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What is the line that separates love from hate? How can a broken heart heal from a loss so deep? When is letting go of your inhibitions worth risking your life?International artist Benjamin depicts profoundly moving portrayals of love and loss that will get to the core of what it means to throw your heart into life. The artist doesn't offer any comfort from the despair we all feel in our lives - while we know there is no answer, we are all better off for asking the question... and remembering the struggle.

188 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2004

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Benjamin (ZHANG Bin 本杰明)

7 books30 followers

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Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews
Profile Image for Sooraya Evans.
935 reviews60 followers
September 2, 2017
What the crap did I just read?
This gave me a terrible headache.
Everything was all over the place.
Profile Image for Zaghol .
1,005 reviews
December 17, 2023
Membaca semula komik+ilustrasi ini setelah salinan lamaku sudah dibakar bertahun2 yang lalu. Komik ini dterbitkan oleh gempakstarz pada tahun 2006, aku ingat lagi saat2 aku membeli komik ni, waktu tu ada kokurikulum petang di sekolahku, aku seperti biasa suka menapak ke kedai komik berhadapan perhentian bas Greenwood, berjalan kaki lebih kurang 3 km, aku akan menempuh jalan kampung tembus ke Greenwood yang kebetulan satu jalan dengan rumah kawanku. Tiba2 hari tu, kawan aku ajak naik motosikal bapaknya (sudah arwah beberapa tahun lepas). Aku pun ikut saja, sesampai di kedai, hanya komik "Remember" ini yang nampak menarik dengan kulit depannya yang cantik, aku pun sambar.

Tahun 2023, 17 tahun kemudian. Aku nampak komik ni dijual di kumpulan penjual komik terpakai di facebook. Aku beli semula, dan baca semula sejak bertahun2 lamanya. Cuma aku boleh katakan, penterjemah komik ni dari bahasa mandarin ke bahasa melayu, Yew Chen Yen (seperti tertera namanya di belakang buku) kurang berjaya dengan hasil kerjanya. Terjemahan kaku tanpa rasa, tidak sedap dibaca. Sepatutnya setelah selesai diterjemah, jemputlah sesiapa yang fasih melayu untuk mencantikkan. Lukisan yang cantik, jalan cerita yang teruk, mungkin terjemahan kurang sampai. Entah la.
Profile Image for Melissa.
245 reviews27 followers
February 20, 2010
I rarely ever write a review of the books I'm reading, but I felt the need to write one for this one. The ONLY reason this graphic novel is getting three stars is because of the art. If you're looking for a good storyline, look elsewhere PLEASE. Although I geniunely liked the first story, I felt it was extremely choppy, and if it had been elaborated upon, I possibly would have liked it better. The second story, I didn't like at all. In fact, I felt lost in it. I was reading words and that's the one thing that I never want to feel like I'm doing in a story. I was deeply disappointed as a reader, but as an art lover, amazingly satisfied.
Profile Image for Kuyinbii.
177 reviews22 followers
February 18, 2022
Yazarın ilk kitabı mıdır bilemiyorum ama karmakarışık bir şeydi. Hikaye desen ortada hikaye bile yok. YIKIM ahgsjsshejheh
Profile Image for Francine.
1,099 reviews28 followers
February 15, 2017
This book consists of two stories. The first, "No one can fly. No one can remember.", is perfect. It chronicles the non-relationship between a frustrated comic artist who can't get his comics published because he refuses to listen to criticism, and the girl who shouldn't love him. The story is told from the man's perspective, the verbal abuser, which is a story that not often gets told. You understand why he says and does the things he does, and you understand why she keeps coming back, and you simultaneously want to scream at them and give them advice and help them, even though you know you can't because they aren't real and neither of them'd listen to you anyway. It feels real. It feels poignant.

The camera angles are also on point.

. . .

(The second story, "That year, that summer.", is good too, but it didn't swallow me up like the first one did. Which is why, I'm afraid, I won't give this book five stars.)
February 16, 2012
I only read the first half, because the second half looked so boring and illogical I didn't bother.
Ok, most people really hate the storyline of the first half because it's unrealistic, typical, etc., etc., etc. Most people would say that the art is pretty amazing, however, it is gratuitous. I'd say that it's not gratuitous compared to other stuff out there. While I admit the storyline is unrealistic and does get smushy mushy sometimes, I completely died while reading it, because why do I read? I don't read for a piece of reality. I read for a story that cannot be believed, but can nevertheles be enjoyed because of its unbelievabitlity. And this story I enjoyed to the full. Maybe I'm a strange one, but this flight of fantasy was beautifully captured and therefore captured my attention. I have to knock off a star for some serious swearing though.
Profile Image for Hafeez.
507 reviews4 followers
April 22, 2022
[BSKL #107]

Komik alih bahasa daripada artis dari China, Zhang Bin atau Benjamin. Dalam ni ada 2 komik je; Remember dan Summer. Aku tak suka jalan cerita. Transisi dari panel ke panel tu memeningkan aku dan buatkan aku tak faham jalan cerita sebenar. Dari segi gaya lukisan memang superb!
Profile Image for Ashqtara.
147 reviews
August 29, 2017
Ich weiß nicht recht.
Das Artwork ist zum größten Teil wirklich wunderschön und großartig und wild und sanft zugleich und hach... Aber storytechnisch kam ich so gar nicht mit. Zu durcheinander, die Charaktere oft kaum unterscheidbar oder zu erkennen, wer was sagt. Es hatte mehr von Gedanken zu einer Geschichte als eine komplette Geschichte selbst? Und ich weiß nicht, ob es daran lag oder an den Storythemen oder am Artwork, aber das ganze Buch hat mich sehr durcheinander und irritiert zurückgelassen. Vielleicht bin ich auch einfach nur zu blöd, das alles zu kapieren, wer weiß. *schulterzuck*
Profile Image for Laurie.
176 reviews3 followers
May 3, 2020
The banal story of a young girl in love with a comic creator.

Beautiful artwork

Depressing story

I need more!
Profile Image for Jessica.
738 reviews69 followers
December 27, 2012
Appeal Characteristics:

I loved this story better than Orange. I love it because my dad use to tell me stories from his days in college as an artist...and he had this CRAZY artist girl-friend...and he knew he could never date an artist...so he picked a 'normal' girl who didn't know anything about art, my mom. Needless to say, that is not the premise of this story. There is a crazy artist with a crazy girlfriend. He is trying to navigate through the bureaucracy of the publishing industry in China...where comics should be "clean and made for kids." I love that this story illustrates that while there's a market for kids in comics why perpetrate that comics "HAVE TO BE" for children. The fact that the artists portrayed is such a mimic of world-wideart/music sub-culture...is so awesome! This story is packaged full of longing, regret, nostalgia, and the "unexamined life is not worth living."

Again, this one was translated a bit better than Orange. It was so bittersweet, It made me wish for some dark chocolate. Maybe, I just loved the subject matter more but the story telling was just so full of nostalgia--It had me going down brief memory lane about regrets of the "should've, would've could've" Anyway, the visualizations are just as rich and lush as Orange. You do get a few extra stories in Remember, too. You get one about a boy reminiscing about his college days, and the girl he loved. This just made my appetite for wanting to checkout other Chinese manhua. Sadly, I don't think Tokyopop is here anymore. Hopefully the digital publishing of titles will take off and I can score some more comics.

Red Flags: language, adult situations, sex, violence
Profile Image for Carlos Rioja.
Author 9 books20 followers
December 31, 2010
Tras Orange, otro libro de Benjamin que me deja fascinado y destrozado, como si hubiera corrido hasta casi salírseme el corazón. Incluye dos historias, «Nadie es capaz de volar, nadie es capaz de recordar» y «El verano de aquel año», un montón de pinturas y letras sueltas que tratan, básicamente, sobre la desgracia de la vocación artística, sobre no poder dejar nunca de buscar, y sobre la pérdida. Es puro romanticismo, pero del auténtico, no del arrejuntamiento cobarde (no puedes amar de verdad si no has estado dispuesto a dar tu vida por nada). Es un libro hermoso, un híbrido con espíritu de fanzine que, a pesar de su excelente acabado y su edición digna de antología artística, se debate entre la autobiografía, los sueños, el portafolio, la historieta, el aforismo y qué se yo más en pos de una sinceridad que Benjamin cree siempre esquiva, pues toda obra de arte es esencialmente una mentira. Frecuentemente, también un peligro: «¿Qué es un artista? Los que llevan a los demás a hacer toda clase de actos despreciables son precisamente los que ahora se enfundan el chaleco antibalas del arte.» (p. 194) Pero puede tener sentido, aún: «(…) pienso que todavía vale la pena contar estas cosas.» (p. 195) Quizá para tender alguna clase de puente, para plantearnos qué vale la pena cuando el mundo alrededor es una megalópolis estrecha y húmeda donde todo parece morir absurda, lentamente.
1 review
February 13, 2011
As others have said, the art IS amazing - it does carry this book. The story carries a few issues of its own, being that the trials and hardships of the characters are extremely specific and esoteric. Many of the deepest emotions are coming from a place to which few can relate. However, the superficial parts of the story that are within reach are adequate enough to warrant buying and keeping this book. The art subtly underlines the raw emotion of the the characters, their regrets, their anger, frustration, and hurt. That being said, this is something of a heavy book, and the second story sort of detracts from the overall aesthetic of the prior story. You seem to get lost in what seems a half-written story - one that itself lacks depth AND emotion. The preview of Orange near the end was very intriguing. Overall, it was worth the read. :)
Profile Image for Cale.
3,777 reviews25 followers
August 6, 2013
I have to say the artwork in this book is wonderful. Good line work mixed with impressionist coloring makes for some fabulous page layouts and images. It's a pity the stories are so poor.
It's a bad sign when the author writes in the afterword 'reading this comic now, I don't like it at all.' The stories here are I'm guessing semi-autobiographical, and if so, this is not someone I would like to know. Part of the issue may be the translation; it may not have gone well; I just think there wasn't enough there to begin with that what it lost in the move makes it almost incomprehensible. I follow the general gists of both the short pieces here, they just aren't cohesive or really coherent.
But if you want to ignore the text and write your own story for the images, this would be a good place to do it. The art is really astounding. It's just a shame the text doesn't hold up.
Profile Image for Margaryta.
Author 6 books42 followers
August 27, 2010
The. Art. Was. AMAZING.
I didn't care too much if the stories were hard to follow (though there were details in them that I rather love) but overall, this book is tear-worthy and worth a read.
It truly shows the hardships of being a manga artist, how you often find you lack the money from that job but because you love drawing and making people happy you still continue on your road to it.

Just startingly beautiful. This is one heck of an amazing graphic novel that I'm so happy I read
Profile Image for Delphine Brunetière.
18 reviews8 followers
November 24, 2011
This graphic novel is fantastic. There are two stories in the album, and they are pretty different. I personnally like the first story best, very colorful and moving. The main character is irritating and touching at the same time. The second was darker and the story is not as catchy (in my opinion). But both stories are poetic, it's a real pleasure to read it.
Profile Image for Sammie.
840 reviews2 followers
March 26, 2016
the only reason this book got 5 stars was because of the Art Work ,the story itself is just plain bad ,he doesn't really know how to tell a story from beginning to end ,it's like he starts and then it just falls off and you have no idea where it's going and then you get to the end and you feel ripped off . His Art Work is really awesome tho ,I kinda wish he would just stick with drawing .
Profile Image for Megan Anderson.
Author 8 books37 followers
August 30, 2015
The art is worth ten stars. It's absolutely beautiful. However, the stories are difficult to follow; they seem to be more impressions of images rather than a coherent plot. But the art...just incredible.

4/5 on here, 8/10 for myself
Profile Image for Sylvain Bérubé.
349 reviews34 followers
January 7, 2016
Les dessins sont sublimes, et les trois histoires ne m'ont pas laissé indifférent. J'ai particulièrement apprécié les commentaires auto-critiques de l'auteur dans les postfaces et ses autres réflexions.
Profile Image for Angie.
211 reviews16 followers
November 26, 2010
This book is full color and I'm so in love with the artist! very interesting book.
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews

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