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Star Wars Legends: Comics

Star Wars: Mara Jade - By the Emperor's Hand

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Mara Jade is beautiful, intelligent -- and deadly. She is the Emperor's Hand, the personal assassin of the Empire's dark overlord. Mara has destroyed many enemies of the Empire in her time, and has always carried out her missions with forethought and skill. But after the Emperor's death at the hands of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, an unforeseen variable is about to enter the scene of her final mission for her employer: the assassination of the leader of the Black Nebula crime organization. Though her master is dead, Jade must complete her final mission...even if it costs her life

117 pages, Paperback

First published September 1, 1999

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About the author

Timothy Zahn

302 books7,767 followers
Timothy Zahn attended Michigan State University, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in physics in 1973. He then moved to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and achieved an M.S. degree in physics in 1975. While he was pursuing a doctorate in physics, his adviser became ill and died. Zahn never completed the doctorate. In 1975 he had begun writing science fiction as a hobby, and he became a professional writer. He and his wife Anna live in Bandon, Oregon. They have a son, Corwin Zahn.

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Profile Image for Ill D.
Author 0 books8,607 followers
May 28, 2018
Mara Jade is one of the most beloved characters in what was once known as the Star Wars EU (Expanded Universe) Forging an essential component in Zahn’s seminally crucial Thrawn Trilogy of the early 90’s and the ensuingly ever-expanding universe that is Lucas’ ever ballooning commercial empire, she’s been a well developed and highly likable character ever since. And now, by Stackpole’s design, she got her very own origin story in: By the Emperor’s Hand.

While I enjoyed this immeasurably in my youth, time has done little to retain its standing. In fact, I was initially struck by just how utterly wonky the intro was. More jumbly then well planned, the first act was nothing short of a sticky, hot mess. Even with her ostensibly cool presence at Jabba’s Palace, just like Shadows, her appearance is equally unimportant to the portents of Jedi which were full on display.

Thankfully, the story gets off on its own tracks soon enough. Following on its still jumbled tracks, it rumbles this way and that across its increasingly disastrous levels of self-convolution. Sure enough, her hit job is riddled with odd musings on compassion and the breakdown of state imposed order as bodies drop and lazers scorch.

With the hit job concluded, no matter how messy, we become privy to an odd sequence of filler of the oddest depiction. Ever asked yourself what cold-blooded killers in the Emperor’s personnel employment panel do for R&R? Well this comic tells you: museum visitations, nature hikes, and fine dining. The banal length of filler fills the pages until we get to the next crux of the tale. With The Emperor dead, our anti-hero is taken into custody and the story jumbles forth upon another set of not-so-well laid down tracks that its haphazardly switched toward.

In tried in true comic tradition, the ever-hackneyed escape unfolds and Jade creeps and crawls her way though a vast network of hidden passages in the Imperial Centre. And even with Issard hot on her heels punitive attempts to thwart her escape are surprisingly worthless. With her escape yet another boring railroad of narrative is yet again switched toward.

Just as flat as her recreational activities of not so long ago, our ex-assassin takes part in yet another mediocre aspect of life that feels unnervingly akin to our own galaxy’s: the minimum wage job. Taking up employment at a local bar to support herself, this not-so-otherworldliness retains its banality until broken up (literally) by a gang assault. With the defeated criminal revealed as agents Black Nebula, our tale takes an odd 180 and is yanked toward its initial conflict.

With a mere issue to go, with credits in her hand and revenge on her mind, Mara Jade trills forth to finally complete her hit job that was evidently left unfinished before. Following the cosmic trail, an intergalactic casino is breached and Black Nebula’s holiest of holy’s is penetrated. While featuring quite possibly the most botched, and unthoughout criminal infiltration in comic book history, this Ex-Empire employee somehow manages to complete her task from before – maybe overbudget but, definitely over-schedule.

In either case, for such an important character in the EU, her origin
Profile Image for 47Time.
2,878 reviews92 followers
May 19, 2020
Mara Jade is a pretty cool character from the Star Wars Expanded Universe. She is force sensitive, but her power seems to be connected with that of her master Darth Sidious. Her skill are many - spy, hand-to-hand fighter, demolitions and firearms expert. She employs tactical thinking and has a calm head on her shoulders even in the most stressful circumstances.

During Star Wars Episode VI Mara is the Emperor's hand. She fails at killing Luke Skywalker during the Jabba the Hutt scene, so she is given a new mission on Svivren. Her target is Dequc, the leader of a criminal organization called Black Nebula which is intended to be a resurrection of the defunct Black Sun. Though successful, she soon learns that the being she killed was Dequc's double. She returns to her mission, determined to get the right target this time. While she ponders her next move, she feels through the force that Skywalker and his father Vader have killed Sidious.

Profile Image for Cudahy Family Library.
129 reviews7 followers
February 1, 2022
Mara Jade, one of the best EU characters created. This comic shows the story of just before and after the death of the Emperor when Mara’s whole life turns upside down and she receives the ultimate final order “You will kill Luke Skywalker.”

After Palpatine’s death, Mara is held captive by the director of Imperial Intelligence, Ysanne Isard, as a possible threat to the Empire. Eventually escaping, she discovers a job she had done was not actually finished and sets about putting things right; while finding her Force powers have severely diminished.

Throughout this comic, you see Mara as one who truly believed in her work and service to the Empire and to Palpatine; she was removing threats to the peace and security of the galaxy. She also saw how the Rebels caused death and destruction wherever they went in the gunfights that inevitably ensued with Imperial forces, oftentimes innocent civilians caught in the middle.

This is a good comic with appealing artwork. The only thing I was left wishing was seeing how Mara eventually ended up with Talon Karrde.
Profile Image for Logan Harrington.
377 reviews2 followers
August 6, 2023
I love that this entire 6-issue run is solely dedicated to Mara Jade, detailing the events she experienced following the death of the Emperor, destruction of the Death Star II, and betrayal of Darth Vader. To know that she truly believed in the “good” the Empire was doing is so interesting and showcases that not everyone who was a member of the Empire was truly a member for the wrong reasons.

This has some of the coolest art of Mara that I’ve ever seen, the subtleties work so well for her mysterious character and simply play into her characterization. I would love to see more of Mara Jade, and I’m sure I’ll read more eventually, but this is definitely a perfect place to start!
Profile Image for Rachel Adiyah.
103 reviews1 follower
August 25, 2019
I wanted to like this but it just dragged on past the point of being interesting. Personally, I wanted to see Mara Jade at her zenith as the Emperor's Hand, or perhaps as she attempted to kill her future husband prior to the Thrawn Trilogy, not as she hovered on the point of irrelevance. The story line with Black Nebula just didn't hold my attention. Also, I wasn't crazy about the illustration style. This was good, but not great. Good thing I didn't pay very much for it.
Profile Image for Emily.
569 reviews5 followers
March 19, 2024
this felt sooooo dated and didn't do Mara justice imo. if I had to look at one more male gazey drawing of her ass I was going to scream. also I did not need to know her thought process in every action scene. the narration of this was odd, I did not like the art, and the species trying to revive Black Sun looked like the poop emoji in robes.
Profile Image for Teresa.
Author 4 books85 followers
August 10, 2016

This is an interesting story told from Mara Jade's perspective. The reader is given both narrative of Mara Jade's adventures as well as direct monologue and dialogue. This series is about Mara Jade when she is working as the Emperor's Hand. Mara must assassinate whoever gets in the way of the Emperor, whether it be a crime lord such as Dequc or Luke Skywalker. When Mara gets word of the Emperor's downfall, her whole world turns around, and the last command Emperor Palpatine give her is "Kill Luke Skywalker." Captured by Isard as a potential betrayer to the Emperor, Mara's only desire is to escape and exact the Emperor's will, and her revenge, by killing Luke, but is then sidetracked by a different mission. When Mara escapes, she sets out to find herself. When she takes up a waitressing job in a cantina, she finds out that Dequc is still alive and makes her new goal hunting him down, since her failure to assassinate him was a failure to serving the Emperor.

This series is nearly 20 years old, so the art is a bit dated, but it's not too bad to look it. The art has an average American comic appearance and the story is pretty interesting and is full of great lightsaber action, so I would suggest getting your hands on this is you can.
Profile Image for Yves.
688 reviews8 followers
October 9, 2012
Mara Jade était, avant d'être une contrebandière et ensuite une Jedi et la femme de Luke Skywalker, la Main de l'Empereur. Palpatine lui offrait des tâche qui de mandait plus de subtilité que Darth Vader était capable. Son univers s'écroule lors de la mort de l'Empereur. Elle doit rebâtir sa vie à zéro. Son passé ressurgit lorsqu'une organisation que devait avoir supprimé refait surface et tue son nouveau patron. Son objectif est maintenant simple : éliminer les dirigeant de la Nébuleuse Noire.

Je suis un amateur des écrivains Timothy Zahn et Micheal Stackpole. Cependant, cette BD n'est pas vraiment à la hauteur de leur talent. Par moment, l'histoire est un peu ennuyante, surtout la partie avec Ysanne Isard. De plus, les dessins ne sont pas extraordinaire. Je trouve qu'ils manquent beaucoup de détails. Pour le positif, c'est que j'ai bien aimé voir Mara Jade en tant que Main de l'empereur. Mara Jade est une des meilleurs personnages de l'Univers Étendu de Star Wars et méritait mieux comme histoire selon mon avis.
Profile Image for Amina D'Anima.
496 reviews25 followers
February 25, 2018
Alors je ne sais pas si c'est le seul comics à propos de Mara Jade et si c'est l'un des premiers mais j'ai trouvé qu'il manquait de profondeur. On ne sait rien ou presque sur le passé de Mara à part qu'elle est " La Main de l'Empereur" et son parcours pour arriver jusque là est flou. Du coup, je n'ai pas pu m'attacher à ce personnage alors qu'elle a beaucoup de potentiel. On ne connaît ni ses objectifs, ni ses motivations. J'avais l'impression de la suivre comme ça sans intérêt sauf à partir du moment du bar où là j'ai compris qu'il y avait une part de vengeance et aussi de quête de justice. Niveau caractère et personnalité elle est très froide néanmoins j'avoue que c'est une tacticienne hors pair et c'est son gros point fort on ne peut pas le nier. Mara Jade est effectivement un personnage badass cependant elle ne m'a pas plus touchée que ça car j'avais toujours l'impression qu'elle agissait comme un robot et de façon automatique. Si bien que j'ai cru dans une scène que ça serait la révélation mais non c'est bien une humaine. Enfin bon, passons au niveau graphisme je dirais que c'était plutôt pas mal mais pas fou fou.
Pour terminer quand même avec un petit point positif : j'ai bien aimé retrouvé des scènes de l'épisode 6 et je trouve que ça aurait pu être mieux exploiter en faisant le parallèle entre l'apprentissage de Luke et celui de Mara par exemple mais c'est que mon avis ^^
Pour mon premier comics j'ai trouvé ça pas mal mais il n'est pas nécessaire forcément de le lire car on n'en apprend pas beaucoup sur le personnage :( Dommage
Profile Image for Quinlan.
21 reviews
December 24, 2017
Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand #0-#6

When you grab an older Star Wars book, you often have no idea what you're going to find. Sometimes it disappoints, but other times it perfectly hits the spot. This mini-series covers the life of imperial operative Mara Jade before and after Emperor Palpatine, the man she has devoted her life to serving, is slain. Without the protection and resources of her patron behind her, Mara is forced to rely on her instincts and forge a new path for herself outside the system. I usually wouldn't find myself rooting for someone on the side of the Empire but the way her character is written really makes you empathize with her situation. Although it's a bit risky, the panels often write out exactly what Mara is thinking which actually adds to story since she is often pretending to be someone else or considering how to get out of a sticky situation. Seeing her thought process as a top level imperial agent is usually quite rewarding. I highly recommend this prequel which provides a compelling backstory for Mara Jade and future Mrs. Skywalker in the Legends' continuity.
Profile Image for Graham Barrett.
945 reviews1 follower
March 10, 2024
(Read in 2020, review from 2024)

After Grand Admiral Thrawn, the best Star Wars character created by Timothy Zahn is Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker's enemy turned wife. This graphic novel is a short peek into her life at the end of her service to her master Emperor Palpatine and before she joins up with Talon Karrde's smuggling crew. The post Battle of Endor power struggle amongst Imperials is interesting enough but Mara Jade's efforts to wipe out a criminal syndicate's leadership is incredibly forgettable. Star Wars fans that like 90s Star Wars comics will like this but most others (including some Timothy Zahn fans) may or may not care for it. Personally I just find there's other Mara Jade stories out there that are much better.
68 reviews2 followers
January 24, 2021
Great mara jade story, that shows us how she operated as palpatines assassin, as well as how she deals with the events of return of the Jedi, and transitions more into the mara we see in heir to the empire. I loved almost everything about this book.isard was great to see, the artwork was amazing, and mara was written wonderfully (it's zahn what do you expect) the only critism I have is that it ends very suddenly, there's no real ending, it just sort of ends, which leaves you a little unsatisfied. Other than that a great comic book series, by zahn and stackpole!!
Profile Image for Aline Job.
Author 1 book9 followers
April 22, 2018
O grande valor do universo expandido de Star Wars são as histórias que não só complementam determinados episódios, mas que apresentam nuances que a trilogia original dos filmes não conseguiu desenvolver, mantendo as estruturas apenas em oposição do bem contra o mal. Mara Jade, como Mão do Imperador, nos mostra o quanto isso é verdade, pois ela está no limiar. Imperdível.
Profile Image for Ken.
67 reviews
June 1, 2019
accentuates the difference between a simple bounty hunter and an assassin in the star wars universe-hired muscle v. cold blooded killers working with an organization they chose to work with

has some weird fillers as the top reviewer has mentioned-but they aren't a big deal as they only fill up a few panels
Profile Image for Caitlin DeGrave.
173 reviews3 followers
January 8, 2020
3.5. it's my first comic book, so it took a bit to get used to. It was strange to me that there were no transitions, to the point I thought I was missing pages, but I guess not. By the end I was enjoying itb will enough!
Profile Image for Suden Käpälä.
112 reviews
November 21, 2020
As with the other series that I have in which she features heavily, I don't like the way Mara looks in these comics -- not in the least her expression. She wears a perpetual scowl of hate on her face. However, I do love everything else about this series. The plot is tight and interesting. The protagonist is pretty benevolent for a 'bad gal' -- or vice versa; and I like my grayscales. The villain is acceptable; and her tech-savvy henchman feels fresh. (Their 'career advancement' dialogue gets a bit so-so after a while; but that's not a big deal.)
If it had been a larger series, I might place it above TotJ or KotOR in awesomeness ranking -- but it certainly comes close. The covers are all spectacularly beautiful, and show Mara as I imagined her -- especially the cover for the trade paperback. Comics at it best.
Profile Image for Amanda.
61 reviews4 followers
July 12, 2018
An excellent introduction to one of the EU’s most beloved characters, set post Return of the Jedi.
Profile Image for Timo.
Author 3 books11 followers
August 1, 2020
This was fun. So much better than I expected. Good space fun. Cool main character and as usually, Esquerra art is pure enjoy to see.
Profile Image for Jay DeMoir.
Author 18 books70 followers
May 14, 2022
One of the best parts of the Star Wars EU (now legends). Mara will always be missed 🖤✊🏾💯
Profile Image for Kevin Morrison.
84 reviews
August 8, 2022
Such a great character and well made story! The artwork is fantastic and seeing Mara Jade grow after the destruction of the Empire is fascinating.
Profile Image for Jared.
373 reviews13 followers
December 20, 2022
Star Wars Legends Project #302

Background: Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand, released in September of 1999, collects issues #0-6 originally published Jul 1998-Feb 1999. The series was co-written by Timothy Zahn and Michael A. Stackpole with art by Carlos Ezquerra. Zahn is, of course, best known for his nearly 20 extremely successful Star Wars novels across both the Legends and Canon continuities, though he has also written several short stories and a few comics. Stackpole has written nearly 10 Star Wars novels plus a few short stories and comics. Aside from one other short comic story, this is Ezquerra's only Star Wars credit.

By the Emperor's Hand takes place mostly during and shortly after Return of the Jedi, 4 years after the Battle of Yavin. The main character is Mara Jade. There are major appearances by the Emperor, Darth Vader, and Ysanne Isard. Most of the story takes place on Coruscant, Svivren, and Qiaxx.

Summary: Mara Jade is the Emperor's Hand, a secret, highly-skilled assassin who operates as a personal extension of the Emperor's will, and she has never failed a mission . . . until the Emperor sends her to infiltrate Jabba the Hutt's palace on Tatooine and kill Luke Skywalker. Stung by her first failure, Mara embarks on her next objective, to take down a crime lord who seeks to rebuild Black Sun's criminal empire, scattered by the recent death of Prince Xizor. But everything she understands about the galaxy and her place in it is about to be upended . . .

Review: Zahn and Stackpole are, hands down, the two best storytellers in the Expanded Universe, and when they collaborate . . . fireworks. Zahn's characters are some of the most beloved in the EU, and there's always a built-in audience for stories about them. But there have been a few stories featuring Mara Jade that felt a bit forced . . . mainly with how many times she almost meets Luke Skywalker before she actually meets him. But I didn't get that feeling here.

This is a perfect origin story for her character that establishes how she gets from the person we see in some of Zahn's prequel works about her, to the person she is when readers first met her in the Thrawn trilogy. But what makes it really successful is that it isn't just an origin story. It also functions completely as a stand-alone adventure. I'm hesitant to say more about it because I don't want to spoil the pleasures of the various twists and turns that the story takes. Nothing that happens is a particularly surprising revelation, but it's really enjoyable to watch how the story unfolds. My one criticism is that I didn't care much for the artwork, particularly the way Mara is drawn, or for the colors. They were fine. They just didn't quite live up to the story that Zahn and Stackpole told. But this one's still a must.

Profile Image for kirsten.
330 reviews24 followers
January 14, 2023
"The center of my life, my entire purpose for being, the one for whom I acted had been struck down. I, the Emperor's Hand had failed to prevent his death. Had I only succeeded in killing Skywalker..."

Mara Jade is one of my favourite characters of the expanded universe (I refuse to call it "LeGEnDs") and yes, I know that George Lucas didn't like her. This comic tells of her last mission for the Emperor and what immediately happens following his death. It's so interesting to see Mara struggle to find her place in the galaxy after this, she feels she has no purpose or worth outside of serving Palpatine so even after his death she still acts as his hand. I actually really love seeing this side to Mara as much as I like her as a badass Jedi, something about her during her villain era just hits different. Especially in this comic when we see her go head-to-head with Isard.


This also might be my favourite quote from her in this comic: .

Mara is just so fascinating and I love really getting the chance to see what her thought process was like before she became a Jedi.
Profile Image for Malcolm Cox.
Author 1 book2 followers
January 20, 2020
This was a good character piece on Mara Jade, a character whose usual appearance in the Star Wars series is all about hating Luke and wanting to kill Luke. This was a refreshing change from that and it showed how efficient, resourceful and dangerous she can be (when not trying to kill Luke). This was quite a long story for a graphic novel, but it had a lot to say and showed quite a lot of the character of Mara Jade the person as opposed to Mara Jade the weapon. Although the story doesn't really affect the main story-line, it does touch upon several aspects of the films and Expanded Universe which gave it an authentic feel. In the end, it was an enjoyable tale of a strong, lightsaber-wielding female just trying to find her place in the galaxy... another thing Disney have stolen and butchered horribly.
The artwork was okay, nothing particularly special but didn't hurt the eyes either.
Profile Image for Wesley Asbell.
42 reviews6 followers
March 28, 2013
A complete self contained story that happens around the events of Return of the Jedi. The graphic novel plays fair with it's audience. There are no last minute saves or previously unheard of force powers. Mara makes good use of local resources, relying on her powers only when absolutely necessary. She's a sexy kick-ars fem fatal and a smart capable heroine all in one. The art style, while not photorealistic, serves the needs of the story well
It was interesting after reading about her in the Timothy Zahn novels, getting to see her reaction to the emperor's death and her struggle to find balance in the aftermath here. It added extra layers to an already emotionally complex character.
Profile Image for Franki.
164 reviews45 followers
May 30, 2013
I discovered Mara Jade when I was younger and I had a load of Star Wars action figures. I always liked the her- she was pretty badass looking, with her catsuit, her lightsabre and her red hair- and when I found this graphic novel, I had to snatch it up.
I didn't know any stories of her, no idea of her origins or where she'd come from so, if nothing else, this book was a good education for me.
Maybe someone who was more familiar with the Star Wars universe or Mara Jade's story arc could give you a better review because I'm just an outsider, looking in, who enjoyed a decent read and would definitely read more about her.
25 reviews4 followers
May 5, 2014

It was nice to have a change of perspective with STAR WARS normally you follow the hero this time you followed the villain who becomes an anti hero at the end of the novel. The story takes place during Return Of The Jedi and follows Emperors Hand Mara Jade as she at first tries to assassinate Luke Skywalker only to fail and is given another task while the events of JEDI take place. Once the emperor dies she is tasked to one final mission as an Hand and she will finish it but will she survive.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 52 reviews

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