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Johan Akan: His Hair Is Full Of Secrets

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Johan Akan is my latest Crush. Spotted prowling the streets of Lyon by a model scout, he packed his bags and moved to Paris to find work.
Currently in L.A., Johan is working on a TV commercial for a car company. He was also recently asked to be the face of ‘MisterBnB’, the new site from the MyGayTrip team.
With a strong sense of what looks good on him, Johan often finds himself styling his own shoots, being asked to bring his own wardrobe to set. 'I like to do styling myself,’ but there’s one designer he’s dying to be styled by, 'Definitely Riccardo Tisci, for Givenchy. I love his aesthetic.’
So what’s next for Johan? Well, like a lot of models in his position he is faced with several options. Does he continue modelling? Or branch out into acting? Maybe he follows others into the world of porn? 'Ah, no. I’ve been proposed but no thanks. I’m a fan and it’s inspired some of my favourite photographers like Terry Richardson, Elvis Di Fazio and in fact, designers too, like Tom Ford. And, I mean, Francois Sagat is one of the smartest and creative guys that I know. Plus he’s adorable (in his own way lol). And Wilfried Knight was such a nice guy….. But no no, it’s not for me.’
For now Johan wants to keep his options open, 'Modelling isn’t easy, so I want to concentrate on this for now but if an acting opportunity presents itself I will jump on it.’
And before you pack your bags on a one-way trip to Paris to hunt down this handsome man, we have some bad news 'Do I have a boyfriend? I do. The best one. I found THE one. He does more than love me. He teaches me to love myself.’ Aww…. well, let’s delve into that dark, sexy mane and see what secrets are buried deep inside instead, shall we?.


1. Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle did you want to be?
I don’t really remember all of them. I will tell you that after the new movie that you are probably waiting for.

2. What’s your favourite Britney Spears lyric?
Uff…. Britney. I can appreciate some songs. Actually I really like the Blackout album, but I really can’t stand her. She’s just a concept. Well, I would say “Get Naked”… Probably cause I love the song.

3. What’s your favourite 'high school’ movie?
Mean Girls. I love the “fake protein bars” thing.

4. Which group were you in at High School?
We don’t really have that in France, you know. But I was ugly and the top of the class. So I would say nerd?

5. If you got arrested for stalking anyone who would it most likely be?
James Franco. 'Cause he’s so cute. And before I met my boyfriend I was sure I would meet him one day and we would live a love story together….. Don’t judge lol.

6. Who is your favourite supermodel?
Coco Rocha. 'Cause she rocks and she’s a schizophrenic model. So many faces. And she looks like she doesn’t care, but is still really professional. That’s the thing.

7. What is the most expensive item of clothing in your wardrobe?
Probably something from Hermes but I couldn’t say which one. It’s not my favorite brand and style but it’s real luxury.

8. Which song do you wish you could hear again for the first time?
'I fell in love with a dead boy’ - Antony and the Jonhsons. Actually each time I hear that song I get emotional like at the first time. So, that is the reason why.

9. Would you sleep with Jack Donaghy from 30 Rock (Alec Baldwin)?
No. I’m not into daddies. Even if Alec already gave me a boner on several occasions when I was younger. Or maybe it was Kim.

10. Finally, tell us a secret…
If u knew, you would be sad.


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