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Ajuga Reptans Multicolor


Plant Information

  • Size: 2 Litre
  • Positioning: Full, partial shade
  • Soil moisture: Moist, well drained
  • Flowering Period: April to June
  • Hardiness: Hardy
  • Ultimate Height: 0.5m
  • Ultimate Spread: 1m

Ajuga Reptans Multicolor, commonly known as Bugle Multicolor is a handsome evergreen, mat forming perennial, often grown for its attractive foliage of green and brown, spoon shaped leaves, margined with cream and often pink! In the months of April to June the Ajuga Reptans Multicolor bears beautiful erect spikes of deep blue flower heads which add extra colour (hence the name Multicolor) in shaded areas of the garden.

Being a ground cover, low growing perennial, the Ajuga is a perfect plant for garden slopes or banks, under rose walls and perfect for the front of plant beds and borders to add colour at the lower, front of the scheme a firm favourite with many garden designers.

Ajuga Reptans Multicolor Care

The Ajuga Reptans Multicolor is an easy to grow perennial plant requiring no pruning and generally disease and pest free meaning it’s a great addition for a low maintenance garden. We recommend propagating by dividing the plant and separating the rooting stems. Plant in a shaded location with moist soil where the Ajuga will thrive and to prevent the foliage from scorching. Perfect for both new and experienced gardeners.