Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Junichir Tanizaki »

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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Junichir Tanizaki":


오병우. « Tanizaki Junichirou and China ». Journal of the society of Japanese Language and Literature, Japanology ll, no 51 (novembre 2010) : 245–66.

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Lavaniegos, Manuel. « La literatura enmascarada del señor Junichiro Tanizaki ». Estudios : filosofía, historia, letras 11, no 42 (1995) : 93.

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이영희. « Note on ASHIGARY by Junichirou Tanizaki ». Journal of Japanese Language and Literature 61, no 2 (mai 2007) : 145–56.

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中嶋 駒子. « Junichiro Tanizaki A study on "The Small Kingdom" ». Japanese Language and Literature Association of Daehan ll, no 78 (mai 2018) : 185–204.

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Sales Hayashi, Renan Kenji. « O Ladrão ». Jangada : crítica | literatura | artes, no 11 (13 novembre 2018) : 212–25.

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Résumé :
Este trabalho apresenta uma tradução de um conto literário do autor japonês Junichiro Tanizaki (1886-1965). Trata-se de uma história sobre a trajetória de um ladrão em um contexto urbano da cidade de Tóquio em meados do século XX. A obra apresenta um trabalho interessante com a narrativa, além de uma reviravolta original e inquietante, razão pela qual acredita-se que a tradução de sua versão em inglês seja importante para os leitores de língua portuguesa.

하유미. « A study of Junichiro Tanizaki's『The Key』 ». Journal of Japanese Language and Literature 72, no 2 (février 2010) : 151–66.

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Golley, Gregory L. « Tanizaki Junichiro : The Art of Subversion and the Subversion of Art ». Journal of Japanese Studies 21, no 2 (1995) : 365.

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Kim, Sang-won. « The Image of Edo Junichiro Tanizaki’s in “Shisei” ». East Asian Ancient Studies 36 (30 mars 2015) : 261–88.

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김상원. « A Comparative Study 1 on Tanizaki Junichiro Literature and Lee Sang Literature ». Journal of North-east Asian Cultures 1, no 45 (décembre 2015) : 61–75.

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Im, Manho. « The Reality of the Devil in Junichiro Tanizaki’s “Devil” ». Korean Society of Culture and Convergence 43, no 8 (30 août 2021) : 365–79.

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Thèses sur le sujet "Junichir Tanizaki":


Pastana, Rafaella Denise Lobo. « Da polaridade à dualidade : um estudo da obra literária Amor insensato de Jun\'ichir Tanizaki ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2016.

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Résumé :
O presente estudo intenciona relacionar a obra literária Amor insensato do escritor japonês Junichir Tanizaki com o corpo bibliográfico utilizado da psicanálise e história. O enredo da obra de Tanizaki apresenta caráter confessional e narra a vida conjugal das personagens Jji e Naomi. Em determinados aspectos, tal relação se apresenta como uma representação da interação que se deu entre o país Japão e países culturalmente colonizadores pertencentes ao hemisfério ocidental, e aponta as noções assimiladas do Oriente como cultura pouco civilizada e por isso mesmo, incapaz de falar por si mesma em contraste a um Ocidente eleito como superior, moderno e correto em seus saberes tidos como ciências irrevogáveis. É possível observar também na obra um conjunto de dualidades presentes nas características de Jji e Naomi, assim como em suas intenções, sentimentos, emoções e escolhas. Busca-se um maior entendimento da obra através da análise do conceito de dualidade presente nas influências taoístas e budistas na cultura japonesa que em muito se diferem do conceito cristão estabelecido no Ocidente de polarização e antítese de pares como bem e mal, masculino e feminino e positivo e negativo. O conjunto de relações que se dá como a manifestação do eu com o outro propicia um rico campo de discussão interdisciplinar e constitui o cerne da socialização do homem que acaba não se realizando apenas como encontro, mas também através de diversas formas de superposicionamento em uma massa de conflitos e intolerâncias historicamente renovados em diferentes espaços e culturas. A narrativa de Tanizaki contempla a insensatez da relação de um eu ferido com um outro que é seu espelho. Aborda o profundo desafeto, a melancolia e a solidão do indivíduo inserido em uma sociedade que busca modernizar-se aceleradamente como reflexo do Ocidente.
This study intends to relate the psychoanalysis and history bibliographic corpus with the literary work of the Japanese writer Junichir Tanizaki, entitled Amor insensato. Tanizakis literary works plot presentes confessional features and narrates the characters Jji and Naomis marital life. Under certain aspects, this relationship takes place as a representation of interactions that occurred between Japan and Eastern cultures colonizing countries belonging to the Western hemisphere, as well as notions assimilated by Eastern cultures of them as uncivilized and therefore, unable to speak for themselves in contrast to an elected West showed as superior and modern, absolutely correct about its knowledge and sciences once regarded as irrevocable ones. It is also possible to notice in the plot a set of dualities into Jji and Naomis characteristics, as well as into their intentions, feelings, emotions and choices. Through the analysis of dualitys conception present in Taoist and Buddhist influences that took place in Japanese culture and is quite diferente from the Western Christian concept of pairspolarization and antithesis such as good and evil, male and female, positive and negative, etc. it aims a deeper comprehension of the book. The set of relations that takes place as the manifestation of \"Self\" with the \"Other\" provides a wide field of interdisciplinary discussion and composes the core of men socialization which does not happen only as a meeting, but also as a mass of many forms of super positioning conflicts and intolerance historically renovated in different spaces and cultures. Tanizaki´s narrative includes the insensate relationship between a hurt Self with an other one who is just his mirror. It approaches a deep disaffection, melancholy and solitude of an individual inserted in a society that looked for fast modernization as Wests reflection.

Mascitelli, Juliana Saito Pinheiro. « Um olhar sobre o grou, a felicidade, a neve e o mistério : as quatro irmãs Makioka ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2016.

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Résumé :
O Japão de meados do século XX apresentava um contexto em que influências advindas do ocidente desde a abertura dos portos mesclavam-se à tradição japonesa. Nesse contexto viviam as irmãs Makioka, personagens centrais do romance de Junichiro Tanizaki e objeto principal da presente pesquisa. Por meio da figura de cada uma delas temos acesso ao modo como essas influências adentraram no dia a dia de parte da sociedade japonesa, mais especificamente da família Makioka, tradicional da região de Osaka, e seu círculo social. Para desenvolver esse estudo, faremos a contextualização do período vivido pelo autor e pelas personagens por ele criadas, bem como de que maneira os acontecimentos tiveram participação na formação das mesmas. Também será feita uma análise das personagens secundárias a fim de ampliar a visão acerca das principais. E, finalmente, de acordo com conceitos a respeito da construção de personagem, faremos um estudo das quatro irmãs, levando em consideração aquilo que estava mais na superfície, acessível num primeiro olhar, além dos elementos que compunham o modo de ser de cada uma delas, com as amálgamas e sobreposições resultantes do período.
Japan in the mid-twentieth century displayed a context which influences brought from western culture since the opening of the ports blended to Japanese tradition. The Makioka sisters, central characters of the novel by Junichiro Tanizaki and main subject of this research, lived in this cultural context. Through each one of these characters, we can access the way these influences entered everyday life of part of Japanese society, especially Makioka, a traditional family from Osaka area and their social circle. For the purpose of this study, we will contextualize the period lived by the author and his created characters, as well as how events contributed for their construction. The secondary characters also will be analyzed in order to amplify the view about the main characters. Finally, according to concepts about literary character construction, we will study the four sisters, considering what relies on the surface, accessible at first glance, such as elements that create the profile of each one of them, alongside amalgams and overlaps resulting from this period.

Onstott, Wilson Wright. « Articulation as an Act of Futility : A Deconstructive Exploration of Textual Articulation as It Functions within a First-Person Narrative Structure ». Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2006.

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The inability of language to convey complete meaning and truth is a central point of address for much post-structuralist literary theory and criticism. When these theories are applied to a first-person narrative structure, whether it is a work of fiction or non-fiction, certain specific incongruities arise. When a narrative seeks to recall certain events, a presupposed reexamination takes place as the narrative unfolds text comes into being. If a narractice is contructed in this way then the intent of the text then is to convey comprehensive meanings or truths of those cataloged experiences. According Deconstructive Theory, it is language's inherent nature to resist ultimate meaning. This focus on the articulation of truth is futile because meaning, like language, is always already in a state of fragmentation. This project explores five individual works from different literary traditions-ranging from the canonical to the relatively obscure. The works exhibit various approaches to articulation; including varying degrees of self-definition, personal fiction, and narrative movement toward inarticulation.

ワーレン, ケズナジャット グレゴリー, et Gregory Warren Khezrnejat. « 谷崎潤一郎の〈メルティング・ポット〉 : 大正・昭和初期の作品における越境的美学 ». Thesis,, 2017.

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WANG, YUCHENG, et 王宇澄. « A visual design of the symbolic implication of Junichiro Tanizaki ’s literature cover design ». Thesis, 2019.

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Résumé :
Junichiro Tanizaki( July 1886 – 30 July 1965)was a famous writers of modern Japanese literature. In Meiji era, naturalism literature was very popular. But he opened a new style of modern Japanese literature, Aestheticism. Tanizaki’s was based on the theme of beauty, but the cover design of books are not satisfactory, and the connotation of his works cannot be reflected. Therefore, I hope to redesign of Tanizaki’s novels’ cover. And I will design an infographic about Tanizaki’s life to let the readers know more about him. This research will analyze Tanizaki’s novels by literature review. His works’ styles are divided into three stages: aestheticism, occidentalism, Japanese tradition. And, this research organizes the book cover elements into three parts: text, image, color. This thesis also use the theory of semiotics to explore the symbolic elements in the cover of Tanizaki’s novels. In order to provide reference for my create.

Beauregard, Julien. « L’oubli et les indéterminations de lecture dans Le Voyeur d’Alain Robbe-Grillet, La Clef de Junichirô Tanizaki et Trou de mémoire de Hubert Aquin ». Thesis, 2011.

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HOU, YUAN-KUI, et 侯元逵. « Woman rule as the strategy judging from Junichirou Tanizaki literary work -Mainly on Tattoo, Naomi, Diary of a Mad Old Man- ». Thesis, 2016.

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As a result of having considered "woman rule", a pattern and the methods of the woman rule as the strategy of three works are different. but all three works are it in the element of the God structure by the man. Because men of the masochism and foot fetishism made an ideal seductive woman who ensnares men, they built up women as the beauty of a kind of art in what ruled over the woman, and increased their ideal mark. And men admire them, and adore their foot. It is a kind of rite of passage for "the woman rule" as the strategy to make "the beauty" of the art. Tattoo of "Tattoo" and Western education of "Naomi" and the stone with Buddha''s footprint of " Diary of a Mad Old Man" are the ideal of the man and symbols of the body harmony of the woman. And they are also symbol of the woman rule as the strategy. You could understand "art" of the Tanizaki literature more if you understood "woman rule".

Livres sur le sujet "Junichir Tanizaki":


Buchenberger, Stefan. Verfall zweier Familien : Tanizaki Junichirôs Sasameyuki und Thomas Manns Buddenbrooks : ein Vergleich. München : Herbert Utz, 2004.

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Fujita, Shuichi. Tanizaki Junichiro ron. Yoyosha Shuppan, 1988.

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Hata, Kohei. Tanizaki Junichiro (Chikuma sosho). Chikuma Shobo, 1989.

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Odaka, Shuya. Seinenki Tanizaki Junichiro ron. Ozawa Shoten, 1999.

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Yasuda, Takashi. Tanizaki Junichiro no shosetsu. Kanrin Shobo, 1994.

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Tanizaki, Junʾichirō. Tanizaki Junichiro (Sakka no jiden). Nihon Tosho Senta, 1999.

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Naomi, Watanabe. Tanizaki Junichiro, gitai no yuwaku. Shinchosha, 1992.

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Maeda, Hisanori. Tanizaki Junichiro monogatari no seisei. Yoyosha, 2000.

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Shimizu, Yoshinori. Kyoko no tentai Tanizaki Junichiro. Kodansha, 1996.

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Nagae, Hironobu. Tanizaki Junichiro ron : Fukuryusuru monogatari (Arukadia). Sobunsha Shuppan, 1992.

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Chapitres de livres sur le sujet "Junichir Tanizaki":


Ng, Andrew Hock Soon. « Writing Skin : Esthetics and Transcendence in Junichirō Tanizaki’s “The Tattooer” ». Dans Skin, Culture and Psychoanalysis, 115–40. London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2013.

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Sawada, Nao. « Maghrebian Shadow ». Dans Abdelkébir Khatibi, 219–34. Liverpool University Press, 2020.

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Résumé :
Abdelkébir Khatibi, who was seduced by the land of the Rising Sun, left us a few texts on Japan and its culture such as Japanese Shadow and “Tanizaki Revisited” in which he refers, in particular, to the great Japanese writer Junichiro Tanizaki. These texts indeed present a dual interest: on the one hand, they allow us to discover unknown aspects of Abdelkébir Khatibi – his deep attraction for Japanese culture, not only for literature but also calligraphy and other fine arts – and, on the other hand, his subtle and brilliant reading of Tanizaki's text, which gives us another insight into Japanese culture. In these two texts, we can identify several elements that Khatibi discovers in Japan via Tanizaki: exoticism beyond the simple exotic, eroticism, and ‘exophony’. We therefore examine Khatibi's Japanese culture, as inflected through the lens of Junichiro Tanizaki, following three problematics: exoticism, the body and languages, and Eros/Thanatos. Far from separate, all these elements are intertwined for Tanizaki as well as for Khatibi. In other words, this is a phenomenon, as the Moroccan writer points out, of ‘intersemiotics’.

« II. Tanizaki Junichirō : The Past as Homage A Portrait of Shunkin and The Bridge of Dreams ». Dans Modern Japanese Fiction and Its Traditions, 22–37. Princeton University Press, 1987.

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