Academic literature on the topic 'Archipel'

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Journal articles on the topic "Archipel":


Kooij, Henk-Jan. "Tallinn als archipel." AGORA Magazine 31, no. 3 (September 1, 2015): 15.

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Ramoneda, Josep. "Archipel de l’exception." Cultures & conflits, no. 68 (December 30, 2007): 13–16.

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Christiaanse, Kees. "Ein grüner Archipel." disP - The Planning Review 40, no. 156 (January 2004): 21–29.

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Abdel-Jaouad, Hédi, and Rabah Belamri. "Mémoire en archipel." World Literature Today 65, no. 4 (1991): 750.

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During, Élie. "L’universel en archipel." Critique 833, no. 10 (2016): 789.

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Adler, Aurélie. "Le récit en archipel." Roman 20-50 48, no. 2 (2009): 91.

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Drijgers, Arjen. "Mondriaan in de Archipel." AGORA Magazine 15, no. 4 (October 1, 1999): 11–13.

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Bidet, Jacques, and Jacques Texier. "Un archipel à découvrir." Actuel Marx 2, no. 2 (1987): 7.

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de Vries, Jan W. "Mengtalen in de Archipel." Thema's en trends in de sociolinguistiek 2 52 (January 1, 1995): 71–78.

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In the former colonial society of the Indies mixed languages came into being among Dutch migrants living together with a native woman. In this community of settlers and their Indo-european offspring, the native women were forced to speak Dutch, and imposed the structure of their own languages on Dutch. The result was a mixed language: the vocabulary being mainly Dutch and the structure Javanese (as in the case of Javindo) and Jakartan Malay (as in the case of Petjok). I will examine to what extent a characteristic of Javanese - the not-actor oriented verb morphology - has been preserved in Javindo, and a characteristic of both Javanese and Malay - the so-called topic deletion - has survived in Javindo and Petjok.

Courmont, Barthélemy. "Indonésie, archipel d’espoirs et d’incertitudes." Le Débat 184, no. 2 (2015): 169.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Archipel":


Schlegel, Sebastian. "Der "Weisse Archipel" : sowjetische Atomstädte 1945-1991 /." Stuttgart : Ibidem, 2006.

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Imbaud, Pierre. "Dynamique saisonnière d'une communauté bactérioplanctonique subantarctique, archipel de Kerguelen." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987.

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Barselo, Philippe. "Analyse écologique de l'île de Mayotte (archipel des Comores)." Bordeaux 3, 1995.

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Depuis la fin des annees 1970, a cause d'un developpement economique intensif resultant d'une forte hausse demographique , l'equilibre de l7ecosysteme de l'ile de mayotte se trouve menace (construction de routes, electrification, urbnisation croissante. . . ). Apres une presentation du milieu physique terrestre, puis du milieu humain, l'etude propose un etat des lieux laissant apparaitre qu'aujourd'hui le domaine terrestre est severement perturbe par les activites humaines et que le domaine marin est en cours de desequilibre ecologique. Le travail s'acheve par le recensement des actions, mises en oeuvre actuellement, pour preserver l'environnement mahorais et par la proposition d'un schema de developpement complementaire visant la protection generale de l'ile
Ever since the end of the 1970's, owing to an intensive economic development induced by a dramatic population increase, the balance of mayotte ecosystem has been threatened (road constructions, electrification, growing urbanization. . . ). Following a presentation of the physical features, then of the human environment, the study presents an assessment which reveals that today the physical field is severely disturbed by the human activities and that the balance of the marine field is being upset. Finally, the work will list the actions currently undertaken to protect the mahori environment and it will suggest a further development schema concerning the overall protection of the island

Imbaud, Pierre. "Dynamique saisonnière d'une communauté bactérioplanctonique subantarctique (Archipel de Kerguelen)." Lyon 1, 1987.

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Caractérisé par une évolution saisonnière régulière des peuplements bactériens hétérotrophes et par l'absence de microflore entérique, le milieu marin subantarctique se prête bien aux travaux d'écologie microbienne. L'objectif de cette étude est de proposer un modèle descriptif de la dynamique saisonnière d'une communauté bactérioplanctonique. De multiples paramètres sont relevés (matière organique, numérations, biomasse, activité, caractères morpho-physiologiques et nutritionnels des souches isolées) ; ils permettent de calculer des indices synthétiques classiquement utilisés en écologie : la dominance, la régularité taxonomique et fonctionnelle, l'indice moyen d'utilisation des substrats, l'affinité assimilatrice et la capacité catabolique révèlent un peuplement non spécialisé et généralement peu diversifié. Deux années consécutives de prélèvements hebdomadaires ont permis de décrire différentes périodes caractéristiques relevées au cours d'un cycle annuel : la phase de croissance majeure débute en automne et s'achève en hiver, elle fait suite à une forte accumulation de matière organique particulaire durant l'été. Une forte dominance concomitante d'une plus faible régularité montre qu'un nombre réduit d'espèces (appartenant à l'ordre des Pseudomonadales) est à l'origine de l'augmentation du nombre de germes de 2 à 4 puissances de dix. L'application d'une méthode de groupement hiérarchique (WPGM) aux germes isolés pendant une phase de croissance révèle la succession de trois groupes respectivement composés de bactéries pigmentées (Flavobacterium, Xanthomonas, Cytophaga), de bacilles gram- très mobiles (Pseudomonas) et de Neisseriaceae. Toutefois, cette dernière famille pourrait correspondre à des formes de résistance des Pseudomonales ressemblant à des cocci gram-. A la fin de l'hiver et plus généralement en dehors des phases de croissance, l'indice de dominance décroît alors qu'augmentent les indices de régularité. Cette situation semble typique d'un environnement moins favorable. L'ordre des Pseudomonadales reste dominant mais certains genres aux capacités nutritionnelles accrues sont fréquemment isolés (Micrococcaceae, Bacillaceae, Vibrionaceae).

Richter, Alexandra. "La pensée en archipel : Goethe face à la philosophie." Paris 4, 2003.

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Entre l'image d'un Goethe aphilosophique et celle d'un Goethe pataugeant dans toutes les eaux de la pensée, "La pensée en archipel" aborde la question du rapport littérature-philosophie dans la constellation d'un "face à face". Réfractaire à la pensée hiérarchique, entassée dans les systèmes architecturaux et régie par le principe de contradiction, la pensée littéraire apparaît chez Goethe sous la forme plus effilochée de l'archipel. Au lieu d'extraire de son oeuvre un "suc philosophique" et sans vouloir transformer ses écrits en une métaphysique concurrençant celle des grands penseurs occidentaux, "La pensée en archipel" propose d'analyser la vie et l'oeuvre de Goethe en tant que forme de pensée autonome et de jeter une nouvelle lumière sur le lien particulier qui, depuis des temps immémoriaux, tient en haleine les écrivains et les philosophes
At the crossover between an absolutely un-philosophical Goethe and a writer wading about every fields of thought, " Archipelago thinking " approaches the question of the relation between literature and philosophy in the constellation of a " line-up ". Intuitively rejecting any hierarchical thinking, fixed up in architectonic structures and defined by the principle of contradiction, literary thinking takes in Goethe's work the less well-ordered from of an archipelago. Instead of trying ti squeeze out any kind of "philosophical essence" from his work and not wishing to deform his writing into a metaphysics completing with the great Western thinkers, " Archipelago thinking" try to investigate Goethe's live and work as an original form of thinking and to shed a new light on the special relationship that, since the beginning of the Western culture, has kept both writers and philosophers in suspense

Thoraval, Pascal. "Systèmes intelligents d'aide à la conception : archix & archipel." Compiègne, 1991.

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ARCHIX est un système intelligent d'aide à la conception routinière qui utilise les connaissances heuristiques du domaine (la mécanique automobile) pour aider le dessinateur du bureau d'études à concevoir son artefact. Le système repose d'une part, sur une modélisation conceptuelle formulant l'énoncé du problème de conception; et, d'autre part, sur une modélisation fonctionnelle (basée sur un plan de conception et une méthode de résolution de problème, variante de « propose and revise ») qui exprime comment trouver une solution. La recherche est ainsi entièrement guidée par les conseils tactiques et stratégiques de l'expert. Or, ces connaissances acquises dans ARCHIX peuvent être imparfaites, voire défectueuses et risquent donc de nuire à la qualité de la solution proposée (en termes de temps de recherche ou de satisfaction de contraintes). Par la technique statistique des plans d'expériences conjuguée à celle du recuit simulé, ARCHIPEL apprend à prévoir de façon opportuniste et autonome (c'est-à-dire sans que les connaissances ne lui aient été préalablement et explicitement inculquées), comment résoudre les situations d'échecs rencontrés (contraintes violées, compromis non résolus).

Coupiat, Pierre. "B-e-r-g-e-r-a-c,. . . Archipel pavillonnaire." Bordeaux 2, 2009.

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La petite ville s'est transformée au point que seuls les anciens s'en souviennent encore et narrent une ville qui désormais a disparu. Le plus remarquable est la séparation du politique et du système d'intégration à la ville désormais ouvert au système marchand. L'unité de la ville s'efface alors au profit de la qualité de séparation. Dans ce contexte, l'habitant en tant que statut disparaît au profit de l'habitant qualité qui s'acquiert. La petite ville n'est plus qu'un "habit vide" et les relations entre les individus s'effectuent ailleurs. Plus précisément, à partir d'un "archipel pavillonnaire" et donc dans des îlots séparés et différenciés socialement. Nous argumentons donc pour une séparation des univers sociaux à l'instar des territoires urbains et plus précisément des villes américaines. Les habitants vivent dans des groupes sociaux inclusifs organisés sur une base spatiale. L'archipel pavillonnaire est alors un monde de la complexité dans lequel l'individualisation et la séparation en formulent l'expérience. En définitive, dans l'archipel pavillonnaire, la qualité de séparation, la faiblesse des liens et l'évitement des conflits constituent un ordre moral singulier : le minimalisme moral
The little town has changed so much that only the elderly can remember it and tell the story of bygone days. What is worth noting is the separation between politics, and the town system of integration now open to free trade. The town unity is replaced by the quality of separation. In these circumstances, the inhabitant as status steps aside in favor of the inhabitant as quality, which can be acquired. The small town is merely an empty garment and the relationships between inhabitant are elsewhere, more precisely from a residential area in socially separate places. We therefore advocate for a separation of social universes following the example of urban territories and more precisely American cities. The inhabitant live in inclusive social groups organized on a spatial basis. The suburban area is then a world of complexity in which individualization and separation express this experience. In other words, in the suburban area, the quality of separation, the weak ties and the avoidance of conflicts compose a peculiar moral order : the moral minimalism

Guébourg, Jean-Louis. "Espace et pouvoirs en grande Comore /." Paris : Ed. L'Harmattan, 1995.

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Rousseau, Alain. "Archipel Bolama-Bijagos en Guinée-Bissau : population locale et développement planifié /." Thèse, Chicoutimi : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1990.

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Bonnet, François-Jacques. "L' archipel sonore : le son et l'écoute sous l'emprise du discours." Paris 1, 2010.

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II s'agit de déterminer les enjeux d'un « ordre du discours sur le sonore ». Déterminer les enjeux n'est donc pas décrire ou identifier les mécanismes, même si l'on doit au préalable les reconnaître. C'est plutôt relever l'efficace de tels mécanismes. Un « Ordre du discours sur le sonore» peut également s'entendre comme agrégat des pôles autoritaires de l'écoute. L'articulation écoute - légitimation - autorité est au coeur de ce qu'on nommera l'archipel sonore, réseaux de pôles autoritaires, zones de rigidité, qui fournissent, supportent, développent, opposent des modèles d'écoute. Un tel réseau doit se forger des objets à défendre, à attaquer, et des structures pour les unir. L'entreprise schaefferienne, structuralisme esthétique, démontre la toute puissance du discours et le primat de la représentation sur la sensation. Les mécanismes de réification, d'identification et d'objectivation se révèlent être des alliés indispensable à l'élaboration de l'ordre du discours du sonore.

Books on the topic "Archipel":


Laplante, Laurent. Archipel. Sainte-Foy, Qué: Éditions Le Griffon d'argile, 1988.

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Rio, Michel. Archipel: Roman. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1987.

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Rio, Michel. Archipel: Roman. Paris: Seuil, 1987.

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Meckel, Christoph. Archipel: Erzählung. Düsseldorf: Eremiten-Presse, 1994.

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Solzhenit͡s︡yn, Aleksandr Isaevich. Der Archipel GULAG. Reinbek, Germany: Rowohlt Verlag, 1988.

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Timsit, Gérard. Archipel de la norme. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1997.

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Péju, Pierre. L' archipel des contes. [Paris]: Aubier, 1989.

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Vachon, Jean-Nicholas. L' archipel des sorcières. Lac Beauport, Québec: Arion, 2004.

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Laborde, Christian. L' archipel de Bird. Paris: Deforges, 1991.

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Char, René. La parole en archipel. [Paris]: Gallimard, 1986.

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Book chapters on the topic "Archipel":


Hilbig, Wolfgang. "Der Archipel Gulag von Alexander Solschenizyn." In Mein Jahrhundertbuch, 43–44. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2000.

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Klíma, Ivan. "Der Archipel Gulag von Alexander Solschenizyn." In Mein Jahrhundertbuch, 152–53. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2000.

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Loy, H., F. Prose, and H. Speidel. "Psychosomatische Reise zum schleswig-holsteinischen Archipel." In Zukunftsaufgaben der psychosomatischen Medizin, 489–99. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1989.

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"Aquarell – Archipel." In Antinomie - Azur, 143–76. De Gruyter, 1996.

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"Une œuvre-archipel." In Léon de Rosny 1837-1914, 21–28. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2014.

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"2. IM ARCHIPEL GUPYI." In Im Archipel GUPVI, 55–186. Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 1995.

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"2. Im Lager-Archipel." In Exil und Identität. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2017.

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"1. DIE GEFANGENEN DES ARCHIPEL GUPVI." In Im Archipel GUPVI, 11–54. Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 1995.

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"3. „SKORO DOMOJ"." In Im Archipel GUPVI, 187–234. Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 1995.

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"ZUSAMMENFASSUNG UND BILANZ." In Im Archipel GUPVI, 235–36. Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 1995.

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Conference papers on the topic "Archipel":


Fichaut, Bernard, and Serge Suanez. "Amas de blocs cyclopéens sur l’île de Banneg (Archipel de Molène - Finistère). Etude morpho-sédimentaire et dynamique de mise en place." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2006.

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Bobrova, E. "Portals to archive spaces." In Historical research in the context of data science: Information resources, analytical methods and digital technologies. LLC MAKS Press, 2020.

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The article analyzes the problem of searching through the Internet for information about archives and the documentary heritage stored in them. The history and role of the portal Archives of Russia is considered, and a technological analysis of the existing archival portals of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is given.

Zuberi, Irfan. "Open access." In SOIMA 2015: Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage. International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, 2017.

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In the broadest sense, archives are an embodiment of cultural artefacts that endure as signifiers of who we are and why. They are both a place of representation of these signifiers and their institutional form, providing tangible evidence of memory as well as defining memory institutionally within prevailing political systems and cultural norms. The principle of offering equal and open access to archival resources remains a cornerstone in various guidelines and codes of ethics for archival practices. However, providing open access is also a thorny problem and one that is challenged by factors such as intellectual property rights. This paper considers the notion of open access in the domain of audiovisual archives and the challenging potential that it offers, looking specifically at the experience of India’s National Cultural Audiovisual Archives. Perhaps the moment of open access is well and truly upon audiovisual archives in the twenty-first century, for they face the necessity of reinventing themselves or risking possible irrelevancy and increased marginalization, even as they must continue to balance delicate questions pertaining to ethics of access.

Aturban, Mohamed, Sawood Alam, Michael L. Nelson, and Michele C. Weigle. "Archive Assisted Archival Fixity Verification Framework." In 2019 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL). IEEE, 2019.

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Brodovsky, Alexander, Ekaterina Zaytseva, and Yury Zaslavsky. "Building and developing VAK digital archive." In The Book. Culture. Education. Innovations. Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, 2020.

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VAK (The Higher Attestation Committee) digital archive design and development activities are described. Archival materials analysis, classification and verification processes are discussed. Digitization technology is specified, structure and retrieval facilities of VAK archival document information system are examined. The project results for 2016–2018 as well as the 2019 vectors are reported.

Galli, Claudio, and Alessandro Tosarelli. "Rapporto di ricerca storica sulle superfici architettoniche esterne della fortezza di San Leo." In FORTMED2020 - Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. Valencia: Universitat Politàcnica de València, 2020.

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Historical research report on the external architectural surfaces of the fortress of San LeoThe hinterland of Rimini is characterized by the presence of many castles, but the fortress of San Leo is certainly the most representative because of its position and the different constructive contributions that over time have updated its appearance and military functions. Cited by Dante and Machiavelli for the impervious nature on which it stands, its origin dates back to the early Middle Ages. It was rehashed following the imprint of Francesco di Giorgio Martini in the fifteenth century, restored by Giuseppe Valadier at the end of the eighteenth century and converted to a prison in 1631. A peculiarity that makes the studies on the fortress of San Leo absolutely interesting is the treatment of the external architectural surfaces of which there is ample documentation in the historical archives and of which there are multiple uses in the various areas of the factory; the research aims to offer useful knowledge for the subsequent conservation and restoration project. The theme, completely original, arises from indirect investigations of a documentary and iconographic nature, conducted at the State Archives of Pesaro, Florence, Rome, the Central State Archive and the Vatican Secret Archive, which repeatedly refer in the accounting of works, starting from the seventeenth century, the execution of plasters executed outside the monument. The interpretative tension of the archival documents and the drawings continued by looking for a direct comparison between historical information and materiality of the fortress, in order to identify a correspondence between historical data and constructive reality. It emerges clearly that the external surfaces of many parts of the fortress were treated and finished with plaster since its origins, probably due to the exposure to atmospheric agents; therefore a rethinking of what is reported in the literature is necessary both in terms of interpretative profile of the fortress, and about how its image was perceived over the centuries.

Shchekotilov, V., and O. Lazarev. "Methodology for the use of GIS and archival materials in the preparation of a justification for the recognition of the dead soldiers who were considered missing." In Historical research in the context of data science: Information resources, analytical methods and digital technologies. LLC MAKS Press, 2020.

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A methodology has been proposed and implemented to prepare a justification for the recognition of missing persons as dead. The methodology is based on the use of GIS with archival and commercial maps, as well as archival materials from the database of the Memory of the People system and the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense. In the quality of the main document, burial

Kiselev, I. "Foreign software on Russian archival soil: two projects." In Historical research in the context of data science: Information resources, analytical methods and digital technologies. LLC MAKS Press, 2020.

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The article is devoted to two international projects with the participation of Russian archives, in which foreign software was used. The first project is the Russian-American project for entering fond descriptions of four Russian archives (GARF, RtSHIDNI, GATO, TtSDNI) into the RLIN database. The second project is the Computerization of the Comintern Archive. The characteristics of software, goals and results of the projects are considered.

Treydte, Elisabeth. "Clara Schumann #digital. 40 Jahre Frau und Musik und der Start in die Digitalisierung." In Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung 2019. Paderborn und Detmold. Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität Paderborn und der Hochschule für Musik Detmold, 2020.

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The Archives of Women in Music based in Frankfurt a. M. (Germany) was founded in 1979. Its goals are increasing the visibility of women in music, achieving programming parity and making the wealth of creative work by women in music available for performance and research. The Archives assure long-term safe storage of both analogue and digital archive and library content. During the last three years it focused on two collection digitization projects and an oral history project.

Hiarnovich, T. "Digital technologies in modern historical and archival research and education." In Historical research in the context of data science: Information resources, analytical methods and digital technologies. LLC MAKS Press, 2020.

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The article discusses the main vectors of the application of digital technologies in the archival field. It is noted that the digitization of documents and the development of open access technologies have created favorable conditions for the use and preservation of archival documents. The creation of popular science projects contributes to the expansion of the audience of archive users and forms a respectful attitude towards documentary heritage in society. The main trend in the application of digital technologies in scientific research remains the improvement of methods for creating digital editions.

Reports on the topic "Archipel":


Drabczyk, Maria, and Johan Oomen. COVID-19 as a Driver for Change in Audiovisual Archives. International Federation of Television Archives, March 2021.

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This report captures the various ways in which the cultural heritage sector is adapting, not only to cope with the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, but also to flourish in the future. It is the result of a joint virtual exchange between members of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) and the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA). The aim was to gather professionals from the global archival community and to discuss how positive changes could be identified and sustained, to share best practices and individual experiences, and to collaboratively think out the best ways forward.

Bunce, G. D-Line Archival notes. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 1987.

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Martin, Kathi, Nick Jushchyshyn, and Claire King. James Galanos, Silk Chiffon Afternoon Dress c. Fall 1976. Drexel Digital Museum, 2018.

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The URL links to a website page in the Drexel Digital Museum (DDM) fashion image archive containing a 3D interactive panorama of an evening suit by American fashion designer James Galanos with related text. This afternoon dress is from Galanos' Fall 1976 collection. It is made from pale pink silk chiffon and finished with hand stitching on the hems and edges of this dress, The dress was gifted to Drexel University as part of The James G. Galanos Archive at Drexel University in 2016. After it was imaged the gown was deemed too fragile to exhibit. By imaging it using high resolution GigaPan technology we are able to create an archival quality digital record of the dress and exhibit it virtually at life size in 3D panorama. The panorama is an HTML5 formatted version of an ultra-high resolution ObjectVR created from stitched tiles captured with GigaPan technology. It is representative the ongoing research of the DDM, an international, interdisciplinary group of researchers focused on production, conservation and dissemination of new media for exhibition of historic fashion.

Lemley, James, and Michael Furey. Three Dimensional Holographic Archival Memory. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 2006.

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Thomas, T., J. Davies, D. Kilman, and F. Laroche. Physical Review Online Archives (PROLA). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 1997.

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Maron, Nancy, and Rebecca Griffiths. The National Archives (TNA) 2009. New York: Ithaka S+R, August 2015.

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Maron, Nancy. The National Archives (TNA) 2011. New York: Ithaka S+R, August 2015.

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Ali, Alee, and Whitney Spivey. The archives of the future. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2021.

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Watkins, William A. Marine Mammal Sound Archive. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, August 2003.

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Bonnie, David John, and Brett Jason Hollander. Leveraging MarFS for Archive. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2018.

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