Johan Picard (Johan Akan) - MENSWEAR.

  1. curiousmachinations reblogged this from meyong
  2. sleepingbeautywithfalseteeth reblogged this from bleucommelhiver
  3. male-extraordinaire reblogged this from meyong
  4. el-blog-del-loco reblogged this from carlo-andres
  5. carlo-andres reblogged this from meyong and added:
    Lo amo con locura
  6. allegaydly reblogged this from meyong
  7. thefloorisbalaclava reblogged this from meyong
  8. insomniacapples reblogged this from bleucommelhiver
  9. bleucommelhiver reblogged this from hanalwayssolo and added:
    BLESS YOU FOR TAGGING ME IN THIS. He looks so young and pure and happy and untouched by angst like our favorite...
  10. hanalwayssolo reblogged this from meyong and added:
    @bleucommelhiver deserves to see this
  11. meyong posted this