How to Plant and Grow Bacopa Plant

This trailing plant's pretty, small white flowers add brightness to garden beds and containers.

trailing stems of bacopa in bloom

Better Homes and Gardens

Bacopa plant (Sutera cordata) is simple to grow and produces abundant blooms from spring until autumn. It's a trailing plant, making it an excellent option for hanging planters, container gardens, and groundcover. Bacopa will usually grow to no more than 6-12 inches high. It can be grown as a perennial in USDA Hardiness Zones 8-11. In colder areas, this plant is treated as an annual.

Most commonly seen in its white-flowered form, bacopa can bloom almost nonstop through the entire growing season. Though small, the white flowers cover the plant and act as a beautiful backdrop. The tiny green leaves are roughly heart-shaped and have a slightly serrated edge. The white blooms and green foliage mix easily in almost any plant combination.

Bacopa Overview

Genus Name Sutera
Common Name Bacopa
Plant Type Annual
Light Part Sun, Sun
Height 6 to 6 inches
Width 2 to 4 feet
Flower Color Blue, Pink, White
Foliage Color Blue/Green
Season Features Fall Bloom, Summer Bloom
Special Features Good for Containers, Low Maintenance
Zones 10, 11, 9
Propagation Seed, Stem Cuttings
Problem Solvers Groundcover

Where to Plant Bacopa Plants

Bacopa can be planted anywhere there's enough light. Plant bacopa as a groundcover in gardens or containers where you want a splash of white among more colorful blooms. Bacopa is a trailing plant, so hanging baskets are ideal for them. As you plan your spring and summer containers with the "filler, thriller, and spiller" formula, look to bacopa as a natural fit for the spiller category.

How and When to Plant Bacopa Plants

Plant bacopa outside in mid-late spring after the last frost. If planting in-ground, loosen the soil, work in soil amendments, and plant 10 to 12 inches apart. If planting in containers, add potting soil and supplements to the container, then add plants, which can be closer together than when planted in the garden.

Bacopa Plant Care Tips

Bacopa is a low-maintenance flowering plant that will proliferate with many blooms in the right environment. Beyond regular watering and feeding, bacopa just needs a little regular maintenance to look its best.


Bacopa plants thrive with some sun in the morning and more shade in the afternoon. If planted in full sun, it can do fine as long as it's kept well-watered. Plant bacopa in part shade for best results with the least amount of care required.

Soil and Water

Bacopa plant needs a soil pH of 5.6 to 5.9. Keep these plants evenly moist and maintain a steady watering schedule. If bacopa plant dries out even for just a day or two, the plants stop blooming. Once they're watered again, they cautiously begin to set buds, but this process can take 2-3 weeks to return to normal.

Temperature and Humidity

Bacopa is sensitive to extreme heat and will cease flowering in very high temperatures. Freezing temperatures will kill the plant.


Fertilize bacopa plants regularly to fuel their rapid growth. Yellowing foliage and less flowering are signs that your bacopa plant needs nutrients. Use a liquid fertilizer to encourage blooms during the growing season. Use a 10-10-10 fertilizer that's water-soluble. Fertilize landscape plants every 2-3 weeks and container plants every 1-2 weeks.


As soon as the weather warms up, bacopa plants grow quickly and become covered in buds and blooms. One major plus to the rapid growth is that the new growth covers the old, so there is no need to deadhead spent flowers. However, if they appear overgrown, lightly prune the plants back to help them look tidier.

Potting and Repotting Bacopa

Bacopa plants do very well in hanging baskets and other container gardens. Plant them in fresh potting soil in large containers with similar-need plants. The container should have plenty of drainage.

Pests and Problems

There are few concerns for bacopa beyond the usual garden pests, and deer aren't interested in eating them. Overwatering can cause root rot, and high humidity can encourage powdery mildew to develop on the leaves.

How to Propagate Bacopa Plants

The easiest way to propagate bacopa is to take stem cuttings. Cut off a few inches of stem just below a set of leaves. Remove leaves on the bottom half and dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone. Plant in the ground, and in a few weeks, roots will start to grow. Keep an eye out for extra-large or damaged leaves and remove them promptly so the propagated stems can concentrate on growing roots.

Types of Bacopa Plants

'Giant Snowflake' Bacopa

sutera cordata

Sutera cordata 'Giant Snowflake' is smothered in white flowers all season long. Its stems can grow as long as 3 feet.

'Snowstorm Blue' Bacopa

bacopasutera snowstorm blue
Justin Hancock

Similar to 'Giant Snowflake', 'Snowstorm Blue' produces a profusion of flowers, but they're lavender-blue instead of white. It trails to 3 feet or more.

Bacopa Companion Plants

Wax Begonia

begonia big rose with bronze leaf
Justin Hancock

Wax begonia is as easy as it gets when it comes to flowering plants. It does well in various conditions but prefers light shade, rich, well-drained soil, and ample water. It also thrives with plenty of fertilizer. Plant annual begonias in spring after all danger of frost has passed. No need to deadhead this flower unless you want to because it's "self-cleaning."


light pink flower ivy geranium
Andrew Drake

Geraniums (Pelargonium) are an old-fashioned standard for beds, borders, and containers that are still among the most popular plants today. Traditional bedding types love hot weather and hold up well to dry conditions; many offer colorful foliage.


merlin blue morn petunia
Peter Krumhardt

Petunias are vigorous growers and prolific bloomers from mid-spring through late fall. Color choices are many. Some have beautiful veining and intriguing colors. Many varieties are sweetly fragrant (sniff blooms in the garden center before purchasing to be sure). Petunias grow more bushy and full if you pinch or cut them back by one- to two-thirds in midsummer.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are bacopa flowers the same as bacopa herbs?

    No. Bacopa monnieri, known as water hyssop, is grown in wetlands and has been used to treat a variety of diseases, including Alzheimer's and ADHD, though there's no scientific evidence that it's helpful.

  • Why are my bacopa leaves turning brown?

    Brown leaves on a bacopa plant can be an indication of an iron deficiency. Work to lower the pH of your soil, which makes more iron available to plant roots.

  • Is bacopa plant deer resistant?

    Yes, deer aren't attracted to bacopa flowers or foliage, so you won't have to worry about them munching on your plants.

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