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  • Index to Books Reviewed/Index des ouvrages recensés

Adamson, Gil, Ridgerunner, 186–87

Adderson, Caroline, A Russian Sister, 184–86

Allard, Caroline, Agathe en six semaines, 39

Allin, Leslie, Penetrating Critiques, 261–62

Andersen, Marguerite, La mauvaise mère, 21

Anderson, Davey, Première neige / First Snow, 82

Archambault, François, Pétrole, 91

Arsenault, Mathieu, La morte, 11–12

Arteau, Olivier, Made in Beautiful, 81

Asal, Houda, Identifying as Arab in Canada, 259–61

Atwood, Margaret, Dearly, 199–201

Babstock, Ken, Swivelmount, 210–11

Baig, Bilal, Acha Bacha, 230–31

Ball, Jonathan, The Lightning of Possible Storms, 173–74

Beauchemin, Yves, Un voyage en Russie, 39

Beauchesne, Sarah-Maude, La Madrague, 39

Beaudet, Marie-Andrée, dir., La littérature comme objet social II. Mélanges offerts à Denis Saint-Jacques, 99–101

Béchard, Deni, A Song from Faraway, 174

Bélanger, David, Il s’est écarté. Enquête sur la mort de François Paradis, 120–22

Bélanger, Jennifer, Menthol, 3

Bélisle, Caroline, Diner pour deux, 86–87

Bélisle, Mathieu, L’empire invisible, 136–40

Bérard, Sylvie, À croire que j’aime les failles, 58–59

Bergen, David, Here the Dark, 183–84

Berkhout, Nina, Why Birds Sing, 147, 159–60, 165

Bertram, L.K., The Viking Immigrants, 349–50

Bickersteth, Bertrand, The Response of Weeds, 216–17

Bilodeau, Annik, Belonging Beyond Borders, 357–58

Blades, Susan, Fake It So Real, 161–62

Blain, Cicely Belle, Burning Sugar, 195

Blais, Marie-Claire, Petites Cendres ou la capture, 13

Boisvert, Lili, Anan, 5

Bossé, Paul, Apesanteur, 60–61

Boudreault, Dany, Corps célestes, 95–96

Boulay, Stéphanie, L’animal, 40

Boulerice, Simon, Portrait-robot de ma furie, 40

Boyd, Shelley, and Dorothy Barenscott eds., Canadian Culinary Imaginations, 338–39

Bradley, Nick, ed., An Echo in the Mountains, 249–51

Brand, Dionne, An Autobiography of the Autobiography of Reading, 284–86

Brenneis, Sara, and Gina Herrmann, eds., Spain, the Second World War, and the Holocaust, 276–77 [End Page 431]

Britt, Fanny, Faire les sucres, 14

Britt, Fanny, and Alexia Bürger, Lysis, 84–86

Brook, Clodagh, Screening Religions in Italy, 369–71

Browne, Colin, Here, 215

Brullemans, Pascal, Amaryllis & Little Witch, 224–26

Brunelle, Gayle, and Annette Finley-Croswhite, Assassination in Vichy, 378–80

Brunet-Dragon, Sarah, Faule, 5–6

Bush, Catherine, Blaze Island, 187–88

Buxton, William, ed., Harold Innis on Peter Pond, 324–27

Cabri, Louis, Hungry Slingshots, 192

Camlot, Jason, and Katherine McLeod, eds., CanLit Across Media, 281–83

Caron, Emmanuelle, Les lois du jour et de la nuit, 7–8

Carpentier, André, Le cri du poisson et autres esquisses, 25

Carr-Stewart, Sheila, Knowing the Past, 278–79

Carrière, Marie, Ursula Mathis-Moser, and Kit Dobson, All the Feels, 298–300

Carson, Anne, Norma Jeane Baker of Troy, 209–10

Castillo Durante, Daniel, Tango, 29–30

Catalano, Francis, Qu’il fasse ce temps, 30–31

Celis, Leila, and Martin Hébert, eds., Devoir de mémoire, 112–16

Chaloux-Gendron, Virginie, Fais de beaux rêves, 3–4

Chaput, Simone, Que serions-nous sans le secours de ce qui n’existe pas?, 14–15

Charbonneau-Demers, Antoine, Daddy, 21–22

Charise, Andrea, The Aesthetics of Senescence, 253–54

Charlebois-Plante, Gabriel, Histoire populaire et sensationnelle, 79–80

Chen, Ying, Rayonnements, 9

Chevrier, Marc, L’empire en marche, 122–25

Choinière, Olivier, Zoé, 85–86

Christensen, Andrée, Chambres rêvantes, 64-65

Christmas, Jillian, The Gospel of Breaking, 195, 197

Clara, Jules, Parenthèse suisse, 6–7

Clément, Philippe-Daniel, Art-d’œuvre, 65–66

Clements, Marie, Iron Peggy, 226–27

Collings, David, Disastrous Subjectivities, 295–97

Conway, Kyle, The Art of Communication in a Polarized World, 268–70

Cook, Christina, Quick Bright Things, 229–30

Cook, Tim, and J.L. Granatstein, eds., Canada 1919, 425–26

Courdeau, Sonia-Sophie, Ce qui reste sans contour, 52–53

Craft, Aimée, and Paulette Regan, eds., Pathways of Reconciliation, 334–36

Crocker, Eva, All I Ask, 147, 156–57, 163

David, Gilbert, Le théâtre contemporain au Québec, 1945–2015, 77–78

Davidson, Craig, Cascade, 172–73

Davies, Trina, Silence, 222–24

Dawson, Nicholas, Désormais, 18–19...

