Tarte au sucre lorraine (grandma’s sugar bread)



La tarte au sucre du dimanche. The sugar pie for Sunday afternoon visitors.
Yes, there are 2 of them in this post. Not the same days. OK, 2 days in a row. You start eating this humble simple sweet brioche, and you never stop…


The grandmas (les Mémés ) and the aunties (les Tantines) would bake it. With little variations. Poked or not. Just butter or a little cream.


Ideal with a cup of coffee. Yes, I have mismatch vessels… That makes the food taste more authentic.



5 thoughts on “Tarte au sucre lorraine (grandma’s sugar bread)

  1. Pingback: Tarte alsacienne à la fraise et à la myrtille (double berry cake) | GOURMANDE in OSAKA

  2. Pingback: Sw’hits 2013 | GOURMANDE in OSAKA

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