Marechal Lannes


Jean Lannes was an outstanding military man who was highly respected by Napoleon who described him as “the bravest of all men”. 

His military exploits read like a movie script. He distinguished himself in Italy and accompanied Napoleon to Egypt where he was given a house in Cairo.  Returning to Italy, he again performed brilliantly at Montebello and Marengo. 

When Napoleon became Emperor he made Lannes a “Maréchal” of the Empire at the age of 35.  Lannes bought the Chateau de Maisons which had been constructed by François Mansart.  He settled there with his wife and five children. He decorated it in Empire style, with his wife occupying what had been the Queen’s apartment. 

Marechal Lannes' bed
Marechal Lannes’ bed


Four years later he was given the title of Duke of Montebello in recognition of that early battle.  The following year he died from wounds received in battle against Austria.  Napoleon had him interred at the Pantheon.  Napoleon made the Duchess of Montebello first Lady in Waiting for his new wife Marie-Louise and they were both regular visitors to the Chateau. 

Ten years later the widow sold it to the banker Jacques Laffitte and it has been since known as Maisons Laffitte.

Château de Maisons-Laffitte