—Haslund (P.) Spirochaete pallida, Schaudinn. Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi, Kabenh., 1904-5, iii, 383-387.—Hastings (T.W.) Observations on suiro- chaetae in syphilis. Proc N. York Path. Soc, 1905-6, h. s., v, 114-120.—Hauck (L.) Ueber den derzeitigen Stand der Frage nach dem Erreger der Syphilis. Sitzungsb. d. phvs.-med. Soz. in Erlang. (1906), 1907, xxxviii, 219-236.— Hayward (E.H.) The spirochaete pallida. J.Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1906, v, 154-158.—Hedren (G.) Unter- suchungen iiber Spirochete pallida bei kongenitaler Svphilis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlvi, Orig., 232-247— Heidingsleld (M. L.) & OTarkley (A. J.) Spirocheta pallida; a preliminary report on the new microbe of syphilis. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1905, n. s., lv, 608-611.—Herrnian (C.) A note on the Spirochseta pallida. N. York M. J. [etcJ, 1905, lxxxii, 1205-1207.—Hertmanni. Beitrage zur Lebens- dauer der Spirochseta pallida. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1909, xvi, 633-640.— Herxhelmer (K.) Ueber die Be- ziehungen der Spirochaete pallida zur Svphilis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 797. -----. Zur Kenntnis der Spiro- chete pallida. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1861, -----. Weitere Mitteilungen iiber die Spirochaete pallida (Treponema Schaudinn). Ibid., 1906, liii, 310-312. -----. Ueber Lues maligna und Spirochete pallida. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 1906, Berl., 1907, 280-291. J Herxlieimer (K.) & HIibner (H.) Ueber Darstel- lungsweise und Befund der bei Lues vorkommenden Spirochete pallida. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1023-1026. —Herxlieimer (K.) & Loser. Ueber den Bau der Spirochete pallida. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 2212.—Hirtz. A propos du Treponema pallidum de Schaudinn. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1906,3. s., xxiii, 330-332.— Hoff- mann (E.) Nachtrag zu der Arbeit von F. Schaudinn und E. Hoffmann uber Spirochete pallida bei Syphilis, etc. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 726. -----. Weitere Mitteilungen iiber das Vorkommen der Spirochete pal- lida bei Syphilis. Ibid., 1022-1025. ----- Spirochete pal- lida bei einem mit Blut geimpften Makaken. Ibid., 1450. -----. Die Bedeutung der neueren Versuche, Syphilis auf Tiere zu iibertragen. Ibid., 154-157. Also, transl: Ann.de therap. dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, v, 322-328. -----. Ueber die Spirochete pallida. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1710-1713. -----. Spirochetenbefunde bei Syphilis. Berl. tierarztl, Wchnschr., 1905, 389. -----. Mitteilungen und Demon- strationen iiber experimentelle Syphilis, Spirocheta pal- lida und andere Spirochaetenarten. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1906, xiii, 561-565. -----. Ueber die diagnostische BedeutungderSpirocheta pallida. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1421-1423. -----. Parasitenbef unde bei mensch- licher Svphilis. Internat. Dermat. Cong, (vi.) 1907. Tr., N. Y., 1908, ii, 677-691. -----. Erfolgreiche Uebertra- gung von Syphilisspirochaeten auf Meerschweinchen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 1023. -----. Die neuesten Fortschritte in der Erforschung des Syphiliserregers. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 19. -----. Ueber die Benennung des Syphiliserregers, nebst Bemerkungen fiber seine Stellungim system. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1769-1771.—Horand (R.) L'agent pathogene de la syphilis est un h6mo- protiste. Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1904, xi, 171-174. Also: Lyon med., 1904, cii, 346-352. -----. Les spirochetes de Schaudinn et Hoffmann et les formes evolutives de l'hemoprotiste de la svphilis. Belgique m6d., Gand- Haarlem, 1905, xii, 279-282. Also: Lvon med., 1905, civ, 1223-1229. [Discussion], 1293. -----. Abondance extreme de treponemes pallida et de spirochaetes dans l'onyxis syphilitique. Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1906, xiii, 75.—Houghton (H. S.) Report on Spirochete pallida found in an early case of extra-genital lues. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1905-6. n. s., v, 165-167.—HIibner (H.) Ueber den jetzigen Stand unserer Kenntnisse von der Spirochete pallida. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1905, xii, 718: xiii, 49. Also [Rev.]: Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1906-7, xiii, 157-162. -----. Neuere Arbeiten fiber die Spirochete pal- lida. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1906, xiii, 617-636. -----. Ueber moderne Syphilisforschungen. Ztschr. f. Be- kampf. d. Geschlechtskrankh., Leipz., 1907, v, 468-481.— Huebschmann(P.) Spirochete pallida (Schaudinn) und Organerkrankungen bei Svphilis congenita. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 796^798.—Istamanoflr (S.) 0 Spirochete pallida pri sifilisle. [... in syphilis.] Pro- tok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 190.5-6, xiii, 185- 227.—Ivanoff( V. V.) Spirochete pallida Schaudinn'a i yeya otnosheniye ksifilisu. [Schaudinn's spirocheta and its relationship to syphilis.] Izviest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1905, xi, 55-66. —J. Die Spirochete pallida als Erreger der Syphilis. Repert. d. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1905, ii, 352-365, —Jacque (L.) Le spi- rochete de la syphilis. J. med. de Brux., 1905, x, 406.—Jacquet (L.) & Sezary (A.) Des formes aty- piques et deg(5neratives du trepon&me pale. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1907, 3. s., xxiv, 114- 116.—Jambon (A.) Spirochetes de Schaudinn dans Syphilis (Parasite of Specific) [Spiro- cheta pallida; Treponema pallidum]. les lesions tertiaires. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1907, vi, 143-145. Also: Lyon med., 1907,cviii, 1151-1153.— Jensen (V.) Om Fund af Spirochete pallida (Schau- dinn). Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1905, 4. R., xiii, 559-565.— Karwackl (L.) Przyczynek do morfologii kretka bla- dego. [Morphology of the pallid spirocheta.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1906, 2. s., xxvi, 1157-1163.—Karwowski (A.) Spirochete pallida Schaudinna-Hoffmanna. Now. lek., Poznan, 1907, xix, 277-284.—Keenan (C. B.) Spiro- cheta pallida. MontrealM. J., 1905, xxxiv, 889.—Kimla (R.) Spirochete pallida (Schaudinn-Hoffmann) a jeji v^znam pro aetiologii syfilis. [. .. and its significance for the etiology of syphilis.] Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 1905, xliv, 1204; 1234; 1272: 1906, xiv, 432— Kioleme- uoglou (B.) & von Cube (F.) Spirochete pallida (Schaudinn) und Syphilis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1275. — Koch ( M. ) Ueber einen Spirocha- tenbefund bei kavernoser Lungensyphilis und Pachyme- ningitis hemorrhagica internaproductiva. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1907, Jena, 1908, xi, 275-282, 1 pl.—Kowalewski. Ueber Primaraffekt am Lid mit Demonstration von Spirochaten. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 2098-2101.—Kraus (R.) Ueber die atiologisehe Bedeutung der Spirocheta pal- lida. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xviii, 592-594. -----. Spirochatenuntersuchungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1478. -----. Mitteilungen fiber Spirochaeten untersuchungen an der Klinik des Hofrates Pick. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1906, xxxi, 354; 367. -----. Untersuchungen iiber Spirochete pallida. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1906, lxxxii, 39-48.—Kraus (R.) & Prantschoff (A.) Ueber das konstante Vorkommen der Spirocheta pallida im syphi- litischen Gewebe bei Menschen und Affen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xviii, 941-945— Krzystalovvicz (F.) & Siedlicki (M.) Kretek blady Schaudinna w zmia- nach kilowych. [Schaudinn's spirochete in syphilitic changes.] Przegl. lek., Krak6\v, 1905, xliv, 497-500. Also, transl: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1905, xii, 231- 240.-----------. Spostrzezenia nad budowa. i rozwajem Spirocheta pallida Schaud. [On the structure and de- velopment of . . .] Rozpr. wydz. matemat.-przvr. Akad. umiej. 1905, Krak6w, 1906, 3. s., v, B, 414-428, 1 pl. Also, transl: Rev. prat. d. mal. cutan. [etc.], Par., 1906, v, 43- 56, 2pl.----------. O stosunkurozwoju kretka bladego (Treponema pallidum Sch.) do okres6w kily. [Rela- tionship of the development of ... to the stages of syphi- lis.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1906, xiv, 305-307. Also, transl: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1906, xliii, 1-12. ----- -----. Morfologia kretka bladego. [. . . of the Spiro- cheta pallida.] Przegl. chorob sk6r. i wen., Warszawa, 1908, iii, 265-303. Also, transl: Rev. prat. d. mal. cutan. [etc.], Par., 1908, vii, 315-341.-----------. Zachowanie sie. kretkow bladych (Spirochete pallida) w zmianach kilowych; szczepienia kily malpom. [. . . in syphilis; syphilitic inoculation of apes.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1908, xiii, 207; 221. Also, transl: Monatsh. f. prakt. Der- mat., Hamb.,1908, xlvi, 423-435.—Kuriazopoulos (K. K.) Ilepi rijs spirocheta pallida. 'la.Tpi.Kr) 7rpdo6(K, 'Ev Xvpy, 1906, xi, 303.—Lang (E.) Die Spirochete pallida und die klinische Forschung, nebst Betrachtungen iiber Svphilistherapie auf Grund der jiingsten Forschungser- gebnisse. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 1653; 1709.— danger (J.) Ueber das Vorkommen der Spirocheta pallida Schaudinn in den Vakzinen bei kongenital- syphilitischenKindern. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2000-2002.—Lanzalame (S.) La Spirochete pal- lida nelle lesione sifilitiche, con speciale riguardo al- F azione della cura mercuriale su di essa. Gazz. sicil. di med. e chir. [etc.], Palermo, 1906, v, 203-207.—Lapow- ski (B.) The recent investigations in syphilis and their practical application. N. York M..I. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv,735- 739.—Liaunois (P.E.) &liU'dcricli (L.) Association de spirilles et de bacilles fusiformes de Vincent dans un chan- cre syphilitique a tendance phagC'denique. Bull, et mem. Soc.med. d. hop.de Par.,1905,3.s.,xxh,601-604.— Lebailly (C.) Multiplication invitroduTreponemapallidumSchau- dinn. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1908, cxlvi, 312-314.— l.efebvre (A.) Les faits nouveaux dans le domaine de la syphilis. Clinique,Brux.,1906,xx,921-930.—lie Sourd (L.j &Pagniez(P.) Le spirochete pallida dans le sang des syphilitiques. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1907, 4. s., viii, 42-48.—Leszczyiiski (R.) Kretek blady a rozpoznawanie kily. [The pallid spirocheta and diag- nosis of syphilis.] Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1906, i, 285; 309.— Lcvaditi (C.) Syphilis congenitale et Spirochete pal- lida Schaudinn. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 845-847. Also: Presse med., Par., 1905, i, 337. -----. L'histologie pathologique de l'heredo-syphilis dans ses rapports avec le Spirochete pallida Schaudinn. Compt. rend.Soc.de biol., Par., 1905, lix,342-344.-----.L'histologie pathologique de la syphilis hereditaire dans ses rapports avec le spirochete pallida. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1906, xx, 41-68, 2 pl. -----. Les nouvelles recherches sur l'etiologie et la pathogenie de la svphilis. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1906, x, 273; 285. Also: Folia haematol., Berl., SYPHILIS. 436 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Parasite of Specific) [Spiro- chseta pallida; Treponema pallidum]. 1906, iii, 511; 655.-----. Le cii du Treponema pallidum. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1911, lxxi, 156-158.—Le- vaditi (G.) &Manouelian. Histologie pathologique des accidents syphilitiques primaires et secondaires chez rhonime, dans ses rapports avec le Spirochete pallida. Ibid., 1905, lix, 527-529.----------. Histologie patholo- gique du chancre syphilitique du singe dans ses rapports avec le Spirochete pallida. Ibid., 529-531.—Levaditl (C.) & Petresco (G. Z.) Passage du Spirochete pallida dans le liquide de vesicatoire. Presse med., Par., 1905, 617. Also, transl: Tribune med. Am. ed., N. Y., 1905, i, 339-342.—Levaditl(C.)& Salmon (P.) Localisations du spirochete dans un cas de svphilis hereditaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lix, 465.—Levaditi & Sauvage. Sur un cas de syphilis hereditaire tardive, avec presence du Spirochete pallida dans les visceres. Ibid., otl-316.—Levi. Due parole a proposito della Spi- rochete pallida, (iior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1906, xii, 5:>2-5:;i.—Levy-Binsr iA.) Action du mercure sur les spirochaetes en general et sur le pallida en particulier. Bull, med., Par., 1905, xix, 631. -----. Le micro-orga- nisme de la syphilis; Treponema pallidum (Schaudinn). Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 209-214.—Lewandovvski (F.) Die Spirochete pallida (Sammelreferat). Zentralbl. i. Chir., Leipz., 1905, xxxii, 816.— Liberman (Ya. Yu.) Izsliedovaniye bllednol spirokheti v zhivom vidie. [In- vestigation of the Spirocheta pallida when alive] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 810-812.—Lichtmann. Spi- rochete pallida im Lichen syphiliticus. Dermat. Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1907-8, xi, 5-10.—Lindenbcruor (I.) Spirocheta of Schaudinn and syphilis. Kentucky M. .1., Bowling Green, 1907-8, v, no. 8, 30-32.—Lipschiitz (B.) Untersuchungen fiber die Spirochete pallida Schaudinn. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1905, xxxi. 1832- 1836. Also, Reprint. -----. Zur Kenntnis der Spirochete pallida im syphilitischen Gewebe. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1906, xix, 1110-1114. -----. Ueber die Beziehungen der Spirocheta pallida zum Hautpigment syphilitischer Efnoreszeiizen. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, xiv, 67-88.— de Lisle (J.) Nouvelles recherches sur le microbe de la svphilis. Arch.gen. demed., Par., 1905,ii,2915-2918. Also iAbstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. dc biol., Par., 1905, lix, 336.— .itterer(W.) The Treponema pallidum of svphilis. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee. Memphis, 1906, lxxiii, 197-204 — Loewenthal (W.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Spiro- chaeten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 283-285 — Liiwy (K.) Beitriige zur Spirochaetenfrage. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien. u. Leipz., 1906, lxxxi, 107-126.— Loxton i A.) Some remarks upon the Spiroketa pallida, and the early diagnosis of svphilis. Midland M. J., Bir- mingh., 1906, v, 178-181.— M'Intosh (J.) The occur- rence and distribution of the Spirocheta pallida in con- genital syphilis. J. Path. & Bacteriol.,Cambridge, 1908-9, xiii, 239-247, 2 pl. -----. On the presence of the Spiro- cheta pallida (Treponema pallidum) in the ova of a con- genital svphilitic child. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, li, Orig., 11-13.—MeKee (H.) A mu- cous patch on the conjunctiva, with demonstration of the Spirochete pallida. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1909, xviii, 63.— Maclemiaii (A.) On the Spirocheta pallida and its variations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 1090-1095. -----. The place of the Spirocheta pallida in the diagnosis of svphilis. Ibid., 1907, ii, 1510.— MeWeeney (E. J.I Spirochetal in syphilis. Ibid., 1905, i, 1262.—MacWhtn- nie (A. M.) Present status of the Spirocheta pallida. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1909, vii, 221-223.—Malinow- ski (F.) Kretek blady (Spirochete pallida) w kile trzeciorz^dowej. [... in teitiary syphilis.] Przegl. cho- r6b sk6r. i wen., Warszawa, 1907, ii, 58-60.—Marotta (G.) Lo spirochete di Schaudinn secondo le piii recenti ricerche su V etiologia della sifiiide. Incurabili, Napoli, 1907, xxii, 097-71*.— Martial (R.) Les localisations sys- tematiques du Treponema pallidum. Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 510.—Martin Salazar (M.) El Spirochete pallida como causa de la sifilis. Rev. de san. mil., Ma- drid, 1906, xx, 5; 36— Martsinovski (E. I.) Spiro- chete pallida i sifilis. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1906, lxv, 584-592, 1 pl.—Marzocchl (V.) & Garra (E.) Sulla Spirochete pallida. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1905, xl, 648-660—Mayaslma. Ueber Spirochete der Syphilis. [Ausz., 24. Hft.] [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1905, xix, 1078-1090.— Memelsdorf (A.) Spirochete pallida. Illinois M. Bull., Chicago, 1905-6, vi, 581-583. Also, transl: N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1906, xviii, 265-269.—Mendes da Costa. Spirochete pallida bij syphilis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1906, 2. r., d. 1, 181-184.— Meneau (J.) La microbiologic de la syphilis. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1909, xx, 81; 185; 241; 346; 401 — Menetrier (P.) & Kubens-Duval (H.) Sur un cas de septicemie a spirochete de Schaudinn chez un nou- veau-ne svphilitique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1905, 3. s., xxii. 1059-1(168. — Metchnlkotr (E.) id., 711-714. Also, transl: Ann. de therap. dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, v, 313-322.— ----------. Vorlaufiger Bericht fiber das Vorkommen von Spirochaeten in syphilitischen Krankheitspro- dukten und bei Papillomen. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1904-5, xxii, 627-534. Also, transl: Ann. de therap. dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, v, 289-299. ■-----■ -----. Ueber Spirochete pallida bei Syphilis und die Unter- schiede dieser Form gegeniiber* anderen Arten dieser Gattung. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch (1905), 1906, xxxvi, pt. 2, 200-209. [Discussion], pt. 1, 152; 154. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 673-675. [Discussion], 731-734.—Sclieresehewsky. Bisherige Erfahrungen mit der geziichteten Spirochete pallida. Deutsche med. Wchnschr,. Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 1652-1654.— Scheuer (O.) Ein Fall von Syphilis insontium, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Lebensdauer der Spirocheta pallida. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 458-460.—Schinckel (R.) La presence du Spirocheta pallida dans un condvlome syphilitique. Bull. Soc de med. de Gand, 1905,229.—Schlimpert (H.) Spirochae- tenbefunde in den Organen kongenital syphilitischer SYPHILIS. 438 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Parasite of, Specific) [Spiro- cheta pallida; Treponema pallidum]. Neugeborener. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1966, xxxii, 1037-1039.—Schmitt (L. S.) The Spi- rocheta pallida (Treponema pallidum). Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1906, iv, 92-94.—Schmorl. Mitteilung zur spirochatenfrage. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, Ins. — Schoenleld (H.) Sur la recherche du Spi- rocheta pallida de Schaudinn dans les cas douteux de syphilis; un cas de chancre vaginal. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1905, lxxi, 216-220.—Scholtz (W.) Ueber den Spirochiitennachweis bei Syphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1467.— Sehridde (II.) Spirochaetenbefunde in Organen und ihre Verwertung fur die Diagnose und den Infektions- modus der Syphilis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1892.—Schiiller (M.) Ueber eigenartige Parasi- tenbefunde bei Syphilis; ihre Bedeutung fiir die Ent- stehung, Diagnose und Ausbreitung dieser Infektions- krankheit bei Erwachsenen und Kindern, sowie die Beziehungen der Syphilis zu anderen Krankh Sitspro- zessen. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1902, ix, 1680- 1682. -----. Ueber die protozoischen Erreger der Svphi- lis. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1905, 265. —Schiiltz (O.) The distribution of Treponema pallidum, Schaudinn (Spirocheta pallida),in the tissues in congenital svphilis. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1906, xv. 363-381, 1 pl."-----. The present status of our knowledge of the parasitology of svphilis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 429-441. Also: Internat. Dermat. Cong, (vi.), 1907. Tr., N. Y., 1908, ii, 708-728. -----. The numerical relationship of Treponema pallidum to certain pathological types of congenital syphilis. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1909, vi, 17- 37. -----. The parasitology and pathogenesis of syphilis. Cleveland M. J., 1910, ix, 786-798.—Schultz (O. T.) A preliminary report of the staining of Spirocheta pallida (Treponemapallidum)in the tissuesof acaseof congenital syphilis. Am. Med., Phila.,1906,n. s.,i,30. Also, Reprint.— Schulze(W.) Die Silberspirochete. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1906, xliii,1213-1216. See, also, supra, Blaschko.—Se- zaray(A.) LeTreponemapallidumdeSchaudinn. Med. mod., Par., 1906, xvii, 185-188. -----. Constatation du tre- poneme dans l'anterite cerebrale syphilitique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxviii, 985. -----. Sur une forme annulaire du treponeme pale. Ibid., lxix, 339.— Shaw (E. A.) A note on the distribution of Treponema pallidum in congenital gummata. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 26.—Shennan (T.) Spirocheta pallida (Spironema pal- lidum) in syphilis. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1905-6, n. s., xxv, 111-125, 3 pl. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 663; 746.—Shestopal (Ya. M.) Bllednaya spirokheta pri sifilidakh polosti rta. [Spirocheta pallida in syphilis of the oral cavity.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 872- 874. Also, transl:Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb.,1910, li, 154-162.—Shor (G. V.) K voprosu o Spirochete pal- lida. Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 1123.—Shre- ders (V. D.) Spirochete pallida i sovremennoye polo- zheniye voprosa o yeya prirodle. [. . . and the present state of the question concerning its nature.] Med. pri- bav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1906, pt. 2, 270-279.— Shvets (Y.) K voprosu o nakhozhdenii i vozmozhnosti raspoznavaniya Spirochete pallida v sifiliticheskikh za- bollevaniyakh polosti rta. [The presence of Spirochete pallida, and the possibility of their recognition, in syphi- litic diseases of the mouth.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1906, xiii, 489.—Siebert (C.) Ueber die Spirochete pal- lida. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1642-1644.—Siegel (J.) Der Erreger der Svphilis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xiv, Orig., 218; 301; 404, 5 pl. -----. Einige erganzende Be- merkungen zu meinem Aufsats: Der Syphiliserreger. Ibid., 1908, xlvi, Orig., 315-318.—Simmonds (M.) Ue- ber den diagnostischen Wert des Spirochatennachweises bei Lues congenita. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1302-1304.—Simonelli (F.) La Spirochete pallida nella milza degli eredo-sifilitici. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1906, 4. s., xviii, 491. -----. Sul valore patognomonico della Spirochete pallida nella diagnosi della sifiiide extra-genitale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1906, xxvii, 1486-14SS— Sobernheim (G.) & Tomascze w- ski (E.) Ueber Spirochete pallida. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1857-1861.—de Souza jun. & Pe- reira (F. G.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Spirochete pallida bei acquirierter und congenitaler Syphilis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 1385.— Spirochaetenbe- 1 untie bei Syphilis. Med.-technol. J., Leipz. u. Wien 1905, i, 6; 18.—Spitzer (L.) Ueber Spirochatenbefunde im syphilitischen Gewebe. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xviii, 822-824.—Splendore (A.) Sobre o Treponema pallido de Schaudinn. Tribuna med., Rio de Jan., 1908, xiv, 37; 45; 102.—Stenczel (A.) Untersuchungen iiber die Spirochete pallida in den Krankheitsprodukten der erworbenen Svphilis Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, ' 1586-1589.—Stephenson (S.) Etat actuel de la ques- tion du Spirochete pallida dans les affections syphiliti- quesdel'ceil. Clin.opht.. Par.,1907, xiii,227-229.—Stern. [Spirochete pallida.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., 1906, xxxii, 1182.—Stiles (C. W.) & Pl'ender (C. A.) The Syphilis (Parasite of Specific) [Spiro- chseta pallida; Treponema pallidam]. generic name (Spironema \ ullemin, 1905 [not Meek, 1861, Mollusk]—Microspironema Stiles and Pfender, l'ju'u of the parasite of syphilis. Am. Med., Phila., 1906, x, 9.J6.—Sug- getts (O. L.) The possibilities of the Spirocheta pallida (Treponema pallidum). Kansas City M. Index Lancet, 1906, xxvii, 325-327.—Swellengrebel (N. H.) Over spi- rochaeten. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1909, i, 721-728. —Taylor (A. S.) The Spirocheta pallida re- viewed. China M. J., Shanghai, 1907, xxi, 241-244.—Tay- lor (M. L.) Description and preparations of the Spiro- chetepallida. Tr.Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, Glasg., 1905-6, xi, 37-39— Taylor (W. E.)&Ballenger (E.G.) Apre- liminary report on the Spirocheta pallida. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xiv, 1497.—Terra (F.) O espirocheta de Schaudinn. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1906, xx, 5; 15.— Terzaghi (D. R.) I nostri risultati nella ricerca della Spirocheta pallida per 4 anni. Cliu. dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1910, xxviii, 43-51. -----. Ulteriori studi sul modo di comportarsi delle spirochete pallide nei sifi- litici. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1911, xlvi, 123-127.— Thesing (C.) Kritische Bemerkungen zur Spirochete pallida bei Svphilis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1337.—Thiblerge (G.) Le Spirochete pallida de Schaudinn, agent pathogene de la syphilis; sa recherche; ses habitats; applications a la clinique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1906, lxxix, 123-129. Also: Syphilis, Par., 1906, iv, 356-368.—Thibierge (G.), Bavaut & Burnet. Spi- rochete de Schaudin n et syphilis experimentale. Compt. rend.Soc.debiol., Par., 1906,lx,298-300—Thomsen(0.) AChievitz (O.) Spirochete pallida (Treponema palli- dum) vedmedf0dt Syfilis. [. . . in congenital syphilis.] Bibliot. f. Leger, K0benh., 1906,8. R., vii, 157-164,1 tab.— Tomasczewski (E.) Ueber den Nachweis der Spiro- chete pallida bei tertiiirer Svphilis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1301.—"Vanhaecke (E.) Sur la longue vitalite du treponeme. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1911, xv, 336.—Veillon (A.) AGirard (J.) Spirochete pallida Schaudinn, dans la roseole syphilitique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lix, 652.—Verse (M.) Die Spirochete pallida in ihren Beziehungen zu den syphi- litischen Gewebsveriinderungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 626; 653; 682.—VOrner (H.) Ueber wechselndes Vor- kommen der Luesspirochiite. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1907, liv, 2330.—Voloshin (A. D.) K voprosu o mikroorganizmie sifilisa. [On the microorganism of syphilis.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 1210-1212.— Volpino (G.) & Fontana (A.) Ricerche preliminari d' orientamento sulla coltivazione artificiale della Spiro- chete pallida (Schaudinn). Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1906, xvii, 462-466. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xiii, 666-669.— Vuillemin (P.) Sur la denomination de l'agent pre- sume de la svphilis. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1905, cxl, 1567.—Wallich (V.) & Levaditi (C.) Recher- ches sur la presence du Spirochete pallida dans le pla- centa. Compt.rend.Soc.de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 191.— Wechselmann (W.) & Loewentlial (W.) Unter- suchungen fiber die Schaudinn-Hoffmannschen Spiro- chatenbefunde in syphilitischen Krankheitsprodukten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 657.----------. Zur Kenntnis der Spirochete pallida. Ibid., 838-841.— Weitlaner (F.) Noch einiges iiber Spirochete pallida. Berl. klin.- therap. Wchnschr., 1905, 1124-1129. Also: Wien. klin.- therap. Wchnschr., 1905, 1124-1129.— Wiens. Spiro- cheten-Untersuchungen an Chinesen. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1906.x, 459-462.—Wilson (D. S.) Diagnostic importance of the Spirochete pallida or Treponema pallidum. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 190\ xv, 69-72.—Wiman (A.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Spirochete pallida bei Syphilis. Nord. med. A rk., Stock- holm. 1906, 3. f., vi, afd. 2, no. 3, 1-13.— Wolff (M.) Eine En tgegnung auf die Pallida-Kritik von Herrn Sal ing. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906-7, xliii, Orig., 156; 222. -----. Nochmals zur Pallida-Kritik des Herrn Saling. Ibid., 803-806.—WroIters (M.) Ueber die bei Syphilis gefundenen Spirochaten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905,i,963-967.—Wood (M. A.) Treponema palli- dum. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1908-9, iv, 2*7.— Wright (J. H.) & Richardson (O.) Treponematn (spirochete) in syphilitic aortitis; five cases, one with aneurism. Boston M.&S. J., 1909, clx, 539-541. Also: Pub. Mass. Gen. Hosp., Bost., 1909, ii, 395-402. Also, Reprint.— Zabolotnfy (D. K.) Spirokheti pri sifilisle. [Spiro- chete in syphilis.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 741. Also: Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1906, xii, 76-79. -----. O nakhozhdenii spirokhet pri sifi- lisle. [Spirochete in syphilis.] Kharkov. M. J., 1907, iv, 312-316.—Zabolotniy (D. K.) &Maslakovets (P. P.) Nablyudeniva nad dvizheniyem i skle'ivaniyem bllednol spirokheti (Spirochete pallida). [On the motility and agglutination of the . . .1 Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 361. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xliv. Orig., 532-534.—Zeit (F. R.) The Spirocheta pallida as etiologic factor of syphilis. Quart. Bull. Northwest. Univ. Med. Sch., Chicago, 1908-9, x, 17- 42.-Zeleneff(I. F.) O spirokhetlesifilisa. [Thespiro- SYPHILIS. 439 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Parasite of, Specific) [Spiro- chseta pallida; Treponema pallidum]. cheta ot svphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1905, ix, 365-369: x, 187-201,1 pl. -----. K mor- fologii bllednol spirokheti; koltsevidniya, zvlezdchatiya formi yeya. [Morphology of the Spirocheta pallida; ring and star forms.] Ibid., 1909, xviii, 19-24, 2 pl. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.],l. Abt, Jena, 1910, liv, Orig., 7-11, 2 pl. Syphilis (Parasite of Specific, Demon- stration of) by special cultures and stain- ing methods. Badin (M. - J. - V.) * Recherche du Spirochete pallida dans les lesions superficielles de la syphi- lis. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906. Comandox (J.) *De l'usage en clinique de 1'ultra-microscope en particulier pour la recher- che et l'etude des spirochetes. 8°. Paris, 1909. Andrews (C. R.) The specific organism of syphilis and a simple staining method for their detection. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1906, 160-160.—Arkin (A.) Ac- quired syphilitic ulcers of the bowel; demonstration of the Spirocheta pallida. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1911-12, viii, 224-240.—Arnheim (G.) Kulturversuche der Spi- rocheta pallida. Dermat. Centralbl., Leipz., 1909, xii, 290- 294. -----. Demonstration eines Priiparates von Spiro- chaeten aus einer Kultur nach Schereschewsky. Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1909, Berl., 1910, xl, pt. 1, 154.—Arning (E.) Fiirbung der Spirochaete pallida. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 1027.—Arning (E.) & Klein (C.) Die praktische Durch- fiihrung des Nachweises der Spirocheta pallida im gros- sen Krankenhausbetrieb. Ibid., 1482-1487.—Ballenger (E. G.) A new method of staining motile organisms, renal tube casts and fixed smears of Spirocheta pallida. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, liii, 1635.—Band! (I.) & Simonelli (F.) Ueberdie Anwesenheit der Spirochete pallida in sekundar-syphilitischen Manifestationen und iiber die zu ihrem Nachweis angewendeten Fiirbungsme- thoden. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1668.— Barach (J. H.) Warning against the India-ink method for the Spirocheta pallida. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, lv, 1892.—Barannlkoff (I. A.) K tekhnikle serebre- niya bllednol spirokheti Schaudinn'a. [Technique of silvering Schaudinn's spirocheta.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Pe- terb., 1907, vi, 407. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, 1, Orig., 263-267.—Bayly (H. W.) Demonstration by the ultra-microscope of living Treponema pallidum and various spirochetes. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Clin. Sect., 3-6.—Beltzke (H.) Zur Kritik der Silberspirochate. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. Letc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906-7, xliii, 369-371.—Benda (C.) Zur Levaditifiirbung der Spirocheta pallida. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 428; 480. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1907L 1908, xxxviii, pt. 2, 95-120. [Discussion], pt. 1, 66; 88.—Berger (F. R. M.) Zur Far- bung der Spirochete pallida. Munchen.med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 862; 1209.—Bertarelli (E.) & Volplno (G.) Ulteriori ricerche sulla presenza di Spirochete pallida nelle sezioni di lesioni sifilitiche primarie, secondarie e terziarie. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1906, 4. s., xii, 6-11. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xii, 74-78,1 pl.—Bertarelli (E.), Vol- plno ((}.) & Bovero (R.) Untersuchungen iiber die Spirochete pallida Schaudinn bei Syphilis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1905-6, xl, 56-64, 2 pl.— Bertin & Breton. Preparations de spirochetes, de- crites par Schaudinn et Hoffmann comme specifiques des affections svphilitiques. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1905, ix, 306.—Bizard (L.) Diagnostic de la syphilis par l'ultramicroscope; comment on doit prelever et recueillir les serosites destinees a la recherche du treponeme pale par l'ultramicroscope. J. de med. de Par., 1909, 2. s., xxi, 263—Blaschko (A.) [Bemerkungen und Demonstra- tionen zur Spirochaetenfragc] [Discussion.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 255; 350.—Brezovszky (E.) Auf verschiedene Weise gefiirbte Spirocheta pallida. Ver- handl. d. Budapest, k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte, 1907, Budapest, 1908, 62.—Bruckner (J.) Une modification pratique du procede de Romanowsky, pour le sang et le treponeme. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 968.—Burnet (E.) & Vincent (C.) Topographie du Spirochete pal- lida Schaudinn dans les coupes de chancre syphilitique. Ibid., 1905, lix, 474.—€ampana (R.) Un solido tenta- tivo, per la ricerca della Spirochete pallida, abortito, Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1907, xxv, 35. . Sulla non coltivabilita della Spirocheta pallida. Gior.ital. d. mal.ven.,Milano, 1908, xlix, 220-222.—<'asa- grandi (O.) & De liuca (R.) Senei filtrati di mani- festazioni sifilitiche ottenuti attraversocandeleBerkefeld comuni, V, N, W, Chamberland F, si trovi P agente dell' infezione. Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma, 1906, n. s., xvi, 23-48.— Chirivino (V.) Sulla importanza della ricerca del Tre- ponema pallido in talune lesioni clinicamente sospette. Syphilis (Parasite of, Specific, Demon- stration of) by special cultures and stain- ing methods. Riforma med., Napoli, 1908, xxiv, 1099-1102.—Chrzelit- zer. Syphilis und der Spirochaetenfund. Reichs-Med.- Anz.,Leipz., 1906, xxxi,203-206.—Cluffo (G.) Utilitadell' esame a iresco della Spirocheta pallida per la diagnosi e cura precoce della sifiiide. Gior.ital.d.mal.ven.,Milano, 1909,xliv,168-170.—Colin (J.S.) On the means of finding the Spirocheta pallida with special reference to theindia ink method. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 26-31.— Coles (A. C.) Spirocheta pallida; methods of exami- nation and detection, especially by means of the dark- ground illumination. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, i, 1117- 1120.—Comandon (J.) Diagnostic du treponeme pale a l'ultra-microscope. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 96-110.—Corbus (B. C.) Demonstration of the living Spirocheta pallida. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass. 1908, Brookline, 1909, ii, 75-79, 1 pl.—Cornelius (R.) La presence de spirochetes dans le sue des ganglions lymphatiques chez les syphilitiques. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1905, i, 1318- 1321.—Cslkl (M.) Spirocheta pallida-leletek luesnel. [Finding the Spirochete pallida in lues.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906,1, 224.—Davidsohn (C.) Spirochaeten- fiirbung mit Kresylviolett. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii,985.—De Napoli (F.) Unsempliceartifiziodi tecnica applicable aH'ultramicroscopioperricerchebiologichee terapeutiche sulla Spirocheta pallida. Gazz. d. osp., Mi- lano, 1911, xxxii, 773-776.—Doll Ie. Ueber Fiirbung von Organismen in syphilitischen Geweben und die Uebertrag- barkeit der Syphilis auf Meerschweinchen. Mitth.f.d.Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1897, n. F., vi, 28-32.—Dohi (S.) Ueber das Vorkommen der Spirochete pallida im Gewebe, nebst einigen Bemerkungen fiber Spirocheten- farbung und die Kernfarbung mit Silber impriignierter Praparate. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xliv, Orig., 246-256.—Doutrelepont Spirochete pallida im gefarbten Schnittpniparat. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1060. -----. Ueber den Nachweis der Spirochete pallida mittels des Bur- rischen Tuscheverfahrens. Sitzungsb. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal. 1909, Bonn, 1910, Teil B, 38.— Doutrelepont & Grouven. Ueber den Nachweis von Spirochete pallida in tertiar-syphilitischen Produk- ten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 908.—Dreyer (A.) Die Differentialdiagnose der Spirochaeten in Schnittpraparaten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 1340. -----. Der Nachweis der Spirochete pallida in der Klinik der Syphilis. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xvii, 658-675.—Dudgeon (L. S.) The staining reactions of the spirochete found in syphilitic lesions. Lancet, Lond., 1905, ii, 522.—Duperie (R.) Colorabilite persis- tante, par la solution de Giemsa, du spirochete de Schau- dinn, sur les frottis de pieces abandonnees depuis des mois dans le formol. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1909, xx, 893.—Ehrlich (H.) & Lenartowicz (J. T.) O sposobach barwienia kretka bladego w celach rozpoz- nawczych. [On the methods of staining the Spirocheta pallida for diagnostic purposes.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1908, xlvii, 33-35.—Ehrmann (S.) Ueber Spirochae- tenbefunde in den syphilitischen Geweben. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1906, lvi, 1905-1908.—Eisenberg (F.) O nowej metodzie tuszowej wykrywania kretowlosa bla- dego (Spirochete pallida). [On a new method of detect- ing the Spirochaeta pallida.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1910, xlix, 31. Also, transl: Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1910, xvii, 121-124.—Emmons (A. B.) The diagnostic value of the search for Spirocheta pallida in the umbilical cord of the newborn. Boston M. & S. J., 1910, clxii, 640.— Entz(B.)&Feldmann(I.) Spirocheta pallida bujak6- rosszervekg6rcsbimetszeteiben. [. . . in the microscopic sections of venereally diseased organs.] Orvosihetil., Bu- dapest.1906,1,261. Also, transl: Ungar. med. Presse, Buda- pest, 1906, xi, 109.—Flexn er (S.) Demonstration of Tre- ponema pallidum with the dark-field illumination micro- scope. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1907-8, n. s., vii, 207-210.— Fogh (R.) Om Paavisning af Spirochete pallida i Snit. [The demonstration of Spirochete pallida in sec- tions.] Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1907, 4. R., xv, 991; 1019.— Friedenthal (II.) Welche Gewebsbestandteile in entziindetem Gewebe tauschen Silberspirochaeten vor ? Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 99-101.—Frohwein (F.) Spirochiitenbefunde im Gewebe. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 439-442.—Frilliwald (R.) Ueber den Nach- weis der Spirochete pallida mittels des Tuscheverfah- rens. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 2523.— Gastou. Nouveaux precedes rapides de recherches du spirochete dans les frottis; procede a l'argent de Com- mandon, procede differentiel de Bottelii. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 294-298.— Gaudier & Paris (A.) Constatation de treponemes dans une gomme svphilitique. Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii, 393-395.—Geraghty (J.T.) The practical value of the demonstration of Spirocheta pallida in the early diagnosis of syphilis. JohnsHopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1908, xix, 364-367. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1908, li, 159.—Ghoreyeb (A. A. W.) A newand quick method for staining spirochetes (treponemata) in SYPHILIS. 440 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Parasite of Specific, Demon- stration of) by special cultures and stain- ing methods. smear preparations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 1498. Also: Pub.Mass. Gen. Hosp.,Bost., 1910,iii,367-369.— Giemsa (G.) Bemerkungen zur Fiirbung der Spiro- cheta pallida (Schaudinn). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1026. -----. Beitrag zur Far- bung der Spirochete pallida (Schaudinn) in Ausstrich- priiparaten. Ibid., 1907, xxxiii, 676-679.—Gierke (E.) Zur Kritik der Silberspirochaete. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliv, 75.—Goldhorn (L. B.) A rapid and certain method of staining Spirochete pallida. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1905-6, n.s., v, 109-173, 2 pl. Also: Post-Grad- uate, N. Y., 1906, xxi, 155-159, 2 pl. Also: 3. Exper. M., N. Y., 1906, viii, 451-460, 2 pl.—Gradle (H.S.) Demonstra- tion of the Spirochete pallida in tissue. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1907-8, vii, 54— G run berg. Demonstration mikroskopischer Praparate von Spirochatenbefunden im Felsenbein. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch., Jena, 1911, xx, 245-257. Also: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Wiesb., 1911, lxxiii, 223-228.—Gurd (F. B.) Newer methods of demonstrating the Treponema pallidum, with especial reference to the india-ink method. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 1779.—Hallopeau (H.) & Gas- tou. Sur les localisations svstematiseesdu Treponema pallidum. Internat. Dernat, Cong, (vi.) 1907. Tr., N. Y., 1908, ii, 728-739.—Harvey (D.) A note on the staining of Spirochete pallida. J. Rov. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1905, v, 409-411.—Hecht (V.) V Beer (A.) Weitere Mitteilungen iiberden Nachweis der Spirochete pallida im Gewebe. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 869-872.— Hoftmann (E.) & Halle (A.) Ueber eine bessere Dar- stellungsart der Spirocheta pallida im Ausstrich. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1516.—Khitrovo (A. A.) Prostlelshiy sposob obnaruzheniya bllednol spirokheti v mazkakh. [The simplest method of presenting the Spirocheta pallida in smear cultures.] Russk. Vrach., S.-Peterb., 1909, viii, 875.—Klaussner (E.) Eine Se- kundenfarbungderSpir S.) Two cases of infantile syphilitic kerato-malacia in which an organism resembling the Spirocheta pallida was found. Ophthalmoscope, Lond., 1907, v, 142.—Vaccari (A.) Le recenti scoperte sulla etio- logia della sifiiide: Citorhyctes luis (Siegel) e Spirochete pallida (Schaudinn); rivista sintetica. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1905, ii, 99-123. Also: Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod., Catania, 1905, vi, 132; 146; 155.—Waelsch (L.) Bemerkungen zu der Mitteilung von Professor L. Merk: Ueber den Cytoryktes luis (Siegel). Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xviii, 1055.—Winkler (F.) Dergegen- wiirtige Stand der Cvtorrhyctesfrage. Ibid., 1906, xix, 340-342.— Zeleneff (I. F.) Infuzorii v sifiliticheskikh yazvakh. [Infusoria in syphilitic ulcers] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 190*, xv, 284-288, 2 pl. Also, transl: Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1908, iii, 891-897,1 pl. Syphilis (Pathology of). See Syphilis (Causes, etc., of). Syphilis (Periodicals and transactions relating to). See, also, Syphilis (Congresses relating to); Venereal diseases (Periodicals, etc., of). Congres international de medecine (xiii). Comptes rendus. Section de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie. 8°. Paris, [1900]. Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Bekiimpfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten. Mitteilungen. v. 1-3, December, 1902, to December, 1905. 8°. Leip- zig, 1902-5. Kiyevskoye Sifilidologicheskoye i Dermatolo- gicheskoye Obshtshestvo. [Kiyev Syphilido- logicaland Dermatological Society.] Protokoli zasiedaniy. [Proceedings of the meetings.] v. 1, 1900-1901. 8°. \_Kiyev, 1901.] Revista espanola de sifiliograffa y dermato- lowfa. Director: Luis del Portillo y Mestres. [Monthly.] v. 1-14, 1899-1912. 8°. Madrid. Current Societe beige de dermatologie et de syphili- graphie. Bulletin. 1.-3. annee, 1901-3. 8°. Bruxelles. Syphilis (La). Revue mensuelle de mede- cine speciale publiee par le Dr. T. Barthelemy. v. 1-4, 1903-6. 8°. Paris. Syphilis (Peruvian). See Syphilis (Indigenous); Syphilis (Prehis- toric, etc.). Syphilis (Placental). See Syphilis (Congenital); Syphilis (Post- conceptional; Syphilis in pregnancy. Syphilis (Poems relating to). Barthelemy. Syphilis; poeme en deux chants, avec des notes par Giraudeau de Saint- Gervais. 8°. Paris, [1840]. Campaxi (N.) Lamento di quel tribulato di strascino. Campana senese sopra il male in- cognito, il quale tratta della patientia e inipa- tientia. 24°. [Vinegia, 1529.] Fracastoro (G.) La sifiiide; poema di. . ., tradotto da Gio. Luigi Zaccarelli. roy. 8°. Cremona, 1821. ------. The same. Della sifiiide, ovvero del morbo gallico. Volgarizzato da Y. Benini, con annotazioni. Libri tre. 2. ed. 8°. Milano, 1825. ------. The same. La sifiiide, esposto in ottava rima dal conte Antonio Zampieri. 12°. Imola, 1838. ------. The same. Hieronymus Fracastor's Syphilis, from the original Latin; a translation in prose [bv S. C. Martin], roy. 8°. St. Louis, 1911. Docteur (Le) Sacomme, sa chienne avariee et son poeme: La Venusalgie. Med. anecdot, Par., 1904, 79-81.— Aass (L.) Le triomphe de haulte et puissante dame Verolle (1539). Corresp. med., Par., 1907, xiii, no. 295. 6-10.—Prieur (A.) La Franceide, ou le mal francais, poeme burlesque de Jean - Baptiste Lalli (de Norcia). (1629.) France med., Par., 1902, xlix, 222. — Sudlioff (K.) Ein Gedicht iiber Syphilisbehandlung, um 1495 ge- schrieben. Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med., Leipz., 1909, ii, 429.— Weyner(E.) Hoskoltemeny a syphilisrol (de syphili- de sive de morbo gallico Girolamo Fracastor). [An old poem on syphilis; . . .1 Bor- es buiak6rt, Budapest, 1907, 7-9. Syphilis (Polymorphism in). See Syphilis (Manifestations, etc., of). Syphilis (Post-conceptional). Bielinkin (N.) ^Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis post-conceptionnelle. 4°. Paris, 1896. GounY (Leon). *Syphilis post-conception- nelle, sa transmission de la mere au foetus. 8°. Bordeaux, 1909. Marlier (P.) * £tude sur la syphilis concep- tionnelle immediate. 8°. Paris, 1897. Merger (L.) * Etude critique sur la syphilis conceptionnelle. 8°. Paris, 1896. ten Berge (J. F. J.) Over posteonceptioneele syphi- lis. Geneesk. BI. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt, Haarlem, 1903, x, 51-72. — Ferre' (H.) Syphilis post-conception- nelle tardive. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst, de ur\ ihc. et de pediat. de Par., 1909, xi, 386-388—Fieux A JVlauriac (P.) Transmission mortelle au hetus d'une syphilis post-conceptionnelle tardive. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1908, 2. s.. v, 711-713. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxix, 442. —Lesser (E.) Ein Fall von spiiter post-conceptioneller Uebertragung der Syphilis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 293-295 — JIalherbe (H.) Un cas de syphilis post-conception- nelle; eruption secondaire psoriasiforme: chancre du doigt. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1898-9, xvii, 402-104. Also: J. d. mal. cutan. et svph., Par., 1899. xi, 652-657. Also: Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1900, vii, 104-109. Als<,.- Rev. prat. d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1900, xvi, 8-13.—Weclisel- niann. Postkonzeptionelle Syphilis und Wassermann- sche Reaktion. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 665-668. Syphilis (Precocious). Aronstam(X.E-) A case of syphilis precox. Med. & Surg. Monitor. Indianap.. 1903. vi, 54.—Bock. Syphilis a forme impetigineuse generalisee, precoce. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1901, liii, 724-726.—Ciebarski (S.) Przy- padek zdltaczki svfilitycznej wczesnej (icterus syphiliti- cus praecox). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1909, 2, s., xxix, 747- SYPHILIS. 443 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Precocious). 750.—uviennes antiques. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 151-153. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 442-444. —von Hansemann ( D.) Ein syphilitischer Schadel aus Sudamerika. Ztschr.f. Ethnol.,Berl., 19il, xliii, 128-130.— Hlgier (H.) Was lehren uns die Bibel, der Talmud und das Evangelium uber Lepra und Syphilis? St. Pe- tersb. med. Wchnschr.,1907, xxxii, 67-70.—Hutchinson (J.) Was syphilis anew disease in Europe in the sixteenth century? Arch. Surg., Lond., 1899, x, 165-172.—Hyde (J. N.) A contribution to the study of pre-Columbian syphilis in America. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1891, cii, 117-131. Also, Reprint.—Is syphilis an ancient dis- ease? Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1902, n. s., lxxiv, 214.— Jelks (I. T.) The antiquity of syphilis, and Moses as a health officer. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 105- 110. Also, Reprint. — Kleinwachter (L.) Einige Worte zur Streitfrage fiber die Herkunft der Lues. Ja- nus, Amst, 1905, x, 246-248.— Lamb (D. S.) Pre-Co- lumbian syphilis. Proc. Ass. Am. Anat. 1897, Wash., 1898, x, 63-69. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Nat. M. Rev., Wash., 1897-8, vii, 234. — Lehmann-Nitsche. Altpatagonische, angeblich syphilitische Knochen aus dem Museum zu La Plata. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1904, xxxvi, 854-862. — Iiortet. Crane syphilitique de la ne- cropole prehistorique de Roda (Haute-Egypte). Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1907, vi, 252-259. * Also: Lyon, med., 1907,cix, 539-541— ITIanouvrier (L.) La preten- due 16sion syphilitique du crane prehistorique de Bray- sur-Seine. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1906, 5. s., vii, 209-213.—ITIo man (E. L.) Pre-Columbian syph- ilis. Virginia M. Mouth., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 1042- 1051.— Neumann (J.) Lasst sich aus den Tonfigureu und antropomorphen Gef-Ksen des alten Peru dor ameri- kanische Ursprung der Syphilis herleiten? Internat dermat. Kong. Verhandl. u. Ber. 1904, Berl., 1905, ii, 64- 72. -----. Eine Studie an den altperuanischen Tonfigu- ren und anthropomorphen Gefiissen in Bezugnahme auf das Alter der Svphilis und anderer Hautaflektionen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1905, lv, 269-274.-----. Ueber prakolumbische Knochenfunde im Hinblick auf die Frage fiber die Provenienz und das Alter der Syphilis. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1905, xix, 57-59. -----. Ueber die an den altperuanischen Keramiken und anthropo- morphen Tongefiissen dargestellten Hautverj'inderungen mit besonderer Riicksicht aut das Alter der Syphilis und anderer Dermatosen. Denkschr. d. k. Akad. d. Wissen- sch. Math.-naturw. Kl., Wien, 1906, lxxviii, 492-501, 3 pl—von Notthail't. Beitrage zur Legende von der Altertumssyphilis. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, xiv, 603-651. -----. Die Legende von der Altertumssyphilis. Festschr. f. G. E. v. Rindfleisch [etc ], Leipz., 1907, 377- 692. -----. Die Legende von der precolumbischen Sy- philis der alten Welt. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Leipz., 1909, pt. 2,2. Hlfte., 121-125.—Or- SYPHILIS. 444 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Prehistoric or pre-Colum- bian). ton (S. T.) A study of the pathological changes in some mound-builders' bones from the Ohio Valley, with espe- cial reference to syphilis. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1905-6, xviii, 36-44.—Phelan (H. du R.) The question of the origin of the lues venerea among the conquista- doresin Mexico. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, 1906, xix, 237-242.—del Portillo (L.) Periodo prehist6rico en la historia de la sifilis. Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1911, xiii, 121-123. — Puschmann (T.) Die Syphilis in Europa vor der Entdeckung Amerikas. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xlvi, 1001; 1062; 1113. — R. (C.) Origine antique de la svphilis. J. de la sante intime, Par., 1906, 33-35. — Richter (P.) Warum ist die An- sichtvom ameriksmischen Ursprung der Syphilis jetzt die vorherrschende? Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, 1909, Leipz., 1910, lxxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 105. Also: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1910, ci, 355-366. — Seler (E.) Ueber den Ur- sprung der Syphilis. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1895, 449-454. — Smith (G. E.) The alleged discovery of syphilis in prehistoric Egvptians. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 621-624. — Spillniann (L.) Considera- tions sur des lesions observees sur un crane de l'epoque merovingienne: ces lesions peuventellesetre attributes a la syphilis? Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 753. — Syphilis among the conquerors of Mexico. [Edit] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 886.—Virchow (R.) Beitrag zur Geschichte der Lues. Dermat. Ztschr.. Berl., 1896, iii, 1-9.—Wickersheiiner (E.) La question des origines de la svphilis. France med., Par., 1907, liv, 443- 445.—WollF (L.) Die Syphilis unter den Urvolkern Amerikas mit besonderer Bezugnahrue auf ihr Bestehen daselbst vor der Entdeckung Amerikas durch Columbus. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1894, i, 226-233. -----. Syphilis among the original populations of America, considering especially its existence there before Columbus' discovery of America. Sei i-Kwai M. J., T6ky6, 1896, xv, 61-64 — Zambaco pacha. De quelques lesions pathologiques datant des temps des Pharaons. Bull. Acad, demed., Par., 1900, 3. s., xliv, 58-68. Syphilis (Prevention of). See, also, Contagious diseases acts; Prostitu- tion (Regulation of); Syphilis ( Congenital, Pre- vention, etc., of); Syphilis (Preventiveinoculation against); Syphilis (Treatment of, Abortive); Syphilis and prostitidion; Syphilisation; Ve- nereal diseases (Prevention of). Barduzzi (D.) Di alcune necessarie riforme all' attuale regolamento sulla profilassi e sulla cura delle malattie sifilitiche e veneree in rap- porto specialmente con la prostituzione. Rela- zione sommaria. 8°. \_Siena, 1891.] Bellem (A. M. Da C.) Chassons la syphilis; note adressee au Congres d' hygiene reuni a, Turin; conclusions.. 8°. Lisbonne, 1880. Bonnet (G.) * Etude sur la prophylaxie de la syphilis. 8°. Lyon, 1904. Bourges (H.) L'hygiene du syphilitique. 12°. Paris, 1897. Braun ( E. ) Wie schiitze ich mich vor syphilitischer Ansteckung? Darf der Syphi- litiker heiraten? Allgerneinverstandlich beant- wortet. 12°. Berlin, 1904. Desormeaux (R.) * Preservation des nour- rices et des nourrissons contre la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1906. Duboucher (D.) * Contribution a l'etude de la defense ganglionnaire dans 1'infection syphi- litique. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Duptjy (R.) * Quelques considerations sur les methodes preventives de la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1907. Fesenko (I. O.) Beregis i bolsya sifilisa, be- sleda so vzroslfmi i yunoshami; obshtshedo- stupnoye opisaniye sifilisa kak narodnol bo- llezni. [Avoid and fear syphilis; talk with adults and youths; popular description of syphi- lis as a disease of the people.] 16°. S.-Peter- burg, [1902.] Fournier (A.) Prophylaxie de la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1903. Syphilis (Prevention of). Germann (F.) Vorschliige zur Abwehr der Syphilis und zur Milderung ihrer Folgen. 12°. Leipzig, 1872. Hermanidks (S. R.) Geen logica in den Haarlemmerhout. Openbare brief aan de Ne- derl. Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Genees- kunst. 8°. Tiel, 1889. Kromayer(E. ) Zur Austilgung der Syphilis. Abolitionistische Betrachtungen iiber Prostitu- tion, Geschlechtskrankheiten und Volksgesund- heit, nebst Yorschlagen zu einem Syphilisgesetz. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Ledermann (K.) Zur Verhiitung und Be- kjimpfung der Svphilis. 8°. Berlin & Leipzig, 1902. Lemasson-Delande (T.) * Prophylaxie de la blennorrhagie dans les consultations publiques. 8°. Paris, 1902. Maisonneuve (P.) * Experimentation sur la prophylaxie de la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1906. ------. The same. The experimental pro- phylaxis of syphilis. Containing the results of the experiments on the subject carried out at the Pasteur Institute by Professors Metchnikoff and Roux. Translated, and with an introduc- tion by Fernand L. de Verteuil. 8°. New York, 1908. Massone (G. B.) Studi sulla sifiiide. I pre- servativi delle malattie veneree considerati sotto l'aspetto morale edella scienza. Letteraseconda. 8°. Genova, 1858. Repr.from: Liguria med. Genova, 1858. Miraglia (L.) Contagio e profilassi della sifiiide. 12°. Napoli, 1898. van Niessen (M.) Beitrag zur Syphilis-Hy- giene. Ein gefahrlicher Feind des Menschen- geschlechts. 12°. Hann.-Miinden, 1898. Obregon (L.) *La circuncision como medio profilactico de la sifilis. 8°. Mexico, 1887. Raoult (F.) * Etude sur la prophylaxie de la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1902. Salmon (R.) *Prophplaxie de la syphilis; Education des classes ouvrieres. 8°. Paris, 1906. Syezd po obsuzhdeniyu mler protiv sifilisa v Rossii. [Congres. to consider measures against syphilis in Russia.] Trudi visochafshe raz- rieshonnavo syezda . . . hivshavo pri Medi- tsinskom Departamantle s 15 po 22 yanv. 1897 goda pod predsiedatelstvom . . . L. F. Ragozina. [Memoirs of the Congress held at the Medical Department Jan. 15-22, 1897, under the presi- dency of Ragozin.] 2 v. 4°. S.-Peterburg, 1897. Tarnovski (V. M.) Borba s sifilisom. [The struggle with syphilis.] 4°. S.-Peterburg, 1897. Thiery (E.) * Du role des consultations gra- tuites avec dispenseurs dans la prophylaxie de la syphilis. 8°. Montpellier, 1904. Tsiexovski (A. A.) Abolitsionizm i borba s sifilisom. [Abolitionism and the struggle with syphilis.] 8°. Odessa, 1903. Vincenti(C) Sifiiidee sua profilassi. Studi e note critiche sugli ordinamenti sanitari dei vari stati, in rapporto alia igiene pubblica e pri- vata. 8°. Milano, 1893. Vorberg (G.) Zur Geschichte der person- lichen Syphilisverhutung; mit einem Vorwort: Entdeckungen im Spiegel der Geschichte der Medizin. 8°. Munchen, 1911. Wadstrom (J. A.) Korta underriittelser for allmoge och tjenstefolk, om orsakerne til vene- riska smittans kringspridande, faran af dess ] dijljande samt sjukdomens allmannaste kanne- SYPHILIS. 445 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Prevention of). tecken. [Short instructions for the people and to servants, on the causes of the spread of ve- nereal diseases; danger and general symptoms.] 16°. Linkbping, 1796. I Allen (C. W.) Somewavsof preventing the spread | of syphilis. N.York M. J., 1892, lvi, 310-313.—Auerbacli (S.) Darf der Arzt einen Fall von Syphilis bei tiei'ahr der Verbreitung dieser Krankheit der Behorde anzeigen, ohne sieh nach § 300 desReiehsstrafgesetzbuchesstrafbar zu machen? Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xxxv, 134.— Autt"ret (C.) Prophylaxie de la syphilis. Confer, in- ternat. p. la prophyl" de la syph. et d. mal. ven. 1S99, Brux., 1900, ii, com., 2-16. -----. Rapport de la confe- rence sur la syphilis qui s'est reunie a Bruxelles, le 4 septembre 1899. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1899, lxxii, 415-430.—de Azua (J.) Profilaxia de la sifilis y tera- peutiea local con salvarsan. Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1911, v, 121-128. — Bar. Preservation des nourrices et des nourrissons contre la svphilis. Soc. frang. de prophyl. san. et mor. Bull., Par.,i.905, v,256-271.— Barthelemy. La defense contre la svphilis. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., V, 1045-1055. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, v, 413-423. Also: Cong, in- ternat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1S94, Budapest, 1S96, viii, pt. 6, 522-536. -----. Defense contre la syphilis. Actas v mem. d. ix. Cong, in teniae, de hig. v demog. 189S, Madrid, 1900, ii, 217-221. — Bamtouin (G.) L'abaisse-langue individuel et la prophylaxie de la sv- philis. Pressemed., Par., 1900, ii,9.—Bayet AJHalvoz. La prophylaxie sociale de la syphilis devant les reeents progres de la syphiligraphie." J. med. de Brux., 1911, xvi, 461-470. Al'sn: Pres-e nied. beige, Brux., 1911, lxiii, 723-730. — Bedeutung (Die) der modernen Syphilis- forschung fiir die Bekampfung der Svphilis. Med. BI., Wien, 1908. xxxi. 278; 291; 302; 314— Behrmann (S.) Zur Prophylaxe der Syphilis und des Herpes tonsurans (Sycosis para-itaria) in den Barbier- und Friseurladen. Dermat. Centralbl., Berl., 1900, iv, 6-8. -----. Die Pro- phylaxe der Syphilis bei Mannern. Ibid., iii, 172-179.— Bekampfuhg (Zur) der Lues. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 18%, n. F., xiii, 51; 59.— Bernlieiin (H.) Lutte contre l'avarie; simple mesure prophylactique. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1907-8,111-119. Also: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1908, xxii, 241-243 — Bertln. La prophvlaxie dela syphilis. Echo mod. du nord, Lille, 1908, xii, 577; 58.'.—Bienfait (A.) Prophy- laxie de la svphilis. Gaz. med. beige, Liege, 1900-1901, xiii, 448.—Boe kendali 1. Ueber Maasregeln ge.iren die Syphilis in verschiedenen Landern. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1898, n. F., vi, 65-69.—Bo- golyuboff (A.N .) Ob uchastii goroda vborble s silili- Bom v svyazi s voprosom ob ozdorovlenil prostitute. [City's participation in the struggle with syphilis in con- nection with the hvgiene of prostitution.] Sibirsk. Vrach. Gaz., Irkutsk, 1909, ii, 545; 553; 568.—Bourges (H.) Etude des differentes mesures mises en pratique pour assurer la prophylaxie de la syphilis. [Rap.] Cong, in- ternat. d'hyg. et de demog. C.-r., Par., 1900, x, 839-86G.— Brandeiiberg. Die Kalomelsalbe des Dr. Maison- neuve und die Prophvlaxe der syphilitischen Infektion. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 183.—Breitenstein (H.) Die Circumcision in der Prophvlaxis der Syphilis. Der- mat. Centralbl., Berl., 1902, vi, 34-39.—Bulkley (L. D.) Syphilis insontium; a plea for the restriction of syphilis, and a suggestion for the prevention of its spread. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 734-737. Also, Reprint.-----. Svphilis as a non-venereal disease; with a plea for the legal control of svphilis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1901, n. s., lxxii, 6-8— Burlakoff (V. M.) O znachenii regis- tratsii v organizatsii borbi s sifilisom (glavn. obr. na na- shem vugie). [On the value of registration in the organ- ization of the struggle with svphilis (chiefly in the south of Russia).] Obsh.-san. obozr., S.-Peterb., 1896, i, 545; 560.—Butte (L.) Deux cas d'infection syphilitique malgre l'emploi prophvlactique de la pommade au calo- mel au tiers. Ann. de therap. dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, viii, 97-101. Also: Bull, med., Par., 1908, xxii, 114. Also: Clin. prat. d. mal. d. yeux [etc.], Par., 1908, iv, 85- 88.—Campione (S.) Per la profilassi della sifiiide e delle malattie veneree. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Na- poli, 1900, n. a., xxii, 64-68— Canseco (F.) Profilaxia de la sifilis. Cr6n. med. moxioana, Mexico, 1899-1900, iii, 236-239.—Ce 111 (A.) Profilassi sociale della sifiiide. Gazz. med. d. Marche, Civitanova-Marehe, 1X91, i, 33; 65.—Chistyakon"(M. A.) K voprosu o borbb: s sifili- som v Luzhskom uyezdle. [Struggle with syphilis in the county of Luga.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1904, vii, 116-130.—€id (J.) Prophylaxia da syphilis; pmteccaoasamas. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1905, 2. s., vii, 73-77.—'Citron (J.) Die Bedeutung der moder- nen Syphilisforschung fiir die Bekampfung der Syphilis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 518-524. Also: Med. BL, Wien, 1908, xxxi, 243. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Ge- sellsch. (1908), 1909, xxxix, 81-102.—Clericetti (E.) Contributo alia profilassi della sifiiide. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1897, xix, 201-211.—Colin (P.) Zur yphilis (Prevention of). Prophylaxe der Syphilis bei Mannern. Dermat. Cen- tralbl., Berl., 1900, iii, 237.—Collin-* (S. p.) The rela- lationship lues bears to the bodv politic. Tr. Mississippi Valley M. Ass. 1902, Kansas Citv, 1903, iv, 1-8. Also: N. York M. J., 1902, lxxvi, 802-805. — Cumston (C. G.) What effective measures are there for the prevention of the spread of syphilis and the increase of prostitution? Boston M. & S. J., 1906, cliv, 729-733. Also: 3. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 1372-1376.—Ciuiha Beleni. A lucta contra a syphilis. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1898, xvi, 291-293.— Darriearere (J.) L'enseignement anti- syphililicpie a ims enfants. Pediatric prat., Lille, 1909, vii, 357-360.—l»avi* (C. E.) Svphilis; its prevention and treatment. Albany M. Ann., 1894, xv, 261-267.—De A illicit (T.) La discendenza degli eredo-sifilitici e la lega contro la sifiiide. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1901, vii, v. 2, pt. 2, 794-800. Also: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1902. n. s., xxiv, 1-13.—Dodson (G. R.) The black plague and the educational remedy. Bull. Am. Acad. M., Kaston, Pa., 1910, xi, 490-495.—Dufoois-Ha- \ <'ii i Hi. Voltaire et la ligne internationale pour la pro- phylaxie de la syphilis. 1'resse med. beige, Brux., 1904, lvi, 426-I2S. Also: 3. de med. de Par., 1904, 2. s., xvi, 523.— Dyer (I.) The public and syphilis. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 82-84.—Education (The) of the public as to the communicability and prevention of gon- orrhoea and syphilis; committee report, papers and dis- cussion at the 38th annual meeting of the American Pub- lic Health Association, Milwaukee, Wis., September, 1910. J. Am. Pub. Health Ass., Columbus, Ohio, 1911, i, 162-208. Also, Reprint.— Ehrmann (S.) Die neueren Wege der Syphilisprophylaxe. Monatschr. f. Gsndhtspflg., Wien, 1903, xxi, 73-78. -----. Aesthetik und Syphilisprophv- laxe. Med. f. Alle, Wien u. Leipz., 1906, i, 193.—101 can (A. L.) Svphilis from a sanitary and legal Doint of view. Memphis if. Month., 1898, xviii, 60-66. [Discussion], 65.— Emery. Prophylaxie experimentale de la syphilis; etat actuel de la question. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, !67.— von Engelmann (G.) Die Bekiimpfung der Syphilis. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1909, xxxiv, 195-197.—Fer- net (G.) Prophvlaxie de la syphilis par le traitement. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1899, 3. s., xiii, 568-579.-----. Note sur les pr6servatifs de la syphilis a travers les 4ges. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1907, ii, 740.—Fevrier (C.) Du r61e du medecin dans la prophvlaxie de la svphilis. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1903, xxxv, 385-395.—Finger (E.) Die Zukunft der Svphilis. Sex.-Probleme, Frankf. a. M., 1909, v, 241-252. — Fisher (C. I.) The necessity for social and statute recognition of syphilis. Boston M. & S. J., 1890, exxiii, 101-103. Also, Reprint—Flexner (S.) Prevention of syphilis in Macacus rhesus by atoxyl. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1908, v, 90.—Fokker (A. P.) Een stukje cultuurgeschiedenis van 1897. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1897, 2. R., xxxiii, d. 2, 824-832.—Forte (T.) Profilassi pubblica della sifiiide in rapporto alia prostitu- zione. Corriere san., Milano, 1898, ix, 571-575.—Four- nier (A.) Prophylaxie de la svphilis par le traitement. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1899, 3. s., xiii, 475; 520; 568; 579. Also [Abstr.]: Corresp. med., Par., 1909, vi, no. 138, 12. Also, transl: Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1900, vii, 1-37. -----. Sterilisation de la syphilis. Bull, med., Par., 1900, xiv, 1233-1239.-----. La lutte contre la syphilis. Tribune med., Par., 1901, 2. s., xxxiii, 366. -----. Ligue contre la syphilis. Bull. Soc. internat. de prophyl. [etc.], Brux., 1901, i, 185-206. Also: Semaine med., Par., 1901, xxi, 169-173. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1901, xv, 420-424.—Francois. A propos de la prophvlaxie de la syphilis. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1900, lxii, 177-182. Also: Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1900, ii, 458-462.—Freeland (E. H.) Circumcision as a preventive of syphilis and other dis- orders. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 1869-1871—Frinovski (N. E.) Ob organizatsii borbi s selskim sifilisom. [On the organisation of the struggle with syphilis in the vil- lages.] Ejened. jour. " Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1895, ii, 217-223.—Garnett (A. S.) The dangers of syphilis and how to avoid them. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 162.— Cierber (P.) Zur Bekampfung der Lues und des Lupus. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1910, c, 283-290.—Glilek (L.) Communication a la sixieme question. [Abstraction faite de tout ce qui touche a la prostitution, quelles mesures generales y aurait-il lieu de prendre pour lutterefficacement contre la propagation dela syphilis et des maladies veneriennes?] Confer, inter- nat. p. la prophyl. de la svph. et d. mal. ven., Brux., 1899, i, app., 31-43. -----. Ueber die Bekampfung der Volks- syphilis in Bosnien und der Hercegovina. Wien. med. Presse, 1903, xliv, 1969; 2024. Also [Abstr.]: Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. viii. Kong. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 1903, Wien u. Leipz., 1904, 27-30.—Goulart (Z.) Pro- phylaxiadasyphihs. Tribunamed., Riode Jan., 1909, xv, 12- 31; 46; 80.— Graimn (E. M.) Svphilis in its sanitary aspects. Ann.Hyg.&M., Phila., 1897, xii,639-643.—Gran- jux. Prophvlaxie de la syphilis dans l'armee, 1910-11. Soc. franc, deprophyl. san. et mor., Par., 1911, xi, 60-92.— [Granjux & Loir.] La prophylaxie de la syphilis aux SYPHILIS. 446 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Pretention of). "colonies. Caducee, Par., 1904, iv, 19-22.—Gratsianoff (P. A.) Borba s sifilisom, kak predmet obshtshestvennol hig'ieni. [The struggle with syphilis as a matter of pub- lic hvgiene.] Russk. J. Kozhn. l Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1902,"iii, 411; 515.— Griffin (E. H.) What can be done to prevent the spread of syphilis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1902, lxii, 1003-1007. Also, Reprint.—Guiard (F.-P.) La prophy- laxie antisyphilitique; sa valeur; ses procedes pratiques. J. de med. de Par., 1910, 2. s., xxii, 737-739—Guierrez (A. V.) Profilaxisdela sifilis. Rev. med. d. Bogota, 1901- 6, 363-365.—Hallopeau. Prophylaxiedelasyphilispar le traitement. Bull. Accad. de med., Par., 1899, 3. s., xiii, 550-556.—Ham (B. B.) Memorandum on the problem of svphilis from the standpoint of preventive medicine. Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 1908, Victoria, 1909, ii, 89-92.— Handjian. Prophylaxie de la svphilis par ie traite- ment. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1905, 1, 25-29.— Hertzenstein (G. M.) Peredvizhniye vrachebniye otryadi dlya borbi s sifilisom. [Movable medical divi- sions for the struggle with syphilis.] Vestnik obsh. hig.. sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1896, xxxi, 2. sect., 171- 202: xxxii, 14--44. -----. O roli i znachenii feldsherizma v borble s sifilisom russkol derevni. [On the role of feldshers in the struggle with svphilis of the Russian village.] Feldscher, St. Petersb., 1897, vii, 43-49.—Hoch- singer (K.) Leber die Verhiitung der Syphilis in der Haltekinderpflege. Monatschr. f. Gsndhtspflg., Wien, 1908, xxvi, 184-187.—Hollander (E.) Zur Praeventiv- behandlung des syphilitischen Primiiraffectes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 1054-1058. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1903, Berl., 1904, xxxiv, pt. 2, 380-391.— House (W.) The prophvlaxis of syphilis and its se- quelae. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1905, iii, 241-247.— Igonet. Action des corps gras mercuriels dans la pro- phvlaxie de la svphilis. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. de Va'ucluse, Avignon, 1906, ii, 418-421.—Jackson (F. K.) Svphilis and prophvlaxis. Vermont M. Month., Bur- lington, 1905, xi, 87-92.—Jones (G. J.) The relation of svphilis to public health, and means of prevention. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop. 1900,X. V., 1901,245-250.—Kazhdan (M. S.) K voprosu o borbie s sifilisom sredi naseleniya v Rossii. [On the struggle with syphilis among the Russian population.] Voyeii im-med.. I."; St. Petersb., 1896, clxxxvi, 1. sect., 433-452.—Re laid itis (C.) Moyens pour dimi- nuer les dangers de la contagion de la syphilis. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1897-8, xl, 356-358. —Khvoro- stanski pi.) Borba s sifilisom v Voronezhskom uyez- dle v 1903 i 1904 gg. [The struggle with syphilis in the government of Voronezh in I'.hj3-t] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1905, x. 152: 233: 310; 390.—Ko- nindjy (P.) Les moyens prophylacti.|Ues et the-rapeu- tiquespourcombattrelasvphiliseh Uussie. Rev. demed. leg., Par., 1897, iv, 238-242— Rovalev*ki (P. I.) Lue- tiki, ikh nestchastiye dlya obshtshestva i mleri predu- prezhdeniya. [Luetics; their misfortune in society, and measures for its prevention.] Sputnik zdorov., S.-Pe- terb., 1898-9, i, 822; 843; 884; 904; 944.—Kreibicli (C.) Klinik und Prophylaxe der Svphilis. Prag. med. Wchn- schr., 1906, xxxi, 627-631. Also: Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1907, 50-53.—Lang (E.) Ueber Vorbauung der Syphilis, mit Beriicksichtigung der Frage: Ist die offent- liche oder diegeheime Prostitution die Hauptquelle fiir die Verbreitung der Syphilis und der anderen venerisehen Krankheiten? Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1893, Leipz., 1894, lxv, pt. 2, 302-312. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xliv, 322-326. -----. Die Bedeu- tung der praventiven Therapie bei Syphilis. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1897, xi, 1-3.—l.e Pileur (L.) Les preser- vatifsde la syphilis a travers les ages. Ann. d. mal. v6n., Par., 1907, ii, 601-527.—Leppington (B.) Hygienic measures against syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 1853.— lieredde. Ne^cessite du traitement preventif dans la svphilis. Presse med.. Par., 1904, i, 226-228. Also: Rev. prat. d. mal. cutan. [etc.]. Par., 1904, iii, 210-219.—Leva- diti (C.) La question de la syphilis au xiv« Congres d'hygieneet de demographic Presse mM., Par., 1907, xv," 721-721.—Levy-Bing (A.) La pommade au calo- mel peut-elle prevenir l'inoculation de la svphilis? Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1906, i, 115-121.—Lipp. Die Bedeu- tung der Spirochaete pallida und der Wassermannschen Komplementbindung fiir die Bekiimpfung der Syphilis vom Standpunkt der offentlichen Gesundheitspflege. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1911, 3. F., xii, 1. Supp.- Hft, 105-127.—Loeb (H.) Circumcision und Syphilis- Prophylaxe Monatschr. f. Harnkr. u. sex. Hvg., Leipz., 1904, i, 245-250.—M. (M.) La sifilis, la prostituci6n, la moral y la ley. Bol. debenef. y sanid. municip., Madrid, 1881, i. 49; 65: 83; 115; 131; 146.—McCrory (M.) The control of syphilis. Med. Age, Detroit, 1905, xxiii, 850- S6X — Macdonald (W. G.) The prophylaxis of svphi- lis. Boston M. & S. J., 1905, ciii, 100-103.—ManaseSn (M. P.) Nastoyashtsheye polozheniye voprosa o raspro- stranenii sifilisa v narodonaselenii pitomtsami Imp. Spb. Vospitateln. Doma. [Present condition of the question of the spread of syphilis among the population by the wards of the Imperial St. Petersburg Orphan Asy- lum.] Russk. med. vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1901, iv, no. 6, Syphilis (Prevention of). 19; no. 7, 1; no. 8, 1.— Marjolin. Preservation des nourrices et des nourrissons contre la svphilis. Bull Acad, de med., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxviii, 20-24.—Martin (S. C.) Prevention of syphilitic sequelae. Am. J. Der- mat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1898-9, ii, 119-122.— Mauriac (V.) Prophylaxie de la svphilis. ciaz. d. hop., Par., 1895, lxviii, 615; 646.—Meshtshcr*ki (, xviii, 129-151.—Pinkus (F.) Die Praventivbehandlung der Syphilis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 235-237.— Pokrovskaya (Mariya I.) Mleri, preduprezhdayu- shtshiva rasprostranenive sifilisa. [Measures preventing diffusion of svphilis.] "Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, ii, 372; 413: 453.—Poujol (J.) Prophylaxie de la syphilis dans la commune mixte d'Ai'n-Bessem (Alger). Bull. med. de PAlgerie, Alger, 1905, xvi,286-292—Prausnitz (C.) Svphilis. J. Prevent. Med., Lond., 1906, xiv, 113- 115.— Profilassi (Sulla) della sifiiide. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1894, xvi, 209-249.—Prophylaxie SYPHILIS. 447 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Prevention of). de la syphilis. Bull, de l'Offiee internat. d'hyg. pub., Par., 1910, ii, 2094-2121.—Quelle (De) maniere pourrait- on le mieux faciliter la prophylaxie individuelle a l'aide destitutions hospitalieres (dispensaires, refuges, etc.) et de services medicaux destines aux personnes des deux sexes atteintes de syphilis ou de blennorragie? Confer. internat. p. la prophvl. de la syph. et d. mal. ven. 1902, Brux., 1903, ii, 418-434.—Rakosi (B.) Venerias beteg- segek kozktiltsegen val6 gy6gyitasa. [The public ex- pense for the true cure of venereal diseases.] Cong, in- ternat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 6, 484-486.—Ramazzotti (P.) II certificato medico nei rapporti colla profilassi della sifiiide da allattamento. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1899, xxi 437-450.—Ravold (A.) The prophvlaxis and treat- ment of svphilis. St. Louis M. Rev., 1907, lv, 394-400.— Renault (A.) Frequence et prophylaxie de la syphi- lis. Rev. d'hvg., Par., 1908, xxx, 165-183. [Discussion], 346.—Rivero (F.) Profilaxis de la sifilis. Cr6n. med.- quir. de la Habana, 1902, xxviii, 91; 107.—Salmon (P.) La prophylaxie de la syphilis. J. d,e med. de Par., 1910, 2. s.. xxii, 806.—Santoliquido. Etude des ditferentes mesures mises en pratique pour assurer la prophylaxie de la svphilis. Confer, internat. p. la prophyl. dela syph. et d. mal. ven. 1902, Brux., 1903, ii, pt. 2, 1-35. Also, Reprint. — Scarcnzio (A.) Le malattie veneree, e specialmente le sifilitiche, durante il triennio di prova dalla applicazione del regolamento 28 marzo 1888, sulla profilassi e sulla cura delle malattie sifilitiche e sulla prostituzione; al dispensario celtico di Pavia. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1892, xiv, 108-112. -----. La sifiiide ed i vigenti regolamenti contro di essa. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1895, 2. s., xxviii, 342-345. Also: Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1895, liv, 139. ----- Appunti sulla profilassi della sifiiide. Clin. mod., Pisa, 1899. v. 389-392.—Sella lek (A.) Prophy- laxis of svphilis. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1905, n. s., viii, 21-2">. — Schereschewsky. Prophylaxisver- suche mit Chininsalben. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1911, xxxvii. 506. — Schrumpf (P.) Ueberdie subpraputiale Einfuhr von Hg und ihre Verwendung in der Praxis zur Therapie und Prophylaxe der Sy- philis. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1910, xxiv, 425-427.— Shiryayeff (P. A.) Organizatsiya vrachebnol pomo- shtshi pri sifilisle i venericheskikh bolleznyakh sredi ra- bochavo naseleniya v bolshikh promishlennikh i torgo- vikh tsentrakh. [Organization of medicinal aid in syph- ilis and venereal diseases among laborers in large indus- trial and commercial centers.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1902, lviii, 151-158. — Siebert (C.) Experimentelle Unter- suchungen und praktische Vorschliige zur personlichen Svphilisprophvlaxe. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 530-565.—Silvestri. Per la profilassi sifi- litica in rapporto all' allattamento degli esposti. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1906, xii, 638-544.—Sterling (W.) Kilka uwag w sprawie walki z syfilisem. [On the struggle with svphilis.] Krvt. lek., Warszawa, 1902, vi, 147; 173.—Stritch (S.) The State and syphilis. Dublin I. M. Sc, 1907, exxiv, 222-227. Also: Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1907, xxv, 448-471, 1 ch.— StrShmberg (C.) Ergiiuzende Bemerkungen zum Kampfe gegen die Lues. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr.. 1896, n. F., xiii, 347- 350. — Stuver (E.) Prophvlaxis of syphilis. Tr. Colo- rado M. Soc, Denver, 1900, 810-312.— Tarnowsky (B.) Lutte contre la syphilis. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1897, 3. s., xxxviii, 193-223.—Tor8k (L.) A syphilis elterjedese Budapesten (prophylaktikus intezkedesek). [Spread of syphilis in Budapest and its prophylaxis.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1895, xxxv, 90-95. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1895, xxxi, 193.—Turner (A.J.) Discussion on the problem of syphilis from the standpoint of preventive medicine. Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 1908, Victoria, 1909, ii, 88.—Uhlenhuth (P.), Hoft- mann (E.) & Weidanz (O.) Ueber die preventive Wirkung des Atoxyls bei experimenteller Affen- und Kaninchensvphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 1590-1592.—del Valle (F.) Profilaxis dela sifilis. Bol. Asoc. med.de Puerto-Rico, San Juan, P. R 1905,iii,5; 21.— Vilanova. Profilaxisde lasifihs. Rev. de med.,cirug. y farm., Barcel., 1898, xii.374:1899,xii, 17; 40. Also, Reprint.—Virchow [et al]. Berathungund Be- schlussfassung iiber die Thesen der Commission zur Vor- beugung der Syphilis, etc. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Ge- sellsch. (1892), 1893, xxiii, pt. 1, 199-215.—Vorberg (G.) Ueber Syphilisprophylaxe. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 733. -----. Ist die Metschnikoff'sche Kalomelsalbe ein Vorbeugungsmittel gegen Syphilis? Ibid., 1908, iv, 879- 882. -----. Zur Geschichte der personlichen Syphilis- prophylaxe; mit einem Vorwort: Entdeckungen im Spiegel der Geschichte der Medizin. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1911, xxi, 338; 349; 364. — Welander (E.) Der Kampf gegen die svphilitische Krankheit in Schwe- den. Hyg. Volksbl., Berl. u. Leipz., 1903, iv, 90-94.— Welch (F. H.) The prevention of syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1899; ii, 403-406.—WesoJowski (W.) Syfilis w stosunku do spoleczenstwa. [Relationship of syphilis to Syphilis (Prevention of). society.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1904, 2. s., xxiv, 458; 481; 506; 562; 593.—Will (O. B.) Legal control as a factor in restricting the prevalence of specific disease. Peoria M. J., 1897, ii, 329-335. Also: Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1897, 387-396.—Wisniewski (J.) Drogi szerzenia sie przymiotu i zapobieganie tej chorobie. [Prophvlaxis of syphilis.] Zdrowie, Warszawa, 1902, 2. s., ii, 599-606.— Wolbarst (A. L.) A contribution to the subject of syphilitic prophylaxis by the use of calomel ointment; report of a case. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxiv, 711.— WysJ-ouch ( A.) W sprawie walki z przymiotem. [On the struggle with syphilis.] Zdrowie, Warszawa, 1904, 2. s., iv, 27-60. — Veltsina (Zinaida Y.) K voprosu o razshirenii mler borbi s sifilisom. [Extending the meas- ures of struggle with svphilis.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 969; 999. — Zemlinoff (V. I.) K voprosu o rasprostranenii sifilisa na zhelleznikh dorogakh i mle- rakh borbt s nim. [Spread of syphilis along the rail- roads, and measures to prevent it.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1908, xv, 243-262. Syphilis (Preventive inoculation against). Galligo (I.) Sulla vaccinazione celtica o meglio sulla sifilizzazione nell' uomo. Rifles- sioni storico-critiche. 8°. Fizenze, 1S52. Repr. from: Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 2. s., ii. Puerto (J.) Anti-syphilitic lymph, sm. 4°. [Mexico, 1892.] Auzias-Turenne. Delasyphilisation. Compt.rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1851, xxxiii, 538. -----. Sur la syphili- sation. [Abstr.] I5icf., xxxii, 944.—Brandweiner(A.) Versuche iiber aktive Immunisierung bei Lues. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xviii, 1176. -----. Erwiderung auf Dr. Kraus' Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatz: Versuche fiber aktive Immunisierung bei Lues. 76fd.,1278.—Gambe. rini (P.) Esiste una vaccinazione antisifilitica? Riv. ital. di terap. e ig. Piacenza, 1893, xiii, 81-87.—Joltrain (E.) Lam6dication antisyphilitique n'apasd'actionpre- ventive; apparition d'un accident primitif chez un ma- lade soumis au traitement mercuriel. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 654-660.— Kraus (R.) Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatze des Dr. A. Brandweiner: Versuche iiber ak- tive Immunisierung bei Lues. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xviii, 1246.—L.auter (R.) Les recherches sur la vaccination et la serotherapie antisyphilitiques. Rev. scient., Par., 1905, 5. s., iv, 810-812—Marechal (G.) Recherches sur l'auto-immunisation contre la syphilis a l'aide du serum humain syphilitique; microbe spe- cifique de la syphilis. Med. mod., Par., 1896, vii, 729-731.— Neisser (A.) & Brack (C.) Immunisierungsversuche [bei der Syphilis]. Arb. a.d.k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 203-224.—Rochelort (H.) Auzias-Turenne et la svphilisation. [Abstr.] Nice-med., 1897-8, xxii,173-176.— Rochon. Essai de vaccination contre la syphilis. Med. mod., Par., 1895, vi, 325.—Train (M.) Tentativi di immunizzazione del coniglio contro 1' infezione sifi- litica. Biochim. e terap. sper., Milano, 1909, i, 548-550. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.l, 1. Abt., Jena, 1910, liv, Orig., 145-160.—Vitrac (J.) Syphilis et accident du travail; inoculation primitive (?) au niveau d'une plaie dumfidius. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. deBordeaux,1908, xxix, 615-61-7. Syphilis (Primary). See Chancre. Syphilis (Professional secrecy in). See Physicians (Secrecy as a duty of); Syphi- lis (Ethics, etc., in relation to); Syphilis and marriage. Syphilis (Publications prior to the year 1800). Abercromby (D.) Der spanische oder frant- zosische Pocken-Meister; welcher die frantzosi- schen Pocken, nebst dem Triipper, Poulain, Chanker und anderen Zufalle, ohne Salivation zu curiren amvei-'et. Erstlich in englischer Sprache herausgegeben, nachmals ins Hollan- dische vertiret und vermehrt durch J. Baptis- tam Lusart, und nunmehro ins Hochteutsch iiber?etzet von Martino Schurigen. 12°. Dres- den, 1702. Almenar (J.) De morbo gallico libellus. In- Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol Lugd. Bat., 1728, 359-370,1 pl. SYPHILIS. 448 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Publications prior to the year '1800). A.matus Lusitanus. De morbo gallico, et gal- lita scabie, epistolae du;e, ex centuria prima medicinalium curationum excerptae. Nee non de methodo propinandse chinae, ex centuria eecunda excerpta. In: Luisinu.s (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728, 651-658. Aquilianus (S.) De morbo gallico tractatus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728,1-16. Arnis.eus (H.) Disputatio medica de lue venerea cognoscenda et curanda . . . Respon- dente Martino Gosky. sm. 4°. Francofurti, 1610. Bayrus (P.) De doloribus musculorum, ex morbo gallico genitis, caput. Ex Enchiridio ipsius de medendis corporis affectibus excerp- tum. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728, 849. Benedictus (J.) De morbo gallico libellus. In: Luisinu.s (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728, 167-182. Benivenius (A.) De morbo gallico, tractatus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728, 399-402. Blancard (S.) Die belagert- und entsetzte Venus, das ist, chirurgische Abhandlung der sogenannten Frantzossen, auch spanischen Pocken-Krankheit, Driipper, Sjankert, Klap- Ohren, etc., und anderen sich dabey findenden Zufiillen; worinnen derselben, vornemlich auf des weltbekanten Cartesii Griinde befestigte sichere und unfehlbare Cur vollkommlich ange- wiesen wird. . . . Aus dem Mederliindischen, nach dem neuesten Druck in unsere hoch- deutsche Sprach iibersetzet. 16°. Leipzig, 1689. de Blegny (N.) Observations curieuses et nouvelles sur l'art de guerir la maladie ven£- rienne, ou grosxe verole et les accidens qu'elle produit dans tous ses degrez, expliquez par les principes de la nature et des mechaniques, avec les mouvemenp, les actions et les effets du trier- cure, et de ses autres remedes. 24°. Paris, 1674. de Bonilla Samaniego (A.) Exercitacion medica, phylosophica, sobre la essencia de el morbo gallico. sm. 4°. Cordoba, 1664. Borgarutius (P.) De morbo gallico metho- dic. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728,1117-1154. Botallus (L.) Luis venereae curandae ratio. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728, 859-902. Brasavolus (A. M.) De morbo gallico, liber. Cum Alexandri Fontanae, de morbo gallico, et ligno Indico qu;estionibus; nee non ejusdem Brasavoli, de radicis ehinse usu tractatus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728, 657-730. Brocardus (M.) De morbo gallico tractatus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 965-970. Cardanus (H.) De cyna radice, seu de de- coctis, liber. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728, 756-760. Catanevs de Lacumarcino (J.) Opus de morbo gallico. sm. 4°. [Turin, 1532.] -----. The same. De morbo gallico trac- tatus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728,139-168. Syphilis (Publications prior to the year 1800). Chalmeteus (A.) De morbo gallico liber. Ex Enchiridio ipsius chirurgico excerptus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol Lugd. Bat., 1728, 849-860. Fallopius (G.) De morbo gallico liber abso- lutissimus, a Petro Angelo Agathe Materate, (eo legente) scriptus, jam in gratiam hominuin edi- tus, et scholiis marginal ibus illustratus. A quo etiam additae sunt exercitationes quaedam no- biles passim insertae, passim hac nota [ ] a re- liquo orationis contextu secretse. Additus etiam est in calce de eadem materia tractatus, Antonii Fracanciani Bononise in loco eminentis scientioa feliciter legentis. 12°. Venetiis, 1574. -----. The same. De morbo gallico, trac- tatus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 761-832. Fernelius Ambianus (J.) De luis venerea? curatione perfectissima liber, numquam antehac editus. 12°. Antverpix, 1579. -----. De lue venerea dialogus; ex lib. ii. De abditis rerum causis cap. xiv. erutus; ubi de elephantiasi nonnulla tractantur. Nee non et caput unum ejusdem, de eadem lue libro suae medicinae sexto de partium morbis, ac sympto- matis cap. xx. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd Bat, 1728, 609-614. Ferrandus (C.) De Guajacano ligno, tracta- tus unus: de ligno sancto tractatus alter, amboa peritissimo Hispanae linguae medico in Latinam versi. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 355-360. Ferrerius (A.) De pudendagra libri duo. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat.. 1728, 905-930. Ferrus (A.) De morbo gallico et ligni sancti natura usuque multiplici libri quatuor. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 401^148. -----. De vini exhibitione. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728,445-448. ------. De morbis a capite ad pedes curan- dis per lignum sanctum. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 415-434. Fontana Mutinensis (A.) De morbo gallico, et ligno Indico quaestiones. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 705-710. Fontaninus (D.) Cephalalgias a gallico morbo curatio. Ex libro primo cap. 8. de morbis in- terius curandis desumpta. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 953-956. Fracancianus (A.) De morbo gallico frag- menta quaedam elegantissima, ex lectionibus anni 1563, Bononise. In: Fallopius (G.) De morbo gallico liber, [etc.]. 12°. Venetiis, 1574,186-229. ------. The same. De morbo gallico, liber. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 831-848. Fracastorius (H.) De syphilide, seu morbo gallico lucubratio, ex lib. ii, de morbis contagi- osis descripta. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728,199-206. ------. Thesame. Delia sifiiide, ovyero del morbo gallico. Yolgarizzati da V. Benini. Libri tre. 2. ed. 8°. Milano, 1825. SYPHILIS. 449 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Publicationsprior to the year '1800). -----. Syphilis, sive morbi gallici libri iii, ad Petrum Bembum. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 183-198. Friks (L.) De morbo gallico opusculum. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 345-356. Frigimelica (F.) De morbo gallico tractatus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728, 985-996. -----. Adversus defluvium pilorum lucu- bratiuncula. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 997-1000. FrcHsius (L.) De morbo gallico caput. Ex appendice ipsius ad librum quintum de curandi ratione excerptum. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 597-600. Gallus (A.) De ligno sancto, non permi- scendo, opus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728, 455-492. Gilintjs (C.) De mnrbo gallico, opusculum. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 341-346. Haschardus (P.) De morbo gallico tractatus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728, 929-934. Hock de Brackenau (W.) De morbo gallico, opu^. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728, 309-341. Laxgius Lembergius (J.) De morbi gallici tu- beribus, epistola; excerpta ex tomo secundo Epist. medicinalium. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol Lugd. Bat, 1728, 847. Leonus Lunensis (D.) De morbo gallico, ca- put. Ex methodo curandi febres, tumoresque praeter naturam excerptum. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 903-906. Lobera (A.) De morbo gallico tractatus, ex libro Aulicarum quatuor aegritudinum erutus, atque ex Hispano accuratissime Latin us f actus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728, 369-384. Luisinus (A.) De morbo gallico omnia quae extant apud medicos, fol. Venetiis, 1566-7. -----. Aphrodisiacus, sive de lue venerea [etc.]. fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728. Macchellus (N.) De morbo gallico, tracta- tus, in gratiam medicorum almi Collegii Muti- nensis scriptus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 729-756. Maggus (B.) In morbum gallicum, cum he- patis aliquali duritie, atque humoris mucosi per intestina depositionem, una cum rbagadiis, et ulceribus in ano, consilium, anno 1550 con- scriptum. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 1155-1168. Mainardus (P.) De morbo gallico, tractatus duo. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 389-400. Manardus (J.) De morbo gallico, epistolae duae, ejusdem de ligno Indico epistolae duae, ex libris medicinalium epistolarum excerptae. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 599-610. Massa (N.) De morbo gallico, liber. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 39-114. vol xvii, 2d series---29 Syphilis (Publications prior to the year 1800). Matthiolus (P. A.) Morbi gallici novum ac utilissimum opusculum quo vera et omni- moda ejus cura percipi potest. 12°. Bononise, 1533. -----. The same. De morbo gallico, opuscu- lum. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol Lugd. Bat, 1728, 245-276. Montagnana ( B. ) De morbo gallico con- silium. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol Lugd. Bat., 1728, 957-966. Montanus (J. B.) De morbo gallico, tracta- tus; ejusdemque de eodem epistolae quaedam, ex consultationibus centuriarum medicinalium ipsius excerptae. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 553-584. Montesaurus (N.) De dispositionibus quas vulgares mal franzozo appellant, tractatus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 113-124. Musitanus (C.) Chirurgische und physica- lische Waag-Schaale der Venus-Seuche oder Frantzosen-Kranckheit, darinnen nicht allein ihre Art, und Zustand gemeldet, sondern auch alle Zeichen, Ursachen, Vorher-Verkiindigungen und Curen untersuchet und angewiesen werden, nebenst einer new-erfundenen Artzney solche Kranckheit gliicklich zu curiren. 12° Ham- burg, 1708. Paschalis Suessanus (J.) De morbo quodam composito: qui vulgo apud nos gallicus appella- tur, liber. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 219-242. Paschalius Valentinus (M.J.) De morbo gal- lico, tractatus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 1113-1116. Petronius (A. T.) De morbo gallico libri septem. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 1167-1366. Poll (N.) De cura morbi gallici per lignum Guayacanum. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 241-246. Rangoni Filotogo (T.) Mali galeci sanandi, vini ligni, et aquae, unctionis, ceroli, suffumigii, praecipitati, ac reliquorum modi omnes. 12°. Venetiis, 1538. -----. The same. Malum gallicum, depila- tivam unguitivam, dentativam, nodos, ulcera, vitta quaeque, affectus, et reumata, usque ad con- tortos sanant, ligni indi, aquae, vini, sublimati, cynae, spartae parillae, huysan, hetechen, cara- valgii alvar, mechoacan, antimonii, unctionis, ceroti, suffumigii, praecipitati, seminis indi, ac additorum mundi novi, et reliquorum. 24°. Venetiis, 1575. Rinks (B.) De morbo gallico tractatus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 971-984. Rondeletius (G.) De morbo gallico, liber unus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 935-954. Rotario (S.) Riflessioni sopra la storia del male che soffri il Conte Galeotto Pico, Pi^nore della Mirandola, della Concordia ec. fatta da Bartolommeo Muggi 1'anno mdl. 8°. Verona, 1726. SYPHILIS. 450 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Publications prior to the year '.1800). Scanarolus (A.) Disputatio utilis de morbo gallico, et opinionis Nicolai Leoniceni confir- matio contra Natalem Montesaurum, eandem opinionem opnugnantem. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 123-138. S( hmai (L.) De morbo gallico tractatus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 383-390. Schrage (J. G.) *De lue venerea, sm. 4°. Franequerse, 1691. Struthius (J.) De morbi gallici pulsibus caput. Ex lib. quarto sphygmicae artis de- scriptun. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 955. Sylvius (J.) De morbo gallico, tractatus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 1107-1114. Tomitanus (B.) De morbo gallico libri duo. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 1015-1106. Torrella (G.) De pudendagra tractatus unus. De ulceribus in pudendagra tractatus alter: ejusdem de dolore in pudendagra dia- logus: ejusdem consilia quaedam contra puden- dagra ui. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 491-554. Trapolinus (P.) De morbo gallico tractatus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 1001-1016. Treatises (Two). The first of the venereal pocks; wherein is shewed, i, the name and original of this disease; ii, histories thereof; iii, the nature thereof; iv, its causes; v, its differ- encies; vi, several sorts of signs thereof; vii, several waies of the cure thereof; viii, how to cure such diseases as are wont to accompany the whores pocks. . . . Written in Latin and English. By Daniel Sennert, Nicholas Cul- peper, Abdiah Cole. fol. London, 1662. Vella (G.) De morbo gallico opusculum. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 205-218. Vesalius (A.) Ad Joachimum Roelants, de radice chinae, epistola'; in qua inserta suntet de sparta parilla sub finem nonnulla. Ejusdem scriptum de ipsamet china, italicum ad Joachi- mum missum, sed nuper latinum accurate factum. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 585-598. Victorius (B.) De morbo gallico, liber; nee non et pro reverendo Bartholomaeo Vincentino consilium. Ex consiliis ipsius medicinalibus excerptum. In: Luisinus (A.) Anhrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 615-652." de Vigo (J.) De morbo gallico tractatus; ex libro quinto practicse chirurgicse excerptus. In: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 449-456. Pare (A.) Livre traictant de la grosse verole dicte maliidie vonerienne et des accidents qui adviennent a icelle. Rev. clin. d'androl. et de gynec, Par., 1907, xiii, 107-115.—Trend. Le triomphe de tres haulte etpuis- sante dame Verolle avec le pourpoint fermant a boutons et la fete des fous du Musee de Blois. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1911, xxiv, 169-191, 2 pl. Syphilis (Purpura in). See Syphilis (Manifestations, etc., of). Syphilis (Quaternary). See Syphilis (Congenital, Manifestations of). Syphilis (Rapid course of). See Syphilis (Malignant). Syphilis (Recurrent). See Syphilis (Reinfection, etc., in). Syphilis (Refeu-es in). Bind-Sangle (C.) De l'etat des reflexes chez les syphilitiques. J. de neurol., Par., 1901, vi, 161; 261.— iflarx. Untersuchungen iiberden Patellarreflex, insbe- sondere bei Lues. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1894, i, 397- 406.—Zarubin (V. I.) Kollenniy reflex pri pervol visipi sifilisa. [Knee-reflex in primarv syphilis.] Protok. russk. sif. l dermat. Obsh. 1892-3, St. Petersb., 1894, viii, 37-57. Also, transl: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, 3. s., iv, 840-843.-----. Le reflexe tendineux du genou dans la syphilis. Progres med., Par., 1896, 3. s., iv, 461; 485: 1897, 3. s., v, 2. Syphilis (Reinfection and relapses in). See, also, Syphilis (Congenital, Reinfection in); Syphilis (Reinoculation of). Coutanine (Marie). * Etude critique sur la reinfection syphilitique. 8°. Geneve, 1904. Delansorne (A.) * Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis; manifestations de la syphilis re- cidivant in situ. 4°. Paris, 1892. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1892. Journeault (A.) * Reinfection svphilitique. 4°. Paris, 1894. Landry (A.-L.) *De la reinoculation syphi- litique. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899. Le Duff (F.) * De la reinfection dans la sv- philis. 8°. Paris, 1908. Lhoste (T.-A.) *Des reinfections attenuees de la syphilis. 8°. Lyon, 1901. Lipschitz ( F. ) * Superinfectio syphilitica. [Berlin.] 8°. Prag, 1911. Picandet (N.) * Considerations sur la rein- fection syphilitique. 8°. Paris, 1899. Sabureanu, ( G. ) * Chancres syphilitiques successifs. Etude experimentale, clinique et theorique. 8°. Paris, 1905. AbulofF(S. S.) Sluchal sifiliticheskol superinfektsii. Russk. J. Kozhn. l Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1910, xix, 23- 26.—Altshuler (E. I.) Povtornoye zarazheniye sifili- som (reinfectio svphilitica). Med. besleda, Voronezh, 1902, xvi, 500-502.—Alvarez Sainz de Aja (E.) Un caso mas de reinfecci6n (superinfecci6n) de sifilis. Rev. valenc. de cien. med., Valencia, 1911, xiii, 321-323.—An- drlani (P.) Sulla reinfezione sifilitica. Gior.internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1896, n. s., xviii, 608-620.—Anthony (H. G.) Gummata and chancre redux. Chicago M. Re- corder, 1899, xvi, 300-309. [Discussion], 332-338.—Asch- ner (A.) Reinfectio syphilitica egy esete. [Case.] Or- vosi hetil.,Budapest, 1896, xl, 360.—Bareia Caballero (J.) iReinfeccion 6 recidiva sifilitica? Rev. espec. med. La oto-, rino-laringol. espafi., Madrid, 1903, 389. Also: Rev. espafi. de sif. y dermat., Madrid, 1904, vi, 129-131. -----. Las recidivas en la sifilis. Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1911, xiii, 361-368.—Baurowicz (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Wiederansteckung mit Syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1901, lvii, 185- 188. —Bering '( F. ) Ein Fall von Reinfectio syphi- litica. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 958.— Bernart ( VV. F.) Relapsing svphilis; the treatment. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1905-6, ix, 695-698.— Bonnet (L. M.) Un cas de recidive de syphilis. Dau- phine med., Grenoble, 1897, xxi, 184-186. -----. Pig- mentation considerable de la muqueuse buccale chez un sujet presentantune tres legere pigmentation cutanee d'origine phtiriasique; reinfection svphilitique. Lyon med., 1909, cxii, 600-602.—Bovero (R.) Un caso di rin- vigorimento del virus sifllitico. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1898, xlix, 841-844.—Brew (J.) A case of reinfection of svphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 58-63.-----. Reinfection with syphilis: reportof a case with hereditary svphilis in the child. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxii, 138-141.—Bury.sdorl" (V. F.) O pov- tornom zarazhenii sifilisom. [Repeated syphilitic infec- tion.] Dnevnik Syezda Obsh. Ru^k. Vrach. v. pamyat Pirogova, Kazan, 1899, vii,530-546.-----. Sluchalvtorich- navo zarazheniya sifilisom (reinfectio) s obnaruzheniyem spirokheti Schaudinn'a. [Syphilitic reinfection with the presence of Schaudinn's spirochseta.1 Russk. Vrach. S.- Peterb., 1908, vii, 146-148. Also, transl: Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1908. xv, 593-596.—Canal mi ((".) Nota clinica su un caso raro di reinfezione sifilitica. Ri- forma med., Napoli, 1898, xiv, pt. 3, 54 1-546 —(harrier (P.) Chancresinfectantssuccessifsnaissantaintervalles prolonges par reinoculation chez un mime individu. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., v. 427-431.— Clemente (F.) Contributo al problema della reinfe- zione sifilitica. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1895, xxx, 353-356.—Colleville. Les auto-inoculations spontanees SYPHILIS. 451 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Reinfection and relapses in). des chancres syphilitiques. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1910, xxx'iv, 73.—Collings(H. P.) Reportof a case of reinfection of syphilis. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1896, xiv, 308. Also. Reprint.—Cooper (A.) & Cotterell(E.) Syphilitic re-infection. Internat. Cong. Dermat. Off. Trans. 1896, Lond., 1898, iii, 197-211.—Dam- peroff(I. E.) Sluchal povtornavo zarazheniya sifilisom. [Case of repeated syphilitic infection.] Dnevnik Syezda Obsh.Russk. Vrach.v pamyat Pirogova, Kazan,1899,vii.528- 530.—Dardenne(H) Acaseof syphilitic "reinfection" nine years after, with some remarks on syphilitic "immu- . nity;" and a note on treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1909, ii, 1071-1073.—Deline (G.) Un caso di forma bollosa reci- divante in individuo sifllitico guarito con cura specifica. Riforma med., Napoli, 1908, xxiv, 1017.—Metre (L.) Re- infectio es primaer fekely. [Reinfection and primary chancre.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1904, ii, 89-92. Also, transl: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1904, ix, 63-65. Also, transl: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xvii, 764-768.— Dlday & Doyon. Nouveau cas de reinfection syphi- litique. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, 3. s., iv, 351.—Douey & Joltrain (E.) Apparition d'un chan- cre svphilitique au cours d'un traitement mercuriel. J. de" med. int., Par., 1911, xv, 220.— »n Caste 1. Syphilis recidivee. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 134-138. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898 ix. 49-63. Also: Med. mod., Par., 1898, ix, 321-323.—Ehrmann (S.) Ueber Sclero- senreste und ihre Beziehung zur Svphilisrecidive. Wien. med. BL, 1898, xxi, 216—Eiehhorst (H.) Ueber Rein- fectio syphilitica. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 301.—Eraud (J.) Surun cas de reinfection svphilitique. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, 3. s., "vi, 392-395. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, vi, 183-186.—Fabry (J.) Ueber einen Fall von Rein- fectio syphilitica. Med. Klin. Berl., 1911, vii, 1201.— Fisichella ( V.) Contributo alia casistica della re- infezione sifilitica. Comment, clin. d. mal. cutan. e gen.-urin., Siena, 1894, 2. s., ii, 5-11—Fitzgibbon (H.) Svphilitic re-infection. Internat. Cong. Dermat. Off. Trans., 1896, Lond., 1898. iii, 211-220. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1896, n.s.. lxii, 207-210. -----. Case of syphi- litic reinfection occurring within three years and three months after the previous infection, which was followed bvthe development of complete svphilis. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1910, cxxx, 337-342.—Fleischner. [A case of re- infected syphilis.] Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1895-6, ii, 88.— Foerster. Svphilis with persistent recurring lesions. J. Cutan. Dis. "incl. Syph., N. Y., 1912, xxv, 39.—Four- nier (A.) Recurring svphilitic roseolas. In: Sei. essays & monogr., 8°, Lond., 1900, 177-197.—Fourrier. Deu- xieme syphilis contracted quinze ans apres la premiere. Cong, franc, de med., Par. & Nancy, 1896-7, iii, fasc. 2, 626-628—Gaucher (E.), Gonrherot & Guggen- heim. Syphilis acquise contractee par des sujets ayant pr&entedes accidents d'he>6do-syphilis tertiaire. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii, 149-160.— Gaucher(E.)31. — (ronka (A.) Przypadek nawrotu kily p62nej, wywolanej dostawka. [Relapse of late syph- ilis, produced by a set of false teeth.] Przegl. lek., Kra- k6w, 1908, xlvii, 569.—Guszman (J.) Adatok a syphi- lises recidivak letrejottehez. [On the origin of syphi- litic relapse.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1909, liii, 185-188. Also, transl: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lix, 1838; 1903. -----. Tovabbi adatok a syphilises recidivak letrejotte- hez. [On the causes of syphilitic relapse.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1909, liii, 657-659. -----. Weitere Beitrage zur Pathogenese der Syphilisrezidive. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1910, 1, 10-15.—Gutmann (C.) Rein- fectio syphilitica oder Pseudoprimiiraffekt? Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 1282-1284. — Hallopeau. Sur une recidive de syphilis au bout de 30 ans. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 212. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 638.—Hallo- peau & Granchainp. Recidive de chancre indure^ ou ulceration tardive avec induration chondroi'de. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et svph., Par., 1906, xvii, 90. Also: Ann. dedermat. etsyph.,Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 171.—Har- rison (L. W.) A comparison between syphilis relapses under mercurial and salvarsan treatment, respectivelv. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1911, xvii, 581-583.— HaslundiA.) Om Reinfektion ved Syfilis. Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1900, 4. R., viii, 578-583. Also, transl: Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. Festschr. ... I. Neumann, Leipz. u. Wien, 1900, 245-250.—Hutchinson (J.) A man", the Syphilis (Reinfection and relapses in). subject of primary and secondary syphilis, in whom in- oculation from his own chancre appeared to have taken place. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1894, n. s., lvii, 325. -----. On second infections of syphilis. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1895, vi, 17; 107; 255. -----. On the frequency of phagedsena in second infections of syphilis. Ibid., 1896, vii, 61. -----. Three infections of syphilis at intervals of thirteen and seven years; lupoid eruption after the second. Ibid., 1898, ix, 361. -----. Recurred chancre or new infection; a question of diagnosis. Ibid., 365. -----. A fresh chancre contracted whilst under treat- ment for tertiary symptoms. Ibid., 1900, xi, 272. -----. On auto-inoculation and reinfection of svphilis. Proc. Roy. Soc Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Surg. Sect., 225-237. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1909, i, 1509-1512. -----. A second in- fection five years after complete syphilis; three chancres of extreme induration. Polyclinic, Lond., 1908, xii, 67.— Jacquet (L.) Sur le chancre syphilitique a reviviscen- ces. Bull.etmem.Soc.med.d.h6p.dePar.,1910,3.s.,xxix, 750-753. Also:3.demed.de Par.,1910,2. s..xxii,709.— Jelks (J. T.) Report of two ca=es of second infection with syphilis. Hot Springs M. J., 1894, iii, 89-92.—John (F.) Reinfectio syphilitica; Zusammenstellung, kritische Be- wertung und statistische Ergebnisse von 356 in der Welt- Literatur veroffentlichten Reinfektionsfiillen,nebst einer Sammlung von Meinungsausserungen bekannter A utoren. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1909, n. F., Nos. 525-532 (Inn. Med., Nos. 157-164,559-808).—Klotz(H.G.) Acaseof rein- fection of syphilis. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass.,N.Y.,1904, xxviii, 82-92. Also: 3. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph.. N. Y., 1904, xxii, 317-326.—Koller. Reinfektion. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1897,iv,714— KolomoItsefi"(S.V.) Sluchalvleroyatnavo vtorichnavo zarazheniya sifilisom (reinfectio syphilitica). [Case of probable... ] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb.,1907,vi,373- 375. -----. Povtornoye zarazheniye sifilisom (reinfectio syphilitica). Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1907, xiv, 12-19.—Krefting (R.) Ein sicherer Fall von Reinfectio syphilitica eines mit Salvarsan behandelten Patienten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 1441.—KuznetsotT (D. D.) O sluchaye viorichnavo zarazheniya sifilisom. [Repeated syphilitic infection.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kron- stadte, 1900-1901,xxxix,61-66.— Laurent (E.) Uncasde reinoculation syphilitique. Independ.med., Par., 1901. vii, 90.—Leg rain & Guiard. Reveil grave d'une syphilis ancienne sous l'influence de I'alcool. Ann. m6d.-psychol., Par., 1902, 8. s., xv, 257-260.—Le Pileur (L.) Syphilis acquise chez un sujet considere comme heredo-syphili- tique. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 1455- 1458.—Levaditi (C.) & Yamanouchi (T.) Recidive de la keratite syphilitique du lapin; mode de division du treponeme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 408-410. — Lipschitz (F.) Superinfectio syphilitica. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1911, cix,3-36.— Loistrom (T.) Reinfectio syphiliticatapaus. [Ein Fall von Reinfectio syfilitica. Res., 390-392.1 Duodecim, Helsinki, 1902, xviii, 245-251.— McDonagh (J. E. R.) [A case of svphilitic auto-reinfection.] Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1911, xxiii, 227-229.—Maneini (A.) Un caso raro di reinfezione sifilitica. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1907, lv, 770-773.—Mangubi (S. V.) Pozdniy retsidiv sifilisa. [Late syphilitic relapse.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Mosk., 1911, xxii, 300-303.—ITIannino (L.) Tre casi di reinoculazione sifilitica. Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. med. in Palermo (1895), 1896, 1-8.—Manuel (A.) A case of reinfection with syphilis after five and a half years. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Clin. Sect., 30-33.—Mai-shall (C.F.) Remarks on reinfection in syphilis. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1901, xiii, 288-291. Also: Treatment, Lond., 1902-3, vi, 332-334. -----. Second attacks of syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 1332.— de Mello Breyner (T.) Reinfecefio syphilitica. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1904, 2. s., vi, 85.—Milian. Rein- fection svphilitique. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1910, xxi, 83-88. Also: Progres med., Par., 1910, 3. s., xxvi, 303. -----. Les svphilis reinoculees. Bull, etmem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1912, 3. s., xxxiii, 283-285.— Molle. Un cas de reinfection syphilitique chez un dia- biitique. Lyon mod., 1904, cii, 1078-1082.—Morelle (A.) l*n cas de reinfection svphilitique. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1911, lxiii, 326-330. Also: Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1911, xviii, 65-70. —Moullin (C. M.) Sec- ond attacks of syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 964. — M racek ( F. ) Ueber Reinfectio syphilitica. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1896, x, 17; 36; 53. -----. Ein Fall von Reinfectio syphilitica. Aerztl. Centr. - Ztg., Wien, 1901, xiii, 185. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 225. — Neumann. Ein Fall von Re- infectio syphilitica. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, vi, 887. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xliii, 2014.— -----. Beitrage zur Lehre vom Syphilisrecidiv. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1902, Iii, 1337; 1404.—von Neumann (I.) Zur Aetiologie des Syphilisrezidivus. Deutsche klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1906, iii, 521; 556. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1906, xiii, 521; 556. Also, iransl.: Cong, internat. demed., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, vol. gen., 158-166. Also, transl: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxix,649- 652.—Nobl (E.) Ueber Reinfection bei Svphilis. Allg. SYPHILIS. 452 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Reinfection and relapses in). Wien.med.Ztg., 1901.xlvi, 144. Also: Wien.med.Presse, 1901, xiii, 681-690.—Ogilvie (G.) Acase of svphilitic re-infec- tion. Internat. Cong. Dermat. Off.Trans. 1896,Lond.,1898, iii,220-226. Also: Echo med., Toulouse, 1896, 2. s., x, 693- 696.—Oksenotf*(S. S.) O sklerogummakh, simuliruyu- shtshikh vtorichnoye zarazheniye sifilisom. [Sclero- gummata simulating syphilitic reinfection.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Mosk., 1911, xxii, 257-260.— Oltramare (H.) Un cas de reinfection svphilitique. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1905, xvii, 92-96.—Opla- tek (K.) Ueber Reinfectio syphilitica. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 441^43.—Oppenheimer (H.) On recrudescence of inveterate latent syphilis after acute febrile disorders. Clin. J., Lond.. 1902, xx, 367.—Orel (A. P.) Sluchal povtornavo zarazheniya sifilisom (rein- fectio syphilitica). Voyenno-med. J., St.-Petersb., 1894, clxxx, 423-433.—Patteson (R. G.) A case of second in- fection with syphilis. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1891, iii, 286-289. Also, Reprint.—PavlofffP. A.) Sluchal pov- tornavo zarazheniva sifilisom. [Case of reinfection of sy- philis.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1892, xxxviii, 93-99. -----. Sluchal povtornavo zarazheniva sifilisom (reinfectio sv- philitica). Ibid., 1908, lxx, 731-734.—Pellizzari (C.) Reinfezione sifilitica in due coniugi. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1882, xlix, 283-290. — Polland (R.) Ein Fall von Reinfektion (Superinfektion) bei Syphilis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 1705-1707.— Badzi- ininski. Nleskolko sluchayev re'infektsii sifilisom. [Several cases of svphilitic reinfection.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1906,139-141.—Bavasini (C.) Reinfezione sifilitica. Boll. d. mal. ven., sif. e d. pelle, Roma, 1903, iv, 3-6. — Benault (A.) Accidents secondaires prolonged ou reinfection svphilitique. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, xix. 222-225.— Bendleman (J. W.) A single individual infected twice with syphilis. St. Louis Clinique, 1902, xv, 341- 343. —Richard (G.) Infection, immunity et reinfection delasyphilis. Rev.internat.demed.etdechir., Par.,1896, vii, 242-247.—Rona (S.) Kiserletes superinfectio a sy- philis 2 lappangasi szakaban. [Experimentalsuperinfec- tion in 2 latent cases of syphilis.] Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1907, li, 95. Also, transl: Verhandl. d. Budapest k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte 1907, Budapest, 1908, 14-16. Also. transl: Pest.med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1907,xliii,218.— Sabunayeff(M.) K voprosu o zabollevanii pervich- nim sifilisom subyektov, uzho perenyosshikh yevo. [Pri- mary syphilis in subjects who have already had the dis- ease.] Sibirsk. Vrach. Vledom., Krasnoyarsk, 1906, iv, 94- 96.—Salsotto (G.) Terzo caso di reinfezione sifilitica. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1892, xliii, 943-947.— Bamberger (F.) Reinfectiosyphilitica. Casop. lek.cesk.,vPraze, 1903, xiii, 285-287.—Schtrren (C.) Ueber Reinfectio syphili- tica. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1894, ii, 40-46.—Sell las- berg (H. J.) Zur Kenntnis von spaten sekundaren Re- zidiven bei Syphilis. Ibid., 1911, xviii, 133-137. Also, transl: Hygiea, Stockholm, 1911, lxxiii, 1161-1165.— Schueller. Beitrag zur Reinfectio syphilitica. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xlix, 154-156.—Schulze (B.) Re- infectio syphilitica. Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. Festschr. . . . I. Neumann, Leipz.u. Wien, 1900,829-833.—Spagolla (A.) Uncasodi reinfezione sifilitica. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1899, xxxiv, 377-387.—Speranski (N. S.) Sluchal povtornavo zarazheniya sifilisom. [Repeated svphilitic infection.] Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh., 1897-8, vii, 162; 221.—Stern (C.) Ueber Neuinfektion Hereditarsyphilitischer und iiber Reinfektion im allge- meinen. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, xiv, 197-232.— SukhofT (A. A.) O povtornom zarazhenii sifilisom. [Repeated syphilitic infection.] Protok zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. Vrach. v Kronstadte, 1901, xl, no. 2, 66-65.— SukoflF(N.) Sluchal vtorichnavo zarazheniya sifilisom (reinfectio syphilitica). Rusk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1901, ii, 64-69.—Swinburne (G. K.) A case of syphilitic reinfection. Internat. Dermat. Cong, (vi.) 1907. Tr.,N.Y., 1908,ii, 825-827. Also: J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 468. —Tarnovskl (V. M.) Povtornoye zarazhenive sifilisom (reinfectio svphilitica). Vrach, St. Petersb., 1898, xix, 241-244.—Toseani (E.) Un caso di reinfezione sifilitica. Corriere san., Milano, 1909, xx, 35Q-358. Also: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1909, 4. s., xv, 83-88. — Truth (M.) Ueber die Empfiinglichkeit des Kaninchens gegeniiber svphi- litischen Reinfektionen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1910, liv, Orig., 337-341. — Tslekha- novieh (A. Z.) Sluchal vtorichnavo zarazheniva sifilisom pri yavleniyakh staravo sifilisa. [Case of secondary infection of syphilis with phenomena of old syphilis.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1898, xix, 1251.— Ustinoff (A. P.) Reinfectio svphilitica. Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh., 1897-8, vii, 176; 197. -----. Povtor- noye zarazheniye sifilisom (reinfectiosyphilitica). Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1903, v, 205-208.— von Veress (F.) Veranderungen im Verlaufe der Syphilis nach intensiver Behandlung; iiber Pseudorein- fektionenund Friihrezidive. Dermat. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Hamb., 1912, liv, 22; 62.—Vigenaud. Cas probable de reinfection syphilitique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. Syphilis (Reinfection and relapses in). hop. de Par., 1896, 3. s., xiii, 463.—Whiteside (G. /) Guerison (?) d'une syphilis un an et demi apres l'infec- tion; apparition posterieure d'un nouveau chancre syphi- litique. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 682.— Will- iams (A. U.) Some cases of reinfection with syphilis Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1908, c, 178. Also: Med. Fort- nightly, St. Louis, 1907, xxxii, 485. —Williams (C ) Syphilitic reinfection. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 927.-^- Ifakovlefr* (S. S.) Dva sluchaya vtorichnavo zarazhe- niya sifilisom (reinfectio syphilitica). [Two cases of . . ] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1903, vi, 731- 739.—Zeleneff (I. F.) Reinfektsiya sifilisa pri nalich- nosti sifilidov kondilomatoznavo perioda. [Syphilitic reinfection in syphilides of the condylomatous "period 1 Ibid., 1901, i, 92. -----. Sifiliticheskaya superinfektsiva Ibid., 1909, xviii, 106; 151.-----. Dva sluchaya re-super- infektsii pri sifilisle. [Two cases of re-superinfection in syphilis. Ibid., 1910, xix, 19-22, 1 pl. Also, transl: Der- mat. Centralbl., Berl., 1910-11, xiv, 98-102. Syphilis (Rural). See Syphilis (Social aspects of). Syphilis (Secondary). See, also, Conjunctiva (Syphilis of); Joints (Syphilis of); Nose (Syphilis of); Syphilides; Thro at (Syphilis of). Arnal ( A.) * Du traitement local des syphi- lides muqueuses secondaires par le bleu de methylene. 8°. Paris, 1904. Begot (U.) * De la contracture musculaire au cours de la periode secondaire de la syphilis. 8°. Toulouse, 1901. Bellan (G.) * Angine pseudo-membraneuse secondaire de la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1902. Benoist (G.) * Signification pronostique des adenopathies dans la syphilis secondaire. 8°. Paris, 1902. Bertrand (L.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'hysterie dans ses rapports avec la syphilis secondaire. 4°. Lyon, 1892. Boivin (J.) *Sur un cas de syphilis secon- daire aigue. 8°. Paris, 1898. Bondesio (F.) * Contribution a l'etude des phlebites des membres dans la syphilis secon- daire. 8°. Paris, 1899. Bord (B.) *La syphilis secondaire acquise des fosses nasales. 8°. Paris, 1909. Chistyakoff (M. A.) *Kbndilomatozniy period sifilisa; prodolzhitelnost yevo techeniya i zarazitelnost pozdnikh proyavleniy. [Con- dylomatous period of syphilis; length of its course, and contagiousness of its late stages.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1894. ------. The same. 8°,. S.-Peterburg, 1894. Collinot (L.-J.-P.) * Etude sur les manifes- tations veineuses au cours de la svphilis secon- daire. 8°. Paris, 1901. Fournier (J.-A.) De l'analgesie syphilitique secondaire. 8°. Paris, 1869. ------. Syphilis secondaire tardive. 8°. Paris, 1906. Gibault (C.-A.) *La roseole secondaire tar- dive et l'erytheme circine tertiaire de la syphi- lis. 8°. Nancy, 1910. Guyet (P.-C.) *De la phlebite superficielle aigue pendant la periode secondaire de la sy- philis. [Bordeaux.] 8°. Niort, 1902. Jacqcin (G.) * Contribution a l'etude de quelques manifestations mentales de la syphilis secondaire (les syphilo-psychoses). 8°. Lyon, 1899. Knaus (A.) * Ueber nervose Affektionen im sekundaren Stadium der Syphilis. 8°. Bern, 1894. Lamy (R.-G.) *Etat des quatre amygdales dans la periode secondaire de la syphilis. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899. SYPHILIS. 453 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Secondary). Lepixe (R.-G.) ^Contribution a l'etude des incidents pleuro-pulmonaires au cours de la j syphilis secondaire. 8°. Paris, 1907. Lioxxet (L.) * Contribution a l'etude de la cephaleeetde son traitement dans le cours de la periode secondaire de la syphilis. 4°. Lyon, 1892. aIarcais (A.) Contribution a l'etude de l'hepatite syphilitique hypertrophique avec ic- tere chronique au cours de la periode secondaire de la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1907. Mexetrel (L. ) * Contribution a l'etude clinique des nevrites et des polinevrites prri- pheriques a la periode secondaire de la svphilis. 8°. Paris, 1898. Merop (F.-J.-L.) *Des roseoles de retour dans la syphilis. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899. Rotjchaud (L.) *Del'hypertrophic des amyg- dales a la periode secondaire de la syphilis. 8°. Bordeaux, 1S99. Rcttex. * Contribution a l'etude de la ne- phrite subaigue au cours de la syphilis secon- daire. 8°. Paris, 1900. Stimmel (F.) * Ueber Mastitis luetica im Sekundiirstadium. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. Vega (L.) *Los accidentes secundarios y terciarios de la sifilis ison contagiosos? 8°. Mexico, 1870. Zextler (S.) * La fievre syphilitique secon- daire. 8°. Paris, 1903. Zerner (H.) *Hysterische Erscheinungen im sekundaren Stadium der Syphilis. 8°. Ber- lin, 1906. Adamson (H. G.) Secondary syphilis in which fad- ing roseola simulated ichthyosis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Dermat. Sect., 33.—Adler (E.) Ueber die krankhaften Veranderungen des Urins bei sekundarer Syphilis und Quecksilberkuren. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1904, xi, 888-904.—Andronico (C.) Le placche mucose. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1886, n. s., viii, 654- 663.—Antonelli (G.) Ittero grave con esito in atrofia giallo-acuta del fegato nella sifiiide secondaria. Riforma med., Napoli, 1910, xxvi, 960-965.—Audry. Contracture syphilitique secondaire du cubital anterieur. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, xv, 41. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, 4. s., v, 86. Also: 3. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1904, xvi, 259.— Augagneur. Signification et pronostic de l'adenopa- thie svphilitique a la periode secondaire. Ann. de der- mat. et svph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 130. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de'dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, vi, 53. -----. Sur la pathogenie de la dvsphagie secondaire. Ann. deder- mat. et syph., Par., i896, 3. s., vii, 555-550. Also: Bull. Soc franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 255-260.— Balzer (P.) & Alquler (L.) Contribution a, l'etude de la nephrite diffuse aigue survenant a la periode secon- daire de la syphilis. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 1-5.— Balzer (F.) & Burnier. Leucoplasie bucco-linguale Erecoce a la periode secondaire de la syphilis. Bull. Soc. •anc dedermat. et syph., Par., 1910, xxi, 192-194.—Bal- zer (F.) & Deshayes. Contribution a l'etude des syphi- lides secondaires tardives, de l'erytheme peribuccal se- condo-tertiaireetdel'ervtheme tertiaire. Ibid., 1906, xvii, 117-120. Also: Ann. dedermat. et syph.. Par., 1906,4. s., vii, 198-201.—Balzer (F.) & Galup. Adenopathie double preauriculaireetsvphilo-strumeuseau debut dela periode secondaire de la syphilis. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1908, xix, 152-154.—Barbe. Leucoplasie syphilitique secondaire. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 570. Also: Bull. Soc franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898, ix, 278.—Barthelemy. Note sur la prolongation excessive de la periode secondaire, et par consequent de la contagiosity de la syphilis, dans ses formes benignes. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 563-568. Also: Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 263-268.—Bath & Michaux (G.) Syphilis renale secondaire; presence du Treponema palli- dum de Schaudinn dans les urines. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1909, 3. s., xxviii, 182.—Batut (L.) Syphilis secondaire, masto'idite et paralysie du facial gauche. J. d. mal. cutan et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 413- 415. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Dr6me [etc.], Valense, 1908, ix, 75.—Bayet (A.) Les stigmates durables de la svphilis secondaire. Clinique, Brux., 1894, viii, 593-599. Also: 3. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1894, vi, 705-712. -----. Un cas d'epilepsie syphilitique secon- daire. Soc. beige de dermat. et de syph. Bull., Brux., Syphilis (Secondary). 1901-2, ii, 6-9.—Beck (O.) Vertigo and disturbances oj the equilibrium in recent secondary syphilis. Laryngo- scope, St. Louis, 1911, xxi, 1056-1064. — Bel Ian (G.) L'angine pseudo-membraneuse secondaire de la syphilis. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1902, n. s., vii, 997-1002.—Ber- ^ounioiix. Myelopathic syphilitique secondaire du biceps brachial gauche chez un h vsterique. Poitou m6d., Poitiers. 1904, xviii, 126-130.—Besnier (E.) Un cas de syphilis secondaire anomale et maligne, mutilante; forme tuberculo-ulcerante gangreneuse; remarques therapeu- tiques. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, iii, 91-94.—de Beurmann & Delherm (L.) Sur une disposition speciale de la roseole de retour; ordination suivant les espaces intercostaux; roseole abies. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1901, xv, 225-227.— Bodin (E.) Surun cas de contracture bicipitale uni- lateral au cours d'une svphilis secondaire. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903" 4. s., iv, 336-338. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 175-177.— Boinet. Etude d'un placenta expulse en pleine syphi- lis secondaire. Cong, period, de gynec, d'obst. et de paediat. 1898. Mem. et disc, Par., 1900, ii, 430-432.— Bord (B.) Des reactions appendiculaires au cours de la syphilis secondaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 481-483.—Bosehi (G.) Una interessante sin- drome nervosa della sifiiide secondaria: contributo cli- nico. Riforma med., Napoli, 1908, xxiv, 907.—Bour- guignon. Pericardite, enaocardite, myocardite k la periode secondaire d'une syphilis grave; guerison au cours du traitement specifique. Limousin m6d., Limoges, 1904, xxviii, 146-148.—Bronner (A.) Purulent otitis media with deep ulceration of external meatus in a case of secondary syphilis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Otol. Sect., 88.—Bruusgaard (E.) To Til- faelde af Ulnarnevrit ved sekundser Syfilis. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1896, 4. R., xi, 370-373. -----. Perifere flebiter under forl0bet af sekundaer syfilis. [Sur des phlebites penpheriques associees a des cas de syphilis secondaire. Res., 456.] Ibid., 1902, 4. R., xvii, 391-399.— Bryan (R. C.) The secondary lesions of syphilis. Rich- mond J. Pract., 1904, xviii, 76-81. Also: Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 1904-5, ix, 30-32.—Calvert (W. J.) Icterus in secondary syphilis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1904, n. s., exxvii, 816-819.— Cameron (J.) Second- ary syphilitic nephritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 1464.— Campbell (G. G.) Severe facial neuralgia occurring as the first secondary symptom of syphilis. Montreal M. J., 1901, xxx, 625.— Cattier (G.) Syphilis secondaire; fievre typho'ide servant de cause d'appel pour des acci- dents aigus de periostite costale; diagnostic differentiel. Svphilis, Par., 1904, ii, 416-419.—Cavazzanl (A.) Sulla n'efrite sifilitica secondaria; osservazioni cliniche. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1910, xi, 814; 825.— Chistya- koff (M. A.) O zarazitelnosti pozdnyavo kondiloma- toznavo sifilisa. [On the contagiousness of late condy- lomatoussvphilisj Vrach,St. Petersb.,1892, xiii, 569-572.— Claret (M.) & Ulalloizel. Mastite aigue au cours de la grossesse, chez une syphilitique secondaire, ayant cetle rapidement au traitement specifique. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1903, ii, 1740.—(landa. Une observation d'angine fuso-spirillairede Vincent au cours de la syphilis secon- daire. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1908, xxv, 196.—Cliquet (E.) De l'albuminurie a la periode secondaire de la svphilis. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1893, xxi, 408-420.—Danlos. Leucoplasie syphilitique secondaire. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat, et syph., Par., 1898, ix, 143-145. Also: Ann. de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1898,3. s., ix, 264-266. -----. Eruption symetriquenodulaire et ulcereuse des membres (folliclis?) chez un malade svphilitique au sixieme mois de l'infec- tion. Bull. Soc. franc- dedermat. et syph., Par.,1900, xi, 247-250. -----. Syphilis secondaire avec leucoplasie, epi- lepsie jacksonnienne et diabete sucre. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, 4. s., ii, 628-634. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1901, xii, 332-338. -----. Syphilis secondaire avec eschare linguale consecutive a une cauterisation au nitrate d'argent. Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 329. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 931.—Danlos & Blanc. Deux cas de syphilis secondaire chez des ma- lades atteints deglossite exfoliatrice marginee avec lan- gue scrotale. Bull. Soc franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1907, xviii, 442-444.—David (C.) Un cas de peritonisme au cours d'un purpura rhumatoi'de chez un syphilitique secondaire; mort. Tribune med., Par., 1904, 2. s., xxxvi, 743.—Deelercq (L.) Affections cutanees et syphilis se- condaire;undiagnosticembarrassant. Rcv.med.,Par.,1904, xiii, 562-565.—Dekeyser (L.) Hyperhydrose locale au cours de la svphilis secondaire. J. med. de Brux., 1904, ix, 172—Del banco. Zur Klinik der Syphilis; sekun- diire Guramibildung sive gummose Lymphdrii&eninfek- tion. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 2565.—Delon. Sur l'ictere. de la periode secondaire de la syphilis. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1896, xv, 157-170.—Derveaux (H.) Syphilis secondaire tardive meningocorticale, cardiaque, hepatique et cutanee; guerison. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1905, i, 558-563. Also [Abstr.]: Nord med., Lille, 1905, xi, SYPHILIS. 454 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Secondary). %.—Derville (L.) Syphilis >eeondaire denutritive; al- buminurie; purpura; prurit. J.d. sc. med. de Lille, 1896, ii, 617-628—Didrikhson (X. K.) Sluchal tserebrospi- nalnavosifilisavo vremya vtnrielmavo visipaniya. [Cere- 1 in ispi nal syphilis during the secondary eruption.] Russk. .1. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1906, xi, 30-33.— Did s l> u ry (G.) Un cas de surdite subite et absolue dans le ours de la svphilis secondaire; existence du signe; paracousie lointa'ine. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1902, xv, 365-367.—Du Castel. Lymphangites ul- cereuses svphilitiques precoces. Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. et svph., Par., 1895, vi, 223.—Duhot. Un cas de glossite syphilitique parenchymateuse apparue a la pe- riode secondaire. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1906, lviii, 559-562.—Eceles (W. McA.) A case of anomalous sec- ondary svphilis ending fatally. West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1900, v. 28*4.—Ehrmann (S.) Ueber die Entstehung der sekundaren syphilitischen Driisenschwellung, nebst Be- merkung iiber Neuritis des Sekundarstadiums. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1911, cvi, 211-214.— Emery. Manifestations tardives de la syphilis secon- daire. Clinique, Par., 1906,i, 232. -----. Les adenopathies de la svphilis secondaire. Ibid., 454.—Etienne (G.) Association de la syphilis et de la tpberculose; adenopa- thie caseeuse generalisee, consecutive a l'adenopathie ge- neralisee de la svphilis secondaire; evolution suraigue. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 712-716.—Fenoglletto (E.) L' ittero sifllitico del pe- ri odo secondario; contributo clinico. Riforma med., Na- poli, 1909, xxv, 1294-1303.—Ferrand (J.) De la nephrite syphilitique secondaire. Cong.franc.de med.1907. Compt. rend., Par., 1908, 92-94. -----. De la nephrite syphilitique secondaire aigue et de son traitement par le mercure. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1907, lxxx, 1491-1495.—Ferre (H.) De certaines infections secondaires d'origine buccale. Med. orient., Par., 1906, x, 417-421.—Fournier (A.) De la roseole svphilitique. France med., Par., 1891, xxxviii, 195-198. *-----. Des syphilides secondaires malignes. Union med., Par., 1893, 3. s., lvi, 25; 37. -----. Roseoles syphilitiques a r^cidives multiples. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896,3. s., vii, 1141-1157. -----. Ablation d'un chancre indure au troisieme iour; apparition des acci- dents secondaires dans les delaishabituels. 25i'd.,1898,3. s.,ix,566. Also: Bull.Socfranc.dedermat.etsyph., Par., 1898, ix, 274. -----. La syphilis secondaire des muscles; amaigrissement musculaire, amyotrophic. M§d. mod., Par., 1899, x, 194. -----. Diagnostic differentiel des pla- ques muqueuses. Ibid., 369-373. -----. Las indicaciones terapentieas y profilacticas de la sifilis secundaria tardia. Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1906, v, 129-138. -----. Syphilis se- condaire tardive. Svphilis, Par., 1906, iv, 243-263. Also: Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1906, lxxiii, 145-154 — Fournier (A.) & Crouzon. T6nosites du poignet au cour d'une syphilis secondaire. Ann. dedermat. etsyph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 266. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 97.-----------. Arthropathies au cours d'une syphilis secondaire. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 268. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de cermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 99.—Fournier (A.) & Loeper. Deux cas de phl6bite svphilitique secondaire. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 80-82.— Frank (L.) Five cases of secondary syphilis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1896, 6. s., ii, 234-239.—Freshwater (D.) Case of syphilis secondaire tardive (Fournier). Proc Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Dermat. Sect., 72.— Frick (W.) Some observations on secondary syphilis. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri 1900, St. Louis, 1901, 119-125. [Dis- cussion], 133. Also: Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1900, vii, 370-374.—Futcher (T. B.) Secondary svphilitic erup- tion. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1901, xii, 21.— Gaucher (E.) &Bory. Plaques muqueuses vegetantes de l'aisselle. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 57.—Gaucher (E.) & Giroux. Note pre- liminaire sur l'ictere hemolytique de la syphilis secon- daire. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 481.----------. L'ictere hemolytique de la syphilis secondaire. Ibid., 1910, v, 251-261.—Gaucher (E.) & Lacapere. Gomme retn-oeulaire dans la periode secondaire de la svphilis. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901. 4. s., ii, 636-638. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1901, xii, 340-342.—Gaucher (E.) & Malloizel. Syphilis se- condaire rebelle au mercure, survenant par poussees cu- tanees accompagnees d'accidents meninges. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1907, xviii, 83.—Gaucher (E.) & .Ifilian. Echgance avanceede la roseole apres le chancre des le vres buccales. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 226-228. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 92-94.—Gaucher (E.) & Toucliard. Phhibites multiples au cours de la syphilis secondaire. Bull. Sue. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1904, xv, 327. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1904, 4. s.. v. 1015.—Gelle Contribution a l'etude de l'ictere hfimolytique dans la syphilis secon- daire. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxi, 507-512. —Gilbert (W. H.) Neurasthenia after expiration of the secondary period of svphilis. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1896, iv, 380-383. Also, transl.: Mc- Syphilis (Secondary). natschr. f. prakt. Balneol., Miinchen, 1896, ii, 202-201.— Glover (J.) Surdity centrale bilaterale: heredo-syphilis a la seconde generation. Arch, internat. de laryngol [etc.], Par., 1908, xxv, 88-90—Goudy. Ictere syphili- tique secondaire precoce. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1909, xcii, 3S3-3SS.— Graef (W.) Akute gelbe Leberatrophie bei sekundarer Lues. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 1925.—Grant (J. D.) Case of pro- bable late secondary specific pharyngitis, with nerve svmptoms. Proc Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, La- ryngol. Sect., 154.— Griffim i V.) & Abrami (P.) L'hy- darthrose de la syphilis secondaire; 6tude cytologique et experimentale de l'epanchement. Tribune m6d., Par 1906, n. s., xxxviii, 693.—Grosglik ( A.) & Weissberg (G.) Ostre zapalenie nerwu wzrokowego, jako jeden z pierwszych objaw6w przymiotu wtornego. [Acute optic neuritis as an early manifestation of secondary syphilis.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1902, xxx, 666-670. Ail so, transl: Monatschr. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1902, xxxv, 228- 232.—Grosz (S.) Neuritis multiplex im Secundiirsta- dium der Syphilis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 572- 575.—Grouven (C.) Ein Makakus rhesus mit sekun- darer Syphilis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 381. -----. Zur Sekundiirsyphilis niederer Affen und des Ka- ninchens. Ibid., 909.—Hall (A.J.) & Beattie (J.M.) A fatal ease of secondary svphilitic nephritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 1102-1104.—Hallopeau (H.) Surlestrou- bles de pigmentation et de vascularisation que provo- quent frequemment a leur periphgrie les syphilides se- condaires. Bull. Soc. franc- de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, xi, 155.—Hallopeau (H.) . ii, 680-682.—Gatz (E.) & Inaba (R*.) Zur Theorie der Wassermannschen Reaktion. Biochem. Ztsc.hr., Berl., 1910, xxviii, 374-391.—Gaucher (E.), Paris & Saba- reanu. La reaction de fixation chez les syphilitiques au point de vue diagnostique, therapeutique et pronos- tique. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1910, v, 207-222. Also: Bull, etmem. Soc. med. d. h6p.de Par., 1910,3. s., xxix, 78- 95.—Gavini (G.) Sierodiagnosi di Wassermann. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven.. Milano. l.ilii. xiv, 100-103. -----. Sul va- lore del metododiXoLniehicomemodificazioneesemplifi- cazionediquello oriirinaledi Wassermann per ladiagnosi della sifiiide. Foliaclin. chim. et micros., Salsomaggiore 1910-12, iii, 247-266. -----. Contributo alia questione del valore pratico della razione di Wassermann nella sifiiide. Policlin., Roma, 1911, xviii, sez. med., 55-74.— Gay (F. P.) A comparison between the Bordet-Gengou fixation reaction, and the Wassermann reaction based on the relative dosage of the reacting substances. Univ. Calif. Pub. Publ., Berkeley, 1911, ii, 23-28. Also, Re- print.—Gayarre (M.) & Haran6n (G.) La reacclon de Noguchi. Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1909, i, 361-364.----- -----. La reacci6n de Wassermann. Ibid., 40H14.— Genty (M.) Valeur de la reaction de Wassermann. Clinique, Par., 1910, v, 729.—Gillman (G.) The prin- ciples and technique of the Wassermann reaction. Sled. Rec, N. Y., 1910, lxxvii; 958-961.—Gllmour (W.) The Wassermann reaction; a more reliable technique. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1911, lvii, 28-34. — Gjorgjevie (G.) & Savnlk (P.) Ueber die Wassermannsche Reaktion bei Lues und bei Psoriasis vulgaris. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., xxiii, 626-631. — Glaser (F.) & Wollsohn (G.) Kli- nische Beobachtungen fiber die Wassermann-Neisser- Brucksche Reaktion und deren Kontrolle durch Sektions- resultate. Med. Klin., Berl., 1909, v, 1731; 1777.—Gold- man (W.) Serodyagnostika przymiotu podlug Wasser- manna. [Serodiagnosis of syphilis by Wassermann's method.] Przegl. chorob sk6r. i wen., YVarszawa,1910, v, 1-37.—Goldzleher (M.) & KoAli (A.) A Wassermann- fele reactio diagnostikai ertekerol. [The diagnostic va- lue of Wassermann's reaction.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1909, vii, 615-620.—Gordon (M. H.) Remarks upon Wasser- mann's reaction. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1909-10, xvii, 147-150. — Gos (V. I ) Sifilis i reaktsiya Wasser- mann'a v osvleshtsheniye fermentnol teorii nevospriim chivosti (immuniteta). [Syphilis and Wassermann's reaction in the elucidation of the ferment theory of im- munity.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 1412; 1440.— Gougerot (H.) Reaction de Wassermann-Neisser- Bruck; les services qu'elle peut rendre en pratique: 1. pour le diagnostic, 2. le pronostic, 3. le traitement de la syphilis. J. med. franc., Par., 1911, v, 419-428.—Gouge- rot (H.) & Parent (F. M.) Therapeutique antisyphi- litique et reaction de Wassermann. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 829-847. — Graetz (J.) Praktische und theoretische Erfahrungen mit der Wassermann'schen Reaktion. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1911, liii, 303; 363.—Gravagna. La siero-diagnosi di Wasser- mann nella sifiiide ignorata. Gaz. internaz. di med., Na- poli, 1911, xiv, 830-834. — Grineft'(D. P.) O nlekoto- rikh svolstvakh antigena i sivorotki, vkhodyashtshikh v reaktsiyu Wassermann'a. [Certain properties of the an- tigen and serum, entering Wassermann's reaction.] Kharkov. M. J., 1909, viii, 287-305.—Groat (W. A.) The serum diagnosisof syphilis using the Noguchi system; results in a series of'cases. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xcii, 954-956. Also, Reprint. — Guggenheimcr (H.) Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Wassermann- sche Syphilisreaktion. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1392-1394.—Gurari (D.) Teoreticheskiya osnovi reaktsii Wassermann'a. [Theoretic principles of Wasser- mann's reaction.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1910, xvii, 828; 864.—Gurd (F. B.) The use of active human se- rum in the serum diagnosis of syphilis. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1911, viii, 427-143.-----. The diagnosisof syphi- lis by the method of complement fixation; a review of the value of the Wassermann reaction, with a considera- tion of some of the modifications. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1910-11, lxiii. 98-111. [Discussion], 122-124— Guszman (J.) -fc Neuber (E.) A Wassermann-fele syphilisreac- tio erteke a gvakorlatban. [The value of Wassermann's svphilitic reaction in practice.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1909, liii, 493; 515. Also, transl.: Med. Klin., Berl., 1910, vi, 1409-1413. Guth (H.) Ueber eine von Tschernogu- bow angegebene Modifikation der Wassermannschen Reaktion. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 2319. -----. Refraktometrische Serumunter- suchungen bei Lues und an der Leiche. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1910, xxxv, 493-195. -----. Ein Beitrag zum Wesen der Wassermannschen Reaktion. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 1519-1521.—HaIIion & Bauer. Sur certaines causes de divergence dans les resultats du sero-diagnostic de la syphilis p*r la methode de Wasser- mann et ses derives. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxi, 200-210.-----------. Utilite de SYPHILIS. 463 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Serodiagnosis of Jlethods and technique in). revaluation du pouvoir hemolytique naturel des serums dans le serodiagnostic de la syphilis par la methode de Hecht. Compt.rend.Soc.debiol.,Par., 1910,lxix,305-307.— Hallopeau (H.) & Brodier (L.) Diagnostic par la reaction de Wassermann d'une ulceration syphilitique de la paroi posterieure du pharynx chez une femme at- teinte de tuberculose. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1909, xx, 349-351.—Harris (F. G.) The value of the Wassermann reaction in nervous and car- dio-vascular diseases. Illinois M. J., Springfield. 1910, xviii, 398-403.—Hauck (L.) Zur Frage des klinischen Wertes der Wassermann-Neisser-Bruckschen Syphilisre- aktion. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lv, 1265-1268.— Hauptmanu (A.) Die Vorteile der Verwendung grosserer Liquormengen (Auswertungsmethode) bei der Wassermannschen Reaktion fiir die neurologische Diag- nostik. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1911, xiii, 240-292.—Hayn (F.) & Sehmitt (A.) Ueber die prak- tische Brauchbarkeit der Wassermannschen Reaktion mit Beriicksichtigung der Sternschen Modifikation. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2576-2578. -----. Ueber die angebliche Brauchbarkeit des chlorsauren Kali fiir die Serodiagnose der Syphilis. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xvii, 325-334.-----------. Ueber die prak- tische Brauchbarkeit der Wassermannschen Reaktion mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Sternschen Modifi- kation. Ibid., 1911, xviii, 246-263.— Hecht (H.) Die bisherigen Ergebnisse der Wassermannschen Syphilis- reaktion. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1908, xxxiii, 737. -----. Zur Technik der Seroreaktion bei Syphilis. Ztschr. f. Im- munitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1910, v, 572-579. -----. Bemerkungen zu: Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Originalmethode nach Wassermann mit den iibrigen gebrauchlichen Modifikationen von Hoehne und Kalb. [Mit Erwiderung von F. Hoehne.] Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Leipz. u. Wien., 1911, cvii, 419-428. -----. Kon- glutinationsreaktion nach Karvonen. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1912, xlix, 58-60.— Heidingsfeld (M. L.) The Wassermann diagnostic test for syphilis. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin.,1909,ci,389-394.—Heimann. Wassermann'sche Reaktion in der geburtshilflichen Praxis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 1438.—Heimann (F.) & Stern (R.) Die Wassermann-Neisser-Brucksche Reaktioninder Geburtshilfe. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1911, lxix,351- 363.—Heimann (W. J.) A method for the mathemati- cal reading of the original Wassermann reaction; prelim- inaryreport. J. Am. M. Ass.,Chicago,1910,liv,1684. -----. The Wassermann reaction and the physician. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1911, xi, 347-350.—Herman (O.) & Perutz (A.) Die Serodiagnose der Syphilis mittels Prazipitation von Natr. glvcochol. unter Heranziehung des Cholesterins. Med. Klin., Berl., 1911, vii, 60-63.— Herold (A. A.) Experience with the modified Wasser- mann reaction. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1911-12, lxiv, 521- 525.—Hiller (K.) Serum diagnosis of syphilis (Wasser- mann's reaction). Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Mel- bourne, 1908, xiii, 682-595. Also: Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 1908. Victoria, 1909, ii, 246-259. -----. The clinical value of the Wassermann test for syphilis. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1909, xiv, 307.—Hinricks (W.) Der serologische Luesnachweis mit der Bauer- schen Modifikation der Wassermannschen Reaktion. Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv. 1349-1353.—Hirszfeld (L.) 0 nowej metodzie reakcyi Wassermanna. [New method of Wassermann's reaction.] Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1911, vi, 141.—Hochsinger (K.) Eruierung der Vaterschaft luetischer Kinder durch die Wassermannsche Reaktion. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1910, ix, 53-55.— Hoehne (F.) Ueber die Verwendung von Urin zut Wassermann'schen Syphilisreaktion. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 1488. -----. Ueber das Verhal- ten des Serums von Scharlachkranken bei der Wasser- mann'schen Reaktion auf Syphilis. Ibid., 1717-1719.-----. Die Wassermann'sche Reaktion und ihre Beeinflussung durch die Therapie. J5iV?.,1909,xlvi,869-873. -----. Ueber die Bedeutung derpositiven Wassermannschen Reaktion. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1909, xvi, 273-281. -----. Was leis- tet zurzeit die Wassermannsche Reaktion fiir die Praxis? Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 1787-1790. -----. Ueber die verschiedenen Modificationen der Wassermann'schen Reaktion. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 331-337.— Hoehne (F.) c, also, Syphilis (Congenital, Effects of) upon descendants; Syphilis (Familial); Syphilis (Pre- vention of). Beitrage zur Syphilis-Forschung. Articles pour 1'investigation de la syphilis. Hrsg. von Max von Xiessen. No. 1. 4°. Wiesbaden, 1900. Barnett (C. E.) Sociological aspect of syphilis. Vir- ginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1911-12, xvi, 455.—Col- linns (S. P.) The relationship lues bears to the bodv politic. Med. Fortnightlv, St. Louis, 1902, xxii, 709-713. Also: Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1902, n. s., xxi, 421-426 — Dauber (J. H.) On the notification of svphilis. Med. Mag., Lond., 1911, xx, 42-53.—»olgopoloff(N. M.) K voprosu o chastotle i lokalizatsii pervichnikh sifilitiches- kikh zatverdleniy sredi selskavo naseleniya. [Frequency and localization of syphilitic indurations amidst the vil- lage population.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1902, iii, 131; 275.—Dyer (I.) The public and syphilis. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 82-84. Also, Reprint.—Fournier (A.) Danger social de la syphilis. Confer, internat. p. la prophyl. de la syph. et d. mal. ven., Brux., 1899, i, fasc. 1, A, L45. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1899,3. s., xiii, 481-521. Also: Med. mod., Par., 1899, x, 297; 661; 569; 579; 585. Also, Reprint. Also [Ab- str.1: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1899, lxxii, 949-952.—Ge (A.) Sifilis i selskoye naseleniye. [Syphilis in rural popula- tion.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1882, xxi, 618; 335; 654.— Gottheil (W. S.) Svphilis in the family and commu- nity. Proc. KansasM. Soc, Topeka, 1899, xxxii, 172-181.— Holm(N.) Syfilis som samfnndsonde. [Syphilis as so- cial evil.] Tidsskr. f. jordm«Sdre, Kristiania, 1909, xv, 131-137.—Irwell (L.) The sociological aspects of svphi- lis. Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1911, xxvii, 694-599.— Keyes (E. L.), jr. Syphilis as a cause of depopulation and race deterioration. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlix, 453-457. Also, Reprint.—Kovalevski (P. I. j Sifi- litiki, ikh nestchastiye i spaseniye; sotsialno-meditsinskiy eskiz. [Syphilitics, their misfortune and preservation; socio-medical sketch.] Arch, psichiat. [etc?], S.-Peterb., 1897, xxx, no. 1, 60-88. Also, Reprint.—Leeha-Mar- tfnez (L.) La avariosis como enfermedad social. Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1908, x, 8; 50; 145.— Ledermann (R.) Die Syphilis im wirtschai'tlichen Leben. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1X93, lxii, *5; 97; 109. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1893, x xviii, 71: 91; 103.— Le Sage (J. A.) L'avariose, peril social. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1905, xxxiv, 255-269.—Me Donald (J. A.) Syphilisin the well-to-do. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1901, lix, 727.—McGowan (G.) The moral aspects of syphi- lis. Calif. M. &S. Reporter, Los Angeles, 1905, i, 282-286.— Baoult (F.) Dangers dela syphilis consideree dans ses rapports avec la famille. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1902, xv, 197-221.—BavogH (A.) Syphilis as a cause of pauperism. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 88-97.—Westmoreland (W. F.) Syphilis from a so- ciological stand-point. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1893, 259-266. Syphilis (Spontaneous) [Syphilis oVem- hlee], Calas (A.-G.-F.) * Contribution a 1'Etude des syphilis d'emblee. 8°. Montpellier, 1902. Cozanet (R.-M.) *De la syphilis d'embl6e. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903. Leculier (H.) * Considerations a propos des syphilis d'emblee. 8°. Paris, 1901. Bettmann. ZurFragederSyphilisd'emblee. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1910, c, 145-164.— Borzeeki(E.) "Syphilis d'emblee." Now. lek., Poz- nah, 1900, xii, 59.5-600.—Cordier. Note sur quelques cas de syphilis sans chancre initial et sur quelques sympt6mes premonitoires de la syphilis. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, v, 435-437. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s , v, 1067-1069.—Covisa (J. S.) Un caso de sifilis d'emblee. Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1911, vi, 89-91.—Delfosse. Lenteur devolution de la premiere periode de la syphilis chez un sujet n'avant aucune tare precedente. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1901, ii, 136-138.— Diaz (P.) Algunas consideraciones sobre sifilis; sifilis d'emblee i ?), sifilis ignorada. An. san. mil., Buenos Aires 1900, ii, 380-3^.—Duhot. Un cas apparent de syphilis d'omhlee. Presse med. beige. Brux., 1906, lviii, 558; 682.— Glenn (W. F.) Syphilis without chancre. Tr. Missis- sippi Valley M. Ass., [v. p.], 1900, ii, 210-212.—Hutch- inson (J.) Syphilis without a chancre. Arch. Surg Lond., 1896. vii, 5S— Jullien CL.) Courte note sur deux cas de syphilis d'emblee, sans accident initial. Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. FesKchr----I. Neumann, Leipz. u. Wien, 1900, 367-369. Also, transl: Med. Prenienne et hemiptegie du c6te gauche) chezunesvphilitique; trepanation; ablation d'une hyper- ostose cranieiine; disparition de l'6pilepsie; persistance de l'hemiplegie; autopsie; gomme syphilitique au niveau de la deuxieme circonvolution frontale droite; integrite de la zone psycho-motrice. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1895, xvi, 43-48, 2 pl. — Faroy (G.) Cons- tatation du treponeme dans la syphilis tertiaire du rein, avec deg6nerescence amylo'ide; volumineuse gomme de l'estomac Bull, et m6m. Soc. anat. de Par., 1911, lxxxvi, 577-579. — Fasal (H.) Zur Kenntnis der gummosen Lymphome. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1910, ciii, 305-322, 1 pl. — Fedchenko (N. P.) Sluchal tyazholol strikturi urethrse, oslozhnenniy gummoznim si- SYPHILIS. 474 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Tertiary). 'ilisom corporis cavernosi i karrunkulom slizistol obo- lochki. [SevereStricture oi. .'., complicated with gum- miius syphilis of . . . and caruncle of the mucosa.] ltu-k. med. Vestnik, 8.-Peterb., 1903, v, no. 1, 17-39.— l-'euericl (N.) Sifiiide terziaria; gomma sifilitica nel cellulare periorbitals Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 1609-1611.—Felumann (I.) Gumma a parotisban; bu- jak6ros gegesziikulet; izomgummak. [Gumma in the parotis; syphilitic stricture of the oesophagus; gumma of the muscles.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1901, xii, 790-792.— Feilander (J.) Tertiiir syfilis, acquirerad eller here- ditar, i inre kvinliga genitalia. Allm. sven. Lakartidn., Stockholm, 1906, iii, 289-295. — Ferrari (A.) Sifiiide ignorata; sifilomi endouretrali. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1904, xxxix, 269-274. — Feulard (H.) Acci- dents de syphilis tertiaire chez une enfant de 5 ans et demi; destruction d'une partie du voile du palais; des- truction d'une partie du nez; syphilis meconnue, proba- blement hereditaire. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 1052. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, xii, 450. -----. Gommes syphilitiques de la cuisse; syphilis ignoree et meconnue. Mus. de l'H6p. St.-Louis. Iconog. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., [1896], 79-84,1 pl. Also, transl: Pict. Atlas Skin Dis. oue; illustrated by a tvpical case. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1907-8, vi, 682-587.—Jacquet (L.) Syphi- lomes hyperkeratosiques et vegetants. Mus. de l'Hop. St.-Louis. Iconog. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1896,163- 166, 1 pl. -----. Conditions localisatrices et fixatrices d'une syphilide tertiaire inveteree. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1903, 3. s., xx, 1435-1437.—Jadas- sohn. Zur allgemeinen Pathologie und Statistik der tertiiiren Syphilis. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Ge- sellsch. 1895, Wien u. Leipz., 1896, v, 189-238.-----. Zur Statistik der tertiaren Syphilis; antikritische Bemerkun- gen. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1902, ix, 1273-1279.— Jambon ( A.) Syphilis tertiaire precoce avec presence, dans des ulcerations amygdaliennes, de fuso-spirilles de Vincent, et de Treponema pallidum de Schaudinn. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1907, vi, 53-55. Also: Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 474—176.— Jamieson (A.) Tertiary syphilis, presenting symmetrical seborrhceic complica- tions. Tr. Med.-chir. Soc. Edinb., 1896-7, n. s„ xvi, 126.— Jansen (E.) A remarkable case of tertiary syphilis. N. York M. J., 1899, lxix, 515-517.—Jeanne. A propos de la syphilis tertiaire peri-uterine. Cong. nat. period. de gyn6c, [etc.], Rouen, 1904, iv, 316-320. Also: Norman- die m6d., Rouen, 1904, xix, 303-307. Also: Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1904, iv, 220-223.— Jeanselme. Gomme syphilitique ou bacillaire. J. de med. int., Par., 1907, xi, 63. -----. Exostoses 42 ans apr6s le chancre. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1909, xx, 122. -----. Gommes syphilitiques. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de th6rap., Par., 1909, xxiii, 464.—Jehin-Prume. Syphi- lis tertiaire; observation. Rev. m6d. du Canada, Mont- real, 1901-2, v, 425.—Jones (L.) A case of gumma of the larynx. Proc Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Laryn- gol. Sect., 19.—Jordan (A.) Zur Statistik der tertiaren Syphilis in Moskau. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, lxxxiii, 353-372.—Kan (P. T. L.) Corpora aliena in den neus van een lijder aan lues iii. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1905, 2. r., xii, d. 2,168 — Kaplan (M.) Un caz de hydarthrosa poliarticulara syphilitica (tertiaria). Romania med., BucurescI, 1897, v, 490-192.—Kaufman (L. R.) Late tertiary svphilis of ti- bia and patella. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc, N. Y., 1909, liii, 214, lpl.—Kayser. Fievre syphilitique tertiaire. Syphilis, Par., 1905, iii, 22-27.—Kennedy (R.) Case of gumma of themamma. GlasgowM. J.,1900, liv,124-126.—Keser (J.) Unusual aspects ot tertiary syphilis. Practitioner, Lond., 1898, lxi, 264-268.—King (W. P.) The origin of syphilis: tertiary syphilis; so-called, not syphilis. Am. Med., Phila., 1906, n. s., i. 246-218.—Kirehheim. Klini»cher Verlauf und pathologisch-anatomischer Befund bei zwei Fallen von tertiarer, fieberhafter Leberlues. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 152-151.— Klotz (H. G.) On the occurrence of tertiary lesions of syphilis as the result of direct local infection, with gen- eral remarks on syphilis as an infectious disease. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1893, xi, 276; 304. Also, Reprint.—Koliler (A.) Typische Rontgenogramme von Knochengummen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgen- strahlen, Hamb., 1906, x, 73-77, 2pl.— Kopczyhski (S.) Zur Kenntniss der Symptomatologie und pathologisehen Anatomie der Lues cerebri. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1901, xx, 216-238.— Kotsarenko (V. E.) Gum- mozniy sifilis litsa i zieva. [Gummous syphilis of the face and throat.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1906, xi, 65.—Krutovski (V.) Rledkiy slu- chal odnovremennavo proyavleniya simptomov koudilo- matoznavo i gummoznavo periodbv sifilisa. [Rare case of simultaneous appearance of the symptoms of the con- dylomatous and gummous periods of svphilis.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1898, xlix, 818-821. — Kuliseh (G.) Casuistischer Beitrag zur Genese der Gummata. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 408-411. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1902, xxviii. 883-S86 — Kyle (D. B.) Membranous tertiary syphilitic lesions of the pharynx, tonsils, mouth and soft palate (resembling Vincent's angina); report of three cases. Tr. Am. Laryn- gol. Ass., N. Y., 1908, xxx, 58-63. — Lacapfere & Ba- vatid. Gommes ganglionnaires dans la syphilis acquise. Bull. Soc Iran?, de dermat. etsyph., Par.', 1908, xix, 332- 334.—La ft "out (E.) Acide phosphorique et syphilis ter- tiaire. Echo med. d. Cevennes, Nimes, 1905, vi, 408-414.— Latt'ont i P.) Gomme de l'amygdale gauche; svphilis maligne precoce. Ann. d. mal. ven.. Par., 1907. ii, 111- 115. -----. Syphilide tertiaire chancriforme du fourreau de la verge; gale ancienne simulant une roseole; ictere infectieux benin prolonge. Ibid., 369-372. -----. La sy- philis tertiaire acquise ou hereditaire de l'uterus et de ses annexes. Ibid., 1909, iv, 1-48.—Lalon (C.) Gomme sv- philitique epibulbaire. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxxv, 845.—Lake (R.) Notes on the effectof treatment in a case of sudden deafness occurring whilst the patient was under treatment for tertiary syphilis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. Lond., 1907-8, i, Otol. Sect., 7-10.— La Mensa (N.) Sulle gomme autoctone sifilitiche dell' uretra (sifi- lomi cilindroidi di Fournier). Folia urolog., Leipz., 1908, ii, 186-193.—Lang (E.) Ulcera gummosa serpigi- nosa der Glans und der Corpora cavernosa penis. Jahrb. Syphilis (Tertiary). d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1894, Wien u. Leipz., 1896, iii, 669.-----. Cavernitis und Lymphadenitis gummosa in regione pubicaetinguinali dextra. Ibid., 1895, Wien u. Leipz., 1897, iv, pt. 2, 106. ----. Gumma der linken Cubitaldriise; consecutives Oedem des Vorderarmes und der Hand; serpiginoses Syphilid in der Kniekehle und am Unterschenkel. Ibid., 1896, Wien u. Leipz., 1898, v pt. 2, 97-99. -----. [Fall von gummoser Ostitis des Seha- deldaches mit Ausgang in Nekrose.] Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1906, xix, 1531.—liavagna (S.) Un caso di sifiiide cerebrale precocissima. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1908, xxix, 1127.—Law (H.) A clinical lecture on tertiary syphilis in upper air passages. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., l'J09 n. s., lxxxvii, 290.—Legg (T. P.) Multiple gummata of the leg. Ibid., 1906, n. s., lxxxi, 122. — Legrain (E.) Syphilis tertiaire; gomme uteer6e du gland; fistule uri- naire; gomme du tissu peri-urethral. Ann. d. mal. d. org genito-urin.,Par., 1892, x, 751-753. -----. Traumatisme et gomme syphilitique. Syphilis, Par., 1905, iii, 302-304.— Lenehan (W.) Syphilitic gumma of the bladder South. M. J., Nashville, 1910, iii,552.—Leredde. Gomme du palais; effondrementdelavoutepalatine;non-gu6rison par le traitement mercuriel; guerison par le salvarsan Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii, 421- 423.—Lermoyez(M.) Syphilomesous-glottique. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1904, xxx, 143- 145.—Le Boy (C.) Anevrysme syphilitique du tronc brachio-cephalique et syphilis osseuse du voisinage. J d sc. med. de Lille, 1902, i, 33-41.—Lesser (E.) Die Aetio^ logie der tertiaren Syphilis. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte Basel, 1893, xxiii, 49-58.—Levy-Franckel (A.) Ostec^ p6riostite suppuree de l'heredo-syphilis tertiaire. Ann a. mal. v6n., Par., 1906, i, 122.-----. Nephrite syphili- tique tertiaire avec anasarque, ascite et hylrothorax double; insuffisance du regime dechlorure iusqu'au traitement mercuriel. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1907, 3. s., xxiv, 460-171.—von Ley (O.) Ueber Gummigeschwulste in der Hohlhand. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 685-687.—Liek. Die rezente Aortitis luetica im Rontgenbild. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1911, xvii, 23.— Lion (V.) Zur Statistik der tertiaren Svphilis. Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. Festschr. ... I. Neumann, Leipz. u. Wien, 1900, 395-410.—Little (E. G. G.) Case of tertiary syphilis of unusually extensive distribution. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Dermat. Sect., 9.—Lochte. Ein Fall von tertiarer Sclerose. Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staats- krankenanst., 1898-9, ii, 264-267.— LOwenbach (G.) Beitrag zur Histologie der gummosen Lvmphome. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1899, xlviii, 71-106 1 pl.—Loumeau. Syphilome ur6tral. Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1894), 1895, 215-220.— Loze, Leredde & Martial (R.) Myosite svphilitique gommeuse du biceps. Rev. prat. d. mal. cutan. [etc]. Par., 1907, vi, 235-242.— Maclachlan (J. T.) Case of tertiary syphilis with gumma involving the ribs and sternum. Glasgow M. J., 1903, lx, 138.—MaeNlder (W. de B.) Some of the later manifestations of syphilis, with reportof cases. Charlotte [N. Cl M. J., 1907, xxxi, 125- 127.—Mailhouse (M.) Acquired syphilitic disease with- in the cranium. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1900, iv, 191-198.— Makuen (G. H.) Reportof a case of unusual tertiary manifestations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii, 438-440.—Malherbe (H.) L'6ry- theme circine tertiaire de la syphilis. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1903, 2. s., xxi, 725-734.—Malinowskl (F.) Spirochaete pallida bei tertiarer Syphilis. Monatsh. i. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1907, xiv, 499.—Marchal. Acci- dents tertiaires de la syphilis; gommes nasales. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1898, xvi, 89-92.—de Mar- chettis (P.) Dolor capitis saevissimus ex lue venerea sine gummate in septuagenario, repetita terebratione eiusdem, soepius sedatus, et recurrens per longa inter- valla, cum gravibus quandoque symptomatibus; tandem eodem praesidio omnino sanatus. In his: Obs. med.-chir. [etc.], Bononise, 1092, 48-50.—Marin. Cephalalgie re- belle d'origine syphilitique traitee par la trepanation. Pressented. beige, Brux.,1900,lii, 81-83.—Marsehik(H.) Das kleingummose Syphilid des Raehens. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 665-568.—de Martigny (A.) Les accidents precoces de la syphilis tertiaire. Clinique, Montreal, 1895-6, ii, 186-188.—Matagne. Syphilis ter- tiaire probable de la langue. Ann. Soe. med.-chir. du Brabant, Brux., 1902, xii, 139.—Mathieu (A.) & Ay- naud. Gomme cerebrate; signe d'Arjjvll. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1905, lxxx, 916.—Mauriae (C.) Tertiarisme; pathologie et therapeutique generates. Bull. m6d., Par., 1895, ix,241-245.— Maute (A.) Gommes du penis & localisation curieuse chez un tabetique. Rev. gen. de clin. et de th6rap., Par., 1910, xxiv, 807.— v Mazza (G.) Ulceri settiche e cicatrici deformanti del- 1' asta per gomme sifilitiche pregresse; nodulo gommoso del corpo cavernoso del pene; uretrostenosi e seni fisto- losi. Atti Oonsr. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1891, Siena, 1893, xiv, 475-479.—Meachen (G. N.) Tertiary syphilis hav- ing a resemblance to rosacea. West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1906, xi,136.—Meirowsky & Frankenstein. Ame- norrhoe und tertiare Syphilis. Deutsche med.Wchnschr., SYPHILIS. 477 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Tertiary). Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 1411.—Mendez tE.) Gum- mose Svphilis der Triinendruse. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Au- genh., Stuttg., 1910, xlviii, 533-536. — Meshlsherski (G.I.) K statistikle tretichnavo sililisa. [Statistics of tertiary svphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Mosk.. 1911, xxii. 152-161.— Mezineeseu (D.) Hoden- syphilome bei Kaninchen nach Impfung mit syphiliti- schem Virus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 1188. — Mezzetti (G.) Ulcerazione gom- mosa della gamba, presso il malleolo. Clin, dermosifilo- pat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1905, xxiii, 109-111. — Mi belli (V.) Snl cosi detto periodo terziario della sifiiide. Cor- riere san., Milano, 1907, xviii, 523-529. Also: Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1907, xiii, 393-110. Also, transl: Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1909, lxxi, 436-143. — Miehaelis (R.) Combination von tertiarer Lues mit primarem Cylinder- zellencarcinom an der Wandung der Nasenhohle. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1901, xl, 260-272, 2 pl.— Miehon (E.) Syphilis tertiaire de l'uretre et fistules uretrales. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1911, i, suppl., 149-153.— Mikhallotf(M. P.) Iodistiy kaliy, kak reaktiv dlya bistravo raspoznavaniya mezhdu tretichnim sifilisom i rakom vnutrennikh organov, nedostupnikh tochnomu fizicheskomu izslledovaniyu. [Potassium iodide as a reagent for diagnosing between tertiary syphilis and eancer of the internal organs, inaccessible to exact phys- ical examination.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 1573.—Mikhailonf* (N. A.) Sluchal gummoznavo po- razheniya sochlenenig. [Caseof syphiliticfrunimaof the articulation.] Vrach, St. Petersb., is'.H), xi, 432.—Millan (G.) Diagnostic clinique des gommes (sporotrichose, syphilis, tuberculose). Progres med., Par., 1908, 3. s., xxiv, 236-239. -----.Syphilis ignoree, extirpation chi- rurgicale d'une volumineuse gomme du cou prise pour un abces froid enkyste et d'une gomme du foie prise pour un fibro-sarcome; recidive; guerison par l'hectine. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1909, 3. s., xxviii, 839- 851.—Miller (C. M.l Tertiary syphilis of the nose and pharvnx. Am. J. Dermat. A Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1909,"xiii, 350-352. — .Hinich ^ K.) Gummata permulta cum deformatione elephantiastica eruris utriusque. Or- vosi hetil.. Budapest, 1900, xliv, 142. — Miropolskl (I. A.) K kazuistikle gummoznavo porazheniya peshtshe- ristikh tiel chlena (cavernitis gummosa). Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn.. Kharkov, 1904, viii, 393-395.— Mohlan(F.G.) Tertiarv syphilis. Colorado Med.. Den- ver, 1906, iii, 270-277—Mo Hard (J.) & Favre (M.) Os- teo-arthrite syphilitique tertiaire (pseudo-tumeur blanche syphilitique). Lyon med., 1910, cxiv, 604-506.—Molla- ret (J.) Gomme de la face inferieure des lobes frontaux. Marseille med., 1904, xii. 683-686. [Discussion], 695.— Montague (A. A.) Tertiary yaws. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1910, xiii, 161. — Montgomery (D. W.) Ueber die Vergrosserung subeutaner Lymphdrusen bei der tertiaren Syphilis. Festschr. z. Jubil. d. Ver. deutsch. Aerzte zu San Fran.. Calif., 1894, 23-28. —Moore (C. G.) Syphilitic osteo-periostitis. Hosp. Bull. Univ. Maryland, Bait., 1909, v. 42-44.—Moreau. Pseudo-hypopion gom- meux syphilitique. Lyon med., 1908,ex,858.—Morel-La. valine (A.) Des manifestations multiplesdu tertiarisme. arteriel. J.d. mal. cutan.etsyph., Par., 1900,xii, 553-567.— Morestln (H.) Necrose svphilitique du crane. Bull. et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1900, lxxv, 946.-----. Cbeilo- plastie par destruction de la tevre superieure par syphilis tertiaire; greffe d'une moustache. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1907, xviii, 420.-----. Mutilation syphilitique du nez et de la tevre superieure; atresie des narines et de iorifice buccal; operations r6paratrices di- verses; rhinoplastie. Ibid., 421-425. -----. Mutilations svphilitiques du nez et de la voute palatine; operations reparatrices. Ibid., 1909, xx, 34(>-349.— Morgano (P.) Manifestazione sifilitica terziaria della palpebra simu- lante una forma tubercolare. Boll. d. osp. oftal. d. prov. di Roma, 1906, iv, 103-110, 1 pl—Morozoflf" (N. V.) Rledkiy sluchal serpiginiruyusntshei gummoznol yazvi. [Rare case of serpiginous gummatous ulcer.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1909, xviii, 203-210.— Morrelle (A.) Syphilis tertiaire meconnue. Ann.de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1898, v, 37-41.—Mosca (L.) Di una vasta ulcerazione gommosa della fronte con ne- crosi di tutta la squama del frontale, pachi-meningite esterna secondaria. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Na- poli, 1902, n. s., xxiv, 890-895. -----. Di uno speciale caso di terziarismo maligno con spondilite cervicale; necrosi di alcuni corpi vertebrali ed ascesso circos- critto da ulcerazione gommosa cronica faringea; dis- truzione completa del naso e labbro superiore; perfora- zione del palato duro. Ibid., 1903, n. s., xxv, 65-63.— Moutot (H.) Sur la coexistence des lesions syphili- tiques tertiaires avec le tabes. Bull, med., Par., 1906, xx, 155-161.—Mudgett (J. H.) An unusual case of tertiary syphilis. Med. Council, Phila., 1904, ix, 133.— Mtliler (O.) Ueber einen Fall von aussergewohnlich fruhzeitigem Auftreten von Hautgummata. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 1230.— Mu- khadze (G. M.) K voprosu o gummoznom porazhenii mishts v khirurgicheskoi praktikle. [Gummata of mus- •iyphilis (Tertiary). eles in surgical practice.]' Sibirsk. Vrach. Gaz., Irkutsk, 1911, iv, 313; 325; 337.—Nanta (A.) Amyotrophic spinale syphilitique et lesions tertiaires de la peau. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, 5. s., ii, 496-499.— Natier (M.) Syphilis tertiaire du nez chez une jeune fille; in- fection, au cours de l'allaitement, par la nourrice; sequestres et polypes muqueux. Parole. Rev. internat. de rhinol. [etc.], Par., n. s., ii, 577-598. Also, Reprint — Neese (E.) Oedem der Lider bei tertiarer Syphilis. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1903, xii, 462^69.— Neisser (A.) Statistische Beitrage zur tertiaren Lues. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., Wien u. Leipz., 1894, iv, 311-319.—INeumann (I.) Gummata. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1S84, xxix, 300. -----. Ueber die Spat- formen der Syphilis. Ibid., 1892, xxxvii, 417; 430.-----. Falle von Sclerose und von tertiarer Svphilis. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1891), 1893, 96-101. -----. Ueber die Pathogenese der tertiaren Syphilis mit Riicksicht auf die Behandlung. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1895, xxx, 665. Also: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1896, x, 2; 19; 37.-----. Syphilis maligna, Gummata cutanea, pharyngis, laryngis, oesophagi; Tod. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1894, Wien u. Leipz., 1896, iii, 614-616. -----. DauerderContagiositatderSyphilisproducte; Con- tagiosity der tertiaren Syphilis. Wien. med. Presse, 1899, xl, 9-15. -----. Ueber tertiare Syphilis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1903, liii, 1381; 1444; 1485; 1529; 1574.—Nich- olson (F.) A case of gummatous peritracheitis pene- trating the aorta, with probable syphilis of the lung. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 293.—Nicolas (J.) Sur un cas de syphilis gommeuse hereditaire tardive. Lyon med., 1906, cvi, 1198-1201. -----. Gommes syphilitiques pre- coces. Ibid., 1907, cviii, 1083-1085.-----. Des deux types de degen6rescence des lesions syphilitiques tertiaires du r61e de larterite et de la phiebite dans leur developpe- ment; histog6n6se du follicule syphilitique. Rev. de med.. Par., 1911, xxxi, num. spec, 560-567. — Nicolas (J.) & Favre (M.) Un cas de syphilis tertiaire a mani- festations gommeuses multiples. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1906, v, 134-136. Also: Lyon m§d., 1906, cvi, 636-638. -----■ -----. Contribution & l'histologie pathologique des syphilides tertiaires cutanees (cellules g6antes et follicule syphilitique). Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1907, vi, 139-143. Also: Ann. d. mal. v6n., Par., 1907, ii, 401-447.-----------. Cellules geantes et folli- cule syphilitique dans les syphilides tertiaires cutanees et muqueuses. Les formations histologiques permet- tent-elles de distinguer avec certitude la tuberculose de la syphilis? J. med. franc., Par., 1908, ii, 21-28.— Nicolas (J.) & Laurent (C.) Syphilides tertiaires acneiques du nez. Lyon med., 1909, cxii, 280.—Ninett (E. P.) A case of gumma of the spleen. J. Trop M. fete], Lond., 1911, xiv, 115.—Niosi (F.) Per la diagnosi di una non comune lesione sifilitica gommosa sottocuta- nea dell' arto inferiore. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1907, xiii, 345-362.—Noailles. Syphilis tertiaire; ulcerations mul- tiples des os parietaux; gomme ulcere du lobe paracen- tral; ramollissement suraigude toute la capsule interne. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1908, xxxii, 82-85.— Noyes (A. W. F.) Tertiary syphilis, and treatment of syphilis generally, with soamin. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1910, xv, 240-245.—Ohmann-Bumesnil (A. H.) Syphilitic perforations of the bones. Tri-State M. J., St. Louis, 1896, iii, 559-566. Also, Reprint.—Olivari (O.) Alcuni casi di sifiiide grave, terziaria, studiati cli- nicamente e nello stato del sangue, in rapporto alle cel- lule granulose, acidofile e basofile. Riforma med., Na- poli, 1895, xi, pt. 4, 135; 147; 159. Also: Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1896, xxxi, 220-241.— Ophills (W.) Amy- loid substance and amylaceous bodies in multiple syph- ilitic tumors of the bones, with remarks on the relation of amylaceous bodies to amyloid substance. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1900, v, 111-130, 2 pl.— Ozenne (C.) Contri- bution a l'etude des hybridites pathologiques: un cas de syphilome cerebral complique de glycosurie chez un arthritique; double traitement; guerison. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, v, dermat., 199- 203.—Page (M.) Un cas de syphilis cerebrate heredi- taire. Tribune med., Par., 1909, n. s., xii, 277.— P&lka (G.) Multiplex mirigy-gumma esete. [A case of mul- tiplex gland-gumma.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897, xii, 499.—Parisot (J.) Gommes des novaux gris centraux. Rev. m6d. de l'est, Nancy, 1909, xii, 767-769.—Parkin- son (J. P.) Multiple gummata. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1904-5, v, 249.—Parlato (R.) Due casi di fagedenismo terziario nelle regioni genitali con straordi- narie deformazioni delle parti per stati elefantiastici con- secutivi. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1905, n. s., xxvii, 145-152. —Parounagian (M. B.) Orchitis et epididymitis bilateralis syphilitica, with gummata cutis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1909, xxvii, 185.—Pelon (H.) Quelques cas de tertiarisme des fosses nasales trai- tes et gueris par une cure thermo-sulfuree combinee a la medication specifique. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1909, i, 81-85.—Peltesohn (F.) Ueber gummose Syphilis der Nase. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 6i9-624.—Perez Ortiz (J.) Goma sifilitica solitaria de S1PHIL1S. 478 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Tertiary). la region deltoideaderecha: sifilis ignorada y desconocida. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1897, xl, 601-604 — Perls ( W.) Zur Statistik der tertiaren Syphilis, mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der voraufget,rangenen Be- handlung. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph.. Wien u. Leipz., 1907, lxxxviii, 77-98. — Perriol & Kosquette. Le- sions osseuses tertiaires chez un enfantdeTans i (gommes du femur). Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1910, xxxiv. 137- 139.—Peters (O.A.I Tertiaire syphilis der lymph vaten. Nederl. Tijdschr. v.'Geneesk., Amst., 1891, 2. R., xxvii, 322-324. -----. Ueber Hornhautgummata. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Leipz., 1899, lxx, pt. 2,2. Helfte, 208.—Petrinl e gommeuse du corps thvro'ide. Ann.de dermat. etsvph , Par., 1900, 4. s., i, 653-656. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, xi, 171-174. -----. Note sur un cas de tertiarisme precoce. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1907,881-891.—Petzhold (E.) Multiple gummose Lymphome. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1908, xxv, 162.— Philippson (L.) Delle gomme sifilitiche e sulla loro dipendenza da alterazioni vasali. Gior. ital. d.mal.ven..Milano, 1898,xxxiii,409-429. -----. Sopra un caso di sifiiide terziaria del naso. Ibid., 1909,xliv, 390-392.— Pieeininl (G.) Febbre sifilitica terziaria. Contributo alio studio della febbre d'origine nascosta. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1908, xxix, 176-180. —Pick (A.) Intracranial gumma in the frontal region. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1900, 9. s., iv, 215-223.—Plekenbaeh. Kopfschmerzen und Syphilis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1909-10, v,1551.—Pied. Mastites gommeuses syphilitiques simulant le cancer du sein. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, 6. s., ii, 681- 683.—Pinl (G.) Sopra alcune rare forme di gomme sifi- litiche. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1902, 8. s., ii, 321- 349,1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1902, xxxvii, 521-523.—Pisek (G.R.) A case of gumma- tous infiltration of the meninges. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1910. xxvii, 374-376.—Potzl (O.) & Sehiiller (A.) Ue- ber letale Hirnschwellung bei Syphilis. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neurol, u. Psychiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1910, iii, Orig., 139- 195, 4 pl.—Pollitzer. Bursitis gummosa. J. Cutan. Dis.incl. Syph., N. Y., 1912, xxx, 32— Polyak. Sieb- beinnecrose und Nasenrachengeschwiir bei tertiarer Sy- philis. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1903, xxxix, 66.—del Portillo(L.) Dos palabrasacerca dela trans- misibilidad de los accidentes sifiliticos terciarios. Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1909, xi,331-333.—Posey (W. C.) & Krauss (F.) Reportof three cases presenting ocular manifestations of tertiary svphilis in colored sub- jects. Ophthalmol., Milwaukee, 1907-8, iv, 391-395,1 col. pl.—Posthumus Meyjes (\\.) Over tertiaire neus- syphilis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1903, 2. R., xxxix, d. 1, 1507-1515.—Poujol (J.) Syphilis tertiaire mutilante chez un indigene algerien. Caducee, Par., 1903, iii, 290.—Powell (A.) A case of syphilis with preco- cious gummata and rupial ulceration. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1899, xi, 311-318. [Discussion], 329-331.—Pozha- riskl (I.) Gumma mozgovovo pndatka; opitt izuche- niya izmleneniya osevikh tsilindrov v gummoznikh uzlakh tsentralnol nervnol sistemi. f Gummaof the cere- bral hypophysis; alterations of the axis cylinders in gum- matous nodules of the central nervous system.] Sborn. v pam. V. P. Krilova, Kharkov, 1907, 55-71, 2 pl.—Prei- ser. Knocheugummata. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1907, xxxiii, 1197.—Prentiss (E. C.) & Crouse (H. W.) Hepatic gumma simulating perigastric abscess. Virginia M. Semi Month., Richmond, 1910-11, xv, 126-129.—Priklonski (I. I.) Poyavleniye sifiliti- cheskavo skleroza i papulo-pustuloznavo sifilisa u bol- novo, imleyushtshavo mnogo llet gummoznuyu yazvu na nogle. [Syphilitic sclerosis and papulo-pustiilar syph- ilides in a patient suffering for many years from gumma on the foot.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn.. Kharkov, 1909, xviii,66-71—Puehkovski (A.) RIedkiy sluchal; gumma okoloushnol oblasti. [Rare case; gumma of the parotid region.] Ibid., 1908, xvi, 91.—Queyrat & Pi- nard. Resultats de l'inoculation des produits syphili- tiques primairesaux sujets atteints d'accidents tertiaires. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1909, xx, 156- 159, 1 pl.—Rabourdin & Brissy. Pharyngo-laryn- gites ulcereuses dans la svphilis tertiaire et dans la tuber- culose. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1907, x, 275-288.— Raff(J.) Zur Statistik der tertiaren Syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1896, xxxvi, 7-38.— Kaubitschck ill.) Zur Kenntnis der fieberhaften tertiar-syphilitisehen Organerkrankungen. Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1906, ix, 641-650.— Raulin(V.) Syphilis naso-pharyngo-laryngienne ter- tiaire. Ann. de la polyclin. de Bordeaux, 1*89-91, i, 129- 132.—Ravaut (P.) Le liquide cephalo-rachidien des syphilitiques en periode tertiaire. Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1904, 4. s., v, 1067-1076.—Ravogli )A.) On syphilitic head-ache. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1891, n. s., xxvi, 95-101. [Discussion], 110. -----. Svphilitic plaques. Arch. Cincin. Coll. M. & S., 1*9 •>, i, 1-7. Also, transl: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1893, xvi, 78-86. -----. The extensive syphilitic ulceration of tertiary nature. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1910, vi, 592-597.— Syphilis (Tertiary). Reineeke (G.) Ueber tertiarsyphilitische Mastitis. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1899. x, 316- 322.—Renault. Les ulcerations syphilitiques de la periode tertiaire. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir, Par.. 1902, xiii, 325-327. -----. Syphilome tertiaire cylin- droi'de de l'urethre. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1903, xiv, 330-331. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph.. Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 932-936.—Renner (W. S.) Tertiary syphilis of the noseand pharvnx. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass N. Y., 19i>3, xxv, 15-14.—Renon (L.) & Flourcns. Gommes syphilitiques du couturier droit, au course! acci- dents tertiaires multiples. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1904, i, 19-21.—Richon & Lueien. Gomme syphili- tique volumineuse du foie comme manifestation isolee chez une femme morte de scarlatine. Rev. med. del'est Nancy, 1908, xl. 688.—Robb (J. B.) Multiple cerebral gummata. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 190 >, xxxii, 263- 2(15.—Robbins (H. A.) Lues venerea ami the third act of the drama of svphilis. Virginia M. Month.. Rich- mond, 1891-5, xxi, 897-911. Also, Reprint. —ltollet (E.) Epididvmite svphilitique tertiaire. Arch prov. de chir., Par., 1893, ii, 231-238. Also, Reprint. -----. Gomme de l'iris; syphilides papulo-squammeuses gen6ralisees chez une fillette; syphilis hereditaire tardive ou svphilis ac- quise? Lyon med., 1906, cvi, 987-989. ----1. Formes cliniques de la svphilis gommeuse del'iris. Arch d'opht., Par., 1908, xxviii, 272-280. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1908, xxv, 261-270.—R6na (S.) Ein Fall von Syphilis mit consecutiver multipler Knochen- fraktur. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1896, xxxv, 61-65.—Roque & Oar in (C.) Contribution d, l'etude de la pleuresie svphilitique tertiaire. Lvon med., 1910, cxiv, 1128-1131. Also: Prov. med., Par., 1910, xxi, 345.—Roque (G.) & Janibon (A.) Un cas de syphilis tertiaire maligne 4 determinations gommeuses multiples. ■ Bull. Soc med. d. h6p. de Lvon, 1907, vi, 94-98. Also: Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 739-743.—Rosenthal (F.) Ueber tertiiir syphilitische Prozesse im Mediastinum. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1911, xviii, Ergnzigshft., 167-182. —de Rothschild (H.) Syphilis tertiaire de la face dorsale de la main. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 59-62. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 171-174.—Rotky (H.) Ueber einen Fall von syphilitischer Periostitis und gummoser Affection einer Niere. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1902, xvi, 322-324.— Rovatti Corradini (G.) Flebite sifilitica gommosa. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1902, xxiii, 1535.—Royer. Deux cas de phagedenisme tertiaire observesetguerisa Challes. J. de m6d. de Par., 1906, 2. s., xviii, 264— Rupreeht (M ) Beitrag zu den tertiaren Erscheinungen der Syphi- lis am Gaumen. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1907, xii, 635-640.—Rutten. Presentation d'une malade, guerie d'un syphilome enorme de la paroi laterale droite de la gorge et du cou. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larvnx [etc.], Par, 1895, xxi, pt. 2, 242-245.—Salmon (P.) 'Re- cherches experimentales sur l'inoculabilite de la gomme svphilitique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 611. Also: Syphilis, Par., 1904, ii, 404.-----. Sur l'im- munite des syphilitiques tertiaires. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1907, lxii, 254.—Salterini (G.) La lingua nella sifiiide terziaria. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1895, liv, 459; 301. — Salvini (E.) Sopra un caso di terzia- rismo precoce con gomme dei corpi ciliari. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1907, xxiii, 1094-1098.—Sar- gnon. Papillome de la luette; glycosurie passagere, expectoration purulente et haleine fetide; syphilis an- cienne; signes fonctionnels d'aortisme; gomme thora- cique superieure gauche, probablement ganglionnaire, ouverte dans la trachee. Lyon med., 1906, cvii, 282-286.— Savy (P.) Un cas de gonime isotee du foie diagnosti- qu6e pendant la vie. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1909, 4. s., x, 522-525—Scheglmann (A.) Ueber zwei Fiille von hartniickigem Fieber bei tertiarer Syphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 1218-1220.—Scherb. Phagedenisme tertiaire des extre- mites; pseudo- vitiligo myeiomerique et rhizomerique chez une femme arabe. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. h6p. de Par., 1901. 3. s.. xviii, 1167-1174. -----. Trismus syphi- litique; tertiarisme angulo-maxillaire et du masseter. Bull. med. de 1'Algerie, Alger, 1905, xvi, 109-111.— Sehlasberg (H. I.) Studier of ver syfilis hos regle- menterade kvinnor siirskildt med afseeude pa tertiaris- men. [Studies of syphilis in prostitutes under control, especiallv in regard to tertiary forms.] Hvgiea, Stock- holm, 1908, 2. F., viii, 401-452.—Schlesinger ( H. ) [Multiple, fieberhaft verlaufende, luetische Gelenks- schwellung und Osteoperiostitis luetica.] Mitt. d. Ge- sellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1909. viii, 177.— Scholz (F.) Gumma im Pons; luetische Endarteriitis der Hirnarterien; Bronchopneumonie; Tod. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1897, Wien u. Leipz., 1899, vi, pt. 2, 67-60.—Scott (A. T.) Gummatous growth simu- . fating: rupture of a muscle. Brit. M. J., Lond, 1889, ii, 763.—Seechi. Priapismo; sifiiide terziaria; lesioni os- see multiple; affezioni articolari multiple acutissime e febbrili. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1903, xxiv, 937-939. ----:. Terziarismo precoce; sifiloderma tubercolo-ulceroso reci- divante in situ quattro volte. Ibid., 939-942.-----. Leu- SYPHILIS. 479 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Tertiary). coplasia boccale sifilitica terziaria guarita col mereurio; leucoplasia nicotinica in sitilitico. Ibid., 942-944.—Sc- derholm (E.) Bidrag till kannedomen om de tertian* symptomens forekomst i syfilis hos prostituerade. Nor.l. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1893, n. F., iii, 4. Hft., 1-27.—See (M.) Osteite svphilitique du front. Bull.Soc.frane.de dermat. etsyph.,Par., 1911, xxii, 14-16.—von Seligson (E.) Bemerkungen zur Aetiologie der tertiiiren Syphilis nach Fournier. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1900, lxix, 49; 61.—Semon (Sir F.) Tertiare Syphilis oder Pneu- mokokkeninva-.ion desGaumens. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1907, xii, 303-308.—Sequeira (J. A.) Tertiary sy- philis and leucodermia. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1905, xvii, 19.-----• Extensive gummatous ulceration around the mouth. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Der- mat. Sect, 185.-----. Case of tertiary syphilis. Ibid., 1908-9, ii, Dermat. Sect., 153. -----. Case of tertiary syph- ilis (gummatous teno-synovitis). Ibid., 1909-10, iii, Der- mat. Sect., 20.—Sergent (E.) Les epanchements pleu- raux dans la svphilis tertiaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxix, 47-51. Also: Poitou med., Poitiers, 1911, xxvi, 111-114. — Shattuek ( F. C.) Nephritis, syphilis, chylous ascites; chancre seven months ago; renal anasarca three weeks ago; tertiary skin lesions; dysentery; chylous fluid withdrawn from abdomen and left chest; no real improvement until the iodide and mercury are given; rapid healing of the skin; later disappearance of dropsy. Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clix, 859.—Shere (O. M.) Multiple gumma of the liver. Colorado Med., Denver, 1910, viii, 186-190.—Shingu (S.) Zur pathologisehen Anatomie multipler Lungengum- men. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 970-972.— Shoemaker (J. V.) Tertiarv syphilis. Med. Bull., Phila., 1899, xxi, 45. -----. Tertiary syphilis. J6id.,1900, xxii, 123-126. -----. Tertiary syphilis. Med.-Chir. J., Phila., 1904, v, no. 10, 33-37. -----. Tertiary syphilis; ru- pia. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1905, xxvii, 268. -----. Tertiary svphilis (a clinical lecture). Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 83.—Sibenaler. Sur un cas d'ervtheme circine tertiaire. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 702.—Sleehko (A.) Sluchal sa- mopro'izvolnavo pereloma plecha v tretichnom periodle sifilisa, llechonniy pod povyazkol Prof. Turnera. [Spon- taneous fracture of the shoulder in the tertiary period of svphilis treated by Turner's bandage.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1904, pt. 2, 278-282.—Sisto (P.) Sulla febbre sifilitica terziaria. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1911, 1, 325-347. — Skirving ( S.) [The skull and photographs of a man of 69 years with almost total necrosis (syphilitic) of the frontal bone and partial ne- crosis of the parietal bones.] Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1903-4, n. s., xxiii, 122.—Sobernheiin (W.) Ein Bei- trag zur Kenntnis der fieberhaften tertiarsyphilitischen Organerkrankungen. Therap. ,d. Gegenw., Berl., 1905, xlvi, 486-489.—Sofflantlni. Epitheliomas ou gommes? Compt. rend. Cong, internat. de m6d. 1897, Mosc. 1899, v, 715-717.—Sovinskl (Z. V.) Tri sluchaya obshirnikh gummoznikh razrusheniy na polovom chlenle. [Three cases of extensive gummatous destruction upon the pe- nis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1905, x, 99- 107.-----. Zmiany patologiczno-anatomiczne w kilako- wym okresie kily. [Pathologo-anatomical changes in the gummatous stage of syphilis.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1906, xlv,201-208.—Spillmann. Gomme syphilitique delar6- gionpr6auriculaire. Soc.de med.de Nancy. C.-r.... Mem., 1902-3,131. Also: Rev. m6d.de Test, Nancy,1903,xxxv, 342 — Spillmann (L.), Gibault (A.) & Benecli (J.) Un cas d'ervthdme tertiaire. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph.,Par.,1910, xxi,106-108.—Spiring. Sluchal tretich- navo sifilisa mozgovlkh obolochek. [Tertiary syphilis of the brain membranes.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1898, exeii, med.-spec pt., 440-450.—Spirt (L.) Un caz de hydarthrosa poliarticulara syphilitica (tertiara). Spi- talul, BucurescI, 1906, xxvi, 492-494.—Sprinstthorpe (J. W.) Case of (?) gumma near the left red nucleus. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1909, xiv, 556- 562.—Staneanelli (P.) Deux cas de syphilis ignoree avec des formes rares de phagedenisme tertiaire. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 561-582. -----. Infiltration gommeuse du tissu tendineux. Ibid., 1910, v, 81-97.— StarkfM. M.) Gumma of the femur in a child. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., & N. Y., 1909, n. s., iv, 272.—Staub (A.) Osteomvelitis svphilitica. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1909, Leipz., 1910, lxxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 258.—Stelwagon. A case of gumma of the lip. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1909, xxvii, 167.— Stenczel. [Zwei Fiille von Lues gummosa.] Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 1536.—Stern. Neuinfektion bei bestehender tertiarer Lues. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 123.—Sternberg (C.) [Gumma des fiinften Halswirbels mit gummoser Pachy- meningitis.! Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1905, iv, 245.—Stieren (E.) Gumma of the ciliary body. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1901-2, v, 64-66.— Stuart-Low (W.) Gumma of the mastoid region. Polyclin., Lond., 1908, xii, 91.—Suker (G. F.) A sepa- rate gumma of the caruncle and ocular conjunctiva; re- port of a case with a complete bibliography appertaining Syphilis (Tertiary). thereto. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1902, xix, 78-84.— Szasz (B.) Ein Fall von sehr grossem Gumma. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1908, xliv, 854.—Tausz (B.) Ueber einen schweren Fall von tertiarer Lues. Ibid., 1901, xxxvii, 829-831. — Taylor (R. W.) Precocious gummata. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1887, xciv, 53-68. Also, Reprint.— Teissier (J.) &Roux (J.) Essai de diagnos- tic differentiel entre la syphilis arterielle, la syphilis m6- ning6e et la syphilis gommeuse de l'encephale. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1898, 2. s.,v, 1; 97.—Terebinski (V.L) Mozhno-li stchitat nezarazitelnimi proyavleniya tretich- navo perioda sifilisa? [May the phenomena of the terti- ary period of syphilis be considered non-infectious?] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1910, xvii, 1293; 1335. Also, transl: Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi. 764-776.—Thevenin. Note sur un cas de gomme monstrueuse de la cuisse. J. d. mal. cutan.etsyph., Par., 1898,x,95-97.—Thiblerge ( G.) Epithelioma serpigineux de la region frontale; difflcultes de diagnostic avec une syphilide tertiaire. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., v, 438-443.— Thiroloix & Miginiae. Cardiopathie syphilitique; syphilose tertiaire mediastinale a point de depart peri- tracheo-bronchique avec irradiations broncho-pulmo- naires et cardio-auriculaires. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxix, 753-759.—Thompson (G. S.) Breaking-down gummata of liver simulating tropi- cal abscess. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 1415.—Thorand (R.) Chancre syphilitique des tevres transforme in situ en un syphilome diffus tertiaire; destruction ulcereuse d'une partie des tevres; sclerose labiate consecutive; st6- nose cicatricielle progressive. Lyon med., 1908, ex, 1072- 1078, 1 pl.—Tilley (H.) A case of nasal syphilis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Laryngol. Sect, 14.— Tissie. Exostose syphilitique. Mem. et Bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1900), 1901, 268.—Trinletti (A.) Due casi di sifiiide terziaria dell' orecchio esterno. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc], Torino, 1900-1901, x, 61-56.— Trilla (R. L.) Un caso de goma sifllitico en la base del craneo seguido de comprobaci6n necr6psica. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1906, xxviii, 97; 113.— Tronmoft" (M.) Syphilis inveterata. Objazat. pat- anat izslied. stud. med. imp. Charkov. Univ., 1893, l, 41- 52.—Turner. Two examples of tertiary syphilis. Nor- thumberland & Durham M. J., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1907, xv, 7.—Ullmann (K.) Ueber einen seltenen Fall von multiplen syphilitischen Gummata der Haut und der Nasenschleimhaut mit Demonstration mehrerer Photo- graphien des Falles und histologischer Priiparate. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. dermat Gesellsch. 1895, Wien u. Leipz., 1896, v, 285-297, 2 pl— Usachefl' (N. A.) Sluchal gum- moznavo vospaleniya nosoglotki i gortani, llechonniy salvarsan'om. [Gummatous inflammation of the naso- pharynx treated by salvarsan.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1911, ccxxxii, med.-spec pt., 116-119.—Vajda. Korai tertiarismus 6s tuberculosis esete. [Premature tertiary syphilis and a case of tuberculosis.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897, xii, 404.—Van Wart (R. M.) A case of musculo-spiral paralysis resulting from a syphilitic peri- ostitis of the humerus. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1909-10, lxii, 34.— Vazquez Elana (L.) Algunas consideraciones sobre un caso de goma sifllitico ulcerado de la lengua. Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1909, xi, 333-335.— Veiel (F.) Zur Infektiositat des Gumma. Arch. f. Der- mat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, lxxxv, 225-230.— Veillard. Gommes dela region intermaxillaire. Arch. internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1904, xviii,no. 4, suppl., 46. Also: Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc], Par., 1904, ii, 139-142.—Veis (J.) Gummose Erkrankung der Stirn- hohlen und Siebbeinzellen beiderseits. Arch. f. Laryn- gol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1908-9, xxi, 532-534.—Veress (F.) Syphilis tertiaria prsecox ket esete. [Two cases of . . .] Bor- es bujak6rt, Budapest, 1906, 27.—Verneuil. Sur un cas de syphilome perineo-anorectal. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1894, 3. s., xxxii, 520-533.—Verrotti (G.) Sifiiide ignorata; adenite gommosa inguinale destra; enucleazione; infiltramento gommoso del cellulare pel- yico (meta destra) e della parete vescicale con seno fisto- loso vescico-inguinale consecutivo; trattamento jodo- mercuriale; guarigione. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1904, n. s., xxvi, 433-137.—Viannay (C.) De la frequence des lesions tertiaires sans antecedents chez la femme dans le milieu hospitalier et de son importance en clinique et en pathologie d'apres l'etude de 100 observa- tions. Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1898, 3. s.,ix, 879- 892.— Vldal (A.) La syphilis tertiaire, particulierement ses accidents precoces et ses accidents tardifs. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Dr6me [etc], Valence, 1910, xi, 223-236.— Vlgnolo-Lutati (C.) Gomme cutanee sifilitiche corn- parse nella regione glutea dove, un annoprima, era stata praticata un' iniezione di ossido giallo di mereurio. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1910, lxi, 181-183.—Waelsch (L.) Pes planus inflammatus syphiliticus, nebst Bemer- kungen zur Wirkung des Jod auf tertiar-syphilitische Krankheitsprozessc. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1906, xxxi, 525-527.—Ware (M. W.) Radiograms of syphilis of the long bones. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1907-8, xii, 343. Also: Surg., Gvnec. & Obst, Chicago, 1908, vi, 9-14. Also [Abstr.]: Internat. Dermat. Cong, vi, 1907. Tr., N. Y., SYPHILIS. 480 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Tertiary). 1908, ii, 809.—Waterhouse (H. F.) Two cases of terti- an- syphilis. Clin. J., Lond., 1896-7, ix, 314. -----. Gum- mata. Ibid., 1901-2, xix, 77. -----. Tertiary syphilis. Ibid., 1903, xxii, 233.—Weaver (J. S.) Gumma of external nose. J. Kansas M. Soc, Kansas City, Kan., 1909, ix, 17-19.—Weber (E.) Zur Statistik der tertiaren Syphilis, nebst einer Statistik fiber extragenitale Primar- affecte. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1902, ix, 1113; 1148; 1181; 1217; 1249. -----. Ein Fall von tertiarer Lues. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xii, 148— Weber (F. P.) On tertiary syphilitic fever and the visceral and other changes connected with it. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 728- 731. Also, Reprint— Welt-Kakels (Sara). Ein Fall von gummoserSchadeKyphilis bei eineni2ijahrigenidio- tischen Knaben. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1905, xvi, 531-533. Also, transl: Arch. Pediat.. N. Y., 1906, xxiii, 126-128.— Williams (C. E.) The contagiousness of gumma. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxx, 42-52. Also, Re- print—Williams (T. A.) A case illustrating the cranial radiculitis of tertiary syphilis; discussion of pathology of cranial nerves in tabes. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1911, xxviii, 289-294. — Winship (E. O.) An interesting case of gumma of the brain, with absolute blindness and complete recovery. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1911, xx, 325-327.—Wood (C. E.) Gumma of the pituitary body. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, Iii, 700.— Xavler. Evolution du tertiarisme. Art. med., Par., 1900, xc, 207-211.— Zagari (G.) Osteo-sifiloma della regione parietale destra; meningo-encefalite della zona rolandica e meningite diffusa; emiparesi; emianestesia; neuro-cheratite. Riforma med., Napoli, 1908, xxiv, 786- 789. — Zappulla (A.) Gomma sifilitica del pulmone sinistro. Gazz. sicil. di med. e chir. [etc.], Palermo, 1908, vii, 1-4.—Zarubin (V. I.) Tyazholaya forma gum- moznavo sifilisa. [Severe form of gummatous syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1904, vii, 104.— von Zeissl (M.) Drei Fiille von Gummen am Penis und zwei Fiille von Gummen der Lymphknoten. Wien. med. Presse, 1894, xxxv, 801; 849. -----. Zwei weitere Fiille von Gummen am Penis. Ibid., 1907, xlviii, 502- 504. -----. Sind die tertiaren Producte der Syphilis in- fections oder nicht und was hat man unter maiigner und galoppirender Svphilis zu verstehen ? Wien. klin. Rund- schau, 1897, xi, 481-484.—Zieiiel (H. F. L.) Precocious tertiary syphilis; report of a case with manifold manifes- tations. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1909, lxxvi, 615. Also, Re- print.—Ziehen (T.) Syphilitische Erkrankungen im Bereich der hinteren Schadelgrube. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1906, xlvii, 16; 49. Syphilis (Toxins and antitoxins of). See, also, Syphilis (Causes, etc., of); Syphilis (Serodiagnosis of). Rertin (E.) Mesure du pouvoir alexique aux diffe- rentes periodes de la syphilis. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1910, lxviii, 759.—Detre (L.) Ueber den Nachweis von spezifischen Syphilisantisubstanzen und deren Anti- genen bei Luetikern. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 619.—Gaucher, Paris & Merle (G.) Toxi-infection syphilitique aigue. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1910, v, 426- 439.—Halberstaedter (L.), Miiller (E.) & Reiche" (A.) Ueber Komplementbindung bei Syphilis heredita- ria, Scharlach und anderen Infektionskrankheiten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 1917-1919.— Hallopeau (H.) Les substances toxiques et immunisantes dans la svphi- lis. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904,4. s., v, 737-752.— McCJavran(C. W.) The binding of the complementin the diagnosis and therapy of syphilis, with reportof cases. Ohio M. J.,Columbus,1909,v,386-394.—Neumann. Ueber die Methoden der Erforschung des svphilitischen Virus. Wien. med. BL, 1901, xxiv, 679; 699; 615.—Noguchi (H.) & Rronfenbrenner (J.) Biochemical studies on so- called syphilis antigen. J. Exper. M. Lancaster, Pa., 1911, xiii, 43-68.—Obregia (A.) &Rruckner (J.) Re- sistance & la putrefaction de I'anticorps syphilitique Compt. rend. Soc. biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 482-484.—Rob- bins (H. A.) The toxine of syphilis. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897-8, xxxviii, 187-191. Also, Reprint—Tseher- nogubow (N. A.) Zur Frage der Herstellung von syphilitischen Antigenen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xxii, 336-338.—Wassermann (A.) Ueber das Vorhan- densein syphilitischer Antistoffe in der Cerebrospinal- fliissigkeit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1769-1772.—Wile (U. J.) Comparative ex- periments on the presence of complement binding sub- stances in the serum and urine of svphilis. J. Am M Ass., Chicago, 1908, li, 1142.— tVoolstein (Martha) & Lamar (R. V.) The presence of antagonistic sub- stances in the blood serum in early and late svphilis and in paresis and tabes. Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1908, i. 314-319. Syphilis (Transmission of). See, also, Glass-blowers, etc.; Prostitution and syphilis; Rape (Jurisprudence of); Syphi- lis (Congenital, Contagiousness of); Syphilis (Ex- tragenital). Bub a (L.) *Die Kontagiositiitsdauer der Syphilis. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. Syphilis (Transmission of). Focrcade (A.-L.) * Duree de la contagiosity de la syphilis. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Munblit (C.) * Ueber die Contagiosity der Syphilis und ihre Dauer. 8°. Berlin, 1896. Schiborr (W.) * Das Colles'sche Gesetz im Lichte der modernen Forschung. 8°. Strass- burg, 1910. Vigano (E.) La sifiiide contratta con l'allat- tamento ed il regolamento sanitario vigente. 8°. Milano, 1904. Andriani (P.) Sulla trasmissibilita della sifiiide per vie extragenitali. Gazz. internaz. di med. prat., Napoli 1900, iii, 320-322.—Harry (E.) Maladie v6nerienne ma- ligne communiqu6e par suction. Essais et obs. de m6d de la Soc. d'Edinb., Par., 1742, iii, 394-405.—Rarthel- eiuy. Au sujet du memoire de M. de Beurmann sur les limites de l'infection svphilitique. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 637-640. Also: Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, x, 308-311.—Rell (J.) Two cases of syphilis having a bearing on the ques- tion of the period during which the disease is communi- cable. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1895, xiii, 63-66. Also, Reprint—de Beurmann & Delherm. Quelles sont les limites de l'infection syphilitique? Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 547-561. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, x, 275- 289.—Biron (J.) Kilka uwag z powodu zarazenia przy- miotem w p6znym jego okresie. [On the acquisition of syphilis from a syphilitic in the late period of the dis- ease.] Medycyna,Warszawa,1896, xxiv, 25-29.—BrUgge- mann (R.) Ueber die Contagiositat der Syphilis. Der- mat. Centralbl., Berl., 1898-9, ii, 137-142.—Bulkley (L. D.) A case of chancre on the penis in an infant, not from circumcision. N. Albanv M. Herald, 1904-5, xxiii, 5-7.— Buschke (A.) & Fischer (W.) Zur Infektiositat der malignen und tertiaren Syphilis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 999-1001.—Calineseu. Cate-va cuvinte relativ la transmisiunea sifilisulul. Rev. san. mil., BucurescI, 1897-8, i, 1-6.—Campana (R.) Durata del periodo di contagio della sifiiide. Policlin., Roma, 1897, lv-M., 379- 381.—Case (A.) of Infection of the operator from syphi- litic patient. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1912, lv, 35.—'Che (A.) eta si contrae la sifiiide? Boll. d. mal. ven., sif. e d. pelle, Roma, 1899-1900, i, 157-163.—Drennen (C. T.) How long is syphilis contagious? Cleveland M. Gaz., 1896-7, xii, 145-147. Also: Memphis M. Month., 1897, xvii, 26-29.—Feu lard (H ) Duree de la periode contagieuse de la syphilis. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 1025-1048. Also: 3. d. mal. cutan. et. svph., Par., 1896, viii, 603-628. Also: Internat. Cong. Dermat. Off. Trans. 1896, Lond., 1898, iii, 462-485.—Filaretopoulo. Duree de la contagiosite de la syphilis; son importance au point de vue du mariage et de l'heredite. Independ. med., Par., 1900, vi, 209. Also: Med. orient, Par., 1900, iv, 121-125.—Flurin (H.) & JHanne (A.) Des modes de contagion de la syphilis chez les enfants. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1910, v, 268-286.—Fournier (A.) De la contagion medicate de la syphilis. France med., Par., 1896, xliii, 1-5.—Fournier (A.) & Herseher. Syphi- lis demeur6e contagieuse treize ans apres le chancre. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, 4. s., i, 250. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, xi, 61.— Fournier (E.) A quel age seprend la syphilis? Presse med., Par., 1900, i, 164-166. Also, transl: Med. f. Alie, Wien u. Leipz., 1907, ii, 236; 248.—Friedlander (W.) Zur Uebertragungsweise der Syphilis. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1902, xxxix, 4S-50.—(iailleton. Inoculation de plaque muqueuse par le pus d'un chancre simple. J. de med.deLyon, 1864,ii, 186-190.—Hardaway(W.A.) The lymphatic theory of syphilitic infection; wi t h a new view of the relation between the chancre and chancroid, and suggestions for the treatment of svphilis. N. York M. J., 1877, xxvi, 680-603. Also, Reprint.—Hoffmann (E. i Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber die Infektiositat des syphilitischen Blutes. Deutsche med. Wchn.-chr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 496-499.—Hutchinson (J.) A case in which it would appear that primary syphilis was communicated in marriage more than two years after the original disease. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1892-3, iv, 323. -----. Supposed transmission of syphilis by a father who married four years after his disease; doubts as to the di- agnosis. Ibid., 324-326. -----. Reputed transmission of syphilis seven years after the primary disease in the father; fallacies. Ibid., 1898, ix, 364. -----. Duration of the period of contagion in syphilis. Internat. Cong. Dermat. Off. Trans. 1896, Lond., 1898, iii, 447-453 — Keber (J. B.) Triple specifie infection. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1897, ii, 301.— Krel'ting (R.) Hvorlamge holder syfilisvirus'et sig smitsomt? [How long does the virus of syphilis remain infectious?] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1906, 6. R., iv, 628.—Kro- mayer (E.) Svphilitische Uebertragung nach 20jali- riger Ehe und 30jilhriger Infection. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1897, iv, 708.—Lassar. Ueber die Dauer der Con- tagiositiit der Syphilis. Ibid., 1896, iii, 533-537— Le- iebvre (A.) Les recentes recherches sur la syphilis; transmission, immunisation et serotherapic J. med. de Brux., 1906, xi, 209.—Le Pileur (L.) Syphilis acquise SYPHILIS. 481 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Transmission of). chez un sujet consider comme heredo-syphilitique. Bull. Soc franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 598-601.—Levi (L.) Intossicazione ed infezione sifilitica. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1900, xv, 23-28. Also: Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1900, xxxv, 37-43.— Loxton (A.) An unusual case of primary syphilis. Midland M. J., Birmingh., 1901-2, i, 139-141.—Meyer (W. J.) Syphilis as a contagious and infectious disease. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1903, iii, 448-450.—OTisb. (S. C.) Relative influence of the parents in the transmission of syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 232-234.—Mttller (M.) Zur Frage von der An- steckungsubertragung der Syphilis. Ztschr. f. Bekiimpf. d. Geschlechtskr., Leipz., 1907, vi, 41; 87.—van Niessen. Weiteres fiber das Syphiliscontagium. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1896, xlvi, 1561; 1646; 1686; 1722.—Nixon (J. A.) Acquired syphilis in an infant, with transmission to the mother. Brit M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 389. -----. House- hold syphilis (syphilis ceconomica), with observations on acquired syphilis in infants. Bristol Med.-Chir. J., 1911, xxix, 301-312.—Pini (G.) Del contagio dello sperma sifllitico. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1909, xliv, 69- 75.—Plaza Blanco (V.) aEs necesario para el con- tagio de la sifilis una erosion de la superficies Med. mil. espafi., Madrid, 1899-1900, vi, 181-183.—del Portillo (L.) Causas que favorecen la propagaci6n de la sifilis. Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1909, xi, 285-295 — Prokseh (J. K.) Ueber die Eingangstellen der veneri- sehen Contagion in der Haut. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1897, ix, 478-482.—Reddick (J. T.) Female specific in- fection; duty of the family physician. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1906, n. s., lvi, 311-313.—Ricci (A.) Di una causa di propagazione della sifiiide nelle campagne. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1891, Siena, 1893, xiv, 371-375.—Roehon. De la virulence du sperme dans la syphilis secondaire. Med. mod., Par., 1896, vii, 233.— Rothschuh (E.) Syphilitische Familiengeschichten aus Central-Amerika. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 958.—Schmoll. Apropos d'un nouveau jugement sur un fait de contamination syphilitique. Soc. franc, de pro- Shyl. san. et mor. Bull., Par., 1907, vii, 279; 307.—Shaw laekenzie (J.A.) Syphilis in married women. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 1595-1597.—Shoemaker (J. V.) Primary syphilis. Med. Bull., Phila., 1899, xxi, 279-284.—Stein (E.) Zur Kasuistik der Uebertragung der Syphilis auf die Geschlechtstheile. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiv, 2065.—Taylor (R. W.) Svphilis and massage. Inter- nat. Dermat. Cong, (vi.), 1907. Tr., N. Y., 1908, ii, 797- 801.—Thomas (J.D.) How long is syphilis contagious? J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 107. Also, Reprint,— Tibbals (F. B.) The transmission of syphilis. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1908, vii, 646.—Transmission (La) de la syphilis par la virulence du sperme. Rev. de med. teg., Par., 1897, iv, 271-273.—Turovski. K voprosu o sille sifiliticheskavo yada. [On the strength of syphilitic poison.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1898, cxci, med.- spec. pt, 897-902.—Virulence (La) du sperme. J. de m6d. de Par., 1896, 2. s., viii, 445.—Watkins (L.) How syphilis is transmitted. Eclect M. J., Cincin., 1902, lxii, 231-236. Syphilis (Transmission of Non-sexual). See, also, Glass-blowers, etc.; Syphilis (Ex- tragenital chancres in); Syphilis (Familial); Syphilis and occupations; Syphilis in physicians. Baldwin (L. B) & Larned (E. R.) Syphilis in dentistry. 8°. Chicago, 1903. Bulkley (T. D.) Syphilis in the innocent (syphilis insontum), clinically and historically considered, with a plan for the legal control of the disease. The essay to which the Col- lege of Physicians of Philadelphia, in 1891, awarded the Alvarenga prize for the best me- moir on any medical subject. 8°. New York, [1894]. Eysel (W.) * Extragenitale Syphilisinfek- tion bei Glasbliisern beobachtet an 12 Fallen. 8°. Gottingen, 1896. Kampf (H.) * Ueber extragenitale Syphilis- infektion am Mund und im Mund. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1909. Nines Furtado (A.) *Lues insontium. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 1903. Sctieuer (O.) Die Syphilis der Unschuldigen (Syphilis insontum). 8°. Berlin & Wien, 1910. Abramovieh (I. I.) Tri sluchaya vniepolovovo za- razheniya sifilisom. [Three cases of non-sexual syphilitic infection.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.," St. Petersb., VOL XVII, 2d series---31 Syphilis (Transmission of Non-sexual). 1900, vii, 506-510.—Acquired svphilis. North Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1889, Lond., 1891, 14-19.—Alvaro Ksquerdo. Contagios an6malos de la sifilis. Rev.de med.y cirug. pract.,Madrid,1911,xc,369-381.—Assmy(H.) Ueber einen Fall von iii-syphilitischer Autoinoculation durch Kontakt. Dermat. Centralbl., Leipz,, 1910, xiii, 227-230.—d'Aulnay (R.) Des divers modes de conta- gion dans la syphilis acquise. In: Med. 16g. [etc., Berge- ron]^0, Par., 1896, 226-232.—Baldwin (L.B.) Syphilis from a dental standpoint. West. Clin. Recorder, Chicago, 1900,ii,86-88.—Barclay (W. F.) The dangers of syphi- litic infection from nonsexual causation. Chicago Clinic, 1898, xi, 217-221.—Barthelemy. Irregularites de la contagiosity syphilitique. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1897,3.s., viii, 1268. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. etsyph.,Par.,1897, viii, 434.—Baum (W.L.) Syphi- lis from dental instruments. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv,214-216.—Beltield (W.T.) The transmission of svphilis bv barbers. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1903-4, n. s., v,468. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxvi, 976.—Bernac- ehi (L.) La contamination syphilitique k l'occasion du travail (la syphilis des verriers). Rev. de med. 16g., Par., 1911, xviii, 142-147.—Beron (B.) Po voprosa za syphilis insontium v Bolgariya. Med. napried., Sofiya, 1902, iii, 31-39.—Bizard (L.) Contagion de la syphilis par le rasoir. Soc. franc, de prophyl. san. et mor. Bull., Par., 1905, v, 245-256. -----. Contagion de la syphilis par le rasoir. J.dented.int.,Par.,1909,xiii,216-218.—Blanehe- de-la-Boche (A. V.) Dva sluchaya vniepolovovo za- razheniya tvyordim shankrom. [Two cases of nonsexual infection with hard chancre.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1902, lvii,868-870. -----. RIedkiy po etiologii i lokalizatsii slu- chal vniepolovovo zarazheniya sifilisom. [Case of non- sexual svphilitic infection, rare because of its etiology.] Ibid., 1904, lxii, 166.—Bloch (F.) Ueber extragenitale Syphilisinfection. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1897, xxxix,65-108.—Bochkovski (P.) Tri slu- chaya vniepolovovo zarazheniya sifilisom. [Three cases of nonsexual syphilitic infection.] Protok. Omsk. Med. Obsh., 1904-5, xxii, 79-81.—Boldt. Noch ein Fall von Lues insontium. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1902, xxviii, 485.—Bondarenko. Sluchal vnie- polovovo zarazheniya sifilisom. [Nonsexual syphilitic infection.] Feldscher, St. Petersb., 1899, ix, 627.—Bou- telle (J. T.) Syphilis domestica. Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 1901-2, vi, 661-564.—Bo vero (R.) A proposito della sifiiide trasmessa dal barbiere. Atti d. Soc. piemont. d' ig., Torino, 1895, i, 58-60.—Brayton (N. D.) Syphilis; a nonvenereal disease. Med. & Surg. Monitor, Indianap., 1904, vii, 301-308. Also: N. Eng. M. Month., Danburv, Conn., 1904, xxiii, 348-353—Brouar- del (G.) Contagion hospitaltere de la syphilis. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896,3. s., vii, 1055-1057. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 453-455.— Brouner (W. B.) Innocently acquired syphilis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xcii, 317-320.—Bruhns (C.) Ueber die Syphilis der Unschuldigen. Mitt. d. deutsch. Gesell- sch. z. Bekampf. d. Geschlechtskr., Leipz., 1908, vi,l-12.— Bulkley (L. D.) On the dangers arising from syphilis in the practice of dentistry. Tr. N. York Odont. Soc. 1890, Phila., 1891,66-92. -----. Chancre of lip in a child seven months old, probably acquired through a feed- ing bottle. J.Am. M.Ass.,Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 542-545. -----. Syphilis as a nonvenereal disease, with a plea for the legal control of syphilis. Ibid., 1901, xxxvi, 933-938. -----. Syphilis as a disease innocently acquired. Ibid., 1905, xliv, 681-684.— Burwinkel. Eimmpfung von Schanker durch den Hollenstein. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 95. See, also, infra, Lieven.— Bush (J. F.) Chancre of the genitals with- out coitus. N. York M. J., 1894, lix, 437.—Caldwell (C E ) Syphilis insontium. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito- Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1903, vii, 236-239. —Cartright (S. S.) Syphilis transmitted by dental forceps. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1903, lxiii, 776. — Castaing. Proposi- tion de modification au gobelet actuel du charnier. Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1907, lxxxviii, 350-353.—(as- tello (E.) El tabaco en la sifilis. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1909, Hi, 165-169.—Catrin. Observation de contagion de svphilis au moyen d'un rasoir contamin6. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1896, 3. s., xiii, 556-558. Also: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1896, lxix, 814— Cedercreutz (A.) En patient, pa hvilken syfilitisk smitta ofverforts genom koppning. [Syphilitische Ansteckung durch Schropfen. Ref., p. civ.] Finska liik.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1902, xliv 529-531.—Charmeil. Syphilis de source me- dicate. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1903, vii, 553-558.— Chistyakoff. O vnlepolovom zarazhenii sifilisom. [Nonsexual svphilitic infection.] Dnevniksyezda Mosk.- Peterb. Med. Obsh. 1885, S.-Peterb.,1886, i, 134.—Chlenoff (MA) K kazuistikle vniepolovovo sifilisa. [Nonsexual syphilis.] Russk. Vrach, St-Peterb., 1902, i, 1060; 1093.— Chornoguboff (A. N.) Kratkiya statisticheskiya danniya o vnlepolovom sifilisle sredi zhenshtshin, lle- chivshikhsva na adresnom otdlelenii Myasnitskol bolnitsi v 1888-95 gg. [Brief statistical data on non- sexual syphilis among the women of Myasnitski Hos- pital.] Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh., 1895-6, v, 77- 81 —Coffin. Note sur un cas de transmission rare de la SYPHILIS. 482 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Transmission of Non-sexual). syphilis. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph.. Par., 1896, viii, 735.— Danlos. Syphilis mutilante d'origine infantile. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 368-370.—Davis (H.J.) Three cases of syphilis in one family, (?) com- municated by oral infection from one to the other. J. Laryngol., Lond., 1906, xxi, 227.—Delobel. Ulcere sy- philitique de l'avant-bras datant de quatre ans; gueri- son par le traitement specifique. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., v, 72-74.—De Jtteric (H.) A case of syphilitic chancre of the cheek from a bite. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1896, n. s., lxii, 157.—De win (E.) Syphilis insontium. N. Heilkunst, Berl., 1902, xiv, 141- 143.—Dolgopoloff (N. M.) O chastotie perekhoda zaraznavo sifilisa v nezarazniy pri ambulatornom lle- chenii selskavo naseleniya. [Frequency of transition of contagious into noncontagious syphilis in dispensary treatment of the village population.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Bdlezn., Kharkov, 1903, vi, 34-52.—Dyaehkoff (X. X.) K kazuistikle vnlepolovikh tvyordikh shankrov. [Nonsexual chancre.] Ibid., 1907, xiv, 85-95.—Dya- konoifiG.) Sluchai vnlepolovavo zarazheniya sifi- lisom. [Case of nonsexual infection with syphilis.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1897, clxxxix, med.- spec. pt., 771-773.—Evans ( T. C. ) Chancre of the nasal septum and forearm, the latter from hypoder- mic needle. Medicine, Detroit, 1898, iv, 370-372.—Fa- nonl ( A.) Syphilis in the harber shop; a case of infection through an accidental razor wound. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1902, lxii, 936.—Fisher (F. D.) Syphi- lis acquired in childbed. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 4WM02.— Fournier (A.) Contagions medicates de la syphilis. Bull, med., Par., 1895, ix, 457; 467. Also: Echo med., Toulouse, 1895, 2. s., ix, 253; 265; 279. Also: Pratique med., Par., 1895, ix, 265; 273. -----. Des sources de con- tagion dans la syphilis infantile. J. de med. de Par., 1S95, 2. s., vii, 512-514.-----. Sur quelques chancres extra-genitaux; chancre digital. J. de med. et chir. prat, Par., 1895, lxvi, 729-733. -----. Syphilitic infection of and by medical men. Med. Age, Detroit, 1896, xiv, 139-142. -----. Syphilis acquise dans le jeune age. In- depend. med., Par., 1897, iii, 329. -----. Transmission de la svphilis par le percement des oreilles. Soc. franc. prophyl. san. et mor. Bull., Par., 1904, iv, 102-104. -----. La syphilis des honnetes femmes. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1906, 3. s., lvi, 190; 232. -----. Die Syphilis der Un- schuldigen. 7. Der Schanker des Stammes und der Gliedmassen. Med. f. Alle, Wien u. Leipz., 1906, i, 291; 320: 1907, ii, 21; 35. -----. Zungenkrebs, Svphilis und Tabak. Wien. med. Presse, 1907, xlviii, 1775-1778. Also, transl: Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1907-8, xiv, 464-466. -----. La contagion de la syphilis par les verres. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1909, xx, 2-4. — Gailleton. La syphilis des verriers au point de vue de la prophylaxie et de la responsabilite legale. Lyonmed., 1902. xcix, 777-785.— Gamberini (P.) II tabacco e la sifiiide. Riv. ital. di terap. e ig., Piacenza, 1892, xii, 343- 347.—Gastou & Comandon. Preuve donnee par 1'ultra-microscope de la contagion possible de la syphilis par les verres a boire. Bull. Soc de dermat. et svph., Par., 1908, xix, 292-294.—Gaucher & Louste. Chancre syphilitique du capuchon chez une enfant de huit ans; contagion familiale. Ibid.,160.—Gaucher &JMonier- Vinard. Contagion syphilitique par un bandage her- niaire; syphilide ulcero-crustacee generalisee secondaire, meconnue pendant trois mois. Ibid., 1907, xviii, 118.— Gold (L. G.) Shest sluchayev vniepolovovo zarazheniya sifilisom. [Six cases of nonsexual syphilitic infection.] Yuzhno-rusnf,«rt teT Si'philli; Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1894, i, 392-397. —Sergleyeff ( L. A.) Sluchal vniepolovovo zarazheniya sifilisom, [Nonsexual syphilitic infection.] Kussu. , . Kozhn. l Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1903, v, 377 — £liiel«ls (E. H.) Syphilis insontium. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 190.->, n. s., lv, 666-668.—Shnltkind (E.) Slu- chal vniepolovovo zarazheniya sifilisom. [Nonsexual syphilitic iniection.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn Kharkov, 1901, i, 499.-Shtsherbinski. Sluchal vnle- polovavo zarazheniya sifilisom. [Nonsexual svphilitic infection.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1891, xvi, 92 — Snell { S. ) Syphilis communicated by industrial im- plements. Brit M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 1678.-Solo*- >.°" . Mauri ac (C.) Traitement de la syphilis. S°. Paris, 1896. Meshtsherski (G. I.) O llechenii sifilisa. S predisloviyem A. I. Pospielova. [Treatment of svphilis. With preface by Pospieloff.] 8°. Moskra, 1907. Michaelis (A. A.) Die Syphilis, ihre erfolg- reiche Behandlung und sichere Heilung. Eine Spezial-Therapie. 12°. Leipzig-Reudnitz, 1896. Michaelis (A. C. J.) Compendium van de leer der syphilis, voor praktische artsen en studerenden. 8°. Amsterdam, 1858. Milton (J. L.) The treatment of syphilis. 8°. London, [1875]. Mulzer (P.) Die Therapie der Syphilis; ihre Entwicklung und ihr gegenwartiger Stand. Mit einem Vorwort von P. Uhlenhuth. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Nicolich (G.) La cura della sifiiide col me- todo del Prof. A. Scarenzio. 8°. Trieste, 1895. Notes sur la syphilis pour guider dans l'em- ploi du remede anti-venerien du Comte Mattei. .12°. Bologne, 1877. Ollivier (A. F.) Des maladies syphilitiques et de la methode alimentaire dulcifiee. Me- moire contenant: 1°, le tableau general de ces maladies, 1'exposition de leurs svmptomes par- ticuliers et des soins qu'ils exigent; 2°, la paral- lele des traitemens les plus usites et 1'apprecia- tion de leur valeur respective; 3°, un preuis de la methode alimentaire dulcifiee, ou par l'admi- nistration des biscuits anti-syphilitiquesde l'au- teur sounds a l'examen de l'Academie royale de medecine. 8°. Paris, 1830. Pingler(G.) Die Syphilis. Ihr Wesen und griindliche Heilung auf kiirzestem Wege. 3. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1892. -----. The same. 5. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1900. -----. The same. 6. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1906. ------. The same. 7. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1910. Pollini. II farmaco antisifilitico (acque e polveri) premiato con medaglia d' argento all' esposizione medico-igienica di Milano 1892. Annotazioni cliniche raccolte nel gabinetto me- dico della caaa Gasparini-Pollini. 6. ed. ita- liana. 12°. Milano, 1897. Preiss (N. P.) O massaje pri siphilise. 16°. Voronezh, 1892. Renault (A.) L'avenir du syphilitique. 8°. Paris, 1910. Ribeiro da Costa (J.) *Do methodo das uni- dades therapeuticas de Prokhorrow e sua appli- caeao ao tratamento da syphilis. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 1904. Rosenbach (O.) Das Problem der Syphilis und die Legende von der specifischen Wirkung des Quecksilbers und Jods. 8°. Berlin, 1903, ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1906. Rush (E. F.) The treatment of syphilis and disease of the blood and skin. 12°. Cincinnati, 1889. Schopf (J. D.) Yon der Wirkung des Mohn- safts in der Lustseuche. Nebst andern zur Arzneygelahrheit und Naturlehre gehorigen Beobachtungen Nord-Amerika betreffend. Mit einer Yorrede herausgegeben von Delius. 8°. Erlangen, 1781. SYPHILIS. 487 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of). Scholz (E.) *Ueber die Wirkung der ver- schiedenen Behandlungsmethoden der Syphilis im sekundaren Stadium. 8°. Kiel, 1897. Siulman (T. M.) Izllechimost sifilisa; kak mozhno izllechit lyokhko sifilis v samiy korotkiy srok. [The curability of syphilis; how easily svphilis can be cured in the shortest possible period.] 24°. S.-Peterburg, 1904. Sibit (L.) *Du traitement du syphilome primitif et de son influence sur le developpe- ment ulterieur de la maladie. 8°. Paris, 1897. Tarnovski (Y. M.) Izllechimost sifilisa. [Curabilitv of svphilis.] 2. ed. 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1900'. -----.Thesame. 3. ed. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1904. Tautillo (M.) & Basile (P.) Sull' impor- tanza della cura della sifiiide pratieata colla botte campailia in questo Ospedale della Pietii. rov. 8°. Modica, 1897. Tiialmann. Die Syphilis und ihre Behand- lung im Lichte neuer Forschungen. Hrsg. von der Medizinal-Abteilung des Kbniglichen Sach- sischen Kriegsministeriums. 8°. Dresden, 1906. Also [Abstr.], in: N. Therap., Wien, 1906, iv, 193-201. Thuillier (R.-J.-F.) *Etude sur un ancien et sur un nouveau traitement de la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1901. Weil iA.) *Un nouveau traitement de la svphilis par un agent non mercuriel. 8°. Paris, 1907. Welbank (R.) Practical commentaries on the present knowledge and treatment of syph- ilis; with coloured illustrations of some ordinary forms of that disease. 8°. London, 1825. von Zeissl (M.) Die Behandlung der Sv- philis. 8°. Berlin & Wien, 1906. Ziemssen (C. F. O.) Die Heilung der consti- tutionellen Syphilis. 8°. Leipzig, 1891. -----. The same. The treatment of consti- tutional svphilis. 12°. London, 1893. Abadie"(C.) Modifications a apporter au traitement general de la syphilis. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 358-363. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1895, vi, 149-151— A bell (I.) Syphilis. Am."Pract. & News, Louisville, 1903, xxxv, 179.—Allbutt (T. C.) Sarsaparilla in svphilitic cachexia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 710—de Almeida (D.) Tratamento in- tensivo da svphilis. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1904, xviii, 489: 1905, xix, 6— Alorda y Servera (A.) El nuevo tratamiento especifico dela sifilis; historia clinica. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1911, xxvii, 2-8 — Anderson (T. McC.) The less common forms, and modes of treatment, of syphilitic affections. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1897, 7. s., i, 18-32.—Arantes Pereira. Tratamento da infeccao svphilitica nos adultos. Med. mod., Porto, 1899, vi, 303-306.—Aronstam (N. E.) T\w cycle method of the treatment of syphilis. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1904-5, xxxviii, 195-202. Also: Centr. States M. Mag., Detroit, 1904, ii, 131-137.—Asahi (K.) [Remarks on the treatment of syphilis.] Hifukwa kiu Himokikwa Zasshi, Tokyo, 1907, vii, 445-150.—Audry (C.) Traite- ment de la svphilis par la voie rectale. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 231-244.—Babon (J.) L'etat gastrique des syphilitiques traites; gastropathie medicamenteuse syphilitique. Ibid., 1896, 3. s., vii, 703- 711.—Baerens (O. F.) Treatment of syphilis of the mucousmemhranes. Am. J. Dermat. &Gemto-Urin. Dis., St. Louis,1899,iii,7L—Baird f T. M.) The hygienic treat- ment of syphilis. VirginiaM. Month., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 830-833.—Baloff (A.) Narodnoye llecheniye sifiliti- cheskikh zabolievaniv. [Popular treatment of syphilitic diseases.] Ejened. jour."Prakt.med.",St.Petersb., 1897, iv, 309.—Bangs (L.B.) The treatment of syphilis. Inter- nat. Clin., Phila., 1896,6. s., iii,59-«5. Also, Reprint.-----. The treatment of syphilis. N. York M. J., 1899, lxix 479- 482.—Barthelemy. Traitement precoce de la syphilis. J. de clin. etde therap. inf., Par., 1897, v, 623-631. -----. Le meilleur traitement de svphilis. Compt.-rend. Cong, in- ternat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, 8. sect.. 164-186.— Barthelemy & Levy-Bin:;. De la methode de Prokhorow dans le traitement de la syphilis. Syphilis, Par., 1904, ii, 70-73.—Batnt. Du traitement hydrargyri- que et du traitement iodure dans le traitement du ter- Syphilis (Treatment of). tiarisme. [Discussion.] Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Dr6nie [etc.], Valence & Par., 1907, viii, 129-133.—Han- dier. Du traitement de la plaque muqueuse hypertro- phique persistante chez la femme. Ann. de gynec., Par., 1888, xxx, 17-42.—Bayly (H. W.) The comparative value of the various .methods of antisyphilitic treatment as estimated by the Wassermann reaction. Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 1332.—Beadles (F. H.) Some points in the treatment of syphilis. Richmond J. Pract., 1904, xviii, 72-75.—Beale (A.) A case of extensive chronic syphilitic ulceration, successfully and rapidlv cured. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1897, xii, 93.—Beehert (W.) Erfahrungen iiber Syphilisbehandlung. Arch. f. phvsik.- diatet. Therap., Berl., 1905, vii, 289-294.—Beddoes (T. P.) The treatmentof syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1909, i, 647.— Behaegci. Traitement dela syphilis. Policlin., Brux., 1903,xii,5-13.—Belot(J.) Resultatsdonnes par Pair chaud sur les chancres, les ulcerations rehelleset l'acroasphyxie. Arch, d'electric med..Bordeaux,1911, xix, 430-434.—Berg (F.) Ueberden heutigen Stand der Syphilistherapie. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1895, n. F., xii, 115-118.—Ber- nard (J.) Traitement de la svphilis. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1903, xxi, 295-306.—Bernardbeig & Hubarry. Syphilidede la paupiere superieureguerie par letraitementiodure.etsuivied'accidentscerebraux traites sans succes par l'iodure et les frictions mercurielles et gueris par les injections hypodermiques de cyanure de mercure. Normandie med., Rouen, 1896, xi, 133-139.— Bertarelli(A.) Sulla cura della sifiiide col "606" nell Ospedaleniaggioredi Milano. Gior. ital. d.mal. ven., Mi- lano, 1911, xlvi, 163-166.— Blair (T. S.) Medicinal treat- ment of syphilis. Med. Council, Phila., 1907, xii, 137.— Blanchard (L.-F.) Therapeutique generale de la svphilis; procecles anciens et modernes: prophvlaxie. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1904, xxviii, 73; 109; 157; 193; 203.—Blanchon (H.) Le fer dans la syphilis. Cor- resp. med., Par., 1903, ix, no. 212, 12.—Blaschko (A.) Ueber einige Grundfragen bei der Behandlung der Syphilis. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1901, xi, 27; 42; 54. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xxxviii, 63: 89.— Blasdell (G. A.) Syphilis as seen and treated by the general practitioner. J. Kansas M. Soc, Kansas f'itv, Kan., 1911, xi, 348-351.—Bloch (I.) Die Nachbehand- lung der Syphilis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1904-5, i, 88-91.— Boas (H.) Betydningen af Wassermann's reaktion for behandlingen af syfilis. [The value of Wasserman's reaction in the treatmentof svphilis.] Hosp.-Tid., K0- benh., 1909, 5. R., ii, 308-312.—Boas (M. S.) The treat- ment of syphilitic anemia. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1899, lxxvi, 75.—Bodln (E.) Devoirs du medecin envers les syphilitiques. Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 181-183.—Boing. Reform der Syphilisbehandlung. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1900, x, 265; 279.—Boerhaave's treatment of syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i, 772— Boll in (M.) Gesichtspunkte und Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der arzneilichen und arzneilosen Syphilisbehandlung. Arch. f. phys.-diiitet. Therap., Berl.,1905, vii, 97; 108.—Bolen. Ueber die Beseitigung der Hg- und Jodkalidyspepsie. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1901, xv, 24.—Bonaduee (S.) Betrachtungen iiber und Versuche mit einer neuen Be- handlung der Syphilis. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1893, xvii, 120-130.—Bonnet (L.-M.) Syphilis; arterites cer6brales precoces; peu d'emcacite du traite- ment. Bull. Soc. med. d, hop. de Lyon, 1909, viii, 407.— Borelli (L.)& Messineo (G.) Dell' influenza della cura arsenicale e mercuriale sulla reazione del Wasser- mann. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1910, lxix, 292; 296.— Bouftier (L. A.) & Maggi (G. F.) II ferro nella cura della sifiiide. Ferroterapia, Lodi, 1902, ii, 25-31.—Bou- lengier (O.) Quelques notes sur le traitement de la syphilis. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1906, lviii, 293-304.— Breakey (W. F.) Treatment of syphilis in primary stage. Am.Lancet,Detroit, 1894, n. s., xviii, 209-212. Also: Tr.Mich.M.Soc,Detroit, 1894,xviii, 179-189. -----. Treat- ment of suspected specific primarv lesions. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1900, xxii, 61-67. -----. The elimination and curabilitv of syphilis. Ibid., 1901, xxiii, 145-151. [Discussion], 184-1X8. -----. The influence of the discovery of the Spirochseta pallida on the treatment of syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, li, 2034-2036.— ltrvinuiid fils. Traitement de la syphilis a toutes ses periodes par l'absorption cutanee des medicaments. As- soc frang. pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., Par., 1889, xviii, pt. 2, 701.—Brocq. Sur le traitement de la syphilis au d6- but; eruptions artificielles des levres; traitement de la phthiriase et de l'impfitigo; traitement des gercures des mains. J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1905, lxxv, 253- 259.—Broeq, Civatte & Fraisse. Note prrliminaire sur les injections de cacodylate iodo-hydrargyriqiie dans la svphilis. Ann. de dermat. et svph.. Par.. 1901. I. s., ii, 611-018—Br81emann. Mitteilung iibor Ilctolhcliand- lung bei Syphilis. Dermat. Centralbl., Leipz., 1908, xi, 136.—Broers. Eenigewaarnemingenuitdepraktijkbe- treffende syphilis en beschouwingen naar aanleiding daarvan. Med. Rev., Haarlem, 1908, viii, 189-212.— Brooke (H. G.) On the treatment of syphilis. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1895, n. s., iii, 171; 254: 1895-6, n. s., SYPHILIS. 488 SVPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of). lv, 30.—Brousse (A.) De l'a'ssociation du cacodylate de sonde au mercure et a l'iodure de potassium dans le traitement de la syphilis. Montpel. med., 1903, xvi, 177-180.—Browning (W.) The nitrite treatment in syphilis. Med. News, N. Y., 1900, lxxvii, 999-1001. Also, , Reprint.—Bruck i F.) Einige Bemerkungen uber Syphi- is-Behandlung. Med. Rundschau, Berl., 1897-8, 19; 29.— Brulin (F.) Hageen und Merkalator, zwei Neuheiten JerSyphilistherapie. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1908, iii, 139-143.—Br all ns (C.) Zum heutigen Stand der Syphi- listherapie. Med. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1898, i. 291-296.— -----. Die Behandlung der Syphilis. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1900, xxxvii, 1051; 1073.—Bukovsky (J.) Le- eeni d^meju tfiselniich die methody Prof. Langa. [Therapy of tertiary buboes by the method of Prof. Langa.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1896, xxxv, 373; 389.— Kiinin. K voprosu ob izllechimosti sifilisa. [On the curability of syphilis.] Voyenno-san. dielo, St. Petersb., 1887, vii, 297.— Busdraghi (J. B.) Los dltimos pro- gresos en el tratamiento de la sifilis. Corresp. med., Ma- drid, 1897, xxxii, 276-278.—Butt (E.) The present treat- ment of syphilis. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1906-7, xliv, 142-162.—Butte (L.) Traitement des accidents syphi- litiques par les injections sous-cutanees de decoction de ganglions lymphatiques. Ann. de therap. dermtt. et syph., Par., 1901, i, 193; 217.—Bntterlin. Traitement de la syphilis par l'uranate d'ammoniaque. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1910, xxxiv, 208-212.—Cabanes. Com- ment on traitait la syphilis autrefois. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1909, clviii, 113; 161.—Cabot (F.) The management of svphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1898-9, ii, 107-110. Also: Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1898, xiii, 840-848.— Campbell (R. R.) The treat- ment of svphilis. Chicago M. Recorder, 1899, xxi, 309- 313. [Discussion], 333-338.—Candler (G.H.) Someuses of gelsemine and comments on Clendenen on svphilis. Med. Summary, Phila., 1905-6, xxvii, 38-40.—CantrelI (J. A.) Does the streptococcus of Fehleisen exert a cura- tive influence upon syphilitic ulcerations? N. Albany M. Herald, 1896, xvi. :;_!_>.—Capart (A.) A propos du traite- ment de la svphilis. Rev. hebd. do laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1905, i,' :!05-3lS.—Carabelli (C.) La sifiiide guarisce. Boll. clin.-scient. d. l'oliambul. di Milano, 1901, xiv, 121-125. Also: Raeeoglitore med., Forli, 1901, 6. s., viii, 77-83.—Carrier (A. E.) Syphilis; its manage- ment and control. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1903, ii, 186-193.—Carusi (L.) L'antisyphilis nella moderna terapia. Terapia mod., Napoli," 1903-4, i, 1-4; no. 2, 1; no. 3, 1: 1904-6, ii, no. 1, 6.—Casarini (C.) Contri- buto alio studio della durata della cura nella sifiiide. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1897-8, xii, 60-71.— Caspari. Zur Friihbehandlutig der Syphilis. Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. Festschr. ... I. Neumann, Leipz. u. Wien, 1900, 43-51.—Castano. De la nature du virus syphilitique, des lois qui regissent son action dans l'or- ganisme; consequences pratiques pour le traitement des maladies veneriennes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1855, xl, 478.—Cliatin (A.) Syphilis, mercure et soufre. Syphilis, Par., 1906, iv, 493-510.-Chibret. Valeur rela- tive duHgetde IIK. dans le traitement dela syphilis ocu- laire et cerebrale. Tr. Internat. Ophth. Cong., Edinb., 1894, viii, 150-163.—Chiryeft" (S.) O llechenii sifilisa voobshtshe i razvivayushtshelsya na sifiliticheskol pochvle spinnol sukhotki. [On the treatmentof syphilis in general and on svphilitic tabes.] Russk. arch."patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1898, v, 300-311. Also, transl: Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1898, xxx, 129; 166; 193. Also, transl: Arch, de neurol., Par., 1900,2. s., ix, 399-413. Also, transl: Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1900, vii, 84-94.— Cliistyakoflf (M. A.) Osnovi llechebnol borbi s sifili- som. [Principles of treatment of syphilis.] Trudi . . . svezda po obsuzhd. mler prot. sif. v Rossii [etc.], S.- Peterb., 1897, i, pt. 6, 1-26.—Chornoflf (M. Ya.) O lle- chenii sifilisa nedokislennimi soyedineniyami fosfora (fosfatsidom) po sposobu M. Romanovskavo. [Treat- ment of syphilis by phosphacids (by Romanovski's method).] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 742.— Christian (H. M.) The treatment of syphilis. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1904, xxv, 99-109. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1904, 3. s., xx, 361-364. Also: Med.-Chir. J., Phila., 1905, vi, 25-29.— Clark (C. G.) The treatment of svphilis, with a report of two obstinate cases. Med. Bull., Phila., 1904, xxvi, 137-139.—Clarke (J. J.) Tertiary syphilis treated by intramuscular injections of sal-alem- broth. Polyclin., Lond., 1904, viii, 11.— Coates (W.) \ An address on some practical points in the treatment and clinical history of early svphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1 1910, i, 1093-1098.—Collings'(H. P.) When to begin the treatment for syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1904, viii, 5-7. -----. Treatment of the . mucous patch. Ibid., 1908, xii, 72-71— Cooper (A. C.) ' The treatment of primary and secondarv svphilis. West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1900, v, 73-76. [Discussion], 100-116.— Cooper (D. N.) Practical points in the treatment and clinical history of svphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, i, 1352.—Corlett (W. T.) Notes on the treatment of svphi- lis; its evolution and present status. Tr. Ohio M.'Soc. Toledo, 1891, -4-9:;.—Corradi (A.) L'eau de Bois et les Syphilis (Treatment of). cures (hpuratives au xvi* siecle. [Transl, by A. Dubou- chei] (iaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 18x6, viii, 73; 109; 133; 157:169; 181; 193.—Corvalan iUcl<;arejo (R.) Traitement de la syphilis. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1902, lxix, 685-093.—Crume (G. P.) The effect of habit and sunshine in the treatment of syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 274-277.— Cullingworth (C. J.) A note on the therapeutic value of sarsaparilla in syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 791.—Culver (G. D.) A general consideration of some points of interest in the diagnosis and treatment of svphi- lis. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1912, x, 153-156.— Ciiin- ston (C. G.) Treatment for tertiarv svphilitic ulcers. Boston M. & S. J., 1898, exxxviii, 310.—Dundois Etude sur le traitement de la syphilis. Rev. med., Louvain, 1899, xvii, 49: 145; 193; 241; 289; 337; 433; 481.—Danlos. Deux cas de syphilis tertiaire grave; impuissanceabsolue du traitement preventif intense et prolong^. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 463-465.— Darzens (G.) Sur un nouveau mode de traitement de la syphilis et en particulier de la syphilis grave des fosses nasales, par Vadministration combinee des iodures de potassium, de sodium et d'ammonium; avantages de ce procecle et explication de son succes. Rev. de laryngol., etc., Par., 1892, xii, 457-461. — Daubresse (F.) Du traitement de la syphilis. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1901, viii, 194: 1902, ix, 10; 52; 69; 85. Also: Ann. Soc. med.-chir. du Brabant, Brux., 1901, xi, 247-263.— Delbastaille. Le Joha. Scalpel, Liege, 1911-12, lxiv, 516-519.—Delker (W.) A contribution to the therapeu- tics of syphilis. Therap. Rev., Phila., 1904, i, 328.—De- niicli (V. F.) Sifilis, venericheskiyaikozhniyabolie/.ni i ikh llechemye u russkavo naroda. [Syphilis, venereal and cutaneous diseases and their treatment among the Russian people.] Univ. Izviest., Kiev [Protok. Kievsk. Sifi- lidol. i Dermat. Obsh., 1900-1901, i, 177-236], 1902, xiii.— DeIHoor(L.) Traitement general de la syphilis. Bel- gique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1896, iii, pt. 2, 230; 261.— Deutsch (A.) A korai bujak6vellenes kezeles befc- lyasa az idegrendszerre. [Influence of former anti-syph- ilitic treatment upon the nervous system.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1893, xxxvii, 460; 474; 485; 501. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894, xxx, 6; 56.—De Vries (J. C.) Bovinine in syphilitic anaemia. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1902, xix, 514.—Diehl (A. E.) Can svphilis be cured? Buffalo M. J., 1898-9, n. s., xxxviii, 662-663. Also: Tr. M. Ass .Central N. Y. 1898, Buffalo, 1899, 50-52.—Dietz. Comment je traite mes syphilitiques. J. med.de Brux., 1907, xii, 13.—Dimitriade. ReflexiunI asupra cunoscintelor actuale ale tratamentulul sifilisulul. Spitalul, BucurescI, 1899, xix, 359-363.—Discussion on the treatment of syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 1309- 1315. — Djelaleddin - Moukhtar. Traitement du chancre par le ga'iacol. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1897, 3. s., viii, 2l9. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1897, viii, 92.—Dohi (S.) Ueber den Einfluss von Heilmitteln der Syphilis (Quecksilber, Jod und Arsen) auf die Immunsubstanzen des Organismus (Haruolysine, Agglutinine und Pracipitine). Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1909, vi, 171-185.—Donaldson (W. F.) Treatment of syphilis. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1911-12, xv, 113-120.—DornblUth (O.) Ueber die Behandlung der Syphilis. Aerztl.Monatschr.,Leipz., 1898,289-298.—Dren- nen (C. T.) Svphilis and its treatment. Fort Wavne M. Mag., 1895, iii, 365-369. Also: Hot Springs M. J., 1895, iv, 289-293. -----. The mouth and its care in the syphi- litic. Med. & Surg. Monitor, Indianap., 1904, vii, 26-28.— Dreysel. Die Behandlung der Svphilis; Sammelrefe- rat. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Munchen, 1900, ix, 89-97.— Dubois-Havenith. Conduite a tenir en presence d'un chancre indure non suivi de generalisation. Soc. beige dedermat. et de syph. Bull., Brux., 1901-2, ii, 133- 135.—Duck\vorth(D.) [etal]. Sarsaparillaineyphilitic cachexia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 770—von During (E.) Grundsiitze der Syphilisbehandlung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 1530-1634. -----. Grundsiitze der Syphilisbehandlung. Med. Woche, Berl., 1905, vi, 17- 20.—Dujardin. La syphilis et ses traitements nou- veaux. Clinique, Brux., 1910, xxiv, 781-788—Dumont (J.) Traitement de la syphilis par les injections de eaco- dvlate iodo-hydrargvrique. Presse med., Par., 1902, i, annexes, 626.—Duprey (A. B.) Some instances of un- treated svphilis. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1901, iv, 145-147.— Duque (M.) La terapeutica de la sifilis. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1904, ix, 297-312.—Edson (C. E.) The etiologv and diagnosis of syphilis and the bearing of our recent knowledge of these points upon the treatment of the disease. Colorado Med., Denver, 1909, vi, 18-25.— Eichel (S. J.) Modern treatment of acquired syph- ilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1908, xii, 21.— Enriquez (A.) Informe sobre el valor de la cura termo-mineral en el tratamiento de la sifilis, contestando por el orden de las preguntas que el Dr. Assaky se sirve hacerme en su programa. An. Soc. espafi. de hidrol. med., Madrid, 1896, xii, 230-235. T Erostarbe. Tratamiento de las enfermedades sifiliti- ias. Med. pract., San Fernando, 1905, iv, 421-427.— Ettles. The general treatment of syphilis. Tr. Hunte- SYPHILIS. 489 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of). rian Soc, Lond., 1905-6, lxxxvii. 137-141.—von Eydorf (R. H.) & Bush (J. O.) Personal observations on the treatment of syphilis with a brief report of cases. South M. J.. Nashville, 1911, iv, 404-422.—Fauser (A.) Adatok a bujak6r gy6gyitasahoz 6s a ver keneso-reacti6jahoz. [Contributions on the treatment of syphilis and the sulphate reaction of the blood.] Magv. orv. Arch., Bu- dapest, 1897, vi, 352-366.—Ferrlani (A.) L' aspirochyl nella cura della_sifilide. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1911,1, 441-450.—Ferriia (J.) Nuevas investiiraciones clinico- terapeuticas sobre el tratamiento dela sililis. Or6n. mecl., Lima, 1907, xxiv, 355— Filaretopoulo. Traitementde la svphilis dans ses premieres stapes. M6d. orient., Par., 1905, ix, 97-101.—Finger (E.) Ueber die neuesten Er- rungenschaf ten in der Pathologie und Therapie der Syphi- lis. EinFortbildungsvortrag. Med. Klin., Berl., 1911, vii, 1759-1767.—Fini (L.) Curadella sifiiide. Gazz med. di Roma, 1903,xxix,479-487.—Fischer (F.) Ueber Syphilis- behandlung. Dermat. Centralbl., Leipz., 1910, xiii, 322- 3J7.—Fisehkin (E. A.) The treatment of syphilis; a retrospect and a prospect. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1911, xx, 195-203.—Fleisehner (H.) The treatment of svphilis. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1893, 127- 134. — Foerster (O. H.) The treatment of svphilis. Wisconsin M- J-. Milwaukee, 1909-10, viii,322-332.—For- bat (L.) Eszrevetelek a syphilis kezelesehez. [Obser- vations on the treatment of syphilis.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1907, v, 106.—Forbes (A. M.) The treatment of constitutional syphilis. Montreal M. J., 1903, xxxii, 555- 573.—Fordyce (J. A.) The modern treatment of syph- ilis, with reference to the recent synthetic preparations. ,T. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1911, lvi, 186-192—Foster (B.) Remarks on the treatment of syphilis. Northwest. Lan- cet, St. Paul, 1892, xii, 286-289. Also: Tr. Minn. M. Soc, St. Paul, 1892,148-156. [Discussion], 210-216. -----. The responsibility of the physician who undertakes the treat- ment of syphilis. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1895, xv, 466-468.—Fournier (A.) Prophylaxie de la syphilis par le traitement. Bull. Acad, de meYL, Par., 1899, 3. s., xiii, 475; 520. -----. Des etapes ultimes de la syphilis. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1901, xii, 91-93. -----. En guerit-on? Syphilis, Par., 1906, iv, 611-523. Also, Reprint. — Fox (G. H.) The overtreatment of syphilis. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1906, xxx, 505-509.— Francesehini (G.) Contributo alia cura della sifiiide. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1899, xx, 1279. -----. Un caso di ulceri pseudo-varicose di origine sifilitica. Guarigione rapidissima con la cura specifica e con le polverizzazioni locali di eurofene. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven , Milano, 1907, xlviii, 642-647.—Francesco (P.) L' uranato di ammo- nio nella cura della sifiiide. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1909, xii, 274 - 276. — Francke (K.) Eine neue Behandlung der Spatformen der Syphilis. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1906, xvi, 338; 353. — Frede (R.) Om de ved nogle Hudsygdomme og ved Syfi- lis brugelige Indgnidninger og Forbindinger. [Em- brocations and dressings used in some diseases and in Syphilis.] Tidsskr. f. Sygepleje, Kj0benh., 1901, i, 217; 252: 261. — French (H. C.) The treatment of syphilis. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1908, xx, 349; 394.— Friedlander (M.) The modern treatment of svphi- lis. Folia Therap., Lond., 1908, ii, 89.—Friend (S~. H.) Syphilis; the special pathology and reclining rest treat- ment in the constitutional stage. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 1198-1200.—Fiir6sz (J.) A lues ellenes kuraes a spiro- chaeta pallida kimutathat6saga. [Antiluetic treatment and the demonstration of the spirochsete.] B6r-es buja- k6rt., Budapest, 1907, 6.—Fiirth (E.) Allgemeine Be- merkungen fiber die Therapie der Svphilis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 380-382— Gailleton. Du traitement de la syphilis. J. de med. de Lyon, 1867, viii, 5; 89; 129. -----. Traitement de la svphilis. Lvon med., 1903, ci, 477; 515; 648; 685; 730; 853: 1904, cii, 397.—Gans (S. L.) Diagnosis and treatment of svphilis. Med. Bull., Phila., 1906. xxviii, 132-138.—Gastou (P.) Traitement du co- ryza syphilitique. Ann. de mecl. et chir. inf., Par., 1905, viii, 530-534.-----. Diagnostic et traitement du coryza syphilitique. Ibid., 1907, xi, 95-99.—Gastou (P.) & Ba- bon. Du chimisme gastrique chez les syphilitiques trai- tes. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 387. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 205.-----------. Gastropathie medicamenteuse des sy- philitiques. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vi, 652.— Gaston (P.) & Quinton. L'eau de meren injec- tions sous-cutanees dans la svphilis. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1905, xvi, 221-225. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 647-651.—Gaucher (E.) Observations rares de guerison de syphilis tertiaire fruste. Internat. dermat. Cong. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. 1892, Wien u. Leipz., 1893, 638-644. -----. Traitement ge- neral de la syphilis. Clinique, Par., 1906, i. 707-711.-----. Le traitement general de la syphilis. Ann. d. mal. v6n., Par., 1909, iv, 401-416. Also: 3. de med. int., Par., 1909, xiii, 155-158.-----. Sur la valeur comparee de Parsenic organique et du mercure dans le traitement de la syphi- lis. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 23-76. Also: J. de med. int., Par., 1910, xiv, 311-313.—Gavrino (P. N.) K voprosu o llechenii sifilisa po metodu Prokhorova. Syphilis (Treatment of). [Treatment of syphilis by Prokhoroffs method.] Voyenno-med. J.,St. Petersb., 1909,ccxxvi,med.-spec. pt. 108-119.—Gebert (E.) Zur Behandlung der Syphilis. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1893, vii, 346; 403.—Gestro (G. L.) La cura tardiva della sifiiide. Ann. di Ippocrate, Milano, 1907-8, ii, 90-92.—Gibbs (0.) & Bayly (H. W.) Preliminary note on the comparative value of the vari- ous methods of anti-syphilitic treatment, as estimated by the Wassermann reaction and clinical observation. Lan- cet, Lond., 1910, i, 1256.—Glenn (W. F.) The treatment of syphilis. J. Tcnn. M. Ass., Nashville, 1911, 188-190. [Discussion], 199-202.—Gilbert. Contribution a l'etude du traitement de la syphilis. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1907, 4. s., xxx, 73-104.—Godts. Considerations au sujet du traitement de quelques cas de syphilis. Ibid., 372- 387.—G old se li e id er. Noch einmal die Syphilisbehand- lung im Liclitertehler Kreiskrankenhause. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 815.—Gott- heil (W. S.) Syphilis; phenomena and management. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1900, xxiii, 251; 316; 387; 447; 517; 572; 631; 698: 1901, xxiv, 91; 128. -----. The systematic treatment of svphilis. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1907, xxii, 125-133. Also: Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1907, xxxi, 79- 83.-----. On the treatment of syphilis by the general practitioner; a clinical lecture. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1910, xxv, 40-47. -----. Svphilis. Mod. Treatment (Hare), Phila. & N. Y., 1911, ii, 91-143. —Greco ( D.) La cura della sifiiide con le polveri del Pollini. Gazz. internaz. di med. prat., Napoli, 1901, iv, 277; 304. — Greene ( R. H. ) The treatment of svphilis. N. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 601-604. -----. The treatment of syphilis by means of the toxins of erysipelas and the Bacillus prodigiosus. Med. News, N. Y., 1896, lxix, 396- 399. -----. Treatment of syphilis. In: Am. text-book gen.-urin. dis. Tete] (Bangs & Hardaway), 8°, Phila., 1898, 735-756.—Greenougli (F. B.) Primary syphilitic lesions at the meatusurinarius. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1889, vii, 248-255. Also, Reprint.—Griffith (F.) Care necessary in handling svphilitics. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1902, 12. s., i, 177-179.— Grosz (S.) Die Versuche einer Hiimotherapie der Syphilis. (Sammelre- ferat.) Wien. med. BL, 1897, xx, 128-130.— GrUnbaum (C.) Ueber einige neuere Behandlungsmethoden der Syphilis; Sammelreferat. Ibid., 1899, xxii, 423; 443; 463.— Gtintz (J. E.) Die Behandlung der Schmerzen im Ver- laufe der syphilitischen Erkrankung. Aerztl. Centr.- Anz., Wien, 1898, x, 49; 65.—Guillermin (P.) La syphi- lis et ses traitements. Rev. trimest. Suisse odont., Zurich & Geneve, 1911, xxi, 15-44— Guiteras (R.) The general treatment of syphilis in private practice. N. York M. J., 1896, lxiii, 804-808. Also, Reprint. -----. The present treatment of syphilis. Phila. M. J., 1898, i, 727-732.— Gtiladze (I.) Shtshitovidnaya zhelyoza pri syphilis maligna. [Thyroid gland during . . .] Med. Sbornik Varshav. Uyaz. voyenn. hosp., Varshava, 1895, viii, nos. 1-2, 21-24.—Gutteling (M. S.) Het tegenwoordigstand- punt der svphilisbehandeling. Geneesk. BL u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1896, iii, 109-148.—Halm (G.) Die Behandlung der Syphilis. Therap. d. arztl. Praxis, Leipz., 1910, i, 383^100.—Halberstaedter (L.) Die Bedeutung der neueren Hilfsmittel fiir Diagnostik und Therapie der Syphilis. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1910, xxiv, 64-68.—Hallopeau (H.) Apercu sur la classifi- cation, la pathogenie et traitement des deuteropathies syphilitiques. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de dermat. et syph., 96-109. -----. Con- siderations sur le traitement local des maladies infec- tieuses et plus particulierement de la syphilis. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1903, cxiv, 697-608. Also: Cong. internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de dermat.etsyph., 115-123. -----. Principesfondamentaux du traitementde la syphilis. Bull, gen de therap. [etc.], Par., 1904, cxlviii, 516-526. Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u, Berl.. 1904, xxx, 1373-1375. -----. Nouveau traitement local de la syphilis dans sa premiere periode. Rev. scient., Par., 1908, 5. s., ix, 33. -----. Re- cent progress in the treatment of syphilis. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 65-68. -----. Sur le traitement de la syphilis. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1912, 3. s., lxvii, 153.—Hallopeau (H.) & Uebret. Tendance a la gue- rison d'ulcerations gommeuses multiples et profondes, par un traitement exclusivement local. Buli. Soc. franc. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, xv, 32. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, 4. s., v, 77.—Halpern (J.) O niekt6rych wskazaniach do wznawiania leczenia przeciwprz'ymiotowego. [Certain indications for the repetition of antisyphilitic treatment.] Medycyna, War- szawa, 1900, xxviii, 644; 674. Also, transl: Arch. f. Der- mat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1901, lv, 363-372.—Ham- mer. Ueber die Heilung der. Syphilis. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1895, lxv, 33; 41.—Ha- nionic (N.) Des remedes non mercuriels employes autrefois dans le traitement de la svphilis. Rev. clin. d'androl. etde gynec, Par., 1905, xi, 365: 1906, xii, 16: 35; 141. -----. Des diverses doctrines et des anciennes phar- macopeia syphilitiques. Ibid., 1906, xii, 196; 319: 1907, xiii, 10. -----. Unremedeantisyphilitiqueauxviiiosiecle. Ibid., 1908, xiv, 16; 37; 103— Handley (J. W.) The SYPHILIS. 490 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of). : treatment of syphilis. South." Pract., Nashville, 1902. ' xxiv, no. 7, 362-368. -----. The diagnosis and treatment J of syphilis. South. M. & S., Chattanooga, 1906, vi, 64-66. —Harda way (W. A.) The treatment of syphilis. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1906, xxx, 511-513.— Harrison (L. W.) The r61e of the pathologist in the recognition and treatmentof svphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, 686.— Hartzeil (M. B.) The treatment of syph- ilis. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1906, xxx, 509-511.—Ilauek (L.) Neuere Forschungsergebnisse auf dem Gebiete der Svphilistherapie. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Berl., 1910, xvii, 909-91i.—Havas(A.) A syphilitikusmegbetegedes mely idoszakaban kezdess^k meg az altalanos gy6gyke- zeles? [At which stage of syphilis is general treatment to commence?] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1892, xxxvi, 585. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1893, xxix, 339. -----. Der heutige Stand der Pathologie und Therapie der Syphilis. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest, 1911, xlvii, 397; 408.—Hay (E. C.) Modern methods of treating syphilis. Tr. Mississippi Valley M. Ass. 1901, Kansas City, 1903, iii, 277-2*6—Hayes (G. S. C.) Synop- sis of treatment of syphilis as carried out at Rochester Row, Military Hospital. J. Roy. Armv Med. Corps. Lond., 1909, xii, 67-71.—Hays (J. E.) The treatment of second- ary syphilis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1898, 7. s.. iv, 57-65. -----. Duration of the treatment of syphilis. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1910, xxxiii, 180-183.—Hecht (H.) Reaktionsfahigkeit des Organismus und Luesbehandlung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2578.—Hcidings- feld iM. L.) Some causes and remedies for ignored syphilis. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1901, n. s., xlvii, 567-575. -----. Misdirected svphilitic therapy. Columbus M. J., 1903, xxvii, 53-57—fieim (G.) Heilerfolge bei Syphilis in Aegypten. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, lxxxvii, 415-418.—Heller (,T.) Neue Arbeiten fiber die Therapie der Syphilis. Aerztl. Prakt., Hamb., 1894, vii, 225-241. — Hellmuth (K.) Upotfebeni bromu v praxi chirurgicke a pri vfedech syfilitickych. [Employ- ment of bromine in surgical practice and for syphilitic ulcers.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1880, xix, 215-217.— Hermann (G.) Fiinf Fiille von rezenter Lues, ohne Quecksilber behandelt. Arch. f. phvs.-diiitet. Therap., Frankf. a. O., 1911, xiii, 300.—Heubach (P.) Meine Erfahrungen fiber Geloduralkapseln. Med. Klin., Berl., 1909, v, 1935.— Heuss (E. ) Einige Grundfragen aus der Syphilistherapie. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1900, xxxi, 169-181. -----. Wie behandeln wir die Sv- philis? Ibid., 1901, xxxi, 750; 788. — Hjelmman (J. V.) Om behandlingen af syfilis. Finska liik. -sallsk. handl., Helsingsfors, 1893, xxxv, 100-113.— Holland (Estill D.) The rational treatment of svphilis. Lancet- Clinic, Cincin., 1912, cvii, 216— llubbes (F.) Zur Sy- philistherapie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 360.—Hudelo (L.) Direction generale du traitement actuel de la syphilis. Medecin prat., Par., 1906, 225; 245.— Hunt (V. V.) Syphilis; some thoughts on its pathology ami treatment. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1906, xxix, 238; 301.—Hutchinson (J.) Results of the treatment of syphilis in husband, wife, and child. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1893-4, v, 357-359.-----. On tertiary syphilis; with especial reference to the influence of early treatment in its pre- vention. Ibid.. 1897. viii, 216; 337. -----. A note on the treatment of syphilis. Practitioner, Lond., 1904, lxxiii, 146-148. -----. The intermittent treatment of syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, i, 1154.—Isayett"(S. N.) O zna- chenii Hechebnikh stantsiy v dlelie llecheniya sifilisa. [On the value of therapeutic stations in the treatment of svphilis.] Trudi . . . syezda po obsuzhd. mler prot. sif. v Rossii [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1897, i, pt. 7,1-7.—Isenberg (C. D.) The treatment of svphilis without mercury. J. Therap. & Dietet., Bost., 1910-11, v, 272-280.—Jack (H. P.) The treatment of syphilis bv the general practitioner. J. Alumni Ass. Coll. Phvs. &. Surg., Bait., 1899-1900, ii, 84; 117: 1900-1901, iii, 14-19.— Jadassohn. Bemer- kungen zur Svphilistherapie. Cor. - BL f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1901, xxxi, 673; 718. — Jaime ( O. ) Contribuci6n al estudio del tratamiento de la sifilis. Actas y trab. d. l«r Cong. med. nac, Habana, 1905, i, 337-343.—Jamieson ( W. A.) Syphilis from a clini- cal point of view. Edinb. M. J., 1897, n. s., i, 237; 375.— Jarisch. Therapeutische Versuche bei Svphilis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiv, 721; 771; 826;" 875; 927: 975; 1033.—Jeanselme (E.) & Touraine (A.) Action des differents caustiques sur les plaques muqueuses syphili- tiques, verifiee par l'ultra-microscope. Bull, etmem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1910,3. s., xxx, 170-175.—.ToIks (J. T.) Comparative value of mercury and the iodides in treatmentof syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass.,Chicago,1890,xv,894- 896. Also, Reprint.—Jessner. DiePrincipien der Syphi- listherapie. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1893,n.F.,x,305- 308. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1893, xxviii, 493- 496. -----. Die chronisch-intermittirende Svphilisbe- handlung und ihre*krner. Therap.Monatsh., Berl., 1896, x, 546; >'2—Joseph (M.) Ueber Svphilisbehandlung; ein Sammelreferat. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg.,BerL, 1901, 33- 36.-----. Ueber Syphilisbehandlung. Aerztl. Prax., Berl. & Leipz., 1904, xvii, 85-sx. — Jullien (L.) Quand faut-il commencer le traitement de la syphilis? Compt.- $.V]>hilis (Treatment of). rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect. 8, 158-161. -----. Traitement de la syphilis. Rev. inter- nat. de therap. et Pharmacol., Par"., 1899, vii, 361-367. -----. Syphiligraphie; sur un moyen precieux en clini- que; la therapeutique. Rev. d. mal. de la nutrition Par., 1907, 2. s., v, 207-212.—.1 ustus (J.) A svphilis gy6- gyitasar61. [The treatment of svphilis.] Gvdgyaszat Budapest, 1907, xlviii, 378; 398. Also, trans/.: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1907, xii.no. 17, 4. — Kaliane (M.j Ein Vorschlag zur Therapie der Svphilis. Berl. klin.- therap. Wchnschr., 1905, 1231. — Kaposi (M.) Wie hinge Zeit hindurch soil die Syphilisbehandlung gefuhrt werden? Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xliv, 137-141. -----. Die Therapie der Svphilis. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg. 1895, xl, 398; 408; 417; 417; 428; 437. — Keunc (G. J.) Notes on the treatment of syphilis in Uganda. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1912, xviii, 45-5ti— Kitagaw'a (F.) [The etiology and treatmentof syphilis] Hifukwa kiu Hiniokikwa Zasshi, Tokyo, 1907, vii. 377-393. 1 pl.— Klein (P.) Zur Svphilis-Therapie. I'ngar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1905, x, 113-116 — KlingmUller (V.) Der gegenwartige Stand der Syphilis-Therapie. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1900, xxxviii, k:>7-872.— Kluczenko (B.) Ambulatorische Behandlnng der Syphilis und sonstiger venerischer Krankheiten in Gali- zien. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xxii, 1105-1109.— Kobner. Die Behandlung der Svphilis. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iv, 13. Abth., 56-60. [Discussion], 114-122.—Koehler (H. H.) A few points in the treatment of syphilis. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1904-5, xi, 14-22. — Kokkinotes (I.) To*. TiK-q t»)s crii\iSos. 'IaTpixbs fx-qvvTiop, 'AiJjji'ai, 1902, ii, 209.------. IIa>s irpewet. va 0epa.Trevr)Tat, r/ auipiAis Kara. Ta 7rpa>Ttt a«T7)S frrdSia. 'laTpucij jrpdoSos, 'Ev Supw, 1904, ix, 321-325— Phillips (G. M.) Iron as an adjunct in the treatmentof syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis,1898-9, ii, 50-52. -----. In the matter of syphilis, treatment of the individual is scarcely second in import- ance to treatment of the disease. Ibid., 1899, iii, 64-69.— Pinkus (F.) Die specielle Behandlung der Svphilis. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. u. Wien, 1905, x, 559-600.—Plehn (A.) Die praktische Bedeutung der Wassermannschen Reaktion fiir die Therapie der Syphilis besonders der Spatformen. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1911, Berl., 1912, xiii, 2. Teil, 346-360.—Piu miner (H.) The treatment of syphilis. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louisville, 1900, n. s., viii, 59-63. Also: Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1900-1901, vii, 166-169.—Polilinanii (A.) Zur internen Therapie der Syphilis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 1429-1431.—Pollock (C. E.) Treatment of svphilis on the continent. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1905, xvii, 7- 12.—Porter (F. J. W.) The continuous treatment of syphilis. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1910, xv, 200.— Price (A. F.) The treatment of syphilis with sulphate of copper. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xiv, 129. -----. Cop- per in syphilis. Ibid., 1903, lxiv, 572-574.—Pro ben (C. J.) Some remarks on the treatment of svphilis. Ibid., 1900, lvii, 582-585—Proksch (J. K.) Betrachtungen fiber die neueste und altere Behandlung der Syphilis. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1896, xxxi, 2; 17; 29.—Purdy (J. S.) A review of the treatment of svphilis, based on a year's work at the London Dock Hospital. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1909, xxviii, 233-244.— Pusey (W. A.) The present treatment of syphilis. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1900, xii, 247-260. Also: Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1900- 1901, n. s., ii, 339-347.—Queyrat (L.) Le traitement ge- neral des syphilitiques. J. de med. int., Par., 1906, x, 251-254. -----. De Lhyyieiio et du traitement local de la syphilis. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1906, xvii, 281-283. -----. Directions generates du traitement des syphilitiques. Bull. m6d., Par., 1912, xxvi, 131-137.— Syphilis (Treatment of). I O^iieyrat (L.) & Oemanche (R.) Valeur therapeuti- que de l'emetique dans le traitement de la syphilis hu- maine. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1909 3. s., xxvi, 558-565.—Qiiintin (L.) Le dentiste et le syphiligraphe dans le traitement de la svphilis. Progres med. beige, Brux., 1909, xi, 73-76— Qu'inton (W. W ) The treatment of syphilis. Buffalo M. J., 1911-12, lxvii 14-18.—Radestock. Neuere Gesichtspunkte fiir die Syphilistherapie. Wien. med. Presse, 1900, xii, 2325.— Rauge (P.) Les nouveaux traitements de la syphilis Prov. med., Par., 1910, xxi, 443-445.—Ravaut (P.) Les indications cliniques et therapeutiques fournies par la ponction lombaire au cours de la syphilis acquise et he- reditaire. Monde med., Par., 1911, xxi, 865-881.—Ra- vitch (M. L.) A plea for a change iu treatment of syphilis. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1897, n. s., xxxviii, 215.— Redondo. Metodos de curaci6n sifilitica. Cong, in- ternat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de der- mat. et syph., 157-165.—Renault (A.) Traitement de la chancrelle ou chancre simple et du chancre syphili- tique classiques dela sphere genitale. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1902, xvi, 353-356. -----. Les syphi- lides secondaires et leur diagnostic; le phagedenisme ve- nerien et son traitement. J. de med. int., Par., 1908, xii, 271-273. -----. Memoire pour servir a l'etude de la direc- tion scientifique du traitement de la syphilis a la periode secondaire. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1910, v, 401; 481.— Rey & Julien (L.) Traitement de la syphilis au Dis- pensaire municipal de la ville d'Alger, pendant l'annee 1895. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 320- 322. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par. 1896, vii, 138-140.—Rice (G. B.) The treatment of syph- ilis. Homceop. Eye, Ear & Throat J., Lancaster, Pa., 1909, xv, 559-566.— Richter (P.) Zur Kritik der Sy- philisbehanulung im Kreiskrankenhaus Lichterfelde. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1902, 221-225.—Ri lie (J. H.) Mit Jodquecksilberhamol behandelte Falle von Syphilis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, viii, 369. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1896, xii, 590.—Ritchie (J.) The treatment of syphilis. J.Roy. Army Med.Corps,Lond.,1908,xi,437.— Robbins(H. A.) The treatment of svphilis. Maryland M. J., Bait, 1896-7, xxxvi, 311; 332; 444. Also, Reprint. -----. Mercury and iodide of potassium. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1904, viii, 149-152.—Rob- ertson (H. D.) Handling svphilis. Pacific Rec. M. & S., San Fran., 1898-9, xiii, 249-253. [Discussion], 268 — Robinson. Sur le traitement de la syphilis par la su- dation et par la fumigation en Orient. Bull. gen. de the- rap. [etc.]. Soc. de therap. ..., Par., 1896, i, 751-755.— Robinson (J. A.) The duration and possible curabil- ity of syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis.. St. Louis, 1906, x, 379.—Robinson (W. J.) Pilocarpine as an adjuvant in the treatment of syphilis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxi, 988.—Roca (J. M,) Sifilis; trascendental importancia de su tratamiento. Gac m6d. de Granada, 1895, xiii, 385-396.— Rogalski. Le chlorure d'or etde sodium dans le traitement de la syphilis. Progres med., Par., 1903,3.s., xvii,415.—RosenblattYa.M.) Mozhet- li Wassermann'ovskaya reaktsiya sluzhit pokazatelem udachno provedyonnol terapii sifilisa? [May the Was- sermann's reaction serve as an index to successful treat- ment of syphilis?] Terap. Obozr., Odessa, 1910, iii, 507.— Rosenthal ( O. ) Zur Behandlung der Syphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxx, 1375- 1378.—Ross (J.) Remarks on the diagnosis and treat- ment of svphilis. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1906, xviii, 142-148.—Rothschuh (E.) The internal treatmentof syphilis. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1909, xxxiv, 220-227.—Rudolph. Ueber den Heilwerth des Krysipels bei Syphilis. Centralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1*96, xvii, 124-127.—Ruehl (K.) Contributo alia terapia della sifi- iide. Gazz. med. lomb.,Milano,1908,lxvii,179-132.—Ruge (R.) Syphilis und Malaria; ein Beitrag zu der Frage: Friihbehandlung der Svphilis oder nicht? Monatsh. f. prakt.Dermat., Hamb., 1896, xxii, 333-337.—Ruggles (E. W.) Supplementary report on the hot air treatment of phagedenic chancroid and chancre. N. York M.J. [etc.], 1910, xcii, 1060-1062. Also, Reprint—Rum pi". Physika- lische Therapie der Svphilis. Handb.d.physikal.Therap., Leipz., 1902, 2. Teil, i, 201-208.—Saalfeld (E.) Zur Sy- philisbehandlung. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1895, ix, 247. -----. ZurinnerenTherapiederSvphilis. Ibid, 1907,xxi, 18-22.—Sabrazes (J.) & Duperie (R.) Note sur le traitementde la syphilisparl'associationd'unemOmesolu- tion injectabledel'atoxyLdubiiodured'Hg etde l'iodure de sodium. Gaz. hebd.d. sc.med. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxix, 63.—Saingery (H.) Professor Fournier's recent modi- fication of his treatment of syphilis. Internat.Clin.,Phila., 1906,16.S. ,iii, 27-34—Salles. A propos du traitement de la syphilis. Rev.m6d.de Normandie,Rouen,1904,iv,465-467.— Salmon (P.) L'antimoine dans la syphilis. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1909, cxlviii, 377.—Sartcheff (M. D.) K voprosu o llechenii sifilisa po Prokhorovu. [Treatment of syphilis by Prokhoroff's method.] Vo- yenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1910, ccxxx, med.-spec. pt., 135-138.—Sato (S.) Myatoku rioho zukete. [Treatment of syphilis.] Jundento Iji Kenkukwai Hoko, Tokio, 1893, SYPHILIS. 493 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of). no. 152,1-6.—Scarenzio (A.) Sui piii recenti metodi di cura della sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1897, xxxii, 691-696. -----. La cura precoce della sifiiide nei dispensarii celtici. Gaz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1904, vii, 49.—Schamberg (J. F.) The institution of treatment in the primary stage of syphilis; a case of sup- pression of the secondaries. Codex med. Phila., 1895-6, ii, 103-106. -----. Refractory syphilis with report of a case utterly resistant to specific treatment. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1901, n. s., cxxi, 184-188.—Schmey (F.) Zur inneren Behandlung der Svphilis. Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1909, xxxiv, 103-105.—Schmidt (L. E.) The mercurial and iodin injection treatment for svphilis. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1903-4, n. s., v, 836.—Scholtz W.) Der heutige Stand der Svphilisbehandlung. Ztschr. . iirztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1908, v, 161-169.—Schramm (F.) Die Behandlung der Lues mittelst Elektrizitiit. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1908, liii, 209.—Sehiilte (P.) Pha- gozytin als Ersatz fiir Quecksilber in der Luestherapie. Monatschr. f. Harnkr. u. sex. Hyg., Leipz., 1908, v, 53- 61.—Schwarz(S.) ZurTherapiederSvphilis. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1908, xxii, 299-303.—Schweninger. Syphilitische und ihre Behandlung. Arch, f. Lichttherap. [etc.], Berl., 1902, iii, 247-255. -----. Einiges fiber Syphi- litische und deren Behandlung. Arch. f. phvs.-diatet. Therap., Berl., 1904, vi, 33; 65; 97.—Scott (His.) The treatment of primary and secondary svphilis. Northwest. Lancet, Minneap., 1905, xxv, 362-364.—Sellei (J.) A syphilis gy6gytananak haladasa. [The progress of the therapy of syphilis.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xiv, 236; 253.—Shaffner (P. F.) The present status of anti- svphilitic treatment. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1912, cvii, 329-333.—Shaw-Mackenzie (J. A.) The treatment of syphilis by external methods. J. Balneol. & Climat., Lond., 1898, ii, 13-27. -----. The influence of climate and place over syphilis. Ibid., 1899, iii, 110-129.—Sheedy (B. D.) Syphilis of mucous membranes and its treat- ment. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1904, xix, 54-58.—Shichi. [The diagnosis and treatment of syphilis.] Juntendo Iji Kenkiu Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1906, 996-1005.— Shinault (C. R.) Is svphilis curable? J. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1895-6, vi, 107-110.—Sliishlo (A. A.) K sovre- mennim metodam raspoznavaniya, profilaktiki i lleche- niya sifilisa. [Modern methods of diagnosis, prophylaxis, and treatment of syphilis.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1911, 12-33.—Siebert (C.) Die Praxis der modernen Syphilistherapie nebst ihren theo- retischen Grundlagen. Jahresb. f. arztl. Fortbild., Miinchen, 1911, 4. Hft., 35-71— Simons (M. H.) Syphi- lis and its treatment. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1910, xxvii, 290-294.—Simpson (F. E.) Some observations on the treatment of syphilis. Quart. Bull. Northwest Univ. Med. Sch., Chicago, 1910, xii, 45-50.—Smart (D.) The mod- ern treatment of svphilis. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1906, xxvi, 75-83.—Smirnoff (S. A.) NIckotoriye ne zakritiye voprosl v terapii sifilisa. [Certain open questions in the treatment of syphilis.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1894, xii, 972-981. Also, transl: Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1894, xx, 270-276. -----. K voprosu o ratsi'onalnom llechenii sifilisa. [On rational treatment of syphilis.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1897, xlvii, 954-956.— von der Spek (J.) Over behandeling van de syphilis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1893, 2. R., xxix, pt. 2, 72-81.—Spencer (R. H.) Primary svphilis. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1899, xxiii, 301-313—Spie- gler(E.) DieBehandlungderSyphilisim Friihstadium. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1908, xxii, 49.—Spitzer (L.) Weitere Beitrage zur atiologischen Therapie der Syphilis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 1132. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch.dermat. Gesellsch. 1906, Berl., 1907,249-251.-----. Weitere Beitrage zur atiologischen Therapie der Syphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 11-14.—Spohr (R.) Die arzneilose Behandlung der Sy- philis. Arch. f. phys.-diatet. Therap., Berl., 1904, vi, 293; 324.-----. Welches sind die Erfolge des Naturheilver- fahrens bei Syphilis. Ibid., Frankf. a. O., 1908, x, 1; 65.— Spot (J.) Druhotni pfijice kozni a zlazni, vfedy u pros- tfed leceni se objevujici, vylee-eni za 11 medel. [Second- ary syphilis of skin and glands, ulcers appearing during treatment; cure after 11 weeks.] Casop. 16k. cesk., v Praze, 1865, iv, 70.—Sprecher (F.) II nitrito di sodio nella cura della sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1896, xxxi, 453-456.—Squier (J. B.) Remarks upon the treatment of syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1908, xii, 1.—Steeg. Accident syphili- tique tertiaire simulant un cancer; action rapide du traitement mixte. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 40. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 15-17—Stern (C.) Ueber die Beeinflus- sung syphilitischer Erscheinungen durch Nukleinhvper- leukozytose. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 949-953. -----. Ueber die Einwirkung einiger in der Luestherapie ge- brauchlichen Mittel auf die Leukocyten und fiber die Bedeutung der Leukocytose fiir die Heilung der Lues. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xvii, 385-403, 1 pl.—Stern (Paula). Beitrage zur Therapie der Syphilis. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1905, xxvi, 357; 369; 381.—Stirling (R. Syphilis (Treatment of). A.) The treatment of svphilis. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1910, xv, 229-234.—Stott (H.) The present-day treatment of syphilis; its special value in prophylaxis and in prevention of recurrence. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1909, xxiii, 198; 21*.—Strauss (A.) Meine Resul- tate der epiduralen Einspritzungen durch Punktion des Sakralkanals bei Syphilis und den funktionellen Er- krankungen der Harn und Geschlechtsorgane. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 1206.—Stromberg (C.) Aus der Praxis des Kampfes gegen die Svphilis. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1897, n. F., xiv, 489-491.—Stur- K'is (F. R.) The modern treatment of syphilis. Med. Council, Phila., 1908, xiii, 442: 1909, xiv, 51; 245; 291; 334; 416: 1910, xiv, 15; 102.—Sugget (O. Le G.) Treatment of syphilitic cachexia and anemia. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1904, viii, 288. — Sukhoff (A. A.) O llechenii sifilisa. [On the treatment of syphi- lis.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadte, 1897-8, xxxvi, 59-67.—Sufiol (T.) Nuevos derroteros en el tratamiento de la sifilis. Rev. de med., ciruj. y farm., Barcel., 1895, ix, 205-208.—Suroff (G. I.) K voprosu o liechenii sifilisa po sposobu Prokhorova. [Treatmentof syphilis by Prokhoroff'smethod.] Med. Sbornik Varshav. Uya/.d. vovenn. hosp., Varshava, 1901, xiv, nos. 3-4, pt. 1, 1-24— Sverehkoff (V. T.) K llecheniya yazv sifili- ticheskavo pro'iskhozhdeniya. [Treatment of ulcers of syphilitic origin.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1892, xiii, 958.— Sweitzer (S. E.) The modern therapy of svphilis. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1906, xxvi, 611.—Sycle (M.C.) Constitutional treatmentof syphilis. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1905-6, x, 251.—Symeonides (S.) Svpcyyia virop.a<7\aKi.a.la fieri /uaa-rinSa viroxu>pr)a,av- Ta. kolTOttiv ai'TKTvtpiA.ifii/cjjs depaneias. 'IaTptKTj Trpoofio?, Ey 2vp, 1908, xiii, 200.— T. C. Le traitement de la verole au Grand Hotel-Dieu de Lvon, en 1739. Province med., Lyon, 1900, xiv, 421; 450.—Tarnovski (V. M.) Izlle- chimost sifilisa. [Sur la curabilite de la syphilis. Extr., 85-93.1 Russk. arch, patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.- Peterb., 1900, ix, 1-73. See, also, supra.— Taylor (G. G. S.) A note on the treatment of syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1909, i, 309-311.-Taylor (R. W.) The treatment of secondary syphilis. N. York M. J., 1899, lxix, 474-479.— Terras (J.) [Observaciones hechas con la Mentzelia hispida; sifilis.] An. d. Inst. m6d. nac, Mexico, 1896, ii, 172-174.—Thalmann. Syphilisgift, Syphilisimmunitat und Syphilisbehandlung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 189. -----. Die Frfihbehandlung der Syphilis. Ibid., 603-608.—Thibaut (A.) Schema du traitement de la syphilis. Nord med., Lille, 1910, xvii, 153-156.— Thibierge (G.) Les medications dites adjuvantes, generates et locales, dans le traitement de la syphilis; leur role et leur importance. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Leipz. u. Wien, 1911, cvii, 203-214. — Thomsen (O.) Den moderne Syfilisforskning. [Modern researches on syphilis.] Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1907, 4. R., xv, 739; 771; 802; 826.— Thurman (S. T.) Improvement in com- pounds for the treatment of syphilis, &c. [Pat. spec] No. 2186; July 23, 1841.—Touton (K.) Ueber einige Fragen in der Syphilisbehandlung. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M., 1896, v, 15-24. -----. Die wichti- geren allgemeinen Gesichtspunkte in der Syphilisthera- pie. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. u. Wien, 1905, x, 533-558.— Trenwlth (W. D.) The treatment of syphilis. Med. News, N. Y., 1903, lxxxii, 769-773.—Treves (H. T.) & Keane (G. T.) The treatment of syphilis in Uganda. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1909, xiii, 241-244.— Tslekhanovich (A. Z.) MIestnoye tloplo pri sifilise. [Local heat in syphilis.] Protok. . . . Obsh. Minsk. vrach., 1893-4, 189-202. — Tslenovski (A. A.) Em- pirizm v llechenii sifilisa. [Empiricism in the treatment of syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1904, vii, 557; 663. Also: Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Trudi ix. . . . syezda 1904, S.-Peterb., 1905, iii, 252-257.—Turovski (K.) Natrium nitricum, kak sredstvo protiv sifilisa. [. . . as a remedy against syphilis.] Voyenno-med. Jv St. Petersb.. 1896, clxxxvii, 1. sect., 596-600. — Turzanski (G.) Leczenie kily w Iwoniczy. [Treatment of syphilis in Iwonicz.] Przegl. chor6b s k6r. i wen., Warszawa, 1909, iv, 156-164.—Uin- bert (P.) Sobre '1 tractament local en les afeccions sifi- litiques. An. de med. Butll. mens, del' Acad. . . . de Catalunya, Barcel., 1909, iii, 81-84.-----. El estado actual de la cuesti6n de la curabilidad y tratamiento de la sifilis. Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1911, xiii, 368-381.—Vandenabeele (C.) La nephrite syphi- litique de la periode secondaire et en particulier de son traitement. Nord med., Lille, 1900, xvii, 37; 47.—Vech- tomoit"(Ye.) Syphilis: lues venerea; syphilis adulto- rum. Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1907, xiii, 119; 208. — Vecsey (J.) Zur Syphilistherapie. Aerztl. Centr.-Ztg., Wien, 1902, xiv, 169; 181. —Velya- movieh (V. F.) K voprosu ob "opportyunistskom" metodle llecheniya sifilisa. [On the "opportunist" method of treating syphilis.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1002, i, 559; 581; 605.—Verliagen. Du traitement de la svphilis. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1907, 4. s., xxix, 145- 172— Verrier. Recherches cliniques sur le traitement SYPHILIS. 494 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of). de la syphilis; fondees sur les observations du Dr. Jelt- sihiiisky (de Moscou), suivies d'un cas de prophylaxie in utero par lememe traitement. Progres med., Par., 1901, 3. s., xiii, 193-195.—Visheinirski (X. I.) K llecheniyu sifilisa. [On the treatment of syphilis.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1897, clxxxviii, med.-spec. pt., 115-134.— Wahrer (C. F.) Some essential principlesenteringinto the successful treatment of syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & lienito-Urin. Dis.,St. Louis, 1906,x, 329-331.—Walker i R K.) Treatmentof syphilis. Southwest. M. &S. Reporter, Fort Worth, 1896-7,iii,54-58.'— Wallliauser. Neglected syphilis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1908. xxvi, 468.—Ward (A. H.) On the rational treatment of svph- ilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii. 1076-1080.—Wasliburn ( F. H.) Treatment in primary syphilis. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1901, xx, 395-400.—von Wa- traszewski. Einige Fragen beider Behandlung der Syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 18'.ts, xiv, 211-222. -----. Ueber einige seltene Svphilisfalle. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1908, lxxvii, 47.—Weber (L.) The treatment of svphilis. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1908, xxiii, 626-629. — Wechselmann ( W. ) On the treatment of syphilis. Folia Therap., Lond., 1908, ii, 122- 124. — Weiss" (F.) Die Therapie der Svphilis. Wien. med. Presse, 1903, xliv, 1526; 1569; 1610.—AVeisz (M.) Beitrag zur Behandlung der Svphilis. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1901, vi, 561-563. — Weitlaner (F.) Empfehlenswerteneuere Antisiphilitica. Med. BL.Wien, 1904, xxvi, 291.—We lander (E.) Om behandling af enkel chancre medelst viirme. [ Treatment by heat. ] Hygiea, Srockholm, 1893, lv, 55-59. -----. Till fragen om behandlinger af den svrilitiska sjukdomen. [The treat- ment of svphilitic diseases.] Ibid., 1909, 2. f., ix, 653-700. Also, transl: Beihfte z. med. Klin., Berl., 1909, v, 125-156. -----. Einige Versuche zur Behandlung der Syphilis mit Asurol, Atoxylquecksilver (intramuskuliirer und subkutaner) Injektion von Ehrlich's "606" sowie mit Hectine und Hectargyre. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1911, 3. f., xi, afd. ii, no. 1, 1-34, 1 pl— Wernigk (R.) Twelve years' experience in treatment of syphilis by in- travenous injections of mercury, arsenic and iodid of sodium. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, 1, 609-611.— Westeriield (C.J.) The Spirochaete pallida and the treatmentof svphilis. South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1909, vii, 17-20^— White (J.W.) & Wood (A.C.) Svph- ilis. Handb. Pract. Treat. [Musser & Kelly], Phila. & Lond., 1911, ii, 460-490.—Whitla (W.) Discussion on the treatment of syphilis. Montreal M. J., 1898, xxvii, 97-118.—Williams (C.) A few remarks on the various methods of treating svphilis. Clin. J., Lond., 1905-6, xxvii, 360-368.—Win field (J. M.) The treatment of syphilis. N. York State J. M , N. Y., 1909, ix, 413-418.— Winkler (A.) Kritische Bemerkungen zur Syphilis- Behandlung. Arch. f. phys.-diatet. Therap., BerL, 1900, ii, 173-177. -----. Ueber die Behandlung der Svphilis. Therap. Rundschau, BerL, 1908, ii, 201; 219; 23*.—Woot- ton (W. T.) The adequate treatment of svphilis. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1911-12, viii, 301-3U4.—Ya- manouchi (K.) On the treatmentof second stage of svphilis. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokvo, 1910, xxix. no. 2, 1910. —'Veriuakoir (P. I. ) Haemolum hydrarsryro- jodatum pri llechenii pozdnyavo sifilisa. [. . . in the treatment of late svphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1903, v, 257-261. — Yvert (A.) In- compatibilites meclicamenteuses; dangers de l'emploi simultane des composes iodiques et des sels de mer- cure. Rec. d'opht., Par., 1908, 3. s.. xxx, 333-341.— Zeisler (J.) Aphorisms on the treatment of svphilis. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1893-4, iii, 427-433. -----. Some im- portant points in the treatment of syphilis. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1908, xiii, 411-417. [Discussion], 469-473.— von Zeissl (M.) Zur Therapie der Syphilis. Wien. med. Presse, 1897, xxxviii, 1473-1477. —-—. Einige Be- merkungen fiber die Behandlung der Svphilis. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1881-1883. -----. Die lue- tischen Erkrankungen desUrogenitalapparates und ihre Behandlung. Wien. med. Presse, 1906, xlvii, 69-74.-----. Behandlung der Spatformen der Svphilis. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1907, xxi, 329-331. ---—. Die Behandlung der Syphilis. Med. Klin., BerL, 1908, iv, 532-535. •-----. Ein Beitrag zur Behandlung der Svphilis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lviii, 970-975. -----. Kasuistische Mit- teilungen nebst Bemerkungen zur Syphilisbehandlung. Ibid., 1909, lix, 922-925.—He I.yon eft" (I. F.) Llechenive sifilisa v svyazi s Wassermann'ovskol reaktsiyel. [Treat- ment of syphilis in connection with Wassermann's reac- tion.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1910, xx, 330.—Xieu;elroth. Zur Casuistik der Lues-Thera- pie. Arch. f. phys.-dmtet. Therap., BerL, 1900, ii, 202.— Ziemssen. Die Heilung der constitutionellen Svphi- lis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, xxxi, 827. Syphilis (Treatment of Abortive or in- tensive). See, also, Syphilis (Treatment of) with hectine. Feichtmayer (F.) *Giebt es ein Abortiv- verfahren bei der Lues? [Leipzig. 1 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1902. Syphilis (Treatment of Abortive or in- t en si re). Heinze (K.) Die Priiventivbehandlung der Syphilis. 8°. Kiel, 1905. Larrieu (J.-F.) Guerison radicale de la syphilis. 12°. Bourges, 1S94. Loewy (J.) *Ist die Abortivbehandlung der Syphilis moglich? 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Peyissonneau (P.) *Etude sur le traitement intensif de la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1903. Schoull (J.) Traitement abortif de la syphi- lis. 8°. Paris, 1911. Arning (E.) Ueber Abortivkuren der Svphilis durch kombinierte Quecksilber-Salvarsanbehandlung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 1792.—Audry (C.) Sur la syphilis abortive et l'abor- tion de la syphilis. Province med.. Par., 1911, xxii, 6.— Barthelemy. Traitement precoce de la syphilis par le mercure. J. de clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1897, v, 623: 647.—Bureau (G.) Le traitement abortif de la syphilis. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1910,2. s., xxviii, 509-513.— Carajon (P.) Etude critique sur le traitement abor- tif de la syphilis. N. Montpel. med. Suppl., 1892, i, 723-757.—Carle. Essai sur le traitement intensif et pre- coce de la syphilis. Lyon med., 1908, ex, 853-893.— Clieinisse (L.) Sur une nouvelle theorie soi-disant dualiste des chancres et sur son application au traitement abortif de la svphilis. Ann. de therap. dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, ii, 77-83. Also: Semaine med., Par., 1902, xxii, 19-21.—Co loin bin! (P.) & Simonelli (F.) Sul valore della cura mercuriale precoce della sifiiide; ricerche ematologiche. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1896-7, 4. s., viii, 171-188. Also, Reprint. Also: Rifor- ma med., Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. 3, 483; 495.—Duhot (R.) Avortement de la syphilis par le traitement intensif. Cong, internat. de med., Lisb., 1906-7, xv, sect. 8, 354-364. [Discussion], 400-404. Also, transl: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiv, 575-578.— Page (A.) & Le Itlaye (R.) Traitement abortif de la syphilis; 6tat actuel de la question. Progres med., Par.. 1911, 3. s., xxvii, 245-247.—Fouquet (C.) A propos du traitementabortif dela syphilis. J.demed.int., Par.,1910, xiv, 141-143.—Fournier. Prophylaxie de la syphilis par le traitement. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1899, 3. 8., xiii, 475-495. Also: Bull, med., Par., 1899, xiii, 1017-1023.— Friboes (VV.) Ueber PseudoDrimaraffekte nach inten- si ver Behandlung im Friihstadium der Syphilis. Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1911, xviii, 543-556.—Gaucher. Le traite- ment intensif dans les accidents syphilitiques graves. Presse therap., Par., 1904, i, 171.— Gerbsman (I. I.) K voprosu ob abortivnom sposoble llecheniya sifilisa. [On the abortive treatment of svphilis.] Vrach. Gaz.,S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 64-67.—Gerohne (A.) & Gutmann (C.) Unsere bisherigen Erfahrungen fiber die Abortivbehand- lung der Svphilis mit Salvarsan. BerL klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 2153-2160.—Gltick (L.) Ueber die merku- rielle Friihbehandluiig der Svphilis. Wien. med. Presse, 1906, xlvi,2493; 2550; 2595. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli. 1906, xxii, 129.—Groll. Avorte- ment de la syphilis; conditions pour l'obtenir; confirma- tions experimentales. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1910, xxxiv, 77-91.—Griinl'eld (R. L.) Zur Frfihbehandlung der Syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1911, cv, 457^74.—Hallopeau (H.j Marche vers la dis- parition de la syphilis par son nouveau traitement abortif local. Nel xxv. annod' insegn. univ. d. Prof. D. Barduzzi (1886-1910), Livorno, 1911, 229-231. -----. Sur une nou- velle methode de traitement de la syphilis puissamment attenuante et peut-etre abortive. Gaz. d. hfip., Par., 1909, lxxxii, 1099-1102. Also: Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1909, lxxvi, 681-587. Also: Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.l, Par., 1910, clix,561-574. Also: Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 848. Also, transl: Tribuna med., Rio de Jan., 1911, xvii, 252-255. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1910, n. s., xc, 355-358. -----. Sur un traitement abortif de la syphilis en 30 jours. B.ull. Acad, demed., Par., 1910, 3. s., lxiii, 482-495. -----. A propos du traite- ment abortif de la syphilis. Ann. d. mal., ven., Par., 1910, v, 440-442. -----. Sur un perfectionnement du traitement abortif de la svphilis. Bui 1. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1910, xxi, 17-21. -----. Nouvelle note sur un traite- ment local et general abortif de la svphilis. Ibid., 26-29. Also: Bull. Acad, de mod., Par., 1910, 3. 8., lxiv, 69-72. -----. Sur un accident survenu fortuitement dans notre traitement abortif de la syphilis. Dermat. Stud., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1910, xx, 271-276. -----. Le traitement abortif de la svphilis. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par.. 1911,cxi, 193-201. -----. Statistique du nouveau traitement abortif local et prolonge de la svphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1911, cvi, 231-234.—Hallopeau (H.) & Brodier (L.) Sur le choix des agents sp.Vin- ques dans le nouveau traitement abortif de la syphilK Bull, gen.de therap. [etc.], Par., 1909, clviii, 861-865.- Hallopeau (H.)& Fouquet. Le traitement abortif de la syphilis. Medecin prat., Par., 1910, vi, 725-727.— Hayes (R.) The intensive treatment of syphilis by Aachen methods. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, ii, 650-652.— SYPHILIS. 495 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of Abortive or in- tensive). Hecht (H.) Die bisherigen Ergebnisse der Abortivbe- handlung der Syphilis mittels Exzision, Salvarsan und Quecksilber. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 2039.—Hutchinson (J.) Abortive treat- mentof svphilis; success; early symptoms of tabes (?) in eighth year. Arch. Surg., Loud., 1893^1, v, 63.— Jam- bon, Moutot A Augagneur. Echec du traitement abortif de la syphilis par le traitement local par l'hectine, combine au traitement general mercuriel et iodure in- tensif. Bull. Soe. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1911, x, 13-18.— Jullien (L.) Abortion de la syphilis. Nel xxv. anno d' insegn. univ. d. Prof. D. Barduzzi (1886-1910), Livorno, 1911, 233-238. -----. Des effets du traitement mercuriel intense et precoce sur 1'evolution de la syphilis. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap., Par., 1894,166-177. Also: Bull. Sue. de med. de Par. (1894), 1895.4. s., ii, 100-110. Also: France med., Par., 1894, xii, 337-340. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1894, lxvii, 659. Also: Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, v, dermat, 164-170. Also, transl: Mo- natsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1894, xviii, 411-418. Also: transl: Wien. med. Presse, 1894, xxxv, 1113: 1151.— Kroeger (K.) Die Friihbehandlung der Syphilis. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1910, xxxv, 115-118.—Lam- bert (E.) Les traitements abortifs de la syphilis ct la preservation sociale. Med. orient., Par., 1911, xv, 131- 133.—Lane (J. F.) A protest against the premature ad- ministration of mercury in syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 10S9.—Lederer (A.) Beitrag sur Friihbehandlung der Syphilis. Med. Klin., BerL, 1908, iv, 1806-lv.s.—Le- loir. De l'excision du chancre dans le traitement abor- tif de la syphilis. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, BerL, 1891, iv, 13. Abth., 68-73.—Leredde. Le traitement mercuriel intensif; suppression des frictions mercurielles dans le traitement des svphilis graves. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903,4. s., iv, 57-62. -----. A propos du traitement abortif de la syphilis. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii, 175.—Le- redde & Kuenemaiin. Sterilisation de la syphilis a la periode primaire: statistique de 20 ans. Ibid., 1912, xxiii. 26-30.—Levi (L.) La cura abortiva della sifiiide mediante le applicazioni galvanocaustiche ripetute sopra il sifiloma iniziale. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv. sect, de dermat. et syph., 64-69. -----. Sopra una condizione importante per la riuscita della cura abortiva della sifiiide. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1905, xx, 362-365.—Lundsgaard (E.) Ingvi- nalbubonerne efter Ulcus molle og deres Abortivbehand- ling. [Inguinal buboes after chancroid and its abortive treatment.] Hosp.-Tid., Kpbenh., 1901, 4.5., ix, 921-931 — M'Kenzie (D.) A short wav with syphilitics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, i, 5h'>.—Haisonneuve (M.) The preventive .treatment of svphilis. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1910, n. s., xc, 676-679.—.Uanassei (C.) Indica- zioni sulla seelta delle varie forme della corrente per la cura preventiva ed abortiva della sifiiide. Spallanzani, Roma, 1*92, 2. s., xxi, 145-155.—.Tlannlno (L.) La cura mercuriale intensa applicata contro la sifiiide fin dal- 1' inizio della sua seconda incubazione. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1896, xxxi, 50-60. -----. Due nuovi casi di abortodi sifiiide merce la cura mercuriale intensa e precoce. Ibid., 1910, xiv, 104-109.—Mariotti (E.) Tentativi di cura abortiva della sifiiide nel periodo ini- ziale. Gior.internaz.d.sc.med.,Napoli, 1910, n.s., xxxii, 28-30. Also, transl: Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1910, v, 321- 326.— Jtfauriac (C.) Traitement abortif de la syphilis. Semaine m6d., Par., 1893, xiii, 53.—Meshtsherski (G. T.) K voprosu ob abortirovanii sifilisa. [Aborting svphilis] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1911, lxxvi, 335-337.— Miratilia (E.) L' escisione del sifiloma iniziale eseguita a scopoabortivo della sifiiide. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1900, xvii, 437-454.— Moutot (H.) Echec du traitement abortif dela syphilis par les injections locales d'hectine associees au traitement mercuriel general. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 641-653. -----. Sur le traitement abortif de la syphilis. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 850-S52— Ohmann-Dumesnil(A. H.) A rapid treat- ment of chancroid and ulcerative svphilitic lesions. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1898, lxxiv, 289-302. Also, Reprint.— Pellizzari (C.) Concetto informativo di alcuni tenta- tivi di attenuazione della sifiiide. Internat. dermat. Cong. Ber. ti. d. Verhandl. 1892, Wienu. Leipz., 1893, 705- 707. -----. Tentativi di attenuazione della sifiiide. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, v, dermat., 176-184. Also: Sperimenta le, Firenze, 1894, xlviii, 161-172. Also, transl: Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1891, viii, 1052-1056. Also, transl: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1891, xii, 223-227.—Pontoppiilan (E.) Den abortive Be- handling ved Syfilis. Ugesk. f. Lteger, Kabenh., 1*97, 5. R.,iv,505-510.—Prissmaun fS.) ZurFrfihbehandlung der Svphilis. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1910, xxxv, 118-120.—Queyrat. Que doit-on penser du traitement dit "abortif" dela syphilis par la methode de M. Hallo- peau? Bull. Soe. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1912, xxiii, 40-45.—Bona (S.) A syphilis abortiv orvoslasa az elso nyilvanulas es a taji mirigyek kiirtasa altal. [The abortive treatment of syphilis by the extirpation of the Syphilis (Treatment of Abortive or in- tensive). local glands on its first appearance.] Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1907, li, 571-573. -----. Ujb61 a syphilis abortiv orvoslasanak kerdesehez. [More on the abortive treat- ment of syphilis.] Ibid., 1908, Iii, 66.5-667.—Buta (S.) Studio comparativo dei piu recenti metodi di cura abor- tiva della sifiiide. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1911, lxx, 106; 111.—Scarenzlo (A.) La cura precoce della sifi- iide. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1901, vii; 7-9. -----. La cura pre- coce della sifiiide nei dispensan celtici. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1904, xv, 253-258.—Scherber (G.) Die Abortivbehandlung der Syphilis. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., BerL, 1908, x, 232-259. -----. Die Friihbehandlung der Svphhis. Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1911, xviii, 555-579.—Strauss (A.) Ein Vorschlag zur Fruhbehandlung des syphilitischen Primaraffektcs mit Quecksilberinfiltration iind Kauterisation. Dermat. Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1906, x, 35-45.—Taibo (L.) Notas de sifiliograf ia; tratamiento abortivo de la sifilis en 30 dias. Cr6n. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1910, xiii, 243-246—Tom- masoli. Di alcuni tentativi di cura abortiva della sifiiide fatti col metodo del Prof. Baccelli. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1896, xxxi, 672.—von Val (A. O.) O rannem llechenii sifilisa. [The earl v treatment of syphi- lis.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1909, viii, 82-85.—von Watraszewski. Ueber den Werth der praventiven Mcthoden bei der Behandlung der Syphilis. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, BerL, 1891, iv, 13. Abth., 78-82.—Welch (F. H.) The prevention of syphilis by treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 496.—Kak (I.) Abor- tivno-ranneve liechenive sifilisa. [Abortive early treat- ment of syphilis.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1909, xvi, 323- 325.—Zilberman (A. I.) Nfeskolko slov po povudo abortivnavo metoda llecheniya sifilisa po Holliinder'u. [Abortive method of treating svphilis by Hollander's method.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 984. Syphilis (Treatment of Climatic and open-air). Douty (E. H.) The open-air treatment of syphilis. Boston M. & S. J., 1903, cxlviii, 120-122. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 487^89. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1903, lxiii, 161-163.—Yetsina (Zina'ida Y.) Po povodu klimato- terapii sifilisa. [Climatotherapy of syphilis.] Prakt. Vrach, St.-Peterb., 1904, iii,489; 516. Also [Abstr.]: Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1904, vii, 448. Syphilis (Treatment of Dietetic). Muller (J.) Die hygienisch-diiitetische Be- handlung der Syphiliskranken. 8°. Berlin, 1907. Preis (N. P.) Dietetika pri llechenii vene- richeskikh bolleznei; s prilozheniyem: sami bolniye [sut] prichina neizliecheniya sifilisa; dlya muzhchin i dlya zhenshtshin. [Dietetics in the treatment of venereal diseases, with ap- pendix: the patients themselves are the cause of the incurability of syphilis; for men and women.] 2. ed. 12°. Kharkov, 1894. Ziegelroth. Die physikalisch-diatetische Therapie der Syphilis. Anhang: Die physika- lisch-diiitetische Therapie der (ionorrhoe. 8°. Berlin, 1900. Amaiio (M.) [The selection of nourishment in syphilis.] J. Nihonbashi-ku San. Ass., Tokyo, 1895, no. 22, 9-1L— Bloch (I.) Ueber Ernahrungstherapie bei Syphilis. Med. Klin., BerL, 1905, i, 442.—Block (F.) Hygiene und Diatetik bei der Syphilisbehandlung. Ztschr. f. diiitet. u. physik. Therap., Leipz., 1902-3, vi, 551-563.—Justus (J.) A syphilis diaetetikai kezeleserol. [The dietetic treatment of syphilis.] Diaet. es physik. gy6gyit6m., Budapest, 1905, 1-4. — Mil Her (J.) Zur Diatetik der Syphilis. Internat. dermat. Kong. Ver- handl. u. Ber. 1904, BerL, 1905, ii, 548-553.—Preis (N. P.) Prakticheskaya zamletka o znachenii pityapodogrletavo kumisa pri llechenii sifilisa na Pyatigorskol grapple Kavkazskikh mineralnikh vod. [Importance of drink- ing warmed kumis in the treatment of syphilis in Pyatigorsk] Russk. med. vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1903, v, no. 7, 27-32.—7/1 eii el roth. Versuch, die Berechtigung einer physikalisch-diiitetischen Behandlung bei Lues zu erweisen. Arch. f. phys.-dia.tet. Therap., Berl., 1899, i, 65; 93; 126; 157; 185; 213; 241; 335. Syphilis (Treatment of Local) [Pri- mary lesion]. See, also, Chancre (Treatment of). Balzer (F.) Die Behandlung des phagadiinischen Schankers mittelst dauernder Irrigation mit einer heis- sen Losung von Kalium permanganicum. Monatsh. f. SYPHILIS. 496 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of Local) {Pri- mary lesion] prakt. Dermat., Hamb., xxiii, 570-576.—Behaegel. Le traitement local du chancre syphilitique. Clinique, Brux., 1910, xxiv, 421-429.—Breakey (W. F.) The management of suspected primary lesions of syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1904, viii, 249-254.—Caro (L.) Zur Therapie des harten Schankers. Therap. d. Gegenw., BerL, 1904, xiv, 165-167.—Elani (W. T.) The initial lesions and treatment of the pri- mary stage of syphilis. West. M. & S. Reporter, St. Jo- seph, Mo., 1894, vi, 261-265.—Page & Lre Blaye. Re- cherches sur le traitement local du chancre syphilitique. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii, 28- 37. Also: Progresmed., Par., 1911, xxvii,21-25.—Federn (S.) Vorschlag zur Behandlung des Ulcus durum. Wien. med. Presse, 1901, xiii, 2313-2318. — Fournier (A.) Traitement du chancre syphilitique et de ses diverses complications. Presse med., Par., 1897, t. 2, 5-8. -----. Treatment of the syphilitic chancre. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1899, 8. s., iv, 16-22. -----. Treatment of the com- plications of the syphilitic chancre. Ibid., 1901, 10. s., iv, 95-101.—Hallopeau (H.) Sur le traitement local de la syphilis et plus specialement sur la valeur thera- peutique du mercure comme agent antiseptique local, Bull, gen de therap. [etc.], Par., 1903, cxlvi, 516-519.— Kttbner (H.) Sur le traitement local de la syphilis et specialement sur la valeur therapeutique du mercure comme agent antisyphilitique local. Ibid., 404-412.— Moncayo (B.) Tratamiento de la sifilis; diversos pro- cederes contra su manifestaci6n inicial. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1903, xvii, 347-351.—ITIorelle (A.) Traite- ment de la syphilis a la periode primaire. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1907, xiv, 177-182.—Mllller (G. J.) Zur Therapie des svphilitischen Primaraffekts. Med. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 1899.— UIuHer (J.) Beitrag zur ortlichen Behandlung der Syphilis ulcerosa. Therap. Monatsh., BerL, 1900, xiv, 480-483.—von Niessen. Zur Praventiv- behandlung des syphilitischen Primaraftectes. Med. Woche, BerL, 1904, v, 101.—Raymond (P.) Le traite- ment local dans la syphilis. Med. mod., Par., 1895, vi, 209.—da Sllva-Jones. De la cicatrisation rapide du chancre indure par son traitement local. Cong, internat. de med., Lisb., 1906-7, xv, sect 8, 441-445.—Solly (E.) On the external treatment of syphilis. J. Balneol. & Climat., Lond., 1898, ii, 57-62.— van der Spek (J.) Lo- cale behandeling van luetische aandveningen. [Local treatment of luetic affections.] Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1894, i, 189; 217.—Verstraeten (C.) & Minne (A.) Le syphilome initial et son traitement. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1904, lxxxiv, 295-304, 2 pl.—Worster (W. P.) The treatment and cure of chancre with perox- ide of hydrogen. Denver M. Times, 1894-5, xiv, 64-66. Syphilis (Treatment of Operati re). See, also, Chancre (Treatment of) by excision'; Syphilis (Surgical aspects of). Brandes (I.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'excision du chancre indure\ 4°. Paris, 1891. Ehlers (E.) * Extirpationen af den syphi- litiske initiallsesion. En kritisk vurdering med unders0gelse af enkelte herhen horende sp0rgs- maal. 8°. Kj0benhavn, 1891. Also, transl [Abstr.] in: Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iv, 13. Abth., 82-90. Koppenhagen (B.) * Ueber operative Be- handlung der primiiren Syphilis. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1893. Naso-Albanese (F.) Alcune considerazioni di clinica sifilopatica e di sifiloterapia a proposito d' un caso di sifiiide ad evoluzione rapida con affezione gommosa del palato e perforazione della volta. Uranoplastia; protesi meccanica. 8°. Napoli, 1894. A1 bertin. Syphilome para-arciculaire de l'extre- mit6 superieure de 1'humerus droit; traitement par l'evi- dement osseux avec arthrotomie de necessite; guerison rapide et definitive; resultats eioignes. Province med., Lyon, 1*94, viii, 493.— Cesarano (U.) la cura radicale della sifiiide. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1910, xvi, 637- 657.—Cheyne (W. W.) On operation in some cases of tertiary syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 1571.—Bar- del (J.) The eradicating treatment ot syphilis. Am. J, Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 525- 528. — Belogu (G.) Una pinza hunterotoma. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1901, xxii, 970.—Finger (E.) Ueber die Excision des svphilitischen Initialaffectes. Wien. med. Presse, 1895, xxxvi, 41, 90. Also, transl: Boll. d. clin.. Milano, 1895, xii, 405-409.—Fournier (A.) L'ex- cision du chancre. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1892, 2. s., xxix,506-511. —Galewsky. Operative Behandlungder Plaques indurees des Penis. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch, Syphilis (Treatment of Operative). deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii.pt. 2, med. Abth., 407.—Gerber. Zur Frage der Excision der Initialsklerose. Therap. Monatsh., BerL, 1892, vi, 615- 517.—Hallopeau (H.) Sur une nouvelle indication de pratiquer systematiquement l'ablation du chancre in- dure et de son ganglion satellite ou d'en attenuer la viru- lence. Cong, franc, de med. 1907, Par., 1908, e. r, 468-470.— Hartley (F.) Some surgical aspects of syphilis. Med News, N.Y., 1899, lxxv, 391; 422.—Heidingsl'eld (M. L.) Amputation of penis in a case of svphilis. Am. .1.1'roL.N. Y., 1908, iv, 245-248.—Jay. Excisions de chancres svphili- tiques. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de dermat. et syph., 70-73.—Keyes (E. L.) Syphilis, from a surgical standpoint. Am. Pract. Surg [Bryant & Buck], N. Y., 1907, ii, 91-140. —King (E. E.) A plea for the excision of the initial lesion. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 206-210.—Lydston (G. F.) The surgery of syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, Iii, 625- 627. Ateo: Louisville Month. J. M.&S..1908, xvi,21. Also: Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1901, xix, 438-442. -----. The excision of chancre. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1909, lxxxix, 579. Also, Reprint.—McGuire (J. C.) Excision of the chancreas a means of aborting syphilis. N.York M.J.,1893, lvii, 497.— Klilian (G.) Syphilis ignoree; extirpation chi- rurgicale d'une volumineuse gomme du cou prise pour un abces froid enkyste. et d'une gomme du foie prise pour un ribro-sarcome; recidive; guerison par l'hectine. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. h&p. de Par., 1909, 3. s., xxviii, 839- 851. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1910, 3. s., xxvi, 58-63.— miraglia (E.) L' escisione del sifiloma iniziale ese- guita a scopo abortivo della sifiiide. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1900, xlviii, 658-689 —1« unn (W. P.) Excision of the primarv lesion of syphilis. Med. News, N. Y.,1897, lxx, 430.—Patterson (F. D.) The statis- tical evidence in favor of the excision of chancre as a means of preventing or lessening its severitv. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1898,3. s., xiv, 302. Also, Reprint.— Power (D'A.) On recent advances in the surgical treatment of syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 1225-1230. Also: Med. Press ,1907, vii, 454-457.—Siebert (C.) Nochmals fiber die Aktion des Quecksilbers auf das syphilitische Gewebe. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien' u. Leipz., 1903, lxvii, 271-278. -----. Ueber die Natur der nach der Justus'schen Methode des Quecksilbernachweises in den Geweben erhaltenen Niederschlage. Ibid., 1905, lxxv, 213-226.— Simionescu (F.) Tratamentul sifilisulul prin injec- tiuni cu benzoat de mercur. Presamed. rom., BucurescI, 1902, viii, 33-44—Simpson (F. C.) Rapid disappear- ance of svphilis under specific treatment. Louisville Month. J. M.&S., 1909, xvi, 20.—Softiaiilini (G.) K SulP azione curativa di alcuni preparati idrargirici e sulla sua lettura al iii° Congr. internaz. dermatologico di Londra; 2°. Communicazioni diverse. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1897, lvi, 418; 425.—Soler Maymo" (M.) I Cuando debe empezarse el tratamiento de la siiilispor el mereurio? iHasta cuando debe continuar? ^Ks preciso tratar la sifilis en el momento de la aparici6n de los accidentes de esta enfermedad 6 establecer un trata- miento precoz antes de la aparici6n de las si filides? Bol. ofic. d. Col. de med. de Barcel., 1897, i, 321-338. Also, transl : Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. dem6d. 1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect, 8,147-158.—Sommer (B.) Saturation mer- curielle. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 905-908.— Spatz (A.) Vergleichende Therapie der Syphilis mit Quecksilliernachweisung. Wien. med. YY'chnschr., 1907, lvii, 2:i65-2367.—van der Spek (J.) Kwik bij tertiaire syphilis. Med. Weekbl., Amst,, 1895-6, ii, 617-619.— de Speville. Le mercure guerit-il exclusivement les lesions d'origine syphilitique. J. de med. de Par., 1907,2. s., xix, 341.—Spreaiico. Une lecon de choses. [Tole- rance de l'organisme pour le mercure.] Ann. d. mal. v6n., Par., 1909, iv, 261-266.—Steiner (G.) Luesmaligna mercurral kezelt ujabb ket esete. [Two new cases of ... treated by mercury.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1902, xlvi, 433.—Stenezel (A.) Ueberdie endermatische Anwen- dung des Unguentum hvdrargvri cinereum. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1907,lvii,88-93.—Stiaszny(K.) Ahiganyal- kalmaz&sa lues ellen a rectum-ban. [The employmentof mercury against luesin the rectum.] Orvosi hetiszemle, Budapest, 1899, xxvi, 430.— Strominger (L.) CAte-va cuvinte asupra tratamentulul sifilisulul cu ulei cenusiu de mercur (huile grise). [Some observations on the treatment of svphilis with . . .] Spitalul, BucurescI, 1906, xxvi, 16-2i.—Stucky (T. H.) Some remarks con- concerning mercauro (mereurio bromide of gold and arsenic) with especial reference to its use in the treat- ment of neurotic conditions of specific origin. N. York M. Times, 1894, xxii, 165-170. Also, Reprint.—Stuko- venkoff (M. I.) Novayartutnaya sol, benzolnokislaya okis rtuti (hydrarg. benzoicum bxydat,), dlya terapii sifilisa, [A new mercurial salt ... for the treatment of syphilis.] Dnevnik svezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova,S.-Peterb.,1888-9,iii,343.-----. Opitnyasneniya osnov llecheniya sifilisa rtutyu. [An attempt to explain theprinciplesof the treatment of svphilis with mercury.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1894, xiii,781-790. Also, transl: Bull. Soc. franc, dedermat. etsvph., Par., 1894, v, 301-310. Also, transl: Ann. dedermat.et syph.,Par., 1894,3.s.,v,933-942.— Tanaka (K.) [The inhalation and the inunction by mercurv.] Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1903, xxii, 17.— Tarnowsky (B.) &.lacowley (S.) Traitement de la svphilis par le serum d'animaux mercurialises. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de m6d. 1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect. 8,126-132.—Taylor (YV. E.) Syphilis and mer- curial poisoning. Clinique, Chicago, 1897, xviii, 81-87. [Discussion], 89-91.—Terrepson (E.) Ueber das Ano- gon.ein neues Aniisvphiliticum. St. Petersb.med. Wchn- schr., 1911, xxx\i, '152-155.— Thalinann. Eine neue Methode der Quecksiiberbehandlung. Deutsche mil.- arztl. Ztschr., BerL, 1906, xxxv, 194-197.—Thinun (P.) Oleum cinereum Vasenoli. Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1905, xii, 49-52.—Tobias (G. W.) Soluble mercurials in the treatment of svphilis. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1904, lxxxvii, 129-131.—Treves (M.) Di un nuovo metodo di appljca- zione del sublimato corrosivo per la cura della sifiiide, Gazz. med. di Torino, 1901, Iii, 544— T*utsul (Y.) In welchem Stadium der Syphilis soil die Allgemeinbehand- lung mit Quecksilber beginnen? [Res., fasc. 4-5, pt. 2, 7.] Hii'ubvoir. kiu Hiniokibvog. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1902, ii, 258- 27( — i lliiiann (C.) Zur Yerwendungsweise und Be- reitung der schwerlfislichen Quecksilberpriiparate in der Svphilistherapie. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1892,xxvii, 417; 433; 445. -----. Svmptomatische oder prophylakti- SYPHILIS. 50< Syphilis (Treatment of) with mercury [and compounds]. sche (chronisch intermittierende) Quecksiiberbehand- lung der Syphilis. Wien. med. Presse, 1907, xlviii, 1425; 1470; 1511; 1540.—Varga (G.) Unguentumcinereumlab- dacsok (pilulse hydrarg. einer.) adagolasa syphilis elien. [. . . dose against syphilis.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1899, xliii, 386-387. Also, transl: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest, 1899, xxxv, X21-826.—Va riot. Administration du mercure chez les enfants. J.dem6d.int.,Par..l905,ix,159.— Vedel & MaiiKillon. Formule hemo-ieueocytaire de la svphilis apres traitement mercuriel. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxix, 407-411.—Verstraeten (C.) Traitement de la syphilis primaire par indications et contre-indications. Cong, frang.demed. C.-r. 1904,Par., 1905, 209-213.—Vikent j elf (A. A.) Llecheniye sifilisa bolshimi dozami rtuti. [Treatment of syphilis by large doses of mercury.] Voyenno-iued. J., St. Petersb., 1910, ccxxvii, med.-spec. pt., 7 n;-7.">l.—Vilanova (P.) Trata- mientodelasifilisporelaccitegris. Rev. de med. y cirug., Barcel., 1907, xxi, 97; 130.—Watraszeivski. ferret du traitement mercuriel sur la syphilis temporairement eteinte. J.d.mal.cutan.etsyph.,Par.. 1894.vi.669-675. Also: Attid.xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, LVi,\v, dermat,, 171-176. Also, transl: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz.,1894, xxix, 39-47.-----. Quanddoit-oncommencer le traitement de la syphilis par le mercure? Faut-il traiter la syphilis au moment de 1' apparition des accidents de cette maladie ou bien faire le traitement preventif en dehors de ces accidents? Pendant combien de temps le traitement de la syphilis doit-il etre continue? Compt. rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1*97, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect. 8, 140-117.—Weber. Du traitement dela syphilis paries bains eiectriques au sublime. Bull, de l'Hop. civ. franc. de Tunis, 1902, v, 225.— Welander (E.) Einige Worte fiber die Form der Anwendung des Quecksilbers. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 189s, xiv, 39; 249. -----. Ueber die Reaktion der syphilitischen Hautaffek- tionen (besonders des Roseols) gegen die erste Einfuhrung von Quecksilber in den Organismus. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1909, xcv, 75-106.—Werler (O.) Ueber praktische Erfahrungen mit der Mercurcolloidbe- handlung unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des chemi- schen NachweisesderQuecksilberausscheidungen. The- rap. Monatsh., BerL, 1902, xvi, 133; 197.—Vermakoff (P. I.) Hasmolum hydrargyro-jodatum pri llechenii sifilisa. [. . . in the treatment of syphilis.] Dnevnik Syezda Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, Kazan, 1899, vii, 9.—von Zeiss! (M.) Mercurielle Behandlung der Svphilis. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect. 8, 161-164.—Zeleneff (I. F.) Vlia- niye sifilisa i rtuti na krov. [Effect of syphilis and mer- cury upon the blood.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1894, xii, 961-972.-----. Sluch. sifilit. ehloroanemii i bezbiel. oteka, izliech. rtutiov. [Case of syphilitical chloro- anaemia and dropsy without albumen, treated by mer- cury.] Ibid., 1895, xliii, 133-139. -----. K voprosu ob otdalyonnikh rtutnikh metastazakh i o biokhe- micheskikh prevrashtsheniyakh rtuti. [Remote mercu- rial metastases and the biological mercurial metastases.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1908, xv, 298- 302. Also, transl: Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 81-87.— Zernik (F.) Mergandol. Arb. a. d. pharmazeut. Inst. d. Univ. Berl. (1908), 1909, vi, 57-59. Syphilis (Treatment of) with mercury [after-effects]. Batmgarten (R. E. C.) * Ueber interne Syphilisbehandlung mit Sozojodol - Hydrargy- rum, nebst Bemerkungen uber Quecksilber- Dermatitis. [Halle-Wittenberg.] 8°. Halle a. S., 1908. Bendix (K.) * Die totlichen Intoxikationen bei Queeksilberkuren. 8°. Leipzig, 1908. Hermann (J.) Die Querksilberkur ist ein Verbrechen an der gesammten Menschheit. 8°. Leipzig, [n. d.~\. Klotz (H. G.) TJnangenehme Nebenwir- kungen bei der Quecksiiberbehandlung der Syphilis. I. Lungenembolien bei intramuscu- liirer Injection unloslicherQuecksilberpniparate. II. Auftreten hefti^er Stomatitis mercurialis unterdem Einfluss localer Infectionskrankheiten der Halsorgane. 8°. Wien & Leipzig, 1898. Also [Abstr.], in: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1898, xliii, 416-420. Lalanne (R.) * L'huile grise dans le traite- ment de la syphilis et la stomatite mercurielle a forme tardive. 8°. Paris, 1909. SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with mercury [after-effects]. von Va.ida (L.) & Paschkis (H.) Ueber den Einfluss des Quecksilbers auf den Syphilispro- cess mit Beriicksichtigung des sogenannten Mer- curialismus. Klinische und chemische Unter- suchungen. Mit einem Vorworte von Carl L. Sigmund von Planor und E. Ludwig. 8°. Wien 1880. von Wedel (G.) Ueber die Gefahren der intermittirenden Fournier'schen Quecksiiberbe- handlung der Syphilis. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1896. de Azna (J.) Polineuritis y albuminuria hidrargiri- cas, por intoxicaci6n aguda terapeutica, en un sifllitico Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1909, i, 1-11.—Bayet. Recherches preiiminaires sur Taction du mercure sur le sang des sy- philitiques. Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux. Buli., 1902, lx, 30-41.—Benario. Ueber syphilitische Neuro- rezidive, insbesondere solche nach Quecksiiberbehand- lung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 20-23.— Bizard & I.evy-Bing (A.) La grippe mercuriel. Ann. d. mal. v6n., Par., 1909, iv, 502-510.—Boss. Ueber die Mundpflege bei Queeksilberkuren mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Givasanpaste. Med. Klin., BerL, 1909, v, 361.—Brauer (L.) Letal endende Polyneuritis bei einem mit Quecksilber behandelten Syphilitischen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 267; 294.—Canto (P.) Sobre las causas de fiebre mercurial al comienzo de la in- fecci6n sifilitica. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1908, xxxvi, 33-37.—Dambrin & Clermont. Necrose du maxillaire inferieur chez une syphilitique pendant le traitement mercuriel. Toulouse med., 1906, 2. s., viii, 229- 231.—Drennan (C. T.) Report of two cases of syphilis, with remarks relative to ptyalism. Med. News, N Y 1897, lxxi, 23S-240.—Dulbur (E.) Cas de meianodermie generalisee et symetrique developpee chez un syphilitique recent a la suite d'une hydrargvrie cutanee. Clinique, Brux., 1902, xvi, 312-315.—Eichhorst (H.) Ueber ana- tomische Veranderungen der Speicheldrusen bei akuter Quecksilberversorgung. Med. Klin., BerL, 1909, v, 1693- 1695.—Emery. Les pretendus mefaits de l'huile grise. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 101-103.—Emery & Lacapere. Diagnostic des accidents d'intoxication mercurielle et des accidents de la syphilis. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1908, iii, 898-923.—Gaucher. Sur la stomatite de l'huile grise. Bull, etmem. Soc. med. d. h6p.de Par., 1908,3.s.,xxv,623.— Glielli (A.) Sulla patogenesi del mercurialismo. Mor- gagni, Milano, 1909, li, pt. 2, 801; 858.—Gilbert. Cas de lisere gingival hydrargyrique. Belgique med., Gand- Haarlem, 1903, x, 579-584. —Hallopeau ( H. ) Sur l'emploi therapeutique de l'huile de mercuriol et ses dan- gers. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 46. — Kolonioitseff (S. V.) Sluchal smerti ot oslozhneniya pri llechenii sifilisa rastvorimimpreparatorn rtuti. [Death resulting from complication of the treat- ment of svphilis by a mercury solution.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov,1907,xiii,202-207.—Kozlovski (K. M.) O vliyanii rtuti na krov sifilitikov i zdorovikh lyudei. [Influence of mercury upon the blood of syphi- litics and healthy people.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1899,*xv, 458.— Lederniann (R.) Ueber krankhafte Verande- rungen der Nieren bei Queeksilberkuren und Syphilis. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Klimat. [etc.], Berl., 1910,iii, 339; 359.— IAml enlieini (H.) Ueber eine Fieberreaktion im An- schluss an die erste Quecksilberapplikation im Friihsta- dium. Berl.klin. Wchnschr., 1907,xliv,300-304.—^lallein (E.) La fausse embolie pulmonaire au cours des traitemen ts mercuriels. Ann.dedermat.etsyph.,Par., 1911,5.s.,ii,399- 409.—Mela(D.-E.) Lastomatite mercuriale nella sifiiide. Stomatol., Milano, 1903-4, ii,227-234.—Morel-L,avalIee (A.) Note sur les plaques desquamatives de la langue au cours de la svphilis traitee par le mercure. Ann. de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 675-577. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 275-277.— Neisser. Ueber die Beziehungen der Tabes zur Queck- silber-Behandlung. Jahresb.d.schles. Gesellsch. f.vaterl. Cult. 1901, Bresl., 1902, lxxix,med. Sect., 300-305.—Selius- ter. Hat die Hg-Behandlung der Syphilis Einfluss auf das Zustandekommen metasyphilitischer Nervenkrank- heiten? Entgegnung auf die Bemerkungen des Herrn Spindler zu meinem Aufsatz in No. 50 d. Wchnschr. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1908, xxxix, 618.—Sergent (E.) Sept abces consecutifs a sept injec- tions de calomel chez la meme malade. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1907, ii, 44-46.—Severino (J.) Methode tres simple pour depister la stomatite menacante, l'intoierance ou la saturation m6dicamenteuse dans une cure mercurielle. Semaine med., Par., 1906, xxvi, 186.—Stonkovenkoff. Delachloroanemiesyphilitiqueetmercurielle. Bull.Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1892, iii, 549-556.—Um- bert. Nota sobre qualques formes d'intolerancia mer- curial. An. de med. Butll. mens, de l'Acad. . . . de Cata- lunya, Barcel., 1911, v, 465-474.—Vilanova (P.) Caso SYPHILIS. 510 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with mercury [tlfter-effects]. de colico'toracico mercurial. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1909, xxxv, 290-293 — AVaclienfeld (A.) Ha- morrhagische Quecksilberreaktion bei Friihlues. Der- mat. Ztschr., BerL, 1909, xvi, 29-31.—Wolter (O. L.) Is syphilis or mercury responsible in the etiology of de- mentia paralvticaand locomotor ataxia? Scient. Tr. M. Soc Citv Hosp. Alumni 1905, St. Louis, 1906, 210-224.— Xieselrotli. Darf der Arzt noch mit gutem Gewissen QueckMlbi'rkuren verordnen? Arch. f. phys.-diatet. The- rap., Frankf. a. O., 1910, xii, 1-6. Syphilis (Treatment of) with mercury [Fumigations]. de Ge'viglaxd (N. M.) *An syphilidi con- veniat suffumigatio recens? M. Carolo Dionis prasita nees mercurielles dans le traitement de la svphilis. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894," v, 29-5-301. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., v, 927-933. Also: Med. mod., Par., 1894, v.989.— de Azua (J.) Preparation du calomel, du salicylate de mercure, de l'oxyde jaune de mercure, pour les injec- tions, selon la formule de l'huile grise de Lang. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph,, Par., 1908, xix, 49-51.— Babinski (J.) Sur les injections de sels mercuriels insolubles. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 1203.—Baccelli. Le iniezioni endovenose di sublimato corrosivo in un caso di sifiloma della lingua e in una stenosi bronchiale. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1893, xix, 289-293. -----. Sulle iniezioni intravenose di subli- mato. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, iii, med. int., 261-263.—Baker (W. J.) A suggested im- provement in the form of needle used for intramuscular injections of mercury. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps., Lond., 1907, viii, 61. -----. A simple method of recolouring the divisions of the mercurial intramuscular injection syringe. Ibid., 280.—Ballenger (E. G.) A report on the satisfactory results with intra muscular injections of the salicylate of mercury in the treatment of svphi- lis. Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med., 1907-8, ix, 151-154.— Balzer (F.) Les injections mercurielles. Cong. franc, de med. Rapp., Par., 1904, 459-544. [Discussion], C.-r., 1904, Par., 1905, 175-179. — Barthelemy. Traitement de la syphilis par les injections de preparations mercurielles insolubles, et de preference du calomel. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 331-343. Also: Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 149-161. -----. Pratique des injec- tions d'huile grise; nouveau modele de seringue a l'usage des injections d'huile grise. Cong, franc, denied., Par. & Nancy, 1896-7, iii, fasc. 2, 578. -----. Traitement pr6- coce de la syphilis par le mercure. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1*897, ix, 548-563.-----. Nouvelle note sur la pratique des injections d'huile grise. Ann. dedermat. et syph., Par., 1898,3. s., ix, 246-248.-----. Nouvelle note sur les injections intrafessieres de preparations mercu- rielles insolubles contre la syphilis. Cong, franc, de med. Rapp., Par., 1899, v, 793. -----. Calomel en suspension dans l'eau distillee, pour injections. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv,840.—Barthelemy, Lalay & Levy-Bing (L.) Note sur les injections de biiodure de mercure dans le traitement de la syphilis. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1902, xiii, 269-275. ----- -----------. Note additionnelle sur les injections de so- lutions aqueuses de biiodure de mercure dans le traite- ment de la syphilis. Ann. dedermat. etsyph.,Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 700. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1902, xiii, 334.----------------. Note sur les in- jections intra-musculaires d'acetarnide mercurique dans la syphilis. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 269-272. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 601-604. Also: Syphilis, Par., 1903, i, 125-128. ----------------. Note sur les injections intra-muscu- laires de biiodure de mercure dans le traitement de la syphilis. Syphilis, Par., 1904, ii, 67-69.----------------. Le mercure colloidal et son emploi en injections intra- musculaires dans le traitement de la syphilis. Ibid., 114-121.—Barthelemy & Levy-Bing. Desaccidents dus aux injections de cyanure de mercure dans le traite- ment de la svphilis. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 755-761. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1902, xiii, 389-395.-----------. Les injec- tions intra-veineuses de sels mercuriels dans le traite- ment de la syphilis. Syphilis, Par., 1905, iii, 103-120. ----- -----. Contribution a l'elude des injections aqueuses de biiodure de mercure. Ibid., 1906, iv, 350- 355. — Barthelemy, Levy-Bing & Schwaab. Traitement de la syphilis chez les nouveau-nes paries injections mercurielles insolubles. Ibid., 1904, ii, 609- 515.—Batnt (L.) Desinjections de biiodure de mercure dans la syphilis chez les hospitalises. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1905, xvii, 881-907, 1 pl.—Bayet. Le traite- ment de la syphilis par les injections sous-cutanees de sels de mercure. Ibid., 1895, vii, 200-205.—Beg^s (S. T.) The treatment of svphilis by the intra-muscular injection method: 100 cases. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxii, 667. — Behaegel. Les injections d'huile grise dans le traitementde la syphilis. J. med. de Brux., 1905, x, 270. -----. A propos des injections intra-musculaires d'huile grise. Presse med. beige, Syphilis (Treatment of) with mercury [^injections]. Brux., 1906, lviii, 533-537.—Bennati (A.) Vecchia sifi- iide ignorata e disconosciuta; guarigione rapida e per- manente delle lesioni colle iniezioni di calomel a no. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1901-2, lxxvi, fasc. i-ii, 1. 62-67.—Be mart (\V. F.) Mercury: its ad- ministration hvpodermically in svphilis. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi, 707-709. Also: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1903, n. s.: li, 166-169. -----. Intravenous injections of mercury in syphilis. Alabama M. J., Birmingh., 1906-7, xix, 541-549. -----. Report of a few syphilitic cases treated by the intravenous injections of mercury. Wis- consin M. J., Milwaukee, 1906, v, 344-350. -----. Com- plications attending intravenous injections of mercury. Am. J. Dermat. ns-Kur. Therap. Monatsh., BerL, 1909, xxiii, 530-534.—Elsenberg (A.) W kwestyi wsp61czesnego leczeniya syfilisu wcieraniami szarychy i kapielami siarczanemi. [Treatment of syphilis by si- multaneous inunction with gray ointment and sulphur baths.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1893, 2. s., xiii, 453-155.— Fedchenko (N. P.) O poleznom dieistvii rtutnikh mazel, upotreblyayemikh pri llechenii sifilisa. [Useful action of mercurial salves in the treatment of syphilis.] Vrach. Vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1904, vii, 145-148. Also: Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1904, vii, 449-455. Also, transl: Berl. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 420-425. Also, transl: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 419- 425.—Fisehel (R.) Ueber Sedimentuntersuchungen eiweissloser Harne bei therapeutischer Quecksilberappli- kation (Inunktionskuren). Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, lxxxiii, 373-406.—Freshwater (D.) The inunction treatment of syphilis as carried out at foreign Spas. Practitioner, Lond., 1912, lxxxviii, 439-446.— Frictions (Les) mercurielles. Rev. clin. d'androl. et degyn6c, Par., 1902, viii, 231-241.—Gaucher. Encore la pommade au calomel. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1906, i, 219.—Getter (A. A) Klinicheskiya nablyudeniya nad vliyaniyem dlelstviya vtiraniy olc'inovo-kislol rtuti firmi Park et Davis. [Clinical observation on the action of the inunction of the oleate of mercury of Parke, Davis & Co.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1909, xvii, 28- 30.—Gibson (J. L.) A plea for mercurial inunction in syphilis. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1909, xxviii, 128- 131.—Gillet (H.) Traitement de la syphilis de l'enfant par l'emplatre au calomel de Quinquaud. Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1894, iv, 73-95.—Goldmann (J. A.) Erfahrungen iiber den therapeutischen EfTekt derQueck- silber-Vasogensalbe. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1902, xxxv, 301-306.—Grabowski (J. D.) Kilka sl6w i doSwiadczefi w sprawie jednoczesnego stosowania szaruchy i kqpieli siarczanych. [Experimental study on the simultaneous use of mercurial frictions and sulphur baths.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1894, xxii, 433; 453; 476.— Gritsnn(E. I.) Kvoprosuolecheniisifilisavtiraniyami i mila iz kalomelya. [On the treatment of syphilis by rub- bins inwithcalomelointmentandsoap.] TrudiVsyezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, ii, 2G3-2(i<<.—Hallopeau. Enfaveurdesfrictions. Ann.de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 128-133. Also: Bull. Soc. franr.dedermat. etsyph.,Par., 1903,xiv,37-42.—Hed- daeus.' Die prophylactische Schmierkur der Eltern. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1901,lxx,969.—Holler (M.) Ueber die Methode der Quecksilber-Einreibungskuren im Bade T61z (Krankenheil). Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1899,xxix,553-560.—Horovitz(M.) Die subcu- tane Anwendung hoher Dosen Sublimats gegen Svphilis. Centralbl. f. d.ges. Therap., Wien, 1893, xi, 136-141.—Ja- cob! (E.) Ein Einreiber zur raschen Ausfiihrung der Schmierkur mit Hand- oder Motorbetrieb. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1932.—Jessner. Mitinqueck- silber als Schmiersalbe. Dermat. Centralbl., Leipz., 1907, x, 130-132.—Jfuliusbers;(F.) Ueber seine Versuche zur Bestimmung des Resorptionsweges des Quecksilbers bei der Einreibungskur. [Abstr.] Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1900, Leipz., 1901, lxxii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 235-237. -----. Auf welchem Wege gelangt bei der Einreibungskur das Quecksilber in den Korper? Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cultur 1901, Bresl., 1902, lxxix, med. Sect., 21-30. -----. Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen fiber die Quecksilberresorp- Syphilis (Treatment of) with mercury [Inunctions], tion bei der Schmierkur. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1901, lvi, 65-88.—Klieneberger (C.) Quecksilberschmierkuren und ihre Einwirkung auf die Harnorgane. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., BerL, 1906, lviii, 481- 498.— Kreis (E.) Ueber die Verdunstung des Queck- silbers und deren Bedeutung bei der Einreibungskur, Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Svph. Festschr. ... I. Neumann, Leipz. u. Wien, 1900, 370-394. -----. Nachtraffliehes und Erganzendes zu meiner Arbeit: Ueber die Verdunstung des Quecksilbers und deren Bedeutung der Einreibungs- kur. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 19)1, xxxii, 277-285.—Kromayer. Schmierkur und Schmiersalbe. Dermat. Centralbl., Leipz., 1906-7, x, 8-12.—Lebeul' (L. G.) Syphilis with notes on symptomatology, hygiene and treatment by the inunction method. N.Orl. M. & S. J., 1907-8, lx, 195-221— Ledermann (R.) Ueberdie Notwendigkeit der Errichtung offentlichcr Schmierstu- ben fiir syphilitisch Kranke. Krankenpflege, BerL, 1902- 3, ii, 359-364.-----. Ueber die Einrichtung von offentli- chen Schmierstuben zur Behandlung Svphilitischer. Med. Reform, BerL, 1902, x, 395-397.-----. Ueber die Ver- wendung der Vibrationsmassage zur Ausfiihrung von Schmierkuren. Internat. dermat. Kong. Verhandl. u. Ber. 1904, BerL, 1905, ii, 2. Teil, 375. —Leredde. Le traitement mercuriel intensif; suppression des frictions mercurielles dans le traitement des syphilis graves. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 26-31.— Monties. De l'emploi du savon mou au calomel en frictions dans le traitement de la syphilis. Mercredi med., Par., 1894, v, 14.—JMracek (F.) Mercurielle Ge- schwiire, die das Bild der Syphilis triiben; Vmberei- tungscur, dann Einreibungen; Heilung. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1894, Wien u. Leipz., 1896, iii, 900.— Neisser (A.) Siebert(C) Ueber die Verwendung der Kalomelol-Salbe (Unguentum Heyden)zu antisyphiliti- schen Schmierkuren. Med. Klin., BerL, 1904-5, i, 9-12.— Ozenne (E.) Epididymite syphilitique secondo-ter- tiaire avec vaginalite mtermittente, datant d'un an; 6chec de l'iodure de potassium; guerison par les frictions mercurielles. J. de med. de Par., 1903, 2. s., xv, 134.— Pellier (J.) Sur les lesions histologiques consecutives a des applications d'onguent gris. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, 4. s., ix, 141-150.—Piccardi (G.) Con- tributo alio studio delle applicazioni locali di calomelano e traumaticina nella cura della sifiiide. Gior. d.r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1895, lviii, 214-217.—Bichter (P.) Ueber die Entstehung und Entwickelung der Queck- silberschmierkur bei der Syphilis. Med. Klin., BerL, 1908, iv, 302; 339.—Bille (J. H.) Ueber Calomeleinrei- bungen bei Syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1898, xliv, 113-140. Also: Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1896, Wien u. Leipz., 1898, v, pt. 2, 74-80.— Bothsehuh (E.) Unterschiede im Verhalten der Urin-Sedimente bei der Einreibekur der Syphilis mit resp. ohne Schwefelthermalbehandlung. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1911, xv, 232-239.— Saenger (M.) Ist die Quecksilbereinreibungscur eigentlich eine Quecksilbereinathmungscur? Dermat. Centralbl., BerL, 1900, iii, 290-296.—Schanz (F.) Ueber die Verordnung und Zubereitung der gelben Salbe. Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1904, xi, 660-664.—Sellroeder (M.) Zur Frage der Resorptionswege des Hg bei Inunc- tionen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1900, Leipz., 1901, lxxii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 234.— Schuster (R.) Inunktionskur und Badekuren. Ver- offentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Ge- sellsch., 1899, xx, 203-214. Also: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., BerL, 1899, xx, 377-379. -----. Die Einreibungskur. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Leipz., 1899, lxx, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 32H-330. -----. Die Ein- reibungscur und Badecuren. Wien. med. Presse, 1900, xii, 1741; 1775.-----. Les modifications du traitement par les frictions mercurielles dans notre siecle. J. de med. de Par., 1899, 2. s., xi, 385; 395. Also: Repert. de therap., Par., 1899, xvi, 199; 250. -----. Untersuchungen fiber die Resorption und Elimination des Quecksilbers bei Einreibungskuren und gleichzeitigen Schwefelther- malbadern. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1909, xciv, 71-88— Shaw-Mackenzie (J. A.) The treatment of constitutional syphilis by external methods of administration of mercury. Lancet, Lond., 1893, l, 1059.—Silberstein (L.) Unguentum Hydrargyri cine- reum innerlich gegen Syphilis. Therap. Monatsh., BerL, 1898, xii, 378-383. -----. Das Quecksilberresorbin, ein Ersatzmittel der grauen Salbe und dessen Verwendung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1900,1, 368-371.—Spiegler (E.) Ueber die Einreibungscur bei Syphilis. Wien. med. BL, 1899, xxii,499-502.—Suehy (S.) Ein Fall von hochgradi- ger Idiosvncrasie gegenuber der Einreibungskur. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1907, lvii, 85-87— Thomson (St. C.) The inunction of mercury in tertiary syphilis of the nose and throat. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1898, iv, 15- 24— Unna (P. G.) Die beste Form der Quecksilber- schmierkur. Monatschr. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1898, xxvi, 93-96. Also, Reprint.—Watraszewski. Mydlo kalomelowe w leczeniu przymiotu (kily). [Calomel soap SYPHILIS. 521 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with mercury [Inunctions]. in the treatment of syphilis.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1893, xxxii, 177. Also, transl: Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph.,Par., 1893,iv,33iVoL>8. Also, transl: Allg.med. Centr.- Ztg., Berl.,1893,lxii,337. Also, Reprint.-----. O stosowa- niumydlakalomelowegowleczeniu przymiotu. [Applica- tion of calomel soap in the treatment of syphilis.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1894, xxxiii, 629-531. -----. O st6sowaniu mydla kalomelowego w leczeniu przymiotu. [Application of calomel soapin the treatment of svphilis.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1894, xxxiii, 529-531.—Welander (E.) Unter- suchungen iiber die Absorption und Elimination des Quecksilbers bei der unter verschiedenen Verhiiltnissen ausgefuhrten Einreibungscur. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1893, xxv, 39-62, 2 pl.-----. Hat die Be- handlung von Syphilis mittelst Ueborstreichens—nicht Einreibens—mit Mercurialsalbe einigen Wert? Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1894-5, ii, 223-234— Williams (C.) The treatment of tertiary syphilis by inunction. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 925.—Winekler (A.) Ueber den Nutzen der Kombination von Schmierkur und Schwefelkur bei Behandlung der Syphilis. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., BerL, 1902, xxiii, 381-384. Also: Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., BerL, 1902, 244-250. Also: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch. 1902, xxiii, 80-98.— Wol- barst (A. L.) A contribution to the subject of syph- ilitic prophvlaxis bv the use of calomel ointment; report of acase. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxiv, 711. Also, Re- print.—Wolter (C.) Praktische Winke iiber Schmier- kuren. Deutsche Krankenpfl.-Ztg., BerL, 1903, vi, 293- 297.—Zilbermints (A. G.) Llecheniye sifilisa vtirani- yami kalomelevavo mila. [Treatment of syphilis by in- unction with calomel soap.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1894, xii, 137-139. Syphilis (Treatment of) with mercury [in sacks] [ Welander s method]. Gschwend (J.) *Die Behandlung der Sy- philis mittelst der Welanderschen Quecksilber- Sackchen. [Bern.] 8°. Luzern, 1900. Also, in: Wien. med. BL, 1900, xxiii, 195-199. Bernstein (M.) Zur ambulatorischen Behand- lung der sekundaren Syphilis durch Welandersche Ue- berstreichungen. Wien. med. Presse, 1904, xii, 2409.— Gerbsnian (I. I.) K voprosu o llechenii sifilisa po sposobu Welander'a. [Treatment of syphilis by Welan- der's methods.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1902, ix, therap. pt., 20-22.—Hogner (R.) Welander's new method of administering unguentum hydrargyri. Boston M. & S. J., 1898, exxxviii, 299. [Discussion],303-305.—Jordan (A.) Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Welanderschen Sackbehandlung der Syphilis. Monatsh.f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb.,1900,xxx, 508-513.—Both (A.) A syphilis gyogykezeiese higany- poros zacskokkal es a higany felv6tele ezen kezelesnei. [The treatment of syphilis with pouches of mercury dust and the reception of mercury by this treatment.] Gy6- gyaszat, Budapest, 1899, xxxix, 756; 774. Also, transl: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1900, xxxvi, 10; 33.— Selluster. Bemerkungen zu der die Einreibecur erse- tzenden Quecksilbersiickchen-Behandlung Welanders. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1899, xlviii, 107-116. -----. Zur Behandlung mittels Quecksilber.siick- chen und Mercolint. Ibid., 1900, li, 3»9-394— Stenezel (A.) Erfahrungen bei Behandlung der Syphilis mit Quecksilbersiickchennach Welander. Wien.med. Wchn- schr., 1906, lvi, 370; 420. Also: Militararzt, Wien, 1906, xl, 165. —Stern (C.) Ueber Erfahrungen mit der Welander'schen Methode der Anwendung von Uncuent. hydrarg. ein. bei Syphilis. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1899, xlvi, 179-181. — TUriik (L.) Hwanyporos zacsk6kkal gy6gyitott syphilis-esetek. [Cases of syphilis cured by mercury dust in pouches.] Orvosi heti-szemle, Budapest, lv.)9, xxvii,'*03. Also: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1900,xliv. 31 .—Welander (E.) NagraordemQuecksil- bersackehen-Behandlung. [Some words on .. .] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1899,lxi,pt. 2,474-485. Also, transl: Arch.f. Der- mat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1899, xlix, 107-119. -----. Zur Frage von der BehandlungmitQuecksilber-Kackchen. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1900, liv, 59- 104.— Wojeieehowski (I.) Leczenie przymiotu za pomoca. merkuriolu Blomquist'a w workach. [Treat- ment of syphilis by Blomquist's mercurial in sacks] Kron. lek., Warozawa, 1901, xxii, 1075; 1122.—Wo II- sohn (G.) Ueber die Behandlung der Syphilis nach Welander mittelst in Siickchen ausgebreiteter Mercurial- salbe. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst., 1898, Wien u. Leipz., 1900, vii, pt. 2, 64-87. Also, transl: Vrach, St. Pe- tersb., 1899, XX, 1384; 1415. Syphilis (Treatment of) with mercury [urine in]. Burgi (E.) Grosse und Verlauf der Quecksilberaus- scheidung durch die Nieren bei den verschiedenen iibli- chen Kuren. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., Syphilis (Treatment of) with mercury [urine in], 1906, lxxix, 1; 305, 2 pl.—Fauconnet (C. J.) Ein Fall von Glykosurie nach medikamentoser Quecksilberverab- reichung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 949-952.— Gizlidcu VL. N.) Sravnitelniya nablyudeniya nad vi- dleleniycm mocheyu rtuti. [Comparative observations on the elimination of mercurv by the urine.] Voyenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1908, ccxxi, med.-spec. pt.,615-635.— G u rv ich (P. L.) K voprosu o b opredlelenii rtuti v moch'ie sifilitikov. [Determination of mercury in the urine in syph- ilis.] Med. pribav. kmorsk.sborniku, St. Petersb., 1906,pt. 2, 9-15.—fflarku (G. M.) Klinicheskiya nablyudeniya mochi pri upotreblenii azotno-kislol zak'isi rtuti (hydrar- gyrum nitricum oxydulatum). [Clinical study of the urine during the use of . . .] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 414.—Hashncr (V. I.) Niekotoriya danniya k voprosu o sifiliticheskol anemii i urobilinurii pod vliya- niyem llecheniya rtutyu i slernimi vannami. [Syphilitic anaemia and urobilinuria under mercurial and sulphur- bath treatment.] Terapiya, S.-Peterb., 1904, i, 171-175.— Mendelsson (O.) Zur Frage der Glykosurie bei Queek- silberkuren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.,Leipz.u.BerL,1906, xxxii, 1414-1418.—Meniere (P.) L'eiimination urinaire du mercure et son importance pratique; nouvelle methode de dosage. Bull. m6d., Par., 1910 xxiv, 611-615.—Beiss (W.) Badania nad wyste.poivaniem cylindruryi wSrod le- czenia rtecia.. [Cvlindruria in mercurial treatment] Przegl. lek., Krak6w,1911,1, 785; 799; 815.—Schuster(R.j Beitrag zur Frage der Quecksilberausscheidung bei Queeksilberkuren. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Leipz., 1909, 2. Teil, 2. Hlfte., 486-489.— SuehoffX A. A.) K vopr. o raspred. rtuti v organ, posle mercurial lechenija. [On the elimination of mercury from the organism after mercurial treatment.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1892, ii, 54; 123.— Vilanova (P.) La eliminaci6n del mereurio por la via renal. Rev. espafi. dermat. v sif., Madrid, 1905, vii, 296-299.—'Welander (E.) Kann die Behandlung mit Quecksilber-Cylindrurie und Albuminuric hervorrufen? Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1894, xxvi, 331- 372. -----. Zur Frage der Absonderung des Quecksil- bers durch den Harn. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1906, lxxxii, 163-208, 2 pl.—Zenowsky. Zur Frage vom Quecksilbernachweis im Harn. Internat. derm. Kong. Verhandl. u. Ber. 1904, BerL, 1905, ii, 2. Teil, 376-381. Syphilis (Treatment of) with mergal. Boss (S.) Die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Mergal. einem neuen Antiluetikum. 4°. Ber- lin, [1907]. Bartholow. Mergal; its relation to the modern treatment of syphilis. Folia therap., Lond., 1910, iv, 70- 74.—Beyer (A.) Mergal. [Internes antilueticum.] Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1907, ii, 155-157.—Boss (S.) Die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Mergal, einem neuen Antiluetikum. Med.Klin., BerL, 1906,ii, 784-787.—Ehr- mann (S.) Die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Mergal. Dermat. Centralbl.. Leipz., 1907-8, xi, 1-5.—Gavini (G.) Del mergal antiluetico interno; sua influenza sulla siero- diagnosi di Wassermann. Gazz. internaz. di med., Na- poli, 1911,xiv, 928-931— Gr^n(K.) Mergal i syfilis. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1910, 5. R., viii, 1293- 1302.—Griinfeld (A. J.) Die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Mergal. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1908, lxxxix, 415-428. -----. Der gegenwiirtige Stand der Frage fiber die Behandlung der Syphilismit Mergal. Deut- • sche Med.-Ztg., BerL, 1908, xxix, 329-335. Also, transl: Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 185; 208; 225; 239.— Haedicke (G.) Beitrag zur Frage der internen Syphi- listherapie unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Mer- gals. Allg.med. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1908, lxxvii, 507-509.— Hellmuth (K.) Mergal in der Behandlung der Svphi- lis. Wien. med. Presse, 1907, xlviii, 1062-1066.—IItthne (F.) Zur Behandlung der Syphilis mit Mergal, nebst quantitativen Untersuchungen fiber die dabei eintre- tende Hg-Ausscheidung durch die Nieren. Arch. f.Der- mat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, lxxxvii, 399-414,1 pl.— Kanitz (H.) Ueber die interne Behandlung der Sy- philis mit Mergal. Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1907, xiv, 441- 449—I,echtman (J.) Zur Therapie der Syphilis mit Mergal und Pflege der Mundhohle mit Givasan. Prakt. Arzt, Leipz., 1911, li, 25-29.—Lederer (A.) Beitrag zur Mergalbehandlung der Svphilis. Klin.-therap. Wchn- schr., Wien, 1908, xv, 1305-1308.—Sommerville (D.) The treatmentof syphilis with mergal, a modern prepa- ration of mercury. Folia therap., Lond., 1908, ii, 6- 8—Vorschulze. Ueber Mergal und seine Wirkung. Repert. d. prakt. Med., BerL, 1908, v, 387-393.—von Keissl (M.) Ein Beitrag zur Syphilisbehandlung, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Mergals. Med. Klin., BerL, 1907, iii, 416-419. Also, Reprint.—Zipnert (L.) Mergal im Dienste der Svphilistherapie. Repert. d. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1908, v, 293-302. SYPHILIS. 522 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with quinine. Bain (J.) Quinine in syphilis. Brit. MT J., Lond., 1909, ii, 120. —French (H. C.) Quinine in syphilis. Ibid., 78. — Lenzmann ( R.) Weitere Erfahrungen fiber die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Chininpraparaten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1909, xxxv, 2164-2166.—Meachen (G. N.) Quinine dermatitis with tertiary syphilis. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1907, xxxv, 72.—Napp (H.) Zur Chinintherapie der Syphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1908, xxxiv, 919-921. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606"). See, also, Syphilides (Treatment of); Syphilis (Eye in); Syphilis (Manifestations of, Nervous). Bresler (J.) Die Syphilisbehandlung mit dem Ehrlich-Hata'schen Mittel. 2. Aufl. 8°. Halle a. S., 1910. Cattell (H. W.) "606;" Ehrlich's new preparation, arsenobenzol ("606"). 8°. Phila- delphia, 1910. Ehrlich (P.) Abhandlungen iiber Salvarsan. 8°. Munchen, 1911. -----. Aus Theorie und Praxis der Ohemo- therapie. 4°. Leipzig, 1911. ----- & Hata (S.) Die experimentelle Chemotherapie der Spirillosen (Syphilis, Riick- fallfieber, Huhnerspirillose, Frambosie). Mit Beitragen von H. J. Nichols, J. Iversen, Bitter und Dreyer. 8°. Berlin, 1910. ------------. The same. ... La chemio- terapia sperimentale delle spirillosi ed il "606" nella sifiiide umana, con contributi dei dottori J. Iversen . . . H. J. Nichols . . . Bitter . . . Dreyer . . . K. Riihl . . . Versione italiana, dall' edizione tedesca, del dott. K. Riihl . . . 8°. Torino, 1911. ------------. The same. La chimiotherapie experimentale des spirilloses (syphilis, fievre recurrente, spirillose des poules, frarnbcesia). roy. 8°. Paris, 1911. ----- & McDonagh (J. E. R.) "606" in theory and practice. 8°. London, 1911. Emery ( E. ) La preparation "606." 8°. Paris, 1910. -----^ 'H 'tiKsvadia 'J606." Sepaiteia rfje, 6vepiAi8o$ 8la rf}s jueQoSov tov Ehrlich. 8°. 2vpos, 1910. —----. The same. La methode d'Ehrlich. Traitement de la syphilis par le dioxydiamido- arsenobenzol (salvarsan). Preface du Prof. Ehrlich. 8°. Paris, 1911. Friedberg (E.) * Ueber Salvarsan. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Glaser (H.) Ehrlich 606. 4. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1910. Jessner (S.) Die praktische Bedeutung des Salvarsan (Dihydrodiamidoarsenobenzol) fiir die Syphilistherapie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1911. Kenner (F.) Syphilis und ihre Heilung durch Ehrlich-Hata 606. 8°. Leipzia-Conne- witz, 1911. Lenzmann (R.) Die Anwendung des Sal- varsan in der iirztlichen Praxis. 8°. Jena, 1911. ; Lommen (A.) De nieuwe behandling van i syphilis met Ehrlich's middel "606." roy. 8°. I Arnheim, 1910. \ Martindale (VV. H.) & Westcott (\V. W.) i "Salvarsan" or "606" (dioxy-diamino-arseno- ; benzol); its chemistry, pharmacy and thera- '• peutics. 8°. London, 1911.. de Napoli (F.) II "606" nel laboratories e \ nella pratica . . ., con lettera e prefazione del P Ehrlich. 8°. Napoli, 1912. Rchl (K.) La sifiiide; il "606" di Ehrlich- Hata. 8°. Torino, 1911. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan Salvarsan; its action, uses, dosage and meth- ods of employment. 8°. New York, 1912. Schemm (YV.) *Die Bedeutung des "Ehrlich- Hata 606" fur die innere Medizin. 8°. Leinzia 1911. p y' von Stokar (K.) Die Syphilis-Behandlung mit Salvarsan (Ehrlich-Hata 606). 8°. Miin- chen, 1911. Touton (K.) & Fendt (H). Der Umschwung in der Syphilisbehandlung im ersten Jahrzehnt des xx. Jahrhunderts und die ietzige Lage. 4° Wiesbaden, 1911. Triller (B.) & Surian. "606;" la syphilis, traitement curatif et preventif. 8°. Paris' [1911]. Uhlenhuth (P.) ExperimentelleGrundlagen der Chemotherapie der Spirochsetenkrankheiten mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Syphilis 4°. Berlin & men, 1911. Wechselmann (W.) Die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol "Ehr- lich-Hata 606." Mit einem Vorwort von Paul Ehrlich. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1911. ------. The same. Treatment of syphilis with salvarsan. roy. 8°. New York, 1911. Abelin (J.) Beginn und Dauer der Ausscheidung des Salvarsans durch den Urin nach intravenoser Injek- tion. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1771-1773 — Abelin (P.) Ueber eine neue Methode, Salvarsan im Urin nachzuweisen. Erwiderung an P. Beisele. Ibid lo66.—Adam (L.) Sur l'action du 606dans les hdpitaux de Fraucforta. M. Ann. Soc.med.de Gand, 1911, n. s ii 23-45. Also: Belgique med., Par., 1911, xviii, 15; 39 — Ad a me (M. D.) Contribuci6n al estudiodel "dioxidia- mido-arsenobenzol" y su aplicaci6n al tratamiento de la sifilis. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1911, lvi, 15; 39; 65; 97; 129; 206.—Aeberli (F.) A review of European litera- ture on salvarsan. Cleveland M. & S. Reporter 1911 xix, 159-171.—Agamennone (M.) L'arseno resistenza dello spirochete pallido e l'azione del "606." Med. nuova, Roma, 1911, ii, 178; 194.—AladofF (A.) K vop- rosu o vliyanii salvarsana na otdlelitelnuvu dleyatelnost pishtshevaritelnikh zhelyoz. [Actionof salvarsan on the secretory function of the digestive glands.] Kharkov. M. J., 1911, xi, 388-392.—Allison (W. L.) Salvarsan. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Fort Worth, 1911-12, xxix, 11-13.— Alt (K.) DasneuesteEhrlich-HatapriiparatgegenSvphi- lis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 661-5»;i. —---. Die neueste Behandlung der Svphilis und ihre Bedeutung fiir die offentliche Gesundheitspflege. Ztschr. f. Med - Beamte, BerL, 1910, xxiii, 505-520.—Andreyeff (N.) Preparat "Ehrlich-Hata 606" i khimioterapiya. Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1910, xl, 1257-1263.—Andryu- shtsheiiko (K.) Vliyaniyearsenobenzol'a Ehrlich'ana reaktsiyu Wassermann'a. [Influence of Ehrlich's arseno- benzol upon Wassermann's reaction.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1910, xx, 322-326.—Arning (E.) Die Entwicklung der modernen Syphilistherapie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 94.— Aryni (C.) Syphilis. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1911, cvi, 37.—Audibert (V.) Le 606; impressions de Franc- fort, Wiesbaden, Paris. Marseille med., 1910, xlvii, 977- 989.—Audry (C.) Pour et contre l'arsenc-benzbl. Province mod., Par., 1912, xxiii, 11.—Bab (M.) Ueber Salvarsan. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., BerL, 1911, 265; 289. — Balfour (A.) The effect of salvarsan on Treponema pallidum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 1174.—Ballenger (E. G.) "606" dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol; an account of a visit to Wechselmann's clinic in Berlin, where many hundreds of patients have been treated with Ehrlich's new remedy for syphilis; a review of the literature and work upon thesubject. N. York M. J. [etc.]. 1910, xcii,1157- 1162. Also, Reprint. -----. Salvarsan, or "606;" Ehrlich's new remedy for svphilis. Atlanta .lour. Rec. Med., 1910- 11, lvi, 641-653. Also, Reprint.—Balzer (F.) Les nou- veaux traitements de la syphilis par les derives arseni- caux specifiques. Paris med., 1910-11, 34L-3-I7.—Balzer (F.) & Godlew§ki. Contribution a l'etude du traite- ment dela syphilis par le 606. Bull. Soc. franc, dedermat. et syph., Par., 1911; xxii; 369-376.—Bar il. L'arseHC- benzol. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1912, xcvii, 92-127.— Bayet (A.) A consideration of the Ehrlich-Hata prepa* ration in syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis.,! St. Louis, 1911, xv, 57-62. -----. L'etat actuel de la ques- tion de I'arsenobenzol dans le traitement de la syphilis. J. med. de Brux., 1910, xv, 7:SH-7t:i. -----. Le traitement de la syphilis par I'arsenobenzol. Bull. Acad. roy. de SYPHILIS. 523 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan \u606"). med. de Belg., Brux., 1911, 4. s., xxv, 777-801.—Behaegel (T.) A propos du salvarsan. Clinique, Brux., 1911, xxv, 865-872. — Behandlung (Die) der Syphilis mit dem Ehrlich'schen Priiparat 606. Vortr. ii. prakt. Therap., Leipz., 1910, 3. s., 12. Hft.,871-986.—Bell (F. McK.) The cure of syphilis. Montreal M. J., 1910, xxxix, 800-805.— Beristain (P.) Accidentes sitilitieos tratados por el arsenobenzol. Cr6n. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1912, xv, 9; 32.—Bertran (F.) Acci6n local del " 606 " en oto-rino- laringologia. Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1911, v, 241-248.— Beveridge (W. W. O.) & Walker (N. D.) On the fate of arsenic in the body after injection in the form of salvarsan or "606." J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1911, xvi, 376-385.—Bezals (F. Ya.) NIekotorf ya nablyu- deniya nad dlelstviyem salvarsana na organism chelo- vleka i zhivotnikh. [Several experiments on the action of salvarsan upon the human and animal organism.] Terap. Obozr., Odessa, 1911, iv, 129-137.—Billings (E. F.) Ehrlich's "606" as seen through a practical chem- ist's spectacles. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxiv, 540-542.— Bistis (J.) De l'action du "606" sur l'ceil et les affec- tions oculaires. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1911, xxxi, 527-532.— Bizard ( L. ) La preparation "606." J. de med. de Par., 1910, 2. s., xxii, 823.—Blaschko (A.) Kritische Bemerkungen zur Ehrlich-Hata-Behandlung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1611-1613. -----. Was leistet das Salvarsan bei der Behandlung der frischen Svphilis? Therap. d. Gegenw., BerL, 1911, Iii, 214-219.—Blassberg I'M.) Przetw6r "606" w §wietle chemoterapii Ehrlicha. ["606" in the light of Ehrlich's chemotherapy.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1911, 1, 107; 126. — Bluineiithal (A.) Quelques remarques sur le traitement de la syphilis par I'arsenobenzol. J. med. de Brux., 1912,xvii,31-34.—Boas (H.) Bidrag til belysning af arsenobenzolbehandlingen af syfilis. Hosp.-Tid., Kobenh., 1911, 5. R., iv, 330; 361 — Boehm (J. L.) The new treatment of syphilis with "606" (dioxvdiamidoarsenobenzol). J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1910-11, vii, 339-343. -----. Facts and fallacies in the treatment of svphilis with salvarsan. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 1116-1125. Also, Reprint—Bo lam (R. A.) Arseno-benzol in syphilis. Northumberland & Durham M. J., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1911, xix,113-117.— Bonnet (L.-M.) Considerations sur le traitement de la syphilis par le remede d'Ehrlich. Lyon m6d., 1912, cxviii, 263-27*.—Boos (W. F.) The chemistry of salvarsan. Boston M. A S. J., 1911, clxv, 506-510. Also: Med. Com- municat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1911, xxii, 269-279.—Born- stein (A.) Ueber das Schicksal des Salvarsans im Kor- per. Deutsche med. Wrchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, ' xxxvii. 112.—Breyner (M.) "606." Med. contemp., . Lisb., 1911, xxix, 73; 85; 90; 100.—Broers (J.) Huidziek- '. ten en syphilis; Ehrlich-Hata 606. Med. Rev., Haarlem, 1910, x, 437^45.—Bronshteln (O. I.) Osnovi khemo- } terapii sifllisa. [Principlesof chemotherapy of syphilis.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1910, lxxiv, 253-259.—Browning (C. H.) & JIcKenzie (I.) The treatment of syphilis by ; salvarsan. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, ii,654.—Bruhii (F.) Ehrlich-Hata No. 606. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1910, ' v, 257-261.—Brulms (C.) Das Salvarsan in der heuti- gen Svphilistherapie. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsnd- htspflg., Brnschwg., 1911, xliii, 763-776— Bruyant (L.) Etudes sur le 606 ou salvarsan, d'apn's its travaux du Professeur Ehrlich et de ses collaborateurs. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1911, xv, 269-278.—Bukovsky (J.) & Fiala (K.) Salvarsan. Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1911, 1, 1441, 2 pl. — Bunch (J. L. ) Hereditary syphilis . and its treatment by arsenobenzol ("606"). Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1912, ix, 149-154.—«'ampana(R.) Un snc- cedaneo del mereurio (606). Riforma med., Napoli, 1910, xxvi, 1049. —Camus (J.) & Camus (L.) Recherches ■ experimentales sur le 606. Paris med., 1910, 66-71.— Castells (E.) El tratamiento de la sifilis por el 606. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1910, lv, 234-237.— Cealio (M.) ; & Strominger (L.) O visita la Institutul Prof. Ehr- lich din Frankfurt. Dare de seama asupra unci con- feree, tinute de Prof. Ehrlich, in ziua de 30 julie c, relativa la preparatul sau 606. [Report of a conference, held July 30th in Prof. Ehrlich's Institute in Frank- furt on his preparation 606.] Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1910, xxx, :J,r,9-:j77.—Cerna (D.) El remedio "Ehrlich-Ha- ta." Escucla de med., Mexico, 1911, xxvi, 25; 49; 79; 100; 121 —Cliambrelent & Clievrier. Recherche de l'arsenic danslelait d'une chevresoumisea une injection intraveineusedesalvarsan. Compt.rend.Soc.debioL.Par., '. 1911,lxxi, 136.—Charlton (F.R.) Whatbecomesof the . spirochetes in the secretions? A query suggested by Ehr- lich's "606" and offered as a subject for investigation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 194. -----. Revolutionary methods in connection with syphilis, demonstrating by dark field illuminator, the spirochete, and reviewing Ehr- lich's "606." J.Indiana M. Ass., Fort Wavne, 1911,iv,l-8.— Chrzelitzer (W.) Ehrlich-Hata 606 (Salvarsan). Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1911, xxxvi, 33-39. — Colgln (M. W.) Treatment ot syphilis with Ehrlich-Hata sal- varsan ("606"). Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1910-11, vi, 252.—Commentz (A.) El nuevo rumbo de la qui- Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606y). mioterapia i la preparaci6n Ehrlich-Hata (606). Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1910, xxxviii, 335-343.— Coover. "606". Ann.Ophth., St.Louis, 1911, xx,470.— Corbus (B. C.) A visit to Ehrlich. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, lv, 1305. — Cu tier (F. E.) The use of sal- varsan. Cleveland M. J., 1911, x, 1033. — Daland (J.) The Ehrlich remedy in the treatment of svphilis. Tr. Coil. Phys. Phila., 1911, 3. s., xxxiii, 274-283". — Dalla- Favera. Resoconti della lxxxii. riunione dei natura- listi e medici tedeschi, tenutoa Konigsberg il 20 settembre 1910. La cura della sifiiide col preparatodi Ehrlich "606". Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1910, xiv, 905-918.—Dan- log. A propos du proces-verbal. Bull.etmem.Soc.med. d. hop. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxx, 497-499.—Barter (A.) Le 606 et les progres regents en syphilitherapie. Clin. opht., Par., 1911, xvii, 57-62. — De Favento (P.) La cura della sifiiide col preparato "606". Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1910, xiv, 863-870.—Desneux (J.) & Dujardin (B.) Ueber Abweichungen im Verlaufe der Syphilis nach Anwendung von Arsenobenzol. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2111-2113.-----------. Le traitement de la svphilis par le salvarsan. Clinique, Brux., 1912, xxvi, 145; 168; 177. — De Villa (S.) Sul- P eliminazione dell* arsenico per le urine e perillatte dopo 1' iniezione di salvarsan (606) di Ehrlich-Hata. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1911, xiv, 849-852. — Dietz. Le 606. J. med. de Brux., 1910, xv, 694-699. — Dreuw. Kann Salvarsan das Quecksilber ersetzen? Reichs-Med.- Anz., Leipz., 1911, xxxvi, 769; 801.—Dschunkowsky. Heilversuche mit Ehrlich-Hata 606 bei der Giinsespiril- lose, der Piroplasme der Rinder und der Rinderpest. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1911, xxvii, 2-9.—Dubitans. The present position of salvarsan. Lancet, Lond., 1912, i, 955.—Dubois (A.) & von Winiwarter (H.) Lache- mothe>apie et la guerison de la svphilis. Scalpel, Liege, 1910-11, lxiii, 31-37.—Dubreuilh (W.) & Petges (G.) Du traitement de la syphilis par le 606 d'Ehrlich. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1911, xii, 789-795. — Dumont (J.) La nouvelle preparation arsenicale d'Ehrlich (no. 606) dans le traitement de la syphilis. Presse med., Par., 1910, xviii, 636.— Ehlers. Protestation a propos du 606 d'Ehrlich-Hata. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1911, 3. s., lxv, 19-22.—Ehrlich (P.) "606" Pismo Ehr- lich'a k Zelvonevu. ["606." Ehrlich's letter to Zelyo- neff.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1910, xx, 327-329. -----. El tratamiento de la sifilis y la pre- paracion " 606 " de Ehrlich-Hata. Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1911, x, 140-149. -----. La therapeutique par le salvar- san, coup d'ceil retrospectif et perspective. Clinique, Par., 1911, vi, 526. -----. Ueberdie Behandlungder Sy- philis mit dem Ehrlichschen Praparat 606. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Konigsb., 1910, Leipz., 1911, lxxxiii, 2. Teil, 408-424. Also, transl: Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1911,xxviii, 197-205. -----. UeberSalvar- san. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2481-2486. -----. Salvarsan. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 1963. [Discussion], 2060-2062.— Ehrlich (P.) & Netter. La nouvelle preparation de Ehrlich-Hata. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1910, 3. s., lxiv, 178-180.—Ehrlich-Hata (The) preparation for syphilis (dioxv-diamido-arseno-benzol hydrochloride); a svn- theticreview. Am.J.Urol.,N.Y., 1910,vi,503-519— Elder (A. V.) The psychology of salvarsan. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1912, n. s., xciii, 11.—Emanuel (G.) Be- einflussung der Wassermann'schen Reaktion des norma- len Kaninchens durch Salvarsan. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 2335.—Emery (E.) Traitement de la syphi- lis par la preparation 606 (indications et contre-in'dica- tions). Gaz. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1910, xi, 121-134. Also, transl: Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 1543-1548.-----. L'evolu- tion du 606. Clinique, Par., 1911, vi, 27. -----. La me, thode d'Ehrlich. Rev. d'hyg. et de med. inf. [etc.], Par., 1911, x, 149-180. -----. A propos d'une lettre du Profes- seur Ehrlich. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par.- 1911, xxii, 413-421.—Emery (E.) & Pepin (C.) Note sur la pharmacologic du "606". Ann. d. mal. v6n., Par., 1910, v, 727-735. — Evans (W.) Salvarsan in syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1912, i, 152.—Fabry (J.) & Jerzyeki (E.) Ueber Kupierung initialer Svphilis mit Salvarsan. Med. Klin., BerL, 1912, viii, 189-191.—F6lix (E.) L'em- ploi du salvarsan (606 Ehrlich-Hata) en oto-rhino-laryn- gologie. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1911, xxxvii, 653-679.—Fernandez (O.) Antecedentes quimicos del "606." (lac. m6d. d. Sur de Espafla, Grana- da, 1910, xxviii, 505; 530. Also: Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1911, xiii, 34; 67.—Ferrannini (L.) Ri- cerche sperimentali sull' azione farmacologica del sal- varsan. Riforma med., Napoli, 1911, xxvii, 106; 1101; 1126.—Finekh (A. E.) The treatment of syphilis by salvarsan. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1911, xxx, 238- 240.—Finger (E.) Die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Ehrlichs Arsenobenzol. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2612. -----. Zur Diskussion iiber seinen Vortrag zur Behandlung der Syphilis mit Arsenobenzol. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 1866. -----. Bemerkungen zur Ehrlich-Debatte. Ibid., 1911, xxiv, 65.—Finkelshteln SYPHILIS. 524 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606"). (Yu. A.) Vliyaniye spetsificheskol terapii ("606" i rtuti) na reaktsiyu Wassermann'a. [Influence of specific treat- ment ("GOO'' and mercury) upon Wassermann's reaction.] Novoye v Med.,S.-Peterb., 1911, v,707;777.—Fiorito (G.) La sifiiide ed inuovi orizzonti terapeutici. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1911, xiv, 136-138.—Fleckseder (R.) Tratamiento de infeccion paludicapor el enesol y ladi- oxvdiamidoarsenobenzol de Ehrlich (preparacion 606). Arch, de ginecop. [etc.], Barcel., 1910, xxiii, 393-396 — Foerster (A.) On the use of salvarsan in the treatment of syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1912, i, 283-287.—Foerster (O. H.) Salvarsan and its use in the treatment of syphi- lis. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1911-12, x, 213-224. -----. Svphilis treated with salvarsan. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1912, xxx, 111.—Font y Monteros (J.) Algunas consideraciones sobre Iaf6rmula-extinci6n de la sifilis. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mal- lorca, 1910, xxvi, 501-512. —Forns. Algo de doctrina medica individualista con motivo del nuevo remedio 606 de Ehrlich. Rev. espec.med., Madrid, 1910, xiii, 175-182.— Fouquet. La 606° preparation d'Ehrlich dans le traitement de la syphilis. J. de med. int., Par., 1910, xiv, 2SL—Frenkel-Heiden & Navassart (E.) Ueber die Elimination des Salvarsan aus dem menschlichen Korper. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.,1911, xlviii, 1367-1369.— Frieboes (W.) Beitrag zur Klinik und Histopatho- logic der lokalen Salvarsan-Hautreaktion (L. S. H. R.). Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1911, xviii, 1043-1049.—Frutos Rabona. El "606." Rev. de med y cirug., Barcel., 1910, xxiv, 273-277.—Fulton (F. T.) Ehrlich's new remedy for syphilis. Providence M. J., 1911, xii, 73-76.— Gaebel (G. O.) Die quantitative Zusammensetzung des Salvarsans. Apoth.-Ztg., BerL, 1911, xxvi, 215.— Garcia ftlon(R.) El 606. Rev.med. cubana, Habana, 1910, xvi, 191-195.—Garrison (F. H.) Ehrlich's specific therapeutics in relation to scientific method. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1911, lxxviii, 209-222. Also, Reprint.— Garson (J. G.) A visit to Professor Treupel's clinic; the use of "606." Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 964.—Gaucher (E.) Le 606 etles medecins. J. de mod. int., Par., 1911, xv, 297-301. Also: Normandie m£d., Rouen, 1912, xxviii, 25-33.—George (C. M.) Salvarsan as a diagnostic and therapeutic agent in syphilis. U. S. Naval M. Bull., Wash., 1911, v, 435-451.—Gerber. Ueber die WMrkung des Ehrlich-Hataschen Mittels 606 auf die Mundspiro- chiiten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 2114. -----. Weitere Mitteilungen fiber die Spirochaten der Mundrachenhoble und ihr Ver- halten zu Ehrlich-Hatas 606 (Salvarsan). Ibid., 2383- 2385.—Georgij evski (K. N.) Nablyudeniya naddleT- stviyemarsenobenzolau bolnikh. [Action of arsenoben- zol.] Kharkov. M. J., 1910, x,478— Goldshtein (I. M.) O dieistvii 606-vo preparata Ehrlich'a na nlekotoriye simptomi sifilisa v verkhnikh dikhatelnikh putyak'h. [Action of Ehrlich's 606 upon certain symptoms of syphi- lis of the upper respiratory passages.] Yezhemles. Ushn., Gorlov. i Nosov. Boliezn., S.-Peterb., 1910, v, 601-606.— Golescgano (C.) Critique therapeutique dans le traitement de la syphilis avec considerations surledi- oxydiamido-arsenobenzol. Clin. prat, med.-chir. de path. [etc.], Par., 1910, vi, 217-225— Goubeau. L'arseno- benzol., methode pratique rapide et peu douloureuse d'injection intra-musculaire. Rev. med., Par., 1911, xxi, 99-101. -----. Le traitement intensif de la syphilis pri- maire. Ibid., 308-311.—Greven (K.) Beginn und Dauer der Arsenausscheidung im Urin nach Anwendung des Ehrlich-Hataschen Praparates Dioxydiamidoarsenoben- zol. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1910, lvii, 2079.—Grilll (L.) Composes organi- ques de l'arsenic, la preparation 606. DauphinS med., Grenoble, 1910, xxxiv, 212-221. -----. Apropos du 606; 1™ note additionnelle du 8 novembre 1910. Ibid., 249- J53.— Guiard (F.-P.) A propos du "606." J. de med. de Par., 1910, 2. s., xxii, 824.—Hallopeau (H.) Con- tribution k l'etude du traitement de la syphilis par l'hec- tine etle 606. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1911, lxvi, 61- 65.—Hallopeau (H.), Balzer [etal]. Conclusion de la commission nominee pour donner son avis sur le traite- ment abortif de la syphilis a sa premiere periode. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1911, 3. s.. lxv, 187-189.—Hammer (F.) Ueber die neuesteSyphilisbehandlung. Med. Cor.- Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Landesver., Stuttg., 1910, lxxx, s 15-854. -----. Ueber Salvarsan. II. Ibid., 1911, lxxxi, 171-175.— Hard man (W.) "Ehrlich-Hata," or "606." Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 54.—Haslund (P.) Behand- ling af syfilis med dioxvdiamidoarsenohenzol, Ehrlich- Hata no. 606. Nord. Tklsskr. f. Terapi, K0benh., 1909-10, viii, 361-370. -----. Paul Ehrlich om sit syfilismid- del. Ibid., 1910-11, ix, 80-84, port.—Hausman (F.) K voprosu o khemoterapii i o preparatle 606 Ehrlich'a; dlelstviye etovo preparata pri sifilisle. [Chemotherapy and Ehrlich's preparation no. 606 in syphilis.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 1159-1162.—Heath (F. C.) Are syphilitic eye lesions an indication for or against the use of salvarsan? Indianapolis M. J., 1912, xv, 52-58. — Heidingsleld (M. L.) Salvarsan—" prae- Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606"). parat 606" Ehrlich-Tlata—in the treatment of syphi- lis. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1910, civ, 588; 614.—Herx- lieimer (K.) A Sclioiuieleld (R.) Weitere Mittei- lungen iiber die Wirkung des Ehrlichschen Arsenoben- zols bei Syphilis. Mud. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 1400-1402.— Heydenreieh (L. L.) Nablyudeniya nad dlelstviyem aiseno-benzola Ehrlich'a ("606") pri sifilisle. [Action of "606" in svphilis.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x 871- 914; 942.—HirsehfeUler (J. O.) The use of salvarsan' J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 1667-1670.—Holland (Estill D.) The treatment of parasyphilitic conditions with salvarsan. Month. Cycl. & M. Bull., Phila., 1912, v, 73-77.—van der Hoop (E.) De nieuwste syphilisthe- rapie met het middel van Ehrlich-Hata. (icneesk Courant, Amst., 1910, lxiv, 297; 305; 321. -----. Hallopeau contra Ehrlich. Ibid., 417.—Hoppe & Solireiber. Ueber die Behandlung der Syphilis und metasyphili- tischen Erkrankungen mit dem neuen Ehrlich-Hata- schen Arsenpraparat. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kong, f innere Med., Wiesb., 1910, xxvii, 243-'J19.—Ilrdliczka (V.) Zur Symptomatik der Salvarsanwirkung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv, 741-747.—liii Przyczynek do badan dzialania salwarsanu na na- cieki kilowe. [Action of salvarsan upon syphilitic infil- trations.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1911, 1, 504. Also, transl: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1911, ex, 447^452. -----. Die Histologie der syphilitischen Infiltrate nach der Salvarsananwendung. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1911, liii, 633-643, 2 pl.— Lacapere. Le 606 a l'Academie de medecine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1910, lxxxiii, 1787-1789.-----. Traitement de la leucoplasie par le salvarsan. Marseille med., 1912, 81-86, 3 pl.— de Lacerda (C.) Tratamento da syphilis SYPHILIS. 525 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606"). pelo "606." Med. contemp., Lisb., 1911, xxix, 385-388.— Lai"ay(L.) Variations sur le 606. Cliniiiuc, Par., 1910, v, 787-790.—Iiane (J. E. t, Harrison (L. W.) & Me- Donagh (J. E. R.) Discussion on recent developments in the recognition and treatment of syphilis; held in con- junction with the section of dermatology. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, 673-679. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1911, xcii, 200.—Lang (E.) Ueber das Hata-Ehr- lich-Priiparat. Wien.med.Wchnschr., 1911,lxi, 120.—La- quer(B.) Bemerkungen zur Sal varsanliteratur. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2173. — Lazarraga (J.) Nuevo triunfo de la quimioterapia. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1910, lxxxix, 53-58. — Leder- niann (R.) Ueber Erfahrungen mit Ehrlich 606 bei sub- kutaner und intramuskuliirer Anwendung. Med. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 1974-1977.—Lemelaud (J.) Le salvarsan en obstetrique. Obstetrique, Par, 1911, n. s., i v, 411-473.— Lemierre(A.) Letraitementdelasyphilisparladioxy- diamido-arsenobenzol Ehrlich. Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1910, lxxxiii, 1098; 1354. Also, transl: Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1910, xxvi, 468; 483; 516; 541.— Leonard (T. B.) Ehrlich-Hata preparation of "606." Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1910-11, xv, 443- 41 > — Leredde. Les indications de I'arsenobenzol dans le traitement de la syphilis. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1911, xxix, 101-108. Also: 3. de m&I. de Par., 1911, xxiii, 119- 121. Also: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1911, xxv, 789-792.—Lesser (F.) Hvperideal und Salvarsan. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 1025. —Levaditi (C.) & Twort (C.-C.) Mode d'action de I'arsenoben- zol sur les treponemes et les lesions syphilitiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxix, 633-635.—Levy- Bing (A.), Dnroenx (L.) & Dogny (M.) Etude du liquide cephalo-rachidien chez les syphilitiques traites par le salvarsan. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1912, vii, 109- 127.—Lieberthal. Syphilis treated with salvarsan. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1912, xxx, 112.—Lie ven (W. A.) On the treatment of syphilis by "salvarsan." Ophthalmoscope, Lond., 1912, x, 2-14.—Literature (The) of salvarsan. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, 222; 989. Also, Reprint.—Loin or (G.) Ueber die Be- deutung von Ehrlich-Hata 606 (Salvarsan) fiir unsere Kulturwelt. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Hildburgh., 1910-11, ix, 536-542.—Loxton (A.) The Ehrlich-Hata specific (dioxvdiamidoarsenobenzol) for syphilis. Midland M. J., Birmingh., 1910, ix, 146-148.—Lydston (G. F.) Brief on the salvarsan treatment of svphilis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 820-823. Also, Reprint.—McDonagh (J.E. R.) Ehrlich's remedy for svphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910,ii,1261.-Mclntosh (J.) & Fildes (P.) The theory and practice of the treatmentof svphilis with Ehr- lich's new specific "606." Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 1684- 1689.----------. The performance of the cure of syphilis by "606." Ibid., 1911, ii, 213.----------. An ex peri mental comparison between 606, mercury, and iodide of potassium as antisyphilitics. Ibid., 940.-----------. "606" and sy- philis: areplvto Mr. C. F. Marshall's views. Ibid., i, 724- 726.—Mcintosh (J.), Fildes (P.) & Dearden (H.) Saltfeverandthetreatmentof syphilis by "606". Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1912, Orig., xii, 164-182.—MoLester (J.S.) Salvarsan. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 1877-1881.—MacBae (T.) The Was- sermann reaction and "606". N.York M.J. [etc.],1910, xcii,1316-1320. Also, Reprint— Malherbe (H.) Causerie sur le 606. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1910, xxviii, 929-938.— Malinowski (F.) Stan obecny leczenia syfilisu pre- paratem Ehrlicha "606" i dotychczasowe wyniki wtasnych doswiadczen. [Present state of treatmentof syphiliswith preparation no. "606," and personal experiments on the •subject.] Przegl. cher6b sk6r. i wen., Warszawa, 1910, v, 225-245. Also [Abstr.l: Gaz. lek., Warszawa,1910,2.s.,xxx, 919-925. Also", transl: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1910, li, 445-461. -----. Dalsze wyniki doSwiadczeri zpre- paratemEhrlich'a"606" (salvarsanem). [Furtherexperi- ments with Ehrlich's preparation "606."] Medycyna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1911, xlvi, 14-20. Also, transl: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1911, Iii, 101-108. Also: Przegl. chor6b skor. i wen., Warszawa, 1910, v, 295-304.— Manuel (A.) & Bayly (H. W.) A review of treat- ment by "606" or salvarsan. Practitioner, Lond., 1911, lxxxvi, 772-779.—Marcus (II.) Den nya Ehrlich-Hata behandlingen af syfilis. Hvuiea, Stockholm, 1910, 2. f., x, 1018-1036.—Margulies (M. N.) Vliyaniye nedosta- tochnikh doz "606" v opltakh na zhivotnikh v svyazi s osnovami khemoterapii. [Influence of insufficient doses of "606" upon animals in connection with the principles of chemotherapv.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 1479-1484.—Markley (A. J.) Erhlich's new remedy for syphilis. Denver M. Times & Utah M. J., 1910-11, xxx, 134-137.—von Marschalkd (T.) Ehrlich 606 und Sy- philistherapie. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1910, xlvi, 393; 401. -----. Ueber die ungeniigende Dauerwir- kun£ der neutralen Suspension von Salvarsan bei Sy- philis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 198-202.—Marshall (C. F.) "606" andsyphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 837.-----. Remarks on the treat- ment of syphilis with dioxy - diamido - arsenobenzol Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606"). ("606"). Ibid., 501. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1911, n. s., xci, 443. -----. Salvarsan ("606") in syphilis; a criticism. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 136-139. Also, Reprint. See, also, supra, Mcintosh (J.) & Fildes (P.)— Masuda (N.) Ueber den Einfluss des Salvarsans auf die Intensitat der Antikorperbilduug beim Kanin- chen. Therap. Monatsh., BerL, 1911, xxv, 288-291.— Matson (R.C.) Present status of 606 in Vienna clinics. Northwest. Med., Seattle, 1911, n. s., iii 339.—Mayer (H.) Salvarsan und Hiimolyse. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 983-985.—Mazzini ( F. ) I preparati arsenicali nella cura della sitilide e specialmente il "606". Morgagni, Milano, 1911, lhi,pt. 2, 17; 49.—Meirelles (E.) A nova therapia especifica na syphilis; o arsenobenzol. Tribuna med., Rio de Jan., 1910, xvi, 212-220—Meirowsky (E.) Die Einwirkung des Ehrlichschen Mittels auf den syphilitischen Prozess. Med. Kiin., BerL, 1910, vi, 1653.—Meltzer (S. J.) Dio- xydiamidoarsenobenzol or "606"; Ehrlich's newest rem- edy for syphilis. N. York M. J. [etc], 1910, xcii, 371. -----. The present status of therapeutics and the signifi- cance of salvarsan. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lv', 1709-1713. Also: N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1911, xi, 257- 259. Also: Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1911, xxvi, 296-309.—Metz (H. A.) Salvarsan and patents. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 38.—Michaelis (L.) Die Ehrlich-Hata-Behandlung in der inneren Medizin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 2278- 2284. [Discussion in:] Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, 78.— Miehelet. Zur Syphilisbehandlung mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der Salvarsantherapie in Ver- bindung mit den bisherigen therapeutischen Metho- den. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1911, viii, 524-526.— Miller (J. W.) Salvarsan. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito- Crin. Dis., St. Louis, 1912, xvi, 122-124.—Miller (R. E. L.) A few remarks on salvarsan. Texas Cour.-Rec Med., Fort Worth, 1911-12, xxix, 13-15.—Mondschein (M.) Przetw6r"Ehrlich-Hata606." Przegl.lek.,Krak6w, 1910, xlix, 618-621.-----. Dalsze doswiadczenia z salwar- sanem. [Furtherexperimentswithsalvarsan.] Ibid.,1911, 1,831-834.—Moniz de Aragao (E.) Pharmacopraxia do salvarsan (606) de Ehrlich-Hata. Tribuna med., Rio de Jan., 1911, xvii, 143; 185.—Montgomery (D. W.) Some medical notes taken in Frankfort on the Main. N. York M. J. [etc], 1911, xciv, 143-145.—Moreau (C.) Note 3, propos du traitementde la syphilis par I'arseno- benzol. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1911, 4. s , xxv, 983-990. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1912, lxiv, 75.— Mrongovius (V. Yu.) Nablyudeniya nad dlelstviyem "606" (salvarsan Ehrlich-Hata) pri sifilisle. [Action of salvarsan in syphilis.] Russk. Vrach, S.- Peterb., 1911, x, 1117; 1187.—Muir (R ), Browning (C. H.) & McKenzie (Ivy). Joint communication on syphilis; recent methods of diagnosis and treatment; the Wassermann serum reaction and Ehrlich's No. 606. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc, Glasg., 1911, x, 1-29.—Murphy (J. B.) Salvarsan. Surg. Clin., Chicago, 1912, i, 31-35.—Murri (A.) Sul "606." Riforma med., Napoli, 1911, xxvii, 48- 50.—Muto (K.) & Sanno (Y.) Ueber die Ausscheidung des Arsens nach derintramuskularen Injektion des Dioxy- diamidoarsenobenzols. Therap. Monatsh., BerL, 1911, xxv, 699-601.—Neisser (A. L. S.) Ueber das neue Ehr- lichsche Mittel [Dioxydiaminoarsenobenzol]. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1212. -----. Ueber Syphilistherapie. Heilkunde, BerL, 1910, 358-300- -----. Berichtuber die . . . 1905-9 in Batavia und Bres. lau ausgefuhrten Arbeiten zur Erforschung der Syphilis. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 1-624. -----. Ueber moderne Syphilistherapie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Salvarsans. Samml. zwangl. Ab- handl. a. d. Geb. d. Dermat. [etc.], Halle a. S., 1911-12, i, Hft. 1,1-46.—jVeisser(A.L.S.)&Kuznitz!iy(E.^ Ueberdie BedeutungdesEhrlich'sehen Arsenobenzol diirdieSyphi- lisbehandlung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1485- 1490.—Nelson (A. W.) Ehrlich's cure for syphiliswith Hata's dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol. Lancet-Clinic, Cin- cin., 1910, civ, 210.—Neue (Das) Ehrlichsche Syphilis- Heilmittel. Mitt. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. z. Bekiimpf. d. Geschlechtskr., Leipz., 1910, viii, 71-74, port.—Nichols (H.J.) Salvarsan and sodium cacodylate. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 492-495. -----. The present status of salvarsan therapy in syphilis. Ibid., 1912, lviii, 603- 609.—Nicolich (G.) La cura della sifiiide col prepa- rato "606." Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milan , 1910, xiv, 870-873. -----. Ceni critici sulla cura col salvarsan. Ibid., 1912, xlvi, 688-691.—Olsho (S. L.) The prospect of Ehrlich's new remedy (606) coming into general use. Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1910, 3. s., xxvi, 837-844 — Oppenheim (M.) Ueber die Entwicklung und den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Salvarsantherapie. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1912, xxiv, 145-154.—Owen (R. G.) The present status of "606." Detroit M. J., 1911. xi, 403- 409,1 tab.— P (J.) El nuevo remedio Ehrlich-Hata (606). Bol. mens. d. Col. de med. de Gerona, 1910, xv, 142-147.— Pallitzer (S.) Salvarsan in the treatment of syphilis; a clinical lecture. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1911, xxvi, 613- 624.—Pellier. Le traitement de la syphilis par le SYPHILIS. 526 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan \"606"). dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol 606 de Ehrlich-Hata d'apres les travaux allemands. Ann. de aermat. et syph., Par., 1910, 5. s., i, 660-593. — Peterkin (G. S.) 606, its place in medicine to-day and in the future. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1911, n. s., iii, 103-107.— PhllaretOpoUlOS (G.) 'H app, 'ASrjvat 1910, X, 129.—Phoustanos (J. A.) To veov "606" 6.pp.a£6\iov). 'larpixr) irpoo- «os, 'Ev 2i>po>, 1910, xv, 289-293.—Pinkus (F.) Salvarsan. Med. Klin.,'BerL, 1911, vii, 273-27.\—Piolti (G.) Alcuni casi di manifestazioni luetiche pertinenti all' oto-rino-la- ringoiatriatrattaticol "salvarsan" (''60<;'' Ehrlich-Hata). Arch. ital. diotol. [etc], Torino, 1911, xxii, 49J-5U6.—Pla- sencia(L.) M6todoclinicodeinvestigaei6n del arsenico enlaorina. Actasytrab. d. ii. Cong. m§d. nac, Habana, 1911,312-314.—Plaut(H.C) Technischeundbiologische Erfahrungen mit 606. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi,2237-2239.—Poirier. Traitement dela syphilis par le salvarsan. J. med. de Brux., 1911, xvi, 106.—Pokrovski (V. V.) O dieistvii preparata Ehr- lich-Hata "606" na bllednuyu spirokhetu. [Action of Ehrlich-Hata's preparation "606" upon the spirocheta pallida.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1911, lxxv, 347-355.—Pol- land (R.) Klinische Erfahrungen iiber die Salvarsan- therapie bei Lues. Mitt. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1911, xlviii, 443-450.—Ponlsson (E.) Om 606. Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi, K0benh., 1910-11, ix, 74-30.— Puckner (W. A.) & Hilpert (W. S.) The chemi- cal properties of salvarsan ("606"). J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, lv, 2314.—Pusey (Wr. A.) The situation as regards salvarsan (606). Ibid., 1911, lvi, 118-120 — Qneyrat (L.) L'arsenobenzol peut-il, dans certaines conditions, steriliser l'organisme des syphilitiques? Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. n6p. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxi, 107-110.—Quintana Duque (J.) Algunas considera- ciones sobre el estado actual del "606" en el tratamiento de la sifilis. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1911, 3. s., i, 773- 776.—Bacinowski (A.) O dzialaniu dioksydiamido- arsenobenzolu Ehrlich'a-Hata. [Action of "606."] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1911, 2. s., xxxi, 38; 68; 99.—Baimoldi (G.) Comportamento del 606 nel corpo umano. Riv. os- pedal., Roma, 1911, i, 478-481.—Bavaut (P.) De I'arseno- benzol 606 de Ehrlich-Hata. Presse med., Par., 1910, xviii, 978.—Bavaut (P.) & Weissenibaeh. L'arseno- resistance au cours du traitement de la syphilis par l'hectine et l'arseno-benzol 606 de Ehrlich-Hata. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par.. 1910, 3. s., xxx, 693-702.— Bedaelli (G.) II 606 specialmente nelle lesioni del sis- tema nervoso. Riv. insubra di sc. med., Milano, 1911, i, 225-229.—Beiss (W.) & Krzysztalowicz (F.) O zna- czeniu leczniczem arsenobenzolu (606). [The therapeu- tic value of "606."1 Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1911,1, 93-108 — Benaut (A.) Considerations k propos du traitement de la syphilis par le nouveau remede d'Ehrlich-Hata. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1910, clx, 769-781.—de Benzi (E.) Sifiiide e cura del 606. N. riv. clin.-terap., Napoli, 1911, xiv, 225-240.—Biecke. Ueber das Ehr- lichsche Syphilisheilmittel 606. Med. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 2062. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2610.—Biehl (G.) Bemerkungen zur Ehrlichdebatte. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv, 20.—Bissom. Die Behandlung der Svphilis mit Salvarsan (606 Ehrlich). Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, 412-415.—Bitter (H.) Ueber die Verweildauer des Arsens im tierischen Organismus nach intra venoser Einspritzung von Salvarsan. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1912, xxxviii, 162.— Bodriguez Eehevarria (A.) Porvenir de los ava- riosos, tratadospor el "606," importancia de la profilaxis. Actas y trab. d. ii. Cong. med. nac, Habana, 1911, 153- 156.—Boquette. Syphilis ulcereuse du gland, guerie par le 606. Toulouse med., 1911, 2. s., xiii, 309-311.—Bo- senberg (J.) Dotychczasowe wyniki leczenia prepara- tem Ehrlich-Haty 606. [Treatment with "(.06'' up to date.] Now.lek., Poznah, 1911, xxiii, 72-76.—Boss (S.J.) No. "606." Med. Press A Circ, Lond., 1910, n. s., xc, 316 — Bowley (J. C.) The present status of salvarsan in the treatment of syphilis. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1911-12, xviii, 117-135.—Koyo Villanova (R.) El "606" en las enfermedades venereas. Bol. de cien. med., Mexico, 1910, i, 249-256.—Bytina (A. G.) The present status of sal- varsan therapeutics. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, M5- 820.—Bzetkowski(K) Wsprawiewplywusalwarsanu na ustroj ludzki. [On the influence of salvarsan upon the human organism.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1911, 2. s., xxxi,705; 741; 824; 844.—Sachs (B.) & Strauss (I.) On the use of salvarsan in syphilis of the nervous svstem, based upon a study of eighty cases. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1912, lxxxi, 211-216.—Salmon (P.) Mode d'action du 606 et anticorps spirillaires. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1912, lxxii, 311.—Salvarsan. Dioxydiamidoarse- nobenzoldichlorhydrat. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz., 1911, xxii, 217-J.;s.—Samuels (A.) Ehrlich's "606." Maryland M. J., Bait. 1910. liii, 412-414.—Sanders (W. E.) The importance of the Wassermann reaction in the diagnosis and treatment of syphilis, with special reference to the use of salvarsan (606). Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1911-12, Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606"). xviii, 283-287.—Sasakawa i M.) On the new treatment of syphilis with No. 606. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo 1911 xxx, 11-18.—Sberna. Mereurio, iodio e "606"'nella cura della sifiiide acquisita. Med. nuova, Roma 1911 ii 313; 321; 329; 337.-S* liaefier (O.) Die Salvarsan'be- handlungin deroperativen Cyniikologie. Monatschr f Geburtsh.u.Gynaek.,Berl.,1912,xxxv,339-344.—Sebalek (A.) Recent advances in svphilology. West. M. Rev Omaha, 1911, xvi, 471-475.—Seham berg (J. F.) The modern treatment of syphilis. Penn. M. J., Athens 1911- 12, xv, 107-113. Also: Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit 1911 3. s., xxvii, 763-768.—Schamberg (J. F.) & Giusbur^ (X.) Some "don'ts" in the use of salvarsan. J.Am M~ Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 347.—Schiudler (C.) Ueber Joha, ein 40proz. Dioxydiamidomsenobenzolol. Wien med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, lb04-lso9.—Schmidt. Syph- ilis treated with salvarsan J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph' X Y., 1912, xxx, 110.—Seholtz. Leber die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Salvarsan, besonders die Dauerwirkung dieser Behandlung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz u BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 1674. Also: Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild ' Jena, 1911, viii, 259-265.—Schreiber (E.) Ueberdie in- travenose Einspritzung des Ehrlichschen Mittels 606 Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2025. -----. Ueber den heutigen Stand der Salvarsantherapie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1911, xxviii,627- 533.—Schwartz & Flemming. Beitrag zu den Un- tersuchungen uber das Verhalten des Ehrlieh-Hata-Pra- parates im Kaninchenkorper. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1910, lvii, 2140.—Sellei (J.) AzEhrlich-feleuj anti- syphilitikum(diamido-arsenobenzol). Gy6gyaszat, Buda- pest, 1910, 1, 462.—Sequeira (J. H.) Ehrlich-Hata's "606." Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1911, xxiii, 8-13.—Shaft- ner (P. F.) The present European opinion of salvarsan. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1911, xx, 471-475.—Shamarin (V.K.) Opit primleneniya salvarzana pri sifilisle. [Sal- varsan in syphilis.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 413.—Shanklin(R. C.) Ehrlich's hvperideal. Am.M. Compend, Toledo, 1911, xxxvii,64-67.—Shatski (Ye. S.) K voprosu o khimicheskol prirodle "606." [Chemical nature of "606."] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb.. 1910, ix, 1885.— Shile (V. A.) Preparat "606" Ehrlich-Hata pri sifilisle. Vrach. Gaz.,S.-Peterb., 1910, xvii, 1428-1433— Shuger- man (H. P.) A review of the present status of "606." Alabama M. J., Birmingh., 1911, xxiv, 1-12.—Sicard & Bloch (M.) Traitement par I'arsenobenzol de la syphi- lisnerveuse etde la parasyphilis nerveuse. Bull, etmem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxx, 894-908. — Siebert(F.) Wie wurde das neue Ehrlichsche Heil- mittel entdeckt? Natur, Leipz., 1910-11, i, 139; 150.— Sieskind (R.) Das Verhalten des Blutdrucks bei intravenosen Salvarsaninjektionen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 668-570. -----. Der gegen w&rtige Stand der Salvarsantherapie. Berl. Klinik, 1912, xxiv, Hft. 283, 1-48.—Silverberg (M.) The arsenical com- pound of Ehrlich-Hata (arsenobenzol); a review com- piled from the literature. Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1911, 3. s., xxvii, 12-28.—Simon (E.) Zur ambulanten Behandlung der Syphilis mit kleinen Salvarsandosen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 1770.—Simonyi (A.) Die Salvarsantherapie vom militararztlichen Stand- punkte. Militararzt, Wien, 1911, xiv, 209-215.—Simp- son (C. A.) Random remarks on syphilisandsalvarsan. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1911, xvi, 250-253.— Sixto Martin. El 606. Rev. Ibero-Am. decien. med., Madrid, 1910, xxiv, 241-271.—Smagin (V.) Sovremen- noye sostoyaniye voprosa o primlenenii preparata " 606" pri sifilisle i drugikh zabollevaniyakh. [Present state of the question of the use of " 606 " in syphilis and other dis- eases.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1911,131-155.—Sowade (H.) ZurSalvarsantherapieder Syphilis. Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1911, xxxvi, 161- 165.—Spatz (A.) Losung, Technik, Symptome und W:irkungdesEhrlich-Hata'sehenPraparates. Pest.med.- 1 chir. Presse, Budapest, 1910, xlvi, 3K5-3SS— Spiethotf (B.) Salvarsan bei Syphilis. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 192-195.—Spillman j/ixT)s; rb veov q>dpp.aKov 606. 'IaTpi/crj jrpdofios, 'Ev Siipa), 1910, XV, 326- 328. Also: 'IaTpixby /nrji/vTiop, 'A#»)iitables des injections intra-vei- neuses. J. de med. de Par., 1911, xxiii, 438-440.—Bohac (K.)& Sobotka (P.) Zusanimenfassende Bemerkun- gen fiber gewisse nach Hatainjektion beobachtete Ne- benerscheinungen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2683.— Boisseau & Carrus. Examen histologi- que d'une ulceration due au 606. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, 6. s., ii, 298-302. — Bornstein (Adele) & Bornstein (A.) Ueber Salvarsan in der Milch. Deutschemed. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 1520-1522.—Bourgeois (H.) La question des troubles auriculaires produits par les injections d'arseno-benzol. Progres med., Par., 1911, 3. s., xxvii, 397-399. — Brtiek- ler (O.) Beitragzur Kenntnis der fieberhaften Reaktio- nen nach intravenosen Salvarsan-Injektionen. Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1912, xix, 127-138. — Burnier (R.) Dan- gers et contre-indications du 606. Presse med., Par., 1911, xix, 845-848.—Calas. 606 et reactions neuro-meningees tardives. Marseille med., 1912, li, 168-170.—Camus (L.) Toxicite comparee pour le systeme nerveux des sels de mer- cure, del'hectineetdu "606." Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1910, lxix, 508-511. -----. Le 606 influence-t-iirim- munite vaccinale. Ibid., 1911, lxx, 235-238.—Cappelli. Ricerche sul ricambio organico in alcuni sifilitici trattati col salvarsan. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1912, xlvi, 65-87. —Chiari (O.) Kasuistik der Salvarsanwir- kung bei Lues der oberen Luftwege. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1911, xlviii, 1587-1589. -----. Gewebsveriinderung in der Subcutis und Muskulatur nach Injektion von Sal- varsan. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 1008.—Chronic inflammatory tumor of back (re- sult of salvarsan injection). Year-Book Pilcher Hosp., Brooklyn, 1911, i, 61. —Chronis (P.) Ueber zwei Fiille von Augenentztindungen nach Salvarsan-Injektion. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1911, xlix, pt. 2., 488- 490. — Clingestcin (O.) Fall von Thromboses a distance nach intravenoser Salvarsan-Injektion. Der- mat. Ztschr., BerL, 1911, xviii, 1050-1053. -Cohen (C.) Zwei bemerkenswerte Augenerkrankungen nach Salvar- san. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 2201-2203.—Cop- pez (H.) Un casdeparalysieoculo-motriceapres l'injec- tiondesalvarsan. J. med. de Brux., 1911, xvi, 511.—Cor- bus (B. C.) The cause of the immediate pain and ab- scess following the administration of salvarsan by the al- kaline solution method. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 1262. -----. One year's experience with salvarsan; being a report of 230 injections with special reference to eye and ear complications. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1911, lxxx, 1009-1015.—Coutela (C.) Des accidents oculaires attri- bues a l'arseno-benzol. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1912, xxxii, 1-14.—Covisa (J. S.) Crisis hipertensiva despues de una inyecci6ndesalvarsan. Rev. clin.deMadrid, 1911, vi,300; 302.—Crisp (W. H.) Influence of salvarsan on the eye. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1911, xx, 297-302.—Darier & Cot- tenot. De Taction nocive, pour les veines et pour le sang, des injections intraveineuses hyperalcalines d'arsenoben- zol. Bull, etmem.Socmed.d.hop.de Par.,1911, 3.s.,xxxi, 415-426.—Bavid(J.) "606" etlenerf acoustique. Presse med., Par., 1911, xix, 602.—Davids (H.) Ueber Augen- erkrankungen nach Salvarsan-Behandlung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 596-598.— Demyanovicli (M. P.) K kazuistikle pozdnikh po- bochnikh dleistviy salvarsana. [Late accessory effect of salvarsan] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1911, lxxv, 831-834.— Desneux (J.) Accidents nerveux (neurorecidives ob- serves chez des syphilitiques apres traitement par l'arse- nobenzol. Clinique, Brux., 1911, xxv, 307.—Desneux & Dujardin. Die Neurorezidive nach Behandlung der Sy- philis mit Salvarsan. Miinchen.med.Wchnschr.,1911.lviii, 1245-1247—Dmitriyeff (A. G.) Sluchal neuroretinitis poslle vpriskivaniya salvarsana. [Neuroretinitis after salvarsan injection.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 743-745.-----. Osluchaye neuritis optici poslle vpriski- vaniya salvarsana. [Optic neuritis after salvarsan in- jection.] Vestnik oftalmol., Odessa, 1911, xxviii.935-938.— Dossekker (W.) Ueber die Neuro-Recidive nach Sal- varsan. Cor.-Bl. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1912, xiii, 33; 88— Dolganoft (W.) Ueber die Wirkung des Salvar- san auf die Augenerkrankungen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr , 1911, xlviii, 2018-2024.—Du Bois. Phagedenisme ter- Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Accidents andafter-efects]. tiaire grave enraye par une injection de salvarsan. Rev med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1912, xxxii, 04 c,7 _! Ehrler (W.) Ueber sehadliche Wirkung durch lo- kale Reaktion nach Salvarsanbehandlung in Fallen von Erkrankung der oberen Luftwege. Monatschr f Ohrenh. [etc], BerL u. Wien, 1911, xiv, 1045-1049— Elir- lich (P.) Bietet die intravenose Injektion von "b06" besondere Gefahren? Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, LN26.-----. Nervenstcirungen und Salvarsanbe- handlung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, ^346.— -----. La toxicite du salvarsan. Bull. gen. de therap [etc.], Par., 1911, clxii, 692-700—Ehrmann (S.) Ueber Neurorezidive. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lxii, 681- 683.—Eitner (E.) Blasenstoruiigeiiundaiidereschwere Nebenerscheinungen nach einer Injektion von Ehrlich 606. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2345 — Emery (E.) Les pretendus dangers du 606. Clinique, Par., 1910, v, 644-646. -----. De l'origine des neuro-reci- dives dans la salvarsauotherapie et des moyens d'y re- medier. Ibid., 1912, vii, 168-174.—Emery (E.) & Laca- pere. Des accidents imputes au salvarsan et des moyens de les eviter. Ibid., 1-3.—Fage (A.) & Gendron (A.) Cas de meningite survenues chez des syphilitiques traites par le salvarsan et le mercure. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxii, 355-360.—Felix (E.) 606 Ehrlich-Hata et troubles labyrinthiques. Presse med., Par., xix, 641-643.—Finger (E.) Bedenkllche Nebener- scheinungen bei mit Salvarsan behandelten Patieuten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 785-789.-----. Die Nebenwirkungen des Salvarsans. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1911, lxi, 2701-2708. -----. Noch einmal die Frage der Neurorezidive. Ibid., 1912, lxii, 21-27. -----. Zur Frage der Neurorezidive. (Erwiderung auf J. Benario.) Ibid., 589-592.—Fischer (L.) Syphilis in children; my experience with salvarsan; immediate results and later toxic manifestations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 405-407.—Fischer (W.) & Xernick (F.) Weitere Beitrage zur Neurotropic und Depotwirkung des Salvar- sans. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 1555-1558.— Fisiehella (V.) Tossidermie consecutive ad iniezioni di salvarsan. Riforma med., Napoli, 1911, xxvii, 669- 572.—Fleig (Ch.) Sur la nocuitfi comparee des solutions acides concentrees et diluees d'arsenobenzol; la dilution en therapeutique intraveineuse. Montpel. med., 1911, xxxiii, 601-613.—Flemining. Wirkung von Salvarsan auf das Auge. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1911, lxviii, 197- 211.—Frey (H.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Erkran- kungen des inneren Ohres in fruhen Stadien der Syphi- lis. Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Salvarsanwirkungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv, 385-3s«.—Frigaux (L.) & Henrionnet (M.) Incontinence des matieres fecales et d'urine consecutive a une injection intramus- culaire de 606; guenson a la suite de trois injections epi- duralcs. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1911, xxv, 296.—Friihwald (R.) Ueber medikamentcise Spiitex- antheme nach intravenosen Salvarsaninjektionen. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2109-2111.—Gaebel (G. O.) Das Salvarsan beim gerichtlichen Arsennach- weis. Arch. d. Pharm., BerL, 1910, ccxlix, 49-56.—Ga- lewsky. Ueber Nebenwirkungen bei intravenosen Salvarsan-Injektionen, bedingt durch Kochsalzlosung. Deutschemed. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 1743.—Gaucher. Les dangers de l'arseno-benzol. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1911, lxxxii, 395. Also transl: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1912, n. s., xciii, 322. -----. Consequences funestes de la confiance dans le traitement par le 606. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1911, 3. s., lxvi, 238.— Gaucher & Gougerot. Thrombose a distance con- secutive k une injection intraveineuse d'arsenobenzol. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1912, xxiii, 45- 48.—Gaucher, Gougerot & Guggenheim. Acci- dents dus a I'arsenobenzol; embolie pulmonaire, throm- bose veineuse, tumefaction douloureuse persistant au point d'injection; boulcs de 606. Ibid., 1911, xxii,51-59.— Gaucher, Gougerot & Tliibaut. Delire passager k la suite d'une injection intraveineuse de 606. Ibid., 231.—Gausman (F. O.) 0 prichinakh neudach i oslo- zhneniy pri llechenii salvarsanom. [Causes of failure and complications in the treatment with salvarsan.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 215; 233; 265.—Gilbert (W.) Ueber eine schwere Nebenwirkung des Salvarsans. Munchen.med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii,350.—Goldbacli. Ueber Spiitreaktion bei Anwendung des Priiparats 606. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 19:0, xlvii, 2280— Goldmann (R.) Beiderseitige Fazialis-Akustikus (Kochlearis- und Vestibularis-) lahmung nach Salvarsan. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xxv, 416 —Gonder (R.) Schadigende Einflusse auf Salvarsan und Arsenopbenylglyzin. Arch. f. Schiffs- u Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1912, xvi, 37-46.— Gottheil (W. S.) Some plain truths concerning arseno- benzol. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1911, xxiv, 65-67.— Graham (J. C.) Salvarsan; a note of warning. J. Trop. M. [etc], Lond., 1911, xiv, 308-310—Grignolo (F.) Dell' influenza del' "606" sull' occhio. Path. riv. quindicin., Genova, 1910-11, iii, 367-381.—Grossmann (J.) Ein Fall von Ikterus nach Salvarsan. Wien. med. SYPHILIS. 529 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Accidents and after-effects], Wchnschr., 1912, lxii, 327. — Haike. Wirnungen und Nebenwirkungen des Salvarsans auf das Ohr. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 689.—Haike & Wechsel- liiann. Heilwirkungen und Nebenwirkungen des Salvarsans auf das Ohr. Ibid., 697-702.—Hallopeau (H.) & Francois-Dainville (E.) Induration dou- loureuse de la region dorsale persistant depuis 9 mois a la suite d'une injection de 606. Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii 294.— Hausmann (T.) Zur Frage der Thrombosenmoglichkeit nach int ravenoser Infusion des Arsenobenzols. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2628.—Heath (F. C.) Are syphilitic eye le- sions an indication for or against the use of salvarsan? Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1912, xvi, 207.—Hecht (H.) Zur Frage des Sal varsanfiebers. Med. Klin., BerL, 1912, viii, 401-403.—Herxlieimer. Drei Fiille von ansgedehnter Nekrose im Musculus glutaeus nach intramuskuliirer Salvarsaninjektion. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xlix, 325— Heuok (W.) Ueber Spii- texantheme nach intravenosen Salvarsaninjektionen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2451-2153.— Heuser (K.) Zur Neurotropie und Depotwirkung des Salvarsans. Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, 667-569.—Hoft- mann (E.) Spiitexantheme nach Salvarsan. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 2057.— Hoke (E.) & Rilil (J.) Experimentelle Untersu- chungen iiber die Beeinflussung der Zirkulationsorgane und der Atmung durch das Salvarsan. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1911, xxviii, 242- 245. Also: Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., BerL, 1911, ix, 332-339, 2 pl. -----. Die Toxizitat des Salvarsans bei intravenoser Einverleibung nach Versuchen am Hund und Kaninchen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 707.—Hoover (F. P.) "606"; its action on the eve and ear. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 832-S34. Also, Re- print.—Humbert. El salvarsan y el nervio aciistico. Bol. de laringol., otol. y rinol., Madrid, 1911, xi, 224-231.— Hutchinson (Sir J.) Salvarsan ("606") and arsenic cancer. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 976.— Igersheimer (J.) Ueber Wirkungen des Ehrlichsehen Praparates 606 am Auge. Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, 76. -----. Experi- mentelle und klinische Untersuchungen mit dem Dioxy- diamidoarsenobenzol (Salvarsan) unter besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Wirkung am Auge. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2673-2678.—Ifiigo Nougues (M.) Sobre la reaccionfebril de losinvectadoscon el 606. Clin. mod., Zaragoza, 1912, xi, 156-165.—Ivashentsoft"(G. A.) Ob anafilakto'idnikh yavleniyakh pri povtornikh vnutri- vennikh vlivaniyakh salvarsana. [Anaphylactic pheno- mena in repeated intravenous injections of salvarsan.] Novoye V Med., S.-Peterb., 1911, v, 1163-1173.—Jacquet (L.) Eutrophie remarquable due au salvarsan, chez un syphilo-tuberculeux. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. a. hop. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxi, 567-571.—Jacquet (L.) & Debat. Essai sur l'action trophique du mercure et du salvarsan chez les syphilitiques. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, 6. s., ii, 449-4S3.— Jansen. Optikusreizung nach intravenoser Salvarsaninjektion; Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Salvarsantherapie. Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, 491.— Jeanselme (E.) Accidents dus au 606; embolic throm- bose. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1911, xxii, 126.—Jeanselme(E.)&Vernes(A.) 606 et fievre. Ibid., 1912, xxiii, 34-40.—Juliusberg (M.) & Oppenheim (G.) Spastische Spinalerkrankungbei Lues nach Salvar- san. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1558-1560.— Keck (F. C.) Objective and subjective signs following intravenous injections of salvarsan. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1912, lv, 95-97.—Klausner (E.) Ueber Ikterus nach Salvarsan. Munchen.med. Wchnschr.,1911,lviii,570. . Fernthrombosenach endovenoserSalvarsaninjek- tion. Ibid., 1912, lix, 296.—Knick (A.) Doppelseitige Neuritis cochlearis bei rezenter Lues nach Salvarsan. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl. u. Wien, 1911, xiv, 413- 421—Kochmann (M.) Die Toxizitat des Salvarsans beiintravenoserEinverleibung nach Versuchen am Hund und Kaninchen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 18.—lieredde. Les accidents de I'arsenobenzol et la question des doses. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911 xxii, 77-82. -----. Sur quelques accidents pro- duits par les injectionsintraveineuseshypoalcalinesd'ar- senc-benzol. ibi&,224-430.—Leredde^ Knenemann, Les accidents du 606 et leurs causes; statistique de 468 in- jections intraveineuses. Ibid., 449-487.-----------. La fievre du salvarsan. Ibid., 1912, xxiii, 30-34.-----------. Nouvelle etude sur les accidents mortels attribues au sal- varsan; la reaction febrile et la question des doses; les regies du traitement par le salvarsan. Ibid., 87-100.— Lesne (E.) & Dreyfus (L.) Accidents dus aux 606 et anaphylaxie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1912, lxxii, 286-288.—lieven. Zufiille bei intravenSsen Salvarsan- injektionen. Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, 853.—Levy- Bing (A.), Voisin (R.) & Duroeux (L.) Manifesta- tions nerveuses survenues chez des syphilitiques traites par les injections intraveineuses de salvarsan. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 853-866.—Lipsztat (J.) W spra- wie dzialania ubocznego dioksvdiamido-arsenobenzolu Ehrlich-Hata (salvarsanu). [On the collateral effects of vol xvii, 2d series---34 Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Accidents and after-efects]. 606.] Medycyna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1911, xlvi,666- 675. — Lohen. Salvarsan-Nekrosen. Deutsche med Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 185.—Lilhlein ( W. ) Klinische und experimentelle Beobachtungen iiber das Verhalten des Salvarsan zur Hornhaut. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1911,lviii,852-S55—Lovejoy (E. D.) Histological changes occurring at the site of injec- tion of 0.6 gram of salvarsan. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y.. 1911, xxix, 383, lpl.—Mcintosh (J.), Fildes (P.) ADearden (H.) The causation and prevention of certain toxic symptoms following the administration of salvarsan. Lancet, Lond., 1912,i, 637; 828.— Makrocki. Doppelseitige Akkommodationsliihmung nach Salvarsan. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 1417-1419. —Mann ( C.) Ein schwerer Zufail nach Salvarsan. Munchen. med. Wchnschr.,1911,1 viii,1672.—von Marschalk6(T.) Ein Fall schwerer Intoxikation (Arsen?) im Anschluss an eine intravenose Salvarsaninjektion, nebst weiteren Bemerkungen iiber die Entgiftung dieser letzteren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 1702-1705.—Martius (K.) Ueber die lokalcn Wirkun- gen von Ehrlich-Hata 606 (Salvarsan) am Orte der In- jektion. Munchen.med. Wchnschr., 1910,lvh,2678; 2768.— de Mello Breyner (T.) & Alvaro Lapa. Casos de neuro-recidiva depois do tratamiento pelo salvarsan. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1912, xxx, 89-93.—Meyer (L.) Arsenzoster nach intravenoser Salvarsaninjektion. Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, 106.—Miessner. Die Ursache fur" diegiftige Wirkungsaurer Salvarsanlosungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 491-493.— Milian (G.) Arseno-resistance des treponemes; sensi- bilisation de l'organisme par les traitements arsenicaux prolonges; troubles auditifs consecutifs a une injection d'arsenobenzol. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1910, xxx, 782-786. -----. L'ictere du salvarsan. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 728-749. -----. Le "606" et les troubles de l'ou'ie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1912, 3. s., xxxiii, 3^6-341.—-Ilohr (R.) Ueber Nierenschadigungen durch Salvarsan. Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, 613-616.— Montgomery (D. W.) The disadvantages incident to the administration of sal- varsan. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 1661-1666.— Montgomery (D. W.) & Culver (G. D.) A by-result of the administration of salvarsan. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 1078. Also, Reprint.—Morax & Fourriere. Modification de la tension oculaire dans le glaucome chez les syphilitiques apres le traitement par I'arsenobenzol. Clinique, Par., 1911, vi, 829.—Mouehet (A.) & Bricout. Arsenobenzol et hemorrhagies postoperatoires. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1912, vii, 206-211.—Mouneyrat (A.) De la toxicite du dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol. J. de med. int., Par., 1912, xvi, 31-33.—Miiller (H.) Eigene Erfah- rungen fiber Abortivkuren mit Kalomelund Salvarsan, sowie iiber Neurorezidive. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 22-2L —Miiller (J.) Ueber ausgedehnte Thrombophlebitis nach einer intravenosen Salvarsan- injektion. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 1058.— Nery da Costa (J.) Accidentes attribuidos ao 606. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1912, xxx, 41.—Nobl (G.) Veriin- derungen des Muskelgewebes an der Injektionsstelle des Ehrlich-Hata'schen Praparates. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1910, ix, 232.—von Nott- hafTt. Zur Frage der Gefahr endovenoser Einspritzung saurer Losungen von Salvarsan. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 202.—Oberholzer (E.) Zere- brospinalmeningitis als Rezidiv nach Salvarsan. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2672.—Odstreil (J.) Ueber den Verlauf und die histologischen Untersuchun- gen der luetischen Hyperkeratosen bei Behandlung mit Salvarsan. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1911, cix, 131-156, 1 pl.— Oppenheim (M.) Ueber C^uecksilberfestigkeit der Syphilisspirochaten, nebst Be- merkungen zur Therapie mit Ehrlich-Hata 606. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 1307-1313.—P. (L.-C.) Osteo- pfiriostites syphilitiques et traitement d'epreuve; dangers du 606; accidents nerveux pr6coces de la syphilis; traite- ment de la syphilis chez les femmes enceintes. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1911, lxxxii, 890-894.—Pastor (E.) Accidentes consecutivos a las injecciones del salvarsan (606). Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1912, xi, 68-70.— Potter (A.) Salvarsan, with especial reference to its action on the nervous system. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1912, xxv, 76-80.—Quarelli (G.) Le neurorecidive consecutive all' uso del salvarsan (606) nella sifiiide. Biochim. e terap. sper., Milano, 1911-12, iii, 248-259.— Bavaut (P.) Sur un type special d'accidents ner- veux et cutanea survenant brusquement de trois a cinq jours apres la seconde injection de "606"; leur rap- Eort avec l'anaphylaxie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. op. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxii, 365-373. -----. Les reac- tions nerveuses tardives observers chez certains syphili- tiques traites par le salvarsan et la meningovascularite syphilitique. Presse mea., Par., 1912, xx, 181-184.—Ba- vaut (P.) & Cain. Les accidents et les contre-indica- tions du "606." J. med. franc., Par., 1911, v, 438-447.— Bavaut (P.) & Weissenbach (R.-J.) Phenomenes d'intolerance rappelant le choc anaphylactique observes SYPHILIS. 530 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Accidents and after-effects]. chez un malade ayant recu quatre injections d'arseno- benzol. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1911, lxxxiv, 255-257.— Kavogli ( A. ) The treatment of abscesses and of the necrotic foci resulting from the injections of salvarsan. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1912, xxvi, 37-41.— Beasoner (M. A.) & Matson (R. W.) Some dangers of salvarsan. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1912, xxx, 217-220.— Benault(A.) Le neurotropisme ou le meningotro- pisme k la periode secondaire est-il du au salvarsan ou a la syphilis? Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxiii, 68-73.—Bindfleisch (W.) Ischiadikus- liihmung mit Entartungsreaktion nacn intramuskularer, schwerer Kollaps nach subkutaner Injektion von Salvar- san. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1357-1359.— Bobinson (R.) Les surprises de la syphilis des cen- tres nerveux; ce qu'il faut penser de l'arseno-benzol; conseils de clinique medicale. Clinique, Par., 1911, vi, 827.—Bodriguez Eehevarrfa (A.) Porvenir de los avariosos, tratados por la preparaci6n 606; importancia de la profilaxis. Rev. med. cubana, Habana, 1911, xviii, 207-210.—Bozanoff (V. N.) Gangrena kishek poslle vpriskivaniya salvarzana. [Gangrene of the intestines after salvarsan injection.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 1131-1133.—Sabrazes (J.) & Dubourg (E.) Pouvoir cicatrisant et actions reparatrices du "606" d'Ehrlich. J. med. franc, Par., 1911, v, 435-437 — Scholtz (W.) & Salzberger. Ueberdie lokale Wir- kung des Salvarsans auf das Gewebe und seine Resorp- tion bei subkutaner Injektion. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Leipz. u. Wien, 1911, cvii, 161-176.—Seegman (S.) Re- lation of salvarsan to the ear. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 1233-1235. AZso, Reprint—Sellei (J.) Uebereinige Nebenwirkungen des Salvarsans. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1911, lviii, 351-353.—Sicard (J.-A.) "606" et me- ningotropisme. Province med., Par., 1911, xxii, 455-457.— Sicard (J.-A.) & Bizard. "606" et neurotropisme d'alarme (petit neurotropisme). Bull, et mem. Soc. med.,d. h6p. de Par., 1911,3. s., xxxi, 264-269.—Sicard (J.- A.), Bizard & Gutmann. Neurotropic du salvarsan; neurotropisme d'alarme. Ibid., xxviii, 4-8.—Sicard (J.-A.) & Bloch (M.) Reactions hematiques au cours de la cure par I'arsenobenzol. Compt. rend.Soc.de biol., Par., 1910, lxix, 625.—Sicard (J.-A.) & Gutmann. Reactions des nerfs craniens apres l'emploi du "606." Rev. neurol., Par., 1912, xx, pt. 1,121-123.—Sicard (J.-A.), Fage & Guisez. Labyrinthites et "606." Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1912, 3. s., xxxiii, 341- 346.—Strauss (A.) Ein Fall von sekundiirer ulzeroser Lues-Verschlimmerung nach Arsenobenzol, sofortige Bes- serung nach Hydrargyrum oxvcyanatum. Med. Klin., Berl., 1910, vi, 1939.—Stiimpke (G.) Salvarsan und Fieber. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1912, xxxviii, 159-162.—Stiimpke (G.) & Briickmanxi (E.) Zur toxischen Wirkung des Salvarsans. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xlix, 303.—Sulzer, Fage, Bichon [etal]. Accidents oculaires, auditifs et meninges chez une malade traitee par le salvarsan et le mercure. Bull. Soc. franr;. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1911, xxii, 404-408.— Sutton (R. L.) Localized edema in the lumbar region following the use of salvarsan (606). J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 344. -----. Tissue necrosis following injections of salvarsan. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxv, 946-948— S wilt (H. F.) & Ellis (A. W. M.) The elimi- nation of febrile reactions following intravenous injec- tions of salvarsan. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 2051-2053.—Thiblerge (G.) Deuxcasd'accidentsgraves avec eruptions cutanees survenus k la suite de la deuxieme injection d'une faible dose de salvarsan. Bull, et m(5m. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxi, 407-411.-----. Ulceration phagedenique chancriforme du scrotum et du gland survenue, en dehors de toute contamination syphi- litique nouvelle, au niveau de la cicatrice d'un chancre syphilitique traite deux mois auparavant paries injec- tions d'arsenobenzol. Ibid., 1912, 3. s., xxxiii, 254-258.— Tissier (P.-L.) De 1'hypersensibilite (anaphylaxie) aux preparations arsenicales et en particulier a I'ar- senobenzol. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1911, clxi, 416-425. -----. Les accidents attrihues au salvarsan sont presque toujours imputables a des fautes de tech- nique; preparation du liquide injecte. Medecin prat, Par., 1911, vii, 773; 821. -----. Les accidents qui resultent d'une application defectueuse de la salvarsanoth^rapie. Ibid., 791-793. -----. Les insucces et les accidents im- putes a la salvarsanotherapie. Ibid., 1912, viii, 133-136.— Tissier (P.-L.) & Blondin (P.) OZdeme cerebral; encephalite aigue hemorrhagique survenant k la suite d'injectionsintra-veineusesdesalvarsan;leurcause. Ibid., 1911,vii,741-744.—Trantas. ParalysiedePoculo-moteur commun apres l'injection de "606." Clin, opht, Par., 1911,xvii,406-41L—Trtfmner. Polyneuritislueticanach Salvarsan. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 172!.—Tryb (A.) Histologische Verande- rungen des Gewebes nach Einspritzungen von Salvarsan. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat, Hamb., 1911, Iii, 405-416. Also [Abstr.]: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 822.—Tucker (H.) Acute nephritis following the intra- Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Accidents and after-effects]. venous injection of salvarsan. Therap. Gaz., Detroit 1911, 3. s., xxvii, 627.—Umbert. El salvarsan (606) y el nervio aciistico. Rev. barcel. de enferm. de oido, gar- ganta y nariz, Barcel., 1911, vii, 171-178. Also: Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sir., Madrid, 1911, xiii, 661-667.— Valentin (F.) Salvarsan und Acusticus. Sammel- referat. Internat. Zentralbl. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1911, ix 489-506.—Villinger (A.) Zur Aetiologie der Meta- syphilis. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 630.— Violin (Ya. A.) O kharakterle narivov poslle vpriski- vaniya salvarsan'a. [Character of abscesses after the injection of salvarsan.] Prakt. Vrach., S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 418.—Voss (M.) Schwere akute Intoxikation nach' intravenoser Salvarsaninfusion. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1911, lviii, 2336; 2446.—Wachenfeld. Zur Frage des Fiebers und anderer Nebenerscheinungen bei der Anwendung des Salvarsans. Dermat. Wchnschr., Leipz u. Hamb., 1912, liv, 341-352.—WalterhOi'er (G.) Pero- nauslahmung nach subkutaner Salvarsaninjektion indie Schulterblattgegend. Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, 141.— Wanner. Funktionspriifungen bei kongenitaler Lues vor und nach der Behandlung mit Salvarsan. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch., Jena, 1911, xx, 225-229.— Wechselmann. Ueber ortliche und allgemeine Ueberempfindlichkeit bei der Anwendung von Dioxydi- amidoarsenobenzol (Ehrlich606). Berl. klin. Wchnschr 1910, xlvii, 2133-2137.-----. Ueber angebliche Peroneus- lahmung durch Salvarsan. Ibid., 1911, xlviii, 566-568.— -----. Ueber Ueberempfindlichkeit bei intravenoser Sal- varsaninjektion. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1912, Orig., cxi, 155-160. —"wechselmann & Seeligsohn. Ueber die Wirkung des Dioxydiamido- arsenobenzols auf das Auge. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.u.BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 2189-2192.—Weiler (F.) Be- obachtungen fiber Nephritis nach Salvarsanbehandlung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 798-800.—Wer- ther. Ueber die Neurorezidive nach Salvarsan, iiber Abortivheilung und weitere Erfahrungen. Ibid., 1911, lviii,505-509.—Wise (F.) Dangersandcontraindications of salvarsan. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, 820-822.— von Zeissl. [Patient, vor und nach Behandlung mit Salvarsan.] Wien. klin. Wchnschr.,1911,xxiv, iii.-----. Neuerliche Bemerkungen zur Behandlung der Syphilis mit Salvarsan und Hiiufigkeit der Nervenerkrankung durch Syphilis in der Zeit vor Anwendung von Salvar- san. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 2017. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Blood-findings]. Abelin (J.) Salvarsan im Blute bei intravenoser In- jektion. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 81.— Baugher (A. H.) & Vaughan (R.T.) Blood findings after salvarsan injections. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1909-11, viii, 176-179.—Bezals (F. Ya.) Rezultatlizslledovaniya krovi u bolnikh, polzovannikh preparatom Ehrlich-Hata. [Results of the examination of the blood in patients treated by the Ehrlich-Hata preparation.] Terap. Obozr., Odessa, 1910, iii, 420.—Ciuftb. La reazione di Wasser- mann nei malati curati col 606. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1911, xlvi, 149-151.—Covelli (S.) Sulle modifi- cazioni del sangue nella cura della sifiiide col preparato Erlich-Hata. N. riv. clin.-terap., Napoli, 1911, xiv, 411- 422.—Craig (C. F.) The immediate effect on the com- plement fixation test for lues of treatment with salvarsan (arsenobenzol); an analysis of 225 cases. Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1911, viii, 395-417.—Dorn (P.) Zum Blutbild bei Lues nach Salvarsaninjektion. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1912, Orig., cxi, 263-282.—Emery (E.) "606;" recherche des spirochetes; sero-reaction de Wassermann. Clinique, Par., 1910, v, 680— Gutmann (C.) Der Einfluss dreifacher intravenoser Salvarsanin- jektion auf die Wassermann'sche Reaktion. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 381-383.—Jeanselme (E.) & Touraine (A.) La reaction de Wassermann dans la syphilis traitee par le 606. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1910,3. s., Xxx, 327-334. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1910, xliii, 725-727.—Jordan (A.) Bemerkungen zur Frage der kombinierten Quecksilber-Salvarsanbe- handlung unter spezieller Beriicksichtigung der Was- sermannschen Reaktion. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1911, liii, 196-199.—J oseph (D. R.) On the for- mation of precipitates after the intravenous injection of salvarsan. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1911, xiv, 83-98. -----. The formation of precipitates in the blood in vitro by acid salvarsan solutions. Ibid., 179.— liebedeft~(A. S.) O vliyanii vnutrivennikh vlivaniy arsenobenzola na stolkost krovyanikh tlelets sifilitikov k mishyakovol kislotle i naikhosmoticheskuyu stolkost. [On the influence of intravenous injections of arsenoben- zol upon the stability of the red blood corpuscles of syphi- litics in relation to arsenic, and upon their osmotic sta- bility.] Izviest. Imp. Vovenno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1911, xxiii, 371-387.—MacKee (G. M.) A study of the blood after intravenous injections of salvarsan. J. Cu- tan, Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1912, xxx, 199-206.—Mac- SYPHILIS. 531 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan £606") [Blood-findings]. Bae (T.) The Wassermann reaction and "606." N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xcii, 1316-1320—Magat (I. S.) Izmleneniya v mochle i v krovi u lits, llechonnikh pre- paratom Ehrlich'a " 606." [Alterations in the urine and in the blood in persons treated with "606."] Kharkov. M. J., 1910, x, 480-485.— Matson (R. W.) The principles of chemo-therapy, and the relation of the Wassermann reaction to svphilis. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1911, n. s., iii, 97-101.—Michel! (F.) & .) [Erfahrungen der Einwirkung von Ehrlich's 606.] Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 1770.—Berta- relli (A.), Pasini (A.) & Bottelli (C.) Resultats ob- tenus dans plusieurs cas de syphilis traites par la nou- velle preparation de Ehrlich-Hata (606). Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1910, v, 736-759.----------------. Alcuni casi di sifiiide curati col nuovo preparato di Ehrlich-Hata N. 606(Diossidiamidoarsenobenzolo); osservazioni cliniche. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1910, xiv, 501-519.—Ber- tin (E.) & Breton (M.) Premiers resultats obtenus par l'injection intraveineuse du dioxydiamidoarsenoben- zol (606) d'Ehrlich. Bull. Soc. de med. du nord 1910, Lille, 1911, 396-406. Also: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1910, xiv, 621-624.—Biello (J. A.) Report on methods of ad- ministration of and results obtained from salvarsan based upon the treatment of over 200 cases of syphilis at the Naval Hospital, Mare Island, Cal.' U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1912, vi, 221-231.—Bindermann (I.) Ein B'all von Syphiloma hypertrophicum diffusum; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Salvarsanbehandlung. BerL klin. Wchn- schr., 1911, xlviii, 790.—Birt (C.) "Hata," dioxy-dia- mido-arseno-benzol. J. Rov. Army-Med. Corps, Lond., 1910, xv, 475480.—Bitnfy-Shlyakhto (V. A.) Pyat- nadtsat nablyudeniy nad dleistviyem arseno - benzola (preimushtshestvenno pri vnutrivennom sposobie pri- mleneniya). [Fifteen observations on the action of ar- seno-benzol, principally in its intravenous use.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1910, xvii, 1433-1436.—Blayney (A.) & Deuipsey (P.) Experiences with "606." Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1911, n. s., xci, 646-649. Also: Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1911, xxix, 238-253.— Bloch (B.) Erfahrungen iiber die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol (Ehrlich 606). Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1911, xii, 81-99.—Boeck (C.) Demonstration av patienter behandlet med. Ehrlich's 606 i det Norske medicihske selskab i m0tet den 12to oktober 1910. Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Kristiania, 1911, 5. R., ix, 1-7.—Boehm (J. L.) The new treatment of syphi- lis with "606" (dioxdiamidoarsenobenzol); a prelimi- nary report of personal experience in forty cases. St. Louis M. Rev., 1911, h. s., v, 12-16.—von Boltenstern. Die Svphilisbehandlung mit dem Ehrlich-Hataschen Mittel'Marke 606. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., BerL, 1910, 433- 441— Braendle & Clingestein. Bisherige Erfah- rungen mit Ehrlich 606. Med. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 1332- 1334. — Braillon. Meningite syphilitique subaigue avec hemicontracture faciale et signe du peaucier; traite- ment par le mercure et le "606." Bull, et med. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxi, 470-476.—Brault (J.) & Biscos. Observations de 10 cas de syphilis traitfis par les injections intraveineuses de "606." Province mid., Par., 1911, xxii, 29-31.-Braunshtein (A. P.) Kliniehe- skiya nablyudeniya nad dleistviyem preparata Ehrlich- Hata "606" i sposobl yevo primleneniya. [Clinical ob- servations on the action of "606," and the methods of applying it.] Khirurg. Arkh. Velyaminova, S.-Peterb., 1911, xxvii, 690. Also: Kharkov. M. J., 1911, xl, 302-313.— Breakey (J. F.) Demonstration of two patients who have received the salvarsan treatment. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1911, xxxiii, 98-100.—Breda. I primi ventiquattro ammalati trattati col "606" nella Clinica dermosifilopatica della r. Universita di Padova. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1911, xlvi, 181-191.—Bre- mener (M. M.) Nablyudeniya nad dleistviyem "606" pri sifilisle. [Observations on the action of "606" in syphilis.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1910, xvii, 1436-1442.— SYPHILIS. 532 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("^ 606 ") [ Cases and statistics], Brocq. (L.) & Lie Blaye. Quelques reflexions sur la valeur comparative du Hata 606 et des anciennes me- thodes dans le traitement de la syphilis. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1910, xxi, 227-249.----- -----. Deux cas de svphilis traites par le 606. Ibid., 1911, xxii, 3-11.—BrUlemann. Beitrag zur Salvarsanthera- pie. Dermat. Centralbl., BerL, 1910-11, xiv, 162.—Bron- son. Syphilis treated with salvarsan (five cases). J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1911, xxix, 547.—Bruhns (C.) Zur Frage der Therapie mit 606. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1910, xlvii, 2285-2289.—Burnier (R.) Critique des resultats publies obtenus jusqu'a ce jour avec la prepara- tion (no. 606) d'Ehrlich-Hata dans le traitement de la sy- philis. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1910, v, 642-656. -----. Le traitement de la syphilis par le 606. Ibid., 857-S71—. Burzi [ii.) La cura della sifiiide col salvarsan. Poli- clin., Roma, 1911, xviii, sez. prat., 1300-1304.—Buschke ( A.) Klinische und experimentelle Beobachtungen iiber Syphilis maligna nebst einigen Bemerkungen fiber 606. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 6-10.—Butter- lin (H.) Resultats personnels obtenus par le 606 dans le traitement de la syphilis. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1911, xxxv, 28-35.—de Buy Wenniger (L. M.) Ver- slag omtrent het verloop van eenige syphilisgevallen na behandeling met het middel van Ehrlich. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1911, i, 12-26.—Cabot ( H.) Clinical observations on the use of salvarsan, with spe- cial reference to its administration. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxv, 610-513.—Cattrey (A. J.) My experience with salvarsan. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1911, xv, 547.—CarroGarcia (S.) Experiencias por el "606". Gac. med. d.Surde Espana, Granada, 1911, xxix, 73-76.—Castells (E.) Tratamiento de cincuenta sifiliticospor el "606". Rev.med. de Sevilla, 1911,lvi,43; 75; 113.—Cattell ( H. W.) Ehrlich's new preparation, arsenobenzol ("606") in the treatment of svphilis. In- ternat. Clin., Phila., 1910, 20. s., iv, 1-5, 2 pl.—Cham- pion (W. L.) Salvarsan or "606" in the treatment of svphilis, with report of cases. Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med., 1911-12, lvii, 59-67. Also: Charlotte [N. C.l M. J., 1911, lxiii, 367-370.—Channeil. Traitement de la syphilis par le dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol ("606" d'Ehrlich). Bull. Soc. med. du nord 1910, Lille. 1911. 374-396. Also: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1910, xiv, 613-620. — Chet- wood (C. H.) Preliminary report of cases treated by theEhrlich-Hata"606"injection. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1911, lxxix, 327-333.—Chiray&Poulard. Un cas de syphilis tertiaire osseuse guerie par le 606 apres echec de tous les autres agents therapeutiques. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. h6p. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxx, 437^40. — Chlenoff (M. A.) K voprosu o dieistvii preparata Ehrlich'a-Hata ("606") pri sifilisle. [Action of the Ehrlich-Hata prep- aration (606) in svphilis.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1910, lxxiv, 657-699— Ohornognboff (N. A.) [Tschernu- gubow in German.] K kazuistikle llecheniya sifilisa preparatom Ehrlich'a ("606"). [Treatment of syphilis with Ehrlich's preparation ("606").] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1910, xx, 260-206. -----. Dal- nlelshiya nablyudeniya nad primleneniyem salvarsana pri sifiiisle. [Further observations on the use of salvar- san in syphilis.] Ibid., 1911, xxi, 434-442. Also, transl: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1911, liii, 59-69.— Chrzelitzer. Meine Erfahrungen mit Ehrlich-Hata 606. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2523-2525.— Ciarrocchi, Bartera & Bonliglio. Sulla cura della sifiiide col 606 di Ehrlich-Hata. Gior. ital. d. mal. yen., Milano, 1911, xlvi, 131-143.—Coignet & Jam- bon (A.) Traitement de la svphilis par la preparation 606 d'Ehrlich-Hata. Lyon med., 1910, xiii, 6S9-696.—Col- gin (M. W.) The treatment of syphilis with special ref- erence to the use of salvarsan. Texas M. News, Dallas, 1911-12, xxi, 67-71.—Conseil (E.) &Tribaudeau. Ap- plication du "606" au traitement de la syphilis en pays arabe. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1910, iii, 537-541.— Corbus (B. C.) Personal observations with the Ehrlich- Hata ("606") remedy. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 75-81.-----. The value of Ehrlich's new discovery "606" (dioxydiamido-arsenobenzol); a preliminary re- port from personal observations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1910, lv, 1470-1472. -----. Observations on twenty- eight patients treated with the Ehrlich-Hata remedy (salvarsan). Ibid., 1911, lvi, 566-573.—Corlett (W. T.) A report of eight cases of syphilis treated with Ehrlich's arseno-benzol " 606". Cleveland M. J., 1910, ix, 950-962.— Crespo de Lacerda (J.) Sobre alguns casos tratados com o"606". Med. contemp., Lisb., 1910, xxviii, 349; 357.—Crouse (H.) [et al.]. Clinical reports on salvar- san. Bull. El Paso Co. M. Soc, El Paso, Tex., 1911, iii, no. 8, 15-29.—Crowell (A. J.) Salvarsan in the treatment of syphilis. Charlotte j>\ O] M. J., 1911, lxiv. 95-97.—Cun- ningham (J. H.), jr. A report of sixty cases of syphilis treated with salvarsan ("606"). Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxv, 235; 287.—Baubresse. L'action curative du 606 d'Ehrlich dans la syphilis. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1910, lxii, 1046; 1055.—Davis. Chancre of the lip treated with "606." J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1911, xxix, 405.— Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Cases and statistics], Davis & Walker. Secondary syphilis treated with "606." Ibid.,410.—DeAmicis(T.) Breviappuntisunl- cuni casi di sifiiide curati coll' arsenobenzolo Knrlich-H.it a (606). Riforma med., Napoli, 1911, xxvii, 23.—De Fa- vento (P.) 156 casi di sifiiide trattati coll' "Ehrlich- Hata 606." Policlin., Roma, 1910, xvii, sez. prat., 1320- 1324. Also, transl: Munchen. Med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2080-2082. -----. Contributo alia cura della sifiiide col salvarsan. Policlin., Roma, 1911, xviii, sez. prat., 1301. Also, transl: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2169. -----. Weitere Erfahrungen mit Salvarsan. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 79-81.—Dempsey (P. J.) & Blaney. Some experiences with arseno-benzol ("606") in the treatment of syphilis. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1911, exxxii, 373-377.—De Puelles (J. M.) Un caso de sifilis terciaria curado por el 606; auto-observaci6n. Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1910, ix, 703-708.—Descos. Action remarquable du 606 sur une syphilis grave. Loire rued., St.-Etienne, 1912, xxxi, 58-60.—Diasamidze (A. N.) Demonstratsiya bolnovo, polzovannavo "006." [Presen- tation of a case treated with "606."] Trudi i Protok. Imp. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1910-11, xlvii, 156. -----. Yeshtsho sluchal sifilisa, polzovanniy "606." [An additional case of syphilis treated by "606." Ibid., 243- 245.—Dobrovits (M.) Neuer Bericht iiber die Behand- lung mit 606. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1910, xlvi, 345-347. -----. Erfahrungen fiber 006 in 100 Fallen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lx, 2372.—Dohi (K.) & Tanaka (T.) Unsere Erfahrungen fiber die Salvarsan- behandlung im Laufe eines Jahres. Deutsche med, Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 2228-2231.— Dolgopoloft" (N. M.) O 441 sluchaye vnutrivennavo vpriskivaniya salversan'a. [On 441 cases of intravenous salvarsan injection.| Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1911, xxii, 29-34. -----. "606" v gorodski.l Aleksandrovskol bolnitsle. ["606" in the Municipal Alexander Hospital.] Ibid., 1910, xx, 373-384—Doin- brovski. Kratkiy obzor llecheniya salvarsanom semi- desyati semi sluchayev sifilisa. [Brief review of the treatment of 77 cases of syphilis with salvarsan.] Sibirsk. Vrach. Gaz., Irkutsk, 1911, iv, 470; 483; 495—van Dug- teren. Salvarsaan in poliklinische behandeling. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1911, ii, 135-139.— Duhot. Ueber einen Fall von schwerem syphilitischen Ikterus wahrend der Behandlung mit Hektin; Heilung durch Salvarsan. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2113-2115. -----. Resultats obtenus dans 325 cas de syphi- lis traites par le 606 de Ehrlich. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1910, lxii, 911-920.—Dunavant (B.N.) Report of seven casesof syphilis treated with "606." Memphis M. Month., 1911, xxxi, 281-286.—Edgerton (F. C.) Report of one hundred cases of syphilis treated with salvarsan. Inter- state M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 859-864.—Edington (G. H.) & Browning (C. H.) Ulcerating gummatous syphilide treated by 606 in a congenital svphilitic. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg., 1911, x, 142-146, 1 pi. Also: Glas- gow M. J.,1911, lxxvi, 241-246, 1 pl—Ehlers (E.) Brief summary of arsenic treatment of syphilis antedating the modern Ehrlich-Hata 606. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., & N. Y., 1911, n. s., vi, 101-105—Ehrlich (P.) Ueber die Behandlung der Syphilis mit dem Praparat 606. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1910, lv, 457; 469. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1893-1898. Also: Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., BerL, 1910, xvii, 1005-1018.-----. Die bisherigen Erfahrungen mit "606." Heilkunde, BerL, 1910, 357. -----. Aus Theorie und Praxis der Chemotherapie. Folia serolog. [etc.], Leipz., 1911, vii, 697-714.-----. Permanent action of Ehrlich's new rem- edy 606. Mil.-Surgeon, Wash., 1911, xxviii, 206-209.— Ehrmann (I.) Erfahrungen iiber die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Arsenobenzol. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1911, xxiv, 83-85. -----. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Wirkung des neuen Ehrlichschen Priipa- rates 606. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lx, 2201-2203.— Eitner (E.) Kasuistik fiber Ehrlich 006. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 1233.—Eisner (H. L.) The new treatment of syphilis (Ehrlich-Hata); observations and results. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, lv, 2052-2057.— Emery. Referat sur l'emploi du salvarsan en France a l'heure actuelle. Ztschr. f. Chemotherap. [etc.], Leipz., 1912, i, Ref., 124-161.— Engman (M. F.), Mook (W. H.) &Marchildon (J. W.) Report on sixteen syphi- litic patients treated with Ehrlich's salvarsan (606). J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 87-91. Also: Weekly Bull. St. Louis M. Soc, 1910, iv, 452-454. Also: 3. Mis- souri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1910-11, vii, 251-255.—Epshteln (S. I.) Opit ambulatornavo primleneniya preparata "606" (20 sluchayev). [Dispensary use of "606"; 20 cases.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 131.—Erdman (B.) Salvarsan in sixty cases; fifty-seven cases from the clinic and three selected cases. J. Indiana M. Ass., Fort Wayne, 1912, v, 59-62.—Erfahrungen mit dem Ehr- lich-Hataschen Mittel. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1910, xvii, 943:1911, xviii, 170.—Erlendsson (V.) Syfi- lis behandlet med intravenps indsprdjtning af salvarsan. Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kj0benh., 1911, lxxiii, 370-372.—Esche- SYPHILIS. 533 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Cases and statistics]. rich. Zur Diskussion fiber die Erfolge der Ehrlich- Hata-Behandlung in Wien. Beibl. z. d. Mitt. d. Ge- sellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1910, ix, 203-208, 1 tab. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lx, 2745-2760 — Evans (A.) The treatment of syphilis by salvarsan (dioxy-diamidc-arseno-benzol); observations on forty-four cases. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 617.—von Ezdori'(R. H.) & Bush (J. O.) Personal observations on the treat- ment of svphilis, with a brief report of cases. South. M. J., La Grange, N. C, 1911, iv, 402-422. Also, Reprint.— Fabry (J.) Zur Behandlung der tertiaren Syphilis mit Ehrlichs Arsenobenzol. Med. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 1972: 1911, vii, 1420.—Faeehini (V.) Esperimenti di cura con il "606" in alcuni casi di sifiiide e di parasifilide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1911, xlvi, 169-181.—Falk (L.) Unsere Salvarsanerfahrungen. Dermat. Centralbl., BerL, 1911, xiv, 258-263.—Fa lias (A.) Ervaringen met het middel van Ehrlich. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1911, i, 1346-1348.—de Favento (P.) Weitere Erfahrungen mit Salvarsan. Munchen. med. Wchn- sehr., 1911, lviii, 79; 2169. — Fireneh (E. G.) A re- port on three cases of syphilis treated with salvarsan. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1911, xvi, 556-560. Also [AbstrJ: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 361.—Finckh (A. E.) & Millard (R. J.) Salvarsan in syphilis; a prelimi- nary note on a series of 19 cases treatedat the Coast Hos- pital, Sydney. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1911, xxx, 143-145.—Finger. Die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Ehrlichs Arsenobenzol. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 1667-1672.—Finkelshteln (Ya. M.) Dvadtsat sluchayev primleneniya salvarzana. [Twenty cases of salvarsan application.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 634-636. — Fiscner (L.) Preliminary notes; a few data concerning the new Ehrlich-Hata therapy called 606. Pediatrics, N. Y., 1910, xxii, 605-607. — Fischer (VV.) Beitrage zur Behandlung der Svphilis mit Ehrlich-Hata 606. Med. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 1778- 1782. — Fisiehe 11a (V.) 11 606 di Ehrlich nella cura della sifiiide. Tommasi, Napoli, 1911, vi, 8-10.— Fleming (A.) & Colebrook (L.) On the use of sal- varsan in the treatment of svphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 1631-1634.—Forbat. E.-H. 606 bei Lues maligna. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lx, 2374.—Fordyee (J. A.) Further observations on the use of the Ehrlich-Hata preparation " 606 " in the treatment of svphilis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xcii, 897; 957. Also', Reprint. -----. An analysis of the clinical and serological results obtained in the treatment of one hundred and seventy-five cases of syphilis with salvarsan. N.YorkM.J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, 861-867. Afeo.Reprint. Also:N.YorkStateJ.M.,N.Y.,1911, xi, 261-268.-----. Bericht fiber dieAmerikanischeSalvar- sanliteratur. Ztschr. f. Chemotherap. [etc.], Leipz., 1912, i, Ref., 97-123.—Fowler (A. L.) "606;" the adminis- tration of the new remedy in the hospitals of Paris. South. M. J., Nashville, 19*10, iii, 96-99.—Fox (G. H.) Gumma of the clavicle treated with Ehrlich's " 606." J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1911, xxix, 293. -----. Gummatous ulceration of the palate treated with Ehr- lich's "606." Ibid., 294.—Fox (H.) Gummatousulcera- tion of the palate treated with salvarsan. Ibid., 346.— Fox (H.)&Trimble (W.B.) Experience with salvarsan; Ehrlich-Hata's606intheNew York Skin and Cancer Hos- pital. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago,1911, lvi,650-652. Also. Re- print. ----------. Eight months'experience with salvar- san at the New York Skin and Can cer Hospital. J. Am. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 1675-1680.-----------. The clinical results from the use of salvarsan. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, 453-456. Also, Reprint.—Fraenkel (C.) & Grouven (C.) Erfahrungen mit dem Ehrlichschen Mittel 606. Munchen. med. W'chnschr., 1910, lvii, 1771- 1774.—Frenkel-Keiden. Die Anwendung des Ehr- lich-Hata'schen Mittels bei Nervenkrankheiten. BerL klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 2048-2052.—Freund (E.) Ueber 60 mit Salvarsan ambulatorisch behandelte Fiille. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 302-305.—Friili- auf (G.) Klinische Erfahrungen mit Ehrlich 606. Militararzt, Wien, 1911, xiv, 33-37.—Fiirth (J.) Erfah- rungen mit Ehrlich 606. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 1524-1527— Oachet (J.-C.) Considerations clini- ues et therapeutiques sur la preparation 606, recueillies ans la presse mgdicale allemande. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1910, xxxi, 469-472— Galceran Gaspar (A.) Algo sobre el "606." Arch, de ginecop. [etc.], Barcel., 1910, xxiii, 433-440. Also: Med. de los ninos, Barcel., 1910, xi, 328-335.—Gale (S. S.) Personal experience with salvarsan. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1911-12, xvi, 218-220.—Galimberti (A.) II salvarsan nelle forme papulose di sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1912, xlvi, 157-160. —Garcia del Beal (E.) El nuovo remedio de Ehrlich-Hata "606" contra la sifilis. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1910, lxxxix, 89; 209. —Gaucher. Traitement de la syphilis par I'arsenobenzol. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1910, lxxxiii, 1767-1770.— Gavilan y Boflll (M.) Sifilis grave y precoz del sistema nervioso, curada por el "606." Clin, y lab. Rev. quincen. de espec m6d., Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Cases and statistics]. Zaragoza, 1911, vii, 644-648. — Geiinerleh. Ueber Syphilisbehandlung mit Ehrlich 606. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1910, xlvii, 1735-1743. -----. Erfahrungen fiber Apphkationsart und Dosierung bei Ehrlich-Behandlung. Ibid., 2089-2097. -----. Der weitere Verlauf der Salvar- sanbehandlung im Kaiserlichen Marinelazarett Kiel- Wik. Ibid., 1911, xlviii, 17*7-1793. -----. Beitrag zur Salvarsanbehandlung. Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, 179.— Geraiility (J.T.) & Keidel (A.) Personal experience with salvarsan. Old Dominion J. M. & S., Richmond, 1911, xii, 253-259, 1 tab.—Gerber. Die Wirkung des Salvarsan auf Syphilis der oberen Luftwege, Sklerom, Plaut-Vincentsche Angina und Skorbut. Arch. f. Laryn- gol. u. Rhinol., BerL, 1910-11, xxiv, 366-382.—Gerbs- inan (I. I.) O llechenii sifilisa sredstvom Ehrlich-Hata "606." [Treatment of syphilis with the Ehrlich-Hata preparation '^606."] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1910, xvii, 1224-1228.—Geronner A.) Die intravenose Therapie der Syphilis mit Ehrlich-Hata 606. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 2228-2231.—Geronne (A.) & Gutmann. Unsere bisherigen Erfahrungen fiber die Abortivbehand- lung der Syphilis mit Salvarsan. Ibid., 1912, xlix, 325 — Geyer (L.) Beitrasr zur "Therapia sterilisans magna" durch Salvarsan. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 1522.—Gibbard (T. W.) & Harri- son (L. W.) Preliminary note on thirty-six cases of syphilis treated with dioxy - diamido - arseno - benzol ("Hata," or "606 '). J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1910, xv, 581-588.-----------. A summary of results obtained by the use of salvarsan in syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, 679-682.-----------. Observations on the use of salvarsan in syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 726-731. — Gibbard (T. W.), Harrison (L. W.) & Cane (A. S.) Further observations on the use of salvar- san in svphilis. J. Roy. Armv Med. Corps, Lond., 1911, xvi, 351: 1912, xviii, 21.—Gibbs (C.) & Calthrop (E. S.) Thecurative effect of salvarsan serum in a case of syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 809.—Gillim (P. D.) Salvar- san, with report of some cases. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1911-12, x, 206-208.—Gindes (Ye. Ya.) Salvarsan u dletel. [Salvarsan in children.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Pe- terb., 1911, xviii, 1484-1486.—Gliiek (A.) Kurzer Bericht fiber 109 mit "606" behandelte Luesfiille. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 1638-1641.—Goedhart. Sal- varsaan-behandeling in de Amsterdamsche dermato- logische kliniek. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1911, ii, 139-146.—Goldbach. Ein Patient mit zwei ungewohnlich grossen syphilitischen Gummata. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 1483.—Goldenberg (H.) & Kaliski (D.J.) Personal experiences with the use of salvarsan fdioxvdiamidoarsenobenzol, or "606") in the treatmentof syphilis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.&N. Y., 1911, cxii, 411; 485.-----------. Further experiences with salvarsan in svphilis. N.York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 323-327. Also, Reprint.— Gomes da Costa. O "606" de Ehrlich na syphilis. Med.mod.,Porto,1911, xviii, v. 6,288- 290.—Gomez (V.) Nota preliminar en cuantoa los re- sultados obtenidos con el salvarsan 6 "606" de Ehrlich. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1911, xxxvii, 477-487.— Gordon-Hall (H.) Notes on twelve cases of syphilis treated with "606" in the Military Hospital, Glasgow. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1911, xvi, 194-196.— Gordon-Hall (F.) & Taylor (P.) Some further observations on salvarsan or "606." Ibid., xvii, 167-169.— Gottheil (W. S.) Experiences with arseno-benzol. Albany M. Ann., 1911, xxxii, 125-159. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1910, lxxviii, 1174-1179.—Grau San Martin (R.) Chancro sifllitico extragenital en un niiio; aplicacion del 606. Actas y trab. d. ii. Cong. med. nac, Habana, 1911, 106. A/so: Rev. med. cubana, Habana, 1911, xviii, 201.— G r»l I. Resultats obtenus en therapeutique antisyphili- tique avec les sels arsenicaux organiques; hectine; hectar- gyre: 606; reflexions sur l'emploi actuel du diehlorhy- drate de dioxydiamido-arsenobenzol (salvarsan de Ehr- lich). Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1911, xxxv, 229-235.— Grtfn (K.) Kliniske fors0kmed Ehrlich's preeparat 606. Norsk Mug. f. Lsegevidensk., Kristiania, 1911, 5. R., ix, 149-172.—Gross (L.) & Johnson (W. S.) Analysis of treatment of sixty-two cases of syphilis with salvarsan. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1912, x, 16-20.— Griinberg (J.) Einiges fiber 606. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1910, xxxv, 661-663. —Griinleid (A. J.) Die Behand- lung der Syphilis mit dem Ehrlichschen Praparat 606. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1911.—Grunbau m (O. F. F.) A clinical lecture on a physician's experience of salvarsan. Clin. J., Lond., 1911, xxxviii, 321-326.— Guladze (I. S.) K kazuistikle llecheniya sifilitikov v Varshavskom-Uyazdovskom Vo- yennom Hospitalle preparatom Ehrlich'a-Hata (606). [Treatment of syphilis with 606 in the Warsaw Uyazdov Military Hospital.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1911, ccxxxii, med.-spec.pt, 91-115.—Gurvieh(M.O.) &Bor- man (S. N.) O llechenii sifilisa preparatom Ehrlich'a 606. [Treatment of svphilis by Ehrlich's preparation 606.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1910, xvii, 1008-1010. Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.u. Berl.,1910,xxxvi,1750— SYPHILIS. 534 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan \ ("606") [ Cases and statistics]. 1752.—H. Versuche ungarischer Aerzte mit Ehrlich 606. I Pest.med.-chir.Presse,Budapest,1910,xlvi,32L—Hagner (F. R.) & Fuller (H. G.) " 606 "; with report of twenty- two cases treated with it. [Abstr.] Wash. M. Ann., 1911-12, x, 74-80.—Halberstaedter (L.) Die Behand- lung der Syphilis mit Salvarsan. Therap. Monatsh., BerL, 1911, xxv, 33-46.—Halkin (H.) Le traitement de la syphilis par I'arsenobenzol. Scalpel, Liege, 1910-11, lxiii, 181-184. — Hallopeau (H.) L'hectine ou le 606 dans le traitement abortif de la syphilis. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1910, 3. s., lxiv, 130-149. — Handley (D. C.) & Souther (C. F.) Surgical aspect of 606; preliminary report of thirty-seven cases. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1911, cv, 389-392. -----. Report of 280 intravenous salvarsan injections. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1912, xvi, 199-202. — Harris. Patient with syph- ilitic condition of the nose and pulmonary tuberculosis, treated with 606. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1911, xxi, 671.— Hausmann (T.) Ueber schadliche Wirkungen des Parafflnum liquidum; Mitteilung zur Salvarsantherapie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1251.—Heeker. Zur Bewertung der Wirksamkeit von Ehrlich-Hata 606. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 2143.—Heidingsleld (M. L.) The present status of salvarsan in the treatment of syphilis; a clinical and serological study of 225 cases of syphilis in private practice, treated with intravenous administration. Lan- cet-Clinic, Cincin., 1911, cv, 640-645.— Herbsmann (J.) Ueber intravenose Salvarsaninjektionen ohne Reaktionserscheinungen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1803. —Herxhelmer ( K.) Arsenobenzol und Syphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1517-1519. — Heuck (W.) & Jafte (J.) Weitere Mitteilungen fiber das Ehrlichsche Dioxidi- amidoarsenobenzol (Salvarsan). Ibid., 1911, xxxvii, 251- 257.—Heuss (E.) Die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Ehrlichs 606 (Salvarsan). Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1911, xii, 21-47. — Higguet (G.) Syphilis ter- tiaire du larynx; malade injectee de 60 centigrammes d'arsenobenzol. Policlin., Brux., 1911, xx, 250. —Hig- guet (G.) & Fallas. Trois cas de syphilis desvoies aeriennes superieures, traites par I'arsenobenzol. Ibid., 149-154. — Hiliario de Gouve"a. Syphilis, o "606". Tribuna med., Rio de Jan., 1910, xvi, 273; 329; 374.— Hoftmann (E.) Die Behandlung der Syphilis mit dem neuen Ehrlich-Hataschen Arsenoraparat. Med. Klin.,Berl.,1910,vi, 1291-1294.—HoftYnann (E.) & Jaffe (J.) Weitere Erfahrungen mit Salvarsan. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 1337- 1340. See, also, infra, Leven.—Holland (E. D.) Salvar- san in three rebellious cases of syphilis. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 326-329. -----. A report on one hundred cases of syphilis treated with salvarsan. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1911, xxx, 245-252.—Holland (Estill D. ) Results so far obtained with salvarsan. South. M. J.,Nashville, 1911, iv, 846-849.—Home (W. E.) Ehr- lich-Hata "606". Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 1096-1099.— Hudelo & J olivet. Syphilis acquise recidivante malgr6 des cures repetees de 606 chez une malade pre- sentant des stigmates de svphilis hereditaire. Bull. Soc franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii, 430-432.—Hu- delo & Thibant. Traitement de 23 cas de syphilis par le 606. Ibid., 1910, xxi. 263-280.—Hiigel (G.) & Buete (A.) Unsere bisherigen Erfahrungen mit dem Ehrlich- Hataschen Arsenpriiparat 606. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1910, lvii, 2026.—Hutehins (F. F.) Personal ob- servations concerning "606;" its preparation and ther- apy. Indianapolis M. J., 1910, xiii, 505-507.—Huth (L.) Report of two cases of syphilis treated with salvarsan (606). Med. Council, Phila., 1911, xvi, 48— Imliolcr (R.) Erfahrungen fiber Salvarsan in der Oto-, Rhino- Laryngologie. Prog. med. Wchnschr., 1911, xxxvi, 531- 533.—Isaak (H.) Ergebnisse mit dem Ehrlich'schen Praparat "606," Dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1528-1531. -----. Ueber Erfah- rungen mit Salvarsan. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 681-iiSl.—1 stamaiioft"(S. S.) [Tri] sluchaya sifi- lisa polzovanniye preparatom "606." [Three cases of syphilis treated'by "606."] Trudi i Protok. Imp. Kav- kazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1910-11, xlvii, 160-164.—Ivanyi (M.) Meine Erfahrungen mit Ehrlich 606; vorlaufige Mit- teilung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lx, 2101; 2702.— Iversen (Yu. Yu.) Llecheniye sifilisa 606-m prepara- tom Ehrlich'a. [Treatment of syphilis with Ehrlich's 606th preparation.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 1005. Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1899-1901. Also, transl: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 1723-1725.— Jadassohn (J.) Un- sere Erfahrungen mit Salvarsan. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 2377-2383. —Jainbon (A.) Traitement de la syphilis par la preparation 606 d'Ehr- 1 lich-Hata. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1910, v, 830-856.—Ja- vanx (L.) Quelques notes sur le "Hata-606." Presse med. beige, Brux., 1910, lxii, 756-762.—Jeanselme, Laignel-Lavastine & Touraine. Note sur 60 cas de syphilis traites par le "606" a l'H6pital Broca. Bull. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606")[Cases and statistics]. et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1910,192-197.—Joan- nides (N. Z.) Zur Behandlung der Syphilis mit Salvar- san. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 356- 358.—Jones (H. W.) Report of a series of cases of syphi- lis treated by Ehrlich's arsenobenzol at the Walter Reed General Hospital, District of Columbia. Boston M. &S. J., 1911, clxiv, 381-383,1 ch. Also, Reprint.—Jordan (A. P.) Ueber Ehrlich's Arsenobenzol (606) und einige Ver- suche mit demselben. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1910, xxxv, 517-520. -----. Kratkoye soobshtsheniye o shes- tidesyati-chetiryokh sluchayakh primleneniya salvar- zana. [Brief report of 64 cases where salvarsan was ap- plied.] Terap. Obozr., Odessa, 1911, iv, 71-73.—Joseph (M.) & Sicbert (K.) Ueber das Ehrlichsche Svphflis- mittel. Dermat. Centralbl., BerL, 1910-11, xiv, 66-77.— Junkermann (K.j Die Behandlung der Svphilis mit Ehrlich-Hata 606. Med. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 1368-1371.— Kakels (M. S.) A preliminary report on Ehrlich-Hata preparation for the cure of syphilis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1910, lxxviii, 517. -----. The Ehrlich-Hata preparation, No. 606. Ibid., 1079-1087, I pl.—Kanin (N.) Kotes on the treatment of Syphilis with " Hata-Ehrlich '606.'" Transvaal M. J., Johannesburg, J910-11, vi, 52-54.-----. Further notes on a year's practice with 606. Ibid., 1911- 12, vii, 113-117.—Karminski (C.) Un caso de hies terciaria; tratamiento con el preparado de Ehrlich (sal- varsan). Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1911, lvi, 39-43.—Keek (F. C.) Salvarsan or Ehrlich-Hata 606. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1911, liv, 8-13.—Khell'ets (M.) K kazu'isti- kle vniepolovovo zarasheniya sifilisi un i izllecheniya tya- zholavo sifilisa salvarsanom. [Extragenital syphilitic infection and treatment of severe syphilis with sal- varsan.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 1316.— Klin gmttl le r (V.) Wirkung des neuen Ehrlichschen Praparates 606. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2609. Also: Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, 156. -----. Unsere bisherigen Erfahrungen mit Salvarsan. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2145-2149.—Knaur (P.) Priiven- tivbehandlung der Syphilis mit Salvarsan. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv, 453.—Knowles (R.) A salvar- san series. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1911, xlvi, 380-383.— Knuthsen (L. F.) Ehrlich-Hata " 606 "; some remarks on more than 150 cases seen in Berlin, Copenhagen, and Hamburg. Practitioner, Lond., 1910, lxxxv, 838-841.— Kobler (G.) Ueber das Ehrlich-Hata'sche Mittel "606" bei der Behandlung der Syphilis. Beibl. z. d. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1910, ix, 209- 215. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lx, 2865-2869.— K Snigstein (H.) [Eine fast vollstandige Destruktion des knochernen Nasengertistes und eine Knochenper- foration; Demonstration nach Arsenobenzolbehandlung.] Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxxiii, 1732.—Kopp (C.) Erfahrungen bei Behandlung mit Salvarsan. Miinchen. med. Wrchnschr., 1911, lviii, 233-237.—Krausz (S.) Er- fahrungen mit Salvarsan. Militararzt, Wien, 1911, xiv, 241-245. — Kreibicli. Salvarsan. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 11-13. —Kren (O.) Ueber Syphilisbehandlung mit Ehrlichs Heilmittel. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 1596-1598. —Kro- mayer. Theoretische und praktische Erwagungen fiber Ehrlich-Hata 606. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1585-1587. -----. Ehrlich-Hata 606 in der ambulanten Praxis. Ibid., 1791.-----. Die chronische Syphilisbe- handlung mit 606, nach Erfahrungen an 400 Fallen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 2291-2294. -----. Chronische Salvarsanbehandlung der Syphilis. Ibid., 1911, xxxvii, 1547-1550.—Kuliieff (S. Ya.) & Domeruikova (Anna N.) K voprosu o lle- chenii sifilisa preparatom Ehrlich'a. [Treatment of syphilis with Ehrlich's preparation.] Russk. Vrach, S.- Peterb., 1910, ix, 1361-1365.—Laignel-Lavastlne & Portret. Leucoplasie buccale precoce, guerie en qua- tre jours par une injection de salvarsan. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxi, 607-509.— Lambert (S. W.) Some recent experiences with the new specific remedy, Ehrlich 606. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1911, lxxix, 46-49. [Discussion], 84. Also: St. Luke's Hosp. M. & S. Rep. 1910, Poughkeepsie, 1911, ii, 92-100, 4 pl.— Lebar (E.) & Boutier (D.) Syphilis maligne precoce secondo-tertiaire cutanee, traitee intensivement sans re- sultat par le mercure et l'hectargyre; guerison complete et rapide des accidents par I'arsenobenzol. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxi, 250-2.72.— Lecapere (G.) The treatment of primary syphilitic sclerosis by 606. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1912, xvi, 60.—Lecierq (J.) & Bertin. Dispari- tion rapide des douleurs chez les syphilitiques a la suite des injections intraveineuses de 606. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1911, xv, 20,-Ledermann (R.) Die Behand- lung der Syphilis mit dem Ehrlichschen Praparat 606. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1919.—Ledermann (R.) & Bendix (K.) Das Ehr- lich-Hata'sche Syphilis-Heilmittel. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fort- bild., Jena, 1910, vii, 699-703.—Leonard (T. B.) Pre- liminary report of cases of svphilis treated with salvar- san or "606." Charlotte LN. C] M. J., 1911, lxiii, 238- SYPHILIS. 535 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Cases and statistics]. 241.—Lesseliers (E.) Le traitement de la syphilis par le salvarsan a la Clinique dermatologique de l'Universite. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1911, n. s., ii, 159-187,1 pl. Also: Belgique med.,Gand, 1911, xviii, 243; 255.—Lesser (E.) Zur Behandlungder Svphilis mit dem Ehrlichschen Priiparat 606. Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1910, xvii, 879-886.—Lesser (E.), Alt [etal], Bisherige Erfahrungen mit Ehrlich-Hata 606. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1911, Iii, 10-13.— Leven. Bemerkung zu der Arbeit: Weitere Erfahrun- gen mit Salvarsan, von Erich Hoffmann und Josef Jaffe. Deutschemed. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 1607.—Levy-Bing (A.) & Duroeux (L.) Le 606 en in- jections intramusculaires dans le traitement de la syphi- lis. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 161-229.-----------. Les injections intra-veineuses d'arseno-benzol d'Ehrlich, salvarsan. Ibid., 481-537.—Leyden (H.) Vorlaufige Bemerkungen fiber eine perkutaneApplikationsmethode von Ehrlich-Hata 606. Med. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 2053.— Litterer (W.) The new treatment of syphilis; Ehr- lich's "606"; a preliminary report of cases treated. J. Tenn. M. Ass., Nashville, 1910, iii, 197-203. -----. Sal- varsan and the Wassermann reaction in sixty cases of syphilis. Ibid., 1911, iv, 190-193. [Discussion], 199-202.— Loeb (F.) Salvarsan. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1911, xxix, 44-47.—Loeb (H.) Erfahrungen mit Ehrlichs Dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 15S0.—Lominen (A. H. M. E.) Mijn ervaringen met de salvarsanbehandeling. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1911-12, xviii, 27; 43. Also: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1911,ii, 14(1-152.—Lurk (A.) La cura della sifiiide col "606." Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1910, lxi, 462-465.—McDonagh (J. E. R.) A report of twenty cases treated with Ehrlich's specific for syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 711-713. -----. Further experi- ences with "606" (80 cases). Ibid., 1198-1202. -----. Three cases illustrating benefit derived from Ehrlich- Hata's "606." Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Dermat. Sect., 5-7. -----. Practical experience with Ehrlich's new specific for syphilis. West Lond. M. J., 1911, xvi, 1-19.—Mcintosh (J.) Bericht fiber die eng- lische Literatur fiber Salvarsan. Ztschr. f. Chemothe- rap. [etc.], Leipz., 1912, i, Ref., 162-168.—HcRenna (C. H.) A report on the therapeutic efficiency of salvarsan. J.. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 801-SU3.—McKinley (D. H.) One vear's experience with salvarsan. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1911-12, x, 205. —Majocchi. Contribuzione alia cura antisifilitica col 606. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1911, xlvi, 191-201.—Mande- noff (P. R.) Sluchal vizdorovleniya ot sifilitiches- kavo paralicha oble'ikh nizhnikh konechnostel poslle vpriskivaniya "606." [Recovery from syphilitic paraly- sis of both lower extremities, after injection of "606."] Trudi i Protok. Imp. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1910-11, xlvii, 246-248.—Mantegazza (U.) Sulla cura della sifiiide col 606 di Ehrlich-Hata. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1911, xlvi, 143-119. Also: Policlin., Roma, 1910, xvii, sez. prat., 1219-1222. -----. Sui risultati ottenuti col 606 in alcuni casi di sifiiide grave. Nel xxv anno d' insegn. univ. d. Prof. D. Barduzzi 1886-1910. Livorno, 1911, 315-325,1 pl.—Marie (A.) De l'emploi du dioxy- diamidoarsenobenzol dans la parasyphilis. Medecin prat, Par., 1910, vi, 821-823.—Marie (A.) &Gottsehalk (A.) De l'emploi du dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol dans la parasyphilis et de la technique des injections. Bull, et mem. Soc. m£d. d. hop. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxx, 509-515.— Marie (A.) &Guelpa (G.) Surledioxydiamidobenzol dans la svphilis et surtout dans la parasyphilis cerebrale. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1910, clx, 920-937.— Marshall (M.) A report of six cases of syphilis treated with salvarsan. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 177-179. Also: Physician & Surg.,Detroit&AnnArbor,1911,xxxiii, 27-30.—Martin (L.) & Darre (H.) Traitementde la syphilis par les injections intraveineuses d'arsenobenzol. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxx, 334-350.—Mason (U. G.) Observation; use and abuse of salvarsan. J. Nat. M. Ass. Tuskegee, Ala., 1911, iii, 340- 343.—Meldner. Ehrlich's Syphilisheilmittel bei eini- gen Fallen innerer Lues. Therap. d. Gegenw., BerL, 1910, li, 407-111.— Meleshko (R. F.) O dieistvii salvar- sana, po nablyudeniyam v Aleksandrovskol bolnitsle Permsk. Gub. Zemstva. [ On the action of salvarsan, according to observations in the Alexander Hospital of the Perm Government Zemstvo.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1911, xxii, 83-105, —Men- des da Costa (S.) Mijn ervaringen over de behan- deling van syphilis met salvarsan. Nederl. Tijdskr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1910, i, 5-12.— Mereier. Syphilis tertiaire; guerison par le 606. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1911, xl, 130-133. —Michaelis (L.) Hun- dertundzehn Fiille von Syphilis, behandelt nach Ehr- lich-Hata. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1695-1698.— Micheli (F.) & Quarelli (G.) Primi tentativi di terapia della sifiiide col diossi-diamido-arsenobenzolo (606); 1' influenza del preparato di Ehrlich-Hata sulla reazione di Wassermann. Biochim. e terap. sper., Mi- lano, 1910, ii, 193-214.-----------. Nuove osservazioni e Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan (''606") [ Cases and statistics]. ricerche "606". Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1911, xii, 3S8; 402; 418; 433.—Mlekley. Die Behandlungder Syphilis mit dem Ehrlichschen Praparat 606. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1903-1906.— Miklashevski (B. F.) Primleneniye preparata Ehr- lich'a "606" v sluchayakh vtorichnavo (kondilomatoz- navo) sifilisa poslle bezuspleshnavo llecheniya rtutyu. [Treatment by Ehrlich's preparation "606" in cases of secondary (condylomatous) syphilis after unsuccessful mercury treatment.] Russk. Vrach, St.-Peterb., 1911, x, 973-975.—Mikolajski (S.) Hata "606". Glos lek., LwAw, 1910, viii, 245-217— Milian. Le 606. Progres med., Par., 1910, 3. s., xxvi, 507-573. Also, transl: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1910, lv, 534; 546; 558; 568. -----. Resul- tats du 606 dans le traitement de la syphilis. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1910, xxi, 2*0-286. -----. Le traitement abortif de la svphilis par le 606 ou salvar- san. Ibid., 1911, xxii, 202-218.— Millard (R. J.) Sal- varsan in syphilis; notes on sixty-five cases treated at Coast Hospital, Svdnev. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1911, xxx, 241-243.—Mills (C. H.) A report upon the use of salvarsan in fiftv cases of active syphilis treated as out-patients. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1911, xxv, 528; 559. — MOller ( M. ) Salvarsan; wahrend eines Jahres gesammelte Erfahrungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1912, xxxviii, 114-118.— Montesanto (D.) Erfahrungen mit 606. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2582.—Moore (H. A.) & McCown (P. E.) Preliminary report of cases treat- ed by the Ehrlich-Hata "606". Indianapolis M. J., 1911, xiv, 221-223.— Morales Perez ( A.) Ulcera sifilitica en el labio superior; inyecci6n del "606"; cura- cion. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1911, lvi,5-10.—Morris (Sir M.) A case of late syphilitic glossitis treated bv salvar- san (Ehrlich-Hata). Brit. M. J.,Lond., 1912, i, 712,1 pl.— Mucha (V.) Die Salvarsanbehandlung der Syphilis. Wien. klin. W'chnschr., 1911, xxiv, 963; 1012. —itl Oi- ler (J.) Erfahrungen mit 606. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 47.—Murphy (J. B.) The arsenical treat- ment of syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, lv, 1113- 1115.— Nagy (A.) Ehrlich 606 in der ambulanten Praxis. Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, 304.—Nelken (A.) Ehrlich's arsenobenzol (606) in syphilis; report of cases. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1910-11, lxiii, 536-543.—Neisser (A.) Die Be- handlung der Syphilis mit dem Ehrlichschen Praparat 606. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1889-1893. — Nichols ( H. J.) The immediate clinical results of the use of salvarsan in the Army. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1912, xxx, 212-216.—Nichols (H. J.) & Fordyee (J. A.) The treatment of svphilis with Ehr- lich's " 606 ". J. Am. M. Ass.,Chicago, 1910, iv, 1171-1178.— Nicolas (J.) & Moutot (H.) Chancre geant sus-pu- bien; chancres multiples; manifestations secondaires g6- neralisees; 606 en injection intraveineuse; reaction g6n6- rale; action curative. Bull. Soc. mecl. d. hop. de Lyon, 1911, x, 19-28.----------. Un an de pratique du "606" a la clinique venfireologique de l'Antiquaille de Lyon. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1912, vii, 1-39.—Noc (F.), Ste- venel (L.) & I man (T.) Prophylaxie et traitement de la syphilis et du pian k la Martinique par les injections intraveineuses de 606. Bull. Soc. path, exot, Par., 1911, iv, 563-572.—Noeggerath (C. T.) Klinische Beobach- tungen bei der Salvarsanbehandlung syphilitischer Siiug- linge. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., BerL, 1912, n. F., lxxv, 131- 165.—Nuflez (E.) Presentaci6n de un caso de sifilis ulcerosa maligna curada con el arseno-benzol. Actasy trab. d. ii. Cong. med. nac, Habana, 1911,165, 3 pl. Also: Cr6n. m<5d.-quir. de la Habana, 1911, xxxvii, 505.—Nys- scns (L.) Observations concernant le traitement de la syphilis par le "606." Ann. mecl.-chir., Dour, 1912, xx, 19-29.—Odstrcil (J.) V^sledkyleebypfijicepfipavkem "Ehrlich-Hata ii ii." [Effects of the treatmentof syph- ilis by "606."] Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 1910, xlix, 1399- 1403. Also, transl: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, 770- 774.—Old (E. H. H.) A case of syphilis which possibly demonstrates the eilicacv of prophylaxis against vene- real disease. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1911, v, 319.—Olmedo Villalobo** (R.) Varios ca»os de sifilis tratados por el "606." Gac. med. d. Sur de Espafia, Gra- nada, 1911, xxix, 10-13.— Ormsby (O. S.) A group of syphilitic patients treated with salvarsan (Ehrlich-Hata 606). J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 504-507.—Pal- mer (H. K.) Notes on a case of syphilis treated with salvarsan. J. Roy. Army M. Corps, Lond., 1911, xvi, 418- 420.—Pappagailo (S.) II "salvarsan" nella cura della sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1911, xlvi, 420- 426.—de Pariente (B.) Nuevo metodo de aplicaci6n del "606" en Frankfort. Siglo med., Madrid, 1910, lvii, 770— Pasini. II "606" in alcuni casi di sifiiide edipara- sifilide; meningoradicolitesifilitica; sclerosiaplacchecu- rati col 606. Gior.ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1911, xlvi, 166- 169.—Pawlow (P. A.) Resultate langerer klinischer Beobachtungen fiber die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Salvarsan. Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1912, xix, 149-166.— Payenneville. Douze cas de syphilis acquise traites par les injections intra-veineuses de 606. Normandie SYPHILIS. 536 SYPHILIS Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Cases and statistics]. med., Rouen, 1911, xxvii, 113-122.—Pedersen (V. C.) Therapeutics of syphilis; including preliminary obser- vations with the Ehrlich-Hata preparation, dioxydiami- doarsenobenzol. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, 809; M',7; 931. A/■-•<>, Reprint.—Petersen (O. V.) & Kol- pakclii (M. Ye.) Dvlesti sluchayev sifilisa, llechon- nikh salvarsanom (606). [Two hundred cases of syphilis treated by salvarsan.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 1106-1108. Also, transl: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1911, xxxvi, 305-308.—Petroni (G.) Sifiiide e "606." Note e riv. di psichiat., Pesaro, 1910, 3. s., iii, 44H47.— Peyri. El arsenobenzol en nuestra Facultad de medi- cina; notas clinicas. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1910, xxxvi, 457-471.—Pick (W.) Berichtuber die bisherigen Resultate der Behandlung der Syphilis mit dem Priipa- rate von Ehrlich-Hata (120 Fiille). Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1910, xxiii, 1133; 1193; I486.—Pollack (W.) Bis- herige Erfahrungen mit Ehrlich 606 au der Strassburger Hautklinik. Arch. f. phvs.-diatet Therap., Frankf. a. O., 1910, xii, 290. — Polland (R. ) & Knaur (R.) Bericht fiber 50 mit Ehrlich-Hata 606 behandelte Luesfiille. Wien. kiin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 1521- 1524. — Pollitzer (S.) Personal impressions of the value of salvarsan. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxv, 513- 516. Also: Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost, 1911, xxii, 289-299. -----. Salvarsan (Ehrlich-Hata "606") in syphilis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, 205-210. Also, Reprint. -----. Syphilis treated with "606." J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1912, xxx, 33.— Pontoppidan (E.) De f0rste dioxydiamidoarseno- benzol-injecktioner paa Rudolph Berghs Hospital. Ujesk. f. Loeger, Kjobenh., 1910, lxxii, 1125-1129.—Port (F.) Unsere Erfahrungen mit Salvarsan bei der Behand- lung der Syphilis. Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, 452-454 — Post (A.) Personal experience with salvarsan. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxv, 516-520. Also: Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost, 1911, xxii, 300-313.—Preparado (El) de Ehrlich "606" en el Hospital Militar de Madrid- Carabanchel. Siglo med., Madrid, 1910, lvii, 786; 818; 835.—Price (L. T.) Report of some cases treated with "606." Old Dominion J. M. &S., Richmond, 1911, xii, 118-154. -----. Further report of cases treated with sal- varsan. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1911-12, xvi, 476-478.—Primi (I) 30 sifilitici curati col 606 nella Clinica dermosifilopatica di Firenze. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1911, lxx, 25.—de Pufelles (J. M.) Un caso de sifilis terciariacurado por el 606; auto-observaci6n. Bol. de cien. med., Mexico, 1910, i, 281-288. Also: Rev. espafi. dedermat. ysif., Madrid, 1910, xii, 485-493.—Queyrat, Demanche [et al]. Un an de pratique de l'arseno- benzol. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1912, xxiii, 2-24.—Quintana Duque (J.) Primeras im- presiones del tratamiento de la sifilis con el 606 en los casos del Hospital militar de Madrid. Rev. san. mil. y Med. mil. espafi., Madrid, 1910, iv, 691; 723; 765.—Basch (C.) Behandling af syfilis med det nye Ehrlich'ske middel. Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1910, 5. R., iii, 49-63. [Discussion], 1910, 5. R., iii, 1473; 1498: 1911, 5. R., iv, 18; 41. —Kavasina (C.) Salvarsan bei 80 Syphi- lisfallen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2765.— Bavogli (A.), Shields (E. H.) & Tauber (E. B.) Eight cases of syphilis and parasyphilitic affections treated with 606. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1911, cv, 154- 156.—Becent experiences with "606." [Edit] Brit M. J., Lond., 1910, ii, 1274.—Beisner (V.) Berichtfiber 20 mit Ehrlich-Hata 606 behandelte Svphilisfalle. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1910, xxiv, 607.—Reiss (W.) & Krzy- sztalowioz (F.) Zur therapeutischen Bedeutung des Arsenobenzols (606). Wrien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv, 234-240.—Belze (G.) Sluchal upornavo gummoznavo porazheniya, llechonniy arsenobenzolom. [Persistent gumma treated by arsenobenzol.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1910, xx, 385-388.—Renault (A.) Considerations pratiques k propos du traitement de la syphilis aveclenouveauremeded'Ehrlich-Hata. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1910, xxiv, 803-807.— Renaux (E.) Traitement de la syphilis par le dioxy- diamidoarsenobenzol d'Ehrlich. J. mM. de Brux., 1910, xv, 443.—Rerle (F. Ya.) Sluchai (dleti i vzrosliye), llechenniye arsenobenzolom ("606"). [Cases (children and adults) treated by arsenobenzol, "606."] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1911, lxxv, 835-840. —Reynolds (F. T.) Use of salvarsan at the Army Hospital, Fortress Monroe, Va. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1911-12, xvi, 511-513.—Riehl (G.) Ueber Syphilisbe- handlung mit Ehrlichs Heilmittel. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1910, xxiii, 1594-1596.—Ries. Ueber Salvarsanbe- handlung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Landesver., Stuttg., 1911, lxxxi, 33-5-337.—Ritter (H.) Unsere Er- fahrungen mit dem Ehrlichschen Mittel 606. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2232.—Rivera (A.) Dos palabras de introducci6n a las primeras observaciones sobre el "606" en el Hospital General. Juventud med., Guatemala, 1911, xi, 1-16, no. 4. -----. El salvarsan en el Hospital de San Juan de Dios. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1911, xxxix, 221-229.— Roscher. Die Behand- lung der Syphilis mit dem Ehrlich-Hataschen Praparat Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Cases and statistics]. 606. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., BerL, 1910, xxxix, 929.— Rosenthal (I.) Ueber 606. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1910, xlvii, 2137-2139.—Rumpel (T.) Unsere bisherigen Erfahrungen mit dem Ehrlicnschen Praparat 606. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi 22S6-2288.—Rvtina (A. G.) Report on the treatment of syphilis by intravenous injections of salvarsan. J. Alumni Ass. Coll. Phys. & Surg., Bait., 1911-12, xiv, 33- 40. Also: N. York M. J. [etc], 1911, xciii, 401-403. Also, Reprint.—Sabrazes (J.) & Dubourg (E.) Effets de I'arsenobenzol dans un cas de syphilis tertiaire k mani- festations cutanees, muqueuses, orchi-epididymaires re- sistant au traitement hydrargyrique, mode d'action sur le sang. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1911, xxxii, 27-31.-----------. Syphilis primaireet secondaire, resis- tant au mercure, traitee avec succes par le dioxydiamido- arsenobenzol (606 d'Ehrlich). Ibid., 99; 350; 362.—Sack (A.) Kasuistische Beitrage zur Salvarsanbehandlung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 456-459.— Sa- franek (J.) Ehrlicti-Hata Arsenobenzol bei svphili- tischen Erkrankungen der oberen Luftwege. Ztscnr. f. Laryngol., Rhinol. [etc.], Wfirzb., 1910-11, iii, 503-516.— Salazar (M. M.) El 606 en el tratamiento de la sifilis. Rev. san. mil. y Med. mil. espafi., Madrid, 1910, iv, 581- 585.—Salmon (P.) Die Behandlung der Syphilis mit dem Ehrlichschen Pranarat 606. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1918.—Salomon (O.) Beitrag zur Behandlung der Syphilis mit Ehrlich-Hata 606. Med. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 1652.—Satterlee (G.R.) A caseof thoracic tumor and aneurysm of the descending thoracic aorta, treated with salvarsan. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1912, xev, 68-60.—Schamberg. Gummatous in- filtration treated with " 606." J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Svph., N. Y., 1911, xxix, 409.—Schambern (J. F.) & Gins- burg (N.) The therapeutic results from the use of dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol in twentv-one cases of svphi- lis. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1910-11, xxiii, 693-616. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1911, 3. s., xxxiii, 284-308.— Schiele (W.) Beobachtungen Uber die Wirkung des 606 resp. Salvarsan bei Syphilis. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1911, xxxvi, 359-365.—Schlesinger (H.) Erfahrungen fiber das Ehrlich-Hata'sche Praparat in internen und neurologischen Fallen. Beibl. z. d. Mitt d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1910, ix, 216-221. Also: Wien.med.Wchnschr., 1910,lx,2750-2753.— Schmidt (T.) Erfahrungen Uber die Anwendung und Wirkung von Salvarsan. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 818-852.—Sehoonheid (P. H.) Mededee- lingen en kritische beschouwingen over het Ehrlich- Hata's praeparaat. Med. Weekbl., Amst, 1910-11, xvii, 338; 353; 362.—Schreiber & Hoppe. Ueber die Be- handlung der Syphilis mit dem neuen Ehrlich-Hataschen Arsenpraparat (No. 606). Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 1430-1432.—Sellei (J.) Die klinische Wirkung des Ehrlichschen Diamidoarsenobenzols (696). Ibid., 2031-2034.—Sequeira (J. H.) Notes on four cases of hereditary svphilis treated by Ehrlich-Hata's "606." Brit. J. Child". Dis., Lond., 1911, viii, 49-53.—Serrano (M.) & A.lvarez Safnz de Aja (E.) El tratamiento de la sifilis por el "606;" estudio sobre cuarenta casos tratados en el Hospital de San Juan de Dios, de Madrid. Rev.de med. y cirug. pr&ct, Madrid, 1910, lxxxix, 369; 409.—Shields (E. H.) Clinical observations on the use of salvarsan. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1911, xv, 602.—Sieskind (R.) Zusammen- fassender Bericht fiber 375 mit dem Ehrlich-Hataschen Praparat behandelte Falle. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2027-2031—Silovic (S.) Nekoja opazania kod lijecenja sa salvarzanom. [Several observations of treat- ment with salvarsan.] LijeC. vijesnik, u Zagrebu, 1911, xxxiii, 109-11R.—Snyder (J. J.) The use of salvarsan on board the U. S. S. Michigan. U. S. Naval M. Bull., Wash., 1911, v, 459-461.—Solomin (N. A.) K voprosu o llechebnom dieistvii preparata Ehrlich'a "606" i sluchal primleneniya yevo pri sifilisle nervnol sistemi i parasifiliticheskikh zabollevaniyakh. [Therapeutic effect of 606, and cases of syphilis of the nervous system and parasyphilitic diseases wherein it was applied.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1911, lxxvi, 412-43'.).—Spatz (E.) A " the- rapia sterilisans magna"-val (Ehrlich-Hata kezitmeny) kezelt luetikus esetekrol. LCases of syphilis treated by "606."] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1910,1, 446; 542; 561. Also, transl: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lx, 157S: 1869.— Spiethotr (B.) Die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Ehr- lich-Hata 606. Kor.-Bl. d. allg. aerztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Jena, 1910, xxxix, 394-399. -----. Ehrlich-Hata 606 bei Syphilis. Ibid., 642-548. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1910, lvii, 1822-1825.—Spillniann (L.) & Simon (R.) Cinquante cas de syphilis traites par les injections intra-musculaires d'emulsion huileuse de "606." Ann. d. mal. ven. Par., 1911, vi, 561-593.----------. Contri- bution a l'etude des injections intramusculaires de 606 en emulsion huileuse. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii, 299-303. — Spitzer (E.) Gesammelte Erfahrungen fiber die Verwendung des Ehrlichschen Dioxydiamidoarsenobensols. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. The- SYPHILIS. 537 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Cases and statistics]. rap., Wien, 1910, 561-577. — Springenield (I. S.) O llechenii sifllisa preparatom Ehrlich-Hata ' '606." [Treat- ment of syphilis by Ehrlich-Hata preparation "606. '] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1910, xvii, 1442-1446.—Stephens (E. L.) Clinical experience with salvarsan and the other late chemical combinations containing arsenic. Texas Cour.-Rec Med., Fort Worth, 1911-12, xxix, 15;"3L— Stern (C.) Die Behandlung der Syphilis mit dem Ehrlichschen Praparat 606. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1908-1910. -----. Meine Erfahrungen mit Ehrlich-Hata 606. Ibid., 2288-2291.— Stuekey (J. A.) Preliminary report of a case of syphi- lis (advanced) treated with salvarsan. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1911, ix, 234.—Sumney (H. C.) & Hell- wig (J. W.) A brief report of four cases of syphilis treated by Ehrlich's "606." West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1911, xvi, 86-39.—Sycle (M. 0.) Personal observations of a few cases of syphilis treated by the so-called wonderful 606. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1910-11, xv, 425-427.—Taege (K.) Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen bei ber Behandlung der Svphilis mit Ehrlich-Hatas Prii- parat 606. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2180- 2183.—Taibo (L ) Veinte y cuatro casos de sifilis trata- uos por el arsenobenzol de Ehrlich. Cron. med. mexi- cana, Mexico, 1911, xiv, 205; 229.—Taylor (G, G. S.) Sixteen months' experience of salvarsan. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912, i, 713-715.—Taylor (G. G. S.) & Mac- kenna (R. W.) Salvarsan in the treatment of syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 1412-1416.—Taylor (S.) & Mac- kenna(R. W.) Salvarsan; "606" (Ehrlich-Hata). Liv- erpool M -Chir. J., 1911, xxxi, 23-45. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1911, n. s., xci, 356; 385.—Tedesko (F.) Ueberdie Behandlungulceroser Rachenluesund Malaria mit Ehrlich-Hata 606. Beibl. z. d. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien. 1910, ix, 259-261.— Tersen & Dupujo Une annee de 606a la Garde Republicaine. Soc de med. mil. franc. Bull., Par., 1912, vi, 117-125.— Tetradze (A. N.) Demonstratsiya sifilitikov, tlechon- nikh preparatom Ehrlich-Hata "606." [Demonstration of syphilitic patients treated with "606."] Trudi i Pro- tok."Imp. Kavkazsk. Med.Obsh..Tiflis, 1910-11, xlvii, 158.— Therstappen. Ein Fall von Knochenregeneration nach einer einmaligen Injektion von Ehrlich-Hata 606. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2684.—vit. Thierry (J.) Lijefcenje arsenobenzolom Ehrlich-Hata 606. [Treatment with arsenobenzol.] Lije6. vijesnik, u Zagrebu, 1910, xxxii, 323-332.-----. Pedeset slucajeva lijefieno sa Ehrlich-Hata 606. [Fifty cases treated with C06.] Ibid., 1911, xxxiii, 7-11.—Thiroloix & Mora. Psoriasis palmaire etplantaire syphilitique; guerison ra- §ide par le "606.' Bull, et m6m. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. e Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxi, 269.—Thomas (B. A.) The intravenous administration of salvarsan in the treat- ment of syphilis. Internat. Clin., Phila. & Lond., 1911, 21. s., ii, 158-166, 2 pl.—von Torday (A.) Bericht fiber die Ehrlich-Hatasche Behandlung. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1910, xxiii, 1381-1383. -----. Die mit Salvarsan er- reichtenResultat Berl. klin. Wrchnschr., 1911,xlviii,294.— Touton. Praktisches und Theoretisches vom Arseno- benzol (Ehrlich-Hata 606). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 2225; 2289.—To wie (H. P.) The treatment of svphilis by the dioxy-diamido arsenobenzol "606" of Ehrlich-Hata. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxiv, 528; 571.— Treupel (G.) Erfahrungen und Erwagungen mit dem neuen Ehrlich-Hataschen Mittel bei syphilitischen und metasvphilitischen Erkrankungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1393-1395. -----. Weitere Erfahrungen mit Ehrlich-Hata-Injektionen, ins- besondere bei Lues des zentralen Nervensystems, bei Tabes und Paralyse. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, xvii, 2402.-----. Weitere Erfahrungen bei syphilitischen, parasyphilitischen und metasyphilitischen Erkrankun- gen mit Ehrlich-Hata-Injektionen. Deutschemed. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1787-1790.—Treupel (G.) & Levi (A.) Die klinische Priifung des Dioxydia- midoarsenobenzol, Salvarsan genannt; nach eigener ein- jahriger Beobachtung und Erfahrung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 237; 305.— Trible (G. B.) & Gar- rison (H. A.) The intravenous ad ministration of "606" in 56 cases. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1911, V, 125- 134.-----------. Intravenous administration of salvar- san. Ibid., 285-295.— Trimble (W. B.) Impressions as to the value of salvarsan (Ehrlich-Hata 606). Med. Rec, N. Y., 1911, lxxix, 814-816—Trolimoft' (M. M.) & Lashin (I. \*) Nablyudeniya nad dleistviyem pre- parata Ehrlich'a "606." [Observations on the action of "606."] Kharkov. M. J., 1911, xi, 381-387.—Truffl (M.) II preparato di Ehrlich-Hata nella cura della sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1911, xlvi, 151-162. Also: Policlin., Roma, 1911, xviii, sez.prat, 37-43.—Tslenovski (A. A.) Klinicheskiya dannlya voprosa o llechenii sifi- lisa salvarsanom. [Clinical data on the treatment of syphilis by salvarsan.] Terap. Obozr., Odessa, 1911, iv, 295-301.—Turn bull (J. A.) Notes on a case of syphilis treated with "606." J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1911,xvii, 166.—¥Jllmann(K.) ZurEhrlich-IIata'schen Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606 ") [ Cases and statistics], Therapie mit Arsenobenzol 606. Beibl. z. d. Mitt d. Ge- sellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1910, ix, 245- 258. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lx, 2924-2932.— Umber. Zur viszeralen Syphilis (Pancreatitis syphili- tica mit Diabetes, akute gelbe Leberatrophie) und ihre Heilung durch Salvarsan. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2499.—TJmbert (P.) Trescientas injecciones intravenosas do "606." Clin, y lab. Rev. quincen. de espec med., Zaragoza, 1911, vii, 298-305. Also: Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1911, xiii, 421^34.—Varney (H. R.) Ehrlich-Hata dioxy-diamidoarseno-benzol (606) in the treatment of syphilis. Detroit M. J., 1910, x, 406; 449,1 tab., 1 pl.—Vllardosa Llubes (E.) Conlribu- cion al estudio del "606"; un caso de sifilis nasofaringeo grave curado con el arsenobenzol. Rev. barcel. de en- ferm. de oido, garganta y nariz, Barcel., 1911, vii, 93-99.— Volk (R.) & Lipsehiitz (B.) Die Behandlung der Syphilis mit dem Ehrlichschen Praparat 606. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1913.— Waelsch (L.) Erfahrungen fiber die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Ehrlich-Hata 606. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1910, xxxv, 595-600.—Wagner (C.) "606." Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1911, xix, 561-571.—Wallhauser (H. J. F.) The Ehrlich-Hata (606) preparation, with a report of cases. J. Med.Soc N. Jersey,Orange,1910-ll,vii, 547-556.— Weber (H.) Die Anwendung desEhrlichschen Heilmit- tels Salvarsan in der allgemeinen Praxis. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., BerL, 1910, xvii, 1281; 1316: 1911, xviii, 6.— Wechselmann(W.) Beobachtungen an 503mitDioxy- Diamido-Arsenobenzol behandelten Krankheitsfallen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1478-1481.-----. Ueber die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Dioxydiamido-Arsenobenzol. Verhandl. d. BerL med. Ge- sellsch. lall, xii, pt. 2, 217-226. Also: Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1910, xlvii, 1261-1264. Also: Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1910, xvii, 463-484. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1901-1903. Also, transl: Lan- cet, Lond., 1910, ii, 1295-1297. Also, transl: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910,xcii,449^52. Also.transl: South.M. J.,Nash- ville, 1910, iii, 604-610. Also, transl: Transvaal M. J., Johannesburg, 1910-11, vi, 48-52.-----. Latest personal experiences with the Ehrlich-Hata remedy (606) in the treatment of svphilis. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1910, xvii, 736-744. Also: N. York State J. M., N. Y , 1910, x, 557-561. -----. A further contribution to the treatment of syphilis with Ehrlich's dioxydiamido-arsenobenzol. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1911, 21. s., i, 10-26, 3 pl. -----. Neuere Erfahrungen fiber intravenose Salvarsaninjek- tionen ohne Reaktionserscheinnngen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1510.—Weiler (F.) Ueber die Behandlung der Syphilis mit Arsenobenzol; mit Beitra- gen von Richard Friihwald. Ibid., 1910, lvii, 2622-2623.— Weintraud ( W.) Erfahrungen mit dem Ehrlich- Hataschen Syphilisheilmittel 606. Med. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 1683-1689. — Werther. Meine bisherigen Erfahrungen mit 606. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2517-2519. [Discussion], 1046. — Westphal. Einige Beobachtungen bei der Satvarsanbehandlung im Garnisonlazarett Windhuk, Deutsch - Siidwestafrika. Ibid., 2332. — Whitney ( C. M.) Recent experiences with salvarsan. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1911, xv, 486. -----. The clinical results from sal- varsan (606), and the methods used in giving it. N. Eng. M. Month., Bost., 1912, xxxi, 1-14.—Wiegmann (F.) Zur Salvarsantherapie bei Augenkrankheiten auf lueti- scher Basis, nebst Mitteilung einiger gunstigbeeinfluss- ter Fiille von Augenmuskellahmungen. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1912, 1 (1.), 200-210.—W infield (J. M. ) Observations on the use of salvarsan, Ehrlich's "606". Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1911, v, 55; 129. -----. Salvarsan as a cure of syphilis; a r6sum6 of results obtained in cases after ten months' observation. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1912, lxxxi, 668-670.—Winslow (J. R.) The treatment of syphilis with the Ehrlich-Hata new arsenic preparation, especially in lesions of the nose and throat. Hosp. Bull. Univ. Maryland, Bait, 1910, vi, 142.—Win- thro p (G. J.) & Cole (H. P.) Salvarsan and svphilis. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1911, lxiv, 188-193, 1 pl.—Wolbarst (A. L.) Personal observations on the Ehrlich-Hata606. Med.Rec.,N.Y.,1910,lxxviii,672-674. Afco,Reprint.-----. The treatment of syphilis wi th Ehrlich-Hata' '606", salvar- san. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 48-64. Also, Reprint. -----. A study of fifty cases of syphilis treated with salvarsan, with special reference to the clinical re- sult and the Wassermann reaction. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 561; 615. Also, Reprint. -----. A case of con- genital syphilis in an infant treated by the administra- tion of salvarsan to the mother; result unsuccessful. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt, & N. Y., 1911, n. s., vi, 486-189. -----. A comparative study of a case of paresis and one of tabes dorsalis after the administration of salvarsan. N. York M. J. [etc.]. 1911, xciv, 22-25. Also, Reprint— Wolters. Erfahrungen mit dem Ehrlichschen Heil- mittel gegen Syphilis ( Salvarsan ). Kor.-Bl. d. allg. mecklenb. Aerztever., Rostock, 1911, xl, No. 317, 327- 336.— Wynn. Report on cases treated by "606". J. SYPHILIS. 538 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Cases and statistics]. Indiana M. Ass., Fort Wayne, 1911, iv, 293-297.— Ya- kovleft (S. S.) & Grinfeld (A. A.) Klinicheskiya nablyudeniya nad dleistviyem preparata Ehrlich-Hata pri sifilisle. [Clinical observations on the action of the Ehrlich-Hata preparation in syphilis.] Terap. Obozr., Odessa, 1910, iii, 409-119.—Yavein (V. Yu.) Kratkiy obzor 11 sluchayev sifilisa, v kotorikh primleneno bilo llecheniye preparatom Ehrlich'a "606.'f [Brief review of 11 cases, which were treated by Ehrlich's "COG."] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 90— Zak (N.) Sluchal gum- moznavo laringita llechonnavo "606." [Gummatous laryngitis treated by "606."] Vestnik Ushn., Gorlov. i Nosov. Boliezn., S.-Peterb., 1911, iii, 37-40. — Zarubin (V. I.) Llecheniye sifilisa 606-m preparatom Ehrlich'a. [Treatment of syphilis by Ehrlich's preparation No..606.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 1401-1403. Also, transl: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1910,li,551-562. Also, transl: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1910, 5. s., i, 620- 629.—von Zeissl (M.) Meine bisherigen Erfahrungen mit Ehrlich 606. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lx, 1865- 1869. -----. Ueber weitere 21 mit "Ehrlich 606" behan- delte Syphiliskranke. Ibid., 1977-1981.-----. Bericht fiber die Behandlung der ersten 100 Fiille mit Ehrlich 606 am Kaiser Franz Joseph-Ambulatorium in Wien. Ibid., 2203-2209.-----. Welche Aussichten eroffnen unsere bis- herigen Erfahrungen auf eine Dauerheilung der Syphi- lis durch 606? Ibid., 1911, lxi, 438. -----. Einzelne inte- ressante,mit Salvarsan behandelte Luesfalle. Wie sollen wir die Syphilis jetztbehandeln? ibid., 1737-1742. -----. Ueber die bisherigen Erfolge der Syphilisbehandlung mit Salvarsan (606)und dieAussicht auf Dauerheilung. Berl. klin., Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 609-511.—Zeleneff (I. F.) K voprosu o llechenii sifilisa mishvachnim preparatom Ehrlich'a iHata("606"). [Treatment of syphilis withEhr- lich-Hata'sarsenicalpreparation("606").] Russk.J.Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1910, xx, 16[102]-217.—Zhe- buneflf( A. P.) K voprosu o llechenii salvarsan'om sifi- litikov v volskakh. [Salvarsan treatment of syphilis in the army.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1911, ccxxxii, med.-spec pt., 78-93.—Zieler (K.) Erfahrungen mit Ehrlich-Hata 606. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 2040-4044.—Zimmern (F.) Ueber Erfahrungen bei 1900 mit Salvarsan behandelten Syphi- liskranken. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 1550-1554. -----. Konnen durch Quecksilberunbeeinflussbare syphi- litische Svmptome durch Salvarsan geheilt werden? Der- mat. Ztschr., BerL, 1911, xviii, 738-744.—Zwick (K. G.) & Zwiek (A. O.) Ehrlich-Hata 606; a review of the principles which led to its discovery with a summary of results to date and a word about choice of technique. Am. J. Dermat & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1911, xv, 449-459. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Fatal cases]. Balzer (F.) ACondat (Mile.) Meningo-encephalite mortelle consecutive a deux injections intraveineuses d'arsenobenzol. Bull.Soc.franc.dedermat.etsyph., Par., 1912, xxiii, 48-53.—Caraven. Intoxication mortelle par I'arsenobenzol. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 886-890 — Ehlers. Ein Todesfall nach Ehrlich-Hata 606. Arch.f. phys.-diatet. Therap., Frankf. a. O., 1910, xii, 372. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2183.—Fischer (B.) Ueber einen Todesfall durch Encephalitis hiimorrhagica im Anschlussan eine Salvarsaninjektion. Miinchen.med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1803-1806.—Gaucher. Le danger mortel de 606. J. de med. int., Par., 1911, xv, 283.-----. Les morts par le 606. Bull. Acad, de mea\, Par., 1912, 3. s., lxvii, 116; 196; 23*.—Hallopeau. Sur un cas de mort survenn apres deux injections de 606, chez un sujet relativementsain. Ibid.,1911, 3. s.,lxvi, 125-135.—Ber- ing (H.E.) Experimentelle Erfahrungen fiber die letale Dosis der sauren Losung von Ehrlich-Hata 606. Munchen. med.Wchnschr., 1910,lvii,2621.—Hoftmann (A.) Ikte- rus mitletalem Ausgangnach Salvarsan. Ibid., 1911, lviii, 1773. -----. TodlicheHemiplegienachSalvarsaneinspri- tzungbei Gummad esRfickenmarkes. Ibid., 1912, lix, 192- 194.—Kannengiesser. Zur Kasuistik der Todesfalle nach Salvarsanbehandlung. Ibid., 1911, lviii, 1806-1809.— Legrand. Injections de calomel, puis de salvarsan; mort par entente ulcereuse et nephrite aigue. Clinique, Brux., 1912, xxvi, 30.—Lohe. [Acht mit Salvarsaninjek- tionen behandelte Falle; Post mortem.] Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, 78.—Martins (K.) Ueber Todesfalle nach Salvarsaninjektionen bei Herz- und Gefasskrank- heiten. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.,1911,lviii,1067-1071.— .Tlilian (G.) Les morts du "606." Paris med., 1911-12, 353-358.—Netter. Sur des cas de mort dus au "606." Bull. Acad, demed., Par.,1912,3. s.,lxvii,130-133.—Oltra- mare (H.) Uncas de mort cinq jours apres une injec- tion de dioxydiamido-arsenobenzol. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 881-885.—Ravailt. A propos de trois cas de mortayanteteattribuesau 606. Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii, 233-214.—Rouget. Mort a la suite d'une injection intraveineuse de 606. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxi, Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Fatal cases]. 621-624.—Tod eines Arztes [Otto Scheven] in Frankfurt a. M. nach 2 Hata-Einspritzungen. Arch. i. phys.-diatet. Therap., Frankf. a. O., 1911, xiii, 161.—Weber (F. P.) A fatal result froimsalvarsan. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1911, n. s., xcii, 221.—Westphal (A.) Ueber einen To- desfall nach Behandlung mit Salvarsan bei spinaler Er- krankung (Fabes + Meningitis spinalis syphilitica) mit mikroskopischer Untersuchung des Rfickenmarks. Berl klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 973-976. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsaii ("606") [Modes of administration]. Bizard (L.) & Lesage (L.) La preparation 606 (etat actuel de la question). 8°. Paris, 1911. Chevaliek-Seyvet (C.) *Des injections de dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol, manuel operatoire et accidents. [Lyon.] 8°. Lyon & Paris, 1911. Levy-Bing (A.) & Dtjrceux (L.) L'arseno- benzol (Ehrlich-Hata) en injections intramus- culaires dans le traitement de la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1911. Abu loft" ( S.) K voprosu o metodikle primlene- niya salvarsan'a i tekhnika vnutrivennikh vlivaniy. [Method of using salvarsan and technique of its intra- venous injections.] Russk. J. Kozhn. l Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1911, xxi, 253-25'.).—Adam (L.) L'injection intraveineuse de salvarsan (606). Ann. Soc de med. de Gand, 1911, n. s., ii, 254; 428. -----. De l'injection intra- veineuse acide de salvarsan. Belgique mecl., Gand, 1912, xix, 15.—Adame (M. D.) Contribuci6n al estudio del "dioxidiamidoarsenobenzol," y su aplicaci6n al trata- miento de la sifilis. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1911, lvi, 34; 66; 97; 129; 177; 206.—Alt (K.) Zur Technik der Behand- lung mit dem Ehrlich-Hataschen Syphilismittel. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr,, 1910, lvii, 1774-1776.—Archaui- bault (G.) Etat actuel de nos connaissances sur le traitementde la syphilis; la derniere facond'employer le 606. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1911, xl, 559-567.— Arzt (L.) & Schramek (M.) Zur Technik der intra- venosen Infusion Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv, 1499-1501.— Assmy (H.) Zur Technik der intravenosen Hatainjektion. Med. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 1898.-----. Injektion oder Infusion bei der intravenosen Salvarsan- behandlung. Ibid., 1911, vii, 571.—Audibert (V.) & Lafond (L.) Nouvel appareil simplifie pour l'injection intra-veineuse du Salvarsan. Marseille m6d., 1911, xlviii, 203-267.—Aner (J.) Experiments with the intravenous injection of salvarsan in acid solution. Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1911, viii, 169-176.—de Azua (J.) Preparaci6n del "606" para injecciones intramusculares con lanolina y petro-vaselina, eon arreglo a la f6rmula de calomelanos, salicilato de mereurio, etc. Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1911, v, 161-166.—Bagroff (S. L.) 0 wedenii salvarsana prya- mokishechnim putyom. [Administration of salvarsan per rectum.] Russk Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 1864. Also, transl: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xlix, 108. See, also, infra, Bogroff. — Baldwin (L. B.) Technic for the intravenous infusion of the Ehrlich-Hata prepara- tion ("606") for the treatment of syphilis. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1911, xx, 203. —Ball (C. R.) A new technique for the intravenous injection of salvarsan. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1911, xiii. 228-232—Bal- lenger ( E. G.) A new apparatus for administering salvarsan ("606") intravenously. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, 822. Also, Reprint. —Ballenger (E. G.) & Elder ( O. F.) A suggestion in the introduction of the needle into the vein in making intravenous in- jections of "606." Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med., 1911-12, lvii, 89-91. Also, Reprint—Baly (H. W.) The intravenous method of treatment of syphilis with salvarsan ("606"), with a convenient apparatus for such administration. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 153.—Barron (C. W.) A plea for the intravenous method of administering salvarsan. J. South. Car. M. Ass.. Charleston, 1911. vii, 81-83.—Bayet (A.), Dujardin (B.) & Desneux (J.) Le traitement de la syphilis par I'arsenobenzol; la methode des injec- tions intraveineuses de doses fortes et rapidement rep6- tees. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermatet syph., Par.,1911, xxii, 304-314. Also: 3. med. de Brux., 1911, xvi, 279-288. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux.,1911,lxiii,483-487. Also: Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1912, vii, 212-222.—Bayly (H. W.) Salvar- san (' '606") and mercury in the treatment of syphilis. Lan- cet, Lond., 1911,ii.473.—Behaegel (T.) Detechniekder salvarsan - inspuitingen. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Belgie, Antw., 1910, i, 408-412.—Benario (J.) Zur Technik der Salvarsaninjektionen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii,397.—neringer(G.M.),jr. The preparation of neu- tral suspension of salvarsan. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1911, lxxxiii,371-373.—Bernard (A.) Salvarsan ("606") and mercury in the treatment of syphilis. Lancet, Lond., SYPHILIS. 539 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606 ") [Modes of administration]. 1911,11, 253.—Bernart (W. F.) A simple apparatus for the intravenous injection of salvarsan or other drugs. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 1194.—Biach (M.) Zur Anwendungsweise von Ehrlich-Hata 606; eine Um- frage fiber die Massage unmittelbar nach der Injektion des Arsenobenzols. Wien .med. Wchnschr. ,1910, lx, 3105.— Biddle (A. P.) & Wollenberg (R. A. C.) Ehrlich's "606" (salvarsan); its indications and contraindica- tions. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1911, x, 211-214.—Bizard (L.) La preparation 606; technique des injections. J.de med. de Par., 1910, 2. s., xxii, 721.—Boelun (J. L.) An improved gravity apparatus for the intravenous injection of salvarsan. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 732. Also: J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1911-12, viii, 62-64.— Boelincke (K. E.) Ein Universal-Injektionsbesteck fiir Salvarsan. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., BerL, 1911, xl, 173.—BogroiF (S. L.) K voprosu o tekhnikle vnu- trivennavo primleneniya salvarzana. [Technique of in- travenous injection of salvarsan.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Pe- terb., 1911, xviii, 625. Also, transl.: Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1911, xlviii, 845. See, also, supra, Bagroff.—Bonn (E.) Aphorismen zur Salvarsantherapie nach bisheriger Eigenbeobachtung. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1911, xxxvi, 301; 319. — Bose. Technique du"606." Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1911, xvi, 215-249. — Bouveyron. Ins- trumentation simple pour preparer et pratiquer les injections intra-veineuses d'arseno-benzol et conside- rations generates sur ce mode de traitement. Lyon med., 1912, cxviii, 647-557. — Braun ( M.) Intrave- nose Salvarsaninjektionen ohne Korhsil/xu-atz. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 2291.— Braunshteln ( A. P. ) O tekhnikle vnutrivennikh vpriskivaniy salvarsana. [Intravenous salvarsan injec- tions.] Vseross. Vrach. Vestnik, Mosk., 1911, i, 93-97.— Brauss (W.) Zur Technik der intravenosen Injektion von Salvarsan. Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, ISO.—Breit- man (M. Ya.) O sifiliticheskikh zabollevaniyakh serd- tsa, kak pokazaniya i protivopokazaniya k llecheniyu salvarsanom. [Syphilis of the heart as an indication or counterindication to the treatment with salvarsan.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 1085; 1114; 1145; 1177.— Bremener (M. M.) K tekhnikle vpriskivaniy salvar- zana. [Technique of salvarsan injections.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 628-634.—de Bui] Wenniger (L. M.) Die intravenose Salvarsanbehandlung fiir die Praxis. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat, Hamb., 1911, liii, 387-390.—Burke (J. G.) A lanolin and oil emulsion of salvarsan for intramuscular injection. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, 458. Also, Reprint.-----. The lanolin oil emulsion of salvarsan; a further contribution. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1911, xv, 474- 476.—Byles (J. B.J The intravenous injection of sal- varsan, or "606." Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 1795.—Cabot (H.) Clinical observations on the use of salvarsan, with special reference to its administration. Med. Communi- cat Mass. M. Soc, Bost, 1911, xxii, 280-288.—Calmette (A.) Technique du traitement de la syphilis et de la fievre recurrente par le dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol (606 d'Ehrlich). Ann. ,d'hvg. et de med. colon.. Par., 1911, xiv 581-585. Also: Echo med.dunord,Lille,1911,xv,346.— Chetwood (C. H.) Simplified technique for the ad- ministration of salvarsan intravenously. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1911, lxxix, 983. Also, Reprint—Chlenoflf" (M. A.) K voprosu o tekhnikle vnutrivennavo vlivaniya salvar- zana. [Technique of intravenous injection of salvarsan.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 626-628.—Citron (H.) & Mulzer (P.) Ueber die Herstellung gebrauchsferti- ger Losungen von Dioxvdiamidoarsenobenzol (Ehrlich- Hata 606). Med. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 1531.—Cuneo (J.) Mercury vs. salvarsan or 606. Denver M. Times [etc.], 1911-12, xxxi, 44-46.—Dakin (W.B.) An apparatus for the intravenous injection of salvarsan with salt solution preceding and following. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1912, lviii, 94.—Dawson (G. W.) A simple apparatus for the intravenous (or intramuscular) injection of salvarsan. Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 954—Dolgopoloff(N. M.) Pro- stol sposob intravenoznavo vpriskivaniya salvarsan'a. [Simple method of intravenous injection of salvarsan.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1911, xxi, 260.—Duhot. Technik und Dosen der loshchen Ein- spritzungen des "606" von Ehrlich. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2179.—Elsenstaedt (J. S.) Rou- tine mercurial treatment in syphilis even after injec- tion of salvarsan. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 1686.—Eitner (E.) Intravenose Salvarsaninjektionen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, 1970-1974.—Emery (E ) "606" et mercure. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph , Par., 1910, xxi, 286. -----. La technique de l'in- jection intra-veineuse du remede d'Ehrlich 606. Cli- nique, Par., 1910, v, 659. Also, transl: Tribune med., N Y 1911 vii, 5-7.-----. Technique de la manipulation du "606." Clinique, Par., 1910, v, 569.-----. Methodes actuelles de l'injection du 606. Ibid., 711-714.-----. Comment doit etre preparee l'injection du salvarsan et a quellesdoses doit-on injecter ce medicament? Ibid., 1911, vi, 689-694.—Emery (E.) & Lacapere. Les injections Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Modes of administration]. intraveineuses d'arsenobenzol. Ibid., 1910, v, 777-779.— Emery (E.)& Pepin. La manipulation du 606. Ibid., 581-583.-----------. Le 606 en injections solubilisdes al- calines, suivi d'une injection en suspension huileuse neutre. Ibid., 697.—Evans (A. J.) Apparatus for the intravenous administration of "salvarsan." Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, 220.—Fabian (J.J.) A simple method forthe intravenous administration of "606." J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1911, x, 314.—Fabre. Syphilis hereditaire; amelioration par la combinaison du traitement mercuriel et du 606. Lyon med., 1911, cxvi, 610-612.—Flashman (J. F.) & McMurray (W.) A handy apparatus for the injection of 606. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1911, xxx, 145.—Fleig(C) Sur les injections intraveineuses acides solubles et intraveineuses neutres insolubles de dioxy- diamidoarsenobenzol. Bull. mens, de l'Acad. d. sc. . .. de Montpellier, 1911, no. 1, 16-44. Also: Montpel. med., 1911, 2. s., xxxii, 385; 421; 441; 495; 638; 564; 583. -----. Sur la nocuite comparee des solutions acides concentree et diluees de dichlorhydrate de dioxydiaminoars^noben- zol; la dilution en therapeutique intraveineuse. Bull.gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1912,clxiii,332-341. Also: Rev. med. espafi. y bol. de hig. y salub., Madrid, 1911, iii, 358-366.— Flemming. Wirkung von Salvarsan auf das Auge. Arch f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1910-11, lxviii, 197-209. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1911, xl, 261-268. — Fou-, quet(C) Les-differents modes de preparation et d'ad- ministration de I'arsenobenzol dans le traitement de la syphilis (techniques et doses). Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1911, lxxxiv, 1723-1728.—Fouquet (C.) & Pepin (C.) Sur la preparation de la solution alcaline injectable de salvar- san. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911,' xxii, 444-448.—Fournier (L.), Guenot A Renault (A.) Note sur le traitement interne de la syphilis par I'arsenobenzol. Ibid., 437^139.— Fowler (A. L.) "606";' the administration of the new remedy in the hospitals of Paris. South. M. J., Nashville, 1910-11, iii, 96-99.—Fow- ler (G.) A simple and effectual means of administer- ing salvarsan. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1911, xlvi, 383.— Fox (H.) & Trimble (W. B.) A simple apparatus for the intravenous iniection of salvarsan. Med. Rec, N.| Y., 1911, lxxix, 469. Also, Reprint. — Francois (P.) Les injections intra-veineuses de 606. Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1911, lxxiii, 199-201. — French (H. C.) Sal- varsan ("606") and mercury in the treatment of syphilis Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 1691: ii, 326. — Fttresz (E.) Ei- nige Bemerkungen zur intravenosen Anwendung des Salvarsans. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, 2953.— Gaebel (G. O.) Titration von Salvarsan mit Jodlosung. Arch. d. Pharm., BerL, 1911, ccxlix, 241-247.—Galpern (Ya. A.) K voprosu o tekhnikle vnutrivennavo vvede- niya rastvora salvarsana. [Technique of intravenous in- jection of salvarsan solution.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1911, xxi, 261-263. -----. O ratsional- nom sposobie vnutrimishechnavo vvedeniya yedkikh sredstv, v chastnosti salvarsana. [Rational method of intramuscular injection of strong substances, especially salvarsan.] Ibid., Mosk., 1911, xxii, 261-268.—Gastou. Dispositif simplifie et economique pour l'injection intra- veineuse (traitementde la syphilis par I'arsenobenzol). Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii, 116- 118. — Gennerich. Zur Tecknik und Kontraindika- tion der Salvarsanbehandlung. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1910, lvii, 2762-2765. -----. Die Ziele einer ausrei- chenden Syphilisbehandlung und die provokatorische Salvarsaninjektion beizweifelhafterSyphilis. Ibid.,1911, lviii, 2263-2266.—Gerbsman (1.1.) K voprosu o vnu- trivennikh vlivaniyakh salvarzana pri sifilisle. [Intra- venous injection of salvarsan in syphilis.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 1129-1131.—Geronne (A.) & Gut- mann (C.) Zur Frage der Neurotropic des Salvarsans. Bull. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 461-470. — Gibbard (T. W.) Improvements in apparatus for intravenous ad- ministration of salvarsan. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, 1294.—Gibson (H. R. B.) The intravenous administra- tion of salvarsan. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1911, xlvi, 217.—Gillman (G.) The chemistry of preparing sal- varsan for injection, and a simple, rapid method for its preparation. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1912, x, 110- U3._Glass (E.) Zur Anwendung des Arsenobenzols in der Privatpraxis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 1801. — Godsoe (J.) The preparation of salvarsan for injection. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxv, 510.—Gonzalez (E.) La practica del salvarsan en algunas clinicas de Europa. Rev. med. de Chili, Sant de Chile, 1911, xxxix, 377-400.—Gottseha Ik. Le606 d'Ehrlich et la technique des injections. J. demed. de Par., 1910, 2. s., xxii, 755- 757. _ Grassmann (K.) Welche Herzerkrankungen bilden voraussichtlich eine Kontraindikation gegen die Anwendung von Ehrlich-Hata 606? Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2178. — Griest (J. T.) On the preparation of solutions of salvarsan for intravenous injection. Med. Era, St. Louis, 1911, xx, 166-168.— Grill 1 (L.) Sur le "606 hyperideal" avant l'emploi du salvarsan. DauphinS med.,Grenoble,1911, xxxv, 1-9.— Gross (L.) Technique of intravenous injection of sal- Si'PIIILIS. 540 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Modes of administration]. varsan; indications and contraindications. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1911, liv, 214-221.—Gr ilnberg (J.) Ueber die intravenosen Injectionsmethoden und dereu Technik bei Salvarsan. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1911, xxxvi, 130.—Guile (H. V.) A needle holder for the intraven- ous administration of salvarsan. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1912, lxxxi, 449.—Gurari (D. L.) K tekhnikle vnutri- vennikh vpriskivaniy salvarsan'a. [Technique of in- travenous injection of salvarsan.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Pe- terb., 1911, x, 472-474.—Halm (J.) Zur Applikations- weise des Salvarsans. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv, 240.—Halpern (J.) Ueber die rationelle Methode der intramuskularen Einspritzung atzender Mittel, spcziell des Salvarsans. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1911, lxxx, 423-426.—Hart (A. J.) A simple technique for preparing salvarsan in oily suspension. N.YorkM.J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, 322. Also, Reprint.—Hauptniann (A.) Eineinfacher, fiir die allgemeine Praxis brauchbarer Apparat zurintra- venosen Salvarsaninjektion. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 628.—Hausman (F. O.) O tekhnikle vnu- trivennikh vlivaniy i o znachenii ikh pri llechenii pre- paratom Ehrlich' a '' 606." [Technique of intravenous in- jections and their importance in the treatment with Ehr- lich's preparation "606." Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 725; 746; 770. Also, transl: Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1910, lvii, 2519-2523.—Hazen (H. H.) Suspensions of salvarsan in oil. Wash. M. Ann., 1911, x, 181-190.— Heidingsfeld (M. L.) A new simplified method for intravenous administration of salvarsan. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1911, cv, 131-133.—Heiduschka(A.)&ISiechy (T.) Bestimmung des Arsens im Harn nach Anwendung von Salvarsan. Apoth.-Ztg.,Berl.,1911,xxvi,146.—Hein- rich (A.) & Tatarski (A.) Noviy shprits dlyavnutri- mishechnikh inyektsiy salvarsana. [Anew syringe for intramuscular injections of salvarsan.] Terap. Obozr., Odessa, 1911, iv, 202-204. Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.u. BerL,1911,xxxvii,640.—lloft'mann (E.) Ueber die kombinierte Ilg-Salvarsanbehandlung der Syphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1912, xxxviii, 609.—Holland (E. D.) When salvarsan isn't sufficient. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St Louis, 1911, xv, 630-633.—Holliday (G. A.) Salvarsan; its intravenous administration; clinical results. Ibid., 566- 573.—Hilfler. Zur Technik der Salvarsanbehandlung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1802; 2275.—Huey (A. J.) An apparatus for the intravenous injection of salvarsan. N. York M.J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 1152. Also, Reprint—Instruceiones redactadas por la Secci6n de sanidad militar, para la aplicaci6n del "salvarsan" 6 "606" en los hospitales, con arreglo a las enviadas por el Profesor Ehrlich, y k las aceptadas por los clinieos de mayor autoridad. Rev. san. mil. y Med. mil. espafi., Madrid, 1911, v, 69-75. —Iversen (Yu. ) Tekhnika vnutrivennavo vlivaniya salvarsana. [Technique of in- travenous injection of salvarsan.] Terap. Obozr., Odessa, 1911, iv, 107. Also, transl: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 396.—Janovsky (V.) O technice injekci se salvarsanem. Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1911,1, 161-103.— Jeanselme (E.) Le 606; indications et contre-indica- tions; voies d'introduction et doses. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1910, xxiv, 853-856. -----. Indications et contre-indications de I'arsenobenzol. Poitou m&L, Poitiers, 1911, xxvi, 37-41.—Jeanselme (E. ) & Touraine (A.) Le traitement de la syphilis par le "606"; indications et contre-indications, technique et di- rection generale du traitement. J. m6d. franc., Par., 1911, v, 448-455. — Jeanselme (E.) & Vernes (A.) Technique de l'injection intra-veineuse de salvarsan. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1911, xxv, 497-499.— Jesionek. Salvarsanmilch. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1911, lviii, 1169-1175.—Jessner (S.) Eine einfache Methode zur Herstellung von Emulsionen des Dioxydo- arsenobensols (Ehrlicht Med. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 1940.—Joannides (N.) Weitere Erfahrungen mit der intramuskularen und intravenosen Salvarsaninjektion. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 1797.—Johnson (G. L.) Some practical points relating to the Ehrlich-Hata treatment of syphilis. Ophthalmo- scope, Lond., 1910, viii, 820.—Joris & Geresto Solutions de soude pour les preparations du "606" ou du diehlorhy- drate de dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol. Loire mecl., J3t- Etienne,1911,xxx,219.— Junkcrmann (K.) ZurTech- nikder BehandlungmitdemEhrlich-Hataschen Praparat 606. Med. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 1572. —Kilbane (E.) A simple apparatus for using salvarsan intravenously. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, 294. Also, Reprint— Knauer (G.) Zur Technik der intravenosen Salvar- saninjektion. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1824.—Koltipin (A. A.) K voprosu o vnutrivennikh vlivaniyakh salvarsana u dletel pri sifilisle (odinnadtsat sluchayev). [On intravenous injections of salvarsan in syphilis (eleven cases).] Med. Obozr.,Mosk., 1911, lxxvi, 1063-1074.—Kopytowski (W.) O stosowaniu salwar- sana w malych dawkach w leczeniu przymiotu. [Admi- nistration of salvarsan in small doses in the treatment of syphilis.] Medycyna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1911, xlvi, Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Modes of administration], 1054; 1079. Also, transl: Dermat. Centralbl., Berl 1912 xv, 130-134. —Kozlowskt ( B.) Zur Technik der Zubereitung der Sal varsan losungzu Zwecken der intra- muskularen Injektion. Munchen. med. Wchnschr 1911 lviii, 305. — Krebs (G.) Ein Besteck fur subkutane und intramuskuliire Injektionen von Ehrlich-Hata 606 Ibid., 1910, lvii, 2532.—Krfloff (V. I.) K tekhnikle vnutrivennavo vlivaniya salvarsan'a. [On intravenous injection of salvarsan.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 731. — Hromayer. Eine bequeme, schmerzlose Methode der Ehrlich-Hata-Injektion. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1910, xlvii, 1698. — Krzysztalowicz (F.j & Weber (H. L.) Ueber die intravenosen Infusionen von Salvarsan. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb 1911 liii, 189-503.—Lafay (L.) & Levy-Bing (A.) Com- ment on peut rendre pratique et indolore Finjectlon de 606. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1910, xxi 217-226.----------. Lc 606 pratique et indolore.' Cli- nique, Par., 1910, v, 693-695.—Ledermann (R.) Tech- nik und Folgeerscheinung der Salvarsanbehandlung. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1911, viii, 116-118.— Lenzmann. Zur Methode der Anwendung des Sal- varsans in der arztlichen Praxis. Med. Klin., BerL, 1911 vii, 221. —Leredde (M.) Les indications presentees du 606. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat et syph., Par., 1910, xxi, 290-297. -----. A l'occasion du proces- verbal; les erreurs de technique dans les injections d'ar- seno-benzol. Ibid., 1911, xxii, 121-125.-----. Appareil pour injections intraveineuses d'arseno-benzol. Ibid. 161-163. -----. La question des doses de 606. Ibid.', 403. -----. Technique des injections intraveineuses d'arsenobenzol. Presse mecl., Par., 1911, xix, 739-741. -----. L'injection du 606 en solution acide ne presente aucun avantage sur l'injection en solution alcaline. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1912, clxiii, 456-458.— Leri (A.) Technique et pratique du 606. Province med., Par., 1911, xxii, 13-24.—Lesseliers. A propos d'un nouveau mode de preparation du salvarsan pour in- jections intramusculaires. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1911, n. s., ii, 333-341.—Lesser (F.) Zubereitung und Anwendung von Ehrlich-Hata 606. Allg. med. Centr.- Ztg., BerL, 1910, lxxix, 692. -----. Organotrop, Spirillo- trop; kritische Bemerkungen zur Wirkungs- und Anwen- dungsweisevon Ehrlich-Hata 606. Berl. klin.Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1975-1977. -----. Zubereitung und Anwen- dung von Ehrlich-Hata 606. Therap. Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1910, iv, 746. -----. Zur Wirkungs- und Anwen- dungsweise von Salvarsan. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 164-166. — Leszyinsky (W. M.) Syphilis and the nervous system, with remarks on the Wassermann test and "salvarsan." Med. Rec, N. Y., 1911, lxxix, 288- 291.—Levy-Bing. Un appareil pratique et simple pour les injections intraveineuses de salvarsan. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii, 160. — Levy-Bing (A.) & Durcenx (L.) Les injections in- traveineuses de dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol neutre en sus- pension aqueuse. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911, vi, 915- 936.—Leyden (H.) Algunas observaciones sobre un metodo percutaneo de aplicaci6n de Ehrlich-Hata "606." Clin, y lab. Rev. quincen. de espec mecl., Zaragoza, 1911, vii, 75-77.—Lieven (W. A.) Demonstration of instru- ments for the intravenous injection of salvarsan ("606"). Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Laryngol. Sect, 45.—Likes (S. H.) & Schoenrich (H.) The intraven- ous administration of salvarsan, apparatus and technique. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1912, lv, 1-A.—Loeb (H.) Nadel fiir intravenose Injektion von Salvarsan. Deutsche med. Wchnschr,, Leipz.u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii,203.—Loewen- burg (M.) Ueber die kombinierte Quecksilber-Salvar- sanbehandlung der Syphilis. Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii, 732-735.—Loimiien(A. H. M. E.) Eenige opmerkingen omtrent de wijze van aanwending van Ehrlich's arseno- benzol. Med. Weekbl., Amst, 1910-11, xvii, 469-473.— Loxton (A.) Salvarsan in almond oil. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, 214.—McDonash (J. E. R.) A conven- ient method of giving "606" intravenously. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Dermat. Sect., 36-39. Also: Brit. J. Dermat, Lond., 1911, xxiii, 23-25.—Mcintosh (J.) & Fildes (P.) The technique of intravenous in- jections of salvarsan. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1911, xxiii, 104-109.— MaeKee (G. M.) A comparison of the results obtained by the intravenous administration of acid and alkaline solutions of salvarsan; a preliminary report. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 825-«32. Also, Reprint— Marks (L. H.) The history and methods of application of Ehrlich's dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol. Interstate M.J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 32-38.—von Marschalko' (T.) In welcher Konzentration sollen wir die CIN'a-Losung zu unseren intravenosen Salvarsaninjektionen benu- tzen? Deutschemed. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 546-548.—Marshall (M.) Apparatus for the intravenous administration of salvarsan. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1910, xxxii, 450.—Mayer (H.) Zur Technik der Ehrlich-Hata-Injektion. BerL klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1768. -----. Zur Technik der intravenosen Salvarsaninjektion. Ibid., 1911, xlviii, 815, SYPHILIS. 541 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Modes of administration]. 1687. — Meltzer (S. J.) Ueber die besehleunigte Re- sorption aus den Lendenmuskeln und die Verwend- barkeit dieser Muskeln fiir die Injektion von Salvarsan (Ehrlich). I bid,, 413-418. Also,tra7isL: Med. Rec.,N. Y., 1911, lxxix, 515-517.—Melnn. L'arsenobenzol en appli- cations topiques. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1911,vi,721-727.— Michaelis (L.) Ueber die Anwendung des Ehrlich- Hata'schen Svpnilismittels in neutraler Suspension. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1910, BerL, 1911, xii, pt. 2, 240-242. Also [Abstr.]: BerL klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1401.-----. Die subcutane Anwendung des Ehr- lich-Hataschen Syphilispraparates. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1910, xlvii, 1531.—Milian (G.) Le lieu de l'injec- tion de 606 insoluble. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxx, 350-362. -----. Les doses de 606. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii. 82- 86. Also: Paris med., 1910-11, i, 300-302. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1911, xxii, 165. -----. Technique des injections intraveineuses de sal- varsan. Paris med., 1910-11, i, 159-166. -----. Nouvel appareil pour les injections de 606 (ampoule-filtre aseptau- ton Duret). Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat et svph., Par., 1911, xxii, 297-299.-----. Eaudistilleeet serum artificiel. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxi, 260-263.-----. Precautions noeessairesal'administration du "606." Ibid., 388-399.—Montero Biveros (L.) La cuesti6n de tecnica i dosificacion del arsenobenzol. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1911, xxxix, 194- 206.— Montgomery (D. W.) The administration of salvarsan. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 501-503.— Morales (A.) La tecnica de la aplicaci6n del 606 se- guida en el Hospital militar de Carabanchel. Rev. san. mil. y Med. mil.espafi..Madrid, 1910,iv,758:1911,v, 1; 6.— Morelle (A.) Quelles sont les indications du nouveau remede d'Ehrlich dans la svphilis. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1911, xviii, 17-31.—Newell (E. T.) A simple method of giving salvarsan intravenously, with reportof cases. J. Tenn. M. Ass., Nashville, 1911, iv, 193-202.— Pascal. Un an de pratique du "606"; injections intra- veineuses acides avec serum achlorure glucosique de Fleig. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1912, vii, 182-199.— Pasini (A.) Di un metodo semplice e pratico per l'iniezione del "606" Ehrlich-Hata. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1910, xiii, 1224; 1261. Also: Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1910, xiv, 874-880. Also: Riv. internaz. di clin. e terap., Napoli, 1911, vi, 1-3. Also, transl: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2461.—de Pe- tersen (Q.) Sulla tecnica delle iniezioni intravenose di "salvarsan" (606). Nel xxv anno d'insegn. univ. d. Prof. D. Barduzzi (1886-1910), Livorno, 1911, 389-391.— Ploeger (H.) Beitrage zur Technik der intravenosen Salvarsaninjektion. Ueber einen neuen Sicherungsglas- griff. Munchen. med. Wcbnschr., 1911, lviii, 1071-1073.— Pollltzer (S.) Oily suspensions of salvarsan; the tech- nique of the method. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, 403-405. Also, Reprint.—Porpeta(F.) Algunos antece- dentes, tecnica y aplicaciones de la nueva medicaci6n de Ehrlich "606." "Gac. med. d. bur de Espafia, Granada, 1911, xxix; 49-56.—Queyrat (L.) Nouvel excipient pour les injections intramusculaires d'arsenobenzol; presentation d'appareils pour les injections intraveineuses et les injections intramusculaires d'arsenobenzol. Bull. etmem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1911, 3. s., xxxi, 243- 250.—Beasoner (M. A.) A simple technic for salvarsan injection. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 1804.— Bedlich (E.) Die Quecksiiberbehandlung der Tabes sowie fiber die Erfolge der Ehrlich-Hata-Behandlung in Wien. [Diskussion.] Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, 63- 69.— Reinsert. Salvarsan und Auge. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 1744-1748.— Kemi (S.) Zur Anwendungsweise von Ehrlich-Hata 606. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, 314— Rille. Ueber eventuelle Nebenwirkungen an den Hirnnerven bei Behandlung mit Ehrlich's Praparat 606. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 2281-2285.—Bips. Der Apparat zur intravenosen Salvarsaninfusion nach Rips mit wci- teren kurzen Bemerkungen fiber Bereitung der Infusions- fliissigkeit und die Technik ihrer Anwendung. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1911, xxvii, 798-800. — Roberts (F. A.) Intra-venous injection of "606." J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Orange, 1912, viii, 458-460.—Bo by (J.) A simple apparatus for giving the Ehrlich - Hata remedy. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1911, v, 400-463.— Rytina (A. G.) Apparatus and technique employed in the intravenous iniection of salvarsan. Am. J. Dermat. Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1911, xv, 488-490.— Schamberg (J. F.) The cause of inflammation of cranial nerves after the use of salvarsan; a plea for the intravenous method. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 1433-1436.—Schindler (C.) Ueber ein 40proz. Dioxy- diamidoarsenobenzol-Oel. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 2391. ■-----. Ueber eine genau geaichte Spritze zur Injektion des 40proz. Dioxydiamidoarsenobenzolols * (Joha). J7»7L,1911, xlviii,346.-Schober (P.) ZurTech- nik der Salvarsaninjektionen. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 443. — Scholtz (W.) Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Modes of administration]. Leber die Eri'olge der kombinierten Salvarsan Queck- siiberbehandlung bei Syphilis. Ibid., 1912, xxxviii, 309- 313.—Scholz, Salzberger & Beck. Ueber die Be- handlung der Syphilis mit Arsenobenzol, besonders die Dauerwirkung des Praparates und die Methoden seiner Anwendung. Ibid., 1910, xxxvi,2330-2333.—Schreiber (E.) & Hoppe (J.) Die intravenose Einspritzung des neuen Ehrlich-Hata-Praparatsgegen Syphilis; vorlaufige Mitteilung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1448.— Sellei (I.) Die intravenose Behandlungmit Salvarsan. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1911, xlvii, 17-19.— Serrallach (N.) Aparato para injecciones intra- venosas de "606." Clin, y lab. Rev. quincen. de espec med., Zaragoza, 1911, vii, 77-80. Also, transl: An. de med. Butll. mens, de l'Acad. . . . de Catalunya, Barcel., 1911, v, 16-21.—Siebert (C.) Die Technik der Salvarsan- behandlung. Ztschr. f. KrankenpfL, BerL, 1911, xxxiii, 295; 335-Sonneiiberg. Zur Technik der intravenosen Salvarsan-Injektion. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 888— SpiethoflT. Zur Frage der sauren oder alkalisehen venosen Salvarsaninfusionen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1724.—Stapler (D. A.) Zur Technik der intravenosen Injektion des Salvarsans. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 548.—Stephenson (T.) Preparation of salvarsan injections. Prescribcr, Edinb., 1911, v, 249.— Stewart (E. L.) A simple and inexpensive apparatus for the intravenous injection of "606." Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1911, xxx, 281.—Straehauer (A. C.) An im- proved technic for the intravenous infusion of salvarsan. Internat. J. Surg.,N. Y.,1911, xxiv, 464.—Stiihmer (A.) Unsere Technik der intravenosen Salvarsaninjektion. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 241-243.—Swift (H. F.) Technique and methods of administration of salvarsan. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1911, xi, 273-276.— Swinburne (G. K.) A new and simple method of ad- ministering salvarsan. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1912, xvi, 127-129.—Sycle (M. C.) My experience with salvarsan, both bv the intravenous and intragluteal methods. Charlotte [X. C] M. J., 1911, lxiv, 335-337.—Taylor (G. S.) & Mackenna (R. W.) Sal- varsan ("606") and mercury in the treatment of svphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 121.—Tedesko (F.) Ueber die Behandlung ulceroser Rachenlues und Malaria mit Ehr- lich-Hata 606. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lx, 3050.— Thinius (W.) Apparat zur intravenosen Infusion von Salvarsan. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1912, xxxviii, 369.—Thomson (W. R.) The intravenous injection of salvarsan. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, 823. Also, Reprint—Touraine (A.) Technique des injections intra-veineuses de 606. Tribune m6d., Par., 1910,n.s.,xliii, 630.—Troislbntaines. Con- tribution k l'etude du traitement de la syphilis par les in- jections sous-cutan6es de salvarsan en solution acide. Bull. Soc. franc, dedermat,etsyph., Par., 1911,xxii, 158.— Tryb (A.) Zur Umfrage fiber die Massage unmittelbar nach Injektion des Arsenobenzols. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1911, lxi, 313.—Tschernogubow (N.) Ein Ap- parat zur intravenosen Anwendung des Salvarsans (fi ii). Monatsh. f. prakt.Dermat,Hamb.,i911,lii,607-611.—tlile (A. A.) &Mackinney(W.H.) Improved technique for the intravenous administration of salvarsan by means of a vacuum burette. N. York M. J., [etc.], 1911, xciv, 88.— Unna (P. G.) Einige Indikationen fiir Arsenobenzol. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat, Hamb., 1910, li, 547-551.— Varney (H. R.) Salvarsan; the methods of adminis- tration and some of its therapeutic actions. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1911, xxxiii, 6-10. [Discus- sion], 30-35.—Verstraeten (C.) A propos du "606"; injections intra-musculaires. Ann. Soc. dc m6d. de Gand, 1911, n. s., ii, 72-77.—Volk (R.) Ueber eine ver- einfachte Injektionsmethode des Ehrlich'schen Prapa- rates. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lx, 203*.—Vor- schriften fiir die Anwendung des Ehrlich-Hataschen Mittels. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 2294.—Waelsch (L.) Beitrag zur Indikation und Wirkung kleinsterSalvarsandosen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, xviii, 2498.—Walter (E.) Versuche fiber die Resorptionsfahigheit einer Sal varsan sal be unter Beriicksichtigung der Verwendungsmoglichkeit dersel- ben zur Svphilisprophylaxe. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1911, lix, Orig., 452-456.—Wechsel- mann. LTeber Reinjektionen von Dioxy-diamido- arseno-benzol. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 1692. -----. Ueber Vereinfachung der Tech- nik der intravenosen Injektionen von Arznei-, speziell Salvarsanlosungen durch einen kleinen automatisch wirkenden Kugelventilapparat. Ibid., 1911, xxxvii, 490. -----. Demonstrationen zur Salvarsantherapie. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1911,1, Ref., Bei- heft, 109-112.—Wechselmann & Lange (C.) Ueber die Technik der Injektion des Dioxy-diamido-arsenoben- zol. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1395.—Wechselmann & Nicolal'. Action du dioxy-diamido-arsenobenzol d'Ehrlich (606) sur le cceur. Arch. d. mal. du cceur [etc.], Par., 1910, iii, SYPHILIS. 542 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Modes of admin ist rat i< m]. 730. — WeeliKelinann',s apparatus for the injection of "606." Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 170H. — Welmer. Zur Frage der Konzentrationen der NaCl -Lo^ung bei Sal- varsaninfusionen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 1523.—Werner (H.) Zur Technik der intravenosen Injektion von Salvarsan. Ibid., 112.— Wesson (M. B.) A simple apparatus for intravenous administration of "606," and. technique of using same. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1912, vii, 250.—van der Wielen (T.) De bereiding der salvarsan (606)-oplossin- gen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1910, xlv.pt 2, 2178-21.so.—Wolbarst (A. L.) Ehrlich's arsenobenzol; its technique and indications for general use. N. YorkM. J. [etc.], 1910, xcii, 972-974. Also, Reprint.-----. A simple apparatus forthetransmuscular administration of salvar- san at the bedside, with special reference to the mainten- ance of asepsis. J&M.,1911,xciii,456-458. Also. Reprint— Vakimoft (V. L.) & Kol-Vakimova (Nina). Opiti primleneniya arsenobenzola ("606") v vidle mazi. [Ex- periments on the application of arseno-benzol ("606'M as anointment] Novoye v med., S.-Peterb., 1910,iv, 1(4:;- 1045. Also, transl: Bull. Soc.path, exot,Par., 1910,iii,61s- 620.—von Zeissl (M.) Einige Bemerkungen zur Be- handlung mit Salvarsan. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, 245-251. Syphilis (Treatment of) with salvarsan ("606") [Relapses and reinfections]. Barrier. Un cas de syphilis traitee des le deout par le600; recidive rapide. Bull, med., Par.,1910, xxiv, 1007.— Belin, Milian & Amaudrut. Reinfection syphi- litique apres traitement par le "606. Bull, et mem. Soc. m£d. d. hop. de Par., 1912, 3. s., xxxiii, 224.—Bettmann. Ueber kutane Friihrezidive der Syphilis nach Salvarsan- behandlung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 438-411.—Bod in (E.) Un cas de recidive d'accidents syphilitiques apres deux injections de 606. Bull. Soc. fran?. de dermat et syph., Par., 1911, xxii, 49- 51.— Broeq (L.) A Fernet (P.) Accidents simulant des reinfections apres un traitement mixte par le salvar- san et l'hydrargyre. Ibid., 343-353.—Du Bois. Syphi- lis recidivees apres trois injections de salvarsan etm'algrfi une reaction de Wassermann devenue negative. Ibid., 38-<-390.—Goerlitz (M.) Salvarsan und Neurorezidiv. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1911, xlix pt 2., 567- 5s'.i.—Hanaeek. Reinfektion und Solitiirsekundiiraf- fekt nach Salvarsanbehandlung. Dermat. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Hamb., 1912, liv, 189-191. — Jeanselme & Vernes (A.) Reinfection syphilitique chez deux sujets gueris par le salvarsan. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1911, xxii, 353-357.—Klausner (E.) Ein Fall von Reinfektion nach Salvarsan. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911,lviii,2335.—Kowalewski (R.) Neu- ritis optica als Rezidiv nach Ehrlich-Hata606. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 214L—Loaec. Injection de 606; deux mois apres iritis svphilitique et syphilides. Lvon med., 1911, cxvi, 786-7SS —Magnani (C.) & Truftl (M.) Recidiva di sifiiide o lesioni nervose "606"? Gazz. med. ital.,Torino, 1911,lxii,21-24.—Marcoglou(A.E.) Deux cas de syphilis recidivante apres traitement par l'hectine et le "606" (arseno-resistance). Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat et syph.. Par., 1911, xxii, 285-287.—Jlclnn. Ancien svphilitique traits par I'arsenobenzol; reinfection syphi- litique. Ann. d. mal. v£n., Par., 1912, vii, 128-132.—Mi- lian. Guerison par le 606 d'un malade atteint de chan- cres syphilitiques; nouveaux chancres syphilitiques chez le meme malade trois mois apres. Bull, etmem. Soc m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxx, 715-719.—Noeggerath. Luesrezidiv bei einem mit Hata behandelten Saugling. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 86.—Ravaut (P.) Syphilide ulcereuse chancriforme au gland et du prepuce fiouvant 6tre prise pour une reinfection chez un svphi- itique traitfi anterieurement par le "606." Bull.etinem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1912, 3. s., xxxiii, 248-254.— Saenger (A.) Ueber Neurorezidive nach Salvarsan. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1911, xxx, 796-801.—Sterne (C. F.) Return of syphilitic symptoms after administra- tion of salvarsan. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1911, v, 348.—Tromner (E.) & Delbanco (E.) Ueber Neuro- rezidive nach Salvarsan, speziell Polyneuritis. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1863; 1920.—Wehner. Ueber das Vorkommen spiitluetischer Erscheinungen im Friihstadium der Syphilis nach Salvarsaninjektionen. Ibid., 1721.—Zaun (J. J.) A case of second infection with syphilis after the use of salvarsan. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1912, xiv, 115—Xvlereflt* (B. V.) Slu- chal vtorichnavo zarazheniya sitilisom poslle primlene- niya salvarsan'a. [Secondary svphilitic infection after the use of salvarsan.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 1473. Syphilis (Treatment of) with serum. Gasskr (C.) * Ueber Serumtherapie bei Syphilis. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1897. Lambert (A.-V.-F.-A.) *Etude critique de la sorotherapie dans la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1897. Syphilis (Treatment of) with serum. ------. The same. 8°.' Paris, 1898. Levi (L.) L'autosierotorapia della eifilide e l'immunizzazione contro il virus eitilitico; comu- nicazione preventiva. 8°. Genova, 1M09. Mule (E.) *La serothe>apie dans la syphi- lis. 4°. Paris, 1896. Regnier (L.-R.) Serotherapie de la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1911. Sikoff (N. V.) *Materiali k seroterapii sifilisa; vliyaniye vpriskivaniy sivorotki mer- kuriarizovann ikh loshadel na sostav krovi u sifilitikov. [Data on serumtherapy of syphilis; influence of injection of serum of mercurialised horses on the composition of blood in syphi- litics.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1897. Vieviorovski (A. A.) * Material! k voprosu o vliyanii vpriskivaniy sivorotki kondifoma- toznikh i gummoznikh sifilitikov na krov bol- nikh s rannimi formami sifilisa. [On the in- fluence of injections of serum of condylomatous and gummous syphilitics upon the blood of those with earlv forms of svphilis.] 8°. S.-Pe- terburq, 1897. Anderson (M'C.) Treatment of syphilis by injec- tions of syphilitic antitoxin. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg., 1895-7, i, 52. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1896, xiv, 264-266.— Appel & Paulsen. Ueber die Wirkung von Paulsens Syphilisheilserum. Deutschemed. Presse, BerL, 1904, viii, 33.—Augajrneur (V.) Emploi des injections de scrum artificiel de Hayem dans les syphilis malignes. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 433-437. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, x, 218-253.— Barbianl (G.) Su di alcuni nuovi tentativi di sierote- rapia della sifiiide. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1898, 7. s., ix, 765: 1899, 7. s., x, 45; 81. Also JAbstr.]: Sierote- rapia, Roma, 1899, iii, 65-70. -----. Su di alcuni tentativi di siero-terapia della sifiiide praticati nella Clinica dermo- sifilopatica di Bologna nell' anno 1898. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna. Resoc. (1898), 1899, 54-56. Also: Rassegna med., Bologna, 1898, vi, no. 7, 1-3. Also: 1'nione med. ital., Torino, 1898, ii, no. 45.—Bayet. Les premiers essais de scrotherapie contre la syphilis. J. d. mal. cutan. et svph., Par., 1895, vii, 155-160. Also: J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1895, 113-118.—Blum (A.) & Mou- cliet (A.) Ulcerations gommeuses de la jambe gueries par le serum antisyphilitique. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1«95, 10. s., ii, 292-294.—Boeck (C.) Behand- lung recenter Syphilis mit tertiar-syphilitischem Serum. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1896, xxxv, 3«7-408.—Borovski (V. K.) K voprosu o seroterapii pri sitilisle. Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1896, clxxxvii, 1. sect., 587-595.—Bose (F.-J.) Essais de serotherapie antisyphilitique. Compt rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvii, 649-651. Also: Montpel. med., 1905, xx, 325-328.— Boss! (L. M.) Diun nnovometododisieroterapiadella sifiiide. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 259.—Brown- ing (C. H.) Lecithin and cholesterin as reagents for the detection of syphilitic serums. Brit M. J., Lond., 1910, ii, 1439.— Casagrandl (O.) & De Liica (R.) Tenta- tivi di profilassi e terapia antisifilitica coi filtrati ami- crobici di manifestazioni sifilitiche e con siero di cane trattato con i filtrati stessi. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1906, n. s., xvi, 49-66.—Cheron (J.) Du traitement de la syphilis par les injections intra-musculaires de s£rum artificiel bichlorure^, a doses intensives et e4oignees. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1898, xi, 208-213.— < icero (R. E.) Estado actual de la sueroterapia an- tisifilitica. Gac. mod. de Mexico, 1907, 3. s., ii, 18-30.— < ipollina (A.) Sopra un siero antisifilitico. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1905, Roma. 1906, xv, 55 — Cotterell (E.) The treatment of syphilis by injections of syphilitic antitoxin. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1895, n. s., lx.205.—Delaunay (U.) Les injections de serum dans le traitement de la syphilis. Poitou mod., Poitiers, 1895, ix, 49-52.—De Lisle (J.) A contribution to the serum therapy of svphiiis. N.York M.J. [etc.],1904,lxxx 1201-1207. Also, Reprint. Also,transl: J.d.mal.cutan.et syph., Par., 1905, xvii, 337-346.—De Luca (R,) & Casa- grandi (O.) Tentativi di profilassi e di terapia anti- sifilitica, con filtrati anicrobici di manifestazioni sifiliti- che e con siero di cane trattato con i filtrati suw. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1905, xl 661-979.—DI < ristina ((i.) & Cipolla (M.) Ueber die Bildung speziii-cher Antikorper bei mit Nukleoproteid syphilitischer Organe behandelten Kaninchen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena. 1912, lxii, Orig., 160.—DI Giovanni (I.) Nuovi tentativi di sieroterapia della sifiiide merce il siero idropico di un sifllitico terziario. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1897, xxxii 181-190.—Engel (C. S.) Ein Bei- trag zur Serumbehandlung der Syphilis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1366-1368.—Errlquez (E.) Sull' emoterapia della sifiiide. Puglia med., Bari, 1893, i, 269- 273.—Fouquet (C.) Des essais de bacteriologie et de SYPHILIS. 543 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with serum. serotherapie dans la svphilis. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1903, lxxvi, 1153-1161.—Gilbert (A.) & Fournier (L.) Ex- periments with serotherapy in svphilis. Med. Week., Par., 1895, Iii, 281-283.—Gravagna (M.) Sui lavacri dell' organismo coi sieri artificiali semplici e biclorurati in alcuni casi di sifiiide ribelli al trattamento specifico. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1901, xxii, 154.-----. Ancora delle ipodermoclisi di siero artificiale nelle sifilidi gravi. Ibid., 1033.—Groll (L.) Serumtherapie antisyphili- tique. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1904, xxviii, 30-37.—' tirosz (S.) Die Serotherapie der Syphilis. Wien. med. Presse, 1903, xliv, 401; 456.—Hallopeau (H.) Sur le serum de tjuery et son emploi dans le traitement de la svphilis. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 722-724. Also: Poitou med., Poitiers, 1908, xxii, 29-31.— Hericou rt (J.) Premiers resultats du traitement sero- therapique de la syphilis, dans un cas de tabes au debut chez une ancienne svphilitique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895,10.s.,ii, 21.—Hericourt (J.) & Biehet iC.) Serotherapie dans la syphilis. Ibid., 17; 268.— stanianoff (S. S.) Llecheniye sifilisa podkozhnimi vpriskivaniyami krovyanol sivorotki yagnyat. [Treat- ment of syphilis by subcutaneous injection of blood serum of lambs.] Protok. zas.iid. Kavka/sk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1894-5, xxxi. 232-211.—Jullien (L.) Breve nota sobre algunos eusayos de hemoterapia y de seroterapia en la sifilis. ' An. d. Circ med. argent,Biienos Aires, 1898, xxi, 146-148.---:—. Quelques essais d'hemotherapie et de se- rotherapie dans la syphilis. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1898,3. s., ix, 244. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph.. Par., 1898,ix, 123. Also: Rev.internat.detherap. et Pharmacol., Par., 1898, vi, 89.—Kliiuenko (V. N.) K voprosu o sifiliticheskol sivorotkle Lisle'ya. [On Lisle's syphilitic serum.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 853- 855. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xiii, 221-225.—Kollinaun (A.) Blutserum- injectionen gegen Svphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1892, xviii, 806-808. See, also, infra, Tom- masoli.-l.ane (J. E.) Serum-treatment in svphilis. Practitioner, Lond., 1904, lxxiii, 77-82.—Lefebvfe (A.) Las ultimas investigaciones sobre la sifilis: transmision, inmunizaci6n y sueroterapia. Rev. valenc. de cien. med., Valencia, 1906, viii, 196-199.—Levi (L.) L' auto- sieroterapia della sifiiide e 1' immunizzazione contro il virus sifllitico. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1899, xxxiv, 388-404. — LikhaehetT (A. N.) K llecheniyu sifilisa po sposobu Moore'a. [Treatment of syphilis by Moore's method.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1902, lvii, 1000-1004.— Lourier (A.) Sur la valeur therapeutique des injections de serum de cheval dans le traitement de la syphilis. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1896, viii, 389-416.—Lucas (A.) De l'emploi du sei mercuriel so- luble associG au serum artificiel dans le traitement de la syphilis (medication specifique et reconstituante). Mo- naco-mea\, 1902, vi, no. 93, 3-5.—Lnrye (A. G.) Ovliya- nii podkozhnikh vpriskivaniy loshadinol krovyanol sivo- rotki na sostav krovi u sifilitikov. [On the influence of subcutaneous injections of the blood-serum of the horse in syphilitics.] Russk. arch, patol., klin. med. i bakte- riol., S.-Peterb., 1896, ii, 167-191. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Ibid.,278.—de Mail lane (V.) Studien iiber ein Serum antisyphiliticum. Aerztl. Rundschau. Munchen, 1905, xv, 64-66.—Malherbe (A.) Note sur un essai de sero- therapie dans la syphilis. Progres mecl., Par., 1905, 3. s., xxi, 209-212.—Marinesco. Alcuni studi di sierotera- pia antisifilitica. Riforma med., Napoli, 1911, xxvii, 43- 45.—Matsokin (P. G.) K llecheniyu sifilisa organi- cheskol sivorotkol L. S. Query. [Treatment of syphilis by the organic serum of L. G. Query.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1909, xviii, 266-268. -----. Noviye sluchai izllecheniya sifilisa organicheskol sivorot- kol (L.C.Qu6ry). [New cases of treating syphilis by Query's organic serum.] Ibid., 1911, xxi, 63-58.—Miuirange (G.) Traitement de la syphilis par les injections de se- rum artificiel bichlorure. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1899, cxxxvii, 69-67.—Mazza (G.) A. proposito della sieroterapia nella sifiiide. Gior.ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1893, xxviii, 158-171.—Montero Biveros (L.) Tratamiento de la sifilis por medio del serum especifico humano. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant de Chile, 1900, xxviii, 259; 302; 341.—Moore (E.) Tratamiento de la sifilis por el serum especifico. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana, 1903-4, xii, 82-112. Also: Juventud med., Gua- temala, 1902, iv, 106-116. Also, transl: Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1901, viii, 116-134. —Mueller-Kannberg. Zur Serumtherapie der Syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1896, xxxv, 189-193.—Neisser (A.) Was wissen wir von einer Serumtherapie bei Syphilis und was haben wir von ihr zuerhoffen? EinekritischeUebersicht und Materialien-Sammlung. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1898, xliv, 431-539.—Nicolas (J.) [etal]. Intradermo-reactionetcuti-reaction avec la syphiline chez les syphilitiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxix, 182-184.—IVoyes (A. W. F.), jr. Syphilis and antitoxin. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1896, i, 636-642,lpl.—Opitz (R. B.) The serum-therapy for syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 986.— Syphilis (Treatment of) with serum. Pellizzari (C.) Della sieroterapia nella sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1894, xxix. 398-125. Also: Clin. mod., Firenze, 1896, ii, 40; 60; 94; 132.—Pentzin (B.) Syfiliksen seroterapiasta. Duodecim, Helsinki, 1897, xiii, 136-142.—Pergola (M.) Ricerche sul potere emolitico del siero di sangue dei sifilitici dopo la cura e sulla resis- tenza delle loro emazie a sieri eterogenei. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 1562-1564.—Piccardi (G.) Tenta- tivi di sieroterapia della sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1901, xxxvi, 21-34. — Pollitzer (S.) Serum therapy and serum diagnosis in svphilis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv, 976-978. — Begnicr (L.-R.) Sero- therapie de la syphilis. Med. orient, Par., 1909, xiii, 193; 739:1910, xiv, 294.—Bisso (A.) & < ipollina (A.) I nostri risultati nella sieroterapia della sifiiide. Ann. d. 1st. Maragliano p. la cura d. tuberc. [etc.], Genova, 1904, i, 129-138. Also: Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1904, xx, 1317-1320. Also: Internat. dermat. Kong. Verhandl. u. Berl. 1904, BerL, 1905, ii, 183-192.-----------. Ulteriori ricerche sulla sieroterapia antisifilitica. Ann. d. Ist. Maragliano p. la cura d. tuberc. [etc.], Genova, 1904, i, 219-236. Also: Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1905, xxi, 281-286. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerztel905, Leipz.,1906,pt 2,2. Hlfte.,338-342.----------. Risultati ottenuti col nostro siero antisifilitico. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1906, xxvii, 1329-1332. Also: Lavori d. Cong. di med. int. 1905, Roma, 1906, xv, 56-60. Also, transl: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1906, lxxix, 55-74.— Bochon. Des indications de la serotherapie dans la syphilis. Med. mod., Par., 1896, vii, 553. —Sack :(A.) Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Serumtherapie bei Svphilis. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1897, vii, 388-391. Also: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1897, lxvi, 573-676.— Seirale (M.) II siero sifllitico ozonizzato acquista pro- priety fissatrici per il complemento. Path. Riv. quindi- cin., Genova, 1910-11, iii, 115-117.—Serotherapie anti- syphilitique. Art med., Par., 1897, lxxxiv, 120-132. Also [Abstr.]: Presse med., Par., 1897, 241.—Smiryagin (M. G.) K seroterapii sifilisa. [Serumtherapy of syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1904, viii, 55- 60.—van der Spek (J.) Serumtherapie bij^ syphilis. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1896-7, iii, 71-74.—Spiegler (E.) Ueber den derzeitigen Stand der Bestrebungen einer Serumtherapie der Syphilis nebst praktischen Vorschlii- gen zu einer solcheri. Wien. med. BL, 1895, xviii, 167- 169.—Spitzer (L.) Zur atiologischen Therapie der Sy- philis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xviii, 1171-1176.— Tarnovski (V. M.) Seroterapiya v primlenenii k llecheniyu sifilisa. [La serotherapie dans le traitement de la syphilis. Extr., 274-278.1 Russk. arch, patol., klin. med.i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1896,ii, 145-167, Also: Dnev- nik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, Kiev, 1896, vi, no. 7, 9-15: no. 8,1-5. Also, transl: Arch. f. Der- mat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1896, xxxvi, 63-91.—Tar- novski ( V. M.) & Yakovleff ( S. S.) Llecheniye sifilisa stvorotkoyu merkurializovannikh zhivotnikh. [Traitement de la syphilis par le serum d'animaux mer- curialises. Extr., 686-688.] Russk. arch, patol., klin. med. i bakteriol.. S.-Peterb., 1897, iv, 611-634. Also, transl: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1897, della sifiiide; appunti critici indirizzati al dott. Arturo xii, 225-256.—Tonimasoli (P.) Sull' azione del siero di sangue d' agnello contro lasifilide e contro il lupus. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1892, xiii, 651. -----. Sull' emoterapia Kollmann,di Lipsia. Ibid., 1257-1260.-----. Sull' emote- rapia della sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1892, xxvii, 347; 477. Also, transl: Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1893, vii, 889-891. -----. Sui diversi metodi di emo- terapia della sifiiide. Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. 1, 231; 243.-----. Sulla sieroterapia della sifiiide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1896, xxxi, 35-49.—Triboulet (H.) Serotherapie dans la syphilis. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895,10. s., ii, 18-21.—VIevSorovski (A. A.) Nleskolko nablyudeniy nad izmleneniyami v krovi pri seroterapii sifilisa. [Quelques observations sur les modifications du sang pendant le traitement de la syphi- lis par le serum. Extr., 311-313.] Russk. Arch, patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1897, iii,279-297.-----. 0 llechenii sifilisa sivorotkol sifilitikov. [On the treat- ment of syphilis with serum from syphilitics.] Russk. arch, patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1899, vii, 43-62. Also, transl.: Compt.-rend.Cong.internat.demecl. 1897, Mosc, 1899, v, med. mil., 194-200.—Viguier de Maillane. Etudes sur un serum anti-syphilitique. Echo med. d. Cevennes, Nimes, 1904, v, 248-257. Also: Ann. de therap. dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, vi, 217-228. -----. Observations sur l'emploi. d'un serum anti-syphili- tique. Echo m6d. d. Cevennes, Nimes, 1905, vi, 473-480.— Vreden (R. R.) Resultati pervikh opitov seroterapii sifilisa v Kiyevle. [Results or first experiments of treat- ing svphilis bv serum in Kivev.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1895, vi, 1137-1139.—Waelsch (L.) Das Sy- philisheilserum von Dr. Paulsen. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1904, lxx, 461-464.—Weisz(F.) A syphilis serumtherapiajarol. [Serumtherapy in syphilis.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1896, xxxvi, 272. SYPHILIS. 544 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Treatment of) with silver com- pounds. Audry (C.) & Dalous. Essais de traitement de la syphilis par l'argent colloidal. Ann. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 259-261. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 125-127. Also: 3. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1903, xv, 494-497. —Justus (J. ) Kankokezeles albarginnal. [The treatment of the chan- cre with albargin.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1904, xliv,516- 518.—Karliriskt (J.) O leczeniu przymiotu (syphilis) grebrem. [Treatmentof syphilis witnsiiver.] Now. lek., Poznah, 1906, xvii, 251. Also, transl: Heilkunde, BerL, 1906,255.—Stonkus(I.K.) Collargol pri sifilisle. Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 970-973. Syphilis (Treatment of) with soamin. Fraser (A.) Soamin (sodium para-aminophenylar- Bonate) in syphilis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, ii, 550.—Gill (S. D.) Acase of syphilis treated with arylarsonate of sodium ("soamin"). Midland M. J., Birmingh., 1909, viii, 102.— Halahan (T. D.) Soamin in virulent syphi- lis; a striking case. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, i, 504.— Martin (E. H.) Soamin. Memphis M. Month., 1910, xxx, 289-292. Syphilis (Treatment of) with sodium cacodylate. Caffrey (A. J.) Sodium cacodylate in syphilis; re- port of a case. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, lv, 2211. -----. Sodium cacodylate in svphilis; a second note. Ibid., 1911, lvi, 641.—Crigler (L. W.) Sodium cacodyl- ate in tertiary syphilis; report of a case. Ibid., 897.— De Neen (D. D.) Is sodium cacodylate a specific for syphilis? Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1911, XV, 249.—FoilStanOS (I. A.) Nea depaireia. Trjs crvi. primlenenii dekokta Zittmann'a pri sifilisle ncrvonl sis- temi i pri drugikh stradaniyakh. [On the therapeutic application of Zittmann's decoction in syphilis of the nervous system and in other diseases.] Voyenno-med. J St. Petersb., 1895, clxxxiii, 1. sect., 254-269. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Presse med., Par., 1895, 471. Syphilis (Tropical). Jeanselme. La syphilisexotique d'Extreme-Orient J. demed. int., Par., 1902, vi, 121-124. -----. Diagnostic et traitement de la syphilis exotique. Rev. gen. de clin etde therap., Par., 1904, xviii, 33. — Kohlbrugge (J. H. F.) Syphilis in den Tropen. Arch. f. Schiffs- ii. Tro- pen-Hyg., Leipz., 1900, iv,219.—deMolenes (P.) Con- tribution a l'etude de la svphilis exotique. J. demed et chir. prat., Par., 1909, lxxx, 849-857.—[Neisser.] Die Neisserschen Syphilisforschungen auf Java. Ztschr. f. Bekampf. d. Geschlechtskr., Leipz., 1906, v, 261-282.— Nolan (A. H.) Burmese "kwe-na". Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1897, x, 523-526. — Seittert. Ueber Tropen- syphilis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 2318.— Tslenovski (A. A.) Sifilis i kozhniya zabollevaniya v tropikakh. [Syphilis and skin diseases in the tropics.] Terap. Obozr., Odessa, 1911, iv, 464-469. — zur Ver th. Die Syphilis der Europaer in den tropischen Gegenden der ostamerikanischen Kiiste. Arch. f. Schiffs-u. Trc- pen-Hyg., Leipz., 1904, viii, 115-125. — Zechnieister (H.) Die Syphilis in den Tropen, deren Verlauf und Be- handlung. Ibid., 1908, xii, 350-359. — Ziegelroth. Syphilis in den Tropen. Arch. f. phys.-diatet. Therap., Frankf. a. 0,1910, xii, 133-135. Syphilis (Urine in). See, also, Syphilis (Congenital, Urine in). Ferras (J.) * Recherches sur la nutrition chez les syphilitiques par l'analyse des urines. 8°. Pons, 1901. Labat (E.-X.) * Contribution a l'etude de la diazoreaction en general et dans la syphilis en particulier. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899. Paxnetier (E.) * De l'albuminurie chez les syphilitiques. Etude clinique et diagnostic. 4°. Paris, 1893. Renaud (H.) * Contribution a l'etude de la signification clinique du syndrome urinaire de Be ce Jones (albuminurie thermolytique). Ses rapports avec la parasyphilis. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Roustan (P.) * Contribution & l'etude de l'albuminurie syphilitique precoce. 8°. Paris, 1901. Rozhdestvenski (P. I.) * Blelok i tsilindrf v mochle sifilitikov pod vliyaniyem llecheniya pre- paratami rtuti (vtir. sterol rtutnol mazi, vpriskiv. salit^.-kislol rtuti i sublimata). [Albumen and cylinders in the urine of syphilitics under treat- ment with preparations of mercury (rubbing with gray mercuric ointment, injections of sa- licylate of mercury, and sublimate.] 8°. />'.- Peterburg, 1896. Saulneret (A.) *La cryoscopie des urines dans quelques cas de syphilis. Application de la methode de Claude et Balthazard. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Soual (J.) * Recherches sur l'urine des sy- philitiques. 8°. Toulouse, 1900. Abelin (J.) Ueber eine neue Methode, das Salvarsan nachzuweisen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1002.—Beisele (P.) Ueber eine neue Methode, das Sal- varsan nachzuweisen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 3113.—Blumenthal (F.)& Wile (U.J.) Ueber komplemententbindende Stoffe im Harn Syphilitischer. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 1051-1056.—Bufta (E.) Essai d'urologie syphilitique. Arch, internat. de Pharma- col., Brux. et Par., 1901, ix, 495-503.—Calcagno (B.) Un caso di emoglobinuria parossistica da sifiiide. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1896, xliii, 281-321.— Cardarelli (A.) Un caso di poliuria sifilitica. Stu- dium, Napoli, 1911 iv 175-177.—Caudr in (L.) Incon- tinence nocturne d'origine hysterique chez un adulte sy- philitique; guerison. N<>rd med., Lille, 1905, xi, 114- 116—Chistyakoff(M. A.) Glucozuriya v nachalnom periodle sifilisa. [Glycosuria in the first stage of syphi- lis.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 103; 139.—Emery. Conduite a tenir en presence d'un syphilitique albumi- SYPHILIS. 545 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Urine in). nurique. Clinique, Par., 1910, v, 248-250.—Fiessinger (C.) Les albuminuries syphilitiques. Rev. gen. de clin. etde therap., Par., 1907, xxi, 485-187.—Fisieliella (V.) & Jlodica (O.) Ricerca dell'acetone nelle urine dei sifilitici. Riforma med., Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. 2, 641-643.— Gaston (P.) Albuminurie syphilitique et chancre de 1'abdomen. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1893, iv, 558-560— Jeanselme (E.) & Charles-Bon- grand. Note sur l'elimination de l'arsenic apres in- jection de 606. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1910, xxi, 301-306.—Karpoff (P. K.) Znacheniye analizov mochi na rtut pri llechenii sifllisa; udobnoye vido'izmleneniye sposoba Vitsa. [Value of analyzing the urine for mercury in the treatment of syphi- lis; Witz's method.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1905, ix, 277-281.—La bat. La diazoreaction dans la syphilis. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol. de Bor- deaux, 1899, xx, 296-298.—La bat & Servel. La diazo- reaction dans la syphilis. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1899, xxix, 442.—Le Fur. Un cas d'hematurie d'origine sy- philitique. Paris chirurg., 1910, ii, 852-854.—Lemoine & Caudron. Incontinence nocturne d'origine hyste- rique, chez un adulte syphilitique; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. med.-chir. du Nord, Lille, 1905, i, 72.—ITIan- chot (C.) Ueber die Beziehungen der Glykosurie und des Diabetes mellitus zur Svphilis. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat, Hamb., 1898, xxvii, 221-244. — Jtturri (A.) Emoglobinuria e sifiiide. In his: Scritti med., 8°, Bo- logna, 1902, ii, 867-902.—Neumann. De l'albuminurie dans la syphilis. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, 3. s.,iv,767.—Patoir (J.) De l'excretiori urinaire chez les syphilitiques; contribution a l'etude des troubles de la nutrition generale et des fonctions renales et hepatiques dans le cours de la syphilis. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1901, n. s.,v, 385-130.—Petersen. Ueber Albuminurie bei Syphilis. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, BerL, 1891, iv, 13. Abth., 124-126.— Bappin & Henrot. Bacilles acido-resistants dans l'urine de svphilitiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 408.—Schwlm- mer (E.) Ueber das Vorkommen der Albuminurie bei luetischen Affektionen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xiii, 1913; 1964; 2015.—Soual. Sur la toxicite urinaire et sur la permeability renale dans la syphilis. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1901, xiii, 75-78. -----. Sur 1'aug- mentation du rapport des chlorures k Puree dans les urines des syphilitiques. Ibid., 79-81.—Wickham (E.) Note sur l'albuminurie survenant dans le cours d'acci- dents secondaires d'origine svphilitique. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1886), 1887, xxi, 41-49. Also [Rap. de Horteloup]: Ibid., 164-171.—Zeidlilz (P.) Ueber die Verwendbarkeit der Almen'schen Wismuthprobe fiir die Untersuchung syphilitischer Zuckerharne. Upsala Lii- karef. Forh. Festskr.. . . Hammarsten, 1906, pt. 22,1-17. Syphilis (Vaccinal). Munoz (L.) Reflexiones acerca de un hecho en el cual pudieran apoyarse algunas personas para asegurar la existencia de la vacuna sifili- tica. 8°. Mexico, 1872. Bedoin. Note sur deux cas de syphilis developpee apres la vaccination, mais non transmise par elle. Bull. Soc. de mea*. de Par. (1873), 1*74, viii, 41-72. [Discus- sion], 82-85.—Bernaldez (F.) Some considerations on vaccinal syphilis. Am. J. Pub. Hyg., Bost, 1909-10, n. s., vi, 531-534.—Dedyurin (I. P.) Sluchal zarazhe- niya sifilisom pri vaktsinatsii. [Syphilitic infection in vaccination.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1894, xix, 495.— Haushalter (P.) Un cas de syphilis vaccinale. Rev. m6d. de l'est, Nancy, 1894, xxvi, 265-268. Also: J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1894, vi, 483-486.—Herrington (L. P.) Vaccine virus and syphilis. Georgia Pract., Savannah, 1905, ii, 324.—Hutchinson (J.) A healthy family after vaccination; syphilis. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1898, ix, 363.—Martha. Syphilis vaccinale meconnue; perforation palatine. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1895, xvii, 600- 602—-flolfese (G.) Di un voluto caso di sifiiide vacci- nale. Arch. ital. di pediat, Napoli, 1893, xi, 241-247.— Nobl. Experimentelles zur Frage der Syphilis vacci- nata. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 1906, BerL, 1907, 276.—Petters (V.) K otazce o pfeneseni pfijice chranidkami. [On the.ouestion of the diffusion of syphilis by vaccination.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1872, xi, 113; 121; 129:137; 115:153— Porot. Syphilis cere- brale maligne et preeoce d'origine vaccinale; meningite basilaire aigue. Lyon meo\, 1902, xcix, 635-645.—Ri- chard (G.) De la vaccino-syphilis. Actuality mfid., Par., 1895, vii, 97; 119; 132; 147. Syphilis ( Vegetations in). See Condyloma. Syphilis (Virus of). See Syphilis (Causes, etc., of); Syphilis (Tox- ins, etc., in). vol xvii, 2d series----35 Syphilis (Visceral). See, also, Brain (Syphilis of); Heart (Syphi- lis of); Intestines (Syphilis of) ; Kidney (Syphilisof); Liver (Syphilis of); Liver (Syjtlii- lis of, Treatment of, Operative); Liver (Syphilis of) in children; Lungs (Syphilis of); Pancreas (Syphilis of); Spleen (Syphilis of); Stomach (Syphilis of); Syphilis (Congenital, Manifesta- tions, etc., of); Syphilis (Manifestations, etc'., of). Hauck (H.) * Ueber syphilitische Neubil- dungen in Milz, Leber und Lymphdrusen. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Eingeweide- Syphilis. 8°. Breslau, [1868]. Hudelo (L.) * Contribution a l'etude des lesions visc6rales dans la syphilis hereditaire. Lesions du foie. 4°. Paris, 1890. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1890. Koerfer (C.) * De syphiliticis viscerum affectionibus. 8°. Bonnse, 1854. Loder (L.) * Lues congenita an Leber, Lunge und Nieren. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1897. Stolper (P.) Beitriige zur Syphilis viscera- lis, Magen, Lungen, Herzsyphilis. fol. Cassel, 1896. Abrahams (R.) Visceral syphilis with special reference to the larger blood vessels. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1910, xxv, 1142-1146.—Achard. Syphilis vis- cerale avec ophtalmoplegie double. Bull, med., Par 1906, xx, 323-326.— Bayles (G.) Syphilis of internal or- gans. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1 s.i 1-5, xxi, 381- 391.—Besnier (E.) Syphilis viscerale precoce; hyper- splenie syphilitique secondaire. Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1893, iv, 2.—Billings (F.) Visceral syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 1653-1658.— Bird (F. D.) Abdominal svphilis. Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 1905, Adelaide, 1907, vii, 108-124. Also: Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1905, xxiv, 446-459. Also: Intercolon. M.J. Australas., Melbourne, 1905, x, 380-408.— Birt (A.) The fever of late visceral syphilis; its diagnostic difficulties., Montreal M. J., 1905, xxxiv, 748-757, 1 tab.—Blumen- thal (R.) Un cas de splenomegalie aleucemique avec rate mobile, suite de syphilis. Clinique, Brux., 1905, xix, > 1005-1016.—Bristowe (J. S.) On visceral syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 331; 372.—Bushby (T.) Case of acute visceral svphilis. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1910, xxx, 216-219. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1911, n. s., xci, 333.—Cayley & Hulke. Pulmonary syphilis; gum- mata in liver. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1893, Lond., 1894, 74.—Collinet (E.) Foie syphilitique; sillons et depres- sions cicatricielles; gommes et hepatite interstitielle; syphilis gommeuses du crane; rate et reins amylo'ides; nephrite interstitielle. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 368-377—Delepine & Sisley (R.) Extensive gummatous lesions of the liver, diaphragm, lung, and spleen. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 1068.—Desplats & Angler. Un cas de syphilis viscerale. Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lille (1893), 1894, 25-27.—Dolgopoloflf (N. M.) K voprosu o sifilisle vnutrennikh organov v selskom naselenii. [Syphilis of internal organs in the village population.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1901, i, 481; 607. -----. K kazuistikle porazheniya vnu- trennikh organov sifilisom. [Syphilis of the internal or- gans.] Ibid.,1907, xiii, 375-380.—Dumont, Cailliau <& Carianopol. Syphilispulmonaireethepatique. Bull. etm6m. Soc. anat. de Par., 1911, lxxxvi, 247-250.—Du- paquicr (E. M.) Early hepatic manifestations in syphi- lis. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1910-11, lxiii, 882.—Einhorn (M.) Ein Fall von syphilitischer Geschwulst des Magens und der Leber mit Heilung. Internat. med. Rev., BerL, 1907, i, 13. Also, transl: Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1909, xxii, 6— Engel-Beiineis (J.) Ueber die visceralen Erkrankungen in der Friihperiode der Syphilis. Mo- natsh. f. prakt. Dermat, Hamb., 1892, xv, 477-487.—Es- pina. [Sifilis cardio-pulmonar.] An. r. Acad. d. med., Madrid, 1907, xxvii, 290-294. Also: Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1907, lxxvi, 151-153.—Fabris (A.) Sulla epatite interstiziale diffusa nella sifiiide acquisita. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino 1908, xxxii, 47H88, 1 pl. —Fey (J.) Syphilis des Pankreas, kombiniert mit Syphilis andere Organe. Med. Klin., BerL, 1910,- vi, 1815.—Gaucher (E.) Les manifestations visce- rales de la syphilis secondaire. Ann. de m6d. et chir. inf., Par., 1904, viii, 613-620.— Gerhardt. Syphi- lis einiger innererOrgane. Aerztl. Rundschau. Munchen, 1900, x, 547-552.—Godart-Danhieux. Un cas de syphilis abdominale. Policlin., Brux., 1911, xx, 154-15S.— GrosN (H.) Die syphilitische, fibrose Darm- und Ma- genstriktnr. Munchen. med. Wchnschr.,1903,1,157-161.— Hermann. Klinisch-anatomischer Beitrag zur Patho- SYPHILIS. 546 SYPHILIS. Syphilis (Visceral). genese des viszeralen Luestiebers. Med. Klin., BerL, 1910, vi, 1015-1017.—Hoover i ('. F.) Report of cases of syph- ilis of the viscera. ('leveland M. Gaz., 1899-1900, xv, 359- 365.—Hudelo & Emery. Syphilis intestinale. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv, 657-686.—Ingelrans & Ar- quembourg. Foie ficel6 syjphilitique, rein k deux ureteres, atherome de l'aorte. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1907, xi, 185.—Jacobaeus (H. C.) Einige Bemerkun- gen fiber syphilitische Herz- und Gefasskrankheiten vom klinischen und pathologisch-anatomischen Gesichts- puukte aus. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1911, cii, 41-53.—Jaeobsohn. Ein Boitrag zur kongenitalen Lues der Leber, Nieren und Lungen. Verhandl. d. phys.- med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1900-1901, n. F., xxxiv, 36- 43.—Kretschmer (J.) Die Vielgestaltigkeit der visze- ralen Lues. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 835-.S38■—Kurkovski (I. P.) O likhora- dochnom techenii vistseralnavo sifilisa. [Fever in visce. ral syphilis.] Izviest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad., S.-Pe- terb., 1909, xviii, 267-294.—Lamb (D. S.) Case of syphi- lis of liver and other organs. Wash. M. Ann., 1909-10, viii, 290.—Iiaseh (Q.) Casuistiseher Beitrag zur Lehre von den Visceralerkrankungen in der Friihperiode der Syphilis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, xxxi, 906-912. Also, transl in: Sei. essays & monogr., 8°, Lond., 1900,145- 164.—Lazarus-Barlow (W. S.) Svphilitic stricture of bileducts. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1898-9, 1, 158.—L.evi- son (L. A.) The acute abdominal manifestations of syphilis. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1911, cv, 436-443.—Lo- wenthal (J. L.) Die viszerale Lues. Aerztl. Prakt., Hamb., 1893, vi, 1137-1157.—Jlader (J.) Syphilis der Leber, Lunge, des Darmes, ein Neoplasma vortiiuschend; Tod. Wien. med. Presse, 1896, xxxvii, 1312-1314. Also [Abstr.]: Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst 1894, Wien u. Leipz., 1896, iii, 848.—Mamonott" (N.N.) O sifili- ticheskikh zabollevaniyakh organov grudnol klletki i ikh differentsialnol diagnostikle. [Syphilis of the tho- racic organs and its differential diagnosis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1908, xv, 346-358.— llannaberg (J.) Ueber intermittierendes Fieber bei viszeraler Syphilis, namentlich bei Lebersvphilis. Zt- schr. f. klin. Med., BerL, 1907, lxii, 253-201.—JIusser (J. H.) The mild character and diminished prevalence of syphilis, and the infrequency of visceral syphilis. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1894, ix, 211-222. Also, Reprint. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 149-151.—Oigaard (A.) Behandling af de syfilitiske hjerte- og karsyg- domme. Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1911, 5. R., iv, 825; 8*01; 885.—Orbant (B. Ye.) K voprosu o sifilisle vnutrennikh organov. [Syphilis of the internal organs.] Sborn. klin. | rabot iz terap., otd. Imp. Klin. Inst [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1908, i, 141-212.—Perrond. Observation de syphilis viscerale. J. de med. de Lyon, 1866, v, 135-140.—Peter- sen (O.) Versuch einer path jlogisch-anatomischen Sta- tistik der visceralen Syphilis. Monatsh. f. prakt. Der- mat., Hamb., 18S8, vii, 109-122, 1 tab.—Planer (H. P.) Ein Fall von Nierenentziindung bei bestehender syphi- litischer Leberzirrhose mit Thrombose derganzen Pi'orta- der. Wien. med. Presse, 1905, xlvi, 1729.—Preis (N. P.) Sifilis vnutrennikh organov. Svphilis visceralis. Med. besieda,Voronejzh,1893, vii, 275; 306; 360.—Bobbins (H. A.) Organic syphilis. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1893-4, xx, 372-381. -----. Syphilis of the abdominal or- gans. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897-8, xxxviii, 109-114. Also, Reprint. -----. Svphilis of the thoracic organs. Maryland M. J., Bait, 1897-8, xxxviii, 55-61. Also, Re- print. -----. Syphilis of the vital organs. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1896-7, i, 65-73. Also, Reprint. -----. Syphilis of the vital organs. Am. J. Dermat. & Gen- ito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 73; 108. Also, Reprint— Budnitski (N. M.) K voprosu o sifiliticheskikh zabo- llevaniyakh zheludka i pecheni. [Syphilis of the stom- ach and liver.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 591; 625; 645; 664. Also, transl: Arch. f. Verdauungskr., BerL, 1909, xv, 92-115.—Salomon. Gommes syphilitiques du poumon et syphilis sclero-gommeuse du foie. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 901-903.—Scheib (A.) Syphilis mit gummoser Affection des Magens und Darmes sowie der Lungen bei einem 51jahrigen Manne. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xxv, 537; 551.—Schilling (F.) Syphilitische Magen- und Darmerkrankungen. Zentralbl. f. StoiYwechsel- u. Verdauungskr., Gotting., 1904, v, 559-570.—Sclilagenhauler (F.) Ueber visce- rale Syphilis (Pancreatitis gummosa und chronische gummose Entziindung des retroperitonealen und Be- ckenbindegewebes). Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1902, lix, 377-386.—Schubert. Demonstration von zwei Fallen von viszeraler Lues. Jahresb. d. Ge- sellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd. 1905-6, Munchen, 1907, 117-119. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1906, liii, 1276.—Schuiieiuanii (H.) Ein Fall von Pericarditis und Mediastinitis syphilitica. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1901, lxx, 5s5; 597.—Sewall (H.) Svphilis of the abdominal viscera. I'r. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1900, 298-304.—Sieve rs (R.) Fall af syfilis i lefver och hjarta. [. . . liver and heart] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Hel- singfors, 1904, xlvi, pt. 2, r..is— Smith (A. J.) Visceral Syphilis (Visceral). syphilis. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1891-3), 1893, xvi, 237.— SoboletT(L. A.) K voprosu o sifilisle zheludochno- kishechnavo trakta; sluchal sifilisa tolstikh kishek. [Syphilis of the gastro-intestinal canal; case of svphilja of the large intestines.] Vrach. Gaz.. S.-Peterb., ii)ic*, ix 83; 107.—Soueek (A.) Ein Fall von Perisplenitis lue- tica. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, 1235.—Stolper. Beitrag zur Syphilis visceralis. Jahresb. d. schles Ge- sellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1894, Bresl., 1895, lxxii. 1. Abth Med. Sect, 58-63.— Swan (J. M.) Visceral svphilis' Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1904, xxv, 88-95" [Dis- cussion], 104-109. Also: Medicine, Detroit, 1904, X, 422- 427. Also, Reprint. — Tedeschi (G.) Degenerazione amiloide dello stomaco accompagnata a degenerazione amiloide diffusa del fegato, della milza, dei reni e dell' intestino in seguito a sifiiide costituzionale pregressa Arte med., Napoli, 1902, iv, 871-876.—Thomas. Syphi- lis tertiaire du foie et de la rate; traitement specifique: guerison. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc]. Soc. de therap' . . ., Par., 1897, ii, 316-320.—Thorel (C.) Ueber visce- rale Syphilis. Arch. f. path. Anat [etc.], BerL, 1899, clviii, 271-287.— Trlnkler (N.) O syphilis visceralis i yevo proyavleniyakh v formle khirurgicheskikh zabo- Hevaniy. [. . . and its exhibitions in the form of surgical diseases.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov 1902, iv, 26; 140; 254; 536.' Also, transl: Mitt. n. d. firenz- geb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1902, x, 726-757 — IMiiimhIa (R.) [A case of svphilis of the viscera.] Kyoto Iirak- kwai Zasshi, 1899, 438-444.—Ustinoll" (A. P.) Sluchal sifilisa vnutrennikh organov; Myositis syphilitica et affectio pulmonis dextrae. [Syphilis of internal organs . . .] Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat, Obsh. (1X93-1), 1895, iii, 26-37.—Verrotti (G.) Di alcuni casi di febbre sifili- tica tardfva con visceropatie specifiche non comuni. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1908, n. s., xxx, 721- 736.—'Warrington (W. B.) Visceral svphilis. Liver- pool M.-Chir. J., 1909, xxix, 87-100. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1909, lxxxvi ii, 219-222.—Westplialen i H.) Ueber Fieber bei viszeraler Syphilis. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1906, xxxi, 440-453—White (W. H.) The clinical aspects of visceral svphilis. Med. Citron., Man- chester, 1906-7, xliv, 135-141—von Zcissl (M.) Leber die Syphilis des Magens und Darmes. Wien. med. Presse, 1902, xliii, 737; 795. Syphilis in animals—Dourine. See Syphilis (Experimental inoculation of). Syphilis in art. See, also, Syphilis (Curiosities, etc., of). Blanchard (R.) La svphilis dans l'art. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1903, xvi, 266-270, 1 pl.—d'Hos- talrlch. La lepre et la syphilis envisagees comme ins- piratricesd'art Med. mod., Par., 1910, xxi, annex, clxix. Syphilis and cancer. Feanke (H.) Beitrag zur Entwickelung ' bosartiger Geschwiilste auf dem Boden alter syphilitischer Xarben. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1894. Horand (R.-D.) * Syphilis et cancer. Can- cer sur svphilis ou cancer juxtasyphilitique. 8°. Lyon", 1907. -----. The same. 12°. Paris, 1908. Lekisch (H.) * Ueber Kombination von Syphilis und Carcinose. 8°. Munchen, 1900. Papiaxtz (Leontine). *Du role de la syphi- lis dans Petiologiedu cancer. 8°. Geneve, 1908. Romek (A.) * Ueber Carcinom auf luetischem Boden. 8°. Bonn, 1903. Sickmann (J. H.) * Ueber Vorkommen von Carcinom bei Syfilitischen. 8°. Kiel, 1901. Stryck (A.) *Ein Fall von Narbencarcinom luetischen Ursprunges. [Wurtzburg. ] 8°. Kahn, 1896. Allen (C. W.) Clinical considerations upon chancre and cancer. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1900, xv, 1322-1331 — Crivelli (M.) Syphilis and cancer. Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 1908, Victoria, 1909, i, 414-416.—ICtcheverry (J.) Svphilis et cancer. Ann. de dermat et syph., Par., 1904, 4." s., v, 797-809.—Finato (L.) Un caso di epite- lioma associato a sifiloma. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1905, xi, 422-425— Horand (R.-H.) Traitement de la syphilis chez Us cancereux. Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1907, xiv, 99-103. Also: Tribuue med., Par., 1907. n. s., xxxix, 135-137—King (W. P.) The relation of syphilis to can- cers of the mucous membranes. N. York M. J., 1898, lxviii, 659-i;ii3. Also: St. Louis Cour. Med., 1906, xxxv, 29-3i;.—Legrand. Svphilis et cancer. J. de med. de Par 1908, 2. a., xx. 476. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 190s, 371-375.—Letulie (M.) Le r61e de la SYPHILIS. 547 SYPHILIS. Syphilis and cancer. syphilis dans le cancer. J. de med. de Par., 1907, 2. s., xix, 295; 305— Montgomery (D. W.) & Slieriuan (H. M.) A combination of syphilis and epithelioma of the tongue. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1906, xxiv, 564-570, 3 pl.—Ozenne (E.) Du role de la syphilis dans le cancer. Clin. prat. . . . mal. d. yeux, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1908, iv, 41-53.— Bohrbach (R.) Ueber eine hoch- gradige atypische Epithelwucherung bei Syphilis; ein Beitrag zur* Carcinomgenese. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xlix, 589-592.—Sellniidt (L. E.) Case of syphilitic ini- tial lesion followed by epithelioma. J. ("utan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 275—Smiryagin (M. G.) Rak nbsa na sifiliticheskol pochvle. [Cancer of the nose fol- lowing syphilis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1905, x, 348-351.—Terry (W. I.) Luetic infec- tion, followed by epithelioma. Occidental M. Times, San Fran., 1903, xvii, 271. Syphilis in children. See, also, Parrot's disease; Syphilis (Con- genital). Carpenter (G.) The syphilis of children in every-day practice. 12°. London, 1901. Foirnie (J.) * Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis acquise chez les enfants. 4°. Lyon, 1892. Hochsinger (C.) Ein Fall von Polymyositis heredo - syphilitica im Sauglingsalter. 8°. [Wien, 1905.] Manne (A.) *Le chancre svphilitique chez l'enfant. 8°. Paris, 1911. Renard (F.-J.) ^Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis des os chez les enfants. 4°. Lille, 1893. Robin (G.) * Etude sur la syphilis infantile. 8°. Paris, 1903. Abgabe luesverdachtiger Kinder in Aussenpflege durch die niederosterreichische Landesfindelanstalt. Ztschr. f. Sauglingsfursorge, Leipz., 1910-11, iv, 337.—Al- len (C. W.) Some phases of lues in early life. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St Louis, 1900, iv, 24-29. Also: St. Louis Cour. Med.,1899, xxi, 406-412.—Antonelli (A.) A propos de syphilis infantile. Ann. de med. et Chir. inf., Par., 1898, ii, 405-410.—Arkin (E.) Sluchal tvyordavo shankra u 13-tilletnel dievochki. [Hard chan- cre in a girl 13 years old.] DIetsk. med., Mosk., 1900, v, 352.—Arquellada (A. M.) La alimentacion y la sifilis en el nifio. Siglomed., Madrid, 1908, lv, 114-116.—Ba- ginsky (A.) Die Pathologie der Parasyphilis im Kin- desalter. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1908, Iii, 133-150.— Ballabene (C.) La sifiiide nei bambini. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1894, 5. s., xviii, 477; 509.—Baratier (A.) La syphilis etl'enfanceau village. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1897, ix, 513-534. Also: Med. inf., Par., 1897, 253-273.—Barbour (P. F.) Syphilis in the young. Pe- diatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1896, ii, 361-368. [Discussion], 396- 403.—Bayet (A.) Note sur la syphilis acquise de l'en- fance. Clinique, Brux., 1894, viii, 209-212. Also: 3. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1891, vi, 282-285.—Beauvieux. Syphilis et keratite interstitielle de l'enfance. Arch. d'opht, Par., 1910, xxx, 621-633.—Benitez (M.) Sifilis infantiladquirida. Independ. med., Barcel., 1898-9,xxx, 292. Also: Oto-rino-laringol. espafi., Madrid, 189S-9, i, 259.—Bogdan (G.) Deux chancres syphilitiques chez une petite fille de sept ans; excision; recidive sur place. J. d. mal. cutan. et svph., Par., 1897, ix, 27*-282. — von Bokay (J.), Vermes (L.) & von Bokay (Z.) Die Heilwirkung'les Salvarsans bei der Lues des Kindesal- ters. Wien. klin. Wchn-chr., 1911, xxiv, 583-601.—Bou- lengier. De la syphilis infantile. Presse med. beige, Brux.,1895, xlvii, 373; 381; 389.—Broca (A.) Adenophleg- mon latero-pharyngien chez un nourrisson syphilitique. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1904, xviii, 737.— Bueura (C.J.) Geschlechtsverhaltnis der Neugebore- nen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der mazerierten Kinder. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 1177- 1180. — Canuet. Syphilis acquise infantile. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 733. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph Par., 1896, vii, 375.—Car- penter (G.) Syphilis in children. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1900, n. s., lxx, 670-672.— Cocks (E. L.) The voungest case of the initial lesion of svphilis. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1899, xvii, 272. — Coutts (J. A.) The Hunterian lectures on infantile syphilis. Lan- cet, Lond., 1896, i, 971; 1043; 1115. Also, Keprint. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 1025-1027.—Banlos. Du chancre syphilitique dans la premiere enfance. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 1067. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, dedermat. etsyph., Par., 1899, x, 445.—Bay- ton (W. A.) The aural and nasal history of sonio syph- ilitic children. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 165-167.—Be Marco (A.) La rinite cro- Syphilis in children. nica nella sifiiide infantile e sue conseguenze nell' adulto. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1910, xxviii. 61-74. — Downie (W.) An account of some cases of acquired syphilis in children. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1126—Elliott (G. T.) Treatment of syphilis in infants and young children. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1895-6, xxiii, 631-657. -----. The diagnosis and treatment of early and late syphilis in children. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., [Phila.], 1896, 263-282— E lull itz. Syphilis acquise dans la pre- miere enfance; infantilisme consecutif. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1.S95, 3. s., vi, 28-30. Also: Bull. Soc. franc. dedermat. etsyph., Par., 1895, vi, 20-23. — Eudlitz & Baraseli. Syphilis acquise dans la premiere enfance; infantilisme consecutif. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 521. Also: Bull. Soc. frane. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 221. — Fedehenko (N. P.) Pod- kozhniy metod llecheniya sifilisa u dietel. [Subcutaneous method of treating syphilis of children.] Trudi Obsh. dletsk.vrach., Mosk., 1897-8, vi,9-30— Ferran (J.) Sifi- lis infantil. Rev. de cien. med., Habana, 1895, x, 257.— Feulard (H.) Chancre syphilitique probable du sillon naso-genien droit chez un nourrisson. Ann. de dermat. et syph.,Par.,1895,3.s.,vi,339.—Forchheimer (F.) Infan- tile syphilis. Internat. Clin.,Phila., 1892,2.s.,ii,144-10L— Fournier (A.) Syphilis acquise dans le jeune age. Ann. de med. scient et prat, Par., 1893, iii, 153; 161. Also: France med., Par., 1893, xl, 209-212. Also: Gaz. med. de Liege, 1897-8, x, 45-47. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., lv, 635. -----. Dans quelles conditions convient-il d'accorder ou de refuser une nourrice a l'enfant d'un pere syphilitique? Presse med., Par., 1896, 609-611. -----. La syphilis acquise chez l'enfant. Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1902, iv. 265-207.— Fruhinsholz (A.) Etude de 95 cas de syphilis infan- tile. Rev. d'hyg. et de med. inf. [etc.], Par., 1903, ii, 1-6:5, 10 pl.—Gallia (C.) Della cura della sifiiide infantile con la polvere grigia. Rassegna di terap., Torino, 1903, v, 84-87.—Gastou (P.) Le coryza syphilitique, son role pathogenique et meurtrier dans la syphilis infantile. Cong. nat. period, de gynec, d'obstet et de pediat, Rouen, 1904, iv, 696-698.—Gil let (H.) Cure de Quin- quaud (emplatre au calomel a demeure) dans la syphilis de l'enfant. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par!, 1900, sect, de m6d. de Pent, 542-548. Also: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1900, xiv, 627-629.—Gottheil (W. S.) A rare syphilitic infection. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1896, xxvi, 61-64. -----. Note on the use of soluble me- tallic mercury (hvrgolnm) in the treatment of infantile syphilis. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1899, xii, 285. -----. Chancre of the penis in a boy of nine years. Post-Gra- duate, N. Y., 1908, xxiii, 200.—Govoroff(G. F.) K vop- rosu o vistseralnom sifilisle dletel. [Visceral svphilis of children.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1910, lxxiii, 661-674.— Griffin (E. H.) Chancre of the mouth, with statistics and a report of twelve cases, three occurring in children in one family, and the local treatment for syphilitic ma- nifestations of the throat. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xl, 206: 1892, xiii, 393-395. Also, Reprint. — Hadden (W. B.) Syphilis and nervous disease in children. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 1221.—Haushalter. La syphilis infantile & la Clinique des maladies des enfants. Rev. med. de Test,] Nancy, 1900, xxxii, 506-508.—Hernandez (T.) Llanto sifllitico. CrOn.med. dela Habana, 1908, xxxiv, 126-130.— Heubner (O.) Die Syphilis im Kindesalter. Handb.' d. Kinderkr. (Gerhardt), Tiibing., 1896, Nachtrag, 285- 421.—Hochsinger (C.) Syphilis. In: Handb. d. Kinderh. (Pfaundler& Schlossmann), 8°, Leipz., 1906, i, 894-951. Also, transl: Dis. Chil. . . . Pfaundler & Schloss- mann, Eng. transl., 8°, Phila. & Lond , 1908, ii, 500-567,' 6 pl.—Ilutinel. Les anemies syphilitiques de la pre- miere enfance. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1911, xviii, 229.—Imerwol (V.) Traitement de la sy- philis chez les enfants par les injections de sublimg d'apres la methode du Prof. Lucasiewicz. Bull. Soc. d. med. et nat. de Jassy, 1903, xvii, 48; 167. Also, Reprint.— .Jones (T. H.) Infantile syphilis. Therapist, Lond., 1*99, ix, 141-115.— Kalb (R.) Ueber die Einwirkung des Khrlichschen Arsenobenzols auf die Lues der Kinder mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Syphilis congenita. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii, 1378-1381.—Kilmer (T. W.) A report of a case of infantile syphilis. Arch. Pediat, N. Y., 1903, xx, 840.—Kineh (C. A.) Acquired syphilis in children. Pediatrics, N. Y., 1908, xx, 163- 167,1 pl.—Koenigstein (R.) Ueber parasyphilitische Erkrankungen im Kindesalter. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1911, xxv, 453; 471.—Krutovski (V.) Ulcus induratum pudendorum u rebyonka v vozrastle 1 g. 8 mlesyatsev. [. . . in a child 1 year 8 months old.] Dietsk. med., Mosk., 1896, i, 120.—l.evy-Fraiiekel (A.) Le lactate neutre de mercure dans le traitement de la svphilis in- fantile. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1906, i, 343-348.—Little (E. G. G.) Caseof acquired syphilis in a female child aged 9. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Dermat. Sect, 87.—Lydston (G. F.) A case of syphilis, in a boy six years of age, contracted by coitus. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxx, 694.—JTIcKee (J. H.) Unrecognized syphilis in the child. Phila. Polyclin., 1897, vi, 379-381.— SYPHILIS. 548 SYPHILIS. Syphilis in children. Martin (A.) Statistische Untersuchung iiber die Fol- gen infantiler Lues (acquirirter und hereditiirer). Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 1037-1041.— .fiery. Svphilis acquise et svphilis hereditaire chez l'enfant. Rev. mod. de med. et de chir.. Par., 1903, 123-128.— Meshtslierski (G. I.) & Sokoloff(Ya. N.) Sluchal tvyordavo shankra kralnel ploti u malchika 1 g. 1 mles. [Chancre of the prepuce of a boy 1 year 1 month old.J Russk. J. Kozhn. l Ven. Boliezn., S.-Peterb., 1908, xvi, 304-307.—Moliner (C.) Sifilis infantil. Rev. Ibero- Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1900, iii, 29-40.—Moncorvo. Du r61e etiologique de l'heredo-syphilis dans les maladies du cerveau et de la moelle chez les enfants. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, iii, pediat., 170-172. -----. A proposito da syphilis e da mortalidade infantil no Rio de Janeiro. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1903, xvii, 169.—Morquio (L.) Sifilis genital adquirida en un nifio de 5 afios. Rev. med. d. Uruguay, Montevideo, 1902, v, 305-309.—Musmeci (N.) Un caso di sifiiide infantile. Med. ital., Napoli, 1904, ii, 188.—Orgazon (J.) Sifilis adquirida amamantando & un nifio. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1900, xviii, 411-413.—Papillon (P.-H.)" Syphilis acquise chez une enfant de deux ans; osteoperiostites precoces. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1908, x, 109-111.—Passini. Endarteritis syphilitica bei einem 2jiihrigen Kinde. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1896, xxi, 195-202.—Pillay (G. T. E.) Acquired syphilis in a girl aged twelve years. Indian M. Rec., Calcutta, 1900, xvii, 64.— Pinl (G.) La sifiiide negli esposti. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1901, 8. s., i, 325-350.—Polozker (I. L.) Syphilis in infancy and childhood. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1908, xii, 463-466.— Pousson. Ulceration syphilitique dc la jambe chez une enfant. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. etchir. de Bordeaux (1895), 1896, 439-441.—Bavizza (Alessandrina). Minorenni e fanciulli ricoverati nel comparto sifiliatrico di Milano. Atti d. Cong. naz. "Pro inf." 1902, Torino, 1903, 263-266.— Bietsehel (W.) Ammenvermittlung, Sauglingsftir- sorge und Syphilis. Ztschr. f. Sauglingsfursorge, Leipz., 1910, iv, 297-309. -----. Schlussbemerkung zu dem Auf- satze: Ammenvermittlung, Sauglingsfursorge und Syphi- lis. Ibid., 1911, v, 209-215.—Bobinson (H. B.) Syphi- litic joint disease in children. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 1191-1193.—Botch (T. M.) Gonorrhoea and syphilis in infancy and early childhood. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1907,17. s., ii, 212-214, 2 pl. Also, Reprint—de Roth- schild (H.) Syphilis infantile; hygiene et therapeu- tique. Progres med., Par., 1901, 3. s., xiv, 438-441. Also, transl: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1902, xlvii, 2; 14. -----. Syphilis acquise chez un enfant de 2 ans i; chan- cres linguaux multiples en voie de transformation en plaques linguales. Rev. d'hyg. et de med. inf. [etc.], Par., 1902, i, 327-329, 1 pl. —Buhrah. A case of ac- quired infantile syphilis. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1898, xv, 190.—Sachs (B.) The nervous manifestations of hereditary syphilis in early life. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., [Phila.], 1896,293-300.-r-Schreiber (E.) Die Bedeutung von Ehrlich-Hata 606 fur die Kinderheilkunde. Zentralbl. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1911, xvi, 1-5.—Siebert. Ueber Svphilis infantilis. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 425.—Sisto (G.) Llanto sifllitico. Arch. Latino-Am. de pediat., Buenos Aires, 1906, ii, 91-104.—Sodman (M. M.) K voprosu o sifilisle v ispravitelnikh zavedeniyakh dlya malolletnikh. [Syphilis in reform institutions for mi- nors.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1909, viii, 1353.—Still (G. F.) On infantile syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 1402-1405. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1904, lxxiii, 94- 110.—Stojimirovid (D. I.) Sifilis u svrljigu. [Syphi- lis in children.] Srpski arh. za celok. lek., Beograd, 1903, ix, 101-104.—Sto well (W. L.) Types of infan- tile svphilis. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1893, x, 27-37.— Sulihow. Ulcus induratum an den Geschlechtstheilen eines 9jahrigen Miidchens. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1900, xxviii, 419. —Sutherland (G. A.) A case of ,"punch"-like intonation in a syphilitic infant. Rep. Soc Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1906-7, vii, 116.—Tansley J. O.) An interesting case of primary syphilitic infection in an infant. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1894, xi, 521-523.— Trelles (J. A.) Sifilis infantil. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1894, xx,618-622.—Unzer (J. A.) Fortpflanzung der Lustseuche durch das Saugen der Briiste. Arzt, Hamb., 1769, iii, 637.—Variot. Accidents parasyphili- tiques hereditaires chez l'enfant. J. d. med. int., Par., 1905, ix, 158.— Weiss (L.) Syphilis in children. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1907, vii, 433-438.—Welt- Kakels. Fall von acquirirter Lues bei einem 8jahrigen Miidchen. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1902, xiv, 363.— Wickerkiewiez (B.) O rzadkich postaciach syfili- ticznego zapalenia rog6wkowego u dzieci. [Rare form of syphilitic keratitis in children.] Post, okul., Krak6w, 1900, ii, 6; 41; 80.—Wisniewski (J.) Przyczynek do przvmiotu u dzieci. [Syphilis in children.] Now. lek., Poznan, 1903, xv, 121-127.—Wormley (W.) Svphilis in children. Med. Age, Detroit, 1904, xxii, 168-173.—Ya- kovleflf(S.) Ulcus induratum penis u 4£ lietnyavo malchika. [. . . in a boy 4J years old.] Russk. J. Syphilis in children. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1901, ii, 601.— Yel- tsina (Zina'ida Y.) Nedostatochnost nadzora za malo- lletnimi v artelnikh masterskikh i neobezpechennost dletel sifilitikov bolnichnimi mlestami. [Inadequate care of minors in shops, and insufficiency of beas in hospitals for syphilitic children.] Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1900, xxi, 577-579. Syphilis and crime. Ashmead (A. S.) Syphilis in relation to crime. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1906, xxiv, 571-573. -----. On the suppositious relationship of crime with syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. et Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1908, xii, 384-387.—Ravogli (A.) Syphilis in relation to crime. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1906-7, ii, 68-74. Also, Reprint. Also: J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 82. Syphilis and diseases of skin. See Syphilides. Syphilis and divorce. See Syphilis and marriage. Syphilis and erysipelas. See Syphilis (Mixed infection in). Syphilis insontium. See Syphilis (Extragenital chancres in); Syph- ilis (Familial); Syphilis (Transmission of, non- sexual; Syphilis and marriage; Syphilis and occupations. Syphilis and lactation. See Syphilis (Transmission of) by lactation. Syphilis and leprosy. See, also, Leprosy (Mixed infection in). Frugoni (C.) Syphilis und Lepra. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1909, xcv, 223-250,1 pl. — Mc- Murray (W.) The analogous aspect which may exist between certain cases of syphilis and leprosy, and the difficulties of their differential diagnosis. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii, 112. Syphilis and life insurance. See, also, Syphilis and longevity. Marsh (£. J.) Syphilis as affecting life in- surance risks. 8°. New York, 1895. Blaschko (A.) Svphilis and life insurance. Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y.* 1904, xiv, 593-600. Also, transl: Bull, de l'Ass. internat. d. med.-exp. de comp. d'assur., Brux., 1904, iii, 32-53. Also, transl: Ibid., 88-107.— Bramwell (B.) Syphilis and life assurance. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1902-3, n. s., xxii, 90-119.—Burnett (S. G.) Syphilis versus accident and life insurance. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1911, xxxix, 228-233.—Fox (T. C.) Syphilis in relation to life assurance. Proc Life Assur. Med. Off. Ass., 1896-7, Lond., 1898, 1-39. [Discussion], pt. B, 1-27. Also: Med. Exam., N. Y., 1896, vi, 167-173. [Discussion], 187-191.—Frank (P.) Syphilis ist im Sinne der Privatunfallversicherung als schwere Krankheit an- zusehen. Med. Klin., BerL, 1911, vii. 315.—Gollmer (R.) Die Sterblichkeit der an Syphilis vorerkrankten Versicherten nach den Beobachtungen der Gothaer Le- bensversicherungsbank. Ber. u. Verhandl. d. internat Kong. f. Versicher.-Med., BerL,1906,151-163. Also, transl: Bull, del'Ass. internat. d. med.-exp. de comp. d'assur., Brux., 1906, v, 151— Hamill (E. H.) Syphilis from a life insurance standpoint. Am. J. Dermat. & Gen.-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1909, xiii, 144-148.—Jacobsohn. Zur Syphilisfrage. Ber. u. Veihandl. d. internat. Kong. f. Versicher.-Med., BerL,1906,ii, 39-51. [Discussion], 177.— Kleinschniidt (E.) Der Anteil syphilitischer Er- krankungen an den Sterbefallen der Vaterlandischen Lebensversicherungs-Gesellschaft. Ibid. 173-189. Also, transl: Bull, de l'Ass. internat. d. med.-exp. de comp. d'assur., Brux., 1906, v, 152-154.—Kucher (J.) Syphilis in regard to life insurance. Med. Exam. & Pract, N. Y., 1906, xvi, 133.— Ijydston (G. F.) A medico-legal point in the prognosis of syphilis. Chicago M. Recorder, 1893, v, 309-313.—Maclaren (P. H.) Syphilis from an in- surance point of view. Edinb. M. J., 1895-6. xii, 785.— Marsh (E.J.) Syphilis and life insurance. Med.Exam. & Pract, N. Y., 1907, xvii, 75-80— Marshall (C. F.) Syphilis and life assurance. Treatment, Lond., 1905-6, ix, 321-326.—Munk (F.) Welche Bedeutung hat die Serodiagnostik der Svphilis fiir die Lebensversichemng? Ztschr. f. Versicheruhgsmed., Leipz., 1910, iii, 198-183.— Salomonsen(E.) Syfilis og Livsforsikring. [Syphilis and life insurance.] Ugesk. f. Laeger, K0benh., 1905, 5. R , xii, 577-590.-----. Nyere Unders0gelser over Syfilis' Indflydelse paa Levesandsvnligheden. [Recent re- searches on the influence of syphilis on expectation of life.] Ibid., 1907, 5. R., xiv. 1233-1237.—Salomon- SYPHILIS. 549 SYPHILIS. Syphilis and life insurance. sen (T.) Observations sur la syphilis; recherches sta- tistiques de la compagnie d'assurance sur la vie Le Dane- mark. Bull, de l'Ass. internat. d. med.-exp. de comp. d'assur., Brux., 1905, iv, 94-106.—Shillitoe (A.) Syphi- lis in relation to life assurance. Ibid., 1906, v, 54-74.— Symposium on svphilis. Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y., 1907, xvii, 69-95.— Tiselius (P. H.) Ueber die Syphilis bei Lebensversicherung. Ber. u. Verhandl. d. internat Kong.f. Versicher.-Med., Berl., 1906, 201-211. Also, transl.: Bull, de l'Ass. internat. d. med.-exp. de comp. d'assur., Brux., 1906, v, 156. Also, transl: Med. Exam. & Pract, N. Y., 1907, xvii, 70-74.— de Wilde (P. A.) Eenige be- schouwingen over syphilis, in verband met levensverze- kering. Geneesk. Courant, Amst., 1907, lxi, 1-3. Syphilis in literature. See Syphilis (Curiosities, etc., of); Syphilis (Poems, etc., relating to). Syphilis and longevity. Knabe (H.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Lebensdauer nach erworbener Syphilis. 8°. Jena, 1902. Blaschko (A.) Der Einfluss der Syphilis auf die Lebensdauer. Ber. u. Verhandl. d. internat. Kong. f. Versicher.-Med., BerL, 1906, 95-140. Also, transl: Bull, de l'Ass. internat. d. med.-exp. de comp. d'assur., Brux., 1906, v," 146-151. Also, transl: Med. Exam. & Pract, N. Y., 1907, xvii, 80-95.—Bramwell (B.) The influence of svphilis on longevity. Clin. Stud., Edinb., 1905-6, iv, 96.—Graham (J. K.) The influence of syphilis upon health and longevity. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 71.—Hyde (J. N.) Syphilis as related to the problems of longevity. Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y., 1905, xv, 273-280. Also: Medicine, De- troit, 1905, xi, 259-268. Also: Bull, de l'Ass. internat. d. med.-exp. d. comp. d'assur., Brux., 1905, iv, 184-197.— Salisbury (J. H.) The influence of syphilis upon health and longevity. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 247-254. Also: Med. Exam. & Pract, N. Y., 1907, 123-126.—Salomonsen (L. W.) Der Einfluss der Syphilis auf die Lebensdauer. Ber. u. Verhandl. d. internat. Kong. f. Versicher.-Med., BerL, 1906, 193-197. Also, transl: Bull, de l'Ass. internat. d. m6d.-exp. de comp. d'assur., Brux., 1906, v, 154-156. Also, transl: Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y., 1907, xvii, 69. Syphilis and marriage. Fournier (A.) Syphilis et mariage. 8°. Paris, 1880. ------. The same. Syphilis and marriage. Lectures delivered at the St. Louis Hospital, Paris. Transl. by P. Albert Morrow. 12°. New York, 1882. Langlebert (E.) La syphilis dans ses rap- ports avec le mariage. 12°. Paris, 1875. Mazzoxi (C.) Due lettere sifilografiche sulla causa di separazione di toro fra i conjugi Signori Cesare Valentini e Rosa Cacalucci. 12°. Roma, [1862]. M6glie(G.) Sifiiide e matrimonio. Saggio critico. 8°. Roma, 1894. Okulyus. Sifilis i polnoye yevo izliecheniye v soyazi s voprosom o brakie i nasliedstvennooti. [Syphilis and its complete cure, in connection with marriage and heredity.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1907. Pacheco Dantas (J.) * Syphilis e casamento; fragmentos de hygiene social. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1905. Welander (E.) De veneriska sjukdomarne och aktenskapet. [Syphilis and marriage.] 8°. Stockholm, 1909. Borzecki (E.) Kiedy raozemy pozwolic sie zenid osobnikowi, kt6ry przebyl kile? [When may syphilitics be permitted to marry?] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1905, xliv, 419-422.—Breakey (W. F.) Syphilis and mar- riage. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 1231-1233.— Bremener (M. M.) Sifilis i brak. [Syphilis and mar- riage.] Terap. Obozr., Odessa, 1910, iii, 42; 93; 112; 140.— Bureau (G.) A quelle epoque et a quelles conditions peut-on autoriser le mariage d'un syphilitique? Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1908,2. s., xxvi, 645-650.—Buschke (A.) Ehe und Syphilis. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. u. Wien, 1905, x,517-532.-Cauzard (A.) Secret professionnel et syphi- lis conjugale. Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1908, xv, 198-202.— Charpentier (A.) Meningite chronique syphilitique conjugale. Rev. neurol., Par., 1906, xiv, 550.—Civatte Syphilis and marriage. (A.) A quelles conditions peut-on autoriser le mariage des syphilitiques? Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1907, 4. s., viii, 734-758.—Cordwent (G.) When may syphi- litics marry? Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 944.—Brennen (C. T.) Syphilis and marriage. Memphis M. Month., 1898, xviii, 193-203.-»ubois-Havenith. Syphilitique candidat au mariage et certificat medical. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1901, liii, 321-326.—Du Castel. Syphilis et mariage. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1904, xviii, 100.—Emery. Quelles sont les conditions d'ad- missibilite au manage pour un syphilitique? Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 643-015.—Feulard (II.) Syphilis heredi- taire chez un enfant de 4 mois; syphilis ignoree de la mere; pere indemne de syphilis; syphilis contractee pro- bablement dans un premier mariage et par conception. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., v, 441-446. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, v, 129-131.— Finger (E.) Wann diirfen Syphilitische heirathen? Heilkunde, Wien, [etc.], 1896-7, i, 338-354.—Fournier (A.) Doit-on informer une femme mariee de la syphilis dont elle est atteinte? Gaz. de gynec., Par., 1894, ix, 114- 118.—Glenn (W. F.) Svphilis and marriage. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Chattanooga, 1888, 84-91. — Gottheil (W. S.) When may our syphilitics marry? South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1894, xxiv, 407-410.— Hardaway (W. A.) Syphilis and marriage. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1902, xxvi, 174-177.—Hawthorne (CO.) Examples of syphilis in married women. Polyclin., Lond., 1910, xiv, 101.—Hel- ler (J.) Ist nach dem B. G.-B. die Syphilis der Ehegatten ein Grund zur Trennung der Ehe? Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xxxviii, 1168-1171. -----. Ist die Syphilis des einen der Ehegatten nach dem neuen burgerlichen Gesetzbuch ein Grund zur Trennung der Ehe? Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1902, ix, 67-73.—Heymann (F.) Die Schweigepflicht des Arztes bei in der Ehe erworbener Syphilis. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., BerL, 1903, xxiv, 31.—Huber (A.) A syphi- lis 6s a hazassag. [ . . . and marriage.] Orvos. lapja, Budapest, 1901, xii, 6-8.— Hutchinson (Sir J.) The after-marriage chancre. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1895, vi, 131-133. -----. Syphilis and marriage; an instance of se- vere family syphilis. Ibid., 1896, vii, 63.—Iordan (A.) Sifilis u zamiizhnikh i v semelstvakh. [Syphilis among married women and in families.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1908, lxx, 735-739.—Janovsky (V.) Pfijice v pomeru ku manzelstvi a d6di6nosti. [Venereal disease com- pared with marriage and heredity.] Casop. 16k. desk., v Praze, 1881, xx, 196; 211; 230; 245: 257; 281; 297; 328; 342; 355; 403.—Klotz (H. G.) Diirfen Syphilitische heira- then? N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1896, viii, 419-430.— La ICosa (G.) La quistione sifiiide e matrimonio con- siderata dal punto di vista dei suoi rapporti con le re- centi esperienze della sifiiide sperimentale. Pratica d. med., Napoli, 1906-7, vii, 260-267.—Lespinne. Syphilis conjugale; le mari parait indemne de syphilis; la femme eontracte au debut du mariage une syphilis grave. Pro- gres med. beige, Brux., 1902, iv, 201-203. — Liesser (E.) Unter welchen Bedingungen diirfen Syphilitische heira- then? Therap. Monatsh., BerL, 1896, x, 431-434.—Lust- garten (S.) Wann und unter welchen Bedingungen diirfen Syphilitische heirathen? N. Yorker med. Monat- schr., 1896, viii, 431-440. [Discussion], 459-470. — .Lyds- ton (G. F.) The marriage of syphilitics; a reply, by J. M. Mathews. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1901-2, viii, 227-230.—Itlacgillivray (C. W.) Syphilis and mar- riage. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1909-10, n. s., xxix, 72-80.—Itlacry (N.) Darf der Arzt der vom Ehemanne mit Lues infizierten Frau die Natur ihres Leidensver- schweigen? Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1908, xxxiv, 2127.—iHallierbe (H.) Histoire d'une sy- philis conjugale; syphilis cerebrale chez la femme, coma siderant. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1903, xxi, 125-132. Also: 3. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1903, xv, 165-171.—Man- nino (L.) Sifiiide e matrimonio. Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. med. in Palermo (1892), 1893, 181-185. Also: Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1893, xxviii, 153-157.—Mante- gazza (U.) Sifiiide e matrimonio. Corriere san., Mi- lano, 1908, xix, 2)3; 265.—lYIariani. Sifiiide e matrimo- nio; sifiiide e allattamento. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Mi- lano, 1910, xiv, 119-121.— Marshall (C. F.) Syphilis and marriage. Edinb. M. J., 1903, n. s., xiv, 146-148. Also: Treatment, Lond., 1903-4, vii, 491-496.—de JTlarti- gny (A.) Remarques sur le role du medecin dans la syphilis ignored chez la femme mariee. Clinique, Mont- real, 1899-1900, vi, 193-199. — Montalvo (J.) Sifilis y matrimonio. Juventud m£d., Guatemala, 1899, i, 3; 42; 55. — JTIorrow (P. A.) Svphilis and divorce. Med. News, N.Y., 1903, lxxxiii, 1110-1115. Also,Reprint.-----. Prognosis of syphilis; relations to marriage and heredity. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, lxxx vii, 436. — JHtiller (J.) Sy- philis und Ehe. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamtgeb. d. prakt. Med., 1909, ix, 185-201. —Otis (W. K.) The mar- riage of syphilitics. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 668.— Paisant (R.) Discussions des conclusions du rapport sur la question: La syphilis peut-elie etre, par elle-meme, une cause de divorce? Soc. frang. de prophyl. san. et mor. Bull., Par.,1909, ix, 59-80—Philaretopoulos (G. A.) AiapKeia t5js fioAvfr/aaTticdTT/TOS T7/s L\iBos; i) crTrbvScuoTTjs avTTjs virb ttjv Hiro\\iiv tou yajiov Kal t>j? kAi/poi'Oju.iko-tjtos. SYPHILIS. 550 syphilis. Syphilis and marriage. \*tpik'o<; p.-qvvTiop, 'Afloat, 1901, i, 115-117. — Porter (W. G.) The marriage of syphilitics. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1894, n. s., xviii, 288-290. Also: N. Eng. M. Month., Dan- bury, Conn., 1893-4, xiii, 451-459. Also: West. M. Repor- ter, Chicago, 1894, xvi, 99. — Proieta (G.) Separazione diconiugiper sifiiide. Gazz. med. sicil., Catania, 1902, v, 32.— Queyrat (L.) Syphilis et mariage; dystrophies multiples chez un enfant ne d'un pore syphilitique, non traite, dix ans apres l'accident initial. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1907, 3. s., xxiv, 787-791. Also: Pediatric prat., Lille, 1907, v, 191. — Baulln. Sy- philis conjugale. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1899), 1900, 287-291. — Bieul-Paisant. La svphilis doit-elle etre une cause de divorce? Rev. prat." d'obst. - et de gvnec, Par., 1909, 88-92.— Sack (A.) Die Uebertragbarkeit der Spiitsyphilis in der Ehe. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 424-426. — Shel- Icnberg (M.) Svphilis in its relation to marriage. Med. Times, N. Y., 1904, xxxii, 205-21 is — Sottas. Deux faits de svphilis dans le marriage. Internat. Cong. Der- mat OIL Trans. 1896, Lond., 1898. iii, 879-882.—Spill- mann (L.) Trois cas de syphilis conjugale avec pa- ralysie generale progressive consecutive. Prov. med., Par., 1908, xix, 161-163. Also: Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1908, xl, 215.—Syphilitiques candidats au mariage: les fiances svphilitiques. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1903, lxxiv, 161-167.— [Thiblerge.] Syphilis et deon- tologie. [Abstr.] Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1903, x, 157; 172.—Thilliez. Le medecin doit-il declarer ii une femme mariee svphilitique la nature de son affection? J. d. sc. med. de lille, 1910, i, 518-551.—Valentino (C.) L'admissibilite des svphilitiques aumariage. Rev.scient., Par., 1903, 4. s., xx," 650-653.—Whiteside (G. S.) Ma- ternal syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xiv, 1065- 1067.—Yoshivaro/. Amor, matrimonio y sifilis. Gac. med. d. Norte, Bilbao, 1911, xvii, 41-44—Zito (G. G.) Sifiiide e matrimonio. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1900, xxvi, 533-554. Syphilis in negroes. Bryce (C. A.) Why does the Southern negro escape the ravages of syphilis"? South. Clinic, Richmond, 1905, xxviii, 1 :">■">.— t'orson (E. R.) Syphilis in the negro. Am. J. Dermat & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 240-247.—Jones (F.) Syphilis in the negro. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xiii, 32-34.—Lofton (L.) Multiple chancre in the nea;ro. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1903, vii, 263-269 — Murrell (T. W.) Syphilis in the negro; its bearing on the race problem. Ibid., 1906, x, 305-307. -----. Syphilis and the American negro, amedico-sociologicstudy. J. Am. M. Ass.,Chicago, 1910, liv, 846-849. Also: Med. Progress, Louisville, 1911, xxvii, 176-179.—Post (A.) A caseof syphilis in a negro closely simulating a tuberculide. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1905, xxiii, 179.—Quillian (D. D.) Racial ' peculiarities a cause of the prevalence of syphilis in negroes. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 277-279. Also: Med. Era, St. Louis, 1911, xx, 416- 418. Syphilis and nursing. See Syphilis (Transmission of) during lacta- tion. Syphilis and occupations. See, also, Syphilis in physicians; Syphilis in soldiers, etc. Bouis (P.) *De la syphilis des verriers. Responsabilite des patrons. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Belcher (C.) Industrial syphilis. Brit M.J., Lond., 1909, i, 151.—Bernacehi (L.) II contagio sifllitico in occasione di lavoro. Medicina d. infortuni d. lav. [etc.], Perugia, 1910, iii, 161; 209. Also, transl: Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1910, xvii, 372-3S3. Also, transl: J. de med. de Par., 1911, xxiii, 440.—Bertenson (L. B.) Sifilis i venericheskiya bollezni sredi rabochikh gornikh zavodov i promislov. [Syphilis and venereal diseases among the mining laborers.] Trudi . . . syezda po obsuzhd. mler prot. sif. v Rossii [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1897, i, 183-208.—Chancre syphilitique du doigt chez one irarde- conches infectee par un nourrisson heredo-syphilitique. T. ile clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1*9*, vi, ttis.—Covisa. Sifilis accidentalmente adquirida: sifilisprofesional. An. de la Acad.de obst. [etc.], Madrid, 1910, iii, 102-107.— Hallopeau. Sur un cas de syphilis d'origine pro- fessidiinelle. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 1130. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1902, xiii, 600.—Schmidt (M.) Ein Syphilom als Betriebsunfallsfolge. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1901, viii, 237-241.—Shiryayeff (P. A.) Sifilis i veneri- cheskiya bollezni v rabochom gorodskom naselenii v Moskvle, vrachebnaya gorodskaya pomoshtsh i zhelatel- niya uluchsheniya yeya. [Syphilis and venereal diseases among the city laboring population in Moscow, city medical aid and its desirable improvements.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1903, lix, 226-235. Syphilis in old age. Deu (E.) * Quelques recherches sur la pro- portion des anciens svphilitiques parmi les vieillards. S°. Bordeaux, 1900. Lebard (E.) * Etude clinique sur la syphilis contractee apres 60 ans. 8°. Paris, lsiis. Bonnamour (S.) Svphilis des vieillards. Clinique, Par., 1911, vi, 409-414.—Colin (H.) Erste syphilitische Infection bei einem 80jahrigen Manne; Iritis; Heilung. Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1S91, i, 435.—Fournier. Syphi- lis senile; exostoses extrtoiement multiplies; poly- arthrites specifiques; subluxation des deux tibias en arriere sur les femurs; amyotrophie considerable; cachexie. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1897, 3. s., viii 201-203. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, dc dermat. et syph., Par., 1897, viii, 74-76.—Mendel (E.) Die im hoheren Lebens- alter erworbene Syphilis und die Krankheiten des Ner- vensystems. Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1894, i, 371-375. Syphilis and paralysis. See Paralysis (General) and syphilis; Syphi- lis (Manifestations of, Nervous). Syphilis in piij/sicians. Perot (H.) * Etude sur la syphilis chez le medecin. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Also [Abstr.] in: Syphilis, Par., 1905, iii, 196-198. Blaschko (A.) Svphilis als Berufskfankheit der Aerzte. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 1349-1353. [Dis- cussion], 1365. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1904, BerL, 1905, xxxv, pt. 2, 424-436. [Discussion], pt 1, 238-241.—Brandis. Ueber Syphilis gravis bei Aerzten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 18(.i8, xxiv, 329- 331.—Heermann. Ueber luetische Infektionen bei Aerzten. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 2148. —Je- sionek. Syphilis und Unfallversichernng der prakti- schen Aerzte. Ibid., 1906, liii, 1362-1366.—Montgomery (D. W.) The acquisition of syphilis professionally by medical men. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N.Y., 1905, xxiii, 145-152.—Zeisler(J.) Professional syphilis. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1898-9, ix, 44-47. Syphilis in pregnancy and the puer- peral state. See, also, Abortion (Causes of); Monsters (Causes of); Syphilis (Placental). Beringer (F.) * De l'influence tardive de la syphilis sur la grossesse. 8°. Lyon, 1907. Boucher (P. j * De l'influence du traitement antisyphilitique chez la femme enceinte sur le foetus. 8°. Paris, 1904. Giraud (J.) *Les gros ceufs syphilitiques dans les syphilis anciennes. 8°. Montpellier, 1905. Grellety. Considerations sur la syphilis contractee pendant la grossesse. 16°. Mdcr,n, 1887. Hoffmann (S.) *Influence du traitement prophylactique antisyphilitique dans les avorte- ments a repetition de cause inconnue; syphilis soupeonnee. 8°. Paris, 1900. Hovllier (H.-C.) *De la syphilis acquise pendant les quatre derniers mois de la grossesse. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. Isay (J.) * Traitement de la syphilis pen- dant la grossesse par l'huile grise. 8°. Paris, 1903. Rosinski (B.) Die Syphilis in der Schwan- gerschaft. 8°. Stuttgart, 1903. Shaw-Mackenzie (J. A.) On maternal syph- ilis, including the presence and recognition of svphilitic pelvic disease in women. 8°. Lon- don, 1898. Alvarez SainzdeAja (E.) Eldioxidiamidoarseno- benzol, "606," en las embarazadas y lactantes sifiliticas. An. de la Acad, de obst. [etc.], Madrid, 1910, iii, 46L465.— Anderodias. Svphilis et grossesse. Rev. mens, de gvnec [etc.], Bordeaux, 1900, ii, 221-229.—Arteasra (J. F.) Profilaxia del embarazo sifllitico. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1906, xi, 263-266— Audehert (J.) Traitement de la svphilis pendant la grossesse. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1904, x, 193; 665.-----. Influence du traitement specifique pendant la grossesse (a propos d'un cas d'avortement). Toulouse med., 1905, 2. s., vii, 1-3.— Bab (H.) Die luetische Infektion in der Schwanger- schaft und ihre Bedeutung fiir das Vererbungsproblem der Svphilis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, SYPHILIS. 551 syphilis: Syphilis in pregnancy anil the puer- peral state. 1909, li, Orig.,250-275 — Beringer (F.) & Peju (G.) Sy- philis tardive et grossesse. J. de med. de Par., 1907, 2. s., xix, 101. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de gvnec, Par., 1907, 97-101.—Bissell (J I).) The effects of hereditary syph- ilis upon the placenta, the cord, the fcetus and the child. Am.Gymec.& Obst. J.,N. Y., 1897, xi, 147-1 •"> >. — Bneehe- ler. Luetische und gonorrhoische Infection am Sch wan- gerschaftsende. Aerztl. Prax., Wiirzb., 1898, xi,241-244.- Caubet. Syphilis hereditaire; trois avortements; qua- triemegrossesse; accouchement d'unmonstre. J.demed. de Par., 1894, 2. s., vi, 426.—Charles (X.) Quintipare a 5| mois de grossesse. atteinte d'cedeme et d'albuminurie, syphilitique probablement; traitement medical pendant six semaines, puis provocation du travail; enfant mort- ne; suites heureuses pour la mere. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1900,xxi,244. -----. Traitementdelasyphilispendantla grossesse. Ibid., 1904, xxv, 2S9.-----. Administration de l'iodure de potassium, suivie de succes, chez une vii pare, dont les six premiers enfants avaient succombe a la naissance ou peu apres. Ibid., 298. -----. Septipare ayant eu consecutivement cinq grossesses avec enfants morts; traitement iodure; resultat heureux pour l'en- fant et la mere. Ibid., 316. -----. Femme ayant eu trois enfants vivants puis plusieurs morts; traitement iodure tardif et insntlisant; encore un enfant ,mort quelques semaines apres sa naissance. Ibid., 460.— Cliatin (A.) & liebret (G.) Traitement par l'huile grise de syphilides secondaires graves chez une femme enceinte: guerison des accidents; accouchement normal. Syphilis, Par., 1904, ii. 293-295.—Chlenoff (M. A.) Slu- chal rodov u sifilitichki, dvukratno Hechennol salvar- san'om; k voprosu o primlenenii salvarsan'a pri sifilisle u beremennikh. [Labor in a syphilitic woman, twice treated with salvarsan; on salvarsan in syphilis in preg- nancy.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 197-199.— Ciulfb OL) La sifiiide da concepimento in rapporto alia profilassi, alia terapia ed alia medicina legale. Cor- riere san., Milano, 1905, xvi, 5S5; 592.—Coutts (J. A.) Maternal syphilis. Lancet, Lond., Is96, i, 1310.—Bavis E.J.) Influence of svphilis on gestation. Indiana M. ., Indianap., 1892-3, xi, 359-367.—Be Carolis (A.) La sifiiide da concepimento, in rapporto alia profilassi, alia terapia e alia medicina legale. Corriere san., Milano, 1906, xvii, 90; 101.—Belestre (M.) Svphilis et grossesse. Med. mod., Par., 1898, ix, 524.—Biday (P.) Consulta- tion sur l'opportunitS de mercurialiser une primipare pr-sninee syphilitique. Lyon med., 1893, lxxiv, 569-578.— Ditson (Agnes). Syphilis in relation to obstetrics; a preliminary consideration, with the report of sixteen cases. Deliver M. Times [etcl, 1911-12, xxxi, 223-228.— Emery. Micropolyadenopatnie inguinale consecutive a un chancre vulvaire chez une femme enceinte. Ann. de dermat et syph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 689. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1*98, ix, S26.— Fabre & Patel. De l'influence de la syphilis post- conceptionnelle sur le placenta et le foetus. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1899, xi, 614-642 — Fellner (O. O.) Svphilis und Schwangerschaft, Sam- melreferat. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., BerL, 1903, xxiv, 653- 656.—Fieux (G.) & ^Fauriac (P.) Sur une particula- rity du serum de femme enceinte, cause d'erreur dans le sero-diagnostic dela syphilis par les methouVs simpliiiees. J. de mod. de Bordeaux, 1912, xiii, 184.—Flcischl (L.) Fruhgeburt und Svphilis. Pest med.-chir. Presse, Bu- dapest, 1902, xxxviii, 957-961. — Fournier (A.) De l'avortement dans la syphilis. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1893, xl, 506-510. -----. Du traitement preventif de l'he- redite syphilitique paternelle au cours de la grossesse. Semaine med., Par., 1*9H, xviii, 481-484. — Frances- cliini (G.) Contributo alia istologia patologica del cor- done ombelicale nella sifiiide. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 267-270.—Fruhinsho I z (A.) Syphilis et parturition. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1906, xxxviii, 332-341.—Fyodoroff (V. P.) K voprosu o vliyanii sifi- lisa na beremennikh. [Influence of syphilis on preg- nancy.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1903, xvii, 961-999.—Gaucher. Accidents de la grossesse chez les femmes svphilitiques. J. de med. int.. Par., 1904, viii, 195-198. —----. Syphilis contractee pendant la grossesse. Ann. de therap. dermat. et syph., Par., 1909, ix, 1-6. Also: 3. demed. etchir. prat., Par., 1909, lxxx, 731-734.— Gaucher & Bernard (H.) Traitement de la syphilis pendant la grossesse. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xviii, 135-145. Also: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1901, xv, 137-140.—Gaussel-Ziegel- mann (Mme.) Syphilis et grossesse; bons resultats ob- tenus par l'emploi de l'enesol en injections. Montpel. med., 1907, xxv, 525-527.—Girauld & Tissier. Arse- no-benzol et grossesse. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1911, xiv, 101.—G roll. Svphilis et grossesse. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1903, xxvii, 279; 289. —Jaeger (O.) Ueber Schiidigungen von Mutter und Kind nach Salvarsan- behandlung der Mutter in den letzten Monaten der Schwangerschaft. Frauenarzt, Leipz., 1911, xxvi, 338- 342.— Jeannin (C.) Des resultats donnes par le salvar- san en obstetrique. Presse med., Par., 1912, xx, 14.— Syphilis in pregnancy and the puer- peral state. Kebbell (A.) Anasarca in the puerperal state due to primary syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1131.—Laiubi- non (H.) Grossesse et syphilis. J. d'accouch., Liege 1902, xxiii, 281.— Lang (G.) Syphilis et <§clampsie; a propos d'un cas d'eclampsie survenu chez une syphili- tique; coma absoludans l'intervalle des crises; accouche- ment spontane; mort de la mere et de l'enfant. Arch. de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1892, xix, 792; 813. Also: Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1892, xxiv, 335; 371; 405.— Lunges (E.) Ueber die Salvarsantherapie bei Schwan- geren und Wochnerinnen. Med. Klin., BerL, 1911 vii 772-775.—La Torre (P.) Sifiiide e gravidanza. Ann.di ostet., Milano, 1892, xiv, 717-730.—Letbur. Syphilis et grossesse. Bull. Soc d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1895, xvi, 38-41.—Le Gendre (P.) Traitement de la syphilis pendant la grossesse et de la syphilis hereditaire chez le nouveau-ne. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1892, v, 336-347.—L. land (R. G.) A case of exten- sive syphilitic condyloma in a puerperal patient. Tr. Clin. Soc. Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, 1909-10, i, 98-100. Also: Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1910, xxxii, 208-210.—Livon (J.) fils. Syphilis et grossesse; grossesse g^mellaire; accouchement a 7 mois; enfants mort-nes; mort de la mere. Marseille med., 1906, xliii, 231; 280.—Lucas (A.) A mother infected with primary syphilisfrom her own syphilitic child. Brit.M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 1236.—ITIanteila (G.) La sifiiide da concepi- mento in rapporto alia profilassi, alia terapia ed alia medicina legale. Corriere san., Milano, 1905, xvi, 724- 727.—J?I are hand. Ueber einen Fall von wahrschein- lich syphilitischer Endometritis des Uterus gravidus. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1902, BerL, 1903, v, 219-223.—Maygrier. Sur la syphilis des femmes en- ceintes. J. d. med. et chir. prat., Par., 1904, lxxv, 732- 735. -----. De l'action de la syphilis sur la grossesse et le produit de la conception. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1904, lxxi, 253-257. Also, transl: Terapia mod., Napoli, 1905, ii, 17-21.—Mracek (F.) Syphilis gravis in gravida; Infectio e mamilla. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1898, Wien u. Leipz., 1900, vii, pt. 2, 230.— Murray (R.) Svphilis in pregnancy. Med, News, N. Y., 1897, lxx, 825-829. Also: Tr. Am. Gvnec Soc, Phila., 1897, xxii, 146-157.—Nobl. Die Syphilis in der Schwan- gerschaft, von B. Rosinski. Med. BL, Wien, 1903, xxvi, 139; 159.—Nov y (B.) Syfilis a tehotenstvi. [Syphilis and pregnancy.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1905, xiv, 388.—Oui. Injection de 606 au cours du dernier mois de la grossesse. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1911, xiv, 568.— Pauli (YV. O.) Placental syphilis; a study of syphilitic placentae with regard to the presence of the Spirochaeta pallida. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1908, x, 326- 328.—Pedrini (E.) Una casistica di sieroreazioni di Wassermann nel campo ostetrico. Ann. di ostet, Milano, 1910, ii, 365-373.—Penard (J.) & Girauld (A.) Svphilis et grossesse. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1909, lxxxii, 1435-1440.— Potooki. Quelques documents relatifs a l'emploi du "606," ou salvarsan, en obstetrique. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec et de paediat. de Par., 1911, xiii, 322- 340.—Poujol (J.) La loi d'alternance dans la grossesse syphilitique. Bull, med., Par., 1905, xix, 37. -----. Con- firmation de la loi d'alternance dans la grossesse svphili- tique. Ibid., 1907, xxi, 226. —Puech (P.) Syphilis; accouchement premature; rigidite syphilitique du col. N. Montpel. med. Suppl., 1893, ii, 47-49. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1893, xx, 282. — Queirel. Influence de la syphilis sur la grossesse. Rev. prat. d'obst. et de paediat, Par., 1904, xvii, 325-338. -----. Syphilis et grossesse. Ibid.,1908,xxi, 305-314.—Richard (G.) De la svphilis conceptionnelle ouconceptuo-syphilis. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1896, xxiv, 43; 50; 61; 67; 75.— Bisso Domiiiii'uez (J. C.) La investigaci6n en ob- stetricia del Spirochaete pallida de Schaudinn. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1906, xiii, 493-497.—Robinson (T.) Syphilis contracted during pregnancy. Med.Mag., Lond., 1900, ix, 632-634.—Rudaux (P.) Syphilis et grossesse. Clinique, Par., 1911, vi, 825.—Runipe. Zur Behand- lung der Syphilis in der Schwangerschaft. Fiinfz. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. ges. Med. Festschr. . . . d. Ver. d. Aerzte d. Rgrngsbz. Diisseld., Wiesb., 1894, 152-156.—Secheyron. Fracture spontanee du premier metacarpien chez une svphilitique; periode secondo-tertiaire au d6but d'une grossesse. Toulouse med., 1900, 2. s., ii, l-3.-Shaw- iTIaekenzle (J. A,) Syphilis in parous women; mater- nal syphilis. Internat. Cong. Dermat. Off. Trans. 1896, Lond., 189H, iii, 8n2-k~x.—Soiovyeff (P.) Spirochaeta pallida i yeya otnosheniye k rannemu prerlvaniyu bere- mennosti. [Spirochaeta pallida and its relation to early abortion.] J.akush.ijensk.boliez.,St.Petersb.,1910,xxiv, 487-618,1 pl.—Szadek(K.) Czy plod przymiotowymoie zarazio matke.? Kilka sl6w z powodu teoryi wstecznego zakazenia matki przymiotem od plodu (chocen retour). [Can the syphilitic fretus infest the mother? On the theory of reverse infection of the uterus by syphilis of foetus (choc en retour).] Medycyna,Warszawa, 1894, xxii, 831; 585.—Tanaka. [The spirochete in the system of pregnant women.] Kokka Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, SYPHILIS. 552 SYPHILIS. Syphilis in pregnancy and the puer- peral state. 1906, 23-35.—Taussig (F. J.) Syphilitic fever in preg- nancy and the puerperium. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chi- cago, 1910, xi, 71— Umbert. Dos casos de infecci6n sifi- litica en el curso del embarazo; una excepci6n a la ley de Profeta. Rev. de med. y cirug., Barcel., 1906, xx, 89-96.— Verdalle. Note sur le traitement de la syphilis pendant la grossesse. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xviii, 410-412.—"Viana (D.) Ueber die Methode der D6viation du complement, angewendet bei der geburts- hilflichen Physiopathologie. Zentralbl. f. Gynak.,Leipz., 1909, xxxiii, 724-726.—VOrner (H.) Ueber die vaginale, spezifische Behandlung schwangerer Frauen. Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1904, xi, 159-180.—Vr. Antisyphilitische behandeling gedurende de zwangerschap. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1898-9, v, 688.—Weissbart (M.) Syphilis und Schwangerschaft. Alls:, deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., BerL, 1903, xviii, 463-465. — Welander (E.) Till fragan: Huru kunna hiimma den sociala fara som ett syfilitiskt hafvandeskap kan medlora? [On the question: How may we avoid the social danger which a syphilitic preg- nancy may bring?] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1903, 2. f., iii, 233-260.—Xavier. Du traitement preventif de l'heredite syphilitique paternelle au cours de la grossesse. Art med., Par., 1898, lxxxvii, 410-414. Syphilis and prostitution. See, also, Prostitution (Regulation of); Syph- ilis (Prevention of). Deck (L.) Syphilis et reglementation de la prostitution en Angleterre et aux Indes. (Etude de statistique medicale de 1866 a. 1896.) 8°. Paris, 1898. Prager. Syphilis und Prostitution, deren Gefahren und Bekiimpfung. 8°. Leipzig, 1900. von Tincu (A.) *Ueber Syphilis und Prosti- tution in Rum;inien. 8°. Munchen, 1909. Behrend (G.) Syphilis, Prostitution und offentliche Gesundheitspflege. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect. 8, 415-423.—Breu-vv. In- termittierende oder symptomatische Behandlung der Syphilis? Werden die Prostituierten geniigend merku- riell behandelt? Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1911, Iii, 455-475.—Fillers. Die Segnungen des freien Unzuchtgewerbes; Entgegnung auf den Artikel von Vor- berg. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 2640.—lluiei (J.) The necessity of isolating prostitutes who suffer from svphilis. Am. J. Pub. Hyg., Bost., 1909-10, n. s., vi, 523-530.—Jaeobi (E.) Der Einfluss der Aufhebung der poiizeiiirztlichen Prostituiertenuntersuchnng auf die* Ausbreitung der Svphilis in Freiburg i. B. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 1164.—JTIakover (A.) K voprosu o zadachle vrachel v dielle borbi s sifilisom i prostitutsiyel. [On the problem to physicians in the struggle with svphilis and prostitution.] Ejened. jour. " l'nikt. med.," St. Petersb., 1898, v, 161-172.—Martinet. Syphilis et prostitution. Med. mod., Par., 1899, x, 329.— de .Hello (P.) Regulamentacao da prostituicao como meio prophvlactico da svphilis. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan.. 1902, xvi, 434-436.—Neisser (A.) Zur Blutunter- suchung und 606-Behamilnng der Prostitution. Ztschr. f. Bekiimpf. d. Geschlechtskrankh., Leipz., 1911, xii, 201- 209.—Papee (J.) Die Syphilis unter den Prostituierten in Lemberg. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1908,lxxxix,93-112.—Wwedensky (A. A.) Die Syphi- lis unter den Prostituirten der St. Petersburger Bordelle. Ibid., 1896, xxxvi, 127-139, 1 pl. Syphilis in relation to race. See Syphilis (Cases and statistics of); Syphilis (Indigenous); Syphilis in negroes. Syphilis in soldiers and sailors. Garcia Figueroa (A.) *Causas de la fre- cuencia de la sifilis en el ejercito, y medios de disminuirla. 8°. Mexico, 1874. Profeit (A. C.) Army inefficiency; itsgreat- est cause. 8°. London, 1903. United States Sanitary Commission. H. Ee- port of a committee of the associate medical members of the Sanitary Commission, on the subject of venereal diseases, with special refer- ence to practice in the Army and Navy. F. J. Bumstead, chairman. 8°. New York, 1862. -----. The same. 8°. Washington, 1862. Antoiioft' (S.) Sluchal shiroko-rasprostranivsha- vosya pigmentnavo sifilida (leucoderma syphiliticum dill'u.-uin ) u soldata 26 llet. [ ... in a soldier 26 vears old.] Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh., 1903-4, xxi, 117-i2L— Syphilis in soldiers and suitors. Ashihara (S.) [The diminution of venereal diseases among the Army and people.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi Tokyo, 1902, 323-330.—Batut (L.) De la syphilis ter- tiaire dans l'armee et en Tunisie. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1903, xv, 321-358, 2 pl.—Berthier. Un cas de syphilis extra-genitale et le secret medical dans l'armee. Caducee, Par., 1908, viii, 327. Also: Soc. fran?. de prophyl. san. et mor. Bull., Par., 1909, ix, 60-53.— Bleicher(P.) Einige interessante Syphilisfiille. Mili- taerarzt, Wien, 1902, xxxvi, 168-170.—Bondesen (J.) Om de veneriske Sygdomme i den danske Haer. [Vene- real diseases in the Danish Army.] Militserhegen, Kj0benh., 1903, xi, 117-119.—Bonnette. Le peril vene- rien; sa prophylaxie dans l'armee francaise. Gaz. d h6p., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 89-91—Borovski (V. K.) Sta- tistikarasprostraneniya sifilisa ivenericheskikhbolleznel v vo'lskakh Kiyevskavo voyennavo okruga s 1SS9 po 1893 g. vklyuchitelno. [ . . . distribution of . . . among the troops of the Kiyev military circuit from 1889 to 1893.] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, Kiev, 1896, vi, no. 12, suppl., 85-87.—Brandts (M. J.) lets over svphilis-behandcling bij de marine. Mil.- geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1898, ii, 219-222.—Bris- snud (E.) Doit-on, ou non, dans 1'armee et la marine, eclairer les soldats sur les dangers des affections vene- riennes; et, si oui, quelles mesures prendre en ce sens? Caducee, Par., 1901, i, 35. Also: Soc. franc, de prophyl. san. et mor. Bull., Par., 1901, i, 30-33.—Brunei (F.) Moy- ens pratiques d'assurer un traitement antisyphilitique nieUiodique et prolonge aux soldats coloniaux et aux marins. Soc. franc, de prophyl. san. et mor. Bull., Par., 1903, iii, 214-232— Buraczynski (A.) Die venerisehen Erkrankungen und deren Prophylaxe in der Armee. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1904, 65-73.—Buret. La syphilis dans l'armee anglaise, au Portugal en 1M2, aux Indes en 1896. J. de med. de Par., 1899, 2. s., xi, 305-308. Also: Rev. de m6d. leg., Par., 1899, vi, 314-319.— Buslie (OK.) The treatment of syphilis afloat. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 511. -----. The practical treatment afloat of syphilis in the Royal Navv. Svst. Svph. (Power & Murphy), Lond., 1910, vi, 437-^496.—"Butt (E.) Sugges- tions for the prevention and treatment of venereal di- sease in the Army. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1906, vi, 10-23.—(as des maladies veneriennes et syphili- tiques dans l'armee beige. Confer, internat. p. la pro- phyl. de la syph. et d. mal. ven., Brux., 1899, i, fasc. 2, 922.—Chauvel. L'armee francaise au double point de vue de la propagation et de la prophylaxie des maladies veneriennes. Ibid., 1899, Brux., 1900, ii, com., 172-176.— Clayton (F. II. A.) The organization of the treatment of syphilis in the Navy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 331.— Beleito (F. G.) El tratamiento de la sifilis en los hos- pitales militares. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1903, xvii, 41-45. -----. Tratamiento de los siflliticos en el ejer- cito. Ibid., 101-105.—Delorme (E.) La syphilis dans l'armee; quelques considerations sur sa prophylaxie. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1907, 3. s., lvii, 459-476.— Discussion (A) on the prevention and treatment of syphilis in the Navy and Army. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 1070-1076.—Dnco. Traitement de la syphilis dans les infirmeries regimentaires par les injections mercurielles. Soc de med. mil. franc Bull., Par., 1911, v, 221-226.— Finery. Instructions prophylactiques sur les feuilles de permission des militaires. Soc. franc, de prophyl. san. et mor. Bull., Par., 1905, v, 283-286.—Erlikli (L. I.) Venericheskiye bolniye v polevom zapasnom hospitalle. [Venereal patients in the field reserve hospital.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven.Boliezn., Kharkov, 1906, xi, 295; 383; 463.— Fvrard. Traitement de la syphilis par les injections mercurielles dans les infirmeries regimentaires. Soc. de med. mil. franc. Bull., Par., 1911, v, 421-425.—Fame- elion. La syphilis dans l'armee. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect.de med. et chir.mil.,126-130.— Fauntleroy (P. C.) Venereal disease in the Army and the necessity of properaction by State and municipal au- thorities for its effectual control. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1909, xxv, 772-774.—Fawcett (W.J.) (I) A report on the continuous treatment of syphilis in the British force in Egypt 1900. (II) Further report on treatment of con- stitutional syphilis amongst the troops in the Egyptian command from 1st January to 31st October, 1901. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1900, Lond., 1902,xiii, 47CM82.—Ferenczy (A.) Prophylaktische Massnahmen gegen die veneri- sehen Erkrankungen im allgemeinen und insbesondere in der Siebenburgerkaserne in Temesvar. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztschr.,Wien, 1907,xlviii,81-86.—Ferrier. Prophylaxie de la svphilis dans les armies. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de med. et chir. mil., 116-122.-----. De la frequence relative des maladies veneriennes dans l'armee et la population civile. Caducee, Par., 1901, i, 95- 97.—Fiske (C. N.) Noteworthy features of syphilis in the Navy of the United States of America. Syst. Syph. (Power & Murphy)), Lond.. 1910, vi, 293-315. 2 pl.—Fo- bold. Les maladies veneriennes dans l'armee alle- mande. Caducee, Par., 1901, i, 71-73— ii. Les maladies veneriennes dans l'armee de mer. Ibid.. 1902. ii, 269.— «.i< rsiiii; (O. M.) Om Syfilis i den engelske Hfer; fra 1860 til 1892. [...in the English Army.] Ugesk. f. Laeger, SYPHILIS. 553 SYPHILIS. Syphilis in soldiers and sailors. Kjobenh.. 1S94, 5. IL, i. 942-946.—Gilardoni (E.) Con- sidera/ioni sulla profilassi delle malattie veneree in ge- nere e della sitilidein specie nei militari. Gior. di med. mil, Roma, 1909, lvii, 853-804.—Oils. Considerations sur le secret medical, a propos de la syphilis dans l'armee. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de med. et chir. mil., 309-312.—Oolden berg (N. A.) K voprosu o borble protiv sifilisa v volskakh. [On the struggle with syphilis among the troops.] Voyenno-med. J.,St. Petersb., 1896, clxxxvii, 3. sect., 82-129— erculose chirur- gicale infantile chez les heredo-sptVifiques et traitement mercuriel. 8°. Paris, 1909. Dutscii (A.) * Leber Combination von Sv- philis und Tuberculose. 8°. Jena, 1896. Grasser (A.) *Ueber Syphilis und Tuber- culose. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1909. Klein (S.) *Tuberculose et syphilis etudiees dans un milieu special (l'innrmerie speciale de Saint-Lazare). 8°. Paris, 1909. Mansion (L.-A.) * Svphilis et tuberculose. 8°. Nancy, 1900. Marx (L.) * Ueber Combination von Syphi- lis und Tuberculose. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1902. Petresco (G.-Z.) Tuberculose et syphilis. De leur pretendu antagonisme et des incompa- tibilites infectieuses en g6n£ral. 8°. Bucarest, 1903. Sergent (E.) Syphilis et tuberculose. 8°. Paris, 1907. Spengler (C.) Tuberkulose- und Syphilis- Arbeiten (1890-1911). 4°. Davos, 1911. Abadie (C.) Considerations cliniques et therapeu- tiques sur la scrofule etla syphilis hereditaire. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1883), 1894, xviii, 140-152.—Abrahams (R.) Svphilis vs. tuberculosis; report of a case. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 910.—Apostoloff(V. L.) Gan- grenoznaya sifiliticheskaya yazva u tuberkuloznavo bol- novo. [Gangrenous svphilitic ulcer in a tubercular pa- tient.] Kharkov. M. J., 1906, i, 131-138.—ArloinJ. F.) Llecheniye bolnikh, stradayu- shtshikh odnovremenno bugorchatkoyu i sifilisom. [Treatment of patients suffering simultaneously from tu- berculosis and syphilis.] Izviest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1903, vi, 127-146.—Chretien (E.) De rinfluence reeiproque des etats morbides et en particu- lier de la svphilis et de la tuberculose. Semaine med., Par., 1898, xviii, 89-91.—Coelho (S.) A syphilis ignorada da mulher e a esclerose genital interna. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1904, lxviii, 15-18.—Cooper (A.) Syphi- lis versus tuberculosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1529.— t'orreia Bias. Les rapports entre la syphilis etla tu- berculose. Rev. internat. de la tuberc. Par., 1905, viii, 163-171.—Danlos. Cas hybride d'elephantiasis syphi- litique et tuberculeuse de la jambe. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 333.—Danlos & Lievy- Fraukel. Tuberculose atypique se rapprochant des sarco'ides de Bieek, chez une svphilitique ancienne. Ibid., 1909, xx, 124-126.—Dieulafoy. Associations de la tuberculose et de la svphilis. Tribune m6d., Par., 1901, 2. s., xxxiii, 245-247.—de Dominicis (N.) Syphi- lis et tuberculose; le traitement hydrargyri.iue des nour- rissons et des enfants; prophylaxie de la tuberculose. Cong, internat. de la tuberc. 1905, Par., 1906, i, 638.— Dube (J.-E.) Svphilis et tuberculose. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1904, xxxiii, 189-197.—Durante. DelP influenza reciproca degli stati morbosi ed in parti- colare della sifiiide e della tubercolosi. Riforma med., Napoli, 1898, xiv, pt. 1, 793-797.—Espina y Capo (A.) Sifilis y tuberculosis. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Ma- drid, 1896, xxxix, 521-529. -----. Estudio de flsiolngia patol6gica; sifilis y tuberculosis. Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1908, x, 337-344. Also: Rev. de med. y cirug. pniet., Madrid, 1908, lxxxi, 5-13.—Fabry (J.) Ueber einen Mischfall von Lues und Tuberculose in sel- tener Localisation (gemischt tuberculoses und lue- tisches Geschwtir des Priiputiums). Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1893, xxv, 92.5-930, 1 pl.— Fournier (A.) Syphilides tuberculeuses ecloses sur SYPHILIS. 555 SYPHILIS. Syphilis and tuberculosis. 1'emplacementd'inoculations vaccinales. Ann. deder- mat. etsyph.. Par., 1898. 3. s., ix, 6,9-682.—<»aniberiiii (P.) La"scrofola et la sifilidi. Rassegna med., Bologna, 1895, iii, no. 10, 5; no. 11, 6; no. 12, 7— <»ibcrt. Coexis- tence de lesions syphilitiques et tuberculeuses chez le meme sujet. Bull. son. d'anat et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1897, xviii, 61-63.—Gouget. L'association de la tuber- culoseetdelasyphilis. Clinique, Par.,1910, V. 104.-----. Rapports de la syphilis avec la tuberculose. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1910, xxiv, 771-773.—Grift'on & Trastour. Tuberculose et syphilis, autopsie d'un cas descroiulatede verole. Bull, etmem. Soc. anat.de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 794.—tirossard. Un cas de tuber- culose nasale chez un syphilitique. Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux, 1889-91, i, 135-138.—tiuerin (A.) Syphilis et tuberculose. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1907, xxxvii, 637.—Guidone (P.) La simbiosidel processo sifllitico e tubercolare. Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. 4, 50- 56.—Hallopeau (H.) iV Foiiqucl. Sur trois cas de poussees tuberculeuses iranglionnaires et cutanees sur- venues peu de temps apres une iniection syphilitique. Bull. soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, xii, 183- 188.—Hay ein. Syphilis et tuberculose. Med. mod., Par., 1904, xv, 17.—Hernandez (T.) La tuberculosis y la sifilis. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1911, xxxvii, 19-25.—Hochsinger (C.) Syphilis congenita und Tuberculose. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., Wien u. Leipz., 1894, iv, 335-351.—Jadassohn. Die Fra-re der Combination von Lues und Tuberculide. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1894, Bresl., 1895, lxxii, 1. Abth., med. Sect., 27.—Jullien iL.) Asso- ciation morbide de la syphilis et de la tuberculose. Rev. d. mal. de la nutrition, Par., 1910, 2. s., viii, 61-65.— Knisht (F. I.) The association of tuberculosis and syphilis. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1901, xvii, 142- 153.—KSnigstein. [Zwei Falle bei denen eine Kombi- nation von Lues und Tuberkulose vorkam.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1909, viii, 108.—Langovol (A. P.) O primlenenii protivosifili- ticheskavo llecheniya u bolnikh, stradayushtshikh od- novremenno tuberkulozom i sifiiisom. [Application of the antisyphilitic treatment in patients suffering, at the same time, from tuberculosis and svphilis.] Med. Obozr., Mosk.. 1902. lviii. 585-597.—Marshall (C. F.) Tubercu- losis and syphilis. Brit. J. Tuberculosis, Lond., 1907, i, 151-1 Vi.—.liathieu. Svphilis et tuberculose. Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhinol., Par., 1908, xi, 174-178.—Mon- teros (J. F.) Indicacioues terapeuticas de la tubercu- losis en los sifilitieos. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1909, xxxi, 209-215.—Monteverdi (I.) DelP influenzaantagonista fra la sifiiide e la tubercolosi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1899, xx, 953-955. Also: Con.sr. med. region, ligure 1899. Atti, Genova, 1900,134.—llorrow (P. A.) A case of possible mixed infection, syphilis and tuberculosis. J. (utan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., X. Y., 1899, xvii, 181— jlliiller (R.) & Suess (E.) Vergleichende serologi.-che Untersuchungen bei Tuberkulose und Sy- philis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxiii. 577-580.-----. -----. Vergleichende serologische Untersuchungen bei Tuberkulose und Syphilis. (Peptonreaktion bei Tuber- kulose, Lues und Lepra.) II. Ibid., 1911, xxiv, 559-562.— Miiller tV.) Lue-es tuberculosis. Gy6gyaszat, Buda- pest, 1909, xlix. 6.-lluimoii i.I. F.) Epilepsy; general tuberculosis; syphilis. Med. Rec.N. Y., 1907, lxxii. 1015- 1017— Mil to (A.) Ricerche sulla formula leucocitaria nella tubercolosi associata alia sifiiide con speciale riguardo alia eosinorilia. Tommasi, Napoli, 1910, v, 105-110. — >licholIs (A. G.) A case of tuberculosis primarily of intestinal origin combined with ter- tiary svphilis. Montreal M. J., 1902, xxxi, 327-335 — Mcolas (J.), Favre (M.) & Cliarlet (L.) Reactions des syphilitiques a la tuberculine. Bull. Soc. d. hop.- de Lyon, 1910, ix, 113-121. Also: Lyon med., 1910, cxiv, 624- 630. Also: Nel xxv. anno d' inse'gn. univ. d. Prof. D. Bar- duzzi (1886-1910), Livorno, 1911, 337-340. — Nicolas (J.), Favre (M.) & Laurent (C.) Syphilis scrofulo'ide cu- tanee, ganglionnaire, osteo-articulaire, contribution a l'etude d u diagnostic differentiel entre syphilis et tubercu- lose. Prov.med., Par., 1910,xxi,501-506.—Nonne. Kom- bination von Syphilisund Tuberculose. Munchen med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 137.—Ohniann-l»nniesnil (A. H.) Syphilis complicated by lupus vulgaris. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1900, lxxix, 65-70.—Patoir (J.) Syphilis et tuber- culose; influence speciale de la syphilis sur certaines formes dela tuberculose (scrofulo-tuberculose). Presse med., Par., 1901, i, 25-28.—Portucalis. Syphilis et tu- berculose. Ztschr. f. Tuberk. u. Heilstiittenw., Leipz., 1900, i, 112; 199. Also, transl r Abstr.]: Ber. ii. d. Kong. z. Bekampf. d. Tuberk. [etc.l, fieri., 1899, 658.—Potaln. Syphilis et tuberculose. Tribune med.. Par., 1900, 2. s., xxxii, 467-169.—Power (D'A.-) The influence of syph- ilis on tuberculous infections oi the human body. Clin. J., Lond., 1911, xxxviii, 333-336.—Ramalho (A.) Prog- nostico e tratamento da tuberculose nos syphiliticos. Med. mod., Porto, 1911, xviii, v. 6,323-326.—Ross (F.W.) Is syphilis antagonistic to tuberculosis? Med. Rec, N.Y., 1896, xlix, 228. — Selialek. (ieneralized tubercular gummata. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1905, xxiii, Syphilis and tuberculosis. 18 1.—de Schweiniiz (G. E.) Lungs and kidneys from a case of phthisis in a syphilitic child. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1885-7, xiii, 121-123.—Sergent (E.) Syphi- lis et tuberculose. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1905, ii, 2497-2508. Also: Cong, internat. de la tuberc. 1905, Par., 1906, ii, 579-585. -----. Evolution et traitement de la tu- berculose chez les syphilitiques. Presse med., Par., 1908, xvi, 657-060.—Shoemaker (J. V.) A caseof tubercu- lar syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 84-87 — SorrentinoiN.) Sifiiide c scrofolo-tubercolosi. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1902, n. s., xxiv, 835-810.— Sweeney (G. B.) The syphilitic and tuberculous pa- tient. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xcii, 567. — Tedeschi (G.) Sifiiide e tubercolosi. ■ Studium, Napoli, 1910, iii, 343; 377.—Tominasoli (P. L.) Sul sifilismo tuberoso. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1899, v, 153; 161. — Wcitzel. Chancre tuberculeux de la verge avec envahissement consecutif des ganglions inguinaux et iliaques; poussee de tuber- culose viscerale; mort. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1910, lv, 21-28. — Williams (P. WT.) The combi- nation of syphilis and tuberculosis, especially in regard to laryngeal affections. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1893, xi, 155- 160, 1 pl.—Wollenden (N.) A mixed case of syphilis and tubercle. Tr. Brit. Larvngol. & Rhinol. Ass. 1891, Lond. & Phila., 1892, i, 39. — Wolff-Eisner (A.) Die vitale Antikorperreaktion im Vergleich zur Komplement- bindungsmethode bei Tuberkulose und Svphilis; vorlau- fige Mitteilung. Med. Klin., BerL, 1908, iv, 370. Syphilis and vaccination. See Syphilis (Vaccinal). Syphilis and wet-nursing. See Syphilis (Transmission of) during lactation. Syphilis in women. See, also, Syphilis (Transmission of) during lactation; Syphilis and marriage; Syphilis in pregnancy, etc. Spillmann (P.) Des syphilides vulvaires. 8°. Paris, 1869. Vokmann ( J. ) * Luetische Erkrankungen der Vulva. 8°. Berlin, 1896. Weber (F. A.) Die Syphilis im Lichte der modernen Forschung mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung ihres Einflusses auf Geburtshiilfe und Gyntekologie. 4°. Berlin, 1911. Backhaus (C.) Ueber erwofbene Syphilis der Frau. Sachs. Hebam.-Ztg., Dresd., 1908, v, 53-55.—Bergh (R.) Om Lymphekarsystemets Forhold ved (primair) syphili- tisk Iiii'ektion hos Kvinder. [The relation of the lym- phatic system to primary svphilitic infection in women.] Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1905, 4. R., xiii, 1161-1168.—Bid lot (F.) Un nouveau mode de traitement de la syphilis ma- ternelle. Scalpel, Liege, 1901-2, liv, 2 — Bory. Chan- cre syphilitique du meat chez la femme. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1907, ii, 921.—Bosellini (P. L.) La sifiiide nelladonna. Lucina, Bologna, 1902, vii. 125; 157.—Boul- ton (P.) Acase of extensive syphilitic disease of the vulva, with gummy hyperplasia of clitoris, prolapsus uteri, etc. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 1017.—< ampulla. sifiloma ulceroso elefantiastico delle grandi labbra. clin. dermosifilopat. d. r. Cniv. di Roma, 1905, xxiii, 96- 98.—f'lilenotf(M. A.) Sifilis i slonovost vulvi. [Syph- ilis and elephantiasis of the vulva.1 Med.Obozr., Mosk., 1902, lvii, 857-867.—Chueeo (A.) Sifilis uterina y ova- rica. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1905, xii, 787-796.— I>alclie(P.) Metrorragieset syphilis. Bull.med., Par., 1906, xx, 591-594.—Dennetieres. Cancer primitif de cloison recto -vaginale; diagnostic avec le syphilome; operation palliative; autopsie. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1890, v, 30-32.—Dreyer (A.) Ueber Blutungen aus den weiblichen Genitalien bei Svphilis. Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1906, xiii, 537-546.—Fournier (A.) Syph- ilitic chancres of the genitals in women. Pict. Atlas Skin Dis. & Syph. ... St. Louis Hosp., Lond.; Phila., 1895-7, 15-23,1 pl. -----. La sifiiide delle donne oneste. [Transl] Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1906, ix, 941.—Franceschinl (G.) Contributo alia classifica- zione e alia sintomatologia della sifiiide del sistema riproduttore nella donna. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1909, xxx, 537-540. Also, transl: Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1909, iv ''11-216.— <>aucher. Plaques muqueuses vegetantes ■ le la vulve. Syphilis, Par.,1905, iii, 806-810.—Gurovieh (S. A.) Otchot o zhenskom sifiliticheskom otdielenii Odesskol gorodskol bolnitsi za poslledniya vosem llet. [On the woman's syphilitic division of the Odessa Muni- cipal Hospital for the last 8 years.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1892, xxxvii, 616-522—Hyde (J. N.) The syphiloma of the vulva. J. Cutan. A Genito-Urin. Dis.,N. Y., 1889, vii, 121; 161.—Ivens (Frances). A case of chancre of the cervix uteri. J. Obst. & Gynsec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1908, xiii,273-275,1 col. pl.—von Jaworski (J.) Ueber ute- rine Blutungen syphilitischen Ursprunges. Wien. klin. SYPHILIS. 556 SYRGOL. Syphilis in women. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv, 1059-1061.—Kelsey (C. B.) Chan- crosdelano y dela vulva. Repert. med., Barcel., 1884, ii, 17-19, 1 col. pl.— 2?larkoff(N.) O metrorragiyakh pri sifilisle. [Metrorrhoea in syphilis.] J. akush. i jensk. bo- liez., St. Petersb., 1911, xxvi", 1421-1434.— Mattel (C.) Sifi- loma elefantiastico delle grandi labbra e scabbia. Clin. dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1905, xxiii, 98-100.— milian. Les billes mercurielles vaginales. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1910, xxi, 42.— JTIurrell (W.) Some phases of syphilis, especially the larval syphilis of woman. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n. s., lxxx, 370-373. Also, Reprint,—Neumann (I.) Die Svphilis der Vagina, des Uterus und seiner Adnexe. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiv, 643; 684; 727; 774; 830; 878 — Palmer (O.) Untersuchungen fiber die Residuen rccenter Syphilis bei Weibern beziiglich ihrer Haufigkeit und ihrer diagnostiehenBedeutung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1895, xxi, 76.—Petit (P.) Syphilide hypertrophique de la vulve. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1889, lxiv, 28-30. Also: N. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1889, iv, 1-6.—Pinto de Magalhaes. Sobre o edema duro da vulva de origem syphilitica. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1902, xx, 97; 104.—Porosz (M.) Luetische Metrorrhagie. Pe-t. med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest, 1911, xlvii, 174.—Kenan 1 (A.) The difficulties of diagnosis of syphilis in woman. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 4. s., ii, 219-221.—Kille. [Eine 27jiihrige Frau mit Syphilis ulcerosa der Gesichtshaut.] Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 2274.—Kyan (G. N.) Syphilis from the standpoint of thegvnecologist and obstetrician. Iowa M. J. [etc.], Des Moines, 1910-11, xvii, 621-529.—SaDino Coelho. A syphilis ignorada da mulher e a esclerose genital interna. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1904, 2. s., vi, 107.—Shaw-Mackenzie (J. A,) Lacerations of the os uteri, vagina, and perineum in syphilitic women. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 711. -----. The syphilitic factor in the diseases of women. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 985-989.—Stravino (A.) Dello edema duro delle grandi labbra; contribuzione clinica ed anatomo-patologica. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1885, n. s., vii, 449- 457.—Viannay (C.) Svphilis tertiaire du vagin. Lyon med.. 1S9S, lxxxviii, 73-83.—Waelsch (L.) Ueberdie Beziehungen zwischen Rectumstrictur, Elephantiasis vulvae und Syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1902, lix, 359-376, 1 pl.—Williamson (A. R.) Syphilis in women. Med. Age, Detroit, 1903, xxi, 1-5. Syphilisation. See Syphilis*(Preventive inoculation against). Syphilitics (Congenital, Homes for). Heller (J.) Ueber die Organisation von Heimen fiir hereditar-svphilitische Kinder. Dermat. Ztschr., BerL, 1907, xiv, 497-500. Also: Ztschr. f. Bekampf. d. Geschlechtskr., Leipz., 1907, vi, 50-53.— Rosenthal (O.) Pflegeheime fiir Kinder mit ererbter Syphilis. Med. Re- form, BerL, 1909, xvii, 349. -----. Ueber Pflegeheime fiir hereditar-luetische Kinder. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Leipz. u. Wien, 1911, cvii, 151-160, 3 pl. Syphilitics {Hygiene of). Bourges (H.) L'hygiene du syphilitique. 8°. Paris, 1910. Beers (N. T.) Active and passive exercise in the treatment of syphilis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxi, 439-441. Also, Reprint.—Boutin (G.) Hygiene et soins de la bouche chez les syphilitiques. J. de m^d. int., Par., 1909, xiii, 256-258.—Drennen (C. T.) Hygiene for the syphilitic. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1897-8, xiii, 462-465. Also: I Memphis M. Month., 1898, xviii, 56-59. [Discussion], 65.— Ledermann (R.) Ueber Pflege und Lebensweise syphilitisch Inficirter. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1900, xxxv, 426; 440; 449.—JWauriac (C.) Hygiene dans le traitementde la syphilis. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1894, lxvii, 805: 829.—Public (The) care of syphilitics in old Paris. [Edit.] Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1911, xxvii, 103.— Saalield (E.) Ein Beitrag zur socialen Fiirsorge fiir Geschlechtskranke. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1903, BerL, 1904, xxxiv, pt. 2, 358-364. Syphiloderma. See Syphilides. Syphi lography. Felagatti (M.) La dermatologia e la sifilo- grafia nelle discipline mediciche. 8°. Parma, 1907. Bodin (E.) Enseignement dela dermatologie etde la syphiligraphie pour le praticien et pour le specialiste. Rev. prat. d. mal. cutan. [etc.], Par., 1907, vi, 94-103.— Bavogli (A.) The importance of teaching dermatology and syphilology in the medical colleges. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1911, cv, 619-621. Syphiloids. See Boubas; Bubo; Dithmark's disease; Ecthyma; Frambcesia; Syphilis (Anomalous and unusual forms of). Syphiloma. See Brain (Syphilis of); Nose (Syphilis of); Syphilis (Tertiary). Syphilophobia. Guth (P.) * La syphilophobie et son traite- ment; etude etiologique et nosologique. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Morvan (A.) * Syphilomanie et syphilopho- bie. 8°. Paris, 1909. Adler(A.) Syphilidophobie. Ein Beitrag zur Bedeu- tung der Phobien und der Hypochondrie in der Dyna- mik der Neurose. Zentralbl. f. PsvchoanaL, Wiesb., 1910rll, i, 400-406.—Audry (C.) De "la syphilomanie et de la syphilophobie. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1908, 4. s., ix, 129-140.—Benda (T) Syphilidophobie. Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. Festschr. ... Georg Lewin, BerL, 1896,1-9.—Colomer (G.G.) Sifilofobiuysifilofobos. Rev. espafi. de sif. y dermat., Madrid, 1899, i, 280-286. Also: Rev.med. deSevilla, 1899, xxxiii,69-75.—ICmeryfE.) La syphilophobie. Clinique, Par., 1907, ii, 371-373.—Gu- tierrez y Gutierrez (M.) La sifilofobia y los sifilo- fobos. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1898, xii, 113-118.— Ingegnieros (J.) Un cas d'auto-castration chez un syphilophobe. Rev. de psychol. clin. et therap., Par., 1901, v, 143-146.—Jeanselme (E.) Des mefaits de la syphilophobie. Med. mod., Par., 1895, vi, 373.—Korn- liold. Un cas de gonophobie et de syphilophobie. Rev. clin. d'androl. et de gynec, Par., 1901, vii, 362-366.— Bothmann (M.) Ueber die Angst vor der Syphilis und ihren Folgeerscheinungen (Svphilidophobie). Hyg. VolksbL, Berl. u. Leipz., 1903, iv, 50.—Schcuer (0.) Syphilidophobie. Dermat.Ztschr.,BerL, 1912,xix,46-51.— ShtsherbakofF (A. S.) Angstpsychosen (syphilito- phobia). J. nevropat. i psikhiat. . . . Korsakova, Mosk., 1907, vii, 701. Syphons. See Engineering (Sanitary). Syracuse, Italy. See Fever (Typhoid, History of). Syracuse, New York. Reports of the engineers to the joint committee of aldermen and citizens of the city of Syracuse, New York, on a supply of water from the Tully lakes, January, 1871. 31 pp. 8°. New York, J. Sutton & Co., 1871. [P., v. 2134.] Syracuse, New York. See, also, Hospitals (Description, etc., of), Hospitals ( Gynecological, etc.), Hospitals (Ophthalmic and auric), by localities. Hill (W. R.) The water-works of Syracuse, N. Y. Tr. Am. Soc. Civil Engin., N. Y., 1895, xxxiv, 23-66. Syracuse ( The) Clinic. [ Homoeopathic. ] Edited by E. Elmer Keeler. [Quarterly; then bi-monthly; then monthly.] v. 1-3,1898-1900. 8°. Syracuse, N. Y. After October, 1900, continued under title: Clinic (The), Syracuse, N. Y. Syrasus. De balneis. In: Balneis (De) omnia quae extant [etc.]. fol. Ve- netiis, 1553, ff. 3406-343. Syre (Vincenz) [1870- ]. * Ueber einen Fall von enormer Magendilatation infolge von Ab- knickung des Duodenums durch entziindliche Adhasionen bei Cholelithiasis und Carcinom der Gallenblase. [Erlangen.] 17 pp., 1 pl., 11. 8°. Brandenburg, 1909. Syree (Gustav) [1869- ]. * Ueber den Kon- kurrenzkampf der Kulturhefe Frohberg mit Saccharomyces Pastorianus III unter verschie- denen Bedingungen. [Erlangen.] 35 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fisher, 1898. Syrgol. Kollbrunner (O.) Zur Gonorrhoetherapie; Erfah- rungen mit einem neueu Silberpriiparat "Syrgol." Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 1024. SYRIA. 557 SYRINGES. Syria. See, also, Cholera (History and statistics of), Pharmacy (Colleges and schools of), Plague (History, etc., of), by localities. Cheniali (B.) Naissance et premier age au Liban. Anthropos, Wien, 1910, v, 734; 1072, 5 pl.—Franglan (E.) Die persischen Syrer. Globus, Brnschwg., 1909, xcvi, 117-123.—Houghton (Louise S.) Syrians in the United States; sources and settlement. Survey, N. Y., 1911, xxvi, 481; 647, 1 pl.—Kali mi (Hanna M) The Syrian climates. Med. Rec.? N. Y., 1904, lxv, 730.— Weissenberg (S.) Die synschen Juden anthropolo- gisch betrachtet. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., BerL, 1911, xliii, 80-90. Spring (Richard) [1884- ]. * Ueber Meta- plasie vom Blasenpapillomen in Karzinom. 65 pp. 8°. Bonn, E. Eisele, 1911. Syringes. See, also, Aspiration, etc.; Syringes (Patent specifications of). Ball-nozzle (The) syringe and enema. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 781.—Baroiii (G.) Di una nuova siringa a doppia corrente. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1903, xxiv, 1004- 1008.—Beck (G.) Une nouvelle seringue a injections. Ann. de microg., Par., 1891-2, iv, 432.—Beck (.1.) Bis- muth syringe. Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. [etc.], Oto-Laryn- gol. Sect., St. Louis, 1909, 327.—Eastman (.!. R.) A shielded piston svringe for urethral and vesical irriga- tion. N. York M". J., 1901, lxxiii, 623— Griflin (W. W.) A modified Bowman's syringe. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 1303. — Lihoniuie (R.) Cu nouveau modele de seringue medicale. Presse med., Par., 1907, xv, 613.— fflabew iC.) An improved exploring syringe. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 129s— Halassez (L.) Seringue toute en verre de M. Wulfing-Luer. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1S94, 10. s., i, 689. -----. Perfectionne- ments apportes & la seringue a piston en ver de la maison Wuelfing-Luer. Ecole prat. d. hautes etudes. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. de France. Trav. 1900, Par., 1902, xviii, 24-20.-Sogue (R.) Un projecteur automatique d'eau a temperature variable. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1907, xiv, 72-76.—Olivier (A.) Nouvelles seringues. Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1895, v, 257-26:*.—Paff'enholz. Eine bequeme und einfache Irrigationsspritze fiir die Kinder- praxis. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 859.— Pousson. Une seringue antiseptique. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1892), 1893, 613.— Prautois (V.) Une nouvelle seringue en verre sterili- sable au four Pasteur. Rev. med. de Pest, Nancy, 1893, xxv, 143, 1 pl.—Q,ueyrat. Modification de la seringue de Barthelemy. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1909, xx, 159. — Simpson (G.) An improved syringe. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 1004. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 1015.—Thiroux & Wu rtz. Seringue a ponction ganglionnaire. Rev. de med. et d'hyg. trop., Par., 1909, vi, 197.—Timmer (H.) Infusie-spuit. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1907, i, 1684.—Tsipe- rovieh (P. V.) Uproshtshenniy shprits. [Simplified syringe.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1903, v, 237-239.—Van ghetti (G.) Glaskaniilen mit und ohne Klappen, zu Irrigationen der Nase, des Ohres und der Harnwege; einige praktische Bemerkungen uber die Harnrohrenirrigationen. Monatsh. f. prakt. Der- mat., Hamb., 1896, xxii, 231-241. —Vorstaedter (L.) Verschiebbare Saugklemme fiir Gummischlauchheber, resp. fiir Heber-lrrigatoren, etc. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xiii, 1836-1838.—Wingrave (W.) Irrigants and syringes; their defects and dangers. Hospital, Lond., 1906-7, xii, 5-7.—Zacco. Siringhe veseicali perfetta- mente sterilizzabili. Soc. ital. diurol., Roma, 1908,266. Syringes (Hypodermic). See, also, Infiltration-anaesthesia (Instru- ments for, etc.); Injections (Hypodermic). Bardon (F.) * Des composes mercuriels em- ployes en injections hypodermiques; 6tude cri- tique et comparative. 8°. Paris, 1902. Antonovski (A. M.', Shprits dlya vvedeniya pod kozhu kunzhutnikh i t. p. soyedineniy. [A hypo- dermic svringe for injecting sesame and similar com- bination-'. ] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 49.— Barksilale (G.) A historical note on the hypoder- mic syringe. Texas M. Gaz., Fort Worth, 1904, iv, 184- 186. Also [Abstr.]: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1901-5, ix, 105.—Barthelemy. Nouveau modele de seringue a l'usage des injections intramusculaires d'huile grise. Internat. Cong. Dermat. Off. Trans. 1896, Lond., 1898, iii, 894.—Catheart (C. W.) Syringe for local anses- thesia or paraffin injection. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, n, 91.—(larke (C.) A magaziae morphia syringe. J.Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1911, xvii, 389-392.—Clarke (J.)&Co. A syringe. Brit. M. J., Lond.,1910, ii, 24—Der r (J. S.) A new aseptic subcutaneous syringe. N. York Syringes (Hypodermic). M. J., [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 789. Also, Reprint.—Frey (H.) Eine gute Subkutanspritze. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1905, xxv, 456—Kitchens (A. P.) An im- proved svringe for injecting precise amounts. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1906, viii, 647-650, 1 pl.—Hoffmann (L.) Zwei neue Modelle. Subkutan- und Injektionsspritzen, ganz aus Metall, mit eingeschliffenem Metallkolben. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1906, 819.—Jackson (S.) A simple aseptic hypodermic and lachrymal syringe. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx, 1424— Kalckhoff. Leber Injektionsspritzen und Zubehor. Deutschemed. Wehnscbr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxi, 873.—Kraut- Schneider (K.) Ein neuerInjektions-Apparat. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., BerL, 1908, xxx, 161-163.— JTlalassez (L.) Perfectionnements apportes aux serin- gues tout en verre et sterilisables. Ecole prat. d. hautes etudes. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. de France. Trav. 1891-3. Par., 1895, 62-74. -----. Sur les seringues sterilisables. Ibid., 85. — Nouvelle seringue toute en verre, avec curseur, pour injections d'huile a 40 %. Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Par., 1907-8,iv, 455.—Oliva (L. A.) Neuer Apparat fiir Hypodermoklyse und endovenose In- jektionen. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 11E0- 1155.—Porter (F. J. W.) All-metal spinal analgesia syringe. Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 1207.—Powers (C. A.) The sterilization of hypodermic and other syringes bv boiling. Med. News, N. Y., 1896, lxix, 20S.—Bein- hard (F.) Neue Injectionsspritze mit Metallmantel und Desinfectionsvorrichtung. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1904, lxxiii, 633-636.—Sehachinann (M.) Se- ringue double medicale. Presse med., Par., 1903, i, 448.— Sokhatskl (I. V.) Nleskolko slov po povodu yom- kosti prodazhnikh shpritsev Pravaz'a. [On the volume of Pravaz's syringes that are for sale.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, ii, 1703.—Spencer (T. F.) A reliable hypodermic syringe. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1907-8, xx, 394. Syringes (Hypodermic, Patent specifi- cations for). Allinger (A. A.) Hvpodermic syringe. No. 964,950; July 19, 1910.—Ball (W.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 938,544; Nov.2,1909.— Barton (CM.) Hypodermic syr- inge. No. 687,367; Nov. 26,1901.—Bell (F.D.) Hypoder- mic syringe. No. 938,951; Nov. 2,1909.—Billings (J. A.) Hvpodermic syringe. No. 701,671; June 3,1902.—Brew- ster (W. H.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 490,842; Jan. 31, 1893— Campbell (M.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 7ix,979; Jan. 27, 1903.-----. Hypodermic syringe. No. 782,723; Feb. 14, 1905.—Chappell (T. A.) Hypodermic svringe. No. 728,160; May 12, 1903.—Cutter (E.) Im- provement in hypodermic syringes. No. 144,661; Nov. 18, 1873.—Daily (J.W.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 615,705; Feb. 27,1894.—Dean (E. F.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 798,093; Aug. 29, 1905.—De Lisle (J.) Hypodermic syr- inge. No. 791,802; June 6,1905. -----. Hypodermic syr- inge. No. 841,701; Jan. 22,1907.—Detmers (H.J.) Hy- podermic syringe. No. 767,686; Aug. 16,1904. -----. Hy- podermic svringe. No. 836,367; Nov. 20,1906.— Dickin- son (F. S.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 723,588; March 24, 1903. — Oaillot ( A. A. ) Syringe for subcutaneous or other injections. No. 822,110; May 22,1906.—Gill (H. J.) Hypodermic svringe. No. 713,980; Nov. 18,190.!.—Hager (H. H.) Packaging of medicines for hvpodermic pur- poses. No. 766,344; Aug. 2, 1904.—Haycock (G. B.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 596,159; Dec. 28, 1897.— Haynes (W. M.) Hypodermic injector. No. 686,451; Nov. 12, 1901.—Higgins (F. A.) Hypodermic power syringe. No. 781,283; Jan. 31, 1905.—Hovner (J. W.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 814,543; March 6,1906.—Ken- nerly (C. W.) & Stock well (B. E.) Fountain hypo- dermic syringe. No. 857,739; June 25, 1907.—Korb (F. W.) Hypodermic svringe. No. 827,693; July 31, 1906.— l.ee (.I.E.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 967,136; Aug. 9, 1910.—I.eiter (J.) Improvement in hypodermic syr- inges. No. 145,217; Dec. 2, 1873. -----. Improvement in hypodermic syringes. No. 159,172; Jan. 26, 1875. — McCulloch (J. H.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 743,743; Nov. 10, 1903. — ItteKlroy (P. J.) Hypo- dermic syringe. No. 730,557; June 9, 1903. -----. Hvpodermic needle. No. 950,822; March 1, 1910. — Mitchell (W. P.) & Gillespie (W. R.) Hypodermic svringe. No. 561,059; May 26, 1896. — Nassauer (J. \V.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 804,874; Nov. 21, 1905.— Papendell (R.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 637,405; Nov. 21, 1899.—Payne (J.) Protector for hypodermic needles. No. 991,015; May 2, 1911—Pilling (C. J.) & McKeefA.J.) Hvpodermic syringe. No. 509,676; Nov. 28 1893 —Porter (G.) Device for cleaning hypodermic needles. No. 716,290; Dec. 9, 1902— Quarles (T. M.) llvpodermicsyringe. No. 922,331; May 18,1909.—Banger (,LN.) llvpodermicsyringe. No.720,381; Feb. 10,1903.— Beese(I)'.S.) Hvpodermic injector. No. 858,025; June 25, 1907.—Beich (L.) Subcutaneous syringe. No. 760,248; May 17, 1904.—Bobinson (S. W.) & Helmers (H.J.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 600,803; March 15, 1898.— Koesch (A.) Hvpodermic syringe and cartridge there- for. No. 978,488; Dec. 13,1910.—Boussy (L.) Hypoder- SYRINGES. 558 SYRINGES. Syringes (Hypodermic, Patent specifi- cations for). mic svringe. No. 822,079; May 29, 1906.—Sambardo (R.) Syringe for hypodermic and intramuscular injec- tions. No. 938,597; Nov. 2, 1909.—Schimniel (G. R.) Hvpodermic svringe. No. 5(;3,621; July 7, 1896. -----. Hvpodermic svringe. No. 844,544; Feb. 19, 1907. -----. Hvpodermic needle. No. 918,774; April 20, 1909 — Schmidt (A.) Hvpodermic syringe. No. 748,424; Dec. 29, 1903.—Slater (S. R.) Hvpodermic syringe. No. 486,057; Nov. 8, 1892.—Steuer (F. W.) Hypodermic syr- inge. No. 782,800; Feb. 14, 1905.—Stovall (A. S. J.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 650,203; May 22,1900.—Strong (B. B.) Means for hypodermic medication. No. 937,029; Oct. 12, 1909.—Tagliabue (C. J.) & Steuer (F. W.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 729,011; Mav 26,1903.—Walsh (R.) Hvpodermic syringe. No. 742,762; Oct. 27, 1903. -----. Hvpodermic syringe. No. 766,203; Aug. 2, 1904. -----. Hypodermic syringe. No. 766,204; Aug. 2, 1904. Winchester (B.T.) Hypodermic syringe. No.609,982; Aug. 30, 1898. ----- Hvpodermic syringe. No. 694,813; March 4,1902.—Witkowski (C.) Hypodermic-syringe case. No. 650,348; Mav 22,1900. -----. Hypodermic syr- inge. No. 679,198; Julv 23, 1901. -----. Hypodermic syr- inge. No. 762,603; June 14, 1904.—Wolff (A. J.) Case for hypodermic syringes. No. 505,645; Sept, 26, 1893. -----. Hypodermic-syringe case. No. 506,453; Oct. 10, 1S93.—Wood ruff (J. B.) Hypodermic syringe. No. 930,205: Oct. 5, 1909.—Ycaza (O. A.) Hypodermic syr- inge. No. 819,330; May 1, 1906. Syringes (Patent specifications for). Ackeiman (C. F.) Faucet-syringe. No. 964,730; Julv 19,1910.—Akers (C. L.) Nozzle for syringes. No. i>33.'.r>57; Sept. 26, 1899.—Allen (W. P.) Syringe. No. c,.V7.:VJS; Sept. 4,1900.—Armour (W. A.) Syringe. No. 653,013; July 3, 1900.—Axlord (S. L.) Combined hot- water bottle and syringe reservoir. No. 951,044; March 1, 1910.—Baker (F. M.) Syringe. No. 730,596; June 9, 1903.—Barger (R. N.) Svringe. No. 663,691; Dec. 11, 1900.—Bariffl (M.) Syringe. No. 852,154; April 30, 1907.—Barnes (F. C.) Syringe. No. 799,216; Sept. 12, 1905. -----. Syringe. No. 880,496; March 3, 1908.— Bartsch (E.) Syringe. No. 754,276; March 8, 1904.— Bay (G.) Syringe. No. 498,760; June 6, 1893.—Beau (A.) Svringe. No. 931,113; Aug. 17, 1909.—Beck (G.) Syringe. No. 519,014; May 1, 1894.—Bennett (H. H.) Syringe nozzle. No. 577,524; Feb. 23, 1897.—Bentley (D. T.) Syringe. No. 570,245; Oct. 27, 1896.—Bevill ((!.) Aspirating syringe. No. 986,263; March 7, 1911.— Beyer (R.) Svringe. No. 554,614; Feb. 11,1896.—Blair (J. (J.) Syringe. No. 807,905; Dec. 19.1905.—Bonesteel (A. E.) Svringe. No. 683,099; Sept. 24, 1901. -----. Syringe. No. 872,217; Nov. 26,1907.—Bosworth (O. E.) Syringe. No. 568.331; Sept. 29, 1896.—Bridge (W. G.) Syringe. No. S5l,399;May21,1907.—Br in (J.J.) Svringe. No. 805,339; Nov. 21, 1905. -----. Svringe. No. 983,871; Feb. 14, 1911.—Bring (L.) Syringe. No. 640,868; Jan. 9, 1900. —Brookes (R. C.) Svringe. No. 840.472. Jan. 8, 1907.—Brouck (J.H.) Syringe. No. 539,514; May 21, 1895. — Brown (A. J.) Fountain-syringe, No. 653,842; July 17, 1900. — Brown (H.) Syringe- nozzle. No. 738,603; Sept. 8, 1903. — Browne (A. W.) Svringe-nozzle. No. 625,434; May 23, 1899.— Buchlin (C. A.) Svringe. No. 659,130; Oct. 2, 1900.—Buckner (W. T.) Syringe. No. 871,474; Nov. 19, 1907.—Buekstuhl (C. S.) Syringe. No. 743,662; Nov. 10, 1903.—Bunce (W. C.) Svringe. No. 676,654; Feb. 9, 1897.—Burdick (J. R.) & Williams (B. F.) Svringe. No. 978,985; Dec. 20, 1910.—Bush (C. I.) Syringe. No. 698,447; April 29,1902.—Cliandler(J. T.) Syringe. No. 633,805; Sept. 26, 1899.—Chubb (S. H.) Syringe. No. 835,849; Nov. 13,1906.—Clarke (H. M.) Syringe-nozzle. No. 777,182; Dec. 13,1904.—Cole (H.P.) Tip for syringes. No. 661,167; Nov. 6, 1900.—Coleman (R. F.) Syringe- nozzle. No.770,739; Sept.27,1904.—Cook (H.E.) Syringe. No. 605,052; May 31,1898.—Cooper (M. L.) Continuous hot-air syringe and vaporizer. No. 612,158; Oct. 11,1898.— Crisenberry(B.F.) Syringe. No.873,728; Dec.17,1907.— Davol(C.J.) Syringe. No.804,584; Nov.14,1905.—Daw- son (A. L.) Portable fountain syringe. No. 962,999; June 28,1910.—Day (E.L.) Syringe. No.551,264; Dec.10,1895.— Dean (W. M.) Syringe. No. 829,952; Sept. 4,1906.—De Backer (F.) Syringe. No. 558,756; April 21, 1896.— Decker (\V. M.) Syringe. No. 722,819; March 17, 1903. -----. Rectal nozzle for syringes. No. 722,953; March 17, 1903.—Dickinson (H.) Nozzle for syringes. No.780,710; Jan.24,1905.—Dittenhoeler (M.) Svringe. No.591.958; Oct.19,1897.—Dodson(J.H.) Svringe. No.844,335; Feb 19,1907.—Donuan( A. B.) Svringe. No.820,091; July 17, 1906.—Douds (B.J.) Syringe. No.664,840; Jan.1,1901.— Dreyer (A.) Injection-syringe. No. 764,564; July 12, 1904.—Dunn (J. A.) Syringe. No.672,207; April 16,1901.— Eager (J. H. L.) Syringe. No. 964,769; July 19, 1910.— Eddy (R. H.) Syringe. No. 696,728; April 1, 1902. -----. Svringe-bulb. No. 716.526; Dec. 23,1902.—Eggers (A. C.) Syringe. No. 659,470; Oct. 9, 1900.—Eissner Syringes {Patent specifications for). (¥.) Syringe. No. 577,682; Feb."23, 1897.—Ellis (T E) Syringe. No. 764,996; Julv 12, 1991.—Ertsman (F E) Syringe. No. 660,212; Oct. 23, 1900.—Eerguson (F. (' ) Fountain-syringe. No. 605,178; June 7,1898.—Finot (P ) Syringe. No. 553.234; Jan. 21, 1896.—Fisher (J L) Syringe. No. 964,903; July 19, 1910—Foster (A. D.) Applicator. No. 972,686; Oct. 11, 1910.—Gasaway (T O.) & Aydelott (J. S.) Convertible water-bag and fountain-syringe. No. 783,827; Feb. 28, 1905.—Gay (D G.) Syringe. No. 817,054; April 3, 1906.—Geer (L. M ) Syringe. No. 622,848; April 11, 1899.—Gilbert (E A) Rectal syringe. No. 761,217; May 31, 1904.—Golter- nianii (A. V.) Shut-off for fountain syringes. No 591.228; Oct. 5, 1897.—Grabler (P.) Expanding-arm svringe. No. 615,697; Dec. 13,1898.—Gray (A. L.) Syr- inare. No. 527,681; Oct. 16,1894.—Gray (EllaM.j Svringe No. 794,096; July4,1905.—Gray (J.) Syringe. No.604,147; May 17,1S98.—Grisell (L. S.) Fountain siphon-syringe No.778,311; Dec.27,1904.—Groeninger (J. A.) Svringe No. 586,657; July 20,1897.— Guild (H. M.) Rectal svringe No. 730,822; June 9, 1903. -----. Syringe. No. 757,664- April 19,1904.—Gnndlaeh (F. C.) & Ludewig (W. R.) Syringe. No. 708.224; Sept. 2, 1902. — Gurnee (I. Q.) Syringe. No. 543,829; July 30,1895. -----. Syringe. No. 572,506; Dec. 1, 1896.-----. Combined atomizer and syringe. No. 601,564; March29,1898.— Haigh (J.) Port- able syringe. No. 758,643; Mav 3,1904.—Hall (J. R.), jr. Syringe. No. 546,148; Sept. 10,1895.—Hamilton (H. F.) Dental syringe. No. 919,717; April 27, 1909.—Hanni- gan(C.T.) Syringe-nozzle. No. 679,671; July 30,1901.— Hardman (J), jr. Syringe. No. 523,345; July 24,1894. -----. Fountain-svringe. No. 718,202; Jan. 13, 1903.— Harris (J. R.) Svringe. No. 914,950; March 9, 1909.— Harris (S. T.) Fountain syringe. No. 696,158; Dec. 28, 1897.—Harsin (C. D.) Syringe. No. 515,288; Feb.20, 1894.— Hartz (J. F.) Syringe. No. 545,647; Sept. 3, 1895.—Heilmann (A.) Surgical syringe. No. 977,952; Dec. 6, 1910.—Heins (L.) Improvement in pile-oint- ment injectors. No. 126,700; May 14, 1872.—Heitman (A. H. C.) Svringe. No. 901.100; Oct. 13, 1908—Henry (A. L.) Svringe. No. 631,108; Oct. 3, 1899—Hill (H. McC.) & Farrington (C. O.) Svringe. No. 906,711; Dec. 15, 1908.—Hines (L.) Svringe. No. 583,374; May 25, 1897.—Hitt (A. W.) Svringe. No. 6*9,818; Dec. 24, 1901.—Honsinger (F. S.j Syringe. No. 911,724; Feb. 9, 1909.—Hoseason (J. H.) Urethral syringe. No. 886,999; April28,1908.—Hriss (E.) Svringe. No.742,434; Oct 27, 1903.—Hughes (K. J.) Svringe. No. 678,568; July 16, 1901.—Hulett (G. A.) Svringe. No 789,092; May 2, 1905.—Huppert (J. B,) Syringe. No. 967,125; Aug. 9, 1910.—Hurlbut (F.) Syringe-nozzle. No. 639,576; Dec. 19. 1899.—Isaac (S.) Syringe. No. 561,318; June 2,1896.—Jamison (A. B.) Syringe. No. 689,972; Dec. 31, 1901. -----. Syringe. No. 716.426; Dec. 23,1902. -----. Svringe. No. 779,164; Jan. 3,1905. -----. Svringe. No. 804,407; Nov.14,1905.—Jones (F.H.) Syringe. No. 698,511; April 29, 1902.—Jones (T. L.) Svringe. No. 716,240; Dec. 16, 1902.—Kail (W. S.) Svringe. No. 609,353; Aug. 16,1898.—Kaysan (H. A.) Nozzle for syr- inges and the like. No. 908,573; Jan. 6,1909.-----. Noz- zle for syringes and the like. No. 909,093; Jan. 6,1909.— Keller (B. F.) Syringe. No. 852,065; April 30, 1907.— Kenner (C. A.) Svringe. No. 493,591; March 14,1893.— Kernan (T. J.) Syringe. No. 845,303; Feb. 26, 1907.— Ketchum (F. S.) Duplex syringe. No. 485,698; Nov. 8, 1892.— Kiel (W.) Syringe. No. 545,234; Aug. 27, 1*95.—Kim (G. E.) Water-bag syringe. No. 926,197; June 29,1909.—King (F.) Syringe-nozzle. No. 609,280; Aug. 16,1898. -----. Thermometer attachment forfoun- tain-svringes. No. 711,509; Oct. 21, 1902. — Kinsel (J.) Syringe. No. 889,022; May 26, 1908. — Klnter (C. J.) Fountain-syringe. No. 801,019; Oct. 3, 1905. -----. Syr- inge. No. 826,172; July 17,1906. — Knap < W. H.) Syr- inge. No. 551,973; Dec. 24, 1895. — Kussart (J.) Syr- inge. No. 972,201; Oct. 11, 1910. — Lalonde (J.) Syr- inge. No. 513.238; Jan. 23, 1894.—Lander (F. J.) Syr- inge. No. 632,728; Sept. 12, 1899. -----. Syringe. No. 655,657; Aug. 7, 1900. — Laskey (P. B.) Syringe. No, 530,187; Dec. 4, 1894. — La Veine (E. N.) Combining syringe and applicator. No. 717,414; Dec. 22, 1903.— Lincoln (I. N.) Svringe-nozzle. No. 673,321; April 30, 1901. — Lockwood (B. F.) Syringe. No. 921,130; May 11, 1909.—Lockwood (H. D.) Improvement in fountain-svringes. No. 138,417; April 29,1873. — Lolller (C. L.) Attachment for syringes. No. 905,197; Dec. 1, 1908.—IiOhlein (L.J.) Combined applicator and syr- inge. No. 702,570; June 17, 1902. — Loiijrden (C. K.) Syringe-coupling. No. 506.882; Oct. 17, 1893.-----. Syr- inge-tube. No. 611,454; Sept. 27, 1898.— LUer (H. W.) Syringe. No. 583,382; May 25,1897.—Xflacdonald (A. E.) Syringe. No. 890,990; June 16, 1908. —McDowell Combined water-bag, svringe, and caloric irrigator. Dec. 11,1906. No. 837,947.—ITIcE I roy (P. J.) Improvement in syringes. No. 131,607; Sept. 24,1872.-----. Syringe. No. 788,059; April 25, 1905. -----. Aseptic syringe. No. 827,383; July 31, 1906.-----. Syringe. No. 919,918; April 27, 1909. -----. Syringe. No. 962,657; June 28, 1910.— SYRINGES. 559 SYRINGES. Si yringes (Patent specifications for). Mc Kin Icy (H. C.) & Diegel 7. Also, transl: Wien. med. BI., 1*96, xix, 83.—Hellich (B.) O syringomyelia Sbirka pfednaSek z oboru lekafslc, v Praze, [1899], no. 20, 167-185.—Her- ringham (W. P.) A case of syringomyelia. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1907-8, xv, 118.—Heveroch (A.) O syringomyelii. Z ii. lek. klin., v Praze, 1900, 59-78.— Hinsdale (G.) Syringomyelia; being the Alvarenga Prize of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia for the year 1895. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1896-7, v, 617; 681; 745. Also, Reprint.—Hftlker. Ueber Syringomyelie. Charite-Ann., Berl.,1908, xxxii, 47-60.—Hoffmann (J.) Zur Lehre von der Svringomvelie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1892-3, iii, 1-136, 3pl.—Hoge (M. W.) Report or a case of svringomyelia. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1902, ix, 661.— Homen (E. A.) Bidrag till kan- nedomen om syringomyelin. [Contribution a la connais- sance de la syringomyelie. C. r., no. 5,1-5.] Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1894, n. F., iv, no. 1, L-16, 2 tab.— Uracil. [Fall von Syringomyelie.] Militararzt, Wien, 1904, xxxviii, 46.—Ingham (S. D.) A caseof syringomy- elia. J.Nerv.& Ment. Dis., Lancaster, Pa.,1908, xxxv,566.— Jackson (L. B.) Syringomyelia. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1911-12, vii, 15.—Jimeno (A.) Caso notable de siringomielia. Corresp. m6d., Madrid, 1894, xxix, 228-230.—Jounson (G. W.) Syringomyelia. Chicago M. Recorder, 1898, xiv, 348-351— Kaiser (O.) & Kii- ehenmeister (H.) Ueber einen Fall von Syringo- myelie. Arch. f. Psychiat., BerL, 1897,xxx, 250-269,2 pl — Ketchen (A. D.) Notes on a case of syringomyelia. South Africa M. Rec, Cape Town, 1905, iii, 180-182. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1905, ii, 1685.—Khanutina (Ma- riyaD.) K kazuistikle siringomielii. Russk. Vrach, S.- Peterb., 1904, iii, 685; 729—Khelsin(L) Sluchal siringo- mielii. [Case.] [Syringomyelia.] Nevrol. Vestnik, Ka- zan, 1901, ix, no. 2, 87-94.— Khizhnyakoff (L. A.) 0 siringom'ielii. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadte, 1898-9, xxxvii, 78-81. — Koelichen (J.) Przyczynek do badan nad syringo- i hydromyeli%. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1902, 2. s., xxii, 324; 363; 391; 436; 464 — von Krattt-Ebing. Ein Fall von Syringomyelic. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1896, xii, 47; 59.—Krauss (W. C.) A case of syringomyelia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 417-419. Also: 3. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1892, xix, 835-844.—Krfloff (P. S.) Sluchal siringom'ielii. Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.," St. Petersb., 1900, vii, 258- 260.—Krokiewicz (A.) Osyringomyelii. Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1898, xxxvii, 199; 214.—Langdon (F. W.) Syringomyelia. Cincin.Lancet-Clinic,1900,n.s.,xliv,215^- 223.—Laquer (L.) Ueber Hohlenbildung im Riicken- mark. Ztschr. i. prakt. Aerzte, Munchen, 1900, ix, 521- 525. Also: Aerztl. Rundschau,Munchen, 1900,x,349-351.— l>assala(A.) Un caso de siringomielia. Cr6n. med., Valencia, 1892, xv, 353-358.—Latreille (E.) Un cas de syringomyelie. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1910, xxxix, 320-322.—Lepine. Syringomyelic Lyon med., 1892, lxxi,481.—Lequyer&Jossu. Un casde syringo- myelie. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1905, 2. s., xxiii, 333-335.— Leyden (E.) & Goldscheider. Syringomyelie. Spec. Path. u. Therap., . . . Nothnagel, Wien, 1897, x, pt. 2,1. Abth., 632; 663.—lAbotte. Un cas de syringomyelic au debut. J. de neurol., Par., 1902, vii, 258-262. ■-----.. Ancien cas de syringomyelie. Ibid., 1906, xi, 277-280.— Lubowski. Syringomyelie bei einem 50jiihrigen Manne. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1901, Bresl., 1902, lxxix, med. Sect., 284.—Lilders (0.) Sechs Falle von Svringomvelie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, lxxxiii, 195-209.— Luxenburg (J.) Przy- fiadek jam w rdzeniu kregowym (hydro- et syringomve- ia) oraz kilka uwag w kwestyi barwienia rdz'enia i n'er- w6w obwodowych. L . .; coloration of the cord and peripheral nerves.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1894, 2. s., xiv, 327-336.—Maclarlane (A.) Syringo-mvelia, a clinical study of three cases. Albany M. Ann., 1897, xviii, 8-21.— M'Hugh (M ) A case of syringomyelia. Tr. Roy. Acad. Syringomyelia. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1*96, xiv, 45-55. Also: Dublin J. M Sc., 1896, cii, 99-107.—lladcr. Ueber hochgradige Hy- dromyelie des ganzen Riickenmarkes. Wien. med. Bl" 18*5, viii, 1601-1603.—Magnus (V.) Et tilfselde af syringomyeli. Norsk. Mig. f. La?gevidensk., Kristiania 1907, 5. R., v, 659-661.—.Mann (M.) Syringomyelia egy esete. [Case of . . .] Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1893, xxx \ ii 333-336. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-rhir. Prose, Budapest, 1893, xxix, 1020.— Meczkowski (W.) 0 syryngomyelii (z powodu spostrz'ezenia przvpadku tego cierpienia). [.. .; apropos of a ease.] ee.v/.. lek., War- szawa. 1899, 2. s., xix, 213; 21*; 271; 305, 1 pl.—Messing (Z.) Przypadek syringomyelii. Medycyna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1910, xiv, 652-65*.—M ino r i L. S.) K ucheniyu o siringom'ielii. [Study of . . .] Obozr. psichiat., ne- vrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1*90, i, 740; 813, 1 pl. Also, transl- Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1898, xxxiv, 373-394, 1 pl.— Monro (T.K.) Two cases of syringomyelia. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Glasg., 1905-7, vi, 172-184. -----. Syringomye- lia. Ibid., 1909-10, ix, 132-134.—Moyer (H. N.) A case of syringomyelia. Chicago M. Recorder, 1897, xii, 120. [Discussion], 129-131. — Miiller (F.) & Meder (E. ] Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Svringomvelie. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1895, xxviii, 117-138.—Miiller (F. C.) Ueber Syringomyelie. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1904, ii, 199-207.—Newmark (L.) Syringomyelia. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 85-89. Also, Reprint.— Newton (R. C.) Svringomyelia. Medicina, Detroit, 1904, x, 673-680.—Nishlno (C.) Ein Fall von Hohlen- bildung in Riickenmark. [Japanese text. German ref., suppl., 31-33.] Shinkeigaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1904-5, hi, 537-560, 2 pl. — Noyes (W. B.) A case of syringo- myelia. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1907, xxxiv, 617.— O'Carroll (J.) A case of hydromyelus. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1890-91, ix, 411-415.—Oclis- ner (E. H.) A case of syringomyelia. Chicago M. Recorder, 1899, xvi, 227-229. [Discussion], 260.— O'Ferrall (L. M.) Notes on four cases of syringomye- lia. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1899, cviii, 213-218.—Olejnik (M.) Przyczynek do kazuistyki syringomyelii. [On syringo- myelia.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1900, xxxix, 173; 193.— Olinstead (I.) Report upon three cases of svringomye- lia. Montreal M. J., 1895-6, xxiv, 343-346.—O'Neill (G. L.)&€rillies (S.) Two cases of syringomyelia. Austra- las. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1899, xviii, 177-1*2.—Orleanski (L. M.) O siringom'ielii. Obozr. psichiat.,nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1902, vii, 40; 103.—Padgett (H.) Syringo- myelia. South. Pract., Nashville, 1906, xxviii, 406 — Parisot (P.) Homme &ge de 43 ans atteint de syringo- myelie. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r. ... Mem., 1895-6 p. lxii.—Patrick (H. T.) A case of syringomyelia. Chicago M. Recorder, 1897, xii, 121-124. [Discussion], 132-134. Also: 3. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1898, xxv, 837-843. [Discussion], 849. -----. Syringomyelia in a ne- gro. Ibid., 1901, xxviii, 109.—Petrovski (P. V.) Slu- chal siringom'ielii. [Case.] Protok. Kiev. Psichiat. Obsh., 1898-9, i, 8.—Philippe (C.) & Oberthur (J.) Contribution a l'etude de la syringomyelie et des autres affections cavitaires dela moelle epiniere. Arch.demed. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1900, xii, 513; 607, 3pl.—Pic- cinino (F.) Su di un caso di siringomielia. Arch, in- ternaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1898, xiv, 121-131.—Pick (A.) Beitrage zur Lehre von den Hohlenbildungen im menschlichen Riickenmarke. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1898-9, xxxi, 736-769, 5 pl—Pipping. Syringomyeli. [Ein Fall von Syringomyelie. Ref., p. lxxxvi.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1903, xiv, pt. 2, 668-672.— Pistes ( N. A.) IlepiTrTs disease]. Calderoxe (C.) Contributo clinico, batterio- logico e anatomo-patologico alio studio della lepra sistematiea nervosa della siringomielia e della malattia di Mor van. 8°. Milano, 1902. Hubler (W.) *Ein Fall von Morvan'scher Krankheit. [ VVurtzburg. ] 8°. Miinchen, [1894]. Losen (A.) *Ein Beitrag zur Morvan'schen Krankheit (Syringomyelie) 8°. Wiirzburg, 1901. Perves (J. M.) * Contribution ii l'otude com- paree de la syringomielie et de la maladie de Morvan. 4°. Bordeaux, 1891. Wartena (A.) *De zoogenaamde Morvan'- sche ziekte. 8°. Leeuvxtrden, 1H94. Antimolt* (J. A.) Sluchal maladie de Morvan. [Case.] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. vS.-Heterb., 1891, nos. 1-2, 27-33—Augagneur. Maladie de Morvan loca- lised aux membres inferieurs M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1896), 1897, xxxvi, pt. 2 161.— Baret. Quatre observations de maladie de Morvan. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1893, xxi, 40-52.— Bernhardt (M.) Ueberdie sogenannte "Morvan'sche Krankheit." Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii, 28.5-288.—Bielschowsky. Fall von Mor- van'scher Krankheit. An*, f. Psychiat., Berl., 1896-7, xxix, 687.—Bourneville. Pareso-analgesie des extre- mites superieures avec panaris analgesiques ou maladie de Morvan; hemiplegie droite et paraplegie inferieure. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1896, 2. s., i, 441-469.—Broca (A.) Sur un casde panaris analgesique (de Morvan). Ann. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1885,2. s., vi, 282-286. Also: France Syringomyelia (Analgesic type of) [3Ior rates disease]. med., Par., 1885, i, 7*5-790.—Brojslio (O.) Siringomielia e morbo di Morvan; contributo alia teoria unitaria. Morgagni, Milano, 1905, xlvii, 334-392.—Castellino (P. F.) A Tonarelli (C.) Del morbo di Morvan. Mor- gagni, Milano, 1895, xxxvii, 557-613.—Charcot (J.-M.) De la maladie de Morvan. Progres med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xi, 201; 225. A/so, transl: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xl, 433; 479.—Ciiipanlt (A.) 1. Panaris analgesique avec fracture spontanea, mal perforant de la main, troubles sensitifs d'allure speciale. 2. Syringomy61ie; maux perforants multiples de la plante des pieds; troubles trophiqiies articulaires intenses; chute d'un orteil. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 32-35 — Chureh(A.) Morvan'sdisease. ChicagoM.Rec, 1891,i, 102-114. [Discussion], 165. Also: 3. Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvi, 330-335.—Banlos. Un cas de maladie de Mor- van. Ann. de dermat. er syph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 120. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, vi, 13. — Debove. Maladie de Morvan bu lepre? Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1893,3. s., x, 606-610. -----. Insuffisance thyro'idienne et syringomyelie a type Morvan. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1906, xx, 113.— Dethlelsen. Morvan's Svgdom. Med. Aarsskr., Kj0- benh., 1S92, 61-67.— Ei<:er (Ya. B.) Sluchal siringo- m'ielii tipa Morvana. [Case] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 817; 869.—Eisenlohr. Ueber einen Fall von Morvan'scher Krankheit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 591.—Fedorotf (M.) Sluchal svringoimelii Morvana tipa. Yuzhno-russk. med.-gaz., Odessa, 1893, ii, 479; 493,1 pl.—Gastou, Lesne et J>o- miiiici. Deux cas de syringomyelie a type Morvan. Ann. dedermat. et svph., Par., 1897, 3. s., viii, 563-565. Also: Bull. Soc.franc., dedermat. etsyph., Par.,1897, viii,250-252.— Gaucher & Nathan. Note sur un cas de maladie de Morvan avec amputation presque totale de l'avant-pied. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 105.— Gessler (H.) Ueber Syringomyelie und Morvan'sche Krankheit. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver.,Stuttg., 1893, lxiii, 1-6.—Gombault (A.) Maladie de Morvan, syringomyelie et lepre. Rev. neurol.. Par., 1893, i, 378- 384.—Grasset. Un cas de maladie de Morvan. N. Montpel. med. Suppl., 1892, i, 5-26, 3 pl— Guinon (G.) & Dutil (A.) Deux cas de maladie de Morvan. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1890, iii, 1-15, 5 pl.— Hirschberg (L.) Zur Frage der Morvan'schen Krank- heit. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1894, lxiii, 829-833.— Jeanselme (E.) Syndrome de Morvan; syringo-myelie et lepre. Bull, etmem. Soc. m — Halm (F.) Ueber eine sel- tene Localisation einer Arthropathie bei Syringomyelie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 684-688. Also [ Abstr.]: Allg. med. Centr.-Zts.'., Berl., 1897, lxvi, 869.—Ilarmer (W. D.) Arthropathv of shoulder-joint in a case of syrin- gomyelia. Tr. Chir. Soc. Lond., 1901-2. xxxv, 180,21., 2 pl.— Heydenreieh. [Arthropathie de l'epaule consecu- tive A une maladie de Morvan.] Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r., 1894-5, p. xlix.—Hodlmoser (C.) Ueber eine eigenthumlich localisirte Arthropathie bei einem an Syringomyelie und gleichzeitiger Hypoplasie des Geni- talapparates leidenden Individuum. Wien. klin. Wchn- Syringomyelia (Arthropathies in). schr., 1901, xiv, 630-634. — Hudovemig (K.) Adat a syringomyelias arthropathiak keletkezesehez. [Con- tribution on the origin of svringomvelie arthropathies.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xiv, 645-647. Also, transl: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1901, xx, 1137-1145.—Jordan. Ueber Arthropathien bei Syringom velie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 342— Lcliinann (R.) Zwei Fiille von Syringomyelie mit ausgepragter Arthropathie. Mo- natschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1897, iv, 175-179.—Lind- qvist (S.) Ett fall af syringomveli med utpriiglade artropatier. [Ein Fall von Syringomyelie mit ausge- pr;'i,«ten Arthropathien. Uebers., p. xvi.] Upsala Liika- ref. Forh., 1903-4, n. f., ix, 283-303, 3 pl.—Itlader (J.) Syringomyelia cervicalis; Arthropathie; Muskelatrophie; ungeheilt. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1897, Wien ii. Leipz., 1899, vi, pt. 2, 202.—JWeriel & Cestan (R.) Deux cas d'arthrite syringomyelique. Toulouse med., 1911, 2. s., xiii, 61-70.— Michel. Zur Kasuistik der Gelenkerkrankungen bei Syringomyelie. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1902, xxxvi, 387-410.—JJorisani (D.) Grave artropatia in caso non commie di siringo- mielia (tipo Morvan). Progresso med., Napoli, 1892, vi, 555-597.—Malbandoff(S.) ZurFrageder Pathogenese von Ruckgratsverkrummungen bei Syringomyelie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1901, xx, 248-264.— N'issen (F.) Ueber Gelenkerkrankung bei Syringo- myelie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1892, xxi, pt. 2, 460-476. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1892-3, xiv, 204-220.—Preobrazhenski (P. A.) Dva sluchaya siringom'ieliticheskikh artropatiy. [Two cases of syringomyelia arthropathies.] Obozr. psichiat., ne- vrol. [etc], S.-Peterb., 1899, iv, 1-8.—Putti (V.) Le de- formita nella siringomielia e nella tabe. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1904, xxi, 140: 1905, xxii, 431. Also: Policlin., Roma, 1904, xi, sez. med., 353-370.—Ryerson (E. W.) Syringomyelia with kyphoscoliosis and unilateral trunk anesthesia. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Lancaster, Pa., 1908, xxxv, 457.—Sehlesinger (H.) Die Erkrankungen der Knochen und Gelenke bei Syringomyelie (mit Ausnahme der Veranderungen der Wirbelsiiule und des Thorax so- wie der Grossenzunahmen einzelner Korperabschnitte). Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1901, iv,625; 657—Sokoloff(N. A.) Beitrag zur Casuistik der Erkrankungen der Gelenke bei der Gliomatose des Rii- ckenmarkes (Syringomyelie). Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, li, 506-544.—Solovoff (P. D.) & Nalban- doli'(S. S.) K simptomatologii zabollevaniya sustavov pri siringomielii (nachalniy stadiysustavnovo zabolleva- niya). [Symptomatology of diseases of the joints in syringomyelia (initial stage of disease of the joint).] Khi- rurgia, Mosk., 1900, viii, 454-471. Also, transl: Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1900-1901, vii, 499-515, 3 pl.—Sonnenburg (E.) Ein Fall von Erkrankung des Schultergelenksbei Gliomatose des Riickenmarks. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 1161.—Spillmann pere. Sy- ringomyelie et arthopathie de l'6paule. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r., 1900-1901, proc.-v., 33.—Spizharniy (I. K.) O zabolievanii sustavov pri siringomielii. [On dis- eases of the joints in syringomyelia.] Med.Obozr., Mosk., 1899, li, 145-159. Also: Yubil. sborn. v. chest . . . Sklifo- sovskavo, S.-Peterb., 1900, 311-325.—Stepanoff (N. I.) Sluchal artropatii pri siringomielii. [Arthropathy in syringomyelia.] Vrach. Zapiski, Mosk., 1898, v, 361-368. [Discussion], 374-377. — Stolper (P.) Syringomyelie; Gelenkerkrankung; Trauma. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, viii, 28; 48.—T. Syringomyelia with joint disease. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1894, n. s , viii, 281.— Targett (J. H.) Neuropathic joint-disease and the arthropathv associated with locomotor ataxv and svringo- myelia. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lond., 1896-7, 74-77. — Tashiro (F.) Ueber Syringomyelic mit Osteopathic und Arthropathie. [Japanese text.] Hokuetsu Ikwai Kwaiko, Tokio, 1899, no. 113, 14-30. Also: Tokyo Iji- Shinshi, 1899, no. 1106,1; 1076.—Thomson (A.) A case of syringomyelia with disease of the shoulder joint (gliomatous arthropathy). Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1894, ii, 590-597, 1 pl.—Vakar (A.V.) K kazuistikle siringo- mieliticheskikh zabolievaniv sustavov. [Svringomyelia of the joints.] Trudi Kiyev. Khirurg. Obsh. (1908-9), 1910, 209-217, 1 pl. Also: Khirurg. Arkh. Velyaminova, S.-Peterb., 1911, xxvii, 144-160. Syringomyelia (Bulbar or medullary). See Syringobulbia. Syringomyelia (Causes and pathology of). See, also, Syringobulbia; Syringomyelia (Ci in genital, etc.); Syringomyelia (Traumatic). Bischofswekder (L.) * Contribution a 1' etude de l'anatomie pathologique de la syringomyelie; nevromes meclullaires; main succulente. 8°. Paris, 1901. SYRINGOMYELIA. 566 SYRINGOMYELIA. Syringomyelia (Causes and patiiohxiy of). Grimm (R.) *Beitrag zur Lehre von den tro- phischen Storungen bei Syringomyelie. [Er- langen.] 8°. JSurnberg, 1911. Guillain (G.) *La forme spasmodique de la syringomyelie. La nevrite ascendante et le traumatisme dans l'etiologie de la syringomye- lie. 8°. Peiris, 1902. Junker (F. [J.]) * Beitrag zur pathologi- sehen Anatomie der Svringomyelie. [Heidel- berg.] 8°. WehiJieim," 1904. Knopf ( L. ) * Anatomische Untersuchung von zwei Fallen von Syringomvelie. 8°. Leip- zig, 1909. Mennicke (O.) * Ueber Syringomyelie mit anatomischer Untersuchung zweier Fiille. 8°. Marburg, 1891. Euge (S. A. P.) *Zur Pathogenese der Sy- ringomyelie. 8°. Greifswald, 1898. Saxer ( F. ) * Anatomische Beitrage zur Kenntniss der sogenannten Syringomyelie. [Marburg.] 8°. Jena, 1896. Also, tn:"Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1896, xx, 332-398, 2 pl. Simonstein (H.) * Ueber Hohlenbildungen im Riickenmark, nebst Beifugung neuer Ge- siehtspunkte in der Pathogenese und Mitteilung zweier atypischer Fiille. 8°. Leipzig, 1908. Akiniolf-Peretts (K. Y ) K patogenezu siringo- mielii. [Pathogenesis of syringomyelia.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1900, xi, 2008-2011. — Andre- Thomas & Hauser (G.) Histologie pathologique et pathogenie de la syringomyelie. N. iconog. de la Salpe- triere, Par., 1904, xvii,376-404, 4 pl. — Angelozzi (L.) Mielite centrale con sindrome siringomielica. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1907, xxiii, 620-624. —Astvatsa- turoflf" (M. I.) O pseudotabes gliomatosa i ob izmlene- niyakh sosudov pri siringomielii. [Gliomatous pseudo- tabes and changes in the blood vessels in svringomyelia.] Obzor psichiat. nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1910, xv, 2-18.— Be I in (J.) & Laignel-Lavastine (M.) Un cas de syringomyelie avec autopsie. Bull, et mem. Soc. m. Svringomyelia with Brown-Sequard syndrome. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Neurol. Sect., 100.—Baviart (G.) Melancolie avec idees de persecu- tion et idees de suicide chez un syringomyeUique. Cong. d. mecl. alienistes et neurol. de France . . . C.-r., Par. & Brux., 1903, xiii, v. 2, 454-457.—Benon (L.) & Heitz (J.) Des fractures spontanees chez les syringomyeliques. Presse med., Par., 1902, ii, 711-714.—Bindffleisch (W.) Ueber die Kombination von Syringomyelie mit Myotonie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1907, xxxiii, 171- 191.—Seheiber (H. S.) Syringomyelia, az elohalad6 izomsorvadas typusos esetevel. [Svringomyelia with a typical case of progressive muscular paralysis.] Gy6gya- SYRINGOMYELIA. Syringomyelia (Complications und sequelae of). szat, Budapest, 1905, xiv, 688-690. Also, transl: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xiii, 130-132.—Schlapp (M. G.) Acase of syringomyelia with partial macrosomia! Med. Rec,N.Y., 1906,lxix,702-706. Also, Keprint. Also: Med.& Surg. Rep.Presbyterian Hosp.,N. Y., 1 'Ms, v i i i,288-297. -----. Syringomyelia with hypertrophy andatrnphy. In- ternat. Clin., Phila., 1910,20. s.,ii,211-221,2pl.—Sherren (J.) Syringomyelia in a patient with cervical ribs. Clin. J., Lond.,1908,xxxii,95— Shumway (K. A.) Optic atro- phy in syringomyelia; congenital cataract with unusual atrophy of the iris from secondary glaucoma. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1909, xviii, 467-471.—Soiujih-s (A.) & Barbe (A.) Tabes et syringomvelie. Rev. neurol., Par., 1907, xv, 977-9*5.—Spiller (YV. <;.) The associa- tion of syringomyelia with tabes dorsalis. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1907, n. s., x, 21.5-221, 2 pl. Also: 3. Med. Re- search, Bost., 1908, xviii, 119-158, 2 pl.—Spilliiianu (P.) Syringomyelie et maladie de Basedow. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r. ..., 1904-5,107. Also: Rev. med. del'est, Nancy, 1905, xxxvii, 600.—Stewart (G.) A case of exophthalmic goitre and syringomyelia. West Lond. M. J., 1911, xvi, 36-38.—Strominger (L.) Un caz de tabes dorsal cu arthropatie si disociatia syringomielitica a sensibilitatil. Spitalul, BucurescI, 1901, xxi, 611-623.— Taubert. Ueber Erythromelalgie bei Syringomyelie des Cervikalmarks. Deutschemed. Wchnschr., Berl. u. Leipz., 1903, xxix, 45-47.—Tranquilli (E.) Morbo di Dupuytren e diabete (siringomielia con siringobulbia?). Gazz. med. di Roma, 1904, xxx, 645-655.—Vannini (G.) Siringomielia spino-bulbare con accessi eritromelalgici. Corriere san. Settim., Milano, 1897, viii, no. 11,1; no. 12, 1-4.—Westphal (C.) Ueber einen Fall von Hohlen- und Geschwulstbildung im Riickenmarke mit Erkran- kung des verliingerten Marks und einzelner Hirnnerven. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1875, v, 90-107. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, BerL, 1892, ii, 677-691, 2 pl.—Wie ting (J.) Ueber einen Fall von Meningomyelitis chronica mit Sy- ringomvelie. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1896, xix, 207-232.—Ziehen. Syringomyelie, kompli- ziert mit Dementia paralytica. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 2365. Syringomyelia (Congenital and fa- milial) . Dillon r (H.) De l'origine congenitale de certaines syringomyelics. Rev. neurol., Par., 1898, vi, 62-66. -----. Malformations congenitales; syringomyelie congenitale ou lesions diffuses du systeme nerveux. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1907, 3. s., xxiv, 902-905. Also: Rev. neurol., Par., 1907, xv, 1220-1222.—Goldbladt (H.) Syringomyelie bei Mutter und Tochter; zugleich ein Bei- trag zur Pathologie des Sympathicus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 1523-1526.—Nal- bandoflffS. S.) O naslledstvennol siringomielii. [He- reditary syringomyelia.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1900, liii, 229-238.—Preobrazhenski (P. A.) K kazuistikle na- slledstvennol siringom'ielii. [Hereditary syringomyelia.] Med. Obozr.,Mosk., 1900,liii,239-247.—Verhoogen (R.) & Vandervelde (P.) La syringomyelie; maladie fa- miliale. J.de med.,chir. et Pharmacol. Annales,Brux., 1894, iii, 267-300, 2 pl. Also: Ann. Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1894, iii, 267-300. Also, Reprint. Syringomyelia (Diagnosis and semi- ology of). See, also, Syringomyelia (Analgesic type of); Syringomyelia (Anomalous and unusual forms of); Syringomyelia (Arthropathies in); Syrin- gomyelia (Eye in); Syringomyelia (Succulent hand, etc., in); Syringomyelia (Unilateral). Astie (C.-F.) *Le thorax en bateau de la syringomyelic 8°. Paris, 1897. Bouly (F.-A.-A.) *Des mouvements involon- taires dans la, syringomyelie. 8°. Lille, 1906. Fargues (E.-A.-E.) * Contribution a l'etude de la topographie des troubles sensitifs dans la syringomyelie. [Paris.] 8°. Nantes, 1902. Fischer (H. [A.]) *Zur Casuistik und Diag- nose der Syringomyelie. 8°. Leipzig, 1894. Fleger (P.) * Beitrag 7Air Casuistik der Sy- ringomyelic und iiber die bei dieser Krankheit vorkommenden Hautstdrungen. 8°. Leipzig, 1901. Also [Abstr.], in: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xv, 841; 868. Hirsch (M.) *Ein Beitrag zur spastischen Form der Syringomvelie. (Forme spasmodique nach P. Marie.) 8°. Munchen, 1903. SYRINGOMYELIA. 569 SYRINGOMYELIA. Syringomyelia (Diagnosis and semei- ology of). Lehmaxn (F.) *Ein unter dem Bilde der amyotrophischen Lateralsklerose verlaufener Fall von Syringomyelie. [Jena.] 8°. Auer- bach, 1907. Muller (M.) * Ueber einen Fall von Syrin- gomyelie mit Anosmie. 8°. Jena, 1896. Plass ( H. ) *Bulbarsymptome und Anos- mie bei Syringomyelie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1907. Kosenthal (M.) * De la douleur dans la sy- ringomyelie, sa valeur comme symptome initial dans cette affection. 8°. Paris, 1898. Rot (V. K.) K diagnostikie spinno-mozgo- vavo gliomatoza. [Diagnosis of spinal-cord gli- omatosis.] 8°. Moskca, 1890. Sage (A. M.) * Ueber Syringomyelie mit genau halbseitig lokalL-ierter Hvpalgesie und Thermohypaesthesie. 8°. Kiel, 1903. Spiller (YV. G.) The occasional clinical re- semblance between caries of the vertebra' and lumbothoracic syringomyelia, and the location within the spinal cord of the fibres for the sen- sations of pain and temperature. 4°. Philadel- phia, 1905. Straeten (E.) *Ein Fall von Syringomyelie mit Cheiromegalie. 8°. Kiel, 1903. Timochina ( M.) * Klinische Beitriige zur Lehre von der Syringomyelie. 8°. Zurich, 1904. Tornow ([J.] E.) *Zur Diagnostic der Sv- ringomyelie. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Westrcm ( YV. ) * Klinische Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Syringomyelie. 8°. Erlangen, 1901. \VrrTiG(K.) *Sensibilitiitsst6rungen bei Sy- ringomyelic 8°. Berlin, 1909. Achard (C.) Syringomyelie amyotrophique du type Aran-Duchenne et anesthesie dissociee en bande zoste- roide sur le tronc; remarques sur l'origine spinale du zona. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1896, 3. s., xiii, 349-352. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1896, xliii, 361.—Albarran (J.) & Guillain (G.) Ueber Blasen- storungenbei Syringomyelie. Wien. med. BL, 1901,xxiv, 895-897. Also, transl: Semainemed.,Par., 1901, xxi,393.— Allen (A R.) Disturbance of sensation in a case of sy- ringomyelia. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Lancaster, Pa., 1911, xxxviii, 27-36.—Alquier A Guillain (G.) Etude ana- tomo-clinique d'un cas de syringomyelie spasmodique. Rev. neurol., Par., 1906, xiv, 489-496.—Aruaud (F.) Diagnostic de la syringomyelie. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r" 1890, Par., 1891, xix, pt. 2, 776-784.— Audry (C.) & Dalous. Hyperkeratose circonscrite des doigts chez un svringomvclique. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1902, xiii, 105-109. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 274-278. Also: 3. d. mal. cutan. "et svpb., Par., 1902, xiv, 412-415.—Bauni- garten(E.) Gegetiinetekasyringomyelianal. [Laryn- geal symptoms of syringomyelia.] Gegeszet, Budapest, 1908,17-19. Also, transl: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xlvi, 1561.— Banroivicz (A.) Zur Kehlkopferkrankung bei Syringomyelic Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1899, ix, 292-303.—Benenati (('.) Un caso di siringomielia iniziatosi col crampo dei violinisti. Riforma med., Na- poli, 1898, xiv, pt. 3, 735; 747.—Biernaeki (E.) O uciskowem porazeniu czucia. [Syringomyelic dissocia- tion of sensibility.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1892, 2. s., xm, 956-963.—Brasch (F.) Ueberinitiale Syringomyelie bei einem Falle von Neuromyositis infcctiosa. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1898, xvi, 523-538, 1 pl.—Brcgman (L. E.) Przvczynek do rozpoznania syringomyelii. [Contribu- tion to the diagnosis of syringomyelia.] Gaz. lek., War- szawa, 1895, 2. s., xv, 812-817. Also, transl: Neurol. Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1895, xiv, 805-810. -----. Spostrzezema kliniczne z syringomyelii. [Clinical observations on sy- ringomyelia.] Medvcyna, Warszawa, 1902, xxx, 98o; 1011; 1029; 1049; 1066; 1089.—Brissaud (E.) Les troubles de la sensibilite a topographie radiculaire dans la syringo- myelic Pressem6d.,Par.,1901,i,49-51.-----. Syringomye- lieathermoanalgesielongitudinaleettraiisversale. Ibid., 321-323. -----. Syringomyelie a thermoanaltrcMe longi- tudinaleet transversale. Ibid., 1901, ii, 321-323.—Bruce (A.) Acaseof spasmodic syringomyelia (?). Rev. Neu- rol. & Psvchiat., Edinb., 190H, vi, 390-401.—Burr (C. W.) A note on the temporary disappearance of the sensory symptoms in syringomyelia. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y.,1906, xxxiii, 525.—C'allewaert (H.)Un cas de sy- ringomyelic; troubles tardifs de la sensibilite. Policlin., Syringomyelia (Diagnosis and semi- ology of). Brux., 1908, xvii, 132-135.—Calligaris (G.) Intorno la topografia dei disturb! sensitivi nella siringomielia; a pro- posito di un caso di siringomielia a tipo scapolo-omerale. Riv. neuropat., Torino, 1908, iii, 289; 321.—Cartaz (A.) Note sur les troubles larynges dans la syringomyelie. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.J, Par., 1895, xxi, 536-543. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Rev. de laringol. [etc.], Bar- cel. ,1895-6,xi, 13.—Catola (G.) & L.e\vando\vsky(M.) Zur Kenntnis der Sensibilitatsstorungen bei der Syringo- myelic Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 537-540.—Cay la (P.) Sur un cas de syringomyelie presum6 observe a l'Hopital ile Nimes. Echo med.d.Cevennes,Nimes,1905,vi,454; 661.— Charcot (J.-B.) Dela dissociation ditesyringomyelique dans les compressions et sections des troncs nerveux; mode de retour des sensibilites apres operation. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 941-945—Chaul- fard (A.)&Gritfbn(V.) Hypertrophicpseudoacrome- galique segmentate de tout un membre superieur, avec troubles svringomyeliques ayant la meme topographie. Rev. neurol., Par., 1899, vii, 318-324.—Chenet & Ju- nientic. Un cas de syringomyelie avec mutilations spontanees des doitrts. Ibid., 1909, xvii, 788-792.— Claude (H.)& Bose (F.) Syringomyelic ii debut sacro- lombaire? Ibid., 190S, xvi, 268-271. Also [Abstr.]: J. de neurol., Par., 1908, xiii, 236.—Colman (W. S.) A clini- cal lecture on a case of syringomyelia. Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 1205-1209.—De Buck (D.) Un cas de syringo- mvelie lombo-sacree. Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1902, ix, 211.—Be Buck (D.) & I>e moor (L.) Syrin- gomvelie ou atrophie musculaire progressive. Ibid., 1900, i, 705-714. Also: 3. de neurol., Par., 1900, v, 141-148.— Dejerine (J.) Siringomielia unilaterale, propagantesi al simpatico ed al pneumogastrico. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 465. -----. Diagnostic d'une syringomyelie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1911, xxv, 775.— Dejerine (J.) & iHiralli6 (C.) Contribution a l'etude des troubles trophiques et vaso-moteurs dans la syringo- myelic (hemiatrophie dela face, troubles oculopupillaires et vaso-moteurs). Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1895, 5. s., vii, 785-797.—Dejerine (J.) & Thomas (A.) Un cas de syringomyelie type scapulo-humeral avec inte- grity de la sensibilite, suivie d'autopsie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par , 1897, 10 s., iv, 701-704.—De Benzi (E.) Siringomielia a tipo Aran-Duchenne. N. riv. clin.- terap., Napoli, 1899, ii, 295-298.—Desplats (R.) Hyper- trophic segmentate considerable du bras et de l'avant bras avec dissociation svringomyeliqne des sensibilites. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1908, xxi, 200-203,1 pl.— Dreyfus (G. L.) Ueber neuro-myotonische Reaktion bei einem Falle von Syringomyelie. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neurol, u. Psychiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1911, v, Orig., 414- 429.—Druault (A.) Syringomyelie avec troubles la- rynxes graves. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1898, xxiv, 468-475.—Egger (M.) Un cas de syrin- gomyelieunilateraleaveclesyndromedeBrown-Sequard; hemianesthesie croisee de la face et du corps; etude sur le parcours des vaso-moteurs dans la moelle. Rev. neu- rol., Par., 1905, xiii, 653-656.—Eskridge (J. T.) Syrin- gomelia; clinical lecture. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., iii, 137-146. -----. Syringomyelia; clinical lecture delivered at the Medical Department of University of Colorado. Ibid., 1894, 3. s., iv, 131-146. Also, Reprint.— Esterley (E. D.) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or syringomyelia; sensory arid trophic phenomena. Phila. Hosp. Rep., 1896, iii, 151— Eulenburg. Cervicale Sy- ringomyelie. Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1895-6, xv, 2-4.—Fernandez Sanz (E.) Siringomielia y purpura. Rev. de espec med., Madrid, 1908, xi, 217- 224. -----. Lepra maculo-anestesica; diagn6stico dife- rencial con la siringomielia. Rev. espah. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1909, xi, 237-250. Also: Rev. espec. med., Madrid, 1909, xii, 97-108.—Flesch (.!.) [Cervicale Form der Syringomyelic] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1906, v, 109.—Gastou (P.) Troubles trophiques des extremites avec syndromes syringomye- liques. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 347-351. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, vi, 138-142.—GausseI. Hematomy61ie avec syn- drome syringomvcliqiieet syndrome de Brown-Sequard. Montpel. med., 1906, xxiii, 235-238.—Gaussel & Levy (A )• Syringomyelie ou lepre. N. iconog. de la Salpe- triere, Par., 1906, xix, 454-457, 1 pl.— Gavello (G.) Sui disturbi laringei nella siringomielia. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.],Torino, 1905-6,xvii,2V32.—as, chaulmoogra (Ginocardia odorata), tre- mentinay alcanfor. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1906, xxix, 385-391.—Delherin (L.) Electrotherapie dans la syrin- gomyelie. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1911, xix, 364-370.—Kouindjy (P.) Traitement kinesitherapique de la syringomyelic, ses indications et ses contre-indica- tions. J. de physiotherap., Par., 1911, ix, 168-180.—Kan- zier(G.) La syringomyelie et son traitement. N.Mont- pel, med., 1898, vii, 472; 508.—Tolokonnikoflr"(A. N.) K kazuistikle siringomielii i yeya llecheniyu fizicheskimi metodami. [Syringomyelia and its treatment by phys- ical means.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1908, lxix, 345-356.— Verhoogen (R.) Pronostic et traitement de la syrin- gomyelic. J. m6d. de Brux., 1907, xii, 322. Syringomyelia (Treatment of) by ra- dium and Rontgen rays. Labeau (M.-L.-R.) Contribution a la ra- diotherapie de la syringomyelie. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1908. Beaujour (E.) & Lhermitte. Le traitement de la svringomyelie par les rayons X. Rev. neurol., Par., 1907, xv, 1312-1316. Also [Abstr.]: J. de neurol., Par., 1908, xiii, 189.-----------. La radiotherapie de la syringomyelic Semaine med., Par., 1907, xxvii, 193- 197.—Bienl'ait (A.) Le traitement de la syringomyelic par la radiotherapie. J. de neurol., Par., 1908, xiii, 321- 327. Also, transl: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1908, liii, 364; 375.—Desplats (R.)« Deux observations de syringomye- lic ancienne ameiioree par les rayons X. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1909, i, 265-269.—Du hain (L.) Le traitement radiotherapiqueetradiumtherapique dela syringomyelic Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1911, xix, 289-297.— Fabre (Mme. S.) & Touehard (P.) Traitement dela syringomyelie par le radium. Progres med., Par., 1909, 3. s., xxv, 648-652.—Geerts. Syringomyelie et radiothe- rapie. Policlin., Brux., 1908, xvii, 168-171.—Gramegna (A. G.) La radioterapia della siringomielia; nota di tecnica sulla radioterapia del midollo spinale. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1906, vii, 717-722.—Holmgren (J.) & Winian (O.) Un cas de syringomyelie traite avec succ6s par les ravons X. Nord. med. Ark., Stock- holm, 1908, 3. f., viii, Afd. ii, no. 11, 1-24.—Ivanoflf (N. S.) K voprosu o llechenii siringomielii luchami Roent- gena. [Rbntgen-ray treatment of syringomyelia.] J. nevropat. i psikhiat. . . . Korsakova, Mosk 1910, x, 1047- 1068.—Labeau (R.) Contribution k la radiotherapie de la syringomyelic Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 472-478.—de Nobelle (J.) Traitement de la sy- ringomyelic par la radiotherapie. Belgique med., Gand, 1909, xvi, 387-390.—Bimbaud (L.) Syringomyelie et radiotherapie. Prov. med., Par., 1910,~xxi, 45-47.—Ron- zoni ( G. ) Sindrome siringomielie* mierliorata colla radioterapia. Gazz. med. ital., Torinor1906, lvii. 451-453.— •Touehard (P.) & Fabre (Mme.) Un cas de syringo- myelie traite par le radium. Rev. neurol., Par., 1909, xvii, 647-649. Syringomyelia (Unilateral). Deroubaix. Un cas de syringomyelic cervicale unilaterale. J. de neurol., Par.," 1904, ix, 193-198. Also: Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1904, lvi, 489-495.—Gordon (A.) A case of unilateral hemorrhage in the medulla followed bv syringomyelic sensory disturbances. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1908, xxxv, 257.—Leenhardt (E.) & Norero. Sur un cas de syringomyelie a predomi- nance unilaterale avec atrophie musculaire <\ topogra- phie radiculaire. Rev. neurol., Par., 1906, xiv, 177-179.— IVlills (C. K.) Two cases of syringomyelia; one of uni- lateral type. J. Nerv. & Ment.Dis., N. Y., 1894, xxi, 237- 240. — Sano (F.) Syndr6me syringomyelique etendu unilateral. J. de neurol., Par., 1901, vi, 149-155. Syringomyelia in children. Aleksandroflt*(L. P.) & Minor (L. S.) Khirurgi- cheskoye vmleshatelstvo v dvukh sluchayakh stradaniya spinnovo i golovnovo mozga u dletel; k ucheniyu o sirin- gom'ielii na osnovanii tlekh zhe sluchayev. [Surgical interference in two cases of spinal cord and brain disease in children; study of syringomyelia based on those cases.] Protok. zasled. Obsh. Nelropat. i Psikhiat. pri Imp. Mos- SYRINGOMYELIA. 573 SYSTEM. Syringomyelia in children. kov. Univ., 1895-6, 81-87.—Bonnet (L.-M.) & Goyet. Syringomyelic a forme de maladie de Morvan chez une enfant. Lyon med., 1909, cxiii, 1017-1020.—Bousquel. Un cas de syringomyelic chez l'enfant. Ann. de med. et chir. inf.,Par., 1906,x,673-679.—Herbert (L. H.) A case of unilateral syringomyelia in a child. Indiana M.J., In- dianap., 1905-6, xxiv, 85-87.—Lloyd. (J. H.) Syringo- myelia. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr), 2. ed., Phila., 1898, 809-814.— Itlery (A.) & Boux (G.) Un cas de sy- ringom veiiteinfantile. Bull. Soc. de pediat. dePar., 1909, xi, 377-3S4. Also: Pediatric prat., Lille, 1910, viii, 40-42.— rVascimento Gurgel. Um casode syringomyelia em uma crianca de 9 annosdeidade. Gaz. clin., S. Paulo, 1907, v, 4-6. Also: Tribuna med., Rio de Jan., 1907, xiii, 49-55. Also, transl: Areb. Latino-Am. de pediat., Buenos Aires, 1907, iii, 6tW59.—Thomas. Note sur un cas de syringo- myelic, tvpc Morvan, chez l'enfant. Rev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1895, xv, 596-600.—Zappert (J.) Kinder- riickenmark und Syringomyelie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 949-955. Syringomyelocele. Andrews (F. W.) & Branson (W. P. S.) Cervical syringo-myelocele. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1910, Lond., 1911, xlvi, 256.—-Hurray. Syringo-myelocele with hy- drocephalus. Northumberland & Durham M. J., New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1896, iv, 93. Syrkin (Ch.) * Ueber Tuberkulose im Kindes- alter vom zweiten bis zum sechsten Lebens- jahre. 29 pp. 8°. Zurich, Oebr. Leemann & Co., 1907. Syrovatka (Vaclav) [ -1873]. [Biography.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1873, xii, 14. Syrup (Hydriodic). Gardner (R. W.) Svrup of hydriodic acid and its uses; a reply. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, 1892-3, xii, 344-346. Also, Reprint. -----. Syrup of hydriodic acid; the facts. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, 1892-3, xii, 506- 509. Also, Reprint. See, also, infra, Wilcox (R. W.).— Thornton (E. Q.) Clinical study of syrup of hydriodic acid. Med. Age, Detroit, 1892, x, 257-260. Also, Reprint— Wilcox (R. W.) Syrup of hvdriodic acid and its uses. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1893, viii, 50-59. Also, Reprint. See, also, supra, Gardner (R. W.). Syrup (Iodotannic). Boulard (L.) Sirop concentre au TV pour la prepara- tion instantanee du sirop iodotannique du Codex. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1909, xiii, 393.—Douris (R.) Sur le sirop iodotannique; composition; dosage de l'iode. Bull. d.sc. Pharmacol.,Par.,1909,xvi,200-203.—Gayet(L.) Notessur les causes determinant la formation d'un depot au fond des flacons contenant du sirop iodotannique et la melli- ficationdece sirop. ibid.,1911,xviii,402-106.—Grimbert (L.) Sur le sirop iodotannique. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1905, 6. s., xxi,433-437.— Harlay (V.) A propos du sirop iodotannique du Codex 1908. Ibid., 1909, 6. s., xxix, 159-161.—Mansier. Sur le sirop iodotannique. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1909-10, xv, 327; 358.— Martin (L.) Note a propos du sirop iodotannique. J, depharm.etchim.,Par.,1905,6.s.,xxi,295-297.—Thezee. Quelques remarques sur la preparation du sirop iodotan- nique d'apres le nouveau Codex. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1911, xv, 275-280 — Wyatt (H.) Note on Syrupus mdo- tannicus. Pharm. J., Lond., 1904, 4. s., xix, 898. Syrup (Raspbern/). Beythlen (A.) & Waters (L.) Beitrage zur Kennt- nis des Himbeersaftes. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, BerL, 1905, xii, 726-729.—Buttenberg (P.) Zur Kenntnis und Beurteilung des Himbeersaftes. Ibid., ix, 141-145. -----. Die Untersuchung und Beurtei- lung des Himbeersaftes und Himbeersirupes. Arch. d. Pharm., BerL, 1907, ccxlv, 81-97. -----. Welter Unter- suchungen von Himbeersaften und Himbeersyrupen. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl 1906, xii, 722-725. Also, Reprint. — Hempel (H.) & Friedricli (A.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der 1906-erHim- beersiiftc Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genuss- mittel, BerL, 1906, xii, 725-729— Juckenack (A.) [et al]. Beitrage zur Kenntnis desHimbeersaftes. Ibid., 1905, xn, 729-735—Liihrig(H.) Zur Kenntnis und Beurteilung des Himbeersaftes. Ibid., 1904, viii, 657-668.—Spaeth (E.) Ueber die Untersuchung und Beurteilung von Him- beersyrup. Ibid., 538-513. Syrups. See, also, Percolator. Bbasavolus (A. M.) Examen omnium ey- ruporum, quorum publicus usus est. Omnia ab autore recognita. 24°. Venetiis, 1545. Pagliano (G.) Trattato sullo sciroppo anta- cido britannico di lunga vita, depurativo e rin- Syrups. frescativo del sangue, ossia modo di evitare, cu- rare e guarire le malattie in generale, mediante la depurazione del sangue a portata delle persone che non hanno studiato la medicina. 16°. Firenze, 1844. Queriault (H.) *De l'interversion de sac- charose dans les sirops simples du Codex. [Pa- ris.] 8°. Melun, 1904. Beek (K.) & Lehmann (P.) Quantitative Bestim- mungen von Starkesirup in Obsterzeugnissen. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1911, xxi, 393-405.—Berin»vr (G. M ) & Beringer (G. M.), jr. Some of the syrups of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia and Na- tional Formulary. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1909, lxxxi, 311-326.—Beythien (A.) Ueber die Beziehungen zwi- schen der Zusammensetzung von Fruchtsaftaschen und ihrer Alkalitiit. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs-u. Ge- nussmittel, Berl., 1905, x, 339-347.—Bonier (A.) Frucht- saft-Statistikl906. /bid.,1906,xii,72L—Bridel (M.) Sur l'essaidusirop degomme du Codexdel908. J.de pharm. et chim., Par., 1909, 6. s., xxix, 289-291.—Brissemoret (A.) Lesyropd'ceufs. Mementos therap., Par., 1902,295- 300.—De t'lercq (F.) Syrup percolation. [Pat. spec] No. 941,234; Nov. 23, 1909.—Bomiiiikiewicz (A.) & Bominikiewicz (M.) Zur Untersuchung und Beur- teilung von Fruchtsaften und Fruchtsyrupen. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1905, xii, 735-744.—Goris &Arnould. Extraits fluides et sirops. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1910, xvii, 697-705.—Har- desty(J.C) Simple-syrup percolator. [Pat.spec.l No. 884,921; April 14, 1908.—Hensel (S. T.) Apparatus for the manufacture of simple syrup. [Pat. spec] No. 912,959; Feb. 16,1909.—H8nig(M.) UeberZusammensetzungund Untersuchung von Starkesyrupen. Ztschr.f. Untersuch.d. Nahrungs-u. Genussmittel,Berl.,1902,641-653—Hugou- neng(L.) Sirops et tisanes. Lyonmed.,1902,xcviii,619- 621 —Hunstock (R. H.) Apparatus for makingsirups. [Pat. spec] No. 523,529; July 24, 1891.—Juckenack (A.) & Pasternack (R.) Untersuchung und Beurtei- lung von Fruchtsaften. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nah- rungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1904, viii, 10-26. ----- _____. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Fruchtsafte und Fruchtsyrupe. Ibid., 548-554— Lemaire (P.) Con- fusion k 6viter a propos des nouveaux sirops de helladonne, de jusquiame et de datura stramonium. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1909, xxx, 62.—Lilhrlg (H.) Bei- trage zur Kenntnis der Zusammensetzung diesiiihriger Fruchtsafte. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Ge- nussmittel, Berl., 1905, xii, 714-726.—JUatthes (H.) & Itltiller (F.) Der Nachweis und die quantitative Be- stimmung von Starkesyrup unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der steueramtlichen Methode. Ibid., 1906, xi, 73_81 —Miehle (F.) Ueber die Anfertigung steril er Sirupe. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1897, xii, 663.—Plahl (W.) Ueber Heidelbeersaf te und eine darin unter bestimmten Verhaltnissen auftretende Reaktion. Ztschr. f. Unter- such. d. Nahrungs-u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1907,xiii, 1-5.— von Baumer. Die Verwendung der Garmethoden im Laboratorium, ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Starke- syrups. Ibid., 1905, ix,705-726.—Thamiii (R.) & Segin (A.) Beitrage zur Fruchtsaft-Statistik 1906. Ibid., 1906, xii 729-734.—Weiss (A.) Sulfosaurer Guavakol-Kalk- Syr'up. Med. BL, Wien, 1906, xxix, 506-508.—van West (E.) Beitrage zur Analyse des Johannisbeersaftes. Zt- schr f Untersuch. d. Nahrungs-u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1908, xv, 695-599.— Windiseh (K.) & Schmidt (P.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Fruchtsafte. Ibid., 1909, xvii, 584-645— "V von (P.) Sucre et sirop simple. J.depharm. et chim., Par., 1902, 6. s., xvi, 97-106. Sys (Ernest-Henri-Albert) [1874- ]. ♦Con- tribution a l'etude de l'emphyseme sous-cutane" consecutif a la broncho-pneumonie et a la pneu- monie non tuberculeuse. 68 pp. 8°. Lille, 1903, No. 145. Sysimbrium nasturtium (Toxicology of). Crouzel (E.) Le cresson et ses dangers. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxxiii, 334. Sysoma. See Monsters (Double). System (Chromaffinic). See, also, Suprarenal glands. Brown (T. G.) & Sherrington (C. S.) Notes on the pilomotor system. Quart. J. Exper. Physiol., Lond., 1911, iv, 193-205.—Frank (E.) Bestehen Beziehungen zwischen chromaffinem System und der chronischen Hypertonic des Menschen? Ein kritischer Beitrag zu der Lehre von der phvsio-pathologischen Bedeutung des Adrenalins. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1911, SYSTEM. 574 SYSTEM. System Chroma ffinic). ciii, 397-412.—Giaeoinini (E.) Le systeme interrenal et le systeme chromaffin chez les murenoides. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1911, liv, 452.—Kiniisbury (B. F.) The term "chromaffin system" and the nature of the chromaffin reaction. Anat. Record, Phila., 1911, v, 11-16. System (A) of diet and dietetics. Edited by G. A. Sutherland, xiii, 893 pp. 8°. London, H. Frowde and Hodder & Stoughton, 1908. System of diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. Edited by Charles H. Burnett. 2 v. xviii, 789 pp.; xxii, 858 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1893. System of diseases of the eye, by American, British, Dutch, French, German, and Spanish authors. Edited by William F. Norris and Charles A. Oliver. 4 v. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1897-8. System (A) of electrotherapeutics; electricity in diseases of the eye, ear, nose, and throat; elec- tricity in genito-urinary diseases; therapeutics of static electricity; electricity in dentistry, v. 2. 8°. Scranton, Internat. Textbook Co., 1903. System (A) of genito-urinary diseases, syphilol- ogy by various authors. Edited by Prince A. Morrow. 3 v. 8°. Neiv York, D. Appleton dc Co., 1894. System (A) of gynaecology, bv many writers. Edited by Thomas Clifford Allbutt and W. 8. Plavfair. xviii, 972 pp. 8°. London, Mac- millan & Co., 1896. ------. The same. Edited bv Thomas Clifford Allbutt, W. S. Playfair, and T. W. Eden, xxi, 949 pp. 8°. London, Macmillan dc Co., 1906. System (A) of legal medicine, by Allan McLane Hamilton, Lawrence Godkin and others. 2 v. 657 pp., 8pl.; 738 pp., 6 pl. 8°. New York, E. B. Treat, 1895. System (A) of medicine based upon the law of homceopaihy. Edited by H. R. Arndt. 3 y. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885-6. System (A) of medicine. Edited by J. Russell Reynolds". 5 v. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lip- pincott d: Co., 1870-79. System (A) of medicine. By eminent author- ities in Great Britain, the United States, and the Continent. Edited by William Osier as- sisted bv Thomas AlcCrae. v. 4-8. 8°. Lon- don, H. Frowde, 1908-10. System (A) of medicine, by many writers. Edited by Thomas Clifford Allbutt. 8 v. 8°. New York dc London, Macmillan dc Co., 1896-8. -----. The same. Edited by Thomas Clifford Allbutt and Humphry Davy Rollston. 9 v. 8°. London, Macmillan dc Co., 1906-11. System (A) of operative surgery. By various authors. Edited by F. F. Burghard. 4 v. 8°. London, H Frowde, 1909. System (A) of ophthalmic operations, beinga com- plete treatise on the operative conduct of ocular diseases and some extraocular conditions caus- ing eve symptoms. Edited and partly written by Casey A. Wood. 2 v. 1-922 pp.; '923-1824 pp. roy. 8°. Chicago, Cleveland Press, 1911. System (A) of ophthalmic therapeutics; being a complete work on the non-operative treatment, including the prophylaxis, of diseases of the eve. Edited and chiefly written by Casey A. Wood. 926 pp., lpl. large 8°. Chicago, Cle- veland Press, 1909. System (A) of phrenology. By George Combe. 2. ed. 556 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, 1825. System (A) of physiologic therapeutics. A practical exposition of the methods other than drug-giving useful in the treatment of the sick. Edited bv S. S. Cohen. 11 v. 8°. Philadel- phia, P. Blakiston's Son dc Co., 1901-5. CONTENTS. v. 1-2. Electrotherapy, bv G. W. Jacoby. xxii, 242; xii 323 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1901. v. 3. Climatology, health resorts, mineral springs, by F. Parkes Weber; with the collaboration for America of Guy Hinsdale. In two books. Book 1. Principles of climatotherapy; ocean voyages; Mediterranean, Euro- pean, and British health resorts, xvi, 17-336 pp. 8° Philadelphia, 1901. v. 4. Health resorts of Africa, Asia, Australasia, and America, special therapeutics, i-xvi, 420 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1901. v. 5. Prophylaxis; personal hygiene, civic hygiene; care of the sick, bv J. McFarland [et al.]. xvii, 17--539 pp., 3pl. 8°. Philadelphia.. 1903. v. 6. Dietotherapy and food in health, bv X. S. Davis jr. ix, 17-372 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1902. v. 7. Mechanotherapy and physical education, includ- ing massage and exercise, by John K. Mitchell. [Also:] Physical education by muscular exercise, by Luther Halsey Gulick. xvi (1 1.), 17-420 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1904. v. 8. Rest, mental therapeutics, suggestion, by Francis X. Dercum. viii (11.), 17-332 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1904. v. 9. Hydrotherapy, thermotherapy, heliotherapy, and phototherapy, by W. Winternitz et al. [Also:] Balneo- logy and Crounotherapy, by E. H. Kirsch. xvi, 17-570 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1902. v. 10. Pneumotherapy, including aerotherapy and in- halation methods and therapy, by P. L. Tissier. xvi, 17- 479 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1903. v. 11. Serumtherapy, by Joseph McFarland. [Also:] Or- ganotherapy, by Oliver T. Osborne. [Also:] Radium, tho- rium,and radioactivity.by Samuel G.Tracy. [Also:] Coun- ter-irritation , external applications, bloodletting, by Fred- erick A. Packard. [Ateo.-] An outline of the principles of therapeutics with especial reference to physiologic ther- apeutics, by the editor, with addendum on X-ray therapy and an index-digest of the complete system of eleven vo- lumes, xiii, 17-388 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1905. System (A) of practical medicine, by American authors. Edited by Alfred Lee Loomis and William Gilman Thompson. 4 v. 8°. New York dc Philadelphia, Lea Brothers, 1897-8. System (A) of practical medicine, comprised in a series of original dissertations. Arranged and edited by Alexander Tweedie. 8 v. 8°. Lon- don, Whittaker & Co., 1840. System (A) of practical surgery. By E. von Bergmann, von Bruns and J. von Mikulicz. Transl. and edited by William T. Bull and Walton Martin. 5 v. 8°. New York dc Phila- delphia, Lea Bros, dc Co., 1904. For German ed.. see Handbuch der praktischen Chirurgie [etc.]. 8°. Stuttgart, 1899-1900. System (A) of practical therapeutics. Edited by Hobart Amory Hare. v. 4. 1062 pp. 8°. Philadelphia dc New York, Lea Brothers dc Co., 1897. -----. The same. 2. ed. v. 1-3. 8°. Phila- delphia dc New York, Lea Bros, dc Co., 1901. System (A) of surgery, by Charles B. Ball, Arthur E. Barker [et al. ]. Edited by Frederick Treves. 2 v. xxxi (1 1.), 1152 pp., 2 pl.; 1 p. 1., xxiv, 1120 pp., 2 pl. 8°. London, Paris, Melbourne, Cassell dc Co. (Ltd.), 1895-6. ------. The same. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Brothers & Co., 1895-6. System of surgery. Edited by Frederic S. Den- nis, assisted by John S. Billings. 4 v. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Brothers dc Co., 1895-6. System (A) of surgery, theoretical and practical, in treatises by various authors. Edited by T. Holmes. 2. ed. 5 v. 8°. London, Longmans- [etal.], 1870-71. SYSTEM. 575 SZERDAHELYI. System (A) of syphilis, in six volumes. Edited by D' Arcy Power and J. Keogh Murphy, with an introduction by Jonathan Hutchinson. 8°. Lon- don, II. Frowde and Hodder & Stoughton, 1908-10. Systematic (A) arrangement of the dental for- mulae. See Rogers (Henry D.). Systeinatisclies Lehrbuch der Polizeiwissen- schaft, [etc.]. See Itledizinalpolizei (Die) in den preussischen Staaten. 12°. Quedlinburg & Leipzig, 1S29-30. Systeme Eymard. Alimentation des troupes en temps de paix et en campagne. 61 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Troyes, J. Brunard, 1881. Systropus. KUnckel d'Herculais (J.) Les lepidopteres lima- codides et leurs dipteres parasites, bombylides du genre Systropus; adaptation parallele de l'h6te et du parasite aiix memes conditions d'existence. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, cxxxviii, 1623-1625. Syzygium jambolanum. See, also, Diabetes (Treatment of). Below (E.) Ein neues Glykosid (Antimellin) aus den Friichten von Svzigium jambolanum. Aerztl. Centr.- Anz., Wien, 1S99, xi". 353-355.—Colasanti (G.) & Leoni (T.) II valoreantimellituricodel Syzygium jambolanum. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1892-4, xix, 879-949.— Mackie(W.) Jambul in advanced diabetes mellitus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 618—Quanjer (J. A.) Syzy- gium jambolanum. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1901-2, viii, 203-206.—Stephenson (T.) Jambul, its influence on the action of diastatic ferments. Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta, 1892, iii. 428-130. Szabadfoldi (Mihaly). A gyakorlati orvostan kezikbnyve; Kunze hasontartalmu munkaja nyomtin £s a Magyar orszagos egyetem iranyii- nak tekintetbe vetelevel kidolgozott. [Hand- book of practical medicine, elaborated from the work by Kunze on the same subject and especi- ally adapted to the needs of Hungary.] 2 p. 1., 422 pp. 8°. Pest, G. Heckenast, 1865. von Szab6 (Dionys). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Pro- fessoren (Die) [etc.]. V. Szabo (San dor) [1865-1907]. Temesvary. [Biography.] Gynaekologia, Buda- pest, 1907, 379. Szac-Schatz (Anton Titus) [1874- ]. ♦Gra- vidity und Myom. 49 pp. 8°. Leipzig, E. Szadek (Karl) [1852-1907]. Index bibliogra- phicus syphilidologise. Bearbeitet von ... 5. Jahrg. Die Litteratur des Jahres 1890. 75 pp. 8°. Hamburg dc Leipzig, L. Voss, 1893. For Biography, see Przegl. chor6b sk6r. i wen., War- szawa, 1907, ii, 123-132, port. (M. Waryhski). Szakall (Julius) [1872- ]. *TJeberden Bau des Urogenitalsystems der Krokodyle. [Gies- sen.] 52 pp. 8°. Budapest, Pester Lloyd-Ge- sellsch. 1899. Szamoylenko (Elisabeth) [1880- ]. *Mus- kulatur, Innervation und Mechanismus der Schleuderzunge bei Spelerpes fuscus. 26 pp., 11. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1904. Szana (Alexander). Das gesunde und das un- gesunde Radfahren. Kurze iirztliche Ratb- schlage fur Radfahrer. 22 pp. 12°. Temesvar, Union Buchdr., 1898. de Szapary (Franz). Magnetisme et magneto- therapie. 304 pp. 8°. Paris, 1853. Szczawinska (Wanda). *Serums cytotoxi- ques. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1902, No. 574. Szczawnica. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Szezawnica w Galicyi; zaklad zdrojowo-kli- matyczny. [. . . as a climatic health resort (circular).] 12 pp., 1 map. 16°. [Cracow, druk. Czasu, 1893?] See, also, Waters (Mineral), by localities. von Szezepariska (E.) Was muss ein junges Madchen vor und von der Ehe wissen? Hand- und Lehrbuch fur junge Madchen iiber alle Verhaltnisse des Braut- und Ehestandes. 2. Aufl. 44 pp. 12°. Dessau, II. Oesterwilz, [1902]. ----—. AY as muss eine junge Frau in der Ehe wissen? Hand- und Lehrbuch fiir junge Frauen und Mutter iiber Mutterpflichten. Kindes- pflege und Kindererziehung. 4. Aufl. 32 pp. 12°. Dessau, H. Oesterwitz, [1902]. Szezepanski (Josef) [1873- ]. *Beitrag zur Therapie des Galen. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, 1899. Szezybalski (Wilhelm Louis Philipp) [1873- ]. *Ein Fall von Cysticercus racemosus des Gehirns mit Arteriitis obliterans giganto- cellularis. 29 pp., 3 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., H .liujer, 1900. Szcg-Ji (Koloman). See Kinder-Sanatorium [etc.]. 12°. Wien, [1902]. Szejko (Mile. Jadwiga) [1867- ]. influ- ence de 1'education sur le developpement de la neurasthenic 276 pp., 1 1. 8°. Li/on, 1902, No. 107. von Szekely (August). Die Behandlung der tuberkulosen Lungenschwindsucht. vi (1 1.), 120 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1894. Szekely (S.) Eine neue Siiuglingsmilch; Be- griindung der Modifizierung meines Verfahrens. 13 pp. 8°. [Wien, M. Perles, 1905.] Forms Beil. 3 to v. 4 of: Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien. Szelagowski (Leon^ [1867- ]. * Contri- bution a l'etude clinique du cancer primitif pleuro-pulmonaire. 71 pp. 8°. Paris, 1900^ No. 355. Szelong (Josef). *Ein Fall von angeborener netzfoimiger Hypertrophic der menschlichen Magenschleimhaut. 20 pp. 8°. Zurich, W. Steffen dc Cociffi, 1902. Szemao. Ortholan. Rapport medical sur l'etat sanitaire de Szemao; pendant le premier semestre 1900. China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep., Shanghai, 1902, 60. issue, 38-42.— Sautarel. Rapport medical sur Szemao. Ibid., 1901, Shanghai, 1903, [61. & 62. issues], 46-49. Szemeszet. [ Ophthalmology. ] Editors: Schulek Vilmos, 1891-1904; Grosz Emil, 1891- 1911. v. 28-48. 4° & 8°. Budapest. Current. Supplement to: Orvosi hetilap. ------. Nev- es targymutatoja 1867-1904. Ossze- allitotta Leitner (Vilmos). 32 pp. 8°. Buda- pest, 1905. Szemeszeti lapok. [Ophthalmological sheets. ] 1902-11. fol. Budapest. Current. Supplement to: Budapesti orvosi ujsag. Szenasy (Alexander). Klinische Diagnostik der Pseudoplasmen. In: Wien. Klinik, 1887, xiii, 247-270. Szenes (Sigismund) [1861- ]. Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen der ersten Versammlung der deutschen otologischen Gesellschaft zu Frankfurt a. M. 1892. 14 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1892. Repr. from: Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., BerL, 1892, xxvi. ------. Bericht iiber die zweite Versammlung der deutschen otologischen Gesellschaft zu Frankfurt a. M. (19.-21. Mai 1893). 40 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1893. Repr.from: Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1893, xxvii. For Biography, see Gallerie internat. d. oto-rhino- laryngologistes." 8°. Bordeaux, 1908. Szerdahelyi (Heinrich). * Alkaloid-Intoxica- tion mit Paraplegia (paresis) posterior et Ischu- ria paradoxa catarrhalis. 60 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bern, Ott dc Bolliger, 1906. SZERLECK1. 576 [SZUMOWSKl.] Szerlceki (A.) fils. Sic IN'ienieyer (Paul). Precis de percussion et d'aus- CUltation [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1874. Szielasko ([August Emil] Alfred) [1864- ]. * Untersuchungen iiber die Gestalt und die Bildung der Vogeleier. 30 pp. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 0. Kiimmel, 1904. Szigeli (Gusztav). Az orvoslasi dijak fejlode- stortenete. [History of the development of medical fee?.] 4 pp. fol. Budapest, 1901. Suppl. to: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xiv, no. 6. -----. Adalek az orvosszakertoi velemenyek merlegelesehez. [Appendix to the weighing of expert medical opinions.] 15 pp., 1 pl. fol. Budapest, Magy. orv. lapja, 1902. Szilagyi (Desiderius) [1840-1902]. Sugar (M. K.) Elm61kedesek Szilagyi Dezso agyve- lejenek szemlgleseneL [Reflections on viewing the brain of Desiderius Szilagyi.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1902, vi, 8; 24. Also, transl: Klin, therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1902, ix, 801; 842. Szilard (B.) Beitrage zur allgemeinen Kol- loidchemie. vi, 7-41 pp. 8°. Dresden, T. Steinkopf, 1908. Szili (Adolf). Die Brille. 88 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1882. Forms 395. and 396. Hft. of: Samml. gemeinverstandl, wissensch. Vortr. -----. Augenspiegel-Studien zu einer Morpho- graphie des Sehnerven-Eintrittes im mensch- lichen Auge. I. Tafeln. 92 pp., 24 pl. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1901. Szilvassy (Janos). Borsz6k. Pro vid kivonat. [Borszek. Short description.] 14 pp. 12°. Gyergyo-Ditro, 1891. Szkofa Glowna Warszawska [1862-69]. [Uni- versity of Warsaw.] 2 v. 1 p. 1., 309 pp., 1 1., 1 pl., 16 port.; xvii, 569 pp., 28 port. 8°. Kra- kow, W. L. Anczyc i S., 1900-1901. Forms v. 6 and 8 of: Fontes et commentationes histo- riam scholarum superiorem in Polonia illustrantes. Szkolny (Eugen) [1873- ]. Ueber Amy- loidentartung der Nieren bei chronischer paren- chymatoser Nephritis. 19 pp. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Losson, 1899. Szliacsi. Szliacs, termeszetes meleg vasfiirdo (Zolyom mellett). [Szliacs natural warm iron baths (near Altsohl).] fol. [Budapest, 1892.] ------. The same. [Five editions.] fol. [Budapest, 1893-7.] ------. The same. Das naturwarme Stahl- bad Szliacs. fol. [Budapest, 1893.] Dillnberger (E.) Di Szliacser Eisenthermen und deren Heilwirkung. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1902,xxxviii,893-896.-----. DieHeilfaktorenderSzli&cser Eisenthermen. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1903, x, 809-812.— Habermann (B.) Skizze fiber Szliacs und dessen Gasbiider. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Pest, 1853-4, iv, 345-347. Szliaes. Termeszetes meleg vasfiirdo (Zolyom mellett). Szensavban dus pdratlan vasas hev- viz. [Szliacs. Thermal chalybeate baths (near Altsohl). Only known chalybeate spring rich in carbonic acid.] 8 pp. fol. Budapest, 1892. ------. The same. 4 pp. fol. Budapest, 1893. ------. The same. 4 pp. fol. Budapest, [1894]. ------. The same. 21. fol. [Budapest, 1895.] ------. The same. 21. fol. [Budapest, 1896.] ------. Thesame. 21. fol. [Budapest, 1897.] -----. The tame. Da3 naturwarme btahlbad Szliacs (bei Altsohl in Ungarn). Einzige be- kannte Eisentherme, reich an Kohlensiiure. 4 pp. fol. Budapest, 1893. Szmigielski (Basile) [1867- ]. * Histoire medicale de la campagne du Dahomey en 1892. 90 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 310. von Szolosy ([Ludwig]). Mann und Weib zwei grundlegende Naturprinzipien. 124 pp 8°. Wiirzburg, C. Kabitzsch, 1908. Szokalski (Victor-Felix) [1811-91]. De la plique polonaise dans 1 £tat at tuel de la science. 58 pp. 8°. Paris, Cosse it- «/". Dumaine, 1844. Srr. also, von Amnion (Friederich August). De- monstrations cliniques des maladies congenitales Tete 1 roy. 8°. Berlin & Park. 1*16. For Biography, see Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1891, xxx, 25. For Portrait, see Album wvbitnvch lekarzy polskich Pozn., [1906]. -------. See, also: Kramsztyk (Z.) Z pamietnik6w Prof. Szokalskiego. [From the memoirs of Prof. Szokalski.] Kryt. lek., Warszawa, 1897-1901, i-v, passim., Szokolay (Kornel). Bosnyakorszag 4s a Her- cegovina egeszsegiigyi viszonyai es furdoi. [Sanitary conditions and baths of Bosnia and Herzegovina.] 17 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Budapest, 1894. von Szoldrski (Josef). *Ueberdie Kehlkopf- briiche. [Wurtzburg.] 34 pp. 8°. Heidel- berg, J. Horning, 1892. Szontagh (Abraham). Tfitravideki nyaralo- helyek £s hidegviz-fiirdok. [The summer re- sorts and cold water baths in the vicinity of Tatra.] 8 pp. 4°. [Budapest, Franklin- Tarsulat], 1894. Bound with: Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1894, xxxiii. Szontagh (J/iMos) [1843-99]. Kelen (I.) [Biography.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1899, xliii, 632. Szpilman (Josef). [Biography.] Przegl. hyg., Lw6w, 1909, viii, 297- 300, [port, in text]. Sztankay (Aba). See Kolpaszky (Daniel) & Sztankay (Aba). Einiges iiber die Heilmittel der Darmtherapie [etc.]. 8°. Budapest, 1900. Sztarkwillen. Embryologia; nauka o pow- stawaniu czlowieka. [ . . . ; science of origin of man.] 2. ed. 46 pp. 8°. Lwow, 1898. Sztrazsnitzky (Joannes). *De tetano. 46 pp. 12°. Vindobonx, J. E. Akkermann, 1829. Sztyrle (Tadeo). Manual del enfermero mili- tar. Compilado sobre la base del manual adop- tado por la sanidad militar de Francia. 68 pp. 16°. Buenos Aires, J. Peuser, 1893. Sznbinski (A.) *Beitriige zur feineren Struc- tur der Leberzelle mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung der Pathogenese des Icterus. [Gottin- gen.] 26 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1899. Sziileszet 4s nogyogyfiszat. [Obstetrics and gvna?cology. ] 1902-12. fol. Budapest. Szuhany (C. L.) [1770-1837]. Nehrolog. Med. Aim., BerL, 1839,52-55 (Schneider). Szulc (Michael [Thaddaus] ) [1874- _ ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der Atresia vaginae mem- branacea. 34 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1897. Szulezewski (Bronislaw) [1878- ]. *Kri- tischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der sogenannten Struma ovarii. [Wurtzburg.] 41 pp., 31. 8°. Posen, B. Mil ski, 1904. Current. Supplement to: Budapesti orvosi ujsag. Szumlanski (Paul - Alphonse) [1867- ]. *Un cas d'arthropathie tabelique precoce a forme hypertrophique chez un vieillard. 60 pp. 8°. Paris, 1898, No. 231. [Szumowski.] Sprawozdanie lekarskie o Szczawnicy za rok 1910. [Medical report on Szezawnica for 1910.] 29 pp. 8°. Lw6w, Szczawn. Kom. Zdroj., 1911. SZWEJGIER. 577 SZYMONOWICZ. Szwejgier (Ludwik). Zaklad wychowawczy i naukowy dla mlodziczy meskiej w Zakopa- nem (w Tatrach). [Educational institution for [weak] male youth in Zakopane. ] 11 pp. 16°. Krakow, L. K. Gdrski, 1904. Szwojcer (J.) Ueber eine Flecktyphusepi- demie im Reserve-Krankenhaus zu Warschau. 34 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1893. Repr. from: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1893, lxii. Szymanski (Eugen) [1876- ). *Zur Ka- suistik des Ulcus rodens corneas. 32 pp., 2 1. 8°. Greifswald, II. Adler, 1905. Szymanski (Stanislaus Eduard). *Ueber zwei neue Nitro-/3-Naphtylamine und deren Derivate. [Bern.] 33 pp. 8°. Karlsruhe, G. Braun, 1892. VOL XVII, 2d series----'->7 Szymonowicz (Ladislaus). Lehrbuch der Histologie und der mikroskopischen Anatomie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des menschli- chen Korpers, einschliesslich der mikroskopi- schen Technik. xi, 455 pp., 52 pl. 8°. Wiirz- burg, A. St uber, 1900. ------. Thesame. 2. Aufl., vollstiindigumgear- beitet und ergiinzt unter Mitarbeit von Rudolf Krause. xii, 536 pp , 60 pl. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. Kabitzsch, 1909. ------. The same. A text-book of histology und microscopic anatomy of the human body, including microscopic technique. Transl. and edited by John Bruce MacCallum. ix, 17-435 pp., 57 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Bros, dc Co., 1902. T. T. TABARDILLO. T . . . Second memoire physique et medicinal montrant des rapports evidents entre les pheno- menes de la baguette divinatoire, du magn£- tisme et de l'eleetricite. Avec des 6clairci?se- ments sur d'autres objets non moins impor- tants, qui v sont relatifs. 268 pp. 8°. Londres dc Paris, Li dot, 1784. T. (A.) Een bezoek bij den lehmpastor te Re- pelen (Pastor Felke, zijn naturgeneeswijze en oogendiagnose). 20 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [n. p.~\, F. Felkers dc Horn, 1902. [T. (A.)] Posvyashtsayetsya Professoru Vent- seslavu Leopoldovichu Gruberu. [Dedicated to Professor Gruber.] 22 pp., port. 8°. [S.-Pe- terburg, 1882.] T. (E. S.) The staff surgeon; or, life in England and Canada, vii, 311 pp. 12°. London, Saun- ders, Otley dc Co., 1865. T. (H.). See Bains (Les) de Loeche (Leukerhad), [etc.]. 16°. Lausanne, 18M. T. (I. G. D.). See MOclistfurtreflicliBtes chiromantisch-physi- ognomisches Klee-Blat [etc.]. 16°. Xiirnberg, 1696. T. (M. E.). See Traitement des aljenes [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1837. T. (P.). See Cordus (Valerius). Den leyds-man [etc.]. 16°. Rotterdam, 1656. T. (V. J. B.). Set Rhodius(Joh.) Antiquitatesphilosophicse,[etc.]. 4°. Londini Scanorum, 1691. T. (W.). See Digby (Sir Kenelm). Medicina experimen talis Digbaeana, das ist, [etc.]. 2 pts. in 1 v. 12°. Franckfurt, [1670-]76. Taaffe (R[ickard] P[atrick] B[urke] [1828-88]. The propagation of disease, etc., through the media of food and drink. 16 pp. 8°. Brighton, 1881. Repr.from: Brighton Gazette, Dec. 17,1881. Tabacoff (Stoyan D.) [1872- ]. * Cure ra- dicale du mal perforant plantaire et de 1'ulcere simple de jambe par l'intervention neurotro- phique. 68 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 93. Tabakian (G.) [1872- ]. * Contribution a l'etude anatomo-pathologique du galactocele. 53 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1901, No. 34. Tabani (Enrico). Sull' induzionc elettro-dina- mica. 8 pp. 8°. Firenze, M. Cecchi, 1851. [P., v. 2228.] Repr. from: Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1851, 2. s., i. Tabanidae. See, also, Trypanosomiasis. United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Entomology. Technical Series No. 12, Part II. Habits and life histories of some flies of the family Tabanidae. By James S. Hine. 8°. Washington, 1906. Austen (E. E.) Horse-flies (Tabanidae) and disease. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1906, ix, 98.—Dudgeon (G. C.) Oc- currence and habits of some species of human biting flies Tabanidae. belonging to the families Tabanidae and Muscidae (Glos- sina), from the West Coast of Africa. J. Trop. M., Lond. 1906, ix, 326-328.—Lutz (A.) Bemerkungen iiber die Nomenklatur und Bestimmung der brasilianischen Ta- baniden. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xliv, Orig., 137-144. -----. Novas contribuicc-es para o conhecimento das Pangoninas e Chrysopinas do Brazil. Mem. do Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Jan., 1911, iii, 65-85,1 pl.—Lutz (A.)&Neiva(A.) Contribuice-esparaoconhe- eimer>to da fauna indi j ena de Tabanidas. Ibid., 1909, i, 28- 32.—Ricardo (Gertrude). Description of a new fly of the family Tabanidae. Proc. gen. meet. . . . Zool. Soc. Lond., 1906, 97.—Surconf (J.) Note sur des tabanides de la c6te occidcntale d'Afnque. Arch, de parasitol., Par., 1906-7, xi, 472-474, 1 pl.—Well in an (F. C.) The Tabanidae of Angola. J.Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1908, xi, 117. Tabanus quatuornotatus. Lecaillon (A.) Sur l'organe de Graber de la larve de Tabanus quatuornotatus Meig. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Nancy, 1905, vii, 130. -----. Deuxieme note sur l'organe de Graber. Ibid., Par., 1906, viii, 65-67. -----. Sur la structure de la couche chit in euse tegumentaire et sur les insertions musculaires de la larve de Tabanus quatuornotatus Meigen. Ibid., 68-70. -----. Sur quel- ques points de l'histoire naturelle des tabanides, en par- ticulier de Tabanus quatuornotatus Meig. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 459. Tabar (Felix) [1874- ^ ]. * Contribution a la therapeutique chirurgicale des kystes hydati- ques du rein. 78 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1901, No. 171. Tabardillo. See, also, Fever (Typhus); Piqueria trinerva. Anderson (J. P.) & Goldberger (J.) El tifo en Mexico. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1910, 3. s., v, 192-206.— Bulnian (F.) Algo sobre el tabardillo. Cr6n. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1906, ix, 307-310. -----. Urosemeio- logia del tabardillo. Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico, 1907-8, 2. ep., v, 453-461. -----. Dicrotismo en el tabardillo. Ibid., 1908-9, 2. ep., vi, 453-457. -----. Las psicosis y el tabardillo. Ibid., 1909-10, 2. ep., vii, 234-239.—Escalona (J.) Apuntes para el pron6stico del tabardillo. Ibid., 1907-8, 2. ep., v, 530-537. -----. Un caso de tabardillo. Ibid., 1908-9, 2. ep., vi, 513-616. -----. El conmemora- tivo en el tabardillo. Bol.decien.med., Mexico, 1910-11, i, 514-524. Also, Reprint.—Gavifio (A.) Estudio sobre el pretendido descubrimiento del tifo exantem&tico 6 tabardillo. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1906, 3. s., i, apend., 24-63—Jimenez (M. F.) Apuntes para la historia de la flebre petequial 6 tabardillo que se observa en Mexico. Escuela de med., Mexico, 1906, xxi, 176; 201; 224; 248: 272; 295; 368; 446; 467; 484; 519; 534— HcCampbell (E. F.) Observations on typhus exanthematicus (tabardillo) in Mexico, Feb. 7, 1910. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1910-11, xxiii, 71-83.—Pruneda (A.) Laslluviase el tabardillo. Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico, 1906-7, 2. ep., iv, 657-663. Tabardillo (Causes and pathology of). Escalona (G.) Datos sobre la etiologia del tabardillo. 8°. Mexico, 1911. Prieto (I.) Contribution al estudio de la bacteriologia del tabardillo. 8°. Mexico, 1908. Ricketts (H. T.) Trabajos sobre el tabar- dillo (tifo de Mexico), roy. 4°. Mexico, 1910. Anderson (J. F.) & Goldberger (J.) On the in- fectivity of tabardillo, or Mexican typhus, for monkeys, and studies on its mode of transmission. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1909, xxv, 177-185, 3. ch.-----------. On the relation of Rocky Mountain spotted fever to the typhus fever of Mexico. Ibid., xxiv, 1861.-----------. A note on the etiology of "tabardillo," the typhus fever of Mexico. Ibid., 1941.-----------. A report on the production of tabardillo, or Mexican typhus fever in monkeys. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1909-10, vii, 85.-----------. On the etiology of 578 TABARDILLO. 579 TABLES. Tabardillo (Causes and pathology of). tabardillo, or Mexican tvphus: an experimental investi- gation. J. Med. Research, Bost,, 1910, xxii, 469-481.— Carbajal (A. J.) Complicaciones cerebrales del tifo exantematico mejicano 6 tabardillo, considerado bajo el puntode vistabacteriol6gico. Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico, 1908, vi, 73-85. Also: Mem. Soc. cient. "Antonio Alzate," Mexico, 1908, xxvii, 5-17, 2 pl.—Escalona (G.) Algu- nos datos sobre la etiologia del tabardillo. Bol. de cien. med., Mexico, 1911-12, ii, 1-10. -----. La of talnio-reacci6n en el tabardillo; la permeabilidad renal en el tabardillo. Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico, 1908, vi, 129-LU;.—Ilurtado (F.) Estudio histol6gico y apreciaciones patogenicas. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1906, 3. s., i, 293-307. -----. Hiper- trofia de las capsulas supra-renales en dos autopsias de tabardillo. Ibid., 1907, 3. s., ii, 239.—Prleto (I.) Agente causal del tabardillo (tifo exantematico). Cr6n. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1911, xiv, 85. -----. El ta- bardillo desde el punto de vista experimental. Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico, 1906-7, 2. ep., iv, 267-282. -----. Experimentaci6n encaminada a dilucidar la etiologia bacteriana del tabardillo. Cr6n. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1906, ix, 169-173. -----. Agente causal del tabardillo, tifo exantematico. Ibid.,1910,xiii,309-313, Ich. Also, transl: Ibid., 314-319.— Ricketts (H. T.) & Wilder (R. M.) The typhus fever of Mexico (tabardillo); preliminary ob- servations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 463-467. Also, in,- Ricketts (H. T.) Contrib. to Med. Sc, 8°, Chi- cago, 1911,451-462. ----------. The etiology of the typhus fever (tabardillo) of Mexico City. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1910, liv. 1373-1375. Also, in: Ricketts (H. T.) Con- trib. to Med. Sc, 8°, Chicago, 1911, 473-478. Also, transl. in: Ricketts (H. T.) Trabaios sobre el tabardillo, Mexico, 1910, 53-60.-----------. Further investigations regard- ing the etiology of tabardillo, Mexican typhus fever. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, lv, 309-311. Also, in: Ricketts (H. T.) Contrib. to Med. Sc, 8°, Chicago, 1911, 491-497. Also, transl, in: Ricketts (H. T.) Trabaios sobre el tabar- dillo, 8°, Mexico, 1910, 77-83.-----------. The relation of tvphus fever (tabardillo) to Rockv Mountain spotted fever. Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1910, v, 361-370. Also, in: Ricketts (H. T.) Contrib. to Med. Sc, Chicago, 8°, 1911,479-490. Also, transl, in: Ricketts (H.T.) Trabaios sobre el tabardillo, 8°, Mexico, 1910, 61-75, 1 ch. ----- -----. The transmission of the typhus fever of Mexico (tabardillo) by means of the louse (Pediculus vesta- menti). J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 1304-1307. Also, in: Ricketts (H. T.) Contrib. to Med. Sc, 8°, Chicago, 1911, 463-472. Also, transl, in: Ricketts (H. T.) Trabaios sobre el tabardillo, 8°, Mexico, 1900, 37-52.— Totissaint (M.) [et al.]. Contribuci6n al estudio ex- perimental de la transmisibilidad del tabardillo. Cr6n. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1906, ix, 197-209.—Ulrich (E.) El estado anat6mico de los miisculos estriados en el tifo exantematico, en Mexico, D. F. Bol. de cien. med., Mexico, 1910-11, i, 433; 457. Also, Reprint. Tabarrani (Pietro) [1702-79]. Paganucci (L.) Elogia storico di Pietro Tabarrani. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1851, 2. s., i, 201; 209. Also, Reprint. Tabart (Stanislas) [1864- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la nevrodermite chronique circon- scrite ou lichen circonscrit. 87 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 29. Tabary (Octave) [1873- ]. * La lutte contre la tuberculose dans la classe ouvriere. 88 pp. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 575. Tabasco. See, also, Fever ( Yellow, History of), Hygiene (Municipal, Laws, etc., of), by localities. Lagaerennc (T. L.) Estado de Tabasco; descrip- ci6n topografica; formaci6n geoldgica; dep6sitos mine- rales; productos varios; vias de comunicaci6n. Mem. Soc. cient. " Antonio Alzate," Mexico, 1902, xvii, 125-131. Tabatsclmik. (Beyla). *Studie iiber Enuresis nocturna infantum. 37 pp. 8°. Zurich, Srl/e.- reschewsky, 1910. Tabberncr (John Loude). The past, the present, and the probable future supply of water to London, and sanitary reform. 50 pp. 8°. London, Longman &• Co., 1847. -----. Metropolitan water supply, present and future. 58 pp. 12°. London, H. Penshaw, 1850. Tabellse defixionum. Pfaft""(J.) Ueber tabellae defixionum bei Griechen und Romern. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1911, xiii, 161-166. Tabellarische Ausziige aus dem Arzneibuch fiir das Deutsche Reich. 4. Ausg. (Pharmaco- peia Germanica editio quarta) zum Gebrauch fiir Apotheker, Apotheken-Revisoren, Aerzte, etc. 46pp. 12°. Berlin, Deutsch. Anoth.-Ver., 1900. Tabellariselie Darstellung der inneren Krank- heiten, mit Einschluss der wichtigsten Vergif- tungen. Hrsg. von E. Ganea. 1. Theil. 461. fol. 117m tt Leipzig, W. Braumuller, 1903. ------. The same. 2. Theil. 511. fol. Wien d- Leipzig, W. Braumuller, 1904. Tabcr (Sidney Richmond). Shall vivisection be restricted? 6 pp., 11. 12°. [Chicago], 1905. Repr. from: Chicago Rec-Herald. -----. Illustrations of human vivisection. Ex- periments with poison. 23 pp. 8°. [Chicago], ------. The same. 2. ed. 31 pp. 8°. Chicago, Vivisection lief. Soc, 1907. Taberlet (J.) Evian, its mineral waters and their therapeutic value. 2. ed. 148 pp. 12°. Nice, Mal ratio-Mignon, 1883. Taberiireinontanus (Jacobus Theodoras). [1520-90]. New Wasserschatz, das ist, von alien heylsamen metallischen mineralischen Badern unnd Wassern, sonderlich aber von den newen erfundenen Sawerbrunnen zu Langen Schwal- bach in der Nidergraffschafft Katzenelnbogen, und im Schwartzwald in dem loblichen Stifft Strassburg in S. Petersthal unnd der Greissbach, bey dem Weiler Greissbach gelegen, auch aller anderer Sauwerbrunnen eygentliche Beschrei- bung, sampt derselben Gehalt, Krafft unnd Wirckung, [etc.]. 7 p. 1., 649 pp., 34 1. 16°. Franckfurt am Mayn, N. Bassseus, 1593. For Biography, see Abbild.. . . d. Arznk. verd. Ge- lehrten [etc.]. 4°. Augsburg, 1805, 45, port. Tabes dorsalis. See Ataxia (Locomotor). Tabes dorsalis (Spasmodic). See Little's disease. Tabes mesenterica. See Infants (Atrophy of); Mesentery (Tu- berculosis of); Tuberculosis in infants, [etc.]. Tabet(E.)[1874- ]. Contribution a l'etude clinique des Sevres typhoides abortives a debut brusque, vii, 9-64 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1900, No. 15. Table of doses and strengths of the British Phar- macopoeia. The Middlesex College of Chemis- try. 42 pp., 1 1. 24°. London, Bailliere, Tin- dall dc Cox, [1894]. Table (La) du vegetarien. 4. e'd., revue et aug- mented, contenant 953 recettes. 476 pp. 8°. Paris, Societe vegttarienne de France, 1910. Tables. Boldt (H. J.) New table designed for physicians' office use, and particularly adapted for pelvic work. Med Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxv, 439.—- taining this posture. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 580-582. Also, Reprint. -----. Demonstration of a new table for physicians' use and instruments. Tr. South. Surg. & Gy- nec. Ass. 1904, Birmingham, 1905, xvii, 442-448.—Boni (A.) II tavolo operatorio del dott. Fantino modiricato dal dott. Antonelli. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1903, liv, 321-323. Also: Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1903, no. 4, p. xii.—Borchgrevink (O.) Et norsk opcrations- bord. [A Norwegian operating table.] Tidsskr. f. d. norske Lsegefor., Kristiania, 1907, xxvii, 517.—Braatz (E.) Ueber meinen Operationstisch und seine verschie- denartigeGebrauchsfiihigkeit. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894, xxi, 769-776. -----. Zusammenlegbarer Operations- tisch, insbesondere fiir den Kriegsgebrauch. Ibid., 1895, xxii, 721-723. -----. Mein Operationstisch; neue Bein- halter. Ibid., 1900, xxvii, 833-841. —Brown (F.T. ) Demonstration of portable genito-urinary examination- operation table, and presentation of some new instru- ments. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1909, iv, 247-250. — Burgess ( M. G.) A new operating, dress- ing, and examining table. Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 619-621.—Cleveland (0.) An operating table for gen- eral and gynaecological surgery, adapted to give the Tren- delenburg posture. N. York J. Gynaec. & Obst., 1892, ii, 614-619. Also, Reprint.—Ball a Kosa (C.) Un nuovo tavolo d' operazione. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 335. — Dean ( L. W.) A table for eye, ear, nose, and throat work. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 1126.— Deletrez (A.) Description d'une nouvelle table d'ope- rations. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1895, ii, 85. — Downey (J. H.) A new combined operating and office table. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 2160. Also [Abstr.]: Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med., 1906-7, viii, 790-792.— Fstrabaut (D.) Table pour examens m6dico-chirur- gicaux, voies urinaires et gynecologic Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1904, xxii, 1629-1633. Also: Presse med., Par., 1904, ii, 580. —Fantino ( G. ) Un nuovo tavolo operatorio. Clin, chir., Milano, 1899, vii, 445-449.— Foerster (F.) Operationstisch. N. Yorker med. Mo- natschr., 1894, vi, 19. —Fox (L. W.) New ophthalmic operating table. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1897, xxvi, 508. Also, Reprint —Frazier (C. H.) An operating table designed for operations upon the head and neck. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg., 1909, xi, 177. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1909, xlix, 159, 3 pl.—Fruelich. Table d'operations por- tative. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r., 1901-2, 78.— Fiirth (J.) Ein neuer Operationstisch. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xviii, 1244-1246. —Geijl (A.) En verbeterde opera tie- en onderzoekingstafel. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1894, v, 293- 296.—Geissler. Ein neuer Instrumententischmit trapez- formiserPlatte. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 237.— Genouville. Table d'operations a renversement. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1901, Par., 1902, v, 581-589.— Gilliam (D. T.) An operating-table. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, liii, 948. — Goepel. Operationstisch. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. (1904), 1906, 72-76. —Griffith (F.) An operating table bed. Med. Brief. St. Louis, 1904, xxxii, 174— Grinevich (I. I.) Ginekologicheskiy i operatsionniy stol. [Gyneco- logical and operating table.] Terap. vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1900, iii, 721-726.—Groves (E. W. H.) & Stack (E. II. E.) A new operating table. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 1141-1143.—Haret (G.) An operating-table for radio- scopic examination in a recumbent position. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1906-7, xi, 284-286.—Hartley (F.) & Murray (F. W.) Concerning the evolution of the operating table. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 1276. Also, Reprint. — Harvie (J. B.) An operating table. N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 378—Helbing. Instrumen- tentisch mit elektrischem Anschlussapparat fiir Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenarzte, Munchen. med. WchDSchr., TABLES. Tables (Operating). 1906, liii, 312.—Heubach (F.) Mein kombinierter chi- rurgisch-orthopadischer Operations- una Extensionstisch Arch.f.Orthop.[etc.], Wiesb., 1910, viii,290-303.—Hirsch (J.) Zusammenlegbarer, leicht transportabler I'nter- suchungsstuhl, sowie Operationstisch. Munchen med Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 2005.—Holm (V.) Et Understf- gelses- og Operationsbord for praktisereude Larger. [A table for examinations and operations for practicing physiciansj Ugeskr. f. Lseger, K0benh., 1900, 5. R., vii 103-107.—Hopkins (T. M.) An operating tabic J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxviii, 1023. —Ihle (0.) Die verschiedenfachen Lagerungen der Kranken bei Operationen; ein neuer Operationstisch. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 769; 796.—Improved operating table. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 887.—Isaacs (A. E.) A new operating and examining table. N. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 871-873— Kollmann (A.) Urologischer Unter- suchungs- und Operationstisch in verbesserter Form. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.- Org., Leipz., 1897, viii, 543-552— Kosminski (F.) Stol operacyjny. [Operating tables.] Ginekologia, Warszawa, 1903-4, i, 479-488.—Koster (W.) Gzn. Een eenvoudige wasch- tafel voor chirurgisch gebruik. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1907, ii, 1404-1406.—Kreider (G. N.) An aseptic dressing-table. N. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 416.— Kriinig. Elektrisch heizbarer Operationstisch. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. (1904), 1905, 58-60. — Krull. Narkosewagen, zugleich Vorberei- tungs-, Verbands- und Operationstisch. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1446.—Kubinyi (P.) MUtoasztal futesi berendeztSse. [A pparatus for heating the operating table.] Gynaekologia, Budapest, 1907, 361-366. Also, transl: Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 511-518.— Lange (F.) Ein orthopadischer Operations- und Ver- bandtisch. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1904, xiii,432- 441. Also, Reprint.—Lewis (B.) A new surgical table. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1903, x. 97-99.—Liepmann (W.) Ein neuer Operationstisch nach E. Bumm. Zen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 213.—Lilienthal (H.) A new compact portable operating table. Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxxi, 1121-1123. — Loumeau (E.) Plan operatoire portatif a volume recluit (remplacant les tables k operations). Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1903, xxi, 1157-1163. Also: Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc- verb. 1903, Par., 1904, vii, 765-70*.—Makris (C.) Une table d'operation complete transportable. Gaz. metl. d'Orient, Constant, 1906-7, li, 177-182. — Marenghi (G.) Nuovo tavolo di operazione per laboratorio. Boll. d. Soc. med. - chir. di Pavia, 1902, 16-20. — Martin Gil (R.) Mesa de operaciones. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1899, ii, 433-440.—Meyer (G.) Ein neuer Operations- und Untersuchungstisch und -stuhl. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 1269 — Mon- profit (A.) La nouvelle table d'operations du Dr. Maurice P6raire. Anjou mecl., Angers, 1894-7, 342-347.— Moszkowiez(L.) Operationstisch mit einfacher Hebe- vorrichtung. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl Polytech., Berl., 1904, xxvi, 120.—Neuer orthopadischer Operationstisch. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl.,Berl.,1908, xxx, [Aerztl. Polytech.], 116-119. Also. Reprint—New (A) operating table. Lan- cet, Lond., 1909 i, 1257.—New (A) operating table. Ibid., 1910, i, 1357.— Pantaloni. Une nouvelle table d'opera- tions. Arch. prov. dechir., Par., 1903, xii, 663-673. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1903, 12. s.,iii, 365-368—P^raire (M.) Plan incline portatif pour les operations abdominales. Assoc, franc, dechir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1893, vii, 843- 845. Also: Rev.dechir.,Par., 1893,xiii,678-680.—Perkins (J. W.) A hot operating table and its advantages. Inter- nat. J. Surg.,N. Y., 1895, viii, 283. Also, Reprint—Pyle (J. S.) A new surgical table. N.York M. J.,1899,lxix,389-391. Also, Reprint.—tluenu. Table d'operation. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 477-479.—de Quervain (F.) Untersuchungs-und Operationstisch. Med.-technol. J., Leipz. u. Wien, 1905, i, 253. -----. Neue Untersuchungs- und Operations-Tische. Illust. Monat- schr. f. arztl. Polytech., BerL, 1906, xxviii, 81-86.-----. Zur • Operationstischfrage. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, xxxiii, 321-323. -----. Weiteres zur Operationstisch- frage. JMd.,1909,xxxvi,686-688.—Quiniou. Tabled'ope- rationduDesmontils. Cong, internat. dem6d. C. r.,Par., 1900, sect, de chir. mil., 33-37.—Beverdin (A.) Table d'operations portative. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc- verb. [etc.], Par., 1899, xiii, 744-749. Also: Cong, internat. demed. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, dechir. gen., 805-809.— Bichelot & Beverdin (A.) Table d'operations por- tative a transformations multiples. Compt. rend. Cong. period, internat. de gynec. et d'obst. 1899, Amst., 1900, iii, 443, 2 pl. —Biedinger (J.) Demonstration eines La- gerungs- und Extensionstisches. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. orthop. Chir.. 9, Kong., Stuttg.. 1910, 433- 440.—Bingleb (O.) Operationstisch fiir Bauchlage mit freier Beckenplatte und Schamteilausschnitt am Vorder- rand. Illust. Monatschr. f. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1906, xxviii, 1-4.—Bobb (H.) Use of electric lights for warm- ing the operating table. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1911, xxxvi, 487-190, 1 pl. Also: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1911, xiii, 74.—Buggies (E. W.) A new geni- TABLES. 581 TABLETS. Tables (Operating). to-urinary table. Buffalo M. J., 1904-5, n. s., xliv, 517- 520 —Bydygier. Aseptyczny stol operacyjny. [An aseptic operating table.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1898, xxxvii 615.—Saltet (R. H.) Over de kunstmatige ver- lichtingvan operatietafels. Herinneringsb. Prof. S. S. Rosenstein, Leiden, 19U2, 529-535.—S< liar liner (A.) New operating table and an improved bowl stand. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1900, xxxi, 479-485. Also, Reprint— Sehafer (F.) Ein Untersuchungs- und Operationsstuhl fiir das Sprechzimmer des Oto-Laryngologtn. Verhandl. d. Ver. siiddeutsch. Laryngol., Wurzb., 1908, 617-520 — SellaII (M.) Einen aus mehreren zusammenklapp- baren, rahmenartigen Teilen bestehenden Operations- tisch mit einstellbarer Operationsplatte. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 1609.—Schlag- intweit (F.) Neuer Untersuchungs-und Operations- tisch. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1515.— Shalita (S. G.) Operatsionnivstol-sogrlevatel. [Oper- ating table heater.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 850-852.—Sherman (F. M.) A light portable operating table. Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 644.—Sick (P.) Ver- stellbaresLagerungsbankchen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.^ Leipz., 1908, xcii, 579-581.—Sienlried (C. A.) A new United States Navy portablegoneral-operating table; and a new portable folding, dres-ing and instrument table. Proc Ass. Mil. Surg. V. S., Columbus, O., 1897, 205-208.— Spinelli(P. G.) Tavolo per operazioni. Arte med., Napoli, 1902, iv, 671— Squier (J. B.) A portable operating table (weighing less than twenty-three pounds). N. York M J., 1899, lxx, 834.—Stein (A. E.) Ein neuer Operations- und Extensionstiseh. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1903, xxx, 1105-1108.— Stidston (C. A.) A new portable operating table. Lancet, Lond., 1912, i, 880.—Table du Dr. Malherbe pour operations chirurgicales. Rev. d. instrum. de chir., Par., 1894, iv, 78.—Tal't (R. M.) An operating table and chair designed for use in an office or hospital. Tr. Soc. Alumni Bellevue Hosp., N. Y., 1897-8, 185-188.— Til 1- manns (H.) Ein zusammenlegbarer, leicht transporta- beler Operationstisch fiir die Kriegschirurgie und die chirurgische Privatpraxis. Festschr. z. Fcier . . . Fr. von Esmarch, Kiel u. Leipz., 1893, 143-147.—IIlmann (K.) [Demonstration eines hoch- und niederstellbaren Unter- suchungs- und Operationstisclies.] Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1893, vi, 261. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xliii, 644-646.—Volland (G.) Ein neuer Operations- tisch. Illust Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1902, xxiv, 66.—Wahl (A.) Vorzeigung eines neuen Kran- kentisches. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1892, xiii, 854. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. off. Gsndhts- pflg. zu Berl. (1892), 1893, 43-45.—Ward (B. J.) A port- able metal operating table on an entirely new principle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, 167.—Waring (H.J.) Opera- tion and clinical examination table. Ibid., 1910, ii, 1349. -----. Anew portable operating table. Lancet, Lond., 1910, i, 1546.—Young (H. H.) An operating table for office work. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1901, xliv, 132-135. Tables (Operating, Gynecological). Asch (R.) Beinhalter fur Operationen in Steissrii- ckenlage. Centralbl.f.Gyniik., Leipz., 1895, xix,939-941.— Beuttner (O.) Une nouvelle table pour diagnostic et massage gynecologiques dans la position declive. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1903, xxiii, 245-249.— Boldt(H. J.) Gvnecological operating table. Tr. Am. Gvnec Soc, Phila." 1893, xviii, 298-300.—Cleveland (C.) [Model of a gynecological examining table, invented by Samuel W. Francis.] Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1878, xi, 403. Also, Reprint.— Crlckx (A.) Sur un nouveau "Bein- halter." Clinique, Brux., 1892, vi, 822-824 — Czempin (A.) Ein Operationstisch fur Laparotomien (Becken- hochlagerung durch verstellbare Beckenplatte). Cen- tralbl. f. Gvnak., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 299-304. -----. Ver- stellbarer Operationstisch fiir Beckenhochlagerung und fiir vaginale Operationen. Ibid., 1896, xx, 209-215.—De Castro (L.) Un modello semplice ed economico di lettosedia per esame comune e ginecologico e per opera- zione. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 123— Edebohls (G. M ) Erkliirung betreffend die transportablen Bein- halter nach Ihle. Frauenarzt, Berl., 1895, x, 107-113. Also, transl: N. York J. Gvnaec & Obst., 1894, iv, 575-578.— Fenger Just(P. A.)&Madscn (A.) Ein Operations- tisch fur Laparotomie und besonders fur Operationen im kleinen Becken. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1901, xxv, 221-228.—Forster (E. J.) A new examining rest. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1883, xvi, 273-275. Also, Reprint—Gott- schalk (S.) Ein neuer Operationstisch. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Bert. 1896, iii, 137-139.—Gubareff (A P.) Noviy stol diva ginekologicheskikh i abdominal- nikh operatsiy. [A. new table for gynecological and ab- dominal operations.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Pe- tersb., 1905, xix, 419-427.—Hartoir. Ein neuer Opera- tionstisch mit beweglicher Schulterstiitze. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 1105-1108. — Heinsius ( F.) Ein gvnakologischer Universaloperations- und Untersuchungstisch. Frauenarzt, Leipz., 1908, xxiii, 386- 388—Ihle (O.) Ueber zwei neue transportable Bein- halter fur gynakologische Operationen in der Privat- Tables (Operating, Gynecological). praxis. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1895, vii, 33; 60; 67.— Konsliin (D.) Deshoviy stol dlya ginekologicheskikh i khirurgicheskikh operatsiy. [A cheap table for gyneco- logical and surgical operations.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1905, lxiv, 542-544.—Mackcurodt (A.) Ein gyniikolo- gischer Operationstisch. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1893, xvii, 201-205.—Neugcbauer (F. L.), jr. Rozwie- racz n6g dla operacyi gyniatrycznych dokony wanych w polozeniu grzbietowem o wzniesionej miednicy lub tak zwanem pogladkowo-grzbietowem. [Leg supports for gyniatric operations in dorso-gluteal and lithotomy posi- tions.] Mertyeyna, Warszawa, 1885, xiii, 783; 801. Also, Reprint. — Pagenstecher (G.) Eine feste Stiitze zu demSanger'schenundanderenbeweglichenBeinhaltern. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 48-52—Pierra (L.) Table gynecologique pour examens, lavages, panse- ments et operations. Rev. prat, de gynec, d'obst. et de pediat, Par., 1906, i, 17-21.—Bobb (H.) An operating table. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait, 1894, v, 73,1 pl. Also, Reprint—Saniborgski (V. S.) Prostol operatsi- onniy stol dlya polozheniya po Trendelenburg'u. [A simple operating table for Trendelenburg's position.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 381— Schallcr (L.) Operationstisch fiir Beckenhochlagerung. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1897, xxi, 1433-1436. — Stas (J.) Ein gynakologischer Operationstisch. Ibid., 1898, xxii, 636- 539.—Stone (I. S.) The Edebohls operating table; a useful addition. Ann. Gynaec. & Peediat, Phila., 1892-3, vi, 735.—Table portative pourgynecologie et operations, articulee, pliante, construite par M. Dupont, pour M. le Dr. Pacquelin. J. de med. de Par., 1904, 2. s., xvi, 203.— Vincent (E.) Fauteuil gynecologique portatif. Arch prov. de chir., Par., 1893, ii, 579.—Vogel. Operations- tisch nach Landau-Vogel, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Lagerung der Kranken beigvnakologischen Operationen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 358-360.—Wegschei- der (M.) Der Operationstisch nach Dr. Rumpf. Zen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1903, xxvii, 1086-1093. Tables (Operating, Veterinary). Dollar (J. A. W.) A surgical operating table for the horse. 4°. Edinburgh, 1900. Dexler (H.) Ein neuer Operationstisch; Beitrage zur Chirurgie kleinerer Hausthiere. Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Jena, 1904, viii, 350-363.—Freund (L.) Bemerkungen zu Dexlers Operationstisch fiir kleinere Haustiere. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1908, 729-731. Tables de comparaison entre les mesures an- ciennes et celles qui les remplacent dans le nou- veau systeme metrique; avec leur explication et leur usage, publiees par l'agence temporaire des poids et mesures. 38 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Paris, imp. de la Republique, an IV [1796]. [P., v. 1817.] Tablets. Gram (C.) Lsegemidlernes Egenskaber og Doser i Tabelform. [Properties and doses of drugs in tablet form.] sm. 4°. Kj0benhavn, 1897. Tabloid (The) appeal case. Supreme Court of Judicature of England. Court of Appeal, London. Burroughs Wellcome & Co. v. Thomp- son and Capper. 4°. London, 1904. Repr.from: The Tribune of Justice. Tabloid (The) case. High Court of Justice of England. Chancery Division, London. Be- fore . . . Mr. Justice Byrne. Burroughs Well- come and Co. v. Thompson and Capper. 4°. London, 1903. Repr.from: Med. Times, Lond. Wood (J. R.) Tablet manufacture, its his- tory, pharmacy and practice. 12°. Philadel- phia dc London, 1906. Bach em (C.) Zur Tablettenfrage. Therap. Rund- schau, Berl., 1909, iii, 385-387.—Burnet (J.) The dan- ger of self-medication with tabloids. Lancet, Lond., 1903 i 1196.—Fuller (H. C.) The presence of arsenic in the 'coating of tablets. J. Indust. & Engin. Chem., Eas- ton, Pa., 1911, hi, 254.—Gebrauchlichen (Die) Hilfs- mittel zur Darstellung von Arzneitabletten. Pharm. Ztg., Berl., 1902, xlvii, 228-230.—Grosli (D. M.) Sugar coating of tablets. Merck's Rep., N. Y., 1911, xx, 181.— Harnack (E.) Der Kampf zwischen Grossindustne und Apotheke um die Taolette. Therap. Monatsh., Berl 1907 xxi, 499-502.—Holmes (L. E.) Administra- tion of drugs in tablet form. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iv, 692—Patterson (E. B.) The limitations of tablet- making. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 1592.— TABLETS. 582 TABITEAU. Tablets. Fuokner (W. A.) & Hilpert (W. S.) Tablets of bis- muth, opium and phenol; a second examination which illustrates the limitations of tablet compounding. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1910, lv, 2169.—Sawyer (Sir J.) Medicated h>zetiy;cs. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1901, ii, 1594.— Seel (E.) & Friedericli (A.) Ueberdie Ursachenun- gleichmassiger und minderwertiger Wirkung einiger Arzneien, besonders bei deren Verordnung in Tabletten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1911, vii, 886; 927.—Woolcock (W. J. U.) The art of tablet-making. Merck's Rep., N. Y., 1908, xvii, 123-126. Tablets ( Compressed). Bruere (P.) *Sur 1'utilisation en pharmacie et en chimie analytique des comprim£s de sub- stances medicamenteuses et chimiques. 8°. Paris, 1908. Ilyin (L. F.) *0 spresovannikh medika- mentakh iii tabletkakh. [On compressed medi- caments or tablets. ] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1900. Compressed medicine to be used hereafter in the Army and Navy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvii, 897.—Doppelt wirkende Tablettenpresse fiir den Re- ceptirtisch. Pharm. Centralhalle, Dresd., 1902, n. F., xxiii, 368.—Forret (J. A.) The preparation of com- pressed tablets. Pharm. J., Lond., 1902, 4. s., xiv, 453.— Masson. Des comprimes de medicaments, de leur em- ploi dans l'armee. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1901, xxxvii, 1-13.—Nagy (A.) Arzneistoffe in Tablet- tenformfiir die arztliche Landpraxis. Wien.med. Wchn- schr., 1912, lxii, 592-594.—Bodwell (H.) Compressed tablets. Pharm. J., Lond., 1904, 4. s., xix, 244-246. [Dis- cussion] , 279. Also: Chem. & Drug., Lond.,1904, lxv, 328. -----. The preparation of compressed tablets. Pharm. J., Lond., 1905, 4. s., xxi, 826.—Silberstein (J.) Zur Technik der Herstellung von komprimierten Tabletten. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1903, xiii, 435.— Utz. Er- fahrungen uber die komprimirten Arzneitabletten fiir den Gebrauch der Armee im Felde und im Frieden. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1900, xxix, 564-569.— White (E.) Compressed tablets. Chem.&Drug.,Lond., 1903, lxiii, 231.—White (E.) & Bodwell (H.) Com- pressed tablets. Merck's Rep., N. Y., 1903, xii, 350-352. Also: Pharm. J., Lond., 1903, 4. s., xvii, 156-158. Tablettes (Les) medicales mobiles. Diction- naire encyclopedique bi-mensuel de therapeuti- que generale et guide-revue du medecin prati- cien. Nos. 1-120. 5 v. 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, 1899-1903. Tablettes mensuelles de la Society royale de medecine publique et de topographie medicale de Belgique, comprenant les Elements d'une en- quete permanente sur la situation sanitaire du pays. 1885-7; 1902-9. 8°. Bruxelles, Hayez, 1885-1909. Tabloid (The) appeal case. Supreme Court of Judicature of England. Court of Appeal, Lon- don. Burroughs Wellcome & Co. v. Thompson and Capper. 5 pp. 4°. London, 1904. Repr.from: The Tribune of Justice. Tabloid (The) case. High Court of Justice of England. Chancery division, London. Before . . . Mr. Justice Byrne. Burroughs Wellcome and Co. v. Thompson and Capper. 20 pp. 4°. London, 1903. Repr. from: Med. Times, Lond. Taboada [de la Riva] (Marcial) [1837- ]. See Menendez (Carlos) & Aleixandre (Joaquin Maria). Colecci6n legislativa de banos [etc.]. 16°. Ma- drid, 1892. For Biography, see Rev. m6d.-hidrol. espafi, Madrid, 1906, Vii, 65-102 (Rosendo Castells [et al.]). Taboo. Frazer (J. G.) Taboo, and the perils of the soul. 3. ed. roy. 8°. London, 1911. French (F. C.) A factor in the evolution of morals. J. Philos., Psychol, [etc.], Lancaster, Pa., &N.Y., 1907, iv, 203-209.—Hod son (T. C.) The "Genna-' amongst the tribes of Assam. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1906, xxxvi, 92-103.—L.an<£ (A.) The totem taboo and exogamy. Man, Lond., 1906, vi, 130—Marett (R. R.) Is taboo a negative magic? In: Anthrop. Essavs, roy. 8°, Oxford, 1907, 219-234.—Man re r (F.) Das Tabu im Alten Testa- ment. Globus, Brnschwg., 1906, xc, 136-138.—Beinach (S.) Legendre etla belle-mere. Anthropologie,Par.,1911, Taboo. xxi, 649-662.—Sarat Chandra Mitra. The sword- blade vow. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bmnbav, 1902, vi, 115-123 — Shufeldt (R. W.) The curse of taboo. Pacific M..I San Fran., 1911, liv, 277-283. Also, Reprint.— Whyie (G. D.) The incest tabu. Man, Lond., 1910, x, 98. Tabo-paralysis. See Paralysis (General, Atypical, etc.). Tabor (Azor). See Fniversity of Albany. Speeches in behalf of the University of Albany. 8°. Albany, 1852. Tabor (George R[eed]) [1864- ]. The 1903 epidemic of yellow fever in Texas, and the les- son to be learned from it. 22 pp. 8°. Austin Texas, 1905. Forms no 64 of: Bull, Univ. Texas, Med. Series no. 3. For Biography, see Texas M. J., Austin, 1906-7, xxii, 1-3 port. (F. E. Daniel). Tabor (Heinrich) [1751-95]. See Anatomische Schriften [etc.]. 12°. Heidelbera 1791. *' Tabor (Otto Rudolf Hans) [1884- ]. * Un- tersuchungen iiber die Fesselstrecksehnengalle des Pferdes. [Leipzig.] 51 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Dresden, S. 0. Heinrich Nachf., 1910. Tabor (Sir Robert). See Talbor. Tabora. Sergi (S.) Un cervello di un indigeno di Tabora (Unyanvembe). Atti d. Soc. rom. di antrop., Roma, 1908, xiv, 325^330, 2 1. von Tabora (Demeter). *Zur Kasuistik der Leberechinococcen mit Durchbruch in die Gal- lenwege. 30 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Giessen, von Miin- chow, 1902. -----. * Ueber d ie B eziehungen zwichen M agen- saftsekretion und Darmfaulnis. Habilitations- schrift zur Erlangung der Venia legendi einer hohen medizinischer Fakultiit der Universitat Giessen vorgelegt. 37 pp. 8°. Naumburg a, S., G. Patz, 1906. See, also, Biegel (Franz). Die Erkrankungen des Magens [etc.]. 8°. Wien & Leipzig, 1908. Tabourin [Francois]. See Dictionnaire general de meclecine et de chirur- gie veterinaires [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1850. Tabourin (Georges) [1873- ]. * Etude eur la physiologie pathologique et le traitement des coliques hepatiques chez les femmes en etat de puerpSralite. 79 pp. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 295. Tabrum (Gulielmus). *De chlorosi. 37 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Moir, 1826. Tabulae chiromanticse lineis montibus et tuber- culis manus constitutionem hominum, et fortunae viresostendentes. 23pp. sm. 4°. [n.p.],1613. Bound ivith: Geuss (W.) Methodus curandarum [etc.]. sm. 4°. Francofurti, 1613. Tabulae gynaecological; 29 mehrfarbige auf Paus- leinwand gedruckte lithographische Tafeln mit kurzem erlauternden Text. Hrsg. von Friedr. Schauta und F. Hitnchmann. 60 pp. fol. 30 pl. eleph. fol. Leipzigdc Wien, F. Denticke, 1905. Taburet (F[ernand-Gustave]). * Contribution a l'etude de la valeur semeiotique de Phemo- ptysie au debut de la tuberculose pulmonaire. 50 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 430. Taburet (Jules - Hippolyte - Ernest - Marie) [1868- ]. * Contribution a l'etude clinique de l'actinomycose cutanee chez l'homme. 75 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1893, No. 16. " Tabusso (Marino Edmondo). Le dottrine delP infiammazione nella loro evoluzione sto- rica e nella moderna patologia generale. 78 pp. 8°. Torino, G. Candeletti, 1904. Tabuteau (Georges). * Contribution a P^tude des preparations galeniques de plantes fraiches. [Paris.] 55. 8°. Angers, 1910, No. 209. TABUTIN. 583 TACHYPHYLAXIS. Tabutin (Maurice) [1881- ]. * Fractures de l'extremite superieure du radius chez l'en- fant. 44 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Lyon, 1907, No. 134. Tacamahaca. ISaal (O.) * Ueber Elemi und Tacamahaca. [Bern.] 8°. Bonn, 1904. Taeelietti (Gaetano). Cura chirurgica delle lussazioni inveterate. 175 pp., 2 1. 8°. Ve- nezia, C. Ferrari, 1904. Tacelii (Giovita). Sui fibromiomi uterini. Nota clinica. 40 pp. 8°. Foligno, 1896. -----■. Un triennio chirurgico in Gualdo Tadino. Resoconto clinico statistico. 32 pp. 8°. Foli- gno, 1896. .-----. Su di una centuria di cure radicali d' er- nia con ispeciale riguardo all' anestesia del Bier. 44 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Perugia, 1902. Taeeonis (Camillo). Sre Congresso farmaceutico italiano. Atti del primo [etc.]. fol. Torino, 1887. Taeliard (E[lie]). Prolapsus du rectum; rec- tococcvpexie; guerison incomplete. 4 pp. 8°. Paris, "[1892]. Repr.from: Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1892, i. -----. Arthrotomie et suture sous-periostee dans les fractions recentes de la rotule et de l'olecrane. 12 pp. 8°. Pan's, 1894. Repr.from: Arch. prov. de chir.. Par., 1894, iii. Taeliau (Hermann) [1884- ]. * Beitrage zur Lumbalanasthesie mitStovain. 36 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1908. Taehdjian (Bedrosse) [1872- ]. *Asysto- lie provoqu£e par Pepanchement pleural dans la myocardite chronique. 49 pp. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 289. Taclie (Jean Charles) [1820-93]. Hoe men in Canada over de cholera denkt. Naar het En- gelsch door Philodemus. 48 pp. 8°. 's Gra- venhage, M. J. Visser, 1866. [P., v. 185.] For Biography, «eeDict. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1898, lv, 289 (C. A. Harris). Tachenius (Otto). His clavis to the antient Hippocratical physick, or medicine; made by manual experience in the very fountains of na- ture. Whereby through fire and water, in a method unheard of before, the occult mysteries of nature and art are unlocked and clearly ex- plained by a compendious way of operation. Transl. by I. W. 6 p. 1., 122 pp., 4 1.; 3 p. 1., 120 pp., 7 1. sm. 4°. London, W. Marshal, 1690. Tacheron (Pierre) [1882- ]. * Dela luxa- tion des tendons peroniers lateraux. 68 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908, No. 125. Taches hlcudtres. See Diagnosis (Special symptoms in). Tachinidse. United States. Department of Agriculture. Division of Entomology. Technical series No. 7. Revision of the Tachinidre of America north# of Mexico. A family of parasitic two-winged in- sects. By D. W. Coquillett. 8°. Washington, 1897. Tachiol. See, also, Puerperal septicemia (Treatment of, Local). Biancotti (F.) II tachiolo in rapporto all' igiene. Riv. d' ig. esan. pubb., Torino, 1904, xv, 123-133.— Cap- pellani ( S. ) 11 tachiolo nella disinfezione degli er- baggi. Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma, 1905, n. s., xv, 463- 471. — Carapelle ( E. ) II tachiolo Paternd nella dis- infezione oculare. Clin, ocul., Palermo, 1902, 898-907.— Durante (F.) Sull' azione antisettica del tachiolo e sue applicazioni nella pratica chirurgica. Bull. d. r. Ac- Tachiol. cad. med. di Roma, 1902, xxviii, 137-140.—Inghillerl (F.) Ricerche sperimentali sul potere antisettico del ta- chiolo. Arch, farmacol. sper., Roma, 1902, i, 87-91. -----. Sul comportamento del potere disinfettante del tachiolo (FlAg) in vitro e nell' organismo vivente. Ibid., 529- 554. — Isaja ( A.) Sull' azione antisettica dell' isota- chiolo. Policlin., Roma, 1905, xii, sez. chir., 441-454.— .laja (F.) Contributo alia cura del vajuolo e dell' erisi- pela col tachiolo. Morgagni, Milano, 1903, xiv, 757-780.— Mirto (F.) II tachiolo; suo uso in ostetricia e ginecolo- gia. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1903, xxv, 368-390.—Pala- dino-Blandini (A.) 11 tachiolo nella depurazione delle acque da servire ad uso potabile. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1904,n.s.,xxvi,577-594.—Pavone (M.) 11 tachiolo come antisettico delle vie urinarie. Arch, di farm, e terap., Palermo, 1907, xiii, 201-210.—Perez (G.) Sul potere antisettico del tachiolo (fiuoruro d' argento) e sue applicazioni nella pratica chirurgica. Policlin , Roma, 1902, ix, sez. chir., 433-467—Piga (L.) L' uso del tachiolo nella cura delle gastroenteriti dei bambini. Pe- diatria, Napoli, 1906, 2. s., iv, 217-223.—Be (F.) 11 ta- chiolo in terapia oculare. Arch, di Ottal., Palermo, 1904-5, xii, 69-80.— Bocclii (F. S.) L' uso interno del tachiolo nelle infezioni. Bol. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1905, xxv, fasc. 4,46-61. Also: Clin, ostet., Roma, 1905, vii, 225-229.—Savagnone(E.) 11 tachiolo Paternd nel meto- do di Golgi per la dimostrazione dell' apparato reticolare interno. Path. riv. quindicin., Genova, 1908-9, i, 536- 538.—Tonello (A.) Depurazione dell' acqua col tachi- olo Paternd. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1905, xxvii, 60-66.—Valenti (A.) Sull' azione farmacologica del tachiolo. Arch, di farm, e terap., Palermo, 1903, xi, 211-235. Also: Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1903, no. 4, p. xxvi. Tachistoscope. Benussi (V.) Un tachistoscopio per esperimenti col- lettivi. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psicol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 267-269.— Bergstroiu (A.) Visual adaptation in tachistoscopic experimentation. [Abstr.] Psvchol. Bull., Bait., 1906, iii, 66.—Erdmann (B.) & Dodge (R.) Zur Erliiuterung unserer tachistoskopischen Ver- suche. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol.d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1900, xxii, 241-267.—Michotte (A.) Description et fonc- tionnement d'un nouveau tachistoscope de comparaison. Arch, de psychol., Geneve, 1911-12, xii, 1-13.—Wirth (W.) Das Spiegeltachistoskop. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1901-3, xviii, 687-700.-----. Ein TachistoskopfiirReizse- rien (Feder-Spaltpendel). Psycholog. Studien, Leipz., 1909-10, V, 268-278. Tachograph. Christen (T.) Tachogramm, Pulsvolumen und Schlagvolumen. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap.,Berl., 1911, ix, 607-613.—Frank (O.) Konstruktion und Theo- rie einesneuenTachographen. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen u. Berl,, 1907, 1, 303-308.—Pletnew (D.) Arbeit und normal es Tachogramm. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1909, vi, 272-277. Tachycardia. See Fever (Typhoid, Complications of, Cardiac, etc.); Heart (Neuroses of); Heart (Rapid). Tachydipsia. Farez(P.) La tachvdipsie. Rev. de psychotherap., Par., 1910-11,xxv, 364-367. Tachygenesis. Maggi (L.) La tachigenesi e gli studi universitari. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1902, 2. s., xxxv, 823-834—Perrier (E.) & Gravier (C.) La tachygenese ou acceleration embryogenique. Compt. rend". Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, cxxxvi, 798-801. Tachyphagia. Jacquet (L.) Tachyphagie et ataraxie digestive. Bull, med., Par., 1907, xxi, 39.—Ianossier (G.) Le traitement de la tachyphagie. Paris med., 1910-11, 76- 78.—Staiger (E.) Holzsarg oder Tachyphag? Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1906, lxxvi, 973-981. Tachyphylaxis. Briot (A.) Rapports entre les toxicites d'extraits d'organes, Vanaphyfaxie, les endotoxines et les poisons de Vaughan. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxxi, 451.— Chanipy (Ch.) & Oley (E.) Sur la toxicite des extraits de corps jaune; immunisation rapide consecutive a l'injection de petites doses de ces extraits (tachyphy- laxie). Ibid., 159-162.-----------. La tachyphylaxie croisee. Ibid., 429-432.—Gley (E.) A propos du phe- nomene de tachyphylaxie. Ibid., 352. -----. Surlesrap- ports pretendus entre la toxicite des extraits d'organes et divers autres phenomenes toxiques (anaphylaxie, en- dotoxines, etc.). (Reponse a A. Briot.) Ibid., 453. TACHYPXCEA. 584 TACTICS. Tachypnea. See Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disorders of organs of voice, etc.; "Respiration (Disor- dered). Tachytrophy. Koyo Villanova. La taquitrophie dans les bradi- trophies. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de path, int., 710. Tacke nee L.enivoff (Nadejda). *Traite- ment des maladies du cceur par la gymnastique suedoise. 196 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 424. -----. The same. 196 pp. 8°. Paris, H Jouve, 1897. Tackett (John) [1815-91]. Shepherd (B. A.) [Necrologicalnotice.] Tr.Missis- sippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1892,157. Tacna. See Influenza (History, etc., of), by localities. Tacoma. See Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by locali- ties. Taeoma Health Department. Statements of vi- tal statistics (monthly), April to July, Septem- ber, 1898, to July, 1903. 4°. Tacoma, 1898- 1903. Taequet (Albert) [1868- ]. *Des voies lacrymales comme causes de l'origine nasale des affections oculaires. 81 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 213. Taequet (Ernest-Louis-Maurice) [1866- ]. Contribution a l'etude de 1'obliteration des sutures du crane chez les idiots. 70 pp. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 270. -----. The same. 1 p. 1., 72 pp. 8°. Paris, L. Bataille, 1892. Tactics (Jdedico-military) in the field. Adrianoff (P.) & Tolkushkin (B.) Spra- vochnaya knizhka voyennavo vracha i posobiye dlya rlesheniyasanitarno-takticheskikh zadach. [Information book for the army physician, and aid for answering problems in tactics affecting the medical department. ] 8°. Odessa, 1908. Cron (K.) Studie iiber den Gefechts-Sanitiits- dienst im Kahmen eines Korps. Entwickelt an Hand der militarischen Ereignisse bei der West- partie im Treffen von Niichod am 27. Juni 1866. Hft. 1-2. 8°. Wien, 1904. Etzel. Die Befehlsgebung der Sanitatsoffi- ziere im Felde. 12°. Berlin, 1904. vox Hoen (M.), Ritter. Yorschule zur Losung sanitiits-taktischer Aufgaben. Hft. 3. 8°. Wien, 1903. -----. Der operative und taktische Sani- tatsdienst im Rahmen des Korps nebst einer Aufgabensammlung. 8°. Wien, 1907. -----. The same. The strategical and tac- tical employment of the medical service, as car- ried out in an army corps, with a series of problems. Transl. by W. G. Macpherson. 8°. London, 1909. -----& Szarewski (M.) Die operative und sanitiitstaktische Tiitigkeit des Armeechefarzt.es. 8°. Wien, 1910. ------------. Die Armee im Felde; Auszug aus den einschlagigen Vorschriften fiir Milita- rarzte. 8°. Wien, 1910. ------------. Behelf zur Losung von Aufga- ben aus dem taktischen und operativen Sani- tatsdienste im Rahmen von Armee, Korps und Division. 12°. Wien, 1910. Tactics (Medico-military) in the field. Jarvis (N. H.) Report on the combined ma- neuvers of the regular Army and Militia at Fort Riley, Kansas. 12°. New York, 1903. Ripr.from: Ann. Rep. Adjt. Gen. N. Y. Morrison (J. F.) & Munson (E. L.) A study in troop leading and management of the sanitary service in war. 12°. Fort Leaeenworth, 1910. -----------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Lea- venworth, Kans., 1911. Munson (E. L.) The principles of sanitary tactics; a handbook on the use of medical de- partment detachments and organizations in campaign. 12°. Menasha, Wis., 1911. Tkoussaint (A.-F.-C.) La direction du ser- vice de sante en campagne. Directeurs et chefs de service dans les principales situations de guerre depuis la mobilization jusque apres la bataille. 8°. Paris, [1911]. Unterberger (S. F.) K voprosu o sanitar- nikh manevrak ti v Rossii. [Sanitary maneuvers in Russia.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1908. Altgelt. Die taktische Ausbildung der Sanitats- offiziere. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 2225.—Beyer (T.) Grundsiitze der Kranken- evakuation vom sanitiitsoperativen Standpunkte. Mili- tararzt, Wien, 1907, xii, 81; 102.—Brush (E. C.) The medical phases of the maneuvers of the Ohio National Guard in 1906. Mil. Surgeon, Carlisle, Pa., 1907, xx, 304- 312.—Carlier. Notions sur la mobilisation; mesures a prendre des la mobilisation par les offieiers du corps de sante. Rev. med., Par., 1911, xxi, 475-483.—Baac (H.) Krigsspilavelser for militaerlgeger. [Kriegspiel for mili- tary surgeons.] Tidsskr. f. d. norske Laegefor., Kris- tiania, 1910, xxx, 887-891.—Deleito (F. G.) Las nuevas orientaciones en las formaciones sanitarias de primera' linea. Rev. san. mil. y Med. mil. espafi., Madrid, 1908,' ii, 645-652. — Diims. Sanitatsiibungen im Manover.' Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, xxxvi, 201-205.-; Duval. Le service de sante aux grandes manoeuvres? Caducee, Par., 1910, x, 216.—Examination problem] for officers of the Medical Corps, U. S. Army. Mil. Sur-j geon, Wash., 1911, xxviii. 543-549.—Gessner. Taktisch-* klinischer Kurs 1909 in Basel. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte,' Basel, 1909, xxxix, 793-796, 2 maps.—Halbhuber (F.) Tiitigkeit und Disponierung der 25. Infanteriedivisionsj Sanitatsanstalt wahrend der Manover. Militararzt, Wien,' 1910, xliv, 193; 202.—Hall (J. A.) The efforts of Ohio during the past year. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1912, xxx,' 18-42.—Jarvis (N. S.) The medical side of the Army. maneuvers in Texas. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1911, lxxix, 941- 943. Also, Reprint.—Luce (R. H.) Tactics of medical! units. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1910, xv, 467—J 474.—Macpherson (W. G.) The instruction and train-' ing of medical officers in the Austro-Hungarian Army by means of war games. Ibid., 1911, xvii, 596-605.—Mirtoflf" (V. P.) Podvizhniye sbort l-ol Grenaderskol divizii v 1909 g. v sanitarno-takticheskom otnoshenii. [Maneu- vers of the First Grenadier Division in 1909 from a sani- tary tactical viewpoint.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb./ 1910, ccxxix, med.-spec. pt., 4*47-518, 2 maps.—Mobili- sation and the quartermaster. Bv a quartermaster.' J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1910, xv, 311-316.— Munson (E. L.) The conduction of field maneuvres of militia sanitary troops. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1912, xxx, 1-17.—Observations sur les grandes manoeuvres chinoises executees en 1906. Rev. d. troupes colon., Par., 1907, i, 419-432.—de Pradel (E.) Aux manoeuvres du service de sante du 8s corps; environs de Dijon. Presse med., Par., 1907, xv, annexes, 697—Schweizer (A.) Die Sanitatsdienstiibungen in den Mancivern der 6. Divi- sion 1910. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1911, xii, mil.- arztl. Beilage, 17-24.—Steiner (J.) DieLandungsubnng 1911 vom sanitaren Standpunkt betrachtet. Militararzt, Wien, 1912, xlvi. 97-104.—Tactical (The) manage- ment of Army medical relief units in war. [Edit.] Med. Rec, N. Y., 1910, lxxvii, 408.—Timofeyevski (P. I.) Sanitarnaya taktika peredovikh perevyazochnikh punk- tov: dnevnol, oboronitelniy bol. [Sanitary tactics of frontal first aid stations; battle by day, defensive.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1908, ccxxii, med.-spec. pt., 676-692. -----. Sanitarno-takticheskiya zanyatiya v Odesskom garnizonle. [Exercises in sanitary tactics by the Odessa garrison.] Ibid., 1911, ccxxx, med.-spec. pt., 381-391.—Westcott (S.) Tactical exercise for medical officers. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1911, xvii, 395- 403.—Wilson (E.M.) A lecture on mobilization. Ibid., 1912, xviii, 181-188.—Woodhouse (T. P.) The work of divisional medical units in the field. Ibid., 1911, xvii, TACTICS. 585 T^NIA. Tactics (Midi co-military) in the field. 443-462.—Zaglukhinshi (V. V.) Korpusnol manevr Grenaderskuvo korpusa na podvizhnikh sborakh 1909 goda; dleistviva l-ol Grenaderskol divizii v sanitarno- takticheskom btnoshenii. [Grenadier corps maneuvers at the mobilization of 1909, sanitary tactics of the First Grenadier Division.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1911, ccxxx, med.-spec. pt., 272-292,1 map. Tacubaya. Moreno y Anda (M.) Las lluvias en Tacubaya. Mem. Soc. cient. 'Antonio Alzate," Mexico, 1894-5, viii, 159-172, 1 ch. Tacuinns sanitatis [etc.]. See Elluchasem (Elimithar). Tacuini sanitatis [etc.], fol. Argentorati, 1531. ' Taezak (Tgnaz) [1868- ]. *Zur Casuistik des Situs viscerum inversus mit Beschreibung eines neuen Falles. 30 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1893. Tadd (Liberty). Kockelniann (P.) Die Bes*rebungen Liberty Tadds und der Hamburger Lehrervereinigung fiir die Pflege der kunstlerischen Erziehung auf dem Gebiete des Zeichenunterrichts. BI. f. Taubst.-Bild., Berl., 1902, xv, 305-316. Taddei (Domenico). Sulla emostasia nelle re- sezioni del fegato. Ricerche sperimentali sul processo del Burci. 54 pp. 12°. Serarezza, A. Boldrini, 1902. -----. Le fibre elastiche nei tessuti di cicatrice. 74 pp., 1 pl., 1 1. 8°. Ferrara, A. Soati, 191J3. -----. Le ferite prodotte dai moderni fucili da guerra. Con prefazione pel P. Imbriaco. ix, 320 pp. 8°. Firenze, B. Seeber, 1905. ----- & Coletti (Antonio). Ricerche speri- mentali sulle conseguenze dell' affrontamento delle superfici mucose estroflesse nella sutura intestinale. 32 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Ferrara, G. Bresciani, 1903. Taddei (Gioacchino). SceTargioni-Tozzetti (Antonio), Taddei (Gio- acchino) & Piria (Raffaele). Acque minerali [etc.]. 8°. Firenze, 1853. Taddei (Pietro). See Weller (Carl Heinrich) [in 1. s.]. Trattato teo- rico e pratico delle malattie degli occb.i. 8°. Livorno, 1833. Taddeo [Tadem, or Thaddaeus] Fioren- tino [1215-95]. In C[laudii] Gal[eni] micro- technen commentarii secundse editionia emacu- lati et ab oblivionis injuria nuperrime vindicati studio Thome Dionysii. 3 p. 1., 259 ff. fol. [Napoli, apud A. Frizium Corinalden., 1522.] -----. Expositiones in arduum aphorismorum Ipocratis volumen. In divinum pronosticorum Ipocratis librum. In prjeclarum regiminis acu- torum Ipocratis opus. In subtilissimum Joan- nitii isagogarum libellum. Joannis Baptista? Nicollini Salodiensie opera in lucem einissa?. 3 p. 1., 400 ff., 2 1. fol. [In inclyta Venetiarum urbe, Antonii Junta. Florentini sumpt., 1527.] Bound with his: Iu Claudii Galeni microtechnen com- mentarii [etc.]. fol. [Xeapoli, 1522.] Taddeo degli Alderotti. Testamento di maestro Taddeo degli Alderotti [1293 gennaio 22], pubblicato per cura del Dr. Domenico Bar- duzzi. fol. Pisa, 1891. Tadeus Florentinus. See Taddeo Fiorentino. Tadloek (Alexander B.) Ruptured perineum; operation, inclined elliptical suture. 9 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1873. Repr. from: Cincin. M. News, 1873, ii. Tadpole. See Frog. Taegener (Ferdinand Ludwig) [1875- ]. * Ueber den Einfluss warmer Soolbiider auf den respiratorischen Stoffwechsel des Menschen. 24 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1901. Tagtmeyer (Heinrich Theodore Erich Ernst) [1879- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Pe- niscarcinom. 68 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gottingen, S. Hofer, 1904. Tacndler (Willy) [1872- ]. * Beitrag zur operativen Behandlung kleincystischer Nieren. 43 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, F. Fromme, 1894. Taenia. See, also, Bothriocephalus; Cysticercus; Hogs (Diseases of); Hydatids; Tsenia medio- canellata; Tsenia nana; Taeniasaginata. Baillet (C.) Compte-rendu des recherches et des experiences faites a l'Ecole impc'riale vete- rinaire de Toulouse sur 1'organisation et la re- production des cestoi'des du genre Taenia. 8°. Toulouse, 1858. Repr.from: 3. d. veter. du Midi. Berenger-Feraud (L.-J.-B.) Lecons cli- niques sur les tsenias de l'homme. 8°. Paris, 1888. ------. The same. < 2. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1894. Blanchard (R.) Histoire zoologique et medi- cale des teniades du genre Hymenolepis Wein- land. 8°. Paris, 1891. Cattaert (P.-A.) ^Contribution a l'etude des tenias triedres. 8°. Lille, 1899. Also, in: Arch, de parasitol., Par., 1899, ii, 153-199. Crespi(T.) * Della tenia. 8°. Pavia, 1847. Luhe (M. [F. L.]) *Zur Morphologie des Taenienscolex. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1894. Thienemann (J. W.) *Untersuchungen iiber Tfenia tenuicollis Rud., mit Beriicksichtigung der iibrigen Musteliden-Taenien. [Konigsberg i. Pr.] 8°. Berlin, 1906. Repr.from: Arch. d. Naturgeschichte, Berl., 1906. United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bull. No. 80. The synonymy of Taenia, T. crassicollis, T. margi- nata, T. serrata, T. ccenurus, T. serialis and echinococcus. By Ch. Wardell Stiles and Earle C. Stevenson. 8°. Washington, 1905. Alessandrini (G.) Quale sia la specie di Tsenia predominante in Roma e sua provincia. Boll. d. Soc. rom. p. gli stud, zool., Roma, 1893, ii, 83-S6. Also: Spal- lanzani, Roma, 1893, xxxi, [3. ser., i], 54-57.—Alezais. Le Tsenia semi-circularis. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1899, 10. s., vi, 266.—Banchi (A.) Neotenia nel Trit. vulgaris Linn. Atti d. Accad. med.-fis. fiorent. 1900, Firenze, 1901,20.—Barhieri (C.) Ueber eine neue Spe- cies der Gattung Ichthyotsenia und ihre Verbreitungs- weise. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, xlix, Orig., 334-340.—Berenger-Feraud. Du nombre et de la longueur des taenias que Ton rencontre chez l'homme. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxix, 12- 15—Bethune (A.) Tapeworm. [Taenia.] Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1896, vii, 593.—Blanchard (R.) Note sur les tenias noirs. Arch, de parasitol., Par., 1901, iv, 227-232.—Bonnet. Sur lever nomme en latin Tae- nia, et en francois Solitaire, ou apres avoir parle d'un nouveau secret pour V expulser des intestins dans lesquels il est loge, qui a eud'heureux succes,Ton donne quelques observations sur cet insecte. M6m. de mathemat. et de phys. . . . Acad. roy. d. sc, Par., 1750, 478-529, 2 pl.— Braun (M.) Notiz zur Entwickelung der Taenia tenui- collis Rud. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1905 xxxix, 54.—Calleja (C.) Una tenia negra. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1901, xxiv, 417-420.—Chavigny. Soixante-un metres de tenia. Lyon med., 1904, ciii, 839.— Ciaramelli (E.) Un caso di anemia per tenia. Pra- tica d. med., Napoli, 1906-7, vii, 97-102—Com by (J.) Tenia chezun nourrisson. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1911, xiv, 525.—Daniels (C. W.) Tsenia Demeraricnsis. Brit! Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1895,95-98, 1 pl. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 1455.—Dodieau. Dysenterie et taenia. Caducee, Par., 1907. vii, 146.—Drivon (J.) Leste- nias dans la region lvonnaise. Lyon med.,1902,xcviii,681; 697 —Fritz (C.) Un taenia negre. Bull, med., Par., 1900, xiv, 299.—Fnhrmann (O.) Bekannte und neue Arten und Genera von Vogeltiinien. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xiv, Orig., 516-536. -----. Das Genus Anonchotaenia und Biuterina. Ibid., 1908, xlviii, Orig., 412-428.—Garrison (P. E.) A prelimi- nary report upon the specific identity of the cestode para- sites of man in the Philippine Islands, with a description of a new species of Taenia. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1907, ii, 537-550,5 pl.—Giard (T.) Cinq taenias mesurant TJLXIA. 586 T.ENIA. Tsenia. ensemble30 metres environ, rendus en une fois par lemgme sujet. Gaz. med de Picardie, Amiens, 1894, xii, 46-48.— Uinzburg (S. A.) Noviy sposob izslledovaniya kala na yaltsa glist. [New method of examining the feces for eggs of Taenia.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 1116.— Gratia. [Teniaechinoco.me.] Ann. Soc. d'anat. path. de Brux., 1883, no. 32, 37-52—Grelc (I.) & Reieheii- stein (M.) Zachowanie sie cialek bialych krwi przy obecnosci tasiemca w przewodzie pokarmowym u czlo- wieka. [Behavior of the white blood corpuscles in the presence of Taenia in the human alimentary canal.] Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1908, iii, 163-167. Also, transl: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lviii, 746-754.—Hall (M. C.) A new species of cestode parasite (Taenia balaniceps) of the dog and of the lynx, with a note on Proteocephalus pu- nicus. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Wash., 1910, xxxix, 139-151. Also, Reprint.—Hardin (C. B.) Some remarks on the Tsenia group. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1907, xxviii, 11-17.—Heape (W.) Note on the so-called musculature of Taenia elliptica. Parasitology, Cambridge, 1910, iii, 217-225,1 pl—Helvecio Monte. Notas sobre a filaria e a taenia no homem. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1902, xvi, 387-389.—Hoi maun. Einiges uber die Wanderung von Taenienembryonen. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1901, 537-541.—Holmsen (F.) [Misdannelse af en baende- lorm.] [Abnormity of a tapeworm.] Forh. med. Selsk. i Kristiania (1899), 1900, 89.— Iiziina (I.) & Kurimoto (T.) Ueber eine neue Tania im menschlichen Korper. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1895, ix, 9. Hft.,£; 10. Hft., 17; 367; 431— Jammes (L.) & Mandoul (H.) Tenias et flore intestinale. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 229.—Kholodkovski (N. A.) [Cholodkowskit'n German]. Ueber eine neue Spe- cies von Tsenia. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena,1894,xv,552-554.-----. Taenia Brandti iFellariapap- pilosa. Vestnik obsh. vet,St. Petersb.,1895, vii, 213. _____. Nochmalsiiber TseniaBrandti. Centralbl. f. Bakterial. u. Parasitenk., Jena,, 1894, xvi, 953-955. -----. Zum Artikel des Herrn Ch. Wardell Stiles: On the identity of Taenia Brandti Choi, with Tsenia Giardi Moniez. Ibid., 1895, xvii 258.-----. Ueber eine neue Tanie des Hundes. Zool! Anz., Leipz., 1908, xxxiii, 418-420.—Kiselett*. Stro- yenive lististavo tslepeniya (Tsenia perfoliata). [Struc- ture of . ..] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1881, xi, 3. sect., 1-32, 3 pl.—Koiranski (M. M.) Tsenia perfoliata, kak prichina smerti loshadi. [.. . as the cause of death of a horse.] Vet. Zhizn, Mosk., 1907, i, 117-119.—Kowalew- ski (M.) Sur la tete du Taenia malleus Goeze (1787) Arch, de parasitol., Par., 1898, i, 326-329.—Kurloff (M ) K rasprostraneniyu ploskikh glist v Tomskle. [Taeniae found in Tomsk.] Sibirsk. Vrach. Gaz., Irkutsk, 1911 iv 361-363.—Lacour (A.) Un cas de tsenia observe a Lang- Son (Tonkin). Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par., 1905 viii, 285-288.—Latzel (R.) & Staniek (A.) Ueber Or- ganstorungenbeiTanientragern. Med.Klin.,Berl.,1909 v 1153-1155.—Leech (W.S.) Taenia. WisconsinM.Recorder' Janesville, 1905, viii, 319.—Leese (A. S.) Note on tape- worms in Punjab camels. [Taenia expansa.] J. Trop. Vet Sc,Calcutta, 1909, iv, 305.—von Lin stow. Tsenia afri- cana n.sp., eine neue Tilniedes Menschen aus Af rika. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900,xxviii,485-490. -----. Tsenia asiatica, eine neue Tanie des Menschen' Ibid., 1901, xxix, 982-985. -----. Drei neue Tiinien aus Ceylon. Ibid., 1903, xxxiii, 632-535.—Lippe (M. J ) Tsenia in a child. St. Louis Cour.-Med., 1904, xxx, 336 — Loo wen thai (N.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bezie- hungen der Tsenia semicircularis. Morphol. Jahrb Leipz., 1902, xxx, 28-41, 1 pl.—Loveland (A. E.) On the anatomy of Tsenia crassicollis Rud.; supplementary note by C. W. Stiles. J. Comp. M. & Vet Arch N Y 1894, xv, 67-89.—Lucas (C. G.) Taenia. Kentucky m' J., Bowling Green, 1908-9, vii, 218.—Liihe (M.) Zur Kenntnis der Musculatur des Taenienkorpers Zool Anz., Leipz., 1896, xix, 260-264. — Lun^witz (M )' Taenia ovilla Rivolta, ihr anatomischer Bau und die Entwickelung ihrer Geschlechtsorgane. Arch f wis- sensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1895, xxi 105-159, 2 pl — Mannelides. Lestsenias; difficultes de leur diagnostic- necessite d'un examen hematologique dans toute affection du tube digestif qui ne cede pas aux traitementa habi- tuels. Gaz. mod. d'Orient, Constant., 1904-5, 130-134 — itlarimo. Un caso di tenie multiple con cisticercosi Pvendic. d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, 1901, ii, 158-163 — .tlarotel (G.) Sur un teniade du blaireau. Compt rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1898, 10. s.,v, 21-23. _____. Etude zoologique de l'lchthyotaenia Calmettei Barrois ' Arch de parasitol., Par., 1899, ii, 34-42— Mendoza (A ) So- bre un caso de tenia negra. Cong, internat. de med C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, path, gen., 203.—Mola (P j Una nuova tenia della talpa. Arch, de parasitol Par 1906^7, xi, 379-387, 1 pl. -----. Les organes genitaux de lamia nigropunctata Corty et, en particulier, l'organe para-uterin. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1907 cxiv 87-90.-----. Choanotsenia infundibulum Bloch ' Boll' d. Soc. zool. ital., Roma, 1909, 2. s., ix, 167-177.—Monte- iro Vianna. Alguns apontamentns sobre' as tsenias Gaz. clin.. S. Paulo, 1906, iv, 294-299.—JTIorot (C.) La Taenia. protection de l'homme contre les tenias par la destruction des cysticeruues du bceuf, du mouton et du pore Assoc franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., Par., 1900, xxix, 269 — Mrazek ( A.) Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte einnrer Taenien. Sitzungsb. d. k.-bohm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch 1896, Prag, 1897, No. xxxviii, 1-16, 1 pl.—de Nab Lis! Nouveau cas de Tsenia canina L. chez l'homme J dc med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 61.i— N<-siobin*kv (N.) Zur Kenntnis der Vogeltanien Mittelrusslands Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1910-11 lvii' Orig.,436-442.—Ncveu-Leniaire (M.) Surdeuxtenias triedres. Arch, de parasitol., Par.. 1900, iii, 49>-508 — Packard (F. A.) Tenia flavopunctata; with descrip- tion of a new specimen. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago 1900 xxxv, 1551-1553.—Perroncito (E.) Esiste una Tsenia tenella diversa dalla T. solium? Gior. d. r Soc ed Ac- cad. vet. ital., Torino, 1900, xlix, 1109. Also: Gior d r Accad. di med. di Torino, 1900, 4. s., vi, 814.___—. La tenia mamillana negli equini. Gior. d. r. Soc ed Accad vet. ital., Torino, 1901,1.27.—Platon & Reynaud (G ) Sur deux casde tenias erratiques. Marseille med 1900 xxxvii, 113-119.—Potain. Lestsenias. Union med'Par' 1893, 3. s., lviii, 277-280.—Quintard (E.) A propos d'un tsenia. Arch. mod. d'Angers, 1907, xi, 42-48.—Railliet (A.) SurlaclassificationdesTeniades. Centralbl f Bak- teriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxvi, 32-34.—Railliet (A.) & Henry (A.) Etude du tsenia recueilli au Ton- kin par M. le Dr. Lacour. Ann. d'hvg. et de m^d colon Par., 1905, viii, 28S-293.—Rajat (H.) & Peju (G.) Sur un tenia trouve vivant dans un ceuf de poule. Bull Soc med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1906. v, 419. Also: Lyon mcd.,'l907', cviii, 76-78.-----------. A prppos d'un tenia parasite d'un ceuf. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1906, xxv 287- 290.—Richards (A.) On the method of cell divi- sion in taenia. Biol. Bull., Woods Hole, Mass 1909 xvii, 309-326.—Riggenbach (E.) Taenia dendritica Goeze. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., 1 Abt Jena, 1895, xvii, 710-716, 1 pl. -----. Bemerkungen iiber das Genus Bothriotsenia Railliet. Ibid., 1896 xx 222-231.—Rodionoff (G. P.) Alopecia areata kak odin iz simptomov lentetsa. [ ... as a symptom of taenia.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1894, xix, 623 — Rosseter (T. B.) On the generative organs of Dre- panidotsenia venusta (Tsenia venusta Rosseter, 1896). J. Quekett Micr. Club, Lond., 1898, 2. s., vii, no. 42,10- 23, 2 pl. -----. On the anatomy of Drepanidotaenia te- nuirostris. Ibid., 1902-3, 2. s., viii, 399-406, 1 pl. _____ The genital organs of Taenia sinuosa. Ibid., 1903-4, 2. s.,' ix, 81-90, 1 pl. -----, On Drepanidotaenia undulata (Krabbe). Ibid., 1905-6, 2. s., ix, 269-274, 1 pl. _____. On a new tapeworm, Drepanidotaenia sagitta. Ibid 275^ 278,1 pl.—SchWdte (N.) Bsendelorm i Barnealderen. [Taenia in childrenl Hosp.-Tid., K0benh.. 1902, 4. R ,x 1211; 1235.—von Sohreder (A. E.) Stradaniye tsle- penyami v S.-Peterburgle. [Taenia in St. Petersburg.] Med. pribav. k morsk. iborniku, St. Petersb., 1898, [il, 123-126.—Shipley (A. E.) On Drepanidotaenia hemi- gnathi, a new species of tapeworm. Quart. J. Micr. Sc Lond., 1897-8, xl, 613-621, 1 pl. — Sonslno (P.) & Zschokke (FA Su parassiti dell' uomo, con un nuovo caso di Taenia flavo-punctata Weinland. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1896, xix, 937-941.—Sper- ling (F.J. E.) Taeniasis; taenia saginata; taenia solium; etiology, symptoms, prognosis and treatment. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1910, lviii, 714-722.—Stiles (C. W.) Be- merkungen iiber Parasiten; fiber die topographische A na- tomie des Gefiisssystems in der Familie Tseniadse. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1893,xiii, 457-465. -----. [On the anatomy of Tsenia crassicollis Rud.] J. Comp.M. & Vet. Arch.,N.Y., 1894, xv,85-«9. -----. Notes on parasites. Vet. Mag., Phila., 1895, il, 32; 217; 222; 281- 341. Also [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f.Bakteriol.u. 1'nrasitenk., Jena, 1895, xvii, 254-256. See, also, supra, Kholodkovski.— Stiles (C.W.)& Hassall (A.) Notes on parasites. Vet. Mag., Phila., 1896, iii,6; 151; 407. Also [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1896, xix, 70-72. Also, Reprint.—Thompson (D'A. W.) Note on a tapeworm from Echidna (Tania echinse sp. n.). J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond. & Edinb., 1893, 297,1 pl.—Ward (H. B.) A new human tapeworm (Taenia confusa n. sp ). West. M. Rev.- Lincoln, Neb., 1896, i, 35. Also: Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1897, xx, 321.—WolllJiugel (K.) Drepanidotaenia lanceo- late Bloch. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena. 1900, xxviii, 49-56.-----. Cysticercus der Taenia tenui- collis Rud. aus Cricetus frumentarius Pall. Ztschr. f. Infektionsskr. . . . d. Haustiere, Berl., 1907, ii, 207-210. Ta3nia (Disorders and accidents arising from). Marciiegay (P.) * Svmptomes analogues a ceux de la colique hepatique occasionnos par le tsenia. 8°. Paris, 1897. Adams (J. P.) Epileptiform attacks due to the pres ence of t;cnia. Mass. M. J., Bost., 1901, xxiv, 145.—Xl- varez y Aleiiar (J.) Una tenia causante de glucosu- TAENIA. 587 T.ENIA. Taenia (Disorders and accidents arising from). ria. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1903, xxiv, 73-75.—Bruhu-Fahraiis (M.) Tva fall af bo- triocephalusanami. [Two cases of botriocephalus anae- mia.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1896, lviii, pt 2, 561-579.— Brunet. Taenia inerme; crises douloureuses avec ictere intermittent simulant des acces de coliques hepatiques. France med., Par., 1897, xliv, 242. Also: Rev. prat. d. trav. de med., Par,, 1897, liv, 149— Hnrnet (J.) The associa- tion of chorea with Taenia solium; illustrated by two typical cases. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1904, i, 147-150.— Davis (G. G.) Removal of an acutely inflamed appen- dix containing a segment of a tapeworm. Proc. Path. Soc, Phila., 1899-1900, n. s., iii, 129.—Dcnhaene. Symp- t6mes analogues a ceux du tabes dorsal oecasionnes par un Taenia solium. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1902, 4. s., xix, 384-389.—Dirksen (E.) Ueber schwere Anamie durch Taenia solium. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 706.—Dunlap (F. M.) Tapeworm in the abdominal cavity. Med. News, N. Y., 1898, lxxii, 118-120.—Eckert (A.) Ein Fall von Bandwurm-Anae- mie. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1893, n. F., x, 356. Also, transl: Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1893, iv, 849-852.—Forti( P.) Due casi d'epilessia da tenia. Riv. med., Milano, 1909, xvii, 99.— Galbraith (H. T.) Tape- worm as a cause of chorea. Lancet, Lond., 1904,1,1318.— Goltman (A.) Chorea due to tapeworm. Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y., 1898, iv, 539.—Guillemare. Taenia simulant un carcinome stomacal. Corresp. m6d., Par., 1904, x, no. 240,11.—Helbig (C.) Ueber Pseudotuberku- lose des Peritoneums durch Tiinieneier. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, Ver.-Beil., 25.— Lapowski (B.) A case of spermatorrhea and prosta- torrhea probably due to Taenia solium. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1899, xvii, 677. — Leger (M.) Regurgitation et vomissements d'anneaux de taenia. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxiv, 235-237.— Letulle & Lagane. Appendicite perforante aigue; ceufs de taenia dans la cavite appendiculaire et a la sur- face du peritoine. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1908, lxxxiii, 512-514.—Martin ( A.) Appendicite par pre- sence d'anneaux de Taenia saginata dans l'appendice. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1903, n. s., xxix, 807-809.— Nauwerck (C.) Perforation des Darms und des Pankreas durch eine Tanie. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, 1900, Leipz., 1901, lxii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 11. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1900, Berl., 1901. 81.—Osier (W.) Cestode tuberculosis; a successful experiment in producing it in the calf. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 18*2, 3, vi, 6-10. Also, Reprint—Partia- novich (N.) Sluchal smerti ot lentochnikh glist. [Death from Taenia solium.] Sborn. protok. i trud. Obsh. Kaluzh. Vrach. (1901-2), 1903,57.—Perrin (M.) Coinci- dence d'epilepsie alcoolique et de vomissements reflexes provoques par un taenia (cessation des vomissements et persistance des crises apres 1'expulsion du ver). Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1907-8,142-144. Also: Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1908, xl. 450-462. — Sabrazes (J.) & Koehler ( D. ) Regurgitation matutinale d'anneaux de tenia. Arch, de parasitol., Par., 1901, iv, 578-588.— Schauman (O.) & Grtfnberg (J.) Utofvardenbreda bandmasken nagot inflytande pa magsaftssekretionen? [Does the taenia exercise any influence on stomach secre- tions?] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1904, 2. f., iv, 418-434.—Sie- vers (R.) Om forekomsten af Tsenia solium (Cysticer- cus cellulosae) och andra plattmaskar i Finland. [The prevalence of . . . and other tape-worms in Finland.] Arsberatt. f. Maria Sjukhus i Helsingfors (1903), 1904, ix, pt. 2,1-8.—Soriguer (I. C.) Influencia dela tenia sobre los ojos. An. med. gaditanos, Cadiz, 1897-8, xvi, 245-251. Also: Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1898, xxxi, 65-74—Stieda (A.) Durchbohrung des Duodenums und des Pankreas durch eine Tanie. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900,xxviii, 430-437.—Trapcnard (A.) Crise epi- leptiforme causee par un tenia chez un adulte de trente ans. Centre med. etpharm., Gannat. 1907-8, xiii, 203-205.— Vlayefl* (G. M.) K voprosu o znachenii shirokavo lentetsa(botriocephalilati) vetiologiizlvkachestvennavo malokroviya. [Influence of Bothriocephalus latus on etiology of pernicious anaemia.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 706; 794; 820.—Weisz (F.) Galandfereg altal okozott meliekheregvuladas. [Epididymitis following taenia.] Urologia, Budapest, 1907-8, 29. Taenia (Larval forms of). See, also, Cysticercus; Hydatids. Bartels (E.) * Cysticercus fasciolaris. Ana- tomie, Beitrage zur Entwicklung und Umwand- lung in Taenia crassicollis. [Giessen.] 8°. Jena, 1902. Bott (A.) * Ueber einen durch Knospung sich vermehrenden Cysticercus aus dem Maul- wurf. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1897. Taenia (Larvalforms of). Gabory (T.) * Etude de la ladrerie chez l'homme. 8°. Paris, 1897. Haugg (F.) * Ueber den Cysticercus cellu- losse des Menschen, mit einer Statistik aus den Sectionsbefunden des pathol.-anat. Instituts zu Erlangen v. d. J. 1874-89. 8°. Erlangen, 1890. Parona (C.) Osservazioni intorno ad un caso di cisticerco nel murrlone di Sardegna. 8°. Torino, 1883. Repr. from: Ann. d. r. Accad. d' agric, Torino, 1883, xxvi. Perroncito (E.) Delia grandine, o panica- tura nell' uomo e negli animali; memoria. 8°. Torino, 1877. Repr. from: Ann. d. r. Accad. d' agric. di Torino, 1876, xix. Schaaf (H.) * Zur Kenntnis der Kopfanlage der Cysticerken insbesondere des Cysticercus der Tsenia solium. [Giessen.] 8°. Jena, 1905. Also, in: Zool. Jahrb., Jena, 1905, xxii, 435-476, 2 pl. Volovatz (Elise). * Ladrerie ou cysticercose chez l'homme. 8°. Paris, 1902. Achard (C.) & Lceper (M.) Un cas de ladrerie hu- maine avec eosinophilic Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1900, 3. s., xvii, 867-872.—Agerth. Zum Vorkommen von gesundheitsschadlichen Finnen beim Reh. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg., Berl., 1906, xvi, 419.—Alglave (P.) Volumineuse tumeur musculaire dela face interne dumollet provoqu^parun "Cysticercus racemosus" implants apres un traumatisme. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1911, lxxxvi, 314-318.—Bai- sieux. Une observation de cysticerque du tissu cellu- laire sous-cutane. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1895-6, iii,446-449.—Barbagallo (P.) II Cysticercus cellulosae Rud. nei suini dal punto di vista dell' igiene in questi ultimi anni. Med. ital., Napoli, 1904, ii, 253; 403. Also: Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod., Catania, 1903^, v, 103; 117. — B6renger - Feraud. De la ladrerie chez l'homme. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxvii, 481-517. Also, Reprint.—Berge (A.) Un cas de ladrerie chez l'homme; cysticerques dans le cerveau, les poumons, le coeur, le foie, le pancreas; coexistence d'un taenia intes- tinal; glvcosurie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1891, lxvi, 306-308.—Blair (W. R.) Cysticerci in wild ruminants. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1903-4, xxvii, 386-395.—Bocca- lari (A.) Sulla frequenza del Cisticercus inermis bovis in Liguria. Atti Cong, region, ligure, Genova, 1900, vi, 34. -----. La notevole diflusione del Cisticercus bovis nel bestiame da macello italiano. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino, 1903, Hi, 409-415.—Brandeis & Pey- ronny. Cysticerques du tsenia serrate dans la cavite1 peri- toneale du lapin domestique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1911), 1912, 459— Braun (M.) Die Finnen desbreiten Bandwurmes in Fischen Deutsch- lands. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1893, xiv, 803.—Budo v (G.) Un cas de ladrerie chez 1' homme. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885, lx, 43^437—Cantoni (V.) Contributo allacasuisticaclinicadella cisticercosi umana. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1901, lx, 67.—Ciurea (J.) Zum Vorkommen des Cysticercus inermis in Rumanien. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg., Berl., 1909-10, xx, 19.—Cleveland ( R. A.) A case of Cysticercus cellu- losae in the human subject and found post mortem. Select. Colon. M. Rep. 1901-2, Lond., 1904, 77.—Cor- niI & Auvray. Examen anatomique d'un cysti- cerque. Arch, de parasitol., Par., 1905-6, x, 221-226.— Crety (C.) Intorno ad alcuni cisticerchi dei rettili. Boll. d. Soc. di nat. in Napoli, 1887, i, 89-92.—Darier (J.) Un casde ladrerie. Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, vi, 353-355. —De Benedictis (C.) Contributo alia casuistica della cisticercosi bovina. Mod. zooiatro, Torino, 1902. xiii, 364-368.—Dianoux. Cys- . ticerques et fougere male. Clin, opht., Par., 1910, xvi, 1-6.—Dreising. Ueber Cysticercus tenuicollis. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1898, xi, 638-640. —Feletti (R.) Sopra tre malati di Cysticercus cellulosae curati coll' es- tratto etereo di felce maschio. Terap. clin., Pisa, 1893, ii, 621-627.—Flohil (.1.) Cysticercus inermis bij het rund in Nederland. Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijk., Utrecht, 1909-10, xxxvii, 159-177— Galli-Valerio (B ) Un cas de ladrerie chez l'homme. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxiii, 939. -----. Experiences sur Cysticercus pisiformis, Zeder. Ibid., 940.—Gates (H.) Larval tapeworm in human flesh. South. M. J., Nash- ville, 1908, i, 351-367.— trlaser (H.) Zur Entwicklungs- geschichte des Cysticercus longicollis Rud. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1908-9, xcii, 540-561,2 pl.—Glage (F.) Der Segen der FleischbeBchau fiirdie Ausrottung des Einsiedlerbandwurms und der Finnenkrankheit des Menschen. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1906, xxviii, 41- TVENIA. 588 T.ENIA. Tsenia (Larvalforms of). 13.— Grisrlio (G.) Nuovo mezzo per rendere inoffensivi i cisticerchi. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1905, xvi, 917-923.—Gnmtow. Ein interessanter Fall von starker Invasion des Cvsticercus inermis in das Herz. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Miichhyg., Berl., 1906, xvi, 419.— Hagen- Torn (O.) K kazuistikle razlitovo porazheniya tsisti- tserkami. [Caseof diffuse cvsticercus disease.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.," St. Petersb., 1896, iii, 585. — Ma- nia nn (O.) In Gammarus pulex lebende Cysticerkoi- den mit Schwanzanhiingen. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Na- turw., Jena. 1**9-0, n. F., xvii, 1-10,1 pl— Hauptmann (E.) Massenhafte Invasion von Cysticercus tenuicolis bei einem iiltcren Rinde. Ztschr. f. Fleisch-u. Milch- hyg., BerL, 1900-1901, xi, 329.— Herve (F.) Cysticerques en grappe du cerveau. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1897, xviii, 522-525—llirschberg (J.) Die Verminderung der Finnenkrankheit. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1904, Berl., 1905, xxxv, pt. 2, 264-278. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 661-666.—Hoche (L.) & Bichat. Cvsticerque sous-cutane chez une femme. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1903, lxxviii, 683.—Hoei'nagel (K.) & Beeser (H. E.) Twee ge- vallen van Cysticercus inermis. Tijdschr. v. veeartse- nijk. Maandbl., Utrecht, 1904-5, xxxii, 306.—Jaeob- sohn. [Cysticercus cellulosae.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1287.—von Kukuljevic (J.) Der Cysticer- cus cellulosae und seine Auffindung am lebenden Schweine. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1906, 627-630.— Kuss (G.) Diagnostic de la ladrerie dans l'espece hu- maine. Med. mod., Par., 1897, viii, 177-180.—von Lin- stow. Eine neue Cvsticercus-Form, Cysticercus Taeniae BrauniSetti. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.],l Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxii, 882-886.—Lis! (G.) Cisticerco tenuicolle nel maiale. N. Ercolani, Pisa, 1904, ix, 47.—Lohotf. Cys- ticercus inermis mit 6 Saugniiiiien. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg., Berl., 1901-2, xii, 241— Madsden (J.) Cys- ticercus bovis infestation in a steer. Am. Vet. Rev.,N.Y., 1903-4, xxvii, 338.—de Magalhaes (P.) Cysticercose generalisee. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906, xv, sect. 3, 361. —Marie ( P.) & Guillain (G.) La- drerie generalisee. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xviii, 1124-1129.—Masckeroni (E.) Sull' etiologia del Cysticercus bovis. Mod. zooiatro, To- rino, 1902, xiii, 141-144— Uazzaoli (G.) Cysticercus telae cellulosae et musculorum. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1908, ix, 393-396.—Mendonca (A.) Cysticer- cose ladrica no homem. Rev. med. de S. Paulo, 1905, viii, 121.—Messing. Przvpadek wagrowego zajecia opon miekkich m6zgowo-rdzeniowych. [Cysticercus cellu- losae of the cerebro-spinal meninges.] Neurol, polska, Warszawa, 1910, i, no. 3,110.—Meyer (W.) Beitrag zum Vorkommen der Rinderfinne beim Kalbe, sowie fiber die Moglichkeit einer intrauterinen Infektion desselben. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg., Berl., 1904, xiv, 188-190. -----. Beitrag zum Vorkommen vereinzelter Cysticerci cellulosae beim Schwein. Ibid., 1908, xviii, 241.—Mil- lard. Note sur un cas de ladrerie chez l'homme. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1888, 3. s., v, 261-270.— Mitter (S. N.) Canine cysticercosis. Vet. J.,Lond.,1909, lxv, 294, lpl.—Moser (W.) Cvsticercuscellulosae. Med. Rec.N. Y.,1893, xliv,358.—Moiissu (G.) Traitement des maladies a cysticerques par l'extrait ethere de fougere male. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol.,Par.,1910,lxviii,720-722.— Miiller (K.) Nochmals einfinnige Rinder. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg., Berl., 1904, xiv, 186-188.—Nicola- doni ( C.) Cysticercus cellulosae im Unterhautzellge- webe der rechten Schlafegegend. Wien. med. Presse, 1872, xiii, 425-427. Also, Reprint.—ffoack. Beitragzur Finnigkeit der Kiilber. Deutsche tieriirztl. Wchnschr., 1906, xiv, 346-348.—Osier. Case of multiple cysticerci. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., Bait., 1891, ii, 61.— Panizza (A.) Contributo alia conoscenza dell' eosinofilianeiconi- gli affetti da Cisticerco pisiforme. Clin, vet., Milano, 1910, xxxiii, sez. prat., 1-6.—Pereira (M.) Cysticercose hu- mana. Arch, brasil.de psychiat., [etc.], Rio de Jan.,1905, i, 317-324, 1 pl.—Perroncito (E.) Ueber die Lebens- fahigkeit des Cysticercus cellulosae und anderer Einge- weidewiirmer. Ztschr. f. prakt. Vet.-Wissensch., Bern, 1876,iv,309; 503; 536. Ako.Reprint.—Pichler (K.) Kli- nische Beobachtungen fiber Muskel- und Hautfinnen; Rontgennachweis verkalkter Zvstizerken. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.,1911,xxiv,338; 388.—Raymond. Recherches relatives au cysticerque du bceuf. Hyg. de la viande rote], Evreux, 1910, iv, 37.5-378.—Reeser (H. E.) Over ilen Cysticercus fasciolaris. Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijk. Maandbl., Utrecht, 1905-6, xxxiii, 462-464.—Rembe (R.) Cysticercus. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1907, xix, 35- 37.—Rodriguez (J. M.) Un caso di cisticercosis hu- mana (cisticercus cellulosae). Rev. Soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1902, x, 676-683. Also: Semanamed., Buenos Aires, 1902, ix, 659. — Rttssle. Zur Einfinnigkeit der Rinder. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg., Berl., 1903, xiv, 60-53.—Rosseter (T. B.) On Cysticercus quadricurva- tus (Rosseter). J. Queckett Micr. Club, Lond., 1892-4, 2. b., v, 338-343,1 pl.-----. On experimental infection of ducks with Cysticercus coronula Mrazek (Rosseter), Cysticercus gracilis (von Linstow), Cysticercus tenui ros- tris (von Hamann). Ibid., 1897,2. s., vi, 397-405.—San- Tjpnia (Larval forms of). galli (G.) Fenome'ni morbosi, quando letali, quando mancanti od insignificanti, nello sviluppo di cisticerchi pure in visceri di prima importanza per 1' uomo; fatti a sostegno dell' assunto. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1897, lvi, 495; 505.— Schroeder (C.) Ein Beitrag zum Vor- kommen der Rinderflnnen. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milch- hyg., Berl., 1903, xiv,48-50.—Spailiiilieri (J.) DieKin- derfinnen imSchlachthause derStadi Triest. Ibid., 1902- 3, xiii, 136-139.—Stephens (J. W. W.) Observations on the hooklets of Cysticercus cellulose in man. Ann. Trop. M. & Parasitol, Liverp., 1908-9, ii, 391-395—Stroll. Rinderfinnenfunde bei Milch- und Saugkalbern. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg., Berl., 1905-6, xvi, 8; 40. -----. Weitere Finnenfunde bei Saugkalbern. Ibid., 1907-8, xviii, 78-82.—Stuurinan (W.) Cysticercus inermis bij het rund. Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijk. en veeteelt, Utrecht, 1902-3, xxx, 387-389, 1 pl.—Troisier. Contribution a l'histoire de la ladrerie chez l'homme. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1885, 3. s., ii. 117; 341.—Trotter (A. M.) The propagation and detection of the Cysticer- cus cellulosae. Glasgow M. J., 1898, xlix, 443-446. Also: Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1897-8, viii, 137-140.— Vro- blevski (P. M.) O puzirchatkikh glistakh, cysticercus cellulosae, u chelovleka. [Cysticercus cellulosae in man.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1909, xiv, 1419-1432.—Young (R. T.) The histogenesis of Cys- ticercus pisiformis. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, 1908, xxvi, 183- 258, 4pl.—Zagelineier. Finnenfunde undFinnenbe- kiimpfung beim Rind. Munchen. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1909, liii, 229; 249. Taenia (Toxins of). See Tapeworm (Toxins, etc., of). Taenia (Treatment of). See Tapeworm. (Treatment of). Taenia in animals. Setti (E.) Una nuova tenia nel cane (Tsenia brachysoman. sp.). roy. 8°. Genova, 1889. Banchi (A.) Neotenia nel Triton vulgaris (Linn.) subsp. meridionalis. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1900, xi, 194-200. Also: Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1900, liv, 322.—Caparini (U.) La tenia dei fagiani stu- diata in occasione della teniasi epizootica che ha inflerito nella fagianiera del bosco reale di Capodimonte. Clin. vet., Milano, 1906, xxix, 841; 872.—Carlisle (A.) Osser- vazioni sulla struttura ed economia di que' vermi intesti- nali chiamati Tenie. Ann. di chim. e storia nat., Pavia, 1895. ix, 1-25,1 pl.—Cohn (L.) Zur Systematik der Vo- geltanien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxv, 415: xxvi, 222: 1900, xxvii, 325. Also [Abstr.]: Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1899, xxii, 401-404. See, also, infra, Diamare and Wolfhiigel.—Diamare (V.) Einige Be- merkungen zur Antwort an L. Cohn. Centralbl. F. Bak- teriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxvi, 780-782.—Eckert (H. F.) Taenia expansa in the sheep. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1901-2, xxv, 762-754. -----. Taenia denticulate beim Rinde. Wchnschr. f. Thierh. u. Viehzucht, Miin- chen, 1901, xiv, 389.—Fuhrmann (0.) Mitteilungen iiber Vogeltanien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxvi, 83; 618. -----. Die Tanien der Raubvogel. Ibid., 1906, xii, 79; 212. -----. Neue eigen- thiimliche Vogeltaenien. (Ein getrenntgeschlechtlicher Cestode.) Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1900, xxiii, 48-51.—Graf. Tod bei einem Pferde durch Tanien. Wchnschr. f. Thierh. u. Viehzucht, Munchen, 1904, xlviii, 661-663.—Gryuner (S. A.) Finnoz slevernavo olenya; k materialam po pa- tologii slevernavo olenya. [Taenia of the northern deer; on the pathology of the northern deer.] Arch. vet. nauk, St.Petersb.,1910,xl,952-957,lpl.—von Janicki(C) Zur Embryonalentwicklung von Taenia serrate Gceze. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1906, xxx. 763-768. Also: Ztschr. f. wissensch. zool., Leipz., 1907,lxxxvii, 685-724,2 pl.—Kashtshenko (N. F.) Otchot ob izslledovanii glistnol epizootii rib v Barabinskikh ozerakh. [Report of the research on the epidemic of taenia among the fishes of the Barabin lakes.] Izviest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1892, iv, pt.2,184-213.—Kho- lodkovsky (N.) Contributions a la connaissance des tenias des ruminants. Arch, de parasitol., Par., 1902, vi, 145-148,1 pl.—Lathrop (H. B.) A taenia in the muscle of a fowl. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1899, lv, 318.—de Maga- lhaes (P.-S.) Deux nouveaux tenias dela pouledomes- tique. Arch.deparasitol., Par.,1898, i,442-45L—Marotel <<1.) Sur un teniade du Bothrops lanceolatus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898,10. s., v, 99-101.—Megnin. Epidemies de tenias chez les faisanset les perdrix. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1898, 3. s., xl, 159-168.—Ransom (B. H.) The tapeworms of American chickens and tur- keys. Rep. Bureau Animal Indust., Wash., 1906, xxi, 268- 285.—Riggenbach (E.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Taenien der Susswasserfische. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., 1. Abt., Jena, 1895, xviii, 609-613, 1 pl.— Saint-Remy (G.) Contributions a l'etude du deve- loppement des cestodes. II. Le developpement embry- onnairede Tsenia serrate Gceze. Arch, de parasitol., Par., 1901, iv, 143-156,1 pl. -----. Sur l'embryologie du Taenia T.ENIA. 589 T.ENIA. Taenia in animals. serrate. Clin.opht., Par., 1901,vii,43-45.—Seagliosi (G.) Ueber einen seltenen Ausgang der von der Tsenia botri- oplitis im Huhndarm herbeigefiihrten Verletzungen. Arch, f. path. Anat. [etc.], BerL, 1896, cxiv, 538-545,1 pl.— Schneider (G.) ZurDifferentialdiagnostikderHunde- tanien. Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Thierh., Wien, 1893, xvii, 289-295.—Setti (E.) Una nuova tenia nel cane (Taenia brachysoma n. sp.). Boll. d. mus. di zool. [etc.], Genova, 1897-8,iii,no.71,1-10,1 pl— Sluiter(C.P.) Taeniaplastica n. sp., eine neue kurzgliedrige Taenia aus Galeopithecus volans. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt,, Jena, 1896, xix,941-94tK—\Allot (A.) Recherches sur le developpe- ment et l'organisation des tenias des oiseaux de mer. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1898, Par., 1899, xxvii, 167; 467.—Wolttlitlgel (K.) Rechtfertigung ge- geniiber Cohn's Publikation: Zur Systematik der Vogel- tiinien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt.,Jena, 1899, xxvi, 632-635. Taenia cucumerina. Asam (W.) Taenia cucumerina bei einem Kinde. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903,1, 331.—von Bollin- ger (O.) Ueber Tsenia cucumerina beim Menschen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1905, lxxxiv, 50-56.— Kohl (O.) Tsenia cucumerina bei einem 6 Wochen alten Kinde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 157.— Koenigstein (R.) [Saugling mit Taenia cucumerina.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1907, vi, 173.—Kuprevich (N. S.) K voprosu o poyedanii travi sobakami. [Eating grass by dogs: Taenia cucume- rina.] Vrach.-san. list. Simbirsk, gub., 1899, iv, 597.— Lins (J.) Sechs Fiille von Taenia cucumerina beim Menschen; familiare Erkrankung. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1911, xxiv, 1595-1597.—Pollak. [Taenia cucume- rina bei einem sechsmonatlichen Saugling.] Ibid., 1907, xx, 203.—Rosenberg" (L.) [Zehn Band wiirmer (Taeniae cucumerina;).] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kin- derh. in Wien, 1904, iii, 54— Stfrensen (P.) Om Tsenia cucumerina hos B0rn. [. .. in children.] Ugesk. f. Lae- ger, Kcjbenh., 1896, 5. R., iii, 705-708.—Sonnenschein (G.) Taenia cucumerina s. elliptira bei einem 6 Monate alten Kinde. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 2294.— Thomson (J.) A case of Taenia cucumerina in a little child. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1894, xi, 379. Taenia mediocanellata. Condorelli Francaviglia (M.) Emiplegia ri- flessa da Taenia mediocanellata. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1893, x, 454-462.—Gagnoni (E.) Sopra un caso dieosino- filia verificato in un poppante al seno di madre affetta da Taenia mediocanellata. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1904,4. s., xvi, 229-2;;.">. Also: Riv. diclin. pediat., Firenze, 1903, i, 310-315.—Krolikovvski (W.) Szegc tasiemc6w przewierconych u dziecka. [Six taeniae medio- canellatae in a child.j Przegl. pedyat., Krak6w, 1908-9, i, 219.—Norbury (F. P.) A case of Tenia mediocanellata in a child two years old. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1896, xiii, 200.—Perroncito (E.) Sullo sviluppo della tenia me- diocanellata. Gior. d. r. AvaoX. di med. di Torino, 1894, 3. s., xiii, 113.—Rodionolt" (G. P.) Sluchal dvoinol lentochnolglisti (teniae mediocanellataej.soprovozhdaye- miy tyazholim nervnim razstrolstvom. [Double . . ., accompanied by severe nervous disturbance.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1892, xvii, 533. — Rokitansky. Taenia mediocanellata. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1898, xliii, 142.—Scheltema (G.) Permeatie ter afdrijving van een Taenia mcmo-camllata. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1909, i, 159.—Setti (E.) La pretesa Tsenia mediocanellata dell' Himantopus candidus e invece la T. saginata. Boll. d. mus. di zool. [etc.], Genova, 1897-8, iii, no. 69, 1-4.—Springer (C.) Ueber den Befund von 23 Exemplaren der Tsenia mediocanellata bei einem und demselben Menschen. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xxi, 202. —Terray (P.) Ket Taenia mediocanellata egy betegbelhuzamaban esete. [A case of patient with two ... in the intestinal canal.] Budapesti k. orvosegy. 1891- ik evievkonyve, 1892,173.—Tomiolo (A.) Diun casodi Tenia mediocanellata fenestrate. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1899, 4. s., xlvii, 495-499.—Weiss (F.) Ueber eine durch einen Bandwurm [Taenia mediocanel- lata] verursachte Nebenhodenentziindung. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. u. Leipz., 1908, ii, 1079-1082. Taenia nana. Ransom (B. H.) An account of the tape- worms of the genus Hymenolepis, parasitic in man, including reports of several new cases of the dwarf tapeworm (H. nana) in the United States. 8°. Washington, 1904. Forms Bull. no. 18 of: treas. Dep. Hyg. Laborat. Amesse (J. W.) The dwarf tape worm (Hymenolepis nana) in American children; report of a case complicat- Tsenia nana. ing chorea. Colorado Med., Denver, 1910, vii, 443-445. Also, Reprint.—Bass (C. C.) & Gage (J. M.) Report of fifteen cases of Hymenolepis nana. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xcii, 769. Also, Reprint. — Calandruccio (S.) Ulteriori ricerche sulla Taenia nana. Boll. d. Soc. zool. ital., Roma, 1906, 2. s., vii, 65-69.— Capuzzo (Z.) Due casi di Tenia nana. Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze, 1904, ii, 829-834.—Carrer(C) Un caso di Taenia nana. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1905, xliii, 509-519.—Deade- rick (W. H.) Hymenolepis nana and Hvmenolepis di- minuta, with report of cases. J. Am. M.Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 2087-2090. -----. Notes on the occurrence of Hymenolepis nana in the United States. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1907, x, 82. -----. Hymenolepis nana in the United States, with report of two cases. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1910, xiv, 21-26. Also: Internat. Clin., Phila., 1909, 19. s., iv, 252-261.—Fogel (A. G.) K klinicheskol kartinle pripadkov pri Tsenia nana. [The clinical picture in paroxysms from Taenia nana.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 2018-2026.—Foster (C. L.) Two cases of infection with Taenia nana in the Philippine Islands. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 685.— Fiirth (E.) Ein Fall von Taenia (Hymenolepis) nana (von Siebold) in der Provinz Schantung. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1910, xiv, 315.—Garcia Bijo (R.) Tenia diminuta. Actas y trab. d. ii. Cong. med. nac, Habana, 1911, 307.—Gilardini (G.) Un caso di tenia nana. Casuist, med.-chir., Milano, 1905, i, 69.— Guseflf"(G. I.) Sluchal Tieniie nanae. [Case] Trudi Obsh. dietsk. vrach., Moskva, 1893, i, 23-25.— Hahndel (O.) [Taenia nana.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1904,iii, 233.—Hallock (H.M.) Tenia nana; report of two cases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xiii, 891.—Kwanin (M.) [Tsenia nana.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1903, xxiv, 1585-1605.—von Linstow. Ueber Taenia (Hymenolepis) nana v. Siebold und murina Duj. JenaischeZtschr. f. Naturw., Jena,1895-6,n. F.,xxiii, 571-582.—Lutz (A.) Beobachtungen iiber die als Taenia nana und flavopunctata bekannten Bandwurmer des Menschen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1894, xvi, 61-67.—de Magalhaes (P. S.) Ein zweiter Fall von Hymenolepis diminuta Rudolph (Tsenia flavo- punctata Weinland), als menschlicher Parasit in Brasi- lien beobachtet. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1896, xx, 673.—Malvoz (E.) Le Taenia nana en Belgique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 602.-----. Le Tsenia nana en Belgique. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1910, 4. s., xxiv, 316-328. Also: Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1910, lxii, 581-583.—Massarl (G.) La Tenia nana. Suppl. al Policlin., Roma, 1897-8, iv, 209-213. —Mertens. Ueber Tsenia nana. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 1099; 1134.—Miura (K.) & Yaniazaki (F.) Ueber Taenia nana. Mitth. a. d. med. Fac d. k.-jap. Univ., Tokio, 1897, iii, 239-258, 1 pl. Also: Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1897, no. 986, 1; no. 986, 11; no. 987, 1.—Moore (J. T.) A preliminary note on the oc- currence of Taenia nana in Texas, with specimens. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Fort Worth, 1902-3, xx, no. 10, 17.-----. The occurrence of Tsenia nana in Texas (the first or at least the second reported case in North America). Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1903, 577-585, 1 pl. Also: Med. News, N. Y.,1904, lxxxiv, 251-254.—Railliet (A.) Un cas tres ancien de Taenia (Hymenolepis) dimi- nuta chez l'homme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 894-890.—Raseh (C.) Ueber einen Fall von Tsenia nana in Siam. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1894, xv, 143. — Riva-Rocci (S.) Sulla guarigione spontanea della Tenia nana. Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze, 1907, v, 32-41.—Riider (H.) Ueber einen wei- teren Fall von Taenia (Hymenolepsis) nana (v. Siebold) in Deutschland. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 344-316.—Ronchetti (V.) Un nuevo caso di Hymeno- lepis nana (v. Sieb.). Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1906,4. s., xii, 93-95.—Sell loss (O. M.) The dwarf tapeworm (Hymenolepis nana) as an intestinal parasite of children, with the report of fourteen cases. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1910, xxvii, 100-118. -----. Three cases of infection with the dwarf tapeworm (Hymenole- pis nana) in children. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 1206.—Sonsino (P.) Nuove osservazioni di Tenia nana. Boll. Soc. med. pisana, 1894-5, i, 32-36.—Stiles (C. W.) The dwarf tapeworm (Hymenolepis nana), a newly rec- ognized and probably rather common American parasite. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1903, xlvi, 405-413. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1903, lxxviii, 877-881. Also, Reprint.—Stitt (E. R.) & Allen (D. G.) A case of heavy Hymenolepsis nana infection, with a note as to treatment. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1910, iv, 384.—Stoerk (E.) & Hahndel (0.) Ein Fall von Tsenia nana in Oester- reich. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 8S2-8S7. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 882-887.—Vaccino (N.) Un caso di Taenia nana. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 556, _ Wood (M. A.) Three cases of Taenia nana. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1910-11, vi, 144. T.KXIA. 590 TAFELX, Taenia saginata. Kuchel(B.[J.]) *EineDrillingsmissbildung der Taenia saginata. [Kiel.] S°. Kiiln, 1S92. Schreiber (P.) *Ein Fall von progressiver pernizioser Aniimie nach Taenia saginata. 8°. Ziirieh, 1908. Blanchard (R.) Anomalie des organes genitaux chez un Taenia saginata Gceze. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1890, 9. s., ii, 403.—Blochmann (F.) Ueber Sommer's sog. " plasmatische Langsgefiisse" bei Taenia saginata Goze und Tsenia solium L. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1892, xii, 373-379.—Brown (B. S.) A remarkable case of tapeworms; Tsenia saginata. Univ. Med.. Galveston, 1899-1900, v, 205—Condorelli Francaviglia ( M. ) Anomalie riscontrate in due esemplari di Tenia saginata Goeze. Boll. d. Soc. zool. ital., Roma, 19o5. 2. s., vi, 273-282.—Cor re (A.) De la frequence du Teniainermeau Senegal, etde son traite- ment. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1877, xcii. 170- 174.—Eaton (H. D.) Reports of two cases of Taenia sa- ginata. Texas M. J., Austin, 1910-11, xxvi, 200-203.— Fasciolo (A.) Strobilo fuso in Tsenia saginata. Boll. d. mus. di zool. [etc.], Genova, 1905, no. 131,1-4.—Mac- Callmn (G. A.) Malformation of Taenia paginate (T. triedre). Med. Rec. N. Y., 1912, lxxxi, 562.—Miller (D. J. M.) A case of Taenia saginata in a child of twenty- four months from the use of raw scraped beef for the re- lief of chronic intestinal disturbance. Pediatrics. N. Y., 1901, xii, 90-92. Also, Reprint.—Parona < E.) Intorno a centocinquanta cestoidi dell' uomo raccolti a Milano; considerazioni sulla Tseniasaginatae sul Cysticercus bovis in Italia. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1899,4. s., xlvii, 6824595. Also: Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1900, xxii, 289-301.-----. Di alcune anomalie nei cestodied in particolaredidueteniesaginatemoniliformi. Boll. d.mus. di zool. [etc.],Genova,1900,no. 99,1-8, lpl.—Pfender (C. A.) Symptoms accompanying an infection with Tsenia saginata. Science, N.Y.& Lancaster, Pa., 1912, n. s., xxxv, 555.—Reiss(E.) UeberMultiplizitatderTseniasaginata. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li,260.—Riehl. Ueber mehrfaches Vorkommen der Tsenia saginata beim Men- schen. Ibid., 1903, 1, 2292.—Rosenberger (R. C.) A peculiar teratologic form of Tsenia saginata. Proc. Path. Soc Phila., 1902-3, n. s., vi, 206. Also: Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi, 93.—Rlidel. Ueber Athetose und Tsenia sagi- nata. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 479.—Shennan (T.) Tri-radiate Tsenia saginata. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc Edinb., ls.97-8, n. s., xvii, 67, 1 pl. Also: Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1898, ii, 404,1 pl— Sonsino (P.) Colorazione accidentale de strobiladi Taenia sagi- nata Goze, dovuta a solfuro di bismuto. Arch, de para- sitol., Par., 1901, iv, 222-226.—Stiles (C. W.) & Gold- berger (J.) A reexamination of the original specimen of Taenia saginata abietana (Weinland, 1858). In: Treas. Dept. Pub. Health & Mar.-Hosp. Serv. U. S. Hyg. Lab. Bull. No.40, Wash., 1908, 36-40,66 pl.— Trabnt (L.) Ob- servations teratologiques sur un Tsenia saginata 4 six ventouses et de forme triquetre. Arch, de zool. exper. et gen. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par., 1889, 2. s., vii, 1. Taenia solium. Barbagallo (P.) Sopra un caso di Taenia solium mummificato rigeneratasi. 8°. Catania, 1896. Aviss (W. G.) A case of tapeworm causing acute gastritis. [Taenia solium.] J. Rov. Armv Med. Corps, Lond., 1909, xii, 566.—Baglivo (G. F.) * Di alcuni pa- rassiti comuni agli uomini e agli animali e loro effetti nocivi: Cysticercus cellulosae; Taenia solium. Corriere san. Settim., Milano, 1897^11^0.3*, 1-3.—Blanchard (R.) Sur un memoire de M. le Dr. Ch. Wardell Stiles (de Washington), intitule: De la rarete du Tsenia solium dans 1' Amerique du Nord. [Rap.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1895, 3. s., xxxiii, 466-469.—Borini (A.) Una in- teressante anomalia di T. solium. Gior. d. r. Accad. di . med. di Torino, 1906, 4. s., xii, 201-204.—Bravetta (E.) Proglottide anomala di Taenia solium emessa da un de- mente. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1906, lxv, 331-333.— Carcaterra (G.) Contributo alia casistica morbosa da Tsenia solium. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1903, xxiv, 1518- 15i'o.— Cox (W. M.) An unusual case of tape-worm. [Taenia solium.] Midland M. J., Birmingh., 1908, vii, 149.—Deseroizilles. Un cas de tsenia chez l'enfant. [Tsenia solium.] Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1894, lxvii, 527.— Gavoy (E.) Non-identite du cysticerque ladrique et du Tsenia solium. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon (1887), 1888, xxvii, pt. 2, 279-283.—Guiart (J.) Le ver solitaire. [Tsenia solium.] Bull. d. sc. Pharma- col., Par., 1901, iv, 17, 1 pl.: 113; 223, 2 pl— Hensley (J. L.) Taenia solium. Tr. Ohio Eclect. M. Ass., Colum- bus, 1899, xxxv, 147-150.—lde. Les vers solitaires. [Taenia solium.] Rev. med. de Louvain, 1905, n. s., ii, 7- 12.—Lameere (A.) La tete du ver solitaire. [Tsenia solium.] Sue. my. d. -c med. et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1904, lxii, 133-137.—de Magalhaes (P. S.) Eine sehr seltene Anomalie von Tania solium. Centralbl. f. Bak- Trenia solium. teriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxvii, 66-68.—.Til I lcr (D. J. M.) A case of Taenia saginata in a child of twenty- four months from the use of raw beef for the relief of chronic intestinal disturbance, Pediatrics, N. Y., 1901, xii, 90-92. Also, Reprint.— Sievers (R.) Om forekom- sten af Taenia solium (Cysticercus cellulosae) och andra plattmaskar i Finland. [Ueber das Vorkommen von Taenia solium (Cysticercus cellulosae) und anderen Band- wurmern in Finland. Ref., p. lxxviii.] Finska lak.- sallsk. hand., Helsingfors, 1903, xiv, pt. 2, 595-602.— Trout (The) parasite of Yellowstone Park; its resem- blance to Taenia solium. N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 543. Ta^niocystis. Leger (L.) Etude sur Tseniocystis mira Leger, gre- garine metamerique. Arch. f. Protistenk., Jena, 1906, vi, 307-329, 2 pl. Tseniol. Goldman (H.) Ueber ein neues, auf seine Anre- gung hergestelltes Anthelminticum, Taeniol. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1905, Leipz., 1906, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 52-54.—Linke. Taeniol. Therap. Neu- heiten, Leipz., 1907, ii, 117-119. Ta?niorliyncns. Ludlow (Clara S.) A new North American Tamiorhyncus. 8°. London, Ontario, 1905. Cutting from: Canadian Entomologist, Lond., [Canada], 1905, 231. Taenzer (Paul Rudolf) [1858- ]. The em- ployment of Unna's gutta percha plaster mulls. 24 pp. 8°. Eimsbiittel, Gy., P. Beiersdorrf dc Co., [1894]. -----. Ueber Nikotianaseife. 2 1. 8°. Ham- burg dc Leipzig, L. Voss, 1895. Repr. from: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1895, xxi. See, also, I'nna (Paul Gerson) & Taenzer (Paul Rudolf). Acute Exantheme. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Taeschner. Die Not des Wohllebens und der sicherste Weg zur Wiederschaffung der Gesund- heit. 43 pp. 8°. Berlin, 189). -----. Die Bekampfung der Lungenschwindsucht und die Nutzlosigkeit sog. Lungenheilstiitten Eine soziale Frage. 30 pp. 8°. Berlin, [1899]. Tsette. Olsen-Sopp (O. J.) Taette, die urnordische Dauer- milch und verwandte Milchsorten, sowie ihre Bedeutung fiir die Volksernahrung. (1. Serie.) Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1912, xxxiii, 1-54,1 pl. Tauber (Karl Ferdinand [Benno]) [1884- ]. * Ueber die Wirkung der hauptsiichlichen im Tuberkulin und in den zu den lokalen Tuber- kulinreaktionen verwendeten Tuberkulinlosun- gen enthaltenen nichtspezifischen Bestandteile auf die Augen-, Scheidenschleimhaut und aus- tere Haut des Rindes. [Leipzig.] 58 pp. 8°. Dresden, 0. Franke, 1910. Tafani (Alessandro). Sulle condizioni utero- placentari della vita fetale; nuove indagini em- briologiche comparate. xvii, 152 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Firenze, Le Monnier, 1886. Repr. from: Pub. d. r. Ist. di studi sup. in Firenze, lez. di med. e chir., 1886. Tafel (Albert). * Ueber die Technik der opti- schen Iridektomie. 64 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1903. Tafel (Grete) [1879- ]. *Dysthyre Schwer- horigkeit bei Graviden. 31 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., K. Schillinger, 1910. Tafel (Rudolf Leonhard) [1831- ]. See Sclinee (Emil) [in 1. s.]. Diabetes [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1889. Tafelmaier (Hans) [1871- ]. *Uebereinen Fall von vollstandiger subcutaner Zerreissung der Arteria axillaris. 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miin- chen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1899. Tafeln zur Entlarvung der Simulation einsei- tiger Blindheit und Schwachsichtigkeit. Nach Snellen entworfen von von Haselberg. 2. Aufl. 22pp.,2pl. s°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1908. TAFELN. 591 TAIL Tafeln und Sohriftproben zur Bestimmung der Sehschiirfe [etc.]. •SreProbniye shrifti i tablitsi [etc.]. 2. ed. s°. s.- Peterburg, 1893. Taft (Charles H.) The progress of science and its influence on modern civilization. Address delivered before the American Academy of Den- tal Science, at its twenty-third annual meeting, Boston, Nov. 12, 1890. 16 pp. 8°. Boston, Rockwell dc Churchill, 1891. Taft (Jonathan) [1820-1903]. Obituary. Brit. Dent, J., Lond., 1903, xxiv, 761. Also: Dental Digest, Chicago, 1903, ix, 1228-1290. Also: Dental Reg., Cincin., 1903, lvii, 641-54C>, port, [front.]. Also: Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1903, xxiv, 906-971, port. [front.]. Taft (M.-B.) [1867- ]. *De l'histogenese des fibres du grand sympathique chez l'homme et les mammiferes. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 193. Taft (William Howard) [1857- ]. The Philippine Islands. An address. 20 pp. 8°. New York, 1904. See, also, Banquet and reception to President Taft and invited guests; given by the Medical Club of Phila- delphia at the Bellevue-Stratford, May 4,1911. J. Am. M Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 1399-1404. Also, Reprint. Tagami (Kiyosada) [1876- ]. * Ueber Her- nia obturatoria. 36 pp. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Calluey, 1910. Taganrog. Kolesnikoff (N. F.) Kratkiy otchot o sanitarnom sostoyanii pervavo meditsinskavo uchastka, Taganrog- skavo okruga, Oblasti Voiska Donskavo, v 11 volostyakh, za 1891 god. [Brief report of the sanitary condition of the first medical department of Taganrog Province, in 11 villages for 189L] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1892, xvii, 387; 407; 431; 453. Tagaultins (Joannes) [ -1545]. De chirur- gica institutione libri quinque, jam denuo accu- ratius recogniti, ac a mendis plerisque vindicati. His accessit sextus liber de materia chirurgica, authore Jacobo Hollerio Stempano. 31 p. 1., 417 ff., 21 1. 16°. Venetiis, V. Vaugris, 1544. Tagayasan. Iwakawa (K.) Ueber das entzundungserregende Pulver des japanischen Nutzholzes "Tagayasan." Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1911, lxv, 315-324. Tagebueh einer andern Verlorenen. Auch von einer Toten. Nach dem Original-Manu- script hrsg. von Eobert Felseck. 2. Tausend. 274 pp. 12°. Leipzig, W. Fiedler, 1906. Tage-Bueh fiir die Hebamme. 50 1. 8°. Berlin, [L. Schuhmacher, 1892]. Tager (G[ersch]) [1867- j. * Bacteriologi- sche Untersuchungen des Grundwassers in Jur- jew, nebst Studien iiber das Verhalten einiger Saprophyten im Wasser. 56 pp., 11. 8°. Jur- jeiv, Schnakenburg, 1893. Tager (Iser). * Obotnoshenii khloristavo atse- tila i khloristavo benzoila k stirolu v prisut- stvii chloristavo tsinka. [On the relation of chloride of acetyl and chloride of benzoyl to styrol in the presence of chloride of zinc] 60 pp., 1 1. 8°. Yuryev, K. Mutism, 1896. Tagert (Albert II.) [1846-1903]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 1521. Tagert (Robert Mansfield) [1812-1903]. [Obituary.] Lancet, Loiid., 1904, i, 132. Tagetes. Rodriguez (F.) * La flor del cempoalxochitl; algunas observaciones y experiencias sobre su naturaleza y composition. 8°. Mexico, 1884. Domingiicz (J. A.) Nota sobre Tagetes glanduli- fera Schr. Semana m6d., Buenos Aires, 1901, viii, 439-443. Taggart (Walter T.). See von Richter (Victor). Text-book of inorganic chemistry [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1900. Tagger (David) [1872- ]. * Contribution a 1 6tude de l'ictere pendant la grossesse. 1 p. 1., 86 pp., 1 1. 8°. Nancy, 1899, No. 23. Tagiaseo (J. D. Hieronimus). Theses. [De motu et quiete tamquam morborum causis; de febre inflammatoria; de febre nervosa.] 2 1. 4°. Genuse, 1820. [P., v. 2145.] Tagliacozzi (Gasparo) [1546-99]. Riggs (T.F.) Little biographies and the eponymic diseases. Gaspard Tagliacozzi. Albany M. Ann., 1908. xxix, 755-760. Tagliaferri (Giacomo). See Scarpa (Antonius). Malattie degli occhi retc.1. 8°. Firenze, 1837. Tagliasaeehi (G.). See Bigiiaiui-Sormani (Emilio) & Tagliasac- chi (G.) Sulle condizioni generali delle fognature in Milano. roy. 8°. [Milano, 1886.] Tagliavaeelie (Domenico). Tesi. [Dello sviluppo delP ossa; de' polipi; dell' opio.] 2 1. fol. _ Genova, 1819. [P., v. 2150.] Taglioni (A.-S.) * Programme des produits chimiques et pharmaceutiques prepares dans le laboratoire de 1'Ecole superieure de pharmacie de Montpellier. 32 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1895, No. 581. Ecole superieure de pharmacie. Taguehi (Wabi). Kaibu ronvo. .[Guide for dissection.] _ 14 v. 8°. Tokyo, 1878. ------. Sotei sodu kaibo ranyo. [Histology, with illustrations.] v. 1. 2, 2, 246 pp. 8°. Tokyo, 1894. Taliata (Yoshiaki) [1879- ]. *UeberCysten der Conjunctiva der Uebergangsfalten. 36 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callevey, 1908. Taliier (Charles-Aime-Marie-Ange)[1878- ]. *Stupeur catatonique et stupeur melancolique; contribution a l'etude du diagnostic differentiel. 64 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1904, No. 132. Taliier (Frederic). *Les Elements figures de Purine dans les nephrites (cellules; globules; cylindres). Etude microscopique et clinique. 131 pp., 4 1., 4 pl. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 522. -----. The same. 130 pp., 6 1., 5 pl. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillilre dcfils, 1895. Tahiti. See, also, Hygiene (Public, Laws, etc., of), by Irjcalities. Nadeaud (J.) *Plantes usuelles des Tahi- tiens. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. BaessIer(A.) [Ueber Fischen auf Tahiti.] Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1905, xxxvii, 924-940.—Hanausek (T. F.) Zur Abstammung der sogenannten Tahiti-Nusse. Ztschr. f. Nahrungsmitt. Untersuch. u. Hyg., Wien, 1896, x, 281.—Langley (S. P.) The fire walk ceremony in Tahiti. Nature, Lond., 1901, xxiv, 397-399. Also: Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1900-1901, 539-544, 3 pl.—Lavi- gerie (L.) Etude sur deux plantes tinctoriales de Taiti. Arch, de Med. Nav., Par., 1865, iii, 147-156.—Senn (N.) Tahiti from a medical standpoint. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xiii, 887; 951. Taicheire (Ch.) * Etude botanique et chimi- que de la gratiole. 49 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1902, No. 20. Taifoid yobo kokoroe. [Hints for the prophy- laxis of typhoid fever.] 6 pp. 8°. Tokyo, 1893. Taij (Lip). Prophylaxia sexualis. Causeries medicales sur la preservation et les preservatifs sexuels. 391pp. 12°. Paris, A. B.DeLiptai/, [n. d.]. Tail. Wolff (J.) * Vergleichend-anatomische Un- tersuchungen iiber die Schwanzmuskulatur von Hapale jacchus, Tebus macrocephalus und Ateles ater. [Bern.] 8°. Hannover - Linden, 1908. Tuenot (L.) L'autotomie caudale chez quelques mammiferes du groupe des rongeurs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1907 lxii, 174-176.—Dietz. Pferd ohne TAIL. 592 TAISNE. Tail. Schwanz. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1904, 791. Also, transl [Abstr.J: Vet. Rec, Lond., 1904, xvii, 408. —F.I - linger. Das brandige Absterben der Schwanzspitze bei den Hausthieren. Berl. thieriirztl. Wchnschr., 1900, 505- 507.—Harman (N. B.) The morphology of the tail. Brit. M..T.,Lond.,1904,ii,1620.—Henneberg(B.) Ueber Schwanzautotomie bei Siiugern. Med.-naturvv. Arch., Berl. u. Wien, 1909. ii, 229-246, 2 pl. — Meuleman. La mvotomie caudale par procedesous-cutanc Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1904, liii, 377-388.—von Schumacher (S. t Die segmentale Innervation des Siiugetierschwanzes als Beispiel fiir das Vorkommen einer kollateralen Innerva- tion. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1909-10, xl, 47-94, 2 pl.— Young (A. H.) & Robinson (A.) Observations on the development and morphology of the tail. Brit. M. !., Lond., 1904, ii, 1384-1391. Tail (Formation of) in man. Pyatnitski (I. I.) *K voprosu o stroyenii khvosta u chelovleka i o khvostakh chelo- viecheskikh voobshtshe, sootvetstvenno dan- nim literaturi i sobstvennim izsliedovaniyam. [On the question of the formation of a tail in man, and of human tails in general, according to data from literature and personal researches.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1893. Rodenacker (G.) * Ueber den Siiugetier- schwanz mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der caudalen Anhange des Menschen. [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Danzig, 1898. Rartels (M.) Ein Menschenschwanz. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., Berl., 1894, 453-455.—Berry (J.) Baby with a tail. Memphis M. Month., 1894, xiv, 105.—Breitenstein (H.) Zur Frage der Schwanz- menschen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902, Leipz., 1903, ii, 176-178. — Brugscli (T.) Zur Frage der Schwanzbildung beim Menschen. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, xxviii, Abt. f. path. Anat., 155-161.—Carini (A.) Tumoresimulanteun' appendice caudale; raraanomalia congenita in bambino. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1903, x, 136-139.—Chatterton (B.) Infant with a caudal appendage. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1903, xxxviii, 300.—Corre. Appendice caudal chez l'homme. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1882, 3. s., v, 540.—De Blasio (A.) Urantroposanguinario. Riv. mens, di psichiat. forense, Napoli, 1904, vii, 12-19.— Dickinson. A child with a tail. Brooklyn M. J., 1894, viii, 668.— d'Enjoy (P.) L'appendice caudal dans les tribus Moi". Anthropologie, Par., 1896, vii, 531-535.— Favaro (G.) II canale caudale nell'uomo. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1906, xxix, 638.—Garcia (C.) Homo caudatus. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1897, xv, 93-95.—Geissler. Eine schwanzahnliche Bildung beim Menschen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1909, xxiii, 179.—Harm. False tails in human subjects. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 1239.—Har- rison (R. G.) On the occurrence of tails in man, with a description of the case reported by Dr. Watson. Proc. Ass. Am. Anat. 1900, Wash., 1901, xiv, 141-158, 5 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bu.L, Bait., 1901, xxii, 96- 101.—Hennig. Ueber Cauda? humanae. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, Ver.-Beil., 101.— Human tails. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1905, xl, 109.— Keibel (F.) Inyu taigo no oni zukete. [Tail of human foetus.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 296, 13-17.— Knyazefl^V. N.) Khvostatiy chelovlek (homo cau- datus). [Case.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 903.— Kohlbrugge (J. H. F.) Schwanzbildung und Steiss- driise des Menschen und das Gesetz der Riickschlagsver- erbung. Natuurk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl.-Indie, Batav., 1898, lvii, 163-195,1 pl.—von Konstantinowitscli (W.j Zur Frage der Schwanzbildung beim Menschen. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, xxviii, Abt. f. path. Anat., 1-28, 2 pl.—Myers (H.) A caudal appendage. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1893), 1894, 105.—Sernow. Zur Frage iiber die morphologische Bedeutung der schwanzformigen Bildungen beim Menschen. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1903, xxviii, 418-420.—Shebolda- yeflf* (W.) Hvostative Ivudi. [Tailed men.] Zemsk. vrach., Poltava, 1893, vi, 2; 28.—Strange (A) tale of tails. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 1204—Tailed men. Ibid., 1902, i, 29.—Unger & Brugscli. Geschwiinzte Menschen und ihre Entwickeluntjs^cschichte. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1903, xxxv, 469-475— Vinogradov (K.N.) K voprosuo chelovlccheskikh khvostakh. [Ou human tails. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 901-903.— Virchow (R.) Schwanzbildung beim Menschen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., ls.si, xxi, 745-747. Also, Reprint.— Zaborowski. Les hommes a queue. Bull. Soc. d'an- throp. de Par., 1*97, 4. s.. viii, 28-32.—Zavitziano (S. C.) Un cas de fausse queue de deviation scoliotique et de difformite des membres inferieurs chez une petite fille. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1892-3, xxxv, 275-277. Tailed men. See Tail (Formation of) in man. Tailliefer (Emile). *Le goitre genital de la femme. 176 pp., 1 1. 4°. Toulouse, 1894, No. 58. Taillade (Louis-Jean) [1875- ]. *Oreille et epilepsie. 74 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1899, No. 32. Tail lard (Edmond) [1868- ]. *Sur les complications et le traitement des abces de la coxalgie. 51, pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 195. Taillasson (Edouard) [1876- ]. *De quel- ques modes d'assistance et de protection du nourrisson; role protecteur de 1'Etat. 74 pp 11. 8°. Lyon, 1904, No. 130. Taillefer (Ferdinand). Contribution a l'etude de Pentropion. 50 pp., 11. 8°. Toulouse, 1898, No. 275. Taillefer (Jean-Auguste) [1877- ]. Con- tribution ii l'etude histologique et clinique des polypes de l'oreille. 71 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1901, No. 105. Tail lens (Jules). *Sur le resultat eioigne1 de la cure radicale des hernies. [Lausanne.] 27 pp. 8°. Geneve, Bey & Malaeallon, 1897. Repr.from: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1897, xvii. -----. L' evolution medicale au xixe siecle. Le- con inaugurate. 17 pp. 8°. Geribve, 1903. Repr.from: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1903, xxiii. Tailiepied (F.-N.) Traicte de I'apparition des esprits a scavoir, des ames separees, fantosmes, prodiges, et autres accidens merveilleux, qui precedent quelquefois la mort des grands per- sonnages, ou eignifient changemens de la chose publique. 7 p. 1., 295 pp., 10 1. 16°. Paris, J.Corrozet, 1616. Tailors. Adler (A.) Gesundheitsbuch fiir das Schnei- dergewerbe. 16°. Berlin, 1898. Delmar (P.) Extrait de la clinique de l'e'ta- blissement hydrotherapique de Longchamps a Bordeaux. Observation d'un cas qu'on pour- rait nommer crampe des tailleurs d'habits, ou plutot des ouvriers qui se servent de Paiguille. 8°. Paris, 1864. Repr.from: Union med. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1864. Ivanoff(N. I.) Nizhegorodskiy portnol i portnikha (po dannim statisticheskavo izslledovaniya gorodskovo sanitarnavo nadzora 1903-1904 gg.). [The male and fe- male tailor of Nizhnee Novgorod; after statistical data collected by the city sanitary inspector in 1903-4.1 Vest- nik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1907, xliii, 1232-1253.—Jlerkel (S.) Zur Hygiene im Sehnei- dergewerbe. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1902, xxxiv, 597-614. Tainain. See Plague (History, etc., of), by localities. Taime (Hippolyte) [1828-93]. Billia (M.) Une illusion de Taine. Atti d. Cong, in- ternaz. di psicol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 449-452. —Gould (G. M.) Taine's ill-health. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, viii, 805-808. Also, Reprint. Also, in his: Biog. Clin., 12°, Phila., 1905, iii, 99-113.— iTlIcuaut. L'amour d'un saint laique; un crime d'Hippolvte Taine. J. de med. de Par., 1904, 2. s., xvi, 481; 513.—Niceforo (A.) Psicologia del genio; la juventud de Taine. Arch, de psiquiat. y crimi- nol., Buenos Aires, 1905, iv, 615-637.—Paulhan (F.) La psvchologie des individus et des societes che/ Taine, his- torien des litteratures. Rev. phil. Par., 1906, lxii, 419-425. Tainturier (Georges) [1868- ]. *Etiologie des grossesses extrauterines; recherches experi- mentales et essai critiq ue. 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 96. -----. The same. 88 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1895. Tainuii porok. [Secret vices.] [Pt. 2.] 54 pp. 8°. Moskra, I. D. Suitin, 1895. Taisne (Jean). * Recherches experimentales sur l'action antitoxique des charbons. 75 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1907, No. 722. TAIT. Tait (Edirard Wihnsharst) [1829-1903]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1903, i, 1066. Tait (Frederick Dudley) [1S62- ]. * Etude sur la lanoline (^Esipum, Axungia lanse). 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 356. Name appears as Dudley-Tait. Tait (John). A simple method of observing the agglutination of the blood corpuscles in Gara- marus. pp. 247-249. 8°. London, C. Griffin d: Co., 1908. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Quart. J. Ex- per. Physiol., Lond., 1908, i. ------. Types of crustacean blood coagulation. pp. 191-198. 8°. [Edinburgh], 1911. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: J. Marine Biol. Ass., [Edinb.], 1911, ix. Tait ([Robert] Lawson) [1845-99]. Note on the diagnosis of extra-uterine pregnancy. 6 pp. 8°. London, J. E. Adlard, 1S74. Repr.from: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1873), 1874, xv. -----. The pathology and treatment of diseases of the ovaries;, being the Hustings prize essay of 1873. 1 p. 1., 67 pp. 8°. London, Smith, Elder dc Co., 1874. [P., v. 2195.] Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, ii. ------. Enlargement of the thyroid body in pregnancy. 11 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Edinburgh, Olirer dc Boyd, 1875. Repr. from:"Edinb. M. J., 1875, ii. ------. A case of general dropsy in a foetus. 4 pp. 8°. London, 1876. Repr.from: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1875), 1876, xvii. -----. Hermaphroditism. 8 pp. 8°. Boston, 1876. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Bost., 1896, i. ------. Note on a diseased placenta. 16 pp., 1 1., 4pl. 8°. Lnndnn, J. E. Adlard, 1876. Repr. from: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1875), 1876, xvii. ------. A ca?e of exanthematic cirrhosis of the ovary, resulting in menstrual epilepsy, and cured by oophorectomy. 13 pp. 8°. Birming- ham, Hull d: English, [1880]. Repr.from: Birmingham Med. Rec, 1880, ix. ------. An account of seventy-six consecutive cases of abdominal section (performed between December 23, 1879, and November 1, 1880). 31 pp. 8°. Birmingham, J. Allen, [1880]. [P., v. 2094.] ------. An account of one hundred and ten con- secutive cases of abdominal section, performed since the 1st of November, 1880. 20 pp. 12°. London, Pardon dc Sons, 1881. Repr.from: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1881, ii. ------. On axial rotation of ovarian tumours leading to their strangulation and gangrene. Three cases successfully treated by immediate ovariotomy. 16 pp. 8°. London, J. E. Ad- lard, 1881/ Repr.from: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1880), 1881, xxii. ------. The uselessness of vivisection upon ani- mals as a method of scientific research, pp. 121-156. 12°. Birmingham, 1882. [P., v. 2290.] Repr.from: Proc Birmingham Philosoph. Soc, 1882, ii. -----. The same. L'inutilit6 de l'experimen- tation sur les animaux comme methode de recherche scientifique. Traduit de l'anglais. 32 pp. 8°. Londres, 1882. ------. Fourteen specimens of hydro- and pyo- salpinx. 6 pp. 8. London, 1882. Repr.from: Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1882, xxxiii. ------. Abominal section in diseases of the uterus, or of the uterine appendages. 22 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea's Son dc Co., 1884. Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1884, xiv. vol xvii, 2d series---38 TAK. Tait .([Robert] Lawson)—continued. ------. General summary of conclusions from one thousand cases of abdominal section. 22 pp. 12°. Birmingham, Ii. Birbeck, 1884. ------. The modern treatmentof uterine myoma. 12 pp. 12°. London, 1Mb. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii. ------. Two essays on the law of evolution. I. The law of natural selection applied to man. II. The evolution of our moral life. 36 pp. 8°. Birmingham, Cornish Bros., 1885. Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlvii, and Bir- mingh. Examiner, 1876. ------. One hundred and thirty-nine consecutive cases of ovariotomy performed between 1. Jan., 1884, and 31. Dec, 1885, without a death. 8 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Birmingham, R. Birbeck, 1886. ------. The modern and surgical treatment of uterine myoma, 1885-90. 42 pp. 8°. London, 1890. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, and 1890, ii. ------. Redevoering op de jaarlijksche algemeene vergadering van de Vereeniging tegen Vivisec- tie te Londen, gehouden te St. James Hall, Dinsdag 26 Mei 1891. 8 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1891.] ------. An analysis of the evidence in seventy consecutive cases of charges made under the new criminal law amendment act. 20 pp. 8°. Leicester, 1894. Repr.from: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1894, xiii. ------. A wrong method, being two letters on experimentation on living animals. 18 pp. 8°. London, 1895. See, also, Extracts from addresses of Lawson Tait, [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, [1882].— Extra-uterine pregnancy, [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1889. — Hnlbert (George F.) Electricity vs. Tait [etc.]. 8°. [St. Louis, 1888.]—Kirclilioflt" (Max Clemens). Die Perineorrha- phie nach L. Tait. 8°. Greifswald, 1889. — Itentoul (Robert Reid). 1 he causes and treatment of abortion [etc.]. 8°. London, 1897. For Biography, see Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1899, xl, 840- 847. (C. A. L. Reed). Also: Birmingh. M. Rev., 1899, xlvi, 28-33. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 1561-1564. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 1736-1739, port. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii,875-880 (C. A. L. Reed). Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1899, n. s., lxvii, 656. Also: Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1899, x, 223- 229 (Sanger). Also: Montreal M. J., 1899, xxviii, 635, port. Also: Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1899, v, 65-67 (D. B. H.). Also: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1900), 1901, xl, 59- 70. Also: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1899-1900, iv, 291-293 (J. Price), ------ & Grysanowski (E.) Kritische Be- leuchtungen der Vivisectionsdebatte im preussi- schen Abgeordnetenhause. 22 pp. 12°. Dres- den, 1883. Tait (William). A history of Haslar Hospital. 3 p. 1., 170 pp., 3 pl. 12°. Portsmouth, Griffin dc Co., 1906. Tait (William Archer Porter). New Lanark- shire middle ward-district waterworks. 15 pp., 1 plan. 8°. London, 1903. Repr. from: Proc. Institut. Civil Engineers, Lond., 1903, cliv. ------.' The Talla water-supply of the Edinburgh and district water-works. 167 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, 1907. Tait (William Parker) [1S53-1903]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 1021. Tait's operation. See Perineum (Laceration of, Treatment of, Operative). Tak (A.). See Treub (Hector) & Tak (A.) Leerboek der ge- rechtelijke verloskunde. 8°. Haarlem, 1908. Tak (P. L.). See Speyer (H.) Verpleegstersbelangen [etc.]. 8°. Amsterdam, 1901. TAKA-DIASTASE. 594 TALALGIA. Taka-diastase. Indigestion or superdigestion with special reference to the employment of taka-diastase for its relief; with clinical reports. 12°. Detroit, 1897. Allen (T. H.) Notes on taka-diastase. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 374.—Armstrong (W.) Taka- diastase; its use in certain forms of dyspepsia and gout. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1897, xvii, 72-74. —Lascar ( K.) Taka diastase. Am. M. Compend, Toledo, 1895, xi, 5.d- 555. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1895, 3. s., xi, 437-439 — Stone (W. E.) & Wright (H. E.) Notes on taka-dias- tase. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1898, xx, 639-647.— Strauss (H.) & Stargardt (K.) Zur Beurtheilung der Wirkung derTaka-Diastase. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1898, xii, 65-72.—Wohlgemuth (J.) Zur Kenntnisder Takadiastase. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1912, xxxix, 324- 338. Takaliasclii (Yuji) [1867- ]. *Zusammen- stellung von 57 Fallen komplizierter Frakturen. 72 pl., 2 1. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1908. Takahaslii (Josuke) [1878- ]. * Ueber einen Fall von Mediastinalsarkom. 40 pp. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1908. Takaliaslii (Katashi). Some conditions which determine the length of the internodes found on the nerve fibers of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens. pp. 167-197. 8°. Philadelphia, 1908. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: J. Comp. Neu- rol. & Psych., Phila., 1908, xviii. Takaliaslii (Masadzumi). See Ernierins & tiro*s (Samuel David). Hifubio ron [etc.]. 8°. Osaka, 1874.—Gross (Samuel David). Itgogimon shinkei bioron [etc.]. 8°. Osaka, 1878. Takalia§lii (Suimatsu). See Japan. Ingyakubu Ihon yakkiokuho, [etc.]. 8°. Tokio, 1886. Takai (Miyagoro) & Suzuki (Kotaro). Ya- kubutsu gaku seiko. [Manual of pharmacol- ogy.] 2, 11, 203 pp. 8°. Tokyo, U. Kimoto, 1894. Takaki (Kanehiro), Baron. Military hygiene of the Japanese Army. 22 pp. 12°. [New York], 1906. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 91. Takaki (Tomoe). Densen byo kenkyu tokoro hito ran. [A review of the investigation of contagious diseases.] 62 pp., 1 1. 8°. [Tokyo], 1897. Japanese text. -----. Die hygienischen Verhaltnisse der Insel Formosa, im Auftrage des Generalgouverne- ments Formosa hrsg. 232 pp., pl. 8°. Dresden, C. C. Meinhold dc Sohne, 1911. Takamine (Jokichi) [1854- ]. The pro- duction of diastase by microscopical plants. 14 pp. 12°. Danbury, 1898. Repr.from: N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, 1898, xvii. Takamura (Takashi) [1881- ]. *Ein Bei- trag zu den Magnetextraktionen ATon Eisen- splittern aus den Augen. 71 pp. 8°. Gottin- gen, L. Hofer, 1910. Takanaslii (Shigenosuke) [1876- ]. * Ue- ber (ielassnaht. 51pp. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1910. Takala (Keian) [1861- ]. Kuroshi byoron. [Pathology of black plague.] 74 pp., 1 map. 8°. Tokyo, Z. Miyamote, 1894. Takawa (Gitoku). See Okada (So) & Takawa (Gitoku). Kanbio ko- koroekusa. 8°. Tokio, [n. d.]. Takayania (Masao). Beitrage zur Toxikologie und gerichtlichen Medizin. Nebst einem Vor- wort von R. Robert, vii, 188 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1905. Takayasu(Michishige)[1872- ]. * Beitrag zur Chirurgie des Pankreas. [Breslau.] 74 pp., 11. 8°. Jena, 1X98. Take (Shiokichi). See Cutter (George Rogers). Deutsch-iapanisches medicinisches Worterbuch, [etc.]. 8°. Tokio, 1886. Takeda (Kunimatsu) [1870- ]. * Unter- suchungen iiber einige nach Phosphorvergiftung im Harn auftretende Basen. [Marburg.] 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, M. Hager, 1910. Takemori (Rintaro). Gun igaku ko gyo. [Practical medical manual for the Army.] [Nos. 2 & 3.] 8°. Tokyo, [Japanese Govern- ment], 1896-9. Takenaka (Shigejiro) [1866- ]. * Ueber beginnende Lebercirrhose. 24 pp. 8°. Miin- chen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1905. Takeno (Yochijiro) [1880- ^ ]. * Beitrag zur Diagnose der Tuberkulose im friihen Kin- desalter. 35 pp. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1910. Takenob (Y.) & Kawakami (K.) The Japan year book, a complete cyclopaedia of gen- eral information and statistics on Japan for the year 1911. 6. annual publication. 2 p. 1., 733 pp., xvi, 2 maps. 8°. Tokyo, The Japan Year Book Office, 1911. Takeo (Tai) [1872- ]. * Ueber den Wert und die Wirkung des Hanfmehls in der Be- handlung der Rachitis. 42 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1908. Takiguclii (Kinji) [1859- ]. *Drei Fiille von Aortitis syphilitica. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1905. Tak in. See Hospitals (Naval and marine), by locali- ties. Taking cold. See Colds. Takosis. United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin No. 45. Takosis, a contagious disease of goats. A pre- liminary report on its nature, cause, and pre- vention. By John R. Mohler and Henry J. Washburn. 8°. Washington, 1903. Takvorian(A[rshag]-V.) [1871- ]. ♦Con- tribution a l'etude des dermites simnles de 1'en- fance. 47 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1898, No. 411. Talabere( Henri) [1877- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la meningite cer^bro-spinale meta- pneumonique. Etude semeiologique, clinique et bacteriologique. 78 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 58. Talalgia. See, also, Foot (Painful). Egret (E.) * Contribution a, l'etude de la talalgie. 8°. Paris, 1899. Allaire (G.) Traitement de la talalgie par les cou- rants de haute frequence. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1907, 2. s., xxv, 781-790.—Baer (W. S.) Painful heels. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1905, xvi, 264.—Castro Es- calada (M.) Sobre un caso de talalgia; su tratamiento quiriirgico. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1906, xxviii, 623-628.—Cliartier & Delherin. Radio- therapie de la talalgie blennorrhagique. Arch, d'elec- tric med., Bordeaux, 1911, xix, 507-509.—Codet- Boisse. Talalgie et exostose sous-calcaneenne. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1911, xxxii, 193-195. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1911), 1912, 93-9s.—Co visa (J. S.) Un caso de talalgia de ori- V.o\\ sifilitico. Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1911, vi, 247-251.— lie Nofoele (J.) Traitement de la talalgie par les cou- rants de haute frequence. Ann. Soc. de med. deGand, 1907, lxxxvii, 37^4. Also: Belgique med., Gand-Haar- lem, 1907, xiv, 171-174. Also: J. de physiotherap.. Par., 1907, v, 137-144.—Koiii:: (F.) Zur klinischen Gushcichte der Fersenneuralgie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 597-601.—Jloure (P.) & Hailliet (G ) Talalgie et exostose sous-calcaneenne. Paris med., 1910-11 451-454.—Nikoloff. Labursitesous-calcaneenne ou la talalgie. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1910, xiv, 101.— (luenu. La talalgie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., TALALGIA. 595 TALC. Talalgia—continued. Par., 1910, xxiv, 18.—Keolus (P.) La talalgie et les exostoses sous-calcaneennes. Presse med., Par., 1910, xviii, 233-235. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Riforma med., Na- poli, 1911, xxvii, 53.—Kegad. Un cas de talalgie avec exostoses retro et sous-calcaneennes revelees par la radio- graphic Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Drome [etc.], Va- lence, 1909, x, 296-298,1 pl. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1910, lxxxi, 5.—Schwartz (A.) La talalgie. Progres med., Par.,1909,3. s.,xxv,489.—Sollaud (E.) La talalgie etson traitement par la douche sous-marine de Vichy. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1908-9, xiv, 223-226. — Stein- nardt (I. D.) Painful heels. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1909, lxxxix, 626. Also, Reprint.—Vidal (A.) Les talalgies et leur traitement. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Dr6me [etc], Valence, 1909, x, 71-79.—Vincent (E.) De la ta- lalgie et de son traitement chirurgical. Semaine mod., Par., 1904, xxiv, 281-283.—Walirer (C. F.) Painful heel. Month. Cycl. & M. Bull., Phila., 1909, ii, 739-742. Talamon ( Charles ). Appendicitis and peri- typhlitis. Transl. by E. P. Hurd. vi, 210 pp. 16°. Detroit, Mich., 1893. Physician's Leisure Library, 7. s. -----. La colique appendiculaire et les formes non chirurgicales de l'appendicite. viii,272 pp. 12°. Paris, J. Puef, 1900. See, also, Lecorclie ( Ernest) & Talamon (Charles). Traite de l'albuminurie [etc.]. roy. 8°. Paris, 1888.— Vaucaire(R.) Formulairemoderne [etc.]. 2.ed. 16°. Pa;■/*■,[1893],-----. Thesame. 16°. Paris, 1895.-----. The same. 12°. Paris, 1900.-----.Thesame. 12°. Paris, 1910. Talandier (Paul-Fernand) [1872- ]. *De la hernie inguinale £piploi'que chez l'enfant. 104 pp. 8°. Par is, 1898, No. 433. Talas (Onni). *Kotipaikka-oikeus suomen lain mukaan. [Legal building sites for Finnish fam- ilies.] 187 pp. 8°. Helsingissd [Helsingfors], J. Simelius, 1905. Talayracn ( Joseph - Bonaventure - Armand ) [1868- ]. * De la cystite tuberculeuse et de son traitement par l'iodoforme. 82 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1891-2, No. 14. -----. Etudes sur la conservation des denrees alimentaires par le froid. 8 pp. 12°. Verdun, L. Laurent fils, 1898. -----. Contribution a l'etude de la congelation des viandes. Compte rendu d'un voyage a Londres. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, Vee. Rozier, 1900. [Talbor (Tabor or Talbot)] (Sir Robert) [1642?-81]. Les admirables qualitez du kin- kina confirmees par plusieurs experiences, et la maniere de s'en servir dans toutes les fievres, pour toute sorte d'age, de sexe et de com- plexions. 2. ed. 11 p. 1., 164 pp., 1 1. 24°. Paris, M. Jouvenel, 1694. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1898, lv, 288 (E. I. Carlyle). Talbot (Auguste-Clovis-Gustave) [1870- ]. * Recherches statistiques sur la syphilis de l'ceil; d'apres les observations de la clinique ophthalmologique de la Faculty de Bordeaux. 32 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1894, No. 18. Talbot (Edouard-Raoul-Camille) [1880- ]. Contribution a l'etude du sang dans le diabete. 91pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907, No. 118. Talbot (Emily). See American Social Science Association. Papers on infant development [etc.]. 8°. Boston, 1882. Talbot (Eugene S[olomon]) [1847- ]. The differentiation of anterior protrusions of the up- per maxilla and teeth. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1891. Repr.from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1891, xxxiii. -----. Chart of typical forms of constitutional irregularities of the teeth. 16 pl. fol. Pliila- delphia, The Wilmington Dent. Manuf. Co., 1891. -----. The etiology of osseous deformities of the head, face, jaws, and teeth. 3. ed. xiv, 487 pp., 42 pl. 8°. Chicago, W. T. Keener Co., 1894. Talbot (Eugene S[olomon])—continued. ------. Degeneracy; its causes, signs, and re- sults, xvi, 372 pp. 12°. London, W. Scott, 1898. ------. Developmental pathology, study in de- generative evolution, xxii, 435 pp. roy. 8°. Boston, P. G. Badger, [1911]. Talbot (Eustace) [1*74-1905]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 1362. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1905, i, 1548. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n. s., lxxix, 606. Also: St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1904-5, xii, 127. Talbot (Fritz B[radley]) [1878- ]. Casein curds in infants' stools. 3 1. 8°. New York, E. B. Treat d: Co., 1909. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1909, xxvi. -----. Apparatus for metabolism experiments in male infants. 4 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1909. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, liii. ------. Chemical examination of the feces of in- fants and children after gastroenterostomy. 4 pp. 8°. Boston, 1909. Repr. from:. Boston M. & S. J., 1909, clxi. -----. Casein curds in infants' stools; biologic proof of their casein origin. 3 1. 8°. New York, 1910. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1910, xxvii. ------. The same. Kasein-Gerinnsel im Kinder- stuhl. Biologischer Beweis ihres Ursprungs aus Kasein. 5 pp. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1911. Repr.from: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., BerL, 1911, lxxiii. ------. Clinical significance of curds in infants' feces. 7 pp. 8°. Boston, 1910. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1910, clxii. ------. A metabolism experiment on an infant after gastroenterostomy for congenital pyloric stenosis. 3 pp. 8°. Boston, 1910. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1910, clxii. ------. A directory for wet-nurses; its experi- ences for twelve months. 7 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1911. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi. ------. Methods of examining infants' stools; their value. 4 1., 1 pl. 8°. New York, 1911. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1911, xxviii. ------. Physiology and pathology of the digestion of fat in infancy; their application to infant feeding. 20 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1911. Repr.from: Am. J. Dis. Child., Chicago, 1911, i. Talbot (Henry). Report on the pollution of rivers. 63 pp. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1898. Talbot (I. T[isdale]) [1829-99]. Tracheotomy in croup. 25 pp. 8°. Boston, J. Wilson dc Son, 1866. Repr.from: Pub. Mass. Homceop. M. Soc, Bost., 1866, ii_ For Biography, see Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1899, xxxiv, 122-125. Talbot's lair. Marbe (K.) Thatsachen und Theorien des Talbot'- schen Gesetzes. [Phil. Mag., Lond., 1834, 327.] Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1903, xcvii, 335-393. -----. Akus- tische Priifung der Thatsachen des Talbot'schen Gesetzes. Ibid., r. 651-567.—Hartius (G.) Das Talbot'sche Gesetz und di>' Dauer der Lichtempfindungen. Ibid., xcix, 95- 115.—WirtIi(\V.) Erwiderung gegen K.Marbe. Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1908, xlvi, 429-438. Talc. Sahlin (A.) The talc industry of the Gouver- neur District, St. Lawrence County, New York. 8°. [New York, 1892]. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Inst. Mining Engin. [N. Y., 1892]. Kriizan(R) Beitriige zur Talkbestimmung. Ztschr. f. Cutirsucli. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, BerL, 1906, xi, 611-650.—Roll land (P.) Ueber die Adsorption durch Talke. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xxv, 420-424. TALCOTT. 596 TALLOX. Talcott (Selden Haines) [1842-1902]. Ash lev (M. C.) [Biographv.] Tr. Homceop. M. Soc N. Y., BuiTalo, 1902, xxxvii, 314-318.—Dent (E. C.) & Arthur (D. H.) Selden Haines Talcott. Proc. Am. psvchol. Ass., N. Y., 1902, ix, 322-327—In memoriam. Am. Physician, Rahway, N. J., 1902, xxviii, 331-333.— Kinney (C. S.) Selden Haines Talcott. Hahneman. Month.,'Phila., 1902, xxxvii, 531-534.— Obituary. Month. Homceop. Rev., Lond., 1902, xlvi, 508-510—I*. (C. W.) Obituary. Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1902-3, ix, 173 Talent. Abasolo (J.) La funcion social del talento en la ciencia y en la historia. Arch, de psiquiat. y criminol., Buenos Aires, 1903, ii, 705-714— Itliibius (P. J.) Ueber das Studium der Talente. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Leipz., 1900, x, 65-74. Taliaferro (Charles Thomas) [1859- 1901]. Obituary. Tr. M. Soc. Virg. 1902, Richmond, 1903, 226-228. Taliaferro (Valentine H.) [1831-88]. Intra- uterine pessaries. A reply to "A plea for women," in the Louisville Medical News of May 26, 1877. 20 pp. 8°. Louisville, Ky., 1877. Repr.from: Louisville M. News, 1877, iv. -----. Cancer of the pancreas, with report of a case. Autopsy. 4 pp. 8°. Columbus, 0., 1896. Repr.from: Columbus M. J., 1896, xvi. For Biography, see Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Macon, 1888 181-185 (J. S. Todd). Talianini (Francesco). See Hrusclii (Domenico). Esposizione compendiosa [etc.]. 8°. Milano, 1839. Talicliet (Jean) [1879- ].. *De la keratite neuro-paralytique consecutive aux resections du maxillaire superieur. 69 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1904, No. 193. Talipes. See Foot (Deformities of). Talismans. See, also, Amulets. Cabanfes. L'hagiotherapie; amulettes et talismans; leurs vertus prophvlactiques et curatives. Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1904, cxlviii,376; 410—Hellwig (A.) Eigenartige Verbrechertalismane. Arch. f. Krim-An- throp., Leipz., 1906, xxv, 76-87. -----. Prozesstalismane. Globus, Brnschwg., 1909, xcv, 21-24.—Lawrence (It. M.) Talismans. In his: Primitive psvchotheraphv, 8°, Bost. & N. Y., 1910, 19-23.—Pettigrew (T.J.) Talis- mans. Therap. Rec, Louisville, 1905-6, i, 91.—Tetzner (F.) Wurzeltalismane. Globus, Brnschwg., 1909, xcv, 126. Talfzin (N[ikolai] A[ndreyevich]) [1856- ]. * Protsess vozstanovleniya v tonkikh kishkakh poslie yazv bryushnavo tifa. [Healing processs in small intestines after typhoid ulcers.] 34 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Talke (Ludwig) [1877- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Regenerationsvorgiinge in den Hautdriisen der Amphibien. 23 pp., 11. 8°. Kiel P. Peters 1900. Talke (Paul) [1862- ]. * Ueber das Wesen und die Behandlung der Perityphlitiden. 30 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1893. Talking-machines. Goniber (G. W.) Talking-machine. No. 659,736; Oct. 16, 1900. -----. Talking-machine. No. 659,737; Oct. 16, 1900. -----. Talking-machine. No. 659,738; Oct. 16, 1900. -----. Talking-machine. No. 659,740; Oct. 16,1990. Talko (Jozef) [1S3S-1907]. fObituary.|| Czasopismo lek., Lodz, 1907, ix, 141. Talko-Hryncewicz (Julijan). Zarysy lecz- nictwa ludowego na rusi poludniowej. [Out- lines of popular medicine in South Russia.] 1 ]». 1., 461, lvi pp. s°. Krakdw, [A. E. Koster- kiewicz], 1893. Talks on rubber. Tells all about rubber goods used for medical purposes, sick-room appliances, hospital supplies, maternity and infant goods, elastic stockings and supporters, orthopedic ap- paratus, surgical instruments and many other things. 144 pp. 8°. New York, [1900]. Tallack (William) [1831- ]. See Howard Association, [London]. The Govern- ment and license duties [etc.]. 8°. [London, 1879]. Talladega County, Ala. Welch (S. W.) Climatic effects in Talladega County on diseases common to Alabama. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama Montgomery, 1901, 423-430. Tallerman (Lewis A.). See Tallerman (The) treatment [etc.]. 8°. London 1898. Tallerman (The) apparatus. 1 sheet. 8°. London, [1902]. Tallerman (The) treatment by superheated dry air in rheumatism, gout, rheumatic arthritis, stiff and painful joints, sprains, sciatica, and other affections; case notes and medical reports. Edited by Arthur Shadwell. xi, 64 pl., 173 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1898. Tallet (Raymond) [1869- ]. *De l'applica- tion de la synovectomie ou de l'arthrectomie au traitement de l'arthrite traumatique suppuree du genou. 70 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1896, No. 1195. Talley (Frank YV.) [1865-1907]. A note as to the use of oxalic acid as an emmenagogue. 2 pp. 16°. [Philadelphia, 1894.] Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, ------. A case of sudden death following cu'li- otomy. 3 pp. 8°. [New York, 1894.] Repr.from: Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1894, v. ------. A case of ventro-fixation of the uterus followed by pregnancy, illustrating the value of conservative ovarian surgery. 2 pp. 8°. New York, 1895. Repr.from: Am. Gynaec & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, iv. For Biography, see N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv, 461. Talley (James Ely) [1864- ]. An improved face-guard. 2 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1895.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi. ------. A case of widespread intracerebral sinus thrombosis. 4 pp. 12°. New York, 1906. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii. ------. A case of intermittent claudication. 5 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1907, lxxxv. Talleyrand (Charles-Maurice) [1751- 1838]. Cabanes. La sante de Talleyrand; son hygiene et ses medecins. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1893, lxvi, 624; 653. -----. Talleyrand et ses medecins. In his: Cabinet se- cret., 8°, Par., 1897, 1. s., 141-158. Tallianine. Junghans (E. O.) * Tallianine und seine Wirkung. 8°. Geithain, 1907. Angerstein (C.) Tallianin. Berl. tierarztl. Wchn- schr., 1904, 26.—Georges. Ueber die Wirkung der Tallianine. Ibid., 25.—Siebert (Z. W.) Experience with tallianine. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1904-5, xxviii, 275.—Wagner. Tallianin und Jodipin bei Hamoglo- binamie. Wchnschr. f. Tierh. u. Viehzucht, Munchen. 1906,1, 523. Tallois [Pierre-Joseph-Thomas] [1798-1874], See Academic royale de medecine de Belgique. Rapport de la commission [etc.]. 8°. Bruxelles, 1863. -----. The same. Rapport de la commission chargee d'examiner les memoires envoyes au concours [etc.]. 8°. Bruxelles, 1865. Tallon (Marius). Le pin d'Autriche, sa supe- riorite therapeutique. Nouv. ed. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, 1892. TALLOW. 597 TALON. Tallow. Itlatlies (H.) & Heintz (W.) Ueber die unverseif- baren Bestandteile des Japantalges. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1909, ccxlvii, 650-657. Tallow-chandleries. d'Arcet (J.-P.-J.) Conseil de salubrity. In- struction sur les fondoirs de suif. 8°. Versailles, 1821. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1835. Tallqvi*t (T[heodor]Y\T.) [1871- ]. *TJeber experimentelle Blutgift-Anaemieen. 1 p. 1., iv, 204 pp., 1 1., 17 ch. 8°. Helsingfors, Helsing- fors Centraldr., 1899. ■-----. The same, iv, 204 pp., 1 1., 18 diag. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1900. ■-----. Hppmoglobin-scala. 501, lpl. obi. 12°. Helsingfors, Hagelstam, [n. d.]. See, also, Sievers (Klas Richard) & Tallqvist (T. W.) Kliniska observationer [etc.]. 8°. Helsingfors, 1896. Talma (A rne'dee-Francois). Pere (Le) de la stomatologic beige. Chron. med., Par., 1911, xviii, 320. Talma (Francois - Joseph) [1763-18261. Cabanes. La derniere maladie de Talma. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1893, lxvi, 1250-1253. Talma (L.-I.-A.-F.) Memoire sur les princi- paux accidens de la premiere dentition, et sur les movens de les prevenir et d'y remedier. 32 pp. 12°. Bruxelles, 1822. Talma (S[ape]) [1847- ]. Hydrops inflam- matorius. pp. 851-872. 8°. Amsterdam, 1894. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1894, xxx. ■-----. Naschrift op hydrops inflammatorius. pp. 924-925. 8°. Amsterdam, 1894. Cidting [cover with printed title] from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1894, xxx. -----. De indicaties tot maag-operaties. pp. 824-848. 8°. Amsterdam, 1895. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1895, xxxi. ------. Hysterie. 71 pp. 8°. Utrecht, J. Van Boekhoren, 1S96. ------. Eroffnung collateraler Bahnen fiir das Blut der Venae portse. 19 pp. 8°. Berlin, II. Kornfeld, 1908. Forms 241. Hft., v. 20, of: Berl. Klinik. ------. See, also: Feestbundel, Dr Sape Talma bij gelegenheid van zijn 25-jarig hoogleeraarschap, den 6ten oct. 1901 aangeboden en toegewijd door dank- bare leerlingen. 8°. Haarlem, 1901. Talma's operation. See Liver (Cirrhosis of, Treatment of, Opera- tire); Omentum ( Fixation of); "Portal system (Surgery of); Spleen (Hypertrophy of) with anaemia. Talmey (B[ernard] S.) [1862- ]. Contribu- tions to the study of the aetiology of varicocele. 10 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton dc Co., 1894. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1894, lx. ------. Contribution to the study of the simul- taneous development of two different exanthe- matic diseases. 7 pp. 12°. New York, D. Ap- pleton dc Co., 1894. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1894, xlix. ------. Note on a case of gallstone. 10 pp. 12°. New York, 1897. Repr.frvm: N. York M. J., 1897, lxv. ------. Woman; a treatise on the normal and pathological emotions of feminine love. 228 pp. 8°. New York, Stanley Press, 1904. Talmey (B[ernard] S.)—continued. ------. A case of cyst and hvdrocele of the canal of Nuck. 3 pp. 12°. New York, A. P. Elliott, 1905. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii. ------. A case of tuboabdominal pregnancy se- condary to an incomplete tubal abortion. 3 pp. 8°. New York, 1906. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1906, lxxxiv. ------. A plea for the simple round-ligament ventrosuspension. 9 pp. 8°. New York, 1906. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906,lxx. ------. A case of multilocular glandular cystoma complicating pregnancy. 4 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxi. ------. Notes on appendicitis. 7 pp. 8°. New York, A. R. Elliott Co., 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv. ------. The same. 7. enlarged and revised ed. xii, 262 pp. 8°. New York, Practitioners' Publ. Co., [1912]. ------. Reflections concerning pretended thera- peutic successes obtained by some practitioners of the ophthalmological specialty. 8 pp. 12°. New York, A. R. Elliott Publ. Co., 1905. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc], 1905, lxxxii. ------. Neurasthenia sexualis; a treaty on sex- ual impotence in men and in women. For phy- sicians and students of medicine, xi, 196 pp. 8°. New York, Practitioners' Publ. Co., [1912]. Talmey (Max) [1867- ]. A contribution to the study of pseudoneuritis optica. 6 pp. 12°. New York, 1906. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii. ------. Corneal burn by direct flame; report of a severe case, with remarks on the prognosis and treatment of corneal burns. 8 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv. ------. Psyche. A concise and easily compre- hensible treatise on the elements of psychiatry and psychology for students of medicine and law. viii, 282 pp., 1 1. 8°. New York, Med.- Leg. Publ. Co., 1910. ------. Manic depressive insanity or recurrent insanity? 11 pp. 8°. New York, 1911. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciii. Talmud. See, also, Medicine (History of, Ancient) — Hebrew. Preuss (J.) Biblisch-talmudische Medizin. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Heilkunde und der Kultur uberhaupt. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Stern (A.) Die Medizin im Talmud. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1909. Higier (H.) Co m6wi$ o tradzie i przymiocie Biblia, Talmud i Ewangelia? [What do the Bible, Talmud, and New Testament sav concerning leprosy and syphilis?] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1905, xxxiii, 1021-1026. — Vir- ghubskl (A. M.) Dushevniya i nervniya zabolleva- niya po Talmudu. [Mental and nervous diseases ac- cording to the Talmud.] Yevr. Med. Golos, Odessa, 1909, ii, 77-82. Talon (Mile. A.) * Sur la formation des £thers- oxydes des glucoses et les causes d'erreurs qui peuvent en resulter dans la recherche qualita- tive et dans le dosage des sucres. 61 pp. 8°. Paris, 1906, No. 7. Ecole de pharmacie. Talon (Andre) [1875- ]. *Les polyadeno- mes de l'intestin; degenerescence polypeuse. 122 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 68. TALON. 598 TAMBl'RINI. Talon (J.-Jean) [1876- ]. *De la nevrite radiale. 50 pp. 8°. Paris, 1903, No. 83. Talon y C'alvo (Servando). See tiarcia (Manuel). Observaciones sobre la voz humana [etc.]. 8°. Madrid, 1889.—Hulden (Luther). Acotaciones medicc-quinirgicas [etc.]. 8°. Madrid, 1894. Talpa. See, also, Mole. Strahl (H.) Untersuchungen uber den Bau der Placenta. V. Die Placenta von Talpa eu- ropeea. Aus dem anatomischen Institut in Marburg. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1892. van den Broek (A. J. P.) Eine Doppelbildung von Talpa europaea. Petrus Camper. Nederl. bijdr. t. de anat., Haarlem & Jena, 1906, iv, 195-201.—Disse. Ueber die Entwicklung des Cloakenhockers bei Talpa europea. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. (1904), 1905, 45-55.—Fisclier (E.) Das Primor- dialcranium von Talpa europaa. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1901, xvii, 467-548, 6 pl.—Fnrlotti (A.) Sopra un caso di mancata formazione del pelo in una Talpa europea L. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 125-132.—Kazzander (J.) Zur Biologie der Talpa europaea. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1909, xxxiv, 394-399.—Lecaillon (A.) Sur la structure qu'acquiert le canalicule seminifere de la taupe com- mune (Talpa europeea L.) apres la periode de reproduc- tion. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1909, cxlviii, 664- 666.—Rollinat & Trouessart. Sur l'atrophie pro- gressive de l'ceil de la taupe (Talpa europaea Linne). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 602.—Romero (G.) Ricerche sulle terminazioni nervose nei muscoli pellicciai dorsali della Talpa romana Oldf. Thorn. Bi- bliog. anat., Par. & Nancy, 1904, xiii, 53-60. Talpain (Just) [1880- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des palpitations de cceur d'origine gas- trique chez les jeunes sujets et en particulier chezlesoldat. 137 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1904, No. 58. Talpain (Louis) [1886- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des paralysies faciales d'origine nu- cl£aire. [Lyon.] 88 pp. 8°. Villeurbanne, 1910. Talrieh [Jules] [1825- ]. Catalogue des modeles anatomiques et preparations nouvelles cr££s specialement pour servir aux demonstra- tions de la physiologie organique de l'homme. 44 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Paris, 1900. For Biography and Portrait, see France biographique. Coll. Portr. Libr. Taltavall (W[illiam] A.) [1858- ] & Gie§ (W. J.) Brief contributions to biological chemistry. First series (1-6). 27 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxvi. Talyanteff (A.) Povtoritelniy kurs obshtshei' patologii. [Review course in general pathol- ogy.] 2 p. 1,, 330 pp., 11. 8°. Moskva, Bar- khudaryan, 1899. ------. Kratkiy uchebnik obshtshei i eksperimen- talnoY patologii. [Short textbook of general and experimental pathology.] vi, 502 pp., 10 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, K. L. Rikker, 1908. T:imal et (E.) * Contribution a l'etude des sep- ticemics streptococciques. 128 pp. 8°. Tou- louse, 1910. Ecole de pharmacie. Tamamsheff (Georgiy [Ivanovich]) [1867- ]. *Topografiya flziologicheskavo zapasa fosfora v zhivotnom organizmie; material! k biologii fosfora. [Topography of the physio- logical stock of phosphorus in the animal organ- ism; data on the biology of phosphorus.] 136 pp., 3 1., 3 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, P. P. SoWin, 1897. Tamaricacese. Bkunner (C.) * Beitriige zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Tamaricaceen. [Erlangen.] 8°. Hamburg, 1909. Tamarina (Chava). * Ueber Pankreascysten. 28 pp. 8°. Bern, H. von Kamp-Berger, 1909. Tamarinds. Riedel (P. M. G.) * Einiges iiber das pflanz- liche Amyloid, speciell iiber Amyloid der Sa- men von Tamarindus indica. [Erlangen.] 8°. Berlin, 1897. Hallstrom (K. H.) Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Fruchtvvand von Ceratonia siliqua L. und Tamarin- dus indica L. Ber. d. deutsch. pharm. Gesellsch., Berl., 1910, xx, 446-481.—Remeaud (O.) Sur la composition de la pulpe de tamarin. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1906, 6. s., xxiii, 424-430.—Schmey (E.) Ueber Tamarinden und Tamarindenpraparate. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1896, lxv, 635. Also, Reprint. -----. Ueber Tamarinden- essenz (Dallmann). Deutsche med.-Ztg., Berl., 1897, xviii, 741. Tamas (Jiinos). Az allati hullaegetd keszulek, ennek ismertetese s a keszulek alkalmazasfinak czelja es haszna. [Crematorium for the burning of dead animals; its importance, uses, and appli- cation.] 23 pp. 24°. Maros-V&s&rhelytt, A. Arpad, 1894. Also, German and French text. Tamassia (Arrigo) [1849- ]. Spezia (N.) Arrigo Tamassia. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1909, lxviii, 101-111. Tamatave. See Plague (History, etc., of), by localities. Tamayo (Manuel O.) [1878-1909]. Obituary. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1909, xxvi, 233. Tamboise (Auguste-Leon) [1872- ]. *De l'emploi de la cocaine dans la chirurgie des or- ganes genito-urin aires de l'homme. 40 pp. roy. 8°. Lille, 1896, No. 146. Tambor (Josef). * Die Synthese des Gentisins. [Bern.] 24 pp, 8°. Leipzig, G. Fock, 1894. Tambov (Government of). See, also, Cholera (History and statistics of), Diphtheria, Hospitals (Description, etc., of), by localities. RIeloglazoff (M. M.) Virozhdeniye naseleniya Tambovskol gubernii. [Degeneration of the population of the Government of Tambov.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1905, 1511-1526. Tambroni (Ruggero) & Sitta (Pietro). La pellagra nella provincia di Ferrara e la Societa di soccorso per i pellagrosi dal 1883 al 1900. Relazione storico-statistica. 25 pp., 5 pl., 8 tab. roy. 8°. Ferrara, A. Soati, 1902. Tamburini (Augusto) [1848- ]. II freno- comio di Reggio-Emilia. 127 pp., 11 pl., 1 ch., 1 plan. 8°. Reggio-Emilia, S. Calderini dc figlio, 1900. ------. Commemorazione [Seraflno Biffi, 1822- 99.] In: Biffi (S.) Op. compl. 8°. Milano, 1902, i, pp. xv-xxiv. See, a&o, Lombroso (Cesare). Pensiero e meteore. [etc.]. 8°. Milano, 1878. ------& Ferrari (G. C.) Catalessi. In: Tratt. ital. di patol. e terap. med., Milano, [n. d."|, ii, pt. 5, 659-692. ------& Seppilli (G.) Contribuzioni alio stu- dio sperimentale dell' ipnoti^mo. la. Commu- nicazione. Ricerche sui fenomeni di senso, di moto, del respiro e del circolo nell' ipnotismo e sull' loro modificazioni per gli agenti estesiogeni e termici. 42 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Reggio-Emilia, Stefano Calderini e figlio, 1881. [P., v. 2261.] Repr.from: Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1881. ------------. The same. 2a. Communicazione. Ricerche sui fenomeni di moto, di senso,_ del respiro e del circolo nelle cosi dette fasi le- targica, catalettica e sonnambulica, della ipnosi isterica. 67 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Reggio-Emilia, S. Calderini, 1882. [P., v. 2261.] Repr. from: Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio-Emilia, 1882. TAMBURINI. 599 TANACETUM. Tamburini (Augusto)—continued. .----------& Frankel (M. 0.) Anleitung zur experimentellen Untersuchung des Hyp- notismus. lxi, 27 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1882. [P., v. 2269.] -----&Tonnini(S.) Isterismo. In: Tratt. ital. di patol. e. terap. med., Milano, [n. d.], ii, pt. 5, 503-596 Tamburini (Cirillo). See Barker (Benjamin Fordyce). Lezioni cliniche J etc.], 8°. Milano, [1882].—Beaimis (Henri-Etienne) : Bouchard (A.) Nuovi elementi di anatomia [etc.]. 8°. Milano, [1882-5]. Tamburrini (Nicola). Manuale di terapeutica e di materia medica ad uso degli studenti e dei medici pratici. 4. ed., interamente riveduta con asgiunta di altri capitoli ejdei rimedii nuovi. xvi, 770 pp. 8°. Milano dc Napoli, F. Vallardi, [1896?]. Tamias. ftlerriam (C. H.) Description of a new species of chipmunk from California (Tamias maciorhabdotes sp. nov.). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1884-6, iii, 25-28.-----. Description of a new subspecies of chipmunk (Tamias striatuslysteri). Am. Naturalist, Phila.,1886, xx, 236-242. Tamin-Despalles (0.) De la phthisie pul- monaire (pneumo-phymie). 1 p. 1., iii, 303 pp. 8°. Paris, Lib. parisienne, 1863. -----. Alimentation du cerveau et des nerfs. xii, 260 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1873. [P., v. 2262.] -----. A glance at the indications, contra- indications, and use of the mineral waters of Contrexeville (Vosges) in gravel, gout, dys- pepsia, gall-stones, habitual constipation, con- gestions of the liver, spleen, and intestines; in catarrh of the bladder, prostate, or urethra, and in leucorrhoea, followed by a table of diet according to the temperaments. Transl. from the 6. French ed. 31 pp. 8°. London, Bail- liere, Tindall dc Cox, 1877. Tamisier. Note statistique au sujet de l'in- fluence £tiologique du tabac dans les maladies des centres nerveux. 9 pp. 8°. Poligny, G. Mareschal, 1869. Tamin (Albert). * Ueber einen Fall von mul- tiplem Melanosarcom. [Erlangen.] 16 pp. 8°. Lobenstein, 1896. Tamin (Friedrich Louis Hermann) [1886- ]. * Beitrage zur Wirkung der Kuhn'schen Lungensaugmaske. 39 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1911. Tammena (Ude Foppen) [1877- ]. *Die Einwirkung des Ausspritzens einseitiger Ceru- men pfropfe auf das freie Ohr. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gottingen W. F. Kaestner, 1903. Tammerfors. See Fever (Typhoid, History of), by localities. Tamines (Tine). Die Periodicitiit morpholo- gischer Erscheinungen bei den Pflanzen. iv, 148 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Amsterdam, J. Miiller, 1903. Forms no. 5 of: Verhandel. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst., 1902-3, ix, 2. sect. Tampico. Altimirano (F.) Conflguraci6n del terreno y natu- raleza del suelo [deSan Luis a Tampico], Gac. med., Mexico, 1895, xxxii, 315-323.—Ittutienzo (A.) A few words on Tampico and its marshes. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1892, Concord, 1893, xviii, 107-114. Tampon. See, also, Abortion (Prevention, etc., of); Epistaxis (Treatmentof); Haemorrhage ( Uter- ine, Treatment of); Haemorrhage (Uterine, Treatmentof) in pregnancy, etc.; Labor (Com- plicated) by placenta prsevia—Treatment of; Va- gina (Tamponing of). Tampon. Cheve (F.) *Le tampon en obstetrique; 6tude historique. 8°. Paris, 1905. Asch (R.) Zur Gazetamponade des Uterus. Cen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1893, xvii, 961.—Auvard. Ue- ber Scheidentamponade. Ibid., 1898, xxii, 303-306.— Avary (J. C.) The tampon in gvnecology. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1894, 337-340*. [Discussion], 340- 342.—Benjamin (M.) The tampon in gvnecological therapy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lx, 91-93.—(a Id well (Margaret). Vaginal tampons. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1893, xxvii, 322-330.—Currier (A. F.) The in- trauterine tampon. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 988-996. Also: Ann. Gynaec & Paediat., Phila., 1893-4, vii, 16-22.—Faguet (C.) Auto-panseur gyneco- logique (porte-tampon st6rilisable). Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1901, xii, 262.—Fish (E. F.) Vag- inal tampons. Milwaukee M. J., 1894, ii, 383.—Graham (J. T.) The glycerin suppository as a substitute for the glycerin tampon. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1894, xxv, 159.—Ciueniot. Procede facile et non douloureux pour tamponner le vagin. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gy- nec de Par., 1894,3-5.—lleydemann (L.) Ein verein- fachtes Verfahren der Vagina- und Uterus-Tamponade. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1898, xx, 17- 19.—Kermauner (F.) Der Glyzerintampon in der Gyniikologie. Med. Klin., Berl., 1911, vii, 815.—Ko- blanck. Zur Frage der Einschrankung der inneren Untersuchung und des Verbotes der Tamponade. Ann. f. d. ges. Hebammenwes., Berl., 1912, iii, 54.—Krausz (S.) Die Diihrssensche Uterovaginaltamponade. Med. BL, Wien, 1908, xxxi, 109; 121; 133.—L.auro (V.) Indi- cazioni, modo di azione e tecnica dello zaffo vaginale ed utero-vaginale. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Roma-Napoli, 1899, vi, 289; 356; 423; 485— Light (J. W.) The use and abuse of the tampon. Med. Arena, Kansas City, Mo., 1895, iv, 299-302—Mayrhol'er (B.) Aseptische Vaginal- tamponade in der Privatpraxis bei mangelnder Assistenz mittelst einer Tamponierbiichse. Aerztl. Prax., Wiirzb., 1898, xi, 99.—Jlensinga. Ein Uterusstopfer zur Uterus- tamponade. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1893, xvii, 985- 987. Also: Frauenarzt, Berl., 1893, viii, 481-484.—Han- son (S. W.) The intra-uterine tampon. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 611.—Rein hard (F.) Zur Tam- ponfrage. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 735.—Rudolph (J.) Der Tamponadescheidenhalter. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1902, xxiv, 97-99.—Scheven (O.) Eine Tamponbiichse mit Spiilvorrichtung. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1086.—Sexton (L.) Uses and abuses of the vaginal tampon. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc. 1895, N. Orl., 1896,171-174—Spears (R. S.) Tam- pon in obstetrics. Atlanta Clinic, 1895, iii, 3-6.—Waldo (R.) Material for vaginal tampons. N. York J. Gynaec. & Obst., 1893, iii, 605.—Welsl (M.) Ein neues Priiserva- tiv fiir Frauen (Tamponpraservativ). Med. BL, Wien, 1903, xxvi, 547. Tamsiii. Rennie (A.) Report on the health of Tamsui and Kelung for the three years ended 30th September, 1890. China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep. 1890, Shanghai, 1894, xl, 9-15. Tain lira (K.) Original medical investigations of the surgeons of the imperial Japanese army. 16 pp. 8°. Carlisle, 1902. Repr.from: J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, 1902, xi. Tamura (Pokusaburo) [1871- ]. * Casuis- tischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der Pankreas- ApoplexieundFettgewebsnekrose. 40 pp. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1905. Tanacetum. Zink (P.) * Studien fiber die Schiidlichkeit des Tanacetum vulgare und seiner Bestandteile. [Bern.] 8°. B/ankenburg, Ilarz, 1908. Lanza (N.) Contributo sperimentale alio studio bio- logico dell' essenza di tanaceto. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 81-85.—Iflatthes (H.) & Serjjer (H.) Ueber Extractum tanaceti. Arch. d. Pharm., BerL, 1909,ccxlvii, 418-431. Tanacetnm (ToAcology of). Aylctt (W.R.) Caseof tansv poisoning. VirginiaM. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1897-8, ii, 71.—Roynton (C. E.) Carbolic acid and tansy poisoning. Atlanta J .-Rec Med., 1901-2, iii, 607-616.—Edwards (E. G.) Poisoning from oil of tansy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 937.— Leipzisjer (H. A.) Case of tansy poisoning. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1906, xii, 80.—McOay (N. P.) Poisoning from oil of tansy J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 714.—Itlusson (K. H.) Oil of tansy poisoning. Ibid., 1906, xlvii, 1917.—Stout (E. J.) A caseof poisoning with tansy (tanacetum). N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxv, 686.—Wessel, Wilster & Bugge. Ueber eine Ver- TANACETUM. 600 TANNA. Tanacetum (Toxicology of). giftung von Rindern durch Rainfarn. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1907, 879-881.—Whitehill (N. M.) Poison- ing from oil of tansy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 509. Tanalie (Keimin) & Tamata (K.) Seishin- hyo shiryo jenshio. [Manual of nervous dis- eases.] v. 1. 6, 2, 7, 231 pp. 8°. Tokyo, K. Matsusawa, 1894. Tanaka (Kiichi) [1872- ]. * Einige neue Modifikationen osteoplastischer Amputationen an Fuss und Knie. 42 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifs- wald, J. Abel, 1902. Tanala. Volk (Das) der Tanala. Globus, Brnschwg., 1906, lxxxix, 358-362. Tananoff (Stephan K.) [1875- ]. *Du som- meil et de Vinsomnie chez le vieillard; des ef- fets hypnotiques de la peronine et de la dionine. 239 pp., 7 ch., 1 1. 8°. Nancy, 1901. Tanar gentan. Iiiebert. Ein Beitrag zur Wirkung des Tanargen- tans. Deutsche tierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1910, xviii, 761-763.— llandelbaum (M.) Tanargentan; ein neues Darmdesinficiens und -adstringens. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1912, xxvi, 263. Tanaron (Pietro Paolo). L' ostetricia, ovvero P arte di raccogliere i parti e di soccorrere le donne nelle malattie, che accompagnano la loro gravidanza, ed in quelle che sopravvengono loro dopo il parto, e di sollevare i bambini nelle loro malattie dopo la nascitii. Opera utilissima per i chirurghi-raccoglitori e le levatrici. 4 p. 1., 286 pp., 9pl., 5 1., port. 8°. Firenze, G. Allegrini dc Co., 1768. Tanelie (Adalbert-Alexis-Cornil) [1861- ]. * Des kystes du creux poplite chez l'enfant. 45 pp. 8°. Lille, 1896, No. 2. Tancliou (Stanislas) [1791-1850]. Exposition d'un nouveau proceed pour extraire les pierres de la vessie sans operation sanglante, precede' d'un examen de toutes les methodes de lithotri- tie employees jusqu'a ce jour. 387 pp., 9 pl., 1 tab. 8°. Paris, Rouen freres; Bruxelles, 1830. Taneum-Joiiddelowitz (Leo). Die Ge- schlechtskrankheiten und ihre Behandlung. 168 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., K. Marhold, 1898. ------. Thesame. 2. Aufl. 168pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1903. Tancller (Julius). Zur vergleichenden Anato- mie der Kopfarterien bei den Mammalia. 108 pp., 8pl. 4°. Wien, C. Gerold's Sohn, 1898. Repr.from: Denkschr. d. math.-naturw.Cl. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch., Wien, 1898, lxvii. ------ & Halban (Josef). Topographie des weiblichen Ureters mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung der pathologisehen Zustiinde und der gy- niikologiychen Operationen. 32pl.,401. large 4°. Wien dc Leipzig, W. Braumuller, 1901. Taneff(Georg[Stojanoff])[1870- ]. *Ueber Endocarditis syphilitica. 46 pp. 12°. Berlin, C. Voejt, 1896. Tang (Richard) [1885- ]. * Untersuchun- gen fiber die Oxydationsfermente einiger hei- mischen "Wurzeln und Knollen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung von Solanum tuberosum. [Giessen.] 8°. Moers a. Rh., Kramer dc Co., 1909. Tanga coast. Plchn(F.) Die physikalischen, klimatischen und sa- nitiircu Verhaltnisse der Tanga-Kiiste mit spezieller Be- nieksichtigung des Jahres 1896. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhts- amte, Berl., 1897. xiii, 359-373. Tangeman (C[harles] W.) Keratitis bullosa. Persistent hyaloid artery. Cholesterine in the eye. 8°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1889. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1888, xvii. ' Tanghinia. Davidson (A.) An account, historical and physio- logical, of the Madagascar ordeal poison, the Tanghinia venenifera. J. Anat. & Physiol., Cambridge & Lond., 1873- 4, viii, 97-112. Also, Reprint.—Heckel(E.) Le tanghin des Sakalaves ou de Menabe. Repert. de pharm . Par 1902, 3. S., xiv, 433^36. Tangier. See, also, Cholera (History and statistics of), Hospitals (Description, etc., of), Plague (His- tory, etc., of), by localities. Greig (W. C.) Note on Tangier as a winter station. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1393.—Solly (E.) A note on Tan- gier. J. Balneol. & Climat., Lond., 1904, viii, 113-116.— Tangier as a health resort. Lancet, Lond., 1898, i. 1721.— Wood (S. C.) Tangier as a winter station. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 75. Tangier fever. Steiner (M.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Angina ulcerosa bei Tangierfieber. Deutschemed. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl, 1911, xxxvii, 1442. Tang-Kui. Letsexius (E. K.) * Kitalskiykorendan-gul'; sravnitelno-farmakognosticheskoye izsliedova- niye etovo kornya, prigotovlennavo iz nevo eksur le bacille de Koch; 2° sur la marche de la tuberculose ex- perimentale. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1898, xxviii, 513.— Sabrazes (J.) & Frezals (M.) Action du tannin sur la diurese et sur l'elimination des corps xantho-uriques. J. de physiol. et de path, gen., Par., 1899, i, 221-225.— Thompson (A.) Methode de dosage volumetrique du tannin et analvse des bois et extraits tanniques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902, cxxxv, 689-691.—Trimble (H.) Some of the unpublished results of the investiga- tion of the tannins, compiled for publication bv Josiah C. Peacock. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1900, lxxii, 429-433.— Utz. Zur Wertbestimmung des Tannins. Apoth.-Ztg., BerL, 1905, xx, 907.—Van Wisselinuh (C.) On the tests for tannin in the living plant and on the physio- logical significance of tannin. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. sect, sc, 1909-10, xii, 685-705. Tannismut. Gottschalk (YV. M. P.) * Ueber Tannis- mut. [Bern.] 8°. Hannover, 1909. Biballott* (S. I.) K voprosu o llechebnom znache- nii tannismut'a. [Therapeutic value of tannismut.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 553.—Dvoretski (A. I.) Nablyudeniya nad dleistviyem tannismuta. [On the action of tannismut.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1909, xvi, 1193. — Gottschalk (W.) Ueber Tannismut. Deutsche tierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1909, xvii, 497- 501.—Kaehkaelieft" (A. B.) Tannismut, kak protivo- ponosnove. [Tannismut as an antidiarrhoeic] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 282-284. — Linke. Tannis- mut. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1908, iii, 25-27. TANNISOL. 603 TANSINI. Tannisol. t'reutz. Tannisol. Deutsche tierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1907, xv, 19. Tannoform. See, also, Foot (Perspiration of, Excessive, etc.); Iodipin; Perspiration (Excessive). Schmeidler (V.) * Ueber die Wirkung des "Tannoforms" als Astringens bei Darmaffec- tionen. 8°. Halle a. S., 1898. DeBuck (D.) & Be Moor (L.) Quelques applica- tions therapeutiques du tannoforme. Belgjque med., Gand-Haarlem, 1896, iii, pt. 2, 193-203. Also: Echo med., Toulouse, 1896, 2. s., x, 579-586. Also: Med. Weekbi., Amst., 1896-7, 417-423. Also, Reprint.—Eberson (M.) Ueber den therapeutischen Werth des Tannoform. Aerztl.Centr.-Anz., Wien,1897,ix,397-400. Also, Reprint.— Edelheit (S.) In welchen Krankheiten haben das Tannoform und seine Praparate einen dauernden Werth erworben? Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xxv, 270.—Fa- sano(A.) II tannoformio nella odierna terapia. Arch. internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1898, xiv, 271-286.— Foth. Tannoform. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1900, 541.—Frank (E. R. W.) Therapeutische Mitteilungen iiber Tannoform. Monatsh.f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1896, xxiii, 457-459.—Goldntann (J. A.) Der therapeutische Werth des Tannoform. Wien. med. Presse, 1899, xl, 341; 386.—Grosse (S.) Die therapeutische Bedeutung des Tannoforms. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1899, vi, 488; 527.—Guerrin (P.) Le tannoforme chez les veteri- naires francais. Rev. vet., Toulouse, 1901, lviii, 593; 664.—Hasak (J.) Mittheilungen fiber Tannoform. Thierarztl. Centralbl., Wien, 1902, xxv, 156-160— Herr- mann (W.) Noch einiges fiber Tannoform. Deutsche thierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1900, viii, 383.—Hesse (L.) Die ausserliche Anwendung des Tannoforms. Wien. med. BI., 1898, xxi, 297.— Rapper (F.) Ueber Tannoform und dessen Anwendung. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1898, x. 81-S3.—Landau (J.) Das Tannoform in der Kinderpraxis. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr,, Wien, 1898, v, 1371-1374.—Lliinell (A.) Om vardet af tannoform vid inre anvandning. [The value of tannoform for inter- nal use.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1906, xlviii, 675-677.— IVlunk (J.) Nehany jodoformp6tl6 szer- nek therapeutikus ertekerol, kiilonos tekintettel atanno formra. [The therapeutic value of some drugs supple- mentarv to iodoform, especially tannoform.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1898, xiii, 300.—Jlonti (D.) ]. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 1907, xii, 155-157, 1 pl— Lucet & Ularotel. Les cestodes du dindon; nature zoologique et rdle pathogene. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet, Par., 1904, lviii, 162-169.—LUhe (M.) Bothrioce- phalus Zschokkei Fuhrmann. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1897, xxii, 586. -----. DieAnordnung derMuskulaturbeidenDibothrien. Ibid., 739-747.-----. Die Botriocephaliden der landbewohnenden Reptilien. Ibid., 1900, xxvii, 209; 252. -----. Revision meines Bo- thriocephalidensystemes. Ibid., 1902, xxxi,318-331.-----. Bemerkungen fiber die Cestoden aus Centrolophus poni- pilius. Ibid., 629-637. -----. Eine nomenclatonsche Berichtigung betr. die Cestoden-Gattung Amphitritus R. BI. Ibid.,1903, xxxiii, 608. -----. Bemerkungen zuArio- la's neuestem Cestoden-Systeme. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1899, xxii, 539-543.—Lungwitz. EinigesiiberMissbildungen bei Bandwiirmern. Arch, f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1897, xxiii, 320-325.—Lynali (H. L.) A case of anemia due to Bothriocephalus latus. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1907-8, vii, 91. — iTlacCormick & Hill. Note on a larval tapeworm from the human subject (Bo- thriocephalus mansoni, or liguloides). Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 1905, Adelaide, 1907, vii, 367-369. —McFar- land (J.) A case of Bothriocephalus latus. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1901-2, n. s., v, 111. Also: Medicine, Detroit, 1902, viii, 469. -----. Microscopic examination of tape- worms. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1895-7), 1898, xviii, 431 — ftlader (I.) Ein Fall von Bothriocephalus latus und Trenia solium bei demselben Kranken. Wien. med. BL, 1894, xvii, 76.—IWaillard (L.-C.) Recherche du plomb dans les cestodes d'animaux saturnins. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 943-945.—Marotel (G.) Sur deux cestodes parasites des oiseaux. Compt rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1899,11. 8., i, 935-937— Matsuinoto. [Anaemia due to Bothriocephalus latus.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1904, 222-229. — Minckert (W.) Mittheilungen zur Histologie der Cestoden. 1. Ueber Epithelverhaltnisse und Struktur der Korpercuticula. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 401-408.—Mingazzini (P.) Observations generales sur le mode d'adh6sion des cestoi'des a la paroi intestinale. Arch. ital. de biol., Tu- rin, 1899-1900, xxxii, 341-350. -----. Sull' esistenzadi una secrezione emessa dalla superficie del corpo dei cestodi adulti. Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod., Catania, 1901-2, iii, 77-82. -----. Le ventose delle anoplocefaline sono or- gani di assorbimento. Ricerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1899-1900, vii, 89-95,1 pl.-----. Ricerche sul vario modo di fissazione delle tenie alia parete intes- tinale e sul loro assorbimento. Ibid., 1904, x, 5-24,2 pl.— Itliyake (H.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Bothriocepha- lus liguloides. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1904, xiii, 115-198, lpl. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1904, xxv, 992.—fHola (P.) Di alcune specie pocostudiate o mal note di Cestodi. Annuario d. Mus. zool. d. r. Univ. di Napoli, 1905-6, ii, no. 6,1-12,2 pl. -----. Su di un cestode del Carcharodon rondeletii M. Hie. Arch, zool., Napoli, 1902-3, i, 345-366, 2 pl. -----. Di un nuovo cestode del genere Davainea Blanch. Biol. Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1907, xxvii, 57.5-578. -----. La ventosa api- cale achieomologa. Zool.Anz.,Leipz.,1907-8,xxxii,37-4L— Itlonticelli (F. S.) Sul ciclo biologico dei cestodi degli uccelli acquatici. Boll. d. Soc. di nat. in Napoli (1910), 1911, 2. s., iv, 366.—J»orot (C.) Prophylaxie du teniasis de l'homme par la lutte contre la ladrerie bovine et la ladrerie porcine dans les etats mecliterraneens, notam- ment en France. J. d'hyg., Par., 1898, xxiii, 453. Also: Echo vet, Liege, 1899-1900, xxix, 18-20.—.llrazek (A.) Sterilitatserscheinungen bei Cestoden. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc.],l. Abt, Jena, 1907, xiv, Orig., 234.—Neveu- Lemaire. Sur la presence d'une larve de ligule (Li- gula simplicissima) dans la cavity cranienne d'une tanche (Tinea vulgaris). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 88.—Nagai (H.) [A rare case of tape- worm disease.] Chiugai Iii Shinpo, Tokio, 1903, 1164- 1168— Niekerson (W. S.) The broad tapeworm in Minnesota, with the report of a case of infection ac- quired in the State. J. A m. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 711-713. Also [Abstr.]: Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1906, n. s., xxiii, 529. —Nicoll (W.) The rat flea as the intermediate host of a rat tapeworm. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 621.—Oriowski (W.) Przyczynek do nauki o postepujajcej niedokrewnoSci zloSliwej, wywo- lanej br6zdoglowcem szerokim i o tak zw. szmerach ser- cowych z niedokrewno§ci. [Progressive pernicious anae- mia produced by Bothriocephalus latus, and the so-called cardiac murmurs resulting from anaemia] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1903, xiii, 151; 168; ISO.—Ostheimer (M.) & Spangler (H. A.) Ileocolitis in a boy of three years, complicated bv the presence of a tapeworm, Penn. M. J., Athens, 1907-8, xi, 952-956.—Overton (F.) Two cases TAPEWORMS. 607 TAPEWORMS. Tapeworms. of tapeworm. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896,1, 641—Perrier (E.) Description d'un genre nouveau de cestoides (genre Duthiersia, E. P.). Arch, de zool. exper. et gen. Hist. nat [etc.], Par., 1873, ii, 349-362,1 pl.—Petit (A.) Note sur un cas de ladrerie chez l'homme. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1897, 3. s., xiv, 295-298.—Pl'ender (C. A.) A brief discussion of the economic importance of the most common adult cestodes of man in the United States (Taenia saginata, Dibothriocephalus latus, Hy meno- leps nana, and Taenia solium); with report of two cases. Texas M. J., Austin, 1909-10, xxv, 293-308.—Fillers (A. W. N.) Some common forms of the equine perfoliate tapeworm (Anoplocephalia perfoliata Goeze). Vet. J., Lond., 1911, lxvii, 521-524.-Porta (A.) Nuovo botrio- cefalo (B. andresi) e appunti elmintologici. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1911, xxxviii, 373-378.—Positauo-Spada (D.) Contributo alio studio del Dochmius trigonocephalus Duj, Spallanzani, Roma, 1893, xxxi, [3. ser., i], 68-62.— Potain. Le tenie. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1895, xii, 525-528.—Probable tapeworm infection of northern Michigan waters. [Edit] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 1621.—Queipo (L.) Helmintiasis intestinal; caso practico de tenias multiples. Rev. med. de Puerto Rico, San Juan, 1897-8, i, no. 3, 3-5.—Kailliet (A.) Sur les cestodes du blaireau. Compt rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1899, 10. s., vi, 23-25.—Ransom (B. II.) A new avian cestode; Metroliasthes lucida. Tr Am. Micr. Sue. 1899, Lincoln, Nebr., 1900, xxii, 213-226, 2 pl. -----. The tape- worms of American chickens aud turkeys. U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau animal indust, Circ. 85, Wash., 1905, 268-285. Also, Reprint. -----. Tapeworm cysts (Dithy- ridium cynocephali n. sp.) in the muscles of a marsupial wolf (Tliylacinus cynocephalus). Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, Lancaster, Pa., 1907, xxvii, 31.—von Katz (S.) Ein neuer Bandwurm der Katze. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1897, xxi, 465-473. -----Drei neue Cestoden aus Neu-Guinea. Ibid , 1900, xxviii, 657-660. -----. Dibothriocephalus latus im Hunde. Ibid., 1904, xxxvi, 384-387. -----. Trois nouveaux cestodes de reptiles, Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1900, 11. s , ii, 9*0.— Ravaud (R.) La cachexie bothrioeephalique. J. de med. de Par., 1908, 2. s.; xx, 125-127.—Rig by (J. A.) A case of tapeworm in a child. Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 1348.— Roncketti (V.) Caso set- templice di Dibothriocephalus latus (Bremser). Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1904, v, 654-658 — Rosseter (T. B.) On the tape-worms Hymenolepis nitida, Krabbe, and H. nitidulans, Krabbe, J. Quekett Micr. Club, Lond., 1907-8, n. s., x, 31-40, 2 pl. -----. On Hymenolepis fragilis. Ibid., 229-234, 1 pl. -----. Hvm- enolepis farciminalis. Ibid., 1908-9, 2. s., x, 295-310, 1 pl. -----. Hymenolepis acicula sinuata, a new species of tapeworm. Ibid.,1909,x,393-402,lpl.-----. HymenoleDis upsilon.anew species of avian tape-worm. Ibid.. 1910-11, 2. s., xi, 147-160, lpl.—Ryazanoff(A.V.) K kazuistikle rledkikhurodstv lentochnol glistl. [Amonster taenia.! Sibirsk Vrach. Gaz., Irkutsk, 1911, iv, 277-279.—Sain t- Reniy(G.) Ledeveloppementembryonnairedescestodes etla theorie desfeuilletsgerminatifs. Arch, de parasitol., Par., 1901, iv, 333-352. -----. Sur le developpement em- bryonnaire descestodes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1900, exxx, 930-932.—Sanchez (J.) Nota acerca de la tenia 6solitariadel hombre en Mexico. Gac. med., Mexico, 1894, xxxi, 21-34.—Sarabia y Pardo. Solitaria en un nifio de cincomeses de edad. Med. de losnifios, Barcel., 1910, xi, 377. Also: Arch, de ginecop. [etc], Barcel., 1911, xxiv, 165-167.—Saybolt (W. F.) Tapeworm as a cause of intestinal perforation. Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxxi, 739.—Schauman (O.) Hvilken roll spelar det kons- titutionella momentet i botriocefalus-anemiens pato- genes? [What part does the constitutional momentum play in the pathogenesis of bothrvocephaloid anemia?] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helingfors, 1910, Iii, v. 2, 146- 154. Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 1218-1220.—Schauman (O.) & Tall- qvist (T. W.) Ueber die blutkorperchenaufiosenden Eigenschaften des breiten Bandwurms. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 312.—Schnei- der (G.) Zur Frage von der Entstehung neuer Ar- ten bei Cestoden; vorlaufige Mitteilung. Biol. Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1905, xxv, 349-352.—von Schroeder (A. E.) K istorii razvitya shirokavo lentetsa (Bothrio- cephali lati). [History of development of .. .] Vrach, St Petersb., 1894, xv, 348-350. -----. Yeshtshoodin istoch- nik zarazheniya zhitelel Peterburga finami shirokavo lentetsa. [Another source of infection of the inhabitants of St. Petersburg by larvae of Bothriocephalus latus.] Ibid., 1895, xvi, 415. -----. Fini shirokavo lentetsa v yuryevskikh okunyakh. [Proscolices of Bothriocephalus latus found in the perch of Yuryev.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.," St. Petersb., 1896, iii, 286.—Setti (E.) Nuove osservazioni sui cestodi parassiti degli iraci. Boll. d. mus. di zool. [etc], Genova, 1898, no. 59,1-15.—Ship- ley (A. E.) The tape-worms (Cestoda) of the red grouse (Lagopus scoticus). Proc. gen. meet. . .. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1909, 351-363.—Sliivers (M. O.) A tapeworm of unusual length. Memphis M. Month., 1900, xx, 419.— Shreder (A. E.) Kak zarazhayetsya naseleniye Peter- Tapeworms. burga shirokim lentetsom? [How does the St. Peters- burg population become infected with Bothriocephalus latus?] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1892, xiii, 475.—Smith (A. J.) & Veoder (B. F.) Tapeworm from Python moluris. Proc. rath. Soc. Phila., 1904-5, n. s., viii, 157-162.—Spat- licli (W.) Untersuchungen fiber Tetrabothrien; ein Beit rag zur Kenntnis des Cestoden korpers. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, 1909, xxviii, 539-594, 4 pl.—Specitic (A) precipitin reaction in Bothriocephalus infections. Med. News, N. Y., 1904 lxxxv, 994.—Spencer (W. W.j Bothriocepha- lus liguiloides, the causes of certain abdominal tumours. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. 1892, Sydney, 1893, in, 433.—Spendlove (F. M. R.) Some observations upon tapeworms. Proc. Med.-Chir. Soc Montreal (1887-9), 1890, iv, 153-155.—Spengel (J. W.) Die Mouozootie der Cestoden. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1905, lxxxii, 252-287.—Stephens (J. W. W.) Two new human ces- todes and anew linguatulid. Ann. Trop. M. & Parasitol , Liverp., 1907, i, 649-556, 1 pl.—Stiles (C. W.) On the recent occurrence of Linguatula rhinaria, Railliet, 1886, and Taenia echinococcus, V. Siebold, 1853, in the United States of North America. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong, 1893. Wash., 1895, pt. 2, 1163-1165. -----. Notes on parasites. XXXVI. A double-pored cestode, with occasional single pores. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., 1 Abt., Jena, 1895, xvii, 457-459 -----. Tapeworms. Med, Rec, N. Y., 1897, Iii, 615.-----. A case of infection with the double-pored dog tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum) in an American child. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, v, 65. -----. The type species of the cestode genus Hymenolepis. Mar.-Hosp. Serv. Hyg. Laborat. Bull., Wash., 1903, no. 13,19-21. -----. The occurrence of a proliferating cestode larva (Sparganum proliferum) in man in Florida. In: Treas. Dep. Pub. Health & Mar.-Hosp. Serv. U. S. Hyg. Lab. Bull. No. 40, Wash., 1908, 7-18.—Stiles (C. W.) & Tayler (Louise). An adult cestode (Diplogonoporus grandis) of man which may possibly occur in returning American troops. U.S.Dep. Agric Bureau animal indust, Wash., 1902, Bull. 35, 43-47.—Stucky (T. H.) Tape- worm. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1905-6, xii, 210.— Tanaka (M.) [Remarks on the digenea following the tapeworm.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1904, 1318-1321.—Ta- naka (T.) [Remarks on the tapeworm.] Juntendo Iji Kenkiu Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1901, 114-119. —Tape- worm from the laughing jackass. Rep. Gov. Bur. Microbiol. 1909, Sydney, 1910, 85.—Tape-worm from a jabiru. Ibid., 86.—Tape-worm from a lizard. Ibid., 87.—Tape-worm from a sparrow. Ibid., 88.—Tautz K. Ueber eine neue Cestodenform. Centralbl. f, Bak- teriol. [etc.],l. Abt, Jena, 1907, xliv, Orig., 256-260, 1 pl.— Taylor (W. J.) & Roynton (W. H.) Gid found in sheep in New York. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1909-10, xxxvi, 537-548.—Thiblerge (G.) Note sur un casde ladrerie humaine oligoevstique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1897, 3. s., xiv, 298-301.—Thompson (W. G.) A case of Dibothriocephalus latus infection, causing per- nicious anemia; with complete recovery. Med. News, Phila., 1905, lxxxvi, 635-638. Also, Reprint — Tiegel (M.) Ein Fall von Perityphlitis, bedingt durch das Glied eines Bandwurms. Med. Klin., Berl., 1910, vi, 59.— TUrnell (G.) Om magsaftens beskaffenhet vid nagra fall af bandmask. [The nature of gastric juice in some cases of tapeworm.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1903, 2.1, iii, pt. 2, 113-128.— Tonne I. Bothriocophalose d'un Fran- cais en France. Echo med. dunord, Lille, 1911, xv,213.— l'nzer(J A.) VomBandwurme. Arzt, Hamburg, 1769, v, 226-22*.—Vacca (A.) Elmintiasi da Dipylidium cani- num (L.) in un bambino di 3 mesi di eta. Boll. d. Soc. zool. ital., Roma, 1909, 2. s., x, 319-327. Also: Riv. di clin. pediat, Firenze, 1909, vii, 739-745.—Van Nuys (F. B.) Bothriocephalus latus. Am. M. Compend, Toledo, 1907, xxiii, 254.—'Verdun. Sur la frequence relative du bothriocephale dans le nord de la France. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1905, ix, "*r>-:;**.—Vigener (J.) Ueber drei- kantigeBandwiirmerunddiesiebedingenden Finnen mit sechs Saugnapfen. Ztschr. f. Fleisch-u. Milchhyg., Berl., 1904, xiv, 106-109. See, also, supra, Johne.—Wessinger (J. A.) A tapeworm removed from a child eighteen months old. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 130.—Willets (D. G.) The occurrence of the double-pored tapeworm (Dipy- lidium caninum) in man. Bull. ManilaM. Soc, 1910, ii, 262-264.—Willson (R. N.) Multiple infection by theBo- thriocephalus latus; specimen of two entire worms. Proc Path. Soc. Phila., 1901-2, n. s., v, 241. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1902, exxiv, 262-286. -----. A case of multiple tapeworm infection. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxvii, 743.—WolffliUgel (K.) Beitragzur Kenntnis der Anatomie einiger Vogelcestoden. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1899, xxii, 217-223. -----. Ein interessantes Exemplar desTaubenbandwurmesBertiadelafondi(Railliet). Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1904, 45-48.—Yamaguchi (K.) [A case of a rare form of tapeworm.] Tokyo Iji-Shirishi, 1899,1941-1943.—Yoshida (S.) On three new species of Hymenolepis found in Japan. Annot. zool. japon., Tokyo, 1910, vii, 233-246, 1 pl.—Young (R. T.) The somatic nuclei of certain cestodes. Arch. f. Zellforsch., Leipz., 1910-11, vi, 110-163, 2 pl—Zinu (W.) Todtliche Aniimie durch Bothriocephalus latus. Deutsche med. TAPEWORMS. Tapeworms. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 264-266.—Zograf (N.) Les cestodes offrent-ils des tissus d'origine ecto- dermique? Arch, de zool. exper. et gen. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par., 1892, 2. s., x, 331-344, 1 pl.—/schokke (F.) Hvmenolepis (Drepanidotaenia) lanceolata Bloch als SchmarotzerimMenschen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1902, xxxi, 331-335. Also: Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1902, xxv, 337. -----. Die Darmcestoden der amerikanischen Beuteltiere. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1904, xxxvi, 51-62, 1 pl. Also: Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1904, xxvii, 290-293. -----. Moniezia dia- phana n. sp.; ein weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ces- toden aplacentaler Siiugetiere. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1907, xliv, Orig., 261-264. Tapeworms (Toxins and extracts of). Rarnabb (V.) Sugli effetti delle inoculazioni negli animali dell' estratto di Taenia saginata. Boll. d. Soc zool. ital., Roma, 1906, 2. s., vii, 72; 147: 1907, 2. s., viii, 85: 1908, 2. s., 145. Also [Abstr.]: Sperimentale. Arch. di biol., Firenze, 1906, lx, 611-620. —Calamida (D.) Ulteriori ricerche sul veleno delle tenie. Gior. d. r. Ac- cad. di med. di Torino, 1901,4. s., vii, 578-580. Also: Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino, 1901, 1, 1067-1069. Also: Riforma med., Roma, 1901, xvii, pt. 3, 364. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1901, xxx, 374.—Rastre (A.) & Stassano (H.) Antikinase des macerations d'ascaris et de taenia. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 254-256.—Fetterolf (D. W.) The existence of an anti-enzyme in tapeworm. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1907-8, xx, 94-96.— Fleckseder (R.) & von Stejskal (K.) Biologische Reaktionen mit Bandwurmextrakt Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xvii, 793.—Langer (J.) Zur Frage der Bildung spezifischer Antikorper im Organismus von Bandwurmwirten. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1665-1667.—Le Dantec (A.) Recherches experimentales demontrant la non- toxicit6 du tenia inerme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 151.—Longo (A.) Sugli effetti delle iniezioni di estratto acquoso di tenia mediocanellata nelle cavie. Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze, 1906, iv, 641- 665.—JTlessineo (G.) Sul veleno contenuto in alcune tenie dell' uomo. Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod., Ca- tania, 1900, i, 316-318.— JVlessineo (G.) & Calamida (D.) Sul veleno delle tenie. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino, 1901, 1, 707-711. Also: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1901, 4. s., vii, 581-585. Also: Riforma med., Roma, 1901, xvii, pt. 3, 171-173; pt. 4, 248. Also, transl: J. de m6d. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1901,5. s., v, 537- 541. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxx, 346.—Meyer (K.) Versuche fiber Kom- plementbindung bei Helminthiasis und fiber die chemi- sche Natur des Bandwurmantigens. Ztschr. f. Immuni- tatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1910, vi, 732-747.— Picou (R.) & Rainond (F.) Action bactericide de l'extrait de Taenia inerme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1899, 10. s., vi, 176.—Sivori, Corradi, & Caflta- rena. Sulla presenza di teniolisina nei sieri immuni da emulsioni teniose. Ann. d. Ist. Maragliano p. la cura d. tuberc [etc.], Genova, 1910-11, v, 97-104.—Tallqvist (T. VV.) Om aktiva substanser l den breda bandmasken. [Active substances in the broad tapeworm.] Finska lak.-siillsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1906, xlviii, 206-218. Tapeworms (Treatment of). Dcrand (L.-A.-A.) * Contribution a l'etude des ttenicides; l'embelate d'ammoniaque. 4°. Bordeaux, 1892. Fischer (T.) Om behandlingen af benike- mask med ormbunksrotextrakt i samband med pnifvandet af extrakten af ett par nya orm- bunksarter. [The treatment of tapeworm by extract of fern root, with test of the extract of two new kinds of fern.] 8°. Stockholm, [1904]. Petroff (0.) *Des tsenias chez l'homme et de leur traitement. 8°. Toulouse, 1898. [Klug.] Der Bandwurm in Menschen und Thieren und die naturgem-isse Vertilgung des- selben durch Abtodtung der Brut und nicht bios des Kopfes. Eine popular medicinische Abhandlung fiir Jedermann zur Selbstkur und Beseitigung aller Geheimmittel. 8°. Berlin, 1879. -----. The same. De lintworm bij men- schen en dieren en zijne verdelging door het dooden der eieren en niet alleen van den kop. Populair-geneeskundige verhandeling tot zelfge- nezing met terzijdestelling van alle gebeimmid- delen. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald door de Bruijn. (A. J.) 8°. Utrecht, 1880. TAPEWORMS. Tapeworms (Treatment of). Weigel ( (J. E. ) [ Pr. ] de anthelmintics et euporisto contra t;cniam quaedam disserit. sm. 4°. Gryphise, [1795]. Adams (S. 8.) Carbolic acid poisoning in a child re- sulting from the rectal injection of a solution of the drug for the removal of worms; head and segments of tape- worm. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. 1901, Wash., 1902, vi, 94- 96.—Apolant (E.) Zur Verhiitung des Erbreehqns bei Bandwurmkuren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Lerpz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1761.—Rarbagallo (P.) L' estratto etereo di felce maschio nella cura delle tenie. Ann. di Ippocrate, Milano, 1907-8, ii, 141. Also: Gazz. d. osp., Mi- lano, 1907, xxviii, 1362.—Rentley (W. H.) Removal of tapeworms. Med. Summary, Phila., 1892-3, xiv, 229-231.— Rerge. Les taeniaset les tenifuges. Clinique, Par., 1909, iv, 519.—Boas (J.) Zur Technik der Bandwurmkuren. Ges. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. Physiol., Path. u. Therap., Berl 1886-1906, ii, 650-654. Also: Therap. Monatsh.,Berl., 1904, xviii, 621-623.—Carini (E.) Nuova cura della tenia. La- vori d. Cong, di med. int.,Roma, 1907, xvii, 304.—Carraiii (C.) t'so del cloroformio contro la tenia. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1897, xiv, 880-885. -----. Ancora dell' uso del cloroformio contro la tenia. Ibid., 1903, li, 284-288.—Carron de laCarriere. Le traitement du taenia chez les enfants. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap , Par., 1895, ix, pt. 2,141-243.—Cavazzani (A.) Di un nuovo tenifugo. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1910, xi, 608-610.—Cecite complete determinee par un taeni- fuge. J. de med. et chir. prat, Par., 1895, lxvi, 827.— Chamberlin (E. C.) The treatment of tapeworm, with report of cases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, Iii, 313.— Comby (J.) Traitement du tenia chez lez enfants. Med. mod., Par., 1896, vii, 497.—Belektorski (N. I.) Olovo, kak sredstvo protiv lentochnikh glist u dletel. [Tin as a remedy against tapeworms in children.] Tera- piya, S.-Peterb., 1904, i, 168-171.—Di Leo. Contributo alia terapia del Taenia solium. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int., Roma, 1907, xvii, 169.—Doble. Observation de Tae- nia solium; emploi de la decoction, apres maceration, de P^corce seche de racine de grenadier; guerison. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1856, xvii, 228-230.— Doolievski (I. I.) Olovo, kak sredstvo protiv lentoch- nikh glist [Tin as a remedy against taenia.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1902, ix, therap. pt, 85-89.—Drasche ( A. ) Ueber die Behandlung des Bandwurms. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1866, xvi, 492; 507; 524; 640; 655. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Wien, 1893, 111-131.— Drenkliahn. Die Verordnung von Extractum filicis maris. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2020.— Million re a u (E.) Une nouvelle formule taenifuge; etude comparative. Bull, et mem. Soc de therap., Par., 1892, 295-304. -----. Un moyen facile de combattre le taeniasis et d'arriver a le faire disparaitre. Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong, internac. de hig. y demog. 1898, Ma- drid, 1900, ii, 190-192.—Fenn (C. M.) Technique in tae- nia treatment; report of a remarkable case. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, xxii, 179.—Flescli (M.) Cocain bei Bandwurmkuren. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Miinchen, 1900, ix, 367.—Fowler (J. K.) Remarks on the treat- ment of taenia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 841.—Fowler (T. B.) The removal of tape-worm. Therap. Rec, Louis- ville, 1908-9, iv, 306— Gerhard (S. P.) Treatment of tapeworm. Med. News, N. Y.,1903, lxxxiii, 920.—Oiard. Cinq taenias rendus en une fois par le meme sujet a la suite de l'administration de la racine de grenadier. Gaz. d. h6p. de Toulouse, 1894, viii, 259.—tirijns (J.) Lint- wormkuren. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1909, ii, 804-806.—Hall (F. de H.) The treatment of tape- worm. Clin. J., Lond., 1908, xxxii, 257-259.—Hall (M. C.) A discussion of De Renzi's treatment of somatic taniasis with male fern, and some tests of the treatment in gid. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1909-10, xxxvi, 328-337. Also, Reprint—Harding (N. E.) The treatment of tapeworm. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1908, x, 290.—Henins (M.) Die Verordnung von Extractum filicis maris; Bemerkungen zu dem Artikel von Drenk- hahn. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2221.— Herail. De l'association de l'extrait de fougere male etde lhuile de ricin. Bull, m6d.de 1'Algerie, Alger, 1903, 2. s., i, 37-39.— Jaquet (A.) Ueber Bandwurmku- ren und Filixpriiparate. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2564.—Jubb (G.) The treatment of tape- worm. Treatment, Lond., 1906-7, x, 654-656.—Kline (J. W.) Treatment of tapeworm by use of morphine in- jected into the protruding part of the parasite. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1899, lxxi, 663. Also: Medecine, Detroit, 1899, v, 732.—Kloster (R.) Gamle baendelorme; Cu- curbitakur. [Old case of taenia; treatment with cucur- bita.] Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi, K0benh., 1907-8, vi, 225 — Laboulbene (A.) Sur une matiere simple et commode de faire rendre le taenia. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1873, lxxxv, 193.—Lauren (W.) Extractum as- pidii spinulosi, ein neues Mittel gegen Bandwurm. Therap. Monatsh., BerL, 1899, xiii, 211-213.—Ijeicnten- stern (O.) Ist Chloroform ein Bandwurmmittel? Zu- gleich ein Beitrag zur Wirkung grosser innerlich darge- reichter Chloroform-Gaben. Therap. d. Gegenw., BerL- TAPEWORMS. 609 VON TAPPEINER. Tapeworms (Treatment of). Wien, 1899, u. F., i, 389-394.—lanke. 'Solitscnia. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1909, iv, 93-95.—Loeb (M.) Ueber Bandwurmkuren. Ztschr. f. iirztl. Landi>raxis, Frankf. a. M., 1895, iv, 292-297. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1895, xxx, 578.—Maiiirold (C.) Mittheilun- gen iiber das Bandwurminatcrial der Medicinischen Klinik in Tubingen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1894, lxiv, 301-303.—Miro (A. P.) & Ledesma (V. H.) Medicaciones tenitifugas. Rev. med. cubana, Habana, 1909, xiv, 95-100.—ffloneorvo filho. O extracto ethereo de feto macho e sua accao sobre os rins. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1903, xvii, 437.— iTIontagnon & Oucret. Mort subite chez un car- diaque aortique apres l'administration d'un taenifuge. Loire med. St-Etienne, 1908, xxvii, 401-405.—OTonteiro (J.) O extracto ethereo de feto macho e sua accao so- bre os rins. Brazil-med.,.Rio de Jan., 1903, xvii, 419.— Jllnnk (J. A.) A remedy for tapeworm. Calif. M. J., San Fran., 1896, xvii, 257— "Nouvelle (Une) formule tae- nifuge. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1894, n. s., viii, 7-9.—Ogilvie (L.) On the treatment of tapeworm. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 255.-----. Further note on the treatment of tapeworm. Ibid., 1896, i, 1714.—Flister (M.) The treatment of taenia. Brit. M. J., Lond , 1906, ii, 668.—Plevnitski (A. A.) O llechenii parshel u no- vobrantsev. [Treatmentof tsenia of recruits.] Voyenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1910, ccxxx, med.-spec. pt., 131- 134.— Poulsson (E.) Extractum Aspidii spinulosi, et nyt middel mod biendelorm. [Extrait d'Aspidium spi- nulosum, nouveau remede antihelminthique. Res., 87.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1899, 4. R., xiv, 70-78.—Prospero (S.) Considerazioni sui rimedii con- tro le tenie intestinali e sopra altri particolari riguar- danti le tenie dell' uomo. Sperimentale. Sez. clin., Firenze, 1895, xlix, 501-512.—Query (L.-C.) Traitement du taenia. Presse med.. Par., 1903, ii, 785.—von Ritter (G.) Ueber Bandwurmcuren im Kindesalter. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1904, xxix, 53-55— Robin (A.) Le traitement du taenia, et des vers intestinaux. Rev. gen. de clin, et de therap., Par., 1906, xx, 377.—Roland. De l'action taenifuge de 1'ecorce fraiche de tiges de grena- dier. Rev. med. de la Franche-Comte, Besancon, 1892, i, 95-100.—Rouzel. Lettre sur le traitement du ver soli- taire. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1842, iv, 394- 401.—Scliilling (F.) Die Bandwurmkur. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1908, xxii, 187-192 —Schmidt (E.) Ac- tion de la filicine brute sur le taenia solium; nouvellesob- servations. J. de pharm. etchim., Par., 1903, 6. s., xviii, 13-15.—Snoeek Henkemans (D.) Koperoxyd als lintwormmiddel. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1898, 2. R., xxxiv, d. 1.3S2-384.—Sobotta (E.) Vergleich iiber die Wirksamkeit verschiedener Bandwurmmittel, nebst Versuchen, das Ricinusol bei der Bandwurmcur theilweise durch andere Abfiihrmittel zu ersetzen. The- rap. Monatsh., BerL, 1902, xvi, 407-411.—Sonsino (P.) Considerazioni sui rimedii contro le tenie intestinali e sopra altri particolari riguardanti le tenie dell' uomo. Boll. Soc. med. pisana, 1894-5, i, 36-44.—Spier (S. L.) Taenia and its treatment. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1904-5, xi, 338-343.—Tanaka (M.) [The action of thymol on tenias.] I-Cho-bvo Kenkyu Kwai Kwaiho, Tokyo, 1900-1901, ii, 378-396.—Tomiolo (A.) I frigoriferi e la profilassi delle tenie umane. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1903, xiv, 1-7.—Torri (F.) Osservazioni sulla cura del tenia. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1840, vi, 231-235. Also. Reprint—Wliyte (J. M.) The treatment of tape- worm with chloroform. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1900, vi, 225-228. Taphanel (Edouard) [1884- ]. *Les caa de fievre de Malte contractus a. Paris et dans la region parisienne. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, 1910, No. 455. Taphephobi a. See, also, Burial (Premature). Morselli (E.) Sulla dismorfofobia e sulla tafefobia, due forme non per anco descritte di pazzia con idee fisse. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1891, vi, 110-119. Tapia (Antonio A.) * Reflexiones sobre algu- nos articulos del titulo ii del Codigo penal. 40 pp., port. 8°. Mexico, F. R. Blanco, 1877. Tapia y Fernandez (Ricardo). * Apuntes para el pronostico en los derrames de pecho, y algunas consideraciones acerca de su marcha. 82 pp., 1 1. 8°. Mexico, J. J. Terrazas, 1894. Tapie (Lucien) [1872- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la lipomatose symetrique a predomi- nance cervicale. 70 pp. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 143. vol xvii, 2d series---39 Tapie de Celeyran (Gabriel) [1869- ]. *Sur un cas d'elytrocule posterieure (hernie deshabitee du cul-de-sac de Douglas). 43 pp., 2 1. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 250. -----. The same. 43 pp., 21. 8°. Pan's, G. Steinheil, 1899. Tapiete. Nordenskiold (E.) Sind die Tapiete ein guara- nisierter Chacostamm? Globus, Brnschwg., 1910, xcviii, 181-186. Tapioca (Toxicology of). Co., 1898. -----. Ueber die Entwicklung und die Aufgaben der Pharmakologie. Rede gehalten bei der Eroffnungsfeier des pharmakologischen Instituts in Miinchen. 13 pp., 1 diag., 1 pl. 8°. Miin- chen, J. F. Lehmann, 1893. Repr.from: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xl. -----. Lehrbuch der Arzneimittellehre und Arzneiverordnungslehre unter besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der deutschen und osterreichi- schen Pharmakopoe. 2. Aufl. vii, 302 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1895. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. vii, 326 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1899. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. vii, 336 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1901. VON TAPPEINER. 610 TARASKVICH. von Tappeiner (H[ermann])—continued. -----. The same. 5. Aufl. vii, 347 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1904. -----. The same. 7. Aufl. vii, 384 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1908. ------. The same. 8. Aufl. vii, 394 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1910. -----. The same. Rukovodstvo farmakologii i propisivaniya lekar^tv. S obrashtsheniyem osobavo vnimaniya na Russkuyu, Germanskuyu i Avstriyskuyu farmakopei. Perevod s 3. nie- metsk. izd. F. 31. Shura, pod redaktsiyel i s do- polneniyami E. I. Kotlyara. [Transl. from the 3. German ed. by F. M. Shur, under the editor- ship of and with additions by E. I. Kotlyar.] viii, 320 pp. 8°. S.-Peterbuvg, V. S. Ettinger, 1900. -----. The same, viii, 320 pp. 8°. S.-Peter- burg, V. S. Ettinger, 1901. ------ & Jodlbauer (A.) Die sensibilisie- rende Wirkung fluorescierender Substanzen; gesammelte Untersuchungen iiber die photo- dynamische Erscheinung. viii, 210 pp., 12 pl. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1907. Tappeser (Johann) [1876- ]. *Beitrag zur Casuistik der Gliome des Gross und Klein- hirnes, des Riickenmarks und der Retina. [Wurtzburg.] 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Altenessen, W. Lehnnnin, 1902. Tappey (Ernest T[aylor]) [1853- ]. Intra- peritoneal adhesions. 4 pp. 8°. [New York, 1895.] Repr.from: Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vii. Tapping. See Paracentesis. Tappolet (E.) Eine soziale Reform; ein Wort zur Alkoholfrage. 35 pp. 8°. Zurich dc Leip- zig, T. Schroter, 1899. Tar [and compounds]. See, also, Carbonic oxide (Toxicology of); Coal-tar; Haemorrhoids (Treatment of); Tar- workers. Goudron Guyot; sante pour tous ii bon marche; une boisson hygienique. 8°. [Paris, 1892.] Adolplii (W*) Sur le goudron de tremble. Arch. d. sc. biol., St.-Petersb., 1894, iii, 33-39.—Britz. Die Ent- wicklung der modernen Teerbehandlung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1910, vi, 1265-1267.—Burcker (E.), Georges & Gaillard. Note relative a l'emulsion d'huile lourdede goudron de houille. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1894, xxiv, 516-520.—Derives (Les) du goudron. Rev. de Pharmacol, med., Par., 1904, ii, 3-14, nos. 2, 3.—Duli- rinz (L. A.) Compound tincture of coal tar. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1894, n. s., cvii, 540-543. Also, Reprint.—Fa- bris (G.) Sull' analisi del catrame e suoi preparati. Orosi, Firenze, 1900, xxiii, 151-154.—Gelsler (F. K.) 0 znachenii nlekotorikh dekhtyarnikh preparatov, kak obezzarazhivayushtshikh sredstv. [Importance of sev- eral tar products as disinfectants.] Vrach, St. Petersb. 1893, xiv, 1293-1296.— Goldmann (.1. A.) Die therapeu- tische Verwendung des Teervasogen. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1902, xxxiv, 122-127.—Goris (A.) Sur un principe cristallin retire du goudron; son action bac- tericide. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1904, x, 70-73.— Hirschsolm (E.) Die Unterscheidung der verschie- denen Holztheere. Pharm, Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Pe- tersb., 1897, xxxvi, 211.—Lenonrichel. Acne profes- sionnelle due au goudron de houille. [Abstr.] J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1901, xxxi, 542-544.—Nentski (M. V.) O primlenenii sosnovavo dekhtya v dezinfektsionnol prak- tikle. [Pine tar as disinfectant.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 1185-1187.—Saiitori (S.) Ueber die physiolo- gische Wirkung einiger blauen und violetten Theerfar- ben. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Gies- sen, 1893, xv, 39-58.—van der Spek (J.) Koolteer in de dermato-therapie. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1*98-9, v 442-445.—Verne (C.) Considerations generates sur les preparations du goudron, et sur les moyens pratiques pour le rendre entitlement soluble. Compt.-rend. Cong in- ternat. demed. 1897, Mosc, 189s. ii, sect. 4c, 17-19.—Vietli (H.) Die dermatologisch wichtigen Be-tandteile des Teeres und die Darstellung des Anthrasois. Verhandl d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz 1904 ii, 2. Hlfte., 346-349. Tar (Effect of) on vegetation. See Roads ( Tarring of). Tar (Inhalation of). See Inhalation. Tara (Andrea). *Dell' amianto. 35 pp. 8°. Pavia, Fusi dc Co., 1848. [P., v. 2226.] Tarabagan. Plague and the "tarabagan" disease in Mongolia [Edit.] Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 1630. Taramasio (Plinio). *Etude toxicologique de l'adrenaline. 31 pp. 8°. Geneve, 1902. Taranchi. Paisel (V. E.) * Material! dlya antropologii Taranchei. [Data on the anthropologv of the Taranchi.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1897. Tarancon. Alcazar (R.) Memoria benefice-sanitaria de Taran- con (Cuenca). Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong, internac. de hig. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 1900, iii, 302-313. Taranikoff(Eugenie) [1871- ]. *Du traite- ment de la scoliose chez les adultes. 41 pp., 3 1., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 366. -----. Thesame. 41 pp., 21., 2pl. 8°. Pom, G. Steinheil, 1901. Tara nt ism. See, also, Chorea (Epidemic of). Carrier! (I.) II tarantolismo piigliese. Incurabili, Napoli, 1893, viii, 13; 82; 113, 1 pl.—Chambers. Of the tarantula and the cure of its bite by musick. Philos. hist. & mem. Roy. Acad. Sc. Par. abr. . . . 1699 to 1720, Lond., 1742, i, 321-324.—Gazzera (G.) II tarantismo sviluppatosi in varie persone di una stcssa famit; 1 ia. Ann. di freniat. [etc.], Torino, 1893, iv, 118-121.—Knott (J.) Tarantism; an historical note. Med. Press it Circ. Lond., 1911, n. s., xcii, 633-636.—Unzer (J. A.) Beweis das< der Tarantismus keinesweges vom Stiche der Taranteln her- riihre. Arzt, Hamburg, 1769, iii, 526-633. de Taranto (Isaac M.) *Les osteomes de l'orbite. 275 pp. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 268. Tarantula. See, also, Tarantism. Sanchez (J.) Empleo terapeuticode la tarantula en la medicina alopatica para combatir la elefansiasis de los griegos 6 mal de San L&zaro. In his: Zool. med. mexic, 8°, Mexico, 1893,37. Taranukliin ( V [ asiliy ] A [ ndreyevich ] ) [1873- ]. *K voprosu o spetsificheskiKn osadkakh protivochumnikh sivorotok; eksperi- mentalnoye izsliedovaniye nad Krausovskimi osadkami iz protivochumnikh sivorotok i fil- tratov chumnikh kultur. [Specific sediments of antiplague serums; experimental investigation of Kraus's sediments and nitrates of plague cul- tures.] 171, xxiii, 25-26 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. S°. S.-Peterburg, G. M. Press, 1904. ------. Ocherk kholernoi epidemii v g. Samarie v 1907 g., v svyazi s bakteriologicheskimi izslle- dovaniyami pityevikh vod i izverzheniy bol- nikh. [The cholera epidemic in Samara in 1907, in connection with the bacteriological examination of potable waters and excreta of patients.] 31 pp., 4 tab., 1 diag. 8°. S.-Peter- burg, tip. Min. Vnutr. Diet, 1908. Repr. from: Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1908. xliv. Tarapani (Anna). * Beitrage zur physiologisch- pathologischen Wirkung und therapeutischen Anwendung der Radiumstrahlen. 37 pp. S°. Zurich, A. Schereschewsky, 1910. Tarasevich (Yov [Aleksandrovich]) [1868- ]. *Contagiosite syphilitique tardive; con- tagiosity tertiaire. 104 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 444. ------. The same. 104 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1897. TARASEVICH. 611 TARDIEU. Tarasevicli (Yov [ Aleksandrovich])—contd. -----. K ucheniyu o hemolizinakh; istoriko- kriticheskoye i eksperimentalnoye izsliedova- niye. [Hfemolysines, historically critical and experimental investigation.] ii, 152, 68 pp., 21., 3 tab. 8°. Odessa, 1902. ■-----. 0 golodanii. [On starvation.] 32 pp. 8°. Kiyev, [P. Barski], 1907. -----. Obshtshaya patologiya; vvedeniye v izu- cheniye fiziologii bolnovo chelovleka. [Gen- eral pathology; introduction to the study of physiology of the sick man.] ii, iv, 342 pp. 8°. Kiyev, "Sotrudnik," 1908. Tarasievieli (F.) Illyustrirovanniy russkiy putevoditel pa zapadno-yevropeiskim kurortam, morskimkupaniyamiliechebnitsam. Illustrier- ter russischer Ftihrer durch westeuropiiische Kurorte, Bader u. Heilanstalten. xxiii, 240 pp. 16°. Berlin, 1905. See, also, Vechesloff (M. G.) & Tarasievieli (F.) Russkiv putevoditel po nlemetskim [etc.]. 16°. Berlin, [1904].' Tarasp. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Taras§eviteh (L£on). See Tarasevich (Lvov Aleksandrovich). Tarassis. See Hysteria in the male. Tarassoviteli (Mme. Valentine). * Contribu- tion a l'etude du traitement de la syphilis par l'arsacetine. 64 pp. 8°. Lausanne, imp. de VUnir., 1910. Taravellier (Felix) [1884- ]. * Contribu- tion a P£tude de 1'obliteration des vaisseaux mesenteriques (infarctus hemorragique de l'in- testin). 54pp., lpl. 8°. Lyon, 1911. Taraxacum. Brissemoret (A.) Le florion d'or. Mementos therap., Par., 1902, 305-307.—Say re (L. E.) The import- ant constituents of taraxacum root. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass., Bait., 1897, xiv, 223-225.—van Z wain wen burg (A.)&Gomberg t>I.) Does Taraxacum officinalis con- tain an alkaloid? Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass., Bait., 1899, xlvii, 305-307. Tarbell (George Grosvenor) [ -1900]. Obituary. Boston M. & S. J., 1901, cxliv, 52. Tarbell (Ida 31.) The irresponsible woman and the friendless child, pp. 49-53. 8°. New York, 1912. Cutting from: Am. Mag., N. Y., 1912, lxxiv. Tarbell (John A [dams]) [1810-64]. The pocket homceopathist and family guide. 63 pp. 24°. Boston, O. Clapp, 1849. ■-----. Homoeopathy simplified; or domestic practice made easy. Containing explicit direc- tions for the treatment of disease, the manage- ment of accidents, and the preservation of health. 4. ed. 360 pp. 12°. Boston, 0. Clapp, 1859. -----. Thesame. Revised ed. vii, 372 pp. 12°. Boston, 0. Clapp, 1867. Tarbes (Roch). Manuel de la saign^e, ou dia- logue sur 1'art de pratiquer cette operation, xxi, 300 pp. 16°. Paris, Croullebois, an V [1797]. Tarbouriech (J.) *Technique des analyses chimiques medicales, industrielles, de produits alimentaires et pharmaceutiques a 1'usage des pharmaciens. ix, 509 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Ma- loine, 1903. Ecole de pharmacie. -----. * Contribution a l'etude des amides se- condaires et tertiaires. 62 pp., 1 1. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1904, No. 16. Ecole de pharmacie. Tarbourieeli (J.)—continued. ------. * La purine et ses derives. 212 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1904. Ecole de pharmacie de Paris. Tarbox (Increase N.) Ebenezer Alden, M. D. Cutting fro in: Hist. & Geneal. Reg., 1881, xxxv, 309-318, port. Tarclianjanz (Tarchan) [1884- ]. *Blu- tige Naht oder primiire conservative Behand- lung der Olekranonfraktur. 33 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Blanke, 1910. de Tarclianoff (Jean). See Tarkhanoff (Ivan Romanovich), Duke. Tarcheltl (C.) & Goggia (C. P.) Manuale di microscopia e batteriologia clinica. xv, 532 pp.,10pl. 16°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1906]. Tarclielti ( Pietro ). Rivista storico-clinica delle principali epidemie d' influenza dal secolo xvi ai nostri giorni. 15 pp. 8°. Alessandria, G. Panizza, 1892. ------. Rendiconto statistico sanitario della ses- sione medica dell' Ospedale civile di Alessan- dria nel sessennio 1886-91. 11 pp., xvi 1. fol. Alessandria, G. Panizza, 1893. Tarde (Gabriel) [1843-1904]. Positivisme et penalite. 22 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. Storck, 1887. -----. Prestupleniya tolpi. Perevod I. F. lor- danskavo pod redaktsiyel prof. A. I. Smirnova. [Crimes of the crowd. Transl. by Iordanski, under the direction of Prof. Smirnoff.] 44 pp. 8°. Kazan, 1893. Bound with: Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1893, i, no. 1. ------. Etudes de psychologie sociale. 1 p. 1., 326 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, V Giard dc E. Brilre, 1898. See, also, Laurent (Emile). L'annee criminelle (1889- 90) [etc.]. 12°. Lyon & Paris, [1891]. For Biography, see Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1904, xix, 501-536, port. (A.Lacassagne). Also: Ibid., 1909, xxiv, 895-906, 1 pl. (A. Lacassagne). Also: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1905, ii, 1705-1707 (E. Boix). Also: France med., Par., 1904, li, 210 (M. Sabin). Also: Rev. de l'hyp- not. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1905-6, xx, 30-32. Also: Tidsskr. f. nord. retsmed. og psykiat., Kristiania, [1905?], iv,l-8,port. (H.D.). For Portrait, see Laurent (E.) L'anthrop. crim. 8°. Paris, 1891,141. Tar di (Claude) [1607- ]. [Oiograpliy.] Annuaire de la Haute-Marne, Chau- mont, 1811,161. Tardieu (Amedee). L'asthme et les eaux du Mont-Dore. 18 pp. 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, Medieval, 1900. Tardieu (Auguste-Ambroise) [1818-79]. Ques- tion medieo-legale de 1'identity dans ses rap- ports avec les vices de conformation des organes sexuels, contenant les souvenirs et impressions d'un individu dont le sexe avait ete meconnu. 2. ed. 163 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliire dc fils, 1874. ------. Etude medieo-legale sur 1'infanticide. 2. ed. viii, 372 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1880. ------. Estudio medico-legal sobre los delitos contra la honestidad. Traducido de la septima £dicion f rancesa y anotado conforme a las mds recientes teorias de la ciencia, por el . . . Pru- dencio Serenana y Partagas. Va comprendida la legislacion actual espanola. vii, 422 pp., 11., 5 pl. 8°. Barcelona, F. P. Gerona; Madrid, Simon y Osier, 1882. ------. Estudio medico-legal sobre la locura. Traducido de la segunda edition por . . . Pru- dencio Serenana y Partagas, y anotado por Ar- turo Galcenln. (Va comprendida la legislacion actual espanola.) xxxiii, 632 pp. 8°. Barce- lona, F. Perez; Madrid, Simon y Osier, 1883. TARDIEU. 612 TARGIONI-TOZZETTI. Tardieu (Auguste-Ambroise) —continued. ------. Etude medieo-legale sur l'avortement suivie d'une note sur 1'obligation de declarer a l'etat civil les foetus mort-nes et d'observations et recherches pour servir a l'histoire medieo- legale des grossesses fausses et simulees. 5. ed., revue et augmentee de rapports medicaux sur l'affaire Boisleux et La Jarrige par MM. Brou- ardel, Thoinot et Maygrier. vii, 341 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailltere defils, 1898. See, also. Peratoner (Amancio). Fisiologia [etc.]. 8°. Barcelona, 1877. For Portrait, see Corlieu (A.) Centenaire Fac. de med. de Par. 4°. Paris, 1896. Tardieu (Eugene) [1881-_ ]. * Etude sur le massage du coeur, experimental et clinique. Une observation in^dite. vii, 9-45 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1905, No. 82. Tardieu (Joseph-Remy) [1885- ]. *De la tuberculine dans le traitement des tuberculoses oculaires atypiques. 52 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908, No. 38. Tardif (E[douard-Alphonse-Joseph]). *Les anastomoses viscerales sans sutures. 63 pp., 1 pl. 4°. , Paris, 1894, No. 228. Tardif (Emile). * Des complications des kystes de l'ovaire pendant la grossesse. 108 pp. 8°. Paris, 1906, No. 362. Tardif ( Etienne ) [1875- ]. * Etude cri- tique des odeurs et des parfums, leur influence sur le sens g6n6sique. 120 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898, No. 38. -----. The same. 114 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailltere dc fils, 1899. ------. La peste a Quang-Tch6ou-Wan (epidemie de janvier-juin 1901). 60 pp., 12 pl. 8°. Pa- ris, J.-B. Baillitre defils, 1902. ------. Un sanatorium en Annam. La mission du Lung-Bian. 2 p. 1., 139 pp., 1 plan. 8°. Vienne, Ogeret dc Martin, 1902. Tardif (Felix) [1870- ]. * Contribution a l'etude clinique de quelques analgesies viscerales profondes dans l'ataxie locomotrice progressive; analgesies tracheale, mammaire, epigastrique et testiculaire. 92 pp. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 299. ------& Sersiron (Gilbert). Indications res- pectives du Mont-Dore et de La Bourboule, parallele climatique, technique et clinique des deux stations. 98 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 1907. Tardigrada. Sellnick (M.) *Die Tardigraden und Ori- batiden der ostpreussischen Moosrasen. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1908. Basse (A.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Baues der Tar- digraden. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1905, lxxx, 259-281, 2 pl.—von Erlanger (R.) Zur Morphologie und Embryologie eines Tardigraden (Macrobiotus ma- cronyx Duj.). Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1895, xv, 772-777. -----. Beitrage zur Morphologie der Tardigraden. Mor- phol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1894-5, xxii, 491-513, 2 pl.— H ein is (F.) Tardigraden der Schweiz. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 633-638.— Menneke (J.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Biologie und Anatomie der Tardigraden (Macrobio- tus macronyx Duj.). Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1910-11, xcvii, 721-752, 1 pl.—Murray (J.) Some South African Tardigrada. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1907, pt. 5, 515-524, 2 pl. -----. Encystment of tardigrada. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1906-7, xiv, 837-854, 2 pl.—Ricliters (F.) Nordisehe Tardigraden. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1903, xxvii, 168-172. -----. Islandische Tardigraden. Ibid., 1904, xxvm, 373-377. -----. Wiederbelebungsversuche mit Tardigraden. Ibid., 1906, xxx, 125-127. Tardivi (Henri). * Action des iodures metal- liques sur les sels d'alcaloi'des. 139 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1902, No. 21. Tardres (Jean-Pierre) [1881- ]. * Contri- bution a l'etude des troubles nerveux a topo- graphie radiculaire. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1907, No. 32. Tardy (A.) * Etude rationnelle sur le fonction- nement des diaphragmes en electrolyse. 51 pp 8°. GenZve, H. Kiindig, 1904. Tardy (Emmanuel) [1720-03]. Perot (F.) [Biography.] Centre med. et pharm.. Gannat, 1906-7, xii, 123-125. ' [Tardy de Ulontravel (A. A.)] Journal du traitement magnetique de la demoiselle N., le- quel a servi de base a 1'Essai sur la theorie du somnambulisme magnetique. xxxii, 255 pp 8°. Londres, 1786. ------. Essai sur la theorie du somnambulisme magnetique. xxx, 84 pp. 8°. Londres, 1787. Tarenetzky (A[leksandr Ivanovich]) [1845- 1905]. Beitrage zur Anatomie des Darmkanals. 55 pp. 4°. M. Petersburg, Egqers dc Co., 1881. Rear, from: Mem. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Petersb. Sc. math., phys. et nat., 1881, 7. s., xxviii. ------. Lektsii normalnof anatomii. Lektsii prosmotrleni g. Professorom sostavlenl i izdani studentami V. Oppel i K. Parskim. Pts. 1 & 2. [Lectures on normal anatomy. Compiled by students V. Oppel and K. Parski, and revised by the professor.] 1 p. l.„ 153 pp., 1 1.; 12 pp., 25 pl.; 1 p. 1., 125 pp., 11.; 9pp., 21 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, L A. Froloff, 1893-4. ------. Kafedra i muzei normalnoi anatomii pri Imperatorskoi Voyenno-Meditsinskol (bivshel Mediko-Khirurgicheskoi) Akedemii v S.-Peter- burgie, za sto llet. Istoricheskiy ocherk. [Chair and museum of normal anatomy at the Impe- rial Army Medical (formerly Medico-Chirurgi- cal) Academy in St. Petersburg, for one hundred years. Historical sketch.] xxiv (11.), 343 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, K. L. Rikker, 1895. For Biography, see Voyenno-Med. J., St. Petersb., 1905, iii, med.-spec. pt., 899-904, port. Targa (Leonardo) [1730-1815]. See Alcune lettere [etc.]. 8°. Verona, 1858.—Celsus (Aurelius Corn.) Medicinae libri octo [etc.]. 4°. Patavii, 1769. -----. The same. 8°. Argentorati, 1806. -----. The same. 16°. Londini, 1830. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Londini, 1831. Targett (James H.) Appendix V to the sec- ond edition of the Descriptive catalogue of the pathological specimens contained in the Mu- seum of the Royal College of Surgeons of Eng- land, ix, 36 pp. 8°. London, Taylor dc Fran- cis, 1891. ------. The same. Appendix VI. ix, 42 pp. 8°. London, Taylor dc Francis, 1892. See, also, IM orison (James Rutherford). Case of a congenital tumour [etc.]. 8°. Edinburgh, 1896. Targhetta (J. Peppino) [1876- ]. * Etude sur le thymus envisage1 specialement au point de vue de la medecine legale. 147 pp. 8°. Paris, 1902, No. 160. Targhetta (Jean) [1842- ]. *Des devia- tions de 1'uterus; leur traitement, valeur de la methode Alquie-Alexandre. 110 pp. 4°. Pans, 1893, No. 297. Targioni (Giovanni Luigi). See ftaccolta di opuscoli medico-pratici. 6 v. 8°. Firenze, 1773-82.—llaccolta di opuscoli fisico-medici. 8°. Firenze, 1774-5. Targioni-Tozzetti {Adolfo) [1823- 1902]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 902. Targioni-Tozzetti (Antonio) [ -1856], Delle acque minerali acidule di Cinciano e loro analisi chimica. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Firenze, M. Cecehi, 1845. Osservazioni sopra due diverse quality di terreno vecchio e nuovo e sulla respettiva fertility, loro. 15 pp. 8°. Firenze, 1846. TARG10N1-T0ZZETTI. 613 TARN1ER. Targioni-Tozze11i (Antonio) —continued. —----. Analisi chimica delle acque minerali e termali dei Bagni d'Aqui, altrimente detti di Casciana nelle colline Pisane. 19 pp. 8°. Fi- renze, 1849. ■-----. Indagini sulla composizione chimica dell' acqua minerale Arcangioli, fatte nel 1850. 15 pp. 8°. Firenze, M. Cecchi, 1850. -----. Acqua minerale magnesiaca purgativa delle piagge di Bibbona, esaminata chimica- mente. 11 pp. 8°. Firenze, M. Cecchi, 1852. -----. Sulle acque minerali e termali del Bagno alia Perla nel Volterrano. Ricerche chimiche. 24pp. 8°. Firenze, M. Cellini dc Co., 1855. See, also, Vtvarelli (Tersizio). La grotta di Mon- summano [etc.]. 8°. Firenze, 1854. -----, Taddei (Gioacchino) & Piria (Raf- faele.) Acque minerali e termali dei rr. stabili- menti balneari di Montecatini in Valdinievole, illustrate con nuova analisi chimica. 86 pp., 11. 8°. Firenze, M. Cecchi, 1853. Targioni Tozzetti (Giovanni) [1712-83]. Considerazioni sopra il parere del Dott. Pieran- tonio Nenci intorno le acque stagnanti delle Colmate per rapporto all' insalubrita della Val- dinievole. 48 pp.; 9.2 pp. fol. Firenze, 1760. .-----. [Sulla trasfusione del sangue.] 8°. Firenze, 1780. Cutting from his: Notizie di scienze flsiche in Toscana, 1780, i, 260-263. See, also, Florence. Relazione delle febbri [etc.]. 8°. Firenze, 1767. Targonskaya (Z.) Obshtshestvenniye sana- torii i pansioni yuzhnavo berega Krima; spra- vochnik dlya vrachel i bolnikh. [Public sana- toria and boarding houses of the southern shore of the Crimea; finding list for physicians and patients.] 64 pp. 12°. Moskva, A. L. Mamon- toff, 1909. Tarible (Joseph). *Sur les combinaisons du bromure de bore, avec les composes halogenes du phosphore, de l'arsenic et de l'antimoine. 51,pp. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 6. Ecole de pharmacie. Tariel (Paul-Julien) [1864- ]. * De la hernie inguinale etranglee chez l'enfant. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 220. -----. The same. 63 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1894. Tariffa delle analisi chimicho-microscopiche e batteriologiche. 43 pp. 8°. [Ferrara, G. Mon- tanari, 1895.] Tarkhaniants (Sophie) [1871- ]. * Con- tribution a P etude du foie dans la chlorose. 75 pp. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 265. Tarkhanoff (Ivan Romanovich), Duke [1848- 1909]. Hypnotisme, suggestion et lecture des pensees. Trad, du russe par Ernest Jaubert. 2. ed. vii, 164 pp. 12°. Paris, G. Masson, 1893. ------. Prostuda: kak studyatsya lyudi, kakiya yavleniya vizivayet prostuda v organizmie, k kakim bolieznyam vedyot ona i kak predokhra- nit sebya ot prostudl. [Cold; how people catch cold, what phenomena it produces in the organ- ism, to what diseases it leads, and how to pro- tect oneself from it.] 116 pp. 12°. S.-Peter- burg, 1899. Sputnik zdorov. Suppl., 1899, no. 1. . O zakalivanii cheloviecheskavo orga- nizma. [Hardening the human organism. ] 77 pp. 12°. S.-Peterburg, E. Yevdokimoff, 1899. ——. Nervniy viek. [A nervous age.] 32 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, [B. A. Oks], 1906. Tarkhanoff (Ivan Romanovich)—continued. ------. O kislom molokie I. I. Mechnikova, kak sredstva prodleniya zhizni i borbi s razlichnimi bolieznyami. [On Mechnikoff's sour milk as a remedy to prolong life and to struggle with various diseases.] 31pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, [A. S. Suvorin], 1906. See, also, Galperin (S. A.) Angliyskaya boliezn [etc.]. 12°. S.-Peterburg, 1899— Zibold (V. P.). O vskarmlivanii grudnavo rebyonka [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1897. Also, Co-Editor of: Domashniy Doktor, S.-Peterburg, 1907. For Biography, see Verhandl. d. internat. Kong. f. Tha- lassotherap. 1908, Berl., 1909, 436-438. ------, PcJ (A. V.) [etal.]. Osnovi ratsionalnoi organoterapii v svyazi s ucheniyem ob urose- miologii. [Principles of rational organotherapy in connection with the study of urosemiology.] v. 1. iv, 162 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1906. Repr. from: J. med. khim. i organoterar>., S.-Peterb., 1903. ix: 1905, xi: 1906, xii. ------,------. Thesame. Rational organotherapy with reference to urosemeiology. Transl. from the Russian text. 8°. London, 1906. Tarlowsky ( Lydia Proskura ). * Drusen- schlauchiihnlicheBildungen im perikarditischen Exsudate. 42pp., 11., 1 pl. 8°. Zurich, Gebr. Leemann dc Co., 1908. Tarnaud (Rene). * Etude sur les calculs de la prostate. 127 pp. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 400. Tarnavski (Ye [ vgeniy ] I [ vanovich ] ) [1859- ]. * Dezinfetsiruyushtshiya svolstva aktola i itrola (molochnokislavo i limonnokis- lavo serebra). [Disinfecting properties of actol and itrol (lactate and citrate of silver).] 117 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, L. A. Bogelman, 1897. Tarn-et-Craronne. Tableau des ceuvres et institutions du de- partement du Tarn. 8°. Paris, 1896. Forms no. 79 of: France (La) charitable [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1896. Tableau des ceuvres et institutions du departe- ment de Tarn-et-Garonne. 8°. Paris, 1896. Forms no. 80 of: France (La) charitable [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1896. Tarnier (Etienne-Stephane) [1828-97]. Des cas dans lesquels 1'extraction du foetus est neces- saire, et des precedes operatoires relatifs a cette extraction. viii, 228 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillttre defils, 1860. [P., v. 2200.] ------. De l'asepsie et de l'antisepsie en obste- trique. Lecons professees a la Clinique d'ac- couchements, recueillies et redigees par J. Po- tocki. xiv, 839 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1894. See, also, Cazeaux (P.) Traite theorique et pratique de l'art des accouchements [etc.]. 9. ed. 8°. Paris, 1880. -----. The same. Obstetrics; the theory and prac- tice [etc.]. rov.8°. PhUadelphia,lS84:. -----. Thesame. 8°. Philadelphia, 1886.—Duncan (James Matthews). Sur le mecanisme de l'accouchement normal [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1876.—Galippe (L.-M.-V.) & BarrS (G.) Le pain, [etc.]. 12°. Paris, [1895].—Hegar (Alfred) & Kal ten bach (Rudolph). Traite de gynecologie ope- ratoire [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1885.—Warren (Stanley P.) The principles and application of axis-traction forceps [etc.]. 8°. Portland, [1892]. For Biography, see Japiot (M..-M.) *Tarnier (1828 a 1897), sa vie et son ceuvre obstetricale. 8°. Paris, 1907. See, also: Ann. de gvnec. et d'obst., Par., 1897, xlviii, 481- 487 (A. Pinard). Also: Ibid., 1909, 2. s., vi, 2-28 (A. Pi- nard). Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1897, 3. s., xxxviii, 500-504. Also: Bull. med., Par., 1902, xvi, 129- 135 (P. Segond). Also: Ibid,, 1908, xxii, 1127-1136 (A. Pi- nard). Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1902, n. s.. xxviii, 143-163 (P. Segond). Also: Chron. med., Par., 1897, iv, 773-778, port. (Dureau). Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1902, lxxv, 145-152 (P. Segond). Also: Gynecologie, Par., TARNIER. 614 TARRENE. Tarnier (Etienne-Stephane)—continued. 1897, ii, 501-504 (J. A. Doleris). Also: Finska liik.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1898, xl, 1-17 (G. Heinricius). Also: Med. mod., Par., 1897, viii, suppl., 753. Also: Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvnaek., Berl., 1898, vii, 143-145 (S.). Also: N. Montpel. med., 1897, vi, 961-954 (Vallois). Also: Obs- tetrique, Par., 1898, iii, 1-42, port. Also: Presse med., Par., 1897, ii, 349-352 (P. Bar). Also: Ibid., p. clxx (E. Bonnaire). Also: Progres med., Par., 1897, 3. s., vi, 437- 439 (C. Mavgrier)" Also: Ibid., 1898, 3. s., vii, 289-293 (P. Budin). A'lso: Rev. de gynec. et de chir. abd., Par., 1898, ii, 161-166 (E. Bonnaire). Also: Rev. obst. internat., Tou- louse, 1897, iii, 281-284 (Mavgrier). Also: Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1898, xxiii, 48L-483, port. (A. Charpentier). -----. See, also: Inaiiii'iiration du monument de Tarnier. Ann. de tfyu.V. ef d'obst., Par., 1905, 2. s., ii, 369-381. Also: Tri- bune med., Par., 1905, n. s., xxxvii, 353. ------ & Budin (Pierre-Constant). Traite de l'art des accouchements. Tome quatrieme. Dystoeie foetale. Accidents de la delivrance. Operations. Infections puerperales. xix, 754 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1901. ------ & Cliantreuil (Gustave). Traite de l'art des accouchements. 3 v. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1888-98. v. 3 is written by Tarnier (E.-S.) & Budin (P.-C). Tarnovski (I[ppolit] M[ikhailovich]) [1833- 99]. Salpingitis puerperalis; pvosalpings. 20 pp. 12°. [St. Petersburg, L Trei, 1882.] Repr.from: Vrach, St. Petersb., 18*2, iii. Bound ivith:' Med. Otchet S.-Peterb. rodovsp. zaved. (1877-80), 1883. -----. Istoricheskiy ocherk dleyaetlnosti Ro- dovspomogatelnavo zavedeniya so vremeni yevo osnovaniya. [Historical sketch of the activity of the St. Petersburg Lying-in Institute from the time of its foundation.] 30 pp., 1 1., 6 pl., 5 plans. 8°. S.-Peterburg, S. N. Khudekoff, 1893. Also, in: Sborn. trud. vrach. S.-Peterb. Rodovspom. zaved., 1893, i. ------. Izvrashtsheniye polovovo chuvstva u zhenshtshin. Dlya vrachel i yuristov. [Per- version of the sexual instinct in women. For phvsicians and jurists.] 1 p. 1., 163 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, S. N. Khudekoff, 1895. Also, in: Sborn. trud. vrach. S.-Peterb. Rodovspom. zaved., 1896, iv. ------. Nekrolog A. Ya. Krassovskavo. [In memory of Krassovski.] 12 pp. 8°. [S.- Peterburg, 189S.] Also, in: Shorn, trud. vrach. S.-Peterb. Rodovspom. zaved., 1898, vi. Ripr.from: J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1898, xii. See. also. Sboriiik trudoch vrachel S.-Peterburgskavo Rodovspomogatelnavo zavedeniva [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1893-6. For Biography, see Vrach, St. Petersb., 1899, xx, 208. Tarnovski (Venyamin Mikhailovich) [1837- 1906]. Aphasie syphilitique. 1 p. 1., 131 pp. S°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1870._ [P., v. 2266.] ------. Zlokachestvenniy sifilis (syphilis ma- ligna). 38 pp. 8°. [Moscow, 1896.] Bound with: Biblot. vrach., Mosk., 1896, iii. ------. Borba s sifilisom. [The struggle with syphilis.] 20 pp., Ich. 4°. S.-Peterburg, 1897. ------. O vrachebnoi dieyatelnosti; zaklyuchi- telnaya lektsiya. [On medical activity; closing lecture.] 8 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, [V. S. Ettinger], 1897. -----. The sexual instinct and its morbid mani- festations from the double standpoint of juris- prudence and psychiatry. Transl. by AV. C. Costello and Alfred Allinson. xxiv, 239 pp., port. 8°. Paris, C. Carrington, 1898. ------. The same. L'instinct sexuel et ses mani- festations morbides au double point de vue de la jurisprudence et de la psychiatrie. Traduc- I Tarnovski (Venyamin Mikhailovich)— contd. tion francaise, sui vie d'une bibliographie des ouvrages traitant de 1'inversion. sexuelle; pre- face par Lacassagne. xvi, 304 pp. 8°. Paris, C. Carrington, 1904. ------. Izlfechimost sifilisa. [Curability of syphilis.] 2. ed. 79 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, K. L. Rikker, 1900. ------. Thesame. 3. ed. 76 pp. 8°. S.-Peter- bnrg, K. L. Rikker, 1904. Se, also, Fournier (Edmond). 1'kloneniya v razvi- tii [etc.]. 8°. X.-1'ttcrburg. 1899.—Fournier ([Jean] A[ll'red]K Sifilis mozga. 8°. P.-l'tttrbiiro. 1SS1. For Biogrniiliy, see Arch. f. Dermat. u. Sypli , Wien u. Leipz.,1906, lxxxi,1(17-169(0. von Peterson)'. Also: Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 966 (O. Lassar). Also: Kharkov. M. J., 1906, i, 473 (M. T. Alek- sieyeff). Also: Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 703-714 [port, in text]. Also: Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 648 (T. Pavloff & S. Kulneff). Tarnowsky (Benjamin). See Tarnovski (Ve- nyamin Mikhailovich). Tarnowsky (H.) A historical sketch of the Lying-in Hospital in St. Petersburg since its foundation. 37 pp., 2 1., 6 phot., 4 plans. 8°. St. Petersburg, W. von Stein, 1893. Tarnowsky (Maria). Bossi (L. M.) Conclusioni della perizia ginecologica sulla ("ontessa Maria Turnowsky. Gineeol. mod., Ge- nova, 1910, iii, 123-127. Tarnowsky (Pauline). Les femmes homicides. viii, 591 pp., 39 pl. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1908. Tarnutzer (Marie). * Ein Fall von Meningo- Myelitis lumbalis specifica. 23 pp. 8°. Basel, F. Bernhardt, 1907. Taro. Cooper (C. B.) The taro of Hawaii; its cultivation and its value as a food in health and disease. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1904, xxiii, 427-430. Also, Re- print.—Emerson (X. B.) Taro and its food prepara- tion. N. Eng.M. Month. .Danbury, Conn., 1904,xxiii, 299. Tarpan. Ewart (J. C.) The tarpan and its relationship with wild and domestic horses. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1905-6, xxvi, 7-21, 3 pl. Also: Vet. J., Lond., n. s., xiii, 176-188. Tarpon Springs. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Tarracetum. See Hydrophobia (Treatment of). Tarrade ( Adrien - Clotaire - Florentin - Jean) [1SS4- ]. * Une epidemie de meningite ce- rebro-spinale a Limoges en 1809. [Bordeaux.] 44 pp. 8°. Limoges, J. Rippe, 1911. Tarrade (Amedee) [1881- ]. * Dela ponc- tion lombaire dans le traitement du rheuma- tisme cerebral et de certains exsudats meninges. 62 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Paris, 1907, No. 324. Tarrade (Firmin). *De la tuberculose inocu- lee par la muqueuse buccale; de l'efficacite des phosphates de chaux dans son traitement. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 484. Tarrade (Jean). * Considerations sur l'hy- giene dentaire dans les 6tablissements d'ensei- gnement. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 451. Tarragona. See Diphtheria (History of),by localities. Tarrant (Thomas) [ls31-lt»09]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, i, 822. Tarrascli (Victor) [1874- ]. *I)ie Anato- mie des Richardus. 49 pp., 11. S°. Berlin, E. Eberling, 1898. Tarrene (J.) * Contribution a l'etude des thromboses aortiques dans la fievre typhoi'de. 70 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Toulouse, 1903, No. 514. TARRUELLA. 615 TARTAVEZ. Tarrnella (J[ose]. Sobre la urobilinuria; mo- nografia premiada por la Real Academia de me- dicina y cirugia de Barcelona. 147 pp., 11. 12°. Barcelona, L. Tasso, 189 7. Tarsalgia. See, also, Foot (Painful); Talalgia. Grvyek (T.-J.-O.-E.) * Contribution a la pa- thogenie de la tarsalgie des adolescents. 8°. Nancy, 1906. Broca (A.)& Levy (E.) La tarsalgie des adoles- cents n'est pas une tuberculose attenuee. Presse med., Par 1910 xviii, 905-909. Also: Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par.', 1911,' xiii, 145; 153.—Oa lot. Le traitement pratique de la tarsalgie ou pied plat douloureux. Scalpel, Liege, 1907-8 lx, 1-4. Also: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par, 1907, xxi, 273-279. — Catz (A.) La tarsalgie des adolescents d'origine tuberculeuse. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 200—Cordon. Un cas de tarsalgie des adolescents g'ueri par l'exercice de la bicyclette. Anjou med., An- gers, 1902, ix, 309-312.—Froelicli. Contribution A, la pa- thogenie de la tarsalgie des adolescents. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1907, 2. s., viii, 11-20.— Orognot. Sur la nature de la tarsalgie dite des adolescents. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1909,2. s, xxvii, 108-111. — Hendrix. Tarsalgie des adolescents. Policlin., Brux., 1911, xx, 142. — ItEan- olaire. La tarsalgie des adolescents. Clinique, Par., 1911 vi 438-441. — llorton (E. R.) "Painful heels."' Lancet, Lond., 1909. ii. 223. — Panchet (V.) Tarsalgie des adolescents. Clinique, Par., 1909, iv, 585.—Kej nicr (P) Etiologie de la tarsalgie. Bull, etmem. Soe. de chir. de Par., 1908, n.s., xxxiv, 1074-1080. [Discussion], 1110-1115. — Seliwartz. Tarsalgie du pied droit, sans pied plat, rebelle au traitement non sanglant; tarsecto- mie cuneiforme; agrafage de Jacoel. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1903, n. s., xxix, 313.—Tlievenot (L.) Tarsalgie de l'adolescence d'origine tuberculeuse (tuber- culose inflammatoire des articulations du pied). Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1906, 2. s., vii, 439-452. Tarsalia. Frcelich. Des osselets surnumeraires du tarse et de leur importance pratique. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1909, xii, 433-4:56, 2 pl— L-apointe (A.) Os surnume- raire du tur-e, tibiale externum, simulant une frac- ture du scapho'i'de. Arch, gen.de chir., Par., 1911, vii, 601-616— Lilienleld i,A-) Ueber die sogenannten Tar- salia, die inkonstanten accessorischen Skelettstucke des Fusses und ihre Beziehungen zu den Frakturen imRont- genbild. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1907, xviii, 213-238.—AVilinans. Verwechslung des Os interme- dium cruris (Pfitzner) mit einem durch einen angeb- lichen Unfall abgesprengten Knochenstiick (Shepherd- sche Fraktur). Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1898-9, ii, 100-103,1 pl. Tarsectomy. See Foot (Deformities of); Foot (Surgery of). Tarsius. Farle (C.) Relations of Tarsius to the lemurs and apes. Science, N. Y., 1897, n. s., v, 258-260.-Fisolier (E ) Das Primordialcranium von Tarsius spectrum. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. VersL, 1905-6, xiv, pt. 1, 404-407. Also, transl.: K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst Proc. sect, sc, 1905, viii, pt. 1, 397-400.—Mnforeclit (A A. W.) Die Keimblase von Tarsius; ein Hilfsmittel zur schiirseren Definition gewisser Siiugethierordiiun- gen. Fortschr. z. . . . Carl Gegenbauer, Leipz., 1896, ii, 147-178, 1 pl. Tarsoclast. Delorc. De la methode du redressement force; pre- sentation d'un tarsoclaste. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1897, Par., 1898, xxvi, pt. 2, 349. Tarsoleptinsis. Jsientheriades. La tarsoleptinsis combinee; ope- ration radicale de l'entropion trachomateux et du trichi- asis. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1911, xxxi, 716-723, 6 pl. Tarsouemus. Blanc (G.) & Kollet (M.) De la presence chez l'homme de Tarsonemus hominis Dahl. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxix, 233-235. Tarsoptosis. Amagat (H.-M.-R.) * Contribution a l'etude de la tarsoptose. 8°. Paris, 1909. Blocli CM.) Tarsoptose et tarsalgie. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. gen., 475-485. Tarsorraphy. See Eyelids (Surgery of, Methods, etc., in). Tarsus. See Ankle-joint; Astragalus; Calcaneum; Carpus; Foot; Foot (Deformities of). Tarsus (Amputation in). See Amputations (Tarsal, etc.) Tarsus (Diseases of). See Foot (Diseases of). Tarsus (Dislocation of). See Foot (Dislocation of). Tarsus (Operations on). See Amputations (Tarsal, etc.). Tartakovski (M. G.) Sovremennoye sosto- yaniye voprosa o predokhranitelnikh priviv- kakh protiv chumi rogatavo skota. [Present condition of the question of prophylactic inoc- ulations against the. cattle-plague.] 63 pp. S°. S.-Peterburg, Trenke dc Fyusno, 1899. Tartakoviki (S. F.) 6 vsasivanii i usvoyenii zhelleza. [Absorption and assimilation of iron. ] 186 pp., 4 pl., 8 diag. 8°. [Kiev, 1903.] Repr.from: Univ. Izviest., Kiev, 1903, xliii. Tartakovsky (Marie). * Essai critique sur le traitement du lupus erythemateux. 40 pp. 8°. Geneve, E. Chaulmontei, 1910. Tartanson (Ferdinand) [1882- ]. *Les hemorragies et F hematocele pelviennes intra- peritoneales sans grossesse ectopique. 115 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1909, No. 126. Tartar. aZelst(T.) *De tartaro. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1699. Barille (A.) Formation du tartre dentaire par les produits de dissociation des carbonophosphates de la sa- live Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1911, xviii, 319-321. — Francia (A.) L' influenza del tartaro sulle gengiviti in generale. Odonto-stomatol., Napoli, 1902, i, 117; 146. Tartar-emetic. See Antimony [etc.]. Tartarin (Albert-Ludovic-Charles) [1869- ^ ]. * Un cas de degenerescence myxomateuse gene- ralisee des nerfs. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 67. -----. Tuberculose et sanatoriums; preface du Pr. Landouzy. xv, 156 pp., 1 map. 12°. Paris, C. Naud, 1902. Etudes sur' la tuberculose dans les mi- lieux maritimes en Allemagne et chez les ma- rina du commerce en France. 62 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1906. Repr. from: Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1906, lxxxv. Tartaro (Giuseppe). Note cliniche su 5 casi di pustola da carbonchio ematico. 19 pp. 16°. Borejo S. Lorenzo, tipog. Forzano, 1899. Tartars. von Frdniann (F.) Ueber die Tataren Kasans. Ztschr d deutsch. morganliind. Gesellsch., Leipz., 1859, xiii 659-695.—Knre (S.) [Amock.] Chiugai Iii Shinpo, Tokio 1897, xviii, no. 403, 52; no. 404, 44.—Volkov (T.) Rites et usages nuptiaux en Ukraine. Anthropologie, Par 1892, iii, 641-688.—\>limoff (A. I.) Nlekotoriya spetsificheskiya cherti zabollevayemosti tatar Kurmish- skavo uvezda, [Peculiarities of diseases among the Tar- tars of Kurmish County.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1905, xii, 931-935. Tartavalle. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Tartavez (Albert-Jean) [1885- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude des injections reptetives de vaseline iodoformee liquide. 58 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1908, No. 59. TARTAVEZ. 616 TASCHENBUCH. Tartavez (Henri) [1874- ]. *Le dScolle- ment de la plevre et le refoulement du dia- phragme dans les interventions transthoraciques sur la face convexe du foie (abces, kystes, em- pyemes sous-phreniques). 64 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1897, No. 33. Tartenton (A[lbert]). Sec Sydenham (Thomas). Traite de la goutte. 8°. Paris, 1K85. Tartiere (Emile). De 1'aptitude des consents au service militaire et de la robusticite humaine, d^terminees par les mensurations du poids et de la taille du corps. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, 1903. Tartrates. Moulin (F.) * Recherches sur la solubility de quelques tartrates et sur les densites de solu- tions 6tendues. 4°. Montpellier, 1893. Ecole de pharmacie, no. 6. Bougault (J.) Sur un tartrate d'antimoine. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1906, 6. s., xxiii, 321-326.—Kali- lenberg (L.) Ueber komplexe Tartrate und gewisse alkalische Losungen des Kupfers und des Bleies. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1895, xvii, 577-619.—von Son- nenthal (R.) Ueber Dissociation in verdiinnten Tar- tratlosungen. Ibid., 1892, ix, 656-668.—Sullivan (A. L.) & Crampton (C. A.) The crystalline appearance of calcium tartrate as a distinctive and delicate test for the presence of tartaric acid or tartrates. Am. Chem. J., Bait., 1906, xxxvi, 419-426, 2 pl. Tarts. See Pastry. Tartuferi (Ferruccio). Sull' anatomia micros- copica e sulla morfologia cellulare delle emi- nenze bigemine dell' uomo e degli altri mam- miferi. 14 pp. 8°. Milano, frat. Rechiedei, 1877. -----. Le eminenze bigemine anteriori ed il tratto ottico della talpa europea. Nota di ana- tomia microscopica. 47 pp., lpl. 8°. Reggio- Emilia, S. Calderini, 1878. Taruffl (Cesare) [1821-1902]. Storia della tera- tologia. 8v. 8°. Bologna, 1881-94. -----. Caso di cyclops dirrhinus nella specie umana. Osservazione. 7 pp. 8°. Bologna, Gamberini dc Parmeggiani, 1895. Repr.from: Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1895. ------. Caso di pleuro-gastro-schisi con cripto- mele. 12 pp. 8°. Bologna, Gamberini dc Par- meggiani, 1896. Repr. from: Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1896. ------. Hermaphrodismus und Zeugungsun- fiihigkeit. Eine systematische Darstellung der Missbildungen der menschlichen Geschlectsor- gane. Autorisierte deutsche Ausgabe von R. Teuscher. 417 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Barsdorf, 1903. See, also, Barbieri (Alfonso). Due casi di neuroma cirsoideo [etc.]. 8°. Bologna, 1870.—Peli (Giuseppe). Sulle misure del corpo nei Bolognesi, [etc.]. 4°. Bo- logna, 1881. For Biography, see Anat. Anz., Jena, 1902, xxi, 535-558 (G. Martinotti). Also: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1902, xxxii, pp. ix-xvi (G. Martinotti). Also: Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1903, 8. s., iii, 5-22, port. (L. Mazzinotti). Also: Rassegna med., Bologna, 1902, x, no. 7, 1 (M. Pazzi). Taruffl (Gianandrea). Antica fondazione della citta di Bologna. 125 pp. sm. 4°. Bologna, B. Borghi, 1738. [P., v. 2098.] Taruffl (Pompeo). L' ostetricia pratica. Va- demecum per i medici e con prefazione di Tullio Ross'.-Doria. 417 pp. 12°. Roma, 1905. Tarusji (B.) Contributo alia conoscenza della morbilita. dell' asse spinale secondo i criteri della morfologia. Tesi di dottorato. 31 pp. 8°. Padova, P. Prospering [1904], Tarumianz (Mesrop) [1885- ]. *Sarkome und Carcinome der Kiefer. 86 pp., 3 1. 8°. Berlin, H. Blanke, 1910. Tarulin (Konstantin [Iosifovich]) [1870- ]. * O dieistvii holokaina na glaz. [On the action of holocaine upon the eye.] 45 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, M. D. Karlin, 1898. Tar-water. See, also, Hsemorrhage (Uterine, Treatmentof). Berkeley (G.) Recherches sur les vertus de l'eau de goudron. Traduit de l'anglais; avec une lettre de l'auteur. 12°. Liege, [n. d.]. Letter (A) to the R. Rev. the Bishop of Cloyne, occasioned by his lordship's treatise on the virtues of tar-water. Impartially examin- ing how that medicine deserves the character his lordship has given it. 8°. London, 1744. Fberman (A. A.) O dezinfektsionnikh svolstvakh vpolnle rastvorimavo v vodle dyokhtya, prigotovlennavo po sposobu I. F. Rapchevskavo. [Disinfecting properties of tar, completely soluble in water, prepared by Rap- chevski's method.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1893, clxxvi, unomc. pt., 3. sect., 11-27.—Yaveln (G. Y.) Sravnitelniye opiti nad obezzarazhivayushtshim dleist- viyem fenolo-izvestkovol vodi A. Ya. Danilevskavo, iz- vestkovol vodi, piksolal. F. Rapchevskavo i dekhtyarnol vodi, M. V. Nentskavo. [Comparative experiments upon the disinfecting action of phenolo-calcium water of Da- nilevski, calcium water, pixol, of Rapchevski, and tar- water of Nentski.] Vrach, SL Petersb., 1893, xiv, 1188: 1221. Tar-workers. Barnard (H. L.) Acase of tar-worker's disease ex- hibiting eczema, warts, molusea and benign epithelioma of thescrotum. Polyclin., Lond.,1904,viii, 51-53.—Power (D'A.) Acaseof epithelioma of the scrotum occurring in a tarworker. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1893-4, xiv, 211- 216.—Schamberg (J. F.) Cancer in tar-workers. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1910, xxviii, 644-662,4 pl. Tasajo. Mercanti (F.) & Itlosna (C. L.) Sobre el valor ali- menticio del tasajo. An. de san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1900, ii, 46; 219. Also, transl.: Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1900, xiv, 175; 185. Taschenausgabe der osterreichischen Ge- setze. See Gesetze (Die) zur Abwehr und Tilgung anste- ckenderThierkrankheiten fiirOesterreich-Ungarn, [etch 12°. Wien, 1884. Taschenberg (Ernst W.) [1886- ]. ♦Ue- ber einige atypische Fiille der iibertragbaren Genickstarre. [Munich.] 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1911. Taschenberg (Otto). Repetitorium der medi- cinischen Hilfswissenschaften, Chemie, Physik, Botanik und Zoologie fiir Studierende der Me- dicin, Pharmacie, Tierarzneikunde, Chemie, Naturwissenschaften, etc. IV. Zoologie. 2. Aufl. xi, 453 pp. 8°. Breslau, Preuss dc Jiinger, 1901. Tasclicnbuch des arztlichen Fortbildungs-Un- terrichtes im Deutschen Reiche. Ostern 1895. Zusammengestellt nach einer Umfrage bei den medizinischen Facultiiten im Deutschen Reiche. 57 pp. 16°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1895. Tasclienbuch fiir Augeniirzte samt Augen- arzte-Verzeichnis, etc. Hrsg. von L. Jankau. 2. Ausg. x, 235 pp. 12°. Munchen, Seitz dc Schauer, 1904. Tasclienbuch der Chirurgie fiir angehende praktische Aerzte und Wundiirzte. See Eber- maier (J. C.). Tasclienbuch fiir Fleischbeschauer. Hrsg. von II. Schmutterer. 29 pp., 50 1. 12°. Miin- chen, C. Gerber, 1903. Tasclienbuch der Krankenpflege. Hrsg. von Julius Fessler. Mit einem Vorwort von (). von Angerer. xi, 332 pp. 12°. Miinchen, Seitz dc Schauer, 1902. TASCHENBUCH. 617 TASSO. Tasclienbuch fiir Krankenpflege fiir Aerzte, Pliegerinnen, Pfleger und fiir die Familie. Be- arbeitet von Dr. Fiirbringer [et al.], hrsg. im Auftr. der von Ihrer Konigl. Hoheit der Frau Grossherzogin von Sachsen begriindeten und unter dem Protektorat Seiner Konigl. Hoheit des Grossherzogs Carl Alexander von Sachsen stehenden Pflegerinnen-Anstalt Sophienhaus in Weimar vom Dr. L. Pfeiffer. 3. Aufl. viii, 413 pp., 1 1., 24 pl. 12°. Weimar, H. Bohlau, 1900. Tasclienbuch der neuesten arztlichen Erfah- rungen aus alien Zweigen der Arzeneiwissen- schaft. Hrsg. von G. Mever. Pts. 1, 2, & 4. iv, 100 pp.; 160 pp.; 292 pp. 8°. Nordlingen, C. H. Beck, 1842-9. Want pt. 3. Tasclienbuch fiir preussische Militair-Aerzte. Enthaltend die bei Untersuchung und Beurthei- lung der Waffenfiihigkeit und Invaliditiit zu be- folgenden Grundsiitze und eine alphabetische Uebersicht der bei dem Untersuchungsgeschiift in Betracht kommenden Krankheiten und Ab- normitiiten. Bearbeitet nach der von Hr. Gen. Staabs-Arzt der Armee, Dr. von Wiebel den Militar-Aerzten gegebenen Instruction vom 14. Juli 1831, von A. Schubert, viii, 132 pp., 2 1. 16°. Leipzig, L. Fort, 1840. Tasclienbuch siimmtlicher syphilitischen Krankheitsformen, nach den neuesten Ent- deckungen der Wissenschaft, nebst Angabe der verschiedenen Behandlungsweisen mit und ohne Quecksilber. Hrsg. von Miiller. 192 pp. 24°. Ludwigsburg, C. F. Nast, 1841. Taschcnbuch der Untersuchungs-Methoden und Therapie fiir Dermatologen und Urologen. Hrsg. von Albert von Notthafft. vi, 217 pp. 12°. Munchen, Seitz dc Schauer, 1900. -----. The same. 2. Ausg. viii, 245 pp. 12°. Miinchen, Seitz dc Schauer, 1901. -----. The same. 3. Ausg. viii, 226 pp. 12°. Miinchen, Seitz dc Seliauer, 1903. Tasclienbuch fiir den wirtschaftlichen und verwaltungstechnischen Krankenanstalts - Be- trieb. Ein Auskunfts- und Nach sch lagebuch iiber Bau, Einrichtung, wirtschaftlichen Betrieb, Organisation und Verwaltung der Kranken- hause, Hospitaler, Lazarette, Kliniken, Irren- und Pflegeanstalten, Heilstiitten, Sanatorien, etc. 291 pp. 12°. Leipzig, F. Leineweber, 1910. Taschenkalender fiir Fleischbeschauer und Trichinenbeschauer. Unter Mitwirkung von M. Schlegel [et al.] hrsg. von A. Johne. 7. Jahrg. 59 p. 1., 164 pp. 12°. Berlin, P. Parey, 1907. Tasciotti (Emilio). Contributo alia cura delle artrosinoviti tubercolari con le iniezioni iodo- iodurate (metodo Durante). 17 pp. 8°. Fondi, A. Pansera, 1902. Tashiro (Akitaro) [1867- ]. * Ueber Bau und Pigmentierung der Aderhautsarkom \ 59 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaem- merer dc Co., 1902. Tashkent. Sliv artz ( A ) Meditsinskaya pomoshtsh tuzem- nomu naseleniyu gor Tashkenta. [Medical aid to the Tashkent native population.] Rn«sk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1909, viii, 923-928 —von Stenln (P.) Das neue Tasch- kent, die russische Metropolc in Zentralasien. Globus, Brnschwg. 1902, lxxxii, 181-186. Taskinen (K.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Ermiidung des Muskels. 2 p. 1., 51 pp., 2 fold. pl. 8°. [Helsingfors], Leipzig, Veit ci-Co., 1909. Also, in: Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1909, xxiii. smania and Tasmanians. See, also, Vaccination (History of). Roth (H. L.) The aborigines of Tasmania. Assisted by M. E. Butler and J. B. Walker, with a preface by E. B. Tylor. 2. ed. 8°. Halifax (England), 1899. Basedow (H.) Der Tasmanierschadel, ein Insularty- pus. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1910, xiii, 175-227.—Berry (R. J. A.) Preliminary account of the discovery of forty- two hitherto unrecorded Tasmanian crania. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1909, xxxv, 11-17.—Berry (R. J. A.) & Robert- son (A. W. D.) The place in nature of the Tasmanian aboriginal as deduced from a study of his calvarium. Part I. His relations to the anthropoid apes, Pithacan- thropus, Homo primigenius Homo fossilis, and Homo sa- piens. Ibid., 41-69.—Berry (R. J. A.), Robertson (A. W. D.) & Cross (K. S.) A biometrical study of the relative degree of purity of race of the Tasmanian, Aus- tralian, and Papuan. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1910-11, pt. 1,17-40.—Biasuttl (R.) I Tasmaniani, come forma d' isolamento geografico. Arch, per 1' antrop., Firenze, 1910, xl, 108-116.—Corliss (J. O.) Tasmania as a health resort. Good Health, Battle Creek, 1897, xxxii, 261-263.— Davis (J. B.) On the osteology and peculiarities of the Tasmanians, a race of man recently become extinct. Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de Holland. Maatsch d. We- tensch. te Haarlem, 1874,3. s., ii, no. 4, 1-20, 4 pl.—Duck- worth (W. L. H.) Craniological notes on the aborigines of Tasmania. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1902, xxxii, 177- 181.—Elkington (J. S. C.) The development of public health work in Tasmania. Australas. M Cong. Tr. 1908, Victoria, 1909, ii, 135-140.—Klaatsch (H.) Berichtuber einen anthropologischen Streifzug nach London und auf das Plateau von Sud-England. [Die einzigen vollstandi- gen Skelette von Tasmania.] Ztschr. f. Ethnol., BerL, 1903, xxxv, 875-881. -----. [Die Schadel der Tasmanier.J Ibid., 881-912—Both (H. L.) Is Mrs. F. C. Smith a last living aboriginal of Tasmania? J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1897-8, xxvii, 451-454, 2 pl.—Roth (L.) & Vierkandt (A.) DieEingeborenenTasmaniens Globus,Brnschwg., 1899, lxxvi, 289-292.—Turner (Sir W.) The craniology, racial affinities, and descent of the aborigines of Tasma- nia. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1908-9, xlvi, 365-403, 3 pl. -----. The aborigines of Tasmania Part IT. The skele- ton. Ibid., 1910-11, xlvii, pt. 3, 411-454, 2 pl.—Tylor (E. B.) On the Tasmanians as representatives of palaeolithic man. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1893-4, xxiii, 141-152, 2 pl. -----. On the occurrence of ground stone imple- ments of Australian type in Tasmania. Ibid., 1894-6, xxiv, 335-840, 1 pl. Tassain (Georges) [1877- ]. * Valeur pro- nostique des idees hypocondriaques de nega- tion dans quelques maladies mentales. 93 pp. 8°. Paris, 1902, No. 123. Tassard (Joseph) [1865- ]. *La cardio- pathie latente chez l'enfant. 57 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1894, No. 907. Tassigny (Paul) [1874- ]. * Contribution a l'etude clinique des amyotrophies paraly- tiques de cause articulaire. 60 pp. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 545. ------. The same. 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1900. Tassilly (Eugene) [1867- ]. * Sur le dosage de la caffeine. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1897, No. 2. Ecole de pharmacie. ------. * L'atmosphere terrestre. Ill pp. 8°. Paris, 1899. Ecole de pharmacie. ------. * Etude des propri£t£s physiques des al- liages metalliques. 200 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1904. Ecole de pharmacie. Tassin (Albert). *Des lesions infectieuses du rein (d'ordre chirurgical). Diagnostic differen- tiel. [Paris.] 68 pp. 8°. Dijon, 1906,No. 134. Tasso (Dominique) [1858- ]. *Les scrofu- lides chez les enfants du premier age; notes cli- niques. 50 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 29. Tasso (Joseph). * Propositions presentees et soutenues dans l'Universite imperiale de Genes. 2 1. fol. Genes, De-Grossi, an 1807. [P., v, 2146.] TASSO. 618 TASTE. Tasso (Torguato) [1544-95]. Roncoroni (L.) Genio e pazzia in Torquato Tasso. 8°. Torino, Milano, Roma dc Firenze, 1896. Cabanes. La folie du Tasse. Chron. med., Par., 1895, i, 289-J97.—Ireland (W. W.) Torquato Tasso and his biographers. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1896, xiii, 479; 795.— Madness (The) of Tasso. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, i, 177.—Jlondollo (R.) L' ereditt in Torquato Tasso. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino. 1899, xx, 518-527.—Re- gis |K.) Genie et talent; le Tasse. .1. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1905, xxxv, 289-298.—Roncoroni (L.) La ma- lattia mentale del Tasso. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], To- rino, 1895, xvi, 436-446. Taslc (Leon) [1872- ]. *De 1'inversion ute- rine; indications et traitement. 100 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1897, No. 68. Taste. See, also, Smell (Sense of). Ehrsam (A.) * Ueber Substanzen, welche im Stande sind, unsere Geschmacks-Empfindung zu beeinflussen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1899. Goy (K.) * Ueber Substanzen, welche die Geschmacks - Empfindungen beeinflussen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1896. Marchand (L.) Legout. 12°. Paris, 1903. Mayr (K.) * Beitrage zur Physiologie und Pathologie des Geschmackssinnes. Habilita- tionsschrift. - ber (R.) & Kicsow (F.) Ueber den Geschmack von Salzen und Laugen. Ztschr. f. physikal. Chem., Leipz., 1898, xxvii, 601-616. Also, transl.: Arch, per le sc med Torino, 1899, xxiii, 93-100.—Hofmann (F.) & Buiizel (R.) Untersuchungen iiber den elektrischen Geschmack. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1897, lxvi, 21.5-J32.— Kalilenberg (L.) The relation of the taste of acid salts to their degree of dissociation. J. Phys. Chem Ithaca, 1900, iv, 33; 533.—Kicsow (F.) Beitriige zur phvsiologischen Psychologie des Geschmacksinnes Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1894, x, 329; 523: 1896, xii, 255; 464. -----. Zur Frage nach den Schmeckfliichen des hinte- ren kindlichen Mundraumes. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1904, xxxvi, 90-92—Kic- sow (F.) & llalin (R.) Sulla sensibilita gustativa di alcune parti della retrofocca, e dell' epiglottide. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1901, 4. s., vii, 497-502.— Kron (I.) K ucheniyu o khodle vkusovikh volokon. [Course of the fibers of taste.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1902, vii, 43.5-415. Also, transl.: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1901, xx, 549-561.—Larguier des Bancels (J.) Les sensations gustatives. Annee psy- chol. 1908, Par., 1909, xv, 273-299.—Liclitenstein (A.) Ueber die Gesehmaeksempfindung gesunder und rachi- tischer Kinder. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1893^, n. F., xxxvii, 76-90.—ITlyers (C. S.) The taste-names of primi- tive peoples. Brit. J. Phychol., Cambridge, 1904, i, 117-liiO.— Nagel (W. A.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber nasales Schmccken. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1904, xxxv, 268. -----. Ergebnisse vergleichend-physiologischer und anatomischer Unter- suchungen iiber den Geruchs- und Geschmackssinn und ihre Organe. Autoreferat. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1894, xiv, 513-555.—Navarro (R.) Interpretacion hipotetica de algunos sintomas del gusto. Siglo med., Madrid, 1897, xliv, 802-805.—Neumann (H.) Bemerkung iiber die Gesehmaeksempfindung bei kleinen Kindern. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1895, n. F., xii, 155-159.—von Oel'ele. Gymnema silvestre bei unangenehmen Geschmacksem- pfindungen. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1894, lxiii, 121-123. Also, Reprint.—Parker (G. H.) The sense of taste in fishes. Science, Lancaster, Pa., 1907-8, n. s., xxvii, 453.—Parker (G. H.) & Jletcalf (C. R.) The reaction of earthworms to salts; a study in protoplasmic stimula- tion as a basis of interpreting the sense of taste. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., Mass., 1906-7, xvii, 55-74.—Patrick (G. T. W.) On the analysis of perceptions of taste. Univ. Iowa. Stud. Psychol., Iowa City, 1899, ii, 85-127.—Ponzo (M.) Sulla presenza di colici gustativi in alcune parti della retrobocca e nella parte nasale della faringe del feto umano. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1905, 4. s., ii, 122-127. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1905, xliii, 280-286.—PopeIski ( L. B.) Vkus i potrebnosti organizma. [Taste and needs of the organism.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, ii. 1737-1740.—Sewall (H.) Taste. Am. Text.-Book Physiol. (Howell), Phila., 1896, 851-854.—Stamm. Beobaclitung eines Falles von theil- weiser krebsartigen Zerstorung des Keilbeines, des Gau- menbeines, des Rachens und von Skirrhus am Nervus trigeminus dexter, nebst dem Beweise, dass der Nervus lingualis nicht Geschmacksnerve ist. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1839, v, 70-80.—Sternberg (W.) Geschmack und Chemismus. Ztschr. Psychol, u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnes- org., Leipz., 1899, xx, 386-407. Also [Abstr.]: Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1899, 367-371. -----. Gesehmaeksem- pfindung eines Anencephalus. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1901, xxvii, 77-79. -----. Ueber das siissende Princip. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1903, 113-119. -----. Ueber das wirksame Princip in den siissschmeckenden Verbindungen, das dem siissen Geschmack zu Grunde liegt, das sogenannte dulcigene Princip. Ibid., 196-199. -----. Beitrage zur Physiologie des siissen Geschmackes. Ibid., 53^-543. -----. Der sal- zige Geschmack und der Geschmack der Salze. Ibid., 1904, 483-558. -----. Zur Physiologie des siissen Ge- schmacks. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1904, xxxv, 81-131. -----. Irrtumliches und Tast- siichliches aus der Physiologie des siissen Geschmackes. Ibid., 1905, xxxviii, 259-304. -----. Geschmack und Ap- petit. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1907, lxxvi, 221-223. Also: Ztschr. f. phys. u. diiit. Therap., Leipz., 1907, xi, 389-398. -----. Die Schmackhaftigkeit und der Appetit. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1908, xliii, 224-236. -----. Geschmack und Appetit. Ibid., 1908-9, 2. Abt.. 315-344.—Tawney (G. A.) Ueber die Wahrnehmung zweier Punkte mittelst des Tastsinnes, TASTE. 619 TASTE. Taste. mit Riicksicht auf die Frage der Ucbung und die Entste- hung der Vexirfehler. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1896-7, xiii, 163-221. Also: Princeton Contrib. Psychol., Princeton, 1897-8, ii, 1-59.—Wslczynski (K.) Jakiemi czesciami geby wog61e,ajez,vkawszczeg61noScipotrafimyrozpoznac smak niekt6rych istot. [With what part of the mouth in general, and "tongue especially, do we recognize taste of various substances?] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1875, xiv, 60; 72. Taste (Ahiormities and disorders of). See Membrana tympani (Rupture of). Taste (Jdisordered). See, also, Epilepsy (Complications, etc., of); Paralysis (Facial, Diagnosis, etc., of); Paraly- sis (General, Diagnosis, etc., of); Smell (Sense of, Disordered); Taste (Abnormities, etc., of). Bussem (H.) * Ueber Geschmachsemprin- dungen rachitischer und nicht-rachitischer Kinder. [Bonn.] 8°. Leipzig, 1894. vox Frankel-Hochwart (L.) Die nervosen Erkrankungen des Geschmackes und Geruches. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig, 1908. Sea, also, infra. Belletrnd & Jlercier (E.) Abolition des illusions du gout par l'emploi local de l'acide gymnemique. Bull. med., Par., 1907, xxi, 713.—Cabanes. Les perversites du gout; antipathies bizarres et depravations siiigulicres. J. dela sante, Par., 1895, xii, 327.—Davidson (A.) On the sense of taste and its relation to facial paraly-is and anaesthesia. Liverpool & Manchester M. A s. Rep., 1875, iii, 19S-212. Also, Reprint.—Downey (June E.) A case of colored gustation. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1911, xxii, 628-539.—Eberson (M.) Ueber colorirten Geschmack. Wien. med. Presse, 1897, xxxviii, 1541.— von Frankl-Hochwart (L.) Die nervosen Er- krankungen des Geschmacks. Spec. Path. u. Therap., . . . Nothnagel, Wien, 1897, xi. pt. 2, 4. Abth., 1-42.— Guyot. Note sur 1'anesthesie du sens dugout. [Abstr.] Compt. rend Acad. d. sc, Par., ls56, xiii, 1113—Herr- mann (J.) Ueber die Geschniacksempfinduugen sowie bei mit Epilepsie, chronischer Paranoia und progressiver Paralyse behaftetenPersonen. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., BerL, I899,xx,1021-Iu-M.—Hetiman (G.) Quelques recherches concernant le ;,rout electrique. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1911, xix, 298.—Kleiner (M.) Paraguesia; with report of a ca-e. Gross M. Coll. Bull., Denver, 1894, n. s., ii, ll'.i.—Kiister (G.) Eine merkvviirdige zentrale StiJrung der Gesehmaeksempfindung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 333; 392.—Miiller (A.) Geschmacks- parasthesie auf arteriosklerotischer Grundlage. Zen- tralbl. f. inn. Med., Leipz., 1911, xxxii, 689-691.—No- qnet. Un casde parosmie subjective. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. du nord, Lille, 1899, 2. s., iii, 16-22.—O. (T.) In- version of taste. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 516.—von Oel'ele. Gymnema silvestre bei unangenehmen Ge- schmacksempfindungen. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1894, lxiii, 121.—Olano (G.) Alucinacionesdel sentido del gusto, precursoras (aura) de ataques histero-epilepti- formes, curados por auto-sugesti6n. Cron. med., Lima, 1910, xxvii, 315-317.—Paleani (< >.) Esame clinico me- todico del senso del gusto negli ammalati del sistema nervoso. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1910, xlix, 557-587.— Pan ly. Troubles du gotit dans le domaine de la corde du tviupan par lesion basilaire. Lyon med., 1901, xcvii, 799-802.—Pierce (A. H.) Gustatory audition; a hitherto undf-cribed variety of synesthesia. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1007. xviii, 341-352.—Poceos (S. A.) Ai avu>- piaAi'ai tr)<; ■yeiitrecos. 'IaTpiKO? tmqvvTwp, 'Adr/vou, 1908, Viii, 74.—Quix ( F. H.) Die Storungen des Geschmackssinnes. Handb. d. Neurol., BerL, 1910, i, 959-966.—Kovida (C.) Di un particolare disturbo di gusto di natura istenca. Stomatol., Milano, 1903-4, ii, 463-465.—S< hlioliting (H.) Klinische Studien iiber die Geschinackslalmiungen durch Zerstorung der Chorda tympani und des Plexus tympani- es. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1898, xxxii, 388-401.— Sternberg (W.) SubjektiveGeschmackscmpfindungen (Glvcogeusiasubiectiva; Kakogeusiasubjcctiva). Ztschr. f. klin. Med., BerL, 1906, lix, 491-509.— Vaschide (N.) Contribution a lapsycho-physiologiedelacavitebuccale. Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhinol., Par., 1903, vi, 15-18. -----. Un cas d'agnesie. Ibid., 19-24. Taste (Measurefment and analysis of). Mussle (H.) * Vergleichende Geschmacks- priifung zwischen Alkoholen, Glycosen und Saccharosen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1891. Corfu (J.) Action des acides sur le goflt. Univ.de Li6ge. Inst, de physiol. Trav. du lab. de Leon Frede- ricq, Par.; Liege, 1887-8, ii, 11-28. — Henry (C.) Le temps de reaction a des impressions • tatives, mesure par uu compteur a secondes. Compt. i . Soc. de biol., Taste (.Measurement and analysis of). Par., 1894, 10. s., i, 682. — Herman (I.) Vkusovoye oshtshushtsheniye u normalnikh lvudel i u stradayu- shtshikh epilepsiyel, khronicheskol paranoyel i progres- sivnini paraliehom. [Sense of taste in normal men and in those suffering from epilepsy, chronic paranoia, and progressive paralysis.] Obozr. psichiat, nevrol. [etc.], St.-Peterb., 1899, iv, 114-122. —Kiesow (F.) Schmeck- versuche an einzelnen Papillen. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1898, xiv, 591-615. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1898, xxx, 399-125. -----. Esperienze gusta- tive su singole papille. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1899, xx, 01-305.—Itlarchand (L.) Mesure des sensa- tions gustatives. Rev. de psychiat., Par., 1903, 245-254.— ttuix (F. H.) Een nieuwe methode om den smaakzin te onderzoeken. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1003, 2. R., xxxix, d. 2, 283-285. Also, transl.: Presse Oto- laryngol, beige, Brux., 1903, ii, 581-584. — Sternberg (W.) Der erste quantitative Gustometer zu klinischen Zwecken. Med. Klin., BerL, 1906, ii, 1073. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 396-398. -----. Eine neue Methode zur klinischen Priifung des Geschmackssinnes mittels eines Gustometers. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1905, xxxi, 911. -----. Zur Untersuchung des Geschmacksinnes fiir klinische Zwecke. Ibid., 2057. -----. Die Zahl der Geschmacksqualitiiten. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol , Bonn, 1908, exxv, 522-526.—Stivers (C. G.) Testing the taste sense. South. Calif. Pract., Los Ange- les, 1900, xv, 373.—Toulouse (E.) & Vaschide (N.) Methode pour l'examen et la mesure du gout. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1900, exxx, 803-806.—Vaschide (N.) La gustatometrie. Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhi- nol., Par., 1903, vi, 93-103.-----. Mesure dela sensibilite gustative chez l'homme et chez la femme. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1904, exxxix, 898-900. -----. De l'ana- lvse des perceptions gustatives. Arch, internat. de la- ryngol. [etc.], Par., 1906, xxii, 134-141. Taste (Organs of). See, also, Tongue. Jacques (P.) Terminaisons nerveuses dans l'organe de la gustation. 8°. Paris, 1894. Arnstein (K.A.) Konzevye npparat. vkusov!|nerva. [Anew ending of gustatory nerve] Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1893, i, 79-98,1 pl.—Bleyer (J. M ) An essay on the organs of taste; an original monograph. Laryngo- scope, St. Louis, 1896, i 329-347.—Dixon (A. F.) On the course of the taste fibres. Edinb. M. J., 1897, n. s., i, 395; 628.—von Ebner (V.) Ueber die Spitzen der Ge- sehmacksknospen. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw.CL,Wien,1897,cvi,73-82,lpl. Also,Reprint.— Grabersi (J.) ZurKenntnisdescelluliirenBauesderGe- schsmaeksknospen beim Menschen. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1899, xii, 2. Hft., 339-368. — Ileiderieh (F.) Die Zahl und die Dimension der Geschmacksknospen der Papilla vallata des Menschen in den verschiedenen Lebensal- tern. Nachr. v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. Math.- phys. KL, Gotting., 1906, 54-64.—Herrick (C. J.) The central reflex connections of cutaneous taste buds in the codfish and the catfish; an illustration of functional adaptation in the nervous system. Science, N. Y. & Lan- caster, Pa., 1907, n. s., xxv, 736.—Johnston (J. B.) The limit between ectoderm and entoderm in the mouth and the origin of the taste buds. Anat. Record, Phila., 1909, iii. 261.—Kiesow (F.) Sur la presence de boutonsgus- tatifs a la surface linguale de l'epiglotte humaine, avec quelques reflexions sur les memes organes qui se trou- vent danslamuqueuse du larynx. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1902-3, xxxviii, 334-336.—Kiesow (F.) & IS aim (R.) Ueber Geschmacksempfindungen im Kehlkopf. Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1901, xxvii, 80-94.—Liindacre (F. L.) On the place of ori- gin and method of distribution of taste buds in Ameiu- rus melas. J. Comp. Neurol. & Psychol., Bait., 1907, xvii, 1-66, lpl. Also [Abstr.]: Science, N. Y. & Lancas- ter, Pa., 1907, n. s., xxv, 735. — Ponzo (M.) Sulla pre- senza di organi del gusto nella parte laringea della fa- ringe, nel tratto cervicale dell' esofago e nel palato duro del feto umano. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1907, xxxi, 670- 575.—Ketzius Hi.) Die Nervenendigungen in dem Ge- schmacksorgan der Saugethiere und Amphibien. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1892, n. F., iv, 19-32,4pL—Siger- son (G.) Contributions to the study of nerve action in connection with the sense of taste. I. Function of the trigeminus. II. Function of the chorda tympani. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl., 18^0, 2. s., iii (Science), 257-271. Also, Reprint—Smirnow (A.) Ueberdie Nervenendi- gungen in den Tastkorperchen des Menschen. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1893, x, 244-247,1 pl—Toulouse (E.) & Vaschide (N.) Topographie de lasensibilitegustativedelabouche. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1900, exxx, 1216-1218. — Tuckerman (F.) Further observations on the gustatory organs of the mammalia. J. Morphol., Bost., 1892-3, vii, 69-94.—Wil- son (J. G.) The structure and function of the taste- buds of the larvnx. Braii: lond., 1905, xxviii, 339-351, 2pl. TASTEVIN. 620 TATTOOING. Tastcvin (Joseph) [1874- ]. *L'astheno- manie post-epileptique. 58 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Rousset, 1911. Tatarsky (Esther). *G£sophagogastrostomie transdiaphragmatique. 74 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Michalon, 1904. Tatart§cheff (Bojirad [Sterjo] A.) *Die Uro- genitalstorungen bei Tabes dorsalis. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1892J. Tatar tsclieff(Ohristo N.) [1867- ]. *Be- schaftigungsneurose. 42 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1892]. Tate (Magnus A.) [1868- ]. Rupture of the uterus. 9 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1894. Repr.from: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1894, xxxii. Tatei (Kitoku). Kaika shusitsu hen. [Opera- tive surgery.] 4, 8, 176 pp. 8°. Tokyo, U. Kimoto, 1894. Tatevosoff (K[erk (Georgiy)] A[mbartsumo- vich]) [1864- ]. * K voprosu o normalnom i rakhiticheskom tazie u dietel. [Normal and rachitic pelvis in children] 85 pp., 21. 8°. S. -Peterburg, V. P. Meshtsherski, 1899. Tatham (John) [ -1903]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 576. Tatham (John [Francis "Walkingame]). Quar- terly health returns. Prepared by the medical officer of health. 1.-4., 1890; 1.-4., 1891; 1.-2., 1893. 8°. Manchester, 1890-93. ------. Manchester life tables (new edition, 1893), comprising separate tables for I. The city of Manchester. II. The Manchester town- ship. III. Manchester outlying townships, vi, 57 pp. roy. 8°. Manchester, H. Blacklock dc Co., 1893. ------. Report on the health of Greater Man- chester, 1891-3. viii, 160 pp., 1 1., 2 maps, 4 ch., 1 plan. 8°. Manchester, H. Blacklock dc Co., 1894. ------. Letter to the registrar-general, on the mortality of males engaged in certain occupa- tions in its three years 1890-92; and on an English healthy district life table for the ten years 1881-90. cxciv, 166 pp. 8°. London, 1897. Forms pt. 2 of: Suppl. 55, Ann. Rep. Registrar-Genl. ... in England. Tatheossian (M[arcar]) [1868- ]. *Sub- stitution de la desinfection directe aux quaran- taines. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 352. Tatouage (Sur le) en general, et particuliere- ment sur celui des insulaires de Noukahiwa. pp. 257-270, 1 col. pl. 8°. [Paris, Vve. Jeune- homme, n. d.] Cutting from: Ann. d. voyages, de la geog. et de l'hist., [Par., n. d.,], xiv. Tatra-Fiired. Szonta<;h (A.) Tiltravideki nyara!6helyek £s hidegviz-f iirdok. [The summer resorts and cold- water baths in the vicinity of Tatra.] 4°. [Bu- dapest], 1894. Haniniersberg (A.) Tatra-Lomnicz mint teli kli- matikus gydgyhely. [Tatra-Lomnicz as a winter climatic health resort.] Fiirdo- es vizgy6szat, Budapest, 1906, 37- 44.—Hirschberg (L.) Medizinischer Touristenbrief aus der Tatra. Deutschemed. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1900, xxvi, 848. Also: Ztschr. f. klimat Kurorte u. San., Munchen, 1901, ii, 3-5— Jarmany (L.) A Tatra fejlo- dese. [The development of Tatra.] Furd6- es vizgy6- gyaszat, Budapest, 1903, 2-6. Tatrafiired vay 6-Tatrafiired klimatikus gyo- gyphely 6svizgyogyintezet. (Curbad Schmecks oder Alt-Pchmecks), klimatischer Curort und Wasserheilanstalt. 24 pp. 12°. Locse, J. T. Konyvnyomddja, 1893. Hungarian arid German text. Tatra j" fountains. Akademia Umieje.tnosci w Krakowie. Wvdz. Mat.-przyr. Distributio plantarum vasculosa- rum in montibus Tatricis. Rosmieszczenie ros- lin naczyniowych w Tatrach. Przez-B. Kotule. 8°. Cracovise, 1889-90. Tatria biremis. Kowalewski (M.) Studyahelmintologiczne, VIII. 0 nowym tasiemcu: Tatria biremis, gen. nov., sp. nov. [Helminthological studies, part VIII. On a new tape- worm: Tatria biremis, gen. nov., sp. nov.l Rozpr. wydz. matemat. przyr. Akad. Umiej., Krak6w, 1904, 3. s., iii, B 284-304, 2 pl. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Bull, internat. Acad. d. sc. de Cracovie (1904), 1895, 367-369, 2 pl. Tal*sihana (Zikaki). Kwankoku fukiu ryuho. [Practical medicine.] 12 v. 8°. Yedo, 1729. Tattoii (Reginald Arthur). The purification of water after its use in manufactories, and ex- periments on the purification of waste water from factories. By William Oliver Evelyn Meade-King. 73 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, 1900. Repr.from: Proc. Inst. Civil Eng., Lond., 1899-1900, clx. pt. 2. ' Tatu (Jean) [1871- ]. *L'otite moyenne catarrhale avec epanchement. 74 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1895, No. 1188. Tattooing. See, also, Conjunctivitis (Granular); Cornea (Tattooing of); Grindstones (Workers in); Naevus (Treatment of); Prostitutes; Tattoo- marks (Removal of). Bergemann (J.) * Ein Fall von Ablassen der Tiitowirung nach traumatischer Neuritis, mit Bemerkungen iiber Tiitowirung und iiber den Einfluss der Nerven auf die Pigmentation. 8°. Strassburg, 1891. Bonnemaison (P.) * Contribution a l'6tudedu tatouage chez les aliened, roy. 8°. Paris, 1895. Guerieri (R.) II tatuaggio nella antropolo- gia e nella medicina legale, roy. 8°. Bologna, de Joannis (L.) Notice sur le tatouage. 8°. Angers, 1856. Cutting from: Ann. Soc. linneenne d. Maine et Loire. 1896. Mayrac (A.) *Du tatouage. 8°. Lyon, 1900. Minovici (N. S.) Tatuajurile in Romania. 8°. Bucuresci, 1898. Also, in: Arch. d. sc. med. ... de Bucarest, Par., 1899, iv, 51-106, 31 pl. Robley. Moko; or Maori tattooing; with 180 illustrations from drawings by the author and from photographs, roy. 4°. London, 1896. Tatouage (Sur le) en general, et particuli&re- ment sur celui des insulaires de Noukahiwa. 8°. [Paris, n. d.] Verrier (E.) Du tatouage en Afrique; ses varietes, sa signification, des survivances du tatouage en Europe. 12°. Paris, 1895. Vervaeck (L.) Le tatouage en Belgique. 8°. Bruxelles, 1906. Also, in: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1906, lviii, 1137-1142. Also, in: Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lvon & Par., 1907, xxii, 333-362. Baratier (A.) Tatouage. Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1902, xvii, 321-327.—Barmettler (G.) Descrizione di un re- cente apparecchio per la tecnica del tatuaggio. Tom- masi, Napoli, 1907, ii, 577.—Batut (L.) Dii tatouage exotique et du tatouage en Europe. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim., Par., 1893, viii, 77-92—Berte (F.) 11 tatuaggio in Sicilia. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1891-2, xviii, 629-631. -----. 11 tattuaggio di Sicilia in rapporto alia resistenza psichica. Arch, per l'antrop., Firenze, 1892, xxii, 205-229.—BertlioIon. Origines neolithique et mycenienne des tatouages des indigenes du nord de I'Afrique. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1904, xix, 756-786.—Boigey (M.) Les tatoues; leur psycholo- gic N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1909, xxii, 588-602. TATTOOING. 621 . TATTOOING. Tattooing. 3 pl.—Bolton (G.) Pictures on the human skin. Strand Mug., Lond., 1897, xiii, 16-25.—Brancaleone-Bi- baiido (P.) Tatuaggio. In his: Stud, antrop. d. mil. delinquente, 8°, Torino, 1894, 81-82, 5 pl.—Branlt (J.) Les tatouages en Algerie. J. med. franc., Par., 1908, ii, 565-567, Z pl. Also: Proc. med., Par., 1908, xix, 271-273.— Brown "(S. H.) A case of tattoo mark effaced by a chronic eczema. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1905, xxiii, 549.—C. Note sul tatuaggio nel Manicomio giudi- ziario dell' Ambrogiana. Cron. d. r. manic, d. Ambro- giana, Firenze, 1893, i, 17-24.— Capu* (G.) Tatouage en Bosnie-Hereegovine. Bull. Soc d'anthrop. de Par., 1894, 4. s., v, 625-(»;».—de Creeehio (G.) Studio sopra alcuni tatuaggi. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1908, xxix, 374-380, 2 ch.—Dagiiilhon. Contributions a l'etude du tatouage chez les alienes, Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1895, x, 175-199, 6 pl. -----. Le tatouage chez les alienes. Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psychol. phv- siol., Par., 1894-5, ix, 24-28.—Danielli (I.) Contributo alio studio del tatuaggio negli antichi peruviani. Arch. per l'antrop., Firenze, 1894, xxiv, 105-115, 4 pl.—l>i Mattel (E.) Su di un tatuaggio artistico. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1900, xxi, 470-475. —Du Cas- tel. Tatouage accidentel par un pansement a. l'eau dechaux. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1901, xii, 477. Also: Ann.dedermat. etsyph., Par.,1901,4.s., il, 1080.—Eller (F.) Ein Vorlagebuch fiir Tatowierungen. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1905, xix, 61-67.—Friedlaender(B.) EinigeNotizenuberdieFiit- towirung der Samoaner. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., BerL, 1899, xxxi, 28-52.—Fritsch (H.) Einige Priiparate von tat- towirten Hautstiicken des Menschen. Verhandl. d. BerL Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1897, 231—G. Maladies du soldat; hydrargyrisme aigu par tatouage. Arch, d'an- throp. crim., Lyon & Par., 1903, xviii, 833.— Ga liter (R.) Ueber das Tiitowiren nach Untersuchungen bei Geistes- kranken. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psycbiat. [etc], BerL, 1901, lviii, 79-114.—Geare (R. I.) Tattooing. Scient. Am., N.Y., 1903, lxxxix, ISO. -----. Tattooing among savages. Scient. Am. Suppl., >". Y., 1903, lvi, 23160.—Geill (('.) Identificering ved Tatoveringer. [L'identification par les tatouages. Res., 118.]^ Tidsskr. f. nord. retsmed. og psykiat., Kristiania. 1901, l, 104-116.—van Gennep (A.) Tatowieren in Nordafrika. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., BerL, 1904, xxxvi, 749.—Ginestous & Bestion. Curieux exem- ple de tatouages. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bor- deaux, 1897, xviii, 348-351. Also: Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lvon & Par., 1898, xiii, 495-498. Also: J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1898, x, 164-167.— Haddon (A.C.) Tatuing at Hula, British New Guinea. Man, Lond., 1905, v, 86.— Hallopeau (H.) & FrancoiK-Dainville. Surun cas de tatouages exceptionnellement varies et multiples occupant toutes les parties de la surface cutanee. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 288.— Hausc-hild (W.) Zur Tiitowierungsfrage: Ein Fall von Tatowierung des Hinterkopfes. Arch. f. Krim.-An- throp. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1911, xiv, 60-80.—Hose (C.) & Shelford (R.) Materials for a study of tatu fn Borneo J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1906, xxxvi, 60-91, 8 pl., 1 tab. Also, transl.: Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lvon et Par., 1907, xxii, 268.—Huber (R.) Ein mittelalterliches Zeugnis iiber eine Tiitowierung in religioser Ekstase. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1910, xxxix, 34.—Jullien (J.) A propos de Particle de E. Locard sur le tatouage chez les Hebreux. Arch, d'an- throp. crim., Lyon & Par., 1909, xxiv, 207.—Karutz (R.) Tatauierrnuster aus Tunis. Arch, f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1908, n. F., vii, 51-61.—Kramer (A.) Die Ornamentik der Kleidmatten und der Tatauierung auf den Marshall- inseln, nebst technologischen, philologischenund ethno- logischen Notizen. Arch.f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1904, n. F., ii, 1-28, 6 pl.-----. Zur Tatauierung der Mentawei-In- sulaner. 76id.,1907,n.F.,vi,36-4L—Krauss(F.S.) Ero- tische Tatowierungen; eine Umfrage. Anthropophyteia, Leipz.,1904,i,507-513.—L.(A.) Documents sur le tatouage. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1901, xvi, 304.—La- cordairo(E.) Le tatouage auJapon. Ibid. ,1896, xi, 711- 713.—Lencr. II tatuaggio nei delinquenti, negli anar- chici e nei pazzi in rapporto ai neologismi dei deliranti. Con. d. congreg. di carita e d. manic, di Ferrara, 1903, x, 1-5.—Ling Both (H.) Le tatouage dans les lies de la Societe. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1907, xxii, 270— Locard (E.) Le tatouage chez les Hebreux. Ibid., 1909, xxiv, 56-62.—Lombroso (C.) The savage origin of tattooing. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1895-6, xlviii, 793-803.—Lnedecke (H. E.) Erotische Tatowie- rungen. Anthropophyteia, Leipz., 1907, iv, 75-83, 7 pl.— von Luschan. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Tiittowi- rung in Samoa. Verhandl. d. BerL Gesellsch. f. An- throp., 1896, 551-564. — Marandon de Montyel (E.) Contribution a l'etude clinique des tatouages chez les alienes. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim., Par., 1893, viii, 373-413. — Mariani (C. E.) Autotatuag- gio. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1902, xxiii, 580- 585. — Maschka (K.) Zur Tatowirungsfrage. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1898-9, i, 320-330. — Masini (M. U.) II tatuaggio in Sardegna. Tattooing. Ann. di freniat. [etc.], Torino, 1903, xiii, 181-189.— Meige (H.) Le ventre de la pretresse Anient. Arch. gen. demed.,Par., 1897, ii, 126-128.— Minne (A.-J.) Con- tribution a l'etude des tatouages. Ann. Soc. de med de Gand, 1899, lxxviii, 215-222. Also: Bull. Soc. de med.' de Gand, 1899, lxvi, 257.—Mi rubella (E.) II tatuaggio nella coloniadei domicilhiti coattiin Favignana. Cor- riere san. Bisettim., Milano, 1897, viii, no. 46, 5- no. 47 6; no. 48,5.—Mishima (H.) [Bacteriological researches on tattooing] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1902, xxiii, Li.s7-lf.00.—IT! omu (J.) Un cas tres remarquable de ta- touage. Arch. prov. de med., Par., 1899, i, 490-496.— Myers (C. S.) Contributions to Egvptian anthropology: Tatuing. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1903, xxxiii, 82-89, 2 pl.—Neumann (I.) Das Tatowiren vom medizinischen undanthropologischenStandpunkte. Wien. med Wchn- schr., 1893, xliii, 1169; 1217; 1255; 1300.—Ottolenghi (S.) & Kossi (U.) Un nuovo tatuaggio etnico. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1894, 4. s., vi, 669-681. Also: Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1895, xvi, 1-14.—Park- inson (R.) Tatowierung der Mogemokinsulaner. Glo- bus, Brnschwg., 1904, lxxxvi, 15-17. —Peau (La) hu- maine dans l'art. Gaz. med. de Par., 1902, 12. s., ii, 317.— Pigorini-Beri (C.) Le tatouage religieux et'amou- reux au pelerinage de N. D. de Lorette. Arch. d. anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1891, vi, 1-16, 4 pl. Also, Reprint.—Poutiatin (P.-A.) Contribution a l'etude du tatouage. Assoc franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1901, Par., 1902, xxx, pt. 2, 740-746. — Preuschoff [et al.]. Ueber Tiitowiren. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. An- throp., 1900, 473.—Both (H. L.) Maori tatu and Moko. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1901-2, iv, 29-64. -----. On per- manent skin-marks, tattooing, scarification. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv.Sc, Lond., 1900,907. -----. Tatu in the Societv Islands. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1905, xxxv, 283-294, 3 pl. -----. Tatu in Tierra del Fuego. Man, Lond., 1905, v, 161-163. -----. Tonga Islanders' skin-marking. Ibid., 1906, vi, 6-9.—Boufflandis. Les tatouages au Laos. Caducee, Par., 1903, iii, 125.—Schmidt (G.) Paranoico tatuato. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1899, xx, 167- 169.—Senit (A.) Ueber die Tatowierung der Westmi- kronesier. Globus, Brnschwg., 1905, lxxxii, 174.—Sin- clair (A. T.) Tattooing; Oriental and Gypsy. Am. Anthrop., Lancaster, Pa., 1908, n. s., x, 361-386. -----. Tattooing of the North American Indians. Ibid., 1909. n. s., xi, 362-400.—Stieda (L.) Ueber Tatowierungen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, K6- nigsb., 1910, Leipz., 1911, lxxxii, pt. 2, 462. -----. Etwas iiber Tiitowierung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, 893- 896.—Stolpe (H.) Ueber die Tiitowirung der Oster-In- sulaner. Abhandl. u. Ber. d. k. zool. u. anthrop.-ethn. Mus. zu Dresd. 1899, BerL, 1900, viii, No. 6, 1-13.—Sykes (P. M.) Notes on tattooing in Persia. Man, Lond., 1909, ix, 177.—Thilenius (G.) Die Tatowierung der Frauen auf den Laughlaninseln. Globus, Brnschwg., 1902, lxxxi, 46. —'Fraeger (P.) Das Handwerkszeug eines tunesi- schen Tiitowierers. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., BerL, 1904, xxxvi, 469-177.—I'nruh. Ueber Tattowierungen der Haut. Jah- resb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1897-8, 91- 93.—Vervaetk (L.) Contributional'etudedutatouage beige. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1906, 4. s., xx, 305-330. [Rap. de P. Heger], 226-228.—Virchow (R.) Europaische Tatowirungen. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch f. Anthrop., BerL, 1897, 328-331.—Vitsinski (V. P.) Nleskolko slov o tekhnike tatuirovaniya (tatou- age) rogovol obolochki. [A few remarks on the tech- nique of tattooing the epidermis.l Vrach, St. Petersb., 1896, xvii, 211; 245.—Watahotori (E.) [Tattooing the body in the southern part of Formosa.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1898, 857-864—Welander (E.) Fiille von Tatowierungskeloiden. Nord. m6d. Ark., Stockholm, 1908, 3. f., viii, Afd. ii, no. 8, 1-7.—Woodford (CM.) Note on tatu-patterns employed in Lord Howe's Island. Man, Lond., 1901, i, 40. — Zaborowski. Portraits d'hommes tatoues. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1900, 5. s., i, 170-172. Tattooing; (Accidents from). See, also, Syphilis (Transmission of) by tattoo- ing). Otsnkl(J.) [Microbes of tattooing.] Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1900, iv, 599-608. — Bosen- kranz. Gesichtstatowierung durch Unfall. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xlix, 517. Tattooing; (Complications, etc., of). See, also, Psoriasis (Causes, etc., of). Collings (D. W.) & Murray (W.) Three cases of inoculation of tuberculosis from tattooing. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 1200.—Deschamps. Suites eloignees du tatouage; hydrargyrisme aigu. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1902, 4. e., xx, 289-292.-Hutchinson (J.) Cases of inoculation of tubercle by tattooing. Clin. J., Lond., 1894-5, v, 208.—Uliinann (J.) Ueber eigentumliche Geschwulstbildung in einer Tiitowierungsmarke. Mo- natsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1903, xxxvii, 49-62. TATTOOING. 622 TATZEL. Tattooing; (Medical). See, also, Cornea ( Tattooing of). Fouquet. Le tatouage medical en Egypte dans l'an- tiquite et a l'epoque actuelle. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon et Par., 1898, xiii, 270-279,1 pl.—MacAlister (J. Y. W.) Tattooing v. vaccination. Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 796.—Mayrac(A.) Le tatouage medical. France med., Par., 1901, xlviii, 100. Tattooing (Iiemoral of). Bailliot (M.) *Du detatouage; differents procedes de destruction des tatouages. 4°. Pa- ris, 1894. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1894. Sergent (E.) *Les tatouages dans les pays chauds; leur ablation. 8°. Montpellier, 1901. Bran It (J.) Ablation des tatouages par les piquresser- rees au chlorure de zinc, application de la methode k la guerison des naevi. Ann. dedermat. etsyph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 33. -----. Les tatouages dans les pays chauds; leur therapeuque. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, xii, 386-388. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901,4. s.,ii, 682-684.—Brunei (F.) Essai de detatouage par un procede^ nouveau. ,Arch. de med. nav., Par., 1898, lxx, 275-295.—Danlos. A propos du casde detatouage presentepar M. Variot. Bull, etmem. Soc.m6d.d.h6p. de Par, 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 1027-1029.—Demons. Destruction des tatouages au moyen d'une solution saturee de tan- nin. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1892, xiii, 27.—Dubreuilli (W.) Detatouage par decortica- tion (un nouveau procede). Ann.de dermat. et syph., Par., 1909,4. s., x, 367-373. -----. Detatouage par excision et par decortication. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1909, xxx, 81.—Evrard. Un procede de detatouage. Ca- ducee, Par., 1907, vii, 79.—Fouquet. Sur l'anciennete du tatouage employe comme mode de traitement. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1897, cxxiv, 1177-1179. Also: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1897. lxx, 679.—Gross (H.) Beseitigen von Tatowirungen. Arch.f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Krim.-Statist., Leipz., 1898-9, i, 256.—Hansen (C. T.) Om Fjernelse af Tatoveringer. [The removal of tattooing.] Hosp.-Tid., Kj0benh., 1897, 4. R., v, 1061-1072.—Mabille (L.) Ta- touage et detatouage. Nord m6d., Lille, 1898, iv, 215- 219.—Matinnon. Destructiondestatouages. Bull.Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1890, xi, 79.—Met- ro wsky. Ueber die Wirkung des Finsenlichtesauf Ta- towierungen. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1905, xl, 599. -----. Ueber eine Methode zur Beseitigung von Tatowierungen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 380.— Miller (C. C.) Electrolvsis for the removal of tattoo marks. Med. Council, Phila., 1908, xiii, 374— Minime. Le ta- touage et le detatouage. J. de med. de Par., 1895, 2. s., vii, 383-385— Ohmaiiii-Duniesnil (A. H.) Tattooing and its successful removal. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 544-547. Also, Reprint.-----. The successful removal of tattoo marks and of powder stains. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1900, lxxviii, 65-76. -----. Caroid in the removal of tattoo marks. Ibid., lxxix, 177-182.—Removal of tat- too marks. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xliv, 978.—Re- nault. Les proceeds de tatouage et de detatouage. J. de med. int., Par., 1907, xi, 329.—Skillern (R. H.) Tat- tooing; its historv, manner of introduction, and method of removal. Phila. M. J., 1898. i, 1166.—Stuart (L. B.) Removal of tattoo marks. Alkaloid. Clin., Chicago, 1902, ix, 466. Also: Milwaukee M. J., 1902, x, 204.—Variot (G.) Tatouages obscenesde 1'avant-bras enleves par la methode de l'escarification superficielle de la peau a l'aide du tanin et du nitrate d'argent. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 998.—Weder- hake. Eine neue Methode der Entfernung ausgedehn- ter Tatowierungen. Med. Klin., BerL, 1907, iii, 674. Tattooing in children. Be ri I lou (E.) De la necessity de pratiquer le de- tatouage chez les jeunes detenus dans les prisons et les maisons d'education correctionnelles. Cong, internat. d'anthrop. C. r. 1896, Geneve, 1897, iv, 228-231. Also: Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1896-7, xi, 301-305.—Bieser (G.) A case of accidental tattooing in a child. Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1897, iii, 214.—Mar- tin (Et.) Le tatouage chez les enfants. Arch, d'an- throp. crim., Lyon & Par., 1910, xxv, 75-87. —Otto- lenghi (S.) II tatuaggio nei minorenni corrigendi. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1899, xx, 157-163. Also: Riv. di med. leg., Milano, 1898-9, ii, 347-350.—Variot (G.) Tatouages seolaires; procede de detatouage applicable aux enfants. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1905, vii, 338-340. Tattooing in criminals and vrosti- tates. Baer (A.) Tatowiren der Verbrecher. Inhis: Der Verbrecher in anthropologischer Beziehung, 8°, Leipz., 1^3,225-241, 4 pl. AIso, transl.: Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1895, x, 153-174, 4 pl. Also, Reprint.— Berger. Tatowirung bei Verbrechern. Vrtljschr. f. Tattooing in criminal* and prosti- tutes. gerichtl. Med., BerL, 1901, 3. F., xxii, 56-62— Boeeai (D.) Tatuaggi in criminali d'abitudine. Med. ital., Na- poli, 1910, viii, 220-222.—Boigey. Les detenus tatoues. Arch d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1910, xxv, 439- 457.—De Blasio (A.) II tatuaggio dei camorristi e delle prostitute di Napoli. Arch, di r/sichiat. [etc.], Torino 1894, xv, 185-204. -----. Ulteri -.1 reeercre intorno ai tatuaggio dei camorristi napoletar i. Ibid., 610-529.-----. Nuovi caratteri dei camorristi; il tattuaggio di paranza. Ibid., 1898, xix, 154-156. -----. II tatuaggio ereditario e psichico dei camorristi napoletani. Riv. di med. leg Milano, 1898-9, ii, 343-347. Also: Riv. mens, di psichiat forense, Napoli, 1898, i, 327-332.-----. Nuove ricerche intorno al tatuaggio psichico dei delinquenti napoletani. Riv. mens, di psichiat. forense, Napoli, 1902, v, 1-11.-----, Sul tatuaggio di prostitute e di pederasti. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1906, xxvii,42-45.-----. Tatuaggi anarchici in delinquentimonarchici. Med. ital., Napoli, 1906, iv, 665.-----. Tatuaggi di delinquenti precoci. Ana- malo, Napoli, 1908, 5. s., xii, 11-13.—Eu la (D. C.) L' es- pressione del tatuaggio; appunti critici d' antropologia criminale. Corrieresan. Bisettim., Milano, 1897, viii, no. 35,3; no.37,5; no. 38, 5.—Ferrier. Tatouages multiples. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1896, xi, 634-640.— Franci (G. B.) Tatuaggio politico in un delinquente d' occasione. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1900. xxi, 81-84.—Gei 11 (C.) Identification par le tatouage. Arch. d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1902, xvii,267-277.—Giani (P.) Sopra un tatuaggio. Arch, di antrop. crim. [etc.], To- rino, 1910 xxxi,54-66, lpl.—Jaeger (J.) Tatowierungen vonlSO Verbrechern mit Personalangaben. Arch.f. Krim.- Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1905, xviii, 141; xxi, 116.—Kornfeld (H.) Tatouage. Arch.d'antrop.crim. [etc.], Torino, 1910, xxxi, 595.—Kure (S.) Ueber das Tattowiren bei japanischen Verbrechern. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokvo, 1896, x, 15. Hft., 1; 813. Also [Abstr.]: Idan, Tokyo, 1896, no. 37, 1-6. -----. UeberTatowierung bei Verbrechern. Friedreich's BL f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1898, xlix, 203-218— Leale (H.) CriminalitS et tatouage. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1909, xxiv, 241-267.—Leppmann. Die criminalpsychologische und praktische Bedeutung des Tatowirens. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u Aerzte 1893, Leipz., 1894, lxv, pt. 2, 483. -----. Die crimi- nalpsychologische und criminalpraktische Bedeutung des Tatowirens der Verbrecher. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., BerL, 1894, 3. F., viii, 193-218, 2 pl—Iiiersch. Zwangstatowirung zur Wiedererkennung von Verbre- chern. Ibid., 1901,3. F.,xxi, 73-75.—Locard (E.) Crimi- nality et tatouage. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1909, xxiv, 392. -----. Sur le fonctionnement du service anthropometrique de Lyon (tatouages et empreintes). Ibid., 1910, xxv, 761-764.—Lombroso (C.) I tatuaggi nei criminali e nei pazzisecondonuovissimi studi. Arch. di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1893, xiv, 578-581.—Lydston (G. F.) Tattooing among criminals. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxx, 840-842.—Neri (S. A.) Tatuaggio os- ceno in fratelli criminali. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.] .Torino, 1902, xxiii, 252.—Ferrier (C.) Du tatouage chez les criminels. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1897, xii, 485-552.—Santangelo (F.) Tatuaggio e pazzia morale. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1893, xiv, 115-122,1 pl.— Snell (O.) Tiitowirte Corrigendinnen in Hannover. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psvchiat., Coblenz u. Leipz., 1898, n. F., ix, 193-195. Tattooing in soldiers and sailors. Guiol (O.-L.-A.) *Du tatouage; le tatouage dans la marine. 8°. Bordeaux, 1896. Boigey. Mentalit6 et tatouages chez les discipli- naires. Caducee, Par., 1907, vii, 36-38.—Bradley (A. E.) Tattooing in the Army. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 676.— De Blasio (A.) Tatuaggi artistici in disertori francesi. Arch, di antrop. crim. [etc.], Torino, 1911, 4. s., iii, 505- 589,1 pl.—Gouzer (J.) Tatoueurs et tatoues maritimes. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim., Par., 1894, ix, 33-64. Also, Re- print.—Madia (E.) Del tatuaggio nella r. Marina italiana. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1896, ii, 673-706, 9 pl. Also, Reprint. Also: Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1897, xviii, 613-616—Mohl (J.) Mitteilungen uber Tato- wierungen, aufgenommen an Soldaten der Garnison Te- mesvar. Mitt. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1908, xxxviii, 312-320.—Wilmaers. Le tatouage a 1'Armee. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1909, 4. s., xxxiii, 73-79. Tattooing and syphilis. See Syphilis (Transmission of) by tattooing. Tatum (Robert Herbert) [1821-88]. Obituary. Tr. M. Soc. Virg.. Richmond, 1890, 277. Tatzel [Robert Wilhelm] [1861- ]. Die Psychotherapie (Hypnose), ihre Handhabung und Bedeutung fur den praktischen Arzt. 2 p. 1., 80 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Heuser, 1894. TATZEL. 623 TAUNUS. Tatzel [Robert Wilhelm]—continued. -----. Die hypnotische Suggestion und ihre Heilwirkungen. 64 pp. 12°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1899. Tatziiiaiuisdorf. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Tanbate. See Plague (History, etc., of), by localities. Taufoe (Erwin) [187S- ]. * Beitriige zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der ,< Euphausiden. [Munich.] 42 pp. 8°. LeipzigmW. Engelmann, 1909 v * Taufoe (Francois). *Ozene des branches. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, 1906, So. 128. Taufoe (GottliebeElise) [1861- ]. *Rucken- marksaffektionen in Gefolge von Schwanger- schaft und Puerperium mit Einschluss der unter denselben Verhiiltuissen auftretenden Neuritis und Polyneuritis. 65 pp. 8°. Berlin, Gebr. Unger, 1905. Taiifoe (Guilherme Luiz). ■SVeDeKiiiioni- Luigi Vicente). Relatoriosobrehuma memoria do . .. [etc.]. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1832. Tauber (A[leksandr] S[emyonovich]) [1848- 1908]. Sovremenniya shkoli khirurgii v glav- nMshikh gosudarstvakh Yevropi; ocherki kli- nicheskoi i operativnoi khirurgii. [Modern surgical schools in the principal European coun- tries; sketches of clinical and operative surgery.] 3 pts. 8°. S.-Peterburg, Ya. Trei dc S. N. Khudekoff, 1889-94. CONTEXTS. Pt 1. Angliyskiya i Shotlandskiya shkoli. [English and Scotch schools.] xii, iv (1 L), xx, 662, xvii pp., 1 pl. Pt. 2. Germanskiya shkoli. [German schools.] xvii, iv (11.), xv, 778, xxii pp., 1 pl. Pt. 3. Frantsuzkiya i Shveltsarskiya shkoli. [French and Swiss schools.] viii, xii, x, 777 pp., 1 pl. ■-----. Khirurgiya golovnovo mozga; kliniches- kiya lektsii. [Surgery of the brain; clinical lectures.] iii, ii, 429, iii pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, I. A. Bogelman, 1898. -----. Ognestrlelniya povrezhdeniya pri sovre- mennom vooruzhenii armiy. [Gunshot wounds by modern arms.] iv, 138 pp. 8°. S.-Peter- burg, V. S. Ettinger, 1903. Forms pt. 7 of: Russk. khir. Also, Editor of: "Voyenno-meditsinskiy Jurnal, S.-Peterburg, 1903-1908. For Biography, see Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1908, ccxxiii, med.-spec. pt., 363-370, port. (G. Geftler). Also: Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1908, lxx, 803. (A. Martinoff). Taufoer (Eduard). * Ueber das Schicksal des Kodeins im thierischen Organismus. 27 pp. 12°. Strassburg, J. II. E. Ileitz, 1892. c. Taufoert (Franz). * Untersuchungen iiber die Ursachen der Seiden- und Wollfederbildung bei Huhnern als Beitrag zur pathologisehen Entste- hung von Rasse-Merkmalen. [Bern.] 80 pp., 1 ]., 3 pl. 8°. Bonn, H. Ludwig, 1910. Taufoert (Friedrich Eduard Ludwig) [1875- ]. *Zur Lehre von den periodischen Psy- chosen, insbepondere Ausgang und Sektionsbe- fund. [Jena.] 68 pp., 11. 8°. Kirchhain, N.-L., 31. Schmersow, 1909. Taufoert ((^eorg) [1876- ]. * Einige De- ri vate des Orcins; Beitrage zur Kenntnis von Oxvdationsprodukten der Phenole. 36 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1910. Tan bin a ii ii (Charles). * Recherches cliniques sur les causes qui paraissent favoriser la forma- tion dessexes. 71pp. 8°. Paris, 1908, No. 225. TaubiiKimt ( Hermann ). *Ein Fall von . Lymphosarcom der Lider mit epidermidaler Metaplasie der Conjunctivalepithel.s. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., II. Jaeger, 1899. Taufoiiiann (Hermann). * Ueber Morbus Basedowii im Kindesalter. 31 pp. 8°. Basel, J. Kohlhepp, 1907. Taufoiiiann (Jean) [1876- ]. *Les etats psychiques morbides et les vesanies dans la ma- ladie de Basedow. 46 pp. 8°. Paris, 1903, No. 492. Taufoiiiann (Judel) [1879- ]. *Icterus im Friihstadium der Syphilis. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1907]. Tauehcrt (Fritz) [1879- ]. *Das perfo- rierende Brennen bei Spat. [Giessen.] 32 pp. 8°. Pasewalk, II. Gniidig, 1903. Tauelion (Charles) [1870- ]. *Lombricose a forme typhoi'de. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 617. Tauffer (Vilmos). Eml6kbesz£d T. Spencer- Wells Bart, felett. [Memorial discourse on Sir T. Spencer-Wells.] 17 pp. fol. [Budapest, Pesli Lloyd tarsulat, 1900.] ------. Denkrede fiber T. Spencer-Wells, Bart. 76 pp., port. 8°. Budapest, P. Lloyd-Gesell- schaft, 1901. ------. A budapesti kir. Orvosegyesiilet 1903. deczember ho 12-diken tartott 66-ik £vzaro rendes kozgyulese. [The regular general meet- ing of the Royal Budapest Medical Society, Dec. 12, 1903, at the close of its sixty-sixth year.] fol. Budapest, Orvosi hetil., 1903. Bound with: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1903, xlvii. ------. A budapesti kir. Orvosegyesiilet 1904. deczember ho 10-diken tartott 67-ik £vzaro rendes kozgziilese, [The regular sixty-seventh annual public closing session of the Budapest Medical Society, held Dec. 10, 1904.] 6 pp. fol. Budapest, Orvosi hetil., 1904. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Pro- fessoren (Die) [etc.], v. Taufflieb (L6on). Etude sur les hemorrhagies internes consecutives a la ponction de quelques cavites closes. 52 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, A. Parent, 1879. Taufkireh (H.) *Ueberftihrung des Anti- pyrins in das /3-Methylamidokrotonsaureanilid. Ein Beitrag zur Konstitutionsfrage des Anti- pyrins. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Jena, A. Kampfe, 1893. Tauguet (Charles). *La gastrosuccorh£e et son origine nerveuse reflexe. 102 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, 1906, No. 319. Taule (Ferdinand). Notions sur la nature et les proprietes de la matiere organisee. 170 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Germer-Baillwre, 1866. Taunton (John) [1769-182L]. C'arr (W.) [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1898, lv, 390. Taunton (Thoinas) [1812-1900]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 1476. Taunton, England. See Diphtheria (History of), by localities. Taunton, Massachusetts. See Hospitals (Description, etc., of), Insane (Asylums for, Description, etc., of), Waters (Mineral), by localities. Taunton, Massachusetts, insane Hospital. An- nual reports of the trustees and superintendent to the governor of the State. 1854 to 1908-9. 8°. Boston, 1842-1909. Taunton Hospital Company. See Morton Hospital, Taunton, Massachusetts. Tan ii us. See Falkenstein. .24 TA VERNIER. TAURELL1-SALIMBENI. Taurelli-Salimbeni. Ser Itletclinikoflf (Eliellya Ilyich), Itoux (E.) & Taurelli-Salimbeni. Tlie toxine and antitoxine in cholera. 8°. Calcutta, 1896. Taurcllus (Nicolaus) [1547-1606]. Sec Heiiwl-.-r (Klias Fridericiis). Apologia pro medicis [etc.]. 8°. Amsteliedawi, 1736. Taurida. See Cholera (History and statistics of), by lo- calities. Taurin. yon Bergmann (F. G. R. A.) *Die Ueber- fuhrung von Cystin in Taurin im tierischen Organismus. [Strassburg.] 8°. Braunschweig, 1903. Also, in: Beitr. z. chem. Phvs. u. Path., Brnschwg., 1903, iv, 192-211. Bradley (H. C.) The occurrence of taurin in inver- tebrate muscle. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1904, n. a., xx, 25.—Dixon (S. G.) The effect of injections of taurin upon tumors of mice and dogs. Penn. Health Bull., Harrisburg, 1911, no. 19. Also, Reprint.—Kelly (Agnes). Beobachtungen fiber das Vorkommen von Aetherschwefelsauren, von Taurin und Glycin bei nie- deren Tieren. Beitr. z. chem. Phys. u. Path., Brnschwg., 1904, v, 379-383.—Tauber (S.) Ueber einige Derivate des Taurins und die Synthese der Taurocholsaure. Ibid., 1903, vi, 323-330. Taurin (Victor-Albert) [1862- ]. *Du re- trecissement cicatriciel du col de l'uterus au point de vue de 1'accouchement. 75 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 173. -----. The same. 75 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1895. Taury (Daniel). *An dysenteriae, mochlica purgatio? 4 pp. 8°. Parisiis, F. Muguet, 1695. Tauseliwitz (Karl) [1884- ]. * Ueber die Kombination von Carcinom und Tuberkulose. 46 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1911. Tausig (Hugo). Das Airol ein Ersatzmittel des Jodol'orms, seine Wirkung auf Gonorrhoe und Trachom. 1 1. fol. Wien, 1896. Repr.from: Wien. med. Presse, 1896, xix. ------. Die sekretionsbeschriinkende Wirkung der Eston-Priiparate und ihr Einfluss auf den Schweissfuss. 8 pp. 8°. [Men], 1907. Repr.from: Oesterr. Aerzte-Ztg., Wien, 1907, iv. Tausignano. See de Tusignano. Taussig (Albert E[mst]) [1871- ]. Pneu- maturia, with report of a case. 16 pp. 8°. Boston, 1907. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvi. ------. Gastric cancer, producing a gastrocuta- neous fistula. 7 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1907, lxxxvi. Taussig (Gabriele). Della febbre migliare, sua origine, decorso e cura. 2. ed. 172 pp., 1 1. 8°. Roma, Sinimberghi, 1859. Taussig (Siegmund). Ernahrung und Pflege des Kindes bis zum Ende des zweiten Lebens- jahree, sowie die Verhiitung seiner Erkrankung. 156 pp. 16°. Wien dc Leipzig, W. Braumuller, [1897]. ------. Behelf zur Losung von Aufgaben aus dem operativen Sanitatsdienst und der Sanitiits- taktik. ix, 112 pp. 12°. Wien, J. Safaf, 1902. Tauszk (Ferencz) [1865- ]. A belgyogya- szat alapvonalai. Masodik bovitett kiadas. [The elements of internal therapy. 2. enlarged ed.] 2 p. 1., 331 pp. 8°. Budapest, Dobrowsky dc Franke, 1901. -----. Eszrev6telek az idiilt iziileti csuz gyogy- kezel^sehez. [On the treatment of chronic articular rheumatism.] 8 pp. 8°. Budapest, 1908. Repr.from: Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1908, vi. Taute (Max) [1878- ]. * Ueber todliche Blutungen im Gefolge der Tracheotomie. 19 pp., 1 1. 8°. Tiibingen, II. Laupp, 1903. Tautil (Edmond). *De l'epistaxis des vieil- lards. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 503. Tautomerism. Aeree (S. F.) On the constitution of phenylurazole. III. A contribution to the studv of tautomerism. Am. Chem. J., Bait., 1907, xxxviii. 1-91. —Hriihl (J. W.) Ueber tautomere Umwandlung'en in Losungen. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Leipz., 1900, xxxiv, 31-iii.—Briilil (J. W.) & SchrOder (H.) Ueber Salzbildungen in Lo- sungen, insbesondere bei tautomerisierbaren Korpern (Pseudosiiuren, Pseudobasen). Ibid.. 1904-5,1, 1: 1905, li. 1; 513.—Ellenberger (E.) Ueber Umwandlungen bei tautomeren und polymorphen Korpern. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. d.ges. Naturw.zu Marb. (1904), 1905, 33-42.—Kling (A.) La tautomeric. Rev. con. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1907, xviii, 283; 311.—Jlannicn (C.) &Hancu (V.H.) Ueberdie Tautomeric zyklischer Monoketone. Arb. a. d. pharmazeut. Inst. d. Univ. BerL, 1908, v, 197-216.—Sidgvviek (N. V.) & Moore (T. S.) Zur Dvnamik der Tautomeric I. Brillanlgrun. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1907, lviii, 385-408. Tautz (Kurt) [1878-^ ]. * Ueber Gaumense- gellahmung. 26 pp', 2 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1902. TauVri [Daniel] [1669-1701]. See Mery (Jean). Nouveau systeme de la circulation du sang [etc.]. 12°. [Paris, 1700.1 For Biography, see Bull. Soc. franc, d'hist. de mecl., Par., 1902, i, 64-97 (P. Delaunay). Also: France med., Par., 1902, xlix, 99; 147; 169; 297; 317; 344 (P. Delaunay). Tauzia (Etienne- Louis -Andre) [1877- ]. *De la tuberculose herniaire. 98 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1902, No. 85. Tavares de Souza Vaz (Augusto). * Estudo clinico dos delirios de perseguicao e de grandeza. 89 pp., 1 1. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, Besnard frbres, 1903. Taveau (Ore). Igiene della bocca, ossia trattato intorno la nettezza della bocca e la conservazione de' denti. Prima traduzione italiana eseguita del G. Emiliani. 2. ed. xv, 168 pp., 1 pl. 16°. Bologna, Marsigli d: Rocchi, 1845. Tavel (E[rnst]) [1858- ]. Ueber die Aetio- logie der Strumitis; ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den h*matogenen Infectionen. xvi, 193 pp., 8 diag. on 4 1. 8°. Basel, C. Salhnaun, 1892. -----. Chirurgische Infektion und deren Pro- phylaxe. 74 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Sienion Nfi, 1905. See,also, Kocher (Th.) & Tavel (E.) Lektsii o khi- rurghicheskikh [etc.]. 8°. H.-Piterburg, 1897.—Wolff (J.) Forme et fonction, leurs rapports reciproques,[etc]. 8°. Paris, 1901. -----& Lanz (Otto). Ueber die Aetiologie der Peritonitis; ein Beitrag zur Lehre der Continui- tiits-Infectionen und der Contiguitiits-Entzun- dungen. xii, 177 pp., 1 1., 8 pl. 8°. Basel dc Leipzig, C. Sallmann, 1893. Forms 1. Hft. of: Mitth. a. Klin. u. med. Inst. d. Schweiz, Basel u. Leipz., 1893, i, 1. R. von Tavel (F.) Vergleichende Morphologie der Pilze. xi, 208 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1892. Tavella (Vincentino). *De diathesi. 31 pp. 4°. Genuse, 1812. [P., v. 2152.] Tavera (M[athieu-Benoit-Adolphi]) [1875- ]. * Du traitement des ankyloses vicieuses de la hanche et en particulier de 1'osteotomie sous-trochant^rienne oblique. 95 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, 1898, No. 188. Tave rnier (Auguste - Francois - Ernest - Joseph) [1859- ]. *De la dacryocys'ite tuberculeuse consideree comme point de depart du lupus de la peau, de la muqueuse nasale, de la conjonc- tive palpebrale. 55 pp. 8°. Lille, 1897, 5. a., No. 63. TAVERNIER. 625 TAYLER-JONES. Tavernier (Louis) [1878- ]. *Les drplace- ments traumatiques du semilunaire. 3L8 pp., 10 pl. 8°. Lyon, 1906, No. 129. Taverns. Borntrsiger. Hygienische Einrichtuntren der Gast- hiiuser und Schankstiitten. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1904, xxxvi, 41-90. Taves (Archibald William). The etiology and diagnosis of epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis. 42 pp. 8°. Providence, Snow dc Furnham Co., 1906. Tavildaroff(F[yodor] N[ikolayevich]) [1878- ]. *K voprosu o prisutstvii detsidualnikh klletok v slizistol obolochkie matki vnie bere- mennavo sostoyaniya yeya. [Presence of de- cidual cells in the uterine mucosa not in preg- nancy.] 116 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1904. Tavism. Jerusalemy (J.) La medecine etle tavisme. Presse med., Par., 1910, xviii, annex, 811-813. Tavistock. See Dispensaries (Description and reports on), by localities. Tavitian (Kricor) [1866- ]. * Etude sur le gaiacol et son emploi dans le traitement de l'or- chite blennorrhagique. 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 35. Tawara (S.) Das Reizleitungssystem des Sau- getierherzens. Eine anatomisch-hislologische Studie iiber das Atrioventricularbiindel und die Pur-Kinjeschen Foden. Mit einem Vorwort von L. Aschoff. ix, 200 pp., 10 pl. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1906. Tawaststjerna (Onni). * Ueber die subku- tanen Rupturen des Magen-Darmkanals nach Bauchverletzungen. 173 pp., 1 1. 8°. Helsing- fors, 1905. Tax der medicamenten voor Utrechts aalmoesse- niers armen. 2 1. fol. [ Utrecht, J. J. van Pool- sum, 1762.] Taxicatine. Lei'ebvre (C.) La taxicatine, glucoside nouveau re- tire du Taxus baccata L. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 513. Also: J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1907, 6. s., xxvi, 241-254. Taxidermy. See, also, Anatomy (Methods in). Shufeldt (R. W.) Taxidermical methods in the Leyden Museum, Holland. 8°. Wash- ington, 1897. Repr.from: Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus., Wash., 1895. Taxine. JW'Pliail (J.) Taxine poisoning. Vet. J., Lond., 1900, n. s., ii, 27.—Thorpe (T. E.) & Stubbs (G.) Taxine. J. Chem. Soc. Lond., 1902, lxxxi, 874-883. Taxinea?. Lefebvre (C.) * Application des process biochimiques a la recherche et au dosage des sucres et des glucosides dans les plantes de la tribu des taxinees. Etude de la taxinee. 8°. Paris, 1907. Ecole de pharm. Also, transl. in: Arch. d. Pharm., BerL, 1907, ccxlv, 493-502. Taxis (Rectal). See Hernia (Treatment of'). Taxodium distichum. Noriega (T. ) * El ahuehuete. Breve en- sayo sobre el fruto de este arbol. 8°. Mexico, 1877. vol xvii, 2d series---40 Taxonomy. See, also, Botany; Zoology. HrxLEY (T. H.) An introduction to the classification of animals. 8°. London, 1869. Allen (J. A.), Bangs (0.), Evernianii (B. W.), [etal.]. A method of fixing the type in certain genera. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1902, n. s., xvi, 114.— lHatruchot (L.) Application d'un caractere d'ordre ethologique a la classification naturelle. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902, exxxv, 988-991—Montgomery (T. H.),jr. On phylogenetic classification. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1902, liv, 187-232. Taxt for veterimere Lfegemidler. Med Inden- rigsministeriets Autorisation fastsat af det vete- rinsere Sundhedsraad, grcldende fra 1. Mai til 30. April 1899. [Price list of veterinary drugs. With autorization of the Ministry of the Interior fixed by the Veterinary Sanitary Council, valid from May 1, 1898, to April 30, 1899.] 16 pp. 8°. Kjobenhavn, H. Christensen, 1898. Taxus baccata. Berthier (C.) * Etude physiologique de l'if (Taxus baccata) et de la taxine de Merck. 8°. Geneve, 1896. torneviii (C.) De l'influence pretendue du sexe de l'if sur la venenosite de cet arbuste. J. de med. v<§t. et zootech., Lyon, 1893, 3. s., Xviii, 129-131.—»[e] IV [obele] (L.) L'if cornmun; Taxus baccata Lin. Rev. pharm., Gand, 1887-8, iii, 392-lnl.— Lefebvre (C.) Ueber das Taxikatin, das Glykosid der Blatter von Taxus baccata L. Arch. d. Pharm., BerL, 1907, ccxlv, 486-492.—Lorenz. Ueber die Wirkung der Blatter der Taxus baccata. Ztschr. f. Veteriniirk., BerL, 1900, xiii, 7-9. Taxus baccata (Toxicology of). Perroncito (E.) II Taxus baccata ed i suoi effetti velenosi. 8°. Torino, 1901. Balding. Fatal poisoning by yew. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 818.—Barling (E. S.) Poisoning by Irish yew. Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 1103.—Death caused by yew leaves. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n. s., lxxx, 201.—Empoisonneiuent par les feuilles de l'if corn- mun (Taxus baccata). Art med., Brux., 1865-6, i, no. 7, 13.—Glaser (E.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vergif- tung und Fruchtabtreibung mit Taxus baccata. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 1386-1393.—Grimme. Ver- giftung von Rindern durch Taxus baccata. Deutsche tierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1907, xv, 321.—Lander (G. D.) Note on yew poison. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1904-5, xvii, 530.—deJHontmollin (J.) Empoisonnementpar l'if chezun enfant. Rev. med. dela Suisse Rora.,'Geneve, 1895, xv, 667.—Percival (T.) Fatal effects of yew leaves. [Case.] In his: Works, literary, moral, and medical, 8°, Lond., 1807, iv, 180.—Pierce (B.) Notes on a case of yew poisoning. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1898, xliv, 313-320.—Poisoning by yew leaves. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 1377.— Quiclet. Empoisonnement de deux chevaux par des feuilles d'if. Rec. de mem. et obs. s. l'hyg. etlamed. vet. mil., Par., 1899, 2. s., xx, 299. Tayac (D.-Auguste). Le nodol nouvel insensi- bilisateur; extraction des dents veritablement sans douleur; renseignements et conseils concer- nant lea soins de la bouche et des dents. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, [n. d.]. Tayler (J[ohn] Lionel). Aspects of social evo- lution. First series. Temperaments, xxviii (2 1.), 297 pp., 10 pl. 8°. London, Smith, El- der dc Co., 1904. TayIer-Jone§ (Louise). Our present knowl- edge of the kidney worm (Sclerostoma pingui- cola) of swine, pp. 612-637. 8°. Washington, D. C., 1900. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: XVI. Rep. Bu- reau Animal Indust., Wash., 1899-1900. ------. A record of the first 500 cases cared for at the Nathan Straus infants' milk depots of Washington, D. C. 19 pp. 8°. New York, 1911. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1911, xxviii. ------. A case of infection of the new-born. 4 pp. 4°. Chicago, 1911. Repr.from: Am. J. Dis. Child., Chicago, 1911, ii. TAYLOR. 626 TAYLOR. Taylor (Albert). The sanitary inspector's handbook. 2. ed. 332 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1897. ------. The same. 3. ed. xiv (2 1.), 408 pp. 12°. London, II. K. Lewis, 1901. ------. The same. 4. ed. xii, 455 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1905. Taylor (Sir Alexander) [1800-79]. On the cu- rative influence of the climate of Pau, and the mineral waters of the Pyrenees, on disease; with descriptive notices of the geology, botany, natu- ral historv, mountain sports, local antiquities, and topography of the Pyrenees, and their prin- cipal watering places, xi, 342 pp. 12°. Lon- don, J. W. Parker, 1845. Taylor (Alfred Bower) [1824-98] Wilbert (M. I.) Biographical sketch. Pharm., Phila., 1903, lxxv, 131-134. Taylor (Alfred Swaine [1806-80]. Observations and experiments on the lungs of new-born chil- dren, in relation to medical jurisprudence. In: Dunglison's Am. M. Libr. 8°. Philadelphia, 1838, 553-589. ------. Elements of medical jurisprudence, in- terspersed with a copious selection of curious and instructive cases and analyses of opinions delivered at coroners' inquests, xix, 511 pp. 8°. London, Deacon, 1843. A thermometrical table on the scales of Am. J. Fahrenheit, Centigrade, and Reaumur; com- prising the most remarkable phenomena con- nected with temperature, in relation to clima- tology, physical geography, chemistry and phys- iology. 11 pp. 16°. London, T. dc R. Willats, 1845. The table wanting. ----. A manual of medical jurisprudence. 2. ed. xvi, 704 pp. 16°. London, J. Churchill, 1846. ----. The same. The principles and practice of medical jurisprudence. 5. ed., revised and brought up to date by Fred. J. Smith. 2 v. viii (2 1.), 975 pp.; 924 pp. 8°. London, J. & A. Churchill, 1905. ----. The same. Medical jurisprudence. 2. Am. from 3. Lond. ed. "With notes and addi- tions by R. Eglesfeld Griffith, xvi, 33-670 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea dc Blunchard, 1850. The same. 6. Am. from the 8. and re- vised Lond. ed.; with notes and references to American decisions, by Clement B. Penrose. xvi, 17-776 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea, 1866. The same. 12. Am. ed.; with citations and additions for the 12. English ed., by Clark Bell, xvi, 832 pp. 8°. New York dc Philadel- phia, Lea Brothers dc Co., 1897. Metropolis water supply. Remarks on the water supplied by the West Middlesex Water Works Company. 8 pp. 8°. [London, 1872.] [P., v. 2037.] See also, Brande (William Thomas) & Taylor (Alfred Swaine). Chemistry [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1863. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1898, lv, 402 (W. W. Webb). Taylor (Alonzo Englebert). Studies on an ash- free diet, pp. 71-86. 8°. Berkeley, University Press, 1904. Forms v. 1, no. 7, of: Univ. Calif. Publ. Pathol., Berke- ley. ------. On fermentation, pp. 87-341. 8°. Berke- ley, Univ. Press, 1907. Forms v. 1, no. 8, of: Univ. Calif. Publ. Pathol., Berke- ley. Taylor (Alonzo Englebert)—continued. ------. On the synthesis of protein through the action of trypsin, pp. 343-347. 8°. Berkeley, Univ. Press, 1907. Forms v. 1, no. 9, of: Univ. Calif. Publ. Pathol., Berke- ley. Auto-intoxications. In: Mod. Med. (Osier). 8°. Philadelphia & New York, 1907, i, 266-325. See, also, Martin (Edward) & Taylor (Alonzo En- gelbert). Diseases of the bladder, hi: Am. text-book gen.-urin. dis. [etc.] (Bangs & Hardawav), 8°, Phila., 1898, 337-409, 2 pl. ----- & Frazier (C. H.) The restitution of the blood-plasma following intravenous saline injections after hemorrhage. 12 pp. rov. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1900.] Taylor (Arthur N.) The law in its relations to physicians, iv (11.), 550 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton dc Co., 1900. ------. The same. 2. ed. v, 559 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton dc Co., 1904. Taylor (Benjamin Walter) [1834-1906]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 208. Also: J. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1905-6, i, 224. Also: Tr. South. Surg. York], 1886. Repr.from: Proc. N. YorkM. Ass., 1886. Placentaprsevia. 12 pp. 8°. New York, 31pp. pp. 188- Repr.from: Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1887. ------. Inversion of the uterus after somatic death. 10 pp. 8°. [New York], 1889. Repr.from: Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1889. Taylor (J. Howard) [1825-1905]. Obituary. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxviii, 745. Taylor (J. Marcus) [1832- ]. [Biograpliy.] Memphis M. Month., 1892, xii, 81-83, portr. Taylor (James) [1809-81]. Thorpe (B. L.) Pioneer, practitioner, teacher, jour- nalist and dental societv and dental college organizer. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1903, xvii. 982-988, portr. Taylor (James) [1840-1912]. Optic neuritis in its relation to intra-cranial tumour and trephin- ing. 10 pp. 8°. [London, 1894.] Repr.from: Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1894, xiv. -----. A post-graduate lecture on intra-cranial tumours, delivered in connection with the Lon- don post-graduate course at the National Hos- pital for the Paralysed and Epileptic, Queen Square. 8 pp. 8°. London, J. Beale dc Sons, 1894. Repr.from: Lancet, Lond., 1894, i. Taylor (James). Paralysis and other diseases of the nervous system in childhood and early life, viii, 512 pp. 8°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1905. -----. The same, viii, 512 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, P. Blakiston's Son dc Co., 1905. See also, Gowen (Sir William Richard). A manual of diseases of the nervous system. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1899—Kussell (James Samuel Risien) & Taylor (James). A second series of cases treated by suspension [etc.]. 12°. London, 1890. __. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912, l, 281. Taylor (James H.) How shall we rear our babies? 6 pp. 8°. [New York, 1895. Repr.from: Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vn. Taylor (James Mare) [1844-1901]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 1056. Taylor (Jeremiah). The medical profession; its position and claims. A discourse delivered Sabbath evening, December 28th, 1856, in the First Congregational Church, Middletown, Conn., occasioned by the death of David Har- rison. 22 pp. 8°. Middletown, Conn., C. H Pelton, 1857. Taylor (Joannes). *De hominum varietati- bus. 3 p. 1., 20 pp. 8°. Edinburcji, A. Smel- lie, 1806. Taylor (John) [1706-72]. The sentiments of the professors of physick, in the foreign univer- sities, concerning the operations and method of curing the diseases incident to the eye. vii, 23 pp. 12°. London, T. Cooper, 1742. Taylor (John)—continued. •. Imparziale ricerca della vera sede dell' organo immediato della vista, con gli argo- menti per dimostrare che la coroide, e non la retina, 6 1' organo immediato della vista, contro 1' opinione generalmente ricevuta. Questione importantissima, si per la conoscenza che per la guarigione di tutte le malattie che afnigono il suddetto organo, a cui s' aggiungono 40 domande in favore della coroide. 55 pp. 12°. Bologna, Sassi, 1754. The life and extraordinary history of the Chevalier John Taylor. 2 v. iv, 236 pp.; ii, 208 pp. 12°. London, M. Cooper, 1761. For Biographi/, see Am. Ophth., St. Louis, 1905, xiv, 31- 36, port., 1 pl. (M. Frank). Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xii, 1142-1144 (B. Pusey). Also: J. med. de Brux., 1908, xiii, 751 (Van Duyse). Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1906, lxxvii, 817-824. Taylor (John) [1S19-1908]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 864. Also, Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 914. Taylor (J[ohn] Cleasly). The health resorts of the Canary Islands in their climatological and medical aspect, vi (1 1.), 94 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1893. Taylor (John Madison) [1855- ]. The treatment of exophthalmic goiter. 23 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, Lea Bros, dc Co., 1893.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii. ■. The insane disorders of childhood. 16 pp. 8°. [New York, 1893.] Repr.from: Arch. Paediat., N. Y., 1893, x. ----. An epidemic of poliomyelitis. 5 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1898. Repr.from: Phila. M. J., 1898, i. -. The repair of will-loss. pp. 222-259. 8°. Philadelphia, [1898]. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Internat. Clin., Phila., 1898, 7. s., ii-iv. Hypnotic suggestion as a practical aid to medicine. 7 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1899. Repr.from: Cniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1899, xii. Nervous manifestations in the diseases of children. 4 pp. 8°. New York, 1900. Repr.from: Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1900, ix. -. The amelioration of paralysis agitans and other forms of tremor by systematic exer cise. 7 pp. 8°. New York, 1901. Repr.from: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1901, xxviii. Remarks on mechanotherapy, massage, bone setting, and osteopathy. 16 pp. 12 New York, 1903. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc], 1903, lxxviii. . Respiratory education in the treatment 11 ___A J!___J___ TO___ ?0 AT™.. of lung and heart disorders. 13 pp. 8°. New York 1904. Repr.from: N. York M J. [etc.], 1904, lxxx. The principles of treatment in diseases of children. 16 pp. 8°. [New York], 1906. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv. The rational treatment of visceral ptoses. 16 pp. 8°. [New York], 1906. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv. —. Artificial supports for the viscera. 9 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc|, 1907, lxxxv. -. Management of exhaustion states in men. 15 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1907. Repr.from: Internat. Clin., Phila., 1907,17. s., ii. . Relief of nutritional disorders by devel- oping the abdominal supports. 10 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxvi. -. Remarks on medical legislation. 4 pp 8°. Philadelphia, 1907. Repr.from: Month. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1907, x, TAYLOR. 630 TAYLOR. Taylor (John Madison)—continued. ------. Treatment of writer's cramp. Profes- sional spasm, occupation neurosis or scrivener's palsy, arm-pains, etc. 4 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1907. Repr.from: Month. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1907, x. ------. What good can we get from consulta- tion? 4 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1907. Repr.from: Month. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1907, x. ------. The hand as a therapeutic agent. 15 pp. 8°. New York, 1908. Repr. from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxvii. ------. The medical treatment of tuberculosis as interpreted by Sajous. 5 pp. 8°. [Philadel- phia], 1908. Repr.from: Month. Cycl. & M. Bull., Phila., 1908, ii. ------. The rational treatment of splanchnopto- sis; displacements of viscera, both abdominal and thoracic. 14 pp. 12°. New York, 1908. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxiv. ------. The curative powers in human milk. 6 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, 1909, Repr.from Month. Cycl. & M. Bull., Phila., 1909, ii. ------. A few practical applications of the prin- ciples introduced bv Dr. Sajous. 6 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, 1909. Repr.from: Month. Cycl. & M. Bull., Phila., 1909, ii. ■-----. The gospel of human efficiency; the con- servation of vital energy by teaching right liv- ing essential to the highest achievement in any line of endeavor. 8 pp. 4°. New York, 1909. Repr.from: Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1909, xxv. ■-----. A new era in medicine. 15 pp. 8°. New York, 1909. Repr.from: Med. Times, N. Y., 1909, xxxvii. ------. Respiratory education; methods designed to amplify vital capacity by enhancing the mo- bility of The thorax, and thus contribute to the repair of disordered functions. 8 pp. 4°. New York, 1909. Repr.from: Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1909, xxv. ------. Treatment of occupation neuroses and neuritis in the arms. 7 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1909. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, liii. -----. Cases of chronic joint troubles (rheuma- toid disease). With remarks on treatment. 6 pp. 12°. New- York, 1910. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xci. ------. The conservative value of right posture. 8 pp. 8°. New York, 1911. Repr.from: J. Advance. Therap., N. Y.,1911, xxix. ------. Motor education for the child, pp. 268- 272. 8°. New York, 1911. Cutting from: Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1911, lxxxiii. ------. What is the attitude of £he medical pro- fession toward osteopathy? 5 pp. 4°. Phila- delphia, 1911. Repr.from: Month. Cycl. & M. Bull., Phila.. 1911, iv. See, also, Hinsdale (Guy). Medical papers and es- says. Crossed knee-jerk [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1899. .----- & Wells (William H.) Manual of the diseases of children, xii, 743 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, P. Blakiston7s Son dc Co., 1898. ------------. Thesame. 2. ed. 859 pp., lpl. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son dc Co., 1901. ------------. The same. Manuale delle malat- tie dei bambini. Traduzione italiana sulla 2. cd., interamente riveduta ed ampliata per il Ma- rio Flamini, con prefazione del Luigi Concetti, con note ed aggiunte del Francesco Valagussa. ix, 862 pp. 8°. Torino, 1903. Taylor (John R.) Observations on the mos- quitos of Havana, Cuba. 27 pp. 8°. Ha- bana, 1903. Transl.from: Rev. med. trop., Habana, 1903, iv. Taylor (John Bolxrt) [1809-1900]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 65. Taylor (J[ohn] Stopford). Annual reports on the health of Liverpool, by the medical officer of health to the health committee, for the years 1876-92. 8°. Liverpool, 1877-93. Taylor (John Travis) [1874-1900]. [Biography.] Tr.M. Soc. Virg. 1900, Richmond, 1901, 333. Taylor (John W[illiam]) [1851-1910]. On the treatment of perforation due to gastric ulcer. 21pp., 1 diag. 8°. Birmingham, Hall dc En- glish, 1888. Repr.from: Birmingh. M. Rev., 1888, xxiii. ------. Extra uterine pregnancy, a clinical and operative study, x, 205 pp. 8°. London, II. K. Lewis, 1899. ------. On the diminishing birth-rate. Presi- dential address delivered before the British Gynaecological Society, February 11, 1904. 27 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1904. See, also, Dilbrssen (Jacob Alfred). A manual of gvnsecological practice [etc.]. 12°. London, 1895.-----. The same. 12°. London, 1897. For Biography, see Birmingh. M. Rev., 1910, lxvii, 97- 100, port. (J. F. Jordan). Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, i, 607 (M. C). Also: J. Obst. Gynaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1910, xvii, 333 (E. M.). Also: Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1910, i, 687. Taylor (John Yeatman) [1830-1911]. Obituary. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxv, 815. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 1779. Taylor (Lewis H.) [1850- ]. Cases and treat- ment of mastoid disease. 11 pp. 8°. [ Wilkes- barre, 1891.] ------. The medical specialist. 11 pp. 8°. [Easton, Pa., 1891.] Repr. from: Lehigh Valley Med. Mag., Easton, Pa., 1890-91, ii. ------. Typhoid fever and impure milk. 11 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1892.] Repr.from: Ann. Hyg., Phila., 1892, xvii. ------. Double consciousness. 14 pp. 8°. Wilkesbarre, 1897. Repr. from: Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, Wilkesbarre, 1897. ------. Non-medical therapeutics. 10 pp. 8°. Wilkes-Barre, 1901. Repr. from: Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, Wilkesbarre, 1901. ------. The operation of couching performed by a mule. 2 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1901. Repr.from: Ophth. Rec, Chicago 1901. x. ------. Medical libraries In smaller cities. 7 pp. 8°. [n. p.], 1904. Repr.from: Med. Libr. & Hist. J., 1904, ii. Taylor (M[atthew] Logan). Report of the sanitary conditions of Cape Coast Town. 19 pp. 8°. Liverpool, 1902. See, also, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, 1902, viii. ------. Second progress report of the campaign against mosquitoes in Sierra Leone. 13 pp. 8°. Liverpool, 1902. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i. Taylor (Michael Wtistell) [1824-92]. Carlyle (E. I.) Biography. Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1898, lv, 455. Taylor (Prefer] A.) [1809-91]. Current fallacies about vaccination; a letter to W. B. Carpenter. 2. ed., with additional remarks on Dr. Car- penter's article on disease-germs. 37 pp. 8°. London, E. W. Allen, 1881. [P., v. 2096.] TAYLOR. 631 TAYLOR. Taylor f R[ichard A[ugustus]). Tuberculosis, a clinical problem in the tenements. 12 pp. 12°. New York, 1908. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, Ixxxviii. Taylor (Robert) [1710-62]. Webb (W. W.) Biography. Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1898, lv, 459. Taylor (Robert) [1815-83] & Ilulmc (Ed- ward C.) Cases illustrating the use of the ophthalmoscope. 4 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8°. Lon- don, 1859. [P., v. 2199.] Repr.from: Arch. Med., Lond., 1859, i. Taylor (Robert Hibbert) [1818-98]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i, 251. Taylor (R[obert] Tunstall) [1867- ] & Knorr (E[rnest] A.) A study of vaccines and the opsonic index in relation to orthopedic surgerv. 20 pp. 8°. Boston, 1907. Repr.'from: Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1907-8, v. Taylor (Robert W [illiam]) [1842-1908]. The seborrhoic process and the early syphilitic erup- tions. 161-169 pp. 8°. [New York, 1890.] Cutting from: J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1890, viii. -----. The pigmentary svphilide. 6 pp., 3 pl. roy. 8°. New York, D. Appleton dc Co., 1893. Repr.from: X. York M. J., 1893, lvii. -----. The pathology and treatment of venereal diseases. 1002 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Brothers dc Co., 1895. -----. Svphilis. In: Syst. Surg. (Dennis), Phila., 1895, iii, 797-907, 5 pl. -----. A practical treatise on sexual disorders of the male and female, xi, 451 pp., 8 pl. 8°. New York dc Philadelphia, Lea Brothers dc Co., 1897. -----. The same. 3. ed., thoroughly revised. 525 pp., 16 pl. 8°. New York dc Philadelphia, Lea Bros, dc Co., 1905. ■-----. A practical treatise on genito-urinary and venereal diseases and syphilis. 2. ed. 722 pp., 27 pl. 8°. New York dc Philadelphia, Lea Bros, dc Co., 1900. -----. The same. 3. ed., thoroughly revised. 757 pp., 30 pl. 8°. New York dc Philadelphia, Lea Bros, dc Co., 1904. -----. Deformities of the penis due to syphilis, gonorhcea, and other causes. 31 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1907, lxxxv. -----. Bone svphilis, hereditary and acquired. 42 pp. 8°. ' New York, A. R. Elliott Co., 1907. Repr. from: X. York M. J., [etc.], 1907, lxxxv. See, also, Bu instead (Freeman Josiah) & Taylor (Robert W.) The pathologv and treatment of venereal diseases, [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1883. For Biography, see Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clviii, 102. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 421. Also: J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 19C8, xxvi, 148, port. Taylor (Seymour) [1851- ]. Index of med- icine. A manual for the use of senior students and others, xi, 794 pp. 12°. London, Smith, Elder dc Co., 1894. ■-----. The same, xii, 794 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Lea Bros, dc Co., 1894. ■-----. On acute pneumonia, its signs, symp- toms, and treatment. 64 pp. 8°. London, H. J. Glaisher, 1907. Taylor (T. N.) & Lamb (W. A.) Surface water supply of Western Gulf of Mexico and Rio Grande drainages, 1906. 114 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1907. U. S. Dep. Int. Geol. Survey. Water-supply and irri- gation paper no. 210. Taylor (T. S.) On the retardation of alpha rays by metals and gases, pp. 357-372. 8°. New Haven, Conn., 1909. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Am. J.Sc.New Haven, 1909, 4. s., xxviii. Taylor (Thomas) [1819-1900]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i,56. Also: Lan- cet, Lond., 1901, i, 73. Taylor (Thomas) [1820-1910]. Internal para- sites in the common fowl. pp. 131-133. 8°. [Buffalo, 1883.] Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Proc. Am. Soc. Micr., Buffalo, 1883, vi. ---—. Microscopic observations. Internal par- asites in domestic fowls, and butter and fats. 7 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1884. -----. Annual reports of the microscopist, for 1891; 1892. pp. 405-416; pp. 281-292, 9 pl. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1892-3. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Rep. Seer, Agric, 1891-2. -----. Food products. II. Eight edible and twelve poisonous mushrooms of the United States, with directions for their culture and cu- linary preparation of the edible species. 16pp., 6 pl. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1893. -----. The same. III. 1. Improved methods of distinguishing between pure and fictitious lard. 2. Four edible, mushrooms of the United States. 22 pp., 6 pL 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1893. Repr.from: Rep. Seer. Agric, 1891. -----. Food products. I. Twelve edible mush- rooms of the United States, with directions for their identification and their preparation as food. Reprinted by authority of the Secretary of Agriculture, with an appendix, 23 pp., 1 col. pl. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1894. -----. Student's hand-book of mushrooms of America, edible and poisonous. 8°. Washing- ton, D. C, A. R. Taylor, 1897-8. For Biography, see Wash. M. Ann., 1910-11, ix, 78-80. Taylor (Wallace). Studies in Japanese "kak- ke" or beriberi. 22 pp., 9 ch. 4°. Osaka, 1886. -----. Osaka medical work of the Japan mission. A. B. C. F. M. For 1890-92. 8°. Osaka, [1891-3]. Taylor (Walter H[erbert]). Treatment of fractured thigh by a new method, involving a principle which pertains to the treatment of fractures in general. 14 pp. 8°. New York, 1911. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv. Taylor (Wesley E.) [1874- ]. Headache. 12 pp. 8°. New York, 1911. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc], 1911. xciv. Taylor (William) [1791-1865]. Annual address delivered before the Medical Society of the State of New York, Feb. 7, 1843. pp. 159-178. 8°. [Albany, 1843.] [P., v. 1020.] Cutting from: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y. 1841-3, Albany, 1843, v. For Biography, see N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1908, viii, 548 (J. J. Walsh). Taylor ( William) [1827-1907]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii. 1449. Taylor (William). ,svy Stokes (Sir William). Selected papers [etc.], 8°. London & Dublin, 1902. Taylor ( William Bower) [1821-95]. Rhees (W. J.) [Biography.] 8°. Washing- ton, 1898. TAYLOR. 632 TEA. Taylor (William H[enry]) [1836-1910]. Re- port of a case of gastro-elytrotomy. 12 pp. 8°. [Chicago, 1883.] i
ordon (A.) Acase of tea-intoxication with spinal symptoms. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1901, 3. s., xvii, 444-446.—Gouget (A.) Le cafeisme et le theisme. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1907, lxxx, 1623; 1617.—Henry (R. W.) A case of amblyopia due to excessive tea-drinking. Ophth. Rev., Lond.,"1900, xix, 331-333—King (E.) Tea and coffee intoxication. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, v, 182.— liequyer(J.) Un cas d'intoxication chronique par le the. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1906, 2. s., xxiv, 993-997.— MiOrtat-Jacob (L.) & Sabareanu (G.) Accidents uterins au cours de l'intoxication theique (the jeune du Japon). Bull. med.. Par., 1904, xviii, 157-159.—ITlathew- son (E. H.) The effects of tea-drinking; facial paralysis. Mod. Med. & Bacteriol. Rev., Battle Creek, Mich., 1898, vii, 180.—Jlulliiis (G. L.) An unusual case of acute lead-poisoning from tea-drinking. Intercolon. M.Cong. Australas. Tr. 1896, Dunedin, 1897, iv, 119.—Pery (J.) Accidents uterins au cours de l'intoxication par le the. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 280.—Spillmann pere. Un cas d'empoisonnement aigu par le the. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r., 1900-1901, 20-22. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1901, n. s., vi, 129.—Wood (J.) Tea-intoxication. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 4X0-488. -----. The treatment of constipation in cases of tea poi- soning. Brooklyn M. J., 1894, viii, 649-652. -----. A re- markable case of theaism. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 66. Teacher (John H[ammond]). Catalogue of the anatomical and pathological preparations of William Hunter in the Hunterian Museum, Universitv of Glasgow. 2 v., paged consecu- tively. 943, lxxx pp. S°. Glasgow, J. Mac Lehose dc Son, 1900. -----. Contributions to the study of the early development and imbedding of the human ovum. 4°. Glasgow, 1908. Teachers. See School-teachers. Teachers'Sanitary Bulletin. Published month- ly by the State Board of Health, Lansing, Mich. v. 1-2, 1898-9. 8°. Lansing. Teaching. See, also, Pedagogics; School-teachers. Bridou ( V. ) L'education des sentiments. 8°. Paris, 1911. Pizzoli (U.) Pedagogia scientifica. 8°. Mi- lano, 1909. Andreas (C.) Die Selbstandigkeit der Piidagogik ge- genuber ihren Grund- und Hilfswissenschaften. Ztschr. f. padagog. Psychol, [etc.], Berl., 1911, xii, 441-448.— Bonnier(P.) Surl'oralitedans l'enseignement. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 136. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxlii, 302.—Cellerier (L.) Me- thode de la science pedagogique. Rev. Phil., Par., 1911, lxxi, 400-421.—Deuehler (G.) Ueber das Mannheimer Schulsystem. Ztschr. f. padagog. Psychol, [etc.], Leipz., 1908-9, x, 384-421.—Jones (E. E.) A concrete example of the value of individual teaching. Psychol. Clin., Phila., 1908, ii, 195-203.—liOwenstein (K. K.) Ueber den Akt des " Konnens" und seine Bedeutung fiir Prak- tik, Didaktik und Piidagogik. Ztschr. f. padagog. Psv- chol. [etc], Berl., 1911, xii, 403-420. Tea-gardens. B ope r (C.) Some effects of the climate on the health of imported tea-garden labour in Assam. J. Trop. M.fetc.J, Lond., 1912, xv, 39-57. Teague (Oscar) [1878- ]. * Ueber den Pes calcaneus. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, 1903. -----& Buxton (B[ertram] H.) Die Aggluti- nation in physikalischer Hinsicht. III. Die von den suspendierten Teilchen getragene elek- trische Ladung. pp. 76-89. 8°. New York, 1906. Cidtingfrom: Ztschr. f. phvs. Chem., Leipz., 1906, lvii. In: Pub. Cornell Univ. M. Coll. Stud. Dep. Path., N. Y., 1906, vi. ------ -----. Die Agglutination in physikali- scher Hinsicht. IV. Die Ausflockung von Ani- linfarben. pp. 469-488. 8°. Riga dc Leipzig, 1907. Repr.from: Ztschr. f. phvs. Chem., Leipz., 1907. In: Pub. Cornell Univ. M. Coll. Stud. Dep. Path., N. Y., vii. ------ ------. Die Agglutination in physikali- scher Hinsicht. V. Das Vorzonenphiinomen. pp. 489-506. 8°. Riga dc Leipzig, 1907. Repr.from: Ztschr. f. phys. Chem., Leipz., 1907. In: Pub. Cornell Univ. M. Coll. Stud. Dep. Path., [N.Y.I vii. ------------. Electric charges carried by the hemolysins, pp. 254-262. 8°. New York, 1907. Cidtingfrom: J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1907. ix. In: Pub. Cornell Univ. M. Coll. Stud. Dep. Path.,[N.Y.], vii. ------------. Die gegenseitige Ausflockung von Kolloiden. pp. 287-307. 8°. [Leipzig'], 1908. Cutting from: Ztschr. f. phys. Chem., Leipz., 1908. In: Pub. Cornell Univ. M. Coll. Stud. Dep. Path., N. Y., 1908, viii. ------& Torrey (John C.) A study of gonococ- cus by the method of "fixation of complement." pp. 223-236. 8°. Boston, 1907. Cidtingfrom: J. Med. Research, Bost., 1907-8, xii. In: Pub. Cornell Univ. M. Coll. Stud. Dep. Path., N. Y., 1907, vii. TEAK. 635 TEATS. Teak. Dermatitis from teak. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 895; 903 —Griggs (W. C.) The innocuousness of teak wood. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 213. Teale (John Willi am) [1838-97]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 1197. Teale (T[homas] Pridgin), jr. [1831- ]. A suction-curette for extraction of soft cataract. 8 pp. 8°. London, [1865]. Repr.from: Roy. Lond. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., 1863-5, iv. -----. On enucleation of nsevus. 7 pp. 8°. London, J. E. Adlard, 1867. Repr.from: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1867, 1. -----. The address in surgery, delivered at the annual meeting of the British Medical Associa- tion. 11 pp. 8°. London, 1889. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii. -----. Abandonment of iridectomy in the ex- traction of hard cataract. 19 pp. 8°. London, 1893. Repr.from: Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1893, xiii. -----. The need for reform of the medical ex- amination system. 19 pp. 12°. Leeds, Goodale dc Suddick, 1896. -----. On the use of diagram and rough draw- ing in the record of surgical cases. 4 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Lmuhm, 1895. Repr.from: Clin. Sketches, Lond., 1895, i. -----. Igiene delle abitazioni, o guida illustrata dei pericoli per la salute. Traduzione sull' ul- tima edizione inglese e prefazione di Maria Paso- lini, con introduzione del Prof. Angelo Celli. xiii, 101 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1896?]. See, also, Allbutt (Thomas Clifford) & Teale (T. Pridgin). Clinical lectures [etc.]. 8°. London, 1885.— Wilson (Hector McLean). Cottage sanitation [etc.]. 8°. London, 1893. Tea-leaf eye. See Conjunctiva (Effects of drugs in). Teale's method. See Amputation (Methods of). Tears. See, also, Lacrymal gland. Lueder(M.) *Delachrymis. sm. 4°. Jense, 1680. Scheeiber (J. F.) *De fletu. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1728. Alessandro (P.) Influenza della secretina sulla secrezione lagrimale, sulla produzione dell' umore acqueo e sulla circolazione del fondo oculare; ricerche speri- mentali negli animali. Boll. d. Osp. oftal. d. prov. di Roma, 1908, vi, 60. -----. Secrezione delle lagrime; con- tributo sperimentale. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1909, 8. s., ix, 545-552, 1 ch.—Bailliart. Le larmoiement. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1910, xxi, 265- 267.—Bridou. Le r61e des glandes dans 1'emotion; les pleurs. Rev. scient., Par., 1905, 5. s., iii, 424-428.—Cam- pos. Recherches experimentales et cliniques sur les nerfs seen''tours des larmes. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1897, xvii, 529-">4'2.— Cerrano (E.) Ricerche fisico-chimiche sulle lacrime in relazione alia pratica dei collirii. Arch. farmacol. sper., Roma, 1909, viii, 347-358. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1910-11, liv, 192-196.—l<"aivre. Sur les pleureurs c6rebraux. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. nu'd. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxvii, 150.—Fergus (F.) Lachryma- tion; its causes and treatment. Glasgow M. J., 1908, lxix, 268-274.—Gerard (G.) Secretion lacrymale et larmoie- ment. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1908, xii, 393-396.— Goldzieher (W.) Beitrag zur Physiologie der Thra- nensecretion. Arch, f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1893-4, xxviii, 7-21.—Hoppe (J.) Untersuchungen fiber die Mechanik derTranenableitung. Klin. Monatsbl.f.Augenh.,Stuttg., 1909, xlvii, Beil.-Hft., 66-76.—Martini. De Paction des larmes et des fluides de secretion en general sur les tissus vivants, consideree sous le point de vue physiologique et pathologique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1846, xxiii, 854.—Poissonnier (M.) Le larmoiement chronique; ses causes; son traitement. J.d.sc.mcd.de Lille, 1910, ii, 677-589.—Regnau It (F.) Larmes produites par auto- suggestion. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1907-8, xxii, 186-188.—Nehlrmer (O.) Nachtrag zu meiner Theorie der Tranenabfuhr. Arch. f. Ophth., Tears. Leipz., 1906, lxiii, 200-203.—Schulz (F. N.) Hautdriisen und Triiuen. Handb. d. Biochem. [etc.], Jena, 1910, iii, pt. 1, 448-469.—Sommer (G.) Angeborener Mangel des psychischen und reflektorischen Weinens. Klin. Mo- natsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1903, xii,482-484.—Thilliez. Larmoiement; causes; traitement. Pratique jour., Lille, 1895-6, i, 161-171.—Weiss (O.) Bemerkung zu Schirmers Aufsatz: Nachtrag zu meiner Theorie der Tranenabfuhr. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1907, lxv, 361. Tears (Bactericidal effect of). All Istriiiii (G.) Ueber die antisep'tische Wirkung der Thriinen. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1895, xix, 193-200. See, also, infra, Bach (L.).-Bach (L.) Ueber die Einwirkung der Thriinen auf den Keimgehalt des Bindehautsackes. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Na- turf. u. Aerzte 1893, Leipz., 1894, lxv, pt. 2, 231-238. -----. Bemerkungen zur Arbeit des Herrn Dr. med. Gustav Ahlstrom in Gothenburg: Ueber die antiseptische Wir- kung der Thriinen. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1895-6, xxxii, 102-106.—Dem aria (E. B.) Trabajo experimen- tal sobre la acci6n antit6xica de las lagrimas y con- sideraciones sobre la acci6n bactericida de las mismas. An. de oftal., Mexico, 1904-5, vii, 353-370. Also: Rev. Soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1904, xii, 521-539.—Helle- berg (A.) Till fragan om tararnas bakteriedodande verkan. JTo the question of the bactericide effect of tears.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1900, lxii, 481-514. Also, transl.: Mitt. a. d. Augenklin. d. Carolin. med.-chir. Inst, zu Stockholm, Jena, 1901, 3. Hft., 39-74.—Lindahl (C.) Bidrag till kannedom om tarviitskans bakteriedo- dande verkan. Contribution to the knowledge of the bactericidal effects of tears.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1907, 2. f., vii, 353-395. -----. Om den miinskliga tiirvatskans inverkan pa bakterier. [The effect of human tears on bacteria.] Ibid., 1908, 2. L, viii, 660-680. -----. Zur Kenntnis der bakterientotenden Wirkung der Tranen. Mit. a. d. Augenklin. d. Carolin. med.-chir. Inst, zu Stockholm, Jena, 1908, ix, 11-54.-----. Ueber die Einwir- kung der Tranenfliissigkeit beim Menschen auf Bak- terien. Ibid., 55-76. -----. Versuche fiber die aggluti- nierende Wirkung der Tranenfliissigkeit. Ibid., 10. Hft., 1909, 123-152.—Bimovicli (F. F.) K voprosu o bakte- ritsidnikh svolstvakh slyoz i zhidkosti perednel kameri. [Sur les proprietes bactericides des larmes et du liquide de la chambreanterieurede l'ceil. Extr., 898.] Russk. arch. patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1902, xiv, 852-858. Also, transl.: Post, okul., Krakow, 1902, iv, 429-436.— Valude (E.) Action bactericide des larmes. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1899, exxii, 168-182. Also: Cong, internat. d'opht. d'Utrecht. Compt.-rend., Amst., 1900, 509-523. -----. Die keimtotende Kraft der Thranenfliissigkeit. Ztschr. f. Augenh., BerL, 1899, ii, Ergnzngshft., 76. Tears (Bloody and colored). Ochapovski (S. V.) Sluchal krovavikh slyoz vmle- stle s funktsionalnim porazheniyem glaza istericheskavo kharaktera. [Bloody tears with functional disease of the eye, of a hvsterical character.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 1759-1762. Also [Abstr.]: Vestnik oftal- mol., Kiev, 1902, xix, 484-486.—Speleers (R.) Over gekleurde tranen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1907, ii, 932-936. Also: Handel, v. h. vlaamsch nat.- en geneesk. Cong., Brugge, 1908, xi, 126-130. Teas (Medicinal). Hesse (E.) Eine neue bequeme Form der Bereitung medizinischer Tees. Med. Klin., Berl., 1911, vii, 1734. Teatina. See Leprosy (Treatment of). Teats. Hamburger (Clara). Studien zur Entwickelung der M ammarorgane. I. Die Zitze von Pferd und Esel. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1900, xviii, 16-26.—Hendriekx (F.) Ablation totale de l'appareil mammaire chez une vache; guerison. Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1899, xlviii, 587-593, 1 pl. Teats (Diseases eind tumors of). Leblanc (P.) Les maladies des mamelles chez les animaux domestiques. 12°. Paris, 1901. Zobel (K.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der ana- tomischen Veranderungen der Milchdrusen unserer Haustiere bei der gewOhnlichen aku- ten Euterentzundung und der zuweilen dar- auffolgenden Euternekrose. 8°. Bern, 1902. Cornil (V.) & Petit (G.) Osteome de la mamelle chez une chienne. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1905, lxxx, 19-23. -----. Epitheliome canaliculaire de la mamelle chez une chienne. Ibid., 108-111. -----. Qnatre nouvelles observations.de cancer de la mamelle, chez la chienne et la chatte. Ibid., 137-143. -----. Tu- TKATS. 636 TECHNOLOGY. Teats (Diseases and tumors of). meur dela mamelle chez la chienne. Ibid., 889.—Eding- ton (G. H.) Multiple epitheliomataoccurring in the mam- mae of a female cat. Glasgow M. J., 1901, lvi, 136, 1 pl.— Joris. De la galactophorite traumatique et de la mastite par m^tastase pyemique chez les animaux domestiques. J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1903,5. s.,vii,334; 395— Lis! (G.) Sarcoma della mammalia di una cagna con infiltra- zione di cellule contenenti elementi di natura pimmentale. N. Ercolani, Pisa, 1909, xiv, 465.—Petit (G.) Mastite chro- nique par corps etranger, chez une jument. Rev. demed. vet., Par., 1908, lxxxv, 118.—WoolCridge (G. H.) Streptococcic mammitis in a cat. Vet. J., Lond., 1907, n. s., xiv, 151. Teazel. See Dipsacus sylvestris. Tebay (Michael Eemble) [1871-1901]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 1593. Tebb (William). Sanitation, not vaccination, the true protection against small-pox. A paper read before the second International Anti-Vac- cination Congress at Cologne. 28 pp. 16°. [London, 1881.] [P., v. No. 2096.] ------. The recrudescence of leprosy and its causation. A popular treatise, with an appen- dix. 408 pp. 12°. London, S. Sonnenschein dc Co., 1893. -----: & Yolltim (Edward Perry). Premature burial and how it may be prevented, with special reference to trance, catalepsy, and other forms of suspended animation. 400 pp. 8°. London. S. Sonnenschein dc Co. (Ltd.), 1896. ------------• The same. 2. ed., by Walter R. Hadwen. 454 pp., port, of Tebb. 12°. Lon- don, S. Sonnenschein dc Co. (Ltd.), 1905. Tebb (W[illiam] Scott). A century of vacci- nation and what it teaches. 448 pp. 12°. London, S. Sonnenschein dc Co., 1898. ------. The same. 2. ed. 452 pp. 12°. Lon- don, S. Sonnenschein dc Co. (Ltd.), 1899. Tebhs (William Henry Alisoun) 11868- 91]. Bull (S. A.) In memoriam. Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1895, ix, 13. v ' Tebecin. JTIarpmann (G.) Ueber Tebecin und andere Tuber- kelpriiparate. Ber. d. deutsch. pharm. Gesellsch., Berl 1909, xix, 328-332. Tebessa. Tranohant (L.) Contribution a l'etude de la pa- thologie du cercle de Tebessa. Bull. med. de 1'Algerie Alger, 1905, xvi, 538; 562. Tebrich (Paul) [1879- ]. *Zur Kasuistik des halbseitigen Riesenwuchses. 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1904. Tecce (Enrico). Ricerche sperimentali intorno al latte della citta, di Napoli, considerato come alimento e come veicolo della tubercolosi dalla vacca all' uomo. 72 pp. 8°. Napoli, 1903. Teccliio (Vincenzo). See Ghllini (Girolamo). Alcune biografie di medici lllustn [etc.]. 8°. Venezia, 1880. Tecenemis (Guilhelmus). See Guilhelmus Te[i]ce[i]nensis. Tecliel (Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich) [1874- ]. *Ein Fall von Bronchiectasie mit multiplen Himabscessen. 31 pp. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1901. J Teihen(R) Der Scheintod. Ein Mahnwort zur Yorsicht bei Benutzung der Leichenhallen und Beerdigung Yerstorbener, insbesondere in Berlin und anderen volkreichen Stadten. 40 pp. 8°. Berlin, K. Pickhardt, 1905. Tillman (Max Otto Curt) [1877- ]. *Bei- trag zur Kenntnis der Muskelgummata. 25 no 3 1. 8°. Greifswald, H Adler, 1902. Technological dictionary in the English and German languages. Edited by Gust iv Eger Technically revised and enlarged by Otto Bran- des. 2 v. 8°. London, 1884. Technologic (La) sanitaire. Moniteur dea distributions d'eau et de 1'hygiene appliquee Revue internationale bimensuelle. v. 1-7 1895-1 1902. 8°. Louvain. ' Technology. Bigelow (J.) Elements of technology, taken chiefly from a course of lectures delivered at Cambridge, on the application of the sciences to the arts. 8°. Boston, 1829. .------• An address on the limits of educa- tion. Read before the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nov. 11, 1865. 8°. Boston, 1865. City and Guilds of London Institute for the Advancement of Technical Education. Pro- gramme of technological examinations for the sessions of 1887-8; 1889-90; 1890-91. 12° & 8° London, 1887-90. Egleston (T.) Technical education. 8°. Philadelphia, 1876. (joke (G.) On the relation of science to Bir- mingham manufacturers. 8°. [Birmingham, n. d.] Repr. from: Birmingh. Daily Post. Harris (J.) Lexicon technicum; or an uni- versal English dictionary of arts and sciences; explaining not only the terms of art, but the arts themselves. 2. ed. 2 v. fol. London, 1708-10. ' Hebrew Technical Institute, New York City. Catalogue for the year 1895 (13.). 8°. New York, 1896. Lewkowitsch (J.) Chemical technology and analysis of oils, fats and waxes. 2 v. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1904. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bos- ton. Annual reports of the president and treas- urer to the corporation. 7.-12., 1871-2 to 1876-7; 22.-38., 1886-7to 1902-3. 8°. Boston, 1872-1904. ------. Annual catalogue of the officers and students, with a statement of the course of in- struction and a register of the alumni. 1.-42., 1865-1910. 8°. _ Boston, 1865-1910. ------. A brief account of its foundation, character, and equipment prepared in connec- tion with the World's Columbian Exposition. 8°. Boston, 1893. ------. Announcement of summer courses, 1896. 12°. [Boston, 1896.] ------. Commemorative address by Augus- tus Lowell, esq., at the graduation exercises, Huntington Hall, June 3,1890. 8°. Boston, 1890. ------. The course in general studies. 8°. Boston, 1896. ------. Department of architecture. [Cir- cular.] 8°. Boston, 1892. ------. Department of civil engineering. [Circular.] 8°. Boston, 1892. ------. Five-year courses of study. 8°. Bos- ton, 1909. ------. Prospectus of course in civil engi- neering. 8°. Boston, 1886. ------. Courses in electrical engineering and physics. 8°. Boston, 1893. ------. Inauguration of Henry Smith Pritch- ett as president. 8°. Boston, 1901. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. So- ciety of Arts. Abstract of proceedings for 1882-3 (21.); 1883-4(22.); 1885-6 to 1890-91(24.-29.). 8°. .Boston, 1883-91. TECHNOLOGY. 63' Technology. New South Wales. Technological, Industrial, and Sanitari/ Museum. Reports of the commit- tee of management to the governor and execu- tive council. 5.-8., 1884-7; 10., 1889. fol. Sydney, 1885-90. Pickering (E. C.) Report on the physical laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy. A partial record of work of graduates of the . . . 8°. [Troy, 1892.] Stevevs Institute of Technology, a School of Mechanical Engineering, Hoboken, N. J. An- nual announcements and catalogues for the years 1S71-2 to 1878-9; 1880-81 to 1-83-4. 8°. Philadelphia, Hoboken dc Nett> York, 1871-83. ------. Annual catalogue of the . . ., a school of engineering and of the Stevens High School, academic and preparatory, for the year 1885-6. 8°. New York, [1885]. Technology Quarterly, v. 1-21, September, 1887 to 1908. 8°. Boston. In v. 5,1892, "and Proceedings of the Society of Arts" added to title. United States. Department of State. Tech- nical education in Europe. First part: Indus- trial education in France, by J. Schoenhof. 8°. Washington, 1888. Walker (F. A.) Massachusetts Institute of Technologv. President's report, Dec. 12, 1883. 8°. Boston, 1884. ------. The technical school and the uni- versitv. 8°. [New York, 1893.] Repr.from: Atlantic Month., N. Y., 1893. Boemer ( P. ) Textilindustrie. Ber. ii. d. allg. deutsche Ausst. a. d. Geb. d. Hyg. u. d. Rettungsw. 1882- 3, Bresl., 1885, i, 293-300.—Buschan (G.) Ueber prahis- torische Gewebe und GespimisU'. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1888-9, xviii, 235-2i',2.—Wuliousset (E.) Les initiateurs de l'art oriental: etude d'etlmavid Teeth (Abnormities of). (T.) Anomalies de l'appareil dentairechez l'homme (ge- neralites). Odontologie,Par.,1885,v,44; 54. Also,Reprint.— Dependorf (T.) Die Unterzahl der Zahne im mensch- lichen Gebisse und ihre Bedeutung. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1907, xxiii, 68-89.—De Rothschild (M.) & Neuville (H.) Sur une dent d'origine enigmatique. Arch, de zool. exper. et gen. Hist nat. [etc.], Par., 1907,4. s., vii, 271-333, 3pl.—Dieu- laie (L.) <& Herpin (T.) Anomalies et malformations des dents. Tr.iitede stomatologic, Par., 1910, ii,221-276.— Dombrovski (N F.) K kazuistikle nepravilnavo prorlezivaniya zubov v dletskom vozrastle. [Irregular dentition in childhood.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1903, x, 1242.—Dresel. Pathologische Erscheinungen in der Mundhohle bei Dentitio difflcilis molaris tertii inferioris. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1900, xi, 336-338 — Dubreuil-Chambardel & Herpin. Gemination dentaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1909, xvi, 156-158.— Duckworth (W. H. L.) Some dental rudiments in human crania. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1900-1901, n. s., xxxiii, 89-100.— Dupas (L.) Duplicite dentaire par soudure d'une mitoyenne avec une autre incisive surnumeraire. Rec. de med. veL, Par., 1903,8. s., x, 695.— Eager (J. M.) Denti di Chiaie (Chiaie teeth). Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1901, xvi, 2576.—Etchepareborda (N.) Inclusion d'une dent de sagesse dans la partie superieure de la branche du maxillaire inferieur. Odontologie, Par., 1901,2.8., xiii, 393-400.—Fargin-Fayolle (P.) Un cas de gemina- tion dentaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1908, xv, 362.— Fleischmann (L.) Die Ursache der Schmelzhypo- plasien. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1909, xxv, 868-905.—Fourquet (E.) Contribution a l'etude des anomalies dentaires de nombre et de volume. Rev. odont., Par., 1907, xxvi, 456-172.—Frey (L.) Incisive permanente traumatisee dans le maxillaire k Page de 2 ans. Odontologie, Par., 1907, xxxvii, 70.—Galippe. (V.) Note sur les troubles de developpement et sur les anomalies de structure observes, 1° dans les dents surnumeraires, 2° dans les dents com- primees par pression reciproque dans les cas d'atresie des maxillaires. Ibid., 1S97, 2. s., v, 46-65. -----. Notes pour servir a l'histoire de l'hypertrophie du cement, envisagee en particulier comme cause de nevral- gies rebelles. Ibid., 90-97. -----. De l'interpretation de certaines anomalies dentaires. Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1899, x, 446. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 1068.—Gliulain All. An entire congenital absence of teeth. Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta, 1904, xxv, no. 12, 26.—Halasz (H.) Fogfejlodesi rendellenesseg ritka esete. [Rare case of abnormal de- velopment of the teeth.] Budapesti k. orvosegy. 1894-iki evkonyve, 1895, 102. Also: Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1894, xvi, 491. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Bu- dapest, 1894, xxx, 415.—Henry (M.) A case of deficient dentition in a girl about 16 years of age. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1899-1900, n. s., xxxii, 138-140.— Herbst (E.) Ueber Diagnose und Behandlungsarten der Anoma- lien. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Konigsb., 1910, Leipz., 1911, lxxxii, pt. 2, 450. -----. Ueber die Vererbungstheorie der Stellungsanomalien der Ziihne, sowie iiber die Bedeutung der Funktion. Deut- sche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911. xxix, 434-445.— Ilisey (J. W.) Anomalies of second dentition. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1903, xxiii, 875-884.—Hopson (M. F.) An inverted mandibular third molar. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1906-7, n. s., xxxix, 228-239, 1 pl.— Houssay (F.) Anomalies dentaires. Rev. de 1'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1899, ix, 37-39.—Howe (H. L.) Dis- tal and mesial occlusion; some causes and some results. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1905, xxvi, 153-158, 8 pl.— Hrdlicka (A.) Abnormalities of the teeth and their position. J. Psycho-Asthenics, Faribault, Minn., 1898-9, iii, 153-190.—Jarricot (J.) Un cas de reversion cono'i- dale des incisives laterales superieures avec anomalies multiples de plusieurs autres dents. Odontologie, Par., 1907, xxxvii, 255-267.—Jori (A.) Anomalia dentale. Gior. di corrisp. p. dentisti, Milano, 1904, xxxiii, 179.— Kanasugi (Y.) [A case of dentition of the anterior nasal fossa (odontia deformis).] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1901, 387-391.—Kersting (G.) Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Prophylaxe der keilformigen Defekte. Deutsche zahn- arztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1904, vii, 3-6.—Kiaer (T.) Et Tilfselde af medfpdt total Mangel paa permanente Taen- der [A case of total congenital defect of the permanent teeth t Hosp.-Tid., R~0benh., 1907, 4. R., xv, 389-392, 2 pl. Also, transl.: Cor.-Bl. f. Zahniirzte, Berl., 1907, xxxvi, 242- 248 Also, transl.: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1907, xlix, 924- 928. — Kielhauser (H.) Die Unterzahl der Ziihne. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1896, v, No. 200.—Kirk (EC) A dental anomaly. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1898, xl 281-285. Also, transl.: Gior. d. Ass. napol. di med. e nat., Napoli, 1898, viii, 286-290.—Lewii (J. M.) Notes on an abnormal lateral incisor. Austral. J. Dent., Mel- bourne, 1903-4, vii, 288-295. — l.iaras. Molaire lm- plantee dans la paroi orbitaire du sinus maxillaire gauche- J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxx, 170-172. Also: Gaz. d. h6p. de Toulouse, 1901, xv, 107. Also: Rev. hebd. de laryn- TEETH. 640 TEETH. Teeth (Abnormities of). gol. [ctc.'J,Par.,1900,ii,481-485.—Limon. Suruneanoma- lie rare de l'appareil dentaire. Rev. med. de la Franche- Comte, Besancon, 1907, xv, 15.—Line (J. E.) The aging of the tissues, with special reference to given forms of dental abnormality and disease. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1907, xlix, 745-752. — Loos. Ein seltener Fall von Zahnverlagerung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 622.—Lucas (R. C.) On an ill-developed upper lateral incisor tooth as a forerunner of harelip or cleft palate. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1904, i, 483-489.—McBride (D.) Die Verschiebung des Bisses. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1902, xxxi, 289-319.— Malassez (L.) & molare. Stomatol., Mi- lano, 1904-5, iii, 527-530.—Rush ton (W.) The total absence of dentition in a boy, aged 16. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1903-4, n. s., xxxvi, 199-204.—Sabuna- yeft*(M.) Sluchal lozhnikhrleztsovunovorozhdennavo rcbyonka. [False incisors in a newborn child.] Sibirsk. Vrach. VIedom., Krasniyarsk, 1906, iv, 77.—Sachse (B.) Ueber eine seltene Bildung multipler rudimentiirer Zahn- chen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911, xxix, 497-505.—Satenell (E. K.) A case of retention of de- ciduous teeth till late in life. Austral. J. Dent, Mel- bourne, 1899-1900, iii, 291.—Sehlaginhaufen (O.) Ein Fall von Ossification des Ligamentum apicis dentis epi- strophei beim Menschen und entsprechende Bildungen bei den Aflen. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1907, xxxvii, 120- Teeth (Abnormities of). 128.—Schmid (H.) Mittheilungen aus dem Ambulato- rium fiir Zahnkrankean der deutschen Poliklinik in Prag. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xvii, 417-421— Sellinitz. Neubildung von Ziihnen und zahnahnlichcn Gebilden. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1901, xix, 126-130.— Schreiber (M.) Eine Wurzel mit offenerl'ulpa. Cor.- Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1901, xxx, 275-279.—Senn. Ueber einen Fall seltener, anormaler Dentition. Schweiz. Vrtlj- schr. f. Zahnh., Winterthur & Geneve, 1902, xii, 239-241.— Sergi (S.) Su una deformazione dei denti in Abissinia; introduzione alio studio dei crani di Kohaito. Atti d. Soc. rom. di antrop., Roma, 1908, xiv, 197-208. -----. Mancanza congenita ed ereditaria di un incisivo. Ibid., 1910, xv, 395-399.—Servil I (J. S.) A case-of congenital deficiency of the teeth. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1903-4, n. a., xxxvi, 86-88.—Shelkin (M.) Nleskolko sluchayev anomaliy prortezivaniya zubov i naslledstven- nosti ikh. [Several cases of anomalous dentition and their heredity.] Zubovrach. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1904, xx, 815.—Shikwa (I.) [Theories and examples of ab- normal growth of teeth.] Shikwaigaku Sodan. Tokyo, 1899, iv, no. 3-4, 1-7.—Slipiz (Y.) Rledkiy sluchal ano- malii: dvolnovo stroyeniya verkhnyavo bokovovo rleztsa. [Rareanomaly: doubleupperlateral incisor.] Zubovrach. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1905, xxi, 47.—Sibson (A. B.) Some defects and irregularities in the development of perma- nent teeth, with notes on a case of complete absence of the permanent set. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1906, xxvii, 49- 52,1 pl.—Smith (A. H.) Some anomalies of the hard dental tissues. Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, i, 167-170. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 54-57. -----. Some rare anomalies of the teeth. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1904-5, n. s., xxxvii, 105-122, 3 pl. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1905, lxviii, 335-343.-----. A remarkable case of suppression and redundancy of the mandibular permanent canine. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1911, xxxii, 133, 1 pl. — Smith W. R. ) Some rare abnormalities in teeth. J. Anat. Physiol., Lond., 1906-7, xii, 216-220. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1910, liii, 915-918. — Stareke ( S. ) Ein seltener Fall mangelhafter Zahnbildung. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1900, xviii, 261-264.— Stehr. Beitrage zur Aetiologie der Deformation und Degeneration des menschlichen Gebisses und ihrer Be- ziehungzur Stillungsfrage. Wien.zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1903, v, 539-581.—Stein (E.) Dens sapiens occultus. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1903, xii, No. 556.—Stew- art (C.) Some recently acquired specimens from the College of Surgeons' Museum. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1906-7, n. s., xxxix, 132-136.—Struck (W.) Bei Untersuchung von 1000 Schulkindern gefundene Zahn- anomalien. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1909, xxvii, 370-375.—Szab<> (J.) Ein Beitrag zur Verschmel- zung der Ziihne im Milchgebisse. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtlj- schr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1909, xxv, 75-78.—Talbot (E. S.) Arrests of development and decalcification of the enamel and dentine. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 29-32. -----. Stigmata of degeneracy in relation to irregulari- ties of the teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1902, xvi, WO- WS.—Thorpe (B. L.) Facial paralysis and periodical lock-jaw caused by a superior left second bicuspid of twenty-five years delayed eruption. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1904, xxiv, 1-10.—Turner (J. G.) Teeth of mi- crocephalics and cretins. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1901-2, n. s., xxxiv, 1-5. -----. Hereditary hvpoplasia of enamel. Ibid., 1906-7, n. s., xxxix, 137-151,4 pl.-----. On the pathology of unerupted teeth; that is, of teeth retained in the jaws beyond term of eruption. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, 429-434.—Va< licttaf A.) Iperodontiaomotopica. N. Ercolani, Pisa, 1909, xiv, 307; 321.—Vaysse. Presen- tation d'un cas de gemination dentaire vraie. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1910, xvii, 450.—Vichot. Dedoublement du follicule des incisives centrales superieures. Odonto- logie, Par., 1902, 2. s., xiv, 429^31,1 pl.— Vram (U. G.) Un quarto molare in un cranio di un cercocebus. Atti d. Soc. rom. di antrop., Roma, 1905, xi, 47.—Waldeyer (W.) Abnorme Lagerung eines dritten unteren Molaren im Processuscoronoideusmandibulae.nebst Bemerkungen zur Anatomie des Unterkiefers. Arch. f. Anat. u. Ent- wcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1910, 241-248, 2 pl.—Walkhoff (O.) Ueber das Wesen und die Entstehung von Ent- wicklungsfehlern in der Structur menschlicher Zahne und ihre Bedeutung fiir das spiitere Leben. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1895, xiii, 305-319,1 pl.— Wallace (J. S.) Twisted roots. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1900-1901, n. s., xxxiii, 20-26.—Wellings (A. W.) Two abnormalities of the dental tissues. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, 427-429.—Wiessner. Ueber die Beseitigung von Zahnfleischwucherungen auf unbluti- gem Wege. Oesterr.-ungar. Ztschr. f. Stomatol., Wien, 1907, v, 89-91.—Wieting. Angeborener vollkommener Zahnmangel. Deutsche med, Wchnschr., Leipz.u.Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 504.—Wilson (I. P.) Anomalous cases of malformed teeth, with suggestions as to possible cause. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1901, vii, 657-563.—Wilson (J. T.) Two cases of fourth molar teeth in the skulls of an Australian aboriginal and a New Caledonian. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1904-5, xxxix, 119-134, 2 pl.—Wltzel TEETH. 641 TEETH. Teeth (Abnormities of). (A.) Beschreibung der Zahngebilde aus den Kiefern der beiden vorerwiihnten Briider. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1901, xix, 131-138.—Worm (W.) Ein Fall von Zahnverschmelzung. Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1902, iv, 377-379.—l'ouug (J. L.) The restoration of the normal occluding surfaces of the teeth. Dominion Dent, J., Toronto, 1911, xxiii, 549-553.—Znamenski (N.N.) K voprosu o proiskhozhdenii klinovidnikh izyanov na zubakh. [On the origin of cuneiform defects on the teeth.] Laitop. russk. chir., S.-Peterb., 1897, ii, 695-621.— Zsigmondy (O.) De l'hypoplasie dentaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1907, xiv, 473-480. [Discussion], 1908, xv, 312-322. -----. Origines maxillaires des anomalies de l'arc dentaire avec considerations sur l'orthodontie. Lbid., 1910, xvii, 417; 451.—Kucearelli (A.) Denti ca- nini animaleschi in un cranio umano. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1905, xxvi, 503-505. Teeth (Abnormities of) in animals. Hollatz([0.] A.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Veranderungen des Kiefergelenks bei Zahn- und Gebissanomalien des Pferdes. [Leipzig.] 8°. Dresden, 1910. van der Veen (J.) * Ein Fall von Zahnano- malie beim Pferde. [Bern.] 8°. Tiel, [Nigh dc VanDitmar], 1908. Alezais. Anomalie des incisives chez un lapin. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 1235-1237.— Colyer (J. F.) Suppression of teeth in a cat. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1904-5, n. s., xxxvii, 14. [Dis- cussion] , 20-24. -----. Irregularities of the teeth in ani- mals. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 1503-1606.—Decham- bre. Anomalie dentaire chez le cheval (augmentation du nombre des incisives). Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1903, n. s., xxi, 198-200.—Du pas (L.) Anomalies dentaires chez la vache. Ibid., 1909, lxiii, 52-54.—Ellen- berger & Ban in. Falle von abnormen Zahnformen (FehlenvonHakenzahnenbeiHengsten). Berl.tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1907, 105.—Grundmann. Oligodontie bei Ziegen. Deutsche tierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1904, xii, 161, lpl.—Hilton (W. A.) Peculiar abnormal teeth in a jackrabbit. Am. Naturalist.Lancaster. Pa.,1908,xlii, 799.— Hilzheimer (M.) Einige Zahnanomalien wilder Tiere. Anat, Anz., Jena, 1908, xxxii, 442-445.—Hoever (R.) Zur Kasuistik der Zahn- und Kiefer-Deformitaten im Tierreiche. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1910, xxviii, 749-760.—Kitt (T.) Anomalien der Zahne unserer Hausthiere. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1891-2, iii, 337; 398; 442.—Parreidt (R.) S.VictorCarus: Ueber eine Anomalie im Gebisse des Orangutans. (Abhandl. d. math.-phvs. Cl. d. k. sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch., Leipz., 1898.) [Rev.] Ibid., Leipz., 1899, xvii, 326.— Pavesi (P.) Intorno ad un altro caso di emiteria per accrescim ento degliincisi vi di lepre. Boll, scient., Pavia, 1895, xvii, 33-37,1 pl.—Begnault (F.) Des malforma- tions dentaires chez le singe. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 931-934.—Schiel. Urzahn bei einem Pferde. Berl. tierarzl. Wchnschr., 1906, 436.—Wieders- heim (R.) Ueber ein abnormes Rattengebiss. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1902-3, xxii, 569-573. Teeth (Abrasion of). Fargin-Fayolle. Insuffisance nasale et abrasion dentaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par.. 1912, xix, 62-64.— Hutchinson (J.) On edging of the teeth and its associa- tion with defective tone. Arch.Surg.,Lond., 1895, vi, 178.— Kersting (G.) Abnutzung der Ziihne. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 491-493. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1902, Iii, 464-168.—Marie & Pietkiewicz fils La bruxomanie. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1907, xiv, 107-116.—Talbot (E. S.) Hard teeth and soft teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1909, li, 1147-1152. Teeth (Abscesses of). See Teeth (Pulp, Inflammation [and abscess] of). Teeth (Absorption and resorption of). Baer(L.) Ein Fall von Resorption von Molaren- wurzeln bei Atrophia alveolaris senilis. Deutsche zahn- arztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1907,x, 340.— hler(H.) Schnellreparatur eines von der Kautschukplatte losge- brochenen Zahnes. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, BerL, 1903, xii, No. 595.—Leger-Dorez (H.) Ponta mortaises; cla- vettesurbaguesfendues. Odontologie,Par., 1911, xlvi,433- 442.—L«emiere (R.) Quelques remarquessur l'ancrage de Baker. Ibid., 289-291.— Lewis ( R. C.) Artificial dentures. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1906, vi,46L— lionginotto ( M. J.) Artificial teeth in India. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1'.toil,ii.900.— JTlalie (C.) Existe-t-il une stoma- tite provoquee par les dentiers en caoutchouc? Presse med., Par., 1906, xiv, 60.—Mendel-Joseph & Das- sonville. Etude experimentale sur le mecanisme de consolidation dans la greffe dentaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1906, lxxxi, 246-249.—UlitelleII (W.) The artistic treatment of artificial teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1902, xvi, 707-711. [Discussion], 735-751.— Ollendorff'. Eine neue Methode zur Herstellung von Zahnersatzstiicken. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1904, xxii, 657-664.—Ovize (A.) Etude des con- siderations mathematiques et mecaniques qui regissent la prise de l'articulation et la construction des dentiers. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1906, xiii, 407-419.—Pettit (E.) Die Artikulation bei kiinstlichen Zahnen. Zahntech. Reform, Berl., 1902, xxi, 103-105. — Pierson (H. W.) Constitutional effects of amalgam fillings and red vulcanite plates upon the human organism. Den- tal Rev., Chicago, 1900, xiv, 335-342. — Platschick (B.) Des pieces en gencive continue. Cong. dent. Teeth (Artificial). internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 313-340. — Pro- thero (J. H.) The anatomic occlusion of artificial teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1908, xxii, 179-203.— Quiiitin (L.) Les crochets comme moyen de reten- tion des appareils dentaires. Progres m6d. beige, Brux., 1904, vi, 9-11—Bicliard-Chaiivin. La reforme des dents minerales. Odontologie, Par., 1908, xxxix, 435- 447.—Koach (F. E.) The adaptation and fixation of partial dentures. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1909, xxi, 1-26.—Bobin (G.) Une nouvelle dent minerale. Odon- tologie, Par., 1910, xliv, 351-367.—Bobin (P.) A propos des dentiers complets; considerations sur la meeanique physiologique de la mastication: 1.) a l'etat normal; 2.) & l'aide de dentiers artificiels. Rev. de stomatol., Par 1908, xv, 492, 635.—Boss (J. F.) The jacket crown. Do- minion Dent. J., Toronto, 1904, xvi, 61-63.—Sachs (W.) Ein ringloser Stiftzahn. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1910, xxxix, 97-104.—Schon (A.) Zur Geschichte der kiinstlichen Ziihne; ein Nachtrag zu dem Artikel Donopa in No. 521. Zahntech. Rundschau, Berl., 1902, No. 623.— Sewill (J. S.) On the value of artificial teeth. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1896, n. s., lxii, 130. —Sinuus (W.) Natural and artificial teeth; a comparison and a contrast. Dental Rec, Lond., 1903, xxiii, 258-266,1 pl.— Stanbrouiih (R.) Artificial tooth crowns upon the natural roots; with a description of a process and instru- ments to prepare roots to receive a previously prepared crown or metallic covering. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1892, xxxiv, 29-36. Also, Reprint.—Thiersch (W.) Eine Verbesserung an Bryan's Ueberkieferbogen. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1910, xx, 16-21.— Touvet-Fanton (E.) Proced6 de retention des ap- pareils a plaque; systeme rationnel de suction simple en caoutchouc mou. Cong, internat. de m6d. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'odont. et stomatol., 780-786.— Trivino (M. T.) Dentiers sans palais. Rev. trimest. Suisse d'odont., Basel & Geneve, 1903, xiii, 303-305.— Turner (C. R.) Some considerations concerning forma of artificial bicuspid and molar teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1909, li, 281-298.—Villain (G.) Etude compara- tive de la dent k pivot simple, a demi-bague et Rich- mond. Odontologie, Par., 1908, xl, 167. — Watanabe (K.) [Structural changes of the root membrane in con- sequence of crowning the teeth.] Shikwagakuho, Tokyo, 1907, xii, no. 6,14-16.—de Wilde (V.) Le dentier com- plet dans ses rapports avec l'articulation temporo-mandi- bulaire. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1911, h. s., ii, 152- 155. Also: Belgique m6d., Gand, 1911, xviii, 219-222.— Wilmott (J. B.) Aesthetische Fehlerbei Herstellung des Zahnersatzes. Zahntech. Reform, BerL, 1903, xxii, 188; 200.—Woods (W. J.) Semi-removable partial den- tures. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1912, xxiv, 103-107.— Znamenski (N. N.) O mekhanicheskom prirastanii iskusstvennikh zubov, pri polnol vozmozhnosti razzhevl- vat tvyorduyu pishtshu vo vremya samavo protsessa pri- rastaniya. [Mechanical adhesion of artificial teeth, with complete ability to masticate hard food during the process of adhesion.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1891, i, 300-315. Teeth (Artificial, Accidents and incon- veniences from). See, also, Teeth (Artificial, Sieallowing of). Eilertsen (L.) Inconvenients et dangers des dentiers et autres pieces de prothese den- taire et maladie du caoutchouc. Leur £tude au point de vue de 1'hygiene. 12°. Paris, 1906. ------. Hygiene de la proth&se. Incon- venients et dangers des dentiers. 2. £d. 12°. Paris, 1910. Allen (A. B.) Sarcoma from ill-fitting denture. Dent. Rev., Chicago, 1912, xxvi, 59.— Dunogler (S.) Des accidents inflammatoires occasionnes par les den- tiers en caoutchouc durci; leur pathogenic Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxvi, 327-329. Also: Rev. trimest. Suisse d'odont., Zurich & Geneve, 1905, xv, 257- 263.—Kronlein. Ueber Gefahren bei dem Tragen von kiinstlichen Gebissen. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1893, iii, 37-52. Also, transl.: Dental Rec, Lond., 1893, xiii, 385-394. -----. Kunstliche Ge- bisse und ihre Gefahren. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1909, xix, 193-215, 2 pl.—Turner (J. G.) The uses and dangers of teeth and prosthetic appli- ances. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, ii, 1001.—Viguier (L.) Les dentiers toxiques. Montpel. med., 1906, xxii, 401. Teeth (Artificial, Swallowing of). See, also, intestines (Foreign bodies in); (Esophagus (Foreign bodies in); Stomach (Foreign bodies in). Amoedo (O.) Auto-sugesti6n de dentaduras deglu- tidas. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1900, xxvi, 164- TEETH. 643 TEETH. Teeth (Artificial, Swalloicing of). 167.—Bernard. Corps etranger de l'cesophage (piece de prothese dentaire garnie de, cinq dents); cesophago- scopie; extraction; guerison. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1909, xiii, 246 —Black (A. D.) Forty-nine cases of arti- ficial dentures swallowed. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1905, lix, 304-307.—Blauel. Ueber die Entfernung von Ge- bissen aus der Speiserohre mit Hilfe des Oesophagoskops. Beitr. z. klin.Chir.,Tiibing., 1908, lviii, 138-161—Bobono (T.) Placca dentaria incuneata da 21 mesi in laringe; estrazione per le vie naturali. Boll. d. mal. d. orecchio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1911, xxix, 49-56.—Botclla (E.) Pieza dentaria alojada en el es6fago; esofagoscopia; esofagostomia. Siglomed., Madrid, 1907, liv, 260. -----. Un nuevo caso de pieza dentaria alojada en el esofago; extracci6n por esofagoscopia; curaci6n. Ibid., 754.— Burmeister (R.) Zwei Speiserohrenschnitte zwccks Entfernung kunstlicher Gebisse. Deutschemed. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 626-629. — Corn»'. Radiographic d'un dentier arrete dans l'cesophage; quel- ques recherches sur l'opacite du caoutchouc aux rayons X. Normandie med., Rouen, 1906, xxi, 558.—Chaput. Corps etranger de la terminaison du duodenum; dentier ayant traverse l'cesophage et l'estomac et arrete a la ter- niinaison du duodenum, enleve par enterotomie. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 1217- 1219.—Cooper (H. C.) Swallowed artificial plate. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1903, xxiv, 142—Crile (G. W.) Report of an exploratory operation for removal of arti- ficial teeth supposed to have been swallowed. Cleveland M. J., 1902, i, 594-606. Also, Reprint.—Dereourt & Molinie {J.) Corps etranger de l'cesophage (dentier); radioseopie; oesophagoscopie; extraction; guerison. Larynx, l'oreille et le nez, Marseille & Par., 1909, ii, 137- 142.—Dortu (P.) Extraction par 1'oesophagoscopie d'un dentier enclave au niveau du cardia. Scalpel, Liege, 1911, lxiii, 57s.—Downie (W.) OSsophagotomy for the removal of a tooth plate which had become impacted in the gullet. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc, Glasg., 1905-7, vi, 40-42.— Dreesmann. Zwei Fiille von verschlucktem Gebiss. Med. Klin., Berl., 1910, vi, 1650-1652.—Dunogier (S.) Deglutition d'un appareil prothetique volumineux; eva- cuation de cet appareil par les voies naturelles. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxxiii, 131.—Earle (S. T.) Plate with false teeth in sigmoid. Tr. Am. Proctol. Soc, [n. p.], 1908, 46-52.—Elmer (M. K.) Passage of a tooth plate through the alimentary tract. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxx, 982.—Fischer ( A.) Kizart cruralis servben, levo coecumbdl es appendixbol eltavolitott mufogsor- darab; gy6gyulas. [Removal of piece of artificial set of teeth from caecum and appendix in excluded crural hernia; recovery.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1903, xlvii, 163.—Guissez. Considerations sur l'extraction de trois corps Strangers oesophagiens de forme irreguliere (den- tiers) par l'cesophagoscopie; spasmes k forme grave de l'cesophage; guerison cesophagoscopique. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1908, xxv, 1070. -----. De l'ex- traction par l'cesophagoscopie de plusieurs corps Stran- gers enclaves dans l'cesophage (arete, dentiers, bouton de corozo). Rev. gen. de clin. et de thSrap., Par., 1908, xxii, 357-360. — Hauenschild. Ein Fall von ver- schlucktem Gebiss, das auf naturlichem Wege abging. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xxxix, 791-793.— Heitmtiller. Das Verschlucken von kiinstlichen Ge- bissen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 641 049— Holland (C. T.) Tooth-plate in the oesophagus. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1908-9, xiii, 327, 1 pl.—Liante-Dupont. Extraction d'un dentier de l'cesophage grace k Poesophagoscopie. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxxviii, 808.—Lav rand (H.) & D'Ha I- luin. Piece dentaire dans l'cesophage; oesophagoscopie et rayons X; oesophagotomie externe; mort. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1910, i, 619-622.—Leguen (F.) Migration d'un dentier a travers le tube digestif. Bull, et mem. Soc.dechir.de Par., 1906, n. s., xxxii, 873.—Lozano (R.) Cuerpos extranos del esdfago; dentadura artificial alojada en el es6fago. Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1909, viii, 321-:s:!0, 1 fig.—makkas (M.) Ein neues Instrument zur oesopha- foskopischen Extraktion verschluckter Gebisse. Beitr. z. lin. Chir., Tubing., 1908, lvii, 41-55.—JWollison (C. H.) Fatal case of swallowing an artificial denture. Austral. J. Dent., Melbourne, 1908, xii, 6; 1 pl.—Norbury (L. E. C.) Three cases of tooth-plate impacted in the oesopha- gus and pharynx; with special reference to the operation of cesophatfotomv. Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 90-92.—Pat- terson (S.) Denture removed from the oesophagus. Proc Roy! Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Laryngol. Sect., 54.—Stran-rways (L.) A denture swallowed and re- covered; notes on a case. Dental Rec, Lond., 1899, xix, 549.—Swallowed (A) denture. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 1399.—Tapia (A. G.) Pieza dentaria detenida en el es6fago cerca de diez afios. Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1910, iv, 144.—Turner (G. G.) A patient on whom had been performed cesophagotomv for the removal of an impacted set of artificial teeth. Northumberland & Durham M. J., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1907, xv, 144-148.—Turner (P.) The treatment of a denture, swallowed and impacted in the oesophagus, by means of Killian's oesophageal tube. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Odont. Sect., 35- 39. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1909, Iii, 251-255. Teeth (Atrophy of). Black (G.V.) Atrophied teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1906, xx, 105.—Hallopeau & Fournier (E.) Contri- bution a l'etude des atrophies cuspidiennes systematisees de la seconde dentition. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 227-229.—Stillson (W. C.) Re- markable case of atrophy of the teeth in a child of twelve years. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1911, xxxi, 466-470. Teeth (Bacteriology of). See, also, Mouth (Bacteriology of); Teeth (Caries of, Causes, etc.). Sieberth (F. A. O.) * Die Mikroorganismen der kranken Zahnpulpa. 8°. Erlangen, 1900. Besson (A.) Bacteriologie de la bouche etdes dents. Traite de stomatologic Par., 1910, ii, 63-122.—von Beust (T.) Die pleomorphen fadenbildenden Organismen des Zahnbelages und die fusiform en Bacillen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xlvi, 2058.—Eyre (J. W. H.) Bacteri- ology in dental work. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1912, xxxiii, 193-197.—Loeuier. Dental bacteriology. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1897, li, 441-451.—Miller (W. D.) Introduction k l'etude de la bacteriologie de la pulpe dentaire. Odontologie, Par., 1894, 2. s., i, 449; 513. Aso, transl.: Pro- gresso dent, Milano, 1894, iii, 241-271. -----. The pres- ence of bacterial plaques on the surface of the teeth, and their significance. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1902, xliv, 425-446. Also, transl: Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1902, xx, 193-214. A/sn, transl.: Odonto-stomatol., Napoli, 1902, i, 247; 269.—Monier (L.) Sur la bacteriolo- gie des infections d'origine dentaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1905, xii, 342; 389; 448.—Underwood (A. S.) & ftlilles (W. J.) An investigation into the effects of organisms upon the teeth and alveolar portions of the jaws. Brit. J. Dent Sc, Lond., 1910, liii, 1105-1123. Teeth (Black). See Teeth. (Colored). Teeth (Bleaching oj). See, also, Dentistry. Bannog (J.) Bleichen mit kiinstlichen Lichtstrah- len. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911, xxix, 57.—Buckley (J. P.) Some thoughts on the discolora- tion and bleaching of teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1902, xvi, 791-797.—Dlirr. Ueber erfolgreiche Bleichversuche an Zahnen mittels kiintstlicher Lichtstrahlen unter Ver- wendung von H2 O2. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., BerL, 1910, xxviii, 654-657.—Fisher (G.) Methods of bleaching teeth. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1907, xxviii, 147-150.— Hoff (N. S.) A study in bleaching teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1902, xliv, 101-106. Also: Dental Reg., Cincin., 1902, lvi, 452-465.—Mega y (J.) Ein neues Verfahren zum Bleichen verfiirbter Zahne. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1907, xxv, 65-69.—Mum- mery (S. P.) A reliable method of bleaching teeth. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1904-5, n. s., xxxvii, 96-100.—Zielinsky (W.) Ueber erfolgreiche Bleich- versuche an Zahnen mittels kunstlicher Lichtstrahlen unter Verwendung von H2 O2. Erwiderung auf die Ein- wendungen Bannogs. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911, xxix, 58-61. Teeth (Blood-supply of). Aguilhon de Sarran. Sur les vaisseaux sanguins des racines dentaires humaines; deductions pathologi- ques. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de stomatol., 50-53. Also: Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1901,viii, 166-168.—Broomell (I. N.) What do we know regard- ing the blood supply to the teeth, with special reference to the genesis of the subject? Dental Rev., Chicago, 1908, xxii, 469-479. [Discussion], 505-513. -----. The genesis of the blood supply to the teeth. Items Inter- est, N. Y., 1908, xxx, 254-266, 8 pl.—Hert (B. S.) The blood supply of the teeth. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1907, xiii, 725-728.—Hi rseli (P.) On abnormal formations of blood-vessels in the hard dental tissues. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1903, xxiv, 60-63. — Lepkowskl (W.) Ueber die Gefiissverteilung in den Zahnen von Siiuge- tieren. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1897, viii, 559-588, 7 pl.-----. Die Verteilung der Gefasse in den Zahnen des Menschen. Ibid., 1901, xvii, 181-196, 6 pl. — Bosenberg (L.) Die Zirkulation in der Pulpa nach subgingivalen Injektio- nen. [Antwort auf den Artikel von A. Witzel.] Deut- sche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., BerL, 1904, vii, 530. — Stru- bell (A.) Ueber die Beziehungen der Gefasse der Kie- ferhohle zu denen der Ziihne. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl,, 1904, xxxviii, 249-265.—Talbot (E. S.) The vaso- motor system of the pulp. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xii, 1523-1526. Teeth (Canine). Sezalory(G.) *La dent de l'ceil. 8°. Tou- louse, 1912. Brooks (H. R. F.) A mandibular canine in the mandible of a female about 50 years of age. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1899-1900, n. s., xxxii, 140-146.— TEETH. Teeth (Canine). Henry (M.) A singular case of preservation and isola- tion of the pulp wall in a mandibular canine. Ibid., 136—Tlaccagno (L.) Osservazioni intorno alia pre- senza quasi costante dei denti canini nelle femmine dei solipedi domestici. Arch, scient. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino, 1907, v, 73; 81. Teeth (Care of). See Teeth (Hygiene of). Teeth (Caries of). See, also, Jaws (Necrosis of); Stomach (Dis- eases of, Causes, etc., of); Teeth (Diseases of) in soldiers. Jahan (A.-C.-J.) *Des caries recidivantes. 8°. Paris, 1900. Kiendl (W.) * ZirkulJire Karies der Milch- ziihne und Tuberkulin-Reaktion. 8°. Miin- chen, 1910. Roche (H.) Caries dentaires multiples; leur valeur diagnostique et pronostique en pa- thologie generale. 12°. Bar-le-Duc, 1900. Baker (A. W. W.) Report on the present aspect of dental caries. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1891-2, x, 355-363. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1892, xciv, 200-206.— Baudouin (M.) A propos de la communication de Paul Camus sur la carie dentaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1910, 252.—Bennett (F. J ) The nature of the transparent zone of dental caries. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1895, n. s., xiv, 155-167, 2 pl.— Bunting (R. W.) Recurrent caries. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1909, xxix, 245-260. Also: Dental Digest, N. Y., 1909, xv, 718-727.— Caush (D. E.) Secondary decay of the enamel. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1911, xxxii, 551-554.— Chapot-Prfivost (R.) Contribution a l'etude de la classification de la carie dentaire. Odontologie, Par., 1903, 2. s., xvi, 365; 445; 479; 559.—Choquet (JA Re- production experimentale de la carie dentaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1900, 11. a., ii, 329-331. Also: Odontologie, Par., 1900, 2. s., x, 361-363—Colyer (S.) The problem of dental caries. Dental Rec, Lond., 1904, xxiv, 301-308.—Dill(T.) UeberCariesrecidive. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Winterthur & Geneve, 1903, xiii, 98- 104.—Friedrichs (G. J.) Dental caries and popular fallacies. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. Orl., 1893, 48-54.— Fukasawa (K.) [Dental caries.] Shikwagakuho, Tokyo, 1900, v, no. 3, 9-14— Harries (E. H. R.) "Com- forter" caries. Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 1327.—Hessler (W. C.) Some observations regarding caries in teeth along the labial and buccal gingival margins. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1904, xxiv, 279-282.—Hislop (P. L.) Decay of the teeth from the general practitioner's point of view. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1900, xix, 20-22.— Hodgen (J. D.) Specific necrosis and caries. Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass., San Fran., 1889, xx, 95-107.—Johnson (C.N.) Dental caries. In: Text-book of operative den- tistry, Phila., 8°, 1910,117-126. K6r6di (S.) A fogszu k6rokar61. [Caries.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1905, iii, 370.—Lee§on (J.R.) Dental caries as a factor of disease. Edinb. M. J., 1900, n. s., viii, 518-523.—Mahe (G.) Des stades amphiboles de la carie dentaire. Odontologie. Par., 1898, 2. s., vii, 478: 1899, 2. s., viii, 27.—Miller (W, D.) The question of the transparency of the dentin. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1903, xiv, 253-267.—Mills (G. A.) Dental caries a disease. Tr. N. York. Odont. Soc. 1901, Phila., 1902, 72-79.—Mi wa (N.) Ueberdie Zahncaries. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo. 1894, viii, 2. Hft., 10; 3. Hft., 26.— Moty (F.) Lesvarietes de la carie dentaire; usure et traumatismes des dents; maladie de Fauchard. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1896, xxvii, 353; 459: xxviii, 17.— Newkirk (G.) Examination of teeth for the discovery of carious cavities. In: Text-book of operative dentistry, Phila., 8°, 1910,127- 131.—Noyes (F. B.) A comparison of beginning and burrowing caries. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1906, xx, 437- 442. -----. A presentation of some conditions of caries of the enamel. Ibid., 1908' xxii, 813-841. [Discussion], 859- 863.—Partseh. Ueber den Zerfall des Zahnmarks. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1904, xxii, 393- 397.—Preiswerk(G.) Cariesprofunda Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1901, xvii, 372-385—Quintin (L.) Autour des troisieme et quatrieme degres dans la carie dentaire. Progres mecl. beige. Brux., 1903, v, 59.— Bice(E. C.) Recurrent caries. Proc Penn. Dent. Soc. 1902, Phila., 1903, 79-83.—Boche (H.) Caries dentaires multiples; leur valeur diagnostique et pronostique en pa- thologie generale. Progres med.. Par., 1900, 3. s., xii, 33- 36. — BJlse (C.) Zahnverderbniss und Zensur. Deut- sche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1904, xxii, 347-360.— Rudas (G.) Tanulmany a fogak es csontok korhadasar61. [A study of caries of the teeth and the bones.] Magyar fogas? szemle. A stomatol. [etc], Budapest, 1898-9, iii, 179; 229, 261.—Schoull (P.) Sur la phase parapulpaire de la carie dentaire. Odontologie, Par,, 1901, 2. s., xii, TEETH. Teeth (Caries of). 377-380.—Sen do ri (F. F.) La carie dentale. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1901, lx, 304.—Si'roi (P.) Die Zahn- karies. Zahnkunst, Bresl.. 1901, v, No. 29,4; No. 30 1- No. 31, 1; No. 32,1.—Wallis (C. E.) Dental caries from the point of view of the general practitioner. Med. Mag., Lond., 1905, xiv, 169-171.—Weller (H. D.) The effects of carious teeth on the general health. Indiana Dent. J Indianap., 1899, ii, 320-327. Teeth (Caries of Caws and statistics of). Pfluger (J.) * Ein Beitrag zur Statistik der Zahncaries. 8°. Kiel, 1898. Cantlie (J.) The early dccav of the teeth in Britain. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1899, ii, 592-591.—Dutour (F.) Sur un cas de carie de la deuxieme molaire causee par la de- viation anterieure de la dent desagesse inferieure. Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux, 1895, iv, 1-7.—Emerson (H.) Carious teeth in the tenement population of New York City. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908. lxxxvii, 636. Also, Reprint.—Knowles(W. A.) Statistics of dental caries 1882. Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass., San Fran., 1882-6,112-120.— KudryashofT (A. I.) NIekotoriye vivodi iz nablyu- deniy nad isporchennimi (kostoyednimi) zubami prikho- dyashtshikh bolnikh I Khirurgicheskavo otdleleniya Klinicheskavo Voyennavo Hospitalya. [Conclusions from observations on caries of the teeth of dispensary patients of the first surgical ward of the Clinical Armv Hospital.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 574-678—Mac- namara (N. C.) Report of the decay of teeth commit- tee. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 166-171—Mayrhoier (B.) Die Zahnfiiuleals Volkskrankheit, ihre Verbreitung una ihre Folgekrankheiten und die Mittel zu ihrer Be- kampfung. Monatschr. f. Gsndhtspfl., Wien, 1909, xxvii, 1-11.—Michel (A.) Karies, Zahnhygiene, Zahnpflege in Schule, Heer und Krankenhaus. Ergebn. d. ges. Zahnh., Wiesb., 1910, i, 353-460.—Bose (C.) In wieweit ist Ekstroms Kritik an der schwedischen Sammelstatistik fiber Zahncaries berechtigt? Deutsche zahnarztl. Ztg., Munchen, 1902, No. 12, 13. -----. Die Verbreitung der Zahnverderbnis in Deutschland und den angrenzenden Landern. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1906, xxiv, 337-351.—Scheurer (A.) Caries eines Gaumen- zahnes. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1900, xxix, 205.— Schwedischen (Die) Cariesfrequenzuntersuchungen. J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1902, xvii, No. 4, 5.—Wallace (J. S.) The report of the decay of teeth committee. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 392. Teeth (Caries of Causes and pathology of). Cornelio (V..) Osservazioni odontalgiche sulle cause della carie; con una appendice sulla formazione della doppia serie dei denti umani e sulla origine della distruzione della radice dei denti lattei; in risposta al libro intitolato: Es- perienze e riflessioni sopra la carie dei denti umani, etc., pubblicato in Genova nel 1812 dal Signor Francesco Lavagna. 12°. Torino, 1813. Dellerba (F.) Osservazioni critiche sull' opera del cavaliere incognito stampata in Torino l'anno 1813 contro le sperienze e riflessioni del D. Lavagna sopra la carie dei denti. 12° To- rino, 1815. Fenchel (A.) Die Entwicklung und Dege- neration der Hartgebilde im Tierreich in ihrer Bedeutung fiir die Degeneration des mensch- lichen Gebisses (Hygiene als Prophylaxis der Caries). 8°. Hamburg, 1893. Jung (C.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Bac- terien der Zahncaries. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Kantorowicz (A.) Bakteriologische und hie- tologische Studien iiber die Caries des Dentins. 4°. Leipzig, 1911. Kleinsorgen (F.) Immunitat der Ziihne ge- gen Karies und Begriindung einer natiirlichen und einer kiinstlichen Immunisierungstherapie; ein Beitrag zur Bekampfung der Zahnverderb- ni-s. 8°. Berlin, .[1907]. Magitot (E.) Etudes et experiences sur la salive consideree comme agent de la carie den- taire. 8°. Paris, 1866. Pettit(E. R.) Why teeth decay. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1885. Repr.from: The Druggist's J. Phila., 1885. TEETH. 645 TEETH. Teeth (Caries of Causes and pat hunlap(W.D.) Saccharum (sugar);itseflecton the teeth. Tr. Louisiana Dent. Soc, N. Orl., 1888,21-24.— Dutton (A. S.) The cause and prevention of dental decay. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1911, n. s., xci, 593; 622.—Ebersole (W. G.) Why does dental caries occur more frequently in the female than in the male mouth of the human family? Items Interest, N. Y., 1904, xxvi, 966-978—Ekstrom (I.) Die Cariesfrequenzuntersu- chungen in verschiedenartiger Beleuchtung. [From: Re- flector odont. Vrtljrev. f. Skandin., 1901.1 J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1901, xvi, Nos. 19-20.—Engs (J. S.) Mouth bacte- ria and their action in producing caries of the teeth. Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass., San Fran., 1902, xxxi, 42-51.— liselier (O.) Zahnkaries und Bodenbeschaffenheit. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., BerL, 1903, vi, 481-486.— Flam; (E. M.) La carie dentaire; une maladie consti- tutioniielle. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 567. -----. The constitutional origin of dental caries. Tr. N. York Odont. Soc. 1901, Phila., 1902, 108- 124.—Fleistlimann (L.) Das transparente Dentin; ein Beitrag zur pathologisehen Histologie des Dentins. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1907, xxiii, 30-55, 2 pl.—Fletcher (M. H.) Periosteal caries from bacterial origin. Dental Reg., Cincin, 1899, liii, 349-360. Also: Ohio Dent. J., Cincin., 1899, xix, 369-379.—Frey (L.) Carie dentaire; influence du terrain dans l'etio- logie de la carie dentaire. Odontologie, Par., 1904, 2. s., xviii, 11-23. -----. Le terrain en odontologie; carie dentaire; influence du terrain dans la symptomatolo- gie de la carie dentaire. Rev. d. mal. de la nutrition, Par., 1903, 2. s., i, 174: 1904, 2. s., ii, 361. -----. Influence du terrain dans l'etiologie de la carie dentaire. Ibid., 539-549. —Frey ( L. ) & Sauvez (E.) Des moyens de resistance de la dent contre la carie. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1893, lxvi, 369-375.—Frick (T.) L'alimentation des nouveau-nes et la carie dentaire. Cong. dent, in- ternat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iii. 218-226.—Friedrich s (G.J.) Present status of the etiology of dental caries. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1896-7, xlix, 560.—Frohmann (D.) Morphologie, Biologie und Chemie der in kariosen Zahnen vorkommenden Bakterien. Deutsche Monat- schr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1906, xxiv, 1-13.—Futaba. [Dental caries under the microscope] Shikwagakuho, Tokyo, 1901, vi, no. 7, 6-12.—Gaillard. Essai sur la na- ture de la carie dentaire. J. de med. de Lyon, 1867, vii, 292; 361.—Gillis (R. R.) History and etiology of dental caries. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1908, xiv, 1481-1488.— tioadby (K. W.) Micro-organisms in dental caries. Tr. Odont. Soc Gr. Brit., Lond., 1898-9, n. s., xxxi, 225- 252. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1899, xlii, 721-732. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 201; 311:1901, xliii, 449. Also: J.Brit.Dent. Ass.,Lond., 1900, xxi,65-82.-----. The buccal secretions and dental caries. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, ii, 769-771.—Greve (H. C.) Ueber das Wesen und die Differentialdiagnose der Caries alveolaris spe- cifica. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 473-476. Also [Abstr.]: Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1901, x, No. 487. -----. Caries alveolaris idiopathica. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1904, xx, 527-542.—Hart (A. C.) Evolution of decay. Pacific Med.-Dent. Gaz., San Fran., 1898, vi, 665-683. Also: Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1899, xlii. 87-100. Also: Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass., San Fran., 1900, 110-124— Head (L. C. B.) The influence of sex and environment in relation to dental caries and den- tition. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1906. xxvii, 913-925.— Herpin (A.) Eaux d'alimentation et carie dentaire. ,1. de med. de Par., 1911, 2. s., xxiii, 671. ----—. Processus d'attaque dans la carie dentaire. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1912, lxxxv, 422-424.—Hol'heinz (R. H.) Bacteriology and dental decay. Dental Pract. & Adv., Buffalo, 1895, xxvi, 127-131—Hopewell-Smith (A.) Breadstuff's and the experimental production-of dental caries. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1911, xxxii, 924-928. Also, transl.: Odontologie, Par., 1911, xlvi, 394-398. —Hopkins (S. A.) Bacteria and dental caries. J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1898-9, iii, 335-339 — Hudson (H.) The relation of environment to den- tal caries. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1902, xiv, 378- 382.—Injsersoll (L. C.) The relation of predisposing causes (so called) to the active causes of dental decay. Tr. World's Columbian Dent. Cong., Chicago, 1894, i, 349- 362.— Isliani (A. F.) Some constitutional causes for dental caries in the United States. Dental Pract., To- ronto, 1908, v, 1-8.—Jaeger (E.) Zahnkaries bei Chlo- rose und Aniimie. Leipz. med. Monatschr., 1907, xvi, 207- 209.—Johnson (C. N.) Susceptibility and immunity in dental caries. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1903, xvii, 316- 324.-----. The phenomena of susceptibility and immu- nity in dental caries as they affect us in operative dentis- try. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1905, xvii, 77-113. Also: West. Dent. J., Kansas City, 1905, xix, 139-149. [Discussion], 183. — Jones (C. E.) Some conclusions growing out of a study of the cause of dental caries. TEETH. 646 TEETH. Teeth (Caries of} Causes and pathology of). Dental Rev., Chicago, 1911, xxv, 1167-1195. — Jung (C.) Unsere heutigen Anschauungen vom Wesen der Zahn- caries. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena,1894, xvi, 624; 688.—KaIustofr"(G. N.) Sovremennoye uche- nive o prichinakh tak-nazivayennol kostoyedi zubov. [Present theory of thecauses of so-called caries of teeth.] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. vMosk., Moskva, 1892, xxxi, 17- 67.—Kellogg (J. H.) The relation of the chemistry and bacteriology of the stomach to dental caries. Mod. Med.& Bacteriol. Rev., Battle Creek, Mich., 1898, vii, 103; 132.— Kielhanser(H.) Die Ursache der Zahncaries. Deutsche Monatschr.,Leipz.,1900,xviii,345-366.—Kirk (E. C.) The predisposing factor in dental caries. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1903, xxiii, 93-104. -----. A consideration of the question of susceptibility and immunity to dental caries. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1910, Iii, 729-737. [Discussion], 760-771. Also: Dental Digest, N. Y., 1910, x%u, 724; 786. Also, transl: Odontologie, Par., 1910, xliv, 5-16.—Klein- sorgen (F.) Beitrage zur relativen Immunitat der Ziihne gegen Caries. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1906, xxxv, 341-352. Also: Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1906, ix, 322-327. — Kttrner. Entstehung und Verhutung der Caries der Ziihne. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 763-770. Also: Verhandl. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S. Munchen, 1900-1901, 116-118. — Kunert & Williger. Die zunehmende Zahnverderbnis, eine nationale Gefahr; ihre Ursa- che und ihre Bekampfung. Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspfl., Hamb., 1910, xxiii, 14-23. — Law (W. J.) Some mi- croscopical appearances in arrested decay. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1906, xxvii, 1009-1011. — Levy (I.) The sulphocyanate factor in dental caries. Ibid., 1910, xxxi, 987.— Lloyd (G. A.) A review of the ascribed causes of dental caries. Dental Rec, Lond., 1906, xxvi, 256-264.—Lohmann (A.) Begriindungmeiner Theorie iiber das Wesen der Zahnkaries. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1904, xiii, 603; 627; 651; 675. -----. Kurze Erwide- rung auf die Kritik des Dr. Miller fiber meine Karies- theorie. Deutsche zahnarztl. Ztg., Munchen, 1906 v, 1- 3. -----. Ueberdie Entstehung der Zahnkaries. Ibid., 1907, vi, No. 168, 1; No. 169, 1.—Michel (A.) Der Spei- chel als natiirlicher Schutz gegen Caries. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1901, xix, 257-269. -----. Ueber die Rhodanwirkung des Speichels auf die Entwick- lung der Caries. Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1903, V; 15-20. -----. Neuere Schuluntersuchungen und deren Ergebnisse in Bezug auf die Aetiologie der Karies. Ibid., 586-591).— Miller (W. D.) Recurrent (so-called second- ary) decav of the teeth, with especial reference to the electricaltheory. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 301- 310. -----. Some recent contributions to the study of the teeth. Ibid., 853-859. -----. Ueber die Transparenz desZahnbeins und die Wirkung von Sauren auf den Schmelz. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1903, xxi, 182-200. -----. New theories concerning decay of teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 1293-1301. Also, transl.: Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz,, 1905, xxiii, 667-683. -----. Weitere Studien iiber die Frage der rela- tiven Immunitat gegen Zahnkaries. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xxiii, 385-420, 1 pl. -----. Determination de l'agent pathogene de la carie dentaire. (Der jetzige Stand unserer Kentnisse fiber das Wesen der Zahncaries.) Cong. internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 12, 10-16.— Milligan (J.) A review of the present views of dental caries from the dentist's point of view. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1910, xxxi, 913-927.—van der Molen (H.) & Ott'ringa (I.) Heber Speichelbeschaffenheit und Zahn- verderbnis. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1909, xv, 350-364 — Mummery (S. P.) Some experiments on the relative susceptibility of different teeth to dental caries. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10,iii,Odont. Sect.,71-84. Also: Brit. J.Dent. Sc, Lond., 1910, liii, 337-356. -----. Susceptibility and immunity to dental caries. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, ii, 773.—Nessel (E.) Kaz zubni, chudokrevnost, rhachitis vpomeru jichke kuchynskesoli. [Sodium chloride in its relation to caries of the teeth, ansemia and rhachitis.] Sbirka pf ednaSek a rozpr. z oboru lekafsk., v Praze, [1899], no. 27, 151-170.—Neumann. Systematische Untersu- chungen iiber Zahnverderbnis. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1896, vi, 705-707.—Ouren (H.) Tandraate (caries dentium) og sm0rogbr0d. [. . . and bread and butter.] Tidskr. f. d. norske Lsegefor., Kristiania, 1908, xxviii, 178-181.—Palazzo (C.) Sulla patogenesi e mor- fologia della carie dentale e sulla sua profilassi. Sto- matol., Milano, 1906-7, v, 437; 493; 519.—Parreidt. Zur Aetiologie der Zahncaries. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1901, xix, 379-385.—Payne (E.) Caries; micro-organisms of the teeth; causes of decav. Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass., San Fran., 1891, xxii, 324-335—Peck (A. H.) Etiology of dental caries. Tr. Illinois Dent. Soe., Chi- cago, 1894, xxx, 25-41.—Preiswerk (G.) Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Zahncaries. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1902, xx, 492-50J. Also: Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1902, xviii, 433-448, 5 pl. Also: Teeth (Caries of Causes and jn/tholoi/y of). Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1902, iv, 564-561.—(fcuerney (T.) The cause of caries of the teeth. Lancet, Loud., 1900, ii, 1307.—Bead (S.) An enquiry as to the reason or reasons which obtain for the greater percentage of carious teeth existing amongst highly civilised people. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1905, xxvi, 1097-1102.—Bead (T. G.) Does roller flour destroy the teeth? Dental Rec, Lond., 1900, xx, 511; 545. -----. The cause of caries of the teeth. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 770. — Beed (J. J.) Predisposing causes of dental caries. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1900, xiv, 22-30. — Hcthy. Oorzaken der caries. Med. ^Rev., Haarlem, 1906, vi, 258; 371; 464; 5s's. — Itoclie (H.) Caries dentaires multiples, leur valeur .diagnostique et pronostique en pathologie gene- rale. Echo med., Toulouse, 1900, 2. s., xiv, 481-489.— Homer. Die feineren anatomischen Veranderungen im Schmelz und Zahnbein bei der Caries dentium. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich, 1911, xxi, 94-96.— Hose (C.) Ueber den Einfluss der Bodenbeschaffenheit auf die Hiiufigkeit der Zahnverderbniss. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xiv, 82. -----. Ueber die verschiedenen Ursachen der Zahnverderbniss. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 606-509. -----. Zahnverderbniss und Spei- chelbeschaffenheit. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 705-746.—Rogers (G. O.) The pre- disposition of certain teeth to earlv and persistent decav. Pacific Med.-Dent. Gaz., San Fran., 1899, vii, 164-174.— Hovida (0.) Carie dentale multipla in soggetto affetto da pentosuria. Stomatol., Milano, 1903-4, ii, 344-347.— Sclienk (F.) Die Ernahrung der Mikroorganismen in cariosen Zahnen. (L'alimentation des micro-organismes dans les dents cariees.) Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iii, 253-263. Also, transl: Oesterr.-uiujar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1900, xvi, 290-299. Also, transl.: Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1900, xiii, 401-403.—Smith (A. H.) Some inquiries as to the causation of dental caries. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1911, liv, 435-466.— Spencer (H. C.) The cause and prevention of recur- rent decay. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905. xlvii, 1330-1338.— Starck (H.) Ganglions cervicaux tuberculeux en rela- tion avec des dents cariees. Rev. de la tuberculose, Par., 1896,123-131.—Steynor (H.) The constitutional factor in degeneration of the teeth. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1906, xxvii, 731-737.—Talbot (E. S.) Developmental pathol- ogy and tooth-decay. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 1432-1438. Also: Dental Digest, Chicago, 1905, xi, 1073- 1082. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1906, xlix, 97-109. -----. Constitutional causes of tooth decay. Dental Di- gest, Chicago, 1904, ix, 1433-1459.—Taubkin (P. I.) Faktori progressiruyushtshavo rasprostraneniya kosto- yedi zubov. [Factors of progressive development of ca- ries of the teeth.] Odont. Obozr., Mosk., 1902, iv, 554- 565.—Tlleston (H. B.) The etiology of dental caries. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1906, xii, 567-573.—Underwood (A. S.) On the influence of micro-organisms in the pro- duction of caries. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1911, liv, 11- 24. [Discussion], 63. -----. The influence of climate on dental caries. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, ii,62L—Vanel (P.) Caries secondaires k la medication lactique. Odonto- logie, Par., 1910, xliii, 155-159. —Vicentini ( F. ) On the botanical diagnosis of Leptothrix racemosa and its asserted relation to dental caries. Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, i, 293-313— Wallace (J. S.) The etiology of dental caries. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1899, xx, 585; 633; 681: 1900, xxi, 13; 82; 129.-----. Susceptibility and immunity to dental caries. Dental Rec, Lond., 1903, xxiii, 493; 542: 1904, xxiv, 1. -----. Discussion on the cause of the prevalence of dental caries. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1904, xlvii, 61; 100. -----. Sus- ceptibility and immunity to dental caries. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1905, xi, 972-988. -----. The cause and preven- tion of dental caries. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1906, xxvii, 1; 67; 106; 157. -----. Observations on the cause and pre- vention of dental caries. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1908, lxii, 599-614. -----. Experiments and observations on bread, with special reference to the causation and prevention of dental caries. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1911, iv, Odont. Sect.. 90-104. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, ii, 617-619.—Watson ( G. W. ) Leptothrix racemosa in relation to dental caries. Dental Rec, Lond., 1902, xxii, 163-165— Wan gli (L. M.) Investigations on plaque for- mation and dental caries in relation to saliva. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1910, Iii, 170-175.— Wheatley (J.) The causes of dental caries. Public Health, Lond., 1910-11, xxiv, 483.—Woltmann (L.) Die Zahnverderbnis beim Kulturmenschen. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Leipz., 1907, vi, 502-507.—Zilz (J.) Die Stullung karioser Zahnhohlen im phthisio-genetischen Svstem. Oester.-ungar. Vrtlj- schr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1912, xxviii. 93-102.—4izkn. Vitalni theorie, zubni kaz, kuchynska sul. [Vital theory, dental caries, common salt.] Lek. rozhledy, Praha, 1905, xiii, 83-88. TEETH. 647 TEETH. Teeth (Caries of Complications and se- quel ee of). Chavas (M.) * Mycosis benin des voies res- piratoires superieures. Ses relations avec la cu- rie dentaire. Causes et traitement. 8°. Li/on, 189S. Cohx (C.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Caries auf die chemische Zusammensetzung des Zahn- beins. [Bern.] 8°. Berlin, 1889. Decouvelaere (P.-A.-E.) * Obstruction des voies respiratoires superieures. Carie dentaire. 8°. ZiMe, 1906. Hage.meier (J.) * Einige Falle von schwe- ren, totlichen Infectionen nach Caries der Zahne. 8°. Kiel, 1893. Mayer (K.) *Zwei totlich verlaufende Fiille von Phlegmone des Halses ausgehend von ei- nem kariosen Zahn. 8°. Munchen, 1900. Starck (H.) *Der Zusammenhang von ein- fachen chronischen und tuberkulosen Halsdrii- senschwellungen mit cariosen Zahnen. [Hei- delberg.] 8°. Tubingen, 1896. Witzel (J. C.) *Disputatio de fistula gen* terminata ad dentem cariosum. sm. 4°. Argen- torati, 1675. ArkSvy (J.) Ueber die Pathologie und Therapie der Caries alveolaris specifica. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh.. Wien, 1897, xiii, 2S7-311. ------. Caries alveolaris specifica fulminans. Ibid., 1905, xxi, 210. Also, transl • Brit. M. ,T., Lond., 1904, ii, 1371.—Baea y Sanchez (A.) Suppuration of the antrum of Highmore consecutive to dental caries. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1901, xliii, 911.__ Baker ( L. W.) Dental caries as a factor in the etiology of other diseases. Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clviii, 401-405.— Bit tut (L.) Complications septiques des caries den- taires, leurgravite, leur pronostic. Bull. Soc med.-chir. de la Drome [etc.], Valence, 1910, xi. 9-ls.—Billeter ( C.) Nochmals Zahncaries und anami degre. Odonto- logie, Par., 1905, xxxiv, 256-265.—Izambard (L.) Con- tribution a l'etude de la desinfection de la carie du 4« degre. Ibid., 1907, xxxvii, 453-457.—Jean (F.) Contri- bution k la therapeutique de la carie au 4° degr6 des dents adultes. Ibid., 1910, xliii, 413-421.—Jung. Die Beein- flussungderZahnentwickelungund der Zahnkaries durch Darreichung von assimilierbarem Pflanzen-Phosphor. Gesundh. in Wortu. Bild, Berl., 1909, vi, 103-105.—Kal- layan (V.) Obturations des caries du 3° degrd en une seance. Odontologie, Par., 1906, xxxvi, 463.—King (H. T.) Softened dentin under fillings. Dental Digest, Chi- cago, 1904, x, 300-303.—.Hadzsar (J.) Megjegyesek An- tal Janos dr. Adatok a caries dentium gy6gykezelesehez czimu czikkere. [Observations on the article of Jan6s Antal: Contributions on the treatment of caries of the teeth.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xiv, 313-315.—."a- gitot (E.) Des indications therapeutiques dans la carie dentaire. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1883, xx, 114; 127. Also, Reprint.—Miegeville (V.-E.) Le formothymol cresvle dans le traitement des caries du 3« et du 4« degre. Odontologie, Par., 1909, xii, 159-163.—Nessel (E.) Od- vapnujici pokusy zubu vztahem. ku beznym theoriim o kazu zubnim. [Experiments in liming the teeth with reference to the current theory of caries.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1889, xxviii, 771; 798.—Noyes (F. B.) The effect of caries on the structure of the enamel as related to cavity preparation. Items Interest, N. Y., 1909, xxxi, 747-754.— Nux (L.) Contribution a l'etude du traitement de la carie du deuxieme degre avance. Cong, internat. TEETH. 649 TEETH. Teeth (Caries of, Treatment of). de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'odont. et stomatol., 606-611.—Peters (K. A.) The use of supra- renal in dental cases. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1901-2, n. s., xxxiv, 76-90— Beuistc r (H. C.) Clinical observations on dental caries and pyorrhoea alveolaris with reference to treatment. Dental Brief, Phila., 1906, xi, 294-301.— Bobin (P.) De la methode fixa- trice et seletogene dans le traitement des caries et de leurs complications. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1900, vii, 343; 395; 440. -----. Elenienti di terapeutica patogena della carie dentale e insensibilizzazione non devitaliz- zante della dentina. Gior. di corrisp. p. dentisti, Milano, 1902, xxxi, 249; 307— Boy (M.) Quelques considera- tions sur le traitement de la cane du 4° degre simple ou compliquee d'abces alveolaire. Odontologie, Par., 1903, 2. s., xvi, 5-14. -----. L'amputation de lapulpe et ses re- sultats eioignes dans le traitement de la carie du 3e de- gre. Ibid., 1908, xxxix, 289-295. —Salisbury (L. A.) Prevention and treatmentof dental caries. Dental Di- gest, Chicago, 1908, xiv, 1488-1496. — Schwartz (E.) Quelques consideritions sur les traitementsde la carie du 4n» degre. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'odont. et stomatol., 466-471.—Siffrc. Note sur le traitement de la carie dentaire au 3m» degre; traitement dit momification de la pulpe. Ibid., 674.— Statham i, J. L.) On a method of stopping carious teeth. Brit. J. Dent. Sc., Lond., 1906, xlix, 631.—Trallero. Traitement de la carie dentaire. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r.. Par., 1901-3, iv, 369-371.—Vanel (P.) Traite- ment antiseptique des dents vivants atteintesdecarie par la teinture d'iode. Odontologie, Par., 1912, xlvii, 105.— Wallace (J. S.) Some observations on the cause and prevention of dental caries. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii. 790- 793.—Zander (P.) Die Karies der Zahne und ihre Be- handlung. Zahnkunst, Bresl., 1902, vi, Nos. 44-40. Teeth (Caries of) in animals. Schmidt (R. R. L.) * Beitrage zur Aetiolo- gie und Pathogenese der Zahnkaries beim Pferde. [Giessen.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1905. Also, in: Monatsh. f prakt. Thierh.,' Stuttg., 1904-5, xvi, 481-503. Bouville. Un das de carie des incisives et de l'os intermaxillaire chez le cheval. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1908, lxxxv, 153-157— Hermann (R,) Caries bei Mas- todon. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1908, xxxii, 305-313, 1 pl.— Leblanc (P.) Carie dentaire; repoussement des mo- laires chez le cheval. J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon 1904, 5. s., viii, 334-341.—Miller (W D.) Microscopic examination of a case of caries of a monkey's tooth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1892, xxxiv, 892. Also, Reprint. -----. Caries of the teeth in an African manatee (Mana- tus senegalensis). Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1893, xxxv, 519-521. Also, Reprint. Also, transl: Verhandl. d. deutsch. odont. Gesellsch., Berl., 1893, v, 15-24. Teeth (Caries of) in children. Kcmmel (H.) *Die progressive Zahnkaries in Schule und Heer, und die zahnhygienischen Aufgaben der Sanitiits-Behorden im Interesse der Volkswirtschaft, [Bern.] 8°. Berlin,190A. -----. The same. 8°. Berlin, 1904. Also, in: J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1904, xix, 1; 9; 17; 25. Adams (J. C.) The condition of the children's teeth of the present day, and the effects of decayed teeth on the health of the children. Am. Pub, Health Ass. Rep., Concord, 1895, xx, 339-344.—Barton (J. K.) On early decay of the teeth. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1899, n. s., lxviii, 394.— Beacock (D. V.) Vaccination a prime factor in the destruction of children's teeth. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1901, xiii, 467: 1902, xiv, 13.—Berger (F.) Die Haufigkeit der Zahncaries bei Kindern und deren Bekampfung (Mundpflege). Arch, f, Kinderh., Stuttg., 1900, xxviii, 392-397. Also, transl: Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1899, xxxix, 772-774.—Calcaterra (1.) Sulla carie dentale negli alunni delle scuole elementari di Bologna. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1912, 8. s., xiii, 59-76. — Chateau. La lutte contre la carie dentaire dans les ecoles et dans l'armee; Apropos de conferences faites dans le departementdo ITsere. Odontologie, Par., 1905, 2. s., xx, 219-2'^s.—< hau nd y (A. E.) Marks on the teeth due to infantile disorders. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1900, xliii, 385-391.-Colin (K.) Die Zerstorung der blei- benden Zahne durch Karies wahrend des schulpflichti- gen Alters. Schulzahnpfl., Berl., 1911, ii, No. 10, 1-4.— Colyer (J. F.) The treatment of extensive caries in children by extraction. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 293.— De Voe (A.) On the abatement of dental caries in public school children. Pediatrics, N. Y., 1900, ix, 359- 362.—Ducournau (F.) De I'importance du traitement de la carie des dents temporaires; son utilite. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, ii, 331-344.— Henister (J. G.) The destruction of children's teeth; cause and prevention. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 411— Herrman (C.) Dental caries as a cause of Teeth (Caries of) in children. disease in children; preventive measures; dental clinics Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1908, xxv, 582-590.—Kan nagot goras for motarbetandet af den hos barn progressivt tilltagande tandcarie.s-freqvensen? JCan anything be done to ameliorate the frequency of the progressively increasing caries of the teeth in children?] Forh. v. Finska Lak.-Sallsk., Helsingfors, 1896, 42-66.— Knappe (W.) l'rochnica zeb6w u mlodziezy szkolnej. [Caries of the teeth in the school youth.] Zdrowie, Warszawa 1909, xxv, 511-528. —Koerner (H.) Einiges uber das Auftreten der Caries bei Kindern wahrend des schulp- flichtigen Alters. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1899, xvii, 367-383.—KUmmel (H.) Zur Frage der eir- culiiren Zahncaries und Tuberkulose im Kindesalter. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1904, xxxiii, 311-314.—Lar- king (F. E.) Carious teeth in elementary school chil- dren. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1910, vii, 16-18.—L,ip- M-hitz (M.) Beitrage zur Cariesfrequenz bei Schulkin- ilern und ihrer Bekiimpfung. Compt.-rend. Cong, inter- nat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, v, odont., 6-15.—Martin ( C.) De l'emploi des couronnes metalliques comme moyen preventif et therapeutique de la carie des mo- laires temporaires. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, ii, 319-330. -----. Sur la carie des molaires temporaires, en reponse aux critiques du Congres de 1900. Odontologie, 1902, 2. s., xv, 561-566— Matvleyeva (Vlera G.) Kostoyeda zubov u dletel shkolna vo vozrasta. fCaries of teeth in children of school age.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1896, xvii, 904-907.—Meyer (O.) Ueber den Zusammenhang zirkuliirer Caries und zirkuliiren fest- haftenden Belages am Zahnhalse mit Allgemeinkrank- heiten des Kindesalters. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1904, lx, 54-75.—Neri (G. B.) La carie dentaria negli scolari del comune di Padova. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1908, xxx, 365-367.— Owen (E.) On the treatment of carious milk teeth. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1894, n. s., xxvi, 195-219—Panyrek (D.j Kaz zubni u mladeze skolni. [Caries of teeth in school children.] Zdravi, v Praze, 1898, iv, 14; 50. — Bose (C.) Ueber die Zahnverderbniss in den Volksschulen. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1894, x, 313- 340.—Bolleston (C.) The prevalence of dental caries in school children. Pub. Health, Lond., 1910-11, xxiv, 428.— Bossberger (S.) 1) Pruchnica zeb6w u naszej uczasej sie. mlodziezy oraz kilka uwag o higienie szkolnej na podststawie badan, dokonanych na 3050uczniach szk61 publicznych w Jaroslawin. 2) Znamiona (stigmata) ze- bowe i ich znaczenie prognostyczne w przebiegu chor6b og61nych, ubezpieczeniach na zycie i wyborze mamek. [1. Dental caries in our studying youth, likewise on school hygiene, based on examining 3,050 public school pupils. 2. Dental stigmata and their prognostic value in the course of general diseases, life insurance, and se- lection of wet nurses.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1899, xxxviii, 561-563.—Smith (W. G.) Decayed teeth and appendicitis; points the pupils of our public schools should know regarding them. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1908, xcix, 248.—Smolcie. Beitrag zur Statistik der Zahncaries bei Schulkindern. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1902, xviii, 559. Also: Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1903, v, 26-28.—Still (G. F.) The medical aspect of dental caries in childhood. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 1485-1487. [Discussion], 1495-1499. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiv, 170.— Thiago Marques. La carie dentaire dans la popu- lation scolaire pauvre de Lisbonne. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 12, 354-358.—Thorlak- son (C.) Om Tandkaries og dens Udbredelse, sserligt med Hensyn til B0rnene i K0benhavns Kommuneskoler. [Dental caries and its prevalence, especially among the children in Copenhagen's common schools.] Tidsskr. f. Sundhdspl., K0benh., 1897-8, vi, 1-17.—Vasilyeff (V. I.) Kostoyeda zubov u Shkolnikov Serpukhovskavo u. Mo- skovskol g.; vliyaniye nlekotorikh usloviy na yeya ra- sprostraneniye. [Caries of the teeth in pupils of Serpu- khov County, Moscow Government; influence of certain conditions on its propagation.] Zubovrach. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1900, xxii, 181; 237—Wallace (J. S.) Experi- mental demonstration of the cause of the early decay of teeth. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1901, xxii, 265-269. Teeth (Caries of) in pregnancy. See Teeth in pregnancy. Teeth (Chemistry of). Bertz (F.) *Ueber die chemische Zusam- mensetzung der Ziihne. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1898. Kuhns (Z. C.) Untersuchungen iiber die chemische Zusammensetzung der harten Zahn- substanzen des Menschen in verschiedenen Al- tersstufen. [Erlangen.] 8°. Leipzig, 1895. Also, in: Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1895, xiii, 361; 450. Gassmann (T.) Chemische Untersuchungen der Zahne. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem. Strassb., 1908, lv, 455: TEETH. 650 TEETH. Teeth (Chemistry of). rjn'.i. lxiii, 396. -----. Chemische Untersuchungen iiber die Auwesenheit von Fluor in den Zahnen. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1910, xx, 204-208.— .lodlbauer. Ueber den Fluorgehalt der Zahne und Knochen. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen u. Leipz., 1901, n. F., xxiii. 487-492.—Lenhardtson (A.) Contribution to the chemistry of dental cements. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv. sect, d'odont. et stomatol., 2s7-292.—Michel (A.) Cntersuchungen iiber den Fluorgehalt normaler und carioser Ziihne. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1897, xv, 332-338.—Sellulz (R.) Untersuchungen fiber die chemische Zusam- mensetzung normaler Menschenzahne verschiedenen Alters, mit Beriicksichtigung aller drei Hartsubstanzen. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1898, xxvii, 1-24. Also, transl: Gior. di corrisp. p. dentisti, Milano, 1898, xxvii, 97-119.— Tomes (C.S.) On the chemical composition of enamel. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1896, xix, 217-223. Teeth (Colored). Bonif'acy. Le laquage des dents en noir chez les Annamites. Bull, etmem.Soc.d'anthrop. de Par.,1907,5. s., viii, 437^40.—Crevost (C.) Le laquage des dents chez les Annamites. Ibid., 441.—Quiiitiu (L.) Contri- bution a l'etude de la pigmentation des dents. Progres med. beige, Brux., 1900, ii, 65. Teeth (Comparative anatomy of). See Teeth (Morphology of). Teeth (Concretions on). See Teeth (Deposits, etc., of). Teeth (Convulsions in infants, etc.). See Convulsions in infants and children. Teeth (Decalcification of). Capdepont. Pour servir k l'histoire de la decalcifi- cation; k Paul Ferrier. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1905, xii, 245-252.—Grieves (C. J.) Prophylaxis and prevention of enamel decalcification. Items Interest, N. Y., 1910, xxxii, 99-114.—Peirce (C. N.) Calcification and decalci- fication of the teeth. Dental Cosmos. Phila., 1884, xxvi, 449-455. Also, Reprint. Teeth (Deciduous). Adams (G. E.) Treatmentof deciduous molars. In- ternat. Dent. J., Phila., 1903, xxiv, 927-929. [Discussion], 940-942.—Berten. Ueber das Stehenbleiben der Milch- zahne, seine Deutung und Bedeutung. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahn- arzte, Berl., 1900, xxix, 338-344.—Bogue (E. A.) Some results from orthodontia on the deciduous teeth. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908.1, 267-269. -----. The relation of the temporary teeth to the permanent teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1912, xxvi, 130-14M. [Discussion], 189- 195.—Case (A) of gemination in temporary teeth. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit.. Lond., 1906-7, n. s., xxxix, 107- 110.—Clieniodaiiolt' (M-) K voprosu o sostoyanii pulpi molochnikh zubov pri razsasivanii kornel ha os- novanii klinicheskikh nablyudeniy. [Condition of the pulp of milk teeth when the roots are absorbed, based on clinical observations.] Odont. Obozr., Mosk., 1902, iv, 7; 351.—Didsbury (H.) Dela necessite du traitement des dents de lait. Rev. obst. et gynec, Par., 1896, xii, 278- 281.—Dolamore (W. H.) The deciduous dentition as a factor in the health of the child. Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 133.—Boskow (S.) The retention of deciduous teeth in adults. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1907, xlix, 921-924.— Hunt (G. E.) Prophylactic and reparative treatment of the deciduous teeth. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1905, xxv, 788-796.— Jordon (M. Evangeline). The economic value of the deciduous teeth; Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1912, x, 145-147.—King (O. U.) Treatment of deciduous teeth and their possessors. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1908, xxviii, 196-213.—Kronfeld (R.) Die Be- handlung der Milchzahne. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlix, 1102-1106.—Martin (C.) De 1'utilite du traitement des caries des molaires temporaires. Rev. trimest. suisse d'odont., Zurich & Geneve, 1902, xii, 32-36. Also, transl: Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1902, iv. 175-187. Also. transl: J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1902, xvii, 70-74. —Peirce (C.N.) The deciduous teeth: theireruption and removal. Tr. Am. Dent. Ass., Phila., 18S7,141-159. Also, Reprint.— Rosenthal. Lesdentsde lait; utilite de leur conserva- tion jusqu'tl leur chute phvsiologique. Ann. de la Poli- clin. de Par., 1897, vii, 12-21.—Sell walbe (G. i Ueber eine seltene Anomalie des Milch-Gebis-csbeim Menschen und ihre Bedeutung mr die Lehre von den Dentitionen Morphol. Arb.,Jena,1893-4,iii,3. Hft..491-530.—Webster (A. E.) Devitalization and management of pulps and pulp canals of deciduous teeth. Dominion Dent. J., To- ronto, 1910, xxii, 541.—Wheeler (H.L.) The treatment of broken-down, deciduous teeth with putrescent pulps. Dental Brief, Phila., 1909, xiv, 163-174.—White (O. W.) Care of the deciduous teeth. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1908, lxii, 5s-si. Teeth (I)ej>osifs and concretions on). Wittmaxn (C. F. C.) * Tntersuchungen iiber Zahnstein und dessen chemische Zu- sammensetzung bei unscren Haussaugetieren. [Leipzig.] 8°. Dresden, 1908. Barille (A.) Formation du tartre dentaire par les produits de dissociation des carbonophosphates de la sa- live. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1911, 7. s., iii, 582-584.— Galippe (V.) Nouvelles recherches sur la non-exis- tence de l'acide urique dans le tartre salivaire et dans l'extreruite des racines de dents envahies par le tartre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 8.S1-883.— Guye (A. A. G.) Over het aanzetten van tandsteen aan de snijtanden, tengevolge van habitueele niond-adem- haling. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1895, 2. R., xxxi. pt. 1. 775-779.—Labesse. Volumineuse concre- tion de tartre dentaire. Anjou med., Angers, 1902, ix, 271-274.—Mies (E. S.) A study of the salivary glands with reference to the cause of odontolithus. Tr.'N. York Odont. Soc 1884, Phila., 1885, 83-101—Poinsot (P.) Considerations relatives k Paction du tartre sur les tissus dentaires. Odontologie, Par., 1892, xii, 289-291.—Bow- lett (A. E.) Tartar. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1898, xii, 51-54. Teeth (Discoloration of). See, also, Teeth (Bleaching of). Buckley (J. P.) The causes and treatment of dis- colorations of the teeth. In: Text-book of operative den- tistrv, 8°. Phila.. lido, 369-377.—Cali (G.) Odontolite e odoritolitiasi. Odonto-stomatol., Napoli, 1902, i, 109-117.— Clark (II.) & van der Linde (H.) Concerning the chemistry of tooth discoloration. Dominion Dent. J.. To- ronto, 1902, xiv, 50-61. Also, transl: J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1902, xvii. 113— Fothergill (J. A.) Pink spots appearingon teeth. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr.Brit.,Lond., 1899-1900,n.s.,xxxii, 213-21*. 4/so; Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1900, xlii, 583-585.— Harada (B.) [Observations on the discoloration and deposits of the teeth, and their value for the diagnosisof several diseases.] Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokvo. 1903, xxii, no. 256, 9-11.—Kirk (E. C.) Ueber einige chemische Haupt- punkte betreffend die Zahnverfarbung und deren Be- handlung. Schweiz. VrtlJM-hr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Gen- eve, 1907, xvii, 59-6.\—Leist (G.) Eine neue Methode, missfarbenen Vorderzahnen ihre natiirliche Farbe wie- derzugeben. Zahntech. Reform., Berl., 1902, xxi, 259 — Miller (H. C.) Bleaching teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1903, xiv. 112-111.—Orr-Gray (W.) .Etiology of discoloured teeth and bleaching of the discolouration. Austral. J. Dent., Melbourne, 1901-2, v, 269-273. Teeth (Diseases of). See, also, Abscess, etc. (Alveolar); Alveoli (Diseasesof); Ataxia (Locomotor, Semeiology of); Dentistry; Eye (Diseasesof, Causes of); Fever (Typhoid, Complications, etc., of); Fistula (Den- tal); Neuralgia (Dental); Odontoma; Perio- dontitis; Pyorrhoea alveolaris; Societies (Den- tal) ; Teeth (Abrasion of); Teeth (Abscesses of); Teeth (Caries of); Teeth Decalcification of); Teeth (Deposits, etc., on); Teeth (Inflamma- tion of, Pericemental); Teeth (Pulp of, Diseases of). De-Vergani (A. M.) Osservazioni sopra i denti e loro malattie. 12°. Firenze, 1815. Hunter (J.) Practicaale verhandeling over de ongemakken der tanden geschikt tot een vervolg van de natuurlyke historie der tanden. Uit het Engelsch vertaald door Pieter Boddaert. roy. 8°. 's Grarcnhage, 1780. Baker (A. W. W.) Enamel defects. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1912, xxxiii, 198-206.—Berger (F.) Praktische Beobachtungen aus dem Gebiete der Zahnheilkunde. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest. 1*99, iv, 22S-230.—Betan- eourt (A.C.) Acaseof dentinitK Dental Cosmos. Phila., 1906, xlviii, 840—Bilaskd. Hypertrophia frcnuli esete. I Acase of . . .] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1*9*. xlii. 131.— Binns(H.T.) A case from pract ice. Brit. Dent..!..Lond.. 1906, xxvii, 876-881.—Brakin (I. N.) Statisticheskiya svledienya po zubnim bolieznyam. [Statistical data on diseases of the teeth] Zubovrach. vestnik, St. Petersb.. 1904, xx, 803-810.—Ernst (P.) Die Bedeutung der allge- meinen Pathologie fiirdie Zahnheilkunde. Schweiz. Vrtlj- schr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1905, xv,249-273—Frey (L.) Rapports pathologiques entre l'articulation teniporo- maxillaire et les dents. Odontologie, Par., ion:.'. 2. s., xv, 321-334. 1 pl. —Grenet (H.) A Fargin - Fayolle (P.) Dystrophies dentaires. Clinique, Far.. 1909. iv, 536-539. —Hippie (A. H.) The medical aspect of dis- eased teeth. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 346-349. Also, TEETH. 651 Teeth (Diseases of). Reprint.—Holstein (W.) Statistisches fiber Zahner- krankungen aus Russland. Centralbl. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1883, i, 58-62.—Hopkins (S. A.) Medical phases of dental disorders. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1906, xii, 918- 927. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1987-1990.— Hubbard (D. L.) Dental pat hology in its relationship to general health. Tr. N.York M. Ass., N.Y., 1898,66-76.— J union. Des affections dentaires dans leurs rapports aveclesfonctionsg6nitalesche/ la femme. Francemed., Par., 1897, xliv, 625-627.—Jung (0.) Ziekten der harde tandsubstantie. Nederl. tandheelk. Maandbl., Roer- mond, 1894, i, 237; 266.—Kiernan (J. G.) Periods of stress and their dental marks. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1901, xxii, 680-685. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii, 94-97.—Kleinsorgen. Degeneration der kor- perlichenHartgebible und Eniahrungshygiene. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 611-623.—I.o- sada. Quelques considerations sur un cas tres rare de dentomalatie. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'odont. et stomatol., 246-251.— MeBonagh (A. J.) Alveolar osteoclasm and gingi- vitis. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1912, xxiv, 1-13.— Malassez (L.) & Galippe. Sur les perles d'email. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1908, 3. s., lx, 11-13.—Martin (C.) Note sur l'enfoncement et l'elongation des dents. Lyon med., 1894, lxxvi, 497-507.—Martinez Vargas (A.) Sinergias sociales, fisiol6gicas y morbosas de los dientes. Med. de los ninos, Barcel., 1907, viii, 187; 222; 261; 283.—von Metnitz. Osteodentin, Vasodentin, Abscesshohlen im Dentin. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1903, xxxii, 193-211. Also: Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1903, v, 161-175, 6 pl.—Pedley (R. D.) Dental disease and the medical profession; their relationship to public health. Pub. Health, Lond., 1909-10, xxiii, 174-176. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 1207.—Prydz (O.) Tand- statistik fra H01ands lsegedistrikt i 1906. [Dental statis- tics of Holand County in 1906.] Tidsskr. f. d. norske Laegefor., Kristiania, 1908, xxviii, 772-776, 2 tab.—Bo- telli (R.) Osservazioni su due casi elinici piuttosto rari. Stomatol., Milano, 1904-5, iii, 525-630.—Bushton (W.) A case of painful attrition. Proc Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Odont. Sect., 118-121.—Smith (A. H.) Some degenerations and their significance. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1904, xlvi, 261-273.—Tornes (C. S.) Notes upon two teeth which present unusual diseased conditions. Tr. Odont. soc Gr. Brit., Lond., 1898-9, n. s., xxxi, 172- 1*6.—Tucker (E. G.) The organization and diseases of the teeth. Tr. Am. Acad. Dent. Sc, Phila., 1889-93, 103- 108. — Wellauer (F.) Ueber fehlerhafte und kranke Ziihne. Schweiz. BL f. Gsndhtspfl., Zurich, 1905, xx, 37-41. Teeth (Diseases of, Causes and pathology of). See, also, Diphtheria (Complications, etc., of); Exanthemata (Complications, itc, of); Gout (Complications, etc., of); Hysteria (Manifesta- tions of). Bodecker (C. F. W.) The anatomy and pathology of the teeth. 8°. Philadelphia, 1894. Cavalie (M.) Affections et maladies des dents de nature infectieuse. 4°. Bordeaux, 1906. D'Origny (S.) Lesions dentaires consecu- tives a des affections du sinus maxillaire. 8°. Paris, 1904. Frey (L.) Pathologie des dents et de la bouche. 16°. Paris, 1896. ------& Lemerle (G.) Pathologie des dents et de la bouche. 16°. Paris, 1910. Greve. Die Zahn- und Alundleiden.ihre Ur- sachen und Bekampfung. 8°. Munchen, 1902. Hartig (L.) * Untersuchungen iiber schiid- liche Einwirkungen auf die Zahnsubstanz. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1903. Lintott (W.) On the structure, economy, and pathology of the human teeth, with careful instructions for their preservation and culture; and concise descriptions of the best modes of surgical treatment; equally adapted to the u.*ch of the medical practitioner, the student in med- icine and of the public. 12°. London, 1841. Monier (L.) * Contribution a l'etude patho- genique des infections dentaires. 8°. Paris, 1904. TEETH. Teeth (Diseases erf, Causes and pathology of). aIouton (G. ) *La syphilis du maxillaire superieur envisagee specialement dans ses rap- ports avec les affections du svstcme dentaire. 8°. Nancy, 1905. Niles (E. S.) Odontolithus as influenced by calcic and phosphatic diatheses. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1881. Ottopy (L.) Outlines of dental pathology. 12°. Chicago, 1895. Pynchon (E.) How can diseases of the nose and throat affect the teeth? 8°. Chicago, 1892. Smith (A. 11.) The histology and patho-his- tology of the teeth and associated parts. 4°. London, 1903. Wedl(O) Pathologie der Ziihne. Hrsg. von Joseph Hitter von Metnitz und Gustav Eitter von Wunschheim. 2. Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Leipziq, 1901-3. * y Ackroyd (S. A.) Some causes of deterioration of present-day teeth. Dental Pract., Toronto, 1910, ix, 240- 246.—Andrews (R. R.) A study in dental pathology, including pits and fissures of the enamel and interglobu- lar spaces in dentine. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv, 521-527, 1 pl. Also, Reprint— Baudouin (M.) Trou- vaille d'un crane atteint d'osteoperiostite alveolo-den- taire,peut-etre d'origine scorbutique. France med., Par., 1908, lv, 462.—Bennett (F. J.) The destruction of teeth by milk germs. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Odont. Sect., 3-10. Also: "Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1910, liii, 1060-1069.—Billroth (T.) Ueber die Structur pa- thologischer neugebildeter Zahnsubstanzen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], BerL, 1855, viii, 426-432. Also, Re- print.—Broujt'liton - Head ( L. C.) Defects of the teeth; some considerations of their constitutional causes. Dental Rec,Lond., 1904, xxiv, 153-159.—Buisse ret (A.) De l'allaitement prolonge comme cause de deviations dentaires. Clinique, Brux., 1896, x, 186-189.—Capde- pont (C.) Dystrophie dentaire non encore decrite a type hereditaire et familial. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1905, xii, 550-561.—Carter (T.) Des micro-organismes dans leurs rapports avec l'etiologie et le traitement des affections dentaires. Progres dent., Par., 1899, xxvi, 276; 289.—Cavalie. Recherches d'histologie pathologique sur les dents; 1°. Fissures verticales des dents perma- nentes; 2°. Polypes de la pulpe. Odontologie, Par., 1907, xxxviii, 49-60.—Cook (G. W.) Putrefaction and patho- logical changes in tissue. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1908, xxii, 714-724.—Crothers (T. D.) Some facts relative to diseases of the teeth and jaws in inebriety. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 8-10.—Barby (<;. D. B.) Is uric acid an important factor in dental disease? Tr. N. York Odont. Soc. 1895, Phila., 1896, 138-156. Also: Internat. Dent. J.,N. Y. & Phila., 1896, xvii, 143-151.—Bicker- man (F. R.) Some effects of immigration from a dental view. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1900, xxi, 384-388. [Dis- cussion], 418-425.—Erdheim (J.) Zur Kenntnis der parathvreopriven Dentiii-Veranderung. Frankf. Ztschr. f. Path., Wiesb., 1911, vii, 238-248.—Faleonery. Le- siones de los dientes y mucosa gingival en las diversas diatesis. Correo internac odont., Madrid, 1898, iii, 1302; l::5*.—Ferrier (J.) L'usage de l'eau bouillie en boisson et la mineralisation de l'enl'ant et de l'ndolescent; effets sur les dents etsur 1't'tnt general. Rev. destomatol., Par., 1910, xvii, 444-449.—Ferrier (P.) Signification patholo- gique du dechaussement des dents. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 72.—Fischer (G.) Beitriige zur speziellen Pathologie der Ziihne unter Beriicksichtigung experimenteller Forschungen. Ergebn. d. ges. Zahnh., Wiesb., 1910, i, 501-706, 2 pl— Fleisehl (E.) Verande- rungen an Zahnen infolge Konstitutionskrankheiten. Med. BL,Wien u. Leipz.,1906, xxix, 363.— Fleischmann (L.) Rhachitische Veriinderungen des Dentins. Oesterr.- ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1910, xxvi, 11-21 — Fynaut. A propos de la consultation des maladies de la bouche et des dents a l'Hospice de l'lnfirmerie. Clini- que, Brux., 1905, xix, 81-85.—FyodorofT (P. F.) Ob obshtshikh septicheskikh protsessakh vslledstviye in- fektsii so storoni zubov. [On general septic processes after infection from the teeth.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadt, 1892, xxx, 61-70.-----. Obshtshe- patologicheskoye znacheniye bolnikh zubov kak razdra- zhitelel trolnic'hnavo nerva. [The general pathological significance of diseased teeth as irritants of the trigemi- nus nerve] Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v. S.-Peterb., 1895-6, [no. 4], 11-18.—Gilliams (J. S.) Some dental manifesta- tions of gout. Internat. Dent. J., N. Y. & Phila., 1897, xviii, 441-444. Also: Tr. Acad. Stomatol. 1897, Phila., 1898, 15- 18.— Gourdon. Disturbi dentali in un fanciullo dipen- TEETH. 652 Tlv'/ni. Teeth (Diseases of, Causes andjntiiology of)- denti da disturbi nutritivi e da tossine microbiche. [Transl from: Defense med., Bordeaux.] Stomatol., Mi- lano, 1906-7, v, 22-25—tiuttmaun (G.) Zur Aetiolo- gie der Zementhvpertrophie. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911, xxix, 721-741,1 pl.— ttutzmann (H.) Ueber den Sigmatismus und seine Beziehung zu Zahndefecten und Zahnmissbildungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1892, xviii, 499-501.—Hal- bertsma(H. J.) Bijdrage tot deziektekundiseontleed- kunde der tanden. Verhandel. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst., 1855, ii, [no. 9], 1-28, 5 pl— Hart (A. C.) Bacte- rial causation of decay and diseases of teeth. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Monterey, 1899, xxix, 327-334. —Hunt (J. M.) Mouth breathing in relation to diseases of the teeth and deformities of the upper jaw. Dental. Rec, Lond., 1905, xxv, 256-262,1 pl. [Discussion],292-296.—KAeinsorgen. Ein Entwicklungsbild der Pathologie des harten Zahn- gewebes. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911, xxix, 115-122.—Krakovski (M.) Ostriy gnoiniy peri- ostit poslle odnokratnol pere\ ya/.ki formalinom. [Acute purulent periostitis after a single dressing with lorma- lin.] Zubovrach. vestnik, St, Petersb., 1898, xx, 18.5-187. -----. Opukhol poslle zalozheniya v moloehnol zub rast- vora evka'ina. [Tumor after putting eucai'ne solution in a milk tooth.] Ibid., 1898, xx, 187. -----. Klonicheskiya sudorogi v oblasti litsevovonerva po prichime zubnol boli. I Clonic convulsions in the region of the facial nerv e caused bytoothache.l Ibid., 189.—Lanrent(A.) Enquete pour la recherche des causes d'alteration du systeme dentaire. Normandie med., Rouen, 1899, xiv, 524-528.—Lewis (J. H.) The effects of tropical climates upon the teeth of Americans. George Washington Univ. Bull., Wash., 1904, iii, no. 3, 76-81.—ITIainguy (H.) Quelques considera- tions sur la pathologie et la therapeutique dentaire. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1899-1900, xviii, 17; 24; 32. -----. Influ- ence nefaste du r6gime lacte sur la dentition; traitement prophylactique et curatif. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'odont. et stomatol., 658- 663.—Michel. Atrophie des Alveolarfortsatzes. Cor.- Bl. f. Zahnarzte, BerL, 1908, xxxvii, 193-222.—Miller (W. D.) A study of certain questions relating to the pa- thology of the teeth. Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, i, 237-289. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1904, xlvi, 981-1001: 1905, xlvii, 18. [Discussion], 96. -----. Pathological processes in extra-oral teeth. Den- tal Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 1153-1166.—Mirshall (A. G.) Ueber den Einfluss von Krankheiten der oberen Luftwege auf die Ziihne. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1901, xiv, 31-35.—Morgan (R. C.) Environment; its physiological and pathological effects upon the teeth and jaws. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1909. xxiii, 31-37.—Moritenstern (M.) Untersuchungen iiber die Einwirkung der eisenhaltigen Medikamente und Stahlwii'-seriiuf die Zahne. Therap. Monatsh., BerL, 1907, xxi. 141-117. Also: Cor.-Bl. f. Zahniirzte, BerL, 1907. xxxvi, 27-40.—Mummery (S. P.) Heredity and dental disease. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Odont. Sect., 108-124.—>'oel (L. G.) Some of the effects of autointoxication upon the teeth and surrounding tis- sues. Dental Headlight, Nashville, Tenn., 1902, xxiii, 153-158.—Ottot'y (L.) Tropical influence of the diseases of the oral and dental tissues. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1903, xiv, 929-935.—P. (E.) Influence exercee par l'ha- bitat sur la composition des dents et sur leurs maladies. Rev. odont., Par., 1905, xxiv, 5-15.—Paul (E.) Zur Kenntnis derfusiformen Bardllen und Zahnspirochaten. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., BerL, 1909, xxvii, 24- 41.—Payne (J. H.) List of specimens added to the Dental Museum. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1901-2, 3. s., xii, 283-290.—Pierg Hi (B.) Della influenza dei disturbi della circolazione sui denti. Stomatol., Milano, 1905-6, iv, 385-389.—Pietkietvicz (W. B.) fils. De quelques accidents dentaires determines par le regime lacte. Tri- bune med., Par., 1906, n. s., xxxviii, 310.—Prydz (O.) Lidt om aarsagerne til nutidens tandsygdomme. [Re- marks on the causes of modern dental diseases.] Tids- skr. f. d. norske Ltegefor., Kristiania, 1905, xxv, 2*3- 290.—Stehr. Beitriige zur Aetiologie der Deforma- tion und Degeneration des menschlichen Gebisses und ihre Beziehung zur Stillungsfrage. Oesterr.-untrar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1902, xviii, 560-570.—Ta- kahashi (J.) Shika biorikaku kosetsu. [Pathology of teeth.] Shika Kokyaiho, Tokio, 1893, no. 1, 1-8 — Talbot (E. S.) Constitutional causes of tooth-decay, erosion, abrasion, and discoloration. Tr. Fourth Inter- nat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, i, 189-198. Also: Dent- al Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 47-52. [Discussion], 68-78. -----. Acidosis, indicanuria, internal and external se- cretions; the effects upon the alveolar process and teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1908,1,947-954.— Tendler (D. C.) K kazuistikle idiopaticheskavo zabollevaniya zubov i reflektornol nevralgii poslle predshestvovavshikh zabo- llevaniy v otdalyonnikh organakh. [Idiopathic diseases of the teeth and reflex neuralgia after preceding diseases in distant organs.] Zubovrach. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1903, xix, 33-40.— Toy oiuku (T.) Ueber die parathyreoprive Teeth (Diseases of Causes and pathology of)- Yeriinderung des Rattenzahnes. Frankf. Ztschr. f. Path Wiesb., 1911, vii, 249-294, 3 pl.— Waehtl (D.) Einiges iiber die Wirkung der Franzensbader Eisenquellen auf die Ziihne. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xxvii, 477.— Walkhoff (O.) Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Patho- histologie des Zahnbeines. Deutsche Monatschr. f Zahnh., Leipz., 1892, x, 91; 451, 2 pl. — Wallace (J. S.) Physical degeneration in relation to the teeth. Brit. M. J. Lond., 1904, ii, 390.—Ward law (W. C.) The physiology and pathology of the peridentium. Dental Reg., Cincin 1899, liii, 161-169.—Wiessner (V.) Die Mitleidenschaft der Knochen- und Zahnsubstanz bei alliremeinen Ernah- rungsstorungen. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh. Wien, 1907, xxiii, 504-529.—Williams (J. L.) A contri- bution to the study of pathology of enamel. Tr. N. York Odont. Soc. 1897, Phila., 1898, 2-96. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1897, xxxix, 169; 269; 353. -----. On structural changes in human enamel; with special reference to clinical observations on hard and soft enamel. Am. J. Dent. Sc, Bait., 1*98-9, 3. s., xxxii, 337-348. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1898, xl, 505-537. Teeth (Diseases of, Com plications of). See, also, Amaurosis (Causes of); Antrum (Tumors of); Conjunctivitis (Causes of); Con- vulsions (Causes of); Deafness (Causes of); Deafness from diseased teeth; Epilepsy (Causes of); Glaucoma (Causes, etc., of); Iritis (Causes, etc., of); Meningitis (Causes, etc. ,of); Neural- gia (Facial, Causes, etc., of); Nose (Accessory sinuses of, Inflammation of, Causes, etc., of); Nose (Diseases of, Causes, etc., of); Paralysis (Causes, etc., of). Ayraud (R.-J.-J.) *Les affections oculaires consecutives aux lesions dentaire.*. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1905. Belongt (M.) * Contribution a l'etude des suppurations de la region palpebro-lacrymale d'origine dentaire. 8°. Paris, 1911. Contexau (G.) * Les adenites d'origine den- taire. 8°. Paris, 1902. Dreyfus (H.) * Etude des kystes d'origine dentaire. 8°. Paris, 1902. Dumont (L.) * Contribution a l'etude de la pathogenie des phlegmons peri-maxillaires d'ori- gine dentaire. 4°. Paris, 1894. Feiler (E.) * Ueber die bei Erkrankungen der Ziihne auftretenden Reflexzonen der Ge- sichts- und Kopfhaut (nach Head) und ihre Beziehung zur Alopecia areata. 8°. Wien, 1905. Fievet (L.-.T.-J.) * Contribution a l'etude des fistules d'origine dentaire. 8°. Lille, 1902. Fournier (P.-E.) Les arthropathies alveolo- dentaires au cours de l'ataxie locomotrice. 8°. Lyon, 1898. Gaumerais (M.-M.) * Contribution a l'etude du tic douloureux de la face; son origine den- taire. 8°. Paris, 1899. Gibert (A.) * De l'abces p^ridstique juxta- amygdalien odontogene. 8°. Toulouse, 1908. Also, in: Odontologie, Par., 1909, xii, 79-89. Giovanxoli (L.) Riflessioni intorno ai denti; malattie e cura di esse. 8°. Castelnora, 1835. Koerner (H.) * Ueber die Beziehungen der Erkrankungen der Ziihne zu den chronischen Schwellungen der regioniiren Lymphdrusen. Experimentelle und klinische Arbeit. [Halle.] 8°. Berlin, 1897. ------. Thesame. 8°. Berlin, 1897. Le Boucher (L.-J.-H.) * Complications sep- tiques des lesions dentaires. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908. Montes (R.) *Des adenites geniennes d'ori- gine dentaire. 8°. Paris, 1905. Neustadt (M.) *Die Neuralgien und Neu- rosen des Gesichts und des Kopfes, hervorge- rufen durch pathologische Zustande der Ziihne. 8°. Bonn, 1895. TEETH. 653 TEETH. Teeth (Diseases of, Complications of). Parker (A.) On defective teeth, as the un- suspected cause of various forms of constitutional derangement. With numerous cases. 8°. Bir- mingham, 1872. Reinmoi.ler (J. A.) Das dentale Empyem des Antrum Highmori. 4°. Rostock, [1908]. Acute septicaemia of dental origin. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1897, xviii. 613.—Aiiuzzi (E.) Adenite sot- tomascellare d' orpine dentale. Casuist, med.-chir., Mi- lano, 1905, i, 99. — Alberdi (J. M.) Losiones inflama- torias y organicas de los dientes. (Lesions inflammatoires et organiques des dents.) Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 132-146.—Alglave (P.) ct JUahe (G.) Vaste abces mediastinal provoque par une carie dentaire. PrQgres med., Par., 1909, 3. s., xxv, 407.—Al- laeys (H.) A propos de la pelade d'origine dentaire. Rev. trimest. suisse d'odont., Zurich & Geneve, 1906, xvi, 1-18.—Allard. A propos de quelques cas medico-den- taires. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1903, lv, 113-120.—An- nequin. Phlegmon infectieux aigu du plancher de la bouche d'origine alveolo-dentaire (angine de Ludwig). Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1894, xviii, 97-101.—Apert (E.) Phlegmatia du bras a point de depart dentaire. Bull. med., Par., 1906, xx, 169.—Auwers (F.) La flstule cu- tanee, complication dentaire. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1902, ix, 225-228. -----. Adeno-phlegmon du cou d'origine dentaire. Jbiapie den- taire. Preface par Ch. Godon. 12°. Paris, 1904. Glassington (C. W.) Dental materia me- dica, pharmacology and therapeutics. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1911. Gran.ion (L.) De l'emploi de l'adrenaline en chirurgie dentaire. 8°. Paris, 1903. Hellion (A.) * Etude sur la resolution par la phototherapie des fluxions dentaires. 8°. Paris, 1903. Joseph (M.) *L'ion cocaine et l'ion zinc en therapeutique dentaire. 8°. Paris, 1908. TEETH. 658 TEETH. Teeth (Diseases of, Treatment of). Kieffer (J.) Asepsis und Antisepsis in der Zahnheilkunde. 4°. Leipzig, 1911. Klein. i\uovo trattamento per la cura dei denti viventi e morti senza acido ne tossico colla dentina plastica. 8°. Napoli, [1904]. Kleinmann (F.) Kniga retseptov dlya zub- nikh vrachei. Perev. s 3. niemet.sk. izd. M. M. Starobinski. [Book of prescriptions. Transl. from the 3. German ed. by . . .] 12°. Mohilev- Gub. & Gomel,190±. Lichtwitz (A.) Ueber die Anwendung der Hyperamie als Heilmittel in der Zahnheilkunde mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung einer neuen Methode. 8°. Leipzig, 1911. Mohr (K.) Repertorium der bei Zahnkrank- heiten anzuwendenden homoopathischen Heil- mittel. Aus den Werken von Hahnemann, Jahr, Riickert, von Bonninghausen, Roack und Finks, etc., zusammengetragen und hrsg. 16°. Sonder shausen, 1851. Prinz (H.) Dental materia medica and the- rapeutics, with special reference to the rational application of remedial measures to dental dis- eases. 2. ed. 8°. St. Louis, 1911. Quincerot (C. -L.) Manuel de therapeutique dentaire speciale (odontotherapie) et de ma- tike medicale appliquee a l'art dentaire suivi d'un formulaire a 1'usage des praticiens. 12°. Paris, 1905. Scherbel (S.) Behandlung der Ziihne und der Zahnschmerzen. 12°. Lissa i. P., 1905. Sedlacek (A.) Chemisch-teehnischeRezepte und Notizen fiir die Zahnpraxis. Eine Samm- lung von iiber 1,200 praktischen Vorschriften, Methoden und Winken. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wien & Leipzig, 1907. Sylvius. La medecine dentaire. Traite" theo- rique et pratique de medecine, de chirurgie et d'hygiene dentaires, contenant la description et le fonctionnement des dents et de leur annexes; les causes, la description et le traitement de leurs maladies, avec la maniere de l'en preserver et de les guerir soi-meme. 12°. Paris, 1899. Zene Artzney; wider allerley Gebrechen und Krankheyt der Zene viel heylsamer und be- werter Artzneyen, gezogen auss den Biichern Galeni, Avicenne, Mesue, Cornelii Celsi, Plinii, etc., zusampt einem kurtzen und niitzlichen Underricht, wie man gesunde Zene erhalten unn die bosen holen Zene odder der selbigen Wur- zeln leichtlich on Schaden unn Schmertzen ausszihen soil. 8°. Meyntz, 1532. Aguilar (F.) Dental uses of nervocidine. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1904, xviii, 1047-1051. [Discussion], 1091- 1097.—Amoedo (O.) Tratamiento del estado general en los casos de inflamaciones graves de origen dentario. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1911, xxxvii, 56-62. Also, transl: Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1910, xvii, 461-467. Also, transl: Rev. trimest. suisse d'odont., Zurich & Geneve, 1910, xx, 313-320. — Anderson (Martha). Methods in the preparation of teeth. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii, 90-94.—Andresen (V.) Verbes- serte Methoden der Wurzelbehandlung. Deutsche Monat- schr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1912, xxx, 200-216.—Arkiivy (J.) Untersuchungen iiber die pharmakodynamische Wi rkung des Nervocidins (Dalma). Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1901, xvii, 221-230. -----. Discussion iiber die Erfahrungen mit Nervocidin. Ibid., 527-530.—Audy (A.) Le chlorhydrate d'erythrophleine dans le t'-aite- ment des dents temporaires. Odontologie, Par., 1906, xxxvi, 399-408.—Audy (A.) & Andre (C.) L'aldehyde formique associee au tricresol en therapeutique dentaire. Ibid., 1909, xlii, 430-437.—Bassenge (R.) & Selander (E.) Ueber die desinfizierende Wirkung einiger gebrauch- licher Zahnpasten. Deutsche med. W'chnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1666-1668. — Bastyr (A.) Die Ver- wendung der Elektricitat in der modernen Zahnheil- kunde. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1901, xix, 330-334.— Bauchwltz (M.) Die Kohlensaure in der Zahnheilkunde. J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1901, xvi, 102- 101 —Bellemaniere (A.) & Bellemanifere (P.) Teeth (Diseases of, Treatment of). Presentation d'une electrode localisatrice pour l'applica- tion des courants de haute frequence aux maladies de la bouche et des dents. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1909, xvi, 124-127.—Beltrami (G.) Contribution a l'etude pra- tique de la methode de Buckley. Ibid., 499-502.—Ben- nette (B.) Dental prescriptions. Brit. J. Dent. Sc Lond., 1904, xlvii, 913-917.—Berger (F.) Salubr61 a fogaszatban. [Salubrol in dentistry.] GyOgyaszat, Buda- pest, 1897, xxxvii, 336-338.—Bernier (A.) De l'asepsie et de l'antisepsie en chirurgie et en hygiene dentaires. Rev. med. du Canada, Montreal, 1904-5, viii, 85-87.— Boak (S. D.) Some observations during three years' service in the Tropics. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1907, xxvii, 255; 325.—Bornstein (A.) Zur Zahnpflege in Nervenheilanstalten. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, BerL, is<)7, vi, No. 269.—Brodtbeck (A.) Licht- und Schatten- seiten der Injektionstherapie in der Zahnheilkunde. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich, 1910, xx, 243-247.— Buckley (J. P.) A consideration of general therapeu- tics as applied to dentistry. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1907, xxi, 797-812.—Charezieux (J.) L'avenir des dents mortes. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1906, xiii, 369-372.— Choquet (J.) Contribution a l'etude de la sterilisation de la dentine en vue de l'obturation des cavites. Odonto- logie, Par., 1901,2.s.,xiii, 17-24. Also, transl:Correoodont. internac, Madrid, 1901, vi, 2535; 2587. Also, transl: Odonto- stomatol., Napoli, 1902, i, 191-196.—Clark (H.) How to treat a punctured tooth. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1911, xiii, 437-440.—Clark (W. E.) & Bavis (P. W.) Elec- tricity and its applications in dentistry. Tr. Am. Acad. Dent. Sc. 1896 Phila., 1897, 98-108.—Clifford (E. L.) The necessity for constitutional treatment in dental prac- tice. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1891, xxxiii, 878-892. Also, Reprint.—Cruet. Appareil fixe de redressement et de contention des dents par le cordonnet; modes d'emploi. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1902, ix, 321-330.— D—f. Ueber die Wirkung der arsenigen Saure und des Thymols. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1898, xii, 485.— Dawes (S. L.) The desirability of a more perfect med- ico-dental schindylesis. Albany M. Ann., 1909, xxx, 790- 796.—Bfirud (F.) & Jarricot (J.) L'hermophenyl en odontologie; experimentations cliniques. Odontologie, Par., 1903, 2. s., xvii, 179-184.—Dieck (W.) Allgemeine Behandlung der Zahnkrankheiten. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 2225-2229, 1 pl. — von llohrzyuiecki (A.) Die Lichttherapie in der Zahn- heilkunde. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1903, liii, 1245-1248. Also: Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1903, v, 287-296. Also: Cor.-Bl.f. Zahnarzte, Berl.,1905, xxxiv, 156-162.—Born (R.) Ueber die Verwendbarkeit des Wasserstoflsuperoxyds in der Zahnheilkunde. Wien. zahnarzt. Monatsschr. Also, transl: Gior. di corrisp. p. dentisti, Milano, 1902, xxxi, 139-147.—Brakin (I. N.) Adrenalin i chloreton v khi- rurgii voobshtshe i v odontologii v chastnosti. [. .. and ... in surgery in general and in odontology in particu- lar.] Terapiya, S.-Peterb., 1904, i, 237-244. Also [Abstr.]: Zubovrach. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1904, xx, 455-457.— Dreikurs (H.) Ueber die Anwendung des Alypin in der Zahnheilkunde. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1908, liii, 409.—Bunogier (S.) Du mal aux dents; des moyens employes par les charlatans pour le guerir; de son traite- ment rationnel. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1897, xxvii, 333; 347; 361.—Ekstroui (I.) Nervocidin in Verbin- dung mit Kokain. J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1903, xviii, 197.— Filler. Ueber die Indikationsstellung fur Lokalanas- thesie und Narkose in der Zahnheilkunde. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1906, ix, 410-415.—Far6 (C.) Emploi de l'adrenaline en chirurgie dentaire. Ann, med.-chir. du centre, Tours, 1904, iv, 338.—Feiler (E.) Die Massage des Zahnfleisches und der Kiefer. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1910, xxviii, 186-196. -----. Korrosionspraparate und Wurzelbehandlung. Ibid., 1911, xxix, 742-746.—Fischer (G.) Der heutige Stand der Wurzelbehandlung mit Riicksicht auf die feinere Anatomie menschlicher Wurzelkaniile insbesondere am Foramen apicale. Ibid., 1912, xxx, 81-111.—Fletcher (M. H.) Zement-Neubildung in Bezug auf Behandlung der Alveolitis. Ergebn. d. ges. Zahnh., Wiesb., 1911-12, ii, 331-338.—Frohmann (D.) Richtung und Ziele der modernen zahnarztlichen Therapie. Therap. Monatsh.. Berl., 1900, xiv, 247-251.—liii lett (H. W.) Electrical osmosis for the treatment of living dentine. Internat Dent. J., N. Y. & Phila., 1896, xvii, 65-83. Also, Reprint.— Graham (D. M.) Prevention et traitement des infec- tions du canal radiculaire et des lesions associees. Rev. trimestr. suisse d'odontol., Basel & Geneve, 1911, xxi, 188-199.—Graser(E.) Behandlungder Erkrankungen der Ziihne und des Zahnfleisches. Handb. d. spec. The- rap. innerer Krankh., Jena, 1896, iv, 75-121. Also: Handb. d. Therap. innerer Krankh., 2. Aufl., Jena, 1898, iv, 71-110. Also: Handb. d. ges. Therap. (Penzoldt u. Stintzing), 4. Aufl., Jena, 1909, ii, 251-282.—Greve. Therapeutische Fortschritte in der Zahnheilkunde. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr.,Wiesb.,1901,iv,161-163.—Grieves (C.J.) The salivas of children wearing German-silver appliances and the metallic waste found therein. Items Interest, N. Y., 1910, xxxii, 94-99. [Discussion], 104-114. — Grisamore (T. L.) Hypnotics and anodynes; their dental applica- TEETH. 659 TEETH. Teeth (Diseases of, Treatment of). tions. Dental Rev.. Chicago, 1905, xix, 776-7*81. [Discus- sion], 834-839.—Gnadaii'iiini (A.) La sterilizzazione in odontoiatria. Stomatol.,.Milaiio,1902-3,i,692-696.—Ham- burger (R.) Der Induktionsstrom in der tiiglichen Pra x is. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz.,1907, xxv, 317-323.— llanusa (C.) Behandlung der Krankheiten der weichen Zahnsubstanzen. Odont. BI., BerL, 1901, v, 381-384. Also: Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1901, xv, 161-163.—Harlan (A. W.) The basis of dental medicine. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1902, xliv, 853-866.—Heck (H.) Le paramono- chlorphenol. Odontologie, Par., 1906, xxxvi, 159-164.— Herren knee lit. Lichtbehandlung in der Zahnheil- kunde. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, BerL, 1903, xii, Nos. 572- 573.—Hey (J.) Ueber Hypnose und ihre Verwendung in der Zahnheilkunde. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1906, xxiv, 135-150.—Hott'endahl (K.) The ap- plication of the constant galvanic current in the treat- ment of pathological conditionsof the teeth. Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, i, 225-236. -----. Weitere Versuche fiber die Behandlung infizierter Ziihne mittels Elektrolyse. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Basel & Geneve, 1904, xiv, 112-115.—Hurst (J.) Die Kohlen- saure in der Zahnpraxis. Zahntech. Rundschau, BerL, 1902, 9543.—Izambard (L.) L'aristol en thcrapeutii|ue dentaire. Odontologie, Par., 1906, xxxv, 306.—Jack (L.) Some observations upon the relation of thermal irriga t ii >n of the teeth to their treatment. Proc. Penn. Dent. Soc. 1898, Phila., 1899, 83-94.—Jean (C.-H.) & Morlneau (T.) Contribution a l'etude sur le courant d'air chaud. Odontologie, Par., 1910, xliii, 261-270.—Jung. Was kann der praktische Arzt bei Zahnleiden tun? Therap. Rund- schau, BerL, 1910, iv, 177-179.—Ivaas (T.) Beobachtun- gen an mit Nervocidin behandelten Zahnen und Bemer- kungen zu den fiber dasselbe bisher erschienenen Veriif- fentlichungen. Oesterr .-ungar. Vrtljschr.f.Zahnh., Wien, 1902, xviii, 480-493.— Kasarnowski (A.) Sollen wir amputieren oder extirpieren? Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1912, xxx, 120-12S—Kins; (H. L.) His- tory of an unusual case, with some observations on a dan- gerous drug. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1U04, xxiv, 200- 210.—Klein (J.) La stvpticine. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1904, xiv, 324-326.—Klein- sorgen (F.) Die Notwendigkeit der Zufuhr Zahn und Knochen bildender Substanzen. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1906, xv, 963-965. -----. Aus der Praxis der Fett- therapie der Zahne. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, BerL, 1907, xxxvi, 346-359. -----. Fettherapie und Wurzelbehand- lung. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1908, xviii, 293-299.—Klemich (E.) Suggestion und Hypnose in der Zahnheilkunde. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtlj- schr.f. Zahnh., Wien, 1894, x, 371-387.—K_J>hler(0.) Das Deutschmann-Serum. in der Zahnheilkunde. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911, xxix, 44-49.—Korodi (8.) Nervocidin; egy rij fogidegolo szer. [Nervocidin, a new drug for destroying the dental nerves.] Orvos. lapja, Budapest, 1901, xii, 122.—Kritcbewsky. Le perhy- drol et ses applications en art dentaire. Odontologie, Par., 1906, xxxv,298-3u5.—Kronl'eld (R.) Neuerungen auf dem Gebiete der zahnarztlichen Therapie. Centralbl. f. d.ges.Therap.,Wien,1902,xx,193-202.—Kugel (M.) Avi- talisreactiolenyege4sszerepeafogpy<">k kozelesben. [The essence of vital reaction and its partin the treatment of the roots of teeth.] Orvosihetil.,Budapest,1905,xlix,281. See, also.infra, Sikl6s.—Lartschneider (J.) Die Theorie vom gesteigerten intradentaren Blutdruck und ihre prak- tische Bedeutung. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien,1910,xxvi,74-80.—Latham (V. A.) Dental medica- tion and experiments, with cases. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash.,1895.pt.2,1893-1900.—Law(W. J.) Asepsisand antisepsis in dentistry. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1906, xxvii, 394-399.—Leigh ton (J. W.) Electricity in dentistry. Dominion. Dent. J., Toronto, 1911, xxiii, 123-135.— Leszczynski (L.) Kilka sl6w o soleveolu w denty- styce. [On solveol in dentistry.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1895, 2. s., xv, 137-140.—Levin (H.) Atoxyl (Metaarsen- saureanilid) und Beine Verwendung in der Zahnheil- kunde. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1902, xx, 482.—Lichttherapie (Die) in der Zahnheilkunde. Zahntech. Reform, Berl., 1904, xxiii, 190; 202; 214.—Lind. Eine neue Behandlungsmethode des sensiblen Dentins und der erkrankten Pulpa. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, BerL, 1903, xii, No. 590.—Loup. A propos de la sterilisation des dents, proposee par M. Choquet. Odontologie, Par., 1901, 2. s., xiii, 77-82.—Luniatschek (F.) Adrenalin und seine Verwendung in der Zahnheilkunde. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Basel & Geneve, 1904, xiv, 222-249.— Madzsar (J.) Bemerkungen zu Prof. Scheff's Aufsatz iiber Nervocidin. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1902, xviii, 375-380.—Magnus (E. R.) New method of saving apparently useless roots or teeth. Aus- tral. J. Dent., Melbourne, 1902-3, vi, 57-62.— Mayrholer (B.) Die Anwendung und spezielle Technik der Jodo- form-Knochenplombe nach von Mosetig in der Zahnheil- kunde. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1905, xxi, 168-178. [Discussion], 199.—Merck (E.) Das Mono- chlorphenol Merck in der Zahnheilkunde. J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1903, xviii, 4. Also: Zahntech. Reform, Rerl., 1 yo:j, xxii, 25.—Michel (A.) Nervocidin. Zahnarztl. Rund- Teeth (Diseases of, Treatment of). schau, BerL, 1904, xiii, 155. -----. Die Lichttherapie in der Zahnheilkunde. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1910, xxviii, 705-735.—Miller. On electric sterili- sation of root canals. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1903-4, n. s., xxxvi, 150-154.—Miller (W. H.) The de- composition of the contents of the dentinal tubules as a disturbing factor in the treatment of pulpless teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1890, xxxii, 349-357. Also, Reprint. -----. Experiments on the comparative value of various antiseptics in the treatment of diseased teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1890, xxxii, 589-604. Also, Reprint.— Hi ran (J.) Le fluorure de calcium en therapeutique dentaire. Odontologie, Par., 1909, xii, 225-228—Moel- ler (F.) Nebennierenextract in der Zahnheilkunde. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1902, xx, 414-418. Also: Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1902, xi, No. 521.— Moll (A.) Die Bedeutung der Hypnose und Suggestion fiir die Zahnheilkunde. Deutsche zahniirztl. Wchn- schr., BerL, 1905, viii, 119-125. — Ogawa (Y.) [Psy- cho-therapy in dentistrv.] Shikwagakuho, Tokyo, 1907, xii, no. 5, 21-24.—Ottopy (L.) Oil of ylang-ylang as a dental remedy. Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, ii, 83-86. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 314-316.—Palmer (E.) Systemic medication in dental practice. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 1005-1007.—Papot (E.) Electrotherapie dentaire. Odon- tologie, Par., 1899, 2. s., ix, 49; 109; 159.—Parreidt (R.) Neuere Arzneimittel und ihre Verwendung. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1904, xxii, 481-488.— Pasch (J. G.) Abhandlung aus der Wundarzney von den Zahnen, 1765. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1906, xvi, 185; 292; 360: 1907, xvii, 110.—Perry (S. G.) Treatment of cervical borders. Tr. Acad. Stomatol. 1898, Phila., 1899, 39 - 58.—Piatt* (W.) Die Therapie der Zahnanomalien. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1907, xvi, 348; 375; 403; 431. — Piergili (B.) L' elettricita galvanica in odontoiatria. Stomatol., Milano, 1905-6, iv, 273-279.—Port. Ueber die Behandlung der Zahnkrankheiten durch den praktischen Arzt. Deutsche Prax., Miinchen, 1898, i, 165-170.—Po- teau (F.) Appareil a air chaud, injecteur et bruleur de cabinet combines. Odontologie, Par., 1905, xxxiv, 438- 440.—Price (F. D.) A plea for electricity in dentistry. Dental Pract., Toronto, 1907, ii, 87; 129.—Quintin (L.) Le dechaussement des dents est-il gnerissable? Progres med. beige, Brux., 1902, iv, 103-108. -----. L'adrenaline en art dentaire. Ibid., 1903, v, 107-109. -----. Audaces fortuna juvat. [Maladies des dents.] Ibid., 1905, vii, 161-165.—Bauhe (H.) Zur Aetiologie und Therapie der Kalksalzarmut. Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, i, 370-379. — Ribollo (R.) Ancora una parola sul trattamento dei canali radicolari. Stomatol., Milano, 1906-7, v, 135-139.—Riegner. Aesthetisches aus der zahnarztlichen Praxis. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 650-662.—Bitter (P.) Was kann der praktische Arzt bei der Pflege und Behandlung der Ziihne leisten? Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1909, vi, 411-415.—Bose (H.) Hints to the student and the young practitioner. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1906, xlix, 924;973; 1070: 1907, 1, 49; 102; 145; 385; 481.—Rose (W. S.) Dental psychics. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1911, liii, 1253-1262.— Roy (M.) Etude historique sur la therapeutique den- taire. Odontologie, Par., 1900, 2. s., x, 103-121. -----. L'importance de la prothese dans les interventions chirurgicales. Ibid., 1902,2.S.,xv,377-394 — Rubbrecht (O.) Le chlorhydrate d'erythrophleineet l'eugenol dans le traitement de la sensibilite de la dentine. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1901, viii, 442-446.—Russenberger. Ueber die Fettherapie von Dr. Kleinsorgen. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1908, xviii, 129- 137.—Salfeld (A.) Ueber die erfolgreiche Anwendung eines hochprozentigen wasserhellen Jodwasserstoffesters (Jothion) bei Periostitis der Zahne. Deutsche Monat- schr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1912, xxx, 135-138.—Sauvez (E.) Doit-on conserver les racines? Clinique, Par., 1907, ii, 451.—Schett*(J.) Ueber die Wirkung des Nervocidins auf die Zahnpulpa. Deutsche zahnarztl. Ztg., Munchen, 1902, Nos. 20-22. Also: Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1903, xii, No. 504. See, also, supra, Madzar. — Scott (B. S.) Nervocidin. Pacific Dent. J., San Fran., 1904, xii, 582-593. — Senn (A.) Ueber Adrenalin; ein Beitrag zu dessen Anwendung in der zahniirztlichen Praxis. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Winterthur & Geneve, 1903, xiii, 95-98. — Sickinger (A.) Al- kohol in der Zahnheilkunde und seine Bedeutung fiir die Mutterbrust. Balneol. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1905, 29.— Silfre. Note sur la sterilisation des canaux dentaires. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'odont. et stomatol., 673.-----. Les peroxydes et le perborate de soude en chirurgie dentaire. Rev. odont., Par., 1905, xxiv, 150-159.—Siklos (A.) Megjegyzesek Kugel Mor dr. lirnak A vitalis reactio lenyege es szerepe a foggyokkezelesben czimil czikkere. [Observations on the article of Moritz Kugel: The essence of vital reaction and its part in the treatmentof the roots of the teeth.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1905, xlix, 900.—Smith (A. H.) Empiricism in dental surgery. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1906, xxvii, 634-540.—Slider berg (T.) Nehany sz6 a nervoci- 60 TEETH. TEETH. Teeth (Diseases of, Treatment of). dinrtil. [Remarkson nervocidin.] Magyar fogasz.szemle. A stomatol.[etc.], Budapest, 1901, v, 21,5-217. Also, transl: Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1901, xvii, 530- 535. Also, trans/.: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1901, xliii, 1265: 1903, xiv, 631-6: ;:>.—So r up (A.) Die Bedeutung einer sys- tematischen Zahnlleischmassage. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911, xxix, 122-129.—Spiller (J. E.) The dental uses of para form, l'roc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Odont. Sect., 42-44.—Squires (G. B.) A partial review of dental materia medica, Items Interest, N. Y., 1904, xxvi, 682; 770.—Szabtf (J.) His- tologische und klinische Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkungsweise des Argentum nitricum auf das erkrankte Dentin. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1902, xviii, 42-57,1 pl.—Taylor (J. N.) Some recently intro- duced drugs in dental practice. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1906, xxvii, 100-106.—Thew (W.) High-pressure injec- tion for dentinal anaesthesia or pulp extirpation. Ibid., 1912, xxxiii, 241-246.—Tbiesing. Neue und altePrapa- rate und ihre Verwendung. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1902, xx, 563-572.—Trauner (F.) Die Grenzen fiir die Erhaltungsmoglichkeit wurzelkranker Zahne. Mitt. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1908, xiv, 261-267.—Tsukaliara. [Congestive therapy, its application in dentistry.] Shikwagakuho, Tokyo, 1907, xii, no. 5, 9-15.—Vanel (P.) Des accidents resul- tant de l'emploi de l'arsenic en therapeutique dentaire. Odontologie, Par., 1907, xxxviii, 439-450.—Vasilyeff*. Kobalt i perekis vodoroda v llechenii zubnikh bolleznel. [Cobalt and hvdrogen peroxide in the treatment of dis- eases of the teeth.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1902, lxxx,med.-spec.pt.,2177-2181.—Voyles (S.H.) Asepsisas applied to the care of dental instruments. Dental Brief, Phila., 1905, x, 343-318.—Weaver (J. E.) The emergency treatment of a toothache. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 623.—Webster (A. E.) The comparative value of ordi- nary sealings for root-canal dressing as excluders of bacte- ria. Dental Cosmos, Phila. ,1902,xliv, 925-929.—Weidens- laufer (T.) Schiidigt die subgingivale Injektion von Nebennieren-ExtraktdieZahnpulpa? Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1905, viii, 65.—Witzel (A.) Schiidigt die subgingivale Injektion von Nebennieren-Extrakt die Zahnpulpa? Ibid., 1904, vii 510: 1905, viii, 33; 65. -----. Ueber die Trockenbehandlung der Zahnerkrankungen. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, BerL, 1906, xv, 711-713.—Witzel (J.) Die Bier'sche Stauung und deren Anwendung als Heilmittel in der Zahnheilkunde. Ibid., 1905, xiv, 601; 634.— Wolpe. Meine Medikamente zur konservie- renden Behandlung der Ziihne. Wien. zahnarztl. Mo- natschr., 1903, v. 683.—Wood (H. C), jr. The use of disinfectants in dentistry. Dental Brief, Phila., 1910, xv, 42H38.—Woodle (J. M.) On iodoformogen, an odorless iodoform preparation, used in dental practice, Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1908, 1, 1190-1192.—Wright (C. M.) Gingival massage. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1908, xxii, 1027-1031.—Zederbaum (G.) Compressed air in dentis- try. Dental Digest,Chicago,1905,xi,260-265.—Zierler (F. E.) Elektrosterilisation in der Zahnheilkunde. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1905, xvi, 22-35 — Zimmermann (F.) Wesen und Wirkung der Pvo- cyanase und ihre Anwendung in der Zahnheilkunde. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1910, xxviii, 169-185. Teeth (Diseases of, Treatment of, Ope- rative). See, also, Teeth (Surgery of). Black (G. V.) Recent theories on the for- mation of pus, considered with reference to dental operations. 8°. [n. rf.], 1887. Harris (C. A.) The principles and practice of dental surgery. 5. ed., revised, modified, and greatly improved. 8°. Philadelphia, 1853. Johnson (C. N.) A text-book of operative dentistry by various authors. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1908. Marshall (J. S.) Principles and practice of operative dentistry. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia & London, [1905]. Peetz (A.) Die operative Zahn behandlung. 3. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1908. It run ton (G.) The surgical treatment of roots of teeth (the apices of which are found to be absorbed, per- forated, or not completely developed) by sponge grafting. [Traitement chirurgical des dents, dont les apex sont re- sorbes, performs ou incompletement developpes, par une greffe d'eponge. Res., p. 197.] Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, ii, 195-197. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 127L— Chompret. De la section des liga- ments alveolo-dentaires ou syndesmotomie alv6olaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1909. xvi, 218-223.—Cohen. Wie wirkt die Operation auf die Vitalitat der Zahne? Mo- natschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1903, xxxvii, 241-243.—Cou- sins (J. W.) An improved sag. Med. Press & (ire, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiii, u'JL—liuler. Misserfolge in Teeth (Diseases of Treatment of Ope- rutiee). der chirurgischen Wurzelbehandlung und ihre Ursachen' Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1910, xxviii, 3:S3- 342.—Hertig ((). L.) The "gingival third" proposition in filling approximal cavities in bicuspids and molars. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1911, liii, 192-196. [Discussion], 223-226. — Hon" (N. S.) Instrumentation and medica- tion of gums andsockets. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1911, xxxi, 770-7S3.—Kaas (T.) Fiille aus der operativen Praxis. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1903, xix, 465-477.—Lederer (M.) Die Fortschritte der Zahn- heilkunde unter dem Einflusse der allgemeinen chirur- gischen Therapie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1906, xxxi, 113; 128.—lionghurst (B. W.) Some suggestions for dental surgery on active service. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1908, x, 644.—IHartinler (P.) Considera- tions sur le redressement chirurgical. Odontologie, Par., 1903, 2. s., xvii, 595-008.—Montigel (T.) Tantalinstru- mente zur Wurzelbehandlung. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich, 1911, xxi, 10-13.—Packwood (E. S.) The contact point. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1910, xxx, 303-312.—Khein (M. L.) Scientific treatment of root- canals. Dental Cosmos; Phila., 1911, liii, 992-1000.—Rice CE. C.) Root canals and the rationale of their treatment. Dental Brief, Phila., 1911, xvi, 254-261.—Hitter (P.) Ueber Kunstfehler in der Zahnheilkunde. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 830-832.— Rozovski (Yu. M.) Pravo grazhdanstva ratsionalnavo massazha v zubovrache- vanii. [The legal status of massage in dentistry.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1911, xxvii, 865-870.— Sal ron (R.) Neuerungen und Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Wurzelbehandlung und -Fiillung. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich, 1911, xxi, 2-9,1 pl.—Sch all (M.) Ein Apparat zum Schiitzen und Niederdriicken der Zunge wahrend Mund- und Zahnoperationen. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.u. Berl., 1911, xxxvii, 1033.— Schamberg (M. I.) The etiology, pathology, and treatment of troublesome tooth sockets. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1905, xxvi, 217-225. Also: West. Dent. J., Kan- sas City, 1905, xix, 150-157.—Szabo (J.) Ueber Igni- punctur in der Behandlung accidentell exponierter Pul- pen. Oester.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1902, xviii, 368-37,4— Weiser (R.) Wie steht es mit der Zu- giinglichkeit periapicaler Krankheitsherde der Ziihne des Unterkiefers auf extraoralem Wege? Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Stomatol., Wien, 1907, v, 289-303.— Whitslar (W. H.) Dental operations that are a menace to the teeth and surrounding tissues. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1910, xxii, 271-284.— Wislocki (J.) Nowa metoda leczenia i zaopatrywania korzeni zeb6w, zwlaszcza uleglych zgorzeli miazgi. [New method of treatment and pro- viding roots of the teeth, principally in gangrene of the pulp.] Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1911, vi, 335-337. Teeth (Diseases of) in animals. See, also, Teeth (Caries of) in animals. Ehlers (K.) *DieHypoplasiederSchmelzein- stiilpungen am ersten Molaren im Oberkiefer des Pferdes, ihre Ursachen und Folgen. 8°. Bern, 1908. Yevtikhieff (V. E.) Bollezni zubov loshadi. [Diseases of the teeth of the horse.] 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 1901. Barrier (G.) Sur la cementation radicale des dents. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet.. Par., 1906, lx, 218-220.— Bebb (W.) Dental lesions of animals, domestic, cap- tive, and wild. Pacific Dent. Gaz., San. Fran., 1905, xiii, 649-662.—Busch. Ueber die normale Bezahnung des Elefanten, uud iiber Verletzungen und Erkrankungen an den Zahnen desselben. Odont. BL, Berl., 1899, iv, 131; 159; 187; 216; 242; 266; 292; 317; 341; 365.—Colyer (J. F.) A note on dental diseases in horses. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 567. -----. Variations and diseases of the teeth of horses. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr.Brit., Lond., 1905-6, xxxviii, 42-84. Also: Vet. Rec, Lond., 1905-6, xviii, 417; 828. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1906, xlix, 49-65.—Dasson- ville & Joseph (M.) Premieres recherches experi- mentales sur le mecanisme intime de la consolidation, dans les differentes varietes de greffes dentaires. Bull. Soc. centr. de mud. vet., Par., 1904, lviii, 817-819.—Fon- taine. Pulpite gangreneuse et empyeme des sinus. Ibid., 1909, lxiii, 182-185. [Discussion], 201.— lniniin- ger. Ueber die Entstehung und Heilung der N'ekrose der Zahnalveole beim Pferde. Ztschr. f. Tiermed., Jena, 1908, xii, 11-25— K liken thai (W.) Ueber das Vorkom- men verkalkter und durchgebrochener oberer Eckzahne bei einem jungen Schaf. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1908, xxxii, 498.—Lehiuaini (W.) Zahnheilkunde in der Veteri- niirmedizin. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1906, 43.—Bose (C.) Ueber die verschiedenen Abanderungen der Hart- gewebe bei niederen Wirbeltieren. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1897, xiv, 21; 33.—Sutton (J. B.) Comparative dental pathology. In: Walker (J.) Extract from letc], 8°, Lond., 1884,7-64.—Turner (J. G.) The effects of chronic suppuration in the molar of a horse. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Odont. Sect., 26. TEETH. 66 Teeth (Diseases of) in children. See, also, Teeth (Caries of) in children; Teeth (Deciduous). Birkenthal (C.) * Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Beziehungen der Zahnkrankheiten des Kindesalters zur Rhachids, Tuberkulose und Syphilis hereditaria. [Bern.] 8°. Berlin, 1899. Also, in: Med. Rundschau, BerL, 1899, Nos. 51-56. Also, in: Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1899, iv, 5319; 5339; 5361; 6388; 5409; 6519. Agnew (T. H.) The care and treatment of children's teeth. Dental Pract., Toronto, 1908, iv, 177-181.—Bea- cock (D. V.) Vaccination a prime factor in the destruc- tion of children's teeth. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1902, xxii, 70-76. Also: Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1902, xiv, 13-18.—Broderick (F. W.) The diseases of children's teeth. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1910, xxxi, l-io—Colyer (J. F.) The treatment of children from the dental aspect. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8 i, Odont. Sect., 33; 68. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1908, li, 915- 925.------. On the means of dealing with dental disease in children. Pub. Health, Lond., 1909-10, xxiii, 409-411.— Gillespie (W. C.) Diseases of children's teeth and treatment. South. Pract., Nashville, l'.iot, xxvi, 741:1905, xxvii, 608.—Orenet (H.) & Fargin Fayolle. Mala- dies de la bouche et des dents. In: Prat. d. mal. d. enf., 8°, Par., 1909-10, ii, 17-96.—Johnson (C. N.) The treat- ment of children's teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1907, xxi, 539-546. Also, in: Text-book of operative dentistry, 8°, Phila., 1910, 379-385.—Lay ton (A.) An attempt to solve the difficulty of treatment of the teeth of children attending the Kettering elementary schools. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1907, xxviii, 757-761.—Lazarus (E.) Beitrag zur Behandlung der Ziihne taubstummer Kinder. Allg med. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1901, lxx, 1029.—Marshall (L. W.) Nutrition in early life as affecting the teeth. Tr. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1885, vi, 279-288. Also, Reprint.— Neumann (H.) Ueber die Beziehungen der Krank- heiten des Kindesalters zu den Zahnkrankheiten. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1896, Leipz., 1897, lxviii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 252-254. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1897, xlii, 385.—Owen (E.) The causes, effects, and treatment of dental diseases in children. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 1487. [Discussion], 1495-1499.— Piergili (S. B.) Delia frequenza delle malattie dei denti e loro complicanze, nei bambini di Roma, e della necessity, di una cura razionale. Boll. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma (1895), 1896, xv, fasc. 1, 50-57.—Rose (S. F.) Ten years as dental surgeon to a children's hospital. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1912, ix, 111-118.— Santo (A. E.) The treatmentof the teeth of children under ten years of age. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1908, xx, 65-67.—Sleeves (Alice M.) The physician's duty to the child from a dental standpoint. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xiv, 514.—Tcliemodanoff. Me- thodes extremes du traitement couservateur des dents de lait. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'odont. et stomatol., 477-508.—Turner (J. G.) Etiology and pathology of defects of the teeth of children. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 1488-1499. -----. The dental needs of the poor of London, with special reference to school children and the education (adminis- trative provisions) act, 1907. Ibid., 1908, i, 1481-1484.— Wreigert (R.) Zahnkrankheiten und Krankheiten der Zahne im Sauglingsalter. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 421-434. Teeth (Diseases of) in relation to occu- pations. See, also, following section. Kunert (A.) *Arbeiterschutz und Kran- kenkassen in ihrem Verhalten gegenuber der Zahncaries bei den Biickern und Konditoren. Ein Beitrag zum Kapitel der Berufskrankheiten. [Basel.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1901. Also, in: Arch. f. Unfallheilk., Stuttg., 1899-1901, iii, 255-363. Hahn. Ueber die Zust&nde in der Zahnbehandlung der Munchener Dienstbottn. Deutsche zahnarztl. Ztg., Munehen, 1906, v, 3-5.—Kunert (A.) Die Zahncaries bei Biickern und Conditoren. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1901, xix, 351; 426; 454.—Rose (('.) Zahnver- derbnis undBeruf. Ibid., 1904,xxii,298-319.—Shibkott' (A.) K voprosu o zabollevaniyakh zukov i dyosen v krestyanskom naselenii; otnosheniye tsingotnavo gingi- vita k dannim zabollevaniyam; material! po izucheniyu tsingi v russkol derevnle. [Diseases of the teeth and gums among the peasants; relation of scorbutic gingi- vitis to these diseases; on the study of scurvy in the Rus- sian village] Kazan. Med. J., 1908, viii, 407-4:;:;.—Smith (S. C.) Effects of various trades on the teeth. Dental Rec, Lond., 1898, xviii, 49-54. TEETH. Teeth (Diseases of) in relation to occu- pations. Andrzhcvcvski (A. I.) Bezzubiye soldati i radi- kalnaya zuliovraeliebnaya pomoshtsh im. [Toothless soldiers and their radical dental aid.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1908, ccxxi, med.-spec. pt., 199-205.—Bus- huyett"(V. M.) Kostoyeda zubov u soldat. [Caries of the teeth in soldiers.] Ibid., 1903, iii, med. pt., 773-778.— Dreiikhahn. Sc.hwere Folgen von Zahnkrankheiten in der Armee und ihr Zusammenhang mit Zahnextrak- tionen. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., BerL, 1898, xxvii- 49-65.—Ito (C.) [A statistical review of the dental pa, tients in lhe Tokyo Military Hospital during the Russo- Japanese war.] Shikwagakuho, Tokyo, 1907, xii, no. 5, 15-21. — Kimmle. Zur Zahnpflege in der Armee. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1899, xxviii, 206-214.— Knoll. Zahncaries bei Rekruten. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1911, xii, mil.-arztl. Beilage, 45-48.—Mac- neece (J. G.) Carious dentine in the Army. J.Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1905, iv, 51-54.— Monlray (E.) Fauteuil dentaire pouvant etre fait par les ouvriers des corps de troupe. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1909, liv,465-473.—Monod (J.) L'organisation d'un ser- vice de stomatologie dans l'armee. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1908, xv, 49; 99.—Moty (F.) La carie dentaire dans l'armee. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1896, xxvii, 81-99.— Okmyomski (K. O.) Zubovrachenaya dleya- telnost v nashikh volskakh. [Dental work among our troops.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1905, i, med.-. spec, pt., 781-785.—Popoff (I. M.) Nleskolko slov po povodu kostoyedi zubov u soldat. [On caries of the teeth in soldiers.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 904; 938.— Popovie (M.) Zubne bolesti u vojsci. [Diseases of the teeth among troops.] Srpki arh. za celok. lek., Beo- grad, 1910, xvi, 335-343.—Ratner (M. G.) Statistiches- koye izsliedovaniye zubov u nizhnikh chinov polkov l-ol hrigadi 13-oI plekhotnol divizii. [Statistical examina- tion of the teeth among the enlisted men of the First Brigade of the Thirteenth Infantry Division.] Zubo- vrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1904, xx, 10-20.—Renault. Organisation du service dentaire dans les troupes colo- niales. Caducee, Par., 1908, viii, 91.—von Schnizer. Beitrage zur Zahnfrage in der Armee. Deutsche mil.- arztl. Ztschr., BerL, 1905, xxxiv, 401-412.—Sickinger (A.) Ueber die Nothwendigkeit der Zahnpflege in der Armee. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902, Leipz., 1903, ii, 2. Hlfte., 539-541. Also: Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1902, xi, Nos. 536-538.— Sorochinski (P.) O llechenii zubov v volskakh. [Treatment of the teeth in the Army.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1901, lxxix, med.-spec. pt., 23-34.—Xarasoff (A. I.) K voprosu o zubovrachevanii v nashel armii. [Dentistry in the Russian Armv.] Ibid., 1905, ii, med.- spec. pt., 236-240.—Zasukhovski (N. M.) Otchot po zubovrachebnomu kabinetu 2-1 brigadi 3-1 plekh. divizii s 1-vo yanvarya 1908 g. po 1-e yanvarya 1909 g. [Report of the dental cabinet of the Second Brigade of the Third Infantry Division, from Jan. 1, 1908, to Jan. 1, 1909.] Ibid., 1909, ccxxv, med.-spec. pt., 381-390. Teeth (Dislocation of). Xeidhofer (A.) ^Ectopie der Ziihne, spe- ziell in Beziehung zur Eiterung des Antrum Highmori. 8°. Marburg, 1895. Astakhoff. O luksatsii verkhnikh zadnikh zubev. [Luxation of the upper back teeth.] Zubovrach. Vest- nik, S.-Peterb., 1908, xxiv, 10-13.— Capdepont. Un nouveau cas de luxation intra-folliculaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1908, xv, 391-394.—Chudovszky (M.) Dens aberrans a sebeszetben. [. . . and its surgical treat- ment.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1905, xlix, 158.—Itlar- tinier (P.) Anomalie de siege; redressement vertical et parallele de deux canines. Progres m6d. beige, Brux., 1906, viii, 185-190.—Pearson (C. E.) Accidents to the alveolar process and dislocated teeth. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1911, xxiii, 113.—Robin (P.) De l'odon- toptose radiculaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1905, xii, 154-169.—Vsiter (K.) Luxatio incompleta dentis trau- matica. Casop. lek. 6esk., v Praze, 1896, xxxv, 734. Teeth (Emhryology and development of). Bild (A.) * Die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Zahnsystems bei Sus domesticus und das Ver- hiiltniss der Lippenfurchenanlage zur Zahn- leiste. 8°. Breslau, 1901. Also, in: Anat. Anz., Jena, 1902, xx, 401-410. Gidley (J. W.) Evidence bearing on tooth- cusp development, sm. 4°. Washington, 1906. Cutting from: Proc. Washington Acad. Sc, 1906, viii. Heinick (P.) *Ueber die Entwicklung des Zahnsystems von Castor fiber L. [Konigsberg i. Pr.] 8°. Naumburg a. S., 1908. Also, in: Zool. Jahrb., Jena, 1908, xxvi, 355-402, 2pl. TEETH. 662 TEETH. Teeth (Emhryology and development of). Rose (C.) * Ueber die Entwicklung der Ziihne des Menschen. [Freiburg.] 8°. Bonn, 1891. Also, in: Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1891, xxxviii, 447- 489. Rottenstein. Considerations sur le develop- pement et la conservation des dents, et quelques mots a, propos de leurs maladies et de leur pro- these. 8°. Paris, 1861. Symington^(J.)& Rankin (J. C.) An atlas of skiagrams illustrating the development of the teeth, with explanatory text. fol. London, New York, Bombay & Calcutta, 1908. Walkoff (O.) * Beitriige zum feineren Bau des Schmelzes und zur Entwickelung des Zahn- beins. [Erlangen.] 8°. Leipzig, 1897. AdlofT(P.) Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Zahn- systems von Sus scrofa domest. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1901, xix, 48L490.—Ahrens. Ueber pralakteale Zahnan- lagen. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol. in Munchen (1911), 1912, xxvii, 46-58.—Andrews (R. R.) The development of the teeth, with demonstrations of the formation of dentine from the odontoblasts and fibril-cells. Tr. N. York Odont. Soc, Phila., 1888, 5-22. -----. The border-land of calcification. Internat. Dent. J., N. Y. & Phila., 1889, x, 193-197, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. Calcification. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 468-471. Also, Reprint. -----. A contribution to the study of the development of the enamel. [Contribution a l'etude du developpement de l'email. Res., 585.] Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 572-586. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1900, xliii, 1009-1022. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 1126-1134. -----. The embryology of the dental pulp. Dental Brief, Phila., 1902, vii, 496-503. Also: Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1902, xxiii, 621-629. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxviii, 1619-1622. -----. Calco-globulin; a contribution to the study of the physiological and pathological condi- tions attending the development of the teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1904, xlvi, 934-942.—Arnback-Chris- tie-Iiinde (Augusta). Der Bau der Soriciden und ihre Beziehungen zu andern Saugetieren. II. Zur Entwick- lungsgeschichte der Ziihne. Ontogenie. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1912, xliv, 201-296, 1 pl.—Beretta (A.) A contribution to the etiologv of tooth-gemination. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1907, xxviii, 391-397.—Blanchard (G. S.) Dental embryology. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1903, lvii, 1-10.—Bolk (L.) Schets der ontwikkelingsgeschiede- nis van het menschelijk gebit. Geneesk. BL u. Klin. en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1911-12, xvi, 153- 204. — Branca (A.) Sur les premiers developpe- ments des dents et de l'epithelium. buccal. Cong. internat. de med. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect, d'hist., 62- 64. — Broomell (I. N.) Macroscopic tooth-develop- ment. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1897, xxxix, 881-905.— Capdepont. Quelques considerations anatomiques et pathologiques sur le sac folliculaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1902, ix, 134; 201.—Caush (D. E.) The develop- ment of the pulp nodule. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit.,Lond., 1900-1901, n. s., xxxiii, 208-223. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1901, xliv, 577-583. Also: Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1904, xxv, 240-255. -----. Is Nasmith's membrane modi- fied cementum? J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1898, xix, 296.— Cryer (M. H.) Development of enamel similar to other epidermoid structures. Dent. Pract., Phila., 1884, ii, 121- 133. Also, Reprint.—Dependorf (T.) Zur Frage der sogenannten Konkreszenztheorie. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena, 1907, xlii, 539-566. -----. Zur Entwicke- lungsgeschichte des Zahnsystems der Saugetier-Gat- tung Galeopithecus Pall. Ibid., 1895-6, n. F., xxiii, 623-672, 4 pl.—Dieulai'e (L.) & Herpin (A.) Sur la phylogenie du systeme dentaire. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1910, xvii, 134-138. —Disse (J.) Die Entstehung des Knochengewebes und des Zahnbeins; ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Bildung der Grundsubstanzen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1908-9, lxxiii, 563-606,2 pl.-----. Ue- ber die Bildung des Zahnbeins. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. (1907), 1908,135-145.— von Ebner (V.) Ueberdie Entwicklung der leimge- benden Fibrillen, insbesondere im Zahnbein. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. KL, Wien, 1906 cxv, 3. Abt., 281-343, 2 pl. Also: Anat. Anz., Jena, 1906, xxix, 137-140.—Fenchel (A.) Die mechanischen Ur- sachen der Entwicklung der Zahne mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Entwicklung des menschlichen Ge- bisses zu seiner jetzigen Gestalt. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1895-6, ix, 119; 131.—Fleischinann (L.) Die Entwicklung der Zahnscheiden; gleichzeitig ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Zahnbeingrundsubstanz. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1906, lxviii, 297-310,1 pl.-----. Ueber die Entwicklung der Dentikel. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtlj- echr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1908, xxiv, 479-492, 2 pl.—Gold- Teeth (Embryology and development of). reich (A.) [Verzogoriing in der Entwicklung der'blei- benden Zahne.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. innere Med. u Kinderh. in Wien, 1907, vi, 184.—4. U lit her (R. F.) Ge- samt-Ernahrung und Zahn-Erniihrung; Gesamt-Entwick- lung und Zahn-Entwicklung; unsere Nahrung in Bezug auf die Entwicklung der Ziihne. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsnd- htspfl., Bonn, 1906, xxv, 420-426.—Harrison (H.S.) The development and succession of teeth in Hatteria punc- tata. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1900-1901, xliv, 161-213 3 pl. —Heinrich ( G. ) Die Entwicklung des Zaha- beins bei Saugetieren. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn 1909, lxxiv, 781-811,2 pl.—Hertz (H.) Untersuchungen iiber den feineren Bau und die Entwicklung der Ziihne Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1866, xxxvii, 272-281. Also, Reprint.—Hounsell. Mammalian cusp development. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1896, x, 476- 481. — Joly. Sur le developpement des dents et des machoires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1859, xlviii 44-46.—Kantorowicz (A.) Zur Histogenese des Den' tins, insbesondere des Ersatzdentins. Deutsche Mo- natschr. f. Zahnh., BerL, 1910, xxviii, 545-564, 1 pl. — von Korft' (K.) Die Entwickelung der Zahnbeingrund- substanz der Siiugetiere. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1905, xxvii Ergnzngshft., 213. -----. Ueber die Entwicklung der Zahnbein- und Knochengrundsubstanz der Siiugetiere. Ibid., 1906, xxix, 132-136. -----. Die Analogie in der Ent- wicklung der Knochen- und Zahnbeingrundsubstanz der Saugetiere, nebst kritischen Bemerkungen uber die Os- teoblasten- und Odontoblastentheorie. Arch. f. mikr Anat., Bonn, 1906-7, lxix, 515-543. Also: Miinchen.med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 343-345.—Laaser (P.) Die Ent> wickelung der Zahnleiste bei den Selachiern. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1900, xvii, 479-489.—Leche (W.) Studien iiber die Entwicklung des Zahnsystems bei den Siiuge- thieren. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1892-3, xix, 502: 1893, xx, 113. -----. Nachtrage zu Studien fiber die Entwick- lung des Zahnsystems bei den Saugethieren. Ibid., 1893, xx, 113-142. -----. On the earliest development of the molars in human beings. Catching'a Compend. Pract. Dent. 1896, Atlanta, 1897,361-368. -----. Ueber Schlosser's Bemerkungen zu meiner Entwickelungsgeschichte des Zahnsystems der Saugetiere. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1897, xiv, 223-225. -----. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Zahn- systems der Saugetiere, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Stammes- geschichte dieser Tiergruppe. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1903, xxiii, 510-515. -----. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Zahnsystems der Saugetiere. Ibid., Leipz., 1907, xxvii, 550-558.—Lederer (W. J.) Nutrition a factor in tooth development. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxii, 428-432.— Lind. Die Innervierung des Zahnbeins und die Ent- wicklung der Ziihne. Odont. BL, Berl., 1900, v, 1-9.— Magitot (E.) Memoire sur la genese et la morphologie du follicule dentaire chez l'homme et les mammiferes. Compt.,rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1860,1,424-428.—Martin (H.) Evolution de la dent intermaxillaire chez l'em- bryon de la Vipera aspis. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect, d'hist., 95. Also: J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1901, xxxvii, 80-89.—ITIasnr (A.) Beitrage zur Histologie und Entwickelungsgeschichteder Schmelz- pulpa. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1907, xxxv, 263-292, 2 pl.— ITIongiardino (T.) Ricerche intorno alia presenza di rudimenti di denti canini ed incisivi nella mascella su- periore degli embrioni bovini. Arch, scient. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino, 1905, iii, 97; 113,1 pl.—OTorgen- stern (M.) Einige strittige Fragen aus der Histologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Ziihne. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 484-487. Also: Zahnarztl. Rund- schau, Berl., 1901, x, No. 486.-----. Some histologic facts that contradict the generally accepted odontoblast the- ory. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1904. xlii. 357-364.—Oeder (R.) Die Entstehung der Munddriisen und der Zahn- leiste der Anuren. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena, 1906, xii, 505-548, 2 pl.—Okumura (T.) [The function of the odontoblast.] Shikwagakuho, Tokvo, 1903, viii, no. 10, 1-3.—©sborn (H. F.) Recent investigations upon the embrvologv and pathology of teeth. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1895, n. s., ii, 686. —Pitts (S.) The development of the teeth. Proc. Kansas M. Soc, Topeka, 1899, xxxii, 164-168.—Bedier (J.) Note sur la non existence du cordon folliculaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1909, xvi, 97-99, 1 pl.—Bichter (A. V.) Ueberdie Verkalkung des Dentins. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1903, xix, 529-550.—Bichter (W.) Die genetischen und funktionellen Beziehungen zwischen Naseund Gebiss. Arch. f. Larvngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1910- ll,xxiv,481-508.—Bobertson(W.G.A.) On the relation of nerves to odontoblasts, and on the growth of dentine. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1891, xxxvi, pt. 2, 321-333.—Bose (C.) Ueber die Zahnentwickelung der Beuteltiere. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1892, vii, 639; 693. -----. Ueber die Nicht-Existenz der sogenannten Weil'schen Basalschicht der Odontoblasten. Ibid., 1892-3, viii, 272-285. -----. Ueber die Zahnentwickelung vom Chamaeleon. Ibid., 566-577.-----. Ueber die Zahnentwickelung der Kreuz- otter (Vipera berus L.). Ibid., 1893-4, ix, 439-451.-----. Beitrage zur Zahnentwicklung der Schwanzmolche. TEETH. 663 TEETH. Teeth (Emhryology and development of). Morphol. Arb., Jena, 1894, iv, 178-192. -----. Ueber die Zahnentwicklung von Chlamydoselachus anguineus, Garm. Ibid., 193-206. -----. Zur Histogenese lind His- tologie der Knochen- und Zahngewebe. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1893, vii, 1; 9; 17; 25; 33.— Bose (C.) & Bartels (O.) Ueber die Zahnentwick- lung des Rindes. Morphol. Arb., Jena, 1896, vi, 49-113.— Budas (G.) Notes sur le developpement des prismes d'email. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1908, xv, 394-400.— Sachse (B.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Entwicklung der Sehneidezahne bei Mus musculus. Deutsche Monat- schr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1895, xiii, 156; 205.—Schaett'er- Sluckert. Unsere heutige Kenntniss von der Ent- wickelung der Zahne. Ibid., 1899, xvii, 497 - 513 — Schlosser (M.) Bemerkungen zu Leche's Entwicke- lungsgeschichte des Zahnsystems der Saugetiere. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1897, xiv, 17-21.—Semon. (R.) Ueber die Entwickelung der Zahngebilde der Dipnoer. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Munchen, 1899, xv, 76-85.—Smith (W. R.) Further observations on the development of the teeth of the Australian aboriginal Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1910, liii, 925-934.—Symington (J.) The development of the teeth. Brit. Dent. J..Lond., 1908, xxix, 957-961.—Szabo (J.) Die Grossenverh<nisse des Cavum pulpae nach Altersstufen. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1900, xvi, 12-24, 1 pl.—Talbot (E. S.) Evolution of the pulp. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix, 236-242.—Theuveny. L'etat histologique des follicules dentaires chez les embrvons, foetus et nou- veau-nes dans les cas d'infection conceptionnelle (syphi- lis, tuberculose, alcoolisme, etc.). Odontologie, Par., 1908, xl, 169; 337; 2 pl.—Thompson (A. H.) Evolution of the premolars. Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass. 1901, Chicago, 1902, v, 70-78. Also: Dental Digest, Chicago, 1901, vii, 871-879.— Tims (H. W. M.) On the significance of certain epithe- lial bodies in connection with developing teeth. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1903-4, n. s., xxxvi, 180-184, 2pl. Also: Proc. Anat. SocGr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond., 1903-4, p. xlviii.—Tomes (C. S.) On the development of the teeth of the newt, frog, slowworm and green lizard. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1875, clxv, 285-302, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. Upon the development of the enamel in certain osseous fish. Ibid., 1900, cxciii, s. B., 36-46.—Watson (G. W.) & Qibbs (J. H.) The influence of an excessive meat diet on the development and structure of the teeth. Proc. Physiol. Soc. Lond., 1906, p. xvii.—Williams (J. L.) On the development and structure of dental enamel. [Abstr.] J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1897, 261-268, 4 pl.— Wilson (J. T.) & Hill (J. P.) Observations on tooth- development in Ornithorhynchus. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1907-8, li, 137-165, 3 pl.—Zsigmondy (O.) Sur la genese des fissures intercuspidiennes sur lafacetritu- rante des premolaires et des molaires. Odontologie, Par., 1903, 2. s., xvi, 463-466. -----. Ueber die Entstehung der Fissuren in der die Kaufliichenfurchen uberkleideten Schmelzdecke bei Priimolar- und M ola rzahnen. Oesterr.- ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1903, xix, 318-322, 2 pl. Teeth (Encysted). See Tumors (Dermoid). Teeth (Erosion of). Berten (J.) * Hypoplasie des Schmelzes (con- genitale Schmelzdefecte; Erosionen). Patho- logisch-anatomisch-klinische Studie. [Wurtz- burg.] 8°. Leipzig, 181*5. Also, in: Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1895, Xiii, 425; 483; 533; 687, 2 pl. Maire (E.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'ero- sion dentaire. 8°. Paris, 1898. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1898. Abt (I. A.) & Frank (M.) Rachiticerosionsof the per- manent teeth associated with lamellar cataract. J. Am. M. Ass.,Chicago,1908,li, 1130-1133. Also, Reprint.—Amoedo (O.) Contribucional estudio de laetiologiade la erosion dental. Cr6n. med.-quir. delaHabana,1899,xxv,353-357.— Barnes (H.) Some facts and conclusions regarding erosion. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1902, xxii, 570-575.— Barton (J. K.) Erosion of the teeth in children. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 711.—Binns (H. T.) A case of wasting of tooth tissue, and a resume^ of recent writings on that subject. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1908, xxix, 435- 438, lpl. —Capdepont (C.) Etude critique sur l'ero- sion dentaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1906, xiii, 55; 100; 145, 3 pl.—Cook (G. W.) The r61e played by certain acid derivatives of lactose in the erosion of teeth. Den- tal Rev., Chicago, 1906, xx, 461-464. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1906, xlix, 442-446. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1906, xlix, 442-446. Also: Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1906, xxvii, 645-648. -----. Erosion. In: Text-book of ooerative dentistry, 8°, Phila., 1910,475-48").—Dameron (E. P.) Erosion. Dental Brief, Phila., 1904, ix, 337-342.— Donald (J. A.) Erosion. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond, 1902 xvL 314-318.—Frey (L.) Chemical erosion of the I Teeth (Erosion of). teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1901, xliii, 716-723 _____ Erosion chimique des dents. Cong. dent, internat., 190o! ?™'iPar.-.' 1901"3' *• 379-392- Also: Gaz. d. h6p., Par. 1900, lxxiii, 1267; 1281. -----. L'erosion dite chimique des dents et le terrain. Odontologie, Par., 1907, xxxviii 247-259. Also: Rev. d. mal. de la nutrition, Par., 1907 2 s.y 453-163.—Galippe (V.) De l'erosion dentairecon- sideree comme stigmate de degenerescence. Rev de stomatol., Par., 1907, xiv, 317; 388; 415. — «;uerini (V ) Leerosioni dentali. Odonto-stomatol., Napoli, 1905 iv 25-50. —Head (J.) Dr. Miller's observations on'the wasting of tooth tissue, variously designated as erosion etc., viewed iii their relation to the power possessed by saliva of controlling acid decalcification. Dental Cos- mos, Phila., 1907, xlix, 801-807. — Heide (R.) Etude analytique sur 1'eroSion chimique. Odontologie Par 1908, xxxix, 193-204. — Hinkins (J. E.), Cook (G w'j & Buckley (J. P.) Partial report of committee ap- pointed by the Chicago Dental Society to investigate ero- sion of teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1905, xix, 295-231.— Joy (R. S.) Acaseof erosion. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1902, xliv, 929.—Kirk (E. C.) A contribution to the etiology of erosion. Ibid., 1887, xxix, 50-61. Also, Re- print. -----. The question of acid erosions of the teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 338-340.—Martin (C ) De l'elongation des dents appliquee au traitement de quelques cas d'erosion dentaire. Lvon med., 1895, lxxix 324-328.—Michaels. Du role de l'hyperacidite organi- que et des sulfocyanures salivaires dans 1'abrasion chi- mique des dents. Progres dent., Par., 1899, xxvi, 34-40.— Milian (G.) Les lacunes cun6iformes ou erosions dites " chimiques" des dents sont une manifestation de stoma- tite mercurielle fruste. Progres med., Par., 1909 3 s xxv, 565-567.—Miller (W. D.) Die erworbenen Erosio- nen der harten Zahnsubstanzen. Wien. zahnarztl. Mo- natschr., 1903, v, 591-594. -----. Notes on the erosion of the teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1904, xlvi, 177-180. Also, transl: Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1904, xxii, 65-71.-----. Versucheund Beobachtungen fiber die Erosion der Ziihne. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1906, ix, 657. Also, transl: Odontologie, Par., 1906,xxxv, 193.-----. Experimentsand observations on the wasting of tooth tissue variouslydesignatedaserosion,abrasion,chem- ical abrasion, denudation,etc. Dental Cosmos, Phila.,1907, xlix, 1; 109; 225. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Odontologie,Par., 1907, xxxvii, 49-55. Also, transl: Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1907, xxv, 292-314. Also, transl: Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnheilk., Zurich & Geneve, 1907, xvii, 131- 233.—Noel (L. G.) A method of creating superficial softening and erosion at the junction of the enamel and cementum. Dental Brief, Phila., 1910, xv, 524-527.— Ottofy (L.) Erosion. [Res., p. 267.] Cong. dent, inter- nat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iii, 264-267. -----. Observa- tions on the causes of erosion. Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, i, 199-207. — Bespinger (H. B.) Contribution a l'etude de l'usure dentaire; his- torique, recherches originaless'appuyant sur la descrip- tion de vingt-deux cas inedits d'usure dentaire. Inter- nat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1895, xii, 249- 300; 379.— Talbot (E. S.) Constitutional causes of tooth-decav, erosion, abrasion and discoloration. Illinois M. Bull., Chicago, 1904-5, v, 184; 224.-----. Acid auto- intoxication and systemic disease, the cause of erosion and abrasion. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908,1, 196-202.— Znamensky (N. N.) Ueber die Entstehung der keil- formigen Defekte (Erosion) der Ziihne. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1898, xii, 464; 469; 478; 487; 495. Teeth (Eruption of). See, also, Dentition. Besse (E.-J.-B.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'influence de l'eruption dentaire sur la crois- sance chez les nourrissons. 8°. Paris, 1902. Cherot (J.) *Etude statistique sur l'erup- tion des dents te leura ge d'apparition. 8°. Paris, 1898. Debegue (A.) *Des dents a la naissance. 8°. Paris, 1911. Giuseppe (G.) Della prima e seconda denti- zione. 8°. Napoli, 1901. Kallhardt (H.) *Beitrag zum Durchbruch der bleibenden Zahne. 8°. Wien, 1904. Also, in: Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1904, xx, 116-144, 4 pl. Also, in.-Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1904, xx, 116; 245. Martin (J.) * De la perc£e des dents chez les nourrissons. 8°. Paris, 1904. Robin (P.) *Role de la mastication et du sac folliculaire dans l'ascension des dents. 8°. Paris, 1899. TEETH. 664 TEETH. Teeth (Eruption of). ------. Thesame. 8°. Paris, 1899. Also, in: Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1899, ix, 169; 197; 221; 24S; 268. Roginski(V.L) *Obizmienenyakhvdesnakh pri prozrievanii zubov. [Changes in the gums in dentition.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1901. Albarran (J.) Desarrollodelosdientespermanentes; indicios de una tercera dentici6n eh el hombre. Rev. estomatol., Madrid, 1894, i, 9-18, 1 pl.—Anderson (R. J.) On dentition. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'anat., 116.—Armstrong (H.) The second dentition; its medical aspects. Lancet, Lond., 1905, i, 1189-1491. Also: Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1905, xxv, 312- 319.—Baedeker (J.) Wie erleichtern wir am zweck- massigsten auf phvsiologischer Grundlage die Zahnung rles Siiuglings? Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1912, lxxxi, 107; 121.—Barnes (V. E.) Evidence and significance of tooth-eruption. Items Interest, N. Y., 1909, xxxi, 657- 678.—Besson (J.) De 1'eruption des dents temporaires; son mecanisme. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1900, vii, 14- 21.—Blank (L.) K voprosu o pervom prorlezivanii zu- bov. [On first dentition.] Odont. obozr., Mosk., 1899, i, 183-187. -----. Der Einfluss des Durchbruches des Milch- ziihne auf den Organismus des Kindes. Deutsche Mo- natschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1906, xxiv, 631-^34.— Capde- pont (C.) Recherche methodique d'une dent de sagesse en evolution ou incluse. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1902, ix, 236-239.----- Resorption partielle de la seconde mo- laire superieure determinee par 1'eruption de la dent de sagesse. Ibid., 1911. xviii. 339-344.— Carron de la Carriere (G.) Dentition. Rev. gen. de clin. et de the- rap., Par., 1898, xii, 785; 804.—Carter (J. T.) The mech- anism of the eruption of the teeth. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1904, xxv, 67-65.—Constant (T. E.) The erup- tion of the teeth. [L'eruption des dents. Res., p. 193.] Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, ii, 180- 192. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1900, xliii, 773-785. Also [Abstr.]: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 1281-1288.— Demonchy. Changement de caractere au cours d'une evolution dentaire. Rev.de l'hypnot. et psychol.physiol., Par., 1904-5, xix, 53-56.—Dunn (C. H.) The reflexes of dentition. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 25-28. Also, Reprint.—Elterioh (T. J.) Dentition. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1906-6, ix, 378-383— Fargin-Fayolle (P.) Dysplasie tissulaire totale; pouvant presenter le caractere familial et atteindre successivement et similairement les deux dentitions. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1908, xv, 111; 165, 2 pl.—Figueira (F.) Semeiologia da denticao. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1897, xi, 254-257.—Fischer (G.) Beitrage zum Durchbruch der bleibenden Ziihne und zur Resorption des Milchgebisses; nebst Untersuchungen fiber die Genese der Osteoklasten und Riesenzellen. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1909, xxxiii, 617-725,14 pl. -----. Mikros- copische Untersuchungen iiber den Durchbruch der blei- benden Ziihne und die Milchzahnresorption. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., BerL, 1909, xxvii, 570-585, 6 pl.— Gundolain (N.-P.) K patologii prorlezivaniya zubov. [... of dentition.] Trudi V svezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamvat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, i, 338-344.—Hadden (A ) The care of children during the second period of dentition. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1904, xxxii, 597.—Head (J.) The philosophy of lancing teeth. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1910, 20. s., iii, 74-76.— James (W. W.) A pre- liminary note on the eruption of the teeth. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1908-9, li, Odont. Sect.. 121-144. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1909, Iii, 673-691.— Jesensky (J.) 01. zv.bezsklovinnych rudimentnich zubech. [The so-called painless rudimentary teeth.] Casop. lek. cesk., v. Praze, 1906, xiv, 363-366.—Karnttski (A. O.) Nle- skolko nablyudeniy nad pervim proriezivaniyem zubov u dletel. [First dentition in children.] Univ. Izviest., Kiev [Protok. fiz.-med. Obsh., 1898-9, ii, 183-212], 1900, xl. Also, transl.: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1899, iii, 665; 731; 770; 808; 842.—Keith (A.) The relationship of the eruption of the permanent teeth to the expansion of the maxillary sinus (antrum of Highmore). Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1902, xiv, 629-541.—Kirk (E. C.) The stress of dentition. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 665-668.—M'Hatton (H.) Teething. Tr. M. Ass. Geor- gia, Atlanta, 1894,194-206.—Mahe (G.) Conduite a tenir a l'egard de la dent de six ans (premiere molaire perma- nente). Presse med., Par., 1903, i, 249.— Martinez Vargas (A.) Errores corrientes sobre dentici6n y den- ticinas. Med. de los nifios, Barcel., 1902, iii, 260; 289; 330—Millon (R.) Die Dentition bei den Kindern; normaler Zustand; pathologischer Zustand. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1898, xi, 261; 271.—Moniz (G.)- A ter- ceira denticao no homem. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1901-2, 5. s., v, 113-133.—Parreidt (R.) Der Einfluss des Durch- bruchs der Milchziihne auf den Organismus des Kindes. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1906, xxiv, 485- 508.—Bamsey (W. R.) Symptoms incident to denti- tion. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1905, xix, 187-192. Also: St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1905, vii, 106-110.—Bose (C.) Teeth (Eruption of). Ueberdie mitt lere Dun •hbruchszeit der bleibenden Ziihne des Menschen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1909, xxvii, 553-570.—Noli walbe (G.) Ueber Theorien der Dentition. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch., Jena, 1894, viii, 6-45.— SebiIleau (J.) De la premiere denti- tion. Gaz. nnid. de Nantes, 1910, 2. s., xxviii, 649-652.— Shropshire (W.) Teething. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1909-10, v, 350.—Silva (O. J.) Primeradentici6n. Gac. med. de Costa Rica, San .lose de Costa Rica, 1905-6, x, 51-54.—Sim ms (W.) The eruption of the teeth con- sidered especially with reference to cases of superior protrusion. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1909, xxx, 1238-1249.— Spokes (S.) The teeth as a test of age; a note on eruption. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 568.—Stock we II (C. T.) Pre-natal treatment of teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900. xlii, 1027-1032.—Tebbitt (E. R.) A note on the full eruption of the first permanent molars. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1905, xxvi, 340.—Teschen (W.) Das Zahnen. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1901, xv, 26.— Thomson (J. A.) As regards dentitions; a notice of some new facts and theories. Proc. Scot. micr. Soc, Lond. & Edinb., 1896-9, ii, 36-50.—Touvenaint (L.) De l'eruption des dents et de leur age d'apparition. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par.. 1899, x, 202-204.— Troitski (I. V.) Ucheniye o pervom prorlezivanii zubov vo vremena Hippokrata i teper. [First dentition in the time of Hippocrates and now.] Univ. Izviest., Kiev [Protok. fiz.-med. Obsh., 1898-9, ii, 167-182], 1900, xl. Also, transl: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1899, iii, 545-558. Also, transl: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1899, n. F., 1, 280-294. Also, transl: Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Wiesb., 1899, ii, 871; 896.—Wallisch (W.) Einfluss der Milchzahnpflege auf Gesichtsbildung una Gesundheit. Med.-chir. Centralbl,, Wien, 1899, xxxiv, 25-27. -----. Der Durchbruch der Ziihne. J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1900, xv, 264; 281; 297. Also: Odont. BL, Berl., 1900, v, 109; 133.—Young (H.N.) Dentition. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc. 1899, Wilkesbarre, 1900, vii, 156-166. Teeth (Eruption of, Accidents and ab- normities of). See, also, Dentition (Diseases, etc., of); Teeth (Eruption of, Delayed, etc.); Teeth (Molar, Eruption of). Audy (A.-P.-V.) *Des accidents d'£ruption des dents permanen'es autres que les dents de sagesse. 8°. Paris, 1901. Besson (J.) *De l'eruption des dents tem- poraires; son mecanisme, ses accidents. 8°. Paris, 1899. Also, in: Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1900, xxiv, 103; 121. Clendon (J. C.) On the causes of the evils incident to infant dentition. 8°. London, 1862. Farhi (M.) * Evolution de la premiere et de la seconde dentition; leurs accidents res- pectifs. 8°. Montpellier, 1901. Gazet du Chatelier (J.) * Fievre de la dentition et ses rapports avec la fievre inter- mittente. 8°. Montpellier, 1904. Jacque (L.) *Contribution a la pathogenie des accidents qui accompagnent l'eruption des dents en general. 8°. Paris, 1900. Luigi (J.-A.) *De 1'eczema de la nuque lie a 1'evolution de la dent de sept ans. 8°. Montpellier, 1901. Maillard( A.-O.-J.) * Contribution a l'etude des accidents de la dentition et des variations de la courbe des poids chez le nourrisson durant le travail de la premiere dentition. 8°. Lille, 1909. Meunier (A.) * Contribution a l'etude des accidents dus a la dentition. 4°. Toulouse, 1896. dos Santos Lima (E.) * Valor pathogenico da la denticao. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 1903. Savoye (C.) *De l'unite des accidents de dentition. 8°. Paris, 1902. Schwere (Ueber das) Zahnen der Kinder. Einige AVorte fiir den Hr. Leibarzt Wichmann und manchen Andern. Von einem orthodoxen Priester der an die schwere Dentition glauben- den Kirche. A. £1. 16° Leipzig, 1799. TEETH. 665 TEETH. Teeth (Eruption of, Accidents and ab- normities of). Vaxel (P.) *Des accidents de la premiere dentition. 8°. Harts, 1906. Zambelli (G.) Patologia della dentizione, con prefazione del prof. V. Tedeschi. roy. 8°. Padora, 1910. Adams (S. S.) The relation of dentition to diseases of the alimentary canal. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1889, vi, 614-629. Also, Reprint.—Altiuann (S.) Ein Fall von friihzeitiger Dentition. Med. Rundschau, Berl., 1898, No. 45,424.—Baker (A. W. W.) Advanced and retarded dentition; two cases. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1902, xxiii, 427—133.—Ben vcnuti. Erronee opinioni del pub- blico sui disturbi della dentizione decidua. Atti. d. Cong, per 1' ig. d. allattam. d. prima inf. 1901, Firenze, 1903, ii, 220-225.—Besson (J.) De l'eruption des dents temporaires; son mecanisme; sesaccidents. Odontologie, Par., 1899, 2. s., viii, 445; 605.—Boggio (P.) Dentizione permanente; suoi accidenti e sua patogenia. Stomatol., Milano, 1902-3, i, 503; 575.-----. Di un caso di complicata eruzione di un canino permanente. Ibid., 1905-6, iv, 634- 637.—Broca (A.) Necrose de la machoire inferieure par eruption de la canine de lait. Presse med., Par., 1907, xv, 2H.~C olyer ui. F.) A note on the early treatment of protruding incisor. Lancet, Lond., 1908, i, 1825.— Corson (E. R.) The fever of dentition. N. York M. J. fete], 1903, lxxviii, 177-179.—Cruet (L.) Accidents in- fectienx multiplesproduitspar l'eruption tardive et irre- guliere des dents; pathogenie. Rev.destomatoL,Par.,1901, viii, 4-15.—DeNuccitA.) Consideraciones sobre la rela- ci6n que existe entre la denticion y las perturbaciones digestivas en la infancia. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1903, x, 296-302.—Dubrenil-Chanibardel & Her- pin (A.) Gemination dentaire. J. de l'anat. et phv- siol. fete], Par., 1910, xlvi, 579-585.—Eckermann (li.) Das Eckzahnproblem una die Pramolaren-Wanderung. Deutsche Monatschr. f.Zahnh., BerL, 1908, xxvi, 898-927.— Elterich (T. J.) The doctrine of difficult dentition. Pediatries, X. Y., 1908, xx, 595-604.—Fargin-Fayolle (P.) Accidents de la premiere et de la seconde denti- tion. Traite de stomatologic, Par., 1910, ii, 277-289.— Feer (E.) *Gibt es eine erschwerte Zahnung als Krank- heitsursache im ersten Kindesalter? Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1911, xii, 865-878.—Ferrier (P.) Du mode de dehiscence des gencives au moment de l'eruption des dents et de son role dans les diverses inflammations cir- cumdentaires osseuses et ganglionnaires. Cong, inter- nat. de med. C.-r.. Par., 1900, sect, de stomatol., 183-186. Also: Rev. de stomatol.. Par., 1901, viii, 204-207, 1 pl.— Forcheimer (F.) In re gum lancing. Univ. M.Mag., Phila., 1892-3, v, 218-220.—Frey. Les accidents d'erup- tion dentaire et le terrain. Odontologie, Par., 1905, xxxiv, 103-113,1 ch. Also: Rev. d. mal dela nutrition, Par., 1905, 2. s., iii, 218-224 Also: Union med. du Canada, Mont- real, 1905, xxxiv, 520-525. See, ako, infra Roy.—Greve. Die erste Zahnung und deren Zusammenhang mit All- gemeinerkrankungen. Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1909, xxxiv, 5-7. — Guthrie (L.) On disorders associated with primary dentition. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxv, 547-555.—Outhrie (L. G.) [etal]. Teething audits al- leged troubles. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 729. Also [Discus- sion]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 468-477.—Haemophi- lie, Durchbruch eines Zahnes, Blutung, 1 Fall. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abt. d. Spit, in Basel (1897), 1898, 28.—Hallo- peau & Fournier (E.) Contribution a l'etude des atrophies cuspidiennes systtfmatisees de la seconde den- tition. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 419- 421.—Hancock (F. H.) Teething as a causative factor in disease. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1898, 188-193.— Heard (R. L.) Precocious dentition. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 1543.—Heffenfinger (E.) What is nor- mal dentition, and what shall we do with premature teeth? Mass. M. J., Bost., 1904, xxiv, 97-104.—Heide (R.) Dentiferous cyst caused by the late eruption of a canine tooth; presentation of the patient. [Abstr.] Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1901, xliii, 907-911.—Herpin (A.) Cas particuliers de dents a la naissance. J. demed. de Par., 1911, 2. s., xxiii, 399—11 lit in el (V.) Accidents de la dentition. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1909, xvi, 57-65.— Jeannin (C.) Eruption dentaire precoce chez un pre- matura; accidents infectieux consecutifs. Bull. Soc d'obst. de Par., 1901, iv, 375-378.—Jouvovsky (V.) La dentition precoce. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1899, xvii, 107-114.—Kieflter (J.) Zur Frage der Biss- verschiebung. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1910, xxvi, 357-364.—Lacasse (R.) Eruption dentaire precoce. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1902, ix, 279-283.— Leroy (A.) Metodo medico para conservar la vida a los ninos en el tiempo que les salen los dientes. Gac. de lit. de Mexico, Puebla, 1831, ii, 431-437.— Leuret (E ) Accidents de la premiere dentition; inhi- bitions viscerales; acholie passagere, Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1911 >, 1912, 291-295.—L.od i (A.) Su qualche possibile successione morbosa durante lo spuntare dei denti della sapienza. Gaz. internaz. di mecL, Napoli, 1908, xi, 33.—IiUten (A.) Influenza, bar- Teeth (Eruption of, Accidents and ab- normities of). ing, kind met tanden geboren. Tijdschr. v. prakt. ver- losk., Haarlem, 1902-3, vi, 12—Magitot (E.) Etudes cliniques sur les accidents de l'eruption des dents chez l'homme. Arch, gen.de med., Par., 1881, 7. s., viii, 536; 653. Also, Reprint.—Mainguy. Accidents de l'erup- tion des dents temporaires. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1899- 1900, xviii, 126. Also: Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1900, vii, 59-63.—Mechanik (M.) Einiges fiber den Aberglauben der Zahnungskrankheiten. Kurberichte, Leipz., 1902 vi, 359.—Miller (W. D.) Pathologische Processe an einem retinirten Zahne. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh Leipz., 1901, xix, 349.—Mills (J.) Method of moving teeth that are just commencing to erupt. Dental Pract., Torouto, 1911, xi, 22.5-228.—JVIoliiier (C.) Denticion dificil y su tratamiento. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1907, xviii, 165-167—Niculescu (D. D.) Acci- dentele provocate prin erupt;iunea maselelor de minte. [Accidents provoked by cutting the wisdom teeth.] Spi- talul, BucurescI. 1905, xxv, 621-634.—Overtoil ( M. C.) Teething, an etiological factor in disease. Texas M. News, Austin, 1903-4, xiii, 631-637.—Owen (E.) Lancing the gums. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 827. Also: Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1885, viii, 35-38. — Pere (R.) Un cas d'anomalie d'eruption par presence de dent permanente, chez un sujet de 45 ans. Odontologie, Par., 1904, xii, 172.—Pinto (.1.) Dos accidentes da denticao na primeira infancia. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1903, xvii, 133.—Porcelli (P.) La dentizione congenita e precoce. Atti d. Cong, pediat. ital. 1898, Torino, 1900 iii 146. Also: Clin, mod., Pisa, 1898, iv, 363.—Preedy (E.) A case of irregular eruption of temporary incisors. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit.,Lond., 1903^1, n.s.,xxxvi,254-258.—Prevel. Accidents de la dent de sagesse. Odontologie, Par., 1911, xxxi, 355.—Bosenhaupt (H.) Friihzeitige Zahnung. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1910-11, lv, 268-270.—Roubet (G.) Des accidents dits de dentition. J.de med.de Bor- deaux, 1902, xxxii, 795; 810.—Roy (L.-G.) Des accidents imputables a l'eruption des dents et des moyens qu'il convient d'employer pour y remedier. Rev. m6d., Par 1903, xii, 806-808.—Roy (M.) Les acciden ts di ts d e denti- tion; etude critique dela communication de M. Frey sur Les accidents d'eruption dentaire et le terrain. Odontolo- gie, Par., 1905, xxxiv,266-272.—Sau vez. Les accidents de dentition. Rev.gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1906, xx, 690-692.—Sevestre. De la dentition et de ses accidents. Ibid., 1900, xiv, 705-707.—Szabo (J.) Adentitiodifflcilis tana. [Thescienceof.. .1 Orvosi hetil.,Budapest,1901,xiv, 535; 551. Also, transl. [Abstr.]; Ungar. med. Presse, Buda- pest, 1901, vi, 591-593.—Theuveny (L.) De la realite des accidents de la premiere dentition. Odontologie, Par., 1905, xxxiv, 445; 520.—de Torres y Martinez (J. R.) Accidentes de la dentici6n. An. med. gaditanos, Cadiz, 1899-1900, xviii, 109-112.—Valdes (J. B.) i Acci- dentes de la dentici6n? Arch, dela Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana, 1903-4, xii, 35-49.—Vaz (A.) A denticao na pathologia infantil. Med. mod., Porto, 1906, xiii, 24-26.— Wall is (F. C.) Case of misplaced, inverted and un- erupted right lower wisdom tooth removed from the out- side. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1901-2, n. s. xxxiv, 6-8. Teeth (Eruption of, Congenital). Bal lantyne (J. W.) Congenital teeth with three il- lustrative eases. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1896, xxi, 181. -----. Note on three additional cases of congenital teeth. Ibid., 1897-8, xxiii, 112-114.—Carveth (G. H.) Acaseof congenital tooth. Canad. J. M.&S., Toronto, 1902, xi,355.— Gebert (A.) Bei der Geburt durchgebrochene Zahne. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg.,1897,xxiv,88-94.—Herpin (A.) Notesurun cas de dent a la naissance. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1911, xlvii, 537-540. -----. Cas parti- culiers de dents a la naissance. Med. inf., Par., 1911, viii, 155-157.—Marer (J.) Intrauterine Zahnentwicklung. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1903, xlviii, 525.—Rodzevich (G. I.) Sluchal vnutriutrobnavo prorlezivaniyu molochnikh zubov (dentitioin utero). Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1899, xix, 472.—Schett"(.I.) Ueber Zahne, diemitzur Weltge- bracht werden. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1911, xxvii, 1-7, 2 pl.—Sh ink man (I.) Sluchal vnutriutrobnavo prorlezi vaniya zubov. [Intrauterine dentitiom] Sibirsk. vracli. viedom., Krasnoyarsk, 1905, iii, 22.—Zhukovski (V. P.) O rannem i vrozhden- nom prorlezivanii zubov u dietel (dentitio precox). [On early and congenital cutting of teeth in infants.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.," St. Petersb., 1898, v, 805-809. Also: Sputnik zdorov., S.-Peterb., 1898-9, i, 3-5. Teeth (Eruption of Delayed, difficult, or incomplete). Breunig (K.) * Retention der Ziihne. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1899. Erkeelens (A. L.) *Retentio dentium. 8°. Leiden, 1902. TEETH. 666 TEETH. Teeth (Eruption of Delayed, difficult, or incomplete). Stoppaxy (G. A.) * Ueber Zahnretention und consecutive krankhafte Erscheinungen der Kiefer. 8°. Zurich, 1903. Ackery (J.) Cases of delayed eruption and extreme malposition of upper incisors. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1904-5, n. s., xxxvii, 158. [Discussion], 168-174. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1905, xlviii, 589-597. -----. A case of delayed eruption of the right upper central in- cisor. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1904-5, n. s.,xxxvii, 159-162. [Discussion], 168-174. -----. A case of delayed eruption and extreme malposition of upper incisors. Ibid., 164, 2 pl. [Discussion], 168-174.—Auwers. Eruption tardive d'une canine superieure. Ann. de l'lnst. chir.de Brux., 1903, x, 198. — Berten. Ueber Zahnretention. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, BerL, 1910, xxxix, 289-302, 3 pl.— Canning (H. A. E.) Notes on a case of unerupted twelve-year molar in a patient aged 56. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1902, xxiii, 491.—Cert' (L.) Complication dans 1'evolution tardive d'une dent permanente. Odon- tologie, Par., 1908, xxxix, 205.—Cboquot (J.) Un cas d'evolution dentaire tardive. Ibid., 1906, xxxv, 337-339.— Clark (C. A.) A method of ascertaining the relative position of unerupted teeth by means of film radiographs. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Odont. Sect., 87- 90.—Craver (S. Belle). Delayed dentition. Toledo M. & S. Reporter, 1898, xi, 814-816.—Cryer (M. H.) Retard- ed eruption of the teeth; their liberation or extraction. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 1522-1529. Also: In- ternat. Dent. J., Phila., 1905, xxvi, 1-22.—Evler (K.) & Wobersln (G.) Zur Statistik fiber retinierte blei- bende Zahne und persistierende Milchzahne, sowie Stel- lungs- und Bildungsanomalien bei 18- und 19jahrigen durch Rontgenaufnahmen sichergestellt. Med. Klin., Berl.,1906,ii,700-703— Ferris (H. C.) Necessity of reten- tion of the temporary teeth with special reference to their root-canal filling. Items Interest, N Y., 1907, xxix, 940- 948.—Fischer (G.) Die Retention von Milchmolaren in der Tiefe des Ober- und Unterkiefers sowie deren Folgeer- scheinungen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1908, xxvi, 401-108,1 pl.—Gastou & Chompret. Inclu- sion dentaire simulant une gomme syphilitique du maxil- laire. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, xv, 49. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, 4. s., v, 139.—Hamburger (R.) Ein interessanter Fall von Re- tention eines oberen Schneidezahnes. Deutsche Monat- schr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1912, xxx, 216-218.—Harlan (A. W.) Observations on the retention of pulpless teeth in the jaws, with indications for their treatment. Dent.Rev., Chicago, 1907,xxi, 291-297.—Hinrichsen (C.) Ein Fall von retiniertem Caninus des Oberkiefers bei einer 55jah- rigen Dame. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Wiesb.,1902, v, 431. —Hoffendahl. Erschwerter Durchbruch des dritten unteren Molaren. Med.Klin.,Berl.,1912,viii,657.— Jenkin (T. G.) Case of retarded eruption of a right maxillary canine in a patient 50 years old. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1900, xliii, 61.—Jung. Cyste durch einen retinierten Caninus. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1903, vi, 497.—Kallhardt (H.) Ein seltener Fall von Retention mehrerer Zahne. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 378-381.—Kantoro\vicz(A.) Histologische Befunde an retinierten Zahnen. Ibid , 1910, xxviii, 809-825.—Kells (C. E.), jr. An interesting case [pt delayed dentition]. Items Interest, N. Y., 1911, xxxiii, 334-338.—L,ede (F.) De 1'evolution dentaire chez les enfants places en nourrice; causes du retard de 1'evolution dentaire chez les enfants places en nourrice au sein, et, en particulier, de la cause principale due au retard du sevragede l'enfant de la nourrice. Rev. d'hyg et de med. inf. [etc.], Par., 1902, i, 416-427.—Levy (H.) Ein eigenartiger Fall von retinierten Zahnen und deren Folgezustande. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911, xxix, 618-623.—Luniatschek (F.) Ursachen und Formen der Zahnretention. Ibid., 1906, xxiv, 365-404.— Pfister (A.) Das Krankheitsbild der Zahnretention. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 408-410. —Port (G.) Unterzahl und Retention von Zahnen, sowie das Stehenbleiben von Milchzahnen unter der Controlle von Rontgenphotographie. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, BerL, 1902, xxxi, 193-198. Also, transl: Gior. di corrisp. p. dentisti, Milano, 1902, xxxi, 326-330, 1 pl.— Ribolla (R.) Su di un caso raro di mancata eruzione dei canini superiori. Stomatol., Milano, 1906-7, v, 167- 174, 2 pl.—Rousseau-Decelle. Repercussions cu- tanees au cours d'une evolution tardive des canines su- perieures. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1909, xvi, 72-76.— Kusscnberger. Die forcierte Eruption eines retinier- ten mittleren Schneidezahnes. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1904, xiv, 27-31.—Ryabkoff (A.) Inkapsulirovaniye zubov. [Encapsulation of teeth.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1910, Jubilee no., 146- 149.—Schael'er (P.) Beitrage zum Kapitel der Zahn- retentionen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz 1911, xxix, 409-420.-Schett' (J.) Ueber die Herabho- lung retinierter Ziihne aus ihren anomalen Lagen und ihre Einfiigung in den Zahnbogen. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtl- Teeth (Eruption of Delayed, difficult, or incomplete). jsehr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1906, xxii, 455-490.—Stoppany. Ein Fall von seltener Zahnretention. Schweiz. Vrtl- jschr. f. Zahnh., Winterthur A Geneve, 1902, xii, 234-238.— Trey maim. Trigeminusueuralgie als Folge von Zahn- retention. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl 1908, xxxiv, 376. -----. Zur Differential-Diagnose der Zahnretentionen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1910, xxiv 655-657.—Turner (J. G.) Delayed permanent dentition of rickety origin. Tr. Odont. Soe. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1902-3, n. s., xxxv, 35-38. -----. On the pathology of unerupted teeth, i. e., of teeth retained in the gums bevond term of eruption. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1911, liv, 916-932.— Wallisch (W.) Retinierter Sehneidezahn auf opera- tivem Wege an seine Stelle gebracht. Oesterr.-ungar Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., WTien, 1905, xxi, 23-29,1 pl.—Witzel (A.) Ueber Zahnretention und ihre Bedeutung fiirdie Praxis. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf u Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 386-388. Also: Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Wiesb., 1903, vi, 469-472. -----. Sulla ritenzione dei denti e sull' importanza pra- tica di essa. Odonto-stomatol., Napoli, 1904, iii, 205-209. Teeth (Ethnological and anthropological relations of). See Teeth in anthropology. Teeth (Exam ination and exploration of). Bruck (J.) fils. Le stomatoscope pour ren- dre diaphanes les dents et leurs parties adja- centes au moyen de la lumiere electro-ther- mique. 8°. Breslau, 1865. Darmezin (P.) Precis de radiographie den- taire, suivi de notes sur l'endodiascopie a Pusage des chirurgieii.<-dentistes et des etudiants en chirurgie dentaire. Preface par Foveau de Courmelles. 8°. Paris, 1905. Dieck (\V.) Anatomie und Pathologie der Ziihne und Kiefer im Rontgenbilde, mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der Auinahmetech- nik. fol. Hamburg, 1911. Port (G.) & Peckert (H.) Ueber die Ront- genphotographie in der Zahnheilkunde. roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1909. Abbot iC.H.) The use of X ravs in dentistry. Den- tal Rev., Chicago, 1909, xxiii, 624-636.—Aubourg (P.) Etat actuel de la radiographie en chirurgie dentaire; technique; resultats. Odontologie, Par., 1909, xii. 466- 472.—Belot (J.) Sur une nouvelle methode de radio- graphie dentaire (projectionhorizontale). Rev.destoma- toL, Par., 1907, xiv, 242-251. Also: Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 61-70. -----. La radiographie de la dentde sagesse (projections). Rev. de stomatol.. Par., 1912, xix, 56-62.—Bergonie & Dunogier. Des rayons. X dans la recherche des appareils de prothese dentaire. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect. d'odont. et stomatol., 45i.i-li'r>.—Bode. Methoden eur Gewinnung fein differenzierter Rclntgenbilder von Kie- fern und Zahnen. Deutsche Monat»ehr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1910, xxviii, 585-600.—Chapman (W. L.) Dental radi- ography. Providence M. J., 1907, viii, 125-127—Chene (G. C.) Roentgen diagnosis in dentistry. Dental Sum- mary, Toledo, 1912, xxxii, 4-10.—Cieszynski (A.) Beitrage zur Technik bei Zahnaufnahmen mittels Ront- genstrahlen. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte. Berl., 1907, xxxvi, 289-305.—Clark (C. A.) Dental radiography. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1901, xxii, 610-617. -----. Radiographs of the teeth and associated parts. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Odont. Sect., 39^6. -----. Dental X-ray technique. J. R6ntg. Soc, Lond., 1910, vi, 61-68.— Combe. Des rayons X, leur utilisation en stomatologic et en pathologie dentaire; revindication de priorite —Feigiu (E. G.) Khloroformniynar- koz pri ekstraktsii zubov. [Chloroform anaesthesia in the extraction of teeth.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Pe- Teeth (Extraction of, Anaesthetics in). tersb.,1906, xxii, 161;241; ;!2l'.—Fischer (G.) Dielokule Anasthesie in der Zahnheilkunde. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtlj- schr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1911, xxvii, 17-34, 5 pl—Fried- land (M. M.) Shall we abandon nitrous oxid for ethyl chloridorsomnoform? Dental Cosmos.Phila.,1906, xlviii, 835-839.—Friteau(E.) Indieationset avantagesdel'anes- thesiegeneralepourlesextractionsdentaires. Odontolo- gie.Par.,1904,2.s. xvii,439;481;605. Also,trans!.: Gior.dicor- risp. p. dentisti, Milano, 1904, xxxiii, 181-193.—Garin (A. P.) Brom-etilovoyeusipleniye (ethylisation Levis'a) pri izvlecheniye zubov. [... in extracting teeth] Vrach St Petersb.,1900, xxi, 931-934. -----. Usipleniye brom etilora dlya udaleniya zubov. [Brom-ethyl anesthesia for the extraction of teeth.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908,vii,17- 19.—Guldan (S. O.) Observations in the use of the com- bined cases of pure nitrogen monoxid and oxygen for the extraction of teeth. Dental Brief, Phila., 1902, vii, 241- 247.—Green (M.) Ideal dental narcosis. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, Ixxxvii, 738.—Greither. Anasthesie mit Aethylchlorid bei Zahnextraktionen. Aerztl.Rundschau, Munchen, 1900, x, 61.— Hasbrouck (J. F.) The ad- ministration of nitrous oxid for the extraction of teeth. Dental Brief, Phila., 1905. x, 482-485.—Jeay (C.) Etude comparative du chloroforme et de Tether pour des avul- sions dentaires multiples. Odontologie, Par., 1906, xxxv, 385-397.—Kelsey (C. S.) Disastrous results from the use of chloretone for extraction of teeth. Ohio Dent. J., To- ledo, 1900, xx, 650.—La wen (A.) Die ortliche Anasthe- sie bei Zahnextractionen mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung derCocain-Adrenalingemische. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1904, lxxii, 231-283. — Landete. Extracciones dentarias indoloras con el somnoformo. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1907, lxxvi, 154-156. — I.ederer (M.) Ueber eine neue Art von Aniisthesie in der Zahn- heilkunde. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1907, xxxii, 90.— JUabille (A.) A propos d'anesth^sie locale dans les extractions dentaires; novoca'ine. Rev. trimest. suisse d'odont., Zurich & Geneve, 1907, xvii, 158-164.—Mahe (G.) The use of tronacocain in dental extractions by Schleich's method. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1903, xiv, 716. -----. L'anesthesie diplo'ique pour l'extraction des dents. Presse med., Par., 1907, xv, 522. -----. La novoca'ine en odontologie. Ibid., 1909, xvii, 605.—Moiroud. Extrac- tion dentaire sans douleur sous l'influence de la sugges- tion hypnotique chez un jeune homme de 17 ans. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1901-2, xvi, 155.— JUylks (G. W.) Anesthetics, or anesthesia in dental operations. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1904, xvi, 379- 382.— Neuman-Kneucker (A.) Schmerzlose Zahn- extraktionen mittels Leitungsanasthesie im Oberkiefer. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1908, xxii, 4.—Neustadt (E.) Zur Technik der Chloroformna'rkose bei Zahnextrak- tionen. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1903, xii,No.555.— Parreidt (J.) Ueber den relativen Wert der ver- schiedenen Narkotika und Narkotisierungsverfahren bei Zahnextraktionen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1903, xxi, 368-377.—Penfold (F. B.) The use of cocaine by dentists. Hospital, Lond., 1906-7, xii, 282.— Perron (H.) Anesthesie a- la novoca'ine par injection diplo'ique. Rev. trimest. suisse d'odont., Zurich & Ge- neve, 1910, xx, 293-297.— Phillips (T. S.) Pressure amesthesia and immediate filling without removal of pulp tissue from fangs. Items Interest, N. Y., 1905, xxvii, 358-360. — Pitsch. De l'emploi du bromure d'ethyle dans les cas d'extractions multiples. Compt.-rend. Cong. internat. demed. 1897, Mosc, 1899,v, odont., 163—Frit- chard (F. H.) Extraction of teeth without pain. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1894, xxix, 573-577.—Prinz (H.) The anesthetic value of quinin and urea hydro- chlorid in dental operations. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1911, liii, 31-37.—Basinussen (S. A.) Om Anvendelsen af submuk0se novokain-suprarenin-injektioner som Anses- thetikum ved Tandekstraktioner. [. .. in extraction of teeth.] Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kobenh., 1906, 5. R., xiii, 1225- 1238.—Bay elf (A. L.) Ob ekstraktsii shestilletnavo mo- lvara. [Extracfionof asix-vear-old molar.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1897, xix, 381-3S7. -----. Po povodu statyi"obekstraktsiiutuberkuloznikh." [Aproposof the article "On extraction of teeth in tuberculous patients."] Ibid., 52S-531: 1898, xx, 155-161. Sec, also, infra, Rudnit- ski.—Begnier (L.-R.) & Bidsbury (IL) Nouveau pro- cess d'analgesie des dents par l'eleetrieitc. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1902, cxliii, 741-745. Also: Progres med., Par., 1902, 3. s., xv, 202. — Uibolla-Nico- deini ( L. ) Sull' anestesia locale nell' avulsione dei denti. Odontologia, Palermo, 1892, xvii, 194-207.— Kohllt'(E) Schmerzloses Zahnziehen mittels lokaler Betaubung in der allgemeinen Praxis. Therap. Rund- schau, Berl., 1908, ii, 687; 597.—Bosenberg (L.) Wei- tere Erfahrungen mit Eusemin, ein Mittel zur Dentin- Anaesthesie und schmerzlosen Extraktion. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1904, vii, 574-582. -----. Die Lokalanasthesie in der Zahnheilkunde. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905,xlii, 1254. -----. Beitragezurlnjektions- aniisthesie. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 627-638.—Budnitski (I. F.) Ob opasnosti izvle- cheniya zubov u tuberkuloznlkh i ob osobennosti svol- TEETH. 669 TEETH. Teeth (Extraction of Anivsthetics in). stvakh ikh zubov i slyuni. [On the dangers of extraction of teeth in tubercular patients, and on the peculiar prop- erties of their teeth and saliva.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1897, xix, 51-55.-----. Po pvodu statyi A. L. Rayeva. [Aproposof RayefE'sarticle.] Ibid.,585-594:1898, xx, 164-170.—Salzer (B.) Einige Worte iiber Narkose im Dienste der Zahnheilkunde. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1893, xxix, 519-522.—Sauvez (E.) Etude cri- tique de l'emploi de l'anesthesie generale ou locale pour l'extraction des dents. Odontologie, Par., 1904, 2. s., xviii, 329-353. Also, transl: Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1905, xvii, 39-56. Also, transi. [Abstr.]: Items Interest, N. Y., 1904, xxvi, 862-867. -----. The various means of inducing local anaesthesia for tooth-exiraction. Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, ii, 119- 122. -----. Technique des injections de cocaine et de stovaine pour l'extraction des dents. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 359— Schreier (P.) Ueber Local-Anasthesie mittelstCocaininjectionen und Schleich'scher I n fi 11 ration bei Zahnextractionen. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1898, xiv, 322-330.—Sidorenko (A. T.) Koka'ino-adrenalinoyoye obezbolivaniye pri izvlechenii zubov. [Cocaine-adrenalin anesthesia in the extraction of the teeth.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Pe- tersb., 1905, pt. 2, 191-216.—Smith (IX L.) & Hughes (J. T.) Local anaesthesia and anaesthetic as employed in dental extractions, rhinological and minor operations. Lancet, Lond.. 1906. i. 1827.—Stolz. Ueber Zahnextrak- tionen unter Kokain-Adrenalin-Anasthesie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 1788. Also: Strassb. med. Ztg., 1904, i, 193.—Struthers (J. W.) Lo- cal anaesthesia for extraction of teeth. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1907, i, 848.—Subirana (L.) La anestesia en las extrac- ciones dentarias. Rev. espec. med. La oto-rino-laryngol. espafi., Madrid, 1904, vii, 103; 152.—Teter (C. K.) Ni- trous oxid and oxygen preeminently the anesthetic of choice in dentistry. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1911, liii, 37- 43. [Discussion], 98-102.—Thesee. Causerie pratique sur l'anesthesie dans l'extraction dentaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1906, xiii, 4-14.—Thomas (J. D.) Ex- traction of teeth; local anesthesia. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1909, li, 665-676.—Tomasek. (A.) Ueber die Lo- kalanasthesie in der Zahnheilkunde bei Zahnextrak- tionen. Med. BL, Wien, 1910, xxxiii, 49.—Use (The) of cocaine in the extraction of teeth. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 1244.—Wilson (F. R.) Local anaesthesia in special reference to tooth extraction. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1906, xlix, 65-70.—Winn (R. J.) Chloretone and cocain in combination for extracting. Dental Brief, Phila., 1904, ix. 666.—Wolauer (E.) Ueber die Anwendung von Eusemin zur Dentinanasthesie und zur Extraktion der Zahne. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Stomatol., Wien. 1905, iii, 40-^4.—Young (W. McG.) Notes on ether anaesthesia for dental operations. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1900, xxi, 255-258. Teeth (Extraction of, Complications, etc., of). See, also. Menstruation (Vicarious); Paral- ysis (Facial, Causes, etc., of); Teeth (Extrac- tion of, Hsemorrhage in); Teeth (Molar, Extrac- tion of). Dupoxt (L.-A.-P.) * Pathogenie et traite- ment de certaines tumeurs douloureuses du re- bord alveolaire consecutives a l'extraction des dents vivantes. 4°. Paris, 1896. GuerardCE.) * Contribution a l'etude des accidents septiques resultant de Pavulsion des dents. 8°. Paris, 1895. -----. The same. 4°. Paris, 1895. Muller (F.) * Ueber einen Fall von ausge- dehnter Kiefernekrose nach Zahnextraction. 8°. Freibure/i. Br., 1905. Ann! riyefff A A.) K kazuistikle menorragiy poslle izvlecheniva zubov. [Menorrhagia after extraction of teeth.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 253-255.— Apolant (E.) Ueber Infection einer Zahnoperations- wunde. Therap. Monatsh., BerL, 1897, xi, 93. —Arm- strong (G. E.) Infection in the dentist's chair. Mont- real M. J., 1895-6, xxiv,3-9.—Bagozzi (G.) Di un caso d'infezione secondaria ad avulsione dentale di eccezio- nale gravita. Boll, clin.-scient. d. Poliambul. di Milano, 1897, x, 133-136.—Baker (A. W. W.) A difficult extrac- tion. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Odont. Sect., 130-140. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1908, li, 775-780.— Bltlml (M.) Landrysche Paralyse nach Zahnextrak- tion. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1911, xxvii, 469-472.—Bogne (E. A.) Results that follow the extraction of permanent teeth. Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass. 1899, Phila., 1900, 423-460. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1899, xii 1213-1239.—Briola. Complication de l'extraction. Odontologie, Par., 1906, xxxv, 442. — Brown (D. J.) Teeth (Extraction of, Complications, etc., of). Multiple infection following extraction of abscessed teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1906, xlviii, 139-142.— Buisseret (A.) Abces chaud de la voute palatine et septicemic consecutifs a une malheureuse tentative d'ex- traction dentaire. Scalpel, Lie,\'e, 1902-3, lv, 58.—Carter (T. S.) Casualty during extraction. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1902, xxiii, 434.—Colyer (S.) A case of septic poisoning following tooth extraction. Dental Rec, Lond., 1903, xxiii. 111. — Becrequy. Nevralgie de la branche maxillaire du trijumeau accompagnee d'erup- tion vesiculate et consecutive a l'extraction de dents. Rev. stomatol., Par., 1902, ix, 432.—Fhrenstein (H.) Eroffnung der Kieferhohle durch Zahnextraktion. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1909, liv, 233. — K lull ard t (O.) Primare Tuberkulose der Mundschleimhaut und des Un- terkiel'ers nach Zahnextraktion. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz.u. Berl., 1911,xxxvii, 124.—Endelman (J.) Notes on the therapeutics of the accidents of extraction. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 347-356. — Gourc. Tuberculose buccale apres un traumatisme; une extrac- tion dentaire. Cong, internat. de la tuberc. 1905, Par., 1906, ii, 111.— Gregori (A. V.) Epilepticheskiy pristup, vizvanniy udaleniyemzuba. [Epileptic fit following the removal of a tooth.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1905, xxi, 724-726.—Gutmann (A.) Erkrankungen des Orbitali n halts nach Zahnextraktionen. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1912. xlix, 860.—Hal I an er (O.) A case of phleg- mon of the orbit after extraction of a tooth. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1902, xxxi, 230-237.— Hamburger (A.) Ein Fall von Emphysem nach einer Zahnextraction. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1897, xv, 421.— Hayakawa (S.) [A case ot necrosis caused by the extraction of a tooth.] Shikwagakuho, Tokyo, 1903, xiii, no. 11, 8-12.—Heinemann (O.) Dolor post extractio- nem. Zahnarztl. Rundschau,Berl.,1906,xv,1019.—Heller (A.) EinFall vontransitorischerpartiellerAgeusienach Zahnextraction. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1900, xvi, 471-477.—Hey (S. D.) A casualty during extraction. Brit. Dent. J., Lond.,1904, xxv, 11.—HOncz (K.) [Zahnextraktion; ein Ma hlzahn gef unden im rechten Bronchus.] Wien. zahnarztl.Monatschr.,1903,v,400-403.— Hoiheimer (J. A.) Pyaemia and exsection of part of the lower jaw following a fracture due to tooth extrac- tion. N. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 319— Indjeyan (A.) Un cas d'ervsipele de la face a la suite d'une avulsion den- taire. Odontologie, Par., 1899, 2. s., ix, 529.—Inglis (O. E.) Post-extraction sequelae. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1909, li, 693-700.—Isaacson (C. B.) After-pains from extraction of teeth. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lviii, 216- 218. -----. Treatment of pain following extractions. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1905, xi, 467-475.—Jantzen. Tonisch-klonische Krampfe im Gefolge einer Zahnex- traction. Deutsche zahniirztl. Wchnschr., Wiesb., 1900, iii, 1399.—Jesensky (J.) Nehody pri extrakci zubu. [Accidents in extracting teeth.] Casop. lek. Cesk., v Praze, 1899, xxxviii, 719; 739; 758.—Korner (H.) Die zufallige Eroffnung der Kieferhohle bei Zahnextrac- tionen. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1899, xv, 9-19. Also: Wien. med. BL, 1899, xii, 79; 106.— Kowler (Annette L.) Zum Kapitel Todesfalle infolge vonBlutvergiftungennach Zahnextraktionen. Deutsche zahnarztl. Ztg., Munchen, 1902, No. 27, 1-3.—Krondl (A.) Ein kasuistischerBeitrag zur Fazialislahmung nach Zahnextraktion. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lix, 571- 574.—Lockett (A. C.) Die Folgen der Extraktion. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1909, xxv, 629-651, 6 pl.—IiUiiiatschek (F.) Einiges fiber den Dolorpostextractionem. DeutscheMonatschr.f.Zahnh., Leipz., 1904, xxii, 691-705. -----. Mundbeliandiungnach Zahnextraktion. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1904, xx, 558-570.—M'Curdy (S. L.) Fracture of the maxilla resulting from tooth extractions. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1904, xxiv, 88-91.—MacBowell (J. N.) The evil results of extraction. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1901,xliv,637-642.—Mahe (G.) Les complications des extractions de dents. Pressemea., Par.,1904, ii,557.— ITIessian. Necrosepresquetotaledumaxillaire inferieur, suite de fracture par avulsion dentaire. Ann. Soc. med.- chir. d'Anvers, 1896,118-122.—Monnier. Sur une com- plication assez rare de l'extraction dentaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1904, xi, 552-554—Morely (F.) Acase of gangrene of the lung following tooth extraction. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1904-5, n. s., xxxvii, 100- 104.—iTIUller (E.) Das ungleiche Resultat der Resorp- tion der Ober- und Unterkiefer nach Extraktion der Zahne und die daraus resultirende Kreuzungsartikulation. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Basel & Geneve, 1899, ix, 199-214. Also: Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 341-356. Also: Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1899, viii, Nos. 383; 381: 386; 388.—Nux. De l'utilitedes elevatenrs. Odontologie, Par., 1910, xliv, 402^07.— ©rbitalphleginone nach Zahnextraktion; Heilung. Augenheilanst. in Basel. Jahresb. (1890), 1897, xxxiii, 54- 67.—Pedley (R. D.) Persistent neuralgia after the ex- traction of a tooth. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1893, xxxvi, 913-915.—Pernet (G.) Zona following extrac- TEETH. 670 TEETH. Teeth (Extraction of Complications, etc., of). tion of teeth. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 263.— Placzek (S.) Trigeminus-Erkrankung als Folge und Ursache der Zahnextraction. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1895, lxiv, 661; 673.—Pridham (W. C.) Curious svmptoms after extraction of a tooth. Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 1336.—Bicsme jer (L. T.) Multiple tubercular osteomvelitis following the extraction of a tooth. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1894, xxx, 261-263.—Boberts (G. A.) Results following the extraction of permanent teeth. Dental Pract., Toronto, 1906-7, i, 81-84.—Kudnitski (I. F.) Ob opasnosti izsvlecheniya zubov u tuberkulyoz- nikh i ob osobennikh svolstvakh ikh zubov i slyuni. [Danger of extracting teeth in tuberculous patients and on the peculiarities of their teeth and saliva.] Zubo- vrach. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1897, xix, 51-55.—Santa Maria (A.) Un casodi amaurosi manifestatasi in se- guito all' estrazione di un dente. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1906, xxvii, 699.—Scheuer(A.) Dolor post extractionem dentis. Med. Rundschau, Berl., 1897-8, 363. Also. Zahn- arztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1898, vii, 4821. Also: Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xxiii, 259.—Schlominer (A.) Ex- traktionsschwierigkeiten. Oestrr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1909, xxv, 113-149.—Sidorenko (A. T.) Nleskolko slov k voprosu ob oslozhneniyakh poslle izvlecheniva zubov. [.Complications following extrac- tion of teeth.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadt, 1907-8, xiv, no. 2, 43-47.—SitTre (A.) Les consequences de l'extraction des dents temporaires. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Basel & Geneve, 190S, xviii, 207-228.—Smith (M. C.) Opening the bite with bur- nished tips. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1899, v, 73-77. Also, Reprint. -----. Fatal blood-poisoning after extracting. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1899, v, 224-226. Also, Reprint.— Sottas pere. Paralvsie faciale consecutive a l'avulsion d'une dent. Bull. d'. soc. med. . . . du dep. de la Seine, Par., 1898, i, no. 1, 20-22.—Spencer (W. H.) Necrosis following use of hvpodermic needle and extraction of tooth. Proc. Mass. "Dent. Soc, Cambridge, 1897, xxxiii, 43-54.—Stefteii (A.) Empyema antri Highmori infolge misslungener Extraktion der Wurzel von Praemol. ii. sup. sin. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, BerL, 1897, vi, No. 286.—Stevens (H. E.) Root of tooth in the antrum. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1900, v, 271.— von Stubenrauch. Ueber Verletzung der Kiefer- hohle bei Gelegenheit einer Zahnextraction. Med. Rundschau, Berl., 189*. 432.—Szabo (J.) Die acciden- tale Eroffnung der gesunden Kieferhohle gelegentlich einer Zahnextraction. Zahntech. Reform, Berl., 1902, xxi, 137-139.— Troczewski (A.) Przvpadekzapalenia tkanki lacznej pozagalkowej okoloszczekowej, z nas- tepczym ropniem m6zgu po wyjecin zeba zepsutego. [Conjunctivitis, followed by brain abscess, after extrac- tion of a bad tooth] Czasopismo lek., Lodz, 1900, ii, 153- 155.—Van Buzee (C. A.) The shock of dental opera- tions. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1902, xliv, 690-695.— Wakefield (R.) Neuralgia and deafness cured by ex- traction of teeth. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1904, xxiv, 835.—Williams (E.) Ueber Facialislahmung nach Zahnextraktion. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1908, xxii,485.— Witzel (A.) Ueber das Ausschleifen der Knochen- wunden nach Zahnextraktionen. Wien. zahnarztl. Mo- natschr., 1903, v,431-435. Also: Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, BerL, 1904,xxxiii,lll-118. Also: Zahnarztl. Rundschau, 1905,xiv, 3-5. Also: Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Basel & Geneve, 1904, xiv, 106-112. -----. Die Beziehungen des Alveolar- fortsatzes der Kiefer zu den Frakturen bei der Zahnex- traktion. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1904, xxii, 566-570. Also: Zahnarztl. Rundschau, BerL, 1905, xiv, 171.—Wolt'enden (A. B.) Judicious and injudi- cious extraction and some of its consequences. Dental Rec, Lond., 1905, xxv, 4-9, 2 pl.—Worm (W.) Schwer- horigkeit nach Zahnextraktionsversuchen; Trema im Unterkiefer. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 382. Teeth (Extraction of, Fatal). Auszterveil (L.) Fogmutetnel halal. [Death from dental operation.] Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1904, xliv, 421.—Blochinann. Tod nach einer Zahnextraction in Folire von Septikopviimie. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Wiesb., 189\ i. 371. Also: Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., isys, xii, 606.—Burjjess (.1. J.) A fatal case of blood-poisoning after extraction of a molar tooth. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1892-3, xi, 93-101. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1893, xcv, 380-386.—Beath from pyae- mia following attempt at tooth extraction. Dental Rec., Lond., 1898, xviii, 359—Beath after extraction. Ibid., 1904, xxiv, 40.—Bentist convicted of manslaughter in County Cork. Brit.M.J.,Lond.,1910,ii,1896.—Frank(M.) Todtliche Blutung nach Entfernung eines Milchzahnes. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1901, xix, 269.— Ham (J. R.) Death in the dental chair. Boston M. & S. J., 1900, cxlii, 527.—Hannikainen (K.) Ve- renvuoto hammasextraktionin jiilkeen syynii kuole- maan. [Haemorrhage, after extraction of tooth, caus- ing death.l Duodecim, Helsinki, 1898, xiv, 392-394.— 'eeth (Extraction of, Fatal). Johnson (H. H.) Death from hemorrhage after tooth extraction. Am. bent. Week., Atlanta, 1897, i, 163.— Morer. Observation d'un cas de mort par hemorrha- gies viscerales multiples consecutivement a l'ablation d'une racine de molaire superieure. Dauphin<§ med., Grenoble, 1905, xxix, 58-65 — Muhl-Kiihncr. Ein Fall von Alveolarblutung mit nachfolgendem Tode. J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1897, xii, No. 35. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 857. — Natzler. Todesfall einige Tage nach Zahnextraction. Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1899, i, 357-361.—Plan tie & Bordereau. Phlegmon septique consecutif a l'avulsion d'une dent de sagesse et ayant entrainSune mort rapide. Arch, demed. et pharm. mil., Par., 1903, xii, 458-462.—Port (G.) Tod an Septicaemie nach einer Zahnextraction. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xlii, 863.—Bossali (S.) Due pa- role su un' estrazione fatale. Stomatol., Milano, 1903-4, ii, 14.—§tros (J.) Vybirani zubu z kofene; strnuti; smrt. [Extraction of tooth; convulsions; death.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1869, viii, 122. Teeth ( Extraction of, Haemorrhage from). See, also, Teeth (Extraction of, Fatal). Rosenthal (R.) *Des hemorrhagies conse- cutives a l'extraction des dents. 4°. Nancy, 1896. Schulz (R.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von den Blutungen nach Zahnextraktionen und deren medikamentose und mechanische Behandlung. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Potsdam, 1901. A mold (O.) Etiology and treatment of alveolar dental hemorrhage. Proc.Tri-State Dent. Meet___Indiana.Ohio. A: Michigan, Phila., 1895,53-07.—Ashton (E.L.) Hemor- rhage ; an in teresting case in practice. Ohio Dent. J.,Toledo, 1896, xvi, 177.—Auwers. Hemorragie apres extraction dentaire. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1904, xi, 143-145.— Bates(H.E.) Reportof acaseof haematophilia, with death fromhiemorrhagefollowingtheextractionofatooth. Ann. Surg.,Phila., 1894, xix, 603-605.—Beers (W. G.) Obstinate haemorrhage. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1898, x, S3.— Bellinzona (E.) L'adrenalina in odontoiatria. Tri- buna med., Milano, 1904, x, 65-68.—Berten. Die Be- handlung von Blutungen nach Zahnextractionen. Deut- sche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1902, xx, 581-686.— Bloch (R.) Ueber Blutungen bei Zahnextractionen und deren Behandlung mit Stypticin. Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1899, i, 591-605.—Brandt (L.) Inwieweit entspricht die Behandlung der Blutung nach Zahnex- traktionen mittels Wasserspiilung den Anforderungen der heutigen Chirurgie? Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 417- 421.—Brunsmann. Ueber drei Fiille abnormer Blu- tung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1903, xxi, 428- 433.—Cali (G.) Emorragia consecutiva ad una estrazi- one dentaria eseguita ad un diabete, arrestata con placca artiflciale di caoutchouc. Odonto-stomatol., Napoli, 1902, i, 199-201.—Caudau (A.) Un cas d'hemorrhagie trau- matique grave, consecutive a- l'avulsion d'une grosse molaire inferieure et son traitement par une methode mixte. Rev. odont., Par., 1907, xxvi, 66-72.—Clyde (J. M.) Case of haemorrhage. West. Dent. J., Kansas City, 1890, iv, 304.—Bauzier (L.) & Arteoulx. Des he- morragies consecutives aux extractions dentaires; leur traitement. Rev. odont., Par., 1907, xxvi, 472-483.— Boi»(G.) Des hemorragies alveolaires chez les hemophiles; observations. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1896, ii, 313-319.— Born (R.) Zahnextraktion bei einem Haemophilen. Odont. BL, BerL, 1897-8, ii, No. 9. -----. Blutungen nach Zahnextractionen. Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1901, iii, 153; 210; 263; 327.—Edward (J. H.) Tooth extrac- tion haemorrhage. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 18%, xvii, 213-220.—Einelin (M. J.) Hemorrhage following ex- traction. Dental Brief, Phila., 1905, x, 16-19.—Essig- man (S.) Przyczynek do sprawy krwotokow po wyr- waniu zeba. [Case of haemorrhage induced by the ex- traction of a tooth.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1894, 2. 8., xiv, 152-155.—Fisher (E. A.) Nearly fatal hemorrhage fol- lowing the removal of a tooth, owing to the hemorrhagic diathesis. Cincin. M. J., 1887-8, iii, 289.—Fisher (E.M.) Alveolar dental hemorrhage. Dental Summarv, Toledo, 1906, xxvi, 267-270.—Fleury (E.) Hemorrhagic alveo- laire persistante; hemostase A l'aide du Penghawar-Djam- bi. Bull. Soc. scient. et med. de l'ouest, Rennes, 1907, xvi, 144-147.—Frank (J.) Die Blutstillung nach Zahn- extractionen. (De l'hemostase consecutive aux extrac- tions.) Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, i, 164-175. Also: Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1900, xvi, 573-582. Also, transl: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900,xlii, 1289-1293.—Friedrichs (G.J.) Haemorrhagic diathesis and dental haemorrhage. Tr. LouisianaM. Soc, N. Orl., 1894, 408-115.—Gerhard (J. G.) Von einem todtlichen Zahn-Bluten. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1721, Leipz. u. Budissin, 1723, xviii, 620.—Good- 71 TEETH. TEETH. Teeth (Extraction of, Hemorrhage from). 'man (W. H.) Notes on a case of haemorrhage after ex- traction. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1899, xx, 548— Gui- baud. Traitementde 1'hemorragie dentaire. Ann.med.- chir., Dour, 1907, xv, 219. Also: Prov. med., Par., 1907, xx, 351.—Guipon. Hemorrhagiedentairespontanee, ayant resiste a l'application repetee duperchlorure de fer intus ct extra; jugeepar la compression digitale delacarotidepri- mitive. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1864,581-583.—Heller (A.) Der Blutdruck, eine neue klinische Hauptindication fiir die Therapie der Zahnblutung. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtlj- schr. f.Zahnh.,Wien, 1900,xvi,558-566.—Hermann. Zur Aetiologie schwer stillbarer Blutungen post ex traetionem und iiber hepatogene Hiimophilie und deren Bekampfung. Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1902, iv, 401-429. Also [Ab- str.] : Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902, Leipz., 1903, ii, 2. Hlfte., 532-536. Also [Abstr.]: Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1902, xi,9712—Kaern (H.) Efterblpdning ved Brugaf adrenalin under Tandudtruek- ning. [After-haemorrhage with the use of adrenalin in extracting teeth.] Ugesk. f. L;eger, K0benh., 1906, 5. R., xiii, 1057-1064.—Kaufman (M. E.) Sluchal upornavo krovotecheniya poslle ekstraktsii zubov. [Persistent haemorrhage after extraction of teeth.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1905, xxi, 853.—Kletter. Zur Frage ' • In wiewei t entspricht die Behandlung der Blutung nach Zahnextraktion mittelst Wasserspiilung den Anforderun- gen der heutigen Chirurgie." Strassb. med. Ztg., 1908, v, 101-103.—Kronfeld (R.) Ein Fall von submucoser und subcutaner Blutung nach Extraktion eines oberen Mahl- zahnes. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 715-717.— Lennox (C. F.) Hemorrhage after tooth extraction. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1903, xv,20-22.—Lipschitz (M.) Zur Behandlung von Blutungen nach Zahnextrac- tionen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1900, xviii, 337-345.—MeNaught (J.) Haemorrhage after tooth extraction. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 133.— JMeijer (F. A.) Haemorrhagia post extractionem den- tium (nabloeding na tandextractie). Geneesk. BI. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1898, v, 279- 308.—Morean (J.) De l'hemorrhagie consecutive a l'extraction des dents. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1873, ii, 149; 326. Also, Reprint. — think (J.) Ueber schwer stillbare Blutungen nach Zahnextractionen. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1899, xi, 419.—Naunian (E. N.) Alveolar hemorrhage; a severe case in practice. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1904, x, 167-169. Also: West. Dent. J., Kansas City, 1903, xvii, 537-539.—Nicolesco (D.) L'adrenaline dans l'extraction des dents. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1903, x, 286-288—Paul & Guillermin (R.) Hemorrhagic secondaire grave apres extraction dentaire. Rev. trimest. suisse d'odont., Zurich & Geneve, 1910, xx, 290-293.—Pendred (V.) Two cases of menor- rhagia following multiple extraction. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1905, xix, 77.—Pier<£ili. Action hemostatique de la gelatine dans les hemorragies alveolaires. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1900, vii. 465— Poteau. Cas d'hema- tome sous-muqueux sublingual consecutif a l'extraction d'une dent chancelante. Odontologie, Par., 1898, 2. s., vi, 62.—Power (J. E.) An appliance to hold compress in hemorrhage from tooth-extraction. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1903, xiv, 709.—Bichter (E.) Ueber die Blut- stillung nach Zahnextraktionen. J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1903, xviii, 77.—Kohrbach (J.) Ueber Blutstillung und Wundbehandlung nach Zahnextraktionen. Zahntech. Reform, BerL, 1905, xiv, 13.—Rosenthal jr. Blu- tungen nach Zahnextraktionen. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1^9S, xi, 317; 325; 333.—Roy (M.) Hemorragie grave consecutive a une extraction de dent. Odontolo- gie, Par., 1895, 2. s., ii, 393-395.—Rozgonyi. Ein schwerer Fall von Haemorrhagia alveolaris in Folge von Haemophilie. Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1899, i, 143- 150.—Budas (G.) Vermegtakaritas a foghuzasnal gy6- gyszerek nelkiil. [Control of the haemorrhage without drugs in the extraction of teeth.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1904, xliv, 36.—Sawicki (B. W.) O krwotokach po wyrwaniu zeba i ich tamowaniu. [Bleeding of teeth after extraction, and its prevention.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1893, 2. s., xiii, 1130- 1154.—Sittre (A.) Note sur l'hemo- philie, dans l'avulsion desdents. Rev. odont., Par., 1897, xvi, 161-164.—Sleep (F.) Haemorrhageafterextraction. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1910, xxxi, 258-261.—Stirling (J. W.) Bilateral amaurosis following severe hemorrhage after extraction of a tooth; partial recovery. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1904, xxiii, 219-223.—Taussig (S.) Starke, lebensgefiihrliche Blutung nach einer Zahnextraction. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xxv, 484.—Tellier (J.) De l'emploi de la gelatine comme hemostatique en chirurgie bucco-dentaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1908, xv, 460- 465.—Torger(0.) Emploi du liege pour arreter l'hemor- rhagie consecutive aux extractions dentaires. Progres dent., Par., 1895, xxii, 195.—Voerckel (G.) Hyperii- mischer Kopfschmerz als Ursache einer Blutung post ex- tractionem. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1898, xvi, 172.—Wei HE.) Prevention et guerison des hemor- ragies hemophiliques par les injections et pansements de Teeth (Extraction of, Haemorrhage from). serumssanguins frais. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1908, xv, 455-459.—Willigcr. W:undbehandlung und Blutstil- lung im Munde. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, xxxvi, 41-58.—Wrobei. Die Hiimophilie in ihrer Be- deutung fiir den Zahnarzt. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1909, xxvii, 473-489.—Zederbaum (G.) Hemophilic and secondary hemorrhages. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1906, lx, 275-281. Teeth (Extraction of, Manuals on). BrstH (F.) Die Extraktion der Ziihne, ihre Technik und Indikations-Stellung mit Ein- schluss der Betaubung. 8°. Berlin, 1894. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1899. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1908. -----. Thesame. Izvlecheniy e zubov ;tekh- nika, pokazaniya i narkoz. Perev. so 2 niem. izd. M. Z. Geselevich. '[Transl- fr°m the 2- German ed. by . . .] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1899. -----. The same. S dopolneniyem o zub- nikh protezakh. Perev. so 2. niemetsk. izd. F. M. Shur. [Transl. from the 2. German ed. by . . .] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1900. Coleman (F.) Extraction of teeth. 8°. London, 1908. Entres (J.) Zahnextraktionskunde, speziell fiir den praktischen Arzt, insonderheit fiir den Militar- und Landarzt. 8°. Tubingen, 1900. Goldstein (W.) Die Extraktion der Ziihne mit Einschluss der lokalen und allgemeinen Be- taubung. Ein Leitfaden fiir Anf anger, junge und fortgeschrittene Praktiker mit erliiuternden Abbildungen. 8°. Berlin, 1909. Goeham (J.) Tooth extraction. A manual on the proper mode of extracting teeth, with a table exhibiting in parallel columns the names of all the teeth, the instruments required for their extraction, and the most approved methods of using them. 3. ed. 16°. London, 1889. Hollaender (L. H.) Die Extraction der Ziihne, fiir Aerzte und Studierende. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1888. -----. The same! 4. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1894. Limberg (A.) Uchod za zubami i lechenie ich. [Extraction and care of teeth.] 16°. S.- Petersburg, 1894. Mayrhofer (B.) Die Praxis der Zahnextrak- tion einschliesslich der ortlichen Schmerzbetau- bung. roy. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1911. Scheff (J.) jun. Die Extraction der Ziihne fiir practische Aerzte und Studierende. 8°. Wien, 1894. ------. The same. 2. vollsuindig umgear- beitete und vermehrte Aufl. roy. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig, 1909. Wallis (C. E.) An atlas of dental extrac- tions, with notes on the causes and relief of dental pain, designed for the use of medical students and practitioners. 8°. London, 1909. YVoodburn (\V. D.) On extraction, with notes on the anatomy and physiology of the teeth, for medical students. 8°. New York, 1896. ------.• Thesame. 8°. London, 1896. Teeth (Extraction of, Methods and in- struments in). Jung (C.) Die Handhabung der Instrumente zur Extraction der Ziihne. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, 1898. TEETH. 672 TEETH. Teeth (Extraction of J/ethods and in- struments in). Schmid (H.) Ueber einige neuere Zahnex- tractionsinstrumente, nebst Bemerkungen iiber schwierige Zahnextractionen. 8°. Berlin ct Prag, 1896. Berten (J.) Ueber die Konstruktion eines neuen Satzes Zahnextraktionszangen. Oesterr.-ungar.Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1905, xxi, 129-153. -----. Ueber Verbes- serungen an Zahnextraktionsinstrumenten, spez. fiber die Konstruktion eines neuen Zangensatzes. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1906, xvi, 347-354 — Boennecken (H.) Ueber die Nachbehandlung der Zahnextractionswunden. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xxvi, 445-447. — Chaminade. Quelques instruments nouveaux pour l'extraction des dents. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1907, xxviii, 213-215.—Cholinsky (0.) Ueber die Zahnzange neuen Systems. Wien. med. Presse, 1907, xlviii, 1640-1643.—Coxon (S. A.) The re- moval of blood from the mouth during extraction; anew instrument by which it is accomplished. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1907, xxviii, 1301-1303—de Croes. Theorie me- canique de l'extraction; modification a la theorie de M. Godon. Odontologie, Par., 1903, 2. s., xvi, 427-443. -----. Theorie niecanique de l'extraction. Ibid., xvii. [Discussion], 185-192. See, also, infra, Godon (C.) & Serres. — Cruet (L.) Quelques considerations sur les racines de dents incluses; methode d'extraction. Rev. destomatol , Par., 1904, xi, 251-260.—Bavid (Th.) De l'avulsion des dents par le procede de la religieuse. Gaz. de hop., Par., 1884, lvii, 156; 163. Also, Reprint.—Godon (C.) & Serres. Quelques considerations sur la theorie mecanique de l'extraction; reponse a Particle de M. de Croes. Odontologie, Par., 1903, 2. s., xvii, 163-109.—Hall (A. W.) Difficult extractions and their management. Dental .Summary, Toledo, 1909, xxix, 957: 1910, xxx, 15.— Hei'de (R.) Extraction des dents de sagesse; procede nouveau de M. Etchepareborda, de Buenos-Ayres. Odon- tologie, Par., 1907, xxxvii, 268-271.—Kunstmann (E.) Die Kochsche Wurzelschraube, ein Hilfsmittel zur Ex- traktion tief abgebrochener Wurzeln. Deutsche Monat- schr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1907, xxv, 349-352. — L,in hart (A.) Neue Zahnstangen zur Extraktion der Malzahne des Unterkiefers. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909 lvi, 1182.—Loos (R.) Ein Satz von Wurzelhebeln fiir den Unterkiefer. Wien. med. BL, 1899, xxii, 731.—Blaggs (W. A.) Antiseptic alveolar plugs for the after-treatment of extractions. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brir., Lond., 1904-5, n. s., xxxvii, 207-240. Also: Brit. J. Dent, Sc, Lond., 1906, xlviii, 676-684.— Magli (E.) Tenaglia unica per 1' estrazione dei denti. Med. ital., Napoli, 1904, ii, 304- 306.—Jttahe' (G.) Proposition d'un procede (theorique) pour activer la transformation alveolaire apres des ex- tractions multiples. Odontologie, Par., 1899, 2. s., ix, 245-250. -----. Du choix des instruments necessaires a l'extraction desdents. Presse med., Par , 1904, i, 28-30.— Pietkiewicz (W.-B.) Rehabilitation de la clef de Garengeot. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1908, xv, 246-248.— Reschofsky (H.) Schloss und Wirkung der Zahn- zangen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1903, xxi, 213-215.—Riva Fortufio (M.) De la antisepsia en las extraccionesdentarias. Correo odont. internac, Madrid, 1902, vii, 92-103.—Roy. Extraction des dents de la machoire superieure. Medecin prat., Par., 1907, iii, 181.—Sauvez (E.) Indications, regies generales et re- gies particulieres de l'extraction des dents. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 440-442. — Schmid (H.) Ueber einige neuere Zahnextractionsinstrumente, nebst Bemerkungen iiber schwierige Zahnextractionen. Prag. med Wchn- schr., 1896, xxi, 22; 40; 71; 106; 116; 150—Shepard (L. D.) The dentist's posture. Tr. Dent. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1899, 84-104. — Whitehouse (A. L.) The operation of ex- traction in the recumbent position. Dental Rec, Lond., 1907, xxvii, 169-172. Teeth (Extraction of) in animals. Extracting an elephant's tooth. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1900, xliii, 643.—FrShner. Heilung einer Zahn- fistel beim Pferde durch Ausmeisselung des Zahns. Mo- natschr. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1902, xiii, 524. Teeth (Extraction of) in children. Bellinzona (E.) Alcune norme per P estrazione dei denti nei bambini. Tribuna med., Milano, 1904, x, 257-259. —Brodhurst (W.) Sur l'ablation des dents chez les enfants. Soc. d. sc. mecl. deGannat. C.-r., Par., 1898-9, liii, 5.—Besirability of extraction of the six- vear-old molar. [Discussion.] J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1892, xiii, 535-558. Also, Reprint.—Bigby (E.) The extraction of the six-year-old molars as a cure for dental irregularities in children. South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1904, ii, 148.—Greve (H. C.) Ueber die Berech- tigung der fruhzeitigen Extraction des sechsjiihrigen Molaren. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1896, xiv, 318-330. — Grimaud. Sur l'opportunite de l'ex- traction de la dent de six ans. Rev. odont., Par., 1902, xxi, 165-172.—Landete. Consideraciones sobre la ex- Teeth (Extraction of, in children). tracci6n de los dientes de los ninos. Rev. espec med Madrid, 1904, vii, 430-431. — Moore (L.) Extraction d'une dent a un enfant de27 jours. Poitou med. Poi- tiers, 1893, vii, 126.—Ricscnl'eid (K.) Ueber die syste- matische Extraktion der sechsjiihrigen Molaren. Deut- sche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1908, xxvi, 633; 713- 793.— Sifrre (A.) Influence de l'extraction de la dent' de six ans sur l'eruption de la dent de sagesse. Rev. tri- mest. suisse d'odont., Zurich & Geneve, 1902, xii, 14-18.— Sternield (A.) Ueberdie sogenannte friihzeitige Ex- traction des sechsjahrigen Molaren. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., 1899, xv, 257-274. Also: J. f. Zahnh Berl., 1899, xiv, Nos. 35; 36.—Thomson (G.) Case showing the result of extraction of the six-year-old mo- lars. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Odont Sect., 156. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1910, liii, 725- 728.—Watson (M. T.) First molar extraction during childhood, and its relation to occlusion and physiog- nomy. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1903, lvii, 647-560. Teeth (Extraction of) inpregnancy. Clirist (J.) Operative Eingriffe un'd Verletzungen wahrend der Schwangerschaft, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Zahnextractionen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1900, xriii, 481; 554. — Labes (M.) Zahnextraktion und Schwangerschaft. Zahntech. Rund- schau, Berl., 1901, No. 469.—Levy (H.) Ueber Storun- gen bei der Menstruation, Graviditas und Lactation durch zahnarztlich - operative Eingriffe. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1899, xii, 699; 710. Teeth (False). See Teeth (Artificial). Teeth (Filling of). See Dentistry. Teeth (Foreign bodies in). Fargin-Fayolle & Schaefer. Obstruction du canal radiculaire d'une racine dentaire par un corps Stranger introduit par un malade. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1911, xviii, 338.—Fletcher (M. H.) Tolerance of the tissues to foreign bodies, with special reference to the pulp and gums. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1903, xxiv, 596-604.—Trotter (E.) Foreign bodv in a tooth. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 1516. Teeth (Fossil). See Teeth (Morphology of); Teeth in anthro- pology. Teeth (Fracture of). See, also, Teeth (Molar, Extraction of). Adlercreutz (C.) Fractura dentis epistrophei; d6d, [. . .; death.] Hygeia, Stockholm, 1902, n. f., ii. pt. 2. 578.—Arnold (E. F.) Accidents to the teeth which do not involve the alveolar process. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1911, xxiii, 110-112.—Barrett (J. R.) Airpres- sure an available force in retentive dressing for fracture of the upper dental arcade. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1892, xxii, 643-648.—Beaser (H. P.) Repairing a frac- tured tooth by means of a bolt. Pacific Dent. Gaz., San Fran., 1905, xiii. 534.—Blumberg (C.) Fractur eines Hauers bei einem wilden Eber. Deutsche Ztschr. f. ThiermeL, Leipz., 1885-6, xii, 42-45, 2 pl.—Brodhurst (W.) Fracture de dents et du rebord alveolaire; extrac- tion des dfibris dentaires; elimination d'un sequestre; guerison. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1902-3, viii, 104.—Charezieux (E.) Un cas d'accident douloureux consecutif, a une fracture dentaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1905, xii, 562.—Fargin-Fayolle (P.) Fractures des dents au cours de l'extraction. Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 673-676.— Gabriel (W. M.) A casualty during den- tal anaesthesia; portions of a fractured tooth in the air passages. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1905, xlviii, 576-580.— Gregory (F. G.) Treatment of fractured teeth. Items Interest, N. V., 1900, xxii, 587-589.—Jack (L. F.) Res- toration with porcelain in fracture of the teeth. Tr. Acad. Stomatol. 1898, Phila., 1899, 31-3S.—Kaas (T.) Spontane Querfraktureines Backenzahnes. J. f. Zahnh., Burl., 1903, xviii, 209 — Matteson (A. E.) Restoring a fractured tooth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1907, xxi, 396- 39S— iTIellersh (W. F.) On b, new method of repairing fractured crown and bridge facings. Tr. Odont. Soc Gr. Brit., Lond., 1906-7, n. s., xxxix, 28-33.—Pastore (S.) Frattura di un incisivo. Med. ital., Napoli, 1905, iii, 649.—Poinsot (P.) Dents eclatees. Cong. dent, inter- nat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iii, 431.—Port. Zahnfrak- tur durch indirecte Gewalt. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchn- schr., Wiesb., 1900, iii, 1315. -----. Eine schwere Kiefer- verletzung. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1904, xxxiii, 33- 35.—Roff(S. H.) Unique tooth fracture. Items Inter- est, N. Y., 1912, xxx, 174.—Rose (H.) Replacing a frac- tured tooth. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1900, xliii, 673.— Seheuer (A.) Liingsfractur eines oberen Schneide- zahnes. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1900, xxix, 206.— TEETH. 673 TEETH. . Teeth (Fracture of). Servill (T. S.) A case of cellulitis and necrosis follow- ing fracture of a canine tooth. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1901-2, n. s., xxxiv, 203-212.—Sutherland (W. D.) Teeth-blows in their medico-legal aspect. Indian M. Gaz.,Calcutta, 1899, xxxiv, 241.—Whitelield (G. W.) Conservative methods of treatment of fractures of the an- terior teeth. Tr. World's Columbian Dent. Cong., Chicago, 1894, ii, 626-631.-^011 Wunschheim (G.) Frakturen, Infraktionen und Kniekungen der Ziihne. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1904, xx, 45-102,11 pl. Teeth (Growth and nutrition of). Ferrier (P.) * Relations de nutrition entre le squelette et les dents; odontocie, osteocie. 8°. Paris, 1900. Nespoulous (P.) * Influence exercee par 1'habitat sur la composition des dents et sur leurs maladies. 8°. Paris, 1904. Trueb (K.) * Grossenverhaltnisse des Cavum pulpse nach Altersstufen. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Berlin, [n. d.]. Barrett (W. C.) Dental nutrition. Tr. Dent. Soc. N. Y., [Brooklyn], 1890, 102-111.—Boedecker (C. F.) Nutrition of the enamel of the human teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1911, liii, 1000-1011.—Bogue (E. A.) A study of the visible changes that take place during the development of human teeth and their alveoli. Ibid, 1889, xxxi, 581-595. [Discussion], 679-689. Also, Reprint.—Brodtbeck (A.) Ueber den Einfluss der Ernahrung auf die Ziihne. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Winterthur & Geneve, 1902, xii, 120-129.— Broomell (I. N.) Macroscopic tooth-development. Tr. Am. Dent. Ass. 1897, Phila., 1898, xxxvii, 123-153.— Choquet (J.) Welches sind die Organe, die zur Ernah- rung eines Individuums beitragen? Die Rolle, welche die Ziihne spielen und die Modifikationen, welche sie je nach der Stellung der untersuchten Art in der zoologi- schen Ordnung erleiden konnen. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1899, xiii, 137; 153.—von Ebner. Das Hart- werden des Schmelzes. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1904, xx, 147-150.—Ha wie y (C. A.) Thefunctionof the teeth in the development of the face. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1910, Iii, 1053-1065. Also, Reprint— Kamenetski (M.) K voprosu o pitanii zuba. [Nutrition of the tooth.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1910, Jubilee no., 181- 186.—Leger-Dorez. Les dents humaines changent de forme et de volume depuis l'eruption jusqu'a la mort. Rev. trimestr. suisse d'odont., Zurich & Gen eve, 1908, xviii, 107-113.—Lund (E.) Development, growth, and condi- tion of the teeth as a test of health. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1894, xxxvii, 49-70.—No yes (F. B.) The relation of the teeth to the development of the jaws and face. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 473-477. Also: Dental Summary, Toledo, 1911, xxxi, 712-723.—Powell (T. E.) Influence of sexuality in the development of the teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1902, xvi, 177-190. Also: Pacific Dent. Gaz., San Fran., 1902, x, 242-247.—Robertson (W. G. A.) On the relation of nerves to odontoblasts, and on the growth of dentine. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1890-91, xxxvi, pt. 2, 321-333,1 pl.—Seymour (R. J.) Nutrition and its effect on the development of teeth. Dental Sum- mary, Toledo, 1911, xxxi, 162-168.—Tellier (J.) The nutrition of dentin in relation to physiological influences. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 1161-1176. Also, transl: Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, ii, 25-70.— Thompson (A. H.) The evolution of the complex molar from the simple cone. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 998-1004.—Weeks (S. M.) Hypertrophy of the ade- noid and other tonsillar glands as a factor in arresting development of the teeth and alveolar processes. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1909-10, xiii, 941-944.—Wiessner. Ueber Beziehungen zwischen allgemeiner Unterernahrung und der Festigkeit des Dentins. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Stomatol., Wien, 1907, v, 65-74.—Zielinsky (W.) Das Wachstum der Kiefer und Ziihne und ihre Beziehungen zur Kau- funktion. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1908, xxvi, 804-840. Teeth (Histology of). Andrews (R. R.) The formation of teeth. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. Broomell (I. N.) Anatomy and histology of the mouth and teeth. 8°. Philadelphia, 1898. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1902. ------& Fischelis (P.) The same. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1909. Ford (C.-L.) Questions on the structure and development of the human teeth, for the use of dental students. 8°. Ann Arbor, 1876. vol xvii, 2d series----£3 Teeth (Histology of). van Kaathoven (C. G. H.) *De dentium formatione atque natura. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1821. Masur (A.) * Beitrage zur Histologie und Entwickelungsgeschichte der Schmelzpulpa. [Bern.] 8°. Wiesbaden, 1907. Noyes (F. B.) A text-book of dental histol- ogy and embryology, including laboratory di- rections. 8°. Philadelphia & New York, 1912. Pocoleri (F. F.) Ricerche d' istologia den- tale; struttura della fibra dentinale; membrana di Nasmyth, suoi nuovi elementi, sua origine. 8°. Frosinone, 1908. Rainey (G.) On the structure and mode of formation of the dental tissues, according to the principle of "molecular coalescence." 12°. [n. p., n. d.~\ Reich (P.) *Das irreguliire Dentin der Ge- brauchsperiode. Eine histologisch - topogra- phische Studie iiber normale und pathologische Dentinbildung. (Habilitations-Schrift.) 8°. Marburg, 1906. -----. The same. 8°. Jena, 1907. Romer (0.) Zahnhistologische Studie. 1. Th. Die Kolliker'schen Zahnbeinrohrchen und Tomes'schen Fasern. 2. Th. Nerven im Zahn- bein. 4°. Freiburg i. B., 1899. Stickler (L. A.) * Ueber den microsco- pischen Bau der Faltenzahne von Eriops mega- cephalus Cope. [Erlangen.] roy. 4°. Stutt- gart, 1899. Walkhopf (O.) Mikrophotographischer At- las der normalen Histologie menschlicher Zahne. fol. Hageni. W., 1894. ------. Die normale Histologie menschlicher Ziihne einschliesslich der mikroskopischen Tech- nik. 8°. Leipzig, 1901. Allan (G. S.) Enamel and dentine; some thoughts on the new theory concerning their structure. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1887, xxix, 362-366. Also, Reprint.—An- derson (Martha). Some notes concerning preparation of teeth for microscopic study. Dental Brief, Phila., 1903, viii, 79-84. Also: Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1902, xxiii, 588- 590. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix, 137.— Andresen(V) Beitragzur Histologie des Schmelzes; mikroskopischeBefunde. Deutsche Monatschr.f.Zahnh., Leipz.,1902,xx,345-351,lpl.—Beddard(A.P.) & Spriggs (E. I.) Some methods of preparing teeth for histological examination. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1902-3, n. s., xxxv, 15-28. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1902, xiv, 1112-1119.—Beretta (A.) Le cellule di Paul nella mem- brana dello smalto. Stomatol., Milano, 1905-6, iv, 113- 118.—Black (G. V.) The fibers and glands of the peri- dental membrane. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1899, xii, 101- 122.—Bodecker (C. F.) Vorlaufige Mitteilung fiber or- ganische Gebilde im menschlichen Zahnschmelz. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1909, xxxiv, 310-314,1 pl. -----. Some recent investigations upon the histology of the dentin. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1912, xxvi, 260-271.—Biidecker (C.F.W.) The distribution of living matter in human dentine, ce- ment, and enamel. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1878, xx, 582; 645: 1879, xxi, 7. Also, Reprint.—Boozer (J. H.) The contents of dentinal tubuli; the action of medicaments thereon; and the phenomena of pain. Tr. South. Dent. Ass. 1895, Phila., 1896, 95-104.—Broomell (I. N.) The histology of cementum. Tr. Dent. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1898,172-203. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1898, xl, 697- 723.—BUnte (H.) & Moral (H.) Anlagerung von Kno- chensubstanz an das Dentin. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., BerL, 1910, xxviii, 400-414, 1 pl.—Bunting (R. W.) Salient points in the histology ot the tooth. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1908, xxviii, 650-659.—Burchard (H. H.) The architecture of the human teeth. Dental Cos- mos, Phila., 1898, xl, 605-615.—Carlsson (Albertina). Ueber die Schmelzleiste bei Sterna hirundo. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1896, xii, 72-75.—Caush (D. E.) Some notes on the enamel. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1903-4, n. s., xxxvi, 155-177. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1904, xlvii 433-442. -----. Is there uncalcifled tissue in the enamel? Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, i, 170-184. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii 165-177.-----•. The uncalcifled tissue of the en- amel'. Brit. Dent. J., 1905, xxvi, 901, 6 pl. -----. The spindles of von Ebner. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Odont. Sect., 144-152, — Chappell (H. G ) TEETH. 674 TEETH. Teeth (Histology of). Some observations on the dentinal tubules and their con- tents. Pacific Dent. Gaz., San Fran., 1902, x, 656-666.— Choquet. Note sur les rapports anatomiques existant chez l'homme entre l'email et le cement. Odontologie, Par., 1899, 2. s., viii, 115-125, 3 pl. [Discussion], 137.— Constant (T. E.) The dental pulp, viewed without the microscope. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1903, xxiv,411-421, 1 pl.—Coraini (E.) Lesezioni microtomiehe della den- tina e le sezioni in serie. Stomatol., Milano, 1904-5, iii, 169-176.—Coyne & Cavalie. Sur la structure de la pulpe dentaire; presence d'un muscle lissedans la pulpe des premieres et deuxiemes grosses molaires. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 320. —Cu pit (G. W.) The peridental membrane. Items Interest, N. Y., 1907, xxix, 865-874.—Demarquette. Hypothese sur le r61e de la fibrille dentinaire de Tomes. Odontologie, Par., 1911, xlvi, 5-12.—Dieck. (W.) Mikrophotographis he Aufnahmen mit ultravioletten Strahlen und ihre Bedeu- tung fiir die Untersuchung der Hartgewebe von Zahn und Knochen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1906, xxiv, 16-37, 3 pl. —Disse (J.) Wie entsteht die Grundsubstanz des Zahnbeins? Anat. Anz., Jena, 1909, xxxv, 305-318.—Dowsett (E. B.) Sections of human teeth showing plici-dentinet?) Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit.. Lond., 1901-2, n. s., xxxiv, 70-75. — von Ebner (V.) Ueberdie Kittsubstanz der Schmelzprismen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1903, xxi, 505-529. -----. Schmelzstruktur und Hollenstein. Ibid., 1904, xxii, 26- 30. -----. Ueber scheinbare und wirkliche Radiarfa- sern des Zahnbeines. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1909, xxxiv, 289-309. See, alsp, infra, von Korff and Studnicka. -----. Ueber die histologischen Veranderungen des Zahnschmelzes wahrend der Erhiirtung, insbesondere beim Menschen. Arch, f, mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1905, lxvii, 18-81, 3 pl.—Engs (J.S.) The reticulum in dentine. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1902, xxiii, 900-903, 1 pl.—Eu- ler. Das Morgensternsche System und die Resultate neuerer Forschungen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911, xxix, 865-878.—Fa soli (G.) Sulla struttura istologica della dentina Stomatol., Milano, 1903^, ii, 224: 1901-5, iii, 217; 273; 329; 3*5, 1 pl. -----. Considera- zioni critiche sulla questione dei canalicoli dentinali e del loro contenuto (fibre). Ibid., 1905-6, iv, 76-84.— Fleischmann (L.) Ueber Bau und Inhalt der Den- tinkanalchen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1905, lxvi, 501-524, 1 pl. -----. Zur Existenz der Neumannschen Scheiden und Tomes'schen Fasern. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1905, xxi, 506-514. Also, [Abstr.]: Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1906, xxiv,15.-----. Zur Bildung der Zahnbeingrundsubstanz. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1907, lxx, 190-192. -----. Histologie und Histogenese [der Ziihne]. Ergebn. d. ges. Zahnh., Wiesb., 1910, i, 1-28. ------. Friedemann. Ueber die Herstellung von Serienschnitten durch die Pulpa. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1902, xx, 129-141.—Ganzer (H.) Die physiologische Injektion zum Studium der Histogenese des Zahnschmelzes. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1906, xxviii, 436-442. — Guerartl (G.) La nature histologique de l'odontoblaste et le mecanisme de la sensibilite de la dentine. Odontologie, Par., 1911, xlvi, 246-249.—Hart (J. I.) Minute structure of dentine. Den- tal Cosmos, Phila., 1891, xxxiii, 714-726. Also, Reprint.— Heitzmann (C.) The minute anatomy of the teeth in the light of the bioplasson theory, and the minute anato- my, physiology, pathology, and therapeutics of the dental pulp, by C. F. W. Bodecker. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1882, xxiv, 281-291. Also, Reprint.—Heitzmann (C.) & Roy (F. A.) A contribution to the minute anatomy of the cementum. Internat. Dent. J., N. Y. & Phila., 1892, xiii, 709-724, 3 pl.—Herissant. Nouvelles recherches sur la formation de l'email des dents et sur celle des gen- cives. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc.1754, Par., 1759,429-434,3pl.— Huxley(T. H.) Ontheenamel and dentine of the teeth. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1855, iii, 127-130. Also, in his: Scient. Mem., 8°, Lond., 1898, 357-360.—Kantorowicz (F.A.) Ueberden Abbau der Zahngewebe. Ergebn. d. ges. Zahnh., Wiesb., 1910, i, 707-728.-----. Ueberden Bau und die EntstehungderSchmelztropfen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1904, xxii, 17-23, 1 pl.—Kirk (E. C.) The structural characteristics of the calcified dental tis- sues as related to the question of so-called hard and soft teeth. Tr. N. York Odont. Soc. 1903, Phila., 1904, 17- 33. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1903, xiv, 345-355.— Kleinsorgen (F.) Beitriige zur Kliirung einiger strit- tiger Fragen in der Histologie des harten Zahngewebes. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1910, xxviii, 672- 682.-vonKorff(K.) Entgegnung auf die von Ebner'- sche Abhandlung: Ueber scheinbare und wirkliche Ra- diiirfasern des Zahnbeins. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1909, xxxv, 257-280.—Latham (V. A.) Preparing sections of teeth for histology and bacteriology. Internat. J. Micr., Lond., 1892, 3. s., ii, 241: 1893, 3. s., iii, 25. -----. Resume of the histology of the dental pulp. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1902, xxiii, 719-736,12 pl. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix, 63-74.—fcepkowski (W.) Przyczynek do histologii zebiny z podaniem nowej metody sporzadzania preparatow z zeb6w i kosci. [Contribution to histology of enamel, presenting a new method of preparing speci- Teeth (Histology of). mens of teeth and 'bones.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1892 xxxi,225;240.—11 ahe ((i.j Considerations et recherches experimentales sur la permeabilite de la dentine. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1904, xi, 6-20, 1 pl.—ftlasur (A.) Die Bindegewebsflbrillen der Zahnpulpa und ihre Bezie- hungen zur Dentinbildung. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1910, xl, 397-421, 3 pl.—von Mesnitz (J.) Ueber Dentinneu- bildung. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897 Mosc, 1899, v, odont., 21-24—Miller (W. D.) Ueber Herstellungsmethoden gewisser Zahn- und Kieferprii- parate. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1901, xvii, 445-471, 2 pl.—Morgenstern (M.) Untersu- chungen iiber die typischen Inhaltsbestandtheile der Den- tinkaniilchen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz. 1901, xix, 338-341. Continued in: Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte Berl., 1901, xxx, 280-284. Also [Abstr.]: Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1901, xvii, 287. -----. Ueber den Nachweis von Fibrillen und Fasern im normalen Schmelze. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1902, xx, 401-414, lpl.-----. Some histological facts that contra- dict the generallvacceptedodontoblasttheory. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1904, xxv, 161-183. -----. Einige iiberra- schende zahnhistologischeTatsachen. Deutsche Monat- schr. f. Zahnh.,Leipz.,1906,xxiv,615-623.-----. DieGrenz- faserschicht, ein Beitrag zur Histologie des Zahnbeins. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1909, 331-336, 2 pl.—OToyer (S.) The enamel of the central incisors. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1902, xliv, 183-191.—Noyes (F.B.) The structure of the peridental membrane. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1897, xi, 448-458. -----. Epithelial structures in the peridental membrane. Dental Reg. Cincin., 1899, liii, 374-393. Also: Ohio Dent. J., Cincin., 1899, xix, 380- 397. -----. Structure of the enamel in its relation to the formation of the walls and margins of cavities (cusps and marginal ridges). Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass. 1902, Chicago, 1903, vi, 192-215. Also: Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1902, xiv, 301-320. [Discussion], 368-377. -----. The structure of enamel as related to cavity walls. Items Interest, N. Y., 1909, xxxi, 516-529.—Paul (F. T.) A contribution to the histological study of dentine. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1898-9, n. s., xxxi, 121-161,1 pl. Also: Liver- pool M.-Chir. J., 1899, xix, 397.—Redier (J.) Note sur la non-existence du cordon des follicules dentaires. J.d. sc. med. de Lille, 1909, i, 361-363, 1 pl.—Roiuer. Er- bringung des Beweises, dass die Tomes'schen Dentin- fasern identisch sind mit den von Kolliker zuerst be- schriebenen Dentinkaniilchen, d. h. dass sie nicht nur den Inhalt der Kolliker'schen Dentinkaniilchen dar- stellen, sondern Inhalt und Neumann'sche Scheide. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 695; 704.—R Use (C.) Contributions to the histogeny and his- tology of bony and dental tissues. [Transl. by R. Hanitsch.] Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1893, xxxv, 1189. Also, Reprint— Rudas (G.) Beitrage zur Histologie des Zahnschmelzes. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1903, xii, Nos. 567; 668; 569: 570; 577; 579; 680. -----. Demonstration einiger bekannter und weniger bekannter Priiparate aus dem Gebiete der Zahn- und Knochenhistologie. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1904. xxii, 721-735, 1 pl.—Schuster (E.) Zur Frage der Herkunft des Epithels im Zahnwurzel- system. Ibid., 1908, xxvi, 841-848.—Schweitzer (G.) Ueber die Lymphgefasse des Zahnfleisches und der Zahne beim Menschen und bei Saugetieren. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1907, lxix, 807-908, 1 pl. -----. Ueber die Lymphgefasse des Zahnfleisches und der Zahne beim Menschen und bei Saugetieren. 3. Topographie. 4. Feinerer Bau bei Saugetieren, nebst Beitriigen zur Kenntnis der feineren Blutgefassverteilung in der Zahnpulpa und Zahnwurzelhaut. Ibid., 1909, lxxiv, 927-999, 1 pl.—Smith (A. H.) On a new method of preparing sections of teeth and bone, to demonstrate the hard and soft tissues in combination. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1892, n. s., xxiv, 13-28, 2 pl. -----. Den- tal microscopy. Dental Rec, Lond., 1894, xiv, 247; 293; 339; 385; 431; 477; 523: 1895, xv, 54, 7 pl. -----. Enamel. Ibid., 1901, xxi, 289; 337. -----. Dentine. Ibid., 395; 433; 486; 534: 1902, xxii, 3; 49.—Smreker (E.) Ueber die Darstellung der Kittsubstanz des Schmelzes menschlicher Ziihne. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1902-3, xxii, 467-476. -----. Ueber die Form der Schmelzprismen menschlicher Zahne und die Kittsubstanz des Schmelzes. Arch, f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1905, lxvi, 312-331,3 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr.,Berl.,1905,vii,139.—Sommer (C.) Zur Histologie des Zahngewebes; eine kritische Studie. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl.,Hamb., 1892, v, 245: vi, 10. -----. Zur Histologie des Zahnschmelzes. J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1892-3, vii,307.—vonStubenrauch (L.) Tafeln zur Anatomie und Histologie der Ziihne. Festschr. ... v. Carl v. Kupffer, Jena. 1899, 277-280,2 pl.—Studnicka (F. K.) Die radialen Fibrillensystemebeider Dentinbildung una imentwickelten DentinderSiiugetierziihne. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1907, xxx, 209-228. -----. Zur Losung der Dentin- frage: Bemerkungen zu den Arbeiten von K. von Korff und V. von Ebner. Ibid., 1909, xxxiv, 481-502—Tolputt (W. B.) Preparation of tooth sections. Pacific Rec. M. & S , San Fran., 1894-5, ix, 129-131.—Tomes (C. S.) On the minute structure of the teeth of creodonts, with especial reference to their suggested resemblance to TEETH. 675 TEETH. Teeth (Histology of). marsupials. Proc. gen. meet. .. . Zool. Soc. Lond., 1906, 45-58.-----. Notesupon dentine and enamel. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1895-6, n. s., xxviii, 114-136, 2 pl.— Turner(C.R.) The histology of the human teeth. In: Text-book of operative dentistry, 8°, Phila., 1910, 69-83.— Walkliolf ( O. ) Beitrage zum feineren Bau des Schmelzes und zur Entwickelung des Zahnbeins. Deut- sche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1898, xvi, 1; 65; 119, 2 pl. -----. Die vermeintliche Kittsubstanz des Schmelzes. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1903, xxiii, 199-210. -----. Beitrag zur Lehre von der Struktur des Schmelzes. Deutsche Mo- natschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1903, xxi, 625-635. -----. Ergebnisse der neueren Arbeiten fiber die Schmelzstruk- tur. Ibid., 1904, xxii, 161-166.—Waugh (I. L. M.) The alveolo-dental membrane; its minute structure from a practical standpoint. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1904, xlvi, 744-747. — Williams (J. L.) The development and minute anatomy of the teeth in health and disease. Souvenir 17. anniv. First Dist. Dent. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1885, 12-26. -----. On the formation and structure of dental enamel. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1896, xxxviii, 101; 269; 453. Also: Internat. J. Micr., Lond., 1896, 3. s., vi, 355-360, 4 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond.. 1896, i, 1203- 1206. -----. The deniinal fibrils. Items Interest, N. Y., 1898, xx, 342-344,11 pl. Teeth (Hygiene of). See, also, Mouth (Hygiene of); Tooth- brushes; Tooth-powders. Axtiquite chirurgicale. Conseila des poetes anciens sur la conservation des dents. 8°. [Paris f\, an XII [1804]. De Voe(A.) The care of the teeth. 8°. New York, 1900. Cutting from: Cosmopolitan, N. Y., 1900, xxix. Envall (I.) Tiindernas hallbarhet beroende af den dagliga fodan. [The maintainability of the teeth as to the daily food.] 8°. Stockholm, [1902]. Guxther (R. F.) Die Ziihne des Menschen. Verfall und Erhaltung. 8°. Bonn, 1906. How to preserve the teeth. By a dental sur- geon. 12°. London & Felling-on-Tyne, 1910. McCarthy (J.J.) Bad teeth vs. good health. 8°. New York, 1910. Cutting from: Pearson's Mag., N. Y., 1910, xxiv, 340; 33. [ad. sect.]. Nicholles (J.) The teeth, in relation to beauty, voice and. health, being the result of twenty years practical experience and assiduous study to produce the full development and per- fect regularity of those essential organs. 8°. London, 1833. Ordine dei sanitarii di Napoli e provincia; sezione odontoiatrica. Relazione a S. E. il Mi- nistro dell' Istruzione pubblica. 8°. Napoli, 1901. Port (G.) De verzorging van de tanden en van den mond. 8°. Baarn, [n. d.~\. Tubyanski (D. M.) Kak sokhranit zubi? [How to preserve the teeth?] 2. ed. 12°. S.- Peterburg, 1903. Werkenthin (A.) Die Ziihne in hygienischer und aesthetischer Beziehung. 8°. Berlin, 1900. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Berlin, 1900. Wessler (J.) Tiindernas betydelse och vard; en folkskrift. [The importance and care of the teeth; a popular treatise.] 16°. Stockholm, 1896. Adair (R.) The introduction of oral prophylaxis into a dental practice. Dental Summary,Toledo,1911,xxxi,826- 836.—Allan (C. F.) Prophylaxis; its various phases in re- lation to conservation of the teeth. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1904, xliii, 1763-1765. [Discussion], 1767-1769.—Am- bler (H. L.) Care of the teeth of the poor. Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, ii, 94-104.— A mold (L. H.) Prevention of dental disease. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1903, xvii, 1137-1139.—Babini(R.) Igiene della bocca e dei denti. Stomatol., Milano, 1906-7, v, 11- 21—Bennett (F. J.) Some anatomical results of effi- cient mastication. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907. ii, 1502.— Bennett (N. G.) Dental hygiene and the national physique. J. State M., Lond., 1904, xii,257-277.—Bonnes (J.) Considerations pratiques sur 1'hygiene de la bouche Teeth (Hygiene of). et des dents. Gaz. held d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1910, xxxi, 437; 445.—Browne {Sir J. C.) An address on tooth culture. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 6-10.—Buchanan (W.J.) The teeth of healthv prisoners. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1899, xxxiv, 314-316.—Bunting (R. W.) The mouth and teeth. Pub. Health, Mich. Lansing, 1911, vi, 134-140.—Call le (W.) The care of the teeth. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1904, xxxii, 682; 776.—Carr (I. N.) Edu- cation of the general public in the care and preservation of their teeth. South. Dent. J., Atlanta, 1894, xiii, 331- 335.—(a ven (W. P.) The importance of oral and dental conditions. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1911, xxiii, 525- 527.—Charpentier (C.) Vulgarisation des principes d'hygiene dentaire et organisation du service dentaire dans les campagnes. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iii, 132-136. Also, transl: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 1218.—Clapp (G. W.) The greatest thing in oral hygiene. Dental Digest, N. Y., 1911, xvii, 1; 80.—Condition (The) of the teeth in natives of the Tropics. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1901, iv, 135.—Conkey (F. M.) The importance of cleansing the teeth by the den- tist. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1905, xix, 1014-1017.—Con- zett (J. V.) Prophylaxis. Dental Brief, Phila., 1909, xix, 611-619.—Cunningham (G.) Hygienic instruc- tion of the people. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, i, 248-263. -----. The international as- pect of dental hygiene. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1904, xxv, 850-861. [Discussion], 867-869.—Delbanco (E.) Die Bedeutung der Zahnpflege fiir die Krankenpflege und die Gefahren karioser Zahne, Krankenpflege Berl., 1902-3, ii, 308-312.—Oelemontey. Notions d'hy-, giene dentaire. Bull. med. de 1'Algerie, Alger, 1909, xx, 680-684.—Dennett (H. E.) How to secure good dental organs, prevent their decay, prevent rickets, hip diseases, etc. Nashville J. M. & S., 1884, 2. s., xxxix, 289-291. Also, Reprint.—Dent (J. W.) The dental needs of the working classes; how shall we supply them? Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1907, xxviii, 204-209.—De Voe (A.) The cul- ture of the teeth. Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1900, xvi, 513; 579.—Dolamore (W. H.) Is there a remedy for the condition of the teeth of the populace as disclosed in the report of the Committee on Physical Deterioration? Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1905, xxvi, 1-15.—Dreschneld (H. T.) Dental diseases and their relation to public health. [Abstr.] J. San. Inst., Lond., 1902-3, xxiii, 867-870.— Dreylus (H.) L'hvgiene dentaire dans les internats. Odontologie, Par., 1910, xliv, 204-209.—Ebersole (W. G.) The human mouth and its relation to the health, strength, and beauty of the nation. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1911, liii, 787-803. [Discussion], 812-817.—Euler & Kohler. Vergleichende Studie iiber die Einwirkung der gebrauchlichsten Entkalkungsflussigkeiten auf die Zahne. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1910, xxxix, 217- 238.—Evans (W. A.) Condition of the teeth in relation to public health. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1911, xxv, 19- 26.—Fenchel. Die Zahnverderbniss und deren Verhii- tung. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1896, xxv, 195-215.— Fletcher (H.) Dentistry and preventive hvgiene. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1909, lxiii, 193-207. —Fraenkel (R.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Mundpflege. Heilkunde, BerL, 1910,159.—Friedrichs (G.J.) Hygiene. Tr.Am. Dent.Ass. 1888, Phila.,1889, xxviii, 272-281. Also,Reprint.— Friteau (E.) L'hygiene dentaire et l'assistanee pu- blique. Rev. prat, d'hyg. municip. [etc.], Par., 1908, iv, 9; 60.—Gibbs (J. H.) & Creswell (W. G.) Meat diet and the teeth. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 190.—Goadby (K.W.) Die Gesundheitspflege des Mundes. Wien. med. Presse, 1907, xlviii, 1875-1879.—Grady (R.) Instructing our patients in the care of the mouth and teeth. (Ins- tructions & donner a nos patients sur les soins de la bouche et des dents.) Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 58-63.—Gray (G. R.) A proper food standard in its relation to the teeth. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1899, xx, 582-585.—Grieve (G. W.) Care of the teeth; importance of keeping the mouth in a cleanly condition. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto. 1909, xxi, 499- 610. — Guttmann. Ueber zahnarztliche Fiirsorge an offentlichen Kranken- und Wohlthiitigkeitsanstalten. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., BerL, 1904- vii, 414-417.— Held man (R.) On the effects of mouth washes upon the substance of the teeth. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1912, lv, 4-13.—Hern (W.) The relation of dental hygiene to the general hospital. [Abstr.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 796. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1903, n. s., lxxvi, 396.—Hippie (A. H.) The effect of exer- cise upon the teeth. N. York M. J., 1894, lix, 751-753.— Hon" (N. S.) Preventive and rescue treatment of the mouth. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1910, xxx, 1050; 1911, xxxi, 32; 100.—Howkins (C.) The teeth of the present generation. Brit. J. Dent.Sc, Lond., 1906, xlix, 145-155.— Jessen (E.) Zur Forderung tier Volkszahnhygieine. Schweiz Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Basel & Geneve, 1901, xi, 146-155. Also: Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte. BerL, 1901, xxx, 260- 268. Also, transl: Progres dent., Par., 1900, xxvii,344; 363: 1901, xxviii, 26. Also, transl: Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iii, 185-214. -----. Zahnhygiene und Volksgesundheit. Deutsche zahnarztl. Ztg., Miinchen, TEETH. 676 TEETH. Teeth (Hygiene of). 1902, No. 19. -----. Zahnhygienische Forderungen fur Schule und Heer. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, BerL, 1902, xi, Nos. 522-524. -----. Von der Zahnpflege. BI. f. Volksgsndhtspflg., Miinchen u. Berl., 1903, iii, 165-169. -----. Der heutige Stand der zahnhygienischen Frage. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., BerL, 1907, x, 126-129.— Johnson (L. W.) Oral prophylaxis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 19J0, 20. s., iii, 83-95.—Kautter (H. J.) Oral hy- giene. Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1906, xxii, 660-664.— ftelley (H. A.) Oral prophylaxis. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1910, xxii, 663-570.—Kleinsorgen. Die mo- derne Zahnhygiene und ihre Ausrustung unter Beriick- sichtigung der verschiedenen Altersstufen, einiger Be- rufsklassen und Krankheitszustande. Deutsche Monat- schr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911, xxix, 549-558. Also: Schulzahnpfl., BerL, 1911, ii, No. v, 1-8.—Kilmmel (H.) Aufgaben des Zahnarztes in der offentlichen Ge- sundheitspflege. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, BerL, 1903, xxxii, 212-229. -----. Die progressive Zahncaries in Schule und Heer und die zahnhygienischen Aufgaben der Sanitats- behorden im Interesse der Volkswirtschaft. Arch, f. so- ziale Gesetzgeb. u. Statist., BerL, 1903, xviii, 691-630.— Landau (J.) Notions d'hygiene dentaire. Actuality med., Par., 1895, vii, 129; 152. Also: J. d'hyg., Par., 1895, xx, 393; 417; 442; 453. Also, transl: Rev. de hig. y pol. san., Barcel., 1895, vi, 132; 149; 170; 181.—Lenhardtson (A.) Die offentliche Mundhvgiene in Schweden 1910. Inter- nat. Arch. f. off. Mundhyg., Strassb., 1910-11, 3. Hft., 50- 54.—Liinon. L'hygiene buccale au xv8 siecle. Rev. med. de la Franche-Comte, Besancon, 1911, xix, 2-7.— Lowe (C. B.) Hvgiene of the teeth. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1898, lxx, 191-195.—Luigi (P.G.) L' igiene della bocca. Med. ital., Napoli, 1908, vi, 578-583.—Luther (R. E.) The proper use of a normal and hygienic buccal cavity, and its effect on the health and nutrition of the body. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1910, Iii, 551-558. [Discus- sion], 589-592.—McLaughlin (R. G.) Dental hygiene and its relation to health. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1910, 170-177. Also: Dental Practice, Toronto, 1910, ix, 93-102.—Maths' (L.) A tejfogak apolasar61. [Caring for milk teeth.] Gy6gy&szat, Budapest, 1899, xxxix, 148.—Matheson (L.) The teeth of the people; a na- tional asset. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1908, xxix, 745-749.— Michel. Caries, Zahnhygiene, Zahnpflege in Schule, Heer und Krankenhaus. [Also English and French text.] Internat. Arch. f. off. Mundhyg., Strassb., 1910-11, 3. Hft., 73-94.—Moty (F.) Hygiene dentaire usuelle et examen de la denture. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1895, xxvi, 457-187.—Neall (W. H.) Food and health from a dental standpoint. Dental Brief, Phila., 1904, ix, 502-511.—Neshel (V. E.) O sostoyanii zubov u krestvan. [Condition of the teeth in the peasants.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 959.—Palermo (A.) Con- sideraciones sobre higiene de la boca. An. d. Circ. m6d. argent., Buenos Aires, 1906, xxix, 493-499.—Palier (E.) The abuse of the tooth brush. Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1905, xxi, 197.—Parker (W. R.) Dental decay and hy- giene. Australas M. Gaz., Sydney, 1905, xxiv, 257-263 — Perky (H. D.) Nutrition as a tooth-builder. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1901, xliii, 467-480.—Porter (R. G.) Lack of dental education among the people. Dental Di- gest, Chicago, 1900, vi, 713-718.—Power (J. E.) The sequelae of neglect in oral hvgiene. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc, Providence, 1906, vii, 372-379. — Preiswerk (G.) Die Verhiitung der Zahnverderbnis. [Abstr.] Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspflg., Hamb., 1901, xiv, 341-343.— Probyn (P. J.) Oral sepsis in the services. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1908, li, 873-885.—Rae (Mabel). New York Citv's dental hvgiene conference and exhibit. Sur- vey, N. Y., 1910, xxiv, 339-343.—Kedalye (A. L.) K profilaktikie zubnikh bolleznel i hig'ienle polosti rta. (Prophylaxis of diseases of the teeth and hygiene of the oral cavity.] Odont.Obozr., Mosk., 1902,iv,45L465.-----. Vliyaniye zubnikh bolleznel na obshtsheye sostoyaniye organizma. [Influence of diseases of the teeth on the general condition of the organism.] Ibid., 603; 541.— Reissner (A.) Ueber Formaldehyd und seine Bedeu- tung fiir die Mundhygiene. Deutsche zahniirztl. Ztg., Munchen, 1906, v, No. 135, 2; No. 137, L—Renkenber- ger (F. E.) Care of deciduous teeth. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1902, xxii, 525-541.—Rose (C.) Ueber zahnhy- gienische Forschungen. Deutsche Monatschr. f.Zahnh., Leipz., 1902, xx, 520-531.-----. Der giinstige Einfluss des harten Brotes auf die Gesunderhaltung der Ziihne. Ibid., 1904, xxii, 457-472.—Rose (K.) Ueber die Hygiene und Kosmetik der Ziihne. Deutsche Rev., Breslau u. BerL, 1893, xviii, 309-329.—Rosenthal (E.) Hygiene et pro- phylaxie dentaire. Policlin., Brux., 1908, xvii, 97-110.— Howe (T. C.) Hints on diet and the teeth. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1895, xiii, 32, 64.—Rushton (W.) Educa- tion of the public in the care of their teeth. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1903, xxiv, 645-555.—Sarrazin (J. J.) Direc- tions to patients for mouth hygiene. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1911, xxxi, 484-493.—SchaefTer-Stuckert (F.) Die Fortschritte der Zahnhygiene in Deutschland. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1905, xv, 273-290. Also, transl: Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1906, xxvii, 690-700.—Schilling (F.) Die Zahnpflege in Schule, Teeth (Hygiene of). Armee, Gefiingnis und Krankenkasse. Wien. klin. Rund- schau, 1905, xix, 258; 298; 314. Also: Arzt als Erzieher, Munchen, 1905, 109; 129; 141.—Schmidt (W.) Deut- sche Zahnpflegemittel vor 300 Jahren. Deutsche Monat- schr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911, xxix, 701-711.—Schoene- wald. Der tiefe Ansatz des oberen Lippenbandchens und seine Beziehungen zur Kosmetik des Mundes. Ibid., 1907, xxv, 653-655.—Sexton (S.) The care of the teeth, from a medical practitioner'sstandpoint. Med.Rec.,N. Y., 1889, xxxa,589; 612. Also, Reprint.—Shika-esshi. [The influence of civilization upon the human teethj Shi- kwaigaku Sodan, Tokyo, 1899, iv, no. 1, 6-12.—Smale (M. A.) Mouth cleanliness. St. Louis M. Rev., 1906, liv, 285.—Smith (D. D.) Oral prophylaxis. Dental Brief, Phila., 1911, xvi, 401-414.—Smith (W. W.) Oral prophy- laxis. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1907, xiii, 728-736.—Spies (W. F.) Practical oral prophylaxis. Ibid., N. Y., 1911, xvii, 61; 123; 185; 256; 329; 369,1 pl.—Spokes (S.) Oral sepsis. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 508.—Sprawson (E. C.) Oral hygiene. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1906, xlix, 1117- 1131.—Spriggs (E. L.), Gibbs (J. H.) & Wallace (J. S.) Meat diet and the teeth. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 252.— Stiissel (M.) Die Verderbnis der Ziihne und ihre Verhii- tung. Zahntech. Rundschau, BerL, 1902, No.522—Stow- ell (S. S.) Local exercise and dietetic influence upon the teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1895, xxxvii, 46-51. Also, Reprint.—Streffer. Neuere Mittel zur Mund-und Zahn- pflege. Therap.Neuheiten, Leipz., 1907,ii,193-199—Tan- zer(F.) Der gesteigerte intradentare Blutdruck. Oes- terr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1905, xxi,477-481.— Taylor (L. C.) Some modern thoughts along the line of oral hygiene. Tr.Nat.Dent.Ass.l904-5,Phila.,1906,243-250.— Teeth (The) of natives of the Tropics; an appeal for information. [Edit.] J. Trop. M., Lond., 1900-1901, iii, 58.—Thorpe (B. L.) Oral sanitation. Dental Brief, Phila., 1907, xii, 73-78.—Uresainui (S.) [Hygiene of the molar teeth.] J. Nihonbashi-ku San. Ass., Tokyo, 1896, no. 29, 3; no. 30, 3; no. 31,3.—Volz (O.) Wie muss ein Volk den Nichtgebrauch der Zahnbiirste biissen? [Also English and French text.] Internat. Arch. f. off. Mundhyg., Strassb., 1910-11, 3. Hft., 22-49.—Wallace (J. S.) The "addendum prandii" and professional edu- cation. Med. Mag., Lond., 1909, xviii, 613-622. -----. Physical deterioration in relation to the teeth. [Abstr.] Brit. Dent. J.,Lond., 1904,xxv,861-869.—Wassail (J. W.) Personalc are of the mouth. (Hygiene de la bouche.) Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, ii, 42L426, 2pl.—Watson (C.) Meat diet and the teeth. Lancet, Lond.,1907,i,119; 544.— Weiss (M.) Hay quehacer propa- ganda de higiene dental. Actas y trab. d. ii. Cong. med. nac, Habana, 1911, 340-342.—Wells (E. M.) Can we with modern civilization become independent of nature in regard to our teeth? Dominion Dent. J., Toronto. 1907, xix, 131-143.—Werner (E.) Die Pflege der Ziihne. Med. f. Alle, Wien u. Leipz., 1906, i 270.—Whinery (C, T.) Dental hygiene. Toledo M. & S. Reporter, 1896, ix, 316-322.—Wildauer (A.) Die Pflege der Mundhohle. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1906, xv, 1159.—Witte (M. E.) Dentistry and the care of the teeth in State institu- tions. Bull. Iowa Inst., Des Moines, 1906, viii, 435-442.— Woodbury (W. R.) Dental hygiene; its real signifi- cance. Boston M. & S. J., 1909, clxi, 1-8.-----. The people's disease; how to prevent it. Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clviii, 405-410.—Womi-Tarnowitz (W.) An- merkungen zum zahnhygienischen Merkblatt, hrsg. von der Breslauer zahnarztlichen Gesellschaft. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, BerL, 1906, xv, 1299.—Wright (G. H.) Hy- giene of the mouth. In: Text-book of operative dentis- try, 8°, Phila., 1910, 95-116. Teeth (Hygiene of, Jlanuals and pampidets on). Arnaud. De la conservation des dents; suivi de quelques renseignements sur l'elixir dentrifice des RR. PP. Benedictins de Soulac (Gironde). 24°. Bordeaux, [n. d.~\. Ausfeld (R.) Wie schaffen und erhalten wir uns gesunde Ziihne? 12°. Berlin, 1901. Bramsen (A.) Tsendernes Bevaring uden Lsegekunstens Hjoelp. [The preservation of the teeth without the aid of medical skill.] 8°. Kobenhavn, 1902. Chance (G. H.) A plain talk about the teeth. 2. ed. 24°. Portland, Oregon, 1892. Collard (J.) * Essai sur l'hygiene dentaire publique. 8°. Paris, 1900. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1900. Duval (J. R.) The youth's dentist, or the way to have sound and beautiful teeth, designed for the more intelligent orders of parents and TEETH. 677 TEETH. Teeth (Hygiene of Manuals and pam- phlets on). guardians, and containing some useful hints to the faculty. Transl. and supplied with notes by J. Atkinson. 8°. Baltimore, 1848. Feine (R. A.) Ha-ga-itami. Japanische Zahnpflege. 8°. Leipzig, [1906]. Finkbeiner (W.) Wie pflege und erhalte ich meine Ziihne? 8°. Becal, 1901. -----. The same. 16°. Becal, [1902]. Fontenelle (P.) Les dents; manuel prati- que d'hygiene dentaire. 8°. Paris, 1902. Georgia State Dental Society. Dental ad- vice for the people. 8°. Baltimore, 1871. Gopp (I. S.) Zubi, ikh naznacheniye, ukhod za nimi i mieri k sokhraneniyu. [The teeth, their destination, care, and preservation.] 16°. Kiyev, 1905. Gvnther (R. F.) I. Verhiitung der Zahn- verderbnis. II. Leitsatze zur Mund- und Zahnpflege. 8°. Bonn, 1909. Heeringa (S. T.) Onze tanden. Geillus- treerd handboekje voor de verzorging en het onderhouden van de tanden. 12°. Zutphen, [1899?] Hohexwald (E.) Verhiitung der Zahn- krankheiten. Gemeinverstandliehe Anleitung zur naturgemiissen Erhaltung der Ziihne, der Schonheit des Antlitzes und der Gesundheit der Verdauungsorgane. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Jessen (E.) Zahnhygiene in Schule und Haus. Zur Ergiinzung und Erlauterung der Wandtafel: Die Zahne und ihre Pflege. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1903. -----. Die Zahne und ihre Pflege. 1 broad- side fol. Strassburg, [1903]. ----- Loos & Schlaeger. Zahnhygiene in Schule and Heer. fol. Strassburg i. E., 1904. Johaxxsen (G.) Die Ziihne, ihre Pflege und Erhaltung. 8°. Biga, 1898. Kleinsorgex. Die Hygiene der Zahne. 12°. Elberfeld, [1897]. Kunert (A.) In welcher Weise soil eine verniinf tige Mundpflege ausgeubt werden? Ein Wegweiser zur Erhaltung der Zahne und Ver- hiitung von mancherlei Erkrankungen. 8°. Leipzig, [1901]. Laaser. Das menschliche Gebiss, seine Pflege und Erkrankung. 12°. Leipzig, [1905]. Le Maire (J.-[J.-F.]) Le dentiste des dames. 2. eel. 12°. Paris, 1818. Lenhardtson (A.) Om tanderna och deras vard. [Teeth and their preservation.] 8°. Stockholm, 1886. -----. The same. Tanderna och deras vard. Vad den enskilde o h vad samhullet bor gora. Teeth and their care. Appeal to the in- dividual and the community.] 12°. Stockholm, 1906. Lipschitz (M.) Richtige Zahnpflege, eine Notwendigkeit zur Erhaltung der Zahne. 2. Aufl. 12°. Berlin, 1901. Lombard (A.) Comment on defend ses dents. 12°. Paris, [1901]. Lyon (I. W.) The teeth and how to take care of them. 24°. New York, 1870. von der Maeszen (A.) De tandmeester voor alle standen, of verhandeling over de nood- zaaklykheid der zorgvuldigheid, voor de tanden en het tandvleesch, en de middelen om ze in welstand te behouden. Naar den 2. druk, uit het Hoogduitsch veitaald. 8°. Zut- phen, 1804. Mann (D.) A treatise on the preservation of the teeth, for the use of families. 16°. [Newburyport, 1838. ] Teeth (Hygiene of, Manuals and pam- phlets on). Martinez Castrillo (J. M.) Higiene prac- tica y popular de la dentatura. 12°. Madrid, 1904. Morche (R.) Traits d'hygiene dentaire a Pusage du public; anatomie bucco-dentaire, pathologie, therapeutique, prothese et hygiene dentaires. 12°. Colombes, 1909. Munk (M.) Die Zahnpflege in Schule und Haus. 12°. Briinn, 1905. Newbrough (J. B.) A catechism on human teeth, a free gift for the use of the general public. 12°. New York, 1869. Otteni (E.) Die Ziihne, deren Erkran- kungen, Pflege und Ersatz. 12°. Berlin & Leipzig, [1906]. Peabody (N.) The art of preserving teeth. 2. ed. 16°. Salem, 1828. Pedley (R. D.) & Harrison (F.) Our teeth; how built up, how destroyed, how preserved. 8°. London, Glasgow, Dublin & Bombay, 1908. Perl (R.) Les dents au point de vue de la sante et de la beaute. 16°. Bruxelles, 1888. Poulet (R.) Comment soigner nos dents? Traite pratique d'hygiene et de therapeutique dentaire. 8°. Chalon-sur-Saone, 1907. Reixmoller (J.) Die Pflege des Mundes und der Ziihne. 8°. Rostock i. M., 1909. Richer (P.-A.) Le dentiste du foyer. Hygiene de la bouche et des dents. 12°. Paris 1909. Riden (W.) Zahn-und Mundpflege. 12°. Oranienburg, [1906]. Rochina Murillo (M.) Higiene de la boca. 16°. Madrid, 1906. Shokhor (D.) Pravila higieni zubov i polosti rta. [Rules for the hygiene of the teeth and mouth.] 16°. Saratov, 1907. Stevenson (N.) Practical hints on the preservation of the teeth. 12°. London, 1880. Stolper (A.) Erste Hilfe bei Zahn-Defekten und -Schmerzen. Ein Hinweis fiir jedermann zur Beachtung seiner Zahne und des Mundes. 16°. Leipzig, 1901. Suersen (W.)sr. Anleitung zur Pflege der Zahne und des Mundes, nebst einem Anhang: Ueber kunstliche Ziihne. Hrsg. von G. von Walther - Suersen. 13. Aufl. 12°. Stuttgart, 1905. Ubbens (L. B.) De verzorging der tanden en mondholte in verband mit de gezondheid van het geheele lichaam. 8°. 's-Gravenhage, 1908. Veo (C. H.) The care of the teeth. 8°. Boston, [n. d.~\. Wadsworth (H. N.) A familiar treatise on the preservation of the teeth. 12°. Wash- ington Citii, D. C, [n. d.]. Wittig [F.] Nos dents. 24°. Bruxelles, 1898. Zizka (J.) O chrupu, jeho vyznamu a osetfovani. [The teeth, their significance and preservation.] 8°. v Praze, 1900. Teeth (Hygiene of) in children and students. See, also, Teeth (Inspection of) in school chil- dren. Fjelstrup (V.) Hvorledes skaffer man sine B0rn smukke, sunde Tsender, og hvorledes bevares disse? [How may one give beautiful sound teeth to his children, and how may these be preserved?] 12°. Aarhus, 1896. Goldenstein. Faut-il soigner les dents de la premiere dentition? 12°. Paris, 1889, TEETH. 678 TEETH. Teeth (Hygiene of) in children and students. Guillot (G.-F.-V.) * Hygiene dentaire de l'enfant de trois a quinze ans; notes d'un pra- ticien. 4°. Lyon, 1894. -----. The same. 8°. Lyon, 1894. J. (Mrs. M. W.) Letters from a mother to a mother on the care of children's teeth. 16°. Philadelphia, 1S93. Malachow. Zahnpflege und Schule. Vor- trag gehalten im Posener Lehrerverein. 8°. Lissai. P., 1907. Tarrade (J.) * Considerations sur l'hygiene dentaire dans les etablissements d'enseigne- ment. 8°. Paris, 1901. AVoolworth (I.) Our children's teeth, or the dentist to mothers; a manual of dentistry for the household; embracing many practical and useful suggestions relating to our teeth, addressed to every person, through mothers. 16°. New Haven, 1871. Adams (E. H.) Legislation needed for the preser- vation of the teeth of the school children of Canada. Canada J. M. & S., Toronto, 1903, xiii, 324-320.—Amb- ler (H. L.) Care of the teeth of the poor. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 357-365.— Banzhaf (II. L.) Factors in the management of the teeth of children. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1905, xix. 1020-1020.—ISarbieri (V.) Le condizioni dei denti negli s<-< >l.-iri (ii un comune rurale; provvedimenti. Pediatria. Xapoli, 1910, 2. s., viii, 56-61.—Bericht iiber die Generalversammlung des deutschen Zentralkomitees fiir Zuhnpilesre in den Schu- len. Schulzahnpfl., Berl., 1910. i. No. 2. 26: No. 3,1.— Clapp (G. W.) Oral hygiene; lecture to children from 12 to \;\ vears of age. Dental Digest, N. Y., 1911, xvii, 16; 8">: 11:',; 198.—Clifford. (E. L.) The care of the teeth in children. Medicine, Detroit, 1896, ii, 725-731.—Cohn (K.) Die Sehulzahnhygiene auf der Internationalen Hvgieneausstellung in Dresden. Schulzahnpfl., Berl., 19*11, ii, No.4,1-9.—Colyer (S.) & Saul (B.) The teeth of school children. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, i, 965.— < 'met. De I'importance de l'hygiene buccale et dentaire pour la preservation de la sante generale des enfants et des adolescents. Cong, internat. d'hyg. scol., Par., 1910, i, 714- 725. Also: Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1910, xvii, 350-368 — < iiiuiingham (G.) Defective personal hygiene as it affects the teeth in infancv, childhood, and'school life. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1891, Lond. 1892, iv, 71-86.—Delcmontey. L'hygiene dentaire dans les ecoles. Bull. mod. de 1'Algerie, Alger, 1910, xxi, 701-710. Also: Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1911, xiii, 129-132.— Klliotl (W. T.) The treatment of teeth in the elemen- tary schools in relation to public health. Pub. Health, Lond., l'.'ny-lO, xxiii, 120-129.—Kvans (W. A.) The re- lation of conditions of the oral cavity to the health and morals of school children. Dental Digest, N. Y., 1910, xvi, 355; 420.—Falloon (W.H.) The care of children's teeth. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1909, xxi, 45CM59.— Ferrier (J.) L'usage de l'eau bouiliie en boissons et la mineralisation de l'enfant et de l'adolescent; effets sur les dents et sur l'etat general. Odontologie, Par., 1910, xliv, 289-295. — Fillebrown (T.) On the care of the teeth of the poor. Tr. Fourth In- ternat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, ii, 87-90. — Fisk (W.) The teaching of dental hvgiene in schools. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1901, xlvii, 1105-1110—Fried- riehs (A. (L) Care of children's teeth. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1902, lv, 278-281.— Godon (C.) Une innovation dans l'hygiene dentaire scolairc. Odontologie, Par., 1908, xxxix, 307-312, 1 fold. tab. -----. La fiche dentaire; son utility pour la vulgarisation de l'hvgiene dentaire dans les ecoles. Ibid., 1910, xliv, 408-113.—Grady (R.) Co- operation of the public schools in teaching "good teeth, good health." Med. News, N. Y., 1900, lxxvii, 286-290. Also, Reprint.— Gutenberg (B.) Zum Kapitel der Zahne und Zahnpflege bei den Schulkindern. Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspflg., Hamb., 1901, xiv, 452-456. — Gutt- mann. Vorschlage zur Popularisierung der Zahnhy- giene bei der Schuljugend. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1906, ix, 893-895.—Head (J.) The care of the teeth during sickness, and the philosophy of lancing children's gums from the standpoint of the dental prac- titioner. Tr. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1899, xx. 87-93. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1899, 3. s., xv, 297-299 — Heimeberg(H.) Ein Beitrag zur Zahnfrage. Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspflg., Hamb., 1911, xxiv, syi-'.H2.—Hin- der (W. S.) The "care of teeth in voting children. Aus- tral. J. Dent., Melbourne, 1902-3, vi, 21-28.—Hippie (A. H.) The care and management of children's teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1900, xiv, 853-857.—Hoff (N. S.) Prophvlaxis of childhood. Dent. Reg., Cincin., 1911, lxv, 219-227.—Howe (A. F. A.) The care of army child- i Teeth (Hygiene of) in children und students. ren's teeth. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1905, iv, 656.—H lister. Die Gefahren des wachsenden Zucker- konsums fiir die Ziihne. Zahniirztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1902, xi, No. 528.—Hunter (R. B.) The condition of school children's teeth and their food during infancy an investigation. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1908, li. 632- GS-v— Hynes (W.) Arousing interest in the cue of children's teeth. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1911, xxxi, 252-264.—Jessen (E.) La perte des dents des eleves des ecoles publiques et la lutte entreprise contre elle. [Transl.] Odontologie, Par., 1906, xxxvi, 6-16. -----. L'hygiene dentaire a 1'ecole. Ibid., 1909, xlii, 476-482.— Johnson (C.N.) The management of the teeth up to the eighteenth year in mouths very susceptible to decay. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1902, xvi, 464-472. Also: Pacific Dent. Gaz., San Fran., 1902, x, 474-482. -----. The man- agement of children's teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1912, xxvi, 437-444.—Johnson (G. E.) The condition of the teeth of children in public schools. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1901, xxii, 445-461.—Jung. Die Entwicklung des Gebisses und seine Pflege im Kindesalter. Gesundh. inWortu.Bild, Berl.,1905,ii,449-455.—Kemsies. Zahn- pflege an den Schulen. Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspfl., Hamb., 1910, xxiii, 24-28.—Kientopf (H.) Des soins dentaires dans les Ecoles allemandes en 1909. Odonto- logie, Par., 1909, xlii, 338.—L.ederer (W.J.) Thecareof the mouth during infancy and childhood. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxiv, 959-964.—Llmberg (A. K.) O zu- bakh u uchashtshikhsya i organizatsiya zubovrachebnol pomoshtshi v shkolakh. [The teeth of students, and or- ganization of dental aid in schools.] J. russk. Obsh. okhran. narod. zdrav., St. Petersb., 1900, x, 129-143.-----. Ot kommissii po ustrolstvu zubovrachebnol pomoshtshi v shkolakh pri Russkom Obshtshestvle okhraneniya na- rodnavo zdraviya. [From the committee of the Russian Society for the' Preservation of the Public Health on dental aid in schools.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1900, xxi, 1273-1275.—Lionji-eway (G. E.) The care of children's teeth. Dental Brief. Phila., 1904, ix, 4S5-489.—Lunds- gaard (E.) Rapport communique par la "Societe danoise de l'hvgiene dentaire chez l'enfant." Inter- nat. Arch. L off. Mundhyg., Strassb., 1910, 2. Hft, 65-68.— Mctz (F.) Ptleire des Kindergebisses. Verhandl. d. (iesellseb. deutsch Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, pt. J. 2. 1111 te-., 425—Mulford (J. V.) The case of chil- dren's teeth. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1899, n. s., xlii, 133- 135. ]Discussion], 151.—Nippe (M.) Empfielt sich die Einrichtung von Schulzahnkliniken, oder auf welche sonstige Weise kann der Verderbnis der Ziihne vorge- beugt werden? Schulzahnpfl., Berl., 1911, ii, No. 9,1-15.— Feck (A. H.) Care of children's teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1902, xvi, 627-634. [Discussion], 668-0*2. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1902, xiv, 874-882.— Fed ley (R. D.) The treatment of teeth in children from a local and constitutional point of view. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1904, xlvii, 721-730. -----. The care of the teeth during school life. School Hyg., Lond., 1910, i, 681-696.—Pe- rakh (A.) K voprosu o higi'enie polosti rta i zubovu uchashtshikhsya Omskikh gimnaziy. [Hygiene of the oral cavity and teeth among the students" of the Omsk high schools.] Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh., 1906-7, xxiv, 81-84.—Porter (F. C.) The treatment and care of chil- dren's teeth. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1902, xxiii, 716- 722.—Kichards (F. W.) A plea for the care of the children's teeth, and a report of the work done for the children in the elementary schools of Birmingham. Brit. Dent. .1., Lond., 1909, xxx, 744-757.—Robertson (L. P.) The importance of teaching oral hvgiene in the public schools. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1909-10, v, 301.— Itiise (K.) Die Zahnpflege in den Schulen. Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspflg., Hamb. u. Leip/., 1*95, viii, 65-87— de Sacndura Falcao (A.) Sobre hygiene da bocca nos alumnos do Lyceu de Camoes. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1911, xxix, 113-118.—Second report of the committee appointed by the representative board of the British Den- tal Association to conduct the collective investigation as to the condition of school children's teeth. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1892, xiii, 637-650.—Mi tern (G.) K voprosu o shkblnol higienle zubov. [School hvgiene of teeth.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb.. 1910, Jubilee no., 202- 209— Sickingcr (A.) Schulhvgiene fiir die Ziihne; Mittel und Wege dazu. Balneol. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1904, v, 209.—SjUquist (N.) Vara barns hinder och deras vard. [The teeth of our children and their value.] Hel- soviinnen, Stockholm, 1895, x, 63-66.—Spokes (S.) The treatment of teeth during school life. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1900-1901, xxi, 72-77. -----. The care of the teeth during school life. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1904, xlvii, 385-390.—Sum (W.N.) The care of children's teeth. Dental Brief, Phila., 1909, xiv, 248-255.—Teeth (The) of elementarv school children. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 275.—Thompson (F. W.) The teeth of our children (a plea for their better care arid preservation). Brit. Dent. J., Lond . I'.»ii5. xxvi, 917-929.—Thomson (G.) Theden- tal hvgiene of childhood. Med. Press A Circ. Lond., 1912, I n. s., xciii, 192-194.—Thomson i G. K.) The dental edu- TEETH. 679 TEETH. Teeth (Hygie.ie of) in children and students. cation of the public and school children. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1908, xx, 355-378.—Turner (J. G.) The relation of children's teeth to public health. J. State M., Lond., 1905, xiii, 215-221.—Turner (J. s.)&Pater- son (W. B.) An examination into the condition of the teeth of school children. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, x, 323-328.— Visanska (S. A.) Are the teeth of children injured by the local effects of eating sweets? Pediatrics, N. Y., 1910, xxii, 600-604 — Voerokel it;.) & Weber (B.) Ueber die Zahn-und Mundpflege bei den Volkssehulkindern. Deutsche Mo- natschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1898, xvi, 105-117.—Webster (A. E.) The care of children's teeth. Am. J. Nursing, Phila., 1900-1901, i, 722-728.—Weeks (T. E.) The care of the teeth of children; our duty to the men and women of the future. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1910, Iii, 738-744.— White (P. G.) The necessity of school instruction in dental hygiene. J. Nat. M. Ass., Tuskegee, Ala., 1909, i, 44; 114; 166. -----. The practical application of oral hygiene to the school curriculum. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1910, Iii, 863-S68. [Discussion], 895-908.—Wilkinson (P. J.) The care of the teeth in children. Austral. J. Dent. Melbourne, 1906, x, 285-293.—Winimenauer. Schul- arzte und Schulzahnhvgiene? Ztschr. f. Schulgsndht- spflg., Hamb., 1911, xxiv, 882-891—W[retlinjd [E. W.] V&ra barns tiinder. [Our children's teeth.] Hiilsoviinnen, Stockholm, 1896. xi, 243-246.—Voting (R. J. E.) How to save the teeth of the children; a problem and a pro- posal. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1910, xxxi, 961-986.—Zelle. Ueber die Zahnpflege der schulpflichtigen Jugend und die Ergebnisse der Zahnuntersuchungenim Kreise Lotzen 1909. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, BerL, 1910, xxiii, 1-9. Teeth (Hygiene of) in soldiers and sailors. Bray (H. A.) The teeth of the soldier. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1907, ix, 170-174.—Cunningham (G.) Dental reform in the Navy. Tr. vii, Internat, Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, viii, 59-71.— Delmelle (J.) L'hygiene dentaire dans les casernes. Odontologie, Par., 1908, xxxix, 24-28.— Gant (A. W.) The loss to the Army caused by defective teeth. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1910, xxxi, 625.—Gregori (A. V.) O zubakh u nizhnikh chinov. [Teeth among enlisted men.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1905, xxi, 642; 604.—Grenier. Des soins dentaires au regiment. Ca- ducee, Par., 1908, viii, 20.— Izambard. L'hygiene dentaire dans l'armee. Odontologie, Par., 1904, 2. s., xix, 83: 1905, 2. s., xx, 557.—Jessen. Die Zahnpflege des Soldaten. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1906, xv, 1189.— Leger. Notes sur l'etat de la dentition des hommes d'une compagnie d'infanterie coloniale a Hue (Annam). Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par., 1909, xii, 477-481.— O. (A. M.) Soldiers' teeth and officers. Lancet, Lond., 1910, i, 1099.—Rushtou (W.) The teeth of the soldier. Dental Rec, Lond., 1901, xxi, 545-548—Shoklior (D.) Rezultati osmotra zubov u nizhnikh chinov 2-vo eska- drona 32 Dragunskavo . . . polka. [Results of examina- tion of the teeth of the enlisted men of the Second Squad- ron, Thirtv-second Regiment of Dragoons.] Zubovrach. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1903, xix, 41-44— Smale (M.) Sol- diet's teeth. Lancet, Lond., 1910, i, 752.—Smifs (J. A.) De tandkundige behandeling in het leger. [Discussion.] Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1906, x, 166-182.—So- bolcvski (A. V.)Statisticheskoye izsliedovaniye zubov u nizhnikh chinov garnizona Novogeorgiyevskol krleposti. [Statistical investigation of the teeth of the enlisted men of the garrison of Fort Novogeorgi'evsk.] Voyenno med. J., St. Petersb., 1897, cxc, med -spec, pt., 1357-1372. -----. O zubakh russkol armii. [The teeth of the Russian Armv.] Ildd., 1909, ccxxvi, med.-spec. pt., 6-1^.— Tvaryanovich (I. K.) Zubi u prizivayemikh navo- yennuvu sluzhbu v Borchalinskom uyezdle, Tiflisskol gu- bernii," i u nobrantsev 14 grenad. Gruzinskavo polka, v 1891 godu. [The teeth among those drafted for military service in Borchalinsk County, Government of Tiflis, and in the recruits of the 14th Georgia regiment of grena- diers, in 1891.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1892-3, xxix, 154-168.—" Vagus." The teeth of the British Armv. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1905, xxvi, 199- 202.—Westcott (S.) The teeth of the soldier. J.Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1907, viii, 141-150.—Wlgh (V.) Dental hygiene in the Danish Army and Navy. Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, ii, 67. Teeth (Identification of). See Teeth (Jurisprudence of). Teeth (Impaction of). See, aUo, Teeth (Supernumerary, Impaction Barnes (V. E) Dental impaction and preventive treatment. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1912, liv, 1-21. [Dis- cussion 1 63-70 —Barrett (A. W.) Impacted mandibu- lar third molars. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1898-9, Teeth (Impaction of). n. s., xxxi, 118. -----. Impacted lower wisdom tooth. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1901, xxix, 148—Brin- del. Inclusion traumatique d'une grosse molaire dans le maxillaire inferieur avec fistule buccale consecutive et trismus; extraction par voie externe; guerison. Rev. hebd.de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1912, i, 145-155.—Capart (A.) Implantation dentaire dans le sinus maxillaire. Policlin., Brux., 1905, xiv, 293.—Caruiody (T. E.) Re- port of a case of impacted tootli in maxillary sinus. Denver M. Times [etc.], 1907-8, xxvii, 39.—Case (C. S.) Non-eruption of teeth due to impactions; their liberation and restoration. Dental Rev., ( hicago, 1905, xix,506-521.— Cryer (M. H.) Impacted teeth; their diagnosis, libera- tion, and extraction. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1904, xxv, 321-343. -----. Pathological changes in the jawsresulting incidentally from impacted teeth and other disturbances, with especial reference to the use of the X-rays in diag- nosis. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1911, xxxii, 913-924, 13 pl.— Hayden (J. S.) Impaction and absorption of a tooth in the antrum. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1900, xxi, 551- 556.—Holmes (A.) Can impacted teeth cause moral delinquency? Psychol. Clin., Phila., 1910-11, iv, 19-22.— Ivclls (C. E.)., jr. Removal of impacted third molars; stereoscopic skiagraphy. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1904, x, 1-17.— Lamb (F. D.) An impacted lower canine. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1912, xxxiii, 355, 1 pl.—McLaughlin (C. P.) Impaction of the third molar, and the use of the elevator in its removal. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1906, xlviii, 421.—Maggs (W. A.) Impacted wisdom teeth. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1905, xix, 535-538.—Mansell (T.) [Left maxillary canine impacted in the alveolus; uses of X-rays in dentistry.] Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1903, xxiv, 818,1 pl.—Miller (W.) Processi patologici in un dente incarcerato. Gior. di corrisp. p. dentisti, Milano, 1905, xxxiv, 220.—Moure. Molaire implantee dans la paroi orbitaire du sinus maxillaire gauche. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1900), 1901,49-53. Also: Rev. odont., Par., 1901, xx, 319-322.—Oxley (A. J. R.) Asthma caused by impacted tooth. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 1362.—Sohweinburg (B.) Ein Fall von Zahninversion mit Durchbruch des Zahnes in die Nase. Wien. med. Presse, 1902, xliii, 1354.—Shaw (J. W.) The surgical removal of impacted third molars. Dental Cos- mos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 1024-1027.—Weiser (R.) Im- paktirte Weisheitszahne. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1900, x, 164-166. Teeth (Implantation of). See Teeth (Reimplantation of); Teeth (Trans- plantation, etc., of). Teeth (Inflammation of). See Teeth (Inflammation of, Pericemental); Teeth (Pulp of, inflammation of). Teeth (Inflammation of J^ricemental). See, also, 'Teeth (Pulp of, Inflammation of). Casanova (J.-A.-A.) * Quelques considera- tions sur les dentinites de la couronne. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908. Coulmoxt (A.-J.-A.) *Des complications des arthrites alveolo-dentaires. 8°. Lille, 1SH7. Foirquet (E.) Les arthrites alveolo-den- taires. 8°. Paris, 1910. Kurtzwig (H.) * Ueber Peridentitis (Peri- ostitis alveolaris) beim Pferde, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Erkrankung des Mj im Unterkiefer. 8°. Stuttgart, 1908. Nuyts (P.) *De l'arthrite alveolo-dentaire et en particulier de l'arthrite consecutive a la carie. [Paris.] 4°. Lille, 1S95. Partsch (K.) Die chronische Wurzelhaut- entziindung. roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1908. jfrkovy (J.) Periodontitis unilateralis atque pulpi- tis acuta totalis consecutiva. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1898, xlii, 345— Bacterial (The) factor in phagedenic pericementitis. Dental Cosmos, Phiia., 1898, xl, 969-972 — Bellinzona (E.) Trattamento della periodontite al- veolo-dentale. Tribuna med., Milano, 1905, xi, 141-143.— Black (G. V.) Diseases of the peridental membrane and the uric acid diathesis. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1894, viii, 449-472. — Brewer (F. A.) The tendency of arse- nic as applied to dental tissue to develop pericementitis, and its sequence, alveolar abscess. Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass., San Fran., 1882-6,132-147. — Brubacher (H.) Experi- mentelle Studie iiber Wurzelhautentzundung. Oesterr.- ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh.,Wien, 1897, xiii, 409-445, 2 pl.— Chemodanoff(M. M.) K voprosu o llechenii gnol- nikh periodontitov. [Treatment of purulent periodon- titis.] Odont. Obozr., Mosk., 1902, iv. 187. — Christie (W. w.) Case of suppurating periodontal cyst. Glasgow TEETH. Teeth (Inflammation of, Pericemental). M. J., 1907, lxvii, 221-224. —Conklin (A. B.) Suppura- tive pericementitis. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1904, lviii, 166- 171.—Cook (G. W.) A few characteristics of the dis- eases of the tissues around the necks of teeth. Domi- nion Dent. J., Toronto, 1909, xxi, 338-347. — Endelman (J.) On the pathology of pericimental inflammation. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1907, xlix, 695-707.-----. Le pro- bleme de l'acide urique dans ses rapports avec les inflam- mations pericementaires. Odontologie, Par., 1908, xl, 289. [Discussion], 356; 408. Also, transl: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1908,1, 1076-1082. [Discussion], 1114-1124.—Far- gin-Fayolle (P.) La pericoronarite dentaire. Rev. trimest. suisse d'odont., Zurich & Geneve, 1910, xx, 297- 313. Also: Presse med., Par., 1910, xviii, 869-872. Also: Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1911, xviii, 15-33.—Ferrer (M.) De la periodontitis expulsiva. Rev. balear de cien. m£d., Palma de Mallorca, 1902, xxiii, 364-367. — Fletcher (M. H.) Alveolitis; the disease of which pyorrhea alveolaris is one stage. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1909, xxix, 45; 121; 200; 303. -----. Repair of cementum in relation to the treatment of alveolitis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 109-113. — Franke (R.) Folgen der nicht sach- gemassen Behandlung einer Wurzelhautentziindung. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1909, xxvii, 290- 293.—Fynauf (E.) Arthrite alveolo-dentaire trauma- tique purulente; mort par leucemie; autopsie. Clinique, Brux., 1910, xxiv, 561-565.— Hauptmeyer. Zur medi- kamentosen Therapie der chronischen Wurzelhautent- ziindung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der ront- genologischen Befunde vor und nach der Behandlung. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh.. Leipz., 1912, xxx, 241- 254, 3 pl.—Hirschbruch Die Behandlung der Perios- titis dentis durch Berieselung mit Antisepticis. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1899, xxviii, 225-229. — Jung (C.) Die Erkrankungen der Wurzelhaut des Zahnes in Riick- sicht auf ihre Aetiologie und Behandlung. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1894, xii, 1; 42; 84; 134.— Kirk (E. C.) Pericemental abscess. Tr. Dent. Soc. N. Y., Albanv, 1900, 114-133. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 1149-1158.—Kozma (A.) Pericementitis pha- gaedenica concrementosa seu calcic inflammation Black. Magyar fog&sz. szemle. A stomatol. [etc.], Budapest, 1900, iv,l-5.—Latham (V. A.) The technic and pathol- ogy of the peridental membrane. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1897, xxviii, 69-71.—Margery. Note sur une nou- velle methode de traitement de la periostite alveolaire par les injections locales de salicylate de soude. Rev, de stomatol., Par., 1907, xiv, 60-66.—Ma the (L.) A fog- huzas indicati6jar61 gyokergyuladas eseten. [Indication for pulling a tooth in a case of inflammation of the root.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1897, xxxvii, 62-65.—Mayrhofer (B.) Untersuchungen iiber die Aetiologie der dentalen Periostitis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xxii, 304-306.— Mills (G. A.) Cementosis, pericementosis and exostosis. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1903, xvii, 1145-1147.—Nash (H.S.j Some of our mistakes about periodontal diseases. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1899, xii, 981-999. -----. Periodontal dis- eases, with special reference to erythrosis. Cong, inter- nat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de stomatol., 41-49.— Partsch (K.) Chronische Wurzelhautentziindung. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1904, xx, 150-154. —Pa- tologia del periostio alveolo-dentale; osservazioni in- torno ai varii sintomi da esso prodotti durante il corso della periostite acuta e cronica; terapia. Gior. di corrisp. p. dentisti, Milano, 1876, v, 76-82.—Pedley (R. D.) In- flammation of the periodontal membrane, periodontitis, alveolar abscess, necrosis, and other sequelae. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1898, xii, 1009: 1899, xlii, 10—Pere (R.) Deux cas d'osteite limitee consideres comme accidents de la premiere ou de la deuxieme dentition. Odontologie, Par., 1909, xii, 366-368.—Piergili (S. B.) Pericemen- tite. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma (1897), 1898, xviii, 5-73, 1 pl.-----. Le flogosi acute del liga- mento dei denti. Ibid., 301.— Quere. Resection des ex- tremites radiculaires d'une premiere superieure atteinte de periodoatite suppuree. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1897, xviii, 242-245.—Redier (J.) Essai de classification des arthrites alveolo-dentaires. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1899, ii, 625: 1900, i, 5—Kobin (P.) De l'infection du ligament alveolo-dentaire. Rev. de stoma- tol., Par., 1900, vii, 53-59.—Schreier (E.) Zur Aetio- logie und Pathogenese der Periostitis dentalis. Oesterr.- ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1893, ix, 133-153.— Smith (A. H.) On malignant diseases of the periden- tal membrane. Dental Rec, Lond., 1895, xv, 348-353. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 28-30.—Smith (D. D.) Pericemental abscess. Austral. J. Dent., Melbourne 1903-4, vii, 77-87. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cii, 372- 376. Also: Dental Summary, Toledo, 1904, xxiv, 947-958. Also: Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1904, xxv, 916-926, 1 pl.— Stephens (E.G.) Apical pericementitis. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1909, xxiii, 147-150.—Szanto (A.) A foggyo- kerhartya gyuladasa es annak kezelese. [Periodontitis and its treatment.] Magy. orv. lapja, Budapest, 1902, ii, no. 1, 10; 27.—Talbot (E. S.) Peridental abscess. Den- tal Rev., Chicago, 1901, xv, 631-647—Viau (G.) Sur une forme non decrite de la periodontite chronique. Odon- tologie, Par., 1892, xii, 444 418. Also, Reprint.—Whit- TEETH. Teeth (Inflammation of Pericemental). f les (D.) A preliminary review on progressive infective ulceration of the periodontium or alveolar dental mem- brane. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1898, xv, 108-110.—Witzel (A.) Ist die Aqua regia ein wirksames Heilmittel bei apicaler Entziindung der Wurzelhaut und des Zahn- faches. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1906, xv, 461.— von Wiinschheim. Die paradentalen Entziindun- gen der Zahne. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh. Wien, 1911, xxvii, 411-420. Teeth (Innervation of). Abraham. Die Innervirung des Zahnbeins. Cor.- Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1898, xxvii, 308-312.—Clermont (D.) Rapports du nerf dentaire anterieur avec le plancher nasal et la pituitaire. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1907, xiv, 345-352.—Dependorf". Die Innervierung des Zahn- beins. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1898-9, xii, 765; 773.— Huber (G. C.) The innervation of the tooth-pulp Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1898, xl, 797-811. Also: Dental J., Ann Arbor, 1900, ix, 1; 31.—Jaboulay & Villard. Sur un point de l'anatomie des nerfs dentaires posterieurs (plexus et ganglion dentaires posterieurs). Lyon med., 1892, lxxi, 373-375.—La w (W.J.) On the termination of the nerves in the teeth of mammalia. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Odont. Sect., 45-60. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1908, li, 481-492.—Mendel-Joseph. Des conditions de la sensibilite de la dent; mode d'inner- vation de la pulpe dentaire; etude historique. Assoc. franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1901, Par., 1902, xxx. pt. 2, 1157-1166.—Morgenstern (M.) Ueber die Innerva- tion desZahnbeines. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entvvcklngsgesch., Leipz., 18%, 378-394, lpl. -----. Der gegenwartige Stand- punkt unserer Kenntniss der Zahnbeinnerven. Cor.-Bl. I. Zahnarzte, BerL, 1899, xxviii, 132-156. -----. Ueberdie Unzuverlassigkeit der gebrauchlichsten Methoden zum Nachweise von Nerven in den Geweben unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Rygge'schen Abhandlung iiber die Innervation der Zahnpulpa. Ibid., 1902, xxxi, 245-256. -----. Neue Ergebnisse iiber den Nachweis von Nerven und lymphatischen Saftgangen in den Zahnen. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1906, Leipz., 1907, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 277-279.—Mummery (J. H.) A short preliminary note on the distribution of the nerve- fibres of the dental pulp. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Odont. Sect., 51-56.—Retzius (G.) Zur Kenntniss der Nervenendigungen in den Zahnen. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1892, n. F., iv, 65,1 pl. -----. Zur Kenntnissder Endigungsweiseder Nerven in den Zahnen der Siiugethiere. Ibid., 1894, n. F., vi, 64,11., 1 pl. -----. The dental nerves and the manner of their termination. Catching's Compend. Pract. Dent. 1896, Atlanta, 1897,311- 313.—Rdse(C) Die Nervenendigungen in den Zahnen. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1895, No. 146-147.—Romiti (G.) Sui nervi nei denti; una rivendicazione. Ricerche di fisiol. e sc. affini ded. al Prof. L. Luciani. . ., Milano, 1900,149.—Rygge (J.) Ueber die Innervation der Zahn- pulpa. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1901-2, xix, 158-166,1 pl.—SmirnoffjA. E.) K voprosu ob okonchanii nervov v zubakh u nlekotorikh vzroslikh mlekopitayushtshikh. [Nerve endings in the teeth in various adult mammals.J Sibirsk. Vrach. VIedom., Krasnoyarsk, 1902-3, i. 61-63.—Tims (H. W. M.) The evolution of the teeth in the mammalia. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1902-3, xxxvii, 131-149—Traliner (F.) Der Nervus lingualis in der Gegend der unteren Mahl- zahne. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1912, xxviii, 1-5,1 pl. Teeth (Inspection of) in school children. See, also, School children (Medical inspection, etc., of). Kirchner (M.) Die Zahnpflege in den Schu- len. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Alopseus (P.) Vahan tilastoa Helsingin kansakou- lulasten hampaista ja muutamia mietelmia sen johdosta. [Short statistics concerning theteethof the schooi chil- dren in Helsingfors, and a few additional consideration^.] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1911, xxvii, 97-101.—Bennett i.N. G.) London children's teeth. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, i, 900. -----. The teeth of school children. Ibid., 1021.— Blair (R.) School dentistry in Germany. Internat. Arch. f. off. Mundhyg., Stras.sb., 1910,2. Hft., 3-23.—Brief (A) statement of the results obtained by a committee of the British Dental Association appointed to investigate the condition of the teeth of schi iol children. Brit. Dent. J.. Lond., 1903. xxiv, 809-816.—<:erf(0.) Le service den- taire dans les etablissements d'instruction publique. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 568- 571.—Cohn (K.) Die Stellung der Schuliirzte zur Schul- zahnpflege. Internat. Arch. f. off. Mundhvg., Strassb., 1910-11, 3. Hft., 70-73.— Cunningham (G ) On the condition of school children's teeth. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 7, 634-641. -----. Experience of a school dental clinic: Cambridge Dental Institute. Brit. Dent. J.. Lond., 1908, xxix, 870-879.-----. Resultats obtenus a l'Institut den- TEETH. 681 TEETH. Teeth (Inspection of) in school children. taire infantile de Cambridge; leur importance sous le rapport de la voie a suivre. Odontologie, Par., 1912, xlvii. 107-109.—Dental inspection and treatment of school children at Cambridge; summary of work done. School Hyg., Lond., 1911, ii, 402-411.—Dental statistics in public schools. Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass., San Fran., 1902, xxxi, 183-189.—Elliott (W. T.) The education (ad- ministrative provisions) act in relation to the inspection and treatment of the teeth. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1907-8, xxix, 337-351.—Eyssautier. Inspection dentaire des ecoles. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1894, xviii, 241-249.— Frankfurt (S. S.) Kratkiy rezultat osmotra zubov uchashtshikhsya Krasnoyarskol gubernskol muzhskol gimnazii v 1902 g. [Brief result of the examination of the teeth of the Boys' High School of Krasnoyarsk in 1902.] Sibirsk. Vrach. Vledom., Krasnoyarsk, 1902-3, i, 106-108 — Froehlich. Bericht fiber die mir zur Untersuchung zugewiesenen Kinder der Ferien-(Halb)-Kolonien. Deutsche zahnarztl. WTchnschr., Wiesb., 1902, v, 266.— Fynaut. L'hygiene buccale de nos ecoliers; but social de l'inspection dentaire scolaire. Clinique, Brux., 1911, xxv, 61-65.—CJant (A. W.) Dental disease among school children. School Hyg., Lond., 1910, i, 471. -----. The foundations of school dentistry. Pub. Health, Lond., 1910-11, xxiv, 92-99.—Oinzburg (G. F.) Osmotr zubov u uchenikov Novomoskovskol uchitelskol seminarii za 1905 g. [Inspection of the teeth of the students of the Novomoskovsk Normal School for 1905.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1905, xxi, 858.—Godon (C.) L'as- sistance publique et les ecoles dentaires reconnues d'u- tilite publique. Odontologie, Par., 1906, xxxvi, 337-344.— Hahn. Soziale Fiirsorge fiir zahnleidende Kinder. Schulzahnpfl., BerL, 1910, i, No. 6, 1-12.—Henie (C.) Untersuchungen iiber die Ziihne der Volksschiiler zu Hamar in Norwegen. Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspflg., Hamb., 1898, xi, 65-71.—Hicks (F. B.) Free examina- tion of school children's teeth; what oral hygiene means to them. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1910, xxii, 460-466.— Jessen (E.) Organisation und Betrieb der stadtischen Schulzahnklinik. Arch. f. Volkswohlf., BerL, 1909, ii, 701-708.-----. Organisation und Betrieb der neuen Strass- burger Schulzahnklinik. Schulzahnpfl.,Berl.,1911, ii,No. 8, 2-6.—Kientopf. Bericht fiber die Tiitigkeit in der ersten Berliner Schulzahnklinik. Ibid., 1910, i, No. 2, 11- 15.—Kirehner. Die Bedeutung der Zahnpflege in den Schulen. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brn- schwg., 1912, xliv, 92-134.—Klinkovshtein (B.) Sta- tisticheski vadanniya po izslledovaniyu zubov i polosti rta u vospitaniiikov Lodzinskikh srednikh uchebnikh zave- deniy. [Statistical data on the examination of teeth and oral cavity of the students of the Lodz high schools.] Zubovrach. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1900, xxii, 70-77.—Lay- ton (A.) Experience of dental inspection and treatment in the Kettering elementary schools; a scheme and its re- sult. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1908, xxix, 805-870.—Licht- witz (A.) Schularzt oder Schulzahnarzt? Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspfl.,Hamb.,1910,xxiii,453-457. See,also,infra, Strelitz.—Umberg (A.) L'etat des dents dela popula- tion enfantine en Russie et le service dentaire dans les eco- les russes. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 1-28,1 tab.—Lorentz (F.) Aufgaben und Ziele der Schulzahnpflege unter Beriicksichtigung der schularzt- lichen Stellung und Tiitigkeit. Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhts- pfl., Hamb., 1911, xxiv, 119-123.—Lvoff (G. F.) Resultat osmotra zubov vospitannikov 2-vo Yekaterinoslavskavo Realnavo Uchilishtsha. [Result of the inspection of the teeth of the pupils of Second Yekaterinoslav Scientific School.] Zubovrach. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1902, xviii, 261-264. -----. Rezultat osmotra zubov i polosti rta vos- pitannikov 1-vo i 2-vo Yekaterinoslavsk. realnikh uchi- fishtsh, proizvedyonnavo vo 2-1 polovinle 1902 g. [Re- sult of the examination of teeth and oral cavity of the students of the First and Second Yekaterinoslav Scientific Schools, performed during the second half of 1902.] Ibid.. 1903, xix, 325-327.— Maeleod (A.) The necessity of dental examination in schools. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1904, xxv, 845-850. [Discussion], 867-869.— Mahe (G.) Le service dentaire au Lycee Janson-de- Sailly. Odontologie, Par., 1911, xliv, 16; 69. — New maver (S. W.) School dentistry hysteria. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xci, 483-485.—Patte (A.) Rapport sur les visites seolaires du canton de Geneve. Rev. tnmestr. suisse d'odontol., Basel & Geneve, 1911, xxi, 169-173.— Pickering (H. J.) The condition of school children's teeth; its results and suggested remedies. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1900, xxi, 619-631. Also: Pub. Health, Lond., 1900-1901, xiii, 280-285.—Piatt. Dental statistics in pub- lic schools. Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass., San Fran., 1902, xxxi, 183-189.—Podolski (S. K.) Rezultat osmotra zubovu uchenikov Orenburgskol gimnazii za 1904-5 uchebniy god. [Result of the examination of the teeth of the pu- pils of the Orenburg High School for . . .] Zubovrach. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1905, xxi, 48— Ralgorodski (M. A ) Osmotr zubov u vopitannikov Proskurovskavo Real- navo Uchilishtsha za pervuyu polovinu 1904 goda. [Ex- amination of the teeth of the students of the Proskurov Scientific School for the first half of . . .] Ibid., 141.— Rathmann. Die Schulzahnklinik (nach Duisburger Teeth (Inspection of) in school children. Muster). Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1911, xxiv, 731- 736.—Ravich (Mariya). Perviy osmotr zubov u'chenits Vyazemskol zhenskol gimnazii, proizvedyonniy v aprlelle 1905 g. [First examination of the teeth of the students of the Vyazma Girls' High School, performed in April in 1905.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1905, xxi, 721.—Roy (M.) L'inspection et le traitement des dents des enfants des ecoles. Odontologie, Par., 1910, xliv, 443-148. Also: Medecin prat., Par., 1910, vi, 773.—Rush- ton (W.) Abstract of a government report on the teeth of public school children in New South Wales. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1910, lxiv, 68-75. —Scherer (G.) Eine bewegliche Zahnklinik fiir die Schulen auf dem Lande und die Armee im Felde. [German, English, and French text.] Internat. Arch. f. off. Mundhyg., Strassb., 1910, 2. Hft., 79-88. -----. Vorschliige zur Einfuhrung der schulzahniirztlichen Fiirsorge in den kleineren Stad- ten und Landorten Elsass-Lothringens unter Zugrunde- legung der beweglichen Zahnklinik. Ibid., 1910-11, 3. Hft., 58-69.—Schlaeger. Der Schulzahnarzt und seine Beziehungen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911, xxix, 487-496.—Schmidt (E.) Deutsches Zentral- komitee fiir Zahnpflege in den Schulen. Schulzahnpfl., Berl., 1911, ii, No. 8,6-16.—Schneider (H.) Haftpflicht- versicherungderSchulzahnkliniken. Ibid., No.v,8-12.— Schuschny (H.) Fogbetegsegek lekiizdese az iskola- ban. [The strife against diseases of the teeth in schools.] Kozegeszsegiigyi es torveny. orvostud. szemle, Budapest, 1907,13.—Spinner (J.) Die Griindung und Einrichtung von Schulzahnkliniken in Grossstiidten. Internat. Arch. f. off. Mundhyg., Strassb., 1910, 2. Hft., 69-79.—Spraw- son (E.) Methods of recording dental operations in residential and elementarv schools. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1911, liv, 1-10.—Sprelder (A. I.) Zubi ucha- shtshikhsya Yekaterinoslavskol gimnazii v 1903-4 ucheb- nom godu. [Teeth of the students of the Yekaterinoslav High School during 1903-4.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Pe- tersb., 1904, xx, 474.—Stevenson (T. H.C.) Theteethof school children. Pub. Health, Lond., 1906-7, xix, 665- 673.—Strelitz. Bemerkungen zu der Abhandlung von Zahnarzt Alfred Lichtwitz-Guben: " Schularzt oder Schul- zahnarzt?" Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspfl., Hamb., 1910, xxiii, 800.—Thiele (A.) Schuliirzte und Schulzahn- kliniken. Soziale Med. u. Hyg., Hamb., 1911, vi, 276- 290.—Varshavski (Y. L.) Zubi uchashtshikhsya v Aleksandriyskol Zhenskol Progimnasii i chetiryokh- klassnom Gorodskom Uchilishtshle za 1903-4 g. [Teeth of the students of Alexander Girls' High School and four-class municipal school for 1903-4.] Zubovrach. vest- nik, St. Petersb., 1905, xxi, 577-580—Walkhoff". Die Notwendigkeit von Schulzahnkliniken mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung von Munchen. Schulzahnpfl., BerL, 1911, ii, No. v, 19-23.—Wallin (J. E. W.) Medical and dental inspection in the Cleveland schools. Psychol. Clin., Phila., 1910-11, iv, 93-108.—Wallis (C. E.) The necessity for dental clinics in connection with elemen- tary schools. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1908, xxix, 862-865. -----. The teeth of the school child. School Hvg., Lond., 1910, i, 396-399.—Webster (A. E.) Dental in- spection of two schools in Toronto. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1910, xxii, 600-604.—Westergaard (H.) Sta- tistiske Iagttagelser over Taendemes Tilstand hos k0ben- havnske Skoleb0rn. [Statistical observations on the condition of the teeth in the school children of Copen- hagen.] Tidsskr. f. Sundhdspl., K0benh., 1897-8, vi, 18-45. Also, transl: Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, BerL, 1900, xxix, 161- 180.—Wilde. Schularzt Oder Schulzahnarzt. Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspflg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1910, xxiii, 889.— Zhadevich (A.) Zubi uchashtshikhsya [v Lodzi], The teeth of students in Lodz.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, t. Petersb., 1904, xx, 576-578.—Zilkens. Ueber Schul- zahnpflege. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1910, xxix, 426-433. Teeth (Irregularities of). See Nasopharynx (Adenoid vegetations of, Complications, etc., of); Teeth (Abnormitiesof); Teeth (Malocclusion of). Teeth (Jurisprudence of). See, also, Louis XVII, of France. Amoedo [y Valdes] (0.) * L'art dentaire en medecine legale. 8°. Pans, 1898. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1898. ------. Etude sur les dents apres la mort au point; de vue m6dico-legal. 8°. Paris, 1904. Rehfuss (W. F.) A treatise on dental juris- prudence for dentists and lawyers, embracing the following subjects: Dental jurisprudence, dental expert testimony, identification by means of the teeth, dental malpractices, cocaine poi- soning, fracture of the maxilla during extrac- TEETH. 682 TEETH. Teeth (Jurisprudence of). tion of teeth, injuries and deaths due to anes- thesia, the jurisprudence of dental patents, etc. 8°. Philadelphia, 1802. Amoedo (O.) La mision de los dentistas en la iden- liiieaeion de los cadaveres de la catastrofe del Bazarde la Caridail. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1897, xxiii, 351- 358. Also, transl: Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, v, odont., 93-100. Also, transl: Odonto- logie,- Par., 1898,2. s., vi.491-502. Also, transl: J. f. Zahnh., BerL, 1897, xii, No. 44. Also, transl: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1897, xxxix, 905-912. -----. Identificaci6n de ca- daveres por el perito-dentista. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1899, xxv, 371; 392. -----. I denti dopo la morte. Gior. di corrisp. p. dentisti, Milano, 1903, xxxii, 5-33. Also: Odonto-stomatol., Napoli, 1904, iii, 297-309. Also, transl: Semana med.,Buenos Aires, 1903, x, 280-292. Also, transl: Rev. odont.,Par.,1904, xxiii,159; 214. •-----. Identification des cadavres au moyen des dents. J. de m6d. de Par., 1905, 2. s., xvii, 559. -----. Identification par les dents des vi- vants ou des cadavres etablie par le dentiste-expert. Rev. destomatol., Par., 1910, xvii, 156-164.—Armstrong (De L. B.) Dental jurisprudence. Dental Cn-mns, Phila., 1900, xlii, 527-531.—[Bayer.] Die Ziihne in der gericht- lichen Medizin. Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. deutsch. Aerzte in Rei- chenberg, 1909, xxii, X<>. 11, 1-3.—Berger (F.) A fo- gok torvenyszeki orvosi szempontliol. [The teeth from a medico-legal standpoint.] (i\ ogyasznt, Budapest, 1897, xxxvii, 672; 691: 706. Also, transl: 1'est. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1897, xxxiii, 1143; 11n7: 1216.—Hreit- bacli. Streit einer Ortskrankenkasse mit einem arztli- chen Bezirksverein betr. Zahnextraktionen. Med. Rund- schau, Berl., 1899, Nos. 48; 49; 50; 52; 53; 55; 56; 57; 59; 60; 61; 63; 64; 65.—Brothers (E.D.) Dental jurisprudence. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1900, xiv, 585-599. [Discussion], 605-620.—Cigrand (B. J.) Dental identification; a civic service. Plexus, Chicago, 1910, xvi, 431-439.—Dubeau (E.) Identification of the dead by the teeth. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1903, xv, 18-20. — George (C. C.) Dental jurisprudence. Indiana Dent. J., Indianap., 1899, ii, 315-320. — tiiuria (P.-M.) Se la perdita di un dente costituisce debilitazione dell' organo della masticazione. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, Siena, 1904, xix, 103-110. — Graves (F. F.) Dental juris- prudence. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1899, v, 451-156. Also: Dental Rev., Chicago, 1899, xiii, 797-807. Also: Am. J. Dent. Sc, Bait., 1899-1900, 3. s.. xxxiii, 4*1-495.— Identitikation (Zur) durch die Ziihne. Zahntech. Rundschau, Berl., 1898, No. 32s, 4955 — Lcpkowsk i (W.) & Wachholz (L.) O zebach pod wzgledem sadowo- lekarskim. [Teeth from a medico-legal viewpoint.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1901, xl, 299; 316; 329; 346; 363. Also: Przegl. dent., Warszawa, 1901, iv,152; 192; 219; 262. ----- -----. Ueber Veriinderung natiirlicher und kunstlicher Gebisse durch extreme Temperatur und Fiiulnis; Bei- trag zuf Identitiitslehre. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, ix, 119-121.— [.TIcGowan vs. Whitaker]; compen- sation for loss of tooth. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 975.— Marco (B. B.) A system to assist in the identification of criminals and others bv means of the teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1898, xl, 113-116.— Mauczka (H.) Die Bedeutung der Ziihne vom gerichtsiirztlichen Standpunkt aus. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1892, viii, 231-276, 1 tab. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1892, xxvii, 670; 689; 700; 716; 729. Also: Wien. med. BL, 1892, xv, 746; 761; 779; 792; 810.—Meyer (S.) Lteger, Tand- lseger, Tandteknikere. [Physicians, dentists, and experts on the teeth.] Ugeskr. f. Larger, Kobenh., 1903, 5. R., x, 1177-1188.—Milroy(C.E.) Dental jurisprudence. Den- tal Rev., Chicago, 1900, xiv. 451-459.—PaInierston (II. A. C.) Dental jurisprudence. Am. .1. Dent. Sc, Bait., 1899-1900, 3. s., xxxiii, 321-32*.—Flatschiek (K.) Die Zahnheilkunde in der gerichtlichen Medicin; diegericht- liche Odontometrie. Mod.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1894, xxix, 681. Also, transl: Progresso dent., Milano, 1894, iii, 116-125.— Rhoades (J. H.) Dental jurisprudence. Den- tal Brief, Phila., 1910, xv, 604; 689.—Ruiz (C.-C.) Sur un cas de fausse identite d'un cadavre; identification par l'examen des dents. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1909, xxiv, 654.—Thompson (A. H.) The'value of teeth as a means of identification. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1904,lxv, 161-163.—Uncommon (An) dentistry case [alleged unskilful extraction of a tooth]. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 1002.—Viau (G.) L'identite des cadavres et les chirurgiens-dentistes. Odontologie, Par., 1897, 2. s., iv, 299-301.—Vilga (G. I.) Odontologiya vsudebnol me- ditsinle. [Odontologv in forensic medicine.] Odont. Obozr., Mosk.. 1901, iii, 481: 1902, iv, 1; 59; 137.—Zahn- heilkunde (Die) in der gerichtlichen Medicin. J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1900, xv, No. 18. Teeth (loosened). Brtjhn (C.) Die mechanische Wiederbefes- tisrung gelockerter Ziihne. 4°. Leipzig, 1911. Witkc»iski. The tightening of loose teeth; some technical innovations. 8°. London, 1912. Bruhn (C.) Ueber die Befestigung lose gewordener Schneide-und Eckziihne. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deut- sch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 444- Teeth (Loosened). 447.—He r list (E.) Die Befestigung locker, r Ziihne. Cor.- Bl. i. Zalinat/.te, Berl., 1902.xxxi, 144-H.s.- Ithcin (M. L.) Treatment of loosened teeth. J. Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 25S-26L—Koacli (F. E.) The preservation of loose teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1911, xxv, 153-159.— Smith (D. W.) Intractable cough caused by aspiration of a tooth. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 70.—\Voiser (R.) Die M. L. Rheinsche Methode der Fixation lockerer Ziihne und Modifikationen derselben. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1904, xx, 35-44. Teeth (Loss of). Cowardin (L, M.) The too frequent sacrifice of teeth, in the treatmentof diseases of the antrum. Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass. 1899, Phila., 1900, Southern Branch, 60- tls— Fletcher (M. H.) What is the effect on progeny of the loss of teeth? Dental Digest, Chicago, 1906, xii, 907-917. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 191- 194.—I layman (C. A.) The early loss of teeth. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1907, xxviii, 1109-1114.—Lcmeland (J.) Chute des dents par suite de suppression de la mastica- tion; cessation des accidents par reprise de la fonc- tion. Odontologie, Par., 1911, xliv, 145-147.—Neimer (A.) Einfluss des Zahnverlustes auf die Militiirdienst tauglichkeit. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 174— Sellreiber (M.) Ueber den Verfall der Ziihne. BI. f. Volksgsndhtspfl., Munchen & Berl., 1902, ii, 213 — Spitzer (B.) Die Veranderungen des Ganglion Gassed nach Zahnverlust. Arb. a. d. neurol, Inst. a. d. Wien. Univ., Leipz. u. Wien, 1910,xviii,216-227.—Viviani (TJ.) La perdita di un dente incisivo per trauma costituisce sempre indebolimento permanente dell' organo della masticazione, produce sfregio permanente del viso e per- manente difficoltil della favella? Cesalpino, Arezzo, 1910, vi, 225-234.—Warnekros. Ueber die Ursachen des friihzeitiiieii Verlustes der Ziihne. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1906), 1907, xxxvii, pt. 2, 250-266. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 832-837. Teeth (Malocclusion of). See, also, Degeneracy in man (Physical signs of); Jaws (Abnormities of); Mouth (Abnormi- ties of); Prognathism. David (T.) D-j la deviation sur l'axe etde son traitement par la rotation brusque. 8°. Paris, 1885. Frank (L.) Onregelmatigheden in den groei der tanden. roy. 8°. Rotterdam, 1909. Loos (0.) Ueber die Ursachen des soge- nannten Liingerwerdens der Ziihne bei fehlen- den Antagonisten; eine histologische Studie. 8°. .Strassburg, 1909. Pottier (P.) *De l'anteversion et de la retroversion dentaire chez l'homme. 4°. Paris, LS92. Talbot (E. S.) Chart of typical forms of constitutional irregularities of the teeth, fol. Philadelphia, 1S91. Werner (G.) * Delia situazione irregolare di qualche dente qual causa di rare malattie. 8°. Milano, 1841. Aokory (J.) A case of extreme malposition of the left upper central incisor. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1904-5, n. s., xxxvii, 162-164. [Discussion], 168- 174.—Andrew (J. J.) Case of malplaced lower wisdom tooth. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1909, xxx, 289-291, 1 pl.— Rebb (W.) A criticism of the discussion upon an essay entitled "Is there an ideal occlusion in the human jaws?" Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1906, xlviii, 545-549. See, also, infra, Wheeler (H. L.).— Rennette (H. P.) Notes on an irreg- ularity of the teeth of a girl, aged fourteen vears. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1904, xxv, 182-1- ..—Bessko (G.) Casi di numero irregolare di denti. Arch, scient. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino, 1906, ix, 49-56.—Host (J. D.) Obstructed nasal respiration and its relation to dental deformities. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1911, xxxi, 229- 235.—Bogue (E.-A.) Relations des arcades dentaires avec les affections pathologiques du naso-pharynx et des parties adjaccntcs. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1907, xiv, 572-585. Also, transl: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlix, 102-105.—Brady (W.J.) The influence of heredity on malocclusion, items Interest, N. Y., 1906, xxviii, 727- 7lo—Bruck (G. W.) Un caso di sporgenza della man- dibola. (.ior. di corrisp. p. dentisti, Milano, 1902, xxxi, 351-357.—Ca in piou (li. G.) Studies ill superior protru- sion. Tr. odont. Soe. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1895, n. s., xxvii, 127-149,1 pl.—Camus (M.) Anomalies des maxillaires et des dents avec des malformations multiples. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1904, xi, 31-34.— Case (C. B.) The diag- nosis of deformities due to irregularities of the teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago. 1910, xxiv, 1181-1196.—Case (C.S.) Occlusion and its relation to intermaxillary and occipi- tal forces. Pacific Dent. Gaz., San Fran., 1905, xiii, 93- TEETH. 683 TEETH. Teeth (Malocclusion of). 101—Case (A) of malocclusion of the teeth due to tongue-sucking. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1903, xlyi, 735—Casio (F. M.) Mal occlusion of the teeth involv- ing the mesio-distal relation of the dental arches. Den- tal Summarv, Toledo, 1907, xxvii, 407-419.— Chompret. Recherche d'une canine en ectopic Rev. destomatol., Par , 1903, x, 247-252.—Co Iyer (J. F.) Irregularities of the teeth. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1906-7, n. s., xxxix 157-159 3 pl. -----• Misplaced mandibular third molars. Ibid., 159-163, 2 pl.—de Crocs (J.) Contribu- tion a l'etude des anomalies de dimensions et de formes des maxillaires dans leurs rapports avec l'esthetique fa- ciale. Odontologie, Par., 1903, 2. s., xvii, 73-88, 1 pl.— Dalton (V. B.) The cause of open-bite malocclusion. Items Interest, N. Y.,1911, xxxiii, 897-908.—Davenport (I. B.) The significance of the natural form and arrange- ment of the dental arches of man, with a consideration of the changes, which occur as a result of their artificial derangement by filing or bv the extraction of teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1887, xxix, 413-139. Also, Reprint, Also [Discussion bvC.A.Brackett]: Tr. N.York Odont.Soc. 1887 Phila.,1888,129-135. Ateo.Reprint.-----. Articulation of the teeth. Internat. Dent. J., N. Y., Phila., 1892, xiii, 1-8, 8 pl. Also, Reprint.—Oewey (M.) Heredity as an etiological factor in the production of malocclusion. Items Interest, X. V., 1906, xxviii, 694-703. -----. A study of the tem!>oio-mandibular articulation, cusp and ap- proximal contact point. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1911, liii, 133-lPv— I'Sireohamiento de la arcada dentaria. Rev.dent.anier.,Filad.,1899,vii,l-7 — Fleisohiiiaiin (L.) Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Okklusions-Anomalieii. [Also English text.] Verhandl. d.Europ. Gesellsch. f.Orthodont., Wien, 1911,218-238.—Fletcher (M. H.) Pathological ir- regularities. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1904, xxv. 677-685. Also: J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 105-108.—Frank (B.) On rotation axes of the mandible; a reply to T. Mor- ton's criticism. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1909, xxx, 797-809.— Frey (L.) Essai de terminologie des malpositions dento-maxillaires. Odontologie. Par.. 191.0, xliv, 529-533.— Frey (L.), Villain (G.) tV Lemiere (R.) Termino- logie des malpositions maxillo dentaires. Ibid., 1912, xlvii, 145-153.—Galippe (V.) Etude sur l'heredite des anomalies des maxillaires et des dents. Rev. de stoma- tol., Par., 1902, ix, 369; 469.—Gires (P.-E.) Absence des premolaires; malposition des canines; presentation de moulages, de radiographics ec d'un appareil d'orthodon- tie. Ibid., 1910, xvii, 511.— Gray (B. F.) "A considera- tion of some causes of malocclusion of the teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1906, xlviii, 726-730. — Greves (J. E.) Notes on various forms of the articulation of the upper and lower teeth. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1897, xl, 865- 872.—Gysi (A.) Le probleme de l'articulation. Odon- tologie, Par.", 1910, xliii, 241. Also, transl: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1910, Iii, 1; 148; 268; 403.—Hall (E. E.) Malocclu- sion from the dentist's standpoint. Items Interest, N. Y., 1910, xxxii, 337-345.—Heermann. Ueber Kieferano- malien, hervorgerufen durch Nasen- und Ohrenkrank- heiten. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., 1905, viii, 153- 156.—Herbst (E.) Fiinf Klassen von Anomahen der Zahnstellung, sowie eine neue umfassende Einteilung der Anomahen der Kiefer und Ziihne; Vorschlag zur ein- fachen Bezeichnung aller vorkommendeu Anomahen, unter Beriicksichtigung der von Angle eingefiihrten drei Klassen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911, xxix, 602-608.—Highton (H. C.) Malocclusion of the teeth. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1912, xxxiii, 41-48.—Hil- zensauer (L.) Erbliche Kiefermissbildung und Zah- nungsverspatung. VrtlJM-hr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1901, xx, 113-116, 2 pl.—Hoggan .1. A. C.) Why the "mixture of races" is not a factor in malocclusion. Dental Practice, Toronto, 1909, vi, 1-7.—Hubbard (I). L.) Immediate and remote causes of the malformation of the dental arch. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1898, xl, 270-276.—Iszlai (J ) Beitrag zur Nomenklatur und zur Systematic der Stellungsanomalien der Zlilme. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1897, xi, 113; 121 -Korbitz (A.) Ueber Ano- mahen der Kieferstellung. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1903, xix, 68-77.—Law (W. G.) Some thoughts regarding mouth breathing as a cause of maloc- clusions of the teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1909, xxm, 918-9°4—Lemiere (R.) Contribution a l'etude du de- placement apical anteneur des incisives et des canines. Odontologie, Par., 1910, xliii, 5-12.—Lischer (B. L.) A contribution to the etiology of malocclusion of the teeth Dental Digest, Chicago, 1907, xiii, 233-215— Loos (O.) Zur Kasuistik erworbener Kieferdifforrmtaten. Mun- chen med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 1397.—Lund borg (J. A. W ) Irregularities of the teeth. Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass., San Fran., 1888, xix, 233-230.—fWabi lie. L'arcade den- taire et ses anomalies. Clinique, Brux., 1907, xxi, 41-45.— JtIa«>-"-s i W A.) Typical cases of overcrowding ot the teeth" Guv's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1905, xix, 31-34.-.TIeii- dcll fGuil'hcnuenaP.) A corrected case of pronounced malocclusion of the deciduous teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phile Vi<;7 xlix, 820: 1911, liii, 530-535.—Mi Us (W. A.) Pathologic'conditions of the pharynx and contiguous structures during early childhood; prime factors in the Teeth (Malocclusion of). etiology of mal-formyd maxilliJe and irregular teeth, etc. Ohio Dent. J., Toledo, 1897, xvii, 431-433.—de Nevreze. Classification et definition cliniques des malpositions des dents et des maxillaires. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1908, xv, 545: 1909, xvi, 7.—Newkirk (G.) Nomenclature relating to forms of the dental arch, and special positions of the teeth. Tr. World's Columbian Dent. Cong., Chi- cago, 1894, ii, 877-890.—OI lis (W. S.) Some aspects of malocclusion. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1911, xxv, 254- 257.—Parlitt (J. B.) The normal arch and some factors in the aetiology of dental irregularity. Ibid., 1908, xxii, 330.—Potts (H. A.) A frequent etiological factor com- mon to facial malformation and acute infectious dis- eases. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 208-213.— Pullen (H. A.) The great first class of malocclusion. Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, ii, 362- 381.—Ritchie (S. G.) Heredity and malocclusion. Do- minion Dent. .)., Toronto, 1907, xix, 101-113.—Roberts (G. A.) Occlusion. Ibid., 1904, xvi, 286-292.—Rose (C.) Ueber dieRuckbildung der sei I lichen Schneideziihne des oherkiefers und der Weisheitszahne im menschlichen Gebisse. Deutsche Monaischr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1906, xxiv, 225-258.—Rogers (A.P.) A consideration of infra occlusion. Items Interest, N. Y., 1909, xxxi, 248-265.— Ryder (J. A.) Addenda to etiological views expressed in a paper on the mechanical genesis of tooth-forms. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1878, xx, 472-474. Also, Reprint — Saivaja (F. S.) The influence of deciduous teeth and adenoids on malocclusion. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1910, xxii, 466-472.—Schwarze (P.) Ueber Artikula- tion. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1903, xxi, 220-226.—Scibert (E. G.) The superior maxilla; a dis- cussion of its proper development. Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & Laryngol., St. Louis, 1912, xxi, 145-155—Solas. Con- tribution a l'etude de la terminologie des malpositions dentaires. Odontologie, Par., 1911, xlvi, 145-155.—Stchr (F.) Beitrage zur Aetiologie der Deformation und De- generation des menschlichen Gebisses und ilirer Bezie- hung zur Stillungsf rage. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch.deutsch. Naturf. ii. Aerzte 1902, Leipz., 1903, ii, 2. Hlfte., 548-550. -----. Weitere Beitrage zur Aetiologie der Deformation und Degeneration des menschlichen Gebisses und deren Beziehung zum Gesamtorganismus. Ibid., 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 401. -----. Beitriige zur Aetiologie der Deformation und Degeneration des menschlichen Gebisses und ihre Beziehung zum Gesamt-Organismus. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1904, xiii, 1136: 1163: 1191; 1247; 1303.— Nu in ma (R.) A plea for occlusion. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1903, xiv, 862-864.—Talbot (E. S.) Irregularities of the dental arch. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 1564-1566.-----. Deformities of the jaws among European degenerates. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1904, xxiv, 552- 560.—Talbot (W. O.) Malocclusion; the deformity of the age. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 5s,.—Trau- ner(F.) Studie zum Thema: Die Ursachen des Wan- derns der Ziihne nach vorne zur Kiefermitte. Verhandl. d. Europ. Gesellsch. f. Orthodont., Wien, 1911, 258-287 — Tremaine (W. F.) Dental irregularities associated with mental infirmities. J. Psycho-Asthenics, Faribault, Minn., 1908-9, xiii, 48-50,1 pl.—Tu rner (J. G.) Etiology and. prevention of deformities of the dental arches. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1907, xxviii, 193; 241; 337, 8 pl.—Villain (G.) Essai d'unification de la terminologie et des diverses classifications en orthodontic Odontotogie, Par., 1909, xii, 61; 209; 259,2 pl., 1 tab.—Walker (W. E.) Ortho- dontic facial orthomorphia; importance of differentiation in cases of apparent mandibular protrusion. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xlii, 147-149.—Walk hott". Der Ein- fluss der Vererbung und der funktionellen Selbstgestal- tung bei der Entstehung von einigen Stellungsanoma- lien der Ziihne. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1910 xxviii, 865-873.—Wallace (J. S) The irregularities of the teeth. Dental Rec, Lond., 1902, xxii, 241; 289; 337; 385; 433; 481; 529: 1903, xxiii, 1; 57: 105; 157. -----. A factor in the causation of irregularities of the teeth. Ibid., 1903, xxiii, 256-258. -----. A classification of dento-facial ir- regularities. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med.,Lond., 1907-8, i, Odont. Sect., 140-146. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1908, li, 967- 972.—Warnekros (L.) Einige Fiille aus der techni- schen Zahnheilkunde und Erliiuterungen der normalen Stellung der Ziihne im Kiefer. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1909, xxv, 575-590.—Wheeler (H. L.) Is there an ideal occlusion of the teeth in the human jaw? Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1906, xlviii, 24-27. See, also, supra, Bebb (W.).—Williams (F. E.) Mal-occlusion of the teeth and its intimate relations to carious conditions. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1906, lx, 513-522. Teeth (Malocclusion of, Treatment of) [ Orthodontia]. See, also, Jaws (Prothesis of). Alfred Korbitz' Kursus der Orthodontie. Nach den Aufzeichnungen von J. A. W. van Loon. 8°. Berlin, 1909. t TEETH. 684 TEETH. Teeth (Malocclusion of, Treatment of) [Orthodontia]. Amoedo (0.) Contribution a l'etude des tra- vaux a point en prothese dentaire. 8°. Paris, 1900. Angle (E. H.) The Angle system of regula- tion and retention of the teeth, and treatment of fractures of the maxillae. 4. ed. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1895. ------. The same. Treatment of malocclu- sion of the teeth and fractures of the maxillae. Angle's system. 6. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1900. ------. Thesame. Angle's System zur Gra- derichtung und Festhaltung unregelmassig ge- stellter Ziihne und zur Behandlung von Kiefer- briichen. 4. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1897. ------. The same. 3. deutsche Aufl. (5. engl. Aufl.). 8°. Berlin, 1902. ------. The same. 4. deutsche Aufl. (5. engl. Aufl.). 8°. Berlin, 1904. Breger. * Contribution a l'etude du traite- ment des deviations dentaires par les ligatures. 8°. Paris, 1900. ------. The same. , 8°. Paris, 1900. Charezieux (E.-E.-E.) La prothese dentaire indispensable. 8°. Paris, 1911. Dunogier (S.) *Orthodontie ou traitement des deviations dentaires. 4°. Bordeaux, 1894. Farrar (J. N.) Painless plan of correction of irregular teeth. 8°. Brooklyn, [n. d.~\. Repr.from: Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn. Guilford (S. H.) Orthodontia, or malposi- tion of the human teeth; its prevention and remedy. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1893. ------. The same. Orthodontia, ou malpo- sition des dents humaines; moyens preventifs et curatifs. Traduction du Dr. G. Darin. 8°. Londres & Paris, [n. d.]. Hawley (C. A.) An accurate method in or- thodontia. 8°. [Orange, N J.~\, 1906. Herbst (E.) Die Regulierung der anomalen Zahn- und Kieferstellung mit Schrauben und Scharnieren. roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1910. Janets (J.) *Les irregularites dentaires; therapeutique preventive. 8°. Paris, 1909. Jung (C.) Leitfaden der Zahn-und Kiefer- korrektur. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, 1906. Lischer (B. E.) Principles and methods of orthodontics. 8°. Philadelphia, 1912. Menard (J.) Sur la therapeutique des ano- malies de l'appareil dentaire. De la correction de certaines anomalies de disposition des dents par l'extraction des quatre premieres grosses molaires definitives ou dents de six ans. 8°. Paris, 1896. Nux (L.) *De I'orthopedie dentaire; con- tribution a l'etude des irregularites dentaires et de leur traitement. 4°. Toulouse, 1894. Pfafp (W.) Lehrbuch der Orthodontie fiir Studierende und Zahnarzte mit Einschluss der Geschichte der Orthodontie. 8°. Dresden, 1906. -----. Ueber die Entwicklung der Ortho- dontie, besonders in neuester Zeit, und die Hauptaufgaben fiir die Zukunft. Vortrag ge- halten vor der European Orthodontia Societv in Wiesbaden. 8°. Leipzig, 1910. Pietkiewicz (V.) De la therapeutique de certaines anomalies de direction du svsteme den- taire. 12°. Paris, 1876. Repr.from: Bull, de therap. med. et chir., Par., 1876. Samsioe (C. A.) Rerlexioner med anledning af de sakktmniges utlatande i och for tillsattande af larareplatsen i proteslara och tandreglering Teeth (Maiocclusiem of, Treatment of) [Orthodontia], vid landliikareinstitutet. [Reflexions on expert opinion in and for the institution of teachers of prothesis and regulating the teeth in country medical institutions.] 8°. Stockholm, [1901]. Siffre (A.-F.) * Contribution a l'etude des anomalies dentaires. Le redressement chirur- gical de l'antagonisme inverse. 8°. Paris, 1901. Turon (P.-T.) *Des anomalies dentaires de siege et de direction et de leur traitement (en particulier par le redressement chirurgical). 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. AdlofF (P.) Ueber Formveriinderungen von Zahnen infolge mechanischer Einflusse. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1907, xxv, 129-134.—Amoedo (O.) Con- tribution k l'etude de la prothese immediate des maxil- laires. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 477.—Angle (E. H.) Double resection for the treatment of mandibular protrusion. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1903, xiv, 268-274.-----. Orthodontia. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1904, x, 307-309. -----. Some basic principles in ortho- dontia. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1903, xxv, 729-768. [Discussion], 801-803. -----. Art in relation to orthodon- tia. Items Interest, N. Y., 1903, xxv, 646-673. -----. The upper first molar as a basis of diagnosis in orthodon- tia. Ibid., 1906, xxviii, 421-426.—Rabcock (W. W.) The surgical treatment of certain deformities of the jaw associated with malocclusion of the teeth. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, liii, 833-838. Also, Reprint. Also: Dental Summary, Toledo, 1910, xxx,810.—Badtoek (J. H.) An interim note on regulation. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1906-7, n. s., xxxix, 193-224.-----. The need for correction of malpositions of the teeth. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, ii, 771.—Raker (G. T.) Two ortho- dontia cases. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1904, xlvi, 273-275.— Raker (H. A.) Treatment of protruding and receding jaws by the use of the intermaxillary elastics. Inter- nat. Dent. J., Phila., 1904, xxv, 344-356. -----. Some ob- servations on the temporo-maxillary articulation in changing the occlusion. Items Interest, N. Y, 1908, xxx, 679-588.—Raker (L. W.) A report of an unusual case of orthodontia. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1905, xxvi, 511- 515.—Baldwin (A. E.) Some facial deformities; preven- tion. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 23.—Barnes (V. E.) The simple cases of orthodontia. Dental Sum- mary, Toledo, 1906, xxvi, 811-828.— RergStrom (L.) En kakframhallare vid narkoser. [Prothesis of the jaws under anaesthesia.] Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1907-8,n.f.,xiii, 294.—Besson. Prothese dentaire; necessity de l'extrac- tion prealable des racines. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1903, xxvii, 171-173.—Bianchi (L.) Quanto valga la protesi dentaria in caso di necrosi per sifiiide del mascel- lare superiore? Atti d. xii. Cong, interprov. san. d. alta Italia, Venezia, 1904, 158.—Blair (V. P.) A report of a case of double resection for the correction of protrusion of the lower jaw. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1906, xiii, 712-717. -----. Operations on the jaw-bone and face; a study of the aetiology and pathological anatomy of devel- opmental malrelations of the maxilla and mandible to each other and to the facial outline, and of their opera- tive treatment when bevond the scope of the orthodon- tist. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1907, iv, 67-78.— Boerina. Twee gevallen van orthodontia. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1907, i. 583.—Bogue (E. A.) Principles underlying the regulation of the human teeth. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 2, 1878-1881. -----. Observations on some recent cases of orthodontia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix, 306-311. -----. The influence of arranging irregularly placed teeth into their normal positions. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 569-573. -----. Ueber prophylaktische Regulierung des Milchge- bisses und deren Beziehungen zum bleibenden Gebiss. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahniirzte, BerL, 1907, xxxvi, 227-242. -----. The prevention of dental deformities. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1911, xxxii, 1121-1128, 2pl. -----. The influence, on development, of a rranging irregularly placed teeth into normal positions. DentalDigest, Chicago, 1907,xiii,l-24.— Bozo (A.) Etude critique des classifications en ortho- dontie. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1911, xviii, 474—192. Brigiotti (J. G.) Un cas de redressement. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3. iv, 279-283, 2 pl.— Brown (G. V. I.) The effect of maxillary readjust- ment upon the development of nasal chambers and face. Tr. Am. Laryngol., Rhinol. & Otol. Soc, New Bedford, Mass., 1910, 274-292. Also: Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & Laryn- gol., St. Louis, 1910, xix, 885-932.—Brunzlow (R.) Nuova sistema di raddrizzamento dei denti e dei mas- cellari. Gior. di corrisp. p. dentisti, Milano, 1904, xxxiii, 25-41.— Case (C.S.) Orthodontia. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1892, vi, 531-536. -----. Principles of force and anchor- age in the movement of teeth. Tr. Am. Dent. Ass. 1897, Phila., 1898, xxxvii, 89-120. -----. Dento-facial orthope- TEETH. 685 TEETH. Teeth (Malocclusion of, Treatment of) [Orthodontia], dia. (Orthopedie den to-facial.) Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, i, 176-186. -----. The advisability of extracting teeth in the correction of irregularities. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 417-420. -----. Princi- ples and technic of retention in orthodontia. Ibid., 649-659.-----. The question of extraction in orthodontia. Ibid., 1906, xlviii, 373; 621. -----. The importance of moving the roots of teeth in orthodontia. Ibid., 1908, 1, 581-593. -----. The question of extraction in orthodontia. Ibid., 1912, liv, 137; 276. [Discussion], 331-354.—Casto (F. M.) The necessity of orthodontic interference in malformation of the dental arches aud maxillae. Cleve- land M. J., 1911, x, 988-999.—Cavallaro (G.) Sulla ne- cessity di vigilare gli apparecchi di protesi. Stomatol., Milano, 1906-7, v, 398-400— Chapman (H.) Occlusion and the use of fixed appliances in orthodontia. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1908, xxix, 145-152. -----. Orthodontia; cases where the mesio-distal relation of the jaws is nor- mal. Dental Rec., Lond., 1907, xxvi, 52-57.— Chateau (J. M.) Redressement spontane; ancrage transversal; considerations de la malleability comparee des maxil- laires superieur et inferieur. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1910, xvii, 369-373.—Colyer (J. F.) The early treatment of crowded mouths. Dental Rec, Lond., 1899, xix, 453; 501.—Constant (T. E.) Dr. Ketcham and dental orthopedics. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1911, liii, 148-150.— Couetoux. Le redressement dentaire et la methode de mensuration. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1907, xiv, 636-530.-Cryer (M. H.) Typical and atypical occlusion of the teeth in relation to the correction of irregularities. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1904, xlvi, 713-733.—D'Argent. Contribution a I'orthopedie des maxillaires; l'orthodontie liee a I'orthopedie des maxillaires; correction de l'atresie bucco-nasale. Odontologie, Par., 1903, 2. s., xvii, 547-555, 1 pl.—Davenport (W. S.) Correction and prevention of malocclusion by the bite guide and other methods. Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, ii, 278-289. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 301-309.— Delemontey. Premiere dentition et orthodontie, Bull.med. del'Algerie, Alger, 1910, xxi, 81; 285.—Dewey (M.) Some principles of retention in orthodontia. Den- tal Summary, Toledo, 1909, xxix, 427; 593; 725; 795; 885.— Dodge (H. N.) A case of irregularity and. its treat- ment. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1889, xxxi, 769-774. Also, Reprint. -----. Reciprocating tooth movement, a study. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1891, xxx, 1045-1058. Also, Reprint. -----. Parallel expansion of the lower dental arch. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1904, xlvi, ILL— Dolamore (W. H.) The treatment of misplaced teeth by alveolotomy. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1899- 1900, n. s.,xxxii,42-72.—Duca (V.) Una conseguenzarara di protrusione dentaria. Stomatol., Milano, 1905-6, iv, 390-394.—Farra r (J. X.) Mechanical appliances for regu- lating teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila.,1896, xxxviii,559-561. Also, Reprint.—Faught (F. A.) The importance of pre- liminary examination of the nasal chamber in the treat- ment of dental irregularity. Items Interest, N. Y., 1906, xxviii, 740-742. Also: Med.-Chir. J., Phila., 1906, vii, no. 11,17-19.—Federspiel (M. N.) Orthodontia, its rela- tion to the rhinologist. Milwaukee M. J., 1911, xix, 1-9.— Felizet. Sur un travail du Dr. Gaillard (de Paris), in- titule: Methode physiologique de redressement des dents. [Rap.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1896, n. s., xxii, 19-24.—Ferrier (J.) Reduction rapide d'une mal- position d'incisives centrales par le plan incline. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1912, xix, 30-33.—Fritzsche (C.) Die operative Behandlung der Stellungsanomalien. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1907, xxv, 471- 484.—Hires (P. E.) Principes fondamentaux du redres- sement des dents. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1908, xv, 12- 26.—Godon (C.) Redressements tardifs. Odontologie, Par., 1903, 2. s., xvii, 427-432. -----. Considerations sur Paction mecanique de la m&choire et ses applications a l'art dentaire. Ibid., 1905, xxxiv,493; 557: 1906, xxxv, 107. -----. Le traitement des irregularites dentaires et la force intermaxillaire. Ibid., 1908, xl, 155. -----■. Appli- cations de la methode de reconstitution de l'6quilibre ar- ticulaire au traitemeut des irregularites dentaires; force intermaxillaire etplan inclined Ibid., 241-254,2 pl.-----. Procede de determination au debut du traitement des deplacements dentaires a operer en orthodontie. Ibid., 1909, xii, 403-407. —Goldenstein & Reynier. Tri- ecartetir de la machoire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1910. n. s., xxxvi, 152-155—Goslee (H. J.) Arti- ficial substitutes for missing teeth in orthodontia. Items Interest, N. Y., 1904, xxvi, 258-273.—Gough (F. A.) The importance of dental orthopedics in the normal develop- ment of the child. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1909, lix, 712- 720.—Grieves (C. J.) Base metal versus noble metal appliances in orthodontia. Items Interest, N. Y., 1909, xxxi, 326-358.— Grisamore (T. L.) A consideration of the advisability for extracting teeth in orthopedic den- tistry. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1910, xxiv, 331-339.— Groth (J.) Appareil permettant la constatation des lignes inharmonieuses et des traits anormaux dans les difformites maxillaires. Progres med. beige, Brux., 1911, I Teeth (Malocclusion of, Treatment of) [ Orthodontia]. xiii, 33—39.—tii-iiiiberg (J.) Der Abdruck und das Modell in der Orthodontic. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1908, xxiv, 579-630. -----. Die Bander in der Orthodontic Ibid., 1909, xxv, 149-197. -----. Zur Frage der Einstellung der Zahne in den normalen Nei- gungswinkel; Retentionsapparat fiir den unteren Zahnbo- gen; neues Hilfsmittel bei der Rotation von Zahnen. Verhandl. d. Europ. Gesellsch. f. Orthodont., Wien, 1911, 288-299.— von Guerard (W.) Eine Regulirung durch Gummiringe und deren Folgen. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahniirzte, Berl., 1905, xxxiv, 152-156.—Glierini (V.) Seconda re- lazione delle cure odontoiatriche e protesi chirurgiche eseguite a militari del regio esercito. Odonto-stomatol., Napoli, 1904, iii, 189-205.—Guill'ord (S. H.) The no- menclature of orthodontia. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1906, xlviii, 135-138. — Ilalin (M.) Traumacarcinom und Zahnprothese. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, BerL, 1910, xxxix, 116-124.—Hawley (('. A.) Determination of the normal arch, and its application to orthodontia. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 511.-552. [Discussion], 581-583. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904,Phila., 1905,ii,252-266.—Hecht(H.) Unerwunschte Zug- und Druckwirkungen beim Regulieren, ihre Ur- sachen, Behandlung und Verhinderung. Verhandl. d. Europ. Gesellsch. f. Orthodont., Wien, 1910, 58-76. -----. Einige beachtenswerte Erwiigungen praktischer und theoretischer Art in der Orthodontie. Ibid., 1911, 238- 253.—Hepburn (D.) An interesting case of abnormal- ity and deficiency of teeth and alveoli causing facial de- formity, and the treatment by mechanicalmeansadopted. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit.. Lond., 1904-5, n. s., xxxvii, 204- 206.—Herbst (E.) jun. Ueber Gelenkbildung bei Zahn- respective Kieferregulierung. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1903, xxi, 554-559. -----. Ueber Richt- apparate und Kieferregulierung. Verhandl. d. Ge- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte.. 399. -----. System der Anomalien una der Behandlungsarten unter specieller Beriicksich- tigung der passiven Zahnregulirungen. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1906, xxxv, 41-55. -----. Zur Be- handlung der reinen Formen von Prognathic und Pro- genie. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1907, xxv, 91-96.—Hesse. Das Schicksal akut redressierter Zahne. Ibid., 485-491.—Highton (H. C.) The treatment of malocclusion (orthodontia). Lancet, Lond., 1908, i, 1836.—Hoggan (J. A. C.) Orthodontia. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1908, xxxiii, 281-286.—Howe (H.L.) Orthodontia. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1904, xlvi, 1002- 1009. [Discussion], 1073.—Ibbotson (J. S.) Reportof a case of extreme malocclusion, with description of the measures taken for its relief. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1910, xxii, 342-346. Also: Montreal M. J., 1910, xxxix, 112-115.—Jackson (V. H.) Correcting irregu- larities of the teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1890, xxxii, 873-882. Also, Reprint. -----. Methods of regulating teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1891, xxxiii, 1067-1082. Also, Reprint. -----. System of correcting irregularities of the teeth and deformities of the jaws. (Appareils pour la correction des irregularites des dents et des difformites des machoires.) Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 514. -----. Orthodontia; opening the bite in the regulation of the teeth; a metal flange for improving the anchorage of appliances, moving teeth, and for har- monizing the occlusion. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1907, xlix, 343-353.—Jean (F.) Extension des maxillaires et expansion des arcades dentaires, par les appareils amovi- bles a plaques. Odontologie, Par., 1907, xxxviii, 295-308. -----. Un cas d'orthodontie spontanee. Ibid., 1909, xlii, 99-101.-----. Modifications aux appareils de redresse- ment a poste fixe. Ibid., 463-475, 3 pl. -----. Appareils de retention en orthodontie. Ibid., 1910, xliv, 241-215.— Jolianson (K.) Die Ausiibung der Orthodontie in einer kleinen Stadt. Verhandl. d. Europ. Gesellsch. f. Orthodont., Wien, 1910, 76-85.—Juvet (C. H.) A plea for the adoption of orthodontia in the practice of every dentist. Dental Practice, Toronto, 1909, vii, 93-100.— Keniple (F. C.) Orthodontia as a prophylactic meas- ure. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1907, xlix, 337-343. [Dis- cussion], 389-390.—Ketcham (A. H.) Are the "new school orthodontists" practicing excessive expansion? Ibid., 1910, Iii, 955-968. -----. The radiograph in ortho- dontia. Items Interest, N. Y., 1911, xxxiii, 281-307.— Kingsley (N. W.) An inquiry into the causes of ir- regularities in the development of the teeth. New York Odontological Society, December 16, 1874. Tr. N. York Odont. Soc. (1874), 1875, 74-114. Also, Reprint— Korbitz (A.) A method of jumping the bite. Cong. internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect. d'odont. destomatol., 605. -----. Diagnose und Therapie beimunregelmassigenGebiss. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte,BerL, 1907, xxxvi, 40-53. -----. Quelques problemes nouveaux de l'orthodontie. Odontologie, Par., 1908, xl, 185. -----. The geometrical determination of the orthodontic (expan- sion) arch. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1911, xxxii, 1129-1132.— Kraus (M.) Ueber operative Entwicklung und Regu- lierung retinierter Eckzahne bei Individuen vorgeschrit- TEETH. 686 TEETH. Teeth (Malocclusion of Treatment of) [Orthodontia]. tenen Alters. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1901, xvii, 253-25s.—Kunert. Ein Fall von offenem Biss bei einem 27jahrigen Patienten auf chirurgischem Wege beseitigt. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 300-302. -----. Beitrage zur Frage der Kieferregu- lierungen. Ibid., 1906, xxiv, 65-100.—Landsberger (R.) Das Weiten des Nasenbodens durch Kieferdehnung. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1908, xxxvii, 322-334. -----. Eine federnde Schraube zur Kieferdehnung. Illust. Mo- natschr. f. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1909, xxxi, 52-57.— Law (W. G.) Some principles of retention. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1909, xxiii, 211-221.—Liess. Eine neue Vorrichtung zur Regulirung von unregelmassig stehen- den Zahnen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1901, xix, 306-310.—Liipscliitz (M.) Selbstregulirung durch rechtzeitige Extraction. Ibid., 1902, xx, 450-456. Also: Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1902, iv, 479-483.— Loeb (H. W.) A means of reducing an overgrowth of the intermaxillary frenum, permitting the retention of two central incisors in close apposition. Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & Laryngol., St. Louis, 1901, x, 243-246—i.on- non (F.) The Siegfried spring; its value in correcting the position of misplaced teeth. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1903, xxiv, 707-715.—Lourie (L. S.) The necessity for early treatment of mal-occlusion. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1904, xviii, 427-139. [Discussion], 474-481—M'Bride (R. D.) The modern developments in orthodontia. Ibid.. 1(129-1046. [Discussion], 1081-1091.—ftlacDowell (J.N.) Orthodontia. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1901, vii, 547-551.—JllcKay (F. S.) A critical contrast between the old and the new schools in orthodontia. Items In- terest, N. Y., 1906, xxviii, 805-836.—JUartinier (P.) Sur l'enseignement de la prothese. Odontologie, Par., 1902, 2. s., xv, 513-522. -----. Etiologie des anomalies du redressement. Ibid., 1903, 2. s., xvii, 413-426. -----. Or- thodontie du choix d'un appareil extenseur pour reme- dier a l'atresie de l'arcade dentaire superieure. Ibid., 463-481, 2 pl. -----. Contribution a l'etude de la correc- tion des irregularites des maxillaires. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'odont. et stoma- tol., 791-796.—von JTIathe (L.) Ueber die Regfllirung der Zahne. Pest, nicd.-chir. Presse,Budapest, 1898,xxxiv, 386-390.—Mela < R.) ( nt oped i a dentale. Cong, internat. de nied. C.-r. 1993, Madrid, 1994. xiv, sect, d'odont. et sto- matol...">s9-593.—dc Nnrt/A' (15.) Lescinqmouvements applicable* a la mobilisation des dents en orthodontie. Odontologie,Par.,1908,xl,483; 535,4pl.—Northcroi't (G.) Orthodontia. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1908, xxix, 11-23 — Oppenheim (A.) Tissue changes, particularly of bone, incident to tootli movement. [Also German text.] Verhandl. d. Europ. Gesellsch. f. Orthodont., Wien, 1911, 302-359.—Ottolongui (R.) A friendly criticism of Dr. Angle's proposed technique in the surgical correction of mandibular protrusion. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1903, xiv, 154-457. -----. The retrusion of both jaws with a single appliance. Items Interest, N. Y., 1903, xxv, 572-585. -----. Spreading the maxillae vs. spreading the arch. Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, ii, 307-323. -----. A contribution to the knowledge of the etiology and treatmentof cases in class ii [distal occlusion]. Items Interest, N. Y., 1908, xxx, 495-521. -----. The sphere of the dentist in the field of orthodontia. Ibid., 1909, xxxi, 818-822.—Partsch. Die operative Behandlung der Stellungsanomalien der Zahne. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1901, xvii, 275-279 — Paul (E.) Einiges fiber den heutigen Stand der Ortho- dontie und ihre Bedeutung fiir die allgemeine Gesund- heit. Kinderarzt, Leipz., 1910, xxi, 198; 217.—Peeso (F. A.) The relation between orthodontia and prosthodon- tia. Items Interest, N. Y., 1904, xxvi, 248-258.—Plan" (W.) Ueber die Entwicklung der diagnostischen und therapeutischen Methoden der Orthodontie, und die Be- deutung der Aetiologie der Irregularitaten fiir die Be- handlung. Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, ii, 311-353. -----. Ueber den Wert kiinstlerischer Studien fiir die zahnarztlich-orthopadische Praxis. Ibid., 354-357. -----. Ueber Unregelmassigkeiten und deren Regulirung. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903. Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'odont. et stomatol., 611-614. -----. Streifziige in das Gebiet der Orthodontie. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1907, xxxvi, 3-14. -----. Ueber die Regulierungsmethoden in ihrer geschichtlichen Ent- wicklung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Vor- teile und Nachteile. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1908, xxvi, 103-131. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 439-441. -----. Ueber die Entwicklung der Orthodontie, besonders in neuester Zeit, und die Haupt- aufgaben fiir die Zukunft. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1909, xxv, 590-606. -----. Die Abnormi- tiiten der Kiefer und Ziihne und ihre Behandlung. Er- gebn. d. ges. Zahnh., Wiesb., 1910, i, 281-350.— Poinsot (P.) Orthopedie dentaire. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r. Par., 1901-3, iii, 474-478, 1 pl.—Pont. De l'indice dentaire en orthodontie. Lyon med., 1909, cxiii, 191- 195.—Price (W. A.) The correction of occlusion, articu- Teeth (Malocclusion of, Treatment of) [Orthodontia], lation and facial expression by lengthening the bite, by means of crowns, bridges and inlays. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1909, xxix, 337-349.—Prothero (J. H.) Some phases of prosthetic procedure. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1908, xxii, 8s7-904.—Piillcn (H. A.) The import of cer- tain etiological factors in treatment in orthodontia. Den- tal Cosmos, Phila., 1908, 1,1301-1321. [Discussion], 1386- 1392. -----. Orthodontia. In: Text-book of operative dentistry, 8°, Phila., 1910, 509-760.—Pulien (R. N.) Early corrective treatmentof malocclusion. Items Inter- est, N. Y., 1909, xxxi, 908-915.—Read (S.) New method of regulating [teeth]. Brit.Dent. J., Lond., 1904 .xxv, 191-197.— Riegner. Der heutige Stand zahnarztlicher Prosthe- tik. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1910, xxviii, 38-48.—IS ilia (F. G.) Ein konservativ und orthodon- tisch behandelter Fall einer iniiqualen Zwillingsbildung des rechten oberen seitlichen Schneidezahnes. Oesterr.- ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1910, xxvi, 489-195.— Kobin (P.) Observation sur un nouvel appareil de re- dressement. Rev. stomatol., Par., 1902, ix, 423-432. -----. La bague ancrage en prothese. Ibid., 1909, xvi, 538-542. -----. A propos de la technique du traitement potentiel des odontoptoses. Ibid., 1906, xiii, 312-327.—Rogers (A. P.) The correction of malocclusion and its relation to rhinology. Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvii, 784-7S8. [Discussion], 792-794. -----. The use of the inclined planes in the correction and retention of mal-occlusion. Items Interest, N. Y., 1911, xxxiii, 21-36. -----. The treatment of some interesting cases of malocclusion. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1911, liii, 642-648—Rollin (A.) Des avantages du celluloid en prothese dentaire. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 300-304.— Sanger (R. M.) Novelties in prosthetic dentistry. Tr. Dent. Soc. N. Y., 1899, 105-110.—Sauvcz (E.) Est-il necessaire de faire des extractions pour le redressement des dents? Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 308-310.—Schroe- der (G.) Einfluss der Kieferdehnung auf das Nasenin- nere. Verhandl. d. Ver. siiddeutsch. Laryngol., Wiirzb., 1905, 93-99. —Schwartz [et al.\. Prothese. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 473-539.— Scripture (E. W.) The treatment of occluded "s." J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1912, lviii, 695.—Seigle. La me- thode a suivre dans l'enseignement de la prothese. As- soc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1901, Par., 1902, xxx, pt. 2,1185-1188.-----. De l'unification des methodes de redressement a propos d'un cas. Ibid., 1221-1226.— Sift're. Contribution a l'etude des anomalies dentaires; le redressement chirurgical de l'antagonisme inverse. Rev. odont., Par., 1901, xx, 57; 111; 14s.—Skogsborg (C.) A new and simple method of retaining normal occlusion, especially in reference to class ii (Angle). Items Inter- est, N. Y., 1911, xxxiii, 747-757.—Smith ( E. II.) A con- tribution to operative orthodontia. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1902, xxiii, 553-557, 6 pl. —Spokes (S.) The treatment of ingrowing upper teeth. Rep. Poc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1900-1901, i, 87-S9— Stauber (F.) A remedy for excessive space between the superior central incisors. Dental Brief, Phila., 1902, vii, 310-312.—Stead- man (F. St. J.) A danger in elevating the lower third molar. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1911, xxxii, 1025. Also: Brit, M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, 1406.—Stehr (F. A.) De- monstration von drei fiir die Zahn- und Kieferregulie- rung ungeeigneten Fallen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, pt. 2,2. Hlfte., 424.—Sternield (A.) Die Macht der Gewohnheit auf dem Gebiet der Prothese. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1903, xxxii, 289-305.—Subirana (L.) L'Age dans les re- dressements. Odontologie, Par., 1909, xii, 164-170. -----. Correcci6n de un caso de protrusion de los dientes supe- riores. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'odont. et stomatol., 251-266.—Talbot (E. S.) Bonepathologyandtoothmovement. J.Am. M. Ass.,Chi- cago, 1909, lii, 1023-1026. [Discussion], 1030.—Thomp- son (G.) The extraction of teeth and its relation to their mesiodistal approximation. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1910, liii, 145-153.—Thompson (J. A.) Separation of upper maxillae for improvement of nasal respiration. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1911, cv, 113.—Vichot i.i.j Pro- these velo-palatine dans un cas de disparition totale de la dentition au maxillaire superieur. Odontologie, Par., 1904, 2. s., xviii, 81-83. -----. De l'utilite de la radiogra- phic en orthodontie. Ibid., 1908, xl, 302-3m;.—Vichot (L.) Contribution 0, l'etude des modifications apportees aux os de la face dans la correction des irregularites den- taires. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iii, 71-81. Also, transl: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 1195- 1201.—Villain (H.) Correctiond'uneanomaliededirec- tion dentaire par rotation sur l'axe presque complete. Odontonlogie, Par., 1911, xiv, 3*5-390. — Visick (H.) Some notes on the regulation of teeth. Guv's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1906, xx, 641-518.—Walker (W. E.) Prothetic dentistry; the glenoid fossa; the movements of the man- dible; the cusps of the teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1896, xxxviii, 34-43. Also, Reprint.—Wallace (J. S.) Observations on the colour and shape of teeth and a sug- gested operation. Dental Rec, Lond., 1902, xxii. 145- TEETH. 687 TEETH. Teeth (Malocclusion of, Treatment of) [Orthodontia], 150. — Wallisch (W.) Beitrage zur Orthodontie. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1910, xxvi, 228-234.— Warnekros. Die Therapie der anomalen Zahnstellungen. Verhandl.d.deutsch.odont.Gesellsch., Berl., 1894, vi, 147-172.—Warren (G. W.) Crown- and bridge-work as a means of regulation combined with restauration. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1893, xxxv, 369-373. Also, Reprint.—Watson (M. I.) Some suggestions on the management of cases of malocclusion associated with mouth breathing. Verhandl. d. Europ. Gesellsch. f. Or- thodont., Wien, 1910. 90-123.—Waugh (L. M.) The laws of antagonization of the teeth in orthodontia. Items Interest, N. Y., 1910, xxxii, 192-213.—Weber (C.) Des differents moyens de retention en prothese dentaire. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iii, 437- 464. —Weeks (S. M.) Extraction and its relation to irregularities. Dental Brief, Phila., 1905, x, 466-472. -----. Three orthodontia cases. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1907, xlix, 148-152. -----. Orthodontia as related to medicine. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1909, xc, 694-697.— Whitaker (R. H. R.) The relationship of nasal ob- struction to contracted arches and dental irregularities. Brit. Dent. J., Lond,, 1911, xxxii, 537-545.—Williams (F. E.) The reduction of a difficult case of lower protru- sion. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1909, xxix, 287'-292.— Wilson (W. E.) Necessity of early correction of mal- occlusion. Dental Brief, Phila., 1910, xv, 677-689. — W orniald i K. M.) Malocclusion and its treatment with fixed appliances. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1910, xxxi, 561-566.—A"onng (J. L.) Deficient development of the arches of the deciduous teeth, and the necessity of early treatment. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1910, lii, 1185-1199. [Discussion], 1241-1249. -----. The technique of efficient application of fixed appliances in the correction of mal- occlusion. Items Interest, N. Y«, 1912, xxxiv, 93-124, 6 pl.-----. Early treatmentof malocclusion of the teeth. Dental Pract., Toronto, 1907, ii, 175-185. -----. Early treatment of malocclusion of the teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1909, li, 397-111. -----. The importance of the restoration of the normal occluding surfaces of the teeth. Dental Pract., Toronto, 1912, xii, 19-24.—Zsigiuondy (O.) Die Kieferbau-Grundlagen des anomalen Arcus dentium mit Riicksicht auf die Odonthorpiidie. Oesterr.- ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1910, xxvi, 81-98. Teeth (Malocclusion of) in criminals and degenerates. Gross'(H.) Zahnheilkunde und Kriminalistik. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1900, iii, 340- 344.—Butter (H. C.) Teeth in relation to degeneracy. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1903, lvii, 36-45.—Sellwarz. Ue- ber die Beziehungen der wissenschaftlichen Zahnheil- kunde zur Kriminalanthropologie. Arch. f. Krim.-An- throp. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1906, xxv, 339-355. -----. Wissenschaftliche Zahnheilkunde und Kriminalanthro- pologie. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1907, xvii, 98-101. Teeth (Malposition of). See Teeth (Malocclusion of). Teeth (Migration of). Dieck (W.) Ueber Wanderung der Zahne, im be- sondern des unteren zweiten Pramolaren. Odont. BL, Berl., 1899-1900, iv, 457; 479.—Duea (V.) Migrazione di radici dentarie attraverso la parete alveolare esterna. Gior. di corrisp. p. dentisti, Milano, 1906, xxxv, 350.— Farrar (J. N.) Highest orthodontia: facial beauty 1st, dental antagonism 2nd. Items Interest, N. Y., 1905, xxvii, 336; 411.—Luriya (M. A.) Neprorlezavshiysya tretiy molyar v Highmore'ovskol polosti. [Third molar not cut through found in the antrum of Highmore] Zubovrach. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1897, xix, 44.—Preuss (J.) Ueber die Veranderungen der Zahne bei der Kie- ferrachitis des Schvveines. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1909, xxxv, 561-581, 2 pl. Teeth (Misplacement of). See Teeth (Malocclusion of). Teeth (Molar). Boguc (E. A.) The principal molar in man, and its relations to and bearings upon the other teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1903, xiv, 605-614. Also: Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1903, xxiv, 569-576, 5 pl. -----. The principal molar in man, and its relations to, and bearings upon, the other teeth. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1905, xxvi, 385-388, 3 pl.—Fasoli(G.) Reperto istopatologico in un molare i della sapienza. Stomatol., Milano, 1904-5, iii, 57-61. — Houze (E.) Pourquoi et comment perdons-nous la troisieme molaire? Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de'Brux. Bull., 1903, lxi, 25-38.—Liivi(R.) Sullo sviluppo del dente del giudizio. Atti d. Soc. rom. di antrop., Roma, 1893-4, i, 159-165, 1 diag.—Oel'ele (F.), Baron. The relation of molar teeth and starch digestion. Dental Rec, Lond., 1905, xxv, 160; 253.—Osborn (H. F.) The historyof the Teeth (Molar). cusds of the human molar teeth. Internat. Dent. J N \., 1895, xvi, 389-402, 1 pl. Also,Reprint. -----. Homol- ogies and nomenclature of the elements of the molar to*' Proc Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1897, Salem, 1898, xlvi, 238.— Ovize. Sur un cas d'accident de dent de sagesse consecutif a un traumatisme. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1910, xvii, 62-67.—Port (G.) Die Wurzelkanale der unteren Molaren und der oberen zweiten Priimolareii. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1905, xxi, 13- 22-—Quintin (L.) Sur la region des deuxiemes et troisiemes grosses molaires superieures. Progres med. beige, Brux.. 1907. ix, 41-43.-Roy (M.) Les accidents de dent de sagesse et leur traitement. Odontologie, Par., 1906, xxxv, 193-200.—kiltie (A.) L'histoire de la pre- miere grosse molaire et de la dent de sagesse. Rev. odont., Par., 1904, xxiii, 205; 247; 349.—Stack (J.) Spos- trzezezenia nad zmiana. uzebienia i powstawaniem ze.- b6w trzonowych u ssawc6w. [Changes in denture and origin of the molar teeth in mammals.] Rozpr. wydz. matemat.-przyr. Adak. Umiej., Krak6w. 1904, 3. s., iv, B, 197-242, 1 pl.—Steele (T. B.) The first permanent molar. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1904, xxv, 1-6.—Thomas (J.D.) Wisdom teeth. Dental Practitioner, Phila., 1886, iv, 1-7. Also, Reprint. — Thompson (A. H. ) The evolution of the complex molar from the simple cone. Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass. 1900, Phila., 1903, iv, 69-82.— Thompson (H. M.) The evolution of the molar. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1904, xxiv, 323-328.—Under- wood (A.) A case of a buried maxillary third molar discovered by the X-rays. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit.,Lond., 1901-2, n. s., xxxiv, 244-247.—Vram (U. G.) Considera- zioni sui premolari inferiori umani. Atti d. Soc. rom. di antrop., Roma, 1897-8, v, 92-95.-----. Studio sui denti molari umani. Ibid., 155-196. —Wille. Der erste bleibende Molar mit Beziehung auf die Praxis bei Kindern. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz., 1899, x, 52; 73; 97.—Witzel (A.) Zwei Mahlzahne. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., BerL, 1905, viii, 513.—Zeliska (F.) The influence of atmospheric pressure upon the molding of the dental arch. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 583-586.—'f.ie- linsky (W.) Ueber die Einstellung der ersten bleibenden Molaren hinter dem Milchgebiss. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1910, xxviii, 465-494.—Zsigmondy. Sur la genese des fissures intercuspidiennes sur la surface triturante des premolaires et molaires. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'odont. et stomatol., 292-294. Teeth (Molar, Eruption of). Eyssautier (F.) * La dent de six ans (pre- miere grosse molaire). Accidents pathologiques de son evolution et de son eruption et en parti- culier de la gingivo-stomatite ulcero-membra- neuse, unilateralite de ces complications. 8°. Montpellier, 1908. Lasfargues. * Contribution a l'etude des ac- cidents de la dent de sagesse; formes cliniques; pathogenie. 8°. Toulouse, 1911. Adair (G.) Anatomie et pathologie du canal mandi- bulaire; les accidents de la dent de sagesse. Progres med., Par., 1909, 3. s., xxv, 490-492.—Aparicio (M. C.) Septic accidents caused by the eruption of the wisdom tooth. Items Interest, N. Y., 1900, xxii, 333-335. — Baker (A. W. W.) Difficult eruption of the third molar. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 1501.—Beach (J. R.) Eruption of an inferior third molar externally; through the face. Dental Headlight, Nashville, Tenn., 1902, xxiii, 150-152. — Bel- trami (G.) Sur quelques accidents dus a 1'evolution de la dent de sagesse. Marseille med., 1902, xxxix, 425- 433.—Blocli (A.) Accidents causes par une dent de sa- gesse superieure incluse. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1905, xii, 56-60.—Bttnte & Moral. Ein Fall von Retention des ersten Molaren. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1909, xxvii, 496-505.—Capdepont (C.) Pathoge- nie des accidents de dent de sagesse. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1901, viii, 293-312.-----. Les accidents de dent de sagesse. Paris med., 1910-11, , 299-303.----->. R61e et mecanisme de l'infection dans les accidents de dent de sagesse. Rev. de chir., Par., 1910, xii, 1052-1097. — Car- niona (M. A.) Accidentes septicos causados por la erup- ci6n de la muela del juicio. Cr6n. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1899-1900, iii, 224-226.—Corley (J. P.) Inflam- matory phenomena due to an interrupted third molar. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1902, xliv, 156-158.—Cornilliac. Accidents tetaniques consecutifs a l'eruption dela dent de sagesse. Rev. odont., Par., 1898, xvii, 574.—Dieulale (L.) & Herpin (A.) Les accidents de la dent de sa- gesse. Rev. de chir., Par., 1907, xxxvi, 450-486. ----- -----. Accidents de la dent de sagesse. Traite de sto- matologic Par., 1910, ii, 290-316.-----------. La dent de sagesse. Paris med., 1911, 141-145. — Eyssautier. De la premiere grosse molaire (dent de 6 ans); pheno- menes pathologiques auxquels donne lieu assez sou- vent l'eruption de cette dent. Odontologie, Par., 1904, 2. s., xix, 265-274. Also, transl: Gior. di corrisp. p. TEETH. 688 TEETH. Teeth (Molar, Eruption of). dentisti, Milano, 1904, xxxiii, 245-253. —Falero (J.) Civilization as a factor in the atrophy and disappear- ance of the third molar. Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, i, 379-381. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 564-566. — Fothergill (J. A.) Difficult eruption of the wisdom teeth. Annual rep. trans. S. Durham & Cleveland M. Soc, Darlington, 1877-8, v, 21- 24.—Frey (L.) Trois observations d'accidentde iadent de sagesse inferieure. Odontologie, Par., 1904, 2. s., xix, 437-440.—Haderup. Der erschwerte Durchbruch des unteren Weisheitszahns; einige neuere Gesichtspunkte. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz.,1906, xxiv, 151-155.— Hussenet. Accidents transitoires d'aphasie motrice consecutifs k 1'evolution dela dent de sagesse. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1904, xxviii, 37-40.—Jacquet (L.) Pelade symetrique, par eruption precoce de la dent de sa- gesse. Bull, etmem. Soc.med.d.h6p.dePar.,1902,3. s.,xix, 279-281.-----. Zona dorsal droit avec hemih.vperesthe- sie profonde droite, consecutif k une poussee Eruptive de la dent de sagesse inferieure droite. Ibid., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 213.—IWoty. Accidents de la dent de sagesse. Rev. de chir., Par., 1901, xxi, 617; 743; pt. 2, 59.—Polet. Pa- thogenie des accidents de dent de sagesse et leur traite- ment. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1911, xviii, 133- 136.—Beclus (P.) Des accidents consecutifs a l'erup- tion vicieuse de la dent de sagesse. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1906, lxxix, 507-509.—Khein (M. L.) Surgical aspects of disturbed dentition of the third molars. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1905, xxvi, 691-706,3pl.—Bichard-Chauvin (L.) La dent de six ans et le developpement de l'ivoire; des regies a suivre pour la conservation ou l'extraction de cette dent. Odontologie, Par., 1897, 2. s., iv, 301-313.— Bo bin (P.) Traitement potentiel des accidents de dent de sagesse au debut et des aphtes. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1904, xi, 540-546.—Kodier (II.) Pseudo-accidents de dent de sagesse par eruption tardive chez un vieillard edente. Ibid., 1901, viii, 505-508.—Sauvez (E.) Les ac- cidents muqueux de la dent de sagesse. Clinique, Par., 1907, ii, 166. ■-----. Traitement des accidents de dent de sagesse. Rev. gen, de clin. et de therap., Par. 1907, xxi, 739— Schmid (H.) Pathologie de la dent de sagesse superieure. Progres dent., Par., 1898, xxv, 172; 289/ 1899, xxvi, 65; 198.—Squillante. Observation d'un cas d'ac- cident de dent de sagesse. Odontologie, Par., 1904, 2. s., xix, 211.—Szant6 (A.) Dentitio difficilis molaris tertii maxillae inferioris. Orvos. lapja, Budapest, 1901; xii, 461.—Trewby (H. W.) A case showing incomplete eruption of the temporary molars. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Odont. Sect., 99—Williger (F.) Der sogenannte erschwerte Durchbruch des Weisheitszahnes. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1903, xxi, 57-77.— ■Witzel (A.) Der erschwerte Durchbruch des Weis- heitszahnes. Ibid.,1902, xx, 590-597.—Witzel (J.) Ue- ber die pathologisehen Erscheinungen beim Durchbruch der unteren Weisheitszahne. Deutsche Zahnh. in Vortr., Leipz., 1907, 1. Hft., 1-39, 5 pl. Teeth (Molar, Extraction of). See, also, Teeth (Extraction of, Fatal). Adain (G.) *Sur le canal mandibulaire et les accidents de la dent de sagesse. 8°. Paris, 1909. Cornelio (V.) SulP estrazione dei denti di sapienza dissertazione. 8°. Torino, 1814. Roy (J.) * Influence de l'extraction de la premiere grosse molaire sur 1'evolution de la dent de sagesse. 8°. Paris, 1903. Bad cock (J. H.) A case of fracture of the mandible occurring during attempted extraction of the right man- dibular third molar. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1903, xlvi, 733-735.—Charezieux. Difficulty d'extraction d'une molaire superieure par suite d'anomalie. Rev. de stoma- tol., Par., 1905, xii,24-26.—Chompret. Surunnouveau mode d'extraction des racines de grosses molaires in- ferieures. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1902, ix, 291-293.— Dunoitier (S.) Les drames de 1'... ignorance. [Ex- traction d'une molaire; infection terrible.] J. de mecl. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxxiii, 57.— Extravasation of blood into the neck from the extraction of a third lower molar. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1906-7, n. s., xxxix, 104-107.—Fiirberg (E.) Ist die systematische Extraction der ersten permanenten Molaren gerecht- fertigt? Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1901, xvii, 490-615,13 pl. Also, transl: Odontologie, Par., 1902, 2. s., xiv, 309-336, 7 pl. Also, transl: Odonto-stomatol., Napoli, 1903, ii, 203-229, 13 pl. Also, transl: J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1902, xxiii, 65-93. See, also, infra, Sternfeld (A.).—Kaas (T. ) Bleibende Lahmung des Nervus mentalis nach Extraktion des unteren Weisheitszahnes. J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1903, xviii, 209.— Kilboume (A. P.) A case of accidental opening of the antrum in extracting the second molar. Dental Brief, Phila., 1910, xv, 767.— Kuhn ( M.) Zur Frage der Extrak- tion des ersten Molaren und Verwandtes. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich, 1911, xxi, 181-190.—K.u- Teeth \Molar, Extraction of). nert. Welches sind die Folgen der systematischen Ex- traktion der ernsten Molaren? Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., BerL, 1909, xxvii, 898-908.—Peckcrt. Den zweite untere Molar und die Extraktion seiner Wurzeln nach Frakturen. Ibid., 1908, xxvi, 161-191.—Pont (A.) Nouveau procede d'extraction de la dent de sagesse. Odontologie, Par., 1911, xxxi, 450-457.—Rusltton (W.) Notes on the extractioln of an upper wisdom tooth. Proc. Roy. Soe. Med., Lond., 1907-8, pi, Odont. Sect. 101-103.— Siffre. Influence de l'extraction precoce des molaires de lait sur l'eruption des bicuspides. Cong. dent, inter- nat. 1900. C.-r., Par,, 1901-3, iii, 411-416.—Smith (A. W.) Premature extraction of temporary molars. Do- minion Dent. J., Toronto, 1905, xvii, 240.—Sternfeld (A.) Die systematische Extraction des ersten perma- nenten Molaren ist in der iiberwiegenden Mehrzahl der Falle vollkommen berechtigt. (Antwort auf Elof For- berg's Artikel.) Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1902, xviii, 57-71.—Whitehouse (W.) The judi- cious extraction of the first permanent molar. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 621. Teeth (Morphology of). See, also, Teeth (Embryology of); Teeth (Histology of). Adolff (P.) Das Gebiss des Menschen und der Anthropomorphen. Vergleichend-anato- mische Untersuchungen. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur menschlichen Stammesgeschichte. 8°. Berlin, 1908. Batuyeff (N.) K morphologii koronki zu- bov chelovieka i zhivotnikh; anatomo-antro- pologicheskoye izsliedovaniye. [On the mor- phology of the crown of the teeth of man and animals.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1894. Behrends (G.) Ueber Hornziihne. 4°. Halle, 1892. Cutting from: Nova acta phys. med. Acad. nat. curios., 1892, lviii. Beltrami (E.) *De l'articulation alveolo- dentaire chez l'homme. 4°. Paris, 1895. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1895. Bensley (B. A.) The homologies of the stylar cusps in the upper molars of the Didel- phyidse. 8°. Toronto, 1906. Black (G. V.) Descriptive anatomy of the human teeth. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, Pa. [1894]. ------. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1897. Cressy (N.) Synopsis of lecture on the den- tition of domestic animals, delivered at the meeting of the State Board of Agriculture, at Westfield, Mass., December3,1874. 8°. [West- field, 1874.] Dekvoletzky (R.) Neuere Forschungen iiber das Gebiss der Siiuger. 8°. Czernowitz, 1895. Engel(H.) *Die Zahne am Rostrum der Pristiden. [Giessen.] 8°. Jena, 1909. Also, in: Zool. Jahrb., Jena, 1909-10, xxix, 51-95, 4 pl. Hoffmann (K. A.) * Ueber die P^ntwick- lung des Kronencementes an den Backenzahnen der Wiederkiiuer, mit Beriicksichtigung der Zahnentwicklung im Allgemeinen. 8°. Leipzig, 1894. Also, in: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1894. Leche (W.) Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Zahnsystems der Siiugethiere, zugleich dn Beitrag zur Stammesgeschichte dieser Thier- gruppe. 1. Theil: Ontogenie. fol. Stuttgart, 1895. Osborn (H. F.) Evolution of mammalian molar teeth to and from the triangular type, in- cluding collected and revised researches on tri- tuberculy and new sections on the forms and homologies of the molar teeth in the different orders of mammals. Edited by W. K. Gregory. 8°. New York, 1907. Rogers (H.D.) A systematic arrangement of the dental formulse of the mammalia. 8°. [Glasgow, 1865.] TEETH. 689 TEETH. Teeth (Morphology of). Rudolphi. Anatomie der Ziihne, nebst Ver- gleichung der Ziihne der Thiere; einiges iiber den pathologisehen Zustand der Ziihne. MS. notes by Moritz Leo-Wolf. 4°. Berlin, 1824-5. deTerka(P. ) Vergleichende Anatomie des menschlichen Gebisses und der Ziihne der Ver- tebraten. 4°. Jena, 1911. Thompson (A. H.) A manual of comparative dental anatomy for dental students. 12°. Philadelphia, 1899. Tomes (C. S.) A manual of dental anatomy, human and comparative. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1894. -----. The same. 6. ed. 8°. London, 1904. -----. The same. 5. ed. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1898. Underwood (A. S.) Studies of comparative odontology. 8°. London, 1903. Abbott (F.) Teeth of rabbits. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1887, xxix, 604-616. Also, Reprint.—Allloff (P.) Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Nagetiergebisses. Jenai- sche Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena, 1898, n. F., xxv, 347-410, 5 pl. -----. Zur Kenntniss des Zahnsystems von Hvrax. Ztschr. f. Morphol. u. Anthrop., Stuttg., 1902, v, 181-200, 2 pl. -----. Zur Frage nach der Entstehung der heutigen Saugethierzahnforrnen. Ibid., 357-382. -----. Zur Ent- wickelung des Siiugetiergebisses. Anat, Anz., Jena, 1905, xxvi, 333-343. -----. Einige Besonderheiten des mensch- lichen Gebisses und ihre stammesgeschichtliche Be- deutung. Ztschr. f. Morphol. u. Anthrop., Stuttg., 1906-7, x, 106-121. ------. Zur Frage der Konkreszenztheorie. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena, 1907, xliii, 530-536. -----. Zur Frage der Differenzierung des Primatenge- bisses. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1909, xxvii, 444-449. -----. Ueber den gegen wartigen Stand der vergleichenden Morphologie des Zahnsystems der Siiuge- tiere und des Menschen. Ergebn. d. ges. Zahnh., Wiesb., 1910, i, 226-280. -----. Ueber plakoide Zahnanlagen beim Menschen. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1911, xl, 177-181. -----. Ueber pralakteale Zahnanlagen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1912, xxxviii, 780.—Arkovy (J.) Die Bedeutung des Diverticulum Tomes-Zsigmondyi, des Cingulum an den oberen lateralen Schneidezahnen und des Foramen ccecum molarium (Milleri) in phylo- genetischer Beziehung. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1904, xx,13-34,6pl.—Arnone (L.) Lemodificazioni dell' ap- parato masticatorio nell'.. homo sapiens. Stomatol., Milano, 1905-6, iv, 66-75.—Ayrapaa (M.) Hampaiden tutkimisesta morfologisessa ja fylogenetisessa tarkoituk- sessa. [Researches on the exact morphology and phylo- genesis of the teeth.] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1897, xiii, 279-285.—Azoulay & Regnault. Des diverses formes des dents incisives superieures. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1893. 4. s., iv, 266-269.—Baer (A. J.) The develop- ment of the mouth and teeth, based upon original inves- tigation. Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass., San Fran., 1904, 84-133.— Barrett (W. C.) Comparative dental anatomy. Den- tal Cosmos, Phila., 1891, xxx, 282-298. Also, Reprint. -----■. A brief study of the molar teeth of the Probos- cidea. Tr. Am. Dent. Ass. 1892, Phila., 1893, xxxii, 83- 105. Also: Dental Pract., Buffalo, 1893, xxiv, 1-17.— Batuyeflf*(N. A.) Obshtshiya morfologicheskiya oso- bennosti koronki zubov chelovleka v sravnenii s zubami drugikh mlekopitayushtshikh i nizshikh pozvonochikh; zavisimost etikh osobennostel ot fiz'iologicheskavo nazna- cheniya zubov i antropologicheskoye znacheniye ikh. [General morphological peculiarities of the crown of hu- man teeth as compared with those of other mammalia and lower vertebrata; dependence of these peculiarities upon the physiological destination of the teeth and their anthropological significance.] Trudi antrop. Obsh. p. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad. 1893, S.-Peterb.,1894, i, 26-101.— Beauregard (H.) Note sur deux lois que faitressortir l'etude morphologiquedu systeme dentaire desoarnivores. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893,9. s., v, 781.— Bebb (W.) Disproportion in the dimensional relations of the teethandiaws; astudy in comparative anatomy. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905,xlvii,660-665.—Bentley (CE.) The application of comparative dental anatomy to dentistry. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1898, xii, 895-902.—Berthoid. Ueber das Backenzahnsystem des Narwals. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1850, 386-392, 1 pl.—Black (N.) Adaptive modification as seen in the teeth of mammalia. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1900, xliii, 4-23.—Blanchard (E.) Observations sur le sys- teme dentaire chez les oiseaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1860, 1, 540-542.—Bloomer (H. H.) The jaws and teeth of mollusca. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1909, xxx, 989-993, 2 pl.—Bluntschli (H.) Das Platyrrhinenge- biss und die Bolksehe Hypothese von der Stammesge- vol xvii, 2d series---44 Teeth (Morphology of). schichte des Primatengebisses. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1911, xxxviii, 120-136. -----. Zur Phylogenie des Gebisses der Primaten mit Ausblicken auf jenes der Saugetiere iiber- haupt. Vrtljschr. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Zurich, 1912, lvi, 351-392.—Bolk (L.) De betrekking tusschen de tandformulen der platyrrhine en katarrhine primaten. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Versl., 1905-6, xiv pt. 2, 751-763. Also, transl: K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. sect.se, 1905-6, viii, pt, 2, 781-793. -----. Ueber die Phylogenese des Primatengebisses und das Zukunftsge- biss des Menschen. Ztschr. f. Morphol. u. Anthrop., Stuttg., 1910, xiii, 31; 343.—Bradley (O. C.) On varia- tion in the number and form of the premolars and molars of the horse. Vet. J., Lond., 1905, n. s., xi, 241-253. — Broom ( R.) The dental formula of Orycteropus. Nature, Lond., 1907, lxxvi, 294.— Brouswonct. Considerations sur les dents en general, et sur les organes qui en tiennent lieu. Premier me- moire. Comparaison entre les dents de l'homme et celles des quadrupedes. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1787, Par., 1789, 550-560.—< iimpanu (C.) Morfologia del sistema den- tale delle razze urnane. Stomatol., Milano, 1906-7, v, 129- 135.— Capdepont (C.) A. propos d'un article du doc- teur Laloy sur " 1'evolution du systeme dentaire chez les mammiferes." Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1908, xv, 156- 165.—Carllson (Albertina). Ueber den Zahnersatz bei Agania colonorum. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1895-6, xi, 758- 766.—Cavalie. Sur la stratification de l'ivoire et sur les fissures dentaires, chez l'homme, chez le bceuf et chez le chien. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 788.— Dec-haiubre. Note sur quelques particularites de la dentition dans l'espece ovine. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1903, n. s., xxi, 149-154.—Dependorf (T.) Der Diphodontismus der Sauger und die Stellung der Milchzahnreihe in diesem System. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1907, xxxvi, 97-110.—Duckworth (W. H. L.) Some dental rudiments in human crania. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1901, xliv, 294-299. -----. A note on the den- tition of some New Guinea skulls. Tr. Odont. Soc Gr. Brit., Lond., 1906-7, n. s., xxxix, 58-68.—Diirournau (F.) Dents de sagesse; leur morphologie et leur deve- loppement. Rev. odont., Par., 1906, xxvi, 244-247.— Eastman (C. R.) Sharks' teeth and cetacean bones. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv., Cambridge, 1906, 1, 73-98, 4pl. -----. Mylostomid dentition. Ibid., 1907, 1, 208-228, 1 pl.—d'Eternod (A.-C.-F.) Toutes les dents hu- maines sont des bicuspidees modifiees. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1911, xxxviii, Ergnzngshft., 144-156.—Fothergill (J. A.) Dentition of the Cape ant-eater. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1905, xxvi, 11) >.—tiassmann (T.) Welche Unter- schiede bestehen zwischen Menscnen- und Tierzahnen und zwischen Menschenzahnen selbst in ihrer chemi- schen Zusammensetzung? Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich, 1911, xxi, 174-181.—Gaud ry (A.) Sur la simili- tude des dents de l'homme et de quelques animaux. Cong, internat. d'anthrop. 1900, Par., 1902, 37-46. Also: Anthropologie, Par., 1901, xii, 93; 513.— Gebhardt (W.) Ueber den funktionellen Bau einiger Zahne. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1900, x, 135; 263,2 pl. -----. Ein interessantes Bildungsgesetz (Elefanten- stosszahn). Anat. Anz., Jena, 1906, xxix, 218-256. Also [Abstr.]: Zentralbl. f. norm. Anat. u. Mikrotechn., Berl. u. Wien, 1906, iii, 165.—Ghigi (A.) Sui denti dei Tapi- ridi. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch., Jena. 1900, xiv, 17- 29.—Gilmore (C. W.) Discovery of teeth in Baptano- don,.an ichthvosaurian from the Jurassic of Wyoming. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1902, n. s., xvi, 913.— Goddard (C. L.) The canine tooth in comparative anatomy. Pacific Stomatol. Gaz., San Fran., 1897, v, 510- 515. ---—. Incisor and profile; a studv in comparative anatomy. Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass. 1901, Chicago, 1902, v, 92- 106. Also: Dental Digest, Chicago, 1901, vii, 841-855.— trorjanovie-Kramberger. Die Kronen und Wur- zeln der Mahlzahne des Homo primigenius und ihre genetische Bedeutung. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1907-8, xxxi, 97-134. Also: Kor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Brnschwg., 1908, xxxviii, 138-141.—Hagniann (G.) Ueber das Gebiss von Ccelogenys und Dasy- procta in seinen verschiedenen Stadien der Abkauung. Ztschr. f. Morphol. u. Anthrop., Stuttg., 1907, x, 464- 480.—Harris (W. H.) The dentition of the Diptera. J. Quekett Micr. Club, Lond., 1902-3, 2. s., viii, 389-398, 1 pl.—Hefferan (Mary). Variation in the teeth of Nereis. Biol. Bull., Bost., 1900-1901, ii, 129-143.— Hillebrand (E.) Beitrage zur Morphologie der menschlichen Zahne. Pest med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1909, xiv, 200; 211; 224; 237; 249; 263; 273; 287; 299; 309; 316; 321.—Hilzheiuior (M.) Variationen des Canidenge- bisses in it besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Haushundes. Ztschr. f. Morphol. u. Anthrop., Stuttg., 1905, ix, 1-40, 5pl., 1 tab.—Howell (R. B.) Permanency of the teeth as seen from a study of comparative dental anatomy. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1904, lviii, 338-347.—Hoy (P. R.) Why are there no upper incisors in the Ruminantia? Tr. Wisconsin Acad. Sc. 1876-7. Madison, 1878, iv. 147-15>,.—Humphreys (J.) The teeth of fossil fishes, Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Odont. Sect., 7-16, TEETH. 690 TEETH. Teeth (Morphology of). 1 pl.—Huxley (T. H.) On the development of the teeth, and on the nature and import of Nasmyth's "per- sistent capsule." Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1853, i, 149-164. Also, in his: Scient. Mem., 8°, Lond., 1898, 224-240, 1 pl.—Hide. Ueber angebliche Zahnanlagen bei Vogeln. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1912, lxxix, 1. Abt., 247-275.—Jaeger (G.) Ueber die Stellung und Deutung der Zahne des Wallrosses. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., BerL, 1844, 70-75.—Kersli (S.) The evolution of human dentition. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1900, xliii, 204-216.—von Korff (K.) Die Entwicklung der Zahnbeingrundsubstanz der Saugetiere. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1905, lxvii, 1-17, 1 pl — Krumbach (T.) Die unteren Schneidezahne der Nagetiere, nach Gestalt und Funktion betrachtet. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1904, xxvii, 273-290.—L. (R.) The ungulate molar. Nature, Lond., 1904, lxx, 301.—Ladin (V.) Kost- noye veshtshestvo (substantia osteoides) zubov loshadi. [.. . of the teeth of the horse.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Pe- tersb., 1874,iv,2. sect., 164-166.—I*aloy(L.) Evolution du systeme dentaire chez les mammiferes. Rev. scient., Par., 1907,5. s.,viii,583-590. See,also, supra, Capdepont.—Lieche (W.) Untersuchungen fiber das Zahnsystem lebender und fossiler Halbaffen. Festschr. z. . . . Carl Gegenbauer 1896, Leipz., 1897, iii, 125-166, 1 pl. -----. Ueber Zahn- wechsel bei Saugetieren im erwachsenen Zustand. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1904, xxvii, 219-222.—Lenhardtson (A.) Einige Gesichtspunkte betreffend die Bezahnung der fleischfressenden Pflanzen und der niederen Tiere. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911, xxix, 536-548.—I.epkowski (W.) UeberdieGefassverteilung in den Zahnen von Saugetieren. Zahnarztl Rundschau, BerL, 1897, vi, Nos. 280; 282; 283; 284.—Lesbre (F.-H.) Considerations sur la premiere premolaire de quelques mammiferes domestiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893,9. s., v, 65-68.—L.evy (H.) Beitrage zur Kennt- nis des Baues und der Entwickelung der Ziihne bei den Reptilien. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena, 1898, n. F., xxv, 313-346,1 pl.—Lissauer. Zwei fossile Ziihne aus der Einhornhohle bei Scharzfeld im Harz. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl.,1903, xxxv, 669.— Me Do well (J.N.) Comparative dental anatomy as a basic principle for orthodontists. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1900, xiv, 245-261.—Malassez (L.) Sur la structure du "gubernaculum dentis" etla theorie paradentaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 416-418.—ITlarett (H. W.) Problems in comparative odontology. Westminst. Hosp. Rep. 1897-8, Lond., 1899, xi, 125-131.—Markley (A. J.) The teeth in evolution. Ohio Dent. J., ToledT), 1899, xix, 439-449.— JUiHer & Dieck (W.) Ueberden Bau des Molaren von Elephas indicus. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., xviii, 385-390.—Mitchell (W.) Some notes upon the denti- tion of the elephant and injuries thereto. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1903, xvii,83-110.—Mummery (J. H.) On the teeth of Echeneis. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1898-9,n.s.,xxxi,62-80,2pl.—Nicholls (B.) Notesonthe teeth of Australian animals. Austral. J.Dent., Melbourne, 1908, xii, 307; 341; 396: 1909, xiii, 5; 38; 82; 136; 172: 204 — Niezabitowski (E. L.) O wyrastaniu ostatniego ze.ba trzonowego w dolnej szczece niedzwiedzia jaskiniowego (Ursus speleeus). [Growth of last molar tooth in the mandible of . . .] Rozpr. Akad. Umiej. wydz. matemat.- przyr., Krak6w, 1899, 2. s., xv, 188-192, 1 pl. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Bulb internat. Acad. d. sc. de Cracovie, 1898, 189-191. — Noe (J.) Vitesse de croissance des incisives chez les leporides. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, n. s., iv, 531.—Oeder (R.) Die Zahnleiste der Krote. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 536-538.—Osborn (H. F.) The evolution of mammalian molars to and from the tri- tubercular type. Am. Naturalist, Phila , 1888, xxii, 1067- 1079, 2 pl.-----. Nomenclature of mammalian molar cusps. Ibid., 1892, xxvi, 436. -----. The history and homologies of the human molar cusps. (A review of the contributions of A. Fleischmann, Julius Taeker and Carl Rose.) Anat. Anz., Jena, 1892, vii, 740-747. -----. Tri- tuberculv; a review dedicated to the late Professor Cope. Am. Naturalist, 1897, xxxi, 993-1016. -----. Palae- ontological evidence for the original tritubercular the- ory [of the origin of the teeth]. Am. J. Sc. N. Haven, 1904, xvii, 321-323, 1 pl.—Pearsall (W. B.) On the linear determination of the human tooth form. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1897-8, xxxii, 219-222.— Peracca (G.) Sul fatto di due distinte dentizioni nella Tiliqua scin- coides White. Boll. d. mus. di zool. ed anat. comp. d. r. Univ. di Torino, 1895, x, no. 217,1-3,1 pl.— Pouchet (G.) Sur 1'evolution des dents du cachalot. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 503.—Preiswerk (G.) Vor- laufige Mitteilung iiber die Untersuchungen des Zahn- schmelzes der Saugetiere. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1894, ix, 687-690,1 pl. -----. Ueber vergleichende Anatomie der Zahne. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, BerL, 1894, Nos. 127; 128; 129: 133.—R. (R.) Die Ziihne der Tiere. Zahnkunst, Bresl., 1900, iv, Nos. 12-21.—Begnault (F.) L'allonge- ment des dents incisives chez les rongeurs. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 738—Kenant. L'assise kerodontogene et la bande muqueuse ectoder- mique des dents cornees des cyclostomes; introduction a Teeth (Morphology of). l'etude analytique et a l'histog6nese des formations cornees persistantes. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'hist., 64-78.—Robin (P.) L'unite morpho- logique de la dentition temporaire des differentes races humaines. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1902, ix, 194-200.— Rodier (H.) Note sur l'accroissement indefini des dents anterieures de certains mammiferes. Ibid., 1908, xv, 248-251.—Rorig (G.) & Bonier (C.) Studien uber das Gebiss mitteleuropaiseher recenter Mause. Arb. a. d. biol. Abt. f. Land- u. Forstwirtsch. am k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1905, v, 37-97, 2 pl.—Rose (C.) Ueber rudimen- tiire Zahnanlagen der Gattung Manis. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1892, vii, 618-622. -----. Ueber Zahnbau und Zanwechsel der Dipnoer. Ibid., 821-839. -----. Zur Phylogenie des Saugetiergebisses. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1892, xii, 624- 638. -----. Das Zahnsystem der Wirbeltiere. Anat. Hefte 1894, 2. Abt., Wiesb., 1895, iv, 542-591.—Ry tkonen (E.) Ylaleuan incisivien phylogenetisesta kehityksesta. [The phylogenetic development of the superior incisors.] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1907, xxiii, 95-103.—Schmaltz. Eine seltene Missbildung am Ebergebiae. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1906, 41.—von Schumacher (S.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Eckzahnen im Zwischenkiefer und die Variabilitat des Verlaufes der Sutura incisiva. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1906, xxix, 403-415. —Scott :;2.—Deck (E. F.) The removal of the dental pulp. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1902, xvi, 178-181.—Dependori (T.) Die Wurzelbehandlung bei erkrankter Pulpa und er- kranktem periapikalen Gewebe einschliesslich der Pulpa- uberkappung. Ergebn. d. ges. Zahnh., Wiesb., 1910, i, 837- 1056.—Be rud (F.) & .la rricot (J.) Le curage automati- quedescanauxradicnlaires. Odontologie, Par., 1903,2. s., xvii, 23-30.—Devitalisation (Dela) pulpaire. Progres med. beige, Brux., 1912, xiv, 41-44.—Dop(G.) Considera- tions sur le traitement des abces dentaires. Arch. m6d. de Toulouse, 1897, iii, 212-221.—Drake (A.) A method of root treatment. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1910, xxxi, 97-99.— Fischer (<;.) Ueber den heutigen Stand der Wurzel- behandlung; vorlaufige Mitteilung. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Wiesb., 1907, x, 606-610. -----. Ueber Pulpa- und Wurzelbehandlung. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1910, xx, 182-192.—Fojhergi 11 (J. A.) Cocaine v. arsenic in the removal of pulps. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1906, xxvii, 344-348.—Gaskill (J. H.) Single versus frequent treatments prior to filling root canals. Dental Brief, Phila., 1911, xvi, 905-914.—Graham (D. M.) The prevention and treatment of root canal infec- tions and associated lesions. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1911, xxiii, 49-59. Also: Dental Summary, Toledo, 1911, xxxi, 67; 207.— Granjon ( L. ) Quelques considera- tions sur l'anesthesie de la dentine et de la pulpe. Cong. internat. demed., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 12, 346-354. Also: Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1907, xiv, 117-122.—Greve (D.) Quantodura P azione dell' acido arsenioso sulla polpa dentale? Gior. di corrisp. p. dentisti, Milano, 1903, xxxii, 222-227.—Guttmann (A.) Ueber den Wert der Buckley'schen Wurzelbehandlungsmethode. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1907, x, 507; 526.— Ilalasz (H.) Adatok a pulpa (fogbel) mumiflcatiohoz. [Contri- butions to the mummification of the pulp.] Magyar fogAsz. szeml. A stomatol. [etc.], Budapest, 1898-9, iii, 235- 239.—Hall (L. P.) The treatment of putrescent teeth. Dental Register, Cincin. 1907, lxi, 329-350.—Harker (C.) Anti-conservative treatment of the exposed den- tal pulp. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1892, xxxiv, 893-900. Also, Reprint.—Harlan (A. W.) A review of the ques- tion of the treatment of putrescence as related to pulpa and pulpless teeth. Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass. 1904-5, Phila., 1906, 263-271. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1906, xlviii, 463-469. — Harms (B. H.) A rational treatment for putrescent pulps. Items Interest, N. Y., 1909, xxxi, 48- 50.—Hart (J.I.) Root-canal filling. Tr. N. York Odont. Soc. 1903, Phila., 1904, 47-56. -----. The use of formalin for hardening the dental pulp. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 663. [Discussion], 614-617.—Hattyasy (L.) Pulpa mumificati6r61. [Mummification of the pulp.] Magyar fogasz. szemle. A stomatol. [etc.], Budapest, 1897-8, ii, 145-164— Heitmiiller (K.) Die Anwendung ortlicher Betaubungsmittel bei der Entfernung der Zahn- pulpa. [Emploi des anesthesiques locaux pour I'extir- pation de la pulpe. Res., 215.] Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 209-217.—Hentze. Die Be- handlung infizierter Zahnpulpen. Deutsche Monatschr.. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1907, xxv, 415-425. — Hoever (R.) Beitrag zur Preiswerk'schen Pulpenamputation. Deut- sche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., BerL, 1907, x, 227.—Hughes (C. G.) Pulp and pulp-canal treatment. Dental Sum- mary, Toledo, 1905, xxv, 722-725.—Hugot. De l'anes- thesie pulpaire en dentisterie. Odontologie, Par., 1905, 2. s., xx, 507-512.—Janin. Nouveau procede d'obtura- tion des canaux dentaires. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 417-422.—Joseph (M.) Une me- thode rationnelle de la devitalisation indolore dela pulpe dentaire. Odontologie, Par., 1899, 2. s., ix, 345-351.— Kantorowicz (A.) Die Rolle des Leukozytenfer- mentes beim Zerfall der Zahnpulpa. Deutsche Monat- schr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1908, xxvi, 553-561.—Keefe (J. E.) Instantaneous relief in cases of blind abscess. Items Interest, N. Y., 1907, xxix, 369.—Kleinsorgen. Fett- therapie und Wurzelbehandlung. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1908, xxvi, 655-660.—Kyner (A. D.) Nervocidin as an adjunct in the treatment of degenera- tive conditions of vital pulps. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1909, xxiii, 1123-1135.—Lamb (F. D.) Mummification of the dental pulp. Dental Rec, Lond., 1905, xxv, 458-461.— Lartschneider (J.) Die Behandlung von Fistel- zahnen mit Trikresol-Formalin. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtlj- schr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1906, xxii. 344-356. -----. Studien fiber die pathologische Anatomie und Therapie der Wurzelerkrankungen mit Beriicksichtigung der Trikre- sol-Formalinbehandlung. Ibid., 1907, xxiii, 146-194.— TEETH. 694 TEETH. Teeth (Pulp of, Diseases of, Treatment of). Levett. L'anesthesie de la pulpe et de la dentine; me- thode de M. Welin. Odontologie, Par., 1907, xxxvii, 450- 452.— liipschitz (M.) Eine methodische Anwendung der arsenigen Saure zum schmerzlosen Abtoten der Pulpa. Deutsche Monatschr. 'f. Zahnh., Berl., 1909, xxvii, 805-828. -----. Ueber den heutigen Stand der Pulpaiiberkappung. Ibid., Leipz., 1912, xxx, 356-384.— Locnler (E. T.) A practical method of removing liv- ing dental pulps. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1907, xxvii, 339.—Logan (W. H. G.) Diagnosis and treatment of certain acute destructive diseases of the dental pulp. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1908, xxii, 480-492.—Losada (J. D.) Tratamiento de dientes con pulpa enferma. [Rap.] Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903. Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'odont. et stomatol., 562-585— Luniatschek (F.) Inwiefern leistet Paraffin als Wurzelfullmaterial mehr als die bisherigen Mittel? Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 22-28—McElhinney (M. G.) Root canal treatment and filling. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1904, xvi, 5. — Ulaillart. Infiltrations- Anaesthesie blossgelegter Pulpen. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Winterthur&Geneve, 1908,xiii, 167-171.—Jlasur (A.) Ein neues Hilfsmittel bei der lokalen Pulpa- und Dentinanasthesie. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1910, xxviii, 825-833.— Ulayrhofer (B.) Ueber Anwen- dung des Deutschmaun-Serums bei schweren dentalen Phlegmonen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv, 1241.— Ittorgeiistern (M.) Zur Kenntniss der Einwirkungs- dauer der arsenigen Saure auf die Zahnpulpa. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1903, xxxii, 9-16. Also, transl: Gior. di corrisp. p. dentisti, Milano, 1903, xxxii, 207-214.— Ogawa (S.) [The use of kataphoresis for pulp-mum- mification.] Shigaku Kensan, Tokyo, 1900, no. 7,1:1901, 33; 65.—Ottolengui (R.) Root infection, with special relation to pressure anesthesia. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1905, xi, 455-463. -----. Extirpation of the pulp under pressure anesthesia, including a study of after-results. Ibid., 1904, x, 1081-1092. Also: Dental Summary, Toledo, 1904, xxiv, 876-892.—Peckert. Ueber konservierende Pulpentherapie. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1905, viii, 485-488.—Pliilpots (G. P.) Formaldehyde gas (40 per cent solution) [in dental treatment]. Aus- tral. J. Dent., Melbourne, 1903-4, vii, 69.—Piergili (S. B.) Chirurgia della polpa dentale. Bull. d. Soc. Lan- cisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1902, xxii, 139-153. -----. Trat- tamento della polpa dentale maiata con speciale riguardo alia cataforesi ed all' elettrolisi. Stomatol., Milano, 1905-6, iv, 161; 224. -----. I vapori di formaldeide nella cura dei canali radicolari. Ibid., 1906-7, v, 183.—Pince- maille. Preuves de la valeur du traitement conserva- teur dans la pulpite. Odontologie, Par., 1908, xl, i64.— Pitot (E.) Faut-il extraire la pulpe dentaire? Progres med. beige, Brux., 1907, ix, 161.—Pohn (E.) Beitrag zur Behandlung nerv- und wurzelkranker Zahne. Zahn- kunst, Bresl., 1902, vi, Nos. 12; 14; 15.—Preiswerk (G.) Die Pulpa-Amputation, eine klinische, pathohistolo- gische und bakteriologische Studie. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1901, xvii, 145-220, 10 pl.— Quintin (L.) Traitement des dents infectees. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 105-111.— Redalye (A.) Metodi bezbolleznennavo lecheniva vospaleniy pulpi. [Methods of painless treatment of pulpitis.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1910, Jubilee no., 79-102.—Keid (T. C.) Management of putrescent pulp and a permanent filling. Dental Reg., Cincin., 190S, lxii, 414-416.—Bhein (M. L.) Cure of acute and chronic alveolar abscess. Items Interest, N. Y., 1897, xix, 688-702. -----. The technique of pulp-removal and root-treat- ment associated therewith. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 1196-1201.—Bibolla (R.) Sulla preparazione ed otturazione della camera pulpare e dei canali radicolari. Stomatol., Milano, 1905-6, iv, 339-346.—Romer (O.) Ueber schmerzlose Pulpabehandlung nach Bonnecken. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 442-146. -----. Ueber Pulpitis zur Anregung einer allgemeinen Diskussion iiber konservierende Pulpentherapie. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1907, xxv,413.—Rollrbach (J.) Ueber- kappung der Pulpa mittelst Triformolpastillen. Zahn- kunst, Bresl., 1902, vi, No. 17.—Roy (M.) Le curettage alveolo-radiculaire dans les abces alveolaires chroni- ques. Medecin prat., Par., 1909, v, 693; 709. Also: Odon- tologie, Par., 1909, xlii, 367-391.— Rudas (G.) Gyokerto- mes elovigyazati kesziilekkel. [Precautionary foot fill- ing.] Gyogy&szat, Budapest, 1904, xliv, 325.—Safron (R.) Eine Methode zur Behandlung putrider Zahne. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Stomatol., Wien, 1907, v, 303-306.—Sato (K.) [The therapeutics of the putrescent pulp.] Shi- kwagakuho, Tokyo, 1907, xii, no. 5,1-9.—Sauvez. The- rapeutique de la fluxion ou de l'abces dentaire. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap.. Par., 1904, xviii, 806.—Scheff (J.) Behandlung der Pulpitis dentalis, mit Einschluss der Antisepsis. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1881, xxvi, 259; 278; 286; 295; 304.—Sehenk (F.) Ueber Pulpa-Devitali- sation. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1904, xx, 543-552.— Sehrtfder. Pulpa und Anasthetika. Teeth (Pulp of Diseases of, Treatment of). Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 623- 627.—Senn (A.) Einiges iiber die Behandlung der Pul- pakrankheiten. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1902, xii, 14-26.—Sims (H.) Some experiments on the action of formalin and other root-dressings. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond , 1909, lii, 577; 625.—Smith (B. H.) Removal of the dental pulp. Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass. 1898, Phila., 1899, ii, 98-115.'—Smith (P. L.) Different meth- ods of treatmentof live and dead pulps. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1904, xxv, 791-795.—Stehr (F. A.) Een en ander over pulpabehandeling. Nederl. tandheelk. Maandbl., Roermond, 1894, i, 53-60.—Sutphen (J. D.) Treatment of the dental pulp. Dental Brief, Phila., 1904, ix, 664.— Tcheniodanofr (M.) Amputation de la pulpe den- taire. [Transl.] Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iv, 147-178,12 pl. -----. Amputation de la pulpe des dents de lait et leur traitement d'apres la methode conservatrice. [Transl.] Ibid., 179-199.—Torger (0.) Meine Erfolge in der antiseptischen Behandlung der Wurzelkaniile und Wurzelfiillungen. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahn- iirtze, Berl., 1893, xxii, 97; 212.—Urbantschitsch (E.) Versuche fiber die Wirkung von Suprarenin-Kokain-Ta- bletten (Braun) auf die Pulpa. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh,, Wien, 1905, xxi, 161-168.—Van de Poel (L.) De l'amputation de la pulpe. J. med. de Brux., 1909, xiv, 657; 769.—Wachtel (L.) Einige Mittheilungen fiber conservative Behandlung der Pulpitis acuta partialis purulenta. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1901, xvii, 247-249.—Warner (E. R.) Some phases of mummification. [Quelques phases de la momification. Res., 239.] Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iii, 235-240.—Watt (H. L.) Devitalization of the dental pulp. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1910, xxii, 115-119.— Webster (A. E.) Treatment of the dental pulp. Ibid., xxi, 417-431.—Weiser (R.) Traitement radical du kyste ra diculaire et de 1 'abces alveolaire chronique. Cong. dent. internat. 1900. C.-r.,Par.,1901-3,iv,461.—Werner (J. F.) Treatment of lesions incident to the dental pulp. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1904, xxiv, 282-290.—Witzel (A.) Die moderne Behandlung pulpakranker Zahne. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1898, xii, 661-563. Also, Reprint. -----. Die Siiurebehandlung bei Erkrankungen der Pulpa und Wurzelhaut des Zahnes. Zahnarztl. Rundschau,Berl.,1905, xiv,1455-1457.-----. In welcher Weise und in welcher Zeit erfolgt die Ausheilung von medikamentos behandelten kleinen Eiterherden an den Wurzelspitzen pulpakranker Zahne? Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, BerL, 1906, xxxv, 97-106. -----. Zwei Falle von ausgeheilter Pulpitis. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1907, x, 866.—Zierler (F. E.) Zur Elektrosterilisation putrider Zahnwurzeln. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1906, xxii, 137-150. Teeth (Pulp of Gangrene of). Boenneckex (H.) Ueber Pulpaamputation. 4°. Leipzig, 1910. Euler (H.) * Pulpentod, naturliche und synthetische Nebennierenpriiparate; eine kri- tische, experimentelle und klinische Studie. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Wien, 1907. Also, in: Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Stomatol., Wien, 1907, v, 199; 225; 257. Jossu (A.) *Sur la mortification de la pulpe dentaire d'apparence spontanee et ses compli- cations; infection par voie intra-dentaire sans carie. 8°. Paris, 1908. Also, in: Odontologie, Par., 1908, xl, 435-445. Mayrhofer (B.) Prinzipien einer ratio- nellen Therapie der Pulpagangran und ihrer htiufigsten Folgezustiinde. Klinisch-bakterio- logische Untersuchungen zur Pathologie und Therapie der faulen Zahnpulpa. 8°. Jena, 1909. ------. The same. I. Ergiinzungsheft. roy. 8°. Jena, 1910. Arkovy (J.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber Gangran an der Zahnpulpa und Wundgangran. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxiii, 917; 962, lpl. -----. Aphonsmen zur Therapie der Pulpa- gangran. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1902, xviii, 33-42. -----. Ueber Bacillusgangraense pulpae; Richtigstellungen und erganzende Beobachtungen. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1901, xxix, 745- 751. Also: Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1901, xvii, 231-240. Also: Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1901, xv, 1-4—Roennecken (H.) Ueber die Behand- lung der Pulpagangriin. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902, Leipz., 1903, ii, 2. Hlfte., 527-532. Also: Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1902, TEETH. 695 TEETH. Teeth (Pulp of, Gangrene of). xviii, 543-547.—Bohosiewiez (T.) Ktora metoda leczenia zgorzeli miazgi zebowej daje najlepsze wyniki? [What method of treatment of gangrene of the dental pulp gives the best results?l Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1908, iii, 113-117.—Rreuer (R.) Einige Bemerkungen zu Herrn Zahnarzt Zierler's Aufsatz: Neue Methode zur Therapie gangriinoser Ziihne, Alveolarerkrankungen, etc Zahn- iirztl. Rundschau, BerL, 1900, ix, No. 416.—Cook (G. W.) Bacteriological investigation of pulp gangrene. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1899, xiii, 637-541. [Discussion], 560-565 — Dependori"(T.) Die Behandlung septisch gangranos zerfallenerZahnpulpen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1908, xxvi, 566-581.—Ducournau. Fistule sous- mentonniere d'origine dentaire par mortification pulpaire traumatique. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1901, Par., 1902, xxx, pt. 2, 1227.—Faisztl (F.) Studium der experimentalen Gangriin der Zahnpulpa. Oesterr.- ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1910, xxvi, 253-257.— Frey(E.) Ein eigenartiger Fall von Pulpa-Gangriin. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Wiesb., 1904, vii, 541.— Gross (G.) Contribution a P etude de la mortification de la pulpe dentaire dans les maladies infectieuses. Odonto- logie, Par., 1899, 3. s., viii, 169-173.—Hattyasy (L.) Vizsgalatok kali causticum 6s acidum hydrochloricum hat&s4r61 gangraenas gyokczatorn&k kezeleseben. [Ex- amination of the effect of kali causticum and acidum hydrochloricum in the treatment of gangrene of the root canal (pulp).] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1896, xl, 86: 102. Also, transl: Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1896. xii, 46-57. Also, transl: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1896, xxxii, 265-267.—Iloever (F. J. R.) Ueber die Anwendung von Formol-Trikresol bei Gangraena pulpa?. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1907, xxv, 203-211.—Joseph (M.) De la gangrene nevro-pathique de la pulpe dentaire. Odontologie, Par., 1896,2. s., iii, 65- 80— Kohler (H.) Beitragzur Behandlungder Pulpitis gangrenosa. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, BerL, 1903, xii, No. 591— Lartschneider (J.) Behandlung der Pulpa- Lfaiiirr-in mit Trikresol-Formalin. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtl- iK-hr. f. Zahnh., WTien, 1906, xxii, 235-243. Also: Schweiz. VrtlJM'hr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1907, xvii, 322- :>37. -----. Was diirfen wir von der Trikresol-For- malinmischung erwarten? Studien fiber den Wert unserer antibakteriellen Massnahmen bei der Des- infektion gangriinoser Wurzelkanale. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1909, xxv, 78-112.— .llaiizsar (J.) Untersuchungen fiber die Resistenz der Sporen des Bac gangraenee pulpae. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc.] .1. Abt.,Jena,1901,xxix,751-755.—JIayrhoter (B.) At Ballner (F.) Bakteriologische Nachprufung der zahnarztlichen Therapie der Pulpagangran. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908,xxi,615-618.—Peter (J.) Elektro- Sterilisation bei Gangraena pulpae. Osterr.-ungar. Vrtlj- schr. f.'Zahnh., Wien, 1905, xxi, 178-185.—Port. Ueber das Noah'sche Verfahren bei Behandlung von Pulpitis, Pulpagangran und deren Ausgangen. Deutsche zahn- arztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1905, viii, 117-119.—Scheuer (A.) J. P.BucklevsBehandlungderGangraenapulpae. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Stomatol.,Wien, 1906, iv, 329-336. -----. Weitere Mitteilungen fiber J. P. Buckleys Trikresol-Formalinbe- handlung der Gangraena pulpae. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1907, xvii, 418-430.— Schreier (P.) Zur Behandlung der Pulpagangran mit Trikresol- Formalin. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1907, xxiii, 56-68.—Slider berg (T.) Bacillus gangraenae pulps ' Arkovy i. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1899, xii, 766- 770.— Soiioloit' (M. I.) K voprosu o gangrenle pulpi v nekariyoznikh zubakh. [Gangrene of the pulp in non- carious teeth.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1911, xxvii, 1-11— Spielvogel (K.) Kalium en natrium ter behandeling van gangreneuse tandpulpen. Nederl. tandheelk. Maandbl., Roermond, 1894, i, 29-31.— Tu- markin (D. I.) Primleneniye broma (bromum purum) pri llechenii gangreni pulpi. [Bromine in the treatment of gangrene of the pulp.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Pe- tersb., 1909, xxv. 225-234.—Van de Peel (L.) Diagnos- tic et traitement de la gangrene pulpaire. J. med. de Brux., 1910, xv, 261-263.—Vuilleumier (J. A.) Prin- ciples of rational therapeutics in the treatment of gan- grenouspulp. Items Interest, N. Y., 1910, xxxii, 171-178.— Williger. Das Trikresol-Formalin und die Buck- hy'sche Theorie von der chemischen Zusammensetzung derg.mgranosen Pulpa. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1907, x, 553-566.—Yevron (G. A.) K voprosu o llechenii gangrenoznikh zubov trikrezol-formalinom. [Treatment of gangrenous teeth by tricresol-formalin.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1907, xxiii, 241-250.— Zierler (F. E.) Bakteriologische Untersuchungen fiber Gangran der Zahnpulpa. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxvi,417-425. Also: Med. Rundschau, Berl., 1900, 534; 545; 558. Teeth (Pulp of Inflammation and ab- scess of). Dalban (P.) *De l'influence des .dispositions anatomiques sur la marche des abces dentaires. 8°. Paris, 1902. Teeth (Pulp of Inflammation and ab- scess of). Kazarnovski (A. G.) Metodi diagnostiki i terapii pulpitov so vklyucheniyem teorii i prak- tiki miestnol anestezii. [Methods of diagnosis and therapy of pulpitis, including the theory and practice of local anaesthesia.] 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 1908. Partsch (K.) Die chronische Wurzelhaut- entziindung. 4°. Leipzig, 1908. Allaeys (H.) Abces du cul-de-sac retro-dentaire. Rev. trimestr. suisse d'odont., Ziirich & Geneve, 1908, xviii, 127-129. —Arkovy (J.) Ueber Bacillus gan- graenae pulpae. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxix, 746-751. See, also, infra, Sieberth.— Buckley (J. P.) The treatment of ordinary perice- mentitis. In: Text-book of operative dentistry, Phila., 1910, 337-341. -----. Death of pulps due to tooth movement. Items Interest, N. Y., 1910, xxxii, 845- 868. — Cammarota (G.) Due casi di pulpite acuta senza lesioni esterne. Odonto-stomatol., Napoli, 1904, iii, 25-27. — Cavalie. Diagnostic des pulpites; impor- tance du diagnostic pour le,traitement. Odontologie, Par., 1908, xl, 159-164. -----. Etude pathologique et cli- nique des pulpites; importance du diagnostic pour le traitement. Ibid., 387-401. — Coulliaux (L.) Anato- mia, fisiologia, patologia della polpa dentale (uomo). Gior. di corrisp. p. dentisti, Milano, 1896, xxv, 6; 95; 191; 287: 1897, xxvi, i; 123; 295. — Dieulafe (L. ) & Herpin (A.) Pulpites hypertrophiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxxi, 711. —Euler. Ein eigenartiger Fall von Zementneubildung im Wurzel- kanal. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., BerL, 1909, xxvii, 633-644. -----. Weitere Beitrage zu dem Vorkommen von Zement im Wurzelkanal. Ibid., 1910, xxviii, 205- 214.—Eyre (J.), Payne (J. L.) & Goadby (K.) The vaccine treatment of peri-odontal disease. Lancet, Lond., 1910, i, 531.—Fischer (G.) Die Pathologie der Zahnpulpa im Lichte experimenteller Forschungen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh.. Leipz., 1910, xxviii, 785; 874.—Gaillard. De l'usure des dents; suppuration de la pulpe dentaire produit par cette cause. J. de med. de Lyon, 1865, iv, 241-248.—Goikka (A.) Czy adrenaline mozna uwazai za srodek przeciwzapalny przy za- paleniach ozebnej? [ Can adrenaline be considered an antiphlogistic in periodontitis?] Przegl. lek., Kra- k6w, 1908, xliii, 159; 171. — Hamer (A. H.) Den- tine - hyperaesthesie, pulpitis en periodontitis. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1894-5, 1, 625-528. — Hart wig (F.) Beitrag zur Frage der sogenannten idiopathischen Pulpitis. Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1900, ii, 1-6.— Herrenkneclit (W.) Entzundliche Veranderun- gen benachbarter und entfernt-liegender Organe in- folge von Wurzelhauterkrankungen. Deutsche Monat- schr. f. Zahnh., BerL, 1910, xxviii, 414-419. — Kreisler (J.) Pathologie der entzundlichen Wurzelcysten und chronischen Wurzelabcesse. Wien. zahnarztl. Monat- schr., 1901, iii, 302-327, 2 pl.—OTadzsar(J.) Ueber Pul- pitis chronica plastica. Deutsche zahnarztl. Ztg., Miin- chen, 1902, No. 23.—IHiller. Einleitung zum Studium der Bacterio-Pathologie der Zahnpulpa. Verhandl. d. deutsch. odont. Gesellsch., Berl.,1894, vi,173-214.—Noah. Eine neue Methode zur Behandlung von Pulpitiden, Pe- riostitiden und deren Folgeerscheinungen. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Stomatol., Wien, 1905, iii, 118; 151; 173.—de Oliveira Cesar (A.) Flegm6n post-obturaci6n den- taria. Rev. d. centro estud. de med., Buenos Aires 1906, v, 415.—Peck (A. H.) Pathology, chemistry, and thera- peutics of putrescent pulps. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 1263-1270.—Pietkiewicz (W.-B.) Un cas de pul- pite aigue aporte d'entree apicale. Rev.de stomatol., Par., 1908, xv, 170-172. — Pincemaille. Contribution k l'etude du diagnostic des pulpites; diagnostic differen- tiel des pulpes k conserver et des pulpes k deLruire. Odontologie, Par., 1910, xliv, 340-353. — Power (J. E.) The therapeutic indications in dental inflammation. Dental Brief, Phila., 1909, xiv, 18-28. — Preiswerk (G.) Zur Pathologie der Pulpa. Schweiz.Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1905, xv, 31-36. — Rovida (C.) Con- tributo anatomo-patologico sulla polpite cronica ipertro- fica. Osp. magy. Riv. scient. prat. d. . . . di Milano, 1908, iii, 18-29, 2 pl. — Sauvez (E.) Abces dentaire. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 213. — Schnitzler (J.) Ueber Abszesse. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, BerL, 1906, xv, 851.— Sliimamiiie (T.) Zwei bemerkenswerte Fiille von Pulpitis partialis. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1910, xxxviii, 159-171.—Sieberth (O.) Zur Aetiologie der Pulpitis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxviii, 302. Also: Odont. BI., BerL, 1900, v, 154-156. -----. Zur Aetiologie der Pulpitis; Erwiderung auf die Angriffe von Arkovy. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxx, 910-912.—Smith (A. H.) On the association of inflammatory conditions of the dental pulp with certain adventitious dentines. [De 1'association des etats inflammatoires de la pulpe dentaire avec certaines dentines adventices. Res., 71.] Cong. dent, internat. TEETH. 696 TEETH. Teeth (Pulp of, Inflammation and ab- scess of). 1900 C.-r., Par., 1901-3, ii, 3-10. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 1097-1102.—Spencer (R. L.) Obstinate pulpitis. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1909, xxix, 181-183.— Turner (J. G.) On some rarer forms of abscesses con- nected with teeth. Clin. J., Lond., 1899, xiv, 91-94. Also: J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1899, xx, 549-553. Also, transl: Progres dent., Par., 1900, xxvi, 65-71. -----. Injury to the teeth of succession by abscess of the temporary teeth. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1909, xxx, 1233-1237, 4 pl.—Ur- bantschitsch (E.) Pulpitis chronica (sogenannte Polypen) der Frontzahne des Milchgebisses mit seltenem Nebenbefund. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1910, xxvi, 114-124.—Veitch (E. C.) History of case of chronic abscess. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1909, xxi, 173.—Weiser (R.) Pulpitis idiopathica; Atrophia pul- pae. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1900, x, 168-170.— Williger. Phlegmonose Prozesse ausgehend vom intakten unteren Weisheitszahn. Deut- sche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., BerL, 1910, xxviii, 241-251. Teeth (Pulp of, Inflammation, etc., of, Complications of). Rollbrunner. Perforation eines Weisheitszahn- Abscesses in die Regio zygomatica; Nekrose des Arcus zygomaticus. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Winterthur & Geneve, 1903, xiii, 31-34.—Longenecker (C. B.) Extensive contraction and deformity following suppura- tion of the inferior alveolus. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1911, liii, 27-31.—Neeley (J. H.) Death from an abscessed tooth. OhioDent.J.,Toledo,1898, xviii, 264— Quae ken- bush (C. A.) How an abscessed tooth caused the death of the patient. Dental J., Ann Arbor, 1902, xi, no. 2, 9-13.—Read (XV. R.) Notes of a case of dental suppu- ration terminating fatally. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1899-1900, n. s., xxxii, 236-239. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1900, xliii, 913-915.-Smith (A. H.) A study of the vascular lesions of the dental pulp, their compli- cations and clinical significance. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1907, xlix, 124-143.—Tanaka. Ein Fall von peripheri- scher Hypoglossuslahmung in Folge von Zahnabseess. [Japanese text. Ausz., Hft. 24, 1.] Mitt. d. med. Gesell- sch. zu Tokyo, 1906, xx, 961-967. Teeth (Pulp of Infammation of, Com- plications of, Alveolar). Ptjtz (M.) * Ueber Alveolarabscesse, ihre Aetiologie, Prognose und Therapie, mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der in der Konigl. Charite zu Berlin beobachteten Falle. [Er- langen.] 8°. Berlin, [1898]. XrkiSvy (J.) Abcessus alveolaris circumscriptus acutus traumaticus. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1898, xlii, 346.—Ballachey (F. A.) Chronic alveolar abscess. Dental pract, Toronto, 1908, iv, 1-4.—Barnard (H. L.) Some surgical prospects of alveolar abscess. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1902, xiv, 1057-1066.—Birchmore (W. H.) Etiology of alveolar suppurations. Items Interest, N. Y., 1902, xxiv, 561-571.—Black (A. D.) Diagnosis and treatment of alveolar abscess. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1908, xxviii, 428.—Black (G. V.) A considera- tion of the conditions pointing to grave results in, and the causes of death from, alveolar abscess. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1906, xxvii, 299; 356; 400; 460.—Browder (R. M.) Treatment of alveolar abscesses and the permanent filling of root canals to prevent a recurrence. Dental Headlight, Nashville, 1909, xxx, 104-107.—Buckley (J. P.) The treatment of putrescent pulps; acute and chronic alveolar abscess, with complications; and the filling of root canals. In: Text-book of operative den- tistry, 8°, Phila., 1910, 349-368. -----. The rational treat- ment of chronic dentoalveolar abscess with root and bone complications. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1911, xxv, 755-776. [Discussion], 783-808. — Carr (I. N.) Al- veolar abscess complicated with necrosis of the alveo- lar process; a case in practice. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1909, lii, 154-159. — Carter (T. S.) Absorption of root probably due to presence of pus. Brit. Dent. J., Lond.., 1910, xxxi, 492, 1 pl.—Cochran (G. W.) etiology of alveolar abscess and its surgical treatment. Dental Pract., Toronto, 1907, ii, 186-191.— Cook (G. W.) Treat- ment of some phases of alveolar abscesses. Dental Di- gest, Chicago, 1905, xi, 900-904. -----. The treatment of some phases of alveolar abscesses. Ibid., 1906, xii, 573- 577. Also: Dental Summary, Toledo, 1906, xxvi, 270-278. -----. Some pathologic phases of alveolar abscesses and their treatment. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1908, xiv, 1350- 1304.—Crane (A. B.) Therapeutics and surgery of al- veolar abscess. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1911, liii, 1399- 1406.—Cryer (M. H.) Normal and pathological anat- omy of the alveolar process and adjacent tissue. Items Interest, N. Y., 1903, xxv, 339-370. -----. Alveolar ab- scesses from the anatomical and surgical view-point. Ibid., 1906, xxviii, 751-769. [Discussion], 776-783.—l»ay (E. F.) Lead points in the treatment of alveolar abscess, Teeth (Pulp of Infammation of, Com- plications of, Alreolar). demonstrating J. H. Spaulding's method of root filling. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1908, xxii, 107-111.- lHltmar (G. W.) Diagnosis and treatment of chronic alveolar ab- scess. Ibid., 1912, xxvi, 494-496.—von Dobrzynicckl (A.) Beitrage zur Behandlung der chronischen Alveo- larabszesse. Med. Rundschau, Berl., 1902, 1109. Also: Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1902, xi, No. 519. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1902, lii, 853-855.—Dodd (F. L.) An obscure case of alveolar abscess. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 575— Doxtater (L. W.) Treatment of chronic alveolar abscess with fistula discharging on the face. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1912, liv, 669-672.—Eads (B. B.) Alveolar abscess. Illinois M. Bull., Chicago, 1902-3, iii, 703.—Eggleston (E.) The etiology of the destruction of the alveolar processes and the consequent loss of the teeth. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1907, xxviii, 151-155.—Flet- cher (M. H.) Alveolitis, or some pathologic conditions arising from inefficient care of the mouth. [Abstr.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, li, 2113-2121.—Hauptmeyer ( F.) Die Behandlung acuter Alveolar- Zahnfieiseh- abscesse an unteren Frontzahnen ohne Extraction der- selben nach Adolph Witzel'scher Methode. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1906, xxxv, 139-147.—Hermiston (G. M.) A method of cure of alveolar abscess that will not yield to treatment through the pulp-canals. Dental Brief. Phila., 1902, vii, 685. — Khrushtsheft' (A.) Khloristiy tsink pri llechenii alveolyarnikh abstses- sov. [Chloride of zinc in the treatment of alveolar abscesses.] Zubovrach. sborn., Mosk., 1898, 21-26.— Knowles (S. E.) Alveolar abscess; with notes on two cases. Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass., San Fran., 1882-6, 414- 423. — Lester (A. V.) The treatment of alveolar abscesses. Dental Practice, Toronto, 1910, viii, 51-57. Also: Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1910, xxii, 13-17.— Lett (I.) Unique alveolar abscesses. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1910, lii, 750-752.—Libotte. Les effluves de haute frequence dans les alveolites. Cong, internat. de physio- therap. Compt. rend. 1910, Par., 1911, iii, 573.—Lindsay (R.) A case of alveolar abscess mistaken for empyema of the antrum. Dental Rec, Lond., 1907, xxvii, 4-6, lpl.— Loeffler (E. T.) A rational treatment of chronic alveolar abscess. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1910, xxx, 1034-1048.— McCurdy (S. L.) Pathology and treatment of alveolar abscess; and a plastic operation to close naso-oral fistula and a new operation for mandibular necrosis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, lv, 1255-1258.—Mawhinney (E.) Chronic alveolar abscess. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1905, xix, 331-312.— Makuen (G. H.) An unusual alveolar abscess, with antral complications. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1896, xvii, 58.—Marangoni (L.) Cura d' un ascesso alveolare coll' estrazione e la reimpianta- zione. Stomatol., Milano, 1902-3, i, 450.—Martinez Vargas (A.) Un caso de saco dentario extraalveolar en un nifio recien nacido. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1896, ix, 745-749.—Ma sur (A.) Beitrag zur Behandlung des chronischen Alveolarabscesses. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1903, xxxii, 240-248.—Maxfield (G. A.) Notes on alveolar abscess. Tr. N. York Odont. Soc. Phila., 1888, 48-63.—Maygrier&Jeannin. Abces intra-alveolaire 116 k 1'evolution precoce d'une dent chez un nouveau-n6. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1900, iii, lis.—Mitchell (G. B.) Alveolar infections; extraction vs. retention. Den- tal Cosmos, Phila., 1907, xlix, 708-717. [Discussion], 738- 740.—Nash (H. S.) Alveolar necrosis. Tr. N. York Odont. Soc. 1899, Phila., 1900, 171-190. Also: Dental Cos- mos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 408-423.—Ogawa (S.) [Etiology of alveolar suppuration.] Shikwagakuho, Tokyo, 1903, vii, no. 2, 1-19.—Rhein (M. L.) Alveolar abscess; pre- ventive and curative treatment. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1896, xxxviii, 193-199. Also, Reprint.—Robin (P.) La crepitation dentaire; nouveau signe clinique de l'osteo- periostite alveolo-dentaire phlegmoneuse. Rev. de sto- matol., Par., 1901, viii, 508-512.—Robinson (T. W.) Al- veolar abscess. J. Nat. M. Ass,, Tuskegee, Ala., 1909. i, 221-223.—Roelants. Nekrose van den processus alveo- laris. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1907, ii, 106- 108.—Ross (D. N.) Dead pulps and their sequelae. Do- minion Dent. J., Toronto, 1910, xxii, 328-342.—Ruther- ford (F. P.) Acute alveolar abscess. Dental Brief, Phila., 1907, xii, 89-93.—Schamberg (M. I.) The sur- gical treatment of chronic alveolar abscess. Dental Cos- mos, Phila., 1906, xlviii, 15-24. [Discussion], 40-45.— Kchenk (F.) Zur Diagnostik der Alveolarabszesse. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1903, xix, 455- 465,1 pl.—SilFre. Propagation inter-alveolaire des abces dentaires. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1903, x, 361-367.— Small wood (G. V.) Alveolar abscess. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1898, xii, 633-643.—Tait (C. H.) Silica; its curative action in the treatment of alveolar abscess. Tr. Am. Acad. Dent. Sc, Phila., 1889-93, 242-255.—Thomson (G.) Alveolar abscess in the tooth of a dog. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Odont. Sect., 33.—Turnbull (F.J.) Some uncommon forms of alveolar abscess. Den- tal Rec, Lond., 1903, xxiii, 61-64.—Walker (.1. M.) Re- port of a case of alveolar abscess with extensive necrosis. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1910, lii, 176-180.—Weil. [Aus einer eiternden Kieferhohle gekommene Zahnwurzel.] TEETH. 697 TEETH. Teeth (Pulp of Inflammation of, Com- plications of Alveolar). Wien. klin. Wclinsehr., 1898, xi, 116.—Weiser (R.) Die Resultate der radicalen Behandlung des Alveolar-Ab- scesses und der Zahnwurzelcyste bei Conservierung des Zahnes. [Les resultats du traitement radical de l'abces alveolaire et du kyste radiculo-dentaire dans la conserva- tion de la dent. Res., 18.] Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iii, 3-18. [Discussion], 19-23. Also: Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1900, xvi, 456-471. Also: J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1900, xv, 213; 225.— Wessells (J. F.) Alveolar abscess; its complications and treatment. Dental Brief, Phila., 1902, vii, 361-367. [Discussion], 374-379.—Wilkinson (J. E.) Treatment of acute and chronic alveolar abscess. Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass. 1900, Phila., 1901, iv. 57-59. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 995-998.—Witzel. Demonstration meiner modifizierten Wurzelspitzenbehandlung bei chro- nischen Alveolarabszessen. Deutsche Monatschr, f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 485-489. Teeth (Pulp of Inflammation, etc., of Treatment of). See Teeth (Pulp of, Diseases of, Treatment of). Teeth (Pulp of, Tuberculosis of). Barrickson (J. E.) Tuberculosis of the teeth. Items Interest, Phila., 1895, xvii, 585.—Hertz (M.) Ue- ber Tuberculose des Zahnfleisches. Monatschr. f. Oh- renh., BerL, 1907, xii, 406-414.—Torne (F. V.) Vier Fiille von Zahnfleischtuberculose. Ibid., Berl. u. Wien, 1909, xliii, 409-422.—Wieser (J.) EinFall vonprimiirer Nasen- und Zahnfleischtuberkulose. Ibid., BerL, 1909, xliii, 689. Teeth (Puljiless). Barrett (W. C.) The condition of the dentine in pulpless teeth. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 59-62.— Bennette (B.) The rational treatment of simple pulp- less teeth. Dental Rec, Lond., 1904, xxiv, 407-409.— Cheniodanoff (M. M.) O chuvstvitelnosti bezpulpo- vikh zubov k kholodu. [Sensitiveness to cold of teeth without pulp.] Odont. obozr., Mosk., 1899, i, 396-403.— Evans (G.) Pulpless teeth and their treatment. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 2,1858-1867. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1893, xxxv, 1139-1151. Also, Re- print.—Head (J.) Physiological reasons for supposing that dentin and enamel in pulpless teeth may be nour- ished. Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass. 1899, Phila., 1900, 273-276. Aho: Dental Cosmos, Phila.,1899,xli,1037-1039— Hirsch- I'eld (W.) A study of the treatment of pulpless teeth. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1908, xxii, 904-916.—Miller (W. D.) Pathologische Prozesse an Zahnen ausserhalb der Mundhohle. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 513-530.—Ogawa (K.) [A treatment for pulpless teeth.] Shikwagakuho, Tokyo, 1903, viii, no. 7, 1-6 — Peck (A. H.) Pathology and classification of pulpless teeth without regard to abscessed conditions. Dental Di- gest, Chicago, 1899, v, 845-853. Also: Dental Reg., Cincin., 1899, liii, 397-405.—Powers (G. L.) Rational treatment of pulpless teeth. Dental Brief, Phila., 1910, xv, 527-532.— Smith (D. D.) The true status of the pulpless tooth. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1900, xliii, 631-640.—Taft (J.) Management of pulpless teeth. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 16-18.—Takahashi (N.) [Dr. Izawa's method on the treatment of pulpless teeth.] Shikwaga- kuho, Tokyo, 1902, vii, no. 6, 8-16. Teeth (Pegulation of). See Teeth (Malocclusion of, Treatment of). Teeth (Peimplantation of). Gerson (N.) * Greffe dentaire (reimplanta- tion). 8°. Paris, 1907. Bacques. Avulsion d'une dent par traumatisme; re- implantation vingt-une heures apres l'accident. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1902, ix, 379.—Besson. Reimplantation d'une dent incisive. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1903, xxvii, 59-63.—Bloomfield (S. J.) Replantation after accident. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1902, xiv, 367.— Boniqaet (J.) Reimplantaci6n de un diente en cir- cunstancias desfavorabies. Rev. med. rural, Blanes (Ge- rona), 1897, ii, 1-6.—Brodhurst (W.) Reimplantation simple de dents. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1902-3, viii, 81.—Cardon. Un cas de reimplantation. Odonto- logie, Par., 1903,2. s., xvi, 602-607.—Coysh (T. A.) A case of replantation. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1902, xxiii, 345-348.—Davies (J. T. H.) Reinsertion of a tooth. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 906.—Doran (S. S.) Case of retarded eruption of the third lower molar; three cases of replantation. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1907, xxviii, 145- 147.—Earp (S. E.) Four deciduous teeth extracted by an injury, replaced and retained in a healthy condition. Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1903, xv, 390-392. Also, Re- print.— Fruth (O. J.) A practical case of replantation, with porcelain restoration of crown and part of root. Teeth (Reimplantation of). Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 1316.—Fuller (A. H.) Union of the pulp of a replanted tooth with the tissues from which it had been separated; a sequel. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1908, xxii, 105-107.—Gibbs (J. H.) Two cases of replantation. Dental Rec, Lond., 1904, xxiv, 12- 18.—Godon (C.) Un cas de traumatisme dentaire suivi de reimplantation. Odontologie, Par., 1905, 2. s., xx, 431- 433.—Hunter (R. W.) A few cases of replantation. In- ternat. Dent. J., Phila., 1901, xxii, 313-315.— Junok (K.) Ueber Replantationen. Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1901, iii, 249-263. —Lepkowski ( W.) Replantacya, transplantacva i implantacya zeb6w. [. . . of the teeth.] Przegl. lek.,'Krakow, 1904, xliii, 287; 302; 314.—Lewis (E. F.) Successful replacement of anterior teeth forced out by traumatism. Dental Office & Lab., Phila., 1903, n. s., xvii, 161.—Lonnon (F.) A case of replantation. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1907, xxviii, 202.—Marronneaud. Un cas de vitalite de la pulpe apres extraction de la dent etreimplantationimmediate. Odontologie, Par., 1902,2. s., xv,,52,.—INiculescu (D. D.) Grefa dentarft; reimplan- tatiunea. Spitalul, BucurescI, 1899, xix, 550: 1900, xx, 15.—Padgett (F. J.) An interesting replantation case. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1907, xxviii, 1256.—Parreidt (J.) Neue Beobachtung an einem replantirten Zahne. Deut- sche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1899, xvii, 105-110.— Quintin (L.) Reimplantations, transplantations, im- plantations. Odontologie, Par., 1906, xxxvi, 241-256.— Richter (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Replantation extrahier- ter Zahne. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Munchen & Berl., 1904, xiii, 699.—Riva (M.) Un caso de reimplantaci6n den- taria. Correo odont. internac, Madrid, 1902, vii, 35-37.— Rodier (H.) Resultats eioignes de soixance greffes dentaires que j'ai faites. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1902, ix, 283-291. — RJJmer. Ueber die Replantation von Zahnen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1901, xix, 297-306,2 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1901, xvii, 272-275. — Rozen ( D. ) Sluchai regulirovaniya zubov posredstvom replantatsii. [Regulation of teeth* by means of replantation.] Zubo- vrach. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1904, xx, 730.—Sato (K.) [On the replantation of teeth.] Shinkeigaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1906-7, v, no. 12, 1-4.—Schuster (E.) Zahnersatz mit Verwendung der extrahierten Zahne. Deutsche Monat- schr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1907, xxv, 329-331. — Stein- kaiiini (J. F.) Beitrage zur Statistik der Replantatio- nen. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, BerL, 1903, xxxii, 233-237.— Stiff (J. P.) Replantation. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1905, xxv, 354-360.—Storey (J. C.) Case of replantation. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit.,Lond.,1900-1901, n. s.,xxxiii,204.— Szabo (J.) Studie und neuere Versuche fiber Replan- tation der Zahne. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1903, xix, 478-523.—Van Meter (S. D.) Replan- tation of teeth. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1903, xvi, 146.— Weber (A. G.) Replantaci6n dental. Actas y trab. d. l»r Cong. med. nac, Habana, 1905, i, 411-416. Also: Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1905, x, 225-231.—Wini- mer (A.) Ueber Reimplantation von Zahnen. Zahn- tech. Rundschau, BerL, 1902, No. 529. Teeth (Sensibility of). Bauchwitz (M.) Die Behandlung des sensi- blen Dentins mit Kohlensaure und deren wTeitere Verwendung in der Zahnheilkunde. 8°. Wies- baden, 1902. Duval (J.-E.) Observations pratiques sur la sensibilite' des substances dures des dents. 8°. Paris, 1833. Schmidt (C.) *Die Sensibilitiit des Dentins. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Merseburg, 1899. Walkhoff (0.) Das sensible Dentin und seine Behandlung; eine physiologisch-klinische Studie. 8°. Braunschweig, 1899. A Ibrecht. Dentinan&sthesie mit Kohlensaure. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1903, xxi, 110- 114.—Andresen (V.) Perhydrol Merck gegen Dentin- hyperasthesie. Ibid., 1905, xxiii, 28.—Audy. Le chlor- hydrate d'erythrophleine dans le traitement de la sensi- bilite de la dentine. Odontologie, Par., 1904, 2. s., xix, 721-732. Also: Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1904, xiv, 331-343— Bauchwitz (M.) Sensi- tives Dentin und seine Behandlung mit Kohlensaure. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 487-491. Also: Zahnarztl. Rundschau, BerL, 1901, x, Nos. 489-491. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Wiesb., 1902, v, 17-19.—Beckwith (W. H. H.) Ethyl chloride as an obtunder in sensitive dentine. Dominion Dent. J., To- ronto, 1910, xxii, 536.—Bell (E.) General dental hyper- sesthesia. Tr. Indiana Dent. Ass., Indianap., 1889, 78-80.— Bruck (W. W.) Die BehandlungdessensiblenDentins. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1904, xx, 552- 558.—Buckley (J. P.) The treatment of sensitive den- tin. In: Text book of operative dentistry, 8°, Phila., 1910, TEETH. 698 TEETH. Teeth (Sensibility of). 215-223.—Caush (D. E.) How sensation is conveyed through the enamel. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1905, xxvi, 97-100,1 pl— Ceceoiil (G.) Contributo alio studio della sensibilita nei denti sani. Stomatol., Milano, 1902, i, 185- 189.—Coghlan (F. T.) Sensitive dentine. Dominion Dent. J.."Toronto, 1905, xvii, 119-124. [Discussion], 141- 152— Dowsctt (E. B.) Treatment of hyperaesthesia of the dentine. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1908, xxii, 463- 466.—Gow (G.) A method of applying a local medici- nal agent as a means of obtunding sensitive dentine. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1904, xvi, 9. -----. Sensitive dentine. Ibid., 1906, xviii,50-53.— Groundstroem (E.) Tuntoisuuden alentamisesta yliileuan etu-ja kubma- hampaissa. [Sensitive and reduced upper front and eye teeth] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1909, xxv, 150-163.—Guil- ford (S. H.) Hot water as an obtundent. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1904, lviii, 87-90.—Gysi (A.) Versuch zur Erklit- rung der Empfindlichkeit des Dentins. Schweiz. Vrtlj- schr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1901, xi, 1-8, 8 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1901, xiv, 265. Also, transl: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1900, xliii,865-868 — Holman (F. D.) The aqueous treatment of sensitive dentine. PacificDent. Gaz., San Fran., 1904, xii, 440-442.— Marshall (H. R.) Heat sensations in the teeth. Psv- chol. Rev., N.Y.& Lond.,1895,ii,278.—Mendel-Joseph. Des conditions de la sensibilite de la dent. Assoc, franc. pour 1'avance. d. sc. C.-r., Par., 1901, xxx, pt. 1, 285.—Merriman (A. F. ), jr. Aqueous obtundent; its history, phenomena and possibilities in dentistry. Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass., San Fran., 1902, xxxi, 118-125.— Miller (W. D.) Die Behandlung des empfindlichen Zahnbeins mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Druck- verfahrens. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1906, xxiv, 645-654.—Morgenstern (M.) Zu* Wider- legung der Gysi'schen Sensibilitatstheorie des Zahnbeins. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1901, xi, 61-72. -----. Untersuchungen fiber die anatomischen Grundlagen fiir die Stoffwechsel- und Sensibilitatsvor- gange in den harten Zahnsubstanzen. Deutsche Monat- schr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1909, xxvii, 713-727.—Nikolayeff (V. V.) O llechenii chuvstvitelnavo dentina. [Treat- ment of sensitive dentine.] Kazan. Med. J., 1902, ii, 261- 264.—Pont (A.) Des divers traitements de l'hyperes- thesie de la dentine. Odontologie, Par., 1905, 2. s., xx, 5-18.—Roemer (O.) Ueber Sensibilitat des Zahnbeins. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1899, xvii, 393- 397.—Schwartz (E.) La sensibilite de l'ivoire des dents; emploi du sulfate de quinine. Odontologie, Par., 1898, 2. s., vii, 353-358. — Silbermann (E.) Zur BChmerzlosen Behandlung des Zahnbeins vermittels Kohlensaure. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1903, xxi, 258-261.—Steiner (J.) Ueber das Empfin- dungsvermogen der Ziihne des Menschen. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. n. Wien, 1901-2, xv, 585-587.—Tileston (H. B.) Hypersensitive dentin. Dental Summarv, To- ledo, 1908, xxviiit 115-121.—Van de Poel (L.) Hyper esthesie de la dentine. J. m6d. de Brux., 1909, xiv, 433.— Van Wyck (C.) An obtundent in the form of an ether spray. Pacific Dent. Gaz., San Fran., 1905, xiii, 305-308.—Walklioff(0.) Beit rag zu der pathologisehen Anatomie und der Behandlung des tiberempfindlichen Zahnbeins. Odont. BL, Berl., 1899, iv, 165; 190. Teeth (Supernumerary). Adloff (P.) Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Zahn- systems von Susscrofadomestica. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1901, xix, 481^90. -----. Noch Einlges zur Frage nach der Be- urtheilung uberzahliger Zahne, nebst Bemerkungen fiber die regressiven Entwickelungsvorgange im Zahnsystem der Siiugethiere. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1901, xix, 419-426.—Antal (J.) Hyperdentitio erdekes esete. [An interesting case of hyperdentition.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xiv, 233. Also, transl: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1901, li, 809-811. — Astakhoff. Sluchal sverkhkomplektnikh zubov. [An extra tooth.l Zubo- vrach. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1904, xx, 732.—Belmondo (E.) Un rarissimo caso di denti soprannumerari ed altre anomalie dentarie in crani di alienati. Arch, per 1' an- trop., Firenze, 1895, xxv, 255-269, 2 pl.—Bradley (O. C.) Two cases of supernumerary molars; with remarks on the form of the lower cheek-teeth of the horse. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1903-4, xxiv, 112-119. — Brunsmann. Ueberziihlige Zahne und deren Bedeutung. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1901, xix, 282-285.—Budu- rescu (V.) Dintil incisivl suplimentarl semi-canini- forml in maxilainferioara. [Serai-canine supplementary incisor tooth in the lower jaw.] Rev. san. mil., Bucu- rescI, 1897-8, i, 403-405.—Clapp (D. M.) Seventeen su- pernumerary teeth. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1900, xxi, 645, lpl.—Dependort". Zur Frage der tiberzahligen Zahne im menschlichen Gebiss. Ztschr. f. Morphol. u. Anthrop., Stuttg., 1907, x, 171-196, 3 pl.—Duiiogier (S.) Les dents surnumeraires et les ravons Rontgen. Cong. internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 12, 423-427. Also: Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1906, xiv, 443- 448.—Earle (C.) On the presence of a supernumerary milk incisor in the human dentition. J. Anat. & Phys- iol., Lond.. 1904-5, xxxix, 197. — Fargin-Fayolle. Teeth (Supernumerary. Fracture et accidents consecutifs portant sur une in- cisive superieure et en rapport avec revolution d'une dent surnumeraire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., I90h, xv, 39.— Grove. Ueberzahl und Zwillingsbildung. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1905, xxxiv, 66-68.—Ilowkins (C.) A case of unerupted and supplemental molar teeth Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1910, xxxi, 165-157,1 pl—Jarricot (J.) Sur un cas d'incisives centrales, surnumeraires avec presence d'un tubercule de Duckworth. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1907, xxii, 583-589. —Johnson (A. A. H.) A case of multiple supernumerary teeth preceding a central incisor. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Odont. Sect, 42-50. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc., Lond., 1911, liv, 359-369.—Kabler (O.) Ein uberziihli- ger Zahn, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Frage des hohen Gaumens. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xviii, 1030-1033. Also, transl: Lancet, Lond., 1905, ii, 1146.—LUbeck (L.j Ueberzahlige supplementare Zahnbildungen und Dentes geminati. Zahnarztl. Rundschau. Berl., 1906, xv, 599; 627.—McKay (R.) Supernumerary teeth. Proc. Rov' Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Odont. Sect., 129—Marseli- hausen. Ein eigenthfimlicher Fall von tiberzahligen Zahnen. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1902, xx, 334.—von Metnitz. Beitrag zur Casuistik der Ueberzahl von Zahnen. Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1902, iv, 521.—Meyerhoff Ueberzahlige Zahne im Gebiete der oberen Schneidezahne. Deutsche Mo- natschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1911, xxix, 697-700.— Peckert. Ein Beitrag zur Kasuistik ungewohnlicher Hyperdentitionen. Ibid., 1C07, xxv, 625-652. — He- spinger ( H. B.) Ein Beitrag zum Kapitel der su- pernumeriiren Ziihne. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl 1898, vii, 4781; 4801.—Bobbins (C.) The smallest super- numerary tooth ever seen in situ. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lona., 1904-5, n. s., xxxvii, 27.—Rodier (H.) Sur un cas de deux incisives centrales superieures supple- mentaires siegeant du meme c6te; projet d'intervention pour fracture de l'incisive centrale contigue. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1911, xviii, 517-620.—Rodier (H.) & Belot. A propos d'une observation de deux incisives centrales superieures surnumeraires. Ibid., 272-297.— Bozenkrants (A. P.) K kazuistikle sverkhkom- plektnikh postoyannikh zubov. [Supernumerary per- manent teeth.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1909, xxv, 1121-1124.— Russell (M.) Supernumerary tooth [in the horse]. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1908-9, xxxiv, 42.— Sewill (S.) A case of pain of neuralgic character caused by a carious supernumerary tooth in the molar region. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1903-4, n.s., xxxvi, 85.—Stettenheimer (L.) Ein Beitrag zur Frage der tiberzahligen Zahne. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1910, xxviii, 313-332, 2 pl.—Thomson (G.) Dents surnumeraires. Essais et obs. de med. de la Soc d'Edinb., Par., 1743, v, 279-282,1 pl—Turner (J. G.) Simple pedunculated fibrous epulis and supernumerary teeth. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1900-1901, n. s., xxxiii. 33-39.—Turner (Sir W.) An Australian skull with three supernumerary upper molar teeth. J. Anat & Physiol., Lond., 1899-1900, xxxiv, 273.—Underwood (A. S.) An interesting case of suppressed wisdom tooth. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1901, xxii, 321-323, 1 pl.— XJrbantschitsch (E.) Supernumerare Zahne. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1908, xxiv, 283-312.—W'egner (R.N.) Ueberzahlige Incisiven bei Affen. Ztschr. f. Morphol. u. Anthrop., Stuttg., 1009, xii, 353-358,1 pl. Teeth (Supernumerary, Impaction of) in nose. Brindel (A.) Dent implantee a l'entree de la fosse nasale droite, avec troubles reflexes (acces de toux et spasmes larynges); avulsion; guerison. Rev de larvngol. [etc.], Par., 1895, xv. 1-3— Bulgakoff (F. I.) Sluchal prorostaniya zuba v Highmore'dvu polost. [Tooth grow- ing into the Highmore antrum.] Vestnik Ushn., Gorlov. i Nosov. Boliezn., S.-Peterb., 1910, ii, 882-885.—Godin (M.G.) Dobavoehniy zub v polosti nosa. [An additional tooth in the nasal cavitv.] Yezhemles. Ushn., Gorlov. i Nosov. Boliezn., S.-Peterb., 1908, iii, 399.—Gorodetski (V. N.) Dobavoehniy zub v polosti nosa. [Additional tooth in the nose.] Ibid.,541.—lloople (H. N.) Tooth from the right uaris; specimen and history. Brooklyn M. J., 1900, xiv, 403.—Ingersoll (J. M.) Supernum- erary teeth in the nose and the maxillary sinus. Tr. Am. Laryngol., Rhinol. & Otol. Soc.N. Y, 1903, ix,241- 243. Also: Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1903, xiii, 688-690.— Joachim (O.) Removal of a superfluous tooth from the floor of the nose. Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc. 1895, N. Orl., 1896, iii, p. lii.—Kanasugi (E.) [A case of a molar tooth growing in the nasal cavity.] Dai Nippon Ji-Bi-In-Ko-Kwa-Kwai Kwai Ho, Tokyo, 1901, vii, 73-81.— Lenait (Z.) Rendellenes fogfejlodes az orrban. [Ab- normal tooth development in the nose.] Gegeszet, Bu- dapest, 1907, 15.—Levin (L. T.) [Prorostaniye zuba v polost nosa.] [Tooth grown into the nasal cavity.] Yezhemles. Ushn., Gorlov. i Nosov. Boliezn., S.-Peterb., 1906-7, i, 375_______Dobavoehniy ("sverkhkomplekt- TEETH. 699 TEETH. Teeth (Supernumerary, Impaction of) in nose. niy") zubv polosti nosa. [Additional, extra, tooth in the nasal cavity.] Ibid., 1907-8, ii, 373-376.—Melzi (U.) Une dent aberrante dans la cavite nasale droite. Arch. internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1907, xxiii, 825.— JMeyjes (W. P.) Ein Fall von in die Nase invertirtem Zahn. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., BerL, 1898, xxxii, 466.— Orleanski (K.) Sluchal dobavochnavo zuba v polosti nosa. [An extra tooth in the nasal cavity.] Yezhemles. Ushn., Gorlov. i Nosov. Boliezn., S.-Peterb., 1911, vi, 285- 289,1 pl.—Piolti (G.) Dente soprannumerario in una cavita nasale. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1907, 2. s., xviii, 369-380. Also: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di To- rino. 1907,4. s.,xiii, 270-275.—Tyler(H.) A tooth in the nasal cavity. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1899, xiv, 214— V iganb (L.) Un dente canino nel pavimento della fossa nasale sinistra. Stomatol..Milano, 1904-5, iii,590-592. Teeth (Surgery of). See, also, Teeth (Diseases of, Treatmentof, Ope- rati re). Underwood (A. S.) & Gabell (D.) Aids to dental surgery. 2. ed. 12°. New York, 1907. ----- -----. The same. 16°. London, 1907. Ackland(J.McK.) President's introductory remarks; the relation of dental surgery to general medicine. Brit. M. J., Lond.,1907,ii,14S3.—Rea I. De la resection de l'apex. Rev.destomatoL,Par.. 1908. xv.439-446.—Benson (A.H.) A plea for the more extended use of buccal mucous mem- brane in enlarging certain forms of contracted socket. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, i, 1322.—Cecil (G.) Dental surgery in India; an awful experience. Dental Brief, Phila., 1903, viii, 710-713.—Dieulafe & Gayral. Quel- ques relations anatomo-chirurgicales du systeme den- taire. Toulouse med., 1908, 2. s., x, 201-204.—Fischer (G.) Die chirurgische Wurzelbehandlung: Maxillotomie und Wurzelresektion. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Z ihnh., Leipz., 1906, xxiv,419-433.—Gepshtein (I.) K rezektsii verkhushki kornva. [Resection of the apex of the root.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb.. 1910, xxvi, 665-673.— Hartzell(T. B.) Surgical treatment of roots of loosen- ing teeth. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1909, xxix, 443.—Herbst (E.) Zwei neue Verfahren, die Ecke eines Schneidezahnes zu ersetzen. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1902, xxxi, 140-144.—Hunt (G. E.) Exclusion of moisture from the teeth during operations. In: Te xt-book of operative dentistry. 8°, Phila., 1910,145-159.—Ivanoff (K. A.) Sluchal rezektsii verkhushekkornel nizhnyavo zubamudrostiisekvestrostomiivoblastinizhnelchelyusti. [Resection of the apices of the cornua of the lower wisdom tooth and sequestrotomy in the region of the lower jaw.] Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1911, xxvii, 577-581.— Kersting. Mein Standpunkt zur Wurzelresektion. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., BerL, 1906, ix, 253-256.— Kritchewsky (B.) & Paiiliottin (J.) De l'appli- cation des lois de la chirurgie g6ne>ale a la chirurgie dentaire. Odontologie, Par., 1906, xxxvi, 446-457.—Ku- nert. Ueber Wurzelresektion. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii, 363-378. — Luniatschek (F.) Die Resektion der Wurzelspitze (Maxillotomie). Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1905, Leipz., 1906, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 379-382. — Masur (A.) Zur Wurzelresektion. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxiv, 129-133. — Mayrhofcr (B.) Erfah- rungen mit der Jodoformknochenplombe hinsichtlich Vereinfachung der Nachbehandlung nach Wurzelresek- tion und Zahnzystenoperation. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Sto- matol., Wien, 1906, iv, 209-215. -----. Die Technik der Wurzelresektion und ihrAusbau auf Grund moderner Anschauungen. Ibid., 233-240. — Metz Indikations- stellung der Wurzelresektion. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1907, xxv, 183-189. —Ottolengui (R.) Extirpation of the pulp under pressure anesthesia, in- cluding a study of after-results. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1904, xlvi, 629-636. — Partsch. Ueber Wurzelresection. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1899, xvii, 348- 367,1 pl.—Port. Die zweizeitige Wurzelresection. Cor.- Bl. f. Zahnarzte, BerL, 1904, xxxiii, 35.— Sail vez. De l'emploi de l'extrait des capsules surrenales, en particu- lier dans la chirurgie dentaire. Odontologie, Par., 1902, 2. s., xv, 81-102. — Trauner (F.) Wurzelspitzenresek. tion an unteren Mahlzahnen. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr- f. Zahnh., Wien, 1906, xxii, 45-50.—Turner (J. G.) Re- view of recent work on dental surgery; oral sepsis. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxiv, 232-235. —Vajna (W.) Ueber die Excision der Zahne. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1893, xi, 203-213.— del Valle (M. V.) Algo sobre la cirujia dental. Bol. Asoc. med. de Puerto- Rico, P. R., 1903, i, 51-53.—Wciser (R.) Die Resultate der radicalen Behandlung des Alveolar-Abcessesund der ZahnwurzelcystebeiConservierungdes Zahnes. Oesterr.- ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1900, xvi, 456-471. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900, xlii, 1176-1187.—Wit- zel (A.) Ueberpartielle Resektion des Processus alveo- Teeth (Surgery of). laris vor dem Zahnersatz. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl., 1a9?0', XuX1^'-.30(^30u4- -----• Meine Stellungnahme zu der Adolph Witzelschen Methode und zur Wurzelspitzen-Re- section eine Erwiderung auf eine Reihe von Publication pen. Ibid., 1905, xxxiv, 193.-----. Anatomisch-patho- logische Randbemerkungen zur Wurzelspitzenresektion. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1905, xxiii 480- j?2- ——• Fremdkorper auf dem zahnarztlichen Opera- tionsgebiet. Zahnarztl, Rundschau, Berl., 1906, xv, 571. Teeth (Surgery of, Anesthetic methods in). Cavaroz (C.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'anesthesie diploique. 8°. Paris, 1909. Eskell (A.) On local anaesthesia, or the to- tal extinction of pain in the extraction of teeth, and in many dental operations. 16°. London, 1S66. Fischer (G.) Die lokale Aniisthesie in der Zahnheilkunde, mit spezieller Beriicksichti- gung der Schleimhaut- und Leitungsanasthe- sie. 2. Aufl. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1911. ,------• The same. Local anesthesia in den- tistry, with special reference to the mucous and conductive methods. Transl. from the 2. Ger- man ed. by R. H. Riethmuller. 4°. Phila- delphia, 1912. Kahn (M.) *Die Narkose der Chirurgie und Zahnheilkunde. 8°. Jena, 1896. Jaxicot (E.) * Contribution a, l'etude de l'anesthesie de la dentine et de la pulpe den- taire. 8°. Paris, 1909. Pageix. * Etude d'un nouveau procede d'a- nesthesie en art dentaire. 8°. Paris, 1906. Plet (A.) Analgesie locale en chirurgie den- taire par l'emploi des solutions de chlorhy- drate de cocaine. 8°. Tours, 1903. Poinsot (P.) De la cocaine en art dentaire. 8°. Paris, 1905. Quere (J.-F.) * Etude critique sur l'anes- thesie demaire. 4°. Bordeaux, 1896. Rouveix (J.) * Anesthesie de la pulpe den- taire et de la dentine par injections sous-mu- queuses profondes de solutions anesthesiques associees a l'adrenalin. 8°. Paris, 1909. Seitz (G.) Die zahnarztliche Lokal-Aniis- thesie; ein Handbuch fiir praktische Zahn- arzte und Studierende der Zahnheilkunde. 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Anesthesie (L') locale et en particulier dans l'art dentaire. Report, de therap., Par., 1905, xxii, 67-70.— Bar be (F.) Ein neues Praparat zum Anaesthesiren des Dentins. J. f. Zahnh., Berl., 1901, xvi, 101.— Bosco (P.) L' anestesia regionale nelle operazioni sui denti. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1911, lxx, 351-354. Also: Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1911, lix, 321-328.—Braine (C. C.) The administration of anaesthetics in dental surgery; a practical demonstration of some recent methods. Brit. Dent. J.,Lond.,1904,xxv,717-728.—Bryan (L.C.) Anes- thesie dentaire par compression des regions auriculo- temporales. Cong. dent, internat. 1900. C.-r., Par., 1901-3, iii, 357-360. Also, transl: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1901, xliii, 152.—Biinte. Anatomische Untersuchungen imOber-undUnterkieferzumZweckeder Lokalanasthesie bei zahnarztlichen Operationen. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. ii. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 1438.— Bum (R.) Ueber Anasthesie der Zahnemit Hilfe von Hochf requenzstromen (d'Arsonval). Oesterr.-unpar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1902, xviii, 526-532.—Catal'oresis. Rev. dent. amer.,Fi- lad, 1899,vii, 19-25.—Cavaroz (C.) Anesthesie diplo'ique de Xogue; radiographiesdemaxillairesinjectespourmon- trer la marche et l'eteiidue de l'anesth6siedans les inter- ventions dentaires. Bull, et mem. Soc. radiol. med. de Par., 1909, i, 169-171.— Cros. De l'anesthesie intra-den- taire par les injections extra-dentaires de cocaine et d'adrenaline. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1906, xiii, 570- 574._D. (P.) Anesthesie des incisives et des canines su- perieures par voie nasale (proceded'Escat). Pressemed., Par., 1(i07, xv, 620.—IMilsbury. Nouveau procede d'a- n«lg'''sie des dents produite par l'electricite. [Rap. de Perier. | Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1902, 3. s., xlviii, 181- 1S3.—Horn (R.) Mitteilungen iiber meine Erfahrun- gen mit Nirvanin, Tropacocainum hvdrochloricum und Orthoform. Odont. BL, BerL, 1900, v, 19-26.— Dreyfus TEP:TH. 700 TEETH. Teeth (Surgery of, Anaesthetic methods in). (H.) L'anesthesie pulpaire par les injections de cocaine adrenaline. Odontologie, Par., 1909, xii, 90-95.—Kscat (E.) Anesthesie des incisives et des canines superieures par voie nasale. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1907, xiv, 337- 344. Also: Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhinol., Par., 1907, x, 7-13. Also, transl: Rev. espec. med., Madrid, 1907, x, 509-513.—Falkenstein (H.C.) Absolut schmerzlose Behandlung; ihre Bedeutung und Ausfiihrung in der Zahnheilkunde. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, BerL, 1905, xiv, 869; 898.—Fargin-Fayolle (P.) Anesthesie de la dentine et de la pulpe dentaire par injections sous- muqueuses para-apicales. Clinique, Par., 1909, iv, 372- 374.—Fischer (G.) Die Anaesthesie im Dienste der Entziindungstherapie. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1907, xxv, 227-242. -----. L'anesthesie locale en odontologie. Odontologie, Par., 1910, xliv, 433; 486.— Friteau. Suite de la discussion sur l'6tude critique des meilleurs procedes d'anesthesie pour la chirurgie dentaire. Ibid., 1898, 2. s., vi, 238-252. — Frolimann (D.) Ueber Schleieh'sche Anaesthesie bei Zahnextrac- tionen. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1896, x, 267-269.— Gardner (H. B.) Disorders and diseases of the heart in relation to anaesthesia for dental operations. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1905-6, n. s., xxxviii, 123-142. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1906, xlix, 337-348. -----. Prolonged nitrous oxide and oxygen anaesthesia for den- tal operation. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1908, li, 433-435 — Gachskovski (G. I.) Elektricheskiy snop iii vleter, kak boleutoyayusht heye sredstvo pri zubnikh bollez- nvakh. [Electric currentsasananodynein diseases of the te"eth.] Russk. Med.,St. Petersb.,1892,xvii,675; 691—Gol- dan (S.O.) The administration of anestheticsin dental surgery. Dental Cosmos,Phila.,1900,xlii,984-989.— Gran- jon (L.) Anesthesie de la dentine par une injection d'un melange de cocaine et d'adrenaline dans le periostealve- olo-dentaire. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol.,Par.,1903,lv 779.— Griffin (W. E.) Pressure anaesthesia for extirpation of the pulp. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1905, xxvi, 1093-1096 — Grosheintz (E.) La cataphorese et son emploi pour l'insensibilisation de la dentine et de la pulpe dentaire. Odontologie, Par., 1896, 2. s., iii, 727-731.—Guerini (V.) L' anestesia locale in chirurgia dentaria. Odonto-stoma- tol., Napoli, 1905, iv, 63-75—Hartwig (F.) Ueber den Gebrauch von Gelatinlosungen in Combination mit Anastheticis behufs localer Anaesthesie in der Zahnheil- kunde. Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr., 1901, iii, 281-286.— Harvey (H. T.) To what extent and when are we jus- tified in using cataphoresis? Is there danger of injuring the dental pulp or other tissues bv its use? Am. J. Dent. Sc, Bait., 1897-8, 3. s., xxxi, 213-253.—Heitmiiller. Die Verwendung ortlicher Betaubungsmittel bei der Ent- fernung der Zahnpulpa. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, BerL, 1900, xxix, 345-351.—Hernandez (J. R. C.) Inyecci6n intrapulpal de la soluci6n del Dr. R. B. Wati's. Actas y trab. d. ii Cong. med. nac, Habana, 1911, 343-347 — Hewitt (F. W.) The proposed legislation in regard to anaesthetics, and the advantages it would confer upon the dental profession. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1909, xxx, 589-614.—Howkins (C. H.) Local anaesthesia in den- tistry. Ibid., 1907, xxviii. 1013-1028.—ffceerl (M.) Bei- trag zur Kataphorese. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1900, x, 59-79, 1 pl.—Korbitz (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Inflltrationsaniisthesie. Zahnarztl. Rund- schau, Berl., 1906, xv, 655-657.—Kronfeld (R.) Anas- thesie in der konservierenden Zahnheilkunde. Oesterr.- ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1904, xx, 571-581.— Mahe (G.) Quelques nouvelles methodes d'analgesie dentaire. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'odont. et stomatol., 635-646. -----. Les procedes d'anesthesie de la pulpe dentaire. Presse med., Par., 1909, xvii, 3— Marichal M. (B.) De los aneste- sicos usados en cirugia dental. Gac. med. de Costa Rica, San Jose de Costa Rica, 1898-9, iii, 110-113.—Mendel- Joseph. Cataphorese, electrolvse, ionisation. Odon- tologie, Par., 1908, xl, 6-14—Merrinian (A. F.), jr. Aqueous obtundent; its history, phenomena and possi- bilities in dentistry. Pacific Dent. Gaz., San Fran., 1902, x, 649-656.—Metz (F.) Die Narkose in der Zahnheil- kunde. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1907, xxv, 46-55.—Moore (S.) The administration of anaes- thetics in dental cases. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1910-11,viii, 11-20.—Morgenstern (M.) Untersuchun- gen iiber die kataphorischen Vorgange in den Zahnge- weben auf Grund kataphorisch einverleibter Farbstoffe. Cor.-Bl.f. Zahnarzte, Berl. ,1910, xxxviii, 105-159,3 pl.-----. Ueber den gegenwartigen Standpunkt der Kataphorese der Zahne. Schweiz. Vrtljschr.f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 190S, xviii,282-287.—Munch(F.) L'anesth6sieregionale du maxillaire supeneur. Odontologie, Par., 1910, xliii, 559-564. — Nass & Reimer (L.) Schmerzlose Opera- tionen. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb., 1900-1901, xiv, 337.— Noel (L. G.) Anesthetics for dental surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, liii, 446.—Nogue (R.)' Anesthesie directe du nerf dentaire infeneur. < (S.) Untersuchun- gen iiber den Einfluss der Graviditat auf die Caries der Ziihne. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1898, xiv, 371-391.—Cline (J.) The relation of dentistry to pregnancy. Dental Digest, N. Y., 1910, xvi, 121-224 — Drennan (Jennie G.) The abstraction of calcium salts from the mother's blood by the foetus, a cause of dental disease in the former. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxvii, 830.—Kiclt'er. Mund- und Zahnkrankheiten in Schwangerschaft und Wochenbett. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1909, vi, 232-2:if..—Sielart. Der Einfluss von Ge- burt und Wochenbett auf die Zahne. Deutsche zahn- arztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1905, viii, 81-84. Teeth in relation to otiier parts of body. See, also, Teeth (Diseasesof, Complications of). Courtaix (F.) * Recherches cliniques sur'les relations pathologiques entre l'ceil et les dents. 4°. Paris, 1892. Kron (H.) Nervenkrankheiten in ihren Be- ziehungen zu Zahn- und Mundleiden. 8°. Ber- lin, 1907. Ollagnier (P.) *Des troubles oculaires et auriculaires dans le cours des affections den- taires. 8°. Lyon, 1899. Also [Abstr.]: Odontologie, Par., 1900, 2. s., x, 28-35. Pynchon (E.) How can diseases of the nose and throat affect the teeth? 8°. Chicago, 1892. Repr.from: Med.-Dental Bull., 1892, January. All port (F.) The relationship existing between oph- thalmology and otology and dentistrv. Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxiv, 730-734.—Baldwin (Kate W.) The teeth as a cause of pathological conditions in the throat, nose, and ear. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 301-303.—Bar- clay (R.) Dental irritation as a factor in diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. Dental Brief, Phila., 1906, xi, 223- 226.— Barden (A.) Repercussions cutanees des irrita- tions gingivo-dentaires. Schwe z. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1906, xvi. 232-248.—Benedict (A. L.) The relation of the teeth to longevity and to diseases of the digestive organs generallv. Dental Summary, To- ledo, 1912, xxxii, 330-336.— Brandt (L.) Ueber die Be- ziehungen zwischen Zahn-, Oberkiefer- und Nasenleiden. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 414-417.—Brown (G. V. I.) General nervous manifestations in relation to the jaws and teeth. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1902, viii, 833-842.— Ceconi (G.) Contributo alio studio di alcune analogie in patologia fra i denti, i peli e le unghie. Stomatol., Milano, 1903-4, ii, 385-392.—Farlow (J. W.) On some relations of diseases of the nose and throat to dentistry. Internat. Dent. J., N. Y., 1894, xv, 491-494, 1 pl.—Feuer (N.) Die Beziehungen zwischen Zahn- und Augenaffek- tionen. Klin. Zeit- u. Streitfragen, Wien, 1902, vi, 365- 400. Also, transl: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1894, xxxvii, 385; 481; 529; 589; 632.—Fuchs (T.) Ziihne und Nerven- s'vstem; ein zusammenfassendes Referat. Wien. zahn- arztl. Monatschr., 1899, i, 283; 344.—Fujishima (T.) [Dentistry and the organs of digestion.] Shikwagakuho, Tokyo, 1901, vi, no. 7, 1-6.—Glogauer. Ueber Bezie- hungen zwischen Zahn- und Hautkrankheiten. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1903, xxi, 246-250.—Gray- son (C. P.) The teeth in relation to ear and throat diseases. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1907, xlix, 653-555.— Greve. Ueber den Zusammenhang von Zahn- und Augenleiden. Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1904, xxix, 507.— Guilford (S. H.) The teeth and hair; their homology and pathological intimacv. Tr. World's Columbian Dent. Cong., Chicago, 1894, i, 251-266.—Hunter (W.) The re- lations of dental diseases to general diseases. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1899, xlii, 241-257. Also: Tr. Odont. Soc Gr. Brit., Lond., 1898-9, n. s., xxxi, 92-116.—Huschart (J. H.) The relation diseases of the teeth bear to the eye and ear. Dental Brief, Phila., 1907, xii, 799-803.—Jame- son (G. L. S.) Dental lesions and their relation to nasal and accessory cavities. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1899, xx, 625-641.—Kollibay (G.) Ueber den Zusammen- hang von Zahn-und Nasenleiden. Deutsche Monatschr.,f. Zahnh.,Berl., 1909, xxvii,873-889.—Kron(IL) Zahnheil- kunde und Nervenkrankheiten. Ztschr. f.iirztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1905, ii, 235-240.—Lagleyze. El ojo y los dientes. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1900, hi, 50-93.— Ledercr (W. J.) The relationship between dental and systemic disturbances. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1909, lxxxix, 65-69. Also, Reprint.—Mainguy. Les dents et les yeux. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1900-1901, xix, 214.—Ma- kuen (G. H.) The faucial tonsils and the teeth. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, lii, 1988.—Nenmark. Die Erkrankungen der Zahne in ihren Beziehungen zum Gesammtorganismus. Zahnkunst, Bresl., 1900, iv, Nos. 2-4.—Parreidt (J.) Die pathologisehen Beziehun- gen der Ziihne zum Gesamtorganismus. Festschr., ... Benno Schmidt. . ., Leipz., 1896, 203-210.—Peck (E. S.) Pathological relations between diseases of the teeth and of the eye, arising from rheumatism and gout. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 103-118.—Pedley (R. D.) The relationship between dental and other diseases. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1904-5, n. s., xxxvii, 67-93. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1905, i, 988-990.—Potts (H. A.) The teeth as an important factor in pathogenesis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, lv, 492-494.—Power (H.) On the relations between dental lesions and diseases of the eve. In: Walker (J.) Extract from [etc.], 8°,Lond., 1884, 21-66.—Preiswerk (G.) Ueber die Beziehung der Zahnerkrankungen zu den pneumatischen Ge- sichtshohlen. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Basel & Geneve, 1901, xi, 137-146.—Reber (W.) The relation of diseases of the eye to those of the teeth. Ophthalmol., TEETH. 705 TE1CHMEYER Teeth in relation to other parts of bod//. Milwaukee, 1904-5, i, 43-57.—Sibley (W. K.) The rela- tion between the teetii and certain diseasesof the skin and mucous membrane. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond 1910-11, iv, Odont. Sect., 71-81.—Soda' (S.) [Remarks on the relation of diseases of the molar teeth and eye diseases.] Okayama Igaku Kwai Zasshi, 1897, 1-6.— Stellwagen (T. C.) The teeth and the feet. Tr. Am. Acad. Dent. Se., Phila., 1889-93, 213-222.—Stevens (E. W.) Diseases of the eve in relation to diseases of the teeth. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1901, xliii, 108-116.—Sze- nes (Z.) A fogbetegsegek befolyasarol a hallas szervere. [The influence of dental diseases on the organs of hear- ing.] Millen. orszag. forgorvosi cong., Budupest, [1896] 114-120.—Ui»*on (H. S.) Painless dental disease as a cause of neurasthenia and insanity. Cleveland M. J., 1909, viii, 447-458. Also: Dental Summary, Toleuo, 1909, xxix, 673-686.— Waiigemann (P.) Der Einfluss der Krankheiten der bleibenden Ziihne auf den Gesammtor- ganismus. Arch. f. klin.Chir., Berl., 1892-3, xiv,258-325.— Weill (N. .1.) On the relation of diseases of the eve to those of the teeth. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1900-19oi. iv 191-195.—Wibo (M.) Affections oculaires et troubles dentaires; contribution a l'etude de la pathogenie de certaines cataractes. J. med. de Brux., 1904, ix, 717-721.— Wolttbcrg. Retinitis ad maculam durch Zahnaffec- tion. Wchnschr. f. TheraD. u. Hvg. d. Auges, Bresl., 1898, i, 145-147. Teeth in syphilis. See Syphilis (Congenital, Teeth in). Teething. See Dentition; Teeth (Eruption of). Tee van (William Frederick) [1834-87]. On tumors in voluntary muscles, with an analysis of sixty-two cases and remarks on the treat- ment. 15 pp. 8°. London, [1863]. Repr. from: Brit. &-For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1803, xxxii. -----. An inquiry into the causation, diagnosis, and treatment of fracture of the internal table of the skull. IS pp. 8°. London, 1865. Repr. from: Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., July 1865, xxxiv. Telft (Jonathan Edwards) [1837-1910]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 1229. Tegart (Edward) [18-42-1902]. Willett (A.) [Biography.] Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1903, lxxxvi, p. cxiv. Tegeler (Ernst). *Ein Fall von Sarkom des Os sacrum. 24 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1897. Teggatz (Paul Ernst Edward) [1867- ]. * Ueber die in den Jahren 1885 bis 1895 in der Greifswalder medizinischen Klinik zur Beob- achtung gelangten Falle von Pleuritis mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der Genese. 67 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1897. Tegtmeyer (Heinrich [Friedrich Wilhelm]) [1877- ]. * Korsakowsche Psychose mit weitgehendor Besserung der schweren polyneu- ritischenErscheinungen. [Gottingen.] 24pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1905. Tegut (Enrico). Le mirabili virtu della kina- kina, con la maniera di servirsene in qualunque sortedi febbre ecomplessione; con un' aggiuuta di un nuovo metodo delle osservazioni del Si- gnor Barone di Wansvieten, e del Cavalier Eis- lingen, per servirsi di questo rimedio senza prenderlo per bocca, il tutto illustrato con esat- tezza. xii, 132 pp. 16°. Venezia, presso A. Zatta efigli, 1785. Te Ifennepe (B. J. C.) Jzn. *Die Immu- nisierung von Rindern gegen Tuberkulose. [Bern.] 89 pp. 8°. Botterdam, Nil/on & van Ditmar, 1909. Teh nan tepee. See Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. vol xvii, 2d series---45 Teieli (Moritz). Einfiihrung in den schrift- lichen Dienstverkehr des bei der Truppe einge- teilten JVlilitilrarztes. xii, 256 pp., 10 1. 8°. Wien, J. Safdr, 1902. Teich (Moritz) [1868- ]. * Traumatische Iridodialysis(Subluxationder Linse, Fuchs'sche Abhcbung des Cilialkdrpers und der Aderhaut, Blutpigment unter der Linsenkapsel). Ein Beitrag zur pathologisehen Anatomie seltner Bulbusverletzungen. [Wurtzburg.] 16 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1905. Teieliel (J. W.) Die lebenserhaltenden Mine- ralstoffe im Blute unserer Haustiere. 16 pp. 8°. Leipzig, 0. Borggold, [1903]. ------. Tuberkulose und Rotlauf unserer Haus- tiere. Physiologisch erliiutert. 2. Aufl. 21 pp. 12°. Leipzig, 0. Borggold, [1906]. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. 31 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, O. Borggold, [n. d.]. Teicher (Konrad) [1878- ]. * Zur Kasuis- tik der habituellen Schulterluxationen. Ueber einen Fall dieser Luxationsart nach hinten. 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. Erlangen, Junge dc Sohn, 1906. Teicliert (Kurt). Die Analyse der Milch und Milcherzeugnisse; ein Leitfaden fiir die Praxis des Apothekers und Chemikers. 2., stark verm. & verb. Aufl. vii, 81 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1911. Teielimann (Albert). Die Universitat Basel in ihrer Entwicklung in den Jahren 1885-1895. 71 pp. roy. 8°. Basel, Bernhardt & Sohn, 1896. Teielimann (Curt) [1874- ]. *Zur Locali- sation des Echinococcus im menschlichen Kor- per. 51 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaem- merer & Co., 1898. Teielimann (Ernst). Der Befruchtungsvor- gang, sein Wesen und seine Bedeutung. 102 pp., 4 pl. 12°. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1905. ------. Vom Leben und vom Tode. Ein Kapitel aus der Lebenskunde 6. Aufl. 112 pp., 2 pl. on 1 1. 8°. Stuttgart, Franckh, [1905]. ------. Die Vererbung als erhaltende Macht im Flusse organischen Geschehens. 6. Aufl. 94 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. 8°. Stuttgart, Kosmos, Gesell- schaft der Naturfrevnde, [n. d.~\. Telchmann (Friedrich) [1882- ]. *Die Hiimaturie der Phthisiker. 16 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, A. Edelmann, 1906. Teiehhiann (Georg Albert Rudolf) [1876- ]. * Ueber Hallux varus. 1 p. 1., 15 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau, 1902. Teielimann (Hermann). *Zur Kenntnis der Mono- und Dioxvdiphenyle. [Bern.] 36 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, Stiihle & Friedel, 1894. Teielimann (Ludwik) [1823-95]. Naczynia limfatyczne w stoniowacinie (Elephantiasis ara- bum). [Elephantiasis of lymphatic vessels.] iii, 51 pp., roy. 8°; 5 pl., fol." Krakow, 1892. For Bionraplni, see Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1895, 2. s., xv, 1285-1288 (\V. Mav/el). Also: Medycyna, Warszawa, 1895, xxiii, 1001-1003 (J. S.). Also: Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1895, xxxiv, 673-676 (H. Kadyi). Teichmuller( Wilhelm). * Drei Fiille von Aneu- rysmen. 58 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Neuenhahn, 1895. Teielimann (Max) [1867- ]. *Mikrosko- pische Beitrage zur Lehre von der Fettresorp- tion. 43 pp. 8°. Breslau, L. Freund, 1891. Teichmeyer (Hermannus Fridericus) [1685- 1746]. * [Pr-] De lympha cerebri tertium diss. inaug. de anevrysmate. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Frederici Fredersdorffi.] 8 pp. sm. 4°. Jenas, litt. Mullerianis, 1728. TEICHOMYZA. 70! Teichomyza fusca. \ iauti-tiraiKl-.Harai!*. Contribution a l'etude medicale du Teichomvsa fusca Macquart. Ass. franc. pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., 1898, Par., 1899, xxvii, pt. 2, 691-695. -----. Du non-parasitisme de la larve du Teicho- myza fusca Laboulbene. Ibid., 212. Teferlinek (A.) De behandeling der niet be- klemde liesbreuken. 72 pp. 8°. Gent, A. Siffer, 1902. Tei«» n mouth. See, also, Hospitals (Description, etc., of); Hospitals (Mnuu/ement, etc., of), by localities. Teignmoutli. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1904, n. s., lxxviii, 144. Teijeiro (D. Maximino). La terapeutica que se impone. 79 pp. 12°. Santiago, M. Fer- nandez, 1899. Teike (Richard). *Die Einwirkung von Leci- thin, Muiracithin, Ovogal und Pepton auf den Bazillus vitulisepticus. [Bern.] 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, M. Biffarth & Co., 1909. Teikoku rikugun saikin eisei gaikio. [Princi- pal hygienic features of the last assembly of the Imperial Army.] 13 pp. 8°. [Tokyo, Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, 1900.] Teillet (Paul). *Des accidents pleuro-pulmo- naires pendant les suites de couches le plus sou- vent precurseurs de la phlegmatia alba dolens. 84 pp. 8°. Paris, 1903, No. 349. Teillot (L6on). * Pronostic de la fi&vre ty- phoide par l'etude de la tension superficielle des urines. 77 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1907, No. 783. Teiiiclle (Victor) [1841-1903]. St. (J.) [Obituarv.] Militararzt., Wien, 1903 xxxvii, 160. Teinturier (Edmond) [1839-1902]. Neerologie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1902,12. s.. ii, 300.— Noir (J.) Necrologie. Progres m4d., Par., 1902, 3. s., xvi, 156. Teisseire (Leon) [1873- ]. * Du traitement des gercures et crevasses du sein par 1'ortho- forme. 54 pp. 8°. Paris, 1898, No. 40. ------. The same. 8°. Paris J.-B. Baillilre et fils, 1899. Teisseire (Omer). *Contribution a l'etude des calculsde l'uretere pelvien. 88 pp. 8°. Paris, 1906, No. 338. Teissier (B.-M.-F.) [1813- ]. Du goitre exophthalmique. 46 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Savy; Lyon, M. Sary, 1863. 'Repr. from: Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1863, xv. Teissier (Baptiste) [1884- ]. *Cystites a coli-bacilles. 53 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1907, No. 83. Teissier (Georgius Ludovicus). *De substan- tia corticosa ac medullosa cerebri. 12 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat, A. Elzevier, 1711. [P., v. 2243.] Teissier (Jas.) Verhandeling over de magnesia alba, en deszelfs heilzaam gebruik tot behoud of herstellinge der gezondheid. viii, 53 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, 1782. Teissier ([Louis-]Joseph) [1851- ]. Dela phosphaturie a forme diab^tique et de son in- fluence sur le resultat de quelques operations de cataracte. 21 pp. 8°. Lyon, C. Biotor, 1875. [P., v. 2052.] Repr. from: Lyon med., 1875, xx. ------. Du diabete phosphatique. Recherches sur 1'elimination des phosphates par les urines; conditions physiologiques modifiant l'elimina- tion des phosphates; influence du regime ali- mentaire; variations pathologiques. 175 pp., 1 chart. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere et fils, 1876. [P., v. 2050.] telj:stiiesia. Teissier ([Louis-]Joseph)—continued. ------. De la valeur therapeutique des courante continus. 17<>pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1S78. [Also, in: P., v. 2057.] ------. La grippe-influenza; Etiologie; pathoge- nic; formes cliniques; traitement. Lecons pro- lessees ii la Faculte de medecine de Lyon, re- cueillies par le Dr. Henri Frenkel. 1 p. 1., 196 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere et fils, 1*93. -----. Rapports de l'intestin et du foie en pa- thologie. Rapport pr£sent£ au Congres francais de medecine (deuxieme session: Bordeaux, 1895). 71pp. 8°. Paris,J.-B.Bailliereetfils,imb. -----. Les albuminuries curables. 96 pp. 12°. Paris, J. B. Baillih-e d fils, 1900. ------. Arterio-sclerose et atheromasie. 44 pp. 8°. Paris, Mason dc Cie., 1908. Forms no. 52 of: CEuvre med-chir. See, also, JLaveran ( Charles-Louis-Alphonse ) & Teissier (Louis-Joseph). Nouveaux elernentsde patho- logie medicale. 4. ed. 8°. Paris, 1894.— Nouveau traits de medecine etde therapeutique. No. 8. 8°. Paris, 1906.—ltoux (J.) Diagnostic [etc.]. 12°. Ports, 1901. Teissier (Pierre-Joseph) [1864- ]. *Des lesions de l'endocarde chez les tuberculeux. 326 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 141. ------. The same. Maladies du cceur et tuber- culose. Des lesions de l'endocarde chez les tu- berculeux (etude anatomo-pathologique, patho- genique, experimentale, clinique). 326 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere defils, 1894. See, also, Clinique Medicale de la Charite [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1894. Teitclbaum (Mile. A.) [1875- ]. *Le pro- nostic de la meningite cer£bro-spinale £pidemi- que. 66pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1906, No. 5. Teilelbanm (W.) [1869- ]. * Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Bell'schen Phiinomens. 51 pp., 21. 8°. Berlin, M. Giinther, 1899. Teitelbaiim-Hoguilevska (Mme.) [1876- ]. * Quelques considerations sur les rap- ports des polynevrites motrices et des poliomye- lites anterieures, neuronites motrices int^rieures. 71 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1901, No. 46. Teixeira de. Castro (Jos6) jun. *Da vol- taisacao na absorpcao cutanea. 1 p. 1., 88 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, AUina, 1902. Teixeira da Costa (Alberto). * Estudo cli- nico da polynevrite alcoolica. 97 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, Neri dc C, 1901. Teixeira de Mattos (Jhr. Ed.) *Zur Casuis- tik des primaren Pleuraendothelioms und iiber die Diagnose des Pleurakrebses. [Freiburg i. B.] 3p. 1.,94pp.,lpl. 8°. Leiden,E. Ijdo, 1894. ------. Over bescherming en verpleging van jonggeborenen in Nederland. 45 pp. 8°. Bot- terdam, Nijgh ct ran Ditmar, [1902]. Teixeira de Queiroz (Jose" Narciso Dias) jun. *Therapeutica das hepatites suppuradas. 45 pp. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, Maiadc Niemeyer, 1901. Teixeiro Fernandez (Maximino). del Portillo y iHestres (L.) [Biography.l Cien- ciamod., Madrid, 1895, ii, 175. deTejada (Antonio) [1845-80]. See Dagnino (Manuel). Notes taken from a lecture. 2. ed. 8°. New York, [n. d.] Tel (Paul-Emile-Pierre) [1876- ]. *De Pempyeme aigu complique" du sinus maxillaire. 64 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900, Xo. 17. Telsesthesia. See, also, Lucidity; Mind-reading. Ottolenglii (S.) Fascinazione e telestesia. Arch. di psichiat. [etc.]. Torino, 1902. xxiii, 244-246—Venturi (S.) Phenoinenes de telesthesie sous forme d'idees, d'emotions, de besoins et de tendances auxactes. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1893, iii, 331-336. TELANGIECTASIS. Telangiectasis. See, also, Angioma, etc.; Aneurism by anas- tomosis, etc.; Nsbvus. Jager (E.) * Ueber das teleangiektatische Granulom. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1910. Lanceplaine (R.) * Etude sur les telan- giectasies essentielles. 8°. Paris, 1904. Adamwou (11. G.) Case of telangiectasis of the cheek. Proc. Roy. Sue. Med., Lond , 1907-8, i, Dermat. Sect., 44. -----. Case of multiple telangiectases. Ibid., 1908-9, ii, Dermat. Sect., 128. Also: Brit. J. Dermat.,Lond., 1909, xxi, 219.—Ballantyne(A.J.) Multiple telangiectases; three cases in one family. Glasgow M. J., 1908, lxx, 256- 259.—Balzer (F.) Telangiectasie en arc de ecrele sur la paroi abdominale. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 309-311. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 971-976.—Balzer (F.), Bar- cat & Condat (Mile.) N;evi miliaires telangiectasiques symetriques de la face (variete du polyadenome teian- giectasique de Pringle). Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1912, xxiii, 117-121.—Balzer (F.), Barcat & Godleivski (H.) Naevi miliaires telangiectasiques (hemolymphangiome) et granuleux de la face, variete du polyadenome sebace, telaugiectasique de Pringle. Ibid., 82-86.—Balzer (F.) & Galup. Purpura annulaire telangiectasique. Ibid., 1908, xix, 17-21.—Belot (J.) Traitement des telangiectases consecutives a la ra- diotherapie. Bull, et mem. Soc. radiol. me L'hemophilie et la telangiectasie hereditaire hemorra- gique. Presse med., Par., 1909, xvii, 293. — Semon (F.> A case of multiple telangiectases. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Laryngol. Sect., 44.—Syndrome (Un> familial peu connu; telangiectasies multiples avec he- morrhagies a repetition. Semaine med., Par., 1908, xxviii. 5-7.—Terrell (W. H.) Acquired general capillary te- leangiectasis in advanced life. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1896, xv, 8. -r- Terrien (F.) & Prelat. Telangiectasie g6neralis6e et cataracte congenitale. Bull. Soc. de pe- diat. de Par, 1909, xi, 370. — Trawinski (H.) Ueber persistierende teleangiektatische Hautveranderungen. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1910, 1, 45-52. —Van Lint. Telangiectasie veineuse de la veine ophtalmique superieure. Policlin., Brux., 1907, xvi, 59. — Vasticar. Traitement des telangiectasies acquises et de la coupe- rose. Ann. d'eiectrobiol. [etc.], Par., 1901, iv, 208-212.— Vercoullie. Un cas de telangiectasie gen6ralis6e. J. m6d. de Brux., 1910, xv, 687-591.—Voss. Teleangiekta- sia congenita. Tidsskr. f. prakt. Med., Kristiania, 1888, viii, 101-110.—Waggett (E. B.) Case of multiple telan- giectases. Proc. Roy. Soc. med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Laryn- gol. Sect., 70.—Weber (F. P.) Multiple hereditary de- velopmental angiomata (telangiectases) of the skin and mucous membranes, with recurring epistaxis. Ibid., Clin. Sect., 65.-----•. Case of multiple hereditary devel- opmental angiomata (telangiectases) of the skin and mucous membranes associated with recurring haemor- rhages. Ibid., Laryngol. Sect., 43. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 160-162. Also, Reprint. -----. A note on cutane- ous telangiectases and their etiology; comparison with the etiology of haemorrhoids and ordinarv varicose veins. Edinb. M. J., 1904, n. s., xv, 346-349. — Wiszniewski Dwa przypadki odjecia kedzierzak6w (Telangiectasis) zapomocq, przewiazki sprezystej. [Two cases of excision of ... by elastic bandage.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1873, xii, 131. Telatizky (R.) *De la cytologie du liquide des v£sicatoires et de sa valeur diagnostique. 42 pp. 8°. Geneve, Ch. Zoellner, 1905. Telecardiograms. See, also, String-galvanometer. Collilieux (A.) *De Pelectrocardiographic 8°. Valence dc Lyon, 1910. Kraus (F.) & Nicolai (G.) Das Elektro- cardiogramm des gesunden und kranken Men- schen. 8°. Leipzig, 1910. Lambardt (T. E. [A.]) *Das Kardiograrnm. [Giessen.] 8°. Munchen, 1910. TELECARDIOGRAMS. 708 TELECARDIOGRAMS Telecardiograms. Samojloff(A.) Elektro-Kardiogramme. 8°. Jena, 1909. Barker (L. F.) Electrocardiography and phono- cardiography; a collective review. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1910, xwi, 358-389. Also, Reprint,—Barker (L. F.). Hirscnielder (A. D.) & Bond (G. M.) Per- sonal experience in electrocardiographic work with the use of the Edelmann string galvanometer (smaller model). Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1910, xxv, 648- 660, 4 pl.----------------. The electrocardiogram in clinical diagnosis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, lv, 1350-1353.— Bock. Die Registrierung der mechanischen Herzbewegung, der Herztone und des Pulses auf elektri- schem Wege, einschliesslich Vereinfachung des Elektro- kardiogramms. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 633.—Bordet (E.) Revue sur relec- trocardiographic au point de vue clinique. Arch. d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1910, xviii, 431-437.— Bull (L,) On the simultaneous record of the phono- and electro-cardiogram. Proc. Phvsiol. Soc, Lond., 1911, xliii, p. v. Also: Quart. J. Exper. Physiol., Lond., 1911, iv, 289-292.—Burmester (H.) Fortschritte auf dem Ge- biete der EleKtrokardiographie. Arch. f. phys. Med. u. med. Techn., Leipz., 1910-11, v, 239-242. Also, transl: Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1911, xiv, 118— Cluzet (J.) Sur l'etude clinique du cceur par la methode des electrocardiogrammes. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1910, ix, 213-220. Also: Lyon med., 1910, cxv, 76-83.— Day(W.) Heart diagnosis by electricity. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1911, liv, 741-746.—Eiger (M.) Die elektro- kardiographische Methode; ihre Bedeutung und klini- sche Anwendung. Prae. med. Wchnschr., 1911, xxxvi, 287; 303.—Einthoven (W.) Le teiecardiogramme. Arch, internat. de physiol., Liege & Par., 1906-7, iv, 132- 164, 1 pl.-----. Ueber das Elektrocardiogramm. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1908, Leipz., 1909, 239-246.-----. Weiteres iiber das Elektro- kardiogramm. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1908, exxii, 517-">84, 2pl.—Eppinger (H.) & Rothberger (C. J.) Zur Analvse des Elektrokardiogramms. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xxii, 1091-1098.----------. Bei- trag zur Frage des Elektrogramms der beiden Kammern des Saugetierherzens. Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1910- 11, xxiv, 1053-1055.—Eppinser (H.) & Stoerk (O.) Zur Klinik des Elektrokardiogramms. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., BerL, 1910, lxxi, 157-164, 1 pl.—Foa (C.) L' elet- trocardiogramma fetale. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1911, 4. s., xvii, 90-91, 1 pl.—Fredericq (H.) L eiectrogramme de la secousse provoquee dans le muscle cardiaque isoie du chien. Acad. roy. de Belg. Bull, de la cl. d. sc, Brux., 1909, 1157-1159.—GalII (G.) Valore clinico dell' elettrocardiogramma. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1909, Roma, 1910, xix, 562-565. —Grau (H.) Ueber den Einfluss der Herzlage auf die Form des Elek- trokardiogramms. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., BerL, 1909, lxix 281-290, 1 pl.—Groedel (T.) & Meyer-Lierheim. Vergleich des Saitengalvanometer- und des Oscillogra- phen-Elektrocardiogramms. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 1082-1085.—Heger (P.) Le teiecardiogramme d'Einthoven. Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1906, lxiv, 310-313.—Bering (H. E.) Experimen- telle Studien an Saugetieren iiber das Elektrokardio- gramm. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1909, exxvii, 155-171, 6 pl. Also: Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Ther., Berl 1909, vii, 363-378. -----. Ueber die klinische Bedeutung des Elektrocardiogramms. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 7-9. Also, transl [Abstr.]; Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1909-10, xiv, 120-122. -----. Ueber den klinischen Wert des Elektrokardiogramms. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1911, lii, 385-388. — Herzog (F.) Azelektrokardiogramklinikaierteke. [The clinical value of the electrocardiogram.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest 1911, lv, 90; 118, 2 pl — Hirschfelder (A. D ) Recent studies upon the electrocardiogram and upon the changes in the volume of the heart. Interstate M. J., St. Louis 1911, xviii, 557-600.—Hoffmann (A.) Die Kritik des Elektrokardiogramms. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med Wiesb., 1909, 614-622, 3 pl. -----. Die Arythmie des Her- zens im Elektrokardiogramm. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1909, lvi, 2259-2262.—Hoke (E.) Ueber das Elektro- kardiogramm. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1911, xxxvi 149- 152.—James (W. B.) & Williams (EL B.) The elec- trocardiogram in clinical medicine: 1. The string gal- vanometer and the electrocardiogram in health. Am J M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1910, cxl, 408-421.—Janowski (W.) Elektrokardyografia. Medycvna iKron. lek., War- szawa, 1910, xiv, 232-237.—Kalm (R. H.) Weitere Bei- trage zur Kenntniss des Elektrokardiogrammes. Arch f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1909, cxxix, 291-328, 1 pl. -----. Zeitmessende Versuche am Elektrokardiogramme. Ibid 1910, exxxii, 209-232, 1 pl. -----. Elektrokardiogramm- studien. Ibid., 1911, cxl, 627-649.—Kraus (F.) Eine grossere Anzahl von menschlichen und an Versuchstie- ren gewonnenen Elektrokardiogrammen um die prak- tisch-diagnostische Verwertbarkeit des Verfahrens dar- zulegen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908,2. Teil, 2. Hlft, 49. -----. Einiges Telecardiograms. iiber die Form des Elektrocardiogramms. Berl. klin \\ (-hnschr., 1911, xlviii, 909; 954.—Krau* VF.) '.i. — Engerrand (G.) Les phenomenes de la teiegonie et de la xenie sont-ils inexplicables? Mem. Soc. cient. "Antonio Alzate", Mexico, 1907-8, xxvi, 285-295. — Ewart (J. C.) Telegony. Veterina- rian, Lond, 1895, lxviii. 233-239.-----. Note on telegony. Scot. M. & S. J, Edinb, 1897, i, 903-906.-----. The Peny- cuik experiments; telegony with observations on the striping of zebras and horses, and on reversion (atavism) in the Equidse. Veterinarian, Lond, 1897, lxx, 599; 673; 1898, lxxi, 48. Also: Nature, Lond, 1899, lx,330-333.-----. Experimental contributions to the theory of heredity. A telegony. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond, 1899, lxv, 243-251.— Gaines (C. H.) Double impregnation by different spe- cies [in the horse]. Am. Vet. Rev, N. Y, 1906-7, xxx, 574— Kohlbrugije (J. H. F.) Der Einfluss der Sper- matozoiden auf den Uterus; ein Beitrag zur Teiegonie. Ztschr. f. Morphol. u. Anthrop, Stuttg, 1909, xii, 359-370. Also- Ztschr. f. Biol, Munchen u. Leipz, 1901, n. s, xxiv, 1-30. Also, Reprint— i.oisel (G.) La question de la teiegonie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1905, lviii, 430-433.—1.0we (E. J.) Telegony. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1896 ii 1352.—ITlinot (C. S.) An experiment with tele- eonv 'ReD. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1904, Lond, 1905, 607.— Neaie (J' H ) Telegonv. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1896, ii, 1417—Pearson (K.) On telegony in men. Proc. Roy. Telegony. Soc. Lond, 1896-7, lx, 27:'>-283.—Frofesso r Ewart's Penycuik experiments. [ Abstr. j Pop. Sc. Month, N. Y, 1900-1901, lvii, 126-138.—vom Rath (0.) Ein Fall von scheinbarbewiesenerTelegonie. Biol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1895, xv, 333-344. -----. Konnen bei Saugetieren die Ge- schwister desselben Wurfes von verschiedenen Vatern abstammen? Ibid., 1898, xviii, 637-642. -----. Un pseudo-cas de teiegonie. Rev. scient. Par, 1895, 4. s, iii, 714-718.—Kcifiiault (F.) De l'impregnation ou h6- rOdite par influence. Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1894, lxvii, 1017- 1024.—Reul (A.) La teiegonie, impregnation ou infec- tion de la mere; une experience. Ann. de med. vet, Brux, 1901, 1, 577-582.—Rogcz (E.) & Giard. Refle- xions au sujet des experiences de Mile. Barthelet sur la teiegonie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1900, cxxxi, 1210-1243.—Telegony. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1901, ii, 722.— Thomson (J. A.) The Penycuik experiments; au ap- preciation. Nat. Sc, Lond,1899, xiv, 203-212. Telegraph operators. See, also, Cramp. Cronbach (E.) * Die Beschaf tigungsneurose der Telegraphisten. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Also, in: Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1903, xxxvii, 243-293. Navarre. Le service des dames-emplovees des teiegra- pheset telephones. Lyon med, 1905,civ,793-798.—O'Fol- lowell. L'administration des postes et telegraphes au pointdevuedel'hygiene. J.d'hyg,Par,1901,xxvi,48; 54; 62.—Swit"t(E. J.) Learning to telegraph. Psychol. Bull, Bait, 1910, vii,149-153.—Thompson (H.T.) & Sinclair (J.) Telegraphists'cramp; an extract from the report of the Departmental Committee, General Post Office, on the subject, with additional matter. Lancet, Lond, 1912, i, 8S8.— I nhealthiness of the telegraphists' life; their mortality greater than that of the Sheffield grinders. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1895, ii, 555-Vidrin (G. P.) O za- bollevayemosti zhelieznodorozhnikh telegrapistov V svy- azi s usloviyami ikh sluzhbi. [Morbidity of railroad telegraphists combined with conditions of their service.] Vestnik obsh. hig, sudeb. i prakt. med, St. Petersb, 1902, pt. 2, 992-999.—Kevi (V.) Le condizioni del lavoro e le malattie professional! del personale addetto ai servizi telegrafici e telefonici. Ramazzini, Firenze, 1909, iii, 626-538. Telegraphy. Bryan (W. L.) & Harter (N.) Studies in the physi- ology and psychology of the telegraphic language. Psy- chol. Rev, N. Y. & Lond, 1897, iv, 27-53,1 pl.—Diverses (Les) causes de l'anemie du personnel de la teiegraphie sans fil a bord des batiments de guerre, et des moyens d'y remedier. Semaine med. Par, 1911, xxxi, supp, clxxxvi.—Ewert (H.) Die Behandlung der Elemente und Apparate in der Haustelegraphie. Ztschr. f. Kran- kenanst,Leipz, 1912,viii,73-78.—Slaby (A.) Die neues- ten Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Funkentelegra- phie. Arch. f. Lichttherap. [etc.], Berl, 1902, iii, 198; 231.—Tison. La teiegraphie sans fils et ses applications a la medecine. Chron. med. Par, 1898, v, 42. Telekinesis. Hyslou (J. H.) A case of telekinesis. J. Am. Soc. Psych. Research, N. Y, 1910, iv, 379-384.—Wetherell (E. F.) A case of telekinesis. Ibid., 384-389. To I nil a ii ii (Walter Paul) [1882- ]. *TJeber die Konfiguration des Oesophagus in Beziehung zu physiologischen und pathologisehen Zustiin- den desselben. 43 pp., lpl. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr.j S. Karejer, 1906. Telen (Unus Wilhelmus). See Ursin (Nicolaus Abrahamus). Physiologia externa et interna [etc.]. sm. 4°. Helsingforsix, [1831]. Telencephalon. Johnston (J. B.) The telencephalon of selachians. J. Comp. Neurol, Phila, 1911, xxi, 1-113. Teleiioimis. Morrill (A. W.) Description of a new species of Telenomus, with observations on its habits and life his- tory. Am. Naturalist, Bost, 1907, xii, 417-430. Teleology. See, also, Evolution. Michaelis (A. A) Das Gesetz der Zweck- miissigkeit im menschlichen Organismus syste- matisch beleuchtet. Eine anatomisch-physio- logische Abhandlung als natiirliche Teleologie. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Albrecht (E.) Teleologie und Pathologic Frankf. Ztschr. f. Path,Wiesb, 1908.ii, 1-57.—Becher (S.) Ueber Handlungsreaktionen und ihre Bedeutung fur das Ver- TELEOLOGY. Teleology. stiindnis der organischen Zweekmiissigkeit. Scientia. Riv. di scienza. Organo, [etc.], Bologna, 1910, viii, 322- 338.—Calvert (P. P.) The means of defence of animals. Veterinarian, Lond, 1900, lxxiii, 591: 1901, lxxiv, 32; 144; 181.—Cuenot (L.) Les moyens de defense chez les ani- maux. Rev. scient. Par, 189s, 4. s, ix, 4)9-458.—Ditt- mar (H.) Die Erzeugung von Festigkeitselementen in Wurzeln durch Funktion. Ztschr. f. d. Ausbau d. Ent- wcklngslehre, Stuttg, 1908, ii, 155-160, lpl.—Graser (K.) Zum biologischen Begriff der Zweckmassigkeit. Ibid., 1907, i, 252-256.—Hargitt (C. W.) Some unsolved prob- lems of organic adaptation. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa, 1904,n.s,xix, 132-145.—Henle (J.) Teleologie und Darwinismus. In his: Anthrop. Vortr, 8° Brnschwg, 1880, ii, 61-92.— Hultkrantz (J. V.) Nagra ord om andarnalsenligheteninomdenlefvandenaturen. [Einige Worte fiber die Zweekmiissigkeit in der lebenden Natur. Uebers, p. i.j Cpsala Liikaref. Forh, 1902-3, n. f, viii, 12-23.—Kassowitz (M.) Vitalismus und Teleologie. Biol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1905, xxv, 753-777.—Kocks (J.) Die teleologische Auffassung in der Medicin und den Natur wissensHiaften. Centralbl. f. Gynak, Leipz, 1902, xxvi, 1023.—Buhner (F.) Der Begriff des Zweckes in der Biologie. Polit.-anthrop. Rev, Leipz, 1905, iv, 521- 523.— JJIeltzer (S.J.) The factors of safety in animal structure and animal economy. Science, N. Y. & Lan- caster, Fa, 1907, n. s, xxv, 481-498.—Palante (G.) La teleologie sociale et son mecanisme. Rev. phil, Par, 1902, liv, 149-159.—Pan li (A.) Die Anwendung des Zweckbegriffs auf die organischen Korper. Ztschr. f. d. Ausbau d. Entwcklngslehre, Stuttg, 1907, i, 4-20. -----. Bemerkungen zu dem Gegensatz zwischen Darwins und Lamarcks Lehren vom organischen Zweckmiissigen. Polit.-anthrop. Rev, Leipz, 1906, v, 369-375.—Regalia (E.) Contro una teleologia fisiologica. Arch, per P an- trop, Firenze, 1897, xxvii, 397-410. [Discussion]. 470.— Scherk (K.) Fundamente derempirischen Teleologie. Arch. f. Lichttherap. [etc.], Berl, 1900, i, 234-238.—von St-hnehen (W.) Zur Analyse der (bewussten) Zweck- tatigkeit. Ztschr. f. d. Ausbau d. Entwcklngsl, Stuttg, 1909, iii, 381-ssi'i — Schopenhauer (A.) Zur Teleolo- gie. In his: Siimnitliche Werke, 16°, Leipz, [n. d.], ii, 384-402.—StOlzle. K. E. von Baer's Stellung znm Pro- blem der Zweckmassigkeit. Biol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1900, xx. 34-45.—Went (F. A. F. C.) Leber Zwecklosigkeit in der lebenden Natur. Ibid., 1907, xxvii, 257-271. Teleostei. Aichel (O. O. W.) *Das Tectum loborum opticorum embryonaler Teleostier mit Beriick- sichtigung vergleichend anatomischer Verhiilt- nisse. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Erlangen, 1901. Aladina (M.) O stroyenii skeletnol tkani u rib. [Sur le tissu du squelette ddes teieosteens. R6s, p. 239.] Biol. J, Mosk, 1910, i, 229-238, 1 pl.—Assheton (R.) Certain features characteristic of teleostean development. Guy's Hosp. Rep, Lond, 1907, lxi, 345-388.—Baudelot E.) Recherche sur la structure et le developpement des cailles des poissons osseux. Arch, de zool. exper. et gen. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par, 1873, ii, 87; 428. 7 pl.—Boeke (J.) Over de ontwikkeling van het kopmesoderm bij de tele- ostiers. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1903, 2. R, xxxix, d. 1, 1032. -----. Beitriige zur Entwicklungsge- schichte der Teleostier. Petrus Camper. Nederl. bijdr. t. de anat, Haarlem & Jena, 1903, ii, 135-210, 2 pl — Bondouy (T.) Du role des tubes pylogoriques dans la digestion chez les teieosteens. Arch, de zool. exper. et gen. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par, 1899, 3. s, vii, 419-460.—de Buen (O.) & Fage (L.) Un nouveau gobiide mediter- raneen du genre Aphyd. Ibid., 1907-8, 4. s, viii, pp. cv- ix.—Clapp (Cornelia M.) The lateral line system of Batrachus tau. J. Morphol, Bost, 1898, xv, 223-264,4 pl.— Corning (H. K.) Merocyten und Umwachsungsrand bei Teleostiern. Festschr. z. . . . Carl Gegenbauer, Leipz, 1866, ii, 103-132,2pl.—Dahlgren (U.) & Silvester (C.) The electric organ of the stargazer (Astroscopus Bre- voort); a new form of electric apparatus in an American teleost. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1906, xxix, 387-389.—Favaro (G.) Ricerche sulla morfologia e sullo sviluppo dei mus- coli gracili del dorso (musculi supracarinales) dei tele- ostei. Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol, Firenze. 1902, i, 448^490, 3 pl.-----. Cenni anatomo-embriologici intorno al musculus retractor arcuum branchialium dorsalis nei teleostei. Monitore zool. ital, Firenze, 1902, xiii, 119-124. -----. II cuore ed i seni caudali dei toleostei. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1905, xxvii, 379.— Gaupp (E.) Zur Entwicke- lung der Schiidelknochen bei den Teleostiern. Ibid., 1903, xxiii, Ergnzngshft, 113-123.—Haempel (O.) Ue- ber das Wachstum des Hlichens (Salmo hucho L.) ein Beitrag zur Altersbestimmung der Teleostier. Internat. Rev. d. ges. Hydrobiol. u. Hydrograph, Leipz, 1910, iii, 136-154, lpl.—llaminarsten(0. D.) Ueberden Nervus collector bei den Teleostiern. Zool. Anz, Leipz, 1909, TELEOSTEI. Teleostei. xxxiv, 677-679.-----. Ueber die Innervation der Bauch- flossen bei den Teleostiern. Morphol. Jahrb, Leipz, 1911, xlii, 665-697, 1 pl.—Harrison (R. G.) Leber die Entwicklung der nicht knorpelig vorgebildeten skelet- theile in den Flossen der Teleostier. Arch. f. mikr. Anat, Bonn, 1893, xlii, 248-278, 3 pl. -----. Ectodermal or me- sodermal origin of the bones of teleosts. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1894-5, x, 138-145. Also, Reprint. -----. Ueber die Entwicklung der unpaaren und paarigen Flossen der Teleostier. Arch. f. mikr. Anat, Bonn, 1895, xlvi, 500- 578.—Hase (A.) Ueber das Schuppenkleid der Teleos- tier. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw, Jena, 1907, xlii, 607- 668, 3 pl.—Merrick (C. L.) Notes upon tin- anatomy and histologv of the prosencephalon of teleost". Am. Naturalist, Ptiila,1892,xxvi, 112-120, 2pl.—Hiudersson (H. A.) Ueberdie Schwanzflossenmuskulaturder Teleos- tier. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1910, xxxvi, 465-471.—Holt (E. W. L.) On the eggs and larval and post-larval stages of teleosteans. Scient. Tr. Roy. Dubl. Soc, 1893, 2. s, v, 5- 121, 15 pl.—Kolft" (AVilhelmine M.) Untersuchungen iiber die Herztiitigkeit bei Teleostiern. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1908, exxii, 37-97.—Bolster (R.) Ueber die Mauthner'schenFasern einiger Teleostier. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch., Jena, 1898, xii, 145-148.—Lanzi (L.) Ricerche sui primi momenti di sviluppo di alcuni teleos- tei: con speciale riguardo al valore del cosi ditto ispes- simentoprostomale. Arch. ital. dianat. e di embriol, Fi- renze, 1909, viii, 307-358, 4 pl. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol, Turin, 1910, liii, 125-128. Alsn. tnnisl. [A bstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol, Turin, 1910, liii, 122.—Levadonx (M.) Sur l'artere coronaire chez les teieosteens. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat, Nancy, 1904, vi, 189.—Parker (G. H.) The optic chiasma in teleosts and its bearing upon the asvmmetrv of the Heterostomata (flatfishes). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv, Cambridge, 1903,xl, 219-242,1 pl.— Pliilippi (E.) Fortpflanzungsgeschichtederviviparen Teleosteer, Glaridichthys januarius und G. decem-macu- latus in ihrem Einfluss auf Lebensweise, makroskopische und mikroskopische Anatomie. Zool. Jahrb, Jena, 1908-9, xxvii, 1-94, 7 pl.—Policard (A.) & Marvas (J.) Le canalicule urinaire des teieosteens. Bibliog. anat. Par. & Nancy, 1906, xv, 215-221.— Pychlau (W.) Untersuchungen an den Brustflossen einiger Teleostier, Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw, Jena, 1908, n. F, xxxvi, 692-728, 3 pl.—Raft'aele (F.) Uova e larve di teleostei. Boll. d. Soc. di. nat. in Napoli, 1887, i, 83.—Beis (Caro- line). Dalsze przyczynki do badan nad gruczolem gazo- tworczym ryb kostnoskieletowych. (Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gasdriise bei den Knochenfischen.) Bull, internat. Acad. d. sc. de Cracovie, 1906, 771-777.— Sala (L.) Sulla fina struttura del Torus longitudinalis nel cervello dei teleostei. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1895, 118-130, 2 pl.—Segerstrale (Eva). Zur Kenntnis der Teleostierleber. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb, 1910, xii, 77-104.—Stephan (P.) Sur quelques points relatifs si 1'evolution de la vesicule germinative des teieosteens. Arch, d'anat. micr. Par, 1902, v, 22-37, 1 pl— Supino (F.) Ricerche sul cranio dei teleostei. Ricerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1900-1901, viii, 249: 1902, ix, 115; 129, 6 pl.—Swaen (A.) & Brachet (A.) Etude sur les premieres phases du developpement des or- ganes derives du mesoblaste chez les poissons teieosteens. Arch, de biol, Liege & Par, 1899-1900, xvi, 173: 1901-2, xviii, 73, 12 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat. Par, 1899, i, 71-75.-----------. De la formation des feuillets dans le bourgeon terminal et dans la queue des embryons de poissons teieosteens. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat, Nancy, 1902, iv, 139-157.—Swinnertou (H. H.) A contribution to the morphology of the teleos- tean head skeleton, based upon a study of the develop- ing skull of the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Quart. J. Micr, Lond, 1901-2, xiv, 503-593, 4 pl.-----. A contribution to the morphology and de- velopment of the pectoral skeleton of teleosteans. Ibid., 1905-6, xlix, 363-382, 1 pl.—Van Gcliiicten (A.) Con- tribution a l'etude du systeme nerveux des teieosteens; communication preiirninaire. Cellule, Lierre & Lou- vain, 1894, x, 253-295, 3 pl.—Vlalleton (L.) Sur le de- veloppement des muscles rouges chez quelques teieos- teens. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat, Nancy, 1902, iv, 47-53.—Woodland (W. N. F.) On some experimental tests of recent views concerning the physiology of gas production In teleostean fishes. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1911, xl, 225-242. -----. On the structure and function of the gas glands and retia mirabilia associated with the gas bladder of some teleostean fishes, with notes on the tele- ost pancreas. Proc. gen. meet. . . . Zool. Soc. Lond, 1911, pt. 2,183-248— Zander (E.) Das Kiemenfllter der Teleosteer; eine nicirpho-plivsiologische Studie. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool, Leipz.. 1906, lxxxiv, 619-713, 2 pl.— Zi4-<£«-uha<>'eii. Ueber Entwickelung der Circulation bei Teleostiern, insbesondere bei Belone. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch, Jena, 1896, x, 100-108. TELEPATHY. 711 TELEPHONISTS. Telepathy. See, also, Hallucinations; Mind-reading; Thought-transference; Trance. Beard (G. M.) The study of trance, muscle- reading, and allied nervous phenomena in Eu- rope and America, with a letter on the moral character of trance subjects and a defence of Dr. Charcot. 12°. New York, 1SS2. Bonnet (G.) Transmission de pensee. 12°. Paris, 1906. Hughes (R.) Telepathy. 8°. New York, 1909. Cidtingfrom: Pearson's Mag, X. Y, 1909, xxi. Prince (M.) Thought transference. A re- sume of the evidence. 12°. Boston, 1887. Vaschide (N.) Les hallucinations telepa- thiques. 8°. Paris, 1908. Warm an (E. B.) Clairvoyance, and clair- audience, premonitions, and impressions. 8°. Chicago, 1910. -----. Telepathy, mental telegraphy, etc. 8°. Chicago, 1910. Alexander (H. B.) Experiments in telepathy. J. Am. Soc. Psvch. Research, N. Y, 1910, iv, 281-306.—Aris y Garcia (J.) La transmisi6n del pensamiento. Rev. balear de cien. med, Palma de Mallorca, 1910, xxvi, 3- 29.—Bozzano (E.) Teiepathie et psychometrie en rapport avec la mediumnite de Mrs. Piper. Ann. d. sc. psych. Par, 1911, xxi, 303: 1912, xxii, 9.— Bronson (Jessie L.) Telepathic and other experiences. J. Am. Soc. Psvch. Research, N. Y, 1912, vi, 170-179.— Can- dargy" (P.-C.) Histoire d'une fourrure voiee. Ann. d. sc. psvch. Par, 1906, xvi, 624-630.—Constable (F. C.) Immanuel Kant; imagination and telepathy. Ann. Psych. Sc, Lond, 1908, vii, 662-575.—Del Torto (O.) La teoria del trasferto psichico. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psicol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 502-506.—Dessoir (M.) Experiments in thought transference. [Being a supple- ment to the paper on "Muscle reading and thought transference," by Max Dessoir, in Proceedings, iv.] Proc. Soc. Psych. Research, Lond, issg, v, 355-357.— Fait (Un) de teiepathie, relatif a Zola. Chron. m6d. Par, 19os, xv, 322.—Fotherby (H. A.) Teiepathie et clairvovance. Ann. d. sc. psych. Par, 1907, xvii, 182- 193.—Hill (J. A.) Qu'e-t-oe que la teiepathie? Ann. d. sc. psvch. Par, 1906. xvi, 61 *-»'.23.—Hughes (Ella H.) Was it telepathy? J. Am. Soc. Psych. Research, N. Y, 1910, iv, 211-219.—Hyslop (J. II.) Telepathic halluci- nations; the new view of gho>ts. .1. Am. Soc. Psych. Research, N. Y, 1910, iv, 6:7-651.—Krijanowsky (L.) Cas teiepathique d'un chien. Ann. d. se. psych. Par, 1898, viii, 45-47.— Laurent (E.) Remarques sur les ma- nifestations teiepathiques vulgaires. Ann. d. sc. psych. Par, 1907, xvii, 161-175. -----. Les formes teiepathiques; leurs rapports avec les formes mediumniques pouvant les faire attrihuer a des "dedoublements" de l'agent. Ibid., 1908, xviii, 316; 352-ITlan»in (M.) Lettre a M. le Dr. Ch. Richet sur la teiepathie. Ibid., 1905, xv,354- 363—Marbe (K.) Ueber das Gedankenlesen und die Gleichformigkeit des psvchisehen Geschehens. Ztschr. f Psvchol. u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnesorg, Leipz, 1910, lvi, 1. Abt '241-263.—Jliles(Clarisse), Kamsden(Hermione) & Statkowski (Tamara). Experiments and exper- iences in telepathy. Proc. Am. Soc. Psych. Research, Bost, 1911, v, 673-753.—Paulman (F.) Un cas de teie- pathie ou de lucidite dans le reve. Ann. d. sc. psych. Par, lS92,ii, 1-10.—Pickering (J. W.) & Sad grove (W A ) Telepathy and automatism. Ann. Psych. Sc.Lond, 1908, vii, 481-493.—Hamsd en (Hermione). Teiepathie experimentale. Ann. d. sc. psych. Par, 1906, xvi 272-291, 2 pl. — Remarkable (A) coincidence. rEdit.l J. Am. Soc. Psych. Research, N. Y, 190s, n, 578- 586.—Rgve veridique; telepathic ou tele-th6siu? Ann. d. sc. psvch. Par, 1906, xvi, 24.—Teiepathie. Ibid., 1895, v, 200-203.—Thatcher ( H. W.) Un cas de teiepa- thie inconsciente. Ibid., 1905, xv, 364.-L*her (F. L.) & Burt (F. P.) Thought transference. Ann. Psych. Sc, Lond, 1909, viii, 561-600.—Warcollicr (R.) Les conditions experimentales dans l'etude de la teiepathie. Ann. d. sc. psych. Par, 1911, xxi, 173-175. Telephone probe. See, also, Diagnosis, surgical. Secklmann (M.) * Ueber die telephonische Sonde und ihre Brauchbarkeit zum Nachweis von Projektilen im menschlichen Korper. 8°. Erlangen, 1892. Telephones. See, also, Diagnosis, (Physical); Ear (Dis- eases of, Causes of); Ear (Exploration of). Kurella (H. G.) Elektrische Gesundheits- Schildigungen am Telephon. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. Berclo. Beleidigung durch das Telephon. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist, Leipz, 1905, xix, 91-93.— Braunstein. Telephone et audition. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1903, xvi, 866; 1226: 1904, xvii, 127.—Elevy. Du telephone comme gal vanoscope; appli- cations a l'eiectrotherapie et aux eaux minerales. Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par, 1900, xi, 59-75.—Ciibert (P.) Telephone assourdisseur; signe de Lombard. Normandie med, Rouen, 1911, xxvii, 296-301.—Hedley (W. S.) Some clinical uses of the telephone. J. Balneol. & Climat, Lond, 1900, iv, lls-121.—Jackson (G. L.) The tele- phone and attention waves. J. Philos, Psychol, [etc], Lancaster, Pa, & N. Y, 1906, iii, 602-604.—Ktiinmel. Ueber Versuche zur Messung der Horscharfe mittelst des Telephons. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1902, xi, 103-110.—Itl till er (R.) Das Telephon als Hor- apparatfur Schwerhorige. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg, Berl, 1911, xvii, 310-315.—Boosa (D. B. St. J.) The telephone as an aid to hearing. Post-Graduate, N. Y, 1903, xviii, 163.— Tchiriev (S.) Reponse a. M. E. Wedenski. J. de phvsiol. et de path, gen. Par, 1904, vi, 701— Wedensky (N! E.) Reponse a la reponse de M. Tchiriev. Ibid., 862.—Wilson (J. G.) The telephone theory. Illinois M. J, Springfield, 1909, xvi, 608-611. Telephones (Accidents and infection from). Bissell (\V. G.) Does the public telephone transmit disease? Buffalo M. J, 1902-3, n. s, xlii, 408-410.—Bundt Uebertragung einer schweren eitrigen Mundschleimhaut- entziindung durch den Fernsprecher. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg, 1906, li, 388.—Foerster (R.) Unfalle am Telephon und ihre Verhiitung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xlviii, 1688.—Koetter (A. F.) Report of a case of rupture of membrana tympani while using a telephone. Med. Fortnightlv, St. Louis, 1910, xxxvii, 99-101.—Stan- ley (R. S.j Dangers of infection which lurk in the tele- phone. Memphis M. Month, 1904, xxiv, 634-640. Also: Charlotte M. J, 1905, xxvi, 149-152.—Sterz (O.) Ein hygienischer Ohrenschutz fiir Telefone. Illust, Monat- schr. f. arztl. Polytech, Berl, 1910, xxxii, 142— Tomai- kin (E.) Ueber die Gefahren der Uebertragung von Infektionsstoffen durch das Telephon und ihre Verhu- tung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1906, liii, 2435-2438.— Veis(J ) Eine Beobachtung vonTrommelfellruptur bei einerTelephonistin. Arch.f. Ohrenh,Leipz, 1909,lxxix, 103-108. Telephones (Disinfection of). Bacteriological examination of mouthpieces of public telephones. Rep. Gov. Bur. Microbiol. 1909, Syd- nev 1910, 100.—Ferdinand-Jean. L'asepsie des ap- pareils teiephoniques. J. d'hyg. Par, 1905, xxx, 14.— Kausch. Verfahren und Apparate zur Desinfektion der Telephone. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena. 1902. xxxii, Referate, 129: I61.-Muller. Der Percy-Simundtsche Telephon-Desinfektor. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1905, lii, 2495-2497. Telephonists (Diseases and hygiene of). Bernhardt (M.) Die Betriebsunfiille der Telephonistinnen. 8°. Berlin, 1906. Allan (F. J.) The public telephone call office as a factor in the spread of disease. Lancet, Lond, 1908, i 1862 —Bernhardt (M.) Weitere Mitteilungen uberdie Betriebsunfiille der Telephonistinnen. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr, 1908, xiv, 1436; 1494,-Beyer (E.) Prognose und Therapie bei den Unfallneurosen der Telephonistinnen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1911-12 xlm, 440. Also: Med. Klin, Berl, 1911, vii, 1975-1978-Blegvad (N R ) Ueber die Einwirkung des berufsmassigen Tele- phonierens auf den Organismus mit besonderer Riick- sicht auf das Gehororgan. Nord. med. Ark Stockholm, 1906, 3. s, vi, afd. 1, no. 3,1-109. Also: Arch. f. Ohrenh Leipz, 1907, lxxi, iii, 205: lxxii, 30: 205.-Bohmig (H.) Hvsterische Unfallerkrankungen bei Telephonistinnen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1905, lii, 760-762.-Braun- stein (I ) Ueber den Einfluss des Telephomerens auf das Gehororgan. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1903, lix, 240-313— Capart(A.) fils. Maladies et accidents pro- fessionnels des teiephonistes. Arch, internat. de laryn- gol. [etc.], Par, 1911, xxxi, 748-764. Aim: Presse Oto- laryngol, -beige, Brux, 1911, x, 209-222.-»elsaiix. Hy- perestbesies labyrinthiques chez une telephomste. Cli- nique Brux, 1912, xxvii, 197.-Healtli (The) of tele- phone operators. Lancet, Lond, 1811, ii, 1716.—Kurella (H.) Zur Elektropathologie des Telephons. Ztschr. f. Elektrother, Leipz, 1905, vii, 5-17.-Thebault (V.) TELEPHONISTS. 712 TELEROENTGENOGRAPHY. Telephonists (Diseases and hygiene of). La nevrose des teiephonistes. Presse med. Par, 1910, xviii, 630.—Verdds (P.) Condiciones acusticas y fo- neticas que deben reunir los empleados en la tele- fonia interurbana. Rev. espec. med. La oto.-rino-larin- gol. espafi, Madrid, 1903, vi, 149-155.—W all ban ni (G. W.) Ueber funktionelle nervose Storungen bei Tele- phonistinnen nach electrischen Unfallen. Deutsche Med. Wchnschr, Leipz. u. Berl, 1905, xxxi, 709-711.— Wernicke (C.) Obergutachsten fiber die Verletzung einer Telephonistin durch Starkstrom. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1905, xvii, Ergnzngshft, 1-16. Telephonograph. Hammer (W.J.) The telephonograph. Rep. Smith- son. Inst, Wash, 1901, 307-312. Telephonophobia. Batner. Ueber Grypno- und Telephonophobie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1908, xxxiv, 179. Telerontgenography. See, also, Orthodiagraphy. Chiron (P.) *De la radioscopie du coeur et particulierementde la mensuration de I'aire car- diaque a l'aide des rayons X. 8°. Paris, 1905. Gkogxard (M.) *Le coeur a l'etat normal; etude de radioscopie orthogonale. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Hochhalt (K.) A szfv skiagrammja piir- huzamban a kopogtatfisi modszerekkel. [Skia- gram of the heart parallel with the methods of heartbeats.] 8°. Budapest, 1906. Jaffe (L.) *Die Lokalisation des linken Vorhofs des Herzens im Rontgenbild. 8°. Berlin, 1909. Schwarz (G.) Du Rontgenuntersuchung des Herzens und der grossen Gefasse. roy. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, 1911. Abee. Ueber Herzgrenzenanderung durch mecha- nischen Einfluss im Rontgenbilde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Leipz. u. Berl, 1903, xxix, Ver.-Beil, 260.— Aclielis. Zur orthodiagraphischen Darstellung der Herzspitze. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1910, lvii, 2225- 2227.—Albers-Sehilnberg. Aufnahmestuhl mit mo- torisch bewirkter Seiten- und Hohenverstellung fiir Un- tersuchungen des Herzens mit Rontgenstrahlen. Ztschr. f. d. arztl. Prax, Berl, 1908, xxi, 187.—Antony (F.) & l.oison (E.) Examen du coeur a la radioscopie au point de vue de l'aptitude au service militaire. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil. Par, 1903, xlii, 289-304.— Bordet (E.) L'examen radioscopique du cceur (methode ortho- diagraphique'i. Tribune med. Par, 1908, n. s, xl, 500- 504.— Bouchard. La radioscopie appliqu6e & l'explo- ration du coeur. Ibid., 1901, 2. s, xxxiii, 526-530.— Choate (J. L.) Relative cardiac dullness as compared with orthodiagraphic findings. Calif. M. & S. Reporter, Los Angeles, 1911, vii, 297-300. Also: South. Calif. Pract, Los Angeles. 1911, xxvi, 447-451.—Clay tor (F. A.) & Merrill (W. H.) Orthodiagraphy in the study of the heart and great vessels. Tr. Ass. Am. Phvsicians, Phila, 1909, xxiv, 86-1U3. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1909, n. s, cxxxviii, 549-562.—Comas (C.) & Pri<> (A.) Rontge- noscopia y rontgenografia del coraz6n; su estado y valor actuales. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel, 1911, xxxvii, 433-451. — Cowl (W.) Ueber die Rontgographie des Herzens. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl, 1901, 237-241. Also: Deutsche Med.-Ztg, Berl, 1901, xxii, 589.—Crane (A. W.) Skiascopy of the heart. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1903, ii, 437-439. — Davidsohn (F.) Die Herzdarstellung mittels Rontgenstrahlen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Leipz. u. Berl, 1908, xxxiv, 1595.— Dessauer (F.) Die Rontgenaufnahme des menschli- chen Herzens und anderer menschlicher Organe in weniger als Ths Sekunde Expositionsdauer. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1909, Leipz, 1910, lxxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 78-81.—Destot. Sur un orthodia- graphe pour mesurer le coeur. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1902, i, 525-528. -----. Des modifications de la forme et du volume du coeur dans les differentes affec- tions, et de l'emploi de l'orthodiagraphie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg. - Gesellsch, Hamb, 1905, i, 228-230.— Elischer (G.) & Engel (K.) Az orthodiagraphiar61. Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1907, li, 573; 592. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Budapest, k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte 1907, Budapest, 1908, 19 — F spin a y Capo (A.) Etudes sur la rectification de I'aire cardiaque au moven des rayons X. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. d'eiectrol. et de radiol. med. 1902, Berne, 1903, ii, 426-430— Franze (P. C. i Orthodiagraphische Kontrolle der Bazzi-Bianchi- Smith'schen Methode der Herzuntersuchung. Phys.- Teleroiitgenography. med. Monatsh, Berl, 1904-5, *i, 36-38. -----. Ortho- diagraphy; a method of measuring with accuracy the outlines of the heart by X-rays. Med. Electrol. & Ra- diol, Lond, 1906, vii, 123-138—Gillet. Ueber die Ver- schiedenheit der Resultate der Orthodiagraphie und der Perkussion des Herzens. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Ront- genstrahlen, Hamb, 1906, ix, 378.—Groedel (F. M.) Welche Momente bedingen die verschiedene Grosse res- pektive Form des vertikalen und des horizontalen Herz- orthodiagrammes? Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Munchen (1906-8), 1910, xiv, 328-319. -----. Die Normal- masse des vertikalen Herzorthodiagrammes. Ibid., 1908, xiii, 225-234. -----. The examination of the heart by the Roentgen rays. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond, 1907-8, xii, 303-311. -----. Moment- und Telerontgenographie. Munchen. med.Wchnschr, 1908, lv, 1857-1859.-----. Erste Mitteilung fiber die Differenzierung einzelner Herzhohlen im Rontgenbilde und den Nachweis von Kalkschatten in der Herzsilhouette intra vitam. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb, 1910-11, xvi, 337-341. -----. Was leisten die Ron tgenstrahlen bei der Untersuchung des Herzens? Zentralbl.f.Herzkrankh.[etc.],Wien,1910,41; 73. Also,transl: Interstate M.J,St. Louis,1911,xviii, 615-624.— Grunmach (E.) Ueber Leistungen der X-Strahlen zur Bestimmung der Lage und Grenze des Herzens. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz, 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte, 79. Also: Deutsche med. Wchn- schr, Leipz. u. Berl, 1904, xxx, 459-461.—Guilleminot (H.) Mensuration des diametres et de I'aire du coeur sur l'ecran radioscopique sans graphique; dispositif nou- veau s'adaptant a un ecran quelconque. Arch, d'elec- tric. med, Bordeaux, 1902, x, 775. — Guttmann (W.) Ueberdie Bestimmung der sogenannten wahren Herzgrosse mittelstRontgenstrahlen. Ztschr.f.klin.Med, Berl, 1906, lviii, 353-375.—Hall-Ed wards (J.) An in- stantaneous shutter for teleradiography. Arch. Roentg, Ray, Lond, 1909-10, xiv, 38.—Herz (M.) Ein einfa- cher Behelf zur Orientierung im Orthodiagram. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1908, lviii, 1181-1183—Hochhalt (K.) Das Skiagramm des Herzens in Verbindung mit den Per- cussionsmethoden besprochen. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1907, xliii, 248. — Horiiung. Ueber Vorzuge und Fehler der Orthodiagraphie und der Frictionsme- thode bei Bestimmung des Herzens. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med, Wiesb, 1902, xx, 427-440,1 pl. -----. Ist die Orthodiagraphie fiir exakte Herzuntersuchungen brauchbar? Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1903, xvii, 669-671.— van Huellen (A.) Ueber die Orthodiagraphie des Herzens und Herzperkussion. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1905, Leipz, 1907, pt. 2,2.Hlfte, 21-23.—Immelmann. Ueber die Untersuchung des Herzens mittels des Orthodiagraphen unter Kontrolle der Pbonendoskopie. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Vortr, 1903, 171-175. Also: Deutsche Med.-Ztg, Berl, 1903, xxiv, 549. -----. Ueber die Orthophotogra- phie des Herzens. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch, 1905, pt. 2,195-200. [Discus- sion], pt.l, 19. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xlii, 574. -----. Ueber die Orthophotographie des Herzens. Ztschr. f. d. arztl. Prax, Berl, 1908, xxi, 198.— Jaft*e (L.) Die Lokalisation des linken Vorhofs des Herzens im Rontgenbild. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1909, lxviii, 440-456. — Karl'unkel. Bestimmungen der wahren Lage und Grosse des Herzens und der grossen Gefiisse durch Rontgenstrahlen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1901, xliii, 304-335. Also: Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1901, Bresl, 1902, lxxix, med. Sect, 103-106. -----. Historisches und Kritisches zur orthodiagraphi- schen Herzuntersuchung. Deutsche Med.-Ztg, Berl, 1902, xxiii, 729-732. — KShler (A.) Technik der Her- stellung fast orthodiagraphischer Herzphotogrammever- mittels Rontgeninstrumentarien mit kleiner Elektrizi- tatsquelle. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1905, xix, 279-282. -----. Telerontgenographie des Herzens. Deutschemed. Wchnschr, Leipz. u. Berl , 1908, xxxiv, 186-190. Also, transl: Arch, d'electric. med, Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 664- 666. -----. Telerontgenographie und Universalgestell. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1911, lviii, 139. Also: Arch. d'electric med, Bordeaux. 1911. xix. 501-506.—von Ko- ranyi (A.) & von Elischer (J.) Telerontgenogra- phie des Herzens in beliebigen Phasen seiner Tiitigkeit. Ztschr. f. Rontgenk. u. Radiumforsch, Leipz, 1910, xii, 265-271, 1 pl.—Leonard (C. L.) Die Rontgenographie des Herzens in Momentaufnahme ohne Verstarkungs- schirm. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg. Gesellsch, Hamb, 1908, iv, 100.— Levy-Dorn (M.) Einfache Maassstabe fiir die normale Herzgrosse im Rontgenbilde. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1910, xlvii, 2017. Also: Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1911, lxxii, 563-574. -----. Zur Rontgenun- tersuchung des Herzens. Med. Klin, Berl, 1911, vii, 1083.—du rHesnilde Boehemont. Zur Methodik der Herzausmessung mittels des Orthodiagraphen. Fest- schr. f. G. E. v. Rindfleisch [etc.], Leipz. 1907, 196-211.— Moritz. Ueber orthodiagraphische Untersuchungen amHerzen. Sitzungsb.d.arztl. Ver. Munchen (1901), 1902, 141-164. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1902, xlix, 1-8. -----. Ergebnisse der Orthodiagraphie fiir die Herzper- TELEROENTGENOGRAPHY. 713 TELLEZ Y L(3PEZ. Teleroentgenography. cussion. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med, Wiesb, 1901, xix, 524-532. -----. Ueber Veranderungen in der Form, Grosse und Lage des Herzens beim Uebergang aus hori- zontaler in vertikale Korperstellung; zugleich ein zweiter Beitrag zur Methodik der Orthodiagraphie, ins- besondere zu der Frage, wie die Orthodiagramme auszu- messen scien und welche Korperstellung fiir die Ortho- diagraphie des Herzens zu wiihlen sei. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz, 1904-5, lxxxii, 1-40. -----. Ueberdie Bestimmung der sogenannten wahren Herzgrosse mittels Rontgenstrahlen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1906, lix, 111-132. -----. Ergebnisse der Orthodiagraphie fiir die Herzuntersuchung. Strassb.med. Ztg, 1907,iv, 171-175.— Ossovski (X. P.) Iz nablyudeniy nad rentgenoskopi- vel serdtsa. [Rontgenoscopy of the heart.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1909, viii, 406.—Pirrone (D.), Ar- none & Severino. II valore reale della radioscopia in cardiologia. Arch. ital. di med. int., Palermo, 1901, iv, 263-338.—Potain. Delimitation of the heart by percus- sion and skiagraphv, being a comparison of the two methods. Med. Press & Circ, Lond, 1902, n. s, lxxiv, 77_80— Bieder (H.) Die Orthorontgenographie des menschlichen Herzens. Arch. t. phvs. Med. u. med. Techn, Leipz, 1906-7, ii,3-12,3pl.,2diaj;.—Biimiiio (G.) Cardio-topometrie, cardio-volumetric. cardio-statique. Cong, internat. de med. C. r. Par, 1900, sect, de path. int., 594.— Bump I (T.) Orthodiagraphie des Herzens und Thoraxverschiebung. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med, Wiesb, 1909, 356-363.—Schmineke (R.) Die Feststellung der Herzgrosse durch Fernaufnahme des Herzens oder Orthodiagraphie. Zentralbl. f. Herz- krankh. [etc.], Wien & Leipz, 1911, iii, 228-232.—Schule. Die Orthodiagraphie und Perkussion des Herzens. Miin- chen med. Wchnschr, 1904, li, 1109-1111.—Schwarz (G.) Rontgenoskopische Beobachtungen von Eigenpulsion der Hilusschatten und ihrer Verzweigung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1910, xxiii, 892-S96.— Vaquez(H.) & Bordet (E.) L'utilitede la radioscopie et del'orthodiagraphie dansl'examenducceur. Arch, d'electric. med,Bordeaux. 1911, xix, 261-273.—Veith (A.) Ueber orthodiagra- phische Herzuntersuchungen bei Kindern im schulpflich- tigen Alter. Jahrb. f. Kinderh, Berl, 1908, lxviii, 205- 223.—Visco (F.) Radiologia del cuore infantile. Pediatria, Napoli, 1910,2. s, viii, 549-580.—Wybauw (R.) L'orthodiographiedu cceur. J. med. de Brux, 1908, xiii, 320. Telescopes. Czapski (S.) Ueber neue Arten von Fern- rohren insbesondere fiir den Handgebrauch. 4°. Berlin, 1895. Japikse (H.) Het aandeel van Zacharias Janse in de uitvinding der verrekijkers. 8°. Middelburg, 1890. Kitchixer (W.) The economy of the eyes. Part II. Of telescopes; being the result of thirty years' experiments with fifty-one tele- scopes, of from one to nine inches in diameter in the possession of. . .; to which are added an abstract of the practical parts of Sir Wm. Herschel's writings on telescopes and double stars, etc.; some observations thereon and original letters from eminent opticians. 12°. London, 1825. Bonders (F.C.) Einpankratisches Fernrohr. Arch. f. Ophth. Berl, 1877, xxiii, 268-281. Also: Ber. fi. d. 10. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch, Heidelb, 1877,143-145. Also, transl: Ondorzoek. ged.inh. phys. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch, 137s, v, 3. reeks, 1; 69.— Harkness (\\ .) On the color correction of a chromatic telescope. Am. J. Sc. & Arts, N. Haven, 1879, 3. s, xviii, 189-196. Also, Reprint. _____ On the color correction of achromatic telescopes. A replv to Chas. S. Hastings. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1880, xix, 109-116. Telese. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Telfii/iria. Fendler t bijzonder. 7 pp. 8°. Dordrecht, 1884. Repr.from: Psychiat. BL, Dordrecht, 1884, ii. 'ellegen [Antonius Otto Hermannus]—con'd. ----. Het verleden, het heden en de toekomst der krankzinnigenverpleging in Nederland. 8 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, [1890]. Repr.from: Psychiat. BI, Ams, 1890, viii. ----. Het voorstel van de Heeren Heems- kerk, de Vries en Waterschoot van der Gracht in de Provinciale Staten van Noord-Holland. 4 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, [1890]. Repr.from,: Psychiat. BI, Amst, 1890, viii. ----. De discussie over het psychiatrisch onder wijs in de algemeene vergadering der Maatschappij van Geneeskunde. 7 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, [1895], Repr.from: Psychiat. BI, Amst, 1895, xiii. ----. Over het nut van opium bij melancho- lische toestanden. 17 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, [n.d.~\. Repr.from: Psychiat. BI, Amst. See, also, Van Beventer (J.) Sz, Buijsch (W. P.), & Tellegen (A. O. H.) Rapport in zake de verbetering van het verplegend personeel [etc ]. 8°. Amsterdam, 1890. Also Co-Editor of: Psychiat. BI, Amst, 1886-95. For Biography, see Psychiat. en Neurol. BI, Amst, 1904, viii, 776 (J. vanDeventer). Teller (Ernst Friedrich Otto) [1878- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der mechanischen Hergange bei der Entstehung der Frakturen des Schiideldaches. 30 1. 8°. Kiel, C. H. Jebens, 1903. Teller (Friedrich). Ueber den Schiidel eines fossilen Dipnoers, Ceratodus Sturii nov. spec. aus den Schichten der oberen Trias der Nord- alpen. 38 pp., 11., 4 pl. fol. Wien, A. Holder, 1891. Teller ([Gustav] Richard) [1879- _ ]. * Bei- triige zur Kenntnis der Retroperitonealtumo- ren. 38 pp., 11., 1 pl. 8°. Griefswald, H. Ader 1904. Telle'ring'([Max Alfons] Paul) [1871- ]. * Beitrag zur mikroskopischen Untersuchung des Magenschleims beim Menschen. 27 pp. 8°. Bonn, E. Heydorn, 1894. Tellez (Guillermo). El mal del pinto. 44 pp. 8°. Mexico, 1889. Tellez (Ildefonso). *Contribucion al estudio de los hospitales. 47 pp. 8°. Mexico, 1889. Tellez y 1.6pez (Juan). Manual de ana- tomia descriptiva. 290 pp., 11. 16°. Madrid, Bailly-Bailliire dc hijos, 1904. ------. Manual de histologfa normal estatica y dinamica. 240 pp. 16°. Madrid, Bailly- Bailliere dc hijos, 1904. ------. Manual de historia natural aplicada A la veterinaria. 314 pp., 1 1. 16°. Madrid, Bailly-Bailliere dc hijos, 1904. ------. Manual de fisiologia e higiene. 2 v. 288 pp., 280 pp. 16°. Madrid, Bailly-Bailliire & hijos, 1904. ------. Manual de exterior y reconocimiento tie los animales domesticos. 192 pp. 16°. Madrid, Bailly-Balliere dc hijos, 1904. ------. Manual de fisica y quimica aplicadas. 304 pp. 16°. Madrid, Bailly-Balliere dc hijos, 1904. ------. Manual de mecanica animal. 232 pp. 16°. Madrid, Bailly-Bailliere dc hijos, 1904. ------. Manual de cirugia. 303 pp. 16°. Ma- drid Bailly-Bailliire dc hijos, 1905. ------„ Manual de obstetricia seguido de un estudio sobre reproduction, la ontogenia y la filogenia. 256 pp. 16°. Madrid, Bailly-Bail- liire dc hijos, 1905. TELLEZ Y LOPEZ. Tellez y Lopez (Juan)—continued. ■-----. Manual de patologia general. 292 pp. 12°. Madrid, Bailly-Bailliere dc hijos, 1905. ------. Manual de patologia y terapeutica es- peciales de los animales domesticos. 3 v. 16°. Madrid, Bailly-BaiiHeredc hijos, 1905. -----. Manual de terapeutica general. 292 pp. 12°. Madrid, Bailly-Bailliere dc hijos, 1905. ------. Manual de toxicologic y medicina legal. 239 pp. 16°. Madrid, Bailly-Bailliere dc hijos, 1905. ------. Manual de derecho veterinario. 59 pp., 1 1. 16°. Madrid, Bailly-Bailliere dc hijos, 1906. Bound with his: Manual de inspecci6n de carnes [etc.]. 16°. Madrid, 1906. ------. Manual de inspection de carnes y sus- tancias usadas en la alimentation humana. 165 pp. 16°. Madrid, Bail!y - Bailliere dc hijos, 1906. ------. Manual de mariscaleria, 6 procedimientos de herrado y forjado. 235 pp. 16°. Madrid, Bailly-BailluSre dc hijos, 1906. ------. Manual de zootecnia. 288 pp. 16°. Ma- drid, Bailly-Bailliere dc hijos, 1906. Tellier (Adolphe-Victor) [1872- ]. Con- tribution a l'etude de la diphterie; la diphterie a Lille; son traitement au pavilion de 1'hopital Saint-Sauveur. 130 pp. 8°. Lille, 1897, 5. ser., No. 26. Tellier (Camille) [1867- ]. *Traitement des fistules d'origine dentaire. 103 pp. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 21. Tellier (Ch[arles]). Lettre a Monsieur le pr£- fet de la Seine sur 1'installation frigorifique de la Morgue. 36 pp. 8°. Paris, Boussel, 1880. See also, Bebain (P.), Button (Ch.) & Tellier (Ch.). Notes ... sur les vidanges, [etc.]. 4°. Parts, 1859. Tellier (Georges) [1875- ]. *De la luxa- tion des tendons peroniers lat^raux; Etiologie, symptomes, traitement. 103 pp., 21. 8°. Lyon, 1899, No. 40. ------. La sant£ du soldat. Manuel d'hygiene pratique a 1'usage des hommes de troupe. 83 pp., 1 1. 16°. Paris, H. C. Larauzelle, 1902. Tello (Julio C.) La antigiiedad de la sifilis en el Peru. 208 pp. 8°. Lima, Sanmarti d- Ca., 1909. Tello (W.) Higiene y enfermedades de los ofdos al alcance de todos. 58 pp. 8°. Buenos Aires, J. Peuser, 1893. ------. La respiration bucal habitual, trabajo presentado al Congreso cientifico latino-ameri- cano. 30 pp. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1899. Repr.from: Semana mecl, Buenos Aires, 1899, vi. Tellurium. Resenscheck (F.) I. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Tellurs. II. Zur Kenntnis des kolloidalen Goldes. 8°. Erlangen, 1904. Browning ( P. E.) & Flint(W. R.) The complexity of tellurium. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1909, 4. s, xxviii, 317-352.—v_>.—Kicliter. Ueber den Einfluss der Korperbewegung auf die Temperatur bei Pferden. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Tierh., Berl., 1906, xxxi, 576-600.— Simpson (S.) Observations on body temperature of some diving and swimming birds. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1911-12, pt. 1, xxxii, 19-35.-----. Temperature regula- tion in the woodchuck (Marmotta monax). Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost., 1911-12, xxix, p. xii.—Simpson (S.) & Galbraith. (J. J.) Observations on the normal tem- perature of the monkey and its diurnal variation, and the effect of changes in the daily routine on this variation. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1906, xiv, 65-104,1 ch.-----------. An investigation into the diurnal variation of the body temperature of nocturnal and other birds, and a few mammals. J. Physiol., Lond., 1905-6, xxxiii, 225-238.— Stelani (A.) Dell' azione vaso-motoria reflessa della temperatura. Attir. Ist. Venetodi sc, lett. ed arti, 1894-5, 7. s., vi, 403-417.—Steudel (H.) Ueber die obere Tem- peraturgrenze des Lebens. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 251-253.—Sumner (F. B.) Some effects of temperature upon growing mice, and the persistence of such effects in a subsequent generation. Am. Naturalist, Lancaster, Pa., 1911, xiv, 90-98. —Sutherland (A.) The temperatures of reptiles, monotremes and marsupials. Nature, Lond., 1897-8, lvii, 67-69.—de Varigny (H.) Les temperatures extremes dans la vie des especes ani- males et vegetales. Rev. scient., Par., 1893, li, 641-651.— "Vernon (H. M.) The relation of the respiratory ex- change of cold-blooded animals to temperature. J. Phy- siol., Lond., 1897, xxi, 443-496.—Vit6n (J. J.) Trabajo experimental sobre la acci6n de las altas temperaturas del medio ambiente sobre el cobayo. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1906, xxix, 57-77.—Voit (E.) Ein- fluss der Temperatur auf die Zersetzungsvorgange. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Miin- chen ,'18961, 1897, xii, 91-95.—White (W. H.) A method of obtaining the s^cific heat of certain living warm- blooded animals. T. Physiol., Cambridge, 1892, xiii, 789- 797.—Yeiiit'lyaiioft'i K.) K voprosu o normalnol tem- peraturle u loshadi i rogatavo skota. [Normal tempera- ture in horses and cattle.] Vestnik obsh. vet., St. Pe- tersb., 1903, xv, 673-677. Temperature (Animal, Regulation and 'variation of). See, also, Brain (Localization of functions in); Heat (Animal). A.isenstat (M.) *Die Lage der Wiirmezen- tren des Kaninchens und das Erkennen der Lage derselben durch iiussere Merkmale. 8°. Leipzig, 1910. TEMPERATURE. 720 TEMPERATURE. Temperature (Animal, Regulation and car lation. of). Balli (E.) *TJeber den Einfluss lokaler und allgemeiner Er\v;irmung und Abkiihlung der Haut auf das menschliche Flammentacho- gramm. 8°. Bern, 1896. Dreist (R. W. G. A.) *Der Einfluss der Unterkleidung auf die Wiirmeregulation, spe- ziell bei korperlicher Tiitigkeit. 8°. Benin, 1904. Gad (J.) Korperwiirme, Arbeit und Klima. 8°. Hamburg, 1886. Krohne & Sesemanx. Leiter's temperature regulators for increasing or decreasing the warmth of various parts of the human body. 8°. London, [1881]. Sakovich (M. K.) *0 vliyanii altera vo ve- shtshestva dna tretyavo zheludochka i zritelnavo bugra na temperaturu tlela. [On the influence of the gray matter of the floor of the third ven- tricle and optic thalamus on the temperature of the body.] 8°. S.-Peterburg,1897. Zlataroff (C. G.) *Du zero physiologique et de ses rapports avec les temperatures sous- vestiales et cubiliales. 8°. Toulouse, 1905. Babak (E.) Ueber die Warmeregulation nach der Firnissung der Haut; nach den gemeinschaftlich mit A. Styeh durchgefiihrten respirometrischen und kalorime- trischen Versuchen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1905, cviii, 389-416.—Bardswell (N. D.) & Chapman (J. E.) Some observations upon the deep temperature of the human body at rest and after muscular exertion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 1106-1110.—Benedict (F. G.) Studies in body-temperature. I. Influence of the inver- sion of the daily routine; the temperature of night workers. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1904, xi, 145-169.— Benedict (F. G.) & Snell (J. F.) Korpertemperatur- Schwankungen mit besonderer Riicksicht auf den Ein- fluss, welchen die Umkehrung der tiiglichen Lebens- gewohnheit beim Menschen ausiibt. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1902, xc, 33-72— Beni-Barde. In- fluence du froid sur la chaleur propre et sur la tempera- ture du corps; action et reaction provoquees par le Iroid sur les fonctions de calorification. Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par., 1904, xv, 51-59.—Cavazzani (E.) Sulla regolazione termica. Atti Accad. d. sc med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1910, lxxxiv, 19-30,1 pl—Chistoni (A.) Sulle variazioni della temperatura superficiale dell' uomo durante il lavoro muscolare. Riforma med., Napoli, 1908, xxiv, 847-849.—Chodounsky (K.) Thermoregulace fysiologicka a klinicky jeji vyklad. [Physiological ther- moregulation and its clinical explanation.] Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 1911, 1, 1267-1270.—Corner (E. M.) & Sawyer (J. E. H.) A research into the heat regu- lation of the body by an investigation of death temperatures. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1904, lxxiii, 361- 375. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1904-5, lvi, 1-20.— Fijkman. Vergleichende Untersuchung iiber die physikalische Wiirmeregulirung bei dem europiiischen und dem malaiischen Tropenbewohner. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1895, cxl, 125-157.—F.rni. Die me- chanische Herabsetzung der Korpertemperatur. C< >r.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte., Basel., 1901, xxxi, 552-55*..—Kxner (S.) Temperaturbeziehungen zwischen Herz und Lunge. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xxii, 589-595.—Fawcett (J.) & White (W. H.) On the influence of artificial res- piration and of /3 tetrahydronapthylamine on the body temperature. J. Physiol., London, 1897, xxi, 435-442.— Fileline (W.) Zur Lehre von der Warmeregulation. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1910, 551-558.—Frankenhau- ser(F.) Die menschliche Warmebilanz unter verschiede- nen natiirlichen und kiinstlichen Bedingungen. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1909, vi, 777-788, 1 pl.— Frolicli (H.) Gedanken fiber die Regulirung der menscliHi hen Eigenwarme. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 188H, i, 776; 802. Also, Reprint. -----. Ueber die Reguli- rung der menschlichen Eigenwiirme. Prag. med. Wchn- schr., 1895, xx, 311—Gibson (R. B.) The effects of transposition of the daily routine on the rythm of tem- perature variation. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1905, n. s., cxxix, 1048-1059.—Gilbert (A.) & Lereboullet (P.) Inversion thermique etmonothermie. Presse med., Par., 1905, 457-459.—Guinard & Geley. Un nouveau mode de regulation de la thermogenese par l'action cu- tanee de certains alcaloides et glucosides. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc med. de Lyon (1894), 1895, xxxiv, 39-61.—Hari (P.) Beitragzur Kenntnis der chemischen Warmeregulation der .Siiugetiere. Arch. f.d. ges. Physiol Bonn, 1909, exxx, 90-111.—Hirsch (C.) Ueber Warrne- production, Wiirmeregulation und Fieber. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1902-3, lxxv, 264-280—Hor- Temperature (Ani?nal, Regulation and variation of). iiiann {34. -----. ZurTheoriederWarmeregulierung. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1909, 71-99.—Veselkin (N. V.) O vli- yanii vozdukha,soderzhashtshavo 5-10% uglekisloti, na temperaturu normalnavo i likhoradyashtshavo organiz- ma. [Influence of atmosphere, containing 6-10 per cent carbonic acid, upon the temperature of the normal organ- ism and when in fever.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 477-479.—Vestenrik (X. N.) O vliyanii uglegisloti na temperaturu tlela. [Influence of carbonic acid on the temperatureof thebodv] Med.pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1901, pt. 2, 314-316.—los (B. H.) De licha- amstemperatuur op warme dagen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1908, ii, 1691-1696.—White (W. H.) The Croonian lectures on the means by which the temperature of the body is maintained in health and disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 1653: ii, 11; 70. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1897. i, 1659; 1721: ii, 1; 11; 173.—Zwonitzky (N.) Ueber den Einfluss der peripheren Xerven auf die Warmeregu- lierung durch die Hautgefiisse. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1906, 465-494. Temperature (Atmospheric and cli- matic). See, also, Climate. Ferrel (W.) Temperature of the atmo- sphere and earth's surface. 4°. Washington, 1884. Leras (J.-P.-X.) * Essai sur le phenomene erratique et sur les consequences qu'on peut en tirer en faveur de l'hypothese d'une tempera- ture inferieure a celle de nos jours. 8°. Stras- bourg, 1844. No yes (I. P.) Phenomenal heat of April, 1896; midsummer weather. 8°. Providence, B. I., 1895. Repr.from: Providence Sunday J., 1896. Shove (G. A.) Life under glass, containing suggestions toward the formation of artificial climates. 12°. Boston, 1874. Whipple (G. C.) Some observations of the temperature of surface waters; and the effects of temperature on the growth of micro-orga- nisms. 8°. New London, Conn., [1895]. Repr.from: J. N. Engl. Water Works, 1895, ix. Borchert ( W.) Die Temperaturverhaltnisse ver- schiedener Lander und Orte. NGesundh.-Ingenieur, Miin- chen, 1907. xxx, 357-361.—Cowley (L. M.) Influencia del calor atmosferico bajo el punto de vista social y mo- ral. Kev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1906, xi, 479- 484.—Hann (J.) Der tiigliche Gang der Temperatur in der ausseren Tropenzone. Denkschr. d. k. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. [etc.] Klasse, Wien, 1907, lxxx, 317-404. — Ilot- tinger (M.) Die Wiirmeverhaltnisse der Erde. Ge- sundh.-Ingenieur, Miinchen 1908, xxxi, 375-379.—Igna- tius (J.), Lund (L.) & Warri (O.) Ueber den Ein- fluss der Aussentemperatur auf die Kohlens-iureabgabe beim ruhenden nuehternen Menschen. Skandin. Arch. f. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1908, xx, 226-232. — Knott (J.) The dog da vs. N.York M.J. [etc.], 1904, lxxx, 27-29.—iTIau- rel. Temperatures atmospheriques et temperatures sous-vestiales. Languedoc med. chir., Toulouse, 1905, xiii, 111-115. — Pague (B. S.) Sensible temperatures, or the effect of lieat on the body in California. Pacific Rec. M. & S., San Fran., 1895-6, x, 5. A/so: South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1895, x, 352-354. — Phillips (W. F. R.) Sensible temperature. Tr. Am. (lima I. Ass., Phila., 1896 xii 16-25.—Roger (E.) La plus forte chaleur du siecle. Nature, Par., 1899-1900, xxviii, pt. 2, 189.—Buh- ner. Schwankungen der Luftfeuchtigkeit bei hohen Lufttemperaturen in ihrem Einfluss auf den thierischen Organismus. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1892-3. xvi, 101-104. vol xvii, 2d series---46 Temperature (Effects of) on animals and man. See Heat (Effects of, etc.). Temperature (Effects of) on drugs. See Acid (Salicylic); Antiphlogistics; Chlo- roform. Temperature (Human). See, also, Altitudes; Apoplexy (Diagnosis of); Bacteria (Influence of electricity, etc., on); Children; Cold (Immunity, mechanism, etc., of); Infants (New-born, Temperature of); Inflam- mation; Temperature (Animal)'. Boye (K.) * Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der normalen Hauttemperatur des Menschen. 8°. Edelmann, 1907. Daigxan (G.) Echelle de la vie humaine, ou thermometre de sante, faisant suite au ta- bleau des varietcs de la vie humaine; ou Ton examine la question de savoir pourquoi la cha- leur naturelle du sang humain est toujours a peu pros au meme degre, en t'tat de sante dans les controes boreales comme dans les australes. 16°. Paris, 1811. Gruxexwald (T.) Ueber die Temperatur in peripheren Korperteilen. 8°. Tubingen, 1901. Josipowici (S.) * Die Grenzen der normalen Korpertemperatur des Menschen nach oben und unten. 8°. Berlin, 1901. Oehler (J.) * Ueber die Hauttemperatur des gesunden Menschen. [ Tubingen. ] 8°. Naumburg a. S., 1904. Reynaud. Recherches sur la temperature humaine, consideree sous le rapport des ages, des temperamens, des races et des climats. 8°. Paris, 1830. Cutting from: Ann. d. sc. nat., Par., 1830, xiv. Rocca (G.) La nostra temperatura. Quattro conferenze d' igiene tenute in Alba agli inse- gnanti elementari della Provincia di Cuneo nei giorni 15 e 16 settembre 1899. 12°. Torino, 1900. Albert. [Die Normaltemperatur in der Achselhohle.] Vereinsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1907, xx —Stilhoff (H.) Lav Tempera- tur. [Low temperature.] Hosp.-Tid., Kj0benh., 1895, 4 R, iii, 697-705.—Strasser (A.) Nervose Hyperther- mic. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1902, xvi, 328-330.—Tom- linson (H. A.) Subnormal temperature; a record of three cases, with comment on its probable cause. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1900, ii, 228-239.—Torri (G. S ) Ipertermia e formazione di anticorpi. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1908, xlvii, 609-630— Trevisanello (C.) Un caso di ipotermia. Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova, 1906, xii, 105-108.—Vandervelde. La monothormie, ou monotonie thermique. J. med. de Brux., 1906, xi, 337- 343.—Verger (H.) & Sonle (E.) Lesions des cellules nerveuses dans l'hvperthermie experimentale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol." Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 427—Arialard (F ) De l'hyperthermie apvretique. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1902, cxliv, 742-748—Vincent (H.) Pre- sence de bacteriesdans le sang et les visceres des animaux morts d'hvperthermie, Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s", iv, 10S7.—Voit (F.) Ueber den Eiweissum- satz bei kunstlich erhohter Korpertemperatur. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Munchen (1895*1, 1897, xi, 120-123.—Watson (J. R.) Extreme hyperpy- rexia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 248— We liman (F. C.) Hvperpyrexial fever. Arch. f. Senilis- u. Tropen- Hyg., Leipz., 1906, x, 417.—West (F. W.) A phenomenal temperature. Australas. M. Gaz., Svdney, 1903, xxii, 9.— Wideroe (S.) Beitrag zur Genese der Hyperthermic Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 2059-2062.—Williams (J. H ) Report of a case of long-continued abnormally low temperature. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liii, 640. Also: West. M. J., Fort Scott, 189S, x, 242-244.—Wood (H. W.) A case of hvperpyrexia with recovery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxv, 1041. Temperature (Human, Measurement of)- See, also, Heat (Animal); Thermometers (Clinical). Atjdeoud (G.-E.) *Des maxima et de la vitesse d'ascension des temperatures utilisees en clinique. 8°. Genere, 1906. Lumpert (E.) *Thermoelektrische Messun- gen am lebenden Korper bei Wiirme- und Kiil- teapplikation. [Basel.] 8°. Zurich, 1910. MeiIa (D.) * Estudio sobre la termometria clinica en Mexico. 8°. Mexico, 1872. Salomonski (M.) *TJeber Temperaturmes- sungen im Mastdarm und in der Achselhohle. [Leipzig.] 8°. Berlin, 1905. Wunderlich (C. A.) & Seguix (E.) Medical thermometry and human temperature. 8°. New York, 1871. Benedict (F. G.) & Snell (J. F.) Eine neue Me- thode um Korpertemperaturen zu messen. Arch. f. d. ges Physiol., Bonn., 1901, lxxxviii, 492-500— Burton- Fanning (F. W.) The comparative value of the mouth, the rectum, the urine, the axilla, and the groin for the observation of the temperature, especially in regard to tuberculosis and to the effects of exercise and other conditions. Lancet, Lond., 1903. l, 856-862.— Combe. La courbature sub-febrile chez le so dat. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Dr6me [etc.], Valence & I ar 1903, iv, 203-211.-Davidson (P.) & Walker (V D.) Some observations on body temperature J. Loy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1911, xvii, 263-274.—Kbstein. Leber die Messung der Korpertemperatur. Deutsche Aerzte- Ztg Berl., 1910,121-123— Frlandscn (A.) Om bestem- melse af forskellen mellem rektal- og axil-temperaturen, specielt med henblik paa vurderingen af ' Hallagers svmptom." [On the determination of the different intra- rectal and axillary temperatures with special reference to the value of "Hallagers- symptom."] Hosp.-Tid., K0- benh., 1908, 5. R., i, 1345-1353.-Gaertner (G.) E.ne einfache Methode der Hauttemperaturmessung. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr.,1905,lii,18a5-1887.-Oamgee (A.) On methods for thecontinuous (photographic) and quasi- continuous registration of the diurnal curve of the tem- perature of the animal body Phil. Tr Lond., 190$I, b. B., ce 219-240 Also [Abstr. ]: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1908 s B lxxx 650.— Goodhart (.1. F.) Thermom- eter observations in clinical medicine. Guv's Hosp. Itep., L^nd!f 1870, xv, 365-416. Also, 11, -pri n t .-Grasset. Temperature (Human, Measurement of). Thermometrie clinique completee (calorimetrie clinique). Cong, franc, de med. 1894, Par., 1895, i, 326-332.—Ham- mer (W.) Ueber die Messung der Korperwarme. Deutsche Aertze-Ztg., Berl., 1910, 217.—Harrington (M. W.) Sensible temperatures. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, iii, 481-485, 1 ch., 2 maps.— Harris (H. C.) Clinical thermometry and critical days. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1895, vii, 304-:;os.—IMrsch (C.) & Miiller (O.) Zur Methodik der thcrmo-eleetrischen Tempera- turmessung. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1902-3, lxxv, 280-286.—Leduc (S.) Courbe d'ascension thermometrique et calorim6trie clinique. Assoc, franc. pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., 1901, Par., 1902, xxx, pt. 2, 839-846. Als,,: Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1901-2, xx, 49-52.— Lelevre (.1.) Considerations generales sur la calorime- trie par les bains, etude experimentale surl'homogeneite de temperature et sur le refroidissement d'une grande masse liquide. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1896, 5. s., viii, 32-46. -----. Nouvelles observations sur la determination de la temperature interne minima com- patible avec la vie et sur la subordination de ce probleme a l'ordre topographique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1901, ii. s., iii, 649.—Levi (V.) Significato e impor- tanza delle temperature ascellari fra 37° e 37°5 C. Rasse- gna di sc. med., Modena, 1904-5, xix, 277-280.—Limit (The) negligible error in clinical thermometry. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxi, 130-132. Also, Reprint.—Lind- hard (J.) & Erlandsen (A.) Rektal- og axiltem- peratur. [Rectal and axillary temperature.] Hosp.- Tid.. K0benh., 1909, 5. R., ii, 79; 112.—Loeb(M.) Achsel- hohlen- oder Mastdarmmessung. Aerztl. Prax., Berl. u. Leipz., 1903, xvi, 277: 1904, xvii, L—Miotto (D.) Sul valore diagnostico delle differenze termometriche tra le due ascelle. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1911, xxxii, 1248- 1250.—Moore (N.) A clinical lecture on the interpreta- tion of a temperature chart. Clin. J., Lond., 1909, xxxiv, 177-181.—Morris (R. S.) A new graphic temperature chart. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, vii, 657.—Oertmann (E.) Ueber die praktische Verwertung der Dauermes- sung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1524-1526.— Pedersen (V. C.) A clear and simple temperature chart. N. York M. J., 1899, lxix, 402.—Peiia (J. M. G.) Algunas observaciones acerca de la temperatura fisiol6- gica de las personas que habitan en la ciudad de Mexico. Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico, 1908-9, 2. ep., vi, 458; 516.— Phillips (W. F.) Observations on clinical thermom- etry. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, list—Keissmann (C.) On continuous clinical temperature charts. Lan- cet, Lond., 1904, i, 1305.—Rosenthal (J.) Ueber ther- moelektrische Temperaturmessung. Sitzungsb. d. phys.- med. Soc. zu Erlang. (1894), 1895, 26. Hft., 40-46. Also: Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1895, 191-196. — Rosin (H.) Zur Methode der Messung der Hauttemperatur. Illustr. Monatschr. d. iirztl. Polytech., Berl., 1898, xx, 71— Tetau (J ) Etude phvsiologique et clinique sur la chaleur ani- male- mesures de l'intensite des combustions organiques par la thermometrie. Tribunemed., Par., 1902,2.s.,xxxiv, 809 Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxiv 5-7 — Tissie. Thermometries buccale, axillaire et rectale. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bor- deaux (1897), 1898, 130-140. Also: J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1897, xxvii, 222-225.—Weintraud (W.) Ueber einen Apparat fur fortlaufende Temperaturmessungen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 75-77. Temperature (Human) in children. See, also, Temperature (Human, Abnormi- ties of). Daymard (P.) * Contribution a l'etude com- parative des temperatures rectale, inguinale et sous-vestiale chez le nouveau-ne\ 8°. Toulouse, 1909. . „ t Donald (W. M.) Some observations upon the tem- peratures of apparently healthy children; an experimen- tal study. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1901, xvm, 189-192.- Gaujoux (F.) & Lassabliere (P.) Temperature chez l'enfant normal; etude experimentale. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1911, xv, 181-19 1 -Homburger fT 1 Ueber Mastdarmtemperatur beim Kinde. Arch. t. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1898, xxv, 224-240.-.TIjrineseu (M.) Considerations sur la temperature axillaire chez les en- fants, principalement sur la valeur de petites Elevations au-dessus de 37°. Rev. mens. d. mal. de 1 enf., Par., 1897, xv 154-161 —Rougon (T.) Causes et conditions des modifications des temperatures chez l'homme et en par- ticulier chez l'enfant. Med. orient., Par., 1910, xiv, 611- 615 — Schelble (H.) Ueber Stamm- und Hauttempera- turen bei Sauglingeci Ztschr. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1911, Orig ii 62-72.—Wolff (A.) Zur Beurteilung der Tem- neraturschwankungen beim Kinde. Ibid., in, 128-154.— Zhukovski (V. P.) Temperaturniy kollaps novorozh- dennikh [Collapse of the newborn due to temperature] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1908, xv, 485. TEMPERATURE. 724 TEMPERATURE-SENSE. Temperature (Human) in disease. See, also, Fever; Fever (Malarial, Diagnosis, etc., of); Fevers (Causes, etc., of); Hyperpy- rexia. Clement (Z.-E.) *La temperature externe et la temperature interne du malade comparee dans un but de diagnostic. 8°. Paris, 1910. Etienxe (A.) ^Contribution a l'etude des temperatures morbides locales. 8°. Paris, 1901. Homberger (E.) * Untersuchungen fiber Verwertung der Hauttemperaturunterschiede zu diagnostischen Zwecken. 8°. Giessen, 1891. Kothe (K. G.) * Ueber das Initialstadium der typischen Krankheiten mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Temperaturverhaltnisse. 8°. Leipzig, 1868. Nebelthau (E.) Calorimetrische Untersu- chungen am hungernden Kaninchen im fieber- freien und fieberhaften Zustande. [Marburg.] 8°. Munchen, 1894. Strjemetchxa (Olga). * Contributions a l'e- tude des variations pathologiques des tempera- tures locales, principalement dans 1'aortite ab- dominale et l'entero-colite muco-membraneuse. 8°. Lyon, 1906. Anastay. Un procede rapide et pratique de prise de temperature dans les maladies chroniques. Marseille med., 1909, xlvi, 235-241.—Berg (H. M.) The distinctive character of the temperature curve of measles and of scarlet fever; and the treatment of hyperpyrexia in these diseases bv baths of increasing temperature. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxvi, 1-9.—Bramwell (B.) Lecture on temperature in health and disease. Clin. Stud., Edinb., 1906-7, n. s., v, 313-354.—Bridge (N.) Some observa- tions on human temperature in disease. Tr. Ass. M. Physicians, Phila., 1900, xv, 156-164. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxv, 139-142.—Chad wick (H. J.) Temperature and disease. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1899, xxiii, 329-333.—Dana (C. L.) Apoplexy in its relation to the temperature of the body, with a con- sideration of the question of heat centres. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1894, n. s., cvii, 652-663.—Gram (C.) Om For- holdet mellem Axil- og Rektaltemperaturer ved forskel- lige Sygdomme specielt om Hallagers Stigma hysteri- cum. [The relation between axillary and rectal temper- atures in different diseases, especially in Hallager's . . . ] Kj0benh. med. Selsk. Forh., 1902-8, 63-66.—Harkin (F. McD.) Temperature in disease. Phvsician & Surg., De- troit & Ann Arbor, 1899, xxi, 15-18.—Hathaway (H.) Temperature of the bodv in health and disease. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Columbus, 1886, xii, 329-334.—Rol- lick (A.), Schneider (K.) & WOhl (W.) Einige Versuche fiber das Verhalten der Eigentemperatur des gesunden und des nicht fiebernden kranken Menschen. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz., 1900, xxi, 104-120.— Leporini (F.) Sul fenomeno "elevazione termica per brusco passagio da una dieta liquida ad una solida" nel decorso delle microbiemie enterouvne ed enteropatiche. Tommasi, Napoli, 1909, ix, 520-522.—McCaskey (G. W.) The surface thermometry of the head in diseases of the brain. Fort Wayne M. Mag., 1896, iv, 455-464. — Mar- chand (L.) &01ivier. Trois cas d'hypothermie d'ori- gine nerveuse. Encephale, Par., 1907, ii, 237.—Mygge (J.) Om den diagnostiske Betydning af springende Tempera- turer. [The diagnostic significance of suddenly varying temperatures.1 Forhandl. v. nord. Kong. f. inv. med., Stockholm, 1896, i, 55-59.-----. Til Sp0rgsmaalet om Be- tydningenaf springendeTemperaturer. [The question of the significance of springing temperatures.] Hosp.-Tid., K0benh.,1898,4. R., vi, 1293; 1313.-----. Til Diskussionen om springende Temperaturer. Ibid., 1899, 4. R., vii, 132- 134. — Oertmann (E.) Bestimmung der Fieberhohe durch Dauermessung. Munchen. med.Wchnschr., 1904,li, 2140.—Ogle (J. W) On the temperature in certain affec- tions of the nervous system, but especially in tetanus; with observations and notes on the influence of remedies upon the temperature of the bodv. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1871-2, v, 71-104. Also, Reprint— PenzoldttF.) Ueber den Einfluss vonGemiitsbewegungen auf die Temperatur Kranker. Festschr. J. Rosenthal [etc.], Leipz., 1906, pt. 2, 77-84. — Poezobut (J.) Dyagnostyczne i prognos- tyczne znaczenie stosunku cieploty ciaia zewnetrznej do wenonetrznej w stanie patologicznym. [Diagnostic and prognostic importance of the relation of the external to the internal body temperature in a pathological condi- tion.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1905, 2. s., xxv, 1107; 1141; 1161; 1185. -----. Trzecie spraw«.zdanie o znaczeniu ter- mometrycznej roznicy cieploty ciala w stanach patolo- gicznych. [Third report on the importance of the ther- mometrie difference of the bodily heat in pathological conditions.] Czasopismo lek., Lodz, 1908, x, 12; 61; 100. Temperature (Human) in disease. -----. Sprawozdanie o dyagnostycznem i prognostycz- nem znaczeniu r6znicy miedzy cieplota ciala. vvewnetrzna i zewnetizna. w stanach patologicznych, a w szczeg61n6sci w chorobach serca. [Diagnostic and prognostic impor- tance of the difference in external and internal bodily temperature in various pathological conditions, and es- pecially in heart diseases.] Lwow. tvgod. lek., 1909, iv 235; 246; 258: 271— Roviiihi (A.) Ueber den Einfluss der kiinstlichen Erhohung und Hcrabsetzung der Kor- pertemperatur auf den Verlauf einiger infectioser Pro- cesse. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xvii, 291-293.— Shrady (J.) Temperature is an element in prognosis. Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1896, xiii, 212-218.—White (W. H.) Report on the position and relative value of such lesions of the brain as cause an alteration in the bodily tempe- ratuie. [Abstr.] Rep Scient. Grants Com. Brit.M. Ass. 1891-3, Lond., 1894, ii, 19-22. Temperature (Regulation of). See Bacteriology (Apparatus, etc., in); Tem- perature (Animal, Begulation, etc., of). Temperature-coefficients. Demoll (R.) & Stroll 1 (J.) Temperatur, Entwick- lung und Lebensdauer. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1909, xxix, 427-441.—Euler (H.) & Kullberg (S J Ueber den Temperaturkoeffizienten der Zersetzung von Inver- tase. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem.. Strassb., 1911, lxxi, 134- 142 —Kanitz (A.) Beziiglich der gleichgrundlegenden Bedeutung extrem grosser Temperaturkoeftizienten fiir das Entstehen und fiir die Dauer des Lebens. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen u.Berl , 1908-9, lii, 139-141. -----. Wei- tere Beitrage zur Abhangigkeit der Lebensvorgiinge von der Temperatur. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1910, lxx, 198-205.—Laurie (A. P.) On the temperature co- efficient of concentration cells, in which the same salt is dissolved in two different solvents. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1910-11, pt. 3. xxxi, 375-398. —Loeb (J.) Ueber den Temperaturkoeffizienten fiir die Lebensdauer kalt- bliitiger Thiere und iiber die Ursache des natiirlichen Todes. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1908, exxiv, 411- 426, 1 diag., 5 tab.—Moore (A. R.) The temperature- coefficient for the process of regeneration in Tubularia crocea. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1910, xxix, 146-149. -----. The temperature-coefficient of cytolysis in the case of the unfertilised egg of the sea- urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Quart. J. Ex- per. Physiol., Lond., 1910,iii,257-260—Plotntkow (J.) Photochemische Studien. IV. Ueber den photochemi- schen Temperaturkoeffizienten von Brom. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1911-12, lxxviii, 573-581. — Ri- chards (T. W.) Ueber den Temperaturkoeffizienten des Potentials der Kalomelelektrode mit verschiedenen gelosten Elektrolyten. [Mit Bemerkungen von A. Goc- kel.] Ibid., 1897, xxiv, 39; 703. — Bimbach (E.) & Weitzel (K.) Ueber die Temperaturkoeffizienten der Leitfahigkejt einiger Elektrolvte in nichtwiisserigen L6- sungsmitteln. Ibid., 1912, lxxix, 279-362. — Rogers (C. G.) Studies upon the temperature coefficient of the rate of heart beat in certain living animals. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1911, xxviii, 81-93.—Snyder (0. D.) Der Tempe- raturkoeffizient derFrequenzdesuberlebenden Sinusdes Froschherzensbei extremen Temperaturen und bei zu- nehmendem Alter des Praparates. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1907, 118-125. -----. Why do temperature coeffi- cients of physiological processes increase for the lower ranges and decrease for the higher ranges of tempera- ture? Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc,Bost., 1910, p. xxvii.-----. (in the meaning of variation in the magnitude of tem- perature coefficients of physiological processes. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1911, xxviii, 167-175. -----. On an inter- polation formula used in calculating temperature coeffi- cients for velocity of vital activities, together wiih a note on the velocity of nerve conduction in man. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1911, n. s., xxxiv, 415. — Trautz (M.) & Volkmann (K. T.) DerTemperaturkoeffizient chemischer Reaktionsgeschwindigkeiten. Ztschr. f. phy- siol. Chem., Leipz., 1908-11, lxiv-lxxvi, passim.—Wood- ruff (L. L.) & Baitsell (G. A.) The temperature co- efficient of the rate of reproduction of Paramaecium au- relia. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1911-12, xxix, 147-155.— Walden (P.) Ueber einige abnorme Temperaturko- d(vVK) effizienten der molekularen Oberflachenenergie j. von organischen Stoffen. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1910, lxxv, 555-577. Temperature-sense. See, also, Sense of temperature. Agliardi (L ) Ricerche intorno al senso della tem- peratura. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1899, 4.S., xlvii, 249-252.—AIrutz (S.) Om fornimmelsen hett. [Heat-sense.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1896-7, n. F., ii, 340-359. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Skandin. Arch. f. Phyiol., Leipz., 1897, vii, 321-340. -----. Studien auf dem Gebiete der Temperatursinne; die Hitzempfindung. Skandin. TEMPERATURE-SENSE. 725 TEMPORAL. Temperature-sense. Arch. f. Phvsiol., Leipz.. 1900, x, 310-352. -----. Ueber die sog. perversen Tenipcratiireinpfindungen. Ibid., 1906, xviii, 166-176.—Craw lord. (J. F.) A study of the temperature sense. Princeton Contrib. Psychol., 1897-8, ii, 169-173. Also: Psychol. Rev., X. Y. & Lond., 1898, v, 61-67.—Wessoir (M.) Ueber die centralen Organe fiir die Temperaturempflndungen der Extremitaten. Arch. f. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1893, 525-535.— Goldseheider (A.) Die speziflsche Energie der Temperaturnerven. Mo- natsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1884, iii, 198; 225. -----. Zur Dualitiit des Temperatursinnes. Arch. f. d ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 1886, xxxix, 96-120. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Leipz., 1898, i, 276-296.-----. Ueber die Reactionszeiten der Temperaturempflndungen. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1888, 560-564. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°. Leipz., 1898, i, 312-3.55. -----. Ueber die Reactionszeit der Temperaturemptindungen. In his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Leipz.. 1898, i, 297-300. -----. Ueber die Topographie des Temperatursinnes. Ibid., 301-304, 2 pl. -----. Epikritische Bemerkungen zur Lehre von den Temperaturpunkten. Dermat. Stud., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1910, xx, 41-47. -----. Ueber Henry Heads Lehre vom Temperatnrsinn der Haut. Med. Klin., Berl., 1911, vii, 293-295.—Henry (C.) Sur les relations de la sensi- bilite thermique avec la temperature. Compt. rend. Aead. d. sc, Par., 1896, exxii, 1437-1439.—Hesd8rlter (E.) Zur Pathologie und Physiologie der spinalen Teni- peratursinnesst6runs.r. Deuisches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1907, xci, 128-lxi—Hirsch (C.) & Roily (F.) Zur Warmetopographie des curaresirten Kaninchens nach Wiirmestich. Ibid.. 1902-3, lxxv, 807-319.—Hoi in (K. G.) Temperaturfornimmelsernas tidslangd vid kon- stant retningstemperatur. [Die Dauer der Temperatur- empflndungen bei konstanter Reiztemperatur. Uebers., p. xvi.] Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1901-2, n. F.. vii, 314-350. -----. Om kvarstaende temperaturfornimmelser vid konstant retningstemperatur. [Ueber bestehende Tem- peraturempflndungen bei constanter Reiztemperatur. Uebers, p. xxv.] Ibid., 544-552.—Kiesow (F.) Unter- suchungen iiber Temperaturempfindungen. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1895, xi, 135-145. -----. Ein einfacher Apparat zur Bestimmung der Empfindlichkeit von Temperatur- punkten. Ibid., 1898, xiv,.v.-Kie§ow (F.) & Ponzo (M.) Beobachtungen fiber die Reaktionszeiten der Tem- peraturemptindungen. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1910, xvi. 376-396—Lurasclii (C.) 11 termoestesiome- tro elettrico. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1894, xv, 1595-1597.— Morgan (J. L. R.) A simple constant-temperature bath for use at temperatures both above and below that of the room. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1911, xxxiii, 344-349— Neumann (F.) Beitriige zur Klinik des Wiirmesinnes. Deutches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1903, lxxvi. 10t'-141, 2 pl.-Nowmark (L.) A case which exhibited thermomonesthesia, a perversion of thermal sensation. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis.. Lancaster, Pa., 1911, xxxviii, 88-94.—Riley (W. H.) A study of the temperature sense. P>id., N. Y., 1894, xxi, 549-566.— Schmid (B. ) Ein Versuch iiber die Warmeempfindlichkeit von Zoea-Larven. Biol. Cen- tralbl., Erlang., 1911, xxxi, 538.—Shaw (T. C.) The personal equation in temperature feelings. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1912, xix, 103 -106. — Suuar (M.) Ueber abnorme Temperaturempfindungen; ein neues klinisches Svmptom. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1910, xxxvi, 561. — Vcrcss (E.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Topographie der Wanne-Empfind- lichkeit. Arch. f. d. ge-. Physiol., Bonn, 1902. lxxxix, 1-86, 3 pl., 3 diag.—Yost (R.) De forskjellige Methoder til Bestemmelse af Temperatur.-ansens Forhold under pathologiske Tilstande og deres Vard. [Des differentes methodes pour la constatation du sens des temperatures dans les etats pathologiques, et de leur valeur. Res., 480-483.1 Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1897, 4. R., xii, 369-115. Tempere (J). Mi'tor o/; .liicrographe (Le) preparateur, Pans, 1893-4. Tempesti (G. Carlo). Storia dell' estirpazione di un polipo voluminoso impiantato nella volta della faringe e nuovo strumento per estirpare que.sti polipi. 16 pp. 8°. Firenze, M. Cecchi, 1851. [P., v. 2228.] Repr.from: Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, l. ------. Delle iniezioni considerate qual metodo curativo dei tumori erettili; memoria inviata alia Societa medico-fisica fiorentina. 20 pp. 12°. Firenze, F. Bencini, 1855. Temple (J[ohn]T[aylor]) [1803- ]. Reply to Professor Pallen's attack on homoeopathy in his valedictory before the St. Louis University. 16 pp 8°. St. Louis, T. W. Ustid dc Co., 1853. Temple (Richard). Practice of physick; wherein is attempted a concise exposition of the characters, symptoms, causes of diseases, and methods of cure; with formuhe, in which such new articles are introduced as seem, from trial, to be valuable additions to the materia medica, with a copious index of diseases and medicines. The whole intended for the assist- ance of the young practitioner. 2. ed., with corrections and addit ons. xv, 344 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1798. Temple (Sir William). Miscellanea, the third part, containing: I. An essay on popular dis- contents. II. An essay upon health and long life. III. A defence of the essay upon antient and modern learning. With some other pieces. Published by Jonathan Swift. 3 p. 1., 368 pp. 12°. London, B. Tooke, 170'. Temple College, Philadelphia, Pa. Department of Medicine. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1901-2 to 1910-11. 8°. Philadelphia, 1903-10. Announcements for 1906-7 to 1910-11 contain list of students and graduates. Templemaii (Charles) [1858- ]. [Biography.] Countv & Municip. Rec, Glasg. & Edinb., 1906, viii, 101, port. Templeinan (Peter) [1711-69]. Curious re- marks and observations in physics, anatomy, chi- rurgery, chemistry, botany, and medicine. Ex- tracted from the history and memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris. Containing such useful discoveries as have not been collected by other writers on the same subjects. 2 v. xvi, 416 pp., 7 pl.; vi, 405 pp., 9 pl. 8°. London, C. Daris dc P. Vaillant, 1753-4. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1898, lvi, 53 (T. Cooper.) Temples. Delitzsch (F.) Babylonisch-assyrische Tempel und Tempelkulte. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1911, ii, 177-192. Temple-sleep. Hamilton (Mary). Incubation, or the cure of disease in pagan temples and Christian churches. 8°. St. Andrews, 1906. Templeton (J[ames] G.) To properly articu- late a set of teeth. 2 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 18^)4. Repr from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1894, xxxvi. Templier (Joseph-Edmond) [1875- ]. *De la gastro-entorite des nourrissons; etude critique. 64 pp. 8°. Paris, 1898, No. 495. Temporal bone. See, also, Auditory canal (External); Coch- lea; Mastoid process. Blaschy (R.) * Ueber die Crista supramas- toidea des Schliifenbeins. 4°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1896. Schonemann (A.) Schliifenbein und Schadel- basis, eine anatomisch-otriatische Studie. 4°. Zurich, 1906. Cutting from: N. Denkschr. d. allgem.schweiz.Gesellsch. f. d. gesaint. Naturwissensch., Zurich, 1906, xl. Alderton (H. A.) Some facts pertaining to the sur- gical anatomy of the temporal bone. Tr. Am. Otol. Soe., New Bedford, Mass., 1907, x, 556-561.—Am berg (E.) Some practical remarks on the anatomy of the temporal bone, with demonstrations. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1899, xxi, 513-522. [Discussion], 52/-531. Also, Reprint.—Angelotti (G.) Variazioni e lacune nella "parstvmpanica" del temporale. Attid. Soc. rom. di antrop., Roma, 1909-10, xv, 35-53, 1 pl. — Balden- weck. (L.) Recherches anatomiques sur la pointe du rocher. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1907, xxxiii, 122-137.—Berg (W.) Zur Corrosionsanato- mie des Schliifenbeins der Affen. Ztschr. f. Morphol. u. TEMPORAL. 726 TEMPORAL. Temporal bone. Anthrop., Stuttg., 1902-3, v, 315-345, 3pl.—Blumenthal (A.) Ueber Sehwellungen am Schliifenbein. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1912, xxxviii, 808-810.— Boot (G. W.) Development and structure of the tem- poral bone. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1911, xix, 515. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, lv, 563-565.—Bo vero (A.) Mancanzaquasi completa della squama temporalis nel cranio umanoassociato ad altre anomalie. Arch. ital. diotol. [etc.] .Torino-Palermo,1902-3,xiv,12-24.—Bovero (A.) & Calaiuida (U.) Canali emissari temporali squamosi e petro-squamosi. [Abstr.] Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.] 1902, Napoli, 1903, vi, 170-174.— Brown (J. A.) A transparent cast of the human tem- poral bone. Quart. Bull. M. Dep. Wash. Univ., St. Louis, 1904-5, iv, no. 1, 36-40. — Brlllil (G.) Eine Injections- methode des Felsenbeins. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1897, xiii, 93. -----. Entire separation of the squama from the petrosa and from the tympanic cavity in the temporal bone of an adult. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1911, xxi, 973. -----. Schlafenbein mit Dehiscenz des Proc. mastoideus, des Sulcus sigmoideus und einem Bulbus superior. Monat- schr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl. u. Wien, 1912, xlvi, 275-277. -----. Vollkommene Trennung der Schuppe vom iibri- gen Schlafenbein beim Erwachsenen. Ibid., 277-279.— Buhe (E.) Zwei seltene anatomische Befunde am Schla- fenbein, 1. nach 35jahriger Facialisliihmung; 2. bei Defect des Bulbus venae jugularis und des Sinus sig- moideus. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1902-3, lvii, 101-103.— Busch (H.) Neue Rontgenaufnahmen vom Schla- fenbein am Lebenden. Beitr. z. Anat., Phvsiol., Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres [etc.], Berl., 1910, iii, 427^33.—Carli (C.) Contributo alio studio della Pars mastoidea del temporale umano con speciale riguardo alia conoscenza dell' antroparamastoideo. Arch. ital. di anat. e di em- briol., Firenze, 1903, ii, 87-93.—Cheatle (A. H.) Speci- mens of the recess under the Fallopian aqueduct, and of a recess outside the pyramid. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Knigdom, Lond., 1900, i, 45,1 pl. -----. A few notes on two hun- dred and fifty temporal bones of all ages, sectioned ver- tically through the antrum and mastoid process. Ibid., 1904-5,vi,43. Also: J.Laryngol.,Lond., 1905,xx. 150.—Ohiu- cini (G.) Un metodo di sezione anatomica dell' osso tem- porale. Boll, d.mal.d. orecchio, d. gola ed. naso, Firenze, 1896, xiv, 1-8. Also, transl: Cong, internat. d'otol. C.-r. 1895, Florence, 1897, v, 244-251. Also, transl: J. Laryngol., Lond., 1896, xi, 245-249.—Clarke (J. J.l Some observa- tions on the temporal bone, chierlv in childhood. J. Anat. & Physiol.,Lond.,1892-3,xxvii,41 i-414.—f ollet. Anoma- lies du sinus lateral. Lyon med.. 190-i.civ, 1081.—Cutore (G.) Frequenza e comportamento dei canali perforanti arteriosi nella squama temporale dell' uomo. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1905, xvi, 16; 32. -----. Ancora di uno speciale canale perforante arterioso nella squama temporale dell' uomo. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1906, xxix, 579- 586.—D'Ajutolo (G.) Dell' importanza delle linee di sutura mastoido-timpanica e squamoso-timpanica nel- V attico-antrotomia. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di larin- gol. [etc.] 1902, Napoli, 1903, vi, 313.-----. Deiscenze mul- tiple in un osso temporale umano. Ibid., 1903, vi, 313.— Dieterich (K.) Fragmente zurgenaueren Kenntniss der Schlafenbeine einiger schweizerischer Saugethiere. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. ^wissensch. Med., Berl., 1841, 55-88, 1 pl. — Dieulafe. Anomalies de l'apo- physe styloi'de. Toulouse m6d., 1901, 2. s., iii, 172-174.— Dunning (W. M.) A discussion of the surgical anat- omy of the temporal bone. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1912, xxvi, 244-248— Bijkman (P. H.) Der Processus sty- loideus. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1903-4, vii, 100, 1 pl.—Elsworth (R. C.) Remarks on the anatomy of the temporal bone. Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & Laryngol., St. Louis, 1902, xi, 785. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 615. -----. Some points in the anatomy of the temporal bone. J. Laryngol., Lond., 1904, xix, 173-179, 2 pl.—Folli (R.) Ricerche sulla morfologia della cavita glenoidea nelle razze umane. Arch, per P antrop., Firenze, 1899, xxix, 161-202 —Frey (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Anatomie des Sehliifenbeines. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1906, lxviii, 44-62.—Fuclis (H.) Ueber die morphologische Bedeutung des Squamosums am Saugetierschadel. Ztschr. f Morphol. u. Anthrop., Stuttg., 1907, x, 147-170,1 pl.—Fiirst (CM.) Einige Beob- achtungen fiber die Spina supra meatum. Nord. Med. Ark., Stockholm, 1895, n. f., v, no. 15. Also, Reprint.— Giuftrida-Buggeri (V.) II canale infrasquamoso di Gruber e altre particolarita morfologiche nella regione temporale (canale interstiziale e processo ensiforme). Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1904, xv, 298-303.— Gruber (J.) Ueber eine abnorme Hohle im Felsentheile des Schlafenbeins. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1x95, xxix, 453-456.—Hakase (H. Ami). On the sinus transversus of the temporal bone. Sei-i-Kvvai M. J., T6ky6, 1910, xxix, no. 3.—Hartiuaim (A.) Ueber durch fibrose Membranen ausgefullte DehKcenzen im Schlafenbein. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. 1 .esellsch., Jena, 1895, iv,4-6.— Hastings(H.) Section of temporal bone; temporal bone of child; metal east of ear. Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & Laryn- gol., St. Louis. 1906, xv, 253.—Held (R.J.) Observations on the temporal bone. Tr. Am. Laryngol., Rhinol. Temporal bone. & Otol. Soc, St. Louis, 1907, 297-320. Also: Laryngo- scope, St. Louis, 1908, xviii, 347-359.—Hcrschel (K.) Rontgenographien des Felsenbeins. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen Hamb., 1909, xiii, 239, 1 pl.— Hoeve (H. J. H.) The pars sigmoidalis sinus lateralis and its relation to processus mastoideus ossis temporalis. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1909, xix, 853-860.—lacobo- vici (I. M.) Conformajia interiorara a stancei. [In- tornal conformation of the petrous bone.] Spitalul, Bu- curescI, 1904, xxiv, 502-511.—IwanofT (A.) Leber einige topographische Veranderungen des Schlafenbeins in Abhiingigkeit von der Sehiidelform. Arch. f. Oh- renh., Leipz., 1904, lxi, 76-101— Jourdain (S.) Essai d'une theorie du temporal. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1894, cxviii, 1160-1162 —Kanasugi (H.-E.) Con- tribution a l'etude de la region mastoi'dienne de l'os tem- poral. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1908, ii, 401- 405.—Katz (L.) Zur Frage der sogenannten gefiihrli- chen Schlafenbeine; Berichtigung des Referatesdes Herrn Geheimrathes Professor Dr. Trautmann zur: Oto-chirur- gischen Anatomie des Schliifenbeines, von Dr. W. Okada aus Tokio. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz, 1899, xlvii, 183.— Kazzander (J.) Notiz fiber die Pneumatisation des Schlafenbeines beim Menschen. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1905, xxvi, 212-218.—KOrner (O.) Sehiidelform und Topo- graphie des Schliifenbeins; eine Entgegnung an Otto Schiilzke. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1890, xxx, 133-136. -----. A study of some topographical relations of the temporal bone. Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1892, xxi, 431-437. -----. Randall's Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss der Sehiidelform auf topographisch wichtige Verhaltnisse am Schlafenbein. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1893, xxiv, 173-177.—Lathi (P.) La crista petrosa del temporale. Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol., Firenze, 1903, ii, 206-215, 2 pl.—Laid.law(P. P.) Some peculiar features in a tem- poral bone. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1902-3, xxxvii, 364-367.—Lanzi (L.) Le anomalie della pars mastoidea del temporale umano. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena, 1907,99-125.-----. Variabilitydiconfigurazione del processo mastoideo del temporale umano. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1910, xxvi, 586-590.—Macallster (G. H. K.) Rudi- mentary condition of the carotid canal. J. Anat. & Phy- siol., Lond., 1902-3, xxxvii, 362.—MaeDonnell (R. L.) Congenital absenceof the petrous portion of the temporal bone. Proc. Med.-Chir. Soc Montreal (1885-7), 1888,193.— Iloclii (A.) Variazioni della squama del temporale e della sutura squamosa. Arch, per P antrop., Firenze, 1908, xxxviii, 181-1x8, 1 pl.— mole (H. F.) Metallic corrosion casts of the temporal bone. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1906-7, viii, 16. Also: J. Laryngol., Lond., 1907,xxii, 95-103.—Ulouret (J.) Sur une voie de communication directe entre l'antre mastoi'dien et la face posterieure du roeher. Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhinol., Par., 1904, vii, 218-220. -----. Des cavites pneumatiques annexees a l'oreille; cellulespe4xeuses. Rev. hebd.de laryngol.[etc.]. Par., 1904, i, 109-113. -----. Nouvelles recherches sur les cellules petreuses. Ibid., ii, 753-768,7 pl.—Mouret(J.)i Rouviere (H.) Note sur le canalis petroso-masto'ideus. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Nancy, 1904, vi, 167.— Muck (O.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der gefahrlichen Fel- senbeine. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1907, liv, 307-310.— Panse (R.) Eine einfache Art, das Schlafenbein zur mikroskopischen Untersuchung zu zerlegen. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1903, lviii, 129.—Fell (G.) La cavita glenoidea dell' osso temporale nei sani di mente, negli alienati e nei criminali. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1905, 8. s., v, 169-177, 1 tab. Also [Abstr.l: Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1905, xxvi, 29-32. Also [Abstr.]; Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1905, xxxi, 319.— Pensa (A.) Osservazioni sulla "spina supra mea- tum." Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1907, xxi, 272-284, 2 pl.—Ferrod (G.) Un nuovo carattere regres- sive della fossetta glenoidea, frequente nei criminali. Riv. di med. leg., Milano, 1898-9, ii, 376. Also: Riv. mens. di psichiat. forense, Napoli, 1898, i, 349.—Piet. Contri- bution a l'etude des canaux de l'os temporal. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1900, ii, 481; 605; 529.—Bamirez San- talo (A.) Una anomalia rarisima del temporal. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1911, 3. s., i, 40-42. Also: Rev. san. mil. y Med. mil. espafi., Madrid, 1911, v, 40-42.—Randall (B. A.) Can important topographical relations of the temporal bone be determined from the form of the skull? As answered in part by five hundred skull-measurements. Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1894, xxiii, 162-170. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1895, xxvii, 16-21.—Bau ber (A.) Schlafenbein des Menschen ohne Pars tympanica, mit Hammer-Rudiment. Morphol. Jahrb. Leipz., 1907, xxxvii, 1-9,1 pl.—Bejto (S.) Vizsgalatok s sziklaeson- ton. [Investigations of the petrous portion of the tempo- ral bone.] Fuleszet, Budapest, 1909, 17.—Boot (G. W.) Demonstration of specimens of temporal bone, illustrat- ing growth from infant to adult. Laryngoscope, St. Louis. 1910, xx, 503.—BudlotT(P.) Ueber den Verlauf des Sinus sigmoideus am kindlichen Schlafenbeine. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1903, xiv, 220-223.—Bufllni (A.) Di una singolarissima anomalia in un osso tem porale dell' uomo. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1899, xvi, 381-388 TEMPORAL. 727 TEMPORAL. Temporal bone. -----. Di alcune rare anomalie nella pars mastoidea del temporale umano. Bibliog. anat., Par. & Nancy, 1907-8, xvii, 86-93. -----. Ricerche anatomiche ed anatomo- comparate sullo sviluppo della pars periodico-mastoidea del temporale e sul significato dell' apofisi mastoide. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1910, xxvii, 265-374,4 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Atti d. Soc rom. di antrop., Roma, 1909-10, xv, 61-64.—Schoeiieniann. Bestehen Beziehungen zwischen Konfiguration der Pau- kenhohle? Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1905, 1, 300. — Schiilzke (O.) Ueber die Moglichkeit, einige fiirdie operative Eroffnung des Warzenfortsatzes topographisch- anatomisch wichtige Verhaltnisse vor der Operation zu erkennen und iiber den praktischen Wert einer solchen Erkenntnis. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1899, xxix, 161-200. See, also, supra, Korner.—von Scliuli- maclier (S.) Ein Modell vom menschlichen Schlii- fenbein. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1908, xxxii, 549-561. — von Stein (S.) Ein Beitrag zur mikroskopischen Technik des Schlafenbeines. Ibid., 1900, xvii, 397-399.— Tenchini (L.) Sopra il canale infrasquamoso di Gru- ber nell' uomo. Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol., Firenze, 1904, iii, 1-36, 3 pl. Also: Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1903, xiv, 202.—de la Vega (J.) El temporal en el principio de la vida. Bol. d Inst, patol., Mexico, 1906-7, 2. ep., iv, 55: 111.—Vital! (G.) Un caso disvilup- po considerevole del seno giugulare. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1903, xxiv, 11-15.—Kiba, (S.) Ueber die chondrometa- plastische Osteogenese bei derenchondralen Ossifikation des menschlichen Felsenbeines. Ztschr. f. Morphol. u. Anthrop., Stuttg., 1910, xiii, 157-174, 4 pl.—Zucker- kandl (E.) Beitrag zur Anatomie des Schliifebeines. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1895, xxix, 309-312. Temporal bone (Abscess of). See Temporal bone (Inflammation, etc., of). Temporal bone (Cancer of). Hennebert. Carcinome epithelial du temporal (cas clinique). Bull. Soc. beige d'otol. et de laryngol., Brux., 1896, l, 11.—Sturm. Zur Kenntniss des primiiren Plat- tenepithelkrebses im Schlafenbeine. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1901, xl, 276-283. Also, transl: Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1904, xxxiii, 30-35.—Williams (P. W.) Malignant growth of the right temporal bone, with extension through the external meatus, resembling an aural polvpus. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Otol. Sect., 85-88. Temporal bone (Caries and necrosis of). See, also, Mastoid process (Caries and nec- rosis of). Felgner ([W.] P.) * Welchen Werth hat die mikroskopische und chemische Unter- suchung des Eiters fiir die Diagnose der Caries des Schlafenbeins? 8°. Halle a. S., 1893. Merkel (L.) * Beitrage zur Lehre von der Caries des Felsenbeins. 8°. Gottingen, 1892. Barck (C.) A case of carious destruction of the entire pyramid of the temporal bone. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago," 1893, xxi, 759.—Broeckaert. Carie etendue du temporal, avec vaste phlegmon diffus du cuir chevelu; operation; guerison. Bull. Soc. beige d'otol. [etc.], Brux., 1899, iv, 63-65.—Buys. Carie du rocher et me- ningo-enc^phalite suppuree. Bull. Soc. beige d'otol. et de laryngol., Brux., 1898, iii, 46.—< auzard (P.) Carie des deux rochers; ablation de toute la partie petreuse de la base du crane. Bull, de laryngol., otol., et rhinol. Par., 1905, viii, 45-51.—Cheval (V.) Carie du rocher, thrombo-phlebite du sinus lateral gauche, pneumonie droite septique; evidemment petro-masto'idien; excision du sinus lateral gauche; guerison. Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1907, lxv, 104-107.—Citelli (S.) Necrosi del labirinto e di tutta la rocca petrosa. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1902-3, xiv, 274-280. Also transl: J. Ophth., Otol. >toosklerosis svphilitica des Stirnbeins. [Transl.] Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1899, xxix, 404-409.— Fa"-"-e (C H) Specimen of tuberculous disease of the temporal bone. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1902 iii, 17, 1 pl.—Home (W. J.) The clinical diagnosisand surgical treatment of tuberculosis of the temporal bone, considered with reference to the pathology and morbid anatomv of the disease. Ibid., 1902-3, iv, 40-46. [Dis eusslonj. 68-84. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 77-79. Temporal bone (Tuberculosis of). Also: J. Laryngol., Lond., 1903, xviii, 131. '[Discussion], lo5; 188.— Koerner (O.) Tuberculose des Schliifen- beins; Uebergang der Tuberculose auf die Basis des Schlafenlappens. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., BerL, 1894, xxviii, 277-280. Also, Reprint.— Pistre (E.) Tumeur tuberculeuse diffuse du temporal prise pour un sarcome; cure radicale; guerison; mort ulterieure par tuberculose pulmonaiie. Rev.hebd.de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1909, l, 449-159—Bopke. Ein Fall von ausgedehnter Tuber- kulose des Schlafenbeines mit intrakraniellen Kompli- kationen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 187.— West (C. E.) Four cases of tuberculous disease of the temporal bone. Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 1321. Temporal bone (Tumors of). See, also, Mastoid process (Tumors of). Dieckekt (J. (j.) * Ueber doppelseitiges Cholosteatom des Schlafenbeins mit doppelsei- tiger Sinusthrombose. 8°. Greifswald, 1906. Fricke (C.) * Ein durch Operation geheilter Fall von primiirem myelogenem Sarcom des Schlafenbeines. 8°. Rostock, 1893. Gscuwandler (H.) * Ein interessanter Fall von Hohlenbildung im Schlafenbein durch Cholesteatom. 8°. Munchen, 1906. Hucklenbroich (P.) * Ueber einen Fall von Osteom nebst Mucocele der Stirnhohle, sowie iiber einen Fall von Sarkom des Siebbeins. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1905. Reixhold (G.) * Ueber einen Fall von 61- haltiger Dermoidcyste auf der linken Schlafen- beinschuppe. [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Tubingen, 1893. Barck (C.) A case of "colesteatoma" of the tempo- ral bone. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1894, lxvi, 346.—Blau (L.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Cholesteatoma des Schliifebeines. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, xxxiii, 29-31. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1895), 1896, xxvi, pt. 2, 333-340.—Bo wen (W. H.) A case of sar- coma of the petrous bone. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, i, 1546. — Box (0. R.) Malignant intra-cranial growth arising in the petrous bone. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1897, xxiv, 269.—Calabrese (F.) Cisti dermoi- dale congenita alia regione temporale destra notevole pelsuoprolungarsi sino alia cavita orbitaria attraverso un anomalo canale fra le lamine dell' osso frontale. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1894, xlii, 1153- 1164.—t'apuz Ballester (M.) Caso de queratoma. Rev. valenc de cien. med., Valencia, 1899, i, 357.—Cath- eart (C. W.) A case of very extensive excavation of the temporal bone from cholesteatoma. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1902-3, n. s., xxii, 10.—Claoue (R.) Deux cas de cholesteatome volumineux du temporal. Pun avant envahi une partie du labyrinthe. Arcli. internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1901, xviii, 794. Also: Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhinol., Par., 1904, vii, 228. -----. Un cas de cholesteatome volumineux du temporal ayant de- nude le sinus lateral et envahi une partie du labyrinthe. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxv, 79.— Danziger (F.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Felsenbein- carcinoms. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz , 1896, xii, 35-41.— Uoerke. Fall von Schlafenbeintumor. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1906, Bresl., 1907, lxxxiv, 127-129.—troris. Osteo-sarcome de la fosse temporo- zygomatique; extirpation de la tumeur avec resection cranienne; guerison. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1906, xiii, 60-64.— Hrant (J. D.) Case of endothelioma of the temporal bone. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Otol. Sect., 32.— fi rasby (W. W.) A deutigerous cyst in theteinporalboneofthehor.se.' Vet. J., Lond., 1905, n. s., xii, 176-178.— Gruber. On the operative treatment of cholesteatoma in the temporal bone. J. Laryngol., Lond., 1897, xii, 250.—Grunert. Demonstration ope- rirter Fiille von Cholesteatom des Schlafenbeines. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xl, 14-16. Also: Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S. 1892-3, Munchen, 1894, iii, 22-27.—Hamand. Lipome de la loge temporale. Bull. et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1910, lxxxv, 934.—Haug. Beitrag zur Casuistik und pathologisehen Histologie der malignen Tumoren des Schlafenbeines; Endothelcarci- nom des Schlafenbeines mit Recurrens und Hypoglos- susliihmung, Durchbruch in die Schiidelhohle und Vor- wuchern an die Schadelbasis. Arch.f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1899, xlvii, 113-123.— Hegeiier (J.) Beitrage zur Klinik und Histologie sarcomatoser Geschwiilste des Schlafen- beines. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1900, xxxvii, 117-136, 2 pl. Also, transl : Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1900, xxix, 462-470.— Ilennebert. Cholesteatome vrai du temporal. Bull. de laryngol., otol. et rhinol.. Par., 1911, xiv, 292—Jac- ques. Volumineux cholesteatome du temporal opere etgueri. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r., 1901-2, 67-70 — Klpp (C. J.) A case of sarcoma of the temporal bone. TEMPORAL. 730 TEMPORO-MAXILLARY. Temporal bone (Tumors of). Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, N. Bedford, 1902, viii, 63-68, lpl. Also: Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1903, xiii, 41-44.—Kirchncr. Acaseof sarcoma of the petrous bone. J. Laryngol., Lond., 1895,ix,817.—K lua (N.) Cholesteatoma a halant^kcsont- ban, saccus endolymphaticus empy<5maja, meningitis pnrulenta. [... of the temporal bone, empyema of .. .] Orr-,gege-esfulgy6gy.,Budapest,1904,114-121.—Kiirner (O.) Die Literatiir fiber das Chlorom des Schlafenbeins una des Ohres. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1896-7, xxx, 229. -----. Nachtrag zur Literatur fiber das Chlorom des Ohres und des Schlafenbeines. Ibid., 1897, xxxii, 79.— Krepuska (G.) A sziklacsont cholesteatornaja szo- vodve a sinus-sigmoideus, valamint a vena jugularis in- terna thrombophlebitiserel. [Cholesteatoma of the pe- trous bone complicated with the sigmoid sinus and with internal thrombophlebitis of the jugular vein.] Orr-, gege- es fulg6gy., Budapest, 1904, 182 -187. — Kill- neff (N.) Ett fall a sarcoma giganto-cellulare partis petrosae ossis temp, dextri. „ Hygiea, Stockholm, 1898, lx, 338-358.—Lichtwitz. Elimination d'un cholestea- tome volumineux du temporal par une vaste breche du conduit auditif osseux. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bor- deaux, 1898, xix, 64.—LiUbarsch (O.) Zur Kenntniss der Chlorome des Schlafenbeins. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1898, xxxii, 129-142.—L.ubet-Barbon. Obser- vations sur un cas de vaste cholesteatome du temporal. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc], Par., 1898, xi, 546- 649.—ftlassabuau. Un cas de kyste hydatique de l'os temporal. Montpel. med., 1907, xxiv, 185-189. — Nado- leczny (M.) Ein Endotheliom des Schlafenbeines. Arch. L Ohrenh., Leipz., 1899, xlvii, 126-134.—Paterson (D. R.) Case of endothelioma of temporal bone. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, no. 6, Otol. Sect., 61.— Ferret. Osteosarcome du temporal. Lyon med., 1910, xlii, 821. — Bedmer (K.) Ueber Spontanheilung von Cholesteatomen und cholesteatomiihnlichen Erkrankun- gen in den Hohlraumen des Schliifenbeins. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1895-6, xxviii, 265-277.-----. On the spontaneous recovery of cholesteatoma and cholesteatoid affections in the temporal bone. Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1896, xxv, 375-384. — Beeks (H. C.) A tumour-like growth resulting from faulty development of the petrous tempo- ral bone in a horse; its successful removal. J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1908, xxi, 339-343.— Beinhard (C.) Die Behandlung des Cholesteatoms des Felsenbeines mit persistenter retroauricularer Oeff- nung. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1894, xxvi, 144-151.— Beinhold (G.) Ein Fall von Oelcyste auf der linken Schliifenbeinschuppe. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1894, xi, 127-129, 2 pl. —Bichardson (W. L.) & Wal- ton (G. L.) Case of temporo-sphenoidal tumor present- ing symptoms suggestive of abscess. Boston M. & S. J., 1897, cxxxvii, 169-171.—Boyet (G.) Volumineux sar- come de l'os temporal droit. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1907-8, xiii, 336-338. — Sattler (R.) Secondary cholesteatoma of the temporal bone. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1897, n. s., xxxviii, 222. — Schmeden. Ein Tu- mor der Felsenbeinpyramide. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch., Jena, 1899, viii, 24-28. Also: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1899, xxxv, 152. — Schwabach (D.l & Bielschowsky (M.) Ein Fall von Myxo-Fibrom des Felsenbeins mit multipler Hirnnervenlahmung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1909, xxxv, 793-795. — Schwartze (H.) Cholesteatoma verum squamae ossis temporum. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1896, xii, 207,1 pl. -----. Historische Notiz iioer Cholesteatom des Schlafenbeins. Ibid., 1901, liv, 139-146.—Seift"er(W.) & Koch (M.) Ueber ein myelogenes Sarcom. der rech- ten Felsenbeinpyramide. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1900, xxv, 477-493. Sprague (F. B.) A case of adenocarcinoma involving the cartilaginous meatus and the squamous and mastoid portions of the temporal bone. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, N. Bedford, Mass., 1898-9,xii, 265-270.—Stein. brligge (H.) Ein Fall von Cholesteatom des Schlafen- beins. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, xxxiii, 580. —Tissot (J.) Vaste cholesteatome du temporal droit consecutif a uneotite double purulente chronique. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1899, xii, 409-412. — Waring (H. I.) Cholesteatoma of the temporal bone and its treatment. Edinb. M. J., 1901, n. s., ix, 152-157. Temporal bone (Wounds and injuries of). See, also, Ear ( Wounds, etc., of); Mastoid process ( Wounds and injuries of); Temporal bone (Fractures of). Gabourd (T.) * Complications orbito-ocu- laires des coups de feu de la tempe. 8°. Li/on, 1908. Bonnet (L.) Balles de revolver enlevees de la fosse temporale apres reperage radiographique. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1912, xxiii, 255-258.—Kilmer. Schuss- verletzung des Schlafenbeins. Kor.-Bl. d. allg. meck- lenb. Aerztever., Rostock, 1897, No. 184,499.— lUanassc. Die Folgezustande deT Verletzungen des Schlafenbeines. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch., Jena, 1910, xix, Temporal bone ( Wounds and in'niries of). 18-30.—MOllor (F.) Corpus alienum fosste temporalis Eira, Stockholm. 1897, xxi, 317.—Prej sinn (II.) Schussi verletzung des Schlafenbeins; Ausmeisselung der Kuge- nach zwei Jahren. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb 1«97 xxxii, 62-64.—Begnault (F.) Forme en lamede sabre de l'apophyse coronoide consecutive a la destruction par- tielle du muscle temporal. Bull, et mem. Soc d'anthrop de Par., 1909, 5. s., x, 577.—Bueda. Via original para la extracci6n de un proyectil enclavado en la cara in- ferior del temporal. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract Ma- drid, 1907, lxxv, 395-397.—Zakker (A. V.) Sluchal na- khozhdeniya pri pomoshtshi Roentgenovskikh luchel puli, pronikshel cherez ukho v visochnuvu kost. [Bullet penetrating through the ear to the temporal bone, loca- ted by the Roentgen ravs.] Yezhemles. Ushn., Gorlov i Nosov. Boliezn., S.-Peterb., 1906, i, 313-316. Temporal region. Case (E. C.) The significance of certain changes in the temporal region of the primitive Reptilia. Am Naturalist, Bost., 1898, xxxii, 69-74.— Corner (E. M.j On the temporal fossa. J. Anat. & Phvsiol., Lond 1895-6, xxx, 377-385.—liigniere (M.) Sulle arterie della fossa temporalis nell' uomo; appuntidi anatomia descrit- tiva e topografica. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1905, xvi, 273-J9J.—INeumann-Kneucker (A.) Der Mus- culus temporalis und seine Beziehung zur inneren Al- veolarwand des unteren Weisheitszahnes. Oesterr.- ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1910, xxvi, 391-394.— Begnault (F.) Forme excavee de la fosse temporale Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1896, lxxi, 717-719. Temporal region (Diseases and tumors of). Almkvist (J.) Ett fall af plexiformt sarkom (en- doteliom, s. k. cylindrom) fran tinningtrakten. [Cas de sarcome plexiforme (endotheliome, "cylindrome") de la region temporale. C. r.] Nord. med. Ark., Stock- holm, 1894, n. F., iv, 5. Hft., 1-23, lpl.—Beclere (A.) Un cas d'epithelioma vegetant de la region temporo- maxillaire gueri par la radiotherapie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 627-635.— Butler (T. L.) Epithelioma of the temporal re- gion. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1902-3, ix, 491.— Dubreuille & Petges. Ulcus rodens de la region temporale droite. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1907, xxxvii, 443.—Happel (T. J.) An operation upon a patient ninety-two years of age. St. Louis Clinique, 1898, xi, 134-136. Also: Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1897- 8, x, 156.—Kenerson (V.) [Epithelioma of left tem- poral region; operation.] N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1905, v, 45-47.—morales Perez (A.) El fiegm6n de la regi6n temporal. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1910, liv, 6-8.— Pearson (C. Y.) Successful operation for a case of pulsating tumour of the temporal region of eighteen years' standing. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1896, cii, 484-488, 1 pl. Also: Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1896, xiv, 161-166, 1 pl.—Kaoult (A.) Phlegmon de la fosse temporale externe d'origine otique. Rev. hebd. de laryn- gol. [etc.], Par., 1902, ii, 520-523.—Kichet(A.) Tumeur erectile de la region temporale; observation; diag- nostic. In his: Clin, chir., 8°, Par., 1893, 607-623. -----. Tumeur Erectile de la region temporale; anatomie pathologique des aneurysmes arterio-veineux et des tu- meurs erectiles, deductions operatoires: methode des in- jections au perchlorure de fer. Ibid., 624-639.—Thur- stone (E. O.) Case of sarcoma of the temporal fascia. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1907, xlii, 139. Temporary Home and Day Nursery Society. Annual reports of the board of managers to the society. 1890-91 to 1891-2 (2.-3.); 1896-7 to 1898-9 (8.-10.); 1900-1901 to 1902-3 (12.-14.). 8°. Worcester, 1891-1903. Temporary Home for Working Women, Bos- ton. Annual reports of the board of managers. 1882 (5.); 1886 (9.); 1887 (10.); 1KS9 (12.); 1893 (16.); 1897 (20.); 1902 (25.); 1907-8(30.). 12°. Boston, 1881-1908. Teinporibus (De) et modis recte purgandi in morbis, tractatus elegans juxta ac doctus, sum- mequead Hippocratis, Galeni, Avicennpe, et c;e- terorum medicorum scripta intelligenda neces- sarius. Nobili socio salodiensi medico autore. 360 pp., 4 1. 24°. Lugduni, apud S. B. Hono- rati, 1555. Temporo-maxillary articulation. See Jaw (Lower); Jaws (Ankylosis, etc., of); Jaws (Dislocation of). TEMULENT1SM. 73: Temulentism. Boss! (C.) Temulentismo e gittagismo; contributo alia patologia del contadino. [Lolium temulentum.] Cesalpino, Arezzo, 1907, iii, 3; 32. Ten'a. Jette (J.) On the medicine-men of the Ten'a. J. Roy. Anthrop. Inst. Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Loud., 1907, ■ xxxvii, 157-188. -----. On Ten'a folk-lore. Ibid., 1908, xxxviii, 298-367. Tenaculum. Cott'ey (R. C.) A new tenaculum. Phila. M. J., 1901, vii, 697-700. Tenalgia. Akerblom (N. V.) Peritenitis (tenalgia) intra-del- toidea. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1906, 3. f., vi, afd. 1, no. 7,1-8. Tenbaum (Ernst) [1865- ]. * Ueber Kalk- ausscheidung durch den Harn bei Diabetes. 29 pp., 11. 8°. Marburg, 1896. Ten Broeck (P. G. S.) For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Ten Cate. See ten Cate. Teneliini (Lorenzo) [1852-1906]. Anatomia descrittiva. 3 v. 16°. Milano, F. Yallardi, [1892]. -----. Cervelli di delinquenti (superficie infe- riore); ricerche di anatomia. Memoria quarta. 42 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8°. Parma, L. Battei, 1895. -----. Compendio di anatomia umana normale. 2 v. xv, 342 pp.; ix, 406 pp., 1 1. 12°. Mi- lano, [1901]. -----. Corso di embriogenesi. 1 p. 1., 171 pp.; atlas, 10 pl. 8°. Parma, L. Battei, [1905]. For Biography, see Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1906, xvii, 337-340 (F. L.). ■----- & Cavatorti (P.) Sulla morfologia della ghiandola tiroide normale nell' uomo; me- moria. 105 pp. -4°. Boma, U. Salriucci, 1908. ■----- & Ziiiimerl (U.) Sopra i cosi detti wormiani della fossa cranii anterior nell' uomo; communicazione preventiva. 5 pp. 8°. Parma, A. Bartoli, 1902. TencliinsRi. O proiskhozhdenii mineralnikh istochnikov. [On the origin of mineral springs.] 66 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, P. P. Poikin, 1893. Repr.from: Gorn. J., 1893. Tendeloo (N. Ph.) Studien iiber die Ursachen der Lungenkrankheiten. I. (physiologischer) Teil. xii, 480 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Berg- mann, 190[l-]2. -----. De ondeelbaarheid der geneeskundige wetenschap. Rede uitgesproken den 14. De- cember 1904. 36 pp. 8°. Leiden, S. C. ran Doesbure/h, 1904. Tendericli (Heinrich Franz) [1868- ]. *Un- tersuchungen iiber die Structur des normalen und des pathologisch veriinderten Knorpels. 48 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1892. Tendering (Karl). *Ein kasuistincher Bei- trag zur Lehre von der Hornhaut-Sklerose. 37 pp. 8°. Erlangen, F. Junge, 1898. Tendlau (Berthold). *Kommt den fliichtigen Bestandteilen des Thees eine grobere Wirkung auf den Menschen zu? 42 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, P. Schemer, 1897. Tendo Achillis. ATHABEorAX (L.) * Ueber die Lage der Achillessehne bei verschiedenen Fussetellungen und bei Kontraktion der Wadenmuskulatur. [Zurich.] 8°. Wiesbaden, 1903. Also, in: Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1903, i, 183-209. Alezais. Le tendon d'Achille chez l'homme. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Nancy, 1902, iv, 86.—Biro (M.) Zaburzenia odruchu z jednego sciegna Achillesa; wiad rdzenia i cierpienie nerwu kulszowego. [Reflex dis- turbances in the tendo Achillis of one side; tabes and ischias.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1900, xxviii, 781; 808.— TENDO. Tendo Achillis. Hirsch (H. H.) Das Verhalten der Achillessehne bei Kontraktion der Wadenmuskulatur. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xxv, 33-36. — ftlacalister (A.) Tendo Achillis. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1898-9, xxxiii, 676-678.—ITIevcs ( F.) Ueber die Zellen des Sesambeins in der Achillessehne des Frosches (Rana temporaria) und iiber ihre Centralkorper. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1895, xiv, 133-144, 1 pl.—IT! ii Her (E.) Das Ver- halten der Achillessehne bei Kontraktion der Waden- muskulatur. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xxv, 300.— Parsons (F. G.) On the morphology of the tendo Achillis. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1893-4, xxviii, 414- 418.—Tubby (,A. H.) Right-angled contraction of the tendo Achillis as a cause of halting and stumbling in children. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1906-7, vii, 267-273. Also: Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1907, iv, 521-526. Also: Internat. Clin., Phila., 1907, 17. s., iv, 249-254. Tendo Achillis (Diseases of). Lemee (J.-C.-M.-J.-M.-M.-P.) * Contribu- tion a l'etude de la pathologie du tendon d'Achille (cellulo-tendinite). 8°. Bordeaux, 1907. Albert (E.) Achillodynie. Wien. med. Presse, 1893, xxxiv, 41-43.—Baracz (R.) Zapalenie sciegna Achilesa na tie skazy moczanowej (tendinitis achillea uratica). Lwow. tygodn. lek., 19H0, i. 17. Also, transl: Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, xxxiii, 3-5.—de Bovis. A propos des achillodynies; contribution d, l'anatomie topogra- phique et a la pathologie de la face posterieure du talon. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1898, lxxiii, 745-751.—Breh- mann (G.) Eine typische Erkrankung der Achilles- sehne; Bemerkungen zu dem gleichnamigen Aufsatze von A. Schanz. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, xxxiii, L—Durst (F.) O achillodvniji. Lie6. viestnik, u Za- grebu, 1902, xxiv, 43-48.—Eshner (A. A.) Achillodynia. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 187. Also, Reprint.—Evans (W.) Case of ossification of the tendo Achillis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1898-9, xxxii, 280. — Fere (C.) Note sur l'achillodynie hysterique. Rev. neurol., Par., 1896, iv, 321-324.—Gergo (I.) Az Achilles-in egy sajatos megbe- tegedeserol (tendinitis achillea traumatica). Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906, 1, 1102.—Goldthwait (J. E.) A case of achillodynia due to an exostosis of the os calcis, associated with an interesting form of bursitis. Boston M. &S. J., 1897, cxxxvi, 515.—Ingianni (G.) Calcifi- cazione del tendine di Achille come postumo raro della Achillo-tenotomia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 670-674.—Kechek (A. S.) K voprosu ob achillodyni'i. Khirurg. Arkh. Velyaminova, S.-Peterb., 1910, xxvi, 710- 713.—Labougle (I.) La tenosite achilleenne, ou ma- ladie de Schanz. Caducee, Par., 1907, vii, 187.—L.loyd (S.) Achillo-bursitisanterior (achillodynia). Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y., 1898, iv, 663-667. Also, Reprint.—Pilcher (J. E.) Inflammation of the tendo Achillis as a military affection. Mil. Surgeon, Carlisle, Pa., 1908, xxii, 475- 478.—BSssler (A.) Zur Kenntniss der Achillodynie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1895, xlii, 274-291.— Kumme (R.) L'achillodynie. Tiibune med., Par., 1896, 2. s., xxviii, 266-269.—Rosenthal (L.) Bemer- kung zur Achillodynie. Wien. med. Presse, 1893, xxxiv, 365-367.—Schanz (A.) Eine typische Erkrankung der Achillessehne. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1905, xxxii, 1289-1291. See, also, supra, Drehmann.—Schiiller (M.) Bemerkung zur Achillodvnie. Wien. med. Presse, 1893, xxxiv, 241-243.— Trinkl'er (N. P.) Material! k klidikle i patologii achillodynii. [Data on the clinic and pathol- ogy of . . .] Laitop. russk. chir., S.-Peterb., 1896, i, 1020- 1032.—Wiesinger. Ueber symptomatische Achillo- dynie. Deutsche Ztschr. f.Chir., Leipz., 1896, xliii, 603-608. Tendo Achillis (Riipture and wounds of). See, also, Ankle-joint ( Wounds of). Friaques (R.) *Des ruptures sous-cutanees du tendon d'Achille. Nouveau proced6 de suture du a M. le professeur Poirier. 8°. Paris, 1897. Alezais. La torsion du tendon d'Achille chez l'homme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1899,11. s., i, 728—Andrew (J. G.) Ruptured tendo Achillis; sec- ondary suture. Glasgow M. J., 1907, lxviii, 130.—Brown (W. H.) Notes of three cases of rupture of the tendo Achillis; two compound and one simple. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 164.—Delore. Rupture du tendon d'Achille datant de trois mois; absence de reunion; avivement sous-cutane; guerison. J. de med. de Lyon, 1867, vii, 29 _ 34. _ IMttiuar (P.) Vier Falle von traumati- scher Achillodvnie. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1896, ii, 58. — Gersuny (R.) Die subcutane Zerreissung der Achillessehne. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xlvi, 1673-1676 —Gnidone (P.) Contributo clinico alle ferite complete del tendine d' Achille. Ufflciale san., Napoli, 1897, x, 63-69.—van der Haar (J.) Aanmerking over TENDO. Tendo Achillis (Rupture and wounds of). het breeken der peezen, voornamentlyk die van Achilles. Verhandel. uitsreg. d. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem, 1760, v, 311-333.—Humphreys (B. F.) Tendo Achillis accidentally severed. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1892-3, x, 253.—Liber. Section du tendon d'Achille; suture au crin de Florence; guerison. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin.de Lille, 1891, vi, 183-185.—.Uoiilonguet (A.) Rupture du tendon d'Achille en montant en bicvclette et par contraction musculaire. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1896, xiv, 486-488.—Naumann (G.) Ruptura totalis subcutanea tendinis Achillis; sutura; tendinis. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1896, lviii, pt. 2, 200-205 — Ogawa (S.) [Two cases of subcutaneous rupture of the tendo Achillis.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1900, 1214-1218.— Petit. Observation sur la rupture des tendons qui s'inserent au talon, que l'on nomme tendons d'Achille. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1722, Par. 1724, Mem., 51-56. Also, transl: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1722, Bresl., 1755, vi, 28-33. -----. Observation sur la rupture incomplete du tendon d'Achille. Hist. Acad. rov. d. sc. 1728, Par., 1730, 231-244. Also, transl: K. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1728, Bresl., 1755, vii, 177- 188.—Thomas (J. L.) Ambulatorv treatment of a rup- tured tendo Achillis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 137 — Viilncrato (De) Achillis tendine. Bononiensi sc. et art. Inst, comment., Bononise, 1745, ii, pt. 1,189-196. Tendo Achillis (Surgery of). See, also, Foot (Deformities of, Treatment of). Le Portz (J.-P.-L.) *De la transplantation du tendon d'Achille sur le long peronier lateral comme operation •complementaire de 1'opera- tion de Phelps-Kirmisson dans le traitement du pied bot varus ^quin. 8°. Paris, 1910. Bayer (C.) Eine Vereinfachung der plastischen Achillotomie. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, xxviii, 37.—Chretien (H.) Section ancienne du tendon d'Achille; suppuration du bout inferieur hemic: tenor- raphie; guerison. Poitou med., Poitiers, ls'ti. vi, 221- 223.—Finney (F.) A case of suture of the tendo Achillis. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1894, i, 156.—Fowler (G. R.) Suture of the tendo Achillis. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1895, xiii, 500.— Grandy (L. B.) Suture of the tendo Achillis; a case. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1894,110-114.—Guyot. Suturedutendond'Achille. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1901, xxii, 129.— Hibbs (R. A.) Lengthening the tendo Achillis. Med. News, N. Y., 1900, lxxvi, 632-634. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 1270. -----. The tendo Achillis shortened for the restoration of the function of the calf, lost as a result of a previous tenotomy. N. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 773-776.— Iliibscher (C.) Zur plastischen Achillotomie nach Baver; ein einfaches Tenotom. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1905-6, xv, 86-88. -----. Modifikation der Bayer'- schen plastischen Achillotomie. Zentralbl. f. chir. u. mech. Orthop., Berl., 1910, iv, 621-523.—Lovett (R. W.) Elongation of the tendo Achillis after operation. Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvi, 41.—Mesny (D.) Observation de section traumatiquedu tendon d'Achille. Arch, demed. nav., Par., 1894, lxii, 457-459—JUurphy (J. B.) Length- ening of the tendo Achillis. Surg. Clin., Phila., 1912, i, no. 2, 203-206, 2 pl.—Pauchet (V.) Tenotomie du ten- don d'Achille. Clinique, Par., 1910, v,217.—Poncet (A.) Calcaneotomie verticale posteneure datant de dix-neuf ans, pour une section ancienne du tendond'Achille, avec ecartement considerable des deux bontsdu tendon divise. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1909, n. s., xxxv, 624- 633.—Biedinj>er(,T.) ZurTechnikderAchillotenotomie. Zentralbl. f. chir. u. mech. Orthop., Berl., 1908, ii, 53- 65.—Sotis (A.) Modificazione alia tenoplastica del tendine di Achille. Riv. med., Milano, 1907, xv, 71-74.— Thomas (W. T.) Note on tenotomy of the tendo Achillis in complicated fractures of the lower extremity. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1910, xxx, 104-108.—Thorp (H.) Division of the tendo Achillis, tenorrhaphv. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 130.—Turner (R.) A case of traumatic achillotomy; immediate suture. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 147.—Vaughan (G. T.) Division of both tendines Achillis by a mowing machine. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 429.—Veau (V.) Tenotomie du tendon d'Achille. Presse med., Par., 1909, xvii, 604.— Webster (J. P.) Tenotomy of the tendo-Achillis in partial amputations of the foot, also in oblique, com- pound comminuted fractures of the tibia and fibula. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1905, n. s., liv, 66-70.—Wilcox (De W. G.) Suturing the tendo Achillis. Tr. Homoeop. M. Soc. N. Y., Rochester, 1892, xxvii, 339-343. Also: N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1893, 3. s., viii, 97-101.—Wilson (H. A.) Suturing the tendo Achillis in the correction of deformities of the feet. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1893, ii, 615-621, 2 pl. TENDONS. Tendolysis. von Saar. Ueber Mvo- und Tendolvse. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., BerL, 1908,'xxxvii, 314-318. Tendomucin. lievene (P. A.) Notiz zur Chemie der Glycothion- siiure aus dem Tendomucin. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1903, xxxix, 1-3. Tendons. See, also, Bursse; Reflexes of tendons; Tendo Achillis. Dammann ( O. ) * Vergleichende Untersu- chungen iiber den Bau und die funktionelle An- passung der Sehnen. [Bern.] 8°. Leipzig, 1908. Also, in: Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz.. 1908, xxvi, 349-371, 2 pl. Romignot (J.-G.-E.) *Du role de la com- pression active dans la localisation des tendons. 8°. Lille, 1902. Yaraldi (L.) Sulla frequente presenza di elementi cartilaginei nello spessore dei tendini negli animali domestici. 8°. Parma, 1901. Wessel ( C. ) Om Senetraktionernes Ind- virkning paa Knoglevsevet, deres Betydning under patologiske Forhold. [The effect of tendon traction on the bone tissue in pathologi- cal relations.] 8°. Kobe n ham, 1899. Anthony (R.) Du r61e de la compression et de son principal mode dans la genese des tendons. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 180-182.-----. Du r61e de la compression dans la localisation des tendons. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, exxxvii, 622-624.— Arai (H.) Die Blutgefiisse der Sehnen. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1907, xxxiv, 363-382, 16 pl.—Bayer (C.) Mit Geriiuschen verbundenes Sehnengleiten des Musculus gluteus maximus, erzeugt durch mechanische Lockerung der Sehnenanheftung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1907, lxxxii, 266-268. — Bergemann ( W.) Ueber Sehnen- ganglien. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1910, lxvi, 468- 487—Beurger (L.) & Gies (W. J.) The chemical con- stituents of tendinous tissue. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1901, vi, 219-231.—Bikeles (G.) & Zaluska (J.); Zur Her- kunft der sensiblen Nervenfasern der Quadricepssehne und der Achillessehne beim Hund. Arch. f. d. ges. Phy- siol., Bonn, 1906, cxi, 376-390. Also,transl. [Abstr.]: Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1906, i, 137.— Bizzozero (G.) Sulla strut- tura del tessuto tendineo. Morgagni, Napoli, 1871, xiii, 107-129, 1 tab. Also, in his: Opere Scient. 1862-79, 8°, Mi- lano, 1905, i, 253-273, 1 tab.—Bronikowski (J.) W kwestyi budowy sciegien. [On the structure of tendons.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1881, lxxvii, 738-748, 2 pl — Brown (W. L.) The preservation and restoration of tendon function. Bull. El Paso Co. M. Soc, El Paso, Tex., 1910, ii, no. 3,18-25.—Carucci (V.) Ueber ein elastisches Band im Genus Bos und die Homologie desselben mit den Vincula tendinum hom. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1901, xx, 1-9, 2 pl. Also, Reprint.—Ferrari (F.) Note sur quel- ques insertions du tendon du muscle tenseurdu "fascia lata." J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etcl Par , 1909, xiv, 353- 357.—Flourens. Note sur la sensibilite des tendons. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1856. xliii, 639-643.— Fourcroy. Me moires pour servir a l'histoire anato- mique des tendons. (1.-4.) Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1785, Par., 17X8, 392; 414: (17861 1788, 38; 550. —Frazer (J. E.) Anmerkung fiber den Bau und die Entwick- lung der Sehne des Flexor longus pollicis. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1907, 225.— Gemmiil (J. F.) Notes on (a) the origin of elastic fibres in tendon, (b) branching of young tendon cells. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1905-6, xl, 396-399.— Golgi (C.) Delia terminazione dei nervi nei tendini e di un nuovo apparato nervoso terminale muscolo-ten- dineo. Atti d. Soc. ital. di sc. nat., Milano, 1878-9, xxi, 464-467.—GuSrin (J.) Memoire sur la contractility ten- dineuse. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1856, xlii, 416- 421.—Jobert (de Lamballe). Usages et proprietes des tendons. Ibid., 1861, liii, 561-566.—Joly (G.) Etudes cliniques sur les efforts de tendons des flechisseurs des phalanges. Bull. Sue. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1900. n. s., xviii, 236-212.—Juvara (E.) Contribution a 1'6- tude des gaines tibreuses et synoviales des tendons des peroniers lateraux. Arch. d. ec. med. . . . de Bucarest, Par., 1899. iv, 1-13.—Kahn (R. H.) Ueber die in den Sehnen der schiefen Bauchmuskeln bei Froschen vor- kommenden Inscriptiones elasticse. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1900, lvii, 102-117, 1 pl. -----. Ueber die Bedeu- tung des elastischen Gewebes als Sehnen quergestreifter Muskeln. Zentralbl. f. Physioi., Leipz. u. Wien, 1903-4, TENDONS. 733 TENDONS. Tendons. xvii, 745-7 0— Lainont (J. C.) Note on a tendon found in association with the insertion of the peroneus longus and origin of the first dorsal interosseous muscles. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1907-8, xlii, 236.---Laiiuic (F.) Die Bildung der Sehnen aus Seide bei der periostalen Vur- pflanzung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 135- 137.— Lauenstcin (C.) Das Yorziehen der Sehnen vor ihrer Abtragung, eine gelegentliche Ursache der Sehnen- scheidenphlegmone bei Fingeramputationen wegen Ver- letzung. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, xxviii, 1001.— Linas. Sur la sensibilite des tendons. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1857, xliv, 922.—Aleves (F.) Ueber Strukturen in den Zellen des embryonalen Stiitz- gewebes sowie fiber die Entstehung der Bindeguvvubs- nbrillen, insbesondere derjenigen der Sehne. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1910, lxxi, 149-208, 3 pl.—Jlicl (G. W.) Tendon losses. Colorado Med., Denver, 1903-4, i, 102-104.—Morian. Beitrag zu den intratetulinosun Ganglien. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii. 1706.— Naumann (C. F.) Ossa tendinum. [C. r., no. 22.1 Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1881, x\u\ no. 20, iii, 13-15.— Pappenheim. Note sur les nerfs des tendons. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1861, liii, 758 — Perez (C.) Differenciations tendineuses epitheliales chez le branchellion. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 447.—Banvier. Des cellules et des noyaux tubulaires des tendons. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1869, lxviii, 274-276.—Begnault (F.) Mecanisme de la formation des gouttieres tendineuses. Bull, et mem. Soe. d'anthrop. de Par., 1909. 5. s., x, 5M.—Benaut (J.) Les cellules fixes des tendons de la queue du jeune rat sont toutes des cellules connectives rhagiocrines. Compt. rend., Soc. de biol., Par.. 1904, lvi, 1067-1069.— Betterer (E.) Note technique sur le tissu tendineux. Ibid., ls-98. 10. s., v, 577-581. -----. Developpement et structure du tissu tendineux. Ibid., 5M- > > —Betterer (E.) & Lolievre (A.) Du mode d'union de la fibre musculaire et de la fibre tendineuse. Ibid., 1911, lxx, 474.-----------. Remarques techniques et structura les sur le tendons. Ibid., 594-597.-----------. Du tendon rufluchi du long peronier lateral du chimpanze. Ibid., 1912, lxxii, 154-156.—Butlini (A.) La forma delle cellule tendinee nel gatto e nell' uomo comparata con quella di altre cellule in altri tessuti di origine mesenchi- male. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1904, 4. s., xvi. 3.—Scluuidtclicii i I'.) Die Sehnenscheiden und Schleimbeutel der Gliedmassen des Rindes. Monatsh. f. prakt. Tierh.. Stuttg., 1906, xviii, 1-60. — Schultze (O.) Die Kmitinuitat der Muskelflbrillen und Sehnen- fibrillen. Sitzunsrsb. d. phvs.-med. GesellscL. zu Wiirzb., 1911, 22-28. Also: Anat. Anz., Jena, 1911, xxxviii, Ergnzngshft., 65-73. -----. Ueber den direkten Zusam- menhang von Muskelflbrillen und Sehnenflbrillen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1912, lxxix, 1. Abt., 307-331, 3 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1911, n. F., xii, 33-38, 1 pl — Schuster (P.) Demonstration eines Falles von Seh- nengerauschen. Deutsche mud. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, Ver.-Beil., 162.—Stewart (J. C.) Ten- dons and their sheaths. Jn: Am. Pract. Surg. [Brvant& Buck], 8°, N.Y.,1907, ii, 409-438.— TikhonotT (M.T.) K voprosu o vliyanii prekrashtsheniya pritoka krovi na dlinniya sukhozhiliya. [influence upon the long ten- dons of suspension of access of blood.] Izviest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb.. 1900, i, 213-232. -----. Krbvenosniye sosudidlinnikh sukhozhiliy na ladonnol pnvcrkhnosti predplechya i kisti. [Blood vessels of the Ions tendons on the palmar surface of the forearm and wiM.] Ru>sk. chir. arch., S.-Peterb., 1902, xviii, 850-874, 2 pl.—Wood worth (<;. W.) The leg tendons of in- sects. Am. NaturaH-t, Lancaster, Par., 1908, xlii, 452- 456.—Zachariades (P.-A.) Recherches sur la struc- ture du tissu conjonctif, sensibility du tendon aux acides. Compt.,rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1900, 11. s., ii, 182-184. Also: Ecole prat. d. hautes etudes. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. de France. Trav. 1900, Par., 1902, xviii, 151-153. -----. Sensibility du tendon aux acides. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1900, 11. s , ii, 251-353. Also: Ecole prat. d. hautes etudes. Lab. d'histol. duColl. de France. Trav. 1900, Par., 1902, xviii, 154-156. -----. Sur la struc- ture de la fibrille Elementaire du t ndon. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1901, 11. s., iii, 1180-1182. Also: Ecole prat. d. hautes 6tudes. Lab. d'hist. du Coll. de France. Trav. 1901, Par., 1903, 93-96. -----. Sur le gonflement acide des tendons. Compt. rend. Soc debiol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 65. -----. Influence des differentes eaux sur le gonflement des tendons. Ibid., 66-68. -----. Sur le gon- flement des tendons dans l'eau distillee. Ibid., 121-123. -----. Sur la structure de la fibrille tendineuse adulte et sur l'origine du la substance collagene. Ibid., 1904, lvi, 102. Tendons (Abscess of). See Tendons (Inflammation, etc., of). Tendons (Anastomosis of). See Tendons (Surgery of). Tendons (Artifcial). See Tendons (Surgery of). Tendons (Avulsion of). See, also, Tendons (Rupture, etc., of). Baretta. Arrachement du tendon sus-rotulien gau- che, chez un homme de 70 ans, a la suite d'une chute. Marseille mud., 1906, xliii, 214. —Bevars. Arrache- ment du tendon du droit anterieur de la cuisse a' son insertion a la rotule. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. mud. de Lyon (1887), 1888, xxvii, pt. 2, 26-30.— Bietze ( O.) Beitrag zu der spontanen subkutanen Suhnenzerreissung (Extensor digit, comm.). Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1910, ix, 38-44. — Bujon. Arra- chement du tendon long flechisseur du pouce. Bull. et mum. Soc. anat. de Par., 1907, lxxxii, 637-642. — Es- prit. Arrachement du tendon long extenseurdu pouce a son point d'insertion. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1907, xxxi, 15-17.-Hernandez (T.) Efectosde brusca trac- ci6n tendinosa. Cr6n. m6d.-quir. de la Habana, 1911, xxxvii, 361. — Hirsch (K.) Ueber die subcutane Zer- reissung der Strecksehne an der Nagelphalanx der Fin- ger. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1749-1751.— Johnson (A. B.) Avulsion of biceps tendon from the radius. Tr. Soc. Alumni Bellevue Hosp., N. V., 1896-7, 130. Also: N. York M. J., 1897, lxvi, 261. — Monprofit (A.) De la simple remise en place des tendons arraches, dans les traumatismes de la main. Anjou med., Angers, 1904, xi, 189-197. Also: Med. d. accid. du travail, Par., 1904, ii, 2-9.— .Tlorcstin (H.) Arrachement des tendons extenseurs de l'index par morsure de chien. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1910, lxxxv, 663-665.— Boloff'. Ein Fall von Abriss der langen Bicepssehne. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.,Leipz., 1911,cix, 614-616.—Schlatter (C.) Subkutane Sehnenzerreisungen an den Fingern. Ibid., 1907, xci, 317-334. Tendons (Contraction of). See, also, Tendons (Retraction of). Tivj (W. J.) Cases of contracted tendons. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 927.— Vermeulen (H. A.) Congenitale contractuur van de strekkers bij hut paard. Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijk. en veeteelt, Utrecht, 1903, xxx, 16-20. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1903-4. xxvii, 218. Tendons (Diseases of). Alexander (E.) * Ueber die Entziindung der Kronbeinbeueesehne am Yorderfusse des Pferdes. [Giessen.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1909. Brauer (C. E.) *De tenalgia crepitante. S°. Leipzig, 1859. Anzilotti (G.) Sulle modificazioni dei tendini in seguito alia asportazione della loro guaina e sull' impor- tanzadi essa nulla rigenerazione dei tendini stessi. Arch. ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1906, Roma, 1907, xx, 45-47.— Biilir (F.) Aus dem Gebiete derSehnenerkrankungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 2242.—<'lil]>auIt( A.) I.eslesionstrophiquesdesbourses sereuseset des synoviales tendineuses (bursopathies et synoviopathies trophiques).' Arch. d. sc. mud. . . . de Bucarest, Par., 1x97, ii, 20-24. — de Barvieu. Cas d'exfoliation tendineuse partielle consecutive a la denu- dation. J. de mud. de Lyon, I860, v, 36-40.—Iiumin- fjer. Zur Behandlung chronischer Schnenleiden beim Pfurd. Wchnschr. f. Tierh. u. Viehzucht, Munchen, 1906, 1, 761-706.— Larger. Ai' douloureux. Bull, et mum. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1893, n. s., xix, 426-428.— Predtcohenski(V.F.) Skripun (tenalgia crepitans); k etiologii professionalnikh bolleznel u krestyan. [. . .; etiologv of professional diseases among peasants.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1891, xi, 437.—Bochet & Carrel-Bil- lard. A'i douloureux de la portion carpienne des tun- dons court-extenseur et long abducteur du pouce. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1898, vii, 634h'.:',s.— Woli"(H.) Leber lokalisierte Erkrankungen von Muskelansatzen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1906, lvi, 468. Tendons (Dislocation of). See, also, Biceps (Dislocation of). Balard d'Herlixvili.e (L.) * Contribution a l'etude de la luxation des tendons des muscles p6roniens lateraux; traitement (procede" Lanne- longue). 4°. Paris, 1890. Ber a (A.) * Du syndrome commun a la rup- ture, a la luxation et a 1'elongation du tendon du long biceps. 8°. Paris, 1911. TENDONS. 734 TENDONS. Tendons (Dislocation of). Bloch (Sarra). * Peroneussehnenluxation. 8°. Berlin, 1907. Gauthier (A.) * De la luxation des tendons. 8°. Paris, 1904.' Hempell (G. Y\r. O. E. H.) *Ein Fall von Luxation der Sehne des Extensor digiti Y. pro- prius nach Trauma. 8°. Kiel, 1903. Miller (J.) * Ueber Sehnen-und Yluskel- luxationen. 8°. Tubingen, 1892. Schneider (L.) * Ueber Sehnenluxationen. [Freiburg i. Br.] 8°. Ernmendingen, 1907. Senf (G.) * Ueber die Luxation der langen Biceps-Sehne. 8°. Berlin, 1892. Steudel (K.) * Ueber einen Fall von Seh- nenluxation des Glutseus maximus. 8°. Er- langen, 1898. Tacheron (P.) * De la luxation des tendons peroniers lateraux. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908. Tellier (G.) *De la luxation des tendons peroniers lateraux; etiologie, symptomes, trai- tement, 8°. Lyon, 1899. Barth a (G.) Luxatio habitualis tendinum muse. peronei longi et brevis. Verhandl. d. Budapest, k. Ge- sellsch. d. Aerzte 1908, Budapest, 1909, 34.—Becker (A.) Beitrag zur traumatischen, nicht komplizierten Luxation der Extensorensehnen der Finger. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903,1, 497-499.—Berne (G.) Sur deux cas de luxation du tendon de la longue portion du biceps brachial. Progres med., Par., 1906, 3. s., xxii, 465. Also: Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1906, lxxiii, 550-561.— Bigg (H.) On dislocation of the peroneus longus ten- don. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 115.—Bokor. Ein Fall von Luxation der Peroneussehne. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1903, xxx, 819.—Brouet (G.) Luxation du ten- don du flechisseur superficiel dus phalanges (perfore), J. de med. veL et zootech., Lvon, 1892 3. s,, xvii, 684- 688.— Fitzbugh (P. H.) The mechanical treatment of dislocation of the peroneus longus tendon; report of a case, with bibliographv. Tr. am. Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1902, xv, 77-81.—Fowler (G. R.) Dislocation of the ex- tensor tendon of the middle finger. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1895, xiii, 499.—(iamgee (L.) A case of dis- placed peronei tendons treated by operation. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1897, xlii, 240.—de tiaiileiac (R.) Deux cas de luxation du tendon du cubital posterieur. Bull. med., Par., 1906, xx, 511.—Gottstein (J. F.) Ein Fall von Tendo captivus (Sehnenverfangung) durch eine Ex- ostose. Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. deutsch. Aerzte in Reichenberg, 1911, xxiv, No. viii, 2-4.—Ha be rem (J. P.) Inflcza- mokr61. [Tendon luxations.] Orvostud. e>tek. gyiijt. Magy orv. Arch., Budapest, 1901, ii. f., ii, 213-229. Also [Abstr.]: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1900, xliv, 359. Also, transl: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901-2, lxii, 191- 204.—Hestrfes. Un cas de luxation complete du tendon du long peronier lateral. Union m6d., Par., 1894, 3. s., lviii, 109-111. —Hildebrand ( O.) Tendovaginitis chronica deformans und Luxation der Peronealsehnen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1907, lxxxvi, 526-531.— Konig. Operation einer doppelseitigen Luxation der Peronealsehnen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1898, xxiv, Ver.-Beil., 132. Also [Abstr.l: Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xxv, 25.—Kramer (W.) Ueberdie Luxation der Peroneussehnen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1895, xxii, 641-643.—Kraske. Ueber die Luxation der Peronaussehnen. Ibid., 669-673.—Lexer. Operation wegen habitueller Luxation der Peronealsehnen. Kor.- Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Jena, 1911, xl, 614— marsh (H.) Displacements and injuriesof muscles and tendons. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896. ii, 181-186. -----. On bonesetters and displacements of tendons. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1901-2, ix, 113-116.—Mauclaire. Inclu- sion intramalleblaire des tendons peroniers luxes. Arch. gen. de chir., Par., 1910, vi, 718-721.— Mayoud. Un cas de luxation des tendons peroniers lateraux. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf.. Par., 1900, xviii, 237-239.—Neu burger. Ein Fall von habitueller Luxation einer Beugesehne am Fuss nach Trauma. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl 1902, xxxi, 197— Park hill (C. S.) Dislocation of the long head of the biceps. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1897, x, 132-135.—Perlmoff(V. A.) M'n nouveau procede de traitement chirurgical des luxations des tendons. Rev. dechir., Par., 1896, xvi,679-0*2.—Puyhaubert (A.) De la luxation congenitale des tendons des muscles peroniers lateraux. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1908, 2. s., ix, 321-334 — Beerink (H.) Die Behandlung der frischen Luxation der Peroneussehnen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, xxviii,33-36.—Biese. FallvonPeroneussehnenluxation. Deutschemed. Wchnschr., Leipz.u. BerL, 1898,xxiv, Ver.- Beil., 260.—Bobinson (H. B.) Dislocation of the long tendon of the biceps flexor cubiti. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond 1902-3, xxxvi, 252.—Buotte (F.) De la luxation des Tendons (Dislocation of). tendons peroniers lateraux. Arch. prov. de chir., Par 1905, xiv, 139; 203—Schlesinger (A.) Zwei Fiille von bisher nicht beschriebenen Sehnenluxationen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 1420.—Schiirmayer (B.) Ueber einen Fall von Luxation der Streckersehne des Mittelflngers in der Hohe des Metacarpophalangealge- lenks. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1897, xxiv, 846-8)9.— Smith (G. M.) A caseof dislocation of peronei tendons treated by operation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 1216.— Spitzy (H.) Reposition einer Sehnenluxation durch Sehnenbindung. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1903, i, 401-407.—Stoiko (N. G.) K voprosu o vivikhakh su- khozhiliy musculorum perineorum. [Dislocations of the tendons of the perineal muscles.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Pe- terb., 1911, 217-250.—Tapley (J. J. B.) Two cases of luxation of the flexor pedis perforatus tendon. Vet. J., Lond., 1908, lxiv, 78-80.—Tile (V. A.) O vivikhle su- khozhiliy malobertsevikh mishts (luxatio mm. peroneo- rum). Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 6.—Townsend (W. R.) Dislocation of the peroneus longus and puroneus brevis. N. York Polyclin., 1897, x, 115.—Tracy (E. A.) A note on the treatment of dislocation of the peroneal tendons. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1909, xvi, 200.— Tranchant (L.) Un cas de luxation du tendon pero- nier lateral gauche. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1910, lvi, 182-184—Vanverts (J.) La desinsertion pha- langettienne des tendons extenseurs des doigts. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1911, xv, 261-265. Also: Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1912, xxiii, 108-116.—Worms. Luxa- tion des tendons peroniers lateraux. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1911, lxxxvi, 320.—Zwaenepoel (H.) & Beclercq (G.) Pathogenie et traitementde la luxation de la calotte calcaneenne du perform chez le cheval. Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1911, lx, 388-395. Tendons (Elongation of). See Tendons (Surgery of). Tendons (Grafting of). See Tendons (Surgery of). Tendons (Inflammation and abscess of). Alexander (E.) * Ueber die Entziindung der Kronbeinbeugsehne am Vorderfusse des Pferdes. [Giessen.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1909. Also, in: Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1908-9, xx, 193-2J3, 1 pl. Budnowski ([F.] 0.) * Ueber die Entziin- dung des Unterstutzungsbandes der Hufbein- beugesehne am Vorderfusse des Pferdes. [Gies- sen.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1908. Also, in: Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1907-8, xix, 433-476. Loris-Melikoff (I. Z.) *K voprosu o pro- duktivnom vospalenii sukhozhiliy. [On pro- ductive inflammation of tendons.] 8°. S.-Pe- teiburg, 1896. Beck(C) On tenonitis and tenontothecitisprolifera calcarea. Tr. M. Soc N. Y., 1900-1901, 423-425, 3 pl. Also: N. York M. J., 1901, lxxiii, 705-709. Also, Reprint. Also, transl: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900-1901,lviii,328- 334.—Bolintineanu (A.) Absces rece, la partea in- terna a tendonului lui Achille stang, vindecat prin in- jectfile modificatrice ale lui Callot. [Cold abscess in the internal part of the left tendo Achillis cured byCalot's injections modified.1 Spitalul, BucurescI, 1907, xxvii, 339-341.—Carle. Phlegmon de la gaine hypogastrique propagg dans le triangle de Scarpa. Province med., Lyon, 1900, xiv, 217-220—Caspari (D.) Ueber den neuropathischen Ursprung der Aponeurositis palmaris. Arch. f. Unfallheilk., Stuttg., 1896, i, 143-157.—Cayre (J.) Synovite fongueuse de la gaine des extenseurs du pied; extirpation totale. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1897, i, 567.—Chastang (L.) La tenosite crepitante chez les marins. Arch, de mtfd. nav., Par., 1907, lxxxvii, 176- 179.— Crookshank (F. G.) Ping-pong teno-synovitis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 1083.—Be Bovis (R.) Tendi- nites et pfiritendinites. Semaine mud., Par., 1908, xxvii, 349-351.—Buplay. Synovite chronique desgainesdes ten- dons flechisseurs; kyste a graines riziformes du poignet et de la main. Presse "med., Par., 1899, ii, 213.—Foulatier (A.) Note sur deux casde tenosite et d'aponevrositedu tendon du biceps brachial traitusavec succes. J.d. scmed. de Lille, 1906,ii,385-388.—(Gottschalk (W.) Fibrolysin bei Tendinitis et Tendovaginitis chronica zweier Pferde. Deutsche tierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1908, xvi, 499.— Guermonprez (F.) & Guilbert (C.) Synovite dela bourse du tendon de la patte d'oie de chaque c6t6. J. d. sc. med. de Lille,1900,i,561-568.—Kirmisson. La teno- site crepitante. Pediatric prat., Lille, 1910, viii, 533-536.— Lasek (F.) Poznamky k osetrov&ni hnisav^ch zan§tu, zvlastS synovialnich pouzder slachov^ch ruky. [Treat- ment of purulent tenosynovitis of the hand.] Casop. 16k TENDONS. 735 TENDONS. Tendons (Inflammation and abscess of). desk.,vPraze, 1911,1,1572-1579.—Leonardo (P.) Contri- buto alio studio delle tendiniti e peritendiniti. Gazz.d. osp.,Milano. 1908,xxix.331.—Lubkiu (A.) Fibrolysinpri teiikinitis-tendovaginitis. Vet.Obozr.,Mosk.,1911,xiii,943- 950.—Nunez (T.) Inflamaciondelasvainastendinosasde los flexores de los dedos de las manos; su marcha, su pro- nostico y su tratamiento; importancia que tiene para el practicoel conocer estas lesiones, aim cuando no su de- dique a la cirugia, para no echarse responsabilidades que es incapaz de aceptar, por no tener la prfictica suficiente para tratar estas lesiones. Gac. mud., Mexico, 1905, 2. s., v, 302-307.—Sell leniiuer (C.) Ueber die Entziindung des Unterstutzungsbandes der Hufbeinbeugesehne am Hinterfuss des Pferdes. Monatsh. f. prakt. Tierh., Stuttg., 1911, xxii, 347-375.—Schmey (F.) Chronische trauma- tische Tendovaginitis deseenduns als Ursache dauernder Verminderung der Arbeitsfahigkeit. Aerztl. Sachverst.- Ztg., Berl., 1897, iii, 240.—Weisz (E.) Fall von chroni- schr. Poly tendovaginitis. W7ien. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiv, 837.—"Welti (E.) Ein Fall von sogen. chronischer Tendovaginitis. t'or.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1896, xxvi, 300-302.—Wesse 1 (C.) Peritendinitis, cellulitis peritundinosa, tendinitis traumatica; bidrag til Senevie- venes Patologi. Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1911, 5. R., iv, 1265; 1297—Will ling ^H.) Ein durch Operation geheilter Fall von Tendovaginitis capitis longi m. bicipit. brachii. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902, xxix, 551-653. Tendons (Ossifleation of). Densow (F.) * Ueber Sehnenverknoche- rungen nach Trauma. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1910. Boyd i S.) Ossification of tendon of adductor longus. Clin. J.. Lond., 1897, x, 186.—Charles (S. F. A.) Trau- matic o-siiication of tendon. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912, i, 949.—Engelbreetson (F.) Ossification of tendons fol- lowing fractures; reportof three cases. Railwav Surg. J., Chicago, 1911-12, xviii, 320-325.—Frangenheiin (P.) Tendinitis ossificans traumatica der Trizepssehne. Med. Klin., Berl., 1909, v, 278-280.—Htfrlng (F.) Tendinitis ossificans traumatica. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1908, xxxiv, 175. Also: Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1908, lv, 674. See, also, infra, Neuwirth.—Neu- wirth (M.) Ueber Tendinitis ossificans traumatica; Bemerkungen zu Horings Arbeit. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1908, lv, 10SU.—Betterer (E.) & Lrelifevre (A.) Phenomenes cytologiques des tendons des oiseaux en voie d'ossification. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxxi, 596-599. Tendons (Regeneration and repair of). Houze (P.) * Considerations sur le mode de regeneration des tendons. 4°. Lille, 1894. Clarke (J. J.) Observations concerning the repair of tendons. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1894-5, xlvi, 218-220.— Bemeaux. Note sur la regeneration des tendons. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1862, liv, 857-859.—En- derlen. Ueber Sehnenregeneration. Arch. f. klin. Chir., BerL, 1893, xlvi, 563-599, 2 pl.—Jobert {de Lam- balle). Des theories relatives a la regeneration et a la cicatrisation des tendons. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1861, liii, 1211-1217. -----. De la regeneration des ten- dons. Ibid., 1861, liii. 425: 1862, liv, 483; 578; 698. -----. Mecanisme et Evolution de la regeneration des tendons. Ibid., 1862, liv, 698-703— Lange. Die Neubildung von Suhnenffewebe an seidenen Sehnen. Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1901), 1902, 100-111.—Winervini (R.) Sui processi diriparazione delle lesioni dei tendini. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1907, n. s., xxix, 673-705.— Sever (J. W.) An experimental study of tendon regen- eration. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxiv, 748-752, 4 pl. Also, Reprint.—Tubby (A. H.) The regeneration of fibrous tissue, as exemplified in the union of tendon. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1892-3, xlix, 109-121. Also, [Abstr.]: Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1892-3, xliv, 186. ----r. Original observations on the union of tendon and their practical bearings. Tr. Brit. Orthop. Soc, Birmingh., 1898, i, 40-43. Tendons (Retraction of). Cirenier (J.) Retraction tendineuse definitive, de nature hvstero-traumatio,ue. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1907, xxi. 248.—."Uartiii. Retraction cica- tricielle du tendon flechisseur du medius. Lyon med., 1907, cix, 625.—JIartin (J.) Retraction des tendons extenseurs de la main. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1904, lxxix, 766-768. Tendons (Rupture and wounds of). See, also, Fencing; Patella (Ligament of, Rupture ep'); Quadriceps femoris (Tendon of, Rupture of); Tendo Achillis (Rapture of); Ten- dons (Avulsion of); Tendons (Begeneration, etc., of). Tendons (Rupture and wounds of). Doebel (F. E. \V.) * Ueber Sehnenverle- tzungen und Sehnenoperationen. 8°. Leipziq, 1901. Grilliat (F.) *Des ruptures des tendons sus- et sous-rotuliens. 8°. Dijon, 1900. Hausmann (A.) * Untersuchungen iiber die partielle Zerreissung der Beugesehnen im Be- reiche der Zehe des Pferdes. [Giessen.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1905. Heimann (YV.) * Ueber einige subkutane Muskel- und Sehnenverletzungen an den oberen Gliedmassen. [Halle-YVittenberg.] 8°. Leip- zig, 1908. Also, in: Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1908, xv. 237; 266. Pforringer (O.) *Ein Fall von Abriss der Quadricepssehne. 8°. Munchen, 1907. Pollock (L. H.) * Ueber die Behandlung der Sehnenverletzungen, nebst Untersuchungen iiber den Heilungsvorgang. [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Berlin, 1898. Thaler (A.) * Zur Casuistik der Abrisse der Sehne des Biceps femoris vom Capitulum fi- bulae. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Zaelke ( G.) * Zur Casuistik subkutaner Sehnen- und Biinderzerreissung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Entstehungsmechanismus der Sehnenzerreissungen. 8°. Greifswald, 1899. Abbe (R.) Rupture of the tendon of the abductor longus. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxii, 517-519.—Acqua- viva. Rupture du tendon inferieur du biceps brachial droit a son insertion sur la tub6rosite bicipitale; tenosu- ture; suceds operatoire. Marseille mecl., 1898, xxxv, 570- 573.—Arcoleo (E.) Ricerche sperimentali sul trauma- tismo delle guaine tendinee. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 1596.—Becker (B.) Subcutaneous rupture of a tendon. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1895, ii, 31-33.—Bizzo- zero (G.) Sul processo di cicatrizzazione dei tendini tagliati. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1868, cciii, 105- 116. Also, in his: Opere scient. 1862-79, Milano, 1905, i, 153-161.—Boyd (C. VV.) Rupture of the flexor ten- dons as a complication of azoturia. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1902, xxvi, 338.—Brackett (A. R.) Infected wounds of the hand, severed tendons; report of a case. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1904, xvii, 240.—Brault (J.) Arrachement sous-cutane des insertions des tendons extenseurs des doigts et des orteils sur la phalangette. Rev. de chir., Par., 1896, xvi, 277-294.—Brin (H.) De la rupture sous-cutanee des tendons et de leur traitement chirurgical. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1904, viii, 29-41.— Briining (F.) Zwei seltene Falle von subkutaner Sehnenzerreissung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, lii, 1928-1930. — Buchanan (J. T.) Rupture of the biceps tendon. Med. News, N. Y., 1898, lxxiii, 65.— Cerny (V.) Pfipad subkutanniho vytrzeni slachy. Case of subcutaneous rupture of a sinew.] Casop. lek. esk., v Praze, 1898, xxxvii, 574— Chicehomski (A ) O zerwaniu sciegna glowy dlugiej miesnia dwuglowego ramienia. [De la rupture du tendon de la longue portion du biceps brachial. Res., p. xi.] Przegl. chir., War- szawa, 1893-4, i, 65-82,1 pl.-Codman (E. A.) Complete rupture of the supraspinatus tendon; operative treatment, with report of two successful cases. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxiv, 708-710.—Bavis (G. G.) Rupture of the long tendon of the biceps brachii muscle associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1895, 3. s., xvii, 73-80. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 121-123. Also, Reprint— Bebrie (E.-J.) [Rupture sus-rotulienne du quadriceps traitee par la suture.] Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1905, viii, no. 8,17-21.—Belamare (P.) Plaie transversale de la region dorsale du poignet; section des tendons de l'extenseur commun des doigts; suture des tendons coupes au tendon de l'extenseur propre de l'in- dicateur; guerison. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1898, xxxi, 362-364.—Breyzehner (F.) Ein Fall von Zerreissung der centralen Sehne des Musculus biceps brachii. Arch. f. klin. Chir., BerL, 1901, lxv, 552-555.— Els (H.) Ueber eine Abrissfraktur des Tibialis-anticus- Ansatzes. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, cvii, 610-613.—Enderlen. Ueber Heilung von Sehnenwun- den. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Munchen (1893), 1894, ix, 116.—Felizet. De la recher- che du bout superieur, dans la blessure des tendons fle- chisseurs des doigts. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1893, n. s., xix, 610-613.—Foerster (0.) Drei Fiille von isolierten Sehnenverletzungen; ein weiterer Beitrag zur Physiologie und Pathologie der Fingerbewegungen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1908, lviii, 720-733.—Frob- TKNDONS. 736 TKXDONS. Tendons (Rupture and wounds of). nor. Spontane Ruptur der Hufbeinbeugesehne am Sprnnggelenk. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1901, xii, 220.—Fuller (W.) A case of ruptured Achilles ten- don. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1907, xii, 193-195.—Gib- ney (V. P.) Rupture of the short head of the biceps. N. York M. J., 1890, lii, 665.—Gilbert (J. L.) Lacerated and incised wounds of tendons and muscles. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1892, iv, 768-770. — Golebiewski. Ein casuistischer Beitrag zur Pathogenese der Unfalle nach "Umknicken." Arch. f. Unfallheilk., Stuttg., 1N98, ii, 274-310.—Gross (V.) Ein Fall von Sehnenruptur. Cor.- Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1899, xxix, 11.—Guth (P.) Blessure de la region dorsale de la main par instrument contondant; rupture secondaire d'un tendon; suture et guerison. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1907, xlix, 133-135.— Hauler (C. S.) Ueber Sehnenverletzungen an Hand und Vorderarm. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1896, xvi, 90; 307.—Harris (M. L.) The treatment of divided tendons. Chicago M. Recorder, 1892, iii, 732-737.— Hawkes (F.) Rupture of the quadriceps tendon of the knee. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1912, lv, 443.—von Hints (A.) Ueberdie isolirte Ruptur der Hilfsbiinder der Ge- lenke und ihr Verhiiltniss zu den Luxationen. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1902, xxxviii, 814; 842; 859; 889.—Hobday. Rupture of gastrocnemius tendon with- out injury to the skin. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1899-1900, xii, 310— Hofmann (M.) Ueber subkutane Ausreissung der Sehne des langen Bizepskopfes an der Tuberositas supraglenoidalis und sekundare Naht. Wien. klin.Wchn- schr., 1904, xvii, 90.5-908.—Homan (G.) Rupture of the long head of biceps muscle. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1888, xx, 59. -----. A case of traumatic rupture of the long head of the triceps extensor cubiti. Tr. M. Soc. City Hosp. Alumni, St. Louis, 1899, 191-197. Also: Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1899, xl, 243. [Discussion], 250.—Injuries of the tendons in railway accidents. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Rept. 1894, Chicago, 1895, 124-130.—Jobes (N. E.) The repair of divided tendons. Indiana M.J..Indianap., 1907-8, xxvi, 347-349.—Keen (W. W.) Rupture of the tendon of the biceps flexor cubiti; a case of rupture of the long tendon in its continuity, and one of rupture of the same tendon at the glenoid attachment; operation with successful result in each case. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1905, xii, 756-763. [Discussion], 789. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg. (1905), 1906, viii, 50-58.—Kidd (W.) Rupture of the terminal expansion of the extensor com- munis digitorum. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 845.—Kircli- mayr (L.) Zur Casuistik der subcutanen Suhnenruptu- ren. Wien.klin.Wchnschr., 1900,xiii,1038-1042.—Krauss (S.) Eine praktisch wichtige Form von Sehnenzerrung. Med. BI., Wien, 1905, xxviii, 507; 519. Also: Ztschr. f. Wundiirzte u. Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1906, lvii, 18; 102 — Lieblaiie (P.) Ruptures tendineuses chezle cheval. J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1904, 5. s., viii, 710-717 — Legg (A. T.) A case of traumatic focal telangiectasis of a tendon. Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clix, 85.—Lessing. Traumatische subkutane Ruptur einer Fingerbeugesehne in ihrer Kontinuitiit. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1901, xxx, 202-206.—Macartney (D.) Unusual case of rup- tured tendo Achillis. Glasgow M. J., 1906, lxvi, 170.— MeBonald (W. O.) Rupture of the plantaris. Med. Era, Chicago, 1898, xvi, Surg. Dept., 6-10. —de Mar- ch ettis (P.) Nervos, et tendines vulneratos non esse suendos, contra Severini sententiam, tendinis vulne- rati exsecta vena jecoraria lethalis, historia. In his: Obs. med.-chir. [etc.], 8°, Bononise, 1692, 140-144.— Maximilian. Beugusehnenzerreissung beim Pferde. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1904, 260.—Maydl (K.) O trhlmach a vymknutich s lach. [Tearing and disloca- tion of the tendons.] Casop. 16k. desk., v Praze, 1880, xix, 329; 474.— Mirajjlia (D.) Contributo alia casuis- tica delle rotture tendinee. Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. med. in Palermo (1895), 1896,113-119— Mouchel (A.) Quel- ques observations d'arrachement sous-cutane des ten- dons extenseurs des doigts. Arch. gen. de m<5d., Par., 1895, i, 7:^0-735.—Niehans. Ueber traumatische Seh- nen- und Nurventrennung. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1905, xxxv, 587.—Ostryanski (A. M.) Tri slu- chaya polnavo razriva krupnikh sukhozhiliy, izliechon- ntye neposredstvennim shvom. [Three cases of com- plete rupture of tendons, cured by direct suture.] Voyenno-med. J., St.-Petersb., 1907, ccxx, med.-spec. pt., 12-18.—Pal la (F.) Ueber die traumatische Sehnen- verdickung. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1909, lxiii, 644-689, 4 pl.—Paner (W.) Rupture of gastrocnemius tendon. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1899-1900, xii, 345.—Peri- gnon. Plaie contuse du poignet droit avec section des tendons du long abducteur et du court extenseur du pouce; resultat fonctionnel satisfaisant sans tunor- rhaphie. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1893, ii, 367-370.—Piatt (W. B.) Rupture of the plantaris tendon. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, cxxviii, 388.—Porges. Fall von Ruptur der langen Bicepssehne. Wien klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 976.—Potel (G.) Arrachement de la phalangette et du tendon flechisseur profond. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1891, xxxiii, 545. — Heed (R. H.) [et al]. Injuries of the tendons in railway accidents. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1895, xxiv, 653-555.—Kingel. [Seltene Sehnen- Tendons (Rupture and wounds of). verletzung; Heilung.] Deutschemed. Wchnschr., L i]./. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, Ver.-Beil., 342.—Boux de Bri- tiiioles & Bertrand. Plaies tendineuses aneiennes; restauration des fleVhisscursdela main. Marseille med., 1909, xlvi, 70-73.—Sehaolcr (F. C.) Severed tendons sutured successfully. Ctiicago Clin. Rev., 1893, ii, 357.— Sch lie. Eine Zerreissung der Kronbeinbeugesehnen an alien vier Beinen beim Pferde. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1904, 165-167— Scudder (C. L.) &Panl (W. E.) Rupture of the tendon of the extensor longus pollicis; tendon transplantation. Boston M. & S. J., 1903, cxlix, 653.—Seggel (R.) Histologische Unter- suchungen fiber die Heilung von Sehnenwunden und Sehnendefekten. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing, 1903, xxxvii, 342-420, 2 pl.—Smith (F.) Sprains of tendons and ligaments. J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1894, vii, 1-17, 1 pl.—Stenzel. Fall von zwei- zeitiger Sehnennaht der ohne Knochenstiick abguris- senen Tricepssehne mit Vorlagerung der Olecranon- spitze. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesullsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1893, xxii, 67.—Steudel. Die Trommlersehne und ihre Behandlung. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1899, xxviii, 545-564.—Stoll (K.) Ein Fall von subcutaner Ruptur der Sehne des langen Kopfes des Biceps brachii. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1897, lxvii, 1.—Thorn. Ueber partielle subcutane Zerreis- sung einer Beugersehne am Vorderarm mit secundiirer Bildung einer ganglionahnlichen Degenerationscyste. Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ. Berl., 1899, xiv, 46-61. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., BerL, 1899, lviii, 918-936.— Toogood (J.) Rupture of the tendon and body of the rectus femoris. In his: Remin. med. life, 8°, Taunton, 1853, 82.—Tubby (A. H.) Process of regeneration of fibrous tissue in tendons. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 1065. -----. Original observations on the union of tendon, and their practical bearings. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1895, n. s., lx, 447. Also: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1895, xiv, 576.— Vandenbossche. Rupture pathologique du tendon d'Achille; guerison. [Rap.deSieur.] Bull, et mum. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1910, n. s., xxxvi, 805-810.—zur Verlli. Ueber spontane Zerreissung der Sehne des langen Dau- menstreckers. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1909, cii, 569-583.—Vidal (A.) Les ruptures du tendon d'Achille. Bull. Soc. mud.-chir. de la Dr6me [etc.], Valence, 1910, xi, 168-174.—\ ogel (K.) Ein Fall von subcutanem Riss der Sehne des langen Kopfes des Muse, biceps brachii. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1906, xiii, 357-360.— Vulpius (O.) Zur Casuistik der Sehnenzerreissungen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 569-572.—Wal- lace (F. G.) A case of strain of leg, presenting unusual points of interest. Med. Mag., Lond., 1897, vi, 218-221.— Wasteels (E.) Injections peritendineuses. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1906, lxxiii, 175-178. — Yamagiwa (K.) Zellenstudie an sich regenerirendem Sehnenge- webe. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1894, exxxv, 308- 325,1 pl.—Zimmermann (A.) Totale Zerreissung der Hufbeinbeugesehne. Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Jena, 1905, ix, 248-258. Tendons (Surgery of). See, also, Patella (Ligament of, Rupture, etc, of); Quadriceps femoris (Tendon of, Rupture of); Tendons (Rupture, etc., of); Tendons (Suture of); Tendons (Transplantation of). Antoldi (G.) Della cura dei piedi torti me- diante la tenotomia. 8°. Muntoru, 1842. Broer (F. J.) * Ueber Sehnenplastik. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1904. Fontana (F.) *Mioplastica e tenoplastica; loro applicazioni nella pratica chirurgica. Tesi di libera docenza. 8°. Pisa, 1906. Frey (G.) *Die Verwendung von Sublimat- seide bei Sehnenplastiken. [Munich.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1906. Also, in: Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1906, xvi, 279- 295. Fritz (H. S.) *Die Heilungsvorgiinge nach Sehnenplastik. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1903. Knabe (H. O.) * Die Resektion der Hufbein- beugesehne mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Folgezustiinde. [Leipzig.] 8°. Dresden, 1908. Knoop (F.) *TJeber Sehnenplastik. 8°. Freiburg, 1900. Maether (E. A. R.) *Die Resultate der Sehnennath, aus der koniglichen chirurgischen Klinik zu Kiel. 8°. Kiel, 1903. Micke (G.) * Ueber Sehnenplastik. 8°. Giessen, 1905. TENDONS. 737 TENDONS. Tendons (Surgery of). Pecheux (H.) * Nouveaux procedes opera- toires, allongement des tendons par mobilisation de leur insertion osseuse et par incisions en ac- cordeons. 4°. Lyon, 1891. Schlller (F.) *Die Resultate der Heilung unter dem Blutschorf bei ausgedehnten Ent- blossungen von Sehnen. 8°. Bonn, 1898. Troller (V.) * Beitrage zur Chirurgie der Sehne. [Basel.] 8°. Luzern, 1904. Alapy (H.) Inplasticaval gy6gyitott ischaemias kez- zsugorod As esete. [Acase of ischaemic shriveling of the hand cured by plastic] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1902, xlvi, 141.—Anzilotti (G.) Sopra uno speciale metodo di tenoplastica. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1904, x, 86-92.—Anzo- letti (A.) Zur Tenotomie des Musculus Iliopsoas. Zen- tralbl. f. chir. u. mech. Orthop., Berl., 1909, iii, 4-6.— Bade (P.) Die Indikation zu Sehnenoperationen bei spinalen und cerebralen Lahmungen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1907, lvii, 2213-2217.—Bau in (E. W.) Zur Histologie der Sehnenplastik, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der durch Seide hergestelltcn Sehnen. Path.- anat. Arb. . . .Joh. Orth z. . . . Prof.-lubiL, Berl., 1903, 24-31.—Becker (W.) Der Sehnenraffer (Tenoplikator); ein neues Instrument zur schnellen una sicheren Seh- nenverkiirzung, sowie zur Naht durchtrennter Sehnen, Ligamente, etc. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2169.—Besson (A.) La de^sinsertion phalangettienne du tendon extenseur. J. d. sc. mecl. de Lille, 1911, i, 97; 121, 1 pl.—Biesalski. Ueber Sehnenscheidenauswechs- lung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1615-1618.—Bigelow (H.J.) Tenotomy. In his: Orthop. Surg., 8°, Bost., 1900, 53-62.—Bilhaut (M.) Te- notomie sous-cutanee, tenotomie a ciel ouvert. Ann. d'orthop. et de chir. prat., Par., 1895, viii, 193-196.— Bon- neau (R.) Desinsertion phalangettienne du tendon extenseur. Presse med., Par., 1910, xviii, 19.—Borst (M.) Ueber die Heilungsvorgiinge nach Sehnenplastik. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1903, xxxiv, 41-103, 3pl. Also [Abstr.]: Sitzungsb. d. phvs.-med. Ge- sellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1903,22-26.—Bradford(E. H.) Teno- plastic surgery. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1897, 89-99.— Briggs (H. EL) A new method of tendon-shortening without severing the tendon and without the use of needle andsuture. J.Am. M. Ass.,Chicago, 1909,liii,861.—Broca (A.) Anastomoses nerveuses; anastomoses tendineuses. Assoc, franc, dechir. Proc. verb, [etc.], Par., 1907, 512.— Brown (W. L.) The preservation and restoration of tendon function. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1912-13, viii. 6-8.— BUlow-Hansen. [Seneplastik.] [Sinew plastic] Forh. med. Selsk. i Kristiania, 1904, 140-144 — Casagl i (F.) Delia plastica tendinea nelle gravi lesioni traumatiche; applicazionecon esito favorevole di un me- todo proprio di riunione a distanza. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1911, xxviii, 368-384.—Cinotti (F.) Tenotomie e nevrectomie. N. Ercolani, Pisa, 1910, xv, 337-343.— Clarke (J.J.) Plastic elongation of tendons. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiii, 636.—Coolidge (F. S.) Some new points in tendon surgery. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxiii, 582-589. [Discussion], 659-661.— Curcio (S.) Tenotomia dei flessori del metacarpo in un cane. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Acad. vet. ital., Torino, 1904, liii, 633.—Eccles (W. McA.) Tendon anastomosis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxi, 447.—Farr (E. A.) Ca-u of primary tendonsuture. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 951.—Ferraresi (P.) Tenoplastica per recisione da antica data del legamento rotuleo, dal tendine del qua- dricipiteestensore; applicazione dello stesso processo mo- dificato nelle fratture dell' olecranon e della rotula e piu specialmente in quelle comminute. Bull. d. Soc. Lanci- siana d. osp. (H Roma (1894), 1895, xiv, fasc. 2, 42-51.— Fievez (J.) Elongation du tendon du long biceps. J. d. sc. mud. de Lille, 1910, i, 299-302.—Frohner. Leber den Werth der Tenotomie. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1897, viii, 551-556. -----. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Tenotomie. Monatsh. f. prakt.Thierh., Stuttg., 1899, xi, 68- 70.—Froelich (C.) Tenotomy and advancement. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1905, xxxiv, 621-636.—de Garay (A.) Seceionde los tendines de la tabaquera anat6mica por instrumento punzo-cortante; ingertos tendinosos auto- plastics. Escuela de med., Mexico, 1911, xxvi, 1-3.— Gibney (V. P.) Excision of the accessory tendons of the extensor communis digitorum of the ring-finger in a pianist. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 383.—Glassner (P.) Die Resultate der Sehnenoperationen in der Hoffaschen Klinik. Med. Woche, Halle a. S., 1907, viii, 539-541.— Gocht (H.) Beitrag zur Lehre von der Sehnenplastik. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1899, vii, 54-101. -----. Die Tenotomie der Kniebeugesehnen bei clektrischer Reizung der Muskeln. Ibid., 1906, xvii, 150-159.—tinac- cero (A.) Tenotomie e riunione chirurgiche dei ten- dini a scopo di allungamento e di trapianto. (Contributo sperimentale.) Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1909, xxvi, 198- 233.—von Hacker. Ueber Sehnenverliingerung und die Verwendung eines dreistuflgen Treppenschnittes bei vol. xvii, 2d series---47 Tendons (Surgery of). derselbun. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1904, ii, 279- 285.—Hamilton (J. B.) Summary of the surgery of the tendons. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1893, iv, 359-363. Also, in his: Address of the Exec. Pres. [etc.], 12°, 1893, 7-12 — Hertle (J.) Ueber eine neue Methode zum plasti- schen Ersatz von Sehnendefecten. Deutsche Ztschr f Chir., Leipz., 1902, lxv, 392-395.—Hevesi (I.) Tovabbi adatok az angolkoros es a statikal liidtalp inkeplessel val6 gyokeres gy6gyitasahoz. [Further contributions on the radical cure of epilepsy and flat-foot by tenonto- plasty.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1905, xlix, 176.—Hibbs (R. A.) A method of lengthening the Achilles tendon and other tendons. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1906,16. s., l, 79-81, 6 pl.—Hoffa (A.) Zur Lehre von der Sehnen- plastik. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 653-657. Also: Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1899, 89. -----. Die experimentelle Begriindung der Sehnenplastik. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 2036-2038. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 134. -----. Beitrage zur Sehnenplastik. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, Ver.-Beil., 111.— Htibscher (C.) Zur Sehnenverkiirzung. Zentralbl. f. chir. u. mech. Orthop., BerL, 1912, vi, 142.— Judson (A. B.) Subcutaneous tenotomy; biographical notes. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1899, xii, 238-242. Also, Reprint. Also: N. York M. J., 1899, lxx, 290-292. Also, transl: Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1899, xvi, 155-159.—Koch (J.) Beitrage zur Sehnenplastik. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1904, xiii, 610-648.—Lange (F.) Weitere Erfah- rungen iiber seidene Sehnen. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1902, xlix, 10-13. -----. Eine Verbesserung der kiinstlichen Sehnen. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1906, xvii, 266-271.— Lewis (G. G.) A new instrument for partial tenotomies. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1907, xvi, 281. Also, Reprint. — Lubinus. Ueber Muskel- und Sehnenplastik. Mitt. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1908, n. F., xvii, 66-71.—Llining. Einige Fiille der modernen orthopadischen Sehnenchirurgie. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1901, xxxi, 661-664.—McKinnon (A. I.) Tendon surgery. West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1902, vii, 300.—von Mangoldt. Ueber eine neue Me- thode der Tendoplastik. [Abstr.] Jahresb. d. Gesellsch, f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1898-9, 87-89.— Itlencifere (L.) Recherches experimentales sur la creation de ten- dons artificiels; applications chez l'homme. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1906, xv, 445-451.—Michel (L.) Section de 4 tendons flechisseurs des doigts; sutures; resultat fonctionnel complet. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1907-8, 53.—IWLoeller fils. Considerations sur la chirur- gie des tendons. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1907, xiv, 129; 145.—Moszkowicz (L.) Ersatz des Glutaeus maximus durch Sehnenplastik. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz., 1908, xxviii, Suppl.-Hft., 143-150.—Murphy (J. B.) Contribution to the surgery of bones, joints and tendons. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1912, lviii, 985-990.— JMuskat (G.) Ueber Verwendung von Sehnenopera- tionen. Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med.u. Chir., Jena, 1904, vii, 609-623.—O'Beilly (A.) An instrument for shortening tendons. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Phila., 1910-11, viii, 733-735. —Pagane Hi ( T. R. ) Anew tenotomy scissors. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Orange, 1911- 12, viii, 306.—Paul (F. T.) A case in which the ten- don of the flexor longus pollicis was grafted into the index tendon of the flexor profundus digitorum. Liver- pool M.-Chir. J., 1895, xv, 500-502.—Phelps (A. M.) Tenotomy. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, cxxix, 194-197. -----. Tenotomy for contracted tendons following infantile paralysis; a report of a case. N. York M. J., 1894, lix, * 229.—Piirkhauer (R.) Nerven- oder Sehnenplastik. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1908, xxi, 170-176.—Putti (V.) Purdiminuireod abolire il periododi immobilizza- zione postoperativa nei trapianti e nelle fissazioni ten- dinee. Riv. ospedal.,Roma, 1912, ii, 262-267.—tluerrnau (A.) De la tenotomie du perfore dans les formes rucidi- vantes ou incurables des efforts de tendons. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1908,lxxxv, 349; 412. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1908, 710.—Romano (C.) Le operazioni sui tendini a scopo ortomorrico e funzio- nale. Gazz. internaz. di med. prat., Napoli, 1901, iv, 249; 261, 1 pl.—Rowlands (R. P.) Two cases illustrating the value of tendon grafting in orthopaedic surgery. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1908, xxii,49-52.—Rugh (J. T.) Subcutaneous tendon-splicing; a modification of Ander- son's open method, adapted especially to the tendo- Achillis. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iv, 702-705.—Santoro (G.) Ricerche sperimentali sulla plastica dei tendini. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1900, xlviii, 1041-1067.— Schepelniaiin (E.) Klinische und experimentelle Beitrage zur Sehnenplastik. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1912, cxv, 459-465.—Schneider. Ueber Sehnen- plastik. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1899-1900, 8-10.—Schultze. Die Verlangerung der Sehnen; Beitrag zur Sehnenplastik. Zentralbl. f. chir. u. mech. Orthop., BerL, 1907, i, 249.—Sheets (L. I>.) Priority in tenotomy. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iii, 379.—Silver (D.) The causes of failure in tendon graft-. TENDONS. 738 TENDONS. Tendons (Surgery of). ing. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1906-7, x, 839-846.—Steindler (A.) Muscular power in tenotomy and tenoplasty. Illi- nois M. J., Springfield, 1909, xvi, 167-169.—Tilanus (C. B.) Over peesverkorting en peesverlenging en haar toepas- sing. Nederl.Tijdschr.v.Geneesk.,Amst.,1902,2.R.,xxviii, d.2,332-338.-----. Peesfixatie. J/6id.,1907,ii,403 —Toepel (T.) Tenotomy. Atlanta Jour.-Rec Med., 1910-11, lvi, 58- 08.—Treves (F.) Tenotomy bvthe old method. Am. J. M. Sc,Phila., 1893,n.s.,cv, 15-20—Vignard. Tendino- plastie a la soie s livant la methode de Lange. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1907, x, 13-15. Also: Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 575-577.—Vogt (R.) Senetransplantationens psy- kofysiologiske forklaring. [Explication psycho-physio- logique des phenomenes de la tenoplastie. Res., 1494.J Norsk. Mag. f. Lsgevidensk., Kristiania, 1904, 6. R., ii, 1485-1491.—Volpe (M.) Modificazione alia tenoplastica col metodo Czerny. Suppl. al Policlin., Roma, 1898-9, v, 1345-1347.—Vulpius (O.) Der heutige Stand der Seh- nenplastik. Wien. Klinik, 1903, xxix, 339-364. Also: Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1903-1, xii, 1-15. Also, transl: N. York M.J. [etc.], 1904, lxxx, 487; 535: 591; 629; 684. Also, Reprint.—Vulpius (O.) & Laii-ie. Ver- handlungen iiber die Sehnenplastik. Monatschr. f. orthop. Chir. [etc.], BerL, 1903, iii, 81-ss.—Walker (H. O.) Tendoplasty. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1903, xxv, 550.—Walzberg (T.) Tenotomie des Musculus ileopsoas am Trochanter minor. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 2135.—Williams (A. H.) Egg membrane as an artificial tendon sheath. Tr. Colo- rado M. Soc, Denver, 1901, 2*7-291.—Wolff (J.) Ueber ostale Sehnenplastik. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1902, xxviii, 321-323— Wollcnberg (G A.) Beitrag zur Technik der Sehnenplastik. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1905, xiv, 160. -----. Der Verlauf der in- tramuskularen Nervenbahnen und seine Bedeutung fiir die Sehnenplastik. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1704. Tendons (Suture of). Aubert (L-H.) * Contribution a P6tude de la suture des tendons. 8°. Geneve, 1905. Faugere (F.-J.) * Contribution a l'etude du traitement chirurgical des sections tendineuses des flechisseurs des doigts. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907. Goergexs (B.) * Ueber Sehnennaht und Sehnenplastik. 8°. Bonn, 1898. Henke (H. K.) * Ueber die sekundiire Sehnennaht und die Sehnennaht bei Sehnen- defekten. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Kielhom (0.) * Ueber die Prognose der Sehnennahte. 8°. Bonn, 1901. Le Chat de la Sourdiere (J.-F.) *An suendi tendines? Achille-Francisco Fontaine, praeside. 8°. Parisiis, 1742. Lexormaxd (A.)*Recherches anatomiques et cliniques sur la suture des tendons de la face dorsale de la main. 4°. Paris, 1892. Malewitsch (M.) *Die verschiedenen For- raen der Sehnennaht. Priifung der Zugfestig- keit derselben am Leichenmaterial. 8°. Basel, 1908. Ruschmann (W.) *Die Resultate der Sehnen- naht. 8°. Munchen, 1904. Schondorf (J.) *Functionelle Endresultate der primiiren Sehnen- und Nervennaht. [Strass- burg.] 8°. Zireibriicken, 1882. ScHtJssLER (F.) Sehnennahte an der Klinik Billroth (Ende 1886 bis Ende 1889). 8°. Wien, 1890. Silvestre (E.) *De la suture des tendons. 4°. Lyon, 1892. Teuber(K.) * Ueber Sehnennahte. 8°. Bres- lau, 1902. Andrew (J. G.) Ruptured tendo Achillis; secondary suture; in a man, at. 23. Tr. Med.-Chir., Soc, Glasg., 1905-7, vi, 351-353.—Anselini (A.) Contributo alia su- tura dei tendini e dei nervi. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1896, Roma, 1897, xi, 479-483, 5 pl. Also, Reprint,— Aiiiihcl. Suture des tendons a distance. Bull.Soc.de me-iiolo (G.) Contributo alia sutura dei tendini. Riv."veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1903, xxxviii, 173-185.—Brings (S. S.) Suture of tendon. Nashville J. M. & S., 1904, xevi, 5mj.— Carless (A.) Operation for divided tendons of the leg. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1901, n. s., lxxi, 230.— Colgan (J. F. E. ) Open incision tenotomy, with report of a case in which the tendon was sutured by the Anderson method. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, Ls93, 3. s., ix, 670-672.—Couteaud. Un cas de suture de tendon par anastomose avec autoplastic cutanee. Soc. de med. mil. frang. Bull., Par., 1910, iv, 217-219.— Crile (G. W.) Tendon suture; operation. Cleveland J. M., 1899, iv, 521.—Delbet (P.) Section de cinq ten- dons flechisseurs et du median; sutures et traitement electrique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 401^05.—De Lutijs (E.) Nuova sutura per tendini] Incurabili, Napoli, 1900, xv, 257-261.—Dreyer (L.) Ueber die Moglichkeit sofortiger Bewegungsaufnahme nach Sehnennaht. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1910, lxx, 581-603. -----. Zur Technik der Sehnennahte; Erwide- rung auf den gleichlautenden Artikel von v. Frisch. Arch. f. klin. Chir., BerL, 1911, xcv, 242-244.—Dubrueil (A.) Section des tendons flechisseurs de 1'index; sutures des bouts peripheriques avec le tendon du medius; succes. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1892, iii, 413-416—Fite (F. B.) Surgery of severed tendons in infected regions. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1898-9 v, 267-270.—Focquet. Considerations sur la suture des tendons. Arch. mud. beiges, Brux., 1898, 4. s., xii, 382-389—Fo let (H.) Su- tures tendino-musculaires (teno-myo-raphies). Bull. med., Par., 1903, xvii, 1043. Also: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1903, vii, 565-568.—Fracassini (L.) Contributo clinico ad un processo speciale di sutura tendinea. Clin. mod., Pisa, 1902, viii, 326-329.—von Frisch (O.) Zur Technik der Sehnennahte. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 183-186. -----. Einige Bemerkungen zur Technik der Sehnennaht. Arch. f. klin. Clrr., BerL, 1910-11, xciv, 928-936. See, also, supra, Dreyer. —Gallaudet (B. B.) Tenorrhaphy. Ann. Surer., Phila., 1904, xxxix, 284.— Gangolphe (M.) De l'utilite de la tenorra- phie dans les interventions pour synovites fon- gueuses tendineuses. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1894), 1895, xxxiv, 135-138. Also: Lyon med., 1895, lxxviii, 108-110.— Giudieeandrea (V.) Un nuovo processo di tenorafia. Suppl. al Poli- clin., Roma, 1895-6, ii, 935-938.—Hatch (E. S.) Tendon suture. Boston M. & S. J., 1900, cxliii, 256. [Discussion], 264.—Houel (E.) Note pourservir al'etude des sutures tendineuses. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1897, i, 353-355.— Huntington (T. W.) Tenorraphy, with a report of four cases. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1894, viii, 644-647.—Keen (W. W.) Suture of ruptured biceps tendon. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xliii, 159.—Kholin (N.) Vozstanovleniye tslelosti sukhozhiliya. [Reestab- lishment of entirety of a tendon.] Vrach. Zapiski, Mosk., 1899, vi, 227-230.—Kimura. Ueber Sehnennaht. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 247.—Laurent (O.) L'anastomose tendineuse. J. med. de Brux., 1903, viii, 692.—Lejars (E.) Suture tendineuse. Semaine med., Par., 1904, xxiv, 68— IAlienthal (H.) Multiple tendon and nerve suture, with perfect recovery in spite of suppuration. N. York M. J. 1892, lvi, 516-518.-l.it- tlewood (A.) Case illustrating a new method of tendon suture. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 398.—Lund (F. B.) Tenorrhaphy, with clinical reports of cases. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 337; 396. Also, Reprint- McCoy (A.) Tenorrbaphv; suture of severed tendons. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxi, 245-247.— JUazzonc (F.) Contributo clinico alia sutura tendinea e teno- plastica per anastomosi a scopo ortomorflco e fun- zionale con proprio metodo. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1904, n. s., xxvi, 1114-1121.—Morton ; liaNa. f . implantation of the tendon of biceps in placed cm quadriceps cruris; recovery.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1903, 2 f iii 75 —Barth (G. P.) Tendon transplantation. Wisconsin M J., Milwaukee, 1903,i, 180-186. [Discussion], o(H _B«.riihard(0.) ZurSehnenverpflanzung; casuis- Tendons (Transplantation of). tischer Beitrag. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1899, xxix, 10.—Borglum (F.) Tendon transplantation and tendon separation for the reduction of congenital and acquired deformities. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1911, xvi, 224-227. —Bradford (E. H.) Tenoplastic surgery. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1897, xxvi, 153-164.—Bradford (E. H.) & Soutter (R.) Muscle and tendon transference. Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvi, 655-659.— Brunner (F.) & Schulthess (W.) Ueber Sehnentransplantation. Cor.- Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1898, xxviii, 687; 641.— Biilow-Hanseii (V.) Om senetransplantationer og -plasti ker. [Sur les transplantationsde tendons et la teno- noplastie. Res., p. 197.] Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Kris- tiania, 1902, 4. R., xvii, 125-148. Also, transl: Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1901, 3. f., i, afd. 1, no. 26,1-29. -----. Tilftelde af sene-transplantation paa overarmen. [Case of transplantation of tendon in the upper arm.] Forh. i. d. med. Selsk., Kristiania, 1907, 206.—Caponetto (G.) Sul trapianto tendineo. Clin. chir.. Milano. 1911, xix, 1401-1414, 3pl.—Cappelli (L.) Intervento del sistema nervoso centrale negli esiti funzionali del trapianto ten- dineo. N. raccoglitore med., Imola, 1902, i, 289-308.— Chi musky (V.) Ueber knocherne Sehnenverpflan- zungen. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1901, ii, 286.— Codivilla (A.) Sui trapianti tendinei nella pratica ortopedica. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1899, xvi, 225-250. Also: Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1899, Roma, 1900, xiv, 286-293.-----. De I'importance dela transplantation des tendons et de son action sur la paralysie spasmodique del'enfance. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1900, 2. s., i, 321-335, 2 pl. -----. Sulla tecnica dei trapianti tendinei. Arch. di ortop., Milano, 1904, xxi, 47; 503. -----. La mia es- perienza nei trapianti tendinei. Policlin., Roma, 1904, xi, sez. chir., 145; 215. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. orthop. chir., Stuttg., 1903-4, xii, 221-251. -----. Indications des trans- plantations tendineuses d'apres les resultats obtenus par l'auteur. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect.6,412-415.—Colllns(J.) Neurological questions in the operation of tendon transplantation. N. York M. J., 1902, lxxv, 810-813.—Cone (S. M.) Tendon transplantation. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull.,Bait., 1901, xii, 259-201.—Cur- cio (A.l I trapianti dei tendini in ortopedia. Riv. di ortop. e terap. fis., Napoli, 1901, i, 33-46.—Dahlgren (K.) Fall af sentransplantation. [Case of transplantation of tendons.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1908, 2. F., viii, 184-189.— Delageniere (H.) De la transplantation du tendon d'Achille sur le tendon du long peronier lateral comme operation complementaire des interventions pratiquees pour le pied bot varus 6quin dans le but de combattre l'enroulement dupiedetsa rotation en dedans. Assoc. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1907, 519-527. Also: Arch. med. d'Angers, 1907, xi, 648-656. —Depage. A propos d'une indication speciale de la transplantation tendineuse. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1907, 515-517. -----. Transplantation des tendons. J. med. de Brux., 1907, xii, 110. — Desguin (L.) Sur deux cas de greffe tendineuse operes avec succes. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers, 1896, 148-154. Also: Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1896, iii, pt. 2,801-807.— Dobe- rauer (G.) Ueber die Behandlung von Lahmungen und Deformitaten der Glieder mittels Sehnentransplantation. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1905, xxx, 184; 201; 217; 231.— Dowd (C. N.) Tendon transplantation. Ann. Surg., Phila.. 1907, xlvi, 142.—Eve (F.) On tendon grafting or function transference in the treatment of infantile paralysis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1139-1141.— Faltin (R.) Om sentransplantation. [Ueber Seh- nentransplantation. Let'., p. lxi.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1903. xiv, pt. 2, 485-192.—Franke ( F.) Ueber Sehnenuberpflanzung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., BerL, 1896, lii, 87-97. — Gaudier (H.) Trans- plantations musculo-tendineuses. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1907, 380-445. — Gaudier (H.) & Swynghedauw. Transplantations tendineuses. Echo m6d. du nord, Lille, 1911, xv, 181. Also: Bull. Soc. de med. du nordl911, Lille, 1912,129-134.—Gibney (V. P.) Technics of the operation and results of tendon trans- plantation at the Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled. N. YorkM. J., 1902, lxxv, 801-810. — Gillette. Greffe des tendons extenseurs dela main. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1875), 1876, x, 22-24— U luck. Ein Fall von Seh- nentransplantation. Verhandl. d. BerL med. Gesellsch. (1900-1901), 1902, xxxii.pt. 1, 118. —Goldthwait (J. E.) Tendon transplantation in the treatment of paralytic de- formities. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, cxxxiv, 29-34. [Dis- cussion], 42. Also, Reprint.— Hammond (\\. N.) Tendon transference. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1906, xii, 731-735.—Her re ra Vegas (M.) & Airuilar (D.) Sobre transplantaci6n de tendones. Rev. Soc. med. ar- gent.,BuenosAires,1900,viii,230-243.—Hevcsi (I.) Trans- plan tatiotendinum; inathelyezes es inkeplus izomhude- seknel es zsugoroknal. [Transplantation of tendons, tendon plastic surgery, in muscular paralysis and con- tractions.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1903, xlvii, 490; 510; 526; 541: 557; 571; 585. Also, transl: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1904, xl, 61; 89: 113; 138; 160; 187; 209. -----. Uj inkepld m6dszer az angolk6ros es statikai, hid- TENDONS. 740 TENDONS. Tendons (Transplantation of). talp gyokeresgy6gyitasara. [A new method of radical rhachitis and flat-foot, bv tendon transplantation.] Or- vosi hetil., Budapest, 1905, xlix, 98; 123.—Hildebrandt (A.) Ueber die Sehnentransplantation. BerL klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 1851-1854.—Hoffa (A.) Ueber die Enderfolge der Sehnenplastik. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., BerL, 1904, xxxiii, 24-28. -----. The final results in tendon transplantation. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1904-5, ii, 34-37.-----. Ueber die Endresul- tate der Sehnenplastiken. Arch. f. klin. Chir., BerL, 1906, lxxxi, pt. 1, 455-503.-----. Sur les resultats defini- tifs de transplantations tendineuses. Assoc franc de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1907, xx, 478-490. — Hoh- ■nann (G.) Der neutige Stand der Sehnentransplanta- tion. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xxii, 1208-1214.— Hornborg (A. F.) Ueber partielle Transplantation der Achillessehne. Zentralbl. f. chir. u. mech. Orthop. BerL, 1909, iii, 49-51. — Hunimelsheiin. Ueber Sehnentransplantation. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1907, Wiesb., 1908, xxxiv, 248-253 — Hunkin (S. J.) On the subject of tendon transplanta- tion, with report of a case. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1904, ii, 245. [Discussion], 168.—Italia (F. E.) Sul tra- pianto tendineo-muscolare a funzione antagonista. Poli- clin., Roma, 1901-2, viii, sez. prat., 801-809.—Jones (R.) An address on arthrodesis and tendon transplantation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 728-732.— Jopson (J. H.) Tendon transplantation. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1907-8, xi, 345-349. [Discussion], 355. Also: Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1907-8, xx, 222-225.—Kirmisson (E.) Les transplantations tendineuses. Rev. internat. de mecl. et de chir., Par., 1906, xvii, 141. -----. De la valeur des transplantations tendineuses dans les paralysies. Assoc. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc], Par., 1907, 446-478. Also: Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1907, 2. s., viii, 567-605.—Kirsch (E.) Zur Sehnentransplantation. Monatschr. f. Unfall- heilk., Leipz., 1897, iv, 377-379.—Kirschner(M.) Ueber freie Sehnen- und Fascientransplantation. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1909, lxv, 472-503, 3 pl.—Kumniell (H.) Das Endresultat des artificiellen Ersatzes eines Sehnende- fektes. Festschr. z. Feier . . . Fr. von Esmarch, Kiel u. Leipz., 1893, 411-417.—L,a Ferte (D.) Tendon grafting. Med. Age, Detroit, 1903, xxi, 121-125,1 pl.—Lange (F.) Ueber periostale Sehnenverpflanzungen. Ztschr. f. or- thop. Chir., Stuttg., 1900, viii, 30-36. -----. Die Sehnen- verpflanzung. Ibid., 1903-4, xii, 16-44. Also, transl: Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1905, iii, 148-152. -----. Ueber Sehnenverpflanzung und seidene Sehnen. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1905, ii, 697-702. -----. Experi- ences sur les transplantations de tendons. Assoc, franc. dechir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1907, 496-499. -----. Die Sehnenverpflanzung. Ergebn. d. Chir. u. Orthop., BerL, 1911, ii, 1-31.-----. Tendinose oder periostale Sehnenver- pflanzung? Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1911, xxix, 544-548.—Louis (D.) & Bavis (C. B.) Experimental direct transplantation of tendon and fascia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911. lvii, 640-546.—I.oreiiz (A.) Die In- dikationen zur Sehnenverpflanzung. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1906. lvi, 117-127.—Lubbers. Ein Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Sehnentransplantation. Deutsche Aerzte- Ztg., BerL, 1905, 392-395—McKenzie (B. E.) Orthope- dic treatment of deformities and disabilities resulting from diseases of the nervous system; special reference to tendon transplantation. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1901, X, 250-259. Also: Phila. M. J., 1901, viii, 566-570.—Main- zer (M.) Ueber indirekte Sehnenuberpflanzung, nebst Bemerkungen fiber die physiologische Grundlage der Sehneniiberpflanzungen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr. 1902, xlix, 869.—Mann (J. P.) Periosteal tendon-graft' ing in a Lisfranc amputation for gangrene. Med. Bull. Phila., 1900, xxii, 456. Also: Railway Surg., Chicago^ 1900-1901, vii, 376—Martinez Xngel (A.) Algo sobre transplantaciones 6 injertos tendinosos. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1906, xvi, 57-61.—Mayer. A pro- pos de la transplantation tendineuse. J. med. de Brux., 1903, viii, 385-388.—Mayet (H.) La question des trans- plantations tendineuses et nerveuses au Congres de chi- rurgie. Rev. mens, de gynec, d'obstet. et de pediat., Par., 1907, ii, 429-132.—Mcnciere (L.) Les transplanta- tions musculaires et ten d i i teuses. Ann. de m6d. et chir. inf., Par.,I908,xii,310-316.—Mueller fils. Les transplantations detendons. Ann. del'Inst. chir.deBrux., 1903, x, 65-71.— Natzler (A.) Experimentelles zur Sehneniiberpflan- zungsnaht. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1911, xxviii, 455-467. — Nieod. Transplantation tendineuse. Rev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1908, xxviii, 54.—Open- shaw (W. T. H.) On tendon implantation. Tr. Brit. Orthop. Soc. 1897-8, Lond., 1899, iii, 78-89. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1898, n. s., lxvi, 670 -Oppenheim (H.) Ueber Missbrauch der Sehnentransplantation. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xlii, 169.—Painter (C. F.) A case of transplantation of the biceps femoris tendon. Boston M. &. S. J., 1902, cxlvii, 3sl— Pierre. A. quel age est-il le plus opportun de pratiquer la transplantation tendineuse? Cong. nat. period, du gvnec, d'obstet. et de paediat., Rouen, 1904, iv, 762.—It elm (E.) Die homo- plastische Sehnentransplantation im Tierexperiment. Tendons (Transplantation of). Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1910, lxviii, 417-447, 1 pl.— Beiehard. Functionsherstellung durch Sehnenver- pflanzung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xxxix, 140-142. -----. Sechzig Sehnenverpflanzungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1903, xxix, 445-448.—Bepetto (N.) Ensayodetrasplantaci6ndetendones para corregir una contractura espasm6dica. An. d. Circ. med. argent Buenos Aires, 1899, xxii, 323-327.—Bit-hards (F. H.j Tendon transplantation and nerve anastomosis. Am J M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1907, cxxxiv, 403^11.—Bojjers (E.J. A.) Exhibition of a case of tendon transplantation. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1897, 422.—Boss! (B.) I trapianti tendinei nella pratica chirurgica. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1904, lxxiii, 271; 281; 291; 305; 321; 351; 361. Also, Reprint.—Byerson (E. M.) Tendon transplanta- tion and silk ligaments; a few practical points in the technic. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Phila., 1911-12, ix, 60-64.— Scliachner (A.) Transplantation of tendon for para- lytic deformity. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1909- 10, viii, 1471.—Sever (J. W.) Tendon transplantation and silk inserts. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1912, lviii, 1432-1436— Springer (C.) Zur Technik der Sehnen- verliingerung bei Sehnenuberpflanzung. Arch. f. Or- thop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1903, i, 210-217. —Stiles (H. J.) [Transplantation of tendons for paralvtic talipes equino- varus.] Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1903-4, n.s.. xxiii. 3.— Stoffel (A.) Eine seltene Indikation zur Sehnenuber- pflanzung. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1906, xvii, 160-169.—Tiinmer (H.) Het zoogenaamde succes na peestransplantatie en peesvurkorting. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1911, i, 845-847.—Turner (H.) Ei- nige Ergiinzungen zur Technik der Sehnentransplanta- tion. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1905, xiv, 238.— Van den Bergh. Un cas de transplantation des ten- dons. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1901, lxiii, 183-186. -----. Resultats eioignes de la transplantation des ten- dons. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers, 1905, x, 11-14.— Van Boy. Un cas de transplantation tendineuse. [Rap. de Gvselvnck et de Wiener.] J. dechir. et ami. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1906, vi, 437; 443.—Vignard (P.)&Monod (G.) Des transplantations tendineuses et en particulier de la tendinoplastie a la soie. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1907, lxxx, 843-850. — Vulpius (0.) Zur Casuistik der Sehnentransplantation. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 409. -----. Weitere Erfahrungen iiber die Sehnenuberpflanzung. Ibid., 1899, xlvi, 545-548. -----. Ueber das Indicationsgebiet der Sehnenuber- pflanzung. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1899, vi, 321- 326. -----. Ueber die Sehnenuberpflanzung und ihre Erfolge in der Behandlung von Liihmungen. Wien. med. Presse, 1900, xii, 1811-1814. Also: St. Petersb. med- Wchnsehr., 1900, n. F., xvii, 329-331.-----. Die Sehnen. iiberpflanzung am Oberschenkel. Wien. klin. Rund- schau, 1903, xvii, 257-261. -----. Opiti peresadki sukho- zhiliy. [Transplantation of tendons.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1904, iii, 225; 251; 281. -----. Misserfolge der Sehnenuberpflanzung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1359-1363. -----. Ueber die Indikationen zur Sehnen- verpflanzung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1906, lvi, 505;565.— Waterman (J. H.) Tendon transplantation; its his- tory, indications and technic. Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxxi, 54-61.— Wharton (H. R.) Tendon transplanta- tion. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1907, xiv, 635. Also: Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg., 1907-8, x, 4.—Willems (C.) Transplanta- tions tendineuses dans le traitement des paralysies. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1907, 513- 515. — Wilson (H. A.) The advantages of tendon transplantation. Tr. Lehigh Valley M. Ass., Easton, Pa., 1905, n. s., i, 281-288. Also: Am. Med., Phila., 1905, ix, 672-574. — Winkler. Ueber Sehnentransplantation. (Mit zwei kasuistischen Beitragen.) Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M., 1897, vi, 56-60. Tendons (Tuberculosis of). Arcoleo (E.) Osservazioni cliniche e sperimentali sulla tubercolosi dei tendini. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1894, liii, 453-457.—Curtis (B. F.) Tuberculosis of ten- dons. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxviii, 384.—Dunlap (E.) Tuberculosis of tendons and of tendon sheaths. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Fort Worth, 1904-5, xxii, no. 5, 1-6.—Milian & Crepin. La camptodactylie, tuber- culose sclereuse des tendons. Bull, et mum. Soc. mod. d. h6p. de Par., 1908, 3. s., xxv, 21-27. Tendons (Tumors of). See, also, Tendon-sheaths (Tumors of). Brodier(H.) Kyste teno-synovial du medius. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1891, lxvi, 56-58.—Constantinesco (C.) Sarcome des tendons extenseurs des doigts. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Bucarest, 1903-4, vi, 250.— Hofmann (C.) Ueber Ganglienbildung in dur Kon- tinuitat der Sehnen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 1315-1317.—Lannelongue. Note sur une tumeur du tendon d'Achille. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902, exxiv, 21-23.—Monprofit. Sarcome ossifiant des tendons. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1891, lxvi, 40.—Pels- Leusden. Ueber Sehnengeschwulstchen bei Kindern. TENDONS. 741 TENDON-SHEATHS. Tendons (Tumors of). Centralbl. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1907, xii, 113-116. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 7-9.—Boberts (J. B.) Solid tumor of extensor tendon of the finger mistaken for thecal cyst. Tr. Path. Soc Phila., 1885-7, xiii, 211.—Schwarz. Ein Fall von fibro- matoser Verdickung der Achillessehne. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 1235. Tendon-sheaths. Mahlstedt ( H. ) *Sehnenscheiden und Schleimbeutel des Hundes. [Bern.] 8°. Ko- nigsberg, 1908. Schwartz (C.-E.) Recherches anatorniques et cliniques sur les gaines synoviales de la face palmaire de la main. 8°. Paris, 1878. Walter (B. C.) *Die Sehnenscheiden und Schleimbeutel der Gliedmassen des Hundes. [Leipzig.] 8°. Dresden, 1908. Cannieu. Recherches sur les gaines synoviales du singe cynocephale. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bor- deaux, 1897, xviii, 429-431.—Chemin. Deuxieme serie de recherches sur les gaines svnoviales tendineuses du pied. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1896, xxvi, 249-252.— Failla (R. L.) Contributo alia conoscenza anatomo- topografica delle guaine sinoviali tendinee dell' arto pos- teriore del cavallo. Gior. d. r. Soc. naz. vet., Torino, 1911, lx, 965; 985.—Folger (A. F.) Ueber die unteren Seh- nenscheiden des Rindus. Monatsh. f. prakt. Tierh., Stuttg., 1906, xvii, 445-4 '2.—.In vara (E.) Asupra tecel fibroase si sinoviale a tendoanelor peronierilor laterall. [The fibrous and svnovial sheaths of the lateral peroneal tendons.] Rev. de chir., BucurescI, 1897-8, i, 360-371 — Levrat (E.) & Tournier (E.) Le ligament suspen- seur du pli de Paine. Compt. rend de l'Assoc. d. anat., Par., 1909, xi, 34-40.—I.ucien. Developpement des cou- lisses fibreuses et des gaines synoviales annexees aux ten- dons de la region anterieure du cou-de-pied. Bibliog. anat.. Par. & Nancy, 1907-8, xvii, 53-61. -----. Develop- pement des coulisses fibreuses et des gaines synoviales annexees aux peroniers lateraux. Ibid., 289-298. Also Abstr.]: Compt. rend, de l'Assoc. d. anat., Par., 1908, x, 148-150. -----. Les gaines synoviales carpiennes des fle- chisseurs des doigts chez l'homme. Bibliog. anat., Par. & Nancy, 1910-11, xx, 70-79.—Lunghclli (B.) Con- tributo alia conoscenza della conformazione e dello svi- luppo delle sinoviali tendinee e muscolari del piede. Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol., Firenze, 1907, vi, 585- 659, 4 pl. Tendon-sheaths (Diseases of). See, also, Bur see (Diseases of); Tendon- sheaths (Inflammation, etc., of); Tendon- sheaths {Tuberculosis of); Tendon-sheaths (Tumors of). Mengelberg (R. \V.) * Die Behandlung der chronischen Sehnenscheidenentzundung und der Ganglien mit Jodoformglycerininjektion. 8°. Bonn, 1900. Bubets (N.) Vodyankasukhozhilnavovlagalishtsha obshtshavo razgibatelya paltsev tila pravol ruchnol kisti i risoviya tlela. [OSdema of the sheath of the tendon of the flexor communis digitorum in the back of the right wrist and rice bodies.] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1897, cxc, med.-spec. pt., 392-400.—Schuchardt (K.) Tuberculose und Syphilis der Sehnenscheiden; Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fibrinoiden Entartung des Bindege- webes. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], BerL, 1894, cxxxv, 394-432,1 pl.—Whitman (R.) A consideration of some of the affections of tendon-sheaths and bursae, and their relations to injuries and diseases of the joints. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xii, 375-377. Also, Reprint.—Williams i W. L.) Infected open tendon sheaths. Vet. J., Lond., 1907, 80-88. Tendon-sheaths (Inflammation and abscess of). See, also, Gonorrhoea (Complications of, Ar- ticular, etc., of). Daubert (P.) Contribution a l'etude du traitement des t^no-synovites aigues. 8°. Nantes, 1909. Hartwig (F. P.) * Wesen und Behandlung der Sehnenscheidenphlegmone. 8°. Berlin, 1909. Strater (L.) *Die Behandlung der, Tendo- vaginitis crepitans mit Hyperamie. 8°. Bonn, 1907. Tendon-sheaths (Inflammation and abscess of). Weiss (L.) jr. * Klinische und anatomische Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Tendovaginitis crepi- tans. [Marburg.] 8°. Tubingen, 1907. Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1907, liv, 513-529. Also, Reprint. Aulich. Ein Fall von metastatischer Sehnenschei- denentzundung als Komplikation. Ztschr. f. Veterinark., BerL, 1908, xx, 27-34—Babes (A.) Sinovita cronica, kistica a tecei tendoanelor muschilor extensorul comun al degetelor si a extensorulul propriu al indexulul; simetrica. [Chronic cystic synovitis in the tendon sheaths of the extensor communis digitorum and ex- tensor indicis; symmetrical. ] Spitalul, BucurescI, 1906, xxvi, 345-348.—Bum (A.) Die subkutane Seh- nenscheidenentzundung und ihre Behandlung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv, 1642.—Buning. Ten- dovaginitis crepitans in verband met de onge- vallenwet 1901. Med. Rev., Haarlem, 1904, iv, 685- 591.—Cignozzi (0.) Sulla genesi dei corpi orizoidei nelle tendovaginiti cronicbe tubercolari a granuli risi- formi. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1906, xxii, 365- 377.—Dervaux (H.) Synovite fongueuse des gaines ra- dio-carpienne et cubito-carpienne; extirpation totale; guerison. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1897, i, 491-494.—Doyen. Synovite fongueuse de la gaine digitale du medius; ope- ration; guerison. Arch, de Doyen. Par., 1910-11, i, 175.— IClias (S.) Tendovaginitis crepitans, gevolg van een ongeval. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1909, ii, 261.—Von Frisch (O.) Ueber Tendovaginitis crepi- tans. Arch. f. klin. Chir., BerL, 1909, lxxxix, 823-853.— Fungoznoye vospaleniye vlagalishtsha sukhozhiliya dlinnol golovki dvuglavol mishtsi plecha. [Fungous in- flammation of the sheath of the tendon of the long head of the biceps] Otchot o dlevateln. khirurg. klin. [etc.] v Mosk. (1*96-8), 1899, 196.—Harpster (C. M. A case of tenosynovitis. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1906-7, ii, 635 — Jaboulay. Le phlegmon diffus de la gaine vasculaire du membre superieur. Med. mod., Par., 1894, v, 67.— Kanavel (A. B.) Tenosynovitis of the hand, a clinical, experimental, and anatomical study. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1909, viii, 49; 125.—Kepplor (W.) Zur Klinik der Sehnenscheidenphlegmone unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Stauungsbehandlung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1912, cxv, 63-150.—Klapp (R.) Die Behandlung der Sehnenscheidenphlegmone. BerL klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 725-729. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1908), 1909, xxxix, pt. 2, 118-128. [Discussion], pt. 1, 158-163.—Korber. [Eine geheilte Sehnenscheidenphlegmone nach Staphyiokokkeninfek tion.] Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1909, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1910, xiv, pt. 1,123.---Kuttner. Zur Kennt- nis der normalen Sehnenscherden-Anatomie und der Tendovaginitis crepitans. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Chir., BerL, 1907, xxxvi, 232-235.—L,ejars« Inflammation chronique des gaines synoviales des ten- dons extenseurs de la main gauche, simulant un fibro- sarcoma Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1911, xxxvii, 855-860.—Losson (W.) Biersche Stauungs- hyperamie bei Sehnenscheidenphlegmone. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, lii, lsvs. -----. Biersche Stauungs- behandlung bei Sehnenscheideiiphlegmonen und ande- ren akuten Entziindungen. Med. Klin., Berl 1906, ii, 650-652.—Marcus. Synovite fongueuse de la gaine palmaire interne. Lyon med., 1897, lxxxvi, 371.—Mi- chaelis (P.) Stenosierende Tendovaginitis im Be- reiche des Processus stvloideus radii. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1912, xxx, 192-195.—Oser (E. G.) Zur Behandlung der Tendovaginitis crepitans mit Fibro- lysin. Wien. klin. Wchnschr." 1911, xxiv, 1530.—Peek (C. H.) Suppurative tenosynovitis of flexors of hand and wrist; Bier's hyperemia; multiple incisions. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1908, xlviii, 617-619.—Poiilsen (K.) Seh- nenscheidenentzundung im ersten Fach des Antibra- chium, begleitet von Traktionsperiostitis am Processus styloideus radii. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 813.—dc Quervain (F.) Ueber eine Form von chronischer Tendovaginitis. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1895, xxv, 389-394. -----. Steno- sierende Tendovaginitis am Handgelenk. Ibid., 1912, xlii, 355. -----. Ueber das Wesen und die Behandlung der stenosierenden Tendovaginitis am Processus sty- loideus radii. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 5.— Biosaldo (J.) Tendovaginitis fungosa de los exten- sores de los dedos. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. m6d., Ma- drid, 1912, xxvii, 89-93.—Seemann (O.) Anatomische Untersuchungen fiber die Sehnenscheiden der Fussbeuge in Beziehung zur sogenannten Tendovaginitis und Pe- rimyositis crepitans. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1908, lx, 355-401, 3 pl.—van Trooijen (G. P.) lets over tendovaginitis crepitans in verband met de ongeval- lenwet 1901. Nederl. Tiidschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1905, 2. r., xii, d. 1, 133-143.—Weiss (L.) Klinische und ana- tomische Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Tendovaginitis cre- pitans. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1907, liv, 513-519. TENDON-SHEATHS. 742 TENDON-SHEATHS. Tendon-sheaths (Tuberculosis of). Briexs (L.) * Etude clinique sur les syno- vites tuberculeuses primitives de la gaine tendineuse commune des peroniers lateraux. 8°. Paris, 1899. Hasenknopf (H. [F. B.]) * Ueber Sehnen- scheidentuberculose. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Klug (F.) * Beitrag zur traumatischen Entstehung der Sehnenscheidentuberkulose und zur Impftuberkulose. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. Stern (E.) * Ueber die Aetiologie und Lo- kalisation der Sehnenscheidentuberkulose. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1903. Westphal (J.) *Ueber Sehnenscheidentu- berkulose. 8°. Kiel, 1892. Camera (U.) Sulla tubercolosi pseudo-neoplasica delle guaine tendinee. Clin, chir., Milano, 1912, xx, 248-262.—Cestan (E.) Tuberculome de la gaine syno- viale des extenseurs des doigts. Toulouse med., 1901, 2. s., iii, 15.—Chaput. Tuberculose des gaines pal- maires guerie par la methode de Bier Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1908, n. s., x;xxiv, 532.—Donati (M.) La tubercolosi pseudo-neoplastica delle guaine tendinee. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1910, 4. s., xvi, 247-273.—Fehde. Ein Fall von Sehnenschei- dentuberculose geheilt durch Landerersche Hetolinjek- tionen. Deutsche med.,Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1905, xxxi, 1035.—Forgue (E.) & Massabuau (G.) La forme hypertrophique pseudo-neoplasique de la tuber- culose des gaines tendineuses. Presse med., Par., 1909, xvii, 745-747.—Freiberg (A. H.) Bodies from case of tendon sheath tuberculosis. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1899, n.s., xlii, 294.—Ignatyeff(F.E.) K kazuistikle granu- lyatsionnavo (tuberkuloznavo) vospaleniya sukhozhil- nikh vlagalishtsh. [Granulating (tuberculous) inflam- mation of tendon sheaths.] Vovenno-med. J., St Pe- tersb., 1899, cxcvi, med.-spec. pt., 1081-1083.— Milhsain. [Impftuberkulose der Sehnenscheiden beim Pflegeper- sonal.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1908, xxxiv, 484.—von Schiller (K.) Wegen Sehnenschei- dentuberkulose ausgefuhrte Muskelsehn nresektion; Tendomusculo-anastomosis; Heilung mit vollkommener Funktion. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xxxv, 503. Also, transl: Sebeszet, Budapest, 1908, 34 —Thienhaus (C. O.) Tubercular infection of the sheaths of the ten- dons; flexor digitorum sublimis and profundus with the formation of rice bodies (corpora oryzoidea). Post-Grad. Bull., Milwaukee, 1905, i, 97.— Tixier ( L.) Deux casde synovite tuberculeuse de la gaine du cubital posterieur. Province med., Lyon, 1897, xi, 151. Tendon-sheaths (Tumors of). Bellamy (H.-F.) Contribution a, l'etude des tumeurs myeloplaxes des gaines tendineuses. 8°. Lausanne, 1901. Bonhomme (P.) * Contribution a, l'etude des tumeurs myeloides des gaines tendineuses. 8°. Lyon, 1897. . Boxjour (S.-G.) * Contribution a l'etude des tumeurs fibro-tendineuses a myeloplaxes. Myelomes des gaines tendineuses et des tissus fibreux. 8°. Paris, 1897. Exdres (I.) * Ueber Ganglion petrificatum. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1891. Pancritius (E. G. A.) * Ueber Lipoma sym- metricum multiplex der Sehnenscheiden. 8°. Marburg, 1897. Rosenthal (A.) * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Sehnenscheidensarkome. 8°. Miinchen, 1909. Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1909, lxiv, 577- 608. Tobias (S. F.) * Ueber Riesenzellensarkome der Sehnenscheiden, mit einem kasuistischen Beitrag. 8°. Heidelberg, 1910. Willmes (P.) * Hisjclogiwhe Untersuchun- gen iiber Sehnenscheidenhygrome. [Wurtz- burg.] 8°. Berlin, 1904. Areoleo (E.) Contributo anatomo-patologico e cli- nico alio studio dei mielomi delle guaine tendinee. Ri- forma med., Palermo, 1899, xv, pt. 1, 315-318.—Bazy (L.) Fibro-sarcome a. myeloplaxes de la gaine des flechisseurs de I'auriculaire gauche. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1907, lxxxii, 472.—Bellamy (H. F.) The myeloid tumour of tendon sheaths. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1900-1901, vii, 465-180— Biilmann (H. S.) Om Seneskedelipomer. [Lipomata of the sinew sheaths.] Tendon-sheaths (Tumors of). Ugeskr. f. Lseger, K0benh., 1904, 5. R., xi, 463-469.— Blanc. Sarcome primitif des gaines tendineuses de la region retro-malleolaire interne. Loire med., St., Etienne, 1912, xxxi, 118-120.—Bogolyubotr (V. L.j Lipoma arborescens sukhozhilnikh vlagalishtsh. [Ar- borescent lipoma of the tendon sheaths.1 Med. Obozr. Mosk., 1910, lxxiv, 341-348.—Bo reliant t. Zur Patho- genese der Ganglien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1900, xxvi, Ver.-Beil., 254.—Boyd (S.) Three cases of compound ganglion treated bv complete excision. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xxv, 291-296. — Camelot (E.) Extirpation de la gaine cubito-carpiennepour kyste a grains riziformes; guurison. J. de sc. med. de Lille, 1892, ii, 613-618.—Cassanello (R.) Sulla patogenesi del lipoma arborescente delle guaine tendinee. Clin. mod., Pisa, 1900, vi, 212; 219; 227— Clarke (W. C.) The pathogenesis of ganglia, with a description of the struc- ture and development of synovial membrane. Surg. Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1908, vii, 56-78.—Dandols. Observations de myelome des gaines tendineuses. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1898-9, vi, 93-96.—Degorce (A.) Sarcome & myeloplaxes des gaines tendineuses. Bull. et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, lxxvi, 657.—Falkson (R.) Zur Lehre vom Ganglion (Ueberbein), nebst einem kurzen Anhange iiber die fungose Sehnenscheidenent- ziindung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., BerL, 1885, xxxii, 58-86.— Fenger(C) Three cases of ganglion of the extensor tendons of the wrist. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1896-7, vi, 625.— Finzi (O.) Di un rarissimo caso di sinovite papillare luetica considerato forma iniziale di lipoma arborescente delle guaine tendinee. Policlin.,Roma,1912,xix,sez.chir., 33-48.—Fossier. Observation de lip6mes symetriques des gaines tendineuses. Bull. Soc. med. de Reims, 1895, n. s., i, 12.—Fritsch (K.) Das diffuse Riesenzellensar- kom der Sehnenscheiden. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1908, lx, 344-354.—Gangolphe. Angiome profond pe- riostique simulant un kyste a grains riziformes desgaines tendineuses des extenseurs. Lyon med., 1896, lxxxi, 578.—Gardner (W.) Notes of a case of compound ganglion of the wrist. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1885-6, v, 167. — Gaudiani (V.) Contributo alia conoscenza del sarcoma primitivo delle guaine tendinee. Policlin., Roma, 1906, xiii, sez. chir., 647-560. ----- Dei tumori a mieloplassi delle guaine tendinee. Ibid., 1908, xv, sez. chir., 272. — Giacomelli (G.) Contributo alio studio della patologia delle guaine tendinee. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1903, ix, 469-472.—Grenier. Sur un kyste teno-synovial de la gaiue des pero- niers lateraux. Bull, mud., Par., 1904, xviii, 844.— Hamilton (C. S.) Cases of compound ganglion. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Toledo, 1891, 116-119. — Jo lira an & Ftieime. Sarcome des gaines tendineuses des fle- chisseurs des orteils (pied droit). Montpel. med., 1911, xxxiii, 372.—Kiittner (H.) Ueber subkutane Sehnen- scheiden-Hiimatome. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1904, xliv, 213-224.—Kummer (E.) Le lipome arborescent des gaines tendineuses. Rev. mecl. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1894, xiv, 287-300.—Lam bret. Lipome arbore- scent de la gaine synoviale de l'extenseur commun des doigts. Bull. Soc. centr. de mod. du nord, Lille, 1902, 77- 82.—Langlet (L.) & Buchliolz (E.) Sarcome des gaines tendineuses de la paume de la main. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1911, xxxv, 163-168.—Lapeyre (L.) & Labbe. Fibrome tuberculeux d'une gaine synoviale digitale. Bull. Soc anat. de Par, 1896, lxxi, 904-907.— Iienzi (L.) & Abetti (M.) Contributo alio studio dei tumori a mieloplassi delle guaine tendinee. Clin, chir., Milano, 1909, xvii, 1617-1633, 1 pl—Maclean (D.) The treatment of compound ganglion of the flexor tendons of the hand and foot. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass. 1884, Phila., 1*85, ii, 521-528.—.Malapert (P.) & Morichau-Beauchant (R.) Fibro-chondrome de la gaine synoviale des flechis- seurs de l'index. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1905, lxxx, 389. •-----■-----. Sarcome a myeloplaxes de la gaine synoviale du flechisseur du medius. Ibid., 390.— Malherbe (A.) Du myelome des gaines tendineuses et du tissu fibreux. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1896, x, 807-828.—Marangoni (G.) Sui tu- mori delle guaine tendinee. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1911,lvi, 508-523.—Martel. Sarc6memelanique du plide l'aine. Loiremed., St.-Etienne, 1907, xxvi,261.— Martini. Tumore a mieloplassi (mieloma) delleguaine tendinee del dito medio della mano destra. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1902, Roma. 1903, p. xliii.—Mas- sabuau. Un cas de sarcome alveolaire des gaines tendineuses de la face anterieure de l'avant-bras. Mont- pel. med., 1909, xxix, 181-183—Mathews (F. S.) Mye- loma of tendon sheath. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1911, liii, 847.— MeneI6re (L.) Myelome ou tumeur tibro-tendineuse a myeloplaxes dela gaine tendineuse de l'index gauche. Gaz. hebd. demed., Par., 1898, n.s., iii, 73.—Meyer(W.) Lipoma arborescens of extensor tendon sheaths of fore- arm. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1897, xxv, 623.—Nony (J.) Les sarcomes des gaines tendineuses. Montpel. med., 1909, xxix, 345-360.—Polaillon. Fibro4ipome de la gaine de l'extenseur propre du gros orteil. Gaz. med. de Par., 1893, 8. s., ii, 289.—Bives (A.) & Oeconomos TENDON-SHEATHS. 743 TENNANT. Tendon-sheaths (Tumors of). (N.S.) Fibrome d'une gaine tendineuse digitale. Mont- pel. med., 1912, xxxiv, 232-234.—Bussell (J. I.) Sar- coma of the tendon sheath of the flexor longus pollicis muscle. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1911, liii, 285.—Sabrazes (J.) & Muratet (L.) Metamorphose colloi'de massive du collagene, associee a des degenerescences partielles, hyaline, muqueuse, etc., dans un cas de fibrome ancien dii pli de l'aine. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1912, xxxiii, 63. — Sacerdote (A.) Contributo alio studio del cosidetto tumore a mieloplassi o mieloma delle guaine tendinee. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1904, lv, 261- 264.—Spencer (W. G.) The cure of sinuses and ganglia on the hands and feet. Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1889, v, 145-149.—Thomson (A.) Cases of ganglion, with observations upon their method of origin. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1898, v, 351-358. -----. Myeloma, or myeloid sarcoma, as observed in tendon-sheaths. Ibid., 359-362.— Thorn (J.) Ueber die Entstehung der Ganglien. Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ., BerL, 1897, xi, 47-61, 1 pl.— Tikhoff (P.) Lipoma arborescens sukhozhilnikh vla- galishtsh. [. . . of the sheath of tendons.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1895, v, 228-241.—Tillaux. Filiro-sarcome de la gaine du long peronier lateral a la plante du pied, par M. Broca. [Kap.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1895, n. s., xxi, 50-52. — Tomaselli (G.) Mieloma delle guaine tendinee. Riforma med., Roma, 1901, xvii, pt. 4, 770-773.—Torek (F.) Fibroma Of the sheath of a ten- don. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii, 20. Also, Reprint. Also, transl: N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1905, xvii, 253- 255.—Treplin. [Rezidiv eines Myxosarkoms, aus- gehend von den Sehnenscheiden des Oberschenkels, das schon neunmal operiert worden.] Jahrb. f. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1903-4, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1905, ix, 163.— Venot (A.) Myelome des gaines tendineuses k point de depart osseux. Rev. de chir., Par., 1898, xviii, 232-238.— Wharton (H. R.) Two specimens of ganglion removed by excision. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1887-9), 1891, xiv, 265. Tendra zostericolo. Bogolepow (M.) Wachstum und Leben der Kolo- nien der Tendra zostericola an den Gliisern der Aquarien. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1907, xxxii, 305-316. Tendring Eural District. Annual reports of the medical officer of health to the Tendring Rural District council, for the years 1879-80; 1SS2-3 to 1885-6; 1888-9 to 1891-2; 1893-4 to 1894-5; 1897-8 to 1899-1900. 8°. fol. Lon- don, 1881-1903. Tenebrio molitor. Berger (B.) Ueber die Widerstandsfahigkeit der Tenebriolarven gegen Austrocknung. Arch. f. d. ges, Physiol., Bonn, 1907, exviii, 607-613.—Gortner (R. A.) The origin of the brown pigment in the integuments of the larva of Tenebrio molitor. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1910, vii, 365-370.—Megnin. Un cas extraordinaire de para- sitisme du Tenebrio molitor. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1901, 11. s.. iii, 834.—Morse (M.) Factors deter- mining the reactions of the larva of Tenebrio molitor. J. Comp. Neurol. & Psvchol., Phila., 1909, xix, 721-729.— de Selys Liongchainps (M.) Recherches sur le de- veloppement embryonnaire de 1'appendice du premier segment abdominal chez Tenebrio molitor. Acad. roy. de Belg. Bull, de la cl. d. sc, Brux., 1904, 413-447, 1 pl. [Rap. de Lai-eere], 235. Tenement houses. See, also, Habitations for the laboring classes, etc, Gildermeister (A.) The tenement house poor and the visitor. 8°. [New York, 1905.] Cutting from: Broadway Mag., N. Y., 1905, xiv. Knopf (S. A.) The tenements and tubercu- losis. 8°. Lansing, 1900. Cutting from: Teachers' San. Bull., Lansing, 1900, in, 10-16. McFarlane (A. E.) The inflammable tene- ment; how New York has placed two and a half million people in the worst fire-trap dwel- lings in the world. 8°. New York, 1912. Cutting from: McClure's Mag., N. Y., 1911-12, xxxvm, 670-701. Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics of Labor. A tenement-house census of Boston. Section I. Tenements, rooms, and rents. Section II. Sani- tary condition of tenements. Section III. Place of birth, occupations, etc., of residents in tene- ment houses. 2 v. 8°. Boston, 1892-3. Tenement houses. Yeiller (L.) Tenement-house reform in New York, 1834-1900. 8°. New York, 1900. Atterbury (G.) The Phipps model tenement houses. Charities [etc.], N. Y., 1906-7, xvii, 48-64.—Ball (C. B.) The new tenement in Chicago. Ibid., 90-96.—Cristiani (H.) & de Michelis (G.) Enquete sur les etablisse- mentsde quelques "logeurs" a Geneve. Assain.etsalub. de l'habitat. C.-r. ... 2. Cong, internat. . . . 1906, Par., 1907, 339-346.— Bavies (S.) Water supplies in tenement houses. Pub. Health, Lond., 1909-10, xxiii, 211-213.— Flagg (E.) The best method of tenement construction. Charities [etc.], N. Y., 1906-7, xvii, 77-80.—Gillette (G. W.) The tenement situation in Buffalo; division of ad- ministrative responsibility has proved to be a bad thing. Ibid., 70-73.—Herzleld (Elsa G.) Superstitions and customs of the tunument-house mother. Ibid., 1905-6, xiv, 983-986.—Knopf (8. A.) The woman of the tene- ment and her three great enemies, ignorance, alcoholism and tuberculosis. J. Med. & Sc, Portland, 1900-1901, vii, 301-305. Also, Reprint. -----. Some unsolved problems in tenement-house life. Charities, N.Y., 1902, ii, 169-175.— Martin (G. F.) The relation of the tenement house to the tuberculosis problem. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1910, lviii, 575-581.—Martin (.1.) The exhibit of conges- tion interpreted. Charities [etc.], K. Y., 1908, xx, 26-39.— Miles (R. E.) The Boston housing situation. Ibid., 1906-7, xvi, 96-99.—New \ork tenement-house condi- tions and suggested improvements. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1901, xlvi, 332-340.—Palmer (L. E.) The day's work of a new law tenement inspector. Charities [etc.],N. Y., 1906-7, xvii, 80-90.—Bavvson (J. A.), jr. Modern tene- ment houses. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1912, lxxx, 191- 196.—Sanitary (The) improvement in New York tene- ments. Engin. Rev., N. Y", 1906, xvi, no. 4, 1-5.—Sher- man (Mary). Manufacturing of foodsin the tenements. Charities, N. Y., 1906, xv, 668-672.—Smith (H. A.) Re- cent corrective tenement legislation suggested by the New York Academy of Medicine. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 413-416. Also, Reprint.—Stead (F. H.) In midmost London; twenty-two acres cleared and rebuilt by the Church of England. Charities [etc.], N. Y., 1906-7, xvii, 65-70^—Veiller (L.) Recent advances in tenement sanitation. Engin. Rev., N. Y., 1904, xiv, no. 6, 4.—von Wagner (Johanna). Tenement house inspection. In- ternat. Cong. Nurses, Buffalo, 1901, iii, 229-236.—Walker (Virginia M.) How to save the babies of the tenements. Charities, N. Y., 1905-6, xiv, 975-980. Teneriffe. See, also, Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. Harris (S.) Climate of Teneriffe. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 243.—Leishman (F.) The climate of Teneriffe; Orotava as a health resort. Edinb. M. J., 1898, n. s., iv, 257-263.—Peipers (F.) Das Klima und die Indika- tionen Teneriffas. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 841. Tenesmus. See Dysentery; Haemorrhoids. Tengeri gyogyintezet (Seehospiz) idiilt gyer- mekbetegek reszere Abbaziaban. [Sea hospital in Abbazia for chronic diseases of children.] 4°. [Budapest, Kurcz & T., 1896. ] Tenholt ([Friedrich] August) [1839- ]. Die Untersuchung auf Ankylostomiasis mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der wurmbehaf- teten Bergleute. 6pp.,2pl. 8°. Bochum, W. St u in pf, 1903. ------. Ueber die Wurmkrankheit der Bergleute (Ankylostomiasis). 22 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Kornfeld, 1906. Forms 213. Hft., v. 18, of: Berl. Klinik. Tenisheff(V. N.) Duke. See Popoff (G.) Russkaya narodno-bitovaya medi- tsina [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1903. Tennani (Zaccaria). See Brera(Valer. Luigi). Prospetto [etc.]. 8°. Pa- dova, 1824. Tennant (Frederic) [1866- ]. *L'operation de la cataracte simplifies (procede du Dr. A. Trousseau). 54 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 15. -----. The same. 49 pp., 3. 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1894. TENNENT. 744 TENONITIS. Tennent (Gavin P.) Remarks on relapsing fever. 1 p. 1., 32 pp. 12°. Glasgow, 1871. [P., v. 2291.] Repr. from: Glasgow M. J., 1870-71, iii. Tennent (John). Detection of a conspiracy to suppress a general good in physic, and to pro- mote error and ignorance in that important science, being the singular case which was brought against him maliciously, a trial at the Old Bailey for bigamy. 23 pp. 4°. London, 1743. Tenner (Adolf). See Kussmaul (Adolf) & Tenner (Adolf). On the nature and origin of epileptiform convulsions [etc.]. In: Select. Monog., 8°, Lond., 1859, v, 1-109. Tenneson (H[enry]). Traite clinique de der- matologie. xvi, 496 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1893. Tennessee. See, also, Chattanooga; Cholera (History and statistics of); Epidemics (History of); Fever (Malarial, History of); Fever (Typhoid, History of); Hygiene (Public, Laws, etc., of); Memphis; Meningitis (Cerebrospinal, History and statistics of), by localities; Nashville; Uni- versities. Chance (H. C) The fevers of the mountains of East Tennessee. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1899, 263- 275.—Bashiell (R. R.) On the diseases that prevail in the valleys of the Forked Deer and Hatchie rivers; their causes, nature and treatment; a suite of observations. Nashville J. M. & S., 1882, xxx, 241:1883, xxxi, 1;65; 129.— Roberts (D. J.) Medical Society of the State of Ten- nessee. Memphis M. Month., 1902, xxii, 225-248.— Thornton (G. B.) Epidemic and contagious diseases in the State of Tennessee, during 1881 and 1882. Missis- sippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1884, iv, 49-65. Tennessee. State Board of Health. Bulletins (Monthly), v. 1-12, 1885-6 to 1896-7. 8°. Nashville, 1885-97. Tennessee Deaf and Dumb School, Knoxville. Biennial reports of the board of trustees and principal to the governor of the State. 1869-70 to 1876 (12.-15.); 1881 to 1889-90 (18.-22.); 1892-3 to 1907-8 (24.-31.). 8°. Nashville, 1871-1909. Tennessee Medical College, Knoxville. An- nual announcements for the sessions of 1890-91 to 1897-8 (2.-9.); 1899-1900 (11.); 1903-4 to 1908-9 (15.-21.). 8° & 12°. Knoxville, 1890- 1903. Tennessee Medical College, Knoxville. Dental Department. Annual announcement for the ses- sion of 1894-5. 15 pp. 8°. Knoxville, 1894. Tennessee School for the Blind, Nashville. Biennial report of the trustees and superintend- ent to the general assembly. 1845-6 to 1846-7 (2.); 1851-2 to 1852-3 (5.); 1855-6 to 1860-61 (7.-9.); 1867-8 to 1878 (13.-18.); 1883-4 to 1907-8(21.-33.). 8°. Nashrille, 1847-1909. -----. History and prospectus. By J. V. Arm- strong, supt. With an introduction on behalf of the board of trustees, by Hermann Justi. 100 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Nashville, 1898. Tenney (Benjamin) [1863- ]. The anatomy and surgery of the internal derangements of the knee-joint. 34 pp., 10 pl. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1904. Repr.from: Ann.Surg.,Phila., 1904,xl. -----. Some conclusions based on a study of one hundred and thirty-four cases of calculus in the ureter. With a report of three new cases. 7 pp. roy. 8°. Boston, 1904. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cl. -----. The diagnosis of renal and ureteral cal- culi. 11 pp. 8°. Boston, 1905. Repr.from: BostonM.&S. J., 1905,cliL Tenney (Benjamin)—continued. ------. Early diagnosis of surgical disease in the urinary organs. 15 pp. 8°. Boston, 1905. —---. The satisfactory prostatectomy. 15 pn 8°. Boston, 1905. " Repr. from: BostonM. &S. J., 1905, ciii. -----. The treatment of chronic urethral dis- charge. 9 pp. 8°. Boston, 1907. Repr.from: BostonM.&S. J.,1907, clvi. ------ & Chase (Henry Melville). Mortality after prostatectomy. 6 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1906. Repr.from: J.Am.M.Ass.,Chicago, 1906,xlvi. Tenney (Elmer S.) The sputum of typhoid fever patients as a possible source of infection. 14 pp. 12°. Boston, 1910. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1910, cxiii. Also, in: Am. Soc. Trop. M. [n. p.], 1910, v. Tennis. Clado. Tennis-arm. Progres med., Par., 1902, 3. s , xvi, 273-277.—Morton (J.) A case of lawn-tennis leg. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1887, xxii, 330.—Preiser (G ) Der Tennis-Ellbogen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906 xxxiv, 65-68. — Tennis elbow. [Edit.] Brit. M. J ' Lond., 1907, i, 522. Tennison (Richard). See Cheyne (George). An essay on the gout [etc.L 12°. London,1721. Tennyson (Alfred), Lord [1809-92]. B. (J. C.) Tennyson as a psychologist. J. Ment. Sc. Lond., 1893, xxxix, 65-71. Ten Oever (Andreas Ewe). * Ueber die chro- nische Vergrusserung des Uteruskorpers. [Frei- burg.] 48 pp. 8°. Haarlem, P. van Cittert Zonen, 1898. Tenon [Jacques-Rene] [1724-1816]. Sur une methode particuliere d'etudier l'anatomie, em- ployee, par forme d'essai, a des recherches sur les dents et sur les os des machoires. pp. 558- 623, 7 pl. 4°. Paris, 1797. Cutting from: Mem. de l'lnst., 1. cl.,i. -----. Considerations sur la matrice d'une femme au huitieme mois de gestation, pp. 117- 129, 2 pl. 4°. [Paris, 1806.] Cutting from: Mem. de la Classe d. sc. math, et phys. de l'lnst., Par., 1806. —----. Memoire sur les causes de quelques ma- ladies qui affectent les chapeliers. pp. 98-116. 8°. Paris, 1806. Cutting from: Mem. de la Classe d. sc. math, et phys. de l'lnst., Par., 1806. For Biography, see Cuvier (G.-L.-C.-F.-D.) Eloge his- torique de Jacques Tenon. In his: Rec. d. eloges hist., 8°, Strasb. etPar., 1819, ii, 267-304. Tenon (Capsule of). See, also, Eye. Viechow (H.) Ueber Tenon'schen Raum und Tenon'sche Kapsel. 4°. Berlin, 1902. Also, in: Abhandl. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch., Bed., 1902, phys. Abhandl., iv, 1-48, 2pl. Burdon-Cooper (J.) A peculiar color reaction on opening Tenon's capsule. Ophthalmoscope, Lond., 1912, x, 140.-Spratt (C. N.) On the use of paraffin spheres in Tenon's capsule, with the report of forty cases. Oph- thalmol., Milwaukee, 1907-8, iv, 202-206. — Wilmart (L.) Des fonctions de la capsule de Tenon. J. med. de Brux., 1903, viii, 513-515. Also: Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1903, xxii, 385-389. Tenonitis. Daillet (H.[-E.]) Contribution a l'etude des tenonites; de la capsulotomie et de ses in- dications. 4°. Paris, 1894. Sciaux (E.) *La tenonite suppuree. 8°. Lyon, 1902. Berger (K.) Anatomische Untersuchung eines Falles von Tenonitis. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl,, 1883, xxix, 4. Abth., 151-160.—Bronner (A.) Case of acute primary abscess of Tenon's capsule, with perforation into the eye- ball. Tr. Ophth. Soc. TJ. Kingdom, Lond., 1903-4, xxiv, 209.—Buades Perez (J.) Tenonitis supurada primi- tiva. Arch, de oftal. Hispano-Am., Barcel., 1911, xi, 10.— TENONITIS. 745 TENTORIUM. Tenonitis. Businelli. Sopra nn caso di tenonite reumatica acuta bilaterale. Suppl. al Policlin., Roma, 1897-8, iv, 933- 936—christyakoil" (P.) K voprosu o Tenonovol kap- sulle i tcnonitakh. [On Tenon's capsule and on teno- nitis.] Vestnik oftalmol., Odessa, 1911, xxviii, 463-476.— Druault (A.) De la tenonite. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1899, xiii, 161-163.—Bujardin (A.) Un cas d'inflammation idiopathique de la capsule de Tenon. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1881, iii, 831-837.—Kllett (E C.) A case of tenonitis. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1S98, vii, 225, lpl. Also, Reprint.—Eura (S.) Primiire serose teno- nitis. [Japanese text.] Dai Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1898, ii, 153-159.—Galezowski (J.) & Beauvois (A.) Paralysies de la vi° paire et tenonite dans le zona ophtalmiqiie. Rec. d'opht., Par., 1906, 3. s., xxviii, 654-664. — Gallemaerts. Tenonite suppuree traumatique, suivie d'aecidents cerebraux. Policlin., Brux., 1899, viii, 23-29.—lias par r in i (E.) Tenonite suppurata da pneumococco. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1895, xxiii, 453-474.— Genersich (Margit). Tenonitis ket esete. [Two cases.] Szemeszet, Budapest, 1906, xliii, 21.— Greenwood (A.) Acute tenonitis; two cases. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1899, viii, 566.—Guibert. Tenonite rhu- matismale. Clin, opht., Par., 1898, iv, 184.—Heath (F. C.) Rheumatic tenonitis. Med. & Surg. Monitor, In- dianap., 1904, vii, 502.—Inouye (N.) Zur Kenntnis der Pathologie der Tenonitis, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Teno- nitis bei nekrotischem Aderhautsarkom. Arch.f. Ophth., Leipz., 1912, lxxxi, 238-263, 4 pl.—Jocqs (A.) Eiu Fall von metastatischer eitriger Tenonitis. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1905, ix, 301. Also, transl: Clin, opht., Par., 1905, xi, 149-153. Also, transl: Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1905, xxxi, 181-lss.—liats (R. A.) Tenonit i yevo lle- chenive. [Tenonitis and its treatment.] Vestnik oftal- mol., Mosk., 1908, xxv, 176-186.—Kipp (C. J.) Case of bilateral recurrent inflammation of Tenon's capsule in connection with profound mercurial poisoning. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1892, vi, 415-419. Also, Reprint — Kos (M.) Tenonitis suppurativa. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1907, lvii, 1321-1330.—Lagrange (F.) Tenonite sereuse de l'ceil gauche d'origine rhumatismale; guerison. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1893, xiii, 541-543.—Le Roux (H.) Sur un cas de tenonite sereuse unilaterale, avec iritis tor- pide. Clin, opht., Par., 1904, x, 387.—Lurie (O. R.) Zwei Falle von Tenonitis. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1910, xxxiv, 289; 322. Also, transl: Vestnik oftal- mol., Odessa, 1911, xxviii, 361-369.—Mazza (A.) Con- tribution clinique a l'etude de la tenonite. Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1894, xiii, 441-455. -----. Contribution a l'histoire de la tenonite idiopathique primitive. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, vi, oftal, 110.— IVIiyashita ( S.) Ueber Tenonitis bei beginnenden Aderhautsarkomen. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1911, xlix, 288-299.—Panas. On double tenonitis and orchitis. Med. Week, Par., 1897, v, 49. Also, transl: Se- maine med., Par., 1897, xvii, 10.—Petges (G.) Un cas de tenonite. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1897, xxx, 199-202.—Pi y Sutler (F.) Un caso de tenonitis serosa. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1897, xxiii, 413-415.— Puech. Sur un cas de tenonite. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1895, xvi, 88. — Purtseher (O.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der eiterigen Tenonitis. Cen- tralbl. f. Augenh., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 65-71.—Rabino- vifh (G. A.) [Tenonit poslle influents!] [Tenonitis after influenza.] Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1909, xxvi, 334 —Kollet (E.) La tenonite suppuree. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1902, xix, 114-119. -----. La te- nonite. Ann. med.-chir. du centre, Tours, 1903, iii, 187: 1904 iv, 147. Also, transl: Arch, de oftal. Hispano-Am., Madrid, 1902, ii, 220-224.—Scliwarz (E.) Beitrage sur Tenonitis. Beitr. z. Augenh., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1898, 30. Hft., 34-13. — Sgrosso (P.) Tenonite parziale suppu- rata da cisticcro; tenonite sperimentale. Atti d. r. Ac- cad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1x92, xlvi, 442-451. Also: Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1893, xii, 41-51. Also, transl: Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1893, xii, 337-345.— Soriguer (I. C.) Nota clinica de oftalmologia: un caso raro. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1910, liv, 264-268.— Spasski (S. S.) K voprosu o gnolnikh tenonitakh. [Purulent tenonitis.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vn, 543-545.—Staicov lei (N. D.) Tenonita seroasa primi- tive de origina reumatismala. Rev. de chir., Bucurestl, is99 iii 569-572. — Terson pere & Terson (J.) Teno- nite sereuse bilaterale avec exophtalmie monoculaire. \nn d'ocul., Par., 1907, exxxviii, 402-408.—Zielinski (E ) von Ncm-ki (L.) & Karpinski (J.) Die Ent- ziindung der Tcnon'schen Capsel (Tenonitis) und ihr Verhiiltniss zur sogen. Hundestaupe. Berl. khn. Wchn- schr., 1896, xxxiii, 190-194. Also, transl: Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1896, cxvi, 363-870— Zieinihski (B.) O pierwot- nem (samoistnem) zapaleniu ostonki galkowej Tenon a "tenonitis" idiopathica); przyteinochlomcach okologal- kowych uwag kilka. [Inflammation of Tenon's capsule; also some remarks on the periocular lymph passages.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1889,2. s., ix, 509; 527; 546. Tenorrhaphy. See Tendons [Suture of). Tenosynovitis. See Membranes (Synovial, Diseases of); Ten- don-sheaths (Inflammation, etc., of). Tenotomy. See Eye (Muscles of, Anomalies of, Treatment of, Operative); Eye (Paralysisof, Treatment of); Hip-joint (Ankylosis of); Knee-joint (Surgery of); Orthopaedics (Surgical); Tendons (Sur- gery of). Tenotomy in musicians. Anderson (R. H.) Operation for improving the mo- bility and flexibility of the hand in piano playing. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 283.— Bower (E.) Digital tenot- omy in pianists. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 101.—Forbes (W. S.) The liberating of the ring finger, in musicians, by dividing the accessory tendons of the extensor com- munis digitorum muscle. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1884-5, vii, 64-72. Also, Reprint. Also: Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1884, n. s., xiii, 749-754. -----. Liberation of the ring-finger in musicians the accessory tendons of the ex- tensor communis digitorum muscle. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1898, xix, 6-11. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1884-5, xii, 171-173. [Discussion], 178. Also: Phila. M. J., 1898, i, 107-109. Also: Phila. Polyclin., 1898, vii, 57-60. [Discussion], 64-66.—Gibney (V. P.) Excision of the accessory tendons of the extensor communis digitorum of the ring-finger in a pianist. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 383. Also, Reprint.—Langdon (F. W.) Tenotomy to increase the mobility and power of the musician's ring- finger. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1890, n. s., xxv, 1-3. [Dis- cussion], 13. Also, Reprint.—Miller (J. S.) The liber- ating of the ring finger in musicians by dividing the ac- cessory tendons of the extensor communis digitorum. Polyclinic, Phila., 1885-6, iii, 15.—Villar (F.) Operation destinee a realiser l'independance des mouvements des doigts chez les instrumentistes. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxv, 598. Tension. Pick (R.) Bemerkungen zu M. Heidenhain's Span> nungsgesetz. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1897, 97-132.—Glahn (J.) Tension; its relation to the physical organization. Louisville M. J., 1905, xi, 420-423. Also: Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1904-5, xi, 420-423. Tension (Arterial). See Uric acid, etc. Tension (Intra-abdominal). Fabris (U.) Sulla patogenesi della tensione addo- minale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1911, xxxii, 339.—Hoff- mann (A.) Die Ursachen der Bauchdeckenspannung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1225. Tension (Intrapleural). See, also, Pleura. West (S.) Intrapleural tension. In: Syst. Med. (All- butt & Rolleston), 8°, Lond., 1909, v, 519-531. Tensor tympani (Section of). See Ear (Surgery of). Tentacles. Abric (P.) Sur le mecanisme des mouvements des tentacules chez l'escargot. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 897-899.—Cohn (L.) Weitere Untersu- chungen (iber den Tentakelapparat des Anurengenus Xenopus. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1906-7, xxxi, 45-53. Tentainen hygieticum de utilitate frictionum. 15 pp. 8°. [n. p. n. d.] [P., v. 1397.] Ten'luincn (Das) physicum. Anleitung zum Studium der Anatomie, Physiologie, Physik, Chemie, Zoologie, Botanik. Erster Teil. Phy- siologie. Hrsg. von Carl Peter. 12°. Berlin, S. Calvary & Co., [1897-1900]. Tentelioll" (Christo) [1874- _ ]. * Absence congenitale du grand et du petit pectoral. 115 pp. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 169. Tentorium. Baucreisen (A.) Ueber Tentoriumrisse beim Neu- geborenen. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1911, xxxv, 1149- 1153.—Pott (R.) Ueber Tentoriumzerreissungen bei dor TENTORIUM. 746 TERATOPHOBIA. Tentorium. Geburt. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1911, lxix, 674-718.—Sal\ i (G.) Sopra il tentorium osseum di alcuni mamjiii'eri. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1898, ix, 110-114. Tents. See, also, Barracks; Hospital tents. Grosshciiu (C.) Erfahrungen fiber das Zeltsystem. (Ref.) Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 5, 244-249. Also: Deutsche mil.- arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1894, xxiii, 385-392. Also, Reprint — Laub (H.) Erfahrungen iiber das Zeltsystem. Cong. internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 5, 237-243.—Menager (E.) Latenteetleeampe- ment dans le nord-ouest americain. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1906, lxxvii, 860-863.—Munson (E. L.) Tentage for tropical service. BostonM. &S. J., 1899,cxii, 487-489. Also: Nat. M. Rev., Wash., 1900-1901, x, 101- 164.—Kathmann. Eine neue Zelttrage. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1904, xxvi, 142-147.—Tragbare Zelte fur die k. und k. Armee. Militararzt, Wien, 1893, xxvii, 124-127. Tents (Uterine). See, also, Labor (Premature, Induction of, Method of). Courtin (J.) Disquesflxateurs en caoutchouc, avec collerette, pour maintenir les tiges de laminaire et les crayons medicamenteux dans la cavite uterine. Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1892, vii, 177-182. Tentzel (Andreas). Exegesis chymiatrica; qua in qusecunque in prioribus Angeli Sahe libris tacta quidem, attamen detecta non sunt, multaquealia 8ie'%o8iko)t, Lond., 1908, xxxiii, 219-234.—Galtier (V.) Action de l'e-ence de te>e- benthine sur les virus. J. de nuVl. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1901, 5. s., v, 193-202. — Gribinyuk. (Ye. S.) Opitl po dezinfektsii so smlesyu skipidara s karbolo- vof kislotol, naftalinom i slernim ••tirom (ukrai'nski skipidar). [Experiments with a mixture of turpen- tine, carbolic acid, naftaline, and sulphuric ether (tur- pentine of the Ukra'ina).] Arch. biol. nauk . . ., S.-Pe- terb., 1907-8, xiii, 464-475. Also [with additions]: Vest- nik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1907, xliii, 1347-1372. Also, transl: Arch. d. sc. biol., St.-Pe- tersb., 1907-8, xiii, 470-1*2. — Gunckell (A.) I.'ntcr- suchung vonaltem Terpentinol. Sitzungsb. d. tiesellsch. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. (1901), 1905, 135.— H^ricourt (J.) & Kichet (('.) De l'influence de l'eau tercbenthinee sur les grenouilles et de la leucocy- tose qu'elle determine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1899,11. s., i, 415-418.—Hoffmann. Ueber kiinstlichen Terpentin. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1889-90, i, 462; 472. Also, Reprint.—Kovalevski (N. O.) Ob okislyayushtshem agetitle terpentinnavo masla. [On the oxydizing agency of the oil of turpentine.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1889, xxxi, 53-1-537. Also, in, his: Trudi, 8°, Kazan, 1895, no. 12, 96-100.—Lehmann (K. B.) Experimen- telle Studien fiber den Einfluss technisch und hy^ienisch wichtiger Gase und Diimpfe auf den Organismus; Bei- triige zur Kenntnis der Terpentinolwirkung. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Leipz., 189*-9, xxxiv, 321-334.—L.e- sage (P.) Emploi de l'essence de terebenthine dans le champ 61ectrique; ses inconvenient* pour les cultures de penicillium. Bull. Soc. scient. etmea. de Pouest, Rennes, 1907, xvi, 66-69.—Iietellier. Action des vapeurs d'es- sence de terebenthine inspirees. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc Par., 1856, xlii, 243.—Long (J.-H.) Experiences sur Terebinthina. l'essence de terebenthine americaine. [Transl. from: J. Anal. & Appl. Chem., vi, no. L] Monit. scient., Par., 1908, 4. s., xxii, 388-391.—McCandless (J. M.) The technical analysis of spirits of turpentine, with a new method for the detection of petroleum adulterations and of wood spirits of turpentine. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1904, xxvi, 981-9*5.—Mangier. Essai de l'essence de terebenthine par le brorne et methode de dosage du br6me libre par le formiate de soude. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1908-9, xiv, 98-101.—Feju (G.) A pro- pos de Paction bactericide de l'essence de terebenthine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 955.—Rich- ardson (F. W.) & Whituker (J. E. F.) The analysis of oils of turpentine. J. Soe. Chem. Indust., Lond., 1911, xxx, 115-117.—Sartory (A.) Quelques reactions colo- reesobtenuesaveclereaetif gayac-pvridine-terelienthine. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol. Par., 1911, lxx, 1031. — Wester (.T.J.) Een en ander over terpentijnolie. Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijkunde, Utrecht, 1911, xxxviii, 575-5*0.—Yer- go Iski (V.) O terapevticheskom znachenii terpinhi- drata. (Therapeutic value of terpin-hydrate.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kaluzh. vrach. 1891-2, Kaluga, 1893, xxx- xxxi, 18-23. Terebinthina (Therapeutic uses of). See, also, Burns (Treatment of); Phosphorus (Poisoning by, Treatment of); Suppuration ( Treatment of). Brummer'(T.) * Wie wirkt das Terpentinol in kleinen Dosen liingere Zeit genommen? 8°. Griefsiiald, 1900. Peins (K.) *Terpentijn als bloedstelpend middel. 8°. Amsterdam, 1896. Boyd (A.) Turpentine as an antiseptic, especiallv in cases of parturition. Vet. J., Lond., 1902, n. s., v, 201-203—Fabre. De l'emploi du savon de Marseille comme agent d'emulsion des solutions terebenthinees. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1911, xiv, 484.—Galewood (W. K.) Turpentine in surgery. Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 1903-4, viii, 568.— Hulot (J.) & Ramond (F.) Les composes terebenthines du phos- phore, de l'iode et du brome. Presse med., Par,, 1901, i, 34.—Lemoine (G.-H.) Traitement du catarrhe suffo- cant par les abc&s de fixation. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1905,3. s., xxii, 198-207.—Palmer (J. D.) Therapeutic value of turpentine. Merck's Arch., N. Y., 1903, v, 78-82.—Sasse (J.) Terpentijnolie als bloedstel- pend middel. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1894, 2. R., xxx, pt. 1,539-544. Also, transl: Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1895, ix, 83-85.—Schulz (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Terpentinolwirkung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 957-962.—Smith (E.) Remarks on the internal use of the oil of turpentine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 1218-1220.—Stich (C.) Phosphornachweis bei Terpentinolmedikation. Pharm. Ztg., Berl., 1902, xlvii, 566.—Walker (J. B.) Turpentine as a remedial agent. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1897, xiii, 107-114. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1897, 3. s., xiii, 437^40.— Williams (J. H.) The therapeutic uses of terpentine. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1907, xxxi, 127-130. -----. The therapeutic uses of turpentine. Ibid., 1910, lxi, 164-166. Terebinthina (Toxicology of). Rudolph (J.) * Ueber einen Fall von Ver- giftung durch Einatmen von Terpentinoldiim- pfen. 8°. Munchen, 1901. Bowes (C. C.) Turpentine poisoning antidoted by a high potency of terebinthina. Hahneman. Advoc, Chicago, 1899, xxxviii, 488.—Cain (D. J.) Toxicological effects of the inhalation of the vapour of turpentine. Proc. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1851, 68-72.—Car- dile (P.) Sopra due casi d' avvelenamento per olio essenziale di trementina. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1899, xxxviii, 44H48.—Carles (P.) Toxicite de l'essence de terebenthine. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1911, xxxii, 425-427. Also: J. de metl. de Bordeaux, 1911, xii, 361: 376. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1911), 1912, 325-J132.— < arveth (G. H.) Tur- pentine poisoning, with an unusual skin lesion. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1893, xviii, 429-431.—Coltart (G. H.) A case of turpentine poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 1014.—Dresoher (A.) Todliche Vergiftung durch In- halation von Terpentinoldiimpfen. Ztschr. f. Med.- Beamte, Berl., 1906, xix, 131-137.—Frohner (E.) Ter- pentinolvergiftung (Nephritis) beim Pferd. Monatsh. f. prakt. Tierh., Stuttg., 1910-11, xxii, 152-154.—Gain (J. H.) Large urethral casts; turpentine poisoning. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1903-4, xxvii, 412-414(?). —Gills (W. A.) Acute uraemia resulting from turpentine. N. York M. J., 1909, xo, 361.—Grapel (F. G.) Turpentine poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 340.—Guyon, Intoxication par l'essence de terebenthine. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1909-10, xv, 264.—Hall (W. H.) & Saylor (H. W.) A case of turpentine poisoning; with recovery. TEREBINTHINA. 748 TERMINOL. Terebinthina (Toxicology of). Kansas City M. Index, 1896, xvii, 400.—Hausser (G.) A case of acute turpentine poisoning. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxi, 545.—Joachim ( G. ) Terpentin- vergiftung mit todlichem Ausgang. Med. Klin., BerL, 1909, v, 965.— Ilarchnl. Memoire sur 1'empoisonne- ment par les vapeurs d'essence de t6r6benthine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1855, xii, 1041.-----. Note sur un nouveau cas d'empoisonnement par les vapeurs d'essence de teortibenthine, par suite du s6jour dans un appartement fraichementpeint. IMd., 1857,xiv,886.—Mayer. Todan Purpura fulminans nach einer Terpentinoldarreichung. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1900, xiii, 45-49.—Newman (E. D.) A case of turpentine poisoning. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxv, 1043.—Otto (M.) Terpentinvergiftung durch Schiffsladung. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1901, v, 275-282.—Padgett (Hazle). Turpentine idiosyncrasy. South. Pract., Nashville, 1906, xxviii, 208.— Sabrazes (J.) & Muratet (L.) Abces aseptiques a repetition provoques par les injections successives d'es- sence de te>6benthine sous la peau du chien. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1226-1228.—Stanwell (F. S.) Turpentine poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 640.—Verbrugghen (L.) Un cas d'empoisonnement par l'essence de te>eLenthine. Bull. Soc. de mecl. de Gand, 1890, lvii, 227.—Warde (W.) [Case of turpentine eruption.] Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1903, xv, 37.— Wintsc-h (C. H.) Poisonous effects of terebinthina. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1911, xlvi, 134-136. Also: Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1911, cvi, 134. Tereg (J[osef]). Grundriss der Elektrothe- rapie fiir Tierarzte. vii, 222 pp. S°. Berlin, P. Parey, 1902. See, also, Tierarztliehes Arzneibuch. 3 v. 12°. Berlin, 1890-91. Terek (Territory of). See, also, Leprosy (History and statistics of), by localities. Kolosoff (G. A.) Usloviya zhizni naseleniya Terskoi oblasti s tochki zrleniya nervno-psikhi- cheskol higi'eni. [Conditions of life of the pop- ulation of Terek Province from the viewpoint of neuropsychic hygiene.] 8°. Moskva, 1909. I.yubiiiiolt'(S. S.) Mediko-topograficheskiyocherk Kizlyarskavo Otdlela Terskol Oblasti. [Medical topogra- phv of the Kizlvar division of Terek Province.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1899, no. 62,143-195,3 tab. Teremetski (Dmitri Pyotrovich) [1862- ]. * Ob azotistom obmienle u tsmgotnikh bolnikh pod vliyaniyem gazirovannavo moloka. [On nitrogenous metabolism in scorbutic patients under the influence of gaseated milk.] 77 pp., 1 tab. 8°. S.-Peterburg, Panfiloff & Palibin, 1895. Teremorrhu. [Circular.] 30pp. 12°. [Neie York, n. d.J Teres minor. Waterston (D.) Variations in the teres minor muscle. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1908, xxxii, 331-333. Teresehkowitsch (A.) * Beitrag zur Trans- plantation der Schilddriise. Experimentelle Studie. 28 pp. 8°. Basel, Brin & Cie., 1909. Terfezia leonis. Cao (G.) Sul valore alimentare di una tuberacea co- mune in Sardegna (Terfezia leonis Tub). Riv. d' ig. e Ban pubb., Torino, 1903, xiv, 390-403. Terfy (Heinrich). Yerfahren bei Todesfiillen im k. u. k. Heere, mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung der plotzlichen, unnaturlichen und ge- waltsamen Todesfalle ... 4 p. 1., 237 pp. 8°. Miskolcz, B. Stamberger, 1909. Ter - Gabrieljanz ( Gaspar ) [ 1883- ]. * Ueber die typische und atypische primare Lvmphdriisentuberkulose. 50 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Blanke, 1911. Tergast [Petr.] Ursache und Yerhutung des Bleiangriffes durch das Wasser der stadtischen Wasserleitung in Emden. 23 pp. 8°. Emden, T. Hahn Wtce., 1899. Ter-Gazarian (G.) * Densites orthobares de l'acetonitrile et du propionitrile jusqu'au point critique. 37 pp. 8°. Genlve, W. Kiindig d-fUs, 1906. Ter llsiar. See ter Haar. [Terliune (Mary Virginia)] [Marion llar- land pseud.} [1831- ]. Eve's daughters; or, common sense for maid, wife, and mother. 454 pp. 8°. New York, J. B. Anderson dc H. S. Allen, 1882. ------. Common sense in the nursery, including the hygiene of children, cooking for children, clothing for children, and the general manage- ment of children in health and sickness, viii, 9-126 pp. 16°. Glasgow, T. D. Morison, 1886. ------. Our baby's first and second years. 63 pp. 16°. New York, Beed & Carnick, [1887]. Terillus (Dominicus). De causis mortis repen- tinse distinctissima tractatio, in qua etiam dis- putatur quid sit mors et vita in genere, et qua? mortis causae communes. Singula vero, quae de causis mortis repentinae enarrantur, historiis, et observationibus ad rem facientibus locupletan- tur. 7 p. 1., 118 pp. 8°. Venetiis, apud hsere- dem Damiani Zenarii, 1615. Terlecka (Wanda). * Considerations sur la rougeole. 36 pp. 8°. Lausanne, 1909. Terlizzi. See Hygiene (Public Laws, etc., of), by localities. Ter-Harkosoff(Nikolaus) [1883- ]. *Ruhe und Bewegung beim initialen Stadium der Lun- gentuberkulose. 89 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, Bossier ct- Herbert, 1911. Terme di Salice (presso Yoghera), fonti di Salice; Sales e Monte Alfeo. L' acqua solforosa di Monte Alfeo e le sue indicazioni curative. 41 pp., 1 1. 8°. Pavia, 1907. Termen (E.) O prichinakh smertnosti dletel v grudnikh otdieleniyakh S.-Peterburgskavo Yospitatelnavo Doma. [On the causes of mor- tality of children in the nursing department of the St. Petersburg Orphan Asylum]. 79 pp., 2 tab. 8°. S.-Peterburg, br. Panteleyeri. 1893. Terines (Joseph H.) [1857- ]. ^Contribu- tion a, l'etude des an^vrysmes art£rio-veineux du membre inferieur. 1 p. 1., 76 pp. 4°. Lyon, L. Delaroche & Cie., 1892, No. 704. Termet (Alphonse) [1869- ]. * Considera- tions sur la hernie crurale; sa cure radicale par le procede de J.-L. Championniere. 75 pp., 1 1., 1 diag. 8°. Paris, 189S, No. 70. tie Termeyer (Raymond Maria). Researches and experiments upon silk from spiders and upon their reproduction. Transl. from the Italian. Revised by Burt G. Wilder. Com- municated to the Essex Institute, July 6, 1866. pp. 51-79. 8°. [Essex], 1866. Cutting from: Essex Inst., 1866, v. Termier( Joseph) [1872- ]. * Contribution a, l'etude de la chirurgie du sympathique dans les nevralgies et syndromes douloureux. 55 pp., 2 1. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 138. Terminal infections. See Infections (Terminal). Terminal ia bei erica. Windsor (F. N.) Poisoning by myrobalans. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1906, xii, 406. Terminol. Grunert. Terminol, eine neue Cuprum-citricum- Salbe zur Behandlung von Trachom und Conjunctivitis follicularis. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1911, xxv, 523-526. TERMINOLOGY. 749 TERMINOLOGY. Terminology (Medical). See, also, Anatomy (Nomenclature of); Dic- tionaries (Medical); Eponyms; Nomencla- ture (Eponymic); Nomenclature (Medical). Castouina (M.) Descrizione di quei fenomeni morbosi che portano il nome degli autori che primi li rilevarono. 12°. Torino, 1906. Gerbard (P. N.) A vocabulary of Malay medical terms. 12°. Singapore, 1905. Kurzes Repetitorium der medizinischen Ter- minologie (medizinisches Taschenworterbuch); etymologische und sachliche Erkliirung der gebrauchlichen Fachausdriicke der Heilkunde. 12°. Leipzig A- Wien, [1893]. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 16°. Leipzig, 1905. Lambert (A. Y. S.) & Martin (W.) A ter- minology of disease to facilitate the classifica- tion of histories in hospitals. 8°. New York, 1810. New York (City). Department of Public Charities. A nomenclature of diseases and con- ditions and rule's for the recording and filing of histories for Bellevue and allied hospitals. Adopted by the board of trustees. 16°. New York, 1903. Nomenclature (The) of diseases. Drawn up by a joint committee appointed by the Royal College of Physicians of London. 4. ed., being the 3. revision. 8°. London, 1906. Orth (H.) * Ueber die Autorennamen in der medizinischen Nomenclature. 8°. Erlan- gen, 1906. Pepin (R.) Fragment d'une etude sur le langage medical. 8°. Paris, 1904. Rose (A.) Denkschrift iiber iirztliche Kunst- sprache. 8°. New York, 1907. -----. Titbuvvpex itpbc, rove, Ttpvvdveic, tqdv FepuaviKcbv TtaveTtidrvpioov, nepi \a- rpiKr)c, bvouaroXoyiae,. 12°. [n. p., 1907?] Roth ( O. ) Klinische Terminologie. Zu- sammenstellung der in der klinischen Medizin gebrauchlichen technischen Ausdriicke mit Erkliirung ihrer Bedeutung und Ableitung. [Terminologia clinica.] 8°. Leipzig, 1908. Starcke (J.) Lijst van eigennamen in de klinische terminologie. 8°. Amsterdam, [n.d.~\. Triepel (H.) Die anatomischen Namen, ihre Ableitung und Aussprache; mit einem Anhang; biographische Notizen baden, 1906. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. Wies- 8°. Wiesbaden, 1908. Thesame. 3. Aufl. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1910. Albutt (T. C.) "Words and things." Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1906, xx, 448-455. -----. On the importance of precision in nomenclature. Univ. M. Rec, Lond., 1912 i 3-11.-----. The nomenclature of diseases. Lan- cet, Lond., 1912, i, 1017.—Alphabetische Zusammen- stellung der nach Personen benanntcn Kr.inkheiten, Symptome, Reflexe u.s.w. Deutsche Mod.-Ztg., Berl., 1908, xxix, 821-825.—Anderson (W.) Eponymics. Pa- cific M. J., San Fran., 1911, liv, 409-111.—Bavvden (H. H ) A comment on objective nomenclature. J. Comp. Neurol. & Psychol., Bait., 1906, xvi, 389.—Benedict (A. L) Accuracy in medical nomenclature. St. Louis M. Rev., 1906, liii, 365-369. -----. Incorrect phraseology m medical writings. J&id.,1908,lvii,191-194.—Blanc-hard. Svndrfime du bapteme. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., G'eneve, 1898, xviii, 645-648.—Bowditch (V. Y.), Berg- told (W H.) [etal.]. Reportof the committee on clini- cal nomenclature. Nat. Ass. Study & Prevent. Tubercu- losis Trans., N. Y., 1906, i, 259-267. — Camac (C. N. B ) Nomenclature of disease; the disease terminology as employed in the card index of the Cornell Dispensary, denartment of general medicine. Cornell Univ. Med. ('oil I™ p. usary, N. Y. City, N. Y., 1905, i, 137-156.- I»eiin>ster (J. H.) Greek; its value to the physician. Detroit M J.. 1910, x, 232-239.—Bruce (G. C.) A note on nomenclature. Pharm. J. & Tr., Lond., 1906, 4. s., xxiii, Terminology (Medical). 235.—Kleneo terminologico di nomi personali che ser- vono a deflnire malattie interne, sintomi clinici o metodi di trattamento. Boll. d. Ass.med. tridentina,Trento,1906, xxv, 77; 87; 101; 115.—Enonj mic diseases and symp- toms in medicine. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 1304. — Kschle (P. C. R. ) Medizinische Sprachbar- barismen. Med. Klin., BerL, 1907, iii, 1462-1465.— Forchheinier (F.) The use of the term"enanthem." Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1902, xiv, 72-7;">.—Harrison (F. H.) Eponymic expressions in medical literature. Boston M. & S. J., 1909, clxi, 618-622. Also, Reprint. -----. On editorial revision of titles of medical papers. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1909, xiv, 130-140. -----. The bone called "Luz." N. York M.J. [etc.], 1910, xcii, 149-151. Also, Reprint— liryuner (S.) O klassifikatsii i nomenklaturle infektsionnikh bolleznel domashnikh zhivotnikh. [Classification and nomencla- ture of infectious diseases of domestic animals.] Vet. Obozr., Mosk., 1907, ix, 474-489.—von ttyory (T.) L'unification de la terminologie medicale du point de vue de l'historien de la medecine. Janus, Harlem, 1911, xvi,48-52. Also.transl: Deutschemed. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1910, xxxvi, 1764. Also, transl: Mitt. z. Gesch. d. Med. u. d. Naturw., Hamb., 1911, x, 135-140.—Ham- burger (0.) Doktorlatin. Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kiobenh., 1909, lxxi, 1221.— Holm (N.) Doktorlatin. Ibid., 1111; 1303.—Hunt(£.M.) Sanitary nomenclature. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1885, Concord, N. H., 1886, xi, 31-37.— K.6ssa(G.) Regi magyar betegsegnevek. [Old Hunga- rian names of diseases.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1907, li, 508; 626; 642; 058.—Kriiger (II.) Wissenschattliche medi- zinische Nomenklatur. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1906, x,60.—Laucereaux (E.) & Paulesco (X.) Essai de classification et de nomenclature en medecine. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1907, 3. s., lvii, 150-158. Also: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1907, lxxx, 1168-1171. Also [Abstr.]: Med. mod., Par., 1907, xviii, 33.—Leys (J. F.) Precise defini- tions for many diseases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxix, 1049-1051. Also, Reprint.—IHedical terms in the New English Dictionary. [Edit.J Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908-12, i-ii, passim.—ITIedical terms in the New English Dic- tionary. [Edit.] Ibid., 1912, i, 855.—Medical words commonly mispronounced. Long Island M. J., Brook- lyn, 1909, iii, 359— Ulibelli (V.) Nomenclatura der- matologiea. Dermat. Stud., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1910, xx, 48-73.—Iff orison (R.) Sacculi not diverticula. Lan- cet, Lond., 1909, ii, 1775.— Itluller (H. C.) Bijdragentot hervorming der geneeskundige vaktaal. Geneesk. Cou- rant, Amst., 1907, lxi, 367; 383; 391; 407.— Nauta (G. A.) Febris typhoidea (niet typho'idea). Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1906-7, xiii, 489.—Nielsen (L.) Doktorlatin. Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kj0benh., 1909, lxxi, 1269.—Nielsen (N. P.) Om esperantos anvendelighed blanot lseger. [The use of Esperanto by physicians.] Ibid., 1910, lxxii, 165.—Nomenclature (The) of diseases. [Edit.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 221.—Obshtshestvo Russkikh Vrachel v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. [Society of Russian Physicians in Pirogoff's Memory.] Nomenklatura bo- lleznel. [Nomenclature of diseases.] Spravochnik [etc.], Mosk., 1910, 1 L—Official (The) nomen- clature of disease. [Edit.] Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 307.—Orth (H.) Ueber die Autorennamen in der medizinischen Nomenklatur. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. in Erlang. (1906), 1907, xxxviii, 57-102.—P6pin (R ) De l'emploi du grec dans le langage medical. Rev. de med., Par., 1908, xxviii, 638; 673. — Pitfalls (The) of Latin quotation. [Edit.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 1673.—Rolleston (H. D.) An oration on the classification and nomenclature of diseases, with remarks on diseases due to treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1909, i, 1437; 1443. Also, Reprint.—Rose (A.) Aetiology, pathology, and therapy of medical slang. Am. M. Compend, Toledo, 1907, 81-83. Also, Reprint. -----. Memorial on medical language, presented for consideration to the rectoribus magnificis, convening in Marburg, July 31, 1907. Med. Brief, N. Y., 1907, xxxv, 688; 794. Also, Reprint. -----. Barbarism in medical language. N. York M. J. [etc.], N. Y. & Phila., 1907; lxxxv, 426-428. Also, Reprint. -----. Necessity for scientific medical nomenclature. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1910, lxxvii, 751-753. Also, transl: N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1911, xxii, 35-39. -----. How may we make our scientific nomenclature more accurate? Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., & N. Y., 1911, n. s., vi, 140-143. Botch (T. M.) The necessity of a more uniform nomem- clature of diseases forstudy and teaching. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1907, xviii, 85-89.—Russia. Ministry of the Interior. Medical Department. Obyazatelnaya dlya vrachel vslekh vledomstv nomenklatura bolleznel. [Nomenclature of diseases obligatory for physicians of all departments.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1904, ii, offic pt., 70-84.—Scharling (H.) Doktorlatin. Ugesk.f. Laa- ger, Kjpbenh., 1909, lxxi, 1164.—Schill. Erkliirung eini- ger neuerer Fachausdriicke. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 350; 466; 506.—Scliwartze (H.) Un zulassige Benennungen in unserer Literatur; eine historisch-kritische Erorterung. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1906, lxx, 100-109. Also, transl: Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & (50 TERRA I) K. TERMINOLOGY. Terminology (Medical). Laryngol., St. Louis, 1907, xvi, 138-145.—Sibirski (A. V.j Zamletka o nomenklaturle bolieznel v formakh I i III voyen.-medits. otchotnosti, ustanovlennol prikazom po V. V. 1903 g. no. 99. [On the nomenclature of diseases in forms I and III for the army medical reports, estab- lished by order no. 99, for 1903.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1906, ccxvii, med.-spec. pt., 677-685.—Title (The) of doctor in many tongues. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, iss.—Tuttle (L.) Medical orthoepy. Med. Notes & Quer., Lancaster, Pa., 1909, iv, 57-59.—Vierordt (H.) Randglossen zur neueren medizinischen Literatur. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1912, xxxviii, 765-768. Termites. Andrews (E. A.) Observations on termites in Ja- maica. J. Animal Behavior, Albanv, 1911, i, 193-228.— Andrews (E. A.) & Middleton (A. R.) Rhythmic activity in termite communities. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, Bait., 1911, no. 2, 26-34.—Chaine (J.) Termites et plantes vivantes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910- 12, lxviii-lxxii, passim.—Chervinski (K. K.) K ana- tomii termitov. [On the anatomy of the Termitid;c] Varshav. univ. izviest., 1898, iii, no. 4, 1-18, 3 pl.—Fey- taud (J.) Sur le ventricule chylifique des termites. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 474-476.— Grassi (B.) & Sandias (A.) The constitution and development of the society of termites; observations on their habits; with appendices on the parasitic protozoa of Termitidae, and on the Embiidse. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1896-8, xxxix, 245-322, 5 pl.— Holmgren (N.) Zur Frage der Inzucht bei Termiten. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1909, xxix, 125-12S.—Knower (H. McE.) The embryology of a termite; Eutermes ^Rippertii?). J. Mor- phol., Bost., 1899-1900, xvi, no. 3, 505-508, 4 pl. -----. A comparative study of the development of the gen- erative tract in termites. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1901, xii, 135. Also, Reprint.—von Rosen (K.) Neue Termiten aus der zoologischen Staatssammlung in Munchen sowie einigen anderen Sammlungen. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1912, xxxix, 221-232.—Warren (E.) Some statistical observations on termites, mainly based on the work of the late G. D. Haviland. Biometrika, Cambridge, 1908-9, vi, 329-347—Wasmann (E.) K. Escherich, Termitenleben auf Cevlon. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1911, xxxi, 394; 425. Termitomastus. Holmgren (N.) Die systematische Stellung des Termitomastus leptoproctus Silv. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 140. Termitophilse. Wasmann (B.) Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Termitophilen und Mvrmecophilen. (No. 192.) Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1912, ci, 70-115, 3pl. Termonde. Pi let. Quelques mots sur l'eau utilisee par la garni son de Termonde. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1903, 4. s. xxi, 88-96. Termopsis angusticollis. Heath (H.) The longevity of members of the dif- ferent castes of Termopsis angusticollis. Biol. Bull., WoodsHoll, Mass., 1907, xiii, 161-164. Ter-Howsisjanz (Johannes). * Ueber die Enteroptose. 36 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., E. Kuttruff, 1908. Terne (Christopher) [1620-73]. Courtney ( W. P.) Biography. Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1898, lvi, 77-79. Terner (G. I.) Pervaya pomoshtsh v nestchast- nikh sluchayakh do pribitiya vracha. [First aid in unfortunate accidents until the physician's arrival.] 59 pp., 16 pl. 16°. S.-Peterburg, [A. Benke], 1894. ------. The same. . . . i pri vnezapnikh zabo- lievaniyakh. [. . . and in sudden diseases.] 5. ed. 109 pp., 11. 8°. S.-Peterburg, Mme. M. P. Frolova, 1904. Terpenes. Gautier (J. ) *Le terpene ozone "tallia- nine" en therapeutique. 8°. Paris, 1908. Heusler ( F. ) The chemistry of the ter- penes. Translation by F. J. Pond. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1902. Terpenes. Himmelmaxn (A.) * Zur Kenntnis der ole- finischen Terpenkorper. Citralreihe und Citro- nellalreihe. 8°. Kiel, 1908. Action for damages; terpeneless oil of lemon. Pharm. J., Lond., 1902, 4. s., xv, 26.—Bacon (R. F.) Philippine terpenes and essential oils. Philippine J. Sc, A., Manila 1908, iii, 49: 1909, iv, 93.—Biltz (W.) Kryoskopische Untersuchungen in der Terpenreihe. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Leipz., 1898, xxvii, 529-551. — Buurdet. Sur l'essai de li terpine. J. d. pharm. etde chim., Par.. 191], iv, 69— Charabot (E.) & Lalone (G.) Formation et distribution des composes terpeniques chez l'oranger & fruits amers. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxlii, 798-801.—Clover (A. M.) The terpenes obtained from individual samples of the resin, Manila elemi. Am. Chem. J., Bait., 1908, xxxix, 613-649.—Belmis. La ter- pine, son action phvsiologique et son mode (l'emploi. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1894, lxvii, 1096.—Fabretti i<'.) Sulla terpina. N. Ercolani, Pisa, 1901. ix, 125-128. — Fronuii (E.), Hildebrandt (H.) & Clemens (1*.) IVberdas Schicksal cyklischer Terpene und Campher im thieri- schen Organismus. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1901-4, xxxiii-xli, passim.—tiautier (J.) Toxicite in- traveineuse, d'un terpene ozone; reactions sanguines dues a l'injection de ce produit. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 88-90.—Gerber. Revue des tra- vaux reeents sur les huiles essentielles et la chirnie des terpenes. Mouit. scient., Par., 1903, xlvii, 453-160.—Hep- burn (J. S.) Recent progress in the chemistry of the terpenes and camphors. J. Frankl. Inst., Phila., 1911, clxxi, 179-203. Also, transl: Monit. scient., Par., 1911, 5. s., xxv, 705-715.—Hildebrandt (H.) Ueber das Schicksal einiger cyklischer Terpene und Kampfer im Thierkorper. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1902, xxxvi, 452-U.l. —K.Iimont (J.) Die Bedeutung Otto Wallachs fiir die Chemie der Terpene. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lx, 2937-2942. — Kremers (E.) The isoterpenes of Flawitzky. Pharm. Rev., Milwaukee. 1908, xxvi, 102-106. — Sabbatani (P.) Assorbimento ed azione tossica della terpina. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bo- logna, 1895, 7. s., vi, 267-280.—Schreiner (O.) The ses- quiterpenes. Pharm. Rev., Milwaukee, 1904, xxii, 60; 101.—Schreiner (O.) & Kremers (E.) Nitro o deri- vatives of caryophyllene and cadinene and their bearing on the characterization and classification of the sesqui- terpenes. Proc Am. Pharm. Ass., Bait., 1899, xlvii, 158- 182— Tilden {Sir W. A.) The chemical historyof the terpenes; a chapter in modern synthetical chemistry. Science Progr. 20cent, Lond., 1911-12, vi, 46-61. Terp-heroine. Chartier (M. E.) Monograph of a stimu- lant, sedative, antispasmodic expectorant. 8°. New York, [n. d.~\. Terpinol. See, also, Haemoptysis (Treatment of). Fabris (F.) Contegno del terpinolo nell' organismo. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1895, 7. s., vi, 281-292. Ter-Poghossian (Aschot). * Ueber die Sto- rungen des Herzens beim Morbus Basedowii. 28 pp. 8°. Basel, J. Kohlhepp, 1910. de Terra (Paul). Repetitorium der Zahnheil- kunde, zugleich ein Examinatorium iiber namt- liche Hilfswissenschaften fiir die zahnarztliche Staatspriifung in Fragen und Antworten geord- net. xv, 516 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1894. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. xvi, 632 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1908. ------. Vergleichende Anatomie des mensch- lichen Gebisses und der Ziihne der Vertebraten. xiv, 451 pp. 4°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1911. Contains an extensive bibliography of the subject on pp. 388-441. -----. Konversationsbuch fiir die zahnarztliche Praxis. Eine Sammlung von Kunstausdrucken und Redensarten in deutscher, englischer, fran- zosischer und italienischer Sprache. xxiii, 274 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1908. Ser, also, Uikrophotographisclier Atlas der pa- thologisehen Histologie menschlicher Ziihne, [etc.]. fol. Stuttgart, 1897. Terrade (Louis-Joseph). * Etude sur l'amyg- dalite lacunaire ulcereuse aigue. 56 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1895, No. 87. TERRA DEL FUEGO. 751 TERRIER. Terra del Fuego and Fuegians. Shufeldt (R. W.) Eine Gruppe von Feuer- land. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von L. J. Bruhl. 8°. Berlin, [1900]. Cidtingfrom: Mutter Erde, BerL, 1900, ii. Peetor ( D.) Ethnographie de l'archipel magella- nique. Internat. Arch. f. Ethnog., Leiden, 1892, v, 215- 221. Terra di Lavoro. See, also, Prostitution (Histoig and statistics of), by localities. Pietravallb ( M. ) Demografia ed igiene pubblica in Terra di Lavoro. Relazione al con- siglio provinciale di sanita. 8°. Caserta, 1903. Terral (A.) * Contribution a l'etude de la re- section des grandes diaphyseal dans l'osteomye- lite de croissance. 114 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1899, No. 312. Terral (Louis) [1874- ]. * Etude sur l'etio- logie et la pathogenie du rachitisme. 74 pp., 2 1. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 350. Terralin. Voyel (M.) Ueber Terralin, ein zu unrecht verges- senes Heilmittel bei Hautkrankheiten. Aerztl. Rund- schau, Miinchen, 1911, xxi, 373. Terra nova. Ilalin (M.) A- Kraflft (,8.) Hygienisches Gutachten iiber Securadecken mit Terranova-Estrich. Gesundh.- Ingenieur, BerL, 1904, xxvii, 305-309. Terranova ( Isidoro ). Diagnostica renale. xxv, 458 pp. 8°. Boma, E. Loescher & Co., 1904. Terras (Marcel) [1880- ]. *Les maladies ankylosantes de la colonne vertebrale. Con- tribution clinique. 70 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpel- lier, 1908, No. 23. Terrasse (Pierre-Gustave). *Les os du tarse et 1'ankylose calcaneo-astragalo-scaphoidienne dans le pied plat valgus douloureux. 64 pp., 11., 1 pl. 4°. Lyon, 1892, No. 767. ------. Thesame. 64 pp., 11., lpl. 8°. Lyon, A. Bey, 1892. Terrazas (Antonio). * Estudio sobre la dia- betes. 44 pp. 8°. Mexico, J. B. Barbedillo & Ca., 1874. Terre (Louis) [1872- ]. * Essai sur la tu- berculose des vertebres a sang froid. Etude de pathologie experimentale et comparee. [Lyon.] 128 pp. 8°. Dijon, 1902, No. 68. Terre Hante. See Hospitals (Description, etc., of), by lo- calities. Terreil (A.) [1828- ]. See Fremy (E.) & Terreil (A.) Le guide du chi- miste, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1885. Terrell. See Insane (Asylums for, Description of, etc.), by localities. Terrenq (F.) ^Contribution a l'etude du pronostic de l'accouchement gemellaire. 72 pp. 8°. Toulouse, C. Dirion, 1910". 6cole de pharmacie. Terrentius L.ynceus (Joannes). See Hernandez (Franciscus). Rerum medicarum [etc.]. fol. Romx, 1651. Terrepson (Edgar). *Puti rasprostraneniya tuberkulyoza v muzhskoK mochepolovol siste- mTe. [Paths of tubercular infec ion in the male urogenital system.] 120 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Yuryer, Shnakenburg, 1906. Terre* (Jose). Programa de la catedra de clinica interna del tercer ano. 27 pp. 8°. Mexico, F. Diaz de Leon, 1888. Terriberry (William S.) [1871- ]. Field hospital in the organized militia, pp. 321-323. fol. Washington, D. C, 1908. Cutting from: Arms & the Man, Wash., 1908, xliv. | Terrien (Alfred) [1872- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis resale, et en particu- lier du syphilo-brightisme. 108 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1903, No. 371. Terrien (Eugene) [1870- ]. * Etude anato- mo-pathologique du foie dans la gastro-enterite des nourrissons. 92 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 269, —;—. Etude anatomo-pathologique des le- sions du foie dans la gastro-enterite des nour- rissons. 94 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1899. ---—. Precis d'alimentation des jeunes enfants (etat normal, etats pathologiques). Preface par Grancher. vii, 236 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1005. -----. The same. 2. ed., revue et augmentee. Preface du Professeur Grancher. vii, 358 pp., 4 ch. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1908. -----. Thesame. 3. 6d., revue et augmentee. 2 p. ]., 401 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1911. Terrien (Felix) [1872- ]. * Recherches sur la structure de la retine ciliaire et l'origine des fibres de la zonule de Zinn. 80 pp. 8°. Paris, 1898, No. 401. . The same. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1898. —;—. Les actualites medicales. Therapeu- tique oculaire; nouvelles medications, opera- tions nouvelles. 96 pp. sm. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1899. ------. Chirurgie de l'ceil et des annexes, viii, 439 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1902. In: Traite de medecine operatoire, etc. roy. 8°. Paris, 1902. -----. Syphilis de l'ceil et de ses annexes. 316 pp., 2pl. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1905. ------. Precis d'ophtalmologie. Preface du Pro- fesseur de Lapersonne. vi (1 1.), 600 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere &fils, 1908. ------& Hubert (A.) Traitement adjuvant du strabisme. 3 p. 1., 292 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1912. Terrien (Maxime). *L'hysterie en Vendee. 48 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1897, No. 177. Terrier [E.] *De l'influence de la grossesse sur les dents. 44 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1898, No. 642. Terrier ([Louis-]Felix) [1837-1908]. Des anevrysmes cirsoides. 158 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1872. -----. Des soins a donner aux blesses des grandes villes. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, 1896. Repr.from: Progres med., Par., 1894, xx. ■----—. L'extirpation du larynx; recueillie par Marcel Baudouin. 13 pp. 8°. Paris, Maloine, 1896. Repr.from: Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1896, ix. -----•. Chirurgie de la plevre et du poumon. 1 p. 1., 94 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, F. Alcun, 1897. Ste, also, Albert (E.) Traits de chirurgie clinique [etc.]. roy. 8°. Paris, 1893.— Chipault (A ) Chirurgie operatoire du systeme nerveux. 8°. I'aris, 1*94.—.Ia- maiii (lean-Alexandre) Manuel de petite chirurgie. 12°. Por is, 1893. -----. The same. 12°. Puis, 1901. -----& Terrier (F.) Manuel de pathologic et de cli- nique chirurgicales. 12°. Paris, 1889-92. For Biography, see Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1908, 2. s., v, 193-196. (H. Hartmann). Also: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1908, i, 1150. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1908, 3. s., lix, 416-419 (Gueniot). Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1909, n. s., xxxv, 158-174 (E. Rochard). Also. Gaz. d. hdp., Par., 1909, lxxxii, 159-165 (E. Rochard). Also: Presse med., Par., 1908, xvi, 249 (J.-L. Faure). Also: Progres med., Par., 1908,3. S., xxiv, 190 (P. Lecene). Also: Rev. de chir., Par., 1908, xxxvii, 585-588 (E. Quenu). For Portrait, see Corlieu (A.) Centenaire Fac de med. de Par. 4°. Pom, 1896. . -----& Auvray (M.) Chirurgie du foieet des voies biliaires. 1 p. 1., 318 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1901. TERRIER. 752 TERTERIANZ. Terrier ( [Louis-]Felix)—continued. ------& Baudouin (Marcel). La suture in- testinale, histoire des differents procedes d'en- t^rorraphie. Cours de medecine operatoire. Lecons professees pendant le semestre d'ete 1898 a. la Faculte de medecine de Paris, viii, 414 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1898. ------, Ouillemain (A.-G.) & Iflallierbe (A.) Chirurgie de la face, ii, 303 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1897. ------------------. Chirurgie du cou. ii, 248 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1898. ------& Hartniann (H.) Chirurgie de l'es- tomac. vi, 368 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1899. ------ & Peraire (M.) Petit manuel d'anti- sepsie et d'asepsie chirurgicales. 1 p. 1., 186 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1893.f ------------. L'operation du trepan. 1 p. 1., iii, 283 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1895. -----& Reymond (E.) Chirurgie du cceur et du pericarde. ii, 212 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1898. ------------. Chirurgie de la plevre et du pou- mon. ii, 292 pp. 12°. Paris, F. A lean, 1899. Terrile (Eugenio). Tifo ospedaliero. 14 pp. 8°. Genova, A. Ciminago, 1901. Repr.from: Pammatone, Genova, 1901, v. Terrill (Clarke Mead) [1845-1900]. Oartland (T. F.) Obituary. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 1900, Burlington, 1901,171-173. Terrillon [Octave-Roch-Simon] [1844-95]. Traitement des polypes muqueux des fosses na- sales. 7 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1875. Repr.from: Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1874, lxxxvii. -----. *Du role de Taction musculaire dans les luxations trautnatiques. 104pp., 1 1. 8°. Pa- ris, 0. Doin, 1875. Concours. -----. De l'entorsemedio-tarsienne. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, V.-A. Delahaye & Cie., 1876. Repr.from: France med., Par., 1876, xxii. -----. Frottement sous-scapulaire et bourse se- reuse acciden telle sous l'omoplate. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1877. Repr. from: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1877, xxx. ------. *Des ruptures de l'urethre. 226 pp., 1 pl., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1878. [P., v. 2140.] Concours. -----. Excroissances polypeuses de l'urethre symptomatiques de la tuberculisation. 24 pp. 8°. [Versailles, Cerf & fils, 1880, vel subseq.] ------. Inflammations de la trompe et de 1' ovaire, laparotomie, ablation des annexes de 1'uterus. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1887. -----. GSuvres de . . . recueillies et mises en ordre par le Dr. H. Chaput. xxiii (1 1.), 908 pp., port.; 1 p. 1., 526 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1898. See, also, Koenig (Franz). Traite de pathologie. 8°. Paris, 1X8*.— JVIonod (Charles) & Terrillon (O.) Traite des maladies du testicule [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1889. ------& Auvard (Pierre-Victor-Alfred). Trai- tement de la metrite parenchymateuse par les scarifications du col de l'uterus. 24 pp. 8°. Pan's, 0. Doin, 1880. Repr.from: Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1880, xcix. ------ & Chaput (H.) Asepsie et antisepsie chirurgicales. 1 p. 1., ii, 197 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, O. Doin, 1893. ------------. The same. 2. £d., revue et modi- flee par H. Chaput. v, 187 pp. 12°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1899. Terrion (Louis) [1868- ]. * Considerations sur l'etiologie du goitre. 64 pp. 4°. Paris 1893, No. 379. Terrone (Giovanni). See Tiedeinann (F[riedrich]). Trattato completo di fisiologia [etc.]. 8°. Firenze, 1841. Terror. SeeFear; Hair (Color of, Abnormities of). Terry (B[enjamin]T[aylor]) [1876- ]. The specific chemical therapy of the trypanosomiases and spirilloses. 27 pp. 8°. New York, 1909. Repr.from: Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1909, iii. In: Stud. Rockefeller Inst. M. Research, N. Y.,1909, x. -----. The therapeutic immunity reaction in the differentiation of trypanosome species, pp. 802-809. 8°. Lancaster, Pa., & New York, 1909. Repr.from: J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1909, xi. In: Stud. Rockefeller Inst. M. Research, [N. Y.], 1910, xi. ------. An attenuated surra of Mauritius, with immunity tests after recovery, pp. 176-181. 8°. Lancaster, Pa., & New York, 1910. Repr.from: J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1910, xii. In: Stud. Rockefeller Inst. M. Research, [N. Y.], 1910, xi. -----. Chemo-therapeutic trypanosome studies, with special reference to the immunity follow- ing cure. pp. 3-70. 8°. New York, 1911. Repr. from: Monogr. Rockefeller Inst. M. Research, N. Y., 1911. In: Stud. Rockefeller Inst. M. Research, [N. Y.], 1911, xiii. Terry (Herbert) [1854- ]. The prevention of laceration of the perineum. 8 pp. 8°. Providence, 1886. Repr.from: Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc, Providence, 1886. Terry (J. Antonio). A manual on diseases of women, for domestic use. xxv, 188 pp. 12°. New York, A. L. Chatterton& Co., 1894. Ter-Saakiantz (Haik). *Die akuten Ileus- fiille an der chirurgischen Klinik in Zurich in den Jahren 1898-1909. 20 pp. 8°. Zurich, A. Schereschewsky, 1911. Tersier (B[arthoiom8eus]). See Bicker (Lambertus). Aanmerkingen op het werkje den Heere B. Tersier [etc.]. 8°. Haarlem, 1798. Terson (Albert) [1867- ]. *Les glandes lacrymales conjonctivales et orbito-palpebrales; l'ablation des glandes lacrymales palpebrales. 130 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1892, No. 50. ------. Thesame. 128 pp. 4°; Parw, 1893. ------. Technique ophtalmologique; anesthesie, antisepsie et instruments de chirurgie oculaire. 208 pp. , 12°. Paris, J.-B. Baillttre A fils, 1898. ------. Etudes sur l'histoire de la chirurgie ocu- laire. 47 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1899. ------. Chirurgie oculaire. vii, 540 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Baillttre A fils, 1901. ------. Pathogenie du glaucome. 76 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, L. Severeyns, 1907. ------. Maladies de l'ceil. 400 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere defils, 1909. See, also, Haah (Otto). Atlas manuel d'ophtalmos- copie, [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1896. -----. The same. 12°. Paris, 1900. Terson (Jean) [1871- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de l'enophtalmie et de l'exophtalmie alternantes. 54 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 283. ------. The same. 54 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, H. Jouve, 1897. Terterianz (Artasches) [1885- ]. * Meta- tarsus varus congenitus im Zusammenhang mit Trichterbrust. [Berlin.] 33 pp., 4 1. 8°. [Berlin], 1910. TKRTERJANZ. 753 TESSIER. Terterjanz (Michael) [1867- ]. *Dieobere Trigeminuswurzel. 34 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Berlin, 1899. ■-----. *Xeroderma pigmentosum (Kaposi) bei zwei verwandten Familien. 48 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1902. Tertois (Raoul). * Enseignement populaire de l'hygiene par la grande presse. 59 pp. 8°. Paris, 1906, No. 308. Tervaert (G[erard] D[avis] Cohen). SeeJTIackenzie (Sir Morell). De hygiene der stem- organen. 12°. Haarlem, 1888. Terveydenlioitoleliti. [A journal for sani- tary science.] Nos. 1-7, v. 8, 1896. 8°. Helsingissa. Continuation of: Suomen terveydenhoito-lehti. Tervoert (J. B.) Opmerkingen over de ver- pleging van krankzinnigen. 87 pp. 16°. Oostakker, 1892. Tervvagne (Modeste). Portez-vous bien! Notions e4ementaires d'hygiene populaire et rationnelle. lpl., 77pp. 8°. Anvers, 1900. ■-----. The same. Goede gezondheid; grond- beginselen van eene rationneele volks-gezond- heidsleer vertaald door A. A. J. Bogaerts. 64 pp. 8°. Gent, 1902. -----. Ce que doivent savoir ceux qui vont a la mer. Expos^ elementaire des effets de la cure marine. 48 pp. 12°. Anvers, 1909. Terwelp (Anton) [1878- ]. *Klinischer Beitrag zur Lehre von den markhaltigen Nervenfasern in der Netzhaut. 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1905. Terzo (Nel) publico corso di anatomiche lezioni del . . . Gaetano Gaspare Uttini. xvi pp. 8°. Bologna, 1789. Teschemaeher (James E.). See Stockhardt (Julius Adolphus). Chemical field lectures [etc.]. 8°. Cambridge, 1853. Teschen. See Hospitals (Description, etc., of), by localities. Tesehendorf (Emil) [1868- ]. *Ein Fall von multiplen Papillomen des Larynx und der Trachea. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., B. Kemmesies, 1893. Tesehner (Hugo) [1882- ]. *Das Leinol, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung seiner hiimo- lytisehen und baktericiden Eigenschaften. [Giessen.] 49 pp., 1 1. 8°. Hildesheim, A. Leu, 1910. Teseliner (Jacob) [1858- ]. Observations on the rotary-lateral curvature of the spine, with special reference to etiology and treat- ment. 11 pp. 12°. New York, Trow Direc- tory Pr. & Bookbdg. Co., 1893. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv. ------. The treatment of postural deformities of the trunk by means of rapid and thorough physical development. 32 pp., 12 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, Unic Penn. Press, 1895. Repr.from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxii. ■------. The rapid cure of rotary-lateral curva- ture of the spine and other postural deformities, by means of thorough development and correc- tion exercises with heavy weight. 12 pp. 12°. New York, 1896. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1896, lxiii. Teske (Hillmar [Franz Ed.]) [1874- ]. *Zur Casuistik der Unterlippen-Carcinome. 34 pp. 8°. Greifswald, L Abel, 1897. Teske (Waldemar) [1883- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Kasuistik des kongenitalen Hydrocephalus internus. [Kiel.] 24 pp. 8°. Langenberg Bhld., J. Joost, 1911. vol xvii, 2d series---48 Tesoro di molti secreti, di nuovo posti in luce, per beneficio universale, utili, e buoni per di- verse inflrmita. 41. 24°. Vicenza, ristampata in Fiorenza, Bainon Mila, [1595]. Tesorone (Gaetano). Gambetto; appareil pour maintenir le catheter en permanence dans la vessie. Naples, 1861. 1 p. 1., 10 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Pans, H. de Borniol, 1878. [Tessari (Ludovicus).] Materia medica con- tracta, synonyma natalia pharmaceutica, quali- tates, principia, prceparata, vires, usus com- munes, usus pnecipuos, composita, doses, judi- cium com plectens. xvi, 472 pp. 12°. Venetiis, ex typis N. Pezzana, 1762. Tessari (Niccold). See [Gardane (Joseph-Jacques)]. Methodo nuovo, sicuro e facile per cuarire le malattie veneree [etc.]. 8°. Venezia, 1787.—Percy (Pierre-Francois). Manuale del chirurgo d'armata [etc.]. 8°. Venezia, 1799. Tesse (Alexandre) [1882- ]. *Le savon- nage des mains en chirurgie. 50 pp. 8°. Lyon, L. Cails, 1910,_No. 64. Tessene (Marie). Contributions a l'etude du traitement chirurgical des ulceres variqueux. Le procede de 1'incision circulaire de cuisse. 46 pp. 8°. Paris, 1905, No. 412. Tessier (Emile) [1872- ]. *L'hysterecto- mie vaginale sans pinces a, demeure et sans liga- ture (angiotripsie), procede de Tuflier; tech- nique et resultats. 80 pp. 8°. Paris, 1898, No. 533. -----. The same. 80 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1898. Tessier (Georges) [1875- ]. * Application de la mecanotherapie a l'hygiene therapeutique des cardio-sclereux avec angine de poitrine. 46 pp. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 582. Tessier (Gustave) [1877- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la torsion du pedicule des tumeurs kystiques des annexes pendant la puerperalite. 80 pp. 8°. Paris, 1902, No. 389. Tessier [Henri-Alexandre] [1741-1837]. L'abbe\ Traite des maladies des grains; ouvrage, dans lequel on expose la maniere dont elles se for- ment, leur progres, les particularites qu'elles off rent, les diffe>ens produits qu'on en obtient par 1'analyse chimique, comparee avec celle des grains sains, leurs causes, l'influence qu'elles peuvent avoir sur la sante des hommes, et sur celle des bestiaux, le tort qu' elles font aux cultiva- teurs, et les moyens d'en preserver; avec figures. viii,351 pp.,7pl. 12°. Paris,veuveHerissant,178S. Tessier (Jean-P.) [1876- ]. *Le r61e de la distension cardiaque dans la production de l'an- gine de poitrine. 92 pp. 8°. Paris, 1905, No. 317. Tessier (Jean-Paul) [1811-62]. De la medica- tion homceopathique, suivi d'un releve compara- tif des malades traites a l'Hopital Sainte-Mar- guerite par la methode de Hahnemann et par la methode ordinaire pendant les annees 1849,1850, 1851; reponse a la lettre de Fredault. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailltere,1852. ^ [P., v. 2209.] ------. Clinical remarks concerning the homoeo- pathic treatment of pneumonia; preceded by a retrospective view of the allceopathic materia medica, and an explanation of the homoeopathic law of cure. Transl. by Charles J. Hempel. xxiv, 131 pp. 12°. New York, W. Badde, 1855. For Biography, see Art med., Par., 1897, lxxxiv, 401-404 (P. Jousset). Tessier (Pierre). * La grossesse et la loi fran- caise. Lois, jurisprudence etcoutumes relatives a la femme enceinte. 129 pp. 8°. Toulouse, J. Fournier, 1908, No. 773. TESSON. Tesson (Louis Stanislas) [1842-1001]. Necrology. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. TJ. S., Carlisle, Pa., 1902-3, xi, 97. Tesson (Ren6) [1873- ]. *Le cancer primi- tif du corps uterin. 102 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1902, No. 271. ------. The same. 1 p. 1. (1 L), 108 pp. 8°. Paris, 1902, G. Steinheil, 1902. Test (Frederick Cleveland). Floating kidneys. 8 pp. 12°. [New York, 1898.] Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liii. Testa (Amedseus). See Va.gta.pani (Joannes Petrus). Commentaria [etc.], 8°. Augustse Taurinorum, 1822. Testa (Antonio Giuseppe) [1756-1814]. De vi- talibus periodis aegrotantium et aanorum; seu elementa dynamic* animal is. 2v.ini. xxxii, iv, 5-203 pp., 2 1.; vi, iv, 5-216 pp. 8°. Lon- dini, J. Davis, 1787. ------. Dell' insegnamento della medicina cli- nica. 1 p. 1., cii pp. 8°. Bologna, J. Marsigli, 1804. -.-----. Delle azioni e riazioni organiche, ossia alcune proposizioni elementari di patologia, di nosologia e di clinica. xvi, 175 pp. Crema, A. Bonna, 1807. ------. Delle malattie del cuore, loro cagioni, specie, segni e cura. 3 v. 8°. Bologna, G. Luechesini, 1810. For Biography, see Tommasini (G.) Elogio del ce- lebre professore di medicina Gius. Antonio Testa Ferra- rese. 12°. Pesaro, 1825. Testa (Giuseppe). *Studj sulla gastro-isteroto- mia presentati come tesi al concorso della catte- dra di ostetricia e direzione della clinica oste- trica nella r. TJniversita di Napoli. 104 pp. 8°. Napoli, G. Nobile, 1867. Testacella. de£.acaze-Duthiers(H.) Histoire dela testacelle. Arch, de zool. exper. et gen. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par., 1887, 2. s., v, 459-598, 12 pl.—Pasquet. Captures de testa- celles dans le departement de la Manche. Bull. Soc. scient. etm6d. de l'ouest, Rennes, 1911, xx, 254-256. Testaferrata (G.) & Alagona (S.) II tifo in Siracusa. 47 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Siracusa, tipog. del Tamburo, 1895. Testamento di Maestro Taddeo degli Alderptti [1293, gennaio 22], pubblicato per cura del Dr. Domenico Barduzzi. vii, 21 pp. fol. Pisa, F. Mariotti, 1891. Testard (Joseph). * Contribution a l'etude de la curabilite des cirrhoses alcooliques. 93 pp. 8°. Paris, 1908, No. 278. Testart (Edmond). * Contribution a l'etude du sternum infundibuliforme (thorax en en- tonnoir). 58 pp. 8°. Paris, 1906, No. 246. Teste (Alphonse) [1814- ]. A practical manual of animal magnetism; containing an exposition of the methods employed in produc- ing the magnetic phenomena; with its applica- tion to the treatment and cure of diseases. Transl. from the 2. ed. by D. Spillan. 1. Am. ed. xv, 321 pp. 8°. "Philadelphia, Brown, Bicking & Guilbert, 1844. ------. Traite homceopathique de maladies ai- gues et chroniques des enfants. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., 414 pp. 16°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere; London & Neiv York, 1856. ------. The same. A homoeopathic treatise on the diseases of children. Transl. from the French by Emma H. Cote, x (1 1.), 11-342 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Moore, Anderson, Wilstach & Kens, 1854. Teste (Daniel-Valentin-Marcel) [1882- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la mar^tine. 76 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908, No. 120. TESTICLE. Teste (Maurice-Paul-Antonin) [1874- ]. Contribution a l'etude des fibromes de l'ovaire! 56 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900, No. 25. Testelin [Armand-Achille [1814-91]. See Edebreich (Richard). De l'examen de l'ceil [etc] 8°. Bruxelles, 1857. Testevin's reaction. iTIodena (Emma). Sul valore della reazione di Tes- tevin in praticapediatrica. Gazz. med. ital., Torino 1906 lvi, 305-307. ' Testevnide (Andr6) [1871- ]. * Traite- ment des gangrenes gazeuses dans letf fractures compliquees. 52 pp. 8°. Par is, 1897, No. 418. Testi (Alberico). Sul cancro-cirrosi delf.gato. 25 pp. 8°. Faenza, 1895. ------■. L' indacanuria nelle suppurazioni. 10 pp. 8°. Boma, 1895. Repr.from: Policlin., Roma, 1895, ii. ------. La diagnosi dei tumori addominali; ge- neralita con speciale riguardo all' ascoltazione delP addome. 36 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, 1899. Forms no. 26, v. 2, of: Conf. clin. ital. ------. Lo scorbuto, considerato dal lato antico e moderno. 108 pp. 8°. Firenze, L. Niccolai, 1901. Testi (Francesco). Ricordi di microbiologia pura ed applicato. 401 pp. 8°. Firenze, 1906. ------. Le malattie infettive diffusibili piii fre- quenti nel soldato italiano; nozioni di epidemi- ologia militare. 289 pp. 8°. Firenze, 1907. ------. Le grandi epidemie esotiche, colera, peste e febbre gialla. 203 pp. 16°. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1909. ------. Microbiologia pura ed applicata, con speciale riguardo alia tecnica microbiologica per studenti e medici. vi, 327 pp. roy. 8°. Milano, Soc. ed. libraria, 1911. Testi (Henri) [1883- ]. * Pneumatoceles soontanees d'origine mastoidienne. 113 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1907, No. 85. Testicle. See, also, Genitals; Scrotum; Testicle (Blood-supply of); Testicle (Chemistry of); Tes- ticle (Degeneration of); Testicle (Effectof Ront- gen rays on); Testicle (Effect of various experi- mental procedures on); Testicle (Embryology of, Extract of Giraldes' organ on); Testicle (Histo- logical elements of); Testicle (Innervation of); Testicle (Internal secretion of); Testicle (Lym- phatics of); Testicle (Migration of); Testicle (Morphology of); Testicle (Secretions of); Tes- ticle ( Vesiculte seminales of). Callotjd (E.) Lettera intorno ad una contro- versia riguardante la vaginale del testicolo, ed altre scoperte anatomiche. 12°. Parma, [1789]. Messing (W.) * Anatomische Untersuchun- gen iiber den Testikel der Siiugethiere mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung des Corpus Highmori. 8°. Dorpat, 1877. Vvedexski (V. M.) *0 sTemennikh zhelyo- zakh i slemennikh puzirkakh u dleteL [Semi- nal glands and seminal vesicles in children.] 8°. S.-Petersburg, 1900. ■touin (P.) Etudes sur 1'evolution normale et Pin- volution du tube seminifere. Arch, d'anat. micr., Par., 1*97, i. 225-263,1 pl— Brugnoni (J.) Abhandlung fiber die Laagc der Hoden im Fotus, ihrem Niedersteigen in das Scrotum, und dem Ursprunge und Anzahl ihrer Hiiuten. Anat. Schrift., Heidelb., 1791, 220-256.—Bum- quet (H.) Action inhibitrice du cervelet sur le centre de la copulation chez la grenouille; independance fonc- tionnelle de ce centre vis-a-vis du testicule. Compt. rend. Soc de biol,, Par., 1910, lxviii, 911-913.—Coni iCM Sugli intimi rapporti funzionali tra cervello e te^iicL. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1908, xxxiv, 57-02. TESTICLE. 755 TESTICLE. Testicle. Also [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1908, xlix, 368- 371— B'Alessandria (P.) La funzione testicolare nell' uomo ed in alcuni animali come azione protettiva. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1899, xvii, 97- 112.—Finger (E.) Die Hoden und Nebenhoden. Klin. Handb. d. Harn- u. Sexualorg., Leipz., 1894, iii, 337-368.— Fleischl von Marxow (E.) Das Ovarium mascu- linum. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1871, vi, 49-51. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Leipz., 1893,19-21.— Ualpern (Ya. A.) Nleskolko nablyudeniv nad vliya- niyem usloviy zhizni organizma na ya'ichki i yai'chni'ki. [On the influence of conditions of life of the organism upon the testicles and ovaries.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i. Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1910, xix, no. 2,32-35.— Orifliths (J.) Observations on the appendix of the testicle, and on the cvsts of the epididymis, the vasa efferent in, and the rete testis. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1893-4, xxviii, 107-124, 1 pl. -----. The testes. Lancet, N. Y., 1895, 237; 273.— Loiscl (G.) Le fonctionnement des testicules chez les oiseaux. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1900, II. s., ii, 380-388.—Marion (G.) Note sur le trajet de la tunique vaginale. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 316-327.— Metalnikoff (S.) Die schutzende Rolle der Hoden und der Nebenhoden. Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1910, vii, 185-190.—Myers- Ward (C. F.) Preliminary note on the structure and function of the epididvmis and vas deferens in the higher mam- malia. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond.. 1897-8, xxxii, 135-140, 1 pl.—Richardson (H.) The functions of the testi- cles. N. York M. J. [etc], 19uti. lxxxiv, 285-288. Also, Reprint.—Serrallaeh (N.> A: Pares (M.) Quelques nouvelles donnees sur la physiologic du testicule et dela prostate. Ann. d. mal. d. orsr. genito-urin., Par., 1908, i, 161; 202. Also, transl: Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1909, xxxv. 385-390.—Solaro (G.) Suirapportifunzionali fra il testicolo e 1' epididimo. Biologica, Torino, 1906-7, i, 233- 239.—Toldt (<'.) Leber die Vasa aberrantia des Neben- hodens und iiber die Paradidymis. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch.. Jena, 1892, vi, 241. Testicle (Abnormities and malforma- tions of). See, also, Genito-urinary organs (Abnorm- ities of); Hermaphroditism, Hernia (Compli- cations, etc., of); Testicle (Retained, etc.). Borgstede (K.) * Ueber einen Fall von Lei- stenhoden. 8°. Freiburg, 1899. D'Aymeric (A.-M.) *De l'ectopie sous-cu- tanee abdominale du testicule (type nouveau). 8°. Lyon, 1901. Duttsche (F. K. L. A.) *Die Gefahren des Leistenhodens. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Eccles (W. McA.) The imperfectly de- scended testis; its anatomy, physiology and pathology. 8°. London, 1903. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1903. Also Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 503; 570. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 569; 722. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1902, n. s., lxxiii, 235; 263; 293. vox Foth (H. K.) * Ueber abnorme Lage der miinnlichen Keimdriisen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Kryptorchismus. 8°. Leipzig, 1910. Hempel (0. K. R.) * Ueber Ektopia testis. 8°. Kiel, 1911. Jukel (G.) * Ueber die Einklemmung des Leistenhodens im Leistenkanal. 8°. Konigs- berg i. Pr., 1906. Kleix (R.) *L'ectopie perineale du testicule. 8°. Paris, 1906. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1906. Mcller (H.) * Ueber die in der Kieler chi- rurgischen Klinik in den Jahren 1899, 1900 und 1901 beobachteten Falle von Kryptorchismus. 8°. Kiel, 1902. Nel (R.) *De l'ectopie testiculaire par as- cension de la glande. 8°. Paris, 1904. Poupart (J.-A.-E.-J.) *Un type nouveau d'ectopie testiculaire. 8°. Ferris, 1897. R.\DEMAcriER (E. ) * Hodenretention und Abdominaltumoren. 8°. Halle a. S., 1904. Rogowski (A. P.) * Beitrage zur Pathologie und Therapie des Kryptorchismus und Testis inguinalis. 8°. Halle a. S, 1905. Testicle (Abnormities and malforma- tions of). Rothmann (J.) * Ueber das Vorkommen von Hydrocele bei Kryptorchismus. 8°. Kiel, 1901. Salomon (P.) * Ueber Ectopia testis peri- nealis. [Freiburgi. Br.] 8°. Einmendingen,1910. Schreiber (H.) * Ueber einen Fall von Ec- topia testis perinealis congenita complicata. 8°. Munchen, 1908. Stefanofp (A.) *Malignes retroperitoneales Teratom bei doppelseitigem Kryptorchismus. 8°. Munchen, 1907. Stolle ( F. [ W. ] ) Kryptorchismus und Hernie. 8°. Marburg, 1896. AU'erolT(S.) Sluchal ektopii ya'ichek. [Ectopy of the testicles.] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1900, lxxviii, med.-spec. pt., 3081-3086.—Ancel (P.) & Bouin (P.) Tractus genital et testicule chez le pore cryptorchide. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 281.—Anthony (H. G.) Cryptorchidism, with a report of two cases of natural eunuchs. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix, 233-236.—Autefage & A uber tin (C.) Examen his- tologique d'un testicule d'adulte en ectopie abdominale, complique de hernie inguinale. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1903, lxxviii, 789-79L—Auvray. Ectopie tes- ticulaire et ses complications. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1906, xix, 734-737.—Barret de Nazaris. Ectopie testiculaire; kyste de l'epididyme; hematocele. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bor- deaux, 1893. xiv, 27-30.—Basso (U.) Contributo alia istologia del testicolo nei casi di descesa incompleta del medesimo. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1906, xxvii, 1076-1078.— Batchelor (J. M.) Undescended testicle; report of two cases. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1904-5, lvii, 509-513.—Beecher. Kryptorchismus mit iiberraschendem Sektionsergebnis. Berl. tieriirztl. Wchnschr., 1909, xxv, 169-171.—Berger. Du testicule ectopique strangle. Independ. med., Par., 1896, ii, 241. -----. L'ectopie testiculaire de 1'adulte. Rev. g£n. de clin. et de th6rap., Par., 1908, xxii, 19.— BerkJian (O.) Hodenverhaltung und verspatetes Her- absteigen der Hoden bei Schwachsinnigen. Ztschr. f. d. Erforsch. u. Behandl. d. jugendl. Schwachsinns, Jena, *J08, ii, 327-329. — Beyer (C.) Ectopie testiculaire gauche; absence de la queue de l'epididyme, de la vesi- cule seminale, de la moitie correspondante de la prostate, terminaison du deferent dans le scrotum. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1905, lxxi, 221. Also: Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1905, xii, 567— Bid well (L. A.) Un- descended testis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1902, n. s., lxxiii, 109.—Bond (S. B.) Anorchidism. Hosp. Bull. Univ. Maryland, Bait., 1905, i, 153.—Bonnet (P.) Tes- ticule rudimentaire chez un psammodromus algirus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 21.—Bonnet- Laborderie (A.) & Fere (L.) Ectopie testiculaire unilaterale, variete cruro-scrotale chez un nouveau-ne. J. d..sc med. de Lille, 1905, ii, 370-372.— Bottaro (M.) Distopia trasversa inguinale del testicolo. Policlin., Roma, 1910, xvii, sez. prat., 1539-1542.—Bouin (P.) & Ancel (P.) Sur la structure du testicule ectopique. Bibliog. anat., Par. & Nancy, 1903, xii, 307-309—Bous- quet (H.) Ectopie testiculaire; ses complications. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1906, xix, 711-720.—Bower (W.)& Hobday (F.) An interesting cryptorchid. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1902-3, xv, 190.—Bran It (J.) Deux observations d'ectopie testiculaire; remarques sur la migration de la glande spermatique; position anor- male du corps de Giraldes; kystes wolmens du cordon tres haut situes. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1895, vi, 549- 560.—Brodnax (B. H.) A retracted testicle. Char- lotte [N. C] M. J., 1895, vi, 995-997.—Brown (E. M.) An unusual case of undescended testicle. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1909, iii, 39.—Biidinger (K.) Die Aetiologie der Hodenretention. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1907, xc, 532-556.—Cadiot. Cryptorchidie abdominale double. Rec. de mod. vet., Par.. 1902, 8. s., ix, 529-535.—CaIleja y Alonzo (A.) & Rubio Diaz- Losada (L.) Un caso de ectopia testicular derecha y la vigente lev de exenciones para el ingreso en los cuer- pos del ejen'ito y la armada. Siglo med., Madrid, 1904, li, 116. Also: Gac. med. de Granada, 1904, xxii, 241-246.— Carbonell y Soles (F.) Dos casos de ectopia testicu- lar. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1902, xv, 605-607. -----. Dos casos de ectopia testicular. Ibid., 1911, xxiv, 124- 127.—Carlier. L'ectopie testiculaire et ses complica- tions. Assoc franc, dechir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1906, xix, 720-724. Also: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1906, x, 589- 591.— Casati ((■.) Studiosperimentalesultesticolointro- dottonellacavita addominale. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1896, 5. s., xxii, 201-214, 1 pl.—Castelli (D.) Su di una rara cterotopia testicolare. Riforma med., Napoli, 1909, xxv. 132.V1328.—Cecca (R.) Note anatomiche su di un anoiehide. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1902, 8. s., ii, 29- 40. Also [Abstr.]: Soc med.-chir. di Bologna. Resoc. (1901), 1902, *8— Cernezzi (A.) Sulla tine struttura del TESTICLE. 756 TESTICLE. Testicle (Abnormities and malforma- tions of). testicolo ectopico. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1903, lxxii, 81-87.—Che t wood (C. H.) Report of a case and exhibi- tion of specimen of undescended testis. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 225.—Christopherson (J. B.) Imperfect descent of iestiele; both testicles in the same inguinal canal, one being rudimentary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 312.—Clarke ( K. W.) Ectopia testisperi- naealis. Quart. M. J., Shethel.l, 1894-5, iii, 380.—Con- zette. Sujetstriorchides. Chron. med., Par., 1911, xviii, 360.—Coudray (P.) Ectopie testiculaire. Assoc, franc. de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1906, xix, 732-734 — Cuneo (B.) & Lec^ne (P.) Note sur les cellules inter- stitielles dans le testicule ectopique de l'adulte. Rev. de chir., Par., 1900, xx, pt. 2, 44-48.—Cuneo (B.), ftlau- claire&JWagitot. Apoplexie d'un testicule en ectopie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1905, xxiii, 185-189. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1905, n. s., iii, 6.—DagayeiT (V. F.) Sluchai inversio testis. Sibirsk. Vrach. VIedom., Krasnoyarsk, 1904, ii, 281-283.—Davis (A. M.) A man with four testes. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896, xlvii, 353.— Def'ranceschi (P.) Ueber einen Fall von Triorchis- mus. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1910, lxvii, 70-72.— Delbet (P.) Ectopie testiculaire. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc. verb. 1903, Par., 1904, vii, 494-497. -----. Ectopie testiculaire. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1903, Par., 1904, vii, 494-497. -----. Ectopie du testicule. Rev. gen. de ciin. et de therap., Par., 1910, xxiv, 466-468. -----. Ectopie testiculaire. Bull, med., Par., 1912, xxvi, 377- 379.—Delore (H.) & Jttouriquand (E.) Deux cas d'ectopie testiculaire perineale, avec examen histologique du cordon perineo-testiculaire. Ibid., 1907, xxi, 293- L".i5. — Delrez (L.) Les cicatrices peritoneales du canal inguinal et leur r61e dans l'etranglement herniaire et la retention testiculaire. Arch. gen. de chir., Par., 1911, vii, 994-1004.—Deschainps (M.) L'ectopie testiculaire. Rev. d'hyg. et de med. inf. [etc.], Par., 1907, vi, 250-273 — Dewar (J. R. U.) Peculiar cryptorchid testicles [in the horse]. Vet. J., Lond., 1905, lxi, 16-18.—D'Haenens (A.) Le traitement de l'ectopie testiculaire inguinale. Progres med. beige, Brux., 1902, iv, 45-47.—Dodds (G.) S.) Imperfectly descended testis; report of case and dis- cussion. Univ. Colorado M. Bull., Boulder, 1906-7, iii, 163-170, 1 pl.—Dombrovski (X. F.) Sluchai kriptor- khizma i ushtshemleniya ya'ichka v pakhovom kanalle. [Cryptorchis and impaction of the testicle in the inguinal canal.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1904, xi, 596.— Douglass (E. P.) A descending testicle. Proc. Con- nect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1894, 128. —Dowdy (J. E.) Report of a case of undescended testicle of the perineal variety. Hosp. Bull. Univ. Maryland, Bait., 1909, v, 88.— Drenkhahn. [Drei Hoden.] Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., BerL, 1912, xii, 51.—Duplay (S.) Ectopie testi- culaire inguinale. Pressemed., Par.,1899, i,l-3.—Eccles (W. McA.) The value of imperfectly descended testis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1314-1316. -----. Temporary fixation of an imperfectly descended testis to the thigh. Lancet, Lond., 1905, ii, 406.—Edington (G. H.) Im- perfectly descended testicles, with tuberculosis of pro- cessus vaginalis. Glasgow M. J., 1904, lxii, 362.— Ellin. ger. Ein Beitrag zur Erkennung lebender Binneneber. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg., BerL, 1895-6, vi, 23-25 — Fasano (M.) Contributo all' istopatologia del testicolo in ritenzione. Policlin., Roma, 1910, xvii, sez. chir., 69- 85. -----. Ernia inguino-superflciale addominale con ectopia del testicolo da inserzione anomala del^''guberna- culum testis." Ibid.,.sez.prat., 1295; 1324.—Felizet(G.) & Branca (A.) Histologie du testicule ectopique. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1898, xxxiv, 589-641,1 pl.----------. Histologie du testicule ectopique; pre- miere note; le testicule ectopique avant la puberte. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 941-943. -----------. Le testicule ectopique apres la puberte. Ibid., 967-969.----------. Sur ies cellules interstitielles du testicule ectopique. Paid., 1901, 11. s., iii, 311. ----- -----. Les fibres elastiques du testicule ectopique. Ibid., 410.---------—. Sur les epitheliums du testicule ecto- pique. Ibid., 411.-----------. Degenerescence de la paroi propre et des cellules sertoliennes dans le testicule en ectopie. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Nancy, 1902, iv, 92-98. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 962.----------. Les voies d'ex- cretion du testicule ectopique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s, iv, 963-965.-----------. Recherches sur le testicule en ectopie. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1902, xxxviii, 329-442, 4 pl.— F€re (C.) & Batigne (P.) Note sur les anomalies du testicule chez les degeneres, et en particulier sur les inversions de l'epididyme. Rev. neurol., Par., 1893, i, 384-386.—Finizia (P.) Sopra due rare anomalie di sede dei testicoli. Clin, chir., Milano, 1911, xix, 2061-2073.— Forgeot (E.) De l'etat de la glande interstitielle du testicule dans la cryptorchidie et l'hermaphrodisme. J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1905, 5. s., ix, 81-87.— Founneaux (L.) Sur un cas d'inversion testiculaire. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1892, vii, 187-189—FoAvler (R.H.i Non-descent of the testis and its rational replace- Testicle (Abnormities and malforma- tions of). ment. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1912, xiv, 186-188.— France (J. M.) A case of cryptorchidism. Med. Rec, N. Y\, 1904, lxvi, 936.—Friez. Triorchidie chez un che- val. Rec.de med.vet., Par.,1899,8.s.,vi,96-98.—Galtier. Ectopie testiculaire. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1901, xxii, 82.—Gardini (A.) Sulla riten- zione testicolaae inguinale in rapporto coll' ernia. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1902-3, lxxvii, 131- 136. — Gamier ( C. ) Cryptorchidie chez l'homme adulte sterile avec conservation de la fonction diastema- tique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 69.— Gaiirail (J.) Orchidalyse pour ectopie iliaque retro- parietale co'incidant avec un sac vaginal epais, descen- dant jusqu'aufond du scrotum. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1909, liv, 432-435.—Gerhartz (H.) Multipli- zitiit von Hoden und Leber. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1906, xxviii, 522-528.—Gibbon (J. H.) Perineal ectopic tes- ticle. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1903, xvi, 523-525.— Gorisse. Ectopie testiculaire double; variete cruro- scrotale. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1904, ii, 467-470.—Greg- gio (E.) Di un raro caso di ectopia sottoaddominale del testicolo da inserzione difettosa del "gubernaculum tes- tis." Morgagni, Milano, 1908,1, 435-448.—Greiji (D. M.) Ectopia testis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1902, 12. s., i, 131-134, 1 pl.—Griffiths (J.) Retained testes in man and in the dog. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1893-4, xxviii, 209-220,1 pl.—Haines (W. D.) Cryptorchismus. Lancet Clinic, Cincin., 1907, n. s., lviii, 583.—Halstead (A. E.) Ectopia testis transversa; crossed ectopia of the right testicle, with descent of both through left inguinal canal into left side of scrotum. Surg. Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1907, iv, 129-132.—Hamilton (J. B.) Cryptor- chidism Internat. Clin., Phila., 1897, 6. s., iv, 175-178.— Hamonic. Les anomalies testiculaires. Rev. Clin. d'androl. et de gynec, Par., 1903, ix, 236; 257.—Hanes (F. M.) & Rosenbloom (J.) A histological and chem- ical study of the fatty matter of normal and cryptorchid testes. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1911, xiii, 355-364, 1 pl.—Hartniann. Erworbene Ektopia peri- nealis eines Hodens. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., BerL, 1895, xxiv, 365-369.—Heaton (G.) Two cases of ectopia testis. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1897, xii, 3-18-350.—Heger (M.) De l'ectopie testiculaire. Clinique, Brux., 1900, xiv, 145-148.—Heitz (J.) Un cas de testicule bilobe. Bull, etmem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1900, lxxv, 956.—Hen- drickx (F.) Un cas remarquable de cryptorchidie chez le cheval. Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1909, lviii, 377- 382.—Hill (L. L.) Retention of the testicles, with re- port of cases. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1899, 313-317. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1899, lxxv, 202-204 — Hizoda (J.) & Kono (S.) Kiutama jianiksei ni seisi- kuki hatsuyuki fujeno kentaru itji kansha. [Cryptor- chidism produces sterility.] Tokyo med. Wchnschr., 1893, no. 783,1-4, 1 pl.—Hobday. A canine abdominal cryptorchid. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1899-1900, xii, 298.—Hof- statter (R.) Ueber Kryptorchismus und Anomahen des Descensus testiculi. Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1912, xxvi, 155-310, 3 pl.—Homan (G.) Hereditary human cryp- torchidism. Tr. M. Soc. City Hosp. Alumni, St. Louis, 1898, 272-278. Also: Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1898, xxxviii, 444-446. [Discussion], 450.—Hiiltl (H.) A lagvekhere- rol. [Cryptorchism.] Urologia, Budapest, 1905," 29-31.— Jacoby (A.) A case of cryptorchism. Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc, 1903, N. Orl., 1904, 98-100.—Jobse (P. H.) Cryptorchism. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1904-5, iii, 687-692.—Jordan (M.) Ein Fall von einseitigem Descensus testiculorum (Ectopia testis transversa). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 525. Also: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1895, xv, 245-250.—Julien (L.) Presentation d'un jeune homme de 16 ans, atteint de cryptorchidie double avec inflammation spontanee du testicule gauche en ectopie. Echo m6d. du nord, Lille, 1909, xiii, 294.— Kas?elmaiin (K.) Ueber den Kryptorchismus und Kryptorchidenoperation beim Schwein. Deutsche thier- arztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1900, viii, 81; 89.—Katzen- stein (M.) Zur Pathologie und Therapie des Kryptor- chismus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1945.—Keei"e(J.W.) Undescended testicle. Provi- dence M. J., 1907, viii, 193-197.—Keetley (C. B.) Two cases of retained testis presenting points of special inter- est. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1893-4, xvii, 349. -----. Three cases of undescended testes. Ibid., 1902-3, xxvi, 332.— Kirmisson. L'ectopie testiculaire compliquee d'hy- drocele. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1905, xix, 309. -----. L'ectopie testiculaire. Ibid., 1906, xx, 644- 646. -----. L'ectopie du testicule. Pbid,, 1911, xxv, 723. -----. Ectopie testiculaire. Pediatric prat., Lille, 1912, x, 19-24.—Kiister. [Ein Praparat von Cryptorchismus.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, Ver.-Beil., 392.—von Kuester. Ueber Retentio testis. Ztschr. f. iirztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1906, iii, 298-302.—Kyrle. Ueber Strukturanomalien im menschlichen Hodenparen- chvm. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch., Jena, 1909, 391-395.—Lamb (D. S.) Polyorchism. Proc. Ass. Am. Anat. 1895, Wash., 1896, viii, 47-60. Also, Reprint.— TESTICLE. 757 TESTICLE. Testicle (Abnormities and malforma- tions of). Lane (W. A.) A case ot supernumerary testis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1895, xxviii, 59.—Lanz (0.) De ecto- pische testikel. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1906, i, 1097-1122.—Leblanc (E.) Ectopie testiculaire due a un ligament orchi-epididymo-peritoneal. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1909, xiv, 288-292.—Le Conte (R. G.) A caseof sarcoma of a retroperitoneal undescended testis strangulated by a twist. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1907, xxix, 109-116.—Le Dentil. Les ecto- pics du testicule. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1904, xviii, 407.—Legueu. Les ectopies du testicule. Ibid., 1909, xxiii, 089.—Lerat (P.) Note sur un cas de triorchidie. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1910, 4. s., xxiv, 932-934, 1 pl. [Rap.], 858-860—Letard. Cas curieux de cryptorchidie. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1911, lxv, 495-500.—Lockwood (C. B.) Un- descended testis from a man aged forty-two vears. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1896-7, xlviii, 136-138.—Lossen (W.) Ueberzahliger Hoden. Festschr. z. Feier . . . d. Stadt- krankenh. zu Dresd.-Friedrichstadt, Dresd., 1899, pt. 2, 433-447.—Lozano (P.) Ectopia testicular doble. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1908, xix, 325-333.— Lucas (R. C.) A case of displacement of both testes in perinao, with an inguino-perinseal hernia on the rieLt side. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1901-2, ii, 274- 276.—Lucas-Cliainpionniere (J.) Les anomalies du testicule; anomalies de nombre, de volume, de situa- tion; ectopie abdominale double ou cryptorchidie; opera- tion d'abaissement et cure radicale des hernies; resultats au bout de douze ans; 44 operations faites pour ectopies testiculaires doubles et simples; resultats constamment satisfaisants; importance de la hernie et de la cure radi- cale. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1900, xiii. 212; 232. Also: J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1900, lxxi, 481-494.— Lugeol. Ectopie testiculaire. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1897), 1898, 3.—Lustgarten (L.) Dwa przvpadki wnetrowatosci (crvptorchidismus). Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1875, xiv, 272.—McDonagh (J. M.) Notes on removal of undescended testis occupying inguinal canal. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1901, xx, 27.—M'Gee (J. B.) Two anomalies of the testicle. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1893-4, ix, 107-110.— McLean (A.) Undescended testes. Harper Hosp. Bull., Detroit, 1903-4, xiv, 6-12.—Uadden i'.I.) Ectopia testiculi. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxiv, 714-716.— Marangoni (G.) Discesa anomala del testicolo sinistro. Gazz. d. osp., Mi- lano, 1909, xxx, 561.—de Marchettis (P.) Testiculi in inguine delitescentis, in infante octimestri frustra diu tentata suppuratio, alterius tumoris loco, in his: Obs. med.-chir. [etc.], Bononise, 1692, 130. — Marechal. Fausse triorchidie et fausse castration. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1906, lx, 324-327.—Marion. Testi- cule inguinal et tumeur d'un testicule abdominal chez une femme. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par.. 1905, ii, 1786-1789. — Mariotti (B.) Un raro caso di trior- chismo. Gazz. d. osp., Milano. 1907, xxviii, 1070.—Marsh (F.) Two testicles on one side. Brit. M. J. Lond., 1911, ii, 1354.—Marsh (T.) Abnormal arrangement of the spermatic arteries and of the right cord and testes. J. Anat. & Phvsiol., Lond., 1897-8, xxxii, 216.—Martin du Magny. Cryptorchidie; kyste du cordon spermatique. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1889, x, 221— Mashner (V. I.) Sluchal cryptorchismus, ecto- pia inguinalis aperturae externse et ectopia intraabdomi- nalis. Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1903, x, 1169.—Matsuoka (M.) Ueber Gewebsveranderungen des verla^erten Ho- dens, Nebenhodens und Samenleiters. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1905, clxxx, 484-499, 1 pl.— Meneghetti (A.) & Dall' Acqua (U.) Discesa ano- mala del testicolo. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1902, xiii, 216-220, lpl.—Meyer (K. F.) Mitteilung uber einen interessanten Fall von Monorchismus beim Schwein. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1907, 553.—Minervini (R.) & Rolando (S ) Caso di retentio testis inguinalis bilaterale. Morgagni, Milano, 1900, xlii, 43-58, 1 pl — Moncorvo filho. Um caso de monorchidia. Rev. da Soc. de med. e cirurg., Rio de Jan., 1904, viii, 104- 106. Also: Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1904, xviii, 267. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. clin., S. Paulo, 1904, ii, 264-267.— Monsarrat (K.) Undescended testicle in children. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1902,xxii, 181-195.—Morestin (H.) Ectopie testiculaire. Bull, etmem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1907, lxxxii, 623.—Morris (C. C.) Two cases of retained tes- ticle. Indian M. Rec,Calcutta, 1902,xxii,579.—Muller (H ) Etude anatomique d'un cas d'ectopie testiculaire. Lvon chirurg., 1909-10, ii, 459-464.—Muselli. Ectopie testiculaire. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bor- deaux (1896), 1897, 424.—Nielsen (M.) Histologische Untersuchungen iiber retinierte Hoden beim Klopf hengst. Monatsh. f. prakt. Tierh., Stuttg., 1906, xvii, 385-414.— Odiorne (W. B.) & Simmons (C. C.) Undescended testicle; based on a study of seventy-seven cases. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1904, xl, 962-1004, 2 pl.—Odriozola (M. L.) Ectopia testicular doble. Semana m6d., Buenos Aires, 1906, xiii, 949; 974.—Oliete (A.) Algunos casos de ecto- pia testicular; contribuci6n al tratamiento de la ectopia Testicle (Abnormities and malforma- tions of). testicular. Rev. valenc. de cien. m6d., Valencia, 1902, iv, 129-134— Olikhott' (S. A.) K voprosu o kriptorkhi- zmle v sudebno-meditsinskom otnoshenii. [Cryptor- chism in medical jurisprudence.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1901, pt. 2, 55-62.— Oraison (J.) Cryptorchidie double avec atrophie con- siderable de la verge. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1901, xxii, 243-245. Also: Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1901), 1902,143-148.-----. Cryptorchi- die double et atrophie de la verge. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1910), 1911, 217-219.-----. Cryptorchidie bilaterale et arret de developpement des corps caverneux. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb., Par., 1911, xiv, 341-345, 2 pl.—Palazzo (G.) Sulla struttura del testicolo ritenuto. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Na- poli, 1910, n. s., xxxii, 289-306.— Parisot (J.) Myxce- deme fruste et infantilisme d'origine testiculaire. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1909, xii, 289.—Parizeau (T.) Luxation du testicule. Union m6d. du Canada, Mont- real, 1901, xxx, 87-90.—Parkinson (J. T.) Cryptor- chids. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1906, xii, 822.—Parona (F.) Singolare anomalia congenita del testicolo destro. Policlin., Roma, 1896, iii-C, 203-206.—Pascale (G.) La sinorchidia. Med. ital., Napoli, 1903, i, 515-517.—Petit (P.) Cryptorchidie double. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1903, i, 133-135.—Petit de La Villfion. Sur une varied exceptionnelle d'ectopie testiculaire sous-abdominale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. mfid. de Bordeaux, 1909, xxx, 27-30.— Pirolli(G.) Criptorchidiabilaterale. Gazz. d. osp., Mi- lano, 1908, xxix, 824.—Plettner. [Linksseitiger Leis- tenhoden.] Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u.'Heilk. in Dresd., Munchen, 1901-2, 76.— Polilman (A. G.) Has a persis'ence of the Miillerian ducts any relation to the con- dition of crypt-orchidism? Am. Med., Phila., 1904, viii, 1003-1006.—Politi Flamini (C.) Ritenzione testico- lare inguinale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 726-728.— Pollard (B.) A strange congenital mal-position of the testicle. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1895-6, n. s., iv, 193. -----. Ectopia testis. Clin. J., Lond., 1896-7, viii, 97.— Power (D'A.) The diseases and displacement of the testicle in childhood. [Abstr.] Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiv, 333-335.—Princeteau. Ec- topie testiculaire du c6t6 droit. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 357.—Pron (L.) Laparocele droite par mi- gration tardive d'un testicule; double ectopie. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1909, xxiii, 728.—Rhodes (G. B.) Undescended testicle, with report of three cases in one family. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1911, xxv, 289-292.— Riche (P.) Ectopie testiculaire bilaterale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii, 903.—Robineau. L'ectopie inguinale du testicule. Clinique, Par., 1909, iv, 548-550.— Rocher (L.) Hypertrophic compensatrice du testicule sain, symptome de l'ectopie haute. Rev. mens, de gynec. [etc.], Bordeaux, 1903, v, 499-502.—Rolando (S.) Sopra un caso di criptorchidia inguinale bilaterale. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1903, xxiv, 220-222—Romanelli (R.) Ec- topia perineale del testicolo complicata da ernia. Cesal- pino, Arezzo, 1906, ii, 149-152.—Romanovsky (R.) & von Winiwarter (J.) Dvstopia testis transversa. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1905,xxvi,635-639.—Samokhotski (S. O.) K voprosu ochislennoi anomaliiya'ichek. [Numeri- cal anomaly of testicles.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1904, xi, 445-447.—Scott (G. W.) Descended third testicle. Vir- ginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii, 1069.—Sebi- leau. Traitement de l'ectopie inguinale du testicule. Gaz. d.mal.infant, [etc.], Par., 1899,i,309.—Senn(N.) On the frequency of cryptorchism and its results. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1898-9, li, 86. Also, Reprint.—Sharp (E. W.) Tes- ticle in perineum in an infant. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 16.—Skryabin (K. I.) Duplicitas testiculorum u gracha. [. . . in a rook.] Vestnikobsh. vet., St.Petersb., 1908, xx, 478.—Smith (G.B.) On the functional efficacy of the retained testicle. Guy's Hosp. Rep. 1896, Lond., 1898, liii, 215-240.—Smyth (R. M.) Virilitv of crvptor- chids. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 785.—Spencer (W. G.) A case of descent of the left chord, the testis being re- tained in the abdomen. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1904-5, xxxviii, 210.—Steinmann. [Ein Fall von Testis peri- neal is.] Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1904, xxxiv, 397.—Sutton (J. B.) The value of the undescended tes- tis. Practitioner, Lond., 1910, lxxxiv, 19-30.—Tallent (J. H.) A case of double retained testes. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1906-7, vii, 184.—Talmey (B. S.) Cryptorchism complicating imbecility. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1907, lxxii, 814.— Tapken (A.) Ueber Kryptorchismus beim Rind und Schwein. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1898-9, x, 357-362.—Tomory (J. K.) Notes on a case of apparent supernumerary testicle. Brit.M. J., Lond. 1898, ii, 1149. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1898, vi, 496.— Trinci (U.) Di una variety non comune di ectopia testicolare. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1907, xiii, 201-208.— Tubby (A. H.) Case of double undescended testis. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1904-5, v, 71.—Turner (G. R.) A case of supernumerary testis. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 174.—Tuttle (A. H.) Descent of the testicle in adult life. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii, 246.— TESTICLE. 758 TESTICLE. Testicle (Abnormities and malforma- tions of). Uffreduzzi (O.) Contributo sperimentale alia cono- scenza del testicolo ritenuto. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1910, 4. s., xvi, 36-42.—Van Pollaert. Un cas de crvptorchidie compliquee de hernie intersticielle. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1897, lxxvi, 90-105.—Van- verts (J.) L'ectopie inguinale du testicule n'est pas due a l'absence du gubernaculum testis. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1906, xix, 737. Also: Nord med., Lille, 1906, xii, 271. -----. Un cas de testicule dou- ble. Bull. Soc. de med. du nord 1908, Lille, 1909, 227-229. Also: Echo m6d. du nord, Lille, 1908, xii, 263.—Variot (G.) Observations sur une cryptorchidie. Bull. Soc. d'an- throp. de Par., 1892, 4. s., iii, 56-60. -----. Dystrophic orchidienne causee par une double ectopie abdominale des testicules chez un garcon de 12 ans. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1901, iii, 61-68. -----. Hypotrophie avec debilite mentale; cryptorchidie. Ibid., 1905, vii, 186-189. Also: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1906, x, 92.—Vicq- d'Azy r. Recherches sur la structure et la position des testictiles considered dans la cavit6 abdominale des foetus; sur leur passage hors du ventre; et sur l'obliteration de la tunique vaginale; pour servir de suite aux observations publiees en 1762, par M. Jean Hunter sur le meme sujet. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1780, Par., 1784, 494-507, 2 pl.—Vil- lard (E.) Ectopie testiculaire et ses complications. [Rap.] Assoc, franc de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1906, xix, 578-699.—Viilemin. L'ectopie testiculaire. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1909, xiii, 1-16. Also: Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1909, xx, 1; 23.— Wanser. Zwei bemerkenswerte Fiille aus der Praxis: 1. Lageveriinderung des Hodens. 2. Fremdkorper. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 755.—Weil (G.) Die Dammverlagerung des Hodens. Militararzt, Wien, 1899, xxxiii, 169; 194.—Wheeler (D. E.) Specimensof faulty descent of the testicle. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1908, iv, 279- 2X3.—White (M.) Congenital displaced testicle of dog. Am. Vet. Rev.,N. Y., 1905-6, xxix, 1198.—White (W.H.) A crvptorchid. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 312.— Whitehead (R. H.) A peculiar case of cryptorchism, and its bearing upon the problem of the function of the interstitial cells of the testis. Anat. Record, Bait., 1908-9, ii, 177-181.—Widhalm (F.) Ein Fall von linksseitigem Doppelhoden. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, 1498. Testicle (Abscess of). Jean (F.) * Les abces calcifies du testicule. 8°. Montpellier, 1900. Thaly (D.) * Contribution a l'etude du pro- cessus histologique des orchites suppurees. (Abces multiples du testicule a, la suite de cathetorisme.) 8°. Toulouse, 1905. Boisson. Abces enkyste du testicule. J. med. de Brux., 1907, xii, 66.—Cantineau. [Phlegmon diffus des bourses reconnaissant pour cause premiere un retre- cissement fibreux et pseudo-membraneux du canal de l'urethre.] Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1882, no. 31, 108-111.—Da louw (E.) Contribution a l'etude de l'his- tologie pathologique des suppurations testiculaires. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1905, ii, 984-996, 1 pl.—D'Haenens (A.) Epididymectomie: abces du testicule. Progres med. beige, Brux., 1900, ii, 57. — Frcoli (O.) Epididimo-vaginalite acuta suppurativa- necrotica da bacterium coli. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1909, xliv, 351-354.—Florence. Suppuration et fonte des testicules chez un calculeux. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1902, viii, 217-220.—Fiirst (M.) Ueber Em- pvema tunicse vaginalis. Festschr. z. Frier d. 80jiihr. Stiftungsf. d. arztl. Ver. zu Hamb., Leipz., 1896,133-138 — Guyon. [Abces au-dessus du testicule gauche.] Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1903, xxi, 106s.—Hor- nu*. Orchite double suppuree; peritonite aigue; mort. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1894, xxiv, 49-51.— Krimoff(A. P.) K etiologii khronicheskavo gnolnika pridatka ya'ichka i k kazuistikle anevrizmi arterise sper- maticae. [Etiology of chronic abscess of the epididymis and case of . . .] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1903, lx, 712-717 — Malherbe (H.) Orchite suppuree. Ann.d.mal. ven., Par., 1910, v, 527-532.—Morris (H.) Two cases of sup- puration of the testicle. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1501.— Routier(A.) Orchite blennorrhagique suppuree; pre- sence du gonocoque dans le pus. Med. mod., Par., 1895, vi, 453. Also, transl: Med. Bull., Phila., 1895, xvii, 321- 324. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1895, n. s., lx, 105.—Shears (G. F.) Abscess of the tes- ticle following injection of hydrocele; castration; re- covery. Clinique, Chicago, 1902, xxiii, 618-620. Testicle (Actinomycosis of). GO rig. Primare Aktinomykose des Hodens bei einem Bullen. Deutsche thierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1900, viii, 274.—Kovalevski (I.M.) Sluchal aktinomikoza ya'ichka u bika. [Actinomycosisof the testicle of a bull.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1904, xxxiv, pt. 2, 254-257. Also, transl: Przegl. wet., Lwow, 1904, xix, 89-93. Testicle (Apoplexy of). .See Testicle (Hemorrhage of). Testicle (Artificial). See, also, Prostate gland (Hypertrophy of, Treatment of) by vasectomy or castration. Burineister (R.) Ueber plastischen Hodenersatzmit- tels Paraffin-Prothese. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1902, xii, 437.—Guelliot(0.) Testicule artificiel. Union med. dunordest.Reims, 1895,xix,374.— Guinard(A.) Inclusion de deux massesde paraffine dans les bourses.dans un cas de cryptorchidie double. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1903,n.s.,xxix,995-997.—Hermance(E.M.) Introduction of an artificial testicle and relief of morbid mental state in a monocryptorchid. Am. J. Insan., Chicago, 1894-5, li, 510.—Lexer. [Demonstration eines operativ entfern- ten Paraffinhodens.J Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1904, xxx, Ver.-Beil., 43.—Trautner (H.) Sub- stitution af Testes med Vaselin. Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1902, 4. R., x, 367-369.—Weir (R. F.) Celluloid testicles. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1895, xiii, 488. Testicle (Atrophy of). See, also, Cold (Effects of); Gonorrhoea (Com- plications of, Orchitic); Infantilism; Parotitis (Epidemic, Complications of, Genito-urinary). Dupre (J.) * Les caracteres cliniques de l'in- suffisance testiculaire. 8°. Paris, 1905. Koch (K.) *Zwischenzellen und Hoden- atrophie. 8°. Berlin, 1910. Also, in: Virchow's Arch.f. path. Anat. [etc.], BerL, 1910, ccii, 376-406. Achard (C.) & Demanche (R.l Un cas d'atrophie testiculaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 1305-1308.— Arning (E.) Hodenatro- phie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1911, xxxvii, 1101.—Bangs (L. B.) Remarks on atrophy of the testicle, with a report of an interesting case. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1906, xx, 108-170.—Bertholet (E.) Ueber Atrophie des Hoden bei chronischem Alkoholismus. Cen- tralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1909, xx, 1062- 1066.—Bitot & Sabrazfes. Lesions des nerfs sper- matiques et des testicules chez des ataxiques atteints d'atrophie testiculaire. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol.. . . de Bordeaux, 1889, x, 229-232—Churchman (J. W.) Traumatic atrophy of the testicle. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1905, xvi, 265. -----. Post-traumatic atrophy of the testicle; a study of a case associated with uni- lateral pseudo-hermaphrodismus masculinus. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait., 1906, xiii, 571-598.—Cumston (C. G.) Remarks on atrophy of the testicle. Albany M. Ann., 1909, xxx, 366-375. Also, Reprint. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1909, exxvii, 341-352.—Debove. Sur l'atro- phie testiculaire familiale. M6d. mod., Par., 1902, xiii, 161.—Fabris (A.) Sull' atrofia sperimentale del testi- colo. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1903, xxvii, 433-452. Also [Abstr.]: Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1903, lvii, 700-702.—Ferg (C.) Atrophie des testicules co'in- cidant avec l'augmentation de volume du corps thyro'ide chez un paralytique general. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 436.—Gallavardin (L.) & Rebattu (J.) Impuissance, infantilisme tardif et epilepsie con- secutifs a une atrophie testiculaire bilaterale d'origine traumatique. Lyon med., 1910, cxiv, 197-212.—Gayev- ski (I. F.) Sluchal atrofii slemennol zhelyozi u zhe- rebtsa. [Atrophv of a testicle in a young stallion.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1908, xxxviii, 959-963. Also, transl: Przegl. wet., Lw6w, 1908, xxiii, 333-337.—Gn€rin (A.) Atrophie testiculaire double. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1895, xvi, 24.—Herbert. Zwei Falle von idiopathischer Hodenatrophie bei zwei Brii- dern. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1903, xv, 83.—Hughes (C. H.) Note on the nervous disturbances, after removal and atrophy of testicles. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1893, xiv, 10-18.—Hutchinson (J.) On acute atrophy of the testicle. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1895, vi, 100-102.— -----. Atrophy of one testis after mumps (?); nocturnal emissions and sexual debility; liability to neuralgia first in wasted gland and then in the other. Ibid., 1897, viii, 70.—Kyrle (J.) Ueber experimentelle Hodenatrophie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch., Jena, 1910, 240- 247, 1 pl.—Libadas (S.) IIepi7rTias, tu>v opxfi^v nap' e>j/3u). 'IarpiKjj irpdofios, "Ev 2upa>, 1906, xi, 165.—Marandii (G.) Insuficiencia plu- riglandular endocrina C sindrome de Addison, atrofia tes- ticular, sintomas giiranto-acromegalicos). Rev.clin.de Madrid, 1909, ii. ;;:'.0-335.—Monod. Atrophie du testicule droit consecutive a, une contusion du testicule (orchite traumatique). Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx, 561.—Monro (T. K.) Atrophy of the testicle resulting from rheumatic orchitis. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1900-1901, viii, 146-148. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1901, lv, 429-431.—Rousseau. Une observation d'atro- phie testiculaire survenue dans le cours d'une pneu- monie lobaire. Arch, de mecl. nav., Par., 1902, lxxviii, TESTICLE. 759 TESTICLE. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________„________________________________________ * Testicle (Atrophy of). 210-212.—Spangaro (S.) Nel testicolo senile conduce la legatura del dotto deferente all' atrofia dell' organo? Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1903, lvii, 243- 273.—Stilling (H.) Versuche iiber die Atrophie des verlagerten Hoden. Beitr. /. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1894, xv, 337-350, 1 pl.—Turner (G. G.) A note on atrophy of the testicle with especial reference to injury as a cause. Northumberland ct Durham M. J., Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1909, xvii, 178-181, 1 pl.—Widal A: Lutier. Atrophie congenitale complete des testicules; absence d'infantilisme etde feminisine. Bull, et mem. Soc. mecl. d. h6p. de Par., 1902, 3. s., xix, 223-226.—Kagoryan- ski-Kisel. [Atrofiya ya'ichka.] [Atrophy of the tes- ticle.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb. 1910, 176. Testicle (Avulsion of). See Testicle (Wounds and injuries of). Testicle (Blood supply of). Arrou(J.) * Circulation arterielle du testi- cule (anatomie comparee). 4°. Paris, 1893. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1893. Colle (J.-F.-E.) * Arteres du testicule. De- monstration d'une anastomose funiculo-sper- matico-deferentielle; son role apres la section totale du cordon. 8°. Lille, 1902. Capurro (M. A.) Sulla circolazione sanguigna nor- male e di compenso del testicolo. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1901- 2, xx, 577-598.—Dixon (W. E.) The vascular mecchan- ism of the testis. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1899, Lond., 1900, 901. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 1071-1074.— Haberer (H.) Ueber die Venen des menschlichen Hodens. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1898, 413-443, 1 pl.—Hill (E. C.) On the gross develop- ment and vascularization of the testis. Am. J. Anat., Bait., 1906-7, vi, 439-459. Also, Reprint. -----. The vas- cularization of the human testis. Am. J. Anat., Phila., 1909, ix, 463-474, 6 pl. Also, Reprint.—Lettieri (R.) Sullaproduzione di connessioni vasali fra testicolo e tes- ticolo; ricerche sperimentali. Arch, per le sc. med., Torin o, 1911, xxxv, 59-62.—Neuhaus. Gefassversorgung des H odens und Nebenhodens. Deutsche med. Wchn.- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1580.—Pellanda (C.) La circulation arterielle du testicule. Internat. Monat- schr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1903, xx, 240-266.— Picqne (R.) & Worms (G.) Les voies anastomotiques de la circulation arterielle testiculo-epididymaire. J. de l'anat et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1909, xiv, 51-64.—Regaud (C.) Les vaisseaux du testicule. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1897, 10. s., iv, 659-661.—Tanasescu (I.-G.) Circulation anterielle du testicule. Bull. Soc. d. med. et nat. de Jassy, 1909, xxiii, 25-33.—Worms. Les voies anastomotiques de la circulation arterielle testiculo-epi- didymaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1908, lxxxiii, 341-346. Testicle (Cancer of). See Testicle (Betained, Tumors of); Testicle (Tumors of, Malignant). Testicle (Chemistry of). See, also, Testicles (Internal secretion of). Damskaja (Lydia). * Ueber das Vorkom- men von Glykogen in den Hoden von Rana temporaria. 8°. Zurich^ 1910. Engelmann. * Ueber das Vorkommen von Fett in kryptorchidischen und normalen Hoden. [Bern.] 8°. Darmstadt, 1902. Ludwinowski (J.) * Ueber das Vorkommen von Glykogen in den Hoden von Rana escu- lenta. 8°. Zurich, 1910. Bertrand (G.) Sur une ancienne experience de M. Berthelot, relative a la transformation de la glycerine en sucre par le tissu testiculaire. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1902, v, 7-10.—Fiirbringer (P,) Berichtigung. [Hodenkrystallc] Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1896, cxiv, 644-652.—Herxlieimer (G.) Ueber Fett im Hoden bei Menschen (und Thieren). Path.-anat. Arb. . . . Joh. Orth z. ... Prof.-Jubil., Berl., 1903. 47-54, lpl.— Loeper (M ) &Esmonet (C.) Le glycogene dans le testicule. Bull, etmem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 529-543, 1 pl.-----------. La graisse dans le testicule. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1903, l, 193-206—Loise I (G.) Les graisses du testicule chez quelques sauropsulcs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 826-828. -----. Recherches des graisses et des lecithines dans les testi- cules de cobayes en evolution. Ibid., 1905, lix, 584-586.— Mthara (S.j Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Fermente der Stierhoden. Ztsclir. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1911, lxxv 443-455.— Mochizuki (J.) & Kotake (Y.) Testicle (Chemistry of). Ueber die Autolyse der Stierhoden. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1904, xliii, 165-169.—Mudge (G. P.) On intravascular coagulation in albinoes and pigmented animals, and on the behaviour of the nucleo-proteids of testes in solution in the production of intravascular coagulation. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1907, s. B., lxxix, 103-129.—Panella (A.) L'acide phosphocarnique dans le testicule. [Transl. from: N. Ercolani, Pisa, 1903, viii.l Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1903, xxxix, 441. -----. Sul contenuto di acqua e di nucleone dei testicoli di cavallo. Arch, di farmacol. e terap. Palermo, 1903, xi, 291-300. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1904-5, xlii, 289- 297.— Thaler (H. A.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Fett und Kristallen im menschlichen Testikel unter normalen und pathologisehen Verhaltnissen. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1904, xxxvi, 528-573, 2pl.—Totani (G.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Cholin in Stierhoden. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1910, lxviii, 86. — Totani (G.) & Katsuyama (K.) Ueber das Vorkom- men von Arginin in den Stierhoden. Ibid., lxiv, 345-347. Testicle (Compression of). See Hysteria (Treatment of); Hystero-epi- lepsy (Treatment of). Testicle (Descent and migration of). Soulie (A.-H.) * Recherches sur la migra- tion des testicules dans les principaux groupes de mammiferes. 4°. Toulouse, 1895. Aliis (O. H.) The formation of the tunica vaginalis; the descent of the testes and their relation to oblique in- guinal hernia andhvdrocele. Ann. Anat. & Surg., Brook- lyn, N. Y., 1883, viii, 195-207. Also, Reprint.—Brault (J.) La migration du testicule. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1910, lxxxiii, 587-589.—Cohn (M.) Asupra unul caz unic de anomalie in emigrarea testicululul. Rev. de chir., Bucu- restt, 1904, viii, 49-54. Also, transl: Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Bucarest, 1903-4, vi, 238-240.—Corner (E.) The movable or wandering testis. Clin. J., Lond., 1904-5, xxv, 302-304.—Faraggi. Deux cas de fievre remittente par migration du testicule. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1902, v, 34-37.—Frankl (O.) Beitriigezur Lehre vom Descen- sus testiculorum. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1900, cix, 107-264,5 pl—GSbell (R.) Ueber die Bedeutung des Descensus testiculorum fiir die chirurgische Pathologie. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1901, xlviii, 2135-2137.—Hart (D. B.) The nature and cause of the physiological descent of the testes. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1908-9, xxxiv, 101-151, 15 pl. Also: J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1908-9, xliii, 244: 1909-10, xliv, 4.—von Karas (R.) Der im embryonalen Leben sich vollziehende Descensus testiculorum. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1903, xxxvii, 98-100.—Klaatsch (H.) Descensus testi- culorum. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1891, xxv, 284-287.— Kostaneeki (K.) Descensus testiculorum. Now. lek., Poznan, 1905, xvii, 121; 177; 233.—Lesbre (F.-X.) Etudes sur le phenomene de la descente des testicules. J. de m6d. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1901, 5. s., v, 652; 717.—van der Lith (J.-G.) La descente des testicules. Arch. neerl. d. sc. exactes [etc.], La Haye, 1868, iii, 33-85. Also, Reprint.—Moullin (C. M.) Clinical lecture on a case of descending testis. Clin. J., Lond., 1908, xxxii, 145-147.— Oppenheiiner (H.) Delayed descensus testiculorum with symptomsof inguinal incarceration. Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 1339.—Soulie (A.) Sur la migration des testi- cules. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895,10. s., ii, 314- 316. -----. Sur le mecanisme de la migration des tes- ticules. Ibid., 356.—Venglovski (R. I.) O spuskanii ya'ichka. [Descent of the testicle.] Raboti hosp. khi- rurg. klin. Dyakonova, Mosk., 1903, l, 7-68, 8 pl. Testicle (.Diseases of). See, also, Chylocele; Hydrocele (Encysted, etc.); Testicle (Abscess of); Testicle (Actino- mycosis of); Testicle (Atrophy of); Testicle (Cancer of); Testicle (Gangrene of); Testicle (Inflammation of); Testicle (Painful); Testicle (Syphilis of); Testicle (Tuberculosis of); Tes- ticle (Tumors of). Aguirre y Valdes (A.) *Algunas considera- ciones sobre el diagnostico de las enfermedades del testi'culo. 8°. Mexico, 1883. Cooper (Sir A.) Observations on the structure and diseases of the testis. 4°. London, 1830. Federmann (A.) * Ueber das Verhalten des elastischen Gewebes im Hoden bei Tuberculose und Syphilis. 8°. Gottingen, 1900. Osborn (S.) On the corpus Morgani, with reference to diseases of the testicle. 8°. [Lon- don, 1843.] TESTICLE. 760 TESTICLE. Testicle (Diseases of). Voinoff (B. N.) *0 patologo-anatomiche- skikh izmleneniyakh siemennikh zhelyoz pri skarlatinie, difterii, sipnom title i krupoznom vospalenii lyokhkikh. [On the pathological anatomy of the changes of the seminal glands in scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhus exanthema- tions, and croupous pneumonia.] 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1897. See, also, infra. Ancel (P.) & Bouin (P.) Sur l'insuffisance de la glande il secretion interne du testicule (insuffisance di- astematique). [Note prel.] Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1904, xxxvi, 694-700.-----------. Insuffisance spermati- que et insuffisance diastematique. Presse mecl., Par., 1906, xiv, 28-30. Also, transl: Internat. Clin., Phila., 1907, 17. s., iii, 211-216.— Anzilotti (G.) Contributo alia pa- tologia del testicolo. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1907, Roma, 1908, xxi, 439-119.—Avstrits (N. R.) Slu- chal slonovosti polovovo ch lena i moshonki. [Elephan- tiasis of the penis and testicle.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1910, xxviii, 478-485.—Bangs ( L. B.) Some clinical cases of disease of the testicle. Tr. M. Soc, N. Y., Phila., 1897, 395-402. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxx, 161-163.— Bernstein (E. P.) A case of infection of the epididy- mis and tunica vaginalis by the Friedlaender bacillus. Mt. Sinai Hosp. Rep. 1901-2, N. Y., 1903, iii, 551-555. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1903, n. s.. cxxvi, 1015- 1018.—Betagh (G.) II testicolo nella pachivaginalite, nella ritenzione inguinale e nella torsione del cordone spermatico; osservazioni isto-patologiche e cliniche. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1907, Roma, 1908, xxi, 451-492, 3 pl.—te Boekhorst (C. J.) Bijdrage tot de kennis en behandeling van den ontaarden testikel. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1905-6, xii, 2-5, 1 pl.—Carnot (P.) & Bauilc (P.) Les syndromes d'hyperorchidie. Progres med., Par., 1910, 3. s., xxvi, 95-99.—Cecca (R.) Sopra 1' assorbimento della vaginale del testicolo in alcuni stati patologici. Clin, chir., Milano, 1905, xiii, 917-923.— Co riles (II.) Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss acuter und chronischer Allgemeinerkrankungen auf die Testi- kel, speciell auf die Spermatogenese, sowie Beobachtun- gen fiber das Auftreten von Fett in den Hoden. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.],Berl.,1898,cii,402-428.—Corner (E.M.) The diseases of the testicles of children. Clin. J. Lond., 1904-5, xxv, 218-224.—Cruveilhier (L.)& Savariaud. Autospermatophagie dans un cas d'affection chronique du testicule. Bull, et mem. Soc anat. de Par., 1905, lxxx, 676-679.—Dalche (P.) Dystrophic orchidienne (pseudo-myxcedeme syphilitique?). Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xviii, 567-569. -----. Dystrophie orchidienne; troubles osseux. Ibid., 1902, 3. s., xix, 478-480.—D'Anna (E.) II testicolo nei vari stati patologici dell' economia. Clin, chir., Milano, 1905, xiii, 198-206.—De brie (E. J.) Lesions complexes du testicule, de ses annexes et de ses enveloppes (blennorra- gie, traumatismes et syphilis). Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1907, 1, 222-224.—Decoud (D.) Diagn6stico quinirgico; afecciones testiculares y escrotales. An. d. Circ m6d. argent., Buenos Aires, 1895, xviii, 173-189.— Berlin. Zur Casuistik seltener Hodenerkrankungen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902, lxv, 99-103.—Dis- cussion (A) on the diseases and displacements of the testicle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 716-725.—DUrck (H.) Ueber die Zwischenzellenhyperplasie des Hodens. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1907, Jena, 1908, xi, 130-136, 1 pl.—Fisendrath (D. N.) Enlargements of the testis and epididymis. Chicago M. Recorder, 1905, xxvii, 675-6N2.—English (J.) Die Krankheiten der Hiillen des Hodens. Klin. Handb- d. Harn- u. Sexual- org., Leipz., 1894, iii, 301-328.—Federmann (A.) Tu- berculose und Syphilis des Hodens in Bezug auf das Ver- halten des elastischen Gewebes. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1901, clxv, 469-497, 1 pl.—Fiessinger (C.) L'hematocele de la tunique vaginale. Med. mod., Par., 1898, ix, 156.—Fuller (E.) Diseases of the testicle and its coverings, the cord, and the seminal vesicle. In: Am. text-book gen.-urin. dis. [etc.] (Bangs & Hardaway), 8°, Phila., 1898, 213-254.—Garcia Mon (R.) Orqui-fu- niculitis linfo-angiect&sica. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana, 1899-1900, x, 67-74.—Griffiths (J.) Three lectures upon the testes. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 791; 916.—Hansemann (D.) Ueber die sogenannten Zwi- schenzellen des Hodens und deren Bedeutung bei patho- logisehen Veranderungen. Arch, f path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1895, cxlii, 638-546,1 pl.—Happel (T. J.) Urethral stricture and diseased testicle; dilatation and castration. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1901, 219.—Harpster (C. M.) Hygroma of the testicle, with marked riziform bodies. Am. J. Dermat, & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1910, xiv, 20.—Hutchinson (J.) John Hunter on de- cay of the testicle. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1896, vii, 18-22.— Krecke [A.] Hodenerkrankungen. Zwei Jahre chir. Tatigk----Privatklin.,v___.Miinchen, [1905], 155-157.— Land. K kazuistikle porazhenly ya'ichka, pridatka i slemyannavo kanatika malyariynavo pro'iskhozhdeniya. Testicle (Diseases of). [Disease of the testicle, epididymis, and spermatic cord of malarial origin.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1891, xvi. 475.—l.e Dentu. Lymphangiome du canal inguinal accompagne d'une hydrocele filarienne et de lesions ele- phantiasiques du testicule; orchites speciales des pays chauds. Bull, med., Par., 1897, xi, 812. Also: Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1897, n. s., ii, 796. -----. Lymphangiome inguino-scrotal et intra-abdominal; varicocele lympha- tique avec hydrocele filarienne des accidents testiculaires se rattachant il l'elephantiasis. Rev. de chir., Par., 1898, xviii, 1-26.—Ledermann (R.) Die nichtchirurgischen Erkrankungen des Hodens, Nebenhodens und ihrer Hiil- len. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. u. Wien, 1905, x, 479-516.— Lepierre (C.) & Fonseca (A.) Estudo d'um novo agente pathogeneo, bacillus testicularis. Coimbra med., 1899, xix, 324; 341; 356; 468.—Lezlineff(N. F.) Sluchal heteroplasticheskavoobrazovaniya kostnol tkani v muzh- skom ya'ichkle. [Heteroplastic formation of bone tissue in the testicle.] Novoye v Med., S.-Peterb., loll, v, 819- 823.—Iiink(J.) Varicocele and hydrocele. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Fort Wayne, 1896, 19-31.— liOhnstein ( H.) Einige neueren Arbeiten iiber Affectionen der Testes. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1899, lxviii, 1129; 1141.— JTIacCormac (Sir W.) Diseases of the testicle. Clin. J., Lond., 1885-6, vii, 149; 177.—Martin. Description et figure d'une transformation morbide des enveloppes du testicule. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1863, lvi, 855.— martin (A. M.) Bilateral testicular disease. North- umberland & Durham M. J., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1903, xi, 167.—Martin (B. B.) A case; hematocele and those diseases of the testicles to be considered in making a diagnosis. Mississippi M. Rec, Vicksburg, 1902, vi, 199- 207.—Maute (A.) & Daniel (C.) Degenereseence cal- caire de la vaginale. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1904, lxxix, 589. — Mend (E.) Ueber einen Fall von hochgradiger Hyperplasie der Hoden bei einer Ente. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1907, xxxi, 423-427.—Morestin (H.) Galactocele des bourses. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1908, n. s., xxxiv, 655-657.—Osborn (S.) Some in- teresting cases of disease of the testes. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1497.—Palletta (J. B.) Neue anatomische Be- schreibung des Hunter'schen Gubernakels der Hoden und der Scheiden-Haut; nebst einer kurzen Anzeige der kriinklichen Beschaffenheit dieser Theile. Anat. Schrift., Heidelb., 1791, 86-161. — Plister (C.) Congenital dis- eases of the testicles. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1904, xxxii, 204-206. -----. Acquired diseases of the testicles. Ibid., 278-2M).—Pilliet (A.) Apoplexie du corps d'Highmore chez le nouveau-ne. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 471.—Posner (C.) Die diagnostische Hodenpunktion. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xlii, 1119-1121.—Sangalli (G.) Sviluppo arrestato e parzialmente degenerato dei testicoli d' un giovane. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1897, lvi, 41-43.—Sebileau (P.) Maladies du testicule et du cordon spermatique. Traite de chir. clin. et oper. (Le Dentu et Delbet), Par., 1901, x, 1-164.—Sinimonds (M.) Ueber Fibrosis testis. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], BerL, 1910, cci, 108-135,2 pl.—Spencer (W. G.) Bilateral enlargement of testicles in a boy set. 10. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1903-4, xxxvii, 225.—Tower (F. J.) Gouty deposits of the testicle. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1894, xxviii, 434-443. Also: J. Cutan. & Genito- Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1894, xii, 627-531.—Voinoff (B. N.) O patologo-anatomicheskikh izmleneni'akh slemyannikh zhelyoz pri skarlatinie, difterii, sipnom tiffe i krupoznol pnevmonii. [Changes in the seminal glands in scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhus fever, and croupous pneumonia; preliminary communication.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1895, vi, 1113-1120. See, also,supra.—Way (M. H.) Two interesting cases of disease of testicle. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1899, xiii, 533. Testicle (Diseases of Treatment of Operative). See, also, Testicle (Excision of); Testicle (Surgery of). Bloom (I. N.) Degeneration of testicle following an injurv; operation; recovery. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1896, xiv, 310-312.—Corner CE. M.) The in- direct treatmentof disease of the epididymis and testicle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 1001.—Fed eric i (N.) Circa le indicazioni della orchiectomia nella orchite e nella epididimite tubercolare. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1912, xxxiii, 169.—Forguc (t,.) Technique de la cure opera- toire de l'ectopie testiculaire. Presse med., Par., 1906, xiv, 717-721.—Friedlaender (M.) Ueber Suspensorien und Ihren Ersatz. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1898, v, 479- 481.—Gaston (J. McF.), jr. Complications met in the surgical treatment of diseases of the testicle. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1904,14. s„ i, 116-122, 4 pl.—Jones (H. E.) Fluid of milky appearance removed from tunica vagi- nalis. GlasgowM. J., 1907,lxvii,471.—Montesano (V.) L' azione del nitrato d' argento nella vaginale del testi- colo, leso ed infiammato ed infetto. Riforma med., Roma, 1902, xviii, pt. 4, 542-545. Also: Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1903, xxix, 183-188.—Stinelli (F.) Stu- dio sperimentale sulle alterazioni istologiche del testicolo TESTICLE. 761 TESTICLE. Testicle (Diseases of Treatment of Op- erative). normale nelle iniezioni jodo-jodurate didimo-epididimali. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1910, xiii, 174-178.— Tikhoff(P.) K voprosuollechenii vodyanki ya'ichka. SOn the treatment of oedema of the testicle.] Chir. iaitop., Mosk., 1895, v, 733-746—Zabludovski (I. V.) K llecheniyu zabollevaniy ya'ichek i prilezhashtshikh k nim chastel. [Treatment of diseases of the testicles and adjacent partsj Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, ].">57- 1561. Also: Voyenno-med. J., St.-Petersb., 1903, ii, med. pt., 553-571,17 pl. Also, transl: Ann. d. mal. d. org. ge- nito-urin., Par., 1902, xx, 1361-1398. Also, transl: Cen- tralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1902, xiii, 673: 1903, xiv, 80. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. diiitct. u. physik. Therap., Leipz., 1903-4, vii, 17-23. Also, transl: Rev. internat. de therap. phys., Rome, 1903, iv, 1; 25; 49. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1902, ix, 1401-1406. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Charite-Ann., Berl., 1903, xxvii, 708-714. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg.. Berl., 1903, 318-320. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Rev.decinesie, Par., 1903, v, 28-34. Testicle (Dislocation of). See, also, Testicle (Jdetained, etc.). Franz (C. [A. O.] ) * Ueber Luxationen des Hodens. 8°. Konigsberg. 1895. Nicolas (M.) * Luxations traumatiques du testicule. 8°. Paris, 1899. Oleynick (S.) * Ueber traumatischen Ho- denprolaps. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1910. Schmitz (M.) * Ueber Leistenhoden und de- ren Behandlung. 8°. Greifswald, 1894. Zwanziger (A.) *Ein Fall von angeborener perinealer Dislocation des Testikels. 8°. Kiel, 1904. Allen (G. W.) & Cotton (F. W.) A cure of hernia testis. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1897, xv, ■ 511-515. Also, Reprint.—Bryn (H.) Traumatisk dis- location af begge testikler. [sur une dislocation trau- matique des deux testicules. Ke<„ 1137.1 Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Kristiania, 1898, 4. R., xiii, 1130.—Costa (U.) Ernia inguino-superficiale acquisita con ectopia pubica del testicolo. Liguria med., Genova, 1912, v, 17; 37.—Frederick (E. V.) A case of dislocatable testicle with acute symptoms. Canad. Lancet, Toronto, 1911-12, xiv, 764.—Gaudier. Note sur un proc6d6 de traite- ment de l'ectopie du testicule. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1912, n. s., xxxviii, 654-657.—Golden (W. W.) Translocation of testicles. West Virg. M. J., Wheeling, 1908, iii, 82.—Guiteras (R.) Report of a case of dislocation of the testicle into the penis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896, xlix, 11-13.—Jurinka. Eine seltsame Luxatio testis. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1904, xxxi, 1100-1102.—Keith (A. D.) Dislocation of testis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 16.— Klippel & Pierre-Weil (M.) Un cas de retraction du testicule associe& la con- tracture hysterique du membre inferieur. Rev. neurol., Par.,1909, xvii, 507-511.—Kornfeld ement de la cellule de Sertoli chez les selaciens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 773-775—Whitehead (R. H.) The embrvonic development of the interstitial cells of Leydig. Am. j. Anat., Bait., 1904, iii, 167-182. Testicle (Excision of). See, also, Castration; Crime (Prevention, etc., of); Epilepsy (Treatment of, Operative); Eunuchs; Hernia (Congenital); Hernia (Radi- cal cure of, Complications, etc., of); Hernia (Treatment of, Operative, Complications, etc., of); Idiocy (Treatment of, Ojieratiee); Nerve (Op- tic, Atrophy of, Causes, etr., af); Penis (Tumors of, Malignant, Treatment of, Operative); Pros- tate gland (Hypertrophy of, Treatment of) by vasectomy or castration; Testicle (Retained, etc., Treatmentof, Operative); Testicle (Tuberculosis of, Treatment of, Operative); Testicle (Tumors of); Testicles (Loss of). Kellmann ([F.] A. [A.]) * Ueber Castra- tion. 8°. Greifswald, 1893. Pinot (G.) * Etude medieo-legale sur la cas- tration. 4°. Lyon, 1893. Salles (E'.-J.-M.) *De la prothese testicu- laire apres la castration. 4°. Bordeaux, 1896. Bat lit. Castration; guerison. Marseille med., 1909, xlvi, 161— Biiiaud (J.-W.) Hematocele enkystee du cordon spermatique, consecutive a une contusion de cette region; testicule en ectopie; incision et castration; opera- tion suivie de guerison; mort quatre mois apres de tuber- 62 TESTICLE. Testicle (Excision of). culose pulmonaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix 363-366.—Briau (E.) De l'influence de la castration, testiculaire etovarienne, sur le developpement du s.iue- lette. Gaz. hebd. demed., Par., 1901, n.s., vi,769.—Brj- son (J. P.) Castration under cocaine anaesthesia. N York M. J., 1895, lxi, 533.— Cariani (E.) Modificazioni del testicolo superstite nell' emicastrazione. Path. Riv. quindicin., Genova, 1908-9, i, 621-625.—Carless (A.) Rupture of the vas deferens; castration. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 687.—earlier. Prothese testiculaire apres cas- tration. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb., Par., 1896, 94-96. Also: Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1896, xiv, 1054-1056.—Castration (La) au point de vue medico- legal. J. de med. de Par., 1898, 2. s., x, 113-115.—Cheve- reau. Un cas d'epithelioma primitif de l'urethre; emasculation totale; cystite interstitielle; meat hvpogas- trique. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1895, lxviii, 853-^55.— L'ora- deschi (U.) Disordini nervosi nell' uomo in rapporto a lesioni traumatiche del testicolo e castrazione. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1895, xvi, 1269.—Councell (T. A.) Report of a case of castration. J. Alumni Ass. Coll. Phys. & Surg., Bait, 1898-9, i, 114-116— Gillmon (J. C.) Hernia testis; castration; recovery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1897, xiii, 156.—Hand ley (W. S.) Inguinal orchectomy; a new method. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 1671— Hermance (W. O.) Shock in cas- tration. Phila. Polyclin., 1895, iv, 175.—Hughes (C. II.) Notes on the nervous disturbances after removal and atrophy of testicles. Kansas City M. Index, 1893, xiv, 7-9.—Kane (H. H.) Castration; a simple, easy, and rapid method of performing it. N. York M. J., 1885 lxi, 786-788.—Kragerud (A.) Das Vorfallen der Scheidenhaut bei Pferden nach der Castration durch Torsion. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1899, xi, 113.—Lardennois. Emasculation totale. Union med. dunord-est, Reims, 1904, xxviii, 41.—Lauenstein (C.) Zur Frage der hohen Castration nach von Bungner. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1896, xxii, 431. Also: Deutsche Ztschr.f.Chir.,Leipz., 1896, xliii, 588-596.—Lou- meau (E.) Prothese testiculaire. Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux, 1895-6, iv, 315-318.— Marshall (T. R.) Double castration under cocaine for head symptoms, etc., due to injury of testicles: recovery. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 974.— Nowlin (J. S.) Castration for reflex neuroses following mumps, with report of case. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1898,149-154.—Panta- loni. Un nouveau procede de castration chez l'homme. Gaz. med. de Par., 1898,11. s., i, 530.—Pignatti (A.) Sul comportamento del dotto deferente e delle vescichette seminali in seguito all' orchiectomia. Tommasi, Napoli, 1911, vi, 650-554.—Powell (A.) Atrophy of prostate after castration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 1099.—Quin (O. B.) Reportof three cases of fluid in pleural cavity, and one case of extirpation [of] testicle for sarcocele. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1887, 87-89.— Blither- lurd (H.) Removal of incompletely developed right testicle. Glasgow M. J., 1902, lviii, 197.—Taketa (K.) Kintama katsureisitsu no siken. [A case of castration for chronic hypertrophy of the testicles.] Ogata Bioven Ijikwai Ho, Tokio, 1892, no. 47, 22-28.—Taylor (M.R.) A case of testicle strangulated at birth; castration; re- covery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 458.— Tourey-Pi- allat. L'ablation d'un testicule. Clinique, Par., 1909, iv, 153.—Verneuil. Hemorrhagies dans l'operation de la castration. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1893, xl, 532; 545.—Villar. Technique de la castration par la section systematique de la paroi anterieure du canal inguinal. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1902), 1903, 222-2;!).—Weir (R. F.) On castration, with avul- sion oi' the cord. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1898, liii, 454.—Weth- er! 11 (II. <;.) Easy castration, with the report of a case. Cniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3, v, 442^44. Testicle (Extract of). See, also, Epilepsy (Treatment of) with animal extracts; Insanity (Treatment of) ivith animal extracts; Leprosy (Treatment of); Psoriasis (Treatment of); Spermin; Tuberculosis (Im- munity against). Barot (C.) L'opotherapie orchidienne; in- dications nouvelles. 8°. Paris, 1905. Bieloff (X. A.) Izmleneniya sosudisto-ser- dechnol dieyatelnosti pod vliyaniyem intra- venoznikh inyektsiy testiknlyarnikh prepara- tov; eksperimentalnoye izsliedovaniye. [Alter- ation in the cardio-vascular activity of the heart under the influence of intravenous injections of testicular preparations; experimental investiga- tion.] 8°. S.-Peterburg. 1911. Flassciicen. De la methode homoe-organo- dynamique et dynamogenique du professeur Brown-Sequard dans la 8(jnilit6, la faiblesse ge- TESTICLE. 763 TESTICLE. Testicle (Extract of). n£rale, l'impuissance, les maladies chroniques et les affections reputees incurables. 12°. Paris, 1893. Maisonnave (P.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'opotherapie orchitique; recherches experi- mentales au point de vue du developpement du squelette. 8°. Lyon, 1904. Mora. Het herstellen van het physick en sexueel vermogen. sm. 4°. Amsterdam, [1893?]. Porte (J.) * Quelques observations de ma- lades traites selon la methode de M. Brown- Sequard; resultats immediats. 4°. Lyon, 1893. Serrand (R.) & Jordanis (L.) Puissance d'action des injections Brown - Sequardiennes chez l'adulte et le vieillard. Procedes opera- toires et observations personnelles. 8°. Paris, [1893]. Acosta (E.) El metodo de Brown-Sequard en la Ha- bana. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1894, xx, 31-35.— Ancel (P.) & Bouin (P.) Sur l'effet des injections d'extrait de glande interstitielle du testicule sur la crois- sance. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxlii, 298.— d'Arsonval (A.) Note sur la preparation de l'extrait testiculaire concentre. Arch, de phvsiol. norm, et path., Par., 1893, 5. s., v, 1S0-183. Also, Reprint. -----. Prepa- ration du liquide orchitinue concentre. Ibid., 1894, 5. s., vi, 172-175.— Barnsby A Lallemant. De l'action emmenagogue exercee par les injections de liquide testi- culaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 1016.—Binaghi (R.) 11 succo testicolare come veicolo d' infezioni. Riforma med., Napoli, 1898, xiv, pt. 3, 793; 80S.—Boulfe (F.) Resultats cliniques des injections de liquide testiculaire, d'apres la methode de Brown-Se- quard. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. prat, de Par., 1893, S6-100. -----. De l'opotherapie testiculaire consi- deree au point de vue de son action anti-toxique et toni- se>iative; sa formule leucocvtaire. J. de m6d. de Par., 1903, 2. s., xv, 141-143.—Bouin (P.) & Ancel (P.) Ac- tion de l'extrait de glande interstitielle du testicule sur le developpement du squelette et des organes geni- taux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxlii, 232- 234. — Brard. Note sur les resultats therapeutiques obtenus par les injections hypodermiques de liquide testiculaire. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1893, vii, 36-33.— Brown - Sequard. Influence curative du liquide testiculaire dans l'ataxie locomotrice. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 505-507. -----. Remarques sur le traitement de l'ataxie locomotrice par le liquide testiculaire, a propos du cas de M. Depoux. Ibid., 796. -----. Sur l'emploi du liquide testiculaire pour augmen- ter la vigueur du foetus dans le sein maternel, d'apres un fait du Dr. Kahn. Ibid., 7;i7. -----. Remarques sur l'innocuite du liquide testiculaire. Pbid., 189:;. 9. s., v, 307-309.— Brown-Sequard & d'Arsonval. Re- marques sur l'emploi du liquide testiculaire par plus de douze cents medecins et en particulier sur l'influence favorable exercee par ce liquide dans vingt-et-un cas de cancer et dans quelques autres affections. Ibid., 1892, 9. s., iv, 815-81 x.-----------. Resultats therapeutiques des injections de liquide testiculaire. Union m<5d., Par., 1892, 3. s., liv, 638-640.-----------. Regies relatives a l'emploi du liquide testiculaire. Arch, de physiol. norm. etpath., Par., 1893, 5. s., v, 192.-----------. Effets phy- siologiqueset therapeutiques d'un liquide extrait de la glandesexuellemale. Compt.rend.Acad.d.sc,Par., 1893, c.\vi, 856-801. Also. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1893, lxvi, 488-490.— Capriati (V.) Studio clinico e sperimentale sull' azi- one del succo testicolare. Ann. di nevrol., Torino, 1892, 1-32, 1 L, 3 diag. -----. Ancora qualche parola a pro- posito del suceo testicolare. Ibid., 309-311.— <'arpen- tier (A.) Ecrans testiculaires a}-ant pour base l'extrait de glande interstitielle. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 82s— Christmas (J.) Om Indspr0jtning af Vaevssafter efter Brown-Sequard's Mi tode. [Injection of testicular liquid after Brown-Sequard's method.] Hosp.- Tid., Kj0benh„ 1893, 4. R., i, 429; 604.— < olleville (G.) Quelques remarques sur les injections sequardiennes. Union med. du nord-est, Reims. 1893, xvii, 98; 134, 1 tab., 6 diag.—DeYoud (D.) Las inyecciones de extracto tes- ticular; revista general y resiimen de las experiencias practicadas en el hospital militar de Buenos Aires. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1893, xvi, 73-91.— Dcpoiix. Observation d'ataxie locomotrice guerie par des iniectionade sue testiculaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 794-796.—Desoubry. Medica- tion orchitique dite Brown-Sequard appliquee aux ani- maux. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1898, 8. s., v, 140-144.— Devay. Contribution a l'etude de Paction des injec- tions de liquide testiculaire dans le traitement des affec- tions mentales. Province med., Lyon, 1893, vii, 373; 385.__Bixon (W. E.) The composition and action of orchitic extracts. J. Physiol., Lond., 1900-1901, xxvi, Testicle (Extract of). 244-276. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1901, lxvi, 517-524.— Bor (L.) L'opotherapie orchitique comme moyen d'ar- reter la croissance des enfants qui grandissent trop vite et qui presente a la suite de cette croissance trop rapide des symphonies de fatigue oculaire. Cong, internat d'opht. 1904, Lausanne, 1905, b84-b87.—Dor (L ) Mai- sonnave (J.) & Monziols (R.) Ralentissement ex- perimentale de la croissance par l'opotherapie orchitique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lix, 673— F.d wards (H. U.) Notes on^orchitic extract. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 1201—Fere (C.) Quelques remarques a propos de la methode de M. Brown-Sequard. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 578-581— Funaioli (P.) Contributo alio studio sull* azione terapeutica del succo testicolare di Brown-Sequard in alcune forme di aliena- zione mentale. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1895, 4. s., vii, 141-158, 6 ch— Origorescu (G.) Aug- mentation de la Vitesse des impressions sensitives dans la moelle epiniere chez les ataxiques, sous l'influence du liquide testiculaire. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path Par., 1894, 6. s., vi, 412-422.—Grinspert (A.) Nleskolko nablyudeniy nad dleistviyem testikulyarnol vltyazhki na bolnikh. [Some observations on the action of testicular extract on patients.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1899, exev, med.-spec. pt., 1233-1241.—Guelpa. Resultats cliniques des injections de liquides testiculaires suivant les methodes de Brown-Sequard. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. prat, de Par., 1893, 105-111. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1893, 2. s., v, 201-203.— Hericourt (J.) La me- dication de M. Brown-Sequard. Rev. scient., Par., 1892, 1, 817-821. -----. Sur une action speciale des injections sous-cutanees de liquide orchitique, Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 449-451.—Hirschberg (R.) Les effets physiologiques et therapeutiques de l'extrait testiculaire. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1892, xxiv, 235; 243. Also: Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1892, exxiii, 308-310.—Jacquet (L.) Sur la liqueur testicu- laire. Province med., Lyon, 1892, vi, 577-579.—Jolly. Sur la valeur des injections de liquide testiculaire appli- que au traitement des maladies nerveuses. Bull, et mem. Soc de med. et chir. prat, de Par., 1893, 129-139.—Kise- len"(K.) Primleneniye testikulyarnol zhidkosti u so- bak. [Application of testicular fluid in dogs.] Arch. vet. nauk., St. Peterb., 1902, xxxii, pt. 2, 794.—JLarden- nois. L'emploi du liquide d'hydrocele en injections dans les infections graves et les hemorrhagies. Union m6d du nord-est, Reims, 1912, xxxvi, 1-5.—Loisel (G.) Les poisons des glandes genitales. Premiere note. Re- cherches et experimentation chez l'oursin. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1329-1331.—McCarthy (D. J.) The extract of testicle in medicine especially in the therapy of nervous diseases. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1900, ix, 807-809.—Magii»'liani (G.) Le iniezioni ipo- dermiche di succo testicolare. Gazz. med. di Pavia, 1893, ii, 197-205. Also [Abstr.]: Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia. Ren- dic, 1892-3, 32.—Malinin ( Ya. I.) O prigotovlenii spermatina iii testikulina. [Preparation of spermatin or testiculin.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Ti- flis, 1891-2, xxviii, 218-224.—Marehetti (B.) Contri- buto alio studio dell' azione del suceo testicolare in al- cune malattie dei bambini; osservazioni cliniche e speri- mentali. Pediatria; Napoli,1893,i,:52"i-3.;."), 5 tab.—Massa- longo (R.) Le iniezioni di liquido testicolare di Brown- Sequard e la transfusione nervosa di Constantin Paul; un nuovo capitolo di terapeutica suggestiva. Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. 1, 338; 351; 363; 374. Also, transl: Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1893, vii, 445; 512.— Megnin (P.) Effet du liquide testiculaire sur un chien paraplegique et atteint de fibro-sarcome generalise. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 517-519.— Meisenheimer (J.) Ueber die Wirkung von Hoden- und Ovarialsubstanz auf die sekundaren Geschlechts- merkmale des Frosches. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1911, xxxviii, 53-60.— Mi lian (G.) Les utilites du testicule. Rev. d. h6p. de France et de l'etrang., Par., 1905, vii, no. 9,1-4.— Mosse (A.) La medication sequardienne; notes et re- flexions. Midi med., Toulouse, 1894, iii, 1; 33.—Panella (A.) Sul contenuto di acqua e di nucleonedei testicoli di cavallo. Arch, di farm, e terap., Palermo, 1903, xi, 291-302.—Pearee (F. S.) A clinical report on the use of testicular fluid injections. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1896, xxvii, 165-179. Also: Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1896, x, 263-267. Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1896, lxxv, 289-297. —Pel (A. V.) Brown-Sequardin, orchidin, spermin, ikh svolstva i znacheniya. [. . ., their properties and value.] J. med. chim. i farm., St. Petersb., 1893, i, 468-482.— Peter. La medication hypodermique; les injections sous-cutan6es de liquide testiculaire. Bull. med., Par., 1892, vi, 1421-1423.—Poupinel. Retour du sommeil et de la force et guerison d'ulceres, de tubercules et d'eruptions cutanees, chez des lepreux, par l'injection de liquide orchitique. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 689.—Pregl (F.) Zwei weitere ergogra- phische Versuchsreihen fiber die Wirkung orchitischen Extractes. Arch, f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1895-6, lxii, 379-399, 4 diag.—Ramon de Torres (J.) Un triunfo m&s de las inyecciones hipodermicas del Dr. Brown- Sequard. Gac. med. de Cadiz, 1894, ii, 201-204. Also: TESTICLE. 764 TESTICLE. Testicle (Extract of). Independ. med.. Barcel., ls94, xxix,613-516.—Beiersen (A. C.) Omlnjektionsbehandling efter Brown-Sequard's Metode. Ugesk. f. Lager, Kjobenh., 1894, 5. R., i, 199; 217; 243.—Buseoni (U.) Brevissimi cenni di alcune malattie nervose curate colle iniezioni di Brown-Sequard nell' Ospedale Maggiore di Milano. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1893, lii, 365-370. — Sabrazes (J.) &Bazin. Valeur antiseptique de l'acide carbomque a haute pression vis-a-vis de l'extrait orchitique glvcerine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 1011. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1893, xxiii, 578. — Sabrazes (J.) & Riviere (P.) Valeur antiseptique de l'extrait testiculaire et de la glycerine. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1893, xiv, 187-189.— Salvioli (J.) Degli effetti dell' iniezione endovenosa dell' estratto di ghiandola genitale maschile sulla coagu- lazione del sangue e sul valore spermotossico del siero. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1902, xxiii,28-30. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1902, xxxvii, 377-380— Seliniaueh ( G.) Orchitic and ovarian therapv. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1910, xvii, 305-316. Also: Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1910, xvii,92-lol.—Soiallero (M.) L' orchipina, preparato di te-ticolo fresco in veicolo oleoso. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli. 1005, xxi, 113-115.—Sudnik (R.) Observaciones clinicas sobre las inyecciones de Brown- Sequard. Rev. Soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1893, ii, 451-471, 3 tab. —Uspenshi (D. M.) Testikulyarnaya organoterapiva. [Testicular extract.] Sovrem. Klin, i Terap., S.-Pe"terb., 1907, vi, no. 9, 1-88. Also, transl: Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1909, 1; 28; 54: 80; 101; 123; 145; 173; 196.—Viktoroff (P.) Brown-Sequart'ovskiy sposob podkozhnikh vpriskivaniy i yevo znacheniye v | llechenii nervnikh bolnikh, starcheskavo oslableniya i chakhotki (bugorchatki lyokhkikh). [Brown-Sequard's method of subcutaneous injections and its importance in the treatment of nervous diseases, senile debility, and phthisis (pulmonary tuberculosis).] Trudi Syezda Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova 1891, Mosk., 1892, iv, 852-866.— Vitzou (H.-N.) Influence dynamogenique puissante du liquide testiculaire, chez deux singes paralyses. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 367-369.— Walker ( G.) Experimental injection of testicular fluid to prevent the atrophy of the prostate gland in dogs, after the removal of the testes. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bui 1., Bait., 1900, xi. 322. Also, Reprint— Zoth (O.) Zwei ergographische Versuchsreihen iiber die Wirkung orchi- tischen Extractes. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1895-6, lxii, 335-378, 6 diag. -----. Neue Versuche (Hantelver- suche) fiber die Wirkung orchitischen Extractes. Ibid., 1897, lxix, 386-398. Testicle (Fixation of). See, also, Testicle (Betained, etc., Treatmentof, Operative). Verdier (F.) Contribution a l'6tude de I'orchidopexie; de la persistance du canal va- gino-peritoneal. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901. Beck (C.) A new method of orchidopexy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxviii, 245.—Bleeh (G. M.) Orchi- dopexy; a new operation. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1909, xv, 89-93.—Burkard (O.) Die Dauererfolge der Orchidopexie nach Ni( oladoni. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1903, xl, 707-722.—Be Beule. Deux cas d'or- chidopexie par le procede du Dr. De Beule. J. de clin. et aim. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1907, vii, lis. -----. Un cas d'orchidopexie. J. med. de Brux., 1907, xii, 401.— Beinniler. Sur deux cas d'orchidoDexie dont un suivi de suecSs constate un an apres 1'operation Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1893, n. s., xix, 193.—Bepajje. Orchidopexie. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1*97-8, v, 221.—Burand. L'orchidopexie. Province m6d., Lyon, 1900, xiv, 27-29.—F6lizet. La question de I'orchido- pexie. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 434-436.—Hahn (E.) Eine Methode der Orchi- dopexie. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902, xxix, 4.— Hanneeart. Deux cas d'orchidopexie. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1897-8, v, 182-181.—Longuet (L.) De la transposition extras^reuse du testicule: ses appli- cations a l'hydrocele et uu varicocele. Progres med., Par., 1901, 3. s., xiv, 177-1*3.—Maiiiourian (M.) A new method of orchidopexy. Lancet, Lond., 1909, i, 157.—Monod. Orchidopexie. Bull, et mem. Soc, de chir. de Par., 1S92. n. s., xviii, 847-850.—Ombredanne. Indications et technique de I'orchidopexie transcrotale chez l'enfant. Presse m6d., Par., 1910, xviii, 745-750.— Pericic (B.) Orchidopexie nach Hahn. Wien med. Presse, 1904, xiv, 1795.—Sebileau (P.) De I'orchido- pexie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1897, 10. s., i, 37-39. -----. De I'orchidopexie. Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.] Par., 1899, i, 309. —Terrillon (O.) De I'orchidopexie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1893, n. s., xix, 36-48. Also. inhis: CEuvres, 8°, Par., 1898, i, 740-742—Tomashcv- ski (V. N.) K voprosu ob operatsii orkhidopeksii. [orchidopexy] Russk. chir. arch., S.-Peterb., 1904, xx, f.93-708. Also, transl: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1905, xxx, 203.—Vanverts (J.) De l'orchidopexie en cas Testicle (Fixation of). d'absence des bourses ou d'atrophie. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1909, xiii, 411.—YValther (C.) Orchidope- xie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 557. -----. Sur un procede d'orchidopexie. [Rap. de Monod.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1912, 3. s., lxvii, 197-206. -----. Orchidopexies. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 318. -----. Orchidopexie. Ibid., 1906, n. s., xxxii, 461; 1033. Testicle (Foreign bodies in). Coletti (A.) Contributo alio studio dei corpi organici liberi nella cavita della sierosa testicolare. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1906, xxii, 561-566.—Cornil (V.) & Coudray (P.) Des corps etrangers articulaires et en particulier des corps traumatiques au point de vue ex- perimental et histologique. Rev. de chir., Par., 1905, xxxi, 429-465. Testicle (Fungus of). See Testicle (Tumors). Testicle (Gangrene of). See, also, Gonorrhoea (Complications of, Or- chitic) . Bruch (A.) Sur une observation d'ectopie testicu- laire, suivie de sphacele du testicule par torsion du cor- don. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1908, n. s., xxxiv, 721-726. Also: Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.- urin., Par., 1908-9, v, 428-430.—Cabot (A. T.l Gangrene of testicle. Boston M. & S. J., 1903, cxlix, 428.—Gliick (6.) Fusiformis bacillusok vagy fagyas okozta teljes monygangraena. [Total gangrene of the testicle caused by freezing or . . .] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906,1, 428.— Hanasiewicz (O.) Hodenhautgangriin nach Ge- brauch von Jodtinktur. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 2531.—Knowles (R.) Gangrene of the epi- didymis from gonorrhoea. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1911, xlvi, 304.— Peiper. Ein Fall beginnender Hoden- gangran bei eitriger rechtsseitiger Orchitis und Funiku- litis. Arch. f. Schiffs-u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1910, xiv, 347-351.—Spolverini (L. M.) Cangrena primitiva del testicolo sinistra da bacterium coli. Suppl. al Policlin. Roma, 1899-1900, vi, 1057-1059.—Tuflier. Gangrene, par torsion du cordon, d'un testicule en ectopie inguinale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1903, n. s., xxix, 551.— Way (M. H.) Torsion of spermatic cord and gangrene of the testis. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1898, xii, 212. Testicle (Haemorrhage into). Cuneo, Mauclaire & Magitot. Apoplexie d'un testicule en ectopie. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1904, lxxix, 718-721. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1905, n. s., xxxvii, 6.—liO w (V. W.) Two cases of haemorrhage into the testicle. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1909, xxxii, 45-52. Also: Clin. J., Lond., 1908-9, xxxiii, 397-400—Miminonds (M.) Ueber Hodenblutungen. Dermat. Stud, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1910, xx, 524-531. Testicle (Hernia of). See Testicle (Dislocation of). Testicle (Histological elements of). See, also, Spermatogenesis. Beissner (H.) *Die Zwischensubstanz des Hodens und ihre Bedeutung. 8°. Bonn, 1898. Perschmaxn (E. C.) * Die glatte Muskulatur des Hodens und seiner serosen Hiillen. 8°. Halle a. S., 1904. Popoff (X.) *L'ovule male et le tissu in- terstitiel du testicule chez les animaux et chez l'homme. [Lausanne.] 8°. Liege, 1909. Regaud (C.) *Les vaisseaux lymphatiques du testicule et les faux endotheliums de la sur- face des tubes sominiieres. 8°. Lyon, 1897. Sen at (L.) * 0 mtribution a l'etude du tissu conjonctif du testicule. 8°. Lyon, 1900. Ancel (P.) Le testicule; essai d'histologie democra- tique. Lvon med., 1907, cviii, 81-86.—Ancel (P.) & Bouin (P.) Sur Pexistence de deux sortes de cellules interstitiel les dans le testicule du cheval. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 81.-----------. La glande interstitielle du testicule; examen critique des essais de verification experimentale de son r61e sur l'organisme. Ibid., 83.-----------. Sur la glande interstitielle du testicule des mammiferes; reponse a M. Gustave Loisel. Paid., 95-97.-----------. La glande interstitielle du testicule des mammiferes et sa signification. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1904, xxxvi, 65-71.-----------. Recher- ches sur la signification physiologique de la glande in- terstitielle du testicule des mammiferes. II. Role de la glande interstitielle chezl'embryon, les sujets jeuncs et ages; ses variations fonctionnelles. J. de physiol. et de TESTICLE. Testicle (Histological elements of). path, gen., Par., 1904, vi, 1039-1050,1 pl. —von Barde- leben (K.) Die Zwischenzellen des Siiugetierhodens. (5. Beitragzur Spermatologie.) Anat. Anz., Jena, 1897, xiii, 529-636. -----. Beitrage zur Histologie des Hodens und zur Sperrnatogenese beim Menschen. (7. Beitrag zur Spermatologie.) Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwckliigsgcseh., Leipz., 1897, Suppl.-Bd., 193-234, 2 pl.—Barnabo (V.) Contributo alio studio della struttura della glandola in- terstiziale del testicolo nella cavia. Boll. d. Soc. zool. ital., Roma, 1906, 2. s., vii, 275-281. -----. La glandola interstiziale del testicolo; storia, morfologia, anatomia comparata, istogencsi, tisiologia, fisiopatologia, e proba- bile significato delle cellule interstiziali del testicolo. Ibid., 289:1907, 2. *., viii, 203; 315:1908, ix, 49; 137: 262; 303; 375. -----. Sulla riproduzione delle cellule interstiziali nel testicolo. Ibid., 1909, 2. s., x, 459-461. -----. Nuove ricerche esperimentali sulle cellule interstiziali del testi- colo. Ibid., 1911, 2. s., xii, 40-42. -----. Ulteriori ricer- che sperimentali sul valore funzionale delle cellule in- terstiziali del testicolo. Policlin., Roma, 1911, xviii, sez. prat., 1257-12.ri9. — Beissner (H.) Die Zwischensub- stanz des Hodens und ihre Bedeutung. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1898, li, 794-820, 1 pl.—Benda (C.) Zell- structuren und Zellteilungen des Salamanderhodens. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch., Jena, 1893, vii, 161-165. -----. Ueber ein noch nicht beachtetes Structurverhalt- niss des menschlichen Hodens. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1899, 577-579. — Bouin (P.) A propos du noyau de la cellule de Sertoli; phenomenes de division amitosique par clivage et nucleodierese dans certaines conditions pathologiques. Bibliog. anat., Par. & Nancy, 1899, vii, 242-255.—Bouin (P.) & Ancel (P.) Sur les cellules in- terstitielles du testicule des mammiferes et leur signifi- cation. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1397- 1399.-----------. Sur la signification de la glande in- terstitielle du testicule embryonnaire. Ibid., 1682-1684. ----- -----. Sur l'hypertrophie compensatrice de la glande interstitielle du testicule. (Reponse a Gustave Loisel.) Ibid., 1904, lvi, 97-100.-----------. Recherches sur les cellules interstitiel!es du testicule des mammi- feres. Arch, de la zool. exper. et gen. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par., 1903, 4. s., i, 437-523, 3 pl.-----------. Recherches sur la structure et la signification de la glande inter- stitielle dans le testicule normal et ectopique du cheval. (Note preliminaire.) Ibid., 1904, 4. s., ii, pp. cxli-clv. -----------. Recherches sur la signification physiologi- que de la glande interstitielle du testicule des mammi- feres. I. Role de la glande interstitielle chez lesindividus adultes. J. de physiol. et de path. g6n., Par., 1904, vi, 1012-1022, 1 pl.—Branca (A.) Degenerescences cellu- laires dans le testicule des lernuriens en captivity. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1117-1119. -----. La cellule interstitielle du testicule. Presse mecl., Par., 1905, 505-508.—Capurro (M. A.) Sulla questione degli spazilinfatici peritubulari del testicojo. Anat.Anz., Jena, 1901-2, xx, 563-570.—Chainpy(C) Etude histologi- que du testicule, d'un homme qui presentait les caracte- res d'un castrat. Bibliog. anat., Par. & Nancy, 1907, xvi, 162-166. Also [Abstr.]:Compt.rend.Soc.debiol..Par., 1907, lxii, 171.-----. Note sur les cellules interstitielles du testi- cule chez les batraciens anoures. Compt.rend.Soc.de biol., Par., 1908,1 xiv, 895.—Conforti (C.) Contributo all' isto- logia del testicolo in ritenzione. Morgagni, Milano, 1908,1, 393-412 1 pl.—Be Bruyne (C.) La cellule folliculaire du testicule d'Hydrophilus piceus. Verhandl. d. anat. Ge- sellsch., Jena,1899, xiii, 115-125.—Belaunay. Laglande interstitielle du testicule. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1904, xviii, 152-155.—Bunbar (W. P.) Ueber das serobiolo- gische Verhalten der Geschlechtszellen; 2. Mitteilung. Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1910, vii, 454-497.—von Krlanger (R.) Zur Kenntniss des feineren Baues des Regenwurmhodens und der Ho- denzellen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1896, xlvii, 1; 155, 1 pl.—Foa (P.) Sulle cellule interstiziali del tes- ticolo. Atti d. Cong, internaz. d. patologi 1911, Torino, 1912, i, 201-219,1 pl.—Can hni (C.) Struttura e sviluppo delle cellule interstiziali del testicolo. Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol., Firenze, 1902, i, 233-294, 4 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1901, xii, 327-332. -----. Le cellule interstiziali del testicolo negli animali ibernanti. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1902, xvii, 279-284.—Griiien berg (E.) & Thies (J.) Beitrage zur Biologie der mannlichen Geschlechtszellen. Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1911, Orig., x, 24-52.—Grob ben (K.) Ueber die Anordnung der Sa- menkorper zu Biindeln im Hoden vieler Thiere, sowie deren Ursache. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1899, xxii, 104-108.— Ha in mar (J. A.) Ueber Secretionserscheinungen im Nebenhoden des Hundes; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Phy- siologie des Zellenkerns. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngs- gesch., Leipz., 1897, Suppl.-Bd., 1-42,4 pl.—Hanes (F. M.) The biological significance of the Sertoli cells. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1909-10, vii, 162. -----. The relations of the interstitial cells of Leydig to the production of an internal secretion by the mammalian testis J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1911, xiii, 338-354 7pl.—von Hanseniann (D.) Kurze Bemer- kungen iiber die Leydigschen Zwischenzellen des Ho- TESTICLE. Testicle (Histological elements of). dens. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1912, xxxiv, 475.—.Telcniewski (Z.) Zur Morphologie und Physiologie des Epithels des Nebenhodens. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1904, xxiv, 630-640, 1 pl.—Kandaratski (M. F.) K kazuistikle svobodnikh tlel vlagalishtshnol obolochki ya'ichka. [Free bodies in the tunica vaginalis of the testicle.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 276.— Kasai (K.) Ueber die Zwischenzellen des Hodens. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], BerL, 1908, cxciv, 1-17.—Kyrle (J.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis derZwischen- zel len des menschlichen Hodens. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1910, xxi, 54-60. Also [Abstr.]: Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf.u. Aerzte 1909,Leipz., 1910, lxxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 22.— Labbe (A.) Sur la for- mation des tetrades et les divisions maturatives dans le testicule du homard. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, cxxxviii, 96-99.—Leeaillon (A.) Sur les cellules interstitielles du testicule de la taupe, (Talpa europaea L.), considere en dehors de la periode de reproduction. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 599-601.—von Lenhossek (M.) Ueber die Centralkoroer in den Zwischenzellen des Hodens. Bibliog. anat., Par. & Nancy, 1899, vii, 90-95. -----. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Zwischenzellen des Hodens. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwck- lngsgesch., Leipz., 1897, C5-85, 1 pl.—Loisel (G.) Sur l'origine epithelio-glandulaire des cellules seminales. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902, cxxxiv, 85:5-855. -----. Terminaisons nerveuses et elements glandulaires de 1'epithelium seminifere. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902,11. s., iv, 346-348. -----. Les graisses du testi- cule chez quelques mammiferes. Ibid., 1903, lv, 1009-1012. -----. Sur l'origine et la double signification des cellules interstitielles du testicule. Ibid., 1904, lvi, 448-451.— l.ubarsch(0.) Ueber das Vorkommen krystallinischer und krystalloider Bildungen in den Zellen des mensch- lichen Hodens. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], BerL, 1896, cxiv, 316-338,1 pl.—Mazzetti (L.) I caratteri sessuali secondari e le cellule interstiziali del testicolo. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1911, xxxviii, 361-387.—Meves (F.) Ueber Structur und Histiogenese der Samenfiiden von Salaman- dra maculosa. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1896-7, n.F., v, 90-93.—Monterosso (B.) L' azio- ne del digiuno e dell' estratto secco di tiroide sulla strut- tura dell'epitelio del tubo seminifero del topo. Arch, de biol., Liege & Par., 1912-13, xxvii, 35-02.— Morton (T. S. K.) Fibrous bodies in tunica vaginalis testis; with a re- port of three cases. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1894, xv, 1-6. Also, Reprint.—Moser(W.) Further observa- tions on the seminal cells. N. York M. J., 1895, lxii, 179.— Mrazek (A.) Ueber abnorme Mitosen im Hoden von Astacus. Sitzungsb. d. k.-bdhm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. 1901, Prag, 1902, No. v, 7 pp., 1 pl— Miinchheimer (F.) Ueber Mastzellen im thierischen und menschlichen Hoden. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1895, xiii, 104.—Mil Ion (P.) Les corps birefringentes des glandes genitales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1912, lxxii, 204-207.— Nussbaum (M.) Ueber den Einfluss der Jahreszeit, des Alters und der Ernahrung auf die Form der Hoden und Hodenzellen der Batrachier. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1906, lxviii, 1-121, 7 pl.—Peter (K.) Die Bedeu- tung der Niihrzelle im Hoden. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1898, liii, 180-211, 1 pl.—Plato (J.) Die intersti- tiellen Zellen des Hodens und ihre phvsiologische Bedeu- tung. Ibid., 1896, xlviii, 280-304, 1 pl.—Polleard (A.) Constitution lympho-myelo'ide du stroma conjonctifdu testicule des jeunes rajides. Compt. rend. Soc.debiol., Par., 1902,11. s., iv, 148-150.—PopofffN.) L'ovule male et le tissu interstitiel du testicule chez les animaux et chez l'homme. Arch, de biol., Liege & Par., 1908-9, xxiv, 433-500, 3 fold, pl.—Prenant (A.) Le corps interme- diaire de Flemming dans les cellules seminales de la scolopendre et de la lithobie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s. iv, 172-176. Also, Reprint. -----. Le corpuscule central d'E. van Beneden dans les cellules seminales de la scolopendre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 221-225. Also, Reprint. -----. L'origine du fuseau achromatique nucleaire dans les cellules seminales de la scolopendre. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1892, n. s., iv, 249-253. Also, Reprint— Begaud (C.) Les faux endotheliums de la surface des tubes seminiferes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897, 10. s., iv, 661. -----. Degenerescence des cellules semi- nales chez les mammiferes, en l'absence de tout 6tat pa- thologique. Ibid., 1900, 11. s., ii, 208-270. -----. Trans- formation paraepitheliale des cellules interstitielles dans les testicules d'un chien, probablement a la suite d'une orchite ancienne. Ibid., 1901, 11. s., iii, 408-410. -----. Sur l'existence de cellules seminales dans le tissu con- jonctif du testicule, et sur la signification de ce fait. Ibid., 1902,11. s., iv, 745-747. -----. Etat des cellules in- terstitielles du testicule chez la taupe pendant la periode de sperrnatogenese et pendant l'etat de repos des canali- cules seminaux. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Nancy, 1904, vi, 54-56. -----. Etudes sur la structure des tubes s<5miniferes et sur la sperrnatogenese chez les mammiferes. Arch, d'anat. micr., Par., 1909-10, xi, 291-431. 4 pl.—Be- gaud (C.) & Bubreuil (G.) Influence de la rontgeni- sation des testicules sur la structure de l'epithelium se- TESTICLE. 766 TESTICLE. Testicle (Histological elements of). minal des cpididymes, sur la fecondite et sur la puissance virile du lapin. Lyon med., 1908, ex, 457-472.—Begaud (C.) ct Policard (A.) Etude comparative du testicule du pore normal, impubere et ectopique, au point de vue des cellules interstitielles. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1901,11. s., iii, 450-452.—Begaud (('.)& Betterer (E.) Note sur le tissu con jonctif du testicule chez le rat. Ibid., 1900, 11. s., ii, 26; 53.—Bob (J. W.) The elastic tissue of the testis in normal and in pathological condi- tions. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1906, xi, 437-457, 2 pl.—Schaffer (J.) Bemerkungen iiber die Epithelverhaltnisse im menschlichen Nebenhoden. In- ternat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1899, xiii, 317-325,1 pl.—Spangaro (S.) Sulle modificazioni isto- logiche del testicolo, dell' epididimo, del dotto deferente dalla nascita flno alia vecchiaia, con speciale riguardo all' atrofia del testicolo. alio sviluppo del tessuto elastico ed alia presenza di cristalli nel testicolo. Rev. veneta di sc. med. Venezia, 1901, xii, 100; 215; 296; 370; 415: 1905, xlii, 21; 80; 140: 201: 255.—Stephan (P.) Sur les homo- logies de la cellule interstitielle du testicule. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902, cxxxiv, 299-302. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902,11. s., iv, 146-148. -----. Remarques sur les formes teratologiques des cel- lules seminales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 634-636. -----. Sur la signification des cellules seminales contenues dans les espaces interstitiels du tes- ticule. Ibid., 1326-1328.—Stieda (L.) Die Leydig'sche Zwischensubstanz des Hodens; eine historische Notiz. Arch. I. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1896-7, xlviii, 692-695.—Sul- tan (G.) Die freienKorperderTunica vaginalis. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1895, cxl, 449-458,1 pl.—Van der Stricht (O.) La signification des cellules epithe- liales de l'epididyme de Lacerta vivipara. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 799-801.—Varaglia (S.) Sulla struttura della parete propria dei canalicoli semi- niferi retti (tubuli seminiferi recti) nel testicolo del- 1' uomo. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1900, 4. s., vi, 158-161.—Verson ( K.) Sull' utlicio della cellula gi- gante nei follicoli testicolari degli insetti. Atti r. 1st. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti., Venezia, 1808, 7. s., x, 217-227.— Walker (C. E.) &Kmbleton (AliceL.) Ontheorigin of the Sertoli or foot-cells of the testis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1906-7, s. B., lxxviii, 50-52, 2 pl.—Whitehead (R. H.) The presence of granules in the interstitial cells of the testis. I Abstr.] Anat. Record, Bait, 1906-7, no. 3, 60. -----. Studies of the interstitial cells of Leydig. No. 3. Histology. Ibid., 1906-8, i, 213-227. -----. The inter- stitial cells of the testis of an hermaphrodite horse. Ibid., Phila., 1909, iii, 264. -----. A microchemical study of the fatty bodies in the interstitial cells of the testis. Ibid., 1912, vi, 65-73— Wieman (H. L.) The degenerated cells in the testis of Leptinotarsa signaticollis. J. Mor- phol., Phila., 1910, xxi, 4*5-494.—von Winiwarter (H.) Observations cytologiques sur les cellules inter- stitielles du testicule humain. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1912, xii, 309-320, 2 pl. Testicle (Tut,I animation of). See, also, Fever (Malarial, Complications, etc., of); Gonorrhoea (Complications of, Orchitic); Hydrocele (Causes, etc., of); Influenza (Com- plications of, Genito-urinary); Parotitis (Epi- demic, Complications of, Genito-urinary); Perior- chitis; Testicle (Abscess of); Testicle (Tuber- culosis of). Chalox (P.) * Contribution a l'etude de 1'orchite typhoidique. 8°. Pans, 1900. Cholet (G.) * L'orchite des typhiques. 8°. Pan's, 1901. Cottenseatj (J.) * Contribution a l'etude des orchites blennorrhagiques, syphilitiques et tuberculeuses. 8°. Paris, 1903. Cres (H.) * La pretendue orchi-epididymite par effort devant la loi sur les accidents du travail. 8°. Montpellier, 1904. Dorland (A.) * Recherches experimentales sur une toxalbumine extraite de Purine des malades atteints d'orchite infectieuse. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Esmoxet (C.) * Contribution a l'etude du testicule dans quelques infections; orchites expe- rimentales. 8°. Paris, 1903. Fraenkel (M.) * Ueber Orchitis fibrosa. 8°. Kiel, 1905. Kraxzfeld (TV.) *Zur Kasuistik der Orchi- tis und Epididymitis bei akuten Infektions- krankheiten mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung eines Falles von Orcho - Epididymitis nach Pneumonie. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Testicle (Infammation of). Reulos (A.) * Contribution a l'etude de 1'orchite rhumatismole. 8°. Paris, 1904. Alferott*(A. A.) Sluchal khronieheskavoplastiche- skavo periorkhita. [Chronic plastic periorchitis.] Khi- rurgia, Mosk., 1900, 553-562.—AntoneHi (G.) Orchite da sforzo. Ramazzini, Firenze, 1911, v, 282-299.—Auzi- lotti (G.) Contributo all' etiologia e pathogenesi delle orchiti; orchi-epididimiti acute suppurativo-necrotiche da bacterium-coli. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1901, vii, 291; 300.— Bangs (L. B.) Orchitis with unusual features. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1912, lxxxi, 419. [Discussion], 440.—Karu- ehello (L.) Sulla proprieta del bacillo piocianeo di simulare P orchite morvosa nelle cavie. Arch, scient. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino, 1904, ii, 65; si.—Itas- suet(M.) Quelques considerations sur la pathogenic de l'orchite par catheterisme. Union m£d. du nord-est, Reims, 1903, xxvii, 05-70.—von Baumgartcii. Leber die histologische Ditl'erentialdiagnose zwischen tuber- kuloser und gummoser Orchitis. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1900, Berl., 1901, 107-121. -----. Ueber die histologische Differentialdiagno.se zwischen din tu- berculosen und syphilitischen Processen, speciell zwi- schen tuberculoser und gummoser Orchitis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1900, 1, 2209-2215.—Beardsley (.1. G.) A unique case of infectious orchitis. N.York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxvii, 162. Also, Reprint—Begouin. I'achy- vaginalite bosselee k diverticules. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1897, xviii, 2.—Benzler. Ueber Unfruchtbarkeit nach doppelseitiger Hodenentzundung. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztg., Berl., 1897, xxvi, 161-176. Bergasse. De l'orchite tvphique. Bull. Soc. med.- chir. de la DrOme [etc.], Valence & Par., 1902, iii,81-87.— Berry (W. T.) Orchitis. Alabama M. & S. Age, Bir- mingh., 1898-9, xi, 597-600.—de Beurmann, Gouge- rot & Vaucher. Epididymite, orchite et vaginalite sporotrichosiques. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, 4. s., ix, 465-479.—Bonnet (L.-M.) Orchite sporotrichc- sique. Lyon med., 1909, cxii, 1113.—Boros (B.) Orchitis gonorrhoica abscedens. Urologia, Budapest, 1907, 59.— Boufiier (L. A.) Un caso di orchite traumatica da sforzo per infortunio del lavoro. Riv. di diritto e giur. . . . s. infortuni d. lavoro, Modena, 1900, ii, 70-74.— Chilli (R.) LA case of ulcerated orchitis caused bv obstructive injury.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1899, 246-231.— Coniorti. Studio clinico ed anatomo-patologico su di un caso di vaginalite adesiva calcificata, con speciale ri- guardo alia spermatogenesi. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1904, x. 349-352.—Cordillot (F.) Deux cas rares d'orchite, Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1907, 1, 455-461.—de Cortes (A.) La pretesa orchite da sforzo davanti ulla patologia, alia clinica ed alia legge sugli infortuni del lavoro. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1910, lxix, 345; 35s — Couteaud. L'orchite par effort existe-t-elle? [Rap. de C. Monod.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1902, n. s., xxviii, 1119-1124.—Cumston(C.G.) Instrumental orchitis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1898, 8. s., ii, 251-205 — Delbet(P.) Orchite pretendue par effort. Rev. prat d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Par., 1907-8, iv, 421-424.—Des- carpentries. Orchite intra-abdorninale d'une cryp- torchidie prise pour une appendicite. Echo med. du nord, Lille. 1905, ix, 21.—D'Haenens (A.) Quelques mots sur l'epididvmite blennorrhagique. Progres med. beige, Brux., 1908* x, 6.5-67.— l>o (P.) De l'epididymo-orchite tvphique. Gaz. hebd. de m(5d., Par., 1900, n. s.. v, 375- 378.—Dorland (A.) Sur la presence d'une substance pathogene dans Purine des malades atteints d'orchite parasitaire. Lyon mod., 1902, xcviii, 356-300.—Du Bois (C.) Orchi-epididymite spontanee k staphylocoques avec fonte du testicule. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rome, Geneve, 1909, xxix, 800-802.—Dubourdieu. Pachyvaginalite suppuree. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxxv, 912.— Elsenberg (A.) Czy bywa samoistne zapalenie przy- jadrza i jadra? [Is th'ereidiopathic inflammation of the epididymis and testicle?] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1892, 2. s., xii, 996-1001..Also, transl: Wien. med. Presse, 1893, xxxiv, 1217; 1262.—Epaulard. Orchite traumatique Soc de med. mil. franc Bull., Par., 1912, vi, 11-16.—Eraud& Hugounenq. Recherches bacteriologiques et chi- miques sur la pathogenie de l'orchite blennorrhagique et de certaines orchites infectieuses. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, iv, 159-168.----------. De la relation qui existe entre l'orchiocoque ou microbe de l'orchite blennorrhagique et le diplocoque de l'orchite ourlienne. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 657-659.—Feleki (H.) A here es mellekhere lobos ban- talmainak k6r- es sryogytana korebol. [The pathology and therapeutics of inflammatory diseasesof the testicle and epididymis.] Orvo-i hetil., Budapest, 1900, xliv, 793; 808.—FSlizet. Orchite traumatique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 591-594.—Fraen- kel (E.) Ueber Pathogenese und Aetiologie der orchitis fibrosa. Jahrb. f. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1903-4, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1905. ix. pt. 2, 11-42,1 pl. Also: Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1905. v, 14-42, 1 pl. -----. [Orchitis interstitialis fibrosa.] Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr.. 1906. liii. 1278.—Gaijiiierot. Un cas de pachyva- ginalite chronique double. J. de mod. do Bordeaux, 1906, xxxvi. s2.—Galavielle. Une nouvelle exception a la loi de Straus: orchite experimentale aigue determinee par un bacille tuberculigene d'origine feline. N. Mont- TESTICLE. 767 TESTICLE. Testicle (Inflammation of). pel. med., isooi viii, 173-1,5.—Garcia IJlon (R.) Orqui-funiculitis linfoangiechisica. Progreso med., Ha- bana, 1900, x, 13-19.— Hamonic (P.) De l'orchite chronique. Rev. clin. d'androl. ct de gynec, Par., 1900,vi, 257-264.—Harlan (E.) Double orchitis with a complicating superficial phlebitis of the right side. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1907, n. s., lviii, 355.—Hind (W.) Acute orchitis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 244.— Hirsohberg (M.) Akute Orchitis durch Pyocyaneus- infektion. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1907, xxxiii, 1782.—Huble (M.) Sur l'orchite infec- tieuse primitive. (Contribution a l'etude clinique des orchites reputees paludeennes.) Assoc, franc, pour l'a- vance. d. sc. C.-r., Par., 1888, xvii, pt. 2, 457-166.— Hugounenq (L.) & Eraud (J.) Sur un microbe pathogene de l'orchite blennorrhagique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1893, cxvi, 441-143.-----------. Sur la presence dans Purine des malades atteints d'orchites pa- rasitaires de substances probablement originaires de la prostate. J. de physiol. et de path, gen., Par 1901, iii, 409-412. Also: Lyon med., 1901, xcvi,429-434.—Ja litter. Hermaphxodisme masculin; orchite droite dans un tes- ticule en ectopie abdominale. Lyon med., 1910, xlii, 866- 868 —Lapointe (A.) A propos de l'orchite trauma- tique. Clinique, Par., 1911, vi, 109-112.—Lcblanc (P.) Orchi-vaginalite chez le cheval. J. de med. vet. et zoo- tech., Lvon, 1907, 5. s.. xi, 523-625.—Le Boy des Bar- res (A.) & Weinberg (M.) Orchi-epididymite a diplc- bacille de Friedlsender d'origine traumatique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 560.—Lesser (F.) Zur Aetiologie der Orchitis fibrosa. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 519-521.— Li Brizzi (G.) Un raro caso di orchiepididimite suppurata con distruzione della sostanza ghiandolare. Gazz. sicil. di med. e chir. [etc.], Palermo, 1908, vii, 263-266.—Loze (P.) Orchitis from infection of the prostate, based on the analysis of eleven cases. Am. J. Urol.. N. Y., 1909, v, 169-182.—rtlacaigne (E.) & Vanwerts (L.) Etiologie et pathogenie des orchi-epididymites d'origine urethrale et non blennor- rhagique. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1896, xiv, 673-694. Also, transl: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1896, xxxi,505: 521; 537.—JIcGuIre (S.) Orchitis. Clin. Bull., Richmond, 1900, v,91.—I*lesserer(A.) & Gasse,r (J.) Orchite tvpho'idique; constatation du bacille d'E- berth. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1895, xxv, 228-232.—iTlieheleau. Orchite gauche consecutive a une broncho-pneumonie gauche. Bull. Soc d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux. 1898, xix, 223.—Mignon & Sieur. De" la peri-epididymite variqueuse. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. gen., 394-399. — .llitchell (W. S.) A case of acute orchitis occurring in an undescended testis after an attack of epidemic paro- titis, and associated with acute delirium. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 23.—TJIontfort (A.) A propos de l'orchite trau- matique et de l'orchite par effort. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1907, 2. s., xxv, 997-1004.—Ulorel-Lavallee. Retour de la permeabilite des canaux deferents chez les sujets porteurs d'orchite double ancienne. Ann. de dermat. et syph.t Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 67-69. Also: Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et svph., Par., 1899, x, 29-31.—Jttoty (F.) Doit- on admettre l'existence de l'orchite traumatique? Se- maine med., Par., 1911, xxxi, 493-497.—Ncshtshadl- menko (M. P.) K voprosu ob ostrom iniektsionnom orkhitie. [On acute infectious orchitis.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1895, xliii, 1085-1088.—Neumann. Orchite epi- demique. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1897, 3. s., vm, 387—Nulla (E.) Orquitis blenorragica aguda. Juven- tud med., Guatemala, 1900, ii, 175; 1X9; 223. Also: Rev. espafi. de sif. y dermat., Madrid, 1901, iii, 78; 100.— Paquet. Orchite d'un testicule ectopie. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1907. xi,284.—Pascale(G.) Le vaginaliti del testicolo dati clinici: ricercheanatomo-patologiche; risul- tati sperimentali. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. dichir. 1898, Roma 1899, xiii, 203-274. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1898, xiv pt 4 219-223. Also: Terap. clin., Napoli, 1898, vn, 495- 499 —Patten (W. L.) Hypertrophied testicle (chronic orchitis); what a slight injury will sometimes do. N.Orl. Mi ST 1894-5, n.s., xxii, 858-860.—Pel Her. Orchi-epi- didvmite par effort. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1888), 1889, xxiii, 110-113.—Pttster (E.) Die Orchitis und Peri- orchitis serosa (Hvdrozele) des Aegypters und ihre Be- ziehungen zuder Bilharziakrankheit. Arch. f. Senilis- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1909, xiii, 557-572.—Pike (A. S.) Orchitis and epididymitis as a complication or sequela of tvphoid fever. Med. Era, St. Louis, 1911, xx 346-349 — Plante (J.) De l'orchite malarienne. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1896, lxv, 347-350.—Pluyette (E.) Orchite Daludeorine. Echo med., Toulouse, 1893, 2. s., vn, 205- 210.—Presno y Bastiony. Orquitis tifoidea primi- tiva Row de med. y ciruj. de la Habana, 1896, i, 73-70.— Prouty I H.) Orchitis secondary to tonsillitis treated with he\-amethvlenamin; report of a case. J. Am. M. Ass Chicago, 1912, lviii, 1192— Qu£nu. De l'orchi- finididymite' au cours des staphylocoooeimes. Presse med Par 1909, xvii, 281-283.-Bader (I. A ) Orchitis Eclect M J , Cincin., 1896, lvi, 215— Bazzaboni (G.) Pnntributo sperimentale alia istogenesi dei processi in- fiammatori del testicolo. Policlin., Roma, 1907, xiv, sez. Testicle (Inflammation of). chir., 436; 491.—Ridel (N. E.) O pervichnol svinkle ya'ichka. [Primarv parotitic (?) orchitis.] Voyenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1902, lxxx, med.-spec. pt, 2718- 2723.—Rouyer (E.) & Mieeamp (L.) Un cas d'orchi- epididymite par effort. Caducee, Par., 1903, iii, 32.— Saito. Ein Fall von durch Paratyphusbazillus B her- vorgerufenerOrchitispurulenta. [Japanese text. Ausz., Hft. 4, Suppl., 2-4.] Nippon Eisei Gakkwai Zasshi, To- kyo, 1906-7,iii, 225-231.—Sebileau (P.) Pathogenie des orchites. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1899, n. s., i, 619; 740. -----. Orchi-epididymites provoquees et orchi-epididy- mites spontanees. Rev. d. hfip. de France et de l'etrang., Par., 1900, ii, no. 1,1-3.—Sebileau (P.) & Petit (J.) Des orchites chroniques. Traits de chir. clin. et oper. (Le Dentu et Delbet), Par., 1901, x, 164-220—Shattock (S. G.) & JSeligmann (C. G.) Observations upon the acquirement of secondary sexual characters, indicating the formation of an internal secretion by the testicle. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1905, 57-80. Also r Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, [Suppl.], 11.—Speck (A.) Ueber einen Fall durch den Bac pneumoniae Friedlander hervorge- rufener abscedierender Orchitis und Epididymitis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1906, xlii, 596.—Staples (G. A.) Two cases of alleged traumatic orchitis. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1902-3, ix, 341.—Ter- rillon (0.) De l'orchite par effort, sa terminaison par l'atrophie testiculaire. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1885, iii, 230-237. Also, in his: 03uvres, 8°, Par., 1898, i, 649-655.—Torpey(J. F.) Primary orchitis with sec- ondary parotitis; the reverse of metastatic mumps. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 742.—de Vlaccos. Con- tribution a l'etude de la vaginalite sereuse chronique. Rev. de chir.. Par., 1904, xxix, 799-806.— Ward (A. H.) On infective inflammations of the testicle. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1900, xxviii, 449-452.—Warner (F. A.) Acute orchitis in an infant eleven weeks old. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 73.—Zangemeister (W.) Ueber chronische hamorrhagische Periorchitis. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1897, xviii, 77-91. Testicle (Inflammation of Treatment of)- Valerio (N.) II guaiacolo nelle orchiepidi- dimiti blenorragiche. 8°. [Firenze, 1896?] Cutting. Veuve (R.) Du traitement des orchi-epidi- dymites par le salicylate de methyle en applica- tions locales. 8°. Montpellier, 1900. Vorbe (E.) * Contribution a l'etude de la pachy vaginalite (hematocele de la tunique vagi- nale) et de son traitement par la castration. 8°. Montpellier, 1902. Balzer (F.) & Lacour (R.) Des badigeonnages de gaiacol dans le traitement de l'orchite. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1894, 3. s., xi, 226-231.—Base- lice (V.) Nota di contribuzione al trattamento incru- ento e cruento della vaginalite cronica. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1903, xix, 333-340.—Bassuet (M.) Orchite par catheterisme Chez un prostatique; cas- tration; anatomie pathologique des lesions epididymo- testiculaires. Bull, et med. Soc. anat. de Par., 1903, lxxviii, 230-234.—Butts (H.) The treatment of acute epididymitis and orchitis. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1910, xxvi, 333-335.—Carroll (A. L.) An elastic comoressor for orchitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xix, 332.—Colin (G ) Traitementde l'orchite blennorrhagique. Rev. in- ternat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1902, xiii, 235-240.—Co- lombino (S.) L' iperemia venosa come mezzo di cura nelle inflammazioni acute e croniche del testicolo. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1906, 4. s., xii, 48-50.— Crouse (H.) The ambulatorv treatment of epididymo- orchitis. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1907, xxi, 109-111.—Delbet (P.) Cinq cas d'orchite blennorrhagique traites par les lavages au permanganate de potasse. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1896, xiv, 922-927.—De Lutijs (E) Di un processo operatorio molto semplice per la cura radicale della vaginalite cronica. Incurabili, Napoli, 1900, XV, 405-409 —Duboc. Deux cas d'orchite chro- nique gueris par les courants continus. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1894, ii, 257-259.—I»u Castel. Traite- ment de l'orchite. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1895, lxvi, 814-816.—Emodi (A.) Behandlung der entziind- lichen Hodenleiden mit der Bierschen Methode. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1909, xiv, 37.—Fimiani (V ) Periorchite emorragica e sua cura seguita da un caso clinico. Incurabili, Napoli, 1901, 65-93.—Four- nier. Traitement de l'orchite. Clinique, Montreal, 1895-6, ii, 20-33. Also, transl.: Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1895, xii, 370-375.—Gulllon (P.) De l'utilite de la dilatation dans certains cas d'orchi-epididymite. J. de med. de Par., 1900, 2. s., xii, 499.—Loza (F. A.) El suspensorio picado en las epididimitis y orquitis. An. san. mil., Bue- nos Aires, 1900, iii, 25-31.—de Itlartigny (F.) Traite- ment ambulatoire de l'orchite blennorragique. Union TESTICLE. 768 TESTICLE. Testicle (Inflammation of Treatment of). med. du Canada, Montreal, 1909, xxxviii, 689-691.—iHau- claire. Orchitis fllariennes bilaterales; decortication partielle des testicules et resection partielle des varices lymphatiques des cordons spermatiques; amelioration. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1912, n. s., xxxviii, 62-64. Also: Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Par., 1912-13, ix, 21-24.—Peroni. Faut-il aliter les malades atteints d'orchite? Boll. d. Policlin., Torino, 1898, iii, 37- 40.—Rosenblith. Orchite blennorrhagique et mas- sage. Arch. gen. d. kinesitherapie, Par., 1910, xii, 7-10.— Schoull. Guerison rapide de l'orchite ourlienne par les badigeonnages au salicylate de methvle. Rev. gen. de clin. etde therap., Par., 1898, xii, 643-646.—Senn (E. J.) Albugineotomy in chronic orchitis, with report of a case. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat, Bost, 1903, xvi, 158-161. Also: Chicago M. Rec, 1902, xxiii, 395-398. Also: Hot Springs M. J., 1903, xii, 39-42.—Sharp (L.) The use of ichthyol in orchitis. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1895-6, viii, 882.—Tuttle (J. P.) A new treatment for epididymitis and orchitis. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1895, xiii, 410-415.—Whaite (T. du B.) An extemporized support for inflamed or enlarged testicles. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1907, viii, 633. Testicle (Innervation of). Cavalie. Terminaisons nerveuses dans le testicule chez le lapin et chez le poulet, et dans l'epididyme chez le lapin. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902,11. s., iv, 298-300. -----. Terminaisons nerveuses dans le testicule, chez le poulet. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1901, xxii, 595.—Falcone (C.) Sulle terminazioni nervose nel testicolo. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1894, v, 41- 48.—Tsidimpares (P. A.) Hep! rij? aTroAijfeus ray vevpiav iv ru> 6p\ei. 'Iarpucos fiTjvvTeop, 'A&rjvai, 1903, iii, 95.—Ugoliiii (G.) Le alterazioni del testicolo con- secutive al taglio dei suoi nervi. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bo- logna, 1910, 8. s., x, 461-453. Testicle (Internal secretion of). See, also, Testicle (Histological elements of). Mathietj (C.) *De la cellule interstitielle du testicule et de ses produits de secretion (cristal- loides). 8°. Nancy, 1898. Alainartine (H.) La secretion interne du testicule et la glande interstitielle (acquisitions recentes de la physiologie). Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1906, lxxix, 1635-1642.— Ancel (P.) & Bouin (P.) La glande interstitielle du testicule et la defense de l'organisme. II. Hypertrophic ou atrophie partielle de la glande interstitielle dans cer- taines conditions experimentales. Compt rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 554.----------. Dans quels ele- ments du testicule la secretion interne prend-elle sa source? Response a M.Forgeot J. dem6d.v6t.et zootech., Lyon, 1905, 5. s., ix, 153-159— Barnabb (V.) Suirap- porti tra la glandola interstiziale del testicolo e le glan- dole a secrezione interna, Policlin., Roma, 1908, xv, sez. chir., 134-144.—Bouin (P.) & Ancel (P.) La glande interstitielle a seule, dans le testicule, une action gene- rale sur l'organisme; demonstration experimentale. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, cxxxviii, 110-112. ----------. L'infantilisme et la glande interstitielle du testicule. Ibid., 231.-----------. La glande inter- stitielle du testicule et la defense de l'organisme: 1. Hy- pertrophic ou atrophie partielle de la glande interstitielle au cours de certaines maladies chez l'homme. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1905, lviii, 553.—Donald (W. M.) The internal secretion of the testes. Detroit M. J., 1910, x, 9-13.—Forgeot (E.) De l'etat de la glande in- terstitielle du testicule dans la cryptorchidie et l'herma- phrodisme. J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1905, 6. s., ix, 81-87. See, also, supra, Ancel & Bouin.—Functions (The) of the interstitial cells of the testis. Brit.M.J.,Lond., 1904, ii, 1261.—de Gaulejac (R.) La secretion interne du testicule dans l'ectopie de cet organe. Presse mut inflammatoire, ses lesions histolo- g'iques. Montpel. med., 1908, xxvii, 9-15.—de Miranda (B.) Testiculo syphilitico. Tribuna med., Rio de Jan., 1896, ii, 241-244. — Muren (G. M.) Svphilis of the testicle. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1906, xx, 364. — Neu- mann. Die syphilitischen Erkrankungen des Ho- dens und seiner Adnexa. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1896, xxxi, 85-90.—Neve (A.) Excision of gummata of the testicle; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1127. -----. On the operative treatment of gumma of the tes- ticle. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1897, xiii, 315.—Ossola (S.) Un caso di sifiiide del testicolo nel coniglio. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1909, xxiii, 399-401.-----. Sifiiide del testicolo nel coniglio. Atti d. Cong, inter- naz. d. patol. 1911, Torino, 1912, i, 182-184. —Pardoe (J.) Syphilitic testicle. Polyclin., Lond., 1905, ix, 121.— Paton (E. P.) A caseof syphilitic disease of the tes- ticle. Ibid., 1904, viii, 81.—Robinson (H.B.) Diffuse interstitial syphilitic orchitis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1895-6, xlvii, 146. — Roques (E.) & Amigues (P.) Fongus syphilitique du testicule. Toulouse med., 1910, 2. s., xii, 7-11.—Shuttleworth (C. B.) Gumma of tes- ticle. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1909, xxxiv, 618.— Stainforth. Svphilose du testicule. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1890, 4. s., xiv, 361-376.—Steiner (G.) Orchitis luetica esete. [Case.] Bor- es bujakort., Bu- dapest, 1905, 19. -----. Orchitis luetica esete. [Case.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906, 1, 865.—Taylor (R. W.) Affections of the testicles and their appendages in here- ditary syphilis. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 585-588.— Terrillon (O.) Contribution a l'etude des gommes syphilitiques du testicule ou sarcocele gommeux. Pro- gres med., Par., 1878, vi, 77-79. Also, in his: CEuvres, 8°, Par., 1898, i, 650-002.—Tourneux (J.) & Boscq (G.) Syphilis du testicule. Toulouse med., 1909, 2. s., xi, 267- 269.—Uhlenhuth & Mulzer (P.) Ueber experimen- telle Kaninchensyphilis mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Impfsyphilis des Hodens. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhts- amte, Berl., 1909, xxxiii, 183-200.-----------. Demons- tration einer experimentellen Hodensyphilis des Ka- ninchens. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, xliv, 107-109.—Vasiliu (C.) Testicul syphilitic stang (fongus); castrate; vindecare. [Syphilitic right testicle...; recovery.] Spitalul, BucurescI, 1902, xxii, 476-479.—"Venot. Syphilis du scrotum et du testicule; hernie du testicule a travers une large ouverture du scrotum. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bor- deaux (1911), 1912, 32. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1911, xxxii, 162-164.—Vignard. Testicule svphilitique. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1912,2. s., xxx, 33-35.— Williams (C.) Svphilitic testicle. Clin. J., Lond., 1902-3, xxi, 56-61.—Zanotti (M.) Su di un caso di fungo sifllitico nel testicolo. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1909, xii, 73. Testicle (Thrombosis of). Lehmann. * Ein Fall von hainorrhagischem Infarkt und Nekrose des Hodens. 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Engliseh (D. J.) Ueber den hamorrhagischen In- farct des Hodens una Nebenhodens. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1893, vi, 603; 625. Also [Abstr.]: Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl., Wien, 1893, xxviii, 353. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. BL, 1893, xvi, 303.—Mayer (0. J.) Chronic inflam- mation of the spermatic cord, with heemorrhagic infil- TESTICLE. 774 TESTICLE. Testicle (Thrombosis of). tration and gangrene of the testis following thrombosis of the vessels. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1897, xxvi, 666-675.— Mlcliael (M. J.) Die Entstehung und Organisation des Hodeninfarkts. Frankfurt. Ztschr. f. Path., Wiesb., 1911, ix, 303-333, 3 pl. Testicle (Torsion of). See, also, Testicle (Necrosis of). Satjerbrey (E. W. L.) *Ein kasuistischer Beitrag zur Torsion des Leistenhodens. 8°. Jena, 1904. Attlee (W.) Note on a case of torsion of the testicle. Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 761.—Bryan (R. C.) Volvulus testis. Tr. M. Soc. Virg. 1905, Richmond, 1906, xxxvi, 402-410. Also: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1905-6, x, 433-437.—Cabot (A. T.) A case of strangula- tion of the testis due to torsion of the cord. Boston M. & S. J., 1903, cxlviii, 700.—Chevassu (M.) Bistournage spontan6 d'un testicule non ectopique. Arch. gen. de chir., Par., 1908, ii, 225-233. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1908, lxxxiii, 330-333.—Corner (E. M.) Torsion of the testicle. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1907, 17. s., iv, 228- 238.—Cotte. Volvulus du testicule. Lyon med., 1911, cxvi, 758.—Delbet (P.) Torsion d'un testicule ectopie. Paris chirurg., 1912, iv, 65-68.—Duchamp & Vial. Bistournage spontane d'un,testicule retenu dans le trajet inguinal. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1909, xxviii, 87.—Du- jon & ChSgut. Un cas de bistournage spontane du testicule, simulant une hernie etrangl^e. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1900, ix, 653-659.—Edington (G. H.) A tes- ticle strangulated by torsion of pedunculated mesor- chium. Glasgow M. J., 1904, lxi, 382-384. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 1782-1785.—Eitel (G. G.) A case of torsion of the testicle. Northwest. Lancet, Minneap., 1905, xxv, 418.—Fasano (M.) Pseudostrozzamento erniario da testicolo in ectopia inguinale aderente ad uu' ansa in- testinale. Clin, chir., Milano, 1907, xv, 1512-1521.— Go- iiiii (R. M.) A case of torsion of the testicle; with notes on the pathological condition in three specimens, by A. Keith. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 370.—Heaton (G.) Strangulation of an undescended testicle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 1342.—Joly (J.) A propos d'un cas de torsion du testicule. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1905, xliv, 358-361.—Lexer (E.) Ein Fall von Torsion des Hodens mit Missbildung des Nebenhodens. Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ., BerL, 1895, ix, 38-49.—Macaigne & Van verts. Torsion d'un testicule en ectopie ingui- nale; eclatement de l'epididvme. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1898, lxxiii, 267-272.—Murray (R. W.) The eti- ology of torsion of the testis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912. ii, 7-9.—Owen (E.) Acase of axial rotation of the testis. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1247-1249.—Patfet. Strangula- tion of the testicle without rotation. Ibid., 1894, i, 538.— Perry (S. II.) Axial rotation of the testicle (torsion of spermatic cord), causing strangulation. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1898, xliii, 279-289, 1 tab.—Pillet. Bistournage d'un testicule en ectopie interstitielle. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1911, xxv, 806-808.—Porinelli (F.) La torsione del testicolo. Corriere san., Milano, 1910, xxi, 386-389.—Quadllieg. Ein Fall von habitueller Torsion des linken Testis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 213s.—Rigby (H. M.) & Howard (R. J.) Torsion of the testis Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 1415-1421.—Saksaganski (M.) Volvulus testis. Trudi Kivev. Khirurg. Ob-h. (V.iOx-9), 1910, 175-184.— Scliwarz (F. A.) Ein Fall von Hodentorsion. Jahresb. d. ii. chir. Klin, zu Wien 1906, Berl. & Wien, 1907, 45^7.— Seraliui (G.) Sulla torsione del testicolo. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1911,4. s., xvii, 320-324.—Sheen (A.) A caseof axial rotation of the testis. Lancet,Lond., 1896, i, 990.—Stiles (H. J.) Hernial sac and strangulated testicle. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1901-2, n. s., xxi, 7 — Tytgat(E.) Note sur un cas de torsion double d'un testicule ectopique. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1909, lxxvi. 93.—Uffreduzzi (O.) La torsione del testicolo, con speciale riguardo alia torsione del testicolo erniario. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1909, 4. s., xv, 17- 45.—Williams (W. W.) Torsion of the testicles. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1903, xxiv, 543-545. Also: N. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 1024. Testicle (Transplantation of). Boda (F.-O.-L.) *De l'autogreffe du testi- cule apres la section totale des elements du cordon. 8°. Lille, 1901. Pelicier (A.) *De la transposition opera- toire du testicule; methode et procedes de Lon- guet. 8°. Paris, 1902. -----. The s.ime. 8°. Paris, 1902. Cevo lotto (G.) Ueber Verpflanzungen und Gefrie- rungen der Hoden. Frankf. Ztschr. f. Chir., Wiesb., 1909, iii, 331-338, 1 pl.—Foa (C.) Sul trapiantamento dei testicoli. Riv. di biol. gen., Torino, 1901, iii, 329-339. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1901, xxxv, 337- Testicle (Transplantation of). 348.—Fogos (A.) Zur Hodentransplantation bei Hiih- nen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xii, 446.—Galin (M. A.) O smleshtshenii ya'ichka pod kozhu pakhovol oblasti; tri nablyudeniya. [On the transposition of the testicle under the skin of the inguinal region; three ob- servations.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1899, v, 130-140.—Gofoell (R.) Versuche fiber Transplantation des Hodens in die Bauchhcihle. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1898, ix, 737-739.—Hammond (L. J.) & Sutton (H. A.) An abstract report of a case of transplantation of a testicle. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1912,22. s., i, 150-154, 3 pl.—Herlitzka (A.) Sul trapiantamento dei testi- coli. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1899, ix, 140-156. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1899-1900, xxxii, 274-292.—Laval (E.) La transposition operatoire du testicule. Bull, med., Par., 1902, xvi, 1086.— Lode (A.) Zur Transplantation der Hoden bei Hiihnen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, viii, 345.—Lukashevich (V. I.) Peresadka yaichnikov; nleskolko opitov nad zhivotnimi. [Transplantation of testicles; experiments on animals.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1901, xxii, 914-917.— Mauclaire* La svnorchidie artificiel le. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1905, ii, 1601-1614.—Meyns (R.) Ueber Froschhodentransplantation. Arch, f. d. ges. Phy- siol., Bonn, 1910, exxxii, 433-493, 1 pl.—Pavlovski (M. K.) K khirurgii mochepolovikh organov; opit peresadki ya'ichek v bryushnuyu polost. [Surgery of the genito- urinary organs; transplantation of the testicles into the abdominal cavity.] Terap. Obozr., Odessa, 1911, iv, 405- 409.—Zalachas. De la transplantation du testicule. Med. et hyg., Brux., 1906. iv, 241; 265. Testicle (Tuberculosis of). Causeret (P.) *Pachyvaginalite et hema- tocele de nature tuberculeuse. 8Q. Lyon, 1904. Chevki (M.) *De l'6pididyrno-orchite tu- berculeuse aigue. 4°. Lyon, 1894. Dumont (L.) *La tuberculose testiculaire est-elle locale? 8°. Paris, 1900. Gartner (H.) * Ueber eine teratoide Misch- Geschwulst des Hodens. 8°. Freiburg i. Baden, 1897. Harress (R.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Tuberculosis testis. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Sonne- berg, 1896. Javelly (E.-A.-J.-A.) * Contribution a 1'6tude de la tuberculose galopante du testicule. 8°. Bordeaux, 1904. Kalter (N.) *Zur Histogenese der Tuber- kulose des Hodens. 8°. Bonn, 1893. Kantorowicz (H.) * Ueber die Hoden- Tuberkulose bei Kindern. 8°. Berlin, 1893. Koenig (R.) * Beitrag zum Studium der Hoden tuberculose. 8°. Leipzig, 1898. Also, in: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xlvii, 502-522. Lorenz (M.) * Ueber Tuberculosis testis. 8°. Wurzburg, 1892. Matheus (E.) * Ueber Hodentuberkulose. 8°. Wurzburg, 1893. Meyer (F. K. A.) *Die intrakanalikulare Form der Hodentuberkulose; Untersuchungen mit Weigert's Elastin-Fiirbung. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1902. Neuhaus (H.) * Ueber einen Fall von Tu- berkulose des Hodens bei einem neunmonat- lichen Kinde. 8°. Zurich, 1895. Samuel (A.) *Der Hoden bei Nebenhoden- tuberkulose. 8°. Bonn, 1911. Also, in: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1911, xxv, 725; 745. Tilinski (V. M.) *Eksperimentalniya dan- niya k voprosu o bugorchatkie yaichka. [Ex- perimental data on tuberculosis of the testicle.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1910. Abell (I.) Tuberculosis of the testicle and epididy- mis. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1901, xxxii, 46-51. Also: Medicine, Detroit, 1902, viii, 819-826.—Asch (P.) Die Tuberkulose und die Tuberkulinose des Hodens. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. u. Leipz.. 1909, iii, 712-719.—A usset (E.) & Breton. Sur un cas d'orchite tuberculeuse chez un enfant de trois semaines. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. du nord, Lille, 1901, 2. s.,v, 259-263. Also: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1901, v, 597-599.—Azcarreta (V.) Tuberculosis del testiculo y del conducto deferente. Gac. med. catal., Bar- TESTICLE. 775 TESTICLE. Testicle (Tuberculosis of). eel., 1902, xxv, 5-8. Also: An. med. gaditanos, Cadiz, 1901- 2, xx, 154-157.—Barling (Gt.) Acute, double, tubercular disease of the bodies of thetesticles. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xliii, 106.—Barney (J. D.) Tubercular epididy- mitis; an analysis of 153 cases. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxv, 913-916.—Basset (J.) Production de vaginalite et orchite, chez le cobaye, par injection de virus tubercu- leux dans le peritoine. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1910, lxiv, 88.—Battistini (A.) Contributo alia casuistica della tubercolosi del testicolo. Suppl. al Poli- clin., Roma, 1895-6, ii, 793-796.—von Baumgarten. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Histologie der Hodentuberculose. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Ge- sellsch. 1900, BerL, 1901, 91-94. Also: Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1900,1, 2057-2059. Also [Abstr.]: Aerztl. Centr.-Ztg., Wien, 1900, xii, 685.—Begouin. Tuberculisation galo- pante du testicule. Gas. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxiv, 170.—Broca (A.) Tuberculose testiculaire chez l'enfant. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1902, lxxv, 313-318. -----. Tuberculose testiculaire et herniaire avec ascite. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1905, lxxvi, 94-100. -----. Tuberculose testiculaire de l'enfant. Rev. prat, d'obst. etde paediat., Par., 1909, xxii, 33-41 —Brusca In pi (M.) Osservazioni cliniche e terapeutichenella tubercolosi del testicolo. Cesalpino, Arezzo, 1905, i, 105; 191.—Calot. Les tuberculoses du testicule et de l'epididyme. Cong. internat. de la tuberc. 1905, Par., 1906, ii, 87.—Castan (A.) Testicule tuberculeux. Toulouse med., 1903, 2. s., v, 226.—Chainbellan. Sur une forme tres lente de tuberculose testiculaire. France med., Par., 1897, xliv, 113-116.—Cholmeley (W. F.) A case of tuberculous testicle in a child aged six months. Lancet, Lond., 1909, ii, 1212.—Comby (J.) Tuberculose du testicule dans la premiere enfance. Med. inf., Par., 1895, ii. 678-681.— Coplin (W. M. L.) Diffuse tuberculosis of the testicle. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1897-8, n. s., i, 207-273.—Cyarza- bal (E.) Sobre la epididvmitis tuberculosa. Siglo med., Madrid, 1912, lix, 147-151. — Delate (J.) Tu- berculose du testicule gauche et hematocele. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1904, i, 397-899.—Belli Santi (M.) Sull' epididimite tubercolare primaria. Riforma med., Roma, 1903, xixp925-928.—Discussion sur la tu- berculose testiculaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1899, n. s., xxv, 438,458; 477; 507; 526; 566: 590.—Dock (G.) Tuberculosis of the testis. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1887-9), 1891, xiv, 207.—Freda (A.) Contributo all' ana- tomia patologica della tuberculosi del testicolo. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1907, n. s., xxix, 989- 992.—Gerono (A.) Le cellule interstiziali del testicolo dei tubercolosi. Liguri med., Genova, 1912, v, 69-71.— Hamonic (P.) De la tuberculose du testicule et de l'epididyme. Rev. clin. d'androl. etde gynec, Par., 1900, vi, 321; 353: 1901, vii, 7; 33; 65; 98; 129; 161.—Hasen- camp (O.) Tuberculosis of testicles. Fort Wayne M. J.-Mag., 1898, xviii, 107-109.— Hochsinger. [Hoden- tuberkulose im friihen Kindesalter.] Mitt. d. Gesell- sch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1907, vi, 77-79. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1907, lvii, 693.—Horand (R.) Tuberculose inflammatoire dela vaginale testicu- laire; hydrocele vaginale d'origine tuberculeuse. Lyon med., 1908, ex, 985-991.— Howard (R. J.) Tuberculosis of the testis in children. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1907, iv, 181-189. Also: Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1906-7, vii, 125-137.-----. Note on a case of tuberculosis of the testis illustrating an unusual abnormality of the vas deferens. Lancet, Lond., 1908, i, 230.—Hutinel. La tuberculose testiculaire chez l'enfant. Med. mod., Par., 1908, xix, 130— Jacobson (W. H. A.) Some prac- tical points in the pathology and treatment of tubercu- losis of the testicle. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1903, xvii, 417; 485. -----. Tuberculosis of the testicle. Polyclin., Lond., 1903, vii, 158.—Jonas (A. F.) Orchitis, epididy- mitis; tubercular. Omaha Clinic, 1893-4, vi, 428-434.— Tones (G. W.) Tuberculosis of the epididymis and tes- ticle. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1904, xxxii, 270-273.—Jor- dan (M.) Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Hoden- tuberkulose. Beitr. z. Klin. d. Tuberk., Wiirzb., 1901, i, 207-228.—Kafuji fO.) [Examination of the sudden de- velopment of tuberculous orchitis.] Fukuiken Igaku Kwai Zasshi, 1895, no. 19, 13-15.—Keyes (E. L.), jr. Tuberculosis of the testicle; observations upon 100 pa- tients. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1907, xiv, 918-937, 3 pl. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1907, iii, 131-149. [Dis- cussion], 163-172.—Kitayama (K.) [Tubercular or- chitis] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1903,1143; 1193; 1215.—Krae- mer (C.) Experimentelle Beitrage zum Studium der Hodentuberkulose. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesell- sch. 1900, Berl., 1901,94-98. Also: Wien.med. Wchnschr., 1900,1, 2121-2123. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1900, Leipz., 1901, lxxii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 13.—Lapowski. Tuberculosis of testicle and tuberculide of the body. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1908, xxvi, 325.—Lassar (O.) [Doppelseitige tuber- kulose Hodenentziindung.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, Ver.-Beil., 397.— Iiaurie (A. S.) Tuberculosis of the testicle in a bull. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1898, xlvii, 24.—I.e Clerc (R.) Tuberculose testiculaire; quelques reflexions anatomo- Testicle (Tuberculosis of). cliniques. Clinique, Par., 1909, iv, 738-74L—Lewis (R CM.) Tuberculosis of thetesticles. N. Albanv M. Herald, 1909, xxvii, 115-117.—Lotsch (F.) Die H'erkunft der intrakanalikularen Riesenzellenbeider Hoden-Tuberku- lose. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.1, Berl., 1912 ccvii, 194-200.—Lucas (C.) Tubercular disease of the testis. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1895, n. s., ix, 81-83.— Maugham (J. E.) Acase of tubercular testis. Nash- ville J. M. & S., 1895, lxxvii, 14— Murcozzi (V.) Ac- tions des poisons de la tuberculose sur le parenchyme du testicule. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1907, ii, 974-1004.—Mauelalre (P.) L'hematocele tuberculeuse latente de la tunique vaginale. Tribune med., Par., 1903, 2. s., xxxv, 310.—Mercler. Tuberculose du testicule a evolution anormale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 53. ------. Tuberculose du testicule et du cordon. Ibid., 341.—Michon. Testicule tuberculeux chez un enfant. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lvon (1889), 1890, xxix, pt. 2,139—Moizard & Bacaloglu. Tubercu- lose testiculaire, epididymaire, des vesicules seminales et de la prostate chez un enfant de 15 mois. Bull. et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1900, lxxv, 615-617.— Montaz. D'un mode de debut frequent et non decrit de l'orchi-epididymite tuberculeuse aigue. Assoc, franc. pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., Par., 1887, xvi, pt. 2, 863-867.— Mori (R.) [Tuberculosis of the testicles.] Chiba Iga- kukwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1902, no. 54, 1-20.—Notta. Le testicule tuberculeux devant les conseils de revision. Union, med., Par., 1893, 3. s., lv, 559.—Noulis. Tuber- culose testiculaire. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1902-3, 94-96.—Orchio-epididimiti e deferentiti tubercolari. Ist. di clin. chir. d. r. Univ. di Pisa. Rendic. d. operaz., 1898-1901, 122-125.—Perrando (G. G.) Sulla capacita generativa nella tubercolosi nel testicolo. Gior. di med. leg., Pavia, 1904, x, 1-32.—Phocas. De la tuberculose du testicule et des affections du testicule sur l'enfant. Nord med., Lille, 1898, iv, 40-44.—Poissonnier (G.) Le testicule tuberculeux infantile. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1907, lxxx, 375-381.—Poncet. Orchi-epididymite tu- berculeuse avec granulie du testicule. Lyon med., 1902, xcviii, 675.—Price (J. W.) Tuberculous testicle; ex- hibition of specimen and reportof case. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1911-12, x, 365-367.—Bazzaborii (G.) Su di un caso di tubercolosi del testicolo con in versione an- teriore totale (inversione a fionda). Clin, mod., Firenze, 1907, xiii, 149-164.—Roberts (W. O.) Tubercular testis. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1898, xxv, 97-99.—Ro- cher (L.) Tuberculose epididymaire chez l'enfant. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 61; 84.—Rochs & Coste. Ueber traumatische Gelenk- und Hodentuberku- lose. Veroffentl. a. d. Geb. d. Mil.-San.- Wes., Berl., 1906, 35. Hft., 1-28.—St.-Jacques (E.) Tuberculose testicu- laire. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1899, xxviii, 449- 455.—Scalone (I.) Forma strana di tubercolosi primi- tiva calcifica della vaginale ad evoluzione tardiva non comune. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1911, xiv, 365- 372.—Smith (F.J.) Tubercular testis. Abstr.Tr. Hunterian Soc. 1900-1901, Lond., 1902, 111-113.—Smith (R.) Tuber- cular disease of the testis, presenting unusual conditions. Polyclin., Lond., 1901, v, 141—Stiles (H. J.) Tuber- culosis of the tunica vaginalis testis, with a clinical and pathological report of two cases. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1894, ii, 527-546, 2 pl.—TSdenat (E.) Tuberculose du testi- cule. N. Montpel. med., 1898, viii, 705; 709: ix, 33; 65. Also, in his: Lee. de clin. chir. [etc.], 8°, Montpel. & Par., 1900, 411-453. —Thorndike (P.) & Bailey (W. T.) Tuberculosis of the testicle. Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvii, 12. [Discussion], 20.—Tuflier. De la virulence du liquide de l'hydrocele symptomatique do la tubercu- lose testiculaire. Cong. p. l'etude de la tuberculose 1891, Par., 1892, ii, 683-688.—Vsi lias. Tuberculose aigue du testicule; fongus superflciel. Province med., Lyon, 1897, xi, 97-99.—Vance (Ap M.) Tuberculosis of testicle. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1906-7, xiii, 103-105.— Vandeweghe (C.) De la tuberculose du testicule et de l'epididyme. Flandre med., Gand, 1895, ii, 587-591.— Venot. Tuberculose testiculaire chez un enfant. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxxvi, 345.—Verhoogen (J.) La tuberculose testiculaire. Policlin., Brux., 1899, viii, 249-253.—Vijinard (P.) & Thevenot (L.) Trois cas de tuberculose testiculaire chez l'enfant. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1911, xv, 561-566. Also: Rev. prat. d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1911, xxiv, 290-305.—Vria- niont. Tuberculose testiculaire primitive (?) de l'ap- pareil gengrateur chez un vieillard. Ann. Soc. med.- chir. de Liege, 1896, xxxv, 66.—Walker (K. M.) & Hawes (C. S.) Tuberculous disease of the testis and epididymis, with special reference to the acute form, as illustrated by two cases. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1911, Lond., 1912, xlvii, 135-147— Wharton (H. R.) Tuber- culous testicle. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1887-9), 1891, xiv, 209.—Wick (L.) Ueber einen Fall von Hodentubercu- lose mit Auftreten subcutaner Granulationsgesernvulste. Wien.med. Wchnschr., 1895,xiv,916; 977.—Wilkinson (H.) Tuberculosis of the testicle. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxii, 181-183.—Yampoller (S.) Tuberculosis tes- tis. Objazat. pat.-anat. izlied. stud. med. imp. Charkov. Univ., 1892, 477-181. TESTICLE. 776 TESTICLE. Testicle (Tuberculosis of, Treatmentof). Anger (L.-B.) * Contribution a l'etude du traitement de la tuberculose orehi-epididymaire. 8°. Paris, 1908. Arnal (L.-V.-F.-M.) *De la tuberculose testiculaire et de ses divers traitements chez l'adulte et chez l'enfant. 8°. Lille, 1900. Chevrolle (A.) * Traitement de la tuber- culose testiculaire. 4°. Paris, 1896. Degrenne(A.) * Traitement de la tubercu- lose du testicule. 8°. Paris, 1897. Drammer(0. O. H. J.) * Ueber radikale und konservative Therapie der Hodentuberkulose. 8°. Bonn, 1902. Euvrard (E.) * Traitement de l'orchi-epi- didymite tuberculeuse par la destruction ignee. 4°. Paris, 1894. Fays (L.-E.) * Traitement du testicule tu- berculeux. 4°. Paris, 1896. Mac-Guffie (F.) * Tuberculose testiculaire et son traitement. 8°. Paris, 1897. Malinsky (M.) *Contribution a l'etude de la pathogenie et du traitement de la tuberculose testiculaire. 8°. Paris, 1900. Nesse (E. W. C.) * Ueber die Behandlung der Orchitis- und Epididymitis tuberculosa. [Halle.] 8°. Halle a. S., 1901. Pedebidou (J.) * Indications g6ne>ales du traitement de la tuberculose du testicule. Ex- pose et choix des procedes. 8°. Paris, 1899. Ropers (P.-M.-E.) *De la valeur compared des traitements de la tuberculose testiculaire. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900. Abell (I.) Treatmentof tuberculosis of testicle and epididvmis. Am. J. Dermat., St. Louis, 1902, vi, 145-150. Also: Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1902, xxxiii, 241- 248. [Discussion], 256-261.—Arnal. Traitement de la tuberculose testiculaire chez l'adulte et chez l'enfant. Nord med., Lille, 1900, vi, 28; 38.—Batut (L.) Traite- ment de la tuberculose du testicule. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1906, xxiv, 1201-1228.—Ber ard. Un cas de tuberculose testiculaire double traitee par rhvperhemie passive (methode de Bier). Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 106-108.—Bisse 11 (J. B.) The treatment of tuberculous testicle. Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxv, 111-115.— Bohdanowiez. Wstrzykiwania modyfl- kacyjne w leczeniu gruzlicy jadra i przyiadrza. [Modi- fying injections in the treatment of tuberculosis of the testicle and epididymis.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1902, xxx, 514; 539. Also, transl: Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito- urin., Par., 1902, xx, 711-716.—Bonnel'oy (E.) Obser- vation d'un cas double de testicule tuberculeux traite et gueri par les efnuves de haute frequence. Arch, d'elec- tric. med., Bordeaux, 1906, xiv, 339-341.—Boy land (H.) Case of tuberculous orchitis successfully treated by the galvanic current; permanent cure. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896, xlix, 693-695.—Capurro (M. A.) La tubercolosi del testicolo con speciale riguardo al suo trattamento. Pammatone, Genova, 1906, x, no. 3, 3-62.—Chupin (A.) Trois cas de tuberculose du testicule traites par l'abra- sion. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1896, xxvii, 321-325.—De Francesco (D.) Contributo alia casistica ed alia cura della tubercolosi orchio-epididimaria. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1903, xxxix, 83; 122; 172; 251; 358; 398.—De Garmo (W. B.) Tuberculous testicle and the X-ray. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxvii, 576.—Falcone (R.) Contributo alia chiruTgia conservatrice nella tu- bercolosi testicolare. Med. ital., Napoli, 1903, i, 474; 492.— Fevrier. Traitement de la tuberculose testiculaire. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r., 1899-1900, p. cxxiii. Also: Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1900, xxxii, 472.—Finoc- chlaro (G.) La cura iodica nell' orchioepididimite tu- bercolare. Ann. d. r. Ist. di clin. chir. di Roma, 1908, i, 217-231.—Galantc (P.) Un caso di orchi-epididimite tubercolare guarito con la jonizzazione di iodo. Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 1909, viii, 111-115.—Harm nii (E.) Die konservative Behandlung der Hodentuberku- lose. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. u. Leipz., 1908, ii, 681-690.— Herman (M. W.) Kilka uwag w sprawie leczenia gruzlicy mder. [Treatment of tuberculosis of the tes- ticles.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1901, 2. s., xxi, 890; 921; 971.—Hutchinson (J.) Tubercular disease of the tes- tis; secondary implication of genito-urinary system; question of treatment. Polyclin., Lond., 1902, vi, 262.— Laval (E.) Traitement de la tuberculose testiculaire. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1901, cxlii, 596-606.— Loze (H.) & Privat (J.) Traitement conservateur de la tuberculose du testicule. Rev. gen. de clin. et de Testicle (Tuberculosis of, Treatmentof).' therap., Par., 1907, xxi, 105-107.—Murphy (J. B.) Tu- berculosis of the testicle; with special consideration of its conservative treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxv, 1187; 1276; 1346; 1407; 1478. Also, Reprint. Also [Discussion]: Chicago M. Recorder, 1900, xix, 263- 269.—Nicolich (G.) Contributo alia cura della tuber- colosi del testicolo. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1901, xxxiv, 525-530.—Ozenne. Traitement de la tu- berculose primitive du testicule par les injections de chlorure de zinc. Cong. p. l'etude de la tuberculose 1893, Par., 1894, iii, 530-533.—Peple (W. L.) The diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis of the testicle. Richmond J. Pract., 1908, xxii, 235-244. Also: Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 1908-9, xiii, 437-442. Also: Charlotte (N. C.) M. J., 1909, lix, 183-186.—Pleister (C. E.) Con- servation treatment of tuberculous testicle. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1910, xxxviii, 391.—Biva (U.) La terapia conservativa e gli interventi economici nella tubercolosi del testicolo. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1908, lvi, 401- 432.—Bocher (H.-L.) La stase veineuse (methode de Bier) et la tuberculose testiculaire. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxix, 578-581.—Kotinan (Ye. A.) Rol iskusstvennikh venoznikh zastoyev pri tuber- kulyoznikh i gonorrolnikh epididimitakh. [R61e of artificial venous stasis in tubercular and gonorrhoeal epididymitis.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Khar- kov, 1907, xiii, 334-336.—Takaki (Y.) Treatment of tubercular epididymitis. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1912, xxxi, 151-155. — Zamuravkin (K. I.) Tuberkuloz ya'ichka i pridatka; klinika i. llecheniye. [Tuberculosis of the testicle and epididymis: clinic and treatment.] Imp. Vovenno-Med. Akad. Trudi hosp. khir. klin. Fyodorova, S.-Peterb., 1907-8, ii, 111-256. Testicle (Tuberculosis of, Treatment of , Operative). Audebal (A.) * De l'£pid dymectomie dans la tuberculose testiculaire. 8°. Paris, 1898. Berthelot (P.) * Resultats eioignes du trai- tement de la tuberculose testiculaire par les operations £conomiques. 8°. Paris, 1901. Chassin (D.) * Des operations ^conomiques sur le testicule tuberculeux. 8°. Lyon, 1897. Drammer (C. O. H. J.) * Ueber radikale und konservative Therapie bei Hodentuberku- lose. 8°. Bonn, 1902. Dummel (P.) * Die operative Behandlung der Hoden- und. Nebenhodentuberkulose. [ Halle- Wittinberg.] 8°. Halle a. S., 1906. Ilieff (M.) * Resultats edoign£s du traite- ment de la tuberculose testiculaire par castra- tion. 8°. Lausanne, 1906. Mongeot (H.-L.) * Operations conserva- trices et orchidotomie dans la tuberculose testi- culaire. 8°. Nancy, 1899. Petit (C.) * Resultats immediats et eioignes de l'epididymectomie pour tuberculose. 8°. Paris, 1904. Sarrutte (L.) * Contribution a l'etude du traitement chirurgical de la tuberculose du tes- ticule. 8°. Toulouse, 1900. Schmidt ( E.) * Ueber Hodentuberkulose mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der in der Guttinger chirurgischen Klinik in den letzten Jahren zur Behandlung gekommenen Fiille. 8°. Gottingen, 1896. Stein (M.) * Die operative Behandlungs- weise der Hodentuberkulose. 8°. Munchen, 1909. Thomas (H.) * Resultats eloigned du traite- ment de la tuberculose testiculaire par la cas- tration. 8°. Lyon, 1900. Aljilave (P.) Fongus superficiel tuberculeux du testicule apres cure radicale d'hvdrocele. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1909, lxxxiv, 521-527.—Andre. De l'incision exploratricc du testicule tuberculeux. Rev. prat. d. trav. de med., Par., 1899, lvi, 177-179. Also: Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r.... Mem., 1898-9, pp. lxiii-lxv. Also [Abstr.]: Bull, med., Par., 1899, xiii, 237—Azca- rreta (V.) Tuberculosis del testiculo y del conducto deferente; reseeci6n de ambos 6rganos; euraci6n. Gac med. catal., Barcel., 1902, xxv, 5-8.—Bardenheuer (B.) Die operative Behandlung der Hodentuberculose durch Resection der Nebenhoden; mit einer Einleitung von F. Bergkammer. Mitt. a. d. Kolner Biirgerhosp., TESTICLE. 777 TESTICLE. Testicle (Tuberculosis of, Treatment of Operative). Koln & Leipz., 1886, 3. Hft., 1-207, 3 pl— Barnett (C. E ) Present operative necessities for the cure of tuber- culous orchitis. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1907, xx, 6-8. Also: Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1907, n. s., lviii, 465-471.— Baudot (R.) Traitement de la tuberculose du testicule par la castration precoce et par l'ablation totale des voies genitales. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxx, 125-129.— Beck (P.) Zur Kastration bei Hodentuberkulose. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, lxxxiv, 16-28 — Berger (L.) W sprawie operacyjnego leczenia gruzlicy jader na podstawie 25-letniej obserwacyi. [Operative treatment of tuberculosis of the testicle based on obser- vations for 25 years.] Przegl. lek., Krak6\v, 1902, xii, 554-558. Also, transl: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1902, lxviii, 915-923.—Blake (J. A.) Some considerations in the treatment of tuberculosis of the testicle. Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxiv, 923.—Blanco (V. P.) Intervenei6n quiriirgica en la tubereuloMs del testiculo. Rev. espafi. de dermat. y sif., Madrid, 1908, x, 206-210. Also: Rev. de san. mil. y Med. mil. espafi., Madrid, 1908, ii, 169-174.— Bodine (J. A.) Resection of tuberculous testicles. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1903, 12. s., iv, 161-163. —Bogol- jubon°'(W.) Die Resection des Nebenhodens bei der Tuberculose. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1904, lxxiv, 261- 2;i.i — Bolton (P. R.) Removal of the testes and semi- nal vesicles for tuberculosis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxiv, 306.—Bougie1 (J.) Tuberculose epididymo-testi- culaire: forme massive; poussee inflammatoire de la vesi- cule seminale correspondante; integrity du canal defe- rent; castration. Bull, et mem. Soe. anat. de Par., 1899, lxxiv, 1045-1048.—von Brunu (VV.) Zur Tuberkulose des Hodens und Nebenhodens. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1905, lxxvii, 235-245.—von Bruns. Ueber die Endresultate der Castration bei Hodentuberculose. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., BerL, 1901, xxx, pt. 2, 57-61. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1901, lxiii, 1014-1018— Campbell (J. L.) A tubercular testicle. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1905, lvi, 101— t'hiene (G.) A child, 1| years of age, showing results of a modification of the operation usually performed for tuberculous tes- ticle with secondary involvement of the skin. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1902-3, n. s., xxii, 296.—Cohn. Resec- tion de l'epididyme et d'une portion du testicule pour le- sions tuberculeuses. Bull, etmem. Soc. de chir. de Buca- rest, 1904-5, vii, 44.—Co 1 zi (F.) Tubercolosi di ambedue i testicoli; castrazione; in via di guarigione. In his: Re- soc. d. op. eseg. ... in Clin. chir. in Firenze, 8°, 1892, 161.—Crawford (D. G.) Castration for tuberculous tes- ticle. Indian M.Gaz., Calcutta, 1903, xxxviii, 170.— Cum- ston(C. G.) Castration for tuberculosis of the testicle. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. &N. Y., 1904,cxxvii, 977-987. Also, Re- print. Atso,transL: Ass.franc.d'urol. Proc-verb. 1903, Par., 1904, vii, 464-480.-----.Thesurgical treatmentof tuberculo- sis of the epididymis and testicle. Ann. Surg., Phila., P-09, xlix,si io-813. Also: Clin. J., Lond., 1908-9, xxxiii, 299-304 — Beaver (J. B.) Excision of a tuberculous right testicle and left vasectomy for hvpertrophied prostate. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1901, 11. s., ii, 196-199.—Belaup (S. P.) Tuberculosis of the testicle; diagnosis and indications for operation. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1908, lxi, 20-22.—Bel- bet (P.) Tuberculose des testicules; castration double; guerison; petite recidive deferentielle. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1900, xviii, 955-960.—Belore (X.) De l'orchidotomie: incision exploratrice du testicule et epididymectomie dans la tuberculose du testicule. Gaz, hebd. de med., Par., 1898, n. s., iii, 553-556.—Bjalil Khan. Du choix de l'intervention dans la cure opera- toire des orchi-epididvmites tuberculeuses. Cong, inter- nat. de la tuberc 1905, Par., 1906, ii, 88-91— Buplay. Traitement chirurgical du testicule tuberculeux. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1897, xi, 769-771.— Farkas (I.) A here es mellekhere giimbs megbetege- desenek gydgykezeleserol. [Treatment of tuberculosis of the testicle and epididymis.] Urolog. szemle, Buda- pest, 1908, i, 107-114.—Finocchiaro (G.) La cura fodica nell' orchioepididimite tubercolare. Policlin., Roma, 1908, xv, sez. chir., 74-86.—Floersheim. Fon- gus tuberculeux du testicule; castration. Bull. Soc. Inat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 530-532.—Foote (C. G.) The surgical treatment of tuberculosis of the testicles. Am. J Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 7,— Frank (L.) Tuberculosis of the testicle. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1903-4, x, 345-347.—Frigaux (L.) Tuberculose granulique massive du testicule droit; co- existence d'une grosse hernie epiploique; castration; cure radicale. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1911, lxxxvi 716.—Gibson (C. L.) A case of castration in primary tubercular epididymitis in a patient aged eighty- one Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 35-38. — Giraud & Chandelux. Castration dans un cas de testicule tu- berculeux. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc. med. de Lvon (1886), 1887, xxvi, pt. 2, 81-84.-Goldinanii (E. E ) Die Tuberkulose der Scheidenhaut des Hoaens, nebst Bemerkungen iiber ihr Verhaltnis zur Peritoneal- tuberkulose. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1895, xiii, 584- 698 1 pl —Guyon. Castration dans un cas de tuber- Testicle (Tuberculosis of, Treatment of, Operative). culose testiculaire. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1902, lxxiii, 731-734.—Haas (E.) Ueber die Resultate der Castration bei Hodentuberkulose. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1901, xxx, 345-400.— Haynes (I. S.) Tuber- culosis of the testicle; epididymectomy; grafting of the vas deferens into the globus major. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1905, xii, 744-755. [Discussion], 780-784. —Horvvitz (O.) Analysis of ninety-six operations for the relief of tuberculosis of the testicle. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxviii, 1607-1614.— Hliltl (H.) Tuberculosis miatt vegzett epididymektomia esetek. [Cases of epidi- dymectomy for tuberculosis.} Urol ogia, Budapest, 1903, 9-11.— Humbert (G.) Traitement chirurgical de la tuberculose du testicule. Cong. p. l'etude de la tuber- culose 1891, Par., 1892, ii, 597.—Jones (VV. D.) The im- portance of early extirpation of the tuberculous testicle. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1900, xx, 224.—Kdnig. Zur Ausfiihrung der Castration bei Hodentuberculose. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., BerL, 1901, xxx, pt. 1, 83-92.—Kryiiskl (L.) W sprawie leczenia ope- racyjnego gruzlicy jader. [Operative treatment of tuber- culosis of the testicles.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1900, xxxix, 438-440.—liebesque. Tuberculose testiculaire; castration; guerison. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1896-7, iv, 262.—Legueu (F.) Des operatious conserva- trices dans la tuberculose testiculaire. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1899, x, 325-328.—L.ejars (F.) Chirurgie du testicule tuberculeux. Semaine med., Par., 1902, xxii, 9-14.—Lerche (W.) [A case of radical opera- tion for tuberculosis of the testis and seminal vesi- cles.] St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1906, viii, 488.— Lucas (R. C.) • Castration for tuberculous disease of the testis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxi, 14.— JVIauclaire. Traitement de la tuberculose epididymo- testiculaire par les ligatures et les sections des elements du cordon spermatique. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito- urin., Par., 1900, xviii, 356-413. Also: Presse med., Par., 1900, ii, 209. -----. Resultat eloigne du traitement de la tuberculose epididymo-testiculaire a forme massive par la ligature du cordon spermatique. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1901, iii, 159-162. Also [Abstr.]: Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. gen., 399.—iWeyer (W.) Resection of epididymis and orchidotomy for tu- berculosis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxx, 649. -----. Tubercu'losis of the testes. Ibid., 1901, xxxiv, 574.— mikhallon? (I. V.) Operativnoye llecheniye (kastra- tsiya) pri tuberkulozno-kazeoznom porazhenii ya'ichek. [Operative treatment (castration) of tubercular caseous testicles ] Trudi Syezda Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova 1891, Mosk., 1892, iv, 562-567.— Milne-Thomson (A.) Double castration for tubercular disease; persistence of virility. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1896, ix, 157-159.— rtlinln (A. V.) Otslecheniye dvukh bugorkovikh ya'ichek. [Excision of two tuberculous testicles.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1900, xxi, 1206.—Moscheowitz (A. V.) The radical treatment of tuberculosis of the testis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lviii, 412-415.—Navarro Garcia (R.) Sobre la indicaci6n operatoria en los sarcoceles tubercu- loses. Siglo med., Madrid, 1896, xliii, 130-134.—Nordin (A.) Castration pour tuberculose epididymaire; prothese testiculaire; omentopexie pour cirrhose atrophique du foie; colporraphie anterieure pour cystocele vaginale; chancres syphilitiques sous-preputiaux avec cedeme dur, elephantiasiq ue du prepuce et de la verge. Rev. clin. d'an- drol. et de gynec, Par., 1905, xi, 293-303.—P^rez Ortiz. Orquitis tuberculosa aguda; castraci6n; curaci6n. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1896, x, 472-474.—Petit (L.-H.) Sur le traitementde la tuberculose testiculaire a la So- ciete de chirurgie. Rev. de la tuberculose, Par., 1899, vii, 233-249.—Platon. L'epididymo-funiculectomie; de sa valeur dans le traitement de la tuberculose testiculaire. Presse med., Par., 1899, ii, 136-138.—Potaca (I.) & rtlotas (D.) Orchita tuberculosa stanga tratata cu suc- ces prill castrarea testicululul corespondent. Spitalul, BucurescI, 1896, xvi, 206-210.—Presno (J. A.) Sarcocele tuberculoso; castraci6n; curaci6n. Rev. demed. y ciruj. de la Habana, 1897, ii, 42— Beclus (P.) Traitement de la tuberculose du testicule; castration et epididymecto- mie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1905, xix, 449- 451_Kogers (W. B:) Tubercular testes removed. Mississippi M. Month., Meridian, 1893-4, iii, 3.—Bov- siutr (T.) Om Exstirpation af den tuberkulose Epididy- mis med Bevarelse af Testis. [The extirpation of the tuberculous epididymis with preservation of the testicle.] Forh v. nord. kirurg. foren. 1899, Stockholm, 1901, iv, 36- 39.—Secchl (J. R.) Sarcocele tuberculoso; castraci6n. Med. mil. espafi., Madrid, 1902-3, ix, 117-119.—Shaw (J B ) Tuberculous testes following an attack of meas- les; double castration; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i 1586.—Simon (O.) Resultate der Castration bei Ho- dentuberculose. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1901, xxx, pt. 1, 82.—Siuibaldi (G.) Con- tributo alio studio della ricostruzione funzionale delle vie spermatiche seontinuate; a proposito di un caso di in- nesto del deferente nel testicolo in seguito ad epididi- TESTICLE. 778 TESTICLE. Testicle (Tuberculosis of, Treatment of, Operative). mectomia per tubercolosi nell' uomo. Morgagni, Milano, 1911, liii, pt. 1, 227-239.—Skultecki (E.) La chirurgia conservatrice nella tubercolosi del testicolo. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 988-990.—Southam (F. A.) On double castration for tuberculosis of the testes. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 957.—Stewart (G. D.) Double castra- tion for tubercular testicle. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1905, xii, 778-780.—Tillaux. Traitement chirurgical de la tuber- culose du testicule. Bull, med., Par., 1896, x, 533.—Tu- berkulose des Hodens und Nebenhodens, 4 Falle. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abt. d. Spit, in Basel (1897), 1898, 121.—Turner (\V.) Double castration for tuberculous diseaseof both testicles. Med. Press& Circ, Lond., 1899, n. s., lxvii, 515.—Tylinski (W.) Experimentelle Beitrage zur Hodentuberkulose. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1911, ex, 507-514.—Venot (A.) Tuberculose a marche rapide de l'epididyme; castration; guerison. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxiv, 414— Vignard (P.) & Th€venot (L.) Trois cas de tuberculose testiculaire chez l'enfant. Prov. med., Par., 1911, xxii, 283. Testicle (Tumors of). See, also, Gonorrhoea (Complications of, Or- chitic); Hydrocele (Complirationsof). Beckerich (L.-A.) *De l'ablation des gan- glions lombo-aortiques comme complement a la castration pour n^oplasme testiculaire. 8°. Nancy, 1911. Berditschewsky (L.) * Kasuistik der Ho- dentumoren. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Bochory (S.) ^Contribution a l'etude des tumeurs du testicule. Les tumeurs testiculaires a type epith&ial. 8°. Paris, 1900. Chevassu (M.) * Tumeurs du testicule. 8°. Paris, 1906. Far wick (J.) * Ueber Tumorenbildung bei Leisten- und Bauchhoden. 8°. Bonn, 1893. Firnhaber ([J.] F.]) * Beitrag zur Patho- genese der Hodenteratome. 8°. Greifswald, 1891. Gauthier (V.) * Contribution a l'etude du lymphadenome du testicule. 8°. Paris, 1899. Grote (H. A. W. A. H.) * Ueber Geschwiilste der Tunica vaginalis propria. [Gottingen.] 8°. Emden, 1908. Joerdens (G.) *Zur Casuistik und Statistik der Hodentumoren. 8°. Wurzburg, 1908. Klemp(A.) *Ueber das Adenom des Ho- dens. 8°. Wurzburg, 1896. Mohr (H.) * Ueber das Enchondrom des Hodens. 8°. Tubingen, 1894. Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1894, xii, 333-352. Obermiller (R.) * Ueber Sandkorperchen (einschliesslich Corpora libera tunicoe vaginalis testis), nebst einem Fall von Fibroin des Hodens mit SandkOrnern. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1907. Pabeuf (A.) *Des teratomes du testicule; contribution a l'etude de ces tumeurs. 8°. Paris, 1903. Quercy (J.) *Les tumeurs a tissus multiples du testicule. 8°. Montpellier, 1908. Resnays (J.-F.) * Dissertation sur le sarco- cele et la castration. 4°. Strasbourg, 1814. Schmeel (W.) * Ueber ein Hodenteratom mit makroskopisch blasenmolenahnlichen in- travaskultiren Metastasen. 8°. Wurzburg, 1908. Also, in: Frankf. Ztschr. f. Path., Wiesb., 1908, ii, 232- 248, 2 pl. Schwarz (C.) * Ueber ein Teratoma testis. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1900. Sklarek (F.) * Ueber Hodentumoren. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Tournade (A.) * Etude sur les modifications du testicule consecutives a 1'interruption du canal doferent; role pathog6nique des kystes a sperm atozo'ides. 8°. Lyon, 1903. d'Ambrosio (A.) Del fungo benigno del testicolo. Movimento, Napoli, 1877, x, 369, 401; 465. Also, Reprint. Augier (D.) & Lepoutre (C.) Tumeur mixte du tes- Testicle (Tumors of). ticule, d'origine wolfienne; recidive abdominale. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1905, i, 536-541.—Ball (V.) Les tu- meurs de la glande interstitielle du testicule. J. de rued. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1904, 5. s., viii, 343-348.—Balloch (E. A.) Fibromata of the tunica vaginalis. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 19n3, Phila., 1904, xvi, 348-356, 2 pl. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 19U4, xxxix, 396-402, 1 pl.— Barling (S.) Emlirvoma of the testicle. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1911, lxix, 184.— Becker (P. F.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der wahren Mu^kelgcschwiilste des Hodens. Arch.f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1901, clxiii, 244-205.— Bertone (G.) Sopra un caso di tumore teratoide del testicolo. Arch, per le, sc. med., Torino, 1911, xxxv, 245- 262.—Besnoit (C.) Enorme tumeur testiculaire chez un bceuf bistourn^. Rev. vet., Toulouse, 1902, lix, 765- 772. Also: Toulouse med., 1902, 2.s.,iv, 94.—Blanc (H.) Sur un casd'embrvome du testicule. Parischirurg., 1911, iii, 940-944.—Blanc (H.) & Pe j u (G.) Tumeurs solides intrascrotales translucides a la facon d'epanchements. Prov. med., Par,, 1908, xix, 544.—Bogg (A.) Fungus of the testicle treated in the Detail Hospital at Secunderbad by Prof. Symes'method. Madras J. M. Sc, 1852-3, ii, 9- 11.—Botliezat. Un cas de lymphadenome testiculaire. Bull. Soc. d. med. et nat. de J assy, 1904, xviii, 11-15.— Bougie (J.) Tumeur du testicule apparue quelques mois apres un traumatisme et simulant cliniquement une tuberculose epididvmo-testiculaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat.de Par., 1901, lxxvi, 678-680.—Branca (A.) & Bas- setta (A.) L'adenome testiculaire existe-t-il et peut-il exister? Arch. gen. de chir., Par., 1908, ii, 472-479.— Bricka ea-e ot the testis. Hospital,Loud., 1907-8,xliii,6SL—tlalloizcl & Claret. Sarcome du testicule; generalisation epithe- lio-sarcomateuse dans le poumon chez un tuberculeux syphilitique mort de nephrite aigue. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1904, lxxix, 321-327. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1904, 2. s., xxxvi, 391.—Manley [T. M.) Primary sarcoma of the testicle, secondary iniection of the retro- peritoneal lymphatics, compression of the vena-eava ascendens, castration and laparotomy. X. York M,Re- porter, Rochester, 1895-6, ii, 101.—Massabuau. Epi- , thelioma seminal du testicule. Montpel. med., 1907, xxv, 42-47. — .TIathieu (C.) Etat histologique du tube se- mi nifere ilans un testicule sarcomateux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par.. 1S96, 10. s., iii, 921.—.Uati".non. Sarcome encephaloi'de du testicule gauche. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1891, xii, 82.—Mau- claire (P.) Ablation d'un epithelioma du tesiieulc avec toute la gaine des vaisseaux spermatiques. Tri- bune med., Par., 1905, n. s., xxxvii, 373-375. A/s<>: Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1906. xxiv, 123-131.— Mazoyer. Tumeur maligne du testicule. Toulouse med., 1903, 2. s., v, 81-83.—Michel. Sarcome du testi- cule. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 512. -----. Can- cer du testicule; exstirpation avec ablation des ganglions lombo-aortiques par le procede de Chevassu. Bull, et mem. Soe. de chir. de Par., 1910, n. s., xxxvi, 1361-1307.— Michcli (E.) Sarcoma del testicolo in un bambino di tre anni. Lucina, Bologna, 1905, x, 88.—Mizoguchi (R.) [A case of sarcoma of the groin and testicle.] Chiu- gaiIjiShimpo,Tokio,l903,311-325.—MonekeberjrfJ.G.) Leber syncytium-haltige Hodentumoren. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1907, cxc, 3S1-421.2 pl — Morestin (H.) Tumeur maligne du testicule. Bull. et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1899, lxxiv, 1018-1021.—Mor- ris (Sir II.) On malignant disease of the testicle, and the operation for removal of the ilio-lumbar lymph-glands when secondarily affected, or asa precautionary measure at the time of excision of the organ primarily diseased. Lancet, Lond., 1912, i, 635-637.—Morton \_C. A.) A case of sarcoma of the testis, in which the interior of the growth was filled with decolorised clot and brown fluid simulating hematocele. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 98L— Hosl. Leber maligne Hodengesehwiilste und ihre Me- tastases Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1898, cliv, 138- 177, 1 pl.—Xizzi (U.) Sopra un periteliomadel testicolo in un lattaute. Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze, 1911, ix, 65J-M.9,1 pl.— Orton (8. T.) Report of a case of chorion epithelioma of the testicle. J. Med. Research, Bost., I9e7-!S xvii. 219-221.—Oulie & Coiubeleran. C:ince: du testicule. Toulouse med., 1905, 2. s., vii, 20-22.— Pador(J.)&Caulle(H.) Carcinome kystiquedu testi- cule chez un chien. Rev. de med. v.t.. Par., 19uu s. s., vii, 405-472—Palazzo (G.) L'epitelioma seminii'ero. Tumori, Koma, 1911, i, 339-354, 5 pl.—Pauchet (V.j Cancer du testicule; castration; extirpation du cordon spermatique et des ganglions abdominaux et iliuques. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1910, xix, 239-212.—I'auer (\V.) Carcinoma of the testicle and twist of the sper- matic cord in a cryptorchid. Vet. Rec, lond., 1904-5, xvii.ss.—pedersen(J.) Sarcomaofthetesticie. I'.'St- Graduate, X. Y., 1900, xv, 971-982. Also, Reprint.—Petit (G.) Cancer du testicule chez le cheval etchez le chien. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902. lxxvii, 149. -----. Cryptorchidie abdominale cancereuse chez le cheval. Ibid., 1904, lxxix, 552-554.—Peitch -,s), 1910, xiv,397-412. 1 pl.— Silberstein (D.) Kin Fall von Mctastasen-Bildung in einem Thrombus der Vena cava inferior bei primiiiem Adeno-Careinoma mvxonmtodes des Hodens. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1899, clvii. 183-lsv—Sorcl (K.) Cancer du testicule chez un jeuue hoinme de vingt-deux ans. Toulouse med., 1901, 2. s., vi, 247-249.—Stalfeld (F.) Zur Diagnostik der Hodenkrebse. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1909, xxiii, 016; 664; 681.—Sternberg. Zur Kenntnis der chorionepitheliomartigen Wucheningen in malignen Hodenteratomen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch., Jena, 1904, vii, 105-109. Also: Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1904, xv, 540. -----. Ein peritheliales Sarkom (Haematangioendotheliom) des Ho- dens mit chorionepitheliomartigen Bildungen. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz., 1905, xxvi, 105-132. 2 pl.— Stinson (J. C.) A new operation for malignant disease of the testicle: the necessity of a more exten- sive operation than castration for carcinoma, sarcoma, etc., of the testicle. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1n97, lii, 623. Also: N. Albany M. Herald, 1897, xvii, 537-539.— Stokes (A. C.) Sarcoma of the testicle, with report of a case. N. York M. J. [etc ], 1912, xcv, 4:18-440.—Sutton (J. B.) A lecture on an improved method of removing the testicle and spermatic cord for malignant disease. Lancet. Lond.. 1909, ii, 1406-1409.— Sutton (J. B.) & Davies (II. M.) The radical operation for malignant disease of the testicle. Ibid., 1912, i, 606—Tapie & Oaunic. Sarcome globo-cellulaire des deux testicules. Toulouse m6d., 1906, 2. s., viii, 85 s7— Taylor (M. L.) Case of chorion-epithelioma and adeno-carcinoma of the testicle, with secondary growths. J. Path, it Bacteriol. TESTICLE. 783 TESTICLE. Testicle (Tumors of, Cancerous and ma- lii/nunt). Edinb. & Lond., 1909, xiv, 144.—Taylor (R. W.) A case of mixed malignant disease of the testicle. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1894, xii, 321-324, 1 pl.—Tlru- murti (T. S.) Cases illustrating the importance of ex- amining the scrotum in tumors of the abdomen; with notes on undescended testis and malignant tumours of the testis. Practitioner, Lond., 1912, lxxxviii, 599-011.— Toguchi (K.) [A case of sarcoma of cryptorchis.] Kyo-rin-no Shiori, Tokyo, 1903, xv, 54-57,1 pl.—Van trill. Le traitement actuel du cancer du testicule. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1910, xlii, 633-635.—Vii la r (F.) Hema- tocele et sarcome de la tunique vaginale. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1895, xvi, 201-203. -----. Epithelioma du testicule. Ibid., 212. -----. Tumeur maligne developpe sur un testicule en ectopie; castration. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1896, xxvi, 13-16. -----. Me- thode rationnelle pour pratiquer la castration dans les cas de tumeurs malignes du testicule. Ann. Soc de med. de Gand, 1902, lxxxi, 183-195. Also: J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1902, xxxii, 103; 117. -----. Cancer du testicule et kyste du cordon; castration large apres section de la paroi anterieure du canal inguinal. Mem. et bull soc. de nied. et chir. de Bordeaux (1902), 1903, 295-297.—Violet. Can- cer du testicule avec envahissement clinique des gan- glions lombaires; exerese du testicule: radiotherapie des masses ganglionnaires; guerison maintenue depuis un an. Lyon med., 1912, cxviii, 929-932.—Vlasolt'i.G. V.) Chto takove sarcome angiophistique Malassez i Monod? [What is . . .?] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1902, lviii, 304-317.— Walker (E. W.) Traumatic sarcoma of the testicle. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1894, n. s., xxxii, 173.—Walius- ley (D. L.) Malignant tumor of the testicle. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 1679.—Wescott (T. C.) Al- veolar sarcoma of testicle. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1887-9), 1891, xiv, 206.—White (C. P.) A case of carcinoma myxomatodes of the testis occurring in infancy. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1909-10, xiv, 522-524, 1 pl.— Williams (A. H.) Suppurating sarcoma of the testi- cle; castration; recovery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1894, vi, 371.—Willmoth (A. P.) Sarcoma, with report of a case [in testicle]. Am. Pract. <& News, Louisville, 1903. xxxv, 121-125.—Wolbarst (A. L.) Sarcoma of the tes- ticle. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 1180. Also, Reprint.—Wooldrige (G. H.) Carcinoma of the tes- ticle and alopecia iii a dog. Vet. Lond., 1908, n. s., xv, 462-464.—Woollenden (H. F.) On the similarity between the signs of haematocele and early malignant disease of the testicle. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1911, xxxi, 77-xl. A/so: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1911, n. s., xcii, 19s— Young (A. A.) Carcinoma of testicle. Tr. M. Ass. Central X. Y. Is97, Buffalo, 1898, 132.—Zamurav- kin (K. I.) K voprosu o khirargieheskom llechenii pri zlokaehestvennikh novoobrazovaniyakh ya'ichka. [Sur- gical treatment of malignant tumors of the testicle.] Syezd rossiysk. khirurg. 1907, Mosk., 1908, vii, 250.—Ze- rioni (C.) Corionepitelioma del testicolo. Atti d. Cong, internaz. d. patologi 1911, Torino, 1912, i, 79-90. Also: Osp. magg. Riv. scient. - prat. d. . . . di Milano, 1912, vii, 2-12. Testicle (Tumors of, Cystic). Bleser (G.) * Ueber Cystadenoma testis. 8°. Wurzburg, 1894. Dcrr (M.) * Ueber das Kystoma testis. [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Zelli. W., 1894. Fittig (O.) *Die Cysten des Hodens und ihre Entstehung. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1897. Heinen (J. G.) * Ueber Uermoide und Tera- tome des Hodens. 8°. Bonn, 1893. Lacassagne (M.) * Contribution a l'etude de la maladie kystique du testicule. 8°. Paris, 1901. Meyer (F.) * Ueber ein cystisches Em- bryom des Testikels. 8°. .Kiel, 1906. Sowade (J. [J-] ) * Ueber Kem.se Cysten des Fcrotums, Hodens und Samenstranges. [Hei- delberg.] 8°. Hamburg, 1904. Ad I or. Cvstadenom des Hodens. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, Ver.-Beil., 51. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1894), 1895, xxv, pt. 1, 164-166.—Armour (D.) Cyst arising in connection with the organ of Giraldes. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond., 1903-4, xxxvii, 211.—Baker (S. C.) Report of an interesting case of lueinatocole of the testicle of long standing. J. South Car. M. Ass., Greenville, 1906-7, ii, 659.—Baiiiss (L. B.) Painful cyst of testicle. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxii, 1081.—Harrington (F. J. F.) A dermoid cyst of the testicle associated with a new growth. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 460-462.—Berger. Sur une note de M. le Dr. Kirmisson, concernant un cas de maladie kystique du testicule chez un enfant de dix-neuf mois; extirpa- Testicle (Tumors of, Cystic). tion; guerison. [Rap.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1898 3. s., xxxix, 197-202.—Bloom (L. N.) Unilateral cas- tration for cystic disease of the testicle; multiple urinary fistuhe; impermeable stricture of the urethra. Louisville J. S. & M., 1898, v, 287-289.—Bullitt (J. B.) Cystic tu- mors of the testis and epididymis. Med. Rec N Y 1900, lvii, 943-946 —Carr (W. P.) Case of dermoid cyst of testicle. Wash. M. Ann., 1909-10, viii, 314.—Clarke (J. J.) Cyst of vas aberrans. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 301. -----. A dermoid tumour of the testis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1895-6, xlvii, 148-150. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 1295. -----. Dermoid cvst, contain- ing teeth, in the testicle of a horse. Vet. J., Lond., 1905, n. a., xi, 210.—role (A. F.) Dermoid of testis. China M. J., Shanghai, 1908, xxii, 81, 1 pl.—Couche. De la maladie kystique du testicule. J. de med. de Lyon, 1865, iii, 345; 440.— 4 iimiine. (J.) Fibro-cvstic disease of the testicle. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1909, n. s., lxxxvii, 269.—Demelin ( L.) & Cathala (V.) Hematocele congenitale du testicule. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1905, viii, 325-327.—Desgranges. Lecons sur une tumeur kystique du testicule. J. de mSd. de Lyon, 1864, ii, 81-92—Evans (W. H.) Cystic adenoma of tes- tis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1910, n. s., lxxxix, 197.— Eve (F. S.) Cystic tumours of the testicle. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1887, xxxviii, 201-221, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.— Fcliciaul (I.) Dermoide della vaginale del testicolo sinistra. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1897, xxiii, 309-314, 1 pl.— Ilauionic (P.) Kystes de l'epididyme et du testicule. Rev. clin. d'androl. et de gynec, Par., 1904, x, 161; 193. -----■. La maladie kystique du testicule. Ibid., 225-230.— Ilorivilz (O.) Chronic haematocele of the tunica va- ginalis testis associated with an encysted omental hernia resembling malignant disease of the testicle. Proc Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1900, n. s., ii, 47-50.—Hughes (E. E.) A dermoid cyst of the testicle. Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 684.— Imbert (L.) Castration pour une enorme hematocele de la tunique vaginale. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1902, Par., 1903, vi, 251-255.—Jeanne (A.) Maladie kystique du testicule gauche ayant 6volue comme tumeur maligne; recidive huit mois apres sous forme de sarcome telangiectasique k grandes cellules; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1896, lxxi, 464-466.— Kaeppelin. Cancer d'un testicule en ectopie abdomi- nale; extirpation. Lyon m6d., 1899, xcii, 362-367. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1899, n. s., iv, 1166-1168.— Kircher. Cystose Entartung eines Testikels beim Pferde. Wchnschr. f. Tierh. u. Viehzucht, Munchen, 1906, 1, 325.—IiOrrain & L.euret. Embryome du tes- ticule (kyste dermoide). Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1909, lxxxiv, 65-67.—JUcIfcenna (J. A.) Cystoma and fusion of the testicles in a child of two years. J. Med.-Chir. Coll., Phila., 1900, i, 8.—rWartel. Tumeur polykystique (maladie kvstique) du testicule. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1908, xxvii, 251. — Matta (C. M.) Quiste dermoide del testiculo. Rev. Soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1908, xvi, 236-241.—OTori (A.) Volumi- nosa cisti del testicolo sinistra. Gior. ital. d. sc. med., Pisa, 1904, ii, 52— Morris (C. C.) Dermoid cvst of tes- ticle. St. Louis M. Rey., 1901, xliv, 325.—Nicolle (C.) & Lacassagne (M.) A propos d'une observation de ma- ladie kystique du testicule. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen. 1902, 197-205, 1 pl.—Ortali (O.) Degenerazione cistica del testicolo (malattia di Malassez). Riv. med., Milano, 1910, xviii, 69-72. — Peraire & Bender tX.) Hematocele vaginale avec hematocele funiculaire chro- nique enkystee concomitante; decortication; excision de la vaginale; drainage; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, lxxix, 283.—Petit (G.) & Pierrot (M.) Kyste dermoide du testicule chez un cheval cryp- torchide'. Ibid., 581.—Pousson (A.) Kystes des tes- ticules. Gaz. hebd. d. sc med. de Bordeaux, 1912, xxxiii, 12s.—Pyc-Nuiith (R. J.) A case of testicular cyst, containing a colony of atari of a variety hitherto unde- served. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1901-2, x, 322-327.—Be- clus (1'.) & Lapoiute (A.) Hematome du testicule. Pressemed., Far., 1895. 9.—Sommer (H. 0.) Case of giant cystoma of testicle. Med. Times, N. Y., 1902, xxx, 141—Sturgis (F. R.) Cvstoid disease of the testicle; teratoma testis? Am. M. Quart., N. Y., 1900, i, 110-140. Also, Reprint.—Sutton (J. B.) An essay on dermoids of the testis and scrotum. Arch. Middlesex Hosp., Lond., 1903, i, 19-26.—Swain (S. H.) A cryptorchid horse with a cystic enchondromatous testicle. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1905-6, xxix, 1353-1355.—To I ufiy (I.) Haematoma tu- nie.e vaginalis propria- testis (Volkmann). Vrach. Za- piski, Mosk., 1896, iii, 221-229.—Trouessart (E.) Faux parasitisme d'une espece de sarcoptide detriticole (His- tiogaster spermaticus, n. sp.), dans un kyste du testicule chez l'homme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1900, n. s., ii, 742-744. -----. Deuxieme note sur l'Histiogaster spermaticus et sa presence dans un kyste du testicule chez l'homme. Ibid., 893— Vaccarl (A.) Ematoma extravaginale, incistato, del testicolo sinistra. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1910, xvi, 276-283, lpl.—Valence (A.) Du kyste hematique epididvmaire. Ga/. hebd. de med., Par., 1902, n. s., vii, 11S9-1192.—Veechi (A.) Cisti der- moide del testicolo. Clin, chir., Milano, 1912, xx, 207- TESTICLE. 784 TESTS. Testicle (Tumors of, Cystic). 227.—Verstraete (E.) Tumeur kystique du testicule; castration. Echo med., Toulouse, 1897, 2. s., xi, 284-287. Also: J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1897, i, 227-231.—Ward (B. J.) Multilocular cystic disease of the testicle. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1911, lxix, 183.—Wilms (M.) Die Dermoide und Mischgeschwiilste des Hodens (embryoide Tumoren). Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1898, xxvii, pt. 1,163-165. -----. Embryone und embryoide Tumoren des Hodens; Dermoide, Cystoide, Enchondrome, Mischgeschwiilste. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xlix, 1-25. Testicle (Undescended). See Hernia (Treatment of, Operative, Compli- cations, etc., of); Hydrocele (Complications, etc., of); Testicle (Abnormities, etc., of); Testicle (Betained, etc.). Testicle ( Wounds and injuries of). Momo (C.) Trauma e sifiiide del testicolo. Considerazioni medico-legali intorno alia legge sugli infortuni sul lavoro. 12°. Pavia, 1903. Montigny (M.) * Contribution a l'etude des contusions du testicule. 8°. Paris, 1907. Quesseveue (F.-M.) *De la contusion du testicule et de ses consequences. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1897. Tocexus des Gonets (P.) *Contribution a l'etude des plaies du testicule. 4°. Paris, 1894. Barthelemy & lliramond de L.aroquette. Les lesions traumatiques du testicule etde l'epididyme. Rev. de chir., Par., 1912, xiv, 791-809.—Bell (R.) Gunshot wounds of the testicles. Proc Med.-Chir. Soc. Montreal (1885-7), 1888, 13-17.—Boretius. Ein Fall von roher Misshandlung durch Quetschung der Hoden. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., BerL, 1907, xiii, 165 — Burton (H.) Testicular injury. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 669.—Cotton (F. J.) Explosive rupture of the testicle from trauma. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1905-6, ii, 587.— Fraser (L.) Case of ruptured tunica vaginalis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 1711.—FUrbriiiser. Kastration als Unfallfolge. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1910, xvii, 455-460.—Haag (G.) Hodenquetschung, trauma- tische Neurose, Riickenmarkserschiitterung, psychisches Trauma? Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1904, xi, 317- 323.—Hamonic (P.) Les traumatismes testiculaires. Rev. clin. d'androl. et de gynec, Par., 1904, x, 257-263.— Hoftmann (E.) Die Verletzungendes Hodens. Klin. Handb. d. Harn- u. Sexualorg., Leipz., 1894, iii, 329-336.— Ho rtelou p. Observation de plaie du testicule par une aiguille; corps stranger reste dans le testicule; extrac- tion. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1886), 1887, xxi, 93-95.— Hubbard (B. R.) Nervous disturbances following injury to the testicle. Eclect. M. J., Cincin., 1897, lvii, 67-72.—lunsrano (M.) L'eversione della vaginale del testicolo. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1906, n. s., xxviii, 1029-1037.—Jeanbrau (E.) La contusion tes- ticulaire, l'orchite par effort et la castration devant la loi sur les accidents. Progres med., Par., 1908, 3. s., xxiv, 482-485.—Leuzzi (F.) Divisione prematura dell' arteria testicolare. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1907, x, 1.— Iiezhneflf* (N. F.) K kazuistikle travm ya'ichka. [Cases of traumatism of the testicle.] Syezd rossiysk. khirurg., 1910, ix, 241.—Ils7.-Brown (VV.) Some experimental results in the correlation of mental abili- ties. Brit. J. Psychol., Cambridge, 1909-10, iii, 296-322.— Burt (('.) Experimental tests of general intelligence. Ibid., 94 177— Cameron (N.) A new method for de- termining rate of progress in a small school system. Psvchol. Clin., Phila., 1911-12, v, 251; 279.—Daraaye (H.) Le diagnostic des etats de debilites mentales par les methodes medico-psvchologiques. Atti d. Cong, inter- naz. di psicol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 587-589.—Decroly & Degand (Mile. J.) La mesure de l'intelligence chez des enfants normaux d'apres les tests de Binet et Simon. Arch, de psychol., Geneve, 1909-10, ix, 81-108. — Be Sanctis (S.) Tipi e gradi d' insufficienza mentale. Ann. di nevrol., Napoli, 1906, xxiv, 21-45. -----. Su alcuni tipi di mentalita inferiore. Atti d. Cong, inter- naz. di p-icol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 576-587.—Desceeu- dres (Vile. A.) Les tests de Binet et Simon et leur valeur scolaire. Arch, de psychol., Geneve, 1911-12, xi, 331-350.—Dupureux. L'application de la recherche des tests mentaux de Binet, chez les enfants des ecoles communales de Gand. J. de neurol., Par., 1906, xi, 5r>5- 562 —Fernald (G. C.) The defective delinquent class differentiating tests. Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1911-12, lxvni, 525-594,1 tab.—Finckli (J.) Zur Frage der Intelligenz- priifung. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1906, xxix, 945-957.-Franz (S. I.). Some con- siderations of the association word experiment. Gov. Hosp. Insane. Bull. no. 2, Wash., 1910, 73-80.—1-ranz (S. I.) & White (W. A.) The use of association tests in determining mental contents. Ibid., Bull. no. 1, Wash., 1909, 55-71 -Freeman (F. N.) Tests Psy- chol. Bull., Bait., 1912, ix, 215-222. - Garnett (W.) On the representation of certain examination results in two and in three dimensions. J. Roy. Statist. Soc, Lond., 1910, lxxiii, 1-9.—