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Curriculum Vitae

United Arab Emirates University, Department of Tourism and Heritage, Faculty Member
Dr. Clarisse Roche Born on the 25.03.1983 Nationality: French Curriculum Vitae Assistant Professor of Early Modern History at United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) Tourism & Heritage Department, Al Ain, UAE. Associate Member - Centre Roland Mousnier/UMR 8596-Labex 2 (ENHE)/ History Department of Sorbonne University (IRCOM). Sorbonne Université, 1 rue Victor Cousin, 75230 Paris Cedex 05 Email: / Mobile: +971 5 01147209 Content: 1. Degrees earned 2. Teaching and educational experience 3. Selected fellowships and grants 4. Fields of research 5. Language skills 6. Publications and reprints 7. International Conference Co-Organization 8. Event Organization 9. Conference and professional research presentations 1. DEGREES EARNED 2004/2015: Paris - Sorbonne University (France) 2009/2015: Ph.D. in Early modern History, Centre Roland Mousnier, Institut de Recherche sur les Civilisations de l’Occident Moderne.   Dr. Phil., with mention “very honourable and highly commended”, in Early Modern History, November 2015. Dissertation title: “Uncertain Boundary. Reconfiguration of Christian identity in the Sixteenth-Century Vienna (1522-1595)”, supervised by Prof. Alain Tallon, Paris-Sorbonne University, France, and Prof. Karl Vocelka, Vienna University, Austria.   Readers: Prof. Olivier Chaline (Paris-Sorbonne University), Prof. Christophe Duhamelle (EHESS), Prof. Alexander Koller (DIH Rome), Prof. Christine Lebeau (Panthéon Sorbonne University). This dissertation was awarded the Paolo Prodi Prize of the Italo-Germanico Storico Istituto in Trent – Fondazione Bruno Kessler, in December 2017. This prize is an acknowledgment for the best PhD thesis on topics related to the history of the Churches in the modern and/or contemporary ages, the relations between States and Churches in the first modern age and the history of the Reformation and its repercussions in the modern and/or contemporary ages. 2008/2009: M.A. (Master’s degree II) in Early Modern History, Centre Roland Mousnier – Institut de Recherche sur les Civilisations de l’Occident Moderne. Distinction (Grade: 17/20). Thesis title: “The religious coexistence in Vienna (1521-1593)” supervised by Prof. Alain Tallon, June 2009. 2005/2008: Paris - Sorbonne University and Paris Institute of Political Studies Agrégation in History (necessary qualification for academics to teach in French universities) and CAPES in History and Geography (necessary qualification to teach in French secondary schools). CAPES, July 2007, and Agrégation, July 2008, Rank: 69 out of 81 places available. 2004/2005: Paris - Sorbonne University M.A. (Master’s degree I) in Early Modern History, Centre Roland Mousnier, Institut de Recherche sur les Civilisations de l’Occident Moderne.   Distinction (Grade: 18/20). (In France, the M.A. is defended after two years). Thesis title: “The controversy over the Immaculate Conception from the Council of Basel to the Council of Trent (1439-1545)” advised by Prof. Alain Tallon, July 2005. 2001/2004: Université Toulouse II /(Classe préparatoire littéraire-ENC) B.A. in History, September 2004. Classes préparatoires littéraires, Hypochartes and Chartes, Lycée Pierre de Fermat (Toulouse), (Eligible. Rank: 26 out of 32). Baccalauréat littéraire, with an emphasis on the humanities, “Mention Très Bien”, 2001. 2. TEACHING AND EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2022/present: United Arab Emirates University – Tourism and Heritage Department, Al Ain, UAE. Assistant Professor of Early Modern History for Bachelor’s Students (full-time position) Courses: “Modern World History”, “Historical Preservation”, “Fundamentals of Heritage Management” and “Introduction to Museology” (in English) 2018/2022: United Arab Emirates University – Tourism and Heritage Department, Al Ain, UAE. Instructor of Early Modern History for Bachelor’s Students (full-time position) Courses: “Contemporary Civilization and Cultures”, “World History until 1500”, “Fundamentals of Heritage Management” and “Introduction to Art History” (in English) 2015/2018: French High School teaching position - Lycée Louis Massignon in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) History and Geography Teacher (full-time position) French Curriculum in History: “World History from the 18th century to 1914” and “World History from 1914 to the present”. 2016/2017: Paris - Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) Visiting Assistant for Bachelor’s Students (L2) in the Law Department (30 hours). Course: “History of Institutions from the Middle Ages to the contemporary times” (in French). 2013/2015: Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (Germany) Visiting Assistant for Master’s Students in the History Department (20 hours). Course: “Connected History: Europe and Asia in the 16th-18th centuries” (in German and French) 2009/2014: Paris - Sorbonne University (France) Teaching Assistant (“contrat doctoral”/“ATER”) in the History Department (364 hours). Courses: “France in the 18th century” and “Baroque Europe (the late 16th and early 17th centuries)” (in French). 2008/2009: Paris Institute of Political Studies – Sciences-Po Paris (France) Tutor for applicants for “Agrégation” in History (52 hours). Methodological Tutoring on “Religious conflicts in Europe 16th-17th centuries”. 3. SELECTED FELLOWSHIPS AND GRANTS One-month research award (Fondazione Bruno Kessler - FBK) at the Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico in Trent as a part of the Paolo Prodi Prize, Italy, July 2018. Postdoctoral scholarship (Herzog-Ernst-Grant) at the Gotha Research Centre of the University of Erfurt, Germany, July 2017. Dissertation fellowship at the Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG), Division of Western Religious History, Mainz, Germany, January-June 2015. Travel grants from the Institut Français d’Histoire en Allemagne (IFHA), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, for foreign research study periods in Vienna, Austria and Munich, Germany, 1st August-30 September 2011; 10 May-10 July 2012; 10 June-10 August 2013 and 21 July-20 August 2014. Dissertation scholarships “ATER”, Paris-Sorbonne University, France, September 2012-August 2013 and September 2013- August 2014. Research Mobility Grants from the Ecole Française de Rome (EFR), Rome, Italy, for a foreign research study period in Rome, 1st April-30 April 2012 and 1st May-30 May 2013. Research Mobility Grants from the Ecole doctorale II de Paris-Sorbonne (ED II), France, “Aires culturelles” for a foreign research study period in Vienna, Austria, 1st May-30 June 2011. Research Mobility Grants from the Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Etudes et de Recherches sur l’Allemagne (CIERA), Paris, France, for a foreign research study period in Vienna, Austria, 1st March-30 April 2010 and 1st March-30 April 2011. Dissertation scholarship “Allocation de recherches”, Paris-Sorbonne University, Paris, France, September 2009-August 2012. Excellence Master scholarship of the Paris-Sorbonne University, France, to prepare for the “Agrégation”, September 2007-June 2008. 4. Fields of research Cross-Cultural scientific exchanges between Europe and the Middle East. History of scholarship in the Holy Roman Empire from the early 16th century to the late Enlightenment. History of German humanism and oriental studies. History of Cultural Representations: Representation of the “Turk” in German literature of the 16th century. History of Religion in the Holy Roman Empire: Catholic responses to the Reformation. Cultural History of Reformation and Catholicism in the age of confessionalization: History of religious coexistence and conflict in Vienna and the formation of confessional identities in the 16th century. Urban history: History of parishes and religious houses in 16th century Vienna. 5. LANGUAGE SKILLS Ancient: Latin: excellent command Modern: French: native language German: fluent English: fluent Arabic: beginner 6. Publications and reprints Monographs Uncertain Boundary. On the search of Christian identity in the 16th Century Vienna (1522-1595) [Doctorate, expected in 2023, under contract with Garnier Classique Printing House, in French]. Edition of Texts Colloredo, Hieronymus, Ein Fürstenleben zwischen Alltag und Aufruhr. Die französische Korrespondenz (1772-1801) des letzten Salzburger Fürsterzbischofs Hieronymus Colloredo mit seinem Bruder Gundaker. Eine historisch-kritische Edition. Elisabeth Lobenwein (dir.), Clarisse S. Roche, Anna Huemer, Anne-Sophie Banakas, Böhlau Verlag: Vienna, 2021, 1198 p. ISBN: 978-3-205-21462-5. Peer-Reviewed Essays Article for Sports, Ethics and Philosophy “Appropriating and Re-Appropriating the Arabian Horse for Equestrian Sport: The Complexities of Cultural Transfer”, in Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, Special Issue edited by Rita Elizabeth Risser, on “The Rise of Modern Sport on the Arabian Peninsula”, 14 (3/2020), pp. 320-338. DOI: Article for Revista de Historiografía “Le prédicateur Georg Scherer ou la perception de l’Histoire Sainte dans l’ici et maintenant viennois (1585)”, in Revista de Historiografía, 21, année XI (2/2014), pp. 17-23. Article for Revue du XVIe siècle “Wolfgang Schmeltzl à la recherche de la Vienne céleste (1548)”, in Revue du XVIe siècle, 9/2013, pp. 107-120. DOI: Article for Revue Mabillon “Les derniers feux d'une controverse médiévale à la Renaissance: l'engagement des humanistes d’Europe septentrionale en faveur de l'Immaculée Conception (1486-1518)”, in Revue Mabillon 23 (T. 84)/2012, pp. 195-221. DOI: Articles / Conference papers Biographies of Jesuits: “Drexel, Jeremias (1581-1638)”, “Gumppenberg, Wilhelm (1609-1675)”, “Lüdinghausen-Wolff, Friedrich von (1645-1708)” and “Tönnemann, Vitus Georg (1659-1740)”, in Pierre-Antoine Fabre and Benoist Pierre (eds.), Les Jésuites. Histoire et dictionnaire, Bouquins Éditions, 2022, 1376 p. (ISBN: 978-2-38292-305-4). “Of Arabian Bedouins and Horses. Ulrich Jasper Seetzen’s contribution to European journals (1809-1811)”, in Natalia Bachour, Julia A. Schmidt-Funke, Iris Schröder (eds.), Ulrich Jasper Seetzen Travelling the Near East: New Histories of Exploration, (Worlds of Islam, ISSN 1661-6278), Berlin: de Gruyter, expected in 2022. “Langues orientales et réseaux orientalistes à Vienne au XVIe siècle. Les Habsbourg et l’unité chrétienne au temps des divisions confessionnelles (1533-1587)” in Ludolf Pelizaeus (ed.), Les villes des Habsbourg du XVe au XIXe siècle : communication, art et pouvoir dans les réseaux urbains, Reims: EPURE, ISBN : 978-2-37496-100-2, Studia habsburgica 2 (ISSN : 2649-9525), 2021, pp. 63-86. “Aux sources théologiques de la modération religieuse de Maximilien II ou l’influence d’Erasme, Georg Cassander et Georg Witzel à Vienne (1564–1573)” in Olivier Andurand and Albane Pialoux (ed.), Les forces de la modération. Ligne politique ou accommodements raisonnés dans les crises politico-religieuses européennes (XVIe -XIXe siècles) ? Bruxelles, Berlin, Bern, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang, Collection: Pour une nouvelle histoire de l’Europe (ISBN: 978-2-8076-1475-8), 2020, pp. 43-57. DOI: “Le Verbe divin à l’épreuve de la coexistence : La prédication à Vienne à l’époque de Maximilien II (1564-1576)”, in Julien Léonard and alii (ed.), Clergés en contacts à l’ère des divisions confessionnelles (XVIe-XVIIe siècle), Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2016, pp. 143-153. “Usages et mises en scène de l’amitié entre Paulus Florenius et Christian Francken dans les polémiques religieuses à Vienne (1578-1590)” for the academic database, in Amitié. Un lien politique et social en Allemagne et en France, XIIe-XIXe siècles, Discussion 8, June 2013. http: // “De Goliath au Fils prodigue : l’Ottoman et l’hérétique au crible d’une exégèse théâtrale catholique à Vienne au XVIe siècle”, in Catherine Dumas and Karl Zieger (ed.), L’Autre au miroir de la scène, Peter Lang, Bruxelles, 2012, pp. 127-136. History Textbooks Aude Chamouard and David Colon (ed.), Laurent Avezou, Solange Rameix, Clarisse Roche et al. (aut.), Histoire Seconde Nouveau Programme. Manuel de l’Élève, Belin, Paris, 2019, 479 p. Book reviews Jocelyne Dakhlia and Bernard Vincent (ed.) Les musulmans dans l'histoire de l'Europe, vol. I, Une intégration invisible 2011 and Jocelyne Dakhlia and Wolfgang Kaiser (ed.) Les musulmans dans l'histoire de l'Europe, vol. II, Passages et contacts en Méditerranée 2013, in Annales, Histoire et sciences sociales, 71e année, no. 4, octobre-décembre 2016, pp. 983-985. 7. International Conference Co-Organization “The Middle East and Europe: cross-cultural, diplomatic and exchanges in the Early Modern period (1500-1820)”, Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi, organized by Clarisse Roche and Yann Rodier, 5-6 March 2017. 8. Event Organization “Second Forum on United Arab Emirates-France Relations”, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, virtual event organized by Clarisse Roche on behalf of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 15 February 2021. This event was under the patronage of H. E. Zaki Anwar Nusseibeh, Chancellor of UAE University. “First Forum on United Arab Emirates-France Relations”, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, organized by Clarisse Roche on behalf of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 17 February 2020. 9. Conference and professional research presentations Invited talks “Vaincre la discorde, paix de religion et coexistence religieuse dans l’Europe du XVIe siècle”, Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi (PSUAD), Abu Dhabi, Prof. Denis Crouzet and Clarisse Roche’s public lecture, 26th October 2016. “La frontière incertaine : Recompositions de l’identité chrétienne à Vienne face à l’Ottoman (1522-1595)”, École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Prof. Marie-Elizabeth Ducreux, Christine Lebeau and Antoine Marès’ seminar: « Histoire comparée de l'Europe centrale de 1700 à nos jours. États, populations, identités et territoires ”, 14th May 2014. “Quitter la cité pour écouter le pur Évangile : l’Auslauf hebdomadaire vers les faubourgs de Vienne (1578-1590)”, École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Prof. Falk Bretschneider and Christophe Duhamelle’s seminar: “Droit, espaces, appartenances: étaticités fractales à l'époque moderne”, 20th March 2014. “Admirer le Peuple élu pour mieux honnir ses fils déicides ? Images et rôles des Juifs dans les écrits catholiques de la Vienne du XVIe siècle”, University of Paris-Sorbonne, Prof. Alain Tallon’s seminar, 28th November 2012. “Mais qu'aurait dit saint Léopold ? Tentatives de renouveau de la piété catholique en Basse-Autriche par l'exaltation de son saint patron dans la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle”, University of Paris-Sorbonne, Prof. Alain Tallon’s seminar, 25th November 2011. “De Vienne à Jérusalem, l'écriture catholique du conflit avec les Turcs de 1532 à 1593”, University of Paris-Sorbonne, Prof. Alain Tallon’s seminar, 22th November 2010. Articles presented at Academic Conferences “Reflexions et pratiques humanistes de la tolérance chrétienne au XVIe siècle”, Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi, at the International Conference: “Éthique et tolérance : perspectives phénoménologiques sur l’autre”, organized by Claude Vishnu Spaak, 20-21 November 2021. “Shedding Light on the Arabias. Seetzen’s Contribution to European Journals”, Gotha Research Center, University of Erfurt, Germany, At the International Conference: “Ulrich Jasper Seetzens Reise nach Vorderasien. Neue Ansätze der Reiseforschung”, organised by Natalia Bachour, Julia A. Schmidt-Funke, Iris Schröder, 13-15 June 2019. “Quel héritage pour la Réforme en Autriche ? Constructions historiographiques autour de la figure de l’empereur Maximilien II”, Université Paris-Sorbonne, l’Institut Historique Allemand, Paris, France, at the Conference: “La Réforme (1517-2017) : Quel héritage pour l’Europe ?”, organised by Marie-Thérèse Mourey, Frédérique Harry, Chrystal Vanel, Thomas Maissen, Rainer Babel and Thomas Mohnike, 30 November-2 December 2017. “A German explorer of Arabia as knowledge broker in a transnational context: Ulrich Jaspar Seetzen’s contribution to oriental scholarship in the early 19th century”, Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, UAE at the Conference: “Middle East and Europe: cross-cultural, diplomatic and commercial exchanges in the Early modern time (1500-1820)” organized by Clarisse Roche and Yann Rodier, 5-6 March 2017. “Aux sources théologiques de la modération religieuse de Maximilien II ou l’influence d’Erasme, Georg Cassander et Georg Witzel à Vienne (1564-1573)”, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, France, at the Conference, “Modération politique, accommodement religieux : un tiers-parti catholique en Europe (XVIe-XXe siècles)”, organized by Olivier Andurand, Albane Pialoux, Lucien Bely, Monique Cottret, Sylvio De Franceschi and Bernard Hours, 28-29 September 2016. “Du compromis religieux à la distinction confessionnelle: la redéfinition de l'identité chrétienne à Vienne (1523-1594)”, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociale, Paris, France at the Conference, “L’historiographie du Saint-Empire à l’époque moderne: approches croisées franco-allemandes”, organized by Guillaume Garner, Christophe Duhamelle and Falk Bretschneider, 16-18 octobre 2014. “Le Verbe divin à l’épreuve de la coexistence : La prédication à Vienne à l’époque de Maximilien II (1564-1576)”, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France, at the Conference: “Clergés en contacts à l’ère des divisions confessionnelles (XVIe-XVIIe siècle)”, organized by Laurent Jalabert, Frédéric Meyer, Stefano Simiz, Yves Krumenacker, Joseph Bergin and Anne Bonzon, 16-18 October 2014. “La frontière incertaine : Recompositions de l’identité chrétienne à Vienne face à l’Ottoman (1522-1595)”, University of Münster, Germany, at the Franco-German Workshop on early modern Holy Roman Empire, organized by Falk Bretschneider, Christophe Duhamelle, Guillaume Garner, Matthias Schnettger, and Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger, 20-22 June 2013. “Le prédicateur Georg Scherer ou la perception de l’Histoire Sainte dans l’ici et maintenant viennois (1585)”, Erfurt University, Germany, at the Conference: “Les enjeux religieux du discours historique à l’époque moderne”, organized by Gérard Laudin and Suzanne Rau, 22-24 March 2012. “Les amis terribles du collège jésuite de Vienne : Usages et mises en scène de l’amitié et de sa rupture entre Paulus Florenius et Christian Francken dans les polémiques religieuses (1578-1590)”, Summer University of German Historical Institute, at the Conference: “L’amitié. Lien social et politique en France et en Allemagne XIIe-XIXe siècles”, organized by Bertrand Haan and Christian Kühner, Paris, 3-6 July 2011. “L’argument historique comme ferment de la polémique anti-jésuite à Vienne dans le Breve Colloquium de 1579”, University of Erfurt, at the Workshop: “Les enjeux religieux du discours historique à l’époque moderne”, organized by Gérard Laudin and Suzanne Rau, 3-4 December 2010. “De Goliath au Fils prodigue : l’Ottoman et l’hérétique au crible d’une exégèse théâtrale catholique à Vienne au XVIe siècle”, Universities of Lille III and Valenciennes, at the International Conference: “L’Autre au miroir de la scène”, organized by Catherine Dumas and Karl Ziegler, 18-20 November 2010. “De Vienne à Jérusalem : la conflictualité avec l’Ottoman à Vienne au XVIe siècle sous la plume catholique”, Franco-German Workshop on “Conflits et conflictualité”, in the Moulin d’Andé, organized by Michaël Werner, 7-11 September 2010. 5