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Devil Chef Comes to Dark Horse in September

The culinary arts' diminutive demon returns from the fiery abyss of Hell's kitchen -- literally! -- in Dark Horse Comics' Devil Chef: The Man with the Soft-Serve Brain TP (JUN050026V), which is solicited in the June Previews for shipping in September!

In his first feature-length extravaganza, the Devil Chef takes on his chief rival - Softy (a.k.a. Citizen Cone) of Softy Soft-Serve Ice Cream! It's fire vs. ice, winner-take-all, with the sweet nectar of fast-food immortality to the winner -- and the bitter ashes of drive-thru oblivion for second place! Some say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, while others contend that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions... but Devil Chef proves once and for all that a man's stomach is the road to Hell!

"Devil Chef is an enigma wrapped in a question wrapped in a parenthesis followed by an apostrophe and wielding a butcher knife," said writer Jack Pollock.

Perfect for fans of humorous horror, the Devil Chef: Man with the Soft-Serve Brain TP is scheduled to arrive in stores on September 14. See below for additional information, and confirm quantities with your June initial order!

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