Academic literature on the topic 'Albert (1913-1960)'

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Journal articles on the topic "Albert (1913-1960)":


Webb, Samuel. "Albert Camus (1913/1960) - Vivre l'absurde." Les Grands Dossiers des Sciences Humaines N° 43, no. 6 (June 1, 2016): 27.

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Flores, Moisés. "El absurdo y la rebelión metafísica en Albert Camus." Revista Latinoamericana de Difusión Científica 3, no. 5 (June 7, 2021): 36–47.

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El pensamiento de Albert Camus (1913-1960) se caracterizó por reivindicar la libertad y la rebelión del individuo. Tomando en cuenta estos dos principios, a continuación se analiza el absurdo y la rebelión metafísica en dos obras centrales de Camus: El Mito de Sísifo (1942) y El Hombre Rebelde (1951). El absurdo forma parte de la condición humana. La rebelión metafísica busca la superación del absurdo, en cuanto obstáculo de la libertad; también aboga por hacer conciencia en el hombre de defender su libertad ante cualquier estructura, Institución o Estado que pretenda limitarla.

Chauvin, Jean Pierre. "DIALÉTICA DA CEGUEIRA." Revista de Estudos de Cultura 5, no. 13 (February 26, 2020): 21–38.

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Neste trabalho, discutem-se aspectos relacionados ao gênero, ao tema e à fatura de Ensaio sobre a Cegueira (1995), propondo-se que o romance possa ser enfeixado como exemplar da ficção distópica, em diálogo com A Peste (1947), de AlbertCamus (1913-1960). Para José Saramago (1922-2010), a literatura também era pretexto para revisar a historiografia, estimular a reflexão e lutar contra o senso ordinário das palavras.Palavras-Chave: Romance distópico; Albert Camus; José Saramago

Brandão, Gilda Vilela. "Graciliano Ramos e o sentimento de absurdo." Revista Diadorim 13 (June 28, 2013): 99–122.

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Partindo da ideia de que o asco pela existência constitui um topic expressivo na obra romanesca de Graciliano Ramos (1892-1953), o artigo especula as possíveis relações existentes entre esse posicionamento estético-existencial e o sentimento do absurdo na forma concebida por Albert Camus (1913-1960). Nessa perspectiva, centra-se no romance Angústia, de Ramos, no ensaio filosófico Le mythe de Sisyphe (O mito de Sísifo) e nos romances L'étranger (O Estrangeiro) e La Peste (A peste), de Camus.

Sampaio, Leandson Vasconcelos. "Albert Camus e a recusa do assassinato legitimado em O Homem Revoltado (1951)." Kalagatos 15, no. 1 (December 14, 2017): 179–87.

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O filósofo franco-argelino Albert Camus (1913-1960) critica em seu ensaio O Homem Revoltado (1951) as filosofias políticas totalitárias que tentavam justificar os crimes de Estado em nome de sociedades perfeitas no futuro. O trabalho busca analisar em que sentido o diagnóstico camusiano de sua época tem como consequência a recusa do assassinato legitimado pela filosofia. O horizonte ético-político camusiano contrapõe-se às tentativas de justificação teórica do assassinato através de filosofias totalitárias. Este tema foi tratado anteriormente em seus Editoriais presentes em Nem Vítimas, Nem Carrascos (1948), entretanto, o trabalho visa mostrar estas questões a partir apenas de O Homem Revoltado.

Musso, Carlos Guido. "Obras maestras del arte universal y la medicina: Calígula, de Albert Camus (1913 -1960)." Evidencia, actualizacion en la práctica ambulatoria 11, no. 6 (January 1, 2009).

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Musso, Carlos Guido. "Obras maestras del arte universal y la medicina: “El malentendido” de Albert Camus (1913-1960)." Evidencia, actualizacion en la práctica ambulatoria 11, no. 2 (May 1, 2008).

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Mayer, Claude-Hélène. "Albert Camus – A Psychobiographical Approach in Times of Covid-19." Frontiers in Psychology 12 (March 16, 2021).

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Albert Camus (1913–1960) stands as one of the famous pioneers in the French history of existentialism. He was a novelist, political activist, essayist and editor, as well as a journalist and playwright. Although he was described as philosopher, he often denied this ascription. Through his professional and creative expressions, Camus focused on questions of existentialism, the aspect of the human fate, and meaning in life, death and suicide. These existential questions have experienced a strong revival during the Covid-19 occurrence. This psychobiographical approach aims at understanding Albert Camus' life and work in the context of the terror management theory of Becker and Wong's 4 pillars of PP2.0 theory, namely virtue, meaning, resilience and well-being. Both theories have gained importance during the pandemic. Based on the findings of the research study, implications for future research in the context of the pandemic are given. Finally, this article provides recommendations and best practices on how to approach the Covid-19 pandemic from a terror management theory and PP2.0 perspective in the light of Albert Camus' philosophy. The contribution of this psychobiography is two-fold: first, it expands psychobiographical research on Albert Camus from absurdist and existentialist theories and thereby expands the theoretical framework of psychobiographies. Second, it aims at strengthening the importance of theoretical psychobiographical investigations and their application in real-world scenarios to address complex contemporary challenges on the basis of existentialist positive psychology theories.

De Carvalho, Carlos Roberto, and Flávia Miller Naethe Motta. "AVALIAÇÃO DA EDUCAÇÃO EM TEMPOS SOMBRIOS A BOMBA, O MENDIGO, O CÃO E A PEC 241." Educação em Foco, September 3, 2019.

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Nos tempos sombrios em que nos encontramos, buscamos em enunciados jornalísticos reiterar as palavras de Albert Camus (1913-1960): “a vida como está não nos parece satisfatória, os homens morrem e não são felizes”. As palavras do dramaturgo e poeta alemão Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956), por certo corroboram, expressam desagrado: “Eu vivo um tempo sombrio”. Dois autores que trouxemos em nosso socorro para iluminar com seus escritos poéticos, críticos e filosóficos nossas reflexões sobre as sombras que pairam sobre nosso tempo: a fome, os refugiados, as guerras, a infância, a juventude, a velhice e a crise na educação. Essa última, fruto do avanço de uma política de extrema direita que “vem cortando direitos dos trabalhadores e abandonando a luta contra a mudança climática, que é precisamente aquilo que pode acabar com todos nós” (CHOMSKY). Tempo de absoluta depuração (DRUMMOND). Sombras cujas imagens sintetizamos em quatro existências, a nosso ver medonhas, apocalípticas: a bomba, o mendigo, o cão e a PEC 241. Quatro sintomas que nos mostraram que as condições que geraram Auschwitz persistem ainda hoje em todas as nações e países; portanto, enquanto persistirem essas condições, Auschwitz é uma ameaça que a educação não pode ignorar. Nossa preocupação é pensar a educação contemporânea a partir desse contexto de barbárie e de banalização da vida em geral. Partimos da seguinte premissa: a de não poder pensar a avaliação da educação, que é um discurso sobre o mundo, sem pensar no contexto verbal onde ela se realiza. Daí voltarmos nossa atenção para os textos jornalísticos, pois são eles que cotidianamente influenciam nossa visão de mundo e consequentemente interferem em nossas avaliações. A nosso ver, o que precisa ser avaliado e a “Educação Após Auschwitz” (ADORNO) ou após qualquer outra tragédia na sua evidência contemporânea. Em todos os casos, ver as sombras que nos assombram nestes tempos sombrios a que se referiram Brecht, Camus, Bandeira, Drummond, Agamben, Chomsky, Arendt, Niemoller, Exupéry, Bhabha, Volóchinov e Adorno.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Albert (1913-1960)":


Nguema, Nnang Jean Robert. "L'Étranger et La Peste d'Albert Camus : l'écriture et la vie au risque de la sainteté." Paris 7, 2002.

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La sainteté, c'est-à-dire, l'authenticité d'être et d'agir, la propension à faire du bien, est pratiquée par Camus au travers de ses oeuvres et dans sa vie d'homme engagé. Ainsi, dans L'Etranger, elle est marquée par une écriture "neutre", "blanche", confinant plutôt à une justesse qui s'apparente à une certaine justice. Dans La Peste, la sainteté est caractérisée par un style "objectif", "impartial", produisant un effet de vérité, d'authenticité, de sainteté. Tandis que dans la vie pratique de Camus, la sainteté qui semble avoir ses origines dans l'enfance de Camus, se lit notamment à partir de sa pratique journalistique objective, sa dénonciation inflexible des injustices et des violences de toute sorte. Etant donné que Camus considère l'écriture comme le témoignage d'une expérience vécue, la sienne en l'occurence, il semble en dernière analyse que la sainteté camusienne rend raison d'une façon juste d'habiter ce monde
Saintliness, it said, the authenticity to be and to act, the propensity to do good, is practised by Camus across his works and in the life of the "commited man". Thus in "l'étranger" (the foreigner), it is marked by "neutral write", writing, rather confined to an accuracy that is visible to a certain justice. In "La Peste" (the Plague), saintliness is characterised by "objective", "impartial style", producing an effect of truth, authenticity and of saintliness. Write in the practical life of Camus, saintliness seems to have his origins in the childhood of Camus notably to leave his practical journalistic objective, his inflexible denunciation of injustice and violence of any sort. Given that Camus considered writing as an account of a lived experience, as it happens to be his, it seems in the last analysis, that saintliness of Camus renders reason to a just way to live in the world

Pagé, Sylvain. "Aspects de la solitude dans La chute et L'exil et le royaume de Camus." Thesis, McGill University, 1992. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=56649.

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La chute and the six short stories of L'exil et le royaume by Albert Camus constitute a sort of renewal of the author's art and thought. Having left the absurd behind, having experienced revolt, Camus now brings to the forefront a theme that underlies all his work, the essential solitude of human beings.
This thesis attempts to illustrate the various manifestations of this theme in the last works of the Algerian writer in order to underline the remarkable cohesion of these formally dissimilar texts.

Oswald, John. "Constructions of Europe in the fictional and political works of Albert Camus." Thesis, University of Stirling, 2001.

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Little of the vast literature on Albert Camus has been devoted to his ideas of Europe. Existing material is either biographical criticism or portrays Camus as pioneer and visionary of modem-day European integration. Though useful, these interpretations do not do justice to the complex plurality of Europe in Camus's ceuvre, which appears in several of his works. It is depicted in differing and intriguing ways, for example as a sombre, divided continent of despair (in the fictional works) or as an aspiration towards European unity as a means of preventing future war (in the political journalism). This thesis examines these manifestations with three aims. The first is to situate Camus's political discourse of Europe (his calls for European integration and related matters) within the history of ideas of Europe, highlighting his negotiation with and adoption of Europeanist discourses. Secondly, the thesis analyses Camus's fictional inscription of an imaginary Europe of fault lines and division using a space in literature approach and a Barthesian understanding of the antithesis. Thirdly, instances of dialogue within the ceuvre between his fictional and political discourses of Europe will be examined. The epistemological grounding for this is provided by Bakhtin's theories of the novel: Europe is conceived of as a multiplicity of overlapping discourses with which Camus relates dialogically, and between whose works there exists a similar dialogue of Europe. Such an approach offers both a new way of reading Camus's treatment of Europe and, potentially, of reading the history of the idea of Europe itself.

Souabni, Senda. "Le "journalisme moral" d'Albert Camus." Paris 4, 1994.

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Espitalier, Paulette. "Amour, solidarité, amitié dans l'oeuvre d'Albert Camus." Montpellier 3, 1986.

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"petit prince" valeureux en contact avec la misere, artiste cultive, amoureux du soleil, de la mer, de la splendeur mediterraneenne, la pauvrete ne l'atteint pas mais toute sa vie il lutte contre la maladie et la souffrance. La pensee est pour lui une compensation; la morale une revalorisation de l'existence. A l'epoque de la derniere guerre, cette jeune voix humaniste s'eleve pour defendre l'amour, la solidarite, l'amitie. Le public etranger l'adopte avec tant de faveur qu'il recoit le prix nobel de litterature. Son oeuvre reste inachevee mais "sisyphe est mort heureux, ecrit andre maurois, laissant son rocher au plus haut"
Valorous "little prince" in contact with misery, cultured artist, in love with sun, with sea and mediterranean splendour. Poverty doesn't reach him; but he fights against illness and pain all his life. Thought is a compensation for him and ethics an existence revalorization. In the last war time, this young humanist voice goes up to support love, solidarity and friendship. The foreign readers borrows him so much favourably he gets the literature nobel prize. His production remains unfinished but "sisyphe is dead happy, andre maurois writes, and left his rock perched high up

Kwon, Ri-O. "Le moi problématique dans l'oeuvre d'Albert Camus : étude de l'affectivité camusienne." Paris 10, 1990.

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Le fait d'avoir été enfant méditerranéen avant d'être homme ne cesse de partager le coeur d’Albert Camus. Il est donc naturel que l'univers camusien soit fortement domine par une sorte d'ambivalence. Comme la manifestation de l'affectivité est à la fois une donnée de l'expérience psychologique et sa validation par la création artistique, il est intéressant de voir comment toutes les formes de l'affectivité se révèlent dans l'oeuvre camusienne, en se référant à l'ouvrage de Michel Henry, "l'essence de la manifestation". Avec la forme de l'affectivité, nous sommes naturellement amenés à étudier le cogito camusien en nous permettant de faire une comparaison avec le cogito cartésien, puisque, tout comme l'affectivité se révèle en tant qu'unité, le moi camusien, parce qu'il est auto-suffisant, résout tout problème dans l'auto-affection. En d'autres termes, même si nous distinguons trois étapes : cogito de l'homme auto-suffisant, cogito intersubjectif, celui de l'homme auto-flagellant le moi se manifeste en tant qu'auto-suffisant, tout comme l'affectivité. Enfin, en choisissant le concept du moi divisé, nous essayons de découvrir le visage humain de l'homme-camus qui hésite entre amour de la solitude et volonté de solidarité. Toutes ces approches sont liées à mieux comprendre à la fois sa vie et son oeuvre
The fact of having been a mediterranean child before a grown up man constantly shares the heart of Albert Camus. Therefore it is quite reasonable to find out that the camusian universe is dominated by some sort of ambivalence. As the manifestation of the affectivity is altogether a given information of the psychological experience, and its validation by artistic creation, it seems interesting to see how all forms of affectivity are revealed in the camusian works, drawing one's inspiration from the book of Michel Henry, "l'essence de la manifestation". With the form of the affectivity we are, of course, lead to study the camusian cogito in connection with the cartesian cogito, because self affection just as affectivity reveals itself as an entity. At last, when choosing the concept of the divided ego, i try to find out the human countenance of Camus, who hesitates between the love of solitude and the will of fellowship. All these approaches intend to understand better both his life and works

Strmisková, Denisa. "Albert Camus - Cizinec komplexní scénografický projekt." Master's thesis, Akademie múzických umění v Praze.Divadelní fakulta. Knihovna, 2012.

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The aim of this thesis is to introduce a renowned French author Albert Camus and subsequently develop my own conclusion on one of his major works - The Stranger (1942). In the first part I introduce the personality of Albert Camus's in the context of philosophical history, literature and drama. I aim to explain the background of his life in the first part of the 20th century, particularly the influence of his origin in Algiers, at that time politically and culturally dominated by the French, in contrast with later residence in France itself. These influences promoted the principle of individuality in the work of Albert Camus and clearly directed him to his own interpretation of literary expression and existentialism. Further I outline the basic principles of this philosophy and I present his most important literary and dramatic works. More specifically I deal with the analysis of the novel The Stranger itself. The topic of next chapter is the presentation of Camus's selected work on the Czech as well as international stages and their specifications. In brief mention I present film adaptations as well. The second part goes in to analysing my own conclusions of The Stranger with a particular attention to the set design. This is closely related to the practical work of the thesis - designs of chosen scenes and scale models are included in the photographic documentation. I aim to explain how I use the actual text of the novel whilst adjusting its structure in relation to the stage design. Then I analyze in detail the various dramatic situations and scenes in terms of set design solutions. In short I present technical and lighting solutions of this production. Conclusion of this thesis refers to the contribution of Camus's work and its influence on the art scene of the 20th century.

Soubeyran, Pierre. "Albert Camus, un humanisme pour l'Europe." Lyon 3, 1991.

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Ismé, Jean-Joseph J. "La figure du juste chez Camus /." Thesis, McGill University, 1987. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=63797.

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Ziade, Ghassan. "L'image de l'Algérie dans l'oeuvre d'Albert Camus : la réalité et le mythe." Paris 4, 1986.

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La thèse traite de l'image de l'Algérie dans l'œuvre d’Albert Camus. Il s'agit de trois aspects essentiels: l'aspect bénéfique, maléfique et réel. La synthase met accent sur le mediterranéisme albert Camus
The thesis deals with Algeria’s image in the work of Albert Camus. It concerns three essential aspects: benefic, malefic and actual. The synthesis stresses the albert Camus' mediterraneism

Books on the topic "Albert (1913-1960)":


Gabriella, Hima. Mörderische Poesie: Nero und Caligula : intertextuelle Beziehungen zwischen dem Roman von Dezső Kosztolányi und dem Drama von Albert Camus. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 2000.

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Sherman, David. Camus. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

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Cazenave, Elisabeth. Albert Camus et le monde de l'art: 1913-1960. Anet: Atelier Fol'fer, 2009.

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Patrick, McCarthy. Albert Camus, The stranger. 2nd ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

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Patrick, McCarthy. Albert Camus, The stranger. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]: Cambridge University Press, 1988.

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Wittmann, Heiner. Albert Camus: Kunst und Moral. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 2002.

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Toumi, Alek Baylee. Albert Camus aujourd'hui: De l'Etranger au premier homme. New York: Peter Lang, 2012.

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Carroll, David. Albert Camus, the Algerian: Colonialism, terrorism, justice. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2007.

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Vosshage, Frauke Frausing. Erläuterungen zu Albert Camus, Die Pest, (La peste). Hollfeld: Bange, 2004.

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Camus, Albert. Notebooks, 1942-1951. New York: Paragon House, 1991.

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Book chapters on the topic "Albert (1913-1960)":


Marshall, Jim. "Camus, Albert (1913–1960)." In Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1–3. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2016.

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Marshall, James D. "Camus, Albert (1913–1960)." In Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory, 91–93. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2017.

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O’Brien, Justin. "Albert Camus (1913–1960)." In European Existentialism, 451–60. Routledge, 2018.

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