Nectaroscordum siculum (Seeds)

Order Code: 777-027

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Closely related to the alliums and originally from Asia Minor and the Mediterranean area. They have tall smooth stems topped by dangling bell shaped flowers in pink, purple and green. When the flowers die and dry out they stand erect at the top of the stem. The whole plant is very garlic scented when handled.They grow best in lighter soils in sun or part shade and are happy growing in grass.. They flower in early summer  about 30" (75cm) tall.

Planting Instructions

Sow the seeds in the autumn or early spring into a seed tray out of doors in some shade or in a cold frame. Allow them a dry summer dormancy and transplant into their final growing site when dormant as small bulbs in the early autumn. They should flower in their third year.

Plant Details

Flowers    Early Summer

Height      30" (75cm)

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