FANTASY LITTÉRATURE & CINÉMA MARGINALIA HORS SÉRIE NO 19: ÉTUDES GÉNÉRALES SUR LA FANTASY JANVIER 2011 Marginalia est publié 4 fois par an par NORBERT SPEHNER 565, rue de Provence, Longueuil, J4H 3R3 (Québec/Canada) 1 La bibliographie qui suit est une compilation de base des principales études sur la fantasy, un genre qui flirte avec le merveilleux, le conte de fée, la science-fiction et le fantastique et qui s'est vraiment démarqué après l'immense succès des oeuvres de Tolkien, au point même de supplanter la science-fiction. Le mot n'ayant toujours pas d'équivalent valable en français, nous avons gardé le terme "fantasy" désignant des oeuvres d'imagination se déroulant dans des lieux imaginaires où la magie est fonctionnelle, où volent les dragons et rôdent les orcs, les elfes et autres entités de ces mondes fabuleux. Sauf recoupements inévitables, cette bibliographie ne recense pas les études sur le conte populaire, le conte de fée, le merveilleux, la littérature jeunesse et autres domaines connexes. Dans certains de ses ouvrages, notamment allemands et anglo-saxons, le mot est pris dans un sens très large, incluant les autres genres de l'imaginaire. Nous avons retenu les ouvrages où il était question des oeuvres d'au moins deux écrivains. Pour les études sur les auteurs individuels (Tolkien, Lord Dunsany, C. S. Lewis, Pullman, etc) , il y aura un autre hors série plus tard. Cette bibliographie comprend deux parties : la littérature & le cinéma Need to Know About Fantasy Books and Movies, Eugene (OR), Harvest House Publishers, 2005, 297 pages. Award–winning journalist Richard Abanes clears away the confusion many readers experience over fantasy books and films. He delves into the differences between various forms of fantasy and digs out answers needed by every parent, youth worker, teacher, and student.The stories of Tolkien, Lewis, and Rowling—and films based on them—have touched millions of lives. How are these authors similar...and different? Where do they fit into today’s ever–growing desire for the mystery and magic fantasy provides? Norbert Spehner janvier 2011 LITTÉRATURE ABANES, Richard, Fantasy and Your Familiy : Exploring Lord of the Ring, Harry Potter and Modern Magick, Camp Hill (PA), Christian Publications, 2002, 300 pages. This volume looks at the life of fantasy writer J.R.R. Tolkien, the popularity of his fantasy works, their content, and what separates them from other fantasy volumes such as Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling and the children’s horror books by R.L. Stine. A particularly interesting survey of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings includes a thorough analysis of its storyline, characters, and morality. These are compared side-by-side with Harry Potter. ALEXANDER, Rob, Dessiner des paysages et des mondes de fantasy, Paris, Eyrolle, (Trait pour trait), 2007, 127 pages. ALLEN, Judy, L’Encyclopédie de la fantasy, Paris, Rouge & or, 2006, 144 pages. Ed. or. : Fantasy Encyclopedia, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 2005, 144 pages. ABANES, Richard, Harry Potter, Narnia, and The Lord of the Rings : What You 2 The Fantasy Encyclopedia is a spectacular one-stop guide to the creatures and people of folklore and fantasy. From goblins and fairies to dragons and Dracula, this encyclopedia covers them all with sparkling, readable text and stunning illustrations. Discover how the magic of stories throughout the centuries has kept these creatures alive in traditions and cultures around the world. Story that Inspired the Legend. On the 2004 Rendering of the Arthurian Story and its Classroom Application - Ana Isabel Expósito-Álvarez: Manuscript Illumination: A Visual Reworking of the Arthurian Legends. ANDERSON, Douglas, The 100 Best Writers of Fantasy and Horror : A Reader’s Guide to the Literary Lions of Fantasy and Horror, Cold Spring Harbor (NY), Cold Spring Press, 2005, 146 pages. AQUINO, John, Fantasy in Literature, Washington (DC), National Education Association, 1977, 63 pages. APTER, T. E., Fantasy Literature: An Approach to Reality, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1982, 161 pages ARMITT, Lucie, Fantasy Fiction. An Introduction, London & New York, Continuum, 2005, 256 pages. Chapter 1-What is Fantasy Writing? Introduction - Beyond the Horizon - Epic Space Chapter 2-Fantasy as Timeline Introduction The Origins of Modern Fantasy Early Modern Fantasy Tree versus Leaf: Reading the Present through the Past Phantasm versus Fantasia Chapter 3-How to Read Fantasy; Or, Dreams and Their Fictional Readers Introduction Reading Dreams Medieval Dream Vision The World in/of the Mirror Chapter 4-The Best and Best Known Introduction Play and Nonsense: Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear Cartographies and Geographies of Fantasy: Animal Farm and Gulliver's Travels J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings Mary Shelley, Frankenstein: Discourses of Monstrosity The Monsters of Middle Earth Adolescent Monsters: Harry Potter H.G. Wells, The First Men in the Moon and The Time Machine 'Other Desires': Homoeroticism and the Feminine Mothers and Mirrors: Harry Potter Chapter 5-The Utopia as an Underlying Feature of All Major Modes of Fantasy ANON. (The Editors of Writer’s Digest Books), The Writer’s Complete Fantasy Reference: An Indispensable Compendium of Myth and Magic, Cincinnati (Ohio), Writer’s Digest, 1998, 277pages. Introduction by Terry Brooks. ALPERS, Hans J., Lexikon der FantasyLiteratur, Ekrath, Fantasy Productions, 2005, 508 pages. [Fantasy au sens très large d’imaginaire !] ALVARTZ-FAEDO (ed.), Avalon Revisited : Reworkings of the Arthurian Myth, New York, et al., Peter Lang, 2007, 270 pages. Contents: María José Álvarez-Faedo: Introduction - Jorge Abril-Sánchez: The Medieval Orders of Knights and their Historical Exemplary Nature of the Arthurian Myth - Francisco J. Borge: A New Arthurian Hero Born to Fail? Elements of the Arthurian Legend in Don Quixote Héctor Blanco-Uría: Merlin and Cunqueiro, Close Family - María del Mar GonzálezChacón: Tóraigheach Dhiarmada agus Ghráinne (Pursuit of Diarmaid and Gráinne): Lady Gregory's (Re)Vision of the Arthurian Legend - Rubén Valdés-Miyares: Morgan's Queendom: The Other Arthurian Myth - María Isabel García-Martínez: Dux Femina Bellorum: War Also Agrees in the Feminine - María José Álvarez-Faedo: Arthurian Reminiscences in Tolkien's Trilogy: The Lord of the Rings - M. Gabriela García-Teruel: The Untold? True? 3 Introduction Thomas More, Utopia Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Herland H. G. Wells, The First Men in the Moon and The Time Machine Inter-Generic Texts: The Time Machine and A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court Yann Martel, Life of Pi George Orwell, Animal Farm Technology Versus Magic: A Connecticut Yankee and Harry Potter Jeanette Winterson, The PowerBook William Gibson, Neuromancer Chapter 6-One Key Question: Is There Life for Fantasy Beyond Genre? Introduction Ghosts and Their Readers Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens, 'The Signalman' Henry James, The Turn of the Screw Edith Wharton, 'The Eyes' Chapter 7-Fantasy Criticism Introduction Interrogating the Boundaries of Fantasy: Todorov, Marin, and Tolkien Determining Spaces: Tolkien, Bettelheim, and Zipes Fantasy as (Dream-)Screen: Psychoanalytic Approaches New Bodies/New Knowledge: Massey, Haraway, Botting Chapter 8-A Glossary of Terms Chapter 9-Selected Reading List ATTEBERY, Brian, The Fantasy Tradition in American Literature: from Irving to Le Guin, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1980, 182 pages. ATTEBERY, Brian, The Strategies of Fantasy, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1992, 152 pages. BACCHILEGA, Cristina, Postmodern Fairy Tales: Gender and Narrative Strategies, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997. [Angela Carter, R. Coover, D. Barthelme, Margaret Atwood, Tanith Lee] BAKER, Daria, Misfits in Fantasy Literature : Alternate Worlds and Alternative Values, mémoire de maîtrse /MA thesis, Hamline University, 1990, 152 pages. BARNES, Myra Edwards, Linguistics and Languages in Science Fiction and Fantasy, New York, Arno Press, 1974. [Lyon Sprague de Camp, Robert Graves, C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Jack Vance are the fantasy authors which works are considered] BARRON, Neil, Fantasy Literature: A Reader’s Guide, New York, Garland Publishing, 1990, 586 pages. BARRON, Neil, Fantasy and Horror : A Critical and Historical Guide to Literature, Illustration, Film, TV, radio and the Internet, Lanham (MD), The Scarecrow Press, 1999, 816 pages. ASABA, Sayako, The Voice of Longing : A Study of Messages in Fantasy Literature for Children, Master Thesis/mémoire de maîtrise, Warwick University (UK), 1982. BARTH, M. E., Problems of Generic Classification : Toward a Definition of Fantasy Fiction, doctorat/PhD, Purdue University, 1981, 254 pages. ASHLEY, Michael, Who’s Who in Horror and Fantasy Fiction, London, Elm Tree Books, 1977, 240 pages. BARTLETT, Sally A., The Female Phantasmagoria : Fantasy and Third Force Psychology in Four Feminist Fictions (Toni Morrison, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Margaret Atwood, Virginia Woolf), thèse de doctorat, University of South Florida, 2004, 164 pages. ATTEBERY, Brian, America and the Materials of Fantasy , thèse de doctorat/PhD, Brown University, 1979, 339 pages. 4 BAUDOU, Jacques, La Fantasy, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, (Que sais-je ?), 2005, 127 pages. La fantasy, méconnue et décriée, occupe une place de plus en plus importante dans les littératures de l'imaginaire. Loin de se limiter aux stéréotypes de la fantasy épique, ce genre littéraire, riche et polyforme, a été illustré par des écrivains talentueux, tels que Tolkien, Peake ou Rowling. Cet ouvrage, cartographie et guide de lecture, explique ce qu'est la fantasy et retrace son histoire, de l'époque victorienne à nos jours. Il analyse également son influence sur les productions audio-visuelles et l'univers des jeux. sans fin ou les Chroniques de Narnia ainsi que des auteurs exceptionnels parmi lesquels Robin Hobb, Terry Pratchett, Terry Goodkind, Robert Holdstock, Raymond Feist et un nombre impressionnant d'auteurs français au succès croissant. BAUDRY, Robert, Le Mythe de Merlin : depuis les premiers textes au Moyen Âge jusqu’aux auteurs d’aujourd’hui, Rennes, Terre de Brume, 2007, 399 pages. Depuis longtemps fasciné par la figure de l'enchanteur Merlin, l'auteur a décidé de suivre son parcours, depuis sa naissance surnaturelle jusqu'à son enfermement final dans sa prison aérienne. C'est à travers les travaux que lui prête la légende : la Table ronde, la Danse des géants de Stonehenge. Etc, qu'il étudie les avatars de cette étrange et envoûtante figure. Et cela, depuis les plus anciens récits du haut Moyen Age jusqu'aux auteurs de tous pays, et ils sont légions, qui ressuscitent, aujourd'hui encore, ce personnage. Épopée, roman et théâtre, poésie et opéra, peinture et dessin, sans oublier la science-fiction, la bande dessinée et le cinéma, il n'est point de genre artistique que l'enchanteur n'ait colonisé de son obsédante présence ! BAUDOU, Jacques, Encyclopédie de la Fantasy, Paris, Éditions Fetjaine, 2009, 176 pages. D' Alice au Pays des merveilles au Seigneur des anneaux, de Conan à Harry Potter, une encyclopédie superbement illustrée s'intéresse pour la première fois à tous les aspects de la Fantasy, par LE grand spécialiste du genre. Le Merveilleux existe depuis les premiers textes de l'Histoire, et toutes les mythologies regorgent d'un bestiaire fabuleux ou d'exploits surhumains. Plus tard, au Moyen-Age, les chansons de geste fourmillent elles aussi de fées, de nains et de chevaliers s'aventurant dans des contrées étranges. Mais c'est avec JRR et le succès planétaire du Seigneur des anneaux que la Fantasy devient un genre littéraire à part entière. Après lui, des centaines d'auteurs ont dynamité les frontières de ce domaine, devenu aujourd'hui l'un des plus foisonnants, tant en littérature qu'au cinéma, sans oublier les jeux de rôle, les jeux d'ordinateur, la BD et l'illustration. Sous la plume de Jacques Baudou, spécialiste de la Fantasy et de la Science fiction au Monde, ce livre s'est employé à répertorier, trier, expliquer cet univers extraordinaire (dans tous les sens du terme) rassemblant des oeuvres aussi différentes qu' Alice au pays des merveilles, Harry Potter, Peter Pan, Conan le barbare, Le Magicien d'Oz, L'Histoire BEACH, Bronwyn, The Currency of Heroic Fantasy : The Lord of the Ring and Harry Potter from Ideology to Industry, thèse de doctorat/ PhD, Massey University, Australia, 2006, 478 pages. BEAM, Dorri, Style, Gender, and Fantasy in Nineteenth- Century American Women’s Writing, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture), 2010, viii, 260 pages. BECKER, Allienne R., The Lost Worlds Romance: From Dawn till Dusk, Westport (Conn.), Greenwood Press, 1992, 164 pages. Foreword by Andrew M. Greeley. 5 BEETZ, Kirk H., Beacham’s Guide to Literature for Young Adults : Fantasy and Gothic, Washington (DC), Beacham, 1991. Volume 5 d’une série d’ouvrages de référence. Introduction : Anne Besson et Myriam White-Le Goff. 1ère partie : Fécondité, fidélité : Tolkien Vincent Ferré : « De Tristan à Tolkien : Beren, Túrin et Aragorn (II). L'amour fatal », p. 17-30. Voir la version longue en ligne. Valérie Naudet : « Voix de cors. De la Chanson de Roland au Seigneur des Anneaux » Emmanuelle Poulain-Gautret: "Détruire et venger, de certaines satisfactions "épiques", de la Chanson de Roland au Seigneur des Anneaux Thierry Jandrok : « Des Anneaux du Désir au Désir de l’Anneau, les Avatars de la Relation d’Objet » 2ème partie : Frontières du merveilleux Anne Besson : « Arthur et Tolkien, seigneurs rivaux ? Fantasy et transfictionnalité » Isabelle Perier : « Fantasy et sciencefiction, transcendance et appareil, révolution et conservation » Isabelle Cani : « Préservation des lutins et probabilité des dragons. De la tentation de la Fantasy au sein de la science-fiction » Myriam White-Le Goff : "La Belgariade de David Eddings, proche d'un merveilleux médiéval ?" 3ème partie : Le sens du sacré Paul Airiau :"Catholicisme et actualisation du merveilleux médiéval. Le cas de J.R.R. Tolkien et Louis Bouyer" Alexis Léonard : « De la légende arthurienne à la Fantasy, l’« enserrement » du religieux » Michaël Devaux : « Leibniz et Tolkien : monde possible et subcréation » Caroline Olsson : « La Fantasy et l’héritage nordique, sources et motifs » 4ème partie : Avatars fictionnels. Reprises de formes et de motifs. Philippe Clermont : « Une fantasy française pour la jeunesse « à l’école des sorciers », ou les avatars d’Harry » Charlotte Bousquet : « Monstres et métamorphoses, la quête de soi dans la fantasy française contemporaine » Florence Plet-Nicolas : "Quêtes encartées. De la toponymie fantaisiste médiévale à la cartofantasy en BD" BENFORD, Joanne, Postmodern Feminist Fantasy, Hartlepool, Moog Enterprises, 2008, 90 pages. BERMAN, Ruth, Suspending Disbelief : The Development of Fantasy as a Literary Genre in Nineteenth Century British Fiction as Represented by Four Leading Periodicals, thèse de doctorat/ PhD, University of Minnesota, 1979, 358 pages. BERNARDINI, Silvia (ed.), Fantascienza, Fantasy e Horror: tre generi a c o n f r o n t o , Bergamo, Arci Nuova Associazone, 1996, 48 pages. BERNHEIMER, Kate (ed.), Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Women Writers Explore Their Favorite Fairy Tales, New York, Doubleday/Anchor, 1998. BESSON, Anne, La Fantasy, Paris, Klinksieck, (50 questions), 2007, 207 pages. Inutile de souligner la vogue éditoriale qui accompagne aujourd’hui le succès public de la fantasy, dans ses expressions littéraires mais aussi, par exemple, dans le domaine du jeu. Sans doute est-il temps, non plus de décrire, mais bien d’interroger, ce genre qui constitue aussi un phénomène de société contemporain. L’objectif de ces 50 questions sera de cerner les ressorts de cet engouement, en multipliant les angles d’approche pour dépasser les idées reçues : qu’est-ce que la f a n t a s y ?, comment s’est-elle renouvelée au cours de son histoire ?, pourquoi nous parle-t-elle à ce point aujourd’hui ? BESSON, Anne & Myriam WHITE LE GOFF (dirs.), Fantasy, le merveilleux médiéval, Paris, Éditions Bragelonne, (Essais), 256 pages. 6 Samuel Minne : "Les chroniques en Fantasy, du seuil au cycle" Jérôme Noirez : "Contre-texte et littérature carnavalesque : les sources médiévales d'un merveilleux discordant dans le cycle Féerie pour les Ténèbres" The Ultimate Walkthrough, Hoboken (NJ), J. Wiley, (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series), 2010, 240 pages. Getting Started: The Alternative. Instruction Booklet. PART ONE: BASIC CONTROLS AND UNDERSTANDING YOUR CHARACTERS. 1 The Spiky-Haired Mercenary vs. the French Narrative Theorist: Final Fantasy VII and the Writerly Text (Benjamin Chandler). - 2 Kefka, Nietzsche, Foucault: Madness and Nihilism in Final Fantasy VI (Kylie Prymus). - 3 Judging the Art of Video Games: Hume and the Standard of Taste (Alex Nuttall). PART TWO: PLAYING THE GAME—BUT WHAT IF IT’S NOT A GAME? 4 The Lifestream, Mako, and Gaia (Jay Foster). - 5 Gaia and Environmental Ethics in The Spirits Within (Jason P. Blahuta). 6 Objectification of Conscious Life Forms in Final Fantasy (Robert Arp and Sarah Fisk). PART THREE: ABILITIES YOU NEVER KNEW YOU HAD. 7 Final Fantasy and the Purpose of Life (Greg Littmann). - 8 The Four Warriors of Light Saved the World, but They Don’t Deserve Our Thanks (Nicolas Michaud). PART FOUR: SIDE QUESTS OF THE ENLIGHTENED. 9 Shinto and Alien Influences in Final Fantasy VII (Jonah Mitropoulos). - 10 Kupo for Karl and the Materialist Conception of History (Michel S. Beaulieu). 11 Sin, Otherworldliness, and the Downside to Hope (David Hahn). PART FIVE: OTHER WAYS TO ENJOY THE GAME SO IT NEVER ENDS. 12 Human, All Too Human: Cloud’s Existential Quest for Authenticity (Christopher R. Wood). - 13 Is the Fear of Stopping Justified? (Kevin Fitzpatrick). 14 What’s in a Name? Cid, Cloud, and How Names Refer (Andrew Russo and Jason Southworth). BESSON, Anne & Évelyne JACQUELIN (dirs.), Le Merveilleux entre mythe et religion, Arras, Artois Presses de l’Université d’Artois, 2010, 334 pages. A travers dix-huit contributions interdisciplinaires de spécialistes français et étrangers, ce recueil collectif propose un panorama des problématiques soulevées par la catégorie esthétique et épistémologique du « mer-veilleux » dans ses rapports au(x) mythe(s) et à la/aux religion(s), à travers un parcours chronologique qui mène de l'Antiquité chinoise aux romans d'aujourd'hui : enjeux liés à la sacralisation du pouvoir par un merveilleux mythologique et religieux ; problème de la croyance et du rapport à l'orthodoxie chrétienne, évoluant vers la sécularisation et l'autonomisation du texte littéraire ; question du fantastique et spécificités de la veine féerique ; syncrétisme des réécritures engagées à partir du Romantisme, jusqu'à la fantasy contemporaine. BICE, Deborah (ed.), Elsewhere : Selected Essays from the 20th Century Fantasy Literature : From Beatrix to Harry, Lanham (MD), University Press of America, 2003, 134 pages. Essais de Justin R. Nicholes, Hazel A. Fisher, J. Holmes, Deborah Bice, Sandra L. Stewart, Annette Wannamaker, Karen McClenny, Lori M. Campbell, John B. Stoker, Patti Capel Swartz, Carol Jamieson, Serge Danielson-Francois. BLACK, Maureen M., The Evolution of Social Roles : A Perspective on F a n t a s y , mémoire de maîtrise / MA thesis, University of Southern california, 1973, 117 pages. BLEILER, Everett F. (ed.), Supernatural Fiction: Fantasy and Horror, New York, Scribner, 1985, 2 volumes, 1169 pages. BLOOM, Harold (ed.), Classic Fantasy W r i t e r s , New York, Chelsea House, (Writers of English), 1994, 187 pages. BLAHUTA, Jason & Michel BEAULIEU (eds.), Final Fantasy and Philosophy : 7 [L.Frank Baum, W. Beckford, James Branch Cabell, Lewis Carroll, Lord Dunsany, Kenneth Grahame, Lord Dunsany, H. Rider Haggard, Lafcadio Hearn, G. MacDonald, Beatrix Potter, Oscar Wilde] BROECKER, Randy, Fantasy of the 20th Century: An Illustrated History, Portland (OR), Collectors Press, 2002, 256 pages [Album illustré qui présente le genre dans la littérature, dans les bandes dessinées et au cinéma] BLOOM, Harold (ed.), Modern Fantasy W r i t e r s , New York, Chelsea House Publishers, (Writers of English), 1995, 194 pages. [Ray Bradbury, John Collier, L. Sprague de Camp, Fletcher Pratt, E. R. Eddison, Robert E. Howard, Fritz Leiber, C. S. Lewis, David Lindsay, Abraham Merritt, Mervyn Peake, M. P. Shiel, Clark Ashton Smith, J. R. R. Tolkien, Charles Williams] BROOKS, Terry, Comme par magie : les secrets d’écriture d’un best-seller de f a n t a s y , Paris, Bragelonne, (Essais), 2010, 205 pages. De l'importance de laisser toute sa place au rêve en passant par la création de personnages crédibles auxquels s'attache le lecteur, Terry Brooks fait appel à sa propre expérience pour nous expliquer les mécanismes d'un roman réussi. Au-delà de ces conseils pertinents, ce grand auteur brosse également un autoportrait d'artiste lucide et plein d'humour, qui a dû lui aussi composer avec les difficultés avant de connaître une réussite internationale. BOURGEOIS, Chrystel, Le Tissage de la mythologie dans la fantasy anglos a x o n n e , thèse de doctorat/PhD, Université de Paris-Nord, 2010, 594 pages. [Direct. : Anne Larue] Cette thèse s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux oeuvres de J. R.R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis et J. K. Rowling. BRUNNER, Thomas, Spiritualität in Fantasy-Genre, München & Ravensburg, Grin Verlag, 2008, 36 pages. BOYER, Robert H. & Kenneth J. ZAHORSKI (eds.), Fantasists on Fantasy: A Collection of Critical Reflections by Eighteen Masters of the Art, New York, Avon (A Discus Book), 1984, 287 pages. [George MacDonald, G.K. Chesterton, H.P. Lovecraft, Sir Herbert Read, James Thurber, J.R.R.Tolkien, August Derleth, C.S. Lewis, Felix Mart-Ibanez, Peter S. Beagle, Lloyd Alexander, Andre Norton, Jane Langton, Ursula K. le Guin, Mollie Hunter, Katherine Kurtz, Michael Moorcock, Susan Cooper] BRYDEN, Inga, R e i n v e n t i n g King Arthur : The Arthurian Legends in Victorian Culture, Aldershot, Ashgate, (The Nineteenth Century), 2005, 171 pages. BURGER, Patrick R., The Political Subconscious of the Fantasy Sub-Genre of Romance, Lewiston , Edwin Mellen Press, (Studies in Comparative Literature, no 38), 2001, 164 pages. Introduction par Veronica Hollinger. Parmi les auteurs étudiés: William Morris, J.R.R. Tolkien, Marion Zimmer Bradley. BRASEY, Édouard, L’Encyclopédie des héros du merveilleux, Paris, Le Pré aux Clercs, 2009, 183 pages. [Illustrations de Sandrine Gestin et Didier Graffet] BURNS, Linda L., High Fantasy : A D e f i n i t i o n , thèse de doctorat/PhD, Columbia, University of Missouri, 1979, 137 pages. BRASEY, Édouard, la Petite Encyclopédie du merveilleux, Paris, le Pré aux Clercs, 2010, 432 pages. [Illustrations : Sandrine Gestin]. BUTSCH, Richard J., Personal Perception in Scientific and Medieval World Views : A Comparative Study of Fantasy L i t e r a t u r e , thèse de doctorat/PhD, Rutgers University, 1975, 95 pages. 8 CAMPBELL, Lori Marie, Portals of Power: Magical Agency in British Literary Fantasy, 1890-1914, thèse de doctorat (PhD), Duquesne University, 2002, 247 pages. [William Morris, Ford Maddox Ford, E. Nesbit, J. M. Barrie, Frances Hodgson Burnett, William Hope Hodgson] Critically acclaimed, award-winning biography of CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien and the brilliant group of writers to come out of Oxford during the Second World War. C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and their friends were a regular feature of the Oxford scenery in the years during and after the Second World War. They drank beer on Tuesdays at the 'Bird and Baby', and on Thursday nights they met in Lewis' Magdalen College rooms to read aloud from the books they were writing; jokingly they called themselves 'The Inklings'. C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien first introduced The Screwtape Letters and The Lord of the Rings to an audience in this company and Charles Williams, poet and writer of supernatural thrillers, was another prominent member of the group. CAMPBELL, Lori Marie, Portals of Power : Magical Agency and Transformation in Literary Fantasy, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, (Critical Explorations in SF and Fantasy), 2010, 224 pages. PART I. Women and Other Magical Creatures: Portals in Romance and Fairy Tale - 1. Who “Wears the Pants” in Faërie? The Woman Question in William Morris’s The Wood Beyond the World 2. “For I am but a girl”: The Problem of Female Power in Ford Madox Ford’s The Brown Owl PART II :Charms, Places, and Little Girls: Portals in Children’s Literature - 3. E. Nesbit and the Magic Word: Empowering Child and Woman in RealWorld Fantasy - 4. Lost Boys to Men: Romanticism and the Magic of the Female Imagination in J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan and Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden PART III - Haunted Houses and the Hidden Self: Portals in the Gothic, Low Fantasy, and Science Fiction - 5. Confronting Chaos at the In-Between: William Hope Hodgson’s The House on the B o r d e r l a n d - 6. The Society Insider/ Outsider and the Sympathetic Supernatural in Fantastic Tales by Edith Wharton and Oscar Wilde PART IV - Haunting History: The Portal in Modern/ Postmodern Fantasy - 7. One World to Rule Them All: The Un-Making and Re-Making of the Symbolic Portal in J.R.R. Tolkien’s T h e Lord of the Rings - 8. Harry Potter and the Ultimate In-Between: J.K. Rowling’s Portals of Power - 9. Portals Between Then and Now: Susan Cooper, Alan Garner, Diana Wynne Jones, Neil Gaiman, and Jonathan Stroud. CARROLL, Shiloh R., Fantasy and Pedagogy : The Use of Fantasy in College Classrooms, mémoire de maîtrise, MA Thesis, Radford University, 2008, 98 pages. CARTER, Lin, Imaginary Worlds: The Art of Fantasy, New York, Ballantine, 1973, 278 pages. Une des études fondatrices du genre. CASEY, Fredericks, The Future of Eternity : Mythologies of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Bloomington, Indiana University Press,1982, xvi, 226 pages. CHASSAGNOL, Monique, La Fantaisie dans les récits pour la jeunesse en Grande Bretagne, de 1918 à 1968, Lille, Publications de l’Atelier des thèses, 1986, 808 pages. CHASSAGNOL, Anne, La renaissance féerique à l’ère victorienne, Paris, Berlin, et al, Peter Lang, 2010, xiv, 380 pages. Cet ouvrage retrace les grandes lignes de l'histoire de la féerie britannique et propose d'expliquer comment celle-ci est revenue en force au XIXe siècle dans toutes les sphères du royaume artistique, scientifique, économique, CARPENTER, Humphrey, The Inklings : C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Charles Williams and their Friends, London, Harper Collins, 2006, x, 287 pages. 9 politique - sous le patronage du couple royal, alors que Victoria elle-même était surnommée « la Reine des fées ». Astronomie, astrologie, magie imaginaire en Orient médiéval. et CLARK, Beverly Lyon, Reflections on Fantasy: The Mirror-Worlds of Carroll, Nabokov, and Pynchon, New York, Peter Lang, 1986, 195 pages. CHEN, Fanfan & Thomas HONEGGER (eds. Good Dragons are Rare : An Inquiry into Literary Dragons East and West, New York, Frankfurt, et al., Peter Lang, 2009, 439 pages. Contents: Friedhelm Schneidewind: Von Babylon bis Eragon. Die Wechselwirkung von Mythos/Literatur und (Natur)Wissenschaft in der westlichen Drachenvorstellung - Thomas Honegger: A good dragon is hard to find: From draconitas to draco - Elisa Laurence Cousteix : Les dragons dans la littérature médiévale européenne : Le dragon, persona non grata - Anne Berthelot : Le Fier Baiser : ou comment apprivoiser un dragon (femelle) - Maik Goth: Spenser's Dragons - Paul Michel: Was zur Beglaubigung dieser Historie dienen mag: Drachen bei Johann Jacob Scheuchzer Dieter Petzold: Drachen zum Lachen: Der Wandel des Drachenbilds in der spätviktorianischen Literatur - Maren Bonacker: Domestizierte Drachen: Von der Zähmung und Auswilderung kinderliterarischer Drachen - Patrick A. Brückner: Der Dichter hält es seltsamerweise für lohnend, Drachen zum Thema zu machen... : Der Drache als poetologisches Konzept von Realität bei J.R.R. Tolkien - Anne C. Petty: J.R.R. Tolkien's Dragons: The Evolution of Glaurung and Smaug - Roger Bozzetto : Dragons de « fantasy », dragons de science-fiction - Marie Burkhardt : Les dragons de la Fantasy : Hobb, McCaffrey, Vonarburg - Anne Isabelle François : Un monstre de la littérature : Walter Moers, Hildegunst von Mythenmetz et le jeu postmoderne - Thomas Fornet-Ponse: «Not very well-designed creatures»? Terry Pratchetts Drachen zwischen Parodie und Ernst - Fanfan Chen: From the Western Poeticisation of Falkor and Temeraire to the Imaginary of Chinese Dragons Chiwaki Shinoda : Histoire du Dragon au Japon - Nathalie Dufayet : Hayao Miyazaki et le(s) Dragon(s) de Chihiro - Anna Caiozzo : Autour des dragons célestes : CLUCAS, Robert S., Myth and Fantasy with Faith and a Mission : A Theological of Christian Mythopoetic Literature with Special reference to Works of George MacDonald and C. S. Lewis, mémoire de maîtrise /MA thesis, University of South Africa, 1983. CLUTE, John & John GRANT (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Fantasy, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1997, 1049 pages. COHEN, John A., An Examination of Four Keys Motifs Found in High Fantasy for Children, thèse de doctorat/ PhD, Ohio State University, 1975, 389 pages. COLEBATCH, Hal G. P., Return of the Heroes : The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter and Social Conflict, Christchurch (New Zealand). Cybereditions Corporation, 2003, 176 pages. COLLECTIF, The Roots of Fantasy : Myth, Folklore & Archetype : The Book of World Fantasy Convention 1989, Seattle (WA), World Fantasy Convention, 1989, 118 pages. CORNWELL, Charles L., From Self to the Shires : Studies in Victorian Fiction, thèse de doctorat/PhD, University of Virginia, 1972, 201 pages. CORWINUS, Sally, An Analysis of the Treatment of the Women in the Arthurian Legend as Presented by Mary Stewart and Marion Zimmer Bradley, mémoire de maîtrise/MA thesis, Drew University, 1990, 72 pages. 10 COWAN, Finlay, Dessinez vos héros de Fantasy : inventez leur univers, Paris, Eyrolles, (Trait pour trait), 2006, 128 pages. XIXe siècle, à livrer des aventures romanesques situées dans des royaumes imaginaires où la magie et les créatures surnaturelles s'invitent dans les affaires des hommes. Viennent ensuite Lord Dunsany et Eric Rücker Eddison, puis la maturité de l'heroic fantasy avec J.R.R. Tolkien, T.H. White et Robert E. Howard. Le début du XX e siècle donnera aussi Henry Kuttner, Fritz Leiber, H.P. Lovecraft, C.L. Moore, Fletcher Pratt et Clark Ashton Smith. Ed. or. : Literary Swordsmen and Sorcerers: The Makers of Heroic Fantasy, Sauk City (WI), Arkham House, 1976. COYLE, William (ed.), Aspects of Fantasy: Selected Essays from The Second International Conference on The Fantastic in Literature and Film, Westport, Greenwood Press, (Contribution to the Studies of SF and Fantasy, 19), 1986, 248 pages. [25 articles and essays] COX, Harvey, The Feast of Fools: A Theological Essay on Festivity and F a n t a s y , Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 1969, 204 pages. With chapters on Fantasy: “Fantasy: The Ingredients” and “Fantasy and Utopia”. DE CAMP, L. Sprague (ed.), The Blade of Conan, New York, Ace Books, 1979, 310 pages. [Essays about Robert E. Howard, T. H. White, E. R. Eddison, A. Merritt, Talbot Mundy, James Branch Cabell + essays about fantasy] D’AMMASSA, Don, Encyclopedia of Fantasy and Horror, New York, Facts on File, (Facts on File Literary Movements), 2005, 538 pages. With the increasing popularity of books and films like The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia, fantasty fiction has come to stand apart from its science fiction kin. This volume is part of the Facts On File Literary Movements series and forms a companion to the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2005). Horror fiction, like Anne Rice's vampire tales, is also included. DE CAMP, L. Sprague, Blond Barbarians and Noble Savages, Baltimore, T-K Graphics, 1975, 49 pages. . [3 essays: Lovecraft and the Aryans - Howard and The Celts - The Heroic Barbarian] Reedition: San Bernardino, The Borgo Press, 1986. DE CAMP, L. Sprague, Lost Continents: The Atlantis Theme in History, Science and Literature, New York, Dover, 1970, 348 pages. Biblio., pp. 319-331. A leading authority examines the facts and fancies behind the Atlantis theme in history, science, and literature. Sources include the classical works from which Plato drew his proposal of the existence of an island continent, Sir Thomas More's Utopia, the Lemurian Continent theory, K. T. Frost's equation of Atlantis with Crete, and many other citations of Atlantis in both famous and lesser-known literature. Related legends are also recounted and refuted, and reports include accounts of actual expeditions searching for the sunken continent and attempts to prove its existence through comparative anatomy and zoology. DAVIES, Douglas D., Fantasy and the Imagery of Self and Other in Recent American Novels, thèse de doctorat/ PhD, University of Michigan, 1978, 221 pages. DEAN, Martin (ed.), Guide to Fantasy Art Techniques, New York, Arco, 1984, 111 pages. DE CAMP, L. Sprague, SPRAGUE DE CAMP, Lyon, Les Pionniers de la Fantasy, Paris, Bragelonne, (Essais), 2010, 377 pages. Ce volume aborde la Fantasy depuis le temps des mythes et des légendes, avec la critique de ses oeuvres fondatrices et les biographies de ses plus célèbres pionniers, à commencer par William Morris qui fut le premier auteur moderne, au 11 DE CAMP, L. Sprague & Willy LEY, Lands Beyond, New York, Rinehart, 1952, 329 pages. condition with its eternal dilemmas of life versus death, of chaos versus order, of rationality versus intuition, of fate versus free will, and of the real versus the imaginary. DE CAMP, L. Sprague & George H. SCITHERS (eds.), The Conan Sword Book : 27 Examinations of Heroic Fantasy, Baltimore, Mirage Press, 1969, 259 pages. DICKERSON, Matthew T., From Homer to Harry Potter : A Handbook on Myth and Fantasy, Grand Rapids (Mich.), Brazo Press, 2006, 320 pages. From Homer to Harry Potter provides the historical background readers need to understand this timeless genre. It explores the influence of biblical narrative, Greek mythology, and Arthurian legend on modern fantasy and reveals how the fantastic offers profound insights into truth. The authors draw from a Christian viewpoint informed by C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien to assess modern authors such as Philip Pullman, Walter Wangerin, and J. K. Rowling. This accessible book guides undergraduate students, pastors, and lay readers to a more astute and rewarding reading of all fantasy literature. DELATTRE, Charles, Le Cycle de l’anneau : de Minos à Tolkien, Paris, Belin, (l’Antiquité au présent), 2009, 279 pages. La Grèce de l'Antiquité sert ici de point d'ancrage et de lieu de référence pour entamer une analyse comparatiste. Mais Le Cycle de l'anneau représente aussi une construction mythologique originale - un mythe, à la fois antique et vivace, susceptible d'intéresser tout autant les spécialistes des mondes disparus que ceux qui partent en exploration de notre propre imaginaire. DEMETZ, Pierre, Anne FAKHOURI & Jérôme VINCENT, Le Petit guide à trimballer de la Fantasy, Lyon, les Trois Souhaits, 2007, 58 pages. DONALDSON, Stephen R., Epic Fantasy in The Modern World: A Few Observations, Kent (Ohio), Kent State University Libraries, 1986. [A 18 pages booklet]. DEMOUTHE, Margaret A., Conventions and Archetypes in Fantasy Literature, mémoire, MA Thesis, Sans Francisco State University, 1976, 140 pages. DOSSIER: “Fantasy” , in Phénix, no. 40, Bruxelles, Éditions Lefrancq, 1996. [31 articles about various aspects of fantasy and some major writers: R. E. Howard, Fritz Leiber, Robert Holdstock, Clark Ashton Smith, Abraham Merritt] DESZCZ-TRYHUBCZAK & Marek OZIEWICZ (eds.), Towards or Back to Human Values ? Spiritual and Moral Dimensions of Contemporary Fantasy, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholar Press, 2006, xx, 255 pages. Beginning with five theoretical essays on fantasy as a consideration of spirituality and human values, the collection moves to five studies of specific fantasies as commenting on the role of imagination in human life. These are followed by four essays on fantasy as asserting the interconnectedness of all life, stressing the need for cooperation and the cultivation of environmental awareness. Finally, our discussion concludes with five studies of fantasy seen as exploration of the human DOSSIER : “Special Fantasy Issue”, in Extrapolation, vol. 28, no. 1, Kent State University Press, Spring 1987. DOSSIER : L’Heroic Fantasy” (1ère partie), dans Les Cahiers des Paralittératures, no. 8, Liège, 1999, Éditions du CEFAL, 1999. A second issue, no. 9, will be published in 1999. DOSSIER, « La Fantasy », dans Textes et documents pour la classe, no 967, Futuroscope, SCÉRÉN-CNDP, 2009, 52 pages. 12 DOSSIER, Fantasy, dans Para*Doxa (Studies in World Literature), vol. 5, no 13-14, 1999-2000. Fantasy and Decadence in Clark Ashton Smith (Lauric Guillaud) – Sorcerous Style in Clark Ashton Smith (Peter G. Goodrich) – Dioscuri and the Self’s Monstrous Double (William Schnabel) – Chosen Among the Beautiful (Gwynet Jones) – Fantasy : An Apology for French Critics (Elisabeth Vonarburg) – Conan the Librarian : A Selected Bibliography (Norbert Spehner) Paradoxa Interview : Peter S. Beagle. ELLIS, Richard, Imagining Atlantis (History of the Imagining of Atlantis), New York, Knopf, 1998, 322 pages. ELSEN, Hilke, Phantastische Namen : die Namen in Science Fiction und Fantasy zwischen Arbitrarität und Wortbildung, Tuebungen, Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008, 210 pages. FABRY, Glenn, Anatomie des héros de Fantasy : dessiner des personnages en action, Paris, Eyrolles, (Trait pour Trait), 2005, 128 pages. DOSSIER, Fantasy, dans Lire au lycée professionnel, no 55, Grenoble, CDRP, Acadé-mie de Grenoble, 2007, 48 pages. FARRELL, Tish, Write your Own Fantasy Story, Minneapolis (MN), Compass Point Books, 2006, 64 pages. DURIEZ, Colin & David PORTER, The Inklings Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to the Lives, Thoughts and Writings of C. S. Lewis, J. R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, Owen Barfield and their Friends, St Louis (MO), Chalice Press, 2001, 244 pages. FEIGE, Marcel, Fantasy-Lexikon: Xena, Conan, Artus & der kleine Hobbit – Mythen, Legenden und Sagen der Fantasy, Berlin, Lexikon-Imprint-Verlag, 1999, 379 pages. En collaboration avec Kuno Liesegang. Rééd. : Berlin, Schwartzkopf & Schwartzkopf, 2003, 558 pages. EDWARDS, Malcolm & Robert HOLDSTOCK, Realms of Fantasy, Garden City, Doubleday, 1983, 120 pages. & New York, Collier Books, 1993. FENDLER Susan & Ulrike HORSTMANN (eds.), Images of Masculinity in Fantasy Fiction, Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2003, 296 pages. [Série d’essais sur les personnages masculins dans la littérature de fantasy de nombreux auteurs notamment Stephen R. Donaldson, J. R.R. Tolkien, Julien Green, Clive Barker, Stephen King, Peter Straub et d’autres] EGOFF, Sheila A., Worlds Within: Children’s Fantasy from The Middle Ages to Today, Chicago, American Library Association, 1988, 339 pages. EICHNER, Henry M., Atlantean C h r o n i c l e s , Alhambra (CA), Fantasy Publishing Co., 1971. [Lost Continent Literature + fully annotated bibliography] FÉVRIER-VINCENT BURKHARDT, Marie, Monde de la magie, magie du monde: aspect et symbolisme de l'univers dans quelques œuvres d'heroic fantasy: L'enchanteur, de René Barjavel, The Mists of Avalon, de Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Belgariad et The Malloreon, de David Eddings, Le Secret de Ji, de Pierre Grimbert et The Lord of The Rings, de J. R. R. T o l k i e n , thèse de doctorat, sous la direction de Danièle Chauvin, Université Stendhal (Grenoble), 2002, 2 volumes, 505 pages. [Littérature comparée] EILERS, Michelle L., Hard Fantasy : Speculations on a Genre, mémoire, Long Island (NY), Hofstra University, 1999, 123 pages. ELGIN, Don D., The Comedy of The Fantastic: Ecological Perspectives on The Fantasy Novel, Westport (CO), Greenwood Press, 1985, 204 pages. 13 FIELD, Carolyn W. & Jacqueline S. WEISS, Values in Selected Children’s Books of Fiction and Fantasy, Hamden (CT), Shoestring, 1987, 298 pages. FREDRICK, Candice & Sam McBRIDE, Women among the Inklings: Gender, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams, Westport (Conn.), Greenwood Press, (Contributions in Women's Studies, no 191), 2001, xvi, 201 pages, 25 cm. The Oxford group of writers known as the Inklings met and thrived during the 1930s and 1940s. Three of the members, C. S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams, became known as authors and cultural figures, recognized for interweaving Christian themes into fantasy fiction. Every member of the Inklings was male, and the group consciously excluded women. This book explores the role of women in the lives of Tolkien, Williams, and Lewis and the attitude of the Inklings toward females. In doing so, it sheds new light on the lives and works of these important writers. FILMER-DAVIES, Kath (ed.), Victorian Fantasists : Essays on Culture, Society, and Belief in the Mythopoetic Literature of the Victorian Age, new York, St Martin’s Press, 1991, xviii, 221 pages. Préface de David Jasper. FILMER-DAVIES, Kath, Scepticism and Hope in Twentieth Century Fantasy, Bowling Green (Ohio), Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1992. Religious discourse has become alien to the secular and skeptical western societies of the twentieth century. There is real discomfort when religious discourse appears either in the popular press or in society. But even in a secular society, there is still a psychological need (one might even use the stronger word will), if not to believe, then at least to hope. Dr. Filmer states this need is met in the literature of fantasy. FULTON, Helen, A Companion to Arthurian Literature, Malden (MA), Wiley - Blackwell, (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture), 2009, 588 pages. This Companion offers a chronological sweep of the canon of Arthurian literature - from its earliest beginnings to the contemporary manifestations of Arthur found in film and electronic media. Part of the popular series, Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture, this expansive volume enables a fundamental understanding of Arthurian literature and explores why it is still integral to contemporary culture. FILMER-DAVIES, Kath (ed.), TwentiethCentury Fantasists: Essays on Culture, Society and Belief in TwentiethCentury Mythopoetic Literature, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1992 xvi, 212 pages. Préface : David Jasper. FILMER-DAVIES, Kath, Fantasy Fiction and Welsh Myth: Tales of Belonging, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1996, 177 pages. GADOMSKA, Katarzyna, Science –fiction et fantasy comme merveilleux cont e m p o r a i n , Katowice, Wydawnitwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 2002, 131 pages. FORTUNA, Maryann, A Descriptive Evalutive Study of Children’s Modern Fantasy and Children’s Science Fiction Using a Well-Known Example of Each, thèse, Temple University, 1988, 111 pages. GAISBAUER, R. G. , RZESZOTNIK, Beata & Jacek RZESZOTNIK (dirs.), S i e b t e r Kongress der Fantasy : die letzten Dinge, Passau, Erster Deutscher Fantasy Verlag, 2009, 356 pages. FRIEDMAN, Leslee Ann, Victory in (con) text : The Intersection of Women, Community, and Literacy in Young Adult Fantasy (J.K. Rowling, Philip Pullman, Diane Duane), mémoire, The University of Kansas, 2006, 125 pages. GAMBLE, Sarah, New Cultural Models in Women’s Fantasy Literature, thèse de doctorat/PhD, University of Sheffield, 1991. 14 GARNER, Joan, Wings of Fancy : Using Readers Theatre to Study Fantasy, New York, Libraries Unlimited, 2006, 256 pages. Featuring scripts for well known classical fantasy stories, as well as more current entries into the genre, Wings of Fancy addresses subgenres such as: Fairies and Enchanted Creatures; Fantastic Beasts and Talking Animals. Each script offers a summary of the story with background information on the author and story, plus suggested further readings. Staging and presentation directions are included, as is a glossary of new and unfamiliar terms. Unlike most other books of this type, lesson plans and project ideas are also included for each story. this groundbreaking book, Diana Glyer invites readers into the heart of their meetings, showing how encouragement, criticism, and collaboration changed The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, and dozens of other important works. GOIMARD, Jacques, Critique du merveilleux et de la fantasy, Paris, Pocket, (Agora), 2003, 766 pages. 1. L'Héritage – Un effet: le merveilleux – La tradition et ses genres – 2. Au commencement, l'image – l'imaginaire dans le péplum – mythes et légendes du christianisme – 3. La fantasy et ses variantes – présentation du genre – la low fantasy – la science fantasy - les superpouvoirs – l'heroic fantasy – la high fantasy – le jeu de rôles et la game fantasy – la romantic fantasy – la light fantasy – star wars – 4. au bout de la route, l'image – au cinéma, le merveilleux généralisé – bande dessinée: le merveilleux moderne – Forest lecteur de Lewis Carroll – un peintre: Siudmak – appendices et pièces justificatives. Goimardement magistral ! GATES, Pamela S., Susan B. STEFFEL & Francis J. MOLSON, Fantasy Literature for Children and Young Adults, Lanham (MD), Scarecrow Press, 2003, vi, 170 pages, 23 cm GEILFUS, Martin, Sanfte Magic und ehrgeizige Hexerei : Magietheorie und ihre Anwendung auf Ausgewählten Artus-romane, Wetzlar, Phantastische Bibliothek, (Schriftreihe und Materialen derPhantastischen, Bibliothek Wetzlar, 98), 2007, 141 pages. GORDON-WISE, Barbara Ann, The Reclamation of a Queen: Guinevere in Modern Fantasy, Westport (Conn,), Greenwood Press, 1991, 174 pages. GENEFORT, Laurent, Boulet, Gudule, et al., Almanach Fantasy 2008, Paris, Bragelonne, 2007, 365 pages. GORGIESVKI, Sandra, Le mythe d’Arthur : de l’imaginaire médiéval à la culture de masse : paralittérature, bande dessinée, cinéma, beaux-arts, Liège, Éditions du CEFAL, (Travaux et thèses), 2003, 232 pages. GIESEN, Rolf (dir.) Fantasy : Studien zur Phantastik, Schondorf am Ammersee, Roloff & Seesslen, (Bibliothek der populären Mythologie), 1982, 95 pages.Contribution de Christian Hautop. GOSE, Elliott B., Mere Creatures: A Study of Modern Fantasy Tales for Children, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1988, 202 pages. GLYER, Diana P., The Company they Keep : C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien as Writers in Community, Kent (Ohio), Kent State University Press, 2006, 288 pages. C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien were members of a writing group known as the Inklings, a group that also included novelist Charles Williams, historian Warren Lewis, and philosopher Owen Barfield. In GRAY, William, Fantasy, Myth and the Measure of Truth : Tales of Pullman, Lewis, Tolkien, MacDonald, and Hoffmann, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, x, 215 pages. Fantasy, Myth and the Measure of Truth, in paperback for the first time, offers a detailed examination and discussion of the 15 highly contested tradition of epic or high fantasy culminating in Pullman's His Dark Materials. This trajectory of mythopoeia or myth-making has its roots in the quest by a range of Romantic writers to transpose certain spiritual and moral values, once believed to be the prerogative of organized religion, into new myths. Critical of myths that are merely escapist fantasies, this study is also suspicious of totalizing 'grand narratives' that repress dissenting voices. The study nevertheless argues that, at its best, this mythopoeic tradition, which includes E.T.A. Hoffmann, George MacDonald, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Philip Pullman and - debatably J.K. Rowling, can show the power of the creative imagination to generate, through stories that are imaginatively true, a renewed spiritual and moral vision. HERALD, Diana Tixier, Fluent in Fantasy: A Guide to Reading Interests, Englewood (CO), Librairies Unlimited, 1999, 260 pages. Herald, a consultant specializing in genre fiction, expands on the fantasy material she discussed in Genreflecting (1995) and describes 15 fantasy subgenres (from Sword and Sorcery to Dark Fantasy), listing for each the best and most current books available. HERALD, Diana Tixier & Bonnie KUNZEL (eds.), Fluent in Fantasy : The Next Generation, Westport (CT), Libraries Unlimited, 2007, 328 pages. [Nouvelle édition augmentée de ce remarquable guide de lecture de la fantasy anglo-saxonne] HETMAN, Frederik, Die Freunden der Fantasy: Von Tolkien bis Ende, Frankfurt (Main), Ullstein Verlag, 1984, 142 pages. GRISWOLD-FORD, Valerie & Lai ZHAO (eds.) s.), Writing Fantasy : The Complete Guide to Writing Fantasy, Red Deer (Alta), Dragon Moon Press, (The Complete Guide to Writing Fantasy, vol. 3), 2007, 320 pages. HILLEGAS, Mark R. (ed.), Shadows of the Imagination: The Fantasies of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Charles Williams, Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, 1969, xix, 170 pages. Préface de Harry T. Moore. Rééd. : 1979, xvii, 190 pages. Postface de Pete Creeft (à propos du Silmarillon, de Tolkien). Shadows of Imagination consists of essays by thirteen scholars who treat seriously the fantasies of C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams. Lewis, Tolkien, and Williams have made the writing of fantasy a legitimate art. These writers, according to Mark Hillegas, editor of and contributor to this collection, have revived the ancient arts of epic and romance, have returned to the tradition created by the Odyssey, the D i v i n e Comedy, Paradise Lost, and Faust. GUILLAUD, Lauric, L’Éternel déluge : un voyage dans les littératures atlantidiennes, Paris, e-dite, 2001, 235 pages. L'ouvrage est divisé en trois parties: le mythe de l'Atlantide, le mythe de Mu et de la Lémurie, les continents perdus de l'heroic-fantasy [C.A. Smith, R.E. Howard]. La bibliographie recense 269 œuvres de langue anglaise et 66 de langue française HAMACHER, Abraham Marie, Phantoms of the Imagination: Fantasy in Art and Literature from Blake to Dali, New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1981. HACKETT, Martin, Fantasy Wargaming : Games with Magic and Monsters, Northhamptonshire (UK), Patrick Stephens, 1990, 232 pages. HIMES, Jonathan B. (ed.), Truths Breathed Through Silver : The Inkling’s Moral and Mythopoetic L e g a c y , Newcastle (UK), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008, xviii, 160 pages. HARDY-ENGELSON, Gabrielle (dir.), Les Atlantides, Nanterre, Université de Paris X, (Littérales), 1996, 89 pages. 16 This book shows how the fantasy tradition culminating in Pullman’s His Dark Materials inherits the Romantic quest to transpose spiritual and moral values, once the prerogrative of organized religion, into new myths. Wary both of escapist fantasy and "grand narratives," it explores how stories can generate a new vision. IRWIN, W. R., The Game of the Impossible: A Rhetoric of Fantasy, Urbana (IL), University of Illinois Press, 1976, 215 pages. JACKSON, Rosemary, Fantasy, The Literature of Subversion, London & New York, Atheneum, 1981, 211 pages.Rééd. : London, Routledge, (New Accents), 2003, viii, 211 pages, 21 cm. Reéd. d'une étude classique parue en 1981 et où le mot "fantasy" est pris dans un sens très large incluant toutes les formes d'imaginaire. HOLLANDS, Neil, Read On – F a n t a s y Fiction : Reading Lists for Every Taste Westport (Conn.), Libraries Unlimited, (Read On Series), 2007, 232 pages. HOVEY, Anne F., Rewriting the Women of Camelot (Arthurian Popular Fiction and Feminism), Westport (Conn.), Greenwood Press, (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, no 93), 2001, 160 pages. Focuses on four contemporary Arthurian rewritings - Fay Sampson, Mary Stewart, Gillian Bradshaw, Marion Zimmer Bradley and six Arthurian short stories to explore the intersection of popular fiction and liberal feminist discourses in Western society. JARRETT, Derek, The Sleep of Reason : Fantasy and Reality from the Victorian Age to the Fist World War, London, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1988, 233 pages. JENDEREK, Bastian, Fantasy and Realität : eine empirische Untersuchung zur Wirkung des Genres F a n t a s y , Hamburg, Tredition Verlag, 2010, 240 pages. JOHANSEN, K. V., Quests and Kingdoms A Grown-Up’s Guide to Children’s Fantasy Literature, Sackville (NB), Sybertooth, 2005, 459 pages. HUME, Kathryn, Fantasy and Mimesis: Responses to Reality in Western Literature, New York, Methuen, 1984, 213 pages. JOHANSEN, K. V., Beyond WindowDressing ? Canadian Children’s Fantasy at the Millenium, Sackville (NB), Sybertooth, 2007, 147 pages. HUNT, Peter & Millicent LENZ, Alternative Worlds in Fantasy Fiction, Londres, Continuum, (Contemporary Studies in Children's Literature), 2001, 176 pages, 24 cm. This book provides an illuminating guide to literature that creates alternative worlds for young readers. Focusing on the work of Ursula Le Guin, Terry Pratchett and Philip Pullman, the book considers both the genre of 'alternative worlds' and the distinctiveness of these authors' texts, including Philip Pullman's The Amber Sypglass. JONES, Diana Wynne, The Tough Guide to Fantasyland, New York, Daw Books, 1998, 302 pages. Or. ed.: London, Gollancz, 1996. JONES, Robert Kenneth, The Shudder Pulps: A History of the Weird Menace Magazines of the 1930’s, West Linn (OR), FAX Collector’s Editions, 1975, 240 pages. JOURDE, Pierre, Géographies imaginaires de quelques inventeurs de mondes au XXe siècle, Paris, José Corti, 1991, 352 pages. [Gracq, Borges, Michaux, Tolkien] HUNTER, Lynette, Modern Allegory and Fantasy : Rhetorical Stances of Contemporary Writing, New York, St. Martin’s, 1989, 215 pages. 17 JUDE, Dick, More Fantasy Art Masters : The Best Fantasy and Science Fiction Artists Show How they Work, London, Watson & Guptill, 2003, 144 pages. [ 10 artistes livrent les secrets de leur art] British Science Fiction Association, 1995, 63 pages. KINCAID, Paul & Niall HARRISON (eds.), British Science Fiction and Fantasy : Twenty Years, Two Surveys, Tamworth, Staffordshire, British SF Association, 2009, 206 pages. KALER, Anne K., The Picara: from Hera to Fantasy Heroine, Bowling Green, Bowling Green State Popular University Press, 1991, 226 pages. Courtesan and criminal, thief and trollop, warrior and wanderer—the picara embodies the continuing archetypal pattern of a woman’s autonomy. She is the sly sharpster in Defoe’s heroines such as Roxana and Moll Flanders. With an ancestress like Becky Sharp, the picara evolves into Scarlett O’Hara before finding a comfortable niche as the female hero in fantasy written by women. The Picara traces the development of this character, from an autonomous woman in a harsh patriarchal society to the female hero of the modern fantasy novel. KNIGHT, Gareth, The Magical World of the Inklings: J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Charles Williams, Owen Barfield, Shaftsbury (Dorset), Element Books, 1991. Rééd. : Cheltenheim (UK), Skylight Press, 2010, 304 pages. The works of J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Charles Williams and Owen Barfield have had a profound impact on the contemporary world. Together they were The Inklings, a small literary group of friends who set out to explore the 'mythopoeic' or myth-making element in imaginative fiction. The Magical World of the Inklings reveals how each of these writers created a 'magical world' which initiated the reader into hidden and powerful realms of the creative imagination. KENNARD, Jean E., Number and Nightmares: Forms of Fantasy in Contemporary Fiction, Hamden (CT), Archon Books, 1975, 244 pages. KNIGHT, Stephen Thomas, Merlin : Knowledge and Power Through the Ages, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2009, xvii, 275 pages. In this authoritative, entertaining, and generously illustrated book, Stephen Knight traces the myth of Merlin back to its earliest roots in the early Welsh figure of Myrddin. He then follows Merlin as he is imagined and reimagined through centuries of literature and art, beginning with Geoffrey of Monmouth, whose immensely popular History of the Kings of Britain (1138) transmitted the story of Merlin to Europe at large. He covers French and German as well as Anglophone elements of the myth and brings the story up to the present with discussions of a globalized Merlin who finds his way into popular literature, film, television, and New Age philosophy. KEYES, Flo, The Literature of Hope in the Middle Ages and Today : Connections in Medieval Romance, Modern Fantasy, and Science Fiction, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2006, 197 pages. Like the fantasy and science fiction of today, the romances of the Middle Ages were written in times of extreme and prolonged social upheaval. In all three genres, the storytellers draw on the same archetypes--the hero, the quest, the transformation--for stories whose goal is to provide hope. KIDD, Tom, The Otherworlds : How to Imagine, Paint and Create Epic Scenes of Fantasy, Impact Books, 2010, 192 pages. KINCAID, Paul, A Very British Genre: A Short History of British Fantasy and Science Fiction, Folkestone (Kent), 18 KOLBE, M. E., Three Oxford Dons as Creators of Other Worlds for Children : Lewis Carroll, C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien, thèse de doctorat/PhD, University of Virginia, 274 pages. KROEBER, Karl, Romantic Fantasy and Science Fiction, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1988, 188 pages. KYTHERA, of Anevern, Dragons and Fantasy, Irvine (CA), Walter Foster Pub., (Drawing Made Easy), 2011, 64 pages. KOLLERT, Günter, Phantasie – Phantastik – Fantasy : Erzählte Welte zwischen Romantik und Neuem M y t h o s , Dornach, Verlag am Goetheanum, 2010, 175 pages. Kollert fragt nach den tieferen Quellen dieser Literatur und zeigt auf, wie die Phantasie Pate stand bei der Geburt der Erzählkunst aus dem Mythos. Sie schuf sich in der Phantastik eine Welt von eigenem Reiz, den man sich aus der Literatur nicht wegdenken möchte. Im 20. Jahrhundert machte sich Fantasy anheischig, zum Mythos zurückzuführen. Der Autor verfolgt die Spuren dieser Entwicklung und hebt ihre Untergründe wie auch ihre überraschenden Zukunftshorizonte ins Bewusstsein. LACY, Norris J. (ed.), The New Arthurian Encyclopedia, New York, Garland Publishing, 1996, 615 pages. [With New entries by Andre Norton, Guy Gavriel Kay, Robert Holdstock, Tim Powers, Marion Zimmer Bradley, C. J. Cherryh]. LAGORIO, Valerie M. & Mildred L. DAY (eds), King Arthur Through the Ages, New York, Garland, 1990, (2 volumes). LE BLANC Thomas & Wilhelm SOLMS (eds.), P h a n t a s t i s c h e n Welten: Märchen, Mythen, Fantasy, Regensburg, Erich Roth Verlag, 1994. Réed. : Krummwisch bei Kiel, Königsfurt, 2005, 254 pages. KÖLZER, Christian, « Fairy Tales are More Than True » : das mythische und neo-mythische Weltdeutungspotential der Fantasy am Beispiel von J.R.R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings und Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials, Trier, WVT, Wiss, Verlag, 2008, 364 pages. LEGRENZI, Paolo, La fantasia, Bologna, Il Mulino, (Frasi un’idea), 2010, 127 pages. LE GUIN, Ursula K., The Language of Night : Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction, New York, Putnam, 1979, 270 pages. (Edited and with intro by Susan Wood).Rééd. : New York, Berkley Books, 1982, 262 pagesé KÖNIG, Helga & Cordula SCHÜTZ (eds.), Die Bibliothek der Inklings-Gesellschaft, Wiesbaden, Harrasowitz, 2001, xxxiv, 494 pages. LE GUIN, Ursula K., Cheek by Jowl : Talks and Essays on How and Why Fantasy Matters, Seattle (WA), Aqueduct Press, 2009, 149 pages. Aqueduct Press is pleased to announce the release of Cheek by Jowl, a collection of talks and essays on how and why fantasy matters, by Ursula K. Le Guin. In these essays, Le Guin argues passionately that the homogenization of our world makes the work of fantasy essential for helping us break through what she calls ''the reality trap.'' Le Guin writes not only of the pleasures of her own childhood reading, but also about what fantasy means for all KRANZ, Gisbert, Die Inklings-Bibliothek : Systematischer Katalog der Spezialsammlung zu G. K. Chesterton, C. S. Lewis, Goegre MacDonald, Dorothy Sayers, J. R. R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, Passau, Ersten Deutschen Fantasy Club, 1992, 123 pages. KREUZER, Helmut (dir.), Märchen und F a n t a s y , Göttingen, Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 1993, 164 pages. 19 of us living in the global twenty-first century. Row, 1980, 169 pages.Ed. or. : Edinburgh, Cannongate, 1977, 166 pages. LE FANU, Sarah, Writing Fantasy Fiction, Londres, A. & C. Black, 1996, 124 pages. LODER, Reed E., Personal Identity Concepts in the Context of Children’s Fantasy Literature, thèse de doctorat/ PhD, Boston University, 1979, 254 pages. LEWIS C. S. , Of Other Worlds: Essays and Stories, New York, Harcourt, 1966, 147 pages. (Edited by Walter Hooper). LOY, David R. & Linda GOODHEW, The Dharma of Dragons and Daemons : Buddhist Themes in Modern Fantasy, Somerville, Wisdom Publications, 2004, 128 pages. Préface de Jane Hirshfield. Loy and his wife, Goodhew, offer a brief but compelling foray into the dharma teachings of modern fantasy in YA literature and film. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy, for example, may seem to be entirely un-Buddhist (it features a Christian-influenced resurrection and posits a profound dualism between good and evil), but its preference for nonviolence, shown in the repeated sparing of Gollum's life, resonates with Buddhist principles. More importantly, Frodo's quest is one of renunciation; the story is fundamentally a lesson of nonattachment. Other chapters address Michael Ende's Momo, which the authors call "a Zen-like critique of our obsession with time"; two films of Japanese anime master Hayao Miyazaki; the Earthsea books of Ursula Le Guin; and Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. LEVINE, Stuart P. & Wendy MAAS (eds.), Fantasy, San Diego (CA), Greenhaven Press, (The Greenhaven Press Companion to Literary Movements and Genres), 2002, 171 pages, 23 cm. [Introduction générale à la fantasy] LEWIS, Naomi, Fantasy Books for Children, London, National Book League (rev. ed.), 1977, 61 pages. LINDSKOOG, Kathryn, Surprised by C. S. Lewis, George MacDonald and Dante, Macon (GA), Mercer University Press, 2001, 221 pages. LIPPINCOTT, Gary A. & Dominique SARAN, L’Illustration de Fantasy. Toutes les techniques , Paris, Eyrolles, 2007, 128 pages. LITTLE, Edmund, The Fantasts: Studies in J. R. R. Tolkien, Lewis Carroll, Mervyn Peake, Nikolay Gogol and Kenneth Grahame, Amersham (UK), Avebury, 1984. LUDÜN, Matz, La Fantasy, Paris, Ellipses, (Genres/Registres), 2006, 160 pages. LOBDELL, Jared, The Rise of Tolkienan Fantasy, Chicago, Open Court, 2005, 176 pages. [Influence de Tolkien, ses prédécesseurs, de Rudyard Kipling, à William Morris et Kenneth Grahame, puis les oeuvres d’Ursula le Guin, Stephen King et J. K Rowling] LURIE, Alison, Boys and Girls Forever: Children's Classics from Cinderella to Harry Potter, New York, Penguin Books, 2003, xvi, 219 pages, 21 cm. [Hans Christian Andersen, Walter de la mare, John Masefield, Louisa May Alcott, Dr Seuss, J. K. Rowling] LYNN, Ruth Nadelman, Fantasy for Children: An Annotated Checklist, New York, Bowker, 1983. [Rev. edition, 1979]. Rééd. :1995, 1092 pages. LOCHHEAD, Marion, Renaissance of Wonder in Children’s Literature (The Fantasy Worlds of C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, George MacDonald, E. Nesbit and others), San Francisco, Harper & 20 LYNN Ruth Nadelman, Fantasy Literature for Children and Young Adults : A Comprehensive Guide, Westport (CT), Libraries Unlimited, 2005, 1128 pages. MANLOVE, C. N., The Impulse of Fantasy Literature, Kent (Ohio), Kent State University Press, 1983, 174 pages. MANLOVE, C. N., Christian Fantasy: from 1200 to The Present, Notre Dame (Ind.), Notre Dame University Press, 1992, x, 356 pages. MACKAY, Daniel, A New Performig Art: The Fantasy Role-Playing Game, Jefferson, McFarland, 2001, 216 pages. Préface de Brooks McNamara, Postface de Marshall Blonsky. MANLOVE, C. N., Scottish Fantasy Literature: A Critical Survey, Edinburgh, Canongate Academic, 1994, 263 pages. MACRAE, Cathi Dunn, Presenting Young Adult Fantasy Fiction, New York, Twayne/Simon Schuster, (Twayne’s United States Authors Series), 1998, 464 pages. [Life and Work of Terry Brooks, Barbara Hambly, Jane Yolen & Meredith Ann Pierce] MANLOVE, Colin N., The Fantasy Literature of England, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1999, 222 pages. In this first book on English fantasy, Colin Manlove shows that for all its immense diversity, English fantasy can best be understood in terms of its strong national character rather than as an international genre. Showing its development from Beowulf to Blake, the author describes English fantasy's modern growth through the secondary world, metaphysical, emotive, comic, subversive and children's fantasy. Fantasy is often seen as being the same all over the world, but in fact it is strongly national in character, and as this book shows, nowhere more so than in England. MAGILL, Frank N. (ed.), Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature, Englewood Cliffs (N.J.), Salem Press, 1983, 5 volumes, 2538 pages. [Fantasy est pris ici dans un sens très large incluant fantasique et sciencefiction.] MAGIS, Karine (dir.), Rendez-vous avec l’Heroic Fantasy, in Cahiers du CLPCF, no 17, Bruxelles, Centre de lecture publique de la communauté française, 2008, 28 pages. MANSON, Cynthia, The Fairy Tale of Charles Dickens, Christina Rosetti, and George MacDonald : Antidotes to the Victorian Spiritual Crisis, Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2008, v, 148 pages. Préface de Jerome Meckier. MAIER, John (ed.), Gilgamesh: A R e a d e r , Wanconda (IL), BolchazyCarducci Publishers, 1997, 491 pages. [Ensemble de 25 essais] MANGUEL, Alberto & Gianni GUADALUPI, The Dictionary of Imaginary Places, New York, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1987, 454 pages. [Exp. edition, Macmillan, 1980] There is a new french edition: Dictionnaire des lieux imaginaires, Paris-Montréal, Leméac/Actes Sud, 1998, 550 pages. MARCUS, Leonard S. (ed.), The Wand in the Word : Conversations with Writers of Fantasy, Cambridge (Mass.), Candlewick Press, 2006, 202 pages. [Entrevues avec Lloyd Alexander, Franny Billingsley, Susan Cooper, Nancy Farmer, Brian Jacques, Diana Wynne Jones, Ursula K. le Guin, Madeleine L’Engle, Garth Nix, Tamora Pierce, Terry Pratchett, Philip Pullman, Jane Yole.] MANLOVE, C.N., Modern Fantasy: Five Studies, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1975, 308 pages. Examines the works of five major authors: Charles Kingsley, George Mac Donald, C.S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien and Mervyn Peake. 21 MARTIN, Philip (dir.), The Writer's Guide to Fantasy Literature: From Dragon's Lair to Hero's Quest: How to Write Fantasy Stories of Lasting Value, Waukesha (WI), Writer Books, 2002, 240 pages, 23 cm. Biblio, pp. 233236. MELANSON, Lisa S., the Hero’s Quest for Identity in Fantasy Literature : A Jungian Analysis, thèse de doctorat/ PhD, Amherst, University of Massassuchetts, 1994, 225 pages. MENDLESOHN, Farah & Edward James, A Short History of Fantasy, London, Middlesex University Press, 2009, 285 pages. This book traces the history of fantasy from the earliest years through to the origins of modern fantasy in the twentieth century. From the 1950s (when Tolkien published The Lord of the Rings and Lewis published the Narnia books) the story is dealt with decade by decade. In the 1980s, fantasy earned its own section in bookshops in the English-speaking world and beyond, and by the end of the 1990s, fantasy writers such as Terry Pratchett and J.K. Rowling had become the bestselling writers in Britain, while Tolkien was a best-seller in all the major languages of the world. A Short History of Fantasy explores the great variety of fiction published under the heading ‘fantasy’ in the twenty-first century, and also seeks to explain its continuing and growing popularity. MARTIN, Philip, A Guide to Fantasy Literature (Thoughts on Stories of Wonder & Enchantment), Milwaukee, Crickhollow Books, (Literary Studies), 2009, 160 pages. The book also examines the major building blocks of fantasy fiction, and discusses the purpose and popularity of fantasy literature today. Includes material from original interviews and many brief samples of outstanding passages from the writings of the best fantasists, from J.R.R. Tolkien to J.K. Rowling, from C.S. Lewis to Stephen King, drawing an inclusive picture of a vibrant literary community across the ages.This is a substantially revised version of an earlier work, The Writer's Guide to Fantasy Literature (2002), now oriented to a general audience of readers, while offering many tips and techniques for writers. MATHEWS, Richard, Fantasy: The Liberation of Imagination, New York, Twayne Publishers & London, Prentice-Hall International, 1997, 251 pages.Rééd. : New York, Routledge, 2002, 256 pages. [William Morris, J. R. R. Tolkien, T. H. White, Robert E. Howard, Ursula K. Le Guin+ fantasy chronology, bibliographic essay, etc] MENDLESOHN, Farah, Rhetorics of Fantasy, Middletown (Conn.), Wesleyan University Press, 2008, 336 pages. Includes discussion of works by over 100 authors, including Lloyd Alexander, Peter Beagle, Marion Zimmer Bradley, John Crowley, Stephen R. Donaldson, Stephen King, C. S. Lewis, Gregory Maguire, Robin McKinley, China Mieville, Suniti Namjoshi, Philip Pullman, J. K. Rowling, Sheri S. Tepper, J. R. R. Tolkien, Tad Williams. McKENNA, Martin, L’Art de la fantasy : le meilleur de l’illustration fantasy contemporaine, Paris, Le Pré aux Clercs, 2008, 192 pages. Avant-propos de Boris Vallejo. MILBANK, Alison, Chesterton and Tolkien as Theologians : The Fantasy of the Real, London, T & T Clark, 2009, xvi, 184 pages. McINNIS, Jeff, Shadows and Chivalry : C.S. Lewis and George MacDonald on Suffering, Evil, and Goodness, Milton Keynes (UK) & Waynesboro (GA), Paternoster, (Studies in Christian History and Thought), 2007, xvi, 307 pages. MIKKELSEN, Nina, Powerful Magic : Learning from Children’s Responses to Fantasy Literature, New York, Teachers College Press, 2005, 193 pages. 22 MILLER, Jeffrey R., Tracing Changes in the Genre Conventions of Fantasy Literature : A Diachronic Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis, mémoire de maîtrise/MA thesis, University of Texas, San Antonio, 2008, 72 pages. Insightful and often controversial, this is a book every fantasy reader should have on their shelf. MOORCOCK, Michael & James CAWTHORN (eds.), Fantasy: The 100 Best Books, New York, Carrol & Graf, 1989, 216 pages. MOLSON, Francis J., Children’s Fantasy, Mercer Island (WA), Starmont, 1989, 97 pages. MORGAN, Gwendolyn A., The Intervention of False Medieval Autorithies as a Literary Device in Popular Fiction : from Tolkien to The Da Vinci Code, Lewiston (NY), Edwin Mellen Press, 2006, vi, 120 pages. MONTGOMERY, John Warwick (ed.), Myth, Allegory and Gospel: An Interpretation of J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, G. K. Chesterton, Charles Williams, Minneapolis, Bethany Fellowship, 1974, 159 pages.. MORGAN, Trevor J., Acknowledging the Lie : Extreme Self-Consciouness in Contemporary Fantasy Fiction, thèse de doctorat/PhD, Texas Tech University, 1995, 243 pages. MONTANDON, Alain, Du récit merveilleux ou L'Ailleurs de l'enfance: Le Petit Prince, Pinocchio, Le Magicien d'Oz, ET, L'Histoire sans fin, Peter Pan, Paris, Imago, 2001, 230 pages. Espace de liberté, fantaisie ludique et poétique, le récit merveilleux révèle de manière originale, avec la distance et la rupture qui lui sont propres, les maux de la famille, de la société, de l'époque de son auteur. Animant nos premières rêveries, il désigne les tourments, les peurs, les doutes, individuels ou collectifs - la Toscane du XIXe siècle pour Pinocchio, la peur de Grandir pour l'auteur de Peter Pan, la dépression pour Sain-Exupéry, la crise américaine pour Le Magicien d'Oz et ET, et tous les avatars d'une Histoire sans fin qui peuplent nos bibliothèques, histoire sans fin de la lecture, nous permettent de retrouver la précieuse saveur de l'enfance. MORRIS, Tee & Valerie GRISWOLD-FORD (eds.), The Fantasy Writer’s Companion, Calgary, Dragon Moon Press, (The Complete Guide to Writing Fantasy, vo. 2), 2004, 288 pages. MULDAUR, Sheila, Genre Assessments for Fables, Fairy Tales, and Fantasies, Katonah (NY), R. C. Owen Publishers, (The Proficient Reader Record), 2004, 108 pages. MUNARI, Bruno, Fantasia, Roma, Laterza, 1983, (Universale Laterza, 385), 220 pages. MUTZL, Johanna, Männliche Heldin ? Zur Konstruktion von Heldin und Held in der Fantasy-Literatur, mémoire, Université de Klagenfurt, 2002, 99 pages. MOORCOCK, Michael, Wizardry and Wild Romance: A Study of Epic F a n t a s y , London, Gollancz, 1987, RÉÉDITION : Austin (TX), MonkeyBrain Books, 2004, 208 pages. Introduction : China Miéville. Postface : Jeff VanderMeer. Newly revised, expanded and updated by the author, this invaluable work analyzes the Fantasy genre from its earliest beginnings in Medieval romances, on through the notable practitioners like Howard, Lovecraft and Tolkien, and up to the brightest lights in the field today. NEAL, C. W., Wizards, Wardrobes and Wookiees : Navigating Good and Evil in Harry Potter, Narnia and Star Wars, Downers Grove (IL), IVP Books, 2007, 229 pages. By highlighting adventures from Star Wars, Narnia and Harry Potter, as well as true stories from Scripture and her own life, Neal shows us the way to victory over evil in the battles we face. This hope-filled, encouraging book takes us into mythical 23 worlds we love in order to help us live wisely and well in our own so that our stories, in turn, can inspire all who see and hear. OZIEWICZ, Marek, One Earth, One People : The Mythopoeic Fantasy Series of Ursula K. le Guin, Lloyd Alexander, Madeleine L’Engle and Orson Scott Card, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2007, 268 pages. This work presents the genre of mythopoeic fantasy from a holistic perspective, arguing that this central genre of fantasy literature is largely misunderstood as a result of decades of incomplete and reductionist literary studies. NIKOLAJEVA, Maria, The Magic Code: The Use of Magical Patterns in Fantasy for Children, Stockholm, Almquist & Wiksell International, 1988, 163 pages. Thèse, 1988, 163 pages. OERGEL, Maike, The Return of King Arthur and the Nibelungen: Nationalmyth in Nineteenth Century English and German Literature, Berlin, De Gruyter, (European Cultures, 10), 1997, viii, 325 pages. PAGE, Michael & Robert INGPEN, Encyclopedia of Things That Never Were: Creatures, Places and People, New York, Viking/Penguin, 1987, 240 pages. O'KEEFE, Deborah, Readers in Wonderland: the Liberating World of Fantasy Fiction, New York, Continuum, PALMAS JAUZE, Daisy de, L’Image de la fantasy : en France et dans les pays anglo-saxons du XXème siècle, mémoire (sous la direction de Sophie Menoux), université de la réunion, 2006, 153 pages. 2003, 224 pages. Readers in Wonderland ranges from William Steig's small picture books to J. R. R. Tolkien's epic series; from utopias like L. Frank Baum's Oz to dystopias like Virginia Hamilton's Dustland; from less known works like Patricia Wrightson's to the phenomenon that is J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter. PARK, Darin & Tom DULLEMOND (eds.), The Complete Guide to Writing Fantasy, Calgary, Dragon Moon, 2002, 361 pages. OLSEN, Lance M., Nameless Things and Thingless Names : An Essay on Postmodern F a n t a s y , thèse de doctorat/PhD, University of Virginia, 1985, 238 pages. PARRY, Hugh, Visions of Enchantment: Essays on Magic in Fiction, Lanham (MD), University Press of America, 2001, xii, 256 pages. Visions of Enchantment is a collection of introductory essays on magic in Western literature. It offers interpretations of individual texts, both ancient and modern; and it examines the extent to which all such texts may be thought to belong to an extended family of the imagination. Each chapter addresses the sorts of questions that arise from a reading of particular tales, poems, plays, and novels. OLSEN, Lance M., Ellipse of Uncertainty: An Introduction to Postmodern Fantasy, Westport (Conn.), Greenwood Press, 1987. OYVIND, Myhre, Magiske verdener: Fantasilitteratur fra Gilgamesh til Richard Adams, Oslo, Cappelen, 1979. [Fantasy: from Gilgamesh to Richard Adams] PEPPIN, Brigid, Fantasy : The Golden Age of Fantastic Illustrations, New York, Watson, 1975, 192 pages. ORDWAY, Holly E., The Development of The Modern Fantasy Novel, doctorat inédit, Amherst, University of Massachussetts Press, 2001, 333 pages. 24 PERRET, Patti, The Faces of Fantasy, New York, Tor Books, 1996. Introduction par Terry Windling. [100 photos d’écrivains de fantasy] PRINGLE, David, Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels, London, Grafton Books, 1988, 269 pages. Foreword by Brian Aldiss. [An English-Language Selection, 1946-1987] PERRY, Phyllis Jean, Teaching Fantasy Novels : from the Hobbit to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Portsmouth (NH), Teacher Ideas Press, 2003, vi, 185 pages. PRINGLE, David (ed.), St James Guide to Fantasy Writers, Detroit & London, St James Press, 1996, xvi, 711 pages. [Major reference work: bio-bibliographic notices of 400 writers] PESCH, Helmut W., Fantasy: Theorie und Geschichte einer literarischer Gattung, Forscheim, Eigenverlag, 1982, 292 pages. [Literary Study] Texte de la thèse de doctorat : Universität Köln, 1981, 292 pages. PRINGLE, David (ed.), The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Fantasy (The Definitive Illustrated Guide), Londres, Carlton Books, 1998.Reed., mise à jour : The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Fantasy, London, Carlton Books, 2009, 304 pages. Préface de Terry Pratchett. Nouvelle édition mise à jour. PETTY, Anne C., Dragons of Fantasy : Scaly Villains and Heroes in Modern Fantasy Literature, Cold Spring Harbor (NY), Open Road Pub., 2004, 288 pages. PURTILL, Richard, Eldils: Fantasy and Lewis and J. R. Rapids, Zondervan 1974, 216 pages. PFLIEGER, Pat, A Reference Guide to Modern Fantasy for Children, Westport (Conn.), Greenwood Press, 1984, 690 pages. Lord of Elves and Philosophy in C. S. R. Tolkien, Grand Publishing House, QATSHAW, J. L., In-Depth Examination of Four Pre-Adolescent’s Responses to Fantasy Literature, thèse, University of Saskatchewan, 1985. PIERCE, Hazel, A Literary Symbiosis : Science Fiction/Fantasy Mystery, Westport (CT), Greenwood Press, (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy), 1983, 272 pages. REILLY, Robert, The Transcendent Adventure: Studies of Religion in Science Fiction/Fantasy, Westport, Greenwood Press, (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy), 1985, 266 pages. PLASCHKA, Oliver, Verlorene Arkadien : das pastorale Motiv in der englischen und amerikanischen fantastischen Literatur : H.P Lovecraft, James Branch Cabell, Mervy Peake, William Gibson, thèse, Université de Heidelberg, 2009, 272 pages. RENNISON, Nick & Stephen E. ANDREWS, 100 Must-Read Fantasy Novels, London, A & C Black Publishers Ltd., 2009, 192 pages. POST, J. B., The Atlas of Fantasy, Baltimore, Mirage Press, 1973, 283 pages. Rééd. : New York, Ballantine, 1979 [Maps of famous fantasy worlds] RIBÉMONT, Bernard & Carine VILCOT, Caractères et métamorphoses du dragon des origines. Du méchant au gentil, Paris, Champion, (Essais sur le Moyen Age), 2004, 256 pages. Cet essai se propose d’analyser les caractères de l’animal mythique, puis ses métamorphoses, et de mesurer combien le « nouveau dragon » reflète certaines PRICKETT, Stephen, Victorian Fantasy, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1979, 257 pages. Rééd. :The Victorian Fantasy, Waco (TX), Baylor University Press, 2005, xvii, 288 pages. [2ème édition révisée et augmentée] 25 composantes essentielles d’une mentalité des temps (post)modernes barbare, Bilbo le Hobbit, Elric le Nécromancien ou Alvin le Faiseur. Indispensable outil pour les enseignants, fidèle compagnon de voyage pour le lecteur néophyte et confirmé, ce guide de lecture inédit propose un parcours, parfois étonnant, qui conduira le lecteur de L'Odyssée d’Homère jusqu'aux oeuvres de fantasy urbaine les plus contemporaines. • Historique de la fantasy • 100 propositions de lecture. RINGEL, Faye J., Patterns of the Hero and the Quest : Epic, Romance, Fantasy, thèse de doctorat/PhD, Brown University, 1979, 248 pages. ROBERTS, Adam, Silk and Potatoes: Contemporary Arthurian Fantasy, Amsterdam, Rodopi, (Costerus, 114), 1998, 188 pages. Arthuriana in the works of Marion Z. Bradley, Anthony Burgess, C. J. Cherryh, Guy Gavriel Kay, Mary Stewart, Jack Vance & T.H. White. RUAUD, André-François & Olivier DAVENAS (dir.) , Panorama illustré de la fantasy et du merveilleux, Lyon, Les Moutons électriques, 2004, 432 pages . Harry Potter est partout, le Seigneur des Anneaux aussi ! Peter Pan et Alice ne sont pas en reste ! L’époque est à la magie, aux fées et aux sortilèges : ouvrez donc les portes des vastes territoires de la fantasy. En quatre-vingt six articles et de nombreux encarts, de William Shakespeare à Fabrice Colin, en passant par les Mille et une Nuits, Hans Christian Andersen, J.R.R. Tolkien, Lewis Carroll, Arthur Rackham, J.M. Barrie, Robert E. Howard, Fritz Leiber, Walt Disney, Michael Moorcock, Tanith Lee, David Eddings, Robert Holdstock, Tad Williams, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, J.K. Rowling, Hayao Miyazaki ou Robin Hobb, et avec près d’un millier d’illustrations, ce panorama vous plonge en plein cœur du légendaire, de l’épique et du merveilleux. RODARI, Gianni, Grammatica della fantasia: introduzione all'arte di inventare storie, Torino, Einaudi, (Piccola biblioteca Einaudi), 2000, vii, 195 pages. ROLLAND, Marc & Pierre BRUNEL, Le Roi Arthur. Le mythe héroïque et le roman historique au XXe siècle, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2004, 256 pages. ROSSI, Lee D., The Politics of Fantasy: C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien, Ann Arbor (MI), UMI Research Press, 1984, 143 pages. ROTTENSTEINER, Franz, The Fantasy Book: An Illustrated History from Dracula to Tolkien, New York, Collier Books, 1978, 160 pages. Fantsy est pris au sens large d’imaginaire. RUBENSTEIN, Avril, Bearers of Dreams : A Study of Archetypal Symbolism in Fantasy and Science F i c t i o n , doctorat/ PhD, University of Pretoria (South Africa), 1998. RUAUD, André-François, Cartographie du merveilleux, Paris, Gallimard, (Folio Science Fiction, no 57), 2001, 287 pages. Farouches dragons, fées mutines, sorciers débutants et chevaliers de sinistre renommée peuplent les vastes contrées d'une littérature enchanteresse que les Anglo-Saxons nomment fantasy. Puisant au coeur des mythes et des contes les plus ancestraux des légendes grecques à la geste arthurienne comme des plus modernes, la fantasy accueille des figures à jamais inoubliables : Peter Pan, Conan le RUSH, Randy F., A Survey of AfricanAmerican Fantasy Literature with Case Study Analyses of the Responses of Four African-American Adolescents to Young Adult Heroic Fantasy Literature that Feature Protagonists of African Origin, thèse de doctorat/PhD, Ohio State University, 1996, 336 pages. 26 RÜSTER, Johannes, All-Macht und Raum-Zeit : Gottesbilder in der englishsprachigen Fantasy und Science F i c t i o n , Berlin Lit Verlag, (Erlanger Studien zur Amerikanistik und Anglistik), 2007, 322 pages. SCHLOBIN, Roger C. (ed.), The Aesthetics of Fantasy Literature and Art, Notre Dame (IN), University of Notre Dame Press, 1982, xvi, 288 pages. SCHULTZE, Marie, Lecture d’un genre: l’Heroic-Fantasy - Royaume-Uni, États -Unis, 1932-1982, Diss., Bordeaux University, 1997. SAFFORD B. R., High Fantasy : An Archetypical Analysis of Children’s L i t e r a t u r e , thèse de doctorat/PhD, Columbia, 1983, 298 pages. SCHÜTZE, Marli, Neue Wege nach Narnia und Mittelerde: Handlungskonstituenten in der Fantasy-Literatur von C. S. Lewis und J. R. R. Tolkien, Frankfurt (Main), Peter Lang Verlag, 1986, 303 pages. C.S. Lewis' «Narnia Chronicles» und J.R.R. Tolkiens «The Lord of the Rings» weisen in hohem Masse Bezüge zum Märchen und zur mittelenglischen Romanze auf. Ausgehend von einer Analyse der in diesen Werken eingesetzten Handlungs-konstituenten untersucht die vorliegende Arbeit, inwieweit sich die beiden Autoren mit den Vorbildgattungen ausein-andersetzen und mit Gattungs-konventionen spielen. Indem Modifikationen traditioneller Handlungselemente und deren besondere Bedeutung hinsichtlich der Aussageerfassung verdeutlicht werden, will dieser Beitrag neue Wege zur Betrachtung der Gattung Fantasy weisen. SALME, Alain, Bibliographie de l’Heroic Fantasy (dans l’édition francophone de 1945 à 1985), Bruxelles, Éditions Recto Verso, (collection Autres), 1989, 212 pages. SALMONSON, Jessica Amanda, T h e Encyclopedia of Amazons: Women Warriors from Antiquity to The Modern Era, New York, Paragon House, 1991, 290 pages.Rééd. : New York, Anchor Books, 1992. SAMMONS, Martha, “A Better Country”: The Worlds of Religious Fantasy and Science Fiction, Westport (Conn.), Greenwood Press, 1988, 168 pages. SANDNER, David, The Fantastic Sublime: Romanticism and Transcendence in Nineteenth-Century Children’s Fantasy Literature, Westport (Conn.), Greenwood Press, 1996,160 pages. SCHWEITZER, Darrell (ed.), Exploring Fantasy Worlds: Essays on The Fant ast ic, San Bernardino (CA), The Borgo Press, 1985, 112 pages. SCHILKEN, Dörthe, Die Theologische Reise : von der christlichen Pilgerallegorie zur den Gegenwelten der Fantasyliteratur, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2002, 312 pages. Thèse, Giessen, 1999. SCHWEITZER, Darrell (ed.), Discovering Classic Fantasy Fiction: Essays on The Antecedents of Fantastic Literature, San Bernardino (CA), The Borgo Press, (Evans Studies in The Philosophy of Criticism of Literature, no. 23), 1996, 176 pages. SCHLOBIN, Roger C., The Literature of Fantasy: A Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography of Modern Fantasy, New York, Garland Publishing, 1980, 425 pages. SEARLES, Baird, MEACHAM, Beth & Michael FRANKLIN (eds.), The Reader’s Guide to Fantasy, New York, Avon Books, 1982,196 pages. Foreword by Poul Anderson. 27 SHAW, Bruce, The Animal Fable in Science Fiction and Fantasy, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2010, 268 pages. "This work argues for animals essential roles as sources of amusement and instruction, as well as being profoundly unsettling. Authors as diverse as Tolkien, Freud, Voltaire, Bakhtin, Cordwainer Smith, Karel Capek, Vladimir Propp, and many more are discussed in relation to their work in the realm of the animal fable" Riverside, examine the relationship betwwen fantasy and science-fiction] SLUSSER, George & Jean-Pierre BARRICELLI (eds.), Genre at the Crossroads : The Challenge of Fantasy, Riverside (CA), Xenos Books, 2003, 238 pages. The genre of fantasy with its many forms dominated twentieth-century literature and art, much as "realism" dominated that of the preceding century. Yet, while winning a mass audience, it often encountered the disapproval and disdain of academic critics. Now, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, it stands at the crossroads between entertainment and respectability, between low and high art. The twenty essays in this volume make the case for fantasy, especially for science fiction, trace its origins and explore its richness. SHINN, Thelma J., Worlds within Women: Myth and Mythmaking in Fantastic Literature by Women, Westport (Conn.), Greenwood Press, 1986, xiv, 214 pages. SKLAR, Elizabeth S. & Donald L. HOFFMANN (dirs.), King Arthur in Pop Culture, Jefferson, McFarland, 2002, 256 pages. This work is a collection of 18 previously unpublished essays that demonstrate the impressive extent to which the Arthurian legend continues to permeate contemporary culture beyond film and literature. The essays cover the Arthurian legend in economics, ethics, education, entertainment, music, fun and games, the Internet, and esoterica. SMITH, Charles W., The Influence of Celtic Myth and Legend on Modern Imaginative Fiction, thèse de doctorat/ PhD, University of Oregon, 1976, 206 pages. SMITH, Karen Patricia, The Fabulous Realm: A Literary-Historical Approach to British Fantasy, 1780-1990, Metuchen, The Scarecrow Press, 1993, 532 pages.[Fantasy pour jeunes] SLUSSER, George E., SCHOLES Robert & Eric S. RABKIN (eds.), Bridges to Fantasy, Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, (Alternatives), 1982, 231 pages. SOUTH, Malcolm (ed.), Mythical and Fabulous Creatures (Sourcebook and Research Guide), Westport (Conn.), Greenwood Press, 1988, 393 pages. SLUSSER, George E., SCHOLES, Robert & Eric S. RABKIN (eds.), Coordinates: Placing Science Fiction and Fantasy, Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, (Alternatives), 1983, 209 pages.. SPIVACK, Charlotte, Merlin’s Daughters: Contemporary Women Writers of Fantasy, Westport (Conn.), Greenwood Press, (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy), 1987, 184 pages. SLUSSER, George E & Eric S. RABKIN (eds.), Intersection: Fantasy and Science Fiction, Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, (Alternatives),1987, 252 pages.. [17 essays from the seventh annual J.Lloyd Eaton Conference at the University of California, SPITZER, Drennan, Models of Medievalism in the Fiction of C. S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and J. K. Rowling, thèse de doctorat, University of California, Riverside, 2005, 269 pages. 28 SPIVACK, Charlotte & Roberta Lynne STAPLES, The Company of Camelot: Arthurian Characters in Romance and Fantasy, Westport (Conn.), Greenwood Press, (Contributions to The Study of SF and Fantasy, no. 61), 1994, 161 pages. different nations, to individual author studies and useful websites. STEIN, Louise E., A TranscendingGenre Kind of Thing : Teen/Fantasy and Online Audience Culture, doctorat/ PhD, New York, University, 2006, 349 pages. SPIVACK, Charlotte, Merlin: A Thousand Heroes with One Face, Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 1994, 136 pages. Multiple Merlins are considered in the 20th century chapters, including T.H. White, Twain, Lewis, Cooper, Tolkien, Norton, Stewart, and LeGuin. Even more than his rival magician Faust, with whom he is contrasted in the final chapter, Merlin speaks to our age. STEVENS, Jen & Dorothea SALO, Fantasy Authors : A Research Guide, Westport (Conn.), Libraries Unlimited, (Authors Research Series), 2008, 268 pages. Entries for around 100 contemporary and historical fantasy writers are arranged alphabetically, and each includes a short biographical sketch and lists of major works, research sources, and Web sites. Each biographical sketch ends with a quote from the author; the research sources include interviews; and the Web sites include official author and estate sites. STABLEFORD, Brian M., Historical Dictionary of Fantasy Literature, Lamham (MD), Scarecrow Press, (Historical Dictionaries of Literature and Arts, 5), 2005, 520 pages. STABLEFORD, Brian M., The A to Z of Fantasy Literature, Lanham (MD), The Scarecrow Press, 2009, 568 pages. Stableford provides an invaluable guide to this sequence of events and to the current state of the field. The chronology tracks the evolution of fantasy from the origins of literature to the 21st century. The introduction explains the nature of the impulses creating and shaping fantasy literature, the problems of its definition and the reasons for its changing historical fortunes. The dictionary includes crossreferenced entries on more than 700 authors, ranging across the entire historical spectrum, while more than 200 other entries describe the fantasy subgenres, key images in fantasy literature, technical terms used in fantasy criticism, and the intimately convoluted relationship between literary fantasies, scholarly fantasies, and lifestyle fantasies. The book concludes with an extensive bibliography that ranges from general textbooks and specialized accounts of the history and scholarship of fantasy literature, through bibliographies and accounts of the fantasy literature of SULLIVAN, Ceri, WHITE, Barbara, et al, Writing and Fantasy, London & New York, Longman Publishing Group, (Cross Current Series), 1999, 206 pages. [Recueil d'articles et extraits d'ouvrages sur de nombreux aspects de la fantasy pris au sens large du terme] SULLIVAN, Charles W. III, The Influence of Celtic Myth and Legend on Modern Imaginative Fantasy, doctorat/PhD, University of Oregon, 1976, 213 pages. SULLIVAN, Charles W. III, Welsh Celtic Myth in Modern Fantasy, Westport (Conn.), Greenwood Press, 1989, 181 pages. SWINFEN, Ann, Sub-Creative Art : An Examination of Some Aspects of the Use of Fantasy, Principally in English Children’s Literature, 1945-1975, thèse, University of Dundee, 1979, 409 pages. SWINFEN, Ann, In Defence of Fantasy: A Study of The Genre in English and American Literature since 1945, 29 London & Boston, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984, 253 pages. d'informations sur cette riche littérature de l'imaginaire. TILLMAN, Spreckelsen, Gralswunder und Drachentraum : ein Streifzug durch die Artuswelt, Frankfurt am Main, Eichborn, 2007, 296 pages. TRIOLO, Jean-Luc, Index de la Fantasy (vol. 2), Amiens, Éditions Encrage, (Travaux-bis), 2004, 496 pages. TRIOLO, Jean-Luc, L’Année de la F a n t a s y , Amiens, Éditions Encrage, (Travaux), 2005, 351 pages. Jean-Luc Triolo, bien connu des amateurs pour ses Chroniques d’Ailleurs, bulletin bibliographique trimestriel, d’autre part collaborateur de L’Année de la fiction, nous propose, avec cet Index de la fantasy 2003, le troisième tome d’un ouvrage de référence, très attendu des amateurs du genre. TIMMERMAN, John H., Other Worlds: The Fantasy Genre, Bowling Green (Ohio), Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1983, 124 pages. THOMPSON, Raymond H., The Return from Avalon: A Study of The Arthurian Legend in Modern Fiction, Westport (CO), Greenwood Press, (Contributions to the Study of SF and Fantasy, 14), 1985, 206 pages. TSAI, Hsin-Chun Jamie, Imagining a Different World : Transforming and Re-Visioning Children’s Fantasy Novels, doctorat / PhD, Pennsylvania State University, 2004, 260 pages. TIMTCHEVA, Viara, Le Merveilleux et la mort dans Le Seigneur des Anneaux de J.R.R.Tolkien, Peter Pan, de J. M. Barrie et L’Histoire sans fin, de Michael Ende, Paris, et al, L’Harmattan, (Communications sociales), 2006, 136 pages. Plus d'un conçoit le genre "merveilleux" comme étant destiné aux enfants, incompatible avec la souffrance et la mort. Pourtant, Tolkien dit pour le Seigneur des Anneaux: "J'ai produit un monstre : une aventure plutôt triste et terrifiante, ne convenant pas du tout aux enfants, et peut-être à personne" ; le Néant de l'Histoire sans fin s'inspire à la fois du nazisme et de la mort ; Peter Pan est l'un des personnages les plus poignants en littérature, et un trouble psychologique porte son nom. Cette étude interroge trois chefs-d'oeuvre du genre dans ses rapports complexes avec la mort, mais aussi avec l'amour. TSCHIRNER, Susanne, Der FantasyB i l d u n g s r o m a n , Meitingen, Corian Verlag, 1989, 259 pages. TYMN, Marshall B., Recent Critical Studies on Fantasy Literature: An Annotated Checklist, Monticello (Ill.), Council of Planning Librarians, 1978, 21 pages. TYMN, Marshall B., ZAHORSKI, Kenneth J. & Robert H. BOYER (eds.), Fantasy Literature: A Core Collection and Reference Guide, New York, R. R. Bowker, 1979, 273 pages. UEDA, Ali, Japanese Fantasy Manga, New York (NY), HarperCollins, (Collins Design), 2011, 208 pages TRIOLO, Jean-Luc, Index de la Fantasy (vol. 1), Amiens, Éditions Encrage, (Travaux-bis), 2003, 448 pages. Premier volume d'un ouvrage de référence, très attendu des amateurs du genre: lecteurs de Harry Potter, spectateurs du Seigneur des Anneaux, joueurs de Donjons & Dragons…448 pages URANG, Gunnar, Shadows of Heaven: The Uses of Fantasy in The Fiction of C. S. Lewis, Charles Williams and J.R. R. Tolkien, thèse de doctorat/PhD, University of Chicago, 1969, 362 pages. URANG, Gunnar, Shadows of Heaven: Religion and Fantasy in The Writings of C. S. Lewis, Charles Williams and 30 J.R. R. Tolkien, Philadelphia, The Pilgrim Press, 1971, 186 pages. Tolkien on the Human Condition, Nashville (Ten.), Broadman & Holman, 2006, 224 pages. Philosophers list "What is man?" and "What is the purpose of life on this earth?" as two of the most important questions that must be asked by everyone in the quest to become a complete human being. Mere Humanity digs into the treasured writings of Chesterton, Lewis, and Tolkien for the answers. VAN CLEWE, Susanne, Gewalt in der Fantasy. Die Darstellung der Gewalt in Fantasy-Romanen und Fantasy Comics für Erwachsene, thèse, Freie Universität Berlin, 1994, 248 pages. WADHAM, Tim & Rachel, Bringing Fantasy Alive for Children and Young Adults: A How to do it Manual, Worthington (Ohio), Linworth Pub., 1999, vii, 201 pages. WISCHNIK, Ariane, Spielarten des Phantastischen : Science Fiction und Fantasy im Vergleich, Münich, Grin Verlag, 2010, 104 pages. WAGGONER, Diana, The Hills of Faraway: A Guide to Fantasy, New York, Atheneum, 1978, 326 pages. [+ bibliography of 1000 titles] WRIGLEY, Christopher, The Return of the Hero (Rowling, Tolkien and Pullman), Lewes, Book Guild, 2005, 118 pages. WALKER, Kevin, Dessiner des créatures de Fantasy, Paris, Eyrolles, (Trait pour trait), 2006, 125 pages. WYNNE JONES, Diana, The Tough Guide to Fantasyland : The Essential Guide to Fantasy Travel, London, Puffin, 2006, 256 pages. [Ed. révisée et augmentée] WALTERS, Lori J. (ed.), Lancelot and Guinevere: A Casebook, New York, Garland Publishing, 1996, 310 pages. [16 articles + bibliography] YORK Carl B. & Donald M. HASSLER (eds.), Death and The Serpent: Immortality in Science Fiction and F a n t a s y , Westport (CO), Greenwood Press, (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy), 1985, 235 pages. WATSON, Jeanie & Maureen FRIES (ed.), The Figure of Merlin in the Nineteeth and Twentieth Century, Lewiston (NY), Edwin Mellen Press, 1989, xiv, 190 pages. WEINRICH, Frank, Fantasy : Einführung, Essen, Oldib Verlag, 2007, 163 pages. [Introduction à la fantasy . Livre imprimé sur demande] YOLEN, Jane (dir.) Touch Magic: Fantasy, Faerie and Folklore in The Literature of Childhood, New York, Putnam/ Philomel, 1981, 96 pages. Rééd. Little Rock (AR), August House, 2000, 128 pages. [16 articles] WHITE, Donna R., A Century of Welsh Myth in Children’s Literature, Westport (Conn.), Greenwood Press, (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy), 1998, x, 162 pages. YUAN, Yuan, The Discourse of Fantasy: Theoretical and Fictional Perspectives, Durango (Color.), Hollowbrook Publications, 1995, 197 pages. WHITLARK, James S., Illuminated Fantasy : from Blake’s Visions to Recent Graphic Fiction, Rutherford, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1988, 241 pages. ZAMARON, Alain, La Représentation des civilisations disparues dans la littérature d’aventures fantastiques de la fin du XIXe et début du XXe, Villeneuve d’Ascq, Les Presses du Septentrion, 1998.[Thèse de doctorat] WILLIAMS, Donald T., Mere Humanity : G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, and J.R.R. 31 contes au service de la publicité, par Carole Aurouet II. Promenades avec les conteurs de l'écran Les contes de Georges Méliès, par François de la Bretèque / La bigarrure légendaire du cycle orphique de Jean Cocteau, par Guillaume Bridet /Jacques Prévert, scénariste de contes médiévaux, par Anne Lemonnier /Le piège du conte. Les chaussons rouges, Powell et Pressburger, par Natacha Thiéry /Onirisme et réalisme du conte chez Mizoguchi, par Clélia Zernik "Il était encore une fois": Jacques Demy l'enchanteur, par Maïté Vienne / Contes et légendes chez Terry Gilliam. Allons cultiver notre graal, par Philippe Génot / Tim Burton, démons et merveilles, par Albert Montagne / La genèse des contes de Michel Ocelot, par Christine Gudin III. Gros plans sur des contes et légendes Les Nibelungen : Fritz Lang et la saga nordique, par Roland Schneider / Alice de l'autre côté de l'écran. Les méthodes de l'adaptation, par Florence Livolsi /Disney et sa baguette magique, par Zeenat Saleh Le magicien d'Oz, par Giberte Bourget Le plaisir de Max Ophuls : trois contes de Maupassant en triptyque, par Clarisse Johnson / Maux d'enfant: Citizen Kane d'Orson Welles, par Nadia Meflah Contes du futur pour temps présent : Star wars de Georges Lucas, par Daniel Compère / Ladyhawke : les métamorphoses d'une légende médiévale et l'héroïsme de Richard Donner, par Véronique Dominguez / Legend de Ridley Scott : un patchwork culturel, par Carole Aurouet / Le joueur de flûte de Hamelin transposé : De beaux lendemains d'Atom Egoyan, par Sébastien Denis / Le seigneur des anneaux : un film dans la légende, par Isabelle Smadja /Rencontre avec le dragon de Hélène Angel : transformation à vue, par Cécile Giraud V. Ils ont la parole "Plus que les contes, ce qui m'intéresse c'est la mythologie lorsqu'elle rentre dans la vie quotidienne des gens", entretien avec Agnès Varda, propos recueillis par Bernard Bastide / "Mon métier c'est de regarder, de retrouver la virginité du regard, d'être étonnée à chaque fois", CINÉMA & TELEVISION ANNAN, David, Cinema of Mystery and Fantasy, London, Lorrimer, 1984, 136 pages. Version révisée et augmentée de Cinefantastic : Beyond the Dream Machine, London, Lorrimer, 1974. AUROUET, Carole (dir.), Contes et légendes à l’écran, dans Cinéma Action, Éditions Corlet, juin 2005, 286 pages. Préambule Tout conte fait, par Carole Aurouet I. Vues panoramiques au pays des contes et légendes / La présence de Charles Perrault dans le cinéma des premiers temps, par Bernard Bastide / Les contes de la Nouvelles Vague d'après la vie, par Nicolas Schmidt S' "en sortir" ou pas : contes cinématographiques et impatience sociale, par Dominique Memmi / Cinéma d'animation : du conte de fées au conte défait, par Jean-Pierre Pagliano /Les 32 entretien avec Hélène Angel, propos recueillis par Cécile Giraud / "J'utilise les contes comme un minerai avec lequel j'essaie de faire des bijoux", entretien avec Michel Ocelot, propos recueillis par Christine Gudin + Bibliographie sélective COOMBS, Neil, Studying Surrealist and Fantasy Cinema, Leighton Buzzard, Auteur, 2007, 71 pages. COX, Greg, Battle On ! An Unauthorized Irreverent Look at Xena : Warrior Princess, New York, Roc, 1998, 256 pages. BALL, James, Exotic, Historical, Escapist Sword and Sorcery Motion Pictures Produced in America, doctorat/PhD, University of Southern California, 1977, 329 pages. DONALD, James (ed.), Fantasy and the Cinema, London, BFI Publications, 1989, 298 pages. BUTLER, David, Fantasy Cinema : Impossible Worlds on the Screen, London, Wallflower Press, (Short Cuts), 2010, 144 pages. This volume covers the major genres, stylistic approaches, and exponents of cinematic fantasy, from Georges Méliès, Walt Disney, and Andrei Tarkovsky to such contemporary fantasists as Terry Gilliam and Peter Jackson, and focuses on fantasy's social function and interpretations. Considering the popular and the experimental, subversive desires and reactionary dreams, this book is an engaging introduction to one of cinema's vital energies. EARLES, Steve, The Golden Labyrinth : The Unique Films of Guillermo Del T o r o , Hereford (UK), Noir Publishing, 2009, 192 pages. FOWKES, Katherine A., The Fantasy F i l m , Malden, Wiley-Balckwell, (New Approaches to Film Genre), 2010, 216 pages. What’s in a name : defining the elusive fantasy genre -- Once upon a time : a brief historical overview -- A brief critical overview : literary and film fantasy -Science fiction and horror -- The wizard of Oz (1939) : over the rainbow -- Harvey (1950) : a happy hallucination? -- Always (1989) : Spielberg’s ghost from the past -Groundhog day (1993) : no time like the present -- Big (1988) : body and soul/"hearts and souls" -- Shrek (2001) : like an onion -- Spider-man (2002) : the karmic web -- The lord of the rings (20013) : Tolkien’s trilogy or Jackson’s thrillogy? -- The chronicles of Narnia : the lion, the witch and the wardrobe (2005): a joyful spell -- Harry Potter I-VI (2001-9) : words are mightier than the sword -- Conclusion : imagine that! CANFORA, Cristina & Luca LARDIERI, Alice attraverso lo schermo : da Poe à Carroll viaggio nella letteratura fantasy del cinema, Roma, Sovera, 2010, 143 pages. Attraverso il confronto e l'analisi di testi celebri come Alice nel paese delle meraviglie e recenti bestseller come Lovely Bones di Alice Sebold, questo agile volume compie un viaggio nel cinema fantastico mettendo in risalto, tra gli altri, i film che hanno segnato un'epoca (il mago di Oz, Matrix e il Signore degli anelli), piccole gemme (Donnie Darko e Sleepy Hollow) e gli ultimi capolavori di tre maestri della settima arte, che aprono una breccia nel cinema del futuro (Avatar, Amabili resti e Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland). FRANK, A. G., Science Fiction and Fantasy Film Handbook, Totawa (NJ), Barnes & Noble, 1982, 194 pages. FRIEDRICH, Andreas (ed.), Filmgenres – Fantasy und Märchenfilm, Stuttgart, Reclam, (Reclams Universal Bibliothek, 18403), 2003, 255 pages. COLLECTIF, Prince of Persia : The Sands of Time : The Visual Guide, New York, DK Publishing, 2010, 71 pages. 33 GIESEN, Rolf, Der Phantastische Film: zur Soziologie von Horror, ScienceFiction und Fantasy im Kino, Schondorf/Ammersee, Programm Roloff & Seeslen, 1988, 211 pages. Shut / Sidney Eve Matrix -- Tim Burton and the Idea of Fairy Tales / Brian Ray. GRISWOLD, Jerome, The Meanings of Beauty and the Beast : A Handbook, Peterborough (Ont.), Broadview Press, 2004, 258 pages. GIESEN, Rolf et al, Das Neue Lexikon des Fantasy-Films (mehr als 1300 Fantasy-Filme mit filmographischen Angaben, Produkstiondaten, Inhalt, Besetzung und Besprechungen), Berlin, Lexikon Imprint verlag, 2001, 631 pages. Avec la collaboration de Ronald M. Hahn, Volker Jansen, Norbert Stresau und so weiter… HARRYHAUSEN, Ray, Film Fantasy Scrapbook, New York, Barnes & Noble, 1974, 142 pages.Rééd. : San Diego, Barnes, 1981, 150 pages. HARRYHAUSEN, Ray & Tony DALTON, Ray Harryhausen : An Animated Life. Aventures in Fantasy, London, Aurum, 2003, 320 pages. GREENHILL, Pauline & Sydney Eve MATRIX (eds.), Fairy Tale Films : Visions of A m b i g u i t y , Logan (UT), Utah State University Press, 2010, 270 pages. Préface de Jack Zipes. Foreword : Grounding the Spell : The Fairy Tale Film and Transformation / Jack Zipes -- Introduction : Envisioning Ambiguity : Fairy Tale Films / Pauline Greenhill and Sidney Eve Matrix -- Mixing It Up: Generic Complexity and Gender Ideology in Early Twenty-first-Century Fairy Tale Films / Cristina Bacchilega and John Rieder -Building the Perfect Product: The Commodification of Childhood in Contemporary Fairy Tale Film / Naarah Sawers -- The Parallelism of the Fantastic and the Real : Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth/El Laberinto del fauno and Neomagical Realism / Tracie D. Lukasiewicz -- Fitting the Glass Slipper : A Comparative Study of the Princess’s Role in the Harry Potter Novels and Films / Ming-Hsun Lin -- The Shoe Still Fits : Ever After and the Pursuit of a Feminist Cinderella / Christy Williams -- Mourning Mothers and Seeing Siblings : Feminism and Place in The Juniper Tree / Pauline Greenhill and Anne Brydon -- Disney’s Enchanted : Patriarchal Backlash and Nostalgia in a Fairy Tale Film / Linda Pershing with Lisa Gablehouse -- Fairy Tale Film in the Classroom : Feminist Cultural Pedagogy, Angela Carter, and Neil Jordan’s The Company of Wolves / Kim Snowden -- A Secret Midnight Ball and a Magic Cloak of Invisibility : The Cinematic Folklore of Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide HARTY, Kevin J. (ed.), Cinema Arthuriana: Essays on Arthurian Film, Hamden (CT), Garland Publications, 1992, 255 pages. HARTY, Kevin J. (ed.), Cinema Arthuriana: Twenty Essays, Jefferson (NC), Mc Farland, 2002, x, 307 pages. Rééditié en 2010, 317 pages. This edition of Cinema Arthuriana, revised in 2002, presents 20 essays on the topic of the recurring presence of the legend in film and television from 1904 to 2001. They cover such films as Excalibur (1981) and Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975), television productions such as The Mists of Avalon (2001), and French and German films about the quest for the Holy Grail and the other adventures of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. HAYES, K. Stoddard, Xena Warrior Princess (The Complete Illustrated Companion), London, Titan, 2003, 240 pages, 23 cm. Xena: Warrior Princess: The Complete Illustrated Companion is the only comprehensive, fully-authorised guide to all six series of the groundbreaking actionadventure show, and contains a complete episode guide, plus character and behindthe-scenes information, and details of Xena fandom, all illustrated with over 150 photos, including an 8-page colour section. 34 HELFORD, Elyce Raye (ed.), Fantasy Girls : Gender in The New Universe of Science Fiction and Fantasy Telev i s i o n , Lanham (MD), Rowman & Littlefield, 2000, 250 pages. Programs covered are "Babylon 5", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Disney's Cinderella", "Lois and Clark", "Mystery Science Theater 3000", "Sabrina the Teenage Witch", "Star Trek: Voyager", "The X-Files", "Third Rock from the Sun", and "Xena: Warrior Princess." Dreamweavers : Interviews with Fantasy Filmmakers of the 1980s, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 1995, 320 pages. MARNY, Dominique, La Belle et la Bête. Les coulisses du tournage, Paris, le Pré aux Clercs, 2006, 110 pages. [La petite nièce de Jean Cocteau raconte le tournage parfois difficile du film en 1945.] Avec des photos. MAXFORD, Howard, The A To Z of Science Fiction and Fantasy Films, London, Batsford, 1997, 302 pages. HUNTER, William J., Film Blanc : A New Genre Name for Hollywood Fantasy Films Produced Between 1935-1955, mémoire de maîtrise/MA thesis, University of Florida, 1987, 98 pages. MEYERS, Richard, The World of Fantasy Films, South Brunswick, A. S. Barnes, 1980, 195 pages. HUTCHINSON, Tom, Horror and Fantasy in the Cinema, London, Studio Vista, 1974, 159 pages. MOSCARIELLO, Angelo, Fantasy, Milano, Electa; Academia dell’immagine, 2007, 351 pages. [Dictionnaire du cinéma de fantasy] JAK, Sable, Writing The Fantasy Film : Heroes and Journeys in Alternative Realities, Studio City (CA), M. Wiese Productions, 2004, 300 pages. From it's a Wonderful Life, to Star Wars, fantasy is not bound by a specific formula. It spans all genres, times and locals, and has contributed to the folklore and literature of every culture around the world. Writing the fantasy film guides you through the fantasy script process, without having to sprinkle the fairy dust. NAZZARO, Joe, Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy Television, London, Titan Books, 2002, 256 pages. OLTON, Bert, Arthurian Legend on Film and T e l e v i s i o n , Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2000, 351 pages. Rééd. :2009. From the moody (Excalibur) to the looney ("Knighty Knight Bugs"), more than 250 entries give complete credits, synopses, and analyses. Included are works based solely on Arthur and his literary origins and works that feature other figures, like Galahad, Percival, and the operatic favorites Tristan and Isolde. Also included are animated films, parodies like Monty Python’s, films like Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade with Arthurian themes, and television series with Arthurian episodes such as Babylon 5 and MacGyver. Operatic and dramatic works recorded for film and television (like Camelot) are also covered. Appendices, bibliography and index. KNORR, Manfred, TV Highlights : Serien Hits (1. Fantasy), Medien Publikation und Werbe GmBH, 1999, 144 pages. KRESKI, Chris, Life Lessons from Xena, Warrior Princess : A Guide to Happiness, Success and Body Armor, Riverside (NJ), Andrews McMeel Pub., 1990, 108 pages. LIPTAY, Fabienne, Wunderwelten : Märchen im Film, Remscheid, Gardez ! Verlag, (Filmstudien, 26), 2004, 496 pages. PETZOLD, Dieter (dir.), Fantasy in Film und Literatur, Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag C. Winter, (Anglistik und English Unterricht, bd 59), 1996, 267 pages. LOFFICIER, Randy, LOFFICIER, Jean-Marc, GOLDBERG, Lee & William RABKIN, The 35 RABKIN, Eric S. & George SLUSSER (eds.), Shadows of the Magic Lamp : Fantasy and Science Fiction in Film, Carbondale, Southern illinois University Press, (Alternatives), 1985, 259 pages. the Rings _3. “‘Tree and flower, leaf and grass’: The Grammar of Middle-earth in The Lord of the Rings” _4. “My brothers, I see in your eyes the same fear”: The Transformation of Class Relations in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings Trilogy _5. The Lion, the Witch, and the War Scenes: How Narnia Went from Allegory to Action Flick _6. The Lion, the Witch and the Multiplex _7. Buckets of Money: Tim Burton’s New Charlie and the Chocolate Factory _8. Charlie’s Evolving Moral Universe: Filmic Interpretations of Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory _9. The Americanization of M a r y : Contesting Cultural Narratives in Disney’s M a r y Poppins _10. Animating the Fantastic: Hayao Miyazaki’s Adaptation of Diana Wynne Jones’s Howl’s Moving Castle _11. From Book to Film: The Implications of the Transformation of The Polar Express _12. From Peter Pan to Finding Neverland: A Visual Biomythography of James M. Barrie _13. From Witch to Wicked: A Mutable and Transformational Sign _14. From Private Practice to Public Coven(ant): Alice Hoffman’s Practical Magic and Its Hollywood Transformation ROVIN, Jeff, The Fabulous Fantasy Films, Cranbury (NJ), A. S. Barnes, 1977, 271 pages. RUSSELL, Maureen, Highlander : The Complete Watcher’s Guide, New York, Warner Books, 1998, 256 pages. [Guide des 119 épisodes, avec 120 photos, entrevues, etc...) SAVILLE, Steven, Fantastic TV : 50 Years of Cult Fantasy and Science Fiction, London, Plexus, 2008, 256 pages. SHERMAN, Joseph, All I Need to Know I Learned from Xena :Warrior Princess, New York, Pocket Books, 1998, 144 pages. SINGER, Michael, Behind the Scenes of Prince of Persia : The Sands of Time : We Make Our Own Desire, New York, Disney Editions, (Welcome Books), 2010, 176 pages. SOLOMON, Charles, Tales as Old as Time : The Art and Making of Beauty and the Beast, New York, Disney Editions, 2010, 176 pages. STRESAU, Norbert, Der Fantasy Film, Münich, W. Heyne, 1984, 238 pages. STAFFORD, Nikki, Lucy Lawless and Renee O’Connor : Warrior Stars of Xena, Toronto, ECW Press, 1998, 300 pages. STRESAU, Norbert, HAHN, Ronald & Volker JANSEN, Lexicon des Fantasy Films : 650 Filme von 1900 bis 1986, München, Heyne Verlag, 1986, 619 pages. Rééd. Berlin, Lexikon-Iprint Verlag, 2001, 631 pages. STAFFORD, Nikki, How Xena Changed Our Lives : True Stories by Fans for Fans , Toronto, ECW Press, 2002, 200 pages. TEDMAN, Alison, Realms of Fantasy : Spectacle, Gender and Fairy Tale Film, London, Wallflower Press, 2009, 224 pages. STRATYNER, Leslie & James R. KELLER (eds.), Fantasy Fiction into Film : E s s a y s , Jefferson (N.C.), McFarland, 2007, 197 pages. 1. Three Rings for Hollywood: Scripts for The Lord of the Rings _2. I Don’t Think We’re in Kansas Anymore: Peter Jackson’s Film Interpretations of Tolkien’s Lord of UMLAND, Rebecca & Samuel J., The Use of Arthurian Legend in Hollywood Film: From Connecticut Yankee to Fisher King, Westport (Conn.), Greenwood Press, (Contributions to The Study of Popular Culture), 1996, xiv, 205 pages. 36 WEISBROT, Robert S., Xena : Warrior Princess : The Official Guide to Xenaverse, New York, Doubleday/Main Street, 1998, 240 pages. Georges Melies to Peter Jackson’s recent tours of Middle-earth--the work identifies narrative strategies and their recurring components and studies patterns of challenge and return, setting and character. WEISBROT, Robert S., Hercules, The Legendary Journeys : The Official Companion, New York, Doubleday/Main Street, 1998, 282 pagesé YOUNG, R. G. (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Fantastic Film : Ali Baba to Zombies, New York, Applause Theatre Books, 1998, 992 pages.[Mélange les genres] WEISBROT, Robert S., Hercules : The Legendary Journeys. An Insider’s Guide to the Continuing Adventures, Lanham (MD), Taylor Trade Publishing, 2004, 280 pages. Compilation terminée en janvier 2011 VON GUNDEN, Kenneth, Flights of Fancy: The Great Fantasy Films, Jefferson (N.C.), McFarland, 1989, 303 pages.Réédition : 2001. In-depth analyses are presented of 15 superior films, each one representing a subgenre of fantasy cinema--Beauty and the Beast, Conan the Barbarian, The Dark Crystal, Dragonslayer, 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T, It’s a Wonderful Life, Jason and the Argonauts, King Kong, Lost Horizon, Popeye, Superman, The Thief of Baghdad, Time Bandits, Topper, and The Wizard of Oz. WIECZOREK, Kirsten, Englische Fantasy - Romane und ihre filmästhetiche Umsetzung : dargestellt an Herr der Ringe, Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen und Die Nebel von Avalon, Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008, 68 pages. WORLEY, Alec, Empires of the Imagination : A Critical Survey of Fantasy Cinema, from Georges Méliès to The Lord of the Rings, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2005, 304 pages. The warlocks and ghosts of fantasy film haunt our popular culture, but the genre has too long been ignored by critics. This comprehensive critical survey of fantasy cinema demonstrates that the fantasy genre amounts to more than escapism. Through a meticulously researched analysis of over a century of fantasy pictures--from the seminal work of 37