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Iron Iron Carbide Equilibrium Phase Diagram Join our telegram channel

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Prof.dr Branka Jordovic

Scientific Counselor ,IMW institut,MIND Park,Lužnice,Kragujevac

1 ans

I already detailed comments this showed picture of diagram! Beside, some lacks diagram was good but, this is not equilibrium than METASTABLE DIAGRAM Fe-C or Fe- Fe3C. Why not equilibrium? Because that Cementite (Fe3C) not equilibrium phases what are forming during a small higher cooling rate than of equilibrium and content 6,67%C. The equilibrium phase is graphite (100%C) .That means, due to higher cooling rate during the solidification It success to form phase with smaller %C i.e Fe3C. Fe3C are phase in steel and White cast iron. Graphite is occurring in Grey cast iron. I think that shouldn't to be this dilemma neither anybodies engineers what are working in field steels and iron! Also, I think that Metallurgical Engineering must announce only correct and right technical informations, because they have and educated role. Unfortunately, they often are showing uncorrected information?

Henk Reimink

IndEx - Industry Excellence, Decarbonisation, Benchmarking on CO2 for steel industry, Process yield, Reliability, Process analysis BAT, BAP, Project mgt, Occupational and Process safety, Mngt of Change.

1 ans

Coolest iron phase diagram i have seen, and most informative.

Reza Darvishi Kamachali

Head of Division at Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung

1 ans

and how my love began.. 😄

Masoud Sheykhi

Researcher on Ten famous mathematical problems (GC&RH&FLT&BC&BP&TPC&PC) and on Science &Engineering&Systems Analyst,..

1 ans


patrick loisel

Enseignant métallurgiste Education Nationale en retraite. Maire de Feucherolles Président Interco Gally Mauldre.

1 ans

Roozeboom n'arrêtera jamais de rebondir ! Quel bel équilibre 😇

Christopher Aigner-Koppi

Tu was du am Besten kannst!

1 ans

i still have bad dreams from it 😂

Evangelos Charalampous

Lead Electrification Engineer. Expert in Railway Electrification. at The Hellenic Railways Organisation (O.S.E. S.A.)

1 ans

Very informative and very impressive !!!!!

Thomas Ausmann

Global Advanced Engineering - Hot Stamping

1 ans

Nice overview.

Prajnadatta Meher

Deputy Manager @ ELECTROTHERM | IIT KHARAGPUR | Ex - CSIR Metal & alloys, Extractive metallurgy, Mineral processing Aluminum | Copper | Iron | Manganese | Chromium

1 ans

Vivid illustrations

Jean Paul Ribeiro

Gerencia Manufatura e Manutenção

1 ans

Incrível ..

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