%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk. %% http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/ %% Created for retore at 2011-11-04 22:51:26 +0100 %% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) @inproceedings{Retore11genius, Author = {Christian Retor{\'e}}, Booktitle = {Genius III}, Date-Added = {2011-11-04 22:44:45 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-11-04 22:51:25 +0100}, Title = {Specimens: ``most of" generic NPs in a contextually flexible type theory}, Year = {2011}} @article{Cardelli94Fsubtyping, Author = {Luca Cardelli and Simone Martini and John C. Mitchell and Andre Scedrov}, Bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}, Date-Added = {2011-08-21 17:30:59 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-21 18:51:05 +0200}, Ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/inco.1994.1013}, Journal = {Information and {C}omputation}, Number = {1/2}, Pages = {4-56}, Title = {An Extension of System {F} with Subtyping}, Volume = {109}, Year = {1994}} @inproceedings{MPR2011taln, Abstract = {{Cetravails'inscritdansl'analyseautomatiqued'uncorpusder{\'e}citsdevoyage.{\`A}cettefin,nous raffinons la s{\'e}mantique de Montague pour rendre compte des ph{\'e}nom{\`e}nes d'adaptation du sens des mots au contexte dans lequel ils apparaissent. Ici, nous mod{\'e}lisons les constructions de type 'le chemin descend pendant une demi-heure' o{\`u} ledit chemin introduit un voyageur fictif qui le parcourt, en {\'e}tendant des id{\'e}es que le dernier auteur a d{\'e}velopp{\'e} avec Bassac et Mery. Cette introduction du voyageur utilise la mont{\'e}e de type afin que le quantificateur introduisant le voyageur porte sur toute la phrase et que les propri{\'e}t{\'e}s du chemin ne deviennent pas des propri{\'e}t{\'e}s du voyageur, f{\^u}t-il fictif. Cette analyse s{\'e}mantique (ou plut{\^o}t sa traduction en lambda-DRT) est d'ores et d{\'e}j{\`a} implant{\'e}e pour une partie du lexique de Grail.}}, Address = {Montpellier, France}, Affiliation = {Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique - LaBRI - CNRS : UMR5800 - Universit{\'e} Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I - Ecole Nationale Sup{\'e}rieure d'Electronique, Informatique et Radiocommunications de Bordeaux - Universit{\'e} Victor Segalen - Bordeaux II - SIGNES - INRIA Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest - INRIA - CNRS : UMR5800 - Universit{\'e} Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I - Universit{\'e} Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux III - Ecole Nationale Sup{\'e}rieure d'Electronique, Informatique et Radiocommunications de Bordeaux - Laboratoire Parole et Langage - LPL - CNRS : UMR6057 - Universit{\'e} de Provence - Aix-Marseille I}, Audience = {internationale}, Author = {Moot, Richard and Pr{\'e}vot, Laurent and Retor{\'e}, Christian}, Booktitle = {Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel, TALN 2011}, Date-Added = {2011-08-21 00:16:38 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-21 00:56:01 +0200}, Hal_Id = {hal-00607690}, Language = {Anglais}, Month = Jun, Note = {Projet ITIPY de la r{\'e}gion Aquitaine}, Pages = {161--166}, Pdf = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00607690/PDF/moot\_prevot\_retore\_taln11.pdf}, Title = {Un calcul de termes typ{\'e}s pour la pragmatique lexicale}, Url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00607690/en/}, Year = {2011}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00607690/en/}} @inproceedings{MPR2011cid, Abstract = {{In this paper we will discuss the application of (Segmented) Discourse Representation Theory and the Generative Lexicon to the analysis of a historical French corpus of itineraries in the Pyre ne es. Our research will focus in particular on how type coercion (Pustejovsky, 1995) can help us give a correct analysis of cases of so-called "fictive motion" (Talmy, 1999), which is evident is phrases like. (1) The road runs along the coast for two hours. (2) The path descended abruptly. This case is particular in that an entity (which is considered immobile and which, in the context, defines a path) is the subject of a movement verb and that the combination is interpreted as a generic statement about the nature of this path, without any movement necessarily taking place.}}, Address = {Ayay-roches-rouges, France}, Affiliation = {Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique - LaBRI - CNRS : UMR5800 - Universit{\'e} Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I - Ecole Nationale Sup{\'e}rieure d'Electronique, Informatique et Radiocommunications de Bordeaux - Universit{\'e} Victor Segalen - Bordeaux II - SIGNES - INRIA Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest - INRIA - CNRS : UMR5800 - Universit{\'e} Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I - Universit{\'e} Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux III - Ecole Nationale Sup{\'e}rieure d'Electronique, Informatique et Radiocommunications de Bordeaux - Laboratoire Parole et Langage - LPL - CNRS : UMR6057 - Universit{\'e} de Provence - Aix-Marseille I}, Audience = {internationale}, Author = {Moot, Richard and Pr{\'e}vot, Laurent and Retor{\'e}, Christian}, Booktitle = {{Constraints in discourse}}, Date-Added = {2011-08-21 00:15:06 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-24 02:30:52 +0200}, Hal_Id = {hal-00607691}, Language = {Anglais}, Month = Sep, Note = {Projet ITIPY de la r{\'e}gion Aquitaine}, Pages = {http://passage.inria.fr/cid2011/doku.php}, Pdf = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00607691/PDF/moot\_prevot\_retore\_disc.pdf}, Title = {{A discursive analysis of itineraries in an historical and regional corpus of travels}}, Url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00607691/en/}, Year = {2011}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00607691/en/}} @inproceedings{Luo2011lacl, Author = {Zhaohui Luo}, Bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}, Booktitle = {LACL}, Crossref = {LACL2011}, Date-Added = {2011-08-21 00:08:35 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-21 00:46:00 +0200}, Ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-22221-4_11}, Pages = {159-174}, Title = {Contextual Analysis of Word Meanings in Type-Theoretical Semantics}, Year = {2011}} @book{cruse1986lexical, Author = {Cruse, D.A.}, Date-Added = {2011-08-21 00:01:24 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-21 00:01:24 +0200}, Isbn = {9780521276436}, Lccn = {86000917}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Series = {Cambridge textbooks in linguistics}, Title = {Lexical semantics}, Url = {http://books.google.fr/books?id=xDSBaet2uSsC}, Year = {1986}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://books.google.fr/books?id=xDSBaet2uSsC}} @book{BC04, Author = {Bertot, Yves and Cast\'eran, Pierre}, Date-Added = {2011-08-20 23:03:01 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-20 23:03:01 +0200}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Series = {Texts in Theoretical Computer Science}, Title = {Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development. Coq'Art: The Calculus of Inductive Constructions}, Url = {http://www.labri.fr/publications/l3a/2004/BC04}, Year = {2004}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.labri.fr/publications/l3a/2004/BC04}} @article{constructions88, Author = {Thierry Coquand and G{\'e}rard P. Huet}, Bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}, Date-Added = {2011-08-20 16:01:46 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-20 16:02:32 +0200}, Ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0890-5401(88)90005-3}, Journal = {Information and {C}omputation}, Number = {2/3}, Pages = {95-120}, Title = {The Calculus of Constructions}, Volume = {76}, Year = {1988}} @incollection{Heusinger2007, Author = {Klaus von Heusinger}, Crossref = {SchwabeWinkler2007}, Date-Added = {2011-08-07 22:31:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-07 22:50:21 +0200}, Pages = {485--508}, Title = {Alternative Semantics for definite NPs}} @book{SchwabeWinkler2007, Booktitle = {On Information Structure, Meaning and Form -- Generalizations across languages}, Date-Added = {2011-08-07 22:28:42 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-07 22:34:07 +0200}, Editor = {Kerstin Schwabe and Susanne Winkler}, Publisher = {John Benjamins publishing company}, Series = {Linguistic Today}, Volume = {100}, Year = {2007}} @inproceedings{AbrusciRetoreCLMPS, Author = {Vito Michele Abrusci and Christian Retor{\'e}}, Booktitle = {14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Sciences}, Date-Added = {2011-08-07 15:17:28 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-07 16:14:23 +0200}, Editor = {Peter Schr{\"o}der-Heister}, Title = {Quantification in ordinary language: from a critic of set-theoretic approaches to a proof-theoretic proposal}, Year = {2011}} @inproceedings{SJCcerisy, Author = {Sarah-Jane Conrad}, Booktitle = {Cerisy Context Conference}, Date-Added = {2011-08-07 15:09:22 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-07 15:14:39 +0200}, Editor = {Fran{\c c}ois Recanati}, Title = {How much context can a language bear?}, Year = {2011}} @incollection{espilonURL, Author = {Avigad, Jeremy and Zach, Richard}, Booktitle = {The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy}, Date-Added = {2011-08-05 18:58:43 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-05 21:32:54 +0200}, Editor = {Edward N. Zalta}, Howpublished = {\url{http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2008/entries/epsilon-calculus/}}, Publisher = {Center for the Study of Language and Information}, Title = {The Epsilon Calculus}, Year = {2008}} @article{HilbertGrundlagen1922, Author = {Hilbert, David}, Date-Added = {2011-08-05 18:54:51 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-05 18:56:04 +0200}, Journal = {Mathematische Annalen}, Language = {German}, Pages = {151-165}, Title = {Die logischen Grundlagen der Mathematik}, Volume = {88}, Year = {1922}} @article{:lr, Date-Added = {2011-08-05 18:52:46 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-05 18:53:59 +0200}} @book{borg2007minimal, Author = {Borg, E.}, Date-Added = {2011-08-05 02:11:30 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-05 02:11:30 +0200}, Isbn = {9780199206926}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Title = {Minimal Semantics}, Url = {http://books.google.com/books?id=1ElV5nFif8gC}, Year = {2007}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://books.google.com/books?id=1ElV5nFif8gC}} @book{cappelen2005insensitive, Author = {Cappelen, Herman and LePore, Ernest}, Date-Added = {2011-08-05 02:08:57 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-05 02:21:04 +0200}, Isbn = {9781405126748}, Lccn = {2004015918}, Publisher = {Blackwell Pub.}, Title = {Insensitive semantics: a defense of semantic minimalism and speech act pluralism}, Url = {http://books.google.com/books?id=oWj9M-cQVsQC}, Year = {2005}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://books.google.com/books?id=oWj9M-cQVsQC}} @article{MacFarlane2009-MACNC, Abstract = {Philosophers on all sides of the contextualism debates have had an overly narrow conception of what semantic context sensitivity could be. They have conflated context sensitivity (dependence of truth or extension on features of context) with indexicality (dependence of content on features of context). As a result of this conflation, proponents of contextualism have taken arguments that establish only context sensitivity to establish indexicality, while opponents of contextualism have taken arguments against indexicality to be arguments against context sensitivity. Once these concepts are carefully pulled apart, it becomes clear that there is conceptual space in semantic theory for nonindexical forms of contextualism that have many advantages over the usual indexical forms.}, Author = {John MacFarlane}, Date-Added = {2011-08-05 01:55:28 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-05 01:55:28 +0200}, Journal = {Synthese}, Number = {2}, Pages = {231--250}, Publisher = {Springer}, Title = {Nonindexical Contextualism}, Volume = {166}, Year = {2009}} @incollection{MacFarlane2007-MACSMA, Abstract = {According to Semantic Minimalism, every use of "Chiara is tall" (fixing the girl and the time) semantically expresses the same proposition, the proposition that Chiara is (just plain) tall. Given standard assumptions, this proposition ought to have an intension (a function from possible worlds to truth values). However, speakers tend to reject questions that presuppose that it does. I suggest that semantic minimalists might address this problem by adopting a form of "nonindexical contextualism," according to which the proposition invariantly expressed by "Chiara is tall" does not have a context-invariant intension. Nonindexical contextualism provides an elegant explanation of what is wrong with "context-shifting arguments" and can be seen as a synthesis of the (partial) insights of semantic minimalists and radical contextualists.}, Author = {John MacFarlane}, Booktitle = {Context-Sensitivity and Semantic Minimalism: New Essays on Semantics and Pragmatics}, Date-Added = {2011-08-05 01:49:31 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-05 01:49:31 +0200}, Pages = {240--250}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Title = {Semantic Minimalism and Nonindexical Contextualism}, Year = {2007}} @misc{SJCmeaning, Author = {Sarah-Jane Conrad}, Date-Added = {2011-08-05 01:37:36 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-05 21:32:21 +0200}, Howpublished = {\url{http://www.meaning.ch/?lang=en&option=content&task=view&id=333&Itemid=0}}, Institution = {Universit{\"a}t Bern}, Note = {(talk at Cerisy Context Conference May 2011)}, Title = {Linguistic Meaning and the Minimalism-Contextualism-Debate}, Urldate = {2011}, Year = {2011}} @book{libera1996querelle, Author = {Alain de Libera}, Date-Added = {2011-08-04 18:14:34 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-05 02:19:12 +0200}, Lccn = {96148771}, Publisher = {Seuil}, Series = {Des travaux}, Title = {La querelle des universaux: de Platon {\`a} la fin du Moyen {\^A}ge}, Url = {http://books.google.com/books?id=64AEAQAAIAAJ}, Year = {1996}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://books.google.com/books?id=64AEAQAAIAAJ}} @book{libera1993philosophie, Author = {Alain de Libera}, Date-Added = {2011-08-04 18:12:41 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-05 21:33:32 +0200}, Isbn = {9782130460008}, Publisher = {Presses universitaires de France}, Title = {La philosophie m{\'e}di{\'e}vale}, Url = {http://books.google.com/books?id=sEB5AAAAMAAJ}, Year = {1993}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://books.google.com/books?id=sEB5AAAAMAAJ}} @book{libera1999art, Author = {Alain de Libera}, Date-Added = {2011-08-04 18:12:29 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-05 02:19:00 +0200}, Isbn = {9782700733556}, Lccn = {00295559}, Publisher = {Aubier}, Series = {Aubier philosophie}, Title = {L'art des g{\'e}n{\'e}ralit{\'e}s: th{\'e}ories de l'abstraction}, Url = {http://books.google.com/books?id=A0wQAQAAIAAJ}, Year = {1999}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://books.google.com/books?id=A0wQAQAAIAAJ}} @incollection{PelletierAsher97, Author = {Francis Jeffry Pelletier and Nicholas Asher}, Chapter = {20}, Crossref = {BM97}, Date-Added = {2011-08-04 17:45:08 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-04 17:46:59 +0200}, Pages = {1125--1177}, Title = {Generics and Defaults}} @unpublished{PelletierManuscript-PELGAD, Abstract = {1: Linguistic and Epistemological Background 1 . 1 : Generic Reference vs. Generic Predication 1 . 2 : Why are there any Generic Sentences at all? 1 . 3 : Generics and Exceptions, Two Bad Attitudes 1 . 4 : Exceptions and Generics, Some Other Attitudes 1 . 5 : Generics and Intensionality 1 . 6 : Goals of an Analysis of Generic Sentences 1 . 7 : A Little Notation 1 . 8 : Generics vs. Explicit Statements of Regularities..}, Author = {Francis Jeffry Pelletier and Nicholas Asher}, Date-Added = {2011-08-04 17:32:56 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-04 17:32:56 +0200}, Title = {Generics and Defaults}} @phdthesis{loustau08itin, Author = {Pierre Loustau}, Date-Added = {2011-04-08 09:49:55 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-08 09:50:28 +0200}, School = {Universit\'{e} de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour}, Title = {Interpr\'{e}tation automatique d'itin\'{e}raires dans des r\'{e}cits de voyages D'une information g\'{e}ographique du syntagme {\`a} une information g\'{e}ographique du discours}, Type = {Th{\`e}se de doctorat}, Year = 2008} @inproceedings{moot10grail, Address = {Montreal}, Author = {Richard Moot}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN)}, Date-Added = {2011-04-08 09:49:29 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-08 09:49:29 +0200}, Title = {Wide-Coverage {French} Syntax and Semantics using {Grail}}, Year = 2010} @inproceedings{moot10semi, Address = {Montreal}, Author = {Richard Moot}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN)}, Date-Added = {2011-04-08 09:48:35 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-08 09:48:35 +0200}, Title = {Semi-automated Extraction of a Wide-Coverage Type-Logical Grammar for {French}}, Year = 2010} @phdthesis{Mery2011, Author = {Bruno Mery}, Date-Added = {2011-04-08 04:05:31 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-08 04:06:33 +0200}, Month = {July}, School = {Universit{\'e} de Bordeaux 1}, Title = {Mod{\'e}lisation de la s{\'e}mantique lexicale dans le cadre de la th{\'e}orie des types}, Year = {2011}} @mastersthesis{Kien2010, Author = {Emeric Kien}, Date-Added = {2011-04-06 04:06:30 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-06 04:08:21 +0200}, School = {ENS-Cachan \& INRIA Bordeaux}, Title = {Du sens des mots {\`a} l'analyse automatique d'une phrase}, Type = {M{\'e}moire de stage d'initiation {\`a} la recherche}, Year = {2010}} @incollection{Jacquey2004, Author = {Evelyne Jacquey}, Booktitle = {Interpr{\'e}ter en contexte}, Date-Added = {2011-04-06 01:08:01 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-08 08:11:58 +0200}, Editor = {Francis Corblin and Claire Gardent}, Pages = {107--141}, Publisher = {Herm{\`e}s Science Publications, Paris}, Title = {Ambig{\"u}it{\'e} lexicale et quantification : une mod{\'e}lisation de la polys{\'e}mie logique}, Year = {2004}} @article{Novak1982, Author = {Nov{\'a}k, V{\'{\i}}t{\v{e}}zslav}, Coden = {CZMJAE}, Date-Added = {2011-02-28 18:15:14 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-02-28 18:16:03 +0100}, Fjournal = {\v Cehoslovackaja Akademija Nauk. \v Cehoslovacki\u\i\ Matemati\v ceski\u\i\ \v Zurnal. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal}, Issn = {0011-4642}, Journal = {Czechoslovak Math. J.}, Mrclass = {06A10}, Mrnumber = {669787 (84d:06006)}, Mrreviewer = {F. Lapscher}, Number = {3}, Pages = {460--473}, Title = {Cyclically ordered sets}, Volume = {32(107)}, Year = {1982}} @phdthesis{Huet76, Author = {G{\'e}rard P. Huet}, Date-Added = {2011-02-25 13:34:49 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-02-25 13:39:24 +0100}, School = {Universit{\'e} Paris VII}, Title = {R{\'e}solution d'{\'e}quations dans des langages d'ordre 1,2,...,$\omega$}, Type = {Th{\`e}se de Doctorat d'{\'E}tat}, Year = {1976}} @article{Vestergaard2001, Author = {Ren{\'e} Vestergaard}, Date-Added = {2011-02-25 13:29:51 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-02-25 13:40:54 +0100}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S1571-0661(04)00272-5}, Issn = {1571-0661}, Journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, Note = {WRS 2001, 1st International Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming}, Pages = {163 - 183}, Title = {The Simple Type Theory of Normalisation by Evaluation}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B75H1-4DD870G-6P/2/84505b5187f28853d381ba45fc942880}, Volume = {57}, Year = {2001}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B75H1-4DD870G-6P/2/84505b5187f28853d381ba45fc942880}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1571-0661(04)00272-5}} @book{HandbookMathematicalLogic, Classmath = {{*03-02 (Research monographs (mathematical logic)) 03B10 (First-order logic) 03B25 (Decidability of theories and sets of sentences) 03B40 (Combinatory logic) 03C20 (Ultraproducts and related constructions) 03C35 (Categoricity, etc.) 03C70 (Logic on admissible sets) 03C75 (Other infinitary logic) 03D30 (Degrees, other than r.e.) 03D60 (Recursion theory on ordinals, admissible sets, etc.) 03D65 (Other generalized recursion theory) 03D70 (Inductive definability) 03E05 (Combinatorial set theory (logic)) 03E20 (Other classical set theory (logic)) 03E25 (Axiom of choice and related propositions (logic)) 03E35 (Consistency and independence results (set theory)) 03E45 (Constructibility, ordinal definability, and related notions) 03E50 (Continuum hypothesis and generalizations (logic)) 03E65 (Other hypotheses and axioms (set theory)) 03F30 (First-order arithmetic and fragments) 03F05 (Cut-elimination, etc.) 03F65 (Other constructive mathematics) 03G30 (Categorical logic) 03H05 (Nonstandard models in mathematics) 54A35 (Consistency and independence results (general topology)) }}, Date-Added = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Editor = {Barwise, Jon}, Keywords = {{alpha-recursion; research survey articles; categorical logic; homogeneous sets; constructibility; Martin's axiom; unsolvable problems; decidable theories; projective sets; incompleteness theorems; direct proof; theories of finite type; type free lambda calculus; Peano arithmetic; forcing}}, Language = {English}, Publisher = {{Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Vol. 90. Amsterdam - New York - Oxford: North-Holland Publishing Company. XII, 1166 p. }}, Title = {{Handbook of mathematical logic. With the cooperation of H. J. Keisler, K. Kunen, Y. N. Moschovakis and A. S. Troelstra. Reprint.}}, Year = {1982}} @book{LambekScott1988, Abstract = {{This is, first and foremost, an evangelizing book: its primary purpose is to convince the reader that its subject (higher-order categorical logic) exists. However, it is (paradoxically) only by failing to establish the truth of their most audacious claim for it that the authors succeed in this aim. Their view of the subject may be summarized crudely as follows:}}, Author = {Lambek, J. and Scott, P.J.}, Classmath = {{*03-02 (Research monographs (mathematical logic)) 18-02 (Research monographs (category theory)) 03G30 (Categorical logic) 03F50 (Metamathematics of constructive systems) 03B40 (Combinatory logic) 03B15 (Higher-order logic) 18A15 (Relations of category theory to logic) 18B25 (Topoi) 18D15 (Closed categories) 18-01 (Textbooks (category theory)) 03-01 (Textbooks (mathematical logic)) }}, Date-Added = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Keywords = {{typed lambda calculus; higher-order intuitionistic type theory; cartesian closed categories; free toposes}}, Language = {English}, Publisher = {{Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 7. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press. IX, 293 p. }}, Reviewer = {{P.T.Johnstone}}, Title = {{Introduction to higher order categorical logic.}}, Year = {1986}} @book{Girard2006pa1, Author = {Girard, Jean-Yves}, Classmath = {{*03-99 (Mathematical logic) }}, Date-Added = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Language = {French}, Publisher = {{Paris: Hermann, \'Editeurs des Sciences et des Arts. xvi, 280~p. }}, Title = {{Le point aveugle. Cours de logique. 1: Vers la perfection. 1.}}, Year = {2006}} @book{Girard2007pa2, Author = {Girard, Jean-Yves}, Classmath = {{*03-99 (Mathematical logic) }}, Date-Added = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Language = {French}, Publisher = {{Paris: Hermann, \'Editeurs des Sciences et des Arts. xii, 281-567. }}, Title = {{Le point aveugle. Cours de logique. 2: Vers l'imperfection.}}, Year = {2007}} @book{vanDalen1983, Abstract = {{This is a corrected second printing of the second edition. The main difference between this edition and the first one reviewed in Zbl 0434.03001 is a new chapter on intuitionistic logic. Still a good text to learn the basics of mathematical logic from.}}, Author = {van Dalen, Dirk}, Classmath = {{*03-01 (Textbooks (mathematical logic)) 03B05 (Classical propositional logic) 03B10 (First-order logic) 03-02 (Research monographs (mathematical logic)) }}, Date-Added = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Keywords = {{logic; model theory; intuitionistic logic}}, Language = {English}, Publisher = {{Universitext. Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag. x, 207 p.}}, Reviewer = {{E.Hartov\'a}}, Title = {{Logic and structure. 2nd print of the 2nd ed. 1983.}}, Year = {1989}} @book{CoriLascar1, Abstract = {{This is Volume One of a two-part work designed to remedy a lack of suitable elementary logic texts available in French. The text is basically mathematical in orientation avoiding in so far as possible philosophical issues. The authors prefer to treat logic as part of mathematics rather than as a foundation to mathematics. The text emphasizes semantic over syntactical issues throughout except in parts of the second volume. Consequently, the text contains a thorough elementary treatment of model theory.\par Volume One treats the propositional calculus, the predicate calculus, and the completeness theorems. An optional chapter introduces Boolean algebra, ideals, filters, and Stone's theorem. The presentation is brisk and clear. A modest number of exercises (with solutions) is included. The bibliography includes both contemporary works as well as works of an historical or recreational nature. The book is aimed at university students of logic, mathematics, or information science and presupposes no previous knowledge of logic.}}, Author = {Cori, Ren\'e and Lascar, Daniel}, Classmath = {{*03-01 (Textbooks (mathematical logic)) 03B05 (Classical propositional logic) 03B10 (First-order logic) 03G05 (Boolean algebras in algebraic logic) }}, Date-Added = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Keywords = {{propositional calculus; predicate calculus; completeness theorems; Boolean algebra; ideals; filters; Stone's theorem}}, Language = {French}, Publisher = {{AXIOMES. Paris: Masson. xv, 385 p. }}, Reviewer = {{A.M.Coyne (Asheville)}}, Title = {{Logique math\'ematique. Cours et exercices. I: Calcul propositionnel, alg\`ebres de Boole, calcul des pr\'edicats. Pr\'eface de J.-L. Krivine.}}, Year = {1993}} @book{CoriLascar2, Abstract = {{This is Volume Two of a two-part elementary text designed to remedy a lack of suitable elementary logic books available in French. It retains the orientation and format to the first volume.\par The topics covered in the second volume include recursion theory, the formalization of arithmetic, the G\"odel theorems, elementary ZF set theory, and a brief introduction to model theory. The volumes fill a gap and should prove very useful to students and instructors alike.\par Further volumes in the same collection are planned to cover more advanced topics.}}, Author = {Cori, Ren\'e and Lascar, Daniel}, Classmath = {{*03-01 (Textbooks (mathematical logic)) 03D20 (Recursive functions) 03C07 (Basic properties of first-order languages and structures) 03E30 (Axiomatics of classical set theory and its fragments) 03F30 (First-order arithmetic and fragments) }}, Date-Added = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Keywords = {{recursion theory; formalization of arithmetic; G\"odel theorems; elementary ZF set theory; model theory}}, Language = {French}, Publisher = {{AXIOMES. Paris: Masson. xv, 347 p. }}, Reviewer = {{A.M.Coyne (Asheville)}}, Title = {{Logique math\'ematique. Cours et exercices. II: Fonctions r\'ecursives, th\'eor\`eme de G\"odel, th\'eorie des ensembles, th\'eorie des mod\`eles. Pr\'eface de J.-L. Krivine.}}, Year = {1993}} @book{Girard1988, Abstract = {{The book is based on the course of lectures on types $\lambda$-calculus given at the Universit\'e Paris VII in autumn 1986. It covers a wide spectrum of questions concerning proof theory, type theory and theoretical computer science. According to the principal epistemological idea that a good logic must possess a good operational semantics (the final aim is to extract programs from proofs) the main emphasis in the book is given to relating types terms to proofs and term conversions to proof normalizations. The book contains both introductory and advanced material, including natural deduction, sequent calculus, typed $\lambda$- calculus, Church-Rosser property, weak and strong normalization theorems for $\lambda$-calculus, the Curry-Howard isomorphism for ($\wedge,\Rightarrow,\forall)$-fragment of natural deduction, G\"odel's type system T (usual $\lambda$-calculus enriched with booleans, natural numbers, if-then-else, recursion operator and corresponding additional conversions). \par One of the sections of the book is devoted to the proof of Hentzen's cut elimination theorem (Hauptsatz) and its connection with resolution and the logic programming language PROLOG. \par The advanced part of the book includes material on coherent spaces and stable functions, which give possibility to assign semantics to the system T and to the natural deduction system containing $\vee$ and $\exists$ and lead naturally to the linear logic. The type system F, an extension of simple typed $\lambda$-calculus, obtained by adding the abstraction operation on types is introduced. The abstraction on types is extremely powerful, giving possibility to define the usual data types such as integers and lists. It is proved that closed terms of type Int $\to$ Int corresond precisely to recursive functions provably total in the second-order arithmetic $PA\sb 2$. The strong normalization theorem is proved for the system F. \par One of the appendices to the book contains the description of semantics for the system F in terms of coherent spaces. The book is concluded with the appendix devoted to the linear logic (i.e. the logic without the weakening and contraction rules) which was originally discovered in coherence semantics and appears to be a promising approach in proof theory and computer science. The linear sequent calculus is introduced and proof nets providing a nice framework for cut elimination are discussed. \par The book will be interesting for everybody working in proof theory and theoretical computer science.}}, Author = {Girard, Jean-Yves and Taylor, Paul and Lafont, Yves}, Classmath = {{*68-02 (Research monographs (computer science)) 03B15 (Higher-order logic) 03B40 (Combinatory logic) 03F05 (Cut-elimination, etc.) 03-02 (Research monographs (mathematical logic)) 03B70 (Logic of programming) 03F07 (Structure of proofs) 03F10 (Functionals in proof theory) 03F35 (Higher-order arithmetic and fragments) }}, Date-Added = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Keywords = {{proof normalization; $\lambda $ -calculus; natural deduction; sequent calculus; cut elimination; linear logic; coherence semantics}}, Language = {English}, Publisher = {{Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science, 7. Cambridge etc.: Univ. Press. XI, 176 p. }}, Reviewer = {{G.Vorobyov}}, Title = {{Proofs and types.}}, Year = {1989}} @book{MacLaneMoerdijk1992, Abstract = {{The summer of 1995 marked two anniversaries. The first is that of the 1945 paper of Eilenberg and MacLane which formally introduced the terms ``category'', ``functor'', and ``natural transformation'' to the world of mathematics [cf. {\it S. Eilenberg} and {\it S. MacLane}, Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 58, 231-294 (1945; Zbl 0061.092)].\par From the perspective of fifty years later, it seems quite safe to say that the 1945 paper, along with the ideas and seemingly endless supply of examples which flowed from it, changed forever the working vocabulary of mathematics. For some, the change was, and still is, viewed much as classically trained physicists viewed the ``gruppenpest'': ``Ignore it and perhaps it will go away''. For many, at least those who still see it as merely giving a formal meaning to Emmy Noether's 1930's then lonely and revolutionary, ``Don't just study the Betti numbers, but rather the groups and the boundary homomorphisms which give rise to them!'', it has only somewhat trivially changed the way that they have long studied and communicated ``modern'' mathematics. But for a smaller and younger group, that 1945 paper provoked a change not just in terminology or even methodology, but in their entire philosophical approach to mathematics.\par To see how profound that change could be after only twenty-five years, one needs only to look at the second of these 1995 anniversaries, that of the 1970 International Congress of Mathematicians in Nice where Lawvere introduced his joint work with Tierney and the concept of an ``elementary topos'' [cf. {\it F. W. Lawvere}, Actes congr. internat. Math. 1970, 1, 329-334 (1971; Zbl 0261.18010)]. Still in active development, the ideas embodied in the non set-theoretic, categorical language of ``elementary topos theory'' not only incorporate the already extraordinary set-based categorical view of geometry (as abstract sheaf theory) pioneered by the Grothendieck school, but even lead to a totally new way of looking at the logical foundations of mathematics itself.\par Up to now the only truly comprehensive text treating both of these two quite different (``geometric'' and ``logical'') aspects of the theory was {\it P. T. Johnstone}'s ``Topos theory'' (1977; Zbl 0368.18001). Unfortunately, at least for the beginner, it assumes from the outset a considerable and sophisticated knowledge of category theory and is written in a concise, telegraphic style which makes it superb as a reference but probably overwhelming to all but the most dedicated.\par The text under review here, a collaborative effort of a world famous mathematician and expositor of mathematics coupled with one of the most active and gifted contributors to the field, is a dedicated attempt to fill this expository void with an up-to-date work, still introducing all major aspects of the subject, but designed to appeal to both the neophyte graduate student and the interested but non-specialist working mathematician. This is not at all an easy task and the full measure of their success will best be judged by their intended audience. But the material, in very large part, is there at the appropriate introductory level, and the care is evident. Especially at the beginning, the authors are acutely conscious of the fact that most readers are not going to have any in-depth knowledge of category theory and are likely to quickly loose interest if they are immediately faced with learning a huge amount of unmotivated preliminary material before they can even start. They have attempted to obviate this by either recalling the relevant definitions in the context as it arises and reproving a theorem which could have been cited as a corollary of a more general categorical one or, in case that this is really infeasible, have provided a direct page reference to the most widely available general text, {\it S. MacLane}'s ``Categories for the working mathematician'' [(1971; Zbl 0232.18001), reprint of the 3rd corr. print. 1975 (1995; Zbl 0818.18001)]. Occasionally, and quite beautifully, after a detailed in-context(!) proof of a specific theorem has been given, the authors demonstrate how the just proved theorem can be seen as a corollary of a really useful but purely categorical result. Students taught with this type of superior pedagogy are unlikely to forget either fact. This is also noteworthy in the authors lucid explanations of such things as the often confusing contrast of ``internal'' and ``external'' language and ``local and global elements'' often used in category theory and crucially important in the theory of topoi.\par The overall style of the book is probably best described as ``peripatetic''. Concepts and examples are introduced, partially developed in one context, and then returned to and amplified at a later point in perhaps another context. Although this is pedagogically quite sound and keeps the reader from being overwhelmed, in contrast to Johnstone, it has the effect of occasionally making the book quite maddening to use purely as a reference.\par But then, in spite of its length (over 600 pages), it is not intended to be encyclopedic: the homological and homotopical algebra of topoi is deliberately (although ``reluctantly'') omitted; the role of topos theory in theoretical computer science is not even mentioned, except as declared ``not really relevant, at least for our purposes'', and some of its aspects most interesting to logicians, for instance those concerning recursive realizability and ``the effective topos'' only appear in passing mention. Inexplicably, to this reviewer at least, the counterpart of the classical fiber bundle (\'etale space) picture of topological sheaf theory, the theory of Grothendieck fibrations, never appears even in the exercises. Instead, for these and other omitted topics, an ``Epilog'' in the form of an annotated guide to further reading is provided. \par What is provided in the text, however, is broad based and may roughly be described as five chapters devoted to ``geometry'' and five chapters devoted to ``logic'' although readers may disagree as to ``which is which'', since this if often more a matter of the reader's reaction to perceived differences in conventions of style than to actual differences in content.\par In the first ``geometric'' part, it follows a roughly historical path: sheaves as fiber bundles (\'etale spaces), then sheaves for Grothendieck topologies on sites, and then elementary topoi and sheaves for Lawvere- Tierney topologies. The associated sheaf functor is constructed in the description at hand and its properties are developed. At each stage one or more examples are given to illustrate some of the many possible applications of the subject. The depth of these varies considerably: ``sheaves and manifolds'' will probably only serve to whet the reader's appetite, whereas the Zariski site of finitely presented $k$-algebras is presented with sufficient elementary algebraic geometry background to make it really interesting to the beginner; continuous group actions on (discrete) topological spaces is a recurring and favorite example.\par Chapter VI, ``Topoi and Logic'', marks the rough transition to the applications of topos theory to logic and model theory and introduces the very real contributions of Lawvere and Tierney to the latter in showing how elementary topoi can be used as models for set theory and indeed replace sets as a foundation. That ``Cohen forcing'' is really topology in this new and broad sense is a remarkable result which deserves a much wider audience. Professional logicians may dislike the informality with which ``the formal intuitionistic logic of elementary topoi'' is treated in this text, but for those of us who have always wondered what Brouwer could have meant by ``all functions are continuous'', the authors give a delightful (and quite concrete) topos-theoretic model of set theory in which this is true.\par Other contributions to model theory which primarily explicate the view of Grothendieck topoi and geometric morphisms as providing ``classifying topoi'' for models of ``geometric theories'' occupy much of the remainder of the book. The very general theory, which would be book-length in its own right, is not covered in any real detail except for a brief exposition in the last chapter. Instead, the authors have chosen to take several concrete examples of easily understood and/or well known topoi and, in detail, show how the idea works. Thus the presheaf topos on the category of finitely presented rings as the classifying topos for ring objects serves as a typical ``algebraic'' example, while the Zariski topos for local rings and the much less obvious examples of simplicial sets for linear orders and $G$-sets for $G$-torsors (principal homogeneous spaces) serve to illustrate the depth of the idea.\par An introduction to the theory of ``locales'' and ``localic topoi'', where much of the current research in the field is concentrated, is given the chapter next to the end and represents, along with ``geometric theories'', the major part of the subject not covered in Johnstone's 1977 book. Amusingly, ``Giraud's theorem'' which gave the first ``recognition criteria'' for Grothendieck topoi as abstract categories is given at the beginning of Johnstone's book and as an appendix in MacLane-Moerdijk! But then this book was written not for the experts, but for almost everybody else.}}, Author = {Mac Lane, Saunders and Moerdijk, Ieke}, Classmath = {{*18-01 (Textbooks (category theory)) 03-01 (Textbooks (mathematical logic)) 18B25 (Topoi) 03G30 (Categorical logic) 18-02 (Research monographs (category theory)) 03-02 (Research monographs (mathematical logic)) 03E99 (Set theory (logic)) 14F20 (Grothendieck cohomology and topology) 18F20 (Categorical methods in sheaf theory) 54B40 (Sheaves, etc. (general topology)) }}, Date-Added = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Keywords = {{elementary topos; sheaf theory; model theory}}, Language = {English}, Publisher = {{Universitext. New York etc.: Springer-Verlag. xii, 627 p. }}, Reviewer = {{J.Duskin (Buffalo)}}, Title = {{Sheaves in geometry and logic: a first introduction to topos theory.}}, Year = {1992}} @book{Johnstone2002, Abstract = {{[This is the joint review of Parts I and II (see Zbl 1071.18001).] The importance mathematicians put on proving time-honoured conjectures often obscures the conceptual advances. Two such major advances are confused by the ambiguous term topos. The original precise definition of topos by Alexander Grothendieck was: category of sheaves on a small site. A site is a category with a notion of cover for its objects; this generalizes the ordered set of open subsets of a topological space with the usual notion of open cover. A sober space can be recaptured from its category of sheaves, however, any generating small set of objects of a topos determines a site for the topos. Consequently, Grothendieck emphasized the topos itself as the generalized space. The idea was a major advance that indeed led to proofs of the Weil conjectures by Grothendieck and Deligne. However, the mathematical community has been slow to warm to the concept itself. As {\it A. Grothendieck} [``Sketch of a programme'', {\tt http://www.math.jussieu.fr/$\sim$leila/EsquisseEng.pdf}, subsection 20, p. 253; cf. Lond. Math. Soc. Lect. Note Set. 242, 5--48 (1997; Zbl 0901.14001)] remarks in a footnote: ``In writing this, I am aware that rare are the topologists, even today, who realize the existence of this conceptual and technical generalization of topology, and the resources it offers.'' {\it L. Illusie} [``What is \dots a topos?''] }}, Author = {Johnstone, Peter T.}, Classmath = {{*18-02 (Research monographs (category theory)) 18B25 (Topoi) }}, Date-Added = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Keywords = {{topos; sheaf; site; subobject classifier; cartesian closed; allegory; geometric morphism}}, Language = {English}, Publisher = {{Oxford Logic Guides 44; Oxford Science Publications. Oxford: Clarendon Press. xii, 469-1089, 71~p./bibliogr. }}, Reviewer = {{Ross H. Street (North Ryde)}}, Title = {{Sketches of an elephant. A topos theory compendium. Vols. I \& II.}}, Year = {2002}} @book{Johnstone1977, Author = {Johnstone, P.T.}, Classmath = {{*18A15 (Relations of category theory to logic) 18G99 (Homological algebra) 18F20 (Categorical methods in sheaf theory) 18-02 (Research monographs (category theory)) 18D15 (Closed categories) }}, Date-Added = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-02-18 20:02:06 +0100}, Language = {English}, Publisher = {{London Mathematical Society Monographs. No.10. London - New York -San Francisco: Academic Press. XXIII, 367 p. 5 }}, Title = {{Topos theory.}}, Year = {1977}} @article{Fleury2003, Author = {Arnaud Fleury}, Date-Added = {2011-02-18 19:50:07 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-02-18 19:57:30 +0100}, Journal = {Mathematic{\'a} contempor{\^a}nea}, Pages = {39--70}, Title = {Ribbon braided multiplicative linear logic}, Url = {http://www.mat.unb.br/}, Volume = {25}, Year = {2003}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.mat.unb.br/}} @article{ALR_Lambek, Author = {Maxime Amblard and Alain Lecomte and Christian Retor{\'{e}}}, Date-Added = {2011-01-03 21:04:15 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2011-01-03 21:06:35 +0100}, Journal = {Linguistic Analysis}, Number = {1--4}, Pages = {273--306}, Title = {Categorial Minimalist Grammars: From Generative Grammar To Logical Form}, Volume = {36}, Year = {2010}} @article{BMRjolli, Abstract = {{A}fter a quick overview of the field of study known as ``{L}exical {S}emantics'', where we advocate the need of accessing additional information besides syntax and {M}ontague- style semantics at the lexical level in order to complete the full analysis of an utterance, we summarize the current formulations of a well-known theory of that field. {W}e then propose and justify our own model of the {G}enerative {L}exicon {T}heory, based upon a variation of classical compositional semantics, and outline its formalization. {A}dditionally, we discuss the theoretical place of informational, knowledge-related data supposed to exist within the lexicon as well as within discourse and other linguistic constructs.}, Affiliation = {{C}entre de recherche en terminologie et traduction - {CRTT} - {U}niversit{\'e} {L}umi{\`e}re - {L}yon {II} : {EA}4162 - {SIGNES} - {INRIA} {B}ordeaux - {S}ud-{O}uest - {INRIA} - {CNRS} : {UMR}5800 - {U}niversit{\'e} {S}ciences et {T}echnologies - {B}ordeaux {I} - {U}niversit{\'e} {M}ichel de {M}ontaigne - {B}ordeaux {III} - {E}cole {N}ationale {S}up{\'e}rieure d'{E}lectronique, {I}nformatique et {R}adiocommunications de {B}ordeaux - {L}aboratoire {B}ordelais de {R}echerche en {I}nformatique - {L}a{BRI} - {CNRS} : {UMR}5800 - {U}niversit{\'e} {S}ciences et {T}echnologies - {B}ordeaux {I} - {E}cole {N}ationale {S}up{\'e}rieure d'{E}lectronique, {I}nformatique et {R}adiocommunications de {B}ordeaux - {U}niversit{\'e} {V}ictor {S}egalen - {B}ordeaux {II}}, Audience = {internationale}, Author = {{B}assac, {C}hristian and {M}ery, {B}runo and {R}etor{\'e}, {C}hristian}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:44:10 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-06 01:28:25 +0200}, Hal_Id = {inria-00408308}, Journal = {{J}ournal of {L}ogic {L}anguage and {I}nformation}, Keywords = {{M}ontague {S}emantics; {L}exical {S}emantics; {T}ype {T}heory.}, Language = {{A}nglais}, Month = {April}, Number = {2}, Pages = {229--245}, Publisher = {{S}pringer-{V}erlag}, Title = {{T}owards a {T}ype-{T}heoretical {A}ccount of {L}exical {S}emantics}, Url = {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00408308/PDF/bassac-mery-retore-revised.pdf}, Volume = {19}, Year = {2010}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00408308/PDF/bassac-mery-retore-revised.pdf}} @article{asher-typedriven, Author = {Nicolas Asher}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Journal = {Fundamenta Informaticae}, Number = {2}, Pages = {151--183}, Title = {A Type Driven Theory of Predication with Complex Types}, Volume = {84}, Year = {2008}} @book{asher-webofwords, Author = {Nicholas Asher}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-05 00:29:24 +0200}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {Lexical Meaning in context -- a web of words}, Year = 2011} @inproceedings{blutner-pragma, Address = {Hamburg}, Author = {Reinhard Blutner}, Booktitle = {Semantics}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Editor = {Fritz Hamm and Thomas Ede Zimmermann}, Journal = {Linguistische Berichte}, Pages = {27--58}, Publisher = {Buske}, Title = {Lexical Semantics and Pragmatics}, Volume = {10 (Sonderheft)}, Year = 2002} @inproceedings{cooper-codygeqlic, Author = {Robin Cooper}, Booktitle = {Fourth International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Publisher = {Universit{\'e} de Gen{\`e}ve}, Title = {Copredication, dynamic generalized quantification and lexical innovation by coercion}, Year = 2007} @book{gen-lexicon, Author = {James Pustejovsky}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {The Generative Lexicon}, Year = 1995} @book{girard-proofs, Abstract = {{The book is based on the course of lectures on types $\lambda$-calculus given at the Universit\'e Paris VII in autumn 1986. It covers a wide spectrum of questions concerning proof theory, type theory and theoretical computer science. According to the principal epistemological idea that a good logic must possess a good operational semantics (the final aim is to extract programs from proofs) the main emphasis in the book is given to relating types terms to proofs and term conversions to proof normalizations. The book contains both introductory and advanced material, including natural deduction, sequent calculus, typed $\lambda$- calculus, Church-Rosser property, weak and strong normalization theorems for $\lambda$-calculus, the Curry-Howard isomorphism for ($\wedge,\Rightarrow,\forall)$-fragment of natural deduction, G\"odel's type system T (usual $\lambda$-calculus enriched with booleans, natural numbers, if-then-else, recursion operator and corresponding additional conversions). \par One of the sections of the book is devoted to the proof of Hentzen's cut elimination theorem (Hauptsatz) and its connection with resolution and the logic programming language PROLOG. \par The advanced part of the book includes material on coherent spaces and stable functions, which give possibility to assign semantics to the system T and to the natural deduction system containing $\vee$ and $\exists$ and lead naturally to the linear logic. The type system F, an extension of simple typed $\lambda$-calculus, obtained by adding the abstraction operation on types is introduced. The abstraction on types is extremely powerful, giving possibility to define the usual data types such as integers and lists. It is proved that closed terms of type Int $\to$ Int corresond precisely to recursive functions provably total in the second-order arithmetic $PA\sb 2$. The strong normalization theorem is proved for the system F. \par One of the appendices to the book contains the description of semantics for the system F in terms of coherent spaces. The book is concluded with the appendix devoted to the linear logic (i.e. the logic without the weakening and contraction rules) which was originally discovered in coherence semantics and appears to be a promising approach in proof theory and computer science. The linear sequent calculus is introduced and proof nets providing a nice framework for cut elimination are discussed. \par The book will be interesting for everybody working in proof theory and theoretical computer science.}}, Author = {Girard, Jean-Yves and Taylor, Paul and Lafont, Yves}, Classmath = {03Bxx, 03Fxx, 68Q05, 68N18, 68N17}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Keywords = {proof normalization; $\lambda $ -calculus; natural deduction; sequent calculus; cut elimination; linear logic; coherence semantics}, Language = {English}, Number = {7}, Pages = {XI, 176 p.}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Reviewer = {{G.Vorobyov}}, Series = {Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science}, Title = {Proofs and types}, Url = {http://www.scribd.com/doc/819939/Girards-Proofs-and-Types}, Year = {1989}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.scribd.com/doc/819939/Girards-Proofs-and-Types}} @inproceedings{Girard71, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Jean-Yves Girard}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second Scandinavian Logic Symposium}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-08-24 00:58:02 +0200}, Editor = {Jens Erik Fenstad}, Pages = {63--92}, Publisher = {North Holland}, Series = {Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics}, Title = {Une extension de l'interpr{\'e}tation de {G}{\"o}del {\`a} l'analyse et son application: l'{\'e}limination des coupures dans l'analyse et la th{\'e}orie des types}, Volume = {63}, Year = 1971} @phdthesis{Girard72, Author = {J. Y. Girard}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, School = {Universit{\'e} Paris 7}, Title = {Interpr{\'e}tation fonctionnelle et {\'e}limination des coupures de l'arithm{\'e}tique d'ordre sup{\'e}rieur}, Type = {Th{\`e}se de Doctorat d'{\'E}tat}, Year = 1972} @inproceedings{gupta-nominal-sublanguage, Author = {Kalyan Moy Gupta and David M. Aha}, Booktitle = {Second International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Pages = {53--62}, Publisher = {Universit{\'e} de Gen{\`e}ve}, Title = {Nominal Concept Representation in Sublanguage Ontologies}, Year = 2003} @inproceedings{gupta-sublanguages, Author = {Kalyan Moy Gupta and David W. Aha}, Booktitle = {Third International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Pages = {72--81}, Publisher = {Universit{\'e} de Gen{\`e}ve}, Title = {Interpreting Events Using Generative Sublanguage Ontologies}, Year = 2005} @article{Jacquey2006tal, Author = {Evelyne Jacquey}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Journal = {Traitement Automatique des Langues}, Number = {1}, Pages = {137--166}, Title = {Un cas de « polys{\'e}mie logique » : mod{\'e}lisation de noms d'action en fran{\c c}ais ambigus entre processus et artefact}, Url = {http://www.atala.org/Un-cas-de-polysemie-logique}, Volume = {47}, Year = {2006}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.atala.org/Un-cas-de-polysemie-logique}} @article{Jayez2008facettes, Author = {Jacques Jayez}, Booktitle = {Repr{\'e}sentations du sens lexical}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Journal = {Langages}, Number = {4}, Pages = {53--68}, Title = {Quel(s) r{\^o}le(s) pour les ``facettes''?}, Volume = {172}, Year = {2008}} @inproceedings{marlet-glcsmeet, Author = {Renaud Marlet}, Booktitle = {Fourth International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Publisher = {Universit{\'e} de Gen{\`e}ve}, Title = {When the Generative Lexicon meets Computational Semantics}, Year = 2007} @conference{mery-montagl, Author = {Bruno Mery and Christian Bassac and Christian Retor{\'e}}, Booktitle = {Formal Grammar}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Publisher = {CSLI}, Title = {A Montagovian Generative Lexicon}, Url = {http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/FG/}, Year = {2007}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/FG/}} @conference{mery-ndttg, Author = {Bruno Mery and Christian Bassac and Christian Retor{\'e}}, Booktitle = {New Directions in Type Theoretic Grammars}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Editor = {Reinhard Muskens}, Organization = {ESSLLI}, Publisher = {Foundation of Logic, Language and Information}, Title = {A {M}ontague-based model of Generative Lexical Semantics}, Year = {2007}} @article{nunberg-transfer, Author = {Geoffrey Nunberg}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Journal = {Journal of semantics}, Number = {2}, Pages = {109--132}, Title = {Transfers of meaning}, Volume = {12}, Year = {1995}} @inproceedings{pinkal-featuredot, Abstract = {In this paper we revisit Pustejovsky's proposal to treat ontologically complex word meaning by so-called dotted pairs. We use a higher-order feature logic based on Ohori's record lambda-calculus to model the semantics of words like book and library, in particular their behavior in the context of quantification and cardinality statements.}, Address = {Hong Kong}, Author = {Manfred Pinkal and Michael Kohlhase}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '00), October 1-8}, Coliurl = {Pinkal:2000:FLD.pdf Pinkal:2000:FLD.ps}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers}, Title = {Feature Logic for Dotted Types: {A} Formalism for Complex Word Meanings}, Url = {http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kohlhase/papers/acl00.ps}, Year = {2000}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kohlhase/papers/acl00.ps}} @misc{pustejovsky-dotsurvey, Author = {James Pustejovsky}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Howpublished = {Author's weblog}, Title = {A Survey of Dot Objects}, Url = {http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~jamesp/dots.pdf}, Year = 2005, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~jamesp/dots.pdf}} @misc{pustejovsky-metaphysics, Author = {Nicolas Asher and James Pustejovsky}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Note = {(revised version of the 2000 paper: The Metaphysics of Words in Context)}, Title = {Word Meaning and Commonsense Metaphysics}, Url = {http://semanticsarchive.net/Archive/TgxMDNkM/asher-pustejovsky-wordmeaning.pdf}, Year = 2005, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://semanticsarchive.net/Archive/TgxMDNkM/asher-pustejovsky-wordmeaning.pdf}} @misc{saba-comsemgroundcommephy, Author = {Walid S. Saba}, Booktitle = {EPIA 2007}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Howpublished = {presented at the 13 Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence -- EPIA 2007}, Title = {Compositional Semantics Grounded in Commonsense Metaphysics}, Url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0708.2303}, Year = 2007, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0708.2303}} @book{searle-1979, Author = {John Searle}, Date-Added = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-29 18:26:33 +0200}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts}, Year = 1979} @unpublished{Salvati07pauillac, Author = {Sylvain Salvati}, Date-Added = {2010-07-26 13:02:08 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-07-26 13:21:59 +0200}, Note = {Work presented at the colloquium in honour of Alain Lecomte}, Title = {Minimalist Grammars in the Light of Logic}, Year = {2007}} @inproceedings{AR07cie, Author = {Maxime Amblard and Christian Retor{\'e}}, Booktitle = {Computation and Logic in the Real World (Computing in Europe 2007)}, Date-Added = {2010-07-26 12:13:22 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-07-26 12:13:22 +0200}, Editor = {S. Barry Cooper and Thomas F. Kent and Benedikt L{\"o}we and Andrea Sorbi}, Month = {september}, Pages = {28--35}, Publisher = {Universit{\`a} degli Studi di Siena}, Series = {Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche e Informatiche \em{Roberto Magari}}, Title = {Natural Deduction and Normalisation For Partially Commutative Linear Logic and Lambek Calculus with product}, Url = {http://www.mat.unisi.it/~sorbi/Proceedings.pdf}, Volume = {ID487}, Year = 2007, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.mat.unisi.it/~sorbi/Proceedings.pdf}} @inproceedings{Lecomte08fg, Abstract = {{T}his paper is an attempt to develop a strictly derivationalist version of {C}homsky's {M}inimalist {T}heory integrating theta roles and quantifier scoping without referring to a {LF} level. {I}t is assumed different readings of a same sentence are obtained by various evaluation strategies, in a calculus which integrates a non deterministic version of lambda mu calculus}, Affiliation = {{S}tructure formelle du langage : typologie et acquisition, metrique et po{\'e}tique - {SFLTAMP} - {CNRS} : {UMR}7023 - {U}niversit{\'e} {P}aris {VIII} {V}incennes-{S}aint {D}enis - {SIGNES} - {INRIA} {F}uturs - {INRIA} - {CNRS} : {UMR}5800 - {U}niversit{\'e} {S}ciences et {T}echnologies - {B}ordeaux {I} - {U}niversit{\'e} {M}ichel de {M}ontaigne - {B}ordeaux {III} - {E}cole {N}ationale {S}up{\'e}rieure d'{E}lectronique, {I}nformatique et {R}adiocommunications de {B}ordeaux}, Audience = {internationale}, Author = {{L}ecomte, {A}lain}, Booktitle = {Formal Grammar 2008}, Date-Added = {2010-07-24 14:54:54 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-07-28 11:53:26 +0200}, Hal_Id = {inria-00338495}, Keywords = {scope ambiguities, theta roles, minimalist grammars, categorial grammar}, Language = {{A}nglais}, Publisher = {{CSLI} {P}ublications}, Title = {{S}emantics in {M}inimalist {C}ategorial {G}rammar}, Url = {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00338495/PDF/FGLecomte08.pdf}, Year = {2008}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00338495/PDF/FGLecomte08.pdf}} @inproceedings{degroote01mucalcul, Author = {de Groote, Philippe}, Booktitle = {Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium}, Citeulike-Article-Id = {3171519}, Citeulike-Linkout-0 = {http://www.loria.fr/\~{}degroote/papers/amsterdam01.pdf}, Date-Added = {2010-07-17 18:38:55 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-07-24 14:51:59 +0200}, Editor = {van Rooy, R. and Stokhof, M.}, Keywords = {continuations, semantics}, Month = {December}, Pages = {97--101}, Posted-At = {2008-08-29 10:43:16}, Priority = {2}, Publisher = {Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Universiteit van Amsterdam}, Title = {Type raising, continuations, and classical logic}, Url = {http://www.loria.fr/\~{}degroote/papers/amsterdam01.pdf}, Year = {2001}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.loria.fr/%5C~%7B%7Ddegroote/papers/amsterdam01.pdf}} @phdthesis{Kobele06phd, Author = {Gregory Kobele}, Date-Added = {2010-07-17 18:21:13 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-07-17 18:22:16 +0200}, School = {UCLA}, Title = {Generating Copies: An investigation into Structural Identity in Language and Grammar}, Year = {2006}} @phdthesis{Amblard07phd, Abstract = {{L}es travaux de cette th{\`e}se se situent dans le cadre de la linguistique computationnelle. {L}a probl{\'e}matique est de d{\'e}finir une interface syntaxe / s{\'e}mantique bas{\'e}e sur les th{\'e}ories de la grammaire g{\'e}n{\'e}rative.{U}ne premi{\`e}re partie, concernant le probl{\`e}me de l'analyse syntaxique, pr{\'e}sente tout d'abord, la syntaxe g{\'e}n{\'e}rative, puis un formalisme la r{\'e}alisant: les grammaires minimalistes de {S}tabler. {\`A} partir de ces grammaires, nous r{\'e}alisons une {\'e}tude sur les propri{\'e}t{\'e}s de l'op{\'e}ration de fusion pour laquelle nous d{\'e}finissons des notions d'{\'e}quivalence, ainsi qu'une mod{\'e}lisation abstraite des lexiques.{U}ne seconde partie revient sur le probl{\`e}me de l'interface. {P}our cela, nous proposons un formalisme de type logique, bas{\'e} sur la logique mixte (poss{\'e}dant des connecteurs commutatifs et non-commutatifs), qui {\'e}quivaut, sous certaines conditions, aux grammaires de {S}tabler. {D}ans ce but, nous introduisons une normalisation des preuves de cette logique, normalisation permettant de v{\'e}rifier la propri{\'e}t{\'e} de la sous-formule. {C}es propri{\'e}t{\'e}s sont {\'e}galement {\'e}tendues au calcul de {L}ambek avec produit.{\`A} partir de l'isomorphisme de {C}urry-{H}oward, nous synchronisons un calcul s{\'e}mantique avec les preuves r{\'e}alisant l'analyse syntaxique. {L}es termes de notre calcul font appel aux propri{\'e}t{\'e}s du lambda mu-calcul, ainsi qu'{\`a} celles de la {DRT} ({D}iscourse {R}epresentative {T}heory).{U}ne derni{\`e}re partie applique ces formalismes {\`a} des cas concrets. {N}ous {\'e}tablissons des fragments d'une grammaire du fran{\c{c}}ais autour du probl{\`e}me des clitiques.}, Affiliation = {{L}aboratoire {B}ordelais de {R}echerche en {I}nformatique - {L}a{BRI} - {CNRS} : {UMR}5800 - {U}niversit{\'e} {S}ciences et {T}echnologies - {B}ordeaux {I} - {E}cole {N}ationale {S}up{\'e}rieure d'{E}lectronique, {I}nformatique et {R}adiocommunications de {B}ordeaux - {U}niversit{\'e} {V}ictor {S}egalen - {B}ordeaux {II} - {SIGNES} - {INRIA} {F}uturs - {INRIA} - {CNRS} : {UMR}5800 - {U}niversit{\'e} {S}ciences et {T}echnologies - {B}ordeaux {I} - {U}niversit{\'e} {M}ichel de {M}ontaigne - {B}ordeaux {III} - {E}cole {N}ationale {S}up{\'e}rieure d'{E}lectronique, {I}nformatique et {R}adiocommunications de {B}ordeaux}, Author = {{A}mblard, {M}axime}, Collaboration = {{SIGNES} - {INRIA}-futurs}, Date-Added = {2010-07-17 18:17:36 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-07-17 18:17:49 +0200}, Day = {21}, Hal_Id = {tel-00185844}, Keywords = {grammaires g{\'e}n{\'e}ratives ; interface syntaxe/s{\'e}mantique ; isomomrphisme de {C}urry-{H}oward ; lambda-calcul ; lambda mu-calcul ; logique lin{\'e}aire ; langages formels ; grammaires cat{\'e}gorielles ; grammaires minimalistes; types de {M}ontague}, Language = {{F}ran{\c{c}}ais}, Month = {09}, School = {{U}niversit{\'e} {S}ciences et {T}echnologies - {B}ordeaux {I}}, Title = {{C}alculs de repr{\'e}sentations s{\'e}mantiques et syntaxe g{\'e}n{\'e}rative : les grammaires minimalistes cat{\'e}gorielles}, Url = {http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00185844/PDF/amblardThese.pdf}, Year = {2007}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00185844/PDF/amblardThese.pdf}} @phdthesis{Anoun07phd, Abstract = {{L}es contributions majeures de cette th{\`e}se s'articulent autour des trois axes de base de la linguistique computationnelle, {\`a} savoir la logique, la linguistique et l'informatique. {N}ous proposons ainsi un nouveau syst{\`e}me non-directionnel {GLE} permettant de simuler les op{\'e}rations transformationnelles du {P}rogramme {M}inimaliste dans un cadre logique qui fait appel au raisonnement hypoth{\'e}tique de mani{\`e}re contr{\^o}l{\'e}e. {L}a pertinence de ce formalisme est soulign{\'e}e en montrant sa capacit{\'e} {\`a} prendre en charge des ph{\'e}nom{\`e}nes linguistiques complexes, n{\'e}cessitant un partage contraint de ressources, tels que le liage d'anaphores ou la r{\'e}solution d'ellipse. {E}n outre, nous pr{\'e}sentons un atelier logique, nomm{\'e} {ICHARATE}, destin{\'e} {\`a} la recherche et l'enseignement de la linguistique computationnelle. {C}et outil est compos{\'e} de biblioth{\`e}ques pour l'assistant {\`a} la d{\'e}monstration {C}oq, qui comprennent la formalisation de syst{\`e}mes logiques avanc{\'e}s d{\'e}di{\'e}s au traitement des langues naturelles, dont la logique multimodale.}, Affiliation = {{L}aboratoire {B}ordelais de {R}echerche en {I}nformatique - {L}a{BRI} - {CNRS} : {UMR}5800 - {U}niversit{\'e} {S}ciences et {T}echnologies - {B}ordeaux {I} - {E}cole {N}ationale {S}up{\'e}rieure d'{E}lectronique, {I}nformatique et {R}adiocommunications de {B}ordeaux - {U}niversit{\'e} {V}ictor {S}egalen - {B}ordeaux {II} - {SIGNES} - {INRIA} {F}uturs - {INRIA} - {CNRS} : {UMR}5800 - {U}niversit{\'e} {S}ciences et {T}echnologies - {B}ordeaux {I} - {U}niversit{\'e} {M}ichel de {M}ontaigne - {B}ordeaux {III} - {E}cole {N}ationale {S}up{\'e}rieure d'{E}lectronique, {I}nformatique et {R}adiocommunications de {B}ordeaux}, Author = {{A}noun, {H}ouda}, Date-Added = {2010-07-17 18:11:48 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-07-17 18:12:15 +0200}, Day = {24}, Hal_Id = {tel-00414778}, Keywords = {{L}inguistique computationnelle; grammaires cat{\'e}gorielles de type logique; grammaires minimalistes; interface syntaxe-s{\'e}mantique; assistant de preuves {C}oq.}, Language = {{F}ran{\c{c}}ais}, Month = {10}, School = {{U}niversit{\'e} {S}ciences et {T}echnologies - {B}ordeaux {I}}, Title = {{A}pproche logique des grammaires pour les langues naturelles}, Url = {http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00414778/PDF/whole.pdf}, Year = {2007}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00414778/PDF/whole.pdf}} @article{Abr93cill, Author = {Samson Abramsky}, Date-Added = {2010-07-15 12:17:23 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-07-15 12:18:57 +0200}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0304-3975(93)90181-R}, Issn = {0304-3975}, Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, Number = {1-2}, Pages = {3 - 57}, Title = {Computational interpretations of linear logic}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V1G-45H2DTB-3/2/8b699b5bb5edeb2d10fbeab5e20a5828}, Volume = {111}, Year = {1993}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V1G-45H2DTB-3/2/8b699b5bb5edeb2d10fbeab5e20a5828}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0304-3975(93)90181-R}} @inproceedings{BE95, Author = {Samuel Epstein and Robert Berwick}, Booktitle = {Algebraic Methods in Language Processing}, Date-Added = {2010-07-14 20:21:53 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-07-14 20:21:53 +0200}, Editor = {A. Nijholt and G. Scollo and R. Steetkamp}, Organization = {Universiteit Twente}, Title = {On the Convergence of 'Minimalist' Syntax and Categorial Grammar}, Year = {1995}} @article{Gobber85, Author = {Gobber, Giovanni}, Date-Added = {2008-03-16 22:12:44 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-03-16 22:18:03 +0100}, Journal = {Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica}, Pages = {258--295}, Title = {Alle origini della grammatica categoriale}, Volume = {77}, Year = {1985}} @article{Roorda94, Author = {Dirk Roorda}, Bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}, Date-Added = {2008-03-16 22:11:22 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-03-16 22:12:32 +0100}, Journal = {Jorunal of Symbolic Logic}, Number = {2}, Pages = {419-444}, Title = {Interpolation in Fragments of Classical Linear Logic}, Volume = {59}, Year = {1994}} @article{Retore08gazette, Author = {Christian Retor{\'e}}, Date-Added = {2008-03-16 23:46:22 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-03-16 23:48:05 +0100}, Journal = {Gazette des Math\'ematiciens}, Pages = {35--62}, Publisher = {Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Math{\'e}matique de France}, Title = {Les math{\'e}matiques de la linquistique computationnelle. Premier volet: la th{\'e}orie des langages}, Year = {2008}} @book{Husserl13, Author = {Edmund Husserl}, Date-Added = {2008-03-16 22:18:12 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-03-17 00:47:31 +0100}, Edition = {Second}, Note = {Traduction fran{\c c}aise de Hubert {\'E}lie, Lothar Kelkel et Ren{\'e} Sch{\'e}rer: Recherches Logiques, Presses Universitaires de France, 1962.}, Publisher = {Max Niemeyer}, Title = {Logische Untersuchungen}, Year = {1913}} @article{Bresnan82dutch, Author = {Joan Bresnan and Ronald M. Kaplan and Stanley Peters and Annie Zaenen}, Date-Added = {2007-03-06 22:12:59 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-03-06 22:13:30 +0100}, Journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, Number = 4, Pages = {613--635}, Title = {Cross-serial dependencies in {D}utch}, Volume = 13, Year = 1982} @article{Shieber85ncf, Author = {Stuart M. Shieber}, Date-Added = {2007-03-06 22:09:19 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-03-06 22:09:19 +0100}, Journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, Pages = {333--343}, Title = {Evidence Against the Context-Freeness of Natural Language}, Volume = {8}, Year = {1985}} @article{GRACQ06rlv, Author = {Denis Bechet and Roberto Bonato and Alexandre Dikovsky and Annie Foret and Yannick {Le Nir} and Erwan Moreau and Christian Retor{\'e} and Isabelle Tellier}, Date-Added = {2007-03-06 20:41:16 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-03-06 20:41:16 +0100}, Journal = {Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes}, Pages = {123--152}, Title = {Mod{\`e}les algorithmiques de l'acquisition de la syntaxe : concepts et m{\'e}thodes, r{\'e}sultats et probl{\`e}mes}, Volume = {36}, Year = {2007}} @incollection{Moot2007mit, Author = {Richard Moot}, Booktitle = {The Complexity of Lexical Descriptions and its Relevance to Natural Language Processing: A Supertagging Approach}, Date-Added = {2007-05-28 22:46:22 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2007-05-28 22:49:30 +0200}, Editor = {Srinivas Bangalore and Aravind Joshi}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {Automated Extraction of Type-Logical Supertags from the Spoken Dutch Corpus}, Year = {2007}} @book{Sta92, Author = {Edward P. Stabler}, Date-Added = {2007-03-06 20:13:04 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-03-06 20:14:07 +0100}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {The logical approach to syntax: foundations, specifications, and implementations of theories of government and binding}, Year = {1992}} @article{Baum70, Abstract = {see also Baum and Eagon '67. Baum - Welch; later came to be known as expectation maximization (EM). H 519.05 A613}, Author = {L. E. Baum and T. Petrie and G. Soules and N. Weiss}, Date-Added = {2007-03-06 12:10:08 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-03-06 12:10:08 +0100}, Journal = {Ann. Math. Stat.}, Keywords = {jrnl, AMS, model, HMM, expectation maximization, c1970, c197x, c19xx, EM, Welch}, Pages = {164--171}, Title = {A maximization technique occurring in the statistical analysis of probabilistic functions of Markov chains.}, Volume = {41}, Year = {1970}} @book{Busquets2006, Author = {Joan Busquets}, Date-Added = {2007-02-25 18:14:12 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-02-25 18:15:09 +0100}, Publisher = {Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux}, Title = {Logique et langage : apports de la philosophie m{\'e}di{\'e}vale}, Year = {2006}} @book{AN1683, Author = {Antoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole}, Date-Added = {2007-02-25 18:03:01 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-02-25 18:13:08 +0100}, Note = {R{\'e}{\'e}dit{\'e} par Vrin en 2002}, Publisher = {G. 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Opyt formalizacii preobrazovanij sintaksiceskix struktur estestvennogo jazyka (Tree grammars. A formalism for syntactic transformations in natural language)}, Year = {1971}} @book{Descles90, Author = {Jean-Pierre Descl{\'e}s}, Booktitle = {Langages applicatifs, langues naturelles et cognition}, Title = {Langages applicatifs, langues naturelles et cognition}, Year = {1990}} @proceedings{Pierrel00idl, Editor = {Jean-Marie Pierrel}, Year = {2000}} @book{Muller02livre, Author = {Claude Muller}, Publisher = {Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux}, Series = {Linguistica}, Title = {Les bases de la syntaxe -- syntaxe contrastive fran\c{c}ais / langues voisines}, Year = {2002}} @book{Vendler67, Author = {Zeno Vendler}, Publisher = {Cornell University Press}, Title = {Linguistics in philosophy}, Year = {1967}} @book{Bassac04livre, Author = {Christian Bassac}, Publisher = {Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux}, Series = {Linguistica}, Title = {Principes de morphologie anglaise}, Year = {2004}} @incollection{BB2002mm, Author = {Christian Bassac and Pierrette Bouillon}, Booktitle = {Many Morphologies}, Editor = {Paul Boucher}, Publisher = {Cascadilla Press}, Title = {Middle Transitive Alternations in English: a Generative Lexicon Approach}, Year = {2002}} @article{Bassac2003cg, Author = {Christian Bassac}, Journal = {Cahiers de grammaire}, Note = {Num{\'e}ro sp{\'e}cial Morphologie et Lexique}, Pages = {197--215}, Title = {Sur quelques aspects de la composition nominale en turc: le point de vue du lexique g{\'e}n{\'e}ratif}, Volume = {28}, Year = {2003}} @inproceedings{BB01gl, Author = {Christian Bassac and Pierrette Bouillon}, Booktitle = {First international conference on generative approaches to the lexicon}, Editor = {Pierrette Bouillon and Kyoko Kanzaki}, Title = {The telic relationship in french and turkish compounds}, Year = {2001}} @inproceedings{BB2005gl, Author = {Christian Bassac and Pierrette Bouillon}, Booktitle = {Generative approaches to the lexicon --- selected papers}, Editor = {James Pustejovsky}, Note = {To appear}, Publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publisher}, Title = {The telic relationship in compounds}, Year = {2005}} @inproceedings{Bassac2003jla, Author = {Christian Bassac}, Booktitle = {Journ{\'e}es de linguistique anglaise {\`a} Bordeaux}, Title = {Construction des compos{\'e}s endocentriques}, Year = {2003}} @inproceedings{Bassac2004jlat, Author = {Christian Bassac}, Booktitle = {Journ{\'e}es de linguistique anglaise {\`a} Toulouse}, Title = {Composionality and Nominal Compounds}, Year = {2004}} @inproceedings{Bassac2004nd, Address = {Lille}, Author = {Christian Bassac and Mehmet Ci\c{c}ek}, Booktitle = {Noms d{\'e}verbaux}, Title = {Les noms d{\'e}verbaux d{\'e}riv{\'e}s par affixation de -(y)I\c{s} et mE}, Year = {2004}} @inproceedings{Bassac2004cp, Author = {Christian Bassac and Mehmet Ci\c{c}ek}, Booktitle = {Colloque sur la pr{\'e}dication}, Title = {Morphologie de la pr{\'e}dication verbale et non verbale en turc}, Year = {2004}} @misc{AP01, Author = {Nicholas Asher and James Pustejovsky}, Title = {The metaphysics of words in contexts}, Url = {http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~jamesp/articles/index.html}, Year = {2000}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~jamesp/articles/index.html}} @inproceedings{CBR2002, Author = {Noam Chomsky and Adriana Belletti and Luigi Rizzi}, Chapter = {4}, Crossref = {Chomsky2002}, Pages = {92--161}, Title = {An interview on minimalism}, Year = {2002}} @book{Chomsky2002, Author = {Noam Chomsky}, Booktitle = {On Nature and Language}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {On Nature and Language}, Year = {2002}} @inproceedings{MMM04, Author = {Uwe M{\"o}nnich and Jens Michaelis and Frank Morawietz}, Booktitle = {Linguistic Form and its Computation}, Editor = {Ch. Rohrer and A. Rossdeutscher and H. Kamp}, Publisher = {CSLI Publications}, Title = {On Minimalist Attribute Grammars and Macro Tree Transducers}, Url = {http://tcl.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/~tcl/uwe/uwe_moennich.html}, Year = {2004}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://tcl.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/~tcl/uwe/uwe_moennich.html}} @inproceedings{Wal01eff, Author = {Igor Walukiewicz}, Booktitle = {EFF Summer School}, Title = {Automata and Logic}, Url = {http://www.labri.fr/Perso/~igw/surveys.html}, Year = {2001}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.labri.fr/Perso/~igw/surveys.html}} @inproceedings{MMM00, Author = {Uwe M{\"o}nnich and Jens Michaelis and Frank Morawietz}, Booktitle = {TAG+5}, Title = {Derivational Minimalism in Two Regular and Logical Steps}, Url = {http://tcl.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/~tcl/uwe/uwe_moennich.html}, Year = {2000}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://tcl.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/~tcl/uwe/uwe_moennich.html}} @inproceedings{NaitAbdallahLecomte03, Author = {Lecomte, Alain and Nait Abdallah, Areski}, Booktitle = {Journ{\'e}es Nationales sur les Mod{\`e}les de Raisonnement}, Title = {Un mod{\`e}le de raisonnement avec propositions implicites}, Year = {2003}} @book{Mora03, Address = {Berlin $\cdot$ New York}, Author = {Frank Morawietz}, Date-Added = {2007-01-10 17:43:14 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-01-10 17:43:14 +0100}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Series = {Studies in Generative Grammar}, Title = {Two-Step Approaches ot Natural Language Formalisms}, Year = {2003}} @article{Gillon96, Author = {Brendan S. Gillon}, Journal = {Indian Linguistics}, Number = {1}, Pages = {1--35}, Title = {Word order in classical {S}anskrit}, Volume = {57}, Year = {1996}} @inproceedings{Lecomte03isko, Address = {Grenoble}, Author = {Alain Lecomte}, Booktitle = {L'organisation des connaissances : approches conceptuelles}, Month = {juillet}, Organization = {International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)}, Title = {Y a-t-il une logique de la classification ?}, Year = {2003}} @techreport{MMM00l, Author = {Uwe M{\"o}nnich and Jens Michaelis and Frank Morawietz}, Institution = {Universit\"{a}t T{\"u}bingen}, Title = {Algebraic Description of Derivational Minimalism}, Url = {http://tcl.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/~tcl/uwe/uwe_moennich.html}, Year = {2000}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://tcl.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/~tcl/uwe/uwe_moennich.html}} @book{Apte85, Address = {India}, Author = {V.S. Apte}, Publisher = {Poona}, Title = {The Student's Guide to {S}anskrit Composition -- {A} Treatise on {S}anskrit Syntax}, Year = {1885}} @unpublished{tototo, Author = {tototo}, Title = {tototo}, Year = {123}} @inproceedings{ALR03nancy, Address = {Nancy}, Author = {Maxime Amblard and Alain Lecomte and Christian Retor{\'e}}, Booktitle = {Pospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface}, Editor = {Denys Duchier}, Pages = {17--22}, Title = {Syntax and Semantics interacting in a minimalist theory}, Year = {2003}} @unpublished{tututu, Author = {tututu}, Title = {tututu}, Year = {123}} @book{NaitAbdallah95, Author = {Nait Abdallah, Areski}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Series = {Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science}, Title = {The logic of partial information}, Year = {1995}} @misc{GK03, Author = {Kim Gerdes and Sylvain Kahane}, Title = {A polynomial parser for the topological model - Illustration by a topological grammar for {G}erman}, Year = {2003}} @inproceedings{GY03, Address = {Barcelona}, Author = {Kim Gerdes et Hi-Yon Yoo}, Booktitle = {Actes du 15e Congr{\`e}s international des sciences phon{\'e}tiques}, Title = {The fields on the way to prosody - Alternatives to phrase structure based approaches to prosody}, Year = {2003}} @inproceedings{DGPR03taln, Address = {Batz-sur-mer}, Author = {Olivier de Langhe and Pierre Guitteny and Henri Portine and Christian Retor{\'e}}, Booktitle = {Workshop on Minority Languages -- TALN 2003}, Editor = {ATALA}, Title = {Vers un traitement informatique de la syntaxe et de la s{\'e}mantique de la langue des signes fran\c{c}aise}, Year = {2003}} @article{PortineRousseau02, Author = {Henri Portine and Andr{\'e} Rousseau}, Journal = {Mod{\`e}les linguistiques}, Number = {2}, Pages = {99-121}, Title = {Tesni{\`e}re et la syntaxe structurale}, Volume = {23}, Year = {2002}} @mastersthesis{Anoun03dea, Author = {Houda Anoun}, Note = {\url!http://www.labri.fr/Recherche/LLA/signes!}, School = {Universit{\'e} Bordeaux 1 et {ENSEIRB}}, Title = {R{\'e}alisation d'un atelier logique sur le calcul de {L}ambek}, Type = {M{\'e}moire de DEA}, Year = {2003}} @article{Portine04, Author = {Henri Portine}, Journal = {Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire}, Note = {{\`{A}} para{\^\i}tre}, Title = {Les modalit{\'e}s: entre logique et langue}, Year = {2004}} @mastersthesis{Guitteny03dea, Author = {Pierre Guitteny}, Month = {juin}, School = {Universit{\'e} Bordeaux 3}, Title = {L'enseignement de la grammaire du fran{\c{c}}ais en langue des signes}, Type = {M{\'e}moire de DEA}, Year = {2003}} @phdthesis{Gerdes02these, Author = {Kim Gerdes}, School = {Universit{\'e} Paris 7}, Title = {Topologie et grammaires formelles de l'allemand}, Type = {Th{\`e}se de Doctorat}, Year = {2002}} @mastersthesis{Lenir03these, Author = {Le Nir, Yannick}, Month = {d{\'e}cembre}, School = {Universit{\'e} Rennes 1}, Title = {Structure des analyses cat{\'e}gorielles -- application {\`a} l'inf{\'e}rence grammaticale}, Type = {Th{\`e}se de doctorat}, Year = {2002}} @inproceedings{GY03nantes, Address = {Nantes}, Author = {Kim Gerdes and Hi-Yon Yoo}, Booktitle = {Actes de la conf{\'e}rence Interfaces Prosodiques}, Title = {Greek Topology: A Prosodic Generation System for Modern Greek}, Year = {2003}} @inproceedings{Portine2003afls, Address = {Tours}, Author = {Henri Portine}, Booktitle = {2003 Association for French Language Study annual conference}, Title = {La subordination relative en fran\c{c}ais et en anglais}, Year = {2003}} @inproceedings{GK03melcuk, Author = {Kim Gerdes and Sylvain Kahane}, Booktitle = {Recent Works in Meaning-Text Theory in Honour of Igor Mel'cuk}, Title = {Phrasing It Differently}, Year = {2003}} @inproceedings{Lavry03, Address = {Limerick}, Author = {Xavier Lavry}, Booktitle = {EUROCALL 2003 - New Literacies in Language Learning and Teaching}, Title = {Towards an analysis of the influence of information technology and learner interaction in language learning}, Year = {2003}} @phdthesis{Bracke02these, Author = {Agn{\`e}s Bracke}, Month = {d{\'e}cembre}, School = {Universit{\'e} Bordeaux 3}, Title = {Deixis et modes de structuration des concepts}, Type = {Th{\`e}se de Doctorat}, Year = {2002}} @inproceedings{Gerdes02tag, Address = {Venezia}, Author = {Kim Gerdes}, Booktitle = {6th TAG+ workshop}, Title = {DTAG? - Attempt to generate a useful {TAG} for {G}erman using a metagrammar}, Year = {2002}} @inproceedings{CGK02lfg, Address = {Athens}, Author = {Lionel Cl{\'e}ment and Kim Gerdes and Sylvain Kahane}, Booktitle = {LFG 2002}, Title = {An {LFG}-type Grammar for {G}erman Based on the Topological Model}, Year = {2002}} @inproceedings{Huet03, Author = {G{\'e}rard Huet}, Booktitle = {Thirty Five Years of Automating Mathematics}, Editor = {Fairouz Kamareddine}, Pages = {??}, Publisher = {Kluwer}, Title = {Linear Contexts and the Sharing Functor: Techniques for Symbolic Computation.}, Url = {http://pauillac.inria.fr/~huet/PUBLIC/DB.pdf}, Year = {2003}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://pauillac.inria.fr/~huet/PUBLIC/DB.pdf}} @inproceedings{Huet03padl, Address = {New Orleans}, Author = {G{\'e}rard Huet}, Booktitle = {Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL) symposium}, Note = {Invited lecture}, Title = {Zen and the Art of Symbolic Computing: Light and Fast Applicative Algorithms for Computational Linguistics}, Url = {http://pauillac.inria.fr/ ~huet/PUBLIC/padl.pdf}, Year = {2003}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://pauillac.inria.fr/%20~huet/PUBLIC/padl.pdf}} @inproceedings{GK01, Address = {Grenoble}, Author = {Kim Gerdes and Sylvain Kahane}, Booktitle = {Actes des Journ{\'e}es Prosodie}, Title = {Pas de syntaxe sans prosodie : illustration par l'allemand}, Year = {2001}} @inproceedings{Huet03manna, Address = {Taormina}, Author = {G{\'e}rard Huet}, Booktitle = {Festschrift in Honor of Zohar Manna for his 64th anniversary}, Editor = {Nachum Dershowitz}, Series = {LNCS}, Title = {Automata Mista}, Url = {http://pauillac.inria.fr/~huet/PUBLIC/zohar.pdf}, Volume = {2772}, Year = {2003}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://pauillac.inria.fr/~huet/PUBLIC/zohar.pdf}} @inproceedings{Gerdes01fgmol, Address = {Helsinki}, Author = {Kim Gerdes}, Booktitle = {Joint conference Formal Grammar / Mathematics of Language FGMOL`01}, Title = {TAG and Topology - Problems and Proposals for {G}erman}, Year = {2001}} @inproceedings{Huet03wsc, Address = {Helsinki}, Author = {G{\'e}rard Huet}, Booktitle = {XIIth World Sanskrit Conference}, Title = {Lexicon-directed Segmentation and Tagging of Sanskrit}, Year = {2003}} @inproceedings{GK01acl, Address = {Toulouse}, Author = {Kim Gerdes and Sylvain Kahane}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 39th annual meeting of the ACL, ACL 2001}, Title = {Word Order in German:A Formal Dependency Grammar Using a Topological Hierarchy}, Year = {2001}} @inproceedings{Huet03icon, Address = {Mysore}, Author = {G{\'e}rard Huet}, Booktitle = {International Conference On Natural Language Processing}, Title = {Towards Computational Processing of Sanskrit}, Year = {2003}} @inproceedings{GK01glac, Address = {Banff}, Author = {Kim Gerdes and Sylvain Kahane}, Booktitle = {Seventh Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference, GLAC7}, Title = {Description of {G}erman syntax based on a topological hierarchy}, Year = {2001}} @inproceedings{Lecomte03icon, Address = {Mysore}, Author = {Alain Lecomte}, Booktitle = {International Conference On Natural Language Processing}, Title = {A Computational Approach to Minimalism}, Year = {2003}} @inproceedings{GP01semantics, Address = {Paris}, Author = {Kim Gerdes and Patrice Lopez}, Booktitle = {Workshop on Representation and Treatment of Syntactic Ambiguity in Natural Language Processing}, Title = {Shared Semantic Representations for {LTAG}}, Year = {2000}} @mastersthesis{Gerdes98dea, Author = {Kim Gerdes}, School = {Universit{\'e} Paris 7}, Title = {Le cas de l'allemand - Repr{\'e}sentation du syst{\`e}me casuel de l'allemand dans une grammaire d'arbres adjoints}, Type = {M{\'e}moire de {DEA}}, Year = {1998}} @book{MS99, Author = {Christopher Manning and Hinrich Sch{\"u}tze}, Isbn = {0-262-13360-1}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {Foundations of statistical natural language processing}, Year = {1999}} @book{JM00, Author = {Daniel Jurafsky and James H. 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Huet}, Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, Key = {Huet}, Number = {1}, Pages = {27--57}, Title = {A Unification Algorithm for Typed Lambda Calculus}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1973}} @article{Len02, Author = {Yannick {Le Nir}}, Journal = {Research on Language and Computation}, Note = {special issue in Trees in Linguistics, Logic, and Computer Science (V. Gorenko, ed)}, Number = {2}, Publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, Title = {From Proof Trees in {L}ambek Calculus to {A}jdukiewicz {B}ar-{H}illel Elimination Binary Trees}, Volume = {1}, Year = {2002}} @inproceedings{FL02cap, Address = {Orl{\'e}ans, France}, Author = {Annie Foret and Yannick {Le Nir}}, Booktitle = {CAp'2002, Conf{\'e}rence Francophone d'Apprentissage}, Month = {June}, Pages = {71--86}, Publisher = {PUG}, Title = {Les grammaires de {L}ambek rigides ne sont pas apprenables \`a partir des chaines}, Year = {2002}} @inproceedings{FL02coling, Address = {Taipei, Taiwan}, Author = {Annie Foret and Yannick {Le Nir}}, Booktitle = {COLING'2002, 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}, Month = {August}, Pages = {274--279}, Title = {{L}ambek rigid grammars are not learnable from strings}, Volume = {1}, Year = {2002}} @inproceedings{FL02icgi, Address = {Amsterdam, the Netherlands}, Author = {Annie Foret and Yannick {Le Nir}}, Booktitle = {ICGI'2002, the 6th International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference}, Editor = {P. Adriaans, H. Fernau, M. van Zaanen}, Month = {September}, Pages = {106--119}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Series = {LNCS/LNAI}, Title = {On limit points for some variants of rigid {L}ambek Grammars}, Volume = {2484}, Year = {2002}} @inproceedings{CR01, Author = {P. Cast{\'e}ran and D. Rouillard}, Booktitle = {Supplemental Proceedings of the 11th InternationalConferenceon Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (poster)}, Title = {Towards a Generic Tool for Reasoning about Labeled Transition Systems}, Year = {2001}} @inproceedings{CR00, Author = {P. Cast{\'e}ran and D. Rouillard}, Booktitle = {Proceedings, $8^\mathrm{th}$ InternationalConference on Real-Time System}, Pages = {107-119}, Title = {Reasoning about Parametrized Automata}, Volume = {8}, Year = {2000}} @inproceedings{CFCR00, Author = {R. Castanet and P. Felix and P. Cast{\'e}ran and D.Rouillard}, Booktitle = {Proceedings, $15^\mathrm{th}$ World Conference onNon-Destructive Testing (Roma)}, Pages = {175-204}, Title = {Preparing Testing by Proving Critical System}, Volume = {7}, Year = {2000}} @techreport{CCFL99, Author = {Castanet, R. and Cast{\'e}ran, P. and Felix, P. and Lauren{\c{c}}ot, P.}, Institution = {LaBRI-ISDF}, Title = {Modelisation et etude de l'algorithme ABR: verification, simulation et test}, Year = {1999}} @techreport{CR99, Author = {Cast{\'e}ran, P. and Rouillard, D.}, Institution = {LaBRI, Universit{\'e} Bordeaux I}, Title = {Introduction to CClair}, Year = {1999}} @inproceedings{ABD01, Author = {Nicolas Asher and Joan Busquets and Anne Le Draoulec}, Crossref = {BV01}, Title = {Cooperativity in dialogue}, Year = {2001}} @article{Krabbe01, Author = {E. Krabbe}, Journal = {Synthese}, Pages = {141--159}, Publisher = {Kluwer Academic Pub.}, Title = {The Problem of Retraction in Critical Discussion}, Volume = {127}, Year = {2001}} @article{AL98, Author = {Nicolas Asher and Alex Lascarides}, Journal = {Linguistics and philosophy}, Pages = {237--309}, Title = {Questions in dialogue}, Volume = {21}, Year = {1998}} @book{WalKra95, Author = {D. Walton and E. Krabbe}, Booktitle = {Commitment in Dialogue: Basic Concepts of Interpersonal Reasoning}, Publisher = {SUNY Press}, Title = {Commitment in Dialogue: Basic Concepts of Interpersonal Reasoning}, Year = {1995}} @book{Neve96, Author = {Fran\c{c}ois-Xavier N{\`e}ve}, Publisher = {Droz}, Title = {Essai de grammaire de la langue des signes francaise}, Year = {1996}} @inproceedings{MilNad86a, Author = {Dale Miller and Gopalan Nadathur}, Booktitle = {24th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, Pages = {247--255}, Title = {Some uses of higher-order logic in computational linguistics}, Year = {1986}} @book{PS87, Address = {Chicago, IL}, Archive = {DS}, Author = {Fernando C. N. Pereira and Stuart M. Shieber}, Comment = {Standard-Einf{\"u}hrung in log. Parsing und Prolog}, Keywords = {PROLOG, compiler, context-free grammar, definite clause grammar, logic programming, meta-programming, parsing, question-answering system, semantic interpretation, syntax}, Number = {10}, Publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, Series = {CSLI Lecture Notes}, Title = {Prolog and Natural-Language Analysis}, Year = {1987}} @article{DalrympleShieberPereira91, Author = {Mary Dalrymple, Stuart M. Shieber and Fernando C.N. Pereira}, Journal = {Linguistic and Philosophy}, Pages = {399--452}, Title = {Ellipsis and Higher-Order Unification}, Volume = {14}, Year = {1991}} @article{ShieberPereiraDalrymple96, Author = {Stuart M. Shieber, Fernando C.N. Pereira and Mary Dalrymple}, Journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, Pages = {527--552}, Title = {Interactions of Scope and Ellipsis}, Volume = {19}, Year = {1996}} @article{Gardent00, Author = {C. Gardent}, Journal = {J. of Logic, Language and Information}, Pages = {313--338}, Title = {Deaccenting and Higher-Order Unification}, Volume = {9}, Year = {2000}} @inproceedings{GarKoh96a, Author = {C. Gardent and M. Kohlhase}, Booktitle = {16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Copenhagen}, Title = {Focus and higher-order unification}, Year = {1996}} @inproceedings{GarKoh96b, Author = {C. Gardent and M. Kohlhase}, Booktitle = {34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Santa Cruz}, Editor = {ACL}, Title = {Higher-order coloured unification and natural language semantics}, Year = {1996}} @article{GarKohKon, Author = {C. Gardent, M. Kohlhase and K. Konrad}, Journal = {J. of Logic, Language and Information}, Pages = {313--338}, Title = {Higher-Order Colored Unification: A Linguistic Application}, Volume = {9}, Year = {2001}} @incollection{Gardent97a, Author = {Claire Gardent}, Crossref = {LACL96}, Pages = {188--207}, Title = {Sloppy Identity}} @article{Pulman97, Author = {S. Pulman}, Journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, Pages = {73--115}, Title = {Higher-Order Unification and the Interpretation of Focus}, Volume = {20}, Year = {1997}} @article{musk:rela89, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, Pages = {325--346}, Title = {A {R}elational {F}ormulation of the {T}heory of {T}ypes}, Volume = {12}, Year = {1989}} @incollection{musk:goin99, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Semantics and Contextual Expression}, Editor = {Bartsch, Renate and van~Benthem, Johan and van~Emde Boas, Peter}, Pages = {175--220}, Publisher = {Foris}, Title = {Going {P}artial in {M}ontague {G}rammar}, Year = {1989}} @phdthesis{diss, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, School = {University of Amsterdam}, Title = {Meaning and {P}artiality}, Year = {1989}} @incollection{musk:anap91, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Logics in AI, Proceedings of JELIA '90}, Editor = {Van Eijck, Jan}, Pages = {412--427}, Pdf = {anaphora.pdf}, Ps = {anaphora.ps}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Title = {Anaphora and the {L}ogic of {C}hange}, Volume = {478}, Year = {1991}} @inproceedings{logomn, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Logics in AI, Proceedings of Jelia '92}, Editor = {Pearce, David and Wagner, G.}, Pages = {52--64}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Title = {Logical {O}mniscience and {C}lassical {L}ogic}, Volume = {633}, Year = {1992}} @incollection{coref, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics}, Editor = {Asher,R.E. and Simpson, J.M.Y.}, Pages = {769}, Pdf = {coref.pdf}, Ps = {coref.ps}, Publisher = {Pergamon}, Title = {Coreference}, Volume = {2}, Year = {1993}} @incollection{existpred, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics}, Editor = {Asher,R.E. and Simpson, J.M.Y.}, Pages = {1191}, Pdf = {exispred.pdf}, Ps = {exispred.ps}, Publisher = {Pergamon}, Title = {Existence {P}redicate ({M}odeltheoretic)}, Volume = {3}, Year = {1993}} @incollection{partinf, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics}, Editor = {Asher,R.E. and Simpson, J.M.Y.}, Pages = {2952--2953}, Pdf = {partinf.pdf}, Ps = {partinf.ps}, Publisher = {Pergamon}, Title = {Partial {I}nformation}, Volume = {6}, Year = {1993}} @incollection{percverbs, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics}, Editor = {Asher,R.E. and Simpson, J.M.Y.}, Pages = {2999--3000}, Pdf = {percepverbs.pdf}, Ps = {percepverbs.ps}, Publisher = {Pergamon}, Title = {Perception {V}erbs}, Volume = {6}, Year = {1993}} @incollection{propatt, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics}, Editor = {Asher,R.E. and Simpson, J.M.Y.}, Pages = {3380--3383}, Pdf = {propatt.pdf}, Ps = {propatt.ps}, Publisher = {Pergamon}, Title = {Propositional {A}ttitudes}, Volume = {6}, Year = {1993}} @article{musk:hype91, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Journal = {Logique et Analyse}, Pages = {159--176}, Pdf = {hyperfine.pdf}, Ps = {hyperfine.ps}, Title = {Hyperfine-{G}rained {M}eanings in {C}lassical {L}ogic}, Volume = {133/134}, Year = {1991}} @inproceedings{compdrt, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Ninth Amsterdam Colloquium}, Editor = {Dekker, Paul and Stokhof, Martin}, Pages = {467--486}, Publisher = {ILLC, University of Amsterdam}, Title = {A {C}ompositional {D}iscourse {R}epresentation {T}heory}, Year = {1994}} @inproceedings{cgdrt, Address = {Kyoto}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of COLING 94}, Pages = {508--514}, Pdf = {cgdrt.pdf}, Ps = {cgdrt.ps}, Title = {Categorial {G}rammar and {D}iscourse {R}epresentation {T}heory}, Year = {1994}} @inproceedings{umbrbath, Address = {Cornell}, Author = {Krahmer, Emiel and Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of SALT IV}, Editor = {Harvey, M. and Santelmann, L.}, Pages = {179--194}, Publisher = {Cornell University}, Title = {Umbrellas and Bathrooms}, Year = {1994}} @incollection{musk:tens95, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Lexical Knowledge in the Organization of Language}, Editor = {Egli, Urs and Pause, E.P. and Schwarze, Christoph and Von Stechow, Arnim and Wienold, G.}, Pages = {147--183}, Publisher = {John Benjamins}, Title = {Tense and the {L}ogic of {C}hange}, Year = {1995}} @book{mp, Address = {Stanford}, Amazon = {http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1881526798/qid=1014905573/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_1_1/103-3582795-5963038}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Publisher = {CSLI}, Title = {Meaning and {P}artiality}, Year = {1995}} @incollection{musk:OU95, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Ellipsis, Underspecification, Events and More in Dynamic Semantics}, Editor = {Groenendijk, Jeroen}, Pages = {15--34}, Pdf = {orderind.pdf}, Publisher = {{DYANA} {D}eliverable R.2.2.{C}}, Title = {Order-{I}ndependence and {U}nderspecification}, Uva = {http://www.illc.uva.nl/DYANA/R2.2.C/}, Year = {1995}} @article{dndrt, Author = {Krahmer, Emiel and Muskens, Reinhard}, Journal = {Journal of Semantics}, Pages = {357--376}, Title = {Negation and {D}isjunction in {D}iscourse {R}epresentation {T}heory}, Volume = {12}, Year = {1995}} @article{musk:comb96, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, Pages = {143--186}, Title = {Combining {M}ontague {S}emantics and {D}iscourse {R}epresentation}, Volume = {19}, Year = {1996}} @incollection{dynamics, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard and Van Benthem, Johan and Visser, Albert}, Booktitle = {Handbook of Logic and Language}, Editor = {Van Benthem, Johan and Ter Meulen, Alice}, Pages = {587--648}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, Title = {Dynamics}, Year = {1997}} @techreport{progsem, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Institution = {Universit\"{a}t des Saarlandes}, Month = {January}, Number = {86}, Pdf = {classden.pdf}, Ps = {classden.ps}, Title = {Program {S}emantics and {C}lassical {L}ogic}, Type = {CLAUS Report}, Year = {1997}} @incollection{musk:OU97, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Context-dependence in the Analysis of Linguistic Meaning}, Editor = {Kamp, Hans and Partee, Barbara}, Note = {(Also appeared as {DYANA} {D}eliverable R.2.2.{C}, 1995)}, Pages = {311--328}, Pdf = {orderind.pdf}, Publisher = {Universit\"at Stuttgart}, Title = {Order-{I}ndependence and {U}nderspecification}, Uva = {http://www.illc.uva.nl/DYANA/R2.2.C/}, Year = {1997}} @incollection{propatt2, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Concise Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Language}, Editor = {Lamarque, P.}, Pages = {291--294}, Pdf = {propatt.pdf}, Ps = {propatt.ps}, Publisher = {Pergamon}, Title = {Propositional {A}ttitudes}, Year = {1997}} @incollection{dyndis, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Poesio, Massimo and Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh Amsterdam Colloquium}, Editor = {Dekker, Paul and Stokhof, Martin and Venema, Yde}, Pages = {247--252}, Pdf = {amsterdam97.pdf}, Ps = {amsterdam97.ps}, Publisher = {University of Amsterdam}, Title = {The {D}ynamics of {D}iscourse {S}ituations}, Year = {1997}} @article{revexpl, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Journal = {Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte}, Pages = {84--86}, Pdf = {expl.pdf}, Ps = {expl.ps}, Title = {Review of `{E}xploring {L}ogical {D}ynamics', by {J}ohan van {B}enthem}, Volume = {90}, Year = {1998}} @inproceedings{descr, Address = {Philadelphia, PA}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard and Krahmer, Emiel}, Booktitle = {Fourth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks}, Pages = {112--115}, Pdf = {tagplus.pdf}, Ps = {tagplus.ps}, Publisher = {Institute for Research in Cognitive Science}, Title = {Description {T}heory, {LTAG}s and {U}nderspecified {S}emantics}, Year = {1998}} @incollection{unsem, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Reference and {A}naphoric {R}elations}, Editor = {Egli, Urs and von Heusinger, Klaus}, Pages = {311--338}, Pdf = {undersp.pdf}, Ps = {undersp.ps}, Publisher = {Kluwer}, Series = {Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy}, Title = {Underspecified {S}emantics}, Volume = {72}, Year = {1999}} @incollection{compsem, Author = {Bunt, Harry and Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Computing {M}eaning I}, Editor = {Bunt, Harry and Muskens, Reinhard}, Pages = {1--32}, Pdf = {comput.pdf}, Ps = {comput.ps}, Publisher = {Kluwer}, Series = {Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy}, Title = {Computational {S}emantics}, Volume = {73}, Year = {1999}} @incollection{jfak, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {JFAK, Essays Dedicated to Johan van Benthem on the Occasion of his 50th Birthday}, Note = {CD-Rom}, Pdf = {jfak.pdf}, Ps = {jfak.ps}, Publisher = {Vossiuspers/Amsterdam University Press}, Title = {Talking about {T}rees and {T}ruth-conditions}, Uva = {http://www.illc.uva.nl/j50/}, Year = {1999}} @incollection{coref2, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Concise Encyclopedia of Grammatical Categories}, Editor = {Brown, K. and Miller, J.}, Pages = {123}, Pdf = {coref.pdf}, Ps = {coref.ps}, Publisher = {Elsevier Science}, Title = {Coreference}, Year = {1999}} @article{partseq, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Journal = {Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic}, Number = {3}, Pages = {352--374}, Pdf = {parpar.pdf}, Ps = {parpar.ps}, Title = {On {P}artial and {P}araconsistent {L}ogics}, Volume = {40}, Year = {1999}} @article{ttt, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Journal = {Journal of Logic, Language and Information}, Kluwer = {http://www.kluweronline.com/oasis.htm/353835}, Number = {4}, Pages = {417--455}, Pdf = {talking.pdf}, Ps = {talking.ps}, Title = {Talking about {T}rees and {T}ruth-conditions}, Volume = {10}, Year = {2001}} @incollection{lll, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Resource Sensitivity in Binding and Anaphora}, Editor = {Geert-Jan Kruijff and Richard Oehrle}, Note = {Submitted for Publication}, Publisher = {Kluwer}, Series = {Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy}, Title = {Lambdas, {L}anguage, and {L}ogic}, Year = {2002}} @inproceedings{cglfg, Address = {Stanford CA}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the LFG01 Conference, University of Hong Kong}, Csli = {http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/LFG/6/lfg01.html}, Editor = {Butt, Miriam and King, Tracy Holloway}, Pages = {259--279}, Pdf = {cglfg.pdf}, Ps = {cglfg.ps}, Publisher = {CSLI Publications}, Title = {Categorial {G}rammar and {L}exical-{F}unctional {G}rammar}, Year = {2001}} @inproceedings{acoll13, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Muskens, Reinhard}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium}, Pdf = {amscoll.pdf}, Ps = {amscoll.ps}, Title = {Lambda {G}rammars and the {S}yntax-{S}emantics {I}nterface}, Year = {2001}} @book{ASLsyntaxMIT99, Author = {Carol Neidle and Judy Kegl and Dawn MacLaughlin and Benjamin Bahan and Robert G. Lee}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {The Syntax of American Sign Language -- Functional Categories and Hierarchical Structure}, Year = {2000}} @article{SanPiet01, Author = {G. Sandu and A. Pietarinen}, Journal = {Logic, Language and Computation}, Pages = {1--15}, Publisher = {CSLI Publications}, Title = {Informationally Independent Connectives}, Volume = {9}, Year = {2001}} @book{KR93, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {Kamp, H. and Reyle, U.}, Publisher = {D. Reidel}, Title = {From Discourse to Logic}, Year = {1993}} @book{Dowty79, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {D. Dowty}, Publisher = {Reidel}, Title = {Word Meaning and Montague Grammar}, Year = {1979}} @inproceedings{Lam97, Author = {Joachim {L}ambek}, Crossref = {LACL97}, Pages = {1--27}, Title = {Type grammar revisited}} @article{LN01, Author = {Le Nir, Yannick}, Journal = {Language and Computation}, Note = {To appear}, Title = {From Proof Trees in {L}ambek Calculus to Ajdukiewicz Bar-Hillel Elimination Binary Trees}, Year = {2001}} @article{Lam01, Author = {Joachim {L}ambek}, Journal = {Grammars}, Number = {1}, Pages = {21--39}, Title = {Type grammars as pregroups}, Volume = {4}, Year = {2001}} @inproceedings{BL01, Author = {Daniela Bargelli and Joachim {L}ambek}, Crossref = {LACL01}, Pages = {62--78}, Title = {An algebraic approach to french sentence structure}} @inproceedings{CL01, Author = {Claudia Casadio and Joachim {L}ambek}, Crossref = {LACL01}, Pages = {110--124}, Title = {An algebraic analysis of clitic pronouns in {I}talian}} @incollection{Gir96pn, Address = {New York}, Author = {Girard, Jean-Yves}, Booktitle = {Logic and Algebra}, Editor = {A. Ursini and P. Agliano}, Number = {150}, Pages = {97--124}, Publisher = {Marcel Dekker, Inc}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics}, Title = {Proof-Nets: The Parallel Syntax for Proof-theory}, Year = {1996}} @misc{Mel97, Author = {Igor {Mel'{\v c}uk}}, Note = {http://www.fas.umontreal.ca/ling/olst/melcuk/}, Title = {Vers une linguistique Sens-Texte. 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K. Peters, Ltd}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Logic}, Title = {A description of the non-sequential execution of {P}etri nets in partially commutative linear logic}, Year = {2002}} @article{Ret01tsi, Author = {Christian Retor{\'e}}, Journal = {Technique et Science Informatiques}, Note = {Num{\'e}ro sp{\'e}cial \emph{Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel} sous la direction de D.~Kayser et B.~Levrat. Version pr{\'e}liminaire RR-3917 http://www.inria.fr/}, Number = {3}, Pages = {301--336}, Publisher = {Herm{\`e}s Science Publications, Paris}, Title = {Syst{\`e}mes d{\'e}ductifs et traitement des langues: un panorama des grammaires cat{\'e}gorielles}, Volume = {20}, Year = {2000}} @inproceedings{LR01acl, Address = {Toulouse}, Author = {Alain Lecomte and Christian Retor{\'e}}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the {A}ssociation for {C}omputational {L}inguistics, {ACL} 2001}, Month = {July}, Pages = {354--361}, Publisher = {{ACL}}, Title = {Extending {L}ambek grammars: a logical account of minimalist grammars}, Url = {http://www.labri.fr/recherche/;LLA/signes}, Year = {2001}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.labri.fr/recherche/;LLA/signes}} @inproceedings{Gro01acl, Address = {Toulouse}, Author = {Philippe de Groote}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the {A}ssociation for {C}omputational {L}inguistics, {ACL} 2001}, Month = {July}, Publisher = {{ACL}}, Title = {Abstract categorial grammars}, Year = {2001}} @book{ADFH01, Author = {Adrian Akmajian and Richard A. 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Austry and G. Boudol}, Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, Pages = {91--131}, Title = {Alg\`{e}bres de processus et synchronisations}, Volume = {30}, Year = {1984}} @article{AC84, Author = {E. Astesiano and G. Costa}, Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, Pages = {121--156}, Title = {Distributive Semantics for Nondeterministic Typed Lambda Calculus}, Volume = {32}, Year = {1984}} @inproceedings{AD94, Address = {St. Petersburg}, Author = {Andrea Asperti and Giovanna Dore}, Booktitle = {Logical Fundations of Computer Science}, Editor = {A. Nerode and Yu. Matiyasevich}, Pages = {34--46}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Title = {Yet another correctness criterion for multiplicative linear logic with mix}, Volume = {813}, Year = {1994}} @article{ADJ77, Author = {J. A. Goguen and J. W. Thatcher and E. G. Wagner and J. B. Wright}, Journal = {Journal of the ACM}, Pages = {68--95}, Title = {Initial Algebra Semantics and Continuous Algebras}, Volume = {24}, Year = {1977}} @incollection{ADJ78, Author = {J. A. Goguen and J. W. Thatcher and E. G. Wagner}, Booktitle = {Current Trends in Programming Methodology IV: Data Structuring}, Editor = {R. T. Yeh}, Pages = {80--144}, Publisher = {Prentice Hall}, Title = {An initial algebra approach to the specification, correctness and implementation of abstract data types}, Year = {1978}} @incollection{ADJ85, Author = {E. G. Wagner and S. L. Bloom and J. W. Thatcher}, Booktitle = {Algebraic Semantics}, Editor = {M. Nivat and J. C. Reynolds}, Pages = {607--634}, Publisher = {Cambridge University press}, Title = {Why algebraic theories?}, Year = {1985}} @inproceedings{ADLR94, Author = {Asperti, Andrea and Danos, Vincent and Laneve, Cosimo and Regnier, Laurent}, Booktitle = {Logic In Computer Science}, Pages = {428--436}, Title = {Paths in the lambda-calculus}, Year = {1994}} @article{ADT96, Author = {Archangelsky, Dmitry A. and Dekhtyar, Mikhail I. and Taitslin, Mikhail A.}, Journal = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic}, Language = {English}, Number = {1-3}, Pages = {3--28}, Title = {Linear logic for nets with bounded resources.}, Volume = {78}, Year = {1996}} @inproceedings{AFV96, Author = {Vito Michele Abrusci and Christophe Fouquer\'e and Jacqueline Vauzeilles}, Crossref = {LACL96}, Pages = {13--17}, Title = {Tree adjoining grammar and non-commutative linear logic}, Year = {1996}} @inproceedings{AGL92, Author = {Gonthier, Georges and L\'evy, Jean-Jacques and Abadi, Martin}, Booktitle = {Logic in Computer Science}, Title = {Linear logic without boxes}, Year = {1992}} @inproceedings{AGL92golr, Author = {Georges Gonthier and Jean-Jacques L\'evy and Martin Abadi}, Booktitle = {Principles Of Programming Languages}, Pages = {15--26}, Title = {The geometry of optimal lambda reduction}, Year = {1992}} @book{AH87a, Editor = {S. 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Manes}, Publisher = {Academic Press}, Title = {Arrows, Structures and Functors: the Categorical Imperative}, Year = {1975}} @inproceedings{AM98, Author = {Vito Michele Abrusci and Elena Maringelli}, Crossref = {JOLLI74}, Pages = {449--459}, Title = {A new correctness criterion for cyclic multiplicative proof-nets}} @inproceedings{AS85, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {S. Abramsky and R. Sykes}, Booktitle = {Functional Languages and Computer Architectures}, Editor = {J.-P. Jouannaud}, Note = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 201}, Pages = {81--98}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Title = {{\sc SECD}-{\sc M}: a virtual machine for applicative multiprogramming}, Year = {1985}} @techreport{AV90, Author = {S. Abramsky and S. Vickers}, Institution = {Imperial College, London}, Title = {Quantales, observational logic, and process semantics}, Year = {1990}} @book{Abe93, Author = {Anne Abeill\'e}, Publisher = {Armand Colin}, Title = {Les nouvelles syntaxes}, Year = {1993}} @book{Abe02, Author = {Anne Abeill\'e}, Publisher = {C.N.R.S. Editions}, Year = {2002}} @incollection{Abr83, Author = {S. Abramsky and R. Bornat}, Booktitle = {Distributed Computing Systems: Synchronisation, Control and Co-ordination}, Editor = {Y. Paker and J.-P. Verjus}, Pages = {163--189}, Publisher = {Academic Press}, Title = {{Pascal}-m: a language for the design of loosely coupled distributed systems}, Year = {1983}} @inproceedings{Abr83a, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {S. Abramsky}, Booktitle = {Automata, Languages and Programming}, Editor = {J. Diaz}, Note = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 154}, Pages = {1--14}, Publisher = {Springer-verlag}, Title = {Semantic Foundations for Applicative Multiprogramming}, Year = {1983}} @inproceedings{Abr83b, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {S. Abramsky}, Booktitle = {Foundations of Computation Theory}, Editor = {M. Karpinski}, Note = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 158}, Pages = {1--13}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Title = {Experiments, Powerdomains and Fully Abstract Models for Applicative Multiprogramming}, Year = {1983}} @inproceedings{Abr83c, Address = {G{\"o}teborg, Sweden}, Author = {S. Abramsky}, Booktitle = {Workshop on Semantics of programming languages}, Editor = {Programming Methodology Group}, Organization = {Chalmers University}, Title = {Semantic Foundations of Applicative Multiprogramming}, Year = {1983}} @incollection{Abr84, Author = {S. Abramsky}, Booktitle = {Distributed Computing}, Editor = {F. Chambers and D. Duce and G. Jones}, Pages = {307--319}, Publisher = {Academic Press}, Series = {APIC Studies in Data Processing}, Title = {Reasoning about concurrent systems: a functional approach}, Volume = {20}, Year = {1984}} @inproceedings{Abr86, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {S. Abramsky}, Booktitle = {Programs as Data Objects}, Editor = {H. Ganziger and Jones, N. D.}, Note = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 217}, Pages = {1--23}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Title = {Strictness Analysis and Polymorphic Invariance}, Year = {1986}} @incollection{Abr87a, Author = {S. Abramsky}, Booktitle = {Symposium on Logic In Computer Science}, Pages = {47--53}, Publisher = {Computer Society Press of the IEEE}, Title = {Domain Theory in Logical Form}, Year = {1987}} @article{Abr87b, Author = {S. Abramsky}, Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, Pages = {225--241}, Title = {Observation equivalence as a testing equivalence}, Volume = {53}, Year = {1987}} @incollection{Abr88a, Author = {S. Abramsky}, Booktitle = {Declarative Programming}, Editor = {D. Turner}, Note = {To appear. Also Chapter 6 of {\rm \cite{Abrphd}}.}, Publisher = {Addison Wesley}, Title = {The lazy $\lambda$-calculus}, Year = {1988}} @unpublished{Abr88b, Author = {S. Abramsky}, Note = {Chapter 5 of {\rm \cite{Abrphd}}}, Title = {A Domain Equation for Bisimulation}, Year = {1987}} @techreport{Abr91, Author = {Samson Abramsky}, Institution = {Imperial College, London}, Note = {to appear in TCS}, Title = {Computationnal interpretation of linear logic}, Year = {1991}} @article{Abr93, Author = {Abramsky, Samson}, Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, Pages = {3--57}, Publisher = {North Holland}, Title = {Computational Interpretations of Linear Logic}, Volume = {111}, Year = {1993}} @misc{Abr?a, Author = {S. Abramsky}, Note = {To appear}, Title = {Total vs. partial objects in denotational semantics}} @unpublished{Abr?b, Author = {S. Abramsky}, Note = {Draft paper, Imperial College}, Title = {Abstract Interpretation, Logical Relations and {K}an Extensions}, Year = {1985}} @article{AbrDLF, Author = {S. Abramsky}, Journal = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic}, Title = {Domain Theory In Logical Form}, Year = {1988}} @phdthesis{Abrphd, Author = {S. Abramsky}, Month = {October}, School = {University of London}, Title = {Domain Theory and the Logic of Observable Properties}, Year = {1987}} @article{Abru91, Author = {Abrusci, Vito Michele}, Journal = {Journal of Symbolic Logic}, Key = {Abru91}, Number = {4}, Pages = {1403--1451}, Title = {Phase Semantics and Sequent Calculus for Pure Non-Commutative Classical Linear Logic}, Volume = {56}, Year = {1991}} @incollection{Abru93, Author = {Abrusci, Vito Michele}, Crossref = {GLR95}, Pages = {271--296}, Title = {Non- Commutative Proof Nets}} @inproceedings{Abru94, Address = {Roma}, Author = {Abrusci, Vito Michele}, Booktitle = {Linear logic and {L}ambek calculus}, Editor = {Abrusci, M. and Casadio, C. and Moortgat, M.}, Organization = {DYANA}, Title = {Exchange connectives for non-commutative intuitionistic propositional calculus}, Year = {1994}} @incollection{Acz77, Author = {P. Aczel}, Booktitle = {The Handbook of Mathematical Logic}, Editor = {K. J. Barwise}, Publisher = {North Holland}, Series = {{S}tudies in {L}ogic and {F}oundations of {M}athematics}, Title = {An Introduction to Inductive Definitions}, Year = {1977}} @unpublished{Acz78, Author = {P. Aczel}, Note = {Unpublished manuscript}, Title = {A General Church-Rosser Theorem}, Year = {1978}} @incollection{Acz80, Author = {P. Aczel}, Booktitle = {The Kleene Symposium}, Editor = {J. Barwise and H.J. Keisler and K. Kunen}, Pages = {31--59}, Publisher = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, Title = {Frege Structures and the Notions of Proposition, Truth and Set}, Year = {1980}} @article{Ajd35, Author = {Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz}, Journal = {Studia Philosophica}, Note = {(English translation in \cite{PolishLogic}, pages 207--231)}, Pages = {1--27}, Title = {Die syntaktische Konnexit{\"a}t}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1935}} @book{PolishLogic, Editor = {Storrs McCall}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Title = {Polish Logic, 1920-1939}, Year = {1967}} @techreport{Asp91, Author = {Asperti, Andrea}, Institution = {D\'ep. Maths et Info, Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure, Paris}, Number = {LIENS 91-15}, Title = {A linguistic approach to dead-lock}, Year = {1991}} @inproceedings{Aug84, Author = {L. Augustsson}, Booktitle = {ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming, Austin}, Month = {August}, Pages = {218--227}, Title = {A compiler for lazy {ML}}, Year = {1984}} @inproceedings{BB90, Author = {Berry, G\'erard and Boudol, G\'erard}, Booktitle = {17$^{th}$ symposium on Principles of Programming Languages}, Title = {The Chemical Abstract Machine}, Year = {1990}} @techreport{BB93, Author = {Barbanera, Franco and Berardi, Stefano}, Institution = {Universita di Torino}, Title = {A symmetric Lambda Calculus for Classical Program Extraction}, Year = {1993}} @incollection{BC85, Author = {G. Berry and P.-L. Curien}, Booktitle = {Algebraic Semantics}, Editor = {J. C. Reynolds and M. Nivat}, Pages = {35--84}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {Theory and practice of sequential algorithms: the kernel of the applicative language {CDS}}, Year = {1985}} @article{BC88, Author = {Boudol, G\'erard and Castellani, Ilaria}, Journal = {Theoretical computer science}, Pages = {25--84}, Title = {Concurrency and atomicity}, Volume = {59}, Year = {1988}} @article{BCD83, Author = {Barendregt, Henk and Coppo, Mario and Dezani-Ciancaglini, Mariangiola}, Journal = {Journal of Symbolic Logic}, Pages = {931--940}, Title = {A Filter Lambda Model and the Completeness of Type-Assignment}, Volume = {48}, Year = {1983}} @incollection{BCL85, Author = {G. Berry and P.-L. Curien and J.-J. L\'evy}, Booktitle = {Algebraic Semantics}, Editor = {M. Nivat and J. Reynolds}, Pages = {89--132}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {Full Abstraction for Sequential Languages: the State of the Art}, Year = {1985}} @techreport{BF95, Author = {Gianluigi Bellin and Arnaud Fleury}, Institution = {Equipe de Logique, Universit\'e Denis Diderot (Paris 7)}, Title = {Braided proof-nets for multiplicative linear logic with mix}, Year = {1995}} @inproceedings{BG96, Author = {Denis Bechet and Philippe de Groote}, Crossref = {LACL96}, Pages = {1 -- 6}, Title = {Constructing different phonological brackettings from a proof net}, Year = {1996}} @inproceedings{BGR97, Author = {Denis Bechet and Philippe de Groote and Christian Retor\'e}, Booktitle = {Rewriting Techniques and Applications, RTA`97}, Editor = {H. Comon}, Isbn = {3-540-62950-5}, Pages = {230--240}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Series = {LNCS}, Title = {A complete axiomatisation of the inclusion of series-parallel partial orders}, Volume = {1232}, Year = {1997}} @article{BGS63, Author = {Yehoshua Bar-Hillel and Chaim Gaifman and Eli Shamir}, Journal = {Bulletin of the research council of Israel}, Number = {9}, Pages = {1--16}, Title = {On categorial and phrase-structure grammars}, Volume = {F}, Year = {1963}} @article{BH53, Author = {Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua}, Journal = {Language}, Pages = {47--58}, Title = {A quasi arithmetical notation for syntactic description}, Volume = {29}, Year = {1953}} @inproceedings{BHA86a, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {G. Burn and C. Hankin and S. Abramsky}, Booktitle = {Programs as Data Objects}, Editor = {H. Ganzinger and N. D. 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Be\c{c}var}, Note = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 74}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Title = {Fully Effective Solutions of Recursive Domain Equations}, Year = {1979}} @article{Kan94, Author = {Max Kanovitch}, Journal = {Annals of pure and applied logic}, Pages = {183--212}, Title = {Linear logic as a logic of computation}, Volume = {67}, Year = {1994}} @article{Kan95, Author = {Kanovich, Max I.}, Journal = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic}, Language = {English}, Number = {1-2}, Pages = {107-135}, Title = {{P}etri nets, Horn programs, linear logic and vector games.}, Volume = {75}, Year = {1995}} @inproceedings{Kan95adv, Author = {Kanovich, Max I.}, Crossref = {GLR95}, Language = {English}, Pages = {123--145}, Title = {The direct simulation of Minsky machines in linear logic.}} @article{Kan96, Author = {Kanovich, Max I.}, Journal = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic}, Language = {English}, Number = {1-3}, Pages = {147-188}, Title = {Linear logic automata.}, Volume = {78}, Year = {1996}} @book{Kan98, Author = {Makoto Kanazawa}, Note = {distributed by Cambridge University Press}, Publisher = {FoLLI \& CSLI}, Series = {Studies in Logic, Language and Information}, Title = {Learnable classes of categorial grammars}, Year = {1998}} @techreport{Kas65, Author = {Kasami, J.}, Institution = {University of Hawai}, Note = {Also in Technical Report AFCRL-65-758, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratory, Bedford, Massachussets}, Title = {An Efficient Recognition and Syntax Analysis Algorithm for Context-Free Languages}, Year = {1965}} @book{Kay94, Address = {Cambridge, Massachusetts}, Author = {Richard Kayne}, Number = {25}, Publisher = {M.I.T. Press}, Series = {Linguistic Inquiry Monographs}, Title = {The Antisymmetry of Syntax}, Year = {1994}} @misc{Kel85, Author = {D. Kelly}, Crossref = {Riv85}, Note = {pp 3--40}, Title = {Comparability graphs}} @article{KellyMaclane71, Author = {Kelly, G.M. and MacLane, S.}, Journal = {J. Pure and Applied Algebra}, Number = {1}, Pages = {97--140}, Title = {Coherence in Closed Categories}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1971}} @techreport{Kie92, Author = {Mac Kie, Ian}, Institution = {Department of computing, Imperial College, London}, Number = {92/25}, Title = {Lilac: a functionnal programming language based on linear logic}, Year = {1992}} @article{Kle36, Author = {S. C. 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Kozen}, Booktitle = {15th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}, Pages = {291--297}, Title = {A Probabilistic {PDL}}, Year = {1983}} @inproceedings{Bus87b, Author = {Wojciech Buszkowski}, Booktitle = {Categories, Polymorphism and Unification}, Editor = {J. van Benthem and E. Klein}, Publisher = {Universiteit van Amsterdam}, Title = {Discovery procedures for categorial grammars}, Year = {1987}} @inproceedings{Kra95, Author = {Esther Kraak}, Crossref = {MO95}, Pages = {166 -- 180}, Title = {French object clitics: a multimodal analysis}} @article{Kra98, Author = {Esther Kraak}, Journal = {Syntax and Semantics}, Pages = {271--312}, Title = {A deductive account of french objects clitics}, Volume = {30}, Year = {1998}} @incollection{Kre59, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {G. Kreisel}, Booktitle = {Constructivity in Mathematics}, Publisher = {North Holland}, Title = {Interpretation of analysis by means of functionals of finite type}, Year = {1959}} @book{Kri90, Address = {Paris}, Author = {Krivine, Jean-Louis}, Publisher = {Masson}, Series = {Etudes et Recherches en Informatique}, Title = {Lambda Calcul --- Types et Mod\`{e}les}, Year = {1990}} @inproceedings{LACLintro, Author = {Patrick Blackburn and Marc Dymetman and Alain Lecomte and Aarne Ranta and Christian Retor{\'e} and Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie}, Crossref = {LACL96}, Pages = {1--20}, Title = {Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics: an introduction}} @incollection{LM84a, Author = {G. Longo and E. Moggi}, Booktitle = {Semantics of Data Types}, Editor = {G. Kahn and D. B. MacQueen and G. Plotkin}, Note = {Proceedings of International Symposium at Sophia-Antipolis, France, June 27--29, 1984. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 173}, Pages = {235--255}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Title = {Cartisian Closed Categories of Enumerations for Effective Type Structure, Part I and II}, Year = {1984}} @article{LM84b, Author = {G. Longo and E. Moggi}, Journal = {J. 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Scott}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Series = {Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics Vol. 7}, Title = {Introduction to Higher Order Categorical Logic}, Year = {1986}} @article{LTV82, Author = {Jacobo Valdes and Robert E. Tarjan and Eugene L. Lawler}, Journal = {SIAM Journal on Computing}, Month = {May}, Number = {2}, Pages = {298--313}, Title = {The recognition of series parallel digraphs}, Volume = {11}, Year = {1982}} @inproceedings{LTV79, Address = {New York}, Author = {Jacobo Valdes and Robert Endre Tarjan and Eugene L. Lawler}, Booktitle = {Eleventh Annual {ACM} Symposium on Theory of Computing ({STOC} '79)}, Isbn = {0-89791-003-6}, Pages = {1--12}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {The Recognition of Series Parallel Digraphs}, Year = {1979}} @inproceedings{LW84, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {K. G. Larsen and G. Winskel}, Booktitle = {Semantics of Data Types}, Editor = {G. Kahn, D. B. MacQueen and G. Plotkin}, Note = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 173}, Pages = {109--130}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Title = {Using Information Systems to solve recursive domain equations effectively}, Year = {1984}} @article{LW94, Author = {Lincoln, Patrick and Winkler, Timothy}, Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, Language = {English}, Number = {1}, Pages = {155-169}, Title = {Constant-only multiplicative linear logic is NP-complete.}, Volume = {135}, Year = {1994}} @article{Laf87a, Author = {Yves Lafont}, Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, Note = {Submitted}, Title = {The {L}inear {A}bstract {M}achine}, Year = {1987}} @unpublished{Laf87b, Author = {Yves Lafont}, Note = {Draft paper}, Title = {{L}inear {L}ogic {P}rogramming}, Year = {1987}} @phdthesis{Laf88, Author = {Yves Lafont}, School = {Universit\'e Paris 7, Informatique}, Title = {Logiques, Cat\'egories, Machines}, Year = {1988}} @inproceedings{Laf90, Author = {Lafont, Yves}, Booktitle = {$17^{th}$ symposium on Principles Of Programming Languages}, Pages = {95--108}, Title = {Interaction Nets}, Year = {1990}} @techreport{Laf94, Address = {Marseille}, Author = {Lafont, Yves}, Institution = {Laboratoire de {M}ath\'ematiques {D}iscr\`etes, C.N.R.S.}, Number = {94-21}, Title = {From proof nets to interaction nets}, Type = {Pr\'etirage}, Year = {1994}} @article{Lam58, Author = {Joachim {L}ambek}, Journal = {American mathematical monthly}, Pages = {154--170}, Title = {The mathematics of sentence structure}, Year = {1958}} @incollection{Lam61, Author = {Joachim {L}ambek}, Booktitle = {Structure of language and its mathematical aspects}, Editor = {Roman Jakobson}, Pages = {166--178}, Publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, Title = {On the calculus of syntactic types}, Year = {1961}} @incollection{Lam80, Author = {J. {L}ambek}, Booktitle = {To H. B. Curry: Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus and Formalism}, Editor = {J. P. Seldin and J. R. Hindley}, Pages = {363--402}, Publisher = {Academic Press, London}, Title = {From Lambda Calculus to Cartesian Closed Categories}, Year = {1980}} @incollection{Lam88, Author = {Joachim {L}ambek}, Crossref = {OBW88}, Title = {Categorial and Categorical Grammars}, Year = {1988}} @misc{Lam94, Author = {Fran{\c c}ois Lamarche}, Howpublished = {35 page technical report available by FTP from the Imperial College archives}, Month = {April}, Title = {Proof nets for Intuitionistic Linear Logic: Essential Nets}, Year = {1994}} @article{Lam96, Author = {Fran\c cois Lamarche}, Crossref = {LINEAR96}, Title = {From proof nets to games}} @article{LamarcheF:GTP, Author = {Fran{\c c}ois Lamarche}, Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, Pages = {103--123}, Title = {Stable Domains are Generalized Topological Spaces}, Volume = {111}, Year = {1993}} @article{LamarcheF:LargeCCC, Author = {Fran{\c c}ois Lamarche}, Journal = {{\em accepted by} Information and Computation}, Title = {A Large Cartesian Closed Category of Domains}, Year = {1996}} @incollection{LamarcheF:constr, Author = {Fran{\c c}ois Lamarche}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the {A.M.S} Joint Summer Conference on Categories in Logic and Computer Science, Boulder, June 87}, Editor = {J. Gray and A. Scedrov}, Number = {92}, Publisher = {A.M.S. Press}, Series = {Contemporary Mathematics}, Title = {A Simple Model of the Theory of Constructions}, Year = {1989}} @incollection{LamarcheF:cpo, Author = {Fran{\c c}ois Lamarche}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the second Imperial College Department of Computing, Workshop on Theory and Formal Methods}, Editor = {C. Hankin and I. Mackie and R. Nagarajan}, Publisher = {World Scientific Publishing}, Title = {From Chu Spaces to Cpos}, Year = {1995}} @article{LamarcheF:dial, Author = {Fran{\c c}ois Lamarche}, Journal = {{\rm Submitted to} Mathematical Structures in Computer Science}, Title = {Dialectics: a Model of Linear Logic and {PCF}}, Year = {1995}} @inproceedings{LamarcheF:gamesLICS, Author = {Fran{\c c}ois Lamarche}, Booktitle = {Ninth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science}, Publisher = {IEEE Press}, Title = {Games Semantics for Full Propositional Linear Logic}, Year = {1995}} @misc{LamarcheF:gamesSeq, Author = {Fran{\c c}ois Lamarche}, Howpublished = {33 page technical report available by FTP from the Imperial College archives}, Optmonth = {November}, Title = {Sequentiality, Games and Linear Logic}, Year = {1992}} @inproceedings{LamarcheF:gencoh, Author = {Fran{\c c}ois Lamarche}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of MFPS 1995}, Editor = {Michael Mislove}, Publisher = {North-Holland}, Series = {{\rm first issue of} Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, Title = {Generalizing Coherence Spaces and Hypercoherences}, Year = {1995}} @article{LamarcheF:quanti, Author = {Fran{\c c}ois Lamarche}, Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, Pages = {37--62}, Title = {Quantitative Domains and Infinitary Algebras}, Volume = {94}, Year = {1992}} @article{Lan64, Author = {P. J. Landin}, Journal = {Computer Journal}, Pages = {308--320}, Title = {The mechanical evaluation of expressions}, Volume = {6}, Year = {1964}} @article{Lan65, Author = {P. J. Landin}, Journal = {Communications of the ACM}, Pages = {89--101,158--165}, Title = {A correspondence between {ALGOL} 60 and {Church}'s lambda notation}, Volume = {8}, Year = {1965}} @inproceedings{Law73, Author = {F. W. Lawvere}, Booktitle = {Rend. del Sem. Mat. e Fis. di Milano}, Note = {Vol. XLIII}, Title = {Metric Spaces, Generalised Logic, and Closed Categories}, Year = {1973}} @inproceedings{LeRe96, Author = {Alain Lecomte and Christian Retor\'e}, Crossref = {AC96}, Pages = {187--198}, Title = {Words as Modules and Modules as partial Proof nets in a Lexicalised Grammar}} @inproceedings{LeRe97, Address = {Grenoble}, Author = {Alain Lecomte and Christian Retor\'e}, Booktitle = {\em 4 $^{\mbox{\`eme}}$ conf\'erence sur le Traitement automatique du langage naturel, TALN'97}, Editor = {D.~Genthial}, Pages = {70--83}, Title = {Logique des ressources et r{\'e}seaux syntaxiques}, Year = {1997}} @inproceedings{Lec92, Author = {Lecomte, Alain}, Booktitle = {{COLING}}, Organization = {Nantes}, Pages = {394--401}, Title = {Proof-nets and dependencies}, Year = {1992}} @inproceedings{Lec92c, Author = {Lecomte, ALain}, Booktitle = {COLING}, Title = {Proof nets and dependencies}, Year = {1992}} @inproceedings{Lec93, Author = {Lecomte, Alain}, Booktitle = {11$^{\rm th} $ Conference of European chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, Organization = {Utrecht}, Title = {Towards efficient parsing with proofnets}, Year = {1993}} @inproceedings{Lec94, Address = {Cordoba}, Author = {Lecomte, Alain}, Booktitle = {X colloquium S.E.P.L.N.}, Title = {A linear-logical approach to some syntactico-semantic phenomena in romance language}, Year = {1994}} @phdthesis{Lec94c, Author = {Lecomte, Alain}, Month = {d\'ecembre}, School = {Universit\'e Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand}, Title = {Mod\`eles logiques en th\'eorie linguistique}, Type = {M\'emoire d'habilitation \`a diriger des recherches}, Year = {1994}} @inproceedings{Lec94es, Author = {Lecomte, Alain}, Booktitle = {SEPLN-10}, Title = {A linear logic approach of some syntactico-semantic phenomena in romance language}, Year = {1994}} @inproceedings{Lec94r, Address = {Roma}, Author = {Lecomte, Alain}, Booktitle = {Linear logic and {L}ambek calculus}, Editor = {M.~Abrusci and C.~Casadio and M.~Moortgat}, Series = {DYANA occasional publications}, Title = {Non-commutative linear logic applied to syntax and semantics}, Year = {1994}} @incollection{Lec95b, Author = {Lecomte, Alain}, Booktitle = {Computational lexical semantics}, Editor = {Saint-Dizier and Viegas}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {Semantic features in a generic lexicon}, Year = {1995}} @incollection{Lec95l, Author = {Lecomte, Alain}, Booktitle = {Stanislaw Lesniewski aujourd'hui}, Journal = {Cahiers Philosophie et Langage}, Publisher = {VRIN}, Series = {Cahiers Philosophie et Langage}, Title = {Une descendance des syst\`emes de Lesniewski: le calcul de {L}ambek}, Volume = {17}, Year = {1995}} @article{Lec96talintro, Author = {Alain Lecomte}, Journal = {Traitement Automatique des Langues}, Number = {2}, Pages = {1--38}, Title = {Grammaire et th{\'e}orie de la preuve: une introduction}, Volume = {37}, Year = {1996}} @inproceedings{Lec99, Author = {Alain Lecomte}, Booktitle = {Mathematics of Language 6}, Title = {Proof-nets, hybrid logics and minimalist representations}, Year = {1999}} @phdthesis{Leg96, Author = {Marie-Ange L\'egeret}, Month = {janvier}, School = {Universit\'e Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand}, Title = {Alg\`ebres de d\'emonstrations en grammaires cat\'egorielles}, Type = {Th\`ese de {D}octorat, sp\'ecialit\'e {M}ath\'ematiques}, Year = {1996}} @article{Lei86, Author = {Leivant, Daniel}, Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, Pages = {51--68}, Title = {Typing and Computational Properties of Lambda Expressions}, Volume = {44}, Year = {1986}} @incollection{Lev75, Author = {J.-J. Levy}, Booktitle = {Lambda Calculus and Computer Science Theory}, Editor = {C. B{\"o}hm}, Note = {{\it LNCS} Vol. 37}, Pages = {147--165}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Title = {An Algebraic Interpretation of Equality in Some Models of the Lambda Calculus}, Year = {1975}} @inproceedings{Loa94, Author = {Ralph Loader}, Booktitle = {Logic In Computer Science}, Pages = {292--298}, Title = {Linear Logic, Totality and Full Completeness}, Year = {1994}} @article{Lon83, Author = {Longo, G.}, Journal = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic}, Pages = {153--188}, Title = {Set-Theoretical Models of Lambda Calculus: Theories, Expansions and Isomophisms}, Volume = {24}, Year = {1983}} @incollection{Lon84, Author = {G. Longo}, Booktitle = {Proc. Math. Foundations of Computer Science}, Note = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin}, Title = {Limits, Higher Type Computability and Type-free Languages}, Year = {1984}} @article{Lon87b, Author = {G. Longo}, Journal = {Ann. Pure Appl. Logic}, Note = {To appear}, Title = {On Church's Formal Theory of Functions and Functionals --- The Lambda Calculus: Connections to Higher Type Recursive Theory, Proof Theory and Category Theory}, Year = {1987}} @book{M-L70, Address = {Stockholm}, Author = {P. Martin-L\"{o}f}, Publisher = {Almqvist and Wiksell}, Title = {Notes on Constructive Mathematics}, Year = {1970}} @inproceedings{M-L83, Address = {G\"{o}teborg, Sweden}, Author = {P. Martin-L\"{o}f}, Booktitle = {Workshop on the Semantics of Programming Languages}, Editor = {Programming Methodology Group}, Organization = {Chalmers University of Technology}, Title = {Lecture Notes on the Domain Interpretation of Type Theory}, Year = {1983}} @inproceedings{MK94, Address = {Roma}, Author = {Moortgat, Michael and Kurtonina, Natasha}, Booktitle = {Linear Logic and {L}ambek calculus}, Editor = {Abrusci, M. and Casadio, C. and Moortgat, M.}, Organization = {DYANA}, Title = {Controlling resource management}, Year = {1994}} @book{ML84, Address = {Napoli}, Author = {Per Martin-L{\"o}f}, Note = {(Lecture Notes by G.~Sambin)}, Publisher = {Bibliopolis}, Title = {Intuitionistic Type Theory}, Year = {1984}} @article{MM79, Author = {G. Milne and R. Milner}, Journal = {Journal of the ACM}, Number = {2}, Pages = {302--321}, Title = {Concurrent processes and their Syntax}, Volume = {26}, Year = {1979}} @inproceedings{MM96, Author = {Josep Maria Merenciano and Glyn Morrill}, Crossref = {LACL96}, Pages = {77--80}, Title = {Generation as deduction}, Year = {1996}} @inproceedings{MO94, Author = {Moortgat, Michael and Oehrle, R}, Booktitle = {Ninth Amsterdam Colloquium}, Organization = {ILLC}, Pages = {447-466}, Title = {Adjacency, dependency and order}, Year = {1994}} @article{MP87, Author = {Mosses, P. D. and Plotkin, G. D.}, Journal = {SIAM J. Computing}, Pages = {179--194}, Title = {On Proving Limiting Completeness}, Volume = {16}, Year = {1987}} @inproceedings{MP99, Author = {Richard Moot and Quintijn Puite}, Crossref = {FG99}, Note = {http://www.math.uu.nl/publications/preprints/1096.ps.gz}, Pages = {103--114}, Title = {Proof-Nets for the MultiModal {L}ambek Calculus}} @phdthesis{MootPhD, Author = {Richard Moot}, School = {UIL-OTS, Universiteit Utrecht}, Title = {Proof nets for linguistic analysis}, Year = {2002}} @inproceedings{MM01, Author = {Michael Moortgat and Richard Moot}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of CLIN 2000}, Editor = {Walter Daelemans}, Title = {{CGN} to {Grail}: Extracting a Type-Logical Lexicon From the {CGN} Annotation}, Year = {2001}} @inproceedings{MMO01, Author = {Michael Moortgat and Richard Moot and Richard T. Oehrle}, Booktitle = {Proceedings {Euro\TeX{}} 2001}, Editor = {Simon Pepping}, Pages = {130--140}, Title = {{\TeX{}} in Teaching}, Year = {2001}} @inproceedings{BM00, Address = {Dagstuhl, Germany}, Author = {Raffaella Bernardi and Richard Moot}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of Inference in Computational Semantics 2}, Editor = {Johan Bos and Michael Kohlhase}, Note = {To appear in Language and Computation}, Pages = {1--15}, Title = {Generalized Quantifiers in Declarative and Interrogative Sentences}, Year = {2000}} @article{BM03, Author = {Raffaella Bernardi and Richard Moot}, Journal = {Logic Journal of the IGPL}, Number = {4}, Pages = {419-434}, Title = {Generalized Quantifiers in Declarative and Interrogative Sentences.}, Volume = {11}, Year = {2003}} @article{MP01, Author = {Richard Moot and Mario Piazza}, Journal = {Journal of Logic, Language and Information}, Number = {2}, Pages = {211--232}, Publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, Title = {Linguistic Applications of First Order Multiplicative Linear Logic}, Volume = {10}, Year = {2001}} @inproceedings{moot98:grail, Author = {Richard Moot}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1998 User Interfaces for Theorem Provers Conference}, Editor = {R.C. Backhouse}, Pages = {120--129}, Title = {Grail: an Automated Proof Assistant for Categorial Grammar Logics}, Year = {1998}} @incollection{MP02, Author = {Richard Moot and Quintijn Puite}, Booktitle = {Studia Logica}, Editor = {Wojciech Buszkowski and Michael Moortgat}, Note = {To appear}, Publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, Title = {Proof Nets for the Multimodal {{L}ambek } Calculus}, Year = {2002}} @inproceedings{moot99:grail, Address = {Venice}, Author = {Richard Moot}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of VEXTAL'99}, Editor = {Rodolfo Delmonte}, Organization = {University C\'a Foscari}, Pages = {255--261}, Title = {Grail: an Interactive Parser for Categorial Grammars}, Year = {1999}} @inproceedings{MM02, Author = {Michael Moortgat and Richard Moot}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation}, Title = {Using the {Spoken Dutch Corpus} for Type-Logical Grammar Induction}, Year = {2002}} @inproceedings{Moot01, Author = {Richard Moot}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of Methods for Modalities 2}, Editor = {Carlos Areces and Maarten de Rijke}, Title = {A Short Introduction to {Grail}}, Year = {2001}} @article{MPS86, Author = {D. MacQueen and G. D. Plotkin and R. Sethi}, Journal = {Information and Control}, Pages = {95--130}, Title = {An Ideal Model for Recursive Polymorphic Types}, Volume = {71}, Year = {1986}} @book{MS76, Author = {R. E. Milne and C. 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Matthews}, School = {University of Warwick}, Title = {Metric Domains for Completeness}, Year = {1985}} @incollection{Mela95Pac, Address = {Tokyo, Japan}, Author = {Augusta Mela and Christophe Fouquer\'e}, Booktitle = {Joint Conference of the 8th Asian Conference on Language, Information and Computation, and the 2nd Pacific Asia Conference on Formal and Computational Linguistics}, Editor = {A. Ishikawa and Yoshihiko Nitta}, Note = {Tokyo, Japan, August 1994}, Pages = {31--40}, Publisher = {The Logico-Linguistics Society of Japan}, Title = {A coordination Criterion Based on Multiple and Disjunctive Subcategorization}, Year = {1995}} @inproceedings{Mela96ACH, Address = {Bergen, Norway}, Author = {Augusta Mela and Christophe Fouquer\'e}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of ACH-ALLC'96}, Title = {Coordination as a Direct Process}, Year = {1996}} @inproceedings{Mela96ACL, Address = {Santa Cruz, Cal.}, Author = {Augusta Mela and Christophe Fouquer\'e}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL'96}, Title = {Coordination as a Direct Process}, Url = {http://xxx.lanl.gov/list/cmp-lg/9606}, Year = {1996}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://xxx.lanl.gov/list/cmp-lg/9606}} @article{Mela96TAL, Author = {Augusta Mela and Christophe Fouquer\'e}, Journal = {Traitement Automatique des Langues}, Number = {1}, Pages = {125--150}, Title = {Une approche directe de la coordination par {\it et}}, Volume = {37}, Year = {1996}} @techreport{Met92, Author = {M{\'{e}}tayer, Fran\c{c}ois}, Institution = {U.F.R. de Math\'{e}matiques, Universit\'e Paris 7}, Title = {Homologie des R\'{e}seaux}, Type = {Pr\'{e}bublications de l'\'{e}quipe de Logique}, Year = {1992}} @techreport{Met93, Author = {Fran\c{c}ois M{\'e}tayer}, Institution = {Equipe de Logique , Universit\'e Paris 7}, Number = {39}, Title = {Homology of Proof-Nets}, Type = {Pr\'epublication}, Year = {1993}} @article{Metayer94aml, Author = {Fran\c cois M{\'e}tayer}, Journal = {Archive for Mathematical Logic}, Pages = {169--188}, Title = {Homology of proof-nets}, Volume = {33}, Year = {1994}} @article{Mey82, Author = {A. Meyer}, Journal = {Information and Control}, Pages = {87--122}, Title = {What is a Model of the Lambda Calculus?}, Volume = {52}, Year = {1982}} @phdthesis{Mil74, Author = {R. E. Milne}, School = {University of Cambridge}, Title = {The Formal Semantics of Computer Languages and their Implementations}, Year = {1974}} @incollection{Mil75, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {R. Milner}, Booktitle = {Logic Colloquium, Bristol 1973}, Pages = {157--174}, Publisher = {North Holland}, Title = {Processes, a mathematical model of computing agents}, Year = {1975}} @article{Mil77, Author = {R. Milner}, Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, Pages = {1--22}, Title = {Fully Abstract Models of Typed Lambda-Calculi}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1977}} @book{Mil80, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {R. Milner}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Title = {A Calculus for Communicating Systems}, Volume = {92}, Year = {1980}} @inproceedings{Mil81, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {R. Milner}, Booktitle = {CAAP `81}, Editor = {G. Astesiano and C. B{\"o}hm}, Note = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 112}, Pages = {25--34}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Title = {A Modal Characterisation of Observable Machine Behaviours}, Year = {1981}} @article{Mil83, Author = {R. Milner}, Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, Pages = {267--310}, Title = {Calculi for Synchrony and Asynchrony}, Volume = {25}, Year = {1983}} @inproceedings{Mil85, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {R. Milner}, Booktitle = {Seminar on Concurrency}, Editor = {S. D. Brookes and A. W. Roscoe and G. Winskel}, Note = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 197}, Pages = {197--221}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Title = {Lectures on a Calculus for Communicating Systems}, Year = {1985}} @inproceedings{Mil86, Author = {R. Milner}, Booktitle = {Information Processing 86}, Editor = {H.-J. Kugler}, Pages = {507--514}, Publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. (North Holland)}, Title = {Process Constructors and Interpretations}, Year = {1986}} @book{Mil89, Author = {Milner, Robin}, Publisher = {Prentice Hall}, Series = {International series in computer science}, Title = {Communication and Concurrency}, Year = {1989}} @book{Mil92, Address = {New-York}, Author = {Miller, P.}, Publisher = {Garland}, Title = {Clitics and Constituents in Phrase Structure Grammars}, Year = {1992}} @incollection{Mog86, Author = {E. Moggi}, Booktitle = {Category Theory and Computer Programming}, Editor = {David Pitt and Samson Abramsky and Axel Poign\'{e} and David Rydeheard}, Note = {{\it LNCS} Vol. 240}, Pages = {242--251}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Title = {Categories of Partial Morphisms and the $lambda_p$-Calculus}, Year = {1986}} @phdthesis{Mog87a, Author = {E. Moggi}, School = {University of Edinburgh}, Title = {Partial Lambda Calculus}, Year = {1987}} @misc{Mog87b, Author = {E. Moggi}, Note = {To Appear in {\it Information and Computation}}, Title = {Partial Cartesian Closed Categories of Effective Objects}} @incollection{Moh85, Author = {Rolf H. M{\"o}hring}, Crossref = {Riv85}, Pages = {41--101}, Title = {Algorithmic aspects of comparability graphs}} @incollection{Moh89, Author = {Rolf H. M{\"o}hring}, Crossref = {Riv89}, Pages = {105--194}, Title = {Computationally tractable classes of ordered sets}} @inproceedings{Mon70, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {Richard Montague}, Booktitle = {Approaches to natural language: proceedings of the 1970 Stanford workshop on Grammar and Semantics}, Editor = {J.~Hintikka and J.~Moravcsik and P.~Suppes}, Publisher = {Reidel}, Title = {The proper treatment of quantification in ordinary English}, Year = {1973}} @book{Mon74, Editor = {Richmond Thomason}, Publisher = {Yale University Press}, Title = {The collected papers of Richard Montague}, Year = {1974}} @book{Moo88, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {Moortgat, Michael}, Publisher = {Foris}, Title = {Categorial Investigations}, Year = {1988}} @article{Moo95, Author = {Michael Moortgat}, Journal = {Bulletin of the IPGL}, Note = {Special Issue, R.~Kempson ed.}, Title = {Multimodal linguistic inference}, Year = {1995}} @incollection{Moo97, Author = {Michael Moortgat}, Chapter = {2}, Crossref = {BM97}, Pages = {93--177}, Title = {Categorial Type Logic}, Year = {1996}} @incollection{Bea97, Author = {Beaver, David Ian}, Chapter = {17}, Crossref = {BM97}, Pages = {939 --1008}, Title = {Presupposition}, Year = {1996}} @incollection{SM97, Author = {Jerry Sligman And Lawrence Moss}, Chapter = {4}, Crossref = {BM97}, Pages = {239--309}, Title = {Situation Theory}, Year = {1996}} @incollection{HS97, Author = {Jaakko Hintikka and Gabriel Sandu}, Chapter = {6}, Crossref = {BM97}, Pages = {361--410}, Title = {Game-Theoretical Semantics}, Year = {1996}} @incollection{EK97, Author = {van Eijck, Jan and Hans Kamp}, Chapter = {3}, Crossref = {BM97}, Pages = {179--237}, Title = {Representing Discourse in Context}, Year = {1996}} @incollection{Jan97, Author = {Theo M. V. Janssen}, Chapter = {7}, Crossref = {BM97}, Pages = {417--473}, Title = {Compositionnality}, Year = {1996}} @incollection{Par97, Author = {Barbara H. Partee}, Chapter = {1}, Crossref = {BM97}, Pages = {5--91}, Title = {Montague grammar}, Year = {1996}} @book{Gamut91, Author = {L. T. F. Gamut}, Publisher = {The University of Chicago Press}, Title = {Logic, Language and Meaning -- Volume 2: Intensional logic and logical grammar}, Year = {1991}} @inproceedings{Moot98, Author = {Richard Moot}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1998 User Interfaces for Theorem Provers Conference}, Editor = {R.C. Backhouse}, Pages = {120--129}, Title = {Grail: An Automated Proof Assistant for Categorial Grammar Logics}, Url = {http://www.win.tue.nl/cs/ipa/uitp/proceedings.html}, Urlps = {http://www.win.tue.nl/cs/ipa/uitp/papers/Moot.ps.gz}, Year = {1998}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.win.tue.nl/cs/ipa/uitp/proceedings.html}} @unpublished{Moot98man, Author = {Richard Moot}, Note = {Manuscript}, Title = {User's Guide to {Grail 2.0}}, Urlps = {ftp://ftp.let.uu.nl/pub/users/moot/manual2.ps.gz}, Year = {1998}} @inproceedings{Moot99, Author = {Richard Moot}, Booktitle = {ACCOLADE`97}, Editor = {E. Kraak and R. Wassermann}, Publisher = {ILLC, Universiteit van Amsterdam}, Title = {Automated deduction for categorial grammar logics: the GRAIL prover}, Year = {1997}} @phdthesis{Mor68, Author = {J. H. Morris}, School = {Massachusets Institute of Technology}, Title = {Lambda Calculus Models of Programming Languages}, Year = {1968}} @book{Mor94, Address = {Dordrecht and Hingham}, Author = {Glyn V. Morrill}, Publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, Title = {Type Logical Grammar}, Year = {1994}} @inproceedings{Mor94a, Address = {Roma}, Author = {Morrill, Glyn}, Booktitle = {Linear Logic and {L}ambek calculus}, Editor = {Abrusci, M. and Casadio, C. and Moortgat, M.}, Organization = {DYANA}, Title = {Structural facilitation and structural inhibition}, Year = {1994}} @inproceedings{Mor96, Author = {Glyn V. Morrill}, Crossref = {AC96}, Title = {Memoisation of categorial proof nets: parallelism in categorial processing}, Year = {1996}} @article{Mor98, Author = {Glyn Morrill}, Journal = {Computational Linguistics}, Note = {preliminary version: UPC Report de Recerca LSI-98-46-R, 1998}, Number = {3}, Pages = {319-338}, Title = {Incremental Processing and Acceptability}, Volume = {26}, Year = {2000}} @book{Mos74, Author = {Y. Moschovakis}, Publisher = {North Holland}, Title = {Elementary Induction on Abstract Structures}, Year = {1974}} @article{Mul86, Author = {K. 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W. de Bakker and J. van Leeuwen}, Pages = {3--52}, Publisher = {Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica}, Series = {Mathematical Centre Tracts}, Title = {Infinite words, infinite trees, infinite computations}, Volume = {109}, Year = {1981}} @incollection{Ole85, Author = {F. J. Oles}, Booktitle = {Algebraic Semantics}, Editor = {M. Nivat amd J. C. Reynolds}, Pages = {543--574}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {Type categories, functor categories and block structure}, Year = {1985}} @book{PJ87, Author = {Peyton J., Simon L.}, Note = {Prentice-Hall International Series in Computer Science}, Publisher = {Prentice-Hall}, Title = {The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages}, Year = {1987}} @inproceedings{PS86, Author = {G. Plotkin and C. Stirling}, Booktitle = {Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning About Knowledge: Proceedings of the 1986 conference, March 19--22, Monterey, California}, Editor = {J. Y. 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Saraswat}, Crossref = {MO95}, Pages = {75--93}, Title = {Linear Logic for Meaning Assembly}} @techreport{Pen93complete, Author = {Mati Pentus}, Institution = {Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Universiteit van Amsterdam}, Number = {LP-93-14}, Title = {{L}ambek calculus is {L}-complete}, Year = {1993}} @inproceedings{Pen93, Author = {Mati Pentus}, Booktitle = {Logic in Computer Science}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, Title = {{L}ambek Grammars are Context-Free}, Year = {1993}} @article{Pen97, Author = {Mati Pentus}, Journal = {Journal of Symbolic Logic}, Number = {2}, Pages = {648--660}, Title = {Product-free {L}ambek calculus and context-free grammars}, Volume = {62}, Year = {1997}} @techreport{Per96b, Address = {Nancy}, Author = {Perrier,G.}, Institution = {{CRIN}-{CNRS}}, Number = {96-R-132}, Title = {Concurrent {P}rogramming as {P}roof {N}et {C}onstruction}, Type = {Research Report}, Year = {1996}} @article{Per98d, Author = {Perrier,G.}, Journal = {Journal of the IGPL}, Note = {To appear}, Title = {Labelled Proof Nets for the Syntax and Semantics of Natural Languages}, Year = {1999}} @article{Phi86, Author = {I. 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Schmidt}, Note = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 140}, Organization = {EATCS}, Pages = {412--428}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Title = {A powerdomain for countable non-determinism}, Year = {1982}} @unpublished{Plo85, Author = {G. D. Plotkin}, Note = {Notes for a course given at the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford 1985}, Title = {Lectures on Predomains and Partial Functions}, Year = {1985}} @inproceedings{Pnu77, Author = {A. 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Pullum and Barbara C. Scholz}, Crossref = {LACL01}, Pages = {17--43}, Title = {On the distinction bewteen model-theoretic and generative-enumerative syntax}} @inproceedings{CCF01, Author = {Christophe {Costa For{\^e}ncio}}, Crossref = {LACL01}, Pages = {125--138}, Title = {Consistent identification in the limit of any of the classes k-valued is NP hard}} @article{Poi86, Author = {A. Poign\'{e}}, Journal = {Information and Control}, Title = {On Specifications, Theories and Models with Higher Types}, Volume = {68}, Year = {1986}} @inproceedings{Poi86a, Author = {A. Poign\'{e}}, Booktitle = {Category Theory and Computer Programming}, Editor = {D. Pitt and S. Abramsky and A. Poign\'{e} and D. Rydeheard}, Pages = {1--162}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Title = {Tutorials on Category Theory}, Volume = {240}, Year = {1986}} @unpublished{Poi87, Author = {A. 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S.}, Journal = {Journal of Lisp and Symbolic Computation}, Note = {(to appear.)}, Title = {Global State Considered Unnecessary: An Introduction to Object-Based Semantics}, Year = {1996}} @phdthesis{Reg92, Author = {Laurent Regnier}, Month = {Janvier}, School = {Universit\'e Paris 7}, Title = {Lambda calcul et R\'eseaux}, Type = {Th\`ese de Doctorat, Sp\'ecialit\'e Math\'ematiques}, Year = {1992}} @mastersthesis{Ret87, Author = {Retor\'e, C.}, School = {Universit\'e Paris 7}, Title = {Le syst\`eme {F} en logique lin\'eaire}, Year = {1987}} @incollection{Ret92, Author = {Christian Retor\'e}, Crossref = {RR92}, Pages = {287--294}, Title = {Pr\'esentation de ``Cinq lettres sur la th\'eories des ensembles'', par Baire, Borel, Hadamard et Lebesgue}} @phdthesis{Ret93, Author = {Retor\'e, Christian}, Month = {f\'evrier}, School = {Universit\'e Paris 7}, Title = {R\'eseaux et S\'equents Ordonn\'es}, Type = {Th\`ese de {D}octorat, sp\'ecialit\'e {M}ath\'ematiques}, Year = {1993}} @techreport{Ret93b, Author = {Retor\'e, Christian}, Institution = {Equipe de Logique, Universit\'e Paris 7}, Number = {47}, Title = {Graph theory from linear logic: aggregates}, Type = {Pr\'epublication}, Year = {1993}} @techreport{Ret94D, Author = {Christian Retor\'e}, Institution = {INRIA}, Month = {d\'ecembre}, Note = {http://www.inria.fr/}, Number = {RR-2031}, Title = {A note on intersection types}, Type = {Rapport de {R}echerche}, Year = {1994}} @inproceedings{Ret94caen, Author = {Christian Retor\'e}, Booktitle = {Cat\'egories, Alg\`ebres, Esquisses et N\'eo-Esquisses}, Editor = {Pierre Ageron}, Pages = {11--16}, Series = {Publications du D\'epartement de Math\'ematiques, Universit\'e de Caen}, Title = {Une modalit\'e autoduale pour le connecteur ``pr\'ec\`ede''}, Year = {1994}} @techreport{Ret94mod, Author = {Christian Retor\'e}, Institution = {INRIA}, Month = {d\'ecembre}, Note = {http://www.inria.fr/}, Number = {RR-2432}, Title = {A self-dual modality for "before" in the category of coherence spaces and in the category of hypercoherences.}, Type = {Rapport de {R}echerche}, Year = {1994}} @techreport{Ret94rc, Author = {Christian Retor\'e}, Institution = {INRIA}, Month = {d\'ecembre}, Note = {http://www.inria.fr/}, Number = {RR-2430}, Title = {On the relation between coherence semantics and multiplicative proof nets}, Type = {Rapport de {R}echerche}, Year = {1994}} @inproceedings{Ret96, Author = {Christian Retor\'{e}}, Crossref = {LINEAR96}, Title = {Perfect matchings and series-parallel graphs: multiplicative proof nets as {R}\&{B}-graphs}} @article{Ret96tal, Author = {Christian Retor\'e}, Journal = {Traitement Automatique des Langues}, Number = {2}, Pages = {39--70}, Title = {Calcul de {L}ambek et logique lin\'eaire}, Volume = {37}, Year = {1996}} @article{DM00tal, Author = {Alexander Dikovsky and Larissa Modina}, Journal = {Traitement Automatique des Langues}, Number = {1}, Pages = {67-95}, Title = {Dependencies on the other side of the Curtain}, Volume = {41}, Year = {2000}} @article{Ret97, Author = {Christian Retor\'e}, Issn = {0960-1295(199710)7:5}, Journal = {Mathematical Structures in Computer Science}, Number = {5}, Pages = {445--452}, Title = {A semantic characterisation of the correctness of a proof net}, Volume = {7}, Year = {1997}} @inproceedings{Ret97tlca, Author = {Christian Retor\'e}, Booktitle = {Typed Lambda Calculus and Applications, TLCA'97}, Editor = {de Groote, Philippe and Hindley, James Roger}, Isbn = {3-540-62688-3}, Pages = {300--318}, Series = {LNCS}, Title = {Pomset logic: a non-commutative extension of classical linear logic}, Volume = {1210}, Year = {1997}} @mastersthesis{Bon00, Author = {Roberto Bonato}, School = {Universit{\`a} di {V}erona \& {U}niversit{\'e} {R}ennes 1}, Title = {Uno Studio sull'Apprendibilit{\`a} delle Grammatiche di {L}ambek Rigide --- A study on learnability for rigid {L}ambek grammars}, Type = {Tesi di {L}aurea \& {M}{\'e}moire de {D}.{E}.{A}}, Year = {2000}} @mastersthesis{Amb03, Author = {Maxime Amblard}, Month = {juin}, Note = {\url!http://www.labri.fr/Recherche/LLA/signes!}, School = {{U}niversit{\'e} Bordeaux 1}, Title = {Repr{\'e}sentations s{\'e}mantiques pour les grammaires minimalistes}, Type = {{M}{\'e}moire de {D}.{E}.{A}}, Year = {2003}} @incollection{Ret98roma, Address = {Roma}, Author = {Christian Retor\'e}, Booktitle = {Dynamic Perspectives in Logic and Linguistics: Proof Theoretical Dimensions of Communication Processes,Proceedings of the 4th Roma Workshop}, Editor = {V. M. Abrusci and C. Casadio}, Isbn = {8319-443-8}, Note = {Also available as INRIA Rapport de Recherche RR-3714 http://www.inria.fr/}, Pages = {221--247}, Publisher = {Bulzoni}, Title = {Pomset logic as a calculus of directed cographs}, Year = {1999}} @techreport{Ret99romarr, Author = {Christian Retor{\'{e}}}, Institution = {INRIA}, Month = {March}, Note = {http://www.inria.fr/}, Number = {RR-3714}, Title = {Pomset logic as a calculus of directed cographs}, Type = {Rapport de {R}echerche}, Year = {1999}} @article{Ret03tcs, Author = {Christian Retor\'e}, Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, Note = {Complete version RR-3652 http://www.inria.fr}, Number = {3}, Pages = {473--488}, Title = {Handsome proof-nets: perfect matchings and cographs}, Volume = {294}, Year = {2003}} @techreport{Ret99rr, Author = {Christian Retor{\'{e}}}, Institution = {INRIA}, Month = {March}, Note = {http://www.inria.fr/ to appear in TCS vol. 285}, Number = {RR-3652}, Title = {Handsome Proof-Nets: {R}\&{B}-graphs, perfect matchings and series-parallel graphs}, Type = {Rapport de {R}echerche}, Year = {1999}} @article{Rey70, Author = {J. 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R{\'e}{\'e}dit{\'e}e en 1997 par les {\'E}ditions Allia.}, Publisher = {Le Petit}, Title = {Grammaire g{\'e}n{\'e}rale et raisonn{\'e}e}, Year = {1660}} @book{ChoRo91, Author = {Noam Chomsky}, Publisher = {Flammarion}, Title = {Langue, Linguistique, Politique -- dialogues avec Mitsou Ronat}, Year = {1991}} @phdthesis{Geh92, Author = {Vijay Gehlot}, School = {University of Pennsylvania}, Title = {A proof-theoretic approach to semantics of concurrency}, Year = {1992}} @phdthesis{Kun97, Address = {Toulouse}, Author = {Luis Allan K{\"u}nzle}, Month = {septembre}, School = {Universit{\'e} Paul Sabatier}, Title = {Raisonnement temporel bas{\'e} sur les r{\'e}seaux de {P}etri pour des syst{\`e}mes manipulant des ressources}, Type = {Th{\`e}se de Doctorat, Sp{\'e}cialit{\'e} Informatique Industrielle}, Year = {1997}} @proceedings{BHKO99, Booktitle = {Constraints and Resources in Natural Language Syntax and Sema\ ntics}, Editor = {Gosse Bouma and Erhard Hinrichs and Geert-Jan M. 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Vieu and M. Bras}, Publisher = {Editions du C.N.R.S.}, Title = {Coordination and Strategic Thinking in Dialogue}, Year = {1999}} @article{AHB01, Author = {Nicolas Asher and Daniel Hardt and Joan Busquets}, Journal = {Journal of Semantics}, Number = {1}, Pages = {1--25}, Title = {Discourse Parallelism, Ellipsis, and Ambiguity}, Volume = {18}, Year = {2001}} @article{BKV01, Author = {Busquets, Joan and Koike, D. A. and Vann R. E.}, Journal = {Journal of Pragmatics}, Number = {5}, Pages = {701--723}, Title = {Spanish No, s{\'\i} : Reactives Moves to Face-Threatening Acts. Discourse Relations and Cognitive States Part {I}}, Volume = {33}, Year = {2001}} @article{KVB01, Author = {Koike, D. A. and Vann, R. E. and Joan Busquets}, Journal = {Journal of Pragmatics}, Number = {6}, Pages = {879--899}, Title = {Spanish No, s{\'\i} : Reactives Moves to Face-Theatening Acts. Discourse Relations and Cognitive States}, Volume = {33}, Year = {2001}} @article{BVA01, Author = {Joan Busquets and Laure Vieu and Nicolas Asher}, Journal = {Verbum}, Number = {1}, Pages = {73--101}, Title = {La {SDRT}: Une approche de la coh{\'e}rence du discours dans la tradition de la s{\'e}mantique dynamique}, Volume = {XXIII}, Year = {2001}} @article{BD02, Author = {Joan Busquets and Pierre Denis}, Journal = {Cahiers de grammaire}, Title = {L'ellipse modale en francais: le cas de devoir et pouvoir}, Volume = {26}, Year = {2002}} @inproceedings{Portine98, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Henri Portine}, Booktitle = {Variations sur la r{\'e}f{\'e}rence verbale}, Pages = {137--161}, Publisher = {Rodopi}, Series = {Cahiers Chronos}, Title = {Repr{\'e}sentation textuelle et repr{\'e}sentation g{\'e}om{\'e}trique du temps : Le pr{\'e}sent est-il un temps du pass{\'e} ?}, Volume = {3}, Year = {1998}} @inproceedings{Portine98pur, Author = {Henri Portine}, Booktitle = {La r{\'e}f{\'e}rence, {I}: statut et processus}, Editor = {N. Le Querler and E. Gilbert}, Pages = {13--31}, Series = {Travaux linguisitiques du CERLICO}, Title = {La vis{\'e}e r{\'e}f{\'e}rentielle}, Year = {1998}} @article{Portine98maup, Author = {Henri Portine}, Journal = {Po{\'e}tique}, Pages = {97--109}, Title = {L'alternance pr{\'e}sent/imparfait. {U}ne vendetta de {M}aupassant}, Volume = {113}, Year = {1998}} @inproceedings{Portine98mtl, Author = {Henri Portine}, Booktitle = {M{\'e}talangage et terminologie linguistique (Grenoble, 1998)}, Editor = {B. Colombat and M. 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Esquisse d'application {\`a} l'{\'e}tude de m{\^e}me.}, Volume = {IX}, Year = {1999}} @inproceedings{BCS05taln, Author = {Pierre Boullier and Lionel Cl{\'e}ment and Beno{\^\i}t Sagot}, Booktitle = {TALN}, Date-Added = {2007-05-28 23:59:21 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2007-05-29 00:01:22 +0200}, Pages = {103--112}, Title = {Cha{\^\i}ne de traitement syntaxique}, Year = {2005}} @inproceedings{BCS05talnlfg, Author = {Pierre Boullier and Lionel Cl{\'e}ment and Beno{\^\i}t Sagot}, Booktitle = {TALN}, Date-Added = {2007-05-29 00:01:42 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2007-05-29 00:03:26 +0200}, Pages = {403--408}, Title = {Un analyseur LFG efficace pour le fran{\c c}ais: SxLfg}, Year = {2005}} @article{Portine00, Author = {Henri Portine}, Journal = {Langage}, Note = {Hors S{\'e}rie n$^\circ$ 3: Corpus repr{\'e}sentatif des grammaires et des traditions linguistiques, tome 2, Histoire - Epist{\'e}mologie - Langage}, Title = {Notice sur \emph{The Meaning of Meaning} de {C. K.} {O}gden et {I. 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Proceedings}, Volume = {6736}, Year = {2011}}