Academic literature on the topic 'Ion tres ionise'

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Ion tres ionise":


Hérault, Joël. "Etude experimentale du ralentissement d'ions lourds de 20 a 100 mev par nucleon dans la matiere." Toulouse 3, 1988.

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Etude experimentale a l'aide d'ions lourds de l'accelerateur ganil sur le spectrometre lise (analyse en energie et en angle) pour determiner le pouvoir d'arret de 11 cibles gazeuses avec une incertitude de plus ou moins 3%. Mise en evidence d'une disparition de la difference entre pouvoirs d'arret des materiaux solides et gazeux lorsque la charge de l'ion tend vers son numero atomique. Analyse des distributions en energies pour de nombreux ions (de l'oxygene au molybdene) et analyse de la distribution angulaire dans des cibles solides et gazeuses. Comparaison des donnees experimentales aux calculs quantiques et classiques

Hervieux, Paul-Antoine. "Etude théorique et expérimentale de l'excitation des ions multichargés par impact électronique." Grenoble 1, 1992.

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Pour la premiere fois, la section efficace differentielle d'excitation d'un ion multicharge par impact d'electrons a ete mesuree. Dans une experience en faisceaux croises, la transition resonnante 3s-3p de l'ion sodiumoide ar#7#+ a ete etudiee pour une energie electronique incidente de 100 ev. En accord avec cette experience, nous avons calcule les sections efficaces differentielles et totales dans une approximation de born generalisee. Les sections efficaces experimentales sont en bon accord avec ces estimations theoriques. Nous avons montre que l'approximation de coulomb-born qui consiste a prendre les fonctions d'onde de coulomb pour fonctions d'onde du continuum, est justifiee meme pour les grands angles. Une approximation semi-classique a aussi ete developpee. Dans ce modele, le projectile se deplace sur une trajectoire coulombienne classique et l'excitation est traitee par la theorie des perturbations du premier ordre dependantes du temps. Cette approche est similaire a la theorie semi-classique de l'excitation coulombienne des noyaux. Deux resultats nouveaux se degagent de cette etude: a l'inverse de l'excitation des atomes qui est fortement piquee aux angles avant, la section efficace differentielle quantique et semi-classique est pratiquement nulle a zero degre, puis augmente jusqu'a un maximum. On peut estimer la position de ce maximum en egalant le temps de collision sur une trajectoire coulombienne et le temps caracteristique de la transition. Les sections efficaces totales semi-classiques sont pratiquement egales a celles obtenues dans l'approximation de coulomb-born. Ce resultat s'etend a d'autres multipoles et dans une large gamme d'energie, de transfert d'energie, et de charge ionique. Avec ce modele semi-classique, nous avons a notre disposition une methode simple pour obtenir, avec une bonne precision, les sections efficaces d'excitation d'ions multicharges

Suraud, Marie-Gabrielle. "Etude par spectrométrie X (10 [angström] [inférieur ou égal à] [lamda] [inférieur ou égal à] 100 [angström]) de l'échange de charge lors de collision à basse énergie, entre un ion multichargé et une cible neutre." Grenoble 1, 1988.

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Mesures des valeurs absolues des sections efficaces d'emission de rayons x, dont on deduit les valeurs absolues des sections efficaces de capture, pour les systemes c**(6+)-he,h::(2), n**(7+)-he,h::(2), o**(8+)-he,h::(c). Pour les projectiles a 2 electrons dans l'etat metastable 1s2s **(3)s, l'echange de charge peut s'accompagner de l'excitation de l'electron "2s" de l'ion incident vers des etats 1s2pnl **(3)p avec une probabilite variant suivant le systeme de collision, l'echange de charge simple restant preponderant dans tous les cas

Gorceix, Olivier. "Effet du terme de breit complet sur les niveaux d'energie des atomes : applications au cas des ions lourds heliumoides." Paris 6, 1987.

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Mise au point d'un programme de calcul des elements de matrice de l'operateur de retard relativiste pour etudier l'influence du terme complet de breit exprime en jauge de lorentz, sur l'energie des niveaux atomiques. Lois d'echelle demontrant l'importance numerique des termes relativistes d'ordre eleve pour les ions a 2 electrons. Demonstration de l'influence de la jauge sur les valeurs moyennes du terme complet de breit, lorsqu'elles sont prises sur des fonctions autocoherentes du modele de dirac-fock. Par la methode mcdf, mise en evidence des correlations magnetiques et d'une contribution relativiste dans les correlations electrostatiques; valeurs de ces correlations pour le niveau fondamental et des niveaux 1s2p. Etude des effets du terme de breit sur la structure fine 1s2p dans le domaine relativiste: le terme magnetique induit une inversion des niveaux de j=0 et du niveau profond de j=1 par rapport aux previsions non relativistes

Given, M. J. "The influence of ions on water tree growth in polyethylene." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 1986.

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Gueye-Follet, Marie-Laure. "Relations ioniques dans l'activité cambiale et la xylogénèse : approche par microscopie ionique analytique." Rouen, 1997.

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Ce mémoire présente une approche par Microscopie Ionique Analytique (MIA) des relations ioniques dans l'activité cambiale et la xylogénèse chez deux modèles expérimentaux : le pin sylvestre (pinus sylvestris L. ) Et le hêtre (fagus sylvatica L. ). Ce travail comporte des mises au point méthodologiques concernant la préparation des échantillons ligneux et les conditions instrumentales de l'analyse en MIA. Nous avons mis au point une nouvelle méthode de préparation des échantillons végétaux, la fixation - déshydratation en phase vapeur, qui assure une bonne conservation des ultrastructures cellulaires et une bonne rétention des éléments diffusibles, comparativement à la technique de préparation par précipitation au pyroantimoniate. Les conditions de mise en oeuvre de l'analyseur ionique ont été spécifiquement établies sur notre matériel biologique et ont permis d'effectuer des analyses semi-quantitatives des distributions ioniques à l'échelle tissulaire et cellulaire. Les distributions saisonnières de Ca et de Na dans le tissu cambial et les tissus conducteurs voisins ont été étudiées sur des rameaux de hêtre et de pin sylvestre. La valeur du rapport de concentration Ca/Na est fortement corrélée à l'âge des organes caulinaires, un rapport Ca/Na élevé caractérisant les tissus des organes matures à activité cambiale intense, un rapport Ca/Na faible les tissu des organes jeunes à activité cambiale modérée. Nous avons montré qu'une augmentation temporaire du calcium dans le cambium et le liber est impliquée dans les processus conduisant à la reprise de l'activité cambiale chez le hêtre. La distribution de Ca, Na, Mg et K a été explorée lors des processus de maturation pariétale secondaire chez des plantules de hêtre se développant sur des milieux minéraux de composition variés. Lors d'une culture sur un milieu normal, les résultats obtenus par MIA ont montré que les cellules à épaississements pariétaux secondaires présentaient des teneurs en calcium beaucoup plus faibles que celles observées dans les cellules ne présentant que des parois primaires. Par contre, les teneurs en calcium dans les structures pariétales secondaires sont augmentées lorsque l'on fait varier les concentrations en sodium dans le milieu de culture (privation ou apport de Na). Dans le cas d'un apport de NaCl de 20 mM, les dépôts secondaires au niveau des parois des cellules du xylème secondaire et des fibres libériennes, sont absents. De plus, nous avons enregistré des augmentations importantes des teneurs en sodium, mais aussi en potassium, magnésium et calcium dans ces cellules où les dépôts pariétaux secondaires se seraient normalement formés. Bien que l'implication du calcium dans les processus de différenciation pariétale soit déjà connue, cette approche par MIA révèle une étroite interdépendance entre le calcium et les autres cations majeurs (sodium, potassium et magnésium) dans ces processus. L'ensemble de ces ions fait partie d'un système intégré, dans lequel des modifications d'un composant perturbe l'intervention des autres dans les mécanismes physiologiques étudiés.

Attia, Dina. "Piégeage d'ions très chargés pour la mesure de durée de vie d'états métastables." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2007.

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L'objectif de ma thèse a été la mise en œuvre d'un nouveau dispositif expérimental couplant la source ECR SIMPA à un nouveau type de piège électrostatique. Différentes applications sont possibles. Tout d'abord, la source ECR SIMPA produit des ions dans des états métastables avec des temps de vie de l'ordre de la dizaine de milliseconde. Notre dispositif expérimental permet de mesurer les durées de vie de transitions (M1) des états métastables de l'Ar9+,de l'Ar13+ et de l'Ar14+. Ceci nous permet de tester les théories du problème relativiste à n corps. D'autre part, le piégeage des ions multichargés permet de mesurer des sections efficaces pertinentes pour l'astrophysique (Vents solaires, Nébuleuses planétaires) et les plasmas peu denses. En effet, il est ainsi possible de mesurer les sections efficaces de capture d'électron des ions multichargés, mais aussi les sections efficaces de diffusion ion-ion, ou ion-particule neutre.

Tassan-Got, Laurent. "Étude des transferts dissipatifs pour des énergies de 8 MeV/A à 40 MeV/A." Paris 11, 1988.

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Pour approfondir certains aspects des réactions de transferts très inélastiques en ions lourds, une étude expérimentale de la production de noyaux dans les systèmes 40Ar+ 197Au et 40Ca+ 208Pb à deux énergies différentes pour chacun a été réalisée. L'élaboration d'un modèle de transferts stochastiques a permis de comprendre l'origine des dérives moyennes des distributions obtenues. Il permet notamment de montrer que la structure binaire du composite formé survit à la collision tant qu'on ne s'approche pas de la dissipation maximale. Cette constatation, ainsi que les résultats directs de la simulation, supportent l'idée d'une équilibration du mode d'isospin par transferts stochastiques plutôt que par des modes collectifs du système composite. Le modèle développé a été appliqué à des collisions pour des énergies de bombardement plus élevées : au voisinage de l'énergie de Fermi. La comparaison a porté sur les spectres en énergie, les dispersions en moments, les distributions isotopiques, les corrélations quasi-projectile quasi-cible, les multiplicités de neutrons. Cette analyse a permis de réconcilier les constatations expérimentales sur les vitesses élevées des fragments, leur énergie d'excitation, et la quasi absence de production au-delà de la masse du projectile. Malgré des écarts concernant la position des spectres en énergie et les distributions isotopiques, indiquant la nécessité de modifier le mécanisme de transfert ou de faire appel à la fragmentation, le bon accord général montre que les transferts dissipatifs jouent encore un rôle essentiel dans ce domaine d'énergie
In order to have a deeper insight on some features of heavy ion deep inelastic reactions, an experimental study of the fragment yield in the 40Ar+ 197Au et 40Ca+ 208Pb systems, respectively at two incident energies, has been performed. The elaboration of a model based on stochastic transfers allowed to understand the drift on the mean values of measured distributions. It especially shows that the binary structure of the composite system survives as far as the energy dissipation is not too close to the maximal one. This constatation, associated to the direct results of the simulation, infers that the relaxation of the isospin mode is more likely to be carried by stochastic transfers than collective modes of the composite system. The implemented model has been applied ta collisions at higher bombarding energy: near the Fermi energy. The comparison concerned energy spectra, moment dispersions, isotopic distributions, projectile-like target-like correlations, neutron multiplicities. This analysis allowed to reconcile experimental findings like high fragment velocities, excitation energy, and the drop of the yield for fragment masses higher than the projectile one. In spite of departures on the position of energy spectra and isotopic distributions, indicating the necessity for modifying the transfer mechanism or calling upon fragmentation, the overall good agreement shows that dissipative transfers are still playing a relevant role in this energy domain

Ribeiro, Mariana Borsoi. "Purificação de IgG a partir do plasma humano por cromatografia em membranas con ions Cu(II) e Ni(II) imobilizados : efeito dos agentes quelantes IDA, TREN e CM-Asp." [s.n.], 2006.

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Orientador: Sonia Maria Alves Bueno
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Quimica
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T05:04:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ribeiro_MarianaBorsoi_D.pdf: 5252506 bytes, checksum: b9eb50542c7fa4e04b6b4c83526b4ccc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006
Resumo: As imunoglobulinas do isotipo G (IgG) são usadas enOlmemente em aplicações terapêuticas e são requeridas, usualmente, com um elevado grau de pureza. V álias técnicas cromatográficas vêm sendo investigadas para a purificação de IgG a partir do plasma humano. Neste trabalho, investigou-se o efeito dos agentes quelantes ácido iminodiácetico (IDA), ácido aspártico carboxi-metilado (CM-Asp) e TIis-2(aminoetil)amina (TREN) na purificação de IgG a partir do plasma humano utilizando a técnica de cromatografia de afinidade com os íons metálicos imobilizados em membranas de fibras ocas. Para tanto, foram realizados experimentos de adsorção em diferentes sistemas tamponantes em membranas de álcool de poli(etileno) vinílico (PEV A) finamente c011adas e em módulos de filtração derivatizados com IDA, TREN e CM-Asp, utilizando-se os íons metálicos níquel e cobre. A seletividade dos adsorventes foi verificada por eletroforese SDS-P AGE e análise nefelométrica. As melhores condições de purificação foram encontradas utilizando-se as membranas PEV A-CM-Asp-Ni(II) em módulo de filtração, em presença do tampão TrisHCI 25 mM pH 7,0 e eluição por acréscimo da concentração de TIis, sendo obtida IgG com aproximadamente 90% de pureza. As membranas de PEV A-CM-Asp-Ni(II) em módulos de filtraçã? apresentaram melhor seletividade, segundo eletroforese SDS-P AGE, e capacidade dinâmica de adsorção maior comparadas às membranas finamente cortadas (capacidade média de adsorção: 53,0 e 7,7 mg de IgG pOT g seca de membrana, respectivamente). O modelo de LangmUir ajustou-se às isotermas de adsorção, à temperatura ambiente, mostrando alta capacidade de adsorção para os sistemas PEV A-IDA-Ni(II) e PEV A-CM Asp-Ni(II) (204,6 e 302,3 mg/g seca de membrana, respectivamente) e constantes de dissociação característica de sistemas de média afinidade (6, I e 10,1 x 10-6 M, respectivamente). A análise dos parâmetros termodinâmicos encontrados para o sistema modelo PEV A-IDA-Ni(II)-IgG, indicaram a complexidade das interações, indicando a existência de interações hidrofóbicas, eletrostáticas e de ligações de coordenação. Neste trabalho, conseguiu-se purificar IgG a partir do plasma humano em! uma única etapa, utilizando-se a técnica da cromatografia em membranas de afinidade, demonstrando a alta potencialidade da utilização do método desenvolvido em processos industriais
Abstract: The use of immunoglobulin G (lgG) in therapeutic applications has growing vastly and it is used in the treatment of a growing number of indications. Several chromatographic techniques have been investigated for IgG purification. In this work, we investigated the effect of the chelators iminodiacetic acid (IDA), carboxymethylaspartate acid (CM-Asp) and Tris-2(aminoethyl)amine (TREN) for IgG purification, from human plasma using Immobilized Metal-ion Affinity Chromatography (IMAC) technique using hollow fibers membranes as support to the chromatographic experiments. For that, adsorption experiments were done, using different buffers systems, on filtration module and on finely cut poly(ethylene) vinyl alcohol (PEV A) membranes containing chelators IDA, TREN and CM-Asp with the metallic ions nickel and copper. The adsorbent selectivity was verified through electrophoresis SDS-PAGE and nefelometric analysis. Best purification conditions were found with PEV A-CM-Asp-Ni(ll) filtration module in the presence of 25 mM Tris HCI pH 7.0 and elution by increasing Tris concentration. In this case, it was possible to obtain IgG with approximately 90% of purity. According to electrophoresis SDS-P AGE and nefelometric analysis, PEV A-CM-Asp-Ni(ll) filtration modules showed better selectivity and superior adsorption dynamic capacity for IgG than those obtained by finely cut membranes (medium adsorption capacity: 53.0 and 7.7 mg of IgG /g of dry membrane, respectively). Lagmüir model adjusted to adsorption isotherms at room temperature (250 C), showed high adsorption capacity for PEV A-IDA-Ni(ll) and PEV A-CM-Asp-Ni(ll) systems (204.6 and 302.3 mg/g dry of membrane, respectively) and showed dissociation constants characteristic of medium affinity systems (6.1 and 10.1 x 10-6 M, respectively). The thermodynamic parameters analysis obtained for PEV A-IDA-Ni(ll)-lgG system indicated the complexity of the interactions, and the existence of hydrophobic and electrostatics interaction besides the coordination bound. In this work, we could purify IgG from human plasma in a single stage, using the affinity chromatographic membranes technique, allowing in this way, the treatment of great volumes per unit of time, showing the high potentiality of this method in industrial processes
Desenvolvimento de Processos Biotecnologicos
Doutor em Engenharia Química

Books on the topic "Ion tres ionise":


Koch, Christof. Biophysics of Computation. Oxford University Press, 1998.

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Neural network research often builds on the fiction that neurons are simple linear threshold units, completely neglecting the highly dynamic and complex nature of synapses, dendrites, and voltage-dependent ionic currents. Biophysics of Computation: Information Processing in Single Neurons challenges this notion, using richly detailed experimental and theoretical findings from cellular biophysics to explain the repertoire of computational functions available to single neurons. The author shows how individual nerve cells can multiply, integrate, or delay synaptic inputs and how information can be encoded in the voltage across the membrane, in the intracellular calcium concentration, or in the timing of individual spikes. Key topics covered include the linear cable equation; cable theory as applied to passive dendritic trees and dendritic spines; chemical and electrical synapses and how to treat them from a computational point of view; nonlinear interactions of synaptic input in passive and active dendritic trees; the Hodgkin-Huxley model of action potential generation and propagation; phase space analysis; linking stochastic ionic channels to membrane-dependent currents; calcium and potassium currents and their role in information processing; the role of diffusion, buffering and binding of calcium, and other messenger systems in information processing and storage; short- and long-term models of synaptic plasticity; simplified models of single cells; stochastic aspects of neuronal firing; the nature of the neuronal code; and unconventional models of sub-cellular computation. Biophysics of Computation: Information Processing in Single Neurons serves as an ideal text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in cellular biophysics, computational neuroscience, and neural networks, and will appeal to students and professionals in neuroscience, electrical and computer engineering, and physics.

Book chapters on the topic "Ion tres ionise":


Katayama, Yasushi. "Electrode Reactions of Tris(2,2′-Bipyridine) Complexes of Some Transition Metals in Ionic Liquids." In Electrochemistry in Ionic Liquids, 465–82. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Topi, Dritan, Gamze Guclu, Hasim Kelebek, and Serkan Selli. "Olive Oil Production in Albania, Chemical Characterization, and Authenticity." In Olive Oil - New Perspectives and Applications [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2021.

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Olive tree is present to the Western and Southern regions of Albania, alongside Adriatic and Ionian Sea, two body waters of the Mediterranean basin. Genetic studies have revealed the existence of 22 native olive cultivars, while several introduced foreign olive cultivars are present. Two most important olive cultivars respectively, exploited in the olive oil production, and table olive, are Kalinjot and Kokërrmadh Berati. Olive fruit production ranks the country 20th in the world. Olive tree comprises an important permanent crop with considerable potential for the Albanian economy. Principal component analyses (PCA) of fatty acids in OO displays their differentiation according to the cultivar and their region. Chemometric analysis gives support to the differentiation of OO according to the olive cv. in terms of phenolic compounds. Secoiridoids are found in abundance, 3,4-DHPEA-EDA and p-HPEA-EDA as dominant compounds, especially in Kalinjot olive oils. Albanian OO shows high levels of aroma compounds with (E)-2-hexenal as the principal aroma compound. Its concentrations reach up to 40411 μg/kg in Kalinjot cv., much higher compared to Bardhi Tirana cv (27542.7 μg/kg). The authenticity of OOs constitutes an opportunity for domestic production and certification according to the geography or origin and present an important resource to the development of a sustainable economy.

"Advances in Understanding Landscape Influences on Freshwater Habitats and Biological Assemblages." In Advances in Understanding Landscape Influences on Freshwater Habitats and Biological Assemblages, edited by Alan T. Herlihy, Jean C. Sifneos, Robert M. Hughes, David V. Peck, and Richard M. Mitchell. American Fisheries Society, 2019.

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<i>Abstract.</i>—Between 2008 and 2014, the first two phases of the National Rivers and Streams Assessment sampled fish assemblages in 2,554 stream and river sites across the conterminous United States. Associated physical habitat, water chemistry, and landscape data were also collected. We used cluster analysis to derive fish assemblage clusters. Assemblage clusters were then related to the local and catchment scale environmental data to assess the primary drivers of fish assemblage structure and to predict cluster membership. The results from our study show that whereas variability in fish assemblages is large over the range of stream/river sizes across the conterminous United States, it is possible to divide sites into six clusters that could be defined by specific indicator species and predictable from environmental data using both classification tree analysis and discriminant function analysis. Ordination identified three environmental gradients as the primary drivers of the biological clusters: stream size, temperature, and stream water ionic strength. The biological classification was very reproducible within a sample year based on repeat sample visits to the same sites but was lower based on samples taken 4–6 years apart. Biological monitoring is essential for the complete assessment of aquatic ecosystem condition. As the natural variability in aquatic biota is quite high, reporting and analyzing the results of biomonitoring requires a classification framework that minimizes this variability so that expectations of least-disturbed condition and the effects of anthropogenic disturbance can be more clearly defined. Our results showed that biologically derived classes of sites have higher classification strength than either basins or ecoregions. Thus, for the purposes of biomonitoring, it could be advantageous to replace physical regions with a classification based on aquatic biota.

Juo, Anthony S. R., and Kathrin Franzluebbers. "Properties and Management of Kaolinitic Soils." In Tropical Soils. Oxford University Press, 2003.

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Kaolinitic soils are the most widely occurring soils in the tropics, especially in tropical Africa. They comprise about 70% of the soils in the low-altitude tropics. Typically, these soils have a sandy, loamy sand, or sandy loam surface soil and sandy clay to clayey subsoil containing approximately 20-60% clay in the lower B horizons. Silt content is usually low throughout the profile (< 20%) with the exception of soils derived from loess materials. Soil erosion, compaction, and low nutrient- and water-holding capacities are the major constraints under intensive cropping. Ideally, kaolinitic soils in the humid and subhumid regions should be used for natural forest reserves and tree farms. In drier regions, sustainable land use includes natural grasslands and managed pastures with low stocking rates. When kaolinitic soils are used for annual crop production, crop rotation and managed fallow must be included in the farming system after a short cropping cycle to restore soil physical, chemical, and biological fertility and to sustain crop yield in the long term. Kaolinitic soils may be further distinguished into two subgroups based on inherent chemical fertility, namely, high-base-status and low-base-status kaolinitic soils. High-base-status kaolinitic soils usually have pH values of 5.3 or higher (measured in soil-water suspension), and a base saturation (BS) of 70% or higher throughout the soil profile calculated on the basis of effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC). Low-base-status kaolinitic soils generally have a pH value of 5.2 or lower, and a base saturation below 70%. The properties of high-base-status and low-base-status kaolinitic soils are given in tables 10-1 and 10-2, respectively. The common properties of these two soils are the dominance of kaolinite in the clay fraction, a low CEC, and a high bulk density in the subsoil horizon. The differences are the degree of base saturation, soil pH, degree of exchangeable Al saturation, and the quality of soil organic matter. In other words, the cation exchange sites of soil organic matter in the low-base-status soil are dominated by Al3+, whereas Ca++ and Mg++ are the dominating ions in the high base-status soil.

Oswood, Mark W., and Nicholas F. Hughes. "Running Waters of the Alaskan Boreal Forest." In Alaska's Changing Boreal Forest. Oxford University Press, 2006.

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Running waters reflect the character of their landscape. Landscapes influence their streams by supplying dissolved ions to the water, determining the organic matter supply to stream foodwebs, and influencing water temperature and water flows (Gregory et al. 1991, Hynes 1975). The water that feeds streams has passed over and through the vegetation, soils, and rocks of the valley. Just as urine carries the chemical imprint of metabolic activities (such as diabetes), the kinds and amounts of dissolved matter delivered to stream channels carry the signature of the valley’s parent materials and biota. Riparian (streamside) vegetation similarly regulates the balance of carbon sources to stream consumers. In valleys with sparse riparian vegetation, abundant light at the streambed allows in-stream primary production by protists and plants to dominate. Where riparian vegetation forms a canopy over the stream, leaves and needles from shrubs and trees dominate carbon supplies to consumers because low light limits contributions from in-stream primary producers (Vannote et al. 1980). Water temperature and flow are complexly determined by climatic controls (e.g., air and soil temperatures, patterns of precipitation), landscape physiography (e.g., shading of streams by valley walls), and the filter of lightabsorbing and water-transpiring riparian vegetation. Thus, streams in the desert biome of the American Southwest, with intermittent droughts and floods, high water temperatures, and abundant light, are very different habitats from the cool, dark waters of perennial streams in the temperate rain forest of the Pacific Northwest coast (Fisher 1995). Likewise, streams in the boreal forest of Alaska (and in the cold circumboreal forests of the world) take their cues from the landscape. Cold permeates the ecology of the boreal landscape and the running waters therein. The consequences of high-latitude climate on running waters are at least three: creation of ice in both terrestrial and running water systems; limited inputs of organic matter and nutrients to foodwebs; and thermal effects of low water temperatures on biological processes (Oswood 1997). For forested streams, a good case can be made for autumn as the beginning of the stream’s “fiscal” year. Autumnal leaf fall from riparian vegetation provides a major proportion of the annual energy budget to stream foodwebs.

"scto th ara ti rsetc ic te s d ( M mo OdSe ) l . f S or m ec it ahstadnad ta are called model output 1994). The state of ENSO is only one of many factors obs terevveedn SS gi T v en a perfect SRSoTp el feow re sckais ( t 1 -9 9i7 .e ) ., shtohweu (K se r d is hn to aKfuom re acrae st t al t . h1e99I5n ) d . ian summer monsoon m to oid ts elEuNsS ed O -a r t -N t C he E P cu rrent operational atmospheric Ward et al. (1993) discuss the useful level of skill In their study e , la ftoerd ty r -a fi i need vne fa lylspastu te brsn ta snfto ia rlpa ra d c ju ti sctamleun se ts . m of a d tr eop in ic a re l al n o ti r m th e A by f ri tchaenU fo KreM ca e st tse or th ol aotgihcaavleOb ff eiecnee (h xianm dc in aesd ts ) fo bra se th d e on specif e ie a d rs ( oofbsseeravseodn ) alSS fo Trew ca esrtess re in la ctei on 1s9h8i6p . swTih th esgeloabrael ly ladrigsetlry ib ubtaesdedSSoTn , SS st Tatiin st itchaelm ea o ch d el sism imulation wapserrieopde at 1e9d50 th -i 9r4 te . enEa ti cmh es s , e w as hoenraelpSoonue th n t. A O tla vnetrict , hean la dstade re claad ti e v , eltyhesm re aalll -ti EmNeSfOo re ccoam sts ­ u initial co unldaitt io io nnswatso st easrttiemdatwe ith th e s lig mha tl gynid tu if dfee ren otfvhaalviedah te addahisnkdic ll asstismim lar adteotwhiatthotbhtea in seadme fr osm ta t c is rto ic sasl -v av anrp ia re ti doincs ta ble and therefore random atmospheric methods. The chief limitation to further progress is a rai enrfaag ll edf or tion th ca elcm ul oad te e l. thTehebtehsitr te meondseilmeus la ti t m io antseao re flsaecaksoonf ( gJluonbeal th tr roopu ic gahlSSeSpTtefm or beecra ) s . tsAvcaclu id ra f te orfo th re ecawse ts ttgylpoibcaall ly v , a a ri l th ea ocuhghgitvheen seasonal SST pattern. Quite of ENSO would help, but would in most years be well, it sho at w io ends in sem as oodneall re ra piln ic fa altledpa th tt eeronbs se qruvietdeifn al sluffo fi rceiceanst. tsAatrmeoaslp so heu ri scedd , ynbaumtitchaely -m oondleyl -h baavseedusreaf in ul ­ T re hgu io s ns fo rofptrheec ip w it s a ystematic or tlido , n -t rhee la tmesdpaa ti pap ll l y ic var odel pre a d ti i o ct nys in g in biases. skill with lead times of a month or less before the require some kind ions wmoaun ld y r th ai antf al hlusm ea asnoin ty ( Fhoa ll sanidncerteaals . ed1 99 th 1 e ). Istuisscaelpsto ib p il o it s y si b o le f g ki ennderoaf te bdi as byadajuM stm OS ofteacdhjnuisqtumee . n T ts h , e perhaps those tropical west Africa to drought through the pro­ production of operat einot places a huge bnue rd ed en foorntthhiesg co re vsesrivoevreerdu re c c ti eonntd in ecnaedaers -. coTahsitsalcw ha e n st geAfirn ic a th nefolraensdtM because each time the m na oldd el y n is a m ch ic aanlge fo d r , eacansetwmsoedteo ls f s (e u . r g fa ., ceElb ta ohuinrdaan ry dhGaosnbgee1n99s6 ho ) w to nhbayve se v th e e ra lpo au te tnhtoirasla ne O ed S e statistics must be calculated to provide the to weaken the north African monsoon. More studies nneacleys si d sa s ad ojfu ry Msm tm u e lt n id ts e . c T ad h a is l re en qu se ir m es bltehsetgoe ne orbatta io in natnhdetorfopp ic oasls ib nloer th re g A io fr n ic aalnarnatihnrfo al p l, ogaesniwce ll inafs lu efnocr es on fundamental OiSmp st rao ti vse ti m cs enatnsdtuond th eerssecom re osdtehles , nseuecdh fo as r reg W ion ar sdwe it thaml. a ( r 1 gi 9n9a3l ) seaalssoonadlisrcau in sfsaltlh , e a re sk n il eleo de odt . her tahboosvee . related to the flux adjustments, discussed m tim ad eefboy re c th a e st sff real­ UK orM th et eeon ro olro th g e ic aasltOBfrfaizcielsw in ectes1e9 as 8o7n . dro Kungohwt le p d re gdeico ti fonEsNS in O m is a n in ysup ff airctisenotffotrher eg w io o n rl adlT se hviesreisa relatively dry area, subject to intermittent lbeescsaium se p o in rt a th n ese regions its influence is either small or Hastenr dartohuagnhdt. c T ol hleasbeorfao to re rs c a ( set . s g , ., asHw as etlelnarsatthho1s9e95b ) y , p ea ro st foBurnad zil an t than other factors. For instance, north­ are mainly statistical, although real-time dynamical patterns ( lFyo ll iandf lu west A nd eentcael. d frican w 19 b9y1 , H tro ept ic saela so Ant la ra nitn ic fa ll astenrath 1995, WSaSrTeM for eetceaosrtosl og hiacvae ard based on tropi lcbaOlAfefe ic n e . mTahdee st saitn is ctei cal 19f9o4 re ca bsy ts tahreeS1S9T 97 ) i . n In th aeddtirtoipoinc , aplaIrn ts d i of the Sahel are affected by on ENSO SSTs. On tl aanv ti ecraSgSeT , t a ro npoim ca allyAp tl aatn te ti rcnsSaSnTdsF Si o m ll i a la nrd ly , eltocaall . SS 19 T9p1a , tt Bar anns to Onceaannd (P Sam lm ith er11999866 ). , h re agvieonaboofuSt ou tw th ic Aem th e e ri cian , fl aule th nocue gh ofexEtN re SmOeE fo NrStOhs is , A no urstth ra w li eas , tnooftA ab ulsyt ra ilniatih er e ns influence precipitation in such as that in 1982-3, can dominate the circulation Drosdowsky 1993, F n re d th IendA ia uns tr O al c ia enanw north and and precipitation patterns over tropical South ericksen and i B nt aelrgo ( v e. ign . d , A sis m te e n ri t c ly a . h T ig hhe le r v ea el l -t o im f e sk iflol, resc im as itlsarhtaovethhaatdobatac in oend ­." In Droughts, 63. Routledge, 2016.

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Conference papers on the topic "Ion tres ionise":


Xu, Dongyan, Deyu Li, Yongsheng Leng, and Yunfei Chen. "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Ion Distribution in Nanochannels." In ASME 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2006.

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Ion distribution in nanochannels with overlapped electric double layers is important for understanding many interesting phenomena in nature and designing novel nanofluidic devices for different applications. Molecular Dynamics has been proved to be a powerful tool to study the ion distribution and electroosmotic flow inside nanochannels. However, a big problem in molecular dynamics simulation is the assignment of the number of ions in the simulation domain since no theory is available to determine the number of ions in the nanochannel, which is directly related to the chemical potential of the bulk electrolyte. In the literature, attention has been paid mainly to meet the requirement of the overall neutrality among surface charges and mobile ions. However, since both positive and negative ions may exist in the solution, the exact number of positive and negative ions corresponding to certain bulk concentration was unknown and assigned somewhat arbitrarily. We believe that this arbitrary assignment may lead to artificial results and tries to attack this fundamental problem in molecular dynamics simulation by extending the simulation domain to include two bulk regions sandwiching the nanochannel of interest. This way, when the system reaches equilibrium, the concentration of the electrolyte in the bulk region and the number of ions in the center region will emerge naturally instead of artificially assigned. It was shown that both cation and anion concentrations in the nanochannel could be significantly different from the ion concentration in the bulk region.

Yu, Yong, Meng Yang, and Feng Shen. "Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection of Copper Ion With a Rhodamine Derivative by a Capillary Electrophoresis Microchip." In ASME 2009 7th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. ASMEDC, 2009.

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A capillary electrophoresis microchip system with a confocal LIF detector was successfully constructed. RBPhOH, a new fluorescence dye synthesized from rhodamine B, was first investigated in a glass microchip for the selective and sensitive determination of copper ion by LIF method. The influences of the pH value, concentration of running buffer, detection voltage, and sample loading time on the response of LIF detector were studied. RBPhOH dissolved in 20 mM pH 6.0 Tris containing 10% acetonitrile could detect copper ions with a detection limit of 1.34×10−7 mol L−1 (S/N=3), an order of magnitude lower than those of conductivity detectors.

Yawata, R., H. Uehara, K. Kudo, Y. Tsuboi, and T. Yoshimitsu. "Effects of ions and waveforms on water tree initiation and propagation." In 2012 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena - (CEIDP 2012). IEEE, 2012.

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Xu, Shuang, J. Weber, and James Smith. "ELECTRONIC SPECTRA OF TRIS(2,2'-BIPYRIDINE)-METAL COMPLEX IONS IN GAS PHASE." In 71st International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016.

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Razak, Nurul Hidayah Abdul, Nur Syifa’ Ariffin, and Siti Aishah Hasbullah. "Potential ionophores for detection of metal ions using new tris-allyl thiourea." In THE 2018 UKM FST POSTGRADUATE COLLOQUIUM: Proceedings of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Faculty of Science and Technology 2018 Postgraduate Colloquium. AIP Publishing, 2019.

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Samanth, Rashmi, Pooja S., and Subramanya G. Nayak. "High-speed hybrid tree multiplier hardware using modified Wallace and Dadda method." In SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NEGATIVE IONS, BEAMS AND SOURCES (NIBS 2020). AIP Publishing, 2021.

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Jayasuriya, A. Champa, Chiragkumar Shah, Vijay Goel, and Nabil A. Ebraheim. "Characterization of Biomimetic Mineral Coated 3D PLGA Scaffolds." In ASME 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2006.

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The bone-like carbonate apatite (BLCA) coatings can be coated biomimetically in the polymer surfaces by soaking in the simulated body fluid (SBF). This SBF contains similar ionic constituents to human blood plasma. Micro-porous 3D poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) PLGA scaffolds were fabricated by the solvent casting/salt leaching technique using chloroform to dissolve the polymer. We accelerated the deposition of mineral on scaffolds for 1-2 days, modifying the mineralization process using surface treatments and 5x SBF. These scaffolds were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD). The scaffolds coated with BLCA layer were placed in the 24 well plates containing 2 ml of media, such as Tris Buffered Saline-pH 7.4, cell culture media containing αMEM supplemented with 10% FBS, and 1% penicillin-streptomycin and incubated at 37°C for 21 days. The BLCA layer on surfaces of scaffold was stable even after 21 days immersed in Tris Buffered Saline and cell culture media. This study suggests that BLCA were stable for at least 3 weeks in the both media, and therefore, mineral has a potential to use as a carrier for biological molecules for localized release applications as well as bone tissue engineering applications.

Latallo, Zbigniew S., and Craig M. Jackson. "INHIBITION OF HUMAN FACTOR Xa BY ITS ACTIVATOR FROM RUSSELL’ S VIPER VENOM." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.

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In contrast to bovine Factor Xa, human Factor Xa is inhibited by its activator from Russell’ s viper venom (X-CP). This inhibition occurs only in the presence of Ca ions. When Xa activity is measured using chromogenic substrates at pH 7.8, inhibition is more apparent at 37° C than 25° C, but can be reduced to nearly zero at high NaCl concentration. The extent of inhibition depends on the source of X-CP. X-CP isolated from Vipera russelli siamensis, which activates human Factor X with a K = 0.0187 ptt and Vmax of 5.26 x 10’ 11 M’ s-1 ([X-CP] 0.15 nM, 0.1 M NaCl, 0.01 M TRIS, 0.01 M HEPES, 5mM CaCl2, 0.1% PEG, pH 7.8, 25° C) inhibits the Factor Xa about twice as effectively as X-CP from Vipera russelli russelli for which the human Factor X activation rate is about half that observed with V. russelli siamensis. The inhibition is of a mixed type and results in doubling the apparent Km value and decreasing V by 20%. By fitting of the hyperbolic, mixed inhibition modelwhere E is human Xa, I is V. russellii siamensis X-CP, S is Cyclohexylglycyl-glycyl-arginine p-NA, the following values were calculated Km = 120 /xM, k, = 250 s’ 1, K. = 1.0 x 10"8, a = 2.0 and p = 0.82, (0.22 nM Xa, 0.1 M NaCl, 0.01 M TRIS, 0.01 M HEPES, 5 mM CaCl2 0.1% PEG pH 7.8, 25° C). Activation of human prothrombin by human Factor Xa as well as inhibition of the latter by antithrombin III are similarly affected by the binding of X-CP in the presence of Ca . X-CP binding to human Xa may explain some of the enigmatic differences in functional properties of bovine and human Factor Xa preparations.Supported by a Matching Grant from the American National Red Cross and by the S.E. Michigan Red Cross Blood Service

Beneckv, M. J., C. G. Kolvenbach, D. L. Amrani, and M. W. Mosesson. "EVIDENCE THAT THE C-TERMINAL HEPARIN BINDING DOMAIN ("HEP II") DOMINATES HEPARIN-FIBRONECTIN INTERACTIONS." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.

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The interaction of glycosaminoglycans with plasma fibronectin (PFn) may play a role in the conversion of PFn from an “inert” dimeric circulating form to an “activated” multimeric form deposited on the cell surface or in the extracellular matrix. We carried out a quantitative comparison of heparin affinity for PFn and its proteolytic fragments in order to assess the relative importance of heparin interactions with PFn’s various reported heparin-binding domains. We employed affinity chromatography on PFn-sepharose to prepare a subset of fluorescein-labelled heparin molecules with high affinity for PFn, and confirmed that heparin binding to PFn is very sensitive to ionic strength. This suggests that the PFn-sepharose column selectively binds a fraction of highly sulfated heparin molecules. We quantified PFn-heparin affinity in the fluid-phase by monitoring a fluorescence polarization change that occurred as a consequence of the decrease in the rotational diffusion rate of fluorescently-labelled heparin molecules (13.8 kD) as they became “immobilized” by binding to PFn. Scatchard analysis of the heparin fluorescence polarization data obtained for PFn in Tris-buffered saline yielded a biphasic curve with Kd’s estimated at 5 and 130 nM, respectively A 190 kD thrombin fragment, containing the C-terminal "Hep II" domain but lacking the 29 kD N-terminal “Hep I” domain, yielded a linear plot displaying a single class of heparin-binding sites with a Kd of 130 nM Similar results were obtained for the C-terminal 150 kD Fn fragment which also contained the “Hep II” domain. In contrast, the 29 kD N-terminal “Hep I” Fn fragment bound heparin weakly (Kd =25 μM). The nature of the “high affinity (Kd= 5 nM) heparin binding component is uncertain; it may reflect heparin interaction with soluble multimers present in our PFn preparations Our observations suggest that the Kd=130 nM heparin binding component corresponds to heparin interaction with the C-terminal “Hep II” domain We conclude that the N-terminal “Hep I” domain does not participate significantly in heparin binding to soluble dimeric Fn under physiological conditions, whereas the C-terminal “Hep II” domain dominates such interactions

Higashiyama, S., I. Ohkubo, H. Ishiguro, and M. Sasaki. "A NEW FUNCTION OF HUMAN KININOGENS: THE AMINO-TERMINAL REGION OF DOMAIN 1 INVOLVES AN EF HAND-LIKE STRACTURE FOR METAL BINDING." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.

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Two types of kininogens in mammalian plasma, high molecular weight (HMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) kininogens, are the precursors of kinin. Especially, HMW kininogen circulates in the plasma as a complex with prekallikrein and factor XI, and functions as a cofactor in the initial phase reactions of intrinsic blood coagulation cascade. Recently, it has been found that the kininogens have inhibitory activity toward cysteine proteinases. The heavy chain portion, which is identical for HMW and LMW kininogens, is composed of three domains, domain 1, 2 and 3. Each the domain 2 and 3 has a reactive site as a cysteine proteinase inhibitor. However, physiological function of domain 1 remains still unknown. By using the antibody recognizing the interaction between HMW kininogen and Ca2+ (anti-HMW kininogen-Ca2+ antibody) as a probe, we newly found the Ca2+ binding site in the domain 1.Anti-HMW kininogen-Ca2+ antibody was isolated from anti-HMW kininogen antiserum as an antibody which bound to a HMW kininogen-Sepharose column equilibrated with 40 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.5, containing 1.0 M NaCl and 1 mM CaCl2, and was eluted with 3 mM EDTA. Resulting from the characterization by ELISA, this antibody specifically recognized the CB-1 region (CNBr-cleavage fragment 1: 1-160 amino acid sequence) of the heavy chain of kininogen molecules in the presence of Ca2+ or Mg2+. Furthermore, circular dichroism (CD) experiments showed that the conformational changes of HMW kininogen and heavy chain were induced by the addition of metal ions such as Ca2+ or Mg2+, and that this change was due to the conformational change of the CB-1 region. The dissociation constant (Kd) for heavy chain measured by Ca2+ titration analysis by CD at 214 nm was found to be 0.33 ± 0.09 mM. The number of Ca2+ binding sites of heavy chain calculated from Hill plot was 1.15 ± 0.04. The EF handlike structure found in the amino-terminal portion of the heavy chain of kininogen molecules strongly supported the above data. This indicates a possibility that kininogens play an important role as a Ca2+ binding protein.

Reports on the topic "Ion tres ionise":


Lever, A. B., Penny Seymour, and Pamela Auburn. Exciplex Formation between Silver Ions and the Lowest MLCT Excited State of the Tris(Bipyrazine)Ruthenium(2) Cation. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, July 1988.

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Lee, Shaoyung. Kinetic study of the reaction of ferrocenes and ferrocenium ions with ground and excited states of tris(2,2-bipyridine)chromium ions and the preparation and homolysis of organocobalt complexes. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1990.

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To the bibliography