A. Musquiz's Blog, page 2

February 13, 2018

Album Unboxing #6: "Mixtape: The Pre-Debut Album" by Stray Kids

Hello, everyone! How is everything going for everybody? Good and amazing I hope. Now that we have our greetings out of the way, I'm here to bring you all yet another album unboxing! I've actually been building my collection over the past couple of months so I have a bit of a backlog of these still yet to be posted so I really hope some of you guys are looking forward to seeing more that I have coming your way over the next few weeks. I'm going to try spacing them out a little so no one gets bored of just seeing nothing but unboxings.
Okay, now then, let's start off with a little backstory first of how I become pretty much an over-night fan of this new group who call themselves "Stray Kids".
Back in October, I believe, I was just scrolling through the internet and watching videos on YouTube that looked interesting (new Kpop music videos, binge watching hair dye videos, some Mr. Nightmare videos, you know the normal stuff) and I stumbled upon a new music video that I hadn't seen before or heard ANYONE mention or talk about on my social medias. I decided to check it out and upon watching the video's ending, I realized I found my new favorite group to stan. 

And, well, the rest is history. Before I knew it, I was pre-ordering their first album, watching interviews and television programs of this group, saving pictures of them to my Pinterest boards, and becoming a full on fangirl for a group I knew nothing about.
OKAY THEN. Backstory over. Let's get into the unboxing.

BEHOLD, the album! It was actually a pretty large sized album, it being taller and wider than I thought it would be. It's actually quite a nice size and could easily be mixed in with my coffee table books, hehehe. Anyhoo, this album came with some fun things so let's move onto those next.
Here we have the pretty CD itself safely tucked in the back of the album book as well as a photocard/postcard set of all the members.
I especially love flipping through these booklets and finding little surprises inside, it feels like Christmas.

Here are few more photos of some of the pictures inside the picture booklet. I'm such a fan of black and white photographs so I had a really fun time looking through most of them. All of the pictures in the book are of the members in a candid setting or place which was really cute to see since it felt like a scrapbook that was made by really good friends. It gave a fluffy feeling to my heart and actually made me miss my friends a little bit.
The tracklist, photo card sets and poster were all neatly tucked into the first few pages of the book which made me very happy since there's nothing I hate more than bent edges and dent marks on albums and pictures. Well, okay, I REALLY hate stickers that won't peel off books. And broccoli. I really hate broccoli. Anyway, NOT THE POINT.
I think I'll jump into showing the single photocards next. Here's a picture of both the front and backs of the cards. I don't know why but I really love the logo for this group. It's seriously so cool and I'm kind of obsessed with it.

JUST LOOK AT THAT FONT. I'm a font nerd, I can't help it, okay?

And now for the bigger postcard size photocards! I normally love getting just the little ones since they kind of remind me of playing cards or trading cards but I also love getting big ones every now and then. The pictures are rather nice in the concept though they reminded me of just how UNCOOL I really am. Leave it to a single photo to insult your very existence, ha ha ha. *Clears throat.* Moving on.
And here is the bonus set of photocards that I got with this album as a pre-order gift, Yay! Now these are probably my favorite set that I've received so far with an album. I don't know, they just look so edgy and nice with the simple background and bright red of it.
Plus the group picture is squad goals.

And now for the poster! I forgot to add the actual album into the picture for size reference but since the posters are always big anyway in the albums I get, just assume this another huge one. Because it is. Sorry for the strange angle of this too, I took the picture in the evening and only used my floor lamp as lighting. My overhead light cast too much of a glare and was way too yellow to edit out and make look nice. I obviously could've just waited until morning to take a picture in the natural lighting but I like making my life harder than it has to be so yeah, here we are. Enjoy.
And that is officially it for this post! I really hope you guys enjoyed this album unboxing since it was super fun for me to put together. I also tried out a different way of laying out my pictures so as to make the post a little shorter and not have to upload so many pictures. Let me know if you guys like this layout better or not. I'm quite liking it so I think I'll stick with it for the next few unboxings.
Previous Album Unboxings:Album Unboxing #1: "Verse 2" by JJProjectAlbum Unboxing #2: "Hola Hola" by KARDAlbum Unboxing #3: "Love Yourself 承 'Her'" by BTSAlbum Unboxing #4: "7for7" by GOT7 (Magic Hour and Golden Hour Versions)Album Unboxing #5: "7for7" by GOT7 (Present Edition)
Okay my peeps, I'll say by for now until my next post. Read on, bookworms! See you in the next chapter!

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Published on February 13, 2018 13:18

February 11, 2018

Time For Changes: Life Updates, Blog Redesign, New Content + More!

Hello. everybody! I hope every one of you is having a beautiful day so far! I know I'm having a grand time watching the Winter Olympics this year as it has pretty much consumed every moment of my evenings and I'm not even mad. It's so fun and entertaining and I can't wait to see more of the sports and programs up ahead. I've yet to miss a single moment of the Olympics so it's safe to say I'm a tiny bit obsessed.
ANYHOO, I thought today would be a nice day to talk about some changes that I've decided on to make for this blog. I'll try not to make this post too long but there a few things I want to quickly talk to you guys about so let's just go ahead and jump right in, shall we?
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First, let's go over all that has happened over the past four months that I've been away from my blog. Wow, where to start. Surprisingly, quite a lot happened though it feels like everything has just blurred together to create one big mess of a memory. I guess the first big life update is that I recently started a new job back in late November after leaving my first job of one year. It seems I had no chill after leaving my first job since I started my new one literally a week later. Did NOT mean to do that lol XD
But you should all be happy to know that everything is going great so far at my new job. I'm totally enjoying it a lot more than I did my first job so that's a great sign! I also recently got my second promotion at my second job which was quite nice. It's not a huge deal to be honest but I'm still happy I've moved up a little bit. Another small update that I have is the incredibly obvious one, I got a new laptop.
The model I have now is actually doubling as two devices that I've been wanting and dreaming of having for a while now. Not only having a newer model laptop but also a drawing tablet for graphic illustrations. The model laptop I have has a 360 degree screen, meaning I can open my laptop and flip the screen and practically fold my computer in half to create a tablet. I already have a couple of different graphic illustrator applications and programs downloaded onto my laptop so all that's left is purchasing a stylus to make drawing and painting on my device a lot easier.
I've actually decided to focus on practicing graphic illustration for a while as I think it might be what I want to study in college but I'm still unsure. Hopefully I can get in some good practice over the next few months and maybe I'll share some of what I draw on my blog. I guess time will tell :)
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I have a whole list I've been working on for the past couple of weeks, so get comfortable. One of the first major changes I'll be making to this blog is the design of it. I used to be totally in love with my blue and white theme but then I thought it was time to change it. So, I DID! I hope you guys are loving the new pink, white and blue I have going on for this new theme. I think it's good for me to change the theme every now and then, especially since it's a new year, new laptop, new me, new blog. Yeah, that sounds nice and it makes me happy inside.
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I also want to establish a blogging schedule for myself SO I decided that I will be posting something new every MONDAY. Sound good? I'll obviously try to post more often than just the one day but I think I'll be able to for sure keep up with posting once a week at the very least. Any bonus posts that I decide to upload will go up on Thursdays.
OKAAAAAYYYYY. So. This is something that I've been kind of beating around the bush about even before the new year. I know I kept saying in past blog posts that I was going to make some changes with content and include more of the things that interest me other than books. I still love books, don't get me wrong. I will always love books and everything about reading and writing. I still get all fluffy inside when I think about what book I should read next. However, I never REALLY added any new content besides album unboxings. Even doing that was a huge step for me and a bit nerve-wracking. I thought "What if no one reads it? What if no one likes it? What if it doesn't interest anyone? What if even my fellow blogger friends hate it?" Because you know what the scariest part of being a book blogger is? BRANCHING OUT.
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Over the past few months, I've gotten interested in a few different things that I would talk about more on my blog. It's definitely scary and worrisome to want to talk about things OTHER than what your blog is dedicated to. However, I also don't want to be one of those people who does the same thing that every other book blogger does. It's great if they enjoy doing that, some of my favorite blogs literally only talk about books and nothing else and I love it. But for me personally, I just feel like doing something different to make my blog stand out a little. 
For instance I am such a HUGE fan of Latin pop and Kpop. They are two genres that I have become obsessed with in the last year and I love finding other people who listen to those genres too. I'm always running into people who listen to my favorite Kpop and Latin artists and it's always fun fangirling with perfect strangers about your favorite international artists. I kept trying to convince myself to make playlists of my favorite Kpop or Latin pop songs at the moment, or just simply sharing a song for the day. But I was just too nervous about it because I was so scared of no one liking it, especially since my blog is called "The BOOKWORM Central".
So, to try introducing this new subject to my blog, I uploaded my first Kpop album unboxing. And held my breathe.
Image result for nervous gifMe clicking "Publish" for my Kpop album unboxing post lol
I took these past four months to consider what I wanted for my blog overall. And I decided that I was unhappy with how I was going about my blog, not posting for weeks at a time because I didn't feel like it or just simply not being interested in what I was blogging about and ending up deleting a post that I had worked hours on putting together. I noticed, however, the posts I enjoyed writing the most were my unboxings. I wondered what it was about them that made them so enjoyable to write even though they took twice as long to write and layout versus my book reviews and other bookish posts. 
It took me forever to realize that the reason why I liked my unboxings the most was because they involved me talking about something I was one hundred percent interested in and passionate about. My interest in Kpop, Latin pop, and Kdramas makes me excited to watch them or listen to them and I LOVE talking about it with other people I know that are interested in the same things. Having realized this, I thought "Why am I scared to post this stuff that I'm interested in? If I'm interested in it, then someone else is too, right?" 
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Maybe I was just nervous about letting down my current readers that aren't interested in those things. However, I'm human and I'm allowed to have other interests and so is every other blogger out there. I think that's what makes blogging so fun, is that it's a platform where you can be you! Other people are interested in what you have to post because, crazy reality check, people read your blogs FOR A REASON. Book lovers are going to read your book blog because they WANT TO. Bakers and cooks are going to read your recipes you post because they WANT TO. Artists and beginner sketchers and painters are going to read your posts on paints and papers and your favorite mediums because they WANT TO. You're never going to write posts for people who aren't interested because there is ALWAYS someone out there who will find your post entertaining and wanting to see more! So, okay, maybe you lose a few followers once you start posting something new and different. BUT, what about those few NEW readers that you didn't have before that found your blog BECAUSE of your different posts and they fall in love with your content?
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AND THAT, my beautiful folks, is how I decided that from this day on, I will be posting more about Kpop, Latin pop, my favorite Kdramas, ALONG with posts about what I'm currently reading and favorite books of the month and so on and so on. Because why hold back and NOT talk about what interests me these days? I talk to my friends ALL THE TIME about my favorite things at the moment and even though they aren't into the same things I am, they still listen to me talk about it because THEY WANT TO. They know that it's something I love and am passionate about and they never act like they're bored or tired of me talking about some groups they've never heard of and play them songs in a language they don't know a lick of. If anything, they request Kpop and Latin pop songs to play in our car rides because they think it's funky and fun.
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So, yes, please expect more posts about the things listed above and PLEASE don't hate me! I'm just ready to branch out and completely open up to making my blog more diverse and unique. Hopefully, I can entertain some of you as I try to figure this blog out all over again. This is going to be fun. 
Read on, bookworms! See you in the next chapter!
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Published on February 11, 2018 07:00

February 9, 2018

Album Unboxing #5: "7for7" by GOT7 (Present Edition)

Hello, everybody!! Wow, it's been quite A WHILE since I've blogged ANYTHING but that's because of life and, well, I exploded my laptop and was laptopless for about four months. So yeah. That happened.
It's so nice to be able to return to this beautiful world of blogging and now that I have officially made my return to this here blog, I plan on doing some MAJOR changes to it. I'll be talking a little bit more about what I plan on changing about my blog in the next post so if you're at all interested in seeing what I have planned for my blog, PLEASE STAY TUNED. Don't worry, I can say that I will still be blogging about books and all things bookish . . . just maybe not as much. Again, all the details will be in my upcoming blog post.
ANYHOO, now that I've talked for a little bit and got some important stuff out of the way, I thought it would be perfect to return to my little blog after far too long with one of my favorite things to blog about, AN ALBUM UNBOXING. Get hype, because I said so!
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For those of you who actually like my unboxings, THANKS FOR READING! I actually have quite a few albums I'll be unboxing over the next few days because, well, I took pictures of them on my phone but of course had no way of actually uploading a post as I didn't have a laptop. SO. Be prepared to see probably way too many unboxings over the next few days. I'M CELEBRATING OKAY? LET ME LIVE.
Okay I'll shut up now, let's get started.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I recently had a birthday in December and it was so fitting that this version of GOT7's "7for7" album was titled "Present Edition". I know this was supposed to be because it was right before Christmas that this album was released BUT I took it was a sign that I should probably buy it for myself since, well, it was my birthday and I DESERVE HAPPINESS. What made it even better about having gotten early birthday money that I used to buy this album was simply that this album came only a day after my birthday!
Also the next day after getting the album, I got to celebrate my birthday and my best friend's birthday at Six Flags with two other besties and it was probably the greatest day of my life. Lots of laughs and fun and OMG I LOVE MY FRIENDS.
Okay, back to the album.
The aesthetic of this album was seriously so pleasing to the eyes. I love winter scenes in movies, photos, books, etc, so this was right up my alley. Sometimes I wish I lived where it snowed everyday in the winter just so I can take endless pictures of the frozen trees and play in the snow all day long, it would be beautiful. Anyone else feel me with the snow thing? It's just so pretty, okay.

I love the little cute things that sometimes come in albums because sometimes they're just so adorable. Like this little card thing that came inside the booklet. On the front is a little perforated flap with the group's logo on it and when you open it up, it's a little holiday greeting. How cute is that?
I actually tore a little bit of the inside picture as you can see in the picture so just ignore that part. A little bit of tape never hurt anybody.

Even though I didn't get this for Christmas, I still loved the little greeting!
And now the photocards!! What's really cool about this edition of the album is that it came with these really big photocards that are actually little calendars on the back. It also had this card thing in which you put the cards in to hold the calendar cards, almost like a normal agenda book you get at other stores.
You can write your plans and activities for the month and just switch out the cards once the month is up. I don't actually plan on using the calendar cards since I really don't want to write on them but rather save them and keep them nice and new and pretty but it's such a cool little idea. 

And now the smaller photocards! I actually lost the picture of the two singular photocards and was too lazy to take another picture so yeah. But I did still have a picture of the back of them which were little doodles of each other done by two of the members which is just so cute. I love collecting these little photocards even though I have no idea what to do with them. I've yet to think of anything creative to do with them but maybe one day I'll think of something!
Image result for 7for7 present edition
The album also came with another huge poster and just like before, I'm too lazy to take a picture of the actual poster, so here's a picture I found on the internet of what it looks like, good enough right?

Yes, I do have three versions of the same album, don't judge me. If you guys want to see the unboxings of the other two versions of this album, here all the linky links:
Unboxing: 7for7 by GOT7 (Magic Hour and Golden Hour Versions)
SO THAT'S IT FOR THIS UNBOXING! I really hope you guys enjoyed this post! Once again, I do have an update post coming up very soon regarding all the changes I plan on making to this blog such as content, layout, a post schedule, and a few other things. I'll also be letting you all know some life updates as well just in case you are interested in my weird little self and what I've been up to lately! Okay, I think that's it for now. Read on, bookworms! See you in the next chapter!
Previous Album Unboxings:Album Unboxing #1: "Verse 2" by JJProjectAlbum Unboxing #2: "Hola Hola" by KARDAlbum Unboxing #3: "Love Yourself 承 'Her'" by BTSAlbum Unboxing #4: "7FOR7" by GOT7 (Magic Hour Version and Golden Hour Version)

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Published on February 09, 2018 18:27

February 7, 2018

HELLO, 2018, I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

What up my beautiful lovely human peeps!! YOUR HOMEGIRL IS BACK ON THE BLOGOSPHERE!!!! For those of you who didn't notice I disappeared for almost four months, . . . um, hi.
ANYWAY, let me tell you why I disappeared off the face of the earth from this little blog of mine. So. Cute story. I spilled hot tea on my laptop of five years and it exploded. The end.
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It was a very sad occasion. After having spilled said tea on said laptop, I quite honestly had a mini meltdown. I was already in a huge blogging and reading slump and was not prepared for having a dead laptop and losing everything on it including some precious pictures of my artwork over the past few years, a million laugh worthy and tear worthy GIFS (I know, I know, there are bigger things to worry about than lost GIFS, I KNOW,) and to top it off, I was honestly in no rush AT ALL to get a new laptop.
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I really wanted to wait until I found the perfect laptop for me since it is a pretty big investment to slap down a thousand dollars for a screen with fancy buttons when I'm trying to save money for a million other things in life. ANYHOO, after four months of picking up extra shifts here and there at work, saving my money like a little chipmunk with nuts in winter, and doing research on laptops, I FINALLY BOUGHT ONE. 
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It's pretty and fancy and silver and sparkles and is EVERYTHING I WANT. 
So, yeah, that's my little run down of what happened BUT nothing much has changed since then. Oh, except I got a new job and dyed my hair blue, black, teal and it is now currently black AND red. Yay. I'm still very much addicted to coffee, Stranger Things and Criminal Minds are still my favorite shows and I'm still binge watching all the Kdramas and listening to literally all of the kpop and eating all the Oreos in sight. Yes. Okay BYYYYEEEEE!!!
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Published on February 07, 2018 20:51

November 11, 2017

October Book Haul & Wrap-Up (but not really) + Life Updates!

Hello, everyone! Wow, it has been a month. I feel like so much has happened to me in my life recently that the past month just flew by before I could even fathom that it was in fact October. Now, we're already in November LIKE WHAT.
Before we start off this book haul, I will start by just telling you all right now that I literally only read two books this month. 
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Published on November 11, 2017 08:43

October 27, 2017

Album Unboxing #4: "7For7" by GOT7 (Biggest Unboxing YET!)

Hello, eveyone! Today I'm super excited to be bringing you all this album unboxing that I've been DYING to post but life happens and well, time doesn't like being my friend so yeah.
ANYHOO, since there's kind of a lot to show you guys I'll get right into the unboxing. If you're interested, keep reading to see all that this album contains and if you choose to do so, please check out my previous album unboxings if you would like to as well.
Album Unboxing #1: "Verse #2" - JJProjectAlbum Unboxing #2: "Hola Hola" - K.A.R.D + StorytimeAlbum Unboxing #3: "Love Yourself 承 'Her'" - BTS

Okay, so, confession time. The reason why this unboxing is going to be kind of long, or at least longer than my previous ones, is simply because I bought both versions of the same album.


I honestly couldn't decide which version I wanted more, plus I wanted both versions so there. This happened. I REGRET NOTHING. Let's get into the unboxing instead of focusing on my lack of self-control.

So first, let's go over the different versions. The first one is the MAGIC HOUR and the second is the GOLDEN HOUR. I can't decide which one I like more since they both have slightly different themes and aesthetics.

They both came with a good amount of things and you know how much I love things like OMG GIMMEE. Let's start with this version, the GOLDEN HOUR I'm assuming since it's . . . well, golden looking. I will say that right off the bat I loved the theme of this one more than the other just because who doesn't love a sunset or dusk? It's so relaxing and refreshing.

This version of the album came with these three photocards, one of which being the shape of a triangle. I'm guessing if you're able to collect all seven triangle shaped cards, they're meant to be connected since on the back, it has writing on it. There's also a faint printing of what looks to be part of the GOT7 emblem which is pretty darn cool.

Not sure if I'll ever be able to collect all seven triangle photocards but hey, it's still fun to know there's a reason to try. Anyhoo, this the end of the unboxing for the GOLDEN HOUR so let's go ahead and move onto the unboxing of the next version. If you're still reading this, THANK YOU I LOVE YOU LET'S BE BESTIES. Okay, moving on.

And here we have the MAGIC HOUR. This album's aesthetic is seriously EVERYTHING OMG. It's so pretty and calming and it makes me happy. I forgot to mention that both albums came with these cool little postcard booklets which is really satisfying to look through.
The photography for both are so pretty and magical in a sense. 
Not that I'll be sending these to anybody, I don't think I could ever bring myself to part with any of them because, you know, I'm just a TINY bit of a HUGE fan of GOT7. Just a little one, not much. Obviously.

I freaking love the theme of this version of the album. I definitely love the photography of this album more than the other even though I love both. The photography for this one is a little more contemporary with a -in-the-moment vibe to it. Sorry, I'm an art student, I notice these things and describe them with strange words. 
BUT YOU GET WHAT I MEAN, RIGHT? Yes? Okay, thank you.

This album came with these three photocards, including the triangle shaped one. I plan on using the triangle ones as bookmarks since they're just too cool looking. Hopefully, I don't end up losing them or damaging them because then I would cry. Like a lot. More than I did while reading "Allegiant" and "The Fault In Our Stars."

And now for the photocard packs! I seriously love opening these little packets, it's just so satisfying.
As always, these were double sided and I got one with both albums. Now that I have all these photo cards, I seriously need to figure out a way to use them instead of letting my stack of photocards continue to grow. And grow. And grow. 
Excuse me while I cry in shame.
Okay I'm good, let's actually see these photocards instead of making you read more of my babble that no one has time for.


     Okay, no words needed. 

And last but certainly not least, the posters as the finale. I will say that it always makes me laugh a little at how huge these posters are. I've only ever received one actual small poster . . . and it's not even a poster, more like a flyer meant to be placed in the album booklet.

One of these days I should do a haul of all of my posters, it's almost as big as my book collection, I swear.

I think this one is my favorite of the two since it's just so pleasing to look at . . . for a number of reasons and not just because of the actual scenery in the background.

I would love to hang this one on my wall should I ever get over my weirdness about posters. Cross your fingers because my posters are so sad in their little box. 
So that is it for this album unboxing! I'm sorry if this post was whoa long and if you took the time to read it all, I applaud you. I've been horrible, positively HORRIBLE at keeping up with writing posts, reading my favorite blogs and commenting on their posts so hopefully, I can get back to being active in that way. It will take some time but I'm confident I can eventually get into some sort of groove with it all. Anyhoo, thank y'all so much for reading if you did, and please leave me a comment on what your current favorite song is, whether it be a new release or a throwback track. 
Read on, bookworms! See you in the next chapter!

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Published on October 27, 2017 05:00

October 11, 2017

September Book Haul and Wrap-Up!

Happy October, everyone! I've been having a good month so far and I hope all of yours have been super great! I'm actually just a tiny bit annoyed at the time that I'm writing this since I spent an HOUR typing everything up and adding in all the pictures and links . . . and it all got deleted.
Sometimes the refresh button TRULY hates me.
Anyhoo, I managed to type everything out again and it was actually quicker this time around? No idea how that happened but I'm glad and rolling with it. I had a pretty good month of book-buying, however, because of all the adulting I've been doing (SOMEONE SEND HELP) I've barely had time to read much of anything like blogs or comments, let alone books.
I'm going to try my very hardest to manage my time wisely and set aside that time for some relaxing with reading. I hope to post at least one post every week whether it be bookish or not so be sure to stay tuned if you're interested in seeing what I have planned for my next few posts. Now, without further ado, here's my book haul and wrap-up!______________________________________________
The Seer of Possibilities and Other Disturbing Tales by Thomas O.
BOUGHT BOOKS 18586252129305107184798312974908525802615762677468657
The Wizard of Oz: The First Five Novels (Oz #1-5) by L. Frank Baum - Barnes and Noble - $7.98Messenger (The Giver #3) by Lois Lowry - Thrift Store - $0.25The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger - Library - $1.00Staying Strong: 365 Days a Year by Demi Lovato - Library - $1.00The Secret Of Red Gate Farm by Carolyn Keene (1931 Edition) - Library - $1.00The Sign Of The Twisted Candles by Carolyn Keene (1933 Edition) - Library - $1.00Wonder Woman: Warbringer (DC Icons #1) by Leigh Bardugo - Target - $14.99Unashamed by Lecrae Moore - Hobby Lobby - $8.99The Wizard of Oz (Great Illustrated Classics) by Deidre S. Laiken (Adapter), L. Frank Baum - Thrift Store - $0.25Skinny by Ibi Kaslik - Thrift Store - $0.25
WRAP-UP 2089382866095491019462825802615

Side Effects by Jen Calonita // ⭐⭐⭐3/4
By the Time You Read This, I'll Be Dead by Julie Anne Peters, C.J. Bott  // ⭐⭐⭐1/2
Love and Leftovers by Sarah Tregay  // ⭐⭐⭐
Unashamed by Lecrae Moore  // ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER by Lecrae - Target - $15.99
LOVE YOURSELF承 'Her' by BTS - Amazon - $21.99______________________________________________
LOVE by kirstin™ - Barnes and Noble - $13.99
COLLAGE by The Chainsmokers - Barnes and Noble - $15.99
FALLEN by Evanescence - Barnes and Noble - $15.99______________________________________________
SONGS/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD Image result for lost faarrowImage result for hey guapo kirstinImage result for chantaje album coverImage result for handsome megan and lizImage result for strip it down liam payneImage result for together michelle branch
Bonbon by Era IstrefiBonbon by Era Istrefi (English Version)Lost by FaarrowHey Guapo by kirstin™ feat. Play-N-SkillzChantaje by Shakira feat. MalumaHandsome by Megan and LizStrip That Down by Liam Payne feat, QuavoTogether by Michelle Branch______________________________________________

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Published on October 11, 2017 13:52

October 2, 2017

Album Unboxing #3: "Love Yourself 承 'Her'" - BTS

Welp, I failed as a blogger.
HELLO, EVERYBODY! Yes, I've only posted TWICE this month and neither of them have been book reviews. YES, I am still alive but struggling to feel human. YES, I have failed you all *cries in dark hole*.
I do really mean it when I say I'm going to be more active on my blog and continue trying my hardest to post more often, however, this month has been exhausting, to say the least, so please be patient with me! It seriously means the world.
Now that my apologies are out of the way, let's focus on the actual point of this post: THE ALBUM. You have no idea how excited I am for this post, like seriously, I'm legit dying.


Okay, so, I'm DEAD excited for this album OMG. You've got no IDEA. I've been waiting for this album for about a month since I pre-ordered it before there was even a cover art. I was basically sold a promise and I was like "TAKE ALL MY MONEY!!".

Anyhoo, the album finally came (!!!!!!!) and I'm so excited to unbox it for you guys! Even though I've already opened up everything and already know what it came with and, well, it's all opened by this point because there are pictures of everything . . . you get the point.

Let's move on.

So first up, can we just talk about the cover? LIKE SO MUCH PRETTY. I love me some simple covers for albums and books, it's just very satisfying and I find it so pretty in all its simplicity. Anyhoo, the little letters and the flower is engraved with holographic amazingness and it makes me so happy. I love holographic anything so there's that.

It's also on the CD itself and it looks so pretty, I'M DYING.

The album also came with a little sheet of stickers which I plan on making into a phone case and by the time this post is being written, I'll have already made the phone case and I'll probably be taking a picture of it and posting it to my Instagram so follow me there if you're curious as to how it turned out.

It also came with that little book thing that I have no idea what it is since I don't know the language, BUT I'm sure it's interesting.

It also came with a poster so I'll be showing that later in this post so stay tuned and keep reading.

The album also came with photo cards, as always, and like always, they're currently sitting on my shelf with the rest of the thousand photocards I've gotten from other albums because I have NO IDEA what to do with them. Yay.

These are also double sided . . . like YES, THANK YOU.

This album also came with a "free gift" which I assumed was another photocard, which it was, so yay me for being psychic. I love getting little free gifts even if I know what they're going to be.

I probably shouldn't hope for extra photo cards since my collection is too big already and just wasting away in a dark little corner, but you know, whatevs.

And finally, the big finale, THE POSTER. Just like the photo cards, I have too many posters already but they're all safely kept in a box on my bookshelf. I'm so weird with posters, luckily one of my best friends related to me and I no longer felt alone in the world.

Anyhoo, I still love having posters of my favorite groups and bands even if I don't actually hang them up on my wall. Maybe one day I'll get over my weirdness . . . but let's be real, that's never gonna happen. MOVING ON.

So that's pretty much it for this album unboxing! I'm pretty much obsessed with every single song on this album, it's a little bit concerning. Like seriously, the first track gives me LIFE.

And, apparently, there are two bonus tracks to the album that are only on the physical album so that made me feel a little special when I found that out. Like, yay me, value the little things.

No idea at all when the next album unboxing will be, probably either at the end of the month or even in November, but we'll see. There are plenty of albums I plan on ordering so I guess stay tuned?

Previous Unboxings:Album Unboxing #1: "Verse 2" - JJ ProjectAlbum Unboxing #2: "Hola Hola" - K.A.R.D
Alright y'all, so that's it! I really hope you all enjoyed this post and please stay tuned for my future posts, the next one will be my wrap-up and haul for the month of September and hopefully, a few reviews will roll out as the month goes on. Read on, bookworms! See you in the next chapter!

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Published on October 02, 2017 17:05

September 5, 2017

Album Unboxing #2: "Hola Hola" - K.A.R.D + Storytime

What is up, everybody! Today I'm SUPER EXCITED to bring you all another album unboxing! I'm really loving that I'm able to do this on my blog now though I'm still unsure if anyone finds this entertaining so just roll with me here. As I've said before in my last album unboxing post, these won't be happening too often since it takes a while for albums overseas to get to my little Hobbit hole and this blog will remain bookish in all aspects. 
HOWEVER, I do have other interests besides books (*GASP* SHOCKING) and I really want to incorporate those interests into this blog and create more of a variety of topics. My blog is very special to me and I want to entertain people with my ramblings and whatnot, not just stick to one thing and one thing only. I'll be writing up a future post about why I've decided to make changes to my blog, what those changes are and topics I want to bring to The Bookworm Central so stay tuned for that if you want to know more.
Without further ado, let's get into the album unboxing! Plus, I have a cute little story that went along with obtaining this album . . . Read on.

First of all, CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT ALL THE PRETTY??? Like seriously, I was in awe when I pulled this album out of the packaging and saw all the beautiful holographic colors depending on how the light shone on the cover. Not only that, but it's whoa shiny.
I found it oddly satisfying it was to just hold the album in my hands. It's basically a book so I think you all know that feeling of holding a book that's the perfect size, weight, thickness, feel, etc. It's satisfying, right?
Okay now that I'm done being weird (FOR NOW) let me actually show you guys what all came with the album as it came with a decent amount of things. Not as much as my last album that I unboxed, but still, a good number and nothing that overwhelmed me. I like it when books or albums come with lots of stuff like postcards, bookmarks, stickers and so on but sometimes it makes my brain freak out like it's saying "WHAT DO I DO WITH ALL THE THINGS?"
Not only is it really holographic on the cover, but also on the back which only made me that much happier about it. I was really proud of myself when I took these pictures because the lighting was perfect and caught the colors so well and showed up way better on camera than colors usually do. 
As you can hopefully tell by the sunglasses in the corner, the album is a decent size which is great since a couple of albums I have are pretty big, almost bigger than a vinyl record even if you can imagine.
Anyhoo I'll stop talking already about how pretty the album is and move onto everything that came with the album itself so let's keep going.

First are the photo cards I received. In total, there were five, four of which are double sided and one having a playing card design which is pretty neat in my opinion. I usually keep these photo cards I have in the little plastic sleeves they usually come in in order to protect them from dust, dirt, etc. If anyone has any ideas on what I can do with these photo cards instead of just adding to the already big pile of them that I have, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I've thought about using them as just mini bookmarks but I would love any other ideas! 
Then, of course, is the album itself which has this really pretty tropical detailing on it which actually goes along quite well with the title of the album. One thing that I really love about this group's music is that it has a bit of a Latin Pop feel to it. I pretty much listen to only Kpop, Latin Pop, and maybe a little bit of country these days. Maybe it's just the changing of the season but I'm in a serious mood for just those three genres right now and nothing else.
And finally, the big kahuna (I just LOVE that word) which is the poster. And as usual, the poster was freaking HUGE. I almost couldn't fit it into the frame as I laid it on my table in front of the window in order to get good lighting but ended up having to move it to the floor just to get the whole thing in the frame. 
I expressed how weird I feel about posters many times before and I really want to get over that weirdness since I feel bad about having almost ten posters of my favorite artists just sitting in a box. I've thought about maybe hosting a giveaway for the posters instead so that other fans of the artists can put the posters to good use and give them a home on their bedroom walls but I'm not quite sure if I want to part with them.
It's a strange relationship. Anyhoo, I included the album for size comparison and I think this is one of the biggest posters I own now. 

STORYTIME Now that the unboxing is completed, there was a funny little event that took place while trying to get this album. When I first ordered it, it came quicker than I expected. It only took about nine days for it to ship to my house which was awesome and I was excited to open it as soon as possible. However, while the shipping status said it had been delivered successfully, it never showed up. A couple of days later, I got an email saying I needed to reschedule a redelivery as the first attempt failed. I rescheduled it no problem and the next day, I got another email saying my package was delivered.
Once again, happiness filled my heart and the excitement returned. Also once again, the packaged was nowhere to be found. About five days went by and with the package still not having turned up and checking the post office to see if they had it (they didn't
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Published on September 05, 2017 05:00

September 2, 2017

August Book Haul & Wrap-Up!

Hello, everybody! I hope you all had an awesome August. This month has been crazy busy for me personally but I somehow managed to post here more than ONCE this month! GET OUT THE CONFETTI CANNONS!! Anyhoo, I'm hard at work today putting together a few blog posts for this little blog of mine and for Of Wonderland which I co-blog at so hopefully everything goes smoothly and I'm able to schedule a handful of posts for both sites so wish me luck!
This month I was able to limit my book buying which I'm very happy about as I barely read anything this month, hence why my wrap up is very very tiny and even though I did much worse on my music buying (a lot of things came out in August OKAY!!) I'm still happy with the amount that I've obtained. 
As a side note before I get this wrap-up and book haul started, I do have a few posts from this month that I would like to refer you guys to in case you're interested in seeing my previous endeavors so here you go! Let's hope my posts become more regualar WITHOUT a week or two seperating each, am I right?
August 1st: The Review Chain: Level Up (Fandom Hearts #1) by Cathy Yardley + GIVEAWAY! (CLOSED)August 2nd: July Book Haul + Wrap-Up!August 15th: Album Unboxing #1: "Verse #2" - JJProjectAugust 27th: Dollar Store Book Haul!
Now onto the book haul and wrap-up. Enjoy! Stay tuned for another album unboxing post coming within the next few days. Read on, bookworms!____________________________________________________
WRAP-UP 232175571767503123846037
Skin and Bones by Sherry ShahanThis Star Won't Go Out: The Life and Words of Esther Grace Earl by Esther Earl, Lori Earl, Wayne Earl, John Green Nightfall by Jake Halpern, Peter Kujawinski
BOUGHT 2875532018295852183675812089382810194628186027911624815922864468
The Cabin by Natasha Preston - Thrift Store - $0.25The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith - Half Price Books - $4.99Afterworlds (Afterworlds #1) by Scott Westerfeld - Dollar Tree - $1Side Effects by Jen Calonita - Dollar Tree - $1Love and Leftovers by Sarah Tregay - Dollar Tree - $1Don't Call Me Baby by Gwendolyn Heasley - Dollar Tree - $1The Boyfriend App (App #1) by Katie Sise - Dollar Tree - $1One Perfect Summer: Labor of Love and Thrill Ride by Rachel Hawthorne - Dollar Store - $1_____________________________________________
DIGITAL DOWNLOADS Image result for running guns alyssa reidImage result for reggaeton lento cnco album coverImage result for reggaeton lento cnco album cover
Avalanche by FLETCHER - Google Play - $1.29I'll Find You by Lecrae ft. Tori Kelly - Google Play - $1.29Whatta Man by I.O.I - Google Play - $1.29Planez by Katelyn Tarver - Google Play - $1.29Running Guns by Alyssa Reid - Google Play - $0.99Reggaeton Lento (Bailemos) by CNCO - Google Play - $1.29Reggaeton Lento (Bailemos) by CNCO ft. Little Mix (REMIX) - Google Play - $1.29Hey DJ by CNCO ft. Yandel - Google Play - $0.99_____________________________________________

Verse #2 by JJ Project - Amazon - $24.99
The Most Beautiful Moments In Life Pt. 2 by BTS - Amazon - $22.99
Mansion by NF - Mardel - $5
Therapy Session by NF - Mardel - $5
Primera Cita by CNCO - Amazon - $8.99
Hola Hola by K.A.R.D - Amazon - $27.50

QOTD: What was your favorite read of the month?
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Published on September 02, 2017 11:06