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Bulletin bibliographique des tudes sur les littratures et le film populaires n 69


JUIN 2011
Marginalia est publi 4 fois par an par NORBERT SPEHNER 565, rue de Provence, Longueuil, J4H 3R3 (Qubec/Canada) nspehner@sympatico.ca

Rappel : la rubrique intitule Gnralits prsente des ouvrages dans lesquels on mlange les genres, les inclassables, les tudes sur le roman et le film daventures, lhumour et le comique, la culture populaire en gnral, ainsi que certaines curiosits ditoriales...

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Pour les correspondants franais et/ou europens, jaccepte tout mode de paiement ngociable dans une banque franaise.
Chques ou mandats lordre de NORBERT SPEHNER 565, rue de Provence Longueuil (Qu.), Canada J4H 3R3 HARZEWSKI, Stephanie, Chick Lit and Postf e m i n i s m , Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, (Cultural Frames, Framing Culture), 2011, 264 pages. Originally a euphemism for Princeton University's Female Literary Tradition course in the 1980s, "chick lit" mutated from a movement in American women's avant-garde fiction in the 1990s to become, by the turn of the century, a humorous subset of women's literature, journalism, and advice manuals. Stephanie Harzewski examines such bestsellers as Bridget Jones's Diary, The Devil Wears Prada, and Sex and the City as urban appropriations of and departures from the narrative traditions of the novel of manners, the popular romance, and the bildungsroman. FIX, Florence & Marie-Ange FOUGRE (dirs.), Lectures de Paul de Kock, Dijon, ditions universitaires de Dijon, (critures), 2011, 184 pages. Paul de Kock (1791-1871) aujourd'hui oubli, fut l'un des romanciers franais les plus lus du XIXe sicle. Il crivit plus de trois cents ouvrages, contes, nouvelles et romans, mais aussi mlodrames, vaudevilles et adaptations thtrales qui accrurent encore son succs. Il eut plus d'un million de lecteurs, parmi lesquels Alexandre Dumas ou le Pape Grgoire XVI ne furent pas les moins assidus. Cet crivain populaire sut attirer un public conquis par l'ironie lgre et la grivoiserie bon enfant de sa plume : il comprit et pratiqua parmi les premiers la fidlisation de son lectorat, la production de masse et le scandale programm. MARTENS, David, LInvention de Blaise Cendrars : une potique de la pseudo-

AGARD, Olivier (dir.), Das Populre : Untersuschungen zu Interaktionen und Differenzierungenstrategien in Literatur, Kultur und Sprache, Gttingen, V & R Unipresss, 2011, 463 pages. CANJA, Jeff, Popular Fiction Periodicals : A Collectors Guide to Vintage Pulps, Digests and Magazines, East Lansing, Glenmoor Publishing, 2011, 361 pages. The only price guide of its kind, Popular Fiction Periodicals covers pulp magazines and digests of all genres, men's adventure magazines, true detective magazines, and other sensational newsstand periodicals of the mid-twentieth century. Now in a completely revised and expanded second edition, this informative and eye-opening book features thousands of actual market prices and over 1800 illustrations! CHAHINE, Batrice, Le Chercheur dor, de J. M. G. Le Clzio, problmatique du hros, Paris, LHarmattan, 2010, 187 pages. DOSSIER :Emilio S a l g a r i, dans Q u a d e r n i daltri Tempi, no 31, mars 2011 [revue en ligne] LETTERATURA E IMMAGINE NEL ROMANCE SALGARIANO di Fabrizio Foni, Claudio Gallo LITALIA E GLI ITALIANI NELLE OPERE DI EMILIO SALGARI di Corinne DAngelo LAMBIGUA EPICA DELLA GIOVANE ITALIA di Sergio Brancato DALLAQUILA BIANCA ALLAQUILA DELLA NOTTE di Vittorio Frigerio I FEAR THE BODY ELECTRIC: LO SPLEEN, LELETTRICIT, E IL NERVOSISMO SOCIALE di Adolfo Fattori VOUCHER, TOTEM E BAMBOO di Gennaro Fucile

n y m i e , Paris, Champion, (Cahiers Blaise Cendrars, no 10), 2010, 295 pages. PEELE, Thomas (ed.), Queer Popular Culture : Literature, Media, Film and Television, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 272 pages. This collection addresses the politics of queer representation in multiple contexts. Articles cover the rise of the queer cowboy, the emergence of lesbian chic, and the expansion of representations of blackness alongside work on queer, Taiwanese, online communities; a transgender Israeli pop star; and film mimicry in Kerala, India. REESMAN, Jane Campbell, Critical Companion to Jack London : A Literary Reference to his Life and Work, New York, Facts on Files (Critical Companion), 2011, 424 pages. ZORGBIBE, Charles, Kipling, Paris, De Fallois, 2010, 495 pages.


BADLEY, Linda, Lars von Trier, Urbana, University of Illinois Press, (Contemporary Film Directors), 2011, 216 pages. BECKMAN, Karen, Crash : Cinema and the Politics od Speed and Stasis, Durham (NC), Duke University Press, 2010, xi, 305 pages. "Jerky nearness" : spectatorship, mobility, and collision in early cinema -- Car wreckers and home lovers : the automobile in silent slapstick -- Doing death over : industrial-safety films, accidental-motion studies, and the involuntary crash test dummy -- Disaster time, the Kennedy assassination, and Andy Warhol's Since (1966/2002) -- Film falls apart : Crash, Semen, and Pop -- Crash aesthetics : Amores perros and the dream of cinematic mobility -The afterlife of Weekend, or, the university found on a scrapheap. BENGTSON, John, Silent Visions : Discovering Early Hollywood and New York through the Films of Harold Lloyd, Solana Beach (CA), Santa Monica Press, 2011, 304 pages. Prface de Kevin Brownlow. BROWNING, Mark, David Fincher : Films that Scar, Santa Barbara (CA), Praeger, 2010, ix, 188 pages. BURGER, Alissa (ed.), The Television World of Pushing Daisies : Critical Essays on the Bryan Fuller Series, Jefferson (NC), Mc Farland, 2011,

BURGOYNE, Robert (ed.), The Epic Film in World Culture, New York, Routledge, 2011, xii, 391 pages. Spectacle. 'This is Sparta!' : the reinvention of the epic in Zach Snyder's 300 / Monica Silveira Cyrino -- 'Philip never saw Babylon': 360 degree vision and the historical epic in the digital era / Kirsten Moana Thompson -- Heroic chivalry, heroic sacrifice: 'martial arthouse' as epic cinema / Leon Hunt -- -- Bare life and sovereignty in Gladiator / Robert Burgoyne -Center and periphery. "Rise of the rest" : globalizing epic cinema / Dina Iordanova -Signs of the times: the semiotics of time and event in Sirk's Sign of the pagan / Bettina Bildhauer -- The fall of the Roman Empire: on space and allegory / Tom Conley -- An Italianmade spectacle film dubbed in English: cultural distinctions, national cinema and the critical reception of the postwar historical epic / Mark Jancovich -- Red cliff: the Chineselanguage epic and diasporic Chinese spectators / Ruby Cheung -- Remembering the nation. Passing through nightmares: Cecil B. DeMille's The plainsman and the epic discourse in New Deal America / Philip Wagner -- Epos indigenized: the New Zealand wars film from Rudall Hayward to Vincent Ward / Bruce Babington -- The family epic. Epic melodrama, or cine-maps of the global South / Bhaskar Sarkar -- "Black blood": There will be blood / Anne Gselvik -- The body in the epic. The monstrous epic: deciphering Mel Gibson's The passion of the Christ / Alison Griffiths -Diegetic masculinities: reading the Black body in epic cinema / Sar Maty Ba. BURDEAU, Emmanuel (dir.), Monte Hellman : Sympathy for the Devil, Nantes, Capricci, 2011, 188 pages. Entretien recueilli en 2010 Los Angels. En appendice, entretien de Monte Hellman avec le scnariste Steven Gaydos. CALMET, Corinne & Herv TROPA, Dr House au scalpel, Paris & Monaco, ditions du Rocher, 2011, 177 pages. Prface de Michel Cymes. DUNCAN, Paul, Stanley Kubrick : un pote v i s u e l , Kln, Paris, ditions Taschen, (Filmographie complte), 2011, 192 pages. EKEROTH, Daniel, Swedish Sensationsfilms A Clandestine History of Sex, Thrillers and Kicker Cinema, Brooklyn (NY), Bazillion Points, 2011, 328 pages. FERRARI, Chiara, Since when is Fan Drescher Jewish ? : Dubbing Stereotypes in The Nanny, The Simpsons, and The Sopranos, Austin, University of Texas Pres, 2011, 176 pages.

MINI-DOSSIER : LES SRIES TLVISES BUXTON, David, Les Sries tlvises : forme, idologie et mode de production, Paris, LHarmattan, 2011, 155 pages. Jamais les sries amricaines n'ont t aussi prsentes sur les chanes du monde entier. Ici, la srie de tlvision est tudie comme forme marchande, depuis ses origines jusqu' aujourd'hui, par l'analyse de sa forme et son mode de production ; puis comme forme idologique. Trois sries amricaines (X-Files, Les experts, 24 heures chrono) font l'objet d'une analyse approfondie. DOSSIER : Les Sries tlvises, dans Rseaux, no 165, Paris, la Dcouverte, 2011, 180 pages. Prsentation par Olivier Donnat et Dominique Pasquier Dossier: Les sries tlvises La fin du ralisme dans les sries tlvises : la narration porte gnralisante, un tournant tlvisuel ?, par Hlose Pourtier-Tillinac Rendre l'incroyable quotidien. Fabrication de la vraisemblance dans Plus belle la vie, par Muriel Mille La no-srie, arne d'valuation culturelle d'une socit amricaine en crise, par Nathalie Perreur Les policiers rels devant leurs homologues fictifs : fiction impossible ? Pour une sociologie de la rception dans la sphre professionnelle, par Guillaume Le Saulnier La consommation de sries l'preuve d'Internet. Entre pratique individuelle et activit collective, par Clment Combes La situation instable du public de Lost sur Internet. Entre licence et contrainte, par Martial Martin Enqute sur l'trange nature du hros de srie tlvise, par Sabine ChalvonDemersay Varia La force des liens forts : culture et sociabilit en milieu lycen, par Tomas Legon DURANT, Philippe, Les Rpliques les plus drles des sries TV, Paris, Grimal, 2011, 192 pages. A SIGNALER SPULCHRE, Sarah (dir.), Dcoder les sries tlvises, Bruxelles & Paris, De Boeck, (Info & Com), 2011, 256 pages. Avec la participation de Sverine Barthes, Stphane Benassi, Marjolaine Boutet, Laurence Doury, Jean-Pierre Esquenazi, Ursula GlanzBlaettler. Prface dric Maigret Introduction Chapitre 1 : Histoire des sries tlvises 1. Les annes 1950, premier ge dor des sries tlvises - 2. Les annes 1960 et 1970

: lge classique - 3. Les annes 1980, le deuxime ge dor des fictions tlvises 4. Les annes 1990 et 2000 : lre digitale Chapitre 2 : Production et programmation des sries tlvises 1. Le secteur tlvisuel aux tats-Unis 2. Le cycle de vie dune srie 3. La programmation : un art du quotidien 4. Les ncessits de la fidlisation Chapitre 3 :Srialit(s) 1. La fiction plurielle - 2. La srialit matricielle : lart de la formule - 3. La srialit programmationnelle : contagion srielle et/ou feuilletonesque des fictions unitaires Chapitre 4 : Le personnage en srie 1. Dfinition - 2. Le personnage et ses niveaux de signification - 3. Personnage et systme des personnages - 4. Personnage et strotype 5. Personnage et culture populaire Chapitre 5 : Comment analyser les publics des sries tlvises ? 1. De la masse manipule aux publics actifs de la tlvision - 2. Les techniques denqute pour analyser les publics de la tlvision - 3. Enqute auprs des publics franais de sries tlvises policires amricaines Chapitre 6 : Rcits cumulatifs et arcs narratifs 1. Quelques remarques prliminaires concernant la narration srielle - 2. Blessures du pass et autres nouvelles questions plus importantes - 3. Familier de docteur Grey ou perdu dans Lost ? Deux manires de fidliser le tlspectateur - 4. Conclusion Chapitre 7 : Sries tlvises et ralits : les imaginaires sriels la poursuite du rel 1. Prologue destin viter quelques confusions - 2. La tlvision et le rel : une proximit constitutive - 3. Fiction et ralit - 4. Sries et ralits de la production - 5. Sries et ralits sociales - 6. Sries et ralits des publics - 7. Conclure : la srie et le temps Glossaire /Bibliographie / Webographie fin du mini-dossier sur les sries tv ----------------------------------------------------GILVEY, John Anthony, Jerry Orbach, Prince of the City : His Way from the T h e Fantasticks to Law and Order, Montclair (NJ), Applause Theatre & Cinema Books. 2011, 224 pages. GONZALEZ-LAIZ, Gonzalo, Muerte entre las flores : Joel & Ethan Coen (1990), Valencia, Nau Llibres, 2010, 110 pages. [tude de Millers Crossing] GRAS, Marc, Biker Films : Historia del cine biker, Barcelona, Quarentena, 2010, 96 pages.

HOBERMAN, Jim, On Jack Smiths Flaming C r e a t u r e s (And Other Secret-Flix of Cinemaroc), New York, City, Granary Books, 2011, 143 pages. Reviled, rioted over and banned as pornographic even as it was recognized by many as an unprecedented visionary masterpiece, Jack Smith's Flaming Creatures is one of the most important and influential underground movies ever released in America. J. Hoberman's monograph details the creative making--and legal unmaking--of this extraordinary film, a source of inspiration for artists as disparate as Andy Warhol, Federico Fellini and John Waters. HOCKLEY, Luke & Leslie GARDNER (eds.), H o u s e : The Wounded Healer on Television : Jungian and Post-Jungian Reflections, London & New York, Routledge, 2011, 216 pages. KREIENBAUM, Maria Anna (ed.), Gilmore Girls mehr als eine Fernsehserie ? Sozialwissenschaftliche Zugriffe, Oplade, Budrich, 2011, 142 pages. LAVERY, David & Cynthia BURKHEAD (eds.), Joss Whedon : Conversations, Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, (Television Conversations Series), 2011, 224 pages. MATHIJS, Ernest & Jamie SEXTON, Cult Cinema : An Introduction, Malden (MA), John Wiley & Sons, 2011, 320 pages. MEYNENDOCKX, Fien, The Good, The Bad : The Greatest Heroes and Villains in the History of Film, Antwerpen, Tectum Publishers, 2011, 240 pages. From super-evil bad guys like Hannibal Lecter to the heroic adventures of Indiana Jones - in the movies, we find them all: the gangsters and the coppers, the psychos and the superheroes. This book features more than 120 of the greatest heroes and villains in the history of the cinema, complete with photographs of the actors playing them, a brief introduction and memorable quotations. And to put everything into scale, every character gets a score out of 10, to establish his or her goodness or evil. Includes: Gangsters and Coppers; Supergood and Superbad; Fantasy & Horror; Psychos; Science Fiction; Funny Faces; Heroic Heroes; from real life. MEYERS, Richard Sam, Films of Fury : The Kung Fu Movie Book, Guilford (CT), Emery Books, 2011. 360 pages. MOSS, Marylin Ann, Raoul Walsh : The True Adventures of Hollywoods Legendary

Director, Lexington, The University Press of Kentucky, (Screen Classics), 2011, 512 pages. OSULLIVAN, Carol, Translating Popular Film, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 240 pages. In recent years, foreign languages and subtitles have moved out of the arthouse into the multiplex, with films such as Dances With Wolves, The Last Samurai, Traffic and Inglourious Basterds. Foreign languages have always been part of popular cinema think of The Third Man or Treasure of the Sierra Madre but often foreign speech has been represented in English or reduced to the hubbub of voices in the background. This book deals with the tradition of foreign languages in the cinema, showing how a diverse range of devices and narrative conventions has evolved to represent and translate foreign languages for cinema audiences. PELTZER, Anja, Identitt und Spektakel : der Hollywood-Blockbuster als global erfolgreicher Identittsbieter, Konstanz, UVK Verlagsges., 2011, 240 pages. RIOS, Diana I. & Mari CASTADENAS (eds.), Soap Operas and Telenovelas in the Digital Age, New York, et al., Peter Lang, (Popular Culture and Everyday Life, 20), 2011, 320 pages. ROSANSKI, Boris, Das ungleiche Liebespaar in der Screwball Comedy : Paarbildung und Selbstfindung von Frank Capra It Happened One Night bis Jonathan Demme Something Wild, Stuttgart, Ibidem-Verlag, 2010, 110 pages. SCHRAMM, Michael, Der Unterhaltsame Gott : Theologie populrer Film, Paderborn, Schningh, 2011, 200 pages. SIEVING, Christopher, Soul Searching : Black-Themed Cinema from the March on Washington to The Rise of Blaxploitation, Middletown (Conn.), Wesleyan University Press, 2011, 280 pages. STALL, Sam, The Three Stooges Career Guide : Advice for Climbing the Ladder, Philadelphia, Running Press, 2011, 144 pages. VOLK, Stefan, Skandalfilme : cineastische Aufreger Gestern und Heute, Marburg, Schren, 2011, 315 pages. WEBSTER, Patrick, Love and Death in Kubrick : A Critical Study of the Films from Lolita through Eyes Wide Shut, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, x, 323 pages. WERNBLAD, Annette, The Passion of Martin Scorcese : A Critical Study of his Films, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, x, 257 pages.


Les vingt-deux articles qui composent cet ouvrage analysent un aspect peut-tre moins connu et moins tudi, savoir les reprsentations du personnage de Promthe et l'volution du traitement du mythe travers le temps et l'espace, plus particulirement dans les pays anglophones, mme si quelques articles tmoignent d'une approche plus gnrale. ASHLEY, Mike, Out of This World : Science Fiction But Not as You Know It, London, The British Library Publishing Division, 2011, 144 pages. This book, which accompanies a major British Library exhibition on the scope and nature of science fiction, reveals what science fiction has achieved and seeks to achieve. It shows its history over the last two thousand years and its international importance. Divided into six sections - Alien Worlds, Parallel Worlds, Future Worlds, Virtual Worlds, Perfect Worlds and The End of the World - the book explores how science fiction has responded to the impact of science, technology and socio-political change on ourselves and our societies. From the works of Cyrano de Bergerac to Ray Bradbury and Mary Shelley to J G Ballard this book reveals the full heritage and wonder of science fiction.


AIT-TOUATI, Frdrique, Contes de la lune : essai sur la fiction et la science modernes, Paris, Gallimard, (Essais), 2011, 206 pages. La fiction joue donc un rle central : en dpassant les limitations du rel observable, elle permet de substituer une nouvelle image mentale du cosmos l'ancienne, elle forge un point de vue indit d'o dcrire l'univers ; elle fournit la science les textes les plus efficaces dans la transformation des reprsentations du cosmos. Cette part oublie ou mconnue, Frdrique At-Touati la retrouve, en s'intressant justement au XVIIe sicle, sicle du commencement moderne, de la mathmatisation du monde, de la magie gomtrique, des arts de voler, des voyages lunaires et de l'exploration des merveilles de la nature. Par l, elle donne matire penser et rver sur une autre faon de concevoir la science. ARMAND, Claudine, DEGOTT, Pierre et JeanPhilippe HEBERL (dirs.), Cratures et crateurs de Promthe, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2010, 362 pages.

BAUER, Syvie, Ccile ROUDEAU & Marie-Odile SALATI (dir.), De la peur en Amrique : lcriture au dfi du frisson, Chambry, Universit de Savoie, (criture et reprsentation), 2010, 234 pages. BELLAGAMBA, Ugo, Patrick J. GYGER, Roland LEHOUCQ & Clment PIEYRE, Sciences & Science Fiction, Paris, La Martinire/ Universcience, 2010, 234 pages. [Le Livre de lexposition Science et Fiction, aventures croises , Cit des sciences et de lindustrie de Paris, octobre 2010 juilet 2011.] Dj mentionn dans Margi68, mais sans le sommaire : 1 - Claudie HAIGNER, Prface, pages 7 7, Prface - 2 - Bruno RACINE, Patrimoine et science-fiction, pages 9 9, Prface 3 - Ugo BELLAGAMBA & Patrick J. GYGER & Roland LEHOUCQ & Clment PIEYRE, Sciences & science-fiction : Par-del les frontires de l'homme et de la science, pages 11 13, Prface - 4 - velyne HIARD & Sophie LCUYER, L'Esprit de l'exposition : Quand la science rencontre la fiction, pages 15 17, Prface - 5 - Patrick J. GYGER, En terre trangre, pages 21 31, Article. 6 - Francis VALRY, Les "Capitaines de

l'espace" dans la BD britannique de SF des annes 1950, pages 32 35, Article. 7 - Claude ECKEN, Le Voyage dans le temps dans la SF, pages 36 47 - 8 - Roland LEHOUCQ, Atteindrons-nous bientt les toiles ?, pages 48 59 - 9 - Ugo BELLAGAMBA, De l'utopie l'uchronie : Petite cartographie des mondes meilleurs, pages 68 77 - 10 - Patrick J. GYGER, Par ici la sortie ! Fin du monde et science-fiction, pages 78 81 - 11 - Alain MUSSET, Ville du futur, apocalypse et sciencefiction, pages 82 96 12 - Clment PIEYRE, Klingon, novlangue et Nadsat : La sciencefiction et les langues, pages 99 111. 13 - Roland LEHOUCQ, Communication interstellaire, pages 112 115. - 14 - Franois MOUTOU, Les Monstres peuvent-ils tre monstrueux ?, pages 118 129 - 15 Guillaume LECOINTRE, Y a-t-il des extraterrestres dans mon assiette ?, pages 131 133 - 16 - Pierre LAGRANGE, Les Extraterrestres et la fin de la croyance populaire, pages 135 143 - 17 - Jean-Claude HEUDIN, Les Cratures humanodes dans la science et la science-fiction, pages 147 161, 18 - Daniel TRON, Les Robots au cinma : Idoles, miroirs, outils et marionnettes, pages 165 167 - 19 - Raja CHATILA, Les Robots : De la fiction la ralit, pages 169 171 20 - Frdric JACCAUD, Le Cyberespace est-il un simulacre de ralit ?, pages 176 185. 21 ric PICHOLLE, Une Machine emblmatique, le laser, pages 186 189. 22 - Jean-Gabriel GANASCIA, Autonomie des machines, pages 190 199. - 23 - Jean-Louis TRUDEL, Le Mur du futur, pages 200 203. 24 - (non mentionn), Repres chronologiques, pages 207 215, Notes - 25 - (non mentionn), Orientation bibliographique, pages 217 221, Bibliographie- 26 - (non mentionn), propos des auteurs, pages 223 225, Dictionnaire d'auteurs - 27 - (non mentionn), L'Exposition "Science et fiction, aventures croises", pages 227 227, Notes 28 - (non mentionn), Remerciements, pages 229 229, Notes - 29 - (non mentionn), Lgendes des dpliants, pages 230 231, Notes - 30 - (non mentionn), Crdits iconographiques, pages 232 234, Notes. BENNETT, Adelade, Ancient Werewolves and Vampires : The Roots of the Teeth, Broomall (PA), Mason Crest Publishers, 2011, 63 pages [pour jeunes] BENNETT, Adelade, Global Legends and Lore : Vampires and Werewolves around the World, Broomall (PA), Mason Crest Publishers, 2011, 63 pages. [pour jeunes]

A SIGNALER BERTHELOT, Anne & Alain LESCART (dirs.), Fantasy la franaise, dans Contemporary French and Francophone Studies : Sites, no 2, volume 15, mars 2011. Editors Introduction Articles and Essays Anne Besson : COMME UNE OMBRE LOINTAINE : LINFLUENCE DE TOLKIEN SUR LA FANTASY FRANAISE Coralie David : LUSOR IN FABULA : LE JEU DE ROLE, UNE COLE DE LA FANTASY FRANAISE Patrice Louinet : ROBERT E. HOWARD: FOUNDING FATHER OF MODERN FANTASY FOR THE FIRST TIME AGAIN Jacques Baudou : LA FANTASY FRANAISE Geoffroy Brunson : FANTASY : LA FRANCE ET LES CRITIQUES. RAPIDE TOUR DHORIZON DU METADISCOURS FRANAIS Eunice Martins : DU CONTE AUX ROMANS DE FANTASY POUR LA JEUNESSE Mario Tessier : SURVOL DU PHNOMNE DE LA FANTASY AU QUBEC Benot Berthou : LA BANDE DSSINE DE FANTASY : UN GENRE FRANAIS ? Cdric Chauvin : CRPUSCULE SPECTRAL DE LPOPE DE MATHIEU GABORIT Mats Ludun : TEMPS ET CIT DANS LA FANTASY Alain Lescart : FANTASY LA FRANAISE: THE CASE OF PIERRE PEVEL Interview : Anne Berthelot and Alain Lescart ENTRETIEN AVEC MICHEL ROBERT Fiction : Charlotte Bousquet : LUTZI BETZ, Phyllis M., The Lesbian Fantastic : A Critical Study of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal and Gothic Writings, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 203 pages. Topics include lesbian gothic, fantasy, science fiction, mixed genre texts and historical background for the works discussed. A vital addition to the scholarship on homosexuality and culture. BLACKFORD, Holy Virginia, The Myth of Persephone in Girls Fantasy Literature, New York, Routledge, (Childrens Literature and Culture), 2011, 272 pages. In this book, Blackford historicizes the appeal of the Persephone myth in the nineteenth century and traces figurations of Persephone, Demeter, and Hades throughout girls literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She illuminates developmental patterns and anxieties in E. T. A. Hoffmanns Nutcracker and Mouse King, Louisa May Alcotts Little Women,

Emily Bronts Wuthering Heights, J. M. Barries Peter and Wendy, Frances Hodgson Burnetts The Secret Garden, E. B. Whites Charlottes Web, J. K. Rowlings Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Stephenie Meyers Twilight, and Neil Gaimans Coraline. BLOCK, Katharina, Sozialutopie : Darstellung und Analyse der Chancen zur Verwicklichung einer Utopie, Berlin, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2011, 103 pages. CAROTI, Simone, The Generation Starship in Science Fiction : A Critical History, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 275 pages. This critical history explores the concept of the multi-generational interstellar space voyage in science fiction between 1934, the year of its appearance, into the 21st century. It defines and analyzes what became known as the "generation starship" idea and examines the science and technology behind it, also charting the ways in which generation starships manifest themselves in various sf scenarios. CHAPLIN, Susan, Gothic Literature, New York, Pearson Longman, (York Notes to...), 2011, 320 pages. CHERRY, Brigid, HOWELL, Peter & Caroline RUDDELL (eds.), Twenty-First Century Gothic, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, 2010, 173 pages. [Recueil de dix articles]. CLEMENTS, Susannah, The Vampire Defanged : How the Embodiment of Evil Became a Romantic Hero, Grand Rapids (MI), Brazos, 2011, 208 pages. Why vampires matter -- Bram Stokers Dracula: sin and the power of the cross -- Anne Rices Vampire chronicles: eternal guilt and transcendent love -- Buffy the Vampire Slayer: sin and sacrifice, postmodern style -- Sookie Stackhouse: sex and the socialized vampire -Stephenie Meyers Twilight saga: the vampire as teenage heartthrob -- Vampire sinners -Vampire saviors -- Conclusion. COX, Simon, Le roi Arthur et les secrets du Graal dcrypts, Champs-sur-Marne, Original Books, 2011, 297 pages. CURRAND, Bob, Man-Made Monsters : A Field Guide to Golems, Patchwork Soldiers, Homunculi, and Other Created Creatures, Pompton Plains (NJ), New Age Books, 2011, 224 pages. Illustrations de Ian Daniels. DALLMAN, Antje, ISENSEE, Reinhard, KNEIS, Philipp (eds.), Envisioning American

Utopias : Fictions of Science and Politics in Literature and Visual Culture, New York, et al., Peter Lang, 2011, 239 pages. Contents: Philipp Kneis: Introduction: Utopia and America Rasmus Damkjr Christensen/Martin Dalgaard Grn: Ecotopian Perspectives: Environmental Realities in American Politics and Literature - Renate Ulbrich: California Dreamin': Utopian and Dystopian Images of Space - Antje Dallmann: From Behind Bow Windows: The Metropolis and Mental Life in Nineteenth-Century American Fiction - Philipp Kneis: Finding Atlantis Instead of Utopia: From Plato to Starfleet and Stargate Command - Philipp Kneis: Barbarians at the Gate: (Ig)Noble Savages and Manifest Destiny at the Final Frontier - Katarzyna Sobieraj: The Post 9/11 Dystopia? The Representation of the World in 24 - Sandra Beyer: A Utopia for Conservatives and Real Men: Sexual Politics and Gendered Relations in Star Trek - Thomas Wagenknecht: Two Eurotopian Projections of America at the Disjuncture between Chimera and Understanding - Allison Davis-White Eyes: Beyond Canada: James Welch and American Indian Notions of Utopia - Berenike Jung: Trauma Reenactment and Stalling in Batman Begins and Superman Returns - Daniela Simon: New America: - Reinhard Isensee: Epilogue. DEME, Mariam Konat, Heroism and the Supernatural in the African Epic, New York, Routledge, 2010, 134 pages. DINTER, Astrid & Kerstin SDERBLOM (dir.), Vom Logos zum Mythos : Herr der Ringe und Harry Potter als zentrale Grunderzhlungen des 21 Jahrhunderts. Praktischtheologische und religiondidaktische Analysen, (Band 2), Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2011, 328 pages. Nach der Jahrtausendwende zeichnet sich deutlich eine Rckkehr der Religion ab. Allerdings sind dabei Ablsungs- und Transformationsprozesse von traditionell geprgten Religionsformen zu erkennen. Gerade fiktive Groerzhlungen wie "Herr der Ringe" bzw. "Harry Potter" spielen innerhalb der angedeuteten Transformationsprozesse von traditionell geprgten Religionsformen eine entscheidende Rolle. Der vorliegende Band analysiert die angedeuteten Transformationsprozesse von Religion. Ausgehend von der Theorieentwicklung wird dann entsprechendes Didaktikmaterial dargelegt. DOSSIER : Regards sur l Utopie, dans Europe, vol. 89, no 985, mai 2011, 404 pages. Jacques BERCHTOLD : Regards sur l'utopie.

Bronislaw BACZKO : Fictions historiques et conjonctures utopiques. Emmanule BAUMGARTNER : Le monde arthurien, une utopie ? Frank LESTRINGANT : La part du jeu, ou les origines rhtoriques de l'utopie. Claire PIERROT : L'Utopie et Le Prince. Franco VENTURI : Humanit et nature Tommaso Campanella. Yves CITTON : Nouvel esprit utopique et nonlieux des esprits chez Tiphaigne de la Roche. Laurent LOTY : L'optimisme contre l'utopie. Raymond TROUSSON : L'utopie et les genres apparents : Pays de cocagne, ge d'or et Mondes l'envers. Jean-Michel RACAULT : L'animal et la tentation du surhumain dans l'utopie classique. Franck FISCHBACH : Marx et l'utopie. Jean-Baptiste PARA : Russie, utopies, rvolution. Thierry LABICA : L'utopie est-elle le meilleur mot ? (Sur Ernst Bloch) Jean-Paul SERMAIN : 1 9 8 4 d'Orwell et la question de la langue la lumire des utopies classiques. Anna SAIGNES : L'autre, le moi et l'histoire. (Lecture croise de Nous autres d'Evgueni Zamiatine et de W ou le souvenir d'enfance de Georges Perec). Thierry HOQUET : L'avenir s'invente ici. (Sur la science-fiction utopique). Martial POIRSON : Ferm pour cause de fatigue citoyenne . Michel PORRET : Le monde hors du temps. Martin RUEFF : L'arc et les pierres. Fourier, Calvino, Bachmann. Miguel ABENSOUR : L'utopie, au risque de l'incandescence. DOSSIER : Utopia and Dystopia, in Meridian Critic. Les Annales de lUniversit Stefan cel Mare Suceava, ditions universitaires de Suceava, tome XVI, no 1, 2010. Sommaire dtaill et copieux sur le site de Fabula.org. DHUILL, Catriona Nil, Sex in Imagined Space : Gender and Utopia from More to Bloch, London, Legenda, Modern Humanities Research Association and Maney Pub., 2010, 190 pages. DUFOUR-KOWALSKI, Emmanuel (dir.), Anthologie de la littrature occultiste XIXe-XXe s i c l e s , Paris, ditions lge dhomme, (Delphica), 2011, 700 pages. ENRIGHT, Laura L., Vampires Most Wanted : The Top 10 Books of Bloodthirsty Biters, Stake-Wielding Slayers, and Other Undead Oddities, Washington (D.C.),

Potomac Books, (Potomacs Most Wanted), 2011, 400 pages. ETINGOFF, Kim, The Science of the Beast : The Facts Behind the Fangs, Broomall (PA), Mason Crest Publishers, 2011, 63 pages. [pour jeunes] FARWICK, Christine, Welcome to the Interzone : Writing/Reality in Cult Fiction in the 1980s and 1990s, Frankfurt, New York, et al., Peter Lang, 2010, 311 pages. FERRO, David L. & Eric G. SWEDIN (eds.), Science Fiction and Computing : Essays on Interlinked Domains, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 327 pages. 1. Technologys Other Storytellers: Science Fiction as History of Technology_THOMAS HAIGH 13_2. Computers in Science Fiction: Anxiety and Anticipation_CHRIS PAK 38_3. Murray Leinster and A Logic Named Joe_ERIC G. SWEDIN AND DAVID L. FERRO 54_4. Atorox, a Finnish Fictional Robot with a Changing Personality in the Late 1940s_JAAKKO SUOMINEN 68_5. Computer Science on the Planet Krypton_GARY WESTFAHL 83_6. Manned Space Flight and Artificial Intelligence: Natural Trajectories of Technology_PAUL E. CERUZZI 95_7. That Does Not Compute: The Brittleness Bottleneck and the Problem of Semantics in Science Fiction_LISA NOCKS 117_8. Hello, Computer: The Interplay of Star Trek and Modern Computing_JOSHUA CUNEO 131_9. Turn Off the Gringo Machine! The Electronic Brain and Cybernetic Imagination in Brazilian Cinema_ALFREDO SUPPIA 148_10. A (Brave New) World Is More Than a Few Gizmos Crammed Together: Science Fiction and Cyberculture_THIERRY BARDINI 167_11. True Risks? The Pleasures and Perils of Cyberspace_JANET ABBATE 189_12. Science Fiction as Myth: Cultural Logic in Gibsons Neuromancer_R.C. ALVARADO 205_13. Creating a Techno-Mythology for a New Age: The Production History of T h e Lawnmower Man_DAVID A. KIRBY 214_14. Embodiment, Emotion, and Moral Experiences: The Human and the Machine in Film_HUNTER HEYCK 230_15. Predicting the Present: Overclocking Doctorows Overclocked_GRAHAM J. MURPHY 249_16. Low on Milk. I Love You!_HOWARD TAYLOR 264_17. Nanotechnology Tomorrows: Nanocritters and Other Tiny Things in Science Fiction_RICHARD L. MCKINNEY 273 _18. Imagining the Omniscient Computer DAVID TOOMEY 289

FRASER, Hilary & Deirdre COLEMAN (eds.), Mind, Bodies, Machines, 1770-1930, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 248 pages. Introduction - Minds, Bodies, Machines; D.Coleman & H.Fraser _Inside the ImaginationMachines of Gothic Fiction: Estrangement, Transport, Affect; P.Otto _Air-Looms and Influencing Machines; S.Connor_Maternity, Madness and Mechanization: The Ghastly Automaton in James Hogg's The Three Perils of Woman; K.Inglis _Clockwork Automata, Artificial Intelligence, and Why the Body of the Author Matters; P.Crosthwaite _Metaphors and Analogies of Mind and Body in NineteenthCentury Science and Fiction: George Eliot, Henry James and _George Meredith; M . B a n f i e l d _Alfred Wallace's Conversion: Plebian Radicalism and the Spiritual Evolution of the Mind; I.McCalman _Molecular Machines and Lascivious Bodies: James Clerk Maxwell's Verse-Born Attacks on Tyndallic Reductionism; D . B r o w n _Writing the 'Great Proteus of Disease': Influenza, Informatics, and the Body in the Late Nineteenth Century; J.Mussell _Linguistic Trepanation: Brain Damage, Penetrative Seeing, and a Revolution of the Word; L.Salisbury GAILLARD, Aurlia & Jean-Ren VALETTE (dirs.), La Beaut du merveilleux, Bordeaux, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, (Mirabilia), 2011, 364 pages. GAMERRO, Carlos, Ficciones barrocas : una lectura de Borges, Bioy Casares, Silvina Ocampo, Cortazar, Onetti y Felisberto Hernandez, Buenos Aires, Eterna Cadencia Editora, 2010, 216 pages. GANERI, Anita, Vampires and the Undead, New York, PowerKids Press, 2011, 32 pages. [pour jeunes]. Illustrations de David West. GARCIA RAMOS, Arturo, El Cuento fantastico en el Rio de la Plata, Pozuelon de Alarcon, Madrid, La Mirada Malva, (Mirada ensayo, 02), 2011, 424 pages. GELBIN, Cathy S., The Golem Returns : from German Romantic Literature to Global Jewish Culture, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, (Social History, Popular Culture, and Politics in Germany), 2011, ix, 212 pages. The Hulk, Superman, the Terminator; they are all modern popular culture echoes of the golem, that mystical, artificial man of legend, a sort of friendly Jewish version of Frankenstein's monster. By focusing on the golem in key literary texts and films, The Golem Returns explores the role that popular culture has played in the formation of modern Jewish

culture. Widely seen as an icon of authentically Jewish lore, the golem has inspired a broad range of writers across ethnic, cultural, and national affiliations in Europe, the United States, and Israel. GENC, Burcu, Masochistic Men and Female Vampires : A New Approach to Rape Fantasy. An Exploration of Rape Fantasy through the Female Vampires of Romantic and Victorian Periods, Mnchen, Grin Verlag, 2011, 60 pages. GERMAN, Monica, Scottish Womens Gothic and Fantastic Writing : Fiction since 1978, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2010, viii, 205 pages. GEUS, Klaus (dir.), Utopien, Zukunftsvorstellung, Gedankenexperimente [Literarische Konzepte von einer anderen Welt im abenllndlischen Denken von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart], Frankfurt am Main, et al., Peter Lang, (Zivilisationen und Geschichte), 2011, 253 pages. GHOSH, Jayashri, Die Darstellung von Frauencharakteren in ausgewhlten Science Fiction Romanen der Postmoderne [The Different Woman : Female Characters in Selected Portmodern American Science Fiction Novels from 1970 to the Present], Mnchen, Grin Verlag, 2011, 92 pages. GZEN, Jir Emine, Cyberpunk Science Fiction : Literarischen Fiktionen und Medientheorie, Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2011, 300 pages. GOMEL, Elana, Postmodern Science Fiction and Temporal Imagination, New York, Continuum, (Continuum Literary Studies), 2010, 177 pages. GRACE, Angela, Dark Angels Revealed : from Dark Rogues to Dark Romantics, the most Mysterious and Mesmerizing Vampires and Fallen Angels from Count Dracula to Edward Cullen Come to Life, Beverly (MA), Fair Wind Press, 2011, 240 pages. GRANDPAIR, Holger de, Wie man ein Fantasy-Bestseller schreibt : an den Beispiel Harry Potter, Biss, und die Zwei Schwerter, Norderstedt, Books on Demand, 2011, 100 pages. GUILEY, Rosemary, The Encyclopedia of Vampires and Werewolves, and Other Monsters, New York, Facts on File, 2011, 400 pages. Foreword by Jeanne Keyes Youngson. GUDRON, Martial, Monstres, merveilles et cratures fantastiques, Paris, Hazan, (Guide des arts), 2011, 335 pages.


GUILLAIN, Charlotte, Vampires, Chicago, Raintree, (Mythical Creatures), 2011, 32 pages. [pour jeunes] GUYNOT, Laurent, La Mort frique : anthropologie du merveilleux, XIIe-XVe sicle, Paris, Gallimard, (Bibliothque des histoires), 2011, 406 pages. HARTINGER, Sarah, Merlin und seine Nachfolger : zur Merlin-Tradition in Tolkiens Herr der Ringe und Rowlings Harry Potter, Mnchen, Grin Verlag, (Akademische Schriftenreihe), 2011, 76 pages. HAYDEN, Judy (ed.), The New Science and Womens Literary Discourse : Prefiguring Frankenstein, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 288 pages. Introduction: Women, Education and the Margins of Science; J.A.Hayden _Foreshadowing Frankenstein; S.Hutton _Lucy Hutchinson and the Lucretian Body: Dreams of Order and Disorder; A.Snider _Margaret Cavendish, Jan Baptiste van Helmont, and the Madness of the Womb; J.Broad _Disability, Medicine, and Metaphysics in the Works of Lady Anne Conway; H.F.Nelson & S.Alker _Aphra Behn and the Scientific Self; K.B.Gevirtz _Mary Astell and Cartesian 'Scientia'; D.Boyle _'Will you never weary of these Whimsies?' Susanna Centlivre And the New Science; J.A.Hayden _Discovering the Rhetoric of Science: Emilie Du Chtelet's Dissertation Sur la Nature et Propagation du Feu; J.P.Zinsser _Clockwork Character: Francis Burney's Invented Persons and the Origins of Mechanical Life; J . P a r k _Elizabeth Inchbald's Animal Magnetism: A Critique of Medical Quackery and Exploitation of Women; F.L.Burwick _New Sciences and Female Madness: The Cases of Mary Lamb, Margaret Nicholson, and Sophia Lee's Almeyda, Queen of Grenada; M.D.Purinton _'Embryo Systems and Unkindled Suns': Anna Barbauld and Astronomy in the Eighteenth Century; D.Wiegand _Gender, Genre and Cultural Analysis: Anne Grant on the Highlands; P.Perkins. HAMILTON, S. L., Vampires, Edina (Minn.), ABDO Pub. Company, 2011, 32 pages. [pour jeunes] HELM, Laura, Weibliche Vampire. Das klassische und das moderne Motiv, Mnchen, Grin Verlag, (Akademische Schriftenreihen), 2011, 88 pages. HENDRIX, Howard V., SLUSSER, George & Eric S. RABKIN (eds.), Visions of Mars : Essays on the Red Planet in Fiction and Science, 2011, 222 pages.

Preface: Science, Fiction, and the Red P l a n e t _GEORGE SLUSSER, HOWARD V. HENDRIX, ERIC S. RABKIN 1_Introduction: The Martian in the Mirror_HOWARD V. HENDRIX 9_ _One: Approaching Mars_ Mars of Science, Mars of Dreams_JOSEPH D. MILLER 17_Where Is Vernes Mars?_TERRY HARPOLD 29_ Rosnys Mars_GEORGE SLUSSER 36 Two: The Uses of Mars_Dibs on the Red Star: The Bolsheviks and Mars in the Russian Literature of the Early Twentieth Century_EKATERINA YUDINA 51_The Martians Among Us: Wells and the Strugatskys_GEORGE SLUSSER 56_ Savagery on Mars: Representations of the Primitive in Brackett and Burroughs_DIANNE NEWELL AND VICTORIA LAMONT 73_The (In)Significance of Mars in the 1930s_JOHN W. HUNTINGTON 80_Spawn of Micromgas: Views of Mars in 1950s France_BRADFORD LYAU 86_Is Mars Heaven? The Martian Chronicles, Fahrenheit 451 and Ray Bradburys Landscape of Longing_ERIC S. RABKIN 95_Re-Presenting Mars: Bradburys Martian Stories in Media Adaptation_PHIL NICHOLS 105_Robert A. Heinlein and the Red Planet_DAVID CLAYTON 118_Business as Usual: Philip K. Dicks Mars_JORGE MARTINS ROSA 130_Kim Stanley Robinson: From I c e h e n g e to Blue Mars_ C H R I S T O P H E R PALMER 139_Martian Musings and the Miraculous Conjunction_KIM STANLEY ROBINSON 146_Chronicling Martians_SHA LABARE 152_ _Three: Science and Fictional Mars_Mars as Cultural Mirror: Martian Fictions in the Early Space Age_ROBERT CROSSLEY 165_Beyond Goldilocks and Matthew Arnold: Interplanetary Triage, Extremophilia, and the Outer Limits of Life in the Inner Solar System_HOWARD V. HENDRIX 175__Appendix 1To Write the Dream in the Center of Science: Mars and the Science Fiction Heritage: A Dialogue Between Ray Bradbury and Frederik Pohl (George Slusser, Moderator) (May 2008) 185_Appendix 2The Extreme Edge of Mars Today: A Panel Discussion with David Hartwell, Geoffrey Landis, Larry Niven, and Mary Turzillo, Moderator (May 2008) 190. HERBE, Sarah, Characters in New British Hard Science Fiction with a Focus on Genetic Engineering, Heidelberg, Universittsverlag Winter, (Wissenschat und Kunst, 18), 2011, 250 pages. HIRSCHMANN, Kris, Vampires in Literature, San Diego (CA), Reference Point Press, 2011, 80 pages.


Laying the foundation -- Toward the modern age -- A vamp for every taste -- Twilight and beyond: vampires in teen literature -- More than just a good read. HUNTER, Cheryl A., Myths and Archetypes in The Lord of the Ring and Harry Potter. Mythological Heroes and the Hero and Journey Archetype, Mnchen, Grin Verlag, 2011, 96 pages. INDOVINO, Shaina Carmel, Dracula and Beyond : Famous Vampires & Werewolves in Literature and Film, Broomall (PA), Mason Crest Publishers, 2011, 63 pages.[jeunesse] INDOVINO, Shaina Carmel, Transylvania and Beyond : Vampires & Werewolves in Old Europe, Broomall (PA), Mason Crest Publishers 2011, 63 pages. [pour jeunes] JENKINS, Mark Collins, Vampire Forensics : Uncovering the Origins of an Enduring Legend, Washington (DC), National Geographic, 2011, 304 pages. JONES, Jen, The Girls Guide to Vampires : Everything Enchanting about these Immortal Creatures, Mankato (Minn.), Capstone Press, (Snap), 2011, 32 pages. [Jeunesse] KALLEN, A. Stuart, Vampire History and Lore, San Diego (CA), ReferencePoint Press, 2011, 80 pages. [pour jeunes] KATUSZEWSKI, Pierre, Ceci nest pas un fantme : essai sur les personnages de fantmes dans les thtres antiques et contemporains, Paris, Kim, (Les thtres du jeu), 2011, 258 pages. KOPP, Megan, Real-Life Vampires, Mankato (Minn.), Capstone Press, 2011, 32 pages. [pour jeunes] KPPL, Rainer M., Der Vampir sind wir : der unsterbliche Mythos von Dracula biss Twilight, St. Plten & Salzburg, Residenz Verlag, 2011, 279 pages. KYTHERA of Anevern, Dragons & Fantasy, Mankato (Minn.), Walter Foster Pub., 2011, 64 pages. [pour jeunes] LACOMBE, Herv & Timothe PICARD (dirs.), Opra et fantastique, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 428 pages. Cet ouvrage interroge les modalits darticulation entre opra et fantastique en diversifiant les modes dapproche de ce monde part o la ralit semble tre remise en question. Un large panorama permet dexplorer les rpertoires allemand, franais, russe, amricain, italien, anglais, aux XIXe et XXe sicles. Des entretiens avec le compositeur Georges Aperghis et les metteurs en scne Daniel Dupont et Olivier Py compltent

lanalyse.... [Ah, je ris de me voir si morte en ce miroir !] LCUYER, Philippe, Diables, zombies, monstres et compagnie, Paris, La Martinire jeunesse, 2011, 76 pages. [pour jeunes] LITTLEFIELD, Melissa M., The Lying Brain : Lie Detection in Science and Science Fiction, Ann Arbor (MI), University of Michigan Press, 2011, 216 pages. The Lying Brain is the first book to explore the cultural history of an array of lie detection technologies: their ideological assumptions, the scientific and fictional literatures that create and market them, and the literacies required for their interpretation. LUDOT-VLASAK, Ronan & Claire MANIEZ (dirs.), Discours et objets scientifiques dans limaginaire amricain du XIXe s i c l e , Grenoble, ditions littraires et linguistiques de luniversit de Grenoble, 2010, 236 pages. A travers l'tude d'auteurs marquants de la priode (Poe, Melville, Thoreau, Brownson, Whitman, Muir, Howells et Crane), les diffrents travaux ici rassembls s'intressent notamment la potisation de la science et de la technologie, mais galement aux liens troits et complexes entre foi, croyance, progrs et cration; ils soulignent enfin les enjeux esthtiques et intertextuels de l'usage de mtaphores scientifiques dans des textes littraires amricains de l'poque. LODWICK, Francis, On Language, Theology and Utopia, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2010, xvi, 437 pages. MABUYA, Frdrick T., Les Mondes virtuels dans la science-fiction, Paris, Publibook, 2010, 127 pages. Les mondes virtuels, lieux danalyse par excellence des mutations entranes par le dveloppement massif des nouvelles technologies, posent des questionnements thiques et prsentent une vision critique de notre volution. Aujourdhui quun pas de gant est accompli au quotidien par la science, la SF nest plus la littrature du futur, mais celle du probable. Frdrick T. Mabuya, se basant sur des chefs-doeuvre du genre, redonne ses lettres de noblesse un courant littraire trop longtemps dcri, en dmontrant que la science fiction est un formidable outil littraire pour cerner nos proccupations actuelles.


MACHEREY, Pierre, De lutopie !, Le Havre, De lincidence diteur, 2011, 564 pages. En relisant More, Bacon et Campanella, reprsentants exemplaires de ce qu'on peut appeler l'utopie classique, et Fourier, qui a dvelopp un nouveau type d'utopie sociale propre la modernit, on se donne quelques chances de s'orienter dans le ddale de la pense utopique, une pense qui demeure pour nous, y compris dans ses formes les plus anciennes, d'une brlante actualit. MAMCZAK, Sascha & Wolfgang JESCHKE (dirs.) Das Science Fiction Jahr 2011, Mnchen, Heyne Verlag, 2011, 950 pages. MARTIN, Nicholas, Fighting the Fangs : A Guide to Vampires and Werewolves, Broomall (PA), Mason Crest Publishers, 2011, 63 pages. MARX, Mandy R., Great Vampire Legends, Mankato (Minn.), Capstone Press, 2011, 32 pages. [pour jeunes] MASSCHELEIN, Anneleen, The Unconcept : The Freudian Uncanny in Late-Twentieth Century Theory, Albany, State University of New York, Press, 2011, 224 pages. The Unconcept is the first genealogy of the concept of the Freudian uncanny. It traces the development, paradoxes, and movements of this negative concept through various fields and disciplines from psychoanalysis, literary theory, and philosophy to film studies, genre studies, sociology, religion, architecture theory, and contemporary art. MURNANE, Barry (dir.), Populre Erscheinungen : der deutsche Schauerroman um 1800, Mnchen, Paderborn, Fink, (Laboratorium Aufklrung), 2011, 340 pages. Um 1800 geht das Gespenst einer neuen populren Romanform um: der Schauerroman. In 17 Beitrgen wird die Entstehung des deutschen Schauerromans als eigenstndige Formation in der Sptaufklrung und Frhromantik rekonstruiert und diskursgeschichtlich untersucht. Ausgehend von anthropologischen Grundannahmen der Sptaufklrung zum Phnomen des Schauers u.a. bei Schiller und Grosse, ber eine Reihe von Einzeluntersuchungen zu populren Formen des Schauerromans vom Ausgang der Romantik bis zur Jahrhundertwende um 1800, fhrt der Band die Kristallisation einer spezifisch romantischen sthetik des Schauerromans in den Schriften Tiecks, Jean Pauls und Hoffmanns vor.

NAGEL, Joachim, Vampire : mythische Wesen der Nacht, Stuttgart, Belser Verlag, 2011, 128 pages. NAGULA, Michael, Die Perry Rhodan Chronik : Biographie der grssten Science Fiction Serie der Welt, 1 : 1960-1973, Hfen, Hannibal Verlag, 2011, 528 pages. NAGULA, Michael, Die Perry Rhodan Chronik : Biographie der grssten Science Fiction Serie der Welt, 2 : 1974-1984, Hfen, Hannibal Verlag, 2011, 528 pages. NDALIANIS, Angela, Science Fiction E x p e r i e n c e s , Washington (DC), New Academia Pub., 2011, 172 pages. This collection of essays explores how science fiction films and computer games attempt to come to grips with the changing conceptions of the world around us, and our identity within it. NYM, Alexander, Shimmering Darkness : History, Development and Themes of the Gothic Scene, Leipzig, Plttner Verlag, 2011, 400 pages. OPPOLZER, Markus, Failed Rites of Passages in Early Gothic Fiction, Frankfurt am Main, et al, Peter Lang, 2011, vii, 292 pages. Contrary to the widespread belief that the Gothic is escapist in nature, a close reading of novels such as William Godwin's Caleb Williams (1794), Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818) or Charles Maturin's Melmoth the Wanderer (1820) reveals that they actively engage with socio-political and educational debates of the time. Using the licence of fantastic literature, the Gothic sets up social experiments in which young, inexperienced protagonists have to face a variety of institutions. PIERINI, Diego, Noi, robot. Lindividuo artificiale fra scienza, filosfia e fantascienza, Milano, Banda larga, 2010, 192 pages. POIRSON, Martial & Jean-Franois PERRIN, Les Scnes de lenchantement. Arts du spectacle, thtralit et conte merveilleux (XVIIe-XIXe sicles), Paris, Desjonqures, 2011, 416 pages. PONS, Pedro Palao, Tout savoir sur les v a m p i r e s , Paris, De Vecchi, (sotrisme) 2011, 191 pages. RACAULT, Jean-Michel, Robinson et compagnie : aspects de linsularit politique de Thomas More Michel Tournier, Paris, Ptra, (Des les), 2010, 372 pages. RAINEY, Rich, Vampire Life, Mankato, Capstone Press, 2011, 32 pages. [jeunesse]


RAJA, Masood Ashraf, Jason W. ELLIS & Swaralipi NANDI (eds.), The Postnational Fantasy : Postcolonialism, Cosmopolitics and Science Fiction, J e f f e r s o n (NC), McFarland, 2011, 255 pages. In twelve critical and interdisciplinary essays, this text examines the relationship between the fantastic in novels, movies and video games and real-world debates about nationalism, globalization and cosmopolitanism. Topics covered include science fiction and postcolonialism, issues of ethnicity, nation and transnational discourse. RAML, Monika Margarethe, Der Homo artificialis als knstlerischer Schpfer und knstliches Geschpf : Gentechnologie in Literatur und Leben, Wrzburg, Knigshausen & Neumann, 2010, 333 pages. REGAN, Lisa, Bloodsucking Beasts, New York, Gareth Stevens Pub., 2011, 48 pages. [pour jeunes] REGINALD, Robert, Xenograffiti : Essays on Fantastic Literature, Rockville (Maryland), Wildside Press, 2011, 344 pages. ROBINSON, Sara Libby, Blood Will Tell : Vampires as Political Metaphors before World War I, Boston, Academic Studies Press, (Out of the Series), 2011, 250 pages. Blood Will Tell explores the ways in which writers, thinkers, and politicians used blood and vampire-related imagery to express social and cultural anxieties in the decades leading up to the First World War. Covering a wide variety of topics, including science, citizenship, gender, and anti-Semitism, Robinson demonstrates the ways in which rhetoric tied to blood and vampires permeated political discourse and transcended the disparate cultures of Great Britain, France, Germany, and the United States, forming a cohesive political and cultural metaphor. ROBSON, David, Encounters with Vampires, San Diego (CA), ReferencePoint Press, 2011, 80 pages. [pour jeunes] RUDD, Alison, Postcolonial Gothic Fictions from the Carribean, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2010, 233 pages. SAPRA, Nessun (dir.), Lexikon der deutschen Science Fiction und Fantasy, 1933-1945, Oberhaid, Utopica, 2011. Prface de Klaus Geus. SCHAUB, Hagen, Vampire : Dem Mythos auf der Spur, Wiesbaden, Marix Verlag, 2011, 320 pages.

SHONE, Rob, Vampires : Legends of the Undead, New York, Rosen Central, (Graphic Tales of the Supernatural), 48 pages. SILVERBERG, Robert, Musings and Meditations ; Reflections on Science Fiction, Science and Other Matters, New York, Non Stop Press, 2011, 234 pages. SOLOVIOVA-HORVILLE, Daniela, Les Vampires : du folklore slave la littrature occidentale, Paris, LHarmattan, 2011, 368 pages. La vision contemporaine du vampire vhicule en grande partie par le cinma, les jeux vido, la publicit ou la fiction - rduit souvent cette figure imaginaire au rang de buveur de sang. Cet ouvrage se propose d'tudier la faon dont cette reprsentation strotype du vampire a pu peu peu se constituer dans l'imaginaire occidental. Pour cela, il examine les particularits de la vision slave du vampirisme et retrace les tapes de sa migration au sein de la socit et de la littrature occidentales aux XVIIIe et XIXe sicles. STEINL, Johannes, A Postcolonial Approach to Science Fiction Narrations of Imperialism within Star Trek, Mnchen, Grin Verlag, 2011, 60 pages. STEWART, Sheila, The Psychology of Our Dark Side : Humans Love Affair with Vampires & Werewolves, Broomall (PA), Mason Crest Publishers, 2011, 63 pages. STRONGMAN, Jay, Steampunk : Victorian Futurism, London, Korero Books, 2011, 176 pages. TIMTCHEVA, Viara, Magie et magicien dans limaginaire Mditerranen et slave, Paris, LHarmattan, 2011, 410 pages. Prface de Michel Maurille. TROUPE, Thomas Kingsley, The Legend of the Vampire, Mankato, Picture Window Books, 2011, 32 pages. [pour jeunes] A SIGNALER UNGER, Steven P., In the Footsteps of Dracula : A Personal Journey and Travel G u i d e , New York (USA) & Newcastle New South Wales (Australia), World Audience Publishers, 2010, 274 pages. Cette seconde dition est une version rvise de louvrage original avec quelques ajouts notamment le texte de la premire critique de Dracula publie dans le Manchester Guardian, le 15 juin 1897.


TRIGO, Nadine Rombert, Utopie et dystopie, Sarrebrck, ditions universitaires europennes, 2011, 300 pages. VANDERMEER, Jeff, The Steampunk Bible : An Illustrated Guide to the World of Imaginary Airships, Corsets and Goggles, Mad Scientists, and Strange Literature, New York, Abrams Image, 2011, 224 pages. WERNER, Helmut, Das grosse Handbuch der Dmonen : Monster, Vampire, Werewlfe, Leipzig, Boheimer Verlag, 2011, 272 pages. WESTFAHL, Gary & Wong Kin YUEN (eds.), Science Fiction and the Prediction of the Future : Essays on Foresight and Fallacy, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 271 pages. Introduction: Of Futures Imagined, and Futures Inhabited_GARY WESTFAHL I. Cosmic Visions_1. Pitfalls of Prophecy: Why Science Fiction So Often Fails to Predict the Future_GARY WESTFAHL 9_2. Emotional Dimensions of Transmimetic Fiction: Emotion, Aesthetics, Ethics, and Rhetoric in Tales of Tomorrows_Science, Technology, and Technoscience_RICHARD L. MCKINNEY 23 3. The Internet and the Anagogical Myths of Science Fiction_KIRK HAMPTON AND CAROL MACKAY 41_4. Technobodies and the Anxieties of Performance VERONICA HOLLINGER 52_5. Places of Alterity in Science Fiction_RICHARD L. MCKINNEY II. The Practice of Prophecy_6. Future City Toyko: 1909 and 2009_SHARALYN ORBAUGH 84_7. Rebooting A Logic Named Joe: Exploring the Multiple Influences of a Strangely Predictive Mid1940s Short Story_DAVID L. FERRO AND ERIC G. SWEDIN 104_8. Victims of a Globalized, Radicalized, Technologized World, or, Why the Beatles Needed Help!_LYNNE LUNDQUIST 120_9. A Journey Beyond the Stars: 2001: A Space Odyssey and the Psychedelic Revolution in 1960s Science Fiction_ROB LATHAM 128_10. The Endless Odyssey: The 2001 Saga and Its Inability to Predict Humanitys Future_GARY WESTFAHL 135_11. Intercultural and Interface: Kung Fu as Abstract Machine_WONG KIN YUEN 171_12. Post-Genre Cinemas and Post-Colonial Attitude: Hong Kong Meets Paris_VRONIQUE FLAMBARD-WEISBART 189_13. Writing, Weaving, and Technology_AMY KIT-SZE CHAN 198_14. The Technological Contours of Contemporary Science Fiction, or, The Science Fiction That Science Fiction Doesnt See_BROOKS LANDON 213_15. Thinking About the Smart Wireless World_GREGORY BENFORD 220__Bibliography of Works Related to Science Fiction and the Prediction of

the Future 229_Bibliography of Other Works Cited in the Text 241_About the Contributors 253_Index 255 WOOD, Rocky & Glen CHADOURNE, Horrors : Great Stories of Fear and their Creators, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 192 pages.


ANATOL, Giselle Liza (ed.), Bringing Light to Twilight : Perspectives on a Pop Culture Phenomenon, New York, Palgrave MacMillan, 2011, 256 pages. Introduction; G.L.Anatol _PART I: LITERARY CONTEXTS, PAST AND PRESENT _The Wolf in the Woods: Representations of 'Little Red Riding Hood' in Twilight; M.Kramar _Textual Vampirism in the Twilight Saga: Drawing Feminist Life from Jane Eyre and Teen Fantasy Fiction; K.Deffenbacher & M.Zagoria-Moffet _Serial Experiments in Popular Culture: The Resignification of Gothic Symbology in Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter and the Twilight Series; C.Veldman-Genz _Twilight, Translated; K.Allen Gleed _Variations, Subversions and Endless Love: Fan Fiction and the Twilight Saga; M.Lindgren Leavenworth _True Blood Waits: The Romance of Law and Literature; M.Wallis _PART II: GENDER AND SEXUALITY _Wake Up, Bella! A Personal Essay on Twilight, Mormonism, Feminism, and Happiness; T.Dietz _'When you kiss me, I want to die': Arrested Feminism in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Twilight Series; R.Nicol _'One is not born a vampire, but becomes one': Motherhood, Masochism, and Male Mothering in Twilight; M.Whitton _Of Monsters and Men: Toxic Masculinity and the 21st-Century Vampire in the T w i l i g h t Saga; T.Bealer _The Other Edward: Twilight's Queer Construction of the Vampire as Idealized Teenage Boyfriend; J.Somers & A.L.Hume _PART III: CLASS, RACE, AND GREEN SPACE _'Embraced' by Consumption: T w i l i g h t and the Modern Construction of Gender; M.Goebel _Fashion SucksBlood? Clothes and Covens in Twilight and Hollywood Culture; A.Chau _Trailing in Jonathan Harker's Shadow: Bella as ModernDay Ethnographer in Meyer's Twilight Novels; J.Ok Kim & G.L.Anatol _The Great American Love Affair: Indians in the T w i l i g h t Saga; B.Burke _Green is the New Black: Ecophobia and the Gothic Landscape in the T w i l i g h t Series;T.K.Parmiter


ABRAHAMS, Carlos, Borges y la ciencia ficcion, Granada, Ajec, 2010, 192 pages. BARBE, Norbert-Bertrand, Le Fantastique comme vision de Dieu dans loeuvre de Jean Ray, Mouzeuil-Saint-Martin, Bs ditions, (Les indispensables, 20), 2010, 73 pages. BARBE, Norbert-Bertrand, tude exotrique du Corbeau, de Poe : le corbeau comme figure du destin, Mouzeuil-Saint-Martin, Bs ditions, (Les indispensables), 2010, 61 pages. BARZ, Andr, Kennst du E.T.A. Hoffmann ?, Weimard, Bertuch Verlag, 2011, 156 pages. BENDER, Melanie, Auf den Spuren von Narnia : eine religise Weltgeschichte, Paderborn, Mnchen, Schningh Verlag, 2011, 173 pages. BLACKMAN, Robert, The Pitkin Guide to Tolkien, Andover, Hants, Pitkin Publishing, 2011, 32 pages. [pour jeunes] BRADLEY, Matthew R., Richard Matheson on Screen : A History of the Filmed Works, Jefferson (NC), McFarland Company, 2010, 305 pages. This book documents Mathesons rise to prominence, parallel literary career, and role in the horror and science fiction renaissance. In chronological order, the exhaustively indexed narrative examines each film written by Matheson or based on his work, with sections devoted to episodic television (including The Twilight Zone) and unproduced projects. BRINTON, Ian, Bronts Wuthering Heights A Readers Guide, London, Continuum, 2010, 151 pages. CAVALLARO, Dani, The Mind of Italo Calvino : A Critical Exploration of his Thoughts and Writings, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2010, vii, 202 pages. This book examines Calvinos works of fiction in the context of the philosophical ideas he advanced in his theoretical and critical works. His was an extraordinarily versatile mind, keen on experimenting with a dazzling variety of both fiction and nonfiction forms. COLLECTIF [Les bibliothques dAmiensMtropole], Jules Verne, savoir rver, savoirs rvs, Amiens, Bibliothques dAmiens-Mtropole, 2011, 23 pages. COUSINS, A. D., Pleasure and Gender in the Writings of Thomas More : Pursuing the Common Weal, Pittsburgh (PA), Duquesne University Press, (Medieval & renaissance Literary Studies), 2010, 178 pages.

DOSSIER : Georges Orwell, entre littrature et politique, dans Agone, no 45, avril 2011, 224 pages. DUBS, Kathleen and Janka KASKACOVA (eds.), Middle-Earth and Beyond : Essays on the World of J.R.R. Tolkien, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, 2010, 145 pages. Introduction . Kathleen Dubs Sourcing Tolkiens Circles of the World: Speculations on the Heimskringla, the Latin Vulgate Bible, and the Hereford Mappa Mundi : Jason Fisher Staying Home and Travelling: Stasis Versus Movement in Tolkiens Mythos : Sue Bridgwater The Enigmatic Mr. Bombadil: Tom Bombadils Role as a Representation of Nature in The Lord of the Rings: Liam Campbell Tom Bombadil Man of Mystery : Kinga Jenike Grotesque Characters in Tolkiens Novels The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings : Silvia Pokrivkov and Anton Pokrick It Snowed Food and Rained Drink in The Lord of the Rings :Janka Kasckov No Laughing Matter : Kathleen Dubs. FERRARA, Enrica Maria, Calvino e il teatro : storia di una passione rimossa, Oxford, Bern, etc, Peter Lang, (Italian Modernities, vol. 11), 2011, vii, 176 pages. FRAILEY, A. K., The Road Goes Ever On : A Christian Journey through The Lord of the Rings, New York, IUniverse, 2011, 176 pages. GAARDEN, Bonnie, The Christian Goddess : Archetype and Theology in the Fantasies of George Macdonald, Madison (NJ), Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2011, 224 pages. GASTON, Delphine, Le Guide de Twilight de A Z, Saint Victor dpine, City Poche, 2011, 382 pages. GEVREY, Franoise & Jean-Louis HAQUETTE (dirs.), Visages de Jacques Cazotte, Reims, pure (ditions et Presses universitaires de Reims), 2010, 363 pages. Publications du Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les modles esthtiques et littraires. HACKLNDER, Anja, Aspekte der Lyrikbersetzung in J.R.R. Tolkiens The Lord of the R i n g , Hamburg, Kovac Verlag, 2011, 164 pages. HAMILTON, Janet, C. S. Lewis : Twentieth Century Pilgrim, Greensboro (NC), Morgan Reynolds Pubs., 2011, 128 pages. HAMPTON, Gregory Jerome, Changing Bodies in the Fiction of Octavia Butler, Lanham, Lexington Books, 2010, 157 pages.


HARRIS, Charlaine, The Sookie Stackhouse Companion : A Complete Guide to the Sookie Stackhouse Series and the True Blood Mystery Series, London, Gollancz, 2011, 480 pages. THE SOOKIE STACKHOUSE COMPANION is a unique guide to Sookie Stackhouse and her dark fantasy southern-Gothic world, as well as an in-depth look at the award-winning HBO series TRUE BLOOD. The book will feature a brand-new Sookie story and Charlaine's own map of Bon Temps, never before published, with every place of interest in the town, including Merlotte's bar and Sookie's home. Other treats include: * An introduction by Charlaine about the impact Sookie Stackhouse has had on her writing career, and the influence on the genre at large * A large section on the award-winning HBO series TRUE BLOOD * Detailed summaries of each novel and entries on every important character, event and setting in the series, in Sookie's voice. * An overview of Sookie's world, including information on the vampires, shapeshifter/wereanimal, and fairie factions * Interviews with Charlaine Harris and Alan Ball * A selection of favourite Bon Temps recipes. HENZIG, Luc, LESCH, Paul & Ralph, Hugo Gernsback : An Amazing Story, Luxembourg, Centre National de Littrature, 2010, 228 pages. HERZFELD, Claude, Thomas Mann et le mythe de Faust, Paris, LHarmattan, 2011, 144 pages. HEIDMANN VISCHER, Ute & Jean-Michel ADAM, Textualit et intertextualit des contes : Apule, La Fontaine, Lhritier, Charles Perrault, Paris, ditions Classique Garnier, 2010, 400 pages. HORNE, Mark, J. R. R. Tolkien, Nashville (TN), Thomas Nelson, (Christian Encounters Series), 2011, 160 pages. HUGHES, Rian & Chris FOSS, Hardware : The Definite SF Works of Chris Foss, London, Titan Books, 2011, 240 pages. IRWIN, William & Gregory BASSAM (dirs.), Harry Potter, mythologie et univers secret, Champs sur Marne, Original Books, 2010, 270 pages. IRWIN, William (dir.), Twilight : les secrets dune saga fascinante, Champs sur Marne, Original Books, 2011, 263 pages. JACK, Ronald D. S., Myths and the Mythmaker : A Literary Account of J. Barries Formative Years, Amsterdam, Rodopi, (Scottish Cultural Review of Language and Literature), 2010, 341 pages. JACOB, Stefanie, Der Sonderling bei E.T. A.

Hoffmann, thse, Erlangen-Nrnberg, 2010, 107 pages. JOSHI, S. T., I am Providence : The Life and Times of H. P. Lovecraft, New York, Hippocampus Press, 2010, 2 volumes (X, 1148 pages) In 1996, S. T. Joshi's H.P. Lovecraft: a life was published. The edition was abridged by more than 150,000 words. This new version I am Providence: the life and times of H.P. Lovecraft restores every word of Joshi's original manuscript. The text has been revised and updated in light of the new information on Lovecraft that has emerged since 1996. KANDOLA, Sondeep, Vernon Lee, Tavistock, Northcote House, 2010, xiii, 100 pages. LEE, Vera G., On the Trail of Harry Potter, New Town, (MA), Pitapat Press, 2011, 224 pages. LCUYER, Sylvie, La Gnalogie fantastique de Grard de Nerval : Transcription et commentaire du manuscrit autographe, Namur, Presses de lUniversit de Namur, (tudes nervaliennes et romantiques), 2011, 126 pages. MARCANTONIO, Daniela, Aleksej Nikolaevi Tolstoj e gli esordi della fantascsienza sovietica, Civitavecchia, Prospettiva Editrice, (Constellazione Orione, 63), 2011, 97 pages. McALEER, Matthew, The Writing Family of Stephen King : A Critical Study of the Fiction of Tabitha King, Joe Hill and Owen King, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 207 pages. Though they have to a degree been eclipsed by Stephen Kings popularity, his wife, Tabitha King, and sons, Owen King and Joe Hill, have found varying levels of success in their own right. The three have traveled their own writing paths, from supernatural fiction to contemporary literary fiction. This is the first extended exploration of the works of three authors who have too long been overshadowed by their proximity to "the King of Horror." MEYER, Stephenie, The Twilight Saga : The Official Illustrated Guide, New York, Little, Brown, 2011, 524 pages. MORSE, Donald E. & Kalman MATOLCSY (eds.), The Mythic Fantasy of Robert Holdstock : Critical Essays on the Fiction, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 202 pages. Acknowledgments xi_Foreword: Under the Spell of a Magician_BRIAN W. ALDISS 1_Introduction: Mythago WoodA Source of Visions and Adventure_DONALD E. MORSE Part One: Approaches_1. The Embodiment of Abstraction in the Mythago Novels_W. A. SENIOR 13_2. Masks in the Forest: The


Dynamics of Surface and Depth in the Mythago Cycle_KLMN MATOLCSY 26_3. Exploring the Habitats of Myths: The Spatiotemporal Structure of Ryhope Wood_STEFAN EKMAN Part Two: The Novels_4. Time Winds: Early Science Fiction_ANDY SAWYER 67_5. Profusion Sublime and the Fantastic: Mythago Wood_MAREK OZIEWICZ 81_6. Tallis, the Feminine Presence in Mythago Wood: Lavondyss: Journey to an Unknown Region_ELIZABETH A. WHITTINGHAM 96_7. Embedded Narratives in Lavondyss and Ursula K. Le Guins The Left Hand of Darkness_VERA BENCZIK 114_8. Stories to Illuminate Truth and Lies to Hide Pain: Gate of Ivory, Gate of Horn_DONALD E. MORSE 129_9. A Heap of Broken ImagesThe Mythological Wasteland of the Mind: The Hollowing and Ancient Echoes_ILDIK LIMPR 141_10. So many names in so many tongues...: Allusive Mythology in Celtika_C. W. SULLIVAN III 156_11. Thresholds, Polders, and Crosshatches in the Merlin Codex_TOM SHIPPEY. McCONNELL, Scott, 100 Voices : An Oral History of Ayn Rand, New York, New American Library, 2010, xviii, 638 pages. MEYERS, Jeffrey, Orwell, Life and Art, Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2010, 256 pages. MILLER, Clarence H., Humanism and Style : Essays on Erasmus and More, Bethleem (PA), Lehig University Press, 2010, 122 pages. MODENA, Letizia, Italo Calvinos Architecture of Lightness : The Utopian Imagination in an Age of Urban Crisis, New York, Routledge, 2011, 240 pages. MUSARRA-SCHRODER, Ulla, Italo Calvino tra i cinque sensi, Firenze, F. Cesati, 2010, 246 pages. PARKINS, Wendy (ed.), William Morris and the Art of Everyday Life, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2010, vi, 188 pages. PHELPSTEAD, Carl, Tolkien and Wales : Language, Literature and Identity, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2011, 224 pages. PHILLIPS, Paul, A Clockwork Counterpoint : The Music and Literature of Anthony Burgess, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2010, xix, 467 pages. PICOT, Jean-Pierre (dir.), Andr Laurie, dans Otrante, no 29, Paris, Kim, 2011. Ces articles voquent la vie et l'oeuvre de Paschal Grousset (1844-1909), alias Philippe Daryl, alias Andr Laurie : crivain et ngre de Jules Verne, combattant politique et journaliste engag, rfugi en Angleterre dans les annes 1870, traducteur de Robert Louis Stevenson,

promoteur de l'ducation physique et de l'olympisme, dfenseur-illustrateur de l'instruction publique. PRESTEL, Marco, Actioninszenierungen in der modernen Kinder und Jugendliteratur : die Artemis-Fowl Romance von Eoin Colfer, Frankfurt am Main, et al., Peter Lang, 2011, 276 pages. REAGIN, Nancy Ruth, Harry Potter and History, Hoboken, J. Wiley, (Wiley Pop Culture and History Series), 2011, 352 pages. ROSSI, Umberto, The Twisted Worlds of Philip K. Dick : A Reading of Twenty Ontologically Uncertain Novels, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 324 pages. This book examines Dicks writing through the lens of ontological uncertainty, providing a comparative map of his oeuvre, tracing both the interior connections between books and his allusive intertextuality. Topics covered include time travel, alternate worlds, androids and simulacra, finite subjective realities and schizophrenia. Twenty novels are explored in detail, including titles that have received scant critical attention. Some of his most important short stories and two of his realist novels are also examined, providing a general introduction to Dicks body of work. ROBERSON, William H., Walter M. Miller : A Reference Guide to his Fiction and his Life, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 218 pages. This comprehensive literary guide provides more than 1,500 alphabetically arranged entries on Millers life and body of work. It includes summaries of his two novels and all of his shorter works, character descriptions, explanations of the literary, cultural, historical, and religious allusions found in the works, as well as translations of all foreign words and phrases. RUUD, Jay, Critical Companion to J. R. R. Tolkien, New York, Facts on File, 2011, 448 pages. SABANCI, Gamze, Charlotte Perkins Gilmans Short Stories as Social Criticism Conflicts and Contradictions in a Nineteeth -Century Author, Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2010, 293 pages. SCHURMANS, Fabrice, Michel de Ghelderode : un tragique de lidentit, Paris, LHarmattan, 2011, 134 pages. SENF, Carol A., Bram Stoker, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, (Gothic AuthorsCritical Revisions), 2011, 160 pages.


SMITH, Caroline M., Dr. Seusss Secrets of the Deep : The Lost, Forgotten, and Hidden Works of Theodor Seuss Geisel, Chicago, Chase Art Companies, 2010, 348 pages. Images Compiled and Edited by William W. Dreyer and Robert CHASE Jr. WARD, J. R., The Black Dagger Brotherhood : An Insiders Guide, London, Piatkus Books, 2011, 512 pages. Prepare to enter the dark, passionate world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood and get up close and personal with each of the Brothers. Youll find insider information on the Brotherhood and interviews with your favourite characters, including a heartbreaking conversation with Tohrment and Wellsie, conducted three weeks before she was killed by lessers. Youll discover deleted scenes in addition to exciting material from the J. R. Ward message boards and the answers to questions about the series posed by readers. Youll learn what its like for J. R. Ward to write each instalment of the series and, in a fascinating twist, youll read an interview with the author - conducted by the Brothers themselves. WEICHSELMAN, Sonja, Einer trage des ander Last : der Topos der Stellvertretung bei C. S. Lewis, Berlin & Mnster, LIT Verlag, 2011, 264 pages. WEISS, Shira Wolosky, The Riddle of Harry Potter : Secret Passages and Interpretive Quests, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, x, 225 pages. The magic of Harry Potter: ordinary worlds and magic ones; dursleys and weasleys; word riddles; magic figures -- Double meanings: inside and outside; the world at war; the other ministry; horcruxes -- Well-spotted: plots and reversals; backwards; forwards; interpretive quests -- The turns of time: memory, prediction, prophecy; memory; prediction; the prophecy -- Seen and unforeseen -- Mirror images: reflecting characters; fathers and families; the secret riddle; double agent -Moral fables: the elder wand; love or power; the prophecy again; possession; moral choices; the invisibility cloak -- Rebirth: the resurrection stone; horcruxes or hallows; mothers; rebirth; ordinary magic -- Appendix: discussion topics. Topic 1. Harry Potter and fairy tales; Topic 2: Harry Potter and psychological interpretation; Topic 3: Allegory and literary tradition; Topic 4: history, ideology, culture studies; Topic 5: ethical engagements; Topic 6: hermeneutics.

WITTSCHIER, Antonella, Neue Wege zu Dino Buzzati : ein Buzzati Handbuch, Frankfurt am Main, et al., Peter Lang, 2010, 331 pages. WOLFE, Judith & B. N. (eds.), C. S. Lewis and the Church : Essays in Honor of Walter H o o p e r , London, T & T Clark, 2011, 208 pages. WOOD, Rocky, Stephen King : A Literary Companion, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 220 pages. Part I considers the reception of Kings work, the film adaptations that they gave rise to, the fictional worlds in which some of his novels are set, and the more useful approaches to Kings varied corpus. Part II consists of entries for each series, novel, story, screenplay and even poem, including works never published or produced, as well as characters and settings. ZETTERSTEN, Arne, J. R. Tolkiens Double Worlds and Creative Process : Language and Life, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 256 pages. En bref : ECKEN, Claude, Pour une approche quantique de la science-fiction , une longue tude parue dans Bifrost, no 61, janvier 2011, pp. 114-143. GOORDEN, Bernard nous informe que : Lintgralit de la mythique revue Der Orchideegarten ( Phantastische Bltter ) est prsent disponible et tlchargeable gratuitement partir du site www. idesetautres.be. Revue de littrature (principalement) fantastique expressionniste germanophone (allemande de Munich, autrichienne de Vienne et suisse allemande de Zrich), de format A4, a connu 51 numros (dont 3 doubles) de 1918 (quand parut au moins un Probeheft ) 1921. Lditeur en tait Karl Hans STROBL (pour Dreilnder Verlag, partir du N5) et le rdacteur en chef Alf von CZIBULKA. Il a aussi rajout sur le mme site le roman La Pierre dans leau du pruvien Harry Belevan ainsi que la correspondance Bernard dcrivains hispano-amricains : Juan-Jacob Bajarlia, Jos B, Adolph, Mario Levrero & Luis Britto Garcia. LAFLAMME, Steve, De la difficult de faire bonne image [article sur fantastique et peinture), dans Qubec franais, no 161, printemps 2011, pp. 86-88.


LANDAIS, Clotilde sintresse beaucoup loeuvre de Patrick Sencal, un auteur qubcois trs populaire, spcialis dans lhorreur, le fantastique et le noir : Alination et altrit : la construction identitaire dans Aliss, de Patrick Sencal dans @ n a l y s e s , Devenir soi avec les autres. Identit et altrit dans les littratures francophones duCanada [E. Delic, L. Hotte, J. Thibeault, dirs.], vol. 6, no 1, 2011, pp. 110128. Interroger le psychisme humain : le double dans Oniria de Patrick Sencal , dans Imaginaire mdical dans le fantastique et la science-fiction, J. Gofette & L. Guillaud, Paris, Bragelonne, 2011, pp. 205-217. A paratre : Aliss, de Patrick Sencal : la mtalespse comme instrument du fantastique dans Les Genres sclatent : littratures de dtection et de limaginaire dexpression franaise au Qubec et au Canada, [Sophie Beaul & Amy RANSOM, dirs.], Ottawa, ditions David [ paratre. On en reparlera...]


ADRIEN, Gilles, La Cit des enfants perdus , La Madeleine, LettMotif, (Scnars, 3), 2010, 164 pages. Scnario de Gilles Adrien, JeanPierre Jeunet, Marc Caro; dialogues de Gilles Adrien. Dialogues additionnels de Guillaume Laurant. AKNIN, Laurent, Sir Christopher Lee, Paris, Nouveau Monde, 2011, 297 pages. ANON, Star Wars Characters Encyclopedia, New York, DK Publishing, 2011, 208 pages. A SIGNALER AUGER, Emily E., Tech-noir Film : A Theory of the Development of Popular Genres, Bristol (UK) & Wilmington (NC), Intellect Ltd., 2011, 500 pages. From the postapocalyptic world of B l a d e R u n n e r to the James Cameron mega-hit Terminator, tech-noir has emerged as a distinct genre, with roots in both the Promethean myth and the earlier popular traditions of gothic, detective, and science fiction. Many well-known film and literary worksincluding The Matrix, RoboCop, and Mary Shelleys Frankensteinare discussed with reference to their relationship to tech-noir and one another. Featuring an extensive, clearly indexed filmography, TechNoir Film will be of great interest to anyone wishing to learn more about the development of this new and highly innovative genre.

BECKMANN, Anita, Ruth HATLAPA & Oliver JELINSKI, Birgit ZIENER (dirs.), Horror als Alltag : Texte zu Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Berlin, Verbrecher Verlag, 2010, 248 pages. Buffy ist ein Mdchen, das Dmonen mchtig auf die Mtze gibt. Herrschaftliche Strukturen, die in der Real World so schwer zu fassen sind, erhalten ein Gesicht, in das man schlagen kann. Soweit so schn, aber leider nur fr den Zuschauer. Denn Buffy selbst kriegt durch ihren Job ganz andere Probleme in der Highschool, spter im College und im dmonenfreien Teil ihres Alltags. Und zwar solche, die man nicht verprgeln kann. Hier hat die Struktur kein Gesicht mehr. Im Medium des Phantastischen werden so HeteronomieErfahrungen auf eine verbindliche Weise thematisiert, wie es vermeintlich authentischen Abbildern und moralischem Bildungsfernsehen nicht mglich ist. In zehn Artikeln streitet das Buch auch darber, ob sich der kritische Gehalt der Fernsehserie an ihren Kunst- oder aber gerade an ihren Kulturindustriecharakter binden lsst. Mit Beitrgen von Carmen Dehnert, Dietmar Dath, Heide Lutosch, Jakob Schmidt, Jasper Nicolaisen, Lars Quadfasel und anderen. BLOCK, Paula M., Star Trek : la srie originale, (365 jours), Paris, La Martinire, 2011, 740 pages. Collaboration de Terry J. Erdmann. Introdution de Dorothy Fontana. Une clbration visuelle de Star Trek : La srie originale, proposant le guide dfinitif des 79 premiers pisodes. BOGSTAD, Janice M. & Philip E. KAVENY (eds.), Picturing Tolkien : Essays on Peter Jacksons Lord of the Ring T r i l o g y , Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 304 pages. This collection of sixteen essays offers a positive consensus of director Peter Jacksons spectacularly successful adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkiens Lord of the Rings trilogy: T h e Fellowship of the Ring (2001) ,The Two Towers (2002) and The Return of the King (2003). Part One of the collection, "Techniques of Structure and Story," compares and contrasts the organizational principles of the books and films. Part Two, "Techniques of Character and Culture," focuses on the methods used to transform the characters and settings of Tolkiens narrative into the personalities and places visualized on screen. BRITTON, Piers D., TARDISbound : Navigating the Universes of Doctor Who, London, I. B. Tauris, 2011, 272 pages.


BULLA, Christine, Die Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit am Beispiel des Films The Matrix, Mnchen, Grin Verlag, 2011, 24 pages. BURGALETA, Carlos & Jose Luis VIRUETE, Terror bajo las aguas : el cine de monstruos marinos, Madrid, Ilarion, 2010, 247 pages. CAMPBELL, Mark & Kim NEWMAN, D o c t o r Who : The Episode Guide, Harpenden (UK), Pocket Essentials, 2011, 224 pages. CHIHAIA, Matei, Der Golem-Effekt : Orientierung und phantastische Immersion im Zeitalter des Kinos, Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2011, 387 pages. CLARK, Mark & Bryan SENN, Sixties Shockers : A Critical Filmography of Horror Cinema, 1960-1969, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 476 pages. This comprehensive filmography provides critical analyses and behind-the-scenes stories for 600 horror, science fiction and fantasy films from the 1960s. During those tumultuous years horror cinema flourished, proving as innovative and unpredictable as the decade itself. Representative titles include Night of the Living Dead, The Haunting, Carnival of Souls, Repulsion, The Masque of the Red Death, Targets and The Conqueror Worm. An historical overview chronicles the explosive growth of horror films during this era, as well as the emergence of such dynamic directorial talents as Roman Polanski, George Romero, Francis Ford Coppola and Peter Bogdanovich. COLLECTIF, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Film Souvenir Book, London, BBC Childrens Books, 2011, 128 pages. COTTER, Bobb, Ingrid Pitt, Queen of Horror : The Complete Career, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2010, ix, 220 pages. CRESTI, Matteo Cosimo, LArchitectura nei cinema fantascienza, Firenze : A. Pontecorboli, (Architectura e arte), 2010, 182 pages. DUCHER, Patrick, Le Prisonnier : une nigme tlvisuelle, Draguignan, Yris, (Tlvisions en sries), 2011, 270 pages. DUFOUR, ric, Le Cinma de sciencefiction : histoire et philosophie Paris, Armand Colin, (Cinma/Arts visuels), 2011, 272 pages. De ses dbuts comme genre dans lAmrique des annes 1950 jusqu aujourdhui, toutes les facettes de ce cinma sont ici dcrites et analyses selon des angles rsolument novateurs. Grce de trs nombreux exemples, nous dcouvrons comment, de la peur atomique des annes de Guerre froide

lmergence, trente ans plus tard, du cyberpunk, les films de science-fiction nous clairent sur les volutions technologiques et esthtiques de leur poque. Dans un second temps, louvrage propose une typologie des figures visuelles et narratives, depuis limagerie du voyage dans lespace ou celle de lextraterrestre jusqu la critique sociale et politique, et montre combien ce genre cinmatographique, qui est cration dun monde, est fond sur la dsorientation de lhomme face ses propres repres. ENDTER, Heike, konomische Utopien und ihre visuelle Umsetzung in Science FictionFilmen, Nrnberg, Verlag fr moderne Kunst, 2011, 240 pages. ESCUDERO PREZ, Jimena, Tecnoheroinas : identitas femeninas en la ciencia ficcion cinematografica, Oviedo, KRK Ediciones, 2010, 224 pages. FEICHTINGER, Christian & Theresia HEIMERL (dirs.), Dunkle Helden : Vampire als Spiegel religiser Diskurse in Film und TV, Marburg, Schren Verlag, (Film und Theologie, 17), 2011, 197 pages. FEYERABEND, Florian, The Living Dead Postmodern Icons of Horror : The Oeuvre of George A. Romero, Marburg, Tectum Verlag, 2011, 141 pages. FLINT, David, Holocausto Zombi : que es un zombi cinematographico ? Los muerte vivientes devoraron la cultura pop, Teia, Ma non tropo, 2010, 256 pages. FORBECK, Matt, Stars Wars vs Star Trek : Could the Empire Kick the Federations Ass ? And Other Galaxy Shaking Enigmas, New York, Adams Media, 2011, 256 pages. FORTIN, David T., Architecture and Science Fiction Film, Farham (UK), Ashgate, (Ashgate Studies in Architecture), 2011, 208 pages. FURBY, Jacqueline & Claire HINES, Fantasy, New York, Routledge, (Routledge Film Guide Books), 2011, 160 pages. GERANI, Gary & Steve CHORNEY, Top 100 Sci-Fi Movies, San Diego (CA), IDW Publishing, 2011, 192 pages. GRAHAM Elizabeth (ed.), Meanings of Ripley : The Alien Quadrilogy and Gender, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010, 214 pages. GURINEAU, Jrmy, Les Adaptations de Stephen King, Asnires sur Seine, J. Gurineau, 2011, 223 pages. HANSEN, Regina (ed.), Roman Catholicism in Fantastic Film : Essays on Belief, Spectacle, Ritual and Imagery, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 296 pages.


This collection of twenty-two critical essays addresses the relationship between Roman Catholicism and films of the fantastic, which includes the genres of fantasy, horror, science fiction and the supernatural. The collection covers a range of North American and European films from Dracula and other vampire movies to Miracle at Fatima, The Exorcist, Danny Boyles Millions, The Others, Maurice Pialats Sous le Soleil de Satan, the movies of Terry Gilliam and George Romeros zombie series. HARDWICKE, Catherine, Red Riding Hood : from Script to Screen, San Rafael (CA), Insight Editions, 2011, 192 pages. HEIT, James (ed.), Vader, Voldemort and Other Villains : Essays on Evil in Popular Media, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 233 pages. Preface 1_I n t r o d u c t i o n 3__1. The Aesthetic of Evil 13_DANIEL A. FORBES_2. The Devil Made Me Do It! The Devil in 1960s1970s Horror Film 28_ANTOINETTE F. WINSTEAD_3. Frankensteins Legacy: The Mad Scientist Remade 46_KRISTINE LARSEN_4. Focus on the Family: Good and Evil Vampires in the Twilight Saga 64_A.J. GRANT_5. The Dichotomy of the Great Mother Archetype in Disney Heroines and Villainesses 80_SARAH LYNNE BOWMAN_6. Exploring the Relay Gaze in Hollywood Cinema: Serial Killers and the Women Who Hunt Them 97_SARAH LAFFERTY_7. Wanting the White Witch 113_BRYAN DOVE_8. Paradise Inverted: Philip Pullmans Use of High Fantasy and Epic Poetry to Portray Evil in His Dark Materials 125_E. QUINN FOX_9. Sim Evil: Avatars and the Ethical Game Mechanic 145_KELLY KELLEWAY_10. Making Modern Evil: Terrorism, Torture, and the Creation of Evil in 24 162_MICHAEL J. LEWIS_11. No Laughing Matter: The Joker as a Nietzschean Critique of Morality 175_JAMEY HEIT_12. I Am Your Father: The Villain and the Future Self 189_NATHANIEL VAN YPEREN_13. Hearts of Darkness: Voldemort and Iago, with a Little Help from Their Friends 202_KEN ROTHMAN HERRIG, Thomas A., ...wo noch nie eine Frau zuvor gewesen ist... 45 Jahre Star Trek und der Feminismus, Marburg, Tectum, 2011, 206 pages. HILL, Annette, Paranormal Media : Audiences, Spirits and Magic in Popular Culture, New York, Routledge, 2011, 210 pages.

HOCHSCHERF, Tobias & James LEGGOTT (eds.), British Science Fiction Film and Television : Critical Essays, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 227 pages. Acknowledgments vii_Introduction: British Science Fiction Beyond the TARDIS_TOBIAS HOCHSCHERF and JAMES LEGGOTT 1__1. H.G. Wells and Science Fiction Cinema_JAMES CHAPMAN 11_2. Aftermaths: PostApocalyptic Imagery_CHRISTIAN HOFFSTADT and DOMINIK SCHREY 28_3. The BBC Versus Science Fiction: The Collision of Transnational Genre and National Identity in Television of the Early 1950s_DEREK JOHNSTON 40_4. Hammer Horror and Science Fiction_DAVID SIMMONS 50_5. Robert Fuest and The Final Programme: Science Fiction and the Question of Style_MICHAEL DU PLESSIS 60_6. Anything Can Happen in the Next Half-Hour: Gerry Andersons Transnational Science Fiction_JONATHAN BIGNELL 73_7. Tracking UFO: Format, Text and Context_PETER HUTCHINGS 85_8. A Clockwork Orange, Exploitation and the Art Film_I.Q. HUNTER 96_9. Visions of an English Dystopia: History, Technology and the Rural Landscape in T h e Tripods_LINCOLN GERAGHTY 104_10. The Future of History in Dennis Potters C o l d Lazarus_CHRISTINE SPRENGLER 117_11. Expatriate! Expatriate! Doctor Who: The Movie and Commercial Negotiation of a Multiple Text_PETER WRIGHT 128_12. Invasion of the Brit-Snatchers: National Identity in Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema_AIDAN POWER 143_13. A Cosy Catastrophe: Genre, National Cinema, and Fan Responses to 28 Days Later_BRIGID CHERRY 156_14. Desiring the Doctor: Identity, Gender and Genre in Online Fandom_REBECCA WILLIAMS 167_15. Invaders from Space, Time Travel and Omnisexuality: The MultiLayered Narrative of T o r c h w o o d _ L E E BARRON 178_ JACOBS, Stephen, Karloff : More than a Monster : The Autorized Biography, Sheffield, Tomahawk Press, 2011, 568 pages. KAILER, Katja, Science Fiction : Gen- und Reprodukstiontechnologie in populren Spielfilmen, Berlin, Logos, 2011, 204 pages. KANE, Paul & Marie OREAGAN, Voices in the Dark : Interviews with Horror Writers, Directors and Actors, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 256 pages. These authors, directors and actors working in the horror genre include Clive Barker, Neil Gaiman, James Herbert, Joe Hill, Steve Niles,


Sarah Pinborough, John Carpenter, Mick Garris, Stuart Gordon, Rob Zombie, Christa Campbell, Zach Galligan, Betsy Palmer and Ron Perlman. KAVENEY, Roz & Jennifer STOY, Battlestar Galactica : Investigating Flesh, Spirit and Steel, London, I. B. Tauris, (Investigating Cult TV), 2010, viii, 278 pages. KERSWELL, J. A., Teenage Wasteland : The Slasher Movie Uncut, London, New Holland Publications, 2010, 208 pages. K. L. H., Star Wars : The Racial Nationalist Perspective, London, Steven Books, 2011, 16 pages. This article is taken from a 1978 issue of The Odinist published in Canada. It refers to the first film of the saga which was not financed by the usual Hollywood moguls. It draws exact parellels between the old European beliefs and ideals and those in the Star Wars story. LAIST, Randy (ed.), Looking for Lost : Critical Essays on the Enigmatic Series, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 260 pages. Introduction_RANDY LAIST 1__PART ONE: LOST IN TIME_We Have to Go Back: Temporal and Spatial Narrative Strategies_ ERIKA JOHNSON-LEWIS 11_Narrative Philosophy in the Series: Fate, Determinism, and the Manipulation of Time_MICHAEL RENNETT 25_Enslaved by Time and Space: Determinism, Traumatic Temporality, and Global Interconnectedness_ARIS MOUSOUTZANIS 43_New Space, New Time, and Newly Told Tales: L o s t and T h e Tempest_RYAN HOWE 59__PART TWO: LOST PHILOSOPHY_ L o s t and Becoming: Reconceptualizing Philosophy_JASON M. PECK 75_Lost in Theory: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lost but Were Afraid to Ask Lacan, Derrida, and Foucault_GIANCARLO LOMBARDI 90_So This Is All in My Mind? Hugo Crash-Tests the Contemporary Crusoe_MATTHEW PANGBORN 105_Primitivizing the Island: The Eclectic Collection of Non-Western Imagery_RENEE MCGARRY 120__P A R T THREE: LOST MEN AND LOST WOMEN_ T h e L o s t Boys and Masculinity Found_DAVID MAGILL 137_It Always Ends the Same: Paternal Failures_HOLLY HASSEL AND NANCY L. CHICK 154_Lost Children: Pregnancy, Parenthood, and Potential_DEBORAH DAVIDSON AND WAYNE JEBIAN 171__PART FOUR: LOST IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY_Lost in Capitalism: or, Down Here Possessions Nine-Tenths_ELIZABETH

LUNDBERG 189_Strangers in a Strange Land: Evading Environmental Apocalypse Through Human Choice_CARLOS A. TARIN AND STACEY K. SOWARDS 202_Securitizing the Island: The Other Others Defense of Environmental Management_J. L. SCHATZ 216_We Have to Go Back: Lost After 9/11_JESSE KAVADLO 230_ LAVERY, David, Joss : A Creative Portrait of Joss Whedon, Maker of the Whedonverses, London, I. B. Tauris, 2011, 272 pages. LETHEM, Jonathan, They Live, New York, Soft Skull Press, (Deep Focus, 1), 2010, 100 pages. LOCHNER, Patrick, Splatter Der moderne Horror, Mnchen, Grin Verlag, (Akademische Schriftenreihe), 2011, 92 pages. LOPEZ, Pedro L., Stephen King en cine y television, Madrid, Arkadin Ediciones, 2011, 240 pages. MARTINEZ LUCENA, Jorge, Vampiros y zombis postmodernos : la revolucion de los hijos de la murte, Barcelona, Gedisa, 2010, 192 pages. MENEGALDO, Gilles (dir.), Gothic N.E.W.S, 2 : Studies in Classic and Contemporary Gothic Cinema, Paris, M. Houdiard, 2011, 232 pages. Fields of investigation concern German expressionism, Hollywood Female gothic, the Jekyll and Hyde myth, British Horror films of the sixties, Southern gothic on film, the grotesque, Asian Horror films, postmodern vampires etc. Some articles focus on prominent diretors such as Rouben Mamoulian, Jean Renoir, Roger Corman (the Poe cycle), Roman Polanski, John Boorman, George Romero, Alejandro Amenabar. The use of gothic conventions in contemporary cinema is examined through two very different case studies (The Quay Brothers, Mathieu Kassowitz). The role of gothic tropes in the classic television series, The Twilight Zone is assessed while the impact of digital technology is also explored (The Matrix). MONGINI, Giovanni, Science Fiction all movies. Enciclopedia della fantascienza per immagini. Arese, Edizioni della Vigna, deux volumes, vol. 1, 2010, 264 pages, vol. 2, 2010, 218 pages. MORRIS, Mark (ed.), Cinema futura, East Yorkshire, PS Publishing, 2010, xiii, 255 pages. OREAR, Jim, Hollywood Paranormal Films : Fact & Fiction, Atglen (PA), Schiffer Publishing, 2011, 128 pages.


PEDRAZA, Pilar, La mujer pantera, Jacques Tourneur (1942) guia para ver y analizar, Valencia, Nau Llibres, 2010, 104 pages. PITTS, Michael R., Allied Artists Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy Films, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 248 pages. PUGLIESE, Roberto, Dario Argento, Il Milano, Castoro (Il Castoro cinema), 2011, 169 pages. PUSCH, Katharine, Der Herr der Ringe Die zwei Trme als Genremix von Fantasy und Kriegsfilm, Mnchen, Grin Verlag, 2011, 36 pages. RAIDEL, Ella, Subversive Realitt : Tsai Ming-Liang und seine Filme, Marburg, Schren Verlag, 2011, 151 pages. REDWOOD, Thomas, Andrei Tarkovskys Poetics of Cinema, Newcastle on Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publ., 2010, ix, 260 pages. RINZLER, J. W., The Sounds of Star Wars, San Francisco, Chronicle Books, 2010, 303 pages. Prface de Ben Buritt. RODRIGUEZ, Marie-Soledad (dir.), Le Fantastique dans le cinma espagnol contemporain, Paris, Presses de la Sorbonne nouvelle, 2011, 184 pages. Cet ouvrage prsente au public franais un pan souvent mconnu de la production cinmatographique espagnole : le cinma fantastique. Les tudes runies ici interrogent les traditions iconographiques et sociales qui dessinent les contours du genre fantastique dans le cinma espagnol. On constate ainsi que le cinma fantastique n'est pas simplement un genre d'vasion, mais peut aussi traduire les proccupations actuelles de la socit espagnole, notamment son difficile rapport au pass. SCHMLLER, Verena & Marion KHN (dirs.), Durch das Labyrinth von Lost : die USFernsehserie aus kultur und medienwissenschaftlicher Perspektive, Marburg, Schren Verlag, 2011, 224 pages. SELLERS, Christian & Gary SMART, The Complete History of Return of the Living Dead, London, Plexus Publishers, 2010, 288 pages. For the first time in 25 years, the cast and crew of all five films in the cult horror-comedy franchise reveal their secrets from behind the scenes, telling of life on set as well as the feuds, legal battles and sackings that plagued the makers. Featuring hundreds of previously unseen photos and exclusive artwork, this unique, eye-catching history is the ultimate celebration of the Return franchise and all those who contributed to its creation.

SHORT, Sue, Cult Telefantasy Series : A Critical Analysis of The Prisoner, Twin Peaks, The X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lost, Heroes, Doctor Who and Star Trek, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 256 pages. SIMBRGER, Manuel, Queer Reading : Dekonstruktion und Heteronormativitt in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Mnchen, AVM Meidenbauer Verlagsbuchh., 2010, 172 pages. SNYDER, Zach, Sucker Punch : lalbum officiel du film, Paris, Le Pr aux Clercs, 2011, 245 pages. STRINER, Richard, Supernatural Romance in Film : Tales of Love, Death and the Afterlife, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 213 pages. Themes of love, death and the supernatural are mainstays in cinema, and this is the first scholarly work to address movies that explore all three. Twenty-two films are covered in short chapters, from The Mummy through W h a t Dreams May Come, with plot synopses, critical analyses of the relationship of each to major philosophical and literary themes, and explorations of the critical responses. TERRADES VINCENS, Eduard, Cine fantastico 100% Asian, Malaga, Dip. Prov. de Malaga, 2010, 330 pages. THIELLEMENT, Pacme, Les mmes yeux que Lost, Paris, L. Scheer, (Variations, 12), 2011, 116 pages. Dans cet essai, l'auteur dmontre que Lost, mi-chemin du projet tout public et de la narration complexe, en dpassant le clivage historiquement connu du grand rcit mythique et de la fiction d'avant-garde, ouvre de plainpied l'art du XXIe sicle. Sont mis contribution, entre autres, Sohraward, Ren Gunon, Henry James, Ren Daumal et Twin Peaks pour produire le ta'wl de Lost : une exgse qui soit galement un exil de notre prison occidentale. UNGARO, Jean, Le Corps de cinma : le super-hros amricain, Paris, LHarmattan, 2010, 216 pages. WALTERS, James, Fantasy Film : A Critical Introduction, Oxforg & New Yorg, Berg, (Film genres), 2011, 192 pages. ZIPES, Jack, The Enchanted Screen : The Unknown History of Fairy Tales Films, New York, Routledge, 2011, 456 pages.


rcits et films policiers

plusieurs fils : lhistoire de ldition, la place du roman despionnage dans la littrature populaire, les gots et les besoins du lectorat qui se lisent dans les succs quil accorde, lacte de lecture dun genre au rfrent mal dcidable (fait ? fiction ?), la disparit dun genre relevant parfois de la littrature mais le plus souvent de son mtissage avec la culture mdiatique paralittrature, diversit des formats de limprim et des rencontres entre texte et image, diversit des vhicules (thtre, cinma, BD), diversit des relations entre eux et limprim (adaptations, novellisations) CAUDILL, David Stanley, Stories about Science in Law : Literary and Historical Images of Acquired Expertise, Farnham (Surrey), Ashgate Pub., 2011, 144 pages. Introduction -- Law-and-literature, literatureand-science, and a hybrid law-literaturescience field of study -- Ramo_n y Cajal: hard sf for trial lawyers -- Ibsens an enemy of the people: the public understanding of science in law -- Idealizing science in film: the expert witness in trial movies -- Faction: Truman Capote, legal ethics and "In Cold Blood" -Historical narratives: mad alchemists, experts attacking experts, and the crisis in forensic science -- Conclusion: a new picture of science in law. DIAZ ALARCON, Soledad, La novela policiaca en Francia tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial (analisis y traduccion), Cordoba, Universidad de Cordoba, servicio de publicaciones, 2010, 272 pages. O DONGHAILE, Deaglan, Blasted Literature : Victorian Political Fiction and the Shock of Modernism, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2011, 260 pages. DOSSIER : coutes secrtes et regards drobs [sous la direction de Mlikha Abdelmoumen], dans Belphgor, vol. X. no 1, avril 2011. http://etc.dal.ca/belphegor/ ARTICLES Mlikah Abdelmoumen : Je suis votre public ? ou l'espion comme spectateur amoureux : (La vie des autres de Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck ? Allemagne, 2006) Paul Bleton : Ce qu'espionner veut dire Fabienne Claire Caland : Tendre l'oreille ou la manger ? Variations sur Ncroscope (Brian Lumley) Daniel Cougnas : John Buchan, Le rcit d'espionnage et la thmatique du regard Dsir Nyela : Trafic de regards. Consid-

ANDRS ARGENTE, Josefina de & Rosa GARCIA RAYEGO (dirs.), Las dama negras. Novela policiaca escrita por mujeres, Madrid, Fundamentos, 2011, 304 pages. tude des polars dAgatha Christie, Dorothy Sayers, P.D. James, Ruth Rendell, Patricia Highsmith, Sara Paretsky, Sue Grafton, Patricia Cornwell et Alicia Gimenez Bartlett. BENNASAR, Sebastia, Pot semblar un accident : la novella negra i la transformacio dels Pasos catalans, 19992010, Barcelona, Meteora, 2011, 352 pages. Proleg dAlex Martin Escriba. [tude du polar catalan, de 1999 2010] A SIGNALER BLETON, Paul, La Cristallisation de lombre. les origines oublies du roman despionnage sous la IIIe Rpublique, Limoges, PULIM, (Mdiatextes), 2011, 446 pages. Avec la collaboration de Melikah Abdelmoumen et Dsir Nyela] Il sagit de retracer lhistoire de la fiction despionnage de ses origines oublies sous la IIIe Rpublique jusqu la Guerre froide : reconstituer lmergence du domaine franais ancien du genre, reprer les caractristiques thmatiques et narratives dun genre en voie de cristallisation, comprendre les ressorts de son volution. Ce qui exige le tressage de


rations sur le roman d'espionnage africain Norbert Spehner : crits de l'ombre : tudes & essais sur le roman et le film d'espionnage DOSSIER : Fantmas centenaire, dans L e Rocambole, no 54, printemps 2011. Editorial_Vie de l'association_Fantmas centenaire_ Il y a 100 ans : Fantmas !, par Alfu_ Fantmas et la critique, par Alfu_ Il n'y a pas de Fantmas dans le feuilleton que vous avez demand , par Jean-Luc Buard_ L'trange retour de Fantmas en 1926, par Daniel Compre_ Marcel Allain est-il l'auteur de Fantmas ?, par Alfu_ Le corps d'Hlne, par Philippe Ethuin_ Fantmas : le romanphoto mystrieux, par Marc Georges_ Marcel Allain, scnariste de bandes dessines, par Marc Georges_ F a n t m a s , un feuilleton thorique (pisode 8), par Colas Duflo_ F a n t m a s au cinma. De la fidlit la trahison, par Marc Georges_ Gino Starace et l'Italie, par Alfu_Varia_ Les Rvlations de Rocambole, par Jean-Paul Gomel, Paul J. Hauswald & Claude Herbulot_Chroniques_ Le front populaire_ Roc@mbole, par Philippe Ethuin_Courrier des lecteurs_Les contes du Rocambole. DREW, Bernard, The 100 Most Popular Contemporary Mystery Authors : Biographical Sketches and Bibliographies, Santa Barbara (CA), Libraries Unlimited, 2011, 350 pages. EMRYS, A. B., Wilkie Collins, Vera Caspary and the Evolution of the Casebook Novel, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 220 pages. While Collins scholarship has often focused on social issues, this critical study explores his formal ingenuity, particularly the novel of testimony constructed from epistolary fiction, trial reports, and prose monologue. His innovations in form were later mirrored by Vera Caspary, who adapted The Woman in White three times into contemporary fiction. This text explores how the formal dialogue between Collins and Caspary has linked sensation fiction with noir thrillers and film noir. FRADINGER, Moira, Binding Violence : Literary Visions of Political Origins, Stanford (CA), Stanford University Press, 2010, xii, 333 pages. GOODMAN, Nan (ed.), Juris-dictions, Boulder (CO), University of Colorado Press, 2010, vi, 227 pages. No 2, vol. 48 de English Language Notes [Numro spcial]

GRADINARI, Irina, Genre, Gender und Lustmord : mrderische Geschlechtsfantasien in der deutschspragigen Gegenw e r t s p r o s a , Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag, 2011, 328 pages. Obwohl er in Kriminalpsychiatrie und Kriminologie als analytische Kategorie lngst diskreditiert ist, wird der Lustmord in der Literatur am Leben gehalten. Anhand deutschsprachiger zeitgenssischer Prosawerke (u.a. E. Jelinek, T. Hettche, T. Dorn, P. Sskind) zeigt Irina Gradinari, dass das prekre Thema nicht nur ein attraktives Motiv ist, sondern auch eine narrative Funktion im Text erfllt eine konstitutive Wirkung auf Genre und Gender. JANERKA, Malgorzata, La novela policiaca espanola (1975-2005) ante los problemas de la sociedad espanola contemporanea, Vigo, Academia del Hispanismo, 2010, 197 pages. KABATCHNIK, Amnon, Blood on Stage, 1950-1975 : Milestones Plays of Crime, Mystery, and Detection (An Annotated Repertoire), Lanham (MD), The Scarecrow Press, 2011, 672 pages. A SIGNALER LITS, Marc, Le Genre policier dans tous ses tats. DArsne Lupin Navarro, Limoges, Presses de lUniversit de Limoges, (Mdiatextes), 2011, 194 pages. Cet ouvrage propose un tat des lieux clair et cohrent des transformations du policier depuis 150 ans et montre ses innombrables variations travers les formes et les supports de la culture mdiatique contemporaine. _Il replace lhistoire du genre policier dans ses diffrents avatars en repartant dune dfinition du roman dnigme, pour montrer les raisons qui ont amen le modle canonique se transformer en diffrents sous-genres. Il ny a pas de roman policier, il y a plutt une varit de catgories, de lnigme classique jusquau polar ou au roman noir. Il est donc utile de clarifier les dfinitions et les limites dun objet dipien plus dun titre. En outre, le genre policier est sans cesse confront la tentation du littraire et la confrontation avec le rel. Entre ces deux tensions, il a souvent du mal trouver sa place, dautant plus quil doit aussi dsormais, se situer par rapport aux fictions policires cinmatographiques et tlvisuelles. Ce nest pas seulement la forme qui volue, ce sont aussi les supports qui la vhiculent. Cest ainsi que la comparaison du rcit policier avec la nouvelle ou avec le fait divers permet aussi de


dfinir les limites du genre. MALVERDE, Hector (pseudo.), Guia de la novela negra , Madrid, Errata Naturae, 2010, 264 pages. [Guide comment de 150 polars] MUNBY, Jonathan, Under a Bad Sign : Criminal Self-Representation in African American Popular Culture, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, 248 pages. In this lively exploration, Jonathan Munby takes a uniquely broad view, laying bare the way the criminal appears within and moves among literary, musical, and visual arts. Munby traces the legacy of badness in Rudolph Fisher and Chester Himess detective fiction and in Claude McKay, Julian Mayfield, and Donald Goiness urban experience writing. Ranging from Peetie Wheatstraws gangster blues to gangsta rap, he also examines criminals in popular songs. Turning to the screen, the underworld films of Oscar Micheaux and Ralph Cooper, the 1970s blaxploitation cycle, and the 1990s hood movie come under his microscope as well. Ultimately, Munby concludes that this tradition has been a misunderstood aspect of African American civic life and that, rather than undermining black culture, it forms a rich and enduring response to being outcast in America. PITTARD, Christopher, Purity and Contamination in Late Victorian Detective Fiction, Burlington (VT), Ashgate, 2011, 250 pages. Concentrating on works by authors such as Fergus Hume, Arthur Conan Doyle, Grant Allen, L.T. Meads, and Marie Belloc Lowndes, Christopher Pittard explores the complex relation between the emergence of detective fictions in the 1880s and 1890s and the concept of purity. NESTINGEN, Andrew & Paula ARVAS (eds.), Scandinavian Crime Fiction, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, (European Crime Fictions), 2011, 272 pages. NEVINS, Francis, Cornucopia of Crime : Memories and Summations, Vancleave (MS), Ramble House, 2010, 449 pages. PENATE RIVERO, Julio, Trayectorias de la novela policial en Espana : Francisco Gonzalez Ledesma y Lorenzo Silva, Madrid, Visor Libros, 2010, 274 pages. RUFFING, Jeanne, Identitt ermitteln. Ethnische und postkoloniale Kriminalromanen zwischen Popularitt und S u b v e r s i o n , Wrzburg, Knigshausen & Neumann, 2011, 476 pages.

Der vorliegende Band geht dieser Kontroverse anhand der Kriminalromane von Harry Kemelman, Barbara Neely, Jakob Arjouni, Jean-Claude Izzo und Driss Chrabi nach. SANCHEZ ZAPATERO, Javier & Alex MARTIN ESCRIBA (dirs.), Gnero negro para el siglo XXI : nuevas tendencias y nuevas voces, Barcelona, Laertes, 2011, 286 pages. Actes du VI Congrs du roman et du film noirs de luniversit de Salamanque. SAVOURET, Pierre-Laurent (dir.), Polars. En qute de ...lautre, Chambry, Universit de Savoie, (criture et reprsentation), 2010, 157 pages. Prambule_Pierre-Laurent Savouret 7_Miroir du dserteur. littrature, psychanalyse, image de l'autre_Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret 9 L'autre, c'est moi : la figure littraire de l'tranger dans les romans policiers de Lorenzo Silva_PierreLaurent Savouret 17_ L'univers fminin de l'inspecteur Mndez dans l'oeuvre de Francisco Gonzlez Ledesma_Lafitez 31_L'autre (re)devient autre_Petra Perrier 55_L'Aristocloche : contre-chant quichottesque dans le Paris des annes 60_Nathalie Peyrebonne 75_Les Voci de Dacia Maraini et le questionnement sur l'autre_Barbara Meazzi 85_La chasse l'autre_Marc Perdrieau 97_Michel Marly le matre du cachecache_Ute Lemke 123_L'autre et l'ailleurs. Lieu et personne de l'imaginaire colonial dans une oeuvre mineure de Georges Simenon_ Alessandro Perissinotto 137. SIGNALER STEFANICH, Fernando, Meurtropolis. Vie sociale et intrigue policire, Paris, Lnnrot ditions, 2011, 104 pages. Souvent mpris, le genre policier littrature de crise, urbaine et critique- est un outil prcieux pour comprendre les phnomnes sociaux. N au cours du sicle dix-neuf, le genre policier a accompagn les transformations sociales et a su en rendre compte. Dans un premier temps, il clbre le triomphe des valeurs modernistes ; plus tard, partir des annes vingt, ses textes traduiront la crise qui aboutira au postmodernisme. Et aujourdhui ? La socit contemporaine postmoderniste, hypermoderniste ou liquide fonctionnerait, selon Fernando Stefanich, comme un polar. Telle est la thse, ose et lucide, dun ouvrage passionnant qui offre les clefs pour interprter la socit contemporaine.



BELMONTE, Kevin Charles, Defiant Joy : the Remarkable Life and Impact of G. K. Chesterton, Nashville (TN), Nashville, 2011, 336 pages. BISCHOFF, Jean-Louis, Lisbeth Salander : une icne de len-bas, Paris, LHarmattan, 2011, 160 pages. Lisbeth Salander, l'hrone de la saga Millenium, est une icne christique, mais non chrtienne. C'est ce que Jean-Louis Bischoff entend montrer dans la prsente tude. BGER, Astrid & Marc FCKING (dirs.), James Bond Anatomy eines Mythos, Heidelberg, Winter Verlag, 2011, 280 pages. BRADY, Owen E. (ed.), Conversations with Walter Mosley, Jackson, University of Mississippi Press, (Literary Conversations), 2011, 256 pages. BRENNAN, Michael G., Graham Greene : Fictions, Faith and Authorship, London & New York,, Continuum, 2010, 173 pages. CICERO, Vincenzo (dir.)., Nel nome di Dexter. Un killer seriale fra letteratura e TV, Milan, Vita e Pensiero editrice, 2010, 154 pages. CIOCIA, Stefania (ed.), The Invention of Illusions : International Perspectives on Paul Auster, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, 2011, 296 pages. COMPART, Martin, G-Man Jerry Cotton : eine Homage an den erfolgsreichsten Krimihelden der Welt, Kln, Lbbe Hardcover, 2010, 208 pages. CURRAN, John (dir.), Les Carnets secrets dAgatha Christie : cinquante ans de mystres en cours dlaboration, Paris, ditions du Masque, 2011, 540 pages. Avec deux nouvelles indites dHercule Poirot. DOSSIER, Agatha Christie : une femme fatale, numro hors-srie de Lire, Paris, no 11, 2011. DOUGALL, Alastair, Le Livre de Bond : llgance, lassurance, laventure, Montral, Hurtubise, 2010, 157 pages. DRYER, Anna-Lena, Der Wandel der Figur James Bond oder wie James Bond sich an die aktuelle Mnnlichkeit anpasst, Hamburg, Diplomica Verlag, 2011, 118 pages. FOLGE, Sarah D. (ed.), Martha Grimes Walks into a Pub : Essays on the Ensuing Fiction, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 206 pages. Acknowledgments vii_ Introduction_SARAH D. FOGLE 1__Martha Grimes and the

English Pub_MARCIA J. SONGER 7_Youre Always Away When the Ax-Murderers Come: The Plight of Disposable Children_DEANE MANSFIELD-KELLEY a n d LOIS A. MARCHINO 25_ The Significance of Place_MARY ALICE MONEY 42_A Play for Us All: Medea and the Spirit Lake Novels_AMY HAUSSER 62_ Identity, Simulacra, and the Hyperreal: Detectives, Murders, and Victims_RHONDA KNIGHT 79_The Womans Way: Gender and Fictional Style_NANCY ELIOT PARKER 95_ Humor, Murder and the Ludicrous in Human Behavior_MIMOSA STEPHENSON 114_Fear of Commitment: Richard Jury, Melrose Plant, and Women_ SHERRY GINN 137_Emma Graham, Detective Quest Hero_ SARAH D. FOGLE 156_Mystery, Murder, Misery and Meat_DIANE CALHOUN-FRENCH 173 HIGGINSON, Pim, The Noir Atlantic : Chester Himes and the Birth of the Francophone African Crime Novel, Liverpool Liverpool University Press, (Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures), 2011, 256 pages. HILDRED, Stafford, The Secret Life of Wallander : An Unofficial Guide to the Swedish Detective Taking the Literary World by Storm, London, John Blake, 2011, 280 pages. HUTCHINSON, James (ed.), Edgar Allan Poe : Beyond Gothicism, Newark, University of Delaware Press, 2011, 250 pages. Poes philosophy of furniture and the aesthetics of fictional design / C. T. Walters -Race, pirates, and intellect: a reading of Poes "The gold-bug" / John F. Jebb -- Storytelling, narrative authority, and death in The thousand and second tale of Scheherazade / James M. Hutchisson -- The man in the text: reading masculinity in The man that was used up, The man of the crowd, and The murders in the rue morgue / Peter Goodwin -- Gothic displacements: Poes south in politian / Amy C. Branam -- Poe in the ragged mountains: environmental history and romantic aesthetics / Daniel J. Phillipon -- King pest and The tales of the Folio Club / Benjamin F. Fisher -Understanding Why the little Frenchman wears his hand in a sling / Kevin J. Hayes -- Eyes which behold: Poes Domain of Arnheim and the science of vision / Laura Saltz -- A species of literature almost beneath contempt: Edgar Allan Poe and the world of literary competitions / Leon Jackson -- Poes early criticism of American fiction: the southern literary messenger and the fiction of Robert


Montgomery Bird / Justin Wert -- Mad ravings, sound philosophy, and Poes review of Elizabeth Barrett Browning / Dennis W. Eddings. KKLIMASZEWSKI, Melisa, Brief Lives :Wilkie Collins, London, Hesperus Press, (Brief Lives), 2011, 151 pages. LOPEZ DE ABADIA, Jos Manual, Augusta LOPEZ BERNASOCCHI & Michle OERHLI (dirs.) Manuel Vasquez Montalban desde la memoria ; ensayos sobre su obra, Madrid, Editorial Verbum, 2010, 549 pages. MADDEN, David & Kristopher MELCHOSKY, James M. Cain : Hard-Boiled Mythmaker, Lanham (MD), Scarecrow Press, 2011, 232 pages. MBERT, Oliver, Intertextualitt und Variation im Werk Friedrich Drrenmatts (Zur Textgenese des Kriminalromans D a s Versprechen (1957-58) unter besonderes Bercksichtung des Spielfilms es Geschah am hellichten Tag (1958), Frankfurt am Main, et al., Peter lang, 2011, xiv, 555 pages. NEU, Stephanie, Carlo Lucarelli ; Farben des Kriminalromans, giallo, nero, blu, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2011, NICHOLS, William J., Transatlantic Mysteries : Crime, Culture, and Capital in the Noir Novels of Paco Ignacio Taibo II and Manuel Vazquez Montalban, Lewisburg (PA), Bucknell University Press, 2011, 206 pages. OATES, Joyce Carol, A Widows Story : A Memoir, New York, harperCollins, 2011, 432 pages. [Mmoires de Joyce Carol Oates] PIANARO, Roberto & Donna LEON, Brunetti passe table, Paris, Calmann-Lvy, 2011, 288 pages. SMITH, Daniel, The Sherlock Holmes Companion : An Elementary Guide, Victoria (BC), Castle Books, 2011, 192 pages. SCHNECK, Peter (ed.), Terrorism, Media, and the Ethics of Fiction : Transatlantic Perspectives on Don DeLillo, New York, Continuum, 2010, viii, 255 pages. TROTMAN, Tiffany Gagliardi, Eduardo Mendozas Crime Novels : The Function of Carnivalesque Discourse in Post-Franco Spain, 1979-2001, Lewiston (NY), Edwin Mellen Press, 2009, iii, 193 pages. VINCENS ESCANDELL, Miquel & Sebastia BENNASAR (dirs.), Antoni Serra, la ploma i el capell, Pollena, El Gall, (El cabas, 41), 2011, 157 pages. ZARAND, Gyula & Sylvestre CLANCIER, Sur les pas de Maigret, Le Plessis-Robinson, Polar, 2009, 142 pages.


ANASTASIA, George & Glen MACNOW, The Ultimate Book of Gangster Movies, Philadelphia (PA), Running Press, 2011, 352 pages. ARRIBAS, Victor, El cine negro, Madrid, Notorious ediciones, 2011, 432 pages. BAREITHER, Christoph (dir.), Fritz Lang : M Eine Stadt sucht einen Mrder,Texte und K o n t e x t e , Wrzburg, Knigshausen & Neumann (Film, Medium, Diskurs, no 28), 2010, 224 pages. BARLOW, Aaron, Quentin Tarantino : Life at the Extremes, Santa Barbara (CA), Praeger, 2010, xiii, 187 pages. BOYD-BARRETT, Oliver, David HERRERA & Jim B A U M A N N , Hollywood and the CIA : Cinema, Defense, and Subversion, New York, Routledge, 2011, 224 pages. BLUM, Charlotte, Dexter : le guide du srieaddict, Paris, LArchipel, 2011, 174 pages. BRANSTTTER, Manuela Maria, Kriminalserien und Unterhaltung ; eine genretheorische Analyse deutscher und amerikanischer Formate, Frankfurt am Main & New York, Peter Lang, 2011, 178 pages. BRUSCHINI, Antonio & Antonio TENTORI, Guida al cinema giallo e thriller. Made in I t a l y, Roma, Profondo Rosso, 2010, 522 pages. CORBER, Robert J., Cold War Femme : Lesbianism, National Identity, and Hollywood Cinema, Durham (NC), Duke University Press, 2011, x, 225 pages. CHABROL, Marguerite & Alain KLEINBERGER (dirs.), Le Cercle rouge : lectures croises, Paris, LHarmattan, 2011, 230 pages. CLUTE, Shannon & Richard L. EDWARDS, The Maltese Touch of Evil : Film Noir and Potential Criticism, (Interfaces : Studies in Visual Culture), Dartmouth, 2011, 296 pages. DE LAFAYETTE, Maximillien, Hollywood Femmes Fatales and Ladies of Film Noir, Lulu.com, 2011, 292 pages. DUNCAN, Paul, Alfred Hitchcock : Architecte de langoisse, 1899-1980, Paris, et al., Taschen, 2011, 192 pages. Ed. or. : Alfred Hitchcock : The Complete Films, Taschen, 2011, 192 pages. GATES, Philippa, Detecting Women : Gender and the Hollywood Detective Film, Albany (NY), New YorkState University Press, 2011, 400 pages. GAYAN, Esther & Gil FATIMA, Los mensajeros del miedo : las imagenes como testigos y agentos del terrorismo, Madrid, Rialp, 2010, 304 pages.


Nous ont envoy des infos utiles: Claude Ecken, Bernard Goorden, Emily E. Auger, Arthur B. Evans, Francine Tremblay, Roger Bozzetto, Paul Bleton, Franoise-Hache Bissette, Jacques Walter, Robin Walz, Victor Frigerio, Clotilde Landais, Marc Lits, Jordi Canal, Thomas Przybilka Jean-Louis Sarro, Jordi Canal, Grard Nol, Laurent Blain, Steven P. Unger, Fernando Stefanich et Mister Google ! Vous avez publi un ouvrage susceptible dtre prsent dans nos pages ? Envoyez-nous linfo pertinente, avec si possible, le sommaire des collectifs.

GONZALEZ-FIERO SANTOS, Francisco, Todo Sherlock Holmes en cine y television, Madrid, Arkadin ediciones, 2010, 223 pages. GRF, Dennis & Hans KRAH, Sex & Crime : ein Streifzug durch die Sittengeschichte des T a t o r t s , Berlin, Bertz & Fischer, (Ermittlungen in Sachen TATORT, 1), 2011, 127 pages. GURY, Christian, Les Avocats au cinma, Paris, Presses universitaires de France, (Questions judiciaires), 2011, 241 pages. Prface de Matre Franois Saint-Pierre. HANSON, Helen & Catherine ORAWE (eds.), The Femme Fatale : Images, Histories, Contexts, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, xiv, 236 pages. HAYWARD, Keith J. & Mike PRESDEE (eds.), Framing Crime : Cultural Criminology and the Image, New York, Abingdon, Routledge, 2010, xii, 211 pages. [A Glasshouse Book] HEINRICHS, Sonja, Erschrenkende Augenblicke : die Dramaturgie des Psychothrillers Mnchen, Utz, 2011, 433 pages. IRSINGLER, Ingo & Christoph JRGENSEN (dirs.) Nine Eleven : sthetische Verarbeitungen des 11 September 2001, Heidelberg, Winter verlag, 2011, 410 pages. KRELL, Sebastian, Entstehung und Entwicklung der Krimireihe Tatort unter besonderer Bercksichtichkeit des Tatorts Mnster, Mnchen, Grin verlag, 2011, 60 pages. LEITCH, Thomas & Leland POAGUE (eds.), A Companion to Alfred Hitchcock, Chichester, West Sussex, & Malden (MA), Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, 624 pages. LABORDE, Barbara & Julien SERVOIS, L e Cercle rouge : analyse dune oeuvre, Paris,

Vrin, (Philosophie et cinma), 2010, 144 pages. LINGEMAN, Richard R., Noir 40s, New York, Nation Books, 2011, 368 pages. MACGILLIGAN, Patrick, Alfred Hitchcock : une vie dombre et de lumire, Lyon, Institut Lumire & Arles, Actes Sud, 2011, 1127 pages. MIKLITSCH, Robert, Siren City : Sound and Source Music in Classic American Noir, Chapel Hill (NC), Rutgers University Press, 2011, 304 pages. MONACO, Paul, John Dahl and Neo-Noir : Examining Auteurism and Genre, Lanham (MD), Lexington Books, 2010, xiii, 145 pages. MORGAN, Iwan W. (ed.), Presidents in the Movies : American History and Politics on Screen, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 224 pages. MORSIANO, Alberto, Quentin Tarantino [Film aprs film, scne aprs scne, une incursion dans les intrigues violentes du ralisateur le plus transgressif du nouveau cinma amricain], Rome, Gremese, 2011, 159 pages. OLEARY, Alan, Tragedia allitaliana : Italian Cinema and Italien Terrorism, 1970-2008, Oxford, New York, etc., Peter Lang, 2011, 284 pages. PAVES, Gonzalo M., El cine negro de la RKO : en el corazon de las tinieblas, Madrid, T & B Editores, 2010, 478 pages. PAYAN, Miguel Juan, Todo el cine de abogados y juicios : los cien mejores, Madrid, Cacitel, 2010, 287 pages. PIGOULLI, Jean-Franois, Le Rve amricain lpreuve du film noir, Paris, Michel Houdiard, 2011, 155 pages. POLLARD, Tom, Hollywood 9/11 : Superheroes, Supervillains, and Super Disasters, Boulder (CO), Paradigm Publishers, 2011, 224 pages. POTTER, Tiffany (ed.), The Wire : Urban Decay and American Television, New York, Continuum, 2010, vii, 254 pages. PRATT, Mary K., How to Analyze the Films of Quentin Tarantino, Edina (Minn.), ABDO Pub., 2011, 112 pages. RAPILLY, Frdrick, Le Mentaliste, de A Z, Monaco & Paris, ditions du Rocher, 2010, 243 pages. Avec une interview de Burno Heller et de Simon Baker. SANTOS, Marlissa, The Dark Mirror : Psychiatry and Film Noir, Lanham (MD), Lexington Books, 2011, 204 pages. VAN EYNDE, Laurent, Vertige de limage : lesthtique rflexive dAlfred Hitchcock, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, (Lignes dart), 2011, 251 pages.



ARMOUR, Philip, The 100 Greatest Westerns Movies of all Time : Including Five Youve Never Heard Of, Guilford (Conn.), TwoDot Books, 2011, 192 pages. BUSSONI, Mario, Buffalo Bill in Italia. Lepopea del Wild West Show, Fidenza, Mattioli 1885, (Archivi storici), 2011, 128 pages. CLEMENTE FERNANDEZ, Maria Dolores, El heroe del western : america vista por si m i s m a , Madrid, Complutense, 2009, 378 pages. DE BERTI, Raffaele (dir.), I film di Sergio Leone e il genere western, Milano, CUEM, (Arte, communicazione e spettacolo), 2009, 103 pages. DIAZ MAROTO, Carlos, Cine del oeste : de la A a la Z, Madrid, Jaguar, 2010, 496 pages. GARCIA, Juan Gabriel, Los espanoles del western, Madrid, Circulo Rojo, 2010, 440 pages. GUIDORIZZI, Mario, Alla ricerca del western perduto. Tra storia e leggenda, estetica ed etica, Verona, QuiEdit, 2010, 344 pages. GUTTERIEZ RECACHA, Pedro, Spanish Western. El cine del oeste como subgenero espanol (1954-1965), Valencia, Generalitat Valenciana, 2010, 438 pages. JASON, Jacob, Deadwood, London, British Film Institute, (BFI TV Classics), 2011, 144 pages. KALINAK, Kathryn, Music in the Westerns : Notes from the Frontier, New York, Routledge, 2011, 256 pages. LAPRVOTTE, Gilles & Thierry ROCHE, Indians Song : des Indiens dHollywood au cinma des Indiens, Crisne, Yellow Now, 2010, 206 pages. MARILL, Alvin H., Television Westerns : Six Decades of Sagebrush Sheriffs, Scalawags,

and Sidewinders, Lanham (MD), The Scarecrow Press, 2011, 192 pages. MELELLI, Fabio, Sergio Leone e il western allitaliana, tra mito e storia, Perugia, Morlacchi, 2010, 90 pages. ORTOLI, Philippe, Il tait une fois dans lOuest de Sergio Leone, Chatou, les ditions de la Transparence, (Cinphilie), 2010, 111 pages. RAHEJA, Michelle H., Reservation Reelism : Redfacing, Visual Sovereignity, and Representations of Native Americans in Film, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2010, xviii, 338 pages. REID, John Howard, Westerns : A Guide to The Best (and Worst) Western Movies on DVD, Lulu.com, 2011, 244 pages. ROSSO, Stefano (dir.), Linvenzione del west(ern) americano. Presenza e fortuna di un genere nella cultura del Novecento Verona, Ombre Corte, (Americane), 2010, 170 pages. SCHUMACHER, Antje, Brian Moores Black Robe : Novel, Screenplay(s) and Film, Frankfurt am Main, et al., Peter Lang, 2010, 163 pages. SIMONS, John L. & Robert MERRILL, Peckinpahs Tragic Westerns : A Critical Study, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 232 pages. WHITE, John, Westerns, London & New York, Routledge, 2011, 208 pages. WILSON, Michael Henry, Eastwood on Eastwood, Paris, Cahiers du Cinma, 2010, 239 pages. [Entretiens] WITSCHI, Nicolas S. (ed.) , A Companion to the Literature and Culture of the American West, Malden (MA), Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, 576 pages. WOOLEY, John, Shot in Oklahoma : A Century of Sooner State Cinema, Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2011, 320 pages. Introduction -- Dawn at the 101 Ranch -Heroes and villains, a rough rider, and Hollywood on the Arkansas River -- Dusky demon and the daughter of dawn -- Roy and Dale in (hereford) heaven, Jesus in the Wichitas -- State fair, stark fear, and the worlds greatest athlete -- Hollywood hippies and hound dogs -- Tulsa, outsiders and innovators -- Epilogue: and then what happened? -- Appendix: shot-in-Oklahoma theatrical features, post-1985. WORDEN, Daniel, Masculine Style : The American West and Literary Modernism, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 208 pages.


Rcits de guerre

AUGAIS, Thomas, Mireille HILSUM & Chantal MICHEL (dirs.), crire et publier la Guerre dAlgrie. De lurgence aux rsurgences, Paris, Kim, (Cahiers de Marge), 2011, 343 pages. BOBLET, Marie-Hlne & Bernard ALAZET (dirs.), critures de la guerre aux XXe et XXI sicles, Dijon, Presses Universitaires de Dijon, (critures), 2010, 194 pages. BARKER, Martin, A Toxic Genre : The Iraq War Films, London, Pluto Press, 2011, 224 pages. CLMENT, Murielle Lucie (ed.), Les B i e n v e i l l a n t e s , de Jonathan Littell, Cambridge, Open Book Publishers, 2011, 350 pages. CORREDERA GONZALEZ, Maria, La guerra civil espanol en la novela actual : silencio y dialogo entre generaciones, Madrid, Iberoamericana, 2010, 227 pages. ELLIS, Frank, The Damned and the Dead : The Eastern Front through the Eyes of Soviet and Russian Novelists, Lawrence (KA), University Press of Kansas, 2011, 392 pages. EVANGELISTA, Matthew, Gender, Nationalism, and War : Conflict on the Movie S c r e e n , New York, Cambridge University Press, 2011, 304 pages. FUCHS, Cynthia & Joe LOCKARD (eds.), Iraq War Cultures, Frankfurt am Main, New York, et al., Peter Lang, 2011, 203 pages. HISSEN, Alexandra, Hitler im deutschsprachigen Spielfilm nach 1945 : ein filmgeschichtlicher berblick, Trier, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2010, 290 pages. KARPENSTEIN-ESSBACH, Christa, Orte der Grausamkeit : die neuen Kriege in der Literatur, Mnchen, Padeborn, Fink Verlag, 2011, 165 pages. KLEPPIEN, Axel-BJrn, Der Krieg in der amerikanischen Literatur, Frankfurt am Main, etc, Peter Lang, 2010, 623 pages.

KREWANI, Angela & Karen A. RITZENHOFF (dirs.), Leiden, Trauma, Folter : Bildkulturen des Irak-Krieges, Marburg, Schren Verlag, 2011, 181 pages. KRIMMER, Elisabeth, The Representation of War in German Literature : from 1800 to the Present, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010, ix, 267 pages. LINK, Eric Carl (dir.), The Red Badge of Courage, by Stephen Crane, Pasadena (CA), Salem Press, (Critical Insights), 2011, vii, 324 pages. McLOUGHLIN, Catherine Mary, Authoring War : The Literary Representation of War from the Iliad to Iraq, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2011, 221 pages. MURAIRE, Andr, Hollywood-Vietnam : la guerre du Vietnam dans le cinma amricain, mythes et ralits, Paris, Michel Houdiard, 2010, 270 pages. MURDOCH, Brian (ed.), All Quiet on the Western Front, Pasadena (CA), Salem Press, (Critical Insights), 2010, 350 pages. MURDOCH, Brian, The Novels of Erich Maria Remarque, Columbia (S.C.), Camden House, 2010, 245 pages. RALPH, Donald & Karen MACDONALD, Reel Men at War : Masculinity and the American War Film, Lanham (MD), The Scarecrow Press, 2011, 278 pages. RODRIGUEZ, jaime Javier, The Literature of the US-Mexican War : Narrative, Time, Identity, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2010, xiv, 306 pages. ROTHER, Rainer (dir.), Der Erste Weltkrieg im Film, Mnchen, Text & Kritik, 2009, 279 pages. ROYENETTE, Odile, Les Mots des tranches : linvention dune langue de guerre, 19141918, Paris, Armand Colin, 2010, 286 pages. RUBIN, Steven Jay, Combat Films : American Realism, 1945-2010, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2011, 312 pages. SALES LLUCH, Jose Miguel, La segunda guerra mundial en el cine, Valladolid, Galland Books, 2010, 80 pages. SCHULTZ, Sonja M., Der Nationalsozialismus im Film : von Triumph des Willens bis Inglerious Basterds, Berlin, Bertz & Fischer, 2011, 540 pages, 300 photos. TASKER, Yvonne, Soldiers Stories : Military Women in Cinema and Television since World War II, Durham, Duke University Press, 2011, 324 pages. TRAPIELLO, Andrs, Las armas y las letras : literatura y Guerra Civil (1936-1939), Barcelona, Destino, 2010, 631 pages.


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